Traffic Management

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Part I

Problem Identification
and Data Gathering
Traffic Management Manual
Part I
Problem Identification
and Data Gathering

1.1 Getting Started

The first step in any undertaking is to identify the problem. Ask any motorist or traffic cop
on the beat, and he will probably tell you his favorite ‘pet peeve’ or hellish traffic
bottleneck point or traffic chokepoint. However, if you ask several persons, you could end
up with different areas.

This section of the Manual offers some guidelines on a more systematic method of
identifying the ‘chokepoint’ requiring priority attention from local traffic authorities. Then,
the Manual suggests the kind of data required and how to gather them in order to
characterize the problem into a format amenable for solution.

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Part I Problem Identification and Data Gathering

1.2 Defining the Traffic Problem

1.2.1 What is a chokepoint?

A choke point can be an intersection, or a section of a busy road, or a block bounded by

several roads. It is usually a segment of the busiest streets in the urban areas of the city –
where the most number of vehicles pass each day – and where travel delays are longest.

A traffic bottleneck, simply defined, is a point in the traffic stream wherein more vehicles
enter the upstream flow of a road section that can get out of the downstream end. An
example of this is when a three-lane road narrows down to two lanes.

There are, however, other factors that may cause “bottleneck” conditions. In order to
identify these locations, some indicators are frequently used that would signal traffic
congestion problems.

What constitutes a traffic bottleneck point? One that satisfies many of the following

• Heavy volumes of motor vehicles and/or pedestrians;

• Slow-moving traffic, bumper-to-bumper conditions that recur throughout the day;
• Often requires intervention of traffic enforcers to avoid or unblock gridlocks;
• Cause of many complaints from motorists and pedestrians;
• Site of many vehicular accidents, or nightmarish traffic jams;
• Congestion or delays in that point often cascades (in a chain -reaction) to other
• Too many conflicts (e.g., left turns, U-turns, right turns, etc.) in traffic flows;
• An area of recurring headaches, if not exasperation, to local traffic authorities.

Of course, if the local traffic management authority has a system of data collections and
traffic surveys, many of the above criteria can be quantified and the problem area
identified in a more objective (less subjective) manner.

1.2. 2 Indicators of Traffic Bottlenecks

There are two general categories of indicators of traffic bottlenecks: those measurable
and those describable. The indicators can either be observable causes of traffic
congestion, or effects of such causes that characterize the bottleneck. These indicators do
not necessarily differentiate among bottlenecks at signalized intersections, unsignalized
intersections, or mid -sections.

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Part I Problem Identification and Data Gathering

Measurable Indicators

Measurable indicators of traffic bottlenecks or traffic congestion problems include the

• Queue length
• Intersection throughput
• Travel speed
• Travel time
• Delay time
• Volume – capacity ratio (VCR)
• Signal cycle time (for signalized intersections)
• Number of traffic accidents
• etc.

Queue Length. This is the most visible and measurable indicator of traffic congestion, or
a traffic bottleneck. Road sections have inherent carrying capacities usually expressed in
terms of the number of vehicles (or passenger car units / PCUs) per lane of road for a given
period of time, usually per hour. Once this road capacity is exceeded by the traffic
demand, a vehicle queue will start to form. The length of queue will depend on the free
flow density of the road, and the congested flow density.

Intersection Throughput. Road capacity values are usually given for stretches of road
sections. Once the subject road meets with another at an at-grade intersection, their
traffic capacities will be reduced as vehicles on one road will need to share the same space
with those of the intersecting road. The capacity of each road is thus limited by the
intersection capacity. The throughput of an intersection is an indicator of its effectiveness.
The measures usually used are “level of service” indicators, average vehicle delay, volume
to capacity ratio, etc.

Travel Speed / Travel Time / Delay Time. These can also be measurable indicators of
congestion. The lower the travel speed, the longer the travel time, which may be
attributable to delay time.

Volume to Capacity Ratio (VCR). VCR is the ratio of the traffic demand volume,
usually expressed in equivalent passenger car units (PCUs) and the roadway capacity,
similarly expressed. A VCR of 1.0 would thus indicate that the roadway is operating at
rated capacity. In order for an intersection to operate without congestion, VCR should
normally be lower than 0.9.

Signal Cycle Time. For signalized intersections, the length of the signal cycle time may
indicate problem areas. Very long (more than 240 seconds) cycle times would be
annoying to most motorists, whereas very short cycle times (less than 40 seconds) would
render a very low intersection capacity.

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Part I Problem Identification and Data Gathering

Number of Traffic Accidents. If traffic accident records are kept by the LGU, the
number of incidences may indicate traffic problems that should be looked into in more

It should be noted that there are other measurable indicators of traffic bottlenecks that
may be added to those in this list. One drawback of the aforementioned indicators is that
one needs to gather enough relevant information for each potential bottleneck site in
order to quantify the magnitude of the congestion problem. This should be workable if
there are unlimited resources in addressing the data requirements.

Describable / Observable Indicators

With the limited time allowed in identifying suitable problem locations that can be
analyzed and the general lack of available information on measurable indicators, other
describable indicators are listed. These indicators, as mentioned previously, may not
necessarily be the effects of the congestion problem, but can be causes as well. They may
not necessarily determine the magnitude of the traffic congestion problem, but may
highlight potential problem areas.

Among the observable indicators are:

• Presence of vehicle queue (not necessarily measured in length)
• Blocked or grid-locked intersections
• Low intersection throughputs
• Presence of risky or dangerous maneuvers, such as vehicles driving on lanes for
opposing traffic (unauthorized counterflow), near vehicle collisions, or near vehicle
vs. pedestrian accidents.
• Chaotic pedestrian flows
• Unsafe pedestrian crossings
• Commuters spilling over on road pavement
• Uncontrolled roadside parking
• Frequent blowing of horns (may indicate long delays, or unruly driver behavior)
• Presence of makeshift traffic control devices, such as signs, humps, barriers
(indicating a need for formal installation of such devices)

This set of indicators ma y assist the LGUs in locating areas with potential traffic congestion
problems. The areas with such indicators may not necessarily be congested, but these are
signals to potential traffic problems.

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Part I Problem Identification and Data Gathering

1.3 Documenting the Problem

An initial step in problem identification is to prepare a site inventory to document the
problem. A simple documentation process can be as follows:

On a clean bond paper and with a sketch map (using as many sheets as necessary)
describe the physical aspects of each choke point. To the extent possible, provide the
following information:

a. Name and width of the road, in meters, or number of lanes (if an intersection, include
all the roads);
b. Pavement type and condition (poor/good, concrete/asphalt);
c. Location and dimensions of median, island, or separator if any;
d. Sidewalk conditions, and presence of road-side frictions like street vendors;
e. Presence of hump, potholes, obstacles;
f. Presence (or absence) of such traffic control devices as traffic signals, pavement
marking, delineator, traffic sign, pedestrian barrier, pedestrian overpass, etc.
g. Presence of bus / jeepney / tricycle / pedicab terminals (on-street / off-street) or loading
/ unloading areas;
h. Estimated volume of vehicles and pedestrians, if readily available at site.
i. Traffic regulations (one-way, turn prohibitions), etc.

It is also acceptable to explain, in concise and simple terms, what is causing the
bottleneck. Does it occur during the whole day or only during morning and evening peak

An example of a bottleneck point and how it was described is shown in Figure 1.3-1.

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Part I Problem Identification and Data Gathering

Figure 1.3-1 An Example of a Concise Description of a Traffic Problem

Name Shaw Blvd / Lee Rd / Wack-Wack Rd / Old Wack-Wack Rd Code MD-01

Sheet Summary of Observations LGU Mandaluyong
1) Five-leg intersection with almost all turning movements allowed present numerous traffic


2) Heavy vehicles parked along Lee St due to ongoing construction activities.

3) Lee St being utilized as an alternative route by vehicles coming from San Juan and Kalentong;
4) Vehicles turning left from Shaw (EDSA side) into Old Wack-wack Road occupy the exit lane of
the northbound approach

1) A multi-leg unsignalized intersection with five intersecting roads accommodating traffic

movements from all directions is what characterized this bottleneck point located in
Mandaluyong City.
Physical Conditions

2) The main road, Shaw Blvd. could accommodate five lanes; whereas, the other intersecting roads
have only two lanes each with width varying from 6.15 meters to 7.52 meters.
3) Shaw Blvd. is presently asphalt paved in good condition and the pavement edges have curb and
gutter. The other roads are paved with concrete in good condition.
4) The physical condition of the existing intersection is adequate in terms of geometric standards
as all of the pavement corners have adequate turning radius.
5) The existing pavement surface is smooth which provides unrestricted vehicle movement.
6) While the geometric conditions of the existing intersection meet standards, still the area is
continuously being subjected to heavy congestion due to uncontrolled traffic movements.

Signalization None Pavement Markings With markings Peak 17:00-18:00

Peak Hour Traffic Volumes (PCUs) % Public Pedestrian
Approach Dimensions
Left Through Right Total Transport Volume
Lee 6m 430 44 33 507 11.09% Light
Wack-Wack 10 m 73 53 182 307 26.91% Light
East 15 m 390 1455 98 1942 34.51% Light
South 7m NA NA NA NA
West 15.5 m 52 1651 160 1863 16.40% Light
Total 945 3203 473 4619
Passenger Flows 21,000

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Part I Problem Identification and Data Gathering

1.4 Planning for Traffic Studies

Successful traffic improvements are based on reliable facts. Field data are needed in order
to ascertain actual traffic conditions, to determine trends for future work and to assess the
effectiveness of solutions.

Planning for studies to collect facts requires the designing of individual field surveys to
measure specific traffic parameters. The methods for the collection of these data must be
consistent and clearly defined, inasmuch as the collected traffic data need to be
comparable to previous and existing data.

Whether to conduct a field study, and the choice of a particular study method is
dependent on the nature of the problem and the analysis that is planned. Field studies
can be expensive and should not be conducted without considering the alternatives.

1.4.1 Preparing the Field Sheets

In preparing the appropriate field forms, basic data should be included to allow for cross
referencing and to document factors that could possibly affect the data collection.
Summarized data must be traceable to field sheets to allow cross checking for errors or
lifting of additional data not earlier considered in making the summaries.

The “base” information required on all field sheets and summary sheets are as follows:

• Index Number This is a reference code identifying the field sheet. For small scale
studies, a simple numbering system can be employed but for large scale studies a
numbering method must be devised.

• Station Code – This is a reference code identifying the survey station location. In
studies where several survey stations are included, the reference code provides a
easy system of identification.

• Station Name – This refers to the exact place or area where the survey was done.

• Station Location/Direction This briefly defines the location of the exact place or
area where the survey was done. As much as possible a map of the area must
accompany the field sheet showing graphically what was being measured and
where the observers were stationed with ground measurements taken at the time of
the survey. The map may be scaled or may include information in abutting land-use,
and condition at the time of the survey.

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Part I Problem Identification and Data Gathering

• Time Specification of the year, month, date, day of the week, time of day (0 hrs.
to 2400 hrs.), and the duration of the survey. This is important because some traffic
data differ depending on when the measurements were taken.
• Surveyor / Enumerator Reveals the identity of each person, post and
responsibility. Oftentimes, it is necessary to interview the surveyors to clear up
inconsistencies in the collected data.

• Weather This entry indicates meteorological conditions during the survey. This
affects traffic and must be noted down. Usually it would suffice to say Bright,
Cloudy Bright, Rainy or Wet Road.

• Checker – This reveals the identity of the person responsible to check the
correctness of the entries on the field sheet, usually done prior to data processing.
Team Supervisors are normally assigned to undertake this task but it is also possible
to have a separate team of personnel assigned in the office to cross-check the data
entries. The checker is tasked to verify the completeness in the entry of preliminary
data such as time, date, station location. Entries that need to be checked include:
data identifying the survey code, station location, time, date, direction, labeling of
headings in the data being collected, consistency in the data entry, errors in writing
the entries, etc. When several sheets are used for a survey type, the checker makes
sure that the sheets are arranged in its proper order.

• Coder – This is to be filled out by the person who is assigned to “Code” the survey
field sheets during the processing of the collected data. Whenever necessary, survey
data collected are transformed into a prepared coding system designed to provide
ease in the processing of the data and in the preparation of the summaries of the
results. This is to ensure uniformity and consistency in the system of data entry.

• Encoder – This space is to be filled out by the person assigned to encode the survey
data using a computer software program.

• File Name – This identifies the electronic file associated with the field sheet.

• Method This helps to define the data collected in terms of accuracy or relevance.
Usually the name of a standard method is simply indicated, other times a brief
description is needed. This is only necessary whenever several methods of collection
can be employed which would all give results in a similar format.

• Others Such factors, not stated above, that might have affected the collection of
data, or which makes the area being studied different from other areas with the
same physical characteristics. These may be occurrence of an accident during the
survey, road defects, special occasions, road repair activities, parked or stalled
vehicles, unusual conditions, etc. Particularly when temporary measures are in force,
a description of the traffic control measure in force should be noted in the field

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Part I Problem Identification and Data Gathering

sheet. Not noting a truck ban during a volume survey may lead the analyst to believe
that the particular route carries no trucks when in fact it is being used heavily after
truck ban hours. These conditions can also be reflected on the map accompanying
the field sheet.

Typical survey forms are provided in Annex C of this Manual. They may be removed and
reproduced for use.

Figure 1.4-1 A Sample of Base Information Entries on Field Sheet

Before each survey is done, it is necessary to make a pre-survey usually consisting of a field
visit and ocular inspection of the area. These help in identifying the limits of the survey
and possible modification in the collection procedure. After the pre-survey, a detailed
survey plan is prepared.

A Survey Plan is prepared to facilitate execution of the survey. The method of collection is
defined according to the requirements for data. The necessary logistical support for the
proper conduct of the survey is identified while constraints such as manpower, materials,
schedules, etc can also be clearly defined. The Survey Plan serves as program information
for both pre- and post-survey analysis phase.

1.4.2 Parts of a Survey Plan

A suggested format for the Survey Plan is given as follows:

I. Name of Survey
II. Purpose

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Part I Problem Identification and Data Gathering

III. Expected Output

IV. Study Area (A detailed definition of the study area, accompanied by a map of
the proper scale with the necessary ground measurements)
V. Team Organization
VI. Equipment
VII. Method (A detailed discussion of method or procedure of collecting the data.
This may require preparation of specific instruction for each team member. The
field sheets are included in this part of the plan.)
VIII. Schedule (A detailed schedule of activities which includes man-hour
requirements; conveyance schedule; Fuel schedule, if any; logistics; projected
expenses, etc.)
IX. Analysis (Describes how the collected data will be analyzed to arrive at output.)
X. Miscellany. (Any other important element not stated in previous items)

1.4. 3 Preparing the Survey Materials

Survey materials will consist of the following supplies and equipment:

• Survey forms (spare forms should always be available)
• Clipboards
• Pencils and sharpeners
• Folders and plastic envelopes
• Traffic counters (for volume and intersection turning movement counts, as well as
for passenger counts)
• Stop watches (for travel time / delay, queuing survey)
• “Roadrunner” or measuring wheel (for taking curb/roadway measurements)
• Flashlights with spare batteries and other lighting equipment deemed necessary
• Raincoats, reflectorized vests, other protective gear for survey personnel
• Copies of permits secured in relation to the activity
• etc.

The most important thing to be done prior to the study to avoid failure is to check the
condition of the equipment to be used in data collection. It should be calibrated properly,
and checked if they record, store and display data properly.

1.4.4 Pre-survey Activities

Coordination with the local barangay offices and individuals affected by the
survey implementation
It would be best to coordinate with the barangay officials of the areas under study and
with parties directly affected by any aspect of the planned survey activity. This would
eliminate possible delays during the survey day brought about by having to secure
permission to conduct the survey. They will also be able to inform the survey team of

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Part I Problem Identification and Data Gathering

unusual occurrences not readily apparent and for survey periods extending up to late in
the night, provide the necessary assistance for the smooth progress of the survey.

Survey Team Organization

Ideally, a typical survey team organization is composed of a Survey Chief, Station
Supervisors, and Data Collectors.

The Supervising Engineer of the Local Government Unit (LGU) shall serve as the Survey
Chief. The Survey Chief takes primary responsibility for the field work and is generally in-
charge to oversee coordination work with the proper agencies prior to survey
implementation. The Survey Chief is also assigned to inspect ongoing survey work at the
respective stations and to facilitate smooth progress in the survey work. Station
supervisors are assigned to man each station to overlook survey implementation and to act
as relievers, field checkers, and coordinators whenever the need arises.

Survey Chief

Station Supervisor Station Supervisor Station Supervisor

Data Collectors Data Collectors Data Collectors

(Surveyors / Enumerators) (Surveyors / Enumerators) (Surveyors / Enumerators)

When data collection work is simple and involves a minimal number of people and with
just one or two station locations, the Survey Chief can also act as the Station Supervisor.

The number of data collectors shall depend on the type of survey to be conducted. This
will be further discussed in the succeeding sections covering the individual surveys.

Screening and Selection of Field Personnel

Some local government units (LGUs) maintain a pool of personnel (casuals and temporary
personnel from the different offices of the LGU) whom are called upon, when required, for
field work and surveys. These personnel may have the required experience and training for
the fundamental surveys or even the specialized ones.

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Part I Problem Identification and Data Gathering

At times there may be a need to hire additional temporary personnel to undertake the field
work. It is recommended that for the simple data collection activity, the temporary
personnel to be hired be at least high school graduates, know how to follow instructions,
have a basic understanding of the required activity and the ability to make sound

When more difficult surveys are to be implemented, the personnel to be hired should be at
least college level. Although some activities may be very elementary in nature, decisions
may have to be taken at the field when the person is confronted with an unusual

Depending on the manpower requirements of the survey and the availability of funds, the
Local Government Unit (LGU) may also opt to outsource the entire data collection activity
and the analysis. Should this be the preferred option of the LGU, this Manual can still
serve as a guide to the Supervising Traffic Engineer of the LGU in the monitoring and
delivery of services by the contracted party.

A dry-run may not be necessary for field personnel who have experience conducting the
study of interest, but it is essential for inexperienced personnel. The dry-run session is a
means to test the survey instrument and the methodology to be used in data collection, to
train the survey personnel in the proper conduct of the survey and to identify possible
conflicts and issues that may require a change in the Survey Plan.

Fundamental surveys, like volume counts, speed, delay and inventory, normally do not
require long hours of practice. The more specialized and comprehensive studies, such as
person interviews, accident studies, and the like, may benefit more from extensive training
of personnel and various testing of techniques prior to actual survey.

Before proceeding to the site, the survey personnel will be given a briefing on the purpose
and nature of the activity. They should be made aware of possible emergencies or
deviations from the survey plan, if any. They also should practice how to deal with
questions that may be put their way by the public and even taught a short and standard
response to satisfy most members of the public without distracting too long from the data
collection task. A calm and professional approach and a referral to the supervising
engineer are usually enough to diffuse even very suspicious inquiries.

A dry-run is typically held a day before or even several days before the schedule of the
actual field survey as long as similar extreme conditions prevail as expected during the
study. For instance, if the planned schedule of survey is a whole day, a dry run during the
peak hours will be beneficial. The exercise shall require close supervision by the traffic
engineer of the work being done by the enumerator to immediately identify errors or
mistakes made by the enumerators.

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Part I Problem Identification and Data Gathering

It is suggested that the traffic engineer or the assigned supervisor carry out independently
the data collection during a short period of the dry-run for purposes of comparison later
to reveal obvious errors.

After the dry-run, an assessment of the effectiveness of the technique selected for data
collection is made. Should extensive changes be necessary in the Survey Plan, it may be a
good idea to schedule another dry-run to test those changes.

Responsibilities of the Supervising Engineer during the Conduct the Survey

On the day of the survey, there are three main responsibilities of the Supervising Engineer.

First, he/she must monitor the survey personnel to make sure that they are using agreed-
upon procedures and not falsifying data. To ensure an honest effort by the survey
personnel, it is sometimes good to make an unannounced inspection at the site or even
the promise of one. Experience on the work, on the part of the Supervising Engineer,
helps one to easily detect when falsification occurs.

Second, he/she must be at all times available for consultations on actions to be taken for
unforeseen circumstances the may occur in the field. It is also recommended that a team
leader be assigned to liaison with the Engineer, if and when conditions prevail that inhibit
the Engineer from being physically present at the site for the duration of the survey.

Third, he/she must maintain a Survey Diary or assign a person to be responsible to take
note of occurrences (such as traffic accident, parades, abrupt changes in weather
conditions, etc.) that may in one way or another affect the data being collected.

The Survey Diary simply consists of a bunch of notes of time of day, type of occurrence,
apparent impact on the data collection activity (if obvious enough), parties involved (if
any), and other pertinent information that can aptly describe the situation.

Responsibilities of the Survey Personnel

The survey personnel must arrive at the site at least 15 minutes early in order to familiarize
oneself of the area, assess conditions, get hold of equipment, record crucial “base”
information required on the field sheet, assume positions, and begin at the scheduled
time. The “base” information must appear on each form. It is advisable to record all the
information as soon as possible and prior to start of survey rather than to wait until the
end of the day to record information on a stack of forms.

It is also the individual responsibility of the survey personnel to maintain personal safety,
the safety of the other members of the team and the safety of the traveling public.

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Part I Problem Identification and Data Gathering

1.4.5 Writing the Survey Report

It may be necessary to write a report once the survey has been completed and the data has
been collected and summarized. The report will serve to make the data immediately useful
or else make the use immediately apparent. The report should be as clear and as concise
as possible. The report should state a description of the procedure actually used, more
importantly when it involves a deviation from the Survey Plan.

In all aspects, the report should be truthful and reveal all possible constraints in the
conduct of the survey. No attempt must be made to cover up errors so that proper
judgment can be made as to the validity of data. It would also allow for immediate
rescheduling of the survey should the need arise.

The format of a Survey Report should include the following:

I. Name of Survey
II. Purpose (State here the original intent as specified in the Survey Plan.)
III. Description of Survey Area (Location, time, weather, traffic control, condition,
IV. Output (Presentation of most important findings with inferences; summary.)
V. Method/Procedure of Data Collection (This should describe the actual procedure
used and state how the actual survey differs from the plan. It should include
events, or circumstances, which may have affected the collected data.)
VI. Analysis (Detailed discussion of the results and the procedure followed to arrive
at the conclusions or inferences stated in the output. (Summarized Data).
VII. Appendices (Attached at this portion should be the raw data collected at the
field and other relevant matters. If necessary, explanations should be included.)

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Part I Problem Identification and Data Gathering

1.5 Types of Traffic Surveys

The types of surveys to be conducted will depend on the nature of the traffic problem in
the bottleneck area(s) identified. The surveys to be conducted will be from among the
following types:

• Classified Intersection Turning Movement Counts

• Mid-block vehicle volume counts
• Passenger Occupancy Surveys
• Public Transport Terminal Dispatch Characteristics Surveys
• Travel Time / Delay Surveys
• Saturation Flow Surveys
• Passenger Boarding / Alighting Surveys
• Parking Surveys
• Pedestrian Counts
• Traffic Facilities Inventory
• Perception Interviews
• Social Surveys

1.5.1 Vehicle Volume Counts

Vehicle volume counts can further be categorized into two: intersection turning movement
counts, and mid-block counts. The main difference is essentially in the number movement
directions being recorded. At a mid-block, only two directions will generally be recorded,
and one if the street is one-way. A typical four-leg intersection with no turning restrictions
will allow for 12 turning movements, excluding U-turns.

There are basically two methods of counting: mechanical using automatic recording
equipment, and manual using tally method or traffic counters. Automatic recording has
its greatest application where only a simple tabulation is needed of numbers of vehicles
(so separation of vehicle type, direction, turning movements at intersection or driveway,
lane use, etc.). Only under certain conditions can directional counts or lane use be
obtained mechanically.

More commonly applied are manual methods of counting. Depending upon the degree of
simultaneous flow and volumes and the number of vehicle classifications being taken, the
number of personnel needed to conduct the survey will vary. At low-volume intersections,
all movements including vehicle classification can be performed by one person. At higher
volume intersections, it is necessary to have two or more persons counting the vehicular

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Part I Problem Identification and Data Gathering

Vehicle Classifications
Vehicle volume counts can be classified using various vehicle classifications. For initial
comparative purposes, vehicle classification can follow the DPWH-TEC classification system,
however, a much more detailed breakdown of classifications should be considered
depending on the specific problem in the area and type of analysis required. For example,
where trisikads or pedicabs are prevalent or common in the area being surveyed, these
should also be counted under a separate category.

The DPWH-TEC classification system uses only five (5) classifications, namely:
1) Car/Jeep
2) Jeepney
3) Bus
4) Truck
5) Others

A more detailed classification system was utilized by the Metro Manila Urban
Transportation Integration Study (MMUTIS).1 The MMUTIS Study undertook numerous
traffic surveys to develop a comprehensive transport database for Metro Manila. The
Study introduced a 15-vehicle classification system wherein private vehicles were distinctly
categorized from public transport vehicles (i.e. jeepneys utilized for private use were
classified under Utility Vehicle). The classifications were given as follows:

1. Pedicab 9. HOV2 Taxi

2. Bicycle 10. Car / Jeep (owner-type)
3. Motorcycle 11. School / Company / Tourist Bus
4. Tricycle 12. Utility Vehicle
5. Jeepney (PUJ) 13. Truck
6. Standard Bus 14. Trailer
7. Minibus 15. Others3
8. Taxi

Depending on the purpose of the count and the availability of resources to conduct the
count, the vehicle classifications can be reduced to a minimum number but sufficient
enough to provide the required data for the analysis of the problem or increased to
provide for a more detailed analysis. When necessary, commercial vehicles can further be
broken down by numbers of axles and/or weight. In summary, the degree of classification
should be related to the purpose of the count.

The MMUTIS Study Recommendations were recently adopted as the Transport Master Plan for Metro Manila.
HOV = High Occupancy Vehicle. HOV taxi normally refers to shared taxis, also known as FX.
"Others" may include construction equipment such as payloaders and graders, and animal-drawn vehicles.

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Part I Problem Identification and Data Gathering

For the SSTRIMM project, a total of eleven vehicle classifications were generally utilized.
Where pedicab traffic was prevalent, a twelfth classification (trisikads / pedicabs) was used.
Given the scope and requirements for the analysis, the vehicle classifications used were as

1) Motorcycle
2) Tricycle
3) Car/Jeep/Van
4) Public Utility Jeepney
5) Taxi
6) HOV Taxi
7) Bus
8) Light Cargo
9) 2-Axle Truck
10) 3-Axle (or more) Truck
11) Others
12) Trisikads/Pedicabs

Figure 1.5-1 illustrates the typical vehicle types and their definitions.

Survey Personnel Requirements for a Manual Count

A typical team for an eight (8) hour shift for a single station is usually composed of two
observers per direction of flow when vehicle classifications exceed five. An ocular
inspection of the site and preliminary observation of the vehicle flow can facilitate decision
making for survey personnel planning. For intersection counts, it is advisable to limit the
number of classifications so as to minimize the number of required survey personnel. A
technique also being employed in some surveys is to conduct turning movement
directional counts (unclassified) at intersections and simultaneous classified volume counts
at mid-block stations adjacent to the intersections.

Deployment of survey personnel is usually based on an 8-hour shifting of teams. A full day
count of 24-hours would require three shifts. In practice, the first shift is from 6:00 to
14:00, second shift is from 14:00 to 22:00 and night shift (sometimes referred to the
graveyard shift) is 22:00 to 6:00 the following day. For 16-hour counts, two shifts are
necessary. When resources are limited, survey periods mostly cover only peak hours. The
Supervising Engineer must have made initial observations of the traffic conditions in order
to ascertain the appropriate survey periods for analysis.

To avoid fatigue and degraded performance, breaks of 10 to 15 minutes should be

allowed per observer. The station supervisor also acts as a reliever and should be able to
schedule the breaks such that all of the observers will each be accorded a chance to rest.

SSTRIMM Traffic Management Manual I -17

Part I Problem Identification and Data Gathering

Figure 1.5-1 Vehicle Types and Descriptions


All two- or three-wheeled vehicles.

Typical vehicles in this category have
saddle type seats and are steered by
handled bars rather than a wheel. This
category includes motorcycles, motor
scooters, mopeds, motor powered


All motorcycles with sidecars, whether

used for public transport or for private

Passenger Car

All sedans, coupes, and station wagons

manufactured primarily for the purpose
of carrying passengers and including
those passengers cars pulling
recreational or other light trailers.
Owner type jeeps are usually classified
under passenger cars.


Vehicles with space provided in the rear

for goods transport. Usually they are of
the open type. Closed-type pick-ups
used for private transport are usually
classified as passenger cars as well.

Van / Utility Vehicle

Can also be classified as passenger car

depending on the purpose of the survey.

SSTRIMM Traffic Management Manual I -18

Part I Problem Identification and Data Gathering

Figure 1.5-1 Vehicle Types and Descriptions (continued)


Passenger car registered as public utility

vehicle and operating


usually operating as a public transport

conveyance. Privately operated jeepneys
are usually classified under utility


All vehicles manufactured as traditional

passenger-carrying buses with two axles
and six tires or more axles. This category
includes only traditional buses (including
school buses) functioning as passenger-
carrying vehicles.

Light Goods Vehicle

Two-axle, four-tire vehicles primarily used

for cargo transport. It could be of the
open type (as shown) or closed type

Two-Axle, Six-Tire, Single Unit


All vehicles on a single frame including

trucks, camping and recreational
vehicles, motor homes, etc., having two
axles and dual rear wheels.

SSTRIMM Traffic Management Manual I -19

Part I Problem Identification and Data Gathering

Figure 1.5-1 Vehicle Types and Descriptions (continued)

Three-Axle Single Unit Trucks

All vehicles on a single frame including

trucks, camping and recreational
vehicles, motor homes, etc., having three

Four Axle Trucks

All trucks on a single frame or articulated

with four or more axles.

Five-Axle Singe Trailer Trucks

All five-axle vehicles consisting of two

units, one of which is tractor or straight
truck power unit.


Two-wheeled non-motorized transport



Bicycle equipped with sidecar for

transport of passengers, normally two.

SSTRIMM Traffic Management Manual I -20

Part I Problem Identification and Data Gathering

Survey Personnel Requirements for an Automatic Count

The number of field survey personnel would decrease when automatic methods of
counting are employed and will depend on the equipment to be used.

Survey Procedure
The simplest means of conducting manual counts is through the tally method where each
observed vehicle is recorded with a tick mark on the prepared survey form. A sample tally
form, Form C1 is given in Annex C of this Manual. The form allows for whatever
classifications may be desired. A stopwatch or watch is required to cue the observer to the
desired count interval. When several watches are used, the Supervising Engineer or
Station Supervisor must see to it that they are all synchronized. It is suggested that 15-
minute intervals (or shorter, if necessary) is adequate for capacity analysis. If a peak-hour
factor is sought, 5 minute counts are preferable. By doing so, one can minimize chances
of error while detection would be easier. If and when an error is detected, which
nonetheless can occur, a system for correction can be devised based on observed trends.

When manual traffic counters are utilized, readings are also recorded by vehicle type in the
prescribed Survey Form C 2. When the end of the interval is reached, the observer reads
the counter, records the data on a field form. Resetting the counter to zero after every
interval can be time consuming and susceptible to error. Current practice where readings
are taken on a cumulative basis is easier to manage and with the proper spreadsheets,
errors are easily detected once the observations are keyed into a computer.

Post Survey Activities

At the end of each survey period, the field sheets are submitted by the station supervisors
to the Survey Chief. The Survey Chief ensures the completeness of the survey forms and
the required identification entries, spot check for errors, inconsistencies, etc. and then
submits to the office for data entry and processing.
A separate team is assigned to check for errors and inconsistencies that would require
further verification and validation before the field sheets are turned over to the encoding
section. Once encoded, the data files are subjected to logic checks to detect errors in
encoding before the final printouts are prepared.

The entire process involves a series of data checks before the final worksheets are
prepared, printed and analyzed.

SSTRIMM Traffic Management Manual I -21

Part I Problem Identification and Data Gathering

Figure 1.5-2 Sample of Accomplished Field Survey Form for Volume Counts

SSTRIMM Traffic Management Manual I -22

Part I Problem Identification and Data Gathering

Volume Data Presentations

Traffic volume data can be presented in several ways depending on the planned use of the
data. Most often, summary tables and graphical forms are prepared. Graphs and bar
charts are suitable for illustrating traffic volumes over time. Peak periods are readily

Figure 1.5-3 shows a volume count spreadsheet for surveys conducted for a particular
location, with graphs and other presentation elements. This is for an individual turning

Figure 1.5-4, on the other hand shows a summarized table combining the different turning
movements at an intersection.

SSTRIMM Traffic Management Manual I -23

Part I Problem Identification and Data Gathering

Figure 1.5-3 Example of Volume Count Summary Result for an Individual Turning Movement

Pasay Rd EB left to Paseo de Roxas NB

Paseo de Roxas - Benavidez - Pasay Road Signal Studies

Wed 26 July 2000

6:00 - 20:00

Vehicle volumes Volume in PCUs *

Period car jeepney bus truck others total car jeepney bus truck others total

Hourly Volumes

06:00 07:00 346 161 0 9 23 539 346 225 0 20 23 614

07:00 08:00 511 438 0 8 33 990 511 613 0 18 33 1,175

08:00 09:00 566 406 1 16 37 1,026 566 568 2 35 37 1,209

09:00 10:00 402 258 0 16 41 717 402 361 0 35 41 839

10:00 11:00 373 172 0 25 60 630 373 241 0 55 60 729

11:00 12:00 389 167 2 23 45 626 389 234 4 51 45 723

12:00 13:00 390 160 0 19 51 620 390 224 0 42 51 707

13:00 14:00 413 190 0 23 63 689 413 266 0 51 63 793

14:00 15:00 416 185 0 24 74 699 416 259 0 53 74 802

15:00 16:00 315 150 1 21 49 536 315 210 2 46 49 622

16:00 17:00 357 179 2 13 37 588 357 251 4 29 37 678

17:00 18:00 283 150 0 8 12 453 283 210 0 18 12 523

18:00 19:00 299 128 0 2 20 449 299 179 0 4 20 503

19:00 20:00 313 118 0 9 15 455 313 165 0 20 15 513

06:00 12:00 2,587 1,602 3 97 239 4,528 2,587 2,243 7 213 239 5,289

12:00 18:00 2,174 1,014 3 108 286 3,585 2,174 1,420 7 238 286 4,124

18:00 20:00 612 246 0 11 35 904 612 344 0 24 35 1,016

06:00 20:00 5,373 2,862 6 216 560 9,017 5,373 4,007 13 475 560 10,428

Time Variation (total vehicles) * PCU Equivalents

turn car jeepney bus truck others

1,200 left 1.0 1.4 2.2 2.2 1.0

through 1.0 1.4 2.2 2.2 1.0

1,000 right 1.4 2.0 2.8 2.8 1.4

Vehicle Volume

600 Turning Movement

Pasay Road



Paseo de Roxas Edades


06:00 08:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 ← North

Hour beginning

SSTRIMM Traffic Management Manual I -24

Part I Problem Identification and Data Gathering

Figure 1.5-4 Example of Summarized Volume Count Results

Location: Shaw Boulevard and Wack-wack Intersection

Date: 23 February 2001

Hourly Vehicle Volumes

From Shaw Blvd /
From Lee From Wack Wack Rd From Shaw Blvd / EDSA
Time Period
l-w l-2 l-3 l-4 w-l w-2 w-3 w-4 2-l 2-w 2-3 2-4 4-l 4-w 4-2 4-3

06:00 07:00 31 191 14 15 94 11 38 140 36 7 1054 1 21 1152 20

07:00 08:00 50 431 64 18 120 21 31 211 34 62 1188 36 1587 89
08:00 09:00 42 443 53 13 75 90 13 50 181 37 89 1171 1 21 1483 77
09:00 10:00 62 366 33 5 95 73 13 41 192 46 84 1055 2 35 1426 86
10:00 11:00 84 46
11:00 12:00 51 46
12:00 13:00 57 32
13:00 14:00 71 41
14:00 15:00 74 20
15:00 16:00 95 51
16:00 17:00 63 395 41 22 156 80 49 48 285 28 135 1319 4 32 1418 143
17:00 18:00 63 354 39 31 141 73 56 47 336 33 95 1290 4 49 1457 156
18:00 19:00 75 253 50 12 257 63 8 62 30 37 52 516 10 42 1282 75
19:00 20:00 63 213 25 17 210 74 9 34 133 45 52 1182 6 24 1255 102
20:0 0 21:00 35 134 26 5 92 63 9 44 126 34 45 1032 6 36 1225 104
21:00 22:00 9 80 9 5 65 29 7 16 71 47 37 753 4 30 745 46

Hourly PCU Volumes

Time Period l-w l-2 l-3 l-4 w-l w-2 w-3 w-4 2-l 2-w 2-3 2-4 4-l 4-w 4-2 4-3

06:00 07:00 30 197 10 14 93 9 37 142 36 6 1199 1 23 1284 20

07:00 08:00 44 433 58 15 120 16 28 213 34 62 1351 36 1801 89
08:00 09:00 38 470 50 11 79 108 11 44 198 39 94 1354 2 24 1684 77
09:00 10:00 56 397 39 6 98 76 13 36 214 51 89 1245 2 32 1661 86
10:00 11:00 86 51
11:00 12:00 60 49
12:00 13:00 60 34
13:00 14:00 74 44
14:00 15:00 71 20
15:00 16:00 98 50
16:00 17:00 60 406 42 22 168 85 50 44 306 29 141 1486 4 30 1589 154
17:00 18:00 61 369 44 33 142 73 53 40 358 32 98 1455 4 48 1651 160
18:00 19:00 73 264 47 12 265 64 7 56 27 39 50 625 10 39 1414 77
19:00 20:00 64 212 25 21 215 73 9 29 133 46 54 1311 6 24 1396 104
20:00 21:00 37 138 23 4 91 64 9 43 132 32 44 1177 6 34 1388 106
21:00 22:00 8 81 6 3 66 28 6 13 72 49 39 869 3 37 846 47

SSTRIMM Traffic Management Manual I -25

Part I Problem Identification and Data Gathering

Passenger Car Equivalent Factors

Different vehicle types have different physical and operating characteristics. Their effects
on the traffic stream would vary from one vehicle type to another. The impact on the
basic passenger car unit (PCU) of slow-moving vehicles and heavy vehicles interacting with
gradients and length of gradients, roadside friction, varying shoulder widths, etc are taken
into account by the application of “Passenger Car Equivalent Factors”. These factors are a
function of roadside friction, shoulder width, carriageway width, gradients and lengths of

Based on studies carried out in the Philippines, the Highway Planning Manual of the
Department of Public Works and Highways (HPM-DPWH) recommends the following
Passenger Car Equivalent Factors (PCEF) for calculations of traffic levels for standard two-
lane roads:

a) Bicycle: PCEF = 0.3

The basic PCEF is estimated to be 0.3. Although most often, bicycles counts are deemed

b) Motorcycle: PCEF = 0.5

The basic PCEF is about 0.5 for general conditions. However, when shoulder width and
carriageway width are relatively wider, it would be easier for another vehicle to pass.

c) Tricycle: PCEF = 1.0

The basic PCEF is equal to 1.0 because tricycles, although smaller in size than a passenger
car, generally travel at a slow speed of 25-30 km./hr. and can cause considerable queuing
on roads.

d) Car / Pick-up / Owner-type Jeep: PCEF = 1.0

Per definition, the basic PCEF is equal to 1.0

e) Taxi: PCEF = 1.0

The classification of Taxi is usually grouped with passenger cars and is given an equivalent
factor of 1.0.

f) Jeepney: PCEF = 1.5

Since jeepneys are relatively more slow-moving than cars, the basic PCEF is equal to 1.5.
Jeepneys tend to stop more often and therefore, causing other vehicle to slow down and
even stop.

g) HOV Taxi: PCEF = 1.5

HOV taxis are equivalent to jeepneys, although smaller in capacity and have a basic PCEF
equal to 1.5

SSTRIMM Traffic Management Manual I -26

Part I Problem Identification and Data Gathering

h) Mini-bus: PCEF = 2.0

The basic PCEF is equal to 2.0 standard conditions. Roadside friction element is as of
jeepney but gradients and shoulder widths formulas are the same as truck.

i) Standard Bus: PCEF = 2.5

The basic PCEF is equal to 2.5 in flat terrain. Roadside friction, gradients and shoulder
width are, in principle, the same as with trucks.

j) Light Truck / Light Commercial Vehicles: PCEF = 2.0

The basic PCEF is equal to 2.0. Although trucks may have a bigger impact on road capacity
than buses, roadside friction is not considered a restraining factor since trucks do not stop
regularly and when they stop, it normally is off the road.

k) Heavy trucks: PCEF = 2.5

Heavy trucks are assigned a higher PCEF of 2.5.

l) Others: PCEF = 1.0

The classification “Others” is grouped with passenger cars and is given an equivalent factor
of 1.0.

1.5. 2 Pedestrian Counts

Pedestrian counts are essential in determining if traffic signals are warranted, for the
location and design of sidewalks and crosswalks, for the design and implementation of
pedestrian safety improvements and for determining appropriate controls and control

The methodology and survey procedure for pedestrian counts is similar to that for
vehicular counts (see Section 1.4.1). The volume of pedestrians passing a point, entering
an intersection, or using a particular facility such as crosswalk or sidewalk can be studied
and recorded. Counts are usually samples of actual volumes although more often,
continuous counts are conducted.

Most types of pedestrian counts are taken manually by direct observation. Classification
may or may not be necessary, and are easily, and accurately obtained with trained
observers. Examples of classification categories are age group, sex, type of behavior, etc.
Survey forms used vehicular counts can also be used for pedestrian counts.

SSTRIMM Traffic Management Manual I -27

Part I Problem Identification and Data Gathering

1.5. 3 Travel Time / Delay Surveys

Travel time surveys are conducted to establish the amount of time it takes to traverse a
road or highway segment. When combined with the length of the segment under study,
the mean travel speed can be computed. Measurements and causes of delays occurring
within the segment are also noted. The resulting travel time is time when vehicle is actually
in motion. Consequently, the running speed is determined.

The travel time and delay survey is particularly useful in identifying congestion locations in
the street system and according to type of delay, duration and frequency. It is also applied
to determine efficiency of a route with respect to its ability in moving traffic. More often,
it is conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of traffic improvements using before-and-after
studies. However, when results are to be comparable, similar conditions must exist at the
times of data collection.

Travel time and delay studies may be conducted using the average vehicle, moving vehicle,
license plate, direct observation, or interview method. As in most data collection activities,
the choice of method depends on the purpose of the study, the area under study, the time
of day of interest, the personnel, equipment, and resources available.

The most common method, the average vehicle, commonly referred to as one method
under the “test-car technique” uses a test vehicle. With the average vehicle method, data
can be collected as the test vehicle traverses the study route either by manual or automatic
method. The data being measured consist of travel time, distance traveled, type, location,
duration and cause of traffic delay. The recommended minimum total length of a single
route to be studied is roughly 1.6 kilometers.

Survey Personnel/Equipment Requirements

The manual method requires a driver, a recorder, and two stopwatches. If an automatic
recording device is used in the test car, then only the driver is needed. Automatic
recording devices normally come with various control buttons that record travel distance,
travel time, and locations of delay or other significant points by a system of coded
numbers that are imprinted on the continuous paper readout. Some devices are equipped
with data storage devices that can be linked to a computer system for processing.

Survey Procedures
A test vehicle is driven along the study route in accordance with one of the following
operating conditions:
1) Average-car technique, wherein the vehicles travels according to the driver’s
judgment of the average speed of the traffic stream
2) Floating-car technique, wherein the driver “floats” with the traffic by passing as
many vehicles as pass the test car

SSTRIMM Traffic Management Manual I -28

Part I Problem Identification and Data Gathering

3) Maximum-car technique, wherein the test vehicle is driven at the posted speed
limit unless impeded by actual traffic conditions.

Most commonly used is the average-car technique, although the maximum-car technique
is said to be the best base for measuring traffic performance.

Before the runs are made, the beginning and ending points of the route under study are
identified. The test car should run passed these locations in accordance with the selected
operating condition. Control points, usually intersections, are then selected as reference
locations where time readings are taken. When distances between control points are not
readily available, readings from the odometer meter are also recorded.

Before the survey begins, the recorder enters the base information as required for in the
prescribed form. When the survey begins, one stopwatch is started as is passes the
beginning point in manual method, otherwise, in automatic method the equipment is
activated to indicate start of test run. The vehicle is driven the length of the study route.
Time readings are taken at predetermined control points. When the test vehicle is stopped
or forced to travel slowly, the recorder uses the second stopwatch to measure the duration
of the delay. Also taken note of are the location, duration and cause of each delay in the
appropriate spaces provided for in the form C3, provided for in Annex C. Codes for
common causes of delays are used in recording and provided for in the survey form.

As the test vehicle passes the ending point of the route, the recorder stops the first
stopwatch and notes down the total time for the test run.

Figure 1.5-5 illustrates a sample survey form for travel time and delay studies

Data Processing and Presentation

Data collected from the survey is processed to compute for total delay, travel time,
running time and average travel speed. A sample summary table is presented in
Figure 1.5-6.

Graphical summaries plotting both average overall travel speeds by road sections and the
cumulative travel times can be prepared to describe the quality of traffic movement along
a route. An example is given in Figure 1. 5-7.

Figure 1.5-8 shows an example of a speed variation chart. These are generated based on
the resulting speeds calculated from the travel time / delay surveys. The speed for each
road section surveyed is plotted against a distance-based horizontal axis.

Time contours can also be used for presentation purposes. Figure 1.5-9 provides an
example of a time contour map.

SSTRIMM Traffic Management Manual I -29

Part I Problem Identification and Data Gathering

Figure 1.5-5 Example of a Filled-up Travel Time / Delay Survey Form

Field Sheet 1

Route Name: Batangas - Calamba Run Number 2

Direction: Northbound Date of Survey: Thu 12 Feb 1998
Start Time: 08:45

Kilometer Passing Delay 1 Delay 2 Delay 3

Station Name Reading Time Ca Stop Start Delay Ca Stop Start Delay Ca Stop Start Delay

(km) (mm:ss)

12 Batangas City Proper 0.0 00:00 JP 03:29 04:13 00:44 JP 07:06 08:14 01:08
11 Bypass Road to Bauan 5.1 14:08
10 Junction leading to Ibaan 5.6 15:29
9 San Jose Junction 15.4 27:11
8 Mataas na Kahoy Junction 24.0 37:15
7 Y-Junction after Lipa 27.8 43:09
6 Y-Junction before Lipa 29.6 47:18 PED 48:21 48:54 00:33
5 Inoslaban Junction 32.7 53:12
4 Malvar 35.2 57:47 BP 58:05 58:28 00:23 LT 63:16 63:31 00:15 SS 67:24 69:45 02:21
3 Tanauan 45.3 72:39
2 First Junction to Sto. Tomas 48.8 75:34
1 SLE Calamba Exit 57.9 90:18
Legends for Causes of Delay:
T General Congestion BP Buses (un)loading S Traffic Signal PK Parked Vehicles
PED Pedestrians Crossing JP Jeepneys (un)loading SS Stop Sign LT Left Turning Vehicles
A Traffic Accident O Others (specify)

Figure 1.5-6 Summary for Travel Time Survey Results

Travel Time Summary

Route Name: Batangas - Calamba Run Number 2

Direction: Northbound Date of Survey: Thu 12 Feb 1998
Start Time: 08:45

Station Name Passing Time Travel Time Total Delay RunningTime Kilometer Reading Run Distance Travel Speed Running Speed

(mm:ss) (mm:ss) (mm:ss) (mm:ss) (km) (km) (km/h) (km/h)

12 Batangas City Proper 00:00 14:08 01:52 12:16 0.0 5.1 21.7 24.9
11 Bypass Road to Bauan 14:08 01:21 00:00 01:21 5.1 0.5 22.2 22.2
10 Junction leading to Ibaan 15:29 11:42 00:00 11:42 5.6 9.8 50.3 50.3
9 San Jose Junction 27:11 10:04 00:00 10:04 15.4 8.6 51.3 51.3
8 Mataas na Kahoy Junction 37:15 05:54 00:00 05:54 24.0 3.8 38.6 38.6
7 Y-Junction after Lipa 43:09 04:09 00:00 04:09 27.8 1.8 26.0 26.0
6 Y-Junction before Lipa 47:18 05:54 00:33 05:21 29.6 3.1 31.5 34.8
5 Inoslaban Junction 53:12 04:35 00:00 04:35 32.7 2.5 32.7 32.7
4 Malvar 57:47 14:52 02:59 11:53 35.2 10.1 40.8 51.0
3 Tanauan 72:39 02:55 00:00 02:55 45.3 3.5 72.0 72.0
2 First Junction to Sto. Tomas 75:34 14:44 00:00 14:44 48.8 9.1 37.1 37.1
1 SLE Calamba Exit 90:18 57.9
90:18 05:24 84:54 57.9 38.5 40.9

SSTRIMM Traffic Management Manual I -30

Part I Problem Identification and Data Gathering

Figure 1.5-7 Travel Time Chart

Direction of Travel


Walter Mart


Robinson's Place

Journey Time




Roxas Blvd / MIA Road

Tirona Hwy
Jolibee Niog

Toll Plaza



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Note: Flat slope = fast speed Distance

Steep slope = slow speed

Figure 1.5-8 Travel Speed Variation Chart

Direction of Travel

Toll Plaza

Journey Speeds

Robinson's Place

Walter Mart




MIA Road

Tirona Hwy



0 10 20 30

SSTRIMM Traffic Management Manual I -31

Part I Problem Identification and Data Gathering

Figure 1.5-9 Example of a Travel Time Contour Map

SSTRIMM Traffic Management Manual I -32

Part I Problem Identification and Data Gathering

1.5.4 Intersection delay

Intersection delay studies are conducted to evaluate the performance of intersections in

allowing traffic to center and pass through or enter and turn onto another route. A
primary factor evaluated in this study is the effectiveness of the traffic control at the
intersection. In comparison to the travel time and delay studies, this procedure provides a
detailed evaluation of stopped-time delay at the particular intersection.

The primary application of this survey is to evaluate the efficiency of various types of
intersection control devices and traffic regulations in relation to geometric configuration
of the intersection approaches. It can also be utilized to determine the proper timing
sequences for traffic signal installations. Moreover, this study can also be applied for the
evaluation of delays to pedestrian traffic.

Data on intersection delay can be collected by the manual method of with a delay meter
that accumulates the number of vehicle-seconds of stopped-time delay. More often, the
manual method is applied since delay meters are not easily available.

Survey Personnel Requirements

Generally, one observer equipped with a stopwatch is required for each intersection
approach that is being evaluated. If the traffic volume on the approach is too heavy for
one observer to count and record, additional observers may be assigned.

Survey Procedures
The observations are usually taken during periods of congestion when excessive delays are
likely to occur. If results are to be comparable for before-and-after studies, similar
conditions must exist at both times of data collection.

The manual method involves the counting of vehicles stopped in the intersection approach
at successive intervals. A typical duration for these intervals is 15 seconds, although other
values can be selected. For an intersection controlled by a fixed-time signal, the sampling
interval should be selected such that no repetitive counting shall occur in the same
portions of the signal cycle. One way to eliminate this problem is to have staggered
starting times for the sampling operation to produce a discontinuous process which will
prevent repetitive counting with respect to the signal cycle.

The stopwatch is started in the beginning of the study to advise the observer of the proper
intervals. The procedure requires the observer to count and record the number of vehicles
stopped on the approach for each observation time indicated. The sample field sheet
shown as Form C4 in Annex C is arranged for a 15-sec. time interval.

SSTRIMM Traffic Management Manual I -33

Part I Problem Identification and Data Gathering

A vehicle is counted more than once in the delay determination if it is stopped during
more than one sampling interval. A separate tabulation of the approach volume is made
for each time period by classifying the vehicles as either stopping or not stopping. The
number of stopping vehicles is always equal to or less than the total number of vehicles
stopped on the approach for a specific time interval, because vehicles can be delayed for
more than one sampling period.

The analysis of intersection delay data is shown in the example study given in
Figure 1.5-10.

SSTRIMM Traffic Management Manual I -34

Part I Problem Identification and Data Gathering

Figure 1.5-10 Intersection Delay Data Analysis



Approach: NATIONAL HWY (MANILA TO LAGUNA) Date: Jul-27-01 (Friday)
Comment: 4-legged intersection, some improvements have started initiated by the LGU

Time Total number of vehicles stopped in the approach Approach Volume

Minute Number Number
started at + 0 sec + 15 sec + 30 sec + 45 sec Stopped Not Stopped

07:30 PM 10 0 0 0
07:31 PM 0 14 14 1
07:32 PM 1 6 10 17
07:33 PM 21 21 0 0
07:34 PM 0 9 14 17
07:35 PM 13 14 17 17
07:36 PM 17 17 17 0
07:37 PM 0 2 3 7
07:38 PM 12 16 16 16
07:39 PM 3 5 1 0
07:40 PM 0 1 0 0
07:41 PM 7 8 10 12
07:42 PM 13 0 0 5
07:43 PM 9 4 0 4
07:44 PM 7 12 12 6
07:45 PM 0 0 2 3

TOTAL 463 174 163

Approach Volume 337

Total Delay = Total Number Stopped * Sampling Interval

= 463 * 15 = 6,945 veh-sec

Average delay per stopped vehicle = Total Delay

Number of Stopped Vehicles

= 6,945 = 40 sec

Average delay per approach vehicle = Total Delay

Approach Volume

= 6,945 = 21 sec
Adjusted ave.delay per approach vehicle = 21 * 1.3
= 27 sec
Percent of Vehicles stopped = Number of stopped vehicles
Approach Volume

= 174 = 51.63%

SSTRIMM Traffic Management Manual I -35

Part I Problem Identification and Data Gathering

1.5. 5 Passenger Occupancy Surveys

Passenger occupancy counts are normally carried out to determine passenger flow
characteristics at certain corridors. The object of the count is the total number of
passengers carried by a single vehicle according to vehicle classification and directional

Survey Personnel Requirements

Unlike volume counts where the number of observers is critical to the desired output,
passenger occupancy surveys require a minimal number since observations are recorded on
a sampling basis. In practice, one observer is assigned to record passenger counts on the
various vehicle classifications per direction of flow. If traffic volume is low, it is sometimes
workable to have only one observer for two or more directions and depending on the
desired sampling size.

Survey Procedures
The occupancy counts are conducted on a random sampling method. However, sampling
rates of as high as possible (up to 100% depending on total volume) can be attempted.
Otherwise, an attempt can be made to have the sampling rates for each vehicle
classification as close as possible to the actual proportion of each type in the total traffic
flow stream.

The procedure is, using prepared field observation sheets, to record the number of
passengers, excluding drivers and conductors, on board each observed vehicle, with the
recording separate for each vehicle type. This is to be done for every 15-minute interval. In
cases where traffic volume is high, an estimate on the passenger load, particularly for
jeepneys and buses, will be recorded, instead of the actual count of passengers on-board.
When the proportion of larger vehicles in a traffic flow stream is expected to be high, an
alternative to actual passenger load count or estimate is the use of passenger load
indicators to facilitate the collection process. The following passenger load indicators
(except driver and conductor) can be recorded for the larger public transport vehicles such
as buses and jeepneys:

• 1.2 – usually for buses, this indicates packed with both seated and standing
• 1 – usually full with seated passengers
• 2/3 – for almost full with seated passengers
• ½ - for half full with seated passengers
• 1/3 – for a third full

In estimating total passenger demand, passenger load counts should not include drivers
and conductors of public transport vehicles, while drivers on board private vehicles should
be included. Operationally, it will be much easier to instruct the data collectors or
passenger occupancy enumerators to exclude drivers in their counts, whether the vehicle is

SSTRIMM Traffic Management Manual I -36

Part I Problem Identification and Data Gathering

a private one or a public utility vehicle. Considering the possible inexperience of the
enumerators in conducting field activities, complex procedures are potential causes of
errors. Thus, the count of drivers can be added during the processing of the field data.

Data Processing
Processing occupancy data can be quite tedious and will require spreadsheet programs in
order to calculate the number of samples gathered, estimated sampling rates (based on
intersection volume counts), and average passenger occupancy levels.

Figure 1.5-11 Summarized Passenger Occupancy Data

C P Garcia Av between Lessage St and J S Torralba St

C P Garcia southbound
oc05 dir13

Mon 16 October 2000

7:00 to 19:00

Public Vehicles
Tricycle Multicab PUJ Bus All Public Vehicles






















07:00 08:00 362 665 1.8 119 322 2.7 50 172 3.4 6 22 3.7 537 1181 2.2
08:00 09:00 417 701 1.7 80 175 2.2 15 47 3.1 1 1 1.0 513 924 1.8
09:00 10:00 480 854 1.8 65 148 2.3 31 87 2.8 0 0 - 576 1089 1.9
10:00 11:00 429 854 2.0 81 191 2.4 23 70 3.0 3 31 10.3 536 1146 2.1
11:00 12:00 472 1047 2.2 74 166 2.2 25 63 2.5 2 5 2.5 573 1281 2.2
12:00 13:00 409 856 2.1 59 114 1.9 13 27 2.1 4 6 1.5 485 1003 2.1
13:00 14:00 457 838 1.8 59 137 2.3 18 44 2.4 0 0 - 534 1019 1.9
14:00 15:00 567 1076 1.9 45 104 2.3 23 64 2.8 0 0 - 635 1244 2.0
15:00 16:00 514 974 1.9 55 124 2.3 14 32 2.3 0 0 - 583 1130 1.9
16:00 17:00 439 981 2.2 58 123 2.1 21 58 2.8 0 0 - 518 1162 2.2
17:00 18:00 430 1061 2.5 90 261 2.9 23 67 2.9 1 4 4.0 544 1393 2.6
18:00 19:00 435 984 2.3 65 156 2.4 19 61 3.2 0 0 - 519 1201 2.3

07:00 12:00 3026 5815 1.9 537 1253 2.3 175 510 2.9 16 65 4.1 3754 7643 2.0
12:00 19:00 2385 5076 2.1 313 768 2.5 100 282 2.8 1 4 4.0 2799 6130 2.2

07:00 19:00 5411 10891 2.0 850 2021 2.4 275 792 2.9 17 69 4.1 6553 13773 2.1

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Part I Problem Identification and Data Gathering

Data Presentation
Passenger flow data can be summarized as follows:

Figure 1.5-12 Summarized Data for Passenger Occupancy Survey Results

Southbound Northbound
Vehicle Type
Modal Modal
Volume Volume
Share Share
Tricycle 10,891 53.5% 11,563 39.2%
Multicab 2,021 9.9% 6,161 20.9%
Jeepney 792 3.9% 4,357 14.8%
Bus 69 0.3% 138 0.5%
Motorcycle 3,239 15.9% 3,474 11.8%
Car 2,917 14.3% 2,872 9.7%
Light Truck 413 2.0% 917 3.1%
Heavy Truck 0 0% 10 0%

Total 20,342 100.0% 29,492 100.0%


Southboud 53.5% 9.9% 0.3% 14.3% Multicab



Northbound 39.2% 20.9% 14.8% 0.5% 9.7%

Light Truck

Heavy Truck
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

SSTRIMM Traffic Management Manual I -38

Part I Problem Identification and Data Gathering

1.5. 6 Parking Surveys

Parking surveys are carried out with the intention of gathering enough relevant
information on the characteristics of parking demand in the study site (or “bottleneck”
area), through a relevant sample. Among the objectives of the parking surveys will be to
gather relevant background and baseline information with regard to such characteristics as
the level of demand, duration of vehicles parked, peak hour of demand, and the time
variation of parking demand.

The license plate method for the Parking Surveys is commonly used to obtain estimates on
average parking duration, turnover, and accumulation.

Survey Personnel Requirements

The number of survey personnel required for the study is dependent on the number of
parking slots that will be observed. It is estimated that one observer can cover around 30
parking slots within the 15-minute interval of license plate checks, as long as the parking
slots are within the same block.

Survey Procedures
Parking surveys are normally undertaken for one day per “bottleneck” area, if so decided,
and would last from 7:00 to 19:00. Observation and recording will be conducted every 15

Roadside areas used for parking along both sides of the streets will be delineated into
individual parking slots. Arbitrary markings and slot numbers will be made to define each
individual parking slot and these will serve as guides for the surveyors. he dimensions that
can be used for reference for a space is 2.5 meters wide by 5 meters long for cars and
small vans. Trucks would take up to two car spaces. Sampling is at 100% for the assigned

At the time of observation, any vehicle seen parked within a particular slot would have its
license plate number recorded on field survey sheets, including the identification number
of the parking slot. Observations will be made every fifteen (15) minutes (or shorter, if
decided), for the whole survey period.

Each observer will be assigned to observe a fixed set of parking slots. At the start of the
survey, the license plate of each vehicle will be recorded together with the particular slot it
occupied. Checks will be conducted generally at 15-minute intervals. This is based on the
assumption that the ‘parker’ would use, at the minimum, 15 minutes of the parking slot.
In cases wherein there is a possibility of shorter duration, the observer would make
continuous rounds of the parking slots being observed. For each round of checking, the
observer would note if there was a change in the license plate of the vehicle first observed
at each slot. If the same license plate was observed, a check mark was recorded on the

SSTRIMM Traffic Management Manual I -39

Part I Problem Identification and Data Gathering

field sheet for the particular slot and time period. If the license plate was not identical
with the number previously recorded, the new license plate was recorded on the field
sheet for the particular slot and time period.

Data Processing
The raw field data will be summarized by encoding them into computer files, from the
duration of each vehicle parking, as well as the cumulative number of vehicles entering
and leaving the entire parking area were generated.

Data Presentation
Parking data is summarized in terms of parking accumulation and parking duration.

Parking Accumulation
Parking accumulation is defined as the number of vehicles parked at any
given moment using the parking facility. It gives an indication of the time
(hourly) variation of the fluctuation of the demand for parking. The
planning of parking facilities, and to some extent land uses, can be carried
out more efficiently with enough information regarding the time variation
of parking demand. In some areas, particularly where space for parking is
difficult, shared parking becomes a viable alternative, so that different
building uses will create parking demand that is more or less level through
the day and night.

Parking accumulation is used to evaluate the peak level of parking demand

and when this occurs during the day. From the variation, the peak period
of parking demand for that particular facility can be identified.

Parking Duration
One characteristic of parking usage is the duration of time of the demand
for parking facility usage. In certain areas, particularly busy commercial
areas, a large number of parking users generate a high level of demand for
usually limited available parking stalls. As such, there arises a need to
restrict the duration of parking, so that more users can be able to share the
limited supply. Certain areas in some countries implement time
restrictions, wherein a violator of maximum limits are correspondingly
cited and penalized. In some business districts, a number of parking
facilities restrict access with respect to time of day, e.g. a parking facility
for a commercial center opens late in the morning after the peak hour so
as not to be used by office workers in nearby buildings.

Figure 1.5-13 shows a Parking Accumulation Summary Chart, while Figure 1.5-14 shows a
Parking Duration histogram.

SSTRIMM Traffic Management Manual I -40

Part I Problem Identification and Data Gathering

Figure 1.5-13 Parking Accumulation Summary Chart

Parking Accumulation
Station Code: PG-03 Date of Survey: Thu 07 Jun 2001
Location: A. Mabini Time of Survey: 7:00-19:00

Slots Slots
Time Period Time Period
Total Total
Total Slots 10 Total Slots 10
6:00 6:15 0 13:00 13:15 4 4
6:15 6:30 0 13:15 13:30 4 4
6:30 6:45 0 13:30 13:45 4 4
6:45 7:00 0 13:45 14:00 4 4
7:00 7:15 6 6 14:00 14:15 4 4
7:15 7:30 6 6 14:15 14:30 4 4
7:30 7:45 6 6 14:30 14:45 4 4
7:45 8:00 6 6 14:45 15:00 6 6
8:00 8:15 6 6 15:00 15:15 5 5
8:15 8:30 6 6 15:15 15:30 3 3
8:30 8:45 6 6 15:30 15:45 3 3
8:45 9:00 6 6 15:45 16:00 4 4
9:00 9:15 6 6 16:00 16:15 5 5
9:15 9:30 5 5 16:15 16:30 5 5
9:30 9:45 6 6 16:30 16:45 6 6
9:45 10:00 5 5 16:45 17:00 5 5
10:00 10:15 5 5 17:00 17:15 5 5
10:15 10:30 6 6 17:15 17:30 6 6
10:30 10:45 6 6 17:30 17:45 6 6
10:45 11:00 6 6 17:45 18:00 6 6
11:00 11:15 7 7 18:00 18:15 5 5
11:15 11:30 7 7 18:15 18:30 5 5
11:30 11:45 7 7 18:30 18:45 5 5
11:45 12:00 6 6 18:45 19:00 4 4
12:00 12:15 5 5 19:00 19:15 4 4
12:15 12:30 5 5 19:15 19:30 0
12:30 12:45 5 5 19:30 19:45 0
12:45 13:00 5 5 19:45 20:00 0

Capacity 10 10

Parking Accumulation



6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00

Total Accumulation Total Slots

SSTRIMM Traffic Management Manual I -41

Part I Problem Identification and Data Gathering

Figure 1.5-14 Parking Duration Histogram
















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Part I Problem Identification and Data Gathering

1.5.7 Other Surveys

Other surveys may be undertaken depending on the need of the particular area.
Perception surveys and interviews of transport passengers and residents of the area
regarding the traffic and transport problems in their respective communities, may be
conducted where necessary. A minimum of 50 samples for each location is recommended.

This kind of focus discussion survey is ideal in evaluating results of traffic experiments or
improvement schemes – as it can provide information before and after the intervention.

SSTRIMM Traffic Management Manual I -43

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