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Atlas Copco Exploration Products

Diamec™ core drilling rigs

Diamec core drilling rigs
– the latest in exploration technology

Atlas Copco is probably the most experienced core drilling company

on the market today. Our expertise and innovative solutions
have helped companies worldwide to mine profitably. Today, it’s
becoming more and more viable to drill deeper for minerals, and
with it the need to find ore with a minimum of excavation. That’s
why drilling deeper and larger exploration holes with bigger core
samples is enjoying a surge in popularity. The Diamec™ range of
drill rigs offers just the user-friendly solutions needed, along with
the latest in exploration technology and productivity.

At home above or below ground Meeting customer needs

The compact size of the Diamec rigs The Diamec range of core drill rigs
enables them to move in tight spaces can be operated in a multitude of
with minimum disturbance. This applications. They can be used above
makes them ideal for underground or below ground, in traditional core
exploration. But it’s the modularized drilling and in special applications
system of rig, power unit, flushing such as salt mines or even coal mines.
pumps and control podium that also And thanks to the choice of feed
makes these rigs popular in surface frames and rotation units the rig can
operations. Moving the rigs to be adapted to customers needs.
isolated sites is much easier.

A comprehensive range
of exploration rigs
The Diamec range comprises five
exploration rigs. The smallest, the
Diamec 232, is designed for short
holes up to 120 m deep. The latest
edition is the Diamec U4 for drilling
holes up to 500 m. The Diamec U6 is
available in two versions – a standard
version and a deep hole version for
holes up to 1 000 m. Finally, you’ll
find the Diamec U8 for holes up to
2 000 m deep at the top of the range.
Moving into position
While it’s easy set up these rigs and
move them into place with the stan-
dard skid-chassis, the unique optional
Atlas Copco crawler system makes
light work of the larger rigs. This
powered crawler moves the rig into
place without the aid of any other
vehicle. And all the modules are
mounted on-board, keeping dirt and
dust at bay.

Drill in any direction

As the size and height of drill sites
vary, Diamec rigs are equipped
with standard feed frames of 1 800 mm,
while a short version of 850 mm is
available for tighter sites. Whether
you want to drill vertically upwards,
downwards or horizontally, Diamec
rigs solve your problem. With just one
operator at the controls, the unique rigs, the Automatic Performance
positioner arm moves the feeder frame Control system (APC) helps increase
to the angle of your choice, facilitating drilling productivity. Thanks to APC,
a new drilling position quickly and all the operator needs to do is set the
easily. drilling parameters – the rest is done
automatically. This unique option
Making work easier means maximum rig performance and
At Atlas Copco we make our rigs as service life of the in-the-hole, (ITH)
user-friendly as possible. Based on our equipment – and more time to work,
experience of underground drifting for example, with the core samples.

Diamec range

2 000
Drilling depth, vertical down (m)

1 800
1 600
1 400
1 200
1 000
800 B*
400 N*
Diamec 232 Diamec U4 Diamec U6 Diamec U6 Diamec U8
standard deep hole

* Hole dimensions; DCDMA std

Diamec 232 – tried and tested

Basic data
Max depth 120 m (400 ft) (A)
Diameter 50 mm (2")
Max speed 2 200 rpm
Max torque 250 Nm (180 lbf ft)
Feed force 20 kN (4 500 lbf)
Pull force 15 kN (3 400 lbf)
Feed length 850 mm (331/2")

Flush pump Trido 45
Power unit* PU 20E or PU 20D

* Electric (E) or diesel (D)

The smallest member of the range is

Diamec 232 – a tried and tested rug-
ged model that’s ideal for short hole
core drilling. The A-size ITH tools
facilitate holes up to 120 m in depth
with excellent core quality. The
standard skid allows the rig to be
moved with a minimum of effort –
and without disturbing other opera-
tions in the mine.
Diamec U4 – the latest member of the range

Basic data
Max depth 500 m (1 650 ft) (A)
Diameter 78 mm (3 1/16")
Max speed* 1 800 rpm
Max torque* 660 Nm (490 lbf ft)
Feed/Pull force 52 kN (11 700 lbf)
Feed lengths 850 mm (331/2") or 1 800 mm (70")

Flush pump Trido 80
Power unit** PU 45E or PU 40DT

Hydraulic control systems

- Direct hydraulic control
- APC, Automatic performance control

* Also available as high torque

** Electric (E) or diesel (DT)

Diamec U4, our most recent addition

to the range, is based on the tried
and tested Diamec U6 rig. It’s very
compact and powerful for its size
and easy to set up. Ideal for both
underground and surface drilling, it
can be equipped with a long or short
feed frame and wire line equipment.
The push-equals-pull feed cylinder
also allows for maximum capac-
ity uphole and downhole drilling.
Diamec U4 is ideal for both con-
ventional and wire line drilling and
using A-sized ITH tools it reaches as
deep as 500 meters.

Diamec U6 and U6DH – reaching down to 1 000 m

Basic data
U6 Standard U6DH (deep hole)
Max depth 960 m (3 200 ft) (A) 1 000 m (3 300 ft) (B)
Diameter 100 mm (4") 100 mm (4")
Max speed* 1 800 rpm 1 400 rpm
Max torque* 700 Nm (515 lbf ft) 1 375 Nm (1 020 lbf ft)
Feed/Pull force 65 kN (14 600 lbf) 89 kN (20 000 lbf)
Feed lengths 850 mm (331/2") 1 800 mm (70")
or 1 800 mm (70”)

Flush pump Trido 80 Trido 140
Power unit** PU 55E or PU 100DT PU 75E or PU 100DT

Hydraulic control systems

- PHC, Pilot hydraulic control
- APC, Automatic performance control

* Also available as high torque

** Electric (E) or diesel (DT)

Diamec U6 is a truly flexible explora- of control systems. This powerful

tion rig, drilling up to 1 000 m with and compact rig has become very
both A-size and B-size ITH tools. popular amongst those wanting to
(The later, thanks to the Diamec drill deep and large holes.
U6DH’s more powerful feed cylinder.)
The unique positioner allows you
They are both at home in under- to move the feed frame through
ground and surface exploration. 180°. The operator won’t need any
There’s also a wide choice of help setting up the right drilling
equipment available, including angle – be it vertical, horizontal or in
two feed frames, four rotation units, between.
two chassis models and two types
Diamec U8 – topping the range at 2 000 m

Basic data
Max depth 2 000 m (6 600 ft) (B)
Diameter 100 mm (4")
Max speed 1 200 rpm
Max torque 2 300 Nm (1 630 lbf ft)
Feed/Pull force 133 kN (29 000 lbf)
Feed lengths 1 800 mm (70")

Flush pump Trido 140
Power unit* PU 110E or PU 160DT

Hydraulic control systems

- PHC, Pilot hydraulic control
- APC, Automatic performance control

* Electric (E) or diesel (DT)

The Diamec U8 is a true deep hole Frequently operating for weeks

exploration rig. It’s quite simply on end with the same bore hole,
the most powerful exploration rig it’s imperative that the rig keeps
for its size on the market today. running efficiently. Here’s where
At home both above and below the Automatic Performance System
ground, the Diamec U8 can drill (APC)* comes into its own. All the
up to 2 000 m. operator needs to do is set the drill-
ing parameters and the APC* takes
care of the rest. No other surface
core drill rig can offer this level of

*optional equipment

Automatic Performance Control (APC)
– a computerized rig supervisor

Every rig owner’s aim is to drill as fast

as possible, at the lowest possible cost.
That’s why Atlas Copco developed
the Automatic Performance Control
system. In fact, the optional APC is
rapidly transforming U4, U6 and U8
Diamec rigs into the one-man
operation you’ve been looking for!

Your drilling supervisor core samples or carry out other main-

With APC, the drilling operation tenance work. APC provides efficient
is supervised by a computer. Once rod handling, improved bit life, less
you’ve entered the key parameters, core blockage and minimum deviation.
the APC computer assumes control in Not to mention fewer human errors.
order to maintain a constant penetra-
tion rate. The system reacts instantly to Touch screen computer
the slightest change in rock formation, APC uses the latest in computer tech-
adjusting feed force, or torque accord- nology. Based on Atlas Copco’s field-
ingly. It can even shut down the rig proven RCS-technology, APC is the
if necessary. most user-friendly and efficient system
on the market today. All relevant infor-
A real one-man operation mation is displayed on a touch screen
Whether it’s a Diamec U4, U6 or U8, that enables the selection of the right
one operator on the job is enough. In parameters. There’s a separate menu
fact, this system is so user-friendly for drilling, rod running and wire line
that both experienced and less experi- operation. What’s more, there’s a built All the operating data is saved and
enced drillers can get the best out of a -in operator’s manual and – if need be diagnosed, or can be downloaded onto
Diamec rig. And while the rig handles – a manual override. a USB memory stick for future analy-
the drilling, the operator can check the sis by external computers.
Unique features that make the difference*

Feed frame Rotation unit Rodholder

Feed frame always clamped in place when the rig is drilling from +90° to -90° angles.
The feed frame is the backbone of the shutdown. This extremely reliable hold- And the Atlas Copco patented hydraulic
drill rig. This robust system uses a er has a seal life of 1 000 000 cycles chuck with quick-change jaws facili-
direct feed cylinder with “push-equals- and is easily serviced or replaced. tates both superior rod grip and fast
pull” characteristics. This means the For extra safety, the gas pressure is rod changes.
rig can drill uphole just as easily as monitored from the rig’s control panel.
downhole while having better con- Furthermore, as it features fewer parts Flush pumps
trol of the drilling process. It also than competing systems, you’re looking Atlas Copco opts for Trido flush
facilitates rod handling. There are no at a lot less maintenance. pumps for Diamec rigs. These robust,
chains, sprockets or shafts that need well-dimensioned pumps make sure
adjusting and self-centering slide shoes Rotation unit the right amount of water is pumped
ensure straighter holes. These units are the muscles of the rig. into the hole at the right pressure.
Depending on the size and application It also facilitates cuttings removal,
To up safety, the feed frame is of the rigs, there’s a unit to fit the job. cooling and stabilization of the hole.
equipped with a special guard that pre- Each model is designed with oversized Diesel, hydraulic and electrically pow-
vents anything from getting in the way bearings to increase reliability. The ered models available - depending on
of the moving parts. gear case is thoroughly sealed to handle your needs.

Rod holder
Placed at the base of the feed frame,
the rod holder uses the latest in gas
spring technology. A gas cartridge
ensures high clamping force while the
machine’s hydraulics open the holder.
This safety measure means the rod is

* for Diamec U4, U6 and U8 models only Flush pump

Positioner Easily adjusted from -90° to +90° thanks to the positoner

Positioner Sustainable, safe and user-friendly

Only available on the Diamec U4 Atlas Copco is committed to environ-
and U6, this unique positioner sys- mental sustainability. This has been
tem facilitates movement of the feed shown in our efforts over the years to
frame through 180°. With the aid of make core drill rigs and equipment as
levers, the synchronized dual hydrau- safe and user-friendly as possible with-
lic cylinders move the feed frame from out causing detrimental effects on the
vertically downwards all the way up environment. In fact, today we surpass
to vertically upwards – and there’s no the rigorous standards laid down by
need to move the wire line winch. This the European safety organization, CE.
ingenious device ensures exact lining For example all our rigs are equipped
up to existing holes. with a feed frame guard as standard
that helps to minimize the risk of acci-
A turntable is also available for easier dents for the operator.
horizontal adjustment on the Diamec
U4 and U6 models.

Power units
Atlas Copco offers electrical or diesel
driven power units, depending upon
the type of site. In general, Diamec
rigs use a dual hydraulic pump system,
a main pump and a service pump.
These two pumps split the supply of
power to the various hydrualic units
thus optimizing performance. They
are also generously dimensioned.
The Diamec U8 is equipped with
a triple-pump power unit. Power unit
In-the-hole tools for efficient production

Atlas Copco is one of the largest suppliers of

in-the-hole tools on the market today. With more
than 100 years of experience in diamond core drill-
ing, we boast one of the best selections of top qual-
ity diamond core bits, core barrels and drill rods.

Diamond drill bits Core barrels

Atlas Copco has dedicated years to Retrieving superior core samples is the
developing and manufacturing explo- very essence of the drilling operation.
ration core bit designs (we were first That’s why we have a full range of
with the impregnated diamond bit). In wire line and conventional core barrels
fact, we’re confident our broad range in the most commonly used designs.
of tried and tested bit designs will
meet your needs – irrespective of rock Exploration drill rods
conditions. Our standard conventional friction
welded and wire line drill rods are
We offer impregnated diamond bits; manufactured from high quality steel.
surface set bits; tungsten carbide or This ensures excellent abrasive resist-
TC bits and PDC or poly-crystalline ance and long service life.
diamond composite bits.
Lightweight composite and aluminum
These are available from sizes A to S drill rod systems are also available for
(46-146 mm in diameter) and operate deep hole conventional core drilling.
in everything from soft, unconsoli-
dated to extremely hard and abrasive
rock conditions.

Atlas Copco Geotechnical Drilling and Exploration
© Copyright 2008, Atlas Copco Craelius AB, Märsta, Sweden. Any unauthorized use or copying of the contents or any part thereof is prohibited. This applies in
6991 1517 01a Märsta, Sweden, January, 2008 particular to trademarks, model denominations, part numbers and drawings. Illustrations and photos in this brochure may show equipment with optional extras.
Specifications and equipment subjects to change without notice. Consult your Atlas Copco Customer Center for specific information.

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