Sumber :
AutoCAD 2D Tutorial
Chapter 1
AutoCAD 2D Tutorial
AutoCAD 2D Tutorial
The graphics screen and the text screen are two different screens
available in the drawing editor.
Be sure the Model Tab is highlighted at the bottom of the drawing window.
“Layouts” will be covered in a later session.
The Cursor must be in the drawing window in order to select objects.
Maximize the AutoCAD windows to be full screen. This will make the
drawings bigger and easier to read.
Use ALT + TAB to move between Windows applications.
AutoCAD 2D Tutorial
1.3 Cursor
Controls the size of the crosshair. The allowable range is from 1 to 100
percent of the total screen. At 100% the ends of the crosshair are never
visible. When the size is decreased to 99% or below, the crosshairs
have a finite size, and the crosshairs’ ends are visible when moved to
the edge of the graphics area. The default size is 5%.
AutoCAD 2D Tutorial
AutoCAD 2D Tutorial
AutoCAD 2D Tutorial
1.6 Toolbars
Toolbars can be docked on the screen or they can float about the screen.
To Float a Toolbar:
1. Choose the gray border surrounding each tool.
2. Drag the toolbar to any area on the screen.
To Dock a Toolbar:
1. Choose the title or gray border of the toolbar.
2. Drag the toolbar to the top, bottom, left, or right area of the
graphics display.
-Holding the CTRL key while dragging will prevent docking.
-Toolbars are often a faster way of accessing a command.
-Clicking on an icon with the right mouse button will show a list of all
available toolbars.
AutoCAD 2D Tutorial
Help Tooltips
1. Move The mouse to the toolbar but do not pick the button.
Loading Toolbars
1. Choose View, Toolbar...
2. Type TOOLBAR at the command prompt
Command: TOOLBAR
3. Choose the desired toolbar to load.
AutoCAD 2D Tutorial
Status Bar
• Right click on the status bar to see the options.
AutoCAD 2D Tutorial
2. Type the command’s alias.
Command: L
3. Press ENTER.
Many AutoCAD commands require you to press ENTER to complete the
command. You know you are no longer in an AutoCAD command when
you see a blank command line.
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Tip : Reissuing the Last Command
The last used AutoCAD command can be re-entered by one of the
following three methods of ENTER. The ENTER key on the keyboard will
always act as ENTER, the SPACEBAR and RIGHT MOUSE will act as
enter most of the time (exceptions include placing TEXT).
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• SHIFT + the right mouse button brings up the object snap menus.
• Various screen locations for the mouse brings up different menus.
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Reverses the effects of a single UNDO or U command.
1. Choose Edit, Redo.
2. Click the Redo icon.
3. Type REDO at the command prompt to redo the
last undo command.
Command: REDO
-UNDO has no effect on some commands and system variables, including
those that open, close, or save a window or a drawing, display
information, change the graphics display, regenerate the drawing, or
export the drawing in a different format.
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1.12 On-Line Help
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Chapter 2
Introduction to
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-Preview shows a bitmap image of the drawing selected. This image is the
view that was last saved in the drawing. It will not show a preview of
drawings saved before R13 AutoCAD.
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New drawings can also be created from Template Files.
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3. Press ENTER
Clicking the dropdown list for File type changes the format that the
drawing can be saved in.
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Quick Save
The QSAVE command is equivalent to clicking Save on the File menu.
If the drawing is named, AutoCAD saves the drawing using the file format
specified on the Open and Save tab of the Options dialog box and does
not request a file name. If the drawing is unnamed, AutoCAD displays the
Save Drawing As dialog box (see SAVEAS) and saves the drawing with
the file name and format you specify.
1. Press CTRL + S.
2. Click the Save icon.
3. Type QSAVE at the command prompt,
Drawings can be saved as different versions of AutoCAD (e.g. R13, R14,
R 2000, etc.)
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2.4 File Safety Precautions
AutoCAD automatically saves information in .SV$ files; however, users
should save their drawings to .DWG files every 10 minutes. A value of
zero (0) disables autosave.
Temporary Files
These files have the extensions .ac$ (temporary drawing file).
After a system failure, if you are on a network, you should not delete
temporary files until you have verified that they are not part of an active
editing session.
Other temporary files may be left in the drawing directory or the temporary
file directory.
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Security Options
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2.5 Exiting AutoCAD
1. Choose File, Exit.
2. Type QUIT at the command prompt.
Command: QUIT
3. Press ENTER
4. Click Yes to save changes or No to discard changes.
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Chapter 3
Draw Commands
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• You can continue the previous line or arc by responding to
the From point: prompt with a space or ENTER.
• Choose the right mouse button for the line pop-up menu to
appear while in the line command
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AutoCAD provides the user with an infinite two dimensional area to work
with. Any entities place on the working two dimensional plane can be
defined relative to the Cartesian coordinate system.
The Cartesian coordinate system divides a two dimensional plane with two
perpendicular axis. The X axis runs horizontal across the bottom of the
screen. The Y axis runs vertically along the left side of the screen. These
two axis intersect at the bottom left corner of the screen.
Each of these axis is further divided into segments. Each segment is given
a value. The X axis segments increase in value to the right. The positive X
values are to the right of the intersection of the two axis. The negative X
values are to the left. The positive Y values are above the intersection
and increase up. The negative Y values are below.
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Absolute Coordinates
1. Type x,y coordinate when AutoCAD asks for a point.
From point: 1,1
To point: 2,1
To point: 2,2
To point: 1,2
To point: 1,1
Relative Coordinates
1. Type @deltax,deltay when AutoCAD asks for a point.
From point pick point
To point: @1,0
To point: @0,1
To point: @-1,0
To point: @0,-1
Polar Coordinates
1. Type @distance<angle when AutoCAD asks for a point.
From point: pick point
To point:@1<0
To point:@1<90
To point:@1<180
To point:@1<270
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When Dynamic Input is on, tooltips display information near the cursor that is
dynamically updated as the cursor moves. When a command is active, the
tooltips provide a place for user entry.
2. Press F12
Tip: Right-click Dyn and click Settings to control what is displayed by each
component when Dynamic Input is on.
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3.4 Orthogonal Lines
Controls lines from being drawn at various angles to straight lines. When
the snap grid is rotated, ortho mode rotates accordingly.
Line drawn
Line drawn with
with ORTHO
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3.6 Circles
Circle Command
Circle, Center Radius
1. Choose Draw, Circle.
2. Click the Circle icon.
3. Type CIRCLE at the command prompt.
Command: CIRCLE
Circle, Center Diameter
4. Type One of the following options:
3P/2P/TTR/<<center point>>:
5. Pick A center point.
6. Type A radius or diameter.
7. Pick A radius or diameter Circle, Tangent, Tangent Radius
- To create circles that are the same size, press
ENTER when asked for the circle radius.
- When selecting a circle with a pickbox, be sure Circle, Tangent, Tangent, Tangent
to select the circumference of the circle.
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-Except for 3 point arcs, arcs are drawn in a COUNTERCLOCKWISE
- While in the arc command, press the right mouse button to select the
following options for arcs:
Arc Examples
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Chapter 4
Erase and Selection Sets
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objects with
• If the cursor is not touching an object, AutoCAD will create a crossing or
window selection as defined on the following pages.
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Objects within or Crossing a window.
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All entities within the boundaries of a
polygon created by inputted points.
All entities within or touching the
boundaries of a polygon created by input.
Objects that are crossed by a temporary line.
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4.3 OOPS
Reinserts the last erased set of objects or block even if it was not the last
command issued. Otherwise Oops acts like UNDO.
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Chapter 5
Basic Display Commands
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5.1 ZOOM
-While in the ZOOM command, click with the right mouse button to see
the menu to the right.
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5.2 PAN
Command: PAN or P
- While in the PAN command, click with the right mouse button to see the
following menu.
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TIP: When BLIPMODE is on, marker blips left by editing commands are
removed from the current viewport
5.4 Blipmode
Controls the display of marker blips. When Blip mode is on, a temporary
mark in the shape of a plus sign (+) appears where points are specified.
BLIPMODE is off by default.
1. Type BLIPMODE at the command prompt.
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Chapter 6
Drawing Aids
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Click with the right mouse button on the SNAP option from the status bar
as a shortcut to changing the snap settings.
SNAP Angle
1. Choose Tools, Drafting Settings...
2. Type DDSETTINGS at the command prompt.
4. Type SNAP at the command prompt.
Command: SNAP or SN
5. Type One of the following options:
Snap spacing or ON/OFF/Aspect/Rotate/
Style<1000>: R
Lines drawn
with a cursor at
45 degree
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Set the GRID spacing to zero (0) to match the SNAP settings.
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Chapter 7
Object Snapping
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2. Click one of the object snaps located Object Snap
toolbar icon.
3. Type The object snap at the prompt line.
Command: Line
From pt: ENDP
To pt: MID
To pt: CEN
Case by Case objects snaps will override running mode object snaps
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QUAdrant Quadrant point on an Arc/Circle
QUIck Quick mode (first find, not closest)
TANgent Tangent to Arc or Circle
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7.4 Aperture
Controls the size and appearance of the pickbox used for object snap
1. Type APERTURE at the command prompt
2. Type The size of the target box ( 3-8 is a good size)
Size of target box in pixels (1-50): (number)
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Chapter 8
Setting Up a Drawing
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Measuring Distances 8.2
Be sure to use Object Snaps with the MEASURE command.
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Calculating Areas 8.3
Be sure to use Object Snaps with the MEASURE command
To subtract an area, you must first be in “add” mode to add the first area.
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3. Press CTRL + 8.
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ID Command 8.5
1. Choose Edit, Inquiry, Locate Point.
Command: ID
AutoCAD returns the X,Y, and Z coordinates as well as making this the
last point entered in the drawing (to move relative from)
Be sure to use Object Snaps with the ID command.
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Drawing with lower left limit of 0,0 and upper right limit of
You can also pick points to define the limits.
The limcheck variable controls whether or not you can draw outside the
limits that are set. A setting of 0 (off) indicates that you can draw outside
the limits and a setting of 1(on) indicates that you cannot.
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Decide Border (Paper) Size
Decide the Scale Factor for Object which is at least 212’, 212’. To do this,
multiply the scale factor x paper size. (i.e.: 1/16”=1’-0’ has scale factor
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Set Drawing Limits
96 (1/2 scale)
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8.9 Scalelistedit Command
Controls the list of scales available for layout viewports, page layouts, and
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Chapter 9
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4. Press CTRL + P
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1. Click OK.
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4. Choose My Computer.
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Choosing a Plotter Driver
6. Choose one of the Autodesk Plotter options.
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Define a Port
2. Choose an available port.
NOTE: You can plot to a specific file name or
“Autospool” to a file which can be
automatically sent to the plotter at a later date.
3. Choose Next >
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There are two plot style types: color-dependent and named. A drawing
can only use one type of plot style table . You can convert a plot style table
from one type to the other. You can also change the type of plot style table
a drawing uses once it has been set.
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2. Click Next>
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Named Plot Styles 9.6
1. Choose File, Plot Style Manager.
2. Double-Click Add a Plot Style Table Wizard icon.
3. Click Next >
4. Choose Start from Scratch to create a new Plot Style.
5. Click Next >
6. Choose Named Plot Style Table
7. Click Next >
1. Type a name for the plot style table.
2. Click Next>
3. Choose “Plot Style Table Editor...”
4. Create names for various styles.
5. Choose Save and Close.
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Chapter 10
Edit Commands
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To move an object a specified distance, type a distance at the second
point of displacement prompt: @1<0
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• To copy many objects in the same copy command, type M for Multiple at
the “Base point or displacement/Multiple” option.
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AutoCAD requires that objects be selected in order to be processed. The
Select Objects prompt occurs after many commands, including the
SELECT command itself.
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Offset Through Point
To offset through point :
1. Type OFFSET at the command prompt
Command: OFFSET
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1. Choose Modify, Extend.
2. Click the Extend icon.
3. Type EXTEND at the command prompt
Command: EXTEND
Select boundary edge(s)...
4. Pick The BOUNDARY edge to extend to
Select objects: (select)
5. Press ENTER to accept the boundary edge
Select objects: (press enter)
6. Pick The objects to extend
<Select object to extend> / Project /
Edge / Undo: Select an object, enter
an option, or press enter : (select)
7. Press ENTER when you are done choosing objects
Lines Extended
to an Arc
(Arc is boundary edge)
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TRIM 10.6
The TRIM command allows you to trim objects in a drawing so they end
precisely at a cutting edge defined by one or more other objects in the
1. Choose Modify, Trim.
2. Click the Trim icon.
3. Type TRIM at the command prompt
Command: TRIM
Select cutting edge(s)...
4. Pick The CUTTING edge to extend to
Select objects: (select)
5. Press ENTER to accept the cutting edge
Select objects: (press enter)
6. Pick Objects to trim
Lines Trimmed
to an Arc
(Arc is cutting
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Controls how the TRIM and EXTEND commands determine cutting and
boundary edges.
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Mirror Line
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1. Choose Modify, Rotate.
2. Click the Modify icon.
3. Type ROTATE at the command prompt
Command : ROTATE
4. Pick Objects to rotate:
Select objects:(select)
5. Pick A pivot point to rotate around
Base point: (point)
6. Type A rotation angle<Rotation angle>/ Reference:
7. Pick A rotation angle<Rotation angle>/ Reference: (point)
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Reference Angle Rotation
A positive angle causes counterclockwise rotation, and a negative angle
produces clockwise rotation. If you respond to the last prompt with r, you
can specify the current rotation and the new rotation you want. AutoCAD
You can show AutoCAD the reference angle (by pointing to the two
endpoints of a line to be rotated), and then specify the new angle. You can
specify the new angle by pointing or by dragging the object.
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SCALE 10.9
1. Choose Modify, Scale.
2. Click the Scale icon.
3. Type SCALE at the command prompt
Command: SCALE
Select objects: (select objects)
4. Pick A pivot point to scale about Base point: (point)
5. Type A rotation angle<Scale factor>/Reference:(number)
6. Pick A scale factor<Scale factor>/Reference:
Scale factor/Reference: (points)
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Chapter 11
Text Commands
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Command : DTEXT
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Text Justifications
A Aligns text between two designated endpoints (height and angle are not
requested in this case).
C Centers the text around a specified point.
F Aligns the text between two designated endpoints with a specified height
that varies only in its X scale factor.
M Centers the text both horizontally and vertically around a specified point.
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To replace the font globally in a drawing, type style at the command
prompt and keep the same style name but replace the font file with the
new font. When AutoCAD regenerates, it will replace all text drawn with
that style with the new font.
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MTEXT options:
MTEXT Editor
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Command: DDEDIT or ED
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Spell Check 11.8
1. Choose Tools, Spelling
2. Type SPELL at the command prompt.
Command: SPELL
3. Pick The text to spell check.
Select objects: (pick text)
4. Choose Change or Ignore to modify or accept the spelling
of a word.
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Command: scaletext
TR/ML/MC/MR/BL/BC/BR] <Existing>:
Scaled Text
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Chapter 12
Layers, Linetypes, Colors
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Layers can be set using the command line prompts for layers. To use this,
type –LAYER or -LA at the command prompt
1. Type Command: -LAYER or LA
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Select layer
Select object first
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Making a Layer Current
Match Properties
1. Choose Modify, Match Properties.
2. Click the Match Properties Icon from the Standard
3. Type Command : MATCHPROP or MA
4. Select the object whose properties you want to
copy (1).
5. Select the objects to which you want to apply the
properties (2).
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Layer Previous 12.3
Command: LAYERP
5. Click the Layer Previous icon.
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Layer States 12.4
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Color Command 12.5
1. Choose Format, Color.
These settings ignore the current layer settings for color.
By Layer
If you enter bylayer, new objects assume the color of the layer upon which
they are drawn.
By Block
If you enter byblock, AutoCAD draws new objects in the default color (white
or black, depending on your configuration) until they are grouped into a block.
When the block is inserted in the drawing, the objects in the block inherit the
current setting of the COLOR command.
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Linetypes 12.6
Loading and Changing Linetypes
Command:DDLTYPE or LT
5. Click OK.
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Lineweights 12.7
- The Display Lineweights feature can be turned on/off on the status bar to
show or not show lineweights in the drawing, thus making regenerations
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2. Click the Properties icon.
3. Type DDCHPROP or DDMODIFY at the command prompt.
Command: DDCHPROP (CH) or
4. Pick Objects whose properties you want to change
Pick a window for DDCHPROP, single object
Select objects:(select)
5. Press ENTER to accept objects.
Select objects: (press enter)
6. Choose One of the following properties to change.
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Chapter 13
More Edit Commands
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Break 13.1
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You can also type coordinates instead of picking a
break point. Enter second point (or F for first point):
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Stretch 13.2
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The Stretch command must use a CROSSING window or aCROSSING
POLYGON window.
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Fillet 13.3
• You can also fillet PARALLEL lines as well as PLINES with LINES
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Chamfer 13.4
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Rectangular Array
To draw rectangular array:
1. Choose Modify, Array.
2. Click the Array icon.
3. Type ARRAY at the command prompt. Command : ARRAY
4. Pick Objects to array.
Select objects : (select)
5. Type The number of rows top to bottom. Number of rows(---)
<1>: (number)
6. Type The number of columns left to right. Number of columns
(|||)<1>: (number)
7. Type The unit cell distance between items in each row.
Distance between rows: ( + number=up, -number
8. Type The unit cell distance betweenitems in each column.
Distance between columns:(+number=right, - number
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Unit Cell
Between Rows
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point of
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Lengthen 13.7
2. Type LENGTHEN at the command
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Chapter 14
Advanced Display Commands
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Commands that do not select objects, create new objects, or
end the drawing session usually can be used transparently.
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Expression: 1+1
Numeric operators
() Groups expressions
^ Indicates exponentiation
*,/ Multiplies, divides
+, - Adds, subtracts
Vector operators
() Groups expressions
& Determines the vector product of vectors (as a vector)
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Determines Angles
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Chapter 15
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PLINE options:
Arc Toggles to arc mode and you receive the follow
Line/ Radius /Second Pt/Undo/Width/<endpt of arc>:
Close Closes a polyline as it does in the line command.
Halfwidth Specifies the halfwidth of the next polyline seg ments.
Can be tapered.
Length Specifies the length to be added to the polyline in the
current direction.
Undo Undoes the previous pline segment as with the line
Width Specifies the width of the next polyline segments. Can
be tapered.
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Polyline before
Polyline (line)
after explode
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Use the PEDIT command to pick lines. AutoCAD will ask if you want to turn
these lines into polylines. You can then use the JOIN option under PEDIT to join
additional lines to the polyline.
1. Command: pedit
Select polyline or [Multiple]: pick line
Object selected is not a polyline
Do you want to turn it into one? <Y>
Enter an option [Close/Join/Width/Edit
vertex/Fit/Spline/Decurve/Ltype gen/Undo]: j
• Lines and Arcs must have a common endpoint to join them together.
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Chapter 16
More Draw Commands
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Polygon 16.1
1. Choose Draw, Polygon.
2. Click the Polygonicon.
3. Type Polygon at the command prompt.
Command: POLYGON
4. Type The number of sides for the polygon
Number of sides <default>: number
5. Pick The center of the polygon. Edge/<Center of polygon>:
6. Type E to define the polygon by two edges.
7. Type I or C to place the polygon inside or outside of an
imaginary circle.
Inscribed in circle/Circumscribed about circle (I/C):
Polygon Inscribed in an Polygon drawn with Edge
imaginary circle
Polygon circumscribed
around a n imaginary circle
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Rectangle 16.2
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Spline 16.3
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Spline options:
Object Converts 2D or 3D spline-fit polylines to equivalent
Points Points that define the spline
Close Closes a spline.
Fit Tolerance Allows you to set a tolerance value that creates a
smooth spline.
TIP: Refer to AutoCAD online help topic for more information on spline options.
Editing Splines
1. Choose Modify, Object, Spline.
TIP: Drawings containing splines use less memory and disk space than those
containing spline -fit polylines of similar shape.
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1. Draw a PLINE.
2. Type PEDIT to edit the polyline as a spline.
3. Choose Draw, Spline.
4. Type Object at the command prompt.
5. Click once on the polyline to turn it into a spline.
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Donut 16.5
Donuts are filled rings or solid-filled circles that actually are closed
polylines with width.
1. Choose Draw, Donut.
2. Type Donut at the command prompt.
Command: DONUT
3. Type A value for the inside diameter.
Inside diameter <last>: .5
4. Type A value for the outside diameter.
Outside diameter <last>: 1
5. Pick A point for the center of the donut.
Center of doughnut: (point)
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Ellipse 16.6
Ellipse options:
Axis endpoint 1 Defines the first axis by two specified endpoints. The
angle of the first axis determines the angle of the
ellipse. The first axis can define either the major or
the minor axis of the ellipse.
Axis endpoint 2: <Other axis distance> / Rotation: Specify a point or
enter a distance
Arc Creates an elliptical arc. The angle of the first axis
determines the angle of the elliptical arc. The first
axis can define either the major or the minor axis of
the elliptical arc.
Center Creates the ellipse by a specified center point.
Isocircle Creates an isometric circle in the current isometric
drawing plane.
Rotation The major axis is now treated as the diameter of a
circle that will be rotated a specified amount around
the axis. You enter an angle between 0 and 89.4
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Axis , Eccentricity (Axis Endpoint, Axis Endpoint, Other Axis Distance)
Center, Axis, Axis
Axis Endpoint, Axis Endpoint, Rotation=60
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Multilines 16.7
MLINE Command
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Multiline Justifications
Top Justification
Bottom Justification
Zero Justification
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Multiline Styles
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Editing Multilines
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Creates an infinite line in one direction.
2. Type RAY at the command
Command: RAY
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Chapter 17
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Specifies the method used to hatch objects within the outermost hatch
bound- ary. If there are no internal objects selected, specifying a hatching
style has no effect.
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Origin point
For hatch
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Chapter 18
Boundaries and Regions
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Boundary created
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Chapter 19
Blocks and Attributes
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Insertion point
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command prompt.
Command: -INSERT
point. Insertion
Y scale factor
6. Press ENTER to keep a rotation
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Command: WBLOCK
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Purge 19.5
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2. Click the Edit Attribute icon from the Modify II Toolbar.
3. Type ATTEDIT at the command prompt
Command: ATTEDIT
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Command: BATTMAN
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9. Click Next.
10. Save the file phone.xls
11. Open the template in Excel.
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Chapter 20
Design Center and Tool
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• Blocks with attributes will be prompted as they are inserted into the
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• Be sure the HPSCALE is set before dropping a hatch patterninto a
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AutoCAD 2D Tutorial
A dynamic block has flexibility and intelligence. A dynamic block reference can
easily be changed in a drawing while you work. You can manipulate the
geometry in a dynamic block reference through custom grips or custom
3. Add parameters.
4. Add actions.
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4. Perform an action.
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Chapter 21
Point, Divide, and
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Command : DDPTYPE
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2. Click the Point icon.
3. Type POINT at the command prompt.
Command : POINT
Point (point)
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Divide 21.3
1. Choose Draw, Point, Divide.
Command: DIVIDE
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Number of segments:
8. Type The number of equal segments to divide the
object into<Number of segments>/Block:
TIP: The Block must currently be defined within the drawing. If you answer yes to
the Align block? prompt, the Block will be rotated round its insertion point so
that it is drawn tan- gent to the object being divided.
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Measure 21.4
1. Choose Draw, Point, Measure.
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Chapter 22
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Entity Grips
Grips are the small squares that appear whenobjects are selected with the
crosshairs directly from the command prompt.
Unselected Grip
An unselected grip is one that has not yet been picked with the cursor, but is
an item in the current selection set (it is highlighted).Pick an object to see
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Selected Grip
A selected grip is the grip box that you select with the cursor to define the
base point to edit from. It has a solid filled color and is the grip location
that editing is done from.
Cancelling Grips
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If you use the COPY option with any one of the edit commands, a temporary
auxiliary snap grid is created. To invoke the grid, hold the SHIFT key after
specifying the location of the first copy. AutoCAD then uses the X and Yoffsets
from the originalentity to define the snap, grid, and rotation of the remaining
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Command: DDGRIPS
Enable Grips
Enables the display of grips. AutoCAD stores this setting in the GRIPS
system variable.
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Sets the color of unselected (unfilled) grips. Choosing this button displays the
Select Color dialog box, in which you set the grip color. AutoCAD stores the
color in the GRIPCOLOR system variable.
Sets the color of selected (filled) grips. Choosing this button displays
the Select Color dialog, in which you set the grip color. AutoCAD stores
the color in the GRIPHOT system variable.
Grip Size
Changes the size of grips. To adjust the size of grips, move the slider
box left or right. AutoCAD stores the pixel size (1-255) of the grips in the
GRIPSIZE system variable. Changes the size of grips. To adjust the size
of grips, move the slider box left or right. AutoCAD stores the pixel size
(1-255) of the grips in the GRIPSIZE system variable.
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Chapter 23
External Reference
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AutoCAD 2D Tutorial
-Xref layers cannot be made current the the drawing they are xreferenced into.
- Xrefs can be snapped to.
-Xref entities cannot be individually modified in the current drawing.
-Xrefs can be plotted.
-Xrefs can be detatched from the current drawing and will disappear.
-The current drawing pointer, file and pathname can be changed.
-Xrefs can be re-loaded during the current drawing session.
-Xrefs can be nested.
-Xrefs can be clipped to show parts of the reference files.
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-Each Xref named object is prefixed with the xref drawing name and a pipe
“|” symbol. (i.e. HOUSE|A-WALL for drawing house.dwg and layer a-wall)
-Xref layers cannot be made current the the drawing they are
xreferenced into.
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Defines an xref or block clipping boundary and sets the front or back clipping
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To Bind an Xref:
5. Choose OK.
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The XBIND command is used to bind layers, blocks, linetypes, styles, and
dimstyles of an attached xref without binding the entire xref.
Reference, Bind...
Command: XBIND
Block / Dimstyle / LAyer / LType / Style:
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Detaching Xrefs
Detaches one or more xrefs from your drawing, erasing all instances of
a specified xref and marking the xref definition for deletion from the
symbol table.
Unload an Xref
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Reload an Xref
Marks one or more xrefs for reloading. This option re-reads and displays
the most recently saved version of the drawing.
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Chapter 24
Raster Images
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Image Transparency
Erasing Images
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Chapter 25
Advanced Selection
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Noun/Verb Selection
Adds or removes an object to the selection set when you press SHIFTand
select an object.
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Implied Windowing
Initiates the drawing of a selection window when you select a point outside
an object.
Object Grouping
Selects all objects in a group when you select one object in that group. With
GROUP you can create and name a set of objects for selection.
Associative Hatch
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Groups 25.2
Command: GROUP
6. Pick OK.
Lines in a group
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TIP: AutoCAD puts those object(s) into a selection set. Use the “P” previous
option to select these objects.
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2. Choose the three dots (...) to invoke the filter dialog for layers.
3. Choose the type of filter you would like to use (e.g. layer name =
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AutoCAD point filters allow the user to specify one coordinate, such as the X,
with one pick and a second coordinate, such as the Y, with another pick. The
point filters are .X, .Y, .XY,.XZ and .YZ. Only .X and .Y are used for two
dimensional drawings.
X point filter
Y point filter
Circle center is
placed at the
intersection of
the filters
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Chapter 26
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3. Type DIM at the command prompt.
Command: DIM
Dim: HOR or VER
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3. Type DIM at the command prompt.
Command: DIM
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3. Type DIM at the command prompt.
Command: DIM
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3. Type DIM at the command prompt.
Command: DIM
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3. Type DIM at the command prompt.
Command: DIM
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3. Type DIM at the command prompt.
Command: DIM
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3. Type DIM at the command prompt.
Command: DIM
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Leaders 26.8
1. Choose Dimension, Leader...
2. Click the Leader icon from the Dimension toolbar.
3. Type QLEADER at the command prompt.
Command: QLEADER
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Leader Settings
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3. Type QDIM at the command prompt.
Command: QDIM
4. Pick the objects to dimension.
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TIP: The actual dimension is placed in brackets <>. Text can be placed in
front of or behind these brackets. If text is placed between the brackets, the
dimension loses its associative properties.
Stretching Dimensions
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Chapter 27
Dimension Styles
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All dimension variables except for DIMSHO and DIMASO can be saved as a
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Lines 27.2
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Text 27.4
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Tolerances 27.7
Edits Unit options for tolerances.
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1. Pick the FIT tab from the Dimension Variables and Styles
dialog box.
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DIMTP 0.0000
DIMTSZ 0.0000
DIMTVP 0.0000
DIMTXSTY "Standard"
DIMTXT 0.1800
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Chapter 28
Views and Viewports
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AutoCAD 2D Tutorial
Ddview Command
1. Choose View, Named Views...
2. Click the Named View icon from the View toolbar.
3. Type DDVIEW at the command prompt.
Command: DDVIEW
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AutoCAD 2D Tutorial
View options:
? Lists the named views for this drawing
Delete Deletes the named view
Restore Displays the specified view
Save Attaches a name to the current view of the drawing
Window Attaches a name to specified window
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AutoCAD 2D Tutorial
Viewports 28.3
Vports Command
1. Choose View, Viewports, New Viewports...
2. Choose one of the viewports configurations
3. Click OK.
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AutoCAD 2D Tutorial
Viewport options
New Name Gives a name to a viewport
Restore Restores an original viewport
Delete DEL deletes a viewport
Join Joins two viewports together
SIngle Creates on viewport in the drawing
Viewports can be named and restored later.
AutoCAD plots only the current vport.
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Chapter 29
Model and Paper Space
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Paper Space Layout with One View and Inserted Title Block
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Notice the ucsicon will appear in each of the mviews when you enter model
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Notice the "Paper" in the status line and the pspace icon.
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Chapter 30
Options Menu
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Files 30.1
1. Choose Tools, Options...
2. Click the Files TAB.
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Chapter 31
Drawing Utilities
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AUDIT 31.1
1. Choose File, Drawing Utilities, Audit.
2. Type Audit at the command prompt
Command: AUDIT
3. Type Yes or No to fix any errors
Fix any errors detected? <N>: Y or N
If a drawing contains errors that AUDIT can't fix, use the RECOVER command
to retrieve the drawing and correct its errors.
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Rename 31.3
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Chapter 32
Data Management
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Chapter 33
OLE and External
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AutoCAD 2D Tutorial
Spreadsheets that are imported into AutoCAD drawings with OLE are
limited in size. If your spreadsheet is too large, you can reduce the
column width and row height, reduce the font size, or paste the
spreadsheet in separate parts to break the OLE object into smaller OLE
OLE objects are inserted in an AutoCAD drawing on the current layer.
Turn off or freeze a layer to suppress the display of OLE objects on that
Set the system variable OLEHIDE to display or suppress the display of
all OLE objects in paper space, model space, or both.
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33.2 Hyperlinks
1. Choose Insert, Hyperlink
2. Press CTRL + K
3. Type HYPERLINK at the command prompt
Command: hyperlink
4. Select the object to hyperlink
Select objects: 1 found
5. Choose an option in the hyperlink dialog box.
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Chapter 34
Communication and
Collaboration Tools
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4. Select PNG as the image type for the drawings and Image
Size “Medium” and click Next.
NOTE: If you have the Express Viewer loaded, you
can pick DWF files to view. This will allow you to
zoom and pan the drawings.
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34.5 e-Transmit
1. Type ETRANSIT at the command prompt.
e-Transmit options
.EXE (files are self extracting)
.ZIP (PKZIP or WINZIP is needed to extract files)
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34.6 i-Drop
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Chapter 35
AutoCAD and the World
Wide Web
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Chapter 36
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5. Click Save.
6. Click the dropdown list again and choose Customize…
This will open the Customize User Interface dialog
box where yo u can create custom menus.
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3. Open the CUI file that you created in the earlier section.
4. Type MENU at the command prompt.
Command: MENU
5. Open the CUI file that you created in the earlier section.
6. Type CUI at the command prompt to check that you are
editing your custom menu.
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Chapter 37
External Applications
and LISP Routines
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Chapter 38
CAD Standards
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38.6 Wipeout
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Chapter 39
Slide Shows
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39.2 Scripts
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Chapter 40
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AutoCAD 2D Tutorial
1. Type E L L I P S E a t t h e c o m ma n d p ro m p t .
Com m a n d: ELLIPSE o r EL
Arc/ Ce n t e r/ I s ocircle/<Axis endpo in t 1 >: I Ce n t e r
of circle: <Is o pla n e To p >
<Circle ra diu s>/Di a me t e r:
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