Where It Began: Formation of The Solar System
Where It Began: Formation of The Solar System
Where It Began: Formation of The Solar System
Once the mass has reached its peak size a process called thermonuclear fusion occurs and the
mass ignites and our sun is born. The heat from this process creates what is called solar winds
which "blows" the remaining cloud and debris away and the gravitational pull begins to tug at
the masses that have formed in the remaining part of the cloud. These masses during this process
have also developed their own gravity spin and their gravity pushes at the pull of the sun. As a
result, they begin to rotate in an elliptical course around the sun. This is how they obtained their
current orbit.
Current State of Things
See also: Evolution of the Solar System
Many of the planetary objects discovered in recent years have come from these projects, Spitzer
Space Telescope and Kepler are two fairly recent NASA projects for exploration of our system
and beyond which have found quite a bit of information since their launch. Scientists strive for
the day that manned missions into deeper space is available but until then, they must rely on in
Earth instruments, near Earth instruments, and probes to gain a better understanding of what is
out there.