Hardinge Workholding: Spindle Tooling For Manual & CNC Lathes
Hardinge Workholding: Spindle Tooling For Manual & CNC Lathes
Hardinge Workholding: Spindle Tooling For Manual & CNC Lathes
Spindle Tooling for Manual & CNC Lathes
Pioneers of Spindle Tooling
Value in Workholding
Team up with Hardinge to add value
to your material-cutting processes
and assembly operations. Work with
dedicated sales, design and application
engineers to solve difficult process
problems, or choose your standard
collet or step chuck knowing that quality
and reliability comes with the Hardinge
name. Experience value in longer lasting
products, value in machine uptime, value
in work-piece accuracy and value in your
customer’s satisfaction.
Table of Contents
Hardened, Precision-Machined Collets
The Hardinge Collet is manufactured to exacting standards from special alloy steel.
Threads are heat treated and the body is spring tempered to assure accuracy and
durability at low cost. A wide range of standard sizes and shapes (and some not so
standard) are available for off-the-shelf delivery. 5C decimal collets are available in .001"
increments from .015" up to and including 1.0625". All collets are available in fractional
sizes of round, hexagon and square to capacity. In addition, many round collets are
stocked in metric, decimal, letter and number sizes. Most of the popular sizes of round
serrated, taper hole and rectangular collets are available from stock. Many collets
include precision internal threads for the Hardinge threaded positive stops.
Description Part Number Figure Size Range Special-Accuracy 5C Collets are available.
Special Accuracy 1003-00-00-000000 1 ⁄ " to 11⁄16", Decimal, Metric & Fractional Sizes
1 64
When held in a Hardinge Super-Precision®
Round Fractional 1001-00-19-000000 1 1⁄64" to 11⁄16" inclusive by 1⁄64" increments
spindle, they are guaranteed to have a maxi-
Hexagon Fractional 1001-00-29-000000 1 1⁄16" to 7⁄8" inclusive by 1⁄64" increments
mum TIR of .0002" for 5C round collets, and
Square Fractional 1001-00-39-000000 1 3⁄64" to 3⁄4" inclusive by 1⁄64" increments
.0005" for 16C, 20C and 25C round collets
Round Metric 1001-00-17-000000 1 .5mm to 27mm inclusive by .5mm increments 1 over 3⁄16" (4.76mm) to the collet’s capacity
Round Decimal 1001-00-18-000000 1 .016" to 1.030" inclusive by .001" increments 1
measured 1" from the face of the collet.
Round Serrated Fractional 1001-00-59-000000 1 1⁄4" to 11⁄64" inclusive by 1⁄64" increments 1
NOTE: Round 5C collets above 63⁄64", hex collets 55⁄64" and above, square 5C collets 23⁄32" and over,
5C number collets and letter collets do not have internal threads. For internal threads, see 5C-SC step collets.
Hexagon Fractional 1717-00-29 1⁄8" – 13⁄8" [1⁄16"] 1701-00-29 1⁄4"– 13⁄4" [1⁄16"] 1801-00-29 1⁄2" – 23⁄16" [1⁄16"] 1593-00-29 ⁄ " – 11⁄2" [1⁄16"]
3 16
NOTE: Increments in brackets. 3J Collets 1⁄64" and under are 3 split. 3J Collets over 123⁄32" do not have internal stop threads.
16C Collets 1.615" and over do not have internal stop threads. 16C Collets are four split.
Hardened, Precision-Machined Collets
Standard-Accuracy Sets are available for 5C, 16C, 20C and 25C collets. These sets include our
standard collets attractively priced and packaged in quantities that will outfit your machine nicely.
Walnut box not included with Standard Accuracy Sets - see collet racks on page 27.
Collet Sets
Part Number: Part Number:
Size & Range
Type All Sizes With Internal Stop Above 63⁄64" Have Increment Quantity Accuracy
Threads No Internal Threads
5C – Round Fractional 0901-07-00-000000 0901-00-00-000000 ⁄ "
1 64 65 collets ⁄ " to 11⁄16"
1 16 Standard Accuracy
5C – Round Fractional 0903-07-00-000000 0903-00-00-000000 ⁄ "
1 64 65 collets ⁄ " to 11⁄16"
1 16 Special Accuracy (.0002" TIR)
5C – Round Fractional 0902-07-00-000000 0902-00-00-000000 ⁄ "
1 32 33 collets ⁄ " to 11⁄16"
1 16 Standard Accuracy
5C – Round Fractional 0904-07-00-000000 0904-00-00-000000 1
⁄32" 33 collets 1
⁄16" to 11⁄16" Special Accuracy (.0002" TIR)
5C – Round Metric 0908-07-00-000000 0908-00-00-000000 .5mm 51 collets 2mm to 27mm Standard Accuracy
5C – Round Metric 0909-07-00-000000 0909-00-00-000000 .5mm 51 collets 2mm to 27mm Special Accuracy (.005mm TIR)
16C – Round Fractional 0913-00-00-000000 — 1⁄8" 8 collets 1⁄8" – 11⁄2" Standard Accuracy
16C – Round Fractional 0915-00-19-000000 — 1⁄8" 12 collets 1⁄4"– 15⁄8" Standard Accuracy
16C – Round Fractional 0917-00-19-000000 — 1⁄16" 23 collets 1⁄4" – 15⁄8" Standard Accuracy
20C – Round Fractional 0919-00-19-000000 — 1⁄8"
16 Collets 1⁄8" – 2"
Standard Accuracy
20C – Round Fractional 0921-00-19-000000 — 1⁄16"
31 collets 1⁄8" – 2"
Standard Accuracy
25C – Round Fractional 0925-00-19-000000 — 1⁄16" 33 collets 1⁄2" – 21⁄2" Standard Accuracy
25C – Round Fractional 0923-00-19-000000 — 1⁄8"
17 collets 1⁄2" – 21⁄2"
Standard Accuracy
Emergency Collets
Even with the best of planning, emergencies arise when your tool
room and production departments require a stepped, odd size
or special-shape collet. On such occasions, use the Hardinge®
Emergency Collet. The soft face and pilot hole permit rapid
drilling, boring or stepping out to the exact size required. Pins are
supplied for precision machining. Emergency collets have internal
threads for positive stops.
* Specify 3 or 4 slots
Collets for Grinding Applications
Standard 5C
Spindle Tooling
Spindle Nose
5C LensMaker Collets
Collet Part Number Diameter Depth
5C LM (3 Split) 8277-01-18-005010 .501" ⁄ "
1 16
NOTE: 5C-ST collets have longer bearing surface than standard 5C collets
and do not have internal stop threads.
5C Step Chucks & Closers
Step Chucks are used for accurately holding work up to 6" in diameter.
Castings, moldings, stampings and machined parts are held rigidly and accurately.
Tubing can be held without crushing or distorting. Accurate gripping, the same
as with collets, is yours when you use regular- and extra-depth capacity step
chucks for holding larger diameters.
Regular-Depth Step Chucks are 3⁄8" larger in diameter than the rated size so
the full capacity may be readily applied to a depth of 1⁄2". A regular-depth step
chuck closer is required for each rated size.
Extra-Depth Step Chucks are made so the full rated capacity may be applied
to a depth of 11⁄4". An extra-depth step chuck closer is required for each rated
size. Small closing angles are available on step chucks for non-rotating use.
Step Chuck Closers are required when using step chucks on rotating spindles. Step chuck closers fit directly to the
machine spindle. An inside taper corresponding to that on the step chuck places the closing pressure over the stepped
area of the chuck, resulting in greater gripping power and accuracy. When ordering step chuck closers, specify for taper
or threaded nose for 5C models or A2-4, A2-5, A2-6, A2-8 spindle noses. A step chuck closer is required for each
rated size step chuck. The closer mounts directly on the spindle nose.
5C Regular-Depth Step Chucks and Closers – 1⁄2" / 12.70mm Max. Depth of Stop
Step Chuck
Rated Size Part Number Figure Material Slots Taper Closer2 Threaded Closer2
Closing Angle
Dia. x Depth
2" x 1⁄2" 1389-00-19-0000001 1 Steel 3 Yes 1421-26-00-000000 1421-00-00-000000
3" x 1⁄2" 9-1483-00-00-00000 2 Steel 3 No 1423-26-00-000000 1423-00-00-000000
4" x 1⁄2" 9-1485-00-00-00000 2 Steel 3 No 1425-26-00-000000 1425-00-00-000000
5" x 1⁄2" 9-1487-00-00-00000 2 Steel 3 No 1427-26-00-000000 1427-00-00-000000
6" x 1⁄2" 9-1489-00-00-00000 2 Steel 3 No 1429-26-00-000000 1429-00-00-000000
1 - Available in round sizes 11⁄16" to 2" inclusive by 1⁄16" increments. Spanner Wrench for Step Chuck Closers Part #460-0009189
2 - For Emergency and Hardened, Precision-Machined Step Chucks.
NOTE: Part numbers preceded by a 9 are special order.
1 2
5C Extra-Depth Step Chucks and Closers – 11⁄4" / 31.75mm Max. Depth of Stop
Step Chuck
Rated Size Part Number Material Slots Taper Closer2 Threaded Closer2
Closing Angle
Dia. x Depth
2" x 11⁄4" 1391-00-19-0000001 Steel 3 No 1433-26-00-000000 1433-00-00-000000
3" x 11⁄4" 9-1491-00-00-00000 Steel 3 No 1435-26-00-000000 1435-00-00-000000
4" x 11⁄4" 9-1493-00-00-00000 Steel 3 No 1437-26-00-000000 1437-00-00-000000
5" x 11⁄4" 9-1495-00-00-00000 Steel 3 No 1439-26-00-000000 1439-00-00-000000
6" x 11⁄4" 9-1497-00-00-00000 Steel 3 No 1441-26-00-000000 1441-00-00-000000
1 - Available in round sizes 11⁄8" to 2" inclusive by 1⁄16" increments. Spanner Wrench for Step Chuck Closers Part #460-0009189
2 - For Emergency and Hardened, Precision-Machined Step Chucks
NOTE: Part numbers preceeded by a 9 are special order..
5C Emergency Step Chucks
Emergency Step Chucks are made for those situations where time does not allow for the ordering of a hardened step
chuck. Emergency step chucks are supplied with pin holes and pins in place for precision machining. Pins are located
beyond the maximum rated capacity of the step chuck—this permits stepping the chuck to its full capacity without
cutting into the pins. Pins can be used, removed and saved for additional stepping operations.
Regular-Depth Step Chucks are 3⁄8" larger, while Extra-Depth Step Chucks are 3⁄4" larger in diameter than the rated size
so the full capacity bore may be easily machined. A regular-depth step chuck can be bored to a maximum depth of 1⁄2",
the extra-depth step chuck to a maximum depth of 11⁄4" with 13⁄4" step for the 25C step chuck. A regular- or extra-
depth step chuck closer is required for each rated size.
Hardinge Emergency Step Chucks are not designed to be heat treated by the customer. Step chucks with small closing angles are available for use with stationary
(non-rotating) workholding devices only. All 5C taper and threaded-nose closers are made from cast iron. All other closers are made of steel.
5C Emergency Regular-Depth Step Chucks and Closers – 1⁄2" / 12.70mm Maximum Depth
Step Chuck
Rated Size Part Number Figure Material Slots Taper Closer Threaded Closer
Closing Angle
Dia. x Depth
2" x 1⁄2" 1351-00-10-000000 1 Steel 3 Yes 1421-26-00-000000 1421-00-00-000000
2" x 1⁄2" 1351-25-00-000000 2 Steel — Yes 1421-26-00-000000 1421-00-00-000000
2" x 1⁄2" 1377-00-10-000000 1 Steel 4 Yes 1421-26-00-000000 1421-00-00-000000
3" x 1⁄2" 1353-00-10-000000 1 Steel 3 Yes 1423-26-00-000000 1423-00-00-000000
4" x 1⁄2" 1355-00-10-000000 1 Steel 3 Yes 1425-26-00-000000 1425-00-00-000000
4" x 1⁄2" 1369-00-10-000000 3 Steel 3 No 1425-26-00-000000 1425-00-00-000000
5" x 1⁄2" 1357-00-10-000000 1 Steel 3 Yes 1427-26-00-000000 1427-00-00-000000
5" x 1⁄2" 1371-00-10-000000 3 Steel 3 No 1427-26-00-000000 1427-00-00-000000
6" x 1⁄2" 1359-00-10-000000 1 Steel 3 Yes 1429-26-00-000000 1429-00-00-000000
6" x 1⁄2" 1373-00-10-000000 3 Steel 3 No 1429-26-00-000000 1429-00-00-000000
7" x 1⁄2" 1375-00-10-000000 3 Steel 3 No 1431-26-00-000000 1431-00-00-000000
Replacement Pins Part #7723-00-00-000000. Spanner Wrench for Step Chuck Closers Part #460-0009189.
1 2 3
5C Emergency Extra-Depth Step Chucks and Closers – 11⁄4" / 31.75mm Maximum Depth
Step Chuck
Rated Size Part Number Figure Material Slots Taper Closer Threaded Closer
Closing Angle
Dia. x Depth
2" x 11⁄4" 1379-00-10-000000 1 Steel 3 Yes 1433-26-00-000000 1433-00-00-000000
2" x 11⁄4" 1379-25-00-000000 2 Steel — Yes 1433-26-00-000000 1433-00-00-000000
3" x 11⁄4" 1381-00-10-000000 3 Steel 3 No 1435-26-00-000000 1435-00-00-000000
4" x 11⁄4" 1383-00-10-000000 3 Steel 3 No 1437-26-00-000000 1437-00-00-000000
5" x 11⁄4" 1385-00-10-000000 3 Steel 3 No 1439-26-00-000000 1439-00-00-000000
6" x 11⁄4" 1387-00-10-000000 3 Steel 3 No 1441-26-00-000000 1441-00-00-000000
Replacement Pins Part #7723-00-00-000000. Spanner Wrench for Step Chuck Closers Part #460-0009189.
CAUTION: Closers are required for all rotating step chuck applications. See page 40 for spindle rpm safety information.
1 2 3
A2, 5C Emergency Step Chucks
Hardinge® Emergency Step Chucks used on A2-5 and A2-4 5C spindles have the same criteria as regular step chucks
except the shank is longer. The closers are made of steel.
• The A2-4 Closer is used on the Hardinge QUEST® GT and CHNC 27 Lathe
• The A2-5 Closer is used on the older Hardinge CHNC®-5C and HXL
(A2-5 5C spindle – the same closer used on all A2-5, 16C Spindles)
Because these 5C Step Chucks have a longer shank than standard 5C Step Chucks, they can only be used on Hardinge CONQUEST GT, QUEST GT, CHNC 27, CHNC-5C
and HXL A2-5 5C lathes. A2-4 and A2-5 hardened, precision-machined step chucks are available as special orders.
NOTE: The shank of these step chucks are longer than standard 5C step chucks. Replacement Pins Part #7723-00-00-000000.
Bolts for Closers: A2-4 & A2-5 Part # – MS-0104019 (M10 x 1.5 x 25)
16C/3J Step Chucks & Closers
NOTE: All closers made of steel. Part numbers preceded by a 9 are special order.
CAUTION: Closer required for all rotating step chuck applications.
16C, 20C and 25C Emergency Extra-Depth Step Chucks & Closers (A2-5, A2-6, A2-8)
16C 1-1/4" 20C 1-1/4" 25C 1-3/4" 16C 20C 25C
Rated Size
Step Chuck Step Chuck Step Chuck Figure A2-5 Closer A2-6 Closer A2-6 / A2-8 Closer Figure
Dia. x Depth
Part Number Part Number Part Number Part Number Part Number Part Number
QUEST® Others
2" x 11⁄4" 1281-39-00- — — 3 16-0002682-OC — A2-6 A2-8
3" x 11⁄4" 1241-39-00- 1283-00-00- — 3 16-0002683-OC 20-0002683-OC — — 4
4" x 11⁄4" 1243-39-00- 1285-00-00- 1287-00-00- 3 16-0002684-OC 20-0002684-OC 2995-00- 1443-00- 4
5" x 11⁄4" 1245-39-00- — — 3 16-0002685-OC — — — 4
6" x 11⁄4" 1247-39-00- 1289-00-00- 1293-00-00- 3 16-0002686-OC 20-0002686-OC 2997-00- 1445-00- 4
8" x 11⁄4" OA OA 1447-00-10- 3 OA OA 2999-00- 1449-00- 4
3C/4C Emergency Step Chucks
CAUTION: Closers are required for all rotating step chuck applications. See page 40 for spindle rpm safety information.
1 2 3 4 5
Threaded Closer
Collet Stops
5C/16C Universal Collet Stops
Pusher 1717-66-04-000000
Ringspan Disks 1717-66-08-000000 Ringspan Disk Jam Nuts
1⁄2" - 13 Jam Nut MD 0003182 Set Screw &
Short Stop Rod 1717-66-05-000000 Nylon Plug
Long Stop Rod 1717-66-06-000000 Body
End 1.660"
End Stop 1717-66-07-000000 Stop 42.16mm
O-Ring OR 0002427 Plug
NOTE: Unit is mounted in the draw tube of the collet closer. Nut Pusher Stop Rod O-Ring
Dead-Length® Collet Assemblies
Spring 1165-00-00-000000
Spring Retainer 1163-00-00-000000
Nuts [2] U-0004141-C
Outer Collet 1161-00-10-000000 5DS-71-3
Threaded Stop 3263-00-00-000000
Stop Body 3261-00-00-000000
Emergency Dead-Length Inner1 1159-00-10-000000 5DS-71-1 Under 7⁄8" (22.23) 21⁄8" (53.98) ⁄ " (3.18)
Collet, 1⁄8"
Other Available Collets
Emergency Dead-Length Collet, 1⁄32" 1159-11-00-000000 Under 7⁄8" (22.23) 21⁄8" (53.98) ⁄ " (.79)
1 32
Hardened Collet 1159-00-19-000000 5DS-71-1HG Under 7⁄8" (22.23) 21⁄8" (53.98) Order Size
Solid Stop Assembly 3259-00-00-000000 11-9150
1 - Dead-Length Inner Collet sold separately. NOTE: Millimeters in parentheses. Replacement Pins Part #7721.
and under
Outer Collet Assembly excludes the 1171-02-00-000000
Dead-Length Inner Collet –
Includes parts listed below:
Spring 1187-00-00-000000
Spring Retainer 1189-00-00-000000
Nuts [2] 1185-00-00-000000
Outer Collet 1177-00-00-000000 16DS-80-03
Threaded Stop 1183-02-00-000000
Stop Body 1181-01-00-000000
Emergency Dead-Length Inner Collet 1173-13-00-000000 16DS-80-01
1 - Dead-Length collet sold separately. NOTE: Millimeters in parentheses. Replacement Pins Part Number: 7721.
Dead-Length® Step Chucks
Hardinge® Dead-Length Step Chucks will accommodate larger chucking diameters. Shoulders and faces can be machined to
exact length, regardless of OD variations with the Hardinge Dead-Length Step Chucks. The low-cost step chuck has a soft face
and pilot hole to permit boring to size in the machine spindle for exacting concentricity. The step chuck is pinned to the outer
collet to maintain location and original bored accuracy.
Dead-Length Step Chucks can be used on all machines and attachments with a 5C/16C spindle and draw bar. The outer collet,
solid stop, spring and nut are inter-changeable between the Dead-Length Collet and the Dead-Length 2" Step Chuck.
The complete assembly is a one time purchase; after that, buy the step chuck only.
NOTE: Millimeters in parentheses. Emergency Collets not intended to be heat treated. Hardened, precision-machined collets are available upon application.
To set spring tension, compress coil spring completely by hand, then back off nut one turn.
Dead-Length® Thru-Hole Collets
In use, the outer collet threads directly into the collet closer draw bar. The bar stock is then fed through the collet and
located against the turret-mounted stock stop. As the closer is actuated, the draw bar pulls the outer collet into the
machine spindle, allowing the inner collet to contract and accurately grip the stock. Because the inner collet is spring-
loaded against the spindle face, no end movement is possible.
Hardened, precision-machined or emergency collets can be used as the inner collet. The 5C hardened, precision-
machined collets are available in sizes 1⁄32" to 3⁄4", inclusive by 1⁄32" increments. Over-capacity sizes, available for chucking
work are: 25⁄32", 13⁄16", 27⁄32", and 7⁄8" (cannot be used for bar work). The low-cost emergency inner collet has a soft face
with pins for machining and a 1⁄8" pilot hole to permit boring to size in the machine spindle for exacting concentricity.
The inner collet is keyed to the outer collet to maintain location and original bored accuracy. The pins used for
machining can be saved for stepping out the collet on future jobs.
Buy the complete assembly one time, and then just buy the inner collets when needed. Use in any machine or fixture
with a 5C/16C spindle and collet draw bar.
5C Hardened Precision DL 1159-00-19-000000 ⁄"
34 (19.05) ⁄ " (16.27)
41 64 ⁄ " (13.50)
17 32
16C Emergency Dead-Length 1173-13-00-000000 ⁄ " (3.18)
18 13⁄16" (30.16) 11⁄64" (25.80) ⁄ " (21.03)
53 64
16C Hardened Precision DL 1173-00-19-000000 13⁄16" (30.16) 11⁄64" (25.80) ⁄ " (21.03)
53 64
1 – Dead-Length collet sold separately. 2 – Available in 1⁄32" increments. NOTE: Millimeters in parentheses. Part numbers preceded by 9 are special order.
Dead-Length® Collet Ejector Stops
5C Assembly
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
16C Assembly
Dead-Length® Spider-Stop Step Chuck
The Dead-Length Spider-Stop Step Chuck is designed to handle workpieces larger than the capacity of the Dead-Length
16C Collet or Step Chuck. The spider stop slides through oversize slots in the step chuck and locates against the collet seat
in the machine’s 16C spindle. A stop button screws into the spider stop and can be machined to locate against the reference
location on the workpiece. This system requires a standard extra-depth step chuck closer.
The Spider-Stop Step Chuck has only one moving part — the step chuck. This allows for
much better concentricity than the standard Dead-Length Collet System, even for smaller
diameter workpieces. The Step Chuck is first machined to the chucking diameter of the
workpiece and to a depth to accommodate the stop button. The stop button is machined
to the locating surface of the workpiece. The stop button is assembled. The unit is
mounted into the spindle of the machine that already has the appropriate step chuck closer
mounted. With the collet closer in the open position and the workpiece held against the
stop button, the draw tube is turned until the step chuck just grips the workpiece and then
backed off 1⁄2 a turn. The part should easily load into the step chuck. The collet closer is
locked in this position. With the part firmly located against the stop button, the step chuck
is closed. It is important that the stop button be lightly faced after the unit is mounted in
the spindle to ensure extremely precise perpendicularity with the locating surface.
Initial Order Requires: One 3" or 4" Emergency Dead-Length Step Chuck Assembly and one 3" or 4" Extra-Depth Hardened Step
Chuck Closer.
A Machine Spindle
Spring Spider Stop Fins
Draw Rod
1 B
Spring 3" or 4" 16C Extra-Depth
Adapter Stop Closer
Extra-Depth Emergency Step CROSS SECTION
Style "S" Master Collets & Pads
The Style "S" Master Collet, although originally designed for first
operation machining on multi-spindle automatic screw machines, has
many benefits to the CNC lathe operator. The collet pads can be
changed much quicker than a standard solid collet, the cost is less
and it requires much less storage space. Depending on size, the TIR
for the master collet and pads is .004" to .008".
S12 Master Collet
and Pads The Style "S" Master Collet System with Hardened, Precision
collet pads should not be used for secondary work because of the
system’s large TIR. Some customers are successful using emergency
pads which they bore to size on the machine tool. Choose from soft
emergency or semi-hard emergency pads for longer wear. When
S16, S20, S26 Master the pads are removed from the master collet and then replaced,
Collet and Closer they may again runout excessively. Emergency collets are used again
when re-bored to sizes larger than the original bore.
S12 (16C) 1717-01- 1 — 5603 1.889" (47.98) 4.625" (117.48) 2.265" (57.53) 1.870" x 1.75 11⁄4" (31.75) 11⁄16" (26.99) 7
⁄8" (22.23)
mm RH
S16 (16C) 1717-02- 3 16-0002683-OC 5607 1.889" (47.98) 6.453" (163.91) 3.875" (98.43) 1.870" x 1.75 15⁄8" (41.28) 113⁄32"(35.72) 19⁄64" (28.97)
mm RH
S20 (20C) 1249-00- 3 20-0002683-OC 5609 2.378" (60.33) 8.388" (213.06) 3.750" (95.25) 2.359" / M60 2" (50.80) 123⁄32"(43.66) 113⁄32" (35.72)
x 1.5mm RH
S26 (20C) 3605N as a special 5613 2.378" (60.33) 8.813" (223.85) 4.750" (120.65) 2.359" / M60 25⁄8" (66.68) 217⁄64"(57.55) 127⁄32" (46.83)
x 1.5mm RH
S22 (B65)1 5311-00- 2 — 5611 2.832" (71.93) 4.328" (109.93) 3.603" (91.51) M66 x 1 21⁄4" (57.15) 115⁄16"(49.21) 137⁄64" (40.08)
S26 (25C) 1291-00- 4 1443-00-00-000000 5613 2.930" (74.42) 9.020" (229.11) 4.926" (125.38) 2.871" / M73 25⁄8" (66.68) 217⁄64"(57.55) 127⁄32" (46.83)
x 1.5mm RH
1- Uses Clamp Assembly 7627 (3 ea). NOTE: Millimeters
in parentheses.
1 2 3 4
Internal stop thread is 1.687" x 20 Internal stop thread is 1.687" x 20 RH. S26 Collet & Pads
RH. An extra depth closer is required
Master Expanding Collets
The Hardinge® Super-Precision® Master Expanding Collet is a valuable aid for The master collet is hardened and
close tolerance machining. There is no end movement of the master expanding precision-machined. The pads are
collet or pads. The collet threads are separate from the collet body and pull soft for turning in the machine spindle
back to operate the expander. The shoulder on the machineable pads locates for exacting concentricity. Depending
the work for Dead-Length® control for facing repetitive parts to the same on job application, pads may be
length. No spindle nose cap is required. machined for internal gripping from
1⁄4" to 3" ID. The limit ring is used to
Master Expanding Collet Assembly – 5C and 16C stabilize the pads while turning to the
desired diameter. Pad segments and
Description 5C Part Number 16C Part Number master collet are stamped "A", "B"
Master Expanding Collet Assembly1 – 1139-00-00-000000 1191-00-00-000000 and "C" for replacement positioning.
includes parts listed below:
Expanding Collet Body 1141-00-00-000000 1193-00-00-000000
The pads may be re-machined for
Draw Thread 1143-00-00-000000 1195-00-00-000000 smaller diameters. Can be used on all
Draw Plug 1145-00-00-000000 1197-00-00-000000 machines or attachments with a 5C
Spring 1151-00-00-000000 1151-00-00-000000 or 16C spindle and operates with the
Screw 0100306 0100306
Nut U-0004141-C U-0004141-C standard draw spindle (bar). The collet
Model Number 5EC-70 16EC-80 body assembly and the limit rings are
1 - Requires master pad set and appropriate limit ring; each sold separately. a one-time purchase. After that, you
only have to order the low-cost pads.
Master Expanding Collet Pad Sets – 1⁄4" to 3" (6.35 to 76.20mm) Capacity
Description Part Number Model Pad Capacity A – Gripping Diameter B – Maximum Turned Length
2" Steel Master Pad Set2 1147-00-00-000000 5EC-70-4 2" (50.80) Over 11⁄2" to 2" (38.10 to 50.80) 11⁄16" (26.99) [B1]
2" (50.80) Over 3⁄8" to 11⁄2" (9.53 to 38.10) ⁄"
34 (19.05) [B2]
2" (50.80) 1⁄4" to 3⁄8" (6.35 to 9.53) [A3] Equal to Diameter [B3]
Limit Ring for 2" Pads 1149-00-00-000000
3" Aluminum 1153-00-00-000000 5EC-70-7 3" (76.20) Over 2" to 3" (50.80 to 76.20) [A1] 15⁄8" (41.27) [B1]
Master Pad Set2 3" (76.20) Over 11⁄2" to 2" (38.10 to 50.80) 11⁄16" (26.99) [B2]
3" (76.20) 3⁄4" to 11⁄2" (19.05 to 38.10) [A3] 3⁄4" (19.05) [B3]
Limit Ring for 3" Pads 1111-22-00-000000
2 - Requires limit ring. NOTE: Millimeters in parentheses.
Precision Expanding Collets
Concentricity requirements, like all machining specifications, are very rigid. With the
Hardinge expanding collet unit, it is easy to obtain concentric and square shoulders,
The Model-S Expanding collet draw faces and diameters with a previously machined bore. The Hardinge expanding collet
plug expands at the front of the collet, adjusts to meet your most exacting requirements by means of four concentricity
resulting in maximum gripping force adjusting screws. Exact lengths are easily obtained since both the stationary expanding
in the bore of a small diameter work- collet and work locating stop have no end movement. The work locating stop is
piece. For larger diameter workpieces, machined in place during machine set up, assuring an absolutely square locating surface.
Hardinge recommends the Sure-Grip® When the collet is in the released position, it is smaller in diameter than the bore of
Expanding Collet System. the part. The result is fast and easy loading and unloading.
5C and 16C Model-S Expanding Collet Assembly – 3⁄8" to 3⁄4" (9.52 to 19.05mm) by 1⁄64" Increments
A – Back Bearing
Description Part Number Fig. Model B – Overall Length D – Thread
Outside Diameter
5C Model-S Assembly1
- Taper 1077-26-00-000000 1a
- Threaded 1077-00-00-000000 1a
includes parts below:
Draw Collet 1079-00-00-000000 2 E-206 1.249" (31.72) 3.250" (82.55) 1.238" x 20 RH
Draw Plug 1081-00-00-000000 3 ES-207 .254" (6.45) 2.750" (69.85) .245" x 28 RH
Spindle Collar: 1a
- Taper-Nose 1083-00-00-000000 E-211
- Threaded-Nose 1085-00-00-000000 E-211-D
- A2-4 and A2-5 Special Order
Adjusting Screw 0570510
Cap Screw 0100308
16C Model-S Assembly1 1205-02-00-000000 1b
includes parts below:
Draw Collet 1209-02-00-000000 2 1.889" (47.98) 4.312" (109.53) 1.870" x 1.75 mm
Draw Plug 1081-16-00-000000 3 .220" (5.59) 2.969" (75.41) 7 mm x .75 RH
Spindle Collar 16-0000211-A201 1b
Adjusting Screws [4] 0550710 1b
Cap Screws [3] 0100308 1b
Mounting Bolts [4] 0101216 1b
Model-S Expanding Collet2 1089 (fractional/deci- 4 MP3461 2.255" (57.28) 1.750" (44.45)
Work-Locating Stop3 1087-00-00-000000 5 ES-209 2.312" (58.72) 1.218" (30.94)
Spanner for Spindle Collars, 5/16" 460-0009189
Pin h Spanner for
1 - Requires Model-S Expanding collet sold separately. ge® S
pan Spindle Collars NOTE: Millimeters in parentheses.
2 - Required with assembly. Available in Round sizes 3⁄8" to 3⁄4" by 1⁄64" increments.
3 - Optional. Recommended for positive part location.
2b 3
5C 16C
4 5
Emergency Expanding Collets
Collet & Step Chuck Adapters
Collet adapters let you use smaller collets in machines with larger collet
seats. Units are available to adapt 5C collets to 16C spindles, 16C collets
to 20C and 25C spindles and 16C step chucks to 20C spindles. These
units are valuable when you do not have the proper size standard collet
for the machine but do have the proper size in a smaller style collet.
Do not consider this unit when doing precision work. Because of the
number of parts in the assembly, the TIR of the machined diameters to
the chucked diameters may be unacceptable. This system should not be
considered when doing many collet changes a day. It may take from 15
to 30 minutes to change a collet. It is more cost effective to purchase the
proper style collet for the machine tool.
16C Key
Mounting Bolts
Fixture & Backing Plates
Fixture plates are used to mount parts which cannot be held in a collet, step chuck,
expanding collet or jaw chuck. The clamping method is custom designed and manufactured
by the customer to meet the machining requirements. Fixture plates normally have to be
balanced to be safely run because the parts are not uniform or clamped in an off-center
position. Collet and spindle-mount styles are available for both 5C and 16C spindles.
3 Sizes of
5C Fixture Plates
Spindle-Mounted and Collet-Style Fixture Plates
Description Taper Part No. Threaded Part No. Threaded Model A – Diameter B – Flange
5C Fixture Plate 53A-0008750 53A-0008750-D C-23 C-23D 3" (76.20) —
Collet Style
Dead-Length Work Stops (Backing Plates) are used to hold extremely close lengths on Fixture Plates
parts that have a stem and a locating shoulder. The stem is gripped by the collet and the
shoulder located against the stop plate. As the collet closes, it pulls the workpiece back
against the backing plate. The workpiece length can be accurately controlled even when
the gripping diameter of the part varies. The part is much more stable than one held in a
collet against its face or a counterbore. This allows longer parts to be machined with better
tool life. When running small quantities, the spindle mount does not have to be used. This
system is the least costly of all precision length control systems.
Mounting Bolt
5C Face & Angle Plates
ge® S
Custom Manufacturing
Custom manufacturing
of Special Collets and
Step Chucks
Hardinge will manufacture special 5C,
16C, 20C and 25C collets and step
chucks to hold your extruded stock,
non-round parts, eccentric, off-center and
stepped parts. Special accuracy collets and
step chucks, extremely deep and/or large
diameter step chucks and closers are
some of the frequently made items in our
special collet department. If you have a
special workholding application, Hardinge
can manufacture a workholding device to
accurately grip it.
Custom Quote Request 1 of 3
To place your order or request a quote, simply fill out this form and send the requested information below. We want
to make it easy as possible for you to get your quotation back, so checking the box in front of each item will help to
ensure everything is complete before sending the information to us. The following two pages will assist you
in choosing your collet configuration.
❑ Your Name___________________________________________________
❑ Company_____________________________________________________
❑ Address______________________________________________________
❑ City, State & Zip________________________________________________
❑ Phone_______________________________________________________
❑ Fax_________________________________________________________
❑ Machine Make and Model Number on which workholding will be used:
(Example: Hardinge Quest 8/51)
❑ Collet Required:
(Example: 20C)
❑ Spindle Nose:
(Example: A2-6)
❑ Sample Stock (6" long - extruded stock), casting, first operation part,
finished part
❑ Legible Prints of the stock, finished part. These must be marked to show the diameters
or surfaces to be gripped. Mark the locating surface used for length control. Please mark
the surfaces to be machined.
❑ AutoCad Files or dxf files of the above, if available.
❑ Written Explanation of any special requirements:
For example special concentricity or perpendicularity requirements, concerns with chip
flushing, requirements for thru-spindle coolant, customer concerns with part being
deformed by gripping, large variation of gripping surface or locating dimensions, etc.
Custom Quote Request 2 of 3
• Fill in the Type of Collet or Special (example 5C, 20C, 3J) Type of Collet or Special:
• Find the illustration of the feature needed in one of the boxes (example: 5C, 16C, #3J, etc.)
• Put a Bold "X" in the box to indicate that feature Numbers below correspond to dimensions in boxes
• Write the required dimensions next to their numbers in the chart to the right
Note: Only fill in the dimensions for the numbers on one illustration
Triangular Special Extruded Shape
Hardinge Inc.
Drawing & Sample Stock Required
Collet Sales Dept.
• An extrusion drawing must indicate the One Hardinge Drive
centerline of the shape in relationship to the
centerline of the collet. Elmira, New York 14902-1507
• Sample stock required.* If not available,
manufacturing authorization is required prior
to entry of order. If approved, item(s) will
Phone: 800-843-8801
be manufactured with customer assuming full Fax: 607-737-0090
• The confirming order. Email: info@shophardinge.com
Canada: 800-468-5946
*One 6" length of stock required when ordering 1 to 3 collets;
two 6" lengths for 4 to 7 collets; three 6" lengths for 8 to 11 col- Return Material Authorization (RMA#) required
lets; four 6" lengths for 12 to 15 collets ordered. for Hardinge to receive your Sample Part
— This page may be duplicated —
Custom Quote Request 3 of 3
Checkmark the box with the feature you require and record the dimensions on the corresponding lines 1-30 on the previous page.
Special Bearing Length Eccentric Step - Aux. Off Center Eccentric Step - Aux. On Center
The B65 Stationary Collet is used on the Hardinge QUEST® TwinTurn® 65 CNC
Turning Center and other machines that use B65 Stationary Collet Systems.
Stationary collet systems are noted for their length control feature. The collet does not move when it is closed. It is
inserted into the collet chuck or spindle adapter and held in place with a cap. The collet is closed by a sleeve which
moves forward on the collet closing angle. The B65 standard collet has RTV sealant in slots up to the Teflon chip
sleeve and seal.
These units can be used for Dead-Length applications on
lathes with A2-6 spindle noses. Separate link-ups will be
B65 Collet Chuck Assembly and Parts List needed for other lathes. Collet sold separately.
7 Cam 1 37570000000005
8 Spring-Spec. # C-0360-047- CE 0360047100M
9 Lock Pin for Cam 1 37570000000004
10 Cap 1 37570000000002
11 M12 x 30 Socket Head Cap MS 0104220
12 B65 Mount 1 37570000000001
13 Collet Spring 1 CE 0375710
14 Collet Sleeve 1 37570000000003
15 1⁄8" Dia. x 5⁄16" Dowel Pin 1 0004628
Collet Dimensions
D – ID
Collet A – Back B – Overall Head
Style Bearing Dia. Length Diameter
Thread Round Capacity Hex Capacity Square Capacity
Std. 2.832" (71.93) 4.328" (109.93) 3.603" M66 x 1 1
⁄16" – (1.58 - 65.00) ⁄16" –1
(1.58 - 56.20) 1⁄16" – (1.58 - 45.90)
(91.51) 2.559" 2.216" 1.809"
S22 2.832" (71.93) 4.328" (109.93) 3.603" M66 x 1 1
⁄8" – 21⁄4" (3.17 - 57.15) 1⁄4" – 115⁄16" (6.35 - 49.21) 1⁄4" – 137⁄64" (6.35 - 40.08)
* No internal threads over 2.530" Round., 2.191" Hex, 1.789" Square NOTE: Millimeters in parentheses.
B65 Extended-Nose Collets
B65 Accessories
NOTE: The stop can be installed in all solid and master collets internally threaded with
bores up to: 2.530" (64.2mm) Round; 2.191" (55.6mm) Hex; 1.789" (45.4mm) Square.
TT65 / LMC to B42 Collet System
Adapter Assembly and Parts List for the
Hardinge® Quest® TwinTurn® 65
Item Description Qty Part Number
B42 Assembly for the 10 — B42 Collet Adapter As- 1 3719-00-00-000001
Hardinge Quest Twin- 11 sembly
13 12
Turn 65 CNC Lathe 1 Spring Assembly 1 3719-00-00-000015
(Items 1-4 in previous catalog—do not disassemble)
5 — Removable Keyscrew 1 3111-00-00-000007
16 6 — Mount 1 3719-00-00-000002
14 7 — Cap 1 3719-00-00-000003
Coolant Nozzle 8 — Cover 1 3719-00-00-000005
9 — M6 x 16 SHCS 4 MS 0103617
10 — M5 x 10 SHCS 4 MS 0103515
11 — Seal 6 3719-00-00-000006
The B42 Coolant Nozzle is threaded onto 12 — M12 x 30 SHCS 4 MS 0104019
the end of the through-spindle coolant 13 — Keyscrew 1 3111-00-00-000008
assembly before the unit is inserted into 14 — Plug 6 3075-00-00-000004
the draw tube. Coolant nozzle included. 15 — Coolant Nozzle 1 3111-00-00-000011
Part Number 3111-00-00-000011. 16 — Teflon Sleeve 3 3719-00-00-000012
Optional thru-spindle B42 Adapter Assembly and Parts List for the
QUEST® LMC42 Lean Manufacturing Cell
Item Description Qty Part Number
— B42 Collet Adapter As- 1 3719-00-00-000024
1 — Collet Sleeve 1 3719-00-00-000025
2 — Collet Sleeve Spring 1 CE-1250156-1750
3 — Spring Retainer 1 3719-00-00-000026
B42 Assembly for the Hardinge QUEST 4 — Cap 1 3719-00-00-000003
LMC Lean Manufacturing Center 5 — Plug 6 3075-00-00-000004
6 — Seal 1 3719-00-00-000006
7 — Cover 1 3719-00-00-000005
B42 extended-nose collets, expanding 8 — M6 x 16 SHCS 4 MS 0103617
collets, ejector stops, chip control and thru- 9 — M5 x 10 SHCS 4 MS 0103515
spindle coolant are available per application. 10 — Teflon Sleeve 3 3719-00-00-000012
11 — Instructions 1 B -0009500-0121
B42 Collets
Collet A – Back Bearing B – Overall C – Head D – ID Stop
Style Diameter Length Diameter Thread Round Capacity Hex Capacity Square Capacity
Std. 1.887" (47.93) 3.688" (93.68) 2.355" (59.82) M43 x 1 ⁄ "(1.58) – 15⁄8" (41.28)
1 16 ⁄ "(1.58) – 113⁄32"
1 16 ⁄ "(1.58) – 19⁄64" (28.97)
1 16
S10 1.887" (47.93) 3.688" (93.68) 2.355" (59.82) M43 x 1 ⁄ "(3.17) – 1" (25.40)
18 1⁄4"(6.35) – 55⁄64" (21.83) ⁄ "(6.35) – 45⁄64" (17.86)
TT65 to #22 B&S Collet System
The nose diameter is just 3.5" by 2.3" (88.9 x 58.4mm) long with
an overall chuck length of 3.783" (96mm) from the spindle locating
surface. This stationary collet design provides precise length control
of the workpiece. The Dead-Length feature makes it possible to
accurately transfer parts from one spindle to the other within
.0005" (.0127mm). The system uses either #22, #22Y or #22SC
B&S collets.
#22 B&S Collets
1 2
The #22 B&S Stationary Collet is used on the Hardinge QUEST® TwinTurn® 65 CNC Turning Center and other machines that
use #22 B&S Stationary Collet Systems.
A – Back
Part B – Overall C – Collet
Description Figure Style Bearing Diam- D ‑ Thread Round Hexagon Square
Number Length Head Diameter
eter Capacity Capacity Capacity
Collet, Solid 3111 1 22 1.498" (38.05) 4.250" (107.95) 1.925" (48.90) — 1 ⁄ " (31.75)
1 ⁄ " (27.38)
5 64
⁄ " (22.22)
Collet, Solid 3109 2 22Y 1.498" (38.05) 4.312" (109.53) 1.925" (48.90) — .092" (2.33) 5⁄64" (1.98) 1⁄16" (1.58)
Collet, Solid 3227 1 22SC 1.498" (38.05) 4.250" (107.95) 1.925" (48.90) 1.291" x 24 RH 11⁄4" (31.75) 15⁄64" (27.38) 7⁄8" (22.22)
Stop Collet
NOTE: Millimeters in parentheses.
#22 B&S Collets – Standard and Stop Collets #22 B&S Emergency Collets
Round Smooth Round Serrated Hexagon Square Emergency Part Number Pilot Hole
Part Number Part Number Part Number Part Number
#22 B&S Standard 3111-00-19- 3111-00-59- 3111-00-29- 3111-00-39- #22 Collet Blank 3111-10-00 —
#22Y B&S Standard 3109-00-19- 3109-00-59- 3109-00-29- 3109-00-39- #22SC-E 3233-14-10- 14⁄"
#22SC B&S Stop 3227-00-19- 3227-00-59- 3227-00-29- 3227-00-39- #22SC-E1 3233-12-10- 1
NOTE: Other configuration collets also available.
#22SC-E2 3233-13-10- 1⁄8"
SS22 Solid Collet Stop for #22SC B&S Collet SE Ejector Stop for #22SC B&S Collets
The solid stop assembly is threaded into the back of the #22 The threaded ejector stop assembly is threaded into the
B&S collet and the stop rod can be machined to length to locate back of the collet. The insert can be machined to locate
the part. Collet sold separately. the part. Collet sold separately.
Description Part Number Description Part Number
Assembly 3269-00-00-000000 Assembly 3273-00-00-000000
– Body 3271-00-00-000000 – Body 3275-00-00-000000
– Nut 5-0001466-B – Plunger 3277-00-00-000000
– Stop Rod 1071-00-00-000000 – Insert 3279-00-00-000000
– Nut (2) 5-0001466-B
– Spring 3281-00-00-000000
16C to #22 B&S Collet System
Parts List
Description Qty Part Number
Sleeve 1 1717-09-00-000003
Mount 1 1717-09-00-000001
Cap 1 1717-09-00-000002
Bolts for Cap – M6 x 16 4 MS 0103617
Mounting Bolts – M10 x 25 3 MS 0104019
Slinger Hole Plug 6 1717-09-00-000004
Orientation Pin 1⁄8" Dia. (Op- 1 3757-00-00-000007
#11 B&S Dead-Length Adapter
000000 (127.00)
NOTE: Millimeters in parentheses.
1 2
Collet, Solid 3055 2 11Y 1.061" (26.95) 2.937" (74.60) 1.490" (37.85) — ⁄ " (21.83)
55 64 ⁄ " (19.05)
34 ⁄ " (11.11)
39 64
Collet, Solid 3217 1 11SC 1.061" (26.95) 2.875" (73.03) 1.490" (37.85) .916" x 24 55⁄64 (21.83) 47⁄64" (18.65) 19⁄32" (15.08)
Stop Collet
Collet, Solid MP3591 2 11SCY 1.061" (26.95) 2.937" (74.60) 1.490" (37.85) .916" x 24 55
⁄64" (21.83) 47
⁄64" (18.65) 19
⁄32" (15.08)
Stop Collet (Special Collet)
SS11 Solid Collet Stop SE11 Ejector Stop for #11SC B&S Collets
The threaded ejector stop assembly is threaded into the
for #11SC B&S Collets back of the collet. The insert can be machined to locate
The solid stop assembly is threaded into the back of the
the part. Collets sold separately.
#11 B&S collet and the stop rod can be machined to
lengthto locate the part. Collets sold separately.
Manual Jaw Chucks
2, 3, and 4-jaw Chucks are available for manual machines with Hardinge® 5C Spindles. Products shown with bold part numbers are
included with the chuck. Manual Chucks are also available with A2-4 and A2-5 mounting plates where indicated below.
Hardinge and other CNC lathes use Sure-Grip® 3-Jaw Power Chucks. Information for Sure-Grip chucks, along with full line of jaws
for all chucks, can be found in Hardinge brochure number 2357 (chucks) and 2358 (jaws).
Description Figure Chuck Soft Jaw OD Jaw ID Jaw Wrench
Hard Jaw
5" 3-Jaw Universal
Taper-Nose Spindle 2 53B-5405-HB 53B-5405-SJ — — 53B-5405-HJ 53B-5405-CK
Threaded-Nose Spindle 2 53B-5405-HB D 53B-5405-SJ — — 53B-5405-HJ 53B-5405-CK
1 with A2-4 Mounting Plate 4 53B-5405-BCA4 53B-5405-SJ — — 53B-5405-HJ 53B-5405-CK
with A2-5 Mounting Plate 4 53B-5405-BCA5 53B-5405-SJ — — 53B-5405-HJ 53B-5405-CK
5" 4-Jaw Independent
Taper-Nose Spindle 2 54B-5405-HB — — — 54B-5405-SJR 54B-5405-CK
Threaded-Nose Spindle 2 54B-5405-HB D — — — 54B-5405-SJR 54B-5405-CK
6" 2-Jaw Universal (Jaws not included)
Taper-Nose Spindle 3 62-5405-HB 62-5405-SJ — — — 62-5405-CK
Threaded-Nose Spindle 3 62-5405-HB D 62-5405-SJ — — — 62-5405-CK
6" 3-Jaw Universal
2 Taper-Nose Spindle 2 63B-5405-HB 63B-5405-SJ — — 63B-5405-HJ 63B-5405-CK
Threaded-Nose Spindle 2 63B-5405-HB D 63B-5405-SJ — — 63B-5405-HJ 63B-5405-CK
with A2-4 Mounting Plate 4 63B-5405-BCA4 63B-5405-SJ — — 63B-5405-HJ 63B-5405-CK
with A2-5 Mounting Plate 4 63B-5405-BCA5 63B-5405-SJ — — 63B-5405-HJ 63B-5405-CK
6" 4-Jaw Independent
Taper-Nose Spindle 2 64B-5405-HB 64B-5405-STJ — — 64B-5405-HTJ 64B-5405-CK
Threaded-Nose Spindle 2 64B-5405-HB D 64B-5405-STJ 64B-5405-HTJ 64B-5405-CK
3 with A2-4 Mounting Plate 4 64B-5405-BCA4 64B-5405-STJ 64B-5405-HTJ 64B-5405-CK
with A2-5 Mounting Plate 4 64B-5405-BCA5 64B-5405-STJ 64B-5405-HTJ 64B-5405-CK
8" 3-Jaw Independent
with A2-5 Spindle Mount 4 83-5405-A25 — — — 83-5405-HRJ 83-5405-KEY
10" 3-Jaw Independent
with A2-5 Spindle Mount 4 13-5405-A25 — — — 13-5405-HRJ 13-5405-KEY
Collet Cross Reference / Machine
Manufacturer of Manufacturer of
Machine or Fixture Collet Page Machine or Fixture Collet Page
All Tool 4C, 5C 43 Pearson R8 45
American 3H, 6H 42, 43 Porter-Cable 2H, 5C 42, 43
Ames 1AM, 3AM 42 Potter 4C 43
Armor 2M 42 Pratt & Whitney 3PN, 4PN, 5PN, 5P, 7P, 10P 42, 43, 44
Arrow 1A, 3AT, 3C, 5C 42, 43 Rahn-Larmon 6H, 8H 43, 44
Arter 5C 43 Reed-Prentice 2VB, 6L 42, 43
Atlas 3AT 42 Rivett 2NS, 2OS, 3NS, 4NS, 4OS 42, 43
Axelson Requires Sjogren Chuck — Rivett 4S, 5C, 5NS, 5OS, 6NS, 6R 43
B&S Holders 156, 158, 160 1K 42 Rocheleau 5C 43
B&S Holders 246, 256 1K 42 Rockford 2H, 3H 42
Barker 1A, 3C 42 Rotex 9B 44
Barrett Requires Sjogren Chuck — Rouse 4C, 4PN 43
Becker 2AB, 2B, 3B 42 Royal Oak RO 45
Benchmaster 2M 42 Rusnok 9B 44
Boye & Emmes 6H, 8H 43, 44 Schaublin 20W, 25W, 25W Stepped 44
Bradford 5NS 43 Schauer 3C, 5C 42, 43
Bridgeport 2M, 7 B & S, B3, R8 42, 44, 45 Sebastian 2J, 2S, 3H, 5C, 6H 42, 43
Brown & Sharpe 7B, 9B 44 Seneca 2S, 3S 42
Burke 3C, 9B 42, 44 Seneca Falls RO, 5C 43, 45
Carroll 4NS, 4C, 5C, 115 43, 45 Sheldon 4C, 5C 43
Carroll & Jamieson 3H, 5C 42, 43 Sidney 6H, 8H 43, 44
Carter & Hakes 4OS 43 Sjogren, 11⁄16" capacity 1J, 5C 42, 43
Cataract See Hardinge. 42, 43, 44 Sjogren, 13⁄8" capacity 2J 42
Chard Requires Sjogren Chuck — Sjogren, 13⁄4" capacity 3J 43
Cincinnati 1AM, 3H, 6H, 8H 42, 43, 44 Sjogren, 21⁄4" capacity 22J 44
Clausing 3C, 5C 42, 43 Sjogren, 31⁄2" capacity 35J 44
Colborne 5C 43 Sloan & Chace 5SC, 52SC 43, 45
Crowningshield-Harris 2AB 42 South Bend 1A, 2A, 2S, 3C, 4C 42, 45
Crystal Lake 3C, 4C, 5C 42, 43 South Bend 4NS, 5C, 5NS, 6H, 6K 43
Cushman, 11⁄8" capacity 115 45 Springfield 3H, 6H, 8H 42, 43, 44
Cushman, 13⁄4" capacity 215 45 Stark 4S, 32S, 42S 43, 44
Cushman, 31⁄4" capacity 315 45 Taft-Pierce 2H 42
Dalton 3C, 4C 42, 43 Unimatic 5C 43
Dandy 5C 43 Van Norman 5V, 50V 43, 45
Davis 2H, 3H, 6H 42, 43 Vernon 9B, LB 44, 45
Delta 5C, R8 43, 45 Viking 9B 44
Diamond 7B, 9B 44 Wade 5C, 8WN 43, 44
Dykrex 3C, 5C 42, 43 Walcott 2H, 6H 42, 43
Elgin 2AB, 3C, 4C, 5C 42, 43 Western Requires Sjogren Chuck —
Ellis 3C 42 Whitcomb-Blaisdell 4C 43
Fay & Scott 5NS 43 Willard 3H 42
Flather 3C, 4NS, 4OS, 5NS 42, 43 Worcester 2H, 3H 42
Fray 2M, 7B 42, 43
Glenbard 5C 43
Gorton 4NS, 9B, GTM, R8 43, 44, 45
Graham Requires Sjogren Chuck —
Greaves-Klusman 3H 42
Hamilton 2B, 4C, 5C 42, 43
Hancock 5C 43
Hardinge® 1C, 2VB, 3C, 4C, 42, 43
Hardinge® 5C, 16C, 20C, 25C 43, 44
Hartford Requires Sjogren Chuck —
Heald 9B 44
Hendey 2H, 3H, 6H, 8H 42, 43, 44
Holland 7B 44
Hydromat 25W, 25W OS & Step, B32 & Step 44, 45
Hydromat B32/45 & Step, B45 & Step, Pro-20 & Step 45
Index 3C, 9B 42, 44
Jacobs JC 45
Jefferson 7B 44
Johansson 2M, 7B 42, 44
Jones & Lamson J & L Center Mill 45
Kearney & Trecker Hldr 9026 1K 42
Kearney & Trecker Hldr 9027 1K 42
Knight 1K 42
L-W 4C, 4NS 43
LeBlond 3C, 4C, 4NS, 6L, 10L 42, 43, 44
Lee 5C 43
Lehmann-Brandes 5NS, 8WN 43, 44
Linley LB 45
Lodge & Shipley 3H 42
Logan 3AT, 3C, 5C 42, 43
Majestic 4NS 43
Master 5C 43
Mead 3C, 5C 42, 43
Millmaster 9B 44
Monarch 2H, 3H, 5C, 5M, 6H 42, 43
Mueller 6H 43
Nebel 6H, 8H 43, 44
Nichols 4NS 43
Oliver Ace 1AM, 5C, 8H 42, 43, 44
Pacific R8 45
Collets by Style
1 2 3 4
Collets by Style
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Collets by Style
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Collets by Style
Thru-Hole 2239 4 (page 44) (31.97) (117.42) 1.169" x 15 RH (23.41) (20.75) (16.94)
B32/45 1.259" 4.623" Buttress .922" to 13⁄4" .817" to 11⁄2" .667" to 11⁄4"
Stepped 2241 4 (page 44) (31.97) (117.42) 1.169" x 15 RH (23.4 to 44.45) (20.75 to 38.10) (16.94 to 31.7)
B45 1.771" 4.290" 113⁄32" 1.240" 1.013"
Thru-Hole 2243 1 (44.98) (108.96) M42 x 1.5 RH (35.71) (31.49) (25.73)
B45 1.771" 4.290" 1.407" to 13⁄4" 1.240" to 11⁄2" 1.013" to 1.25"
Stepped 2245 1 (44.98) (108.96) M42 x 1.5 RH (35.73 to 44.45) (31.49 to 38.10) (25.73 to 31.7)
.780" 3.031" 5⁄8" 17⁄32" 7⁄16"
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Frequently Asked Questions
Why buy a Hardened, Precision-Machined Collet? Is there an adapter that allows me to use my 5C collets in the
A hardened, precision-machined collet has a head angle and bore that are 16C spindle?
case hardened to 60 to 63 Rockwell. This will give you the maximum life Yes, there is a 16C-to-5C collet adapter which accepts 5C collets. There
possible. The bore is hardened, precision-machined and guaranteed to are many limitations, however. The major one is concentricity. Because of
have a TIR of .001" or less. Special-accuracy collets are available that are the number of parts in the assembly, the TIR will be .002" or more. If you
guaranteed to have a TIR of .0002". Before investing in a special-accuracy are a production shop, you should not consider the adapter except for
collet, check your standard collet – they usually have aTIR of .0005" or better. emergency situations. It takes about 15 minutes to change a collet. When
doing secondary work, it will not be possible to hold concentricity of less
Why not buy a bargain collet? than .002". Adapters are also available for 20C-to-16C and 25C-to-16C.
A bargain is possible because something has been compromised. The head
angle and bore are not in the 60+ Rockwell range. The back bearing of Why do I need Dead-Length® Collets or Step Chucks?
the collet is not held to precision size and concentricity tolerances. The All draw-in collets have a diameter-to-length ratio when doing secondary
bore, head angle, back bearing and thread are not all concentric with each operations. When using 5C, 16C, 20C, 25C collets or other collets with
other. Because the collet is softer than a Hardinge collet, it will wear very a 10° head angle, the ratio is 1:3. For every .001" change on the chucking
quickly. A hardened, precision-machined collet can last for years. diameter, the part will either pull back .003" or stick out .003" from the setup
part. This can mean a total length variation of .009" when the chucking
When should I use an emergency collet? diameter varies .003". If the print calls for a length tolerance less than
.002", a standard collet cannot be used. This is where the Dead-Length
An emergency collet can be used when:
collet is ideal. If the stock diameter varies .003", the finished part lengths
• You need a collet bore to run as close as the spindle’s TIR; will not vary more than a few ten thousands of an inch (.0002" to .0005").
an emergency is bored in place in the machine’s spindle.
• A hardened, precision-machined collet is necessary for any long run I have noticed that the threads and back bearing on our
or high wear situation. But, if one doesn’t exist in your inventory,
collets are being damaged and have to be replaced. How can
an emergency collet can be quickly bored to size. It allows the job
to get in the schedule while waiting for delivery of the hardened,
I eliminate this expense?
precision-machined collet. Vises, vise-grips and pump pliers are probably the cause of
• A job consisting of a couple hundred parts and the proper size your problem. Purchase several collet wrenches for each style
hardened, precision-machined collet is not available. (5C, 16C, 20C, 25C, etc.) collet in your shop. These wrenches are keyed
and locate over the back bearing of the collet to hold it while the threaded
Points to consider: The head angle and the collet bore are not heat
stop, Dead-Length assembly, etc., are tightened into the collet.
treated on emergency collets and will wear quickly under heavy or long
use. The rule of thumb for the life of the bore and leaf tension of an
emergency collet is 300 to 500 pieces. The threads are heat treated but I have Style "S" Master Collets on my multi-spindle automatics.
the leaves of the collet are not spring tempered. This results in the collet Can I use them on my CNC Lathe?
leaves losing their elasticity. Eventually you will not be able to put the part Possibly. If you’re doing bar work, they work very well. The Style "S" Master
in the collet because the leaves have lost their tension. Collet system was developed for use on multi-spindle automatic bar
machines where collet runout is of very little concern. Secondary work
Why do I have to use a stop plate with my Sure-Grip on CNC machines requires very good collet concentricity, usually better
Expanding Collet? than .001" TIR. Style "S" Master Collet system’s TIR could be as high as
.004" to .008", making them unacceptable for secondary work. Emergency
The expanding collet is pulled back with a draw plug to open it. If the
pads will work in an emergency. Once you remove them, they cannot be
chucking ID of the parts vary, the collet will pull back or stick out farther
used to run the same job again as their TIR will be unacceptable.
than the previous piece. The Stop Plate eliminates the movement of the
part and also stabilizes it for heavy stock removal.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between the Dead-Length® Collet and I have a part that requires internal gripping. After turning, I
the Dead-Length Spider-Stop Step Chucks? want to take it to a mill for additional work but still want to
The Dead-Length Collet uses the face of the spindle as its locating surface grip on the ID. What are my options?
for the inner collet. Because the spindle doesn’t move when the draw bar There are two options – The "Master Expanding Collet" and the "Sure-
pulls the collet back, the inner collet also doesn’t move, resulting in length Grip® Collet-Style Expanding Collet." Both of these can be taken to an
control. The Dead-Length Spider-Stop Step Chuck uses a spider stop that index fixture or dividing head that has a 5C or 16C collet seat. The Master
fits inside the slots of the step chuck and locates against the collet seat Expanding Collet uses interchangeable pads which can be removed and
(angle) of the spindle. Because the collet seat doesn’t move when the stored. This unit is opened with a draw plug that actuates the collet in
draw bar pulls back the step chuck, neither does the spider stop or the the front. It is mainly for light-duty machining. The Sure-Grip Collet-Style
workpiece. There is an internal thread in the face of the spider which Expanding Collet system will also work. The collets are parallel opening
accepts the male thread in the stop button. The customer has to bore and have a range from .125" to 4". This system, in the larger sizes, can
out the step chuck to accommodate the stop button. The stop button is handle heavy-duty machining operations.
machined to conform to the location point of the workpiece.
What is the correct procedure for boring out an emergency
Is there ever a reason I would use a Dead-Length Spider-Stop collet or step chuck?
Step Chuck for small diameter work? Insert the collet in the spindle with the draw bar in the full open position.
Yes. Occasionally a customer finds that the standard 5C Dead-Length Make certain that all the pins are in the face of the collet or step chuck.
Collet does not allow them to hold their parts to the print’s concentricity Adjust the collet closer until closed on the pins and then back off 1⁄8 to
1⁄4 of a turn. DO NOT back off enough to where the collet angle is not
requirements. A Dead-Length collet does not run as concentric as a
Hardened, Precision-Machined collet even though it may be bored in fully seated in the spindle. Lock the draw bar in this position. Decrease
place. This is because of the allowances between the moving parts. A the chucking force as much as possible (do not use the same force you
Dead-Length Spider Step Chuck is identical to a standard collet; there is would to grip the part). Close the collet. If you can pull the pins out, you
only one moving part — the step chuck. This attribute will allow closer should increase the chucking pressure until the pins cannot be removed.
concentricities between chucking and machined diameters than with a Rough and finish the bore to the chucking diameter of the part. Remove
standard Dead-Length collet. the collet or step chuck and deburr it. Thoroughly clean the spindle, step
chuck, closer and then remount them. Adjust the collet closer for proper
gripping and the correct draw bar pressure to hold the workpiece.
I have a 6" diameter part which I want to hold in a Dead-
Length Spider-Stop Step Chuck, but it has a maximum size of I have a part with a 9" chucking diameter to be run on my QUEST®
4". What can I do? T51 Lathe. I want to hold it in a step chuck which will allow me
Order a special Dead-Length step chuck. Request Hardinge Brochure to run at my machine’s maximum rpm. Your catalog lists the
#2285, "Precision Length Control", which describes many ways to control largest step chuck as 8". Can I get a larger step chuck and closer?
length and various ideas relating to step chucks. Yes. We have a full department set up to make special spindle tooling
to help you with any situation you may encounter. You are right about
Will threaded collet stops help me hold lengths? using a step chuck and closer. If your part has a good chucking diameter
No. however if the diameter of the part being gripped is held to a very (+.001", -.003"), you will be more productive than when holding the part
close tolerance, the answer could be yes. Unfortunately the stop is in a 3-jaw power chuck. As with the jaw chuck, it is necessary to check
attached to the collet, which draws back with the draw bar. For every for turret tooling interferences.
.001" variation in the chucking diameter, the collet will draw back or stick
out .003". The main purpose of a collet stop is to eliminate the push-back
of the part while it is being machined, or to automatically eject the part
when the collet is opened.
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