Sbilife Q2fy19 Jbwa 261018
Sbilife Q2fy19 Jbwa 261018
Sbilife Q2fy19 Jbwa 261018
Investment thesis
• In H1, NBPs rose a healthy 30% y/y to INR55.7bn driven by
broad-based growth with good showing at its individual sav- Stock rating (relative) Buy
ings business (+10% y/y), group NBPs (+84% y/y) and protec- New price target INR 770.00
tion NBPs (+142% y/y). These were somewhat offset by the Previous price target INR 820.00
digitisation-led disruption in its processes (rolled out in May
Closing price* INR 563.40
2018). Compared to FY 2018, the NBP share of its protection
Return potential 36.67%
business improved 6ppt to 11%, while ULIPs edged down 7ppt
MSCI ESG rating** -
to 49% in H1.
• It has consistently delivered superior operating performance, MSCI ESG Controversies -
with industry-leading NBP growth (a CAGR of 26% over FY Risk rating Low
2015-FY 2018), improving persistency ratios (PRs; 13-month:
83.2% in H1 FY 2019 vs. 73.6% in FY 2015), a low-cost struc- * as of 25 October 2018
ture and a highly productive agency force, leading to an uptick ** as of 30 September 2018
in the reported VNB^ margin to 17.3% in H1 FY 2019 com- Company profile
pared with 16.2% in FY 2018. Incorporated in 2001, SBI Life Insurance Company Limited (SBI
• Life insurance players are poised to benefit from secular tail- Life) is a joint venture between State Bank of India (SBI; Buy,
winds – favourable demographics, rising income levels and a Price/Target: INR249.7/380.0; a 62% stake) and BNP Paribas
large protection gap, with penetration at 2.8% of GDP^ vs. a Cardif (not listed; 22% stake), an insurance subsidiary of BNP
median of 3.5% for emerging economies. Given SBI’s strong
Paribas**. SBI Life is a leading private insurer in India, with a
footprint (activation is 59%), a productive agency channel,
market share of ca. 19% in new business premiums (NBPs) and
strong brand and solid capital position (solvency ratio [SR]:
22% in individual-rated premiums among private sector players
221% at end-Q2 FY 2019), we believe SBI Life is well placed to
in H1 FY 2019. The company offers a range of life insurance,
tap this multi-year growth opportunity. We maintain Buy with
a price target of INR770 (EV^ + 20x VNB H1 FY 2021). savings and pension products, mainly through its bancassurance
(banca) tie-up with its parent SBI, a strong network of over
H1 and Q2 FY 2019 results and key highlights 113,000 agents and through other corporate brokers/
• APE^ growth accelerated to 14% y/y in Q2 to reach INR23.9bn intermediaries. At end-Q2 FY 2019, SBI Life had AUM^ of
vs. the subdued 2% y/y seen in the prior quarter, taking APE INR1.3trn. The company has a fairly diversified NBP mix, with
growth in H1 to 10% y/y. This y/y growth in Q2 was led by shares of ULIP^/PAR^/Non-PAR/Protection of 49%, 14%, 26%
ULIPs (+22% y/y) and robust performance in its individual pro- and 11%, respectively, in H1 FY 2019.
tection business. The share of protection on an APE basis im- Performance (listed since Oct 2017)
proved 1.4ppt q/q and 1.6ppt y/y to 5.9%.
• The adjusted VNB margin (for the effective tax rate) in H1 ex-
panded 80bps to 19.2% vs. FY 2018 on a better protection mix, 800
given a shift in credit protection products towards single pre-
mium products from regular premium. The reported VNB mar-
gin was at 17.3% (FY 2018: 16.2%). 700
• Persistency improved across most cohorts in H1, with its 13-
month, 37-month and 49-month PRs up 20bps, 1.0ppt and 650
50bps to 83.2%, 71.0% and 64.4%, respectively, vs. FY 2018.
• The cost ratio improved 130bps y/y to 12.0% in H1 on better 600
operating expenses (-80bps y/y to 7.8%) and the commission
ratio (-60bps y/y to 4.1%). H1 net profits were up 12% y/y to 550
INR6.0bn (Q2: +11% y/y to INR2.5bn).
• AUM grew 5% q/q to INR1.26trn by end-Q2. SR improved Oct 17 Oct 18 Oct 19
7ppt q/q to 221% vs. the 150% regulatory requirement. SBI Life Insurance Price targe t
Julius Baer Equity Research | Please find important legal information at the end of this document.
• Higher share of ULIPs in its product mix (FY 2018: 56% of Non-PAR (1.9%)
NBP) than peers; ULIPs are low-margin-yielding; sales growth
is susceptible to capital market performance
• Minimal contribution from direct channel to NBP (a mere 1%-
2%) owing to a sub-scale digital presence
Opportunities By channel mix
• Slowdown in economic growth or slower-than-expected re-
Others (13.0%)
forms, which could negatively impact life insurance sales
• The industry is regulated by the IRDA^. Unfavourable tax re-
forms or regulatory changes and increasing price competition
from existing/new private insurance players are added threats
• Any increase in the tax rate (14.5%) would have an adverse im- Source: FactSet
pact on the company's earnings in the short to medium term
^ IRDA – Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority
Consensus target (INR) 794.44 ROE (%) 18.56 19.05 17.88 17.61
Consensus target return potential (%) 41.01 EPS (INR) 9.55 11.50 13.41 15.64
EPS growth (%) 13.15 20.42 16.59 16.66
Market capitalisation (INRbn) 561.15
P/E (x) - 59.11 41.49 35.57
Free float (%) 34.00
P/B (x) - 10.32 7.36 6.30
Beta 0.48
Dividend yield (%) - 0.30 0.47 0.56
Average Daily volume (m) 0.43
52-week high (INR) 766.10
52-week low (INR) 511.60 * Estimates
Exchange National Stock Exchange of India - Implies not available/not meaningful
Ex-dividend date 3 April 2018 Source: FactSet
Results date -
Standard & Poor’s rating -
ISIN INE123W01016
30 5
Nov 17 Mar 18 Jul 18 Nov 17 Mar 18 Jul 18
+/- 1 Standard de viation Forward P/E (x) +/- 1 Standard de viation Forward P/B (x)
500 11.5
Nov 17 Mar 18 Jul 18
Estimates P/E ( FY 2020) Average Share price (l.h.s.) Ne xt 12 months' EPS (r.h.s.)
* Not covered, Julius Baer offers no recommendation and does not provide
any advice on potential risks
SBILIFE-NSE-SBI Life Insurance, 500271-IN-Max Financial Services, ICI-
CIPRULI-NSE-ICICI Prudential Life Insurance, 540777-IN-HDFC Standard
Life Insurance Source: FactSet
Source: FactSet
* Estimates
- Implies not available/not meaningful
Source: FactSet
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