Rules and Regulations

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Airport Rules & Regulations

Elizabeth City - Pasquotank County Airport Authority

Standard Manual of Airport Rules and Regulations
For the:
Elizabeth City Regional Airport - Elizabeth City, North Carolina
Adopted June 20th, 2012
Amended October 24th, 2018




Unless specifically defined otherwise, or unless a different meaning is apparent from the context,
the terms used in these Rules and Regulations shall have the following definitions:
The Elizabeth City Regional Airport is a joint facility operated by the USCG Support Center and
the Elizabeth City Pasquotank County Airport Authority.

1. Aircraft – “Aircraft” shall mean a manned machine or device, such as an airplane, helicopter,
glider, or dirigible, which is capable of atmospheric and navigational flight.
2. Airport – Shall mean all property and improvements within the boundary lines of any airport
operated or controlled by the Elizabeth City-Pasquotank County Airport Authority, except when
otherwise noted.
3. Airport Authority – The Elizabeth City-Pasquotank Airport Authority here and after as the
“Authority” and also referred to as the “Owner” of the municipal ramp.
4. Airport Managing Director– Means the chief executive officer for the Authority, who under
administrative direction of the Authority, manages the operation, maintenance and development
of the municipal Airport and performs other duties as assigned.
5. Airport Operations Area (AOA) – The area of the airport used for landing, takeoff, or surface
maneuvering of aircraft, including the areas around hangars, navigation equipment, and
communication facilities.
6. Apron or Ramp – The areas of the airport within the Airport Operations Area (AOA), equipped
for loading, unloading, servicing, or parking of aircraft.
7. Authorized Area – A specific location, approved by the Authority, accessible only to specific
authorized personnel.
8. Authorized Representative/Employee – An individual or individual(s) designated by the Airport
9. Cargo – Any property carried onto an aircraft, other than mail and baggage.
10. Commercial -An individual who, for compensation or hire, engages in air commerce, the
carriage by aircraft of persons or cargo, other than as an air carrier or foreign air carrier or under
the authority given by an administrator. Where it is doubtful that an operation is for
“compensation or hire,” the test is whether the carriage by air is merely incidental to the person’s
other business or is, in itself, a major enterprise for profit.
11. FAA – Federal Aviation Administration
12. Fixed Based Operator – Any person who shall have entered into a written agreement with the
Authority for the use of any business located on the airport that provides services such as hangar
space, fuel, flight training, repair, and maintenance to airport users, or any person or firm hired
directly by the Elizabeth City Pasquotank County Airport Authority to act as a FBO.
13. Flammable Liquids – Any liquid substance that is combustible and can burn or cause a flame.
14. Instructor – Any individual giving, or offering to give instruction in the operation, construction,
repair or maintenance of aircraft.
15. Monument Sign- Monument signs are not attached to the building. They can include information
on one or two sides, spanning between two posts, or suspended from one post that is set in
paving or landscape areas. The monument sign is usually located on the edge of the property
near a pedestrian corridor or vehicle access point.

16. Motor Vehicle – A self-propelled contrivance designed for the carriage of persons or things from
17. Non-Operating Aircraft – Any aircraft located on an airport which does not possess a current
certificate of air worthiness issued by the Federal Aviation Administration, and is not actively
being repaired to become an operating aircraft.
18. Person – Any individual, partnership, firm, corporation, company, or duty authorized
representatives thereof.
19. Ramp – A particular area on a land airport, intended to accommodate aircraft for purposes of
loading or unloading passengers or cargo, refueling and parking.
20. Regional Airport – Shall mean all aircraft movement areas which are accessible to civil aircraft
under the existing Coast Guard Joint Use Agreement.
21. Restricted Area – Any area of the airport designated to prohibit or limit access to only those
persons authorized by the Airport Manager.
22. Refueling Trucks – Means any motor vehicle used for the transporting, handling, or dispensing
of aviation fuel, oils, and lubricants.
23. Rules and Regulations – Shall mean these Rules and Regulations of the Authority, adopted by
the Authority, and may be amended from time-to-time by the Authority.
24. Runway – A restricted area used for takeoffs and landings of an aircraft.
25. Sign- Any words, lettering, numerals, parts of letters, figures, phrases, sentences, emblems,
devices, designs, or trade names or trademarks by which anything is known (including any any
surface, fabric, or other material or structure designed to carry such devices such as are used to
designate or attract attention to an individual firm, an association, a corporation, a profession, a
business, or a commodity or product) which are exposed to public view and used to attract
26. Taxiway – Portions of the Airport Operations Area (AOA) authorized by the Authority for the
surface maneuvering of aircraft.
27. Temporary Sign-Any sign, handbill, or poster which is placed to advertise or announce a specific
event, or which pertains to a particular event or occurrence, or which is not designed or intended
to be placed permanently.
28. Vehicle – Any device by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a
highway, including bicycles.
This document describes the Rules and Regulations for all users of the Airport owned and
operated by the Elizabeth City – Pasquotank County Airport Authority.
Judicious and proper administration requires that rules and regulations that establish the
minimum acceptable conduct for Airport users and employees are adopted. This requirement
provides protection from irresponsible and/or unsafe operations.
These Rules and Regulations apply to any person(s) or entity utilizing the Airport.
If the Airport Manager concludes that any of these Rules and Regulations have been disregarded,
and that he/she cannot resolve the matter satisfactorily by notice to and discussion with the
offending party, then formal action shall be taken against the party by the Airport Manager.
These actions may include suspension of airport operations or revocation of the party’s right to
utilize the Airport. A person who has had their airport privileges suspended by the Airport
Manager may appeal that decision to the Airport Authority. A written notice must be filed with
the Airport Authority within 30 days of the effective date of suspension.
In any circumstances not specifically covered by these rules and regulations, the Airport
Manager shall be authorized to make reasonable decisions as can be deemed necessary and
proper. All such actions may be subject to review by the Airport Authority. At all times, the
Airport Manager shall have the authority to take reasonable action as may be necessary,
including use of local law enforcement, to enforce these rules and regulations and to efficiently
manage the airport and its operations.
The Elizabeth City Regional Airport Terminal Building will normally be open for public use
from 0800 until 2100 weekdays, 0800-1700 weekends and holidays (closed Christmas and New
Years Day), unless otherwise designated by the Airport Authority.
These Rules and Regulations shall become effective on September 1, 2012.


A. All users of the Airport shall be governed by directions from the Control tower, these Rules and
Regulations, and the directions of the Elizabeth City Pasquotank County Airport Authority
(ECPCAA) or designated representative. These regulations are subject to change by the joint
decision of the Coast Guard and the Airport Authority at any time, based on experience, need,
and operating conditions.
B. As a user of the airport and its facilities, each individual shall be obligated to obey all the
regulations herein provided and adopted by the Authority.
C. The privilege of using the airport shall be conditioned on the assumption that the user shall take
on full responsibility and risk, and he shall release and hold harmless, and indemnify the Federal
Government and Airport Authority, its officers, and employees from any liability of loss
resulting from such use.
D. The privilege of using the airport shall be upon the further condition that any person(s),
corporations, co-partnership, or others desiring to use the same as Commercial Operator or Fixed
Based Operator, shall produce a policy of indemnity against personal injury and property
E. Any person violating any of the airport Rules and Regulations may be punished at the discretion
of the Airport Authority, or provided by law; deprivation of the use of the municipal airport
facilities for a specific period of time may be necessary.
F. These regulations are not intended to supersede, modify, or amend any provision of Federal,
State, or Local Law; however, these regulations shall as possible, be interpreted so that no
conflict arises.
G. If any portions of these Rules and Regulations prove to be invalid or unenforceable, all other
portions of this document shall remain in effect to achieve purposes hereof.
H. Any proposed changes to these Rules and Regulations shall be dated and posted by the Airport
Authority at the airport for a period of (30) days. Comments on the proposed changes may be
submitted by the general public in writing to the Authority, during this time period. After review
of all comments, revisions may be made and the final draft of the proposed changes will be
published. Copies of the changes will be posted at the airport and provided to all holders a copy
of the manual.
I. No person shall engage in a business or commercial operation on the Airport, without the
approval of the Airport Authority or designated representative.
J. The soliciting of business, fares, or funds for any purpose on the airport without the permission
of the Airport Authority or designated representative is prohibited.
K. No individual, partnership, corporation, or business shall construct any building, sign, or
structure, or modify any pre-existing facility without permission and approval of the Airport

3.2 Lost Articles

All lost articles should be turned in to the Airport Manager by the finders. If the articles are not
claimed within (60) days they shall be disposed of as determined by the Airport Manager.
3.3 Liability
The Airport Authority assumes no responsibility for loss, injury, or damage to any person(s) or
property by reason of fire, theft, vandalism, wind, flood, earthquake, collision, lightning strikes,
or acts of God, nor does it assume any liability for injury to person(s) while on the airport, or
while using airport facilities.
3.4 Responsibility for Damages
Any person(s) causing damage to or destroying airport property of any kind, including buildings,
fixtures, and facilities, shall be fully liable to the Airport Authority. Any and all damage shall be
reported directly to the Airport Manager.
3.5 Accident Report
All person(s) involved in any accident, whether personal, aircraft, or automotive, occurring on
the Airport, shall make a full verbal report to the Airport Manager as soon after the accident as
possible, and in any event within 24 hours after it has occurred. Based on the verbal report, a
written report may be required.
3.6 Ground Transportation
All carriers (Not defined) shall load and unload passengers in areas designated by the Airport
3.7 Building Requirements and Ground Rental
Any person desiring to construct any building or facility on the Airport shall be required to
submit plans and specifications to the Airport Manager. The plans shall consist of: a general
layout, drawn to scale, showing the desired amount of ground required for the operation of the
building or facility, in addition to the portion occupied by the building or facility. All buildings
and facilities constructed upon the Airport shall conform to the Building Code requirements of
the state of North Carolina and Pasquotank County and be approved by the Airport Authority.
Prior to any construction, all licenses and permits must be obtained. Once plans have been
approved, a lease may then be entered into at the rate set by the Airport Authority.
3.8 Restricted Areas and Air Operations Areas
All areas of the airport, except the terminal building are restricted and no person shall enter upon
the Air Operations Area, or any hangar, except:
Person(s) assigned to duty therein;

1. Authorized representative of the FAA/Airport Authority;

2. Passengers under appropriate supervision, entering the Air Operations Area for the purpose of
deplaning and enplaning;
3. Aircraft Owners or Renters and/or their authorized representatives; and
4. Business representatives in the conduct of their business with the tenants.

4.1 Compliance with Signs

All individuals shall observe and abide by all posted signs governing activities and/or demeanor
of the respective individual while at the Airport.
4.2 Environment Pollution and Sanitation
While on Airport property, individuals shall limit activities in such a manner as not to cause
littering or any other form of pollution.

a. No person shall dispose of garbage, papers, or any other forms of trash including cigarettes,
cigars, and matches, except in the receptacles provided.
b. No person shall keep any uncovered trash containers in any area of the airport. Areas to be used
for trash and garbage containers shall be designated by the Airport Authority. Such areas shall be
kept clean and sanitary at all times.
c. Any solid or liquid, which may be spilled at the Airport, shall immediately cleaned up, by the
person responsible for such spillage, and reported immediately to the Airport Manager of

4.3 Animals
No person shall enter the Airport with any animal without the permission of the Management,

a. Dogs or other animals which are to be transported by air within a suitable container properly
equipped for air travel.
b. Dogs or other animals which are restrained by leash, or properly confined and under the
supervision of an adult.

Animals shall be allowed to the extent mandated by applicable law, including “service animals”
pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act.
4.4 Firearms and Weapons
No person except those authorized by Federal Law and/or State Law, may carry or transport any
firearm or weapon on the Airport except when, the firearm or weapon is properly confined for
shipment or is part of a survival kit and is packed accordingly.

a. For the purpose of this section a firearm shall mean: any weapon designed to expel a projectile
by the action of an explosive other than a flare gun.
b. For the purpose of this section a weapon shall mean: any dirk, slingshot, chemical weapons,
electric weapon, or any other deadly weapon as defined by any Federal or State Law.
c. No person shall discharge any firearm or weapon on the Airport premises.
4.5 Preservation of Property
No person shall destroy, injure, deface, or disturb any building, sign, equipment, marker, or other
structure on the Airport; nor alter, make revisions to, or erect any building or sign on the Airport
without prior approval of the Airport Authority. No person shall travel upon any part of the
Airport other than the designated roads, walks, or other marked rights-of-way provided by the
Airport for specific purpose.
4.6 Damages and Tampering with Aircraft
All person(s) shall be fully responsible for all damages to buildings, equipment, and real property
in the ownership or custody of the Airport Authority, caused by abuse, carelessness, or
negligence. No person shall interfere or tamper with any aircraft, or use any aircraft, aircraft
parts, instruments or tools, without the permission from the owner or by specific direction of the
Airport Authority.
4.7 Maintenance and Equipment in Apron Area
All tenants shall maintain their leased property in such condition or repair, cleanliness, and
general maintenance as acceptable to the Airport Authority. All ramp equipment shall be parked
and kept in a neat, orderly manner. No receptacles, cases, or housing shall remain on the apron or
ramp area that does not fit in with architectural and cleanliness standards of the rest of the
installation. Final approval of these items rests with the Airport Authority.
4.8 Alcoholic Beverages and Controlled Substances

1. No person under the influence of liquor or narcotic drugs shall operate any motor vehicle or
aircraft of any type at the Airport.
2. The consumption of alcohol is not permitted in the AOA and is only permitted in the airport
terminal building with the permission of the Authority.

4.9 Use of Law Enforcement Agencies

In the event a situation arises that is beyond the control of the Airport Management to deal with,
the Pasquotank County Sheriff shall be called upon by the Airport Manager or the Airport
Authority. The Airport Authority grants permission to the Pasquotank County Sheriff’s
Department and Elizabeth City Police Department to enter the premises and enforce the Rules
and Regulations adopted by the Airport Authority.
4.10 Unaccompanied Minors
Unaccompanied minors under the age of 16 are not permitted on airport property without
permission of the Airport Manager.
5.1 General Rules

a. Compliance with Orders

All aeronautical activities shall be conducted in compliance with the then current Federal
Aviation Regulations, with these Rules and Regulations, and with the then Authority Minimum
b. Inattentive Operations Prohibited
1. No person shall operate any aircraft at the Airport in a careless manner or in disregard of the
safety of others.
2. All individuals using the Airport shall be liable for any damage to property caused intentionally,
accidentally, or by negligence on or over the Airport.
c. Disabled Aircraft

All aircraft owners shall be responsible for the prompt removal of all disabled aircraft and their
parts at the Airport, when directed by the Airport Manager.
d. Cleaning, Maintenance, and Repair of Aircraft.

The cleaning, painting, washing, and repairing of any aircraft, shall only permitted in approved
areas by the Airport Authority.
e. Certification of Aircraft and Licensing of Pilots

As required by the FAA, all aircraft operating at the Airport shall be required to display on board
a valid Airworthiness Certificate issued by the FAA, and shall display on the exterior of the
aircraft a valid registration number issued by the FAA or appropriate foreign government. All
person(s) operating aircraft are required by the FAA to possess an appropriate certificate or
license issued by the FAA. If requested by the Airport Manager, the pilot or operator shall be
required to show these documents.

5.2 Accidents and Incidents

The pilot of any aircraft involved in an accident on the Airport causing injury or damage to any
property other than the aircraft, shall make a prompt and complete written report concerning the
accident or incident to the office of the Airport Manager within (48) hours of the time that the
accident or incident first occurred. All incidents shall be reported in accordance with all FAA
and NTSB regulations. Airport property destroyed or damaged by an accident shall be paid for
by the responsible parties.
5.3 Categories of Aircraft, Activities, Rules and Operations
Final determination as to proper designation of any aircraft shall rest with the Airport Authority.
Charges as shown in Section 8 shall be determined according to the following classifications:

A Private

1. Private aircraft may be used by person(s) other than the owner provided that it is not rented or
leased by the owner for a profit.
2. Company and corporation owned aircraft that are operated for the free transportation of their and
other personnel and/or products are classified as private aircraft and subject to the restrictions as
listed above.
B. Commercial Aircraft Use:
1. For rental, hire, or charter
2. Student instruction and occupations for hire
3. Any aircraft used for commercial services and not otherwise covered in these regulations.
C. Air Taxi (Commuters)
1. Contract:
All federally certified Air Taxis or Commuters holding a contract with the Airport Authority for
Airport usage.
2. Non-Contract:
All Air Taxis or Commuters not covered in this Section.
D. Rotorcraft Operation Rules
1. Rotorcraft not under the control of an Air Traffic Control Tower shall avoid fixed wing aircraft
traffic patterns and altitudes to the maximum extent possible, with safety precautions.
2. Rotorcraft shall not be operated within fifty (50) feet of any areas on the Airport where
unsecured light aircraft are parked.

Aircraft Activities

1. No fixed wing or rotary wing aircraft shall be allowed to operate at the Elizabeth City Regional
Airport unless the aircraft has a current Airworthiness Certificate and is operated by a licensed
pilot or student pilot holding a valid medical certificate, except aircraft being taxied by a
qualified mechanic for maintenance purposes or operated under a valid ferry permit.
2. The owners of all aircraft based on the Airport will register their aircraft with the Airport
3. All aircraft shall comply to with all applicable Federal Aviation Regulations, including but not
limited to:
Federal Aviation Regulations

1. Part 61 – Certification: Pilots & Flight Instructors

2. Part 65 – Mechanics 65.71 thru 65.95
3. Part 67 – Medical Standards and Certifications
4. Part 91 – General Operating & Flight Rules
5. Part 93 – Specific Air Traffic Rules & Airport Traffic Patterns
6. Part 135 – Air Taxi Operators & Commercial
7. Part 137 – Agricultural Aircraft Operators
8. Part 141 – Pilot Schools
9. Part 43.3g – Aircraft Owner Repairs/Preventive Maintenance
10. Part 145 – Repair Stations

National Transportation Safety Board Regulations:

1. Part 830 – Notification & Reporting of Aircraft Accidents

Airport Operations:

a. The Airport Manager may prohibit aircraft movement at any time, under any circumstances
when the Airport Manager deems necessary.

5.4 Taxi and Ground Rules

Aircraft Parking

a. Aircraft may only be parked in designated spaces and in the manner prescribed by the Authority.
If this rule is violated, the aircraft parked may be subject to removal by the direction of the
Airport Authority.
b. No aircraft shall be left unattended on the Airport unless it is in a hangar or securely locked or
tied down.
c. Any materials left in the aircraft are the sole responsibility of the aircraft owner/pilot. Theft or
vandalism of any materials is not the responsibility of the Authority.

Non-Flyable Aircraft

a. No person will be allowed to park an aircraft in non-flyable condition on Airport property, for
period over (90) days, without permission from the Authority.
b. If an aircraft is parked or stored in non-flyable condition on the Airport, violating this Section,
the Authority shall notify the owner or operator by certified or registered mail, requiring the
removal of the aircraft within (15) days of the receipt of notice.
c. Aircraft not removed as required will be removed by the Authority at the owner’s expense.


a. Engine Run-up – Aircraft shall not perform run-up or prolonged engine test operations in any
area that would result in a hazard to other aircraft, person(s), or property
b. No person shall run any engine in any aircraft unless a competent person is in the aircraft
attending the engine controls.

5.5 Use of T-Hangars and Storage Hangars

a. Airport sponsors that have accepted FAA grants or deeds of federal surplus property are
obligated to use dedicated aviation facilities for aeronautical use. If hangars are not reserved for
aeronautical use, federal airport grant funds could inadvertently subsidize non-aeronautical users,
and aeronautical users could be denied access to needed airport facilities.

Conditions in AIP grant assurances that can apply to hangar use include:

 preserving rights and powers (Grant Assurance 5);

 making the airport available for aviation use on certain terms (Grant Assurance 22);
 not granting exclusive rights (Grant Assurance 23);
 ensuring safe operations (Grant Assurance 19); and
 complying with the ALP (Airport Layout Plan) process and requirements (Grant Assurance 29).

b. To assure appropriate use of hangars, an airport sponsor should:

 manage the use of hangars through an airport leasing program that requires a written lease
agreement or permit;
 monitor the use of hangars on the airport and take steps to prevent unapproved non-aeronautical
 ensure that the length of time on a waiting list of those in need of a hangar for aircraft storage is
minimized; and
 in cases where temporary non-aeronautical use of a vacant hangar is permitted, ensure that non-
aviation users pay a fair market rental for the use of the hangar, and that the hangar can be
returned to aviation use when needed.

c. In accordance with FAA policy, the following uses of T-Hangars are permitted or

Permitted uses include:

 storing active aircraft;

 sheltering aircraft for maintenance, repair, or refurbishment, but not indefinitely storing non-
operational aircraft;
 constructing amateur-built or kit-built aircraft provided that activities are conducted safely;
 storing aircraft handling equipment, e.g., tow bar, glider tow equipment, workbenches, and tools
and materials used to service, maintain, repair or outfit aircraft; items related to ancillary or
incidental uses that do not affect the hangars' primary use;
 storing materials related to an aeronautical activity, e.g., balloon and skydiving equipment, office
equipment, teaching tools, and materials related to ancillary or incidental uses that do not affect
the hangars' primary use;
 storing non-aeronautical items that do not interfere with the primary aeronautical purpose of the
hangar, e.g., televisions and furniture; or
 parking a vehicle at the hangar while the aircraft usually stored in that hangar is flying, subject to
local airport rules and regulations.

Uses not permitted include:

 use as a residence;
 operation of a non-aeronautical business, e.g., limo service, car and motorcycle storage, storage
of inventory, and non-aeronautical business office;
 activities that impede the movement of the aircraft in and out of the hangar or other aeronautical
contents of the hangar;
 activities that displace the aeronautical contents of the hangar or impede access to aircraft or
other aeronautical contents of the hangar;
 storage of household items that could be stored in commercial storage facilities;
 long-term storage of derelict aircraft and parts;
 storage of items or activities prohibited by local or state law;
 storage of fuel and other dangerous and Hazmat materials; or
 storage of inventory or equipment supporting a municipal agency function unrelated to the d.
Rules as set by the Airport Authority

 T-hangars and storage hangars shall not be used for any purpose that would interfere with
the use of other buildings and structures in the neighborhood of the leased premises.
 T-hangars shall be used for storage of aircraft in accordance with the current lease. These
hangars shall not be used for any other purpose without written permission from the
 No alterations may be made to the hangar structure without written approval by the
 No accelerants (A fuel or oxidizer, often an ignitable liquid, used to initiate a fire or
increase the rate of growth or spread of fire. ( NFPA 921 3.3.2)) will be stored in
 No paint spraying or spraying of any kind will be permitted within the hangar.
6.1 Rules of Operation

a. No person will be allowed to operate a motor vehicle of any kind in a reckless manner or in excess of the
speed limits prescribed by the Airport Authority, and in no event in excess of 10 miles per hour in ramp,
apron, aircraft parking, and hangar areas.
b. Pedestrians and aircraft will at all times have the right of way over vehicular traffic. All vehicles shall
pass to the rear of taxiing aircraft.
c. All person(s) operating a motor vehicle on the Airport shall give proper signals, and observe the
directions of posted traffic signs.
d. No person under the influence of alcohol or narcotic drugs shall operate a motor vehicle or aircraft on the
e. No person shall operate any motor vehicle on the Airport overloaded or carrying more passengers than
those for which the vehicles were designed.
f. No vehicle shall be operated on the Airport if it is equipped or loaded as to endanger persons or property.


Licensing and Regulation

1. No person shall operate motor vehicles of any kind on the Airport without a valid Operator’s
2. All vehicles on the Airport must be properly registered with a current license plate and tag issued
by a State Department of Motor Vehicles.
3. All motor vehicles will park in designated parking areas.
4. Parking in front of the terminal building will be limited to 15 minutes for loading/unloading
5. The installation of two-way radios does not permit the operation of vehicles on the Airport
without prior permission from the Control Tower, or on the AOA by the Airport Manager.
6. No person shall abandon any motor vehicle on the Airport. The Airport Authority has the
authority to tow or otherwise move motor vehicles which are parked by their owners on the
Airport in violation of the designated parking areas.

6.3 Accident Procedure and Emergency

The operator of any vehicle involved in an accident on the Airport which results in injury or
death of any person(s), or property damage, shall immediately stop the vehicle at the scene of the
accident in order to render necessary assistance. The operator shall immediately give notice of
the accident to the Airport Manager and the Pasquotank County Sheriff. The operator of each
vehicle shall provide the name and address of owner and driver of the vehicle, as well as the
operator’s license, vehicle registration, and the name of the liability insurance carrier for the
vehicle, to any person injured, the driver of the vehicle damage, and to any police officer. In the
event of an emergency on the Airport, notification should be given to the following:

1. The Control Tower (if in radio contact)

2. 911 Emergency Operator
3. The Airport Manager - 252-335-5634


No motor vehicle shall be permitted on the Air Operations Area without specific permission
granted by the Airport Manager. All vehicles shall at all times yield right-of-way to aircraft.
Rules of Operations

a. No motor vehicle shall be parked on any part of the AOA except authorized trucks and other
vehicles necessary for the servicing and maintenance of aircraft and transportation of passengers
on the Airport.
b. No person shall park a vehicle so that it blocks or obstructs: fire hydrants, gates, emergency
exits, and building entrances or exits.

c. Aircraft taxiing on any runway, taxiway, or apron area shall always have the right-of-way over
any vehicular traffic.

6.5 Reserved and Public Parking

Public Parking

a. Operators of motor vehicles using public parking facilities at the Airport shall abide by all
regulatory signs and markings.
b. No vehicle shall remained in the public parking facility for more than (30) consecutive days
without the permission of the Authority.
c. Reserved Parking

No person shall park any vehicle in any reserved parking area on the Airport without a valid
permit issued by the Airport Authority permitting parking in such specified areas.


7.1 General
All persons using the Airport and its facilities shall exercise the utmost care and caution against
fire and injury to persons and/or property.
7.2 Fueling Operations

a. No aircraft shall be fueled or de-fueled while one or more of the engines are running, or the
aircraft is then being warmed by external heat, or while such aircraft is in a hangar or enclosed
b. No person shall start the engine of an aircraft if there is any gasoline or other volatile fluid on the
ground or otherwise when starting the engine could ignite such fuel.
c. All aviation fuels and oils for sale on Airport property shall be dispensed only by the Airport
Authority. No fuel shall be stored by any persons without the permission of the Airport Authority
while on Airport property.
d. Aircraft being fueled shall be positioned no closer than (50) feet from any hangar or building.
Fuel trucks whether loaded or empty shall never be in hangars, nor be parked less than (50) feet
from any hangar or building.
e. No fuel, grease, oil, or flammable liquids shall be allowed to flow in any Airport sanitary or
storm drain system. Any person(s) involved in a spillage of fuel shall be held responsible for
expeditious notification to the Airport Manager and will be held responsible for immediate
cleanup of the effected area. In the event of a fuel spillage, no vehicles shall be moved or
operated in the vicinity of the spill until the spillage is removed.
f. No person is permitted to fuel or de-fuel an aircraft while passengers are on board.
g. No person shall park motorized ground equipment near any aircraft that prevents it or the aircraft
from being driven or towed away in case of an emergency.

h. Prior to making an fueling connection to the Aircraft, the fueling equipment shall be physically
bonded or grounded to the aircraft being fueled by use of a cable, thus providing a conductive
path to equalize the electric potential between the fueling equipment and the aircraft.
i. All hoses and funnels used in fueling and de-fueling operations shall be equipped with a
bonding/grounding device to prevent ignition of volatile liquids.
j. When a fire occurs in a fuel delivery device while servicing an aircraft, fueling shall be stopped
immediately and all emergency valves shall be shut off. Then notify 911 and the Airport
Manager immediately.

7.3 Authority to Dispense Aviation Fuel

Only those individuals who have been authorized by the Airport Manager may dispense fuel into
any aircraft at any airport operated by the Authority. No person shall ever dispense or sell
aviation fuel for automotive purposes.
7.4 Fuel Farm Installations and Fuel Transporting Vehicles

a. All fuel farm installation shall conform to the appropriate National Fire Protection Association
Standards, City/County Fire Codes, Federal, State, and local laws. There shall always be NO
SMOKING within (100) feet of the fuel farm installation.
b. Fuel installations shall always be kept-up and maintained removing all debris in order to prevent
c. Fire extinguishers shall always be maintained in an accessible position, and in an operable
condition with an un-expired certification date.
d. No fuel or fuel-transporting vehicle shall be left unattended during loading or unloading of fuel
at a fuel farm.

Fuel Transporting Vehicles

Each fuel transporting vehicle will be labeled on both sides and rear of the cargo tank with the
7.5 Smoking
Smoking or carrying lighted smoking materials or striking matches or other devices is only
permitted in designated smoking areas.
7.6 Storage of Materials and Hazardous Materials
Storage of Materials

1. No person shall store any material or piece of equipment in such a manner that it becomes a
hazard. Gasoline, jet fuel, lubricating oil, or any other flammable substance shall be stored in
accordance with the applicable City and/or County Codes. Buildings shall be provided with fire-
suppressant devices and first-aid equipment as required.
2. No person shall keep, transport, or store any lubricating oils on the Airport except in specified
containers or receptacles.
3. All hazardous waste shall be disposed of in accordance with applicable regulations.

Transport of Hazardous Materials

a. No person shall handle, transport or store any cargo containing explosive materials without the
permission of the Airport Authority.
b. No person may accept any hazardous article (once again you change terms from one you start
with) for shipment at the Airport unless the shipment is handled and stored in full compliance
with the current provisions of the Federal Regulations.
c. Any person transporting hazardous articles shall have designated personnel at the Airport
authorized and responsible for receiving and handling such shipments.

7.7 Aprons, Buildings, and Equipment

All persons on the Airport shall keep all areas of the premises leased or used by them clean and
free of oil, grease and other flammable material. The floors of hangars shall be kept clean, free
from waste materials or other trash or rubbish. Any person operating or using any equipment on
the Airport shall use extreme caution and care. Any person using a facility or building of the
Airport shall exercise cleanliness and caution. No person shall use flammable substances for
cleaning hangars or other buildings on the Airport.
7.8 Fire Extinguishers
Fire extinguishing equipment at the Airport shall be checked daily to avoid tampering. Fire
extinguishers shall not be tampered with at any time, nor used for any purpose other than fire
fighting or fire prevention. All equipment shall be maintained in accordance with current NFPA
Standards. Tags showing the last inspection shall be attached to each unit. All tenants or lessees
or any other occupants of hangars on the Airport shall supply and maintain an adequate number
of readily accessible fire extinguishers.
7.9 Aircraft Suspected of Carrying Explosives

a. Persons having knowledge of an aircraft carrying or suspected of carrying explosive materials

will advise the Airport Manager and Control Tower (if in radio contact). The Airport Manager
will notify the Control tower ASAP.
b. All passengers will be escorted off the aircraft onto the outer extremities of the AOA. The
aircraft will then be parked at a location specified by the Control Tower, until the aircraft is
determined safe.

7.10 Inspection of Possible Hazardous Aircraft

Inspection of the aircraft and subsequent declaration of safety or contamination shall be the
responsibility of the aircraft owner or his authorized agent, and shall be accomplished
immediately after parking and evacuation.
8.1 Commercial Operations

a. No aircraft organization or person shall engage in any commercial operation of any type at the
Airport unless prior permission is obtained from, and assessed fees paid to the Airport Authority.
Permission and fees are in effect for each and every visit with the fee being set by the Airport
b. The Airport Authority may enter into separate contracts with any commercial operation on the
Elizabeth City Regional Airport.
c. The Airport Authority may adopt a fee schedule to be applied for ramp operations by any
commercial operator not having a contract with the Airport Authority, such fee schedule shall be
placed at the Airport Terminal Building and at the Office or at the office of the Airport Manager.
Commercial operators shall pay a ramp fee for each ramp operation at the Airport.
d. Private or business (non-commercial) ramp fees shall be posted on the Airport’s schedule of fees.
At the discretion of the Airport Manager fees are subject to change based on the weight of the
e. The Airport Authority may grant written permission for a specific commercial operator to enter
the Airport for the purpose of repairing or maintaining an aircraft or equipment which is beyond
the capability of any Fixed Based Operator located on the Airport. Capability of the A&P, IA as
defined in FAR 65.71 thru 65.95. This privilege will be on a case-by-case basis and will require a
separate agreement for each activity.
f. Any permission granted by the Authority under this clause, will only be for a specific purpose
and specific period.

8.2 Aircraft Servicing Fees

All charges owed to the Airport Authority for service performed, for Airport facilities used and
for aircraft stored on a daily basis shall be paid before the aircraft is cleared from the Airport,
unless credit arrangements have been made. The Airport Manager may detain any aircraft for
nonpayment of any charges due.
8.3 Ramp Fees
Landing fees for commercial aviation operations shall be payable to the Authority or its
designated representatives immediately upon landing at the airport unless other arrangements
have been made.
8.4 Aircraft Parking Fees
Aircraft parking on ramp areas shall be appropriately charged.
9.1 Applicant
Any applicant wishing to establish commercial operations on the airport shall be furnished a
copy of the minimum standards, attached, and shall make application in writing to the Airport
Authority, setting forth in detail the following:

a. The name and address of the applicant;

b. The proposed land use, facility and/or activity sought
c. The names and qualifications of the personnel to be involved in conducting such activity;
d. The financial responsibility and technical ability of the applicant and operator to carry out the
e. The tools, equipment, services and inventory, if any, proposed to be furnished in connection with
such activity;
f. The requested or proposed date for commencement of the activity and the term of conducting the
g. The estimated cost of any structure or facility to be furnished, the proposed specifications for
same, and the means or method of financing such construction or acquisition or facilities.

9.2 General Information

a. Upon the filing of any application with the Authority; it shall be immediately referred to the
appropriate committee and considered at the next scheduled meeting. If no meeting is scheduled
within (45) days from the filing of an application, a meeting shall be called for considering the
application and notice will be given to the applicant. Upon consideration of the application the
Airport Authority shall determine whether or not the applicant meets the standards and
qualifications established in the Rules and Regulations.
b. Upon approval of the application, the Airport Authority shall prepare a suitable lease or contract
agreement setting forth the terms and conditions under which the commercial operation shall be
conducted, with the applicant.
c. Any rejected application shall be returned to the applicant within (10) days of the rejection with a
written explanation of the reason for rejection.
The Airport Authority obligates itself to operate the Municipal Airport for the use and benefit of
the public and to keep the airport open to the various types of aeronautical use for which the
facility is designed and intended to serve.
The Airport Authority established these rules to be met by all users so as to provide for the safe
and efficient use of the airport and to otherwise protect the safety of person(s) and property both
on the ground and in the air.
10.1 Landing Facilities
The landing area facilities that are constructed are primarily intended for the use of powered
aircraft whose weights are not excess of the published strengths of the paved surfaces.
Operations on these surfaces by aircraft slightly in excess of the published pavement strengths
may be permitted on an infrequent basis. Permission must be obtained from the Commanding
Officer, Coast Guard Air Station in Elizabeth City, NC for use of runways and taxiways by
overweight aircraft and from the Airport Authority for use of the Municipal Ramp.
10.2 Operations of Non-powered Aircraft
No operations involving non-powered aircraft, including gliders, balloons, parachuting, and
other special classes of activities, will be permitted on the Airport without the prior written
approval of the Commanding Officer, Coast Guard Air Station in Elizabeth City, NC.
10.3 Crop Dusting
Any person seeking to conduct crop dusting or spraying of agricultural chemicals shall be
required to satisfy the Airport Authority that:

a. Suitable arrangements have been provided for the safe storage and containment of chemical
materials; no poisonous or inflammable materials shall be kept or stored in close proximity to
other facility installations at the Airport.
b. The operator shall have available, properly certified suitably equipped agricultural operation
c. No crop dusting operations shall be conducted on the principal public use apron or ramp of the
d. All operations will be in accordance with all appropriate Federal Aviation Regulation, and State
and Local Regulations concerning the handling of pesticides and other substances.

10.4 General

a. No operations involving unlicensed or unregistered aircraft will be permitted on the Airport

without prior approval of the Authority.
b. The Airport will not participate in non-aeronautical events that will conflict with its aeronautical
All previous Rules and Regulations or parts of Rules and Regulations issued by the Authority in
conflict herewith are repealed to the extent of such conflict.
If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of these Rules and
Regulations are for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent
jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed severable and such holding shall not affect the validity
of the remaining portions hereof.
1.1 General

A. The following minimum standards shall apply to all operations; however, all the activities listed
may not be provided, depending on the lease agreement executed between the Airport Authority
and the operator.
B. No commercial operator shall be allowed to operate on the Airport without a lease agreement
with the Authority. Any operator whose principal place of business is located other than the
Elizabeth City Regional Airport and who further has a valid contract with another airport
sponsor, may not be required to maintain facilities at the Airport.
C. The Airport Authority shall determine all substantial conformances to the standards for all
operators. Also, all operators must show financial solvency and business ability to the
satisfaction of the Airport Authority.
D. The minimum liability insurance that a fixed base operator shall carry including: general
liability, product liability, and premise liability, is $1,000,000. Hangar’s keeper/property damage
insurance will be decided between the Airport Authority and the operator, but in no case will be
less than $100,000. All policies required by this section will name as insured, the Airport
Authority, its officers, members, and employees, and will contain a provision which will require
the insurance carrier to notify the Authority at least (10) days in advance of cancellation, or
change in coverage.
E. All operators will be required to provide the Airport Authority a performance bond
commensurate with any construction required under the minimum standards service to be
F. All construction shall be in accordance with design and construction standards established by the
Airport Authority and approved by the North Carolina Division of Aviation and Federal Aviation
Administration for the facility involved.
G. All airport mechanics and inspectors shall carry a $1,000,000.00 liability policy naming
Elizabeth City Pasquotank Airport Authority as co-insured, have written authorization for each
occurrence from the Airport Authority, and shall be charged a fee for each occurrence on the
1.2 Aircraft Maintenance and Repair
All person(s) operating aircraft, engine, or accessory maintenance facilities shall provide: Need
to fix the indent to match that above. It also will save paper and make the reading easier.

A. Hangar space to house any aircraft upon which such service is being performed.
B. Suitable storage space for aircraft awaiting for maintenance or delivery after repair and
maintenance have been completed.
C. Sufficient shop space to house equipment and adequate equipment and machine tools, jacks,
lifts,and testing equipment to perform top overhauls as required for FAA certification and repair
of parts not needing replacement on all single engine land and light multi-engine land general
aviation aircraft.
D. At least one FAA certified air frame and engine mechanic available during reasonable hours.
E. Separate space where adequate exhaust type work may be performed.
F. Appropriate insurance
G. Non-airworthy aircraft shall be screened from public view

1.2 Flight Training

All person(s) conducting flight training activity shall provide:

A. At least one certified flight instructor for single engine and aircraft. At least on dual equipped
single engine land aircraft properly equipped and maintained for flight instruction.
B. Certified instructor providing ground school instruction sufficient enough to enable students to
pass the written FAA examinations.
C. Public liability and property damage insurance to protect the operator and the Airport Authority
from legal liabilities and shall provide liability insurance of at least $1,000,000 per passenger
seat and property damage liability of at least $1,000,000.

1.4 Aircraft Rental

All person(s) conducting aircraft rental activity shall provide:

A. Hangar or parking for at least one aircraft to be used as a rental.

B. At least one airworthy aircraft maintained and certified.
C. Current up-to-date specifications and price lists for types and models of rental aircraft.
D. Appropriate Insurance.

1.5 Miscellaneous Operations

Radio and instrument repairs, aerial advertising, and other activities may be conducted by any
person, firm, or corporation, upon application and approval from the Airport Authority.
Reasonable terms and conditions will be established by the Airport Authority.
1.6 Hangar Space
Facility requirements will be adequate and reasonable for the services offered to operators such
as: hangar space, office and lounge areas and aircraft parking.
1.7 Minimum Standards, New Construction
All new hangars shall:

A. Contain a minimum of 900 square feet of floor space. Maintenance shops shall contain a
minimum of 1400 square feet of floor space.
B. Be of metal or masonry construction. The interior shall be constructed based on specific uses
required, as long as it meets State and Local Codes. All new construction will meet State and
Local Codes.

1.8 Aircraft Parking Aprons and Services

All new parking aprons and services provided shall:

A. Be constructed accordingly to plans and specifications approved by the Airport Authority.

Aircraft parking aprons may be required for operators handling aviation petroleum products and
aircraft repair.
B. Be provided on a fair, equal, and not unjustly discriminatory basis to all users of the airport. The
prices charged for products on the Airport shall be fair and reasonable.
1.1 General

A. The following policy sets the rules and standards for the placement of non-Airport
Authority signs on airport property.
B. The Airport Authority retains the right to accept or refuse any application requesting the
placement of any sign based on content, structure, and proposed location.
C. Applications will be accepted from applicants with an active lease between themselves
and the Airport Authority only.
D. Signs will be limited to advertising business concerning airport business.
1.2 Locations Where Prohibited
A. No sign of any description shall be installed, erected, or constructed in such a manner as
to obstruct any egress point or any fire escape, or any window or door leading thereto,
nor shall any sign be attached in any form, shape, or manner to a fire escape.
B. Signs will only be installed in locations designated by the Authority, and must be in
compliance with all federal, state, county, and local laws.

1.3 Name of Sign Owner to Appear On Sign

A. Every sign shall be plainly marked with the name of the person or organization erecting
and maintaining the sign.

1.4 Monument Signs

A. No monument signs shall be at any point higher than 8 feet above the level of the
ground, and the bottom part of the sign shall be at least two feet between the bottom of
the sign and the ground. Every monument sign shall be constructed entirely of wood or
partly of wood and metal. It shall be stoutly and firmly constructed and anchored in a
secure and substantial manner.
B. Signs shall not be illuminated.

1.5 Sign Placement

A. Signs shall be placed at least 15 feet away from any public road or drive.
B. Signs will be a minimum of 50 feet apart, as to provide a clear view of each sign.
C. Signs (freestanding) will be placed at least 20 feet from any permanent structure.
D. Signs must be placed a minimum of 7 feet from the edge of the ditch in order to allow
ample room for mowing equipment to maneuver between sign and ditch.
1.6 Building Mounted Signs
No signs mounted on structure may protrude above the structures highest point.

1.7 Sign Maintenance
A. It is the responsibility of the sign maintainer to maintain the sign to a serviceable
standard with a clean and professional appearance.
B. In the event that airport management determines the sign to be out of standards, the
maintainer will be notified in writing. The maintainer will have (10) working days to
rectify the issue. If insufficient progress has been made by that time, the sign will be
removed at the owner’s expense and a new application must be filed in order to replace
C. The airport will continue to maintain the grounds around the sign.
1.8 Removal
A. It is the responsibility of the sign maintainer to remove the sign upon discontinuation of
1.9 Temporary Signs
A. Subject to the same approval criteria as monument signs.
B. May be put in place two (2) weeks prior to event.
C. Must be removed within three (3) working days after event.
2.0 Interior Signage
A. Any signage on the interior of the terminal building shall be at the approval
and discretion of the Managing Director.


LEASE DATE____________________ LEASE EXPIRES:______________________






BOARD APPROVAL? Y N DATE:________________________

Authority Approval Number (XX-CY) __________________



Please contact the Airport Manager for more information on the airport's security measures.
Elizabeth City/Pasquotank Regional Airport Rules and Regulations
Appendix D
Snow and Ice Plan
1.1 General
1.2 Definitions
1.3 Plan
1.4 Priorities
1.5 Closed Airport
1.1 General. This region of Eastern North Carolina occasionally gets ice and
snow. The events usually begin with rain and as the temperatures drop, the rain
turns to ice and eventually snow falls on the ice. This makes surfaces slick and
driving dangerous. It also usually halts flight operations.
The Elizabeth City Regional Airport is reliant upon the Coast Guard for providing
navigable runways and taxiways. We do not have our own. Their response to
possible snow and ice hazards depends on operational tempo, possible off-site
response to emergencies, expected duration of the event, and other Coast Guard
related concerns. The civilian side, or general aviation part of the base is not their
concern. The level of response to a snow event does not spill over to this side of
the base.
Historically, this part of the country does not get a large amount of snow. In fact, has no reading for annual snowfall here. Nevertheless, we do
get frozen precipitation that occasionally closes the airport. This plan is intended to
mitigate airport down time, while ensuing the safety of staff and the flying public.
1.2 Definitions: Unless otherwise specifically provided, or unless clearly required
by the context, the words and phrases defined in this section should have the
meaning indicated.
A. Airport- The Elizabeth City-Pasquotank County Regional Airport
B. Director-Managing Director of the Airport Authority or his designee
C. Outside assistance- a contractor not regularly employed by the airport, paid to
provide services related to snow and ice removal.

1.3 Plan. If the Coast Guard runway is open, and access is open through taxiway
Golf, then the Airport should be open.
A. The weather here at the airport is being constantly monitored. Rain, wind, snow,
and ice greatly affect the ability of aircraft to land and take off. Most snow and ice
events are predicted by the National Weather Service.
B. 48 hours out from a potential snow event, the Managing Director will ensure
that airport staff reviews plans and procedures to ensure safety and accountability
of staff, tenants, and any potential transient personnel and aircraft.
C. 24 hours out from potential snow event, the Managing Director will make
contact with the Coast Guard Airfield Manager to determine the Coast Guard’s
intentions as to planned plowing or brushing and potential runway closures.
D. Weather depending, the Director will make the call on whether or not to attempt
to plow during the snow event.
E. The Director will make the call, based on concerns for public safety, whether or
not to close the airport. The North Carolina Department of Transportation,
Aviation Division will be notified upon closure.
F. The Director will make the call on when to start snow and ice removal.
G. In conjunction with the Operations Supervisor, the determination will be made
as to the need for off airport assistance in the clearing of the snow and ice.
H. The Director will determine when it is appropriate to re-open the airport. Upon
re-opening, the North Carolina Department of Transportation, Aviation Division
will be notified.
1.4 Priorities. We have limited equipment to handle the events. We have a small
tractor with a scoop. Our primary areas of concern are:
1. Ramp
2. Footpath to Terminal
3. Parking lot
4. Sidewalks
5. T-hangar access
1.5 Closed Airport. As a matter of public interest, for safety concerns, if the
airport is declared closed, it is closed to the public for safety concerns. Having
airport personnel working on snow removal activities at the airport does not mean
the airport is open. Closings and openings will be posted on the website, and on our facebook page.
1.6 Outside assistance. The Operations Supervisor will maintain a list of potential
contractors that may be called upon to assist with snow and ice removal. This list
will be checked annually, in the fall, to determine currency and validity, along with
ensuring prices for time, labor, and equipment. The potential increase in financial
need will be budgeted for under Grounds Maintenance.
Elizabeth City/Pasquotank Regional Airport Rules and Regulations
Appendix E
Hazardous Weather Plan
1.1 General
1.2 Definitions
1.3 Plan
1.4 Priorities
Attachment A Egress Airports

1.1 General

A. The geographic region in which the airport resides is prone to rapid weather
changes. There have been microbursts, Noreasters, tornados, hail, and
hurricanes, that have caused local damage.
B. Aircraft are vulnerable to these conditions. It is the intent of this airport to
make available the most protection for aircraft possible. The airport has
hangars that it leases to the public. These hangars provide protection from
the sun, wind, rain, and hail. There is a finite number of these hangars. All
other aircraft are kept on the ramp in tie down spots. The tie down straps
keep the aircraft from sustaining damage in normal to moderate winds.
These spots offer no further protection from the elements.
C. ****It is the responsibility of the aircraft owner to take care of their
aircraft. The airport has no direct responsibility to make sure your
aircraft is secure in hazardous weather conditions. ****
D. In the event of an approaching hurricane, it is advised that aircraft owners
relocate their aircraft to other locations. The airport is not responsible for
finding alternate locations in which to relocate to.

1.2 Definitions
A. Hurricane Condition. The Airport gets regular updates on storm conditions
from Coast Guard Base, Elizabeth City. Listed are the Hurricane Conditions
communicated to the airport.

C.1. Condition 5
A seasonal condition that is automatically set by all Fifth District units from 01 June through 30
November each year, unless otherwise directed by the Fifth District Commander. Air Station
Elizabeth City continues normal operations and conducts precautionary and preparatory measures
during condition 5.
C.2. Condition 4
An ALERT condition where gale force winds of 34 kts or greater are possible within 72 hours.

C.3. Condition 3
A HURRICANE WATCH condition where gale force winds of 34 kts or greater are possible
within 48 hours.

C.4. Condition 2
A HURRICANE WARNING condition where gale force winds of 34 kts or greater are possible
within 24 hours.

C.5. Condition 1
A HURRICANE DANGER condition where gale force winds of 34 kts or greater are possible
within 12 hours.

B. Hurricane Category.

Category Sustained Winds Types of Damage Due to Hurricane Winds

Very dangerous winds will produce some damage: Well-

constructed frame homes could have damage to roof, shingles,
74-95 mph
vinyl siding and gutters. Large branches of trees will snap and
1 64-82 kt
shallowly rooted trees may be toppled. Extensive damage to
119-153 km/h
power lines and poles likely will result in power outages that
could last a few to several days.

Extremely dangerous winds will cause extensive

damage: Well-constructed frame homes could sustain major
96-110 mph
roof and siding damage. Many shallowly rooted trees will be
2 83-95 kt
snapped or uprooted and block numerous roads. Near-total
154-177 km/h
power loss is expected with outages that could last from several
days to weeks.

Devastating damage will occur: Well-built framed homes may

111-129 mph incur major damage or removal of roof decking and gable ends.
96-112 kt Many trees will be snapped or uprooted, blocking numerous
178-208 km/h roads. Electricity and water will be unavailable for several days
to weeks after the storm passes.
Category Sustained Winds Types of Damage Due to Hurricane Winds

Catastrophic damage will occur: Well-built framed homes can

sustain severe damage with loss of most of the roof structure
130-156 mph and/or some exterior walls. Most trees will be snapped or
113-136 kt uprooted and power poles downed. Fallen trees and power
209-251 km/h poles will isolate residential areas. Power outages will last
weeks to possibly months. Most of the area will be uninhabitable
for weeks or months.

Catastrophic damage will occur: A high percentage of framed

157 mph or higher homes will be destroyed, with total roof failure and wall collapse.
137 kt or higher Fallen trees and power poles will isolate residential areas.
252 km/h or higher Power outages will last for weeks to possibly months. Most of
the area will be uninhabitable for weeks or month

1.3 Plan

A. Microbursts, thunderstorms, tornados, and hail give next to no warning. That

being said, the Airport will make every effort to be weather conscience and
will try to make sure that aircraft are tied down when storms approach. It is
the responsibility of the aircraft owner to make sure their aircraft is properly
B. Hurricanes generally give more warning. Proper measures will be taken by
airport personnel to ensure the security of airport property and personnel.
C. Conditions-What the airport will do.
1. Under Hurricane Condition 5: The Coast Guard determines the Hurricane
condition for the airfield, which includes the Airport. Under Condition 5,
the airport will attempt to verify email addresses with all tenants.
Information will be passed by internet, from the airport, for as long as it
possible to do so safely. This plan will be reviewed, revised, and emailed
to all tenants.
2. Under Condition 4, tenants will be notified of the change in condition by
email. Airport personnel will ensure that any loose equipment or debris is
secured or removed. Every effort will be made to secure aircraft with
tiedowns. As before stated, it is the responsibility of the aircraft owner to
secure, protect, or remove his or her aircraft.
3. Under condition 3, final checks are made to ensure security of the airport.
Tenants will be notified of the change in condition. The oncoming system
will be monitored for speed and strength. If the storm is a heavy rain
producer, sandbags will be filled and staged in the event that the doors to
the FBO come under threat of flood.
4. Under Condition 2, the tenants will be advised of the change. The airport
will be in contact with the Coast Guard to determine when the airfield
will be closed. . When the airfield is shut down, the airport will close.
Any non-airport personnel will be required to vacate the airport. The
Authority Board will be informed of airport closure. Airport staff will
share evac plans with the Director. Final securing of airport will take
5. Under Condition 1, the airport will be closed. The tenants will be
notified of change.The Director will be available at his file phone
number, which is available on the website. Check or for the latest hurricane conditions. The airport answering
machine will contain information as to where to obtain hurricane
information and contact information for the Managing Director and
Airport Operations Manager.
6. Aftermath- After the storm has passed, airport staff will return to the
airport to survey any and all damage. The airport will be reopened only
after airport staff has determined the airport to be safe. Once that has
been determined, an email will go out to all tenants declaring the airport
safe for return.
7. The airport will make efforts to return airport to pre-storm condition,
within limits of insurance and other financial considerations.
D. Egress
1. A list of potential egress airports is attached (Attachment A). The
Elizabeth City Regional Airport has no opinion of one airport over
another, not does it suggest one way or another when or if aircraft owners
move their own aircraft. The list is only provided as data for options and
2. Remember that a hurricane can be large and the impact may be felt over
several states. Also remember that many people from the area may be
considering moving their airplanes and the listed airports may fill up.
Plan accordingly.
3. The list is not all inclusive. There are more airports available. These are
just a few possibilities.
1.4 Priorities
1. The first priority in the execution of this plan is the safety and welfare of
the personnel working for the Elizabeth City Regional Airport.
2. The second priority in the execution of this plan is the protection of
Airport property.
3. Every effort, within reason, will be made to protect aircraft on airport

Attachment A
1. The following airports are inland and may provide better protection from the
elements than leaving them here.
a. Pinehurst 196 miles away (910) 692-3212 68 tie downs
b. Hickory 286 miles away (828) 323-7408 40 tie downs
c. Greensboro 196 miles away (336) 665-5600 6 tie downs
d. Statesville 262 miles away (704) 873-1111 20 tie downs
e. Rock Hill SC 285 miles away (803) 329-5560 30 tie downs
f. Anderson SC 381 miles away (864) 260-4163 14 tie downs

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