Lesson Plan: Date: Teacher: School: Maria Rosetti Time: Level: Stage of Course: Unit: Textbook
Lesson Plan: Date: Teacher: School: Maria Rosetti Time: Level: Stage of Course: Unit: Textbook
Lesson Plan: Date: Teacher: School: Maria Rosetti Time: Level: Stage of Course: Unit: Textbook
Aim(s) of lesson:
The general aim(s) of the lesson will be: * to reinforce Ss confidence in their ability to use the English language;
* to develop Ss communicative competence by using proper lexicon;
The specific aim(s) of the lesson will be: * by the end of the class my Ss should be able to talk freely about different activities at
Past Simple.
Objectives of teaching:
1. Cognitive objectives: by the end of the lesson the Ss will be able to:
• to put a verb into Past Simple, positive, negative and interrogative forms;
• to use the newly acquired vocabulary in contexts of their own;
• assimilate new grammatical rules
• to ask/ answer to questions, providing short answers.
• help students improve their grammar using different types of exercises
• improve pupils’ pronunciation and their speaking ability
2. Affective objectives:
- to give Ss confidence in their ability to use the English language;
- to have fun while studying the English language.
Students’ problems:
I anticipate that the following may cause problems:
Ss. may find it difficult to pronounce some words in English;
Ss. may have difficulties in using the English language to express themselves, or when speaking;
lesson Classroom management/ Type of interaction (Aims/Object
T. greets Ss and asks them if they are ready to begin their
lesson. To warm Ss
Warm up! - 1’
T. asks who is on duty and if there is anybody absent. up
Ss are ready to begin the English lesson. T-S
T. asks Ss what their homework was and checks how they To remember
did it. what they’ve
Feed-back Notebooks
T. elicits two or three answers. Ss check their homework studied; 4’
To check their Textbook
T. asks Ss to image that yesterday/ last week they did what To refresh Ss’
they wanted so she asks them What did you do yesterday/ knowledge;
last week? Ss will give different answers using the Past It’s a warm up
Introduction Textbook
Simple. activity.
a.) Oral fluency Interactive
To prepare
activity T-S, S-S
them for the Board 2’
T. with the Ss’ answer announces the title of the lesson and To introduce
writes it on the board telling them the reason of teaching it the
and that by the end of the lesson they must understand and grammatical
have practice in using the Past Simple structure and
b.) Lead in T. discusses with the Ss the new information, using the vocabulary
related to Past Textbook
examples given, T. tries to make them understand the form 13
and the use of Past Simple. T writes on the board the new Simple
information and they copy it in their notebooks. Ss also
give their own examples, using the new information, and
the T pays attention to their pronunciation and language Ss use
and helps them or makes them correct themselves, if they specific
make a mistake, by emphasizing their sentence or word vocabulary
T-S, S-T, S-S related to the