Assignment ON The Company Act (Bangladesh), 1994 Course Title: Legal Environment of Business Course Code: FIN-1204
Assignment ON The Company Act (Bangladesh), 1994 Course Title: Legal Environment of Business Course Code: FIN-1204
Assignment ON The Company Act (Bangladesh), 1994 Course Title: Legal Environment of Business Course Code: FIN-1204
The Company Act (Bangladesh) , 1994
Course Title: Legal Environment of Business
Course code: FIN-1204
Submitted to:
Sonia Munmun
Assistant Professor
Depertment of Finance
Jagannath University
Submitted by
Group No:10
003 Md. Nymuzzaman B170203003
005 Yasir Arafat B170203005
022 Emon Bapari B170203022
032 Md. Fazle Rabbi B170203032
037 Md. Mominul Islam B170203037
040 Mehenaz Zahan Mukti B170203040
046 Jeba Khairul Kheya B170203046
Memorandum of Association,
5.Mode of forming incorporated company
The section-“5” of “Company act- 1994” gives us a short description on director
and the liability of the shareholder, on the basis of registration of company.
Forming a private company at least 2 or more person nominate as a director and a
public company at least 7 or more person. These persons name must be subscribed
to a memorandum of association. About liabilities, there are 3 types of liability
exist in company:
• Limited by share.
• Limited by guarantee.
• An unlimited company.
Articles of Association,
17.Registration of Articles
In section-“17” we learnt about the registration of article.
In section- 17(1), a company limited by a guarantee and an unlimited company
must have an article of association. But a company limited by share wether has an
article of association or not.
In section- 17(2), article of association is the reflection of schedule-“1”. This
schedule- “1” deemed to contain regulations identical with or to the same effect as
regulation 56, 66, 71, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 95, 97, 103, 108, 112, 113,115 & 116. But
78, 79, 81, 82 only for public company.
In section- 17(3), in the case of unlimited of a company limited by guarantee, the
articles if the company has a share capital shall state the amount of share capital
with which the company proposes to be registered.
In section- 17(4), if an unlimited company & a company limited by guarantee have
no shares capital, the article share the number of member and according to number
of member the register determine the fees payable on registration.
The Directors Council of the company shall send a report made to each member of
the company in accordance with the other provisions of this section, twenty-one
days before the commencement of that statutory meeting; Such report in this Act
shall be called Statutory Report. Some issues are highlighted in this report.
In case of failing to comply with the provisions of this section, the director or any
other officer of the company, who shall be liable for this failure, shall be
punishable with fine not exceeding 5 thousand taka. Nothing in this section shall
apply to the private company.
90.Directors obligatory
In company act it is mentioned that every public and a subsidiary company of a
public company must have at least three directors. Private company must have at
least two directors. Only a qualified person can be a director.
91.Appointment of directors
The first directors are appointed by the subscribers to the memorandum and are
named on form IN01.any qualified person can be director by ordinary meeting or
by resolution of the directors. Their legal position is sometimes described as
agents, sometimes as managing partners.
94.Disqualification of directors
A person cannot be a director, if he is not sound of mind. He is bankrupt. He has
applied to be adjudicated as an insolvent and his application is pending or he has
not paid any call in repect of shares of the company held by him. He is a minor.
2) In the event of any contravention of sub section (1) every person who is a
party to such contravention shall be punishable with the fine of 5000tk or
simple imprisonment for 6 month. The person to whom a loan is made or on
whose behalf a guarantee is given will be also punishable.
3) This section shall apply to any transaction represented by a book debt which
was from its inception in the nature of a loan or an advance.
2) For the purpose of sub-section (1), if the books of account does not
give a true and fair view of the state of the affairs of the company
and to explain its transactions.
All of the books of account may not exceeding six months be kept such
other place in Bangladesh as the board of directors may decide.
When they decide, the company shall within seven days of the decisions, file
with the Register.And notice in writing giving the full address of that other
4) Where a company has a branch office, whether in or outside
Bangladesh, the company shall be deemed to have complied with
the provisions of subsection (1).
5) The books of account of every company relating to a period of not
less than twelve years immediately preceding current year together
with vouchers relevant to any entry in such books of account shall
be preserved in good order.