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��������������� 01/2012 (02)

Dear Readers,

��������������� We wish you all the best in 2012! We hope you’ve spent a lovely
time with your family and friends and you have lots of New Year’s
resolutions. We wish you all New Year’s dreams come true.
Editor in Chief: Grzegorz Tabaka
We are giving the second in history and the first in this year Hakin9
grzegorz.tabaka@hakin9.org Mobile. We hope you enjoyed the first issue and you found many
Managing: Angelika Gucwa
interesting news in it!
angelika.gucwa@hakin9.org We hope that Hakin9 Mobile Security helps to protect your mobile
Senior Consultant/Publisher: Paweł Marciniak phones, and articles wrote by our authors (who are specialists and
experts in mobile security) will open your eyes in this matter.
Marketing Director: Angelika Gucwa
Carla Hough wrote an article about mobile payment, cyber criminals
Production Director: Andrzej Kuca
andrzej.kuca@hakin9.org and cybersecurity education.
Tim Kulp in his article is going to examine what are and how QR
DTP: Ireneusz Pogroszewski
Art Director: Ireneusz Pogroszewski Codes can be used to realize threats facing our mobile devices by
ireneusz.pogroszewski@hakin9.org examining three attack vectors.
Proofreaders: Michael Munt, Bob Folden, Aby Rao, Mobile devices are an attractive platform for hackers, they can
Jeffrey Smith be the target but they can also be used as a weapon. Currently,
Top Betatesters: Mohamed Alami, Hammad Arshed, Nick today’s mobile devices are not just simple ones, they are a dualcore
Baronian, Shayne Cardwell, Amit Chugh, Sieng Chye, Amitay Dan,
computers in your pocket, and we can take advantage of their power
Dan Dieterle, Jürgen Eckel, Adool Ferguson, Alexandro Fernandez,
Chris Gatford, Patrik Gange, Eric Hansen, Saurabh Harit, Tyler and portability. Juan Manuel Altamirano Argudo in his article will
Hudak, Michal Jáchim, Wayne Kearns, Kelly Kohl, Lou Lombardy,
Matteo Massar, Dinesh Nagarajan, Christopher Pedersen, David
discuss some of the tools that have been ported to iOS.
Prokop, Jonathan Ringler, Francisco Rodríguez, Inaki Rodríguez, Abhinav Chourasia in his article expatiated on very interesting topic
Rissone Ruggero, Antonio Saporita, Tim Singletary, Daniel Sligar,
Jeffrey Smith, Ayo Tayo – Bologun, Tim Thorniley, Tom Updegrove,
– Social Engineering. If you want be safe it is essential that you read
Robert Wood, David von Vistauxx this article.
Ted Chao will respond to the question stated in his article: New
Special Thanks to the Beta testers and Proofreaders who helped technologies will greatly help Police effectively intercept mobile
us with this issue. Without their assistance there would not be a
Hakin9 Expoiting Software magazine. communication to combat cyber crimes, but how to ensure private
communication is protected?
Publisher: Software Press Sp. z o.o. SK At the end you can read an interview with Bryan Sullivan and Vincent
02-682 Warszawa, ul. Bokserska 1
Phone: 1 917 338 3631 Liu – authors of Web Application Security: A Beginner’s Guide.

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the high quality of
the magazine, the editors make no warranty, express or implied,
Enjoy the reading!
concerning the results of content usage.
All trade marks presented in the magazine were used only for
informative purposes. Angelika Gucwa
and Hakin9 Team
All rights to trade marks presented in the magazine are
reserved by the companies which own them.
To create graphs and diagrams we used program

Mathematical formulas created by Design Science MathType™

The techniques described in our articles may only
be used in private, local networks. The editors
hold no responsibility for misuse of the presented
techniques or consequent data loss.

4 ��������������� 01/2012


06 The Mobile Wallet and E-Commerce 20 Lawful Interception on Mobile Telecom
Payment Systems: Ensuring Seamless Service
Security and Mobility by Ted Chao
by Carla Hough For the past few years, IP network transformation is
Due to the increase use of smartphone and tablets by shaping into a new operation and management on
consumers, merchants and corporate clients, the banking telecommunication for lots of mobile and fixed net
industry, network companies and retailers are uniquely service providers in the world. Along with this trend,
positioned to offer its customers an array of mobile the technology of lawful interception by police, military
payment options that will be easy to use, convenient intelligence and other law enforcement agencies is also
and secure. This paper explores the elements necessary being developed with great leaps and bounds thanks to
to introduce innovative mobile payment (mobile wallet) IP network being extensively used in telecom service
services to increase profitability and further monetize providers.
the electronic marketplace (eMarketplace). To ensure its
success, customers expect retailers, financial services 24 The Line That Matters
and network providers to guarantee seamless security by Abhinav Chourasia
and mobility. When customers understand and are How often in real life do we ignore the little things that
assured that their personal and financial information is come and go in a swift blink of our eyes? And of course
secure; they will be more likely to adopt mobile wallet we are social beings. We always strive for the practical
transaction services. application of the theory that says love and help thy

neighbor. And why not, as society literally means a
civilization where in people co-exist, HELPING EACH
10 Tag: You’re Infected! OTHER. But do we really realize that the term helping is
by Tim Klup not always in the best interests of the society. ‘Obvious’
The internet is a dangerous place. We (as Information would definitely be the wrong term to describe the thin
Security people) have known this for a while and general line that exists between THE SOCIAL AND THE ANTI-
users are learning more and more about how malicious SOCIAL. The social: what we ideally should be; and the
web sites can steal your information. As mobile computing anti-social: what we actually are most of the time, due to
enables unique interactions with technology, new security the undeniable natural tendency of human beings.

risks arise. With the growing use of QR (Quick Response)
Codes our data is becoming available to a format that
users do not usually equate with Information Security: 32 Interview with Bryan Sullivan and
Print Media. QR Codes allow content providers, marketing Vincent Liu
gurus and cyber criminals to jump from a printed page to by Aby Rao
executing content on your mobile device. In this article Interview with Bryan Sullivan and Vincent Liu, authors of
we are going to examine how QR Codes can be used to Web Application Security: A Beginner’s Guide.
realize threats facing our mobile devices by examining This book is different because it was written specifically
three attack vectors. for readers who are just getting into security. Most
web application security books are targeted at readers
14 Pentest iOS Tools who are already professionals; they have much higher
by Juan Manuel Altamirano Argudo knowledge prerequisites. Absent that knowledge, readers
Mobile devices are an attractive platform for hackers, they were confused and the text remained inaccessible.
can be the target but they can also be used as a weapon. This book provides that knowledge by focusing on the
Currently, today’s mobile devices are not just simple fundamentals that every aspiring security practitioner
devices, they are a dualcore computer in your pocket, and should know – says Vincent Liu.
we can take advantage of this power and portability. Now
we can use it for such tasks such as penetration testing.
There are a lot of tools that we know well from use on
PC’s. We are now seeing them being ported and running
in on iOS devices.

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The Mobile Wallet

and E-Commerce Payment Systems: Ensuring
Seamless Security and Mobility

Due to the increase use of smartphone and tablets by consumers,

merchants and corporate clients, the banking industry, network
companies and retailers are uniquely positioned to offer its customers an
array of mobile payment options that will be easy to use, convenient and

his paper explores the elements necessary to digital revolution is the mobile wallet, which utilizes
introduce innovative mobile payment (mobile the smartphone and tablet technologies to bring
wallet) services to increase profitability and further additional conveniences and monetize the mobile
monetize the electronic marketplace (eMarketplace). To marketplace (mMarketplace). Mobile payment
ensure its success, customers expect retailers, financial and banking services reduce costs, leverage new
services and network providers to guarantee seamless efficiencies of scale and increase profit margins.
security and mobility. When customers understand and Financial services, retail and network partnerships
are assured that their personal and financial information are forming and teaming-up to provided cardholders
is secure; they will be more likely to adopt mobile wallet with a secure, convenient and reliable way to make
transaction services. However, threats posed by cyber contactless debit card payments. For the U.S. market,
criminals are concerning and with the 2010-2011 other financial institutions are positioned to attract
exponential increase in hacking incidents, it is critical new customers by introducing paperless transactional
that the highest regulatory and compliance standards services. As Dr. Hugh Thompson, Founder and Chief
are observed. If not, cyber criminals, organized crime Security Strategist at People Security, once said to
syndicates and rogue nations will take advantage of me, seamless security and mobility is the goal of all
exposure and conduct identity theft, Internet fraud organizations (paraphrased).
(Health care, mortgage, credit card, or advance fees)
and Internet scams (auction, business, Nigerian letter, Mobile Payment Services
or investment fraud). Planning for and implementing The next generation of wireless mobile banking services
an Information Security and Cybersecurity Education, is entering the mobile marketplace (KPMG, 2011). The
Training and Awareness Program is essential. iPad and other tablet devices are revolutionizing the
Monetizing the eMarketplace is a winning proposition way individuals and families live their daily lives, as
and it will require an unrelenting pursuit for seamless well as how organizations manage people, business
security and mobility. processes and technologies. In a report authored
by PricewaterhouseCoopers, corporations are also
Introduction leveraging security and mobility by working smarter,
Americans are steadily becoming more accustomed updating new security strategies and integrating mobile
to and dependent upon smartphone and tablet payment services (PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2011).
technologies because they make their lives easier, For instance, Ahold USA launched a pilot program
enjoyable, convenient, and efficient. According to that enables customers (Giant and Stop & Shop) to
Nielsonwire.com, smartphone sales for 2011 reflect download an iPhone application (app) to scan bar
an exponential growth (see Figure 1). In addition, codes and purchase items (Wall Street Journal, 2011).
approximately 42% percent of Americans over 18 Essentially, the monetization of mobile payment and
now have smartphones (Kellogg, 2011). The next banking services is already a reality. Many industries

6 ��������������� 01/2012
Ensuring Seamless Security and Mobility

are utilizing mobile payment and banking services ponzi schemes, cyber stalking, child pornography, cyber
to decrease costs and increase revenue streams, blackmail and drug trafficking.
Regulatory Standards and Seamless Security
• Colleges and Universities It is essential that the mobile commerce (mCommerce)
• Trains and Bus Services experience offer security, convenience and efficiency
• Hospitals and Clinics (Richard Johnson, Monitise, PLC Chief Strategy
• Online Retailers and Local Merchants Officer). To capitalize upon the trust between the
• Restaurants and Cafes merchant and the customer, mobile payment systems
and processes must adhere to the highest regulatory
Buying a digital newspaper or electronic book (eBook) and compliance standards. Protecting Consumer
is also becoming commonplace. I personally utilize Proprietary Network Information and Payment Card
mobile banking services to streamline costs and boost Industry data for example, is an unrelenting and a
efficiency. At a moment’s notice, I can quickly transfer critical commitment. The consumer must be incredibly
funds to my two university-aged sons. In the past, they confidant that mobile banking payment systems adhere
have called me to pay for their grocery bill or textbooks to and comply with all regulatory and compliance
because they left their credit card in their dorm rooms. standards. Brand messaging this concept to consumers
The mobile wallet will be a welcomed addition to any assures them that whenever and wherever they use
parent’s life. their mobile device to secure a payment, seamless
security and mobility is guaranteed.
Monetizing Mobile Banking Services via the
Electronic Wallet Cybercrime and the Underground Economy
Banking institutions already offer an array of Mobile As a criminal justice graduate student at Seattle
Applications (Mobile Apps) to broaden brand recognition, University, I personally funded and attended The
augment customer convenience and maintain Underground Economy 2011: Internet Crime Insight
loyalty. As consumers transition to the mobile wallet, Conference, in Interpol Headquarters, Lyon, France
retailers and financial institutions will likely increase (September 2011). There were over 30 countries
partnerships with national merchants, such as value represented and I met industry leaders from law
chain partners, antivirus companies, cell phone carriers, enforcement, public industry, private industry and
and cloud service providers. As a result, new customer academic institutions. The number one commodity
conveniences and brand loyalty will emerge. However, traded in the underground economy by cybercriminals,
cybercrime is rampant; it includes but is not limited organized crime syndicates and rogue nation states is
to: identity theft, hacking, money laundering, fraud, an identity. From a U.S. national security perspective,
terrorism, weapons trafficking, human trafficking, bullying, rogue countries and organized crime syndicates
electronic espionage, senior citizen scams, investment threaten global electronic commerce (eCommerce).


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Figure 1. Smartphone sales for 2011 re�ect an exponential growth

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The U.S. Department of Justice is laser-focused in its largest aggregator of customer information is organized
determination to bring cyber criminals to justice and crime (2011 Cybercrime Conference). It is critical
protect the free flow of goods and services. Their mission that industry leaders articulate, support and promote
is to prevent, detect and respond to cybercrime and cybersecurity and information security education,
they have brought many to justice. The Underground training and awareness programs. Moreover, it is
Economy 2011: Internet Crime Insight Conference is essential that public and private industry partnerships
a demonstration of the international cooperation and it promote the best cybersecurity practices in the industry
requires the cooperation from private industry. There is and ensure consumers that seamless security and
no limit to victimization. Bypassing extremely complex seamless mobility are one.
authentication protocols, cybercriminals, rogue nations
and organized crime syndicates launch: Corporate Losses Associated with Cybercrime
According to Second Annual Cost of Cybercrime Study
• Complex spam operations the medium annualized cost of cybercrime for 50
• Phishing schemes organizations was $5.9 million annually-with a range of
• Malware deployments Distributed denial of service $1.5-$36 million each year for per company (Ponemon
attacks (DDoS) Institute, 2011). Industries with the highest costs due to
• Browser exploit packs breaches were financial services, defense, utilities and
• Bot network(s) energy. Protecting these types of critical infrastructures
• Trojans exploit and trade identities is a U.S. national security priority (U.S. Computer
Emergency Readiness Team, Department of Homeland
Cooperating and working with law enforcement is Security). Although such breaches have soared since
also another means of integrating better security 2005 as criminals try to commit identity theft, the truly
practices, systems and processes. In addition, enormous breaches have increasingly been carried out
designing and implementing an Information Security by „hacktivists”–individuals or groups who are angry
and Cybersecurity Education, Training and Awareness about an organization’s actions. Hackers, for example,
Program will demonstrate to consumers that financial exposed data about 77 million Sony customers after the
institutions, network providers and retailers will company pursued legal action against other hackers
accomplish everything possible to prevent, detect, and (Fischetti, 2011). More than 107 million people were
respond to threats to information networks, systems, affected by hacking during the first half of 2011, says
and technologies. Jake Kouns, CEO of the Open Security Foundation in
Glen Allen, Va., which runs the DataLossDB project”
Advance Persistent Threats and Identity Theft (Fischetti, 2011). The losses stemmed by the Sony
The advance persistent threat (APT) refers to rogue PlayStation hacking were estimated to cost $172 million.
nation or state-sponsored cybercrime operations. With the exponential increase in corporate hacking
North Korea for instance leases network access to incidents, the consumer may be wary of adopting new
organized crime so they can conduct Internet scams, wireless banking activities.
distributed denial of service operations, click fraud and
spam operations. Another example includes yielding Consumer Behaviors
the technology or information gained from a successful Consumers will consider the personal and financial
cyber espionage operation and reverse engineering risks when adopting new mobile payment and banking
and selling counterfeit products. Examples of these services (Y.C. Shen et al, 2010). According to Y.C.
counterfeit products include cell phones, software Shen et al, there is concern about identity theft and
and even airplanes. Recently, Chinese authorities the loss of personal data. Trust, a sense of control and
arrested employees and closed 22 fake Apple Stores technology anxiety may influence how consumers will
that were discovered in Kunming, China (BBC, 2011). adopt to new technologies and services. It is important
Identity theft is also rising. For instance, results from to consider what the literature ascertains about human
the Department of Justice’s major fraud takedown behavior. How can the results from current research be
operation called Operation Phish Phry targeted applied to the mobile payment and banking industry?
U.S. banks (2009). The victimized account holders Perhaps industry leaders can hold forums and bring
had approximately $1.5 million transferred to bogus together experts from the academic community,
accounts controlled by organized crime. More than 50 merchant associations, consumers, law enforcement,
individuals in California, Nevada, and North Carolina and corporate information security professionals.
were charged with computer fraud, conspiracy to Promoting the best mobile device security practices in
commit bank fraud, money laundering, and aggravated the industry will instill a level of trust and comfort that
identity theft. According to law enforcement officials, the the customers require. Information Security, Privacy

8 ��������������� 01/2012
Ensuring Seamless Security and Mobility

and Cybersecurity Education, Training and Awareness In conclusion, ensuring seamless security and
Programs are essential. mobility is the methodology for monetizing the
mobile banking payment services. One can assumed
Security Education, Training and Awareness that as more Americans purchase and rely upon
Framework their smartphones and tablets, they will have more
Complex organizations require education, training and opportunities to adopt mobile wallet payment services.
awareness programs and we know that learning is a Seamless security will be a critical factor. Especially
continuum. It starts with awareness and then it builds in light of this year’s increasing in hacking incidents
a foundation for training (certification programs) and and the corporate revelation of the staggering costs
evolves into education (Undergraduate, Graduate and to shore-up corporate security, consumers may be
Ph.D.). apprehensive about in adopting mobile banking
services. Therefore, it is the responsibility of of industry
Security Education, Training and Awareness leaders to assure that seamless security and mobility
Program Plan is built into its processes and technologies. Once this
is firmly established, customers, retailors and corporate
• Determine the scope and breadth of a Needs clients will pursue partnerships to monetize the mobile
Assessment (CERT, Corporate Investigations, Risk marketplace. The threats posed by cyber criminals are
Management, HR, Information Security Assurance, unrelenting and costly and disruptions have caused
and Finance for instance). devastating economic losses. There is no substitute
• Identify and Assign Roles to: for a well planned and executed Information Security
• Design, develop, implement, and maintain the and Cybersecurity Education, Training and Awareness
awareness and training materials. Program. Educating employees demonstrates
• Ensure that the appropriate users attend online commitment to the customer and gives the customer
training sessions. assurance that when they use their mobile device to
• Identify, plan for, and maintain program purchase good and services, they can remain confident
evaluations with stakeholders. that seamless security and mobility is firmly established.
• Enumerate goals to be accomplished for each It requires a well-informed and educated workforce.
aspect of the program (e.g., awareness, training, Partnering with academia, research institutions,
education, professional development [certification]). customers, vendors, and merchants will be a clever way
• Define target internal audiences for each aspect to identify new trends and mobile commerce security
of the program to ultimately reach the cardholder concerns.
as a promise that the industry is committed to the
highest level of seamless security and mobility.
• Enable digital maintenance of records, including,
feedback, and evidence of learning for auditing and
legal/privacy purposes.
• Obtain Executive Sponsorship
• Establish Deployment Communication Plan
• Roll-Out to Stakeholders
• Evaluate programs based upon data collected from
Computer Incident Response Teams, corporate
investigations, legal, and other critical stakeholders.

Limitations and Conclusion

The information is based upon open source materials
gathered via the Internet and from Seattle University’s CARLA HOUGH
online library system. No industry leaders or Carla Hough is current working at a T-Mobile USA as a
organizations, such as banks, network providers, mobile Corporate Information Security Analyst. She is a former
phone carriers, or law enforcement were interviewed or US Army Military Intelligence Officer, Drug Enforcement
consulted. Further research is required to explore the Administration Intelligence Analyst, and criminal justice
following: cloud security, vendor relationships, Near university adjunct professor. Carla is pursing a Master of Arts
Field Communications, SSL encryption models, Data in Criminal Justice at Seattle University and she will continue
Loss Prevention processes, money mule operations, to researching and writing about computer hacking, the
and other major cybercrime investigations (U.S. hacker community, the good things hackers do for the public
Government, Sony, Lockheed Martin). good, and the underground economy.

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Tag: You’re infected!

QR Codes as attack vectors

The internet is a dangerous place. We (as Information Security people)

have known this for a while and general users are learning more and
more about how malicious web sites can steal your information. As
mobile computing enables unique interactions with technology, new
security risks arise.

ith the growing use of QR (Quick Response) billboards to supply viewers with an electronic coupon.
Codes our data is becoming available to a The marketing samples all further engaged the viewer
format that users do not usually equate with (whether viewing a television show or billboard) by moving
Information Security: Print Media. QR Codes allow them from a view only medium to a mobile application or
content providers, marketing gurus and cyber criminals website. For marketing organizations, the appeal is the
to jump from a printed page to executing content on your engagement that QR Codes allow.
mobile device. In this article we are going to examine Technically, a QR Code is a bar code that contains
how QR Codes can be used to realize threats facing our data both vertically and horizontally. The structure of a
mobile devices by examining three attack vectors. QR Code is built from five elements (5 Elements from the
Wikipedia entry for QR Codes (http://en.wikipedia.org/
What is a QR Code? wiki/QR_Code) but the definitions are from the QR
Originally, QR Codes were developed by Denso Wave (a Code Security report by SBA-Research in Austria (http://
division of Toyota) for tracking automobile parts. The code’s www.sba-research.org/wp-content/uploads/publications/
design enabled it to store several hundred times more QR_Code_Security.pdf)):
information (According to the QR Code Features site (http://
www.denso-wave.com/qrcode/qrfeature-e.html)) than the • Version information: Identifies which of the 40
standard 20 digit bar code. Over time, the QR Code has different versions of QR Codes applies to this
grown to be a powerful marketing tool that allows viewers particular QR Code.
to jump from offline media to online content with their • Format information: Contains information about the
mobile device. As an example of this, recently a television error correction level of the QR Code as well as the
show provided a QR Code (showed during the broadcast) masking pattern.
that allowed the viewers to download music performed by • Data and error correction keys: This is the data
the star of the show. Another interesting example used stream for the QR Code (what the code actually
• Required patterns: on a QR Code there are
numerous areas that hold special meaning to
the QR Code reader. These include the 3 Finder
Pattern points, Alignment point and Timing points.
• Finder Pattern: three points in the upper left,
upper right and lower left corners allow the QR
Scanner to assess the bar code orientation and
recognize that the scanner is viewing a QR Code.
• Alignment Point(s): Used to help the scanner
Figure 1. Sample QR Code for my blog when trying to read a QR Code that has image

10 ��������������� 01/2012
Tag: You’re infected!

distortion. If the QR Code is very large, multiple Attack #1: Malware Delivery
Alignment Points could be used. Malware delivery has been around as an attack vector
• Timing Points: Used to determine the size of a for years. Its various permutations (whether scareware,
single module (i.e. Data point) a new codec, etc…) all start with a download. QR Codes
• Quiet Zone: this is the white area around the QR can be used to download software or direct users to an
Code that separates the bar code from the rest of App in your device’s App Store. Depending on the review
the document. process of the App Store, malware can sneak in and be
trusted by the user because of it being listed in the App
While this article will not dive into the specifics about Store. Not every user is as suspect of the App Store as
how a QR Code is constructed and can be modified, your average Information Security professional. Using a
it is important to understand that a QR Code is more QR Code (which users might not think about security while
than a bunch of dots in a square. Advanced attacks on scanning) and directing users to a trusted source (the App
QR Codes manipulate the values in the data and error Store) the malware can seem perfectly legitimate.
correction keys to alter the meaning of a legitimate code. Being that the malware is loading to your phone;
These attacks can be sophisticated designs that mask cybercriminals can get creative with the payload. In
over existing QR Codes flipping single data points (from September 2011, Kaspersky labs found a Russian web
white to black or black to white). In this article, we are site that presented users a QR Code that promised an
going to focus on simple attacks that leverage what the Instant Messaging application. When users scanned the
QR Scanner is commanded to do by the code. The more QR Code and downloaded the App (which turned out
complicated attacks are discussed in QR Code Security to be malicious), the malware sent SMS messages to a
by Kieseberg, et al (http://www.sba-research.org/wp- premium service which provided the bad guys (or gals) $5
content/uploads/publications/QR_Code_Security.pdf). and $10 per message (From Mobile Marketer: Malicious
QR code campaigns threaten legitimate marketers
What can a QR Code do? (http://www.mobilemarketer.com/cms/news/content/
QR Codes can contain any type of information. For 11296.html)). This might not seem like a lot of money but
mobile web they are used to store URLs, SMS messages, consider the economies of scale: the more people infected,
phone numbers, serialized objects, vcard information the the higher the pay off. If the application sent SMS messages
possibilities are only limited by your scanner’s capabilities. on a reoccurring basis, then the payoff increases per user
This flexibility allows for a very versatile implementation until the infected realizes the issue. While the malware is
but also gives cybercriminals a wide breadth of attack the payload, the QR Code is the delivery mechanism.
vectors. An attacker could leverage the QR Code as a
delivery method for malware or execute a script against a Attack #2: Phishing
web site the mobile device is authenticated to. Savvy web surfers will inspect a link, checking for
The challenge that we face from an Information anything suspicious but with QR Codes you just point
Security stand point, is that users do not know what the and click. As a user you do not get the inspection that
QR Code will do until it is scanned (if the content provider you could have with traditional hyperlinks unless your
does not specify [which they should]). Users, in effect, scanner provides that functionality for you. QR Codes
blindly click a link and accept whatever is presented to are like tiny urls (such as bit.ly or tiny.url) in that you
them. The convenience of quickly scanning and then do not know where you really are going to go until you
receiving the prize (whatever the user receives for click the link. Combine this with the hidden address
clicking the QR Code: a coupon, a free download, etc…) bar of many mobile browsers and you have the perfect
makes QR Codes very attractive to those seeking instant Phishing opportunity. Consider a QR Code that states it
gratification. With the focus on the prize, users might not links the user to a special offer for a banking site. A scan
be thinking about the risks involved in whatever the QR of the code can take the user to a fraudulent site that
Code actually did on their mobile device. looks exactly like the legitimate site. Without checking
the URL, users could believe that the site is their banking
3 Attacks with QR Codes site and enter their credentials to receive a free gift.
QR Codes make some attacks very simple. These three Leveraging a user’s trust in print material, QR Codes
attacks are not specific to QR Codes, just made simpler lend themselves well to Spear Phishing. Providing a
when delivered through a QR Code scanner. In the end, the target print content with a malicious code can be an
purpose of these explorations is to encourage the reader to effective attack vector. As an example, an attacker could
think of the risks QR Codes can present to mobile devices post malware QR Codes at the local coffee shop of a
not as a walk through or how-to build a malicious QR Code. targeted company to gather information or penetrate
As you will see, all you need is a QR Code Generator and the network. As employees go to get their coffee, they
some imagination to quickly build an attack. scan the signs for deals all the while loading malware

www.hakin9.org/en ��������������� 11
infused coupons. Users do not consider information
security when looking at print media. The real world Further Reading
is fundamentally disconnected from the virtual and • QR Code Security (http://www.sba-research.org/wp-
content/uploads/publications/QR_Code_Security.pdf )
the idea that a piece of paper can wreak havoc to their • Mobile Marketer (http://www.mobilemarketer.com/cms/
digital world does not enter their mind. news/content/11296.html)
• QR Code Safety (http://sandiego.bbb.org/article/consumer-
Attack #3: Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) alert-qr-code-safety-28037)
OWASP Top Ten (https://www.owasp.org/index.php/
Top_10_2010-A5) describes a CSRF threat agent as blacklist of URLs and prevents their scanning software
someone who can trick users into submitting unintended from processing requests to anything on the blacklist.
requests to your application. Being that a QR Code can be For this article, Microsoft Tag is provided as an
anything from a JavaScript link (href=”javascript:…”) to a illustration of a suite that utilizes some protection
full query string path (?NewPassword=*****) or whatever else practices to prevent malicious tags from reaching your
an attacker can imagine (depending on the reader) QR users. By managing the tag, scanner and cloud storage
Codes are an ideal delivery method for CSRF attacks. the service can maintain tight control over the content
This attack requires two components, a malicious QR being provided for users. This adds a level of oversight
Code and a vulnerable application. The QR Codes are to the content being processed by the user’s scanning
easy to create and CSRF vulnerabilities are rated as software. As the QR Code industry grows, more service
Widespread (meaning that they are very common) by providers like Microsoft Tag will come to market and
OWASP. Using the OWASP example, imagine a banking provide an appealing solution to those who want to
site that is vulnerable to CSRF attacks. The link to transfer offload the QR Code management and have someone
funds to account 4673243243 being the following: http: scanning for malicious codes. On the other hand, the
//example.com/app/transferFunds?amount=1500&desti automated processes that blacklists content can make
nationAccount=4673243243. Altering the query string to mistakes and your legitimate content could be accidently
apply the funds to an attackers account would be simple identified as malicious. This would be a major problem
and storing that URL in a QR Code would not require much if your multimillion dollar ad campaign is mistaken for
effort. This attack is further empowered by the personal malware. When building a QR Code solution, service
nature of mobile devices. Users do not think to logout of providers can provide some added protection to your user
applications or web sites because they are the only ones base but can also introduce restrictions on your solution.
who use their device. Without knowing what the QR Code Deciding whether or not to use a service provider needs
will do when scanned a user executes the malicious CSRF to be driven by the project requirements.
request against their banking site (which they never logged
out of) and sends 1,500$ to the attacker’s account. A link with no name
QR Codes provide marketing organizations with a
QR Codes are not alone powerful engagement tool. A user just points their phone
As with any popular product, competitors arise with at an advertisement and instantly connects to the product’s
different features and functionality. Microsoft Tag is a company. As use of QR Codes increases, cybercriminals
QR Code alternative (although they also support the QR are examining how this technology can be used for profit.
Code standard) offering custom design, colorful imaging Like many input validation attacks, QR Codes leverage
and a supporting report system. While QR Codes are a the trust a user has in the authenticity of the code to deliver
standard that anyone can produce, Microsoft Tag is a a malicious payload. The most powerful tool against
proprietary format that is unique to them. Along with malicious codes is educating end users that threats to
Tag, Microsoft offers a service that not only provides their data exist outside of the computer in people, print and
reporting similar to Google Analytics but also scrubs for pictures. Foster a healthy level of skepticism in your users
malicious links. Specifically, Microsoft Tag maintains a when it comes to QR Codes and reduce their chances of
being tagged by a cyber-attack.

Tim Kulp (CISSP, CEH) is the Manager of Systems Development
at FrontierMEDEX in Baltimore, MD. Specializing in secure
software development and Software Security Assurance
practices, Tim writes and presents to developers on how
to build secure systems. Recently Tim has been studying
technologies such as Social Media, Augmented Reality and
Figure 2. Sample Microsoft Tag leading to my blog Tagging to examine security implications for business.

12 ��������������� 01/2012

Pentest iOS Tools

Mobile devices are an attractive platform for hackers, they can be the
target but they can also be used as a weapon. Currently, today’s mobile
devices are not just simple devices, they are a dualcore computer in your
pocket, and we can take advantage of this power and portability.

ow we can use it for such tasks such as You should change the root password of your iOS
penetration testing. There are a lot of tools device, because Apple set the same password on every
that we know well from use on PC’s. We are one. Apple default root password is alpine.
now seeing them being ported to and running on iOS
devices. How to install?
There are many tools that can be used to perform aspects You can find a version of this app in Cydia, but this
of a penetration test, here we’ll discuss some of the tools version does not work in iOS4 and higher. There are other
that have been ported to iOS. We’ll see some tools that repositories for Cydia with a working version for iOS4+.
are well known (should need more information on please However I’m going to explain the manual installation
search for the many tutorials available already). method. To perform this, you need to connect to your
First, we’re going to install MobileTerminal, every device by SSH (Figure 1):
tool listed within this article will need this app in order
to run. • Access to http://code.google.com/p/mobileterminal/
and download the file *.zip
MobileTerminal • Unzip and copy the content in/Applications directory
What’s it? on your iPhone
It’s an application that performs the function of a shell,
allowing us to run commands in order to interact with
the tools that we’re going to install. More info.

Figure 1. Manual installation of mobileterminal Figure 2. Mobile terminal

14 ��������������� 01/2012
Pentest iOS Tools

Figure 3. Subversion on cydia Figure 5. Rubygems on cydia

• Change ownerships on /Applications/Terminal.app • Boococky’s Repo – http://boococky.hostei.com/Cydia

to root • iNinja’s Repo – http://ininjas.com/repo
• Change permissions recursively on /Applications/ • Boo’s Repo – http://cydia.myrepospace.com/Boo/
Terminal.app to 644
chmod 644 -R /Applications/Terminal.app There’re are some secondary tools that you need to
• Change permissions on /Applications/Terminal.app/ also install as other apps need them as dependencies
Terminal to 755 in order to work:
chmod 755 /Applications/Terminal.app/Terminal
• Change permissions on /Applications/Terminal.app Subversion
to 755 You’re going to need this app to connect to some of
chmod 755 /Applications/Terminal.app the repositories in order to get the files of some tools
• Reboot your iOS device and launch MobileTerminal (Figure 3).
(Figure 2)
Repositories of Cydia and Basic tools Some tools will need Ruby to work and the last version
You’re going to need install some extra repos of Cydia (1.9.2) does not work correctly, you’re going to need the
to install some tools that are not in the preinstalled version 1.8.6. You find this tool in Boo’s repo (Figure
repositories: 4).

Figure 4. Ruby on cydia Figure 6. Netcat on cydia

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Figure 7. Scanning some ports with netcat Figure 9. nmap command line sample 1

rubygems • Send a file to a target

You find this tool in Boo’s repo (Figure 5). • Sniffer on a log
• Listen a specific port
NetCat • Bruteforce on a port
What’s it?
It’s an indispensable tool in the world of computer Scan some ports to check if they are open (Figure 7)
security and could not be excluded in our iOS Pen Test
device. NetCat reads and writes data across network $ nc –v –v –z 21 23 80 3306
connections using TCP or UDP protocols. More info and
manual. • Get a remote Shell from a windows machine by
Where do i �nd it? $ nc –vv –L –p 2236
You can install this tool from Cydia, it’s in the preinstalled • listen to connections on port 2236 running on the
repos (Figure 6). windows machine
$ nc –d –e cmd.exe 2236
What can i do?
Netcat has endless features, it’s considered to be like nmap
the computer security’s swiss knife, and there are some What’s it?
samples here: It is an open source tool for the analysis of networks
and tracking of TCP and UDP. It’s a service port and
• Provide a shell on a remote machine protocol scanner. More info and manual.
• Get information about ports
Where do i �nd it?
You can install this tool from Cydia, it’s in the preinstalled
repos (Figure 8).

Figure 8. nmap on cydia Figure 10. nmap command line sample 2

16 ��������������� 01/2012
Pentest iOS Tools

What can i do?

• Get information about open ports and OS of a machine

$ nmap –O
if there is not exact OS matches for a machine, the
command print a TCP/IP fingerprint, this is unique
for every OS
• Scan a network to find active hosts in a range
$ nmap –sP
you can use parameters to make a stealth scan
-sN – Stealth Null Scan
-sF – Stealth FIN Scan
-sX – Stealth Xmas Tree Scan
-sP – Stealth Ping Scan Figure 12. Downloading a html page with wget
• Scan and save the results in a file
$ nmap –sX –O –oN result.txt the ability to easily download complex websites’ mirrors
• Scan ports fooling the machine with Decoy Scan recursively with the conversion of links to display the
$ nmap html content locally. You can use a downloaded full
-p 22,80 –sX –P0, 142. 8.10.4 website as a method of capturing data for phishing.
with Decoy Scan the machine thinks that other is
scanning • Download an html page using developer mode, this
mode shows all the available information (Figure 12)
wget $ wget -d -S http://www.someweb.com/important.html
What’s it? • Download files recursively from a web site with depth
It’s a free tool with which you can download content level. You can view the log information in the log.txt file
from web servers easily. With it you can download files, $ wget -r -l2 -k http://www.someweb.com/ -o log.txt
web pages or entire sites from Internet, quickly and
efficiently. More info and manual. tcpdump
What’s it?
Where do i �nd it? The classic sniffer for network monitoring and data
You can install this tool from Cydia, it’s in the preinstalled acquisition, which allows users to capture and display,
repos (Figure 11). in real-time, the transmitted and received packets on a
network. More info and manual.
What can i do?
This tool supports downloading via http, https and ftp Where do i �nd it?
protocols. You can use this tool to just download or You can install this tool from Cydia, it’s in the preinstalled
transfer files, but one of the most interesting things is repos (Figure 13).

Figure 11. Wget on cydia Figure 13. tcpdump on cydia

www.hakin9.org/en ��������������� 17
• urgent: indicates if there’s urgent data
• options: indicates options between < and >
• Sample Output (from tcpdump man official site)
rtsg.1023 > csam.login: S 768512:768512(0) win 4096
<mss 1024>
csam.login > rtsg.1023: S 947648:947648(0) ack 768513
win 4096 <mss 1024>

What’s it?
This tool is used to run exploits against a remote machine
to find vulnerabilities that may be taken advantage of. It
comes with footprinting and fingerprinting modules for
Figure 14. Capturing traffic to a port the collection of information; exploitation modules to
gain access to systems; and post-exploitation modules
What can i do? useful for tasks to be done quickly (once access has
tcpdump is used to analyze the traffic flowing through been achieved of a machine). More info and manual.
a network, it’s so useful for network packet capturing
and analyzing the output. You can get information about How to install?
who is on the network, protocols used, ports used, what There are various versions of this tool on Cydia but they
directions make a connection, … are old versions and do not work. To install the tool use
the following method. You’ll need Ruby and rubygems
• Capture traffic to a given origin address installed;
$ tcpdump src host
• Capture traffic to a destinationport (Figure 14) • Create a folder in the path /var/mobile/pentest/exploits
$ tcpdump dst port 23 mkdir /var/mobile/pentest/exploits
• Capture traffic to a given origin or destination port ln -s /var/mobile/pentest/exploits /
$ tcpdump port 110 • Download the metasploit framework from the link:
• Analyzing the output in the case of a TCP packet http://downloads.metasploit.com/data/releases/frame
src > dst: flags [dataseqno ack window urgent options] work-latest.tar.bz2
• src: origin address and port • Extract the content; you can rename the folder
• dst: destiny address and port msf3 to framework3 (Figure 15)
• flags: TCP header flags. Can be a single “.”(no • Copy the folder to the path /var/mobile/pentest/
flags), or a combination of S (SYN), F (FIN), P exploits
(PUSH), W (ECN CWR), E (ECN echo), R (RST) • To run the tool you have run $ ./msfconsole in the
• dataseq: sequence number of the first data byte path var/mobile/pentest/exploits/framework3
in the TCP segment. The format is first: last (n), • If you have some problem, you can run the tool with
which means that from first to last (not including Ruby directly from the same path
last) a total of n bytes of data. $ ruby msfconsole
• ack: indicates the following number sequence to (Figure16)
be received.
• window: number of bytes of receive buffer space How to start?
available the other direction From msfconsole interface, you can see the list of
modules that are available to interact with them.

• show all: see all modules available through the

• show moduletype: see the list of modules of a
particular type
• use: select a module by specifying the module name
• info: information about a module
• check: determine if the target system is vulnerable
to exploitation of the active module. This is a quick
way to verify that all options are set correctly and
Figure 15. Installing metasploit framework that the goal is really vulnerable to exploitation.

18 ��������������� 01/2012
Pentest iOS Tools

Figure 18. Running set

many types, also allows us to modify and perform a text
search within them. You find this tool in the Preinstaled
Repos (Price 4.00$).

Figure 16. Running metasploit on mobiletermianl Aircrack-ng

Social Engineering Toolkit (SET) This is a set of specialized tools in wireless attacks, you
What’s it? can use this tool to crack WEP pass, capture packets,
This is a toolkit that assists in the task of social engineering … You find this tool in the iNinja’s Repo.
attacks. We can easily use the tool to impersonate the
identity of a particular site, create PDF attacks, send email inetutils
attacks with embedded malicious code, all seamlessly It’s a collection of common network programs. ftp, tftp,
integrated with the Metasploit Framework. More info and telnet, ping, … You find this tool in the Preinstaled Repos.
dsniff suite
How to install? This is other great collection of tools whose purpose
You find this tool in the Boo’s Repo, if you have some is get inside a network by any way possible using a
problem to install it, you can try with the next method. password sniffer, utilities of passive listening, … You
You’ll need subversion and python installed: find this tool in the iNinja’s Repo.

• Create the folder SET in the next path network-cmds

$ mkdir /var/mobile/pentest/exploits/SET Collection of many network command programs like
• Go to the exploits folder ping, ifconfig, nestat, finger, … You find this tool in the
$ cd /var/mobile/pentest/exploits iNinja’s Repo.
• Run the next command to get the files in the SET
folder (Figure 17) Stealth MAC
$ svn co http://svn.secmaniac.com/social_engineering_ This tool can set a custom MAC address for the wireless
toolkit SET/ adapter on boot. You find this tool in the Preinstaled
• To run it, you can use ./set in the folder SET (Figure 18) Repos.

What can I do? Ettercap-ng

You can launch a email massive attack to a corporate emails This is a set of dissection tools with capacity for multiple
list to get some remote terminal, you can attach a PDF with protocols to facilitate the execution of attacks Man-in-
an exec to run the commands needed to open up the way, the-middle local area networks.
and give the port through which you want to connect, and You find this tool in the iNinja’s Repo.
just you need to wait that a user open the pdf file.

More known tools

It’s a file system browser app. It’s a comfortable way JUAN MANUEL ALTAMIRANO ARGUDO
to navigate through the file system and open files of During the last 4 years, i have been
working on projects related with
iPhone and iPad (iOS). I have long
experience with Objective-C/Cocoa
applications and Apple technologies.
I’m currently heavily involved in
development and mobile usability and
Figure 17. Installing set with subversion new technologies.

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Lawful Interception
on Mobile Telecom Service

New technologies will greatly help Police effectively intercept mobile

communication to combat cyber crimes, but how to ensure private
communication is protected?

or the past few years, IP network transformation conducting a lawful interception process, police, who
is shaping into a new operation and management want to monitor those calls with several specified call
on telecommunication for lots of mobile and fixed numbers, should also key in ID number, approval
net service providers in the world. Along with this trend, case ID by court, date and time stamp, and other
the technology of lawful interception by police, military information into warrant system for journal and
intelligence and other law enforcement agencies is also audit purpose. The warrant system will send the
being developed with great leaps and bounds thanks to commands (HI1) with call numbers to the mediation
IP network being extensively used in telecom service or telecom switch, and receive data sequentially. All
providers. received data will be grouped and managed with
the relevant case ID by lawful interception system
Voice Lawful Interception and Warrant without exception.
Traditionally police conduct lawful interception by Next Generation Network in Telecom Service
collecting call records and call content directly from New IP technology, also called next generation
telecom switch. All information intercepted will be network (NGN), in the telecom backend systems will
passively taken from this switch based on a de facto greatly reduce the cost of operation and management
standard – ETSI or CALEA. By this process, police are for mobile telecom service providers, and enhance
only able to intercept calls, which they are allowed to large degree of flexibility and quality to deploy new
obtain by warrant issued by court, and, on the other networks and services with both voice and data. By
hand, this process can be audited by congress or the nature of new technology, distributed deployment
parliament step by step.
For most mobile or telecom service providers,
inside the tradition telecom switch there is an internal
control mechanism, by which some calls with specified
numbers can be retrieved from the switch, and
redirected to a mediation device. Lawful enforcement
management facility can get the intercepted
information from mediation device via 2 channels:
one is call record information (HI2), the other is call
content for crime investigation (HI3). This way of lawful
interception is also aligned with standard procedure of
There is an important mechanism with this
process – the warrant system. Every time before Figure 1. The email content recovery from captured network packets

20 ��������������� 01/2012
Lawful Interception on Mobile Telecom Service

to intercept the digital data for all as it will be through

IMS layer, and dispatched to the Internet gateway.
Police can deploy taps in IMS layer or transport layer,
and also voice and data stream can be intercepted
separately and processed inside the IMS layer. Some
subscriber location information also can be acquired
from Base Transceiver Station (BTS) or regional
telephony center (POP) in service providers. With
such location data processed in the backend AVL
system, police can even get subscriber movement
tracking in real time.
Lots of content or online service providers provide
encrypted communication with SSL or TLS secured
Figure 2. Webmail extraction and recovery from network packets
protection, and some use proprietary protocol for
and management with network traffic and packet protection, especially email, and VoIP services. In
transportation in switching and connection will be some way, these security mechanisms provide relative
the significant renovation in telephony center. All the protection for private communication in certain level,
backend systems are modularized and managed by but not absolutely! Through some network deployment
series of application software, and can be replaced or and injected spywares in PCs, most of the secured
upgraded module by module. private communication, such as Gmail, Skype…etc,
The whole telecom network systems can be divided can be broken down and intercepted. Unless some
into 3 parts: transport layer, IMS layer, and service/ advanced encryption algorithm is applied, which is
application layer. In each layer, different system usually provided and used by state intelligence, no one
modules have different roles to perform different can hide his confidential communication.
functions in the communication process, and can be
replaced or upgraded individually. All module systems Information by Law Interception
exchange messages and data by standard IP protocol. Intercepted information from telecom NGN must be
Using this process of message and data exchange, any processed to be recognizable in order to conduct
subscriber’s request will be fulfilled in a very short time advanced data analysis. This process can be
interval. complicated sometimes, for the online services contain
Lots of value-added services, such as location-based too much hypertext data from different sources or
service (LBS), color ring, AGPS, Internet access, IPTV, encrypted data. Basically only several online services
push mail…etc, can be easily implemented into the will be in the list of interception, such as email/webmail,
service/application layer together with the voice service, Instant Messenger, social network, and VoIP services,
and also greatly increase revenue for telecom service which are also most popular among global Internet
providers. That’s why most of telecom service providers community.
in the world have started upgrading core network with The most important feature of LI equipment with
NGN in their telephony centers. telecom NGN is to process packet data into meaningful
information by different protocols. So, how to effectively
Lawful Interception in Next Generation reconstruct these packet data into recognizable ones
Network and retain original data are very important for the
Compared to traditional telecom switchs with standard
LI interfaces, lawful interception can be reached
with extensive tapping deployment in NGN without a
central warrant control system, and eventually a wide
scope of information, such as voice, data, geological
position, mobile device ID…etc, will be sent to a data
warehouse in the LEA monitor center. With powerful
backend data mining or business intelligent systems,
lots of personal information can be collected and
analyzed by state organization. Even encrypted
communication data can be decoded by using a more
complicated system.
Though it is hard to intercept data through Internet
access in common IP network of ISP, it is quite easy Figure 3. The instant massager captured from live communication

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how far they commuted to riot sites, how long
they stayed in riot sites, and how often they use
social network to call friends can be identified by
tons of intercepted data with Twitter service. It
is not only for riot investigation, but it also helps
to analyze the socio-economic factors among
mob behind riots. If you are interested in such
study, please check out the following URL: http://
• Traditionally VoIP is the primary interception
function of LI equipment in a telecom NGN
environment, for all the voice data come in and
out through transport , IMS layers are in the form
Figure 4. Chat in facebook
of VoIP. LI system supports the most popular RTP
LEA investigation capability against cyber crimes and codec, like G.711a-law, G,711µ-law, G.726, G.729,
terrorists. iLBC, which are all ITU standard.
Taking example of several screen shots from such
LI equipment as below, we can understand how far Besides voice content, LEA staff can check out lots
this device can perform its job with interception on of useful information, such as caller and receiver
email, webmail, IM, social network and other online numbers and IPs, date/time stamp, call duration, and
services: location information by request from BTS. Solution
providers will usually help LEA integrate it with
• Mail by client-server mode – By POP3, IMAP, HSS system of the service provider in order to get
SMTP protocols, LEA staff can get date/time subscriber information. That’s why state requests
stamp, account name/IP, receiver name/IP, title, subscribers to have real name registration when using
content with attachments…etc. a telecom service in some countries.
• Mail by webmail mode – some email service In a few countries, there are also different popular
provided by ISP or CSP use J2EE, php, .NET…etc online services with unique culture background for a
with multiple frames, such as Gmail, Yahoo Mail, dedicated closed minority. By using LI infrastructure,
MS Live…etc. LEA staff can also get date/time state authority and social justice can be reached.
stamp, account name/IP, receiver name/IP, title,
content with attachments…etc. Lawful Interception in Telecommunication
• IM is very popular in Internet community for instant Data interception may be highlighted quite often in
communication among friends, partners and family. the LI process, but the most significant point is not in
It is also the common way to have confidential talks the analysis of huge volume of intercepted data. The
and exchange sensitive information, so it is the most difficult part of the LI process is that the quantity
major focus and interest for LEA to intercept its of data is too huge for LEA staff to interpret, due to the
content from time to time and conduct data analysis intensive use of telecommunication by various different
and cross checking by full-text searching. ways. Few years after 911, several new technologies
• Social network is the fast growing Internet services on data analysis, such as data mining, text mining, link
among Internet Community. Because those analysis, were developed for large volumes of data, say
services are powerful to broadcast messages
in very short time to general public, LEA staff
in every country may intercept the most popular
social network services, such as Facebook,
Twitter and others, also focus on various
target accounts’ social network for intelligence
After 2011 London Riots, both the London
School of Economics and Guardian conducted
an extensive study on communication among
rioters. According to this report, some social
and economic factors with communication were
exposed in depth. From usage of Twitter, active
rioters can be spotted, and information about Figure 5. Twitter text message

22 ��������������� 01/2012
Lawful Interception on Mobile Telecom Service

balance between social/state security and human

right at this point.
Now it is about time for both citizens and state
agencies to have a better way to protect private
communication without disturbing legal crime
investigation using new technology adopted by telecom
service providers, whilst upgrading the existing lawful
interception platforms in each police department.
The new deployments should cover the de facto
standard of ETSI or CALEA as well as the nature of
an IP network, which is of distributed network and
multimedia data centric. Since new technology is still
under development, suppliers and system integrators
Figure 6. Voip intercept from live communication
should think about the embedded mechanism of
by PB (petabyte1,000,000GB) in some countries. With personal data protection inside a lawful interception
such large data processing tools, LEA staff can decode facility.
large amounts of useful information, such as hidden For the coming decade, most of mobile service
meaning behind text, cross-checking with several IPs, providers and fixed net service providers will upgrade
phone numbers and MACs, link relation among groups their backend system with new IP technology. How
of subscribers, and, with international cooperation, to provide a powerful and secured lawful interception
tracking suspected groups in different geological facility and also protect personal data will be a big
areas. challenge for both system providers and LEA buyers in
Just like the study on 2011 London riots mentioned the world. We look to see future development with great
in the previous section, conducting analysis with interest and anticipation.
such huge data will result in some useful information.
In cyber world, anonymity is quite common. By link
analysis and text mining with subscriber information
in service providers, LEA staff can easily find
out identity of participants, and clarify role and
responsibility among them (of course, it is also
important to have international cooperation on cross
border communication). In 2011, such thing just
happened in the Far Eastern region against cross-
border cyber crimes among China, Taiwan, Thailand,
Vietnam and Philippines.
Nowadays, most of terrorists in the world are
suppressed and under strict supervision by global
cooperation, just because the above technologies are
widely used by LEA staff in many countries with different TED CHAO
extent. Ted is the senior technical and marketing
consultant in Decision Group Inc., which is
Private Legal Communication Protection a signi�cant 24-year old network forensic
Anti-terrorism and anti cyber crimes are common solution company in Taiwan. For the past
agenda for LEA staff in most countries. There is no doubt few years, Ted has been involved in several state LI projects
that they work together. What about social activists, and in Middle East, African and ASEAN countries with Decision
political conscience elements in different countries? It is network forensic solutions and service. He has previously
a sensitive area to touch in the formal diplomatic arena worked in Acer, Compaq, HP, Booz Allen Hamilton, and
because of different social and political atmosphere in Lucent Technology for more than 20 years, and was also
each country. There unlikely to be a universal standard active in ITC market in GCC area for 3 years. With more
for it with consensus in UN Assembly. and more new telecom technology being introduced to
Even though, we still need to think about the private the market, Ted and Decision R&D group are now working
legal communication protection among common with advanced technology to help LEA staff worldwide
citizens. It is the basic human right listed in Constitution prevent more and more cyber crimes and protect private
Law of many countries, and should be protected by communication. If you have any question, please forward to:
statutes. So, it is quite important to have an equal edetective@edecision4u.eu.

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The Line
That Matters
How often in real life do we ignore the little things that come and go in
a swift blink of our eyes? And of course we are social beings. We always
strive for the practical application of the theory that says love and help
thy neighbor.

nd why not, as society literally means a Data and information are two words, entities, or
civilization where in people co-exist, HELPING even more abstractly concepts that have always
EACH OTHER. But do we really realize that inevitably been an important part of any society.
the term helping is not always in the best interests Today’s world is one of huge data, globalization
of the society. Obvious would definitely be the wrong and cut throat competition has just made these two
term to describe the thin line that exists between THE even more important. As the importance increases,
SOCIAL AND THE ANTI-SOCIAL. The social: what we so does the necessity to protect both raw data and
ideally should be; and the anti-social: what we actually information. Protecting data is no longer considered
are most of the time, due to the undeniable natural just a part of the routine function of an organization but
tendency of human beings. is considered as one of the most valuable assets of
The one reason for this thin, dangerous, perhaps the company. Assets did I mention? Yes and so every
even lethal (as we shall see shortly) line between the single measure must be taken to safeguard these
two categories is ignorance, and if you are from the assets, to save integrity, privacy and confidentiality.
field of information technology the issue gets even No system ever is perfect. It may have the best, most
more spiced up! Not to mention the ultra-levels of cutting edge security infrastructure, but what do you
confidence that seem to seep through the corporate think is the most important among all these high-tech
mind with thoughts like we are now equipped with protections?
the most modern and the most secure state-of-the It may just sound a little outdated and old fashioned
art security infrastructure, an investment of millions of a concept, considering that a common trend among
that will certainly protect us! These thoughts seem highly technical security professionals is to not blame
technically and phonetically secure enough to cast a anybody, but THE HUMAN FACTOR should not be
hypnotizing spell on the people concerned, usually the ignored. If this was your guess, congratulations,
top level management. you have hit the jackpot and now we have started
As mentioned before, we are humans in an age of getting the matter of the subject. But is it really so
information technology. Ok, so one of the first problems innovative an idea that it needs a detailed discussion?
is that we seldom give a lot of importance to the word Simply put, yes. We all know it. We all have had our
data in our daily routine. That is not to say that we don’t preliminary training and the initial boring lectures on
use it or do not understand the meaning of the term, but keep your passwords safe, do not give it to anybody,
most people fail to realize the difference between mere, keep your antivirus software updated, etc. etc., but
raw data and extremely valuable information. Again the most typical sin has been committed and that is
the one factor that I think is righteously blamed is the the failure to address the human desire to help. The
HUMAN FACOTR or let me rephrase it to make it sound natural human nature is inquisitive with curiosity as its
more convincing and arguably polite, the UNTRAINED, diet and a motivating factor to get hold of something, a
IGNORANTLY ANTI-SOCIAL HUMAN FACTOR. goal or reward. And believe me the accomplishment of

24 ��������������� 01/2012
The Line That Matter

this goal has way more than just the poetic simplicity So what? We all know this difference. Where’s the
of the sentence. catch? Well of course we all know this but what we
So what does it take, really? A few convincing often fail to realize is the thin line of separation, the
statements, a situation of helplessness presented in boundary that exists between the two. We often tend to
a most humble way, a self-proclamation of stupidity, a cross this line unknowingly and don’t even realize that
vey helping attitude that makes you proudly boast and something could be a junk to us but for someone else it
say, the world is still a good place to live in, there are might be the most valuable asset. And trust me on this,
still people who honestly believe in ‘help thy neighbor’. the world will never run out of people who love to play
A very slight bend and twist of an accent to fully play jigsaw puzzles. It is entertaining, it is fun, it keeps you
with the natural common human psychology and thrilled and what’s more is that you have to solve it to
complimentarily, the very deck of prejudices that we get access to a secret of some kind (the motive), and
humans usually carry boldly, is all that is required to you are certainly never going to stop hunting for the
bring your entire investment in obtaining the so called solution.
highly secure, state-of-the art security infrastructure Many of us are born social engineers. Most of us
down to ashes. As is rightly said, a chain is no stronger have used this skill in some form, at some place and
than its weakest link, or I rather love to state a more time. We just did not realize what it was we were
relevant version of it to myself and my friends, a security doing. Back in the days of high school, we all (ok if not
infrastructure is only as non-vulnerable as is its most all then most) have flirted with a pretty girl to get her
naturally human employee. And probably most of us, if on a date. Those of us who were successful know of
not all, would certainly agree that the receptionist, too, all the weird stories it took to convince her for that one
is an employee and they are the most willing to help date. There you go: social engineering in one of its
with such pleasant smile. most basic forms. Many a times, when we were kids,
The time is now to address the issue. I’d like to take if we remember, have our parents made up stories, all
the privilege of introducing you (with all apologies) to to get us to do well in exams or when we were even
our good old friend, the SOCIAL ENGINEER, and a smaller, to convince us to eat healthily and mostly
very warm welcome to this formidable world of SOCIAL drink milk. This is social engineering as early as I can
ENGINEERING. It is also important to revisit of the remember.
almost identical twins, DATA and INFORMATION. What And if these examples sound too lame, definitely
exactly is data? Well, computer science students many yes, we always have that ‘classic definition’ concept
have a classic answer for this: any raw collection of of social engineering that says, Social Engineering
numbers, letters, etc. is called data. So then what is uses influence and persuasion to deceive people by
information? A definition with style would be processed convincing them that the social engineer is someone
and meaningful data is information. So what is the he is not, or by manipulation. As a result, the social
problem? The application is the problem. Let’s look at engineer is able to take advantage of people to obtain
an example to make things clearer. information with or without the use of technology.
What do you make of this string: UP63C8047? On You are under the impression the article is more of
the first glance it appears to be just a set of random an ethical and moral values lecture rather than being
characters and digits. What use could it possibly be? anywhere near the domain of information security. Let
In India we have license plates that follow this pattern: me narrate a small incident that happened not long ago,
the first two digits are the abbreviation of the state in and I was fortunate enough to witness it. It shall knock
which the vehicle is registered. The next two digits is you off your feet, and hopefully it will surely give you
the district code. The last 4 digits is the unique number an over the shoulder glance of the powerful impact that
assigned to the vehicle and it is preceded with a letter in social engineering can have.
case the unique numbers get exhausted. And boom! In It was the 30th of December 2011. Yes, right a couple
a flash the above random characters and digits become of days before the New Year bash. A time when your cell
meaningful. And now suppose I tell you this is the license phone is no less important than your kidneys if you are
plate of the vehicle that the banks use to transfer their a young college going teen. It ought to be more or less
cash every month from one branch to the other or to a permanently busy, getting and giving New Year wishes
remotely located ATM machine. And another boom! And to friends, girlfriends, family etc.
the ‘random’ becomes a very valuable thing. The guy’s name is Mike Joseph. He got a call at
This is the very real and accurate difference between around 11 am on the 30th. Here’s what followed.
data and information. UP63C8047 is raw and crude
data as long as it relevance in not known. When the Kreig Forest: – Hi! This is Kreig Forest from Airtel
value is known it becomes the van that carries cash and central office, Vellore. Can I speak to Mike Joseph
is now an extremely vital piece of information. please?

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Mike: – Yes, Mike here! How can I help you? The attack went like this: Kreig Forest (Kapil
Solanki) is a college going student, who happened to
K: – Sir we are sorry to inform you that the documents read this book by (sir) Kevin Mittnick, named the art
you submitted while purchasing this special New Year of deception, one that I personally consider one of the
offer SIM card have not been verified at our central best on the topic. Now Kapil happens to be a student
office. As a result we will have to shut down your not easily convinced with theory and loves things to
services until we receive your authentic documents. be practical. Driven by this urge of his, he wanted to
know if a social engineering attack is really practically
M: – But it wasn’t my mistake. I submitted the required possible. So he analyzed his target, a classmate of
documents well in time. You can’t just shut down my his, named Mike Joseph. Chalked out a plan and
services now. I need my cell phone urgently for the went about executing it. He went to a nearby calling
next few days. It is new year you see. booth that used an Airtel service. This made his call
look like it really came in from a local area office,
K: – Yes sir! We very well understand the situation. because offices usually use land line phones. He then
But we can’t really do any thing unless we get your registered a mail id by the name Airtel.kpd on gmail,
authentic documents verified! and with a capital A and a ‘kpd ‘ in the end, which is
the station code for Vellore, all to make things look
A pretty much annoyed Mike angrily replies back, more real. He gave Mike the entire story about the
– where the hell on earth do I need to get those document verification and made it look real enough,
documents verified? through his confident accent. He then gave the victim,
A more polite Kreig replies back, – I am once again Mike, a local area fax number. And finally for the last
sorry for the inconvenience caused sir. As a matter of part of his con game, just to be sure that the victim
fact we have had similar complaints from our other does not get left with any doubt about the call, he
customers. So we tried to set up a facility so that our also replied back to the mail with a confirmation and
customers will not need to be bothered any further. stating that a complaint has been registered. He even
gave an arbitrary complaint id to Mike for any further
M: – You better not bother us any more! communication.
Well what use was it for Kapil? Within an hour
K: – We have set up an automatic system that shall Kapil had all the documents and details required to
verify all your details, so there is no scope of human purchase a new SIM card in someone else’s name. He
error, particularly not now, at the New Year eve. You had observed a shop and its owner pretty closely and
won’t even need to take the pain to come down to our subtly had identified the vulnerability. The shop was
office. All you need to do is send us your details on our opposite the college and usually was very busy. The
mail id which is Airtel.kpd@gmail.com, that was with a shopkeeper was used to selling SIM cards to students
capital A. and it was an everyday business if some student
wanted to purchase a SIM card on the name of his
Kreig continued in the same accent, – sir, please friend, provided he had the proper details and an ID
send us your full name, address, both temporary proof. Due to the rush of New Year’s the shop keeper
and permanent, your father’s name your date of did not really bother to see the original ID, a simple
birth as it appears on your birth certificate and a photocopy attached with the card request form was
passport sized photograph. We also need you to fax comfortable enough for him. And Kapil now had a SIM
a photocopy of your identity card, like a voter’s id, a card issued to Mike’s identity.
driving license or if you are a student, a college id All my senses point the only reason Mike Joseph
with your photograph on it is also acceptable. The blindly fell into the trap was carelessness and his
fax number of our Vellore office is 0416223683. human attitude to trust, to not cross-verify the caller. He
And lastly do no forget to mention the date and area did not realize the importance of keeping his personal
you purchased your SIM card from. This shall help information confidential. He did not really realize when
in tracking the problem and lodging a complaint so he went too far beyond the line.
that similar kind of things does not take place in the I am pretty sure because we are all humans, that most
future. of us are still underestimating the social engineer. Many
Mike was happy that his service will now not be of us still haven’t realized that the world we live in today
terminated. He at once mailed and faxed the required is both an information era and equally and unknowingly,
documents. Within minutes of this he received a globally accepted era of social engineering. So for
confirmation mail thanking him for his co-operation and those of my security interested friends who find that
assuring him of continued service. playing college pranks is way too lame to be an attack,

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The Line That Matter

here is another incident that I’d like to sight from the - Okay, then in the back of the computer, can you
book ‘The art of deception’, by (sir) Kevin Mittnick. Now recognize the network cable.
this is pretty much a story that I say make chills run
down your spine. - Yeah.

The Network Outage - Trace it back to where it’s plugged in. See if there’s a
Day/Time: Monday, February 12, 3:25 p.m. label on the jack it’s plugged into.
Place: Offices of Starboard Shipbuilding
The First Call: Tom Delay - Hold on a second. Yeah, wait a minute – I have to
squat down here so I can get close enough to read it.
- Tom DeLay, Bookkeeping. Okay – it says Port 6 dash 47.

- Hey, Tom, this is Eddie Martin from the Help Desk. - Good – that’s what we had you down as, just making
We’re trying to troubleshoot a computer networking sure.
problem. Do you know if anyone in your group has
been having trouble staying on line? The Second Call: The IT Guy
Two days later, a call came through to the same
- Uh, not that I know of. company’s Network Operations Center.

- And you’re not having any problems yourself. - Hi, this is Bob; I’m in Tom DeLay’s office in
Bookkeeping. We’re trying to troubleshoot a cabling
- No, seems fine. problem. I need you to disable Port 6-47.

- Okay, that’s good. Listen, we’re calling people who The IT guy said it would be done in just a few minutes, and
might be affected ‘cause its important you let us know to let them know when he was ready to have it enabled.
right away if you lose your network connection.
The Third Call: Getting Help from the Enemy
- That doesn’t sound good. You think it might happen? About an hour later, the guy who called himself Eddie
Martin was shopping at Circuit City when his cell phone
- We hope not, but you’ll call if it does, right? rang. He checked the caller ID, saw the call was from
the shipbuilding company, and hurried to a quiet spot
- You better believe it. before answering.

- Listen, sounds like having your network connection - Help Desk, Eddie.
go down would be a problem for you...
- Oh, hey, Eddie. You’ve got an echo, where are you?
- You bet it would.
- I’m, uh, in a cabling closet. Who’s this?
- ... So while we are working on this, let me give you
my cell phone number. Then you can reach me directly - It’s Tom DeLay. Boy, am I glad I got ahold of you.
if you need to. Maybe you remember you called me the other day?
My network connection just went down like you said it
- That’d be great. Go ahead. might, and I’m a little panicky here.

- It’s 555 867 5309. - Yeah, we’ve got a bunch of people down right now.
We should have it taken care of by the end of the day.
- 555 867 5309. Got it. Hey, thanks. What was your That okay?
name again?
- NO! Damn, I’ll get way behind if I’m down that long.
- It’s Eddie. Listen, one other thing--I need to check What’s the best you can do for me?
which port your computer is connected to. Take a
look on your computer and see if there’s a sticker - How pressed are you?
somewhere that says something like ‘Port Number’.
- I could do some other things for right now. Any
- Hang on No, don’t see anything like that. chance you could take care of it in half an hour?

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- HALF AN HOUR! You don’t want much. Well, look, I’ll something fishy about the way the money was being
drop what I’m doing and see if I can tackle it for you. handled and wanted to find out whether some of the
executives had a case of hands-in-the cookie-jar. And
- Hey, I really appreciate that, Eddie. maybe his client also didn’t want to tell him the real
reason because, if Bobby knew how valuable the
The Fourth Call: Gotcha! information was, he’d probably want more money for
Forty-five minutes later... doing the job. There are a lot of ways to crack into a
company’s most secret files. Bobby spent a few days
- Tom? It’s Eddie. Go ahead and try your network mulling over the choices and doing a little checking
connection. around before he decided on a plan. He settled on
After a couple of moments: one that called for an approach he especially liked,
where the target is set up so that he asks the attacker
- Oh, good, it’s working. That’s just great. for help. For starters, Bobby picked up a $39.95 cell
phone at a convenience store. He placed a call to the
- Good, glad I could take care of it for you. man he had chosen as his target, passed himself off
as being from the company help desk, and set things
- Yeah, thanks a lot. up so the man would call Bobby’s cell phone any time
he found a problem with his network connection. He
Listen, if you want to make sure your connection left a pause of two days so as not to be too obvious,
doesn’t go down again, there’s some software you and then made a call to the network operations
ought to be running. Just take a couple of minutes.” center (NOC) at the company. He claimed he was
troubleshooting a problem for Tom, the target, and
- Now’s not the best time. asked to have Tom’s network connection disabled.
Bobby knew this was the trickiest part of the whole
- I understand... It could save us both big headaches escapade – in many companies, the help desk
the next time this network problem happens. people work closely with the NOC; in fact, he knew
the help desk is often part of the IT organization.
- Well . . . if it’s only a few minutes. But the indifferent NOC guy he spoke with treated
the call as routine, didn’t ask for the name of the
- Here’s what you do... help desk person who was supposedly working on
the networking problem, and agreed to disable the
Eddie then took Tom through the steps of downloading target’s network port. When done, Tom would be
a small application from a Web site. After the program totally isolated from the company’s intranet, unable to
had downloaded, Eddie told Tom to double-click on it. retrieve files from the server, exchange files with his
He tried, but reported: co-workers, download his email, or even send a page
of data to the printer. In today’s world, that’s like living
- It’s not working. It’s not doing anything. in a cave. As Bobby expected, it wasn’t long before
his cell phone rang. Of course he made himself sound
- Oh, what a pain. Something must be wrong with eager to help this poor „fellow employee” in distress.
the program. Let’s just get rid of it, we can try again Then he called the NOC and had the man’s network
another time. And he talked Tom through the steps of connection turned back on. Finally, he called the man
deleting the program so it couldn’t be recovered. and manipulated him once again; this time making
him feel guilty for saying no after Bobby had done him
The Attacker’s Story a favor. Tom agreed to the request that he download
Bobby Wallace always thought it was laughable when a piece of software to his computer. Of course, what
he picked up a good assignment like this one and his he agreed to be exactly what it seemed. The software
client pussyfooted around the unasked but obvious that Tom was told would keep his network connection
question of why they wanted the information. In this from going down, was really a Trojan Horse, a
case he could only think of two reasons. Maybe they software application that did or Tom’s computer
represented some outfit that was interested in buying what the original deception did for the Trojans: It
the target company, Starboard Shipbuilding, and brought the enemy inside the camp. Tom reported
wanted to know what kind of financial shape they that nothing happened when he double-clicked on
were really in – especially all the stuff the target might the software icon; the fact was that, by design, he
want to keep hidden from a potential buyer. Or maybe couldn’t see anything happening, even though the
they represented investors who thought there was small application was installing a secret program

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The Line That Matter

that would allow the infiltrator covert access to Tom’s - But once they have your number, it’s so easy for
computer. With the software running, Bobby was somebody to steal it.
provided with complete control over Tom’s computer,
an arrangement known as a remote command shell. - You mean a crooked employee.
When Bobby accessed Tom’s computer, he could
look for the accounting files that might be of interest - No, anybody – not just an employee.
and copy them. Then, at his leisure, he’d examine
them for the information that would give his clients - You’re talking through your hat, – Mr. Conklin said.
what they were looking for.
- I can call up right now and get them to tell me your
The Attack Visa number, – Henry shot back.
The attacker spins a web to convince the target he has
a problem that, in fact, doesn’t really exist – or, as in - No, you can’t, – his father said.
this case, a problem that hasn’t happened yet, but that
the attacker knows will happen because he’s going to - I can do it in five minutes, right here in front of you
cause it. He then presents himself as the person who without ever leaving the table.
can provide the solution. The setup in this kind of attack
is particularly juicy for the attacker: Because of the seed Mr. Conklin looked tight around the eyes, the look of
planted in advance, when the target discovers he has a somebody feeling sure of himself, but not wanting
problem, he himself makes the phone call to plead for to show it. – I say you don’t know that you’re talking
help. The attacker just sits and waits for the phone to about,- he barked, taking out his wallet and slapping
ring, a tactic fondly known in the trade as reverse social fifty dollar bill down on the table. -If you can do what
engineering. An attacker who can make the target call you say, that’s yours.
him gains instant credibility: If I place a call to someone
I think is on the help desk, I’m not going to start asking -I don’t want your money, Dad, – Henry said.
him to prove his identity. That’s when the attacker has
it made. He pulled out his cell phone, asked his father which
branch he used, and called Directory Assistance for
Tom delay and the It guy both should have cross the phone number, as well as the number of the store
checked with the concerned departments to make in nearby Sherman Oaks. He then called the Sherman
sure there really there was a genuine person involved, Oaks store. He then called up the number and said he
but instead chose not to. And each of them crossed had had a very good experience dealing with the store
way beyond the line and once again, unfortunately, but and he wanted to send the manager a letter about it.
devastatingly enough, unknowingly. The receptionist was already too delighted to think of
Entire magazines could be written about the incidents anything else and gave away the requested details in
of some very skilled social engineers, some very a go. She told the manager’s name was Tommy Allison
secure infrastructures (pun intended), and some people and gave his mailing address as well. Before hanging
working towards the ideal anti-social beings. up Henry thought of something else and said that he
Before I conclude, here’s a last story that finally might would also like to write to the company headquarters
prove to be an eye opener, if the stories above have still and asked for the store number. And of course he was
not swept you off your feet. not disappointed this time either.
I once sat at a table in a restaurant with Henry and his Then he called the store where his father had an
father. In the course of conversation, Henry scolded his account. He pulled the old impersonate-the-manager
father for giving out his credit card number as if it were trick, using the manager’s name as his own and giving
his phone number. the store number he had just obtained. Then he used
the same ruse:
- Sure, you have to give your card number when you Are your computers working okay? Ours have been
buy something, he said. – But giving it to a store that up and down. – He listened to her reply and then said,
files your number in their records – that’s real dumb. -Well, look, I’ve got one of your customers here who
wants to rent a video, but our computers are down
- The only place I do that is at Studio Video, Mr. right now. I need you to look up the customer account
Conklin said, naming the same chain of video stores. and make sure he’s a customer at your branch. –
Henry gave him his father’s name. Then, using only
- But I go over my Visa bill every month. If they started a slight variation in technique, he made the request
running up charges, I’d know it. Sure, said Henry, to read off the account information: address, phone

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number, and date the account was opened. And then secure infrastructure is just like having to protect your
he said, – Hey, listen, I’m holding up a long line of hugest treasures with a fully loaded, fully automatic
customers here. What’s the credit card number and machine gun, but not knowing how to fire it, or even
expiration date? – Henry held the cell phone to his worse, not knowing of the safety switch on it and
ear with one hand while he wrote on a paper napkin ignorantly playing with that gun.
with the other. As he finished the call, he slid the Finally, I personally call the three rules as more than
napkin in front of his father, who stared at it with his just the golden rules of human existence, oh, sorry, of
mouth hanging open. The poor guy looked totally secure human existence in a global world of information
shocked, as if his whole system of trust had just gone technology and of course of skilled manipulators, better
down the drain. known as THE SOCIAL ENGINEERS.

Mr. Conklin, I guess did not even know that a line • Train, train and train without fail.
existed at all, and one which should be taken utmost • Understand the difference between data and
care of. Yes, he was a smart individual to keep a information and more importantly the line that
constant check on the use of his card, but was he separates them.
smart enough to understand the importance of the • Don’t just be too stupidly human.
line? Well, the stories and more appropriately the
conclusions so far unanimously suggest that he was
not as smart as he thought he was. And yet again
it was only plainly human for him to trust his regular
store and he was ok in doing so. But yes he should not
have been so obviously naturally trusting.
The stories presented above may not make you
feel too good about your past experiences or in some
cases may make you lose complete self-esteem, that
is to say if you really realized what a social engineering
experience may feel like.
Lastly there’s this last piece of advice that I just can’t
skip over with when I am talking of some serious social
engineering and some pro social engineers. They will
go way beyond our expectations in not just deceiving
but also getting their hands dirty in a trash can! There’s
no deep meaning of what I just said. I mean it perfectly
literally. It is something that we technically call
dumpster diving. We have seen a number of instances
that though not mathematically, but still strongly
prove that we are prone to making errors while are
differentiating between data and information. We are
careless enough to throw away our papers, bills, bank
statements and many such documents that we think
are useless crap, just raw data. Now try to recollect
how scraps can be converted into very valuable ABHINAV CHOURASIA
information and that we never will run out of people My name is Abhinav Chourasia and I am a �nal year Software
who always find thrill in solving puzzles. Engineering student at Vellore Institute of Technology
The problem increases with the generation that’s (VIT University) in India. I have always been fascinated by
too fond of the social networking culture, but not so computers, but honestly they were not my �rst career choice.
aware of the social engineering concept, the dilemma I always wanted to join the Indian defense – the Air force as
of crossing the line and what the repercussions can be a �ghter pilot, but things didn’t really turn out well and so I
when is raw data magically (pun intended) converted to am in the �eld of my fascination – computers, security.Yes, I
crucial information. guess most of the people from the industry have, some time
As a whole we need to be trained and aware of when or the other, thought of being a hacker and so have I. In the
we are crossing the line from being an ideal social way, I realized that it was not really important for me to be a
human being to a natural, anti-social human being, hacker. What was more important was to realize that the path
with extremely vulnerable, kind and helping nature. of learning itself is more fun than the ultimate destination to
Employees without training and having extremely be a hacker.

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Interview with

Bryan Sullivan and

Vincent Liu
authors of Web Application Security: A Beginner’s
Guide (McGraw-Hill; 2012)
Bryan Sullivan, Senior Security Researcher at Vincent Liu, CISSP, is a managing partner at Stach
Adobe Systems, was previously Security Program & Liu. He previously led the Attack & Penetration
Manager at Microsoft and a development manager and Reverse Engineering teams for Honeywell’s
at HP, where he helped to design HP’s vulnerability Global Security group and was an analyst at
scanning tools WebInspect and DevInspect. Bryan the National Security Agency. Vincent speaks at
speaks at industry conferences such as Black Hat, industry conferences, including Black Hat, ToorCon,
RSA, BlueHat and TechEd. and Microsoft’s BlueHat. He is a co-author of
Hacking Exposed Web Applications, Third Edition
and Hacking Exposed Wireless, Second Edition.

Please tell us why you are in the field of and many more), we focus on the guiding principles of
Information Security and not something else. application defense and show design techniques that
Bryan: It may sound strange, but one of the reasons I can help protect you from not just the known attacks of
enjoy security so much is because it’s so challenging. today but also the unknown attacks of tomorrow.
Attackers definitely have a lot of advantages over Vincent: This book is different because it was
defenders: the “bad guy” only has to find one written specifically for readers who are just getting
vulnerability to win, where the “good guys” have to into security. Most web application security books are
prevent every vulnerability. The good guys have to work targeted at readers who are already professionals;
to develop their products as quickly as possible, but the they have much higher knowledge prerequisites.
bad guys have an unlimited amount of time to develop Absent that knowledge, readers were confused and
attacks. So again, security is a very challenging field, the text remained inaccessible. This book provides that
but very fulfilling to get it right. knowledge by focusing on the fundamentals that every
Vincent: My McDonalds application was rejected. aspiring security practitioner should know.

There are several books out there on Web Web applications have a heavy development
Application Security, what is unique about side, can software engineers and architects
this book? benefit from this book?
Bryan: So many of the other books out there are Bryan: Absolutely, in fact I would say they’re part of
focused on attack techniques, on showing their readers the primary target audience. Most vulnerabilities in web
how to pull off exploits. We really wanted to focus our applications come out of flaws in the applications’ code
book on defenses, which is a lot more relevant of a topic or design. As nice as it would be, there really is no “silver
if you’re a professional in the IT industry and not a “black bullet” product you can buy that fixes the vulnerabilities in
hat” hacker. And even more than just showing how to your applications after they’ve been written and deployed.
defend yourself against specific attacks like cross-site If the root of the problem is code, then code (and coders!)
scripting and SQL injection (although we do cover these is where you have to spend your attention.

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Interview with Bryan Sullivan and Vincent Liu

Vincent: I hope so. That’s who we wrote it for! There’s Vincent: Browsers are trying, and they should definitely
a wealth of information that builds very naturally upon continue their efforts. But I think users are ultimately
concepts and ideas that many software engineers and responsible for protecting their own privacy by following
architects deal with on a day to day basis. safe browsing habits. Just like car manufacturers can
build safer vehicles, browsers can build stronger security
Web Input such as Forms, File uploads etc have features. However if people continue to drive (and
been vulnerable for a very long time, then why browse the web) recklessly then who’s to blame?
haven’t we seen libraries and modules that
make these web elements bullet-proof? How do you keep yourself updated about
Bryan: Actually there are some really effective defense latest news in Web Application Security?
libraries out there – the OWASP ESAPI library comes to Bryan: I actually spend more time reading developer-
mind – but just having a defense module is not the same focused blogs than I do reading security-focused blogs.
thing as using it correctly. There are nuances in the use of Remember Willie Sutton’s famous quote: when a reporter
these libraries that make a lot of difference in how secure asked him why he robbed banks, he answered Because
the application will be. For example, developers are told to that’s where the money is. I follow developer news because
encode page output in order to defend against cross-site that’s where the interesting security issues are! This is
scripting. This is absolutely correct, but there are many especially true for any new emerging technology like HTML5
ways to encode output (HTML encoding, URL encoding, or NoSQL. Early adopters face enough struggles just getting
HTML attribute encoding, XML encoding, etc), and only things to work correctly that they don’t always consider the
one of them will be correct in any given situation. You see security implications of what they’re doing. So I like to hang
this kind of thing a lot in cryptography too, where even a out in these kinds of forums and help frustrated developers
subtle mistake in the initialization of an algorithm can make get their code working securely, not just get it working.
the entire application vulnerable to attack. In the end, it boils
down to having security controls in place throughout every Security threats are escalated when a web
phase of application development, and not just relying on a application includes a payment mechanism.
single library or tool to provide your security for you. What are your thoughts about that and how
Vincent: Microsoft provides a rich library of …. I bet can they be mitigated.
Bryan has a much better answer than whatever I will Bryan: Payment mechanisms definitely increase an
provide. application’s attractiveness to potential attackers. But
even if your application doesn’t accept payments, you
You have a chapter on Authentication and still need to follow secure development procedures. You
Federated Identity management is really hot should always strive to minimize your attack surface. You
these days. Based on your experience, can should always validate user input. You should always
highlight security challenges related to web scan your application with static- and dynamic-analysis
user authentication? tools. Too often, developers think that they can fly
Vincent: Bad passwords are a far greater risk than beneath attackers’ radar because their application or their
any fundamental flaws in authentication systems. Most organization is too small to be noticed. This is definitely
organizations have poor password policies or policies that not the case! Just because you don’t accept payments on
aren’t enforced. It will continue to be exploited by attackers your site, don’t overlook secure development practices.
so long as they continue to leave that door open.
Cloud can be a suitable platform for several
Are browsers doing enough to protect user organizations who prefer to transfer security
privacy? risks to 3rd party. When choosing a web
Bryan: 2011 was a great year for browsers and privacy application in the Software-as-a-service model,
online. Internet Explorer 9 introduced Tracking Protection, what do customers have to be cautious about?
which gives people a clear mechanism to both signal Bryan: Ask the provider how they’ve built security into
their desire not to be tracked to web publishers, but more their application. Do they have a security program that
importantly actually provide the in-browser capability to they follow from inception of the product all the way
stop the tracking from taking place. And Adobe added through release? Or do they just hire some penetration
a number of privacy-enhancing features to Flash Player testers to come in at the very end and bang on it? (Or
10.1, including support for browsers’ “private browsing” even worse, do they do nothing at all?) If you go with a
modes and the ability to clear Flash Local Shared SaaS provider who’s considered security throughout the
Objects (LSOs, also known as “Flash cookies”) directly development lifecycle, odds are you’ll be better protected
from browsers’ control panels. So we as an industry are not just against the known threats of today, but also from
definitely on the right track here. whatever new techniques attackers dream up tomorrow.

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