Trend and XY Plots
Trend and XY Plots
Trend and XY Plots
Chapter 9
Trend Plots
The Trend plot is a simple, rectangular plot on which the value of a meas-
ured parameter is plotted versus time. Trend plots can be used to display any
kind of data versus time: direct vibration, nX amplitude, nX phase (the APHT
152 Data Plots
plot is a trend plot that displays both), gap voltage (radial or thrust position),
rotor speed, and process variables, such as pressure, temperature, flow, or power.
Trend plots are used to detect changes in these important parameters. They are
used for both long and short term monitoring of machinery in all types of serv-
ice and are, typically, an example of a steady state (constant speed) plot.
The data for a trend plot can be collected by computer or by hand. Figure 9-
1 shows a trend plot of hand-logged gap voltage from a fluid-film bearing at the
discharge end of a refrigeration compressor. Due to improper grounding, elec-
trostatic discharge gradually eroded 280 µm (11 mil) of the bearing, allowing the
rotor shaft to slowly move into the babbitt. The trend plot alerted the operators
to the fact that something was wrong, and they scheduled a shutdown in time
to prevent serious damage. This is an example of how a very simple data set pro-
vided valuable information that saved the plant from an expensive failure.
Even though a trend plot may look like a continuous history, it is not.
Parameters are assumed to be slowly changing, so the data to be trended is sam-
pled at intervals that depend on the importance of the machinery and the data.
If a sudden change in behavior of the parameter occurs between samples, the
data will be missed.
Some data values may fluctuate periodically. For example, 1X amplitude and
phase may change periodically due to a thermal rub. The period of change for
this kind of malfunction can be on the order of minutes to hours. Amplitude and
phase modulation can occur in induction motors, due to uneven air gap, at twice
the slip frequency; the period here is usually a fraction of a second. If the sam-
pling frequency is less than twice the frequency of interest (does not satisfy the
Nyquist criterion), then the frequency of the changes in the trend plot will be
incorrect, an effect known as aliasing.
The trend plot from an induction motor (Figure 9-2) looks like, at first
glance, a timebase plot. However, it is a trend of unfiltered, peak-to-peak vibra-
tion that is changing periodically. This motor, which drives a boiler feed pump,
has an uneven air gap problem. The vibration amplitude is modulated at a beat
frequency equal to twice the slip frequency of the motor.
The data in blue was sampled very rapidly, at about 10 samples per second.
This produced a high resolution trend plot. The data in red is a portion of anoth-
er trend plot from about two hours earlier, when the motor was experiencing the
same problem. The sample rate was one sample every 10 seconds, a factor of 100
slower. Note that the frequency of the change of the red is much lower, the result
of aliasing. This would not be obvious unless the data taken at the higher sam-
ple rate was available. The observed modulation frequency is much lower than
the true modulation frequency. Parameters which change periodically like this
are relatively rare, but this example demonstrates how the sample rate can pro-
duce a misleading picture of machine behavior. This effect can also happen
when, to increase the trend interval on the horizontal axis, the database of sam-
pled data is decimated (samples are thrown out).
XY Plots
Where the Trend plot displays one or more parameters versus time, the XY
plot (not to be confused with XY axes or XY transducers) can be used to display
any two parameters versus each other. Correlations between the parameters will
show a diagonal relationship. A complete lack of correlation will show either a
horizontal or vertical relationship.
Figure 9-5 shows an XY plot of vibration amplitude versus gap voltage from
a 125 MW steam turbine generator, HP/IP unit running at 3600 rpm. The plot
starts at point 1 when the machine undergoes a load change. Between points 1
and 2 (red), the plot clearly shows a correlation between changing shaft position
(measured by the gap voltage) and 1X vibration amplitude. As the shaft moves
(blue) to point 3 during the next three hours, the vibration decreases while the
gap voltage remains approximately constant. It is possible that a gravity bow
may be working itself out or the measurement probe may be viewing a different
section of the shaft as the machine reaches thermal equilibrium. The shaft takes
only about 35 minutes to move from point 3 to point 4 (green), most likely in
response to another load change.
Chapter 9 Trend and XY Plots 155
0.5 2.0
Chock wedges inserted
0.4 1.6
0.1 0.4
0.0 0.0
Figure 9-4. Trend data from a 30 000 hp, synchronous electric motor driving
an axial flow air compressor. The plot shows vibration amplitude from a dis-
placement probe (blue, right scale) and a velocity transducer (green, left
scale). This motor had a weak foundation system that slowly loosened. The
vibration amplitude slowly increased on both transducers until around 30
August, when sets of chock wedges were installed and foundation bolts
retightened. The vibration shows a sharp drop, followed by a slow rise. Near
the end of the record, the machine was shut down, and the foundation was
completely overhauled.
156 Data Plots
The Trend plot is a rectangular plot of a measured parameter versus time.
Trend plots can be used to display any kind of data versus time: direct vibration,
nX amplitude, nX phase, gap voltage, rotor speed, and process variables such as
pressure, temperature, flow, or power. Data can be correlated by plotting several
variables on the same time scale.
Trended data is sampled at periodic intervals, and it is assumed to be slow-
ly changing. If data values can change periodically, the sampling frequency must
be at least twice the frequency of change (the Nyquist criterion). If not, the data
will be aliased; the displayed amplitude and frequency of the trend data will not
be correct.
The XY plot can be used to display any two parameters against each other.
Correlations between the parameters will show a diagonal relationship. A com-
plete lack of correlation will show either a horizontal or vertical relationship.
1. Eisenmann, Robert C., Sr., and Eisenmann, Robert C., Jr., Machinery
Malfunction Diagnosis and Correction (Upper Saddle River: Prentice-Hall,
Inc., 1998), pp. 751-758.