Jatropha Curcas L.: Substitute For Conventional Energy
Jatropha Curcas L.: Substitute For Conventional Energy
Jatropha Curcas L.: Substitute For Conventional Energy
ISSN 1817-3047
© IDOSI Publications, 2009
Abstract: Jatropha curcas L. or physic nut belonging to family Euphorbiaceae is an all purpose, zero waste
perennial plant. It is considered as a potential source of non-edible fuel producing plant along with its different
medicinal properties and grows well in the tropical and subtropical climate in India. The seed contains 40-50 %
viscous oil known as ‘curcas oil’. Petroleum based fuel are limited reserves concentrated in the certain regions
of the world and these are the major cause of air and sound pollution. Depleting reserves of fossil fuel and
increasing effects of environment pollution from these fuels demands eco-friendly alternatives. Methyl esters
of fatty acids or biodiesel have several outstanding advantages among other non-renewable and clean engine
fuel alternatives and can be used in any diesel engine without any modification. It can be made from any
biological sources such as vegetable oils and animal fats.
Corresponding Author: K.C. Verma, Department of Biochemistry, College of Basic Sciences and Humanities,
Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar-263 145, India
World J. Agric. Sci., 5 (5): 552-556, 2009
gums, high viscosity, acid composition, free fatty acid of these oilseeds crop. Further, local community
content and low cetane rating. Coking and trumpet associated in post harvest processing events may
formation, carbon deposition, oil ring sticking, thickening encourage the entrepreneurs to start small industries and
and gelling are the basic problems encountered due long to produce raw or finished produced. Biodiesel are
term use of biodiesel. Vegetable oils can be used as a fuel extracted from saffola, rapeseed, sunflower and soybean
for combustion engines, but its viscosity is higher then etc. in Australia, Germany and France. In India, non-edible
usual diesel fuel and requires modifications of the seed crops like karanj, mahua, jatropha are used for
engines. Therefore, vegetable oils are converted into their production of biodiesel depending on locality [5].but
methyl esters by transeterification, which is more suitable these activities are at initial level. Among non-edible plant
for using as a fuel due to low viscosity. The viscosity species, J. curcas, a perennial tree containing high
value of vegetable oils are between 27.2 to 53.6 mm2/sec., amount of non-edible oil, is considered best for formation
whereas, those of vegetable oils methyl esters (Biodiesel) of biodiesel.
are between 3.59 to 4.63 mm2/sec. This low viscosity value
of vegetable oil methyl esters are due to Jatopha curcas L.: Renewable Energy Plant: Jatropha
transesterification of oil. curcas is a small tree or large shrub with smooth gray
In Indian context, the important issue is to grow bark, which exudates a whitish colored watery latex, upon
oilseed tree. The 70 million wasteland in the country are cut. It has large green to pale green leaves, alternate to
available for plantation of fuel plants. Growing these oil sub-opposite, three to five lobed with a spirally
bearing plants on wastelands, as avenue trees and in the phylotaxis. Different plant parts of Jatropha curcas are
back yards all over the nation will improve the availability shown in Fig. 1.
World J. Agric. Sci., 5 (5): 552-556, 2009
The genus Jatropha belongs to tribe Joanneasiae Plantation of Jatropha: Freshly harvested seeds
of Crotonoideae in the Euphorbiaceae family and show dormancy and complete ripening is necessary
contains approximately 175 succulents, shrubs and trees before seeds showing. Germination takes place in 10 days
(some are deciduous like Jatropha curcas L.). It is a under good conditions. Soon after the first leaves have
multipurpose tree of Mexico and Central American origin formed, the cotyledons wither and fall down. In the
with a long history of cultivation in tropical America, nursery, seeds can be grow in germination beds or in
Africa and Asia. Madagascar, Dahomey (now Benin) and poly begs for easy transportation. Seedlings attain
Cape Verde Islands were major exporters of Jatropha the height of 30-40 cm at the age of 3 month after
products. showing. By then, the plants have developed their
The genus Jatropha was derived from the alkaloids responsible for repellent smell and at this
Greek words Jatros (doctor) and trophe (food) which stage, the plants can not be browsed by animals
implies medicinal uses. It is a small tree or large [10].Normally, five roots are formed from seeds, one
shrub, which can grows between 3 to 5 meters in height, central (tap root) and four peripheral. Cuttings, when
but can attain a height up to 8 to 10 meters in favorable planted do not form tap root. Early growth is fast and with
conditions. The branches contain latex, normally five good rainfall conditions plants grown from seedlings may
roots are formed from seeds, one central (tap root) bear fruits after the first year, whereas, plants produced
and four peripheral. Cuttings, when planted do not from seeds start production after second year. When
form tap root. The plant is monocious and flowers are fruits begin to dry, brown colored and start to open, seeds
unisexual. Pollination is by insects. The life span of insides are expected to mature. Seeds are collected with
the plant is more than 50 years [6, 7].Jatropha is planted hand picking (small trees) and with the help of stick (large
as a hedge (living fence) by farmers all over the world trees). Seed yield varies from 0.4 -10 kg / plant / year
around homesteads, gardens and fields, because it is depending on the age of plant and soil/climatic
not browsed by animals [8]. The root, stem, leaves, conditions. Shade dried seeds are separated from seed
fruit, seed, bark and latex of the plant are largely used for cover. The seeds are orthodox and should be dried to low
the treatment of many diseases in different parts of the moisture conditions and stored in airtight containers.
world [9]. The different uses of Jatropha plant parts are Because of high oil content, seeds can not be expected to
shown in Fig. 2. store for longer period of time.
World J. Agric. Sci., 5 (5): 552-556, 2009
Table 1: Fatty acid contents (per cent) of Jatropha, Palm and Coconut oil Oil Composition of Jatropha Oil and Biodiesel
Fatty acid Jatropha Palm Coconut Formation: Seeds contain different kinds of saturated and
Caprylic acid (C8:0) _ _ 8 unsaturated fatty acids. Fatty acid composition of
Capric acid (C 10:0) _ _ 8 Jatropha oil as compare to palm and coconut oil are
Lauric acid (C12:0) - - 48 shown in Table: 1.
Myristic acid(C 14:0) 0.38 3.5 16.0 Biodiesel is an alternative fuel made from vegetable
Palmitic acid (C 16:0) 16.0 39.5 8.5 oil and animal fats. It can act as both as substitute and an
Palmitoleic acid (C 16:1) 1-3.5 - - additive to diesel fuel. Energy content of different biofuels
Stearic acid (C 18:0) 6-8 3.5 2.5 is shown in Table 2. European Union has set an objective
Oleic acid (C 18:1) 42-43.5 46 6.5 to replace its 5 per cent of total motor fuel consumption
Linoleic acid (C 18:2) 33-34.5 7.5 2.0 with biodiesel by 2005. Similarly, the US Department of
Linolenic acid (C 18:3) 0.8 _ _ energy estimated that up to 50 per cent of the diesel fuel
Production Kg/ha 1590 5000 2260 could be replaced with biodiesel [11]. In view of economic,
environmental and health safety associated with use of
Table: 2 Energy content of different biofuel biodiesel, it has been decided to strengthen biofuel efforts
Sl. No Biofuel Energy content (MJ/kg) in India. The targets are being fixed to blend at least 5 per
I. Solid fuel 16-21 cent and 10 per cent of petrodiesel by biodiesel by the
C Wood fuel year 2007 and 2015 [2].Different methodologies are used
ii. Liquid fuel for production of biodiesesl (i. Direct use/blending ii.
C Methanol 20-23 Micro-emulsion iii. Pyrolysis iv. Transesterification).
C Ethanol 24-27 Transesterification is the most common technique for
C Butanol 36 production of biodiesel (Fig. 3)
C Biodiesel 38 Cost of biodiesel varies depending on the basestock,
iii. Gaseous fuel geographical area, variability in crop production, manual
C Methane 55-56 power availability, agronomic practices, from season to
C Hydrogen 120-140 season and the price of crude petroleum. Biodiesel costs
iv. Fossil fuel over double the price of diesel. High price of biodiesel is
C Coal 29-34 due to the high price of feedstocks, including beef tallow,
pork lard and yellow grease. Fatty acid methyl ester could
World J. Agric. Sci., 5 (5): 552-556, 2009