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MPU Series B - WinScreen User Manual (PRD-0000021256)

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Multipath Ultrasonic Flow Meter

MPU Series B Winscreen User Manual

Procedure Manual

PRD-0000021256 / Rev. 00B / FL / thk / February 2009 MNKS002 0.0 (2/09)

The Most Trusted Name In Measurement

Revision Date Editor ECN Status Description
Rev. 01  11.12.2007  xx  ‐‐‐  released  Take over from KOS SAP System 

Rev. 00A  April 2008  NB  20207  released  New Logo 

00B  February 2009  Thk  20512  Released  New front and last page 

All information and technical specifications in this documentation have been carefully checked
and compiled by the author. However, we cannot completely exclude the possibility of errors.
Smith Meter GmbH is always grateful to be informed of any errors.

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1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... 5
1.1. Copyright ........................................................................................... 5
1.2. Trademarks ....................................................................................... 5
1.3. Abbreviations .................................................................................... 6
1.4. Guarantee .......................................................................................... 7
1.5. Equipment Required ......................................................................... 8

2. PRE-OPERATION ................................................................................... 9
2.1. Install Winscreen Software .............................................................. 9
2.2. Uninstall Winscreen Software.......................................................... 9
2.3. Set the IP address on the PC (Ethernet only) ................................. 9

3. START WINSCREEN PROGRAM ......................................................... 10

3.1. Connecting to the Ultrasonic Meter .............................................. 11
3.1.1. First time communication setup ................................................ 11
3.1.2. Establish communication with Ethernet link .............................. 12
3.1.3. Establish communication with serial link ................................... 13
3.2. Run Winscreen against PC Simulator ........................................... 13
3.3. Trouble Shooting – Ethernet .......................................................... 14

4. OPERATING THE WINSCREEN PROGRAM ....................................... 15

4.1. Menu Overview................................................................................ 15
4.2. Measured Values............................................................................. 16
4.2.1. Alarm indicator (top left) ............................................................ 17
4.2.2. Current Values .......................................................................... 18
4.2.3. Current Path Values.................................................................. 18
4.2.4. Axial Flow Profile ...................................................................... 18
4.2.5. Transversal Flow (only on 6 path meters) ................................. 19
4.2.6. Velocity / VOS History............................................................... 19
4.3. Trend ................................................................................................ 20
4.4. Database Configuration ................................................................. 22
4.4.1. Contents in the Database Configuration window ...................... 23
4.5. Change parameters ........................................................................ 24
4.6. Logs ................................................................................................. 26
4.6.1. Active alarm log ........................................................................ 27
4.6.2. Historical alarm log ................................................................... 27
4.6.3. Event log ................................................................................... 28
4.6.4. Operator change log ................................................................. 28

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4.7. Database Report ............................................................................. 29
4.7.1. Select Report Format ................................................................ 30
4.7.2. Print Database Report .............................................................. 31
4.7.3. Save Database Report.............................................................. 32
4.7.4. Exporting Database Report....................................................... 32
4.7.5. Open Database Report ............................................................. 32

5. DIAGNOSTICS AND SERVICE ............................................................. 33

5.1. Analyzer – Transducer Signal Quality Check ............................... 33
5.2. Check signal acquisitions .............................................................. 35
5.3. Check signal processing ................................................................ 36
5.4. Check flow calculations ................................................................. 37
5.5. Check I/O system ............................................................................ 38

6. OTHER FEATURES .............................................................................. 39

6.1. SWITCHING OPERATING MODE ................................................... 39
6.1.1. Config Mode ............................................................................. 39
6.1.2. Run Mode ................................................................................. 39
6.2. SIMULATION ................................................................................... 40
6.3. CHANGE PASSWORD AND SECURITY LEVEL ............................ 41
6.3.1. Change Password. ................................................................... 41
6.3.2. Change Security Level .............................................................. 42
6.4. Change Unit System ....................................................................... 43
6.5. Adjust Meter time ............................................................................ 43
6.6. Access System Parameters ........................................................... 44
6.7. Poll for New Targets ....................................................................... 45
6.8. Modem Communication ................................................................. 46
6.8.1. Modem Configuration................................................................ 46

7. APPENDIX A – ULTRA6 DATABASE DESCRIPTION .......................... 49

8. APPENDIX B – MPU 1200 DATABASE DESCRIPTION ...................... 69

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MPU Series B
Ultrasonic Flow Meter

This manual describes the operation of the Winscreen operator’s interface and
diagnostics software tool for ultrasonic meters from FMC Measurement
solutions. The program is compatible with these meters:
 Smith Meter™ Ultra6 (6 path ultrasonic meter for liquids.)
 MPU 1200 (6 path ultrasonic meter for gas.)
 MPU 600 (3 path ultrasonic meter for gas.)
 MPU 200 (1 path ultrasonic meter for gas.)

General information regarding installation, operation and maintenance of the

ultrasonic flow meters are described in:
 Ultra6 User Manual for the liquid meter and
 MPU Series B User Manual (USM-0000020225) for all different gas

We reserve the right to make changes to the construction and/or configuration

at any time, this manual is based on the latest information, and may be subject
to changes.

1.1. Copyright
All technical and technological information contained in this manual, including
any drawings and technical specifications shall remain the property of FMC
Technologies Inc. and may not be used (other than for the operation of this
product), copied, multiplied, passed on or communicated to a third party
without the prior written permission of FMC Technologies Inc.

© 2007 FMC Technologies Inc.

Kongsberg, Norway

1.2. Trademarks
Products listed are trademarks of their respective manufacturers. Company
names listed are trade names of their respective companies.

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1.3. Abbreviations

Abbreviation Description

DSP Digital Signal Processor

HW Hardware

I/O Input / Output

Kb Kilo byte

LAN Local Area Network

Mb Mega byte

MPU Multi Path Ultrasonic

PC Personal Computer

Rx Receive

SW Software

Tx Transmit

VOS Velocity Of Sound

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1.4. Guarantee
FMC Technologies Inc. and its subsidiaries assume no responsibility for any
errors that may appear in the publication, or for damages arising from the
information in it. No information in this publication should be regarded as a
warranty made by FMC Technologies Inc. The information in this publication
may be updated without notice.
The guarantee terms are stipulated in the delivery conditions.
The guarantee on the equipment expires if:
 Equipment is damaged during transport, handling, storage or installation
where instructions are not followed or due to carelessness.
 Service, operation and maintenance are not carried out strictly in
accordance with the instructions.
 Repairs are not carried out by our personnel, or if they are carried out by
your staff without our prior written permission and strictly in accordance
with the instructions.
 Changes are made to the equipment without our prior written permission.
 Original parts are not used.
 Equipment is used improperly, incorrectly, carelessly or not in line with its
nature and/or purpose.

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1.5. Equipment Required

A personal computer with certain hardware components and configuration of
software and communication protocols is needed to establish connection to the
ultrasonic flow meter.

Minimum requirements:
 Microsoft Windows 98SE, NT, 2000, XP or Vista operating system
 Pentium 133 with 32Mbyte RAM.
 Serial or Ethernet interface

 Microsoft Windows 2000, XP or Vista operating system
 Pentium 3 or equivalent or newer with 512 Mbyte RAM
 Ethernet Interface

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Before you can start the operation of the Winscreen program, the program must
be installed.

2.1. Install Winscreen Software

A. Insert the installation floppy disc or CD-ROM in the PC or locate the
Winscreen installer (Winscreen.msi).
B. Double-click the Winscreen installer.
C. Follow the on-screen instructions.

2.2. Uninstall Winscreen Software

A. Go to Start, Settings, Control Panels, Add/Remove Programs
B. Find Winscreen in the program list. Click the Remove button.
C. Follow the on-screen instructions.

2.3. Set the IP address on the PC (Ethernet only)

To communicate with the meter, the IP address of the meter must be reachable
from the PC (on the same subnet). This rule applies to any networked unit. The
IP address of the PC can be checked by running “IPCONFIG” in a DOS box. If
the PC and the meter are on different subnet, one of them needs to change the
IP address. If the meter is not connected on a network with a DHCP server, you
can change the IP address of the PC. If you are on a network with a DHCP
server, extreme care should be taken so that you do not select the same IP
address as another unit on the network. Please contact your network
administrator in any cases if in doubt.

To change the IP address of your PC:

A. From the Star menu in Windows, select Settings – Network and Dial-up
Settings – Local Area Connection.
B. Select TCP/IP protocol - Properties.
C. Set a fixed IP address (Specify IP address) and set an address in the same
group as the flow meters (but not the same), for example
(Meter address in this example is
D. Set subnet mask The first three digits, in the IP address
must the be equal for the PC to reach the meter
NOTE: Each IP address must be unique, i.e. no units connected to the same
network can have the same IP-address.

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To start the Winscreen program, double-click on the program icon that appears
after the installation on the desktop, or use the start menu.

Winscreen has three security levels, shown in the table below.

Password Level
Low Low (Customers, changes not possible)
High High (Customers, changes possible)
#### Super-user (FMC Service engineers)

Clicking “Cancel” will result in Security Level Low.

Down in the right corner of the program the selected security level is shown.

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Security level “High” give access to more advanced diagnostic tools and the
ability to make changes to the meter database.

3.1. Connecting to the Ultrasonic Meter

3.1.1. First time communication setup

Each meter on the network will have a unique IP-address. The IP-address and
name of the meter can be defined in the Host-file on the PC to simplify access.

For editing the Host file, do the following steps:

A. Click on the soft key “Define a new target” in the picture shown below.

B. Then the Host file appears and can be updated with correct IP-address and
name of the meter.
Note: Use the space key, not the TAB-key for spacing.

IP-address Meter name

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3.1.2. Establish communication with Ethernet link

This section describes how to establish data communication with an Ethernet

physical connection (twisted pair cable or fiber-optic cable) between the flow
meter and the PC.

The given meter host name (as specified in the Host file) or IP address must be
written into the picture shown below, or picked from the pull-down menu. This
is necessary for the Winscreen program to communicate with the meter. Click
the connect button as shown below to connect to the meter.

Disconnect from the meter

Meter name Connect to the meter

A field in the bottom of the Winscreen program shows if the meter is

connected or not.

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3.1.3. Establish communication with serial link

This section describes how to establish data communication with a serial

connection (RS-485/422/232) between the flow meter and the PC.

The WinScreen program can be run using serial communication with one
single meter or a multidrop network with multiple meters. The meter is
designed to communicate through both Ethernet and serially via Modbus. The
PC has RS232 interface, meaning if RS485 or RS422 is used due to long cable
lengths, a converter to RS232 is required.

A. Connect a 9-pin serial cable to the PC’s serial port (usually COM1)
B. Connect cable to the meter’s serial port. Refer to the wiring diagram in the
User’s Manual.
C. Start Winscreen. Select COM1 from the pull-down menu.
D. Click the “Connect to meter” soft key.

3.2. Run Winscreen against PC Simulator

For demonstration or training purposes, the Winscreen program can run a
meter simulator included in the application. Select “Simulator Ultra6”,
“Simulator MPU1200”, “Simulator MPU600” or “Simulator MPU200” in the
“Meter name” field as shown above, and click on the “Connect”-button. If the
“Measured values” window is opened, the measurement data can be inspected
as if the Winscreen program was connected to a real meter with flow. Each
piece of data can be manipulated under the Manual Values tab of the Database
Configuration screen.

To simulate flow select from the main menu:

Tools – Simulator – Simulate Transit times. (See chapter 6 for more detail on

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3.3. Trouble Shooting – Ethernet

If no contact to the meter is obtained:

 Check that the power on the meter is switched on.

 Check that the IP address of the meter is correct.
 Check that the subnet mask and IP address of the PC comply.
 Make sure that communication cables are connected.
 Try to ping the meter. Type “ping” + applicable IP address in a DOS
 If reply:
- Check Host file.
- It is also possible to use the IP address directly instead of the host name
to avoid problems with Windows host file.
 If not reply:
- Check communication cables.
- Check that the link led on the PC and on the UDSP board is lit.
 Note: Changing a PC’s IP address some times requires resetting the PC for
the changes to take effect.

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4.1. Menu Overview

The Winscreen software contains ten functions.

1. Measured values
2. Database Configuration
3. Alarm Logs
4. Database Report
5. Trend Log
6. Analyzer
7. AGA-10
8. Parameters (Service personnel only)
9. Diagnostics (Service personnel only)
10. Calibration (Service personnel only)

The last three functions are diagnostic tools. All functions are accessible from
more than one place in the application. These are shown in the picture below.

1. File Menu under New

2. View Menu
3. New in the toolbar
4. Directly in the toolbar

3 1 2 4
The New Menu option will be used in the following sections. These
applications are available by clicking OK when the desired option is selected.

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4.2. Measured Values

The measured values window will automatically be shown when connecting to

a meter.

This window can also be opened by pressing this button in

the toolbar.
Soft key

The figure above is showing a typical measurement window for an Ultra6 liquid
flow meter, and there is positive flow with a well developed flow profile.

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Ultrasonic Flow Meter

The figure above is showing a typical measurement window for a MPU 1200 gas
flow meter The flow profile is asymmetric and with strong swirl.

This Measured Values picture contains a summary of important information,

below is a short explanation. Units can be Metric or Imperial.

4.2.1. Alarm indicator (top left)

 Alarm Status Word, Coded number indicates type of error.

 Green color – no alarm, Red color – active alarm.
Press the red alarm button to see alarm details.

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4.2.2. Current Values

 Flow rate - Total calculated volume flow rate.

 Flow velocity - Showing the weighed average flow velocity for all paths.
Used to calculate actual volume flow rate.
 VOS (velocity of sound) - The average Velocity of Sound for all paths.
 Log count indicating how many measurement cycles have passed since the
meter was started.
 Used temperature and pressure –What is in calculation. Geomity correction
and transducer calibration selection.
 Total accumulated volumes – Forward and reverse.
 Profile flatness – 100% means a totally flat profile. Outer / Inner * 100.
 Profile Symetry – 0% is perferct symmetry. Positive number means more
flow in the top.
 Swirl and cross flow

4.2.3. Current Path Values

 Flow velocity - The variation between the paths should be according to

expected flow profile. For a well developed flow profile the flow velocity
for center paths should be higher than the flow velocity for outer paths.
 VOS - The variation between the paths should not exceed 1 m/s (~3 ft/s)
 Turbulence – The amount of scatter on the path velocities (Standard
deviation in %)
 S/N Raw and S/N Used. The amount of noise on the sampled signal and
after signal processing.
 Signals - Number of signals (in percent) used to calculate the path velocity
is usually above 90%, may be lower at high velocity. If the value is below
30%, special attention is needed to check that flow velocities and velocity
of sound measurements for each path are correct.
 Gain - This shows the receiver gain for each transducer. The gain is a
number in the range 0 – 2600. The gain is adjusted automatically to achieve
required signal amplitude. The value is dependent on meter size,
operational pressure and flow velocity. Typically in the range 300 – 1500.
Individual variations due to different path lengths and turbulence levels are

4.2.4. Axial Flow Profile

 Shows the axial flow components in each layer, resulting in the actual flow
profile. Green bars indicate forward flow, red bars reverse flow. The
numbers represent the percentage above or below the average total flow

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4.2.5. Transversal Flow (only on 6 path meters)

 The Transverse Flow window indicates swirl or cross flow. The bars
indicate the direction of the swirl and the numbers the magnitude of the
swirl as a percentage of the average total flow velocity. For example, for 10
m/s total average flow velocity, a green bar at 25% represents a clockwise
swirl with a velocity of 2.5 m/s.

4.2.6. Velocity / VOS History

 Showing a Trend curve of Mean velocity and Mean VOS variations over
the last period of time. A Green line indicates positive flow. A Red line
indicates negative flow. The scale is to the right. The bar to the right (Green
or Red respectively) shows the current actual Mean velocity.
 The Blue line indicates VOS. The scale is to the left.

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4.3. Trend
This window can also be opened by pressing this button in
Soft key the toolbar.

To make a Trend log of the meter operation for a period of time, the Trend
window in the New menu can be opened or by clicking on the Velocity/VOS
trend window on the Measured Values Screen. This will bring up the Trend
Configuration Dialog:

Clicking the Trend to file box and clicking OK will start and stop the log.
Turning on each of the Optional Items boxes will add the following data to the

 Transit Times  Raw Transit Times

 Raw Transit Time Diff
 Signal Properties  S/N levels
 Uncorrected flow velocity
 Uncorrected VOS
 Velocity profile factor
 Velocity profile limit
 VOS profile limit
 Status and Errors  Alarm Status
 Currently used calibration node
 Profile Learner State
 Travel time correction count
 Too low flow Alarm
 Too high flow Alarm

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 Electronics failure Alarm

 Transducer Failure Alarm
 Calculation error Alarm
 Burst % low Alarm
 Gain High Alarm
 Gain deviation Alarm
 VOS Difference Alarm
 Path substitution indication Alarm
 Digital I/O (Pulse)  Pulse out requested frequency
 Pulse out total count forward
 Pulse out total count reverse
 Pulse out status
 Analog I/O  Slot 1 Count value
 Slot 2 Count value
 Analog Temperature input
 Analog Pressure input
 Accumulated Values  Accumulated Volume Forward
 Accumulated Volume Reverse
 Accumulated Error Volume Forward
 Accumulated Error Volume Reverse
 Accumulated Time

The output of the Trend log is a tab-delimited text file that can be viewed and
manipulated using Excel.

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4.4. Database Configuration

This window can be opened by pressing this button in the

Soft key

The first picture below shows the first window that appears after selecting
Database Configuration in the New menu. To go further into the database, just
click on the plus sign in front of the desired choice. This is shown in the second
picture below.

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4.4.1. Contents in the Database Configuration window

It is divided into three main groups - Parameters, Modes and Calculated

Values. The main groups may have more levels of information. The main
groups are shown below; more details are shown in Section 0.

 Dimensions
 Rate Calibration
o Ax+B
o Multipoint curve
 Setup
 Limits
 Profile
 I/O
 Misc
 Zero Calibration: Node 1 to Node 3
 Density
 Manual Values
o Measurements
o Signal
 Fallback Values


Calculated Values
 Measurements
o Path Velocities
o Signal Measurements
o Transit time Measurements
o Standard Calculations
o I/O values
o Density
o Accumulators
 Diagnostics
o Errors
o S/N Measurements
o Time consumption
o Profile
 Corrections
o Status


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4.5. Change parameters

Warning!!! Changing values of the parameters will in many cases

influence the meter. Take care not to change values into wrong values.
Check and double check all changes before downloading the changes.

The correct security level must be entered to access this function. For meters
delivered with a hardware lock, this must be removed.

 Select the parameter to be changed by clicking on the OID with the cursor.
This parameter will now be shown in the Edit value area of the window; the
present value and name appear. Also a help text is appearing in the bottom
part of the window that is a short description of the usage of the object in
the meter.

 Type in the new value

 The choice “Download changes” becomes available. Click on it and a new

window will appear. This window is shown below.

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This window shows the old and new values. The change can now be
downloaded or discarded. This information will be stored in the Operator
Change Log (See Section 4.6).

It is possible to change more than one value in one download operation. Click
on the next parameter and then press the Download button after the last change.

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4.6. Logs
The various logs can be inspected by opening the Log
window in the New menu (or the shown soft key).
Soft key

As the picture below shows, there are four different logs - Active alarm log,
Historical alarm log, Event log, and Operator change log. All these logs are
configured the same way. All logs are stored in the same memory location,
which can hold a total of 4096 log entries. A text file viewable in Excel can be
sbvaved by clicking on the Upload all to File button.

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4.6.1. Active alarm log

Alarm logs are divided into two levels; Active Alarm Log and Historical Alarm
The Active Alarm log shows only the alarms that are active and not
acknowledged. The alarm is acknowledged by clicking on the Acknowledge
Alarm list.

The first column lists the Log Entry Number and a graphical description of the
alarm. The second column gives the date and time the alarm occurred. The
third column gives a description of the alarm, and the fourth column shows
which specific path the alarm is affecting. The last column gives additional
information about the alarm state, such as the value that triggered the alarm and
the flow velocity at the time of the alarm.

4.6.2. Historical alarm log

The Historical Alarm Log shows all alarms that have been raised, in addition to
showing the alarm off state and any acknowledgements.

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4.6.3. Event log

The Event Log shows meter start-ups, various software self-diagnostics, and
logon’s via Winscreen. A time stamp and a description accompany each entry.
Winscreen logon’s also show the name of the user that logged on.

4.6.4. Operator change log

Changes made to operation modes or parameters by the operator that may

influence the flow measurement are recorded automatically. The screen shows
the entry number, time stamp, a description of the value changed, and the
before and after settings.

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4.7. Database Report

All the relevant data stored in the database can be uploaded
by opening the Database Report window in the New menu
Soft key
(or the shown soft key). Database reports can then be
printed or stored as a file.

The database report is a listing of the database. It uses the same file format as
the database configuration window.

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4.7.1. Select Report Format

The database can be presented in a few different formats. To select the format,
click left mouse button anywhere in the window. This opens this dialog:

 If none of the check boxes are selected, the report will list parameters
with values that are in use in the current database.

 If you check “Include measured values” the listing will add all
measured values.

 If you check “Include not used items” the listing will include items
even if they are not used.

 If you check “Database documentation”, this will make a different type

of listing. No values will be included. This listing is useful as a listing
of all objects with Modbus address in the meter.

 The last one “Include detailed object description” is intended to be used

together with “Database documentation”. It makes the same type of
listing, but includes detailed description about each object.

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4.7.2. Print Database Report

The Database Report can be printed out from the file

menu in the program, or by using the soft key.
Soft key

See example of a Database Report below.

In the top of this report there is information regarding who the operator is, time
and date when the report was generated and if the report is modified or not.
The text “Not Modified” will change to “Modified” if any changes are made to
the database after being uploaded from the meter. This means that a “Not
Modified” database report can be used as a documentation of the database
content at a given moment.

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4.7.3. Save Database Report

The report can also be stored as a file (filename.db). Use the save soft key or
menu selection. The database report file can be opened later for inspection and

4.7.4. Exporting Database Report

The report can also be generated as a “RTF” (Rich text format) file. This
format is recognized by most office programs.
To generate the “RTF” file, select from the main menu:
File – Export ASCII file and then select the file name.

4.7.5. Open Database Report

The stored database report file (filename.db) can be opened by using the open
soft key or menu selection. Both the “Database Configuration” – (type of
window with tree-structure) and the “Database Report” will be opened, and the
data can be inspected in both.

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When the alarm or alarm log system indicates that something might be wrong
with the meter, the Winscreen program can be used to help identifying the
The Winscreen program contains various selections of diagnostics and service
tools. Normally the alarm will give a hint about what kind of problem the
meter is experiencing. In this chapter, a full diagnostic of the meter will be
performed from signal to generated output to cover the range of diagnostic
tools available in Winscreen.

As a result of the diagnostics you should have a few files saved on your
computer. These files describe the state of the meter:
1. Database file (.db)
2. Analyzer file (.sig)
3. Trend log file (.txt)
4. Uploaded logs

5.1. Analyzer – Transducer Signal Quality Check

This feature contains valuable information on the signals generated by the
meter. Actions have to be taken if irregularities in the Raw Signals are shown.

Click on New –> Analyzer. The following picture will appear:

A. Check “Raw signal” and “All

paths” (default)
B. Click the Start Sampling
button and a progress bar
indicates the progression of
the signal collection.

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The following picture will be shown.

 The collected data can be
stored as a file (filename.sig)
by using the save button.
 Opening the file using the
open button can inspect
previously collected data.

The following toolbar will also  Double-click on one of the

appear. It is used to analyze the signal recordings.
signal.  Zoom X - To stretch X-axis
 Zomm Y - To stretch Y-axis
 Window – To focus on a
specified part of the signal
 Average – Show an average
of all the signal recordings
(will reduce / remove signal
 Filter – Applies a band pass
filter to remove noise from
the signal.
 FFT – Shows the frequency
spectra of the signal
 Play Sound – The signal can
be played (frequency
 X correlate – Cross
correlates the signal against
the bypass signal.
 DSP Func – Applies typical
DSP algoritms to the signal.
(Service diagnostics).

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Check list:
1. In the view where all signals are visible at the same time, check that all
paths look approximately the same. Check that there is not extensive
level of noise on any channels.
 If a channel has weak or no signal (compared with the noise), check
the transducer cables and connections of that specific transducer
pair. Other possibilities are defect transducer or input channel at the
UAFE board.
2. If a signal looks suspicious select the signal by double-clicking. Then
zoom into the signal by using the toolbar button “Zoom X”.
 Look for false signals in front of the real signal. False signals can
travel through the pipe instead of the medium if there is direct
contact between the transducer tip and the pipe. Check for heavy
deposits on the transducer or grease from the o-rings on the
transducer tip.
 Look for heavy ringing after the signal. This can be caused by a
faulty transducer.
 Look for distortion of the signal. Clip out a window of the signal by
selecting the “Window” button. Then press the “FFT” button. The
presented signal should have a top around the signal frequency (150
kHz for gas and 1000 kHz for liquid.) If strong frequency
components are found at 3 times the signal frequency, this indicates
signal saturation (3rd harmonic content). Possible causes are too
high TX gain (Object 423 in the database) or defect input channel
on the UAFE board.

5.2. Check signal acquisitions

Open the database of the meter (described in chapter 4.4 or 4.7).
Check the following objects.
 38-49 Gain. The level should be approximately the same on all
channels. High gain indicates problem with the transducer or deposits
in the transducer port.
 80-85 S/N ratio raw signals. S/N level on the raw signal is normally
between 20 and 40 dB. Large meters and/or Low pressure will give
lower S/N levels.

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5.3. Check signal processing

Open the database of the meter (described in chapter 4.4 or 4.7).
Check the following objects.
 Object 0.Check that the log count is counting at a regular pace.
 26-37 Signal %. This number will indicate how good the signals were
 86-91 S/N ratios used signals. S/N level on the used signal is normally
between 30 and 60 dB. Large meters and/or Low pressure will give
lower S/N levels. If “S/N ratio used signals” are below 16 dB the signal
are below the minimum quality limit and the measurements might be
 50-61 Transit times. Look for “crazy” values.

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5.4. Check flow calculations

Open the database of the meter (described in chapter 4.4 or 4.7).
Check the following objects.
 14-19 Measured flow velocity. Check that the flow velocities on the
different paths form a possible flow profile. Also use the axial and
transversal flow graph in the measurements window.
 20-25 Measured VOS. All paths should read approximately the same
 3 Velocity of sound (average). Use AGA 10 (only for gas) or equivalent
to verify the velocity of sound. AGA 10 is included in Winscreen. From
the main menu select: Tools – AGA10…

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5.5. Check I/O system

Open the database of the meter (described in chapter 4.4 or 4.7).
Check the following objects.
 110 Pulse out requested frequency. This is the frequency generated
from the meter. Use external device to verify that the frequency is
 112 Pulse out total count should count when the meter is generating a
frequency. If not, there is a problem with the communication between
the DSP and the pulse micro controller (AVR).
 120-123 Check analog input values.
 130-135 Check Modbus inputs
 12-13 Check that correct temperature and pressure is used by the

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Warning!!! During normal operation it is not necessary to enter Config
mode. All operations that are described in this document can be done in
Run Mode. Entering config mode will stop the measurements.

When the meter is in operation mode (Run Mode), the Config mode button is
lit. In the lower right corner there is a small window that shows in which mode
the meter is operating. This is shown in the pictures below. Run Mode means
that the meter is measuring, and Config Mode means that the meter is stopped.

6.1.1. Config Mode

When the meter is in Config Mode, the Run Mode button is valid. Click the
Run Mode button to start measurements.

6.1.2. Run Mode

When the meter is in Run Mode, the Config Mode button is valid. Click the
Config Mode button to stop the measurements.

If the Config Mode button is clicked, a warning will be shown before the meter
stops measuring.

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Winscreen has the ability to make the ultrasonic meter simulate a given flow
velocity. If a selected flow velocity and velocity of sound is entered, the
Winscreen program will calculate the travel times and transmit this to the
ultrasonic meter. The meter will calculate a volume flow based on these travel
times. The calculated values with various units will be presented on the
available outputs and communication interfaces. This is especially suited for
testing of communication interfaces between the meter and a Flow Computer.
To active the Simulator, set Manual Values to ON under the Modes tab in the
Database Configuration screen.

Warning!!! The Meter will not measure the actual flow when this function
is used.

 Select Tools in the main menu in the program.

 Select Simulation.
 Select Simulate transit times.

The following picture will appear.

 Type in the flow and VOS to be simulated. You can also select various
flow profiles to be simulated. (Typical VOS for a gas meter is around
400m/s, while for an Ultra6 it is around 1400m/s).
 Clicking the Random Flow Simulator box will allow the Simulator to
change values by itself
 Then click the Download button.

The ultrasonic meter will now calculate travel times based on the input recently
typed in, and it will use the already existing parameters in the database to give
the correct flow. Note that transducer delays were not taken into account when
the Winscreen program calculated the travel times, therefore there will be a
slight deviation between the inserted flow velocity and VOS, and the calculated
flow velocity and VOS returned by the ultrasonic meter.

 To return from Run Mode to Simulation Mode, Set Manual Values to OFF
under the Modes tab of the Database Configuration Screen
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6.3.1. Change Password.
It is possible to change the password in the Winscreen program.

 Select Security from the main screen.

 Select Change password.

The following picture will be displayed.

 In the column “Old password” type in the old password “High”.

 Type a new password in the column “New password”.
 Retype the new password in the column “Retype password”.
 Click OK.

NOTE: Remember to take note of the new password,

and store it in a safe place.

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6.3.2. Change Security Level

The security level in the Winscreen program can be changed.

 Select Security from the windows menu.

 Select Change security level.

The following picture will be displayed.

 Type the password for a higher or lower level.

 Click OK.

NOTE: It is highly recommended that the security level normally is set to

Low. Only change the security level to high if necessary to change
parameters or measurement modes, and return to Low
immediately after.

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6.4. Change Unit System

The meter operates with either Metric or US units. The units system is changed
under the Tools menu.

Warning! This should not be done while measuring. It the conversion

process is interrupted, the database might be corrupted. Always take a
backup of the database before executing this command.

6.5. Adjust Meter time

The meter’s internal clock can be reset or synced to a PC with this function.

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6.6. Access System Parameters

This function allows the user to change the meter’s IP address, subnet mask,
MAC address, and hardware serial numbers. Serial numbers and MAC address
are set in the factory and should not be changed without written consent of an
FMC service engineer.

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6.7. Poll for New Targets

This function allows the user to poll for a meter whose IP address is unknown.
The user’s PC must be set up to allow any possible IP address (subnet mask set
to The meter should be wired directly with a crossover Ethernet cable.
All firewalls on the PC needs to be turned of, including the default firewall in
Windows XP.

If the IP address still can not be found, connect a serial cable to the meter and
read the IP address from the version block in the database.

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6.8. Modem Communication

6.8.1. Modem Configuration

Winscreen is designed to communicate to a remote meter via a serial modem

over telephone lines. Any commercially available serial modem is compatible,
as long as it supports the standard and extended Hayes AT command set.

To configure the modem on the meter side, connect it to the serial port of a PC
and communicate to it with HyperTerminal. Send the following AT commands
to properly configure the modem:

AT &N6 &W (Sets the maximum line speed to 9600 baud)

AT &U6 &W (Sets the minimum line speed to 9600 baud)
AT &B0 &W (Sets the port speed to the line speed)
AT S0=1 &W (Sets auto-answer pick up to 1 ring)

Additionally, the modem must be set to DTE Override. Some modems

accomplish this via dip switches, and others by AT command. If the modem
uses AT commands for this function the AT command is:

AT &D0 &W

Once the modem is properly configured, it is connected to the meter via RS-
232 serial cable. The wiring is reverse of the normal 232 connection, such that
TX connects to Pin 3 and Rx to Pin 1 of COM1 on the meter serial connector.
The modem is also connected to an analog phone line.

To remotely dial into a meter, go to Connection, Properties, and type in the

remote phone number and click OK.

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Select the COM port your PC modem is connected to (found under the
Modems tab of the Phone and Modem options control panel) under the
connection pull down menu and connect.

Winscreen will automatically dial out. Upon successful connection Winscreen

will show a “Modem OK” dialog box. After clicking OK, the Measured Values
screen will automatically start after a few seconds.

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Version information
Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US
UDSP Serial Number 250 500
Serial number of the UDSP board. This is the mainboard in the electronics containg all digital electronics.

UAFE Serial Number 251 502

Serial number of the UAFE board. This is a piggybackboard in the electronics containg the analog front end to the transducers.

UACF Serial Number 252 504

Serial number of the UACF board. The power supply board in the electronics is placed under the lid of the box.

CP Software version 253 506

Version number of the CP software on the board. The CP (Communication processor) handles all comminication and IO
except pulse and digital I/O

CP Software date 254 508

The date the CP software was build.

CP Software build no. 255 510

The build number of the CP software. This is a running number that is incremented by one for each build.

CP Software check sum. 256 512

The checksum is a unique number to simplify identification of software changes

DSP Software version 257 514

Version number of the DSP software on the board. The DSP (Digital signal processor) does all the flow measurements

DSP Software type 258 516

This number is used to identify what type of software is running on the board.
1200 = MPU1200

DSP Software date 259 518

The date the DSP software was build.

DSP Software build no. 260 520

The build number of the CP software. This is a running number that is incremented by one for each build.

DSP Software check sum. 261 522

The checksum is a unique number to simplify identification of software changes

AVR Software version 262 524

Version number of the AVR software on the board. The AVR handles pulse generation and digital I/O

AVR Software check sum. 263 526

The checksum is unique number to simplify identification of software changes

Database checksum 266 532

The checksum is a unique number to simplify identification of database changes

MAC Address 267 534

The unique MAC of the ethernet interface on the UDSP board

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Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US

IP Address 268 536
The IP address of the meter. Identifies the meter in an TCP/IP network (normally via Ethernet). All clients (PC's) need to be in
the same subnet as the meter

Subnet Mask 269 538

The subnet mask specifies the type of subnet. (Normal value is, class C network)

Gateway Address 270 540

The gateway address specifies the address of the router in the network in case meter and clients are on different networks.

Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US
Run Mode 700 1400
Specifies the execution mode of the measurements.
0=Config Mode, No calculations are performed. Output of meter is zero.
1=Run mode (Default), Meter is running and measuring normally.

Temp/Press compensation of diameter 701 1402

Specifies type of P/T compensation of ID, Path length and Path angle.
1=Mode A, Tank model.
2=Mode B, Pipe model (Default).

Linearization Mode 702 1404

Specify if linearization curve is to be used on high velocities.

Disable Path 703 1406

Dissables selected paths. No meaurements will be performed on these paths

Enable manual values 704 1408

Enables usage of manual values (600-657).

Unit mode 705 1410

Selects between metric or emperial units.
Warning! Should always be performed from the tools menu to also convert parameter values.

Line Pressure Selector 706 1412

Selects the source of the value (Fallback/Analog/Modbus).

Line Temperature Selector 707 1414

Selects the source of the value (Fallback/Analog/Modbus).

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Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US
Internal Pipe Diameter 400 800 mm in
The average diameter of the meter.

Transducer Path Length 1 401 802 mm in

The distance between the transducer tips.

Transducer Path Length 2 402 804 mm in

The distance between the transducer tips.

Transducer Path Length 3 403 806 mm in

The distance between the transducer tips.

Transducer Path Length 4 404 808 mm in

The distance between the transducer tips.

Transducer Path Length 5 405 810 mm in

The distance between the transducer tips.

Transducer Path Length 6 406 812 mm in

The distance between the transducer tips.

Transducer Path Angle 1 407 814 degree degree

Angle between the transducer path and flow direction.

Transducer Path Angle 2 408 816 degree degree

Angle between the transducer path and flow direction.

Transducer Path Angle 3 409 818 degree degree

Angle between the transducer path and flow direction.

Transducer Path Angle 4 410 820 degree degree

Angle between the transducer path and flow direction.

Transducer Path Angle 5 411 822 degree degree

Angle between the transducer path and flow direction.

Transducer Path Angle 6 412 824 degree degree

Angle between the transducer path and flow direction.

Wall thickness spool piece 413 826 mm in

Average thickness of the walls in the spool piece.
This thickness is used to correctly adjust the dimensions of the meter due to pressure and temperature.

Measurement Ref. Temperature 414 828 °C F

Temperature in the spool piece when ID and path lengths were measured. Used for P/T correction of dimensions.

Meter pipe material 415 830

Material in spool piece. Used for P/T correction of dimensions.

Used Linear Thermal expansion coeff 108 216 /degC /F

The used coefficient for temperature expansion of the spool piece and path lengths / angles based on the selected material in
object 415

Used pressure expansion coeff 109 218 pas Pas

The used coefficient for pressure expansion of the spool piece and path lengths / angles based on the selected material in
object 415

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Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US
Additional delay between firings 420 840 us us
Additional delay between the ultrasonic firings to prevent reflections to influence the transit times.
If the number is negative, it is only used for velocities below 4m/s.

Number of transducer calibration nodes 421 842 - -

Number of transducer calibration nodes to be selectable by the software.
See also zero calibration values at object number 500-599.

Signal AD value Setpoint 422 844 - -

The setpoint of the received signal amplitude for the gain controller.
Range 0-5. Gain controller adjust the gain (object 38-49) to get the average signal amplitude close to the setpoint.

Tx Gain (0=Auto Gain) 423 846 - -

The amplitude in % on the transmitted signal.
Reducing the transmitted signal strength reduces the risk of signal saturation (important on high pressures at small meters.)

Max Number of signals 426 852 - -

Rate calibration
Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US
Rate Correction factor A (Pos Dir) 416 832 - -
Adjustment factors of the measured flow rate for positive flow direction.
Correction formula Q = Ax+B, where x is the originally measured flowrate.
A and B factors usually found after flow calibration of the meter.

Rate Correction factor B (Pos Dir) 417 834 m³/h bph

Adjustment factors of the measured flow rate for positive flow direction.
Correction formula Q = Ax+B, where x is the originally measured flowrate.
A and B factors usually found after flow calibration of the meter.

Rate Correction factor A (Neg Dir) 418 836 - -

Adjustment factors of the measured flow rate for negative flow direction.
Correction formula Q = Ax+B, where x is the originally measured flowrate.
A and B factors usually found after flow calibration of the meter.

Rate Correction factor B (Neg Dir) 419 838 m³/h bph

Adjustment factors of the measured flow rate for negative flow direction.
Correction formula Q = Ax+B, where x is the originally measured flowrate.
A and B factors usually found after flow calibration of the meter.

Rate Calibr. point 1 Flow rate 527 1054 m³/h bph

Identifies the flow rate for this calibration point.
Rate Calibr. point 1 K-Factor 528 1056 - -
Rate Calibr. point 2 Flow rate 529 1058 m³/h bph
Identifies the flow rate for this calibration point.
Rate Calibr. point 2 K-Factor 530 1060 - -
Rate Calibr. point 3 Flow rate 531 1062 m³/h bph
Identifies the flow rate for this calibration point.
Rate Calibr. point 3 K-Factor 532 1064 - -
Rate Calibr. point 4 Flow rate 533 1066 m³/h bph
Identifies the flow rate for this calibration point.
Rate Calibr. point 4 K-Factor 534 1068 - -
Rate Calibr. point 5 Flow rate 535 1070 m³/h bph
Identifies the flow rate for this calibration point.
Rate Calibr. point 5 K-Factor 536 1072 - -

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Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US

Rate Calibr. point 6 Flow rate 537 1074 m³/h bph
Identifies the flow rate for this calibration point.
Rate Calibr. point 6 K-Factor 538 1076 - -
Rate Calibr. point 7 Flow rate 539 1078 m³/h bph
Identifies the flow rate for this calibration point.
Rate Calibr. point 7 K-Factor 540 1080 - -
Rate Calibr. point 8 Flow rate 541 1082 m³/h bph
Identifies the flow rate for this calibration point.
Rate Calibr. point 8 K-Factor 542 1084 - -
Rate Calibr. point 9 Flow rate 543 1086 m³/h bph
Identifies the flow rate for this calibration point.
Rate Calibr. point 9 K-Factor 544 1088 - -
Rate Calibr. point 10 Flow rate 545 1090 m³/h bph
Identifies the flow rate for this calibration point.
Rate Calibr. point 10 K-Factor 546 1092 - -
Rate Calibr. point 11 Flow rate 547 1094 m³/h bph
Identifies the flow rate for this calibration point.
Rate Calibr. point 11 K-Factor 548 1096 - -
Rate Calibr. point 12 Flow rate 549 1098 m³/h bph
Identifies the flow rate for this calibration point.
Rate Calibr. point 12 K-Factor 550 1100 - -
Rate Calibr. point 13 Flow rate 551 1102 m³/h bph
Identifies the flow rate for this calibration point.
Rate Calibr. point 13 K-Factor 552 1104 - -
Rate Calibr. point 14 Flow rate 553 1106 m³/h bph
Identifies the flow rate for this calibration point.
Rate Calibr. point 14 K-Factor 554 1108 - -
Rate Calibr. point 15 Flow rate 555 1110 m³/h bph
Identifies the flow rate for this calibration point.
Rate Calibr. point 15 K-Factor 556 1112 - -
Rate Calibr. point 16 Flow rate 557 1114 m³/h bph
Identifies the flow rate for this calibration point.
Rate Calibr. point 16 K-Factor 558 1116 - -
Rate Calibr. point 17 Flow rate 559 1118 m³/h bph
Identifies the flow rate for this calibration point.
Rate Calibr. point 17 K-Factor 560 1120 - -
Rate Calibr. point 18 Flow rate 561 1122 m³/h bph
Identifies the flow rate for this calibration point.
Rate Calibr. point 18 K-Factor 562 1124 - -
Rate Calibr. point 19 Flow rate 563 1126 m³/h bph
Identifies the flow rate for this calibration point.
Rate Calibr. point 19 K-Factor 564 1128 - -
Rate Calibr. point 20 Flow rate 565 1130 m³/h bph
Identifies the flow rate for this calibration point.
Rate Calibr. point 20 K-Factor 566 1132 - -

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Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US
Low flow cutoff limit 430 860 m/s ft/sec
Below this velocity limit the flow will be set to 0.

Max VOS 431 862 m/s ft/sec

Above this velocity of sound limit the VOS error alarm will be set.

Min VOS 432 864 m/s ft/sec

Below this velocity of sound limit the VOS error alarm will be set.

Max Flow 433 866 m/s ft/sec

Above this flow velocity the too high flow alarm will be set.

Min Flow 434 868 m/s ft/sec

Below this flow velocity the too low flow alarm will be set.

Min Signals used 435 870 % %

If the signal % drops below this limit, the signal % low alarm wil be set.

Max Gain 436 872 - -

If the the gain raiser above this limit, the gain high alarm wil be set.

Max Gain Difference 437 874 % %

If the gain on individual paths differs more than the specified limit compared to the median gain.

Max VOS deviation 438 876 m/s ft/sec

If the VOS on individual paths differs more than the specified limit compared to the median VOS.

Min S/N ratio (Processed signal) 439 878 dB dB

If the signal level (compared) to the noise drops below this level the S/N ratio alarm will be set

Max turbulence level 440 880 % %

If the variation in flow velocity (pr. path) is larger then the specified limit, the turbulence alarm will be set

Max deviation Profile Flatness 441 882 % %

If the profile flatness differs more than the specified limit the alarm will set.

Max deviation Profile Symetry 442 884 % %

If the profile symetry differs more than the specified limit the alarm will set.

Max deviation Swirl/crossflow) 443 886 % %

If the transversiol flow differs more than the specified limit the alarm will set.

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Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US
Lower flow limit, profile correction 446 892 m/s ft/sec
Below this limit no flow profile checking and path substitution will be performed. Path substitution is still possible by VOS
checking based on Max VOS deviation (438).

Allowed VOS profile dev.center pair 447 894 m/s ft/sec

Below this limit a both center paths (3 and 4) will be used for calculation reference VOS.

Profile learner, Minimum velocity 448 896 m/s ft/sec

Below minimum velocity the reference flow profile will not be updated.

Profile learner, Maximum velocity 449 898 m/s ft/sec

Above maximum velocity the reference flow profile will not be updated.

Profile learner, Path Quality limit 451 902 - -

Below this quality limit (signal %), the reference flow profile will not be updated.

Profile learner, Averaged cycles 452 904 - -

The average flow profile of the specified number of mesurement cycles will be used for the reference flow profile.

Profile learner, Stability Req. 453 906 - -

Factor used to verify stability of flow profile before recording.

Reference/Initital flow profile factors 1 454 908 - -

Reference flow profile.

Reference/Initital flow profile factors 2 455 910 - -

Reference flow profile.

Reference/Initital flow profile factors 3 456 912 - -

Reference flow profile.

Reference/Initital flow profile factors 4 457 914 - -

Reference flow profile.

Reference/Initital flow profile factors 5 458 916 - -

Reference flow profile.

Reference/Initital flow profile factors 6 459 918 - -

Reference flow profile.

Allowed Vel.profile deviation 460 920 us us

If the measured flow velocity for the path differs more than the specified limit calculated in us, the path is substituted

Allowed VOS.profile deviation 461 922 us us

If the measured velocity of sound for the path differs more than the specified limit calculated in us, the path is substituted

Profile indication level 462 924 - -

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Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US
Reverse flow pulse handling 474 948 - -
Selects how pulses will be handled in reverse flow.
0=Pulses generated on first output pair regardless of direction.
1=Pulses generated on second output pair in case of reverse flow.

Pulse output rating 475 950 pulses/m³ pulses/BB

Specifies the scaling of the pulse frequency from the flow rate.

Pulse/AO update rate 476 952 sec sec

Specifies how often the pulse output and analog output will be updated.

Modbus averager update rate 477 954 sec sec

Specifies how often Modbus registers will be updated.

Slot 1 IO Type 478 956 - -

Selects the type of module in the slot.
0=4-20mA input for Temperature.
1=4-20mA input for Pressure.
4=4-20mA output for flow rate.
5=4-20mA output for flow rate at standard conditions.
10=No module installed.

Slot 1 Max value 479 958 - -

Maximum value of physical value being measured/output

Slot 1 Min value 480 960 - -

Minimum value of physical value being measured/output

Slot 1 calibration factor A 481 962 - -

Calibration factor applied to the normalised converter count value

Slot 1 calibration factor B 482 964 - -

Calibration factor applied to the normalised converter count value

Slot 1 calibration factor CAL1 483 966 - -

Calibration factor of the module (printed on the module).

Slot 1 calibration factor CAL2 484 968 - -

Calibration factor of the module (printed on the module).

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Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US

Slot 2 IO Type 485 970 - -
Selects the type of module in the slot.
0=4-20mA input for Temperature.
1=4-20mA input for Pressure.
4=4-20mA output for flow rate.
5=4-20mA output for flow rate at standard conditions.
10=No module installed.

Slot 2 Max value 486 972 - -

Maximum value of physical value being measured/output

Slot 2 Min value 487 974 - -

Minimum value of physical value being measured/output

Slot 2 calibration factor A 488 976 - -

Calibration factor applied to the normalised converter count value

Slot 2 calibration factor B 489 978 - -

Calibration factor applied to the normalised converter count value

Slot 2 calibration factor CAL1 490 980 - -

Calibration factor of the module (printed on the module).

Slot 2 calibration factor CAL2 491 982 - -

Calibration factor of the module (printed on the module).

Com1 Duplex mode 492 984

Selects full or half duplex. Half duplex is used on RS485, two wires (Tx and Rx are send on the same pair).

Com2 Modbus node number 493 986 - -

Modbus node number for multidrop networks. Use node number 1 for 1-to-1 connections

Com2 Baudrate 494 988 - -

Communication speed. Meter and client (PC) needs to use the same baudrate.

Com2 Duplex mode 495 990

Selects full or half duplex. Half duplex is used on RS485, two wires (Tx and Rx are send on the same pair).

Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US
Transducer X-ref 463 926 - -
Outer Path Weight 464 928 - -
Prove volume 465 930 m³ bbl
Pulse bias 466 932 - -
Debug Mode 467 934
Select the usage of the debug buffer.¨

Lateral position 1 468 936 - -

Lateral level of each path. Defined in radius, zero is center, -1 is bottom, 1 is top.
If all are set to zero, default values will be used.

Lateral position 2 469 938 - -

Lateral level of each path. Defined in radius, zero is center, -1 is bottom, 1 is top.
If all are set to zero, default values will be used.

Lateral position 3 470 940 - -

Lateral level of each path. Defined in radius, zero is center, -1 is bottom, 1 is top.
If all are set to zero, default values will be used.

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Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US

Lateral position 4 471 942 - -
Lateral level of each path. Defined in radius, zero is center, -1 is bottom, 1 is top.
If all are set to zero, default values will be used.

Lateral position 5 472 944 - -

Lateral level of each path. Defined in radius, zero is center, -1 is bottom, 1 is top.
If all are set to zero, default values will be used.

Lateral position 6 473 946 - -

Lateral level of each path. Defined in radius, zero is center, -1 is bottom, 1 is top.
If all are set to zero, default values will be used.

Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US
Fallback value - Line Pressure 660 1320 bara psiA
Fallback value for pressure. Used if fallback is selected in the Line Pressure Selector (406), or value is not updated on Modbus
or Analog module.

Fallback value - Line Temperature 661 1322 °C F

Fallback value for pressure. Used if fallback is selected in the Line Temperature Selector (407), or value is not updated on
Modbus or Analog module.

Transducer Calibration node 1

Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US
Node 1 Pressure 500 1000 bara psiA
Identifies the pressure for this node during transducer calibration.

Node 1 Temperature 501 1002 °C F

Identifies the temperature for this node during transducer calibration.

Node 1 Signal Type 502 1004 - -

Identifies the signal type for this node during transducer calibration.

Node 1 Tr. Delay 1 503 1006 us us

Identifies the transducer delay for each pair of transducers for this node during transducer calibration.

Node 1 Tr. Delay 2 504 1008 us us

Identifies the transducer delay for each pair of transducers for this node during transducer calibration.

Node 1 Tr. Delay 3 505 1010 us us

Identifies the transducer delay for each pair of transducers for this node during transducer calibration.

Node 1 Tr. Delay 4 506 1012 us us

Identifies the transducer delay for each pair of transducers for this node during transducer calibration.

Node 1 Tr. Delay 5 507 1014 us us

Identifies the transducer delay for each pair of transducers for this node during transducer calibration.

Node 1 Tr. Delay 6 508 1016 us us

Identifies the transducer delay for each pair of transducers for this node during transducer calibration.

VPC Correction
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Ultrasonic Flow Meter

Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US

Number of VPC points 509 1018 - -
VPC point 1 VPC X 510 1020 - -
VPC point 1 Correction 511 1022 % %
VPC point 2 VPC X 512 1024 - -
VPC point 2 Correction 513 1026 % %
VPC point 3 VPC X 514 1028 - -
VPC point 3 Correction 515 1030 % %
VPC point 4 VPC X 516 1032 - -
VPC point 4 Correction 517 1034 % %
VPC point 5 VPC X 518 1036 - -
VPC point 5 Correction 519 1038 % %
VPC point 6 VPC X 520 1040 - -
VPC point 6 Correction 521 1042 % %
VPC point 7 VPC X 522 1044 - -
VPC point 7 Correction 523 1046 % %
VPC point 8 VPC X 524 1048 - -
VPC point 8 Correction 525 1050 % %

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Measured values
Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US
Log Count 0 0 - -
This counter is incremented by one each time the meter has calculated a new flow rate.
Rolls over at 65536.

Alarm Status 1 2 - -
The alarm status is a bit coded value.
Each alarm has a value, and the values are added.
1=Too high flow
2=Electronics failure
4=Tranducer failure
8=Calculation error
16=Signal % low
32=Gain error
64=VOS difference
128=Path substitution
256Parameter error
512=S/N ratio low
1024=Turbulence level high
2048=Profile deviation high

Flow Velocity 2 4 m/s ft/sec

Measured flow velocity through meter (Integrated across all paths)

Velocity of Sound 3 6 m/s ft/sec

Measured velocity of sound. (Average for all paths)

Actual Volum Flowrate 4 8 m³/h bph

Measured volume flowrate.

Accumulated Volume Forward 5 10 m³ bbl

Accumulated volume in forward flow direction.
Rolls over at 1000000000 (1E9) m3.
Always accumulating in forward flow.

Accumulated Volume Reverse 6 12 m³ bbl

Accumulated volume in reverse flow direction.
Rolls over at 1000000000 (1E9) m3.
Always accumulating in reverse flow.

Profile flatness (Center/Outer Paths) 7 14 % %

Amount of flow on the outer paths compared to the center paths

Profile symetry (Upper/Lower Paths) 8 16 % %

Amount of flow on the top paths compared to the bottom paths

Swirl flow 9 18 % %
Amount of flow rotation (clockwise)

Cross flow 10 20 % %
Amounbt of dual vortex rotation

Increment Time Duration 11 22 sec sec

Time elapsed since last update of MODBUS registers. (See also object 10.)

Used Line Pressure 12 24 bara psiA

Line pressure (at meter) used in caculation for correction of:
1.Dimensions (ID, angle, path lengths)
2.Selection of transducer calibration node
3.Correction of zero calibration data.
Source (Analog/Modbus/Fallback) is selected by object 706.

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Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US

Used Line Temperature 13 26 °C F
Line temperature (at meter) used in caculation for correction of:
1.Dimensions (ID, angle, path lengths)
2.Selection of transducer calibration node
3.Correction of zero calibration data.
Source (Analog/Modbus/Fallback) is selected by object 707.

Measured Flow Velocity 1 14 28 m/s ft/sec

Flow velocity measured along each single path.

Measured Flow Velocity 2 15 30 m/s ft/sec

Flow velocity measured along each single path.

Measured Flow Velocity 3 16 32 m/s ft/sec

Flow velocity measured along each single path.

Measured Flow Velocity 4 17 34 m/s ft/sec

Flow velocity measured along each single path.

Measured Flow Velocity 5 18 36 m/s ft/sec

Flow velocity measured along each single path.

Measured Flow Velocity 6 19 38 m/s ft/sec

Flow velocity measured along each single path.

Measured Velocity of Sound 1 20 40 m/s ft/sec

Velocity of sound measured along each single path.

Measured Velocity of Sound 2 21 42 m/s ft/sec

Velocity of sound measured along each single path.

Measured Velocity of Sound 3 22 44 m/s ft/sec

Velocity of sound measured along each single path.

Measured Velocity of Sound 4 23 46 m/s ft/sec

Velocity of sound measured along each single path.

Measured Velocity of Sound 5 24 48 m/s ft/sec

Velocity of sound measured along each single path.

Measured Velocity of Sound 6 25 50 m/s ft/sec

Velocity of sound measured along each single path.

Signals pr. path pr. calculation. 98 196 - -

Number of signals on each path used to calculate the flow rate update for the pulse out.

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Signal Measurements
Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US
Signal Percentage 1A 26 52 % %
How many of the received signals are used for calculation.

Signal Percentage 1B 27 54 % %
How many of the received signals are used for calculation.

Signal Percentage 2A 28 56 % %
How many of the received signals are used for calculation.

Signal Percentage 2B 29 58 % %
How many of the received signals are used for calculation.

Signal Percentage 3A 30 60 % %
How many of the received signals are used for calculation.

Signal Percentage 3B 31 62 % %
How many of the received signals are used for calculation.

Signal Percentage 4A 32 64 % %
How many of the received signals are used for calculation.

Signal Percentage 4B 33 66 % %
How many of the received signals are used for calculation.

Signal Percentage 5A 34 68 % %
How many of the received signals are used for calculation.

Signal Percentage 5B 35 70 % %
How many of the received signals are used for calculation.

Signal Percentage 6A 36 72 % %
How many of the received signals are used for calculation.

Signal Percentage 6B 37 74 % %
How many of the received signals are used for calculation.

Gain 1A 38 76 - -
The amplification of the received signal. Logaritmic scale, 200 = double/half. Range 100-2600

Gain 1B 39 78 - -
The amplification of the received signal. Logaritmic scale, 200 = double/half. Range 100-2600

Gain 2A 40 80 - -
The amplification of the received signal. Logaritmic scale, 200 = double/half. Range 100-2600

Gain 2B 41 82 - -
The amplification of the received signal. Logaritmic scale, 200 = double/half. Range 100-2600

Gain 3A 42 84 - -
The amplification of the received signal. Logaritmic scale, 200 = double/half. Range 100-2600

Gain 3B 43 86 - -
The amplification of the received signal. Logaritmic scale, 200 = double/half. Range 100-2600

Gain 4A 44 88 - -
The amplification of the received signal. Logaritmic scale, 200 = double/half. Range 100-2600

Gain 4B 45 90 - -
The amplification of the received signal. Logaritmic scale, 200 = double/half. Range 100-2600

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Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US

Gain 5A 46 92 - -
The amplification of the received signal. Logaritmic scale, 200 = double/half. Range 100-2600

Gain 5B 47 94 - -
The amplification of the received signal. Logaritmic scale, 200 = double/half. Range 100-2600

Gain 6A 48 96 - -
The amplification of the received signal. Logaritmic scale, 200 = double/half. Range 100-2600

Gain 6B 49 98 - -
The amplification of the received signal. Logaritmic scale, 200 = double/half. Range 100-2600

Travel times
Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US
Raw transit time A 1 68 136 nS nS
The measured transit time firing downstream (positive flow) on each path. Transit time is not corrected for transducer

Raw transit time A 2 69 138 nS nS

The measured transit time firing downstream (positive flow) on each path. Transit time is not corrected for transducer

Raw transit time A 3 70 140 nS nS

The measured transit time firing downstream (positive flow) on each path. Transit time is not corrected for transducer

Raw transit time A 4 71 142 nS nS

The measured transit time firing downstream (positive flow) on each path. Transit time is not corrected for transducer

Raw transit time A 5 72 144 nS nS

The measured transit time firing downstream (positive flow) on each path. Transit time is not corrected for transducer

Raw transit time A 6 73 146 nS nS

The measured transit time firing downstream (positive flow) on each path. Transit time is not corrected for transducer

Raw transit time Diff B-A 1 74 148 nS nS

Difference in transit time between upstream and downstream. Positive number means positive flow.

Raw transit time Diff B-A 2 75 150 nS nS

Difference in transit time between upstream and downstream. Positive number means positive flow.

Raw transit time Diff B-A 3 76 152 nS nS

Difference in transit time between upstream and downstream. Positive number means positive flow.

Raw transit time Diff B-A 4 77 154 nS nS

Difference in transit time between upstream and downstream. Positive number means positive flow.

Raw transit time Diff B-A 5 78 156 nS nS

Difference in transit time between upstream and downstream. Positive number means positive flow.

Raw transit time Diff B-A 6 79 158 nS nS

Difference in transit time between upstream and downstream. Positive number means positive flow.

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Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US
Uncorrected flow velocity 1 80 160 m/s ft/sec
Same as object 14-19, but not correted for path substitution.

Uncorrected flow velocity 2 81 162 m/s ft/sec

Same as object 14-19, but not correted for path substitution.

Uncorrected flow velocity 3 82 164 m/s ft/sec

Same as object 14-19, but not correted for path substitution.

Uncorrected flow velocity 4 83 166 m/s ft/sec

Same as object 14-19, but not correted for path substitution.

Uncorrected flow velocity 5 84 168 m/s ft/sec

Same as object 14-19, but not correted for path substitution.

Uncorrected flow velocity 6 85 170 m/s ft/sec

Same as object 14-19, but not correted for path substitution.

Uncorrected velocity of sound 1 86 172 m/s ft/sec

Same as object 20-25, but not correted for path substitution.

Uncorrected velocity of sound 2 87 174 m/s ft/sec

Same as object 20-25, but not correted for path substitution.

Uncorrected velocity of sound 3 88 176 m/s ft/sec

Same as object 20-25, but not correted for path substitution.

Uncorrected velocity of sound 4 89 178 m/s ft/sec

Same as object 20-25, but not correted for path substitution.

Uncorrected velocity of sound 5 90 180 m/s ft/sec

Same as object 20-25, but not correted for path substitution.

Uncorrected velocity of sound 6 91 182 m/s ft/sec

Same as object 20-25, but not correted for path substitution.

Travel time correction count 1 204 408

Indicates how many times the travel time on that specific path have been substituted.

Travel time correction count 2 205 410

Indicates how many times the travel time on that specific path have been substituted.

Travel time correction count 3 206 412

Indicates how many times the travel time on that specific path have been substituted.

Travel time correction count 4 207 414

Indicates how many times the travel time on that specific path have been substituted.

Travel time correction count 5 208 416

Indicates how many times the travel time on that specific path have been substituted.

Travel time correction count 6 209 418

Indicates how many times the travel time on that specific path have been substituted.

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Ultrasonic Flow Meter

S/N measuremets
Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US
S/N ratio raw signal 1 50 100 dB dB
Measured ratio between the raw noise and the used signal in dB. Each 6dB means half the amplitude.

S/N ratio raw signal 2 51 102 dB dB

Measured ratio between the raw noise and the used signal in dB. Each 6dB means half the amplitude.

S/N ratio raw signal 3 52 104 dB dB

Measured ratio between the raw noise and the used signal in dB. Each 6dB means half the amplitude.

S/N ratio raw signal 4 53 106 dB dB

Measured ratio between the raw noise and the used signal in dB. Each 6dB means half the amplitude.

S/N ratio raw signal 5 54 108 dB dB

Measured ratio between the raw noise and the used signal in dB. Each 6dB means half the amplitude.

S/N ratio raw signal 6 55 110 dB dB

Measured ratio between the raw noise and the used signal in dB. Each 6dB means half the amplitude.

S/N ratio used signal 1 56 112 dB dB

Measured ratio between the noise (after signal processing) and the used signal in dB. Each 6dB means half the amplitude.

S/N ratio used signal 2 57 114 dB dB

Measured ratio between the noise (after signal processing) and the used signal in dB. Each 6dB means half the amplitude.

S/N ratio used signal 3 58 116 dB dB

Measured ratio between the noise (after signal processing) and the used signal in dB. Each 6dB means half the amplitude.

S/N ratio used signal 4 59 118 dB dB

Measured ratio between the noise (after signal processing) and the used signal in dB. Each 6dB means half the amplitude.

S/N ratio used signal 5 60 120 dB dB

Measured ratio between the noise (after signal processing) and the used signal in dB. Each 6dB means half the amplitude.

S/N ratio used signal 6 61 122 dB dB

Measured ratio between the noise (after signal processing) and the used signal in dB. Each 6dB means half the amplitude.

Turbulence level 1 62 124 % %

Level of path velocity turbulence calculated as standard deviation of last 10 seconds.

Turbulence level 2 63 126 % %

Level of path velocity turbulence calculated as standard deviation of last 10 seconds.

Turbulence level 3 64 128 % %

Level of path velocity turbulence calculated as standard deviation of last 10 seconds.

Turbulence level 4 65 130 % %

Level of path velocity turbulence calculated as standard deviation of last 10 seconds.

Turbulence level 5 66 132 % %

Level of path velocity turbulence calculated as standard deviation of last 10 seconds.

Turbulence level 6 67 134 % %

Level of path velocity turbulence calculated as standard deviation of last 10 seconds.

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Other calculations
Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US
Prove Run No. 100 200 - -
Average Flow rate 101 202 m³/h bph
MM Factor 102 204 pulses/m³ pulses/BB
Prove Time 103 206 sec sec
Accumulated prove volume 104 208 m³ bbl
Accumulated master meter pulses 105 210 - -
VPC X 106 212 - -
VPC Correction 107 214 % %

IO values
Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US
Pulse out requested frequency 110 220 Hz Hz
Current frequency generated on the pulse output.

Time stamp 111 222 sec sec

Time stamp of last frequency change

Pulse out total count forward 112 224 - -

Internal pulse counter inside the AVR processor. If this is moving, the AVR is running

Pulse In 1 Count 113 226 - -

Received number of pulses on the digital input 1

Pulse In 2 Count 114 228 - -

Received number of pulses on the digital input 2

Freq In 1 115 230 - -

Current frequency on digital input 1

Freq In 2 116 232 - -

Current frequency on digital input 2

Slot 1 Count value 120 240 - -

The digital value read/sent to the analog module
Slot 2 Count value 121 242 - -
The digital value read/sent to the analog module
Analog Temperature Input 122 244 °C F
Temperature value read from temperature transmitter.
The selector object (707) needs to be set to analog to use this value
Analog Pressure Input 123 246 bara psiA
Pressure value read from pressure transmitter.
The selector object (706) needs to be set to analog to use this value
Line pressure, Modbus 130 260 bara psiA
Temperature value received from modbus link.
The selector object (707) needs to be set to modbus to use this value
Line temperature, Modbus 131 262 °C F
Pressure value received from modbus link.
The selector object (706) needs to be set to modbus to use this value

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Ultrasonic Flow Meter

Status / Errors
Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US
Log Count 200 400 - -
This counter is incremented by one each time the meter has calculated a new flow rate.
Rolls over at 65536.

Alarm Status 201 402

The alarm status is a bit coded value.
Each alarm has a value, and the values are added.
1=Too high flow
2=Electronics failure
4=Tranducer failure
8=Calculation error
16=Signal % low
32=Gain error
64=VOS difference
128=Path substitution
256Parameter error
512=S/N ratio low
1024=Turbulence level high
2048=Profile deviation high

Currently used transducer calibration node 202 404

Transducer calibration node is selected based on used temerature and pressure.

Profile Learner State 203 406

Indicates the current status for recording of the current profile.
1=Flow velocity outside learning range (No learning).
2=Unstable flow profile (No learning)
3=Low quality of measurements (No learning).

Too low flow 216 432

This alarm is set when the flow velocity is higher than the alarm limit set in object 433.
0=OK 1=Alarm

Too high flow 217 434

This alarm is set when the flow velocity is higher than the alarm limit set in object 434.
0=OK 1=Alarm

Electronics failure 218 436

This alarm is set when the electronics have detectable internal probem i.e. interprocessor communication.
Bit code: 1=Pulse module error

Transducer Failure 219 438

When the signal % is low or gain is high, the transducer failure alarm is set.
Bit code: 1=1A 2=1B 4=2A 8=2B 16=3A 32=3B 64=4A 128=4B 256=5A 512=5B 1024=6A 2048=6B

Calculation error 220 440

This alarm is set when it is impossible to calculate a flow.
Bit code: 1=Path 1, 2=Path 2, 4=Path 3, 8=Path 4, 16=Path 5, 32=Path 6

Signal % low 221 442

This alarm is set when the signal % is lower than the alarm limit set in object 435
Bit code: 1=Path 1, 2=Path 2, 4=Path 3, 8=Path 4, 16=Path 5, 32=Path 6

Gain High 222 444

This alarm is set when the gain is higher than the alarm limit set in object 436
Bit code: 1=1A 2=1B 4=2A 8=2B 16=3A 32=3B 64=4A 128=4B 256=5A 512=5B 1024=6A 2048=6B

Gain deviation 223 446

This alarm is set when the gain of the path differs more from the median than the alarm limit set in object 437
Bit code: 1=1A 2=1B 4=2A 8=2B 16=3A 32=3B 64=4A 128=4B 256=5A 512=5B 1024=6A 2048=6B

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Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US

VOS Difference 224 448
This alarm is set when the VOS of the path differs more from the median than the alarm limit set in object 438
Bit code: 1=Path 1, 2=Path 2, 4=Path 3, 8=Path 4, 16=Path 5, 32=Path 6

Path substitution indication 225 450

This alarm is set if the path velocity and VOS is substituted because of wrong measurement.
Bit code: 1=Path 1, 2=Path 2, 4=Path 3, 8=Path 4, 16=Path 5, 32=Path 6

S/N ratio low 226 452

This alarm is set when the S/N level of the used (processed) signal is lower than the alarm limit set in object 439.
Bit code: 1=Path 1, 2=Path 2, 4=Path 3, 8=Path 4, 16=Path 5, 32=Path 6

Turbulence level high 227 454

This alarm is set when the turbulence level of the path is higher than the alarm limit set in object 440.
Bit code: 1=Path 1, 2=Path 2, 4=Path 3, 8=Path 4, 16=Path 5, 32=Path 6

Flow profile deviation 228 456

This alarm is set when the flow profile differes more from the reference profile than the alarm limit set in object 441-443
Bit code: 1=Profile Flatness Alarm, 2=Profile Symetry alarm, 4=Swirl flow alarm, 8=Cross flow alarm

Hi-res Accumulators
Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US
Accumulated volume forward (m3) 230 460
Non-resetable Accumulator for forward flow. (Integer part)
Accumulated volume forward (m3*1E-9) 231 462
Non-resetable Accumulator for forward flow. (Fraction part)
Accumulated volume reverse (m3) 232 464
Non-resetable Accumulator for reverse flow. (Integer part)
Accumulated volume reverse (m3*1E-9) 233 466
Non-resetable Accumulator for reverse flow. (Fraction part)
Accumulated error volume forward (m3) 234 468
Non-resetable Accumulators. Only accumulating when there is an active alarm
Accumulated error volume forward (m3*1E- 235 470
Non-resetable Accumulators. Only accumulating when there is an active alarm
Accumulated error volume reverse (m3) 236 472
Non-resetable Accumulators. Only accumulating when there is an active alarm
Accumulated error volume reverse (m3*1E- 237 474
Non-resetable Accumulators. Only accumulating when there is an active alarm

External input
Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US
External update of Line Pressure 1000 2000 bara psiA
Write only register from modbus for continous update of this value. Set the selector to Modbus to use this value.
Note that register 10000-10028 is containg the same set of registers as 1000-1028 (for backward compatability).

External update of Line Temperature 1001 2002 °C F

Write only register from modbus for continous update of this value. Set the selector to Modbus to use this value.

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Ultrasonic Flow Meter



Version information
Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US
UDSP Serial Number 250 500
Serial number of the UDSP board. This is the mainboard in the electronics containg all digital electronics.

UAFE Serial Number 251 502

Serial number of the UAFE board. This is a piggybackboard in the electronics containg the analog front end to the transducers.

UACF Serial Number 252 504

Serial number of the UACF board. The power supply board in the electronics is placed under the lid of the box.

CP Software version 253 506

Version number of the CP software on the board. The CP (Communication processor) handles all comminication and IO
except pulse and digital I/O

CP Software date 254 508

The date the CP software was build.

CP Software build no. 255 510

The build number of the CP software. This is a running number that is incremented by one for each build.

CP Software check sum. 256 512

The checksum is a unique number to simplify identification of software changes

DSP Software version 257 514

Version number of the DSP software on the board. The DSP (Digital signal processor) does all the flow measurements

DSP Software type 258 516

This number is used to identify what type of software is running on the board.
1200 = MPU1200

DSP Software date 259 518

The date the DSP software was build.

DSP Software build no. 260 520

The build number of the CP software. This is a running number that is incremented by one for each build.

DSP Software check sum. 261 522

The checksum is a unique number to simplify identification of software changes

AVR Software version 262 524

Version number of the AVR software on the board. The AVR handles pulse generation and digital I/O

AVR Software check sum. 263 526

The checksum is unique number to simplify identification of software changes

Database checksum 266 532

The checksum is a unique number to simplify identification of database changes

MAC Address 267 534

The unique MAC of the ethernet interface on the UDSP board

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MNKS002 0.0 (2/09)
WinScreen User Manual

Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US

IP Address 268 536
The IP address of the meter. Identifies the meter in an TCP/IP network (normally via Ethernet). All clients (PC's) need to be in
the same subnet as the meter

Subnet Mask 269 538

The subnet mask specifies the type of subnet. (Normal value is, class C network)

Gateway Address 270 540

The gateway address specifies the address of the router in the network in case meter and clients are on different networks.

Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US
Run Mode 700 1400
Specifies the execution mode of the measurements.
0=Config Mode, No calculations are performed. Output of meter is zero.
1=Run mode (Default), Meter is running and measuring normally.

Temp/Press compensation of diameter 701 1402

Specifies type of P/T compensation of ID, Path length and Path angle.
1=Mode A, Tank model.
2=Mode B, Pipe model (Default).

Linearization Mode 702 1404

Specify if linearization curve is to be used on high velocities.

Disable Path 703 1406

Dissables selected paths. No meaurements will be performed on these paths

Enable manual values 704 1408

Enables usage of manual values (600-657).

Unit mode 705 1410

Selects between metric or emperial units.
Warning! Should always be performed from the tools menu to also convert parameter values.

Line Pressure Selector 706 1412

Selects the source of the value (Fallback/Analog/Modbus).

Line Temperature Selector 707 1414

Selects the source of the value (Fallback/Analog/Modbus).

Density Selector 708 1416

Selects the source of the value (Fallback/Modbus/Calculated).

Compressibility Selector 709 1418

Selects the source of the value (Fallback/Modbus/Calculated).

DECA Selector 710 1420

Selects the DECA algorthm.
0=No Daca Calculations
1=DECA A, Uses P/T and gas composition to calculate VOS, density, compressibility, etc.
2=DECA B uses P/T, VOS, and some GC data (N2,H2O,CO2,H2S) and calculates compressibillity, density and GC.
3=DECA C, uses P/T, Density, and some GC data (N2,H2O,CO2,H2S) and calculates VOS and GC.

Composition Selector 711 1422

Selects the source of the GC data used for the DECA calculations (Fallback/Modbus).

Page 70 of 96 PRD-0000021256 Rev. 00B

MNKS002 0.0 (2/09)
MPU Series B
Ultrasonic Flow Meter

Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US
Internal Pipe Diameter 400 800 mm in
The average diameter of the meter.

Transducer Path Length 1 401 802 mm in

The distance between the transducer tips.

Transducer Path Length 2 402 804 mm in

The distance between the transducer tips.

Transducer Path Length 3 403 806 mm in

The distance between the transducer tips.

Transducer Path Length 4 404 808 mm in

The distance between the transducer tips.

Transducer Path Length 5 405 810 mm in

The distance between the transducer tips.

Transducer Path Length 6 406 812 mm in

The distance between the transducer tips.

Transducer Path Angle 1 407 814 degree degree

Angle between the transducer path and flow direction.

Transducer Path Angle 2 408 816 degree degree

Angle between the transducer path and flow direction.

Transducer Path Angle 3 409 818 degree degree

Angle between the transducer path and flow direction.

Transducer Path Angle 4 410 820 degree degree

Angle between the transducer path and flow direction.

Transducer Path Angle 5 411 822 degree degree

Angle between the transducer path and flow direction.

Transducer Path Angle 6 412 824 degree degree

Angle between the transducer path and flow direction.

Wall thickness spool piece 413 826 mm in

Average thickness of the walls in the spool piece.
This thickness is used to correctly adjust the dimensions of the meter due to pressure and temperature.

Measurement Ref. Temperature 414 828 °C F

Temperature in the spool piece when ID and path lengths were measured. Used for P/T correction of dimensions.

Meter pipe material 415 830

Material in spool piece. Used for P/T correction of dimensions.

Used Linear Thermal expansion coeff 108 216 /degC /F

The used coefficient for temperature expansion of the spool piece and path lengths / angles based on the selected material in
object 415

Used pressure expansion coeff 109 218 pas Pas

The used coefficient for pressure expansion of the spool piece and path lengths / angles based on the selected material in
object 415

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MNKS002 0.0 (2/09)
WinScreen User Manual

Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US
Additional delay between firings 420 840 us us
Additional delay between the ultrasonic firings to prevent reflections to influence the transit times.
If the number is negative, it is only used for velocities below 4m/s.

Number of transducer calibration nodes 421 842 - -

Number of transducer calibration nodes to be selectable by the software.
See also zero calibration values at object number 500-599.

Signal AD value Setpoint 422 844 - -

The setpoint of the received signal amplitude for the gain controller.
Range 0-5. Gain controller adjust the gain (object 38-49) to get the average signal amplitude close to the setpoint.

Tx Gain (0=Auto Gain) 423 846 - -

The amplitude in % on the transmitted signal.
Reducing the transmitted signal strength reduces the risk of signal saturation (important on high pressures at small meters.)

Linearization number 424 848 - -

Specifies the amount of linearization that is needed to prevent overreading on high velocities.

Linearization number High 425 850 - -

Transducer adressing (123456=Normal sequence)

Max Number of signals 426 852 - -

Signal correction 427 854 - -
Transducer Calibration Correction Mode 428 856
Selects the type of adjustment applied to the transducer calibration data.
0 = Frequency - Uses the resonanse frequency of the transducer to adjust tranducer delay.
1 = Pressure/Temperature based correction (Default)
2 = No correction

Transducer Type 429 858

Rate calibration
Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US
Rate Correction factor A (Pos Dir) 416 832 - -
Adjustment factors of the measured flow rate for positive flow direction.
Correction formula Q = Ax+B, where x is the originally measured flowrate.
A and B factors usually found after flow calibration of the meter.

Rate Correction factor B (Pos Dir) 417 834 m³/h ft³/h

Adjustment factors of the measured flow rate for positive flow direction.
Correction formula Q = Ax+B, where x is the originally measured flowrate.
A and B factors usually found after flow calibration of the meter.

Rate Correction factor A (Neg Dir) 418 836 - -

Adjustment factors of the measured flow rate for negative flow direction.
Correction formula Q = Ax+B, where x is the originally measured flowrate.
A and B factors usually found after flow calibration of the meter.

Rate Correction factor B (Neg Dir) 419 838 m³/h ft³/h

Adjustment factors of the measured flow rate for negative flow direction.
Correction formula Q = Ax+B, where x is the originally measured flowrate.
A and B factors usually found after flow calibration of the meter.

Rate Calibr. point 1 Flow rate 527 1054 m³/h ft³/h

Identifies the flow rate for this calibration point.
Rate Calibr. point 1 K-Factor 528 1056 - -

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MNKS002 0.0 (2/09)
MPU Series B
Ultrasonic Flow Meter

Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US

Rate Calibr. point 2 Flow rate 529 1058 m³/h ft³/h
Identifies the flow rate for this calibration point.
Rate Calibr. point 2 K-Factor 530 1060 - -
Rate Calibr. point 3 Flow rate 531 1062 m³/h ft³/h
Identifies the flow rate for this calibration point.
Rate Calibr. point 3 K-Factor 532 1064 - -
Rate Calibr. point 4 Flow rate 533 1066 m³/h ft³/h
Identifies the flow rate for this calibration point.
Rate Calibr. point 4 K-Factor 534 1068 - -
Rate Calibr. point 5 Flow rate 535 1070 m³/h ft³/h
Identifies the flow rate for this calibration point.
Rate Calibr. point 5 K-Factor 536 1072 - -
Rate Calibr. point 6 Flow rate 537 1074 m³/h ft³/h
Identifies the flow rate for this calibration point.
Rate Calibr. point 6 K-Factor 538 1076 - -
Rate Calibr. point 7 Flow rate 539 1078 m³/h ft³/h
Identifies the flow rate for this calibration point.
Rate Calibr. point 7 K-Factor 540 1080 - -
Rate Calibr. point 8 Flow rate 541 1082 m³/h ft³/h
Identifies the flow rate for this calibration point.
Rate Calibr. point 8 K-Factor 542 1084 - -
Rate Calibr. point 9 Flow rate 543 1086 m³/h ft³/h
Identifies the flow rate for this calibration point.
Rate Calibr. point 9 K-Factor 544 1088 - -
Rate Calibr. point 10 Flow rate 545 1090 m³/h ft³/h
Identifies the flow rate for this calibration point.
Rate Calibr. point 10 K-Factor 546 1092 - -
Rate Calibr. point 11 Flow rate 547 1094 m³/h ft³/h
Identifies the flow rate for this calibration point.
Rate Calibr. point 11 K-Factor 548 1096 - -
Rate Calibr. point 12 Flow rate 549 1098 m³/h ft³/h
Identifies the flow rate for this calibration point.
Rate Calibr. point 12 K-Factor 550 1100 - -
Rate Calibr. point 13 Flow rate 551 1102 m³/h ft³/h
Identifies the flow rate for this calibration point.
Rate Calibr. point 13 K-Factor 552 1104 - -
Rate Calibr. point 14 Flow rate 553 1106 m³/h ft³/h
Identifies the flow rate for this calibration point.
Rate Calibr. point 14 K-Factor 554 1108 - -
Rate Calibr. point 15 Flow rate 555 1110 m³/h ft³/h
Identifies the flow rate for this calibration point.
Rate Calibr. point 15 K-Factor 556 1112 - -
Rate Calibr. point 16 Flow rate 557 1114 m³/h ft³/h
Identifies the flow rate for this calibration point.
Rate Calibr. point 16 K-Factor 558 1116 - -
Rate Calibr. point 17 Flow rate 559 1118 m³/h ft³/h
Identifies the flow rate for this calibration point.
Rate Calibr. point 17 K-Factor 560 1120 - -
Rate Calibr. point 18 Flow rate 561 1122 m³/h ft³/h
Identifies the flow rate for this calibration point.
Rate Calibr. point 18 K-Factor 562 1124 - -
Rate Calibr. point 19 Flow rate 563 1126 m³/h ft³/h
Identifies the flow rate for this calibration point.
Rate Calibr. point 19 K-Factor 564 1128 - -
Rate Calibr. point 20 Flow rate 565 1130 m³/h ft³/h
Identifies the flow rate for this calibration point.
Rate Calibr. point 20 K-Factor 566 1132 - -

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MNKS002 0.0 (2/09)
WinScreen User Manual

Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US
Low flow cutoff limit 430 860 m/s ft/sec
Below this velocity limit the flow will be set to 0.

Max VOS 431 862 m/s ft/sec

Above this velocity of sound limit the VOS error alarm will be set.

Min VOS 432 864 m/s ft/sec

Below this velocity of sound limit the VOS error alarm will be set.

Max Flow 433 866 m/s ft/sec

Above this flow velocity the too high flow alarm will be set.

Min Flow 434 868 m/s ft/sec

Below this flow velocity the too low flow alarm will be set.

Min Signals used 435 870 % %

If the signal % drops below this limit, the signal % low alarm wil be set.

Max Gain 436 872 - -

If the the gain raiser above this limit, the gain high alarm wil be set.

Max Gain Difference 437 874 % %

If the gain on individual paths differs more than the specified limit compared to the median gain.

Max VOS deviation 438 876 m/s ft/sec

If the VOS on individual paths differs more than the specified limit compared to the median VOS.

Min S/N ratio (Processed signal) 439 878 dB dB

If the signal level (compared) to the noise drops below this level the S/N ratio alarm will be set

Max turbulence level 440 880 % %

If the variation in flow velocity (pr. path) is larger then the specified limit, the turbulence alarm will be set

Max deviation Profile Flatness 441 882 % %

If the profile flatness differs more than the specified limit the alarm will set.

Max deviation Profile Symetry 442 884 % %

If the profile symetry differs more than the specified limit the alarm will set.

Max deviation Swirl/crossflow) 443 886 % %

If the transversiol flow differs more than the specified limit the alarm will set.

Page 74 of 96 PRD-0000021256 Rev. 00B

MNKS002 0.0 (2/09)
MPU Series B
Ultrasonic Flow Meter

Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US
Lower flow limit, profile correction 446 892 m/s ft/sec
Below this limit no flow profile checking and path substitution will be performed. Path substitution is still possible by VOS
checking based on Max VOS deviation (438).

Allowed VOS profile dev.center pair 447 894 m/s ft/sec

Below this limit a both center paths (3 and 4) will be used for calculation reference VOS.

Profile learner, Minimum velocity 448 896 m/s ft/sec

Below minimum velocity the reference flow profile will not be updated.

Profile learner, Maximum velocity 449 898 m/s ft/sec

Above maximum velocity the reference flow profile will not be updated.

Profile learner, Path Quality limit 451 902 - -

Below this quality limit (signal %), the reference flow profile will not be updated.

Profile learner, Averaged cycles 452 904 - -

The average flow profile of the specified number of mesurement cycles will be used for the reference flow profile.

Profile learner, Stability Req. 453 906 - -

Factor used to verify stability of flow profile before recording.

Reference/Initital flow profile factors 1 454 908 - -

Reference flow profile.

Reference/Initital flow profile factors 2 455 910 - -

Reference flow profile.

Reference/Initital flow profile factors 3 456 912 - -

Reference flow profile.

Reference/Initital flow profile factors 4 457 914 - -

Reference flow profile.

Reference/Initital flow profile factors 5 458 916 - -

Reference flow profile.

Reference/Initital flow profile factors 6 459 918 - -

Reference flow profile.

Allowed Vel.profile deviation 460 920 us us

If the measured flow velocity for the path differs more than the specified limit calculated in us, the path is substituted

Allowed VOS.profile deviation 461 922 us us

If the measured velocity of sound for the path differs more than the specified limit calculated in us, the path is substituted

Profile indication level 462 924 - -

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MNKS002 0.0 (2/09)
WinScreen User Manual

Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US
Reverse flow pulse handling 474 948 - -
Selects how pulses will be handled in reverse flow.
0=Pulses generated on first output pair regardless of direction.
1=Pulses generated on second output pair in case of reverse flow.

Pulse output rating 475 950 pulses/m³ pulses/ft³

Specifies the scaling of the pulse frequency from the flow rate.

Pulse/AO update rate 476 952 sec sec

Specifies how often the pulse output and analog output will be updated.

Modbus averager update rate 477 954 sec sec

Specifies how often Modbus registers will be updated.

Slot 1 IO Type 478 956 - -

Selects the type of module in the slot.
0=4-20mA input for Temperature.
1=4-20mA input for Pressure.
4=4-20mA output for flow rate.
5=4-20mA output for flow rate at standard conditions.
10=No module installed.

Slot 1 Max value 479 958 - -

Maximum value of physical value being measured/output

Slot 1 Min value 480 960 - -

Minimum value of physical value being measured/output

Slot 1 calibration factor A 481 962 - -

Calibration factor applied to the normalised converter count value

Slot 1 calibration factor B 482 964 - -

Calibration factor applied to the normalised converter count value

Slot 1 calibration factor CAL1 483 966 - -

Calibration factor of the module (printed on the module).

Slot 1 calibration factor CAL2 484 968 - -

Calibration factor of the module (printed on the module).

Slot 2 IO Type 485 970 - -

Selects the type of module in the slot.
0=4-20mA input for Temperature.
1=4-20mA input for Pressure.
4=4-20mA output for flow rate.
5=4-20mA output for flow rate at standard conditions.
10=No module installed.

Slot 2 Max value 486 972 - -

Maximum value of physical value being measured/output

Slot 2 Min value 487 974 - -

Minimum value of physical value being measured/output

Slot 2 calibration factor A 488 976 - -

Calibration factor applied to the normalised converter count value

Slot 2 calibration factor B 489 978 - -

Calibration factor applied to the normalised converter count value

Slot 2 calibration factor CAL1 490 980 - -

Calibration factor of the module (printed on the module).

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MNKS002 0.0 (2/09)
MPU Series B
Ultrasonic Flow Meter

Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US

Slot 2 calibration factor CAL2 491 982 - -

Calibration factor of the module (printed on the module).

Com1 Duplex mode 492 984

Selects full or half duplex. Half duplex is used on RS485, two wires (Tx and Rx are send on the same pair).

Com2 Modbus node number 493 986 - -

Modbus node number for multidrop networks. Use node number 1 for 1-to-1 connections

Com2 Baudrate 494 988 - -

Communication speed. Meter and client (PC) needs to use the same baudrate.

Com2 Duplex mode 495 990

Selects full or half duplex. Half duplex is used on RS485, two wires (Tx and Rx are send on the same pair).

Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US
Transducer X-ref 463 926 - -
Debug Mode 467 934
Select the usage of the debug buffer.¨

Lateral position 1 468 936 - -

Lateral level of each path. Defined in radius, zero is center, -1 is bottom, 1 is top.
If all are set to zero, default values will be used.

Lateral position 2 469 938 - -

Lateral level of each path. Defined in radius, zero is center, -1 is bottom, 1 is top.
If all are set to zero, default values will be used.

Lateral position 3 470 940 - -

Lateral level of each path. Defined in radius, zero is center, -1 is bottom, 1 is top.
If all are set to zero, default values will be used.

Lateral position 4 471 942 - -

Lateral level of each path. Defined in radius, zero is center, -1 is bottom, 1 is top.
If all are set to zero, default values will be used.

Lateral position 5 472 944 - -

Lateral level of each path. Defined in radius, zero is center, -1 is bottom, 1 is top.
If all are set to zero, default values will be used.

Lateral position 6 473 946 - -

Lateral level of each path. Defined in radius, zero is center, -1 is bottom, 1 is top.
If all are set to zero, default values will be used.

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MNKS002 0.0 (2/09)
WinScreen User Manual

Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US
Fallback value - Line Pressure 660 1320 bara psiA
Fallback value for pressure. Used if fallback is selected in the Line Pressure Selector (406), or value is not updated on Modbus
or Analog module.

Fallback value - Line Temperature 661 1322 °C F

Fallback value for pressure. Used if fallback is selected in the Line Temperature Selector (407), or value is not updated on
Modbus or Analog module.

Fallback value - Gas Density at Line 662 1324 kg/m³ lbs/ft³

Fallback value is used if selector is fallback or external source fail to update value.

Fallback value - Gas Density at Ref. 663 1326 kg/Sm³ lbs/Sft³

Fallback value is used if selector is fallback or external source fail to update value.

Fallback value - Gas Compressibility at Line 664 1328 - -

Fallback value is used if selector is fallback or external source fail to update value.

Fallback value - Gas Compressibility at Ref. 665 1330 - -

Fallback value is used if selector is fallback or external source fail to update value.

Fallback value - Mole Methane (C1) 666 1332 mol % % mol

Fallback value is used if selector is fallback or external source fail to update value.

Fallback value - Mole Nitrogen (N2) 667 1334 mol % % mol

Fallback value is used if selector is fallback or external source fail to update value.

Fallback value - Mole Carbon dioxide (CO2) 668 1336 mol % % mol
Fallback value is used if selector is fallback or external source fail to update value.

Fallback value - Mole Ethane (C2) 669 1338 mol % % mol

Fallback value is used if selector is fallback or external source fail to update value.

Fallback value - Mole Propane (C3) 670 1340 mol % % mol

Fallback value is used if selector is fallback or external source fail to update value.

Fallback value - Mole Water (H2O) 671 1342 mol % % mol

Fallback value is used if selector is fallback or external source fail to update value.

Fallback value - Mole Hydrogen sulphide 672 1344 mol % % mol

Fallback value is used if selector is fallback or external source fail to update value.

Fallback value - Mole Hydrogen (H2) 673 1346 mol % % mol

Fallback value is used if selector is fallback or external source fail to update value.

Fallback value - Mole Carbon oxide (CO) 674 1348 mol % % mol
Fallback value is used if selector is fallback or external source fail to update value.

Fallback value - Mole Oxygen (O2) 675 1350 mol % % mol

Fallback value is used if selector is fallback or external source fail to update value.

Fallback value - Mole i-Butane (IC4) 676 1352 mol % % mol

Fallback value is used if selector is fallback or external source fail to update value.

Fallback value - Mole n-Butane (NC4) 677 1354 mol % % mol

Fallback value is used if selector is fallback or external source fail to update value.

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MNKS002 0.0 (2/09)
MPU Series B
Ultrasonic Flow Meter

Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US

Fallback value - Mole i-Pentane (IC5) 678 1356 mol % % mol

Fallback value is used if selector is fallback or external source fail to update value.
Fallback value - Mole n-Pentane (NC5) 679 1358 mol % % mol
Fallback value is used if selector is fallback or external source fail to update value.
Fallback value - Mole n-Hexane (NC6) 680 1360 mol % % mol
Fallback value is used if selector is fallback or external source fail to update value.
Fallback value - Mole n-Heptane (NC7) 681 1362 mol % % mol
Fallback value is used if selector is fallback or external source fail to update value.
Fallback value - Mole n-Octane (NC8) 682 1364 mol % % mol
Fallback value is used if selector is fallback or external source fail to update value.
Fallback value - Mole n-Nonane (NC9) 683 1366 mol % % mol
Fallback value is used if selector is fallback or external source fail to update value.
Fallback value - Mole n-Decane (NC10) 684 1368 mol % % mol
Fallback value is used if selector is fallback or external source fail to update value.
Fallback value - Mole Helium (HE) 685 1370 mol % % mol
Fallback value is used if selector is fallback or external source fail to update value.
Fallback value - Mole Argon (AR) 686 1372 mol % % mol
Fallback value is used if selector is fallback or external source fail to update value.
Fallback value - Mole Hexane+ (C6+) 687 1374 mol % % mol
Fallback value is used if selector is fallback or external source fail to update value.
Fallback value - Mole rest 688 1376 mol % % mol
Fallback value is used if selector is fallback or external source fail to update value.

Transducer Calibration node 1

Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US
Node 1 Pressure 500 1000 bara psiA
Identifies the pressure for this node during transducer calibration.

Node 1 Temperature 501 1002 °C F

Identifies the temperature for this node during transducer calibration.

Node 1 Signal Type 502 1004 - -

Identifies the signal type for this node during transducer calibration.

Node 1 Tr. Delay 1 503 1006 us us

Identifies the transducer delay for each pair of transducers for this node during transducer calibration.

Node 1 Tr. Delay 2 504 1008 us us

Identifies the transducer delay for each pair of transducers for this node during transducer calibration.

Node 1 Tr. Delay 3 505 1010 us us

Identifies the transducer delay for each pair of transducers for this node during transducer calibration.

Node 1 Tr. Delay 4 506 1012 us us

Identifies the transducer delay for each pair of transducers for this node during transducer calibration.

Node 1 Tr. Delay 5 507 1014 us us

Identifies the transducer delay for each pair of transducers for this node during transducer calibration.

Node 1 Tr. Delay 6 508 1016 us us

Identifies the transducer delay for each pair of transducers for this node during transducer calibration.

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MNKS002 0.0 (2/09)
WinScreen User Manual

Transducer Calibration node 2

Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US
Node 2 Pressure 509 1018 bara psiA
Identifies the pressure for this node during transducer calibration.

Node 2 Temperature 510 1020 °C F

Identifies the temperature for this node during transducer calibration.

Node 2 Signal Type 511 1022 - -

Identifies the signal type for this node during transducer calibration.

Node 2 Tr. Delay 1 512 1024 us us

Identifies the transducer delay for each pair of transducers for this node during transducer calibration.

Node 2 Tr. Delay 2 513 1026 us us

Identifies the transducer delay for each pair of transducers for this node during transducer calibration.

Node 2 Tr. Delay 3 514 1028 us us

Identifies the transducer delay for each pair of transducers for this node during transducer calibration.

Node 2 Tr. Delay 4 515 1030 us us

Identifies the transducer delay for each pair of transducers for this node during transducer calibration.

Node 2 Tr. Delay 5 516 1032 us us

Identifies the transducer delay for each pair of transducers for this node during transducer calibration.

Node 2 Tr. Delay 6 517 1034 us us

Identifies the transducer delay for each pair of transducers for this node during transducer calibration.

Transducer Calibration node 3

Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US
Node 3 Pressure 518 1036 bara psiA
Identifies the pressure for this node during transducer calibration.

Node 3 Temperature 519 1038 °C F

Identifies the temperature for this node during transducer calibration.

Node 3 Signal Type 520 1040 - -

Identifies the signal type for this node during transducer calibration.

Node 3 Tr. Delay 1 521 1042 us us

Identifies the transducer delay for each pair of transducers for this node during transducer calibration.

Node 3 Tr. Delay 2 522 1044 us us

Identifies the transducer delay for each pair of transducers for this node during transducer calibration.

Node 3 Tr. Delay 3 523 1046 us us

Identifies the transducer delay for each pair of transducers for this node during transducer calibration.

Node 3 Tr. Delay 4 524 1048 us us

Identifies the transducer delay for each pair of transducers for this node during transducer calibration.

Node 3 Tr. Delay 5 525 1050 us us

Identifies the transducer delay for each pair of transducers for this node during transducer calibration.

Node 3 Tr. Delay 6 526 1052 us us

Identifies the transducer delay for each pair of transducers for this node during transducer calibration.

Page 80 of 96 PRD-0000021256 Rev. 00B

MNKS002 0.0 (2/09)
MPU Series B
Ultrasonic Flow Meter

Measured values
Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US
Log Count 0 0 - -
This counter is incremented by one each time the meter has calculated a new flow rate.
Rolls over at 65536.

Alarm Status 1 2 - -
The alarm status is a bit coded value.
Each alarm has a value, and the values are added.
1=Too high flow
2=Electronics failure
4=Tranducer failure
8=Calculation error
16=Signal % low
32=Gain error
64=VOS difference
128=Path substitution
256Parameter error
512=S/N ratio low
1024=Turbulence level high
2048=Profile deviation high

Flow Velocity 2 4 m/s ft/sec

Measured flow velocity through meter (Integrated across all paths)

Velocity of Sound 3 6 m/s ft/sec

Measured velocity of sound. (Average for all paths)

Actual Volum Flowrate 4 8 m³/h ft³/h

Measured volume flowrate.

Accumulated Volume Forward 5 10 m³ ft³

Accumulated volume in forward flow direction.
Rolls over at 1000000000 (1E9) m3.
Always accumulating in forward flow.

Accumulated Volume Reverse 6 12 m³ ft³

Accumulated volume in reverse flow direction.
Rolls over at 1000000000 (1E9) m3.
Always accumulating in reverse flow.

Profile flatness (Center/Outer Paths) 7 14 % %

Amount of flow on the outer paths compared to the center paths

Profile symetry (Upper/Lower Paths) 8 16 % %

Amount of flow on the top paths compared to the bottom paths

Swirl flow 9 18 % %
Amount of flow rotation (clockwise)

Cross flow 10 20 % %
Amounbt of dual vortex rotation

Increment Time Duration 11 22 sec sec

Time elapsed since last update of MODBUS registers. (See also object 10.)

Used Line Pressure 12 24 bara psiA

Line pressure (at meter) used in caculation for correction of:
1.Dimensions (ID, angle, path lengths)
2.Selection of transducer calibration node
3.Correction of zero calibration data.
Source (Analog/Modbus/Fallback) is selected by object 706.

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MNKS002 0.0 (2/09)
WinScreen User Manual

Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US

Used Line Temperature 13 26 °C F

Line temperature (at meter) used in caculation for correction of:
1.Dimensions (ID, angle, path lengths)
2.Selection of transducer calibration node
3.Correction of zero calibration data.
Source (Analog/Modbus/Fallback) is selected by object 707.

Measured Flow Velocity 1 14 28 m/s ft/sec

Flow velocity measured along each single path.

Measured Flow Velocity 2 15 30 m/s ft/sec

Flow velocity measured along each single path.

Measured Flow Velocity 3 16 32 m/s ft/sec

Flow velocity measured along each single path.

Measured Flow Velocity 4 17 34 m/s ft/sec

Flow velocity measured along each single path.

Measured Flow Velocity 5 18 36 m/s ft/sec

Flow velocity measured along each single path.

Measured Flow Velocity 6 19 38 m/s ft/sec

Flow velocity measured along each single path.

Measured Velocity of Sound 1 20 40 m/s ft/sec

Velocity of sound measured along each single path.

Measured Velocity of Sound 2 21 42 m/s ft/sec

Velocity of sound measured along each single path.

Measured Velocity of Sound 3 22 44 m/s ft/sec

Velocity of sound measured along each single path.

Measured Velocity of Sound 4 23 46 m/s ft/sec

Velocity of sound measured along each single path.

Measured Velocity of Sound 5 24 48 m/s ft/sec

Velocity of sound measured along each single path.

Measured Velocity of Sound 6 25 50 m/s ft/sec

Velocity of sound measured along each single path.

Signals pr. path pr. calculation. 98 196 - -

Number of signals on each path used to calculate the flow rate update for the pulse out.

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MPU Series B
Ultrasonic Flow Meter

Signal Measurements
Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US
Signal Percentage 1A 26 52 % %
How many of the received signals are used for calculation.

Signal Percentage 1B 27 54 % %
How many of the received signals are used for calculation.

Signal Percentage 2A 28 56 % %
How many of the received signals are used for calculation.

Signal Percentage 2B 29 58 % %
How many of the received signals are used for calculation.

Signal Percentage 3A 30 60 % %
How many of the received signals are used for calculation.

Signal Percentage 3B 31 62 % %
How many of the received signals are used for calculation.

Signal Percentage 4A 32 64 % %
How many of the received signals are used for calculation.

Signal Percentage 4B 33 66 % %
How many of the received signals are used for calculation.

Signal Percentage 5A 34 68 % %
How many of the received signals are used for calculation.

Signal Percentage 5B 35 70 % %
How many of the received signals are used for calculation.

Signal Percentage 6A 36 72 % %
How many of the received signals are used for calculation.

Signal Percentage 6B 37 74 % %
How many of the received signals are used for calculation.

Gain 1A 38 76 - -
The amplification of the received signal. Logaritmic scale, 200 = double/half. Range 100-2600

Gain 1B 39 78 - -
The amplification of the received signal. Logaritmic scale, 200 = double/half. Range 100-2600

Gain 2A 40 80 - -
The amplification of the received signal. Logaritmic scale, 200 = double/half. Range 100-2600

Gain 2B 41 82 - -
The amplification of the received signal. Logaritmic scale, 200 = double/half. Range 100-2600

Gain 3A 42 84 - -
The amplification of the received signal. Logaritmic scale, 200 = double/half. Range 100-2600

Gain 3B 43 86 - -
The amplification of the received signal. Logaritmic scale, 200 = double/half. Range 100-2600

Gain 4A 44 88 - -
The amplification of the received signal. Logaritmic scale, 200 = double/half. Range 100-2600

Gain 4B 45 90 - -
The amplification of the received signal. Logaritmic scale, 200 = double/half. Range 100-2600

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WinScreen User Manual

Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US

Gain 5A 46 92 - -
The amplification of the received signal. Logaritmic scale, 200 = double/half. Range 100-2600

Gain 5B 47 94 - -
The amplification of the received signal. Logaritmic scale, 200 = double/half. Range 100-2600

Gain 6A 48 96 - -
The amplification of the received signal. Logaritmic scale, 200 = double/half. Range 100-2600

Gain 6B 49 98 - -
The amplification of the received signal. Logaritmic scale, 200 = double/half. Range 100-2600

Travel times
Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US
Raw transit time A 1 68 136 nS nS
The measured transit time firing downstream (positive flow) on each path. Transit time is not corrected for transducer

Raw transit time A 2 69 138 nS nS

The measured transit time firing downstream (positive flow) on each path. Transit time is not corrected for transducer

Raw transit time A 3 70 140 nS nS

The measured transit time firing downstream (positive flow) on each path. Transit time is not corrected for transducer

Raw transit time A 4 71 142 nS nS

The measured transit time firing downstream (positive flow) on each path. Transit time is not corrected for transducer

Raw transit time A 5 72 144 nS nS

The measured transit time firing downstream (positive flow) on each path. Transit time is not corrected for transducer

Raw transit time A 6 73 146 nS nS

The measured transit time firing downstream (positive flow) on each path. Transit time is not corrected for transducer

Raw transit time Diff B-A 1 74 148 nS nS

Difference in transit time between upstream and downstream. Positive number means positive flow.

Raw transit time Diff B-A 2 75 150 nS nS

Difference in transit time between upstream and downstream. Positive number means positive flow.

Raw transit time Diff B-A 3 76 152 nS nS

Difference in transit time between upstream and downstream. Positive number means positive flow.

Raw transit time Diff B-A 4 77 154 nS nS

Difference in transit time between upstream and downstream. Positive number means positive flow.

Raw transit time Diff B-A 5 78 156 nS nS

Difference in transit time between upstream and downstream. Positive number means positive flow.

Raw transit time Diff B-A 6 79 158 nS nS

Difference in transit time between upstream and downstream. Positive number means positive flow.

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MPU Series B
Ultrasonic Flow Meter

Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US
Uncorrected flow velocity 1 80 160 m/s ft/sec
Same as object 14-19, but not correted for path substitution.

Uncorrected flow velocity 2 81 162 m/s ft/sec

Same as object 14-19, but not correted for path substitution.

Uncorrected flow velocity 3 82 164 m/s ft/sec

Same as object 14-19, but not correted for path substitution.

Uncorrected flow velocity 4 83 166 m/s ft/sec

Same as object 14-19, but not correted for path substitution.

Uncorrected flow velocity 5 84 168 m/s ft/sec

Same as object 14-19, but not correted for path substitution.

Uncorrected flow velocity 6 85 170 m/s ft/sec

Same as object 14-19, but not correted for path substitution.

Uncorrected velocity of sound 1 86 172 m/s ft/sec

Same as object 20-25, but not correted for path substitution.

Uncorrected velocity of sound 2 87 174 m/s ft/sec

Same as object 20-25, but not correted for path substitution.

Uncorrected velocity of sound 3 88 176 m/s ft/sec

Same as object 20-25, but not correted for path substitution.

Uncorrected velocity of sound 4 89 178 m/s ft/sec

Same as object 20-25, but not correted for path substitution.

Uncorrected velocity of sound 5 90 180 m/s ft/sec

Same as object 20-25, but not correted for path substitution.

Uncorrected velocity of sound 6 91 182 m/s ft/sec

Same as object 20-25, but not correted for path substitution.

Velocity profile factor 1 92 184 - -

Reference flow profile used for check and correction/substitution of path velocity and VOS.

Velocity profile factor 2 93 186 - -

Reference flow profile used for check and correction/substitution of path velocity and VOS.

Velocity profile factor 3 94 188 - -

Reference flow profile used for check and correction/substitution of path velocity and VOS.

Velocity profile factor 4 95 190 - -

Reference flow profile used for check and correction/substitution of path velocity and VOS.

Velocity profile factor 5 96 192 - -

Reference flow profile used for check and correction/substitution of path velocity and VOS.

Velocity profile factor 6 97 194 - -

Reference flow profile used for check and correction/substitution of path velocity and VOS.

Travel time correction count 1 204 408

Indicates how many times the travel time on that specific path have been substituted.

Travel time correction count 2 205 410

Indicates how many times the travel time on that specific path have been substituted.

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WinScreen User Manual

Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US

Travel time correction count 3 206 412
Indicates how many times the travel time on that specific path have been substituted.

Travel time correction count 4 207 414

Indicates how many times the travel time on that specific path have been substituted.

Travel time correction count 5 208 416

Indicates how many times the travel time on that specific path have been substituted.

Travel time correction count 6 209 418

Indicates how many times the travel time on that specific path have been substituted.

S/N measuremets
Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US
S/N ratio raw signal 1 50 100 dB dB
Measured ratio between the raw noise and the used signal in dB. Each 6dB means half the amplitude.

S/N ratio raw signal 2 51 102 dB dB

Measured ratio between the raw noise and the used signal in dB. Each 6dB means half the amplitude.

S/N ratio raw signal 3 52 104 dB dB

Measured ratio between the raw noise and the used signal in dB. Each 6dB means half the amplitude.

S/N ratio raw signal 4 53 106 dB dB

Measured ratio between the raw noise and the used signal in dB. Each 6dB means half the amplitude.

S/N ratio raw signal 5 54 108 dB dB

Measured ratio between the raw noise and the used signal in dB. Each 6dB means half the amplitude.

S/N ratio raw signal 6 55 110 dB dB

Measured ratio between the raw noise and the used signal in dB. Each 6dB means half the amplitude.

S/N ratio used signal 1 56 112 dB dB

Measured ratio between the noise (after signal processing) and the used signal in dB. Each 6dB means half the amplitude.

S/N ratio used signal 2 57 114 dB dB

Measured ratio between the noise (after signal processing) and the used signal in dB. Each 6dB means half the amplitude.

S/N ratio used signal 3 58 116 dB dB

Measured ratio between the noise (after signal processing) and the used signal in dB. Each 6dB means half the amplitude.

S/N ratio used signal 4 59 118 dB dB

Measured ratio between the noise (after signal processing) and the used signal in dB. Each 6dB means half the amplitude.

S/N ratio used signal 5 60 120 dB dB

Measured ratio between the noise (after signal processing) and the used signal in dB. Each 6dB means half the amplitude.

S/N ratio used signal 6 61 122 dB dB

Measured ratio between the noise (after signal processing) and the used signal in dB. Each 6dB means half the amplitude.

Turbulence level 1 62 124 % %

Level of path velocity turbulence calculated as standard deviation of last 10 seconds.

Turbulence level 2 63 126 % %

Level of path velocity turbulence calculated as standard deviation of last 10 seconds.

Turbulence level 3 64 128 % %

Level of path velocity turbulence calculated as standard deviation of last 10 seconds.

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MPU Series B
Ultrasonic Flow Meter

Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US

Turbulence level 4 65 130 % %
Level of path velocity turbulence calculated as standard deviation of last 10 seconds.

Turbulence level 5 66 132 % %

Level of path velocity turbulence calculated as standard deviation of last 10 seconds.

Turbulence level 6 67 134 % %

Level of path velocity turbulence calculated as standard deviation of last 10 seconds.

Standard calculations
Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US
Mass flowrate 100 200 kg/h lbs/h
Mass flow rate calculated using Used Gas Density (104)

Standard volume flowrate 102 204 Sm³/h Sft³/h

Volume flow rate calculated back to standard conditions using:
Line Pressure (12), Line Temperature (13) and Line Compressibility (106)

Used Gas Density at Line Conditions 104 208 kg/m³ lbs/ft³

Gas Density (at meter conditions) used in caculation of mass flow rate / increment
Source (Fallback/Modbus/Calculated) is selected by object 708.

Used Gas Density at Ref. Conditions 105 210 kg/Sm³ lbs/Sft³

Gas Density (at ref. conditions)
Source (Fallback/Modbus/Calculated) is selected by object 708.

Used Gas Compressibility at Line Cond. 106 212 - -

Gas Compressibility (at meter conditions) used in caculation of standard flow rate / increment
Source (Fallback/Modbus/Calculated) is selected by object 709.

Used Gas Compressibility at Ref. Cond. 107 214 - -

Gas Compressibility (at ref. conditions)
Source (Fallback/Modbus/Calculated) is selected by object 709.

IO values
Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US
Pulse out requested frequency 110 220 Hz Hz
Current frequency generated on the pulse output.

Time stamp 111 222 sec sec

Time stamp of last frequency change

Pulse out total count forward 112 224 - -

Internal pulse counter inside the AVR processor. If this is moving, the AVR is running

Pulse In 1 Count 113 226 - -

Received number of pulses on the digital input 1

Pulse In 2 Count 114 228 - -

Received number of pulses on the digital input 2

Freq In 1 115 230 - -

Current frequency on digital input 1

Freq In 2 116 232 - -

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WinScreen User Manual

Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US

Current frequency on digital input 2

Slot 1 Count value 120 240 - -

The digital value read/sent to the analog module

Slot 2 Count value 121 242 - -

The digital value read/sent to the analog module

Analog Temperature Input 122 244 °C F

Temperature value read from temperature transmitter.
The selector object (707) needs to be set to analog to use this value

Analog Pressure Input 123 246 bara psiA

Pressure value read from pressure transmitter.
The selector object (706) needs to be set to analog to use this value

Line pressure, Modbus 130 260 bara psiA

Temperature value received from modbus link.
The selector object (707) needs to be set to modbus to use this value

Line temperature, Modbus 131 262 °C F

Pressure value received from modbus link.
The selector object (706) needs to be set to modbus to use this value

Gas density, Line Cond. , Modbus 132 264 kg/m³ lbs/ft³

Line Density value received from modbus link.
The selector object (708) needs to be set to modbus to use this value

Gas density, Ref. Cond. , Modbus 133 266 kg/Sm³ lbs/Sft³

Ref. Density value received from modbus link.
The selector object (708) needs to be set to modbus to use this value

Gas Compressibility, Line Cond. , Modbus 134 268 - -

Line Compressibility value received from modbus link.
The selector object (709) needs to be set to modbus to use this value

Gas Compressibility, Ref. Cond. , Modbus 135 270 - -

Ref. Compressibility value received from modbus link.
The selector object (709) needs to be set to modbus to use this value

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MPU Series B
Ultrasonic Flow Meter

Density calculations
Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US
Calculated Velocity of Sound 170 340 m/s ft/sec
Velocity of sound calculated by DECA using Pressure, Temperature and gas composition.

Calculated average Mole Weight 171 342 kg/mol lbs/mol

Mol Weight calculated by DECA using Pressure, Temperature and gas composition.

Calculated DZ/DP 172 344 1/Pa 1/Pa

DZ/DP calculated by DECA using Pressure, Temperature and gas composition.

Calculated DZ/DT 173 346 1/K 1/K

DZ/DT calculated by DECA using Pressure, Temperature and gas composition.

Calculated Isobaric Heat Capacity 174 348 J/kmol J/kmol

Isobaric Heat Capacity calculated by DECA using Pressure, Temperature and gas composition.

Calculated gas compressibility,line 175 350 - -

Line compressibillity calculated by AGA8 using Pressure, Temperature and gas composition.

Calculated Gas Density, line 176 352 kg/m³ lbs/ft³

Line density calculated by AGA8 using Pressure, Temperature and gas composition.

Mole Methane (C1) 180 360 mol % % mol

Gas composition calculated by DECA B or C.

Mole Nitrogen (N2) 181 362 mol % % mol

Gas composition calculated by DECA B or C.

Mole Carbn dioxide (CO2) 182 364 mol % % mol

Gas composition calculated by DECA B or C.

Mole Ethane (C2) 183 366 mol % % mol

Gas composition calculated by DECA B or C.

Mole Propane (C3) 184 368 mol % % mol

Gas composition calculated by DECA B or C.

Mole Water (H2O) 185 370 mol % % mol

Gas composition calculated by DECA B or C.

Mole Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) 186 372 mol % % mol

Gas composition calculated by DECA B or C.

Mole Hydrogen (H2) 187 374 mol % % mol

Gas composition calculated by DECA B or C.

Mole Carbon oxide (CO) 188 376 mol % % mol

Gas composition calculated by DECA B or C.

Mole Oxygen (O2) 189 378 mol % % mol

Gas composition calculated by DECA B or C.

Mole i-Butane (IC4) 190 380 mol % % mol

Gas composition calculated by DECA B or C.

Mole n-Butane (NC4) 191 382 mol % % mol

Gas composition calculated by DECA B or C.

Mole i-Pentane (IC5) 192 384 mol % % mol

Gas composition calculated by DECA B or C.

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WinScreen User Manual

Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US

Mole n-Pentane (NC5) 193 386 mol % % mol
Gas composition calculated by DECA B or C.

Mole n-Hexane (NC6) 194 388 mol % % mol

Gas composition calculated by DECA B or C.

Mole n-Heptane (NC7) 195 390 mol % % mol

Gas composition calculated by DECA B or C.

Mole n-Octane (NC8) 196 392 mol % % mol

Gas composition calculated by DECA B or C.

Status / Errors
Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US
Log Count 200 400 - -
This counter is incremented by one each time the meter has calculated a new flow rate.
Rolls over at 65536.

Alarm Status 201 402

The alarm status is a bit coded value.
Each alarm has a value, and the values are added.
1=Too high flow
2=Electronics failure
4=Tranducer failure
8=Calculation error
16=Signal % low
32=Gain error
64=VOS difference
128=Path substitution
256Parameter error
512=S/N ratio low
1024=Turbulence level high
2048=Profile deviation high

Currently used transducer calibration node 202 404

Transducer calibration node is selected based on used temerature and pressure.

Profile Learner State 203 406

Indicates the current status for recording of the current profile.
1=Flow velocity outside learning range (No learning).
2=Unstable flow profile (No learning)
3=Low quality of measurements (No learning).

Too low flow 216 432

This alarm is set when the flow velocity is higher than the alarm limit set in object 433.
0=OK 1=Alarm

Too high flow 217 434

This alarm is set when the flow velocity is higher than the alarm limit set in object 434.
0=OK 1=Alarm

Electronics failure 218 436

This alarm is set when the electronics have detectable internal probem i.e. interprocessor communication.
Bit code: 1=Pulse module error

Transducer Failure 219 438

When the signal % is low or gain is high, the transducer failure alarm is set.
Bit code: 1=1A 2=1B 4=2A 8=2B 16=3A 32=3B 64=4A 128=4B 256=5A 512=5B 1024=6A 2048=6B

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MPU Series B
Ultrasonic Flow Meter

Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US

Calculation error 220 440
This alarm is set when it is impossible to calculate a flow.
Bit code: 1=Path 1, 2=Path 2, 4=Path 3, 8=Path 4, 16=Path 5, 32=Path 6

Signal % low 221 442

This alarm is set when the signal % is lower than the alarm limit set in object 435
Bit code: 1=Path 1, 2=Path 2, 4=Path 3, 8=Path 4, 16=Path 5, 32=Path 6

Gain High 222 444

This alarm is set when the gain is higher than the alarm limit set in object 436
Bit code: 1=1A 2=1B 4=2A 8=2B 16=3A 32=3B 64=4A 128=4B 256=5A 512=5B 1024=6A 2048=6B

Gain deviation 223 446

This alarm is set when the gain of the path differs more from the median than the alarm limit set in object 437
Bit code: 1=1A 2=1B 4=2A 8=2B 16=3A 32=3B 64=4A 128=4B 256=5A 512=5B 1024=6A 2048=6B

VOS Difference 224 448

This alarm is set when the VOS of the path differs more from the median than the alarm limit set in object 438
Bit code: 1=Path 1, 2=Path 2, 4=Path 3, 8=Path 4, 16=Path 5, 32=Path 6

Path substitution indication 225 450

This alarm is set if the path velocity and VOS is substituted because of wrong measurement.
Bit code: 1=Path 1, 2=Path 2, 4=Path 3, 8=Path 4, 16=Path 5, 32=Path 6

S/N ratio low 226 452

This alarm is set when the S/N level of the used (processed) signal is lower than the alarm limit set in object 439.
Bit code: 1=Path 1, 2=Path 2, 4=Path 3, 8=Path 4, 16=Path 5, 32=Path 6

Turbulence level high 227 454

This alarm is set when the turbulence level of the path is higher than the alarm limit set in object 440.
Bit code: 1=Path 1, 2=Path 2, 4=Path 3, 8=Path 4, 16=Path 5, 32=Path 6

Flow profile deviation 228 456

This alarm is set when the flow profile differes more from the reference profile than the alarm limit set in object 441-443
Bit code: 1=Profile Flatness Alarm, 2=Profile Symetry alarm, 4=Swirl flow alarm, 8=Cross flow alarm

Hi-res Accumulators
Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US
Accumulated volume forward (m3) 230 460
Non-resetable Accumulator for forward flow. (Integer part)
Accumulated volume forward (m3*1E-9) 231 462
Non-resetable Accumulator for forward flow. (Fraction part)
Accumulated volume reverse (m3) 232 464
Non-resetable Accumulator for reverse flow. (Integer part)
Accumulated volume reverse (m3*1E-9) 233 466
Non-resetable Accumulator for reverse flow. (Fraction part)
Accumulated error volume forward (m3) 234 468
Non-resetable Accumulators. Only accumulating when there is an active alarm
Accumulated error volume forward (m3*1E- 235 470
Non-resetable Accumulators. Only accumulating when there is an active alarm
Accumulated error volume reverse (m3) 236 472
Non-resetable Accumulators. Only accumulating when there is an active alarm
Accumulated error volume reverse (m3*1E- 237 474
Non-resetable Accumulators. Only accumulating when there is an active alarm

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MNKS002 0.0 (2/09)
WinScreen User Manual

External input
Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US
External update of Line Pressure 1000 2000 bara psiA
Write only register from modbus for continous update of this value. Set the selector to Modbus to use this value.
Note that register 10000-10028 is containg the same set of registers as 1000-1028 (for backward compatability).

External update of Line Temperature 1001 2002 °C F

Write only register from modbus for continous update of this value. Set the selector to Modbus to use this value.

External update of Gas Density at Line 1002 2004 kg/m³ lbs/ft³

Write only register from modbus for continous update of this value. Set the selector to Modbus to use this value.

External update of Gas Density at Ref. 1003 2006 kg/Sm³ lbs/Sft³

Write only register from modbus for continous update of this value. Set the selector to Modbus to use this value.

External update of Gas Compressibility at 1004 2008 - -

Line Cond.
Write only register from modbus for continous update of this value. Set the selector to Modbus to use this value.

External update of Gas Compressibility at 1005 2010 - -

Ref. Cond.
Write only register from modbus for continous update of this value. Set the selector to Modbus to use this value.

External update of Mole Methane (C1) 1006 2012 mol % % mol

Write only register from modbus for continous update of this value. Set the selector to Modbus to use this value.

External update of Mole Nitrogen (N2) 1007 2014 mol % % mol

Write only register from modbus for continous update of this value. Set the selector to Modbus to use this value.

External update of Mole Carbon dioxide 1008 2016 mol % % mol

Write only register from modbus for continous update of this value. Set the selector to Modbus to use this value.

External update of Mole Ethane (C2) 1009 2018 mol % % mol

Write only register from modbus for continous update of this value. Set the selector to Modbus to use this value.

External update of Mole Propane (C3) 1010 2020 mol % % mol

Write only register from modbus for continous update of this value. Set the selector to Modbus to use this value.

External update of Mole Water (H2O) 1011 2022 mol % % mol

Write only register from modbus for continous update of this value. Set the selector to Modbus to use this value.

External update of Mole Hydrogen sulphide 1012 2024 mol % % mol

Write only register from modbus for continous update of this value. Set the selector to Modbus to use this value.

External update of Mole Hydrogen (H2) 1013 2026 mol % % mol

Write only register from modbus for continous update of this value. Set the selector to Modbus to use this value.

External update of Mole Carbon oxide (CO) 1014 2028 mol % % mol
Write only register from modbus for continous update of this value. Set the selector to Modbus to use this value.

External update of Mole Oxygen (O2) 1015 2030 mol % % mol

Write only register from modbus for continous update of this value. Set the selector to Modbus to use this value.

External update of Mole i-Butane (IC4) 1016 2032 mol % % mol

Write only register from modbus for continous update of this value. Set the selector to Modbus to use this value.

External update of Mole n-Butane (NC4) 1017 2034 mol % % mol

Write only register from modbus for continous update of this value. Set the selector to Modbus to use this value.

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MNKS002 0.0 (2/09)
MPU Series B
Ultrasonic Flow Meter

Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US

External update of Mole i-Pentane (IC5) 1018 2036 mol % % mol

Write only register from modbus for continous update of this value. Set the selector to Modbus to use this value.

External update of Mole n-Pentane (NC5) 1019 2038 mol % % mol

Write only register from modbus for continous update of this value. Set the selector to Modbus to use this value.

External update of Mole n-Hexane (NC6) 1020 2040 mol % % mol

Write only register from modbus for continous update of this value. Set the selector to Modbus to use this value.

External update of Mole n-Heptane (NC7) 1021 2042 mol % % mol

Write only register from modbus for continous update of this value. Set the selector to Modbus to use this value.

External update of Mole n-Octane (NC8) 1022 2044 mol % % mol

Write only register from modbus for continous update of this value. Set the selector to Modbus to use this value.

External update of Mole n-Nonane (NC9) 1023 2046 mol % % mol

Write only register from modbus for continous update of this value. Set the selector to Modbus to use this value.

External update of Mole n-Decane (NC10) 1024 2048 mol % % mol

Write only register from modbus for continous update of this value. Set the selector to Modbus to use this value.

External update of Mole Helium (HE) 1025 2050 mol % % mol

Write only register from modbus for continous update of this value. Set the selector to Modbus to use this value.

External update of Mole Argon (AR) 1026 2052 mol % % mol

Write only register from modbus for continous update of this value. Set the selector to Modbus to use this value.

External update of Mole Hexane+ (C6+) 1027 2054 mol % % mol

Write only register from modbus for continous update of this value. Set the selector to Modbus to use this value.

External update of Mole rest 1028 2056 mol % % mol

Write only register from modbus for continous update of this value. Set the selector to Modbus to use this value.

Additional external update value 1030 2060 - -

General purpose read/write registers that is not used by the meter itself

Additional external update value 1031 2062 - -

General purpose read/write registers that is not used by the meter itself

Additional external update value 1032 2064 - -

General purpose read/write registers that is not used by the meter itself

Additional external update value 1033 2066 - -

General purpose read/write registers that is not used by the meter itself

Additional external update value 1034 2068 - -

General purpose read/write registers that is not used by the meter itself

Additional external update value 1035 2070 - -

General purpose read/write registers that is not used by the meter itself

Additional external update value 1036 2072 - -

General purpose read/write registers that is not used by the meter itself

Additional external update value 1037 2074 - -

General purpose read/write registers that is not used by the meter itself

Additional external update value 1038 2076 - -

General purpose read/write registers that is not used by the meter itself

Additional external update value 1039 2078 - -

General purpose read/write registers that is not used by the meter itself

PRD-0000021256 Rev. 00B Page 93 of 96

MNKS002 0.0 (2/09)
WinScreen User Manual

Description Obj. Modb. Unit SI Unit US

Additional external update value 1040 2080 - -

General purpose read/write registers that is not used by the meter itself

Additional external update value 1041 2082 - -

General purpose read/write registers that is not used by the meter itself

Additional external update value 1042 2084 - -

General purpose read/write registers that is not used by the meter itself

Additional external update value 1043 2086 - -

General purpose read/write registers that is not used by the meter itself

Additional external update value 1044 2088 - -

General purpose read/write registers that is not used by the meter itself

Additional external update value 1045 2090 - -

General purpose read/write registers that is not used by the meter itself

Page 94 of 96 PRD-0000021256 Rev. 00B

MNKS002 0.0 (2/09)
MPU Series B
Ultrasonic Flow Meter

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PRD-0000021256 Rev. 00B Page 95 of 96

MNKS002 0.0 (2/09)
WinScreen User Manual

The specifications contained herein are subject to change without notice and any user of said specifications should verify from the manufacturer that the
specifications are currently in effect. Otherwise, the manufacturer assumes no responsibility for the use of specifications which may have been changed
and are no longer in effect.

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