1. (i)Express the three Kepler’s laws of planetary motion and list the various orbital parameters. (8)
(ii) Derive the suitable equations for look angles and the range for geostationary satellite. (8)
2. (i)List and explain any one type of launching procedures of satellite. (8)
(ii) A satellite in polar orbit has a perigee height of 600km and an apogee height of 1200km. Show
the mean motion and the rate of regression of the nodes. Assume the polar radius of the earth to be
equal to 6357kms. (8)
3. (i)Justify how altitude and orbit control is achieved from an earth station. (8)
(ii) Illustrate the orbital parameters used for positioning the satellite. (8)
4. (i)Examine the orbital perturbations in detail. (12)
(ii) A satellite is orbiting in the equatorial plane with a period from perigee to perigee of 12 h.
Given that the eccentricity is 0.002. Calculate the semi major axis. The earth’s equatorial radius is
6378.1414km. (4)
5. (i)Show the different types of satellite orbits and discuss their merits and demerits. (8)
(ii)If a satellite is at a height of 36000km and orbiting in equatorial plane, comment whether the
satellite will be under eclipse on equinox days and discover the duration of the eclipse. (8)
6. (i)Generate from basic principles the orbital velocity of a satellite. (8)
(ii)Formulate the orbital velocity for the circular orbit. (8)
7. (i)What are the basic terms for earth-orbiting satellites and explain. (8)
(ii) Describe briefly the earth eclipse of satellite. (8)
8. (i)Infer what you had understand by the sub satellite point? (8)
(ii)Summarize on launch vehicles and propulsion. (8)
9. (i) Describe the significance of station keeping. (8)
(ii)Define the term angle of tilt and explain how the polar mount antenna works? (8)
10. (i) Categorize the frequency allocations and draw the frequency spectrum for satellite
services. (12)
(ii)Illustrate the effects of non-spherical earth. (4)
11. (i) Discuss in detail about orbital maneuvers like inclination, ascending node, semi-major axis
and eccentricity. (8)
(ii)Explain about orbital elements. (8)
12. (i)Demonstrate the different applications & different services provided by satellite services.(6)
(ii) Develop the points to predict the satellite position. (10)
13. (i)Can you give short notes on atmospheric drag and inclined orbits. (12)
(ii)List the features of near stationary orbits. (4)
14. (i) Identify the limits of visibility for an earth station situated at mean sea level, at latitude 48.42 o
north and longitude 89.26o west. Assume a minimum angle of elevation of 5o. (8)
(ii)Analyze the conditions that are required for an orbit to be geostationary. (8)
1. Analyze the reason behind omnidirectional antenna being used aboard a satellite for
telemetry and command during the launch phase.
2. Explain the need of thermal control segment for a spacecraft.
3. Define the term “EIRP”.
4. Assess the characteristics of spin body stabilization?
5. Define frequency planning.
6. Infer the reason of intermodulation noise originate in a satellite link.
7. Outline the meaning of antenna noise temperature and system noise temperature referred to
the input.
8. Develop the procedures required to control the attitude of a satellite through active control?
9. Examine why noise temperature is a useful concept in communication receivers?
10. Identify the parameters that decide the system reliability.
11. Evaluate the command systems to protect against unauthorized commands and errors.
12. Draw some common structural types to hold the spacecraft.
13. Point out the two segments of basic satellite communication.
14. Write a note on station keeping.
15. Define the term propellant.
16. Illustrate the concepts of frequency reuse technique.
17. Describe how do you achieve stabilization by momentum wheel?
18. Why a propulsion subsystem is required for a satellite?
19. Summarize the features of spot beam antenna
20. Formulate uplink & downlink equation of a satellite.
1. (i)Consider a transmit earth station operating at an uplink frequency of 6GHz. The
antenna diameter is 7m with an efficiency of 60%. The antenna tracking loss and
atmospheric attenuation is 1.2dB. The uplink slant range is 37506km. Generate
the required output power (dBW) of the HPA system at the antenna feed to provide
a -80 dBW/m power flux density at the satellite? (8)
(ii)Discuss in detail about the communication payload and supporting
2. (i)For a satellite circuit the carrier-to-ratios are uplink 23dB, downlink 20dB, inter
modulation 24dB. Calculate the overall carrier-to-ratio to decibels. Suggest a
method to reduce intermodulation noise. (8)
(ii)Examine the system reliability and design life time of the space segment. (8)
3. (i)Demonstrate the concept of frequency planning & explain the frequency
considerations. (6)
(ii)Sketch the attitude control momentum wheel stabilization in space segment with
necessary diagrams and explain it. (10)
4. (i)Describe about antenna subsystem. (10)
(ii)Discuss in detail about the spacecraft subsystem. (6)
5. (i)Generate the various supporting subsystems and its structure with diagrams.(4)
(ii) Evaluate the equations for primary power of subsystems. (12)
6. (i)Recall the important points about the propulsion. (10)
(ii) Define propagation characteristics. (3)
(iii)Write short note on performance impairments of interference. (3)
7. Examine how the attitude and orbit control system (AOCS) is achieved through spin
stabilization systems? Give necessary diagrams. (16)
8. (i)Explain TT and C system in detail. (8)
(ii)Express equation for the downlink C/N ratio for the satellite. (8)
9. (i)State how intermodulation noise originates in a satellite link and describe how it is
reduced? (8)
(ii)Give the equations for the link power budget. (8)
10. (i)State the importance of station keeping. (8)
(ii)Derive the satellite link design equation. (8)
11. (i)Summarize the sources of noise in satellite communication. What is the importance
of noise temperature in link design?(8)
(ii)Explain the necessity of power amplifier in the transponder. (8)
12. (i)Describe briefly about the factors governing the design of satellite links. (10)
(ii)Outline the factors that contributing to noise in an earth station receiving
13. (i)Justify the reasons behind why the transponders areconnected in the
communication channel with a neat diagrams. (4)
(ii)Analyze the wideband receiver and input demultiplexer with appropriate
diagrams. (12)
14. From the calculation of system noise temperature, show that C/N ratio is directly
proportional to G/T ratio. (16)
1. Draw a neat block diagram and explain the functional elements of a basic digital
earth station and also the main elements of a satellite tracking system. (16)
2. Formulate the procedures involved in test equipment measurements on G/T,
C/NO and EIRP with reference to the earth segment. (16)
3. (i)Write in brief about MATV & CATV systems. (8)
(ii)Explain how the gain of large antennas can be optimized.(8)
4. (i)Estimate Equivalent Isotropic radiated power with an example.(6)
(ii)Discuss in detail about the various transmission losses. (10)
5. (i)Point out the calculation of link power budget equation. (4)
(ii) Identify the various types of system noise. Explain it in detail. (12)
6. (i)Compute the equations caused by various factors during uplink communication. (8)
(ii) Demonstrate that how the satellites are inter linked without need for
intermediate ground stations. (8)
7. (i)Explain the operation of Horn antenna and reflector antenna used for satellite
communication. (10)
(ii)Discuss how fade margin occur during uplink communication. (6)
8. (i)Describe briefly which antenna is suitable for earth station by its characteristics. (8)
(ii) Summarize the concepts and operation of HPA & LPA in satellite communication.
9. (i)Examine about terrestrial interface with suitable diagrams. (10)
(ii) Compare MATV & CATV. (6)
10. (i)Sketch the block diagram and explain the TVRO system.(8)
(ii)Show any one test equipment for the measurement on carrier-to-ratio. (8)
11. (i)Conclude that how the TWTA is used in satellite communication with a neat
(ii)Formulate the expression for downlink fade margin. (4)
12. (i)Derive the expression of output back-off, satellite TWTA output for the downlink
communication. (8)
(ii)Write a short notes on a) polarization interleaving (4) b) absorptive network(4)
13. (i)Calculate the carrier-to-ratio for the combined uplink and downlink
communication. (8)
(ii)Analyze the type of noise occur when multiple carriers pass through in any
device with nonlinear characteristics and explain it. (8)
14. (i)Outline the points that how the satellite communication are getting disturbed by the
effect of rain. (8)
(ii) List the features of cassegrain antenna with suitable diagrams. (8)
1. Describe briefly the types of INTELSAT satellites with respect to basic space
craft characteristics and vehicle types.(16)
2. (i)Distinguish the block diagram of an indoor & outdoor unit for a DBS home
receiver. (8)
(ii)Analyze the DTH system with the help of neat block diagrams. (8)
3. Discuss how GSM & GPS deploying satellites have improved the mobility of the
customers. (16)
4. Identify how the specialized services like video conferencing, e-mail and internet
have revolutionized the present day communication scenario along with their
working principle respectively. (16)
5. Illustrate elaborately on the various mobile satellite services, its associated
challenges and its impact on services, when delivered by satellites. (16)
(i) Extend the operation of GPS in detail with necessary diagrams. (8)
(ii) Review the concepts of VSAT system in detail with neat diagrams. (8)
6. Discuss about
(i) INTELSAT (4)
(ii) E-mail (4)
(iii) BTV (4)
(iv) DTH (4)
7. Explain about
(b) GRAMSAT. (8)
8. Summarize the details about INSAT. (16)
9. Elaborate the main features and services offered by mobile satellite systems. (16)
10. (i)Illustrate about LEO & MEO. (8)
(ii)Examine the operation of DAB with neat diagrams. (8)
11. Summarize the main features and services offered by the orbcomm satellite
system. (16)
12. (i)Show how the demand assigned multiple access and various configuration used on
VSAT (8)
(ii)Write a short notes on RADARSAT. (8)