MATLAB Motor Power Control Whitepaper

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The document discusses 10 ways to speed design of digitally controlled power converters using Simulink including simulating analog and digital components together, automating controller analysis and tuning, and generating production-ready code.

The 10 ways are: 1) Simulate analog and digital components together 2) Automate controller analysis and tuning 3) Simulate control algorithms 4) Verify fault detection 5) Verify operation within a larger system 6) Validate control code 7) Generate code for real-time testing 8) Develop real-time simulations 9) Generate code for microcontrollers 10) Reuse legacy code

Some benefits of simulating with Simulink include automating tasks, eliminating hardware errors, making tradeoff studies, generating production-ready code, and increasing confidence that the code will handle all conditions.


10 Ways to Speed Design for Digitally

Controlled Power Converters with Simulink
10 Ways to Speed Design for Digitally Controlled Power Converters with Simulink

Summary of 10 Ways
1. Simulate analog and digital components at the same time................................................................................3
2. Automate controller analysis and tuning in the frequency domain....................................................................6
3. Simulate control algorithms to improve power quality........................................................................................7
4. Verify fault-detection, mode logic, and supervisory control across operating conditions...............................8
5. Verify operation of the power converter within a larger electrical system......................................................10
6. Validate control code on the processor without damaging electrical system hardware................................12
7. Generate control code for real-time testing........................................................................................................12
8. Develop real-time simulations of your electrical system.....................................................................................13
9. Generate code for microcontrollers, FPGAs, or ASICs from your model.........................................................14
10. Reuse handwritten code from existing projects................................................................................................15

W H I T E PA P E R | 2
10 Ways to Speed Design for Digitally Controlled Power Converters with Simulink

When you’re designing digital control for power converters, there are many good reasons to model and simulate the
varying power supply and converter loads, the balance of passive components (like resistors and capacitors) and
active components (like power transistors), and the feedback and supervisory control algorithms needed to regulate
voltage and meet stringent design requirements.
Simulation with Simulink® accomplishes what hand coding cannot, by automating tasks and eliminating hardware
integration errors. With system-level modelling and simulation you can:
• Make tradeoff studies and conduct optimization analyses to balance cost and performance
• Generate C/C++ and HDL code from your model
• Validate your design with real-time simulations and hand off production-ready algorithmic code to your
software engineers
These are among the 10 proven ways to use system-level simulation with Simulink to improve your design process
for digital control for power converters.

1. Simulate analog and digital components at the same time

Before you can use simulations in the design of a digital control for a power converter you must first express the con-
trol algorithms as discrete or digital functions and the active and passive components as continuous or analog
The model will help you evaluate different converter configurations, explore the effects of different switching fre-
quencies, and understand how component thermal characteristics affect the converter’s efficiency. The model can
contain variants of components at different levels of fidelity, letting you start with simple linear representations and
work up to complex nonlinear behaviors. You can also
include delays associated with sensors and actuators in “Simscape Power Systems made it easier
the model to take into account their effect on the feed- to model the full power network and
back controller.
simulate more realistic behavior. We
It is easier to conduct cost and performance tradeoffs now have the capability to measure the
between active and passive components as well as voltage drops across various compo-
between those components and the controller when you
nents, which gives us greater insight
can apply optimization methods to automate the pro-
into power quality across the system.”
cess. A SPICE circuit simulator is necessary for develop-
ing the circuit, but it neither handles the digital control — Hector Hernandez, Orion lead power
design part well nor aids in evaluating design tradeoffs system analyst at Lockheed Martin
between controller and circuit.

W H I T E PA P E R | 3
10 Ways to Speed Design for Digitally Controlled Power Converters with Simulink

+ - +
Current N-Channel Voltage
sensor MOSFET/1 sensor

Cyclic R
DC Source load Load

N-Channel 200Hz

f(x) = 0
PWML duty cycle PID(z)
Driver Digital PID Controller 15


Buck converter model of a switching power supply that converts a 30V DC supply into a regulated 15V DC supply.

With Simulink you can model your digital control algorithms and analog circuit together, before beginning detailed
circuit design with a SPICE circuit simulator. Depending on the complexity of the control scheme needed, the
requirements for the fidelity of the plant model change. In some cases, the model can be made up of averaged value
components. In other cases, such as when the controller depends on transient behavior, you may need to model more
complex behavior.

W H I T E PA P E R | 4
10 Ways to Speed Design for Digitally Controlled Power Converters with Simulink

+ i -
d d

s s
+ -
+ C
- +

v - CL v Grid

- i +
d d


Solar G G
Panel2 s s


f(x) = 0

Model for determining the efficiency of a single-stage solar converter. The model simulates one complete AC cycle for
a specified level of solar irradiance and corresponding optimal DC voltage and AC RMS current. Converter efficiency
is determined in two independent ways. The first compares the ratio of AC power out to DC power in over one AC cycle.
The second calculates losses by component by making use of Simscape logging.

Using Simulink and Simscape components, you can model “A single unit costs thousands of dollars
and simulate passive and active components using pre- and is capable of delivering 250 kilo-
built or custom blocks. With the ability to simulate analog watts—more than enough power to
and digital components at the same time, you can apply cause serious damage if not managed
optimization methods or Monte Carlo analyses to auto-
safely. We mitigate the risk by verifying
matically calculate component parameter values and con-
troller gains to meet timing and frequency constraints.
our control algorithms via simulation in
You can vary the fidelity of your model by modeling com- Simulink before testing them on the
ponents as average value components, ideal switching hardware.”
devices, or nonlinear transistors, and you can also include — Dr. Robert Turner, senior R&D engineer
thermal characteristics to help you understand the effect at ABB in New Zealand
of switching and conduction losses.

Learn More
»» Developing Buck-Boost Converter Control with Simulink Video Series - Video Series
»» Lockheed Martin Simulates Orion Spacecraft Missions Using a Multidomain Power System Model - User Story
»» Solar Power Converter - Example
»» ABB Accelerates the Delivery of Large-Scale, Grid-Connected Inverter Products with Model-Based Design -
User Story

W H I T E PA P E R | 5
10 Ways to Speed Design for Digitally Controlled Power Converters with Simulink

2. Automate controller analysis and tuning in the frequency domain

Frequency domain analysis is a fundamental step for developing a controller that meets requirements such as cross-
over frequency, stability margins, and desired loop shape. Power converters often operate across varying input volt-
ages and output loads and can range in behavior from approximately linear to highly nonlinear. Frequency domain
analysis helps you analyze the power stage model and tune a controller that will operate stably across these varying
operating conditions.
With Simulink you can model and simulate the behavior of your power converter circuit, power supply, and load in
conjunction with any control strategy. This capability lets you design and evaluate different control architectures
before coding and testing on hardware. Simulink supports both floating-point and fixed-point calculations as well as
continuous-time (analog), discrete-time (digital), hybrid (mixed-signal), and multirate systems of any size.

R6 L1
1.8mOhm 20uH
Vin 5V-10V 8mOhm

S PS 3Ohm-6Ohm
Vin Value 1480uF

f(x) = 0

18 PID(z) Z-1 DC PWM S PS

Vref Computational
delay Rload Value



Boost converter configured with a reference voltage that switches from 15 to 25 volts.

You can use control design tools in Simulink to tune controller gains, implement gain scheduling controllers, and
develop layered feedback and feedforward control loops to ensure that your controller will maintain stable power
Simulink lets you compute the frequency response of a nonlinear simulation model that includes switching effects.
You can compute frequency responses using AC sweep analysis or by identifying a linear model from measured
input-output data.
Once a frequency response is available, you can tune controller gains using interactive loop shaping on a Bode plot
or root locus plot. Alternatively, you can specify design requirements such as bandwidth and stability margins and
then use automated tuning to compute the required gains. You can use automated tuning capabilities in Simulink to
tune multiple loops at the same time, such as when tuning the cascaded structure of a current-mode boost converter.
Further, you can automate the tuning process to compute a frequency response and tune controller gains at different
operating conditions, for implementation of a gain-scheduled controller.

Learn More
»» See example of boost converter design using frequency response data (and try it in Simulink)

W H I T E PA P E R | 6
10 Ways to Speed Design for Digitally Controlled Power Converters with Simulink

3. Simulate control algorithms to improve power quality

IEC 61000 and other regulatory standards for power converters impose limits on injected harmonic current and
specify minimum power factors to help increase real power utilization and improve electric grid efficiency. Active
stages, such as switched mode power converters, are often used to correct power factor and reduce the total harmon-
ic distortion at the AC mains and load side to specified levels.
Digital control of the active stage for some applications is preferable to analog control because it enables tailoring of
input current waveforms to help keep losses low while improving power factor to a desired value. Closed-loop con-
trol offers the advantage of maintaining high power quality in the presence of varying input voltages and loads, as
well as the ability to implement complex mode logic to manage desired switching patterns under light load, peak
voltage, and other boundary conditions.
“Our system engineers can program,
When you simulate the combined analog and digital behavior
simulate, and verify the AC 800PEC
of the power converter in one environment, you can see how
the control algorithm interacts with passive and active com-
controller’s regulation software very
ponents. This visibility facilitates hardware-software tradeoff rapidly in MATLAB and Simulink.
studies involving component specification, circuit topology, This approach markedly reduces
and switching schemes, well in advance of testing on hard- development times and produces sig-
ware. Design, analysis, and iterative improvement via model- nificantly fewer deviations from the
ing and simulation builds confidence in the system design by specifications.”
letting you explore the effect on the control system of varying
— Fritz Wittwer, ABB
input and output conditions, regions of instability, and faults.

High Side

Voltage v
gH g

s D1 R
2+ Cout
Control + - + - 1+

d Lr
gL g Cr 3+
s 1- f(x) = 0
Low Side
Behavioral Tr D2
Gate Driver

f-control signal
f control

Controller Saturation Ramp

DC-DC LLC power converter with frequency control. A simple integral control is implemented in Simulink in the Controller block,
and is designed to achieve a nominal output voltage defined by the variable Vout_nominal.

W H I T E PA P E R | 7
10 Ways to Speed Design for Digitally Controlled Power Converters with Simulink

The model above contains two variants for the power electronic switches. The detailed version includes a MOSFET
with nonlinear characteristics. The abstract version uses a piecewise linear model with an ideal switch, body diode,
and output capacitance. The abstract version provides very similar behavior and quicker simulation.
By modeling your control algorithms, electronic components, power supplies, and loads in Simulink, you can com-
bine digital control tasks with analog device simulations to explore different control strategies and circuit topologies
while analyzing power quality across the entire operating space of the power converter. Simulating and tuning the
controller over a range of varying input and output conditions enables you to increase the probability that your
design will behave as intended when hardware testing begins, thereby minimizing hardware iterations.

Learn More
»» ABB Accelerates Application Control Software Development for a Power Electronic Controller - User Story

4. Verify fault-detection, mode logic, and supervisory control across

operating conditions
Supervisory and fault detection software protects a power convert- “Superstates in Stateflow were
er from a range of faults and abnormal operating conditions. It is
particularly helpful for fault han-
often impractical or unsafe to validate this software by testing the
power converter for all possible operating ranges and fault condi-
dling. When we had a fault in a
tions, and such tests risk damaging expensive test systems. substate, we drew a line out of
Likewise, if you rely solely on code testing tools, you may miss the superstate, and Stateflow
fault conditions if your test scenarios do not achieve 100% code ensured that it was always han-
coverage. dled correctly.”
Simulink enables you to model and simulate your control strategy — Han Geerligs, Alstom
and the passive and active components balance of electronics in
your power converter. Using the model, you can vary source voltages, adjust load currents, and create faults of any
component to verify the control strategy before proceeding to hardware testing.
Within Simulink and Stateflow®, you can develop and simulate state and supervisory logic in state transition dia-
grams, flow charts, state transition tables, and truth tables to model how your converter reacts to events, time-based
conditions, and external input signals. This graphical approach lets you avoid writing, analyzing, and debugging
complex nested conditional and Boolean expressions.

W H I T E PA P E R | 8
10 Ways to Speed Design for Digitally Controlled Power Converters with Simulink

A behavioral model in Stateflow implements the electronic circuit generating the PWM
waveforms and regulating the solenoid current.

You can define and execute condition coverage and

“With Simulink we could run accurate sim-
functional testing via simulation and using your model
ulations of the certification tests before we
to automatically determine tests that ensure code cov-
erage. By doing so, you can validate your supervisory
visited the certification lab. As a result, we
control to ensure that your power converter will oper- passed on the first attempt, saving six to
ate safely, even during abnormal conditions. nine months that would have been needed
Using sophisticated test sequences and assertions, you
for additional certification tests.”
can apply pass and fail criteria that include absolute — Jens Goberson, Danfoss
and relative tolerances, limits, logical checks, and tem-
poral conditions. Simulink supports systematic Monte Carlo analysis and sweeping parameters based on expected
variance of system and component parameters.
In addition, many Simulink and Simscape™ library blocks are fault-capable, so you do not have to alter your model to
test fault detection algorithms. With this capability, you can create realistic fault scenarios in your circuit to validate
correct operation of the mode logic in the controller. Adding thermal characteristics to component models lets you
test for protection against over-temperature conditions.
Stress testing power converters via simulation has been shown to reduce product certification time. Companies fol-
lowing this approach have seen their products pass certification tests on the first or second attempt.

W H I T E PA P E R | 9
10 Ways to Speed Design for Digitally Controlled Power Converters with Simulink

1 D


- +
2 + -
G s



3 S

Fault applied to a MOSFET in a power converter in order to explore the operation of protection circuitry.
After the MOSFET becomes faulted, the crowbar circuitry is activated in order to clamp the output voltage across
the load and eventually to cause the fuse to blow.

Learn More
»» Alstom Generates Production Code for Safety-Critical Power Converter Control Systems - User Story
»» Modeling a PWM-Driven Hydraulic Servomechanism - Example
»» Buck Converter with Faults - Example
»» Danfoss Adopts Model-Based Design to Speed Development of Power Electronics Control Systems - User Story
»» MOFSET Fault in Buck Converter - Example

5. Verify operation of the power converter within a larger electrical system

A power converter is typically part of a larger elec- “Simscape Power Systems enabled us to
trical system and it is necessary to understand how
model and simulate the frequency changes
the interaction of the converter and this larger
system affects overall system performance. Relying
that occur on the electrical grid when an
on hardware testing or SPICE simulation to under- outage begins. We developed control algo-
stand that interaction is often impractical. On one rithms in MATLAB and Simulink that rap-
hand, testing with a hardware prototype is an idly respond to these changes, and ran
expensive way of finding design mistakes and closed-loop simulations with our Simscape
becomes a trial-and-error exercise. On the other Power Systems model to ensure that the
hand, SPICE simulation models, while fine for cir- algorithms would support the safe operation
cuit simulations, don’t work as well for larger of solar power generation systems in
dynamic electrical systems like microgrids, conven-
high-density areas.”
tional and renewable energy sources, and fuel cells
and battery storage systems. —Masao Mabuchi, OMRON

Simulink helps you verify your power converter

design as part of a larger electrical system in four ways.

W H I T E PA P E R | 10
10 Ways to Speed Design for Digitally Controlled Power Converters with Simulink

First, Simulink and Simscape include modifiable libraries of prebuilt electrical components and systems such as elec-
tric machines, motor drives, grid equipment, and power sources and loads. The combination of basic electrical com-
ponents with a range of fidelity from ideal to nonlinear operation and the Simscape language for modeling physical
components lets you build models that meet your project’s specific requirements for simulation fidelity and speed.
VSC Control

MPPT Controller Vabc_prim Vabc_B1

Converters using "Incremental Conductance
+ Integral Regulator " technique Pulses Iabc_prim Iabc_B1

Vdc_mes Vdc
Pulses 5 kHz - 500V
I_PV I_PV Boost Converter
(W/m^2) m_PV
+ 33*60 Hz - 500V
L1 3-level VSC +
Diode1 v Vab_VSC Utility Grid
Ramp-up/down Irradiance

Ir Ir +


+ IGBT1 +
A A a a A A a
Vdc v N
B B b b B B b

Temp T -

C C c cD1 Yg C C c

Irradiance PV Array 3-Level Bridge L 100 kVA B1

Temp 260V / 25 kV

10 kvar

(deg. C)

Detailed model of a 100-KW array connected to a 25-kV grid via a DC-DC boost converter and a three-phase three-level VSC.

Second, Simulink supports cosimulation with other soft- “Our customers asked us to use the
ware, including SPICE circuit simulators. You can devel- PSCAD/EMTDC environment for
op the digital aspects of your controller in Simulink and dynamic performance and transient
the analog circuit components in SPICE. Via cosimula-
analysis studies, which previously
tion, you can verify the controller in the context of non-
linear circuit behavior, such as parasitic capacitance or
required rewriting our models in PSCAD
inductance in circuit elements. and months of integration time. Our
experts worked with MathWorks consul-
Third, Simulink enables you to generate code from
models that can be integrated into other simulation soft-
tants to reuse our existing MATLAB and
ware. After you have designed and tested your power Simulink models with Embedded Coder,
converter controller in Simulink, you can code and inte- enabling us to implement a change in
grate it to any other software package capable of running functionality in about five minutes.”
C/C++ code, including PSCAD, RSCAD, or certain —Anthony Totterdell, Alstom Grid
SPICE circuit simulators.
Fourth, Simulink supports custom block libraries, enabling third-party hardware and software companies to develop
libraries of their components that you can incorporate directly into your power converter design models.

Learn More
»» OMRON Develops Solar Inverter Control Algorithm for Anti-Islanding Control - User Story
»» Detailed Model of a 100-kW Grid-Connected PV Array - Example
»» Alstom Grid Develops High-Voltage Direct Current Transmission Control System Using Model-Based Design -
User Story
»» Microcontroller and FPGA Hardware Support in Simulink - Hardware Support

W H I T E PA P E R | 11
10 Ways to Speed Design for Digitally Controlled Power Converters with Simulink

6. Validate control code on the processor without damaging electrical

system hardware
At some point in your project, you will be ready to test your control code for the first time in the hardware system. If
the code has errors and does not behave as intended, it will need to be corrected. If the errors are severe enough, you
may have to replace hardware damaged during the test.
Simulink can generate C/C++ and HDL code from control algorithms, enabling processor-in-the-loop (PIL) simula-
tion. The C/C++ or HDL code runs on the microcontroller or FPGA while the device is stepping in execution with a
Simulink model of the electrical system controller, limiting the risk of damaging a hardware prototype during initial
evaluations of the controller code. Although PIL simulations are not executed in real time, they are bit-true, enabling
you to verify your control code under a range of conditions and build confidence that it will execute properly once
deployed on the real system.

PIL simulation tests numerical equivalence between model components and the compiled object code
by running it on real target hardware or an instruction set simulator.

Learn More
»» Custom Target Development for ARM Cortex A: Processor-in-the-Loop (4:39) - Video

7. Generate control code for real-time testing

During hardware testing, making changes to controller
“The transition from design model to real-
code can be time-consuming and risky. Manually mod-
time software was very fast thanks to the
ifying the code, recompiling it, and deploying it to the
microcontroller or FPGA takes time—potentially a long
complete compatibility between MATLAB
time if you are a control algorithm developer who relies & Simulink and Speedgoat.”
on a software or hardware engineer to make the chang- —Piotr Dworakowski, The SuperGrid
es. Depending on the extent of the changes required, Power Converters team leader
you also risk introducing some new problem into the
implemented code.

W H I T E PA P E R | 12
10 Ways to Speed Design for Digitally Controlled Power Converters with Simulink

As an alternative, you can use Simulink to generate controller code for rapid control prototyping on a dedicated com-
puter that executes in real-time and uses high-speed I/O to communicate with test hardware. One advantage of this
approach is that you can validate changes to the controller by running the simulation model first and verifying that
no other problems were introduced. A second advantage is that you generate code directly from the model and run it
on the target computer, eliminating manual coding and any associated delays.

Typical real-time simulation and testing environment using Simulink Real-Time. Photo courtesy Speedgoat.

Learn More
»» SuperGrid Institute: An efficient and compact power converter to enable the supergrids of the future - User Story

8. Develop real-time simulations of your electrical system

Hardware prototypes are static and difficult to modify
“With Model-Based Design, we can do con-
quickly, and cannot always be tested against the electri-
cal system in which the power converter will operate.
tinuous validation and verification with-
One consequence of this limitation is that power con- out waiting until all aspects of the power
verter designs evolve slowly, because a radical departure electrical control unit are developed.”
from the previous design is considered too risky. —Shane O’Donnell, Microsemi

W H I T E PA P E R | 13
10 Ways to Speed Design for Digitally Controlled Power Converters with Simulink

Simulink can generate C/C++ and HDL code from the simulation model of the hardware in your power converter
and the system of which it is part, including the supply and the load. This capability lets you run a real-time simula-
tion of the hardware, often called hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) simulation, to test the real-time execution of your con-
troller code before verifying it in a hardware prototype. As a result, you can find and correct errors before they
potentially damage expensive and difficult-to-replace prototype hardware. Further, you can test the control code via
real-time simulation in the electrical system that contains the power converter.

Learn More
»» Developing a Real-Time Motor Model for HIL Testing (22:26) - Video
»» Real-Time Simulation and Testing of Power Electronics on a More Electric Aircraft - Article

9. Generate code for microcontrollers, FPGAs, or ASICs from your model

If you forgo simulation and opt to proceed directly
“With Model-Based Design, our developer
from your control algorithm to handwriting C/C++ or
HDL code you risk introducing errors that show up
productivity is easily increased tenfold.
only during hardware-software integration testing, Simulation and code generation enable us
when diagnosing and resolving the errors are likely to to turn changes around quickly and elimi-
cause project delays. nate human errors in coding. Our algo-
First, you can’t validate that your algorithm will do rithms typically work the first time, so we
what is intended until hardware tests, so you won’t no longer waste a big part of our develop-
know if errors that are detected during these tests stem ment cycle debugging code.”
from the control algorithm itself or from other factors. —Dr. Robert Turner,
Second, manually coding the algorithm may introduce senior R&D engineer at ABB
translation or interpretation errors.
You can avoid these issues by generating code directly
from your controller models after validating them via “Simulink helps system architects and
simulation in Simulink. You can generate optimized hardware designers communicate. It is
and stable C/C++ code for implementation on micro-
like a shared language that enables us to
controllers or synthesizable HDL code for FPGA pro-
exchange knowledge, ideas, and designs.
gramming or ASIC prototyping. Automatic code
generation eliminates manual algorithm translation
Simulink and HDL Coder enable us to
errors and produces C/C++ and HDL code with numer- focus on developing our algorithms and
ical equivalence to the algorithms you have validated in refining our design via simulation, not on
Simulink. By simulating your control algorithms over checking VHDL syntax and coding rules.”
all possible operating and fault conditions, you increase —Marcel van Bakel, Philips Healthcare
confidence that the generated code will handle those
same conditions in the real system, even if you are not
able to test for all of them. If hardware tests later

W H I T E PA P E R | 14
10 Ways to Speed Design for Digitally Controlled Power Converters with Simulink

indicate that algorithm changes are needed, you can simply modify the algorithms in your simulation model, rerun
simulation test cases to verify the correctness of the algorithm changes, and generate the new, updated code. All gen-
erated C/C++ and HDL code is fully portable, optimizable with a range of options, and bidirectionally traceable to
the Simulink model.

Learn More
»» Implementing a Buck Converter Controller Using Embedded Coder (34:01) - Video
»» ABB Accelerates the Delivery of Large-Scale, Grid-Connected Inverter Products with Model-Based Design -
User Story
»» Philips Healthcare Develops Smart Digital RF Power Subsystem for MRI Systems - User Story

10. Reuse handwritten code from existing projects

It’s possible, or perhaps likely, that your next power
“I integrated legacy code into the model, so
converter design will incorporate aspects of a previous
generation. This is true of circuitry and code, if you are
I knew I was simulating with the real
using digital control. At times, however, the handwrit- algorithms. Those same algorithms were
ten legacy code you’d like to reuse or modify is not well also called very neatly by the generated
documented or the colleagues who contributed to its code”
development are no longer available to consult. The —Roger Tudor, Lotus Engineering
uncertainty about the existing code may lead you to
reject it even though it may be perfectly suited for your
project. This leaves no option but to develop new code, forgoing the time and costs savings that reuse would provide.
With Simulink, you can integrate existing hand-coded C/C++ functions, such as device drivers, lookup tables, and
general functions and interfaces, into the model of your new design. You can then simulate the legacy code with the
new functionality you’ve developed in Simulink across a complete range of operating conditions and make any nec-
essary changes to ensure existing code works seamlessly within the new design.

Learn More
»» Integrate C Functions Using the Legacy Code Tool - Documentation
»» Lotus Engineering Develops Control Systems Software to Reduce Diesel Emissions - User Story

Next Steps
Take the next step to speed your power converter control project.
Explore: Power Electronics Control Design with Simulink
Download: Trial Software for Power Electronics Control
Get Started: Consulting Services

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W H I T E PA P E R | 15

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