Preformed Expansion Joint Filler For Concrete (Bituminous Type)
Preformed Expansion Joint Filler For Concrete (Bituminous Type)
Preformed Expansion Joint Filler For Concrete (Bituminous Type)
1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be 7.1 Size of Samples-Each sample shall
regarded as the standard. 5.1 Distortion at 52°C (125°F)-The joint consist of sufficient material to provide at
filler shall not show a deflection of more least three test specimens measuring 50
than 25 mm (1 in.) when tested in by 150 mm (2 by 6 in.) and at least one
2. REFERENCED DOCUMENTS accordance with Section 8.1. test specimen measuring 100 by 100 mm
5.2 Brittleness-The joint filler shall not (4 by 4 in.).
2.1 AASHTO Standards: crack or shatter when tested in 7.2 Number of Samples-One
accordance with Section 8.2. representative sample shall be selected
M 153 Specifications for Preformed
from each shipment of 90 m2 (1000 ft) or
Rubber and Cork Expansion NOTE 2-Expansion joint filler having a
nominal thickness of 6.4 mm (¼ in.) or less fraction thereof of each thickness
Joint Fillers for Concrete
shall not be subject to a requirement for ordered.
Paving and Structural
Construction brittleness. 7.3 Samples shall be packed for
5.3 Water Absorption-The water transportation in such a manner that there
M 213 Specification for Preformed
absorption of the joint filler, when tested will be no danger of distortion or
Expansion Joint Fillers for
in accordance with Section 8.3, shall not breakage.
Concrete Paving and
Structural Construction exceed the following values:
(Nonextruding and Resilient 8. TEST METHODS
Bituminous Types)
Nominal Thickness of Absorption, max,
2.2 ASTM Standards: Joint, mm (in.) percent 8.1 Distortion at 52°C (125°F)-Cut a test
D 545 Methods of Testing 25 (1) 2.5 specimen 50 by 150 mm (2 by 6 in.),
Preformed Expansion Joint 19 (3/4) 3
substantially flat and straight, with the
13 (1/2) 4
Fillers for Concrete 150-mm (6-in.) dimension parallel to the
9.5 (3/8) 5
Construction (Nonextruding machine direction of the strip. Clamp the
and Resilient Types) NOTE 3-Expansion joint filler having a specimen between two blocks so that the
nominal thickness of less than 9.5 mm (3/8 in.) expansion joint forms a cantilever of 90-
shall not be subject to a requirement for water mm (3 ½-in.) length. Place the clamp and
3. MANUFACTURE absorption. joint assembly in an oven maintained at
5.4 Compression-The load required to 52°C (125°F), with the specimen in a
3.1 This product shall consist of a compress the test specimen to 50 percent horizontal position, for 2 hours. Measure
bituminous (asphalt or tar) mastic of its thickness before test shall be not the deflection of the specimen from the
composition, formed and encased less than 689 nor more than 5171 kPa horizontal.
between two layers of bituminous (not less than 100 nor more than 750 psi) 8.2 Brittleness-Cut a test specimen 50 by
impregnated felt or two layers of glass- when the joint filler is tested in 150 mm (2 by 6 in.) with the 150 mm (6-
fiber felt. The mastic shall comprise accordance with Section 8.4. in.) dimension parallel to the machine
mineral fillers and reinforcing fibers and direction of the strip. Maintain the
NOTE 4-Expansion joint filler having a
may contain thin strips of reinforcing specimen at a temperature of 4 to 6°C (39
nominal thickness of less than 13 mm (½ in.)
sheet material. The mastic portion shall not be subject to a requirement for to 43°F) in water for at least 2 hours prior
(exclusive of the stiffener sheets) shall compression. to testing. Clamp the specimen between
contain not less than 70 percent of two boards so that the expansion joint
material soluble in carbon disulfide for forms a cantilever of 90-mm (3 ½-in.)
material more than 6.4 mm (¼ in.) in 6. DIMENSIONS AND PERMI- length and hold in a horizontal position
thickness and 65 percent for material 6.4 SSIBLE VARIATIONS by a suitable rigid support. Suspend a
mm (¼ in.) or less in thickness. spherical cast iron ball, weighing 0.4 kg
6.1 The preformed strips shall conform to (0.95 lb) and having a diameter of 48 mm
4. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS the dimensions specified or shown on the (1 7/8 in.), by a cord tied to an eyelet
plans. Strips of the joint filler that do not fastened to the ball. For specimens
conform to the specified dimensions, having a thickness of 14.3 mm ( 9/16 in.) or
4.1 Preformed strips of expansion joint within the permissible variations of + 1.6 less, suspend the ball 0.3 m (1 ft) above
filler shall be of such character as not to the center of the projecting portion of the
specimen. For specimens over 14.3 mm filler material, in such a manner that all 8.4 Compression-Test the joint filler in
(9/16 in.) in thickness, suspend the ball 0.6 edges are freshly cut, and determine the accordance with Sections 7.2 to 7.2.5 of
m (2 ft) above the specimen. Release the mass. Immerse the specimen in water for ASTM D 545, except make only a single
ball by burning the cord above the eyelet. 24 hours, remove, and wipe off the application of the load required to
Other suitable suspension and release surface water with a slightly dampened compress the specimen to 50 percent of
devices may be used. cloth. Measure the mass of the specimen its thickness before test; and do not
8.3 Water Absorption-Cut a test specimen quickly and calculate the gain in mass measure the recovery.
50 by 150 mm (2 by 6 in.) from the joint and express as mass percent of water