Drosophila Models For Human Diseases

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Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 1076

Masamitsu Yamaguchi Editor

Models for
Advances in Experimental Medicine
and Biology

Volume 1076

Editorial Board
IRUN R. COHEN, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
ABEL LAJTHA, N.S. Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research, Orangeburg,
JOHN D. LAMBRIS, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
RODOLFO PAOLETTI, University of Milan, Milan, Italy
NIMA REZAEI, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Children’s Medical
Center Hospital, Tehran, Iran
More information about this series at http://www.springer.com/series/5584
Masamitsu Yamaguchi

Drosophila Models
for Human Diseases
Masamitsu Yamaguchi
Department of Applied Biology
Kyoto Institute of Technology
Kyoto, Japan

ISSN 0065-2598     ISSN 2214-8019 (electronic)

Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology
ISBN 978-981-13-0528-3    ISBN 978-981-13-0529-0 (eBook)

Library of Congress Control Number: 2018947577

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Fifteen years ago when I gave a talk on “Drosophila models for human dis-
eases” to medical doctors, they were not particularly interested in this sub-
ject. They said that even for mouse models it was hard to interpret the results,
so that flies must be even more difficult. When I gave the equivalent talk to
Drosophila communities at a similar time, they were also not very interested
in the subject of “Drosophila models for human diseases.” They were more
interested in basic biological and/or developmental processes and evolution-
ary genetics. However, now the situation has dramatically changed. Facilities
keeping transgenic and knockout mice are all full in many universities and
institutes all over the world and medical scientists are starting to look for
animal models that can substitute for, or complement, mouse models. The
Drosophilists have also realized the great potential in using Drosophila mod-
els for medical science. Drosophila is now attractive to scientists in various
fields as a useful and highly tractable model organism for studying human
diseases. Most biological pathways and physical and neurological properties
are highly conserved between humans and Drosophila and nearly 75% of
human disease-causing genes have a functional homologue in Drosophila.
We can therefore Recycle the knowledge and data accumulated with
Drosophila for studies of human diseases. The costs involved in experimenta-
tion with Drosophila are relatively low (Reasonable price) compared to
mouse and other rodent models. The life cycle and life-span of Drosophila
are much shorter than that of the mouse so that researchers can perform
experiments more Rapidly. Many genetic and experimental tools have been
developed in Drosophila to examine gene function, genetic interactions, and
environmental influences. Moreover, statistical analyses with large number of
offspring in Drosophila can make the data obtained Reliable. The Drosophila
model can thus provide a 4R platform for studies of human diseases.

vi Preface

This book provides information about various Drosophila models for

human diseases including Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, repeat
expansion disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Charcot-Marie-Tooth dis-
ease, muscular dystrophy, cancer, leukemia, diseases of replication/repair
genes, diabetes, and so on. This knowledge is useful for scientists and gradu-
ate students in the field of Applied Biology, Pharmaceutical Science, and
Medicine. In the first chapter, specific and commonly used Drosophila tech-
niques will be provided so that readers can easily understand the subsequent
sections. In addition, for many of the following chapters, the authors provide
a section dealing with protocols commonly used in their laboratories related
to each subject. This is useful for beginners who want to start using Drosophila
as a model for their studies on human disease. The last chapter introduces a
unique approach by designers to develop a screening kit for medicine using
the Drosophila model. This kind of multidisciplinary approach opens new
possibilities for the studies of human diseases using Drosophila models.
Finally, I would like to acknowledge the international grants that were
helpful to establish international networks to produce this book. The JSPS
Core-to-Core Program, Asia-Africa Science Platforms, the JSPS Program for
Advancing Strategic International Networks to Accelerate the Circulation of
Talented Researchers (Grant No. S2802), the JSPS Japan-UK collaborative
research, the JSPS Japan-Vietnam collaborative research, and the JSPS
Japan-Korea collaborative research. I would also like to acknowledge invalu-
able help from Project Co-ordinator, Kripa Guruprasad and Project Manager,
Kandrakota Maadhuri

Kyoto Institute of Technology Masamitsu Yamaguchi

Kyoto, Japan

1 Drosophila as a Model Organism��������������������������������������������������    1

Masamitsu Yamaguchi and Hideki Yoshida
2 Adult Intestine Aging Model ��������������������������������������������������������   11
Koji Takeda, Takashi Okumura, Kiichiro Taniguchi,
and Takashi Adachi-Yamada
3 Alzheimer’s Disease Model System Using Drosophila����������������   25
Leo Tsuda and Young-Mi Lim
4 Parkinson’s Disease Model������������������������������������������������������������   41
Vuu My Dung and Dang Thi Phuong Thao
5 Repeat Expansion Disease Models ����������������������������������������������   63
Morio Ueyama and Yoshitaka Nagai
6 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Model������������������������������������������   79
Yumiko Azuma, Ikuko Mizuta, Takahiko Tokuda,
and Toshiki Mizuno
7 Drosophila Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Models����������������������   97
Masamitsu Yamaguchi and Hiroshi Takashima
8 Drosophila as a Model to Gain Insight into the Role
of lncRNAs in Neurological Disorders ����������������������������������������  119
Luca Lo Piccolo
9 Muscular Dystrophy Model����������������������������������������������������������  147
Saranyapin Potikanond, Wutigri Nimlamool,
Jasprien Noordermeer, and Lee G. Fradkin
10 Drosophila As a Cancer Model������������������������������������������������������  173
Masato Enomoto, Carmen Siow, and Tatsushi Igaki
11 From Drosophila Blood Cells to Human Leukemia��������������������  195
Manon Boulet, Marion Miller, Laurence Vandel,
and Lucas Waltzer

viii Contents

12 Diseases Associated with Mutation of Replication

and Repair Proteins ����������������������������������������������������������������������  215
Sue Cotterill
13 Drosophila Models to Investigate Insulin Action
and Mechanisms Underlying Human Diabetes Mellitus������������  235
Yoshihiro H. Inoue, Hiroka Katsube, and Yukiko Hinami
14 Metabolomics: State-of-the-Art Technologies
and Applications on Drosophila melanogaster����������������������������  257
Phan Nguyen Thuy An and Eiichiro Fukusaki
15 Humanized Flies and Resources for Cross-Species Study����������  277
Toshiyuki Takano-Shimizu-Kouno and Takashi Ohsako
16 Designs for Flies + of Mice and Men: Design Approaches
to Drosophila melanogaster�����������������������������������������������������������  289
Julia Cassim, Frank Kolkman, and Marcel Helmer

Index��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  307
About the Authors

Takashi Adachi-Yamada  received his PhD from Nagoya University and is

a Professor in the Department of Life Science, Gakushuin University.

Yumiko Azuma  received her MD, PhD from Kyoto Prefectural University

of Medicine and is an Assistant Professor at Kyoto Prefectural University of

Julia Cassim  received her MPhil from the International Centre for Cultural
and Heritage Studies, Newcastle University, and is a Professor at KYOTO
Design Lab, Kyoto Institute of Technology.

Sue  Cotterill  received her PhD from Imperial College, London, and is a
Reader in Molecular Biology at St Georges University of London.

Eiichiro  Fukusaki  received his PhD from Osaka University and is a

Professor at Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University.

Tatsushi Igaki  received his PhD from Osaka University and is a Professor

at Graduate School of Biostudies, Kyoto University.

Yoshihiro  H.  Inoue  received his PhD from Waseda University and is an
Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Insect Biomedical
Research, Kyoto Institute of Technology.

Yoshitaka  Nagai  received his MD, PhD from Osaka University and is a
Professor at Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University.

Luca  Lo  Piccolo  received his PhD from University of Palermo  and is  an
Assistant Professor at Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University.

Saranyapin Potikanond  received her MD from Chiang Mai University, MS

from Free University of Brussels, and PhD from Leiden University Medical
Center and is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Pharmacology,
Chiang Mai University.

x About the Authors

Toshiyuki  Takano-Shimizu-Kouno  received his DSc from Kyushu

University and is a Professor and Head of the Department of Drosophila
Genomics and Genetic Resources, Kyoto Institute of Technology.

Dang  Thi  Phuong  Thao  received her PhD from Kyoto Institute of
Technology and is an Associate Professor and Head of the Department of
Molecular and Environmental Biotechnology at University of Science,
Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City.

Leo Tsuda  received his PhD from Kanazawa University and is a laboratory

head at National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology.

Lucas  Waltzer  obtained his PhD from the Ecole Normale Supérieure &
Université Claude Bernard and is a Director of Research at the Laboratory of
Genetic, Reproduction and Development.

Masamitsu Yamaguchi  received his PhD from Osaka University and is a

Professor in the Department of Applied Biology, Kyoto Institute of
Technology. He was a director of Advanced Insect Research Promotion
Center at Kyoto Institute of Technology.
Drosophila as a Model Organism
Masamitsu Yamaguchi and Hideki Yoshida

Abstract lished by studying Drosophila, which advanced

Drosophila melanogaster has been widely our understanding of genes, chromosomes, and
used in classical and modern genetics for more the inheritance of genetic information (Ashburner
than 100 years. The history of the Drosophila and Bergman 2017). Mutagenesis techniques
model in the study of various aspects of life using radiation and chemicals were also devel-
sciences will be summarized in this chapter. oped with Escherichia coli, yeast, and
Furthermore, commonly used techniques and Drosophila, allowing scientists to clarify gene
tools with Drosophila models will be briefly functions by studying the phenotypes induced by
described, with a special emphasis on the mutations.
advantages of Drosophila models in the study After 1970, various molecular, developmental,
of various human diseases. and biological techniques began to be applied to
Drosophila, such as gene cloning, hybridization,
Keywords P-element-based transformation, and clonal anal-
Drosophila · History · Biology · Chromosome yses. These techniques allowed scientists to per-
· Genome · GAL4-UAS form analytical rather than descriptive studies on
the development and behavior of Drosophila. In
1994, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
was awarded to Dr. Lewis for his studies with
1.1 History of Studies Drosophila to elucidate gene structures, as well as
with Drosophila Drs. Weischaus and Nusslein-Volhard for their
pioneering work on embryogenesis and the
Drosophila melanogaster is one of the most identification of a large number of genes involved
commonly used experimental organisms and in all aspects of Drosophila development,
was first studied experimentally by Dr. Castle including segmentation. Most of the mammalian
(Castle 1906) and used by Dr. Morgan for genetic homologues of these genes were then found to
experiments from 1909 (Sturtevant 1959). be essential for mammalian development. In
During the following 30 years, a number of the addition, many tumor suppressor genes were ini-
main principles of classical genetics were estab- tially identified in Drosophila, and their human
homologues were subsequently detected and
M. Yamaguchi (*) · H. Yoshida proven to play important roles in oncogenesis.
Department of Applied Biology, Kyoto Institute of The genome project of Drosophila melano-
Technology, Kyoto, Japan gaster (D. melanogaster) was completed in 2000.
e-mail: myamaguc@kit.ac.jp; hyoshida@kit.ac.jp

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 1

M. Yamaguchi (ed.), Drosophila Models for Human Diseases, Advances in Experimental Medicine
and Biology 1076, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-0529-0_1
2 M. Yamaguchi and H. Yoshida

A few years later, the human genome project was 1.2 Biology of Drosophila
also finished, and comparisons of both genome
sequences revealed high homologies between the Drosophila has a relatively rapid life cycle. A
Drosophila and human genomes, thereby con- single fertile mating pair may produce hundreds
firming the importance of Drosophila as a model of genetically identical offspring in approxi-
to study human diseases (Adams et  al. 2000; mately 10 days at 25 °C. This is markedly faster
Myers et al. 2000). Nearly 75% of human disease-­ than the commonly used rodent models.
related genes have been estimated to have func- Drosophila may also be regarded as a model
tional orthologues in Drosophila (Pandy and organism defined by its developmental stage: the
Nichols 2011; Yamamoto et  al. 2014). Overall embryo, larva, pupa, and adult (Pandy and
identity at the nucleotide or amino acid sequence Nichols 2011).
between Drosophila and mammals is approxi- After fertilization, embryos undergo highly
mately 40% between homologues. Regarding the synchronized nuclear division cycles. These
conserved functional domains of proteins, iden- cycles, which are composed of only G and S
tity may be more than 80%. The completion of phases, proceed very rapidly, requiring approxi-
the fly genome also promoted the study of tran- mately 10 min for one cycle to form a multinu-
scription, protein binding to specific DNA clear syncytial blastoderm. After nine nuclear
sequences, and genetic variations at the molecu- division cycles, most nuclei move to the surface
lar level. Based on genome information, we may of the embryo and undergo four successive
perform RNA-sequence analyses or microarrays nuclear divisions at the surface of the embryo.
for expression profiling, targeted to all known or These nuclei then simultaneously cellularize to
predicted coding regions or against the entire form a cellular blastoderm. After cellularization,
Drosophila genome including noncoding regions. they undergo segmentation processes. Early
We may also perform the genome-wide mapping embryos store large amounts of DNA replication
of binding sites for chromatin-associated proteins enzymes that are enzymatically and cytologically
at a high resolution using DNA adenine methyl- characterized by the embryo (Yamaguchi et  al.
transferase identification (DamID) (Sun et  al. 1991). The embryo may be used in studies on
2003; Bianchi-Frias et  al. 2004), chromatin fundamental developmental biology by examin-
immunoprecipitation assays (ChIP assays), or a ing pattern formation, cell fate determination,
ChIP-sequence analysis (MacAlpine et al. 2004; organogenesis, central/peripheral neuronal devel-
Birch-Machin et  al. 2005). Genome-wide sur- opment, and axon pathfinding.
veys for polymorphisms using high-throughput The larva, particularly the wandering third
PCR strategies are now also available (Glinka instar larva, is commonly used to study develop-
et  al. 2003). Thus, Drosophila is always at the mental and physiological processes as well as
forefront of modern biology, in which genes, less complex behaviors such as foraging. A group
gene engineering, and other new findings are of cells called imaginal discs produce the future
often achieved first in Drosophila and then gener- adult external structures of Drosophila and are
alized to other organisms including humans. It is contained within the larva. They are primarily
important to note that the Nobel Prize in composed of an undifferentiated epithelium. In
Physiology or Medicine in 2017 was awarded to the late third instar larval stage and subsequent
Drs. Hall, Rosbash, and Young for their discovery pupal stage, imaginal discs undergo morphologi-
of the molecular mechanisms controlling the cir- cal changes that produce adult external structures
cadian rhythm in Drosophila. such as the antenna, compound eye, wings, and
1  Drosophila as a Model Organism 3

legs. Imaginal disc cells undergo a typical G1, S, tract. The adult fly brain contains more than
G2, and M phase cycle. In terms of cell cycle 100,000 neurons that form discrete circuits and
studies, eye imaginal discs in the third instar lar- neuropils, which mediate complex behaviors
vae are particularly useful. Cells in the anterior including wake and sleep circadian rhythms,
region to the morphogenetic furrow undergo ran- learning and memory, feeding, aggression, court-
dom cell division, and those at the morphogenetic ship, and grooming. More significantly, the
furrow are arrested at the G1 phase and then syn- responses of Drosophila to various drugs that act
chronously undergo the S, G2, and M phases to on the central nervous system are similar to the
double the cell number. Then all cells fall into the effects observed in mammals (Rothenfluh and
G1/G0 and undergo differentiation. Thus, the eye Heberlein 2002; Satta et  al. 2003; Wolf and
imaginal disc provides a naturally occurring syn- Heberlein 2003; Nichols 2006; Andretic et  al.
chronized cell system that is very useful for char- 2008). Therefore, Drosophila provides a useful
acterizing the genes involved in the regulation of model for screening therapeutic drugs for various
the cell cycle and DNA replication (Yamaguchi human neuropathies.
et al. 1999). The differentiation processes of eight
(R1–R8) photoreceptor cells have also been stud-
ied in detail. Clarification of the mechanisms 1.3 Chromosomes of Drosophila
responsible for the developmental processes of
imaginal discs has provided significant insights 1.3.1 Overview
into Drosophila and human biologies.
Furthermore, learning and memory assays are D. melanogaster has four sets of chromosomes,
possible with larvae. the X and Y sex chromosomes, two autosomal
In the pupal stage, Drosophila undergoes chromosomes 2 and 3, and the very small chro-
metamorphosis, and during metamorphosis, mosome 4 (Metz 1914; Deng et al. 2007). Female
imaginal discs undergo cell proliferation, differ- flies carry two X chromosomes and males carry a
entiation, and organogenesis to produce various single X and Y chromosome. Females and males
adult external structures, while most larval tis- carry two sets of the autosomal second, third, and
sues undergo autophagy and cell death (Aguila fourth chromosomes. The X chromosome is
et  al. 2007). Cells undergo these processes in acrocentric and may be divided into two arms by
response to the hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone the centromere, a large left arm and a markedly
(ecdysone), which initiates larval-prepupal and smaller right arm. The Y chromosome is also
prepupal-­pupal transitions (Baehrecke 1996). acrocentric with a slightly longer long arm and
Consequently, Drosophila undergoes morpho- shorter arm. In contrast, chromosomes 2 and 3
logical changes with the tight regulation of vari- are metacentric with the centromere located in
ous biological pathways. During metamorphosis, nearly the center of two left and right arms,
the metabolic rate of Drosophila follows a named 2L, 2R, 3L, and 3R, respectively. The
U-shaped curve in which energy consumption is fourth chromosome is also acrocentric, carrying a
high during the first stages, declines toward the small left arm and larger right arm.
mid-pupal stage, and increases again toward the Drosophila chromosomes may be function-
last phases of the larval-adult transformation ally and structurally divided into heterochromatic
(Merkey et al. 2011). Further details on the meta- and euchromatic regions. Heterochromatin is
bolic changes that occur during the development designated as the darkly staining regions in
of Drosophila are described in Chap. 14. karyotyping. The heterochromatic region is also
The Drosophila adult provides a complex known to be late replicating in the S phase of the
model organism that is somewhat similar to cell cycle and is enriched with highly repetitive
mammals in many aspects. The adult fly has nucleotide sequences and transposable elements
organs that are functionally similar to the mam- (Dimitri 1997). The X, second, and third chromo-
malian heart, lung, kidney, gut, and reproductive somal regions adjacent to the centromeres are
4 M. Yamaguchi and H. Yoshida

darkly staining and are designated as pericentric reached by the euchromatic regions of the
heterochromatin. The Y and fourth chromosomes genome because the heterochromatic regions are
are also darkly staining and entirely heterochro- under-replicated. Furthermore, homologous
matic, although the fourth chromosome has a chromosomes undergo somatic pairing in the
small euchromatic right arm. The gene densities polytene chromosome. Thus, the combination of
of the heterochromatic regions of the genome are polyploidy and pairing may produce 1024 DNA
lower than those of euchromatic regions. The Y strands for each euchromatic chromosome arm.
chromosome is not necessary for the viability of All chromosome arms corresponding to X, 2L,
Drosophila; however, XO males lacking the Y 2R, 3L, 3R, and the small 4 expand from a
chromosome are sterile. Furthermore, XXY flies central region called the heterochromatic
are female, indicating that the Y chromosome chromocenter (Fig.  1.1). The heterochromatic
plays no role in sex determination in Drosophila. chromocenter is composed of pericentric hetero-
Sex is determined by the balance between the X chromatin and, in the case of males, the Y chro-
chromosome and autosome in Drosophila: mosome. Polytene chromosomes are sufficiently
X:A = 1 is female and X:A = 0.5 is male. large to be easily observed using a standard light
microscope. Each of the euchromatic arms shows
a unique banding pattern caused by the differen-
1.3.2 Polytene Chromosomes tial condensation of chromatin to form darkly
stained bands and less stained interbands
In Drosophila, after differentiation, most cells (Fig. 1.1).
undergo endoreplication in which the S and G In Drosophila, the band pattern of salivary
phases are repeated without any M phase. The gland polytene chromosomes is highly
most typical endoreplicating tissue in Drosophila ­reproducible among individuals (Bridges 1935).
is the larval salivary glands. In the case of the Each large arm is cytologically divided into 20
third instar larval salivary gland, the ploidy level roughly equal numbered segments (X  =  1–20;
reaches 1024 (Rodman 1967; Hammond and 2L  =  21–40; 2R  =  41–60; 3L  =  61–80;
Laird 1985). The levels of polyploidy are mainly 3R = 81–100; 4 = 101–102). Each of these num-

Fig. 1.1  In situ

hybridization of the
white gene on salivary
gland polytene
chromosomes. The
arrowhead indicates the
white gene locus (3B6)
1  Drosophila as a Model Organism 5

bered segments is further divided into six roughly ancer in crossing schemes. Many balancer chro-
equal lettered segments, A to F, and the bands in mosomes also carry a set of recessive visible
each lettered segment are numbered. Therefore, mutations that are useful for designing screens
each band has a unique address, and its position and distinguishing complex genotypes.
is easily discernible from the address. Moreover, Transgenic flies carrying a set of new and useful
the positions of genes may now be mapped on visible markers to the balancer have been devel-
these addresses. oped as follows. Transgenes expressing visible
Various research tools have been developed to markers, such as LacZ, GFP, or other fluoro-
mark functional regions on polytene chromo- phores, in various spatial and temporal patterns
somes. Anti-phosphorylated RNA polymerase II is have been inserted into different balancers as new
used to mark the transcriptionally active domain of and useful dominant markers. These transgenic
polytene chromosomes, and anti-­heterochromatin flies may be used to easily distinguish the marked
protein 1 (HP-1) marks heterochromatic and het- balancer flies from non-balancer flies at various
erochromatin-like regions on chromosomes (Kato developmental stages (Kaufman 2017). A list of
et al. 2007, 2008). By immunostaining chromatin- balancers may be found at the BDSC site (http://
binding proteins with specific antibodies in combi- flystocks.bio.indiana.edu/Browse/balancers/bal-
nation with various markers, it is possible to ancer_main.htm).
identify the protein of interest binding to the rele-
vant functional region of chromosomes, such as
euchromatic or heterochromatic and transcription- 1.3.4 Drosophila Genome
ally active or inactive regions.
The genome size of D. melanogaster is approxi-
mately 180 Mb, with 2/3 (120 Mb) representing
1.3.3 Balancer Chromosomes the euchromatic region and 1/3 (60 Mb) the het-
erochromatic region. After the first report of the
Balancer chromosomes are an extremely valu- D. melanogaster genome by the consortium of
able tool in studies on Drosophila. They contain the Berkley Drosophila Genome Project and
extensive inversions through the entire chromo- Celera Genomics (Adams et  al. 2000; Myers
some that prevent the recovery of chromosome et  al. 2000), the annotation of the genome has
exchange events, thereby isolating and maintain- been revised several times by incorporating data
ing the sequences in the balancer and balanced from genome-wide RNA sequencing analyses
chromosome. They do not prevent crossing over and those on heterochromatin (modENCODE
but inhibit the recovery of exchanged chromatids et  al. 2010; Graveley et  al. 2011; Boley et  al.
(Kaufman 2017). Balancer chromosomes are 2014; Brown et  al. 2014; Chen et  al. 2014;
used to stably maintain lethal and sterile muta- Kaufman 2017). Based on the current release, the
tions in the Drosophila stock without the selec- total sequence length is 143,726,002  bp with a
tion process. Balancer chromosomes are also total gap length mainly in heterochromatin,
useful for effectively screening for mutations by including major and minor scaffolds of
maintaining the linear integrity of a mutagenized 1,152,978 bp (Kaufman 2017). The sequence is
homologue (Kaufman 2017). These processes assembled into 1870 scaffolds with the majority
are very difficult to perform in other model of the sequence, 137.6  Mbp, residing on the
organisms, such as the mouse without balancers. seven chromosome arms (X, Y, 2L, 2R, 3L, 3R,
Balancer chromosomes carry a recessive and 4) and the entire mitochondrial genome. The
lethal mutation that is not related to the lesion sequence includes contiguous portions of the
being balanced and, thus, may efficiently balance pericentric heterochromatin of X, 2, 3, and 4.
lethal and sterile mutations. Balancer chromo- Some may be mapped to the highly repetitive
somes also carry dominant visible mutations, and rRNA-encoding genes in the nucleolus organizer
scientists may easily follow flies carrying the bal- of X and Y (He et al. 2012).
6 M. Yamaguchi and H. Yoshida

Annotation of the genome currently identifies called GAL4-UAS targeted expression system
17,726 genes, 13,907 of which are protein coding (Brand and Perrimon 1993). GAL4 is a yeast
that encode 21,953 unique polypeptides. The transcription factor that is used to control the spa-
remaining 3821 identified loci are genes encod- tial and temporal expression of target genes,
ing various types of noncoding RNA, 147 for which consequently directs gene activity at a spe-
rRNA, 313 for tRNA, 31 for snRNA, 288 for cific developmental stage and specific cells and
snoRNA, 256 for miRNA, 2470 for lncRNA, and tissues. In one parental strain, promoter regions
315 for pseudogenes (Kaufman 2017). The for a particular gene are designed to drive the
importance of many of these genes is now being expression of GAL4 in some tissues. In another
recognized, particularly in relation to human dis- strain, the GAL4-binding upstream-activating
eases. Further details on noncoding RNA related sequence (UAS) is placed in front of the trans-
to human diseases will be described in Chap. 8. gene. When these two strains are genetically
crossed, their progenies express the transgene in
specific tissues driven by the GAL4-UAS system.
1.4 Strategies and Techniques In combination with RNA interference (RNAi), it
to Study Human Diseases is also possible to knockdown specific genes by
Using Drosophila expressing double-stranded RNAs targeted to
specific mRNAs using the GAL4-UAS system. A
There are two main strategies to study human useful resource for this purpose is the collection
diseases using the Drosophila model: forward of UAS-RNAi responder strains of the Vienna
and reverse genetics. Drosophila Stock Center (VDRC) (http://stock-
center.vdrc.at/control/main). These RNAi knock-
down strains cover nearly 90% of all Drosophila
1.4.1 Studies with Forward Genetics protein-coding genes and are available to the
research community from VDRC (Dietzl et  al.
In forward genetics, mutations are induced at 2007). The basic GAL4-UAS targeted expression
random, and flies are screened for a phenotype of system has been modified to further refine cell
interest. Mutations may be generated by ethyl and tissue specificities as well as temporal
methanesulfonate (EMS) or the insertion of expression specificities (Roman et  al. 2001:
transposons, such as P-element and piggyback McGuire et al. 2004).
(Venken and Bellen 2014). Mutants may also be
isolated by screen RNAi libraries or chromosome
deficiency kits that cover 95% of the euchromatic 1.4.3 Studies with Reverse Genetics
region of the Drosophila genome (Ida et al. 2009;
Cook et al. 2012). These strategies are useful for
In reverse genetics, mutations are generated in
identifying uncharacterized mutations in already
Drosophila homologues of human genes to char-
known disease-related genes as well as genes that
acterize their phenotypes in vivo. There are sev-
have not yet been linked to disease. Therefore,
eral approaches to knockdown or knockout genes
this represents a useful strategy for identifying
in Drosophila. One strategy is targeted gene dis-
previously unknown genes and clarifying various
ruption using clustered regularly interspaced
biological events. short palindromic repeats/Cas9 (CRISPR/Cas9)
(Beumer and Carroll 2014), transposon-mediated
mutagenesis, and the excision of pre-existing
1.4.2 GAL4-UAS Targeted transposable elements. The other is gene silenc-
Expression System ing with RNAi combined with the GAL4-UAS
system or CRISPR (Mohr 2014). In addition to
A commonly used approach to express or knock- these loss-of-function studies, a wild-type or
down specific genes in Drosophila is the so-­ mutant form of a human disease-causing gene
1  Drosophila as a Model Organism 7

may be introduced and overexpressed in is small, easy to handle, and inexpensive to main-
Drosophila in order to examine its effects in spe- tain and manipulate in the laboratory. Drosophila
cific tissues and organs (Feany and Bender 2000). has a short life span and produces a large number
Drosophila is also useful for studying the of offspring, which facilitates statistical analyses
pathogenesis of rare variants that are linked to of the data obtained. Drosophila development is
human diseases (Ugur et  al. 2016). There are external, and, thus, it is very easy to follow using
US-based initiatives to identify human disease-­ various microscopes. Many mutants and trans-
causing genes by deep sequencing of the whole genic fly lines may be obtained from stock cen-
exomes or genomes of patients and their families, ters such as the Bloomington Drosophila Stock
which are coordinated by the Centers for Center (https://bdsc.indiana.edu/), Kyoto Stock
Mendelian Genomics (http://www.mendelian. Center (http://www.dgrc.kit.ac.jp/), and
org/) and Undiagnosed Diseases Network (UDN; VDRC. A plethora of information from previous
http://undisgnosed.hms.harvard.edu/). Similar experiments and discoveries is available.
strategies have been performed in other coun- Sequencing of the genome is nearly complete, as
tries, such as the UK (http://www.uk10k.org/) described above. Homologues for nearly 75% of
and China (Guangzhou Drosophila Resource human disease-related genes have been identified
Center and the Center for Genomic Sciences in (Pandy and Nichols 2011; Yamamoto et al. 2014).
the University of Hong Kong). These strategies Drosophila shows complex behaviors including
are sometimes not sufficient for identifying the social activity. In addition, there are fewer ethical
disease-causing gene if only a few individuals are concerns because the insect is outside animal
assessed. In these cases, the Drosophila ortho- laws in many countries. In combination with
logue may be knocked out or down in order to genome-wide genetic screening, genome-wide
examine phenotypes. If the observed phenotype analyses with deep sequencers, such as RNA-seq
is rescued by the expression of wild-type UAS-­ and ChIP-seq, and metabolomics analyses,
human-­cDNA, but not by its human variant, dis- Drosophila is now commonly used as a model to
ease causality may be confirmed (Bellen and study human diseases with the aim of identifying
Yamamoto 2015; Wangler et al. 2015). novel biomarkers or therapeutic targets for
human diseases together with the screening of
candidate substances for their treatment (Pandy
1.5 Advantages of Drosophila and Nichols 2011). Drosophila is now used in the
in the Study of Human study of various human diseases related to the
Diseases central and peripheral nervous systems such as
neurodegeneration, Alzheimer’s disease (Chap.
Several model organisms are intensively studied 3), Parkinson’s disease (Chap. 4), triplet repeat
in life sciences, such as the mouse, zebrafish, expansion disease (Chap. 5), sleep disorders
Xenopus, Arabidopsis, Drosophila, (Pandy and Nichols 2011), seizure disorders
Caenorhabditis elegans, yeast, and E. coli. These (Pandy and Nichols 2011), cognitive and psycho-
are specific species that are extensively examined sis disorders (Pandy and Nichols 2011), amyo-
in research laboratories. Studies using these trophic lateral sclerosis (Chap. 6), and
model organisms will advance our understanding Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (Chap. 7). It is also
of cellular functions, development, and human used as a cancer model including tumor forma-
diseases. The knowledge obtained from these tion and metastasis (Chaps. 10 and 11).
model organisms may also be applied to other Drosophila may also be employed in the study of
organisms, which will result in the generalization cardiovascular diseases (Pandy and Nichols
of findings. 2011; Ugur et  al. 2016). Although the fly heart
The following characteristics of Drosophila has only one cardiac chamber, it may still be used
demonstrate that it is a good model organism. It to study some steps of heart development and its
8 M. Yamaguchi and H. Yoshida

defects. Drosophila also provides a model for Drosophila may be summarized as follows. A
inflammation/infectious diseases, metabolic dis- number of genes related to human diseases have
orders, and diabetes (Chaps. 13 and 14). already been discovered and various useful tech-
There are some limitations to Drosophila niques developed. Powerful tools for studying
models. Drosophila does not possess hemoglobin developmental/neurological disorders and cancer
(Adams et al. 2000; Myers et al. 2000), and, thus, are now available. Therefore, Drosophila is a
Drosophila models cannot be generated for very effective model with more simplicity than
human diseases related to hemoglobin. Smaller mammalian models and greater complexity than
organisms, such as yeast and E. coli, which have yeast and bacterial models.
shorter generation times, smaller genomes, and
produce more offspring than Drosophila, are pre-
ferred for the study of cell autonomous functions, 1.6 Commonly Used Websites
such as DNA replication and repair. Therefore, for Drosophila Studies
an ideal study of human diseases will be a paral-
lel analysis with relevant models. For example, Commonly used online databases for Drosophila
cell autonomous effects will be studied in yeast, studies are now available to support experimental
while multicellular or inductive events mediated design, the identification of relevant fly stocks,
by genes will be examined using Drosophila. A research tools, reagents such as antibodies, and
more accurate disease model needs to be estab- related human diseases (Table  1.1). These data-
lished in the mouse. In any case, the benefits of bases are particularly useful for beginners. More

Table 1.1  A list of websites providing information about Drosophila or human diseases
Website URL
FlyBase http://flybase.org
modENCODE http://modencode.sciencemag.org/drosophila/introduction
Drosophila Genomics Resource Center https://dgrc.bio.indiana.edu/Home
Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project http://www.fruitfly.org/
Drosophila Genomics and Genetic Resources http://www.dgrc.kit.ac.jp/
Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center https://bdsc.indiana.edu/
Vienna Drosophila Resource Center http://stockcenter.vdrc.at/control/main
NIG-FLY https://shigen.nig.ac.jp/fly/nigfly/
The Exelixis Collection at Harvard Medical School https://drosophila.med.harvard.edu/
DRSC/TRiP Functional Genomics Resources https://fgr.hms.harvard.edu/fly-in-vivo-rnai
FlyORF http://flyorf.ch/index.php/orf-collection
FlyExpress 7 http://www.flyexpress.net/
FlyBook http://www.genetics.org/content/flybook
FlyMove http://flymove.uni-muenster.de/
Fly-FISH http://fly-fish.ccbr.utoronto.ca/
Flygut http://flygut.epfl.ch/
FlyMine http://www.flymine.org/
Gene Disruption Project http://flypush.imgen.bcm.tmc.edu/pscreen/index.php
The Interactive Fly http://www.sdbonline.org/sites/fly/aimain/1aahome.htm
Textpresso for Fly http://www.textpresso.org/fly/
BruinFly http://www.bruinfly.ucla.edu/index.php
Virtual Fly Brain https://www.virtualflybrain.org/site/vfb_site/home.htm
Fruit Fly Brain Observatory http://fruitflybrain.org/
DroID – The Drosophila Interactions Database http://flygut.epfl.ch/
J-FLY http://jfly.iam.u-tokyo.ac.jp/index.html
Neuromuscular Disease Center http://neuromuscular.wustl.edu/
1  Drosophila as a Model Organism 9

specialized bioinformatics resources for age and subdivision of the Drosophila melanogaster
genome. Genome Biol. 2012;13:R21.
Drosophila scientists are described in Chap. 15. Deng Q, Zeng Q, Qian Y, Li C, Yang Y. Research on the
karyotype and evolution of Drosophila melanogaster
species group. J Genet Genomics. 2007;34:196–213.
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Galle RF, et al. The genome sequence of Drosophila
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Aguila JR, Suszko J, Gibbs AG, Hoshizaki DK. The role
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tive analysis of RNA sequence data. Nat Biotechnol. T, Hiraoka Y, Inoue YH, Yamaguchi M.  Functional
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Adult Intestine Aging Model
Koji Takeda, Takashi Okumura, Kiichiro Taniguchi,
and Takashi Adachi-Yamada

Abstract 2.1 Maintenance of Drosophila

The Drosophila adult has an intestine com- Adult Midgut
posed of a series of differentiated cells and tis-
sue stem cells, all of which are similar to the The abdomen of a wild-type adult Drosophila
mammalian intestinal cells. The aged adult melanogaster, which has a length of 1 mm, has a
intestine shows apparent characteristics such folded gastrointestinal tract with a length of
as multilayering of absorptive cells, misex- approximately 8–9 mm. It is divided to three parts,
pression of cell type-specific genes, and namely, foregut, midgut, and hindgut, which mor-
hyperproliferation of stem cells. Recent stud- phologically and functionally correspond to the
ies have revealed various gene networks mammalian esophagus, small intestine, and large
responsible for progression of these aged phe- intestine, respectively (Fig. 2.1A). The main func-
notypes. The molecular mechanism for senes- tions of the midgut are food digestion and nutrient
cence of the Drosophila adult midgut and its absorption as well as defense and immune
relation with the corresponding mechanism in responses to microbes, all of which are similar to
mammals are overviewed. In addition, a basic those of the mammalian small intestine. The mid-
method for observing aged phenotypes of the gut is a regenerative organ with multipotent tissue
midgut is described. stem cells in its monolayer epithelium, which also
resembles that of the mammalian small intestine.
Keywords The intestinal stem cells (ISCs) in the
Drosophila · Midgut · ISCs · Senescence · Dl Drosophila adult midgut were first described in
· JNK · Upd · Integrin · AstA · Dh31 2006 (Micchelli and Perrimon 2006; Ohlstein
and Spradling 2006). They show a scattered dis-
tribution among polyploid enterocytes (ECs) for
nutrient absorption, and they are juxtaposed to
the progenitor cell enteroblast (EB) at high fre-
quency (Fig. 2.1B). In most cases, one of the ISC
daughter cells differentiates to the EB, while the
K. Takeda · T. Okumura · K. Taniguchi · T. Adachi- other daughter cell becomes an ISC again. The
Yamada (*)
Department of Life Science, Faculty of Science, diploid EB grows to the EC via two or more
Gakushuin University, Tokyo, Japan cycles of endoreplication without cell division.
e-mail: koji.takeda@gakushuin.ac.jp; taniguchi. Furthermore, enteroendocrine cells (EEs), which
kiichiro.3c@kyoto-u.ac.jp; Takashi.Adachi- produce various peptide hormones, often arise

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 11

M. Yamaguchi (ed.), Drosophila Models for Human Diseases, Advances in Experimental Medicine
and Biology 1076, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-0529-0_2
12 K. Takeda et al.

Fig. 2.1  Schematic representation of (A) whole intestine ther classified to the two subtypes: class I (producing
of adult Drosophila, (B) structure of midgut epithelium, AstA, magenta) and class II (producing Dh31 and
and (C) cellular lineage of midgut Tachykinin, cyan). The gray belt beneath the ECs repre-
(A) The intestine (folded in the abdomen) of an adult fly is sents the basement membrane. Brown ellipses beneath the
composed of the three parts: foregut, midgut, and hindgut, basement membrane represent visceral muscles surround-
which are analogous to the human esophagus, small intes- ing the midgut epithelium
tine, and large intestine, respectively. The two Malpighian (C) When the ISCs are divided to two daughter cells,
tubules branched from the joint between the midgut and one becomes an ISC again, but the other becomes an EB
hindgut are analogous to the human kidney in most cases or an EE in minor cases. The EBs grow
(B) The monolayer epithelium of the midgut contains four into the ECs. Differentiation from ISCs to EB/EC
types of cells: ISCs (yellow-green), EBs (green), ECs requires high levels of N, while that to EE requires low
(gray), and EEs (described in text in detail). EEs are fur- levels of it

directly from the daughter cells of ISCs together with E-cadherin. Therefore, one of the
(Fig.  2.1B). EEs are classified as two subtypes, Notch functions other than the trigger for EB/EC
namely, class I and class II, according to the hor- differentiation is considered to be degradation of
mones they produce. E-cadherin in the contact plain between the ISC
The main signaling molecule required for dif- and EB (Maeda et al. 2008). In development of
ferentiation from ISC to EB/EC is Notch (N), normal EEs, low-level activation of N signal is
which is the transmembrane protein for juxta- observed (Perdigoto et al. 2011). Subtype differ-
crine signaling by the ligand Delta (Dl) expressed entiation of EEs is also regulated by the N signal
in the ISCs. When Notch is activated in EBs, they (Beehler-Evans and Micchelli 2015). Although
terminate cytokinesis and grow to mature ECs. In the effect of N activation on proliferation of the
contrast, when Notch is inactivated in ISCs, the progenitor cells is converse in the cases of
cells continue to proliferate, and ISCs are main- Drosophila and mammals, the fact that N inacti-
tained. Artificial and continuous inactivation of vation is required for differentiating EEs is com-
the N signal in ISCs generates ISC tumors in mon to both. Maintenance of the ISCs and
most cases and EE tumors in some cases differentiation to all of the other types of cells
(Micchelli and Perrimon 2006; Ohlstein and require a kind of master gene for encoding the
Spradling 2006). In both cases, accordingly, cells transcription factor GATAe (Buchon et al. 2013;
also lose their scattered distribution and contact Okumura et al. 2016).
2  Adult Intestine Aging Model 13

2.2 Molecular Mechanism differentiation in response to EC apoptosis,

of Midgut Senescence enteric infection, and JNK activation in ECs
(Jiang et  al. 2009; Buchon et  al. 2009). In ECs
Senescence phenotypes of the Drosophila mid- under these conditions, expression of Upd3 is the
gut were first documented in 2008 (Choi et  al. highest among all of the three Upd paralogs
2008). It was reported that ISCs proliferate at (Upd, Upd2, and Upd3), although all of their
higher rate, and with more-frequent Dl expres- expression are induced. Similar responses are
sion, in the midgut 30 days after eclosion. Similar found in normally aged midgut (Li et al. 2016).
increase of cells was found also in the EB and Upds are required for age-dependent elevation of
EE, while frequency of EC was decreased. Later ISC proliferation rate and non-cell autonomous
analyses clarified that the more-frequent Dl propagation of stress signaling to outer cells
expression is not due to simple proliferation of through downstream JAK/STAT signaling.
ISCs; instead, it was considered to be caused by Three family members of the Drosophila
ectopic expression of Dl in EC-like polyploid EGF, namely, Vein (Vn), Spitz (Spi), and Keren
cells (Biteau et  al. 2008). That ectopic gene (Krn), also act in a similar process for ISC
expression in EC-like polyploid cells was not overproliferation (Jiang and Edgar 2009; Jiang
only observed for Dl but also for an EB marker, et al. 2011). Among three ligands, Vn shows the
Suppressor of hairless (Su(H)), and an ISC/EB strongest induction level. Like Upds, they are
marker, escargot (esg) (Choi et al. 2008). All of expressed in response to EC apoptosis, enteric
these phenotypes became more severe with aging infection, and JNK activation in ECs. However,
and were accelerated by Paraquat treatment, unlike Upds, their expression is not only observed
indicating that they are the reactive oxygen spe- in ECs but also in the visceral muscles (VM) sur-
cies (ROS)-dependent senescence phenotypes. rounding the midgut epithelium. When the EGF
One important factor responsible for initiating receptor was knocked down, normal and regen-
and propagating these senescence phenotypes is erative ISC growth was completely blocked
c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) (Biteau et  al. (Jiang et  al. 2011). Similar responses are found
2008). JNK activity is elevated with aging also in normally aged midgut. These EGFs are
throughout the midgut. When JNK is inactivated required for age-dependent elevation of ISC pro-
in the aged midgut, overproliferation phenotype liferation rate and non-cell autonomous propaga-
of ISCs is suppressed. However, JNK might be a tion of stress signaling to outer cells through
modulator to express exaggerated phenotypes by downstream Ras/MAPK signaling.
other cellular signal(s) promoting ISC prolifera- Canonical Wnts, which are matricrine extra-
tion because JNK is reported to act as a factor in cellular ligands, are known to act as a trigger for
manifesting all-or-none responses (Bagowski cell proliferation and differentiation in a wide
et al. 2003). The extracellular diffusible signaling variety of organs and organisms. The mammalian
factors responsible for propagating senescence homologs Wnt3, 6, and 9B play a pivotal role
phenotypes are considered to be PDGF- and in proliferation of intestinal stem cells, and
VEGF-related factor 2 (PVF2), Leptin/IL-6-like adenomatous polyposis coli (APC), namely, a
ligands named “Unpaired” (Upds), and epider- gene for repressing the Wnt signal, is the most
mal growth factor family members (EGFs). PVF2 ­representative tumor suppressor gene for colon
is normally expressed in ISCs and EBs. cancer. Although Wingless (Wg) in Drosophila is
Overexpression of PVF2 and its receptor PVR in the ortholog of canonical Wnts in mammals, its
ISCs and EBs induced premature senescence normal expression in VMs surrounding the mid-
phenotypes, while inactivation of PVF2 blocked gut epithelium does not act as a stronger mitogen
appearance of the senescence phenotypes (Choi for normal ISC proliferation than expected from
et al. 2008). the above mammalian knowledge (Lin et  al.
Upds in the midgut were identified as factors 2008; Xu et al. 2011) (Fang et al. 2016). However,
required for regenerative ISC division and proper in the case of regenerative ISC proliferation, Wg
14 K. Takeda et al.

Fig. 2.2  Molecular mechanisms for initiating and propa- direction of their actions are expressed in blue. In the
gating senescence phenotypes in adult posterior midgut aged or damaged ECs, activity of JNK is elevated, which
(A) Confocal images of representative midgut epithelia overproduces secretory ligands Upds for the JAK/STAT
taken from young (left) and old (right) adults. Various cell pathway and Krn for the EGFR pathway. At the same
types show a well-organized array and specific gene time, the circular muscle cells overexpress another
expression in the young adult, while they show ambigu- EGFR ligand Vein (Vn), and the ISCs and EBs overex-
ous cell differentiation through ectopic gene expression in press Wg and the third ligand Spi for the EGFR pathway.
the old adult. Color: esg expression (green, ISCs and The transmembrane ligand Ds, namely, a hippo signaling
EBs), Su(H) expression (red, EBs), prospero expression trigger, is normally expressed in the ECs and EEs.
(white, EEs), Armadillo (yellow, plasma membrane), and All of these extracellular ligands are considered to
DAPI (blue, nuclei) cooperatively activate proliferation of ISCs by increasing
(B) Various kinds cellular of signaling for senescence Dl expression in ISCs
phenotypes. Extracellular signaling ligands and the

expression in ISC and EB is elevated to contrib- target genes, i.e., expanded (ex), is known to be
ute as a trigger of proliferation (Cordero et  al. expressed. In the aged midgut or a midgut with
2012) (Fig. 2.2). Mathematical models suggested bacterial infection or Paraquat treatment, expres-
that Wg expression in ISCs/EBs/EEs or VMs sion of ex is widely and probably non-cell auton-
induces a similar effect on ISC proliferation and omously induced, indicating that the Hippo
differentiation (Kuwamura et al. 2010, 2012). activity is repressed under these conditions. This
Another mitogenic signal in the aged midgut Hippo inactivation elicits regenerative prolifera-
is an anti-Hippo signal. Hippo is a cytoplasmic tion of ISCs through induction of Upds (Shaw
serine/threonine kinase, and its activation et al. 2010; Karpowicz et al. 2010). The extracel-
represses cell proliferation and induces apopto- lular ligands involved in this Hippo inactivation
sis. When Hippo is inactivated, cells show overp- were not elucidated. However, lack of Dachsous
roliferation in various organs including the (Ds), namely, an atypical cadherin family trans-
midgut. At that time, one of the Hippo-repressible membrane protein (which is a Hippo signaling
2  Adult Intestine Aging Model 15

extracellular ligand acting in normal appendage of these phenotypes are considered to be caused
development), is a predictable way to inactivate by mild detachment of ECs from the basement
Hippo signal in this case. The site of Ds expres- membrane. Thus, the two distinct beta subunits
sion in the normal midgut is reported to be ECs encoded by the Drosophila genome show con-
and EEs (Karpowicz et al. 2010). trasting influences on proliferation of ISCs, and
that fact explains the evolutionary conservation
of both types of beta subunits among various
2.3 Regulation of Midgut Drosophila species (Okumura et al. 2014).
Senescence by Integrin These senescence phenotypes were strength-
ened and propagated with aging through a posi-
A membrane protein superfamily, called Integrin, tive feedback loop between JNK activation and
of which alpha and beta subunits form a heterodi- Upd expression (Okumura et al. 2014) (Fig. 2.3).
mer, is localized to the basal side of the epithelial The mechanism of that aging process seems to be
cells. In vertebrates, it accumulates in the focal common to normal bacterial infection-induced
adhesion area or exists as a component of senescence progression (Jiang et  al. 2009;
hemidesmosome, both of which are structures Buchon et  al. 2009; Li et  al. 2016). Therefore,
found in the basal side of the epithelial cells. lacking the cell-to-substrate contact could be a
However, in invertebrates, including Drosophila, primary cause for senescence phenotypes in epi-
the hemidesmosome is not known to be present. thelial tissues of various organs, such as the skin
In any cases, Integrin is known to be responsible and intestine.
for firm attachment of epithelial cells to the base-
ment membrane. Therefore, geriatric diseases
such as bullous pemphigoid (in which Integrin in 2.4 Regulation of Longevity
the skin does not function properly) show a and Organ Senescence
detachment of the epidermis from the basement by Midgut Hormones
membrane and dermis to form blisters on the skin.
In regard to Drosophila, five genes for the One of the interesting themes regarding senes-
alpha subunit and two genes for the beta subunit cence mechanism to be explored is the recently
have been documented. One of the beta subunits, discovered hormonal regulation of longevity and
namely, Myospheroid (Mys), is widely expressed organ senescence by intestinal hormones (Takeda
in most of the epithelial tissues and shows severe et al. 2018). It has long been known that several
phenotypes in its mutants. For example, in the kinds of peptide hormones are commonly pro-
adult midgut, mys does not only anchor ISCs to duced in the brain and intestine in both verte-
the basement membrane but also maintains and brates and invertebrates (Fujita et al. 2012; Endo
proliferates ISCs probably due to its requirement et al. 1990; Bloom and Polak 1980; De Loof and
for niche formation (Goulas et al. 2012; Lin et al. Schoofs 1990). However, definitive functions of
2013; Patel et al. 2015). Thus, the mutants do not the gut-producing fraction of these brain-gut hor-
easily show the epithelial detachment phenotype mones have not been clarified because it is not
that is covered by the proliferation inhibitory possible to distinguish whether the functional
phenotype found in ISCs. In contrast, another molecule circulated in hemolymph is derived
beta subunit βν-integrin shows a midgut-specific from the brain or gut.
expression pattern throughout the development It was reported that in the posterior midgut
of Drosophila, and its null mutant is viable and (PMG) of a Drosophila adult, the two subtypes of
fertile. When the midgut of this null mutant is enteroendocrine cells exist by producing peptide
continuously observed after eclosion, premature hormones. Class I EEs produce allatostatin A
senescence phenotypes, such as ectopic expres- (AstA), and class II EEs produce a calcitonin-like
sion of ISC marker Dl, increase of mitotic index, peptide, namely, diuretic hormone 31 (Dh31) and
and multilayering of ECs, were clearly found. All tachykinin (Beehler-Evans and Micchelli 2015).
16 K. Takeda et al.

Fig. 2.3  Mechanisms for premature senescence of mid- (B) Mechanism for propagation of senescence phenotypes
gut by loss of βν-integrin. (Reproduced from Okumura caused by impaired βν-integrin function. ① Local stress or
et al. 2014) dysfunction of βν-integrin causes a slight damage to the
(A) βν-integrin (magenta) is localized to the basement epithelium. ② JNK is activated in the damaged cells. ③
membrane of the adult midgut epithelium. The gray belt Expression of upd genes is induced in response to JNK
beneath the ECs represents the basement membrane activation, and secreted Upd stimulates surrounding ISCs.
(BM). Brown ellipses beneath the basement membrane ④ JNK-Upd-active ECs are proliferated and stratified. ⑤
represent visceral muscles (VM) surrounding the midgut JNK-­Upd circuits are propagated with abnormally ectopic
epithelium. gene expressions

Although these two subtypes of EEs are reported an obviously contrasting effect of AstA/Dh31on
to be generated alternatively from ISCs, the fre- adult longevities was discovered. Gut-preferential
quencies of each subtype are not always 50%, knockdown of AstA led to shortening of longev-
except at the middle part of the PMG. Actually, ity, while that of Dh31 led to extension of longev-
the frequency of AstA cells is highest at the pos- ity by 30% in both cases compared with a control.
terior end of the PMG and decreases gradually Consistently, these changes in longevity simulta-
toward the anterior region. Conversely, the fre- neously correlate with the above-described gut
quency of Dh31 cells is highest at the anterior senescence phenotypes such as ectopic expres-
end and decreases gradually toward the posterior sion of the ISC marker Dl and increase of mitotic
region. Thus, the densities of both EE subtypes index. That is, AstA knockdown induced prema-
create a double gradient with opposite direction. ture senescence phenotypes, while Dh31 knock-
This remarkable distribution of EEs men- down induced delayed senescence phenotypes
tioned above led us to predict that the hormones (Figs.  2.4 and 2.5). However, since knockdown
produced by each EE subtype elicit contrasting of receptors of AstA/Dh31 has no effect on adult-­
responses in various physiological phenotypes longevity regulation, gut senescence is not
(Takeda et al. 2018). During studies in this vision, thought to affect adult longevity.
2  Adult Intestine Aging Model 17

Fig. 2.4 Midgut-preferential RNAi of AstA or Dh31 Yellow arrowheads denote abnormally ectopic expression
induces premature or delayed senescence phenotypes, of Dl in polyploid EC-like cells. (C) Control midgut on
respectively. (Reproduced from Takeda et al. 2018) 28th day after eclosion. Naturally occurring senescence
(A-A″) Control midgut on 21st day after eclosion. (B-B″) can be observed. (D) Midgut of Dh31 knockdown EEs on
Midgut of AstA knockdown in EEs on 21st day after eclo- 28th day after eclosion. Appearance of senescence pheno-
sion. Premature senescence phenotypes can be observed. types is delayed. Color: pros-GAL4 expression in EEs
White arrowheads denote normal Dl expression in ISCs. (green), Dl protein (magenta), DAPI (blue, nuclei)

Together with these results, it appears that the the case of Dh31. These target cell types display
target of longevity regulation by AstA/Dh31 is a slight difference from the case of accelerated
not the gut but multiple organs (including the gut) senescence phenotypes shown after bacterial
that collectively affect longevity. However, infection. In the case of bacterial infection, senes-
senescence of the male accessory gland, an inter- cence response starts from injured ECs that pro-
nal reproductive organ, inversely correlates with duce and release Upds as diffusible ligands for
that of the gut and longevity regulation when further propagation of senescence (Jiang et  al.
Dh31 is knocked down. This inverse correlation 2009). However, in the case of AstA/Dh31 action,
suggests that senescence progression by Dh31 the target cells are more naïve or undifferentiated
action in various organs is not mediated by cells (ISC/EBs) described above. Furthermore, in
hemolymph-­ circulating factors such as insulin the case of bacterial infection, the diffusible Upd
(Takeda et  al. 2018). Thus, the relationship ligands are Upd, Upd2, and Upd3 (Buchon et al.
between longevity regulation and organ senes- 2009), while in the case of knockdown of AstA
cence is complicated, and further studies are knockdown, it is only Upd3. On the other hand,
needed to reveal its underlying mechanism. other factors contributing to senescence propaga-
The target cell types involved in regulation of tion, such as JNK and anti-Hippo signaling
gut senescence by AstA/Dh31 were elucidated marker gene ex, are commonly used. Therefore,
through cell type-specific knockdown of their molecular mechanisms for initiating and expand-
receptors. Consequently, the target cell is EB in ing senescence are somewhat common and spe-
the case of AstA, while it is EB, ISC, and EC in cific in various aspects in the two cases.
18 K. Takeda et al.

Fig. 2.5  Schematic representation of posterior midgut tively. Under normal feeding conditions, in accordance
epithelium with gradients and paracrine actions of two with stimulation by intestinal contents, AstA acts on EBs
peptide hormones, AstA and Dh31. (Reproduced from for appropriate ISC proliferation rate simultaneously with
Takeda et al. 2018) inactivation of diuretic action and peristalsis. In contrast,
In the adult posterior midgut, two subtypes of EEs distrib- Dh31 acts on ISC, EB, and EC for increasing ISC prolif-
ute with complementary gradients, in which AstA- eration rate simultaneously with activation of diuretic
producing cells (magenta) and Dh31-producing cells action and peristalsis. These hormonal actions may also
(cyan) scatter with posterior and anterior peaks, respec- affect adult longevity and difference in senescence pro-
gression between organs

2.5 Concluding Remarks (Nalapareddy et al. 2017). Elucidating the molec-

ular mechanisms in the Drosophila midgut may
The Drosophila midgut shows apparent senes- be a precedent for understanding these common
cence phenotypes, which are considered to be an senescence mechanisms.
excellent model for studying the mechanism for Another interesting observation in this field is
progression of organ senescence. It is interesting the similarity between cellular response to aging
that overproduction of stem cells and various and that to bacterial infection and massive apop-
­differentiated cells as a senescence phenotype tosis. This similarity leads us to predict that fre-
uses multiple intercellular signaling pathways. quencies in pathological bacterial infection and
That fact might mean that nonautonomous syn- apoptosis are increased under an aged condition
chronization in senescence levels is important for of individuals. In fact, impairment of cell-­
intestinal functions such as barrier and immune substrate contact by Integrin dysfunction can be
responses to microbe infection. Similar senes- understood as damage to the barrier against
cence phenotypes in overproduction of specific infection, suggesting that the resultant premature
cell types can also be found in Paneth cells and senescence shows phenotypes related to bacterial
goblet cells in the mammalian small intestine infection. Under an aged condition of individu-
2  Adult Intestine Aging Model 19

als, increase of epithelial permeability and Fixative: 4% formaldehyde in PBS (1:3 dilution
expression of a human Upd, i.e., homolog IL-6 of commercial 16% methanol-free stock
(Man et al. 2015), in addition to change of micro- solution)
biota (Mitsuoka 1996) were also observed in the Washing solution: PBT (PBS with 0.1% (v/v)
human intestine. Triton X-100)
On the other hand, the requirement of JNK Primary antibody: Mouse anti-Dl 1:200 dilution
activation for progression of the midgut senes- (#C594.9B DSHB)
cence phenotype is difficult to understand in view Secondary antibodies: e.g., goat anti-Mouse IgG
of the fact that JNK activation elongates adult life Alexa Fluor 555 probes 1: 200 dilution
span (Wang et  al. 2003, 2005). Inactivation of (#A21424 Invitrogen), Cy3 AffiniPure Goat
JNK delays senescence progression of the mid- Anti-Chicken IgY (IgG) probes 1:200 dilution
gut but reduces longevity of individuals. Thus, it (#103–165-155 Jackson Immuno Research)
seems that the same signaling molecule JNK Mountant: 80% nonfluorescent glycerol
plays a role in both increasing and decreasing life Fast-dry transparent nail polish (without
span. The ultimate factor to resolve this discrep- fluorescence)
ancy is awaited. In addition, recently found roles
of some hormones produced in the midgut for its
senescence regulation and unexpected longevity Useful Drosophila Strains
control are interesting issues to be resolved. esg-GAL4 on 2nd: e.g., P{w[+mW.hs] = GawB}
Relation between organ senescence and longev- NP6267 (#113889 Kyoto Stock Center)
ity control will be one of the foci in the near UAS-GFP on 2nd: e.g., P{UAS-GFP.S65  T}
future. Furthermore, a new finding in regard to Myo31DFT2 (#106363 Kyoto Stock Center)
inverse response in senescence progression UAS-GFP on 3rd: e.g., P{UAS-GFP.S65 T}egT10
between the midgut and accessory gland is (#106364 Kyoto Stock Center)
intriguing in its physiological significance. Expression of UAS-GFP driven by esg-GAL4 is
found specifically in ISCs and EBs in young
adult midgut, while it expands ectopically to
2.6 Commonly Used Protocol the polyploid EC-like cells in old fly midgut
(green in Fig. 2.2).
Methods for preparing confocal images of senes- pros-GAL4 on 3rd: e.g., prosperoV1-GAL4
cence phenotypes in the adult midgut are (Balakireva et al. 1998)
described below. Expression of UAS-GFP driven by pros-GAL4 is
found specifically in EEs (green in Fig. 2.4).
Equipment Su(H)-GAL4 on X: e.g., Su(H)  +  GBE-GAL4
PYREX® 9 Depression Glass Spot Plates (Zeng et al. 2010)
(#722085 Corning, #13748B Fisher) Expression of UAS-GFP driven by Su(H) + GBE-­
Sharp and fine forceps (e.g., #5 Dumont) GAL4 is found specifically in EBs (green in
Micro-spring scissors (e.g., #15002–08 FST) Fig. 2.2).
Dissection stereomicroscope puc-lacZ on 3rd: e.g., P{ry[+t7.2]  =  A92}
Microscope slides and 22/22 mm coverslips puc[E69] (#109029 Kyoto Stock Center)
Micropipettes and blue/yellow tips JNK activity is a good indicator of senescence
Microcentrifuge tubes (e.g., #131-815C WATSON) levels in the adult midgut, which can be moni-
tored by expression of JNK inactivator kinase
Puckered (Puc) (Martin-Blanco et  al. 1998;
Solution and Reagents Adachi-Yamada et al. 1999a).
PBS (phosphate-buffered saline) (e.g., #T900 UAS-dominant negative JNK on X: e.g., P{UAS-­
Takara-Bio) bsk.DN}2 (#6407 BDSC)
20 K. Takeda et al.

Senescence progression can be blocked by JNK Fixation and Staining

inactivation with forced expression of 1. Put the midgut in a new microcentrifuge tube
dominant-­ negative form of JNK (Adachi-­ by forceps.
Yamada et al. 1999b). 2. Add 200  μl of fixative and mix by tapping
upd3-Redstinger: This strain can be used to trace gently but firmly (about 30 times). Note that
upd3 expression in the aged midgut through this is the most important step for good
fluorescence of Redstinger, a modified version staining.
of red fluorescent protein (RFP) produced by 3. Leave the tube to stand for 30 min, but mix it
coral Discosoma (Takeda et  al. 2018). This sometimes by gentle tapping as above.
strain will be delivered by Kyoto Stock Center 4. Remove as much of the fixative as possible
in the near future. and add 200  μl of PBT followed by gentle
tapping as above. To avoid histological dam-
age, be careful not to suck the midgut into
Dissection of Adult Midgut the yellow tip. For this reason, resuspend the
See Fig.  2.6 illustrating methods for dissecting sunk midgut by pipetting, and gently push
male body (A–G) and female body (H–J). It is the yellow tip to the bottom of microcentri-
reported that the senescence mechanisms of fuge tube. Then, suck up the solution through
the midgut of male and females slightly differ the narrow gap between the tube bottom and
(Regan et al. 2013). yellow tip.
5. Immediately remove the PBT and add 200 μl
(A)   Remove the wings, legs, and head from the of PBT again followed by gentle tapping.
body of an aged Drosophila adult. Repeat this step twice.
(B)  Put the ventral side up and insert the blade 6. Leave the tube to stand for 10 min to diffuse
of micro-spring scissors to the cut end residual fixative.
between the head and thorax. 7. Similarly exchange PBT and leave the tube
(C)  Cut the ventral epidermis along the midline to stand for 10 min again.
(magenta broken line) until immediately in 8. Remove as much PBT as possible, and add
front of the external genitalium. 200 μl of primary antibody solution followed
(D)  Soak the cut body in PBS in a holed glass by gentle tapping as above.
plate, and open the epidermis from the mid- 9. Leave the tube to stand for 1 h at 37 ° C or
line cut ends by two forceps. overnight at 4  °  C.  The experiment can be
(E)  Pinch the epidermis and external genitalium paused at this step at 4 ° C if the period is less
by each forceps. than 1 week.
(F) Isolate the internal organs by pulling away 10. Remove as much of the primary antibody
of epidermis and external genitalium. solution as possible, and add 200 μl of PBT
Remove the internal reproductive organ followed by gentle tapping as above.
complex composed of testes, seminal vesi- 11. Rinse the midgut as explained in steps 5–7.
cles, accessory glands, and ejaculatory 12. Remove as much PBT as possible, and add
duct. Isolate the midgut by removing the 200  μl of appropriate secondary antibody
hindgut, Malpighian tubules, and external solution followed by gentle tapping as above.
genitalium. At the same time, various kinds of counter
(H)  In the case of female body, see text of C. staining can be optionally carried out by
(I)  See text of F. mixing with fluorescent dyes such as DAPI
Remove the internal reproductive organ (nuclei staining) and fluorescent phalloidin
complex composed of ovaries, oviduct, sper- (F-actin staining).
mathecae, bursa copulatrix, and external 13. Leave the tube to stand for 1 h at room tem-
genitalium. After that, isolate the midgut as perature or overnight at 4  °  C.  The experi-
described in G.
2  Adult Intestine Aging Model 21

Fig. 2.6  Dissection for Drosophila adult midgut shown on the right. The removed testis is shown at the left
(A–G) Dissection of male body. (H–J) Dissection of top. Accessory glands and other reproductive organs are
female body. (A) Ventral view of male body (bottom) not shown in this photo. (H) Blade of micro-spring scis-
from which the wings, legs, and head are removed. (B) A sors inserted into the cut end between the head and thorax
micro-spring scissors blade inserted into the cut end of the female body, from which the wings, legs, and head
between the head and thorax. (C) Direction for cutting of are removed (lateral view). (I) Isolation of female internal
the ventral epidermis along the midline (magenta broken organs by pulling away epidermis and external genitalium
line). (D) Opening of the epidermis from the midline cut as shown in F (for male). (J) An organ complex composed
ends by two forceps in PBS. (E) Pinching of the epidermis of midgut, hindgut, and Malpighian tubules is shown on
and external genitalium by each forceps. (F) Isolation of the right. The removed reproductive organ complex com-
male internal organs by pulling away epidermis and exter- posed of ovaries, oviduct, spermathecae, bursa copulatrix,
nal genitalium. (G) An organ complex composed of the and external genitalium is shown on the left
midgut, hindgut, Malpighian tubules, and genitalium is

ment can be paused at this step at 4 ° C if the mountant, and mix it into the residual PBT
period is less than 1 week. on the slide.
14. Remove as much of the secondary antibody 17. Put the cover slip gently onto the midgut so
solution as possible, and add 200 μl of PBT as not to leave air bubbles, and close the four
followed by gentle tapping as above. sides of the cover slip by transparent nail
15. Rinse the midgut as explained in steps 5–7. polish.
16. Cut the yellow tip to expand its hole, and
gently suck up the midgut into the yellow tip.
Then, transfer the midgut on to a microscope Observation
slide, and carefully put a drop of 80% non- It is recommended to use a laser confocal micro-
fluorescent glycerol onto the midgut as a scope for finer observation and obtaining sec-
22 K. Takeda et al.

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Alzheimer’s Disease Model System
Using Drosophila 3
Leo Tsuda and Young-Mi Lim

Abstract These systems successfully reflect some of the

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most epi- symptoms along with AD. In this review, we
demic neuronal dysfunctions among elderly would like to point out “pros and cons” of
people. It is accompanied by neuronal disor- Drosophila AD models.
ders along with learning and memory defects,
as well as massive neurodegeneration pheno- Keywords
type. The presence of intracellular neurofibril- Alzheimer’s disease · Beta-amyloid ·
lary tangles (NFTs) and extracellular amyloid Drosophila · Chemical biology
plaques, called senile plaques (SPs), and brain
atrophy are typically observed in the brains of
AD patients. It has been over 20  years since 3.1 Introduction
the discovery that small peptide, called beta-­
amyloid (Aβ), has pivotal role for the disease Recent Japanese research project reported that
formation. Since then, a variety of drugs have about 462  million people are thought to be
been developed to cure AD; however, there is affected by dementia in Japan (List of Statistical
currently no effective drug for the disorder. Surveys conducted by Ministry of Health 2012).
This therapeutic void reflects lacks of ideal Since more than half of dementia is expected to
model system, which can evaluate the pro- be categorized into Alzheimer’s disease (AD),
gression of AD in a short period. Recently, therapeutic strategies against AD are the most
large numbers of AD model system have been urgent issue to solve in the highly elderly society
established using Drosophila melanogaster by like Japan. However, despite all the researchers’
overproducing Aβ molecules in the brain. effort around the world, there are no therapeutic
drugs, which can suppress progression of
AD. This therapeutic void reflects lacks of ideal
animal model system for the AD drug develop-
ment. Growing numbers of studies suggest that
L. Tsuda (*) · Y.-M. Lim Drosophila melanogaster provide us an ideal
Laboratory of Animal Models of Aging, Center for model system to analyze human disease forma-
Development of Advanced Medicine for Dementia,
National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology,
tion. In this chapter, we would like to explain the
Obu, Aichi, Japan usefulness and the limit of Drosophila system as
e-mail: ltsuda@ncgg.go.jp; ylim@ncgg.go.jp a model for the study of AD.

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 25

M. Yamaguchi (ed.), Drosophila Models for Human Diseases, Advances in Experimental Medicine
and Biology 1076, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-0529-0_3
26 L. Tsuda and Y.-M. Lim

3.2 What Is Alzheimer’s Disease? (SPs), neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs), as well as

severe brain atrophy (Terry and Davies 1980).
In 1906, Dr. Alois Alzheimer in Germany From the molecular studies of AD within these
reported historically an important symptom of a 30 years, many types of causative factors, such as
50-year-old woman, who seemed to have suf- amyloid precursor protein (APP), presenilin1 and
fered from Alzheimer’s disease (Terry and Davies 2 (PSEN1, 2), have been isolated (Benilova et al.
1980). Dr. Alzheimer reported prominent fea- 2012). Among them, APP is thought to be one of
tures of the disorder: there were senile plaques the key molecules for AD formation (Fig. 3.1a).

A Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP)

b -secretase γ-secretase

N Abb C


Aβ38, Aβ40 Aβ42, Aβ43

“Low toxicity” “High toxicity”

TBS-soluble TBS-insoluble (FA-soluble)
Monomer Oligomer Proto-fibril Fibril

b -secretase
neuronal outside
g -secretase neuronal inside
Neuronal dysfunctions
Neural circuit defects

progressions: Mild cognitive impairment Cognitive impairment


Fig. 3.1  Amyloid precursor protein and amyloid hypoth- makes a complex, called oligomer. The oligomer is going
esis. (a) Structure of amyloid precursor protein (APP) and to make a fibril formation through semi-condensed fibril,
their modification sAPP  =  secreted form of the beta-­ called proto-fibril. During these processes, it has been
amyloid precursor protein, AICD  =  APP intracellular thought that the aggregated form of Aß binds to the cell
domain. Combinatorial action between ß-secretase and surface receptors and produces neuronal dysfunction.
γ-secretase produces Aß small peptides: low-toxic Aßs Phosphorylated Tau (p-Tau) is thought to be involved in
(Aß38, Aß40) or high-toxic Aßs (Aß42, Aß43). (b) Model these processes. These events are thought to be causative
of Aß hypothesis. Aß42 is produced from APP by the element for the mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and the
enzymatic combination of ß-secretase and γ-secretase. following cognitive impairment. MCI is a disorder that
Single Aß42, a monomer form of Aß42, is assembled and has been associated with risk for Alzheimer’s disease
3  Alzheimer’s Disease Model System Using Drosophila 27

Many studies indicate that truncated peptide, more aggregative than normal Aß42, suggesting
called Aβ, is produced from the APP by the that pGlu-Aß42 is a more toxic component than
sequential proteolysis with the enzymatic combi- Aß42 itself (Schiling et al. 2006). To support this
nation: β-secretase (cysteine proteases and β-site idea, it has been reported that inhibition of pGlu-
APP-cleaving enzyme (BACE)) and γ-secretase ­ Aß formation, by QC knockout background,
(a multimeric protein complex composed of pre- reduced accumulation of Aß42. From this
senilin, nicastrin, Aph-1, and Pen-2) activity result, it has been proposed that pGlu-Aß is
(Fig.  3.1b) (Benilova et  al. 2012; Cescato et  al. acting as a “seed” for Aß accumulation (Jawhar
2000). Aß42 is a very aggregative molecule: et al. 2010).
in  vitro analysis showed that monomeric Aß42 Thus, people believe that pGlu-Aß42 is a
(molecular mass ~4 kDa) accumulated into fibril major contributor for the late-onset neurodegen-
formation (molecular mass ~20  kDa) through eration during AD. Given that pGu-Aß42 produc-
assemblies of several monomers, called oligo- tion seems to have an important role for the AD
mer, and proto-fibrils (Fig. 3.1b) (Benilova et al. formation, the inhibitor of QC is expected to be a
2012). Biochemical analysis has shown that the therapeutic drug for AD.  Recent study reported
monomer and oligomer form of Aß can be dis- that PQ912, an inhibitor for QC, is under the
solved by the mild condition (TBS-soluble), phase II trial on the way to AD drug development
while proto-fibril and fibril form of Aß cannot (Hoffman et al. 2017).
(TBS-insoluble) (Fig.  3.1b). It has been shown
that the TBS-insoluble fraction of Aß can be dis-
solved by folic acid and is called as FA-soluble 3.3 Mouse AD Model Systems
form (Fig. 3.1b). The aggregation of Aß peptide
in the brain is thought to be a pathological hall- Since APP was identified as a causative factor for
mark of AD. Aß, especially Aß42, is an aggrega- AD from familial AD patients and the first mouse
tive molecule and seems to produce neuronal model has been reported by Games et al. (Games
toxicity through membrane neuronal receptors, et  al. 1995), many types of mouse AD models
such as Prion receptor (PrP), metabotropic gluta- were established: most of them are expressing
mate receptors (mGluRs), or N-methyl-D-­ APP in their brain (Fig.  3.2a) (Ittner and Gotz
aspartate (NMDA) receptor (Fig.  3.1b) 2011). Thus, those mice are called as “APP-­
(DeArmond 1993; Lee et al. 2004; Snyder et al. mouse.” In the APP-mouse, there are SPs in the
2005). The neuronal dysfunctions are thought to cortex of the brain; however, NFTs are barely
induce cognitive defects, such as mild cognitive observed in the brain of the APP-mouse (Games
impairment (MCI) and cognitive impairment et  al. 1995). To solve the problem, human Tau
during aging (Fig. 3.1b). and Psen1 were introduced into the APP-mouse
N-terminal region of Aβ has been shown to be background (e.g., 3xTg; Fig.  3.2a) (Oddo et  al.
modified after the production of this peptide 2003). In this combination type, we can observe
(Mori et al. 1992). Most prominent figure of the NFTs and synaptic dysfunctions within several
N-terminal modification is pyroglutamation: the months after the birth. However, it calls for cau-
second or tenth amino acid of N-terminal resi- tion about this system, in which many of factors
dues of Aß42 is truncated by the enzymatic activ- are overproduced. In 2014, Takaomi Saido’s
ity, and remained glutamate at N-terminal region group of RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Japan,
of Aß is circulized (Saido et al. 1995). This pro- reported about a new type of AD mouse, in which
cess is called pyroglutamation and mediated by APP-mouse was changed to human-type
the enzyme, called glutaminyl cyclase (QC) sequence and knocked into the genomic region of
(Schiling et  al. 2004). It has been shown that APP-mouse (Fig. 3.2a) (Saito et al. 2014). This
about half of Aß42  in SPs are pyroglutamated knock-in AD mouse model (KI-mouse) showed
form (pGlu-Aß) at the later stage of AD forma- relatively low expression levels of APP and
tion (Mori et al. 1992). The biochemical analysis prominent correlation with human pathologies
revealed that the properties of pGlu-Aß42 are (Saito et al. 2014).
28 L. Ts u d a a n d Y.- M. Li m

A M ouse A D mo d el s ( AP P- m o u s e)

C h ar a ct or s R e pr e s e nt ati v e m o d el s

A P P o v er- e x pr e s si o n T g 2 5 7 6, A P P 2 3, P D A P P, J 20
A P P k n o c k-i n APP N L- F - KI
C o m bi n ati o n t yp e 3 x T g ( A P P , h u m a n T a u, a n d P s e n 1)

B M at h 1 E - A b 4 2 Ar c m o u s e

E n h a n c er f or s e n s ory c ell s

M at h 1 E C M VP A b 4 2 Ar c p A

R at pr e- pr o e n k e p h ali n s e c- s e q u e n c e

C A B R r e c or di n g d at a
32k Hz 16 K HZ
60 ** ** 60
** n o n- T g
T hr es h ol d ( d B)

T hr es h ol d ( d B)

50 ** 50 M at h 1 E - Ab 4 2 Ar c

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A g e ( m o nt h ) A g e ( m o nt h )

Fi g. 3. 2 M o us e A D m o d els. ( a ) T h e or di n ar y m o us e A D n e ur o n-s p e ci fi c pr o m ot er. ( b ) C o nstr u ct of M at h 1 E -

m o d els. R e pr es e nt ati v e t hr e e t y p es of m o us e A D m o d els A ß 4 2 Ar c m o us e. M at h 1 E   =  a mi ni m al e n h a n c er of M at h 1
ar e s h o w n. A P P- o v er e x pr essi n g or k n o c k-i n t y p es ar e g e n e, C M V P  =  c yt o m e g al o vir us pr o m ot er, p A  =  p ol y a d -
e x pr essi n g h u m a n A P P u n d er n e ur o n-s p e ci fi c pr o m ot ers e n yl ati o n si g n al. ( c ) R e pr es e nt ati v e A B R t hr es h ol d d at a.
or e n d o g e n o us A P P pr o m ot er, r es p e cti v el y. C o m bi n ati o n N o n- T g  =  si bli n gs of T g ( M at h 1 E - A ß 4 2 Ar c ). T hr es h ol d
t y p e, s u c h as 3 x T g, is t h at t hr e e g e n es, h u m a n A P P, s hift w as o bs er v e d. T h es e d at a ar e m o di fi e d fr o m t h e r ef -
M A P T ( h u m a n Ta u), a n d h u m a n Ps e n 1, t h os e of w hi c h er e n c e ( O m at a et  al. 2 0 1 6 )
c o nt ai n f a mili al A D m ut ati o ns, ar e e x pr essi n g u n d er t h e

A D is t h o u g ht t o b e a t y pi c al n e ur o d e g e n er a - is b ar el y o bs er v e d i n t h os e s yst e ms ( G a m es et  al.

ti v e dis or d er, w hi c h l e a ds t o s e v er e br ai n atr o p h y; 1 9 9 5 ; S ait o et  al. 2 0 1 4 ). Gi v e n t h at o v er pr o d u c-
h o w e v er, t h e m ol e c ul ar m e c h a nis m of t h e n e ur o - ti o n of p Gl u- A ß tri g g er e d n e ur o d e g e n er ati o n i n
d e g e n er ati o n i n A D p ati e nts r e m ai ns t o b e el u ci - m o us e br ai n, it h as b e e n i m pli c at e d t h at p Gl u- A ß
d at e d ( H a ass a n d S el k o e 2 0 0 7 ). T his dis cr e p a n c y mi g ht h a v e i m p ort a nt r ol es f or t h e l at e- o ns et n e u -
is d u e t o t h e l a c k of i d e al m o d el s yst e m t o a n al y z e r o d e g e n er ati o n i n A D ( Wirt hs et  al. 2 0 0 9 ).
n e ur o d e g e n er ati o n i n A D.  Alt h o u g h A P P- m o us e T h e m ost pr o mi n e nt pr o p erti es of A P P- m o us e
a n d KI- m o us e s h o w e d c o g niti v e d ysf u n cti o ns a n d KI- m o us e ar e t h at w e c a n e x a mi n e t h e l e ar n -
a n d s y n a pti c-l oss p h e n ot y p es, n e ur o d e g e n er ati o n i n g a n d m e m or y d ef e ct ( G a m es et  al. 1 9 9 5 ; S ait o
3  Alzheimer’s Disease Model System Using Drosophila 29

et al. 2014). The defects of learning and memory seems to be easily declined at old age and that
in those models can be detected by the behavior aging is the biggest risk factor for AD (Liberman
assay, such as Morris water maze test or Y-maze 2017). Like the central nervous system (CNS) in
test (Webster et al. 2014). The behavior analysis, the APP-mouse, this system showed synergistic
however, is easily affected by the environmental interaction between Aß42 and human Tau (Omata
condition; therefore, it is difficult to perform et al. 2016; Chabrier et al. 2014). Co-expression
quantitative analysis. Also, the process of behav- of Aß42 with human Tau showed severe auditory
ior assay system is time-consuming; Morris defect even at 2  months after the birth. It sup-
water maze test requires more than a week to ported that the new system might reflect, if not
obtain the data (Chen et al. 2000). Furthermore, it all, human pathology of AD and that the Math1E-­
takes almost a year to show the prominent cogni- Aß42Arc system is an ideal system for the evalua-
tive defects in APP-mouse and KI-mouse (Games tion of the toxic effect of Aß quantitatively.
et al. 1995; Saito et al. 2014). It is no doubt that Furthermore, the Math1E-Aß42Arc system also
APP-mouse and KI-mouse models are very showed degeneration phenotype at the auditory
important tool for the study of pathologies of AD; hair cells after 6 months after the birth. This also
however, we need a new mouse system to evalu- supports the idea that the new mouse model can
ate the effect of therapeutic drugs against AD. To compensate for the known AD mouse model,
compensate for the APP-mouse and KI-mouse since degeneration phenotype is not detected in
models, recently we produced a new transgenic known AD mouse models. Furthermore, the tox-
mouse as a tool for the AD drug evaluation icity of Aß can be easily monitored by the elec-
(Fig. 3.2b) (Omata et al. 2016). Previously, it has trophysiological way (ABR) in this new AD
been shown that the sensory system, such as model, so one can evaluate the effect of drugs
olfactory, photoreception, or audioreception, is against toxicity of Aß quantitatively with time
defected in the patient of AD (Wilson et al. 2007; course. Although Math1E-Aß42Arc system can’t
Sivak 2013; Zheng et  al. 2017). Furthermore, estimate the effect of drugs in terms of learning
sensory cells and neurons contain similar charac- and memory defects in AD, this new mouse sys-
ters; both types of cells have synaptic regulation tem might be very powerful by the combinatorial
and similar machineries of neurotransmission using APP-mouse.
(Travis and Paukin 2014). We reasoned that
expressing Aß42 in sensory cells also causes syn-
aptic dysfunctions in sensory cells (Omata et al. 3.4  he Present Conditions
2016). We introduced Aß42 with familial AD of the AD Drug Development
mutation (E22G; Arctic) under the control of and Problems
minimal enhancer of Math1 (Math1E), which can
drive gene expression at sensory cells and estab- Since Aß was recognized as a causative factor for
lished a new transgenic mouse (Tg), Math1E-­ AD, people have been trying to develop thera-
Aß42Arc (Fig. 3.2b). Since auditory ability can be peutic drugs for AD, those of which inhibit the
quantified by the electrophysiological method, production or toxic effects of Aß (Fig.  3.1b).
such as auditory brainstem response (ABR), we Many laboratories have been trying to produce
have monitored the effect of auditory response in the inhibitors of the APP-cleavage enzymes, such
Math1E-Aß42Arc by analyzing the threshold of as γ-secretase inhibitors or ß-secretase inhibitors
ABR (Fig. 3.2c). We found that Math1E-Aß42Arc (BACE inhibitors) (Lanz et al. 2003; Ghosh et al.
caused auditory defects at 4  months after the 2012). To inhibit the toxic effect of Aß42 itself,
birth (Omata et  al. 2016). Interestingly, hearing monoclonal antibody against Aß also has been
ability against high-frequency sound stimulation developed. In 2011, for example, Bachmeier
(>32  kHz) was only defective in the mouse et al. published that the data about anti-Aß inhib-
(Fig. 3.2c). This is an interesting data, given that ited the formation of SPs (Bachmeier et al. 2011).
the sense of high-frequency sound stimulation
30 L. Tsuda and Y.-M. Lim

Aß is easily aggregated in in  vitro experi- 3.5  rosophila Model System

ments; therefore, people have been trying to for the Study of AD
identify the inhibitors to block in vitro aggrega-
tion of Aß (Esler et  al. 1997). 3-Amino-1- 3.5.1 D
 rosophila Provides Many
propanesulfonic acid (3-APS) is one of the Types of AD Model Systems
inhibitors to perturb in vitro aggregation of Aß42
(Alsen et al. 2006). In spite of all the effort for Based on the genomic analysis, it has been esti-
the development of therapeutic drugs against mated that more than 70% of human disease-­
AD, however, most of the approaches above related genes are conserved in Drosophila
were in fail. The trial for γ-secretase inhibitor or (Runbin et  al. 2000). Notably, many kinds of
BACE inhibitor, monoclonal antibody against human neurodegenerative disorders, such as
Aß, and 3-APS were all withdrawal in phase III Huntington’s, ALS, or Parkinson’s disease, have
trials (De Strooper 2014; Merck pulls plug on been shown to be analyzed by fly system (Jackson
phase 2/3 BACE inhibitor trial 2017; et al. 1998; Arquie et al. 2008; Feany and Bender
Vandenberghe et  al. 2016; Aisen et  al. 2011). 2000). As mouse AD model systems, fly systems
One possible reason for the failures is that Aß is also have been applied to reveal the molecular
not a correct target for the therapeutic drugs for mechanism of AD.  Recent advancement of
AD. However, given that the earlier treatment of genome-wide association study analysis (GWAS
anti-Aß seems to suppress the cognitive defects analysis) revealed that many types of risk factors
of AD, it seems to be too early to make a conclu- for AD are identified and Drosophila homologue
sion (Sevigny et al. 2016). of those risk factors showed genetic interaction
Another possibility for the failures is that the with fly model of AD (Waring and Rosenberg
known mechanism of AD formation is not enough 2008; Shulman et al. 2011). These results strongly
and there might be unidentified new processes suggest that fly model system is useful for the
underlying AD.  Despite the detailed analysis of study of AD.
the production of Aß or aggregation processes of There is a homologous molecule with APP,
Aß, little is known about how toxicity of Aß is pro- called APP-like (APPL) in the genome of
duced in AD patients, supporting the idea that Drosophila (Wasco et al. 1992). Furthermore, it
there might be unknown mechanism of Aß activity has been shown that there seems to be γ-secretase
(Benilova et al. 2012). Thus, to solve the problem activity in fly (Fossgreen et al. 1998). There does
about the lack of AD drugs, one possible approach not seem to be significant sequence similarity
is to perform in  vivo screening and identify the around Aß region in APPL, suggesting that toxic
candidate compounds, which can inhibit the toxic Aß is not produced in fly. Chakraborty et  al.,
effect of Aß. This chemical-­biological approach however, have shown that expressing human APP
might compensate for the known approach so far with human BACE in fly nervous system (APP/
in the field of AD. Once AD drug candidate was BACE) produced Aß and shorten the life span
identified, we can isolate the binding partner of (Chalraborty et al. 2011). They have shown that
this chemical compound by biochemical analysis. memory loss is induced by the APP/BACE fly
Functional analysis of this binding protein might system. Human Tau, when it is expressed with
provide us a molecular mechanism of AD forma- APP/BACE, caused severe neurodegeneration in
tion. Therefore, this chemical-biological approach fly, suggesting the “APP-fly” showed related
might contribute not only for the therapeutic field symptoms of AD (Torroja et al. 1999).
but also basic science in the AD formation. One of In Drosophila, many types of induction sys-
the most important points in performing in  vivo tem have been established (Phelps and Brand
drug screening is how to choose model organisms. 1998). Among them, UAS/Gal4 system is the
As we will discuss below, Drosophila melanogas- most common used as an induction system
ter provides us a powerful tool to study AD and (Fig.  3.3a) (Phelps and Brand 1998). Gal4 is a
develop the therapeutic AD drugs in vivo. transcription factor in yeast and recognizes a
3  Alzheimer’s Disease Model System Using Drosophila 31

A GAL4-UAS system

GAL4-line X UAS-line

“GAL4-line” “UAS-line”

Enhancers GAL4 UAS Trans gene

Different types of enhancers Target genes expression under UAS

Glia EstablishTg-Flys
Brain P element P element
etc. UAS Trans gene

B GAL4/UAS/Gal80ts system
Inactivated at 29°C

Neuron specific GAL4
elav GAL4 UAS Trans gene

Fig. 3.3  Gene expression system of Drosophila. (a) everywhere by the ubiquitous promoter, such as actin. The
Gal4/UAS system. There have been several Gal4-­ Gal4 inhibitor activity of Gal80ts is inactivated by the
expressing lines, those of which are expressing Gal4 temperature shift over 29  °C.  Therefore, constitutively
under the local enhancer. Target genes under UAS expressing Gal80ts, such as actin-Gal80ts line, blocks the
sequence can be expressed by these Gal4 lines. (b) Gal4/ Gal4/UAS system until feeding temperature was shift
UAS/Gal80ts system. Gal80ts is a Gal4 inhibitor with a over 29 °C
temperature-sensitive mutation. Gal80ts is expressing

s­pecific sequence, called upstream activation Therefore, we need inducible gene expression
sequence (UAS), at the promoter region of the system. Gal80ts is a temperature-sensitive mutant
target genes (Guarente 1988). Therefore, any of Gal4 inhibitor and has been shown to be inac-
genes can be overexpressed under UAS, and tivated at 29  °C (Johnston 1987). Thus, UAS/
many types of Gal4 insertion lines, those of Gal4/gal80ts system allows us to induce gene
which are expressing Gal4 at the tissue specific expression of fly only by the shift of temperature
manner, have been established. To elucidate the from 18 to 29 °C (Fig. 3.3b) (Suster et al. 2004).
effect of drugs against AD model system, most of To reveal the in vivo effect of Aß on the sur-
the individuals should be synchronized. face of neural cells, Aß with secretion peptide is
32 L. Tsuda and Y.-M. Lim

Structures 3.5.2 Assay System

for the Evaluation of Toxic
SP Ab42 Effect of Aß in Neuron Using
dNecrotic signal peptide [43]

To elucidate the Aß-induced toxic effect on the

SP A b42 neuronal cells in Drosophila, many types of assay
system have been performed. For the study of Aß
Toll signal peptide [44] aggregation, for example, besides biochemical
analysis, thioflavin staining is used to detect
aggregated form of Aß in the brain (Burns et al.
SP A b42 1967; Palutke et al. 1987). Thioflavin S and thio-
argos signal peptide [45] flavin T (anionic and cationic fluorochromes,
respectively) have been used for histological
staining and biophysical studies of AD (Palutke
SP A b42 et  al. 1987). It has been shown that thioflavins
Rat pre-proenkephalin signal peptide [46] bind to beta-sheet-rich architectures, such as
beta-amyloid aggregation (Burns et al. 1967). It
Fig. 3.4  Aß secretion system in Drosophila displays enhanced fluorescence and a specific
Representative four types of Drosophila AD models are emission spectrum shift when it makes a complex
shown. All constructs contain the secretion signal, which
allow each Aß to secret to the outside of cells. Each con-
with protein aggregation with beta-sheet. Thus,
struct is expressed in neurons by Gal4/UAS system. dNe- thioflavin S is used for the critical methods for
crotic: Drosophila necrotic protein the detection of Aß, those of which are called as
thioflavin assay. In Drosophila, thioflavins are
invented; there are several types of Aß secretion aggregated when the Aß is expressed (Palutke
systems in Drosophila. Drosophila necrotic pro- et al. 1987). Thus, aggregated form of Aß might
tein (dNecrotic), Toll, Argos, or Rat pre-­ be a causative factor for the toxicity of Aß in
proenkephalin-­derived signal peptides are used Drosophila as well as mammalian cells. In the
for this purpose (Fig. 3.4) (Crowther et al. 2005; mammalian case, it has been thought that the sta-
Casas-Tinto et al. 2011a; Allan et al. 2014; Iijima bility of Aß might contribute for the toxicity of
et al. 2004; Omata et al. 2014). The fusion Aß42 Aß, and neprilysin, a metabolic enzyme for Aß, is
when they are expressing CNS by UAS/Gal4 sys- shown to have an important role for the Aß deg-
tem caused Aß42 secretion and aggregation. The radation (Acerra et  al. 2014). In Drosophila,
fusion molecule reduced longevity and induced there seems to be a homologous molecule of
progressive locomotion defects (Crowther et  al. neprilysin in the genome (Iwata et  al. 2000).
2005; Casas-Tinto et al. 2011a; Allan et al. 2014; Loss-of-function mutation increased the stability
Iijima et al. 2004; Omata et al. 2014). Although of Aß, while overexpression of this molecule
this secretion form Aß is a very powerful tool to decreased the stability of Aß, suggesting that
reveal the toxic effect of Aß in vivo, recent study neprilysin is also acting as a metabolic enzyme
calls for caution about this approach: the signal for Aß in Drosophila (Thomas et al. 2005).
peptide from dNecrotic showed additional Gln in Synaptic dysfunction leads to the defect of
the N-terminus, and this additional form caused neuronal activity. This might be a causative factor
toxic effect (Speretta et al. 2012). for the defect of behavior, such as sleep, locomo-
tion, and/or learning-memory defects in AD
3  Alzheimer’s Disease Model System Using Drosophila 33

(Iijima-Ando et al. 2008). As is the case of mam- eyes consisted of about 800 ommatidia, and each
malian system, Drosophila also showed sleep, ommatidium contains 8 photoreceptor neurons
locomotion, and learning-memory defects when that are arranged like crystal structures (Fig. 3.6a–
Aß is expressed in the nervous system (Kent and c) (Colley 2012). Therefore, this system has been
Mistlberger 2017; Gerstner et al. 2017). Memory used as a model for the human neurodegenerative
defect is detectable by olfactory-dependent disorders, such as Huntington’s, ALS, or
learning-­memory analysis (Tabuchi et al. 2015). Parkinson’s (Jackson et  al. 1998; Arquie et  al.
This is robust system; however, it requires large 2008; Feany and Bender 2000). Fly compound
number of flies (about 100 flies per assay). eye system also have been applied for a model of
Therefore, it does not seem to be an ideal system neurodegeneration caused by Aß42. However, in
for the drug discovery. Drosophila showed nega- most of the case, Aß42 expression in the eye
tive geotactic property, and Aß42 when it is caused morphological deficit (Casas-Tinto et al.
expressed in the nervous system inhibited the 2011b; Cao et al. 2008). These suggest that some
negative geotactic (Davis 2005). Recent study, differentiation defects might contribute for the
however, revealed that it is not the sense of nega- neurodegeneration phenotype in the eye of AD
tive geotactic, but the speed of their working fly models.
might be a major target of the defect in Aß expres-
sion system (Watanabe and Anderson 1976).
Electrophysiological analysis of Drosophila 3.5.3 D
 rosophila System as a Tool
supports the idea that Aß42 suppresses the activ- for the Discovery
ity of synapse (Rhodenizer et  al. 2008). Adult of Therapeutic Drugs for AD
synaptic activity can be monitored by the electro-
physiological analysis using giant fiber system An insect has an open blood vascular system;
(GFS) (Fig. 3.5a). Giant fiber (GF), which con- therefore drugs are easily delivered to the target
sisted of a pair of command interneurons that organ including the brain (Wang et  al. 2013).
convey information from sensory centers in the There are several approaches that have been
brain to motor neurons in the thoracic ganglion thought to administer drugs to flies (Bhan and
that control the mesothoracic legs and wings, Nichols 2011). Injection of drugs or dropping
mediates escape behavior from the changing drugs directly onto the exposed nervous system
intensity of light. Brain stimulation caused the of flies has been performed. However, the prob-
peaks of response when the recoding needles are lem as a drug screening is that it is time-­
inserted at the terminal muscle (TTMn and consuming; therefore, administration of drugs to
DLMn, respectively) (Fig.  3.5b) (Zhao et  al. the food or the filter paper with sucrose/drug
2010). Huang et  al. expressed Aß42  in the GF mixture seems to be one of the best ways to
neurons and found that the synaptic activity administer drugs to flies (Xiang et  al. 2011).
seemed to be reduced (Mejia et al. 2013). They Usually drug screening is performed by high-­
have shown that a vesicle recycling at the presyn- throughput screening (HTS) from a large library
aptic junctions of GF was severely disrupted (~100,000 compounds) within a month, whereas
(Huang et  al. 2013). This is a very interesting most of the fly system for the drug discovery
data, since the defect of recycling endosome is might be the order 100–500 small compounds
thought to be one of the typical symptoms along per month. Although the fly system can handle
with AD (Nixon 2017). such small numbers of chemical compounds, one
As we have discussed earlier, the molecular must keep in mind that the quality of hits from
mechanism behind the degeneration phenotype the screening is the key of success and in  vivo
in AD remains to be clarified. This is also the screening using Drosophila system might pro-
case in Drosophila. Even in the fly model, vide us a chance to get the high-quality hit.
whether Aß42 can cause neurodegeneration is a There are several drug screenings that already
big controversial issue. Drosophila compound have been performed using fly AD model. Liu
34 L. Tsuda and Y.-M. Lim

A Giant Fiber System (GFS) circuit

Chemical Synapse
Brain stimulation
recording GAP junction-type
(0.8ms) Synapse
(0.6ms) DLM
GF recording
(0.2ms) (1.2ms)
(0.2ms) (0.8ms)

B GFS recording data

Response Following Frequency (80Hz)
stim 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



0.8 ms
20 40 60 80 100


Fig. 3.5 Giant fiber system in Drosophila. (a) interneuron (PSI). PSI makes a cholinergic synapse onto
Representative illustration of one lateral half of the giant the dorsal longitudinal motorneurons (DLMn) that inner-
fiber (GF) circuit (Allen et  al. 2006). Dark circle repre- vate the flight muscle (DLM). It has been shown that the
sents cell bodies and dendrites. The GF cell body and den- cholinergic synapse between PSI and DLMn is the most
drite are localized in the brain, and each extends a single sensitive synapse in GFS when Aß42 was expressed (Zhao
axon into the thoracic neuromere, where it makes a mixed et  al. 2010). (b) The representative recording after the
electrical (GAP junction) and chemical synapse (see the brain stimulation. Ten times of stimulation (80  Hz) and
inset) onto the tergo trochanteral motorneuron (TTMn). response were recorded by the electrode inserted at TTM
TTMn innervates the jump muscle (TTM). The GF also and DLM, respectively. The response at DLM is very sen-
makes an electrical synapse onto the peripheral synapsing sitive, easily affected by Aß42 (Zhao et al. 2010)
3  Alzheimer’s Disease Model System Using Drosophila 35

Fig. 3.6  Drosophila compound eye. (a) Scanning elec- microvilli in the center of ommatidia). (c) The magnified
tron microscopic figure of Drosophila compound eye. figure of (B) (dotted square). Each ommatidium is polar-
Compound eye consisted of about 800 ommatidia. (b) ized, and rhabdomeres in the ommatidia are arranged in
Section of the compound eye. Each ommatidium contains an orderly manner. Although there is supposed to be eight
rhabdomeres (a dark structure consisted of multiple photoreceptor cells in each ommatidium, only seven rhab-
domeres can be observed in relation to the position

et al. has reported that application of traditional we need to evaluate the effect of drugs using
medical plans to the fly AD system leads to iden- mouse model, before we administer the candidate
tify five plant extracts, which can suppress the compound identified from fly screening to
survival defects caused by Aß (Kiu et al. 2015). human. The combinatorial using Drosophila sys-
In this experiment, they have shown that those tem and recently established mouse AD model
medical plants reduced Aß42-induced ROS lev- might be a powerful tool to develop the therapeu-
els. Another example was reported by Wang et al. tic drugs to the AD patient (Fig. 3.7).
(Wang et al. 2012). They showed that inhibitors
for the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)
suppressed learning and memory deficit induced 3.7 Commonly Used Protocol
by Aß42. To identify a novel compound, which
can suppress Aß42-inducing learning-memory 3.7.1 Feeding Drugs on Drosophila
deficit, they performed a drug screening using
2000 synthetic chemical compounds with struc- Several approaches are developed to feed drugs
tures that are presumably targeted to protein to Drosophila. One of the common methods is to
kinase activities. They identified 45 compounds mix the drugs into the fly food. Briefly, the food
out of 2000 components. Notably, they have was prepared with distilled water containing 2%
shown that some of the candidate compounds (wt/vol) yeast, 7% (vol/vol) corn syrup liquids,
suppressed learning-memory defects in APP-­ and 1.5% (wt/vol) agarose and autoclaved. The
mouse. This suggests that chemical screening food was mixed as a liquid with drugs at
using fly system could identify the compound, 60 °C. The drugs were dissolved in DMSO and
which is available for the mammalian system. mixed into the melted fly food at appropriate con-
centrations (final 1% DMSO). For larval feeding,
parental crosses were placed for 1 day in the vials
3.6 Perspective with standard Drosophila food, containing the
respective drug at appropriate concentration (pre-
Drosophila system seems to reflect many aspects pared as above). Larvae were allowed to feed and
of AD pathologies; therefore, we will be able to develop in the vials at 25 °C. For the drug feeding
identify chemical compounds, which can sup- at adult stage, the flies were transferred to vials
press the toxic effect of Aß42. However, our goal (10 flies per vial) containing fly food and tested
is to develop therapeutic drugs for human. Thus, compounds. Every 2–3 days, the flies were trans-
36 L. Tsuda and Y.-M. Lim

Drug screening Behavior defects

candidate compounds

Optimizations Drug modification

mouse model
Effective compounds
Auditory defects
APP-mouse Memory defects

Clinical trial

Fig. 3.7  Combinatorial using fly and mouse AD models of these compounds and the evaluation of the effect of the
for the therapeutic AD drug development. Using compounds using Drosophila and mouse models are
Drosophila model, candidate compounds, which suppress repeatedly applied and optimize the effect of the AD drugs
the behavior defects caused by Aß42, can be identified out (optimization). Finally, the AD drug can be administered
of chemical libraries. The effects of the candidate com- to human after the evaluation of the drug effect on the
pounds are easily assessed by the new type of mouse AD learning and memory defect caused by APP-mouse
model (Math1E-Aß42Arc system). Chemical modifications

ferred to fresh vials. As I have mentioned below, several approaches have been developed. I would
we have investigated the amount of drugs, which like to show some of those assay systems. The
was taken by flies, and noticed that each individ- first approach is using radioisotope, which was
uals were taking different amount of drugs in the originally performed by Carvalho et  al. (2005).
ordinary method. Thus, we have been modifying We have modified the method (Xiang et al. 2011).
ordinary feeding method. Briefly, we prepare Briefly, virgin male and female flies were col-
200 μM drug solution at the final concentration lected (20 animals/vial × 3). Flies were trans-
of 5–100 μM/(1% DMSO, 0.1 M sucrose). This ferred to a medium containing 5% EtOH or drugs
solution is applied to the 3MM paper in 5% EtOH, supplemented with 6.5  kBq/ml
(1  cm  ×  1  cm) at the bottom of an empty vial. [32P]dCTP and allowed to feed for 24  h. Flies
Flies are transferred into these vials and incu- were then transferred to empty vials to groom for
bated at 25 °C. Next day, flies were transferred to 30 min to ensure removal of cuticular radioactive
vials containing fly food and tested compounds. deposits. Flies were anesthetized on ice and
assayed in 3 ml scintillation cocktail (Aquasol-2,
Packard) for 4  min/sample using an LSC-5100
3.7.2 Estimation of Drug Uptaking scintillation counter. The second approach is
in Drosophila using Brilliant Blue FCF (Blue no.1). 0.5 mg/mL
of Blue no.1 is added into the fly food, and flies
When we look at the effect of drug using are allowed to feed for 24 h. Flies were anesthe-
Drosophila, one of the most important issues is tized on ice and homogenized in PBS, and we
the uptake of the drugs. We have to monitor how assay the concentration of the no.1 dye using
much flies are taking foods including drugs. To spectrophotometer (580 nm).
estimate the amount of drugs that flies are taking,
3  Alzheimer’s Disease Model System Using Drosophila 37

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Parkinson’s Disease Model
Vuu My Dung and Dang Thi Phuong Thao

Abstract Keywords
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most Drosophila melanogaster · Parkinson’s
common neurodegenerative disease world- disease · PD-like symptoms · Drug screening ·
wide. It is known that there are many factors, Genetic screening
either genetic or environmental factors,
involved in PD, but the mechanism of PD is
still not fully understood. Several animal mod- 4.1 Introduction
els have been established to study the mecha-
nisms of PD. Among these models, Drosophila Parkinson’s disease (PD) which is characterized
melanogaster has been utilized as a valuable by progressive impairment in locomotive ability
model to get insight into important features of such as tremor, rigidity, and bradykinesia was
PD. Drosophila melanogaster possesses a first described in 1817 by Dr. James Parkinson.
well-developed dopaminergic (DA) neuron PD impacts 1% of the population over 60 years
system which is known to play an important old and is considered as the second most com-
role in PD pathogenesis. The well understand- mon neurodegenerative disorder after Alzheimer’s
ing of DA neurons from early larval through disease. Previous studies have shown that PD
adult stage makes Drosophila as a powerful resulted from the loss of DA neurons in substan-
model for investigating the progressive neuro- tia nigra and Lewy body formation in brains
degeneration in PD.  Besides, the short life (Nussbaum and Polymeropoulos 1997; Forno
cycle of Drosophila melanogaster serves an 1996; Thomas and Beal 2007). Many genes and
advantage in studying epidemiological fea- their variants have been demonstrated to be
tures of PD.  Most of PD symptoms can be involved in PD such as α-synuclein (PARK1/
mimicked in Drosophila model such as pro- SNCA); leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (PARK8/
gressive impairment in  locomotion, DA neu- LRRK2); parkin RBR E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
ron degeneration, and some other non-motor (PARK2/PARKIN); Parkinson protein 7 (PARK7/
symptoms. The Drosophila models of PD, DJ-1); PTEN-induced putative kinase 1 (PARK6/
therefore, show a great potential in application PINK1); glucosidase, beta, acid (GBA); and
for PD genetic and drug screening. ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal esterase L1 (PARK5/
UCH-L1) (Polymeropoulos et  al. 1997; Seidel
V. M. Dung · D. T. P. Thao (*) et  al. 2010; Paisán-Ruı́z et  al. 2004; Zimprich
University of Science, Vietnam National University, et  al. 2004; Di Fonzo et  al. 2005; Kitada et  al.
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 1998; Hoenicka et al. 2002; Bonifati et al. 2003;
e-mail: thaodp@hcmus.edu.vn

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 41

M. Yamaguchi (ed.), Drosophila Models for Human Diseases, Advances in Experimental Medicine
and Biology 1076, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-0529-0_4
42 V. M. Dung and D. T. P. Thao

Annesi et al. 2005; Valente et al. 2004; Hedrich 4.2 Parkinson’s Disease
et al. 2006; Aharon-Peretz et al. 2004; Sidransky and Models for Studying
et  al. 2009; Leroy et  al. 1998; Liu et  al. 2002). Parkinson’s Disease
Besides, several environmental factors are dis-
covered as causes of PD or to be associated with 4.2.1 Parkinson’s Disease
PD including 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-­
tetrahydropyridine (MPTP), 6-hydroxydopamine Parkinson’s disease (PD), a disorder of the basal
(6-OHDA), rotenone, and paraquat. In addition, ganglia, is recognized as one of the most com-
exposure to pesticides or heavy metal, well water mon neurologic disorders, affecting approxi-
consumption, and poor working conditions have mately 1% of individuals older than 60 years old.
been implicated as factors increasing the risk of There are two major neuropathologic findings in
PD (Pezzoli and Cereda 2013; Montgomery PD: the loss of pigmented dopaminergic neurons
1995). A variable range of genetic and environ- in the substantia nigra and the presence of Lewy
mental interaction is also thought to result in PD bodies. Most cases of idiopathic Parkinson’s dis-
(Ross and Smith 2007). However, mechanism ease (IPD) are believed to be due to a combina-
which causes PD is still unclear. In order to tion of genetic and environmental factors. The
understand PD, some toxin-based models and prevalence of PD is about 0.3% of the whole
gene-based models were established. Among population in industrialized countries. PD is
those models, Drosophila melanogaster have more common in the elderly, and prevalence rises
successfully provided valuable insights into the from 1% in those over 60 years of age to 4% of
PD (Tieu 2011; Lim and Ng 2009; Dawson et al. the population over 80. Although 5–10% of
2010; Jagmag et al. 2016). cases, classified as young onset, begin between
Drosophila melanogaster has been recognized the ages of 20 and 50, the mean age of onset is
as a powerful organism for modeling human neu- around 60  years. Some studies have proposed
rodegenerative diseases including PD. Firstly, that it is more common in men than women, but
many PD-related genes are found to have homo- others failed to detect any differences between
logues in Drosophila. Secondly, in Drosophila the two sexes. The incidence of PD is between 8
melanogaster, most of DA neurons are generated and 18 per 100,000 person-years (Nussbaum and
at embryogenesis, matured and gathered into Polymeropoulos 1997; Thomas and Beal 2007;
clusters during first larval stage. In adult flies, de Lau and Breteler 2006).
nine DA neuron clusters can be distinctively rec- In the brain, dopamine plays an important role
ognized by the position of cell body, dendrite, in controlling muscle activity. When the levels
and the number of DA neuron in each cluster. The between dopamine and acetylcholine are equal,
feature of Drosophila is appropriate for applying damping effect occurred in which the basal gan-
Drosophila PD models in studying the progres- glia will transmit signals to spinal cord to control
sive degeneration of neurons (Blanco et al. 2011; muscle activity. However, in the PD patients, it is
Budnik and White 1988). Together with strong found that dopamine is not produced.
points of shortness in life span, large number of Consequently, levels of dopamine and acetylcho-
population, and easiness in maintenance, the use line are imbalance, and damping effect has not
of Drosophila model for PD study has various occurred. Therefore, muscle could not be con-
advantages in genetic analysis in vivo, generation-­ trolled and resulted in muscle tension and/or
population analysis. tremor (Mayes-Burnett 2016).
4  Parkinson’s Disease Model 43

Misfolded proteins are known to involve in PD.  Besides, air pollution, aging, and working
Parkinson’s disease. Misfolded α-synuclein environment are also involved to the high risk of
(SNCA), ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase PD (Pezzoli and Cereda 2013; Montgomery
L1 (UCH-L1), parkin, PTEN-induced putative 1995). The complex interaction between environ-
kinase 1 (PINK1), leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 mental and genetic factors is also thought to
(LRRK2 or dardarin), and DJ-1 caused result in PD, but the interlink between these fac-
overloading the ubiquitin (proteasomal) and
­ tors still remains unknown.
lysosomal degradation pathways, thereby Although many genes, proteins, and environ-
resulted in neurodegeneration and PD (Tan et al. mental factors are known to be involved in PD,
2009; Lee and Hsu 2017). the mechanism of this disease is still unclear,
On the other hand, genetic factors related to leading to many limitations in studying and find-
oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, ing PD drugs. In order to find out a therapy for
accumulation of α-synuclein, or defects in the PD, recently, there are many researches focus on
ubiquitin-proteasome system are also known to mechanism of PD which is based on Lewy body,
involve in PD (Shadrina et al. 2010). Mutations oxidative stress, mitochondria, and ubiquitin-­
in specific genes have been conclusively shown proteasome system.
to cause PD.  In most cases, people with these
mutations will develop PD. For example, defects
in parkin, UCH-L1, and α-synuclein proteins 4.2.2 Models for Studying
lead to an error in the protein degradation path- Parkinson’s Disease
way and caused neurodegeneration. Mutant pro-
teins, such as parkin and UCH-L1, which belong To study on Parkinson’s disease, many models
to the ubiquitin-proteasome system, may no lon- have been established and utilized. The models of
ger exert their ubiquitin ligase activity, thus dam- PD can be divided into two different approaches:
aging the ability of the cellular machinery to toxin-based models (such as 6-OHDA, MPTP,
detect and degrade misfolded proteins. PINK1, rotenone, and paraquat) and gene-based models
parkin, and DJ-1 play important roles in main- (such as α-synuclein, LRRK2, Parkin, DJ-1,
taining the normal function of mitochondria; PINK1) (Tieu 2011; Lim and Ng 2009; Dawson
therefore mutations in these proteins can result in et  al. 2010; Jagmag et  al. 2016; Dauer and
mitochondrial dysfunction (Ebrahimi-Fakhari Przedborski 2003; Hisahara and Shimohama
et al. 2012; Moon and Paek 2015) (Table 4.1). 2011). Many cellular and animal models of PD
Some environmental factors including insecti- have been developed to investigate the mecha-
cide, MPTP containing herbicide, rotenone, and nism of PD and develop new therapeutic strate-
paraquat are demonstrated as causes of gies. An ideal model of PD should display
pathophysiologic features and symptoms of PD;
Table 4.1  Parkinson’s disease-related proteins however, the current models are not able to reca-
Protein Organ/functional system pitulate all PD features. Each model has both
α-Synuclein Mitochondria, ubiquitin-proteasome advantages and disadvantages, and the selection
system of the most suitable model depends on particular
Parkin Mitochondria, ubiquitin-proteasome purposes of the research study (Fig. 4.1).
UCH-L1 Ubiquitin proteasome system
PINK1 Mitochondria C
 ellular Models
DJ-1 Mitochondria, ubiquitin-proteasome Cellular models have been used for studying PD
system mechanism, drug screening, and developing new
LRRK2 Mitochondria therapeutic strategies. In addition to the strengths
HtrA2 Mitochondria of cell-based model including easy access of
GBA Lysosome cells in culture and allowing high-throughput
POLG Mitochondria screening, PD cellular models can display fea-

Fig. 4.1  Animal models in studying Parkinson’s disease: advantages and disadvantages
V. M. Dung and D. T. P. Thao
4  Parkinson’s Disease Model 45

tures of PD (such as DA neuron degeneration and A

 nimal Models
protein aggregates containing α-synuclein) and There are numerous animal models that have
important biological processes (such as apopto- been developed from invertebrates such as nema-
sis, oxidative stress, mitochondrial impairment, tode roundworm and fruit fly to vertebrates
altered proteolysis, and dysfunctional ­mitophagy) including fish, rodent, and nonhuman primates.
(Alberio et  al. 2012; Falkenburger and Schulz The uses of these models have been significantly
2006; Falkenburger et  al. 2016). However, the contributed to our knowledge of PD pathogenesis
weaknesses of cellular models are that culture and potential treatment.
cells do not develop natural neuronal network
and lack the interaction of different cell types and Nematode Roundworm:
cellular microenvironment; therefore they are not Caenorhabditis elegans
able to reproduce the complexity of PD C. elegans possesses many advantages of model-
(Falkenburger and Schulz 2006). ing PD for studying the complex interaction of
Human neuroblastoma cell line SH-SY5Y and genetic and environmental factors and drug
rat pheochromocytoma cell line PC12 are cell screening. This simple organism shares many
lines widely used for modeling PD. They possess conserved molecular and cellular pathways to
the machinery to produce and release catechol- human such as protein degradation machinery,
amines and can develop neuron-like features. oxidative stress, and signal transduction
Numerous studies have used these cell lines as (Harrington et  al. 2010). Specially, C. elegans
PD models to not only screen causative factors has simple nervous system with exactly 302 neu-
that can cause PD as well as compounds that can rons including 8 dopaminergic neurons and the
treat PD but also study the molecular and cellular conserved dopaminergic pathways (Harrington
mechanism related to PD (Xicoy et  al. 2017; et  al. 2010; Sulston et  al. 1975). Although the
Malagelada and Greene 2008). Besides that, simple dopaminergic system is useful to study
immortalized lund human mesencephalic the effects of factors on morphology and number
(LUHMES) cells can be used for modeling PD of DA neurons, it cannot recapitulate the com-
because of their ability to differentiate and plex features of human dopamine neurons.
develop to dopaminergic-like neurons (Zhang The C. elegans genome encodes many homo-
et  al. 2014). Another approach to model PD is logues of PD-related genes such as Parkin,
using patient-specific cell lines (Schule et  al. PINK1, DJ-1, UCH-L1, and LRRK2, so this
2009). Cybrid (cytoplasmic hybrid) cell lines are organism can be used for studying the functions
created by fusion of mtDNA-lacking cell and of these genes involved in PD. For example, the
donated platelets containing mtDNA from PD study on Lrk-1, a homolog of LRRK2 in C. ele-
patients. The PD cybrid cell lines can represent gans, demonstrated the role of this protein in
the impairment in mitochondrial functions and regulating cellular responses to mitochondrial
have been used to investigate the relationship dysfunction (Saha et al. 2009). Although there is
between mtDNA gene mutation and mitochon- an absence of the C. elegans α-synuclein homo-
drial dysfunction and PD pathogenesis (Trimmer log, transgenic roundworm model which overex-
and Bennett 2009). Recently, the development of presses human α-synuclein has been developed.
human-induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) The C. elegans model established by Lakso et al.
has supported the studies of human diseases showed that the overexpression of α-synuclein in
including PD. The abilities to derive iPSCs from DA neurons led to neurodegeneration (Lakso
PD patients and differentiate these iPSCs into DA et al. 2003). Remarkably, a whole genome micro-
neurons exhibiting PD phenotypes enable them array analysis on α-synuclein-overexpressing C.
to become a promising model to study mecha- elegans was performed to identify gene expres-
nism and drug discovery (Martinez-Morales and sion changes. That supported confirmation of
Liste 2012; Byers et al. 2012). known molecular functions and suggestion of
46 V. M. Dung and D. T. P. Thao

new pathways related to PD and contributed to dopaminergic neuron system containing DA neu-
understand the role of α-synuclein in PD patho- ron clusters. In larval stage, there are 21 DA neu-
genesis (Vartiainen et  al. 2006). Neurotoxins rons grouped into 7 DA neuron clusters per
such as 6-OHDA and MPP+ are also used to hemisphere: DM1a, DM1b, DM2, DL1a, DL1b,
develop C. elegans models of PD (Li and Le DL2a, and DL2b (Blanco et  al. 2011). In adult
2013). In addition to study PD mechanism, C. stage, DA neurons are classified into nine distinct
elegans is also a suitable model for drug discov- clusters: PAM, PAL, PPM1, PPM2, PPM3, PPL1,
ery (Chen et al. 2015). PPL2ab, PPL2c, and VUM (Fig. 4.2) (Nassel and
Elekes 1992; Mao and Davis 2009). The loca- Fruit Fly: Drosophila tions of DA neuron clusters have been identified;
melanogaster the effects of environmental or genetic factors on
The completion of the genome sequence showed the number, morphology, or locations of DA neu-
that 77% of human disease genes are conserved rons can be examined. Moreover, beside the simi-
in Drosophila (Adams et  al. 2000). Notably, larity in some main functions of nervous system
many homologues of PD-related genes were between human and fly, the basic biological pro-
identified in fruit fly such as dardarin/LRRK2, cesses such as cell death regulation are also con-
parkin, PINK1, Omi/HtrA2, DJ-1, UCH-L1, served in Drosophila (Jennings 2011; Vernooy
GIGYF2, PLA2G6, and GBA with exception of et  al. 2000). Considering these strengths,
α-synuclein, ATP13A2, and FBXO7 (Whitworth Drosophila is a powerful tool for study of PD.
2011). Drosophila possesses more complex

Fig. 4.2 Schematic
representation of DA
neuron systems in the
Drosophila larval and
adult stages. (a)
Illustration of six DA
neuron clusters DM1a,
DM1b, DM2, DL1,
DL2a, and DL2b in
Drosophila larval central
brain. The illustration
was redrawn based on
the study of Blanco et al.
(Blanco et al. 2011). (b)
A schematic
representation of seven
DA neuron clusters
and PPL2 in Drosophila
adult central brain. It
was redrawn based on
the study of Nassel et al.
and Mao et al. (Nassel
and Elekes 1992; Mao
and Davis 2009)
4  Parkinson’s Disease Model 47 Teleost Fish: Zebrafish tioned models, PD rodent models can be classified
and Medaka Fish into environmental models, induced by several neu-
Teleost fish including zebrafish and medaka fish rotoxins such as MPTP and 6-OHDA and genetic
has been widely used as model for studying models with knock-in or knockout of PD-related
developmental biology and recently emerged as a genes. These models have provided insight into
new vertebrate model of PD (Matsui and pathways involved in PD and contributed to thera-
Takahashi 2017). These fish have several peutic development (Vingill et al. 2017). The well-
strengths such as transparency high fecundity, established NHP model of PD is induced by MPTP
their rapid development, and ease of maintenance and manifests many hallmarks of PD including DA
and handling (Xi et al. 2011; Matsui et al. 2012). cell loss and motor and non-motor symptoms such
Notably, teleost fish is a vertebrate, so these fish as cognitive impairment and sleep/wake distur-
possess many similarities of brain structures and bances (Porras et  al. 2012). Recently, another
functions with mammals including dopamine approach to model PD NHP model is using AAV1/2
system. DA neuron clusters (A8–A10) in the vector to overexpress α-synuclein; however, this
diencephalon-midbrain are closely related to PD methodology is relatively new and needs extended
(German et al. 1989). Although teleost midbrain study (Koprich et al. 2016). NHP model has been
does not contain DA neurons, they are located in used as a preclinical model of PD and plays an
the paraventricular organs, the periventricular important role in developing treatment therapies for
nucleus of the posterior tuberculum, and the pos- PD (Blesa et al. 2017). However, the use of these
terior tuberal nucleus. Within these DA neurons, mammalian models is limited by economic and
some neurons in the periventricular nucleus of ethical considerations, and these models are not
the posterior tuberculum may be equivalent to suitable for performing initial research on PD
mammalian A9 and A10 neurons because of their because of their complexities.
projection pattern (Matsui 2017).
There are several zebrafish and medaka fish
models of PD induced by genetic (parkin, PINK1, 4.3 Drosophila Model
DJ-1, LRRK2, ATP13A2, and GBA) or toxin fac- in Studying Parkinson’s
tors (MPTP and 6-OHDA). Several fish models Disease
exhibited some features of PD including reduction
of locomotive ability (swimming movement) and 4.3.1 D
 rosophila Models
loss of DA neurons (Xi et al. 2011; Matsui et al. of Parkinson’s Disease
2012). These models have been used for studying
the contributions of lysosome dysfunction and Many Drosophila models of Parkinson’s disease
mitochondrial dysfunction to PD (Matsui and based on pathogenic molecular mechanisms have
Takahashi 2017). Recently, Zhang et al. developed been developed, either by gene transfer or by
zebrafish model combining PINK1 deficiency and induction with poison. Fly models have been
rotenone for drug screening (Zhang et al. 2017). reported to exhibit strong PD-like phenotypes
However, these teleost fish are relative new PD characterized by locomotion defects and DA neu-
models; therefore, the further evaluation of these ron degeneration as well as defects associated
organisms as PD models needs to perform. with mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress,
and protein aggregation (Whitworth 2011). Many Mammals: Rodent Drosophila models of PD induced by genetic fac-
and Nonhuman Primate tors including α-synuclein, LRRK2, Parkin, DJ-1,
The highly conservation and similarity between and PINK1 and environmental factors such as
mammals including rodent and nonhuman primates rotenone and paraquat have been developed, and
(NHP) and human make these organisms as good studies on these models provided some profound
PD models. Rodent and NHP models are expected insights into PD pathogenesis (Whitworth 2011;
to exhibit complex features of PD and closely Navarro et  al. 2014) (Table  4.2). For instance,
match to human pathology. Similar to abovemen- research on Drosophila has clarified the functions
48 V. M. Dung and D. T. P. Thao

Table 4.2  Drosophila models of Parkinson’s diseases

Toxin-based models of PD
Toxin PD-like phenotypes Relevant biological
Locomotive LB-like Loss of DA processes
defects aggregations neurons
Rotenone Yes (Coulom No (Coulom Yes Mitochondrial
and Birman and Birman (Coulom oxidative stress
2004) 2004) and Birman (Hosamani et al. 2010),
2004) and the mitochondrial
machinery (Hwang
et al. 2014)
Paraquat Yes (Ameel No data Yes (Ameel Oxidative stress,
et al. 2007) et al. 2007) mitochondrial
dysfunction (Shukla
et al. 2016; Hosamani
2013), and DNA
damage (Mehdi and
Qamar 2013)
Genetic-based models of PD
Gene Drosophila Genetic PD-like phenotypes Relevant biological
homolog intervention Locomotive LB-like Loss of DA processes
(identity) defects aggregations neurons
SNCA No Expression of Yes (Feany Yes (Feany Yes (Feany Lipid metabolism,
human WT/ and Bender and Bender and Bender energy production,
A30P/ A53T 2000) 2000) 2000) membrane transport
Expression of No data Yes (Chen Yes (Chen (Scherzer et al. 2003),
S129D and Feany and Feany and oxidative stress
2005) 2005) (Botella et al. 2008;
Expression of No data Yes (Periquet Yes Trinh et al. 2008)
WT 1–120 et al. 2007) (Periquet
construct et al. 2007)
LRRK2 dLRRK Expression of Yes (Liu No data Yes (Liu Oxidative stress,
(26%) human WT/ et al. 2008) et al. 2008) protein translation
(Whitworth G2019S (Imai et al. 2008),
2011) Expression of Yes (Islam No data Yes (Islam energy demand (Hindle
human et al. 2016) et al. 2016) et al. 2013), vesicular
R1441C transport (Dodson et al.
dLRRK null Yes (Lee No data No (Lee 2012, 2014; Arranz
mutant et al. 2007) et al. 2007; et al. 2015; Linhart
Wang et al. et al. 2014), and
2008) cytoskeleton regulation
(Lee et al. 2010)

Parkin Parkin Expression of Yes (Sang No data Yes (Sang Mitochondrial

(42%) human et al. 2007) et al. 2007) dysfunction, apoptosis
(Whitworth Q311X/T240R (Greene et al. 2003),
2011) Parkin null Yes No data Yes mitochondrial fusion/
mutant (Whitworth (Whitworth fission machinery (Deng
et al. 2005) et al. 2005) et al. 2008), oxidative
stress, innate immune
responses (Greene et al.
2005; Whitworth et al.
2005), and ER stress
(Celardo et al. 2016)
4  Parkinson’s Disease Model 49

Table 4.2 (continued)
DJ-1 DJ-1α (56%) DJ-1α null No data No data No Oxidative stress,
(Whitworth mutant (Meulener apoptosis (Yang et al.
2011) et al. 2005) 2005; Hwang et al.
Knockdown of No data No data Yes (Yang 2013), and
DJ-1α by et al. 2005) mitochondrial
Ddc-Gal4, dysfunction (Hao et al.
TH-Gal4, and 2010)
DJ-1β (52%) DJ-1β null Yes (Park No data No (Park
(Whitworth mutant et al. 2005; et al. 2005;
2011) Lavara-­ Lavara-­
Culebras and Culebras
Paricio 2007) and Paricio
PINK1 PINK1 PINK1 null Yes (Park No data Yes (Park Mitochondrial
(32%) mutant et al. 2006) et al. 2006) dysfunction (Park et al.
(Whitworth Knockdown of Yes (Yang No data Yes (Yang 2006) and
2011) PINK1 by et al. 2006) et al. 2006) mitochondrial fusion/
Da-Gal4 or fission machinery
TH-Gal4 (Yang et al. 2008)
GBA dGBA1a Double Yes (Maor No (Maor Yes (Maor ER stress (Maor et al.
(32%) heterozygous et al. 2013) et al. 2016) et al. 2016) 2016; Suzuki et al.
dGBA1b dGBA1a and 2013)
(31%) dGBA1b
(Whitworth mutant
2011) Expression of Yes (Maor No data Yes (Maor
human N370S/ et al. 2013) et al. 2016)
UCH-­ dUCH Knockdown of Yes No data Yes Oxidative stress
L1 (45%) dUCH by
(Whitworth TH-Gal4

of PINK1 and parkin which are associated with 4.3.2 Parkinson’s Disease
familial forms of PD. Many studies on fly model Symptoms and PD-Like
were performed and showed that parkin acts as a Phenotypes in Drosophila
downstream of PINK1, and this pathway regu- Models
lates mitochondrial integrity and mitochondrial
fission/fusion dynamics (Guo 2010). Besides that, The basic symptoms of Parkinson’s disease are
Drosophila has been also considered as a model difficulty in walking, slow movement, stiff and
for high-throughput screening of candidate com- trembling limbs, balance disorders, and facial
pounds that can prevent this disease and develop- paralysis. Symptoms appear gradually and not
ing therapeutic strategies (Whitworth 2011; marked, and it is difficult to recognize and often
Whitworth et  al. 2006). Fly with PD symptoms may be confused with other diseases. Causes are
caused by oxidative stress can be used for rapid attributed to lack of dopamine, a chemical that
screening of potential therapeutic antioxidant plays an important role in nerve signal transmis-
drugs in treating PD such as melatonin with the sion, due to degeneration/loss of dopaminergic
paraquat model and polyphenols with the neurons. Besides, the presence of Lewy body was
α-synuclein model (Medina-Leendertz et  al. also reported as one of the PD symptoms although
2014; Takahashi et al. 2015). it is not clear to be a cause or a result of PD
50 V. M. Dung and D. T. P. Thao

(Nussbaum and Polymeropoulos 1997; Mayes-­ instar stage were randomly picked up from PD fly
Burnett 2016; Fahn and Sulzer 2004). models and placed on agar plate to examine crawl-
ing ability. Larval movement was recorded, and PD-Like Phenotype then the recorded videos were analyzed to track
of Movement larval movement and draw motion paths. The aver-
In fly model, the progressive impairment in loco- age velocity was also calculated, statistically ana-
motive ability of PD has been characterized lyzed, and graphed. The PD model larvae displayed
through crawling ability in larval stage and a tremor-like behavior which was tracked as tight
climbing ability in adult stage. Many studies on wavy line when moving horizontally on agar
Drosophila PD models showed the similarity of plates. Additionally, these larvae accomplished a
locomotor behaviors including decline in climb- shorter moving path compared to normal flies. The
ing ability of Drosophila overexpressing human mean velocity of PD larvae was also reduced in
wild-type and PD-related mutant forms of alpha-­ comparison with the normal flies (Fig. 4.3).
synuclein, reduction in crawling ability of parkin Locomotor ability of adult flies can be esti-
mutant third instar larvae and locomotor dys- mated by startle-induced negative geotaxis assay
function, and early mortality in Drosophila over- which was first described in 1992 by Le Bourg
expressing human wild-type and PD-associated and Lints as climbing activity (Le Bourg and Lints
mutant forms of LRRK2 (Feany and Bender 1992). Flies were transferred from food vials to
2000; Liu et al. 2008; Sang et al. 2007). climbing cylinders and then were tapped to the
The assay to quantify the locomotor ability of bottom, and the movement of flies was recorded.
Drosophila larvae (crawling assay) was first The data then were statistically analyzed. The PD
described by Min and Condron in 2005 (Min and model flies showed the decline in climbing ability
Condron 2005). In this assay, larvae in the third in comparison with normal flies (Fig. 4.4).

Fig. 4.3  PD-like phenotype of movement in larvae can be scored by crawling assay. (a) Larval movement and draw
motion path. (b) Crawling velocity
4  Parkinson’s Disease Model 51

Fig. 4.4  Climbing assay: an acquisition of PD-like phenotype of movement in adult fly. (a) Visualization of climbing
assay. (b) Formula of climbing index. (c) A representation of climbing index

Fig. 4.5  The loss of DL1 and DL2 dopaminergic neu- The boxed area marks DL1 and DL2 clusters were mag-
rons in larval brain with knockdown of dUCH, a homo- nified in A1 and B1 and A2 and B2. Number of DA neurons
log of UCH-L1 in Drosophila. DA neuron clusters in the in DL1 and DL2 clusters in PD model larval brain was
third instar larval central brain were stained with anti- less than those in normal flies
TH. (a) PD model larval brain. (b) Normal larval brain. PD-Like Phenotype of DA key role in dopamine synthesis pathway. Number
Degeneration of DA in each DA cluster can be examined at
Since Drosophila possess a complex dopaminer- both larval and adult stage (Figs. 4.5 and 4.6).
gic neuron system containing DA neuron clus-
ters, fly models can emulate PD symptom of DA P
 D-Like Phenotype of Aging-­
loss/degeneration. DA neuron in fly can be visu- Dependent Progression
alized by immunostaining with anti-tyrosine Parkinson’s disease is not only characterized by
hydroxylase (anti-TH), an enzyme that plays a the degeneration but also by the progressive loss
52 V. M. Dung and D. T. P. Thao

Fig. 4.6  The susceptibility of PPM3 dopaminergic neu- model fly brain. (b) Normal fly brain. The boxed area
rons in adult brain of dUCH knockdown fly. DA neuron marks PPM3 cluster was magnified in A1 and B1
clusters in fly brain were stained with anti-TH. (a) PD

of DA neurons in the course of aging. The short culating the percentage of flies which showed
life span of Drosophila makes it convenient to aberrant DA neuronal phenotype in PD model fly
perform aging-dependent analysis in relatively population from 1 to 40 days old. The prevalence
short time periods. Thereby, Drosophila models can be count in correlation with aging (Fig. 4.7).
of PD own a strong point in observing the aging-­
dependent PD characteristic. The observation of P D-Like Phenotype
DA neurons in fly brain can be performed from of Dopamine Shortage
1-day-old to 40-day-old adult fly brains to see if Reduction of neurotransmitter dopamine was
PD model brains exhibit gradual reduction in the found in PD patients and was declared as PD
number of DA neurons. clinical symptoms (Jankovic 2008). Dopamine is
Besides, in the epidemiological point of view, mainly produced in DA neurons through cate-
the percentage of individuals with PD in the pop- cholamine biosynthesis pathway. Dopamine in
ulation increases throughout aging. The most fly brains can be quantified by high-performance
advantage of Drosophila models in studying PD liquid chromatography (HPLC). Adult fly heads
is the easiness to handle numerous samples at one are collected and homogenized in homogeniza-
time, by which Drosophila models can provide tion buffer containing 0.1 M perchloric acid and
reliable data for statistical analysis without bias. 3% trichloroacetic acid. Supernatants of the
Together with a strong point of life span short- homogenates are used for performing
ness, Drosophila serves as a good model for cal- HPLC. Studies on Drosophila model have dem-
4  Parkinson’s Disease Model 53

Fig. 4.7  The progressive loss of DA neurons in the (b) The percentage of dUCH knockdown flies with no
course of aging in dUCH knockdown fly brain. (a) damage on DA neuron system was 28.6% at 1 day old and
Prevalence was increased in correlation with aging in decreased regularly from 1 to 40  days old. The similar
VUM, PPL2ab, PPM3, and PPM2 clusters. The preva- phenomenon occurred in one and two DA cluster-­
lence in PPM2 and VUM increased in regular manner damaged flies with 28.6% and 35.7%, respectively, at
from 1 to 40  days old, while the prevalence in PPM3 1  day old, and they also decreased regularly from 1 to
increased rapidly from 1 to 20 days old and then went to 40  days old. In contrast, three and four DA cluster-­
stationary phase from 20 to 40  days old, and the preva- damaged flies with 7.1% and 0%, respectively, at 1  day
lence in PPL2ab slowly increased from 1 to 40 days old. old experienced rapid increases from 1 to 30 days old

onstrated the Drosophila locomotor activity Furthermore, role of molecular chaperones and
involved in dopamine level (Riemensperger et al. protein degradation systems in protecting against
2013). In addition, some other Drosophila life α-syn misfolding has been investigated by using
activities such as olfactory conditioning, sleep α-syn Drosophila models (Mizuno et al. 2011).
and arousal regulation, and memory and learning
process also relate to dopamine production N on-motor PD Phenotypes
(Selcho et al. 2009; Ueno et al. 2012; Berry et al. in Drosophila
2012). Those mentioned activities are known as In addition to impairment in  locomotion,
non-motor features of PD. Parkinson’s disease is also known as a multi-­
system disorder with non-motor features. Lewy Body-Like Aggregation Throughout the course of PD, reflecting the neu-
in Drosophila rodegeneration, various clinical symptoms have
Lewy body (LB), a fibrillar aggregation in brain, been observed in PD patients. The symptoms are
has been considered as a histological hallmark of involved not only in the dopaminergic degenera-
Parkinson’s disease (PD). Since neuronal loss is tion but also in damaging of other brainstem
found in predilection sites of LBs, LB formation areas such as serotonergic, noradrenergic, and
has been considered as a marker for neurodegen- cholinergic frontal brainstem (Perez-Lloret and
eration. The main component of LB is known to Barrantes 2016). Non-motor symptoms in PD
be α-synuclein (α-syn), which is the first protein occurred throughout the course of the disease
in which mutants A30P and A53T were found to either in early or late stage. In later development
cause PD.  Ectopic expression of human α-syn of PD, several non-motor symptoms including
either wild-type or PD-linked mutants (A53T and sleep, smell, and mood problems have been
A30P) in Drosophila mimics some aspects of PD observed. Some symptoms such as sleep and
such as locomotion dysfunction, LB accumula- autonomic disturbances occurred diversely in
tion, and neurodegeneration (Feany and Bender early and later PD stages. Other non-motor fea-
2000; Chen and Feany 2005; Periquet et al. 2007). tures are also found in de novo, untreated PD
54 V. M. Dung and D. T. P. Thao

patients such as cognitive impairment and auto- integrity (Park et al. 2006; Yang et al. 2006; Clark
nomic dysfunction (Perez-Lloret and Barrantes et al. 2006). Notably, these findings on Drosophila
2016; Goldman and Postuma 2014). In model are consistent with human and mice. Cells
Drosophila, modeling of PINK1 and parkin loss-­ from PD patient with parkin or PINK1 mutants
of-­function mimic a range of non-motor PD fea- and human cell with knockdown of PINK1
tures. Abnormalities in learning and memory showed defects in mitochondrial morphology
were recorded in both Pink1 and Parkin and functions (Muftuoglu et al. 2004; Grunewald
Drosophila models of PD. Besides, weakness of et al. 2010; Gegg et al. 2009; Exner et al. 2007).
circadian rhythm was also observed (Julienne The observations in mouse models indicated that
et al. 2017). The Drosophila model of PD there- knockout of PINK1 or parkin also caused impair-
fore showed its advantage in studying PD with ments in mitochondrial respiration but not mor-
non-motor phenotypes. phology (Palacino et  al. 2004; Gautier et  al.
2008). Moreover, aberrant mitochondrial mor-
phology in PINK1 knockdown cell was rescued
4.4 Drosophila Model by expression of parkin (Exner et al. 2007).
of Parkinson’s Disease The further investigations on Drosophila
and Applications showed that PINK1 and parkin play important
roles in mitochondrial dynamics and mitophagy.
4.4.1 The Contributions Several studies indicated that PINK1 and parkin
of Drosophila to Study PD interact with regulators of fusion/fission machin-
ery. The phenotypes of parkin or PINK1 mutants
After Feany and Bender established the first such as defects in locomotive abilities and mito-
Drosophila model of PD by expressing normal chondrial morphology were suppressed by over-
and mutant forms of human α-synuclein in 2000 expression of fission factor drp1 (dynamin-related
(Feany and Bender 2000), numerous Drosophila protein 1) or reduction of fusion factors mfn
models have been developed induced by both (mitofusin) and opa1 (optic atrophy 1) (Deng
environmental and genetic factors for studying et al. 2008; Yang et al. 2008; Poole et al. 2008;
PD.  Research on Drosophila has provided sev- Park et al. 2009). The data show that PINK1/par-
eral important insights into PD pathogenesis. kin pathway promotes mitochondrial fission and/
One of the outstanding contributions of fly model or inhibits fusion. Subsequently, Parkin was dem-
is elucidating the endogenous functions of PINK1 onstrated to induce the ubiquitination of Mfn in
and parkin from studies on Drosophila homo- fly models (Poole et al. 2010; Ziviani et al. 2010)
logues of these genes. The studies on fly model and mammalian cells (Tanaka et  al. 2010).
have provided the strong evidence that PINK1 Moreover, PINK1/parkin pathway also promotes
and parkin function in regulating mitochondrial mitophagy. A study in fly model using proteomic
integrity. Flies with null mutants in parkin mani- approach showed that parkin null mutants slowed
fest locomotive impairment, mitochondrial the mitochondrial protein turnover and PINK1
defects, and DA neuron degeneration (Greene mutants resulted in selective impairment in mito-
et  al. 2003; Whitworth et  al. 2005; Pesah et  al. chondrial respiratory chain subunit turnover. The
2004). Subsequent studies showed that PINK1 study on Drosophila model of PD provides the
mutants resulted in phenotypes similar to parkin evidence of the function of PINK1/parkin path-
mutants including mitochondrial dysfunction. way in mitophagy (Vincow et al. 2013).
Furthermore, overexpression of parkin can sup- In addition to studying functions of PINK1
press the phenotypes induced by PINK1 mutant, and parkin, Drosophila model also provided key
whereas PINK1 overexpression cannot rescue insights into the relationship between other
parkin mutant phenotypes. The data indicated genetic and environmental factors and biological
that Parkin functions downstream of PINK1 in a processes, as well as the interaction of these fac-
common pathway for maintaining mitochondrial tors. For example, Drosophila models of PD
4  Parkinson’s Disease Model 55

induced by toxins showed that rotenone toxicity basic biological processes and PD-related genes.
is related to mitochondrial oxidative stress Besides that, many key neuropathologic and clin-
(Hosamani et  al. 2010) and the mitochondrial ical features of PD are reproduced in fly model.
fusion/fission machinery (Hwang et al. 2014). In Therefore, Drosophila is also considered as a
PD fly models induced by genetic factors, several powerful tool for genetic and drug screening. The
studies indicated that dLRRK/LRRK2 is involved genetic screens allow genomic-wide analysis of
in processes including oxidative stress, protein genetic interactions to identify genes that can
translation (Imai et  al. 2008), energy demand enhance or suppress the phenotypes caused by a
(Hindle et al. 2013), vesicular transport (Dodson mutant gene of interest (Fig.  4.8). For instance,
et  al. 2012, 2014; Arranz et  al. 2015; Linhart Drosophila was used in a genome-wide screen-
et  al. 2014), and cytoskeleton regulation (Lee ing project for modifiers parkin and PINK1
et  al. 2010). Another PD-related gene, dDJ-1/ mutant phenotypes. In the study, flies with knock-
DJ-1, was reported to play roles in oxidative down of parkin or PINK1 and PINK1 null mutant
stress response, apoptosis (Yang et  al. 2005; were crossed with deficiency lines, and analysis
Hwang et al. 2013), and mitochondrial function of wing phenotype, longevity, and fertility was
(Hao et  al. 2010). Moreover, the sensitivity of performed. By analyzing cytological regions
dDJ-1 mutant flies to oxidative stress-inducing interacting with parkin and/or PINK1, five candi-
toxin exposure suggested that dDJ-1 play a role date genes were identified including opa1, drp1,
in the protection from environment oxidative dbr, Pi3K21B, and β4GalNAcTA (Fernandes and
stress and provided a link between genetic and Rao 2011). Another study identified acon (aconi-
environmental factors in PD pathogenesis tase) as a dominant suppressor of PINK1 by per-
(Meulener et  al. 2005). In other studies, dDJ-1 forming a genetic modifier screening in PINK1
knockout flies exhibited mitochondrial defects, mutant fly model (Esposito et al. 2013).
and upregulation of dDJ-1 can rescue muscle In the field of compound screening, there are
defects caused by PINK1, but not parkin, mutants. two distinct approaches. The first approach is
The results obtained in this study suggested com- screening toxins that can induce abnormal phe-
plex interaction between DJ-1 and PINK1/parkin notypes in wild-type flies. The second approach
pathway (Hao et al. 2010). is testing drug that can rescue aberrant pheno-
Previous studies implicated mitochondrial dys- types induced by mutation, RNAi, transgenesis,
function, oxidative stress, altered proteolysis, and or chemical (Giacomotto and Ségalat 2010).
inflammation in the pathogenesis of PD (Shadrina Drug screening on Drosophila model helps to
et  al. 2010; Dexter and Jenner 2013; Klemann discover potential therapeutic compounds for PD
et  al. 2017). The complex interaction between (Fig.  4.9). For example, dDJ-1β mutant fly was
environmental and genetic factors is considered to used for performing modifier compound screen.
result in PD; however, the roles of these factors as This study identified candidate chemicals such as
well as the interactions between them leading to dexrazoxane, tocopherol, sodium phenylbutyr-
this disease have not yet been elucidated in detail. ate, dalfampridine, methylene blue, and minocy-
The findings in Drosophila model contribute to cline that are able to improve climbing ability.
our knowledge about PD pathogenesis. Furthermore, these positive candidate com-
pounds also attenuate H2O2-induced cytotoxic-
ity of DJ-1 mutant human cells (Sanz et al. 2017).
4.4.2 The Applications In another study, Drosophila expressing human
of Drosophila to Genetic mutant LRRK2 (G2019S) was utilized to validate
and Drug Screening seven phenolic compounds which show kinase
inhibitor activity. The results showed that
Drosophila possesses many useful features such piceatannol, thymoquinone, and esculetin
as short life cycle, available genetic tools for reduced oxidative stress and the loss of DA neu-
manipulation of genome, and the conservation of rons and locomotor defects caused by expressing
56 V. M. Dung and D. T. P. Thao

Fig. 4.8  Application of PD-like Drosophila model in genetic screening. PINK1, pink (Fernandes and Rao 2011), DJ-1
(Yang et al. 2005), LRRK2 (Venderova et al. 2009), and α-synuclein (Butler et al. 2012)

Fig. 4.9  Application of PD-like Drosophila model in drug screening

G2019S (Angeles et al. 2016). The other exam- (Lawal et  al. 2014). In addition to identifying
ples of drug screening dVMAT mutant fly were potential therapeutic compounds, these studies
used for screening 1000 known drugs to evaluate also support the use of Drosophila for PD drug
the effects of these drugs on locomotor deficits discovery.
4  Parkinson’s Disease Model 57

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Repeat Expansion Disease Models
Morio Ueyama and Yoshitaka Nagai

Abstract 5.1 Introduction

Repeat expansion disorders are a group of
inherited neuromuscular diseases, which are In 1991, expansion mutations of repeat sequences
caused by expansion mutations of repeat in the genome were discovered to cause human
sequences in the disease-causing genes. hereditary diseases, namely, a CGG trinucleotide
Repeat expansion disorders include a class of repeat expansion in the fragile X mental retarda-
diseases caused by repeat expansions in the tion 1 (FMR1) gene causing fragile X syndrome
coding region of the genes, producing mutant (FXS) and a CAG trinucleotide repeat expansion
proteins with amino acid repeats, mostly the in the androgen receptor (AR) gene in spinal-­
polyglutamine (polyQ) diseases, and another bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA) (La Spada
class of diseases caused by repeat expansions et al. 1991; Verkerk et al. 1991). Since these ini-
in the noncoding regions, producing aberrant tial findings, more than 23 expansion mutations
RNA with expanded repeats, which are called of 3 or more nucleotide repeats were found to
noncoding repeat expansion diseases. A vari- cause various inherited neurological and neuro-
ety of Drosophila disease models have been muscular diseases (Table  5.1) (La Spada and
established for both types of diseases, and Taylor 2010). These repeat expansion disorders
they have made significant contributions are largely classified into two groups depending
toward elucidating the molecular mechanisms on the location of the repeat sequences in the
of and developing therapies for these neuro- genome, i.e., the coding region or the noncoding
muscular diseases. region.
In the former group, expanded CAG repeats
Keywords produce proteins containing an expanded poly-
Repeat expansion diseases · Drosophila · glutamine (polyQ) tract, triggering neurodegen-
Polyglutamine diseases · Noncoding repeat eration via toxic gain-of-function mechanisms in
expansion diseases · Neurodegenerative Huntington’s disease (HD); spinocerebellar
diseases · Spinocerebellar ataxia · ataxia (SCA) types 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, and 17;
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis · RNA foci · dentatorubral-­pallidoluysian atrophy; and
Repeat-associated non-ATG translation SBMA, which are collectively called the polyQ
diseases (Katsuno et  al. 2014; Takeuchi and
M. Ueyama · Y. Nagai (*) Nagai 2017). Expansions of the polyQ tract are
Department of Neurotherapeutics, Osaka University thought to trigger misfolding and aggregation of
Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka, Japan these causative proteins, eventually causing
e-mail: nagai@neurother.med.osaka-u.ac.jp

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 63

M. Yamaguchi (ed.), Drosophila Models for Human Diseases, Advances in Experimental Medicine
and Biology 1076, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-0529-0_5
64 M. Ueyama and Y. Nagai

Table 5.1  Clinical and molecular characteristics of repeat expansion disorders in which repeat sequences are located
in the coding region of a gene
Repeat length
Disease Repeat Gene Normal Disease Main clinical features
HD CAG HTT 6–35 36–180 Chorea, psychiatric disturbance, dementia
SCA1 CAG ATXN1 6–39 39–83 Ataxia, bulbar palsy
SCA2 CAG ATXN2 14–32 32–200 Ataxia, bulbar palsy, parkinsonism
SCA3 CAG ATXN3 12–41 55–84 Ataxia, spasticity, parkinsonism
SCA6 CAG CACNA1A 4–19 20–33 Ataxia, nystagmus
SCA7 CAG ATXN7 4–35 37–306 Ataxia, retinal degeneration
SCA17 CAG TBP 25–44 46–63 Ataxia, dementia, parkinsonism
DRPLA CAG ATN1 6–36 49–88 Ataxia, myoclonic epilepsy, choreoathetosis,
SBMA CAG AR 9–36 38–65 Muscle weakness, bulbar palsy
OPMD GCN PABPN1 6–10 12–17 Ptosis, bulbar palsy
HD, Huntington’s disease; SCA, spinocerebellar ataxia; DRPLA, dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy; SBMA, spinal
and bulbar muscular atrophy; OPMD, oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy; HTT, huntingtin; ATXN, ataxin, CACNA1A,
calcium channel voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 A; TBP, TATA box-binding protein; ATN1, atrophin 1; AR,
androgen receptor; PABPN1, poly(A) binding protein, nuclear 1

n­ eurodegeneration. Expansion mutations of GCN (Pieretti et  al. 1991; Bidichandani et  al. 1998).
repeats encoding a polyalanine (polyA) tract Second, gain-of-function due to aberrant RNAs
have also been reported in oculopharyngeal containing expanded repeats transcribed from the
muscular dystrophy (OPMD) and other diseases, mutant gene have been suggested in most of these
which can lead to both gain-of-function and loss-­ diseases, including DM1 and 2, FXTAS, SCA8,
function pathogenic mechanisms (Messaed 10, 31, and 36, and C9-ALS/FTD. These
and Rouleau 2009). expanded repeat-containing RNAs were shown
In the latter group, the repeat sequences are to be accumulated as RNA foci in affected tissues
located in the noncoding region, such as the and to recruit their corresponding RNA-binding
5′-UTR, 3′-UTR, or introns in the genome in proteins (RBPs), resulting in their loss-of-­
FXS and fragile X tremor ataxia syndrome function (Miller et al. 2000; Mankodi et al. 2001;
(FXTAS); fragile XE syndrome (FRAXE); Jin et al. 2007). Furthermore, a third mechanism
myotonic dystrophy (DM) types 1 and 2; has emerged from recent studies, in which
Friedreich ataxia; SCA8, 10, 12, 31, 36, and 37; expanded repeat RNAs were surprisingly shown
C9orf72-­linked amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and to be translated into aberrant repeat polypeptides
frontotemporal dementia (C9-ALS/FTD); and despite the lack of an initiation codon, via uncon-
Huntington’s disease-like 2 (Table 5.2) (Orr and ventional translation, so-called repeat-associated
Zoghbi 2007; Rohilla and Gagnon 2017; Seixas non-ATG (RAN) translation (Zu et  al. 2011;
et al. 2017). Since these repeat sequences do not Mori et al. 2013; Ash et al. 2013; Pearson 2011).
directly encode amino acid sequences in proteins, Subsequent studies demonstrated that these
their pathogenic mechanisms are much more repeat polypeptides produced by RAN transla-
complicated. At least three molecular mecha- tion cause toxicity via gain-of-function mecha-
nisms underlying the pathogenesis of these non- nisms (Kwon et al. 2014; Mizielinska et al. 2014).
coding repeat expansion diseases have been However, the molecular mechanisms of RAN
proposed (Nelson et al. 2013; Rohilla and Gagnon translation still remain to be understood, and
2017). First, loss-of-function of the mutant genes research toward elucidation of the pathogenic
due to silencing of or reduction in gene expres- mechanisms of these disorders is still ongoing.
sion by the repeat expansion mutation has been In this chapter, we will introduce a number of
suggested in FXS, FRAXE, and Friedreich ataxia studies using a variety of fly models to elucidate
Table 5.2  Clinical and molecular characteristics of repeat expansion disorders in which repeat sequences are located in the noncoding region of a gene
Repeat length
Disease Repeat Gene Repeat location Normal Disease Main clinical features
FXS CGG FMR1 5′-UTR 6–55 > 200 Mental retardation, autism
FXTAS CGG FMR1 5′-UTR 6–55 55–200 Ataxia, kinetic tremor, parkinsonism
FRAXE GCC FMR2 5′-UTR 4–39 200–900 Mental retardation
5  Repeat Expansion Disease Models

DM1 CTG DMPK 3′-UTR 5–37 50–10,000 Muscle weakness, myotonia,

cataract, heart defect
DM2 CCTG ZNF9 Intron 10–26 75–11,000 Muscle weakness, myotonia, cataract
FRDA GAA FXN Intron 8–33 > 90 Ataxia, bulbar palsy, scoliosis,
SCA8 CTG ATXN8 3′-UTR 15–50 71–1300 Ataxia, bulbar palsy
SCA10 ATTCT ATXN10 Intron 10–29 280–4500 Ataxia, bulbar palsy
SCA12 CAG PPP2R2B 5′-UTR 7–45 51–78 Tremor, ataxia
SCA31 TGGAA BEAN/TK2 Intron 0 45–760 Ataxia
SCA36 GGCCTG NOP56 Intron 3–14 > 650 Ataxia, bulbar palsy, hearing loss
SCA37 ATTTC DAB1 Intron 0 31–75 Ataxia
C9-ALS/FTD GGGGCC C9ORF72 Intron 2–25 25–1600 Motor neuron disease,
frontotemporal dementia
HDL2 CTG JPH3 3′-UTR 6–28 41–58 Chorea, dystonia
FXS, fragile X syndrome; FXTAS, fragile X tremor ataxia syndrome; FRAXE, fragile XE syndrome; DM, myotonic dystrophy; FDRA, Friedreich ataxia; C9-ALS/FTD,
C9ORF72-related amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal dementia; HDL2, Huntington’s disease-like 2; FMR1, fragile X mental retardation 1; FMR2, fragile X mental
retardation 2; DMPK, DM1 protein kinase; ZNF9, zinc finger 9; FXN, frataxin; PPP2R2B, protein phosphatase 2 regulatory subunit B, beta isoform; BEAN, brain expressed,
associated with Nedd4; TK2, thymidine kinase 2; NOP56, nucleolar protein 56; DAB1, Disabled-1; C9ORF72, chromosome 9 open reading frame 72; JPH3, junctophilin 3;
UTR, untranslated region
66 M. Ueyama and Y. Nagai

the pathogenic mechanisms of these repeat overexpression of this mutant Htt causes axonal
expansion disorders. We will also discuss the transport defects accompanied by accumulation
advantages of fly models as human disease of the pathogenic Htt protein. Lee et  al. (2004)
models for studying pathogenic mechanisms and established other HD fly models expressing the
investigating potential therapies for these longer 548 amino acids fragment of the Htt pro-
disorders. tein with a 128 polyQ tract and also reported the
disruption of axonal transport and accumulation
of aggregates at synapses, indicating that cyto-
5.2  ly Models of Repeat
F plasmic accumulation of the pathogenic Htt pro-
Expansion Disorders tein leads to neuronal dysfunction. Interestingly,
they did not find axonal transport defects in flies
5.2.1 Huntington’s Disease expressing an expanded polyQ tract alone, which
show only nuclear aggregates. On the other hand,
Huntington’s disease (HD) is an autosomal domi- new HD fly models expressing the full-length Htt
nant neurodegenerative disorder characterized by protein containing a 128 polyQ tract have been
loss of neurons mainly in the striatum and cortex, established (Romero et al. 2008), and these flies
leading to progressive motor impairments, cogni- showed behavioral, neurodegenerative, and elec-
tive decline, and psychiatric symptoms. HD is trophysiological phenotypes. They found that
caused by an abnormal expansion of CAG repeats increased neurotransmission rather than axonal
encoding the polyQ tract in exon 1 of the hun- transport defects is at the root of the neurodegen-
tingtin (Htt) gene. In the polyQ diseases, such as eration caused by full-length mutant Htt during
HD, there is a threshold length of polyQ repeats the early stages of pathogenesis (Romero et  al.
for clinical manifestation of approximately 35 to 2008). The results of these studies indicate that
40 repeats in general, and longer repeats are asso- pathogenic outcomes can be affected by the pro-
ciated with earlier age of onset and severity of tein context of the polyQ proteins.
disease. The abnormal aggregation of mutant
proteins into nuclear inclusions (NIs) is also
commonly observed in the brains of patients with 5.2.2 Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 1
the polyQ diseases (DiFiglia et al. 1997; Becher
et al. 1998; Paulson et al. 1997). Spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 (SCA1) is a dom-
Jackson et al. (1998) first generated fly models inantly inherited ataxia characterized by pro-
of HD, each expressing the exon 1 fragment of gressive cerebellar ataxia, dysarthria,
the Htt protein with tracts of either 2, 75, or 120 dysphagia, and variable neurological symptoms
glutamine residues (Httex1-Q2, Q75, or Q120, and is caused by an abnormal expansion of the
respectively) in photoreceptor neurons of the eye. CAG trinucleotide repeat in the coding region
Expression of Httex1-Q2 had no effect on the fly of the ataxin-1 gene.
eyes, whereas expression of Httex1-Q75 or Q120 Fernandez-Funez et  al. (2000) created a fly
caused repeat length- and age-dependent degen- model of SCA1 by introducing transgenes encod-
eration of photoreceptor neurons. Although the ing the full-length human ataxin-1 with a normal
mutant Htt protein accumulated in the cytoplasm (SCA1-Q30) or expanded (SCA1-Q82) length
and nucleus of the photoreceptor neurons just polyQ repeats. Expression of SCA1-Q82 caused
after eclosion, nuclear accumulation of mutant progressive neurodegeneration, as expected, and
Htt was observed in aged HD flies, suggesting notably, flies expressing SCA1-Q30 at a high
that accumulation of the mutant Htt protein in the level also showed neurodegenerative phenotypes,
nucleus plays a crucial role in neurodegeneration. indicating that even wild-type ataxin-1 can cause
Gunawardena et  al. (2003) also established HD neurodegeneration. Genetic modifier screening
fly models expressing the exon 1 fragment of the using the SCA1 fly models identified several
Htt protein with a 93 polyQ tract and showed that modifiers involved in protein folding/degrada-
5  Repeat Expansion Disease Models 67

tion, RNA processing, transcriptional regulation, trinucleotide repeat in the coding region of the
and cellular detoxification. These findings shed ataxin-3 gene.
light on a previously unrecognized new The first genetically engineered fly models that
pathogenic mechanism of SCA1: the normal
­ were established for human neurodegenerative
function of ataxin-1 could contribute to SCA1 diseases were the SCA3 models (Warrick et  al.
pathogenesis. Subsequent studies also clarified 1998). These SCA3 fly models express the
modifiers involved in the signal transduction C-terminal region of the ataxin-3 protein contain-
pathways by genetic interaction analyses using ing normal (MJDtr-Q27) or pathogenic
SCA1 fly models, in combination with mamma- (MJDtr-Q78) length polyQ repeats. Expression of
lian-based genetic and proteomic analyses (Chen MJDtr-Q78 in the eye led to late-onset cell degen-
et al. 2003; Tsuda et al. 2005; Lam et al. 2006; eration and NI formation (Fig.  5.1), similarly to
Park et al. 2013). the characteristics observed in SCA3 patients,
In addition, genetic interaction between whereas the expression of MJDtr-Q27 had no
ataxin-1 and ataxin-2 was demonstrated using the effect (Warrick et al. 1998). In a subsequent study,
SCA1 fly model (Al-Ramahi et  al. 2007). The the same group demonstrated that HSP70, a major
authors showed that wild-type Drosophila stress-induced molecular chaperone, suppresses
ataxin-2 is a major genetic modifier of the pheno- polyQ-induced neurodegeneration in the SCA3
types of SCA1-82Q flies. They also showed that fly model (Warrick et al. 1999). They also showed
nuclear accumulation of ataxin-2 contributes to that the full-length ataxin-­3-­Q27, which is a poly-
mutant ataxin-1-induced toxicity. Altogether, ubiquitin-binding protein with ubiquitin protease
these findings suggest common mechanisms of activity, suppresses neurodegeneration and delays
neurodegeneration in different types of ataxia. NI formation in MJDtr-Q78 flies, depending on
its ubiquitin-­associated activities and proteasome
function (Warrick et al. 2005). These results indi-
5.2.3 Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 3 cate that the physiological function of the host
protein plays a crucial role in SCA3 pathogenesis,
Spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3), also as well as indicates the potential therapeutic role
known as Machado-Joseph disease (MJD), is the of ataxin-3 activity for the polyQ diseases.
most common dominantly inherited ataxia and is Moreover, Bilen and Bonini (2007) performed a
characterized by progressive cerebellar ataxia genetic modifier screen using the SCA3 model fly
and variable neurological symptoms. SCA3 is and identified a set of genes that affects protein
caused by an abnormal expansion of the CAG misfolding. Importantly, some modifiers of the

Fig. 5.1  The fly model

of SCA3
Expression of
MJDtr-Q78 in the eye
causes severe eye
degeneration as
compared to control. Fly
genotypes are gmr-
Gal4/+ (left) and
gmr-Gal4/+; UAS-
MJDtr-­Q78S/+ (right)
68 M. Ueyama and Y. Nagai

SCA3 flies also modulated toxicity of tau, which a tract of 52 polyQ (AR-Q52) into flies (Takeyama
is involved in Alzheimer’s disease and frontotem- et al. 2002). Although no obvious phenotype was
poral dementia, demonstrating common mecha- observed in the photoreceptor neurons of the eyes
nisms of neurodegeneration between distinct of these flies, administration of androgen or its
neurotoxic proteins. We also showed that the loss antagonists led to marked neurodegeneration
of p62/sequestosome 1, which is involved in accompanied with nuclear translocation of the
selective autophagy, delays the degradation of mutant AR.  These findings suggest that ligand
MJDtr-Q78 protein oligomers and exacerbates binding to polyQ-expanded AR leads to its struc-
eye degeneration, indicating that p62 plays a pro- tural alteration and subsequent nuclear transloca-
tective role against polyQ-induced neurodegener- tion, which eventually leads to neurodegeneration
ation in the SCA3 fly model (Saitoh et al. 2015). in male SBMA patients (Takeyama et al. 2002).
Taken together, these results suggest that chaper- Regarding involvement of native AR functions in
one activity and the protein-folding pathway play the pathogenesis of SMBA, Nedelsky et  al.
important roles in the pathogenesis of SCA3. (2010) showed that not only the nuclear translo-
It is widely accepted that mutant ataxin-3 cation of AR but also the DNA-binding activity
proteins containing an expanded polyQ tract of AR and recruitment of transcriptional coregu-
cause neurodegeneration. However, Li et  al. lators is necessary for its toxicity. These findings
(2008) provided evidence for a pathogenic role of indicate that the native functions of AR play a
CAG repeat RNA in polyQ disease pathogenesis crucial role in the pathogenesis of SBMA.
using SCA3 fly models. They performed modifier
screening for polyQ-induced neurodegeneration
and unexpectedly found that muscleblind, a gene 5.2.5 Oculopharyngeal Muscular
implicated in the RNA toxicity of CUG expansion Dystrophy
diseases, enhanced eye degeneration in SCA3
flies. Furthermore, they tested the possible role Oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy (OPMD)
of RNA toxicity by expressing the CAG repeat is an adult-onset muscular disorder generally
in the untranslated region, and found that mRNA with autosomal dominant traits and is character-
expression of an untranslated CAG repeat of ized by progressive swallowing difficulties, pto-
pathogenic length induced progressive neuronal sis, and proximal limb weakness. OPMD is
dysfunction. These results demonstrate the role of caused by a short expansion of the GCG trinucle-
RNA toxicity in the pathogenesis of SCA3. otide repeat in the coding region of the nuclear
poly(A)-binding protein 1 (PABPN1) gene,
which encodes a protein that is involved in the
5.2.4 Spinal and Bulbar Muscular polyadenylation of mRNAs and poly(A) site
Atrophy selection (Brais et al. 1998). Whereas the normal
PABPN1 allele has a (GCN)10 repeat encoding a
Spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA), also 10 polyalanine (polyA) stretch, OPMD patients
known as Kennedy disease, is an adult-onset neu- carry expanded alleles with (GCG)12–17 repeats,
rodegenerative disorder with an X-linked reces- encoding expanded polyA tracts in the N-terminal
sive inheritance. The disease mainly affects motor domain of PABPN1 (Brais et al. 1998).
neurons and is characterized by slowly progressive Chartier et al. (2006) established a fly model
limb and bulbar muscle weakness and atrophy and of OPMD expressing mutant PABPN1 with a 17
gynecomastia. As described in the Introduction polyA tract in muscle and demonstrated progres-
section, SBMA is caused by an abnormal expan- sive muscle degeneration and nuclear inclusions
sion of the CAG repeat encoding a polyQ tract in composed of mutant PABPN1  in these flies,
exon 1 of the AR gene (La Spada et al. 1991). which are reminiscent of the characteristics of
A fly model of SBMA was generated by intro- human OPMD patients. Notably, in this OPMD
ducing a transgene encoding the AR protein with fly model, the polyA tract was not sufficient to
5  Repeat Expansion Disease Models 69

cause muscle degeneration, and the RNA-binding Later, bidirectional expression of CUG and
domain (RRM) of PABPN1 was also required. antisense CAG repeat transcripts were reported
This suggests that OPMD does not only result in an SCA8 mouse model, as well as in SCA8
from polyA toxicity but also from an intrinsic patients (Moseley et al. 2006). Most surprisingly,
property of mutant PABPN1 that is dependent on the CAG repeat sequence located in the noncod-
the RRM. The authors also identified several sup- ing region was discovered to be translated into
pressors of the muscular phenotype such as the repeat polypeptides in the absence of an initiation
molecular chaperone HSP70 and the anti-­ ATG codon (Zu et  al. 2011) in cell and mouse
apoptotic protein p35 using the OPMD fly model, models of SCA8, as well as in SCA8 patients.
demonstrating the protective role of molecular This unconventional translation was named
chaperones and involvement of apoptosis in repeat-associated non-ATG (RAN) translation.
mutant PABPN1-induced muscle degeneration. These results suggest that toxic gain-of-function
Recently, Chartier et  al. (2015) found that mechanisms at both the protein and RNA levels
mRNAs encoding mitochondrial proteins are may contribute to the pathogenesis of SCA8.
downregulated starting at the earliest stages of
progression in fly and mouse models of
OPMD.  Since the downregulation of these 5.2.7 Spinocerebellar Ataxia
mRNAs correlates with their shortened poly(A) Type 31
tails, the authors propose that impaired nuclear
polyadenylation is an early defect in OPMD. Spinocerebellar ataxia type 31 (SCA31) is a late-­
onset autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia,
which is caused by a complex penta-nucleotide
5.2.6 Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 8 (TGGAA)n repeat insertion in the overlapping
intron of the brain expressed, associated with
Spinocerebellar ataxia type 8 (SCA8) is an adult-­ Nedd4 gene and the thymidine kinase 2 gene in
onset slowly progressive ataxia with autosomal the antisense strand (Sato et  al. 2009). In the
dominant inheritance, which is associated with brains of SCA31 patients, RNA foci containing
an expansion of the CTG repeat in the noncoding UGGAA repeats were observed (Niimi et  al.
region of the ataxin-8 opposite strand gene, and 2013), supporting a toxic gain-of-function mech-
possibly the complementary CAG repeat in the anism caused by UGGAA repeat RNA in the
ataxin-8 gene. This was the first example of an pathogenesis of SCA31.
expansion mutation of a noncoding trinucleotide To gain insight into the pathogenic mecha-
repeat in SCA, in contrast to most other repeat nisms of SCA31, we generated SCA31 model
expansion mutations occurring in the coding flies expressing expanded UGGAA repeats
regions in other SCAs (Koob et al. 1999). As the (UGGAAexp) and showed that the expression of
CTG trinucleotide repeat is believed to be located UGGAAexp causes neurodegeneration accom-
in the noncoding region, toxic gain-of-function panied by the accumulation of UGGAAexp RNA
mechanisms of repeat RNA are thought to be foci and pentapeptide repeat proteins produced
involved in the pathogenesis of SCA8. by repeat-associated translation, as observed in
To investigate this possibility, Mutsuddi et al. SCA31 patient brains (Ishiguro et  al. 2017).
(2004) generated fly models for SCA8 by Moreover, the ALS-associated RBPs, TAR DNA-­
expressing 9 (normal) or 112 (expanded) CTG binding protein (TDP-43), fused in sarcoma
repeats. Both flies expressing normal and (FUS), and heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleo-
expanded CTG repeats in the eye showed late-­ protein A2/B1 (hnRNPA2/B1) bind to
onset and progressive eye degeneration. Using UGGAAexp RNA, alter the structure of
these SCA8 fly models, they performed a genetic UGGAAexp RNA, and suppress UGGAAexp-­
modifier screen and identified four RBPs that are mediated toxicity. These results demonstrate that
expressed in neurons. these RBPs function as RNA chaperones and
70 M. Ueyama and Y. Nagai

regulate repeat-associated translation, suggesting that the double-stranded RNA-binding protein

that defects of RNA metabolism associated with DGCR8 binds to CGG repeats and is sequestered
RBPs contribute to the pathogenesis of SCA31. in CGG RNA aggregates together with its part-
ner, DROSHA, resulting in a reduction in
microRNA processing. These results suggest that
5.2.8 Fragile X Tremor Ataxia alteration of the microRNA-processing machin-
Syndrome ery is involved in the pathogenic mechanisms in
Fragile X tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS) is a Intriguingly, Todd et al. (2013) demonstrated
late-onset neurodegenerative disease character- that CGG repeats work as a template for RAN
ized by kinetic tremor, gait ataxia, parkinsonism, translation to produce polyglycine-containing
and dementia. FXTAS is caused by a premutation proteins, which accumulate in ubiquitin-positive
expansion of CGG repeats (55–200) in the inclusions in the FXTAS fly models and FXTAS
5′-UTR of the FMR1 gene, which is found in patient brains. Moreover, CGG repeat toxicity is
FXS carriers and belongs to the FMR1-related suppressed by eliminating RAN translation and
disorders, including FXS and FMR1-related pri- is enhanced by increased polyglycine production
mary ovarian insufficiency. via ATG-initiated translation, indicating that
To investigate whether premutation alleles of RAN translation, which produces aberrant poly-
FMR1 lead to neurodegeneration in vivo, Jin peptides, is involved in the neurodegeneration in
et  al. (2003) established FXTAS fly models FXTAS.
expressing 60 or 90 CGG repeats. They showed
that expression of premutation CGG repeats
alone is sufficient to cause neurodegeneration in 5.2.9 Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1
a dose- and repeat length-dependent manner,
suggesting RNA-mediated neurodegeneration in Myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) is an autoso-
these fly models. In their following study, the mal dominant muscular dystrophy characterized
authors screened for CGG repeat RNA-binding by myotonia and muscular dystrophy, together
proteins from mouse brain lysates and identified with multisystem impairments, including cata-
Pur α and hnRNPA2/B1 as RBPs binding to CGG racts, hypogonadism, endocrine dysfunction,
repeat RNA. They further showed that Pur α sup- heart defects, and cognitive decline. DM1 is the
presses neurodegeneration caused by CGG repeat most common muscular dystrophy affected in
RNA in the FXTAS fly models, indicating that adulthood, but it also appears as a congenital
Pur α plays an important role in the pathogenesis form. DM1 is caused by an abnormal expansion
of FXTAS (Jin et al. 2007). Sofola et al. (2007b) of CTG repeats in the 3′-UTR of the dystrophia
also identified RBPs such as hnRNP A2/B1 and myotonica protein kinase gene (Mahadevan et al.
CUG-binding protein 1 (CUGBP1) that bind to 1992; Brook et  al. 1992). In DM1 patients,
the CGG repeat and suppresses its toxicity in the expanded CUG repeat-containing RNA accumu-
FXTAS fly models. These results suggest seques- lates as RNA foci in the nucleus of affected tis-
tration of RBPs by CGG repeat RNA as one of sues and recruit two major RBPs, muscleblind
the pathogenic mechanisms of FXTAS. like splicing regulator 1 (MBNL1) and CUGBP1,
They also reported that co-expression of CGG which bind to the CUG repeat RNA, resulting in
repeat RNA together with CCG repeat RNA, their misregulation and alteration of RNA metab-
whose expansion in the FMR2 gene causes olism (Philips et  al. 1998; Miller et  al. 2000;
another type of X-linked mental retardation, Timchenko 2013).
FRAXE, decreases their independent toxicities To provide further insight into the pathogenic
with each other, by reducing their transcript lev- mechanisms of DM1, Houseley et al. (2005) gen-
els through the RNAi pathway (Sofola et  al. erated DM1 fly models expressing expanded
2007a). Furthermore, Sellier et al. (2013) found (162), intermediate (48, 56), or normal (11) CTG
5  Repeat Expansion Disease Models 71

repeats in the 3′-UTR of a GFP reporter gene. In belong to the same disease spectrum with over-
muscle cells, expanded CUG repeats formed lapping genetic and neuropathological features
RNA foci and colocalized with muscleblind, (ALS/FTD) (Ling et al. 2013). In 2011, an abnor-
which is the Drosophila ortholog of human mal expansion of a GGGGCC repeat in the first
MBNL1, whereas normal and intermediate CTG intron of the C9orf72 gene was identified as the
repeats did not. However, no pathological pheno- most common genetic mutation of ALS/FTD
type, such as locomotor impairment, shortened (C9-ALS/FTD) (Renton et  al. 2011; DeJesus-­
life span, or muscular pathology, was detectable Hernandez et al. 2011). Three hypotheses in the
in this fly model. Further investigation was con- pathogenesis of C9-ALS/FTD have been pro-
ducted by creating a more severe fly disease posed so far, as follows: loss-of-function of the
model with a larger number (480) of interrupted C9ORF72 protein, toxic gain-of-function of
CUG (iCUG) repeats (de Haro et  al. 2006). expanded GGGGCC repeat RNAs, and toxic
Expressions of this expanded iCUG repeat caused gain-of-function of dipeptide repeat (DPR) pro-
eye and muscle degeneration and the accumula- teins generated from expanded repeat RNAs by
tion of expanded iCUG transcripts in nuclear RAN translation (Ling et al. 2013). However, an
RNA foci. Moreover, expression of MBNL1 was FTD patient homozygous for the C9orf72
found to suppress expanded iCUG-induced tox- GGGGCC repeat expansion mutation was
icity, whereas expression of CUGBP1 worsened reported to demonstrate clinical and pathological
the iCUG-induced toxicity in these DM1 fly features that fit within the range of those of het-
models (de Haro et al. 2006). Using this DM1 fly erozygous patients (Fratta et al. 2013). This fact,
model, de Haro et  al. (2013) further identified together with the lack of C9orf72-coding muta-
smaug, which is the Drosophila ortholog of tions in ALS patients, excludes the possibility of
human Smaug1/Samd4A, a translational repres- a loss-of-function mechanism in C9-ALS/FTD
sor, as a suppressor of iCUG repeat-induced tox- (Harms et  al. 2013). Moreover, knockout mice
icity. Smaug was found to physically and for the C9orf72 gene demonstrate immunological
genetically interact with CUGBP1 and sup- defects, but no or mild neurological dysfunction
presses iCUG-induced myopathy via restoration (Koppers et al. 2015; Atanasio et al. 2016; Jiang
of the translational activity of CUGBP1 (de Haro et al. 2016; Sudria-Lopez et al. 2016). Thus, loss
et al. 2013). of C9orf72 function may not play a key role in
the pathogenesis of C9-ALS/FTD.
Although Drosophila do not have an ortholog
5.2.10 C9orf72-Linked Amyotrophic of the C9orf72 gene, fly models were employed
Lateral Sclerosis to explore the toxic gain-of-function mechanisms
and Frontotemporal in the pathogenesis of C9-ALS/FTD.  The first
Dementia C9-ALS/FTD fly model was established by
expressing expanded 30 GGGGCC repeats with a
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progres- CTCGAG interruption (iGGGGCC). Flies
sive neurodegenerative disease predominantly expressing iGGGGCC repeats in the eye caused
affecting upper and lower motor neurons, result- eye degeneration, and those in motor neurons
ing in muscle weakness and atrophy, bulbar dys- demonstrated motor dysfunction with aging (Xu
function, and eventual respiratory impairment. et  al. 2013). To distinguish the toxic gain-of-­
Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is a neurodegen- function mechanisms between expanded repeat
erative dementia characterized by cognitive RNAs themselves and DPR proteins produced by
impairment together with behavioral and person- RAN translation, Mizielinska et al. (2014) gener-
ality changes. Since the discovery of TDP-43 as a ated three C9-ALS/FTD fly models, as follows:
key molecule aggregated in the pathological (1) flies expressing expanded pure GGGGCC
inclusions of both diseases, these intractable neu- repeats that produce both expanded RNAs and
rodegenerative diseases have been considered to DPR proteins, (2) RNA-only flies expressing
72 M. Ueyama and Y. Nagai

stop codon-interrupted expanded GGGGCC mic transport. Boeynaems et al. (2016) also dis-
repeats that only produce expanded RNAs, and covered genes encoding components of the
(3) DPR protein-only flies expressing non-­ nuclear pore complex, importins, exportins, Ran-­
GGGGCC RNAs with alternative codons that GTP regulators, and arginine methylases as mod-
only produce DPR proteins. They found that flies ifiers of C9-ALS/FTD flies. These findings
expressing pure GGGGCC repeats showed neu- provide evidence that nucleocytoplasmic trans-
rodegenerative phenotypes, such as rough eye port contributes to the pathogenesis of C9-ALS/
and decreased life span, whereas RNA-only flies FTD.
showed no apparent phenotype, despite RNA foci
formation in both pure GGGGCC repeat and
interrupted repeat RNA-only flies. These findings 5.3 Perspectives
suggest that expanded GGGGCC repeats cause
neurotoxicity through the DPR proteins, and As introduced above, a number of studies on
RNA foci may not be a direct cause of neurode- repeat expansion disorders have been performed
generation in these fly models. The authors fur- using fly models and have contributed toward
ther investigated whether expression of the DPR elucidating the molecular mechanisms of these
protein alone is sufficient to induce toxicity using diseases. In particular, by taking advantage of fly
DPR protein-only flies. They found that only models in rapid and efficient genetic analyses,
poly-GR and poly-PR proteins cause eye degen- various modifier genes have been identified by
eration, whereas poly-GA and poly-PA proteins genetic screening, providing insight into the
do not, indicating that arginine-containing DPR pathogenic mechanisms of these disorders.
proteins are the major cause of neurodegenera- The other remarkable advantage of fly models
tion in C9-ALS/FTD fly models (Mizielinska is their short generation cycle, which is useful for
et  al. 2014). Tran et  al. (2015) reported a new research on intergenerational repeat instability.
C9-ALS/FTD fly model expressing 160 Repeat instabilities are commonly observed in
GGGGCC repeats flanked by human intronic and most of the repeat expansion disorders, and fur-
exonic sequences. Spliced intronic 160 GGGGCC ther elongation of expanded repeats in the next
repeat RNA formed RNA foci in the nucleus generation often results in earlier onset and more
of neurons but resulted in low levels of DPRs severe disease phenotypes, which is called antici-
and no neurodegeneration. These results also pation (Mirkin 2007; Orr and Zoghbi 2007).
indicate that the accumulation of RNA foci is Such elongation of expanded repeats is thought
not sufficient to drive neurodegeneration, and to occur during meiosis in germline cells, whereas
the sequences flanking the GGGGCC repeats repeat instability during mitosis is also known to
may modulate RAN translation. cause somatic mosaicism (Pearson et  al. 2005;
Toward elucidation of the molecular mecha- Kovtun and McMurray 2008). Jung and Bonini
nisms underlying the pathogenesis of C9-ALS/ (2007) used a fly model of SCA3 expressing an
FTD, several groups have performed genetic expanded CAG repeat to clarify the mechanisms
modifier screening using C9-ALS/FTD fly mod- underlying repeat instability. They found that
els. Zhang et al. (2015) identified Ran GTPase-­ repeat instability was enhanced by transcription
activating protein (RanGAP), which is a key and was modulated by Rad2/XPG, which is
regulator of nucleocytoplasmic transport, and involved in DNA repair mechanisms.
showed a genetic interaction between GGGGCC Furthermore, repeat instability was increased in
repeats and the nucleocytoplasmic transport SCA3 flies by the loss of CREB-binding protein,
machinery. Freibaum et  al. (2015) performed which is a histone acetyltransferase, and treat-
genetic modifier screening using flies expressing ment with trichostatin A, a histone deacetylase
GGGGCC repeats and GFP in frame to monitor (HDAC) inhibitor suppressed this repeat instabil-
RAN translation and identified 18 genes involved ity. These results clearly indicate the usefulness
in the nuclear pore complex and nucleocytoplas- of fly models to study the mechanisms of repeat
5  Repeat Expansion Disease Models 73

instability, which is thought to underlie the fun- Health Labour Sciences Research Grant for Research on
Development of New Drugs (H24-Soyakusogo-Ippan-002
damental etiology of repeat expansion disorders. to Y.N.) from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare,
In addition, several studies have shown the Japan; by grants for Practical Research Projects for
usefulness of fly models for the identification of Rare/Intractable Diseases (15Aek0109018h0002,
potential drug targets. Using HD fly models, 17ek0109222h0001, 18ek0109316h0001 to Y.N.) and
Strategic Research Program for Brain Sciences
Steffan et al. (2001) first identified HDAC inhib- (Integrative Research on Depression, Dementia and
itors, which increase the acetylation levels of Development disorders) (16dm0107061h0001 to Y.N.)
histones, as therapeutic candidates for HD. They from Japan Agency for Medical Research and
showed that the administration of sodium Development, Japan; by Intramural Research Grants for
Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders (27-7, 27-9, 30-9
butyrate and suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid to Y.N.) from the National Center of Neurology and
(SAHA) to HD flies by feeding suppressed neu- Psychiatry; by an IBC Grant to Y.N. from the Japan
rodegeneration. Based on these findings, the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association; and by a
therapeutic potential of HDAC inhibitors for HD grant from the Takeda Science Foundation (to M.U.).
were further explored in mouse models, and the
therapeutic effects of SAHA were indeed repli-
cated in a HD mouse model (Hockly et al. 2003). References
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tamine binding peptide 1 (QBP1), Congo red, Botas J.  dAtaxin-2 mediates expanded Ataxin-1-­
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Although fly models have significantly con- S, Housman DE, Marsh JL, Thompson LM.  A
tributed to extend our knowledge of repeat expan- cell-based assay for aggregation inhibitors as
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tem, etc. Nevertheless, considering their rapid Dickson DW, Petrucelli L. Unconventional translation
generation cycle, cost-effectiveness, and advan- of C9ORF72 GGGGCC expansion generates insol-
tages in genetic analyses, fly models are powerful uble polypeptides specific to c9FTD/ALS.  Neuron.
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Acknowledgments We thank Dr. H.  Akiko Popiel for Burfeind P, Zamfirova R, Warshaw G, Orengo J,
excellent editing of the manuscript and lab members for Oyejide A, Fralish M, Auerbach W, Poueymirou W,
their helpful discussions. This work was supported in part Freudenberg J, Gong G, Zambrowicz B, Valenzuela
by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative D, Yancopoulos G, Murphy A, Thurston G, Lai
Areas (Brain Protein Aging and Dementia Control) KM.  C9orf72 ablation causes immune dysregula-
(17H05699 to Y.N.) and Strategic Research Program for tion characterized by leukocyte expansion, autoan-
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M.U.), and Young Scientists (B) (25860733 to M.U.) from and pallidoluysian atrophy: correlation between the
the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Japan; by density of inclusions and IT15 CAG triplet repeat
74 M. Ueyama and Y. Nagai

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Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Model 6
Yumiko Azuma, Ikuko Mizuta, Takahiko Tokuda,
and Toshiki Mizuno

Abstract (TDP-43), fused in sarcoma/translocated in

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal liposarcoma (FUS/TLS), and chromosome 9
neurodegenerative disease that affects upper open reading frame 72 (C9orf72).
and lower motor neurons in the brain and the
spinal cord. Due to the progressive neurode- Keywords
generation, ALS leads to paralysis and death Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ·
caused by respiratory failure 2–5  years after Neurodegeneration · Motor neuron disease ·
the onset of symptoms. There is no effective TAR DNA-binding protein 43 · Fused in
cure available. Most ALS cases are sporadic, sarcoma/translocated in liposarcoma ·
without family history, whereas 10% of the Chromosome 9 open reading frame 72
cases are familial. Identification of variants in
more than 30 different loci has provided
insight into the pathogenic molecular mecha-
nisms mediating disease pathogenesis. Studies 6.1 Introduction
of a Drosophila melanogaster model for each
of the ALS genes can contribute to uncovering Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known
pathophysiological mechanism of ALS and as Lou Gehrig’s disease, is a fatal neurodegenera-
finding targets of the disease-modifying ther- tive disease that is characterized by progressive
apy. In this review, we focus on three ALS-­ neurodegeneration of upper and lower motor
causing genes: TAR DNA-binding protein neurons. The upper motor neurons originate in
the motor cortex and send signal to the lower
motor neurons via synapses in the brainstem or
Y. Azuma (*) · I. Mizuta · T. Mizuno
Department of Neurology, Kyoto Prefectural spinal cord. The lower motor neurons send sig-
University of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan nals to skeletal muscles via neuromuscular junc-
e-mail: y-azuma@koto.kpu-m.ac.jp; tions (NMJ) (Fig.  6.1). ALS typically starts
imizuta@koto.kpu-m.ac.jp; mizuno@koto.kpu-m.ac.jp
focally, either an upper limb or a lower limb or
T. Tokuda the bulbar region, and spread to other regions
Department of Neurology, Kyoto Prefectural
over time. Patients lead to paralysis and death
University of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan
2–5  years after disease onset (Kanouchi et  al.
Molecular Pathobiology of Brain Diseases,
2012). The pathological hallmark of ALS is
Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine,
Kyoto, Japan abnormal protein inclusions in neurons called
e-mail: ttokuda@koto.kpu-m.ac.jp Bunina bodies (BBs) and skein-like inclusions

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 79

M. Yamaguchi (ed.), Drosophila Models for Human Diseases, Advances in Experimental Medicine
and Biology 1076, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-0529-0_6
80 Y. Azuma et al.

motor cortex (Piao et al. 2003). The mean prevalence of ALS is

about 3.4–5.4 cases per 100,000 people all over
upper motor neuron the world (Chiò et al. 2013).
About 10% of ALS patients have family his-
tory (familial ALS) (Mitchell and Borasio 2007).
brain stem So far, more than 30 causative genes have been
tongue identified (Al-Chalabi et  al. 2017; White and
Sreedharan 2016). These genes play important
roles in the pathogenic mechanism of not only
familial ALS but also sporadic ALS. Although no
lower motor neuron effective therapy has been established yet, target-
spinal cord ing the causative genes and modifier genes of
familial ALS may be useful for developing an
muscle effective treatment for ALS.
Table 6.1 summarizes familial ALS-causing
neuromuscular genes, their Drosophila homologues, and the
junction (NMJ)
papers of Drosophila ALS model published as
Fig. 6.1  Components of the nervous system Upper motor before. The phenotypes of Drosophila ALS
neurons make direct or indirect connections with lower model in this review are briefly shown in
motor neurons, which innervate skeletal muscles and trig- Table  6.2. Superoxide dismutase (SOD1), the
ger their contraction
firstly identified as familial ALS-causing gene in

Table 6.1 ALS Drosophila models

Human gene
(ALS locus) Drosophila gene References
SOD1 (ALS1) Sod1 Bahadorani et al. (2013), Islam et al. (2012), Kumimoto et al. (2013),
and Watson et al. (2008)
Alsin (ALS2) Als2 Takayama et al. (2014)
FUS (ALS6) cabeza Baldwin et al. (2016), Chen et al. (2011), Daigle et al. (2013),
Frickenhaus et al. (2015), Jäckel et al. (2015), Lanson et al. (2011),
Machamer et al. (2014), Miguel et al. (2012), Sasayama et al. (2012),
Shahidullah et al. (2013), Wang et al. (2011), and Xia et al. (2012)
VAPB (ALS8) Vap33 Chai et al. (2008), Chen et al. (2010), Deivasigamani et al. (2014),
Forrest et al. (2013), Han et al. (2012), Moustaqim-Barrette et al.
(2014), Ratnaparkhi et al. (2008), Sanhueza et al. (2014), Tsuda et al.
(2008), and Yang et al. (2012)
TARDBP (ALS10) TBPH Diaper et al. (2013a, b), Elden et al. (2010), Estes et al. (2011), Estes
et al. (2013), Feiguin et al. (2009), Fiesel et al. (2010), Gregory et al.
(2012), Hanson et al. (2010), Hazelett et al. (2012), Ihara et al. (2013),
Kim et al. (2012, 2014), Li et al. (2010), Lin et al. (2011), Lu et al.
(2009), Miguel et al. (2011), Ritson et al. (2010), Sreedharan et al.
(2015), Voigt et al. (2010), and Zhan et al. (2013)
VCP (ALS14) TER94 Kim et al. (2013a, b), Ritson et al. (2010), and Wang et al. (2016)
UBQLN2 (ALS15) Ubqn Jantrapirom et al. (2018)
C9orf72 (ALSFTLD1) Burguete et al. (2015), Celona et al. (2017), Freibaum et al. (2015),
Kramer et al. (2016), Lee et al. (2016), Mizielinska et al. (2014),
Mizielinska et al. (2017), Simone et al. (2017), Tran et al. (2015), Wen
et al. (2014), Xu et al. (2013), and Zhang et al. (2015)
hnRNPA2 Hrb87F/hrp36 Kim et al. (2013a, b)
6  Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Model 81

Table 6.2  Summary of phenotypes of Drosophila ALS models

Aberrant eye Crawling Climbing Bouton Active Dendritic Branch
morphology defect defect Eclosion numbers zone branching length Aggregates
hTDP-­43 WT + + + ↓ ↓ ↑ ↑ or ↓ nd +
hTDP-­43 + + + ↓ ↓ ↑ ↑ or nc nd +
TBPH WT + + + ↓ ↑ or ↓ nd ↑ or nc nd +
TBPH + + + ↓ ↓ nd ↓ or nc nd +
TBPH KO + + + ↓ ↑ or ↓ nd ↓ ↓ −
or KD
hFUS WT + + + ↓ ↓ ↓ nd nd −
hFUS + + + ↓ ↓ or nc ↓ nd nd −
Cabeza WT + + + ↓ ↓ nd nd ↓ −
Cabeza KD + + + ↓ or nc ↓ nd nd ↓ −
or KD
GGGGCC + + + ↓ ↓ ↓ nd nd +
KO knockout, KD knockdown, nc no change, nd not determined

1993, encodes a protein protecting cells against 6.2 Drosophila Models of ALS
oxidative stress by catalyzing the conversion of
superoxide anions into oxygen and hydrogen per- 6.2.1 T
 AR DNA-Binding Protein 43
oxide (Fridovich 1986; Rosen et  al. 1993). The (TDP-43)
SOD1 fly ALS model showed progressive motor
dysfunction, mitochondrial change, coupled with T DP-43-Related ALS
electrophysiological defects and aggregation Mutations in TAR DNA-binding protein 43 gene
(Bahadorani et al. 2013; Watson et al. 2008). (TARDBP, TDP-43) account for 4% of familial
Based on the findings that some causative ALS and inherited in autosomal dominant man-
genes for ALS were also associated with another ner (Fig. 6.2b) (Picher-Martel et al. 2016). It is of
disorder, frontotemporal lobar degeneration note that TDP-43 pathology is observed in most
(FTLD), these two disorders are thought to form ALS patients, both sporadic and familial
continuum of a broad neurodegenerative disorder ALS. The TDP-43 has been first identified as the
(Murphy et al. 2007) (Fig. 6.2a). FTLD is a clini- major component of the ubiquitin-positive neuro-
cally diverse dementia syndrome, characterized nal inclusion bodies observed in patients with
by behavioral change and language dysfunction ALS and FTLD (Arai et al. 2006; Neumann et al.
(Cairns et  al. 2007). Each of ALS and FTLD 2006). Subsequently, mutations of TDP-43 were
presents as extremes of a spectrum of overlap- identified both in ALS and FTLD families
ping clinical symptoms (Fig. 6.2a). (Gitcho et  al. 2008; Kabashi et  al. 2008;
In this review, we focus on three ALS-causing Sreedharan et al. 2008; Van Deerlin et al. 2008).
genes mainly related to both ALS and FTLD: TDP-43 is a highly conserved 43  kDa RNA/
TAR DNA-binding protein-43 (TDP-43), fused in DNA-binding protein and contains two RNA rec-
sarcoma/translocated in liposarcoma (FUS/ ognition motifs, RRM1 and RRM2, and glycine-­
TLS), and chromosome 9 open reading frame 72 rich domain relating to binding single-stranded
(C9orf72). DNA, RNA, and proteins (Buratti and Baralle
82 Y. Azuma et al.

A. ALS – FTLD spectrum


SOD1 C9orf72 TAU



B. Genes for familial ALS

others 20%

4% TDP-43

Fig. 6.2 (a) ALS-FTLD spectrum. (Modified from a spectrum. (b) Genes for familial ALS. (Modified from
Neuron 2013; 79: 416–438). ALS and FTLD may share Acta Neuropathol Commun 2016; 4: 70)
common neurodegenerative pathways and may be part of

2001; Mackenzie et al. 2010; Ou et al. 1995). Of completely clarified. Presence of cytosolic inclu-
more than 40 mutations of TDP-43 identified so sions suggests gain-of-function hypothesis that
far, the most frequent ones G298S, A315T, aggregated TDP-43 is toxic, whereas loss of
M337V, G348C, and A382T are localized in nuclear localization of TDP-43 suggests
glycine-­rich domain (Corcia et al. 2012). Because ­loss-of-­function hypothesis because TDP-43
of limited number of patients of each mutation, it physiologically functions in the nucleus (Vanden
is hard to clarify genotype-phenotype correlation Broeck et al. 2014) (Fig. 6.3).
of TDP-43-related ALS.  However, of the five The Drosophila models for TDP-43-associated
common mutations, G298S and A315T showed ALS based on either gain-of-function or loss-of-­
rapid and slow progression, respectively, and the function have been reported since 2009 (Feiguin
remaining mutations showed intermediate pro- et al. 2009; Lu et al. 2009).
gression (Corcia et al. 2012).
TDP-43 is predominantly localized in the G
 ain-of-Function Model
nucleus and has multiple functions including Based on gain-of-function hypothesis, overex-
RNA processing, splicing regulation, and tran- pression models using GAL4-UAS system have
scriptional regulation (Ratti and Buratti 2016). In been reported. Transgenic Drosophila expressing
autopsied tissues of ALS patients, TDP-43 abnor- wild-type (WT) human TDP-43 (hTDP-43) leads
mally redistributes from nucleus to cytosol and to aberrant eye morphology, climbing and crawl-
forms cytosolic inclusions in motor neurons. The ing defect, reduced life span, eclosion defect,
pathological mechanisms underlying TDP-43-­ increased larval turning time, the reduced synap-
driven neurodegeneration in ALS have not been tic bouton number, the decreased or increased
6  Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Model 83

Fig. 6.3 Intracellular cytoplasm nucleus

localization of TDP-43
or FUS associated with
ALS pathology TDP-43
or FUS is normally
found in the nucleus, but

in ALS, TDP-43 or FUS
abnormally redistributes
from nucleus to cytosol
wild type

and forms cytosolic ALS

TDP-43 or FUS

TDP-43 or FUS aggregates

dendritic branching, the increased active zone at 2014). The different reports as for dendritic
NMJs, day and night sleep fragmentation, and branching might be due to the difference of
cytoplasmic and axonal aggregates (Estes et  al. genetic backgrounds and/or position of the UAS-­
2011; Estes et al. 2013; Hanson et al. 2010; Ihara TBPH inserted among lines used.
et al. 2013; Li et al. 2010; Lu et al. 2009; Voigt Overexpression of mutant TBPH (A315T,
et al. 2010). Q367X) was also reported to lead to aberrant eye
Overexpression of ALS mutant hTDP-43 also morphology, axonal aggregates, crawling defect,
leads to progressive degeneration and functional eclosion defect, decreased bouton numbers, and
deficits in flies. Mutant hTDP-43-induced pheno- decreased or no change in dendritic branching at
types cannot be distinguished from WT hTDP-43 NMJs (Estes et al. 2011; Lu et al. 2009).
induced ones. Mutant hTDP-43-induced pheno-
types reported include aberrant eye morphology L oss-of-Function Model
(D169G, G298S, A315T, M337V, N345K), life Based on loss-of-function hypothesis, knocking
span reduction and eclosion defect (G287S, out or knockdown of endogenous TBPH fly
A315T, G348C, A382T, N390D), climbing and models has been reported. They showed eclo-
crawling defect (A315T), increased larval turn- sion defect, climbing defect, crawling defect,
ing time, the decreased bouton numbers, the the decreased or increased synaptic boutons,
increased or no change of dendritic branching, the reduced dendritic branching, the dysfunc-
the increased active zone at NMJs (D169G, tion of synaptic transmission, and axonal trans-
G298S, A315T, N345K), day and night sleep port (Baldwin et al. 2016; Diaper et al. 2013a;
fragmentation (D169G, G298S, A315T, Q331K, Diaper et  al. 2013b; Feiguin et  al. 2009; Lin
N345K), and cytoplasmic and axonal aggregates et al. 2011; Lu et al. 2009; Magrane et al. 2014).
(D169G, G298S, A315T, N345K) (Estes et  al. The controversial reports of the synaptic bou-
2011; Estes et  al. 2013; Ritson et  al. 2010; ton phenotype might result from the difference
Sreedharan et al. 2015; Voigt et al. 2010). of genetic backgrounds and/or deletion alleles
TBPH is the well-conserved Drosophila among lines used.
homologue of hTDP-43. Overexpression of WT
TBPH induced aberrant eye morphology, eclo- M odifiers of TDP-43-Associated
sion defect, climbing and crawling defect, learn- Phenotypes
ing deficiency, the vesicle transport dysfunction, Genetic interaction analysis by mating flies
the increased or no change of dendritic branching allows efficient identification of modifier genes
at NMJs, and TBPH aggregates (Baldwin et  al. for disease. Here we introduce the genes identi-
2016; Diaper et  al. 2013a, b; Estes et  al. 2011; fied as modifiers of TDP-43-associated pheno-
Lin et  al. 2011; Lu et  al. 2009; Magrane et  al. types in flies.
84 Y. Azuma et al.  Stress Granule-Related Genes localization. ITPR1 encodes an endoplasmic

Yeast plasmid overexpression screening and reticulum (ER)-resident calcium channel
cellular experiments suggest that stress granule (Cardenas et  al. 2010). Mutation in Drosophila
is related to TDP-43 aggregation (Colombrita ITPR improved the life span and climbing defects
et al. 2009; Kim et al. 2014). Of genes encoding in neuron-specific WT hTDP-43 flies, suggesting
stress granule components and related genes, that ITPR-mediated Ca2+ signaling contributes to
Ataxin-2 (ATXN2), PEK, Rox8, Gadd34, and TDP-43-induced neurotoxicity (Colombrita et al.
PABP were reported as modifier of TDP-43 tox- 2009; Liu-Yesucevitz et al. 2010).
icity in flies (Elden et al. 2010; Kim et al. 2014).
ATXN2 is a causative gene of spinocerebellar  Genes Encoding TDP-43
degeneration type2. ATXN2 and PABP are Binding Proteins
major components of stress granule. PEK, Human heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleopro-
Rox8, and Gadd34 modulate phosphorylation teins (hnRNPs) A2B1 and A1 are well known as
levels of eIF2α, which correlate with amount of TDP-43 partners. The knockdown of Hrp38,
stress granule. Drosophila ortholog of human hnRNP A/B fam-
ily, enhanced the locomotive deficit, life span  Modifier Genes Identified from reduction, and the neuropil degeneration caused
Comprehensive Screening by TBPH knockdown (Romano et al. 2014).
RNA-seq analysis of knockdown and overexpres- By using gene suppression screening of mat-
sion of TBPH expression showed that most ing flies, knockdown of some hnRNPs (Hrb87F,
upregulated gene was Map 205, which encodes a Glo, Heph, Bl, and Sm) enhanced the locomotion
PAM2 motif containing neuronal microtubule defect induced by TBPH knockdown, whereas
binding protein (Rolls et al. 2007). TBPH directly knockdown of other hnRNPs (Hrb27c, CG42458,
bound to Map 250 mRNA and neuron-specific Glo and Syp) rescued overexpression of TBPH
knockdown of Map 205 suppressed the late pupal toxicity (Appocher et al. 2017).
lethality in TBPH knockdown flies (Vanden
Broeck et al. 2013).  ALS-Related Gene
Through genetic screening using a subset of Valosin-containing protein (VCP) encodes a
the Bloomington deficiency kit library, wallenda highly conserved AAA (ATPase associated with
(wnd), which encodes a conserved mitogen-­ a variety of cellular activities) family of proteins
activated protein kinase kinase kinase (Meyer et al. 2012; Ritson et al. 2010). VCP is a
(MAPKKK) homologous, was identified as a causative gene of inclusion body myopathy with
modifier of TDP-43 elicited neurotoxicity. early-onset Paget disease and frontotemporal
Reducing wnd gene dosage or overexpression of dementia (IBMPFD) (Watts et al. 2004) and also
highwire, which encodes ubiquitin E3 ligase reg- reported as one of familial ALS genes (Johnson
ulating wnd through proteasomal clearance, par- et  al. 2010). During screening of modifier of
tially rescued TDP-43-associated lethality. JNK IBMPFD fly models by using Drosophila defi-
and p38 are phosphorylated by wnd and play ciency kit, R152H mutant of ter94, Drosophila
important and potentially opposing roles in TDP-­ VCP, was found to decrease nuclear localization
43-­induced neurodegeneration. Overexpression of TDP-43, suggesting that VCP is a modifier of
or null allele of fly JNK, Bsk, increased or TDP-43 (Ritson et al. 2010). We found that over-
decreased life span of TDP-43 fly, respectively. expression of ter94 suppressed the phenotypes of
However, overexpression or null allele of p38 TBPH knockdown in the eyes and neurons
decreased or increased life span of TDP-43 fly, (Kushimura et  al. 2018). The VCP-Ufd1-Npl4
respectively (Zhan et al. 2015). complex regulates proteasomal processing. Npl4
From RNAi screening in Hela cells, ITPR1 was reported to be genetically interacted with
was identified as a strong modifier of TDP-43 TBPH (Byrne et al. 2017).
6  Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Model 85  Chromatin Modeling and RNA nuclear hormone receptor PPARγ has been shown
Export-­Related Genes to have anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective
EMS-based genetic screening of mating flies effects (Kapadia et al. 2008).
revealed that loss of sgg/GSK3, hat-trick, or
xmas-2 suppressed TDP-43 toxicity in motor
axon and NMJ morphology. These genes encode 6.2.2 F
 used in Sarcoma/Translocated
proteins relating chromatin modeling and RNA in Liposarcoma (FUS/TLS)
export (Sreedharan et al. 2015). F US-Related ALS  Genes Encoding NMJ Proteins Mutations in fused in sarcoma/translocated in
It was reported that TBPH maintains NMJ growth liposarcoma (FUS/ TLS, FUS) represent around
and microtubule organization through the func- 4% of familial ALS and inherited mostly in auto-
tion of futsch, which encodes microtubule bind- somal dominant manner (Fig.  6.2b) (Picher-­
ing protein (Godena et  al. 2011). Recent study Martel et  al. 2016). Patients with FUS-related
demonstrated that futsch mRNA may be a target ALS tend to have earlier onset and more rapid
of TDP-43  in Drosophila. Overexpression of progression compared with SOD1- and TDP-43-­
futsch mitigated the locomotive dysfunction and related ALS (Yan et al. 2010).
life span reduction induced by WT and MT Similar to TDP-43, FUS is an ubiquitously
hTDP-43 overexpression (Coyne et al. 2014). expressed and highly conserved multifunctional
Cacophony, which encodes the type II voltage-­ protein whose activities included RNA process-
gated calcium channel necessary for NMJs ing, RNA/DNA binding, splicing, and transcrip-
(Kawasaki et al. 2004), was identified as a poten- tional regulation (Tan and Manley. 2010; Wang
tial modifier of TBPH toxicity. Loss of TBPH et al. 2008; Yang et al. 1998). In addition, FUS is
caused a reduction in cacophony expression and normally found in the nucleus, but in ALS, it
that genetically restoring cacophony in motor localizes in the cytoplasm as inclusions (Fig. 6.3).
neurons in loss of TBPH was sufficient to rescue It is of note that TDP-43 is absent in FUS pathol-
the locomotion defects (Chang et  al. 2014; ogy (Kwiatkowski et al. 2009; Vance et al. 2009),
Lembke et al. 2017). suggesting disease pathways of FUS and TDP-43
are independent of each other.  Mitochondrial Dynamic Although the pathological mechanisms under-
Regulatory Genes lying FUS-driven neurodegeneration in ALS
Fragmented mitochondrial morphology has been have not been clarified, disease-associated FUS
observed both in ALS and TDP-43 flies mutations may cause neurotoxicity by a gain of
(Altanbyek et  al. 2016; Sasaki et  al. 2007). function or a loss of function similar to TDP-43
Recent study focusing on mitochondrial dynam- (Fig. 6.3).
ics, fission and fusion, identified Marf, Opa1, and The Drosophila models for FUS-associated
Drp1 as modifiers of TDP-43 phenotype in flies ALS based on gain of function or loss of function
(Altanbyek et al. 2016). have been reported since 2011 (Chen et al. 2011;
Lanson Jr. et al. 2011; Wang et al. 2011).  Candidate Genes from Drug
Screening G
 ain-of-Function Model
In drug screening of 1200 FDA-approved com- Based on gain-of-function hypothesis, overex-
pounds, PPARγ agonist pioglitazone could res- pression models using GAL4-UAS system have
cue WT and mutant hTDP-43-neurotoxicity of been reported. Transgenic Drosophila expressing
eclosion defect and larval locomotive dysfunc- WT human FUS (hFUS) leads to aberrant eye
tion in glia and motor neurons (Joardar et  al. morphology, reduced life span, eclosion defect or
2015). In the nervous system, activation of the normal eclosion, climbing and crawling defect,
86 Y. Azuma et al.

the reduced synaptic bouton number, the  ALS-Related Genes

decreased active zone at NMJs, axonal From screening of ALS-causing genes other than
­degeneration, enlargement of the motoneurons, FUS, we found that ter94, the Drosophila ortho-
and wing defect (Baldwin et al. 2016; Chen et al. log of human VCP, suppressed the caz knock-
2011; Jäckel et  al. 2015; Lanson et  al. 2011; down phenotype. The decreased level of caz in
Miguel et al. 2012; Xia et al. 2012). the nucleus and the resultant motor disturbance
Overexpression of ALS mutant hFUS also induced by caz knockdown could be rescued by
leads to progressive degeneration and functional overexpressed ter94 despite lacking any change
deficits in flies. Mutant hFUS-induced pheno- of caz protein in the CNS, probably via the
types reported include aberrant eye morphology nucleocytoplasmic transport of ter94/VCP
(R518K, R521C, R521G, R521H, R524S, (Azuma et al. 2014).
P525L), eclosion defect (R518K, R521C, R521H,
R521G), climbing and crawling defect (R518K,  Modifier Genes Identified from
R521C, R521G, R521H, R524S, P525L), Comprehends Screening
reduced synaptic bouton number (R521G, Through genetic screening using a Drosophila
R524S, P525L) or no change (R521C, R521H), Genetic Resource Center deficiency kit library,
and the decreased active zone (R518K, R521C, we showed that genetic link between caz and
R521H, P525L) at NMJs, (Baldwin et al. 2016; EGFR signaling pathway genes. Mutation in
Chen et  al. 2011; Jäckel et  al. 2015; Lanson Jr. EGFR pathway-related genes, such as rhomboid-
et  al. 2011; Machamer et  al. 2014; Xia et  al. ­1, rhomboid-3, and mirror, suppressed the rough
2012). The climbing defect by R521C-flies is eye phenotype induced by caz knockdown. Caz
more severe than hFUS WT (Lanson Jr. et  al. negatively regulates the EGFR signaling pathway
2011). Cabeza (caz) is the well-conserved required for determination of cone cell fate in
Drosophila homologue of hFUS. The overex- Drosophila (Shimamura et al. 2014).
pression of WT caz induced progressive toxicity
in multiple tissues: aberrant eye morphology,  Genes Encoding FUS Binding
wing defect, eclosion defect, climbing and crawl- Protein
ing defect, and the reduced bouton number at By affinity purification, Pur-α was identified as a
NMJs (Baldwin et  al. 2016; Jäckel et  al. 2015; protein binding to FUS C-terminal region, where
Xia et al. 2012). FUS mutations mainly localize (Di Salvio et al.
2015). It is of interest that Pur-α was also identi- Loss-of-Function Model fied as transcript of GGGGCC repeat of C9orf72
Knocking out endogenous caz caused aberrant (see below). The overexpression of Pur-α signifi-
eye morphology, decreased viability, life span cantly exacerbated the aberrant eye morphology
reduction, crawling and climbing defect, the caused by FUS mutations (R521G, R522G,
reduced bouton numbers, and synaptic branches R524S, and P525L), whereas the downregulation
(Baldwin et  al. 2016; Frickenhaus et  al. 2015; of Pur-α significantly improved those climbing
Sasayama et  al. 2012; Shimamura et  al. 2014; defect (Di Salvio et al. 2015).
Wang et al. 2011; Xia et al. 2012).  Cancer-Related Genes Modifiers of FUS-Associated Because some ALS-causing genes are also
Phenotypes involved in cancer, we focus on cancer-related
Genetic interaction analysis by mating flies genes as modifiers of ALS (Yamaguchi et  al.
allows efficient identification of modifier genes 2016). We will soon report a genetic link between
for disease. Here we introduce the genes identi- caz and Hippo, the Drosophila ortholog of human
fied as modifiers of FUS-associated phenotype in Mammalian sterile 20-like kinase (MST) 1 and 2.
flies. Loss-of-function mutations of hpo rescued caz
6  Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Model 87

knockdown-induced phenotypes in eyes and neu- homologue of human PRMT1, exacerbates the
rons (Azuma et  al. in submitting). The Hippo external eye degeneration in WT-hFUS and hFUS
pathway plays a role as a tumor suppressor in R521C-flies (Scaramuzzino et al. 2013).
mammals. Other tumor suppressor folliculin
(FLCN) was reported to be a positive regulator of
TDP-43 translocation (Xia et al. 2016). 6.2.3 C
 hromosome 9 Open Reading
Nucleophosmin-human myeloid leukemia Frame 72 (C9orf72)
factor1 (NPM-hMLF1) fusion protein could
­suppress the aberrant eye morphology induced C 9orf72-Related ALS
by WT hFUS. NPM-hMLF1 may bind to hFUS to C9orf72 account for 35% of familial ALS in
hold it in nucleus to protect from degradation by Caucasians (Fig.  6.2b) (Picher-Martel et  al.
proteasome (Yamamoto et al. in submitting). 2016), whereas extremely low frequency in Asian
or Oceanian populations (Ishiura and Tsuji 2015).  Molecular Chaperon Hexanucleotide repeat expansion (HRE),
From candidate approach, HSPA1L, human (GGGGCC)n, in the noncoding region of
ortholog of Drosophila HSP70, decreased the C9orf72, was linked to ALS and FTLD (Dejesus-­
FUS aggregates and suppressed eye degeneration Hernandez et  al. 2011; Renton et  al. 2011). In
and life span reduction induced by WT-hFUS healthy individuals, the sequence GGGGCC was
flies (Miguel et al. 2012). present as 2–23 repeats, but in affected individu-
The imbalance of mitochondrial dynamics is als, it was expanded to hundreds or thousands of
one of the key pathogenic mechanisms in ALS. repeats (Taylor et  al. 2016). Three potential
Downregulating HSP60, the mitochondrial chap- mechanisms have been proposed about C9orf72-­
eroning, reduced mitochondrially localized FUS mediated ALS and FTLD: RNA-mediated toxic-
and partially rescued mitochondrial defects and ity through generation of RNA foci and
neurodegenerative phenotypes caused by sequestration of RNA-binding proteins from
WT-hFUS and hFUS P525L-flies in the eye and their normal targets, expression of dipeptide
motoneurons (Deng et al. 2015). repeat proteins by repeat associated non-ATG
(RAN) translation which occurs in the absence of  Mitochondrial Dynamic the initiation codon ATG, and haploinsufficiency
Regulatory Genes (Dejesus-Hernandez et  al. 2011; Gendron et  al.
Similar to TDP-43, the mitochondrial morphology 2014; Mori et al. 2013; Renton et al. 2011).
of WT-hFUS-expressing flies was highly frag- Drosophila lacks C9orf72 homologue. Fly
mented and those were rescued by co-­expression models for C9orf72-associated ALS have been
of mitochondrial dynamic regulatory genes such reported by overexpression of repeat sequence
as Marf, Opa1, and the dominant negative mutant since 2013 (Xu et al. 2013).
form of Drp1 (Altanbyek et al. 2016). P henotype  Gene Related to Methylation Based on RNA-mediated toxicity hypothesis,
of FUS studies using transgenic Drosophila expressing
The methylation of hFUS by protein arginine GGGGCC repeat expansion were reported.
methyltransferase 1 (PRMT1) reduced its ability Thirty to fifty repeats of GGGGCC-induced phe-
to bind to transportin playing a role in nuclear notypes are aberrant eye morphology, crawling
import in cell culture (Dormann et al. 2012; Du and climbing defects, the decreased numbers of
et al. 2011). Knockdown of Drosophila transpor- synaptic bouton and active zone at NMJs, and
tin caused cytoplasmic retention of WT-hFUS eclosion defect compared to control 3–6 repeats
and enhanced eye phenotypes (Jäckel et al. 2015). (Celona et al. 2017; Freibaum et al. 2015; Kramer
The genetic ablation of DART1, Drosophila et al. 2016; Xu et al. 2013; Zhang et al. 2015).
88 Y. Azuma et al.

Fly models based on RAN hypothesis were Pur-α was identified as the RNA-binding pro-
also reported. In RAN translation, sense and tein of GGGGCC repeats. Overexpression of
­antisense transcripts of GGGGCC repeat expan- Pur-α suppressed GGGGCC repeat-mediated
sions can be translated to five dipeptide repeat neurodegeneration in Drosophila eyes. In addi-
proteins (DRPs) (antisense, poly-PA (proline- tion, Pur-α inclusions colocalizing with ubiquitin
alanine); poly-PR (proline-arginine); sense, were present in flies expressing GGGGCC-30
poly-GR (glycine-­arginine); poly-GA (glycine- repeats flies, but not in control flies expressing
alanine); and sense and antisense, poly-GP GGGGCC-3 repeats flies (Xu et al. 2013).
(glycine-­proline)) (Gendron et  al. 2014; Mori The candidate-based screening previously
et al. 2013). Antibody against each DRP showed shown to bind to GGGGCC identified RanGAP,
that inclusions of patients with C9orf72 muta- Drosophila ortholog of human RanGAP1, was a
tion contained poly-GA, and to a lesser extent, modifier of flies expressing GGGGCC-30
poly-GP and poly-GR, supporting this hypothe- repeats. RanGAP is a key regulator of nucleocy-
sis (Mori et al. 2013). Expression of each DRP toplasmic transport. Gain-of-function allele of
with non-­GGGGCC repeat sequence but alterna- RanGAP suppressed neurodegeneration in
tive codon constructs in flies showed that expres- ­photoreceptor neurons and locomotive dysfunc-
sion of poly-GR or poly-PR DPR proteins in tion of that lines (Zhang et al. 2015).
GGGGCC repeat expansions resulted in severe By biotinylated RNA pulldown of mouse
eye degeneration and pupal lethality, whereas Neuro-2a cell nuclear extract, the zinc finger
poly-GA, poly-GP, or poly-PA had no effect protein Zfp106 was identified as a GGGGCC
(Freibaum et  al. 2015; Lee et  al. 2016; RNA repeat-binding protein. Overexpression of
Mizielinska et  al. 2014; Wen et  al. 2014). Zfp106 suppressed the locomotive dysfunction
Cellular experiments showed that overexpres- and eclosion defects in flies expressing
sion of poly-GR or poly-­PR resulted in nuclear GGGGCC-30 repeats, indicating that Zfp106 is a
localization of these DPR and enlarged nuclei, potent suppressor of neurodegeneration in a
suggesting DPR-induced nucleolar dysfunction C9orf72-­mediated Drosophila model (Celona
(Mizielinska et  al. 2014). Neuronal expression et al. 2017).
of poly-GR in flies showed significantly enlarged Through genetic screening using Bloomington
nuclei (Mizielinska et al. 2017). Drosophila Stock Center deficiency kit, 18
Recent report using transgenic flies express- genetic modifiers of Drosophila expressing 58
ing GGGGCC-160 repeats suggested that nuclear GGGGCC repeats were identified. These modi-
RNA foci are nontoxic, whereas the levels of fiers encoded components of the nuclear pore
DPR proteins are a major source of toxicity. complex (NPC). The strongest suppressor was
GGGGCC-160 repeats induced RNA foci but Ref1, and the strongest enhancer was Nup50
had little toxicity in flies. In contrast, (Freibaum et al. 2015).
GGGGCC-36 repeats, producing >100-fold more Yeast plasmid genetic screening revealed
DPR protein than GGGGCC-160, were highly that mutation of Spt4 reduced the transcription
toxic (Tran et al. 2015). of long CAG trinucleotide repeats associated
with polyglutamine disease (Liu et  al. 2012). Modifiers of C9orf72-­ Based on the hypothesis that Spt4 inhibition
Associated Phenotypes also reduces transcript of GGGGCC repeats,
Genetic interaction analysis by mating flies effect of Spt4 was tested in C9orf72 fly.
allows efficient identification of modifier genes Knockdown of Drosophila Spt4 partially sup-
for disease. Here we introduce the genes identi- pressed the eye degeneration and life span
fied as modifiers of C9orf72-associated pheno- reduction, supporting the hypothesis (Kramer
type in flies. et al. 2016).
6  Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Model 89

6.3 Protocol Solutions and Reagents

• 4% paraformaldehyde/phosphate-buffered
This protocol is widely used for study of the saline (PBS)
immunostaining of Drosophila larval central ner- • 1 × PBS
vous system (modified from Drosophila Protocols • PBS containing 0.3% Triton X-100
(2000) Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, • PBS containing 0.15% Triton X-100
Edited by William Sullivan, Michael Ashburner, • Primary antibody, secondary antibody
R. Scott Hawley. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory • Alexa 488-conjugated phalloidin
Press). • 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole dihydrochloride
• Vectashield

6.3.1 Dissection Techniques

6.3.2 Immunostaining
Supplies and Equipment and Mounting of the Brains
• Dissecting microscope.
• Dissecting tools: Forceps. Dumont #5 Note that all steps should be performed at room
(Ted Pella 505-NM; or Fine Science Tools temperature, except for the incubation with the
11,252–30) or Dumont #55 (Fine Science primary antibody, which is usually performed
Tools 11,255–20) forceps are recommended; at 4 °C.
the #55 forceps have lighter and finer shanks
than the #5 forceps. 1. Larval Central Nervous System (CNS)
• Sylmar dissection dish. This is an indispens- Dissection
able for dissections, as the soft base prevents Location and identification of imaginal
the dissecting tools from getting damaged. discs in the larva (Fig. 6.4a). The larval CNS
• Slides and coverslips. consists of the two brain hemispheres and
• Confocal laser scanning microscope for the compound ventral ganglion (Fig. 6.4b).

A labial disc
antenna disc +
eye disc
leg disc
wing disc
nerve cord bh


Fig. 6.4 (a) Location and identification of imaginal discs Sullivan, Michael Ashburner, R.  Scott Hawley. Cold
in the larvae. (Modified from Drosophila Protocols (2000) Spring Harbor Laboratory Press). (b) Larval central ner-
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Edited by William vous system. bh, brain hemisphere; vg, ventral ganglion
90 Y. Azuma et al.

Perform the following dissection with 6.4 Conclusion

the larva immersed in dissection buffer
(1 × PBS). There has been remarkable progress toward
To remove the central nervous system defining the new disease-causing genes and
(CNS) from third instar larvae, use one pair molecular biology of ALS. Genetic interaction
of forceps to gently hold the larva at approxi- analysis by mating flies has allowed efficient
mately one third of its length from the inte- identification of novel modifier genes and eluci-
rior end. With a second set of forceps, grab a dation of the pathomechanisms of ALS.
firm hold at the base of the mouth hooks and Based on these findings, further approaches
then pull the mouth parts away from the rest including drug screening using ALS flies should
of the body. be necessary to develop effective cure of ALS.
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as well as other tissues, will be removed as a References
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Drosophila Charcot-Marie-Tooth
Disease Models 7
Masamitsu Yamaguchi and Hiroshi Takashima

7.1 Introduction
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) was ini-
tially described in 1886. It is characterized by In 1886, Drs. Jean Charcot, Pierre Marie, and
defects in the peripheral nervous system, Howard Henry Tooth described Charcot-
including sensory and motor neurons. Marie-­ Tooth disease (CMT), an inherited
Although more than 80 CMT-causing genes group of peripheral neuropathies (Charcot and
have been identified to date, an effective ther- Marie 1886; Tooth 1886). Although CMT is
apy has not yet been developed for this dis- the most common hereditary motor and sen-
ease. Since Drosophila does not have axons sory neuropathy with a prevalence of approxi-
surrounded by myelin sheaths or Schwann mately 1:2500 persons (Skre 1974), it is still
cells, the establishment of a demyelinating regarded as a rare disease. CMT shows onset in
CMT model is not appropriate. In this chapter, childhood in many cases, and CMT patients
after overviewing CMT, examples of generally exhibit a combination of slowly pro-
Drosophila CMT models with axonal neurop- gressive symptoms of sensory defects and dis-
athy and other animal CMT models are tal muscle debility; however, the severity and
described. progression of symptoms markedly vary (Saifi
et  al. 2003). Patients show foot deformities
caused by defects in the foot muscles. Nerve
Drosophila · Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease · conduction velocity (NCV) studies are com-
Mitochondria · Neuromuscular junction monly performed to classify the clinical forms
of CMT. CMT type 1 (CMT1) is characterized
by a decreased NCV (≦38  m/s), while CMT
type 2 (CMT2) shows normal NCV (>38 m/s)
or slightly reduced muscle action potentials.
Intermediate CMT shows 30–45  m/s. CMT1
M. Yamaguchi (*) patients exhibit demyelination and re-myelina-
Department of Applied Biology, Kyoto Institute of tion (onion bulb formation) processes that may
Technology, Kyoto, Japan be detected using nerve biopsy. In contrast,
e-mail: myamaguc@kit.ac.jp CMT2 patients show a reduced number of
H. Takashima axons and the absence or fewer Schwan cells
Department of Neurology and Geriatrics, Kagoshima with no evidence of demyelination (Schroder
University Graduate School of Medical and Dental
Sciences, Kagoshima, Japan 2006; Barisic et al. 2008).
e-mail: thiroshi@m3.kufm.kagoshima-u.ac.jp

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 97

M. Yamaguchi (ed.), Drosophila Models for Human Diseases, Advances in Experimental Medicine
and Biology 1076, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-0529-0_7
98 M. Yamaguchi and H. Takashima

CMT shows not only clinical but also genetic EGR2 is the transcription factor responsible for
heterogeneity. Although CMT frequently e­ xhibits the regulation of differentiation and myelin gene
autosomal dominant inherited neuropathy, it also expression in Schwann cells. CMT1F is caused
shows autosomal recessive (AR) and X-linked by mutations of the NEFL gene, which firstly dis-
inheritance, and the disease frequently appears covered the cause of CMT2E.  Neurofilament
sporadically. Recent studies with a deep light chain (NEFL) works for organization of
sequencer revealed that more than 80 genes are neurofilaments.
associated with CMT (Pareyson et al. 2017), and
many are listed in Table 7.1.
7.2.2 CMT2

7.2 CMT Classification CMT2 (axonopathy, autosomal dominant) and

AR-CMT2 (axonopathy, autosomal recessive)
According to NCV data, inheritance patterns, and comprises around 20% of genetically defined
CMT-causing genes, CMT is mainly classified CMT (Murphy et al. 2012; Saporta et al. 2011).
into four genetic types (CMT1, CMT2, CMT4, CMT2A is associated with mutations in the
and CMTX). More than 90% of genetically MFN2 gene on chromosome 1p35-p36, which
defined CMT patients were found to have a muta- are estimated to comprise 10–30% of CMT2
tion in only one of the following four genes: (Zuchner et al. 2004; Murphy et al. 2012; Saporta
peripheral myelin protein 22 kDa (PMP22), gap et  al. 2011). In addition to motor symptoms,
junction beta 1 (GJβ1), myelin protein zero some CMT2A have been reported to cause optic
(MPZ), and mitofusin 2 (MFN2) (Murphy et  al. atrophy (Zuchner and Vance 2006). MFN2 is
2012; Saporta et al. 2011). involved in mitochondrial dynamics and axonal
transport. CMT2B characterized by mild to mod-
erate sensory loss is caused by mutations in the
7.2.1 CMT1 RAB7 gene, which is located at chromosome
3q13-q22 (Auer-Grumbach et  al. 2000; De
CMT1 (abnormal myelin, autosomal dominant) Jonghe et  al. 1997; Verhoeven et  al. 2003).
has been further classified into five subtypes: CMT2C is caused by mutations in the TRPV4
CMT1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, and 1F.  CMT1A is the gene on chromosome 12q23–24 (Chen et  al.
most common type of CMT, accounting for 2010; Deng et  al. 2010; Landoure et  al. 2010).
approximately 55% of familial CMT caused by CMT2C is associated with motor rather than sen-
the duplication of a 1.4-Mb region on chromo- sory axonal neuropathy. CMT2D is caused by
some 17p11.2 containing the PMP22 gene mutations in the GARS (glycyl-tRNA synthetase)
(Lupski et al. 1991). CMT1B is the fourth most gene (Antonellis et  al. 2003), and mutations in
common type of CMT caused by point mutations this gene also cause distal spinal muscular atro-
in the MPZ gene on chromosome 1q22–23 phy type V (dSMA-V). dSMA-V is a neuromus-
(Hayasaka et al. 1993; Saporta et al. 2011). MPZ cular disorder that is similar to CMT2D, but is
has been identified as the major component of distinguished from CMT by the lack of sensory
peripheral myelin, consisting of at least 50% of loss (Antonellis et  al. 2003). Aminoacyl-tRNA
this protein (Greenfield et al. 1973). CMT1C is synthetases (ARS) ensure the accurate transfer of
caused by mutations in the LITAF gene on chro- information in the genetic code. In addition to
mosome 16p13.3–12 (Street et  al. 2003), while GARS, AARS (alanyl-tRNA synthetase), KARS
CMT1D is caused by mutations in the early (lysyl-tRNA synthetase), MARS (methionyl-tRNA
growth response 2 (EGR2) gene, which is local- synthetase), HARS (histidyl-tRNA synthetase),
ized on chromosome 10q21.1–22.1 (Warner et al. and YARS (tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase) are associ-
1998). Both of these subtypes are rare causes of ated with CMT2. CMT2E has been linked to
CMT, accounting for less than 1% of CMT cases. mutations in the NEFL (neurofilament light
7  Drosophila Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Models 99

Table 7.1  The List of CMT-causing genes and their Drosophila homologues
Phenotype homologues Drosophila
Gene symbol Inheritance Classification Phenotype MIM number (score) models
AARS AD CMT Charcot-Marie- 613287 ー
Tooth disease,
axonal, type 2N
COX6A1 AR CMT Charcot-Marie- – CG17280
Tooth disease, (levy) (11 of
recessive, axonal, 11), CG30093
or mixed (8 of 11),
CG14077 (6 of
DHTKD1 AD CMT Charcot-Marie- 615025 CG1544 (11 of
Tooth disease, 11)
axonal, type 2Q
DYNC1H1 AD CMT Charcot-Marie- 614228 CG7507
Tooth disease, (dynein heavy
axonal, type 20 chain 64C) (11
of 11)
EGR2 AD, AR CMT Charcot-Marie- 607678 CG7847
Tooth disease, (stripe) (5 of
type 1D 11)
FGD4 AR CMT Charcot-Marie- 609311 CG8606
Tooth disease, (RhoGEF4) (3
type 4H of 11)
FIG4 AR CMT Charcot-Marie- 611228 CG17840 Bharadwaj
Tooth disease, (dFIG 4) (10 of et al. (2016)
type 4J 11) and Kyotani
et al. (2016)
GAN AR CMT Giant axonal 256850 ー
GARS AD CMT Charcot-Marie- 601472 CG6778 Ermanoska
Tooth disease, (GlyRS, gars) et al. (2014)
type 2D (11 of 11) and Niehues
et al. (2016)
GDAP1 AD CMT Charcot-Marie- 607831 CG4623 López et al.
Tooth disease, (Gdap1) (10 of (2015)
axonal, type 2K 11)
AR CMT Charcot-Marie- 607706
Tooth disease,
axonal, with
vocal cord
AR CMT Charcot-Marie- 608340
Tooth disease,
intermediate, A
AR CMT Charcot-Marie- 214400
Tooth disease,
type 4A
GJB1 XR CMT Charcot-Marie- 302800 ー
dominant, 1
100 M. Yamaguchi and H. Takashima

Table 7.1 (continued)
Phenotype homologues Drosophila
Gene symbol Inheritance Classification Phenotype MIM number (score) models
GNB4 AD CMT Charcot-Marie- 615185 CG10545
Tooth disease, (Gβ13F) (8 of
dominant 11)
intermediate F
(peripheral (HisRS) (11 of
neuropathy, 11)
HK1 AR CMT Neuropathy, 605285 CG3001
hereditary motor, (Hex-A) (7 of
and sensory, 11)
Russe type
HSPB1 AD, AR CMT Charcot-Marie- 606595 CG4167 (heat
Tooth disease, shock protein
axonal, type 2F family B
(small) member
1)(3 of 11)
HSPB8 AD CMT Charcot-Marie- 608673 ー
Tooth disease,
axonal, type 2L
INF2 AD CMT Charcot-Marie- 614455 CG33556
Tooth disease, (formin 3)(6 of
dominant 11)
intermediate E
KARS AD, AR CMT Charcot-Marie- 613641 ー
Tooth disease,
intermediate, B
KIF1B AD CMT Charcot-Marie- 118210 CG8566
Tooth disease, (uncoordinated
type 2A1 104) (9 of 11)
LITAF AD CMT Charcot-Marie- 601098 CG13510,
Tooth disease, CG13559,
type 1C CG32280 (3 of
LMNA AR CMT Charcot-Marie- 605588 CG6944 (Lam)
Tooth disease, (8 of 11),
type 2B1 CG10119
(LamC) (7 of
LRSAM1 AD, AR CMT Charcot-Marie- 614436 ー
Tooth disease,
axonal, type 2P
MARS AD CMT CMT2(peripheral – CG15100
neuropathy, (methionyl-
sensory tRNA
predominant) synthetase) (10
of 11)
MED25 AR CMT Charcot-Marie- 605589 CG12254
Tooth disease, (MED25) (9 of
type 2B2 11)
7  Drosophila Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Models 101

Table 7.1 (continued)

Phenotype homologues Drosophila
Gene symbol Inheritance Classification Phenotype MIM number (score) models
MFN2 AD, AR CMT Charcot-Marie- 609260 CG3869 (Marf) Eschenbacher
Tooth disease, (9 of 11) et al. (2012)
type 2A2
CMT Hereditary motor 601152
and sensory
neuropathy VI
MPZ AD CMT Charcot-Marie- 607791 ー
Tooth disease,
intermediate D
CMT Charcot-Marie- 118200
Tooth disease,
type 1B
CMT Charcot-Marie- 607677
Tooth disease,
type 2I
CMT Charcot-Marie- 607736
Tooth disease,
type 2J
CMT Dejerine-Sottas 145900
MTMR2 AR CMT Charcot-Marie- 601382 CG9115 (mtm)
Tooth disease, (11 of 11)
type 4B1
MTMR5 AR CMT Charcot-Marie- 615284 ー
Tooth disease,
type 4B3
NDRG1 AR CMT Charcot-Marie- 601455 CG15669
Tooth disease, (MESK2)
type 4D (NDRG3 8 of
11, NDRG1 6
of 11)
NEFL AD, AR CMT Charcot-Marie- 607734 ー
Tooth disease,
type 1F
CMT Charcot-Marie- 607684
Tooth disease,
type 2E
PDK3 XD CMT Charcot-Marie- 300905 CG8808 (Pdk)
Tooth disease, (11 of 11)
dominant, 6
PMP22 AD CMT Charcot-Marie- 118220 ー
Tooth disease,
type 1A
CMT Charcot-Marie- 118300
Tooth disease,
type 1E
CMT Dejerine-Sottas 145900
CMT Neuropathy, 162500
recurrent, with
pressure palsies
102 M. Yamaguchi and H. Takashima

Table 7.1 (continued)
Phenotype homologues Drosophila
Gene symbol Inheritance Classification Phenotype MIM number (score) models
PRPS1 XR CMT Charcot-Marie- 311070 CG6767
Tooth disease, (PRPS2 10 of
X-linked 11, PRPS1 9 of
recessive, 5 11)
PRX AR CMT Charcot-Marie- 614895 ー
Tooth disease,
type 4F
CMT Dejerine-Sottas 145900
RAB7A AD CMT Charcot-Marie- 600882 CG5915
Tooth disease, (Rab7) (9 of
type 2B 11)
SBF1 AR CMT Charcot-Marie- 615284 CG6939 (Sbf)
Tooth disease, (SBF1 10 of
type 4B3 11, SBF2 10 of
SBF2 AR CMT Charcot-Marie- 604563 11)
Tooth disease,
type 4B2
SH3TC2 AR CMT Charcot-Marie- 601596 ー
Tooth disease,
type 4C
SURF1 AR CMT Charcot-Marie- – CG9943
Tooth disease, (Surf1) (10 of
type 4 11)
TRIM2 AR CMT AR-CMT2 – CG15105 (tn)
(TRIM2 4 of
11), CG10719
(brat) (TRIM3
5 of 11, TRIM2
4 of 11)
YARS AD CMT Charcot-Marie- 608323 CG4561 Storkebaum
Tooth disease, (Tyrosyl-tRNA et al. (2009)
dominant synthetase) (12
intermediate C of 12)
DNM2 AD CMT Charcot-Marie- 606482 ー
Tooth disease,
axonal, type 2M
CMT Charcot-Marie- 606482 ー
Tooth disease,
intermediate B
TRPV4 AD CMT Hereditary motor 606071 CG5842
and sensory (nanchung) (4
neuropathy, of 12), CG4536
type Ic (inactive) (4 of
7  Drosophila Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Models 103

Table 7.1 (continued)
Phenotype homologues Drosophila
Gene symbol Inheritance Classification Phenotype MIM number (score) models
FBLN5 AD CMT Cutis laxa, 614434 ー
dominant 2
CMT Cutis laxa, 219100 ー
recessive, type
VCP AD CMT Charcot-Marie- CG2331
Tooth disease, (TER94) (11 of
type 2 12)
PLEKHG5 AR CMT Charcot-Marie- 615376 CG42674 (5 of
Tooth disease, 12)
intermediate C
ARHGEF10 AD CMT Slowed nerve 608236 CG43658 (7 of
conduction 12)
velocity, AD
HOXD10 AD CMT Charcot-Marie- 192950 ー
Tooth disease,
foot deformity of
vertical talus,
MME AR CMT Charcot-Marie- 617017 CG5905
Tooth disease, (neprilysin 1)
axonal, type 2T (8 of 12)
SPG11 AR CMT Charcot-Marie- 616668 CG13531 (8 of
Tooth disease, 12)
axonal, type 2X
PNKP AR CMT Charcot-Marie- – CG9601 (10 of
Tooth, axonal, 12)
MORC2 AD CMT Charcot-Marie- 616688 ー
Tooth disease,
axonal, type 2Z
Abbreviations: AD autosomal dominant, AR autosomal recessive, XD X-linked dominant, XR X-linked recessive

chain) gene (Mersiyanova et  al. 2000). by mutations in HSPB8 (HSP22) located on
Neurofilaments are major components of the chromosome 12q24, which is also a member of
axonal ­cytoskeleton. However, CMT2E patients the heat shock protein superfamily of genes.
exhibit both axonal and/or demyelinating pheno- More recently, other CMT2 genes encoding cyto-
types (Mersiyanova et al. 2000; Yoshihara et al. plasmic dynein 1 heavy chain 1 (DYNC1H1), E3
2002). CMT2F is caused by mutations in the ubiquitin-protein ligase LRSAM1 (LRSAM1),
HSPB1 (HSP27) gene, which is a member of DNA-binding protein SMUBP-2 (IGHMBP2),
the heat shock protein superfamily of genes. DnaJ homologue subfamily B member 2
CMT2K is caused by mutations in the GDAP1 (DNAJB2), and MORC family CW-type zinc fin-
gene located on chromosome 8q13–21 (Crimella ger protein 2 (MORC2) have been found and des-
et  al. 2010). GDAP1 (ganglioside-induced ignated as CMT2O, CMT2P, CMT2S, CMT2T,
differentiation-­associated protein 1) is involved and CMT2Z, respectively (Siskind et  al. 2013;
in the fission of mitochondria. CMT2L is caused Ekins et al. 2015).
104 M. Yamaguchi and H. Takashima

Many types of AR-CMT2 has been reported, mosome 5q23-q33 (Senderek et  al. 2003), and
AR-CMTA (B1) caused by Lamin A/C, CMT4E is associated with recessive mutations in
AR-CMT2B by MED25, AR-CMT2F by HSPB1, the inhibitory domain of EGR2 (Warner et  al.
AR-CMT2K by GDAP1, AR-CMT2P by 1998). CMT4F is caused by mutations in the
LRSAM1, AR-CMT2R by tripartite motif-­ periaxin (PRX) gene on chromosome 19q13
containing protein 2 (TRIM2), AR-CMT2S by (Boerkoel et al. 2001; Guilbot et al. 2001). PRX
IGHMBP2, and AR-CMT2T by membrane is a cytoskeletal component of Schwann cells and
metalloendopeptidase (MME). Some of the is necessary for the formation of cytoplasmic
disease-­causing genes cause both autosomal compartments, Cajal bands, in Schwann cells.
recessive and autosomal dominant CMT. CMT4H and CMT4J are caused by mutations in
CMT3 is also called Dejerine-Sottas neuropa- FGD4 and FIG4, respectively (Chow et al. 2007).
thy which indicated early-onset severe hypomy-
elinating or demyelinating CMT. Original family
has been reported as seems to be autosomal 7.2.4 CMTX
recessive inheritance. However, molecular
diagnosis indicates the patients with CMT3 are CMTX shows axonopathy with secondary myelin
attributed to the same mutations of genes that changes that are X-linked. CMTX includes all
are responsible for autosomal dominant CMT1A forms of X-linked CMT. CMTX1 is character-
(PMP22), CMT1B (MPZ), and CMT1D (EGR2) ized by motor and sensory neuropathies exclu-
as or autosomal recessive CMT4 (PRX). sively in males. CMTX1-carrier females only
Therefore, currently CMT3 is no longer used for exhibit mild or no symptoms. CMTX is caused
the designation based on the CMT-causing genes. by mutations in the GJβ1 gene on chromosome
Xq13.1, encoding the connexin-32 protein
­(Bergoffen et  al. 1993). CMTX1 is the second
7.2.3 CMT4 most common form of CMT, accounting for 90%
of CMTX and at least 10% of all CMT patients
CMT4 (myelinopathy, autosomal recessive) (Murphy et  al. 2012; Saporta et  al. 2011).
includes demyelinating or hypomyelinating CMTX2 patients have intellectual disabilities,
forms of autosomal recessive CMT that is divided while CMTX3 patients show spasticity and pyra-
into subtypes based on the causing gene. CMT4 midal tract signs. CMTX4, also known as
is divided into subtypes based on the causative Cowchock syndrome, is associated with muta-
genes. CMT4A is caused by mutations in the tions in the AIFM1 gene encoding apoptosis-
GDAP1 gene on 8q13–21, showing the demye- inducing factor 1. CMTX5 is caused by mutations
linating or axonal phenotype (Baxter et al. 2002). in the PRPS1 gene encoding ribose-phosphate
CMT4B1 is associated with mutations in pyrophosphokinase 1, while CMTX6 is associ-
MTMR2 localized at chromosome 11q22 (Bolino ated with mutations in the PDK3 gene encoding
et  al. 2001). MTMR2 is a member of the pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase isoform 3.
myotubularin family of phosphoinositide-3-­
phosphatases, which dephosphorylate phosphati-
dylinositide-3,5-phosphate (PIP2), an important 7.3 Murine CMT Models
signaling molecule that is crucially involved in
the biogenesis and maintenance of myelin and is The first genetically modified murine models for
also suggested to play a role in membrane traf- CMT were generated approximately 20  years
ficking. CMT4B2 is associated with mutations in ago (Martini et  al. 1995; Huxley et  al. 1996;
the SBF2 gene. SBF2, also known as myotubula- Sereda et al. 1996; Magyar et al. 1996). A num-
rin-related 13 (MTMR13), is located at chromo- ber of mouse and rat CMT models that mimic
some 11p15 (Azzedine et  al. 2003). CMT4C is human CMT have since been developed. The
caused by mutations in SH3TC2 located on chro- most extensively studied rodent CMT models are
7  Drosophila Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Models 105

those with the altered expression of PMP22, the first promising animal model for the devel-
GJβ1, and MPZ, which correspond to models for opment of therapy for axonal CMT (d’Ydewalle
the most common subtypes of human CMT1A, et  al. 2011). Mice carrying mutations in the
CMTX1, and CMT1B, respectively (Fledrich LRSAM1 gene encoding an E3 ubiquitin ligase
et al. 2012a, b). Some examples of murine CMT represent the CMT2P model. This mouse model
models are shown below. showed mild neuropathy with aging but was
sensitive to neurotoxins causing axonal degen-
eration (Bogdanik et al. 2013).
7.3.1 Murine CMT1 Model

The low copy number type of PMP22 transgenic 7.3.3 M

 urine CMT4 and CMTX
mice and rats exhibit a mild dysmyelination phe- Models
notype and apparently no alterations in their
axons when they are young; however, they show Periaxin (PRX)-deficient mice develop progres-
progressive demyelination and axonal loss with sive demyelination with the lack of Cajal bands
aging, which mimics the pathogenesis of CMT1A and a decreased intermodal length (Court et  al.
(Robertson et  al. 2002; Grandis et  al. 2004; 2004). This mouse model shows a broad sensory
Fledrich et al. 2012a, b). MPZ is the most abun- phenotype, making them a useful tool for study-
dant myelin protein in peripheral nerves, and ing CMT4F (Gillespie et  al. 2000). Mice with
human studies reported that the deletion of MPZ truncated MTMR2, a phosphatidylinositide-­ 3-­
serine 63 resulted in the demyelinating mild late phosphatase of PIP2, show distantly pronounced
onset of CMT1B (Hayasaka et al. 1993; Kulkens myelin out-folding that is similar to human
et al. 1993). Transgenic mice carrying the MPZ CMT4B1 patients (Bonneick et  al. 2005). Mice
serine 63 deletion exhibit distantly pronounced lacking FIG, a 5-phosphatase of PIP2, display the
demyelination, decreased NCV, and atrophied pale tremor phenotype accompanied by extensive
muscle, resembling CMT1B.  EGR2-deficient neurodegeneration and peripheral neuropathy
mice, representing CMT1D, die at birth and (Chow et  al. 2007). These findings demonstrate
exhibit severe peripheral dysmyelination, while the importance of PIP2 homeostasis for myelina-
the differentiation of Schwann cells is arrested in tion (Vaccari et al. 2012).
a pre-­myelinating state (Wrabetz et al. 2006). Mice lacking GJβ1 or transgenically express-
ing the mutant type of GJβ1 (R142W) exhibit the
late onset of demyelinating neuropathy that
7.3.2 Murine CMT2 Model mainly affects motor neurons, resembling that in
human CMTX1 patients (Anzini et  al. 1997;
Transgenic mice expressing the mutant NEFL Scherer et al. 1998).
P222S in adult neurons exhibit an aberrant
hindlimb posture, motor defects, and the loss of
muscle innervation, recapitulating the key fea- 7.4 Zebrafish CMT Models
ture of CMT2E (Dequen et al. 2010). In a mouse
model of human CMT2F, the expression of the The zebrafish is sometimes useful as an alterna-
mutant form of HSPB1 resulted in a decrease in tive model organism to murine models (Kozol
the acetylation level of alpha-tubulin and et al. 2016). The small size and optical transpar-
induced severe defects in axonal transport ency of the zebrafish are suitable for the in vivo
(d’Ydewalle et al. 2011). The prevention of the visualization of cells during early development
deacetylation of alpha-tubulin by inhibiting (McLean and Fetcho 2011). Moreover, the
histone deacetylase 6 (HDAC6) suppressed zebrafish nervous system is less complex than that
impaired axonal transport and rescued the CMT of mammals and, thus, may simplify functional
phenotype of the mouse model, demonstrating studies on neural circuits (Goulding 2009).
106 M. Yamaguchi and H. Takashima

Although knockout mice for MFN2 resulted in membrane of mitochondria, and OPA1, located at
embryonic lethality (Chen et al. 2003; Strickland the inner membrane. The fission of mitochondria
et  al. 2014), MFN2 mutant zebrafish developed is controlled by DRP1 and FIS1, which regulate
normally but showed progressive motor dysfunc- the formation of a contractile ring to divide mito-
tion, as observed in some human CMT2A patients chondria. Mitochondrial dynamics are necessary
(Chapman et  al. 2013). Examinations of mito- for not only the morphology and structure of the
chondrial transport in the neurons of MFN2 mitochondrial network but also its function. The
knockout zebrafish revealed a defect in the retro- high conservation of these proteins among
grade transport of mitochondria. These pheno- eukaryotes also supports the importance of mito-
types are very similar to those of human CMT2A chondrial dynamics for its proper function.
patients, suggesting that this zebrafish model is Mitochondrial dynamics, such as the balance
very useful in the search for potential drugs to between fusion and fission, are required for mito-
cure defects in mitochondrial dynamics and chondrial biogenesis (Gomes and Scorrano
axonal transport. Another gene, called solute car- 2013). Mitochondrial dynamics also play impor-
rier family 25 member 46 (SLC25A46), is also tant roles in quality control involving the destruc-
involved in mitochondrial dynamics and some tion of damaged mitochondria by autophagy
neurodegenerative diseases including CMT, optic (mitophagy) (Verstreken et al. 2005; Pla-Martin
atrophy, and cerebellar degeneration (Abrams et  al. 2013). In addition, the precise subcellular
et  al. 2015). The disruption of SLC25A46 in localization and transport of mitochondria are
zebrafish showed a phenotype with reduced necessary for its function. The axonal transport
mitochondrial fission, altered mitochondrial of mitochondria is necessary for supplying
distribution in motor neurons, and a defect in the energy at synapses, and the localization of mito-
maintenance of neuronal processes; however, chondria at the vicinity of the endoplasmic retic-
swimming deficits were mild (Kozol et al. 2016). ulum is suitable for regulating calcium
homeostasis (Verstreken et al. 2005). Therefore,
mutations in genes involved in mitochondrial
7.5 Drosophila CMT Models dynamics and function are related to neuropa-
thologies in both the central and peripheral ner-
Drosophila does not have axons surrounded by vous systems.
myelin sheaths or Schwann cells. Therefore, MFN2 and GDAP1 have both been identified
Drosophila is not suitable for developing the as causative genes for CMT and are involved in
demyelinating type of CMT; however, several mitochondrial dynamics. MFN2 is required for
models have recently been developed for the axo- mitochondrial fusion, while
nal type of CMT. GDAP1 participates in mitochondrial fission
(Pedrola et  al. 2005; Niemann et  al. 2005).
Therefore, the function of MFN2 appears to be
7.5.1 Drosophila Mitochondrial antagonistic to GDAP1. Although the GDAP1
CMT Models homologue has not yet been found in yeast, the
expression of human GDAP1 in yeast may com-
Mitochondria undergo dynamic fission and plement a defect in Fis1 that is involved in mito-
fusion processes, the tight regulation of which is chondrial fission in yeast (Estela et  al. 2011).
necessary for mitochondrial function, with GDAP1 is associated with autosomal dominant
defects causing various diseases (Itoh et  al. CMT2K and AR CMT4A, while MFN2 is auto-
2013). The mechanism controlling mitochondrial somal dominant CMT2A in most cases, as
dynamics is highly conserved among eukaryotes described above. Mutations in both the MFN2
(Sanchis-Gomar et  al. 2014). The process of and GDAP1 genes show a similar type of pathol-
fusion is controlled by three GTPases: mitofusin ogy and appear to interact with each other.
1 and 2 (MFN1 and MFN2), located at the outer However, it currently remains unclear why
7  Drosophila Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Models 107

mutations in GDAP1 and MFN2 result in similar heptad repeat 1 (HR1), hMfn2 M393I and
phenotypes, despite their functions being antago- R400Q, were poorly characterized. These muta-
nistic to each other (Vital et al. 2012). tions in the hMfn2 HR1 domain have been char-
Analyses with genomic databases suggested acterized in a Drosophila model (Eschenbacher
that Drosophila CG4623 (dGdap1) is an ancestor et  al. 2012). Wild-type hMfn2 and the two
gene of mammalian GDAP1 and GDAP1L1, mutants were expressed in Drosophila eyes or
which appear to have originated by gene duplica- heart tubes, which are deficient in endogenous
tion (López et al. 2015). GDAP1 belongs to the Drosophila Mfn (dMfn). The two mutants
family of glutathione S-transferases. The overex- induced similar Drosophila compound eye phe-
pression and knockdown of dGdap1 in eye ima- notypes. In contrast, hMfn2 R400Q induced
ginal discs by the GMR-GAL4 driver induced the more severe cardiomyocyte mitochondrial frag-
loss of some photoreceptor neurons in an age-­ mentation and cardiac phenotypes than hMfn2
dependent manner, suggesting that a proper level M393I.  These detailed analyses using a
of dGdap1 is required for the survival of photore- Drosophila model indicated the organ-specific
ceptor neurons. The expression of human GDAP1 and differential effects of the two hMfn HR1
rescued the neurodegeneration phenotype mutations (Eschenbacher et al. 2012).
induced by the knockdown of dGdap1, indicating Currently, recessive mutations in the cyto-
that human GDAP1 complements the function of chrome c oxidase assembly factor 7 (COA7) was
its Drosophila counterpart. The overexpression identified in four unrelated patients among a
and knockdown of dGdap1 also induced an Japanese case series of 1396 CMT patients or
aberrant axon morphology. dGdap1 is expressed other inherited peripheral neuropathies including
in muscle, and the muscle-specific overexpres- complex forms of CMT (Higuchi et  al. 2018).
sion of dGdap1 by myosin heavy chain (Mhc)- COA7 has a role in assembling mitochondrial
GAL4 induced the degeneration of myofibrils respiratory chain (MRC) complexes that function
accompanied by the fragmentation of mitochon- in oxidative phosphorylation. Drosophila con-
dria (López et  al. 2015). Similarly, the muscle- tains a single homologue (dCOA7) to human
specific knockdown of dGdap1 induced the COA7. The identity and the similarity of the
degeneration of myofibrils accompanied by amino acid sequences of dCOA7 and human
extensive mitochondrial fusion. Therefore, mus- COA7 are 48% and 70%, respectively. With
cular degeneration appears to be tissue autono- respect to conservation of specific COA7
mous and not dependent on innervation. domains, SEL1-like domain, which is believed to
Mitochondrial dysfunction may increase oxida- be involved in protein-protein interactions, is
tive stress. In young flies with altered levels of highly conserved between human COA7 and
dGdap1, no significant differences were noted in dCOA7 and showed 44% identity. The similarity
the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). of the human and Drosophila SEL1-like domain
However, in aged flies, decreases and increases is as high as 78%. The dCOA7 knockdown mod-
in ROS levels were observed in dGdap1-­ els have been developed (Higuchi et  al. 2018).
overexpressing and dGdap1-knockdown flies, Pan-neuron-specific dCOA7 knockdown by the
respectively (López et  al. 2015). Since marked Elav-GAL4 driver caused a shorter life span than
changes were not detected in young flies, in that of control flies and also reduced mobility
which mitochondrial defects had occurred, the evaluated by climbing assays in adults. Analyses
generation of oxidative stress does not appear to of the morphology of motor neuron presynaptic
be the primary cause of neuromuscular degenera- terminals at NMJs in muscle 4 of the third instar
tion but rather a long-term effect of mitochon- larvae of dCOA7 knockdown flies revealed that
drial dysfunction. the total length of the synaptic branches of motor
Although CMT-linked mutations in human neurons in knockdown flies was shorter than that
mitofusin 2 (hMfn2) are predominantly within of control flies. The knockdown of dCOA7 in eye
the GTPase domain, two rare mutations in hMfn2 imaginal discs by the GMR-GAL4 driver induced
108 M. Yamaguchi and H. Takashima

morphologically aberrant rough eyes with fused observed with wild-type GARS. The ubiquitous
ommatidia and a lack of bristles in adults. These expression of mutant GARS in adults using the
results suggest that loss-of-function COA7 GAL80 system reduced life spans with the phe-
mutation is responsible for the phenotype of the notypic strength of the mutations ranging from
presented patients (Higuchi et al. 2018). G240R  >  G526R  >  E71G, whereas no effects
were observed with wild-type GARS. Moreover,
the expression of mutant GARS in motor neurons
7.5.2 Drosophila CMT Models by the OK371-GAL4 driver resulted in defects
Targeting tRNA Synthetases in  locomotion evaluated by climbing assays,
whereas no effects were noted with wild-type
Previous studies reported that dominant muta- GARS (Niehues et al. 2016). Therefore, mutant
tions in six distinct aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases GARS are intrinsically toxic to motor neurons.
induced axonal and intermediate CMT, such as Consistent with these findings, the motor neuron-­
glycyl-tRNA synthetase (GARS) (Antonellis specific expression of mutant GARS G240R and
et  al. 2003), tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase (YARS) G526R reduced synapse sizes in all muscles ana-
(Jordanova et al. 2006), alanyl-tRNA synthetase lyzed, whereas that of GARS E71G only reduced
(AARS) (Latour et  al. 2010), histidyl-tRNA synapse sizes in distal muscles. Thus, reductions
synthetase (HARS) (Vester et  al. 2013), lysyl- in synapse sizes were more prominent in distal
tRNA synthetase (KARS) (McLaughlin et  al. muscles than in proximal muscles.
2010), and methionyl-tRNA synthetase (MARS) In motor neurons of third instar larvae, wild-­
(Gonzalez et al. 2013). Aminoacyl-tRNA synthe- type GARS and YARS proteins localize in the
tases catalyze the aminoacylation of tRNA with cytoplasm, with the homogenous staining of cell
their cognate amino acids, and this is an essential bodies, axons, and neuromuscular junctions
process in translation. All CMT-related (NMJs). No significant differences were observed
aminoacyl-­tRNA synthetases form homodimers in the subcellular localization of mutant GARS
for their activation. and YARS proteins, indicating that the subcellu-
Drosophila CMT models targeted to YARS lar localization of these proteins is not the cause
recapitulated the characteristics of CMT, of defects in motor and sensory neurons in
including progressive locomotive defects, termi- Drosophila CMT models (Niehues et al. 2016).
nal axonal degeneration, and electrophysiologi- The effects of mutant GARS expression on
cal defects (Storkebaum et al. 2009). Biochemical global protein synthesis rates in larval motor neu-
and genetic complementation assays using rons were evaluated. A previous study reported
Drosophila CMT models revealed that the loss of that the expression of the mutant GARS proteins
enzyme activity was not a common feature of the G240R and G526R reduced the levels of newly
CMT-like phenotype. Transgenic flies carrying synthesized proteins, whereas those of wild-type
human wild-type GARS or three CMT-mutant GARS and the mutant GARS E71G did not alter
GARS carrying the missense mutations E71G, the translation rate (Niehues et  al. 2016). Thus,
G240R, and G526R have been established using the expression of two out of the three CMT-­
a landing system to target the transgene to spe- associated mutant GARS proteins compromises
cific chromosomal sites (Niehues et  al. 2016). global protein synthesis in motor neurons in vivo.
The effects of these mutations have been charac- Translational slowdown is not due to altered
terized to show that the enzyme carrying the glycyl-­tRNA aminoacylation and cannot be res-
E71G mutation is enzymatically active, whereas cued by the overexpression of Drosophila GARS,
that carrying the G240R or G526R mutation is indicating some gain-of-toxic function mecha-
inactive. The ubiquitous expression of mutant nism. The expression of CMT-mutant YARS also
GARS induced lethality with the phenotypic impairs translation, suggesting a common patho-
strength of the mutations ranging from genic mechanism for CMT related to various
G240R > G526R > E71G, whereas no effect was aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase genes. More detailed
7  Drosophila Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Models 109

studies revealed that the inhibition of global sues (Fig.  7.1). Pan-neuron-specific dFIG4
protein synthesis in motor and sensory neurons knockdown by the Elav-GAL4 driver caused a
was sufficient to induce CMT-like phenotypes shorter life span than that of control flies and also
(Niehues et al. 2016). reduced mobility measured by climbing assays in
Another group also established a model for adults (Kyotani et  al. 2016). Mobility defects
GARS-associated neuropathy by expressing two appeared to be enhanced with aging. Analyses of
mutant forms of GARS (G240R, P234KY) in the morphology of motor neuron presynaptic ter-
Drosophila (Ermanoska et al. 2014). The pheno- minals at NMJs in muscle 4 of the third instar
types of these flies recapitulated several charac- larvae of dFIG4 knockdown flies revealed that
teristics of CMT and were similar to the the total length of the synaptic branches of motor
phenotypes observed with the Drosophila model neurons in knockdown flies was shorter than that
of YARS-associated neuropathy. In addition, of control flies (Fig.  7.2). The knockdown of
genetic modifiers of mutant YARS that were dFIG4 in eye imaginal discs by the GMR-GAL4
identified by a retinal degeneration screen also driver induced morphologically aberrant rough
modified the phenotype of mutant GARS, eyes with fused ommatidia and a lack of bristles
­suggesting a shared mechanism for peripheral in adults. Although all eight photoreceptor cells
neuropathies induced by aminoacyl-tRNA syn- (R1-R8) appeared to differentiate normally, the
thetases (Ermanoska et al. 2014). number of cone cells per ommatidium in pupal
retinae was decreased in dFIG4 knockdown flies.
In addition, extra secondary and tertiary pigment
7.5.3 Drosophila CMT Models cells surrounding cone cells were produced.
Targeting FIG4 Therefore, the knockdown of dFIG4 by the
GMR-GAL4 driver disrupts the differentiation of
Factor-induced gene 4 (FIG4) carries a sac phos- pupal ommatidial cell types, particularly cone
phatase domain consisting of seven conserved cells and pigment cells. In the Drosophila eye,
motifs that define phosphoinositide phosphatase axonal projections from photoreceptor cell neu-
activity. FIG4 forms a complex with Vac 14 and rons innervate the centers of the brain to generate
Fab1, a 5′-kinase of PI(3)P (Gary et  al. 2002). visual connections. Differentiating photoreceptor
This protein complex mediates the conversion of cell neurons form an axonal bundle that targets
PI(3)P to PI(3,5)P2, which is associated with the different layers of the brain. Photoreceptor R1–
intracellular vesicles of early and late endosomes R6 innervates laminae, and R7 and R8 extend
(Sbrissa et al. 2007; Huotari and Helenius 2011). into the medulla of the brain. The innervation of
Mutations in the FIG4 gene are associated with photoreceptor neurons was aberrant in dFIG 4
CMT 4 J (Chow et al. 2007), as described above, knockdown flies driven by pan-neuron-specific
Yunis-Varon syndrome (YVS) (Campeau et  al. Elav-GAL4. These phenotypes are summarized
2013), and epilepsy with polymicrogyria (Baulac in Fig. 7.3.
et al. 2014). YVS is an AR disorder with cleido- dFIG4 null mutants were produced by another
cranial dysplasia, digital anomalies, and severe group. dFIG4 null mutants are viable but exhibit
neurological involvement. Homozygous FIG4-­ markedly enlarged lysosomes in muscle cells and
null mice exhibit neurodegeneration and enlarged neurons, accompanied by an age-related decline
vacuoles in neurons (Chow et al. 2007). In addi- in flight ability (Bharadwaj et  al. 2016).
tion, the FIG gene has been identified as a genetic Transgenic flies expressing dFIG4 missense
susceptibility factor for amyotrophic lateral scle- mutations that correspond to human CMT muta-
rosis (ALS) (Chow et al. 2009). tions may partially rescue the lysosome expan-
In Drosophila, there is a single orthologue for sion phenotype. The dFIG 4 mutations predicted
human FIG4, designated as dFIG4. GAL4-UAS to inactivate phosphatase activity may rescue the
targeted expression combined with RNAi was lysosome expansion phenotype, and mutations in
employed to knockdown dFIG4 in various tis- Fab1 also cause the lysosome expansion pheno-
Fig. 7.1  Gal4-UAS targeted expression system to knock- stranded RNA is expressed tissue, specifically to knock-
down dFIG4. GAL4 driver strain was crossed with RNAi down dFIG4, and the phenotype was examined
lines targeted to dFIG4 gene. In the progeny, double-­


Synapse branch length at NMJ (mm)




B 40



Fig. 7.2  Confocal images of anti-HRP staining of muscle elav-GAL4/+). Image was taken by a confocal laser scan-
4 synapse in third instar larvae. (a) elav-GAL4  >  UAS-­ ning microscopy (Olympus Fluoview FV10i). (c) Total
GFPIR (w; UAS-GFP-IR/+; elav-GAL4/+). (b) elav-­ branch length of the NMJ from muscle 4 for each of the
GAL4  >  UAS-dfig4IR (w; UAS-dFIG4-IR516–523/+; indicated genotypes
7  Drosophila Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Models 111

A Fab1
PI(3)P PI(3.5)P2
Phenotype of dFIG4-knockdown Drosophila

Defect in locomotive ability

Defect in neuro-muscular junction
Defect in axon targeting
Shorter life span
Enlarged lysosome
Rough eye phenotype (fusion of cone cells)

Fig. 7.3  Summary of phenotype of dFIG4 knockdown flies. (a) Biochemical role of FIG 4. (b) Phenotype of dFIG4-­
knockdown flies

7.6 Perspectives
type (Bharadwaj et al. 2016). These findings sug-
gest that dFIG4 has a phosphatase-independent More than 35 Drosophila homologues of CMT-­
biosynthetic function that is essential for lyso- causing human genes have been identified to date
somal membrane homeostasis. Rab7 mediates (Table  7.1). Many of them belong to causative
endolysosomal trafficking through interactions genes for the axonal type of CMT because
with two different protein complexes, the HOPS Drosophila do not have axons surrounded by
complex and retromer complex. Lysosomal phe- myelin sheaths and Schwann cells. These genes
notypes in dFIG4 mutants are reported to be sup- have a number of functions, such as endosomal
pressed by the depletion of Rab7 or the HOPS sorting, cell signaling, mitochondrial mainte-
complex, demonstrating that dFIG 4 functions nance, ER and Golgi functions, the formation of
after endosome-to-lysosome fusion. Furthermore, nuclear envelopes, mRNA processing, protea-
the disruption of the retromer complex, impli- some and protein degradation, the regulation of
cated in recycling from lysosomes to Golgi, does ion channels, axonal transport, and synaptic
not lead to similar phenotypes as dFIG4 mutants. transmission. In addition to dFIG4, we are cur-
These findings from dFIG4 null mutants suggest rently investigating several other CMT-causing
that lysosomal defects are not due to the compro- genes in Drosophila by knocking them down
mised retromer-mediated recycling of endolyso- specifically in pan-neuron or eye discs. They
somal membranes. Thus, dFIG4 plays a critical exhibit very similar phenotypes, such as defects
non-catalytic role in maintaining lysosomal in  locomotive ability and NMJs as well as a
membrane homeostasis, and this function is dis- rough eye phenotype. Therefore, we predict that
rupted by mutations causing CMT4J and these CMT-­ causing genes relate to common
YVS. These findings are important for explain- genes or common pathways in cells (Fig.  7.4).
ing the pathogenesis of CMT4J and YVS. The identification of common genes and path-
112 M. Yamaguchi and H. Takashima

Fig. 7.4 Identification of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease

common genes and path-
ways for CMT-causing causing genes >80
Drosophila CMT model
dFIG4 A B C D………

Screening of candidate substances

for therapy

Common phenotype
Defect in locomotive ability
Defect in neuro-muscular junction
Rough eye phenotype

ways by genetic screening with Drosophila may the dissection of NMJs is available at this site
provide insights for the development of novel (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/
therapies for CMT by targeting these common PMC2762896/) (Brent et al. 2009).
genes and pathways.
Fixation and Staining
7.7 Commonly Used Protocol
Remove HL3 saline from the sample, and then
add one drop of 4% paraformaldehyde in PBS
Methods for the visualization of Drosophila NMJ
to the sample.
by a super-resolution microscope (N-SIM,
Incubate at 25 °C for 30 min. Cover the dish with
Nikon) are described below. In structured illumi-
a lid to avoid evaporation.
nation microscopy (SIM), the cellular ultrastruc-
After fixation, transfer the samples into 1.5-ml
ture is elucidated by analyzing the moiré pattern
Eppendorf tubes.
produced when illuminating the specimen with a
Wash samples three times for 10 min each with
known high-frequency patterned illumination.
PBS containing 0.3% Triton X-100.
N-SIM shows super resolution of up to 115 nm in
After removing the washing solution, add 400 μl
multiple colors. The typical image of NMJ in
of PBS containing 0.15% Triton X-100 and
muscle 4 of third instar larva is shown in Fig. 7.5.
10% normal goat serum (NGS), and then
incubate at 25 °C for 30 min.
Dissection Add primary antibodies in PBS containing 0.15%
Pick up 4 third instar larvae using forceps and Triton X-100 and 10% NGS, and then incu-
wash with Drosophila ringer. Dissect them in bate at 4 °C for 16 h.
HL3 saline. Fix the dissected larvae on a 5.0-cm Wash samples five times for 10  min each with
plastic petri dish using small pins. A movie showing PBS containing 0.3% Triton X-100.
7  Drosophila Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Models 113

Fig. 7.5 Visualization of
NMJ in muscle 4 of third
instar larva. Image shows
NMJ that was double-­
stained with anti-HRP
(green) and anti-Dlg (red).
Image was taken by a
super-resolution micro-
scope (N-SIM, Nikon)

Add secondary antibodies in PBS containing Secondary Antibodies

0.15% Triton X-100 and 10% NGS, and then Alexa 594(1:400), 488(1:400), or 594
incubate at 25 °C for 3 h. (1:400)-conjugated anti-mouse IgG, or anti-­
Wash samples three times for 10 min each with rabbit IgG. FITC-conjugated goat anti-HRP IgG
PBS containing 0.3% Triton X-100. (1:400)
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Add the mounting solution, ProLong Diamond 70 mM NaCl, 5 mM KCl, 1.5 mM CaCl2, 20 mM
(Invitrogen), and then gently overlay the cover MgCl2, 10  mM NaHCO3, 5  mM trehalose,
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Drosophila as a Model to Gain
Insight into the Role of lncRNAs 8
in Neurological Disorders

Luca Lo Piccolo

Abstract of the Drosophila lncRNAs with neurologi-

It is now clear that the majority of transcrip- cal functions will be also included in this
tion in humans results in the production of chapter.
long non-protein-coding RNAs (lncRNAs)
with a variable length spanning from 200 bp Keywords
up to several kilobases. To date, we have a lncRNAs · Neurological disorders · Dementia ·
limited understanding of the lncRNA func- Motor system disorders · Drosophila · RNA
tion, but a huge number of evidences have processing · hnRNPs · Toxic aggregates
suggested that lncRNAs represent an out-
standing asset for cells. In particular, tem-
poral and spatial expression of lncRNAs
appears to be important for proper neuro- 8.1 Biology of lncRNAs
logical functioning. Stunningly, abnormal
lncRNA function has been found as being The classic view of the central dogma of biology
critical for the onset of neurological disor- stating that “DNA makes RNA and RNA makes
ders. This chapter focus on the lncRNAs protein” was changed upon the past decade, when
with a role in diseases affecting the central the advances in genome-wide analysis have
nervous system with particular regard for revealed that up to 90% of the human genome is
the lncRNAs causing those neurodegenera- transcribed, but only 1–2% of RNA is effectively
tive diseases that exhibit dementia and/or translated into proteins. Stunningly, the remain-
motor dysfunctions. A specific section will ing transcripts are non-protein-coding (ncRNAs).
be dedicated to the human neuronal This phenomenon is now known as “pervasive
lncRNAs that have been modelled in transcription” and explains how almost all loci
Drosophila. Finally, even if only few exam- produce a plethora of interlaced and overlapping
ples have been reported so far, an overview transcripts in both sense and antisense
At the beginning, because no obvious func-
tions, the non-coding portion of a genome has
been defined as useless or sometimes “selfish
L. Lo Piccolo (*)
Department of Neurotherapeutics, Osaka University
DNA”, because it was believed that it was not
Graduate School of Medicine 2-2 Yamadaoka, contributing to an organism’s fitness. However,
Suita Osaka 565-0871, Japan further evidences have clearly shown that when

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 119

M. Yamaguchi (ed.), Drosophila Models for Human Diseases, Advances in Experimental Medicine
and Biology 1076, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-0529-0_8
120 L. Lo Piccolo

the complexity of organism increases, the amount lishing up to 200 nucleotides (nt) the size limit in
of ncRNAs within their genome also increases. this classification. Those less than 200 nt include
Therefore, this evidence has suggested that the micro, small interfering and Piwi-associated
development of complex organisms do not exclu- RNAs, while those longer than 200 are known as
sively depend on their protein-coding genes and long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) (Fig. 8.1).
that the ncRNAs could provide an additional Previous reports had suggested to consider the
critical level of regulation. Indeed, in the last vast majority of the lncRNAs similar to mRNA,
decade, researchers have collected many evi- since they are transcribed by RNA pol II and pro-
dences to highlight that a large number of cessed via 5′ end-capping, 3′ end-­polyadenylation
ncRNAs is in fact involved in crucial biological and finally, through alternative splicing. However,
processes for normal development, physiology recent studies have highlighted new features of
and diseases (Esteller 2011; Kaikkonen et  al. lncRNAs that have led to further distinguish them
2011; Roberts et al. 2014; Sana et al. 2012; Zhou from mRNAs (Quinn and Chang 2016).
et al. 2010). A function-based classification of lncRNAs
Non-coding transcripts are divided into house- entails a four distinct groups of lncRNAs,
keeping and regulatory, where the first one are con- reviewed in 2012 (Ip and Nakagawa 2012)
stitutively expressed and include ribosomal (Fig. 8.2). Accordingly, lncRNAs can be involved
(rRNAs), transfer (tRNAs), small nuclear (snRNAs) in transcription (Fig. 8.2, I) and post-­transcriptional
and small nucleolar (snoRNAs) RNAs (Fig. 8.1). regulation (Fig. 8.2, II). Moreover, lncRNAs show
To date, there is no clear taxonomy between the ability to establish a huge number of diverse
regulatory ncRNAs, and different authors in fact interaction with other cellular components to gen-
apply diverse classification system and/or nomen- erate multiple levels of regulation (Fig. 8.2, III).
clature to organize the subclasses. However, The largest group includes lncRNAs that associ-
largely shared distinction is made with respect to ate with chromatin modifiers and take part in epi-
the size of transcripts. The regulatory ncRNAs genetic regulation of gene expression. Strictly,
are generally divided into small and long, estab- 20% of lncRNAs are co-­immunoprecipitated with

cRNA 1%


ncRNA small interfering

transfert (tRNAs) long Piwi-associated

ribosomal (rRNAs) ncRNA

small nucleolar
RNAs (snoRNAs) small nuclear

Fig. 8.1  Diversity of non-coding RNAs. cRNA, coding RNA; ncRNA, non-coding RNA
8  Drosophila as a Model to Gain Insight into the Role of lncRNAs in Neurological Disorders 121

Fig. 8.2  Function-based classification of lncRNAs. TF, transcription factor. (Adapted from Ip and Nakagawa (2012))

histone methyltransferase complex PCR2 2016), and it might represent a convenient depic-
(Davidovich and Cech 2015; Khalil et  al. 2009; tion for educational purposes. Accordingly,
Marchese and Huarte 2014) allowing that the lncRNAs can be broadly classified into two large
chromatin modification may be one of the repre- categories, herein illustrated in Fig. 8.3.
sentative functions of lncRNAs (Fig. 8.2). To make out an extensive report of the wide
The lncRNAs which act as precursors of the variety of biological functions involving lncRNAs
small RNAs to take part in gene suppression via is quite hard given they control nearly every level
RNA silencing mechanisms belong to the second of gene regulation—pretranscriptional, transcrip-
group (Fig. 8.2, II). tional and posttranscriptional—through DNA–
Recent findings remarked the importance of RNA, RNA–RNA or protein–RNA interactions.
lncRNAs as components of nuclear bodies (NBs), Indeed, lncRNAs may consist of multiple bind-
thus allowing their classification into the third ing modules and are therefore capable of connec-
group (Fig.  8.2, III-8 “scaffold”). Extensive tion to any cellular components.
reviews on these classes are available since 2012 Since the lncRNAs intervene in the co-tran-
(Cheng et  al. 2016; Chujo et  al. 2016; Ip and scriptional recruitment of protein factors to spe-
Nakagawa 2012). cific loci, they have an intrinsic cis-regulatory
Other ncRNAs are tentatively categorized into capacity; thus, it’s largely accepted that the best-
a fourth group, but this classification suffers for defined molecular function of lncRNAs is the cis-
the lacking information on the large diversity of acting epigenetic gene regulation (Sun and Kraus
lncRNA’s functions. 2013). However, some new reports are now invit-
A position-based classification was recently ing to consider that the primary lncRNA’s mode
summarized by Riva and colleagues (Riva et al. of gene regulation is in trans because some
122 L. Lo Piccolo


long intergenic

very long intergenic

coding gene overlapping

intronic (ilncRNAs)

natural antisense (NATs)

expressed non coding


enhancer RNAs (eRNAs)

long RNAs(PALRs)

Fig. 8.3  Position-based classification of lncRNAs. (Adapted from Riva et al. (2016))

emerging evidences have shown that knockdown they are highly tumour- and lineage-specific, often
of several lncRNAs do not affect neighbouring associated with somatic copy number alterations,
genomic loci (Guttman et  al. 2011). Regardless promoter hyper-methylation and/or cancer-­
their controversial primary mode of action, cis associated SNPs (Bartonicek et al. 2016; Cerk et al.
and/or trans, the impact of lncRNAs in biological 2016; Weng et al. 2017). Strictly, lncRNAs can act
systems is just beginning to be elucidated. To either as tumour suppressors or as oncogenes to
date, most characterized lncRNAs have been mediate several cancer-­associated processes, such
implicated in development and differentiation or as epigenetic regulation and DNA damage or cell
found to be involved in pathways associated with cycle control and miRNAs silencing. Interestingly,
cell proliferation and cell death. lncRNAs and PI3K have been shown to be inter-
Despite the huge number of long non-­ connected in several different cancer subtypes with
translated transcripts, the functional significance the ability to enhance aberrant cell proliferation,
of very few lncRNAs has been brought to light so epithelial-to-­
mesenchymal transition, migration
far, especially those exhibiting differential and invasion and also cancer cell metabolism. A
expression in tumours, but almost the lncRNAs recent review has highlighted the lncRNAs and
remain just annotated, with unknown functions. PI3K cross-talk in cancer (Benetatos et al. 2017).
A large body of evidence has revealed that The involvement of lncRNAs in cancer makes
lncRNAs play essential roles in all stages of carci- them as a critical class of effectors or regulators.
nogenesis and metastasis (Weidle et al. 2017). On For instance, aberrantly expressed lncRNAs can
the other hand, different lncRNAs are deregulated be able to interact with protein and coding part-
in cancer, and many evidences have revealed that ners to cause deregulation of normal cellular pro-
8  Drosophila as a Model to Gain Insight into the Role of lncRNAs in Neurological Disorders 123

cesses up to drive the cell towards a malignant and unexpected functions of non-­coding protein
state. Because of these crucial interactions, transcripts. In this context, the use of new data-
lncRNAs are actually considered as ideal targets bases will eventually enable the generation of new
for cancer therapy and biomarkers. hypotheses about the roles of lncRNAs in differ-
Numerous recent reviews focus on the role of ent disease phenotypes (Table 8.1).
lncRNAs in carcinogenesis and metastasis (Chen Existing genomics data could be re-annotated
et al. 2017; Li et al. 2017; Rao et al. 2017; Weidle in terms of non-coding genes or transcripts to
et al. 2017), and their involvement in these pro- provide an understanding of their putative clini-
cesses will not be discussed in this chapter. cal relevance. In this respect, a recent analysis of
the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) data identified
potentially clinically relevant non-coding tran-
8.2 Databases for lncRNAs: scripts. The expression of specific lncRNAs
Emerging Tools with Great seems to be linked to patient survival, copy num-
Expectations ber alteration or histological subgrouping in glio-
blastoma as well as in lung, ovarian and prostate
As described up here, we have formed the impres- cancers.
sion that the lncRNAs have a critical cellular role The use of large data set could help to guide
and that they take part in intricate networks to the research on lncRNAs and might provide
support the cell fate, whereby new approaches to unexpected connection with old and new cellular
support the molecular and cellular research on networks.
lncRNAs are required to contribute in under- Recently, diverse resources dedicated to
standing of lncRNA function and mechanism of lncRNAs have been developed, which differ in
action. In fact, there is a large gap between the data coverage and quality. A comprehensive
real number of lncRNAs that intervene into the compendium of human lncRNAs is offered by
cell and the number of those that we have figured Lncipedia (http://www.lncipedia.org) which pro-
out how, where and when function. vides information on human lncRNA transcript
According to the current release of NONCODE sequence and structures.
Ev4 ID (http://www.noncode.org/analysis.php), An extensive and comparative analysis on the
the estimated number of the human lncRNA lncRNA database was recently proposed by
genes is 90.062, which is significantly higher Fritah and colleagues (Fritah et al. 2014) to offer
than that of coding genes, actually estimated in a paradigmatic approach of how to query these
19.815 as reported on the current version of databases to address putative lncRNA functions
GENCODE (http://www.gencodegenes.org/stats/ in human diseases.
current.html). DIANA-LncBase is the only database that
Multiple high-quality resources of annotations specifies the incorporation of lncRNA annota-
are needed to identify and characterize lncRNAs tions originating from the literature, from compu-
in genomic studies. An increasing number of tational predictions and from primary data
databases dedicated to lncRNAs are becoming repositories. This database includes lncRNA
available, whereby we are witnessing a rapid annotations that are supported by experimental
accumulation of large-scale data sets and novel evidences (Paraskevopoulou et al. 2013).
computing tools. This is a good time for the An interesting example of lncRNA database is
research on lncRNAs. For instance, in the last offered by ChIPBase v2.0 which is an open
5 years, the number of publications about the role source for studying the transcription factor bind-
of lncRNAs in the human brain was exponentially ing sites and motifs and for decoding the tran-
growing. The merit is certainly to be attributed to scriptional regulatory networks of lncRNAs,
intense research in the field of diseases that has miRNAs, other ncRNAs and protein-coding
led researchers to study not only the protein-cod- genes from ChIP-seq data. This database cur-
ing transcripts but also to explore the unknown rently contains ~10,200 curated peak data sets
124 L. Lo Piccolo

Table 8.1  Database for lncRNAs

Database Description Website References
lncRNABase Designed for decoding miRNA-lncRNA (lncRNAs, http://starbase.sysu. Li et al. (2014)
pseudogenes, circRNAs) and miRNA-ceRNA edu.cn/mirLncRNA.
interaction networks from 108 CLIP-Seq data sets. php
This database also provides information about the
interaction networks of lncRNAs, miRNAs,
ceRNAs, mRNAs and RNA-binding proteins
accordingly to data from 14 cancer types with
>6000 tumour samples
NRED The ncRNA expression database integrates http://nred. Dinger et al.
annotated expression data from various sources, matticklab.com/ (2009)
mainly from human and mouse models cgi-bin/ncrnadb.pl
DmeLncDB The Drosophila melanogaster lncRNA database http://dmelncdb.bime.
provides integrated information for each lncRNA ntu.edu.tw
record such as loci, presence and number of exons,
coding potential and secondary structures
COME The coding potential calculation tool based on https://github.com/ Hu et al. (2017)
multiple features is a robust coding potential lulab/COME.
calculation tool for lncRNA identification and
LNCediting A database for functional effects of RNA editing in http://bioinfo.life. Gong et al.
lncRNAs hust.edu.cn/ (2017)
CHIPBase Database for decoding the transcriptional http://rna.sysu.edu. Yang et al. (2013)
regulation of lncRNAs and microRNA cn/chipbase/
DIANA-­ Experimentally verified and computationally http://diana.imis. Paraskevopoulou
LncBAse predicted microRNA targets on lncRNAs athena-innovation.gr/ et al. (2013)
LNCipedia A database for annotated human lncRNA transcript https://lncipedia.org Volders et al.
sequences and structures (2013)
lncRNAdb Database providing comprehensive annotations of http://www.lncrnadb. Amaral et al.
eukaryotic lncRNAs org (2011)
lncRNADisease Experimentally supported lncRNA-disease http://cmbi.bjmu.edu. Chen et al.
associations cn/lncrnadisease (2013))
LNCMap The connectivity map of lncRNAs provides to http://www. Yang et al. (2017)
establish the correlations among diseases, bio-bigdata.com/
physiological processes and the action of small LNCmap/
molecule therapeutics, by attempting to describe all
biological states in terms of lncRNA signatures
lncRNome Comprehensive database of lncRNA in humans http://genome.igib. Bhartiya et al.
res.in/lncRNome/ (2013)
Noncode Noncode is an integrated knowledge database http://www.noncode. Zhao et al. (2016)
dedicated to non-coding RNAs (excluding tRNAs org
and rRNAs) with particular regard to lncRNAs

derived from ChIP-seq methods in 10 species conservation score, chromatin signatures, coding
(Zhou et al. 2017). potential, predicted secondary structure, expres-
The current version of DmeLncDB (http:// sion profiles in different developmental stages
www.dmelncdb.bime.ntu.edu.tw) with 3014 is and the list of co-expressed coding genes. In
actually the most exhaustive database of lncRNAs summary, DmeLncDB is expected to serve as an
of Drosophila melanogaster. In DmeLncDB, the important resource for lncRNA studies not only
integrated information for each lncRNA record related to Drosophila.
includes loci, exons, directionality, cross-species
8  Drosophila as a Model to Gain Insight into the Role of lncRNAs in Neurological Disorders 125

A new lncRNA database was recently released 8.3.1 LncRNAs and Neuronal

with the purpose to use lncRNA signatures to Development
find the correlations among diseases, physiologi-
cal processes and the action of small molecule The differentiation programme of progenitor
therapeutics (Yang et al. 2017). By re-annotating neuronal cells seems to be under control of
the microarray data from the Connectivity Map lncRNAs, and recently, a review has been pro-
database, the new LncRNA Connectivity Map posed to summarize lncRNAs with function in
(LNCmap) has obtained 237 lncRNA signatures neuronal development (Clark and Blackshaw
of 5916 instances which correspond to 1262 2014). Some interesting examples are the
small molecular drugs. This database could sig- lncRNAs AK055040, AK091713 and AK124684
nificantly improve our understanding of the bio- that are required for neuronal induction of ES
logical roles of lncRNAs and provide a unique cell (Ng et  al. 2012) or the long intergenic
resource to reveal the connections among drugs, ncRNA (lincRNA) Cyrano which are maybe
lncRNAs and diseases. involved in miR-7 decoy transcript, and its loss
of function in mice results in small eyes and
brains due to a reduction in neural specification
8.3 LncRNAs in the Central (Ulitsky et  al. 2011). To date, other six lin-
Nervous System cRNAs are important for neuronal cell fate
specification. Among them, the most recently
LncRNAs are predicted to function, probably identified is the lncRNA TUNA which regulates
preferentially, in the nervous system where they pluripotency by recruiting RNA-­ binding pro-
may play roles in mediating neuronal develop- teins (RBPs) to Sox2, Nanog and Fgf4 promot-
ment, behaviour and cognitive functions. Indeed, ers (Lin et al. 2014).
annotation via the GENCODE suggests that The number of lncRNAs involved in CNS
about 40% of differentially expressed lncRNAs development is expected to grow in the next years
are specific to the brain (Derrien et al. 2012), and through the improvement of techniques that will
moreover, within the brain, the expression of allow the identification and then the characteriza-
lncRNAs seems to be particularly region-specific tion of new lncRNAs. Indeed, in order to identify
and highly dynamic during neural differentiation lncRNAs, a direct detection of the transcribed
(Ramos et al. 2013). For instance, the important RNA is necessary, but actually, conventional
work of Mercer and colleagues has shown that gene expression microarrays are only designed to
849 lncRNAs on 1328 examined are expressed in reveal the expression of protein-coding mRNAs;
the adult mouse brain in association with specific thus, the use of new advanced techniques like til-
neuroanatomical regions (Mercer et  al. 2008). ing arrays, serial analysis of gene expression
Intriguingly, as some authors comment, the duc- (SAGE), cap analysis of gene expression (CAGE)
tile and elaborate functions of lncRNAs seem to and high-throughput RNA sequencing (RNA-­
be in accord with the diversity and complex seq) is now providing new resources. To compre-
nature of the central nervous system (CNS). hensively identify lncRNAs, a very challenge due
These proprieties make the lncRNAs ideal candi- to their low level expression and/or their more
dates to explain the rapid evolution of human cell type specificity than protein-coding genes.
CNS and in the same time represent a promising An interesting attachment to a recent review
breakthrough to gain insight into the molecular clearly describes the methodologies for lncRNA
mechanisms of CNS development and neuropsy- identification and analyses (Fatica and Bozzoni
chiatric diseases. Finally, a conspicuous body of 2014).
work has revealed that the lncRNAs have func- A new approach by using an ab initio tran-
tions in neuronal differentiation and maintenance scriptome reconstruction using eight purified cell
(Pollard et al. 2006; Wu et al. 2013). populations from mouse cortex has allowed Dong
126 L. Lo Piccolo

and colleagues to the identification of more than has increased together with the discovery of
5000 lncRNAs. Specifically, they have performed their impact in aged brain and CNS disorders.
a motif searches in ENCODE DNase I digital An increasing number of studies have shown
footprint data and Mouse ENCODE promoters in that lncRNAs are associated with several neu-
order to infer the occupancy of transcription fac- rodegenerative disorders (Table  8.2). To date,
tors (TFs). By integrating TF binding and cell-­ an accurate report has been proposed by Wan
type-­specific transcriptomic data, they have and colleagues (Wan et al. 2017) to provide a
constructed a novel framework that seems to be list of detailed information on lncRNAs and
useful for the systematic identification of their expression level in diseases like Alzheimer
lncRNAs with high potential activity in the brain and Parkinson. Moreover, Lourenco and col-
and in particular with critical role in neuronal cell leagues have identified a number of lncRNAs that
fate determination (Dong et al. 2015). Based on are dysregulated upon a depletion of the aggrega-
this integrative analysis, they have identified tion-prone proteins TDP43 or FUS, which in turn
lncRNAs that are regulated during oligodendro- are known to be involved in proteinopathies or
cyte precursor cell (OPC) differentiation from neurodegenerative diseases such as FTLD and
neural stem cells (NSCs) and that are likely to be ALS (Lourenco et al. 2015). It is important to
involved in oligodendrogenesis. The approach of note that only few reports have described the
Dong and colleagues has finally allowed to find a molecular mechanism through a lncRNA inter-
novel role for the lncRNA lnc-OPC in OPC fate vention in the neurodegenerative disease. More
determination. often instead, a global overview of the expres-
Among the last identified lncRNAs with sion level of the lncRNAs in pathological con-
important roles in neural development and neural ditions in comparison with normal phenotype
cell fate determination, the lncOL1and FMR4 are has been provided. Finally, whether the modu-
maybe two very interesting examples. Indeed, lation of lncRNA expression is a cause or a
lncOL1 overexpression promotes precocious oli- consequence of disease yet remains hard to
godendrocyte differentiation in the developing address.
brain, whereas genetic inactivation of lncOL1 Bearing in mind that how the lncRNAs impact
causes defects in CNS myelination and re-­ the diseases has not fully elucidated so far, the
myelination upon an injury (He et  al. 2017). following paragraphs are an attempt to report and
Functional analyses have further illustrated that describe the diverse mechanisms by which some
lncOL1 can interact with Suz12 which is a com- lncRNAs involve neurodegenerative diseases. In
ponent of polycomb repressive complex 2 particular, with a view to simplifying herein, the
(PRC2) to promote the maturation of oligoden- neurodegenerative diseases have been in short
drocytes. Finally, the lncRNA FMR4 has been classified in those showing dementia and in
described as chromatin-associated lncRNA with those exhibiting locomotive dysfunctions.
the ability to alter in trans the chromatin state and
the expression of several hundred genes L ncRNAs in Neurodegenerative
(Peschansky et al. 2016). Diseases with Dementia
The Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is one of the most
common neurodegenerative diseases with more
8.3.2 LncRNAs than 80% of dementia cases in people aged older
and Neurodegenerative than 65 years (Anand et al. 2014). AD is charac-
Diseases terized by apraxia, agnosia and other devastating
symptoms due to the progressive decline in men-
Our appreciation that lncRNAs have a broad tal and behavioural functions. The neuropatho-
spectrum of functions in the normal brain logical hallmark of AD is the deposit of
development to orchestrate synaptic plasticity extracellular senile plaques and intracellular neu-
and take part in cognitive and memory process rofibrillary tangles composed of amyloid beta
8  Drosophila as a Model to Gain Insight into the Role of lncRNAs in Neurological Disorders 127

Table 8.2  Human lncRNAs that have been discussed because of their role in neurological and neurodegenerative
lncRNA Classification Function Disease associated References
AK055040 Promoter-­ Located upstream of CACN2D1; Neurological Ng et al. (2012)
associated interacts with SUZ12; neuronal disorders
AK091713 Overlapping Contains mir125B and LET7A and Neurological Ng et al. (2012)
the nuclear-encoded mitochondrial disorders
protein BLID within its introns;
neuronal development
AK124684 Intergenic Interacts with REST; neuronal Neurological Ng et al. (2012)
development disorders
TUNA Intergenic Regulates pluripotency by recruiting HD Lin et al. (2014)
Sox2, Nanog and Fgf4; neuronal cell
fate specification
Lnc-OPC Promoter-­ Regulates oligodendrocyte precursor Intellectual Dong et al. (2015)
associated cell differentiation; neuronal cell fate disability
lncOL1 Chromatin-­ Abnormal expression can cause Neurological He et al. (2017)
associated alteration in oligodendrocyte disorders
FMR4 NAT Chromatin-associated with the ability Intellectual Peschansky et al.
to alter the expression of several genes disability and (2016)
involved in neuronal development; autism spectrum
neuronal development disorder (ASD)
BACE1-AS NAT Positive regulator of BACE1 AD Faghihi et al.
expression; it can induce (2008)
overproduction of Aβ42
LRP1-AS NAT Negatively controls the LRP1 gene AD Yamanaka et al.
expression by modulating HMGB2 (2015)
17A NAT Regulates the pre-mRNA processing AD Massone et al.
of GPR51/GABBR2 (2011)
NDM29 NAT Aberrant expression can induce AD Massone et al.
overproduction of Aβ42 (2012)
51A NAT Controls the alternative splicing of AD Ciarlo et al.
SORL1 (2013)
Expansion Promoter-­ C9orf72 is a protein-coding gene that ALS/FTD Moens et al.
repeats in associated plays an important role in the (2017)
promoter and/or regulation of endosomal trafficking
intron of and has been shown to interact with
C9orf72 Rab proteins that are involved in
autophagy and endocytic transport
NEAT1 Intergenic, Regulates splicing processes by ALS/FTD, HD Johnson (2012),
arcRNA modulating the activity of several Lagier-Tourenne
hnRNPs into the paraspeckles et al. (2012) and
Sunwoo et al.
MALAT1 Intergenic Regulates splicing processes by ALS/FTD Lagier-Tourenne
arcRNA modulating the activity of several et al. (2012) and
hnRNPs into the nuclear speckles Liu et al. (2017)
FRG1–3 NAT N.D. PD Soreq et al.
AS Uchl1 NAT Drives the Uchl1 translation through a PD Carrieri et al.
combined SINEB2 repeat (2015)
128 L. Lo Piccolo

Table 8.2 (continued)
lncRNA Classification Function Disease associated References
naPINK1 NAT Increases the stability of a splice PD Scheele et al.
variant PINK1 antisense (svPINK1) (2007)
HOTAIR NAT Mediates the trimethylation of histone PD Liu et al. (2016)
H3 at lysine 27 and the demethylation
of histone H3 dimethyl Lys4 by
recruiting the polycomb repressive
complex 2 and the lysine-specific
demethylase 1/co-repressor of
RE1-silencing transcription factor
(coREST)/REST complex to the target
gene promoters, which leads to gene
HAR1 Intergenic Target of REST HD Johnson et al.
TUG1 Intergenic Necessary for retinal development HD Johnson (2012)
MEG3 Intergenic Binds the PCR2 epigenetic silencing HD Johnson (2012)
ATXN8OS NAT Brain-specific function SCA8 Daughters et al.
Lnc-SCA7 Retro-­ Post-transcriptionally regulates the SCA7 Tan et al. (2014)
pseudogene expression of ATXN7

(Aβ) protein and hyperphosphorylated tau pro- been performed to collect the expression profile
tein. In the last decade, a conspicuous number of of lncRNAs dysregulated in a triple transgenic
reports have revealed the molecular model of AD (3xTg-AD), and a total of 4622
­pathomechanism of AD to show that amyloid lncRNAs have been analysed (Lee et al. 2015). In
precursor protein (APP) is sequentially cleaved this study, one of the most highly upregulated
by β-site APP cleaving enzyme-1 (BACE1) and lncRNAs has shown a 395 bp core sequence that
γ-secretase during Aβ biosynthesis, with overlaps with multiple chromosomal regions.
γ-secretase initiating the “amyloid cascade”. It is Interestingly, the work of Lee and colleagues rep-
known that the Aβ peptides can aggregate into resents the first study that comprehensively has
soluble oligomers which become able to induce identified dysregulated lncRNAs in 3xTg-AD
mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative dam- mice, and in the future, it might likely facilitate
age. Finally, the soluble oligomers allow to start the development of therapeutics targeting
a cascade of detrimental events that induce syn- lncRNAs in AD.
aptic dysfunction and apoptosis. Despite a remarkable number of lncRNAs
Although alterations in the expressions of found dysregulated in AD (AD-associated
non-coding RNAs have been studied in AD, most lncRNAs), only few of them have been clearly
research focused on the involvement of microR- characterized (Wu et  al. 2013; Zhou and Xu
NAs, and comprehensive expression profiling of 2015). Strictly, beta-secretase 1 RNA antisense
lncRNAs in AD has been lacking. Almost the (BACE1-AS) and low-density lipoprotein
information on the role of lncRNAs in AD patho- receptor-­related protein RNA antisense
genesis come from large data set analysis such as (LRP1-AS) are the best studied, and both are nat-
re-annotated microarrays of post-mortem human ural antisense lncRNAs (NATs). BACE1-AS is
patient’s tissues and high-throughput screening highly expressed in AD patients, and it has been
of altered gene expression profile. Few studies on shown to be capable of upregulating BACE1
transgenic mice also have achieved to unreveal- mRNA (Faghihi et  al. 2008). Other NATs have
ing the involvement of lncRNAs in this devastat- been shown involved in neurodiseases through
ing disease. Recently, a microarray analysis has the ability to form the duplex complex with the
8  Drosophila as a Model to Gain Insight into the Role of lncRNAs in Neurological Disorders 129

sense of coding mRNA with a detrimental effect A large part of these new lncRNAs have been
on its stability and a resulting mRNA translation classified as intergenic, and the overall expres-
inhibition, but BACE1-AS interestingly can sion profile has been considered as a specific
­function by increasing BACE1 mRNA stability to AD-associated signature. In particular, among
allow the overproduction of Aβ42. the new identified AD-associated lncRNAs, three
Among lncRNAs, the NATs have emerged as have been characterized in further experiments
a large class of regulatory lncRNAs especially such as the 17A, NDM29 and 51A lncRNAs
with role in neurodegenerative diseases, and they (Ciarlo et al. 2013; Massone et al. 2011, 2012).
have been found in more than 70% of all tran- Interestingly, all of them have been found upreg-
scriptional units and 20% of human genes. Since ulated in human AD brains with the ability to
the functional knockdown of NATs has positive finally induce unbalance in Aβ42/Aβ40 ratio to
or negative influences on the expression of neigh- drive the accumulation of Aβ oligomers.
bouring protein-coding genes, it has been recently Briefly, the lncRNA 17A is generated by anti-
proposed that they can have a critical role in reg- sense orientation in the third intron of the human
ulation of gene expression. Intriguingly, another G protein-coupled receptor 51 (GPR51, also
lncRNAs AD-associated is also NAT.  In fact, a known as GABBR2) gene, and it regulates the
recent work of Yamanaka and colleagues has pre-mRNA processing of GPR51/GABBR2. The
shown that LRP1-AS lncRNA can negatively lncRNA 17A allows the generation of splicing
control the LRP1 gene expression through a mod- isoform B of GABABR2, which finally is not
ulation of non-histone chromatin modifier functional, as confirmed in human neuroblas-
HMGB2 activity (Yamanaka et al. 2015). LRP1 toma cells. Some evidences have shown that an
is a member of the low-density lipoprotein recep- upregulation of the lncRNA 17A can cause the
tor family, with a role in a variety of physiologi- formation of a defective GABA signalling so that
cal processes including the cellular transport of it has been proposed that the lncRNA 17A might
cholesterol, endocytosis of ligands, and trans- induce the secretion of the Aβ. Similarly, the anti-
cytosis across the blood-brain barrier. Recently, sense lncRNA 51A, deriving from the first intron
LRP1 has been implicated in the systemic clear- of SORL1 gene (a well-recognized risk factor for
ance of AD amyloid-beta (Aβ), and the level of AD), by controlling the alternative splicing of
LRP1 expression is critical for AD progression. SORL1 can promote the Aβ formation.
The study of Yamanaka and colleagues has shown As remarked in a recent review (Riva et  al.
that in the brain of AD patients, LRP1 is lowly 2016), it seems interestingly to note that both
expressed, while LRP1-AS is highly abundant. 17A and NDM29 lncRNA expression can be
Due to the augmentation of LRP1-AS in AD induced by inflammatory stimuli, which repre-
brains, it has been proposed that LRP1-AS can sent a pathogenic mechanism in AD. It will be
play a central role to downregulate LRP1 tran- important to extend our understanding of how the
scription, whereby it might be critical in AD inflammation takes a part in the lncRNA-AD net-
pathomechanism (Yamanaka et al. 2015). Further work because, due to the effects of lncRNAs on
investigations are required to understand the Aβ as above mentioned, one could hypothesize to
functional implication of LRP1-AS in the patho- indirectly modulate the Aβ synthesis by using
logical processes underlying AD. However, it anti-inflammatory drugs.
appears intriguing that two different lncRNAs Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is the second
involve in AD as NATs, and it seems worth look- important cause of dementia after AD in elderly
ing at whether this is a common lncRNA’s mode population. From clinical perspective, FTD is a
of action in degenerative diseases. heterogeneous neurodegenerative disorder,
More recently, the use of a genome-wide including behavioural variant FTD (bvFTD),
screening has led to the identification of other semantic dementia, progressive non-fluent apha-
lncRNAs with an aberrant expression in post-­ sia (PNFA), FTD-parkinsonism, and FTD-motor
mortem human AD brains (Zhou and Xu 2015). neuron disease. At least 8 causative genes have
130 L. Lo Piccolo

been identified in patients with FTD, so far. tional regulation or epigenetic control of funda-
Among them, the microtubule-associated protein mental genes in the central nervous system.
tau (MAPT), progranulin (GRN) and chromo- PD is one of the most common movement dys-
some 9 open-reading frame 72 (C9orf72) have functions and belongs to a group of conditions
been identified as responsible for almost all the called MSDs, characterized by the loss of dopa-
familial cases and for about 20% of all cases minergic (DA) neurons in the midbrain and the
(Lashley et al. 2015). Interestingly, the C9orf72 presence of intra-neuronal cytoplasmic inclu-
gene on chromosome 9 carries a hexanucleotide sions, called Lewy bodies. Lewy bodies are com-
repeat region in its promoter or in the intron 1 posed of neurofilaments and ubiquitin, and
(depending on the transcript variant). A massive α-synuclein is the most abundant protein included.
expansion of this repeat region triggers this syn- The characteristic motor symptom of PD is par-
drome (Chan 2014). ticularly akinesia, which should be caused by
In the last years, neuropathological and intense dopamine depletion in the striatum.
genetic data have suggested that FTD might be a Despite the increasing number of studies about
disease continuum with amyotrophic lateral scle- the onset of parkinsonian degeneration, the exact
rosis (ALS). For instance, alteration of RNA phenomena causing the degeneration process is
metabolism due to cytoplasmic inclusions of yet to be fully defined (Majidinia et al. 2016; Wu
TDP43 and FUS RNA binding protein (RBPs), et  al. 2011). The oxidative stress may play an
the aberrant function of lncRNAs such as NEAT-­ important role in the degeneration of substantia
1 and MALAT1 in subcellular compartmentaliza- nigra, and defects in protein trafficking machiner-
tion of RBPs and the hexanucleotide expansion ies have been also proposed as one of the critical
in C9orf72 represent both a common hallmark dysfunctions to drive the death of DA neurons.
and fundamental causative events, respectively. According to the recent findings, the α-synuclein,
For the reason above, the lncRNAs involved in leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK-­ 2), parkin
FTD will be discussed in detail in the next para- (PRKN/PARK2), UCHL1/PARK5, phosphatase
graph with regard to ALS. and tensin homologue (PTEN)-induced kinase1
(PINK1/PARK6) and oncogene DJ-1 have been LncRNAs in Motor System classified as major causative proteins to be partici-
Disorders pated in the initiation/development of
In this chapter those lncRNAs with role in disor- PD.  Furthermore, some other genes, such as
der of the central nervous system characterized α-synuclein polymorphism, glucocerebrosidase
by abnormal and involuntary movements will be (GBA), microtubule-associated protein and tau/
taken into consideration. Although a distinct clas- saitohin (MAPT/STH), have been also included
sification is normally applied for motor system in the list because they have been associated with
disorders and motor neuron disorders, hence the risk of PD development/progression.
leading to the diseases like Parkinson (PD) and The first study on PD-associated lncRNAs has
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) to different been released in 2014 by Soreq and colleagues
groups, here just for convenience, they will be (Soreq et al. 2014). This study has led to the iden-
discussed together, under a general classification tification of at least five specifically PD-induced
of motor system disorders (MSDs). lncRNAs such as the spliceosome component U1
There are few examples of lncRNAs underly- and the muscular dystrophy-associated RP11-­
ing such a degeneration process, and again, like 462G22.1 (lnc-FRG1-3). However, none of these
previously described for AD, they mainly act as lncRNAs PD-associated have been characterized,
antisense of neighbouring genes (NATs). so far. Similarly to lncRNAs AD-associated, the
However, new findings suggest that the impact of most extensively studied lncRNAs in PD are also
lncRNAs in motor system disorders could be NATs.
more miscellaneous, including indirect transcrip- In 2015, Carrieri and colleagues have con-
ducted a study on the previously identified AS
8  Drosophila as a Model to Gain Insight into the Role of lncRNAs in Neurological Disorders 131

Uchl1, an antisense lncRNA to the mouse ubiqui- As mentioned above, the lncRNAs
tin carboxy-terminal hydrolase L1 (Uchl1) gene PD-associated similarly to those AD-associated
(AS Uchl1) (Carrieri et  al. 2015). Notably, the mainly involve the direct binding of target mRNA
locus UCHL1/PARK5 is one of the 28 PD caus- because they act as NATs. However new discov-
ative genes, mutated in rare cases of early-onset eries have shown that lncRNAs can also involve
familial PD, and moreover, the loss of UCHL1 neurodegenerative disease with different mecha-
activity has been reported in many neurodegen- nism of action. In fact, the well-known lncRNA
erative diseases. The innovative study of Carrieri metastasis-associated lung adenocarcinoma tran-
and colleagues has revealed that Nurr1, a major script 1 (MALAT1) MALAT1 has been recently
transcription factor involved in dopaminergic shown to play also a critical role on the onset of
cells’ differentiation and maintenance, can con- PD (Liu et  al. 2017). MALAT1 is a spliced
trol the expression of AS Uchl1 which in turn is lncRNA which is highly conversed in mammals
able to drive the Uchl1 translation through a com- and widely expressed in human tissues, and its
bined SINEB2 repeat. The AS Uchl1 can finally mis-expression has been reported in various types
induce an augmentation of Uchl1 expression. of cancers (Gutschner et al. 2013). Previous stud-
The authors of this study have also provided evi- ies have proven that MALAT1 is an endogenous
dences of a strong downregulation of AS Uchl1 in regulator of breast cancer progression because it
neurochemical models of PD in vitro and in vivo, can downregulate miR-124 to activate the CDK4/
and they have remarked the impact of AS Uchl1 E2F1 signalling pathway. The new intriguing
in PD pathomechanism. hypothesis of Liu and colleagues is that MALAT1
The human-specific lncRNA transcribed from can sequester miR-124 through a sponging effect
the splice variant PINK1 antisense (svPINK1) is to further regulate the apoptosis of DA neurons.
another characterized AS lncRNA involved in PD Therefore, the new mode of action proposed is
(naPINK1) (Scheele et  al. 2007). PINK1 is a that MALAT1 can function in PD because it can
serine-­threonine kinase that has been directly directly bind miR-124 to negatively control miR-­
linked to a recessive form of familial parkinson- 124 expression. Finally, the authors have specu-
ism. Recently a molecular mechanism to link lated that the downregulation of MALAT1 might
PINK1 to PD has been reported (DasBanerjee lead to an inhibition of DA neuron apoptosis in
et al. 2017). It has been shown that mitochondrial MPTP-induced PD mice (Liu et al. 2017).
protein kinase A (PKA) and PINK1 can interact Regarding Huntington’s disease (HD), to date,
in mitochondria and that they can regulate den- only a few studies have addressed the implica-
drite remodelling, mitochondrial morphology, tions of lncRNA dysregulation. By genome-wide
content and trafficking in dendrites. Finally, date screening, Johnson and colleagues have pro-
PINK1 has shown the ability to activate a neuro- vided two independent studies where a subset of
protective signalling pathway to maintain den- lncRNAs have been identified as aberrantly
drite connectivity. In this context, it has been expressed in HD (Johnson 2012; Johnson et  al.
found that the lncRNA naPINK1 can increase the 2010).
stability of svPINK1, but how this event can The Huntington’s disease is an inherited dis-
involve the PD progression needs to be clarified. order that results in death of brain cells, charac-
Recently, Liu and colleagues have found that terized by a general lack of coordination as initial
lncRNA homeobox (HOX) transcript antisense symptom until severest movement dysfunctions
RNA (HOTAIR) is upregulated in the midbrain of make person unable to talk. Mental abilities gen-
mice treated with MPTP (N-methyl-4-phenyl- erally decline into dementia. At a molecular level,
1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine) which is a drug noto- HD is caused by trinucleotide expansion in the
riously used to induce PD. Interestingly, they first exon of the ubiquitously expressed gene
have shown that HOTAIR can promote the onset encoding huntingtin (Htt). The mutant form of
of PD through the regulation of LPPK2 (leucine-­ this protein (mutHtt) is neurotoxic, and it leads to
rich repeat kinase 2) (Liu et al. 2016). a relocation of the RE1-silencing transcription
132 L. Lo Piccolo

factor (REST). Since REST is known to be transfecting neuro2A cells with the NEAT1 short
involved in repressing thousands of targets, it has isoform vector followed up H2O2-induced injury
been found that the HD’s brains have widespread have been able to determine the biological effects
changes in gene expression profile. of NEAT1 on neuronal survival. Since they have
In the first work, Johnson and colleagues by found that NEAT1-transfected cells can increase
the screening of genome-wide data for novel their viability under oxidative stress, the authors
non-coding targets of REST have identified the have proposed that NEAT1could have a protec-
human accelerated region 1 (HAR1). It has been tive role so that the augmentation of NEAT1
shown that the direct targeting of REST to HAR1 transcript in HD patients might be due to a cel-
depends on specific DNA regulatory motifs, and lular mechanism of neuronal protection (Sunwoo
it results in a potent transcriptional repression et al. 2017) more than have a negative impact on
(Johnson et  al. 2010). However, the lack of the onset of disease. Interestingly, this is not an
knowledge about HAR1 transcript functions has isolated case. Indeed Francelle and colleagues
led to limited understanding of its mechanistic have also reported that the downregulation of the
relevance to the neurodegeneration in HD. mouse lncRNA transcribed from the opposite
A second high-throughput screening approach strand of abhydrolase domain containing 11
by interrogating published microarray gene (Abhd11os) in the striatum of R6/2 mice could
expression data from HD patient caudate nuclei be neuroprotective against mutant huntingtin
has allowed Johnson to discover seven new in vivo (Francelle et al. 2015). These examples
lncRNAs dysregulated in HD with specific have revealed that lncRNAs can induce compli-
genomic binding sites for REST.  In particular, cated networks. Therefore, in order to discern
TUG1 (necessary for retinal development) and the specific impact of lncRNAs on diseases, it is
NEAT1 (a structural component of nuclear para- desirable to use the genome-wide data to select a
speckles) have been found upregulated, while the pool of ideal lncRNA candidates, which should
brain-specific tumour-suppressor MEG3 has be further examined by in vivo and in vitro
been found downregulated. However, how these approaches and with the support of animal
new identified HD-associated lncRNAs can be models.
involved in the onset of HD or HD’s progression Next part of this chapter concerns those
has not yet understood. Since many lncRNAs are lncRNAs which are involved in neurodegenera-
able to regulate gene expression through forma- tive disorders as a result of mutations.
tion of epigenetic ribonucleoprotein complexes, Apparently, these lncRNAs do not have a physi-
as in the case of TUG1 and MEG3, the authors ological role in MSDs, but they became risk or
have proposed that alteration of epigenetic gene causative factors as a consequence of mutations.
regulation dependent on mis-functional lncRNAs Likely, the clearest examples of these class of
might have a strong impact to neurodegeneration lncRNAs are the ATXN8OS and C9ORF72 that
(Johnson 2012). are able to cause the spinocerebellar ataxia type
Upon to now, the chapters highlighted a link 8 (SCA8) and the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
between lncRNAs’ altered expression and the (ALS), respectively, after nucleotide
initiation and/or progression of neurodegenera- expansions.
tive diseases. However, to make a general state- The spinocerebellar ataxias (SCAs) are a clin-
ment on the role of lncRNAs is arduous, and, on ically heterogeneous group of disorders, rare and
the other hand, to firmly establish whether the slowly progressing neurological diseases that
mis-expressed lncRNAs in neurodegenerative affect the cerebellum and its related pathways.
diseases are harmful or protective on neuronal Currently, SCAs have been distinguished in
survival is complicated. Recently, an intriguing accord with the order of gene description (SCA1-­
report shed light on a new perspective on how SCA25). The pathophysiology of these diseases
the lncRNAs might be involved in neurodegen- still remains understood. Although missense
eration. In particular, Sunwoo and colleagues by mutations have been recently found, the feature
8  Drosophila as a Model to Gain Insight into the Role of lncRNAs in Neurological Disorders 133

of SCAs is the expansions of repeated trinucleo- PPR translation. Since non-toxic short UGGAA
tides. The expansion of CAG repeats has been repeat RNAs can suppress the aggregation of
associated with SCA1, SCA2, SCA3, SCA6, mutated RBPs, the authors have revealed a new
SCA7, SCA17 and DRPLA, while the ­expansions functional cross talk between RNA and RBPs
of CTG repeated has been found in SCA8. with the ability to finely regulate their own qual-
Moreover, a pentanucleotide repeat expansion ity and balance.
(ATTCT) is related to SCA10 (Manto 2005). As mentioned above, the hexanucleotide
It must be emphasized that in diseases associ- GGGGCC expansion (G4C2) in the protein-­
ated with nucleotide expansions such as SCAs, it coding gene C9ORF72 represents the most com-
should be taken into consideration not only the mon genetic cause of both ALS and FTD (Paul
detrimental effects of the untranslated mutant and Gitler 2014).
transcripts but also the eventually toxic proteins In the healthy population, the repeat region
that could be encoded by the mutant expanded has been reported to be variable up to around 30
nucleotides. In particular, a CTG triplet expan- repeats, while more than 400 have been typically
sion can occur in the lncRNA ATXN8OS, which observed in patients. No evidence of risk factor
is a brain-specific transcript, partially overlap- of the smallest hexanucleotide nor other mutation
ping with the neighbouring protein-coding gene types have been reported yet, and the function of
KLHL1. In SCA8 patients, both a CUG expan- the C9orf72 protein is not well understood. To
sion RNAs (CUGexp) as a result of the nucleotide date, three mechanisms have been proposed to
expansion on the ATXN8OS gene and a poly-­ explain how C9orf72 hexanucleotide expansions
glutamine (polyQ) expansion protein as a result lead to ALS/FTD (C9ALS/FTD), either by loss-­
of the ATXN8 CAGexp translation of antisense of-­function or by two different gain-of-function
ATXN8 CAGexp transcripts have been found. mechanisms. A complete review has been
However, the mechanism underlying the SCA8 is recently proposed by Moens and colleagues
actually confusing and still remains to be eluci- (Moens et al. 2017). Although the loss of func-
dated. Daughters and colleagues have proposed tion of C9orf72 transcript in models has provided
that the triplet expansion in the lncRNA evidence to support its role in critical neuronal
ATXN8OS can generate a RNA gain-of-function functions, a mutation potentially capable of caus-
because it is able to accumulate on RNA foci and ing a heterozygous loss of function has been
it also shows the capability to sequester impor- found only in a single sporadic ALS patient.
tant splicing factors (Daughters et al. 2009). Therefore, it is plausible that a gain-of-function
Recently, the expanded UGGAA (UGGAAexp) rather than a loss-of-function mechanism could
repeat, responsible for SCA31, has been mod- be the primary cause of this disease. Interestingly,
elled in Drosophila, where it can almost recapitu- the C9orf72 repeat-expanded is transcribed in
late the neuropathological conditions observed in both sense and antisense directions, and it has
SCA31 patient brains such as neurodegeneration been shown that it can form both nuclear and,
accompanied by accumulation of UGGAAexpRNA more rarely, cytoplasmic sense and antisense
foci and translation of repeat-associated penta- RNA foci. Since many RBPs have been found
peptide repeat (PPR) proteins (Ishiguro et  al. engaged in C9orf72 RNA foci, it has been pro-
2017). The elegant work of Ishiguro and col- posed that the hexanucleotide expansion might
leagues have revealed that TDP43, FUS and sequester important RBPs such as TDP43 and
hnRNPA2B1 can bind the pentanucleotide repeat FUS to cause a detrimental alteration of RNA
to induce alteration in the RNA structure and they metabolism. An ideal mechanism underlying the
can be able to suppress the toxicity induced by RBPs sequestration might be a sponging effect.
UGGAAexp in Drosophila. According to the In addition to the formation of RNA foci, it
model proposed, these RNA-binding proteins has been observed that both sense and antisense
(RBPs) might work as RNA chaperones to guide C9orf72 hexanucleotide expansion can contain
the proper UGGAAexp folding and regulation of repeat-associated, non-ATG-initiated (RAN)
134 L. Lo Piccolo

translation sequence that can generate five, mented formation of NEAT1 RNA foci has been
potentially toxic, repetitive dipeptide proteins found being a consequence of altered TPD43 sub-
(DPRs). It has been shown that these dipeptides cellular localization in the early stage of ALS
are able to form p62-positive, TDP43-negative pathogenesis (Nishimoto et  al. 2013; Tollervey
inclusions, abundant in the neocortex, hippocam- et al. 2011). In the light of these evidences, TDP43
pus and cerebellum (Ash et al. 2013; Mackenzie and FUS might control arcRNAs by distinct
et  al. 2013; Mori et  al. 2013; Zu et  al. 2013). mechanisms. In fact, these two RBPs can modu-
However, whether the toxicity is primarily medi- late the RNA transcription and/or stability; they
ated by C9orf72 sponging or DPRs still remains can trigger the formation of the functional RNA
an open question and a debate in the field. structure to allow the lncRNAs to properly work;
The overview of the lncRNAs involved in neu- and they can work as chaperon in a similar man-
rological disorders up to here reported has brought ner described in the abovementioned work of
out that two classes of lncRNAs are mainly criti- Ishiguro and colleagues. Since, in ALS and FTD
cal: those acting as NATS and those that affect the neurodegenerative diseases, TDP43 and/or FUS
CNS functions after the accumulation of muta- are aberrantly mis-localized in the cytoplasm into
tions (nucleotide expansion). The last part of this insoluble inclusions, it might be plausible that
chapter will take into consideration two different their loss of function can lead to a wide RNA dys-
lncRNA modes of action that have been described function and to the alteration of lncRNA activi-
so far in the pathomechanism of neurodegenera- ties. In this point of view, the aberrant arcRNA
tive diseases. In fact, it will herein introduce the transcription in ALS/FTD might simply be a con-
examples of lncRNAs that work as scaffold or in sequence of impaired RBP’s activities.
synergistic network with miRNAs. To make this scenario more complicated, there
Some lncRNAs have shown the ability to are two important reports which define a fine-­
organize factors like RBPs to shape the cell tuned cross talk of arcRNA-RBPs. Firstly, the
nucleus. For example, NEAT1 and MALAT1 have compromised paraspeckle formation through
been described as being essential for the forma- both loss and gain of FUS function has been
tion and maintenance of the nuclear bodies reported to impair the protective responses in
(NBs), paraspeckles and nuclear speckles, neurons (Shelkovnikova et  al. 2014). On the
respectively. For these critical abilities, NEAT1 other hand, a new knockdown Drosophila model
and MALAT1 have been recently defined archi- of the arcRNA hsrω has recently revealed that the
tectural lncRNAs (arcRNAs) (Chujo et al. 2016). subcellular localization of Drosophila FUS
The NBs are the sites of the biogenesis, matura- (dFUS) is affected by the alteration of the
tion, storage and sequestration of specific RNAs, lncRNA hsrω transcript (Lo Piccolo and
proteins and ribonucleoprotein complexes Yamaguchi 2017). These evidences might sug-
(Stanek and Fox 2017). gest that the aberrant cytoplasmic RBP localiza-
A number of evidences have highlighted the tion typically found in ALS/FTD not only can
important roles of TDP43 and FUS in controlling disrupt the physiological role of lncRNAs but
the expression profile of many RNAs with partic- itself can be a consequence of altered arcRNA
ular regard to arcRNAs. An exhaustive review has transcript regulation.
been proposed by Lourenco and colleagues A cross talk between lncRNA and miRNA has
(Lourenco et  al. 2015). Some reports have been been found fundamental for the pathogenesis of
made from striatum samples of FTD/ALS mice SCA7 (Tan et al. 2014). Indeed, the lncRNA lnc-­
models when both TDP43 and FUS loss of func- SCA7 which is defined as retro-pseudogene
tion or depletion have allowed to increase the (ATXN7L3B) can post-transcriptionally regulate
expression of NEAT1 and MALAT1 (Lagier-­ the expression of ataxin type 7 gene (ATXN7).
Tourenne et al. 2012; Polymenidou et al. 2011). The SCA7 neurodegenerative disease is
Moreover, similar results have been obtained caused by an in-frame CAG tri-nucleotide repeat
from human post-mortem samples, when the aug- expansion in the first coding exon of ATXN7. It
8  Drosophila as a Model to Gain Insight into the Role of lncRNAs in Neurological Disorders 135

has been reported that the translation of the can represent a powerful tool to explore the func-
mutated ATXN7 allele can cause diverse tion of these extraordinary molecules.
­detrimental consequences such as the polygluta-
mine (polyQ) tract expansion, the formation of
protein aggregates and the decreased ATXN7 8.4 Investigating lncRNAs
protein activity. Since ATXN7 is an ubiquitously in Animal Models
expressed housekeeping gene, it has been hard to
understand why the expanded CAG mutations LncRNAs are found in many organisms across
lead to the degeneration of only retinal and cere- different taxa, including not only human and
bellar neurons. The work of Tan and colleagues mice but also Xenopus tropicalis, Drosophila
has provided a new suggestion to explain the melanogaster, Schizosaccharomyces pombe,
specific neurodegeneration caused by Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Caenorhabditis ele-
alteration of the housekeeping ATXN7 gene. The gans, Arabidopsis thaliana, Medicago truncatula
authors have found that along with ATXN7 the and Zea mays (Au et al. 2011). Commonly used
miR-124 is target of mammalian SAGA (Spt/ animal models vary in complexity and evolution-
Ada/Gcn5 acetylase)-like multi-subunit complex ary divergence from human. The past use of C.
(STAGA). It has been shown that mutations in elegans and D. melanogaster has aided in under-
ATXN7 allow the formation of cytoplasmic standing the molecular mechanisms of apoptosis,
ATXN7 aggregates with a reduced activity of whose abnormal functionality drives cancer
STAGA, whereby the mutant ATXN7 by altering development and progression. Less evolutionary
the activity of STAGA complex can decrease the divergent animal models include rat and mouse
expression of miR-124. Moreover, the lnc-SCA7 which have largely contributed to better model
has shown being a post-transcriptional regulator the complexity of tumour growth and metastasis
of ATXN7 with the ability to modulate ATXN7 due to their physiological similarity to humans.
abundance. The authors have reported that miR-­ In addition to human, numerous lncRNAs
124 can mediate the interaction between lnc-­ have been found in all of these animal models
SCA7 and Atxn7, whereby one of the targets of (Feyder and Goff 2016), despite their primary
STAGA complex can affect the activity of the sequence is weakly conserved across the species.
complex which controls its transcription. In this Against this background, it is considered that
context, the alteration of miR-124 abundance by higher-order structure rather than primary
modulating the interaction between ATXN7 and sequence may be evolutionary conserved.
the lnc-SCA7 can cause an augmentation of the In particular, Drosophila and C. elegans are
level of ATXN7 which in turn may cause a reduc- preferentially used to model ageing because of
tion of STAGA activity. The complicated net- their shorter life span in comparison to mouse
work lnc-SCA7-miR-124-ATXN7 has and rat, and in this point of view, they are proving
demonstrated the critical role in CNS of the to be valuable resource in understanding the role
lncRNAs and miRNAs cross talk, and it has of lncRNAs in neurodegenerative diseases.
revealed that alteration in these tangled networks
might cause neurodiseases.
Cumulatively, all the observations so far dis- 8.4.1 T
 he Role of Drosophila
cussed have proven the complexity and heteroge- in Studying Human lncRNAs
neity of lncRNAs involved in neurodegenerative Involved
diseases and in CNS functions. It is clear that the in Neurodegenerative
understanding of lncRNA’s biology represents a Diseases
new challenge for researchers and a new frontier
in neuroscience. The use of animal model, com- Drosophila was introduced into scientific
puter design and genome-wide data all together research over 100  years ago and quickly has
become an invaluable tool that empowers our dis-
136 L. Lo Piccolo

coveries and understanding of a wide range of the concept of RNA toxicity associated to repeat
biological processes, such as embryogenesis, expansion in neurodegenerative diseases was
neural development, synaptic plasticity and even reviewed, and an exhaustive list of published
complex behaviours such as decision-making transgenic Drosophila lines for modelling repeat
and learning and memory (Bellen et  al. 2010; expansion-associated diseases (READs) has been
Spindler and Hartenstein 2010). Sequencing of provided (Koon and Chan 2017).
the Drosophila and the human genomes have The idea that RNA can itself act as major
revealed a high similarity between the fly and cause of toxicity on neurodegenerative and neu-
humans (Adams et  al. 2000). Outstandingly, romuscular diseases came from a study on
about 75% of the genes implicated in human DM1  in the early 1990s, but one of the earliest
genetic disorders have at least one homologue in Drosophila studies that has shed light on the
Drosophila (Reiter et al. 2001). According to the emerging RNA toxicity was pioneered by Rebay
Ensembl database, the proportion of lncRNAs and colleagues in 2004 when by overexpressing
with respect to the whole annotated gene number the human non-coding transcript SCA8 locus in
is similar between human and Drosophila the fly eye, they have been able to identify several
because it accounts in both species in the average SCA8 genetic modifiers such as the Drosophila
of 13%. RNA-binding protein genes, staufen, muscle-
Important success have been achieved so far blind (Mbl), split ends and CG3249 (Mutsuddi
by the use of Drosophila as model to gain insight et al. 2004).
into the molecular mechanism of human neuro- An important contribution in understanding
degenerative diseases such as the rescuing of the mechanism of FXTAS has been made by
disease-like phenotypes in fly models of fragile X Drosophila, where the overexpression of the
syndrome (FXS) (Chang et al. 2008), prolonged CGG repeat expansion in specific eye compound
survival of DA neurons in fly models of PD has showed severe neurodegenerative phenotype.
(Auluck et al. 2005; Faust et al. 2009) and lifes- Through this modelling, RNA expanded-­
pan extension in fly models of AD (Rajendran interacting proteins have been found and studied
et al. 2008). for their ability to enhance or rescue the FXTAS-­
Despite a limited pool of human lncRNAs associated phenotype. It has been reported that
have been modelled in Drosophila so far, the use overexpression of Purα as well as the overexpres-
of fly in exploring the functions of lncRNAs is sion of RNA-binding proteins hnRNP A2/B1 and
proving to be a fruitful approach particularly as a CUGBP1 can suppress rCGG-mediated neurode-
model to study RNA toxicity of repeat expansion-­ generation in a dose-dependent manner (Jin et al.
associated neurodegenerative and neuromuscular 2007; Sofola et al. 2007). Moreover, other studies
diseases (Koon and Chan 2017; Rogoyski et al. have been shown that CGG expanded repeat
2017). Since the theme of this chapter is the expression in fly can decrease the expression of
lncRNAs, it will be considered herein only the Rm62 post-transcriptionally, leading to the
non-coding expansion disorders that typically nuclear accumulation of Hsp70 transcript and
involve large expansion from 100 up to 1000 cop- additional mRNAs involved in stress and immune
ies and reside in the non-coding regions of genes, responses. These evidences have suggested that
while the expansions affecting exon coding the abnormal nuclear accumulation of these
region will not be addressed. mRNAs, likely as a result of impaired nuclear
The group of human non-coding expansion export, could contribute to FXTAS pathogenesis
disorders that have been modelled in Drosophila (Qurashi et  al. 2011). An intriguing study has
so far includes the fragile X-associated tremor/ correlated the role of selective miRNAs with the
ataxia syndrome (FXTAS), Friedreich’s ataxia, CGG repeats because some of them, including
the C9-ALS/FTD, the myotonic dystrophy type 1 miR-277, have been found altered specifically in
and type 2 (DM1 and DM2) and the SCA8. Drosophila brains expressing the repeat associ-
Recently, the role of Drosophila in understanding ated to FXTAS.  All together these studies have
8  Drosophila as a Model to Gain Insight into the Role of lncRNAs in Neurological Disorders 137

provided important findings to show that seques- tions of membrane-less organelles, thus unre-
tration of specific CGG repeat-binding proteins vealing the wide spectrum of cellular dysfunctions
can lead to aberrant expression of selective miR- induced by the (G4C2)n repeats (K. H. Lee et al.
NAs with the ability to modulate the ­pathogenesis 2016).
of FXTAS post-transcriptionally (Tan et  al. All these studies in Drosophila have con-
2012). tributed to clarify that RNA toxicity play a sig-
Drosophila is an excellent model not only to nificant role in the pathologies of many
explore the molecular mechanism of neurodis- READs. More importantly, these studies have
eases but also prove to be useful for unbiased also demonstrated the fruit fly as an excellent
drug screening. For instance, a chemical screen model for studying human READs and RNA
has revealed some small molecules with the abil- toxicity.
ity to suppress abnormal phenotype induced by
expression of CGG repeats. The study of Qurashi
and colleagues has showed that specific inhibi- 8.4.2 Neural Functions
tion of phospholipase A(2) activity could miti- of Drosophila lncRNAs
gate the neuronal deficits caused by FXS CGG
repeats, including lethality and locomotion defi- To date, similar to other animal model and
cits (Qurashi et al. 2012). humans, only a very small portion of known
As mentioned above, the expansion of G4C2 Drosophila lncRNAs have been thoroughly char-
hexanucleotide over 400 repeats has been typi- acterized. In silico and expression analyses have
cally observed in ALS/FTLD patients where it revealed that similar to vertebrates even in
can induce neurodegeneration through a complex Drosophila, lncRNAs are highly abundant in the
mechanism that involves both RNA toxicity of nervous system. Moreover, the examination of
the repeats and the abnormal capability of the genomic loci has shown that lncRNAs are located
dipeptide repeats (DPRs) derived from G4C2 in proximity of development-related protein-­
expansion to sequester critical RNA-binding pro- coding genes mediating nervous system develop-
teins into toxic aggregates. The use of Drosophila ment, sensory organ and ventral cord development
has played a pivotal role in understanding the (Inagaki et  al. 2005; Li and Liu 2015; Young
pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases asso- et al. 2012).
ciated with G4C2 hexanucleotide repeat expan- An overview of the so far known Drosophila
sion (Mizielinska et al. 2014; Stepto et al. 2014; lncRNAs with functions in locomotion and com-
Wen et al. 2014; Xu et al. 2013). More recently, plex neurological processes will be described
by employing transgenic flies it has been possible below.
to clarify the RNA toxicity associated to G4C2
hexanucleotide expansion. In transgenic flies T he Heat Shock lncRNA Omega
expressing (G4C2)n, a total of 19 new genetic Among the Drosophila species, the 93D locus is
interactors have been found associated with the highly conserved and carries the very long non-­
expanded repeats (Freibaum et  al. 2015; Zhang coding hrsω RNA. The locus is also called heat
et al. 2015). Interestingly, some of these proteins shock RNA omega (hsrω) because it is one of the
are components of nuclear pore complex, and most active genes after heat exposure, although it
others take part in machinery that coordinates the is constitutively expressed at relatively high lev-
exports of nuclear RNAs and the import of els in different cell types and it is also uniquely
nuclear proteins. These study have revealed a responsive to amides like benzamide, colchicine,
novel mechanism of neurodegeneration caused etc. (Lakhotia and Sharma 1996). The 93D locus
by the (G4C2)n repeats to compromise the nucleo-­ produces three transcripts using alternative poly-
cytoplasmic transport through the nuclear pore. adenylation sites and splicing. The longer tran-
Finally, in fly, it has been observed that DPRs are script from 93D locus is nucleus-limited (hsrω-n),
able to impair the assembly, dynamics and func- and it covers the entire length of the gene. The
138 L. Lo Piccolo

hsrω-n spans 10–20  kb and contains two exons synaptic transmission, thus emphasizing the
followed by a long stretch of a 280 nucleotide critical role of hsrω in neurons (Lo Piccolo
tandem repeat unit, and it is also polyadenylated. et al. 2017).
Curiously, the intron between the two exons is Additional studies carried out by taking
not spliced out (Mutsuddi and Lakhotia 1995). advantage of GAL4 system have recently found
Significantly, the 93D locus is not coding for any that the pan neuronal- and motor neuronal-­
protein but is essential under conditions of stress specific knockdown of hsrω affects locomotive
as well as for normal development (Lakhotia abilities of flies and impairs the structures of neu-
et  al. 2001). For many years, the lncRNA hsrω ron muscular junctions (NMJs) (Lo Piccolo and
has been studied for its ability to restore the cor- Yamaguchi 2017). Interestingly, it has been
rect nuclear distribution of key regulator factors shown that hsrω has the ability to control the
such as several hnRNPs, HP1 and RNA pol II hnRNP Cabeza (the human orthologue of FUS)
after thermal stress. Several studies have shed on at different levels because RNAi of hsrω can
light the fundamental role of hsrω in cellular reduce the mRNA abundance of Cabeza (dFUS)
reprogramming event and organismal survivor and is also able to induce an abnormal cytoplas-
(Lakhotia et al. 2012). Indeed, the lncRNA hsrω mic localization of the nuclear dFUS (Lo Piccolo
has the ability to form the ω-speckles, a class of and Yamaguchi 2017). In this context, it is worth
distinct nuclear bodies which are built by the recalling that the mis-regulation of dFUS is a
remodelling activity of the chromatin remodeler condition leading to neurodegenerative pheno-
ISWI and engages various hnRNPs (Onorati type in flies (Sasayama et al. 2012), and the aug-
et  al. 2011; Prasanth et  al. 2000). It is believed mented cytoplasmic distribution of human FUS
that the omega speckles are dynamic storage sites as mentioned above is a prerequisite for the for-
for the various RNA-processing and related pro- mation of pathological aggregates. These evi-
teins from which the different proteins are dences have highlighted the critical role of the
released as required by the state of nuclear activi- lncRNA hsrω in aberrant neuronal activities and
ties at any given moment. The lncRNA hsrω was have revealed that alteration of its function can
also defined as novel regulator of apoptosis drive pathological conditions.
because it is able to regulate the level of
Drosophila inhibitor of apoptosis (DIAP1) T he Novel lncRNA CRG
(Mallik and Lakhotia 2009a). The Drosophila Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent
The first evidence that the lncRNA hsrω may protein kinase (Caki) is the human orthologue of
play a critical role in neurodegenerative diseases CASK and is critical for locomotor behaviour.
has been provided as results of genetic interac- The Drosophila CASK (dCASK) has been found
tion with human expanded polyQ proteins. highly abundant during embryogenesis, larval
Indeed, it has been shown that the mutation P292 and pupal life, almost exclusively in the central
can enhance the SCA1 eye degenerative pheno- nervous system, while in adult flies, CASK
type (Fernandez-Funez et  al. 2000), while the immunoreactivity has been detected in the head,
loss of hsrω-n lncRNA is able to suppress the lamina, neuropil of the medulla and the central
eye-specific degeneration mediated by GMR-­ brain (Martin and Ollo 1996). According to the
GAL4-­ driven expression of the 127Q or latest released annotation of Drosophila genome,
MJDtr-Q78 or ataxin1 82Q or httex1p Q93 trans- the CASK transcript accounts for about 40  kb
gene (Mallik and Lakhotia 2009b). long and the relative encoded protein exists in
It should be noted that a high-throughput two isoforms of which the longer contains the
RNA sequence from the central nervous sys- N-terminal CaM-kinase-like and L27 domains.
tem of third instar larvae has shown that the Further examinations have revealed that the lack
lncRNA hsrω directly or indirectly affects sev- of these two domains is associated with locomo-
eral genes with important functions in neuronal tor dysfunctions that include initiation and motor
development, oxidative stress response and maintenance defects (Slawson et al. 2011).
8  Drosophila as a Model to Gain Insight into the Role of lncRNAs in Neurological Disorders 139

By making use of in silico and molecular perspective, the Drosophila model of CRG-CASK
approaches, Li and colleagues have found a new cross talk could represent an important resource.
lncRNA (CR44887) with a 2672 nt length, non-­
spliced, polyadenylated, with a very low coding T he lncRNA yar
potential, that interestingly is located down- During a study aimed to characterize the non-­
stream of CASK gene, with an overlapping region gypsy binding regions and the role of Su(Hw)
between CRG 5′ end and CASK 3’ UTR region insulator, Soshnev and colleagues have discov-
(Li et al. 2012). In situ hybridization has shown ered that the intergenic region between the yellow
that this new lncRNA is neuro-specific because and achete genes contains a previously uncharac-
its expression has been found concentrated in the terized gene (called yar, for y-ac intergenic RNA)
central brain and in the regions between the cen- which exhibits a low coding potential, a multiple
tral brain and the optic lobes. By taking advan- alternatively spliced and unconventional polyad-
tage of diverse neuronal specific drivers, Li and enylation signal sequence AAATACA (Soshnev
colleagues have been able to demonstrate that et  al. 2008). Because the incapacity to encode
this new lncRNA is critical to locomotor func- proteins and due to the transcript length over
tions in fly and that it can interact with the 200 nt, the yar gene has been defined as lncRNA.
dCASK. The initial studies of Soshnev and colleagues
As mentioned above, one of the main abilities have shed on light that the non-gypsy region 1A-2
of the lncRNAs is to regulate the transcription of is a composite insulator containing both enhancer
neighbouring protein-coding genes. In their blocking and facilitator elements and that it is
work, Li and colleagues have found that the nul- required for the transcriptional activation of the
lisomy of the new identified lncRNA can nega- lncRNA yar (Soshnev et al. 2008).
tively affect the abundance of the CASK The lncRNA yar is part of a neural gene clus-
transcript and protein. In turn, the overexpres- ter. In fact, the upstream yellow gene involves in
sion of CR44887 can rescue the normal walking male sexual behaviour (Drapeau et al. 2003)
speed in a CR44887 null mutant background. while the downstream achete gene is associated
Therefore, because of its ability to regulate with the development of the central and periph-
CASK, the new lncRNA has been classified as eral nervous systems (Gibert and Simpson 2003;
CASK regulatory gene (CRG) (Li et  al. 2012). Negre and Simpson 2009).
The study of the molecular mechanism underly- Further examinations have revealed that the
ing the control of CASK expression has revealed lncRNA yar accumulate in the cytoplasm, and
that the lncRNA CRG has the ability to enhance unlike other lncRNAs, it is not required for the
the association between the transcription initia- transcriptional regulation of the neighbouring
tion complex and the CASK promoter regions. genes. Indeed, the nullisomy of yar has shown a
Indeed, it has been demonstrated that the occu- normal bristle number and cuticle pigmentation
pancy of Pol (II) on the CASK promoter can consistently with the normal expression of yel-
decrease in the CRG null mutant, while the CRG low and achete genes (Soshnev et  al. 2011).
overexpression is involved in the restoration of Finally, flies lacking yar RNAs have been found
the normal Pol(II) interaction with the CASK viable.
promoter. Because of the genomic localization of the
More than 35 different mutations in the human lncRNA yar, additional studies have been carried
CASK gene have been associated with 2 mental out to definitively explore a potential involve-
disorders such as the CASK-related intellectual ment of yar in neurological functions. Indeed,
disability and the FG syndrome 4, whereby in Soshenev and colleagues have further evaluated
human, CASK plays a critical role in the central the general locomotor geotactic ability and the
nervous system. It will be interesting to see sleep behaviour in yar mutants and found that the
whether human neuronal lncRNAs might be lncRNA yar is not required for the general loco-
involved in CASK-associated diseases. From this motion, but it is critical for sleep maintenance
140 L. Lo Piccolo

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Muscular Dystrophy Model
Saranyapin Potikanond, Wutigri Nimlamool,
Jasprien Noordermeer, and Lee G. Fradkin

Abstract Keywords
Muscular dystrophy (MD) is a group of mus- Muscular dystrophy · Muscular atrophy ·
cle weakness disease involving in inherited Dystrophin-glycoprotein complex ·
genetic conditions. MD is caused by muta- Neuromuscular junction · Expertise: molecu-
tions or alteration in the genes responsible for lar cell biology · Drosophila as a Duchenne
the structure and functioning of muscles. muscular dystrophy (DMD) model
There are many different types of MD which
have a wide range from mild symptoms to
severe disability. Some types involve the mus- 9.1 Introduction
cles used for breathing which eventually affect
life expectancy. This chapter provides an over- Muscular dystrophy (MD) is a group of degen-
view of the MD types, its gene mutations, and erative diseases of muscle characterized by pro-
the Drosophila MD models. Specifically, the gressive loss of muscle fiber all over the body.
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), the Patients normally have muscle weakness with or
most common form of MD, will be thoroughly without additional organ abnormalities such as
discussed including Dystrophin genes, their cardiomyopathy. The severity depends upon the
isoforms, possible mechanisms, and signaling types of MD. Some types can lead to rapid pro-
pathways of pathogenesis. gression and short life span. Most patients with
severe forms of MD die from respiratory or car-
diac failure. On the other hand, some MD types
result in mild muscle weakness with normal cog-
nitive ability and average life expectancy. Almost
all of MD patients have normal brain function.
S. Potikanond (*) · W. Nimlamool Only some forms like Duchenne muscular dys-
Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, trophy (DMD) and congenital MD (CMD) have
Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand
e-mail: saranyapin.p@cmu.ac.th
cognitive impairment. There is no specific treat-
ment for MD because the knowledge concerning
J. Noordermeer
Department of Molecular Biology, Leiden University
molecular mechanisms of pathophysiology of
Medical Center (LUMC), Leiden, The Netherlands MD disease is not complete yet and requires tre-
L. G. Fradkin
mendous investigation. Therefore, extensive
Department of Neurobiology, University of research in both cell-based and animal models
Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA, USA need to be done. Studying in a mouse model has

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 147

M. Yamaguchi (ed.), Drosophila Models for Human Diseases, Advances in Experimental Medicine
and Biology 1076, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-0529-0_9
148 S. Potikanond et al.

been revealed to be successful for exploring 9.2 Types of Muscular Dystrophy

basic human biology as well as discovering
effectiveness of certain agents in curing specific 9.2.1 Duchenne Muscular
diseases. One of the benefits of using rodents as Dystrophy
a model is because the regulation of many genes
and the physiological functions of some proteins Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a com-
are conservative in rodents and humans. mon X-linked recessive, fatal genetic disorder
However, in some cases, the control of gene characterized by progressive muscle wasting.
expression and certain cellular signal The disease was named after the French neurolo-
communication are totally different. Specially, gist Guillaume-Benjamin-Amand Duchenne who
for MD disease, one protein can be encoded by described a DMD boy in 1861 (Parent 2005). The
several different genes. Therefore, knocking onset of the disease could initially be seen at the
down a particular gene may not be enough to age of 1–3 years with delayed walking, climbing
eliminate the generation of a functional protein stairs, difficulty in running, and frequent falls
since other genes can compensate the loss of (Ryder et al. 2017). His muscle weakness rapidly
protein function. This complex gene control in progressed within 8–14  years and eventually
rodents makes it difficult to perform gene required a wheelchair. The average survival rate
manipulation to understand the consequences of (40.95  years) of DMD patients born between
a single gene defect. Luckily, Drosophila gene 1970 and 1994 was dramatically increased com-
organization is much less complex, and many pared to those patients born between 1955 and
individual proteins are encoded by an individual 1969 (25.77 years) (Ryder et al. 2017). The prev-
gene. Drosophila melanogaster has proven to be alence of DMD per 100,000 males was 10.9, 1.9,
an insightful and powerful model system for 2.2, and 6.1 for France, the USA, the UK, and
studying human diseases including muscular Canada, respectively (Ryder et al. 2017). DMD is
dystrophy (Table 9.1). Drosophila is an excellent caused by the mutation of DMD gene which is
model for understanding the central nervous one of the largest genes in the human genome,
system phenotypes of muscular dystrophies, as spanning 2.3  Mb. In vertebrate, there are three
well as for identifying the complex array of dystrophin homologs which are dystrophin, utro-
regulatory and downstream signaling molecules phin, and dystrophin-related protein 2 (DRP2).
of the dystrophin-­glycoprotein complex (DGC). This gene has three upstream promoters that con-
The ability to easily manipulate genes in trol the expression of full-length dystrophin,
Drosophila like RNAi knockdown, UAS-GAL4, Dp427, and four internal promoters which regu-
and P-element systems together with the fly’s late the expression of the short dystrophin iso-
short life cycle makes Drosophila a powerful forms, Dp260, Dp140, Dp116, and Dp71
genetic tool for studying muscular dystrophy (Pilgram et al. 2010). The expression of Dp427,
diseases. Moreover, an ethical approval for Dp260, Dp140, Dp116, and Dp71 is specifically
Drosophila, compared to mammals, is much localized in the skeleton muscle, the retina, the
easier. Many Drosophila models for muscular brain and the kidney, the peripheral nervous sys-
dystrophy have been reported. Since there are tem, and throughout the mammalian brain,
several types of MD and many genes associated respectively (Pilgram et al. 2010).
with particular types have been established, the In the skeletal muscle, dystrophin is a part of a
content in this chapter will discuss mainly about large protein complex called dystrophin-­
certain types of MD in humans, particularly glycoprotein complex (DGC) (Fig. 9.1) (Pilgram
Duchenne muscular dystrophy models and et al. 2010). The N-terminal actin-binding domain
currently available Drosophila MD models of dystrophin binds to F-actin. The cysteine-­rich
relevant to each type of MD. region of dystrophin binds to β-dystroglycan, and
the C-terminus of dystrophin is associated with
Table 9.1  Summary of muscular dystrophy (MD) diseases
Human genes
MD (protein) Causes/symptoms Fly genes (protein) Models Phenotypes
DMD DYS (DYS) Decrease or absence of dystrophin DLP2 DLP2 knock out (P-element) Defect on synaptic homeostasis, increased
BMD Isoforms: DP427, protein presynaptic neurotransmitter release
Dp260, Dp140, Onset 1–3 years Dp117 RNAi of Dp117 Disorganized actin-­myosin filaments and
Dp116, and DP71 Progressive muscle weakness the cellular hallmarks of necrosis
Short life expectancy
Dp186 Dp186 knock out (P-element) Increased neurotransmitter release at
presynaptic areas of motoneuron
9  Muscular Dystrophy Model

CMD or Multiple genes Muscle weakness with congenital dPOMT1 or rt dPOMT1 mutant Synaptic defect
WWS or POMT1 ocular and brain malformation Climbing and flying defect
LGMD Reduction of synaptic DGluRIIB
Knocking down rt Twisted abdomen phenotype
POMT2 dPOMT2 or tw Knocking down tw Twisted abdomen phenotype
dPOMT2 mutant showed ultrastructural defect of muscle
DM DM1 type: CTG repeats in DMPK Overexpression of CTG repeats Degeneration and vacuolization of the
in larval muscle indirect flight muscle
DMPK Symptoms related to repeat number Loss of the structure of muscle fibers
Prolonged muscle contraction Hypercontraction of larval muscles
Respiratory failure
DM2 type: CCTG repeats in CNBP Overexpression of the CCTG 106 Eye defect
CNBP or ZNF9 and 700 repeats in the muscle and No muscle atrophy but has ribonuclear foci
Symptoms not related to the number
the eye formation in the muscle
of repeats
Grip myotonia Overexpression of the CCTG
No respiratory failure 1100 repeats in the muscle and Severe muscle degeneration and cardiac
the cardiomyocyte dysfunction
Ribonuclear foci formation in the muscle
FSHMD DUX4 (DUX4) Overexpression of DUX4-fl in the Overexpression of human Eye defect
FRG1 muscle DUX4-fl in germline by UASp- Impaired muscle function for flight
FRG2 Onset ~ age 20 DUX4
Slow progression Overexpression of human
Weakness of the facial muscles and FRG1in thoracic muscle
the dorsiflexors of the foot
Winging scapula

Table 9.1 (continued)

Human genes
MD (protein) Causes/symptoms Fly genes (protein) Models Phenotypes
OPMD PABPN1 GCG repeats in PABPN1 PABP2 Overexpression of human Adult: two wing position phenotypes
Adult onset (polyalanine in PABPN1-­17-­alanine repeats in (wings up and wings down). Indirect flight
various proteins) muscle tissue muscle (IFM) fibers are irregular, thin,
disorganized myofibrils with broken Z band
and no M bands
Ptosis and dysphagia Third instar larvae: thin muscle fibers and
Proximal muscle weakness irregular pattern of nuclei
DD Many genes and Distal muscle weakness FLN90 Filamin null mutant Absent SSR
proteins Filamin knockdown Reduced expression of GluRIIA but not
FLNC (filamin C) GluRIIB
EDMD EMD (emerin) Early contractures Lamin C Expression of truncated Lamin C Mispositioned nuclei
LMNA (laminA/C) Slow progression muscle weakness Nuclear organization and muscle defect
Cardiac muscle and conduction Null mutation of Lamin C Twist leg phenotype
defect Tendon-cell defects
SYNE1 (nesprin1) Msp-300 or Deletion of KASH domain in Larval locomotion defect
SYNE2 (nesprin2) Drosophila Msp-300 Decreased neurotransmitter release
TMEM43 (luma) nesprin-­1protein and GluRIIA receptor at the NMJ
SBMA AR CAG repeats (polyQ) at AR Overexpression of polyQ in Eye defect
Adult onset human AR in the fly eye
Muscle cramp progressive muscle
Bulbar signs
SMA SMA1, SMA2 Mutation of SMA dSMA smn73Ao mutant Loss of body wall contraction
(SMA1, SMA2) Degeneration of motor neurons in Hypomorphic Smn mutant Disorganization and an increased number
anterior horn cells in the spinal cord (SmnE33) of enlarged boutons
Variation in age onset and Reduction in the EPSCs
AR, androgen receptor gene; DMD, Duchenne MD; BMD, Becker MD; LGMD, limb-girdle MD; CMD, congenital MD; DM, myotonic MD; FSHMD, facioscapulohumeral
MD; OPMD, oculopharyngeal MD; DD, distal MD; EDMD, Emery-Dreifuss MD; SBMA, spinobulbar muscular atrophy; SMA, spinal muscular atrophy; SSR, subsynaptic
reticulum; WWS, Walker-Warburg syndrome; PABPN1, poly(A)-binding protein 1; PABP2, poly(A)- binding protein 2; EPSCs, excitatory postsynaptic currents
S. Potikanond et al.
9  Muscular Dystrophy Model 151

Fig. 9.1 Schematic
picture of dystrophin in
the dystrophin-­
glycoprotein complex
(DGC) at sarcolemma of
mammalian muscle.
F-actin binds to the
N-terminal region of
dystrophin which is
linked to β-dystroglycan
and α-dystrobrevin2.
DG, dystroglycan

α-dystrobrevin2. β-dystroglycan is linked to the region. However, all dystrophin isoforms contain
extracellular α-dystroglycan which eventually conserved sequence at the C-terminus.
binds to laminin α2 along the sarcolemma. In Knocking down dystrophin DLP2 isoform in
addition, β-dystroglycan associates with muscle was first established using RNA
δ-sarcoglycan by which the sarcoglycan-sarco- interference specific for the N-terminal region of
span complex is stabilized at the sarcolemma. The DLP2 (RNAi-DysNH2). The DLP2 knockdown
DGC binds to four syntrophins (α1 and flies did not show any appearance muscle defect
β1subunits) where sodium channels are localized (Fig. 9.2b, e, h). However, reducing all dystrophin
at its PDZ domain. Moreover, syntrophin recruits isoforms by RNAi knockdown at the conserved
signaling molecules, such as nNOS to the spectrin- C-terminal part of dystrophin gene (RNAi-
like repeats of dystrophin. DysCO2H) in muscle (24B-Gal4 or DMEF2-
Gal4) exhibited severe muscle degeneration at 3rd Drosophila Models for DMD instar larval stage. The muscles were ruptured or
Unlike mouse DMD models such as mdx model, absent, or the fibers were detached from their
Drosophila DMD models have no redundancy of attachment sites at tendon cells (Fig. 9.2n, q, o,
the dystrophin homolog, utrophin, which r). The muscle in the embryonic stage did not
compensates the lack of dystrophin gene and show any defects (Fig.  9.2a–c, 9.2j–l) which is
leads to muscle regeneration which makes mouse similar to what occurs in patients whose muscle
models more complicated to study the authentic is normal at birth. Knocking down dystrophin in
effect of dystrophin functions. Drosophila has tendon cells using Stripe-Gal4 did not affect
one dystrophin (DYS) gene localized on the third muscle integrity (Fig. 9.2f, i). Interestingly, only
chromosome. However, Drosophila produces Dp117 knockdown at muscle fibers displayed
many dystrophin isoforms homologous to human disorganized array of fibers (Fig.  9.2m, p) (van
dystrophin proteins. Dp427, Dp260, Dp140, der Plas et al. 2007). Dp117 is a muscle-specific
Dp116, and DP71 isoforms in humans are similar dystrophin isoform (van der Plas et  al. 2007)
to DLP1, DLP2, DLP3, Dp205, and Dp186 in the which is a homolog of utrophin found in humans.
fly, respectively. Each isoform of dystrophin In general, utrophin is homologous to dystrophin
contains unique sequences at the N-terminal and it is named from ubiquitous dystrophin.
152 S. Potikanond et al.

Fig. 9.2 Myosin
filament of embryonic
(a–c, j–l) and larval
body wall (d–i, m–r)
stained with an
anti-muscle myosin
antibody. Muscle
degeneration only
occurs in larvae when
either all dystrophin
isoform (n,q) or only the
Dp117 isoform (m, p)
expression levels are
reduced in muscle
(24B-Gal4 and
Reduction of dystrophin
in tendon cell (Stripe-­
Gal4) (c, f, and i).
(Reprinted with
9  Muscular Dystrophy Model 153

Fig. 9.3  Transverse sections of thoracic muscles of wild Transmission electron microscopy sections of muscle
type (a, c), RNAi-DysCO2H/Stripe-Gal4 (b), and RNAi-­ fiber of wild-type muscle fiber (c) and RNAi-DysCO2H/
DysCO2H/DMef2-Gal4 (d, e, and f). Animals were col- DMef2-Gal4 (f). Z-lines are also disrupted or shortened
lected as uneclosed pharate adults at 72 h APF (a–d) and (f, arrowheads). Dyads are shown in inset. (Reprinted
late stage (e, * shows less well-stained muscle fibers). with permission)

Utrophin and dystrophin have complementing the process of myogenesis. Electron microscopy
roles in normal functional or developmental of late pupae with dystrophin depletion showed
pathways in muscle (Deconinck et  al. 1997). rupture and disorganization of myofilaments
Even though there is no report of utrophin (Fig. 9.3f). Moreover, the sarcoplasmic reticulum
mutation in humans, utrophin is upregulated in (SR) was swollen (inset of Fig. 9.3f). Knocking
DMD patients and the Mdx mouse  model down the level of dystrophin in tendon cells did
(Deconinck et  al. 1997; Kleopa et  al. 2006). not exhibit muscle aberration in adult flies. The
Reduction of Dp117 affects not only the muscle RNAi-­mediated knockdown of dystrophin in the
integrity but also the life span of flies which is muscle showed progressive climbing defect and
dependent on the degree of decreased Dp117 severe muscle degeneration in adult flies
expression. Knocking down Dp117 homozygous (Shcherbata et  al. 2007). Besides Drosophila
alleles (two copies) showed early death of larvae, muscular dystrophy model, flies have been
while knocking down only one copy of the gene successfully used to study the tissue-specific
resulted in death at the white pupae stage (van der functions of dystrophin in other types of muscles.
Plas et al. 2007). For example, knocking down the level of the long
New muscle fibers develop and mature during DLPs dys isoforms and a short form, Dp117,
pupation to form the adult musculature. The caused heart defects with age-dependent
thoracic muscle fibers in RNAi-DysCO2H/ disruption of cardiac myofibrillar architecture,
DMef2-­Gal4 Drosophila were not impaired in chamber dilation, and diastolic dysfunction
the early pupae (72  h after pupa formation) similar to the dilated cardiomyopathy seen in
(Fig. 9.3d) but obviously degenerated in the late DMD patients (Taghli-­Lamallem et al. 2008).
pupae (partial eclosion) (Fig. 9.3e). This indicates It is very interesting to see that the lack of dys-
that the depletion of dystrophin is not required in trophin in Drosophila that causes delayed degen-
154 S. Potikanond et al.

Fig. 9.4  Transmission electron microscopy of one bouton of the 3rd instar larval body wall of wild type (a) and dystro-
phin mutant (b). Letter T stands for T-bar in a bouton

eration of muscle is reminiscent of the process neurotransmitter release or quantal content (QC)
found in DMD patients where there is no notice- per NMJ was calculated by dividing the mean
able symptom of muscle weakness observed in EJP amplitudes with the mean mEJP amplitude.
infants but the symptoms rapidly progress when The dysE6 or DLP2 null mutant showed an
the muscle is used. Therefore, Drosophila model increase in EJP, but there was no change in
is considered to be an excellent model to explore mEJP.  Therefore, the QC of dysE6 mutant was
the mechanism of disease development as well as drastically increased. An increase in
to discover effective therapeutic agents to treat neurotransmitter release was found to be
DMD in humans. associated with an increase in neurotransmitter
In addition to the knowledge obtained from release site or T-bars as observed by electron
studies related to structural defect found in microscopy (Fig.  9.4) but not the number of
dystrophin-­depleted muscle, dystrophin has been bouton in NMJ or the distribution of the
discovered to play essential roles in other postsynaptically localized glutamate receptor
biological processes. The null mutant of DLP2 subunits (DGluRIIA and DGluRIIB) (van der
(dysE6) isoform using P-element excision Plas et al. 2006).
mutagenesis has been established and can be It is interesting to observe that when dystrophin
used to study synaptic transmission at the was expressed postsynaptically (muscle site) of
neuromuscular junction (NMJ) (van der Plas dysE6 mutant, neurotransmitter release was rescued
et  al. 2006). Drosophila lacking DLP2 isoform to that of the wild-type level. However, dystrophin
did not show any muscle defect but showed expression at the presynaptic site (in motoneuron)
alteration of synaptic transmission assayed by did not rescue the over-­ released level of
electrophysiological analysis (protocol below). neurotransmitter release in the dysE6 mutant. This
This technique is performed by linking the motor observation indicates that dystrophin is specifically
nerve (normally associated with motoneuron in required at the muscle site for maintaining synaptic
neuropile) with the stimulating electrode that homeostasis. Synaptic homeostasis between
stimulates the action potential [excitatory muscle and motoneuron is regulated by anterograde
junction potential (EJP)] and neurotransmitter and retrograde signaling (Berke et  al. 2013). In
release at the neuromuscular junction (NMJ), and general, the type II BMP receptor w ­ ishful thinking
the electrical impulse is detected by a recording (Wit) in the motoneuron is activated by the glass
probe inserted in the muscle of a larva. The basal bottom boat (Gbb) ligand released from the
level of neurotransmitter release at the NMJ is muscle. The retrograde bone morphogenetic
measured as spontaneous miniature excitatory protein (BMP) signaling is important for increasing
junction potential (mEJP) amplitudes. The neurotransmitter release in the dysE6 mutant. The
9  Muscular Dystrophy Model 155

absence of Wit receptor prevented an increase in male births. The symptom development
neurotransmitter release in dystrophin mutants, resembles that of DMD but is in lesser extent and
suggesting that the dystrophin-modulated usually occurs during late childhood or early
retrograde signal goes through the Wit signaling adulthood. Early symptoms include cramps after
pathway (van der Plas et al. 2006). exercising and problems while walking, running,
In addition to its known functions of dystro- and climbing stairs. Most of BMD patients have
phin in maintaining muscle integrity, dystrophin normal cognitive function. Only some cases have
has been discovered to play a crucial role in the learning defect  which is typically minor. BMD
central nervous system (CNS), specifically in the can occur as a result of a new mutation. Therefore,
synaptic transmission. Based on the observation not all mothers of BMD patients carry in-frame
that dystrophin defect can cause not only muscle deletions in the DYS gene. BMD can also occur
weakness but also mental retardation in many through mosaicism where only some cell lines
DMD patients (D’Angelo et al. 2011), it is rea- are affected. There are various gene defects at
sonable to think that certain types of dystrophin different parts of dystrophin gene that can give
may be expressed and function in the brain. To rise to BMD.
support this idea, Dp140 depletion was shown to
be linked with the cognitive performances in D
 rosophila Models for BMD
DMD patients with mental defect (D’Angelo Since BMD is mainly caused by the reduction of
et  al. 2011). Consistently, in Drosophila, the some amount of dystrophin protein rather than
short isoform or Dp186 is mainly expressed in complete deletion of the molecule, therefore, it
the brain and plays an important role in synaptic is considered to be the mild form of DMD.
homeostasis in the CNS. Dp186 null mutant was Drosophila model for studying BMD can be
established by P-element excision mutagenesis simply achieved by performing DYS knockdown
(van der Plas et al. 2006). Flies that lack Dp186 to reduce the level of dystrophin protein for
for two copies (homozygous) were viable and studying various aspects related to BMD.  For
had normal larval crawling movement. The adult instance, Taghli-Lamallem et  al. showed that
mutant had no observable muscle defect with dystrophin-­RNAi-­mediated knockdown in the
normal climbing and flight. However, the loss of mesoderm shortened Drosophila life span. The
Dp186 increased presynaptic neurotransmitter loss of dystrophin function led to an age-
release which could be fully rescued to wild-type dependent disruption of the myofibrillar
levels by expressing Dp186  in the motoneuron. organization within the myocardium and
This observation was similar to that seen in DLP2 eventually altered cardiac performance (Taghli-
mutant at the NMJ (van der Plas et al. 2006). Lamallem et al. 2008).

9.2.2 Becker MD (BMD) 9.2.3 Congenital MD (CMD)

BMD is an X-linked recessive inherited disorder CMD is defined as muscle weakness at birth with
characterized by slowly progressive muscle delayed motor development and associated with
weakness of the legs and pelvis. BMD is caused eyes and brain abnormalities. At least 30 CMD
by dystrophin gene mutations typically in-frame subtypes have been classified. This chapter will
deletions in the DYS gene. These mutations lead mention only the congenital muscular dystrophy
to partial loss or mild reduction of dystrophin caused by defect in the glycosylation of
protein in the muscle which is different from an α-dystroglycan. This disease is due to the
event occurred in most DMD patients where mutation of genes that are  involved in the
dystrophin protein is completely deleted or glycosylation of α-dystroglycan. They include
severely reduced. The incidence of BMD POMT1, POMT2, POMGnT, FKTN, FKRP, and
accounts for approximately 1.5–6  in 100,000 LARGE. Many subtypes of CMD  are classified
156 S. Potikanond et al.

including Fukuyama congenital muscular Many protein defects including sarcogly­

dystrophy (FCMD), muscle-eye-brain disease canopathy, calpainopathy, dysferlinopathy,
(MEB), and Walker-Warburg syndrome (WWS). glycosylation defects, or dystroglycanopathy can
WWS is an autosomal recessive disease with contribute to LGMD. For instance, a mutation in
muscle weakness with congenital ocular and POMT1 protein results in a defect in
brain malformation (Vajsar and Schachter 2006). mannosylation of α-dystroglycan complex. This
Normally, patients with WWS rarely survive to defect eventually leads to LGMD2K in which
birth. Even if they survive, the life expectancy is clinical features including slow progression,
about 2–3  years. The disease is caused by mild muscle hypertrophy, mental retardation, and
mutation of genes encoding  protein joint contractures at the ankles can be observed
O-mannosyltransferase 1 and 2 (POMT1 and (Rocha and Hoffman 2010). Therefore, there has
POMT2). Even though WWS has similar POMT1 been an attempt to utilize Drosophila to explore
deficiency as LGMD2K, there is a slight more about this particular subtype of LGMD2.
difference in the cause of mental retardation LGMD2 is often associated with mental
(MR). In WWS, MR is severe and likely caused retardation which can be mild and is not
by structural abnormalities from cell migration associated with structural defect in the brain.
defects, while MR in LGMD2K can be mild and This observation provokes neuroscientist to
is not related to structural defect of the brain. hypothesize that the loss of function of POMT1
Moreover, the age onset is the key to distinguish protein may be the cause of neuronal structure or
CMD, which occurs at birth, from LGMD which function aberrance.
occurs in late childhood or adulthood (Sparks
et  al. 1993). Protein O-mannosyltransferase D rosophila Models for WWS
transfers mannose to the Ser/Thr residues of and LGMD2K
α-dystroglycan via forming a heterodimer with Drosophila model for WWS has been estab-
POMT2 which contributes to the stabilization of lished by mutation of Drosophila orthologs of
sarcolemma by binding to laminin (Muntoni POMT1 and POMT2 which are called rotated
et al. 2004). Mutations of POMT1 gene lead to a abdomen (rt) and twisted (tw), respectively
defect of protein O-mannosylation (Akasaka- (Ichimiya et  al. 2004; Ueyama et  al. 2010), or
Manya et al. 2004). Coexistence of POMT1 and dPOMT1 and dPOMT2, respectively (Wairkar
POMT2 is required for POMT activity (Manya et al. 2008). Both dPOMT proteins colocalize in
et  al. 2004). Due to the similarity of CMD and the endoplasmic reticulum compartment within
LGMD, the Drosophila models for CMD and Drosophila cells (Haines et al. 2007). They play
LGMD are mentioned in the LGMD topic. a role in myogenesis, muscle architecture, and
cell adhesion. Knocking down rt or tw showed a
“twisted abdomen phenotype,” in which the
9.2.4 Limb-Girdle MD (LGMD) abdomen is twisted 30–60° (Ichimiya et  al.
LGMD is named because muscle weakness is dPOMT1 is expressed in the embryonic meso-
limited to the limb musculature including the derm and midgut but not in the ectoderm. The
shoulder, upper arms, pelvic girdle, and upper dPOMT1 mutants were created using P-element
thighs. Proximal muscle wasting is greater than insertion alleles in the first exon of the gene
that of distal muscle. LGMD can be classified resulting in null or strong hypomorphic muta-
into two major types: LGMD1 (dominant tions (Martín-Blanco and García-Bellido 1996).
inheritance) and LGMD2 (recessive inheritance) The dPOMT1 mutant had defects in embryonic
(Pegoraro and Hoffman 1993). Each type of muscle development and a clockwise helical
LGMD can be categorized into different subtypes rotation of the body (Martín-Blanco and García-­
depending upon mutations in certain proteins. Bellido 1996). The larval body wall of dPOMT1
9  Muscular Dystrophy Model 157

mutants showed deficient or thin muscles at dPOMT1 to Dg mutant, the decrease of

abdominal segment. Shortened life span occurred neurotransmitter release was clearly seen. This
in ubiquitous expression of RNAi for dPOMT1 indicates that dPOMT1 and Dg mutant has
gene but not in neuron or glial cell expression. genetic interaction (Wairkar et al. 2008).
The adult dPOMT1 mutant flies showed reduced
climbing and flying ability which reflect the
defect at leg and flight muscles, respectively. The 9.2.5 Myotonic MD (DM)
flight muscles in the thorax develop from myo-
blast in the wing imaginal disc. The number of Myotonic MD is abbreviated as DM due to its
myoblast did not decrease in the mutant wing Greek synonym “dystrophia myotonica.” DM is a
imaginal disc. The mutant showed excessive common adult onset muscular dystrophy
apoptosis of myoblasts (Ueyama et al. 2010). The characterized by prolonged muscle contraction
climbing abilities of mutants rapidly decreased (myotonia) or difficulty of muscle to relax after
with age similar to WWS patients who have dif- contraction followed by progressive muscle
ficulty in walking with age (Ueyama et al. 2010). wasting and weakness. DM affects more than
The dPOMT2 mutant was also created from 1 in 8000 people worldwide. The clinical features
P-element insertion technique. It had defects sim- including disease onset, signs and symptoms, and
ilar to those of dPOMT1 mutants (Haines et al. severity vary among individual patients. The age
2007; Ueyama et al. 2010). The dPOMT2 mutant of onset starts from new born until late adulthood
showed ultrastructural defect of muscle, sarco- (> 40  years). DM patients may have mild
meric disarray, irregular Z-lines, filament disor- symptoms such as mild myotonia, hypotonia,
ganization, swollen sarcoplasmic reticulum, facial weakness, cataract, or severe conditions
accumulation of glycogen granules, enlargement such as heart conduction defect and respiratory
of mitochondria, and duplication of basement failure. DM patients usually have CNS defect
membranes (Ueyama et al. 2010). The larvae of involvement, for example, attention deficit,
both mutants showed muscle attachment and learning disability, social interactions or
muscle contraction phenotypes identical to those communication problems, apathy, hypersomnia,
associated with reduced Dg function (Haines and difficulty on concentration and word function
et  al. 2007) which reflects a requirement of (Gourdon and Meola 2017). Currently, the
O-linked mannose on Drosophila Dg. Genetic mechanism underlining DM disease involves
interaction study also convinced that Dg interacts abnormal RNA splicing which causes an RNA
with rt and/or tw (Wairkar et al. 2008). Similar to expansion in the noncoding region of gene. RNA
human, co-expression of wild-type rt and tw is repeats are formed as ribonuclear foci which are
required of POMT activity in Drosophila cells the hallmark of DM pathogenesis. These foci are
(Ueyama et al. 2010). Expressing only rt or tw is predominately present in the nucleus and affect a
not sufficient to produce POMT activity. subset of proteins which alter the activity of
Besides muscular defect, dPOMT1 mutant RNA-binding proteins (RNA-binding protein 1,
exhibited the synaptic abnormalities. The mutant CUGBP1 and the muscleblind-like proteins,
showed the reduction of synaptic DGluRIIB but MBNL1) that regulate splicing. Aberrant splicing
normal level of DGluRIIA glutamate receptor of mRNA of insulin receptor, chloride channel
subunit which might be related to the severe CLCN1, cardiac troponin T, RYR1, and MTMR1
impairment of neurotransmitter release (Wairkar causes insulin resistance, myotonia, cardiac
et al. 2008). This phenotype was similar to that of abnormalities, muscle weakness, and CNS effect,
the dystroglycan (Dg) deficiency mutant. The respectively (Turner and Hilton-Jones 2014). DM
heterozygous or one copy defect of dPOMT1 or is classified in two types: DM type 1 and DM
Dg mutant did not show any neurotransmitter type 2.
defect. Interestingly, when combined one copy of
158 S. Potikanond et al. DM type1 (DM1) expression of 162 CUG repeats was performed by
The majority of DM patients is DM1. DM1 is an Housely et al. (Houseley et al. 2005). This CUG
autosomal dominant neuromuscular disorder repeat caused accumulation of nuclear foci
associated with a CTG expansion in the 3′ region containing mbl without muscle degeneration
of the myotonic dystrophy protein kinase gene (Houseley et al. 2005), meaning that the presence
(DMPK) which is located on the long arm of of these ribonuclear foci is not sufficient to cause
chromosome 19. Normal individuals have CTG toxicity in Drosophila. The fly might be refractory
repeats between 5 and 37 repeats, whereas to CUG-induced toxicity since 162 CUG repeats
patients have the repeat in a range of 50–4000 are in the range of pathogenic in DM1 patients.
CTG repeats (Turner and Hilton-Jones 2014). The first fly model of DM was generated by
The symptoms of the disease vary and depend on expressing a noncoding RNA containing an
the amount of the repeats. An increase in numbers expanded, interrupted CUG repeat (iCUG)480 in
of the repeats causes an increase in severity and Drosophila (de Haro et al. 2006). The synthetic,
early onset. DM patients are classified into five interrupted CTG repeat minigenes were used to
categories: congenital, childhood onset, juvenile, interrupt every 20 CTG units by the sequence
adult onset, and late onset/asymptomatic. CTCGA (Philips et  al. 1998). When iCUG480
Congenital DM1  in which symptoms occur at was overexpressed in the muscle, it colocalized
birth usually has more than 1000 CTG repeats with muscleblind (mbl) protein, the Drosophila
(Gourdon and Meola 2017), whereas the late orthologue of human MBNLs, in nuclear foci and
onset (> 40  year) has 50–100 CTG repeats. caused progressive muscle degeneration, similar
Congenital DM1 is a severe form with massive to what has been observed in the muscle of
generalized weakness, hypotonia, respiratory patients with this disease. In short, the
failure, and learning disability. The late onset can pathognomonic hallmark of DM1, ribonuclear
be presented with only mild myotonia and foci, is conserved in Drosophila muscles.
cataract (Gourdon and Meola 2017). The expression of variation of interrupted
CTG repeats (240, 600, and 960 interrupted CTG DM Type 2 (DM2) repeats) in third instar larvae muscle exhibited
DM2 is caused by an expansion of CCTG repeats muscle hypercontraction, reduced fiber size or
in the nucleic acid-binding protein gene (CNBP), myoblast fusion defects, and caused splitting of
previously known as zinc finger 9 gene, ZNF9, on muscle fibers (Picchio et  al. 2013). The muscle
chromosome 3. DM2 does not have a congenital or splitting phenotype in third instar larva muscle is
early childhood form (Meola and Cardani 2015). more sensitive to create DM phenotype than
The onset of DM2 begins at the age of 20–60. In visible ribonuclear foci (Picchio et  al. 2013),
many patients, the first symptom is grip myotonia. since the iCTG240 repeats in muscle showed
Myotonia is often less obvious and milder in DM2 splitting of muscle fiber and displayed motility
than in DM1. The hypertrophy of calf muscle is defect without any visible ribonuclear foci.
commonly found in DM2 patients. The symptoms The mbl protein is a key step in the pathogen-
can be presented with only mild weakness of hip esis of the DM disease (de Haro et  al. 2006;
extension, thigh flexion, and finger flexion. Picchio et  al. 2013). Reduction of endogenous
Cataract, cardiac, and CNS involvement are also mbl by driven mblRNAi in larval muscle showed
found in DM2 but are in lesser extend compared to muscle degeneration, whereas over the expres-
DM1. In contrast with DM1, there is no report of sion of human MBNL1  in Drosophila muscle
respiratory failure in DM2. suppressed muscle degenerative phenotypes (de
Haro et al. 2006). Generally, mbl protein plays a Drosophila Models for DM1 role in regulating RNA splicing. One target of
Incorporating the large human CTG repeats into mbl protein is the Drosophila sarcoendoplasmic
the fly is difficult because of instability and failure reticulum calcium ATPase (dSERCA) which is a
to amplify by PCR.  Currently, the largest calcium pump involved in muscle contraction.
9  Muscular Dystrophy Model 159

When mbl protein is deficient in DM flies, mis- inhibitor (orphenadrine), and aldosterone antago-
splicing of dSERCA can occur where the exon 8 nist (spironolactone).
or 11 of dSERCA is spliced out, leading to the
production of altered dSERCA isoforms that D rosophila Models for DM2
lack the transmembrane domain and exhibit The transgenic flies expressing noncoding CCUG
ectopic the expression of dSERCA in the nuclei. 106 repeats showed only disrupted eye structure
The expression of the membrane dSERCA iso- with no muscle atrophy (Yenigun et  al. 2017).
form is sufficient to rescue a DM1-induced Consistently, the expression of 700 CCUG
hypercontraction phenotype. This means that the repeats caused retinal and eye disruption without
decrease of dSERCA transmembrane isoform is muscle atrophy (Yu et al. 2015). Even though the
responsible for hypercontraction phenotype in a flies with CCUG 106 and 700 repeats did not
Drosophila model (Picchio et al. 2013). show muscle atrophy, the ribonuclear foci
Besides muscle degeneration, cardiac alteration formation and changes in alternative splicing
is also seen in DM1 Drosophila model. could be seen in these flies similar to DM2
Overexpression of 250CUG repeats in Drosophila patient’s muscle. Overexpression of human
heart using GMH5-Gal4 resulted in increased MBNL1 protein in the eye using GMR-GAL4
lengthening of the heart period with prolonged rescued the retinal degeneration of flies with
systolic and diastolic intervals, reduction in a CCUG repeats (Yu et  al. 2015; Yenigun et  al.
percentage of fractional shortening, and increased 2017).
arrhythmia index (Cerro-Herreros et  al. 2017). Recently, the expression of 1100 CCUG
However, the expression of short (20CUG) repeats repeats of noncoding RNA in the muscle and the
only showed a slight increase in the systolic cardiomyocyte of the flies exhibited severe
interval duration (Chakraborty et al. 2015). Similar muscle degeneration and cardiac dysfunction
to humans, the amount or length of CUG repeats is (Cerro-­Herreros et  al. 2017). These flies had
related to the severity of disease symptoms. increased the expression of autophagy-related
Several transcripts of muscle proteins are genes; Atg4, Atg7, Atg8a, Atg9, and Atg12.
known to be mis-spliced in DM muscle. They Similar to DM1, Drosophila DM2 showed RNA
include troponin T and α-actinin (Machuca-Tzili mis-splicing and repeat aggregation in ribonuclear
et  al. 2006; Garcia-Lopez et  al. 2008). Genetic foci along with the mbl protein (Cerro-Herreros
and chemical modifier screens of CUG-mediated et al. 2017).
toxicity (Garcia-Lopez et  al. 2008) by using
iCUG480 expression in the adult eye (sevenless-­
GAL4) which causes rough eye phenotype were 9.2.6 Facioscapulohumeral MD
performed to identify possible genes. The viking (FSHD)
(vkg) gene, alpha 2-chain type IV collagen
involved in cell adhesion, enhanced CUG FSHMD is a weakness of the facial muscles and
toxicity, while cnc (bZIP transcription factor), foi the stabilizers of the scapula (winging scapula) or
(zinc ion transporter), and coro (F-actin-binding the dorsiflexors of the foot. It is one of the most
protein coronin) were suppressors (Garcia-Lopez common adult onset muscular dystrophy. The
et al. 2008). The pro-apoptotic spin and apoptosis prevalence of FSHD is about 1:15,000–1:
inhibitor th also interact with CUG-mediated 20,000 in adults (Lemmers et al. 1993; Statland
toxicity. Several chemicals have been identified and Tawil 2014). This disease is an autosomal
as suppressors of a CUG-induced lethality. They dominant which is caused by inappropriate
include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents expression of DUX4 (double homeobox 4) gene
(ketoprofen, indomethacin), dopamine receptors in muscle cells. In general, DUX4 is in a repressed
and monoamine uptake inhibitors (nefopam state due to tightly wound chromatin. Once
hydrochloride, metoclopramide), muscarinic chromatin is opened, the expression of DUX4
results in FSHMD which is considered as a
160 S. Potikanond et al.

­gain-of-­function disease. DUX4 lies in the involvement of DUX4 and FRG1 genes in FSHD
macrosatellite repeat D4Z4 on chromosome by expressing DUX4-fl or FRG1 under the control
4q35. This gene encodes at least two isoforms; a of the GAL4-upstream activation sequence (UAS)
nonpathogenic short form (DUX4-S) and a full- (Jones et  al. 2016). The expression of DUX4-fl
length form (DUX4 full length or DUX4-fl). using the pUAST somatic expression vector did
Normally, DUX4-fl is expressed at low level in not generate any transgenic lines due to lethality or
human testis, pluripotent stem cells, and some sterility. However, two transgenic flies were
somatic cells (Snider et  al. 2010) where it successfully created using the UASp germline
functions during germ line and embryonic expression vector: UASp-DUX4# 26 and UASp-
development. However, epigenetic changes in the DUX4# 55. These flies were crossed with nanos-
chromosome 4q35 lead to relaxation of repression GAL4:V16 for testis- and ovary-­ specific
of chromatin followed by an increase in the expression. All progenies were alive. Progeny
pathogenic alternative splicing isoform of the female flies were fertile and had normal ovaries.
DUX4 gene or DUX4-fl. Recently, there are other However, progeny male flies were sterile in
two candidate genes for FSHD: FRG1 (FSHD contrast to humans where the testes normally
region gene 1) and FRG2 (FSHD region gene 2). express DUX4-fl. Ubiquitous expression of
These genes are proximally located on UASp-DUX4 (tubP-GAL4 and Act5C-GAL4) and
chromosome 4q35 and direct targets of DUX4-fl specific expression in adult thoracic muscle
(Thijssen et al. 2014; Ferri et al. 2015). (DJ667-GAL4) caused lethality. Expression
FSHD is classified into two types based on the UASp-DUX4  in the eye (IGMR-GAL4) caused
underlying genetic lesions: the common form eye phenotype.
(95%) FSHD1 and the lessor extend (5%) FSHD2. FRG1 is highly conserved among inverte-
FSHD1 is caused by the shortening of the D4Z4 brates and humans (50% amino acid identity and
allele which leads to chromatin relaxation at the 66% similarity) (Grewal et  al. 1998). The
D4Z4 locus and DUX4 promoter. FSHD2 is Drosophila FRG1 (DmFRG1) overexpression in
caused by mutations in the chromatin modifier thoracic muscle (DJ667-GAL4) was accumulated
SMCHD1 leading to chromatin relaxation at in the nucleus and particularly in the nucleolus
D4Z4 without having a D4Z4 contraction. with the pattern similar to that of vertebrate spe-
Chromatin relaxation at D4Z4 eventually causes cies (Hanel et al. 2011). Overexpression of FRG1
DUX4 expression. Both FSHD1 and FSHD2 have in thoracic muscle caused impaired muscle func-
similar symptoms: progressive muscle weakness tion for flight. These flies could walk and jump
involving the face, scapular stabilizers, upper for takeoff but could not maintain the flight. Their
arm, peroneal muscles, and hip girdle and dorsal longitudinal muscles were misshapen,
asymmetrical muscle weakness. Muscle weakness fused together, disorganized, and degenerated.
occurs by the age of 20 with slow progression,
and 20% of the cases finally require a wheelchair.
However, the life expectancy is not affected. 9.2.7 Oculopharyngeal MD (OPMD) Drosophila Models for FSHD OPMD is characterized by weakness of subset of

In contrast with other Drosophila MD models, muscle at the eye lid and pharynx (Trollet et al.
FSHD models are difficult to establish due to the 1993). It is an adult or late-onset progressive
potent cytotoxicity of DUX4-fl in somatic cells. muscle disorder with eyelid drooping (ptosis),
For example, the expression of DUX4-fl in swallowing difficulties (dysphagia), and proximal
vertebrate somatic cells led to apoptotic cell death limb weakness. The mean age of onset of ptosis
in vertebrate system (Wuebbles et  al. 2010). In is usually 48 years, and the onset of dysphagia is
2016, Jones TI et  al. successfully produced 50  years followed by proximal leg weakness
transgenic Drosophila lines for investigating the which starts before age 60. OPMD does not affect
9  Muscular Dystrophy Model 161

life span, but severe dysphagia can lead to (DLM) and dorsoventral muscles (DVM) which
potential life-threatening aspiration pneumonia are involved in flight and wing position became
and poor nutrition (Trollet et  al. 1993). The thin and irregular after day 6 of eclose from pupae.
estimated prevalence is 1  in 100,000  in Europe This fits for adult onset muscle degeneration with
(Abu-Baker and Rouleau 2007). OPMD can be rimmed vacuoles and nuclear inclusions that are
autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive very similar to those seen in OPMD patients.
MD and is caused by a trinucleotide repeat Using Drosophila as OPMD models generates
expansion of polyalanine tract at the N-terminal knowledge about the essential domain of
part in (poly(A))-binding protein 1 (PABPN1). PABPN1 which gives rise to the disease
The OPMD locus was mapped to chromosome phenotype. Generally, PABPN1 has many
14q. PABPN1 is important for nuclear domains from the N-terminus to the C-terminus
polyadenylation, and a poly (A) tail is added to as an alanine tract, a coiled-coil domain, an RNP-
an RNA at the end of transcription. On mRNAs, type RNA-binding domain (RPM), and an
the poly(A) tail protects the mRNA molecule arginine-­rich C-terminal domain. When the RPM
from enzymatic degradation in the cytoplasm and domain was deleted or mutated by point mutations
aids in transcription termination (Weill et  al. and expressed in the muscle of flies, those flies
2012). The PABPN1 mutation contains a GCG had no longer OPMD phenotype even 17 alanine
trinucleotide repeat at the 5′ end of the coding repeats were presented. This indicates that RPM
region. Normally, PABPN1 gene has (GCG) 6 is an important domain responsible for OPMD-
repeats, but OPMD patients have (GCG) 8–13 like phenotype (Chartier et  al. 2006). Chartier
repeats at the N-terminus. The mutated PABPN1 et  al. also demonstrated that alanine tract or 17
aggregates and forms filamentous intranuclear alanine repeats is not a direct cause of OPMD
inclusion in muscle nuclei which can cause cell phenotype, but the ability of PABPN1 to bind to
death. This inclusion is a pathologic hallmark of RNA within RPM domain is likely to be the
OPMD. cause. It has been shown that RPM domain is
essential for specific binding of PABPN1 to poly Drosophila Models for OPMD A (Kühn et al. 2003).
The poly (A)-binding protein 2 (PABP2) is a The mRNA regulation does not depend only
Drosophila PABPN1 homolog. PABP2 has on polyadenylation but also on degradation
similar function as PABPN1  in nuclear involved with deadenylation. Chartier et  al.
polyadenylation. However, PABP2 does not have further showed that downregulation of mRNA in
a polyalanine tract at the N-terminus. The deadenylation can improve muscle function of
Drosophila OPMD model was established by OPMD flies (Chartier et  al. 2015). The CCR4-­
expressing the 17 alanine repeats of mammalian NOT deadenylation complex and Smaug, the
PABPN1 in Drosophila using UAS/GAL4 system deadenylation regulators, are the complex that
(Chartier et  al. 2006). The expression of human reduces the amount of specific mRNAs encoding
PABPN1-17-alanine repeats in ubiquitous mitochondrial proteins. Active deadenylation
(daughterless-GAL4) was too toxic to the flies complex leads to their destabilization and
shown as death at the embryo or pupal stage. mitochondrial dysfunction. In contrast, if this
Expression those repeats with muscle-specific complex is downregulated, it can partially
driver (Mhc-GAL4) induced abnormal wing improve muscle function. Consistently,
position and age-dependent muscle degeneration sternocleidomastoid muscle biopsy from OPMD
caused by apoptosis. Muscles showed dense patients also had deregulation and downregulation
nuclear inclusions, disorganized myofibrils, lack of mitochondrial proteins which is similar to the
of mitochondria, and many vacuoles. All those observation in Drosophila where downregulated
flies were flightless. Indirect flight muscles mRNAs encode for 53% of orthologous mito-
(IFMs) composed of dorso-longitudinal muscles chondrial proteins (Chartier et al. 2015).
162 S. Potikanond et al.

9.2.8 Distal MD (DD) downstream GTPase Ral. The Drosophila Ral

shows important role in exocyst which regulates
Distal muscle dystrophy (DD) is a rare disease autophagy process (Tracy et al. 2016).
characterized by muscle weakness at distal part of
muscles including muscle of the hands, forearms,
lower legs, and feet (Udd 2014; Dimachkie and 9.2.9 Emery-Dreifuss MD (EDMD)
Barohn 2014). DD is caused by mutations of
many genes that affect protein necessary to the This disease is named after Alan Eglin H. Emery
function of muscles. However, the cause of DD is and Fritz E. Dreifuss who described this muscular
difficult to identify. Many proteins involved in disease. EDMD is a rare genetic muscular
DD are desmin, αB-crystallin, myotilin, Z-disc dystrophy disease characterized by early
alternatively spliced PDZ domain-containing contractures and slow progression muscle
protein (ZASP), caveolin, dysferlin, nebulin, weakness usually at the shoulder and lower leg
myosin, telethonind, and filamin C. DD does not muscles (Helbling-Leclerc et al. 2002). Patients
shorten the life span and not affect the brain and also present with cardiac muscle and conduction
intellectual functions. Due to the slow progression defect. The onset of the disease is around
of this disease, patients may not recognize their childhood to teenager. Several gene mutations
symptoms until very late age. There are at least are involved in EDMD, including mutations of
eight types of DD which are distal myopathy with EMD (Emerin gene), LMNA (lamin A/C gene),
vocal cord and pharyngeal weakness, Finnish SYNE1 (Spectrin Repeat Containing Nuclear
(tibial) distal myopathy, Gowers-Laing distal Envelope Protein 1 gene), SYNE2 (Spectrin
myopathy, hereditary inclusion-body myositis Repeat Containing Nuclear Envelope Protein 2
type 1, Miyoshi distal myopathy (LGMD2B), gene), and TMEM43 (Transmembrane protein 43
Nonaka distal myopathy, Welander’s distal gene) genes. These genes are associated with
myopathy, and ZASP-related myopathy. proteins emerin, lamin A/C, nesprin-1, nesprin-2,
The two mutations of the DD were identified and luma, respectively, which are proteins that
at p.Ala193Thr and p.Met251Thr of the calponin have a mechanical link between the nucleoskeleton
homology domains (CH2 domain) of the and cytoskeleton. There are three major types of
N-terminal actin-binding domain of filamin C EDMD  – EDMD1, EDMD2, and EDMD3  –
protein from FLNC gene (Duff et al. 2011). which are X-linked, autosomal dominant, and
autosomal recessive inheritance, respectively. Drosophila Models for DD EDMD1 is caused by mutations in the EMD gene
The FLN90 is an isoform of the Drosophila on the X chromosome that codes for the nuclear
ortholog filamin presented at synaptic boutons. envelope protein emerin which is a ubiquitous
It is a part of glutamate receptor clusters and inner nuclear membrane protein. The cause of
plays a role in development of postsynaptic EDMD2/EDMD3 is due to mutations in LMNA
membrane folds called subsynaptic reticulum gene located on chromosome 1. LMNA gene
(SSR) of the larval NMJ (Lee and Schwarz encodes at least four different types of mRNA:
2016). Lee and Schwarz demonstrated that the lamin A, lamin Adel10, lamin C, and lamin C2.
filamin null mutant loss SSR formation at the Lamin A/C proteins are components of the
bouton. The forming of SSR requires the exo- nuclear envelope and are located in the lamina, a
cyst complex to be recruited to the synapse structure associated with the nucleoplasmic
which occurs by the small GTPase Ral. surface of the inner nuclear membrane. Mutations
Knocking down filamin in muscles reduces of A-type lamins cause a muscular dystrophy.
type-A glutamate receptor at the postsynapse Beside laminA/C, nesprin-1 (nuclear envelope
but show normal distribution of type-B gluta- spectrin repeat protein  1) is a core protein
mate receptor (Lee and Schwarz 2016). FLN90 complex of the linker of nucleoskeleton and
is required for localization of the kinase cytoskeleton (LINC) which connects nuclei to
dPak (Drosophila p21-activated kinase) and cytoskeleton by its C-terminal region called
9  Muscular Dystrophy Model 163

KASH domain (Klarsicht, ANC-1, Syne showed severe fragmentation and lobulation of
Homology). Mutation of nesprin is involved in muscle cell nuclei at the late larval stages.
laminopaties and cardiomyopathies (Rajgor and Restoration of Lamin C into the null mutant
Shanahan 2013). tendon cells but not skeletal muscle cells
efficiently rescued the phenotype. This indicates Drosophila Models for EDMD that lamin C is required in tendon cells for normal
Lamin C gene in Drosophila is an ortholog of formation of muscle nuclei (Uchino et al. 2013).
human A-type Lamin gene. Transgenic flies for MSP-300 corresponds to the N-terminal two-­
EDMD model were demonstrated by expressing thirds of the Drosophila nesprin ortholog. It is
a mutant form of Lamin C.  Larval muscle-­ located at the sarcomeric Z-line of both skeletal
specific the expression of truncated lamin C and cardiac muscle (The Nesprins Are Giant
(lacking first 42 amino acids or loss the N-terminal Actin-Binding Proteins 2002). It plays a role in
head domain) exhibited nuclear organization and glutamate receptor density at the Drosophila
muscle defect. Moreover, those flies had abnor- neuromuscular junctions (Morel et  al. 2014).
mality at leg imaginal disc and leg morphogene- Morel et  al. showed that deletion of KASH
sis called twist leg phenotype. The contraction of domain in Msp-300 (Msp-300∆KASH mutant)
larval body wall muscles is essential for leg elon- impairs locomotion of Drosophila larvae. The
gation. Thus, the lack of larval muscle function Msp-300∆KASH mutant showed the decrease of
resulted in malformed leg (Dialynas et al. 2010). neurotransmitter which was related to low density
The twist leg phenotype in Lamin C mutant is of GluRIIA receptor at the NMJ.
similar to that of ecdysone mutant. Ecdysone is a
major steroid hormone in insect and plays a role
in transition such as molting. Ecdysone regulates 9.2.10 Spinobulbar Muscular
many genes including the orphan nuclear recep- Atrophy (SBMA)
tor βFtz-F1 which is involved in a muscular
response to the prepupal ecdysone pulses. The Spinobulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA) is a rare
lack of βFtz-F1 expression in Lamin C mutant at and late-onset neuromuscular disease. It is an
the pupal stage of development led to limited X-linked recessive, adult onset neurodegenerative
muscle contractions necessary for leg extension. disease which is caused by the degeneration of
In addition, the expression of truncated lamin C motor neurons in the brain stem and spinal cord.
caused alterations in gene expression due to Patients present with muscle cramp progressive
nuclear periphery which causes a transcription- muscle weakness. Bulbar signs occur due to the
ally repressive environment and gene repression. defect of nerve from the brain stem that supplies
Since the mispositioned nuclei is one appearance muscles involved in swallowing, speech, and
of EDMD, the position of nuclei in Drosophila other functions of the throat. The endocrine
that had disruptions in genes linked to EDMD symptoms may present with breast enlargement,
was evaluated and found that genes including erectile dysfunction, infertility, and testicular
Otefin (Drosophila emerin), bocksbeutel atrophy. SBMA is a sex-linked recessive
(Drosophila emerin), klaroid (Drosophila SUN), inheritance and associated with the mutation of
and klarsicht (Drosophila nesprin) were neces- androgen receptor (AR) gene. SBMA is caused
sary for the initial separation of nuclei into dis- by the expansion of a CAG repeat in the first exon
tinct clusters and proper nuclei position (Collins of androgen receptor gene (trinucleotide repeats).
et al. 2017). The CAG repeat encodes a polyglutamine
Lamin C null mutants in Drosophila was first (polyQ) tract in androgen receptor protein (Beitel
established by P-element technique. The mutant et al. 2013). Normal individual has 8–34 polyQ
flies showed abnormality in musculature stretches while SBMA patients have more than
formation during pupal metamorphic stages. This 40 glutamine residues. Even if SBMA is not a
­musculature abnormality is a result of tendon- fatal disease, patients finally end up with a
cell defects. (Uchino et al. 2013). The null mutant wheelchair.
164 S. Potikanond et al. Drosophila Models for SBMA translocation and results in the onset of SBMA in
A SBMA model in Drosophila was first estab- male patients and that (2) mutations of serine
lished by the expression of various human AR phosphorylation residual at the N-terminus of AR
mutants in the fly eyes (Takeyama et  al. 2002). cause toxicity in the cell.
Human AR structure contains at least five
domains: the N-terminal regulatory domain (A/B
domain), DNA-binding domain (DBD), hinge 9.2.11 Spinal Muscular Atrophy
region, ligand-binding domain (LBD), and the (SMA)
C-terminal domain. Polyglutamine (polyQ of
Q52, Q92, Q112, or Q212) stretches in many SMA is caused by the degeneration of motor neu-
regions of AR were created and expressed in the rons in anterior horn cells in the spinal cord con-
fly eye. The flies clearly showed eye defect when necting the brain and spinal cord to the body’s
mutated human AR (the polyQ expanded at the muscles. It is a group of autosomal recessive
N-terminal A/B domain in full-length AR) was disorders associated with the mutation of survival
driven to the fly eye (by GMR-GAL4) in the motor neuron (SMN) genes on chromosome
presence of dihydroxytestosterone (DHT) 5q11.2–5q13.3 (Brzustowicz et al. 1990). There
(Takeyama et  al. 2002). Overexpression of are two SMN genes – SMN1 and SMN2 – that
fragment of the polyQ expanded at the N-terminal produce SMN proteins. The SMN proteins are
A/B (no LBD or full-length AR) fused with the expressed in most tissues and associated with
nuclear localization signal (NLS) did show eye nuclear riboproteins (nRNPs, small and
phenotype without DHT. Moreover, trapping the heterogeneous) and other RNA-binding proteins.
polyQ-expanded human AR mutants in the It is presented in a complex that functions in the
cytosol by using a nuclear export signal (NES) formation and transport of spliceosomal snRNPs
prevented eye defect or neurodegeneration. This which plays a role in mRNA biogenesis. The
indicates that the nuclear translocation of mutated incidence of SMA is 1:11,000 live births (Kolb
AR was required for eye defect, but not ligands and Kissel 2015). SMA is mostly presented with
binding mechanism. However, when androgen muscle weakness and normal cognitive function.
ligand, DHT, bound at LBD, the mutated AR was The clinical severity of each SMA type correlates
able to translocate into the nucleus and caused with SMN2 copy number which is able to
toxicity to photoreceptor neurons. compensate for the loss of SMN1 gene (Kolb and
Serine phosphorylation sites for the MAP Kissel 2015). The severity of the disease depends
kinase Erk2 in human AR are also important for on copy number of SMN2. SMA is classified into
inducing toxic aggregate forming in the cells five types according to the onset of the disease
(Funderburk et  al. 2009). Wild-type androgen and age-related symptoms and how much
receptor which has polyQ 22 stretches in the physical mobility a person has (Kolb and Kissel
N-terminus did not show any eye defect when 2015). For instance, SMA Type 0 occurs in infant
overexpressed using eye driver (GMR-GAL4). with less than 1  month and has one copy of
However, when two serine phosphorylation SMN2 gene. This type is the most severe form of
residuals (serine 424 and 514) at the N-terminus the disease and is characterized by decreased
were mutated to alanine and overexpressed in the fetal movement, areflexia, facial diplegia, atrial
eye and the brain, the eye and locomotion defect septal defects, and joint contractures. Patients
were clearly seen in the presence of DHT, usually cannot survive beyond 1 month due to the
respectively (Funderburk et al. 2009). respiratory failure. In contrast to SMA type IV
Studying SBMA in Drosophila models provides which has the onset of disease after 21 years, it
more insight into the pathophysiologic process has 4–8 copies of SMN2 gene. Patients are
that (1) the full binding of androgen to LBD in usually able to reach all the major motor function
the polyQ expanded at the N-terminus in the hAR including independent walking. These patients
mutants leads to structural alteration with nuclear are usually ambulatory until age 60 .
9  Muscular Dystrophy Model 165 Drosophila Models for SMA pathway, Mothers against dpp (Mad) or

SMN gene is highly conserved across species. Drosophila homolog of R-Smad, confirmed the
Drosophila has a single copy of SMN gene role of SMN in BMP activity. The hypomorphic
(dSMN) which encodes a highly conserved Mad mutant clearly enhanced SMN-­dependent
homolog of SMN (Chan et  al. 2003). Null NMJ defect, but the loss of Daughters against
mutations in single-copy SMN gene are lethal in dpp (Dad) which is a Mad antagonist decreased
every organism (Monani 2005). The point NMJ defect of Smn mutation. Elevating the BMP
mutation in the coding region of dSMN gene, the activity through a complete loss of Dad function
smn73Ao mutant, has been established to study suppressed the effect of Smn mutation on the
SMN function in the flies (Chan et al. 2003). This NMJ. This suggests the potential therapeutic
point mutation is similar to SMA patient who had target for SMA as an increase BMP signaling
a single G insertion at the end of exon 1 which may decrease Smn-associated NMJ defect
results in a missense mutation (Skordis et  al. (Chang et al. 2008).
2001). The smn73Ao mutant that is homozygous is Since the smn73Ao mutant was homozygous
lethal at the late larval stages. The mutant never lethal, Rajendra et al. established the hypomorphic
reaches the adult fly life stage. This larval mutant Smn mutant called SmnE33 as a model for SMA in
showed a decrease in contraction rate as observed adult fly. A P element insertion located 94  bp
by the loss of mobility of locomotory body wall upstream of the transcription start site of Smn
contraction. The mutant larvae showed gene was used to generate SmnE mutant by
disorganization and an increased number of imprecise excision of the P element and screened
enlarged boutons. The mutant showed decreased for neuromuscular phenotype in adult flies. From
efficiency at the NMJ as reduction in the 170 independent excisions, the SmnE33 mutant
amplitude of excitatory postsynaptic currents was identified. This mutant displayed severe
(EPSCs). This might be caused by reduction of atrophy of indirect flight muscles (IFMs), but it
large glutamate receptor (GluR) clusters in the stayed alive until adult with the lack of its ability
postsynaptic muscle site. The mutant phenotype to jump or fly (Rajendra et  al. 2007). This fly
can be almost completely rescued only when the showed disorganization in the IFMs in both
SMN protein is expressed in both neuronal and dorsal longitudinal muscles (DLMs) and
muscle site of the NMJ suggesting that the SMN dorsoventral muscles (DVMs). It is characterized
protein is required both pre- and postsynaptically. by irregular with numerous bulges and
Rescue experiment had shown that bringing back constrictions throughout the muscles. The
the N-terminus-deleted part (deletion of up to 63 motoneuron branching in DLM of SmnE33mutant
amino acids from total 226 amino acid) partially showed smaller routing and defect in secondary
rescued the phenotype, while deletion in the branching and arborization. The failure of
carboxy-­ terminus of SMN protein (misses all motoneuron innervation of DLMs resulted in a
amino acids after 157) did not show any rescue. decrease in the expression of actin filament
This suggests that the carboxy-terminus of SMN (Rajendra et al. 2007).
protein is required for rescue of the neuromuscular
phenotype (Chan et  al. 2003). Chia-Hao Chang Electrophysiology at the NMJ (Intracellular
et al. performed a genetic approach to screen for Recording in the Drosophila Larval Muscle)
genes that affect Smn-dependent processes using The Drosophila NMJ has been extensively used
the Exelixis collection of transposon-­ induced as a model to study the molecular mechanisms
mutations. They indicated that SMN influences underlying synaptic transmission. Performing
retrograde BMP activity through Wit receptor electrophysiology at the NMJ provides the
(type II BMP receptor). Overexpression of Wit in information of neurotransmitter release from the
neurons in a heterozygous smn73Ao mutant resulted presynaptic nerve terminal to activate glutamate
in phenotype rescue by reducing the NMJ bouton receptor at motor endplate on the muscle. In
numbers. The downstream effector of BMP Drosophila, the postsynaptic membrane is called
166 S. Potikanond et al.

Fig. 9.5  Electrophysiology setting at electrophysiology Chap. 1 of thesis dissertation “A Drosophila Model for
unit of Prof. Dr. Jasprien Noordermeer Laboratory, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy” of Mariska C. van der
Department of Molecular Cell Biology, Leiden University Plas (24 Jan 2008)
Medical Center, Leiden, the Netherlands: Photo from

the subsynaptic reticulum (SSR). The glutamate 7. Stimulation or suction microelectrode (Sutter
receptors are located opposite the active zones. capillary glass)
When glutamate binds to its receptor, the receptor
allows Ca2+ to enter the muscle, which causes the
muscle membrane to depolarize. The absence of Equipment
an action potential in the Drosophila muscle is
one of the reasons why it is a desired model for 1. Stereomicroscope and a dark-field illuminator
NMJ study. In mice, the action potential has to be on vibration-free table
prevented by blocking Na+ channels in order to 2. Micropipette puller P-97 (Sutter Instrument,
be able to measure the endplate potential. CA, USA)
Drosophila third instar larval NMJs can be 3.
GeneClamp 500B amplifier (Axon
measured at room temperature, maintaining their Instruments, Union City, CA), low-pass
electrical properties for many hours (Fig. 9.5). filtered at 10 kHz, high-pass filtered at 0.5 Hz
4. Digitizer DigiData 1322A and pClamp9 soft-
Materials ware (Axon Instruments)
5. Pulse generator (Master-8; AMPI)
1. 3 M KCl
2. HL3 (hemolymph-like saline) solution with-
out Ca2+ (70  mM NaCl, 5  mM KCl, 20  mM Methods
MgCl2, 10  mM NaHCO3, 5  mM trehalose,
115 mM sucrose, 5 mM HEPES, pH 7.2) 1. Prepare a recording microelectrode.
3. HL3 solution with 0.6 mM CaCl2 • Recording microelectrode is prepared from
4. Sylgard Sutter capillary glass (the borosilicate
5. Dissecting apparatus: insect pins (#0), oph- glass, inside diameter ~ 0.7 mm) by Sutter
thalmologists scissor, and Drosophila forcep glass pipette puller.
6. Recording microelectrode (Sutter capillary
• Fill in 3  M KCl in recording micro­
glass) electrode and avoid air bubble by using
9  Muscular Dystrophy Model 167

1 mL syringe with long lumbar puncture 3. Dissection of 3rd instar larva body wall

needle. (figure).
• Insert recording electrode to manipulator • Wash 3rd instar larva with phosphate buf-
connecting an amplifier. fer saline and place on sylgard-coated
2. Prepare a stimulation microelectrode or suc- dish.
tion electrode. • Facing up of dorsal side of larva.
• Stimulation electrode is prepared by Sutter • Place the pin at the head near mouth hook,
glass pipette puller. stretch a larva with pin, and place the pin at
• Under dissecting stereomicroscope, use posterior spiracles.
forceps to break the tip of stimulation • Add HL3 solution without CaCl2.
electrode making a small hole for suction • Make a horizontal incision by scissor near
the nerve. both pins (1 and 2).
• Connect stimulation electrode with a • Make a vertical incision along the body
manipulator connecting the pulse generator. (dash line of 3).
• Place the pin at each edge of larval body
• Remove the gut and residual tissue until
the brain and motorneuron branches are

• Cut motonerve at the distal end of the neu- 4. Electrophysiology recording.

ropile and remove the brain. • Gently insert recording electrode in the
• Wash the sample twice with HL3 with muscle cell at abdominal muscle A2–A4 of
0.6 mM of CaCl2. muscle 6.
• Place sylgard dish with dissected larva • Slightly adjust the depth of recording elec-
under stereomicroscope electrophysiology trode and observe the synaptic signals until
plate form. the resting membrane potential is below
−50 mV (on average, the membrane poten-
tial was –60 mV in all samples).
168 S. Potikanond et al.

• Electrical input resistance of all muscle • Record a spontaneous small depolariza-

fibers recorded should be above 4 MΩ. tions of the muscle membrane, called
­miniature excitatory junction potentials or
mEJPs, continuously for 1 min.

• Take up the motonerve of recorded muscle • Stimulate the nerve by a pulse generator at
via suction electrode. 0.3  Hz stimulation to get a large depolar-
izations of the muscle membrane called
(evoked) excitatory junction potentials or
(e) EJPs.
9  Muscular Dystrophy Model 169

• Record EJP continuously for 30 stimulation. calculation to compensate for nonlinear

5. Analysis for neurotransmitter release or quan- summation. This correction is only neces-
tal content. sary in current clamp mode.
mEJPs represent the activation of glutamate
receptors as a result of the spontaneous (
Formula : EJP ¢¢ = EJP ¢ / 1  f * ( EJP ¢ / Vr  Vm ) )
release of a single neurotransmitter vesicle
or quanta from the motoneuron. The (
= EJP ¢ / 1 - 0.4 ( EJP ¢ / 50 )
amplitude of the mEJPs gives information
about the amount of neurotransmitter in a where EJP″ represents the average EJP ampli-
vesicle and the amount of glutamate recep- tude corrected for nonlinear summation
tors able to respond. EJP’ represents the average EJP amplitude nor-
The mean mEJP amplitude and frequency are malized to a Vm of −60 mV
analyzed by using the peak detection fea- F = 0.4
ture of Mini-Analysis 6.0 (Synaptosoft).
EJPs are fired when an action potential in the Vr represents the reversal potential = −10 mV
motoneuron triggers the release of many Vm represents the membrane potential  = 
neurotransmitter containing vesicles. EJP −60 mV
amplitudes are analyzed using Clampfit
9.0, and amplitudes are normalized to a NMJ quantal content (QC) or amount of vesicles
membrane potential of −60 mV. released can be calculated by dividing the mean
Since the measurements are done in current EJP amplitude (calculated from 30 events) cor-
clamp, it means that the amount of current rected for nonlinear summation (B.  A. Stewart,
flowing through the recording electrode is personal communication) by the mean mEJP
constant. We have to add a correction to the amplitude (calculated from 100 events).
170 S. Potikanond et al.

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Drosophila As a Cancer Model
Masato Enomoto, Carmen Siow,
and Tatsushi Igaki

Abstract 10.1 Introduction

Over the last few decades, Drosophila cancer
models have made great contributions to our Cancer research in Drosophila has a long estab-
understanding toward fundamental cancer pro- lished history. Notably, the first cancer-causing
cesses. Particularly, the development of genetic mutation was discovered in Drosophila. In 1967,
mosaic technique in Drosophila has enabled us a genetic screen performed by Gateff and
to recapitulate basic aspects of human cancers, Schneiderman reported a “recessive mutant” that
including clonal evolution, tumor microenvi- caused affected cells to behave like “malignant
ronment, cancer cachexia, and anticancer drug tumors” (Gateff and Schneiderman 1967). This
resistance. The mosaic technique has also led mutation, known as the lethal giant larvae (lgl),
to the discovery of important tumor-suppressor was described to expedite aggressive growth and
pathways such as the Hippo pathway and the eventually kill the host animal. Although the
elucidation of the mechanisms underlying existence of “recessive oncogenes” had long
tumor growth and metastasis via regulation of been predicted by Boveri (Boveri 1929), Gateff
cell polarity, cell-­
cell cooperation, and cell and Schneiderman’s discovery was the first
competition. Recent approaches toward identi- example of an inactivating mutation demon-
fication of novel therapeutics using fly cancer strated in a living organism, even before the term
models have further proved Drosophila as a “tumor suppressor” was described (Gateff 1978).
robust system with great potentials for cancer Before the discovery of lgl, skepticism remains in
research as well as anti-cancer therapy. regard to the functional homology between fly
and human cancers. Until the last few decades,
Keywords comparative cancer research in lower organisms
Cancer · Cell competition · Cell-cell coopera- including Drosophila sparked interest in manipu-
tion · Clonal evolution · Tumor heterogeneity · lating simple models to understand fundamental
Tumor microenvironment · Anticancer therapy cancer processes. Considering substantial con-
servation of basic cellular pathways between flies
and humans, the use of Drosophila model opens
Enomoto M. and Siow C. are equally contributed. up many possibilities to address difficult
M. Enomoto · C. Siow · T. Igaki (*) ­propositions in cancer biology in vivo, especially
Laboratory of Genetics, Graduate School of
those involved in tumor progression, metastasis,
Biostudies, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
e-mail: igaki@lif.kyoto-u.ac.jp and oncogenic cell-cell interactions.

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 173

M. Yamaguchi (ed.), Drosophila Models for Human Diseases, Advances in Experimental Medicine
and Biology 1076, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-0529-0_10
174 M. Enomoto et al.

In recent years, vast array of Drosophila type. Although lgl was identified as a mutant that
genetic tools have been made available. Among forms neoplastic tumors, the molecular role of
them, one of the most important inventions is the Lgl remained an enigma in cancer progression
genetic mosaic technique (Xu and Rubin 1993), for a long time. It was until the last two decades,
with further modifications made especially the Lgl was shown to act in a similar genetic pathway
establishment of mosaic analysis with a repressi- alongside scribble (scrib) and discs large (dlg),
ble cell marker (MARCM) system (Lee and Luo which were initially isolated as the classical
1999). This technique induces somatic clones of Drosophila mutants. Lgl, Scrib and Dlg coopera-
mutant cells in living tissues, allowing coexis- tively maintain epithelial apicobasal polarity, and
tence of cells with different genotypes in a single their mutants show disorganization of tissue
organism. This elegant approach provides a huge architecture and subsequently develop multilay-
advantage in cancer studies, considering the etiol- ered metastatic tumors (Bilder et  al. 2000).
ogy of cancer and how it progresses. While single Although a single loss-of-function mutation
genetic lesion is able to transform cells into illustrated by these tumor suppressors is suffi-
tumors, malignant cancer is developed by sub- cient to cause tumor formation, there is a huge
clones with sequential acquisitions of multiple limitation in studying the effects of mutations in
oncogenic mutations. Hence, by establishing cancer that would otherwise show lethality in the
clonal cell populations in Drosophila, we could whole organism. In 1993, Xu and Rubin devel-
unveil conserved tumor suppressor genes and ana- oped the genetic mosaic technique that enables
lyze cancer progression in  vivo. Certainly this coexistence of oncogenic mutant clones and
classical view of how tumor develops depicts a wild-type clones in a single organism, generated
cell-autonomous process in which mutant cells by FLP (flippase)/FRT (FLP recognition target)-
become malignant after acquiring mutations based mitotic recombination in vivo. Since then,
sequentially. However more recently, through crucial modifications for further refinement of
genetic mosaic analyses the aspect of non-cell the mosaic technique are made, which include
autonomy in cancer progression has drawn grow- the MARCM (mosaic analysis with repressible
ing interest. Tumor tissues contain interacting het- marker) technique (Protocol I). This technique
erogenous subclones of mutant cells surrounded recapitulates development of human cancers in
by wild-type or other mutant cells, which gener- which homozygous somatic clones of oncogenic
ate oncogenic cell-cell cooperation and competi- mutant cells are generated from single cells in
tion (Egeblad et al. 2010; Enomoto et al. 2015b). heterozygous mutant tissue. It was through
In this chapter, we review concepts of cancer biol- genetic mosaic screens that “hyperplastic tumor
ogy revolving cell-cell communication, tumor suppressor genes” were discovered. The first of
heterogeneity, and its microenvironment which these hyperplastic mutants identified, unlike
emerged from Drosophila genetics and describe “neoplastic” mutants such as lgl, scrib, and dlg,
how the fly model can be implemented in under- is warts (wts)/large tumor suppressor (lats).
standing human cancer progression. Mutant clones carrying homozygous mutations
in wts/lats overgrow when generated in normal
tissues (Fig. 10.1a) (Xu et al. 1995; Justice et al.
10.2 Discovery of Tumor 1995). In contrast to neoplastic tumors that
Suppressors in Drosophila exhibit multilayered and undifferentiated tissues,
hyperplastic tumors normally maintain the char-
10.2.1 “Hyperplastic” Tumor acteristics of an epithelial monolayer in the larva
Suppressors and eventually differentiate into adult tissue.
Successively through genetic screens, a series of
Drosophila tumor suppressor genes were subse- hyperplastic tumor suppressor genes were identi-
quently characterized since the discovery of lgl, fied, which include salvador (sav)/shar-pei,
in which these mutants showed tumorous pheno- hippo (hpo), mob as tumor suppressor (mats),
10  Drosophila As a Cancer Model 175

Fig. 10.1  Epithelial overgrowth by hyperplastic tumor-­ epithelial tissue. (b) The core components of Drosophila
suppressor mutation Hippo signaling. Hippo (Hpo)/Salvador (Sav) phos-
(a) Adult eye of eyFLP-MARCM-­ induced wt//wt and phorylates and activates Warts (Wts), which, together
wtsX1//wt mosaics. Adult eye with wt//wt clones shows with Mats, inactivates Yorkie (Yki) via phosphorylation-­
normal eye morphology. Adult eye with wtsX1//wt mosaics dependent cytoplasmic retention
shows folded-eye phenotype, a characteristic of overgrown

Tsc1, and archipelago (ago) (Gao and Pan 2001; although nuclear localization of Yap is observed
Potter et al. 2001; Moberg et al. 2001; Jia et al. in hepatocellular carcinomas and non-small-cell
2003; Tapon et al. 2002; Kango-Singh et al. 2002; lung cancers (Harvey et  al. 2013). In addition,
Harvey et  al. 2003; Udan et  al. 2003; Lai et  al. gene amplification of Yap has been reported in
2005; Wu et  al. 2003; Pantalacci et  al. 2003). liver cancers (Overholtzer et  al. 2006; Zender
Particularly, sav, hpo, and mats turned out to be et al. 2006), suggesting that dysregulation of the
components of a common pathway, named the Hippo pathway activity also contributes to human
Hippo pathway. The Hippo pathway is a kinase cancers. (Harvey et al. 2013; Pan 2010).
cascade that negatively regulates cell prolifera-
tion and survival by sequestering the transcrip-
tional coactivator yorkie (yki; a Yap/Taz homolog) 10.2.2 “Neoplastic” Tumor
in the cytoplasm (Fig. 10.1b) (Huang et al. 2005). Suppressors
More recently, it has been shown that several
cues including mechanical stress, cell polarity, Genetic screen using mosaic technique not only
and cell adhesion control Hippo pathway activity. identified hyperplastic tumor suppressors but
Although most Hippo pathway components were also neoplastic tumor suppressor genes other
identified in fly, delineation efforts found highly than the mentioned, i.e., scrib/lgl/dlg. One exam-
conserved orthologs in mammals. Intriguingly, ple is the syntaxin avalanche (avl) mutant, a
mutations in core components of the Hippo path- component of the intracellular vesicle trafficking
way are hardly observed in human cancers, machinery. Clones of avl mutant cells undergo
176 M. Enomoto et al.

slow growth and normally disappear from tis- sorting-­associated protein 25), a component of
sues, but become neoplastic when surrounding the ESCRT (endosomal sorting complexes
wild-type cells are removed, resembling the phe- required for transport) machinery which controls
notype of scrib or dlg mutants (Lu and Bilder endocytic trafficking of transmembrane proteins.
2005). Loss of avl impairs endocytic trafficking Deregulation of such sorting system affects sig-
and induces accumulation of the apical protein naling pathways triggered by the transmembrane
Crumbs (Crb) in early endosomes (Lu and Bilder proteins, resulting in tumorigenesis (Mattissek
2005). Crb accumulation disrupts apicobasal and Teis 2014). Mechanistically, vps25 mutant
polarity and subsequently causes neoplastic cells promote endosomal accumulation of Notch,
tumor growth. Likewise, some other mutants of which leads to elevation of Notch signaling activ-
the endocytic machinery also show similar ity. This upregulates Notch signaling target Upd
phenotype (see “Cellular cooperation”). It is also and thereby induces overproliferation of sur-
shown that neoplastic mutants for Drosophila rounding cells via activation of JAK-STAT sig-
Polycomb group (PcG) components develop into naling (Herz et al. 2006; Thompson et al. 2005;
aggressive tumors that lose normal epithelial Vaccari and Bilder 2005). As a consequence,
architecture (Classen et  al. 2009). Importantly, vps25 mutant cells undergo apoptotic cell death
Unpaired (Upd, an IL-6 homolog) is a transcrip- and are eventually excluded from imaginal epi-
tional target for PcG complex. Therefore, muta- thelia. Alongside vps25, erupted (ept; a tsg101
tions in some core PRC1 (polycomb repressive homolog), a component of the endocytic
complex 1) components drive tumor growth pathway, also cause nonautonomous tissue over-
through Upd-mediated JAK-STAT signaling. In growth via similar mechanisms through
addition, PcG transcriptionally represses compo- Upd-JAK-STAT signaling (Moberg et al. 2005).
nents of the Notch pathway, which explains However, when the entire tissue contains only
massive growth of mutant polyhomeotic (ph), a vps25 or ept mutant cells, these tumors behave as
PcG component (Martinez et  al. 2009). Thus, neoplasms, suggesting that these non-­autonomous
PcG proteins exert tumor-suppressive activity by phenotypes are dependent on cell-cell interac-
controlling multiple signaling pathways. tion. Another similar mutant of the endocytic
machinery is rab5, which also displays non-cell
autonomous overgrowth via JAK-STAT signal-
10.3 Cancer Progression by Cell-­ ing, but with distinct mechanisms. rab5 mutant
Cell Communication cells activate Hippo effector Yki via cooperation
in Drosophila with Eiger/TNF  (Tumor necrosis factor)-JNK
and EGFR-Ras signaling, thereby inducing Upd
10.3.1 Cellular Cooperation and resulting in non-autonomous overgrowth
in Tumorigenesis (Takino et al. 2014). Cellular cooperation is also
illustrated by classical oncoprotein Src, a non-­
Tumors, due to its heterogeneous populations of receptor tyrosine kinase suggested to be linked
mutant and wild-type cells, develop through a with multiple human solid cancers when its
repertoire of cell-cell interactions. Such interac- ­activity/expression is increased (Yeatman 2004).
tions which include oncogenic cell-cell coopera- It is demonstrated in Drosophila imaginal epithe-
tion between mutant and wild-type cells have lia that clones with activation of Src64B (a c-Src
been widely demonstrated in the fly model attrib- homolog) are outcompeted by surrounding
uting the major signaling pathways like the Hippo wild-­ type cells (Enomoto and Igaki 2013).
and JNK (c-Jun N-terminal kinase) pathways. Simultaneously, Src64B-activated cells assist
Interestingly, through genetic mosaic screens in surrounding tissue overgrowth by propagating
Drosophila, many genes were identified to cause Yki activity to their neighboring cells via JNK
non-cell autonomous tumor growth or progres- activation (Fig. 10.2) (Enomoto and Igaki 2013).
sion. An example is the vps25 (vacuolar protein-­ Cellular cooperation revolving the Hippo and
10  Drosophila As a Cancer Model 177

Fig. 10.2  Oncogenic cell-cell cooperation between Src-­ (b) Src-­activating cells induce F-actin accumulation and
activating cells and surrounding wild-type cells thus result in the activation of Hippo effector Yki. JNK sig-
(a) General scheme illustrating a subclone of imaginal epi- naling is also activated by elevated Src activity and thereby
thelia acquires Src activation and progressively stimulates concurrently aids in the propagation of Yki to surrounding
growth of neighboring wild-type cells non-autonomously. wild-type cells, causing overgrowth of their neighbors

JNK pathways described above are few of the basal polarity genes such as neoplastic scrib or
many identified mechanisms through genetic dlg aggressively develop into invasive tumors
analysis in Drosophila. Nonetheless, these exam- (Fig.  10.3a), but when surrounded by normal
ples demonstrated in flies suggest a phenomenon cells, the mutants are eliminated from imaginal
in which oncogenic mutant cells generate tumor epithelia (Fig.  10.3b) (Brumby and Richardson
microenvironment by cooperating with normal 2003; Pagliarini and Xu 2003). How can polarity-­
cells. deficient cells, with such intrinsic potential to
overgrow aggressively, be disqualified?
Collective findings associated JNK signaling for
10.3.2 Cell Competition being responsible in the elimination of scrib or
in Tumorigenesis dlg cells through various cellular effectors. Eiger,
a TNF homolog, is shown to endocytically induce
Apart from cellular cooperation, cell competition JNK activation in scrib or dlg cells thus promot-
is among the diverse behaviors of distinct tumor ing elimination of these mutant cells (Fig. 10.3c)
subpopulations, which is demonstrated through (Igaki et  al. 2009). Apart from Eiger, a recent
Drosophila mosaic analyses. Competitive behav- study revealed that the Slit-Robo2 system, a con-
ior occurs when elimination of viable cells is served neural axon guidance component impor-
compelled by their neighbors. This phenomenon tant in cell repulsion and migration, acts
is classically found in the interaction between downstream of JNK signaling to extrude scrib
Minute/+ cells (heterozygous ribosomal protein mutant cells via dysregulation of E-cadherin
mutants) and wild-type cells in Drosophila wing (Fig.  10.3c) (Vaughen and Igaki 2016).
imaginal disc (Morata and Ripoll 1975). As Interestingly, JNK signaling is also activated in
described previously, tissues mutant for apico- neighboring cells of scrib mutants and thereby
178 M. Enomoto et al.

Fig. 10.3  Tumor-suppressive cell competition that elimi- JNK-­mediated cell death and (iv)  JNK-Slit-­Robo2-Ena-
nates polarity-deficient cells mediated cell extrusion (both luminally and basally) via
(a) When a tissue entirely consists of oncogenic polarity- downregulation of E-cadherin, (ii) Eiger/TNF-JNK signal-
deficient cells, e.g., scrib−/−, the tissues transform over ing is also activated in surrounding wild-type cells, which
time into neoplastic tumors. (b) When polarity-deficient upregulate PVR, resulting in ELMO-/Mbc-mediated
cells are surrounded by wild-type cells, cell competition engulfment of neighboring mutant cells, and (iii) Sas-
occurs to achieve tissue homeostasis, hence eliminating PTP10D trans-activation in scrib−/− cells inhibits EGFR-
mutant clones from the tissue. (c) Polarity-­deficient cells Ras activity, which allows elevated JNK signaling in
like scrib−/− clones are eliminated by cell competition scrib−/− cells to be used for cell elimination. PVR, PDGF/
when surrounded by wild-type cells through three mecha- VEGF receptor; ELMO, engulfment and cell motility;
nisms: (i) scrib−/− mutants activate Eiger/TNF to promote Mbc, myoblast city (Ced-5/DOCK180 homolog)
10  Drosophila As a Cancer Model 179

induces engulfment of scrib cells through lation (Merino et  al. 2015). These two mecha-
ELMO-Mbc/Dock180 signaling (Fig.  10.3c) nisms may cooperatively drive Myc-induced cell
(Ohsawa et  al. 2011). A Drosophila genetic competition. Interestingly, Yki activation, which
screen also identified Sas (stranded at second), a is caused by Hippo pathway inactivation, stimu-
cell-surface ligand protein that normally local- lates myc expression (Neto-Silva et  al. 2010;
izes at the apical surface of epithelial cells, and Ziosi et  al. 2010). In addition, growth-related
its receptor PTP10D, an apical receptor tyrosine Wg/Wnt and JAK-STAT signaling also contrib-
phosphatase, which acts as the ligand-receptor ute to tumor cell expansion by eliminating
system to drive cell competition. In wild-type neighboring cells (Rodrigues et al. 2012; Vincent
“winner” cells, Sas relocalizes to the lateral sur- et al. 2011). Furthermore, apc mutant cells in the
face of the cell at the interface between scrib and adult fly midgut activate JNK and Yki to induce
wild-type cells. This allows direct trans-­ cell competition and tumor growth (Suijkerbuijk
interaction of Sas with its receptor PTP10D, et  al. 2016). Thus, cell competition, albeit an
which is also laterally relocalized in scrib intrinsic tumor suppression mechanism for some
mutants, thereby inhibiting EGFR (epidermal polarity or endocytic mutants, can drive tumori-
growth factor receptor)-Ras signaling in scrib genesis by outcompeting neighboring cells when
cells and enabling their elimination via JNK sig- mutated for hyperplastic tumor suppressors or
naling. If Sas-PTP10D trans-interaction is proto-oncogenes.
absent, JNK signaling cooperates with EGFR-­
Ras activation to cause Yki activation, thereby
leading to overgrowth of scrib mutants 10.4 Drosophila Model of Clonal
(Fig. 10.3c) (Yamamoto et al. 2017). Thus, nor- Evolution
mal epithelium by itself possesses multiple
intrinsic tumor suppression mechanisms that rec- Cancer is developed through sequential onco-
ognize and eliminate pre-malignant cells from genic mutations such as activation of oncogenes
the tissue. Another example of cell competition and inactivation of tumor suppressor genes. Such
that is involved in tumor regulation is reported in sequential alterations trigger tumorigenesis via
cells expressing EGFR and microRNA (miRNA) Darwinian selection of advantaged subclones,
miR-8. Such mutant cells undergo cytokinesis termed “clonal evolution” (Greaves and Maley
failure through downregulation of peanut (a 2012; Vogelstein et  al. 2013; Cairns 1975;
Septin7 homolog) and develop into polyploid Nowell 1976). Indeed, evidence from Drosophila
neoplastic tumors, which outcompete surround- genetic studies demonstrates that cancers prog-
ing normal cells by engulfment cell competition ress by clonal evolution wherein mutant clones
(Eichenlaub et al. 2016). become malignant after further mutations of
In contrast to neoplastic scrib or dlg, hyper- more genes. Reiterating our previous example of
plastic Hippo component mutants or proto-­ polarity-­
deficient mutants, they are naturally
oncogene Myc-overexpressing cells are instead eliminated from tissues when confronted with
the “winners,” which expand within tissues by normal cells. However, interestingly, a polarity
outcompeting surrounding normal cells (de la mutation (e.g., scrib) confers metastatic behav-
Cova et al. 2004; Moreno and Basler 2004; Tyler ior to Ras-induced benign tumors (Protocol II)
et  al. 2007). In Myc-induced cell competition, (Igaki et  al. 2006; Pagliarini and Xu 2003;
Toll-related receptor signaling leads to expres- Brumby and Richardson 2003). In malignant
sion of an apoptotic gene hid through Relish mutant clones of scrib−/−  +  RasV12 cells, their
(Rel; a NF-κB homolog) activation, which metastatic behavior is caused by not only ectopic
causes cell death of wild-type cells (Meyer et al. Ras activation but cooperatively with Eiger-JNK
2014). Another report showed an alternative signaling that activates Yki (Doggett et al. 2011;
mechanism in which the death of wild-type cells Enomoto et al. 2015a). It was also shown that in
is caused by azot (an EF-hand protein) accumu- scrib−/− + RasV12 mutants, JNK signaling induces
180 M. Enomoto et al.

Mmp1 (matrix metalloproteinase 1), a collage- tions of tumor subclones but may also be driven
nase that disrupts extracellular matrix during cell by extrinsic environment, e.g., in nutrient-rich
invasion (Srivastava et al. 2007). More evidence conditions such as in the case of obesity.
obtained from fly studies corroborates the impor-
tance of JNK signaling in tumor development, in
which mutants that stimulate JNK activity cause 10.5 Drosophila Model of Tumor
metastasis of RasV12 clones (Khoo et  al. 2013; Heterogeneity
Ma et al. 2013; Ma et al. 2017). Apart from JNK
activation, mutations that abrogate lysosomal While cancers are developed by clonal expansion
function also cause tumor growth and metastasis of oncogenic cells, growing evidence revealed
of RasV12 clones in flies (Chi et al. 2010). that cancer tissues exhibit heterogeneity of dis-
Clonal evolution demonstrated by fly genetics tinct tumor subpopulations (Marusyk et al. 2012).
reflects the potent influence on human cancers Such diverse tumor populations could mutually
and could represent the molecular link to identify cooperate or compete during cancer progression.
therapeutic targets. Gliomas, the malignant type Drosophila genetic mosaic technique provides a
of mammalian brain tumors, frequently harbor model for tumor heterogeneity, as it can induce
mutations that activate both EGFR and PI3K sig- multiple cell populations with distinct oncogenic
naling. In Drosophila glia and glial precursors, it mutations within an epithelium. It has been
was shown that co-activation of EGFR and PI3K shown that heterogeneity of Ras-activating
deregulates cell cycle regulators, including (RasV12) clones and scrib mutant clones
strings (stg; a cdc25 homolog) and cyclinD/ ­mosaically induced in the eye imaginal epithe-
Cdk4, thereby driving neoplasia by promoting lium causes RasV12 clones to develop into meta-
cell cycle progression (Read et  al. 2009). static tumors. In this process, scrib clones
Likewise, multistep development of colon cancer propagate JNK signaling to surrounding RasV12
is illustrated in the adult midgut of Drosophila cells, causing these neighbors to secrete Upd and
with accumulation of genetic mutations such as induce metastatic behavior via activation of JAK-
apc (adenomatous polyposis coli) and Ras, which STAT signaling (Wu et  al. 2010). Similar inter-
causes tumorigenesis (Martorell et al. 2014). An clonal oncogenic cooperation can also be
exception is the type 2 diabetes, which is specifi- triggered by mitochondrial dysfunction.
cally contingent to metabolic changes for malig- Mutations that disrupt mitochondrial respiratory
nant transformation, rather than merely adapting function were identified as inducers of non-cell
sequential mutations (Giovannucci et  al. 2010). autonomous tissue overgrowth in conjunction
For instance, clones of mutants for the src inhibi- with RasV12. RasV12/mito−/− (Ras activation with
tor csk (C-terminal src kinase) do not overgrow mitochondrial dysfunction) clones produce reac-
even with RasV12 activation, but when flies bear- tive oxygen species (ROS) that activates JNK sig-
ing csk−/−  +  RasV12 clones are fed high dietary naling, which cooperates with RasV12 to activate
sucrose, metastatic tumors formed resemble the Yki, and thereby upregulate Upd and Wg. Thus,
metabolic defects seen in type 2 diabetes heterogeneity of RasV12/mito−/− and RasV12 clones
(Hirabayashi et  al. 2013; Na et  al. 2013). mosaically induced in the imaginal epithelium,
Following this report, a subsequent fly study which mimics human cancers with frequent
demonstrated that high-sugar diet activates Slk mitochondrial dysfunction, causes RasV12 clones
(salt-inducible kinase) that upregulates Yki-­ to develop into metastatic tumors (Fig.  10.4)
induced Wg signaling, causing insulin receptor (Ohsawa et al. 2012). Further study showed that
expression that persistently retains insulin signal- RasV12/mito−/− cells undergo cell cycle arrest
ing sensitivity in csk−/−  +  RasV12 clones through p53-­ dependent cellular senescence
(Hirabayashi and Cagan 2015). Thus, aggressive (Fig.  10.4) (Nakamura et  al. 2014). Senescent
transformation of oncogenic cells may not cells highly express secreted growth factors and
entirely depend on Darwinian sequential muta- inflammatory cytokines, a conserved phenome-
10  Drosophila As a Cancer Model 181

Fig. 10.4  Tumor heterogeneity that drives tumor pro- and p53 activation, resulting in cellular senescence.
gression via cell-cell communication RasV12/mito−/− cells induce non-cell autonomous over-
(a) General scheme illustrating RasV12 cells achieve malig- growth of neighboring RasV12 cells through JNK-mediated
nancy and invasiveness non-autonomously when a subset secretion of Upd and Wg ligands. This causes neighboring
of the RasV12 cells acquire a second mutation, e.g., mito−/− RasV12 cells to activate JAK-STAT and Wg pathways and
(mitochondrial dysfunction). (b) RasV12/mito−/− cells acti- hence induce metastatic overgrowth
vate JNK signaling by processes such as ROS generation

non called senescence-associated secretory phe- non-autonomous autophagy in their surrounding

notype (SASP) (Coppé et al. 2010), inadvertently cells, which promote scrib−/−  +  RasV12 tumor
causing non-cell autonomous proliferation of growth by providing amino acids to tumors
malignant tumors. Ras-activating clones were (Katheder et  al. 2017). A similar phenomenon
also shown to stimulate exocytosis of the ligand was found in mammals where pancreatic ductal
Eiger, which in turn promote JNK signaling in adenocarcinoma triggered nonautonomous
neighboring cells. As a response, JNK signaling autophagy in pancreatic stellate cells, thereby
in wild-type cells induces the expression of generating alanine and fueling tumor growth
ligand Upd to activate JAK-STAT signaling in (Sousa et  al. 2016). Thus, these studies in
RasV12 clones non-cell autonomously (Chabu and Drosophila may open new avenues for under-
Xu 2014). Interestingly, it has been shown that standing and manipulating cancers driven by
JNK-­mediated activation of Upd-JAK- tumor heterogeneity.
STAT signaling in scrib−/− + RasV12 clones trigger
182 M. Enomoto et al.

10.6 Cancer Cachexia cial for cancer initiation, progression, and even
in Drosophila metastasis. In concert, distinct cellular players
around the tumor influence cancer growth by pro-
Local perturbation of tissue or organ by tumors viding a conducive microenvironment to commu-
cannot entirely explain how and why cancers effec- nicate via various means, including cell-cell
tuate mortality of the host. Growing evidence junction molecules, receptors, hormones, and
emphasizes that cancer lethality can also be driven other soluble factors (Bissell and Hines 2011). In
by distant tumor-host interactions, such as cachexia Drosophila, upon basement membrane disrup-
(Tisdale 2002; Fearon et al. 2012). Cancer cachexia tion by malignant scrib−/− + RasV12 tumors, hemo-
refers to a complex metabolic state that promotes cytes (Drosophila hematopoietic cells) are
irreversible, progressive tissue wasting in cancer recruited to the tumor-bearing damaged tissue,
patients. Drosophila has recently emerged as a along with JNK activation and expression of Upd
model to study mechanisms underlying cancer (Pastor-Pareja et  al. 2008). This indicates that
cachexia by allograft method, which is performed flies possess a similar system to tumor-associated
by transplantation of tumors into an adult host macrophage (TAM) recruited to human cancers,
(Rossi and Gonzalez 2015). The allograft method forming a tumor microenvironment. However,
has vast advantages when it comes to characteriz- the mechanism of how hemocytes drive tumor
ing an overgrowth tissue as malignant, whereby progression remains controversial. It was shown
limitless time of tumor expansion is allowed, and that hemocytes induce JNK activation in malig-
visualization of secondary tumor growth in meta- nant tumors in the imaginal epithelium by secret-
static tissues and long-range interactions like ing Eiger (Cordero et al. 2010). In contrast, it was
cachexia can be attained. In the context of cachexia, reported that JNK is activated in epithelial malig-
two independent fly studies using the allograft nant tumors when tumor tissues are transplanted
method reported that cancer cachexia systemati- into flies lacking hemocytes (Muzzopappa et al.
cally drives peripheral organ wasting by reinforc- 2017).
ing insulin resistance in distant tissues. Tumors Apart from the hemocytes, in  vivo cell-cell
such as scrib−/−  +  RasV12 or Yki-activated clones interaction between epithelial and mesenchymal
secrete ImpL2 (insulin growth factor-binding pro- cells was also shown to generate tumor-prone
tein; IGFBP), an antagonist of insulin signaling, microenvironment to induce Drosophila neo-
which inhibits insulin signaling in peripheral tis- plasm. In the larval wing imaginal disc, epithelial
sues including the ovaries, fat bodies, and muscles cells in the notum associate with myoblast that
in host animals bearing tumors (Figueroa- will form myofibrils (flight muscles) in dorsal
Clarevega and Bilder 2015; Kwon et  al. 2015). thorax. It was shown that two miRNAs, miR-10
These studies demonstrated in Drosophila conve- and miR-375, transform EGFR-activated epithe-
niently illustrate multiple aspects of cancers, which lial cells into neoplastic tumors via epithelial-­
can be dissected by genetics. mesenchymal interaction in the wing disc.
Mechanistically, these miRNAs target a PcG
gene pipsqueak (psq), thereby increasing the
10.7 Tumor Microenvironment level of secreted proteoglycan perlecan. High
in Drosophila level of perlecan enhances EGFR-induced deca-
pentaplegic (Dpp/BMP) signaling to expand the
In epithelial tissues with tumors, tumor cells not size of mesenchymal populations, thus promot-
only communicate among themselves but also ing tumor growth (Herranz et  al. 2014). This
with other cell types, such as immune cells and shows that an oncogenic positive feedback loop
mesenchymal cells (Fig. 10.5). Different types of between epithelial tumors and mesenchymal
interacting cells around the tumor together with cells is present in Drosophila.
the extracellular matrix (ECM) components It was also shown in Drosophila that intrinsic
make up the tumor microenvironment that is cru- tissue structures also influence the onset of epi-
10  Drosophila As a Cancer Model 183

Fig. 10.5  Tumor microenvironment generated by epithe- that cause deregulation of cellular processes, e.g.,
lial tumors, mesenchymal cells, and hemocytes in increased perlecan in EFGR-activating epithelial mutants,
Drosophila can mediate the secretion of growth factors by surround-
As epithelial cells acquire invasive behavior due to muta- ing mesenchymal cells to jointly promote proliferation of
tions, e.g., scrib−/− + RasV12 and subsequently disrupt the tumors. Epithelial tumors can also cooperatively induce
basement membrane, hemocytes are recruited to the dam- proliferation of mesenchymal cells via growth-­related sig-
aged sites as a result of an immune response. Mutations naling, e.g., TGF-β/Dpp signaling

thelial tumors. At certain “tumor hotspots” in the 10.8 Anti-cancer Therapy

wing imaginal epithelium, scrib or lgl mutant in Drosophila
cells display robust basal structures but lack api-
cal enrichment of microtubules (cytoskeletal Drawing from the findings obtained from
structure important for epithelial structure main- Drosophila cancer models described above,
tenance), thereby forcing pro-tumor cells to advancement in genetic manipulation tools has
delaminate from apical side. Apical delamina- produced significant insights into mechanisms
tion is shown to be caused by deregulated and characteristics of cancers and how these
RhoGEF2 activity and increased JAK/STAT relate to mammalian systems. To date, huge
activation to promote tumorigenesis. Conversely, efforts have been made to exploit the fly model
“tumor coldspots” are characterized by their further for the discovery of anti-cancer therapies
loosely organized ECM laminae with straight and also drug screening strategies. Main advan-
basal epithelial layer, which prevents scrib or lgl tages of using Drosophila system for drug dis-
cells in these “coldspots” from delamination, covery are its high-throughput and cost-effective
and thus are eliminated by cell competition whole organism-based screening of therapeutic
(Tamori et al. 2016). These findings suggest that agents, simple genetic manipulation and huge
structural integrity or endogenous nature of the selection of tools, established annotations of the
epithelial tissue within tumor microenvironment fly genome, and striking conservation between
plays a crucial role in cancer development. In flies and humans (Gao et al. 2014). An important
summary, multiple interactions either within aspect in cancer research is the development of
(i.e., communication between mutant vs. wild- effective anti-cancer drugs that not only specifi-
type cells) or around a tumor (i.e., tumor micro- cally target cancer processes but also cause mini-
environment) involve distinct cellular players mal toxic side effects to non-tumor cells.
and specific epithelial architecture, so as to act in However, drug discovery approaches are shifting
concert to initiate cancer progression in from single-target anticancer drugs to multi-­
Drosophila model. target drugs, termed polypharmacology, wherein
184 M. Enomoto et al.

more effective drugs modulating multiple targets PI3K pathway inhibition and thus was able to
could offer higher efficacy in treating complex successfully suppress tumor expansion and dis-
diseases such as cancer. Recent research trials semination (Bangi et  al. 2016). This combina-
combining fly genetics and chemical biology tional therapy was further proven in the study to
gained popularity as a screening platform in be effective in allografts of cultured human tumor
developing new generation of chemical com- cells and mouse models of colorectal cancer
pounds with systems polypharmacology. An (Bangi et al. 2016).
example is a study of a germline mutation in Ret Using fly genetic-chemical screening
receptor-type tyrosine kinase that is commonly approach, more anticancer agents for human can-
found in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 cers were identified or designed, which include a
(MEN2) patients having medullary thyroid carci- combination of trametinib and statin for lung
noma. Flies overexpressing oncogenic dRetM1007T cancer (Levine and Cagan 2016) and a glutamine
(mimicking gain-of-function Ret mutation for analogue acivicin for solid tumors (Levine and
MEN2B) in the eyes exhibit “rough-eye” pheno- Cagan 2016; Levinson and Cagan 2016;
type due to tumor overgrowth (Read et al. 2005). Willoughby et  al. 2013). A large-scale drug
Using this fly MEN2 model, a kinase inhibitor screen using the adult fly revealed an unexpected
drug vandetanib (ZD6474) was found to effec- side effect caused by drug administration. It was
tively suppress the “rough-eye” phenotype in a found that 14 out of 88 FDA-approved chemo-
dose-dependent manner (Vidal et  al. 2005). therapy drugs have dual properties in suppressing
Notably, the effect of vandetanib has already tumor growth of Raf-activating intestinal stem
been assessed in clinical trials and approved as cells (ISCs) and additionally cause overgrowth of
the first-line drug for the treatment of medullary wild-type ISCs when the tumors are transplanted
thyroid carcinoma (Thornton et  al. 2012). In a into the abdomen of wild-type hosts (Markstein
follow-up study using the same fly model, AD57 et al. 2014). This side effect was reported to be
was identified as the optimal polypharmacologi- caused by Upd3 (an isoform of Upd) induction in
cal drug that exerts maximal therapeutic effect enterocytes (ECs) as a consequence of drug
and low toxicity profile for suppressing thyroid administration (Kwon et al. 2015). Interestingly,
tumors (Dar et al. 2012). ECs undergoing environmental stresses (e.g.,
Apart from the MEN2 model, two research detachment from the basement membrane) acti-
groups explored the fly system to generate multi- vate JNK and Yki and thus subsequently upregu-
genic models of colorectal cancer whereby key late Upd3 that promotes ISC tumor growth (Patel
features of its progression involve sequential et al. 2015). This suggests that tumor recurrence
mutations in apc, Ras, p53, TGF-β, and pten could be caused by detachment of ECs from vis-
genes (Bangi et al. 2016; Martorell et al. 2014). ceral muscle as a result of side effect from drugs.
In Drosophila hindgut, multigenic combination Thus, recent findings through systematic anti-­
of apc/ras/p53/pten recapitulates characteristics cancer drug screens in Drosophila have opened
of colon cancer such as hyperproliferation, dis- new avenues toward drug discovery and cancer
rupted tissue architecture, cell migration, and modeling to be extrapolated to human cancers
evasion of cell death. Interestingly, this multi- and hence further supported the fly system as a
genic fly model was reported to exhibit resistance robust whole-animal approach against cancer
toward PI3K/TOR inhibitor BEZ235, a drug cur- (Table 10.1).
rently in clinical trials for the treatment of
advanced solid tumors. Although this compound
is deemed less effective when used indepen- 10.9 Future Perspectives
dently, they found that combinational treatment
of the fly colorectal cancer model with BEZ235 Drosophila cancer models derived from various
together with SC79 (an Akt activator) or bortezo- genetic techniques have made important contri-
mib (a TORC1 activator) promotes sensitivity to butions to our understanding toward fundamental
10  Drosophila As a Cancer Model

Table 10.1  Drugs discovered or designed by Drosophila cancer models

Molecular targets/pathway/ Target human
Drugs Type mechanism cancer Fly model References
Vandetanib ZD6474 Kinase inhibitor Vascular endothelial growth Medullary MEN2 model with dRetM1007Tmutation Vidal et al.
factor receptor, EGFR, and Ret thyroid (2005)
kinase carcinoma
AD57 Kinase inhibitor Ret, Raf, Src, Tor, and S6K Medullary MEN2 model with dRetM1007Tmutation Dar et al.
kinases thyroid (2012)
BEZ235 + SC79 or Kinase inhibitor (BEZ235), PI3K/TOR, Akt, and TORC1 Colorectal Colorectal cancer model with Bangi et al.
Bortezomib transcriptional activator (SC79 cancer combinatorial apc, Ras, p53, and pten (2016)
and bortezomib) mutation
Trametinib + Kinase inhibitor (trametinib), MEK, HMG-CoA reductase, and Non-small cell Lung cancer model with Ras1G12V and Levine and
fluvastatin reductase inhibitor (fluvastatin) Ras and PI3K pathway lung cancer Ras1G12V PTEN-/- mutation Cagan (2016)
Acivicin Glutamine analogue Gamma-glutamyltransferase Solid tumor Ras and Notch model with RasV12 and Willoughby
Nintra model et al. (2013)
186 M. Enomoto et al.

cancer processes in humans. Drawing from mosaics specifically in the eye-antennal imaginal
Drosophila’s many historical contributions, some disc (EAD) of Drosophila larva allows for visual-
of the important tumor suppressor genes were ization and quantification of tumor invasiveness
discovered in flies. For instance, the Hippo path- in the ventral nerve cord (VNC) complex situated
way originally discovered in flies was later shown posterior to the EAD structure. Here, we also
to be conserved in vertebrates, and its dysregula- illustrate the procedures on how to dissect the
tion has been implicated in human cancer devel- cephalic complex and then further process them
opment. Notably, the mechanistic link between for staining and imaging of positively labeled
loss of cell polarity and JNK, JAK-STAT, Hippo, transgenic clones. Lastly, we define a simple
and other intracellular signaling pathways exten- quantification method to count tumor invasive-
sively studied in flies is proven to be intimately ness by visualization of reporter expression
involved with human tumors of epithelial origin. spreading into the VNC.  In summary, the tech-
In addition, the use of Drosophila mosaic tech- niques described are widely used as a robust
niques uncovered a conceptual insight of tumor experimental system in fly cancer studies espe-
social biology whereby oncogenic cells establish cially in the context of tumor development, pro-
various forms of interactions with distinct cel- gression, and metastasis. Moreover, inducing
lular players non-cell autonomously. Recent mosaics as patches of oncogenic clones sur-
modifications to the genetic mosaic tools includ- rounded by wild-type cells enables for the study
ing the coupled-MARCM technique combining of social tumor biology including cell-cell com-
two independent expression systems (Gal4/UAS petition and cooperation and even non-cell auton-
and QF/QUAS) (Potter and Luo 2011) enable omous aspect of cancer.
researchers to study cell-cell and inter-organ Mosaic analysis developed in Drosophila is
communication in vivo during cancer initiation, used extensively in the study of tumor growth
progression, and metastasis. Nonetheless, topics and progression. Recent years have seen sig-
covered in this chapter represent only a subset of nificant improvement and modifications to the
many excellent findings unveiled from the fly existing genetic tools, among these include the
field, thereby a broader grasp of more aspects in MARCM technique (Wu and Luo 2007).
fly cancer research is deeply encouraged. Lastly, MARCM induces genetic mosaics wherein coex-
fresh perspective toward identification of novel isting cells of distinct genotypes can be produced
therapeutics using fly cancer models shows and marked with fluorescence in a living organ-
promising discovery for the past few years and ism. This technique combines the traditional
thus further proves Drosophila as a robust system FLP/FRT (flippase/flippase recognition target)
with great potentials in cancer research and even system with Gal4/UAS (upstream activator
anti-cancer therapy. sequence), and a FLP-out mechanism to control
inducible transgene expression governed by the
UAS system (detailed principle underlying the
10.10 C
 ommonly Used Protocol: MARCM technique and mitotic recombination
Studying Tumor Progression steps is shown in Protocol I(a)). As a result, wild-­
In Vivo type and heterozygous cells are unmarked, but
homozygous mutant clones are positively labeled
In this section, we describe a detailed protocol to with fluorescence and thus easily tracked using
analyze invasion of oncogenic subpopulations in imaging tools. The ability to generate clones
living tissues of Drosophila larva using genetic through mitotic recombination gives unparalleled
mosaic technique through eyFLP mosaic analysis benefits in cancer studies especially in modeling
with repressible cell marker (MARCM). To tumor development and progression in vivo. By
explain the practicality of genetic mosaic tools, inducing mosaic clones in a tissue, we can under-
the principles underlying the MARCM technique stand many aspects of social tumor biology as
will be discussed in particular. Induction of oncogenic cells are positioned in a population of
10  Drosophila As a Cancer Model 187

cells surrounded by wild-type cells (or by onco- chromosome arm from the FRT site. Refer to
genic cells with other mutations) and immune Protocol I(a) for an illustrative design of
cells, alongside the extracellular matrix (ECM) MARCM experiment.
exposed to various soluble factors in a tumor
microenvironment (Bissell and Hines 2011). (i) Collect virgin females from MARCM tes-
Substantial awareness in cancer’s etiology is ter lines, and cross them with UAS-­
raised as more evidence showed that cancers are transgene or mutant males with FRT site.
developed by sequentially acquiring oncogenic (ii) Incubate crosses at 25  °C for 5–7  days
mutations and by establishing intimate interac- after egg deposition (AED) to obtain third
tions among cellular players (refer to Protocol II instar larvae. Temperature is important for
for an example of RasV12 + scrib−/− mosaic analy- optimal activity of the Gal4/UAS system.
sis). Given the feasibility of this technique in Note: Development of larvae can be delayed or
modeling multiple mutations in a tissue, MARCM completely voided due the expression of
is used to study various cancer processes like inserted transgenes.
tumor metastasis (Pagliarini and Xu 2003). Here, 3.2. Dissection of Larvae
we describe a protocol for mosaics induced by (i) Collect wandering third instar lar-
MARCM in the EAD of Drosophila larva to vae of desired phenotype (e.g., fluo-
study tumor growth and metastasis with detailed rescently labeled EAD or
procedures and explanation. morphology indicating the presence
of transgene copy) using forceps,
and transfer them into a petri dish
10.11 M  aterials filled with PBS.
Note: Larvae carrying random
1. Equipment fluorescent spots throughout the
body may exist due to non-specific
Forceps (e.g., Dumont No. 5), microscissors, expression of FLP-driven UAS
nail polish, petri dish with fine pin attached, ste- transgenes (mostly in gonads).
reomicroscope, fluorescence confocal micro- Exclude these larvae from the
scope, and microscope slides and 18×18  mm analysis.
coverslips. (ii) Under a stereomicroscope, cut the
posterior end of the larval body near
2. Solutions and Reagents the genitalia using a microscissors
to expose the inner parts of the body.
Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), PBS-T (iii) Using forceps, gently hold the mid-
(PBS with 0.1% Triton X-100), 4% paraformal- dle part of the larval body, and flip
dehyde (PFA), and DAPI and mounting medium the larva inside out to expose the
(e.g., SlowFade® Gold Antifade Mountant with inner body parts. (This can be done
DAPI (Thermo Fisher Scientific. Co.)). by using a narrow pin head attached
to the bottom of a petri dish. Push
3. Methods the head unto the attached pin by
3.1. Mosaic Clone Generation rolling the cuticle over the pin head
to flip the larva inside out.)
To generate genetic mosaics specifically in the (iv) Carefully remove unwanted tissues
larval EAD, choose an appropriate eyFLP-­ including the salivary glands, fat
MARCM tester line carrying Gal4, a reporter body, and intestines. This prepara-
gene, e.g., GFP, and Gal80 to mark mitotic tion leaves the cephalic complex
clones. Transgene of interest should be attached to the mouth hooks on the
designed under the control of a UAS, which cuticle for ease of further manipula-
should in most cases be inserted on a different tion procedures.
188 M. Enomoto et al.

(v) Transfer the EAD-brain complex priate laser excitation/absorption

into microcentrifuge tubes filled wavelengths (e.g., conventional GFP
with PBS, and keep them on ice fluorescence profile is about
until further steps. 480/510  nm). For example of EAD
3.3. Fixing, Staining, and Mounting mosaic images, see Protocol I(b).
(i) For fixing the tissues, remove PBS (ii) Z-stacks can be imaged to ensure the
solution from the microcentrifuge visualized clone sizes are a general represen-
tubes containing the cephalic com- tation of the whole tissue section.
plex, and add 4% PFA to fix samples. Note: During image acquisition, use the same
Incubate mixture on ice for 5  min parameters for all genotypes to enable compa-
and in room temperature for 20 min. rable quantification and visualization of clones
(ii) Before staining procedures, wash overgrowth or undergrowth. Settings to note
the tissues thoroughly with suffi- include image resolution, pinhole size, scan
cient PBS-T (about 0.5–1  mL) 3 speed/averaging, gain/offset, and also pixel
times for 20 min. saturation.
(iii) For DAPI staining, replace PBS-T 3.5. Analyses of Invasion
with appropriate DAPI solution (i) Noninvasive cell clones can be seen
(e.g., 1–2 drops of SlowFade® Gold in the EAD/optic lobe region of the
Antifade Mountant with DAPI), and brain, but cannot be observed in other
incubate overnight at 4 °C tissues such as VNC. If fluorescently
Note: Incubation times are not labeled mutant cells are seen in the
definitive and can be modified VNC for most of the living larvae in
according to specific needs and a given population, these mutant cells
optimization. have acquired invasiveness, and thus
(iv) For mounting, place the cephalic the mutant flies die before adulthood
complexes attached to the cuticle on (see Protocol II). A simple scoring
a microscope slide with sufficient system can be used to quantify the
mounting medium for final step of percentage of invasiveness.
dissection. (ii) Score the number of positively

(v) Separate EAD-brain complex from labeled VNC per genotype for all
the cuticle by pinching the end of the larvae collected from vials.
mouth hook with a pair of forceps. For Calculate statistical significance
analysis of invasion, EAD pairs can be using appropriate tests, e.g., Mann-­
further separated from the brain-VNC Whitney test.
complex for ease of imaging.
(vi) Place a coverslip over tissue prepara- Acknowledgments The authors apologize for omitting
tions without formation of bubbles. relevant literatures due to space constraints. The authors
thank the Igaki laboratory for helpful discussion during
Finish the mount by sealing the edges the manuscript’s preparation. Research in the Igaki labo-
with conventional nail polish. Store ratory is supported in part by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific
slides in 4 °C or less until imaging. Research from the Japanese Ministry of Education,
3.4. Confocal Imaging Science, Sports, Culture and Technology (MEXT), the
Platform for Dynamic Approaches to Living System from
(i) Acquire images using a confocal MEXT, and the Japan Agency for Medical Research and
fluorescence microscope with 10X development (AMED).
or 20X dry objective lens and appro-
10  Drosophila As a Cancer Model 189

Commonly Used Protocol replication, FLP expressed specifically in the EAD medi-
ates mitotic recombination at FRT sites (arrows) and con-
currently allows FLP-out of the y spacer. Three types of
Protocol I  MARCM technique used in Drosophila can-
distinct progeny (as mosaics in an EAD tissue) can be
cer models. (a) The MARCM technique allows expres-
produced after mitosis and cell division, in which cells
sion of target transgenes coupled with GFP specifically in
with one/two copies of Gal80 are unlabeled as wild type,
clones. The parental cell contains chromosomes with
while cells without Gal80 is homozygous for the mutation
homologous FRT sequence located at the same position,
and are labeled with GFP fluorescence. Fluorescently
heterozygous Gal80 controlled by ubiquitous promoter
labeled transgenic cells are a result of the loss of GAL80
tubP located at a distal site from FRT, heterozygous muta-
repression on GAL4, thus allowing GAL4 to drive expres-
tion (denoted as *) distal to FRT but in trans to Gal80
sion of any other UAS transgenes. (b) An example of a
chromosome, and FLP sequence controlled by eyP spe-
confocal image showing wt//wt or wts−/−//wt EAD mosa-
cific to the eye-antennal imaginal discs (EAD). The Gal4/
ics generated by MARCM.  Cell nuclei are stained with
UAS system is governed by ubiquitous promoter actP
DAPI (blue). DAPI, 4,6-­diamidino-2-phenylindole; GFP,
with a y spacer tagged downstream with a UAS-GFP
green fluorescent protein; actP, actin promoter; tubP,
marker sequence. The y spacer includes a transcriptional
tubulin promoter; eyP, eyeless promoter; FLP, flippase;
stop codon so that prior to activation of the FLP recombi-
FRT, flippase recognition target; wt, wild type.
nase (and subsequent FLP-out), the gene downstream
(UAS-­GFP) of the spacer is not transcribed. After DNA
190 M. Enomoto et al.

Protocol II  The process of malignant transformation mutant clones surrounded by unlabeled wild-type cells in
and Drosophila model of tumor progression. (a) General the EAD attached to the brain-VNC complex. Over time,
scheme illustrating autonomous malignant transformation scrib−/− + RasV12 mutant cells acquire malignant behavior
of RasV12 mutant subclones in a tissue after acquiring and invade to adjacent ventral nerve code (VNC).
sequential mutation, e.g., scrib−/−. (b) Schematic drawing Overgrowth of scrib−/−  +  RasV12 clones outcompetes wt
showing an EAD mosaic in a scrib−/−  +  RasV12 mutant subclones, as shown by an increase in GFP-labeled
larva generated by eyFLP-MARCM technique. Green mutants and a decrease in unlabeled wt cells.
spots depicted are GFP-labeled patches of scrib−/− + RasV12
10  Drosophila As a Cancer Model 191

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From Drosophila Blood Cells
to Human Leukemia 11
Manon Boulet, Marion Miller, Laurence Vandel,
and Lucas Waltzer

Abstract Keywords
The hematopoietic system plays a critical role Hematopoiesis · Leukemia · Drosophila ·
in establishing the proper response against Screen
invading pathogens or in removing cancerous
cells. Furthermore, deregulations of the hema-
topoietic differentiation program are at the 11.1 Introduction
origin of numerous diseases including leuke-
mia. Importantly, many aspects of blood cell Cells of the hematopoietic system are essential
development have been conserved from for maintaining the homeostasis of the organism,
human to Drosophila. Hence, Drosophila has notably by participating in the immune response,
emerged as a potent genetic model to study removing apoptotic or cancerous cells, and pro-
blood cell development and leukemia in vivo. ducing various cytokines or clotting factors
In this chapter, we give a brief overview of the (Provan and Gribben 2010). Nonetheless, these
Drosophila hematopoietic system, and we cells have both protective and pathogenic func-
provide a protocol for the dissection and the tions in antimicrobial defense, autoimmune dis-
immunostaining of the larval lymph gland, the eases, inflammatory reaction, metabolic
most studied hematopoietic organ in disorders, or tumorigenesis. Hence, their devel-
Drosophila. We then focus on the various par- opment and function have to be tightly regulated.
adigms that have been used in fly to investi- Accordingly mutations affecting blood cell devel-
gate how conserved genes implicated in opment can lead to various hemopathies includ-
leukemogenesis control blood cell develop- ing leukemia. This heterogeneous class of
ment. Specific examples of Drosophila mod- malignancies affecting the hematopoietic lin-
els for leukemia are presented, with particular eages represents ±3% of all classes of cancers. It
attention to the most translational ones. is characterized by the presence in the bone mar-
Finally, we discuss some limitations and row and in peripheral tissues of misdifferentiated
potential improvements of Drosophila models blood cells with proliferative and/or survival
for studying blood cell cancer. advantage that eventually outnumber normal
blood cells, leading to deadly illnesses. The emer-
gence of a leukemic clone is usually associated
M. Boulet · M. Miller · L. Vandel · L. Waltzer (*) with the stepwise accumulation of a limited num-
Université Clermont Auvergne, CNRS, Inserm, ber of genetic mutations in hematopoietic stem or
GReD, Clermont-Ferrand, France progenitor cells (Ferrando and Lopez-­Otin 2017).
e-mail: lucas.waltzer@uca.fr

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 195

M. Yamaguchi (ed.), Drosophila Models for Human Diseases, Advances in Experimental Medicine
and Biology 1076, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-0529-0_11
196 M. Boulet et al.

The identification of the mutated genes and the present some possible directions to improve the
characterization of their mode(s) of action remain use of Drosophila in leukemia research.
an important issue to decipher the mechanisms of
blood cell transformation and develop new
therapies. 11.2 Drosophila Hematopoiesis
The development of animal models, in partic-
ular mouse, has been instrumental in character- As the development and regulation of the
izing how hematopoietic cell fate and function Drosophila hematopoietic system have been cov-
are controlled in  vivo under normal and patho- ered extensively in several recent reviews (Gold
logical conditions (Kohnken et al. 2017). In addi- and Bruckner 2015; Letourneau et  al. 2016; El
tion, it has become clear that researches in Chamy et al. 2017; Yu et al. 2017), we only pro-
Drosophila melanogaster can also provide rele- vide here a description of its salient features, and
vant information to gain insights into these pro- we refer interested readers to the aforementioned
cesses. Indeed works from several labs over the reviews for further details.
last 20  years have revealed that the molecular
pathways controlling blood cell production and
function are highly conserved from human to 11.2.1 Development
Drosophila. Notably, several key transcription of the Drosophila
factors and signaling pathways implicated in nor- Hematopoietic System
mal and malignant blood cell development in
human control hematopoiesis in fly too. Hence, Reminiscent of the situation in vertebrates,
thanks to the outstanding genetic toolbox avail- Drosophila hematopoiesis takes place in succes-
able in Drosophila and to the development of sive waves (Holz et al. 2003). First, in the early
more and more sophisticated markers and assays embryo, a pool of pluripotent blood cell progeni-
to characterize Drosophila blood cell status and tors (called prohemocytes) is specified in the
functions, this organism can serve as a valuable head mesoderm and gives rise to peripheral blood
model to investigate various aspects of blood cell cells, which populate the body cavity (hemocoel)
biology relevant to cancer. Here, we will focus on of the larva (Makhijani et  al. 2011). A second
the use of Drosophila to study leukemogenesis. population of prohemocytes arises later during
First, we provide a rapid survey of the develop- embryonic development from the lateral/cardiac
ment of the Drosophila hematopoietic system, mesoderm, which generates a specialized larval
together with a protocol to assess blood cell sta- hematopoietic organ called the lymph gland
tus in the lymph gland, a well-described larval (Mandal et al. 2004; Jung et al. 2005). Under nor-
hematopoietic organ. Then, we present the three mal conditions, blood cells produced in the
main approaches that have been developed to lymph gland are released into the hemolymph
gain insights into leukemogenesis using only at the end of larval life (Honti et al. 2010;
Drosophila: (1) the study of the so-called mela- Grigorian et al. 2011). In the adult fly, blood cells
notic tumors, which can arise from leukemic-like generated during these two distinct waves of
processes, (2) the expression in non-­hematopoietic hematopoiesis are present, with limited blood
cell types of oncogenic variants of genes partici- cell proliferation or differentiation (Holz et  al.
pating in blood cell transformation in human, and 2003; Honti et  al. 2014; Ghosh et  al. 2015).
(3) the study of these oncogenic variants or their Overall, there are ±  700 hemocytes in late
homologues in the Drosophila hematopoietic embryos (Tepass et  al. 1994), while third instar
system. We present specific examples showing larvae contain ±8000 peripheral hemocytes
how these various strategies have shed light on (Lanot et al. 2001, Petraki et al. 2015) and 4000–
blood cell transformation and/or helped tackle 8000 lymph gland hemocytes (Krzemien et  al.
the mechanisms of action of specific proteins 2010). The number of blood cells in the adult is
implicated in leukemia in humans. Finally, we difficult to assess but is estimated to ±2000 cells
11 From Drosophila Blood Cells to Human Leukemia 197

(Lanot et al. 2001), declining with age (Mackenzie Martin 2017). While plasmatocytes are usually
et al. 2011; Horn et al. 2014). considered as a single entity, populations express-
It is worth reminding that beside the larval and ing different subsets of markers have been identi-
adult heart tube, which is open at both ends, fied (Jung et  al. 2005; Honti et  al. 2014).
Drosophila has no proper vascular network Moreover, two plasmatocyte subpopulations with
(Hartenstein and Mandal 2006), and blood cells distinct functions in the adult immune response
travel freely within this open circulatory system. have been identified (Clark et al. 2011). A better
If most of the peripheral larval hemocytes and assessment of plasmatocyte heterogeneity is thus
adult hemocytes are sessile and form patches of certainly needed. Crystal cells are involved in
cells under the epidermal wall (Braun et al. 1998; melanization, an insect-specific defense response
Elrod-Erickson et al. 2000; Markus et al. 2009; related to clotting (Whitten and Coates 2017).
Makhijani et al. 2011), significant turnaround has They are named according to the presence of
been observed between sessile and circulating large paracrystalline inclusions in their cyto-
hemocytes in the larva (Makhijani et al. 2011). In plasm, which contain some of the enzymes
addition, hemocytes are also associated with required for melanin production. Upon wound-
other tissues such as the eye imaginal discs ing, melanization limits fluid loss and partici-
(Fogarty et  al. 2016), the heart (Elrod-Erickson pates in the fight against infection notably by
et al. 2000; Ghosh et al. 2015), the gut (Zaidman-­ trapping microbes and producing microbicidal
Remy et al. 2012; Ayyaz et al. 2015; Chakrabarti reactive oxygen species. Finally, lamellocytes are
et al. 2016), or the ovaries (Brandt and Schneider large flat cells (30–60  μm) that are absent in
2007; Van De Bor et al. 2015). healthy larvae but whose production can be mas-
sively induced in response to some stresses and
immune challenges such as the infection by para-
11.2.2 Drosophila Blood Cell sitoid wasp eggs (Lanot et al. 2001; Eslin et al.
Lineages 2009) but also in several cancer-related condi-
tions (see below). Together with the plasmato-
As most metazoans, Drosophila lacks equiva- cytes, the lamellocytes adhere to the wasp egg
lents of the lymphoid lineages, and its mature and form a multilayered capsule, which eventu-
blood cells, collectively called hemocytes, can be ally melanizes and kills the intruder. In contrast
subdivided into three specialized cell types func- with plasmatocytes and crystal cells, which are
tionally related to vertebrate myeloid cells: the observed in the embryo, the larva, and the adult,
plasmatocytes, the crystal cells, and the lamello- lamellocytes are only produced during the larval
cytes (Parsons and Foley 2016). Plasmatocytes stages (Honti et al. 2014).
are professional phagocytes and represent the The lineage relationship between the three
vast majority of the differentiated blood cells mature blood cell types and the presence of genu-
(>90%); they are functionally similar to mamma- ine hematopoietic stem cells are still a matter of
lian monocytes, macrophages, and neutrophils debate, which is out of the scope of this chapter.
(Wood and Martin 2017). They recognize and In short, the prevailing view is that blood cell
engulf small pathogens as well as apoptotic cells, progenitors present in the early embryo and in the
and they are a major source of extracellular lymph gland are transient populations, which do
matrix components, thus playing important func- not persist in the larva or in the pupa, respectively
tions in the innate cellular immune response but (Grigorian et al. 2011; Makhijani et al. 2011; Dey
also in tissue remodeling and homeostasis. et al. 2016). It is not clear whether the “undiffer-
Plasmatocytes are highly motile cells and consti- entiated” blood cells described in the adult are
tute a popular model to study the conserved long-lasting, multipotent, and capable of self-­
mechanisms regulating cell migration in vivo and renewing (Ghosh et  al. 2015). Moreover,
by extension to gain insights into metastatic pro- Drosophila prohemocytes can give rise to plas-
cesses (Fauvarque and Williams 2011, Wood and matocytes, crystal cells, and lamellocytes
198 M. Boulet et al.

(Krzemien et al. 2010), but larval peripheral plas- dispersal, as well as differentiation of lamello-
matocytes can also proliferate (Makhijani et  al. cytes from lymph gland progenitors and from
2011; Anderl et  al. 2016) and transdifferentiate peripheral plamatocytes at the expense of crystal
into crystal cells (Leitao and Sucena 2015) or cell development (Sorrentino et  al. 2002;
lamellocytes (Markus et  al. 2009; Avet-Rochex Crozatier et  al. 2004; Markus et  al. 2009;
et  al. 2010; Stofanko et  al. 2010; Anderl et  al. Ferguson and Martinez-Agosto 2014; Anderl
2016). Thus, it seems that the production of the et  al. 2016). Moreover, bacterial infection was
different blood cell types can be achieved by var- recently found to promote blood cell progenitor
ious routes. differentiation in the lymph gland (Khadilkar
et al. 2017) and to induce some proliferation in
adult hemocytes (Ghosh et  al. 2015). Finally,
11.2.3 Control of Drosophila mechanical stress (Petraki et  al. 2015), oxygen
Hematopoiesis levels (Mukherjee et  al. 2011), nutrition
(Benmimoun et al. 2012; Shim et al. 2012), and
Hematopoietic progenitor maintenance, hemo- odors (Shim et al. 2013) can greatly influence lar-
cyte differentiation, and the overall homeostasis val blood cell homeostasis. By contrast, the
of the hematopoietic system are finely tuned by development of the embryonic blood cells seems
intrinsic factors and by environmental stimuli. rather stereotypical (Bataille et al. 2005), and it
These features have been particularly well stud- remains to be shown whether it can be influenced
ied in the larvae. For instance, in the lymph gland, by external factors.
high levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS)
(Owusu-Ansah and Banerjee 2009), activation of
the wingless signaling pathway (Sinenko et  al. 11.2.4 Protocol: Immunostaining
2009), and expression of the EBF transcription in the Larval Lymph Gland
factor Collier (Benmimoun et al. 2015; Oyallon
et al. 2016) are required in prohemocytes to pro- The larval lymph gland is currently the most pop-
mote their maintenance. In addition, prohemo- ular system to study hematopoiesis in Drosophila
cyte fate is controlled by local signals from the (Letourneau et al. 2016). One of its advantages is
neighboring heart tube (Morin-Poulard et  al. the presence of a large pool of blood cell progeni-
2016), posterior signaling center (Krzemien et al. tors and of all their differentiated progenies
2007; Mandal et  al. 2007), and differentiated within a confined organ from which they are nor-
hemocytes (Mondal et  al. 2011; Zhang and mally not released in circulation until metamor-
Cadigan 2017), as well as by systemic signals phosis. Therefore, the lymph gland is well suited
released in response to nutrient levels to study the control of progenitor blood cell fate
(Benmimoun et al. 2012; Shim et al. 2012) and and to gain insight into the gene networks regu-
olfactory stimulations (Shim et  al. 2013). lating blood cell homeostasis. In addition, thanks
Similarly, in peripheral hemocytes, local cues to the effort of many teams, a large set of well-­
from the peripheral nervous system attract plas- characterized markers and genetic tools are now
matocytes to subepidermal hematopoietic pock- available to study lymph gland homeostasis and
ets and promote their survival, their proliferation, specifically label or manipulate the different cell
and their differentiation into crystal cells types present in this complex organ (Evans et al.
(Makhijani et al. 2011, 2017). 2014). Below, we give a brief presentation of the
The larval hematopoietic system is highly lymph gland organization and a generic protocol
responsive to immune challenges and stresses. that we use to prepare larval lymph glands for
The infection of the larva by parasitoid wasp eggs immunostaining.
causes lymph gland expansion and premature
11 From Drosophila Blood Cells to Human Leukemia 199

In the larva, the lymph gland is lining the ante- cells located at the posterior tip of each anterior
rior part of the dorsal vessel/cardiac tube, just lobe form the so-called posterior signaling center
behind the ring gland and the brain. It is com- (PSC). The PSC expresses various signaling mol-
posed of a large pair of anterior lobes followed by ecules that regulate blood cell fate, and it exerts a
2–4 pairs of posterior lobes. Each lobe is sur- prominent role in the response to infection
rounded by a layer of extracellular matrix and (Letourneau et al. 2016).
separated from its posterior neighbor by a peri- Even in third instar larvae, the lymph glands
cardial cell. The lymph gland anterior lobes are are small and fragile organs that are tedious to
specified in the embryo and grow considerably dissect as compared to other tissues such as the
during the larval stages (Jung et al. 2005), with a imaginal discs. While the initial steps of the pro-
shift from blood cell progenitor proliferation tocol described below are relatively straightfor-
toward differentiation in the late second larval ward, some practice is necessary to mount
instar stage (Krzemien et al. 2010). The ontogeny properly the lymph glands before observation,
of the posterior lobes is not well characterized, especially to keep the posterior lobes intact or for
but they are detectable in late first instar larvae. the observation of first/second instar larva lymph
They constitute a large pool of blood cell pro- glands. Moreover blood cell number and prolif-
genitors that enter differentiation later than those eration/differentiation status evolve significantly
present in the anterior lobes. In mid-third instar during larval life, are sensitive to various external
larvae (96h after egg laying), the posterior lobes stimuli, and show interindividual variations. It is
mostly comprise undifferentiated blood cells, thus essential to work under well-controlled
while the anterior lobes contain blood cell pro- breeding conditions and to analyze a sufficient
genitors in their inner/medullary zone and differ- (minimum ten) number of stage-matched sam-
entiated hemocytes in their outer/cortical zone ples to make sure of the significance of any
(Fig.  11.1). In addition, a small group of ±30 phenotype.

Fig. 11.1 The
Drosophila larval lymph
gland. Confocal image
showing the expression
of the plasmatocyte
marker P1/NimC1 (red),
the prohemocyte marker
dome-meso-lacZ (blue),
and the posterior
signaling center (PSC)
marker col-GAL4,UAS-­
GFP (green). In the
anterior lobes, a line
demarcates the
medullary zone (MZ)
from the cortical zone
(CZ). PC, pericardial
cells. PL, posterior lobes
200 M. Boulet et al. Materials  Larvae Dissection

1. Transfer a single larva in a clean dissection  Equipment dish containing 1xPBS under a
–– Glass dissection dishes (Electron Microscopy stereomicroscope.
Science). 2. Orient the anterior part of the larva to the left
–– 6- or 12-well tissue culture plate (Corning). (for a right-handed person). Using the left
–– Forceps (Fine Science Tools, Dumont #5). hand, clamp the posterior part of the larva
–– 1 ml syringes (TERUMO). (second or third segment from the end) with a
–– Needles (TERUMO, 0.9*38 mm). pair of forceps. With the right hand, rip the
–– Microscope slides and 18x18 mm coverslips. posterior part of the larva with a second pair
–– Stereomicroscope (for dissection). of forceps.
–– Fluorescent microscope (for analysis). 3. With both pair of forceps, invert the larvae by
–– Transfer pipette (Sterilin). pushing the mouth hook through the body.
–– 1.5 ml centrifuge tube (Eppendorf). Using the left hand, hold the larva anterior
part while placing with your right hand a sin-  Solutions and Reagents gle tine of the forceps in the mouth hooks.
–– Sterile phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) (e.g., Then roll the larvae inside out by gradually
Dulbecco). pushing the larva on the forceps tine with your
–– Bovine serum albumin (BSA). left hand. Extend completely the larva so that
–– 4% formaldehyde (made from 16% stock, the internal organs are fully apparent on the
Electron Microscopy Sciences) in 1xPBS outside and the cuticle stretched on the inside.
–– Wash solution: 1xPBS 0.1% Triton X-100 Remove carefully the stretched inverted larva
(PBST). from the forceps tine.
–– Permeabilization solution: 1xPBS 0.3% Triton 4. Hold the larval carcass with the left-hand for-
X-100. ceps, and using the right-hand forceps, unwind
–– Blocking solution: 1xPBST 1% BSA. and remove the gut, the proventriculus, and as
–– Primary antibodies and fluorescent-dye conju- much as possible of the fat body without dam-
gated secondary antibodies (e.g., Alexa Fluor). aging the dorsal vessel/lymph gland region
–– DNA staining solutions (e.g., DAPI 5 mg/ml (which is lined by two dorsal patches of fat
in H2O, or TO-PRO-3 1mM in DMSO). body).
–– Mounting medium (e.g., Vectashield H-1000, 5. Transfer the carcass with the brain, the lymph
Vector Laboratories). gland, and the heart/aorta in a 1.5 ml micro-
–– Glycerol. centrifuge tube containing 1 ml of 1xPBS on
–– Optional: Methanol. ice.
6. Repeat steps 1–5 to prepare as many larvae as Methods needed. Note: steps 1–6 need to be performed
as quickly as possible to limit perturbation of  Larvae Collection lymph gland homeostasis. Do not exceed
1. Set up the appropriate fly cross(es), and trans- 30  min in total before proceeding to step 7/
fer the adults to fresh vials every 12 h. Make fixation.
sure to avoid overcrowding of the larvae. 7. Replace buffer with 1 ml of freshly prepared
2. Delicately transfer third instar wandering lar- fixative solution (4% formaldehyde in
vae (or other appropriately staged larvae) 1xPBS), and incubate 30  min on a rocking
from the vials to a dissecting dish or a 6-well platform at room temperature.
plate containing 1xPBS with a pair of forceps 8. Wash the fixed larvae with 1  ml of 1xPBST
or a paintbrush. (1xPBS 0.1% Triton) for 10  min. Repeat
3. Using a transfer pipette, wash the larvae with twice.
11 From Drosophila Blood Cells to Human Leukemia 201

9. Fixed larvae can be stored at 4 °C overnight, erol (the presence of glycerol helps to pre-
but we usually proceed to the immunostaining vent drying out during the final dissection).
straight away. For long-term storage, wash the 10. Store at 4 °C in the dark, or begin the mount-
larvae once in 0.5xPBS- 50% methanol and ing procedure.
twice in 100% methanol before storing them
in 100% methanol at -20  °C.  In this case,  M  ounting Lymph Glands
serial rehydration steps in PBS of the samples for Microscopy
will be needed before use. Note however that 1. Place 10μl of mounting medium on a micro-
some epitopes are sensitive to methanol and scope slide.
may not be detected similarly as on freshly 2. Using fine forceps, transfer the carcasses next
prepared tissues. to the drop of mounting medium.
3. Under a stereomicroscope and using syringe  Immunostaining needles, carefully separate the lymph glands
Unless specified, all washes and incubations are from the other tissues. The lymph glands are
performed at room temperature on a rocking normally still attached to the ring gland and
platform. the brain on their anterior side and to the dor-
sal vessel on their posterior. Separate the ring
1. Discard 1xPBST, and permeabilize the tis- gland from the brain. You can then use the ring
sues by adding 1 ml of 1xPBS, 0.3% Triton gland or the dorsal vessel to drift the dissected
for 30 min. lymph gland into the mounting medium. Align
2. Discard permeabilization buffer, and wash as much as possible the lymph gland lobes
twice with 1 ml of 1xPBST. along their anterior-posterior axis, anterior to
3. Replace wash buffer with 1  ml blocking the left and posterior to the right. Proceed
solution (1xPBST, 1% BSA) for 30 min. similarly with the other larvae. Up to 16
4. Discard blocking solution, and replace with lymph glands can be prepared in 10  μl of
1xPBST containing the primary antibody mounting medium, but beginners may prefer
diluted at the appropriate concentration. Flip to split their samples between different slides.
the tube to mix well, and incubate overnight Discard the larval carcasses and remaining tis-
at 4 °C. Note: a minimal volume of 50 μl of sues from the slide.
diluted primary antibody can be used for 4. Place the 18 × 18mm coverslip to the left of
10–15 larvae. the lymph glands/drop of mounting medium,
5. Remove primary antibody, and wash with and lay it down slowly on the mounting
1 ml of 1xPBST for 10 min; repeat twice. medium to keep the lymph glands well posi-
6. Discard wash buffer, and add 500 μL of tioned. Note: other sizes of coverslip can be
1xPBST containing the secondary antibody used, in which case the amount of mounting
diluted at the appropriate concentration (usu- medium needs to be adjusted.
ally 1:1000). Mix well, and incubate for 4 h 5. Store the slides at 4 °C in the dark until imag-
in the dark. Overnight incubation at 4 °C is ing (usually by confocal microscopy).
also possible.
7. Discard secondary antibody, and wash with
1  ml of 1xPBST for 10  min in the dark; 11.3 Drosophila
repeat twice. and Leukemogenesis
8. Replace wash buffer with 1 ml of 1xPBST +
DNA stain (TO-PRO-3 or DAPI, 1:1000), The presence of hereditary tumors in Drosophila
and incubate 20 min in the dark. was reported one century ago (Stark 1919; Wilson
9. Discard DNA stain, and wash rapidly twice 1924), and the participation of blood cells in
with 1 ml of 1xPBST and twice with 1 ml of these tumors was described more than 60  years
1xPBS, and then transfer to 1xPBS 5% glyc- ago (Oftedal 1953; Rizki 1960). As we shall see
202 M. Boulet et al.

below, since then, many studies have used tumor formation. These include loss of function
Drosophila first to identify genes whose deregu- mutations in ribosomal proteins (Watson et  al.
lation causes these tumors and then to character- 1992), which could be related to human ribo-
ize the mode of action of conserved genes somopathies that are associated with predisposi-
mutated in human leukemia or to develop spe- tion to leukemia (Danilova and Gazda 2015), or
cific models for human leukemogenic proteins. activating mutation in the Toll/NF-κB pathway
(Qiu et al. 1998) that is also constitutively acti-
vated and promotes cell survival in a number of
11.3.1 Melanotic Tumor or hematological malignancies (Gasparini et  al.
Drosophila “Leukemia” 2014).
However, one important caveat of the “mela-
Historically, the first strategy to identify and notic tumors” is that they can arise from two dis-
characterize genes regulating blood cell develop- tinct origins: on the one hand, they can form as a
ment and potentially involved in leukemia has consequence of immune response to damaged
been to study melanotic tumor formation (Sang tissues, and on the other hand, they can be caused
and Burnet 1963; Sparrow 1974; Gateff 1978; by cell-autonomous deregulation of the hemato-
Gateff 1994; Watson et  al. 1994). These mela- poietic program (Wu et al. 2001; Minakhina and
notic masses, which are easily observable through Steward 2006; Avet-Rochex et  al. 2010; Zang
the cuticle of the larvae (or the adult), are mostly et al. 2015). Hence, their presence often reflects
composed of blood cells that have aggregated the spurious activation of the lamellocytes rather
together or around another tissue and have mela- than a leukemic-like process, and in-depth fol-
nized (Rizki and Rizki 1979, Minakhina and low-­up studies are necessary to delineate whether
Steward 2006). Their presence is generally asso- the function of these “melanotic tumor genes” is
ciated with increased blood cell numbers, more relevant to tissue homeostasis, immunity, or
enlarged or precociously ruptured lymph glands, blood cell cancer.
and lamellocyte differentiation. As such, they
might represent a model of leukemogenesis in
Drosophila, and, indeed, several genetic screens 11.3.2 From Melanotic Tumor
using this phenotype as a readout have been per- to Human Leukemia: The JAK/
formed to unveil new genes controlling blood cell STAT Pathway
homeostasis. These screens initially relied on
classical mutagenic events such as P-element-­ The most notorious example of “melanotic tumor
mediated insertion or EMS mutagenesis gene” whose study turned out to be highly sig-
(Hanratty and Ryerse 1981; Watson et al. 1991; nificant to human leukemia is certainly hopscotch
Torok et  al. 1993; Luo et  al. 1997; Wu et  al. (hop). Hop encodes the Drosophila homologue
2001). More recently the UAS/GAL4 system and of the JAK kinase, a key component of the
the advent of genome-wide UAS-RNAi libraries eponym JAK/STAT pathway, which mediates
made it possible to target gain or loss of function signaling from various cytokines (such as
specifically in the hematopoietic compartment Unpaired1, 2, and 3 in Drosophila or erythropoi-
(Zettervall et al. 2004; Stofanko et al. 2008; Avet-­ etin and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor in
Rochex et  al. 2010; McNerney et  al. 2013). human) and their cognate receptors (Amoyel
Importantly, enhancers and suppressors of mela- et al. 2014).
notic tumor genes can then be sought in modifier The mutation tumorous-lethal, an allele of hop
screens (Luo et al. 1995; Shi et al. 2006; Anderson (hopTum-l), was identified more than 40 years ago
et al. 2017), leading to further characterization of as a recessive lethal temperature-sensitive muta-
the pathways regulated by these genes (see tion associated with melanotic tumor formation
below). To date, more than 150 genes have been (Corwin and Hanratty 1976; Hanratty and Ryerse
identified that are associated with melanotic 1981). Importantly, the hypertrophic lymph
11 From Drosophila Blood Cells to Human Leukemia 203

glands of hopTum-l larvae are neoplastic and can Further studies in Drosophila blood cells have
give rise to lethal tumors upon serial transplanta- brought to light a number of modulators of the
tions into recipient adult flies (Hanratty and JAK/STAT pathway potentially implicated in leu-
Ryerse 1981, Luo et al. 1995) (Note: while sec- kemia. In particular, different genetic screens for
ondary transplantation is standard in mouse to second-site modifiers of hopTum-l-induced mela-
assess blood cell oncogenic transformation, this notic tumor formation have been performed. For
experiment is unfortunately seldom used in instance, using a set of genetic deficiencies
Drosophila). Molecular analyses showed that uncovering ± 70% of the Drosophila autosomes,
hopTum-l encodes a hyperactive Hop kinase due to Shi et al. identified more than 30 genes acting as
the G341E substitution in JAK homology domain dominant modifiers of hopTum-l -induced mela-
4 (JH4) (Harrison et al. 1995; Luo et al. 1995). notic tumor formation in the adult (Shi et  al.
Overexpression of HopTum-l in the lymph gland is 2006). Notably, they showed that JAK overactiva-
sufficient to induce lymph gland hypertrophy, tion promotes proliferation and tumorigenesis by
lamellocyte differentiation, and melanotic tumor counteracting heterochromatin gene silencing.
formation (Luo et al. 1995). Likewise, the HopT42 This effect seems to involve a noncanonical
allele, which causes similar phenotypes, also mechanism whereby the unphosphorylated
gives rise to a hyperactivated form of Hop due to STAT92E is targeted to the heterochromatin by
the E695K substitution in the JH2 domain (Luo the linker histone H1 and maintains heterochro-
et  al. 1997). The primary effect of these muta- matin protein 1 (HP1) localization and hetero-
tions is to activate in a ligand-independent man- chromatin stabilization (Shi et al. 2006, Xu et al.
ner the JAK/STAT pathway by phosphorylating 2014). A similar link between JAK/STAT and
transcription factors of the STAT family, thereby heterochromatin gene silencing has been observed
inducing their dimerization and nuclear translo- in human: unphosphorylated STAT5 was found to
cation. Consistent with this idea, decreasing the bind HP1α and stabilize heterochromatin (Hu
dosage of the Drosophila STAT factor STAT92E et al. 2013), while JAK2 activation was shown to
in hopTum-l larvae is sufficient to reduce melanotic displace HP1α from the heterochromatin, poten-
tumor incidence (Hou et al. 1996; Yan et al. 1996; tially by directly phosphorylating histone H3
Luo et  al. 1997; Shi et  al. 2006), whereas the (Dawson et al. 2009). Moreover, JAK2 promotes
overexpression of an active STAT92E induces the survival of primary mediastinal B cell lym-
melanotic tumor formation (Ekas et  al. 2010). phoma and Hodgkin lymphoma cells by promot-
These findings thus pointed toward an oncogenic ing heterochromatin formation in cooperation
role of the JAK/STAT pathway in leukemia. with the histone demethylase JMJD2C (Rui et al.
Strikingly, since 2005, it has been demonstrated 2010). It is thus possible that heterochromatin
that a functionally equivalent activating point alteration is implicated in MPN development, and
mutation in JAK2 (V617F, in the JH2 domain) is the role of unphosphorylated STAT in leukemia
one of the most common initiating events in vari- certainly deserves further investigations.
ous human myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN), Thanks to another deficiency screen for modi-
such as polycythemia vera, essential thrombocy- fiers of hopTum-l, Anderson et  al. recently found
tosis, or primary myelofibrosis (Jones et al. 2005; that the Hippo signaling pathway is activated by
Kralovics et  al. 2005; Levine et  al. 2005). This Hop and contributes to melanotic tumor develop-
mutation accounts for ±70% of MPN, and other ment by inducing blood cell proliferation in
point mutations or translocations leading to JAK2 peripheral larval hemocytes (Anderson et  al.
constitutive activation have been identified at 2017). On the other hand, Terriente-Felix et  al.
lesser frequencies in other hematopoietic malig- showed that JAK-induced hypertrophy of the
nancies (Kantarcioglu et  al. 2015; Vainchenker lymph gland was mediated by the p38 MAPK
and Kralovics 2017). Hence, understanding how pathway (Terriente-Felix et al. 2017). It will thus
JAK activation promotes leukemia has become a be interesting to test whether these two pathways
major issue. are activated in MPN and contribute to blood cell
204 M. Boulet et al.

Another modifiers of JAK/STAT overactiva- lation and of action of the JAK/STAT pathway
tion in Drosophila blood cells is abnormal wing relevant to blood cell transformation.
disc (awd) (Zinyk et al. 1993), the homologue of
the tumor suppressor Nm23. Awd regulates the
endocytosis of several receptors including the 11.3.3 Study of Leukemogenic
JAK/STAT pathway receptor Domeless (Dome) Proteins in Drosophila Non-­
(Nallamothu et al. 2008), and some evidence sug- Hematopoietic Tissues
gests that Nm23 is implicated in leukemia in
human (Lilly et al. 2015). Interestingly, Dome is The development of transgenic or knock-in ani-
required for Hop-induced lymph gland hypertro- mal models expressing a human leukemogenic
phy (Terriente-Felix et al. 2017), which is consis- protein has been instrumental to decipher how
tent with ex vivo experiments showing that these proteins interfere with the normal functions
JAK2V617F requires a cytokine receptor scaf- of the cells. Of course, mouse remains the preva-
fold for its transforming and signaling activities lent model for such studies (Kohnken et al. 2017),
(Lu et al. 2005). In addition, Hop induces a feed-­ but Drosophila offers a cost- and time-effective
forward loop by activating the expression of surrogate to assess in  vivo the function(s) and
Dome ligand Upd3, which also contributes to mode(s) of action of human proteins involved in
lymph gland hypertrophy (Terriente-Felix et  al. leukemia. While targeting their expression in
2017). Along the same line, JAK2 V617F-­ hematopoietic cells may seem most suitable (see
induced MPN in a mouse model seems to depend below), “ectopic” expression in unrelated tissue
on the expression of thrombopoietin and its can also present some advantages (e.g., tissue
receptor MPL (which is also subject to activating accessibility, previous knowledge of the system,
mutations in some MPN) (Sangkhae et al. 2014). available tools, etc.), and this approach has been
Hence, cytokine receptors may participate in used in a few cases in Drosophila.
JAK/STAT-induced blood cell proliferation by Actually, the first human leukemogenic pro-
several mechanisms. tein studied in Drosophila was BCR-ABL, the
Beside these in vivo studies, it is worth men- product of the notorious Philadelphia chromo-
tioning that Drosophila blood cell lines (such as some, which is responsible for almost all cases of
Kc167 or S2 cells) are particularly well suited for chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) and some
genome-wide RNAi screens. Using this approach, cases of acute lymphoid leukemia (ALL)
two studies identified more than 100 genes regu- (Mughal et al. 2016). BCR-ABL is generated by a
lating JAK/STAT-dependent transactivation of a balanced translocation between c-Abelson (Abl)
reporter gene (Baeg et  al. 2005; Muller et  al. on chromosome 9 and the breakpoint cluster
2005), including BRDWD3 and Ptp61F, which region (bcr) on chromosome 22. Depending on
also genetically interacted with hopTum-l in  vivo the location of the breakpoint within bcr, two
(Muller et al. 2005). Besides, transcriptomic pro- main fusion proteins are generated: p210 in most
filing in Kc167 cells and in larval tissue led to the CML and p185  in most ALL.  In both proteins,
identification of JAK/STAT target genes, some of the dimerization domain coded by bcr induces
which, like G protein a 73B, chinmo, or eukary- the constitutive activation of the tyrosine kinase
otic initiation factor 1A, contribute to hopTum-l-­ ABL. To gain insight into the respective mode of
induced hematopoietic tumor formation (Myrick action of these two isoforms, Fogerty et al. gener-
and Dearolf 2000; Bina et al. 2010; Flaherty et al. ated transgenic flies expressing p210 or p185
2010; Bausek and Zeidler 2014). Whether homo- human/fly chimeras (Fogerty et  al. 1999): BCR
logues of these genes are implicated in JAK/ and the N-terminal ABL were derived from
STAT signaling and leukemia in human certainly human, whereas the divergent C-terminal tail of
warrants further investigation. All together these ABL was from Drosophila. Both p210 and p185
data illustrate how a variety of approaches in rescued the lethality of dAbl mutant flies and acti-
Drosophila can highlight multiple levels of regu- vated ABL signaling pathway. Yet, their overex-
11 From Drosophila Blood Cells to Human Leukemia 205

pression generated distinct phenotypes and lines of evidence indicate that the binding of IKK
ectopically activated some pathways not kinases by Tax-1 and the ensuing activation of the
employed by ABL (Fogerty et al. 1999; Stevens NF-κB pathway are critical for T cell transforma-
et al. 2008). Further work using this model may tion. The expression of Tax-1 in the Drosophila
thus help to identify components of the BCR-­ eye or in the plasmatocytes, respectively, caused
ABL signaling cascades and the differences a rough eye phenotype and an increase in larval
underlying the distinct clinical features of p210- blood cell number (Shirinian et al. 2015). In con-
and p185-associated leukemia. trast, the expression of Tax-2, which is encoded
A similar strategy was employed to study two by the genetically related but non-oncogenic ret-
different leukemogenic fusions involving mixed rovirus HTLV-2, did not alter eye development or
lineage leukemia (MLL, also known as KMT2A hemocyte number. Moreover, further experiments
for lysine-specific methyltransferase 2A), which demonstrated that the deleterious function of
is translocated in 5–10% of patients with acute Tax-1  in the Drosophila eye was mediated by
myeloid or lymphoid leukemia (AML/ALL) activation of the NF-κB pathway. These findings
(Slany 2016, Yokoyama 2017). Mll is the homo- thus established that Drosophila could be used as
logue of Drosophila trithorax. It is the target of a genetic model to investigate the mode of action
more than 100 different chromosomal rearrange- of Tax-1 in cell transformation.
ments that result in the expression of a fusion pro- The above three examples illustrate how
tein between MLL, deprived of its PHD and SET works in non-hematopoietic tissues of Drosophila
domains, and the C-terminus of its partner. The can help to describe the activity of human leuke-
two most common translocation products are mogenic proteins. In each case, the expression of
MLL-AF9 in AML and MLL-AF4 in ALL. AF4 the oncogene gave rise to a robust phenotype
and AF9 interact with each other and also directly (rough eye for BCR-ABL and Tax-1, larval/pupal
recruit other transcriptional coactivator com- lethality for MLL-AF9 and MLL-AF4) that could
plexes. Using various drivers (including some be used as readouts in a modifier screen. Hence,
blood cell drivers), it was shown that the expres- further experiments exploiting the genetic tools
sion of MLL-AF4 or MLL-AF9 but not MLL available in Drosophila could undoubtedly bring
causes larval to pupal lethality (Muyrers-Chen interesting insights into the mode(s) of action of
et  al. 2004). In addition, these two fusions had these factors in vivo.
different effects on proliferation and chromo-
some condensation in larval brains and displayed
largely nonoverlapping binding patterns on poly- 11.3.4 Study of Leukemogenic
tene chromosomes. These findings thus suggested Proteins in Drosophila
that the C-terminal partners of the MLL fusion Hematopoietic Cells
proteins may modify differentially MLL activity
notably by regulating its targeting to distinct set A seemingly more relevant approach is to study
of genes. Consistent with this idea, recent ChIP- the function of human leukemogenic protein or
seq experiments in human leukemia cell lines that of their Drosophila counterparts, directly in
showed that MLL-AF4 and MLL-AF9 have dis- the fly hematopoietic system.
tinct binding site repertoires (Prange et al. 2017). The best example here is provided by studies
Finally, a recent study has developed a trans- of the transcription factor RUNX1 and of its
genic fly model for the transactivator Tax-1 oncogenic derivative RUNX1-ETO. RUNX1 is a
(Shirinian et  al. 2015). Tax-1 is encoded by the key regulator of several steps of blood cell devel-
human T cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1), a opment in vertebrates (de Bruijn and Dzierzak
retrovirus that causes an aggressive adult T cell 2017). Recurrent point mutations or transloca-
leukemia/lymphoma in ± 5% of infected individ- tions affecting RUNX1 are among the most fre-
uals (Bangham and Ratner 2015). Tax-1 is essen- quent genetic abnormalities in human leukemia
tial for HTLV-1 oncogenic properties, and several (Sood et al. 2017). For instance, the prototypical
206 M. Boulet et al.

t(8;21) translocation, which accounts for ±10% screening a panel of 231 deficiencies and 1500
of all cases of AML, gives rise to a fusion protein automosal insertional mutations, 10 suppressors
between RUNX1 DNA-binding domain and the and 12 enhancers of RUNX1-ETO-induced mel-
transcriptional corepressor ETO  (also known as anotic tumor formation/blood cell number
RUNX1T1). The resulting chimera, RUNX1-­ increase were identified. It will be thus of partic-
ETO, chiefly acts by interfering directly with the ular interest to test whether the homologues of
regulation of RUNX1 target genes. Understanding these genes also interfere with or promote
how deregulation of RUNX1 activity leads to RUNX1-ETO oncogenic activity in human.
hematological malignancies is thus a field of In a second case, RUNX1-ETO was expressed
intense investigation, and several RUNX1-ETO in the Lz+ blood cell lineage using the lz-GAL4
animal models have been developed in mouse, driver to mimic more closely the t(8;21) situation
zebrafish, and fly. Of note, in Drosophila, the (Osman et  al. 2009). As in mammals, it was
RUNX1 homologue Lozenge (Lz) is expressed in found that RUNX1-ETO interferes with the func-
the crystal cell lineage and is absolutely required tion of the endogenous RUNX protein Lz. This
for the development of this blood cell type led to the accumulation of a high number of Lz+
(Waltzer et  al. 2010). In addition, Lz is well cells that failed to differentiate in crystal cells.
known for its function in the eye where it regu- However, RUNX1-ETO did not solely behave as
lates photoreceptor and cone cell fate (Canon and a repressor on Lz target genes in the hematopoi-
Banerjee 2000). Besides an early study where etic system. Indeed, experiments in human
RUNX1-ETO was expressed in the Drosophila t(8;21)+ AML cell have since then revealed that
eye and found to interfere with Lz function by RUNX1-ETO binding can lead both to activation
acting as a constitutive transcriptional repressor and repression of its target genes (Ptasinska et al.
of two Lz target genes (Wildonger and Mann 2012). In addition, lz-driven expression of
2005), two concurrent studies investigated RUNX1-ETO caused pupal lethality. Using an
RUNX1-ETO impact on the development of in  vivo RNAi-based screen strategy, more than
Drosophila hematopoietic system (Osman et al. 2000 genes were individually knocked down in
2009, Sinenko et al. 2010). RUNX1-ETO-expressing cells to identify genes
In one case, RUNX1-ETO expression was that are cell-autonomously required for its activ-
induced in the majority of the circulating larval ity. Among the nine suppressors of RUNX1-­
blood cells using the hml-GAL4 driver (Sinenko ETO-­ induced lethality, the protease calpain B
et  al. 2010). Reminiscent of the phenotypes and the AAA+ ATPase RUVBL1/Pontin were
observed in mouse models, RUNX1-ETO expres- studied in more detail. Interestingly both are
sion caused a sharp increase in the number of cir- required for Lz+ blood cell number increase and
culating hemocytes along with an expansion of differentiation blockade caused by RUNX1-­
the immature blood cell population. This “leuke- ETO, while their knockdown or mutation does
mic” phenotype required RUNX1 DNA-binding not affect Lz+ blood cell development in a wild-­
activity and its interaction with its cofactor CBFß type situation (Osman et  al. 2009; Breig et  al.
as well as different domains of ETO known to 2014). It appears that calpain B is required for
interact with transcriptional corepressors. Further RUNX1-ETO stability in Lz+ cells (Osman et al.
analyses revealed that elevated ROS levels were 2009). Strikingly, in human, calpain inhibition
crucial for RUNX1-ETO-induced expansion of also causes RUNX1-ETO degradation and spe-
the immature blood cells in Drosophila, suggest- cifically impairs the viability and clonogenic
ing that a similar mechanism might participate in growth of t(8;21)+ AML cells, which are known
t(8;21)+ AML. Actually increased ROS levels are to depend on RUNX1-ETO expression.
observed in many cases of leukemia (Udensi and Therefore, the regulation of RUNX1-ETO by cal-
Tchounwou 2014). In addition, RUNX1-ETO pains seems conserved, and calpain inhibitors
expression was associated with the development might be used as therapeutic agents in leukemia.
of melanotic tumors (Sinenko et  al. 2010). By Similarly, works in human cell lines showed that
11 From Drosophila Blood Cells to Human Leukemia 207

Pontin expression is activated by RUNX1-ETO nancies (Gu et  al. 2016), a similar functional
and cooperates with this oncogene to sustain leu- relationship between RUNX1, MLF1, and Notch
kemic blood cell proliferation and survival (Breig might be at stake in human  blood cell
et  al. 2014). As RUNX1-ETO-expressing cells transformation.
appear sensitized to Pontin knockdown, recently A slightly different strategy was used to dis-
developed chemical inhibitors of its ATPase sect leukemia-associated isocitrate dehydroge-
activity might be useful therapeutic agents in nase (IDH) mutants in Drosophila. In that case,
t(8;21)+ AML. rather than using the human oncoproteins, the
Incidentally, other studies in Drosophila blood authors used a transgenic approach to drive the
cells have revealed a mechanism of regulation of expression of their Drosophila counterpart carry-
RUNX activity relevant to human AML. Myeloid ing homologous mutations. In human, somatic
leukemia factor (MLF) was found to be required mutations in conserved arginine residues within
for Lz-induced transactivation in a genome-wide the active sites of IDH1 and IDH2 are very fre-
RNAi screen in Kc167 cells (Gobert et al. 2010; quent in AML and in gliomas (Gagne et al. 2017).
Bras et al. 2012). In human, MLF1 was identified While IDH normally converts isocitrate into
as the target of a rare translocation in patients alpha-ketoglutarate (αKD), the mutated forms
with myelodysplastic syndrome and AML produce D2-hydroxyglutarate (D2-HG), an onco-
(Yoneda-Kato et al. 1996) and more recently as a metabolite that accumulates at high levels in can-
tumor suppressor in infant T cell acute lympho- cer tissues and inhibits the activity of
blastic leukemia (Mansur et  al. 2015). Yet the αKD-dependent enzymes, some of which are
function and mode of action of this conserved implicated in chromatin compaction, DNA meth-
family of protein remain largely unknown ylation, collagen modification, or response to
(Gobert et  al. 2012). Analyzing mlf function in hypoxia. To develop a genetically tractable model
Drosophila revealed that it regulates Lz+ cell for IDH-associated leukemia, Reitman et al. gen-
number by stabilizing Lz (Bras et  al. 2012). erated transgenic lines expressing mutated forms
Interestingly, the expression of human MLF1 can of the single Idh Drosophila gene (Reitman et al.
rescue mlf mutant defects, indicating that MLF 2015). The overexpression of these IDH mutants
function is conserved through evolution (Martin-­ in circulating larval hemocytes using the hml-­
Lanneree et al. 2006; Bras et al. 2012). Moreover, GAL4 driver caused an increase in blood cell
MLF1 appears to be required for RUNX1-ETO number, lamellocyte differentiation, and mela-
stable expression and the growth of t(8;21)+ AML notic tumor formation but also a rise in undiffer-
cells (Bras et  al. 2012). At the molecular level, entiated blood cells, similar to what is observed
MLF acts at least in part as a component of a con- in mouse models of IDH-mutated leukemia.
served Hsp70/DnaJ chaperon complex to pro- Interestingly, the severity of the phenotypes was
mote RUNX protein stability (Dyer et al. 2017, correlated with the level of D2-HG production.
Miller et al. 2017). Whether this chaperon com- Moreover, using a UAS-based co-expression
plex is also involved in RUNX-dependent AML strategy, enhancers and suppressors of IDH
remains to be assessed. Still it is interesting to mutant-associated phenotypes (melanotic tumor
note that haploinsufficient mutations in RUNX1 formation or wing expansion defects) were
are associated with AML, indicating that a tight sought. This screen suggested that the pheno-
regulation of its level is critical to prevent leuke- types of IDH mutants are caused by increased
mogenesis (Sood et al. 2017). In fly, reducing Lz levels of ROS, as observed in the case of RUNX1-­
level impairs Lz-mediated repression of Notch ETO (Sinenko et  al. 2010). In contrast to wild-­
and causes a myelodysplastic-like phenotype due type IDH that reduces NADP+ to NADPH to
to sustained overactivation of the Notch pathway produce αKG, mutant IDH consumes NADPH to
(Miller et al. 2017). Given the importance of acti- produce D2-HG (Gagne et al. 2017). Therefore a
vated Notch signaling in hematological malig- decreased level of NADPH (an important source
208 M. Boulet et al.

of reducing power) in IDH1/2-mutated cells 11.4 Conclusion

could interfere with ROS detoxification. It would
thus be interesting to further study the contribu- The various examples above show that works in
tion of ROS to IDH-associated leukemia in Drosophila can contribute to our understanding
humans. of leukemia pathogenesis. Drosophila seems par-
Finally a recent report investigated the conse- ticularly well suited to decipher the mechanisms
quences of expressing the human NUP98-­ of action of proteins involved in human leukemia
HOXA9 (NA9) fusion protein in the Drosophila that have clear homologues in fly. The use of
lymph gland (Baril et  al. 2017). Several HOX genetic interaction screen in Drosophila is an
transcription factors and their cofactors MEIS extremely powerful means to identify regulators
and PBX are deregulated in AML (Alharbi et al. or mediators of these leukemogenic proteins. In
2013). Similarly, recurrent chromosomal translo- addition, the relative simplicity of the fly hemato-
cations between NUP98, which encodes a poietic system offers a good opportunity to study
nucleoporin, and several partner genes, including its different components and the interaction
some HOX, occur in AML (Gough et al. 2011). between them at the cellular, developmental, and
Among them, the rare and high-risk t(7;11) molecular levels. Yet, the lack of clearly identi-
(p15;p15) translocation generates a fusion fied hematopoietic stem cells, the limited func-
between the N-terminal of NUP98 and the DNA-­ tional homologies between mammalian and
binding and heterodimerization domains of Drosophila blood cell types, or the more restricted
HoxA9. In Drosophila, hml-driven expression of set of genes known to control Drosophila hema-
NA9 in differentiating larval hemocytes caused a topoiesis also hamper the development of leuke-
massive increase in circulating blood cells as mia models in this system or at least restrain their
well as lymph gland hyperplasia, reminiscent of heuristic value. Still, there are means to take fur-
the myeloproliferative disease induced by NA9 in ther advantage of Drosophila hematopoietic sys-
mouse models (Baril et  al. 2017). Also, as in tem to develop more refined models of leukemia.
mammals, NA9 activity required interaction with Leukemia arises as a consequence of a limited
DNA and with PBX mediated by HoxA9 moiety. number of mutations. While most models in fly
Interestingly, NA9 expression in differentiating have focused on the expression of a single onco-
hemocytes not only increased the number of dif- genic factor, it is possible to generate Drosophila
ferentiated cells at the expanse of the blood cell avatars where the expression or function of mul-
progenitors but also altered PSC size and mor- tiple genes is modified in specific blood cell lin-
phology, indicating that NA9 affects lymph gland eages and/or in a temporal series. This could
niche/microenvironment nonautonomously. These bring important information as to the mecha-
phenotypes were due to defective PVR (PDGF/ nisms of oncogenic cooperation that drives blood
VEGF related) signaling, a receptor tyrosine cell transformation. Besides somatic mutations,
kinase (RTK) related to several mammalian RTK germline mutations, for instance, in RUNX1 or
involved in leukemia (Gough et  al. 2011). In GATA2, are associated with predisposition to
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interfering with RTK signaling. Importantly too, define the characteristics of Drosophila leukemic
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Diseases Associated with Mutation
of Replication and Repair Proteins 12
Sue Cotterill

Abstract Keywords
Alterations in proteins that function in DNA DNA replication · DNA repair · Disease ·
replication and repair have been implicated in Drosophila
the development of human diseases including
cancer, premature ageing, skeletal disorders,
mental retardation, microcephaly, and neuro-
degeneration. Drosophila has orthologues of 12.1 Introduction
most human replication and repair proteins
and high conservation of the relevant cellular Although specific cells such as immune cells are
pathways, thus providing a versatile system in programmed to generate large changes in their
which to study how these pathways are cor- chromosomal DNA and small errors fixed into
rupted leading to the diseased state. In this the DNA form the basis of evolution, in general,
chapter I will briefly review the diseases asso- cells expend a lot of energy maintaining the cor-
ciated with defects in replication and repair rect sequence of the DNA contained in the chro-
proteins and discuss how past and future stud- mosomes. Tightly co-ordinated complexes of
ies on the Drosophila orthologues of such proteins are responsible for the accurate copying
proteins can contribute to the dissection of DNA during DNA replication and for main-
of the mechanisms involved in disease taining DNA sequence in response to constant
development. bombardment from a wide range of physical and
chemical insults. Changes in the catalytic activi-
ties of these proteins, or of the way they interact
with each other, have deleterious effects for the
cell and lead to cellular malfunctioning and cell
death or disease.
This chapter will discuss how work in
Drosophila has and will impact the diseases that
arise from the presence of mutant replication and
S. Cotterill (*)
St Georges University London, London, UK repair proteins. It will focus mainly on the prob-
e-mail: s.cotterill@sgul.ac.uk lems caused by mutations in proteins that are

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 215

M. Yamaguchi (ed.), Drosophila Models for Human Diseases, Advances in Experimental Medicine
and Biology 1076, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-0529-0_12
216 S. Cotterill

directly involved in the catalysis of the processes. replisome complex via ubiquitination of the
In addition to these, there is large network of pro- MCM complex and resolution of topological
teins that are involved in signalling and co-­ issues. The full repertoire of proteins involved in
ordinating these processes, and mutations in the later step is unclear but almost certainly
many of these are also known to contribute to include topoisomerases and helicases.
human disease. These will not be discussed in The proteins involved in DNA replication,
any detail here, but information about these has their roles, and their known Drosophila ortho-
been well reviewed (Awasthi et  al. 2016; logues are summarised in Table 12.1. Drosophila
Blackford and Jackson 2017; Yazinski and Zou proteins corresponding to most of the major rep-
2016; Hustedt and Durocher 2016; Scanlon and lication proteins have been characterised.
Glazer 2015; DNA replication controls 2017). Drosophila ORCA and MCMbp proteins have
not been characterised. The Drosophila genome
does contain proteins with homology to both of
12.2 DNA Replication Pathways these proteins; however whether they are true
orthologues has yet to be established. Drosophila
DNA replication is a well-studied cellular pro- Treslin has also not been reported, and in this
cess, and there are a number of good recent case, no protein with significant sequence homol-
reviews of both the mechanism of replication ogy is present in the Drosophila genome.
(Fragkos et  al. 2015; Dewar and Walter 2017) Table 12.1 also shows diseases known to be
and DNA replication in Drosophila (Hua and associated with replication proteins. Most repli-
Orr-Weaver 2017). Replication is initiated at ori- cation proteins are not well represented in terms
gins of replication. The nature of replication ori- of specific diseases. This is probably because
gins differs between Saccharomyces cerevisiae, they are so intrinsic to cell function that most
which initiates replication in regions containing a changes are likely to cause lethality, and only
specific DNA sequence (the ARS sequence), and subtle changes allow life to progress long enough
other eukaryotes where origins are less localised for disease to develop.
and are not defined by one specific DNA
sequence. For eukaryotes apart from S. cerevi-
siae, origins and their characteristics are most 12.3 DNA Repair Pathways
likely defined by a combination of certain chro-
mosomal characteristics. Despite this proteins There are a wide variety of agents that can dam-
that carry out DNA replication are well conserved age DNA including both intrinsic factors (such as
from yeast to humans. replication errors and products generated during
Replication is initiated by formation of the normal cellular metabolism) and extrinsic factors
preRC complex consisting of the ORC complex (such as ionising radiation and DNA damaging
(ORC 1-6), cdc6, cdt1, and the MCM complex chemicals in the environment). There are, there-
(MCM2-7). This is activated by a series of phos- fore, a wide range of different pathways to deal
phorylation events to form the pre-initiation com- with the damage, each pathway showing specific-
plex (preIC), which is accompanied by the ity for a subset of different lesions. Some path-
loading of another set of proteins including ways deal with chemical alterations occurring
Treslin, Topbp1, DNA polymerase epsilon, the directly on nucleotide bases, e.g. direct reversals
GINS complex, cdc45, recQ4 mcm10, AND1/ deal with specific UV and chemically induced
Ctf4, and DNA polymerase alpha. Further phos- base changes (Yi and He 2013), nucleotide exci-
phorylation events allow loading of elongation sion repair (NER) largely deals with bulky lesions
proteins, initiation of replication, and full-scale such as those generated by UV damage (Schärer
synthesis of the leading and lagging strands. 2013), and base excision repair (BER) (Krokan
Termination of replication is a poorly understood and Bjørås 2013) deals with small non-helix-­
process but probably involves dissolution of the distorting base lesions such as those arising from
12  Diseases Associated with Mutation of Replication and Repair Proteins 217

Table 12.1  Replication proteins

Human protein Replication function (1–3) Disease related to mutation orthologue (4)
ORC 1-6 Component of preRC, central to Meier-Gorlin syndrome (5) Yes – all
defining origins replication
Cdc6 Component of preRC Meier-Gorlin syndrome (5) Yes
Cdt1 Component of preRC Meier-Gorlin syndrome (5) Yes
MCM 1-6 Component of preRC forms core of Meier-Gorlin syndrome Yes
CMG helicase needed for initiation and MCM4 disease (5) (6)
and elongation
Geminin Inhibitor cdt1 mcm loading Meier-Gorlin syndrome (7) Yes
Cdc45 Component of preIC, component of Meier-Gorlin syndrome (8) Yes
CMG helicase
GINS complex (the Go Component of preIC, component of No specific disorders Yes
Ichi Ni San proteins) CMG helicase reported
Mcm10 Component of preIC No specific disorders Yes
Treslin Component of preIC No specific disorders Not reported
RecQ4 Component of preIC RTS, BGS, and Yes
AND-1 (ctf4) Component of preIC and aids No specific disorders Yes
interaction CMG helicase and DNA reported
polymerase alpha
TopBp1 Component of preIC Breast cancer (10) Yes
Polymerase alpha Synthesises initiation primer and X-linked N syndrome (11) Yes
Okazaki fragment primers
Polymerase delta Bulk lagging strand synthesis Colon and endometrial Yes
cancer (12)
Polymerase epsilon Bulk leading-strand synthesis Colon and endometrial Yes
cancer (12)
RPA (RPA1-3) ssDNA-binding protein No specific disorders Yes
RFC (RFC1-5) Clamp loader for bulk synthesis No specific disorders Yes
polymerases reported
PCNA DNA clamp for bulk synthesis Cockayne-related disordera Yes
polymerases (13)
Mcmbp Unclear but may modulate MCM No specific disorders Not reported
complex activity reported
ORCA (LRWD1) Control of initiation of late-firing No specific disorders Not reported
origins reported
DNA2 Okazaki fragment processing Seckel syndrome (14) Yes b
FEN1 Okazaki fragment processing No specific disorders Yes
Ligase 1 Okazaki fragment joining No specific disorders Yes
Topoisomerases Relieving torsional stress generated by No specific disorders Yes
unwinding and synthesis reported
1. Burgers and Kunkel (2017) 2. Dewar and Walter (2017) 3. Fragkos et al. (2015) 4. Hua and Orr-Weaver (2017) 5.
Bicknell et al. (2011) 6. Vetro et al. (2017) 7. Burrage et al. (2015) 8. Fenwick et al. (2016) 9. Larizza et al. (2010) 10.
Karppinen et al. (2006) 11. Starokadomskyy et al. (2016) 12. Rayner et al. (2016) 13. Baple et al. (2014) 14. Shaheen
et al. (2014)
Probably through its role in repair
Probably through repair function
218 S. Cotterill

oxidative and alkylative damage. One pathway, however detailed discussions of these are outside
mismatch repair (Kunkel and Erie 2015), deals the scope of this article.
predominantly with the incorrect base incorpora-
tion during DNA replication. Additional separate
pathways exist to repair double-stranded breaks 12.4 Diseases of Replication
(DSBs) in DNA (Jasin and Rothstein 2013). and Repair Proteins
Lesions involving strand breakage are particu-
larly harmful, as they have the potential to cause Although mutations in replication and repair pro-
loss of information and generate translocation teins are most commonly associated with suscep-
between chromosomes. Interstrand cross-links tibility to cancer, they can also cause a large
are also potentially highly mutagenic. These have number of other disorders which show a surpris-
their own specific repair pathway (Hashimoto ing variety of symptoms. For many of these dis-
et al. 2016) which includes some unique proteins orders, there is a high degree of overlap in
but in addition also co-opts proteins from other symptoms. This is probably because mutations in
repair pathways. Finally there are particular replication and repair proteins interfere with the
mechanisms which deal with problems in ongo- same cellular processes; therefore the types of
ing replication, some of which are ‘error prone’ changes that result, and their consequences, are
such as translesion synthesis, and others which similar. However this does call into question
are more accurate such as strand switch bypass whether all of these disorders are truly distinct
(Branzei and Szakal 2016). Many of these pro- diseases, and in fact in many cases proteins that
cesses have been well discussed in recent reviews function in the same pathway are recognised as
and won’t be discussed in detail here, but the pro- causing the same disease. There are also a few
teins that are thought to catalyse these processes, examples where mutations in a protein can cause
together with their biochemical function and dis- different symptoms depending on the position of
eases associated with them, are shown in the mutation (discussed later). This may be
Table 12.2. This table also shows the Drosophila because a protein functions in multiple repair
orthologues for these proteins. For repair the pathways, or may have both replication and
Drosophila repertoire is less complete than for repair function, so that mutations in different
replication (reviewed (Sekelsky et  al. 2000; regions of the protein might have a differential
Sekelsky 2017)), but most of the pathways still effect on outcome. For some multi-pathway pro-
seem to exist in Drosophila to some extent. teins, the pathways affected by individual muta-
Specific details are included in the relevant sec- tions are known, and for others it has yet to be
tions below. determined.
Repair proteins are more likely to cause dis-
ease than replication proteins. This could be due
to the fact that there is some degree of redun- 12.4.1 Cancers
dancy between pathways. It could also be related
to the fact that most proteins involved in repair Mutations in many repair and replication proteins
pathways are needed by the cell under more lim- show a general cancer predisposition. In most cases
ited conditions, and so alterations in these pro- this general predisposition can manifest in multiple
teins can be tolerated sufficiently well for an different types of cancers in multiple tissues. For
individual to survive for a significant amount of proteins that have specific disease associations, the
time. cancer predisposition may be part of the symptoms
In addition to the catalytic proteins, there are of the disease, but it can also be independent of the
an especially large number of proteins involved disease and related to particular and different muta-
in control of DNA repair, particularly in signal- tions in the protein. In a few cases, mutations in
ling pathways. Some of these are well known and specific replication and repair proteins can be
well studied, for instance, p53, and ATM, ATR; shown to be causative for particular cancers.
12  Diseases Associated with Mutation of Replication and Repair Proteins 219 Breast Cancer Apart from colon and endometrial cancers, indi-
Proteins involved in the homologous recombina- viduals with mutations in mismatch repair pro-
tion pathway of DSB repair have been shown to teins can also get cancers of the stomach, liver,
be causative for the development of breast and gall bladder urinary tract, brain, and skin. There
ovarian cancers (Scott 2004). The best known of is also a particular subtype Muir Torre (lynch II)
these are the BRCA1 and BRCA2 (O’Donovan that is associated with sebaceous skin tumours.
and Livingston 2010) proteins; however breast Mismatch repair has been seen to occur in
cancer is also associated with mutations in other Drosophila even though it is missing half of the
proteins in the same pathway, specifically in components  – there are no Drosophila ortho-
abraxas (Solyom et al. 2012) and rap80 (Nikkilä logues of msh3, mlh3, pms1, msh1, msh4/5
et al. 2009). A similar link has also been proposed (Sekelsky 2017). It is likely that the roles of the
for the replication repair protein Topbp1 missing proteins have been taken on by other pro-
(Karppinen et al. 2006). teins in the pathway. Although details of how this
Drosophila has a somewhat stripped down occurs are unclear, the observation that many of
pathway for homologous recombination (see the proteins involved in MMR in humans act as
Table 12.2). Although it retains most of the pro- hetero-dimers suggests that this could be a plau-
teins involved in the basic catalytic process, there sible scenario (Kunkel and Erie 2015).
are some notable missing components such as A milder type of familial adenomatous pol-
orthologues of BRCA1 complex proteins, includ- yposis, called autosomal recessive familial ade-
ing BRCA1 itself. In humans several rad51 nomatous polyposis, has been associated with
homologues are involved in the homology search; mutations in the Mutyh glycosylase protein
Drosophila has retained a Rad51 orthologue but (Lipton and Tomlinson 2006)  – a BER protein
lacks rad52, which helps rad51 in the search pro- that is missing in Drosophila. This is distinct
cess. The TR complex is also incomplete; the from Lynch syndrome due to the presence of
BLM and topo III components are present, but large numbers of polyps before cancer
RM1 and RM2 are missing. Drosophila also does development.
not appear to possess orthologues of the E3 ubiq- More recently, germline mutations in the rep-
uitin ligases (RNF8 and RNF168, which trans- licative DNA polymerases delta and epsilon have
duce the DNA double-stranded break response also been shown to be responsible for some types
signal by ubiquitinating DSB sites on H2a and of colon and endometrial cancers (Rayner et al.
H2aX proteins (Mattiroli et al. 2012). 2016). These can be distinguished from other
types of colon cancer due to a lack of microsatel- Colon Cancer lite instability (MSI). Somatic mutations in DNA
Various types of colon cancers are associated polymerase epsilon are also associated with very
with alterations in the mismatch repair pathway. high mutation rate in tumours. The earliest poly-
Mismatch repair is required to deal with errors merase mutations that were shown to be caus-
generated during DNA replication and so is likely ative for cancer development were seen in the
to be more important in tissues that have a high exonuclease region of the polymerase, which is
cellular turn over. These would include the lining concerned with maintaining fidelity. However
of the gut and endometrium, and in fact endome- loss of exonuclease activity cannot be the only
trial cancers are also associated with mutation of mechanism involved as some mutants retain par-
mismatch repair proteins. tial activity. In addition loss of exonuclease activ-
The best-studied type of colon cancer involv- ity alone cannot explain the hypermutation
ing mutations in MMR proteins is called Lynch phenotype.
syndrome (HNPCC) (Lynch et al. 2015). This is Mutations in the other replicative poly-
associated with mutations in the mlh1, msh2, merase – polymerase alpha – have not been asso-
msh6, and pms2 proteins and is characterised by ciated with colon cancer but instead are seen to
lack of polyp formation prior to cancer onset. cause X-linked N syndrome. This has some colon
220 S. Cotterill

Table 12.2  Repair proteins

Disease association (details in
text – note not including Drosophila orthologues
Pathway Proteins cancer predisposition) reported/missing
NER (Global) ERCC1, XPA, XPB(ERCC3), Xeroderma pigmentosum, All present
ERCC4/XPF, ERCC 5/XPG, trichothiodystrophy (3)
NER (TCR) As above except not XPC and Cockaynes, cerebro-oculo-­ Missing
transcription-­ plus ERCC6 and ERCC8 (1) facio-skeletal syndrome (4), ERCC6, ERCC8
coupled specific De Sanctis syndrome (5)
Interstrand FANCA, FANCB, FANCC, Fanconi anaemia (7, 8) Reported
cross-link FANCD1 (BRCA2), FANCD2, FANCD1(BRCA2),
(palb2), FANCO (RAD51c), (SLX4), FANCQ (ERCC4),
FAN1 (6)
Base excision Glycosylases (>11 specific for Mutyh glycosylase Fewer glycosylases
repair/SSBR different lesions, APE1, (HAP1/ Familial adrenomatous (10) No mutyh
apex), APE2 DNA polymerase 1 unique ung
beta, ligase 1/Lig3, PARP, No pol beta
XRCC1 1APE and missing aprataxin
SSBR does not use glycosylases
but needs aprataxin (APTX) and
TDP1 (9)
Mismatch MSH2, MSH3,MSH6, Lynch syndrome, Muir Torre Missing msh3, mlh3 and
repair MLH1,MLH3, PMS1,PMS2, (lynch II) (12) pms1, msh1, msh4/5
MSH1 (mitochondrial)
MSH4/5 (meiotic) (11)
Homologous MRN, Ctip, BRCA1 complex, Breast cancer, Missing BRCA1 complex,
recombination (BRCA1, BARD, abraxas, lymphomas,(14) ataxia-­ rnf8, rnf168 rad51b, rad52,
BRCC36, rap80, BRE, NBA1), related disorders, (15) RM1,RM2
BRCA2, RNF8, RNF168, ubc13, Nijmegen breakage
MDC1, RAD51b/c/d, rad52, syndrome (NBS), and
XRCC2/3, rad54, DNA ligase 1, related disorders, (16, 17)
DNA2, EXO1, TR complex Subtypes Seckel syndrome
(BLM, topo IIIα, RMI1, RMI2) (18)
(13) Riddle syndrome (19)
Blooms syndrome (20)
ciliopathies (21)
Mcm8/9 associated with HR after Premature ovarian failure Missing Mcm9
ICL repair (22)
12  Diseases Associated with Mutation of Replication and Repair Proteins 221

Table 12.2 (continued)
Disease association (details in
text – note not including Drosophila orthologues
Pathway Proteins cancer predisposition) reported/missing
Nhej MRN, 53BP1, KU, DNAPKCs, SCID related (23, 24) Missing 53 bp1, dnapkcs,
WRN, pol beta, XRCC4, DNA Ataxia related, NBS related pol beta,
ligase 4, XLF (as above) Pol lambda or pol mu and
Polmu, pol lambda Lig4 disease (25) WRN split
Werner syndrome (26)
alt nhej MRN, 53 bp1, FEN1, pnpk, Early infantile epileptic
XRCC1, DNA ligase 3 encephalopathy (27)
Pol theta (13)
Vdj joining Rag1/2, KU, DNAPKCs, Artemis Missing Artemis,
Translesion Pol eta, iota, kappa, zeta REV1, PrimPol high myopia Missing pol kappa, PrimPol,
synthesis PrimPol (synthesis across and rad18
restart after lesion) RAD6,
RAD18 (28)
Strand switch RAD51, EXO1, TR complex, SMArcal1 – SCHIMKE Missing RM1, RM2,
bypass RAD6, RAD18, MMS2, Ubc13, IMMUNOOSSEOUS ZRANB3, Drosophila
HLTF, SHPRH DYSPLASIA – although smarcal1 (marcal1) does not
ZRANB3, SMARCAL1 (28) likely to be via transcription have the same properties
not replication role (29)
Direct reversal Photolyase, alkyltransferases, No specific reported Representatives of all types
alkb dioxygenases (30)
1. Schärer (2013) 2. DiGiovanna and Kraemer (2012) 3. Hashimoto and Egly (2009) 4. Natale (2011) 5. Rahbar and
Naraghi (2015) 6. Hashimoto et al. (2016) 7. Walden and Deans (2014) 8. Zhou et al. (2012) 9. Krokan and Bjørås
(2013) 10. Lipton and Tomlinson (2006) 11. Kunkel and Erie (2015) 12. Lynch et al. (2015) 13. Jasin and Rothstein
(2013) 14. Scott (2004) 15. Taylor et al. (2004) 16. Chrzanowska et al. (2012) 17. Waltes et al. (2009) 18. Qvist et al.
(2011) 19. Mattiroli et al. (2012) 20. Ellis et al. (1995) 21. Chaki et al. (2012) 22. Bouali et al. (2017) 23. Mathieu et al.
(2015) 24. Dvorak and Cowan (2010) 25. Chistiakov et al. (2009) 26. Yu et al. (1996) 27. Shen et al. (2010) 28. Branzei
and Szakal (2016) 29. Yi and He (2013)

association causing enterocolitis; however the often severe respiratory infections, poor growth,
other symptoms are more diverse including eczema-like rashes, chronic diarrhoea, and recur-
recurrent infections and sterile inflammation in rent oral thrush. However the symptoms vary
various organs, diffuse skin hyperpigmentation, depending on the exact protein and mutation, for
lack of sweating, and corneal inflammation and instance, in DNA-PKS – SCID, there is often no
scarring (Starokadomskyy et al. 2016). growth delay, but microcephaly is seen.
Lig4 disease (Chistiakov et al. 2009), although
not classified as SCID, shows similar features of
12.4.2 Immune Deficiency Diseases immunodeficiency coupled with developmental
delay, odd facial features, microcephaly, radio-
As well as being cancer associated, the NHEJ sensitivity, and skin and blood abnormalities.
repair proteins XLF (NHEJ1), DNA-PKcS, and Most of the above NHEJ proteins are particu-
artemis have been associated with minor sub- larly associated with the use of the NHEJ path-
groups of the immunodeficiency disorder SCID way in the vdj recombination pathway in immune
(Dvorak and Cowan 2010; Mathieu et al. 2015). cells, and it is likely that the immune symptoms
The general symptoms of SCID are frequent and are caused by problems in this pathway rather
222 S. Cotterill

than general repair of DNA damage. Consistent 12.4.4 Triplet Disorders

with the roles of these proteins, Drosophila has
orthologues of XLF and lig4 – both of which are Malfunctioning of the replication elongation pro-
involved in DNA repair-based NHEJ – but lacks teins, conserved in all species including
orthologues of PKcS and artemis which only act Drosophila, has been suggested to be involved in
in vdj recombination.(Sekelsky 2017). variation of repeat numbers in triplet disorders.
However at this point, no particular gene has
been specifically tied into the process. An earlier
12.4.3 Ataxia-Related Disorders suggestion for a specific involvement of FEN1
did not stand up to further scrutiny (Otto et  al.
Ataxia telangiectasia-like disorder (ATLD) is 2001). In addition, the involvement of replication
caused by the loss of the DSBR protein Mre11 proteins in triplet disorders is in generation of the
(Taylor et  al. 2004). Patients lack telangiectasia repeats, rather than the actual disease itself. For
and do not have widespread immune deficien- these reasons, and also because triplet disorders
cies, but cancer predisposition has hypersensitiv- are discussed in more detail in another chapter in
ity to ionising radiation, cerebellar degeneration, this book, they will not be discussed further here.
progressive cerebellar ataxia, slurred speech, and
abnormal eye movements. Mre11 is involved in
both HR and NHEJ (Jasin and Rothstein 2013), 12.4.5 Pleiotropic Disorders
and so it is not clear which is the affected path-
way; however three other proteins involved in the Mutations in many replication and repair proteins
NHEJ pathway of DSBR have also been shown are associated with diseases that cause a wide
to cause related ataxia-associated disorders: Pnkp range of symptoms with variable penetrance. In
(polynucleotide kinase 3′-phosphatase) (ataxia-­ addition, there is often a large amount of overlap
oculomotor apraxia), XRCC1 (spinocerebellar between the diseases caused by different proteins
ataxia), and XRCC4, the latter giving both ataxia and pathways. Table 12.3 shows a comparison of
microcephaly and short stature. (Bras et al. 2015; the symptoms between these pleiotropic
Guo et al. 2015; Hoch et al. 2017). disorders.
Mutations in PNKP can also cause one form
of early infantile epileptic encephalopathy (Shen Diseases Caused
et  al. 2010). This is not ataxia related but, like by Mutations in NER
mutations in XRCC4, can cause microcephaly, Pathway Proteins
seizures, and severe mental and physical devel- The global NER pathway in Drosophila is com-
opmental delay. pletely conserved, although Drosophila appears
Consistent with the importance of NHEJ in to totally lack the proteins associated with the
dsb repair, Drosophila is fully competent to carry transcription-coupled branch of the pathway
out the process, and retains orthologues for most (Sekelsky 2017). In addition there is no evidence
of the proteins involved, and all of those that have that Drosophila carries out transcription-coupled
been associated with ataxias (Sekelsky 2017). A NER (de Cock et  al. 1992). Therefore it is
surprising exception to the conservation of NHEJ unlikely that the actions of missing TcNER pro-
proteins in Drosophila is the lack of 53  bp1, teins are substituted by other proteins, as seems
which in mammals seems to be important for the to be the case for missing repair proteins in other
recognition of the dsb and the choice of repair repair pathways in Drosophila. Mutations in
pathway. However, one way 53 bp1 has been sug- NER proteins cause several disorders with over-
gested to influence pathway choice is via compe- lapping symptoms:
tition with BRCA1, and since Drosophila lacks
BRCA1, perhaps the lack of 53 bp1 is more toler- Xeroderma Pigmentosum (XP)  is perhaps the
able (Malewicz 2016). most well known of the diseases caused by defec-
Table 12.3  Diseases with pleiotropic symptoms
facial Short Micro- Neurological Development Eye Skin Skeletal
Disease features stature cephaly problems abnormalities Photosensitivity problems changes Tumours abnormalities infertility other
XP × × Pigment The skin Premature skin
CSA/CSB × × × Delay × × × Cold hands and
feet, hearing and
vision loss
De Sanctis × × × × × skin × Premature skin
Trichothiodystrophy Rare Rare Delay (rare) Rare × Scaly Brittle hair, no
FA × × × Urogenital/ The head, × × Bone marrow
kidneys neck, skin GI, failure
and genital
tract, AML
CIN Delay Progressive kidney
disease, abnormal
liver function,
12  Diseases Associated with Mutation of Replication and Repair Proteins

insufficiency, NK
cell deficiency,
and mild recurrent
MCM8 disease Premature ovarian
Seckel syndrome × × × Delay Haematological
MGS × × × × Breathing
FGD × × × × × × × Recurrent
Table 12.3 (continued)

facial Short Micro- Neurological Development Eye Skin Skeletal
Disease features stature cephaly problems abnormalities Photosensitivity problems changes Tumours abnormalities infertility other
NBS × × × × Lymph × Radiation
respiratory tract
NBS like × × × × Lymph × Radiation
respiratory tract
SIHIWES × × × × Cardiac/ × Hearing
urogenital impairment
NPHP-RC × × Kidney problems
BLM × × Mild × Pigment × Mild Increased risk
diabetes, mild
immune problems
WRN × Early-­onset ageing
and age-related
RTS/BGS/RAP × × × GI/genital Pigment Osteosarcoma, × × Early-­onset
basal/ ageing, sparse hair
squamous cell eyebrows and
carcinoma eyelashes, GI
References as in Table 12.2
S. Cotterill
12  Diseases Associated with Mutation of Replication and Repair Proteins 225

tive NER.  This is associated with mutations of of sweating. Rarely patients also show some of
ERCC1, XPA, XPB(ERCC3), XPC, XPD/ERCC the more serious symptoms associated with CS,
2, DDB2/XPE, ERCC4/XPF, ERCC 5/XPG, but as for CS, there is no increased incidence of
POLH/XPV.  Symptoms of XP are largely con- skin cancer (Hashimoto and Egly 2009).
fined to the skin and eyes, with the exact severity
and penetrance of the symptoms somewhat Fanconi Anaemia (FA)
dependent on the exact protein mutated and the Mutations of the proteins responsible for the
position of the mutation (DiGiovanna and repair of interstrand cross-links cause Fanconi
Kraemer 2012). anaemia (Walden and Deans 2014). This includes
mutations both in proteins specific to ICL repair
and those that have dual function in ICL and
Cockaynes Syndrome (CSA/B)  is also associated other repair pathways and mutations causing FA
with mutations in proteins that function in NER, have been seen in 20 different proteins (see
specifically in this case with the proteins that are Table  12.2). As for other repair-/replication-­
involved in the transcription-coupled branch of related pleiotropic disorders, the exact manifesta-
the pathway ERCC6 and ERCC8, although muta- tion of the symptoms and disease classification is
tions in PCNA also cause a related disorder. The dependent on the protein and the position of the
symptoms of CS are more severe than for XP and mutation. FA is characterised by skeletal and
not just confined to the skin and eyes. In addition developmental defects, infertility and bone mar-
to photosensitivity (sunburn/skin blistering), CS row failure, together with an increased risk for
causes changes in development, skeletal defects, cancer particularly AML.
neurological defects and hearing and vision loss. A related disease, chromic interstitial nephri-
CSA is associated with changes in ERCC8. CSB tis (CIN), is caused by mutations in the nuclease
is the more severe form of the disease associated FAN1 (fancd2/fanci-associated nuclease gene 1)
with mutation of ERCC6 and also known as (Zhou et al. 2012). This lacks many of the symp-
cerebro-­occular-facio-skeletal syndrome. This toms of FA, perhaps because its actions are
manifests much earlier than CSA, sometimes thought to be somewhat independent of the main
prenatally, and the symptoms are much more pro- FA pathway proteins but manifests as progressive
nounced. Notably, unlike XP, CS is not associ- chronic kidney disease, mild and recurrent respi-
ated with increased incidence of skin cancer ratory tract infections, abnormal liver function,
(Natale 2011). growth retardation with additional defects of
adrenal insufficiency and NK cell deficiency.
Although MCM8 and 9 are associated with
De Sanctis Syndrome  is also associated with HR during ICL repair (Nishimura et  al. 2012),
mutations in the ERCC6 protein – but at different they have not been associated with FA; however
sites to those seen in CSB. Symptoms are similar mutations in MCM8 have been seen to cause pre-
to those of XP but also include neurological, fer- mature ovarian failure (Bouali et al. 2017).
tility and skeletal complications (Rahbar and As for other repair pathways, Drosophila
Naraghi 2015). appears to be competent to carry out ICL repair
but apparently possesses a more minimal collec-
tion of FA-related proteins, showing orthologues
Trichothiodystrophy  is not always associated for only 9 of the 19 human proteins regarded as
with altered NER; however 80% of individuals FA group proteins and lacking both Fan1 and
diagnosed with this condition also show muta- mcm9 (Sekelsky 2017).
tions in the NER pathway proteins ERCC2 and
ERCC33. It is milder than the other NER-­ Seckel Syndrome
associated diseases, with the main symptoms For this disorder and the related disorder autoso-
being cloudy lens, brittle hair, scaly skin and lack mal dominant OCS, most of the mutations are
226 S. Cotterill

seen in the ATR protein (Alderton et al. 2004) – a ated with changes in non-replication-related
protein involved in signalling the presence of genes, and only a small fraction of cases are asso-
DNA damage. However a small percentage of ciated with MCM4 deficiency. The mechanism
cases of Seckel syndrome seem to be associated by which mcm4 causes this disorder and whether
with mutations of the DNA2 protein which func- other members of the MCM complex can cause
tions both in repair (Shaheen et al. 2014) and in similar disorders is not clear.
the maturation of Okazaki fragments during rep-
lication and the Ctip protein (Qvist et  al. 2011) NBS (Nijmegen Breakage
which acts in DSB repair to promote strand Syndrome)-Related
resection. Orthologues of both of these proteins Syndromes
are present in Drosophila. Seckel syndrome is This group of disorders is caused by mutations in
associated with developmental disorders similar proteins that are involved in dsb repair, and the
to other repair/replication diseases, but although proteins involved are almost all conserved in
it causes haematological abnormalities is not Drosophila. The proteins are mostly associated
associated with cancer predisposition. with the HR repair pathway, although proteins
that form part of the MRN complex are involved Meier-Gorlin Syndrome in both HR and NHEJ.  NBS is associated with
(MGS) mutation of NBN (Chrzanowska et  al. 2012),
Unlike most of the other diseases discussed so far, which forms part of the MRN complex with
MGS appears to be caused by defective DNA rep- mre11 and rad50. Mutations in another compo-
lication rather than repair. Despite this there is a nent of the complex, rad50, cause, NBS like syn-
large overlap with the previously discussed repair- drome (Waltes et al. 2009).
related disorders in terms of the skeletal and devel- The symptoms of the diseases associated with
opment abnormalities that are observed. Unlike deficiencies in these proteins are very similar and
most of these however MGS is not cancer related. also show a high degree of overlap with other dis-
MGS is associated with alterations in well-­ eases caused by repair and replication proteins
conserved proteins that are involved in the initia- (Table  12.3). However there is some variation
tion of DNA replication and many in the original between them, for instance, NBS is associated
preRC complex, specifically ORC1, ORC4, with immunodeficiency, whereas NBS-like syn-
ORC6, cdt1, cdc6, geminin and MCM5 (Bicknell drome is not.
et al. 2011; Burrage et al. 2015; Vetro et al. 2017). Another disorder that shows similar features is
More recently mutation of CDC45 a preIC com- Riddle syndrome, which is associated with muta-
ponent and part of the replicative CMG helicase tion of Rnf168 an E3 ubiquitin ligases ring finger
has also been detected in an MGS patient. protein involved in HR but which is lacking in
(Fenwick et al. 2016). Drosophila (Stewart et  al. 2009) (http://www.
The MCM4 protein is also part of the preRC ensembl).
and forms part of a complex with MCM5. MRE11 mutations have not been linked to
However, mutations in MCM4 have not so far NBS-related syndromes but in addition to ATLD
been identified as associated with MGS but have are responsible for nephronophthisis-related cil-
been linked with a mild form of another disor- iopathies (NPHP-RC), a group of recessive dis-
der  – familial glucocorticoid deficiency (FGD) eases that affect the kidney, retina and brain
(Meimaridou et al. 2013). Although there is some (Chaki et al. 2012).
overlap in symptoms with MGS, the predominant
mechanism of these changes seems to be via glu-
cocorticoid and NK cell deficiency and adrenal 12.4.6 Monogenic Syndromes
insufficiency. Individuals have mild susceptibil-
ity to cross-linking agents and are slightly cancer Some replication/repair disorders have so far
prone. This disorder is more commonly associ- only been linked to mutation in one individual
12  Diseases Associated with Mutation of Replication and Repair Proteins 227

protein. This does not rule out the possibility that, Rothmund-Thomson/
with more study, other genes may be linked to Baller-­Gerold/RAPADILINO
these disorders. In addition the symptoms of Syndromes
these monogenic syndromes often show high A third RecQ helicase, RecQ4 (RecQL4), shows
overlap with other replication and repair-related mutations in the coding region in more than 80%
disorders suggesting some commonality in their of sufferers from these three disorders (Larizza
mechanism of generation. Some monogenic dis- et  al. 2010). They are usually treated as three
orders have been mentioned in previous sections separate disorders but are more likely variations
of the chapter, for instance, MCM4- and MCM8-­ of the same disorder. RecQ4 has both replication
related diseases. Others have not been well stud- and repair roles associated with the N and C ter-
ied, for instance, the high myopia associated with minus of the protein, respectively. The position of
PrimPol mutations. In contrast monogenic dis- disease-associated mutations suggests that it is
eases associated with mutations in RecQ heli- likely to be the loss of the repair function which
cases have received significant attention. Humans is causative; however the exact pathway affected
have five RecQ helicases, but only three of them has yet to be determined as RecQ4 has been sug-
wrn, blm and Recq4 have well-characterised dis- gested to act in multiple pathways. All of the dis-
ease association (Croteau et al. 2014). Drosophila eases show a range of overlapping developmental,
has three intact RecQ helicases including BLM skeletal and skin abnormalities. They also all
and RecQ4 and a fourth – the WRN orthologue show infertility, early-onset ageing and cancer
which is represented only by a homologous predisposition. BGS in addition shows unusual
C-terminal exonuclease domain (Sekelsky 2017; head shape, prematurely fused skull bones and
Saunders et al. 2008). mental retardation. RAP shows the common fea-
tures plus loss of kneecaps, cleft palate and café Blooms Syndrome au lait spots. As for other disorders, the severity
This is caused by mutations in RecQ family heli- and penetrance of the disease vary with the posi-
case Blooms (BLM) which appears to function in tion of the mutation along the genome.
several repair pathways as part of the TR com-
plex (Ellis et al. 1995). This shows symptoms a
wide range of symptoms similar to those caused 12.4.7 Diseases Caused by Defects
by deficiencies in other repair proteins but par- in Mitochondrial Replication
ticularly characterised by a butterfly-shaped and Repair
patch red skin on the nose and cheeks.
Mitochondrial DNA replication is carried out Werner’s Syndrome mainly by specific mitochondrial proteins; how-
Mutations in another RecQ family helicase, ever some nuclear replication proteins have also
Werner’s helicase, which functions in DSBR, are been shown to be important. Nuclear proteins are
responsible for this syndrome (Yu et  al. 1996), also important for mitochondrial DNA repair due
which manifests quite distinctly from most of the to the apparent lack of dedicated mitochondrial
other diseases discussed in this chapter. The pre- repair pathways. It is likely that the redundancy
dominant symptom of this disorder is early-onset of the mitochondrial genome makes DNA repair
ageing (symptoms appearing in sufferers in their capability less important for mitochondria, and in
20s). These individuals also suffer from a number fact these organelles possess mechanisms which
of age-related diseases, thin arms and legs and promote the breakdown of genomes which are
abnormal fat deposition in trunk and cancer too badly damaged (Alexeyev et  al. 2013). The
predisposition. mitochondrial-specific replication proteins in
228 S. Cotterill

most eukaryotes including Drosophila are a DNA cause vision-related problems. Mutations in
polymerase (pol gamma) and a helicase (twin- PrimPol, a protein carrying both polymerase and
kle), and both of these show disease association primase activities, are thought to be causative for
(Table  12.4). These diseases mainly manifest high myopia, and mutations in DNA 2 are associ-
with mtDNA depletion leading to a reduced or ated with progressive external ophthalmoplegia.
suboptimal mitochondrial function. In addition to the core symptoms, many
women with PEO from POLG mutations go Mutations in DNA through early menopause and suffer from high
Polymerase Gamma gonadotropin and low oestrogen concentrations,
Polymerase gamma is the dedicated DNA poly- indicative of premature ovarian failure. Another
merase associated with mitochondrial replication observation that may be significant is that coseg-
and consists of two subunits. Mutations in this regation of parkinsonism with mutations in
protein lead to a several recognised disorders all POLG gene has been described in two individu-
of which show a subset of a range of symptoms als with adPEO.
(Copeland and Longley 2014; Copeland 2012)
including slow growth, progressive spastic Mutations in Twinkle
quadriparesis, progressive cerebral degeneration Twinkle is the mitochondrial helicase, and muta-
leading to mental deterioration and seizures, cor- tions in this protein have been seen to cause
tical blindness, deafness, liver failure, ataxias and mainly adPEO but also epileptic encephalopathy
progressive weakness of the extraocular eye mus- with mtDNA depletion or infantile-onset spino-
cles which causes strabismus and ptosis. These cerebellar ataxia (Copeland and Longley 2014;
diseases are generally distinguished from each Copeland 2012).
other by the range of symptoms shown, the sever- Twinkle mutation is also associated with a
ity of the disease and the age of onset of symp- couple of less serious disorders: Perrault syn-
toms (Table  12.4). However there is still drome, a condition characterised by hearing loss
significant overlap between symptoms, and as in affected males and females and abnormalities
each disorder is associated with mutations in dif- of the ovaries in affected females, and progres-
ferent regions of the pol gamma gene, sequence sive external ophthalmoplegia, a disorder that
is often used as definitive. Visual defects seem to weakens the muscles that control eye movement
be strongly associated with pol gamma-related and causes the eyelids to droop (ptosis).
syndromes. In this regard it may be relevant that
mutations in two proteins that are thought to have
both nuclear and mitochondrial functions also

Table 12.4  Diseases associated with mitochondrial replication malfunction

Disease Abbreviation Seen with mutations in
Alpers-Huttenlocher syndrome AHS Pol gamma
Childhood myocerebrohepatopathy spectrum MCHS Pol gamma
Myoclonic epilepsy myopathy sensory ataxia MEMSA Pol gamma
Mitochondrial recessive ataxia syndromea MIRAS Pol gamma, twinkle
Sensory ataxia neuropathy dysarthria and ophthalmoplegiaa SANDO Pol gamma, twinkle
Autosomal recessive progressive external ophthalmoplegia arPEO Pol gamma
Autosomal dominant progressive external ophthalmoplegia adPEO Pol gamma, twinkle
Epileptic encephalopathy with mtDNA depletion (very similar AHS)a Twinkle
Infantile-onset spinocerebellar ataxia IOSCA Twinkle
Perrault syndrome Twinkle
Progressive external ophthalmoplegia Twinkle
All information from Copeland (2012) and Copeland and Longley (2014)
Together make up ataxia neuropathy spectrum (ANS)
12  Diseases Associated with Mutation of Replication and Repair Proteins 229

12.5 D
 rosophila Associations specifically related to the DNA repair and DNA
with Disease Research replication pathways. Specific Drosophila mod-
els have been established to study cancer and
To understand the diseased state of a pathway, it triplet diseases and are discussed in some detail
is important to understand the normal function- in other sections of this book; however these have
ing of that pathway, and studies in Drosophila tended to focus on proteins outside of the repair
have made significant contributions to dissection and replication pathways. In addition mitochon-
of the basic mechanisms involved in both DNA drial diseases have also been modelled in
replication and DNA repair. Early Drosophila Drosophila (Foriel et  al. 2015), but again these
embryos contain large amounts of replication largely do not focus on replication and repair but
proteins injected by the mother to enable the very are directed towards proteins involved in oxida-
rapid early cycles with average cell cycle times of tive phosphorylation. Although the mechanisms
just under 9  min (Farrell and O’Farrell 2014). of some replication repair diseases are well
This allowed the early biochemical isolation and understood, there remains a significant number,
characterisation of a number of core replication particularly those which cause pleiotropic symp-
proteins, e.g. pol alpha primase, PCNA and RPA toms, for which mechanistic details remain to be
(Hua and Orr-Weaver 2017). Characterisation of clarified. Therefore the potential of Drosophila as
Drosophila mutants that showed replication a model to study diseases related to defective rep-
defects also contributed to the identification of lication and repair proteins still remain to be
central replication factors, for instance, metazoan exploited.
cdt1 was first identified as the Drosophila mutant Drosophila has a number of advantages as a
double parked (Whittaker et  al. 2000). Work in model for replication and repair diseases. As can
Drosophila also made early significant contribu- be seen from Tables 12.1 and 12.2, many disease-­
tions to the understanding of DNA repair. The related proteins have well-conserved Drosophila
discovery of several of key DNA repair path- orthologues, allowing meaningful construction
ways, including synthesis-dependent strand of disease-related mutations. In addition although
annealing, and DNA polymerase theta-mediated defects in replication and repair proteins can pro-
end joining was made in Drosophila (Boyd et al. duce a complex array of different symptoms,
1990). In addition a number of repair proteins assays relevant for the assessment of most of
were also first recognised as Drosophila mutants these have already been developed in flies.
that were defective in response to various types Drosophila has additional advantages in the
of challenge, for instance, the mus, mut and mei study of the effects of mutations on complete
groups of mutants (Baker et al. 1976; Boyd et al. organisms. Often disease-causing mutations in
1976, 1981). replication and repair proteins occur at multiple
More recent studies, both genetic and bio- locations along a gene, requiring the manufacture
chemical, have also made major contributions to of multiple differently mutated proteins to allow
our understanding of both of these pathways. The a systematic analysis of the differential effects of
study of Drosophila mutants (both natural and individual mutations. In most other organisms,
engineered) has been particularly important in the costs of generating large numbers of muta-
determining how DNA replication and DNA tions would be prohibitive. Some of the diseases
repair are controlled in an intact organism or spe- develop later in the life of an individual, and short
cific organs, during development (Hua and Orr-­ life cycle of the fly facilitates the study of such
Weaver 2017). disorders. In addition many of the diseases are
Although the utility of Drosophila as a model recessive, resulting in low availability of a range
for human disease is well established (Chen and of patients to study. There are also often a limited
Crowther 2012; Millburn et al. 2016; Pandey and number of individuals carrying identical muta-
Nichols 2011; Sonoshita and Cagan 2017), it is at tions making it hard to determine whether differ-
present underused to develop models for diseases ences in penetrance of symptoms observed are
230 S. Cotterill

due to the particular mutation or the background DSP (dithiobis (succinimidyl propionate)/
of the individual carrying the mutation. In this Lomant’s reagent) – Sigma.
regard it is possible to generate many flies carry- DMSO – dimethyl sulphoxide.
ing identical mutations and also to study the pen- 0.1% SDS.
etrance of symptoms in different backgrounds. 1% Triton X-100.
Finally the ability to specifically express mutant PBS (phosphate buffered saline) – 137 mM NaCl,
proteins in particular tissues aids the study of 10 mM phosphate, 2.7 mM KCl, pH of 7.4.
mutations resulting in early lethality. Studies in RIPA buffer.
Drosophila therefore have the potential to make a
significant contribution to the study of diseases
causes by mutations in replication and repair pro- Cross-linking of Soluble Extracts
teins, and hopefully ongoing work in a number of Homogenise Drosophila embryos (1  g) or S2
labs will allow this to be recognised over the next cells (50  ×  106 cells) in buffer A using a loose
few years. pestle. Centrifuge the homogenate centrifuged
for 5 min at 5000 g at 4 °C in a benchtop centri-
fuge. Collect the middle layer and use directly or
12.6 N
 earest Neighbour Analysis flash freeze in liquid nitrogen for later usage.
of Protein Interactions To the clear supernatant, add DSP to a final
(Crevel et al. 2001) concentration of 0.5 mg/ml (freshly prepared in
DMSO at 10 mg/ml). After an appropriate length
Many of the activities involved in DNA replica- of time on ice, stop the reaction by the addition of
tion and DNA repair are carried out by large pro- Tris pH 8 (final concentration 25 mM). 30 min is
tein complexes; it is therefore of value to a convenient amount of time, but the timing may
determine the nature of the complexes and the need to be titrated depending on the extract.
way that the proteins interact with each other. Denature the cross-linked material by adjust-
This protocol describes a way in which it is pos- ing to 1% SDS and incubating for 5  min at
sible to map networks of proteins by determining 100  °C.  Centrifuge the extract for 30  min at
those proteins that make direct contact with each 100,000  r.p.m. (Beckman TL100.3 rotor) at
other. It involves the use of DSP  – a cleavable 20  °C, and adjust to 0.1% SDS and 1% Triton
cross-linking agent with a short spacer arm to X-100 by the addition of 9 vol buffer B. Prior to
link proteins that show direct interaction with immunoprecipitation filter the extract through a
each other. The efficiency of the cross-linker is 0.22 μm filter.
such that under the right conditions it is possible
to predominantly produce linkage of only two Cross-linking of Chromatin Extracts
proteins rather than higher-order structures, Homogenise Drosophila embryos (1  g) or
allowing identification of direct protein Drosophila S2 cells (50 × 106 cells) in buffer A
neighbours. with a loose pestle. If using embryos filter the
These assays can be carried out with either homogenate through Miracloth, then centrifuge
soluble extracts or with proteins that are chroma- for 20  min at 4000 r.p.m. (SS34, Sorvall) and
tin associated. wash once with the same buffer. If using cells
leave out the filtration through Miracloth resus-
Materials pend the nuclei-enriched pellet in 2 vol buffer A.
Buffer A – 15 mM HEPES pH 7.9, 15 mM NaCl, Add DSP to a final concentration of 0.5 mg/ml
60  mM KCl, 2  mM EDTA, 0.34  M sucrose and incubate carried on ice. In this case 20 mins
and complete™ protease inhibitors (Roche). is a convenient amount of time, but again some
Buffer B – phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), 1% titration may be necessary. Stop the reaction by
Triton X-100 plus complete™ protease inhibi- the addition of Tris pH 8 to 25 mM and pellet the
tors (Roche). nuclei by centrifugation for 10 min at 7000 r.p.m.
12  Diseases Associated with Mutation of Replication and Repair Proteins 231

(SS34, Sorvall). To remove the nuclear mem- Blackford AN, Jackson SP. ATM, ATR, and DNA-PK: the
trinity at the heart of the DNA damage response. Mol
brane and nucleoplasm, resuspend the pellet in Cell. 2017;66:801–17.
2 vol Buffer A, adjusted to 1% Triton X-100 and Bouali N, Francou B, Bouligand J, Imanci D, Dimassi
centrifuged for 10  min at 7000  r.p.m. (SS34, S, Tosca L, Zaouali M, Mougou S, Young J, Saad A,
Sorvall). Repeat this step twice. Guiochon-Mantel A. New MCM8 mutation associated
with premature ovarian insufficiency and chromo-
Resuspend the final pellet in 0.1 vol PBS and somal instability in a highly consanguineous Tunisian
denature by the addition of SDS to 1%. Reduce family. Fertil Steril. 2017;108:694–702.
the viscosity of the homogenate by sonication Boyd JB, Golino MD, Nguyen TD, Green MM. Isolation
and remove particulate material by centrifugation and characterization of X-linked mutants of
Drosophila melanogaster which are sensitive to muta-
for 30  min at 100000  r.p.m. (TL100.3). Adjust gens. Genetics. 1976;84:485–506.
the clear supernatant to 0.1% SDS and 1% Triton Boyd JB, Golino MD, Shaw KE, Osgood CJ, Green
X-100 in PBS and filter through a 0.22 μm filter MM. Third-chromosome mutagen-sensitive mutants of
prior to immunoprecipitation. Drosophila melanogaster. Genetics. 1981;97:607–23.
Boyd JB, Sakaguchi K, Harris PV. mus308 mutants of
Drosophila exhibit hypersensitivity to DNA cross-­
Immunoprecipitations linking agents and are defective in a deoxyribonucle-
Incubate appropriate antibody beads with extracts ase. Genetics. 1990;125:813–9.
overnight at 4  °C.  Wash beads ten times with Branzei D, Szakal B. DNA damage tolerance by recombi-
nation: molecular pathways and DNA structures. DNA
20 vol RIPA buffer (adjusted to 650 mM NaCl). Repair (Amst). 2016;44:68–75.
Elute immunoprecipitated proteins using 2% SDS Bras J, Alonso I, Barbot C, Costa MM, Darwent L,
in PBS and analyse by western blotting or PAGE. Orme T, Sequeiros J, Hardy J, Coutinho P, Guerreiro
R.  Mutations in PNKP cause recessive ataxia with
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Drosophila Models to Investigate
Insulin Action and Mechanisms 13
Underlying Human Diabetes

Yoshihiro H. Inoue, Hiroka Katsube,
and Yukiko Hinami

Abstract homeostasis both in mammals and Drosophila.

Diabetes is a group of metabolic diseases in Subsequently, we introduce several Drosophila
which the patient shows elevated levels of models for T1D, T2D, and MS.  As a conse-
blood sugar. In healthy condition, there is the quence of unique genetic approaches, new
regulatory system that maintains constant glu- genes involved in fly’s diabetes have been
cose levels in blood. It is accomplished by two identified. We compare their cellular functions
hormones, insulin and glucagon acting antag- with those of mammalian counterparts. At
onistically. Insulin is produced in β cells in least three antidiabetic drugs showed similar
pancreas and secreted to blood. It specifically effects on Drosophila. We discuss whether
binds to its receptors on plasma membrane these Drosophila models are available for fur-
and activates the intracellular signaling path- ther comparative studies to comprehend the
ways. At the end, glucose in blood are taken metabolic diseases.
into the cells. The diabetes is classified into
two types. In type 1 diabetes (T1D), patients’ Keywords
pancreas fails to produce sufficient insulin. Drosophila · Glucose homeostasis · Insulin-­
Hence, in type 2 diabetes (T2D), the target like peptides · Diabetes · Type 1 diabetes
cells of insulin fail to respond to the hormone. models · Type 2 diabetes models · Metabolic
The metabolic syndrome (MS) is character- syndrome models
ized as a prediabetes showing lowered respon-
siveness to insulin. Drosophila has been
expected to be a usefulness model animal for
the diabetes researches. The regulatory system 13.1 Introduction
maintaining homeostasis of circulating sugar
in hemolymph is highly conserved between Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic dis-
Drosophila and mammals. Here, we summa- eases in which the patient shows increased levels
rize findings to date on insulin production and of blood sugar. The number of people with diabe-
its acting mechanism essential for glucose tes has risen four times for the past three decades.
The global prevalence of diabetes among adults
Y. H. Inoue (*) · H. Katsube · Y. Hinami over 18 years has almost doubled for the periods.
Department of Insect Biomedical Research, In 2015, an estimated 1.6  million deaths were
Advanced Insect Research Promotion Center, Kyoto directly caused by diabetes in the world. The
Institute of Technology, Kyoto, Japan WHO estimated that diabetes will be the seventh
e-mail: yhinoue@kit.ac.jp

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 235

M. Yamaguchi (ed.), Drosophila Models for Human Diseases, Advances in Experimental Medicine
and Biology 1076, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-0529-0_13
236 Y. H. Inoue et al.

leading cause of death in 2030 (WHO 2016). The quite useful animal model for medical studies on
metabolic diseases have been considered to be various human diseases. For the diabetes
basically caused by disturbance of sugar homeo- research, it has great advantages. The regulatory
stasis in our bodies. Normally, there is a sophisti- system that maintains homeostasis of circulating
cated regulatory system that maintains constant sugar in hemolymph is highly conserved between
levels of glucose in blood. It is accomplished by Drosophila and mammals (Baker and Thummel
two hormones acting, insulin and glucagon act- 2007; Haselton and Fridell 2010). In addition to
ing antagonistically (Aronoff et  al. 2004). Both the most sophisticated techniques of genetic
hormones are secreted from different specialized analyses, a large amount of information on devel-
cells in Langerhans islet of pancreas. Insulin pro- opmental biology and physiology is available in
duced in pancreatic β cells are secreted to blood, Drosophila. In this chapter, we, firstly, would like
and it specifically binds to its receptors on plasma to summarize findings to date on insulin produc-
membrane of target cells. The hormone activates tion and its acting mechanism essential for glu-
the intracellular signaling pathway. At the end, cose homeostasis, remarkably conserved in
the signal transmitted to a glucose transporter. mammals and Drosophila. Subsequently, we
Then, glucose existing in blood are taken through introduce several Drosophila models for T1D,
the transporter into the cells. T2D, and the metabolic syndrome considered as
Diabetes are basically caused by a perturba- an initial stage of T2D, which have been so far
tion of somewhere in the process. The inefficient established. And we describe new genes involved
glucose uptake resulted in tissue dysfunction in fly’s diabetes, identified using the diabetes
and/or infertility in adults. A development of var- models. Finally, we try to evaluate whether they
ious tissues and organs is also affected in fetal are useful as animal models for diabetes studies.
and neonatal diabetes. The hyperglycemia is Furthermore, we discuss whether these
caused by either insulin production or its action Drosophila models are available for large-scale
(David and Mervyn 2009). Therefore, diabetes is screens to develop new antidiabetic medicines
classified into two types. In type 1 diabetes (Pandey and Nichols 2011).
(T1D), patients’ pancreas fails to produce suffi-
cient insulin. On the other hand, in type 2 diabe-
tes (T2D), the target cells of insulin fail to 13.2 Glucose Homeostasis
respond to the hormone. T1D which were previ- in Mammals and Drosophila
ously known as insulin-dependent, juvenile, or
childhood-onset is characterized by deficient Before introducing Drosophila diabetes models
insulin production. Recently, lowered respon- and discussing their availability as human dis-
siveness to insulin (insulin resistance) has also eases models, we firstly compare regulatory sys-
caught a great deal of attention as a hallmark of a tems to maintain glucose homeostasis in between
lifestyle diseases called metabolic syndrome. It is mammals and Drosophila (Fig.  13.1). In mam-
quite important for us to understand onset and mals, insulin is a unique hormone that plays an
pathogenesis of diabetes. Identification of novel indispensable role that controls glucose hemosta-
genes involved in the processes provides great sis in mammals (Wilcox 2005). The hormone is
opportunity for development of therapeutic tar- produced and secreted from β cells existing in the
gets. Furthermore, understanding of basic mech- islet of Langerhans in pancreas. Another hor-
anisms of the insulin production, secretion, and mone, glucagon which acts antagonistically to
its action contributes to the advances of cell and insulin, is also secreted from α cells of the islet. A
development biology. balance between these two hormones maintains a
For the purpose, simple animal models allow constant of circulating glucose in blood. The
us to proceed the biological studies faster and insulin gene encodes the insulin precursor, called
more conveniently. As described in other chap- preproinsulin, composed of signal peptides,
ters of this book, Drosophila has been used as a A-chain, C-peptides, and B-chain in this order.
13  Drosophila Models to Investigate Insulin Action and Mechanisms Underlying Human… 237

Insulin Producing Cells

Mammals Drosophila
β cells

Insulin Insulin-like


Glucose uptake
Glucose Cell growth
uptake Cell proliferation

Fig. 13.1  Production, secretion, and signaling of insulin-like peptides and their effects to stimulate glucose uptake in

After the signal peptide of the preproinsulin is a lower affinity (Jones and Clemmons 1995;
cleaved, the polypeptide folds into the endoplas- Nakae et al. 2001). Both IGF-1 and IGF-2 play a
mic reticulum (ER), forming proinsulin. After the role as growth factors that promote cell prolifera-
protein folding, the proinsulin is transported to tion as well as cell growth, rather than hormones
the trans-Golgi network where immature gran- stimulating glucose uptake. These overlapped
ules containing proinsulin are formed. The poly- signaling is referred as the insulin-insulin-like
peptide undergoes maturation into active insulin. growth factor signaling (IIS). The glucose trans-
After cleavage of the C-peptide located in the porters Glut1 and Glut3 in target tissue cells are
central portion of proinsulin, separated the B- involved in sensing of circulating glucose level
and A-chains linked together again by two disul- (Joost and Thorens 2001; Rutter et  al. 2015).
fide bonds, consists of matured insulin. Upon According to the sensing, the insulin is subse-
sensing increase of blood glucose and stimuli quently released from pancreatic β cells, and it
that promote secretion, secretary vesicles con- also stimulates glycolysis. This eventually results
taining matured insulin releases from β cell by in stimulation of ATP synthesis in mitochondria,
exocytosis that are mediated by SNARE (soluble leading to inactivation of ATP-gated potassium
N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment channels (KATP), which allows plasma mem-
protein receptor) (Jewell et al. 2011). Insulin in branes of the β cell to depolarizing. Then, fusion
blood binds to insulin receptor of target cells at of the plasma membranes and the insulin-­
high affinity, while it can also bind to IGF-1R containing vesicles and subsequently insulin
(insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor) and secretion takes place (Kreneisz et  al. 2010).
IGF-2R (insulin-like growth factor 2 receptor) at Insulin secreted from the pancreatic β cells binds
238 Y. H. Inoue et al.

to the extracellular α subunit of the InR, activat- sugar levels in hemocytes are antagonistically
ing tyrosine kinase domain intrinsic to its β sub- controlled by Drosophila insulin-like peptides
unit (Lee and Pilch 1994). Binding of insulin to (DILPs) and the glucagon-like peptide, adipoki-
the α subunit induces a conformational change, netic hormone (AKH) (Ikeya et al. 2002; Rulifson
resulting in the autophosphorylation of several et al. 2002; Kim 2004; Lee and Park 2004). The
tyrosine residues in the β subunit (Van Obberghen DILPs that belong to the insulin-relaxin super-
et al. 2001). These phosphor-amino acid residues family are composed of eight members involved
are recognized by phosphotyrosine-binding in Dilp1~8 (Fig.  13.2). (Wu and Brown 2006;
domains of adaptor proteins such as the insulin Colombani et  al. 2015). But no orthologues of
receptor substrate family (IRS1~4) (Saltiel and genes encoded by mammalian IGF peptides have
Kahn 2001; Lizcano and Alessi 2002). The phos- been found in Drosophila genome. Dilp8 is
photyrosine residues on IRS proteins are recog- divergent from other members to some extent and
nized by the SH2 domain of the p85 regulatory bind to relaxin-type membrane receptor, Lgr3
subunit of PI3-kinase. The catalytic subunit of the (Colombani et al. 2015; Vallejo et al. 2015). The
kinase, p110, then phosphorylates PIP2 convert- DILPs except Dilp8 binds to a single receptor,
ing to the formation of PIP3. A downstream effec- termed the insulin receptor homolog (InR) on the
tor of PIP3 is another kinase, AKT, which is plasma membrane of their target cells (Nishida
recruited to the plasma membrane. Activation of et al. 1986; Fernandez et al. 1995).
the AKT requires the protein kinase The Dilp binding leads to activation of tyro-
3-­phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase-1 sine kinase domain furnished in the receptor and
(PDK1). Once AKT is activated, it catalyzes recruiting of docking protein, Chico/IRS ortho-
phosphorylation and inactivation of glycogen logue, and Lnk (Fig. 13.2). Though the docking
synthase kinase 3 (GSK3). A major substrate of protein binds the p60 regulatory subunit of PI3K
GSK3 is glycogen synthase, an enzyme that cata- (Pi3K92E), the InR recruits the protein together
lyzes the critical step in glycogen synthesis. with the catalytic subunit (Pi3K21B) to the
Phosphorylation of glycogen synthase by GSK3 plasma membrane. The active PI3K converts
inhibits glycogen synthesis; therefore, the inacti- PIP2 to PIP3 in the plasma membrane. A forma-
vation of GSK3 by AKT promotes energy storage tion of the PIP3 is negatively regulated by the
as glycogen. These protein kinases are responsi- PTEN protein, a phosphatase that dephosphory-
ble for mediating many of the ultimate metabolic lates PIP3 and coverts it to PIP2. The signaling
actions of insulin, including translocation of molecule, PIP3, recruits two kinases, PDK1
GLUT4 in mammals, activation of glycogen syn- (Pdk1) and AKT (dAkt1), to the plasma mem-
thesis, and suppression of gluconeogenesis by brane, enabling the PDK1 to phosphorylate
inhibiting transcription of the gene encoding AKT. Akt1 is the core kinase component of the
phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (Brady insulin/insulin-like growth factor signaling (IIS)
et al. 1998; Lochhead et al. 2001). pathway. It functions downstream of Pi3K92E
Whereas, in Drosophila, sugars in diet are and is activated by phosphatidylinositol binding
taken from the digestive duct and transported into and phosphorylation. It mediates versatile sig-
the fat body (FB), which acts as a homologous naling pathways essential for cell growth and
tissue of both the liver and adipose tissue in survival. The AKT phosphorylates several sub-
insects, respectively. They are converted to treha- strates including to the transcription factor, Foxo
lose in FB. The disaccharide is once converted to (forkhead box protein O), a critical transcription
glycogen and stored in the FB. And it is released factor for metabolism and stress responses. It
into the hemolymph when needed, while glucose activates another kinase, glucose synthase kinase
is only contained less than one-hundredth of tre- 3 (GSK-3/Sgg). And it results increased glucose
halose (Nation 2002; Ugrankar et al. 2015). The uptake and fatty acid synthesis at the end. A con-
13  Drosophila Models to Investigate Insulin Action and Mechanisms Underlying Human… 239

Fig. 13.2  Signal transduction pathway of DILPs and a enabling the PDK1 to phosphorylate AKT.  Akt1 is the
transport of glucose and amino acids in Drosophila. The core kinase component of the insulin/insulin-like growth
insulin-like peptides (Dilp1-7) (black sphere) bind to the factor signaling (IIS) pathway. It functions downstream of
extracellular α subunit of their specific receptor, DIR, on PI3K and is activated by phosphatidylinositol binding and
the plasma membrane. The binding activates the tyrosine phosphorylation. It mediates versatile signaling pathways
kinase in the β subunit and signaling pathways locating essential for cell growth and survival. The Akt1 phosphor-
downstream. The binding leads to activation of tyrosine ylates several substrates including to the transcription fac-
kinase domain furnished in the receptor and recruiting of tor, Foxo, a critical transcription factor for metabolism
docking protein, Chico/IRS orthologue, and Lnk. Though and stress responses. The kinase phosphorylates and
the docking protein binds the p60 regulatory subunit of inhibits the Tsc1/Tsc2 complex, which is an inhibitor of
PI3K, the DIR recruits the protein together with the cata- the Tor signaling pathway, an essential regulator of growth
lytic subunit (p110) to the plasma membrane. The active and metabolism. The Akt1 also activates another kinase,
PI3K converts PIP2 to PIP3 in the plasma membrane. A Sgg/GSK-3 essential for inhibition of glycogen synthesis.
formation of the PIP3 is negatively regulated by the PTEN A concentration of glucose in the hemolymph is sensed by
protein, a phosphatase that dephosphorylates PIP3 and GLUT1 and the glucose uptake occurs through the glu-
coverts it to PIP2. The signaling molecule, PIP3, recruits cose transporter, associated with the insulin signal
two kinases, Pdk1 and Akt1, to the plasma membrane, transduction

served mechanism to sense the glucose concen- between Drosophila and mice, Drosophila can
tration in hemolymph is also present in be used as one of animal models for studies on
Drosophila (Rulifson et  al. 2002; Kim 2004; insulin production, secretion, and glucose
Kreneisz et  al. 2010). In conclusion, as insulin homeostasis.
peptides and the IIS pathway are well conserved
240 Y. H. Inoue et al.

13.3 I nsulin-Like Peptides that germline stem cells is a critical step that deter-
Control Growth mines the numbers of germ cells. Tissue-extrinsic
and Proliferation as well signals that reflect the nutrient condition of the
as Sugar Metabolism organisms influences stem cell proliferation and
in Drosophila their maintenance in both females and males
(Hsu and Drummond-Barbosa 2005; Hsu et  al.
A series of genetic studies on mutants for DILPs 2009; Ueishi et  al. 2009). Hypomorphic InR
and signaling factors of the IIS pathway have mutant females exhibit infertility, and the number
revealed that they play essential roles in cell of cysts produced from female GSCs decreased.
growth and proliferation of various tissues during Furthermore, growth of nurse cells was also
Drosophila development (Fig.  13.4) (Brogiolo inhibited in the mutant ovaries (LaFever and
et al. 2001; Hsu and Drummond-Barbosa 2009; Drummond-Barbosa 2005). This result suggests
Kannan and Fridell 2013). There are some differ- that the IIS signaling is required for female GSC
ences in action of insulin-like peptides between division and cell growth of their progenies within
Drosophila Dilps and mammalian insulin. In the egg chambers (Hsu and Drummond-Barbosa
mammals, insulin and IGFs basically divide 2009). Drosophila oogenesis is dependent on
respective role, insulin for glucose uptake and environmental nutrient conditions (Fuller and
IGFs for cell proliferation and growth. On the Spradling 2007). Therefore, it is reasonable to
other hand, in Drosophila, DILP1~7 have both assume that both cell number and growth in egg
growth factor function and metabolic function to chambers are directly regulated by hormonal
maintain sugar homeostasis (Fig.  13.1). control via DILPs. Furthermore, maintenance of
Furthermore, these functions are different from the stem cells depends on local signals provided
each other in between larval stage and adult stage. by niches, in which the stem cells reside (Fuller
DILPs regulate growth of all tissues in both and Spradling 2007). In addition to common reg-
somatic and germline cells, whereas their effects ulatory factors required for maintaining stem
in adults are predominantly restricted to metabo- cells, Drummond-Barbosa’s group showed that
lite homeostasis, stress response, fecundity, and insulin signaling integrates the effects of nutrient
longevity (Broughton et  al. 2005; Gronke et  al. and age on germline stem cell (GSC) mainte-
2010). Insulin is known to play an essential role nance. This is mainly regulated by Notch signal-
in glucose uptake in Drosophila cells (Ceddia ing mediated by interaction between GSC and
et  al. 2003), and seven genes encoding insulin- niche cells, called cap cells, sending the signal
like peptides (ILPs) have been identified in the that maintain GSC, mediated by E-cadherin
Drosophila genome. These peptides are synthe- (Inaba et al. 2010). The authors also reported that
sized in clusters of medial neurosecretory cells in the loss of GSC and niche cell occurs with age
the Drosophila brain (Rulifson et al. 2002). The and that the age-dependent impairment can be
InR and its downstream signaling cascade are suppressed by increased levels of Dilp2. These
well conserved in Drosophila (Fernandez et  al. results indicate that the Dilp signal plays an
1995; Bohni et al. 1999). It has been reported that important role in the regulation of stem cell
InR and its signaling cascade can stimulate both niches and, thereby, of stem cell numbers.
cell proliferation and growth in cultured Wheares, Spermatogenesis in Drosophila
Drosophila cells as well as in larval imaginal commences with cell division of GSCs to pro-
cells (Chen et al. 1996; Brogiolo et al. 2001). duce male germline cells at the tip of the testis.
In addition to proliferation and growth of The study of spermatogenesis in Drosophila can
somatic cells, Dilps also play a critical role in cell aid in understanding the regulatory mechanisms
growth, proliferation, and maintenance of germ- underlying cell proliferation and growth during
line cells during gametogenesis. Division of development. In young adult Drosophila males, 5
13  Drosophila Models to Investigate Insulin Action and Mechanisms Underlying Human… 241

to 8 GSCs are usually present at the tip of the growth is required for DILPs (Ueishi et al. 2009).
testis. To maintain their multipotential stem cell They further showed that an accumulation of
characteristics, GSCs receive signals from the active Akt form phosphorylated by its upstream
adjoining hub cells. Both a ligand encoded by the factor, PDK1, in the growing spermatocytes. A
unpaired gene and the JAK-STAT signaling cas- diameter of spermatocytes from mutant males for
cade are involved in this signal transfer InR or IRS orthologue encoded by chico
(Yamashita 2008); (Tulina and Matunis 2001). decreased in size. We further showed that the
The proximal cell of the two daughter cells expression of constitutive active form of PI3-­
derived from asymmetric division of a stem cell kinase catalytic subunit significantly stimulated
exclusively receives the unpaired signal and the spermatocyte growth (Ogata and Inoue
becomes a self-renewed GSC.  For self-renewal unpublished). These genetic data strongly sug-
and differentiation of GSC daughters, it is crucial gest that the ILPs and its signaling cascade
to set up cell division axis perpendicular to a through PI3-kinase to Akt play a role in induction
cluster of the hub cells (Yamashita et al. 2003). of the remarkable cell growth in Drosophila. As
The distal daughter cell leaves the niche and dif- mammalian insulin can also activate the Ras-­
ferentiates as a spermatogonium, which then MAP kinase cascade after the insulin receptor (as
undergoes cell division four times to produce a a review, (Avruch 1998)), we further showed that
16-spermatocyte cyst. Ueishi and colleagues Ras85Dv12, a constitutively activated mutation for
found that inhibition of insulin production and Ras85D (Kim et al., 2006) also induced approxi-
insulin signaling mutations resulted in decreased mately 10 % increase of cell diameter in length
numbers of germline cells in Drosophila testes. (Ogata, Azuma and Inoue, unpublished). These
GSC numbers were maintained in young mutant genetic data suggest that both PI3K-Akt cascade
males, with a gradual decrease in abundance of and Ras-MAP kinase cascades acting down-
GSCs with age. Furthermore, in mutants, a lower stream of InR are essential for induction of the
frequency of GSC division was seen. Insulin sig- premeiotic spermatocyte growth. The InR muta-
naling was found to promote cell cycle progres- tions also interfered cell growth within egg cham-
sion of the male GSCs at the G2/M phase. The bers in ovaries without affecting cyst morphology
spermatocytes differentiated from a progeny of and cell numbers (LaFever and Drummond-­
GSC enter a growth phase during which they Barbosa 2005). Taking together, these findings
increase remarkably in volume by up to 25-fold. indicate that the IIS plays a critical role in both
This is the largest extent of cell growth that pro- oogenesis and spermatogenesis in Drosophila.
liferative cells can accomplish. Although the As other elucidated roles of the Dilps in adult
extracellular signal and the signaling cascade that stage, they are involved in resistance to various
maintain GSC numbers have been partially iden- stresses such as starvation stress and oxidative
tified (Fuller and Spradling 2007); Inoue et  al. stress and lifespan (as a review, (Owusu-Ansah
2012), the signals and regulatory factors that and Perrimon 2014)). The peptides are also
allow the spermatocytes to increase up to such a involved in regulations of adult vision, behavior,
remarkable extent before meiotic initiation had and their appetite. The specific neurons produc-
been identified. ing Dilp7 stimulates the adult intestine as to
The Drosophila premeiotic spermatocytes promote their appetite (Miguel-Aliaga et  al.
have achieved most distinctive cell growth up to 2008; Cognigni et al. 2011). The Dilp7 regulates
25 times after premeiotic DNA replication. adult female behavior to decide egg-laying
Ueishi and colleagues reported that a loss of (Sousa-­Nunes et al. 2011; Bai et al. 2012). This is
DILPs by specific apoptosis induction to insulin-­ the reasonable regulation that allows female flies
producing cells interfered growth of spermato- to coordinate their food uptake with promotion of
cytes, suggesting that the spermatocyte cell fecundity.
242 Y. H. Inoue et al.

13.4 H
 uman Diabetes: Type 1, insulin resistance have not yet been clarified in
Type 2, and Metabolic most of the cases. As the primary causes of the
Syndrome resistance, one can simply speculate that impair-
ment of insulin production and secretion, such as
Human diabetes is a group of metabolic diseases downregulation of a IIS factor, takes place. It has
defined by the increased levels of blood sugar, been shown that mutations in the insulin gene
termed hyperglycemia. They are generally classi- and InR gene were responsible for sever hyper-
fied into either since the pancreas fails to produce glycemia syndromes associated with insulin
sufficient insulin (T1D) or since the target cells resistance, such as type A insulin resistance and
of insulin fail to respond to the hormone (T2D) the Rabson-Mendenhall syndrome (Liu et  al.
(Katsarou et  al. 2017; DeFronzo et  al. 2015). 2015; Meur et al. 2010; Jiang et al. 2011). Some
T1D account for an estimated less than 10% of mutations decrease the amount of insulin recep-
all diabetes cases. This type disease had been pre- tors localized on the cell surface. Other mutations
viously considered to be induced by an autoim- impair the functions of the insulin receptor (refer
mune condition in which the immune system is https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene/3643).
activated to destroy the IPC in the pancreas Patients carrying mutations at both alleles dis-
(Hanafusa and Imagawa 2007). Alternatively, play more severe phenotype than are patients het-
another class of T1D that the β cell loss arises erozygous for the mutation. And furthermore, if a
from unknown causes, without autoantibodies, non-cell autonomous factor, which prevent insu-
has been reported. It has been suspected whether lin from binding to its receptor, is expressed, the
inflammation, various cell stresses, and insulin IIS is certainly inhibited. To compensate elevated
resistance that take place in the insulin-producing glucose levels due to the resistance, organisms
cells would lead to the cell death (Eizirik et  al. try to raise insulin secretion. This counteracts the
2009; Bluestone et al. 2010; Atkinson et al. 2011; insulin sensitivity of the target tissues, leading to
Katsarou et  al. 2017). Particularly, it has been rather worsen the symptom (Kasuga 2006; Kahn
attracted interest that the endoplasmic reticulum et al. 2014). Due to inadequate compensation, the
(ER) stress is involved in the β cell loss, which glucose intolerance arises from the combination
might result from continuously enhanced insulin of insulin resistance and deficiency of functional
production in the insulin resistance condition. insulin.
Before the cell death has seriously occurred in Metabolic syndrome (MS) is a collection of
cells where ER stress has accumulated, reduction risk factors that includes glucose dysregulation,
and/or loss of cell activity has been commonly central obesity, dyslipidemia, and hypertension.
observed in many cases (Sreenan et  al. 1999; There are multiple definitions that have been
Ferrannini 2010). Because of that, the patients described regarding the criteria of the syndrome.
with this form of diabetes failed to produce or This clustering of risk factors is obviously linked
secrete sufficient insulin. to an increased risk of developing T2D. The MS
On the other hand, T2D is defined as a long-­ is also characterized by insulin resistance.
term metabolic disorder that is characterized by Prediabetes, which is a combination of insulin
high blood sugar (hyperglaycemia), insulin resis- resistance and excess body fat, is considered an
tance, and relative lack of insulin response. The underlying cause of MS. Therefore, similar bio-
insulin resistance is commonly observed from medical and genetic studies to those having been
earlier stage of T2D.  This class accounts for performed to clarify the T2D pathogenesis can
about 90% of cases of diabetes, with the other be applied to studies on onset and development
10% due primarily to T1D 1 and gestational dia- of the MS. For the purpose, diabetes models rep-
betes. One of the most characteristic properties of resenting the characteristics of T1D, T2D, and
T2D is the impaired response of target organs to MS, have been individually established in
insulin, called insulin resistance (Weyer et  al. Drosophila.
1999; Kahn et al. 2014). The primary causes of
13  Drosophila Models to Investigate Insulin Action and Mechanisms Underlying Human… 243

13.5 D
 rosophila Models for Type 1 UAS system allows us to carry out ectopic induc-
Diabetes tion of any genes located under the UAS
sequences (see Chapter 1, (Phelps and Brand
For understanding mechanisms that the insulin-­ 1998)). Using the system, Rulifson et al. induced
producing cells (IPC) are lost by the cause other apoptosis specifically in larval IPC neurons by
than autoimmune condition as observed in T1D ectopic expression of pro-apoptotic gene, reaper
patients, experimental animals that allow us to (Rulifson et al. 2002) (See Figs. 13.3a and 13.4b,
induce cell death in the insulin-producing cells c). The genetic ablation of the larval IPC resulted
might provide a valuable suggestion. Here, we in the elevated circulating sugar levels in the lar-
would like to describe some Drosophila models val hemolymph. And the hyperglycemia pheno-
reproducing the IPC loss and phenotype of type resulted in developmental delay and growth
human T1D (Figs.  13.3a and 13.4a). retardation at larval stage. Eventually smaller
Immunostaining experiments with anti-Dilps adult flies emerged (Rulifson et al. 2002). These
antibodies revealed that three major Dilps (Dilp2, phenotypes are reminiscent of hallmarks of T1D,
3 and 5) among seven Dilp members are synthe- a loss of pancreatic β cells, and undernutrition.
sized, stored, and secreated from specialized neu- Another experiment that carried out the ablation
ronal cells, named insulin-producing cells in of IPCs using a different procedure provided the
brains (Ikeya et al. 2002; Broughton et al. 2005). same phenotypes in both larvae and adults. A
Although the IPCs correspond to only 14 median genetic ablation of IPCs was performed in adults
neurosecretory cells in the Drosophila central and compared their phenotypes with those seen
nervous system, these cells can play an equiva- in larvae (Haselton et al. 2010). For ablation of
lent role as IPCs to the β cells in mammals. Thus, IPC cells at adult stage, a modified Gal4/UAS
if cell death exclusively occurs in these 14 of IPC system called the GeneSwitch was used. This is
cells, this can reproduce T1D-like phenotypes in based on a GAL4-progesterone receptor chimera
the Drosophila (Fig  13.4a). To generate that is hormone inducible, which is specifically
Drosophila lacking of IPC, genetic ablation of activated after binding of the activator RU486,
IPC was achieved by ectopic induction of apop- which is fed to flies (Osterwalder et  al. 2001).
tosis exclusively in the cells using Gal4/UAS sys- Normal adults contain circulating sugars in
tem. As mentioned in previous chapter, the Gal4/ hemolymph at a lower concentration during and

Fig. 13.3 A Drosophila type 1 model having genetic (ilp2>reaper). (b) (upper) A control fly (InR41/TM3, Sb).
ablation of the insulin-producing cells (IPCs) and a model (lower) A fly homozygous for a hypomorphic InR muta-
fly showing insulin resistance which is a hallmark of type tion (InR41), displaying insulin resistance due to a reduced
2 diabetes. (a) (upper) A control fly (InR /TM3, Sb). carry- expression of InR gene. Note that both models show sig-
ing a balancer chromosome carrying Cy (ilp2-Gal4/Cy). nificantly smaller than their sibling controls, indicating
(lower) A fly derived from larvae expressing pre-apoptotic that a growth retardation has occurred during larval and
gene, reaper, exclusively in IPCs by Gal4/UAS system pupal stages in both cases
244 Y. H. Inoue et al.

Fig. 13.4  A visualization of IPC in adult brains and (ilp2>GFPnls). (b) Observation of adult IPC. Note that a
genetic ablation of the cells by ectopic induction of apop- distinctive decrease of the cells was observed in the adult
tosis. (a) A illustration of insulin-producing cells in an brain expressing the preapoptotic gene, reaper (middle).
adult brain. The producing cells can be visualized by the (c) Quantification of circulating glucose levels in larval
IPC-specific expression of GFP having nuclear localiza- hemolymph. A significant elevation of the levels is seen in
tion signal sequences using Gal4/UAS system the IPC-ablated flies, compared with those of control flies

after fasting (glucose clearance). Once the flies played extended adult lifespan as an effect of
resumed feeding, the sugar level immediately calorie restriction (Haselton et al. 2010). The glu-
increased. On the other hand, adults lacking IPC cose intolerance seen in the flies was rescued by
by the genetic ablation at adult stage displayed injection of mammalian insulin, indicating that
higher sugar levels and slower glucose clearance. the flies did not show the strong insulin resis-
Interestingly, the flies lacking of the IPCs dis- tance. The adult stage-specific ablation of the
13  Drosophila Models to Investigate Insulin Action and Mechanisms Underlying Human… 245

insulin-producing neurons modulates glucose involved in body size determination, while Dilp4
homeostasis and extends lifespan without insulin expressing in larval midgut is involved in larval
resistance. Regarding to the hyperglycemia phe- growth. Dilp6 and Dilp7 expressing in other tis-
notype, the effects of the IPC ablation are consis- sues than the IPCs are more related to adult activ-
tent between larval stage and adult stage. Its ity such as growth after diet feeding and
influence is largely restricted to metabolic egg-laying behavior, respectively (Brogiolo et al.
homeostasis, resistance to stress, fecundity, and 2001; Yang et al. 2008; Okamoto et al. 2009; Bai
lifespan rather than growth aspects in adults et  al. 2012; Yang et  al. 2008). Homozygous
(Owusu-Ansah and Perrimon 2014). Both glu- mutants for five Dilps1-5 genes showed a sever
cose feeding and fasting experiments more easily growth defects and developmental delay, quite
manipulate in adults rather than in larvae. It is similar to those seen in the IPC ablation (Zhang
more difficult to create fasting condition in lar- et al. 2009). Some of homozygous flies deficient
vae. Similar to glucose clearance in mammals, for five Dilps genes (Dilp1-5) can survive until
wild-type adults displayed the rapid response to adult stage, although many of them died during
decline glucose levels in hemolymph after fast- development. The survivors showed the small fly
ing. Whereas, the IPC-ablated flies showed phenotype, indicating a strong growth retarda-
higher sugar levels than control adults did tion. Phenotypes of homozygous mutants for five
(Haselton et  al. 2010). These evidences suggest Dilps (Dilp1-5) genes were mostly overlapped
that one can obtain more reliable results regard- with those generated from the IPC ablation as
ing on regulation of glucose homeostasis by described above. Diabetes symptoms, growth
experimental systems using adults rather than defects, and development delay have also been
larvae. observed in the larvae deficient for major Dilps
Among known eight Dilps in Drosophila, genes (Zhang et  al. 2009). The authors also
Dilps1-7 play positive roles essential for cell reported that the animals contained increased
growth and cell prolifeation. They are also sugar levels in hemocytes; instead they had
required for glucose homeostasis or roles related reduced triacylglycerides (TG) which is a major
to the issues (Brogiolo et  al. 2001; Ikeya et  al. fat stored in their bodies in amount and reduced
2002; Rulifson et al. 2002; Broughton et al. 2005; heat production. This is a reflection of lowered
Gronke et  al. 2010; Yang et  al. 2008; Veenstra metabolic activity. These phenotypes are all rem-
et al. 2008; Okamoto et al. 2009; O’Brien et al. iniscent of T1D hallmarks.
2011; Bai et al. 2012), In contrast, the Dilp8 has There is a bit difference in phenotypes induced
a role in regulation of adaptive development in a by the insulin depletion between Drosophila
response to tissue damages (Colombani et  al. models and mouse mutants. The knockout mouse
2012; Garelli et  al. 2012). Genetic interaction deficient for the insulin genes in both alleles
exists among genes required for sugar homeosta- results in lethal at neonatal stage (Duvillie et al.
sis. There is a functional redundancy rescued by 1997). Mouse has two insulin genes, Ins1 and
another member(s) of DILPs. Thus, a deletion of Ins2. Double homozygous mutant pups displayed
each Dilp gene has no phenotypes in every case. severe growth retardation. They did not show any
Therefore, their functions have been speculated glycosuria at birth. But soon after suckling, they
by mainly expression patter and dominant pheno- developed diabetes with ketoacidosis and died
types by overexpression experiments (Owusu-­ within 48 h. The insulin deficiency did not pre-
Ansah and Perrimon 2014). Three Dilps, Dilp2, clude pancreas organogenesis and the appearance
3, and 5 expressing in the IPCs, play a central of the various cell types of the endocrine pan-
role in glucose homeostasis. Dilp2 presents high- creas. Although some of homozygous flies defi-
est sequence homology with human insulin. cient for five Dilps genes (Dilp1-5) were viable,
These three Dilps play a central role in glucose many of them died during development. The sur-
homeostasis as well as cell growth and prolifera- vivors showed the small fly phenotype indicating
tion. Dilp1 is also produced in the IPCs and a strong growth retardation. In conclusion, both
246 Y. H. Inoue et al.

Drosophila T1D models generated from genetic observed commonly in mouse, human, and
ablation of the IPCs and those homozygous for Drosophila insulin resistance. From studies using
mutations of major Dilp genes appear to be suit- another model of the HSD-feeding larvae estab-
able for genetic studies on T1D. lished independently, same conclusions were
obtained. Continuous feeding of HSD for a lon-
ger period resulted in hyperglycemia, growth
13.6 D
 rosophila Models retardation, hyperinsulin induction, and excess
for Human Type 2 Diabetes accumulation of fat (Pasco and Leopold 2012).
Similarly, adults raised on HSD also displayed a
As we described previous sections, one of the diet-dependent weight gain, metabolic dysfunc-
most characteristic properties of T2D is the insu- tion, elevated Dilp mRNA, and decreased activity
lin resistance. This symptom has been considered of insulin signaling as far as examined in fat body
as earlier stage of the T2D pathogenesis. To gain cells. These phenotypes indicate that insulin
insight into mechanism by which insulin resis- resistance, which is a hallmark of human T2D,
tance occurs and progress into T2D, simple can be reproduce in Drosophila larvae and adults
model organisms, particularly Drosophila, have raised on HSD (Morris et  al. 2012). Another
been considered to be more suitable for the pur- HSD-induced adult model also displayed hyper-
pose, because they are capable of performing glycemia, insulin resistance, increased fat accu-
precise genetic analyses.(Fig. 13.3b). mulation, and shortened lifespan (Na et al. 2013).
High-sugar diet models: A simple Drosophila The HSD-induced models have an advantage that
model for studies on diet-induced T2D was ini- more sever hyperglycemia phenotype can be
tially established (Musselman et  al. 2011). The observed rather than in flies possessing IPC abla-
authors fed wild-type larvae on high-sugar diet tion (Rulifson et al. 2002; Song et al. 2010).
(HSD) containing seven times higher sucrose The insulin resistance eventually resulted in
than control diet. The larvae raised on HSD had induction of the target genes of the stress JNK
increased levels of both circulating glucose and cascade (Musselman et al. 2011). This result sug-
trehalose in the larval hemolymph. The larval gested that there is a genetic interaction between
development of the larvae delayed significantly, the insulin signaling pathway and the stress MAP
and the fat accumulation increased, as observed kinase pathway. Pasco and Leopold further
in T1D fly models. Injection of mammalian insu- obtained interesting genetic results that the HSD-­
lin to the larvae failed to restore the impaired triggered insulin resistance was suppressed by
insulin response only partially as speculated by ectopic overexpression of a Drosophila ortho-
levels of phosphorylated Akt in IIS. This suggests logue of lipocalin, Nlaz. Expression of the Nlaz
that insulin resistance occurred as seen in T2D gene increased in larvae raised on HSD (Pasco
patients. Expression of Dilp2 peptide has risen in and Leopold 2012). It had previously been known
the larvae adapting to a prolonged higher level of that lipocalin 2, a small extracellular protein, can
glucose. This phenotype corresponds to a human modulate of diabetes phenotype in mouse (Gavi
hyperinsulinemia ((DeFronzo et al. 2015)). And et  al. 2007; Kim et  al. 2012). In Drosophila
furthermore, microarray analysis to identify ­larvae, Nlaz mutants or restricted depletion of the
genes which transcription has changed demon- gene in fat body can rescue metabolic disorders
strated that target genes of the Foxo transcription seen in HSD-induced larval models. These
factor were upregulated in the models. This is genetic data from mouse and Drosophila models
consistent with observations in gluconeogenic suggest that there is a therapeutic potential to res-
livers of insulin-resistant mice (Michael et  al. cue diabetes type 2 patients. These genetic evi-
2000) and T2D patients (O’Brien et  al. 2011). dences derived from Drosophila diabetes models
The insulin resistance seems to occur by evolu- can contribute to mammalian studies to verify
tionarily conserved mechanisms, because the mechanism as well as to develop therapeutic
transcriptional effects of high-sugar feeding was protocol.
13  Drosophila Models to Investigate Insulin Action and Mechanisms Underlying Human… 247

Other Drosophila T2D models generated by allow us to clarify gene functions of individual
genetic modifications have also been established. genes but also to discover the gene network in
For example, heterozygotes for an InR mutation which the gene is involved in.
exhibited reduced the receptor activity, and the Drosophila models to investigate metabolic
insulin signaling must be impaired in the mutant syndrome: Metabolic syndrome is one of life-
flies (Fig. 13.4b) (Tatar et al. 2001). As a result, style diseases relevant to T2D.  Currently, it has
the DILP secretion was enhanced. The drawn worldwide attention. As patients suffering
FB-specific depletion of InR reproduced the from it also display insulin resistance, the disease
hyperinsulin production and insulin resistance is placed as a pre-stage of type 2 diabetes. The
(Park et  al. 2014a). These fly phenotypes are syndrome is associated with the risk of develop-
reminiscent of hyperinsulinemia in live-specific ing type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
gene disruption of InR gene in mouse (Michael Not only insulin resistance but also several over-
et al. 2000). lapping aspects have been pointed out between
To understand the mechanisms underlying metabolic syndrome and prediabetes. Insulin sig-
T2D pathogenesis, it is essential to identify new nals also regulate energy storage in fat body.
molecular markers for gene diagnosis and targets Therefore, disruption of IIS eventually results in
for therapeutic intervention of T2D.  To achieve lipid metabolic disorder, that is, the metabolic
the purpose, genome-wide association studies syndrome. One of conserved factors crucial for
(GWAS) have been carried out in T2D patients. metabolism of lipids and glucose is AKH in
Over 90 disease-associated SNP loci associated Drosophila. This peptide is secreted from spe-
with human T2D have been identified (Renstrom cialized cells called corpora cardiaca (CC) of the
et al. 2009; Dimas et al. 2014). However, it is not ring gland. AKH stimulates lipolysis in fat body.
certain whether these genetic loci are really Subsequently, TAG breakdown to free fatty acid
involved in pathogenesis of insulin resistance and (FFA). Glycogen breakdown is also stimulated,
H2D. If this is the case, for understanding molec- as AKH activate glycogen phosphorylase.
ular mechanism underlying the T2D pathogene- Accordingly, trehalose is released from fat body
sis, it is important to clarify the role of individual to hemolymph. Protein kinase A is involved in
genes in the disease. Drosophila is one of the the process. FFA moves to oenocytes which is a
most suitable animals for the genetic analyses. counterpart of adipocytes in mammals to produce
For example, one of GWAS candidate loci for energy. Thus, by lowering the IIS pathway, not
T2D encodes a transcription factor, GLIS3 (Yang only hyperglycemia but lipid accumulation in fat
et  al. 2009). Its Drosophila orthologue is lmd body is also promoted. The accumulation eventu-
(lame duck). Depletion of the gene in Drosophila ally results in insulin resistance. Next, regarding
IPC by induction of dsRNA against its mRNA insulin resistance, it is possible to speculate the
was carried out (Park et al. 2014a). The depletion following hypothesis about the process toward
resulted in hyperglycemia phenotype. And it onset of the insulin resistance. The lipid accumu-
resulted in a significant decrease of Dilp2 mRNA, lation in fat body activates TORC1 in TOR path-
indicating that the lmd protein is required for way (Gutierrez et  al. 2007). The TORC1 can
transcription of the Dilp gene. It is consistent activate S6 kinase. The protein kinase phosphor-
with results from the mammalian studies that the ylates and inhibits a InR substrate, IRS-1,
GLIS3 is required for the insulin gene expres- encoded in chico gene in Drosophila. Once the
sion. The genetic results proposed that the human adaptor protein is phosphorylated, this form of
GLIS3 locus is associated with susceptibility for the protein cannot transduce the IIS signal sub-
T2D (Dupuis et al. 2010; Nogueira et al. 2013). stantially. At the end, a responsiveness to insulin
Similar genetic approaches seem to be quite becomes lowered.
effective to elucidate gene function and examine A continuous feeding of high-fat diet contain-
whether these genes are required for T2D patho- ing saturated fatty acids (HFD) bring about
genesis. In addition, the approaches did not only increased glucose levels in adult flies (Birse et al.
248 Y. H. Inoue et al.

2010). Fat deposition was observed in both adi- leads to appearance of insulin resistance and
pose tissues, fat body, and other tissues such as hyperglycemia one after another in adult flies fed
the midgut in the flies raised on the HFD. This is on HSD or HFD for longer period (Hoffmann
reminiscent of a common symptom seen in meta- et al. 2013).
bolic syndrome and T2D patients. Conversely, In conclusion, high-sugar diet or mutations
flies fed on HSD indeed increased fat deposition and depletion of IIS factors can reproduce insulin
in the fat body and displayed severely lowered resistance in the fly models. HSD possibly
responsiveness to insulin, insulin resistance induces inflammation factor, TNFα expression. It
(Musselman et  al. 2011). These are evidences resulted in insulin resistance. These MS and T2D
indicating that there is a close relationship models are useful to reveal mechanism underly-
between fat and glucose metabolism. In the flies, ing T2D pathogenesis.
it was also reported that insulin signaling was
substantially suppressed in fat body. Instead, the
stress-responsible pathway mediated by JNK was 13.7 Genetic Identification of New
upregulated. The JNK phosphorylates and inhib- Genes Required for Glucose
its a Drosophila lipocalin orthologue, NLaz Homeostasis and Diabetes
which we described at previous section. The Pathogenesis Using
downregulation of NLaz impaired responsive- Drosophila
ness to insulin in peripheral tissues. Furthermore,
reduced insulin signaling resulted in induction of It has been considered that complex genetic inter-
expression of Foxo target genes (Musselman action between genetic loci controlling T2D sus-
et al. 2011). It leads to insulin resistance. ceptibility is involved in pathogenesis of human
For a long time, it has not been clarified how T2D.  To identify the susceptibility loci for the
downregulation of IIS and upregulation stress disease, human genome-wide association studies
signaling pathway in fat body interact with each (GWAS) have been performed, as described in
other to develop insulin resistance and metabolic previous section. However, it is usually difficult
syndrome. It has been recently argued that the to assign specific causative genes, although it can
inflammation is associated with obesity and onset identify a genomic region existing SNP marker
of metabolic syndrome in human and model linked most closely to susceptible genetic trails
organisms (Hoffmann et al. 2013). Drosophila fat associated with the disease. One needs further to
body plays a multiple role in maintenance of met- identify the causative gene within the region and
abolic homeostasis, stress responses, and produc- to evaluate whether these candidate genes are
tion of antimicrobial peptides against infectious really responsible for the disease. For the pur-
microbes (Arrese and Soulages 2010). Therefore, pose, Drosophila provides excellent experimen-
these cells can simultaneously respond to multi- tal system. Here, we introduce several
ple intracellular signals, dependent on the situa- susceptibility genes identified from different
tion. However, it is possible to interpret that the genetic approaches.
diapause of metabolic signaling was recognized For instance, Pendse et al. selected the HHEX
as a sort of inflammation and that it may have gene encoding Hox-class transcription factor,
resulted in activation of JNK cascade in the fat which gene polymorphisms seem to be associ-
body. Thus, it is worth to consider the following ated with human T2D (van Vliet-Ostaptchouk
hypothesis. In a response to inflammation derived et  al. 2008). They carried out fat body-specific
from fat accumulation in the fat body, one of depletion for its Drosophila orthologue, dHHEX.
inflammation cytokines, TNFα, was possibly The depletion resulted in elevated glucose levels
induced. It activates the stress JNK pathway. It in adult hemolymph and reduced insulin sensitiv-
can phosphorylate IRS-1, which is a substrate of ity (Pendse et al. 2013). Another research group
the InR. The phosphorylation interferes the insu- has also carried out IPC-specific depletion of
lin signaling (Boucher et al. 2014). Eventually, it Drosophila orthologues for several human candi-
13  Drosophila Models to Investigate Insulin Action and Mechanisms Underlying Human… 249

date genes. These genetic analyses revealed that key regulator of intracellular vesicle transport,
Imd (a Drosophila orthologue of human GLIS3 was also required for insulin production or secre-
gene) and CG9650 (a Drosophila orthologue of tion. These two proteins are required for a trans-
human BCL11A gene) are required for Ilp2 pro- port of the vesicles containing Dilps. Other
duction or secretion (Yang et al. 2009; Park et al. genetic studies have also uncovered several regu-
2014b) It is highly likely that these two human lators essential for insulin production and/or
orthologue genes are also responsible for T2D. secretion in Drosophila. They include a small
Large-scale Drosophila RNAi screens called GTPase, Steppke, characterized as guanine
glucome screening to find out genes, whose nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) for ARF, a key
depletion resulted in hyperglycemia of flies have regulator of both retrograde and anterograde traf-
been performed. Fat body-specific and muscle-­ fic at the Golgi complex ARF at the Golgi com-
specific depletion screens of ~1000 genes yielded plex. This finding suggests that ARF, a key and its
~160 candidate genes for hyperglycemia genes GEF are essential for insulin signaling in larval
(Ugrankar et al. 2015). As one of the candidate stage. Another genetic screen to identify regula-
genes involved in regulation of glucose metabo- tors of insulin sensitivity revealed that MAPK
lism, CSNK1α1 gene encoding the alpha subunit involves maintenance of glucose in hemolymph
of Casein kinase 1 were identified. The authors at appropriate levels through transcriptional con-
further demonstrated that heterozygous and trol of InR gene (Zhang et al. 2011).
homozygous mutants for the murine orthologue In addition, it has been uncovered that several
in their adipose tissue developed diabetes, indi- miRNAs are involved in insulin production in
cating that the kinase plays a conserved role in IPC or its responsiveness in peripheral tissues.
glucose metabolism in both Drosophila and miR-278 mutant flies had elevated glucose levels
mouse. and displayed increased insulin production, indi-
Another type of genetic screens also contrib- cating that they are insulin resistant. The miRNA
uted identification of novel modifiers for insulin contributes to regulate energy homeostasis by
signaling in Drosophila. Colombani et al. accom- regulating insulin responsiveness (Teleman et al.
plished overexpression screen to identify growth 2006). miR-14 regulates insulin production in
modifiers by Gal4-dependent altering expression IPCs through its target, sugarbabe mRNA encod-
of each gene. They demonstrated that downregu- ing a predicted transcription factor regulating
lation of slimfast gene specifically in fat body insulin gene expression (Varghese et  al. 2010).
caused a global growth defect due to local repres- Through the negative regulation of insulin gene
sion of PI3 kinase signaling. The gene encodes expression, the miRNA regulates overall glucose
amino acid transporter (Colombani et al. 2003). metabolism. More recently, Ueda et al. reported
Teleman et  al. also carried out gain-of-function that Drosophila miR-305, showing high homol-
screen for genes affecting tissue growth. ogy with seed sequences of miR-239  in C. ele-
Consequently, they identified a new modulator gans, is involved in aging (Ueda et  al. 2018).
gene, melted, which encodes a PH domain pro- They showed that the lifespan of adults
tein that interacts with Tsc1 and FOXO.  It can overexpressing miR-305 was significantly
recruit FOXO to the plasma membrane in an shorter. Conversely, a reduction in miR-305
insulin-regulated manner (Teleman et  al. 2005). expression led to a longer lifespan than that in
To identify new components that express and control flies. miR-305 overexpression acceler-
regulates the production of the Dilps in IPC, Cao ated the impairment of locomotor activity and
et al. isolated mRNA from IPC collected by laser promoted the age-­ dependent accumulation of
microdissection and performed transcriptome poly-ubiquitinated protein aggregates in the mus-
analysis of the mRNAs (Cao et al. 2014). Among cle, as flies aged. Thus, they concluded that the
those mRNAs expressing abundantly in IPCs, ectopic expression of miR-305 has a deleterious
unc-104 encoding a kinesin 3 family was essen- effect on aging in Drosophila. miR-239  in C.
tial for insulin secretion. Rab protein, which is a elegans can activate the IIS pathways (de
250 Y. H. Inoue et al.

Lencastre et al. 2010). It has been reported that involved in onset and development of the dis-
the inhibition of these pathways results in lifes- eases. Many of cell biological, physiological,
pan extension (Friedman and Johnson 1988; and neurological properties are conserved
Clancy et al. 2001; Tatar et al. 2001; Holzenberger between mammals and Drosophila. More than
et al. 2003; Altintas et al. 2016). RNA-seq analy- 75% of human genes responsible for diseases are
sis to identify target genes of miR-305 demon- conserved and working in the fly. These
strated that the tobi mRNA, a target gene for approaches lead to identify new genes and path-
insulin in the brain, and mRNAs for Dilp2 and ways that could be future targets of drug design.
Dilp5 increased following miR-305 overexpres- Furthermore, it also has an advantage in the dis-
sion. Conversely, mRNAs for other insulin-like covery of therapeutic agents (Pandey and Nichols
peptides, Dilp6 and Dilp8, were somehow down- 2011). Drug development process currently
regulated to the controls following miR-305 over- commences high-throughput screens for small
expression. Dilp6 inhibits dilp2 expression. chemicals or natural resources based on in vitro
Dilp6 overexpression extended lifespan in flies assays using cultured cells or on biochemical
(Okamoto et  al. 2009; Bai et  al. 2012). Thus, assays such as target-to-chemical binding assays.
Ueda et  al. speculate that miR-305 targets and The second steps are usually processes that con-
negatively regulates the dilp6 mRNA, which sume time and costs, as a large number of rodent
results in the increased expression of dilp2. It has models are utilized. Nevertheless, the majority
been reported that a reduction in the sugar metab- of candidates are usually removed out of the
olism eventually leads to an extension in lifespan selection in this process. If one would incorpo-
in Drosophila (Huang et al. 2015; Altintas et al. rate another selection using Drosophila models
2016). Another report also demonstrated that the after initial large selections into the therapeutic
ectopic expression of Foxo, which is negatively discovery process, it allows us to proceed the
regulated by the IIS signaling pathway, resulted screens more rapidly at lower expenses for the
in lifespan extension (Demontis and Perrimon drug discovery.
2010). Assuming that dilp6 is one of the targets In reality, it has been demonstrated that sev-
of miR-305, its downregulation results in an eral types of known antidiabetic drugs or related
unexpected activation of the IIS pathway. Thus, substances have similar effects to Drosophila
oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondria is individuals. Among them, we introduce examples
certainly stimulated, and as a consequence, reac- of three chemical compounds here. Firstly, sulfo-
tive oxygen species (ROS) production is nylureas have been extensively used for treatment
enhanced. These results are consistent with the of T2D (Sola et al. 2015). The drugs act by stimu-
observations showing that an increased sensitiv- lating insulin release from the β cells in the pan-
ity against oxidative stress and the induction of creas. Sulfonylureas bind to the specific receptor,
the oxidative stress marker are observed in adults blocking the inflow of potassium ion (K+) through
overexpressing miR-305. (Ueda et al. 2018). the ATP-dependent channel. The plasma mem-
brane becomes depolarized. This opens voltage-
gated Ca2+ channels. The rise in intracellular Ca2+
13.8 Development of Antidiabetic leads to increased fusion of vesicles containing
Drugs Using Drosophila proinsulin with the cell membrane and therefore
Models increased secretion of ­insulin. Drosophila cor-
pora cardiaca (CC) cells also express the sulfo-
As pointed out throughout the book, Drosophila nylurea receptor and ATP-­sensitive K+ channels
is one of the most suitable model animals in regulating release of AKH corresponding to glu-
deciphering mechanisms of many human dis- cagon in mammals. Kim and Rulifson demon-
eases as well as in identification of new genes strated that homeostasis of circulating glucose
13  Drosophila Models to Investigate Insulin Action and Mechanisms Underlying Human… 251

was significantly impaired by exposure to sulfo- 13.9 Conclusion Remarks

nylureas (Kim and Rulifson 2004). and Outlook
Metformin is another antidiabetic drug pre-
scribed most commonly. The drug reduces glu- Drosophila has a great potential as an experimen-
cose production in the liver and increases its tal model system to study on sugar homeostasis
uptake in muscle and adipose tissues (Bailey and including production and acting mechanism of
Turner 1996). Metformin inhibits complex I in insulin-like peptides. Previous Drosophila stud-
mitochondria. These effects result in increase of ies uncovered that the IIS pathways activated by
the AMP/ATP ratio in the cells, activating of the peptides control sugar metabolism, organism
AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and trig- growth, reproduction, and longevity. The IIS
gering a cascade that inhibits gluconeogenic gene pathways showed many conserved features with
expression and energy-consuming processes. As the mammalian pathways. Furthermore, a genetic
it also interferes lipogenesis, it results in inhibi- disruption of Dilps or IIS factors resulted in
tion of protein kinase C due to reduction of diac- diabetes-­like phenotypes. On the basis of these
ylglycerol, which is an activator of the kinase. As results, it is possible to conclude that Drosophila
a result, it eventually leads to release the InR is a suitable animal model for diabetes studies.
from negative regulation by protein kinase Certainly, major circulating sugar of insects is
C.  Thus, it restores insulin resistance. Diet and a trehalose, which has a less sugar toxicity than
administration of metformin ameliorated high-fat glucose has (Benaroudj et  al. 2001). Although
diet-induced hyperglycemia and obesity pheno- physiological harmful influences and develop-
types in Drosophila adults. Kim et  al. showed mental defects were observed in many Drosophila
that the metformin’s effect was entirely depen- diabetes models, we should consider more care-
dent on an endosomal Na+/H+ exchanger, a pos- fully whether findings from Drosophila directly
sible molecular target of the drug in both can apply to human. Nonetheless, Drosophila has
Drosophila and C. elegans (Kim et al. 2016). great advantages for researchers to set up express
Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) rich in green genetic approaches that allow them to obtain
tea extract can extend lifespan of Drosophila results more quickly. The in vivo characterization
adults through induction of endogenous antioxi- using the organism confirmed that candidate
dant enzymes (Li et al. 2007). It also affects glu- human diabetes susceptibility genes suggested
cose metabolism and increases fitness. These from GWAS are required for glucose homeosta-
effects went along an increased expression of sis and involved in pathogenesis of diabetes
Spargel, a Drosophila orthologue of mammalian (Pendse et al. 2013; Park et al. 2014b). Although
PGC1α essential transcription factor for expres- Drosophila models were used to validate pre-
sion of the genes involved in energy metabolism dicted functions of the human genes in these
(Wagner et al. 2015). The EGCG downregulates cases, other distinctive genetic studies by partial
Dilp5 and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, genomic RNAi screening called the glucome
major regulators of glucose metabolism, as well screening have been also performed to find out
as the Drosophila homolog of leptin, Upd2. The new genes required for glucose homeostasis. As
decrease in glucose metabolism in connection consequences of these large screens and accumu-
with an upregulated expression of Spargel rather lation of individual studies, Drosophila research-
contributes to the lifespan expression in EGCG-­ ers have so far identified new modulators
fed flies. Taking together, these observations including some microRNAs (Teleman et al. 2005,
strongly suggest that Drosophila is a useful 2006; Ueda et  al. 2018; Varghese et  al. 2010).
experimental model that allows us to evaluate They are essential modulators for the IIS and
known antidiabetic drugs and perform low- to TOR pathways. As some of them are novel fac-
high-throughput screens to discover novel anti- tors that have been uncovered in mammals, yet
diabetic drugs. they must be good examples verifying that the
252 Y. H. Inoue et al.

Drosophila findings could contribute to mamma- quently trials to look for target proteins or genes
lian studies in this field. for the drugs possibly are carried out using
In addition, the involvement of the IIS and rel- Drosophila genetic techniques. These studies
evant regulatory factors are different from devel- make it possible to elucidate modes of drug
opmental stages and cell types. In larval stage, action. It is reasonable to expect that these efforts
many imaginal cells are undergoing mitotic divi- result in discovery of new regulatory system that
sions, and some of larval cells continue to grow. has been uncovered in mammals. It is also prom-
The Dilps and the IIS play a more important role ising that comprehensive RNAi screens to isolate
in stimulation cell growth and proliferation at the Drosophila larvae or adults showing diabetes
stage. Hence, they act on maintaining sugar phenotype can find new genes essential for regu-
homeostasis in adults in which fewer prolifera- lation of sugar metabolism.
tive cells except germline cells are contained.
However, in gametogenesis, the peptides are Acknowledgments This study was partially supported
important for induction of germline stem cell by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research C (#20570003)
and grant for research project in health sciences which uti-
division and cell growth of premeiotic cells lize advanced insect science in the Kyoto Institute of
before meiotic division. The Dilps and IIS path- Technology.
ways are critical key factors for cell proliferation
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Metabolomics: State-of-the-Art
Technologies and Applications 14
on Drosophila melanogaster

Phan Nguyen Thuy An and Eiichiro Fukusaki

Abstract Keywords
Metabolomics is one of the latest “omics” tech- Drosophila · Metabolomics · Metabolism ·
nology concerned with the high-­ throughput State of the art
identification and quantification of metabolites,
the final products of cellular processes. The
revealed data provide an instantaneous snapshot 14.1 Introduction
of an organism’s metabolic pathways, which
can be used to explain its phenotype or physiol- 14.1.1 Metabolomics
ogy. On the other hand, Drosophila has shown
its power in studying metabolism and related Metabolomics is a rapidly emerging field of the
diseases. At this stage, we have the state-of-the- high-throughput identification and quantification
art knowledge in place: a potential candidate to of the small molecule metabolites (Putri et  al.
study cellular metabolism (Drosophila melano- 2013) (Fig.  14.1). The complete set of metabo-
gaster) and a powerful methodology for meta- lites within an organism, cells, or tissues is called
bolic network decipherer (metabolomics). Yet metabolome. As metabolites are the substrates
missing is advanced metabolomics technologies and products of metabolism, the changes in the
like isotope-­assisted metabolomics optimized metabolome will reflect the effects of genetic,
for Drosophila. In this chapter, we will discuss pathophysiological, developmental, and/or envi-
on the current status and future perspectives in ronmental factors (Fukusaki 2014). The dramatic
technologies and applications of Drosophila breakthrough in the field of metabolomics within
metabolomics. the past decade offers valuable insights in the
correlation of metabolism with phenotype. Since
metabolites are the final products of cellular pro-
P. N. T. An cesses, metabolomics is the puzzle piece fitting in
Department of Biotechnology, Graduate School
of Engineering, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan the current central dogma. In the concept of sys-
tem biology, metabolomics together with genom-
Institute of Applied Microbiology (iAMB), Aachen
Biology and Biotechnology (ABBt), RWTH Aachen ics, transcriptomics, and proteomics can give a
University, Aachen, Germany more complete picture of the living organisms,
e-mail: an.phan1@rwth-aachen.de cells, or tissues physiology (Nielsen 2017).
E. Fukusaki (*) Same as other “omics” fields, the ideal condi-
Department of Biotechnology, Graduate School tion for metabolomics is studying the whole
of Engineering, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan metabolome in biological samples under certain
e-mail: fukusaki@bio.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 257

M. Yamaguchi (ed.), Drosophila Models for Human Diseases, Advances in Experimental Medicine
and Biology 1076, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-0529-0_14
258 P. N. T. An and E. Fukusaki

Fig. 14.1  The central

dogma of biology
referring the “omics”

conditions. However, many metabolites are still many metabolites as possible without prefer-
unknown, and not any analytical platforms can ence. Then, only the metabolites that show
cover all metabolites. Each metabolite has differ- significant differences will undergo further
ent characteristics that make the identification investigations. This method provides a
and quantification of all detected metabolites broader coverage, which has great potential
very complicated. Thus, the following approaches to give insights into fundamental biological
are now commonly used in the metabolomics processes.
field (Fukusaki 2014; Fiehn 2002): ( 3) Metabolic footprinting (exometabolomics)
focuses on extracellular metabolites in cell
(1) Metabolic profiling is an approach focusing culture media before and after culturing to
on predefined biochemical pathways or spe- provide a reflection of metabolite excretion
cific classes of compounds. The strategy will or uptake by cells (Silva and Northen 2015).
be developed based on biochemical ques-
tions or hypothesis that motivates the
research. With the development of analytical 14.1.2 Drosophila as a Model
platforms, targeted metabolomics becomes to Study Metabolism
one of the most powerful and rapid strategies
for metabolic profiling. Drosophila has been well established as one of
(2) Metabolic fingerprinting is used to find the the most tractable multicellular organisms for
differences among the samples caused by researches in  areas of developmental biology,
their biological relevance. In this strategy, it cell biology, and neurobiology (St Johnston
is not necessary to give the detailed metabo- 2002). Thanks to the development of robust ana-
lite information. First, the nontargeted lytical methods to evaluate cellular metabolism
metabolomics method is useful to screen as and the extent knowledge on which organ s­ ystems
14  Metabolomics: State-of-the-Art Technologies and Applications on Drosophila melanogaster 259

have functional analogues to vertebrate counter- 2017; Owusu-Ansah and Perrimon 2014;
parts, Drosophila applications have been Newgard and Pessin 2014). Otherwise, the cel-
expanded to study metabolism in the past decade lular metabolites such as sugar and free amino
(Hoffmann et al. 2013; Rajan and Perrimon 2013; acids and metabolites in purine/pyrimidine
Graham and Pick 2017; Herranz and Cohen metabolism could also regulate the cell signaling
2017). (Ben-Sahra and Manning 2017; Pavlova and
Drosophila organs responsible for absorptions Thompson 2016). As a result, the cellular metab-
and storage of nutrients share similar structures olism has recently been recognized as a hallmark
and functions to those of mammals including the of cancer and aging (Pavlova and Thompson
midgut (works like the intestine and stomach) 2016; López-Otín et  al. 2013).  Therefore,
(Pitsouli and Perrimon 2008), the fat body (stores Drosophila melanogaster is emerging as a valu-
nutrients and functions as a nutrient sensor) able model to study multiple aspects of the con-
(Rajan and Perrimon 2013), the oenocytes (take nection between cellular metabolism and
part in cycle and storage energy) (Gutierrez et al. signaling pathways.
2007), and the Malpighian tubules (perform basic
functions as kidneys) (Dow and Davies 2006).
The energy homeostasis, including carbohydrate 14.2 General Workflow
and lipid metabolisms, is highly conserved for Drosophila Metabolomics
between Drosophila and mammalians (Mattila Studies
and Hietakangas 2017; Bharucha 2009). Thus,
Drosophila model has great contributions to As a high-throughput approach, metabolomics
widen the knowledge on Type 1/Type 2 diabetes, study required the integration of analytical chem-
obesity, metabolic syndrome, and insulin resis- istry, biology, mathematics, and informatics to
tance diseases (Hoffmann et al. 2013; Rajan and interpret the data and unravel the biological
Perrimon 2013; Graham and Pick 2017). insights. The Metabolomics Society conceived
Besides, the cardiovascular system and tra- the Metabolomics Standards Initiative (MSI)
cheal system work independently in Drosophila, focusing on community-agreed reporting stan-
allowing the investigation on various aspects of dards, which allow data from different research
metabolic dysfunction and cardiac dysfunction institutes to be shared, integrated, and interpreted
without compromising viability (Rajan and (Fiehn et al. 2007). In metabolomics field, MSI
Perrimon 2013). Flies’ cardiovascular system is has been wildly used as the basic requirement for
an open circulatory system essential for the cir- publication on peer-reviewed journals. In this
culation of nutrients and immune cells, while the chapter, the metabolomics approaches for
tracheal system is responsible for oxygen deliv- Drosophila will be introduced based on the gen-
ery (Choma et al. 2011). As cardiac dysfunction eral workflow of metabolomics matched with
is usually a consequence of metabolic disorder, MSI standard:
Drosophila has recently drawn a lot of attentions
as a powerful paradigm to provide insights into • Experimental design: As with any scientific
high-fat- and sugar-induced cardiovascular dis- studies, the design of a metabolomics experi-
ease (Na et al. 2013; Birse et al. 2010). ment is the most curial step and depends on
The advantages of Drosophila model in study- the scientific question under consideration.
ing metabolism are attributable to the conserva- Though the whole Drosophila metabolome
tion in the signaling pathways controlling cell still remains unclear, many metabolic path-
growth, proliferation, and death. Many reports ways are remarkably well conserved between
have shown that the insulin, TOR, and JNK sig- Drosophila and mammals (Graham and Pick
naling pathways not only controlled normal cel- 2017; Alfa and Kim 2016). Researchers can
lular metabolism but also related to tumor choose the metabolomics approach (meta-
formation and aging process (Herranz and Cohen bolic profiling, metabolic fingerprinting, or
260 P. N. T. An and E. Fukusaki

­etabolic footprinting) that suites their

m N2 and sometimes subsequently lyophilized to
research objectives, sample types, and work- inhibit enzyme activities, avoid metabolite
ing conditions. Several applications of metab- turnover, and capture the instant snapshot of
olomics established on Drosophila model can the metabolic profile. The selection of extract
be used as references (Table 14.1), though not solvent depends on the metabolite of interest
any methods have been reported for (e.g., hydrophobic, hydrophilic) and the ana-
Drosophila metabolic footprinting. lytical platforms. It is recommended not to
• Drosophila growing conditions: Various leave the samples sitting at room temperature
food types are now utilizing to rear Drosophila long time before storage or analysis (Stringer
including “homemade” food or commercial et  al. 2015). During sample preparation, the
instant food. As the diet will directly affect the measurement of the pooled quality control/
metabolism of an organism, the consistent diet quality assurance (QC/QA) samples is highly
throughout research is crucial to avoid experi- recommended throughout the analysis to eval-
mental errors. Active yeast (S. cerevisiae or S. uate the stability and reproducibility of the
carlsbergensis) has been routinely supple- analytical system (Dunn et al. 2012).
mented to Drosophila food to mediate attrac- • Metabolome analysis: To date, the two most
tion, oviposition, and development (Becher commonly used analytical platforms for
et al. 2012). However, the use of yeast as sup- metabolomics studies are nuclear magnetic
plement is not recommended in metabolomics resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and mass
study to prevent the alteration in fly’s metabo- spectroscopy (MS) (Alonso et al. 2015). Each
lism caused by the host-­microbe interaction. method has its own features, and both have
Besides, the growing temperature throughout been applied for Drosophila; the choice of
the study should also be controlled strictly. analytical technique will be depending on
Many methods to control gene expression lev- characteristic of sample and target pathways
els in Drosophila require switching tempera- (Emwas et  al. 2013; Wang et  al. 2015).
ture from permissive condition (18–22 °C) to Basically, NMR is a nondestructive method
restrictive condition (28–30 °C) such as tem- with simple sample preparation and high ana-
perature-conditional mutations, GAL4/ lytical reproducibility but relatively low sensi-
GAL80ts/UAS system, and FLP/FRT system tivity compared to MS.  NMR is accepted as
(Theodosiou and Xu 1998; Duffy 2002). the gold standard to elucidate metabolite
Previous studies show that changes in rearing structural. Otherwise, MS-based metabolo-
temperature had a dramatic effect on the meta- mics (mainly gas chromatography (GC) and
bolic profiles of Drosophila even in non- liquid chromatography (LC) coupled with
stressed conditions (22–29  °C) (Hariharan MS) has the advantages of high sensitivity,
et al. 2014; An et al. 2017a; An 2017). Thus, high selectivity, high throughput, and deep
flies in control and experimental test should be coverage. However, it usually requires more
reared in exactly same temperature. than one analytical method to wide range of
• Sample preparation: Several procedures for molecules, requiring more optimization steps
sample collection, quenching, extraction, and (extraction, derivatization, ionization, etc.).
storage methods have been developed for As a destructive method, MS-based metabolo-
every developmental stages of Drosophila mics has more complicated data acquisition
(Table  14.1). While collecting sample, anes- and metabolite identification.
thesia/euthanasia methods (Colinet and • Data acquisition: Data acquisition (baseline
Renault 2012; Overmyer et al. 2015), genetic correction, noise filtering, peak detection,
backgrounds (An et  al. 2017a), and genders peak alignment, normalization, and scaling) is
(An 2017) are important factors to consider to used to archive accurate identification and
prevent unexpected sample variations. quantification of detected metabolites (Alonso
Samples are immediately quenched in liquid et al. 2015). Data acquired from ­metabolomics
14  Metabolomics: State-of-the-Art Technologies and Applications on Drosophila melanogaster 261

Table 14.1  Metabolomics on studies using Drosophila*

Analytical Sample
Application field platform type Important metabolites/pathways References
Cold tolerance GC-MS Adult fly Increase in gluconeogenesis, Hariharan et al.
LC-MS amino acid synthesis, and (2014), Teets et al.
NMR cryoprotective polyol synthesis (2012), MacMillan
et al. (2016), Koštál
et al. (2012), Colinet
et al. (2012), Colinet
et al. (2013), Olsson
et al. (2016), Kostal
et al. (2011) and
Colinet et al. (2016)
Heat stress NMR Adult fly Alterations in the levels of free Malmendal et al.
amino acids, maltose, (2006), Pedersen
galactoside, and et al. (2008) and
3-hydroxykynurenine Sarup et al. (2016)
Hypoxia tolerance NMR Adult fly Flexibility in energy Feala et al. (2007)
metabolism supports hypoxia and Coquin et al.
tolerance in Drosophila flight (2008)
muscle and in correlation with
Oxidative stress LC-MS Adult fly The metabolic response, Knee et al. (2013)
especially glutamine level, to and Al Bratty et al.
oxidative stress (superoxide, (2011)
paraquat, and allopurinol)
Infection Staphylococcus NMR Adult fly Sepsis survivors had a Bakalov et al. (2016)
aureus infection metabolic signature
characterized with decreased
glucose, tyrosine, beta-alanine,
and succinate
Listeria GC-MS Adult fly Lose both energy stores, Chambers et al.
monocytogenes LC-MS triglycerides and glycogen, (2012)
infection and show decreases in
intermediate metabolites for
beta-oxidation and glycolysis
Insecticide Insecticidal GC-MS Adult fly Increase in F6P and decrease Li et al. (2010)
activity in citric acid/isocitric acid
(Bowman-Birk levels
Fundamental Effects of CO2 GC-MS Adult fly The most important metabolic Colinet and Renault
research anesthesia changes were the (2012)
accumulation of succinate and
Metabolic profile GC-MS All stages Over all metabolic transitions An et al. (2017a), An
throughout life during Drosophila (2017), Tennessen
cycle developmental stages et al. (2014a) and An
et al. (2014)
Tissue-specific LC-MS Adult fly A baseline tissue map of Chintapalli et al.
metabolomes Drosophila for polar (2013)
metabolites and for a range of
The influences of NMR Adult fly Alterations in the levels of free Gogna et al. (2015)
light cycles and amino acids
262 P. N. T. An and E. Fukusaki

Table 14.1 (continued)
Analytical Sample
Application field platform type Important metabolites/pathways References
Rosy, y mutation MS Adult fly Metabolomics profiling of Kamleh et al. (2008)
Drosophila and Bratty et al.
Effect of storage GC-FID Larvae Over all metabolic transitions Tennessen et al.
temperature of LC-MS (2011)
quiescent larvae
Different among MS Adult fly Differences in genotype Kamleh et al. (2009)
wild-type strains caused the differences in and Reed et al.
metabolome (2014)
Effect of genetic GC-MS Pupae Purine and pyrimidine An (2017)
background and metabolisms were altered
growing between CS and OR
temperature LC-MS Alterations in the metabolic
profile in nonstress
temperatures (22–29 °C)
Estrogen-related GC-MS Larvae Abnormally high levels of Tennessen et al.
receptor circulating sugar and (2011)
diminished concentrations of
ATP and triacylglycerides
Transient GC-MS Adult fly Downregulation of Lee et al. (2016)
receptor potential intermediates in the
TRPA1 methionine salvation pathway,
in contrast to the synchronized
upregulation of a range of free
fatty acids
Effects of diet FTMS Larvae, The overall changes of Carvalho et al.
and development pupae lipidome (2012)
dG9a function in GC-MS Adult fly dG9a-controlled energy An et al. (2017b)
starvation LC-MS reservoirs including amino
tolerance acid, trehalose, glycogen, and
triacylglycerol levels
Aging Effect of diet, LC-MS Adult fly Pathways involving sugar and Hoffman et al.
age, sex, and glycerophospholipid (2014), Laye et al.
genotype on metabolism, neurotransmitters, (2015), Sarup et al.
aging amino acids, and the carnitine (2012) and Parkhitko
shuttle were affected et al. (2016)
Diseases Charcot-Marie-­ NMR Adult fly Alterations in the levels of free López del Amo et al.
Tooth disease amino acids and carbohydrate (2017)
(gene GDAP1) metabolism
Obesity GC-MS Larvae CoA is required to support Palanker Musselman
LC-MS fatty acid esterification and to et al. (2016) and
protect against the toxicity of Heinrichsen et al.
high sugar diets. (2014)
m-Aconitase LC-MS Adult fly Reduced triacylglyceride and Cheng et al. (2013)
deficiency increased acetyl-CoA
Alzheimer’s NMR Adult fly Metabolomic changes may Ott et al. (2016)
disease lead to the age-relatedtoxicity
of the amyloid beta (Aβ)
14  Metabolomics: State-of-the-Art Technologies and Applications on Drosophila melanogaster 263

Table 14.1 (continued)

Analytical Sample
Application field platform type Important metabolites/pathways References
Parkinson-like GC-MS Adult fly Alteration in 24 metabolites, Shukla et al. (2016)
model (paraquat including amino acids,
exposure) carbohydrates, as well as fatty
Drug efficacy LC-MS Adult fly The alterations in these Yang et al. (2012)
test metabolites were associated
with perturbations in amino
acid and fatty acid
metabolism, in response to
insomnia through immune and
nervous system
*Adapted and updated from An PNT (An 2017)

study could be from different batches or ana- Level 2  – Putatively annotated compounds:
lytical platforms. Hence, appropriate methods metabolite identification is acquired by
for merging or comparing data should be comparing with in-house database or
applied to avoid experimental errors. In MSI online database.
standard, it is recommended to publish the raw Level 3 – Putatively characterized compound
data together with the paper or to other open classes: the metabolite cannot be identified
sources such as MetaboLights (Haug et  al. but can be classified based on the func-
2013). tional groups.
• Metabolite identification: This is one of the Level 4  – Unknown metabolites: the use of
major challenges of high-throughput metabo- “identified” or “annotated” metabolites is
lomics analysis. For the “known” metabolites, very much different; it is important to clar-
whose identities are already cataloged in ify the level of metabolite identification in
accessible databases, the identification can be the publication.
very accurate and efficient. The available • Statistical analysis: In metabolomics, che-
metabolite library from different analytical mometric methods including multiple univari-
techniques is growing continuously ate analysis (UVA) and multivariate analysis
(Table 14.2). Since the differences in spectra (MVA) are critical part to deal with big dataset
comparing to structural isomers can be very (Madsen et  al. 2010). MVA using non-­
small or not present at all, it is necessary to supervised methods (e.g., HCA, PCA, and
compare the library search results with a refer- SOMs) can be used first to achieve a general
ence spectrum of the standard and desirably view of the dataset. Then, MVA using super-
by chromatographic retention of the standard vised methods (e.g., PLS, PLS-DA, and
(Dettmer et al. 2007). In opposition, the iden- OPLS-DA) will be utilized to explore the dif-
tification of “unknown” metabolites is quite ferences in the metabolic profiles among sam-
challenging due to the lack of commercial ples and reveal the important metabolites.
standard compounds. In MSI, the identifica- While utilizing MVA supervised methods,
tion of metabolites is classified into four cross-validation test is always required to
levels: prove the model is not overfitting or overpre-
Level 1  – Identified metabolites: metabolite diction (Eriksson et al. 2003). UVA (e.g., stu-
identification is verified by analyzing the dent’s t-test and ANOVA) will be used
authentic chemical standard in the same simultaneously for the validation of candidate
condition with experimental data acquired. metabolite credentials. Details of these
264 P. N. T. An and E. Fukusaki

Table 14.2  Available spectral database*

Database data Website Information References
HMDB MS/ http://www. 114,100 metabolite entries including both Wishart et al. (2013)
NMR hmdb.ca water-soluble and lipid-soluble
LMSD MS http://www. 37,500 lipid structures with MS/MS Sud et al. (2007)
lipidmaps.org spectra
METLIN MS http://metlin. 961,829 molecules (lipids, steroids, plant Tautenhahn et al. (2012)
scripps.edu and bacterial metabolites, small peptides,
carbohydrates, exogenous drugs/
metabolites, central carbon metabolites,
and toxicants). Over 14,000 metabolites
have been individually analyzed, and
another 200,000 has in silico MS/MS
IsoMETLIN MS https:// All computed isotopologues (>1 million) Cho et al. (2014)
isometlin. derived from METLIN on the basis of
scripps.edu m/z values and specified isotopes of
interest (13C or 15N)
NIST MS/ http:// Reference mass spectra for GC/MS, Simón-Manso et al.
NMR chemdata.nist. LC-MS/MS, NMR, and gas phase (2013) and Babushok
gov/ retention indices for GC et al. (2007)
PRIME MS/ http://prime. Standard spectrum of standard Akiyama et al. (2008)
NMR psc.riken.jp/ compounds generated by GC/MS, and Sakurai et al.
LC-MS, CE/MS, and NMR (2013)
TOCCATA NMR http://spin. Multiple spectral NMR datasets: 1H- and Robinette et al. (2008),
COLMAR ccic.ohio-state. 13
C-NMR, 2D 13C–13C TOCSY (n = 463), Bingol et al. (2015),
edu 2D 1H–1H TOCSY and 13C–1H HSQC-­ Bingol et al. (2014) and
TOCSY (n = 475), and 2D 13C–1H HSQC Bingol et al. (2012)
(n = 555)
MassBank MS http://www. Shared public repository of mass spectral Horai et al. (2010)
massbank.jp data with 41,092 spectra (LC-MS,
GC-MS …)
Golm GC-­ http://gmd. 2019 metabolites with GC-MS spectra Hummel et al. (2008)
Metabolome MS mpimp-golm. and retention time indices
BMRB NMR http://www. 9841 biomolecules with 1H, 13C, or 15N Ulrich et al. (2008)
bmrb.wisc.edu spectra
Madison NMR/ http://mmcd. 794 compounds with NMR spectra (e.g., Cui et al. (2008)
MS nmrfam.wisc. 1
H, 13C, 1H–1H, 1H–13C) and calculated
edu masses for different monoisotopic
compositions (12C14N, 13C14N, 12C15N,
C N)
13 15

NMRShiftDB NMR http:// 42,840 structures and 50,897 measured Steinbeck et al. (2003)
nmrshiftdb. spectra
Birmingham NMR http://www. 208 metabolites and 3328 1D- and Ludwig et al. (2012)
Metabolite bml-nmr.org 2D-NMR spectra
*Adapted and updated from An PNT (An 2017)
14  Metabolomics: State-of-the-Art Technologies and Applications on Drosophila melanogaster 265

a­ nalyses must be reported to show the objec- (3) Testing gene, mRNA, and/or protein levels:
tive and unbiased data analysis of one study. As an advantage of high-throughput study,
• Data interpretation: Up to now, there is still a hypothesis generated from metabolo-
a large knowledge gap exists in the translation mics is usually not limited at one metabo-
from changes in the metabolite concentrations lite but metabolic pathways. Therefore,
to the actual physiological interpretation in an additional information on the related gene,
organism. Many informative metabolic data- mRNA, and/or protein abundances will
bases are available for Drosophila such as provide more evidences if these pathways
KEGG (Kanehisa et al. 2012), MetaboAnalyst are suppressed or upregulated.
(Xia et al. 2015), MetaCyc (Caspi et al. 2008),
Reactome (Fabregat et  al. 2016), and
WikiPathways (Kelder et  al. 2012). As men- 14.3 Isotope-Assisted
tioned above, many metabolic pathways are Metabolomics: State
well conserved between Drosophila and mam- of the Art and Potentials
mals (Graham and Pick 2017; Alfa and Kim for Drosophila Studies
2016); the database for other organisms can be
used as cross-references. From these data- Up to now, the available database on metabolic
bases, we can map the metabolites of interest networks of Drosophila like KEGG was devel-
to the metabolic pathways, find related genes/ oped based on genome data. If researchers are
proteins, search for active cellular processes interested in the information on the turnover of a
(DNA repair, cell cycle, or programmed cell metabolite and/or its functions in the metabolic
death), and compare the metabolic pathways networks, additional analyses should be done.
of interest among different organisms. For that purpose, isotope-assisted metabolomics
• Additional validations for the changes in approaches, including metabolite turnover analy-
Drosophila metabolic profiles: sis and isotope-assisted absolute quantification,
(1) Using quantitative metabolomics: In gen- are the state-of-the-art methodologies (You et al.
eral, metabolite abundance in metabolo- 2014).
mics is measured in relative or absolute
quantification (Lei et al. 2011). In relative
quantification, the signal intensity of 14.3.1 Metabolite Turnover Analysis
metabolites in the samples and in standard for Metabolic Network
solutions (for calibration curves) will be Exploration
normalized to the signal intensity of an
internal standard or another relative Metabolite turnover analysis (stable isotope
metabolite. In absolute quantification, tracer analysis) is a method allowing researcher
external standards or internal isotopically to trace the fate of a metabolite in metabolic
labeled standards are utilized. networks (Fig.  14.2) (You et  al. 2014;
(2) Using assays to study the metabolism Chokkathukalam et  al. 2014). The cells or ani-
(Tennessen et  al. 2014b): Since not any mals will be exposed to a fully labeled isotope
analytical methods can cover all the substance of interest, and then samples are col-
metabolites, many assays are now avail- lected over time. The changes of labeling in
able to study the metabolism such as downstream metabolites can be detected by both
measurements of total proteins, triglycer- MS and NMR. Once a single isotope exists, the
ides, cholesterol, glucose, trehalose, and mass of a molecule will increase one atomic mass
glycogen. This information can support unit (amu). Notably, MS/MS-based platform is a
the hypothesis raised by metabolomics very powerful tool to examine the exact location
studies. of the stable isotope in the molecule. As a result,
266 P. N. T. An and E. Fukusaki

Fig. 14.2  Workflow of

metabolite turnover

an overview of which pathways are involved in only a few studies applied on Drosophila (Coquin
the turnover of the target metabolite will be et al. 2008; Nicolay et al. 2013). One remarkable
revealed. The stable isotopes of hydrogen (2H; case study example is from Dyson group in 2013;
deuterium), carbon (13C), and nitrogen (15N) are the authors applied metabolite turnover analysis
commonly used in metabolomics fields. on Drosophila larvae (Nicolay et  al. 2013). By
The most important point to set up this experi- tracing the fate of glutamine, they found that
ment is the culture/medium  components should inactivation of the retinoblastoma tumor suppres-
be well defined, which makes it easy to modify sor (RBF1) increased the flux of glutamine
only the target metabolite to stable isotope. That toward glutathione synthesis, apparently reduc-
is the reason why the main application field of ing oxidative stress. Recently, a “holidic medium”
this method is on microorganism and cells, while for Drosophila melanogaster has been developed
14  Metabolomics: State-of-the-Art Technologies and Applications on Drosophila melanogaster 267

by Piper et al. in 2014 (Piper et al. 2014). Even it will be advantageous to expand applications of
though it has not been applied for metabolomics metabolomics on Drosophila model.
study, holidic medium could be very useful if
researchers want to strictly control and manually
modify the diet. 14.4 Central Carbon Metabolism
of Drosophila
Throughout the Life Cycle
14.3.2 Isotope Ratio-Based Approach
for Absolute Quantification The full genome of Drosophila melanogaster
of Metabolites was successfully sequenced in 2000 (Adams
et  al. 2000; Fortini et  al. 2000). The mRNA
Isotope-assisted absolute quantification in expression levels throughout the life cycle
metabolomics is an advanced method allowing (Graveley et al. 2011) and in different organs of
the accurate measurement of all detected adult flies (Brown et al. 2014) were published in
metabolite abundances (Bennett et  al. 2008). 2011 and 2014, respectively. Many projects to
The main obstacle to quantify all metabolites is explore Drosophila proteome are now ongoing
each metabolite’s signal intensity which can be with 21,973 protein entries which can be accessed
influenced by many factors such as its concen- on UniProt (http://www.uniprot.org). Thus,
tration, its structure, and its matrix effects. Drosophila metabolome information is a viable
Using only one internal standard is not ideal for counterpart to gain deeper understanding on
normalization of all metabolites with different Drosophila and expand its applications as a
characteristics. To overcome these challenges, model organism. We recently reported Drosophila
one of the best solutions is using isotope inter- metabolic profiles at different developmental
nal standard mixtures which have similar pro- stages using the combination of GC-MS and ion-­
file to sample’s metabolome (Chokkathukalam paired LC-MS/MS (An et al. 2017a; An 2017; An
et al. 2014). The isotope compounds are able to et  al. 2014). Here, we will discuss the changes
account for sample processing variations and metabolic profile throughout Drosophila life
matrix effects encountered during analysis cycle focusing on the central metabolic pathways
because they behave identically to their unla- (amino acids, sugars, and organic acids, as well
beled equivalents in sample extracts. Fully as intermediates of central metabolism, such as
labeled 13C-metabolites are the most commonly sugar phosphates and cofactors).
used; they are however quite expensive. The During Drosophila embryogenesis (Fig. 14.3),
isotope internal standard mixtures are usually free amino acids (FAAs) were proposed to be
generated by growing the cells with fully essential during Drosophila embryogenesis, and
labeled substrates to yield exclusively labeled different amino acids appear to play distinct roles
intracellular metabolites (Bennett et  al. 2008). in different developmental stages of the embryo.
The internal standard mixtures will be added High levels of aspartic acid, methionine, and glu-
and extracted together with samples and stan- tamic acid were detected at the first 4 h after egg
dard solutions. After analysis, absolute quanti- laying, which includes the rapid nuclear division
tation of the metabolite levels is calculated cycles of Drosophila embryos. As aspartic acid,
using 12C/13C ratio-based calibration curves. methionine and glutamic acid  related to purine
Even though isotope-assisted absolute quanti- and pyrimidine synthesis (Bender 2012), high
fication is the most accurate method to measure levels of these amino acids might be a crucial for
metabolite levels, it was applied on Drosophila supplying substrates and energy for DNA repli-
only when a small number of metabolites needed cation during the of early Drosophila embryo-
to be quantified (Kostal et al. 2011). Hence, if a genesis. The changes in purine and pyrimidine
proper method to yield exclusively labeled intra- metabolism also matched with this hypothesis.
cellular metabolites is developed for Drosophila, On the other hand, essential amino acids
268 P. N. T. An and E. Fukusaki

Fig. 14.3  Metabolic profiles of Canton S during embryo- 25 °C in which samples were collected every 2 h from 0 to
genesis. (a) Free amino acids. (b) purine and pyrimidine 24 h AEL (h after egg laying). The color scale is plotted at
metabolism. and (c) glycolysis, TCA cycle, fatty acids, the bottom left of the figure
and cofactors. Embryos of Canton S were incubated at

(leucine, isoleucine, threonine, valine, lysine, and stage that glucose in the fat body is utilized to
histidine) increased significantly at the end of generate trehalose (Elbein et al. 2003; Chen and
embryogenesis. The only source for essential Haddad 2004), trehalose used in embryogenesis
amino acids in Drosophila embryo was from must be generated from other sources (properly
­protein degradation, and insects do not carry out from the yolk) because the level of glucose is
gluconeogenesis from lipid substrates (Rockstein quite low in the early stage. Consistent with this
2012). Thus, the embryo must be endowed with hypothesis, a study from Tennessen et al. showed
an abundance of maternally supplied products, that the level of triacylglycerol and glycogen
and these amino acids possibly provide another decreased during Drosophila embryogenesis
pathway to control energy production during (Tennessen et al. 2014a).
embryogenesis. In larval stage, first, second, and third instar
Metabolites in sugars metabolism changed larvae had distinct metabolic profiles (Fig. 14.4).
drastically during the development of embryos. High-abundance metabolites in amino acid,
The level of UDP-glucose decreased, while the purine, and pyrimidine metabolism were detected
level of glucose increased throughout embryo- in first instar larvae than other larval stages. At
genesis. Interestingly, trehalose was found to be the early stage of larval development, these
accumulated in an abundant level during gastru- metabolites likely came from their diet since the
lation. Previous transcriptome study reported that flies started to uptake food and obtain amino
Tret 1–1 and Tret 1–2 (encoding for trehalose acids from their food by ingesting protein (Nation
transporters) were highly expressed during gas- 2008). The major events during larval stage are
trulation, while Treh (encoding for trehalase that rapid growth and proliferation of imaginal discs
converts trehalose into glucose) was expressed as well as endoreplication of other tissues.
throughout embryogenesis (Fisher et  al. 2012). Therefore, high levels of metabolites in purine
Therefore, trehalose was proposed as the energy and pyrimidine metabolism, materials for cell
source for glycolysis to supply glucose for the division and cell growth, were detected. Second-
cells during embryogenesis. Unlike in larval and third-instar larvae stages are the extensive
14  Metabolomics: State-of-the-Art Technologies and Applications on Drosophila melanogaster 269

Fig. 14.4  Metabolic profiles of Canton S during larval and cofactors. The color scale is plotted at the bottom left
stage. (a) Free amino acids. (b) purine and pyrimidine of the figure. L1, first instar larvae; L2, second instar lar-
metabolism. and (c) glycolysis, TCA cycle, fatty acids, vae; L3, third instar larvae

feeding stage; larvae uptake nutrients not only to stage until 8 h after eclosion (Chiang and Tactic
fuel developmental reorganization but also to sur- 1963), these FAAs were likely used as material
vive during metamorphosis and early adult stage to construct proteins or to produce energy via
(Church and Robertson 1966). Thus, metabolites gluconeogenesis. Moreover, insects always have
related to energy metabolism including some to maintain a high hemolymph level (2.9–
FAAs, sugars, and TCA intermediates were 23.4  mg/ml) comparing to most of vertebrates
detected in high abundances during the late stage (0.5  mg/ml) (Gilbert and Schneiderman 1961;
of larval development. Wigglesworth 2012). FAAs were also reported
The metabolic profiles of Drosophila during as the most abundant metabolites in ten different
metamorphosis were grouped into two main tissues of adult flies (Chintapalli et  al. 2013).
groups including 0–6  h AWP (prepupal period Therefore, the regulation of FAA levels not only
marked by pupariation) and 12–90 h AWP (main maintains the normal development of Drosophila
pupal period) (Fig. 14.5). Throughout metamor- pupae but also has to keep a high abundant level
phic processes, the adult progenitor cells such of FAAs in the body of adult flies at the end of
as imaginal discs undergo cell proliferation, dif- development. Moreover, the metabolites in
ferentiation, and organogenesis to give rise to purine, pyrimidine, and energy metabolisms
the adult structures, while most larval tissues (fatty acids, sugars, and TCA intermediates)
undergo autophagy and cell death (Aguila et al. also changed drastically during the main pupal
2007). The most significant change was the stage. Autophagy and apoptosis are the impor-
increase of FAA levels, which was matched tant processes for the degradation and turnover
with the changes of urea abundance. Further components in the cells of an organism (Mariño
investigation found that the total protein amount et al. 2014). These results suggested that in the
in flies decreased throughout metamorphosis. nutrient-limited environment, the pupae used
These results suggested that the cells broke the materials from cell histolysis for the differ-
down proteins intensively to recycle the amino entiation of the tissues as well as to generate
acids. As flies cannot uptake food from pupal energy for cellular activities.
270 P. N. T. An and E. Fukusaki

Fig. 14.5  Metabolic profiles of Canton S during meta- pling started when the animals reached white pupal stage.
morphosis. (a) Free amino acids. (b) purine and pyrimi- The samples were collected from 0 to 90 h AWP (h after
dine metabolism. and (c) glycolysis, TCA cycle, fatty white pupae). The color scale is plotted at the bottom left
acids, and cofactors. At this stage, the time course sam- of the figure

In adult stage, male and female flies appeared flies. Since adult flies can uptake nutrients
to have distinct metabolic profiles especially in directly from food, these results indicated that
purine and pyrimidine metabolism (Fig.  14.6). female Drosophila had higher energy demand.
These data were supported by a previous study This finding matched with previous data sug-
showing that female flies required higher DNA gested that female flies had relatively bigger fat
biosynthesis and RNA transcription to produce body and more storage lipid to maintain the res-
eggs from germ cells (Rong et  al. 2014). ervoirs the reproductive organs and eggs (Scheitz
Moreover, the levels of UDP-glucose, glucose et  al. 2013; Parisi et  al. 2011). A transcriptome
1-phosphate, fructose 1-phosphate, and fructose study in male and female Drosophila found that
6-phosphate were significantly higher in female the major differences in gene expression were
14  Metabolomics: State-of-the-Art Technologies and Applications on Drosophila melanogaster 271

Fig. 14.6  Metabolic profiles of Canton S during meta- files of each gender were collected after emerging. The
morphosis. (a) Free amino acids. (b) purine and pyrimi- color scale is plotted at the bottom left of the figure. F,
dine metabolism. and (c) glycolysis, TCA cycle, fatty female, M, male
acids, and cofactors. For adult stage, the 5-day-old virgin

attributable to the germ cells (Parisi et al. 2004). as turnover analysis or absolute quantification.
Therefore, the differences in the metabolic pro- As mention above, Drosophila “holidic medium”
files discovered in this study were likely due to proposed by Piper et al. could be the key to solve
the reproductive systems. Even though the full this problem. Besides, expanding the sample
mechanism was not clearly understood, the types can so widen the applications of Drosophila
metabolism was sex biased in Drosophila. metabolomics. Most of the reports used whole
body extract, and only a few studies focus on spe-
cific tissues. The current metabolomics technolo-
14.5 Future Perspectives gies can access to the metabolic profile of not
of Drosophila Metabolomics only large tissues but also cell lines (in cell cul-
ture) (Muschet et  al. 2016), single cell (Emara
In general, Drosophila metabolomics is still et  al. 2017), and even subcellular organelles
immature comparing to other application fields (Chen et  al. 2016; Dietz 2017). Obviously,
of metabolomics. However, it is helping us to Drosophila cell culture has been using as a quick
gain more insights into Drosophila metabolism screening system for basic researches in molecu-
than any other technologies could have done. lar and cellular biology (Baum and Cherbas
Current workflow in Drosophila metabolomics is 2008). Moreover, the use of Drosophila imaginal
mainly adopted from other organisms. The lack discs has been providing new insights into a num-
of optimum methods specifically for Drosophila ber of discoveries in developmental and cellular
is one of the biggest bottlenecks interfering the biology (Beira and Paro 2016). Therefore, if we
use of advanced metabolomics technologies such can take advantage of metabolomics ­technologies
272 P. N. T. An and E. Fukusaki

and apply to various Drosophila experimental development. Funct Ecol. 2012;26:822–8. https://doi.
systems, Drosophila metabolomics will give Beira JV, Paro R.  The legacy of Drosophila imaginal
huge impact on achieving new insights into the discs. Chromosoma. 2016;125:573–92. https://doi.
cell phenotype and physiology. org/10.1007/s00412-016-0595-4.
Bender DA. Amino acid metabolism. Chichester: Wiley;
Bennett BD, Yuan J, Kimball EH, Rabinowitz
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Humanized Flies and Resources
for Cross-Species Study 15
Toshiyuki Takano-Shimizu-Kouno
and Takashi Ohsako

Abstract are in noncoding regions and are thought to

The completion of whole-genome sequences play a pivotal role in gene regulation. We gen-
has greatly broadened our understanding of erated transgenic fly lines carrying human
genes and genomes. The availability of model ultra-conserved elements for enhancer reporter
organism databases facilitates the sharing of assay and indeed observed the reporter expres-
information. However, it is still challenging to sion in one or more tissues of embryos and
predict the pathogenicity of missense muta- larvae in all elements tested. Currently, trans-
tions, and it is more difficult to evaluate the genic human-ORF lines expressing human
functional impact of noncoding variants. What genes under the control of GAL4/UAS system
is more, it is a primary question to understand are also been developed, which will greatly
what variants interact to express phenotypes. facilitate the cross-species in Drosophila. In
Powerful genetic tools and resources available this chapter, I introduce useful tools and
in Drosophila now make it much easier to resources available in Drosophila to nonspe-
replace endogenous genes with exogenous cialists, encouraging their further use in many
DNA.  This allows us to directly investigate applications.
and compare the functions of orthologs, vari-
ants, and fragments in a single genetic back- Keywords
ground, the value of which should be widely Cross-species study · Humanized fly · Fly
appreciated. To take one example, we are cur- resources · Ultra-conserved element
rently studying so-called ultra-conserved ele-
ments, which have been conserved over
hundreds of millions of years of vertebrate
evolution. Many highly conserved elements 15.1 Introduction

Fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) has long

T. Takano-Shimizu-Kouno (*) been a favorite model organism for many
Department of Drosophila Genomics and Genetic
Resources, Advanced Insect Research Promotion researchers since T.  H. Morgan found the first
Center, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Kyoto, Japan white-eyed mutant fly in 1910. This small (a few
e-mail: fruitfly@kit.ac.jp mm) invertebrate can easily be breed and main-
T. Ohsako tained in a vial of 25 mm in diameter x 95 mm in
Advanced Technology Center, Kyoto Institute of height, containing about 8 ml of fly medium. It
Technology, Kyoto, Japan takes about 10  days from egg to adult at room
e-mail: tohsako@kit.ac.jp

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 277

M. Yamaguchi (ed.), Drosophila Models for Human Diseases, Advances in Experimental Medicine
and Biology 1076, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-0529-0_15
278 T. Takano-Shimizu-Kouno and T. Ohsako

temperature, 1 day for egg to hatch, 4–5 days for model organism. One is the genomic simplicity.
the larva to molt twice (into second and third Fruit fly has a genome of about 200 Mb distrib-
instar larva) and to pupate, and another 4–5 days uted mainly on the X and two autosomes (the
before the adult fly emerges. Adult fly lives for second and third chromosomes), while the fourth
several weeks to a few months, and each female chromosome is much smaller (about 2% of the
lays hundreds of eggs during her lifetime. genome). Its genome has not experienced a
Researchers can breed multiple of generation of whole-genome duplication event and contains
flies and examine a mutant phenotype in homo- fewer paralogs than those of vertebrates. It con-
zygous condition in a few of months. tains 13,931 protein-coding genes, 2508 long
Drosophila and humans diverged from a com- noncoding RNA genes, 115 rRNA genes, 312
mon ancestor about 700  million years ago tRNA genes, 289 snoRNA genes, and 259
(Douzery et al. 2004) but still share many cellular miRNA genes (FB2017_06 Release Notes).
and molecular components. Thanks to the deep When compared to the human genome contain-
conservation, findings in Drosophila have had ing about 21,000 protein-coding and 99,000
profound implications. Genetic analyses in RNA genes on their 23 chromosomes, the fly thus
Drosophila have led to the discovery of many has a simple and compact genome. Nevertheless,
basic principles of signal transduction, such as the two species share more than 60% of genes
Notch, Hedgehog, Wnt, and Hippo pathways, to (orthologs). This simplicity is particularly useful
name a few. Our understanding of anterior-­ for cross-species study and accelerates transla-
posterior axis formation has also emerged from tional research.
studies in Drosophila. The availability of genome Drosophila eggs are about 500  μm in length
sequences and advance in genetic tools for and 180 μm in diameter. Embryogenesis is com-
manipulation have now paved a way for more pleted within 22–24  h at room temperature and
direct functional analyses of human genomes easy to observe. Embryonic phenotypes are thus
in  vivo. Accordingly, the types and number of quickly recognized and well scored. Drosophila
databases and resources for studying human is a holometabolous insect, and the majority of
genes and variants are rapidly expanding. It is adult organs are derived from the so-called ima-
now feasible to routinely replace Drosophila ginal discs, which are each composed of two epi-
genes with human orthologs and to investigate thelial layers, a squamous peripodial membrane
their functions. This is not limited to humans, but and a columnar epithelium (disc proper). The lat-
that the functions of orthologous genes from ter gives rise to adult external structures, for
diverse species are now analyzed and directly example, wing and notum from the wing disc.
compared in a single model organism like The anatomical simplicity of embryos and larvae
Drosophila. In this chapter, I introduce some use- has made it much easier to study cell-cell interac-
ful genetic tools and resources available in tions, which are critical for organ development
Drosophila to nonspecialists, encouraging their and relevant to disease progression.
further use in many applications in a wide variety
of fields.
15.3 Tools and Resources
for Studies in Drosophila
15.2 T
 wo Kinds of Simplicities
that Make Drosophila 15.3.1 Special Chromosomes that
an Excellent Model Make Drosophila Unique
A series of balancer chromosomes makes
Besides the ease of maintenance in a laboratory Drosophila very unique. They carry multiple
and the short generation time, there are two kinds inversions along their chromosomes for cross-
of simplicity that make Drosophila an excellent over suppression. They also carry a dominant
15  Humanized Flies and Resources for Cross-Species Study 279

v­ isible marker (or markers) and a recessive lethal model organisms and available to the Drosophila
(or lethals) to prevent loss of the chromosome of community.
interest. They are created on the X (first multiple At the same time, naturally occurring genetic
series, such as FM6), second (e.g., SM5 and variation is a valuable resource for studying how
CyO), and third chromosomes (e.g., TM3 and genes and environments produce a phenotype.
TM6). These special chromosomes allow a Along this line, Drosophila melanogaster
selected chromosome to be preserved intact in Genetic Reference Panel (DGRP) consisting of
the heterozygous condition (without recombina- more than 200 inbred strains derived from a natu-
tion) or to be made homozygous in a few genera- ral population is constructed, sequenced, and
tions (in as little as 1 month after an initial cross). phenotyped for traits such as starvation resis-
Taking these advantages, many kinds of muta- tance, pigmentation, and aggressive behavior
tions have been generated and studied for their (Mackay et  al. 2012; Dembeck et  al. 2015;
effects and functions. Shorter et al. 2015). Gene expression data (Huang
The availability of the balancer chromosomes et al. 2015) are also available at http://dgrp.gnets.
facilitates the generation of many deficiency ncsu.edu and can be used for analysis of expres-
chromosomes by X-ray irradiation or chemical sion quantitative trait loci (eQTLs).The more we
and transposon mutagenesis; a collection of such know about the genetic architecture of complex
deficiencies has been widely used as null alleles, traits in experimental populations, the better we
for rapid mapping of new mutations and pheno- will be able to predict complex phenotypes such
typic traits, and for enhancer and suppressor as disease risk. A better understanding of the rel-
screening. To further improve the performance, ative impact of functional variants, age, interac-
the yeast FLP1/FRT site-specific recombination tions, and environments on trait phenotypes is a
system was introduced to create new collections key to making personalized medicine.
of deficiencies (Ryder et  al. 2004; Parks et  al.
2004). They are relatively small with molecularly
defined breakpoints and common genetic back- 15.3.2 Tools and Applications That
grounds, thus allowing fine-scale mapping and Are Embedded in Drosophila
more valid comparison of measurements. In total,
the deficiencies, which are publically available in One of the most important genetic tools in
the stock centers, cover more than 98% of the Drosophila genetics is binary (driver/responder)
euchromatic genome. Collections of large dupli- transgene induction systems, where the driver
cations can also be amenable to high-throughput activates expression of the downstream responder
modifier screening. transgene in a specially and temporally restricted
The value of quantitative phenotypic measure- manner. The most common ones are budding
ments is increased, and the data sharing is more yeast transcription activator-based GAL4/UAS
effective when commonly used wild-type strains (Brand and Perrimon 1993), bacterial repressor-­
are included as controls in the analysis. The based LexA/lexAop (Lai and Lee 2006), and red
Drosophila community shares “reference” strains bread mold transcription activator-based QF/
such as Canton-S, Oregon-R, and other highly QUAS systems (Potter et al. 2010). They are acti-
inbred strains via Bloomington Drosophila Stock vated independently and, importantly, can be
Center and Kyoto Stock Center (DGRC). repressed; GAL80 represses GAL4 and QS does
However, there is no super fruit fly, and all labo- QF.  Moreover, the DNA-binding domain and
ratory flies are mutants in a sense. For instance, transcriptional activation domain of the driver
one of the most popular “wild-type” strain genes are separable and independently targeted
Canton-S is found to have reduced male fertility with different promoters, in which these two ele-
(Kanamori et al. 2014), although causative muta- ments must be expressed together in the same
tion or mutations remain unidentified. Therefore, cell to become transcriptionally active (Luan
multiple reference strains are desirable in all et al. 2006). By combining these techniques, we
280 T. Takano-Shimizu-Kouno and T. Ohsako

can refine the expression patterns of transgenes system (MARCM; Lee and Luo 1999). This sys-
and induce expression of distinct transgenes in tem also depends on the GAL4/UAS system and
different patterns in the same fly. the GAL80 repressor to label positive cells of
In the binary systems, the driver lines are gen- interest and to trace cell lineages at a single-cell
erated independently from the responder. One resolution. There are many strategies and appli-
way to generate is to fuse the driver gene to the cations of mosaic analysis (Germani et al. 2018),
known regulatory elements; for example, heat-­ and they can be used for studying cell-cell
inducible Heat-shock-protein-70Bb (Hsp70), interactions.
pan-neuronal neuronal Synaptobrevin (nSyb), PhiC31 integrase and FLP and Cre recombi-
germ cell-specific nanos (nos), and ubiquitous nases are also used to capture and use the special
α-Tub84B (α-Tubulin at 84B) drivers were gener- and temporal expression pattern of genes. Minos-­
ated. However, because of the limited number of mediated integration cassette (MiMIC) is a Minos
promoters and enhancers that have been identi- transposon-based gene-trap vector, which con-
fied and characterized, two alternative approaches sists of a gene-trap cassette and the yellow+
have been proposed and used successfully to gen- marker flanked by two inverted attP sites and two
erate many thousands of driver lines. The first Minos inverted repeats (Venken et  al. 2011;
one is so-called enhancer trapping, in which the Nagarkar-Jaiswal et al. 2015). The gene-trap cas-
driver (e.g., GAL4) gene is fused to a minimal sette contains a splice acceptor site followed by
promoter and then randomly inserted in the stop codons for all three reading frames and a
genome. It is expressed in patterns specified by polyadenylation signal. Therefore, insertions into
adjacent regulatory sequences (Brand and coding introns very likely disrupt the genes. The
Perrimon 1993). Currently, about 4300 such lines sequence between the two attP sites can be
(NP lines, Hayashi et al. 2002) are available from replaced through recombinase-mediated cassette
Kyoto Stock Center. In the second method, the exchange (RMCE) with a plasmid containing
driver gene is directly fused to a short genomic two inverted attB sites. Exchange with a correc-
fragment as a potential regulatory sequence, tion cassette lacking the splice acceptor site and
together with a minimal promoter, and then stop codons is supposed to revert the disruptive
inserted into a specified genomic location mutation; exchange with a mutagenic GAL4 cas-
(Pfeiffer et al. 2008). These driver lines generally sette results in gene trapping; and exchange with
drive expression in fewer cells than the enhancer a cassette containing a reporter gene (e.g., GFP)
trap lines do and available from Bloomington surrounded by a pair of a splice acceptor and a
Drosophila Stock Center (Jenett et al. 2012) and donor site makes a protein trap line.
Vienna Drosophila Resource Center (Kvon et al. Like many other animals and plants, the
2014). CRISPR/Cas9 system has been successfully
Genetic mosaic analysis is also a powerful introduced into Drosophila (Bassett et al. 2013;
tool for dissecting complex gene functions and Gratz et al. 2013; Kondo and Ueda 2013; Yu et al.
indeed widely used in Drosophila research, espe- 2013) and widely used for genome editing. The
cially in two-dimensional epithelial tissues like method has been significantly improved, and
eye and wing discs proper. It is especially useful many applications have been developed. For
for embryonic lethal genes. In Drosophila, highly efficient and specific conditional gene dis-
mitotic recombination occurs spontaneously, ruption, it is combined with the GAL4/UAS sys-
although at very low frequency, in both females tem (Port and Bullock 2016); together with guide
and males, which could generate two different RNAs, catalytically inactive Cas9 (dCas9) is tar-
homozygous cells (one for each allele). Currently, geted to loci of interest for transcriptional repres-
FLP recombinase is most often used to induce sion and activation (Lin et al. 2015; Ghosh et al.
mitotic recombination. Indeed, it is highly effi- 2016); CRISPR/Cas9-based homologous recom-
cient. A representative application example is the bination is used for the plant-based auxin-­
mosaic analysis with a repressible cell marker inducible degradation system (Bence et al. 2017);
15  Humanized Flies and Resources for Cross-Species Study 281

and many more. The new genome-editing tech- protein localization and function. As of Feb 7,
nology will further stimulate cross-species study. 2018, 3211 fly ORF lines for 2817 genes (exclud-
Facilitated by these tools, large-scale fly ing miRNA genes) are available at FlyORF at
resources have been made systematically to University of Zurich, Switzerland.
induce loss-of-function and gain-of-function
mutations. For targeted gene silencing, UAS-­
hairpin RNAi (RNA interference) libraries have 15.3.3 Drosophila Stock Centers
been made available in Drosophila (e.g., Hu et al.
2017). These hairpin RNAs are expressed under The abovementioned strains are deposited in and
the control of various GAL4 drivers, which distributed from the public fly stock centers such
causes cell-autonomous sequence-specific degra- as Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center (BDSC,
dation of RNA molecules. The libraries have USA), Vienna Drosophila Resource Center
gone through two major changes: site-specific (VDRC, Austria), National Institute of Genetics
integration mediated by phiC31 integrase instead (Japan), and Kyoto Stock Center (Japan). Our
of P element-based random integration and short Kyoto Stock Center houses about 30,000 stocks
hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) instead of long hairpin including balancers, deficiencies, mutants, NP,
RNAs. Both changes are expected to improve the GS, and protein trap lines. Upon shipment, we
effectiveness and the latter to reduce off-target charge handling and postage fees, but not stock-­
effects. Such large collections of transgenic flies maintenance fee. The other activities of the cen-
are available in the three stock centers (the fol- ter, such as stock maintenance, inspection,
lowing figures refer only to protein-coding acquisition, disposal, and database maintenance,
genes): 13,185 lines in Bloomington Drosophila are financially supported by the Japan Agency for
Stock Center, 31,393 lines in Vienna Drosophila Medical Research and Development (The
Resource Center (Dietzl et al. 2007), 17,405 lines National BioResource Project) and Kyoto
in National Institute of Genetics, Japan, and, Institute of Technology. On the other hand, about
when combined together, 13,354 genes (95.9%) 75% of expenses at BDSC is covered by user
are targeted (as of Feb 1, 2018). fees. Like other data and biological material
Overexpression or ectopic expression is an repositories, sustainability is always an issue.
alternative efficient means for studying gene The current fee structure may be revised in the
function and for identifying genes associated future.
with a given process or phenotype. In Drosophila, Another important issue at the fly stock cen-
this sort of misexpression can be achieved with ters is that fly strains have to be maintained con-
UAS enhancer-promoter insertion lines, which stantly as living cultures; they cannot be
induce expression of the downstream genes when cryobiologically preserved. This raises concerns
GAL4 is present (Rorth 1996; Crisp and Merriam that strains may be accidentally lost or their prop-
1997; Toba et al. 1999; Beinert et al. 2004; Bellen erties be changed genetically or epigenetically
et  al. 2004; Thibault et  al. 2004; Staudt et  al. during maintenance. In particular, preservation of
2005). EP, EPgy2, PBAC{WH}, and other librar- the reference strains and original strains used in
ies are available at Bloomington Drosophila transgenic experiments without deterioration is
Stock Center (in total, 6181 lines as of Feb 5, urgently needed. Cryopreservation methods,
2018), while GS and LA libraries are obtained once developed for embryos (Steponkus et  al.
from Kyoto Stock Center (DGRC) (in total, 7824 1990; Mazur et  al. 1992) and ovaries
lines as of Feb 5, 2018). Unfortunately, because (Brüschweiler and Gehring 1973), do not work
of the nontargeted nature of the insertions, tran- well for large stock collections due to the need of
scripts induced by binding of GAL4 protein to time-consuming individual optimization.
each element are not necessarily known. Collaborated with Satoru Kobayashi’s group at
Alternatively, in  vivo UAS-ORF (open reading the University of Tsukuba, Japan, and Daisuke
frame) lines are a valuable resource for assessing Tanaka at National Agriculture and Food
282 T. Takano-Shimizu-Kouno and T. Ohsako

Research Organization, Japan, we recently suc- types (phenologs) are defined as those related by
ceeded to cryopreserve primordial germ cells the orthology of the associated genes in two
from early embryos of a few of strains. Because organisms. For example, a high incidence of male
of low strain-to-strain variability of the optimum progeny in Caenorhabditis elegans and human
time of cell collection, this method is promising breast cancer is in a phenolog relationship
for application in the stock centers. because of a significant overlapping of the two
sets of causative or linked genes (McGary et al.
2010). Thus, the phenolog identifies novel candi-
15.3.4 Bioinformatics Resources date genes for human diseases. So far, Drosophila
phenologs have not been developed; the develop-
Everyday drosophilists visit the FlyBase database ment is eagerly awaited.
(http://flybase.org) for retrieval of data on gene
expression, phenotype and function, genome
browsing, stock search, finding orthologs, and so 15.4 Cross-Species Study
on. While this is a sophisticated database in which
we can do many things, it is not easy to use for The model organisms including Drosophila have
non-experts because of numerous technical terms made the great contribution to molecular and
and FlyBase-specific data structure. This is par- developmental biology. They reduce the com-
ticularly so for phenotypic data. Indeed, the plexity of the system under study and greatly
FlyBase uses original structured controlled enhance our understanding of the basic princi-
vocabularies for anatomy and development and ples. The advantages of Drosophila can also be
annotation. The same happens when drosophilists directly applied to cross-species study of com-
use other organism and disease databases. The plex biological processes and traits including
National Library of Medicine’s controlled vocab- human diseases. The high conservation between
ulary thesaurus, MeSH, is very helpful, but does Drosophila and human makes such studies
not cover all the fly vocabulary. We will come feasible.
back on this issue later in Sect. 15.5. Functional conservation of fly and vertebrate
Cross-species study requires researchers to genes was first demonstrated by misexpression
gather and process information from several dif- studies of the mouse and human Hox genes in
ferent databases. However, it is time-consuming Drosophila, where their gain-of-functional phe-
and confusing to go back and forth due to the notypes are nearly identical to those caused by
scattering of information. It is, therefore, desir- the orthologous fly genes (Malicki et  al. 1990;
able to have websites that integrate multiple McGinnis et al. 1990). One of the most striking
information systems and that provide a concise examples is the finding that the Drosophila eye-
summary of the information in easy-to-­ less gene and its mouse ortholog Pax6 induce
understand terms for nonspecialists. For exam- ectopic eye formation in Drosophila (Halder
ple, MARRVEL (Wang et  al. 2017; http:// et al. 1995). Subsequently, the conservation has
marrvel.org) and InterMine warehouse system also been shown by rescue of Drosophila mutants
(Smith et al. 2012; Kalderimis et al. 2014; http:// by vertebrate orthologs (e.g., Wang et  al. 2002;
intermine.org) facilitate integrative analysis of Yamamoto et al. 2014). In yeast, since the early
diverse data from humans and model organisms. successful humanization (Kataoka et  al. 1985;
On the other hand, obvious anatomical differ- Lee and Nurse 1987), hundreds of yeast genes
ences apparently limit the direct extrapolation of are humanized, and many are shown to rescue
findings in fruit fly to human and other model yeast loss-of-function mutations. Indeed, 48%
organisms. A method is developed to find non-­ (200/414) of essential genes tested were success-
obvious equivalences between mutant pheno- fully rescued by the human orthologs (Kachroo
types in different species (McGary et  al. 2010; et  al. 2015). Although there is no systematic
Woods et  al. 2013). Here, orthologous pheno- study of replaceability of Drosophila mutants
15  Humanized Flies and Resources for Cross-Species Study 283

with the human orthologs, the success rate should the pathogenicity of missense variants identified
be higher than this. So far, the results are promis- by whole-exome sequencing. Thus, the screening
ing (Wangler et al. 2017). The functional replace- center is developing new fly resources. Indeed,
ability indeed encourages the use of Drosophila the group at the Baylor College of Medicine
as an in  vivo model to evaluate the effects of works together with Lawrence Berkeley National
human variants on disease risk. Laboratory and Kyoto Institute of Technology
(Kyoto Stock Center) and is rigorously develop-
ing UAS-human ORF fly strains for rescue
15.4.1 Drosophila as an In Vivo experiments.
Animal Model of Human Human variants that are gain-of-function can
Diseases be simply tested for phenotypes of ectopic
expression of variant genes in the model organ-
It is currently estimated that all human beings are isms. On the other hand, loss-of-function variants
born with ~100 de novo mutations (Kong et  al. demand more effort. We must first study the phe-
2012; Rahbari et al. 2016) and carry 100 or more notypes of loss-of-function mutations of the
loss-of-function or damaging mutations in the Drosophila ortholog and then attempt to rescue
genome (Lohmueller et al. 2008; MacArthur and the phenotypes by expressing human genes in the
Tyler-Smith 2010; The 1000 Genomes Project damaged tissue. Experimental evidence that the
Consortium 2012; Tennessen et  al. 2012; wild-type human gene can rescue but that the
MacArthur et  al. 2012). Furthermore, each per- variant cannot supports the pathogenicity of the
son differs from the reference sequence at 10,000 mutation. However, driving the expression by a
or more non-synonymous sites, of which 2500 or tissue-specific or a ubiquitous driver line may not
more occur at conserved sites (The 1000 be suitable, because it does not fully recapitulate
Genomes Project Consortium 2012). They could the spatial and temporal expression pattern of the
potentially contribute to disease risk. A step endogenous gene. In this sense, the MiMIC inser-
toward personalized health care is to make per- tion lines and RMCE technology mentioned
sonalized strains of model organisms, each above are useful because they fully capture the
expressing a unique human variant gene and then endogenous expression pattern and allow us to
to evaluate its effects on phenotypes. Needless to conduct better-controlled rescue experiments.
say, Drosophila is suitable because of its simplic- Indeed, recent applications to cross-species com-
ity, efficiency, and tools mentioned above. plementation predicted human variant pathoge-
Indeed, humanized, personalized flies are now nicity (e.g., Chao et al. 2017; Yoon et al. 2017).
actively developed for this purpose.
Undiagnosed Disease Network (UDN) in the
United States aims to improve the level of diag- 15.4.2 Use of Drosophila
nosis and care for patients with undiagnosed dis- for Functional Analysis
eases, to facilitate research into the etiology of of Noncoding Regulatory
undiagnosed diseases, and to create an integrated Elements
and collaborative research community to identify
improved options for optimal patient manage- Of course, protein-coding regions are not enough;
ment. To this end, UDN brings together seven noncoding regions are also essential parts of the
clinical sites, a coordinating center, and core genome. Indeed, a large portion of the human
facilities (Cores). Cores include two DNA genome is inferred to be functionally active (The
sequencing cores, a metabolomics core, a central ENCODE Project Consortium 2012). However,
biorepository, and a model-organism screening identification and characterization of regulatory
center. The screening center at the Baylor College regions remain a challenge. For instance, genome
of Medicine and the University of Oregon mainly sequence analyses of tumor cells have identified
focuses on Drosophila and zebra fish to predict hundreds of potential oncogenic mutations in
284 T. Takano-Shimizu-Kouno and T. Ohsako

protein-coding regions (e.g., Vogelstein et  al. in multiple developmental stages. For this reason,
2013) but very few of point mutations in noncod- we generated transgenic fly lines carrying human
ing regions (Rheinbay et al. 2017). The majority ultra-conserved elements for enhancer reporter
of disease and trait-associated variants identified assay. Three examples are shown in Fig. 15.1, in
by genome-wide association studies (GWAS) are which element 113 drove broad expression in the
in noncoding regions, but the functional evalua- ventral nerve cord of larvae and elements 381 and
tion of putative regulatory variants is very diffi- 1871 in subsets of cells in the central brain and
cult without prior knowledge of regulatory ventral nerve cord. In the mouse assay, the
elements or chromatin structure (e.g., Musunuru reporter gene expression was observed in the dor-
et al. 2010; Maurano et al. 2012). Thus, there is a sal root ganglion in element 113 and eye in ele-
large gap between identifying noncoding trait-­ ment 381, but not detected in element 1871
associated variants and knowing their functional (Pennacchio et al. 2006). So far, we observed the
mechanisms. reporter expression in one or more tissues of
An important indicator to identify regulatory embryos and larvae in all elements tested (unpub-
elements in noncoding regions is the sequence lished data), implying the usefulness of stable
conservation. The so-called ultra-conserved ele- transgenic lines. For detection of enhancer and
ments in the human and rodent genomes are other regulatory activity, Drosophila could be a
extreme examples of conservation (Bejerano useful material.
et  al. 2004). There are thousands of such ele-
ments in vertebrate genomes (Visel et al. 2008).
Most ultra-conserved elements are noncoding 15.5 Future Challenges Facing
and thought to play an important role in the regu- Cross-Species Study
lation of gene expression, although some ultra-­
conserved noncoding elements are known to be The increasing availability of the state-of-the-art
dispensable for viability in mice (Ahituv et  al. technology and resources of Drosophila, aided
2007). Consistent with this expectation, the by web-based data mining tools, advances our
enhancer activity of these elements was detected understanding of human and other genomes.
in in vivo mouse reporter assay (Pennacchio et al. However, there are still reasons that prevent
2006). However, the detection rate falls below researchers from using other model organisms.
50%, which is most likely due to the transient, To increase the use of fruit fly in other species
single time-point expression assays. Stable trans- communities and to facilitate cross-species study,
genic lines should increase the sensitivity and we must face the following five challenges.
accuracy of identification of expressing cells with The first challenge is to deal with community-­
the aid of multiple observations of the same line specific dialects; different communities have dif-

Fig. 15.1  Drosophila transgenic enhancer assay effectively detects enhancer activity of noncoding ultra-conserved
elements from human. (a) element 381; (b) element 1871; and (c) element113
15  Humanized Flies and Resources for Cross-Species Study 285

ferent languages. This is especially so in fruit fly can potentially be used for the enhancer
phenotypic description. Gene ontology (GO) and other regulatory function assay as shown in
terms, molecular function, cellular component, Fig. 15.1.
and biological process, are based on sequence DNA sequencing data have been rapidly accu-
and expression data; therefore, they are relatively mulating in non-model organisms, leading to the
easily standardized across species. On the other identification of many CPDs as mentioned above.
hand, phenotypes are described by the genetic, These CPDs are used to identify compensatory
anatomical, and developmental nomenclature, variants (e.g., Plotnikova et al. 2007), which may,
which often makes species-specific controlled in turn, deepen our understanding of the molecu-
vocabularies. As mentioned above, like many lar nature of the pathogenic effects and provide
other databases, FlyBase uses original vocabular- therapeutic targets. Ortholog and paralog rela-
ies for phenotypes. For instance, while FlyBase tionships and their functional conservation pro-
uses “male sterility,” Medical Subjects Headings vide a better means to understand the evolution of
(MeSH) recommends “male infertility” for gene regulatory networks. At any rate, the poten-
reduced fertility in males. This prevents from or tial use of the data from non-model organisms
at least delays mutual understanding between should be explored further.
researchers using different organisms. Phenotypes Besides these challenges, there is a physical
are increasingly important for cross-species barrier for non-drosophilists to start their fly
study. Easy sharing of information will be a key experiments. Despite relatively low cost and
to lower the barriers between model-organism small space demands, they must have basic facili-
communities. ties such as cooking equipment and space, breed-
The second challenge is to deal with context ing incubators, and sterilization equipment.
dependency of mutational effects; damaging or Providing experimental space and facilities for
deleterious mutations in one species may not be temporary users would greatly expand the use of
so in another. For example, the chimpanzee Drosophila. The stock centers have potentials for
genome is reported to have 16 missense variants such activity. Currently, collaborated with
that cause human diseases (The Chimpanzee National Institute of Genetics, Kyoto Institute of
Sequencing and Analysis Consortium 2005). Technology proposes to establish a screening
Such pathogenic variants are referred to compen- center for cross-species study. Any such center
sated pathogenic deviation (CPD) because their could play a pivotal role in advancing this field in
potential harmful effects are thought to be com- a short period of time.
pensated by some other compensatory mutation
or mutations (Kondrashov et al. 2002). CPDs are
indeed prevalent in vertebrate genomes (esti- 15.6 Final Remarks
mated at ~10%; Kondrashov et al. 2002; Jordan
et al. 2015). This phenomenon cannot be ignored The scope of translational research in model
in a cross-species study. organisms is becoming wider, and the priority for
The third challenge is that functions of non- funding such research is clearly increasing.
coding regions, particularly of the human However, it is not the only way for Drosophila to
genome, are poorly understood and functional contribute to science. Too much focusing of
effects of noncoding variants are difficult to iden- future research activities on humans is not my
tify. However, the development of efficient, fast, intention either. To give one example, the evolu-
and reliable identification method is essential tionary, developmental study would be expanded
because noncoding variants comprise the major- to a much longer time scale by using Drosophila.
ity of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) As an excellent model organism, Drosophila
associated with disease and other human traits. continues to contribute to many fields of biology
Although precise comparison with the expression through cross-species study including and
pattern of endogenous genes would be required, beyond humans.
286 T. Takano-Shimizu-Kouno and T. Ohsako

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Designs for Flies + of Mice
and Men: Design Approaches 16
to Drosophila melanogaster

Julia Cassim, Frank Kolkman, and Marcel Helmer

Abstract and interaction design. It won the Services and

Designs for Flies is an award-winning design-­ Systems category of the Dutch Design Awards
led interdisciplinary project between KYOTO (DDW) in 2016, and Kolkman was named
Design Lab (D-Lab), the Department of DDW’s Young Designer of the Year in October
Applied Biology at the Kyoto Institute of 2017. It was followed by Of Flies, Mice and
Technology (KIT) and Charcot-Marie-Tooth Men: drosophila and the interconnected
(CMT), Japan. Within the framework of landscape of genes, a Drosophila-related
speculative design yet using an inclusive science communication project by Marcel
methodology, Frank Kolkman, a young Helmer, Kolkman’s successor as D-Lab
Dutch designer, took Professor Masamitsu Design Associate for which the design brief
Yamaguchi’s climbing assay experiment with was based on issues raised by the first project.
Drosophila in his genetic mapping for CMT This is also described to highlight the differ-
as the point of departure. Kolkman sought to ing issues, design approaches and results of
address two questions raised during his initial this science/design collaboration.
research: “Could alternative strategies be used
to generate interest from pharmaceutical com- Keywords
panies for obscure, complicated or ‘unmarket- Speculative design · Inclusive design ·
able’ diseases in drug research?” and “Could Communication design · Design process ·
transgenic Drosophila be used for the wild- Interdisciplinary collaboration · Science
card testing of drug compounds directly by communication · Drosophila melanogaster
patients at home in the search for a possible
cure?” The chapter will describe its genesis,
design process and the challenges and poten-
tial of interdisciplinary projects of this nature 16.1 Introduction
along with the impact of the resulting concept,
which incorporated service, system, product In May 2014, KYOTO Design Lab (D-Lab) was
established at the Kyoto Institute of Technology
(KIT) funded under the Japanese Ministry of
J. Cassim (*) · F. Kolkman · M. Helmer Education, Culture, Sports, Science and
KYOTO Design Lab, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Technology (MEXT) Global Centre of Excellence
Kyoto, Japan
e-mail: julia-cassim@kit.ac.jp; (COE) programme (http://www.jsps.go.jp/
info@frankkolkman.nl; helloworld@marcelhelmer.de english/e-globalcoe/). The overall aim of the

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 289

M. Yamaguchi (ed.), Drosophila Models for Human Diseases, Advances in Experimental Medicine
and Biology 1076, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-0529-0_16
290 J. Cassim et al.

COE programme is to raise the international gramme. For this, a young designer is invited to
competitiveness of Japanese universities. In spend a period of up to 6 months at D-Lab work-
KYOTO D-Lab’s case, this is to be an incubator ing in collaboration with an existing research
for new educational approaches to design and team. The areas chosen are those where design
architecture with an emphasis on “Innovation by applications can be readily identified and in
Design”, alongside international collaboration which KIT excels, namely, materials science,
with leading schools worldwide. Julia Cassim fibroscience and the life sciences. Three over-
was appointed Project Professor for Design arching themes were chosen under which proj-
charged with developing initiatives to support ects would be advanced – Making and Materials,
this vision. Designing Social Interactions and Critical
Three linked programmes were established – Curation and Interpretation – again to reflect
an Open Workshop, a Design Associate and a KIT research strengths in these areas. The latter
Designer-in-Residence programme – each with theme was chosen since the university is home to
separate aims. The Open Workshop programme the KIT Museum and Archive, which offers
is run in collaboration with universities abroad opportunities for new approaches in curation,
or established design practitioners with exper- communication design and interpretation. The
tise in the selected theme. These 5-day intensive programme’s overall aim is to show how design,
workshops are open to all, advertised via the when applied to scientific research, can be the
D-Lab website, and attract students from differ- springboard for innovation.
ent departments in KIT and other universities as Designs for Flies and Of Flies, Mice and Men
well as practicing designers and participants came under the Designing Social Interactions
from different sectors. As a network-building theme. They were a collaboration between
vehicle, the programme aims to demonstrate Professor Masamitsu Yamaguchi’s research team
new interdisciplinary models of design educa- in Applied Biology and the Centre for Advanced
tion  – ones that explore themes that are more Insect Science (CAIR), Professor Toshiyuki
reflective of the social realities with which Takano of KIT’s Drosophila Genetic Resource
young designers and the design industry as a Center (DGRC) (Fig. 16.4), Drs Yumiko Azuma
whole must now deal. and Yukie Kushimura of the Kyoto Prefectural
The two projects described in this chapter Medical University Hospital and Keiko Ota and
resulted from this Open Workshop programme in Takahiro Hosoi of Charcot-Marie-Tooth Japan
conjunction with the Design Associate pro- (Fig. 16.1).

Fig. 16.1 The project

team: from left, Kolkman,
Yamaguchi, Hosoi, Cassim,
Yoshida, Ota (front).
(Photo: Juuke Schoorl)
16  Designs for Flies + of Mice and Men: Design Approaches to Drosophila melanogaster 291

Fig. 16.2  Climbing assay

experiment. (Photo: Juuke

The two projects were intended to serve as guish a design classic from its mundane contem-
model templates to demonstrate how cross-­ poraries  – simplicity, beauty and truth to form,
disciplinary collaborations of this kind can be innovation in materials’ use and importantly that
realised to encourage other such initiatives in it could be mass-produced and was therefore
higher education. Before describing their design affordable. In addition, the inclusive thinking that
process and results, it is perhaps wise in a book underpinned its design meant that it was fit for
devoted to science to give a contextual descrip- purpose, one reason behind the design’s longev-
tion of the complex landscape in which contem- ity. The simple linear transactional relationship
porary designers operate in a post-digital age and between Aalto the designer and Artek the firm
to discuss the methodologies underpinning the that he founded and which still produces the chair
different design approaches used (Fig. 16.2). was similarly clear-cut as was the process by
which the design was advanced into production.
It was one that persisted until the advent of the
16.1.1 The New Landscape of Design digital age when products and the way in which
in a Digital Age they were designed and manufactured underwent
seismic change.
In 1931, when the Finnish architect and designer
Alvar Aalto (1898–1976) was commissioned to
design a tuberculosis sanatorium at Paimio, his 16.1.2 From Independent Product
approach was holistic. He intended it to be a to Interface
“medical instrument” that would actively con-
tribute to the healing process of the patients. In this new digital age, many products, which
Accordingly, he designed not only the building incorporated digital technology, lost their inde-
but also its interior furniture, including the bent- pendent status and identity, becoming instead the
wood Paimio Chair, an original version of which primary interface to delivery of a broader service,
now sits in the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) system or network. As such they became incom-
in New York. The chair consists of a single thin plete in their own right since their success or fail-
sheet of laminated birch plywood that ends at its ure was bound not by the functional values,
top and base in an elegant scroll. Aalto chose the aesthetic appeal or implicit use that distinguished
optimum angle for the back that would allow the modernist design icons of the past. Instead their
tuberculosis patients, who would be seated on it useful life was determined by a swiftly evolving
for long periods, to breathe easily. The chair technology that would be obsolete a few years
embodies the sought-after qualities that distin- hence. Their development required the expertise
292 J. Cassim et al.

of a multi-skilled team, in which designers were ticular conceptual emphasis of the Design
often in a minority – one which could deliver all Interactions programme at the Royal College of
elements of the product, service and system to Art (RCA) of which they were contemporaries
which this primary interface was umbilically and graduates.
attached. Accordingly, design as a profession
expanded to incorporate new predominantly mul-
tidisciplinary genres. It is no surprise that the big- 16.1.3 Speculative Design, Inclusive
gest sector now is digital design which Design: What’s in a Name?
incorporates web, communication and service
design. Between 2010 and 2015, this grew by Speculative Design, Inclusive
109.7% in the UK, while product and industrial Design: What’s in a Name?
design activity shrunk by 18.8% (UK Design Few people think about it or are aware of it. But
there is nothing made by human beings that does
Council 2015). not involve a design decision somewhere. ― Bill
In tandem with this, the design process itself Moggridge, IDEO founder (Kelley and Kelley
had to be redesigned to accommodate this new 2013)
multidisciplinary digital reality. In its best inclu-
sive form, it can be described as akin to a boat Design can be said to be a broad church in
race with all participants in communication at which different movements rise and draw their
any given time yet where leadership shifts accord- adherents only to be subsumed into new poles of
ing to the expertise needed at the particular point interest or superseded by new terminology.
of design development. This differs from the con- Broadly speaking, this project embraced two
ventional linear relay race, which is sequential in schools of thought  – Inclusive Design and
its delivery of a design result. In complex proj- Speculative Design. The major thrust of Inclusive
ects, this can result in the intention of the original Design, known also as Universal Design or
design brief being lost because of miscommuni- Design for All, depending on geographical con-
cation between the different disciplines, each of text, is simple – to ensure that the products, ser-
which has their own terminology and process for vices, environments and communications that we
advancing ideas. Problematic processes such as design do not actively exclude the diverse range
these can be likened to the party game of Chinese of people who use or depend on them in ergo-
whispers with results that are inevitably not fit for nomic, cognitive, sensory, economic, social or
purpose and where the results can be catastrophic digital terms. This is achieved by understanding
in the area of healthcare and medical device the context of use and potential application for
design where patient safety is placed at risk by the proposed idea and the nature of design exclu-
poor design. (NHS 2003) sion, through dialogue and interaction with
The second aspect of change has been the potential users and the tailoring of the process in
necessity for individual designers wishing to which the design is advanced (Cassim 2014).
address complex subjects to become multi-skilled In the Designs for Flies case, Inclusive Design
as is the case with Kolkman and Helmer. Both was used as an organisational framework to inter-
were required to have a scientific grasp of the rogate the issues and viewpoints of all stakehold-
subject and strong conceptual ideation ability ers involved in the subject, particularly where
alongside physical prototyping, programming, they related to people living with CMT – the only
research skills and the skill set they brought from missing group were drug companies themselves.
the disciplines in which they had originally been Their position nevertheless was considered when
trained – Kolkman as a product designer, while Kolkman inbuilt the crucial commercial quid pro
Helmer comes from a communication and inter- quo incentive into the concept that would be nec-
action design background. These factors influ- essary to secure their interest. Helmer’s project,
enced the way in which the final design result which targeted a more general audience and built
was embodied, overlaid as each was by the par- on the findings of the first, similarly took into
16  Designs for Flies + of Mice and Men: Design Approaches to Drosophila melanogaster 293

consideration the difficulties expressed by the valid products backed by a convincing hinterland
scientific team in communicating the importance of service and systems ideas as is the case with
of Drosophila-related research to diverse audi- Design for Flies. The starting point of enquiry for
ences rather than a specialist one alone. Kolkman’s project fits Auger’s definition, but the
Both designers used their training in specula- result was rooted in reality backed by an inclusive
tive design as a conceptual tool of enquiry and process that took into consideration the needs and
expression. Speculative design is a design aspirations of the design partners living with
approach articulated by Anthony Dunne and CMT who were involved from the project start.
Fiona Raby who founded the influential Design Helmer’s background is graphic and interac-
Interactions programme at the RCA: “When peo- tion design rather than product design which,
ple think of design, most believe it is about prob- nevertheless, was employed to create a physical
lem solving ….There are other possibilities for language of gears but for a different purpose, not
design: one is to use design as a means of specu- for a functional object but rather as a metaphori-
lating how things could be – speculative design. cal language of association that was readily
…. This form of design thrives on imagination understandable and could provide the core basis
and aims to create spaces for discussion and of reference to understand the comparative rela-
debate about alternative ways of being, and to tionships  – a “perceptual bridge” as Auger has
inspire and encourage people’s imaginations to called it  – the means by which the designer
flow freely. Design speculations can act as a cata- engages their audience. As such it did not fall
lyst for collectively redefining our relationship to within the category of speculative design but
reality” (Dunne and Raby 2013). rather of communication design.
As a school of thought, it is referred to by other Both projects were supported throughout by
names, which are again context specific – critical the expertise of Professor Yamaguchi’s team which
design, conceptual design, design for debate, provided the key scientific knowledge that acted
adversarial design, design fictions or discursive as an initial ideation platform for both Kolkman
design and so on. Irrespective of the terminology and Helmer, alongside actual demonstration of
used, the aims are similar: “all remove the con- the scientific processes they employed in their
straints from the commercial sector that define Drosophila-related experiments (Fig.  16.3). In
normative design processes; use models and pro- addition, Professor Toshiyuki Takano, head of
totypes at the heart of the enquiry; and use fiction KIT’s Drosophila Genetic Resource Center
to present alternative systems and world” (Auger (DGRC) showed how Drosophila were bred as
2013). Central to the approach, “speculative well as the logistical technicalities of how they
design is not only to encourage contemplation on were dispatched safely to research institutions in
the technological future but can also provide a Japan and abroad (Fig. 16.4). In Helmer’s case, it
system for analysing, critiquing and re-thinking was crucial that the scientific data communicated
contemporary technology” (Auger, ibid). was accurate and verifiable; thus consultation
Thus, design is used not for its conventional extended throughout the 6-month project period,
business or problem-solving purpose but rather as while with Kolkman, it was limited primarily to
a means to question the status quo; to stimulate the initial concept ideation process and to proof of
debate, particularly around ethical issues that concept verification.
arise from the use and potential abuse of new
technologies; to speculate about their future use;
or to posit new possibilities. This latter aspect 16.1.4 Defining the Project Brief
separates designers of this type from those who
do the same in other disciplines. A designer’s The project was initiated by Cassim in consulta-
medium of expression is not a set of text-based tion with Yamaguchi, in each case prior to selec-
theoretical proposals but manifests itself as con- tion of the designers. Yamaguchi organised an
crete material or graphic entities or potentially annual Bio-Art class for his 2nd year students
294 J. Cassim et al.

Fig. 16.3 Background
research by Kolkman with
Associate Professor Hideki
Yoshida on the Drosophila
breeding process. (Photo:
Juuke Schoorl)

and interested ones from KIT’s design school tional difficulties caused by those living with
based on the use of genetically modified E. coli CMT among the wider public? In the event,
ink as a tool for artistic expression. (http://2014. Kolkman chose to interpret the brief not as physi-
igem.org/Team:KIT-Kyoto/Project) Thus, he was cal model of the genetic map but as a speculative
no stranger to the idea of creative collaborations response to the issues raised inspired conceptu-
of this kind. After discussion on potential research ally by Yamaguchi’s climbing assay experiment
areas that would lend themselves to design appli- (Fig. 16.2). Yet it was embodied in a product and
cations, Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease, a interlinked system and service that could feasibly
rare hereditary disease of the peripheral nervous be implemented. Irrespective of whether this
system, was chosen. Yamaguchi’s team was in would happen, Designs for Flies serves also as a
the process of creating a genetic map for this powerfully persuasive communicative medium
complex and incurable condition, which became for the issues raised.
the basis for the initial design brief. This was kept This is particularly the case as they related to
open-ended but stated some of the key issues that the drug companies and the emotional impact of
would have to be considered in relation to the the condition on those living with CMT and their
final design result, which had been discussed by sense of powerlessness and exclusion, which they
Cassim with Yamaguchi and his team prior to had expressed to Kolkman.
Kolkman’s arrival. In contrast, the design brief for Of Flies, Mice
The design brief for Designs for Flies posed and Men derived from the first project and was
the following design question: “Can a physical communication design specific. It was inspired
model that visualises and demonstrates this by a chance remark by one of the CMT partici-
genetic map and CMT’s cause and effect be cre- pants who expressed surprise that a “dirty” insig-
ated that will effectively and simply communi- nificant fly could be a powerful research tool into
cate this complexity?” The aim would be to a possible cure for her condition. This issue was
create greater understanding among three con- linked to the overall low status of Drosophila
stituencies – clinical researchers, drug companies within research and its apparent hierarchical
and the general public – and thereby contribute to pecking order of human, mouse and fly. This
a wider awareness on the part of drug companies seemed to ignore the vital role Drosophila can
to the importance of investing in CMT research. play in establishing first principle research con-
Could it also enhance understanding of the emo- cepts because of its fast reproductive rate; short
16  Designs for Flies + of Mice and Men: Design Approaches to Drosophila melanogaster 295

Fig. 16.4 Helmer in the

initial contextual briefing
phase with Professor
Masamitsu Yamaguchi
(above left) and Professor
Toshiyuki Takano of KIT’s
Drosophila Genetic
Resource Center (below
right). (Photos: Julia

life cycle; the relative ease by which it could be concept is decided. The question was how could
used for genetic research in different contexts, this be communicated? Helmer’s approach to the
particularly in the Third World; and importantly brief is discussed in detail later in this chapter.
the little-known fact among the general popula-
tion that 75% of human disease-causing genes
have a functional homologue in Drosophila. 16.1.5 Selection of the Designers
There was an evident correlation between this
and the way designers come up with “quick and Kolkman had been a participant in a 4-day
dirty” concepts using an iterative prototyping KYOTO D-Lab Open Workshop organised by
process, where physical models are serially Cassim in December 2014 and led by Anthony
developed, trialled and refined before the final Dunne and James Auger of the RCA’s Design
296 J. Cassim et al.

Fig. 16.5 Kolkman at
work constructing the pro-
totype. (Photo: Juuke

Interactions programme. The theme had centred expected from the treatment of particular disor-
on robots in healthcare and the contrasting cul- ders because they are considered to be rare or too
tural attitudes to their use in Japan and the UK complex, the one hope of therapeutic advance-
(KYOTO Design Lab 2014). Open Surgery (a ment comes from philanthropic funding. This
DIY surgical robot), the initial concept he rough-­ leaves patients with these conditions feeling
prototyped, then became the basis for his gradua- neglected and powerless to influence or change
tion work which went on to win prizes at Ars the status quo.
Electronica and the Beazley Design of the Year Designs for Flies looks at creating alternative
Awards in London (http://www.opensurgery.net/). strategies for drug research to generate interest
Kolkman’s impressive skill set and interest in the from pharmaceutical companies for rare, compli-
subject area made him the obvious candidate to cated or “unmarketable” diseases. What if patients
undertake the project (Fig. 16.5). As a communi- living with these conditions could become
cation designer, Helmer was selected based on active participants in their own pharmacological
Kolkman’s recommendation and his pre-existing research? What if they could do this in their own
understanding and interest in Drosophila dating homes and thereby be instrumental in finding
back to his biology classes in high school. potential cures? The project proposes a person-
In the following two sections, the projects are alised drug screening strategy for patients living
described in detail as case studies: with Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease, an
obscure neurodegenerative disorder that has
largely been ignored by pharmaceutical compa-
16.2 P
 roject One: Designs nies for reasons of cost and complexity. Building
for Flies – User-Participatory upon Professor Masamitsu Yamaguchi’s use of
Domestic Drug Screening Kit Drosophila melanogaster as a research methodol-
ogy to build a genetic map for CMT, the project
16.2.1 Contextual Background promotes the use of Drosophila as a candidate for
random drug screenings. After feeding person-
Drug discovery is a lengthy, expensive process alised, transgenic fruit flies with randomly selected
involving complex interplays between industry, chemical compounds, a specially designed device
academia, investors, jurisdiction and marketing. monitors their behaviour to discern any therapeu-
Where no significant commercial benefits can be tic effects and is supervised by patients at home.
16  Designs for Flies + of Mice and Men: Design Approaches to Drosophila melanogaster 297

16.2.2 The Design of the Drug When left alone, the device will operate in
Screening Device automatic mode, performing a spin cycle every
15 min. However, there is also a button at the front Physical Design of the device that can be pressed to perform an
of the Device additional manual test cycle. The manual mode
The portable device consists of a turntable with interrupts the automatic test schedule and is
two overhead webcams. On the turntable, a intended for additional visual inspection with the
sealed plastic cassette can be fitted, containing naked eye. It can however only be induced after
both wild-type and transgenic flies in alternating enough time has passed since the last test cycle.
rows. The function of the device is to record and During a test cycle, only a single pair of flies is
analyse the differences in the movements of the monitored by the webcams. However, with every
flies in the test group (transgenic flies) versus the consecutive cycle, the disk moves forward one step
control group (wild-type flies). During a short to another pair. Therefore, every pair will produce
period of rotation, the turntable forces the flies to the same amount of data, while all flies will be sub-
the outside perimeter of the cassette. When the ject to the same conditions throughout (Fig. 16.7).
turntable comes to a standstill, the flies will After a week, the cassette needs to be
instinctively walk towards the inside of the disk. replaced by a new one, including new flies and
At this time, their movements are monitored by different chemical compounds. The data col-
the webcams, with image analysis software plot- lected over the course of the previous week will
ting the location of the flies in every frame. From then be emailed to the donor in the form of a
this, their speed, distance and endurance can be visual report. It will also be sent to a server to be
deducted (Fig. 16.6 and 16.7). processed and compared to data retrieved from
Under normal circumstances, movements of other devices, thereby making it accessible as an
the flies in the test group will be measurably open source to donors and researchers world-
slower according to the characteristics of CMT. wide (Fig. 16.8).
If, however, a single fly in the test group displays
speeds and agility more akin to its control group How the Device
counterpart that has been fed with the same com- and Underlying System
pound, the particular chemical compound used to and Service Work
feed it may be displaying some therapeutic • After filling out a subscription form and pay-
effects. This would trigger further investigation ing the initial membership fees, a person
and could potentially provide a starting point for ­living with CMT collects a saliva sample and
medication to be developed. sends it to the lab.

Fig. 16.6 Keiko Ota of

CMT Japan operates the
final prototype. (Photo:
Juuke Schoorl)
298 J. Cassim et al.

Fig. 16.7 Close-up of
turntable and overhead
webcams. (Photo: Juuke

Fig. 16.8  Designs for Flies system and service process diagram

• In the lab, this donor’s DNA is then sequenced cells will form. Random transposition occurs,
and analysed. The genes suspected of affect- inserting the genes of interest and reporter
ing the normal function of the peripheral genes into the germ line.
nerves are isolated from the genome and are • From a chemical library, random chemical
combined with a reporter gene on a plasmid. compounds are selected and mixed with fly
• Next, this plasmid is micro-injected into the food to be dispensed in specially designed dis-
posterior end of a fly embryo where the germ posable cassettes.
16  Designs for Flies + of Mice and Men: Design Approaches to Drosophila melanogaster 299

• A number of flies from the population – selec- and thereby have some emotional and practi-
tively crossbred to be unable to reproduce  – cal control over their condition
will also be placed in the cassette, alternating • The needs of researchers to understand the
with a control group of wild-type flies. causes of CMT
• This cassette is then sealed, packaged and
shipped to the donor. The sale of unproven chemical compounds
• After receiving a package weekly via mail, instead of finished medicine may provide phar-
the donor must place the new cassette on the maceutical companies with a viable business
device and dispose of the old one. The result- model, offering high reward against relatively
ing data can then be collected and compared low risk. This business model in turn ensures
with all participating donors (Fig.  16.8 and continuity of the research for the researchers
16.9). and patients while also providing the patients
• After crossbreeding the flies, the flies express- with a psychological sense of control. The addi-
ing the reporter genes are selected, as these tional data produced might also help scientists
will also carry the genes of interest. They better understand the origins and function of the
have become miniature models of the donor disease. Furthermore, if and when a cure is
as they are likely to express impairments in found, the collective nature of this strategy
motor ability. would limit the disruptive potential of patents,
• The selected flies can then be transferred to a ensuring that treatments could be made avail-
stock centre where they will be kept and bred able at reasonable prices. Although presented as
to create a new transgenic population  – per- such, this strategy is not limited to CMT but
sonalised to the donor. could be applied to many different genetic
disorders. Why It Works
The potential of this service as a legitimate
strategy for drug research lies in the fact that it 16.3 Project Two: Of Flies, Mice
brings together the interests of three and Men – The Interconnected
constituencies: Landscape of Genes

• The commercial requirement of pharmaceuti- 16.3.1 Contextual Background

cal companies to generate a profit
• The desire of patients and family members to This science education design project centred on
participate in efforts to develop a possible cure finding a new way of communicating the quali-

Fig. 16.9 Prototype of
packaging. (Photo: Juuke
300 J. Cassim et al.

ties of Drosophila, their close relationship to cost, time and comparative ease of breeding
humans and their value as scientific tools within Drosophila for genetic research or as models of
medical research and biology. The intended audi- human diseases, the fruit fly is still viewed, par-
ence was determined to be the spectrum of visi- ticularly by drug companies and funding bodies
tors to a science museum, which would include as the poor cousin to the transgenic mouse.
schoolchildren, researchers and general visitors Funding applications involving Drosophila may
with or without an interest in the subject. These be overlooked in favour of those involving trans-
have been termed “streakers, strollers and stu- genic mice or require validation by the latter
dents” by George MacDonald of the Canadian method even where solid results are acquired.
Museum of Civilisation and Museum, Victoria Mice have an extensive cultural history to draw
(Pontin 2013)i, while Veron and Lavasseur (Veron upon in children’s literature, animation and so on
and Levasseur 1989), who tracked visitors to a that humanise them and give them emotional sig-
natural history museum, classified them more nificance beyond their status of the rodent. In
poetically in four categories as: contrast, fruit flies, despite their complexity as a
species, are seen merely as the inevitable com-
• Ants  – move methodically from object to panion of rotting food, fungal material or plants
objects and in no way connected to humans despite their
• Butterflies  – move back and forth, alight on close genetic relationship. The project sought to
some displays address how these misconceptions could be
• Grasshoppers  – choose specific objects and addressed and perhaps reversed.
hop from one to the other
• Fish – glide in and out of exhibitions with few
stops 16.3.2 Physical Design
of the Triptych
The challenge for the project, therefore, was and Mechanical Object
to ensure that information was delivered in such a
way that these different parties could engage with Helmer created two automata to illustrate differ-
it at their particular level of interest or pre-­ ent aspects of their close relationship with man
existing knowledge or conversely lack of it and and mouse (Fig.  16.10 and 16.11). The large
that it was not pitched at those with deep under- mechanical triptych that is activated by motors
standing of the subject alone. introduces us to the similarities of flies, mice
It was clear from discussions with the scien- and men (Fig. 16.10). It uses the single gear as a
tific team that despite the obvious advantages of metaphor and physical representation of a gene

Fig. 16.10  Overall view (above) and detail (left) of triptych. (Photo: Tomomi Takano)
16  Designs for Flies + of Mice and Men: Design Approaches to Drosophila melanogaster 301

Fig. 16.11 Full view of

mechanical object. (Photo:
Tomomi Takano)

and is marked with its specific number. For each any prior knowledge of the subject yet, which
element, the number of gears in relation to its served as a cogent and accurate expression to a
complementary pieces represents the numbers scientific one. The metaphor had to be a point of
of encoding genes within the respective organ- reference to which newcomers to the subject
ism. The design and layout show both their could refer at any stage of exploration of the
genetic connectedness and how the three spe- automatas’ accompanying text and serve as a
cies differ from each other. Charcot-Marie- conceptual anchor and “perceptual bridge”
Tooth (CMT) was used as the base model. (Auger 2013)ii to the bigger picture. It had to
The smaller mechanical object demonstrates a simultaneously accommodate all features of
fly’s unique abilities and its short life of 30 days Drosophila melanogaster’s specific qualities
(Fig.  16.11). In comparison to the transgenic while striking the right balance between depth
mouse, scientists are able to breed Drosophila and easy engagement for a wide-ranging audi-
quickly and in multiple versions. This allows ence. The fact that Drosophila melanogaster
them to rapidly establish research principles and share such a high percentage of the human
pathways that can be explored later in depth, genome was unlikely to be common knowledge
much as a designer develops their concept to a general audience. Thus, it was important to
through iterative prototyping. The “faster rota- underscore the idea that two organisms may be
tion” of a fly’s life allows us to look at the fly we quite different in their physical appearance and
see now and also at succeeding generations – an evolutionary history, but many of their common
especially important consideration when regulatory functions are based on similar bio-
researching hereditary diseases. chemical properties and processes. In Helmer’s
initial conversations with Professors Yamaguchi
and Yoshida, the latter had explained that he used
16.3.3 The Use of Metaphors the following analogy to describe the role of
as a Visual Language Drosophila to his students:
If the human genome is like a computer, the fly is
There was a need to create a metaphorical lan- like a radio. It is simpler but uses the same or simi-
guage to express the interlinked relationship lar building blocks and principles. If we can under-
between the three species, which may not be stand and test the simple radio, if becomes easier to
understand the computer.
apparent to a non-scientific audience that lacked
302 J. Cassim et al.

16.4 Emotional Associations big picture. We had to achieve a view that was
detached from the biology and was more engag-
This remark was the initial inspiration for the ing than models of atoms and molecules yet
overall mechanical language of gears and levers which communicated the details of the reactions
that Helmer adopted in both automata and dependencies of each element.
(Fig. 16.12). Its aim was to create a more objec-
tive yet engaging comparison between humans,
mice and flies and detach the topic from bio-­ 16.5 Complexity and Prior
horror and personal impressions of insects as vil- Knowledge
lainous carriers of dirt and disease  – one
propagated in particular by vintage public health It would have been both challenging and inter-
posters and science fiction cinema. esting to look into a specific experiment linked
A more conventional science educational to KIT’s current research or published papers.
approach would have been to stress the wonder This would have the advantage of creating a link
and complexity of small organisms. Modern to tangible developments and potential applica-
microscopy and photography are able to give for- tions for state-of-the art Drosophila research.
merly invisible processes a face. This, however, Conversely, this would focus on a particular
may not be always beneficial for communication aspect alone and require complex contextual
purposes. Flies and insects at their own scale explanation of many terms and processes. For
summon up emotional responses linked to dis- an audience with prior knowledge of the sub-
gust, disease and dirt in many peoples’ minds or ject, such as students, this would be an interest-
conversely can highlight their apparent insignifi- ing approach particularly where the visual
cance. Scaling them up might be fascinating to language employed could potentially be used as
some, but others could recoil from seeing detailed a communication method for an ongoing series
aspects of what would then be viewed as alien of specific experiments. However, the desired
beings so different to our own anatomy, an audience was not just students or those with an
approach that ties in with the visual strategies of understanding of the basics of molecular biol-
bio-horror movies. In addition, zooming in to a ogy but a more diverse one. The project was
molecular level creates a language that is interlinked with Designs for Flies and thus had
detached from our own perception of the world to address issues arising from it and the constit-
and does not permit a global understanding of the uencies involved.

Fig. 16.12  Helmer assem-

bling the triptych. (Photo:
Julia Cassim)
16  Designs for Flies + of Mice and Men: Design Approaches to Drosophila melanogaster 303

16.6 Data Visualisation: Numbers two automata (Fig. 16.10 and 16.11) were exhib-
to Images to Narratives ited at KYOTO D-Lab’s gallery in Tokyo accom-
panied by their technical blueprints, illustrated
The existing vocabulary we found when looking explanations of their key elements and a bilingual
into the scientific abilities of the fly was a lan- video and evinced strong interest from visitors.
guage of numbers. Numbers are precise and carry
little emotional value – an important parameter in
the world of science – but we wanted people out- 16.7 Challenges and Benefits
side this world to learn and understand. The use of Interdisciplinary
of graphs and visualisations is not unique to the Collaboration
world of design. Translating numbers into
abstract shapes is just a first step. While this may In the 3  years of the KYOTO D-Lab Design
increase the visual impact and comparability, it Associates programme, Cassim has supervised
does not necessarily form a lasting memory. The six interdisciplinary projects under the Making
numbers had to be connected to more than and Materials and Designing Social Interactions
abstract shapes and linked to objects or known themes. All have involved collaborations between
experiences with which the audience could form individual researchers or existing teams in the
a narrative connection, hence the use of the gears materials, fibro- and life sciences. In each case,
and levers. An important aim was to reduce the the process has reversed the conventional order
actual amount of numbers or text context to and been design-initiated and led rather than sci-
understand the general principles expressed over- ence or technology led, or alternatively one
all as visual metaphors that could be intuitively where design was included as an afterthought. In
understood. So instead of starting the story at the such latter scenarios, design is introduced, not
dramatic finish, it had to be built from the ground from the outset, but at the stage of development
up to let the audience decide how far they wanted where an application is sought for a newly devel-
to walk along that road. Based on this approach, oped technology or is used to clad an existing
the layout of the initial object was constructed. device in a set of aesthetic clothes in preparation
The process starts by sketching the relationships, for its market release as a product or service – the
understanding the numbers and comparing them “lipstick-on-a-pig” approach. Both follow the
and their actual relationship and what the realis- commonplace and highly limited view of what
tic scales were to convert them to make them designers do and ignore their inherent conceptual
understandable, interesting and detailed. strengths and ability to synthesise and visualise
The general triangle shape was the first, fol- complex information in a tangible language that
lowed by the number of gears (Fig.  16.10). To is unreliant on textual means.
include more structural aspects and differences, it Other reasons can be where the disciplines
was necessary to look into the actual possibilities involved and the processes for advancing ideas
of gears themselves. What are the different are close, but the emphasis is different, resulting
mechanical systems used in watches, for exam- in a procedural tug of war. Engineering, for
ple? How can we translate these different techni- example, is more linear and focussed on function,
cal elements to represent elements of biochemical while design is more discursive, particularly at
processes to allow comparison to each other? the front-end concept development stage, and
Design decisions such as colour and material are function may not be the overriding concern. In
not entirely aesthetic but include possibilities of contrast, for disciplines such as biology and
meaning and information. Which gears would be design which are quite separate, there is no pro-
coloured and what would be their potential mean- cedural tug of war to advance ideas since the
ing, or could they be a tool to differentiate spe- methodology, aims, terminology and expertise
cific aspects that needed to be highlighted? The being applied are dissimilar. Daisy Ginsburg
304 J. Cassim et al.

defined the essentially different ideation process science and design in complex and bold pro-
of the two worlds: “In art and design, I use the cesses that yield an abundance of visually con-
“experiment” as an open-ended process to open vincing designs. Reviewing his portfolio, the
up and reveal potential ideas; in science, the judges appreciate the fact that in some instances,
“experiment” is a tool to generate data to test a his work advances a solution, while in others, it
hypothesis. Repeating an experiment and achiev- challenges or highlights an issue. And with this,
ing the same results is key to the scientific his designs are infectiously radical and wittily
method, whereas the experimental process in art presented. In a category that, this year, overflows
often seeks out the exceptional or unique” with talented submissions, when it comes to
(Ginsburg et al. 2013). innovation and research, Kolkman is in a class of
In addition, for interdisciplinary projects of his own. A highly talented designer dedicated to
this type, an overall curatorial vision and logisti- his work. The jury believes that Kolkman is ready
cal framework is required under which they are to take the next step, and looks forward to the
advanced. In equal measure, they should be based tangible results of his noteworthy, speculative
on the strong mutual interest and benefits to all and inspiring ideas”(DDW 2017).
parties involved – what may be termed the quid
pro quo factor. Design is an applied activity and
hence needs subjects to address, while for materi- 16.9 Conclusion
als scientists, the advantages of working with
designers to develop applications for new materi- Interdisciplinary projects of this kind are chal-
als are clear. However, the benefits may be less lenging on a range of levels but the rewards for
obvious to those working in the life sciences. all parties can far outweigh the logistical
Yamaguchi explained the particular role that a ­complexities and other headaches involved and
design perspective can play: are both tangible and intangible.
In bio-science, a large variety of model organisms The particular benefits to scientists have been
have been developed. Bio- science research has described earlier by Professor Yamaguchi and in
been further sub-divided and advanced rapidly in more general terms on the design side by Anthony
recent years. This has made the significance of Dunne:
each model organism and its research results less
comprehensible. Sometimes researchers have Designers should not define futures for everyone
tended not to see the forest for the trees. When sci- else but working with experts, including ethicists,
ence meets and integrates with design, it becomes political scientists, economists and so on, generate
more familiar and easier to understand. When sci- futures that act as catalysts for public debate and
ence researchers are put in touch with a designer’s discussion about the kinds of futures people really
creativity, they are able to have a bird’s-eye over- want. Design can give experts permission to let
view, which allows them to reassess the potential their imaginations flow freely, give material
of their own research and connect with society dif- expression to the insights generated, ground those
ferently. (KYOTO D-Lab 2016) imaginings in everyday situations, and provide
platforms for further collaborative speculation.
(Dunne and Raby 2013)

16.8 Impact of Designs for Flies Amen to that!

On October 28, 2017, Frank Kolkman was Acknowledgements The authors would like to express
selected as the 2017 Young Dutch Designer of the their deep appreciation to Professor Masamitsu Yamaguchi
and Associate Professor Hideki Yoshida of the Center for
Year by the prestigious Dutch Design Awards Advanced Insect Research (CAIR), Yuka Adachi of the
(DDW). This followed his success in the previous Faculty of Applied Biology and Professor Toshiyuki
year when Designs for Flies won the Services Takano of the Drosophila Genetic Resource Center
and Systems category of the DDW.  The 2017 (DGRC) at the Kyoto Institute of Technology, Dr Yumiko
Azuma and Dr Yukie Kushimura of the Kyoto Prefectural
international jury citation read: “Frank Kolkman’s Medical University and Keiko Ota, Maki Tokunaga and
critical, provocative way of thinking merges
16  Designs for Flies + of Mice and Men: Design Approaches to Drosophila melanogaster 305

Takahiro Hosi of Charcot-Marie-Tooth Japan for their KIT IGEM (2014) http://2014.igem.org/Team:KIT-
enthusiastic support and deep expertise without which this Kyoto/Project. Accessed 29 Nov 2017
project would not have been possible. We would also like KYOTO Design Lab (2014) KYOTO design lab year-
to thank the photographer Juuke Schoorl for her superb book, Kyoto, pp 88–89.
documentation of the Designs for Flies project and KYOTO Design Lab (2016) KYOTO design lab yearbook
Tomomi Takano for her images of Helmer’s work. 2015, Kyoto, p 52.
NHS (2003) Design for patient safety – a scoping study
to identify how the effective use of design could
help to reduce medical accidents, UK: https://www-
References edc.eng.cam.ac.uk/downloads/designforpatient-
Auger J.  Speculative design: crafting the speculation. Pontin, K (2013) A common approach to capturing visitor
Digit Creat. 2013;24(1):11–35. figures, SouthEast Museums, 27 Veron, E, Levasseur,
Cassim J.  Inclusion through design. Tokyo: FilmArt; M (1989), Ethnographie de l’Exposition – l’espace, le
2014. corps et le sens, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris.
Dunne A, Raby F. Speculative everything: design, fiction
and social dreaming, 2. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press;
DUTCH Design Awards (2017) https://www.dutchdesig- Videos of Projects
dda-young-designer-award/. Accessed 29 Nov 2017. Designs for Flies
Ginsberg AD (2014) Design as the machines come to http://www.d-lab.kit.ac.jp/projects/2016/designsfor flies/
Life, 40, in Synthetic Aesthetics (2014), Ginsberg https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue
et al. MIT Press, Cambridge/London. =10&v=FjNCBftnXTw
Kelley, T, Kelley, M (2013) Creative Confidence  –
Unleashing the Creative Potential Within Us All, ch.8, Of Flies Mice and Men
Crown Business, USA. ­h ttp://www.d-lab.kit.ac.jp/projects/2017/drosophila-

A Diabetes, 8, 180, 235–252, 259

Allatostatin A (AstA), 12, 15–18 Disease, 6, 25, 79, 97, 98, 113, 123, 147, 184, 208, 235,
Alzheimer’s disease (AD), 7, 25–37, 41, 68, 126–130, 259, 278, 294
136, 140, 262 Diuretic hormone 31 (Dh31), 12, 15–18
Amyloid-beta (Aβ), 26–33, 35, 129, 262 DNA repair, 72, 216, 218, 222, 227, 229, 230
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), 7, 30, 33, 64, 69, DNA replication, 2, 3, 8, 189, 215, 216, 218, 219, 226,
71–72, 79–90, 109, 127, 130, 132–134, 227, 229, 230, 241, 267
136, 137, 140 Drosophila melanogaster, 1, 11, 25, 30, 42, 46–47, 124,
Anticancer therapy, 183, 184, 186 135, 148, 196, 257–272, 277, 279
Drug screening, 30, 33, 35, 43, 45, 47, 55–57, 85, 90,
137, 183, 296–299
B Dystrophin glycoprotein complex (DGC), 148, 151
Basement membranes, 12, 15, 16, 157, 182–184
βν-integrin, 15, 16
Biology, 2–3, 47, 90, 119–123, 135, 148, 166, 173, 174, E
184, 186, 196, 236, 257–259, 271, 282, 285, Eenetic screening, 84
290, 296, 300, 302, 303 Enteroblasts (EBs), 11–14, 17, 18
Enterocytes (ECs), 11–18, 184
Enteroendocrine cells (EEs), 11–18
C Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), 14, 35, 86,
Cancer, 8, 86, 122, 124, 175, 181, 195, 217, 282 176, 178–180, 182, 185
Cell-cell cooperation, 174, 176, 177 Escargot (esg), 13, 14, 22
Cell competition, 174, 177–179, 183, 186 Expanded (ex), 14, 17, 63, 64, 66, 68–72, 87, 133,
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT), 7, 97–199, 262, 135–138, 158, 164, 204, 259, 285, 292
292–294, 296, 297, 299, 301
Chemical biology, 30, 184
Chromosome, 1, 3–6, 81, 98, 103, 104, 151, 158, F
160–162, 164, 187, 189, 204, 205, Fly resources, 281, 283
215, 218, 278, 279 Fused in sarcoma/translocated in liposarcoma
Chromosome 9 open reading frame 72, 65, 81, 87–88 (FUS/TLS), 81, 85–87
c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), 13–17, 19, 84, 176–182,
184, 186, 246, 248, 259
Clonal evolution, 179, 180 G
Communication design, 290, 292–294, 296 GAL4-UAS, 6, 30–32, 82, 85, 109, 110, 148, 160, 161,
Cross-species study, 277–285 186, 187, 189, 202, 243, 260, 279–281
Genetic screening, 7, 56, 72, 85, 86, 88, 112
Genome, 1, 2, 4–8, 15, 30, 32, 45, 46, 55, 63, 64,
D 119, 120, 123, 129, 131, 132, 135, 136,
Dachsous (Ds), 14 138, 148, 183, 202, 204, 207, 216, 227,
Delta (Dl), 12–17, 22, 217, 219 238, 240, 247, 248, 265, 267, 278–280,
Dementia, 25, 64, 65, 68, 70–72, 81, 84, 126–131 282–285, 298, 301
Design process, 291–293 Glucose homeostasis, 236–239, 245, 248–251

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 307

M. Yamaguchi (ed.), Drosophila Models for Human Diseases, Advances in Experimental Medicine
and Biology 1076, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-0529-0
308 Index

H Non-coding repeat expansion diseases, 63–65, 87, 136

Hematopoiesis, 196–201, 208 Notch (N), 12, 176, 185, 207, 240, 278
Hippo (Hpo), 14, 17, 87, 174–177, 179,
186, 203, 278
History, 1–2, 80, 173, 300, 301 P
Human heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins Parkinson’s disease (PD), 30, 41–57, 127,
(hnRNPs), 70, 84, 127, 136, 138 130, 131, 136, 140
Humanized fly, 277–285, 300 PD-like symptoms, 49, 57
Polyglutamine (polyQ) diseases, 63, 135, 163
Prospero (Pros), 14, 17
I Puckered (Puc), 19
Inclusive Design, 292, 293 PDGF- and VEGF-related factor 2 (PVF2), 13
Insulin-like peptides (ILPs), 238, 240, 241, 250, 251
Integrin, 15, 16
Interdisciplinary collaboration, 303–304 R
Intestinal stem cells (ISCs), 11–18, 184 Repeat expansion diseases, 7, 63–73
RNA foci, 64, 69–72, 87, 88, 133, 134
RNA processing, 67, 70, 82, 85, 138
JAK/STAT, 13, 14, 176, 179–181, 183, 186,
202–204, 241 S
Science Communication, 290, 299, 302
Screen, 3, 5–7, 30, 33, 35, 43, 45, 47, 49, 55–57,
K 66–69, 72, 84–86, 88, 90, 109, 112, 129, 131,
Keren (Km), 13 132, 137, 159, 165, 173–176, 179, 183, 184,
202–209, 236, 249–252, 258, 271, 279,
283, 285, 296–299
L Senescence, 13–20, 22, 180, 181
Leukemia, 87, 195–209 Speculative design, 292, 293
Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs), 6, 119–140, 278 Spinocerebellar ataxias (SCAs), 63, 66–70,
132, 222, 228
Spitz (Spi), 13, 14
M State-of-the-art, 257–272, 284
Metabolic syndrome models, 236, 242, 247, Suppressor of hairless (Su(H)), 13, 14, 19
248, 259, 267
Metabolism, 48, 70, 73, 122, 130, 133, 216, 238, 240,
241, 247–252, 257–263, 265, 267–271 T
Metabolomics, 7, 257–272, 283 TAR DNA-binding protein 43 (TDP-43), 69, 71,
Midgut, 11–22, 156, 179, 180, 245, 248, 259 81–85, 87
Mitochondria, 43, 103, 106, 107, 131, 157, 161, 227, Toxic aggregates, 82, 137, 164
237, 250, 251 Tumor heterogeneity, 174, 180, 181
Motor system disorders (MSDs), 65, 129–135 Tumor microenvironment, 177, 182, 183, 187
Muscular dystrophy (MD), 63, 64, 68–70, 98, 130, Type 1 diabetes (T1D) models, 236, 243, 245, 246
147–169 Type 2 diabetes (T2D) models, 180, 236, 246–248, 259
Myospheroid (Mys), 15

N Ultra-conserved elements, 284
Neurodegeneration, 7, 27, 28, 30, 33, 43, 45, 53, 57, 63, Unpaired (Upd), 13, 15–17, 19, 176, 180–182, 184
64, 66–70, 72, 73, 79, 82, 84, 85, 88, 105, 107,
109, 132, 133, 135–137, 164
Neurodegenerative diseases (NDs), 42, 57, 67, 70, 71, V
79, 106, 126–138, 140, 163 Visceral muscles (VMs), 12, 13, 16, 169
Neurological disorders, 8, 127
Neuromuscular junctions (NMJs), 79, 83, 85–87,
107–113, 138, 150, 154, 162, 163, W
165–167, 169 Wingless (Wg), 14, 179–181, 198

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