DR Marks Integrative Med Cabinet

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Meno Clinic

Center for Functional Medicine

Dr. Mark's
Integrative Medicine
Tips & Tricks for a Healthier Lifestyle
Table of Contents
Healthy Heart Checklist......................................... 3
Optimal Food Choices.......................................... 5
Simplest Guide to Healthy Fats............................. 8
Decreasing Toxicity.............................................. 12

At The Meno Clinic – Center for Functional Medicine, we are committed to helping
YOU enjoy a better quality of life and achieve optimal health and well-being. Our
founder, Dr. Mark Menolascino, has developed a unique approach that gives you the
tools you need to resist disease, achieve the energy you want, improve sleep, find the
best feeling of physical well-being, and find mood and psychological balance.

We have developed a program that is individualized to you using the most

advanced cutting edge evaluation available anywhere to protect you from today’s
toxic environments and stresses of modern life. This includes testing for nutritional
deficiencies, hormone imbalances, food sensitivities, toxicity and cardiovascular
healing techniques.

The Meno Clinic offers Personalized and Precision Medicine programs for both men
and women, and you will leave with a specific individually-tailored program to help
you optimize your health. Enjoy reading and learning more about our program and
please don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like more information. Come find the
best of you today at the Meno Clinic.

The Meno Clinic - Center for Functional Medicine | www.menoclinic.com | (307)732-1039
c k l i s t to a
t h y H e ar t
Take Control to Your Healthy Heart
Want to Improve the Health of Your Heart
Congratulations! You’ve checked off a very important step! Wanting to make
an improvement is the most important factor we see in our patients who
successfully find optimal health.

Optimize Your Food Intake

Don’t worry, you do not need to go overboard, but you do want to keep
an eye on what you put into your body. The more health-conscious your
decisions about what you eat, the happier your heart will do. Watch out for
hidden sugar, saturated fats and simple carbs like white flour, add more multi-
colored vegetables to your meals and replace red meat with fish and poultry
in several meals each week.

Keep on Moving
Our bodies want and need exercise to achieve optimal vitality and
performance of all kinds. Ideally, we should be getting at least 30 minutes of
exercise, six days a week. Many of our jobs require us to sit for long periods
of time. Break up that time and move around. Even just walking briskly is
powerful heart medicine. Your body will thank you.

Be a Butt Kicker
Quit smoking cigarettes. Whether you are smoking or getting secondhand
smoke, it’s bad for your heart, which in turn is bad for everything else.

Monitor Your Body

You want to check your blood pressure on a regular basis to make sure you
are at a healthy level. To monitor your cholesterol, ask for a full heart panel
that gives you a breakdown of all your lipids, including your HDL (good
cholesterol) and your LDL (bad cholesterol) as well as the fractionated LDL
including Lipoprotein(a) and advanced inflammation markers (hs CRP and
myeloperoxidase). This will help you monitor disease risk and your progress
towards optimal vitality.

The Meno Clinic - Center for Functional Medicine | www.menoclinic.com | (307)732-1039
Optimal Food
Your Pantry Makeover
Pantry Makeover
The first item of business to a healthy pantry is to remove the items that are no longer
serving you. The further you move away from boxed, highly processed foods the
better. This includes Gluten Free (GF) baking mixes and boxed organic snacks, let me

GF products are not synonymous for healthy. In fact the reason for removing gluten
from our diets is to eliminate gut irritating inflammatory foods. The problem is
products labeled as GF potentially have damaging inflammatory effects on the body.
The reason being is GF products typically include rice flour, corn, potato starch,
sorghum, and tapioca which can cause gut inflammation and raise your blood sugar
levels. Same as fat-free foods, GF foods can be loaded with added sugars.

In regards to organic snacks, do not confuse organic with healthy. A highly processed
food whether it be organic or not should generally be avoided. Stay on the outside
aisles of your local grocer.

Next, any items with the following ingredients can go

straight to your nearest trash bin.
• Hydrogenated Fat/Partially Hydrogenated oil
• “Enriched” anything
• Refined Sugar
• Artificial Color/Sweetener (acesulfame potassium, aspartame, saccharin, sugar
• High Fructose Corn Syrup
• Natural/Artificial Flavors (certified organic “natural flavors” follow stricter
guidelines and cannot use synthetic or genetically engineered ingredients)

General rule:
If you cannot pronounce it, denounce it.

The Meno Clinic - Center for Functional Medicine | www.menoclinic.com | (307)732-1039
• Organic/Hormone-Free Chicken and Poultry
• Lamb
• Cold Water Fish (salmon, halibut, cod, mackerel, tuna - choose wild ocean fish over
farm raised fish)
• Organic Eggs
• Beans


• Flaxseed and Walnut Oils • Organic Coconut Milk/Oil • Brazilian Nuts
• Extra Virgin Olive Oil • Avocado


• Quinoa Flakes or Pasta • Brown and/or Wild Rice
• Millet • Amaranth

• Herbal Teas • Unsweetened Almond • Chicken or Vegetable
• Spring Water Milk or Rice Milk Broth
• Vegetable Juices


• Arugula • Coriander • Mustard greens
• Asparagus • Cucumber • Onions
• Bamboo shoots • Dandelion greens • Parsley
• Bean sprouts • Eggplant • Radicchio
• Beet greens • Endive • Snap beans
• Bell peppers • Fennel • Snow peas
• Broad beans • Garlic • Shallots
• Brussels sprouts • Ginger root • Spaghetti squash
• Cassava • Green beans • Summer squash
• Celery • Hearts of palm • Swiss chard
• Chayote fruit • Jicama (raw) • Tomatoes
• Chicory • Jalapeño peppers • Watercress
• Chives • Kohlrabi
• Collard greens • Lettuce

The Meno Clinic - Center for Functional Medicine | www.menoclinic.com | (307)732-1039
• Squash (acorn, butternut, • Legumes • Lentils
winter) • Black beans • Mung beans
• Artichokes • Adzuki beans • Navy beans
• Leeks • Buckwheat • Pinto beans
• Lima beans • Chick peas (garbanzo) • Split peas
• Okra • Cowpeas • White beans
• Pumpkin • French beans • Yellow beans
• Sweet potatoes or yams • Great Northern beans
• Turnip • Kidney beans

Low Glycemic Index: Moderate Glycemic Index: High Glycemic Index
• Blackberries • Cherries (eat sparingly, or after a
• Blueberries • Pears workout):
• Boysenberries • Fresh apricots • Banana
• Elderberries • Melons • Pineapple
• Gooseberries • Oranges • Grapes
• Loganberries • Plums • Watermelon
• Raspberries • Grapefruit • Mango
• Pitted Prunes • Papaya
• Apples
• Plums
• Kiwi fruit
• Lemons
• Limes
• Nectarines
• Tangerines
• Passion Fruit
• Persimmons
• Pomegranates


• Rice or Gluten Free • Hummus (Chick Pea • Almond or Walnut Butter
Crackers Spread) • Organic Rice Cakes

• Lemon • Cayenne Pepper • Garlic
• Lime • Sea Salt • Fresh Herbs & Spices
The Meno Clinic - Center for Functional Medicine | www.menoclinic.com | (307)732-1039
The Simplest Guide to
Healthy Fats
Healthy fats are crucial for sustaining energy levels, heart function,
healing, brain function, and hormone and cholesterol balance, for
absorption of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, for making food
appetizing, and for satisfying the appetite; unhealthy fat is a knife
to the heart – but the difference can be confusing. Consider this
simple way to evaluate fats:

Mama’s Monounsaturated
Your mama would approve of the way these healthy fats treat your body. Olive and
avocado oils are monounsaturated fats. Monounsaturated fats are typically liquid
at room temperature, but many kinds solidify or partially solidify in the refrigerator.
Consume as desired and choose organic, high quality varieties. For disease resistance
and repair, replace other fats in your diet with monounsaturated fats.

Peculiar Polyunsaturated
Soybean, corn, cottonseed, and safflower oils are polyunsaturated fats and are
typically liquid at room temperature as well as in the refrigerator. Omega-3 (good
for you) and omega-6 (essential, but we already have too much) are polyunsaturated
fats. Canola oil is a mixture of polyunsaturated and monosaturated. Think of
polyunsaturated fats as peculiar because their impact on health depends on very
specific qualities that are hard to assess standing in the grocery store or ordering off
a menu. To err on the side of health, consume polyunsaturated fats in small amounts,
and then be sure you only subject your body to non-GMO, organic, high quality

The Meno Clinic - Center for Functional Medicine | www.menoclinic.com | (307)732-1039
Sometimes Spectacular Saturated
These are the animal fats like butter and lard, as well as vegetable fats that tend to
be solid at room temperature, like coconut oil, are saturated oils. These fats were
public enemy number one before people realized that cholesterol, in the right
balance, is critical to an optimally functioning grain and body. Because saturated
fats can certainly damage your heart, they are only sometimes spectacular. To keep
them spectacular, consume in low quantities and only eat animal-derived saturated
fats from the highest quality sources. This means free-range, naturally-fed, organic,
hormone- and preservative-free.

Heinous hydrogenated/trans/unsaturated fats

(The worst of the lot)
These are polyunsaturated oils that have been heavily processed to make them solid
at room temperature, such as margarine and the fats commonly found in cookies and
baked goods with long shelf lives. You can create your own partially hydrogenated
oil just by deep-frying something. These are so bad that the FDA recently removed
trans fats status as Generally Recognized as Safe. This means experts in laboratories
and hospitals around the world agree: the heinous hydrogenated stuff is not safe to
consume. So don’t.

Another way to figure out what fats

are good for you is to think about the food,
not the fat.

The Meno Clinic - Center for Functional Medicine | www.menoclinic.com | (307)732-1039
Good Sources of Fat
• Coconut oil—unrefined, cold-pressed, virgin, and organic
• Extra-virgin olive oil—unfiltered, stored in a dark bottle in cool temperatures
• Nuts and seeds—organic, eaten in small portions
• Lard and tallow—from grass-fed, organic beef and pork
• Seed oils—expeller or cold-pressed
• Avocados and avocado oil
• Eggs—organic, free-range
• Oily fish—salmon, herring, sardines, mackerel, bluefish
• Butter—grass-fed, organic, eaten in small portions
• Ghee—clarified butter from grass-fed sources
• Natural meats (organic, free-range, hormone-free, naturally-fed)
• Nuts
• Seeds
• Seaweed

And finally, my three dos and one don’t for eating

healthy fats:
• Do use more olive oil and less butter.
• Do use organic canola or avocado oil for high heat.
• Do eat animal fats – as long as they’re from organic-like, free-range, grass-fed,
hormone-free sources.

• Don’t eat trans fats like margarine, most vegetable oils, packaged baked goods,
and deep-fried foods.

This simplified guide is enough to help you make good decisions

in the fat department for the rest of your life, but if you want to
make decisions that are tailored to your unique physiology, ask
your doctor about a full heart panel to give you a clear picture of
your individual lipid (fat) profile.

The Meno Clinic - Center for Functional Medicine | www.menoclinic.com | (307)732-1039
De cre as i ng
Certain chemicals applied to your skin or in the air can be
absorbed by your body and may cause harm to your cells and
organ systems. They can cause inflammation and increase the
body’s production of free radicals, thus increasing your likelihood
of developing chronic health problems.

• Shift your food purchases and consumption to organic when possible. It is most
important to use organi dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream, etc.).
Free-range meats and eggs are desirable to purchase as organic. Minimize the
use of large fish (swordfish, tuna, etc.) as they are higher in mercury.
• Purchase organic strawberries and apples, and refer to the Environmental
Working Group or Consumers Reports websites to stay current about which
fruits and veggies are most important to eat organic.

• Purchase the most natural cleaning and other household products you can find.
• Avoid spraying pesticides or herbicides in your home or property.
• For hair products (including shampoo and colors) look for products without
alcohol, sodium lauryl sulfate, paraben, phthalate or other petrochemicals.
Check your local yellow pages and magazines to see if there is an
environmentally oriented hair salon in your area.
• Avoid using hair sprays.
• Avoid perfumes or other skin or hair care products that use synthetic fragrances.


• Use low-toxin make-up and skin creams (avoid products with: phthalates,
parabens, propylene glycol, alcohols and fragrances). In general, skin care
products from health food stores without the above ingredients are a safer bet.
• Consider using antioxidant creams on your skin: low solvent products with
CoQ10, Vit. C possibly DMAE and botanical squalene.

The Meno Clinic - Center for Functional Medicine | www.menoclinic.com | (307)732-1039
• Avoid aluminum-containing antiperspirants and antacids. Since virtually all
antiperspirantscontain aluminum, it may be advisable to minimize or discontinue

• Water can have many toxins and thus regular consumption of unfiltered
water can significantly contribute to the toxic load of your body
• Water quality will vary from city to city but in general it is better to filter tap
water with a multi-stage carbon filter or reverse osmosis filter.
• Try to avoid bottled water in soft plastic containers as the plastics often leach
into the water. Minimize the use of plastic water bottles that have been in a
hot car.
• Minimize the use of camel-back type plastic water containers.
• Mineral waters in glass bottles are generally safe unless there is a question of
the quality of the source.
• Have approximately 6-8 glasses of water or healthy liquids each day. Use
glass or ceramic as a container when possible.
• Filter shower water in order to limit your exposure to chlorinated

• Plastics can disrupt hormones in your body.
• Avoid plastic bottles and containers with the numbers 3, 6 and 7 on the bottom.
These are most likely to leach plastics into the food, juice or water that they
• Buy juices and water in glass containers when possible.
• Avoid PVC’s.
• Do not microwave in plastic containers.
• Minimize washing plastic containers in the dishwasher under high heat.
• Minimize the use of cling wraps; try to use paper wraps.

The Meno Clinic - Center for Functional Medicine | www.menoclinic.com | (307)732-1039
• Avoid mercury amalgam fillings.
• Get second options on root canals.
• Avoid if possible having 2 different metals in adjacent teeth.
• Pick a dentist who is aware of healthy choices for the mouth-perhaps a more
holistic or biologically oriented dentist who does not place new mercury

• Use only green and low VOC building materials in a remodel or new home.
• Avoid furniture with particle board or buy used furniture that has had a chance
to “off gas”.
• Let a new car off gas by keeping the windows open.
• Use an air filter such as a Hepa filter with a charcoal filter to clean the debris in
the air.
• Minimize the amount of regular carpet in your home, or use natural carpets.
• Avoid using pesticides in your house.


• Use a low or no VOC paint and carpet or rug.
• Minimize carpet and choose hardwoods but not laminates (avoid Pergo, for
• Take off shoes at the door to decrease indoor chemicals and pesticides.
• Avoid building products that contain urea formaldehyde.
• Change the filter on your furnace every 3 months, using the best allergy
furnace filter you can find.

The Meno Clinic - Center for Functional Medicine | www.menoclinic.com | (307)732-1039

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