Amaury Dissertation

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Molecular Electronics:
First Principles and Model


Amaury de Melo Souza

A thesis submitted for the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy

March 2015

I, Amaury de Melo Souza, hereby declare that this thesis has not been submitted as
an exercise for a degree at this or any other University. It comprises work performed
entirely by myself during the course of my Ph.D. studies at Trinity College Dublin. I
was involved in a number of collaborations, and where it is appropriate my collaborators
are acknowledged for their contributions. I agree that the Library may lend or copy this
thesis upon request.

Amaury de Melo Souza
Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not
afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whith-
ersoever thou goest.
Joshua 1:9. (The Bible, King James Version)

This thesis deals with the application and the development of computational tools for
the study of ground state and electronic transport properties of molecular junctions. The
calculations can be divided in two main categories, depending on whether they are based
on first-principles or model Hamiltonians, respectively. From the point of view of first-
principles calculations, the ground state properties are studied within density functional
theory (DFT) and the electronic transport within the non-equilibrium Green’s functions
(NEGF) formalism. From the point of view of model Hamiltonians, the electronic trans-
port is calculated by means of the density matrix formalism by solving master equations
(ME), where all the parameters can be obtained from first-principles calculations. These
approaches allow us to study the electronic transport in different regimes: for strong
electrode-molecule coupling, where tunneling is the doming mechanism, as well as for
weak electronic coupling, where Coulomb blockade dominates.
For a quantitative description of the electronic transport across molecular junctions
it is key to account for renormalization of the energy levels when the organic/inorganic
interfaces are formed. We show how DFT within local and semi-local exchange correlation
functionals does not capture this effect. We apply a constrained-DFT approach to study
the energy level alignment of a benzene/Lithium(100) interface, and we find that the
quasi-particle energy gap of the molecule is reduced by ∼2.5 eV due to image charge
We present a thorough study of Au/benzene-dithiol/Au molecular junctions. Firstly,
we perform ground state DFT calculations in order to study the stability of this system
with respect to the adsorption of the molecule on surfaces as well as when the molecule is
in a junction, and we find that the thiol junctions are energetically more stable than their
thiolate counterparts. We present a detailed discussion on the energy level alignment of
these junctions, and present different methods to account for the energy level renormal-
ization. By means of DFT-NEGF we perform quantum transport calculations for these
junctions under stretching and compare the results for both thiol and thiolate termina-
tions. We find that the conductance of the thiol junctions is reduced as the electrodes
separation increases, whereas the thiolate junctions the conductance increases. Finally,
we perform calculations by using a combined approach of molecular dynamics and Monte
Carlo simulations in order to account for effects of temperature and the statistical as-

pects of the experiments, namely the possibility of having many different geometries and
therefore different conductance values.
We use the computationally efficient master equation approach to study the transport
properties of molecular junctions, where all the parameters for the model Hamiltonian
can be obtained from first-principles calculations. We show that the master equation
approach can describe the transport properties of molecular junctions in the Coulomb
blockade regime, where the NEGF within DFT-LDA fails due to the lack of the derivative
discontinuity in the local density approximation (LDA). We have applied this method to
reproduce experimental data for porphyrin-Zn-gold molecular junctions in the weak cou-
pling limit. Within the model, we include temperature effects by considering an effective
single vibron-mode, and demonstrate that vibration excitations can be responsible for the
linear-like current increase observed in the experiments.
Finally, we study light-induced charge transfer and conductance enhancement due to
the interaction of charge carriers with light. We show how the transport properties of
molecular junctions with donor-acceptor structures change depending on the charge state
of the molecule. This is accomplished by combining CDFT with the NEGF formalism.
Furthermore, within the ME approach, we study the effect of light in simple models of
one and two levels and show the results when one considers higher-order contributions,
such as cotunneling. We then discuss the interplay between vibrons and light-induced
effects and show how light can be used to control the conductance of molecular junctions
in the strong electron-vibron coupling limit.
In summary, we present two main sets of approaches to electronic quantum transport
in molecular junctions: DFT-NEGF, and model Hamiltonians and ME’s. By apply-
ing these methods to molecular junctions of current interest, we address key aspects of
quantum transport. These are the problem of energy level renormalization due to im-
age charge effect, different transport regimes (tunneling, Coulomb blockade and Franck-
Condon blockade), temperature effects, light induced tunneling as well as the statistical
aspect of conductance measurements.

I am grateful and indebted to many people for their help, guidance, support, friendship
and love. Certainly, I would have not been able to finish this thesis without them.
I would like to start with a big thanks to my supervisor Prof. Stefano Sanvito and
my co-supervisor Dr. Ivan Rungger for their incredible capacity of leadership, insight,
vision and deep knowledge. Their dedication and how they treat each member of our
group have been really inspiring to me in pursuing my academic career. Many other
members and former members of the group contributed in different important ways. A
special thanks to Dr. Tom Archer, Dr. Andrea Droghetti, Dr. Awadhesh Narayan, Dr.
Sandip Bhattacharya and Dr. Das Pemmaraju for their valuable discussions, suggestions
and technical support. My gratitude to all the other members of the Computational
Spintronics group who, with a simple smile or a corridor conversation, have made of my
days here much more pleasant. All the colleagues that I had the privilege to share the
office with for the last four years, Paul Gorman and John Duffy, thanks for valuable
discussions about different subjects that in a way or another have contributed to built up
our character. I am confident that many of you have become lifetime friends! I would like
to thank Stefania Negro for her administrative support, always kind and really helpful.
The computational resources were provided by the TCHPC of Trinity College, thus a
special thanks to all the stuff members who have always been willing to help.
I would like to express my gratitude to my friends from Brazil, Prof. Alexandre Reily
Rocha, Prof. Renato Borges Pontes and Prof. Antonio Jose Roque da Silva, who have
participated also as collaborators in the present thesis. Our collaborator in Saudi Arabia,
Prof. Udo Schwingenschlögl and Dr. William French in the USA. My special thanks to my
dear friends and colleagues in this project, Obodo Joshua, Chengjun Jin, Enrique Montes
and Altynbek Murat (based in KAUST) for their friendship and enjoyable moments spent
in Dublin and in Saudi Arabia. Thanks to KAUST University for the financial support
through the ACRAB project.
During these years in Trinity and in Ireland, I had the privilege to meet and become
friends with really wonderful people and their love and kindness were essentially emotional
fuel to me. All the brothers and sisters from the Maranatha Christian Church in Belfast,
especially Pr. Andrew and his family, Rovena and Richard, Rasa and Janmark, Brian,
Gustavo Pirola, Paul and many others, my eternal gratitude for your prayers, kindness

and friendship. A huge thanks to my dear friends in Sao Paulo (Maranatha Church,
Sumaré), I am aware of your prayers and love during my stay in Ireland. I love you all!!!
My warmth gratitude to my new brothers Vilmar Banderó, Prof. Mauro Ferreira, Prof.
Claudionor Bezerra, my Canadian friend/sister Leanna Kohnke and the ’baianas’ Luana
Martins, Isadora and Bruna for all the happy hours we spent together, from whom I could
always find support and help. Without words to describe her kindness and friendship,
I want to thank Luz Adriana Leon, my Colombian special friend and one of the most
incredible person I have ever met. Thank you all for everything you have done for me, I
will never be able to pay it back.
During the past months, I had the privilege to meet the members of the Selah Church
in Dublin. Thanks to Peter whose love and fragrance of Christ is so strong and contagious.
Thanks to the members of the worship team (Roger Santana, Carol Fukushima, Michelle
Eloi, Simone Cristtina, Tiago Silva, Polyana Fernandes, Laura Ceregatti, Lucas Cirino
and Miuna Ferreira) with whom I spent most of my best last moments in Dublin. To all
the brothers that became really good friends and supporters in prayers and coffee breaks.
Thanks for your love and fellowship in all times, I love you all.
Finally, I want to thank those who will always be there for me, my beloved family.
A huge thanks to my father Juanil Santos de Souza and to my mother Odete Alves de
Melo Souza, for every word, every tear, every prayer, every hug, every kiss and every
penny spent with me, my sincere love. To my brother Daniel de Melo Souza, my big
sister Aelbany Karla de Melo Souza and her beautiful family (Kayo, Kaua, Washington)
and my little sister Flavia Karlayne de Melo. To my second mother Tia Arlete and her
family (Tain e Talisson), your love and prayers have made the difference in my life. To
my best friend Denise Santana and her family (Marcinho and Luiz Felipe), who always
made me laugh in the midst of any circumstances and times. To Daniele Ferreira and her
family for their love and the wonderful time we always spent together. With all my heart
and sincerity, I dedicate this thesis to all of you!
At the beginning of my Ph.D. I held on this

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be
discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9.

Now, in the end of this period, I can really say that

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
2 Timothy 4:7


The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.
Psalms 126:3.

Abstract i

Acknowledgments iii

List of Figures viii

List of Tables xi

Constants and Nomenclature xiii

1 General Introduction 1
1.1 Molecular Electronics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Statistical aspect of molecular junction measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Molecular junctions: strong and weak coupling limits . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.4 Energy level alignment at the interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.5 Interaction of light with molecular junctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.6 Theoretical point of view on molecular junctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.7 Dissertation Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2 Density Functional Theory 10

2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.2 Hohenberg-Kohn theorems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.3 Thomas-Fermi approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.4 Kohn-Sham equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.5 Local density approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.5.1 Interpreting the Kohn-Sham eigenvalues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.5.2 The lack of the derivative discontinuity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.5.3 The self-interaction problem: ASIC method . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.6 Constrained density functional theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

3 Quantum Transport at the Nanoscale 25

3.1 Landauer-Büttiker approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.1.1 Conductance linear regime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

3.2 Lippmann-Schwinger equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.2.1 Time-independent Lippmann-Schwinger equation . . . . . . . . . . 33
3.2.2 Spectral representation of the Green’s function . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.3 Non-equilibrium Green’s function formalism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.3.1 Green’s function for the scattering region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.3.2 Energy renormalization and lifetime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
3.3.3 Density matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
3.4 Transmission and current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.4.1 Wave function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.4.2 Current per channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.4.3 Transmission coefficients and total current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
3.5 DFT and NEGF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

4 Density Matrix Formalism 50

4.1 Time evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
4.1.1 The Schrödinger picture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
4.1.2 The Heisenberg picture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
4.1.3 The interaction picture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
4.2 Perturbative expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
4.3 Master equation I: the Wangsness-Bloch-Redfield master equation . . . . . 54
4.3.1 Liouville equation in the interaction picture . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
4.3.2 Simplification: separability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
4.3.3 Born approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
4.3.4 Markov approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
4.3.5 Relaxation time approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
4.3.6 Equation of motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
4.3.7 Transition rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
4.4 Master equation II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
4.4.1 Equation of motion: AC potentials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
4.4.2 Transition rates: AC potentials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
4.5 T -matrix expansion and the generalized Fermi’s golden rule . . . . . . . . 68
4.5.1 Connection between the WBR master equation and the T -matrix . 70

5 Organic/Inorganic Interfaces 72
5.1 The energy level alignment problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
5.1.1 DFT-LDA and energy level alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
5.1.2 Charge-transfer energies: CDFT method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
5.1.3 Case of study: benzene/Li interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
5.2 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
6 Ab initio Approach to Quantum Transport 83
6.1 Case of study: Au-benzenedithiol molecular junctions . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
6.1.1 Stability study of thiol-terminated molecules on a Au(111) flat sur-
face and junctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
6.1.2 Energy level alignment of Au-BDT interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
6.1.3 Scissor operator method for energy level alignment . . . . . . . . . 94
6.1.4 Electronic transport properties: thiol versus thiolate junctions . . . 96
6.1.5 Conductance change under stretching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
6.1.6 Hybrid MD-MC for MCBJ simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
6.2 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

7 Electronic Transport and Level Alignment in the Coulomb Blockade 108

7.1 Computational details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
7.1.1 Ab initio approach: DFT+NEGF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
7.1.2 Model Hamiltonian and master equation approach . . . . . . . . . . 110
7.2 Case of study: gold-ZnTPPdT molecular junctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
7.2.1 Energy level alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
7.2.2 Master equation approach: charge transport in Coulomb blockade
regime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
7.2.3 Effects of vibrations in the charge transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
7.3 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

8 Light-induced Charge Transport 121

8.1 Master equation for light-induced charge transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
8.1.1 Single quantum dot - sequential tunneling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
8.1.2 Cotunneling with light effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
8.2 Interplay of phonon and photon-induced charge transport . . . . . . . . . . 130
8.3 Light-induced linear conductance enhancement in molecular junctions . . . 135
8.3.1 Ab initio approach: constrained-DFT+NEGF for transport in charged
molecular junctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
8.4 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140

9 Conclusion and Future Work 142

A Second Quantization Operators 146

A.1 Fermionic Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146

B Transition Rates for External Oscillating Potential 149

B.1 Model Hamiltonian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
B.2 Sequential tunneling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
B.3 Cotunneling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
B.4 Exact solvable model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160

C Transition Rates Including vibrations 163

C.1 Model Hamiltonian: Anderson-Holstein model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
C.2 Lang-Firsov canonical transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
C.3 Cotunneling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
C.4 Regularization scheme for the cotunneling transition rates . . . . . . . . . 168

D Including off-diagonal Terms of the Master Equation 170

D.1 Example of a double quantum dot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170

E Constrained-DFT 176
E.1 Implementation details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176

F List of Publications 180

Bibliography 181
List of Figures

1.1 Cartoon showing, at atomic scale, the STM and MCBJ experimental setups. 2
1.2 Cartoon showing the effect of the electronic coupling strength on current,
from weak to strong coupling limits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3 Illustration of the surface polarization effect due to a charged molecule in
the vicinity of the metallic surface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.4 Schematic energy level diagram of the frontier orbitals of a molecule ap-
proaching a metallic surface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2.1 Energy level diagram of the KS eigenvalues and their relationship quasi-
particle energies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

3.1 Schematic representation of the general transport setup using NEGF. . . . 37

4.1 Schematic representation of an open quantum system. . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

5.1 Ball-stick representation of a benzene molecule physisorbed on a Lithium

surface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
5.2 Charge transfer energies as a function of distance for a benzene molecule
on a Lithium surface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
5.3 Screening charge density formation and energy level alignment for a ben-
zene molecule on a Lithium surface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

6.1 Ball-stick representation of the adsorption process thiol terminated molecules. 86

6.2 Activation barrier for the dissociative adsorption of benzenedithiol on gold. 87
6.3 Ball-stick representation of three benzenedithiol-gold contact geometries. . 88
6.4 Ball-stick representation of the stretching process of benzenedithiolate be-
tween two gold flat surfaces. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
6.5 Ball-stick representation of the stretching process of benzenedithiol between
two gold flat surfaces. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
6.6 Total energy and pulling force as a function of the electrodes separation for
benzenedithiol(ate)-gold junctions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
6.7 Energy level alignment of the frontier molecular orbitals of the benzenedithiol
molecule from the gas phase to the formation of the molecule-gold junction. 92

6.8 Plots of selected benzenedithiol wavefunctions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
6.9 Charge density differences between the constrained and non-constrained
DFT solutions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
6.10 Transmission coefficients as a function of energy for benzenedithiol(ate)-
gold junctions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
6.11 Transmission coefficients as a function of energy for different electrode
separation using different methods to correct the energy levels for the
benzenedithiolate-gold junctions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
6.12 Transmission coefficients as a function of energy for different electrode
separation using different methods to correct the energy levels for the
benzenedithiol-gold junctions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
6.13 Conductance as a function of electrodes separation for benzenedithiol(ate)-
gold junctions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
6.14 Representative snapshots of the elongation process from formation to rup-
ture of a benzenedithiolate-gold junction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
6.15 Conductance traces for selected stretching process of benzenedithiolate-
gold junctions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
6.16 Transmission coefficients for three idealized benzenedithiolate-gold junc-
tions when monoatomic-chains are considered. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
6.17 Conductance histograms of three thermally evolving benzenedithiolate-gold
junctions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

7.1 Schematic representation of different transport regimes. . . . . . . . . . . . 111

7.2 Ball-stick representation of a porphyrin-Zn-gold junctions. . . . . . . . . . 113
7.3 Transport properties of porphyrin-Zn-gold junctions as a function of the
electrodes separation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
7.4 Corrected position for the frontier energy levels of the porphyrin-Zn-gold
junctions as a function of the electrodes separation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
7.5 Ab-initio and model comparison for the electronic transport properties of
the porphyrin-Zn-gold junctions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
7.6 ME transport properties calculations for the porphyrin-Zn-gold junctions. . 118

8.1 Schematic representation of a SQD connected to two electrodes . . . . . . 123

8.2 Photon-assisted tunneling for a single level model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
8.3 Energy diagram for a single level model where PAT is present. . . . . . . . 126
8.4 Photon-assisted tunneling for two levels model and up to one electron in
the SQD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
8.5 Current as a function of gate and bias voltage for different light intensities. 128
8.6 Sequential and cotunneling current for different photon energy and light
intensity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
8.7 Occupation for different photon energy and light intensity. . . . . . . . . . 130
8.8 Schematic energy diagram for Franck-Condon blockade for sequential tun-
neling and cotunneling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
8.9 Franck-Condon blockade: Stability diagram for different electron-vibron
coupling strength. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
8.10 Sequential tunneling current as a function of bias for different values of the
electron-vibron coupling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
8.11 Light-induced Franck-Condon blockade removal: Sequential tunneling con-
tributions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
8.12 Sequential tunneling current in the FKB regime where relaxation of vibrons
is included. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
8.13 Molecular junction for a donor-acceptor molecule and the effect of light on
the linear conductance of the junction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
8.14 Electronic structure of the isolated porphyrin-fullerene complex molecule. . 138
8.15 Ball-and-stick representation of different contact geometries for the Au-
PFN-Au molecular junction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
8.16 Charging the molecule by means of CDFT and transport properties under
electronic constraints. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
8.17 Energy diagram for light induced molecular excitation. . . . . . . . . . . . 140

D.1 Schematic representation of a DQD device connected in series with each

other and to the two electrodes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
D.2 Energy level diagram of absorbtion and emission of photons for the high-
bias regime, respectively . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
D.3 Current as a function of the dc bias with and without PAT for a DQD
system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
List of Tables

5.1 Quasi-particle energies for three different Lithium clusters sizes. . . . . . . 76

5.2 Charge transfer energies for a benzene molecule adsorbed in different sizes
of Lithium substrate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

6.1 Formation energy for different adsorption geometries of benzenedithiol on

gold surface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
6.2 Quasi-particle energies for the benzenedithiol and benzenedithiolate molecules. 91
6.3 Contribution due to the classical image charge for two surfaces model and
final corrections to the energy levels of the benzenedithiol-gold junction. . . 95

7.1 Electronic couplings for the frontier energy levels, obtained from DFT-
NEGF, as a function of the electrodes separation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116

Constants and Nomenclature

Symbol Value/Units Description
e 1.6022 × 10−19 C Elementary electron charge
0 8.8541 × 10−12 F m−1 Electric permittivity
G0 2e2 /h = 7.7480 × 10−5 S Quantum of conductance
h 6.6260 × 10−34 J s Planck‘s constant
~ = h/2π 1.0546 × 10−34 J s Planck‘s constant
kB 1.3806 × 10−23 m2 kg s−2 K−1 Boltzmann constant
m 9.1093 × 10−31 kg Electron mass

Chapter 1
Symbol Description
EA Electron affinity
EQP Quasi-particle energy gap
EF Fermi energy
G Conductance
~ω Photon energy
IP Ionization potential
N Number of particles in the system
U Charging energy parameter
WF Work function
Chapter 2
Symbol Description
∆ Fundamental energy gap
∆xc Derivative discontinuity in the exchange-correlation energy
∆KS Kohn-Sham single-particle energy gap
E Total energy
E0 Ground-state total energy for the Kohn-Sham system
Exc Exchange-correlation energy
Exc Exchange-correlation energy within the LDA approximation
N N’th Kohn-Sham eigenvalue
εx Exchange energy density
Ψ̃ Total wave-function
φi Kohn-Sham orbitals
Φ Nuclear wave-function
Ψ Electronic wave-function
ψi Single-particle wave-function
ρ Electronic charge density
ρ0 Ground-state electronic charge density
σ =↑, ↓ Index of spin
thom Kinetic energy density of a homogeneous system
t Time
UH Hartree energy
Û Electron-electron Coulomb interaction operator
V̂ext Electron-nuclei interaction operator
Vcσ wcσ Constrained-DFT auxiliary potential for spin σ
Chapter 3
Symbol Description
A Spectral function
f Fermi-Dirac distribution function
G Total Green‘s function
G− Advanced Green‘s function
G+ Retarded Green‘s function
G0− Unperturbed advanced Green‘s function
G0+ Unperturbed retarded Green‘s function
gL,R Green‘s function for the isolated left/right electrodes
ΓL Electronic coupling to the left electrode
ΓR Electronic coupling to the right electrode
G< Lesser Green‘s function
Ĥ Hamiltonian operator
Ĥ0 Unperturbed Hamiltonian operator
H Hamiltonian matrix for the whole system
I L,R Electrical current through the left/right contacts
k Wave-vector
ν Density of states
µ Electrochemical potential
qD Charge in the device region
Σ Self-energy operator
S Overlap Matrix
Θ Temperature
T Transmission function
Û Time evolution operator
Chapter 4
Symbol Description
m Eigenvalue for the charge state |mi
Γif Transition rates from the initial state i to the final state f
~ωmn = m − n Total energy differences between the two charge states |mi and |ni
r̂ Interaction operator acting in the reservoirs subspace
|Ri State vector for the reservoirs subspace
ρ̂I Reduced-density matrix operator in the interaction picture
ŝ Interaction operator acting in the small quantum system subspace
|Si State vector for the small quantum system subspace
T Transfer Matrix operator
ÛI Time evolution operator in the interaction picture
χ̂I Full density matrix operator in the interaction picture
ζ Parameter for the light intensity
Chapter 5
Symbol Description
ECT Charge-transfer energy to add one electron

ECT Charge-transfer energy to remove one electron
ECT Charge-transfer energy gap
d0 Image charge plane height
d+ 0 Image charge plane height for adding one electron to the molecule
d− 0 Image charge plane height for removing one electron from the
∆ρ Charge-density differences
q Point charge
U Classical image charge for a point charge interacting with two flat
V Classical image charge for a point charge interacting with one flat
Chapter 6
Symbol Description
α Scaling parameter for atomic-self interaction correction
LDA Kohn-Sham eigenvalue within the LDA approximation
L Electrodes separation
Σo Shift to the occupied Kohn-Sham levels
Σu Shift to the unoccupied Kohn-Sham levels
Chapter 7
Symbol Description
b̂ Single-particle annihilation bosonic operator for the vibrons
b̂† Single-particle creation bosonic operator for the vibrons
ĉ Single-particle annihilation fermionic operator acting on the molecule
ĉ† Single-particle creation fermionic operator acting on the molecule
dˆαk Single-particle annihilation fermionic operator acting on the electrode
dˆ†αk Single-particle creation fermionic operator acting on the electrode α
i Single-particle energy of electrons in the molecule
αk Single-particle energy for electrons in the electrode α
γα Hopping parameter
Γα Electronic coupling to the electrode α
α Sequential tunneling transition rates from state |n, q 0 i → |m, qi
through electrode α
Cotunneling transition rates from state |n, q 0 i → |m, qi
~ωq Phonon energy
λ Electron-vibron coupling strength
n̂ Number operator
ρqn Occupation of charge state n and vibronic state q 0
τ Phonon relaxation time
Chapter 8
Symbol Description
Γ+ α Sequential tunneling transition rates for adding one electron to the
molecule through electrode α
α Sequential tunneling transition rates for removing one electron from
the molecule through electrode α
α Sequential tunneling transition rates for adding one electron to the
molecule through electrode α and changing the vibron state q → q 0
α Sequential tunneling transition rates for removing one electron from
the molecule through electrode α and changing the vibron state q →
Jν Bessel’s function of first kind for order ν
ν~ω Energy of ν photons
~ω Photon energy
Chapter 1

General Introduction

1.1 Molecular Electronics

Molecular electronics consists of using single molecules as active components of elec-
tronic devices, such as in molecular diodes, transistors and integrated circuits [1]. Single
molecules can offer several unique properties to electronics. The size of simple molecules is
within several nanometers and hence the electronic spectrum is quantized with the typical
energy scale of ∼eV. They also allow self-assembly, i.e. the spontaneous and reversible
organization of molecular units into ordered structures by non-covalent interactions. This
is very useful in fabricating electronic devices at such a small length scale. The large
number of chemicals and their different chemical and electrical functions can open up
many new possibilities to engineering a molecule to perform different tasks in different
Molecules were first proposed as an active electronic unit by Aviram and Ratner in
the 1970s [2]. They proposed that certain types of molecules can yield current rectifying
behavior. These are D −σ −A molecules, where D is an electron-donor moiety and A is an
electron-acceptor moiety. Then, σ is called the “bridge” and it is a conducting molecule
that connects the donor to the acceptor. In these molecules, the state D− − σ − A+ is
expected to be energetically more accessible than the D+ −σ −A− state, therefore, leading
to an asymmetric current versus bias voltage curve, i.e. to rectification.
Due to recent advancements in experimental techniques, electronic transport mea-
surements through a single molecule are now realized routinely. In general, the possible
experimental setups can be divided into two main categories, namely, scanning tunneling
microscopy (STM) [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13] and mechanically controlled break-
junctions (MCBJs) experiments [14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23]. In the first, the
target molecules are deposited onto a metallic surface, forming a self-assembly monolayer
(SAM), and a STM tip is brought into contact to form the molecular junction. Then a bias
is applied between the tip and the metallic substrate and the electrical current through

2 Chapter 1

the molecule is measured. In the second, a metallic nanocontact is created by stretching a

metal wire and, just before rupture, a solution containing the target molecules is added to
the system. Subsequently, the metallic contact is further stretched until rupture. In some
cases a molecule gets trapped between the metallic tips forming the molecular junctions
(MJ). Likewise, a bias is applied between the two electrodes and the electrical current
through the molecule is measured. Both experimental setups are schematically shown in
Fig. 1.1.


Figure 1.1: Cartoon showing at the atomic scale the formation of molecular junctions.
(a) A STM tip is put in contact with a benzene-1,4-dithiol (BDT) molecule previously
adsorbed onto the metallic surface. A voltage is applied between the tip and the substrate
and a tunneling current is established. (b) MCBJ setup after the metallic nanowire has
been broken and a molecule has been trapped in the nanogap. A voltage is applied
between the two electrodes and an electrical current is established. A gate voltage can be
applied by means of a third electrode, which shifts the energy levels of the molecule.

1.2 Statistical aspect of molecular junction measure-

A long-standing problem in the area of molecular electronics is the difficulty of finding
quantitative agreement between theory and experiments in some cases. This makes it dif-
ficult to design and build functioning devices based on molecules. More than a decade has
passed since the pioneering experiment by Reed et al. [14], and yet the well-known proto-
type molecular junction that consists of a benzene-1,4-dithiol molecule inserted between
two gold electrodes (Au-BDT-Au) is still not fully understood. Numerous experimen-
tal [22, 21, 20, 12, 18, 5, 15, 5, 17] and theoretical [24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30] works have
been reported, with both experimental and theoretical results varying over a large range.
Due to the nature of the experiments, several different geometrical contacts can be ac-
cessed during the stretching process of the junction, which leads to a statistical character
of the experimental analysis. In fact, in a single experiment, a broad range of values for
the conductance, G, is observed, and in some cases even very different average G values
General Introduction 3

between experiments [22, 17, 26]. Yet, recent independent measurements [12, 4, 7, 23]
agree on an average value of G of about 0.01G0 for Au-BDT-Au, where G0 = 2e2 /h is the
quantum conductance (e is the electron charge and h is the Planck’s constant).

1.3 Molecular junctions: strong and weak coupling

In all these junctions, the understanding of the details of the organic/inorganic in-
terface is crucial to interpret the experimental data [31, 29, 30]. For instance, depending
on how the molecule connects to the electrodes, two main regimes of transport can take
place. First, for strong coupling, where the dominant energy scale is the bonding energy,
fractional charge transfer can occur through the device. This regime manifests, for in-
stance, in the Au-BDT-Au junction where the tunneling of electrons through the MJ is
the dominant mechanism of charge transfer. In contrast, if the molecule is weakly cou-
pled to the electrodes, when an electron has been transferred to the molecule, due to the
Coulomb repulsion, a second electron is blocked to hop in until its energy overcomes the
single-electron charging energy, U. In this case, the system is in the Coulomb blockade
(CB) regime (see Chapter 2 of Ref. [32] for a detailed description of CB), characterized
by tunneling of integer number of electrons. Fig. 1.2(a) shows schematically the typical
current versus voltage for the two regimes and how the electronic coupling strength affects
the shape of the curve. Fig. 1.2(b) shows a stability diagram or Coulomb diamond for a
two level model system where the transfer of integer number of electrons takes place. The
charge state of the molecule is easily identified for different blockaded regions. The value
of U can also be easily extracted from such plots.

1.4 Energy level alignment at the interface

In addition to the possibility of different transport regimes, another important issue in
molecular electronics is the energy level alignment at the interface and the renormalization
of the molecular energy levels when the interface is formed. It has been demonstrated
experimentally [33, 34, 35, 36] that the quasi-particle energy gap, EQP , of a molecule,
defined as the difference between its ionization potential, I , and its electron affinity,
E A , is reduced with respect to that of the gas phase by adsorbing the molecule on a
polarizable substrate. In a non-interacting quasi-particle picture, the I P is the negative of
the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) energy, while the E A corresponds to the
energy of the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO). The reduction of the I P and
E A of a molecule adsorbed on a metallic surface is mainly due to the Coulomb interaction
between the added/subtracted charge on the molecule and the screening electrons in
4 Chapter 1

(b) Coulomb diamond

Vsd (a.u.)
0 N N+1 N+2

0 0
Vg (a.u.)

Figure 1.2: (a) Schematic representation of a typical current versus voltage curve for a
two-level system and how the shape of the current changes with respect to the electronic
coupling strength. For weak coupling, integer number of electrons is transferred and the
current shows a step-like behavior. For strong coupling, fractional charge transfer can
take place and the current is smoothed out due to electron tunneling. (b) An example of
a Coulomb diamond or stability diagram for a two level system in the Coulomb blockage
regime. The charge state of the molecule for different blockaded region is shown. Also
the single-electron charging energy, U, can be identified.

the substrate. This interaction leads to a polarization of the surface, so that a surface
charge with opposite sign with respect to the charge state of the molecule is formed, as
schematically shown in Fig. 1.3(a-b). This non-local feature, called image-charge effect,
becomes more relevant as the molecule approaches the metallic surface. As a consequence,
the reduction of the I P and the E A , hence of the EQP , becomes more prominent with the
molecule approaching the surface, as illustrated in Fig. 1.4.
Although this effect is known to be present in all the transport measurements of
molecular junctions, it was only recently that it could be quantified. Perrin et al. [37]
using a MCBJ were able to observe the energy level renormalization of a zinc-porphyrin
molecule [Zn(5,15-di(p-thiolphenyl)-10,20-di(p-tolyl)porphyrin)], abbreviated ZnTPPdT,
where the molecule is weakly coupled to two gold electrodes. In Chapter 5 we discuss
in detail this problem and we show our approach to quantify the molecular energy level
renormalization. We then apply this method in Chapter 6 and Chapter 7.

1.5 Interaction of light with molecular junctions

The underlying processes of the interaction of light with molecular junctions are at-
tracting great attention as a challenging theoretical and experimental problem and because
of their potential application as a characterization and control tool [38, 39, 40, 41, 42].
This area of research is at the interface between two other important areas, namely,
molecular electronics and molecular plasmonics and it is seen as having important tech-
nological implications. Advances in optical microscopy techniques have made of optical
General Introduction 5

a) b)

molecule molecule

z z

metallic surface metallic surface

Figure 1.3: Illustration of the surface polarization effect due to a charged molecule in the
vicinity of the metallic surface at a distance z. (a) Photo-emission spectroscopy (PES)
used to measure the I P where one electron is taken from the molecule after absorbing a
photon of energy ~ω. (b) Inverse photo-emission spectroscopy (IPES) used to measure
the E A . One electron is added to the molecule and the energy of the emitted photon is



at interface gas-phase

Figure 1.4: (a) Schematic energy level diagram of the frontier orbitals of a molecule
approaching a metallic surface. Due to the interaction with the screening charge formed
at the surface, the system is further stabilized and the EQP is reduced with respect to its
gas phase value as z is reduced. WF is the work function of the metal.
6 Chapter 1

spectroscopy an important observation and diagnostic tool for molecular junctions.

Historically, the first experiments of ac-bias driven tunneling are due to Dayem and
Martin [43] who studied photon-assisted tunneling (PAT) in superconductor-insulator-
superconductor hybrid structures. Tien and Gordon were the first ones to propose a
simple model to explain PAT in terms of ac- induced sidebands [44]. The well-known
Tien-Gordon model has shown to account for the main qualitative physics of PAT through
different nanostructure and mesoscopic devices.
An example of the importance of studying light induced effects in molecular junctions
is the one applied to photovoltaic devices. Organic solar cells (OSCs), which lie within the
class of third generation solar cells, are considered as one of the most promising systems to
enhance efficiency and to reduce the cost of power-to-energy conversion, when compared
to silicon based devices. OSCs materials can be organized in different categories ranging
from the crystalline small molecules [45], dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) [46, 47] to
amorphous polymers (plastics). More recently, another class of solar cells have shown
great potential, the perovskites solar cells that consist of an organic molecule inside an
inorganic crystalline structure [48].
The theoretical approaches to PAT in molecular junctions can be divided into two
main categories: (i) methods based on the framework of scattering theory, sometimes
within the non-equilibrium Green’s function (NEGF) formalism, extended to account for
the presence of an external electromagnetic field and (ii) those based on master equa-
tion (ME) approach or similar kinetic descriptions of transport, again generalized to
take into account external oscillating field. For instance, Foden and Whittaker [49] ex-
tended the Tien-Gordon model by given a quantum electrodynamics treatment to the
photon field. Later, Park et al. [50] by means of the Keldysh formalism, equivalent to
the NEGF formalism, generalized this model for adiabatic PAT in order to account for
non-adiabatic processes, i.e. for interference between the different transport channels.
Galperim et al. [51, 52, 53], within the Keldysh formalism, studied light-induced charge
transport in molecular junctions presenting strong charge-transfer transition into their
excited states. Their model consists of a two-level (HOMO and LUMO levels) for the
molecule strongly coupled to the electrodes. The molecules studied present dipole mo-
ments that changes considerably upon excitation leading to a strong shift of the electronic
charge distribution. In other words, one of the energy levels, either the HOMO or the
LUMO, is stronger coupled to one contact than to the other. When an optical excita-
tion from the HOMO level to the LUMO occur, due to the asymmetry in the contact
couplings, a current is established even without applied bias. Within the same approach,
they could also study current-induced light emission, where by applying bias, electrolu-
minescence can be observed [54]. Tian et al. have also studied electroluminescence in
molecular junctions within the density matrix formalism (ME approach) [55]. Fainberg
et al. [56] generalized the approach of Galperim et al. [51, 52, 53] in order to account for
General Introduction 7

different laser pulse shapes. By means of the density matrix formalism, they could derive
a set of closed MEs to compute the observables.

1.6 Theoretical point of view on molecular junctions

From the theoretical point of view, the study of charge transport in molecular junc-
tions in general is very challenging for several reasons: (i) an electronic structure theory
able to give a correct description of the excited states and the energy level position of the
molecules is needed. Moreover, this can not be so computationally demanding due to the
necessity of, very often, describing very large systems. (ii) The energy levels alignment
of organic/inorganic interfaces has to be well described, i.e. the position of the frontier
molecular orbitals of the organic light-harvesting material with respect to the electrode
bands need to be computed correctly, since it determines the rates at which charges are
injected or recombined. Moreover, this is a key design quantity for engineering mate-
rials combinations with enhanced light-to-current conversion. (iii) Different electronic
transport regimes can take place. For instance, Coulomb blockade, sequential tunneling,
inelastic cotunneling, light-induced vibration, current-induced light emission could take
place in a molecular junction; (iv) Effects of temperature on the transport properties of
MJs, even without light effects, have been studied and shown to play an important role
when comparing to experimental data both, in the strong coupling limit [29, 30] and in
the weak one [57, 58]. Furthermore, as far as illumination of the junction is concerned,
the issue of heating can not be avoided [59, 60, 61, 62].
In regards to electronic transport calculations, there are two main approaches, namely,
the ones based on the non-equilibrium Green’s functions (NEGF) formalism [63] and
the ones based on the density matrix formalism that leads to solving master equations
(ME) [64]. The former is often combined with density functional theory (DFT) [65, 66]
in order to describe the electronic structure of the system. The later is usually associated
with a model Hamiltonian that captures the physics of interest. In the present work
we intend to explore both methodologies applied to the study of molecular junctions.
We address the limitations of these approaches and discuss in which case one is more
appropriated than the other.

1.7 Dissertation Layout

In Chapter 2 we present an introduction to DFT, the electronic structure method
used throughout the present work. We discuss its advantages and most importantly its
limitations when a quantitative description of electronic transport properties of molecular
junctions is required. For instance, in Sec. 2.5.2 we discuss the problem of the lack of
8 Chapter 1

the derivative discontinuity in local and semi-local approximations of the DFT exchange-
correlation functional and in Sec. 2.5.3 the problem of the self-interaction error in DFT.
In Chapter 3 we present a general overview of quantum transport through nanoscale
systems and we discuss the Landauer-Büttiker approach in Sec. 3.1. In Sec. 3.3 we present
the formalism to first-principles based quantum transport used in this dissertation, namely
the NEGF. This approach is combined throughout with DFT as the method of choice
to describe the electronic structure of nanoscale systems. In Sec. 3.5 we discuss some
particularities of this combination.
In Chapter 4 we present the density matrix formalism by which we can derive MEs
combined with model Hamiltonians. The ME is a different approach to the quantum
transport, where the key quantity is the reduced density matrix. The transition rates
are treated within time-dependent perturbation theory and the full derivation of these
quantities are presented in Appendix B and Appendix C. By solving a simple set of linear
equations, one can evaluate the electrical current through molecular systems including
different effects, such as, temperature and light-induced tunneling.
In Chapter 5 we start by presenting a discussion on the energy level alignment of or-
ganic/inorganic interfaces and our approach to its calculation, namely, a constrained-DFT
(CDFT) method by which one can evaluate the molecular energy levels renormalization
when an interface is formed. The theoretical background of this method is given in Sec. 2.6
and the details of its implementation are given in Appendix E.
In Chapter 6 we present a thorough study of the Au-BDT-Au molecular junction.
In Sec. 6.1.1 we discuss the stability of this system with respect to the adsorption of the
molecule on surfaces as well as when the molecule is in a junction. In Sec. 6.1.2 we discuss
the energy level alignment of these junctions and present different methods to account for
energy level renormalization. In Sec. 6.1.4 we present our results of the quantum transport
of these molecular junctions under stretching and compare the results for both thiol and
thiolate junctions. Finally, in Sec. 6.1.6 we present a combined molecular dynamics and
Monte Carlo approach in order to account for effects of temperature and the statistical
aspect of the experiments, namely, the possibility of having many different geometries
and, therefore, different conductance values.
In Chapter 7 we apply the ME formalism presented in Chapter 4 to the electron
transport in the weak coupling limit, i.e. in the CB regime. We apply this approach
and compare our results to available experimental data of energy level renormalization in
molecular junctions as a function of the electrodes separation. We show how the energy
level alignment of the junction plays a crucial role in determining the electronic transport.
Moreover, by including vibronic degrees of freedom we show that our theoretical results
are in good agreement with the experimental data.
Finally, in Chapter 8 we discuss light-induced charge transfer and conductance en-
hancement due to the interaction of charge carries with light. Within the ME approach,
General Introduction 9

in Sec. 8.1.1, we study the effect of light in simple models of one and two levels and show
the results when one considers higher-order contributions, such as cotunneling. In Sec. 8.2
we discuss the interplay between phonons and light-induced effects and show how light can
be used to control the conductance of molecular junctions in the strong electron-vibron
coupling limit. In Sec. 8.3.1 we show how the transport properties of molecular junctions
with donor-acceptor structure change depending on the charge state of the molecule. This
is accomplished by combining CDFT with the NEGF method.
Chapter 2

Density Functional Theory

2.1 Introduction
In quantum mechanics, all the information concerning the system is contained in
the so-called total wave function, Ψ̃(R, r), where R and r represent a set of nuclei and
electrons coordinates, respectively. We omit the spin degrees of freedom for the sake
of simplicity. Our aim is to understand how density functional theory (DFT) can be
applied to the study of the electronic structure of atoms, molecules and solids. Since we
are concerned exclusively on the electronic structure, the nuclear degrees of freedom (e.g.
the crystal lattice in a solid) appear only in the form of a potential v(r) acting on the
electrons. This is the Born-Oppenheimer approximation, so that the wave function can be
rewritten as Ψ̃ = Φ(R)Ψ(r; R), i.e. as a product of the electronic and nuclear degrees of
freedom and with the electronic part [Ψ(r; R)] parameterized by the nuclear coordinates.
For non-relativistic electrons, this wave function is calculated by solving the Schrödinger’s
equation, which for a single electron moving under the effect of an external potential v(r)
reads 1
~2 ∇2
− + v(r) Ψ(r) = Ψ(r). (2.1.1)
For a multi-electron system, i.e. for a many-body problem, the Schrödinger’s equation

~2 ∇2
− + v(ri ) + U (ri , rj ) Ψ(r1 , r2 . . . , rN ) = EΨ(r1 , r2 . . . , rN ), (2.1.2)
2m i<j

where N is the number of electrons in the system and U (ri , rj ) describes the electron-
electron interaction term. For a Coulomb system, the interaction term is given by the
We omit the coordinate R in order to simplify the notation.

Density Functional Theory 11

following operator

X 1 X e2
Û = U (ri , rj ) = , (2.1.3)
4π0 i<j |ri − rj |

which is the same for any system of particles interacting via Coulomb interaction. In the
same way, the kinetic energy operator given by

X ~2 ∇2i
T̂ = − (2.1.4)

is the same for any non-relativistic electron. Note that for materials containing atoms
with large atomic numbers (Z), the electrons are accelerated to relativistic velocities,
therefore, one must include relativistic effects by solving Dirac’s equation and the kinetic
operator takes a different form. In the absence of external perturbations, e.g. and electric
field, v(r) is given by the electron-nuclei interaction

X 1 X Zk e2
V̂ext = v(ri ) = , (2.1.5)
4π0 ik |ri − Rk |

where the sum extends over all nuclei, each with charge Qk = Zk e and coordinates Rk .
Note that it is only the spatial arrangement of the atoms (apart from the corresponding
boundary conditions) that distinguishes a molecule from a solid. For this reason, the oper-
ators Û and T̂ are often called “universal” whereas V̂ext is system-dependent. Similarly, it
is only through the term Û that the single-body quantum mechanics of Eq. (2.1.1) differs
from the complex many-body problem posed by Eq. (2.1.2). The natural way to solve
the problem is by specifying the external potential V̂ext , so that the system of interest is
defined, and introducing it into the Schrödinger’s equation in order to obtain the wave
function Ψ. All the properties of the system are then calculated by evaluating the ex-
pectation values of the operators that represent the properties of interest, i.e. hΨ| . . . |Ψi.
One important observable is the electronic density given by
ρ(r) = N 3
d r2 3
d r3 . . . d3 rN Ψ∗ (r, r2 . . . , rN )Ψ(r, r2 . . . , rN ). (2.1.6)

DFT recognizes that non-relativistic Coulomb systems differ only by their potential
v(r), and gives a prescription for dealing with the universal operators Û and T̂ . Fur-
thermore, DFT provides a way to systematically map the many-body problem, with the
interaction term Û onto a single-body problem, without Û . All this is done by promoting
the particle density ρ(r) from just one among many observables to the key variable, on
which the calculation of all other observables can be based.
12 Chapter 2

2.2 Hohenberg-Kohn theorems

This insight is due to Hohenberg and Kohn [65], who in 1964 set the foundation of
DFT by treating the electron charge density as the fundamental variable in the N -body
problem. By doing so, the scheme to solve the electronic system can be summarized as

ρ(r) =⇒ Ψ(r, r2 . . . , rN ) =⇒ v(r) (2.2.1)

i.e. knowledge of ρ(r) implies knowledge of the wave function and the potential, and
hence of all other observables. The DFT is based on two theorems, the Hohenberg-Kohn
theorems (HKTs). Here we present the derivation of the HKTs as given originally by
Hohenberg-Kohn in Ref. [65]. Other demonstrations can be found in Ref. [67]. The first
theorem presents the relation of uniqueness between the ground state electronic charge
density, i.e. ρ0 (r), and the external potential v(r):
Theorem I: The ground state charge density ρ0 (r) of a system of interact-
ing electrons under the influence of the external potential Vext (r) determines
uniquely that potential.
In other words, for every potential (or arrangement of atoms) there is only one repre-
sentation of the ground state electronic charge density and vice-versa. Moreover, if the
ground state is degenerate, Theorem I refers to the density of any of those states. As a
consequence of Theorem I:
Corollary: If the external potential Vext (r) is determined, then also the Hamil-
tonian is so. Consequently, the wave functions of each electron for the ground
state, are also determined. Therefore, once the ground state charge density
ρ0 (r) is known, all the ground state properties of the system are determined.
Proof of Theorem I: The demonstration is as follows. Assuming that the ground state
of a system can be characterized by the Hamiltonian Ĥ containing the potential v(r), the
Schrödinger’s equation is given by:

(T̂ + Û + V̂ext )Ψ = EΨ, (2.2.2)

where T̂ , Û and V̂ext represent the kinetic, electron-electron interaction and external
potential operators, respectively. If we assume the existence of another potential Vˆ 0 ext we
can write the corresponding Hamiltonian Ĥ . The Schrödinger’s equation solution can be
written in a simplified form as Ψ0 (Ĥ Ψ0 = E 0 Ψ0 ), which yields the same electronic charge
density ρ(r). By applying the variational principle, we obtain

E = hΨ|T̂ + V̂ext + Û |Ψi < hΨ0 |T̂ + V̂ext + Û |Ψ0 i, (2.2.3)

E 0 = hΨ0 |T̂ + Vˆ 0 ext + Û |Ψ0 i < hΨ|T̂ + Vˆ 0 ext + Û |Ψi. (2.2.4)
Density Functional Theory 13


E < hΨ0 |Ĥ|Ψ0 i =hΨ0 |Ĥ 0 |Ψ0 i + hΨ0 |V̂ext − Vˆ 0 ext |Ψ0 i (2.2.5)
E < E + ρ(r)[v 0 (r) − v(r)]d3 r.

This leads to the following equations

E < E + ρ(r)[v(r) − v 0 (r)]d3 r,
E < E + ρ(r)[v 0 (r) − v(r)]d3 r,

and finally we obtain the inconsistency

E + E 0 < E 0 + E. (2.2.9)

Thus, we verify that there is only one electronic charge density that corresponds to the
ground state charge density for the specified potential. In other words, for a certain
atomic arrangement, the ground state charge density can be uniquely defined.
Theorem II is stated as

Theorem II: There exist an universal functional of the electronic density for
the total energy, E[ρ(r)]. The functional is minimized at the ground state
charge density. The value of the functional at the minimum is the ground
state total energy.

Proof of Theorem II: Theorem II establishes that E[ρ] is a functional of ρ(r) and that

E[ρ0 ] ≤ E[ρ], (2.2.10)

where ρ0 is the ground state density. As a consequence, any ground state observable of
the system is an unique functional of the electronic density. The total energy for a given
density ρ(r) is given by

E[ρ] = hΨ[ρ]| T̂ + Û |Ψ[ρ]i + hΨ[ρ]|V̂ |Ψ[ρ], i (2.2.11)

E[ρ] = F [ρ] + hΨ[ρ]|V̂ |Ψ[ρ]i, (2.2.12)

and for the ground state,

E[ρ0 ] = F [ρ0 ] + hΨ[ρ0 ]|V̂ |Ψ[ρ0 ]i . (2.2.13)

The functional F [ρ] is universal and it is valid for any N -electrons system. The total
14 Chapter 2

energy of the ground state is given by

E[ρ0 ] = F [ρ0 ] + hΨ0 |V̂ |Ψ0 i, (2.2.14)

where |Ψ0 i is the ground state wave function. By applying the variational principle we

E[Ψ0 ] < E[Ψ], (2.2.15)

hΨ0 |T̂ + Û |Ψ0 i + hΨ0 |V̂ |Ψ0 i < hΨ|T̂ + Û |Ψi + hΨ|V̂ |Ψi, (2.2.16)
F [ρ0 ] + hΨ0 |V̂ |Ψ0 i < F [ρ] + hΨ|V̂ |Ψi, (2.2.17)
E[ρ0 ] < E[ρ]. (2.2.18)

Both the HKTs show that it is possible, from the electronic density, to obtain all the
ground state properties of interest of the system. However, they do not discuss how to
perform this task, namely they do not provide an expression for the functional. This is
what we will look at in the next sections.

2.3 Thomas-Fermi approximation

An important problem in solid-state theory and quantum chemistry is to understand
how a many-electron system behaves due to Coulomb interaction. The Thomas-Fermi
approximation [68, 69] assumes that the functional for the electron-electron interaction
energy is approximately equal to the Coulomb term, or Hartree, and can be stated as

e2 ρ(r)ρ(r0 )
U [ρ] ≈ UH [ρ] = dr dr0 , (2.3.1)
4π0 |r − r0 |

where e is the electron charge. Another approximation is to assume that the kinetic
energy of a system of interacting electrons is the same as that of a system of interacting
electrons of constant electronic charge density,
T [ρ] ≈ T [ρ] = d3 r thom (ρ(r)), (2.3.2)

where thom (ρ) is the kinetic-energy density of a homogeneous interacting system with
(constant) density ρ. Since it refers to interacting electrons, thom (ρ) is not known explicitly
and further approximations are needed. As it stands, Eq. (2.3.2) is already a first example
of a local-density approximation (LDA). In this approximation, it is assumed that the
real inhomogeneous system with density ρ(r) in potential v(r) can be divided into smaller
systems. In each of these subsystems ρ(r) are v(r) approximately constant. In each
cell (i.e. locally) one can then use the per-volume energy of a homogeneous system to
Density Functional Theory 15

approximate the contribution of the cell to the real inhomogeneous one. By making these
cells infinitesimally small and summing over all of them, one obtain Eq. (2.3.2). For a
homogeneous non-interacting system, however, the density functional form of the kinetic
energy term is known and it is given by
1 2m 3/2
ρ= 2 EF , (2.3.3)
3π ~2

where EF is the Fermi energy. The kinetic energy is T = 3ρEF /5. Thus, the kinetic
energy density, T /N , is
3 ~2 2/3 2/3
s [ρ] = 3π 2 ρ , (2.3.4)
5 2m
where the subscript “s” specifies that we are dealing with a non-interacting system or a
system of “single-particles”. Thus, the approximations can then be summarized as
T [ρ] ≈ T [ρ] ≈ TsLDA [ρ] = d3 r thom
s (ρ(r)), (2.3.5)

where TsLDA [ρ] is the local-density approximation to Ts [ρ], the kinetic energy of non-
interacting electrons of density ρ. One can further improve the Thomas-Fermi approxima-
tion by including the quantum mechanics effects due exchange, i.e. the Pauli’s principle.
In the LDA, the functional for the exchange energy is known for an electron gas system
and it is given by Z
ExLDA [ρ] = ρ(r)εx ρ(r)dr, (2.3.6)

where the exchange energy density is

3 3 1
εx (ρ) = − e2 ρ3 . (2.3.7)
4 π

This approximation is known as Thomas-Fermi-Dirac [70]. The functional for the total
energy can then be written as

ETFD [ρ] = TsLDA [ρ] + UH [ρ] + V [ρ] + ExLDA [ρ] (2.3.8)

Moreover, terms that account for variations in the charge density for the kinetic energy
can be added to the Thomas-Fermi-Dirac approximation, e.g. the von Weizäcker term.
Yet, the Thomas-Fermi-Dirac approximation does not give satisfactory results. A major
deficiency is that when applied to molecular systems, the molecules are unstable, i.e. the
energy of a set of isolated atoms is lower than that of the bound molecule [71]. This is
directly related to the fact that correlation effects are neglected in the electron-electron
interaction energy and also because of the local approximation for the kinetic energy.
16 Chapter 2

2.4 Kohn-Sham equations

DFT can be implemented in many ways and usually the minimization of an explicit
energy functional is normally not the most efficient one. Kohn and Sham [66] proposed
a new root to circumvent the problem. Their insight consists in replacing the real and
complicated many-body problem of interacting electrons by an equivalent problem of
non-interacting particles. It is assumed that the ground state density of the many-body
problem is the same of an auxiliary system of non-interacting electrons. This leads to a
set of single-particle equations.
The approximation presented in Eq. (2.3.5) for the kinetic energy is not enough. A
more accurate way to treat the kinetic energy of interacting particles, T [ρ], is based on de-
composing this term into two contributions. The first part, Ts [ρ] (again the “s” subscript
stands for single-particle), corresponds to the kinetic energy of the non-interacting par-
ticles and the second part contains the correlation effects Tc [ρ] (the “c” subscript stands
for correlation),
T [ρ] = Ts [ρ] + Tc [ρ]. (2.4.1)

Unfortunately, the term Ts [ρ] does not have a known functional form and we need to use
approximations to treat this contribution. In contrast, the kinetic energy functional for
non-interacting particles is known

~2 X
Ts [ρ] = − drψi∗ (r)∇2 ψi (r), (2.4.2)
2m i

where the sum is over all the individual contributions of the non-interacting wave function
ψi . Since all ψi are functionals of the density (Theorem I), Ts [ρ] is explicitly a functional of
the orbitals but implicitly a functional of the electronic charge density, Ts [ρ] = Ts [{ψi [ρ]}].
In other words, Ts depends on the full set of occupied orbitals ψi , each of which is a
functional of [ρ].
The potential energy is given by the sum of three contributions: the first is the Hartree
energy, UH [ρ], the second is the exchange term due to the Pauli’s principle, Ux [ρ]. The last
term is the contribution due to correlation, Uc [ρ]. The total energy can then be written

E[ρ] = Ts [ρ] + UH [ρ] + V [ρ] + Exc , (2.4.3)

V [ρ] = ρ(r)v(r)d3 r, (2.4.4)

Exc = U [ρ] − UH [ρ] + T [ρ] − Ts [ρ]. (2.4.5)

All the contributions due to exchange and correlation from both the kinetic and the
potential energy terms (Tc [ρ], Ux [ρ] and Uc [ρ]) are put together in a single term called
Density Functional Theory 17

the exchange-correlation (XC) term, Exc . This way, DFT looks formally like a single-
particle theory, where many-body effects are still included via the XC functional. In
order to calculate the total energy of the system, the functional E[ρ] has to be minimized
following the variational principle where the constraint is the total number of electrons.
With the Lagrange multipliers technique one define a new function F (λ, r) = f (r)−λg(r),
where λ is identified as the chemical potential. We need to compute
δ 3
E[ρ] − λ ρ(r)d r − N =0 (2.4.6)

so that

δTs [ρ] δUH [ρ] δVs [ρ] δExc [ρ]

+ + + −λ=0
δρ δρ δρ δρ
δTs [ρ]
+ vH [ρ](r) + v[ρ](r) + vxc [ρ](r) − λ = 0. (2.4.7)

Considering an auxiliary system of non-interacting particles subject to the potential vs (r),

then applying the variational principle one has

δTs [ρ]
+ vs [ρ](r) − λ = 0. (2.4.8)

Since for the non-interacting particles system there is neither exchange, nor correlation
nor electrostatic interaction, the charge density that minimizes Eq. (2.4.8) is ρs (r). By
comparing Eq. (2.4.8) with Eq. (2.4.7), we see that in order to have both equations
satisfied [ρs (r) ≡ ρ(r)] we need

vs [ρ](r) = vH [ρ](r) + v[ρ](r) + vxc [ρ](r). (2.4.9)

This shows that it is possible to calculate the electronic density of the interacting particles
system subject to the potential v(r), by solving single-particle equations of the non-
interacting system subject to the potential vs (r) = veff (r). In particular, the single-particle
Schrödinger’s equation of the auxiliary system is given by

−~2 2
∇ + veff (r) φi = i φi , (2.4.10)

where the solutions are the so-called Kohn-Sham (KS) orbitals that reproduce the charge
density ρ(r) of the original system,
ρ(r) = φ∗i φi . (2.4.11)

In other words, the KS procedure assumes that there is a Hamiltonian that describes a
18 Chapter 2

system of non-interacting particles subject to an effective potential that generates the

same charge density of the interacting system. Since the potential veff (r) depends on ρ(r)
and vice-versa, the solution can be obtained through a self-consistent procedure. It starts
with a “guess” density. From this density one calculates vs (r). Eq. (2.4.10) is then solved
and the functions φi are determined. Finally from Eq. (2.4.11) a new charge density is
computed. The procedure is repeated self-consistently until the criterion of convergence
is satisfied, i.e. until the input charge density is the same as the output one within a
specified tolerance.
The set of Eq. (2.4.9), Eq. (2.4.10) and Eq. (2.4.11) is known as the KS equations.
From the solution of these equations, a final expression for the ground state total energy
can be obtained
N 0
X ρ0 (r)ρ0 (r )
E0 = i − 3
dr d3 r 0 − d3 rvρ0 (r) + Exc [ρ0 ]. (2.4.12)
4π0 |r − r0 |

One major advantage of the KS scheme is that the term for the kinetic energy is solved
exactly (for the non-interacting electron system), nevertheless, it requires solving N single-
particle equations instead of minimizing the functional of the total energy with respect
to the charge density.

2.5 Local density approximation

Eq. (2.4.12) allows us to calculate the ground state total energy of a system of in-
teracting electrons. However, there is still an important part missing, i.e. the functional
form of the Exc is unknown! Therefore, approximations have to be made for a practical
use of the KS scheme. There are three main sets of approximations to the XC functional,
namely, local [72], semi-local [73] and hybrids [74, 75]. In the present work, we widely
use the LDA [66, 72, 76]. Therefore, we focus our attention on this approximation and
discuss its limitations and problems. In the LDA, the XC energy can be written as
Exc [ρ] = εLDA
xc (ρ(r))ρ(r)dr. (2.5.1)

where εLDA
xc is XC energy density of an homogeneous electron gas with density ρ(r).
The exact functional form for the exchange part of Exc is known from Eq. (2.3.7). The
correlation contribution, εLDA
c , instead can be obtained with accuracy through quantum
monte carlo simulations (QMC) [72]. From these, an analytic expression for εLDA c is
determined as a function of the density, which is a requirement since the energy is a
continuous function of the density. By construction, a LDA functional is purely local,
therefore it is expected to lead to very good results for systems where the charge density
varies slowly in space. That is the primarily reason why DFT-LDA describes with good
Density Functional Theory 19

success the properties of metallic solids but it does not perform well for non-homogeneous
systems, such as molecules and atoms.

2.5.1 Interpreting the Kohn-Sham eigenvalues

The ground state total energy given in Eq. (2.4.12) shows that E0 is not simply
the sum of all the εi , i.e. of the KS eigenvalues. The KS eigenvalues simply represent
the eigenvalues of an auxiliary single-particle equation of which the eigenvectors give the
correct charge density. In this framework, the charge density is the quantity with physical
meaning. Since the KS eigenvalues do not represent the true energy spectrum, they are
not to be trusted quantitatively. An important exception to this is the highest occupied
KS eigenvalue. Denoting by εN (M) the N ’th eigenvalue of a system with M electrons
one can show that I P = −εN (N), where I P is the ionization potential of the N -body
system. Likewise, E A = −εN+1 (N + 1) where E A is the electron affinity of the N -particle
system [77, 78]. Nevertheless, these relations are valid only when dealing with the exact
functional for the total energy. When calculated with an approximated functional such as
LDA, the highest occupied and the lowest unoccupied orbitals do not offer good results
when compared to experimental data for I P and E A , respectively.

2.5.2 The lack of the derivative discontinuity

An important property of the exact DFT functional is the derivative discontinuity of
the XC functional with respect to the particle number [79, 77, 80]. This is given by

δExc [n] δExc [n] +(r) −(r)
− = vxc − vxc = ∆xc , (2.5.2)
δρ(r) δρ(r)

N +δ N −δ

where δ is an infinitesimal electron number and ∆xc is a shift of the vxc(r) when the system
passes from electron-poor, N −δ, to electron-rich, N +δ. It is a system-dependent quantity.
Likewise, the non-interacting kinetic energy functional has a similar discontinuity that can
be represented by

δTs [n] δTs [n]
− = εN+1 − εN = ∆KS , (2.5.3)
δρ(r) δρ(r)

N +δ N −δ

i.e. the difference between the highest occupied and lowest unoccupied KS single-particle
eigenvalues. The discontinuity in the non-interacting kinetic energy is therefore the KS
single-particle gap, ∆KS , whereas the discontinuity in the XC correlation energy (∆xc ) is
a many-body effect. The true fundamental gap given by

∆ = I P − E A = E(N + 1) + E(N − 1) − 2E(N ), (2.5.4)

20 Chapter 2



Figure 2.1: Energy level diagram of the KS eigenvalues and their relationship to the
ionization potential (I P ) and electron affinity (E A ). EKS
is the KS electron affinity, ∆xc
is the derivative discontinuity in the XC energy, ∆KS and ∆ are the KS gap and the
fundamental gap, respectively. Finally, ∆err SI is the shift of the occupied orbitals due to
the self-interaction error in DFT.

is the discontinuity of the total ground-state energy functional [79, 77, 80], i.e.

δE[n] δE[n]
− = ∆KS + ∆xc = ∆. (2.5.5)
δρ(r) δρ(r)

N +δ N −δ

Since all the terms other than Exc and Ts in the total energy functional, Eq. (2.4.12), are
continuous functionals of the charge density, the fundamental gap is the sum of the KS gap
and the XC discontinuity. As discussed in Sec. 2.5, the LDA functional is a continuous
function of the charge density [Eq. (2.5.1)], therefore it predicts ∆xc = 0 leading to a
underestimated fundamental gap. All these quantities along with the KS eigenvalues and
their relation to observables are schematically shown in the energy diagram of Fig. 2.1.
For molecules, HOMO(N ) is the highest occupied molecular orbital of the N -electron
system, HOMO(N + 1) the same for the (N + 1)-electron system, and LUMO(N ) the
lowest unoccupied orbital of the N -electron system. In solids presenting an energy gap,
e.g. semiconductors, the HOMO and LUMO are referred as the top of the valence band
and the bottom of the conduction band, respectively. In metals, where there is no energy
gap, HOMO and LUMO coincide and equal to the EF of the material. The vertical
arrows in Fig. 2.1 show the fundamental gap within DFT (with the exact functional),
∆, the KS single particle gap, ∆KS , and the derivative discontinuity in the exchange
correlation potential, ∆xc ; also the ionization potential of the N -interacting system, I P ,
which is equal to the ionization potential of the KS system, IKS ; the electron affinity of the
N -interacting electron system, E A , and the KS electron affinity EKS A
= −εN+1 (N). Note
that ∆KS is reduced compared to the fundamental gap due to the lack of the derivative
Density Functional Theory 21

discontinuity in the exchange correlation potential within the KS scheme.

Despite all the interpretative problems with the KS eigenvalues, it is a fortunate sur-
prise that in many situations they do empirically provide a very good first approximation
to the real spectrum of extended systems. For example, usually band-structure calcula-
tions in solid-state physics show good agreement with experimental photo-emission data
and inverse photo-emission spectroscopy. Nonetheless, in molecular systems, the HOMO-
LUMO gap is hugely underestimated, typically by about 50%, when compared to I P −E A .
This is also related to another problem, namely, the self-interaction (SI) problem in DFT
that we shall discuss in the next section.

2.5.3 The self-interaction problem: ASIC method

In Sec. 2.3 we presented the Thomas-Fermi approximation, which consists of replacing
the expectation value of the electron-electron interaction (given by the Coulomb’s law)
by a functional of the electronic density, Eq. (2.3.1). However, already in 1934, Fermi
and Amaldi observed a failure of this approximation in the limit of one electron system,
i.e. there is a non-vanishing contribution from the interaction of the electron with itself
known as the self-interaction (SI) error [81]. This is not the case of the well-known wave
function based mean-field Hartree-Fock (HF) method. In HF, the total electronic energy
is given by the sum of the Hartree and the exchange contributions. The exchange energy
is given by

ψ ∗ (r)ψσα
∗ 0 ∗ 0
1 XX 0 (r )ψσα0 (r)ψσα (r )
ExHF =− fσα fσα0 d r d3 r0 σα
. (2.5.6)
4π0 σ α,α0 |r − r0 |

Here the ψσ (r)’s are the Slater determinants for spin σ with occupation numbers fασ .
When the α = α0 , this term constitutes a self-exchange energy that exactly cancels out
the self-Hartree energy of Eq. (2.3.1) on an orbital-by-orbital basis so that HF is free of
SI errors. Although HF does not contain SI errors, it totally neglects correlation effects,
which limits its application to many systems. Within DFT, however, when using local
or semi-local functionals, the spurious SI error is only partially canceled. In other words,
the condition for KS-DFT
U [ρσα ] + Exc [ρσα , 0] = 0, (2.5.7)

for the orbital density ρσα = |ψασ |2 of the fully occupied KS orbital ψασ is not satisfied. As a
consequence, the KS potential becomes too repulsive and this leads to a series of failures
in describing fundamental properties. For instance, negatively charged ions (H− , O− , F− )
are predicted to be unstable within LDA [82], the energy gap of transition metal oxides
(MnO, NiO) are predicted too small [83] when compared to experimental data. Moreover,
the KS HOMO that is rigorously associated to the −I P , as discussed in Fig. 2.1, is very
often found to be several eV higher in energy, specially for molecules, when compared to
22 Chapter 2

experimental data.
The modern theory of self-interaction correction (SIC) was proposed in the 80’s by
Perdew and Zunger [76] (PZ). The idea consists of removing directly the self-Hartree and
self-XC energy of all the occupied KS orbitals from the approximated XC functional. For
instance, for the LDA one has
SIC ↑ ↓ LDA ↑ ↓
Exc [ρ , ρ ] = Exc [ρ , ρ ] − δασ , (2.5.8)

δασ = U [ρσα ] + Exc
[ρα , 0] (2.5.9)

is the self-interaction of orbital ασ. In other words, one subtracts, orbital by orbital, the
contribution that the Hartree and XC functionals would make if there was only one elec-
tron in the system. This correction can be applied to any approximate density functional,
and it ensures that the resulting corrected functional satisfies

SIC (1)
Exc [ρ , 0] = −U [ρ(1) , 0], (2.5.10)

i.e. for a single electron, the self-interaction comes only from the Hartree term. The PZ-
SIC approach can be applied to any spin-density functional for the Exc and when applied
to the exact functional, the correction vanishes.
For a completely uniform system, the LDA approximation is exact. Therefore, in
this limit, it is self-interaction free. However, for many realistic systems of interest, they
show very strong localized states, such as d states in transition-metal oxides, and the
SI becomes really important. Unfortunately the PZ-SIC, which minimizes the corrected
energy functional with respect to the orbitals, does not lead to usual KS equations since
the effective potential is different for each orbital. In order words, the XC functional
within the PZ-SIC is orbital dependent, therefore, one cannot define a kinetic energy
functional independently from the choice of the XC functional [76]. As a consequence,
the KS orbitals are not orthogonal and the KS equation is not invariant when making a
unitary transformation of the occupied orbitals. Therefore, the effect of SIC will depend
on the difference in occupied orbitals before and after the unitary transformation. To
circumvent this, elaborated schemes of minimization and several developments have been
made [81, 84].
In the present work we explore an approximated method by considering only the
atomic contributions to SIC, the ASIC method [85, 86, 87, 88]. The method is applied
to the LDA which has the benefit of preserving the local aspect of the LDA potential. A
first step of the ASIC method is to incorporate part of the SIC into the definition of the
pseudopotentials [89]. The idea consists in subtracting the atomic SI from the free atom,
Density Functional Theory 23

and then transferring the resulting electronic structure to the definition of a standard
norm-conserving pseudopotential. By doing so, the SIC contribution to the total energy
can be separated into the contributions from the core electrons and the valence electrons.
A further approximation is to assume that the SIC contributions for the valence electrons
are also atomic-like. Although this approximation sounds drastic, the orbitals that present
more SI are those more localized, e.g. d orbitals, therefore the atomic-like approximation
looks appropriate. In Chapter 6 we will show how the lack of derivative discontinuity and
the problem of self-interaction can lead to wrong predictions of transport properties of
molecular junctions.

2.6 Constrained density functional theory

Among the various possibilities used to obtain improved results within DFT, con-
strained DFT (CDFT) represents a conceptually different approach to the problem. The
idea behind CDFT is that one can always define an appropriate density functional, im-
plementing a given desired constraint on the charge density [90] (e.g. one can demand
that an electron is localized on a particular group of atoms in a molecule). This is
obtained by introducing an appropriate external potential in the KS equations. The
crucial point is that the approach is fully variational, meaning that the energy mini-
mum of the constrained functional represents the ground state of the system under that
particular constraint [91, 92, 93]. The method allows, for example, to access energies
and electron density distributions of charge transfer states of a given system, and has
been successfully applied to the study of long-range charge transfer excitations between
molecules [91, 94, 95]. In Chapter 5 we apply CDFT to the investigation of the en-
ergy level alignment of metal/molecule interfaces. In relation to this problem CDFT has
two main advantages. Firstly, since CDFT is based on total energy differences it does
not present the conceptual problems of interpreting the KS eigenvalues as a true quasi-
particle spectrum. Secondly, one has to note that the total energy, even in the case of
local functionals, is a rather accurate quantity, in contrast to the charge density that local
functionals usually tend to over-delocalize. This means that a theory that improves the
charge density but that relies on the total energy is expected to be accurate.
In the KS framework [66] the total energy (in atomic units) is given by

α,β Nσ Z
X X 1
E[ρ] = hφiσ | − ∇2 |φiσ i + dr v(r)ρ(r) + UH [ρ] + Exc [ρα , ρβ ], (2.6.1)
σ i

where UH is the Hartree energy, Exc is the exchange-correlation energy, v(r) is the external
potential, ρσ (r) is the electronic density for spin σ =↑, ↓ of Nσ electrons (ρ = ρ↑ + ρ↓ )
and the set {|φiσ i} contains the KS wavefunctions that minimize the energy. A generic
24 Chapter 2

constraint on the charge density is that there is a specified number of electrons for each
spin, Ncσ , within a certain region of space. This can be written as
wcσ (r)ρσ (r)dr = Nσc , (2.6.2)

where wcσ (r) is a weighting function that describes the spatial extension of the constraining
region. In the simplest case wcσ (r) can be chosen to be equal to 1 within a certain volume
and 0 elsewhere. In order to minimize the KS total energy of Eq. (2.6.1) subject to the
constraint of Eq. (2.6.2), an additional spin-dependent term, proportional to the Lagrange
multiplier, Vcσ , is added to the energy. A new functional is thus defined to be

X Z 
W [ρ, Vc ] = E[ρ] + Vcσ wcσ (r)ρσ (r)dr − Nσc . (2.6.3)

When ρ satisfies the constraint in Eq. (2.6.2) then E[ρ] = W [ρ, Vc ] by construction. Up
to the ρ independent term σ Vcσ Ncσ , W [ρ, Vc ] is the ground state energy of a system

with an additional spin-dependent external potential Vcσ wcσ (r). The KS equations with
this additional potential are then given by

ρ(r0 )
1 2 σ σ σ 0
− ∇ + v(r) + vxc (r) + Vc wc (r) + dr φσi (r) = i φσi (r) , (2.6.4)
2 |r − r0 |

where vσxc is the exchange and correlation potential. As in standard KS DFT the electron
density is constructed from the occupied KS eigenvectors, {φσi (r)}, until self-consistency
is achieved. In this particular case, the self-consistency has also to guarantee that the
constraint set by Eq. (2.6.2) is satisfied. The minimization then proceeds as follows.
Firstly, as in the standard KS scheme, an initial charge density is defined and then updated
until the KS equations are satisfied self-consistently. Secondly, at every self-consistent step
in this update of the charge density a second self-consistent loop is performed, where for
a given input density, ρ(r), the value of Vcσ is updated until the output charge density
obtained via solution of Eq. (2.6.4) satisfies the constraint of Eq. (2.6.2). This second
step is performed following an optimization scheme suggested in Ref. [92]. Updating Vcσ
in this way ensures that at each self-consistent step and therefore also at convergence the
constraint is fulfilled.
This methodology was implemented in the DFT package siesta [96]. siesta uses a
linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO) basis set, so that, instead of defining the
constraining region in real space via the function wcσ (r), we define it over the LCAO space.
This requires that the total charge projected onto a given set of basis orbitals is equal to
Ncσ . For this aim we have implemented both the Löwdin [97, 93] and the Mülliken [98]
projection schemes. A detailed description of the implementation is given in Appendix E.
Chapter 3

Quantum Transport at the


In the past decades, important advances in the area of semiconductors have led
to the miniaturization of electronic devices to the nanoscale. In this limit, quantum
effects such as conductance quantization and quantum Hall effect can be observed by
electron transport measurements. However, these bring other challenges that have to be
tackled. For instance, the density increase of the active components of the devices leads to
problems such as power dissipation and undesirable quantum tunneling, which reduces the
efficiency of logical devices. Therefore, understanding the influence of these effects over
the device performance is key for the development of novel and more efficient electronics.
In particular, understanding the electronic transport properties of such systems is crucial
and challenging.
Electronic transport in nanostructures is essentially a many-body non-equilibrium
statistical problem, where the conducting electrons and the background ionic structure are
in a state of non-equilibrium, whose properties can be known only statistically. Therefore,
important approximations and assumptions are usually at hand in order to transform
the many-body problem into a tractable one that still captures most of the relevant
physics. The first steps towards the development of a quantum transport theory are due
to Landauer [99, 100]. Other important contributions are due to Büttiker [101, 102] who
extended the Landauer’s ideas to systems consisting of many contacts. This is nowadays
known as the Landauer-Büttiker approach to quantum transport.
In this chapter we present the basic ideas behind the Landauer-Büttiker approach
and the well known non-equilibrium Greens’ function formalism (NEGF) used to study
coherent electronic quantum transport in nanostructures. We end the chapter with a
discussion on the limitations of the NEGF approach as well as when combined with DFT.

26 Chapter 3

3.1 Landauer-Büttiker approach

In this section we present the Landauer-Büttiker approach [103] to quantum transport
and how the quantization of conductance appears in nanoscale systems. There are several
importance approximations, which we will present when needed. The basic idea behind
this approach is that the electrical current flowing through a quantum system is expressed
in terms of the probability of electrons to be transmitted across the device. For instance,
when an external potential is applied between the two electrodes connected to a ballistic
nanostructure the probability of transmitting the incoming electrons through the device
is equal to unity, i.e. for a ballistic conductor 1 , the electrical current obtained is finite
indicating that there is still an observable resistance in the system.
Let us consider a quantum system or nanostructure connected to the two electrodes
with a cross section W and length l. If the dimensions of the nanostructure are of the
order of the dimensions of the electrodes, i.e. micrometers, the conductance is given by
G = σW/l (Ohm’s law), where the conductivity σ is an intrinsic property of the material.
Ohm’s law predicts that if one reduces the length of the nanostructure, the conductance
should increase towards infinite values. However, this is not observed in experiments, and
the conductance eventually tends to reach a limiting value when the device is much smaller
than the electronic mean free path. This resistance appears at the interface between the
nanostructure and the electrodes. A very simplistic explanation is that, while in the
electrodes there are infinite sub-bands or normal modes that contribute to the current,
in the nanostructure they are very few, so that the current has to be redistributed at the
interface and this leads to the finite resistance observed.
Approximation 1: The first assumption in the Landauer-Büttiker approach is to re-
place the closed system (composed of the electrodes, nanostructure and an external bat-
tery) by an open quantum system, where the battery is removed since it is a too com-
plicated object to be treated quantum mechanically. Therefore, we assume that the
electrodes are metallic and infinite so that they are unperturbed due to the addition or
the removal of electrons, i.e. the electrodes are considered as electron reservoirs and they
can be characterized by their chemical potentials, µ. The battery then is just an external
potential difference applied between the two electrodes shifting their chemical potentials.
Approximation 2: The next step is to assume the mean-field approximation where the
electrons move under the influence of a mean-field created by the other electrons, i.e. we
transform the complicated many-body problem into a single-particle picture much easier
to deal with. Any mean-field Hamiltonian is appropriate for this task and so is the DFT
KS Hamiltonian, as presented in Sec. 2.4. Without this approximation, one should in
principle, determine the full many-body statistical operator, from which one can compute
A ballistic conductor is defined as a conductor in which the electronic mean free path is much larger
than the dimensions of the conductor itself so that no scattering events occur.
Quantum Transport at the Nanoscale 27

the expectation value of the current. The problem is, if we were dealing with interacting
electrons, also for the electrons on the electrodes far away from the nanostructure attached
to them, we would need to describe how they evolve in time even before being scattered
at the nanostructure. This leads to a nested infinite number of equations, which prevents
us to obtain a closed set of equations to compute the current [63]. Within the mean-field
approximation, one can describe the electronic structure of the full system in terms of
independent single-particle bands or channels. The assumption here, besides the mean-
field approximation, is that the off-diagonal elements of the density matrix that describe
the coherences between the state vectors are exactly zero. In other words, we assume
that the system has somehow evolved to a totally incoherent (independent) set of (single-
particle) channels rapidly after interacting with an environment. Having said that, for
each sub-band of the quantum system we can associate a dispersion relation as given
by E(N, k), where N is the sub-band index and k is the wave-vector. Moreover, N =
E(N, k = 0) is the cutoff energy for the sub-band N , i.e. electrons with energy lower
than N are not able to tunnel through the device since there is no available states in this
range of energy. The total number of sub-bands for a given energy E can be obtained by
adding up the number of sub-bands with cutoff energy smaller than E as
M (E) = ϑ(E − N ). (3.1.1)

In order to simplify the arguments to come, we adopt for the moment zero temperature,
so that there is current flow just for the range of energy µL > E > µR , where µL(R) is the
chemical potential of the left (right) electrodes. ϑ is the Heaviside step function given by
1 , if E − N ≥ 0
ϑ(E − N ) = . (3.1.2)
0 , if E − N < 0

Let us consider one single sub-band, where all the state vectors k are occupied following
the Fermi-Dirac distribution function,

f (E, µL,R ) = E−µ , (3.1.3)
− k L,R
e BΘ +1

where Θ is the temperature and kB is the Boltzmann constant. For a uniform electron
gas with electronic density n, moving with velocity v, the electrical current is given by
I = env. Therefore, the current through all the states k is given by

eX e X 1 ∂E
I= vf (E) = f (E). (3.1.4)
l k l k ~ ∂k
28 Chapter 3

By transforming the sum into an integral over the wave vectors

X l
→ 2(spin) × dk, (3.1.5)

we can rewrite the electrical current as

Z ∞
I= f (E)dE. (3.1.6)
h −∞

The total current is then given by the sum of all the sub-bands as,
Z ∞
I= M (E)f (E)dE. (3.1.7)
h −∞

This formula does not tell us anything about a quantum state of the system. In fact,
the current is a statistical quantity averaged out in time and implicitly assumed to be
stationary. The ideally stationary current is obtained because we assumed that the elec-
trodes are simply reservoirs of electrons, i.e. they continually feed electrons in the distant
past, and far away from the nanoscale junction, into wave-packets which move towards
or away from the junction, without changing the current in time. Therefore, one can
replace the open boundary condition problem to a periodic boundary condition problem.
In other words, the electrons come from a distant past and far away from the junction
towards the junction where they are scattered due to the broken periodicity caused by the
device region, and subsequently move far away from it and keep propagating as different
wave-packets to a distant future.
If we assume that the number of sub-bands M is energy independent for the range
µL > E > µR , the Fermi-Dirac function becomes a step function [f (E) = 1 for Θ = 0 K]
and we obtain

2e2 (µL − µR )
I= M , (3.1.8)
h e
(µL − µR )/e 12.8kΩ
c ≡ ≈ , (3.1.9)

where G−1c is the electrical resistance between the electrodes and the quantum system
(contact resistance) and (µL − µR )/e is the bias applied to the electrodes. We assume
that the applied bias, V , modify the electrodes chemical potential symmetrically as

µL = µ0 + (3.1.10)

µR = µ0 − , (3.1.11)
respectively, where µ0 is the common equilibrium chemical potential.
Quantum Transport at the Nanoscale 29

The discussion so far has been based on the assumption that we are dealing with a
ballistic quantum system with probability of transmitting the incoming electron equal
to unity. For a ballistic system with probability less than unity, we include a factor in
Eq. (3.1.9), which gives the average probability, T , to transmit one electron through the
quantum device. The transmission coefficients, T , will be formally defined in Sec. 3.3.
Then, Eq. (3.1.9) can be rewritten as 2

Gc = M T, (3.1.12)

which is known as the Fisher-Lee formula [104]. Note that conductance quantization is
given in steps of the quantum conductance, G0 ≡ 2e2 /h. In summary, while systems at
the macroscopic scale obey the Ohm’s law, at the nanoscale, important differences can be
observed: (i) the contact resistance at the interface between the electrodes and the device
is independent on the length of the device. (ii) The conductance do not decrease linearly
with the cross section of the device, in fact, it changes discretely with the number of
sub-bands available for conductance in the range of energy given by the external applied
bias. (iii) The conductance depends linearly on the transmission probability of the device.
At Θ = 0, incoming electrons from the left electrode with energy µL > E > µR can
tunnel through the device and occupy empty states on the right electrode. However,
electrons from the right electrode can not be transmitted to the left electrode since all the
states are already occupied at 0 K. Nevertheless, for temperatures different from 0 K,
we need to take into account the Fermi-Dirac distribution functions of each electrode so
that Eq. (3.1.7) becomes
Z +∞
I= T̃ (E)(fL (E) − fR (E))dE, (3.1.13)
h −∞

where T̃ (E) = M (E)T (E).

3.1.1 Conductance linear regime

In equilibrium, i.e. for no external applied bias, I = 0 for
µL → µR , for Θ = 0
fL (E) → fR (E) , for Θ > 0.
In this simple derivation, we assume
PMthat T is the same for all the sub-bands, which can be easily
generalized if we consider that M T = i=1 Ti .
30 Chapter 3

If we consider small fluctuations around the equilibrium, the current is proportional to

the applied bias

Z ( :0
dI = [T̃ (E)]eq d[(fL (E) − fR (E))] + [(fL
 −fR (E)]eq d[T̃ (E))eq ] ,


where the second term vanishes since the two electrodes have the same Fermi-Dirac func-
tion at equilibrium. Expanding the first term of Eq. (3.1.14), we obtain

dfµi ≈ ( )µ =µ dµi , with dµi = µi − µ0
∂µi i 0
∂fµ ∂f0
d[fL − fR ] ≈ ( )µ=µeq [µL − µR ] = (− )µ=µeq [µL − µR ] (3.1.15)
∂µ ∂E

where f0 is the Fermi-Dirac function at equilibrium (µ = Ef ). Therefore,

dI ∂f0
G= = T̃ (E)(− )dE. (3.1.16)
(µL − µR )/e h ∂E

For low temperatures, we have the following

f0 ≈ ϑ(Ef − E) =⇒ − ≈ δ(Ef − E) (3.1.17)

( (
1 , if Ef − E ≥ 0 1 , if Ef = E
ϑ(Ef − E) = , δ(Ef − E) = (3.1.18)
0 , if Ef − E < 0 6 E
0 , if Ef =

where ϑ(Ef − E) and δ(Ef − E) are the Heaviside and Delta-Dirac functions, respectively.
Finally, by inserting this result into Eq. (3.1.16), we have the conductance in the linear
regime given by

2e2 2e2
G= T̃ (E)δ(Ef − E)dE =⇒ G= T̃ (Ef ). (3.1.19)
h h

Note that this formula is valid for applied bias (µL − µR ) much smaller than kB Θ, so that
the first order expansion used in Eq. (3.1.15) can be justified.

3.2 Lippmann-Schwinger equation

Let us consider a single-particle Hamiltonian for our entire system, such as

Ĥ = Ĥ0 + V̂ (r), (3.2.1)

Quantum Transport at the Nanoscale 31

where the first term corresponds to the free unperturbed electrons and the second contains
the scattering potential due to the nanoscale junction. This is assumed to be time-
independent. We can solve the Schrödinger equation for the full Hamiltonian and as well
as only for Ĥ0 , i.e. in absence of the scattering potential, so that

i~ |ψ(t)i = Ĥ(t) |ψ(t)i (3.2.2)


|ψ0 (t)i = Ĥ0 (t) |ψ0 (t)i ,
i~ (3.2.3)
where |ψ(t)i and |ψ0 (t)i are the perturbed and the unperturbed state vector, respectively.
These equations can be written in a more compact form as

L̂ |ψ(t)i = 0, (3.2.4)

∂ ∂
where L̂ = i~ ∂t − Ĥ or L̂ = i~ ∂t − Ĥ0 , is a linear differential operator. From the general
theory of differential equations, one can rewrite Eq. (3.2.4) in terms of Green’s functions
or propagator, G(t), as
L̂G(t) = 11δ(r − r0 )δ(t − t0 ). (3.2.5)

In fact, Eq. (3.2.2) can be solved with two types of Green’s functions

i~ − Ĥ G ± (t) = 11δ(t). (3.2.6)

Eq. (3.2.6) represents two equations of motion for the Green’s functions G + and G − with
the boundary conditions

G + (t) = 0 for t < 0, retarded

G − (t) = 0 for t > 0, advanced.

These boundary conditions lead to the two formal solutions of Eq. (3.2.6) as
( i
− ~i e− ~ Ĥt t>0 0 t>0
G + (t) = and G − (t) = i − ~i Ĥt
. (3.2.7)
0 t<0 ~
e t<0

The propagator G + (t) (for t > 0) is proportional to the time-evolution operator given by

Û(t, 0) = e− ~ Ĥt , (3.2.8)
32 Chapter 3

for a time-independent Hamiltonian. Similarly, one can describe the time-evolution of a

state vector using the Green’s function as

|ψ(t)i = i~G + (t − t0 ) |ψ(t0 )i , for t > t0 , (3.2.9)

i.e. G + propagates the state vector and contains the history of its time evolution. For
this reason, G + is called retarded Green’s function. Similarly, G − can be used to define
the time-evolution of a state vector to past times as

|ψ(t)i = −i~G − (t − t0 ) |ψ(t0 )i , for t < t0 , (3.2.10)

in other words, G − carries information about the history of the time evolution from the
present to a past time. Therefore, G − is called the advanced Green’s function. If instead of
dealing with the full Hamiltonian Ĥ we use the unperturbed Hamiltonian, Ĥ0 , we obtain
( i
− ~i e− ~ Ĥ0 t t>0 0 t>0
G0+ (t) = and G0− (t) = i − ~i Ĥ0 t
0 t<0 ~
e t < 0,

to which we shall refer as “free” retarded and advanced Green’s functions, respectively.
We now want to relate the Green’s functions for the full Hamiltonian, Ĥ, with the
Green’s functions of the unperturbed Hamiltonian, Ĥ0 . For instance, we can write
∂ −1
i~ − Ĥ0 = 11δ(t) G0± (t)

, (3.2.12)

which can be inserted into Eq. (3.2.6) to yield

11δ(t)G ± (t) = 11δ(t)G0± (t) + G ± (t)V̂ G0± (t). (3.2.13)

If we integrate this equation for G + from t0 to t > t0 we finally obtain the Lippmann-
Schwinger equation which relates the full retarded Green’s function to the free retarded
Green’s function
Z t
+ +
G (t − t0 ) = G0 (t − t0 ) + dt0 G + (t − t0 )V̂ G0+ (t0 − t0 ). (3.2.14)

Likewise, if we perform the integration for G − from t < t0 to t0 we obtain similar relation
for the advanced Green’s function as
Z t
− −
G (t − t0 ) = G0 (t − t0 ) + dt0 G − (t − t0 )V̂ G0− (t0 − t0 ). (3.2.15)

Eq. (3.2.14) and Eq. (3.2.15) can be rewritten in a different way where one can iteratively
replace the full Green’s function inside the integral by its own value, which leads to an
Quantum Transport at the Nanoscale 33

infinite series expansion. This is the basis for a perturbative expansion, and one obtains
Z t
G (t − t0 ) =G0+ (t − t0 ) + dt0 G + (t − t0 )V̂ G0+ (t0 − t0 )
Z t Z t0
+ dt0 dt00 G + (t − t0 )V̂ G0+ (t0 − t00 )V̂ G0+ (t00 − t0 ) + . . . (3.2.16)
t0 t0

Z t

G (t − t0 ) =G0− (t − t0 ) + dt0 G − (t − t0 )V̂ G0− (t0 − t0 )
Z t Z t0
+ dt0 dt00 G − (t − t0 )V̂ G0− (t0 − t00 )V̂ G0− (t00 − t0 ) + . . . (3.2.17)
t0 t0

If the series expansion converges, one can write the effect of all the scattering events into
a single quantity called self-energy, Σ± , and Eq. (3.2.16) and Eq. (3.2.17) can be rewritten
Z t Z t0
G (t − t0 ) =G0+ (t − t0 ) + dt dt00 G0+ (t − t0 )Σ+ (t0 − t00 )G + (t00 − t0 ), for t > t0
t0 t0

Z t0 Z t0

G (t − t0 ) =G0− (t − t0 ) + dt 0
dt00 G0− (t − t0 )Σ− (t0 − t00 )G − (t00 − t0 ), for t < t0 ,
t t0

known as Dyson’s equation for the retarded and advanced Green’s functions, respectively.
Within the mean-field approximation, the self-energy is simply

Σ± (t0 − t00 ) = V̂ δ(t0 − t00 ). (3.2.20)

Up to this point, the Lippmann-Schwinger equation and Dyson’s equation present no

difference when solving the problem. However, when interactions among particles are
present, the self-energy might be more complicated than the one of Eq. (3.2.20). In this
case, the Dyson’s equation presents a more compact way to represent these interactions.

3.2.1 Time-independent Lippmann-Schwinger equation

One can rewrite the Lippmann-Schwinger equations via Fourier transforming the time-
dependent retarded and advanced Green’s functions. Therefore,
Z ∞ Z ∞
iEt/~ −δt/~
G (E) = dte e +
G (t) = dteiEt/~ e−δt/~ G + (t) (3.2.21)
−∞ 0
34 Chapter 3

and Z 0 Z ∞
− −
G (E) = dte iEt/~ +δt/~
e G (t) = dteiEt/~ e−δt/~ G − (t) (3.2.22)
−∞ 0

for the full Hamiltonian and

Z ∞
G0+ (E) = dteiEt/~ e−δt/~ G0+ (t) (3.2.23)

and Z ∞
G0− (E) = dteiEt/~ e−δt/~ G0− (t) (3.2.24)

for the unperturbed Hamiltonian. The infinitesimal quantity δ > 0 in the exponential
term guarantees that the integral converges. If we insert the results of Eq. (3.2.7) into
Eq. (3.2.21) and Eq. (3.2.22) we have

G + (E) = , (3.2.25)
E + iδ − Ĥ

for the retarded Green’s function and

G − (E) = (3.2.26)
E − iδ − Ĥ

for the advanced Green’s function. Similarly, if we insert the results of Eq. (3.2.11) into
Eq. (3.2.23) and Eq. (3.2.24), we have

G0+ (E) = , (3.2.27)
E + iδ − Ĥ0

for the free retarded Green’s function and

G0− (E) = (3.2.28)
E − iδ − Ĥ0

for the free advanced Green’s function.

All the Green’s functions have poles that corresponds to the eigenvalues of the respec-
tive Hamiltonian. Moreover, by simple inspection, they are related via
G + (E) = G − (E),


and the same relation holds for the free Green’s functions. After Fourier transforming the
self-energies, we can rewrite the Dyson’s equation as a function of energy

G ± (E) = G0± (E) + G0± (E)Σ± (E)G ± (E), (3.2.30)

Quantum Transport at the Nanoscale 35

which can be presented also as

G ± (E) = . (3.2.31)
E ± iδ − Ĥ0 − Σ± (E)

3.2.2 Spectral representation of the Green’s function

Let us assume the single-particle Hamiltonian of Eq. (3.2.1) and rewrite the Schrödinger
equation as
H |ψn i = En S |ψn i , (3.2.32)

where the Nu -dimensional vectors |ψn i are the single-particle wave functions with eigen-
values En , and S is the overlap matrix that accounts for the non-orthogonal basis set.
One can always normalize the state vectors so that the orthogonality relation becomes
hψn | S |ψm i = δmn . The corresponding completeness relation for the set of eigenvectors is
n |ψn i hψn | S = 1
1Nu , where 11Nu is the Nu × Nu identity matrix. The Hamiltonian in its
spectral representation is given by

Ĥ = En S |ψn i hψn | , (3.2.33)

so that the retarded Green’s function of Eq. (3.2.25) can be written as

X 11
G (E) = |ψn i hψn | . (3.2.34)
E + iδ − En

The spectral function is defined as

A(E) = i G + (E) − G − (E) ,


and it can be seen as a generalized density of states. From the spectral representation of
G + we can write
X 11 11
A(E) = i |ψn i hψn | − |ψn i hψn |
E + iδ − En E − iδ − En
X δ
=2 |ψn i hψn | , (3.2.36)
(E − En )2 + δ 2

and if we take the limit δ → 0+ we have

A(E) = 2π δ(E − En ) |ψn i hψn | . (3.2.37)
36 Chapter 3

Therefore, the density of states (DOS) is written as

ν(E) = Tr [A(E)S] . (3.2.38)

In many situations, it is useful to count the contributions due to a single orbital, so that
one defines the projected density of states (PDOS) as

1 X
ν(E) = Alp (E)Slp , (3.2.39)
2π l

where the indeces l and p are single-particle basis set orbitals. Eq. (3.2.37) and Eq. (3.2.38)
show that the spectral function, and therefore the Green’s function, contains all the
information about the states of the system. Moreover, the density matrix

ρ= pn |ψn i hψn | , (3.2.40)

can be equally expressed as a function of the spectral function. If it is assumed that

the system is in thermal equilibrium with the environment, for a system of Fermions the
weight function, pn , becomes the Fermi-Dirac distribution function, f (E), as given by
Eq. (3.1.3). From Eq. (3.2.37), the density matrix can be written as
ρ= dEf (E)A(E), (3.2.41)

where the energy integral is over the entire real energy axis (from −∞ to ∞). At equi-
librium the knowledge of the spectral function therefore uniquely determines the density
matrix and consequently all the ground state properties of the system. We note that due
to the assumption of thermal equilibrium with a reference system, ρ is implicitly a time
averaged quantity. For a system out of equilibrium the same argument can be applied,
the only difference being that the state vectors, |ψn i, are split up into separate sets, in
local equilibrium with only one of the reservoirs, with different local chemical potential.

3.3 Non-equilibrium Green’s function formalism

3.3.1 Green’s function for the scattering region
In this Chapter we present the so-called non-equilibrium Green’s function formalism
(NEGF) also known as the Keldysh formalism [63]. This is done by solving the equations
of motion for specific time-dependent single-particle Green’s functions, from which we
can compute physical properties, such as charge density and electrical currents. This
formalism is exact only when dealing with a closed quantum system, but not necessarily
Quantum Transport at the Nanoscale 37

isolated. External perturbations may drive the system away from its thermodynamic
equilibrium. The NEGF formalism allows us to describe the out of equilibrium state of
a quantum system, which consists of a scattering region (SR) attached to semi-infinite
electron reservoirs or electrodes.
(a) Scattering Region

... ...
Left Electrode Right Electrode

(b) Scattering Region

Figure 3.1: Schematic representation of the general transport setup using NEGF. (a) The
different parts of the system are identified by their Hamiltonian. The scattering region
or the device is highlighted in the dashed square. (b) the electrodes are replaced by their

In the present work we are interested in studying the electronic transport properties
of nanoscale devices, which consist of a nanoscale object connected to two electrodes, as
schematically shown in Fig. 1.1. In such systems, the SR is a nanoscale structure and
the full system is a quantum system with open boundary conditions, i.e. it is an infinite
non-periodic system, as schematically shown in Fig. 3.1(a).
The quantum transport problem can be discussed from three distinct view points,
namely, thermodynamics, electrostatic and quantum mechanics. From the thermody-
namic point of view, as discussed in Sec. 3.1.1, the electrodes are considered as electrons
reservoirs in their thermodynamic equilibrium and therefore characterized by their chemi-
cal potentials. When the system is in equilibrium, i.e. no external bias is applied, electrons
will flow between the parts of the system until a common chemical potential is reached.
However, if a bias is applied to the system, e.g. a battery keep a chemical difference be-
tween electrodes, according to Eq. (3.1.10) and Eq. (3.1.11), an electrical current can be
established. The current is the result of the attempt to restore the equilibrium condition.
Thus, by keeping the external bias, the system can reach a stationary state current.
When the system is under an external bias, a redistribution of charge will occur. Since
the electrodes are assumed to be good conductors, they screen any perturbation caused
by the presence of the SR. Then, from a electrostatic point of view, the potential drop
38 Chapter 3

due to the applied bias is assumed to occur only in the SR.

From the quantum mechanics point of view, the system can be divided into three
regions: the left and right electrodes and the SR, as shown in Fig. 3.1(a). We define the
SR as a quantum structure that breaks the translation symmetry of the electrodes, e.g.
a molecule, a defect and so on. The electrodes are semi-infinite in size and they hold
periodicity along the transport direction. Each electrode unit cell can be described by
a Hamiltonian Ĥ0(L,R) . This operator can be represented by a matrix with dimensions
depending on the basis set used to describe the atoms of each unit cell. In terms of
localized basis set, one can define the size of the unit cell to assure that each unit cell
interacts only with its first-nearest-neighbor cells. Then, the dimensions of the matrix
that represents the operator Ĥ0(L,R) will be N × N , where N = i species Natoms × Norbitals
is the total number of degrees of freedom in each electrode unit cell. Moreover, the
operator Ĥ1 describes the coupling between each unit cell and its neighbors and ĤD is
the Hamiltonian of the SR where “D” stands for “device”. Finally, the coupling between
the device region and the left (right) electrode is given by ĤLD (ĤDR ).
The Hamiltonian of the entire system can be written in matrix form as
 
. . . . . . . . . .
 

 . 0 H−1 H0 H1 0 . . . . 

. . 0 H−1 H0 HLD 0 . . .
 
 
 
 . . . 0 HLD HD HDR 0 . . 
 (3.3.1)
. . . . 0 HDR H0 H1 . .
 
 
 

 . . . . . 0 H−1 H0 H1 . 

. . . . . . . . . .

where H−1 = H1† , HDL = HLD †

and HDR = HRD †
. In principle, one solve the problem by
diagonalizing this matrix, however, it is infinite.
The NEGF offers another way to treat the problem. In this framework, we start by
rewriting the Schrödinger equation in terms of Green’s functions as:

[± S − H]G(E) = I (3.3.2)

where ± = limδ→0± (E ± iδ) is the energy and S is the overlap matrix that appears when
one is dealing with non-orthogonal basis set. In terms of matrices, Eq. (3.3.2) is given by

± SL − HL ± SLD − HLD
    
0 GL GLD GLR I 0 0
 ±
  SDL − HDL ± SD − HD ± SRD − HRD   GDL GD GDR  =  0 I 0 
   

0 ± SRD − HRD ± SR − HR GRL GRD GR 0 0 I

where all the elements of the Green’s function matrix are energy dependent (we omit the
explicit energy dependence to simplify the notation). Moreover, the matrices HL , HR ,
Quantum Transport at the Nanoscale 39

HLD and HDR are semi-infinite and are written as

 
.. .. .. .. ..
 . . . . . 
 0 H−1 H0 H1 0 
 
HL =  , (3.3.4)
 ··· 0 H−1 H0 H1 
 
··· ··· 0 H−1 H0
 
H0 H1 0 ··· ···
 
 H−1 H0 H1 0 · · · 
HR =  , (3.3.5)
 
 0 H−1 H0 H1 0 
.. .. .. .. ..
 
. . . . .
 
 . 
HLD = 
 0 
 (3.3.6)
HDR = HRD 0 · · · . (3.3.7)

Eq. 3.3.3 can be solved by conventional matrices multiplication, which leads to nine
equations. However, by considering metallic electrodes, the coupling between the device
and the electrodes will not affect their electronic structure. This allows us to focus on
the device region and solve explicitly only three equations. Therefore, from Eq. 3.3.2, the
Green’s function of the device region is given by solving the following equations

(± SL − HL )GLD (E) + (± SLD − HLD )GD (E) =0, (3.3.8)
(± SDL − HDL )GLD (E) + (± SD − HD )GD (E) + (± SDR − HDR )GRD (E) =I, (3.3.9)
(± SRD − HRD )GLD (E) + (± SR − HR )GRD (E) =0. (3.3.10)

The third line of the first matrix was multiplied by the second column of the second
matrix. Solving Eq. (3.3.8) and Eq. (3.3.10) for GLD (E) and GRD (E), respectively, we

GLD (E) =(± SL − HL )−1 (HLD − ± SLD )GD (E), (3.3.11)

GRD (E) =(± SR − HR )−1 (HRD − ± SRD )GD (E). (3.3.12)

By defining the Green’s functions for the isolated electrodes as

gL (E) =(± SL − HL )−1 , (3.3.13)

gR (E) =(± SR − HR )−1 , (3.3.14)
40 Chapter 3

we can write Eq. (3.3.11) and Eq. (3.3.12) as

GLD (E) =gL (E) HLD − ± SLD GD (E),

GRD (E) =gR (E) HRD − ± SRD GD (E).

By inserting Eq. (3.3.15) and Eq. (3.3.16) into Eq. (3.3.9) and solving it for GD (E), we
GD (E) = (± SD − HD ) − ΣL (E) − ΣR (E)

, (3.3.17)

which corresponds to the retarded and advanced Green’s functions for the SR in the
presence of the electrodes. Moreover, ΣL (E) and ΣR (E) are given by,

ΣL (E) =(HLD − ± SLD )gL (E)(HDL − ± SDL ), (3.3.18)

ΣR (E) =(HRD − ± SRD )gR (E)(HDR − ± SDR ). (3.3.19)

These are the electrodes self-energies. Unlike the self-energy shown in Eq. (3.2.20), the
self-energies ΣL (E) and ΣR (E) are non-Hermitian, i.e. Σ†L,R (E) 6= ΣL,R (E). In fact, from
the general property of the Green’s functions presented in Eq. (3.2.29) we obtain from
Eq. (3.3.18) and Eq. (3.3.19) that
Σ+ = Σ−

L,R (E) L,R (E), (3.3.20)

i.e. the advanced self-energy is the Hermitian conjugate of the retarded self-energy and
vice-versa. This is a consequence of partitioning the system into electrodes and SR so
that the interface potentials act on the states of the central region, as if the central region
Hamiltonian is perturbed by the presence of the electrodes through their self-energies, as
schematically shown in Fig. 3.1(b).

3.3.2 Energy renormalization and lifetime

From Eq. (3.3.17), one can see that in absence of the self-energies (Σ = 0), the
Green’s functions have poles in correspondence to the eigenvalues of HD . Therefore, the
self-energies make the Green’s functions analytic by renormalizing the eigenenergies of
the device Hamiltonian. If we write the self-energies as

ΣLR (E) = Re{ΣLR (E)} + Im{ΣLR (E)}, (3.3.21)

i.e. in terms of their real and imaginary parts, we can rewrite Eq. (3.3.17) as

GD (E) = . (3.3.22)
(± S D − HD ) − Re{ΣL (E) + ΣR (E)} − Im{ΣL (E) + ΣR (E)}
Quantum Transport at the Nanoscale 41

Thus the real part of the self-energies shift the energies of the Hamiltonian of the device.
By using explicitly the retarded and advanced Green’s functions of Eq. (3.3.22), we define
−1  − −1  +   
= ΣL (E) − Σ− + −
G (E) − G (E) L (E) + Σ R (E) − ΣR (E)
h i
≡ i ΓL (E) + ΓR (E) ≡ iΓ(E) (3.3.23)

where one can define the electronic coupling between the scattering region and the elec-
trodes by h i

ΓL,R (E) = i Σ+L,R (E) − Σ L,R (E) = −2Im{Σ+
L,R (E)}. (3.3.24)

Without the imaginary part of the self-energies, the eigenenergies associated with the
solution of the Green’s function would be shifted with respect to the eigenenergies of the
free device Hamiltonian. The imaginary parts, however, move these solutions away from
the real energy axis, inside the complex plane. This imaginary part is associated with
the decay of the solutions, therefore, they can be interpreted as the rate at which the
electrons are scattered out from the states of the isolated device Hamiltonian. Thus the
states of the device region acquire a broadening due to the interaction with the electrodes.

3.3.3 Density matrix

As discussed at the end of Sec. 3.2.2, for a system out of equilibrium, we can split
up the contributions to the density matrix attributed to states in local equilibrium with
only one of the reservoirs, namely

ρD = ρDL + ρDR . (3.3.25)

The individual parts are

ρDL = dE pL,n (E) νL,n (E) |ψL,n i hψL,n |, (3.3.26)
ρDR = dE pR,n (E) νR,n (E) |ψR,n i hψR,n |, (3.3.27)

where |ψ{L/R},n i is part of the state vector extending over the SR. The occupation number
p{L/R},n (E) lies between 0 and 1 and determines the occupation of each state. We now
assume that the left and the right leads are in local thermal equilibrium, and therefore
have a local Fermi energy, EF,{L/R} . Thus each of the states |ψ{L/R} i (E) has a probability
of being occupied given by the Fermi distribution f{L/R} (E) of the lead it originates from.
The {|ψL,n i} describe states originating from the left lead, we have pL,n (E) = fL (E), and
analogously we have pR,n (E) = fR (E). This is one of the central approximations in the
42 Chapter 3

NEGF formalism. A bias voltage Vsd , which is defined as the difference between the Fermi
energies of the two leads divided by the electron charge, e, so that eVsd = EF,L − EF,R , can
now be specified. Note that the energy eigenvalue spectrum of the entire system is only
defined up to a constant, so that one can choose the reference of energy. A convenient way
is to consider the Fermi level of the system at equilibrium, EF , as reference and setting
EF,L = EF + eVsd /2 and EF,R = EF − eVsd /2. This is the convention used throughout this
work. We can therefore write
ρDL = dE fL (E) νL,n (E) |ψL,n i hψL,n |
= dE fL (E) ADL , (3.3.28)

and in the same way Z

ρDR = dE fR (E) ADR . (3.3.29)

Note that we have introduced the spectral functions for the parts of the system, ADL and
ADR . We now define the lesser Green’s function for the SR, GD< , as [105]

GD< = i GD [fL (E)ΓL + fR (E)ΓR ] GD† , (3.3.30)

where the couplings, ΓL,R , are given by Eq. (3.3.24). By using this definition, and
Eq. (3.3.25), Eq. (3.3.28) and Eq. (3.3.29), the density matrix of the SR becomes
ρD = dE GD< (E). (3.3.31)

This is the central equation of the NEGF formalism [63], and allows one to obtain the
charge density of the SR attached to leads also out of equilibrium. If all the leads have
the same Fermi energy, then we recover the equilibrium result of Eq. (3.2.41).
The same procedure can be repeated for an arbitrary number of electrodes, Nelectrodes .
In that case the total lesser Green’s function becomes
GD< = i GD fn (E)Γn GD† . (3.3.32)

3.4 Transmission and current

3.4.1 Wave function
The Schrödinger equation for the partitioned system can be written in a matrix form
Quantum Transport at the Nanoscale 43

|ψ L i |ψ L i
     
 HDL HD HDR   |ψ D i  = E  SDL SD SDR   |ψ D i  . (3.4.1)
     

0 HRD HR |ψ R i 0 SRD SR |ψ R i

We have divided the state vector into its parts corresponding to the individual parts of
the system as  L 
|ψ i
 D 
|ψi =  |ψ i  , (3.4.2)
|ψ R i

where |ψ L i (|ψ R i) is the part of the wave function (WF) extending over the left (right)
lead, and |ψ D i is the part extending over the SR. Moreover,
 
|ϕL i
|ψL i =  0  + |ψL∆ i , (3.4.3)
 

where |ϕL i is the state vector for the isolated left electrode so that

HL |ϕL i = ES |ϕL i . (3.4.4)

When the isolated electrodes join the SR, the state vectors will be different due to their
interaction with the SR and indirectly with the other electrodes. Therefore, |ψL∆ i has the
dimension of the entire system, i.e. the SR plus the electrodes, and it corresponds to the
change in WF due to the presence of the SR. In an analogous way |ψR i is given by
 
|ψR i =  0  + |ψR∆ i . (3.4.5)
 

|ϕR i

The |ψL,n i then satisfy the equation
 

(H − ES) |ψL,n i =  −KDL |ϕL,n i  , (3.4.6)
 

where we have defined

K = H − (E ± iδ)S. (3.4.7)

From this definition it follows that KD = KD† and KD{L/R} = K{L/R}D

. Eq. (3.4.6) has
two sets of solutions [105]. One is obtained by multiplying Eq. (3.4.6) with the retarded
44 Chapter 3

Green’s function from the left

 
|ψL,n i = G +  KDL |ϕL,n i  , (3.4.8)
 

and the other is obtained by multiplying it with the advanced Green’s function
 
|ψL,n i = G −  KDL |ϕL,n i  . (3.4.9)
 

The first describes electrons flowing from the left electrode into the SR and the second
describes electrons propagating from the SR into the left lead [105]. If there is no right
electrode attached to the SR these solutions are identical. Our aim is to distinguish the
solutions arising from a given electrode. Therefore, we focus on the first set of solutions,
i.e. those described by the retarded Green’s function. If we use the matrix form of
the Green’s function given in Eq. (3.3.3), the total wave function originated in the left
electrode can be written as
 
|ψL,n i =  GD KDL  |ϕL,n i , (3.4.10)
 


where 11L is a unity matrix with the dimensions of the left electrode. For the wave
functions originated in the right electrode we obtain,
 
|ψR,n i =  GD KDR  |ϕR,n i . (3.4.11)
 


3.4.2 Current per channel

In this section the current associated to a single state vector is calculated. Since the
state vectors, |ψn i, are normalized in such a way that hψn | S |ψn i, the electron charge in
the SR, qD , is
qD = hψ L |SLD |ψ D i + hψ D |SD |ψ D i + hψ R |SRD |ψ D i . (3.4.12)

If the overlap terms proportional to SLD and SRD are neglected this becomes

qD = hψ D |SD |ψ D i . (3.4.13)
Quantum Transport at the Nanoscale 45

In order to obtain the current we need to define the time-dependent state vector given by
the time-dependent Schrödinger-like equation

∂ |ψit
H |ψit = i~S , (3.4.14)

where the index t in |ψit indicates that this is the explicit time-dependent state vector.
The solution for the time-dependent state vector is |ψit = e−iEt/~ |ψi. The time derivative
of the occupation of the SR for such an eigenstate is given by

∂qD ∂hψ D |t SD |ψ D it
= = 0. (3.4.15)
∂t ∂t

This means that the change in charge is zero, because the inflowing current from one
lead is equal to the outflowing current through the other lead. These two currents can be
obtained by explicitly taking the time-derivative of qD . The time derivative of |ψ D it is

∂ |ψ D it i
eiEt/~ SD = − ESD |ψ D i (3.4.16)
∂t ~
= − KDL |ψ L i + HD |ψ D i + KDR |ψ R i .


The time derivative of the occupation of the SR then is

∂qD ∂hψ D |t ∂ |ψ D it
= SD |ψ D it + hψ D |t SD
∂t ∂t ∂t
hψ L |KLD |ψ D i − hψ D |KDL |ψ L i

+ hψ R |KRD |ψ D i − hψ D |KDR |ψ R i .


This shows that the change in charge is equal to the sum of the total current flowing in
from the left lead, I L , and the total current flowing in from the right lead, I R , so that

= I L + I R = 0, (3.4.19)

and I L = −I R . The two currents of the single state vectors are

IL = hψ L |KLD |ψ D i − hψ D |KDL |ψ L i ,

IR hψ R |KRD |ψ D i − hψ D |KDR |ψ R i .

= (3.4.21)

3.4.3 Transmission coefficients and total current

The total current from the left lead into the SR, I L , is equal to the sum of all the
46 Chapter 3

contributions from the single state vectors

I = dE fL (E) νL,n (E) IL,n
+ dE fR (E) νR,n (E) IR,n , (3.4.22)

where, by using Eq. (3.4.20) the current IL,n due to a single state vector coming from the
left lead |ψL,n i is

L i L D D L

IL,n = hψL,n | KLD |ψL,n i − hψL,n |KDL |ψL,n i , (3.4.23)
and the current IR,n due to a wave function originating in the right lead |ψR,n i is

L i L D D L

IR,n = hψR,n | KLD |ψR,n i − hψR,n |KDL |ψR,n i . (3.4.24)

By inserting the explicit expressions for ψL,n and ψR,n [see Eq. (3.4.10) and Eq. (3.4.11)],
and after some algebraic manipulations, we obtain

IL,n = hϕL,n | KLD GD− ΓR GD+ KDL |ϕL,n i , (3.4.25)
IR,n = − hϕR,n | KRD GD− ΓL GD+ KDR |ϕR,n i . (3.4.26)

We have used the definitions of GD+ [Eq. (3.3.17)], ΓL,R [Eq. (3.3.24)], and also the fact that
† †
KM = KM and KM{L/R} = K{L/R}M . Since ΓR is positive-semidefinite, and considering
that for any semidefinite matrix M also the matrix U M U † is semidefinite for an arbitrary
matrix U , it can be seen that IL,n ≥ 0. This is consistent with the fact that states
{|ψL,n i} describe electrons flowing from the left electrode into the SR (and then into the
right electrode). By choosing ψL,n [Eq. (3.4.9)], obtained by using the advanced Green’s
function, then the electron flow would be from the SR into the left electrode, so that
such states would not originate in the left electrode. Thus, IR,n ≤ 0, so that the {|ψR,n i}
describe electrons flowing from the SR into the left electrode.
The total currents due to the states originating in the left (ILL ) and right (IRL ) electrodes
ILL = dE L
fL (E)νL,n (E)IL,n , (3.4.27)
IRL = dE L
fR (E)νR,n (E)IR,n , (3.4.28)
Quantum Transport at the Nanoscale 47

so that I L = ILL + IRL . By using the result of Eq. (3.4.25) we obtain for ILL

1 X
ILL νL,n (E) hϕL,n | KLD GD− ΓR GD+ KDL |ϕL,n i .

= dEfL (E)
~ n=1

The current for each wave function is larger than or at least equal to zero, therefore,
ILL ≥ 0. The quantity in brackets is a scalar, so that it can be rewritten as a trace. We
then rearrange the matrices to
Z " NL
! #
1 X
ILL = dEfL (E) Tr KDL νL,n (E) |ϕL,n i hϕL,n | KLD GD− ΓR GD+ . (3.4.29)
~ n=1

By using Eq. (3.2.35) with the definition of the spectral function and Eq. (3.3.13) for the
isolated electrode Green’s function, we can write the spectral function for the isolated left
electrode as
AL (E) = 2π νL,n (E) |ϕL,n i hϕL,n | . (3.4.30)

Finally, by using the definition of ΓL given by Eq. (3.3.24) with Eq. (3.4.30) and inserting
both into Eq. (3.4.29), we obtain
ILL dE fL (E)Tr ΓL GD− ΓR GD+ .


Likewise, the total current from the left electrode into the SR, carried by the states
originating from the right electrode, is given by
IRL dE fR (E)Tr ΓL GD− ΓR GD+ .

=− (3.4.31)

We can now define the transmission coefficient T [103, 63] as

T = Tr ΓL GD− ΓR GD+ ,


with T ≥ 0. The total probability current then is

I = dE T (E) [fL (E) − fR (E)] . (3.4.33)

We note that I L depends only on the difference between the Fermi energies of the elec-
trodes, which by definition is equal to the bias voltage eVsd . Eq. (3.4.33) shows that only
the states within the bias window, i.e. those lying in the energy range between EF,L and
EF,R , contribute to the current with an amplitude proportional to T (E). We note that if
the density of states in any of the electrodes vanishes at a given energy, the corresponding
Γ-matrix will be zero, and therefore also the current will vanish. For a two-terminal device
48 Chapter 3

I L = −I R , then we can define the two-terminal current through the SR I as being equal
to I L , so that Z
I= dE T (E) [fL (E) − fR (E)] . (3.4.34)
We point out that Eq. (3.4.34) describes the probability current. Therefore, in order to
obtain the electrical current, Ie , one needs to multiply it with the electron charge, e, so
that Z
Ie = dE T (E) [fL (E) − fR (E)] , (3.4.35)
where the factor of 2 is due to the spin degree of freedom. This is the well-known Landauer-
Büttiker result for the current through a two-terminal device [103, 63]. In the spin-
polarized case the transmission for majority spins [T ↑ (E)] and the one for minority spins
[T ↓ (E)] are independent, and have to be evaluated separately for each spin. The total
transmission then is T (E) = T ↑ (E) + T ↓ (E). The total current is Ie = Ie↑ + Ie↓ , where Ie↑
is the current carried by the majority spins, and Ie↓ is the one carried by minority spins.
The total current taking into account spin is given by
Tr ΓσL GD−σ ΓσR GD+σ [fL (E) − fR (E)]dE,
Ie = (3.4.36)
h σ=↑,↓

where all quantities depend on the energy. From now on, we refer to the electrical current
as just I by omitting the subscript “e”.
This formula was already presented in Eq. (3.1.13) where it was derived for non-
interacting electrons, i.e. where all the coherences between the states were neglected. In
other words, the Landauer-Büttiker approach presented in Sec. 3.1 is a particular case of
the NEGF. In the former, interactions in the SR are taken into account via a self-energy
function, which, in principle, contains all possible scattering events that a single-particle
experiences in the presence of all other particles, i.e. in a mean-field approximation.

3.5 DFT and NEGF

Throughout the present work, we use DFT as the electronic structure theory in
conjunction with the NEGF. Although this combination works satisfactorily for many
systems, it presents important limitations that lead to erroneous predictions. Thus, we
conclude this Chapter by discussing some of these limitations.
In principle, one would like to establish how accurate is a ground-state DFT calcula-
tion of current with respect to the true many-body current evaluated for a well-defined
nanojunction. In fact, this is a fundamental problem associated with DFT itself. Even
if one could evaluate the current using ground-state DFT (even with the exact ground-
state functional in hands) within the Landauer-Büttiker approach, we do not know how
Quantum Transport at the Nanoscale 49

it would differ from the current obtained with the true many-body system developing in
time. The reason is not to be found in the lack of the exact ground-state functional but
rather because we are employing a ground-state theory to treat a non-equilibrium prob-
lem. Therefore, the use of ground-state DFT in combination with the Landauer-Büttiker
approach must be understood as a sort of mean-field approximation, even if we know the
exact ground-state functional [63].
In addition, it is assumed that the single-particle KS-eigenvalues correspond to the
energy levels for the real interacting-electron system (an assumption which is usually made
also in ground-state DFT calculations). It is also assumed that the KS Hamiltonian is
also valid out of equilibrium. Moreover, as we will see in the next chapters, the problem
of the correct position of the KS-eigenenergies (see Sec. 2.5.1) can lead to major errors
in the prediction of the transport properties of molecular systems, as we shall discuss in
Chapter 6. This is closely related to the problems of DFT presented in Sec. 2.5.2 and
Sec. 2.5.3, namely the lack of the derivative discontinuity and the self-interaction error,
Due to the fact that the NEGF uses a single-particle picture to describe the electrons,
it can not correctly describe transport through very weakly coupled states. This is the
situation of quantum dots in the Coulomb blockade regime. In this cases many-body
effects, that are not included in the NEGF formalism described here, may play an impor-
tant role. The transport properties of these systems are usually calculated using master
equation approaches, as we will see in Chapter 7.
Chapter 4

Density Matrix Formalism

Open or dissipative quantum systems have been the subject of intensive research
since many decades [106, 107]. Such systems are conventionally described in terms of the
reduced density-matrix formalism, where the corresponding equation of motion, i.e. the
master equation, can be obtained by a number of techniques [108]. Among them, the
Nakajima-Zwanzig projection technique [109] and the real-time diagrammatic technique
developed by König et al. [110, 111, 112].
The pioneering Redfield theory for dissipation [106, 107], commonly described in text-
books [113] has more recently been applied, by several groups, to study tunneling through
molecules [114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121]. The ME within this formalism, called the
Wangsness-Bloch-Redfield master equation (WBR-ME), is based on the reduced density-
matrix approach and implies the Born and Markov approximations in the relaxation
description, this allows one to explicitly trace out the bath variables from the relaxation
operator and to obtain a local-in-time equation of motion for the reduced density matrix.
The master equation approach is a computationally efficient way to describe quantum
transport in molecular systems. Moreover, it is relatively simple to account for important
effects, such as, Coulomb blockade (see Chapter 7), temperature and light-induced charge
transport (see Chapter 8), where the parameters can be obtained by means of first-
principles. In this chapter, we start by presenting a brief overview of quantum mechanics
concepts needed for the discussion. Then, in Sec. 4.3, we present a full derivation of
the WBR-ME used throughout the manuscript and all the approximations related to the
practical applicability to quantum transport. Another important approach constructed
on top of the WBR-ME, namely, the T -matrix approach, is also presented in Sec. 4.5.

4.1 Time evolution

The dynamics of a quantum system can be discussed using three different represen-
tations or “pictures”, namely, the Schrödinger picture, the Heisenberg picture and the
interaction picture. In this section we will present the different representations and dis-

Density Matrix Formalism 51

cuss how they are related. The interaction picture is of particular interest when dealing
with time-dependent perturbation theory, which will be used to derive the equation of
motion for the density matrix operator, the ME.

4.1.1 The Schrödinger picture

This representation is useful when dealing with time-independent Hamiltonians so that
∂ Ĥ
= 0. Any other operator, Â, may be time-dependent. The state vectors, |ψ(t)i, do
depend on time and their evolution is given by

|ψ(t)i = Û(t, 0) |ψ(0)i , (4.1.1)

where Û(t, 0) is the time evolution operator. The Schrödinger equation is written as

i~ |ψ(t)i = Ĥ(t) |ψ(t)i , (4.1.2)

which implies the equation for the evolution operator

i~ Û(t, 0) = Ĥ(t)Û(t, 0). (4.1.3)

If the Hamiltonian is time-independent, then we see that the evolution operator is simply
given by
Û(t, 0) = e− ~ Ĥt . (4.1.4)

In summary,

 states:
 ( |ψ(t)i = e− ~ Ĥt |ψ(0)i
The Schrödinger picture Â, may or may not be time-dependent
 operators:

Ĥ is time-independent.

4.1.2 The Heisenberg picture

Sometimes, it is preferable to incorporate all the time dependencies in the operators,
Â(t), and work with time-independent state vectors, |ψi. The Hamiltonian of the system,
Ĥ, remains time-independent. Note that if the matrix elements of any operator between
any two state vectors are identical in the Schrödinger and Heisenberg representations,
then both representations are fully equivalent since

i i
hψ 0 (t)| Â |ψ(t)i = hψ 0 | e ~ Ĥt Âe− ~ Ĥt |ψi = hψ 0 | Â(t) |ψi (4.1.6)
52 Chapter 4

where the unitary transformation of Eq. (4.1.4) was used. This representation can be
summarized as


− ~ Ĥt
( |ψ(t)i = ei
 states:
 |ψ(0)i
The Heisenberg picture Â(t) ≡ e ~ Ĥt Â(0)e− ~ Ĥt (4.1.7)
 operators:
Ĥ is time-independent.

4.1.3 The interaction picture

The Schrödinger and Heisenberg pictures both require a time-independent Hamilto-
nian. However, very often, we have to deal with time-dependent Hamiltonians. This is
more conveniently treated within the interaction picture. In this representation, the full
Hamiltonian is written as Ĥ = Ĥ0 + V̂ (t). Here, Ĥ0 is the time-independent part of the
Hamiltonian so that Ĥ0 |n0 i = n0 |n0 i. The states |n0 i are perturbed by some, possibly
time-dependent, interaction V̂ (t). The task in the interaction picture is to separate the
fast time evolution due to the unperturbed Hamiltonian from the more complicated in-
teraction V̂ (t). This can be achieved by replacing the full Hamiltonian, Ĥ, in Eq. (4.1.4)
by its unperturbed part, Ĥ0 . As a result, both the state vectors and the operators will
depend on time.

 states:
 ( |ψI (t)i = e ~ Ĥ0 t |ψ(t)i
i i
The interaction picture ÂI (t) ≡ e ~ Ĥ0 t Â(t)e− ~ Ĥ0 t (4.1.8)
 operators:

Ĥ0 is time-independent

The Schrödinger equation for a state |ψI (t)i given in Eq. (4.1.8) is

∂e ~ Ĥ0 t
∂ i
Ĥ t ∂
i~ |ψI (t)i = i~ |ψ(t)i + e ~ 0
i~ |ψ(t)i
∂t ∂t ∂t
= e ~ Ĥ0 t −Ĥ0 + Ĥ |ψ(t)i
= e ~ Ĥ0 t V̂ (t) |ψ(t)i
i −i
= e ~ Ĥ0 t V̂ (t)e ~ Ĥ0 t |ψI (t)i

i~ |ψI (t)i = V̂I (t) |ψI (t)i . (4.1.9)

The resulting Schrödinger equation is explicitly written in terms of only the interaction

part of the full Hamiltonian. If V̂I (t) = 0 then i~ ∂t |ψI (t)i = 0, that is, the time de-
pendence of |ψI (t)i originates entirely from the perturbation term. If this term is small,
|ψI (t)i will vary slowly with time and Eq. (4.1.9) can be solved within the time-dependent
perturbation theory framework, a task easier than solving directly Eq. (4.1.2). The time
Density Matrix Formalism 53

evolution of a state |ψI (t)i from a time t0 to a time t is given by an unitary transformation

|ψI (t)i = ÛI (t, t0 ) |ψI (t0 )i , (4.1.10)

i −i
ÛI (t, t0 ) = e ~ Ĥ0 t Û (t, t0 )e ~ Ĥ0 t0 (4.1.11)

depends only on V̂ (t) and Û (t, t0 ) is given by Eq. (4.1.4) in the Schrödinger representation.

4.2 Perturbative expansion

In principle, all cases where the interaction picture is used, a perturbative expansion
in the interaction, V̂I , is carried out and this is implicit in the evolution operator. The
task now is to find a useful formula for the time evolution operator. By evaluating the
time derivative of Eq. (4.1.11), we have

∂ ÛI (t, t0 ) ∂  i Ĥ0 t −i

i~ = i~ e ~ Û (t, t0 )e ~ Ĥ0 t0
∂t ∂t
∂  i Ĥ0 t  −i
Ĥ t
Ĥ t
 ∂ −i 
Ĥ t

= i~ e ~ Û (t, t0 ) e ~ 0 0 + i~ e ~ 0 Û (t, t0 ) e~
 0 0

" ∂t #  ∂t 

∂  i Ĥ0 t  i ∂ −i
= i~ e~ Û (t, t0 ) + i~e ~ Ĥ0 t Û (t, t0 ) e ~ Ĥ0 t0
∂t ∂t
= e ~ Ĥ0 t −Ĥ0 + Ĥ Û (t, t0 )e ~ Ĥ0 t0
i −i i −i
= e ~ Ĥ0 t V̂ (t)e ~ Ĥ0 t e ~ Ĥ0 t Û (t, t0 )e ~ Ĥ0 t0
∂ ÛI (t, t0 )
i~ = V̂I (t)ÛI (t, t0 ) (4.2.1)

where we used the results of Eq. (4.1.3). By integration of this differential equation we
obtain the integral equation
Z t
ÛI (t, t0 ) = I + dt0 V̂I (t0 )ÛI (t0 , t0 ), (4.2.2)
i~ t0

where the initial condition is ÛI (t0 , t0 ) = I, that is, when V̂I = 0. For V̂I (t) sufficiently
small, ÛI (t, t0 ) will only differ slightly from I. The operator ÛI (t0 , t0 ) can then be replaced
by the identity operator and we obtain the first-order term given by
Z t
(1) 1
ÛI (t, t0 ) =I+ dt0 V̂I (t0 ). (4.2.3)
i~ t0
54 Chapter 4

If we iterate this equation we derive the following pertubative expansion

Z t Z t Z t1
1 1
ÛI (t, t0 ) = I + dt1 V̂I (t1 ) − 2 dt1 V̂I (t1 ) dt2 V̂I (t2 ) + ... (4.2.4)
i~ t0 ~ t0 t0

This equation describes the time evolution from time t0 to time t of the system due to
consecutive scattering events caused by the perturbation V̂I at times t1 , t2 , t3 and so on. In
other words, it gives additional phase factors to the state vectors due to the perturbation
on top of the trivial phase factors arising from Ĥ0 .

4.3 Master equation I: the Wangsness-Bloch-Redfield

master equation
The ME approach involves two steps. Firstly, one derives the ME from the von
Neumann equation for the full system. This shows how the reduced density operator
changes based on its present and often its past values. Secondly, one solves the ME to
determine the time evolution of the system or its stationary state solution. It is generally
more complicated to find the time evolution when the ME contains memory, or history
of the past times. Therefore, approximations are called to circumvent this, usually to
obtain a ME that is local in time. In the present Chapter we follow closely the derivation
presented in Ref. [64].

4.3.1 Liouville equation in the interaction picture

Let us now write the density operator, ρ̂, in the interaction picture. By evaluating the
time derivative of this operator, we derive the Liouville equation

∂ ρ̂I (t) ∂  
i~ = i~ ÛI (t, t0 )ρ̂(t)ÛI† (t, t0 )
∂t ∂t
∂     ∂
= i~ ÛI (t, t0 )ρ̂(t) ÛI† (t, t0 ) + i~ ÛI (t, t0 )ρ̂(t) Û † (t, t0 )
∂t ∂t I
= V̂I (t)ÛI (t, t0 )ρ̂(t)ÛI† (t, t0 ) − ÛI (t, t0 )ρ̂(t)ÛI† (t, t0 )V̂I (t)
= V̂I (t)ρ̂I (t) − ρ̂I (t)V̂I (t)
h i
= V̂I (t), ρ̂I (t) . (4.3.1)

This is a rather important result, since the density operator depends only on the interac-
tion Hamiltonian. This equation can be written in an integral form:
Z t
1 h i
ρ̂I (t) = ρ̂I (0) + dt1 V̂I (t1 ), ρ̂I (t1 ) , (4.3.2)
i~ t0
Density Matrix Formalism 55

which can also be solved iteratively

ρ̂I (t) = ρ̂I (0) (4.3.3)
1 t
Z h i
(1) (0)
ρ̂I (t) = ρ̂I (0) + dt1 V̂I (t1 ), ρ̂I (0) (4.3.4)
i~ t0
1 t
Z Z t h h ii
(2) (1)
ρ̂I (t) = ρ̂I (0) − 2 dt1 dt2 V̂I (t1 ), V̂I (t2 ), ρ̂I (0) , (4.3.5)
~ t0 t0

and so on. By using the iterative procedure we compute the small changes in the density
operator caused by a perturbation in the state of the system due to consecutive scattering
We are interested in studying the transport properties of physical systems comprising
of a small sub-system (for instance, a molecule) connected to two fermionic electrodes.
The small sub-system is not in equilibrium because of its interaction with the environment
(the reservoirs or electrodes). The Hamiltonian of the entire system can be written as

Figure 4.1: Schematic representation of an open quantum system. The sub-system S,

described by the Hamiltonian ĤS , interacts via V̂ with the environment R, described by
the Hamiltonian ĤR .

Ĥ = ĤS + ĤR + V̂ , (4.3.6)

where S and R denote the small sub-system and the reservoirs, respectively, and V̂ is
the interaction between them. From this point on, we assume the interaction between
the reservoirs and the small sub-system to be weak, so that we may treat V̂ within
perturbation theory. We use the interaction picture so that the time evolution of any op-
erator, ÂI , is given by Eq. (4.1.8), where the unperturbed time-independent Hamiltonian
is Ĥ0 = ĤS + ĤR . The Liouville equation for the density operator of the entire system,
χ̂I , can be written as
Z t h
i h i 1 h ii
χ̂˙ I (t) = − V̂I (t), χ̂I (0) − 2 dt0 V̂I (t0 ), V̂I (t0 ), χ̂I (t0 ) . (4.3.7)
~ ~ 0
56 Chapter 4

4.3.2 Simplification: separability

If we assume the interaction between the systems S and R gets swiched on at t0 = 0,1
we separate the dynamics of S by tracing out the contribution of the reservoirs from the
full density matrix in order to obtain the reduced density matrix [113], ρ̂I = TrR (χ̂I ). By
doing so, the initial full density matrix can be written as a product:

χ̂(0) = χ̂I (0) = χ̂S (0) ⊗ χ̂R (0), (4.3.8)

where χ̂S (0) = ρ̂(0). In other words, the initial state between the systems S and R is
uncorrelated for times prior to t0 = 0, t < t0 .

4.3.3 Born approximation

One can always write the full density operator at any time as

χ̂I (t) = ρ̂I (t) ⊗ χ̂R (t) + χ̂correlation (t), (4.3.9)

where Eq. (4.3.9) provides the definition of χ̂correlation (t). If the interaction starts at t0 = 0,
for any time in the past, Eq. (4.3.8) holds. If we assume that the coupling between the
two sub-systems is weak, Eq. (4.3.9) will approximate to

χ̂I (t) ≈ ρ̂I (t) ⊗ χ̂R (t) (4.3.10)

for timescales over which perturbation theory is valid. In addition, we assume that the
correlation time of the reservoirs , τR , and consequently the relaxation time, is small so
χ̂R (t) ≈ χ̂R (0), if t  τR (4.3.11)

χ̂I (t) = ρ̂I (t)χ̂R (0). (4.3.12)

In other words, the reservoirs are assumed to comprise so many degrees of freedom that
they are not affected by the interaction with S, independently on the amount of energy
transferred to them from S. Hence, they will remain at thermal equilibrium, i.e. the
density matrix will be simply given by

1 −β ĤR
e ,
χ̂R (0) = (4.3.13)
− 1 Ĥ
where Z is the partition function, Z = Tr e kB Θ R . This is the fundamental condition
for irreversibility. We can then write the equation of motion for the reduced density
Note that this can always be obtained by choosing t0 = 0 appropriately.
Density Matrix Formalism 57

operator as
Z t
˙ρ̂I (t) = − i TrR V̂I (t), ρ̂I (0)χ̂R (0) − 1
h i h h ii
0 0 0 0
dt Tr R V̂I (t ), V̂ I (t ), ρ̂I (t )χ̂R (0) .
~ ~2 0
According to this equation, the behavior of S depends on the past events in the time
interval [0, t] because the integrals contain ρ̂I (t0 ), i.e. this ME is non-local in time.

4.3.4 Markov approximation

If we assume that the time scale for the reservoirs to keep their correlation is much
faster than that in which the small sub-system S is modified, then the system loses its
memory and the influence of past times do not affect the evolution of the system. This is
also a consequence of the weak-coupling limit between the quantum sub-system and the
reservoirs.2 This is equivalent to say that ρ̂I (t0 ) ≈ ρ̂I (t). This approximation is called the
Markov-approximation. Then, Eq. (4.3.14) can be rewritten as
Z t
˙ρ̂I (t) = − i TrR V̂I (t), ρ̂I (0)χ̂R (0) − 1
h i h h ii
0 0 0
dt Tr R V̂ I (t ), V̂I (t ), ρ̂ I (t)χ̂ R (0) , (4.3.15)
~ ~2 0

i.e. it becomes local in time. In Eq. (4.3.15), the rate of change of ρ̂I at time t is determined
by ρ̂I at the same time t only. In order to solve this equation, we need to specify a form
for the interaction V̂I . A generic form for the interaction operator is a product between
the small sub-system operators, sˆi , and the reservoirs operators, rˆi . In the interaction
picture, we have
V̂I (t) = sˆi (t)rˆi (t), (4.3.16)

i −i
sˆi (t) = e ~ ĤS t si e ~ ĤS t (4.3.17)

i −i
rˆi (t) = e ~ ĤR t ri e ~ ĤR t . (4.3.18)

By inserting Eq. (4.3.16) into Eq. (4.3.15) we obtain

i X
ρ̂˙ I (t) = − TrR [sˆi (t)rˆi (t), ρ̂I (0)χ̂R (0)] +
~ i
1 t 0X
− 2 dt TrR [sˆi (t)rˆi (t), [sˆj (t0 )rˆj (t0 ), ρ̂I (t)χ̂R (0)]] . (4.3.19)
~ 0 ij

A discussion on the validity of this approximation in terms of temperature can be found in refer-
ence [108].
58 Chapter 4

The operators si act only on the subspace of the system S whereas the operators ri act
only on the subspace of the reservoirs R. In other words they commute and therefore
we can interchange their position. Also, by considering the cyclic property of the trace,
Tr(ÂB̂ Ĉ D̂) = Tr(D̂ÂB̂ Ĉ) = Tr(Ĉ D̂ÂB̂), the first term of Eq. (4.3.19) can be written as

i X
− TrR [sˆi (t)rˆi (t), ρ̂I (0)χ̂R (0)] =
~ i
i X
= − TrR {sˆi (t)rˆi (t)ρ̂I (0)χ̂R (0) − ρ̂I (0)χ̂R (0)sˆi (t)rˆi (t)} =
~ i
i X
= − TrR {sˆi (t)ρ̂I (0)rˆi (t)χ̂R (0) − rˆi (t)χ̂R (0)ρ̂I (0)sˆi (t)} =
~ i
=− {sˆi (t)ρ̂I (0) − ρ̂I (0)sˆi (t)}TrR (rˆi (t)χ̂R (0)) =
~ i
=− {sˆi (t)ρ̂I (0) − ρ̂I (0)sˆi (t)}hrˆi (t)i, (4.3.20)
~ i

where the definition for the expectation value given by TrR (rˆi (t)χ̂R (0)) = hrˆi (t)i was
used. If we use the same reasoning for the second term, we can rewrite Eq. (4.3.19) as

i Xn o
ρ̂˙ I (t) = − sˆi (t)ρ̂I (0) − ρ̂I (0)sˆi (t) hrˆi (t)i+
~ i
1 X t 0 n
− 2 dt sˆi (t)sˆj (t )ρ̂I (t) − sˆj (t )ρ̂I (t)sˆi (t) hrˆi (t)rˆj (t0 )i+
0 0
~ ij 0
+ ρ̂I (t)sˆj (t0 )sˆi (t) − sˆi (t)ρ̂I (t)sˆj (t0 ) hrˆj (t0 )rˆi (t)i . (4.3.21)

The task now is to calculate the expectation values and the correlation functions. If we
assume that the reservoirs are in equilibrium and that the states |Ri are the eigenstates of
ĤR , the operator given in Eq. (4.3.13) is diagonal. Therefore, all the elements hR| rˆi (t) |Ri
must be non-diagonal. This means that there is no average energy shifts on the reservoirs,
then hrˆi (t)i = 0, and the first term of Eq. (4.3.21) vanishes. The time correlation functions,
hrˆi (t)rˆj (t0 )i, describe the average correlation between interactions that occur at times t
and t0 . The reservoirs dissipates quickly the effects of its interaction with the system S
so that
hrˆi (t)rˆj (t0 )i =
6 0, if t − t0 . τR . (4.3.22)

On the contrary, for t−t0  τR , the interaction becomes less correlated and the correlation
functions satisfy the condition
hrˆi (t)rˆj (t0 )i ≈ 0. (4.3.23)

The integral in the second term of Eq. (4.3.21) is non-zero only for times in the time
interval [t − τR , t0 ]. Outside this interval, the values of ρ̂(t0 ) have little influence on ρ̂(t).
Density Matrix Formalism 59

4.3.5 Relaxation time approximation

Because the correlation functions depend only on the time difference t00 = t − t0 , it is
more convenient to write them as

hrˆi (t)rˆj (t0 )i = hrˆi (t − t0 )rˆj i, (4.3.24)

so that we can rewrite the equation of motion for the reduced density operator [Eq. (4.3.21)]
X Z ∞ n
˙ρ̂I (t) = − 1
00 00 00 00 00
dt sˆi (t), s
ˆ j (t − t )ρ̂I (t) hrˆi (t )rˆj i − s
ˆ i (t), ρ̂ I (t)sˆj (t − t ) hrˆ r
j i (t )i ,
~2 ij 0

where the limit of integration extended to infinity is justified by the discussions of Eq. (4.3.22)
and Eq. (4.3.23), that is, for times t longer than τR .

4.3.6 Equation of motion

Let us consider the following set of state vectors {|Si} = {..., |mi , ..., |ni , ...} to be the
eigenstates of ĤS . If we write the system Hamiltonian over the basis of its eigenstates,
we can extract the time dependence from the system operators,

i −i
hm| ŝi (t) |ni = hm| e ~ ĤS t ŝi e ~ ĤS t |ni =
= e ~ ωmn t hm| ŝi |ni , (4.3.26)

where hm| ĤS |mi − hn| ĤS |ni = m − n = ~ω. We can then write the matrix elements
of the commutators of Eq. (4.3.25) as

hm0 | sˆi (t), sˆj (t − t00 )ρ̂I (t) |mi =


= hm0 | sˆi (t)sˆj (t − t00 )ρ̂I (t) − sˆj (t − t00 )ρ̂I (t)sˆi (t) |mi =

X 00
= eiωm0 k t eiωkk0 (t−t ) hm0 | ŝi |ki hk| ŝj |k 0 i hk 0 | ρ̂I (t) |mi +

− eiωm0 k0 (t−t ) eiωkm t hm0 | ŝj |k 0 i hk 0 | ρ̂I (t) |ki hk| ŝi |mi (4.3.27)
60 Chapter 4


hm0 | sˆi (t), ρ̂I (t)sˆj (t − t00 ) |mi =


= hm0 | sˆi (t)ρ̂I (t)sˆj (t − t00 ) − ρ̂I (t)sˆj (t − t00 )sˆi (t) |mi =

X 00
= eiωm0 k0 t eiωkm (t−t ) hm0 | ŝi |k 0 i hk 0 | ρ̂I (t) |ki hk| ŝj |mi +

iωkk0 (t−t00 ) iωk0 m t 0 0 0
−e e hm | ρ̂I (t) |ki hk| ŝj |k i hk | ŝi |mi . (4.3.28)

By inserting the results of Eq. (4.3.27) and Eq. (4.3.28) into Eq. (4.3.25), the matrix
elements of the density operator write

Z ∞ (
1 X
hm0 | ρ̂˙ I (t) |mi = − 2 hk 0 | ρ̂I (t) |ki dt00
~ ijkk0 0
Z ∞
0 0
ei(ωm0 k0 +ωkm )t
δmk hm | ŝi |αi hα| ŝj |k i dt00 e−iωαk0 t hrˆi (t00 )rˆj i+
α 0
Z ∞
− ei(ωm0 k0 +ωkm )t hm0 | ŝj |k 0 i hk| ŝi |mi dt00 e−iωm0 k0 t hrˆi (t00 )rˆj i+
Z0 ∞
− ei(ωm0 k0 +ωkm )t hm0 | ŝi |k 0 i hk| ŝj |mi dt00 e−iωkm t hrˆj rˆi (t00 )i+
Z ∞
+ ei(ωm0 k0 +ωkm )t δm0 k0 hk| ŝj |αi hα| ŝi |mi dt00 e−iωkα hrˆj rˆi (t00 )i ,
α 0


We have also multiplied the first and fourth terms by eiωkm t and eiωm0 k0 t , respectively,
which is allowed because of the presence of the δmk and δm0 k0 functions.
By defining, for simplicity
Z ∞
1 X 00
mkln = 2 hm| ŝi |ki hl| ŝj |ni dt00 e−iωln t hrˆi (t00 )rˆj i, (4.3.30)
~ ij 0

and Z ∞
1 X 00
mkln = 2 hm| ŝj |ki hl| ŝi |ni dt00 e−iωmk t hrˆj rˆi (t00 )i, (4.3.31)
~ ij 0

we obtain the so-called Redfield relaxation coefficients given by


Rm0 mk0 k = −δmk λ+ +
m0 ααk0 + λkmm0 k0 + λkmm0 k0 − δm0 k0 λ−
kααm . (4.3.32)
α α
Density Matrix Formalism 61

The coefficients given in Eq. (4.3.30) and Eq. (4.3.31) obey the following conditions:

λ−∗ +
mnkl = λlknm (4.3.33)
λ− −
mmln = λlnmm = 0, (4.3.34)

where the condition of Eq. (4.3.34) is related to the fact that hm| ŝj |mi = hm| ŝi |mi = 0,
that is, no energy shift is allowed in the system due to the interaction term V̂I (t). We can
now rewrite Eq. (4.3.29) in the form
hm0 | ρ̂˙ I (t) |mi = hk 0 | ρ̂I (t) |ki Rm0 mk0 k ei(ωm0 k0 +ωkm )t . (4.3.35)

In order to simplify further Eq. (4.3.35), we assume that the typical time-scale to observe
any change in the system, ωmn , is much shorter than the time for the integration step.
Note that the integration time must be also long enough to satisfy the conditions discussed
in Eq. (4.3.22) and Eq. (4.3.23), that is, the Markov approximation. If this is the case,
only the terms that satisfy the condition

ωm0 k0 + ωkm = m0 − k0 + k − m = 0 (4.3.36)

are kept. The other terms contribute to only fast oscillations and they can be neglected.
If we assume that the states of the system S are non-degenerate with a non-regular energy
separation between them, we can write three different conditions that satisfy Eq. (4.3.36)

• The first condition is

m0 = k 0 , m = k, m0 6= m. (4.3.37)

This applied to Eq. (4.3.35) gives

hm0 | ρ̂˙ I (t) |mi = (1 − δmm0 ) hm0 | ρ̂I (t) |mi Rm0 mm0 m , (4.3.38)

which will contribute to off-diagonal elements of the reduced density matrix operator.

• The second condition is

m0 = m, k 0 = k, m0 6= k 0 , (4.3.39)

where we have
hm0 | ρ̂˙ I (t) |mi = δmm0 hk| ρ̂I (t) |ki Rmmkk , (4.3.40)

and the delta function assures that this term is diagonal.

• The third condition is

m0 = m = k 0 = k, (4.3.41)
62 Chapter 4

hm0 | ρ̂˙ I (t) |mi = δmm0 hm0 | ρ̂I (t) |m0 i Rm0 m0 m0 m0 . (4.3.42)

By adding up these three contributions we finally can rewrite a time-independent version

of Eq. (4.3.35) as
hm0 | ρ̂˙ I (t) |mi = (1 − δmm0 ) hm0 | ρ̂I (t) |mi Rm0 mm0 m + δmm0 hk| ρ̂I (t) |ki Rmmkk
0 0
+ δmm0 hm | ρ̂I (t) |m i Rm0 m0 m0 m0 . (4.3.43)

If we remove the constraint m 6= m0 from the first condition, the Redfield coefficients
of the first condition can be grouped with the one from the the third condition since
Rm0 mm0 m = Rm0 m0 m0 m0 . Furthermore, we can use the condition given in Eq. (4.3.34) to
Rm0 mm0 m = − λ+
m0 ααm0 − λ−
mααm ≡ −Λm0 m (4.3.44)
α6=m0 α6=m


Rmmkk = λ+ +
kmmk + λkmmk = 2Reλkmmk ≡ Γ
. (4.3.45)

This allows us to rewrite Eq. (4.3.43) as

hm0 | ρ̂˙ I (t) |mi = δmm0 hk| ρ̂I (t) |ki Γkm − hm0 | ρ̂I (t) |mi Λm0 m . (4.3.46)

When we consider the diagonal terms, i.e. m = m0 , the second term of Eq. (4.3.46)
X  X mα

Λmm = λ+
mααm − λmααm = Γ (4.3.47)
α6=m α6=m

and we finally can write the so-called rate equation for the reduced density matrix operator
hm| ρ̂˙ I (t) |mi = hk| ρ̂I (t) |ki Γkm − hm| ρ̂I (t) |mi Γmk .


This equation will be extensively applied in the present work in Chapter 7 and Chapter 8.
The first term describes the increase in the population of a given state |mi, while the
second term describes the de-population of that state. For this reason, Eq. (4.3.48) is
often called gain and loss equation. The coefficients Γkm can be interpreted as transition
rates from the state |ki to the state |mi.
The off-diagonal elements, i.e. m 6= m0 , describe coherence between the states of the
system. In this case, the first term of Eq. (4.3.46) vanishes and we have

hm0 | ρ̂˙ I (t) |mi = − hm0 | ρ̂I (t) |mi Λm0 m . (4.3.49)
Density Matrix Formalism 63

The real part of the Λm0 m can be related to the transition rates, Γkm . By applying the
condition given by Eq. (4.3.33) to Eq. (4.3.44) and by using the result of Eq. (4.3.45) we
see that
X X 
Re (Λm0 m ) = Re λ+
m0 ααm0 + λ−
mααm =
α6=m0 α6=m
X X 
= Re λ+ 0
m ααm 0 + λ+
mααm =
α6=m0 α6=m
1 X m0 α
= Γ + Γmα . (4.3.50)
2 α6=m0 α6=m

The imaginary part is responsible for a small shift in the energies and can be disre-
garded. Finally, the matrix elements for the reduced density matrix can be written (in
i −i
the Schrödinger picture where ρ̂I (t) = e ~ ĤS ρ̂(t)e ~ ĤS ) as
˙ |mi =
hm| ρ̂(t) hk| ρ̂(t) |ki Γ km
− hm| ρ̂(t) |mi Γ mk
for m = m0

0 ˙ i 0 1  X m0 α X mα  0
hm | ρ̂(t) |mi for m 6= m0 .
hm | ρ̂(t) |mi = − hm | ĤS , ρ̂(t) |mi − Γ + Γ
~ 2 α6=m0 α6=m


4.3.7 Transition rates

The probability, Pf (t), to find a quantum system in a final state |f i at a time t,
starting from the system in the initial state |ii, is given by |hf |ii|2 . The time derivative
of the probability, ∂t P(t), is therefore the change in probability per unit of time. This is
what we define as transition rate, namely

Γif ≡ ∂t P(t) = ∂t |hf |ii|2 . (4.3.52)

In this Section we derive explicitly the equations for the transition rates defined in
Eq. (4.3.45). In order to do that, we need to solve the correlation functions inside the
integrals in Eq. (4.3.30) and Eq. (4.3.31). By writing them explicitly, we have
hrˆi (t00 )rˆj i = hR| rˆi (t00 ) |R0 i hR0 | rˆj |R00 i hR00 | χ̂R (0) |R00 i =
RR0 R00
i 00
= e ~ (ER −ER0 )t hR| rˆi |R0 i hR0 | rˆj |Ri hR| χ̂R (0) |Ri , (4.3.53)
64 Chapter 4

where we have considered the fact that the density matrix of the reservoir is diagonal, the
definition given in Eq. (4.3.18) and hR| ĤR |Ri = ER . Similarly, we can write
hrˆj rˆi (t00 )i = hR| rˆj |R0 i hR0 | rˆi (t00 ) |R00 i hR00 | χ̂R (0) |R00 i =
RR0 R00
i 00
= e ~ (ER0 −ER )t hR| rˆj |R0 i hR0 | rˆi |Ri hR| χ̂R (0) |Ri . (4.3.54)

We can now rewrite Eq. (4.3.45) as

Γkm = λ+ +
kmmk + λkmmk = 2Reλkmmk =
1 X  Z ∞ i 00
0 0
= 2 hR| χ̂R (0) |Ri hkR| ŝr̂ |mR i hmR | ŝr̂ |kRi dt00 e ~ (ER0 −ER +ωmk )t ,
~ RR0 −∞


where we have made the variable change t00 → −t00 in the second term. We can now use
the definition of Dirac delta function given by −∞ dke±ik(x−a) = 2πδ(x − a) and finally
we obtain
km 2π X
Γ = hR| χ̂R (0) |Ri hmR | V̂ |kRi δ(Ef − Ei ). (4.3.56)

~ RR0

Note that we have defined Ei ≡ EkR = ER + k and Ef ≡ EmR0 = ER0 + m . This is the
well-know Fermi’s Golden rule for the first order time dependent perturbation theory.

4.4 Master equation II

4.4.1 Equation of motion: AC potentials
We want to study the effect of an oscillating (AC) external potential applied to the
system S through, for instance, a gate voltage. The energy levels of the system will
oscillate as i → ˜i cos ωt. With the AC potential applied, the Hamiltonian given in
Eq. (4.3.6) becomes
Ĥ(t) = ĤS (t) + ĤR + V̂ , (4.4.1)

where ĤS (t) = ĤS + ĤAC (t) describes the time dependence of the system S. By applying
the unitary transformation
R 0 0
Û (t) = e− ~ dt ĤAC (t ) (4.4.2)
Density Matrix Formalism 65

to Eq. (4.4.1), the explicit time dependence of ĤS (t) can be removed

H̃(t) = Û † (t) Ĥ(t) − i~∂t Û (t) =
R 0   1R 0
dt ĤAC (t0 ) 0
=e ~ ĤS + ĤAC (t) + ĤR + V̂ − i~∂t e− ~ dt ĤAC (t ) =
1 0 0 1
dt0 ĤAC (t0 )
= ĤS + ĤR + e ~ dt ĤAC (t ) V̂ e− ~ =
= Ĥ + Ĥ + Ṽˆ (t),
S R (4.4.3)

where we have used the fact that [ĤS , ĤAC (t)] = [ĤR , ĤAC (t)] = [ĤAC (t), ĤAC (t)] = 0.
By employing the definition of Eq. (4.3.16), the interaction Hamiltonian can be written
in the interaction picture as

ṼˆI (t) =
X 1 R 1 1
R 1
 1 1

e ~ dtĤAC (t) e ~ ĤS t ŝi e− ~ dtĤAC (t) e− ~ ĤS t e ~ ĤR t r̂i e− ~ ĤR t =
X 1
R 1
R  1 1

= e~ dtĤS (t)
ŝi e− ~ dtĤS (t)
e ~ ĤR t r̂i e− ~ ĤR t =
= ŝi (t)r̂i (t). (4.4.4)

After considering the same approximations as in Sec. 4.3, namely, the separability, the
Born and the Markov approximation, one can insert Eq. (4.4.4) into Eq. (4.3.15) and follow
the same procedure. Again, the following set of state vectors {|Si} = {..., |mi , ..., |ni , ...}
are assumed to be the eigenstates of ĤS (t). However, the eigenvalues are now given as

1 1
hm| ŝi (t) |ni = hm| e ~ dtĤS (t)
ŝi e− ~ dtĤS (t)
|ni =
dt(~ωmn +ζmn cos ωt)
=e ~ hm| ŝi |ni , (4.4.5)

where hm| ĤS (t) |mi = m + ˜m cos ωt, ~ωmn = m − n and ζmn = ˜m − ˜n . We can then
rewrite the matrix elements of the commutators of Eq. (4.3.25) as

hm0 | sˆi (t), sˆj (t − t00 )ρ̂I (t) |mi = hm0 | sˆi (t)sˆj (t − t00 )ρ̂I (t) = −sˆj (t − t00 )ρ̂I (t)sˆi (t) |mi +
X ζm 0 k 00 ζkk0 00
= ei(ωm0 k t+ ~ω sin ωt) ei[ωkk0 (t−t )+ ~ω sin ω(t−t )] hm0 | ŝi |ki hk| ŝj |k 0 i hk 0 | ρ̂I (t) |mi
00 )+ ζm0 k0 ζkm

sin ω(t−t00 )] i(ωkm t+
− ei[ωm0 k0 (t−t ~ω e ~ω
sin ωt)
hm0 | ŝj |k 0 i hk 0 | ρ̂I (t) |ki hk| ŝi |mi (4.4.6)
66 Chapter 4


hm0 | sˆi (t), ρ̂I (t)sˆj (t − t00 ) |mi = hm0 | sˆi (t)ρ̂I (t)sˆj (t − t00 ) = −ρ̂I (t)sˆj (t − t00 )sˆi (t) |mi +
X ζm0 k0 00 ζkm 00
= ei(ωm0 k0 t+ ~ω sin ωt) ei[ωkm (t−t )=+ ~ω sin ω(t−t )] hm0 | ŝi |k 0 i hk 0 | ρ̂I (t) |ki hk| ŝj |mi +
00 )+ ζkk0 ζk 0 m 
sin ω(t−t00 )] i(ωk0 m t+
− ei[ωkk0 (t−t ~ω e ~ω
sin ωt)
hm0 | ρ̂I (t) |ki hk| ŝj |k 0 i hk 0 | ŝi |mi . (4.4.7)

By using the identity

eiαsin(ωt) = Jν (α)eiνωt , (4.4.8)

where Jν (α) is the ν-th order Bessel function of the first kind and α = ζkm /~ω, we can
define the coefficients
Akm (t) = ei(ωkm +αsinωt) = Jν (α)ei(ωkm +νωt) . (4.4.9)

Then Eq. (4.4.6) and Eq. (4.4.7) can be rewritten in a more simplified way as

hm0 | sˆi (t), sˆj (t − t00 )ρ̂I (t) |mi =

= Am0 k (t)Akk0 (t − t00 ) hm0 | ŝi |ki hk| ŝj |k 0 i hk 0 | ρ̂I (t) |mi +

00 0 0 0
− Am0 k0 (t − t )Akm (t) hm | ŝj |k i hk | ρ̂I (t) |ki hk| ŝi |mi (4.4.10)


hm0 | sˆi (t), ρ̂I (t)sˆj (t − t00 ) |mi =

= Am0 k0 (t)Akm (t − t00 ) hm0 | ŝi |k 0 i hk 0 | ρ̂I (t) |ki hk| ŝj |mi +

− Akk0 (t − t00 )Ak0 m (t) hm0 | ρ̂I (t) |ki hk| ŝj |k 0 i hk 0 | ŝi |mi . (4.4.11)

By inserting the results of Eq. (4.4.10) and Eq. (4.4.11) into Eq. (4.3.25), the matrix
elements of the density operator are
Density Matrix Formalism 67

Z ∞ (
1 X
hm0 | ρ̂˙ I (t) |mi = − 2 hk 0 | ρ̂I (t) |ki dt00
~ ijkk0 0
XX ζm0 l X ζlk0
δkm Jν Jν 0 hm0 | ŝi |li hl| ŝj |k 0 i hrˆi (t00 )rˆj i
l ν
~ω ν0

0 00
× ei(ωm0 l +νωt) ei[ωlk0 +ν ω(t−t )]
X  ζm0 k0  X 

− Jν Jν 0 hm0 | ŝj |k 0 i hk| ŝi |mi hrˆi (t00 )rˆj i
~ω ν0

00 0
× ei[ωm0 k0 +νω(t−t )] ei(ωkm +ν ωt)
X  ζm0 k0  X 

− Jν Jν 0 hm0 | ŝi |k 0 i hk| ŝj |mi hrˆj rˆi (t00 )i
~ω ν0

0 00
× ei(ωm0 k0 +νωt) ei[ωkm +ν ω(t−t )]
X X  ζkl  X 

+ δm 0 k 0 Jν Jν 0 hk| ŝj |li hl| ŝi |mi hrˆj rˆi (t00 )i
l ν
~ω ν0

00 0
× ei[ωkl +νω(t−t )] ei(ωlm +ν ωt) . (4.4.12)

As we did for Eq. (4.3.30) and Eq. (4.3.31), we can define, for simplicity, that
    Z ∞
1 X ζmk ζln 0 00
mkln,νν 0 = 2 Jν Jν 0 hm| ŝi |ki hl| ŝj |ni dt00 e−i(ωln +ν ω)t hrˆi (t00 )rˆj i
~ ij ~ω ~ω 0
    Z ∞
1 X ζmk ζln 00
mkln,νν 0 = 2 Jν 0 Jν hm| ŝj |ki hl| ŝi |ni dt00 e−i(ωmk +νω)t hrˆj rˆi (t00 )i,
~ ij ~ω ~ω 0
and we can now write the Redfield relaxation coefficients with the presence of an AC
potential as

Rm0 mk0 k,νν 0 = −δmk λ+ +
m0 llk0 + λm0 k0 km + λm0 k0 km − δm0 k0 λ−
kllm . (4.4.15)
l l

The matrix elements of the reduced density operator are given by

hm0 | ρ̂˙ I (t) |mi = hk 0 | ρ̂I (t) |ki Rm0 mk0 k,νν 0 ei[ωm0 k0 +ωkm +(ν+ν )ω]t . (4.4.16)
kk0 νν 0

When the frequency of the AC potential does not match the energy difference between
every two states of the sub-system S participating in the transition, only the secular terms
can be kept by considering ν 0 = −ν, i.e. the same reasoning applied from Eq. (4.3.36)
68 Chapter 4

to Eq. (4.3.43). Similarly to Eq. (4.3.44) and Eq. (4.3.45), we can define the following
Λm 0 m = − Rm0 mm0 m,ν−ν (4.4.17)

Γkm = Rmmkk,ν−ν = 2Re λ+
kmmk,ν−ν . (4.4.18)
ν ν

Finally, after following the steps from Eq. (4.3.46) to Eq. (4.3.51), we obtain (after going
back to the Schöedinger picture) an equation of motion formally identical to the case
without AC potential [see Eq. (4.3.51)].

4.4.2 Transition rates: AC potentials

In order to derive the transition rates for the case with of an AC potential, we need
first to calculate the correlation functions inside the integrals of the coefficients defined
in Eq. (4.4.13) and Eq. (4.4.14). In fact, they were already calculated in Eq. (4.3.53) and
Eq. (4.3.54). By inserting these results into Eq. (4.4.18), we have
Γkm = λ+
kmmk,ν−ν + λ−
kmmk,ν−ν = 2Re λ+
kmmk,ν−ν =
ν ν ν
1 X  Z ∞ i 00
0 0
= 2 hR| χ̂R (0) |Ri hkR| ŝr̂ |mR i hmR | ŝr̂ |kRi dt00 e ~ (ER0 −ER +~ωmk −~νω)t ,
~ νRR0 −∞


where we have used the property of the Bessel functions J−ν (α) = (−1)ν Jν (α) and made
the variable change t00 → −t00 in the integration limits of the second term. We can now
use the definition of Dirac delta function and finally write
2π X 2 ζmk 2
= Jν hR| χ̂R (0) |Ri hmR0 | V̂ |kRi δ(Ef − Ei ), (4.4.20)

~ νRR0 ~ω

where Ei ≡ EkR = ER + k + ν~ω and Ef ≡ EmR0 = ER0 + m . Moreover, ν is the number

of photons. This is again the Fermi’s Golden rule for the first order time dependent
perturbation theory in the presence of an AC potential acting on the quantum sub-system

4.5 T -matrix expansion and the generalized Fermi’s

golden rule
The T -matrix approach [122] and its leading-order approximation, namely, the Fermi’s
golden rule [108, 116, 115, 118, 123, 124] are used by several groups to describe tunneling
Density Matrix Formalism 69

processes, since they provide a simpler way to treat the problem. Bruus and Flensberg
employ this technique in relation to the tunneling problem. The derivation starts by
writing the Hamiltonian of the system as

Ĥ = ĤS + ĤR + V̂ eηt , (4.5.1)

| {z } |{z}
Ĥ0 V̂ (t)

where η is small and positive, so that the interaction between the quantum system and the
electrodes is switched on very slowly. The basic idea of the T -matrix approach is to apply
many-body scattering theory where one calculates the time evolution of the occupation
probabilities of a state of the system from the transition amplitudes.
Considering an initial state |ii, its time evolution is given by Eq. (4.1.5) or in the
interaction picture by
i i
|i(t)i = e− ~ Ĥ0 t ÛI (t, t0 )e ~ Ĥ0 t0 |ii , (4.5.2)

where the time-evolution operator is given by Eq. (4.2.4). The transition amplitudes
between the initial and a final state, |f i, is given by
  Z t Z t Z t1  
− i Ĥ t 1 1 i
Ĥ t

hf |i(t)i = f e ~ 0 I + dt1 V̂I (t1 ) − 2 dt1 V̂I (t1 ) dt2 V̂I (t2 ) + ... e ~ 0 0 i =
i~ t ~ t0 t
  Z t0 Z t Z t10  
− i Ĥ t 1 1 i
Ĥ t

= f e ~
dt1 V̂I (t1 ) − 2 dt1 V̂I (t1 ) dt2 V̂I (t2 ) + ... e ~ 0 0 i ,
i~ t0 ~ t0 t0


where the zeroth-order term vanishes since the two states are orthogonal before the inter-
action starts. It is then assumed that at time t0 , when the interaction is switched on, the
state of the total system can be written as a product of the sub-systems |i(t0 )i = |mi |ki,
i.e. as the product of the quantum system state |mi and the leads state |ki. This means
that, the system is in an eigenstate of Ĥ0 at time t0 with initial total energy Ei . In order
to make sure that the “turning on” time given by 1/η is well separated from the duration
t − t0 of the interaction, i.e. t − t0  1/η, we take t0 → −∞ (stationary state limit),
X 1  Z t Z t1 Z tn−1

hf |i(t)i = f dt dt ... dt V̂ (t )V̂ (t )...V̂ (t )e i . (4.5.4)

1 2 n I 1 I 2 I n


−∞ −∞ −∞

i i
By inserting V̂I (t) = e ~ Ĥ0 V̂ (t)e− ~ Ĥ0 into Eq. (4.5.4) we finally obtain, after performing
the integrations,

X eηt
hf |i(t)i = hf |T |ii , (4.5.5)

n=1 Ei − Ef + iη
70 Chapter 4

where Ei and Ef are the initial and final total energies and

1 1 1
T (E) = V̂ + V̂ V̂ + V̂ V̂ V̂ + ... (4.5.6)
Ei − Ĥ0 + iη Ei − Ĥ0 + iη Ei − Ĥ0 + iη

is the definition of the so-called T -matrix. By taking the time-derivative of |hf |i(t)i|2 as
given in Eq. (4.3.52) one write

Γif = |hf |T |ii|2 δ(Ef − Ei ), (4.5.7)

which is the generalized Fermi’s golden rule.

4.5.1 Connection between the WBR master equation and the

T -matrix
For many problems, it is assumed that the off-diagonal components of the reduced
density matrix operator rapidly decay and, therefore, they can be neglected. Thus, only
the diagonal terms of Eq. (4.3.51) are calculated. For example, if two states |mi and
|ni differ in an observable that strongly couples to the environment, the superpositions
between these states will rapidly decay due to the interaction. This is important because
in the derivation of the T -matrix, there is no information about coherences, whereas in
the derivation of the WBR-ME, this is naturally included in Eq. (4.3.51). If we consider
that the initial state |ii and final state |f i can be written as products of the many-body
states of the molecule |ki and of the leads |Ri, summing over the leads states leads to
the transition rates with the exact form of Eq. (4.3.56)

2π X 2
Γkm = hR| χ̂R (0) |Ri hmR0 | T |kRi δ(Ef − Ei ), (4.5.8)

~ RR0

where the perturbation V̂ is replaced by the T -matrix. In the same way as done in the
derivation of the WBR-ME, it is considered here that the probability to find the leads in
the initial state, hR| χ̂R (0) |Ri, at time t0 → −∞ to be independent of state of S.
Eq. (4.5.8) is the rate of change of the probability of the state |mi under the condition
that S was in state |ki at time t0 → −∞. In other words, within the T -matrix approach we
are considering the stationary state limit. However, within the density matrix approach,
[derivation of Eq. (4.3.56)], one calculates the rate of change of the probability of the state
|mi under the condition that S is in a state |ki at the same time t, immediately before
a possible transition. This means that, the T -matrix approach considers the stationary
occupations of the states, whereas in the WBR-ME this is done at a particular time, but
it is yet local in time. Moreover, the Markov approximation is also implicitly included in
the T -matrix approach because the occupations do not change between the times t0 and
Density Matrix Formalism 71

To leading order terms, T ≡ V̂ , the two transition rates given by Eq. (4.3.56) and
Eq. (4.5.8) are identical, since the latter reduces to the Fermi’s golden rule. However,
to higher order processes the two equations describe different quantities [108, 123]. In
particular, the T -matrix approach misses higher order contributions when compared to
the WBR-ME and these terms are responsible for canceling out the divergent terms in
Eq. (4.5.8) [108, 123]. The divergent terms appear already when considering fourth-order
in the tunneling Hamiltonian due to the second-order poles from the energy denominators.
Therefore, Eq. (4.5.8) can not be directly evaluated. This is because within a purely
perturbative approach, the energy of the virtual states are considered to be well defined,
i.e. with infinite lifetime [121]. In order to circumvent this problem, a regularization
scheme has been developed by Koch et al. [116, 115, 114, 120, 121], and in Appendix C.4
we show in detail how to obtain the regularized transition rates that we will use in
Chapter 7 and Chapter 8 in order to describe cotunneling processes.
Chapter 5

Organic/Inorganic Interfaces

5.1 The energy level alignment problem

5.1.1 DFT-LDA and energy level alignment
In general, conventional electronic structure theory struggles when predicting the levels
alignment at a metal/molecule interface, since only rarely non-local correlation effects are
explicitly included. This is for instance the case of DFT , as discussed in Sec. 2.5.1,
Sec. 2.5.2 and Sec. 2.5.3. Moreover, in static DFT the standard approximations to the
exchange and correlation functional, including the LDA [72], hybrid functionals [74, 75]
or explicitly SIC ones [85, 125], do not include or they do but just poorly, non-local
correlation effects. This means that, although even when some of the functionals can
predict with satisfactory accuracy the energy levels of the molecule in the gas phase,
they all fail in describing properly the level renormalization as the molecule approaches
the surface. For instance in the LDA there is no change in the HOMO-LUMO gap as a
molecule gets closer to a metallic surface [126].
A conceptually straightforward way to include such non-local correlation effects in the
description is that of using many-body perturbation theory, namely the GW approxima-
tion constructed on top of DFT [127, 128, 129]. This approach has been used in the last
few years for predicting levels alignment [126, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134], in general with a
good success. The drawback of the GW scheme stays with its computational overheads,
which limit the system size that can be tackled. This is particularly critical for the prob-
lem at hand since the typical simulation cells for a molecule on a surface are in general
rather large. Furthermore, as the image charge may spread well beyond the size of the
molecule investigated, one may even require cells significantly larger than those needed
to physically contain the molecule.
Alternatives to the GW approach, which to some degree also go beyond taking the
simple DFT Kohn-Sham spectrum, include scissor operators (the DFT+Σ approach) [135,
136, 137, 138, 139, 140], where the HOMO and LUMO eigenvalues are shifted to match

Organic/Inorganic Interfaces 73

values obtained either from experimental data or from separate total energy difference cal-
culations (∆SCF) plus classical image charge models, and modified ∆SCF schemes [141,

5.1.2 Charge-transfer energies: CDFT method

Using the CDFT approach presented in Sec. 2.6 we can evaluate the charge transfer
energy between the molecules and the metal surface, and hence the position of the fron-
tier energy levels with respect to the EF of the metal. For a given substrate size and
perpendicular distance, d, between the molecule and the surface atoms, first a standard
DFT calculation without constraints is performed. This determines the total ground state
energy of the combined molecule+substrate system, E(mol/sub; d), and the amount of
charge present on each fragment, one fragment being the molecule and the other the
substrate. The molecule is only weakly coupled to the substrate, so that the amount
of charge on each fragment is a well defined quantity. Although CDFT is designed for
arbitrary geometries and constraints, in the case of overlapping fragments the amount of
charge localized on each fragment becomes ill defined and the results have to be taken
with care [91]. The next step consists in performing a new DFT calculation, where the
constraint is set in such a way that one electron is removed from the molecule and one
electron is added to the substrate. The total energy of such charge transfer state is
E(mol+ /sub− ; d). Hence the charge transfer energy needed to transfer one electron from
the molecule to the substrate, ECT , is given by

ECT (d) = E(mol+ /sub− ; d) − E(mol/sub; d) . (5.1.1)

In an analogous way we obtain the charge transfer energy gained by moving one electron

from the surface to the molecule, ECT , as

ECT (d) = E(mol/sub; d) − E(mol− /sub+ ; d) , (5.1.2)

where E(mol− /sub+ ; d) is the CDFT ground state energy of the configuration where one
electron is moved from the metal surface to the molecule. Note that such procedure always
deals with globally charge neutral simulation cells, so that no monopole energy corrections
are necessary under periodic boundary conditions. Moreover, for practical calculations
the charge-transfer approach can be expected to be more accurate than a calculation
using non-neutral cells, where the metal is kept neutral but the molecule is charged.
For such non-neutral calculations the image charge is formed on the metal surface in an
analogous way to the charge-transfer setup. However, in order for the metal cluster to be
charge neutral a charge with opposite sign will also form on the surface of the metallic
cluster. Given the finite size of the cluster this will lead to additional inaccuracies due to
74 Chapter 5

the interaction between the image charge and such spuriously-confined additional surface
Within the charge transfer procedure we can directly determine the energy level align-
+ −
ment at the interface, since -ECT (-ECT ) corresponds to the energy of the HOMO (LUMO)
with respect to the substrate EF . In a similar constrained-DFT approach [142] Sau and
co-workers calculated the charging energy associated to transferring small amounts of
charge from the substrate to a specific molecular orbital. The charge transfer energy was
then obtained by extrapolation to integer charge. In order to avoid the use of such extrap-
olation here we always transfer an entire electron between the molecule and the substrate.
Since a CDFT calculation has a computational cost only marginally more expensive than
that of a standard DFT ground-state one (the CPU time increases by about a factor two
over the entire self-consistent cycle), CDFT allows us the study of large organic molecules
on surfaces. This is a prohibitive task for many-body-corrected quasi-particle schemes,
such as the GW method.

5.1.3 Case of study: benzene/Li interface

We apply this approach to a benzene/Li interface, as shown in Fig. 5.1, for which we
can compare with results from the literature. In our calculations we consider d ranging
from 4 Å to 14 Å. We apply the CDFT method to compute the energy level alignment of a
benzene molecule as a function of its distance, d, from a Li(100) surface. The calculations
are performed using norm-conserving relativistic pseudopotentials [143], and the LDA [72]
for the exchange-correlation potential. The real space grid is set by an equivalent mesh-
cutoff of 300 Ry and the charge density and all the operators are expanded over a double-ζ
polarized basis set with an energy-shift of 0.03 eV [96]. The Li metallic surface is modeled
by a 6 atomic layer thick slab. The bcc primitive unit cell lattice constant is set to 3.51 Å.
We consider two types of boundary conditions in the plane of the Li substrate surface,
namely periodic boundary conditions (PBC) and non-periodic boundary conditions (non-
PBC). Furthermore, in order to investigate the finite size effects originating from the size
of the Li surface, we consider three different cell sizes (for both PBC and non-PBC),
namely small (3×3 atoms per layer), intermediate (6×6) and large (12×12) (see Fig. 5.1).
In the case of non-PBC the real-space box containing the Li slab supercell has dimensions
55×55×55 Å3 . This is chosen in such a way that even for the 12×12 slab there is at least
15 Å of vacuum between the Li slab and the boundaries of the simulation box. By using
a cubic box one can apply Madelung corrections in siesta, i.e. by adding a compensating
background charge in order to avoid the divergence of the electrostatic potential. These
are necessary since the electrostatic potential is calculated by using periodic boundary
conditions [144]. In the case of PBC the in-plane dimensions are set by the Li supercell
size and thus are 10.56×10.56 Å2 , 21.09×21.09 Å2 and 42.12×42.12 Å2 , respectively for
Organic/Inorganic Interfaces 75

Figure 5.1: Top-view ball-stick representation of a benzene molecule at a Li(001) surface

for a Li(001) 12×12 supercell. The dashed rectangles show the 3×3 (purple) and 6×6
(green) supercells. The inset in panel is the side view of the benzene lying flat at a
distance d from the surface.

the 3×3, 6×6 and 12×12 cell. The cell dimension in the direction perpendicular to the
surface plane is the same as for the case of non-PBC, namely 55 Å.
We use two different boundary conditions for the Li surface in order to investigate
the effects arising from the spurious dipole-dipole interaction between image supercells.
The size of this spurious interactions can be reduced by increasing the size of the unit
cell. For the PBC setup the dimensions in the plane are set by the Li cluster size,
while for non-PBC calculations we use a large simulation cell which minimizes the dipole-
dipole interaction between periodic images. In this way we can disentangle the effects of
changing the extension of the Li surface in plane from those associated with the size of
the simulation box. Furthermore, in the case of non-PBC, edge effects may arise and our
aim is to find the required cluster and cell size that gives quantitatively accurate charge
transfer energies.
In order to determine the energy level alignment between the molecule and the surface,
we first need to determine the Li workfunction (WF ). This is calculated by performing a
simulation for the Li slab with PBC and no benzene adsorbed and by taking the difference
between the vacuum potential and the slab EF . The so obtained value for the Li(001) WF
is 2.91 eV. This is in fair agreement with previous calculations (3.03 eV) [145], which have
also shown that the Li WF can vary by about 0.5 eV depending on the crystallographic
orientation of the surface. The experimental values reported for polycrystalline Li vary
considerably (2.3-3.1 eV), as discussed in Ref. [146] and references therein.
In the case of non-PBC the Li substrate is essentially a giant molecule and we can
calculate the I P and the E A by means of the ∆SCF method, where I P = E (N −1) − E (N )
76 Chapter 5

Table 5.1: Ionization potential (I P ), electron affinity (E A ) and quasi particle gap (EQP ),
in eV, for the three Li substrates considered and for the benzene molecule in the gas phase
compared with experimental data and GW calculations.
Li substrates
3×3 6×6 12×12 benzene gas phase
I P 3.46 3.44 3.55 9.56 9.23a /9.05f /7.9e 9.24c
E A 1.57 2.18 2.63 -1.45 -0.80a /-1.51f /-2.7e -1.14d
EQP 1.89 1.26 0.92 11.01 10.51b /10.55f /10.6e 10.38

Ref. [150]; b Ref. [126]; c Ref. [147]; d Ref. [148]; e Ref. [131]; f Ref. [151]

and E A = E (N ) −E (N +1) (N is the number of electrons in the neutral system). The results
are listed in Tab. 5.1 for the different Li cluster sizes. We note that there is a substantial
difference between I P and the E A , resulting in a quasi-particle energy gap of the order of
1 eV for the Li clusters. Such a gap arises because of the charge confinement in the finite
cluster. In this case electron-electron repulsion energy leads to a decrease of the E A and
an increase of the I P as compared to the WF calculated with PBC. If instead of adding a
full electron we add/remove a small fractional charge (0.1 of an electron), electron-electron
repulsion energy becomes negligible, the gap disappears, and we obtain I P =3.1 eV and
E A =3.0 eV. Likewise, the gap is reduced for larger clusters, in which the electron density
of the additional electron/hole can delocalize more. Before investigating the combined
molecule/Li system we calculate also the I P and the E A for the isolated benzene molecule,
and our results are shown in Tab. 5.1. We find the energy gap for the molecule in the gas
phase, EQP = I P − E A , to be in good agreement with experiments [147, 148], with other
works using the ∆SCF [149] approach and with GW calculations [126, 150].
The benzene/Li interface [see Fig. 5.1] consists of a benzene molecule, in its gas phase
geometry, positioned parallel to the Li surface at a distance d. We now evaluate the
dependence of the various charge transfer energies (positions of the HOMO and LUMO)
on d for all the different Li supercells as well as for both non-PBC and PBC.

Supercell size dependence

We start by investigating how the charge transfer energies depend on the size of the
supercell, therefore, for calculations performed with non-PBC. In Fig. 5.2(a) we plot −ECT

and −ECT as a function of d for all the three Li clusters considered. As expected, due to the
electron-hole attraction, the absolute value of the charge transfer energy decreases as d gets
smaller. This in itself shows that CDFT can capture non-local Coulomb contributions to
the energy. While for small d the energies of the three different clusters are approximately
Organic/Inorganic Interfaces 77

(a) non-PBC PBC (b)

4 -
-(E CT)

0 3x3 3x3 0
6x6 6x6
12x12 12x12
-4 -(E ) -4

-8 -(Imol-WF) -8
5 10 15 5 10 15
d(Å) d(Å)
− +
Figure 5.2: Negative of the charge transfer energy, ECT , and removal energy, ECT , as
a function of the molecule-surface distance, d, for the three clusters considered. Panels
(a) and (b) are for non-PBC and PBC calculations, respectively. The green dashed-lines
represent the negative of the I P and E A of the isolated molecule (∆SCF calculations)
shifted by the calculated Li WF of 2.91 eV.

equal to each other, for large distances they differ significantly. In order to determine the
origin of such deviations we evaluate the same energies in the limit of very large distances
(d → ∞), where they become

+ P A
ECT (∞) = Imol − ELi (5.1.3)

− A P
ECT (∞) = Emol − ILi , (5.1.4)

since the interaction energy between the charge on the Li slab and that on the molecule
vanishes for d → ∞. The charge transfer energy gap is then given by

gap + −
ECT (∞) = ECT (∞) − ECT (∞) =
= Imol − Emol + (ILi − ELi ).

While Imol and Emol are independent of the cluster size, this is not the case for ILi and
ELi (see Table 5.1). This reflects in the fact that the charge transfer energies at large
molecule-surface separation varies with the cluster size (see Table 5.2).
At large distances the variation of ECT with the Li cluster sizes is mainly caused
A − P
by significant changes in ELi . Interestingly this is not the case for ECT , since ILi is
approximately the same for all the Li clusters considered. As d gets smaller the extension
of the image charge on the Li slab is reduced, so that even small clusters are large enough
to contain most of the image charge. Therefore the energy differences depend less on the
+ −
cluster size. For d up to about 6 Å, Fig. 5.2(a) shows that ECT and ECT are converged
even for the small 3×3 supercell. Since in organic-based devices the first molecular layer
deposited on top of the metallic substrate is typically rather close to the surface, we
78 Chapter 5

Table 5.2: Charge transfer energies (in eV) in the limit of large distances (d → ∞)
for the three molecule/Li cluster cells investigated. Values are obtained by evaluating
Eqs. (5.1.3-5.1.6) with the I P ’s and the E A ’s taken from Tab. 5.1.
Li substrates
3×3 6×6 12×12
ECT (∞) 7.99 7.38 6.93

ECT (∞) 4.91 4.89 5.0
ECT (∞) 12.9 12.27 11.93

expect that in these situations a rather small cluster size will be already sufficient for
our CDFT scheme to yield accurately converged levels alignment. This means that the
CDFT approach is a valuable tool for an accurate evaluation of the electronic structure
of molecules on surfaces in realistic conditions. Finally, when one looks at larger d, it is
immediately clear that larger cluster sizes must be considered. The green dashed lines
in Fig. 5.2 correspond to the infinite cluster size limit, for which we have ILi = ELi =
WF ≈ 2.9 eV. It can then be seen that even up to the largest considered d of 14 Å results
obtained for the 12×12 cluster are within the infinite cluster limit (set in the figure by
the two green dashed lines), so that they can be considered converged.

Substrate size dependence

We now move to the case of PBC, in which there are no edge effects due to the
finite size of the cell. Results for the charge transfer energies are presented in Fig. 5.2(b).
Although the general trends are analogous to the ones found for the case of non-PBC, we
note that for the 3×3 supercell the changes in the charge transfer energy as a function of d
are largely overestimated. This is due to the use of PBC, in which the lateral dimensions
of the supercell box coincide to those of the Li slab (i.e., there is no vacuum). Because of
the PBC one effectively simulates a layer of charged molecules and not a single molecule
on the surface. Thus, when the molecules are closely spaced, the charge transfer energy
is that of two opposite charged surfaces facing each other (the molecular layer and the
Li slab). This is significantly larger than that of a single molecule (note that we always
compare the charge transfer energy per cell, i.e., per molecule). When one increases the
size of the supercell and arrives to 12×12, both PBC and non-PBC calculations produce
the same results. This confirms the observation that the 12×12 supercell is large enough
to contain a substantial part of the image charge as well as to minimize the Coulomb
interaction between repeated supercell images up to d = 14 Å.
From the charge transfer energies we can now obtain an approximate value of the
energies of the HOMO and LUMO orbitals, by offsetting them with the metal WF , so
+ −
that EHOMO ' −(ECT + WF ) and ELUMO ' −(ECT + WF ). Note that if the metal
substrate is semi-infinite in size, then these relations become exact, since by definition the
Organic/Inorganic Interfaces 79


2.2 (b) (c) 11


2 d0 10

1.8 9

5 10 15 5 10 15
(d) (e)

-8.4 Classical Model 1.2

-8.8 0.8
-9.2 0.4
-9.6 0
5 10 15 5 10 15
d(Å) d(Å)

Figure 5.3: Image charge analysis. (a) Isosurface of the difference between the charge
densities calculated with DFT (ground state) and CDFT (charge transfer state), ∆ρ(r).
Note the formation and the spatial distribution of the image charge. Different panels cor-
respond to different molecule/surface distances, d. The isosurfaces are taken at 10−4 e/Å3 .
Red isosurfaces denote negative ∆ρ(r) (electrons depletion), while blue are for positive
∆ρ(r) (electrons excess). (b) position of the charge image plane taken from the surface

atoms [see Eq. (5.1.9)] , respectively when one electron, d+
0 , or one hole, d0 , is transferred
from the molecule to the Li substrate for the 12×12 PBC calculations as a function of
d. (c), (d) and (e) are ECT , EHOMO and ELUMO , respectively, as a function of d and
compared with the classical model of Eq. (5.1.7). The dashed-green lines are -Imol and
-Emol calculated with ∆SCF.
80 Chapter 5

energy required to remove an electron from the metal and that gained by adding it are
equal to the workfunction. However, in a practical calculation a finite size slab is used,
and therefore the relations are only approximately valid due to the inaccuracies in the
calculated WF for finite systems. As shown above, the WF becomes more accurate as the
cluster size is increased.
In Fig. 5.3(d) and Fig. 5.3(e) are shown the calculated values for the 12×12 supercell
and PBC obtained by using the Li WF of the infinite slab of 2.91 eV, and in Fig. 5.3(c) we
gap + −
present ECT (d) = ECT (d) − ECT (d). In order to quantify how the image charge changes
± ±
the charge transfer energies as a function of d, we can write ECT (d) = ECT (∞) + V (d),
where the new quantity V (d) corresponds to the energy lowering due to the distance de-
pendent electron-hole attraction. It was demonstrated a long time ago [152], by using
self-consistent DFT calculations, that for flat surfaces V (d) can be accurately approxi-
mated by the classical image charge energy gain

−q 2
V (d) = , (5.1.7)
4(d − d0 )

for a single surface and for a point charge interacting with two infinite flat surfaces [138,
137] by
U (d) = − ln2. (5.1.8)
2(d − d0 )
The later will be useful in Chapter 6 when we discuss the transport through molecular
junctions. On both equations, q is the charge on the molecule, and d0 is the height of the
image charge plane with respect to the topmost surface atomic layer
R dB
z ∆ρxy (z; d) dz
d0 (d) = RAdB . (5.1.9)
∆ρxy (z; d) dz

In other words d0 can be interpreted as the center of gravity of the screening charge
density localized on the metal surface, and in general it depends on d. Here ∆ρxy (z; d) =
dxdy∆ρ(r; d) and ∆ρ(r; d) is the difference between the charge densities of the DFT
(ground state) and the CDFT (charge transfer state) solutions for a fixed d. Note that the
charge transfer between the surface and the molecule leads to the formation of a spurious
charge layer on the back side of the Li slab (i.e. opposite to the surface where the molecule
is placed), which is due to the finite number of atomic layers used to simulate the metal
surface. In order not to consider such spurious charge while evaluating the integral in
Eq. (5.1.9), the two integration limits, dA and dB , are chosen in the following way: 1) dA
is taken after the first two ∆ρ(d) charge oscillations on the back of the cluster, and 2) dB
is the distance at which ∆ρ(d) changes sign between the top Li layer and the molecule
(i.e. it is in the vacuum).
Fig. 5.3(a) provides a visual representation of the image charge formation as the
Organic/Inorganic Interfaces 81

molecule approaches the surface and shows isosurface plots of ∆ρ(r; d) for different dis-
tances d. Here we present the case in which one electron is removed from the molecule
and added to the Li surface. As one would expect, the further away the molecule is from
the surface the more delocalized the image charge becomes [152]. Note that the isosurface
value is kept constant for all d (∆ρ(r; d) = 10−4 e/Å3 ), so that the apparent shrinking of
the image charge for d = 11 Å simply reflects the fact that most of the image charge is
now spread at an average density smaller than 10−4 e/Å3 . Likewise, no isosurface contour
appears on the Li slab for d = 14 Å, since now the image charge is rather uniformly spread
at low density. In contrast at small d the oscillations of the charge density between the
atomic layers of the metallic surface can also be seen. It can also be seen that at 4 Å the
charges on the molecule and the image charge on the Li surface start to overlap. Note
that for even shorter distances, when the overlap becomes very large, the CDFT approach
presented here becomes ill defined, since the charge on each fragment is not well defined
By evaluating Eq. (5.1.9) we now determine d0 (d) and the results obtained for the

12×12 PBC calculations are shown in Fig. 5.3(b) for both electron (d+ 0 ) and hole (d0 )
transfer from the molecule to the surface. The average d0 values are 1.81 Å and 1.72 Å

for d+0 and d0 , respectively. Although the two values are similar, they are not identical.
This is consistent with the small band-gap of the Li slab, which indicates that holes and

electrons behave differently. The average values of d+0 and d0 can now be used to evaluate
Eq. (5.1.7) for the classical model. The results are shown in Fig. 5.3(c) to Fig. 5.3(e) and
demonstrate that the classical model works remarkably well for this system (the calculated
slope of both EHOMO (d) and EHOMO (d) matches almost perfectly that obtained by CDFT).
It also shows once again that the results for our 12×12 PBC cell are indeed well converged
with respect to the slab and cell size.
Finally we make a comparison between our results and those available in the literature
for many-body based calculations. We find an overall reduction of ECT of 2.5 eV, when
the benzene moves from infinity to d = 4.5 Å. Garcı́a-Lastra et al. [131] studied the
dependence of the frontier quasi-particle energy levels of a benzene molecule as a function
of the distance to a Li substrate by means of GW calculations. They found an overall
reduction in EQP of ∼3.2 eV as compared to the benzene HOMO-LUMO gap in the gas
phase, as one can extract from Fig. 1(c) of Ref. [131]. The authors also fit their GW
results to the classical model, finding the best match fitting for d0 = 1.72 Å, in very
good agreement with our calculated value. There is a small discrepancy in the results of
Ref. [131], since if one uses the classical model of Eq. (5.1.7) with d0 = 1.72 Å, then the
HOMO-LUMO gap reduction should be smaller than 3.2 eV, namely 2.6 eV at d = 4.5 Å.
Note that the GW results are obtained for cells much smaller than the converged 12×12
used here. If we now force the classical model to fit our results for the 3×3 and 6×6
supercells, we will obtain respectively d0 = 2.3 Å and d0 = 2.1 Å, for a corresponding
82 Chapter 5

gap reduction of 3.27 eV and 3.0 eV. In these two cases however the fit is good at all
d only for the 6×6 supercell, while it breakes down for the 3×3 one for d beyond 8 Å.
This is somehow expected since for large molecular coverage (the 3×3 cell) the point-like
classical approximation is no longer valid.

5.2 Conclusion
In summary, we have applied the CDFT discussed in Sec. 2.6 to determine the energy
levels alignment of metal/organic interfaces in the weak electron coupling regime, i.e.
for molecules physisorbed on surfaces [153]. In particular we have demonstrated how
the frontier energy levels of a benzene molecule change, leading to a HOMO-LUMO gap
reduction, when the molecule is brought close to a Li(100) surface. This effect is due to
the screening charge formed on the metal surface. We have then shown that, in order
to obtain quantitatively converged results, rather large metal cluster sizes are needed
for large distances, whereas at small molecule-metal separations smaller clusters can also
give quantitatively accurate results. Our calculated value for the image charge plane
is 1.72 Å and 1.80 Å for E A and I P , respectively, in good agreement with the values
fitted from GW calculations. Using these distances for the image charge plane height
we have compared our ab initio results with a classical electrostatic model and found
good agreement. The approach presented here offers several advantages over many-body
quasi-particles schemes, namely: (i) rather large systems can be calculated, since the
computational costs are similar to those of standard DFT calculations; (ii) surfaces with
arbitrary shapes and reconstruction can be studied, including defective and contaminated
surfaces; (iii) it gives a direct way of determining the position of the image charge for such
interfaces. Overall CDFT applied to the levels alignment problem appears as a promising
tool for characterizing theoretically organic/inorganic interfaces, so that it has a broad
appeal in fields such as organic electronics, solar energy devices and spintronics.
Chapter 6

Ab initio Approach to Quantum


6.1 Case of study: Au-benzenedithiol molecular junc-

As discussed in Chapter 1, the well-known prototype molecular junction that consists
of a benzene-1,4-dithiol molecule between two gold electrodes is still not fully understood.
This is partially due to the nature of the experiments, where several different geometrical
contacts can be accessed during the stretching process of the junction. This leads to a
statistical character of the experimental analysis. From the theoretical point of view, the
quantitative description of such molecular junctions is challenging for two main reasons.
Firstly, realistic electrode configurations and many arrangements should be considered
in the calculations, which becomes prohibitive within a fully ab initio approach. More
recently, we have [29, 30] applied a sophisticated method that combines Monte Carlo (MC)
simulations and classical molecular dynamics (MD) to simulate the junction stretching
process, allowing the sampling of hundreds of contact geometries between the molecule
and the electrodes. In addition, it is generally assumed in the literature [154, 155, 156,
157, 29, 30, 158, 25, 26, 159, 28, 27, 160] that when the molecule attaches to the gold
electrodes, the hydrogen atoms linked to the thiol groups are dissociated to form a thiolate-
Au bond. However, recent DFT calculations exploring the details of the adsorption of the
benzene-1,4-dithiol on gold have been reported [161, 162]. They find that the thiol-Au
structure is energetically more stable than its thiolate-Au counterparts. This is true both
when the molecule binds to a perfect flat surface [161] or to an adatom [162]. In fact,
we demonstrate by means of stability and transport properties calculations that the thiol
junctions can not be disregarded [31].
Usually transport calculations rely on the Kohn-Sham (KS) eigenvalues to evaluate G,
even though these eigenvalues can not be rigorously interpreted as quasi-particle energy

84 Chapter 6

levels. The only exception is for the HOMO energy, which is equal to the negative of the
ionization potential [77, 79, 78], as discussed in Sec. 2.5.1. As discussed in Chapter 5, the
quasi-particle energy gap, EQP , of a molecule shrinks with respect to that of the gas phase
by adsorbing the molecule on a polarizable substrate. Nevertheless, electronic structure
theories usually used for such calculations can only partly account for this renormalization
of the molecular energy levels when the junction is formed. DFT, within the standard
local and semi-local approximations to the exchange-correlation (XC) energy does not
include non-local correlation effects, such as the dynamical response of the electron system
to adding electrons or holes to the molecule. This limits its ability to predict the energy
level alignment, when compared to experiments, which often leads to overestimated values
for G [163]. Moreover, the lack of the derivative discontinuity and the self-interaction
error in DFT-LDA, as discussed in Sec. 2.5.2 and Sec. 2.5.3, respectively, contributes to
aggravate the problem. Therefore, different alternative approaches and corrections have
been proposed to improve the description of the energy level alignment. These include,
for instance, ASIC [27, 85], CDFT [153] and scissor operator (SCO) schemes [138, 159,
126, 163, 137].
In this Chapter we investigate, by means of total energy DFT and quantum transport
calculations, the stability and conductivity of thiol and thiolate molecular junctions. We
compare the results for the two systems and we relate them to experimental data. In
Sec. 6.1.1 we present a systematic study of the adsorption process of two thiol-terminated
molecules, namely, methanethiol and benzene-1,4-dithiol on Au(111) flat surface. For the
latter, we also compare the stability of the thiol and thiolate systems when the junction
is formed for several contact geometries [25, 26, 27, 29, 30]. In Sec. 6.1.2 we discuss the
energy level alignment, and present three methods used to correct the DFT-LDA molec-
ular energy levels, namely CDFT, ASIC and SCO. Based on these results in Sec. 6.1.4
we discuss the transport properties and present the dependence of G on the electrodes
separation (L) for flat-flat contact geometries, for both the thiol and thiolate junctions.
Finally, in Sec. 6.1.6 we present a combination of classical molecular dynamics and Monte
Carlo to simulate more realistic configurations for the thiolate molecular junctions. Then,
transport calculations are performed for representative molecular junctions and we com-
pare with available experimental data.

6.1.1 Stability study of thiol-terminated molecules on a Au(111)

flat surface and junctions
In this section we present a systematic study, by means of total energy DFT calcu-
lations, of the stability of thiol-terminated molecules on Au(111) flat surfaces, as well as
when the molecule is attached to two Au electrodes forming a molecular junction. For
the systems presented in this section, the gold surface is modeled by considering a 3×3
Ab initio Approach to Quantum Transport 85

surface unit cell five-layer thick. This corresponds to a surface coverage of 1/3 [26, 161].
The three bottom layers of gold are kept fixed during the relaxation. For the junctions
shown in Fig. 6.3 we use a slightly larger 4×4 surface unit cell, in order to be able to
model the tip-tip-like contact as well.
We first discuss the adsorption process of benzene-1-4-dithiol (C6 H6 S2 ) on the Au(111)
flat surface, and compare it to adsorption properties of methanethiol (CH3 SH). These
molecules represent two distinct classes, namely, aromatic and linear hydrocarbon com-
pounds, respectively. From this point on, we refer to benzene-1-4-dithiol as BDT2H in
order to distinguish it from the benzene-1-thiolate-4-thiol C6 H5 S2 (BDT1H), and from
benzene-1-4-dithiolate C6 H4 S2 (BDT). The calculations are performed as follows: (i) a
system with the molecule terminated by a thiol group (RSH/Au), where R = CH3 for
the methanethiol and R = C6 H5 S for the BDT2H, is placed close to the Au(111) surface
and the geometry is relaxed. (ii) Then a second system is built where the molecule is now
terminated by a thiolate group and a H atom is attached to the surface (RS/Au + H), and
again the geometry is relaxed. Fig. 6.1(a-c) shows the relaxed structures for the dissocia-
tive adsorption of the methanethiol molecule, and the analogous structures are shown for
the BDT2H in Fig. 6.1(d-f). For the RSH/Au system, the molecule is tilted with respect
to its vertical axis perpendicular to the surface, whereas for the RS/(Au + H) system the
molecule is upright sitting on a hollow-site. Our relaxed geometries are in good agreement
with literature [160, 161]. We have also calculated the binding energies, as given by

Eb = ET (RSH/Au) − ET (Au) − ET (RSH), (6.1.1)

for the methanethiol and methanethiolate molecules on the Au(111) surface, and we
find 0.63 eV and 1.42 eV, respectively. For the BDT2H we find 0.12 eV whereas for the
BDT1H, Eb is equal to 1.53 eV. Finally, we consider a third structure for which the H atom
attached to the surface is released from the surface to form a H2 molecule (RS + H2 )/Au.
The formation energy of the thiolate structure with a H atom attached to the surface is
given by
Ef = ET (RSH/Au) − ET (RS/(Au + H)). (6.1.2)

Similarly, the formation energy for the dissociative adsorption followed by the formation
of a H2 molecule is calculated as

Ef = ET (RSH/Au) + ET (H2 ) − ET ((RS + H2 )/Au). (6.1.3)

Fig. 6.1(g) and Fig. 6.1(h) schematically show the total energy differences between each
step of the dissociative adsorption of the methanethiol and BDT2H molecules. For the
methanethiol molecule, if the dissociative reaction is accompanied by the chemisorption
of a H atom on the surface, as in Fig. 6.1(b), the thiolate structure is energetically
86 Chapter 6


Energy (eV)

Reaction Path

Figure 6.1: Ball-stick representation of the adsorption process of methanethiol (a-c) and
BDT2H (d-f) on a flat Au(111) surface. (a) and (d) the thiol molecules (RSH/Au) are
adsorbed on the surface; (b) and (e) the hydrogen atom is dissociated to form thiolates
(RS/(Au+H)). Finally, in (c) and (f) the hydrogen atoms attached to the Au surface
desorbs to form a H2 molecule, (RS+H2 )/Au. (g) and (h) schematically show the total
energy differences between each step of the reaction.

unfavorable by 1.09 eV, a result consistent with previous calculations by Zhou et al. [164]
and temperature-programmed desorption (TPD) experiments [165, 166]. When the H
atoms adsorbed on the surface are detached to form H2 molecules as in Fig. 6.1(c), the
thiolate system becomes more stable by 0.33 eV compared to the thiolate one with the H
atom attached to the surface. Overall, the dissociative reaction followed by the formation
of a H2 molecule is unfavorable by 0.76 eV. For the BDT2H molecule, the thiolate with
one H atom attached to the surface is unfavorable by 0.60 eV compared to the thiol
structure, in good agreement with the value of 0.4 eV reported in recent studies by Ning
et al. [162]. When the dissociative reaction is accompanied by the formation of a H2
from the H atom attached to the surface, this reaction is exothermic by 0.39 eV. As a
result, the dissociative absorption of BDT2H molecules on Au(111) surface followed by
the desorption of H2 is unfavorable by 0.21 eV. This partially contradicts the results
obtained by Nara et al. [161], who found the dissociative reaction accompanied by the H
atom on the surface to be indeed unfavorable by 0.22 eV. However, for the case where the
reaction is followed by the formation of H2 , the system is further stabilized by 0.42 eV
so that the thiolate system is more stable by ∼0.20 eV. Overall our results show that for
both classes of molecules the dissociative reaction is always unfavorable when considering
either the formation of RS/(Au + H) or (RS + H2 )/Au structures. We point out that our
calculations are based only on ground stated DFT total energy differences and that we
Ab initio Approach to Quantum Transport 87

neglect zero-point energy and entropic contributions to the total energies. For an isolated
gas-phase hydrogen molecule, we estimate the zero-point energy and entropy contributions
(disregarding electronic contributions) to be equal to 0.27 eV and 1.3 meV/K, respectively.
By considering these corrections the system (RS + H2 )/Au could also become energetically
stable compared to the non-dissociated RSH/Au system, in agreement with the results of
Strange et al. [159].


Energy (eV)




Reaction Path

Figure 6.2: Activation barrier for the dissociative adsorption of BDT2H on a Au(111)
surface as shown in Fig. 6.1(d)-(e).

In addition to the total energy differences between the dissociated and non-dissociated
structures of BDT2H, we evaluate the barrier height between those states [Fig. 6.1(d) and
Fig. 6.1(e)], by means of the Nudged Elastic Band (NEB) method [167, 168, 169], as shown
in Fig. 6.2. This allows us to estimate the transition probability between the states. Our
results show that the activation barrier is about 1 eV. The fact that the barrier is large
provides evidence for possible existence of the thiol structures on the surface, since a high
temperature is required to overcome such a barrier. We note that defects on the surface,
such as adatom, or the presence of a solvent, can change the energy barrier and eventually
dissociation might take place at lower energies.
For BDT2H we also compare the stability of the thiol and thiolate structures when
the molecule is connected to two Au electrodes. We consider three types of junctions,
as illustrated in Fig. 6.3. For the configuration shown in Fig. 6.3(a), ten gold atoms are
added on each side of the junction forming a tip-like symmetric contact with the molecule.
For the configuration shown in Fig. 6.3(b) an adatom is added symmetrically at each side
of the junction, and for the one shown in Fig. 6.3(c) an adatom is added to one side of the
junction and the molecule is connected to a flat surface at the other side. These junctions
constitute typical models for transport calculations found in the literature [27, 28, 131].
In this case, the formation energy difference between the thiol and the thiolate structures
88 Chapter 6

Figure 6.3: Ball-stick representation of three molecule-electrode contact geometries. (a),

(b) and (c) shows the tip-tip, adatom-adatom and surface-adatom configurations, respec-
tively. Left (right) panel shows the thiolate (thiol) junctions.

with respect to the formation of H2 molecule is given by

Ef = ET (BDT2H/Au) − ET (BDT/Au) − ET (H2 ), (6.1.4)

and the results are shown in Tab. 6.1. Note that for the adatom-flat configuration the
binding energy is evaluated considering 12 H2 . For all the three junctions, the thiol config-
urations are energetically more stable than their thiolate counterparts.

Table 6.1: Formation energy difference between the thiol and the thiolate structures with
respect to the formation of H2 molecule, in eV, for the three molecular junctions shown
in Fig. 6.3.
System vasp siesta
surface-adatom -0.36 -0.42
adatom-adatom -0.64 -0.40
tip-tip -0.77 -0.88

One possibility that has been considered in order to determine whether there are thiols
or thiolates in the junction is a simultaneous measurement of G and the force in a STM
and atomic force microscopy (AFM) setup [170, 171, 172, 173]. Since the binding energy
for thiol and thiolate can differ considerably, one might expect that the forces involved
when stretching the junction should be different. Therefore, we investigate the energetics
of Au(111)-BDT-Au(111) and Au(111)-BDT2H-Au(111) junctions as a function of L.
For the Au(111)-BDT-Au(111) junctions, similar calculations have been reported in the
Ab initio Approach to Quantum Transport 89

literature in an attempt to simulate a MCBJ experiment within DFT [26, 29, 30, 174,
175, 176, 177]. Details on how the stretching is performed can be found in Ref. [26].
Figs. 6.4(a)-(i) and Figs. 6.5(a)-(i) show the relaxed structures for the Au(111)-BDT-
Au(111) and Au(111)-BDT2H-Au(111) junctions undergoing stretching.

Figure 6.4: (a)-(i) Ball-stick representation of the stretching process of BDT between two
flat Au(111) surfaces.

In Fig. 6.6 we show the energy and the forces as a function of L, for both Au(111)-BDT-
Au(111) and Au(111)-BDT2H-Au(111) junctions. Our results show that the breaking
force for the S-Au bond is about 1 nN, in good agreement with the independent DFT
results by Romaner et al. [175] of 1.25 nN obtained using the same contact geometry. The
authors also considered the scenario when the BDT molecule is attached to an adatom
contact geometry, and they found that the breaking force can be as large as 1.9 nN [175].
In fact, it is possible that during the elongation process the molecule is bonded to a single
Au atom rather than a flat surface [29]. For Au(111)-BDT2H-Au(111) our calculated
breaking force is 0.3 nN, as shown in Fig. 6.6(b). Thus the breaking forces for the
BDT2H junctions are smaller than those for BDT when the flat electrode geometry is
considered. We note that this is much smaller than the calculated value of 1.1-1.6 nN for
the BDT2H molecule attached to a tip-like contact geometry [162]. Our small breaking
force value of 0.3 nN for the thiol junctions is consistent with the rather small calculated
Eb of 0.12 eV, and indicates weak coupling between the molecule and the flat electrodes.
A similar study for a octanedithiol-Au junction has also been reported [177], and for an
90 Chapter 6

Figure 6.5: (a)-(i) Ball-stick representation of the stretching process of BDT2H between
two flat Au(111) surfaces.

asymmetric junction it was found the breaking force of the Au-thiol bond to be 0.4-0.8
nN. Other experiments using the same molecule [172, 173] reported a breaking force of
1.5 nN, which is very similar to the breaking force of a Au-Au bond, therefore, leading to
the conclusion that the junction might break at the Au-Au bond and also indicating the
presence of Au-thiolate instead of Au-thiol junctions.
2.5 1.5 2.5 1.5

2 BDT 1.2 2 BDT2H 1.2

Energy (eV)

Energy (eV)
Force (nN)

Force (nN)

1.5 0.9 1.5 0.9

1 0.6 1 0.6

0.5 0.3 0.5 0.3

0 0 0 0
6 8 10 12 6 8 10 12
L (Å) L (Å)

Figure 6.6: Total energy and pulling force as a function of L for the Au-BDT-Au and
Au-BDT2H-Au molecular junctions shown in Fig. 6.4 and Fig. 6.5, respectively.

In summary, we find that the dissociative reaction of methanethiol and BDT2H on

Au(111) is energetically unfavorable. Especially for BDT2H, the activation barrier of ∼1
Ab initio Approach to Quantum Transport 91

eV strongly suggests the presence of thiol structures when the molecules attach to the
metallic surface. Moreover, for all the contact geometries of molecular junctions presented
in Figs. 6.3-6.5, the thiol bonding is also energetically more stable. These results indicate
that the non-dissociated structures are likely to exist in experiments, and therefore should
be considered when modeling transport properties of such systems.

6.1.2 Energy level alignment of Au-BDT interface

One of the possible reasons for the discrepancies between theory and experiments
regarding the conductance of molecular junctions is the difficulty, from a theoretical point
of view, to obtain the correct energy level alignment of such systems. Tab. 6.2 shows the
LDA eigenvalues for the frontier molecular states of BDT and BDT2H in the gas phase.
gap gap
ELDA is largely underestimated when compared to EQP = I P −E A calculated by the delta
self-consistent field (∆SCF) method. For the BDT molecule, our results show that the
HOMO is higher in energy by 2.73 eV with respect to −I P whereas the LUMO is lower in
energy by 2.66 eV compared to −E A . For BDT2H, the HOMO is higher in energy by 2.49
eV with respect to −I P , and the LUMO is lower in energy by 2.51 eV when compared
to −E A . The results clearly indicate that the GGA/LDA KS eigenvalues offer a poor
description of the molecule quasi-particle levels even in the gas phase.
Fig. 6.7(a) shows schematically the energies of these states for the gas phase molecules.
In the case of BDT2H molecule, the wavefunctions Ψ0 (blue), Ψ1 (red) and Ψ2 (green)
correspond to the HOMO-1, HOMO and LUMO of the isolated molecule, respectively.
For the BDT the removal of 2 H atoms from BDT2H leads to a reduction of the number
of electrons by 2 as well, so that to a first approximation the BDT2H HOMO becomes the
LUMO for the BDT molecule [see Fig. 6.8(b) and Fig. 6.8(e)]. Therefore, for BDT, Ψ0
corresponds to the HOMO, Ψ1 to the LUMO, and Ψ2 to the LUMO+1. Fig. 6.8 shows the
real space representation of Ψ0 , Ψ1 and Ψ2 for BDT (left) and BDT2H (right) molecules
in the gas phase.

gap gap
Table 6.2: Calculated LDA eigenvalues (), ELDA , I P , E A and EQP (calculated with
∆SCF) for the gas phase BDT and BDT2H molecules.
gap gap
BDT -5.74 -5.19 0.55 -8.47 -2.53 5.94
BDT2H -5.09 -1.82 3.27 -7.58 0.69 8.27
92 Chapter 6

CDFT method for Au-BDT interfaces

Fig. 6.7(b) shows the CDFT results for EHOMO and ELUMO as a function of d for
BDT/Au(111) (see Chapter 5). In the CDFT calculations the metal is modeled by a
9×9 Au(111) surface five-atomic-layers thick and the molecule is placed upright at a
distance, d, from the center of the molecule to the Au surface. We also introduce a
20 Å vacuum region in the direction perpendicular to the surface plane. We note that,
although CDFT is in principle applicable at all d, when d becomes less than about 5.9 Å,
for which the Au-S bond distance, dAu−S , is less than 2.5 Å, the amount of charge on each
fragment becomes ill defined due to the hybridization between the molecular orbitals
and the electrode continuous spectrum. Therefore, at those small distances, the CDFT
charge-transfer energies are not well defined. At d = 5.9 Å, the CDFT calculations give
an overall reduction of EQP of 2.09 eV with respect to the value obtained for isolated
BDT. Fig. 6.7(b) also shows the results of the classical model for the image charge

(a) (b) (c)

-1 εLDA ∆SCF εLDA ∆SCF -1
-2 Ψ2 LDA Ψ1 -2
-3 ASIC Ψ1 -3
Energy (eV)

-4 -4
-5 EF -5
-6 -6
-7 -7
-8 -8
-9 -9
-10 BDT2H BDT -10
gas phase 12.5 10 7.5 6 5 4 // 0 3
d (Å) d (Å)

Figure 6.7: Energy level alignment of the frontier molecular orbitals for the BDT molecule
from the gas phase to the formation of the Au-BDT-Au junction. (a) LDA eigenvalues
(LDA ) and ∆SCF calculations in the gas phase BDT. For comparison, we also show results
for the gas phase of BDT2H. All the values are given with respect to the vacuum level. (b)
CDFT calculations for the charge-transfer energies between BDT molecule adsorbed and
+ −
a single flat surface: ECT (d) (blue squares) and ECT (d) (red squares). The classical image
charge contribution for two surfaces (dashed-line) and for a single surface (dashed-dotted
line) are plotted for comparison where EF = −5.1 eV and d0 = 1 Å. (c) LDA and ASIC
energy levels for the HOMO (Ψ0 ) and LUMO (Ψ1 ) obtained from the PDOS peaks for
the molecule at the junction as a function of d = L/2.

calculated for one [Eq. (5.1.7), dashed line] and for two [Eq. (5.1.8), dash-dotted line]
surfaces. The CDFT d0 ranges from 0.79 Å to 1.13 Å, depending on the distance, and we
therefore take d0 = 1 Å as average value. Coincidentally, this is the same value used in
literature [137, 136, 37], although there it was not formally justified, but rather used as a
Ab initio Approach to Quantum Transport 93

Figure 6.8: Plots of wavefunctions: (a), (b) and (c) show Ψ0 (20th state), Ψ1 (21st state)
and Ψ2 (22sd state), respectively, for the gas phase BDT molecule; (d), (e) and (f) show
the same for the the BDT2H molecule. Isosurfaces are taken at a density of 0.06 e/Å3 .

+ −
Figure 6.9: Charge density differences for (a) ECT (d) and (b) ECT (d) for d = 6.9 Å.
−4 3
Isosurfaces are taken at 10 e/Å .

free parameter. The corrections to I P and E A from the classical model when considering
two surfaces are larger than the corrections for a single surface, since U (d) > V (d) for
all d, where V (d) and U (d) are given by Eq. (5.1.7) and Eq. (5.1.8), respectively. We
evaluate the charge density differences between the constrained and the non-constrained
+ −
calculations for ECT (d) and ECT (d) (Fig. 6.9). It can be seen that the hole (electron)
left on the molecule has the same character as the corresponding Ψ0 (Ψ1 ) wavefunction
[compare to Figs. 6.8(a)-(b)].
Fig. 6.7(c) shows the energies of the eigenvalues of the Ψ0 and Ψ1 states for the BDT
molecule as a function of d = L/2, calculated with LDA (solid lines) and ASIC (dashed
lines), for the stretching configurations shown in Fig. 6.4(c-h). The energies of these
levels are set to be at the peaks of the corresponding PDOS. In the limit of weak coupling
between the BDT molecule and the electrodes, which is the case for L = 12.35 Å, at which
94 Chapter 6

dAu−S is the largest before rupture of the junction, LDA gives the LUMO of the isolated
BDT molecule (Ψ1 ) slightly above EF . However, as shown in Fig. 6.7(a) and Tab. 6.2,
the corrected energy of Ψ1 (which is given by −E A ) is 2.66 eV above the LDA eigenvalue.
Similarly, the LDA energy of Ψ0 is too high by 2.73 eV when compared to −I P . The
same analysis can be done for L = 11.86 Å and L = 11.36 Å, for which Ψ1 is still above
EF . In other words, for L ≥ 11.36Å, the molecule is weakly bonded to the electrodes,
therefore, charge transfer from the electrodes to the molecule due to the hybridization of
the molecular and electrodes states is small. These results show that for the Au-BDT-Au
junctions in the weak coupling regime the LDA BDT HOMO (corresponding to Ψ0 ) is in
fact too high in energy whereas the LDA BDT LUMO (corresponding to Ψ1 ) is too low.

6.1.3 Scissor operator method for energy level alignment

Since we obtain the energies of the HOMO and LUMO of the junction from the CDFT
total energies, we can shift the DFT eigenvalues to lie at these energies by means of a
SCO [135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140]. This has been shown to improve G when compared
to experimental data [138]. For the particular case of a single molecule attached to the
electrodes, first a projection of the full KS-Hamiltonian matrix and of the overlap matrix
is carried out onto the atomic orbitals associated with the molecule subspace, which we
0 0
denote as Hmol and Smol (the remaining part of Ĥ describes the electrodes). By solving
0 0
the corresponding eigenvalue problem, Hmol ψ = Smol ψ, for this subblock we obtain the
eigenvalues, {n }n=1,...,M , and eigenvectors, {ψn }n=1,...,M , where M is the number of atomic
orbitals on the molecule. Subsequently, the corrections are applied to the eigenvalues,
where all the occupied levels are shifted rigidly by the constant Σo (Σo < 0) while the
unoccupied levels are shifted rigidly by the constant Σu (Σu > 0). We note that in
principle each state can be shifted by a different amount. Using the shifted eigenvalues
we can construct a transformed molecular Hamiltonian matrix, Hmol , given by
Hmol 0
= Hmol + Σo ψio ψi†o + Σu ψiu ψi†u , (6.1.5)
io =1,no iu =1,nu

where the first sum runs over the no occupied orbitals, and the second one runs over
the nu empty states. In the full Hamiltonian matrix we then replace the subblock Hmol
with Hmol [136, 137, 138, 139, 140]. The SCO procedure can be applied self-consistently,
although in this work we apply it non-selfconsistently to the converged DFT Hamiltonian.
The correction applied to the frontier energy levels of a molecule in a junction has two
contributions. Firstly we need to correct for the fact that the gas-phase LDA HOMO-
LUMO gap (ELDA ) is too small when compared to the difference between I P and E A ,
where I P = E (N −1) − E (N ) and E A = E (N ) − E (N +1) (E (N ) is the ground state total energy
for a system with N electrons). Secondly, the renormalization of the energy levels, when
Ab initio Approach to Quantum Transport 95

the molecule is brought close to metal surfaces needs to be added to the gas-phase HOMO
and LUMO levels. Although CDFT in principle allows us to assess the renormalization
of the energy levels in the junction, to reduce the computational costs we calculate the
charge-transfer energies with one single surface. Since in transport calculations there
are two surfaces, we then use the corresponding classical model [Eq. (5.1.8)], with d0
obtained from CDFT for the single surface. Hence, for the molecule attached to two
metallic surfaces forming a molecular junction, we approximate the overall corrections for
the molecular levels below EF by

Σo (d) = −[I P + HOMO (d)] + U (d) (6.1.6)

and similarly for the levels above EF as

Σu (d) = −[E A + LUMO (d)] − U (d); (6.1.7)

where HOMO/LUMO (d) is obtained from the position of the peaks of the PDOS and U (d)
is the classical potential given by Eq. (5.1.8). Here we assume that the character of the
molecular states is preserved when the junction is formed, i.e. that the hybridization is
not too strong.
Tab. 6.3 shows, for the Au-BDT2H-Au and Au-BDT-Au junctions, U [Eq. (5.1.8)],
Σo [Eq. (6.1.6)] and Σu [Eq. (6.1.7)] as functions of L. As pointed out by Garcia-Suarez
et al. [137], the shift of the energy level is unambiguous when there is no resonance at
EF [138, 136], so that the occupied levels are shifted downwards and the empty levels are
shifted upwards in energy. This is the case for the BDT2H molecule, where the isolated
molecule has 42 electrons, therefore the 21st molecular level is the HOMO of the isolated
molecule (Ψ1 in this case). Since it is already filled with two electrons, it lies below EF
when the molecule is in the junction, and the LUMO (Ψ2 ) is always empty and well above
EF .

Table 6.3: Contribution due to the classical image charge for two surfaces model, U , and
the final corrections Σo /Σu as a function of L for the BDT2H and BDT molecules in the
junction. The first column correspond to the labels of a subset of the structures shown
in Fig. 6.4 and Fig. 6.5. The Au-S bond distance, dAu−S , is also shown for completeness.
L (Å) dAu−S (Å) U (eV) Σo (eV) Σu (eV) Σo (eV) Σu (eV)
(c) 7.86 2.11 1.70 0.18 1.63 - -
(d) 9.89 2.08 1.26 -0.50 1.72 - -
(e) 10.87 2.47 1.12 -0.80 1.78 - -
(f) 11.36 2.67 1.06 -1.04 1.77 -1.13 1.45
(g) 11.84 2.90 1.01 -0.62 2.22 -1.63 1.53
(h) 12.35 3.18 0.96 -0.83 2.17 -1.84 1.55
96 Chapter 6

For closer distances, due to the stronger coupling between the molecule and the elec-
trodes, hybridization takes place leading to a fractional charge transfer from the electrodes
to the molecule. For small d also for the BDT molecule the Ψ1 state becomes partially
occupied, and positioned slightly below EF . This means that, for the structures consid-
ered in Fig. 6.4, the correction defined by Eq. (6.1.7) can not be applied for L ≤ 10.87,
since this is the distance where the level moves slightly below EF . We note that when the
level is pinned at EF , many-body effects become important, and the GW method might
be the most appropriate method [159] to resolve the energy level alignment. Once the
coupling is strong enough and Ψ1 is almost fully filled, it becomes effectively the HOMO
of the BDT. In this case we expect its energy to be too high within LDA, and therefore
application of ASIC is expected to improve its position with respect to EF . In fact, ASIC
corrects Ψ1 by ∼1 eV as d decreases, as shown in Fig. 6.7(c).
For the weak coupling limit the calculated corrections show that Ψ1 (the LUMO of
the isolated BDT molecule) is empty and its LDA eigenvalue is too low in energy. In
contrast, for the strong coupling limit the energy of Ψ1 moves below EF , so that the state
becomes occupied, and its LDA eigenvalue is now too high in energy. In this regime we
apply the ASIC method to give a better description of the energy level alignment.

6.1.4 Electronic transport properties: thiol versus thiolate junc-

We start the discussion of the electronic transport properties by presenting results for
the molecular junctions at fixed distance and different molecule-surface bonding. Subse-
quently we discuss the conductivity of the thiol and thiolate bonding structure to flat Au
electrodes under stretching.
Fig. 6.10 shows T (E) for thiolate (left column) and thiol (right column) bonding, for
the tip-tip, adatom-adatom and surface-adatom structures (see Fig. 6.3 for the structure
geometries). Within the LDA, the transmission curves of all the thiolate junctions present
a peak pinned at EF . These results have been found in several works reported in the
literature for Au-BDT-Au (thiolate) junctions [27, 26, 159, 17, 29, 30]. The resonant states
at EF yield high values of conductance with G of 1.35G0 , 0.45G0 and 0.22G0 for tip-tip,
surface-adatom and adatom-adatom, respectively. The observed peaks at EF correspond
to the hybridized Ψ1 state of the BDT molecule. Note that the exact position of the peaks
and so the exact G values depend on the atomistic details of the junctions, as well as on the
DFT functional used. We point out that such high values of G have never been observed
experimentally, indicating that LDA does not give the correct energy level alignment
between the molecule and the electrodes, as already discussed in Sec. 6.1.2. In contrast,
for the thiol junctions, no resonant states are found around EF . The zero-bias conductance
is in the range of 0.035-0.004G0 , which is in good agreement with experimental values of
Ab initio Approach to Quantum Transport 97

(a) tip-tip
2.5 LDA 2.5
2 2
1.5 1.35 0.035
0.14 1.5

1 1
0.5 0.5
0 0
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
E-EF (eV) E-EF (eV)
(b) adatom-adatom
2.5 2.5
2 0.62 0.035 2
0.086 0.24
1.5 1.5

1 1
0.5 0.5
0 0
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
E-EF (eV) E-EF (eV)
(c) surface-adatom
2.5 2.5
2 2
0.50 0.0041
1.5 0.051 0.0048 1.5

1 1
0.5 0.5
0 0
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
E-EF (eV) E-EF (eV)

Figure 6.10: (a) Transmission coefficients as a function of energy for thiolate (left column)
and thiol (right column) for the structures shown in Fig. 6.3. For each case we report, in
the insets, the transmission at EF for both LDA (black full-line) and ASIC (red dashed-

0.011G0 [12, 4, 7, 23].

When ASIC is used, for the BDT structures the molecular energy level remains pinned
at EF , and it is just slightly shifted to lower energies. This slight shift is however enough
to decrease G by one order of magnitude. For the hydrogenated junctions (BDT1H and
BDT2H) there are no molecular states at EF for the LDA electronic structure, and in
this case ASIC shifts downwards the energy levels of the occupied states. We note that
also the empty states are shifted down in energy, which is an artifact of the ASIC method
presented in Sec. 2.5.3. The correction applied by ASIC depends on the atomic orbital
occupation, not the molecular orbital occupation. Therefore, if different molecular orbitals
are composed of a linear combination of a similar set of atomic orbitals, ASIC will shift
their energy eigenvalues by a similar amount. For example, if empty states share the
98 Chapter 6

same character as the occupied states, as it is usually the case for small molecules, the
energy of these states will be spuriously shifted to lower energies. In order to apply ASIC,
a scaling parameter, α, to the atomic-like occupations needs to be specified, where for
α = 1 the full correction is applied, while for α = 0 no correction is applied. The value
of α is related to the screening provided by the chemical environment [85]. For metals,
where the SI is negligible, we therefore use α = 0, whereas for molecules, where SI is
more pronounced, we use α = 1. This shows that, while the ASIC method improves the
position of the levels below EF , it can lead to down-shifts for the empty states, resulting
in a spurious enhanced G due to the LUMO. Further corrections are therefore needed in
order to give a quantitatively sound value of G in such systems.

6.1.5 Conductance change under stretching

Hereafter we present results for the transport properties as a function stretching of
molecules attached to flat Au electrodes. Fig. 6.11 shows the transmission coefficients
for the Au-BDT-Au junctions corresponding to Figs. 6.4(c)-(h), while Fig. 6.12 shows
the same for the Au-BDT2H-Au junctions of Figs. 6.5(c)-(h). We start by discussing the
results for the Au-BDT-Au junctions. In this case the HOMO moves from lower energies
at small L towards EF at larger L. This results in an increase of G under stretching
[Fig. 6.13(a)], in agreement with previous theoretical works [26, 27, 175, 176] for BDT
attached to flat Au electrodes.
L= 7.86 Å L= 9.89 Å L= 10.87 Å

10 LDA
-3 SCO
L= 11.36 Å L= 11.84 Å L= 12.35 Å

-2 -1 0 1 2 -2 -1 0 1 2 -2 -1 0 1 2
E-EF (eV) E-EF (eV) E-EF (eV)

Figure 6.11: Transmission coefficients as a function of energy for different electrode sepa-
ration for the Au-BDT-Au junctions. Comparison between LDA, ASIC and LDA+SCO.

By applying the ASIC the absolute value of G decreases by up to one order of magni-
tude when compared to the LDA value, since the HOMO level is shifted to lower energies
(Fig. 6.11). For small L the ASIC G(L) curve is approximately constant, while for large
Ab initio Approach to Quantum Transport 99

L= 7.86 Å L= 9.89 Å L= 10.87 Å


10 LDA
-3 SCO
L= 11.36 Å L= 11.84 Å L= 12.35 Å

-2 -1 0 1 2 -2 -1 0 1 2 -2 -1 0 1 2
E-EF (eV) E-EF (eV) E-EF (eV)

Figure 6.12: Transmission coefficients as a function of energy for different electrode separa-
tion for the Au-BDT2H-Au junctions. Comparison between LDA, ASIC and LDA+SCO.

0 (a) (b) 0
10 10
G (G0)

G (G0)
-1 -1
10 10
-2 ASIC -2
10 10

-3 -3
10 8 9 10 11 12 8 9 10 11 12 10
L (Å) L (Å)

Figure 6.13: Conductance as a function of L for (a) Au-BDT-Au and (b) Au-BDT2H-Au
molecular junctions. Comparison between LDA, ASIC and scissor operator (SCO) results.

L the value of G is found to increase for large L [Fig. 6.13(a)], which is also due to
the fact that the HOMO level, Ψ1 , is approaching EF as the junction is stretched. Our
CDFT results presented in the previous section show that for L ≥ 11.36 Å the Ψ1 state
is expected to be located at least ∼1.5 eV above EF . Thus we apply the SCO to shift
the eigenvalue of Ψ1 to this energy and calculate the transmission (green-dashed lines)
and G (for L ≥ 11.36 Å ) by using the calculated corrections presented in Tab. 6.3. The
corrected G is smaller than the LDA results by up to two orders of magnitude and smaller
than the ASIC by about a factor of 10.
In contrast, for the Au-BDT2H-Au structures, G decreases with increasing L for all
used XC functionals (Fig. 6.12). For LDA G monotonically decreases from 0.1G0 to
0.026G0 , while ASIC gives us values of G further reduced by up to one order of magnitude.
By applying the SCO correction ELDA increases, and consequently G decreases by more
100 Chapter 6

than one order of magnitude when compared to the LDA results, except for the shortest
distance considered. We note that although G is similar for ASIC and SCO, T (EF ) is
dominated by the LUMO tail for ASIC (see Fig. 6.12), while it is HOMO dominated for
SCO. The agreement between ASIC and SCO is mainly due to the fact that both place EF
in the gap, and the change of G with stretching is mainly due to the change of the electronic
coupling to the electrodes. Such decreasing trend of G(L) was observed by Ning et al. [162]
where considering Au-BDT2H-Au junctions and molecules symmetrically connected to an
adatom structure. This is qualitatively in good agreement with the experiments of Kim
et al. [17], where by means of low-temperature MCBJ, they reported values of G ranging
from 6.6 × 10−4 to 0.5G0 . Furthermore, high-conductance values were obtained when the
molecular junction was compressed, i.e. for L decreasing. These are the key results of
the present work since when combined with the results for the formation energy of the
hydrogenated junctions, they indicate that the possibility of having thiol junctions can
not be ruled out. In fact, the thiol structures might be the ones present in junctions where
G decreases with elongation [172, 17].
An important difference between the Au-BDT-Au and the Au-BDT2H-Au junctions is
the character of the charge carriers, i.e. whether the transport is hole-like or electron-like.
For Au-BDT-Au, in the strong coupling limit where L ≤ 10.87 Å, the charges tunnel
through the tail of the HOMO-like level leading to a hole-like transport (see top panel
of Fig. 6.11). In the weak coupling limit, after considering the SCO, the charge carriers
tunnel through the tail of the LUMO-like level leading to an electron-like transport, as
shown in the bottom panel of Fig. 6.11. For Au-BDT2H-Au junctions, the tunneling is
always performed through the tail of the HOMO-like level (see Fig. 6.12) and therefore
the charge carriers are holes. This is an important information since, experimentally, by
means of thermoelectric transport measurements, it is possible to address which frontier
molecular level is the conducting level. It has been shown [8] that for the systems dis-
cussed, this level is the HOMO, which agrees with our findings for the Au-BDT2H-Au
junctions and also for the Au-BDT-Au junctions in the strong coupling limit.

6.1.6 Hybrid MD-MC for MCBJ simulations

As pointed out in Sec. 6.1, due to the nature of MCBJ experiments, several different
geometrical contacts can be accessed during the stretching process of a junction. This
leads to a statistical character of the experimental analysis. Moreover, temperature effects
contribute to increase the number of possibilities to form the molecular junction. There-
fore, it is important to incorporate these factors in the simulations in order to compare
with experimental data. In this regard, balancing accuracy and computational efficiency
can be challenging while attempting to simulate MCBJs. Simulations need to be accurate
enough to capture the preferred bonding geometries and at the same time to incorporate
Ab initio Approach to Quantum Transport 101

environmental factors. In the previous sections of the present Chapter, all the structures
used for quantum transport were obtained using DFT, which is capable of describing
accurately atomistic bonding, however, due to the high computational cost, the number
of geometries one can deal with is limited. Moreover, DFT does not take into account
temperature effects that may lead to structural changes.
Experimentally, the spontaneous formation of molecular junctions at fixed electrodes
separation occurs of a time scale of ∼0.1 s [178], which accounts for the time required
for the bond formation and for the molecule to explore many different possible binding
sites when forming the junction. In this section we present a hybrid classical molecular
dynamics (MD) and Monte Carlo (MC) approach that allows us to mechanically and/or
thermally evolve the Au-BDT-Au molecular junctions. We can then obtain more realistic
molecular junction geometries that incorporate important aspects found in experiment,
such as temperature effects, elongations rate effects, and non-ideal tip geometry. These
geometries are then used as an input for the quantum transport calculations. This part
of the work was done in collaboration with William French et al. (see Ref. [179]) who
performed the MD-MC simulations.
The typical experimental time scales are inaccessible within MD simulations, since
the time steps for integrating the equations of motions are on the order of femtoseconds
(10−15 s). Usually, a MC approach, where configurational space is sampled randomly, can
be used to overcome the slow kinetics of chemisorption. One of the limitations of these
combined method is that classical MD can not describe the reactive nature of the SAM
formation on top of the gold substrate. However, since the path to an equilibrium state
has no meaning in MC, unphysical move types such as molecule identity swaps may be
used to treat these reactions.
The MC sampling for the molecule to bind on the gold nanowire is performed within
the semigrand canonical ensemble (SGCMC), i.e. constant-µV T , where µ is the chemical
potential, V is the volume and T is the temperature and where the gold nanowire surface
is in equilibrium with a bulk solution of the target molecules (see Sec. 3.2.2 of Ref. [179]).
The SGCMC simulations begin with BDT molecules surrounding the gold nanowire and
the probability of chemisorption increases as the molecules approach the nanowire. A
cutoff distance for the S-Au bond is specified for the appropriate bonding site, e.g. on-top
or on-bridge sites. Once the molecule has bonded, the hydrogen atoms attached to the
sulfur atoms are dissociated and removed from the simulation box, so that the S atoms
bind covalently to the gold site. Note that within MC, we do not obtain information
about the dynamics of the bond formation. In fact, the MC method is used to produce
thermodynamically favored equilibrium configurations. The moves within constant-µV T
are performed until the density of BDT is relatively constant in the simulation box.
Moreover, this is followed by MC moves within constant-N V T (N is the number of
molecules), which allows the packing of BDT SAM to relax eventually leading to more
102 Chapter 6

molecules attached to the surface.

During the MD simulations, the SGCMC sampling is applied to sample the preferred
bonding geometries, where the results are passed back to the MD simulations. With this
combined procedure, one can capture the dynamics of the packing and the bonding of
the BDT SAM on the stretched nanowire. The SGCMC sampling is performed after
some interval of MD stretching, e.g. between 0.1-1.0 Å, and the number of SGCMC
sampling steps is determined by the MD interval. A large interval requires a larger
number of SGCMC moves in order to fully sample the sites of the deformed nanowire.
Fig. 6.14 shows representative molecular junctions for the MD-MC approach. Fig. 6.14(a)
shows a gold nanowire coated with BDT SAM obtained with the MC SGCMC approach.
Then MD simulations are performed where the nanowire is stretched in intervals ∆x,
Fig. 6.14(a)-(e), at finite temperature (77 K). When the molecule is trapped between the
electrodes, Fig. 6.14(c), the SAM is removed from the simulation box in order to simulate
the evaporation procedure carried out in experiments. The combined MD-MC moves are
performed until the junction breaks down, as shown in Fig. 6.14(e). This procedure closely
models the MCBJ’s experiment and thus should produce representative experimental
configurations. Moreover, it allows us to obtain a larger number of molecular junction
geometries when compared to DFT, allowing for the assessment of better statistics, in the
present case, ∼100 different junctions.

Computational details

The gold nanowire for the MD-MC simulations consists of eight atoms in length
and it is three-atom thick. It is connected between two rigid [100] leads four-atom long
and six-atom thick. The BDT SAM consists of 30-36 molecules chemisorbed and it is
placed onto the gold nanowire by performing SGCMC MC moves. The non-adsorbed
molecules are then removed from the simulation box and 20 million constant-N V T are
realized to equilibrate the monolayer. The stretching process of the full system (nanowire
plus molecules) is carried out by displacing the right lead in steps of 0.1 Å in the [100]
direction. The time interval for the MD simulations is 20 ps and we perform 100,000 MC
moves at constant-N V T between MD intervals. The molecule may or may not connect
between the two electrodes. In our simulations, a BDT molecule attaches between the
two ruptured electrodes in ∼30% of the runs (31 out of 104), which is in good agreement
with experimental observation of 30-40% [180]. Moreover, in those in which it does form
a molecular junction, the junction is stretched further allowing the molecule to sample
different geometries. During the elongation, between intervals of 0.5-1.0 Å, geometries
are extracted to be used in the quantum transport calculations in order to obtain the
Ab initio Approach to Quantum Transport 103






Figure 6.14: Representative snapshots of the elongation process from formation to rupture
of a Au-BDT-Au molecular junction. From top to bottom, ∆x =0.0, 4.0, 8.0, 12.0 and
16 Å. Once a molecule is trapped between the electrodes, the monolayer of molecules is
removed in order to isolate electrode geometry effects.

Thermal evolution of Gold-BDT junctions

One can also investigate the thermal evolution of the Au-BDT-Au molecular junction.
For representative electrodes separation during the stretching process, we fix the distance
and we perform the MD-MC simulations where again geometries are extracted to be used
as input for conductance calculations. 200 cycles of MD-MC are performed, where a cycle
consists of 0.2 ns of MD with 200,000 MC moves. With this approach, one can study how
the dynamics of the individual parts of the system affects the final geometries and therefore
the calculated conductance. For instance, we can fix the electrodes and allow only the
molecule to evolve during the MD-MC procedure or we can fix the molecule and allow
just the electrodes to move. By doing so, we can identify the independent contributions
of changes in the conductance due to the gold and BDT geometries fluctuations. Details
of this study can be found in Ref. [29].
104 Chapter 6

Conductance traces

Recently, using low-temperature MCBJs Bruot et al. [4] observed some conductance
traces where G changed from 0.01G0 to 0.1G0 by increasing L. Although, the experiments
are performed in low temperature (4 K) and room temperature, only in low temperature
the conductance enhancement was observed. The authors attributed this to the HOMO
level moving up in energy towards the EF of the electrodes, which is in agreement with
our findings for the strong coupling limit, as shown in Fig. 6.13(a). However, most ex-
perimental results [15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 181, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]
show conductance traces with either approximately constant G under stretching, or with
decreasing G with increasing L [172, 17].

Figure 6.15: (a) Four gradually increasing conductance traces where the formation of
MACs can be observed. The corresponding molecular junctions prior to rupture are
shown in (b-e). The traces are offset along the x-axis for clarity. (f) Representative
conductance traces without formation of MACs where the corresponding junctions prior
to rupture are shown in (g-j).

In our MCBJs simulations [30], two types of conductance traces are found: (i) in
Fig. 6.15(a), the conductance gradually increases with elongation. The increase of G is
found only for junctions that form monoatomic chains (MACs) of gold atoms connected
to the BDT molecules. (ii) Fig. 6.15(f) shows conductance traces where the curves are
relatively flat with elongation. In Fig. 6.15(b-e) and Fig. 6.15(g-j) are shown the cor-
responding geometries prior to rupture. From the geometries that show conductance
increase, the breaking geometries [Fig. 6.15(b-e)] show the formation of MACs of gold
atoms connected to the BDT molecule. Approximately 13% of the formed molecular
junctions show MACs formation during the elongation process. In order to further un-
derstand our findings, we build idealized molecular junctions where MAC are present and
we perform the transport calculations. As shown in the inset of Fig. 6.16, a MAC is first
inserted at the left tip, then at the left and right tips and the adatom-adatom geometry
is shown for completeness. Indeed MACs formation leads to a broadly enhancement of
the PDOS around EF (not shown) due to contributions of gold s and pz states, which
Ab initio Approach to Quantum Transport 105

induce a stronger coupling between the molecular energy levels and the electrodes. This
leads to higher transmission coefficients, Fig. 6.16, therefore higher conductance values.
Such a trend adds to the increase of G due to the HOMO shifting closer to EF under
stretching. The magnitude and shape of the enhancement depends mainly on the length
of the MAC, but also on the S-Au bonding and the remaining details of the junction
structure. Note that adatoms or tip-like electrodes do not result in this enhancement, as
discussed in Fig. 6.10.
Unlike MACs, other structures that present low-coordination electrodes such as Au-
Au2 -Au units, as shown in Fig. 6.15(g-h), do not increase gradually the conductance.
Although they present higher conductance, they have very short lifetimes, of the order
of 1.0 ns, i.e. they are too short-living to be measured in experiment. On the contrary,
MACs remain stable for the complete duration of a 1.0 µs simulation without stretching,
which indicates that they show to be stable enough to be measured, a fact corroborated in
experiments [182] and in simulations [183]. Thus, our results show how significant these
MAC formation can have on the conductance.

Figure 6.16: Transmission coefficients for three idealized Au-BDT-Au junctions where
MACs are included. The PDOS at EF is enhanced due to gold atoms and the conductance
increases (values between brackets).

We further validate our findings by thermally evolving (at 77 K, without stretching)

three structurally distinct Au-BDT-Au junctions. Fig. 6.17 shows the distribution of con-
ductance for the three structures shown as insets. For the geometry that shows the MAC,
the conductance distribution has almost no overlap with the histograms of the other de-
formed geometries studied. This indicates that the enhancement of conductance observed
is related to their particular structure and not simply due to a short-lived configuration.
Moreover, the conductance fluctuations (standard deviation) is approximately twice as
large compared to the other distributions. When the simulations are repeated at room
temperature (without stretching) for the junctions shown in Fig. 6.15(b-e), all of them
106 Chapter 6

breakdown in less than 1.0 ns, indicating that MACs are not stable at high tempera-
ture. This explains why at room temperature Bruot et al. do not observe conductance
enhancement with stretching.

Figure 6.17: Conductance histograms of three thermally evolving Au-BDT-Au junctions.

The structure containing MAC’s show higher conductivity and negligible overlap with
the other junctions that do not show MACs formation. The standard deviations of the
histograms (from left to right) are 0.014G0 , 0.018G0 and 0.034G0 .

6.2 Conclusion
We have performed DFT calculations to study the adsorption process of methanethiol
and BDT2H molecules on the Au(111) surface. For all the structures studied we find that
thiols are energetically more stable than their thiolate counterparts. Moreover, we find a
large activation barrier of about 1 eV for the the dissociation of the H atom from the thiol
groups adsorbed on Au(111). These results indicate that the non-dissociated structures
are likely to exist in experiments and therefore can not be ruled out.
The energy level alignment between molecule and electrodes is one of the main factors
that determine the conductance. To overcome the limitations of using the LDA-DFT
eigenvalues we apply a CDFT method, which is based on total energy differences in the
same way as ∆SCF calculations, with the difference that it allows also the inclusion of
the non-local Coulomb interaction that leads to the renormalization of the energy levels
as the molecule is brought close to a metal surface. We find a reduction of the BDT EQP
of 2.09 eV with respect to its gas phase gap, when the molecule is brought closer to a
single Au(111) surface. CDFT also allows us to obtain the height of the image charge
plane on Au(111), which we find to be at about 1 Å above the gold surface. While for
the BDT2H molecules the coupling to the surface remains small at all distances, for small
Ab initio Approach to Quantum Transport 107

molecule-surface separation the electronic coupling between BDT and Au becomes very
strong, and in this limit the use of the CDFT approach is not applicable. The strong
coupling leads to a significant electron transfer from the surface to the molecule, so that
the molecular LUMO of the isolated BDT becomes increasingly occupied as the molecule-
surface distance decreases. For the Au(111)-BDT2H, the filling of the molecular orbitals
does not depend on the distance to Au. When we correct for the self-interaction error in
the LDA XC functional the electron transfer is enhanced and at the equilibrium bonding
distance, the molecular LUMO of the isolated BDT becomes fully filled at the junction.
By means of NEGF+DFT we have then calculated the transport properties of the
junctions with different contact geometries and compare the results obtained with LDA,
ASIC and LDA+SCO functionals. For the thiol structures, the LDA values for G are
about one order of magnitude smaller than their thiolate counterparts. ASIC leads to
values of G in better agreement with experiments for the thiolate systems. However,
ASIC also leads to a spurious increase of G for the thiol junctions due to the down-
shift of the empty states towards EF , an artifact avoided in the SCO approach. We
find that Au-BDT-Au and Au-BDT2H-Au junctions show opposite trends concerning the
dependence of G on the separation between flat Au electrodes; G decreases with L for the
thiol junctions, whereas the thiolates show the opposite trend. Since for Au-BDT2H-Au
there is no significant charge transfer between the electrodes and the molecule, we can
apply the SCO approach to set the HOMO-LUMO gap to the one obtained from CDFT
calculations. In this way G decreases by up to two orders of magnitude when compared
to the LDA values, and this brings the results in good quantitative agreement with the
experimental data.
We finally presented a hybrid classical molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo approach
to mechanically and/or thermally evolve the Au-BDT-Au molecular junctions. This ap-
proach allowed us to obtain more realistic molecular junction geometries. Moreover,
important aspects found in experiment, such as temperature effects, elongations rate ef-
fects were assessed. By performing transport calculations of representative geometries
extracted from the MD-MC approach, we found that the conductance enhancement ob-
served by Bruot et al. can well be explained by the formation of MACs during the
elongation process. Our results therefore suggest that thiol junctions must be present in
experiments where G decreases with L. In contrast, thiolates structures are likely to be
present in experiments showing a increase of the conductance upon stretching.
Chapter 7

Electronic Transport and Level

Alignment in the Coulomb Blockade

Perrin et al. [37] using a MCBJ were able to observe the energy level renormaliza-
tion of a zinc-porphyrin molecule [Zn(5,15-di(p-thiolphenyl)-10,20-di(p-tolyl)porphyrin)],
abbreviated ZnTPPdT, where the molecule is connected to two gold electrodes. In their
experiment, besides the two electrodes connected to the molecule, a third electrode was
used as gate electrode in order to uniformly shift the molecular energy levels. As the
electrodes separation was reduced, i.e. the junction was compressed with respect to the
initial equilibrium configuration, the authors could measure the dc current. By varying
the gate voltage, they could observe that as the junction was compressed, the dc bias
needed to reach the conducting energy level (onset of current) was reduced, indicating
that this level was approaching EF . Furthermore, this effect was reversible, which led to
the conclusion that the molecular energy gap was renormalized by the image charge effect
due to the change on the electrodes separation. One important aspect of these measure-
ments is that the molecule was weakly coupled to the electrodes so that the transport is
in the CB regime.
From a theoretical point of view, in order to simulate the experiment we need some
ingredients. Firstly, we need to determine the atomic geometries of the junction as a
function of the electrodes separation and this task is realized with ground state DFT [65,
66] calculations. Secondly, the energy level alignment as a function of the stretching [153,
31], which is achieved by evaluating the parameter-free classical image charge model, as
we have discussed in Chapter 5 and in Chapter 6. Thirdly, we want to study the electronic
transport properties of these molecular junctions and compare to the experimental data.
The study of the transport properties of molecular junctions have mostly employed
the NEGF formalism [184, 185] and often combined with DFT as the chosen electronic
structure theory. Despite of the great success of this combination, the method presents
some important limitations, as discussed in Chapter 5 and Chapter 6. In fact, due to
the lack of the derivative discontinuity of the XC potential in DFT-LDA (see Sec. 2.5.2),

Electronic Transport and Level Alignment in the Coulomb Blockade 109

CB type of transport can not be captured since the energy levels position depend linearly
with their occupation. Thus, the transfer of integer number of electrons (fingerprint of CB
processes) is not observed, although corrections for self-interaction have shown to recover
part of this feature [186].
In the present chapter we present an inexpensive approach based on master equations
(ME) [117, 118, 120, 121, 114] including cotunneling effects to molecular conduction in
the CB regime. The parameters for the ME are obtained by performing DFT-NEGF. By
employing this combined approach, we compare our results to experimental data.

7.1 Computational details

7.1.1 Ab initio approach: DFT+NEGF
All the ab initio calculations presented are based on DFT as implemented in the
siesta package [96]. The XC energy is treated within the LDA approximation. We use
norm-conserving pseudopotentials according to the Troullier-Martins procedure [143] and
the basis set is double-ζ polarized for carbon, sulfur and hydrogen and single-ζ for gold
atoms [29, 30]. The mesh cutoff is 300 Ry and four k-points are used for the Brillouin
zone sampling in the perpendicular direction to the transport. For the ab-initio quantum
transport calculations, we use the NEGF formalism as implemented in the smeagol
code [187, 188]. Within this approach, the retarded Green’s function of the scattering
region, GD , is given by [see Eq. (3.3.17)]

GD (E) = lim [(ESD + iη) − HD − ΣL (E) − ΣR (E)]−1 , (7.1.1)


where E is the energy, ΣL,R (E) are the self-energies of the left and right electrodes, SD
is the overlap and HD is the Hamiltonian matrix of the scattering region obtained from
DFT calculation,
 see Chapter
 3, Sec. 3.3. The coupling to the electrodes are given by
ΓL,R (E) = i ΣL,R − ΣL,R , i.e. the imaginary part of the self-energy defined as [see
Eq. (3.3.18)]

ΣL (E) = (ESLD − VLD )gL (E)(ESLD − VLD ), (7.1.2)

where gL (E) is the surface Green’s function of the isolated electrode L and VLD is the
interaction between the scattering region and the electrode. All these quantities are ma-
trices. The same can be defined for the right electrode. Finally the density of states
(DOS) of the isolated electrode L can be written in terms of its Green’s function as
Tr gL (E) − gL (E)† SLD . From the Green’s function and couplings, the
νLNEGF (E) = 2π
non-equilibrium charge density can be computed and by following a self-consistent pro-
cedure, for a specific applied bias, the transmission coefficients are given by Eq. (3.4.32)
and the electrical current given by Eq. (3.4.36).
110 Chapter 7

7.1.2 Model Hamiltonian and master equation approach

We define the Hamiltonian of the system by

Ĥ = Ĥmol + ĤL + ĤR + ĤT , (7.1.3)

where the molecular Hamiltonian is given by the Anderson-Holstein model as

X X U 

Ĥmol = i n̂ + n̂ (n̂ − 1) + ~ωp b̂ b̂ + 1/2 + λ~ωp b̂† + b̂ n̂ (7.1.4)
i i
2 i

with i single-particle states of energy i and charging energy U. Moreover, the operator
n̂ = σ ĉ†iσ ĉiσ is the number operator and ĉ†iσ (ĉiσ ) creates (annihilates) an electron in the

molecular state i with spin σ. The isolated Hamiltonian for the electrode α is given by
Ĥα = αkσ dˆ†αkσ dˆαkσ , (7.1.5)

where α = L, R. The third and fourth terms of Eq. (7.1.4) describe the vibronic degrees
of freedom for one vibron-mode of energy ~ωp , ~ is the Planck’s constant, and λ is the
electron-vibron coupling. b̂† (b̂) is the creation (annihilation) bosonic operator for the
vibrons. The operator dˆ†αkσ (dˆαkσ ) creates (annihilates) an electron with momentum k in
the electrode α with spin σ. Finally the interaction between the leads and the molecule
is given by the so-called tunneling Hamiltonian
Xh i
ĤT = γα ĉ†i dˆαk + γα∗ ĉi dˆ†αk , (7.1.6)

which is treated as a perturbation. The electron-vibron coupling term can be eliminated

by a canonical transformation [189, 190, 116] (see Appendix C.2), leading to a renormal-
ization of i → ˜i = i − λ2 ~ωp and U → Ũ = U − 2λ2 ~ωp and it introduces a translation
operator into the tunneling matrix elements γα → γα exp[−λ(b̂† − b̂)] [116].
Within the T -matrix [108, 119, 123, 114] approach presented in Sec. 4.5, we evaluate
the diagonal terms of the reduced density matrix, which are given by [114, 115]
 0 q q0 0 q
 X  nm;q0 q 0 0

Γαα0 ρqn − Γmn;qq
ρ̇qm (t) = Γnm;q
α ρn − Γmn;qq
α ρm + αα 0 ρq
m (7.1.7)
α;n6=m,q 0 αα0 ;n,q 0
 
1 q X 0
+ ρm − ρqeq ρqn  , (7.1.8)

where ρqm is the occupation of the state |m, qi; the first index m refers to electronic states
whereas the index q runs over vibronic states. To lowest order in ĤT , one describes
the sequential-tunneling processes where one electron is transferred from one electrode
Electronic Transport and Level Alignment in the Coulomb Blockade 111

to the molecule and vice-versa, as schematically shown in Fig. 7.1(a). The transition

(a)Sequential Tunneling (b)Elastic Cotunneling (c)Inelastic Cotunneling

Figure 7.1: Schematic representation of different transport regimes. (a) Sequential tun-
neling from the electrode to the molecule (left) and from the molecule to the electrode
(right). (b) Elastic cotunneling, where the molecule is left in the same charge state. (c)
Inelastic cotunneling where the final charge state is different from the initial one. This
can happen when vibrons and photon-assisted processes are considered.
rates, Γmn,qq
α , for electrons to tunnel between the molecule and the electrode α when the
molecule makes a transition from the state |m; qi with total energy Emq to the state |n; q 0 i
of energy Enq0 are given by [114, 117]

Γα X 
Γmn f (Emq − Enq0 − µα )|Aiσ 2 2
  iσ 2 2

α = nm | |Fq 0 q | + 1 − f (Enq 0 − Emq − µα ) |Amn | |Fqq 0 | ,
~ iσ

where m → n and q → q 0 represent changes on the number of electrons and excited

vibrons, respectively. A complete derivation of this equation is given in Appendix C.
Γα = 2πγα2 να are the bare electronic couplings to the electrodes, να is the density of
states and γα is the momentum independent hopping parameter. Moreover, Aiσ n0 n00 =
hn0 | ciσ |n00 i = δn0 ,n00 +1 is the matrix element of the annihilation operator for the single-

particle state i with spin σ and Fq0 q = hq 0 | e−λ(b̂ −b̂) |qi are the Franck-Condon matrix
elements [115, 116]. These processes are dominant as long as the conducting energy level
is within the bias window. However, if the level is outside the bias window, the sequential
tunneling decreases exponentially and higher order processes will dominate.
The next-to leading-order in the T -matrix expansion is determined by cotunneling
processes [second term of Eq. (7.1.8)] and the transition rates are given by (see Ap-
pendix C) [118, 119, 114, 120, 121]
! 2
i00 σ 00 Ai0 σ 0 ∗ F 0 00 F ∗ i00 σ 00 ∗ Ai0 σ 0 F ∗ F 00

nn0 ;qq 0 Γα Γα0 X X X
nn0 00 nn 00 q q qq 00 00
n n 0 00
n n q q 00 0 q q

Γαα0 = dE +

2π~ 00 00 0 0 00 00 E + Enq − En00 q00 + iη −E + En0 q0 − En00 q00 + iη

i σ iσ n ,q
× f (E − µα ) 1 − f (E + Enq − En0 q0 − µα0 ) .
112 Chapter 7

0 0
describes the transition rates to transfer coherently (tunneling) one electron from
the electrode α while the molecule is in the state |n; qi to the electrode α0 , leaving the
molecule in the state |n0 ; q 0 i. The occupation of the molecule changes just virtually in
the intermediate state, i.e. the number of electrons in the molecule is the same dur-
ing cotunneling processes. Fig. 7.1(b-c) shows schematically the elastic and inelastic
cotunneling processes. We disregard tunneling processes changing the number of elec-
trons in the molecule by ±2. This is achieved by constructing a general final state as
|j 0 i |n0 i = dˆ†α0 k0 dˆαk |ji |n0 i, with α 6= α0 . Note that Eq. (7.1.10) diverges due to the sec-
ond order poles. To circumvent this numerical problem, we apply a regularization [115]
procedure that removes the singularities. The details are presented in Appendix C.
By solving Eq. (7.1.8) with the time derivatives set to zero and the normalization
condition i ρi = 1 one obtains the steady-state current through the left electrode as [114,
0 X  0q nm;q 0 q

(Nn − Nm ) ΓLnm;q q ρm;q − e Γnm;q
I L = −e LR − ΓRL ρm;q , (7.1.11)
nm;qq 0 nm;q 0 q

where Nn is the number of electrons in state |n; qi. In our model, we map the problem
onto an orthogonal basis set and we consider only the two single-particle states relevant
to the problem, i.e. the frontier molecular orbital HOMO and LUMO. The states are
considered spin-degenerated so that the contributions of each spin are cast out into a spin
factor constant [115]. For simplicity, we do not allow a second electron in the molecule,
i.e. U → ∞. Therefore, the states used to construct the basis set for the reduced density
matrix are |0; qi, |1, 0; qi and |0, 1; qi, i.e. empty molecule, an electron in the HOMO
and an electron in the LUMO, respectively, for q number of vibrons. The last term of
Eq. (7.1.8) is added on a phenomenological basis and describes relaxation of the vibrations
towards the equilibrium distribution ρqeq = e−q~ωp /kB Θ (1 − e−~ωp /kB Θ ) on a time scale τ .
For τ → ∞ the system is unrelaxed whereas τ → 0 the system is relaxed to the vibronic
ground state.

7.2 Case of study: gold-ZnTPPdT molecular junc-

We start by discussing the results for the ab-initio transport calculations. For the
MJs calculations, the electrode is modeled by considering a five-layer-thick 8 × 8 Au(111)
supercell. The molecule is connected to the electrodes via a hollow site of the equilibrium
distance [37] of d ≡ dAu−Au = 23.2 Å , as shown in Fig. 7.2(a). In order to model the
effect of the image charge as a function of d, three new configurations are built (without
structural relaxation) where the molecule is tilted forming an angle θ relative to the
straight equilibrium configuration, as shown in Fig. 7.2(b-d).
Electronic Transport and Level Alignment in the Coulomb Blockade 113

Figure 7.2: Ball-stick representation of Au-ZnTPPdT-Au molecular junctions when the

junction is compressed to simulate a MCBJ experiment. (a)-(d) Two flat surfaces are
considered and the molecule tilts making an angle θ between its plane and the transport
direction. (e)-(f) Two tip electrodes are considered and the molecule slides on top of the
two gold tips.

Fig. 7.3 shows the transmission coefficients (a-b) and the I × V characteristics (c-d)
for different values of θ computed with DFT-NEGF for thiol and thiolate junctions, re-
spectively. The thiolate junctions are obtained by removing the hydrogen atoms attached
to the sulfur atoms in the SH group. In both cases, the transport is dominated by the
HOMO level. The tunneling current for the thiolate junction is one order of magnitude
larger than its thiol counterpart due to the stronger coupling to the electrodes, as shown
in Tab. 7.1, and due to the fact that the HOMO enters the bias window for the range
of applied bias. Moreover, the resonances position are essentially unchanged for different
values of θ. This confirms the fact that LDA is not able to capture the renormalization
of the energy levels due to the image charge effect.
In Chapter 6 we show that thiol and thiolate junctions may coexist in MCBJs experi-
ments [31]. Since the thiolate junctions seems to lead to a systematic larger current than
the thiol ones, we focus our attention on the thiol junctions. We first study the properties
of the gas phase ZnTPPdT(thiol) molecule. ELDA is largely underestimated when com-
pared to EQP = E A − I P calculated by using the ∆SCF method. Our results show that
the HOMO is higher in energy by ∼1.4 eV when compared to −IP = −6.39 eV. On the
114 Chapter 7

Thiol 0 0 Thiolate
0 300 0
10 (a) 450 (b) 10
-2 -2
10 10


-4 -4
10 10

-6 -6
10 -1 0 1 2 -1 0 1 210
E-EF (eV) E-EF (eV)
0.1 3
(c) (d)
0.05 1.5

I (µΑ)
I (µA)

0 0

-0.05 -1.5

-0.1 -3
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
bias (V) bias (V)

Figure 7.3: NEGF results: top panels show the transmission coefficients as a function
of energy for different values of the stretching parameter θ for (a) thiol and (b) thiolate
junctions. Bottom panels, the same for current as a function of bias voltage.

contrary, the LUMO is lower in energy by ∼1.45 eV when compared to −E A = −1.74 eV.
Similar differences are also found for the ZnTPPdT(thiolate) molecule. These results
show that the KS eigenvalues offer a poor description of the molecular quasi-particle
energy levels within LDA, in the gas phase, as also discussed in Chapter 5.

7.2.1 Energy level alignment

In order to account for the image charge effects (see Sec. 6.1.2) [31], when the molecule
is in the junction, we calculate the corrections to the molecular energy levels as a function
of d. Fig. 7.4 shows the corrected frontier energy levels as a function of d (the corre-
sponding θ is also shown) for the ZnPPTdT(thiol) molecule in the junction. The energy
levels are offset by the metal workfunction (WF = 5.5 eV). WF is calculated by taking the
difference between the vacuum potential and the slab Fermi energy (EF ) of the gold sub-
strate. The green-dashed lines correspond to the gas-phase limit for the ZnPPTdT(thiol)
molecule. Since the transport properties of MJs depends strongly on the energy level
alignment between the molecular energy levels with respect to the electrodes chemical
potentials, corrections to the frontier energy levels should be applied in order to compare
our calculations with experimental data.
Electronic Transport and Level Alignment in the Coulomb Blockade 115

0 0 0 0
55 45 30 0
4 -EA-WF

Energy (eV)

0 EF
13.5 18 22.5
dAu-Au (Å)

Figure 7.4: Corrected position for the frontier energy levels of the thiol junctions (with
respect to WF = 0) as a function of the electrodes separation. Dashed-green lines are the
−E A and −I P offset by WF showing the gas-phase molecule limit. The calculations have
been performed by means of Eq. (5.1.8) where the image charge plane height is obtained
from CDFT.

7.2.2 Master equation approach: charge transport in Coulomb

blockade regime
In order to describe the Coulomb blockade regime (weak coupling limit) observed in
experiments, we apply the ME approach. Firstly, we validate the ME method by bench-
marking it with the DFT-NEGF. Fig. 7.5(left) shows the LDA transmission coefficients as
a function of energy for the thiol (θ = 0) junction calculated with NEGF at equilibrium
(0 V). Since LDA underestimates the position of the LUMO, we apply SCO [31] approach
(Sec. 6.1.3) to correct its energy position to the one given in Fig. 7.4.

Extracting electronic couplings from DFT-NEGF calculations

We then perform the transport calculations within the NEGF framework and obtain the
transmission coefficients for the corrected energy levels positions. The electronic couplings
are extracted by fitting a Lorentzian curve to the transmission coefficients as
T (E) = , (7.2.1)
(E − Ei )2 + 41 (Γi )2

where Γi = ΓLi +ΓRi for i = HOMO, LUMO levels. The results for the electronic couplings
are shown in Tab. 7.1.

Connection between the parameters obtained with NEGF and ME

In order to make the connection between the electronic couplings obtained with NEGF,
L,R (E), and the ones defined within ME, Γα , we first assume that the scattering
116 Chapter 7

0 NEGF: scf
Transmission NEGF: 0 V
Thiol (θ = 0 ) NEGF: non-scf
Transmission NEGF: 2 V ME: Total
0 Transmission NEGF+SCO: 0 V ME: seq. tunneling 1.5
10 Lorentzian Model ME: cotunneling

-2 1
10 -3

I (µΑ)
T (E)

0 0.2 0.4

-4 0.5

-6 0
10 -1 0 1 20 0.5 1 1.5 2
E-EF (eV) bias (V)

Figure 7.5: Thiol junction with θ = 00 . (left panel) Transmission coefficients as a function
of energy obtained with NEGF at 0 V and 2 V. The transmission coefficient when the
LUMO level is corrected to the E A (NEGF+SCO) and best fit for the Lorentzian model
(at equilibrium) to extract the couplings. (right panel) I × V comparison between the
NEGF and ME. For the NEGF, the self-consistent (scf) current is compared to the non-
self-consistent (non-scf). For the ME results, we also show for completeness the separated
contributions for the sequential tunneling and cotunneling. Inset shows the low bias limit
to which cotunneling dominates, therefore, the ME cotunneling current is very similar to
the NEGF-scf. The bias window is highlighted with the vertical green-dotted lines shown
on the left panel.

Table 7.1: Electronic couplings of the HOMO and LUMO to the left and right electrodes,
obtained from DFT-NEGF, for the different values of θ for the thiol and thiolate junctions.
All the values of Γ are in meV.
Thiol Thiolate
Angle (0 ) dAu−Au (Å) ΓL ΓR ΓL ΓR ΓL ΓR ΓL ΓR
0 23.2 6.0 5.5 6.5 6.5 19.0 16.0 8.0 8.0
30 19.9 5.7 5.0 8.0 5.0 25.0 8.0 9.0 8.0
45 16.40 6.5 3.5 6.0 3.5 15.0 10.0 7.0 6.0
60 12.9 5.0 3.6 7.0 5.0 12.0 10.0 7.0 7.0

region (within ME) is given just by the molecule and that its energy levels are non-
degenerated and well separated in energy. Therefore, the interaction VL,R between the
scattering region and the electrode is given, for a single-particle level, by the momentum
independent hopping parameter γL,R . Then, the self-energy given in Eq. (7.1.2) becomes
ΣL,R (E) = πγL,R νL,R (E). If we further assume the wide-band approximation, i.e. the
density of states is energy independent, which is a good approximation for gold electrodes,
we obtain

= 2πγL,R NEGF
νL,R 2
≈ 2πγL,R νL,R ≡ ΓL,R . (7.2.2)
Electronic Transport and Level Alignment in the Coulomb Blockade 117

We note that, for a metallic surface, DFT-LDA generally yields satisfactory results for
νL,R .
Fig. 7.5(right) shows the I × V curve calculated with the NEGF method compared
to the total current (sequential tunneling plus cotunneling) obtained with the ME. When
the energy level enters the bias window (±0.9 V), the ME curve shows a step-like increase
in the current. In contrast, when the calculation is self-consistent (NEGF:scf) the NEGF
yields to a smoothed curve. The lack of a step-like increase in the NEGF:scf curve is
directly related to the lack of the derivative discontinuity in continuous XC functionals,
such as LDA [76, 191, 79], for which the position of the energy levels change linearly with
the occupation. Therefore, during the self-consistency under bias, the energy levels shift
to lower energies as the bias increases due to charging effect [186]. When the calculation
is performed non-self-consistently, namely when the current is calculated by integrating
the zero-bias transmission coefficient in the bias window, the results approximates the
ME solution (ME:total). In this case, the step in the current for ME and NEGF-non-scf
coincides because the transport is HOMO dominated. For θ = 00 , the LDA-HOMO is 0.5
eV below WF [see Fig. 7.3)(a)] whereas the gas-phase −I P is 1 eV bellow WF . However,
the correction due to image charge is 0.53 eV, which brings the −I P in the junction to
0.47 eV. Therefore, due to error cancellation, LDA yields the corrected energy position for
the HOMO. Nevertheless, this is not the case for smaller d for which U (d) is larger. For
a bias of 2 V, the self-consistent calculated current obtained with the NEGF approach is
approximately twice the one obtained with ME. Due to charging effects, the levels shift
considerably to lower energies and now the LUMO enters the bias window contributing
to the current, as shown in the transmission of 2 V in Fig. 7.5(left). We also show for
completeness the individual contributions of sequential tunneling and cotunneling. Note
that for low bias, only cotunneling contributions are observed, as shown in the inset of
Fig. 7.5(right). When the energy level enters the bias window, the cotunneling changes
sign in order to reduce the sequential tunneling current [116]. For a single level, up to
second order in ĤT , it has been demonstrated [116] that current calculated with ME (with
the regularized transition rates) yields identical results to the Lorentzian model.
The corrected energy level positions [Fig. 7.4] are used in the ME approach to calculate
the I × V and the dI/dV curves. Fig. 7.6(a-b), show the results when the electronic
couplings are the ones extracted from the NEGF calculations, as shown in Tab. 7.1. Since
the HOMO level is responsible for the transport (the LUMO is too high in energy and
does not contribute), its position with respect to the Fermi energy determines the gap
of conductance whereas its couplings to the electrodes determine the current saturation.
Furthermore, the renormalization of the HOMO level as a function of distance observed
in the experiment agrees well with our simulations if we consider going from θ = 400
to θ = 550 , which suggests that the molecule might be tilted from the start. Note that
cotunneling contributions only broadens the current at the resonances and do not change
118 Chapter 7

the current saturation for the set of parameters used.

0 0 Thiol
(b) 40.00
(a) 450
0.40 55

dI/dV (µS)
I (µΑ)

0.00 20.00
NEGF couplings, λ=0
(c) θ=550 (d) 18.00

dI/dV (µS)
I (µΑ)


-0.30 λ=2, Θ=80 Κ 6.00

λ=2, Θ=4 Κ
λ=1, Θ=80 Κ
-0.60 λ=4, Θ=80 Κ
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
bias (V) bias (V)

Figure 7.6: ME calculations for the thiol junctions. (a) Total current (solid lines) and
sequential tunneling current (dashed-dotted lines) as a function of bias for different values
of θ with Θ = 4 K and λ = 0 (no vibrons). (b) dI/dV for sequential tunneling contri-
butions. (c) I × V for θ = 550 where vibrons are included and different values of λ and
Θ are considered. The vibron energy is ~ωp = 10 meV, qmax = 120, τ = 1 ps. (d) The
corresponding dI/dV curves for (c). The energy level positions are the corrected ones,
i.e. after taking into account image charge effect, as shown in Fig. 7.4, and ΓL and ΓR are
from Tab. 7.1

7.2.3 Effects of vibrations in the charge transport

The experimental results show an approximately linear current increase with bias
once the resonance is reached. It has been shown for molecular junctions that this is due
to vibron excitations [57, 58]. By including vibronic degrees of freedom in our model, we
can capture most of the linearity observed experimentally. Moreover, vibron relaxation
is taken into account on a phenomenological ground by the parameter τ . Fig. 7.6(c) and
Fig. 7.6(d) shows the I × V and dI/dV curves, respectively, for the thiol (θ = 550 ) where
vibrons are included in the simulation. We estimate the vibron energy of the isolated
molecule by performing DFT calculations within a simple harmonic approximation. Sev-
eral low-energy vibron modes are obtained in the range of 10-17 meV and they are related
to the breathing modes of the porphyrin ring. Therefore, we consider an effective single
vibron mode of energy ~ωp = 10 meV. Although we do not calculate the electron-vibron
Electronic Transport and Level Alignment in the Coulomb Blockade 119

coupling, λ, our calculations show that an intermediate value of λ = 2 leads to very good
qualitative agreement with the experiment (solid line). Indeed, for weak electron-vibron
coupling (λ = 1) vibration excitations that lead to the linear current increase do not
occur (dashed line). On the contrary, strong electron-vibron coupling (λ = 4) leads the
so-called Franck-Condon blockade (dashed-dotted line) [192, 116, 57], which is not ob-
served by Perrin et al. [37]. We point out that the electron-vibron coupling might be
dependent on the electrode separation, however, this is beyond the scope of the present
work. In order to understand the effect of temperature, we perform the calculation with
λ = 2 for Θ = 4 K, which is the temperature used in the experiments. Our results for the
dI/dV [Fig. 7.6(d)] at Θ = 4 K show sharp peaks corresponding to vibration excitations.
However, experimentally these peaks are broadened which suggests that local heating is
taking place also in the electrodes.
Our results shown in Fig. 7.6 for the thiol junctions are by a factor four larger than
the experimental data, see Fig. 1(c) of Ref. [37]. In order to understand the origin of
this discrepancy, we have performed two other sets of calculations where the molecule is
attached to a tip-like electrode, as shown in Fig. 7.2(c-d). In the first configuration, the
molecule is between the two tips whereas in the second the molecule is positioned flat on
top of the two tips in order to simulate a possible compressed geometry where the molecule
slides on top of the electrodes. In both cases, a small reduction of the electronic coupling is
observed, ∼ 20%, which would reduced the saturation current by the same amount, since
the sequential tunneling transmission is proportional to the electronic couplings. Recently,
it has been shown that effects of temperature [29, 30, 193] can reduce the couplings to
the electrodes. Moreover, many-body calculations based on the GW approximation have
also shown that LDA might overestimate the electronic couplings up to a factor of 3 [194],
which would bring our results in quantitative agreement with experiment.

7.3 Conclusion
In summary, we have presented a combination of DFT-NEGF formalism and master
equation approach to study the transport properties of molecular junctions, where all
the parameters for the model can be obtained from first-principles calculation. We show
that the inexpensive master equation approach can describe the transport properties of
molecular junctions in the Coulomb blockade regime for which the NEGF within DFT-
LDA fails due to the lack of the derivative discontinuity. We have applied this combined
approach to reproduce experimental data for molecular junctions in the Coulomb blockade
and demonstrate the importance of the energy level alignment as a function of electrodes
separation, since this controls the conductance gap observed in the experiment. Moreover,
the renormalization of the energy levels due to the image charge effect is well reproduced by
a parameter-free classical image charge model. We demonstrate that vibration excitations
120 Chapter 7

can be responsible for the linear-like current increase once the resonance is reached and
we estimate an intermediate electron-vibron coupling of λ = 2.
Chapter 8

Light-induced Charge Transport

In the optical response of molecular junctions several physical processes and mecha-
nisms can take place under suitable conditions. Many of these can be broadly categorized
as adiabatic and non-adiabatic. In the former, the driving frequency is small relative to
the characteristic level spacing of the system, so that light-induced mixing between energy
levels can be disregarded. This is not the case for the metallic electrode where the char-
acteristic level spacing can be of the same order of the driving frequency. However, for
low frequencies the radiation field does not penetrate into the metal. Non-adiabatic pro-
cesses are those processes dominated by electronic excitations of the molecular junction
and those associated with electronic excitations of the electrodes.
From a theoretical point of view the description of the optical response of a molecular
junction constitutes a complex problem. The molecular response to the local radiation
field, while being a standard problem in spectroscopy, becomes much more complex when
the molecule is in a junction. This is because now electrons can flow through the molecular
system since it is in contact with electron reservoirs with possibly different chemical
potentials. Therefore, the molecular subsystem is in a non-equilibrium state caused by
the interplay between the electrons flux induced by an external bias and a photon flux
associated with an incident radiation field. Thus, one can observe phenomena where the
electronic current appears in response to the incidence of light or light-emission occurs
due to electrical current passing through the system.
For adiabatic processes, i.e. when the light frequency is smaller than the energy levels
spacing and interference between the charge states of the molecule can be disregarded,
Cuevas et al. extended the well-known Landauer-Büttiker formalism based on Green’s
functions to incorporate a monochromatic electromagnetic radiation. They derived an
expression for the linear-response conductance when the junction is illuminated [195].
For junctions where the EF of the metal lies in the gap between the HOMO and the
LUMO levels, depending on the radiation frequency, PAT can lead to an enhancement or
a reduction of the dc conductance [196, 197]. Following the class of adiabatic approaches,
in this chapter we apply a ME approach that takes into account light and vibrational

122 Chapter 8

effects and we consider higher-order processes, such as cotunneling contributions, where

the parameters can be obtained from first-principles calculations or experimental data.
We end the chapter by showing how the linear conductance of a donor-acceptor structure
depends on the charge state of the molecule, where the desired charge state is obtained
via CDFT.

8.1 Master equation for light-induced charge trans-

In this section, we apply the formalism presented in Chapter 4 to study electronic
transport across a molecular system connected to two reservoirs when light-induced charge
transport is considered. Our ME takes into account light-induced effects up to the fourth
order in the tunneling Hamiltonian, i.e. cotunneling contributions. We argue that this
approach is valid for junctions where the molecule is weakly coupled to the electrodes,
the energy levels are well separated and the radiation frequency is smaller than EQP .
This approach can be contrasted to the light-induced currents studied in Refs. [51, 52, 53]
where internal transitions were taken into account.

8.1.1 Single quantum dot - sequential tunneling

We start by presenting some models of a single quantum dot (SQD), e.g. a molecule
or any other nanostructure that show discrete energy levels. We follow the Tien-Gordon
approach and we discuss the effect of an external oscillating potential to the transport
across the SQD system. The Hamiltonian of a generic SQD can be written as

Ĥ = Ĥmol + ĤL + ĤR + ĤT , (8.1.1)

where ĤL and ĤR are the Hamiltonians of the individual electrodes as in Eq. (7.1.5) for
α = L, R. The operator dˆ†αk (dˆαk ) creates (annihilates) an electron with momentum k in
the electrode α, see Appendix A. The interaction between the leads and the molecule is
given by the tunneling Hamiltonian , ĤT , as in Eq. (7.1.6).
The molecular Hamiltonian is given by

Ĥmol = i ĉ†iσ ĉiσ + Ui n̂i↑ n̂i↓ , (8.1.2)
i=1 σ=↑↓

with M single-particle levels, σ is the spin and Ui is the single electron charging energy
and it is treated as a free parameter. The operator ĉ†i (ĉi ) creates (annihilates) an electron
in the molecular state i and n̂i↑ = ĉ†i↑ ĉi↑ is the number operator for spin ↑ in the site i.
Light-induced Charge Transport 123

The simplest system one can think of is a SQD consisting of just one internal level
coupled to two electrodes and we assume spinless electrons. In reality, quantum dots have
many internal energy levels and the spacing between them is a important indicator of the
energy scale of the problem. In contrast, in molecules, these energy levels are much more
spaced thus that the single-energy level treatment is more suitable to model a molecular
energy level instead. The energetics of the electrodes in this model are described by
their thermodynamic properties such as chemical potentials and occupations given by the
Fermi-distribution functions. The quantum aspect of the problem comes from the SQD
Hamiltonian. In this section, we present the SQD for one and two internal energy levels
and for the former for one and two electrons. In this simple case, there are no coherence

Figure 8.1: Schematic representation of a SQD connected to two electrodes. The gate elec-
trode is used to shift the energy levels of the SQD. The contributions to the Hamiltonian
are shown for clarity.

terms for the density matrix operator and the dynamics of the system can be described
just by the diagonal contributions of Eq. (4.3.51), i.e.
˙ |mi =
hm| ρ̂(t) hk| ρ̂(t) |ki Γ km
− hm| ρ̂(t) |mi Γ mk

As discussed in Sec. 4.4, the effect of a time-dependent potential, such as the interac-
tion with a external source of light, is to create a time-dependence of the energy levels of
the quantum dot. By applying a unitary transformation to the Hamiltonian of the entire
system, this time-dependence can be transferred to the interacting Hamiltonians, and
consequently, the transition rates between states of the electrodes and the states of the
dot will carry the time-dependency [64]. For a external time-dependent potential applied
through the gate voltage of a three-terminal device as shown in Fig. 8.1 , one can show
that the transition rates are given by

2π X ζ
n0 n
X †

|γα |2 ρα
α = Jν2 hn | ĉi |ni f (En0 − En − ν~ω − µα ) (8.1.3)

~ ν
~ω i

124 Chapter 8

2π 2
X ζn0 n 0 X

Γ− = |γ | ρ Jν2 hn | ĉi |ni [1 − f (En0 − En + ν~ω − µα )] . (8.1.4)

α α α
~ ν


The full derivation of Eq. (8.1.3) and Eq. (8.1.4) is given in Appendix B, Sec. B.2. Γ+
describes the transition rates for tunneling from the electrode α to the SQD, whereas Γ−
describes the transition rates for tunneling from the SQD to the electrode, while making
a transition from the initial charge state |ni to the final charge state |n0 i. γα is the
hopping parameter between the SQD and the electrode α, ρα is the density of states of
the electrode α for which we assume the wide band limit, i.e. the density of states is energy
independent. f (E) is the Fermi-distribution function and µα is the chemical potential of
ζn0 n
the electrode α. Jν (ξ) is the νth order Bessel function of the first kind and ξ = ~ω is
a dimensionless quantity that controls the ac-field intensity. Hereafter, we treat ξ as a
free parameter. Again, by setting the time-derivative of the reduced density matrix to
˙ |mi = 0, and using the normalization condition P ρi = 1 one obtains
zero, i.e. hm| ρ̂(t) i
the steady-state current through the electrodes [114, 115]. The electrical current due to
sequential tunneling through the contacts, for instance the left (L) contact, is then given
I L = −e (nn − nm ) Γnm
L ρmm . (8.1.5)
+ −
L represents either ΓL or ΓL depending on whether the electron is tunneling to or from
the molecule, respectively.


The square modules of the Bessel’s functions has an important meaning. It gives the
probability for the tunneling electrons to absorb (ν > 0) or to emit (ν < 0) ν photons
of energy ~ω. For ν = 0 one recovers the case of no-PAT transport. This can be further
understood by considering the spectral decomposition of the wave function for the different
sidebands. By considering an electron confined in an infinite well interacting with a time-
dependent external potential, V cos ωt, the Schrödinger equation can be written as

i~ = Ĥ(t)ψ(r, t) = ( + V cos ωt)ψ(r, t). (8.1.6)

The solution of this equation is

−i(t+ ~ω
ψ(r, t) = ψ(r, 0)e sin ωt)/~
= ψ(r, 0) Jν e−i(+νω)t/~ , (8.1.7)

Light-induced Charge Transport 125


which indicates that the electron has a probability proportional to Jν2 ~ω to have an
energy equal to  ± ~ω [44, 198, 199]. Sidebands can be detected by varying the gate
voltage, which shifts up and down the energy levels of the quantum system. When
the sideband enters the bias window, i.e. for µR >  ± ν~ω > µL , the current versus
gate voltage (I−Vg ) curve shows a resonant peak added to the undriven resonance. The

height of this peak is proportional to J02 ~ω . For other sidebands corresponding to
the absorption or emition of ν photons, the current will have contributions with height

proportional to Jν2 ~ω .

Single energy level model

We first show how PAT changes the current through the tunneling barriers for the case
of a single level, 1 , in a SQD. Fig. 8.2 shows the current and the differential conductance
as a function of gate voltage (Vsd → 0) for different values of ξ. Without light irradiation

0.04 _ = 0.001 eV
h =0.6 eV H
= 0.001 eV 0.5

dI/dV (µS)
0.03 L
I (µA)

0.02 =1 0
h =0.4 eV 0.5

dI/dV (µS)
I (µA)

0.02 0

dI/dV (µS)

I (µA)

h =0.2 eV
0.02 0

0.01 -0.5
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
gate voltage (V) gate voltage (V)

Figure 8.2: PAT for a single level model. Current (left) and differential conductance
(right) as a function of gate voltage (Vsd → 0) for different light intensities. Parameters
used are kB Θ = 15 meV, ΓL = ΓR = 1 meV and 1 = 0 eV. From top to bottom,
decreasing the photon energy.

(ξ = 0), the I − Vg curve shows just one peak, which occurs when 1 is aligned with the
chemical potentials of the electrodes [200]. However, when light is on, the electron that
in absence of photons would be confined inside the SQD, can absorb energy from the
photons to jump out of the SQD and be absorbed by the electrodes in such way that the
126 Chapter 8

condition µ < 1 + ν~ω is satisfied. In other words, the effect of the interaction of a single
energy level with a classical oscillating field is that the energy levels splits into several
energy levels (sidebands) located at 1 ± ν~ω, as shown in Fig. 8.3. Likewise, electrons on

Figure 8.3: Energy diagram for a single level model where PAT is present.

the electrodes can absorb photons to jump into the SQD. With this process, occupation
probabilities that were essentially forbidden can become available with PAT.

Two energy levels model

Single electron allowed

First we consider the case of two discrete single particle energy levels, 1 and 2 ,
where just one electron is allowed in the SQD. In other words, U → ∞ so that only the
charge states |0i, |1, 0i and |0, 1i are considered. When PAT is taken into account, two
transmission mechanisms can be observed. The first was already discussed in Fig. 8.2
where extra peaks arise at energies equal to 1 ± ν~ω. The second mechanism gives rise to
peaks where an excited state (in this case 2 ) is aligned with µα . For ξ = 0, the tunneling
through 2 is forbidden due to Coulomb blockade, since 1 is already occupied. Thus, as
shown in Fig. 8.4, we observe just one peak at Vg = 0.1 eV, which is the energy needed
to align 1 with µα . However, for ξ 6= 0, an electron in 1 can absorb photons to jump out
of the SQD, while another electron can then tunnel thought 2 following the sequence of
transitions |1, 0i → |0i → |0, 1i. The tunneling though 2 is now visible for ξ = 1 since 1
can be emptied due to photon absorption [201]. Other transitions can also be identified
where both levels can absorb and emit photons.

Two electrons allowed

In the case of two electrons in the SQD, we need to take into account the charging
energy U due to electron-electron interaction. As shown in Fig. 8.5, for ξ = 0, two main
peaks are observed instead of just one and the spacing between these two peaks is given
by (1 − 2 ) + U. The first peak at Vg = 0.4 V corresponds to one electron entering the
Light-induced Charge Transport 127

0.04 _ = 0.001 eV
h =0.6 eV H
=0 = 0.001 eV 0.5

dI/dV (µS)
0.03 L
I (µA)

0.02 =2 0

h =0.4 eV 0.5

dI/dV (µS)
I (µA)

0.02 0


dI/dV (µS)
I (µA)

h =0.2 eV
0.02 0

0.01 -0.5
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
gate voltage (V) gate voltage (V)

Figure 8.4: PAT for a two-level and one electron model in the SQD. Current (left) and
differential conductance (right) as a function of gate voltage (Vsd → 0) for different light
intensities. The parameters used are kB Θ = 15 meV, ΓL = ΓR = 1 meV, 1 = −0.1 eV
and 2 = 0 eV. From top to bottom, decreasing the energy of the photon.

SQD and tunneling through 1 , i.e. the |0i → |1, 0i transition. Once the 1 level is occu-
pied, the next transition is |1, 0i → |1, 1i, with final energy 2 + U. As a consequence, for
ξ = 0, the two peaks corresponding to 2 and 1 + U are hidden. However, they can be
observed for ξ = 1, 2. As for the case of one electron in the SQD, the same analysis for
the sidebands can be made and some of the peaks can be easily identified. As the number
of internal states increases and the intensity of the light increases more transitions can
occur and several peaks will be observed in the I − Vg plot, which can be seen as extra
steps in the current versus bias voltage, I − Vsd , plot. Similar results have been reported
in the literature in good agreement with our simulations [202, 203].

8.1.2 Cotunneling with light effects

We then extend our model in order to include light effects in the cotunneling contri-
butions to the current. To the best of our knowledge this has not been done yet with a
128 Chapter 8

= 0.001 eV
= 0.001 eV 0.25
0.03 h =0.2 eV
I (µA)

I (µA)
0.02 =0 0.15
0.01 =2

0 0
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 10 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
gate voltage (V) bias (V)

Figure 8.5: Current as a function of (a) gate voltage (Vsd → 0)[left] and as a function of
bias voltage (Vg = 0)[right]. The parameters used are kB Θ = 15 meV, ΓL = ΓR = 1 meV,
U = 0.5 eV, ~ω = 0.2 eV, 1 = −0.4 eV and 2 = 0 eV.

ME approach. The cotunneling rates take the form

nn0 Γα Γα0 X 2 ζn0 n X X
Γαα 0 = J
2π~ ν ν ~ω i000 i00
000 00 000 00
! 2
Ain0 n00 Ainn∗00 Ain00 ∗n0 Ain00 n
× d +

00  + En − En00 + ν~ω + iη − + En0 − En00 + iη

× f ( − µα ) × 1 − f ( + En − En0 + ν~ω − µα0 ) , (8.1.8)

where the matrix elements of the annihilation operators are

000 00
hn0 | ĉi000 |n00 i (hn| ĉi00 |n00 i)† = i ∗
Ain0 n00 Ann 00 (8.1.9)
n00 n00

X X 000 00
(hn00 | ĉi000 |n0 i)† hn00 | ĉi00 |ni = Ain00 ∗n0 Ain00 n . (8.1.10)
n00 n00

Again, f (E) is the Fermi-distribution function and µα is the chemical potential of the
ζn0 n
electrode. Jν (ξ) is the νth order Bessel function of the first kind, ξ = ~ω is a dimension-
less quantity that controls the ac-field intensity and En is the total energy of the charge
state |ni. Only elastic cotunneling contributions are considered since we do not include
interference between molecular charge states, as schematically shown in Fig. 7.1(b). A
full derivation of Eq. (8.1.8) is given in Sec. B.3.
Fig. 8.6 shows our results for a two-level model for spinless electrons, where the pa-
rameters could represent, for instance, the molecular junction discussed in Chapter 7,
Sec. 7.2.2. As discussed in the previous sections, the photon creates side-bands and extra
steps in the sequential tunneling current (left panels of Fig. 8.6). These extra steps occur
Light-induced Charge Transport 129

where the total energy difference between two charging states matches the applied bias.
The low bias cotunneling contributions (right panels of Fig. 8.6), where the transition
rates are calculated with Eq. (8.1.8) and the current by Eq. (7.1.11), are shown for dif-
ferent values of ξ and photon energies. The cotunneling contributions increase with the
light intensity, since the transition rates are proportional to the module squared of the
Bessel functions, which also increases with the intensity. It is interesting to note that for
~ω = 0.2 eV, the cotunneling current is larger than, for instance, for ~ω = 0.8 eV. This
is due to the fact that for low photon energy, a higher number of sidebands, 1,2 ± ~ω,
is available within the range of applied bias as compared to the case of high photon en-
ergy. In other words, there are more channels available for electrons to tunnel for smaller
photon energies. The corresponding occupation probabilities for different light intensities
and photon energies are shown in Fig. 8.7. Note that they correspond to the sequential
tunneling contributions since elastic cotunneling does not modifies the occupations.

Seq. Tunneling Cotunneling

2.5 _
hω=0.2 eV noPAT 0.08
2 ξ= 1
I (µΑ)

I (µΑ)
ξ= 2
ξ= 4 0.04
0.5 0.02
0 0
2.5 _
hω=0.8 eV
2 0.06
I (µΑ)

I (µΑ)
0.5 0.02
0 0
2.5 0.08
2 hω=1.5 eV
I (µΑ)

I (µΑ)

0.5 0.02
0 0
0 1 2 3 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
bias (V) bias (V)

Figure 8.6: I − Vsd for sequential tunneling (left) and cotunneling (right) with PAT
for different photon energy and light intensity. The parameters are: LUMO = 1.3 eV,
HOMO = −0.5 eV, ΓL = ΓR = 7 meV, kB Θ = 15 meV. The charge state energies are:
|0i = 0 eV, |1, 0i = −0.5 eV; |0, 1i = 1.3 eV and |1, 1i = 0.8 eV. We considered U = 0
130 Chapter 8

(a) (b) (c)

_ _
|0> ξ= 2, h= 0.2 eV ξ= 4, h= 0.2 eV
occupation 0.8 ξ= 0 |0,1> 0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2 0.2
0 0 0
_ _ _
(d) ξ= 1, h= 0.8 eV (e) ξ= 2, h= 0.8eV (f) ξ= 4, h= 0.8 eV

0.8 0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2 0.2
0 0 0
_ _ _
(g) ξ= 1, h= 1.5 eV (h) ξ= 2, h= 1.5 eV (i) ξ= 4, h= 1.5 eV

0.8 0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2 0.2
0 0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
bias (V) bias (V) bias (V)

Figure 8.7: Occupation probabilities for different photon energy and light intensity (c-i)
compared to no-PAT (a). The corresponding I − Vsd curves are those in Fig. 8.6.

8.2 Interplay of phonon and photon-induced charge

Franck-Condon blockade

The Franck-Condon blockade (FKB) is the suppression of the linear conductance

of a nanostructure that shows strong electron-vibron coupling, λ. This dimensionless
parameter measures the extent to which the geometrical structure of the molecule changes
due to the change in its electronic structure, for instance, when an extra electron is added
to it. When λ  1, the displacements of the potential surfaces are large compared to the
quantum fluctuations of the nuclear configuration in the vibronic ground state. This leads
to a strong suppression of the overlap between the low-lying vibronic states. Therefore,
the Franck-Condon matrix elements [see Eq. (C.2.20)] are strongly suppressed, leading
to the suppression of the sequential tunneling current at low bias. This is schematically
shown in Fig. 8.8(a) where only transitions that involve low-lying vibronic states, such as
|N, qi, to high-vibronic states, |N + 1, q 0 i, are allowed. |N, qi is the electronic ground state
N electrons and q is the vibronic state of the molecule. This effect was first observed in
quantum dots [204] and then in suspended carbon nanotubes [205]. Only recently Burzurı́
et al. could observe this effect in a very small single magnetic molecule [192]. A detailed
Light-induced Charge Transport 131

theoretical description of this effect has been already published some time ago by Koch
et al. [116, 57].

(a) Sequential Tunneling (b) Cotunneling



Figure 8.8: Schematic energy diagram for Franck-Condon blockade, λ  1. (a) Sequential
tunneling where only transitions from the charging state |N, qi to a high-vibron excited
charging state |N + 1, q 0 i is allowed. Ground-state transitions are suppressed. (b) The
suppression of the conductance is partially lifted due to cotunneling involving contri-
butions from highly excited virtual vibronic states. The curved arrow shows that, in
cotunneling, the charge state of the molecule changes just virtually in the intermediate

An interesting fact about the FKB is that it can not be lifted by applying a gate
voltage, as it can be done for the Coulomb blockade. Fig. 8.9 shows for a one-level model
the stability diagrams as the electron-vibron coupling increases. As expected, the gate
voltage does not lift the conductance gap, i.e. the system is in the FKB. Note that the
center of the stability diagram is shifted to the right since the energy of the single particle
level is renormalized, as shown in Sec. C.2.
The transition rates for sequential tunneling with vibrons are given by

ĉ†i |ni hq 0 | e−λ(b̂ −b̂) |qi f (En0 q0 − Enq − µα ),

+,qq 0
Γα = |γα |2 ρα hn0 | (8.2.1)


for electrons entering the molecule through electrode α and changing the vibronic state
of the molecule from q to q 0 . Likewise, for electrons leaving the molecule, the transition
rate is
−,qq 0 2π 2

0 −λ (b̂ † −b̂

Γα = |γα | ρα hn | ĉi |ni hq | e |qi [1 − f (En0 q0 − Enq − µα )] . (8.2.2)


A detailed derivation of these expressions is found in Sec. C.2. The transition rates for
132 Chapter 8

(a) (b) (c)

-0.05 2.5 0.9
Vsd (V)

0 N N+1 N N+1 0.4 N N+1 0.3


0.05 0 0
-0.01 0 0.02 0.04 -0.01 0 0.02 0.04 -0.01 0 0.02 0.04
Vg (V) Vg (V) Vg (V)

Figure 8.9: Stability diagram for sequential tunneling contributions for a one-level model
for different electron-vibron coupling strength. Parameters: ΓL = ΓR = 10 meV, kB Θ =
1.7 meV,  = 0 eV, ~ωq = 2.6 meV and qmax = 15.

cotunneling including vibrons are derived in Sec. C.3. Moreover, the electrical current is
given by Eq. (7.1.11).
In the FKB regime, Koch et al. [116, 57] have shown, for the low temperature limit
Γ << kB Θ << ~ωq , that the sequential tunneling contributions to the linear conduc-
tance is proportional to e−λ , i.e. it is exponentially suppressed by the electron-vibron
coupling. This is the case even for the conductance peak position. Fig. 8.10(a) shows the
sequential tunneling current for different values of λ. For λ = 3 the current up to ∼ 0.5
V is essentially quenched. The authors also have shown that the cotunneling transition
0 ;qq 0
rates are algebraically suppressed by the electron-vibron coupling, i.e. Γnnαα0 ∼ λ−4 , and
therefore cotunneling dominates the conductance for low-bias when the system is in the
FKB, as shown in the inset of Fig. 8.8(b). This is related to the fact that for transitions
originating in the vibronic ground state q = 0, the optimal overlap is obtained for virtual
states q 00 of the order of q 00 ≈ λ2 (see Appendix C of Ref. [116]). Fig. 8.10(b) shows the
individual contributions of the various processes to the total current.

Photon-induced removal of Franck-Condom blockade in molecular junctions

An interesting effect occurring when optical excitations are also considered in the
model for a molecular junction with strong electron-vibron coupling [192] is the removal
of the FKB. This represents an efficient way of switching optically the current through a
single molecule. The sequential tunneling rates when both effects are included, namely,
vibrons and photons, are given by (see Sec. C.2 for details)

2π X 2 ζn0 n
ĉ†i |ni hq 0 | e−λ(b̂ −b̂) |qi

+,qq 0
Γα = Jν |γα |2 ρα hn0 |

~ ν ~ω

× f (En0 q0 − Enq − ν~ω − µα ), (8.2.3)
Light-induced Charge Transport 133

(a) (b)
Seq. Tunneling
0.8 λ= 0
λ= 1 10
λ= 2
λ =3
I (µΑ)

I (µΑ)
0.6 10

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Total Current 0.1

Seq. Tunneling
0.4 Cotunneling
λ= 3, ξ=0 0.05
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
bias (V) bias (V)

Figure 8.10: (a) Sequential tunneling current as a function of bias for different values of
the electron-vibron coupling, λ. (b) For λ = 3, the current suppression up to 0.5 V is
due to Franck-Condom blockade. The individual sequential tunneling and cotunneling
contributions to the total current are shown for completeness in panel (b). The inset
shows that the cotunneling contributions dominate at low bias. The parameters used are
kB Θ = 1.7 meV, ΓL = ΓR = 6 meV, 1 = 0 eV, qmax = 5 and ~ωq = 25 meV.

to transfer one electron from the electrode α to the molecule and

−,qq 0 2π X
2 ζn n
0 2

0 X
0 −λ(b̂† −b̂)

Γα = Jν |γα | ρα hn | ĉi |ni hq | e |qi

~ ν ~ω

× [1 − f (En0 q0 − Enq + ν~ω − µα )] (8.2.4)

to transfer an electron from the molecule to the electrode α.

Fig. 8.11(a) shows the sequential tunneling current in the FKB regime, for λ = 3,
without light-assisted tunneling. Fig. 8.11(b) and Fig. 8.11(c) show the corresponding oc-
cupation probabilities for the neutral molecule (|0; qi state) and for the charged molecule
(|1; qi state), respectively. For bias up to ∼ 0.5 V, the system is in the |1; 0i state, i.e.
the molecule has one extra electron and it is in the vibronic ground state. When light is
switched on, photons can assist electrons to excite vibronic states. As the light intensity
increases, vibronic excited states of the charged molecule starts being populated. Further-
more, also excited vibronic states of the neutral molecule become accessible. Although
the population of the neutral state is still one order of magnitude smaller than that of
the charged molecule, an optical excitation creates a non-equilibrium thermal distribution.
This provides the background for the removal of the FKB, as shown in Fig. 8.11(d-i). The
action of the light is also shown in the stability diagrams of Fig. 8.11(j) when compared
to Fig. 8.11(l). In the latter, one can also observe the many extra lines corresponding to
side bands associated with the vibronic states.
Our results are in very good agreement with the results obtained by May et al. [206, 60,
62, 61], a generalized ME approach was used to study photo-induced charge transport in a
two-level model molecular junction. In their model they included effects of intra-molecular
photo-excitations (HOMO-LUMO transitions) and intra-molecular vibronic energy reor-
134 Chapter 8

ganization. Although we do not include intra-molecular excitations, which would require

to consider the off-diagonal elements of the reduced density matrix operator in our ME
[see Eq. (4.3.51)], the agreement with the published results is not accidental, since the
contribution from the intra-molecular excitations is at least an order of magnitude smaller
than the main sequential tunneling contribution.

(a) (b) Neutral (c) Charged

0.2 1

0.15 =3, =0 |0,0> |1,0>
I (µ )

|0,1> 0.06 |1,1> 0.6

0.1 |0,2> |1,2>
|0,3> 0.04 |1,3> 0.4
|0,4> |1,4>
0.05 |0,5> 0.02 |1,5> 0.2
0 0 0
0.2 1
(d) (e) 0.08 (f) 0.8

=3, =2
I (µ )

0.1 0.04 0.4
0.05 0.02 0.2
0 0 0
0.2 1
(g) (h) 0.08 (i)

=3, =4
I (µ )

0.1 0.04 0.4
0.05 0.02 0.2
0 0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
bias (V) bias (V) bias (V)
(j) (k)
-0.05 -0.05
4.5 2.0
Vsd (V)
Vsd (V)

0 2.5 0 1.2

0.5 0.5
0.05 0.05
-0.1 0 0.2 0.5 -0.1 0 0.2 0.5
Vg (V) Vg (V)

Figure 8.11: (a) Sequential tunneling current as a function of bias for λ = 3. The current
suppression up to 0.5 V is due to Franck-Condon blockade. Panels (b) and (c) show the
occupation of the vibronic states for charging state zero and one, respectively. Panels
(d-f) and (g-i) are the same for ξ = 2 and ξ = 4, respectively. (j) The corresponding
stability diagram for (a); (k) is the corresponding stability diagram for (g) where the
light-induced FKB removal is demonstrated. The parameters used are kB Θ = 1.7 meV,
ΓL = ΓR = 6 meV, ~ω = 50 meV, 1 = 0 eV, qmax = 5 and ~ωq = 25 meV.
Light-induced Charge Transport 135

In order to verify the role of vibronic relaxation, we apply the ME presented in

Eq. (7.1.8), i.e. taking into account the relaxation of vibrons with relaxation time τ , where
for τ → 0, all the vibronic states collapse back to the ground state. Fig. 8.12(a) shows the
same sequential tunneling current versus bias presented in Fig. 8.11(g) (unrelaxed) as well
as when considering vibronic relaxations. As shown in Fig. 8.12(b) and Fig. 8.12(c), the
occupation probabilities of the ground state vibronic states increase leading to a partial
recover of the FKB, i.e. Fig. 8.12(b-c) should be compared with Fig. 8.11(h-i). This was
also observed by May et al. [206, 60, 62, 61].

(a) (b) Neutral (c) Charged

0.2 0.5 1
0.4 0.8

λ= 3, ξ= 4 |0,0> |1,0>
I (µΑ)

τ= 10 fs 0.3 0.6
0.2 0.4
0.05 0.1 0.2
0 0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
bias (V) bias (V) bias (V)

Figure 8.12: (a) Sequential tunneling current with PAT in the FKB regime without
vibrational relaxation and including relaxation, with relaxation time τ = 10 fs. (b) and
(c) relaxed occupation probabilities for the neutral and charged molecule, respectively.
The parameters used are the same as those used in Fig. 8.11.

8.3 Light-induced linear conductance enhancement

in molecular junctions
Experimental observation of light-induced conductance enhancement in molec-
ular junctions

S. Battacharyya et al. [38] have performed STM electronic transport measurements. In

their experiments, a SAM of the target molecule, a fullerene-porphyrin structure, as shown
in Fig. 8.13(a) is deposited on a indium-tin oxide (ITO) semiconducting surface and the
gold STM tip closes the circuit. While measuring the tunneling current, simultaneously, a
monochromatic laser pulse could pass through the transparent semiconductor and photo-
excite the molecules trapped in the junction. The authors accomplished to measure
the conductance of the molecule in two different electronic configurations, namely, the
ground-state and the excited state. By breaking and forming the junction, a histogram of
conductances can be plotted. Without light (dark), they observed a conductance average
of ∼2.5 nS [see Fig. 8.13(b)], whereas for the illuminated junction, a higher conductance
peak is observed. They estimated that during the measurements, about 50% of the
molecules are in a higher conducting state. Moreover, the enhancement of conductance
136 Chapter 8

is not due to photocurrent since the maximum photocurrent that could be achieved with
the intensity of the laser used is orders of magnitude smaller than the one measured.
The complex porphyrin-C60 molecule is a donor-acceptor structure giving rise to a
charge-separated state when illuminated with visible light. However, the lifetime of the
charge-separated state is of the order of nanoseconds in solution. This time scale is much
shorter than the time scale to measured the conductance (∼ms). Therefore, the fraction
of molecules in the excited state at the time of a measurement should be vanishingly
small. It has been shown that the conductance enhancement can be associated to the
charging of the molecule [207], leading to an enhancement of the lifetime of the charge-
separated state. The authors concluded that the light absorption creates an excitonic
charge-separated state, in which an electron is transferred from the porphyrin to the
fullerene moiety. The resulting charges migrate away from the site of initial electron
transfer, via hopping to adjacent molecules and/or migration into the ITO substrate.
This processes make the recombination of these separated charges slow, which allows the
observation of the conductance enhancement.

Figure 8.13: (a) Ball-and-stick representation of the expected bonding geometry of a

porphyrin-C60 dyad molecule sandwiched in the gold-ITO junction. A carboxylate group
interacts with the transparent semiconductor, while a pyridyl moiety binds to the gold
probe. The light is represented by the vertical arrows. (b) Schematic representation of
the experimental results of Ref. [38] where the average conductance is enhanced when the
junction is under illumination.
Light-induced Charge Transport 137

8.3.1 Ab initio approach: constrained-DFT+NEGF for trans-

port in charged molecular junctions
Computational details

In this section we want to investigate the transport properties of a donor-acceptor

molecule when the molecule is charged. We combine CDFT described in Chapter 5 (details
on the implementation of the method are described in Appendix E) with the NEGF
formalism, as described in Chapter 3 and implemented in the smeagol code [187, 188].
The XC energy is treated at the LDA level. We use norm-conserving pseudopotentials
according to the Troullier-Martins procedure [143] and the basis set is double-ζ polarized
for carbon, sulfur and hydrogen and single-ζ for gold [29, 30]. The mesh cutoff is 300 Ry
and four k-points are used for sampling the Brillouin zone in the perpendicular direction
to the transport.

Isolated molecule properties

The molecule used in the experiments of S. Battacharyya et al. [38] is shown in

Fig. 8.13(a) and it consists of a porphyrin-fullerene complex terminated by carboxylate
group that binds to the transparent semiconductor and a pyridyl moiety that binds to
the gold probe. We abbreviate the molecule with PFC (porphyrin-fullerene-carboxylate).
We modify this molecule in order to study the transport across a gold-molecule-gold
junction. We replace the carboxylate group by a pyridyl moiety (abbreviated PFN), as
shown in Fig. 8.14(c). Fig. 8.14(a) shows the PDOS for the molecule compared to the
PDOS of the individual moieties, namely, the porphyrin and the fullerene. Our results
show that the HOMO is localized on the porphyrin whereas the LUMO and LUMO+1
are localized on the fullerene, as shown in the plot of the electronic density of Fig. 8.14(c).
This confirms the donor-acceptor structure. The I P and E A calculated, by means of the
∆-SCF approach, are equal to 6.23 eV and 3.10 eV, respectively. The LDA gap, ELDA , is
underestimated by ∼2.5 eV, when compared to EQP . By performing the calculations with
the ASIC method [see Fig. 8.14(b)], the ELDA is modestly opened by 0.5 eV for α = 1.
We point out that the ordering of the levels are unchanged when ASIC is applied. When
the molecule is incorporated in the junction, in order to have a quantitative description
of the conductance, corrections to the energy levels should be applied, as we have shown
in Chapter 6 and Chapter 7.

Case of study: gold-PFN-gold molecular junctions

Fig. 8.15(a-d) show four different geometrical couplings between the molecule and
the electrodes and Fig. 8.15(e) their respective transmission coefficients. In (a) the PFN
molecule is connected to a tip-like electrode at both sides; in (b) the NH2 -Au(tip) bond
138 Chapter 8

(a) LDA (b)

molecule LDA
HOMO-1 SIC-0.5

Total PDOS (a.u.)

PDOS (a.u.) HOMO


-0.5 0 0.5 1 -0.5 0 0.5 1

E-EF (eV) E-EF (eV)



Figure 8.14: (a) and (b) PDOS for the individual units, namely, the fullerene and por-
phyrin, calculated with LDA and LDA+ASIC, respectively. (c) Isosurface plots of the
electronic density of the frontier molecular orbitals.

to the right is replaced by a N-Au(tip) bond; in (c) the NH2 -Au(tip) bond is replaced by
a N-Au(tip) bond at both sides. Lastly, for the geometry-4 shown in (d), a N-Au(flat)
bond is considered at both sides of the junction. As seen in Fig. 8.15(e) the Landauer
elastic transmission [given by Eq. (3.4.32)] at EF increases by several orders of magnitude
when going from the tip-like electrodes to the flat surface due to the stronger coupling to
the electrodes. For geometry-4, the conductance is the same order of magnitude of the
typical values found in the experiment of Ref. [38], thus we focus on this junction.

Molecular conductance enhancement

We are interested in calculating the conductance of the molecular junctions when

the molecule is charged. This is one of the possible mechanism proposed to explain
the enhancement of the conductance under illumination observed in experiments. Our
approach consists of applying CDFT to constrain the molecule in different charge states,
while performing the transport calculations. We perform two sets of calculations, namely,
when the molecule is negatively charged and when it is positively charged. The former
is achieved by removing one electron from the electrodes and adding it to the fullerene
Light-induced Charge Transport 139

(a) geometry-1 (b) geometry-2


(c) geometry-3

(d) geometry-4


-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
E-EF (eV)

Figure 8.15: (a-d) Ball-and-stick representation of different contact geometries for the
Au-PFN-Au molecular junction. (a) NH2 -Au(tip) bond on both sides; (b) NH2 -Au(tip)
bond to the left and N-Au(tip) bond to the right; (c) N-Au(tip) bond on both sides and
(d) N-Au(flat) bond on both sides of the junction. (e) Transmission coefficients as a
function of energy for the different contact geometries obtained with DFT-LDA-NEGF.

moiety [see Fig. 8.16(a)] whereas for the later, an electron is removed from the porphyrin
moiety and added to the electrodes, as shown in Fig. 8.16(b). Fig. 8.16(c) shows the

-2 -1 e
10 +1 e




10 -0.5 0 0.5
E-EF (eV)

Figure 8.16: (a-b) Ball-and-stick representation of geometry-4 shown in Fig. 8.15 where
we schematically show the charge transfer performed with CDFT. (c) Transmission co-
efficients for the non-constrained solution (neutral) compared to the results obtained by
adding one electron to the fullerene (+1e) and removing one electron from the porphyrin
moiety (-1e).

transmission coefficients of the two different charging states of the molecule compared
to the calculation without any constraint (neutral molecule). As one would expect, the
removal of one electron lowers the energy levels and the conductance at EF is reduced.
In contrast, when an electron is added to the molecule, due to the repulsion needed to
140 Chapter 8

screen the extra charge, the energy levels are shifted upwards and the energy level close
to EF approaches even more EF leading to an enhanced conductance. This shows that a
negatively charged molecule is expected to provide an enhanced conductance. We point
out that we assume that the time scale for electron tunneling is shorter than the lifetime
of the charging state of the molecule. This is also consistent with the enhanced long-
lived charge-transfer state observed experimentally. In order to verify if the molecule


Figure 8.17: Energy level diagram for the model where the molecule becomes negatively
charged. (a) The light hits the device and a charge-transfer state occurs with the formation
of an exciton (curl arrow). (b) The HOMO state located in the porphyrin moiety is coupled
to the right electrode stronger than to the left whereas, the LUMO located in the fullerene
moiety is coupled to the left electrode than to the right. Therefore, the hole escapes to
the right while the electron escapes to the left electrodes. (c) Moreover, since the coupling
between the LUMO and the left electrode is smaller than the coupling between the HOMO
and the right electrode, the molecule can become negatively charged. ΓLUMOR = 3.0 × 10−8
R = 2.8 × 10−3 eV, ΓHOMO
L = 2.3 × 10−5 eV and ΓLUMOL = 4.0 × 10−4 eV.

can become negatively charged, we calculate the electronic couplings between the HOMO
and LUMO to the left and right electrodes (see Chapter 7 for details on how to extract
the electronic couplings). The calculated couplings show that ΓLUMO L is four orders of
magnitude larger than ΓLUMO
R is two orders of magnitude larger than ΓHOMO
L .
This means that when the light excites the molecule, as schematically shown in Fig. 8.17(a)
the electron excited to the LUMO level escapes faster to the left electrode than to the
right electrode. Likewise, the hole left in the HOMO escapes faster to the right electrode
than to the left electrode, as shown in Fig. 8.17(b). Moreover, since ΓHOMO
R is larger than
ΓL by one order of magnitude, the molecule can become negatively charged by the
injection of the electron from the right electrode into the HOMO level [Fig. 8.17(c)].

8.4 Conclusion
In the present Chapter we have studied light-induced charge transfer in molecular
junctions. We have presented a ME approach that takes into account both sequential
tunneling and cotunneling contributions. This methodology can be applied in combination
Light-induced Charge Transport 141

with first-principles calculations in order to extract the parameters. We have shown that
the cotunneling current increases (for a symmetric junction) with the light intensity,
but the increase depends on the photon energy. For low photon energies, the number of
sidebands or channels created for the given bias applied is larger than that for high photon
energy. We have shown how light can be used to remove the FKB in molecular junctions
that in presence of strong electron-vibron coupling. This demonstrates that light may be
an efficient tool to optically switching the current through a single molecule. We have
simplified the problem as we do not consider internal excitations, i.e. the HOMO-LUMO
gap is larger than the photon energy, so that the off-diagonal elements of the reduced
density matrix can be neglected. In Appendix D we give an example of a double quantum
dot where coherent terms must be taken into account.
We have demonstrated by means of our combined approach of constrained-DFT and
NEGF that the conductance enhancement observed in experiments can be achieved by
negatively charging the molecule. An important assumption is that the time scale for
tunneling is much shorter than the lifetime of the charging state. This is justified by the
experimental evidence for a long-living charge separated state.
Chapter 9

Conclusion and Future Work

We have developed and applied computational tools to the study of electronic trans-
port properties of molecular junctions. Chapter 2 was dedicated to presenting the elec-
tronic structure theory used throughout this thesis, namely, density functional theory.
We have discussed the limitations of this approach, for instance, the lack of the deriva-
tive discontinuity in local and semi-local approximations of the XC potential and the
self-interaction error. We have shown how corrected functionals, such as the LDA+ASIC
method and the LDA+SCO method can be used to improve on the results. In Chapter 3,
we have presented the general concepts of quantum transport at nanoscale and the non-
equilibrium Green’s function method, widely used to describe the electronic transport
in nanojunctions. Moreover, in Chapter 4, we have also presented and applied a differ-
ent framework to quantum transport, namely, the density matrix approach from which
a set of master equations are solved. This is combined with model Hamiltonians so that
it allows us to straightforwardly take into account important effects, such as, light and
Motivated by the limitations of DFT-LDA to account for non-local correlation effects,
important for the energy level alignment of metal/organic interfaces, in Chapter 5, we
have applied the CDFT discussed in Sec. 2.6 to determine the energy levels alignment of
these interfaces in the weak electron coupling regime [153]. We have demonstrated how the
frontier energy levels of a benzene molecule change due to the image charge effect, leading
to a HOMO-LUMO gap reduction when the molecule is brought close to a Li(100) surface.
We have then studied the size-dependence of the substrate as well as of the supercell used
in the simulations in order to obtain quantitatively converged results. We have shown
that a rather large metal cluster size is needed for long distances between the molecule
and the surface, although at small molecule-metal separations smaller clusters can also
give quantitatively accurate results. Our approach also allowed us to calculate the image
charge plane, i.e. the center of gravity of the screening charge density and we have found
1.72 Å and 1.80 Å for adding and removing one electron, respectively. Moreover, when
the calculated image charge plane is used in an effectively parameter-free electrostatic

Conclusion and Future Work 143

classical model for the image charge, our CDFT results show very good agreement. This
approach offers several advantages when calculating the energy level alignment: (i) rather
large systems can be calculated, since the computational costs are similar to those of
standard DFT; (ii) surfaces with arbitrary shapes and reconstruction can be studied,
including defective and contaminated surfaces; (iii) it gives a direct way of determining
the position of the image charge for such interfaces; (iv) there is a systematic way to
establish convergence.
Chapter 6 has been dedicated to the study of the gold-BDT molecular junctions.
A long-standing problem in the area of molecular electronics has been the difficult to
establish a quantitative agreement between experiments and theory for this system. We
have studied three main aspects of this system. Firstly, we performed DFT calculations
to study the adsorption process of thiol terminated molecules on the gold surface in order
to address the stability of the metal-molecule interface. For all the structures studied we
have found that the thiol-terminated junctions are energetically more stable than their
thiolate counterparts. Moreover, we have found a large activation barrier of about 1
eV for the dissociation of the H atom from the thiol groups adsorbed on gold. These
results indicate that the non-dissociated structures are likely to exist in experiments, and
therefore they can not be ruled out.
Secondly, from the electronic transport point of view we have shown that the energy
level alignment between the molecule and the electrodes is one of the main factors that
determine the linear conductance of the system. We have applied the CDFT method
presented in Chapter 5 combined with an electrostatic classical image charge model to
obtain an accurate description of the energy level alignment of these junctions. The image
charge plane calculated with CDFT is 1 Å above the gold surface. While for the benzene-
1,4-dithiol (BDT2H) molecules the coupling to the surface remains small at all distances,
for small molecule-surface separation the electronic coupling between the benzene-1,4-
dithiolate (BDT) and gold surface becomes very strong, and in this limit the use of the
CDFT approach is not applicable. We have shown that in the limit of strong coupling,
electron transfer from the surface to the molecule occur, so that the molecular LUMO
of the isolated BDT becomes increasingly occupied as the molecule-surface distance de-
creases and the ASIC method is more appropriate to correct the molecular energy levels.
Furthermore, by means of NEGF+DFT we have calculated the transport properties of the
junctions with different contact geometries and compared the results obtained with LDA,
ASIC and LDA+SCO functionals. We have found that Au-BDT-Au and Au-BDT2H-Au
junctions show opposite trends concerning the dependence of the conductance on the sep-
aration between the flat gold electrodes, i.e. while the conductance decreases with the
elongation for the thiol junctions, it shows the opposite trend for the thiolate junctions.
Thirdly, we have presented a hybrid classical molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo
approach to mechanically and/or thermally evolve the Au-BDT-Au molecular junctions.
144 Chapter 9

This have allowed us to incorporate important aspects found in experiments, such as

temperature effects, elongations rate effects, and non-ideal tip contact geometries. By
performing transport calculations of several geometries extracted from the MD-MC ap-
proach, we have found that conductance enhancement with the electrode separation can
be explained by the formation of mono-atomic chains during the elongation process. Our
results therefore suggest that thiol junctions must be present in experiments where the
conductance decreases with the elongation of the junction. In contrast, the thiolates junc-
tions are likely to be present in experiments showing an increase of the conductance upon
In Chapter 7 we have combined the DFT-NEGF formalism with the computationally
efficient master equation approach to study the transport properties of molecular junc-
tions, where all the parameters for the model Hamiltonian can be obtained from first-
principles calculations. In particular, we have shown that the master equation approach
can describe the transport properties of molecular junctions in the Coulomb blockade
regime, in which the NEGF within DFT-LDA fails due to the lack of the derivative
discontinuity in the LDA functional. We have applied this method to reproduce experi-
mental data for a porphyrin-Zn-gold molecular junction in the weak coupling limit. The
energy level renormalization due to the image charge is taken into account by means
of a parameter-free classical image charge model. Moreover, within the model, we have
included temperature effects by considering an effective single vibron-mode and have
demonstrated that vibration excitations can be responsible for the linear-like current in-
crease observed in the experiments and the current onset.
Chapter 8 was dedicated to the study of light-induced charge transfer in molecular
junctions. All the calculations have been performed within the master equation approach
where sequential tunneling and cotunneling contributions were taken into account. We
have discussed the general aspects of light-assisted tunneling within the Tien-Gordon
model and applied the method to simple models. We have then derived and implemented
the transition rates for cotunneling contributions and we have shown that the cotunneling
current increases (for a symmetric junction) with the light intensity, however, the increase
depends also on the photon energy. Moreover, by considering vibrons and photons in
our model, we have studied the interplay between these two excitations on the transport
properties of the molecular junctions. We have shown how light can be used to remove the
Franck-Condon blockade in molecular junctions that show strong electron-vibron coupling.
Finally, motivated by experimental observations [38], we have studied by the combined
approach of constrained-DFT and NEGF the conductance enhancement due to changes
in the charge state of the molecule. We have shown that the conductance enhancement
observed in the experiment can be achieved by negatively charging the molecule. An
important assumption is that the time scale of tunneling electrons is much shorter than
the time scale of the charging state. This is justified based on experimental evidences for
Conclusion and Future Work 145

a long-lived charge separated state [38].

Concerning future work, it would be interesting to tackle the following. Firstly, by
using the hybrid MD-MC/NEGF approach, one could perform similar calculations for the
Au-BDT2H-Au junctions under stretching. This would allow one to compare one to one
with our results for the Au-BDT-Au also when temperature effects and several contact
geometries are considered. In terms of future development, the NEGF approach could
be merged with a molecular dynamics package so that the transport properties would be
calculated self-consistently with the molecular dynamics. This way, one could study the
effect of electrical current onto the geometry of the system as well the effect of the change
in the geometries on the electrical current.
Within the CDFT approach, one could extend the method to allow geometry relaxation
under different constrained charge states. For instance, this could be used to calculate the
electron-phonon coupling of isolated molecules as well as when they are in the junctions.
This task would be accomplished by evaluating differences in the atomic structure of the
system when, e.g. an electron is added to it or removed from it.
For the master equation approach, the off-diagonal elements of the reduced density
matrix operator could be added, so that coherence between molecular charge states could
be taken into account. This would allow us to calculate internal transitions between,
for instance, HOMO and LUMO levels, and to calculate the photocurrent up to fourth
order in the tunneling Hamiltonian. An interesting project would be to include in the
smeagol code electron-photon interaction by means of self-energies [208, 209, 210, 211].
This has been done within model Hamiltonians where just a few energy levels [51] were
considered or coherence between internal energy levels were disregarded [195]. Therefore,
a full first-principles transport calculation where light-induced tunneling is included, for
the best of our knowledge, is still to be done.
Appendix A

Second Quantization Operators

A.1 Fermionic Operators

We first choose a complete set of single-particle states given by {|1i , |2i , ..., |M i},
where the ordering is key when dealing with fermionic particles such as electrons. In
terms of the occupation number representation (second quantization), we write a many-
body state by simply listing the occupation numbers of each basis state,

N-particle basis states : {|n1 i , |n2 i , ..., |nM i}. (A.1.1)

We can now define the molecular many-body charge-state in terms of the single-particle
occupation numbers as

|ΨN i = |n1 , n2 , n3 , ..., nj , ..., nM i = |..., nj , ...i . (A.1.2)

This can be written as

|n1 , n2 , n3 , ..., nj , ..., nM i =ĉ†1 |0, n2 , n3 , ..., nj , ..., nM i =

ĉ†1 ĉ†2 |0, 0, n3 , ..., nj , ..., nM i =
ĉ†1 ĉ†2 ...ĉ†M |0, 0, ..., 0i =
Πi ĉ†i |0i . (A.1.3)

The operator ĉ†i is called creation operator because it creates a fermionic particle in the
single-particle state |ii. The operator ĉj is called annihilation operator since it destroys a
fermionic particle in the single-particle state |ji. For fermions, a single-particle state can
be occupied by just one particle at a time, then
1, if |ii is occupied
ni = (A.1.4)
0, if |ii is empty

Second Quantization Operators 147

and consequently

ĉ†j |n1 , n2 , ..., 1j , ..., nM i = 0 (A.1.5)

ĉj |n1 , n2 , ..., 0j , ..., nM i = 0. (A.1.6)

By ensuring the Pauli’s principle, i.e. by enforcing the anti-symmetry, the wave func-
tions need to be written as

|n1 , n2 , n3 , ..., nj , ..., nM i =ĉ†1 ĉ†2 ...ĉ†M |0, 0, ..., 0i =

−ĉ†2 ĉ†1 ...ĉ†M |0, 0, ..., 0i =
− |n2 , n1 , n3 , ..., nj , ..., nM i . (A.1.7)

As a consequence of the anti-symmetric property of the wave function for fermions, the
fermionic operators follow the anti-commutation written as

{ĉi , ĉ†j } = ĉi ĉ†j + ĉ†j ĉi = δij , (A.1.8)

{ĉi , ĉj } = {ĉ†i , ĉ†j } = 0. (A.1.9)

We can now define how the fermionic operators act on the many-body states. Here 1j
means that one particle has beeen added to (removed from) single particle state j. The
fermionic operators rules are the following:

ĉ†j |ΨN i = ĉ†j |n1 , n2 , n3 , ..., nj , ..., nM i

p p
= nj + 1 |n1 , n2 , n3 , ..., nj + 1, ..., nM i = nj + 1 |n + 1j i
ĉj |ΨN i = ĉj |n1 , n2 , n3 , ..., nj , ..., nM i =
√ √
nj |n1 , n2 , n3 , ..., nj − 1, ..., nM i = nj |n − 1j i
ĉj ĉ†j |ΨN i = ĉj ĉ†j |n1 , n2 , n3 , ..., nj , ..., nM i = (nj + 1) |ΨN i (A.1.10)
ĉ†j ĉj |ΨN i = ĉ†j ĉj |n1 , n2 , n3 , ..., nj , ..., nM i = nj |ΨN i (A.1.11)


j |ΨN i = ĉ†j ĉj |ΨN i = nj |ΨN i (A.1.12)
n̂ |ΨN i = n̂i |ni = ni |ΨN i (A.1.13)
i i
N= ni → number of electrons in the molecule (A.1.14)

where n̂mol
j is the so-called occupation number operator and the superscript ’mol’ stands for
’molecule’. The eigenstates of the number operator are |nj i and the eigenvalues correspond

to the number of particles occupying the single-particle state |ji.

In the same way, we can define a many-body wave function as a convolution of two
Hilbert’s space in order to describe, for example, the many body wave function of two
fermionic electrodes. For example, the many-body state for the two electrodes in their
equilibrium state can be written in the form

|ji = |jL , jR i (A.1.15)

|jα i = |jαk1 , jαk2 , ..., jαk0 , ..., jαkmax i = |..., jαk0 , ...i (A.1.16)

where α = L, R, and L and R correspond to the left and right electrodes, respectively. k
is the momentum quantum number.
Likewise, for the operators that act on the electrodes states, we have the following

dˆ†αk0 |ji = dˆ†αk0 |jα1 , jα2 , ..., jαk0 , ...i

p p
= jαk0 + 1 |jα1 , jα2 , ..., jαk0 +1 , ...i = jαk0 + 1 |j + 1k0 i (A.1.17)
dˆαk0 |ji = dˆ†αk0 |jα1 , jα2 , ..., jαk0 , ...i
p p
= jαk0 |jα1 , jα2 , ..., jαk0 , ...i = jαk0 |j − 1k0 i (A.1.18)
dˆαk0 dˆ† 0 |ji = dˆαk0 dˆ† 0 |jα1 , jα2 , ..., jαk0 , ...i = (jαk0 + 1) |ji
αk αk (A.1.19)
dˆ†αk0 dˆαk0 |ji = dˆ†αk0 dˆαk0 |jα1 , jα2 , ..., jαk0 , ...i = jαk0 |ji (A.1.20)


{dˆαk , dˆ†α0 k0 } = dˆαk dˆ†α0 k0 + dˆ†α0 k0 dˆαk = δα0 k0 αk (A.1.21)

{dˆ† , dˆ† 0 0 } = {dˆαk , dˆα0 k0 } = 0
αk αk (A.1.22)
dˆαk0 |jα1 , jα2 , ..., 0αk0 , ...i = 0 (A.1.23)
dˆ† 0 |jα1 , jα2 , ..., 1αk0 , ...i = 0.
αk (A.1.24)


n̂elec ˆ† ˆ
αk0 |ji = dαk0 dαk0 |ji = jαk0 |ji (A.1.25)
n̂elec |ji = n̂elec
αk |ji = jαk |ji (A.1.26)
αk αk
N= jαk → number of electrons on both electrodes (A.1.27)

where n̂elec
αk is the occupation number operator for the electrodes.
Appendix B

Transition Rates for External

Oscillating Potential

B.1 Model Hamiltonian

In this Appendix we explicitly derive the equations for the transition rates used in
the master equation to calculate the electrical current across a molecular junction. The
system of interest consists of a molecule connected to two metallic electrodes so that the
Hamiltonian is given by
Ĥ = Ĥmol + ĤL + ĤR + ĤT , (B.1.1)

where the molecular Hamiltonian with M single-particle levels is

Ĥmol = i ĉ†i ĉi . (B.1.2)

Note that this Hamiltonian will change its form depending on the physics we want to
describe. For the moment we use this simple model in order to simplify the derivation of
the transition rates. The individual electrodes Hamiltonian is given by
Ĥα = αk dˆ†αk dˆαk . (B.1.3)

For this example we disregard the spin degrees of freedom and we assume that the single-
particle energies i already contain all the many-body effects, such as, charging energy,
image charge effect etc. Moreover, the operators ĉ†i , ĉi , dˆ†αk and dˆαk are defined in Ap-
pendix A and they commute.
The interaction between the leads and the molecule is given by the so-called tunneling


Hamiltonian , ĤT , where

Xh i
ĤT = γα ĉ†i dˆαk + γα∗ ĉi dˆ†αk . (B.1.4)

Here γα is the hopping parameter. We are interested in calculating the electrical current
across the system, where one electron is transferred from one electrode to the other
by crossing the molecule attached to them. For this task, we use the density matrix
formalism. The master equation for the diagonal terms of the reduced density matrix is
given by
ρ̇(t)mm = (Γmn nm
α ρnn − Γα ρmm ) + (Γmn nm
αα0 ρnn − Γαα0 ρmm ) (B.1.5)
α;n6=m αα0 ;n,m

where ρmm is the occupation of the molecular charge state |mi and Γmn is the transition
rates for electrons tunneling between the molecule and the electrodes when the molecule
makes a transition from the charging state |ni to the charging state |mi. The first term
of Eq. (B.1.5) corresponds to the sequential-tunneling and the second term corresponds
to cotunneling. For the later, if m = n, we have elastic-cotunneling whereas m 6= n gives
the inelastic-cotunneling. The current through the left electrode is given by
I L = −e (nn − nm ) Γnm
L ρmm −e (Γnm nm
LR − ΓRL ) ρmm (B.1.6)
nm nm
| {z } | {z }
Seq. tunneling Cotunneling

The main task now is to calculate the transition rates

nn0 2π X 2 ζn0 n
0 0
Γα = Jν hj| χ̂α (0) |ji hn j | V̂ |nji δ(Ej 0 n0 − Ejn − ν~ω) (B.1.7)

~ νjj 0 ~ω

derived in Sec. 4.4.2 of Chapter 4. Here, ν is the number of photons, ~ω is the energy of
the incident photon, ζn0 n = ˜n0 − ˜n , as defined in Eq. (4.4.5) of Sec. 4.4 in Chapter 4, and
V̂ is a generic perturbation. Enj and En0 j 0 are the initial and final total energies of the
system, respectively. χα is given by Eq. (4.3.13) and χα = hj| χ̂α (0) |ji is the probability
of finding the electrode α on state |ji for which the condition j χα = 1 holds. If ν = 0,
we recover the non-driven equation derived in Sec. 4.3.7.
If we consider that the interaction between the molecule and electrodes is weak, the
tunneling Hamiltonian [Eq. (B.1.4)] can be treated as a perturbation. Then, an expansion
of the T -matrix is carried out

T = ĤT + ĤT ĤT + ... (B.1.8)
(Ei + iη) − Ĥ0

where Ĥ0 = Ĥmol + ĤL + ĤR , and i is the index of the initial state. Ei is the energy of the
Transition Rates for External Oscillating Potential 151

initial state, which is an eigenstate of Ĥ0 . From now on η is always assumed to be a small
positive number, η → 0+ . By replacing the perturbation operator V̂ by the appropriate
terms of Eq. (B.1.8), we can describe different electronic transport regimes.

B.2 Sequential tunneling

To the lowest order in ĤT , one describes the sequential-tunneling processes where a single
electron is transferred from one electrode to the molecule and vice versa. Eq. (B.1.7)
0 2π X X 2 ζn0 n 0 0
Γnn = Jν χα hn j | ĤT |nji δ(Ej 0 n0 − Ejn − ν~ω). (B.2.1)

~ ν jj 0 ~ω

Inserting ĤT given in Eq. (B.1.4) into Eq. (B.2.1) we have

0 2π X X 2 ζn0 n X 0 0  † ˆ ∗ ˆ†
Γnn = Jν χα hn j | γα ĉi dαk + γα ĉi dαk |nji δ(Ej 0 n0 −Ejn −ν~ω).

~ ν jj 0 ~ω αik
We want to describe processes that transfer one electron from the electrode α to the
molecule. If we assume that a generic initial many-body state for the entire system can
be defined as

|..., nj , ...i |..., jLk , ...i |..., jRk , ...i = |..., nj , ...i |..., jαk , ...i = |ni |ji = |nji , (B.2.3)

we then define a generic final state as

|j 0 i |n0 i = ĉ†i dˆαk |..., ni , ...i |..., jαk , ...i

= ni + 1 |..., ni + 1, ...i dˆαk |ji
= dˆαk |n0 i |ji (B.2.4)
0 0 †ˆ 0
(|j i |n i) = dαk |n i |ji

= hn0 | hj| dˆ†αk

= hn0 j| dˆ† .
αk (B.2.5)

Transition rates from electrodes to the molecule

Once we have defined the initial [Eq. (B.2.3)] and final [Eq. (B.2.5)] many-body states,
we can define how the unperturbed Hamiltonian acts on these states. First, for the initial

state we have
occup. occup.
  X X
Ĥ0 |nji = Ĥmol + ĤL + ĤR |nji = i + αk |nji
i=1 k;α=L,R

= (En + Ejα ) |nji

= Enj |nji . (B.2.6)

For the final state,

Ĥ0 |j 0 n0 i = Ĥmol + ĤL + ĤR ĉ†i dˆαk |..., ni , ...i |..., jαk , ...i
= En + i + Ejα − αk |j 0 n0 i
| {z } | {z }
= (En0 + Ej 0 α ) |j 0 n0 i
= (En0 + Ej 0 ) |j 0 n0 i
= Ej 0 n0 |j 0 n0 i , (B.2.7)

where we have assumed for the sake of this example that ni = jαk = 1. Now we can
rewrite Eq. (B.2.2) as
2π X X 2 ζn0 n X n † †
hn0 j| dˆαk ĉi dˆαk |nji
α = Jν χα |γα |
~ ν j ~ω αik
o 2
+ hn0 j| dˆ†αk ĉi dˆ†αk |nji δ(En + i + Ejα − αk − En − Ejα − ν~ω), (B.2.8)

| {z }

where the second term inside the curl braket is zero since we do not consider the hopping
of two electrons at the same time, where |nji → |n − 2i |j + 2i means that two electrons
are removed from the molecule and added to the electrode. Note that we have changed the
notation Γnn → Γ+ in order to make clear that the number of particles in the molecule
is increasing. Eq. (B.2.8) is finally written as
2π X ζn0 n 2
Γ+ = |γα |2 Jν2 χα hj| dˆ†αk dˆαk |ji hn0 | ĉ†i |ni δ(En0 − En − αk − ν~ω).

~ ν
~ω αik j


The term hj| dˆ†αk dˆαk |ji gives the occupation of the state |ji and is therefore either one or
zero, then the modulus square can be omitted. We can then define the Fermi distribution
function of the electrode α by
X 1
f (αk − µα ) = χα hj| dˆ†αk dˆαk |ji = . (B.2.10)
e(αk −µα )/kB T + 1
Transition Rates for External Oscillating Potential 153

and write
  X 2
2π 2
X ζn0 n 0 X †

α = |γα | Jν2 hn | ĉi |ni f (αk − µα )δ(En0 − En − αk − ν~ω).
~ ν



By assuming that we have a continuous number of states in the electrodes, we can replace
the sum by an integral and introduce the density of states of the electrode α, ρα ,

 Z 2
2π X ζn0 n X
Γ+ = |γ |2
ρ Jν2 dαk hn0 | ĉ†i |ni f (αk − µα )δ(En0 − En − αk − ν~ω).

α α α
~ ν



We considered that the density of states is energy independent (wide band approximation),
which is a good approximation for metallic electrodes. We solve the integral of Eq. (B.2.12)
by using the property of the delta function

df ()δ( − T ) = f (T ), (B.2.13)

to we finally obtain

2π X ζn0 n 0 X †

α = |γα |2 ρα Jν2 hn | ĉi |ni f (En0 − En − ν~ω − µα ). (B.2.14)
~ ν


Transition rates from the molecule to the electrodes

For electrons hopping from the molecule to the electrodes, we just need to redefine the
final state given in Eq. (B.2.5) accordingly

|j 0 i |n0 i = ĉi dˆ†αk |..., ni , ...i |..., jαk , ...i

= ni − 1 |..., ni − 1, ...i dˆ†αk |ji
= dˆ† |n0 i |ji
αk (B.2.15)

(|j 0 i |n0 i) = dˆ†αk |n0 i |ji

= hn0 | hj| dˆαk

= hn0 j| dˆαk . (B.2.16)

Therefore, after inserting this definition into Eq. (B.2.2), we have

2π X X 2 ζn0 n X n †
α = Jν χα |γα |2 hn0 j| dˆαk ĉi dˆαk |nji
~ ν j ~ω αik
| {z }
o 2
0 ˆ ˆ†
+ hn j| dαk ĉi dαk |nji δ(En − i + Ejα + αk − En − Ejα − ν~ω), (B.2.17)

where we disregard the first term inside the curl bracket since, by construction, the transfer
of two electrons at the same time is forbidden, i.e. |nji → |n + 2i |j − 2i means that two
electrons are added to the molecule and removed from the electrode. Then we obtain

2π X  ζn0 n  X X  † ˆ

Γ = |γα |2 2
Jν ˆ 0
χα hj| 1 − dαk dαk |ji hn | ĉi |ni

~ ν
~ω αik j

× δ(En − En0 + αk − ν~ω), (B.2.18)

where we have used Eq. (A.1.21). The term hj| dˆ†αk dˆαk |ji again gives the occupation of
the state |ji and is therefore either one or zero, then the square modulus can be omitted.
After using Eq. (B.2.10) and Eq. (B.2.13), we write

2π 2
X ζn0 n 0 X

Γ− = |γ | ρ Jν2 hn | ĉi |ni [1 − f (En0 − En + ν~ω − µα )] . (B.2.19)

α α α
~ ν


B.3 Cotunneling
By considering the next-order term, we describe cotunneling processes. The transition
rates become
nn0 2π X X
2 ζn0 n 0 0 1
Γαα0 = Jν χ̂α hj | hn | ĤT ĤT |ni |ji

~ ν ~ω
Ejn + ν~ω − Ĥ0 + iη

× δ(En0 j 0 − Enj − ν~ω). (B.3.1)

We are interested in cotunneling processes that effectively transfer one electron from one
electrode to the other. Therefore, following the definition for a generic initial state, as
stated in Eq. (B.2.3), one can define a generic final many-body state as

|j 0 i |n0 i = dˆ†α0 k0 dˆαk ĉ†p ĉi |..., np , ..., ni , ...i |..., jαk , ..., jα0 k0 , ...i
√ p
ni np + 1 dˆ†α0 k0 dˆαk |..., np + 1, ..., ni − 1i |..., jαk , ..., jα0 k0 , ...i

√ p
ni np + 1 dˆ†α0 k0 dˆαk |ji |n0 i

= (B.3.2)

(|j 0 i |n0 i) = dˆ†α0 k0 dˆαk |ji |n0 i = hj| hn0 | dˆα0 k0 dˆ†αk . (B.3.3)
Transition Rates for External Oscillating Potential 155

We note that a generic molecular many-body state |ni has the same number of particles
as a final state |n0 i. The difference between them is the way the particles are distributed
among the single-particle states {|1i , |2i , ..., |M i}. Likewise, for the electrodes, the num-
ber of particles (for the two electrodes) is the same for the initial |ji and final |j 0 i states.
The difference is that, since one electron is transferred from one electrode to the other, one
electrode will have one less electron and the other one additional electron. For example,
a final state |j 0 i could be

|j 0 i = |..., jLk − 1, ..., jRk0 + 1, ...i . (B.3.4)

This state represents a many-body state for the two electrodes where one electron from
the left electrode with momentum k is annihilated and a electron with momentum k0 is
created on the right electrode.
Once we have defined the initial [Eq. (B.2.3)] and final [Eq. (B.3.3)] many-body states,
we can define how the unperturbed Hamiltonian acts on these states. First, for the initial
state we have
occup. occup.
  X X
Ĥ0 |nji = Ĥmol + ĤL + ĤR |nji = i + αk |nji
i=1 k;α=L,R

= (En + Ejα ) |nji

= Enj |nji . (B.3.5)

For the final state we write

Ĥ0 |j 0 n0 i = Ĥmol + ĤL + ĤR dˆ†α0 k0 dˆαk ĉ†p ĉi |..., np , ..., ni , ...i |..., jαk , ..., jα0 k0 , ...i
= En − i + p + Ejα − αk + Ejα0 + α0 k0 |j 0 n0 i
| {z } | {z } | {z }
= En0 + Ej 0 α + Ej 0 α0 |j 0 n0 i
| {z }
= (En0 + Ej 0 ) |j 0 n0 i
= Ej 0 n0 |j 0 n0 i , (B.3.6)

where we have assumed for the sake of this example that ni = jαk = 1 and np = jα0 k0 = 0.
We now insert Eq. (B.1.4) and Eq. (B.3.3) into Eq. (B.3.1) and multiply all terms by

|n00 i hn00 |,
the identity operator n00

0 2π X X 2 ζn0 n X X X
αα0 = Jν χ̂α |γα000 |2 |γα00 |2
~ ν j ~ω αα0 kk0 α000 k000 i000 α00 k00 i00

X 1
× hj| hn0 | dˆα0 k0 dˆ†αk dˆ†α000 k000 ĉi000 dˆ†α00 k00 |n00 i hn00 | ĉi00 |ni |ji

Ejn + ν~ω − Ĥ0 + iη
+ hj| hn0 | dˆα0 k0 dˆ†αk dˆ†α000 k000 ĉi000 dˆα00 k00 σ00 |n00 i hn00 | ĉ†i00 |ni |ji
Ejn + ν~ω − Ĥ0 + iη
+ hj| hn0 | dˆα0 k0 dˆ†αk ĉ†i000 dˆα000 k000 dˆ†α00 k00 |n00 i hn00 | ĉi00 |ni |ji
Ejn + ν~ω − Ĥ0 + iη
! 2
+ hj| hn0 | dˆα0 k0 dˆ†αk c†i000 dˆα000 k000 dˆα00 k00 |n00 i hn00 | ĉ†i00 |ni |ji

Ejn + ν~ω − Ĥ0 + iη
 

× δ En − i + i0 + Ejα − αk + Ejα0 + α0 k0 − En − Ejα − Ejα0 −ν~ω  .

 
| {z } | {z } | {z } | {z }
En0 Ej 0 α Ej 0 α0 Enj


We then apply the operator Ĥ0 in the denominator by using the results of Eq. (B.3.5).
Formally, we first carry out a Taylor expansion 1/(Ejn − Ĥ0 ) = (1/Ejn ) ∞ l
l=0 (Ĥ0 /Ejn ) so

Ĥ0 dˆ†α00 k00 |n00 i |ji =

Ĥ0 dˆ†α00 k00 |n00 i |..., jα00 k00 , ...i =
jα00 k00 + 1 |n00 i |..., jα00 k00 + 1, ...i =
occup. occup.
" ! #
jα00 k00 + 1 |n00 i |..., jα00 k00 + 1, ...i =
i + αk + α00 k00
i=1 k;α=L,R

jα00 k00 + 1 |n00 i |..., jα00 k00 + 1, ...i =

(En00 + Ej + α00 k00 )
(En00 + Ej +  00 00 ) dˆ† 00 00 |n00 i |ji .
α k α k (B.3.9)
Transition Rates for External Oscillating Potential 157

Eq. (B.3.8) is then given by

nn0 2π X X 2 ζn0 n X X X X
Γ = Jν χ̂α |γα000 |2 |γα00 |2

~ ν j ~ω αα0 kk0 α000 k000 i000 α00 k00 i00 00

× hj| hn0 | dˆα0 k0 dˆ†αk dˆ†α000 k000 ĉi000 dˆ†α00 k00 |n00 i hn00 | ĉi00 |ni |ji
Ejn + ν~ω − (En + Ej + α k ) + iη
00 00 00
| {z }
=0, |ni|ji→|n−2i|j+2i
+ hj| hn0 | dˆα0 k0 dˆ†αk dˆ†α000 k000 ĉi000 dˆα00 k00 σ00 |n00 i hn00 | ĉ†i00 |ni |ji
Ejn + ν~ω − (En00 + Ej − α00 k00 ) + iη
+ hj| hn0 | dˆα0 k0 dˆ†αk ĉ†i000 dˆα000 k000 dˆ†α00 k00 |n00 i hn00 | ĉi00 |ni |ji
Ejn + ν~ω − (En00 + Ej + α00 k00 ) + iη
! 2
+ hj| hn0 | dˆα0 k0 dˆ†αk c†i000 dˆα000 k000 dˆα00 k00 |n00 i hn00 | ĉ†i00 |ni |ji

Ejn + ν~ω − (En00 + Ej − α00 k00 ) + iη
| {z }
=0, |ni|ji→|n−2i|j+2i
 

× δ En − i + i0 + Ejα − αk + Ejα0 + α0 k0 − En − Ejα − Ejα0 −ν~ω  , (B.3.10)
 
| {z } | {z } | {z } | {z }
En0 Ej 0 α Ej 0 α0 Enj

0 2π X X ζn n
0 X X X
αα0 = J 2
χ̂α 000
|γα | |γα |
~ ν j ν ~ω αα0 kk0 α000 k000 i000 α00 k00 i00 00

× hj| dˆα0 k0 dˆ†αk dˆ†α000 k000 dˆα00 k00 σ00 |ji hn0 | ĉi000 |n00 i hn00 | ĉ†i00 |ni
Ejn + ν~ω − (En00 + Ej − α00 k00 ) + iη
! 2
+ hj| dˆα0 k0 dˆ†αk dˆα000 k000 dˆ†α00 k00 |ji hn0 | ĉ†i000 |n00 i hn00 | ĉi00 |ni

Ejn + ν~ω − (En00 + Ej + α00 k00 ) + iη
× δ (En0 − En − αk + α0 k0 − ν~ω) ., (B.3.11)

Here, we do not consider tunneling events that transfer two particles at a time, therefore,
the first and fourth terms of Eq. (B.3.10) are set to zero. We can now define the matrix
elements of the annihilation operators as

† 000 00
hn0 | ĉi000 |n00 i hn00 | ĉ†i00 |ni = hn0 | ĉi000 |n00 i hn| ĉi00 |n00 i = Ain0 n00 Ainn∗00 (B.3.12)
n00 n00 n00


† 000 00
hn0 | ĉ†i000 |n00 i hn00 | ĉi00 |ni = hn00 | ĉi000 |n0 i hn00 | ĉi00 |ni = Ain00 ∗n0 Ain00 n (B.3.13)
n00 n00 n00

and Eq. (B.3.11) becomes

nn0 2π X X 2 ζn0 n X X X
Γαα 0 = Jν χα |γα000 |2 |γα00 |2
~ ν j ~ω αα0 kk0 α000 k000 i000 α00 k00 i00
000 i00 ∗
ˆ ˆ† ˆ† ˆ Ain0 n00 Ann 00
× hj| dα k dαk dα000 k000 dα k σ |ji

0 0 00 00 00
En + ν~ω − En00 + α00 k00 + iη
! 2
i000 ∗ i00
A 00 0 A 00

+ hj| dˆα0 k0 dˆ†αk dˆα000 k000 dˆ†α00 k00 |ji n n n n
En + ν~ω − En00 − α00 k00 + iη

× δ (En0 − En − αk + α0 k0 − ν~ω) .. (B.3.14)

By looking at the operators in the first term and recalling that j χα = j hj| χ̂α (0) |ji,
we have
χα hj|dˆα0 k0 dˆ†αk dˆ†α000 k000 dˆα00 k00 |ji
αα0 α00 α000 j
= χα hj| dˆα0 k0 dˆ†α000 k000 dˆ†αk dˆα00 k00 |ji
αα0 α00 α000 j
= χα hj| δα0 α000 δk0 k000 − d†α000 k000 dα0 k0 dˆ†αk dˆα00 k00 |ji
αα0 α00 α000 j
= [1 − f (α0 k0 − µα0 )]δα0 α000 δk0 k000 × f (αk − µα )δαα00 δkk00 ,
αα0 α00 α000

where we have used Eq. (A.1.21) and Eq. (B.2.10). Note that by construction we want
to transfer one electron from one electrode to the other, therefore, the conditions α0 6= α
and α000 6= α00 holds. Moreover, [dˆ†αk , dˆ†α000 k000 ] = 0, since by construction, they belong to
different sub-spaces, so that we can swap their position. In other words, this term is
non-zero only if α 6= α000 . Similarly, for the second term, the condition that α0 6= α and
α000 6= α00 is enforced. This means that the operators with these indices act on different
sub-spaces and we can swap their position without changing the results. Then, the only
non-zero contribution is obtained when α = α000 and we can group the operator dˆα000 k000
Transition Rates for External Oscillating Potential 159

with dˆ†α00 k00 without changing the results. Therefore,

χα hj| dˆα0 k0 dˆ†αk dˆα000 k000 dˆ†α00 k00 |ji
αα0 α00 α000 j
= χα hj| dˆ†αk dˆα000 k000 dˆα0 k0 dˆ†α00 k00 |ji
αα0 α00 α000 j
= χα hj| δα0 α00 δk0 k00 − d†α00 k00 dα0 k0 dˆ†αk dˆα000 k000 |ji
αα0 α00 α000 j
= 1 − f (α0 k0 − µα0 ) δα0 α00 δk0 k00 × f (αk − µα )δαα000 δkk000 . (B.3.16)
αα0 α00 α000

Now, Eq. (B.3.14) can be rewritten as

0 2π X 2 ζn0 n X X X
αα0 = J |γα0 |2 |γα |2
~ ν ν ~ω αα0 kk0 i000 i00
! 2
i000 i00 ∗ i000 ∗ i00
n0 n00 nn00 A A
n00 n0 n00 n

× +

00 En + ν~ω − En00 + αk + iη En + ν~ω − En00 − α0 k0 + iη

× 1 − f (α0 k0 − µα0 ) × f (αk − µα ) × δ (En0 − En − αk + α0 k0 − ν~ω) .


Note that the indices of the eigenvalues changed α00 k00 → αk and α00 k00 → α0 k0 when we
apply the delta functions to remove the sums. If we consider a continuous of energy levels
in the electrodes, the sums that run over the electrodes energy will become integrals and
by inserting the density of states, kk0 → ρα ρα0 dα dα0 , we write

0 2π X  ζn0 n  X X Z Z
αα0 = 2 2
|γα0 | |γα | ρα ρα0 Jν 2
dα dα0
~ ν
~ω i000 i00
! 2
i000 i00 ∗ i000 ∗ i00
n0 n00 nn00 A A
n00 n0 n00 n

× +

00 En + ν~ω − En00 + α + iη En + ν~ω − En00 − α0 + iη

× 1 − f (α0 − µα0 ) × f (α − µα ) × δ (En0 − En − α + α0 − ν~ω) . (B.3.18)

Then the cotunneling rates become

  Z Z
0 2π X 2 ζn0 n X X ∗ 2
αα0 = J 2
|γα0 | |γα | ρα ρα0 dα dα0
~ ν ν ~ω i 000 i 00
000 00 000 00
! 2
X Ain0 n00 Ainn∗00 Ain00 ∗n0 Ain00 n
× +

00 En + ν~ω − En00 + α + iη En + ν~ω − En00 − α + iη

  
× 1 − f (α0 − µα0 ) × f (α − µα ) × δ  α0 − α + En − En0 + ν~ω  ,
|{z} | {z }

where we define the electronic couplings as Γα = 2π|γα |2 ρα . We solve one of the integrals
of Eq. (B.3.19) by using the property of the delta function df ()δ( − T ) = f (T ) and
after making the variable change α →  we finally have
0 Γα Γα0 X 2 ζn0 n X X
αα0 = J d
2π~ ν ν ~ω i 000 i 00
000 00 000 00
! 2
i ∗
X Ain0 n00 Ann 00 Ain00 ∗n0 Ain00 n
× +

00  + En − En00 + ν~ω + iη − + En0 − En00 + iη

× f ( − µα ) × 1 − f ( + En − En0 + ν~ω − µα0 ) . (B.3.20)

Again, we can recover the non-driven case by considering ν = 0.

B.4 Exact solvable model

In this section we show, for a non-interacting single-level model, that the two contributions
of sequential tunneling and cotunneling can be obtained exactly. Within scattering theory
formalism, the electrical current for this model can be written as
e ΓL (E)ΓR (E) h i
I= dE A(E) fL (E) − fR (E) , (B.4.1)
h ΓL (E) + ΓR (E)

where A(E) is the spectral function of the molecule, given by

A(E) = −2 Im Gi+ (E) = , (B.4.2)
[E − i ] + [Γ(E)/2]2

with the broadening of the energy level given by Γ(E) = ΓL (E) + ΓR (E) and ΓL/R (E) =
2πρL/R (E)γL/R . In the wide band approximation, i.e. the electrode density of states ρL/R
is considered energy independent so that ΓL/R (E) → ΓL/R , we have for a symmetric bias
Transition Rates for External Oscillating Potential 161

voltage drop, by performing the integration we have the following solution [116],
e ΓL ΓR Γ h i
IL = dE f L (E) − f R (E)
h ΓL + ΓR [E −  ]2 [Γ/2]2
(  i   )
e ΓL ΓR 1 1 Γβ β 1 Γβ β
= Im ψ + + i [i + µL ] − ψ + + i [i − µR ]
h ΓL + ΓR π 2 4π 2π 2 4π 2π

where ψ is the digamma function defined as the first logarithmic derivative of the gamma
function (J )

dn+1 dn J (z)0
ψ n (z) ≡ lnJ (z) = , (B.4.4)
dz n+1 dz n J (z)

and β = 1/kB Θ. Eq. (B.4.3) can be expanded in powers of Γ to obtain [116]

e ΓL ΓR h i
I= fL (E) − fR (E)
h ΓL + ΓR
e β n 1 β
1 β
0 0
= ΓL ΓR Im ψ + i [i + µL ] − ψ + i [i − µR ] + O(Γ3 ). (B.4.5)
h 2π 2 2π 2 2π

If we consider the weak-coupling limit, the ME approach can be used and in the case of
stationary current (IL = −IR ), we can write

IL = e[Γ+ 00 00 11 11
L ρ0 − ΓL ρ1 ] + e[ ΓLR − ΓRL ρ0 + ΓLR − ΓRL ρ1 ], (B.4.6)

where Γ+ , Γ− are given by Eq. (B.2.14) and Eq. (B.2.19), i.e. they are the sequential
tunneling rates to increase and decrease the number of electrons in the molecule, respec-
tively. Γnn is given by Eq. (B.3.20) and represents the cotunneling rates for an electron
to tunnel coherently through the molecule. Note that for a single level model, only elastic
cotunneling is possible. Therefore, the initial and the final state are the same and the
occupations are not affected. The stationary occupations are obtained by considering the
stationary limit

0= = Γ− ρ1 − Γ+ ρ0 (B.4.7)

and the normalization condition ρ0 + ρ1 = 1. When no light is considered (ν = 0),

Eq. (B.2.14) and Eq. (B.2.19) are just given by

Γa Γa
a = fa (i ), Γ−
a = [1 − fa (i )]. (B.4.8)
~ ~

By inserting this into Eq. (B.4.7) we have

a Γa [1 − fa (i )] a Γa fa (i )
ρ0 = , ρ1 = (B.4.9)
ΓL + Γ R ΓL + ΓR

and after substituting into Eq. (B.4.6), we have the sequential tunneling contribution

seq e ΓL ΓR h i
I = fL (E) − fR (E) , (B.4.10)
h ΓL + ΓR

which coincides with the leading-order term of Eq. (B.4.5).

For the cotunneling contributions we use Eq. (B.3.20) in order to calculate the tran-
sition rate. For the single level model and for ν = 0, we have
ΓL ΓR 1 2
Γnn = dE fL (i ) [1 − fR (i )] . (B.4.11)

2π~ E − i

After following the regularization procedure that will be presented in Sec. C.4, we obtain
(    )
β ΓL ΓR 1 β 1 β
LR = nB (µR − µL ) Im ψ 0 + i [µR − i ] − ψ 0 + i [µL − i ] .
2π~ 2π 2 2π 2 2π

By inserting this result along with Eq. (B.4.9) into the second term of Eq. (B.4.6), we
finally get

e β n 1 β
1 β
cot 0 0
I = ΓL ΓR Im ψ + i [i + µL ] − ψ + i [i − µR ] , (B.4.13)
h 2π 2 2π 2 2π

which again is identical to the next-to-leading order term obtained in Eq. (B.4.5).
Appendix C

Transition Rates Including


C.1 Model Hamiltonian: Anderson-Holstein model

In this Appendix we explicitly derive the equations for the transition rates including
electron-vibron coupling. Again the system is the same represented by the Hamiltonian
given by Eq. (8.1.1). However, the molecular Hamiltonian with M single-particle levels
is given by the Anderson-Holstein model

X X U 

Ĥmol = i n̂ + n̂ (n̂ − 1) + ~ωp b̂ b̂ + 1/2 + λ~ωp b̂† + b̂ n̂, (C.1.1)
i i
2 i

with n̂ = σ ĉ†iσ ĉiσ The first two terms correspond to the on-site and interaction energies

for the electronic degrees of freedom. The third terms describes the vibron energy and
the last term describes the electron-vibron interaction where the electron-vibron coupling
is given by the parameter λ. The operators b̂ and b̂† are the bosonic operators that
destroys and creates, respectively, a vibron with energy ~ωp . The operators ĉ†iσ , ĉiσ , dˆ†αkσ
and dˆαkσ , now including the spin σ, are defined in Appendix A. The individual electrodes
Hamiltonian is given by Eq. (7.1.5) and the interaction Hamiltonian is given by Eq. (7.1.6).
Within this model we assume that the transport occurs by tunneling through one spin-
degenerate orbital of the molecule and that only one mode of molecular vibrations is taken
into account within the harmonic approximation.

C.2 Lang-Firsov canonical transformation

Electron-vibron coupling can be treated exactly by means of the Lang-Firsov canonical
transformation [189]. This is a unitary transformation that preserves the Hermiticity of
the Hamiltonian operator. It implies that the transformation’s generator Ŝ must be anti-


Hermitian, i.e. Ŝ † = −Ŝ, so that H̃ = eŜ Ĥe−S where H̃ is the transformed Hamiltonian.
The appropriate choice for Ŝ to eliminate explicitly the electron-vibron coupling term is
Ŝ = λ b̂† − b̂ ĉ†iσ ĉiσ . (C.2.1)

By using the following relation

A −A
X 1 1 1
e Be = [A, B]m = B + [A, B] + [A, [A, B]] + [A, [A, [A, B]]] + ..., (C.2.2)
m! 2 6

the operators used in the Hamiltonian can be transformed as

∞ λm b̂† − b̂ h i
= dˆαkσ eλ(b̂−b̂ ) ,

d˜αkσ = eŜ dˆαkσ e−Ŝ = ĉ†iσ ĉiσ , dˆαkσ (C.2.3)
n! m

dˆ†αkσ e−λ(b̂−b̂ ) ,

d˜†αkσ = (C.2.4)

X λm ĉ†iσ ĉiσ h i
Ŝ −Ŝ
b̃ = e b̂e = †
b̂ − b̂, b̂ = b̂ − λĉ†iσ ĉiσ , (C.2.5)
n! m

b̃† = b̂† − λĉ†iσ ĉiσ , (C.2.6)

c̃iσ = ĉiσ , (C.2.7)
c̃†iσ = ĉ†iσ . (C.2.8)
h i h i
† ˆ nˆ †
Here we have used ĉiσ ĉiσ , dαkσ = (−1) dαkσ and b̂ − b̂, b̂ = −1. Based on these
relations, the transformed molecular Hamiltonian takes the form

X X Ũ  
Ĥmol = ˜i n̂ + n̂ (n̂ − 1) + ~ωp b̂† b̂ + 1/2 , (C.2.9)
i i

where ˜i = i − λ2 ~ωp and Ũ = U − 2λ2 ~ωp . The transformed interaction Hamiltonian
takes the form
Xh i
γα e−λ(b̂
† −b̂
ĤT = ) ĉ† dˆ + γ ∗ eλ(b̂† −b̂) ĉ dˆ†
iσ αkσ α iσ αkσ . (C.2.10)

The electrodes Hamiltonian are not transformed since we do not consider any coupling
term between the electrodes and the vibrons degrees of freedom located in the molecule.

Transition rates from the electrodes to the molecule

We assume that a generic initial many-body state for the entire system can be defined as

|..., nj , ...; σ; qi |..., jαk , ...i = |nσ, qi |ji = |nσqji , (C.2.11)

Transition Rates Including vibrations 165

where the spin component σ =↑, ↓ is only relevant for the singly-occupied molecule. q is
the vibron quantum number. Since we consider spin-degenerate single-particle states, we
can simplify the notation by introducing spin factors into the transition rates, as we will
show bellow. For the moment, we drop the spin variable. A generic final state can be
defined as

|j 0 i |n0 q 0 i = ĉ†i dˆαk |..., ni , ...; qi |..., jαk , ...i

= ni + 1 |..., ni + 1, ...i dˆαk |ji
= dˆαk |n0 q 0 i |ji , (C.2.12)


(|j i |n q i) = dˆαk |n0 q 0 i |ji
0 0 0

= hn0 q 0 | hj| dˆ†αk

= hn0 q 0 j| dˆ† .
αk (C.2.13)

Here we assumed that the a vibron excitation can occur and therefore the vibron index,
q 0 , in the final state is different from that of the initial state, q. Then

2π X X 0 0 0  −λ(b̂† −b̂) † ˆ  2
ĉi dαk + γα∗ eλ(b̂ −b̂) ĉi dˆ†αk |nqji δ(Ej 0 n0 q0 −Ejnq ).
0 0 †
Γnn ;qq
= χ̂α hn q j | γα e

~ jj 0 αik
We can now calculate the total energies of the initial and final many-body states. Firstly,
for the initial state we have
Ĥ0 |nji = Ĥmol + ĤL + ĤR |nqji , (C.2.15)
"occup. ! occup.
X Ũi X
= ˜i + N (N − 1) + ~ωp (q + 1/2) + αk |nqji ,
2 k;α=L,R

= (Enq + Ejα ) |nqji ,

= Enqj |nqji . (C.2.16)

For the final state,

Ĥ0 |j 0 n0 q 0 i = Ĥmol + ĤL + ĤR ĉ†i dˆαk |..., ni , ...; q 0 i |..., jαk , ...i
= Enq0 + i + Ejα − αk |j 0 n0 q 0 i
| {z } | {z }
= (En0 q0 + Ej 0 α ) |j 0 n0 q 0 i
= (En0 q0 + Ej 0 ) |j 0 n0 q 0 i
= Ej 0 n0 q0 |j 0 n0 q 0 i , (C.2.17)

where we have assumed for the sake of this example that ni = jαk = 1. Following the
same reasoning applied in Appendix B, Sec. B.2, to derive Eq. (B.2.14) and Eq. (B.2.19),
we obtain
0 2π 2

X †
0 −λ(b̂ −b̂)

Γ+,qq = |γ | ρ hn | ĉ |ni hq | e |qi f (En0 q0 − Enq − µα ), (C.2.18)

α α α i

for electrons entering the molecule through electrode α and changing the vibronic state
of the molecule from q → q 0 . Likewise, for electrons leaving the molecule, the transition
rate is
0 2π 2
0 −λ(b̂ −b̂)

= |γ | ρ hn | ĉ |ni hq | e |qi [1 − f (En0 q0 − Enq − µα )] . (C.2.19)

α α α i

The coefficients hq 0 | e−λ(b̂

† −b̂
) |qi ≡ F are given by [115]
q0 q

q1 !
1/2 (−1)q0 −q for q 0 ≥ q
q2 −q1 −λ2 /2 q2 −q1 2
Fq 0 q = λ e Lq1 (λ ) × (C.2.20)
q2 ! 1 for q 0 < q,

where q1 = min{q, q 0 } and q2 = max{q, q 0 } and Lji are the generalized Laguerre’s poly-
nomial. In order to include light effects we consider the substitution i → ˜i cos ωt in
Eq. (C.1.1) and we have

2π X 2 ζn0 n
ĉ†i |ni hq 0 | e−λ(b̂ −b̂) |qi f (En0 q0 − Enq − ν~ω − µα )

+,qq 0
Γα = Jν |γα |2 ρα hn0 |

~ ν ~ω

Transition Rates Including vibrations 167

−,qq 0 2π X 2 ζn0 n 2

0 X 0 −λ(b̂ −b̂)

Γα = Jν |γα | ρα hn | ĉi |ni hq | e |qi [1 − f (En0 q0 − Enq + ν~ω − µα )] .

~ ν ~ω


C.3 Cotunneling
In order to include vibrons in the cotunneling transition rates, we follow the same
reasoning used to derived Eq. (B.3.20) with the following definition of a final state

|j 0 i |n0 ; q 0 i = dˆ†α0 k0 dˆαk ĉ†p ĉi |..., np , ..., ni , ...; qi |..., jαk , ..., jα0 k0 , ...i ,


(|j 0 i |n0 , q 0 i) = dˆ†α0 k0 dˆαk |ji |n0 , q 0 i = hj| hn0 , q 0 | dˆα0 k0 dˆ†αk , (C.3.2)

where we assume that the number of vibrons, q, can change during the electronic tunnel-
ing. This leads to the following expression for the transition rates for cotunnling including
a single-vibron mode
0 ;qq 0 Γα Γα0 X X
αα0 = d
2π~ i000 i00
! 2
i000 i00 ∗ ∗ i000 ∗ i00 ∗
X A nn0 00 A nn 00 F 0
qq 00 Fqq 00 A 00
n n 0 A F
n n q q q q
00 00 0 F 00

× +

00 00  + Enq − En00 q00 + iη − + En0 q0 − En00 q00 + iη

n ,q
× f ( − µα ) × 1 − f ( + Enq − En0 q0 − µα0 ) . (C.3.3)

In order to include light effects we consider the substitution i → ˜i cos ωt in Eq. (C.1.1)
and we have
nn0 ;qq 0 Γα Γα0 X 2 ζn0 n X X
Γαα0 = J d
2π~ ν ν ~ω i000 i00
! 2
i000 i00 ∗ ∗ i000 ∗ i00 ∗
X Ann0 00 Ann 00 F q 0 q 00 F 00
qq A 00
n n 0 A 00 F
n n q q 00 0 F q 00 q

× +

00 00  + Enq − En00 q00 + ν~ω + iη − + En0 q0 − En00 q00 + iη

n ,q
× f ( − µα ) × 1 − f ( + Enq − En0 q0 + ν~ω − µα0 ) . (C.3.4)

This can be written in a generic form as,

0 ,qq 0 Γα Γα0 X 2 ζn0 n X X
αα0 = J d
2π~ ν ν ~ω i 000 i 00
! 2  
X Ak Bk
× + f ( − E1 ) × 1 − f ( − E2 )

 − EAk + iΓ − − EBk + iΓ
Γα Γα0 X 2 ζn0 n
= J df ( − E1 ) × 1 − f ( − E2 )
2π~ ν ν ~ω i000 i00
( 2
X Ak
× → Integral type J

 − EAk + iΓ

X Bk
+ → Integral type J

− − EBk + iΓ

XX Ak Aq
+ 2Re → Integral type I
q k<q
 − EAk + iΓ  − EAq − iΓ
XX Bk Bq
+ 2Re → Integral type I
q k<q
− − EBk + iΓ − − EBq − iΓ
XX Ak Bq
+ 2Re → Integral type I (C.3.6)
q k
 − E Ak + iΓ − − EBq − iΓ

where we have redefined the variables as following:

000 00
i ∗ ∗
Ak = Ain0 k Ank Fq0 k Fqk
000 00
Bk = Aikn0∗ Aikn Fkq

0 Fkq

EAk = Ek − Enq − ν~ω

EBk = Ek − En0 q0
E 1 = µα
E2 = µα0 + En0 q0 − Enq − ν~ω. (C.3.7)

C.4 Regularization scheme for the cotunneling tran-

sition rates
Eq. (C.3.6) can not be directly evaluated because it diverges due to the second-
order poles from the energy denominators. This is because within a purely perturbative
approach, the energy of the virtual states are considered to be well defined, i.e. with
infinite lifetime [121]. In order to remove the singularities, we apply a regularization
scheme [116, 115, 114, 120, 121], which is motivated by two observations. (i) Second-order
Transition Rates Including vibrations 169

perturbation theory misses the fact that the virtual states obtains a finite width ∼ Γ due
to the tunneling events. (ii) For a specific cotunneling transition at finite temperature, the
final state can also be reached from the same initial state by two sequential processes. The
regularization is as follows. In the weak tunneling regime, this width is of second order
in the tunneling amplitudes γ so that it is introduced in the denominator by replacing η
in order to shift the poles away from the real axis. The integrals are then expanded in
powers of Γ. The leading order term is proportional to 1/Γ, which turns out to be of the
same order of sequential tunneling contributions and this term has to be subtracted based
on point (ii) in order to avoid double counting in the sequential tunneling processes. The
next term of the expansion in powers of Γ is proportional to the zeroth-order, therefore,
it gives the regularized expression for cotunneling rates [116]. By solving the integrals of
type J after subtracting the sequential tunneling contributions [O(1/Γ)], we have
"Z #
J(E1 , E2 , 1 ) = lim df ( − E1 )[1 − f ( − E2 )] − O (1/Γ) (C.4.1)
Γ→0 ( − 1 )2 + Γ2
"    #
β 1 iβ 1 iβ
= nB (E2 − E1 )Im ψ 0 + [E2 − 1 ] − ψ 0 + [E1 − 1 ]
2π 2 2π 2 2π

and of type I
1 1
I(E1 , E2 , 1 , 2 ) = lim Re df ( − E1 )[1 − f ( − E2 )]
Γ→0 ( − 1 − iΓ) ( − 2 + iΓ)
nB (E2 − E1 ) 1 iβ 1 iβ
= Re ψ + [E2 − 1 ] − ψ − [E2 − 2 ]
1 − 2 2 2π 2 2π
1 iβ 1 iβ
−ψ + [E1 − 1 ] + ψ − [E1 − 2 ] .
2 2π 2 2π

The functions ψ and ψ 0 are the digamma and trigamma functions, respectively. nB (E −
µ) = e(E−µ)/k B T −1
is the Bose-Einstein distribution function where µ is the chemical po-
tential, kB is the Boltzmann constant, T is the temperature and β = 1/kB T . Finally, the
regularized transition rates can be written as
 XX (X
nn0 ;qq 0 Γα Γ α0
X ζn n
Ak J(E1 , E2 , EAk ) + Bk2 J(E1 , E2 , EBk )

Γαα0 = ×
2π~ ν ~ω i000 i00 k
+2 [Ak Aq I(E1 , E2 , EAk , EAq ) + Bk Bq I(E1 , E2 , EBk , EBq )]
q k<q
+2 Ak Bq I(E1 , E2 , EAk , EBq ) . (C.4.3)
q k
Appendix D

Including off-diagonal Terms of the

Master Equation

D.1 Example of a double quantum dot

In this Appendix we present PAT for a double quantum dot system (DQD) [212]. The
system consists of two quantum dots weakly connected in series with each other (for any
coupling strength see Ref. [213]) and with two reservoirs by tunnel barriers, as shown in
Fig. D.1. For weak inter-dot coupling, the electron is localized on the individual dots

Figure D.1: Schematic representation of a DQD device connected in series with each other
and to the two electrodes. Two independent gate electrodes are used to shift the energy
levels of the individual quantum dots. Each term of the full Hamiltonian is shown for

and mixing of states can be disregarded. This way, the master equation can be written in
terms of the isolated quantum dot charging states. We reduce the problem by considering
only one single particle state on each quantum dot. Moreover, each level can accommodate
up to one electron at a time due to Coulomb blockade. We further simplify the problem
by considering spinless electrons. For spin-dependent calculations, see Ref. [64, 214]. The

Including off-diagonal Terms of the Master Equation 171

Hamiltonian of the whole system is given by

Ĥ = ĤL + ĤR + ĤL↔R + Ĥα + ĤT , (D.1.1)

where !
Ĥ{L,R} = i ĉ†iσ ĉiσ + Ui n̂i↑ n̂i↓ + ULR n̂L n̂R (D.1.2)
i σ

represents the left (L) and the right (R) isolated quantum dots with intra and inter-dot
Coulomb interaction Ui and ULR , respectively. The term ĤL↔R = σ (tLR ĉ†Lσ ĉRσ + H.c.)

describes the coupling between the two dots. The isolated electrodes are given by Ĥα =
P ˆ† ˆ
αkσ αkσ dαkσ dαkσ and finally the coupling between the electrodes and the quantum dots
is given by ĤT = αkσ γα ĉ†ασ dˆαkσ . When an AC potential is applied to the system by

means of the gate electrodes, the term

VAC X † 
ĤAC (t) = cos ωt ĉLσ ĉLσ − ĉ†Rσ ĉRσ (D.1.3)
2~ω σ

has to be added to the Hamiltonian so that Eq. D.1.1 becomes explicitly time-dependent

Ĥ(t) = ĤL (t) + ĤR (t) + ĤL↔R (t) + Ĥα + ĤT (t). (D.1.4)

A difference of phase of π between the oscillations of the two gate voltages on each dot is
required in order to observe internal changes in the dynamics of the DQD. By applying
an unitary transformation
i dt0 ĤAC (t0 )/~ sin ωt(n̂L −n̂R )
Û (t) = e t0
=e 2~ω , (D.1.5)

the explicit time-dependence is transferred to the coupling terms since ĤL,R and Ĥα both
commute with Û (t). Therefore, the total Hamiltonian can be written as

Ĥ(t) = ĤL + ĤR + Ĥ 0 L↔R (t) + Ĥα + Ĥ 0 T (t) (D.1.6)

∞  X
Ĥ 0 L↔R = (−1) Jν ν
tLR eiνωt ĉ†Lσ ĉRσ + H.c. (D.1.7)
~ω σ

∞  X
Ĥ 0 T = (−1) Jν ν
γα eiνωt ĉ†ασ dˆαkσ + H.c. , (D.1.8)
2~ω αkσ

where we used the following rules:

[ĉ†Rσ ĉLσ , n̂L ] = ĉ†Rσ ĉLσ , (D.1.9)

[ĉ†Rσ ĉLσ , n̂R ] = −ĉ†Rσ ĉLσ , (D.1.10)
[dˆ† ĉασ , n̂α0 ] = dˆ† ĉασ δαα0 .
αkσ αkσ (D.1.11)

The effect of the AC potential is to produce coherent delocalization between the two
quantum dots by means of the interaction with ν photons, if the condition L − R ∼ ν~ω
is satisfied. Eq. (D.1.7) can be simplified by applying the rotating wave approximation
(RWA) [215, 216], i.e. by keeping just the terms that contributes to the coherence,
Ĥ 0 L↔R
= (−1) Jn tLR einωt ĉ†Lσ ĉRσ + H.c. . (D.1.12)
~ω σ

One can also define the Rabi frequency for an electron oscillating back an forth between
the two quantum dots [217] as
Ωn = 2J−n tLR . (D.1.13)

In order to study the electron dynamics of the DQD system, the non-diagonal elements
of the reduced density matrix has to be considered so that both terms of Eq. (4.3.51) are
used, i.e.

i i
ρ̇(t)m0 m = − ωm0 m ρm0 m (t) − [Ĥ 0 L↔R (t), ρ̂(t)]m0 m
 ~ ~
ρkk − k6=m Γmk ρmm (m = m0 )
k6=m Γ

+ (D.1.14)
−Υ 0 ρ 0
mm mm (m 6= m0 ),

where ωm0 m is the energy difference between the eigenstates (|mi and |m0 i) of the isolated
DQD. The first two terms of Eq. (D.1.14) describe the reversible or coherent dynamics
between the two quantum dots. The third term describes the irreversible dynamics due
to the coupling with the electrodes. Γkm is the transition rates for electrons tunneling
between the quantum dots and the electrodes when making a transition from the charging
state |ki to the charging state |mi. These transition rates are given by Eq. (8.1.3) and
Eq. (8.1.4). Finally, the last term describes the decoherence
P due to the interaction
1 m 0l P ml
the electrodes following the relation Re{Υm0 m } = 2 l6=m0 Γ + l6=m Γ . We define
the basis set to constructing the reduced density operator. If we consider up to two
electrons in the DQD system (up to one electron on each quantum dot), the charging
states are: |0i for no electron in the DQD, |Li for one electron in the left dot, |Ri for one
electron in the right dot and |2i for one electron in each dot.
Including off-diagonal Terms of the Master Equation 173

In the case of no-PAT, the current through the DQD is strongly suppressed when the
detuning parameter, , is large, i.e. the energy levels do not have similar energies. In
contrast, with PAT there are two main regimes considered when studying DQD systems,
namely, the high-bias [218] and pumping regimes [219, 217, 220]. In the high-bias regime,
the single energy levels of the DQD lay inside the bias window. In this case, as schemat-
ically shown in Fig. D.2(a), PAT between the dots and the electrodes can be disregarded
because an electron in the left dot would need to absorb a large number of photons to
jump to the left electrode. Similarly, for an electron in the right electrode to enter the
right quantum dot. However, if the frequency of the AC potential matches the energy dif-
ference between the two quantum dots, L −R ∼ ~ω, the electron can absorb [Fig. D.2(a)]
or emit [Fig. D.2(b)] photons to jump between the two dots with Rabi oscillations with
frequency equal to Ω1 = 2J1 V~ω

tLR .

Figure D.2: Energy level diagram of absorbtion (a) and emission (b) of photons for the
high-bias regime, respectively. (c) and (d) show the two possible pumping configurations
in which just absorption of photons is possible.

In the pumping regime (Vsd → 0), the electrodes chemical potentials lay between the
two energy levels, as shown in Fig. D.2(c-d). For no-PAT, there is no current following
through the device1 , since the electron does not have energy to jump out of the dot to
the electrodes or to perform interdot transitions. In order to observe electrical current,
PAT is needed and also a spatial asymmetry between the energy levels, i.e. the detuning
parameter has to be  6= 0. With PAT, if L − R ∼ ~ω, an electron in the left dot
[Fig. D.2(c)] can absorb one photon to make a transition to the right dot and eventually
be extracted to the right electrode. Therefore, in case of up to one electron in the DQD
Strictly speaking there is a residual current even for Vsd → 0 and we leave the discussion to the end
of the section.

system (Ui , ULR → ∞), the electrical current flowing from left to right can be expressed
as |Li ! |Ri → |0i → |Li. Similarly, an electron in the right electrode can absorb
photon and jump to the right dot and subsequently emit a photon and jump to the
left dot. Then, the contribution to the current from right to left can be represented by
|Ri ! |Li → |0i → |Ri. The same reasoning can be applied for the case of  > 0
[Fig. D.2(d)]. If we allow up to two electrons in the DQD (Ui → ∞, ULR → 0), one
can have other transition possibilities. For instance, if an excitation |Ri |Li has taken
place, an electron jumps from the right electrode to the right dot and then the excited
electron on the left dot leaves through the left barrier following the sequence of transitions
|Ri ! |Li → |2i → |Ri. These sequences will depend on the energy of the intermediate
states |0i and |2i that can be controlled by the gate voltage applied to the dots.
From Eq. (D.1.14), the master equation can be written in a more explicit way as

ρ̇00 = Γ0R ρRR + Γ0L ρLL − (ΓL0 + ΓR0 )ρ00 (D.1.15)

ρ̇LL = ΓL0 ρ00 + ΓL2 ρ22 − (Γ0L + Γ2L )ρLL + Ω1 (ρLR − ρRL ) (D.1.16)
ρ̇RR = ΓR0 ρ00 + ΓR2 ρ22 − (Γ0R + Γ2R )ρRR + Ω1 (ρRL − ρLR ) (D.1.17)
ρ̇22 = Γ2L ρLL + Γ2R ρRR − (ΓL2 + ΓR2 )ρ22 (D.1.18)
i 1
ρ̇LR = −i( − ~ω)ρLR − Ω1 (ρRR − ρLL ) − (Γ0L + Γ2L + Γ0R + Γ2R )ρLR (D.1.19)
2 2
i 1
ρ̇RL = i( − ~ω)ρRL + Ω1 (ρRR − ρLL ) − (Γ0L + Γ2L + Γ0R + Γ2R )ρRL , (D.1.20)
2 2

where we used the ansatz ρ0LR (t) = e−iν~ωt ρLR (t) to remove the time-dependence from
the differential equations coefficients. Along with the normalization condition for the
occupations, ρ00 + ρLL + ρRR + ρ22 = 1, one can write these equation as a product of
matrices and solve the linear problem to determine the occupations for the steady state
case, ρ̇ij = 0,
−(Γ + Γ ) Γ0L Γ0R 0 0 0 
  L0 R0
ρ̇ Γ L0 −(Γ0L + Γ 2L ) 0 Γ L2 i Ω21 −i 2Ω1
ρ̇ LL  
ΓR0 0 −(Γ0R + Γ2R ) ΓR2 −i Ω21 i Ω21

 RR  =
 
 ρ̇22  0 Γ2L Γ2R −(ΓL2 + ΓR2 ) 0 0 
ρ̇LR 
0 Ω1
i 2 Ω1
−i 2 0 −i( − ~ω) − Υ 0

0 i Ω21 −i Ω21 0 0 +i( − ~ω) − Υ
 ρ00 
 ρRR 
×  ρ22  ,

with Υ = 21 (Γ0L + Γ2L + Γ0R + Γ2R ). The current through the right barrier is given by
IR = e(Γ0R ρRR − ΓR0 ρ00 ). Fig. D.3 shows the I × Vsd characteristics for no-PAT and with
Including off-diagonal Terms of the Master Equation 175

noPAT 4e-06
PAT (a) (b)
I (µA)

I (µA)
Resi dual cur r ent
0 0

-1 0 1 -1 0 1
bias (eV) bias (V)

Figure D.3: (a) Current as a function of the dc bias with and without PAT. (b) Residual
current as a function of bias for no-PAT. Parameters used are ξ = 1, kB Θ = 0.025 eV,
ΓL,R = 0.005 eV, Γint = 0.001 eV, U = 0 eV.

PAT on the DQD. The energy of the left dot is 0.25 eV above EF whereas for the right
dot the energy is at -0.25 eV. The energy of the photons is chosen in such a way to match
the difference between the energy of the dots, i.e. ~ω = 0.5 eV. Now, for Vsd → 0 we
can already observe a dc current flowing in the system when PAT is allowed, as shown in
Fig. D.3(a).
An important limitation of this formulation when considering the localized basis set
to derive the master equations is that it may lead to results that apparently violate
thermodynamic properties of equilibrium [221]. For instance, Fig. D.3(b) shows a resid-
ual current even when there is no applied bias in the system. This is always observed
when L 6= R . This apparent violation of thermodynamics properties was discussed by
Novotný [221] and its roots are in the fact that just first-order tunneling events were con-
sidered in the derivation of the transition rates. In fact, higher order processes, such as
coherent transport or cotunneling would cancel this spurious current at zero bias. Indeed,
in Sec. 7.2.2 we have shown that second order terms in the tunneling Hamiltonian reduces
the sequential tunneling current.
Appendix E


E.1 Implementation details

Our implementation of the constrained DFT approach within siesta follows the
prescription of Wu et al. described in Ref. [222]. Accordingly, we begin by defining a set
of constraints on the electronic spin density of the form
wkσ (r)ρσ (r)dr = Nk , (E.1.1)

wherein σ =↑, ↓ represents the spin index, wkσ (r) is a weight function corresponding to
the constraint k, defining the property being constrained and Nk is the constraint value.
The total electron density is given by

X Nσ
ρ(r) = ρ (r) = |φσi (r)|2 , (E.1.2)
σ σ i

where Nσ is the number of occupied Kohn-Sham (KS) orbitals φσi (r). A Lagrange multi-
plier, Vk , is associated to each constraint specified in Eq. (E.1.1). This allows the following
modified energy functional to be defined

W [ρ, {Vk }] = E[ρ] + Vk wkσ (r)ρσ (r)dr − Nk , (E.1.3)
k σ

with E[ρ] being the standard Kohn-Sham energy functional given by

Nσ Z
XX 1
E[ρ] = hφσi | − ∇2 |φσi i + vext (r)ρ(r)+ (E.1.4)
σ i
+ J[ρ] + Exc [ρ↑ , ρ↓ ] .

Constrained-DFT 177

In Eq. (E.1.4) the first term is the kinetic energy, vext (r) is the external potential, J[ρ]
is the classical Coulomb energy and Exc [ρ↑ , ρ↓ ] is the exchange-correlation energy. The
variational principle yields the stationary condition for the functional W with respect to
the normalized orbitals φσi , which leads to the following modified Kohn-Sham equations

ρ(r0 )
1 2
− ∇ + vext (r) + dr0 0
+ vxcσ
(r)+ (E.1.5)
2 |r − r |
+ Vk wk (r) φσi (r) = σi φσi (r) .

Thus, the constraints enter the effective KS Hamiltonian in the form of an additional
external potential k Vk wkσ (r). The ground-state of the constrained KS system is obtained

by solving Eq. (E.1.5) in conjunction with Eq. (E.1.1). Wu et al. have shown [222] that
the functional W is concave with respect to the parameters Vk and that by optimizing W
through varying {Vk }, one can find the constraint potential that yields the ground-state of
the constrained system. In order to optimize W , we utilize its first derivate with respect
to {Vk } given by

δW ∂φσi

dW XX ∂W
= σ
+ c.c + (E.1.6)
dVk σ i
δφi ∂Vk ∂Vk
= wkσ (r)ρσ (r)dr − Nk ,

where the stationary condition δφ σ = 0 implied by Eq. (E.1.5) is used. Thus we see that
the derivative dVk vanishes automatically when Eq. (E.1.1) is satisfied. We now outline
the implementation of this formalism for the simulation of the electron transfer processes
within siesta. In a typical electron transfer problem one has to partition the system into
a donor region (D) and an acceptor region (A). Within siesta, this is done by specifying
a certain group of atoms as belonging to D and a second group of atoms as belonging to
A. The constrained calculation then involves the transfer of a specified amount of charge
from D to A. In order to partition the continuous electron density in real space between
the A and D regions, we choose an appropriate population analysis scheme, which in turn
determines the form of the weight function wk in Eq. (E.1.1). The localized numerical
orbital basis set within siesta is particularly suitable for atomic orbital based population
analysis schemes such as the ones due to Löwdin [97] and Mülliken [98]. We have imple-
mented weight functions corresponding to both the Löwdin and Mülliken schemes within
siesta. For Löwdin populations, the number of electrons on a group of atoms C is given


1 1
NC = (S 2 DS 2 )µµ = (E.1.7)
X X 1 1
= Dνλ Sλµ
νλ µ∈C

= Tr(DwCL ) ,

1 1
where D and S are the density and overlap matrices respectively and wCλν = µ∈C Sλµ2

defines the Löwdin weight matrix. Similarly, with a Mülliken population analysis, the
number of electrons on a group of atoms C is
NC = (DS)µµ = Tr(DS) (E.1.8)

with the corresponding weight matrix given by

 S if µ ∈ C and ν ∈ C
 µν

wCµν = 12 Sµν if µ ∈ C or ν ∈ C

if µ 3 C and ν 3 C


For charge transfer problems, Wu et al. recommend a partitioning of the charge density
based on the Löwdin scheme.
The self consistent field (SCF) procedure for obtaining the constrained DFT ground-
state within the current implementation consists of an inner and outer loop. The outer
loop is similar to a conventional SCF cycle wherein the orbitals obtained by solving the KS
equations and the associated self-consistent density are updated. The inner loop consists
of optimizing the Vk multipliers to ensure that the constraint condition given in Eq. (E.1.1)
is satisfied at each step of the outer loop. By Eq. (E.1.6), this is equivalent to find the
extremes of W . Since the derivative of W with respect to the Vk is readily available from
Eq. (E.1.6), we employ a conjugate gradients (CG) optimization procedure to ensure
that Eq. (E.1.1) is satisfied. Subsequently, the KS equations are solved and the resulting
orbitals are used to update the KS density and Hamiltonian in the outer loop. We note
that Wu et al. also calculate the second derivative (Hessian matrix) of W with respect
to the Vk parameters and employ the Newton’s method to optimize {Vk }. However, the
expression for the second derivatives ∂V∂W
k ∂Vl
depends explicitly on the KS orbitals, whereas
the first derivative [Eq. (E.1.6)] involves only the density [222]. We therefore prefer to
work with the gradient alone and employ a CG optimization scheme for the {Vk }. Thus
the overall SCF procedure consists of the following sequence of steps: (i) Construct the
standard KS Hamiltonian H for the current guess density. (ii) Obtain the constrained KS
Hamiltonian HC = H + k Vk wkσ (r) by adding the constraint potential k Vk wkσ (r) from
Constrained-DFT 179

the previous iteration. (iii) Using the Pulay scheme, mix HC with Hamiltonians from
previous iterations to obtain H0C . (iv) By keeping H0C fixed, optimize {Vk } so that the
constraints in Eq. (E.1.1) are satisfied. (v) Solve the KS equations for the Hamiltonian
combining H0C and the optimized {Vk }. The new density matrix D thus obtained and
the optimized {Vk } are used in the next iteration. (vi) Repeat steps (i) through (v) until
self-consistency is achieved.
Appendix F

List of Publications

• A. M. Souza, I. Rungger, C. D. Pemmaraju, U. Schwingenschlögl, and S. Sanvito.

”Constrained-DFT method for accurate energy-level alignment of metal/molecule in-
terfaces”. Phys. Rev. B, 88, 165112, 2013.

• W. R. French, C. R. Iacovella, I. Rungger, A. M. Souza, S. Sanvito and P. T. Cum-

mings. ”Atomistic simulations of highly conductive molecular transport junctions under
realistic conditions”. Nanoscale, 5, 3654, 2013.

• W. R. French, C. R. Iacovella, I. Rungger, A. M. Souza, S. Sanvito and P. T. Cummings.

”Structural Origins of Conductance Fluctuations in Gold-Thiolate Molecular Transport
Junctions”. J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 4, 887, 2013.

• A. M. Souza, I. Rungger, R. B. Pontes, A. R. Rocha, A. J. R. da Silva, U. Schwingen-

schlögl and S. Sanvito. ”Stretching of BDT-gold molecular junctions: thiol or thiolate
termination?”. Nanoscale, 6, 14495, 2014.

• A. M. Souza, I. Rungger, U. Schwingenschlögl, and S. Sanvito. ”Image charge effect

and phonon-assisted processes in coulomb blockade transport.” (in preparation).


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