Ece Sar
Ece Sar
Ece Sar
Email:membersecretary@nbai Website: (May,2018)
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18
1. Name and Address of the Institution: National Institute of Technology Srinagar (NIT
7. Details of all the programs being offered by the institution under consideration:
S. Programe Name Name of Depar- Year Intake Increase/ Year AICT Accre
N. tment of Decrease of E di-
Start In increase Appr tation
Intake, / oval Status
If any Decrease
1 BTech, Chemical 1963 27 77 2009 Senat Accred
Chemical Engineering e ited by
Engineering NBA
2 MTech, 2015 18 F. NO
Engineering 106/20
3 Ph.D, 2008 05 13 2015 02
Chemical May 19
Engineering 2009
4 BTech Civil Civil 1960 50 123 2009 Accred
Engineering Engineering ited by
5 MTech, 2014 18 NBA
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18
Transportation F. NO
6 MTech, 2004 25 ACCR/
Structure, 106/20
7 MTech, 2014 17 02
May 19
Geotechnical 2009
8 MTech,Water 1986 15
9 Ph.D,Civil 2006 02 11 2015
10 BTech, Computer 2007 62
Computer science
science Engineering
11 Ph.D, 2010 01 04 2015
12 BTech, Electrical 1960 50 77 2009 Accred
Electrical Engineering ited by
Engineering NBA
13 MTech 2013 26 F. NO
Electrical power NBA/
and energy
system 02
14 Ph.D, 2004 01 18 2015 May 19
Electrical 2009
15 BTech, Electronics 1984 50 77 2009 Accred
Electronics and ited by
and Communicatio NBA
Communication n Engineering F. NO
Engineering NBA/
16 MTech, 2004 25
Communication 02
and Information May 19
technology 2009
17 MTech, 2015 13
18 Ph.D, 2005 01 14 2015
Electronics and
19 BTech, Mechanical 1960 50 77 2009 Accred
Mechanical Engineering ited by
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18
Engineering NBA
20 MTech, 2004 25 F. NO
Mechanical NBA/
system design ACCR/
21 MTech, 2013 26
Industrial May 19
tribology 2009
22 Ph.D, 2008 10 28 2015
23 Btech, Metallurgical 1960 15 77 2009 Accredit
ed by
Metallurgical and Materials NBA F.
and Materials Engineering NO
Engineering NBA/
24 Ph.D, 2008 05 09 2015 06/2002
Metallurgical May 19
and Materials 2009
25 BTech, Information 2007 62
Information Technology
26 Ph.D, 2018 06
27 MSC, Physics 2015 25
28 Ph.D, 2004 02 14 2015
29 Ph.D, Chemistry 2005 01 11 2015
30 Ph.D, Humanities 2004 02 04 2015
31 Ph.D, Maths Maths 2006 02 8 2015
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18
1 Chemical Engineering
2 Civil Engineering
3 Electrical Engineering
5 Mechanical Engineering
B. Contractual Staff Employees (Faculty and Staff): (Not covered in Table A):
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18
To establish a unique identity of a pioneer technical Institute for NIT Srinagar by developing
a high quality technical manpower and technological resources that aim at economic and
social development of the nation as a whole and the region in particular keeping in view
global challenges.
(1) The broad mission of NIT Srinagar is to create a strong and transformative technical
educational environment in which fresh ideas, moral principles, research and excellence
nurture with international standards.
(2) Technically educated and broadly talented engineers, future innovators and
entrepreneurs, graduate with understanding the needs and the problems of the industry, the
society, the state, and the nation.
(3) We promise to inculcate the highest degree of confidence, professionalism, academic
excellence and engineering ethics in budding engineers.
13 Contact Information of the Head of the Institution and NBA coordinator, if
NBA coordinator
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18
Appendix 1 of part A
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18
7 Continuous Improvement 75
Total 1000
Self –Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-1
PART B: Program Level Criteria
To establish a unique identity of a pioneer technical Institute for NIT Srinagar by developing a high
quality technical manpower and technological resources that aim at economic and social development
of the nation as a whole and the region in particular keeping in view global challenges
(1) The broad mission of NIT Srinagar is to create a strong and transformative technical educational
environment in which fresh ideas, moral principles, research and excellence nurture with international
(2) Technically educated and broadly talented engineers, future innovators and entrepreneurs, graduate
with understanding of the needs and the problems of the industry, the society, the state, and the nation.
(3) We promise to inculcate the highest degree of confidence, professionalism, academic excellence
and engineering ethics in budding engineers.
To contribute to nation and the world by developing a high quality human and technological resource
through excellence in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering and research.
Self –Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-1
To increase the visibility of academic programs globally and attract talent at all levels.
To undertake collaborative projects which offer opportunities for long term interaction with
academia and industry.
Sustained interaction with the alumni, students, parents, faculty and other stake holders to
stay relevant in the globalized environment.
To develop human potential to its fullest extent so that intellectually capable and
imaginative gifted leaders can emerge in a range of professions
PEO1: To Impart analytic and thinking skills to develop initiatives and innovative ideas for
R&D, Industry and societal requirements.
PEO2: To understand the facets of advanced technologies, processes and materials necessary
in the engineering field
PEO3: To provide sound theoretical and practical knowledge of E&C Engineering, managerial
and entrepreneurial skills to enable students to contribute to sustenance of society with a global
PEO4: To Inculcate qualities of teamwork, good social, interpersonal and leadership skills and
an ability to adapt to evolving professional environments in the domains of engineering and
Vision, Mission, PEOs and PSOs are published and disseminated through:
1. Institute Website
2. Department Website
3. Department brochure
4. Academic Schema
5. Admission Brochures
6. Departmental Newsletter
7. Laboratories
8. Lab Manual
9. Notice Boards
16. Library
17. Auditorium
18. Hostels
Apart from this Vision, Mission, PEOs and PSOs are disseminated to all the
stakeholders of the programs through faculty meetings, student awareness workshops,
student induction programs, placement and training activities and parent teachers meetings
at regular intervals.
Self –Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-1
Process for defining the Vision and Mission of the Department and PEOs of the
program (15)
The stake holders of the program include the following set but not limited to this:
Faculty Members
Funding bodies
In summary, each of these constituents have an interest in the success and continued
improvement of B.Tech in E&C Engineering program at NIT Srinagar which will ultimately
assist in achieving the PEOs.
The process of defining the vision and mission of the department is shown in Figure 1.1 in the next
Self –Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-1
Figure 1.1 Process for defining the Vision and Mission of the Department
In establishing the Vision and Mission of the department, the following steps were followed:
Step 1: Vision and Mission of the Institute are taken as the base for defining the department
vision and mission.
Step 2: Suggestions and views are taken by Program Coordinator from the stakeholders such as
faculty, technical staff, students, Board of Governors, DUGC, parents, alumni, and employers.
Self –Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-1
Step 3: Based on the collected views, statements of vision and mission are formulated by the
Program Assessment Committee
Step 4: The formulated statements are then analyzed and reviewed by the DUGC to check the
consistency with the Vision and Mission of the Institute and are finalized
Figure 1.2 Process for defining the Program Education Objectives of the
Self –Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-1
In establishing the Program Educational Objectives (PEO) of the department, the following steps
were followed:
Step 1: Vision and Mission of the Department is taken as a base to interact with various stake
holders of the program.
Step 2: Program Coordinator consults the stakeholders and collects their views and submits the
views to DUGC
Step 3: DUGC summarizes the collected views and expresses its opinion on the views and
formulates the PEO statements.
Step 4: The formulated PEO statements are then reviewed by the Department Advisory
Committee and finalizes it.
Establish consistency of the PEOs with the Mission of the institute (15)
3: Substantial (High)
M1 M2 M3
The broad mission of Technically We promise to
NIT Srinagar is to create educated and inculcate the highest
a strong and broadly talented degree of confidence,
transformative technical engineers, future professionalism,
educational environment innovators and academic excellence
PEO Statements
in which fresh ideas, entrepreneurs, and engineering ethics
moral principles, graduate with in budding engineers.
research and excellence understanding the
nurture with international needs and the
Self –Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-1
standards. problems of the
industry, the
society, the state,
and the nation.
PEO1: To Impart
analytic and
thinking skills to
develop initiatives
and innovative ideas
3 3 2
for R&D, Industry
and societal
understand the
facets of advanced
3 3 3
processes and
materials necessary
in the engineering
Self –Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-1
PEO3: To provide
sound theoretical
and practical
knowledge of E&C
managerial and
3 3 3
skills to enable
students to
contribute to
sustenance of society
with a global
PEO4: To Inculcate
qualities of
teamwork, good
social, interpersonal
3 3 2
and leadership skills
and an ability to
adapt to evolving
environments in the
domains of
Engineering and
Self –Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-1
PEO5: To
appreciate the
significance of
collaborations in
designing, planning,
and implementing
2 2 2
solutions for
practical problems
and facilitate the
networking with
national research
and academic
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
Program Curriculum
1. Students
2. Faculty
3. Industry
4. Alumni
5. Parents
MHRD Vision & Mission
Adopted Recommendations
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
The program curriculum is designed keeping in view the broad guidelines of the Institute, inputs
from other premier institutes like IIT’s/NITs, MHRD directives, industry demands and to meet
the requirements of POs and PEOs of the Department. Inputs and suggestions from Industry
persons, alumni and students are used while designing curriculum for the program. The faculty
members design the course content to meet the requirement of COs. The individual courses are
discussed specifically for their outcomes in the faculty meetings of the concerned group, then in
the Departmental Faculty meetings. After incorporating the suggestions made in these forms, the
curriculum is placed in the Board of Studies of the Department which has expert members from
outside generally from IIT’s/NIT’s. The Board of Studies is a Statutory body and once
recommended by it, the curriculum is placed in the Senate of the Institute, which is the highest
academic body of the institute. The senate of the NIT Srinagar is chaired by the Director and
comprises of all Professors/ Deans/ HOD’s of the Institute as members. In addition to the
institute members it has expert members from outside the institutes of repute, Industry and at
least one member from alumni. The presence of outsiders and alumni ensures that the curriculum
is designed keeping in view the inputs of alumni and faculty from other institute. The process
for designing the program curriculum is illustrated in Figure 2.1.1. The suggestions/ inputs from
the stake-holders are obtained through Feedbacks and formal /informal meetings and the process
can be depicted as in Figure2.1.2.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
Process to identify curricular gaps through feedback:
Proposed Curriculum
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
Feedback Forms
1. Alumni Feedback
Please give your valuable feedback on the below mentioned points as it would help in the institution and
the student growth. All the information will be kept confidential and will be used only for statistical
Skills, Abilities and AttributesScale (1 to 5)
5 4 3 2 1
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Satisfactory
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
2. Employer Feeedback
5 4 3 2 1
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Satisfactory
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
6 Ability to understand global issues related to engineering. If Partially Satisfied give your
suggestions to improve.
Extremely Satisfied Satisfied Partially Satisfied
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
Extremely Satisfied Satisfied Partially Satisfied
9 An ability to communicate effectively. If Partially Satisfied give your suggestions to
Extremely Satisfied Satisfied Partially Satisfied
10 A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning. If Partially
Satisfied give your suggestions to improve
Extremely Satisfied Satisfied Partially Satisfied
Table 2.1.3.Student Feedback
Semester I
CHM-101 Chemistry I 3 1 0 45 4
IT-101 Computer 3 0 0 35 3
MTH-101 Mathematics I 3 1 0 60 4
PHY-101 Physics I 2 1 0 35 3
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
PHY-102P Physics Lab I 0 1 2 20 1
IT-102P Computer 0 1 2 1 1
Fundamentals Lab
Total Credits 27
Semester II
CHM-201 Chemistry I 3 1 4 45 4
MTH-201 Mathematics II 3 1 4 45 4
Total Credits 30
Semester III
ECE301 Network Analysis 3 1 0 45 4
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
ECE303 Signals and Systems 3 1 0 45 4
MTH306 Mathematics-III 2 1 0 35 3
Total Credits 25
Semester IV
MTH403 Mathematics-IV 2 1 0 35 3
Total Credits 25
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
Semester V
ECE501 Microprocessors 3 1 0 45 4
MTH504 Mathematics-V 2 1 0 35 3
Total Credits 25
Semester VI
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
ELE604P Power Electronics 0 1 2 20 1
Total Credits 25
Semester VII
ECE702 Seminar 0 1 2 20 1
ECEXXXE Elective I 2 1 0 35 3
ECEXXXE Elective II 2 1 0 35 3
Total Credits 25
Semester VIII
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
ECEXXXE Elective IV 2 1 0 35 3
Total Credits 25
Mathematical 15 175
7.24 15
Basic 22 240
8.65 18
Engineering 70 780
28.10 58
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
Engineering 90 1000
39.42 82
Core subjects
Open 12 140
electives 5.77 12
Project 18 210
4.8 9
Workshop 6 70
1.92 4
Internships/ 2 30
0.96 2
Number of 207
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
o The process that periodically documents and demonstrates how the program curriculum
is evolved considering the POs and PSOs.
Institute curriculum structure
Allocation of hours
o Identification process of the curricular gaps
Alumni Feedback Employer Feedback
Employer Feedback
In program students Feedback
The Program Assessment Committee considers the defined mandatory graduate attributes (GAs)
from the NBA guidelines ,Program Educational Objectives, Vision and Mission statements of the
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
Department and views from the stakeholders. The committee develops Program Outcomes and
discusses with the senior faculty members of the Department. The developed Program Outcomes
are put up in Board of Studies meeting for review and approval. Process of defining POs and
PSOs is depicted in the flowchart as shown in Figure 2.1.4.
2. Problem Analysis:A student should have the ability to identify and analyze the
problem in order to solve the complex engineering problems by reinforcing a
systematic approach to problem solving.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
3. Design/Development of Solutions: Design, conduct of experiments, as well as
analysis and interpretation of data to arrive at the correct solutions of various
technical problems.
5. Modern Tool Usage: Select and apply appropriate techniques and modern
engineering tools like MATLAB, CADENCE etc for prediction and modeling of
complex engineering problems with an understanding of the practical limitations.
6. The Engineer and Society: Apply reasoning and the contextual knowledge to assess
societal health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent fulfillment of the
responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
11. Project Management and Finance: Effectively plan, organize, schedule, execute,
and lead engineering management-related projects and manage relevant financial
12. Lifelong Learning: Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to
engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological
I Ability to associate the learning from the courses related to Electronics and
Communication to arrive at solutions to real world problems.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
Chemistry 1 PO1 PSO1
Chemistry 2,Physics Theory, Physics Lab 1
Chemistry Lab 1 8.65 22 18 PO3
Physics Lab 2
Chemistry Lab 2
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
Communication Skills & Oral Presentation PO 6
Humanities &
Introduction to Social Sciences
Social 5.3 11 11 PO8
Industrial Organisation& Management.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
Radar Systems PO4
Project 4.8 18 9
Table 2.1.6.Grouping of Courses and their mapping with Pos and PSOs
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
Adherence to Academic
Calendar Pedagogical Initiatives
Academic Calendar
The Academic Calendar serves as an information source and planning document for students,
faculty, staff and the department. The academic calendar is prepared at the beginning of each
semester with a clear plan of conducting examinations, co-curricular and extracurricular
activities of the college. Each department will prepare a department wise academic calendar
listing the plan of the activities of the department such as department staff meeting,
association activities, professional body activities, remedial classes and tests.
CAY 2017-2018(January-December)
CAY m1 2016-2017(January-December)
CAY m2 2015-2016(January-December)
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
All of the events were held in accordance with the Academic Calendar.
22-02-2018 to 26- Registration with late fee
02-2018 B.Tech. 8th Semester (Spring
2018 session)
26-02-2018 to 28- Registration B.Tech. 2nd, 4th and
02-2018 6th Semesters, M.Tech./M.Sc. 2nd
and 4th and Ph.D. (Spring 2018
01-03-2018 to 05- Registration with late fee
03-2018 B.Tech. 2nd, 4th and 6th
Semesters, M.Tech./M.Sc. 2nd
and 4th and Ph.D. (Spring 2018
01-03-2018 Commencement of classes for
B.Tech. 2nd, 4th and 6th
Semesters, M.Tech./M.Sc. 2nd
and 4th and Ph.D.
16-04-2018 to 21- Mid-Term exam B.Tech. 8th
04-2018 Semester
23-04-2018 to 28- Mid-Term exam B.Tech. 2nd, 4th
04-2018 and 6th Semesters,
M.Tech./M.Sc. 2nd and 4th and
28-04-2018 to 29- Alumni Meet-2018
28-04-2018 to 30- Extra-Curricular Activities
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
All of the events were held in accordance with the Academic Calendar.
11-06-2018 to 12- B.Tech. Project Viva-voce
06-2018 Examination
From 19-06-2018 End Semester Examination
B.Tech. 2nd, 4th and 6th
Semesters, M.Tech./M.Sc. 2nd
and 4th and Ph.D.
1st week of July M.Tech. Dissertation Viva-voce
2018 Exam
From 02-07-2018 Supplementary Examinations for
odd semester
10-07-2018 to 22- Summer Break
July 07-2018
From 16-07-2018 Special Supplementary
Examinations for 8th Semester
23-07-2018 TO 25- Registration for U.G./ P.G. /
07-2018 Ph.D. (Autumn 2018)
26-07-2018 Commencement of classes
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
Implemented and achieved as
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
Could not
be held
29-07-2016 to Tech. Fest
3rd week of Fresher’s Orientation Day
29-08-2016 to 1st Minor
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
Last week of
September/ Convocation 2016
First week of
October 3-10-2016 to 2nd Minor
November 14-11-2016 to Major for odd semesters
01-12-2016 to Supplementary Examination for
12-12-2016 Even Semester
12-12-2016 Result Declaration (all semesters)
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
7. Alumni Day 24-05-2015 Sunday
The calendar was implemented and achieved in full with very minor reschedules.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
In order to demonstrate that there is no perfect solution to a particular problem real world
problems are invoked.
Real world examples help students think more analytically about the solutions.
b) Interactive classrooms
Classes are made more interactive by encouraging student participation as follows:
Asking students to elaborate something they have written in a response paper or on the
class’ discussion board.
Having students to answer other students’ questions.
Punctuating the lecture with questions.
Interrupting the lecture with a sample exam question.
Asking students to interpret a statistic, a graph, a chart, or another visual image.
Integrating a case study or an inquiry or a problem solving exercise into the class.
Integrating student presentations into the class.
Asking questions that involve higher-order thinking skills like diagnostic, challenge,
evaluation or prediction questions.
Asking students to summarize the main points that they learned in class that day and the
points they found most confusing.
Asking the students to explain the relevance, utility, or significance of the information
presented in the class.
c) Slide Presentation
Slide presentation is used to benefit the students by engaging in multiple learning styles,
increasing visual impact, improving audience focus and providing annotations and
d) Video Lectures
Video lectures are imparted that are archived and can be accessed anytime anywhere. For
certain topics and concepts video can be used by the novice students who have lower
knowledge to process the concepts. Almost 50% of the lecture halls are fitted with LCD
projectors for facilitate this initiative.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
e) Collaborative learning
Theory subjects and Lab
Groups comprising a maximum of five to six students are formed in each class.
One from the group is designated as the group leader.
Each group may be assigned tasks by the faculty and a report on the activity is provided
by the respective group leader.
An assessment on the report is done by the faculty to analyze the expected outcome from
the activity is achieved.
The tasks assigned could be a minimum of three in each semester as decided by the
faculty member.
The focus of the tasks is on learning new technologies, enhance the knowledge on a
particular topic, studying new tools to be in pace with the industry, doing some mini
projects, etc.
Additional experiments could be assigned to each group in lab sessions.
Faculty encourages each group to disseminate the knowledge they have gathered to
f) Group Discussion
Group Discussions is an excellent strategy for enhancing student motivation, fostering,
intellectual agility and encouraging democratic habits. It create opportunities for students
to practice and to sharpen a number of skills including the ability to articulate and defend
positions, consider different points of view, and enlist and evaluate evidence. The group
discussions are promoted in the theory and lab classes.
g) Assignments
The purpose of the writing assignments is to help each student develop research and
communication skills so they obtain the necessary information literacy skills to complete
the engineering curriculum.
Writing assignments is a flexible means of demonstrating learning as well as a method of
exploring one's thinking to stimulate learning. The civil engineering department strictly
follows this method
A minimum of two assignments is given for each course in a semester.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
and management like CD-ROMs are available.
The digital library provides IP enabled access to a large number of full texts on line
journal databases from the various publishers such as Science direct etc.
k) Co-curricular Activities
Guest Lectures/ Workshops
Every year a number of eminent personalities are invited from a variety of fields,
articulating their thoughts and elaborating on their well known works, ranging from
current rages to the age old topics.
l) Internal Assessment Tests
Two internal assessment tests are conducted in every semester.
The first test is conducted after the completion of the first module of each subject.
The duration of the each test is one hour.
The results of each test are analyzed to identify the weak and bright students.
The bright students are assigned some task by the faculty to encourage their performance.
Remedial classes and tests are conducted for the weaker students after each test and the
remedial test results are analyzed to identify the impact.
m) Industrial Training and Industrial Visits
The objectives of the industrial training are to expose the students to the engineering
practice which is specific to their course specialization and to the nature of the industry
selected to expose the students to the responsibility of an engineer and the
engineering profession to develop the students’ communication skills that include daily
interaction within the working environment and technical writing.
The students of the civil engineering department are deputed to very important
infrastructure projects for undergoing industrial training of minimum 6 weeks, at 5th and
6th semester levels.
The same is evaluated at the end of 7th semester.
In addition the students have several industrial visits depending upon faculty members.
n) Exhibitions
Project exhibitions are encouraged during programs of technical festivals such as
TECHVAGANZA etc organized by NIT Srinagar.
Students are encouraged to take part in exhibitions conducted by various organizations so
that their innovative ideas are made known to the public
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
III. Methodologies to identify weak & bright students, assisting the weaker ones &
encouraging the brighter ones:
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
The students scoring above 75% marks belong to the group of bright students.
The students scoring in the range of 55%-75% marks belong to the group of average
students .
The measures taken to encourage bright students will be decided by the respective
The measures taken include the following and additional actions may be added
according to the requirement:
Recommend some quality references.
Provide details of books to be referred.
Suggest e-resources and journals.
Introduce a new tool/ software.
Bright students are asked to help weak students to boost their morale.
Prepare quiz on topics from the subject.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
On the basis of the marks awarded for daily class work, weak students are identified
during the conduct of lab work.
A remedial class is given to the weak students in which they are made to do the
experiments again and calculations are explained to them.
Their performance is evaluated again on the basis of marks awarded for lab record.
The same procedure is repeated at end of second half of the experiments.
Additional measures are taken by the respective faculty in cases where the students fail to
achieve the objective of remedial lab classes.
The final exam is conducted at the end of the semester and the same is repeated.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
Faculty member interrupts during the lecture and asks questions regarding the topics
which the faculty was discussing previously in the classroom. This ensures that the
students remain attentive during the delivery of the lecture.
The weaker students are frequently asked to repeat what the faculty is teaching in that
particular class so that the students constantly maintain the rough notebook in the
The faculty member would make at least two rounds in the classroom so that the lectures
are recorded by the students in the classroom.
Numerical problems in the classroom are assigned to the students, group wise. Each
group is monitored so that a healthy atmosphere of discussion among the students is
initiated to solve the problems.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
The solution along with the objective and the procedure are added to the lab manual for
the experiments that cover advanced topics.
Groups comprising a maximum of three to four students are formed in each class.
One from the group is designated as the group leader.
Each group may be assigned tasks by the faculty and a report on the activity is
provided by the respective group leader.
Every student maintains a rough record to record the details of work done in each
Laboratory session.
The students are directed to write the step by step procedure to achieve a solution
for the given experiment.
The faculty-in-charge checks the procedure and then students can proceed with doing the
In order to facilitate the continuous monitoring of the experiments performed by the
student, PhD scholars are always associated with the concerned faculty member.
Each group of the students is supervised by a PhD scholar. The PhD scholars initially
assess the students, which is finalized with the consultation of the faculty member.
Student should record the observations in the rough record while doing the experiment.
Students may also analyze the data to plot graph or other related work.
The final output is verified by the faculty-in-charge.
Students should add the details of the experiments done in the laboratory to the
prescribed record book.
Students can appear for the Practical Examination only if the record is certified by the
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Delivery methods
Group Activity
(Quiz, group
discussions, Case
Studies and others)
online learning)
Demonstration of
S. No
6 Class
Mini Project
Systems 2
ECE 604 ECE 603 ECE ECE 601 Course Code
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18
Prof. G
Prof. A H Mir Prof. A A Mir Miss Asifa Faculty
M Rather
Slide Presentations
Group Activity (Quiz,
Case Studies, Group
Mapping the Modes of Delivery with Subjects:
Industrial visit
Models/ Demonstration of
practical cases/
Minor Projects
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
ECE 605
5 Y Y N Y Y N N N N
ELE 603
Power Electronics
6 Y Y Y Y N N N N
7 automation Tools Y Y N N N N Y Y Y N
8 Power Electronics
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
FareedaKhursheed Basic Electronics(3rd ECE) 4
7 Prof. GousiaQazi Optical Communication(7th ECE) 3 3
8 Prof. A A Mir Data Communications & Networking(6thECE) 4 4
9 Ms. Saba Computer & Network Security(8th ECE) 3 3
10 Ms. Microwave Engineering(8th ECE) 3 7
MahwashManzoor Electronic Circuits 2 lab(4th CHE) 4
11 Ms. Rameesa Radar Systems(8th ECE) 3 11
Mushtaq Communication Systems I(4th ECE) 4
Communication Systems I Lab(4th ECE) 4
12 Ms. Nazira Embedded Systems(7th ECE) 3 3
13 Ms. Samiya Industrial Electronics(5th MECH) 3 7
Multimedia Systems(6th ECE) 4
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
V. Impact Analysis
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
12 Did the examinations reflect the courses plan?
13 Were the examinations of appropriate level
and length?
14 Were the answer script promptly checked and
15 Was the grading fair and transparent?
16 Did the midterm evaluation (minor 1 &II) and
feedback improve the understanding of this
Would you rate this course as one of the five best courses you have had so far? Yes/ No
The above feedback ranges from 1-5 and weightage is given below:
1- Fair
2- Good
3- Very good
4- Excellent
5- Extra ordinary
Feedback analysis
The feedback forms are collected and are submitted to the HOD for perusal. Depending upon the
feedback, the HOD communicates the feedback to the respective faculty member to know their
strengths and deficiencies to enhance their teaching skills. The HOD gives necessary suggestions,
guidance and advice for the areas where improvement is needed. The feedback remains strictly
confidential between the HOD and the concerned faculty member so that the morale of the faculty
does not get affected.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
Internal Exams
CO Attainment Calculation.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
Figure to ensure the quality of internal semester question papers:
2) Course Co-ordinator
3) Subject Expert
To ensure the quality of the internal semester question papers the following process is
Regular midterm exams are held in strict adherence to the academic calendar of
the institute.
The question papers are set in such a way that the COs maps the questions asked.
The question papers are examined and verified by the HOD to ensure the standard
of the paper and ensures that the COs of the course are covered. The questions
papers are modified if HOD is not satisfied with standard requirements of the
question paper.
The questions asked are well balanced to ensure that all the components such as
knowledge, comprehension , application, analysis etc are encompassed.
To ensure the quality of the assignments following procedure is adopted:
At least two assignments are given before midterm and after the midterm ( before
the commencement of the major exam)
The assignments are designed to map the COs of the course.
The assignments are designed to cover both theoretical and numerical portion of
the course.
The assignment s cover knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis etc. of
the course.
The assignments may have questions designed by the faculty or an open book
The evaluated assignments are returned to the students with the remarks of faculty
so as to point out the mistakes .
The marks earned by the students are displayed on the notice board for
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
transparency so that the students come to know about the marks before final
submission to the controller of examinations.
To ensure the quality of evaluation following procedure is place in the department:
The scheme of evaluation and solution to the problems in the question papers are
prepared by the respective faculty in advance.
The CO coverage and the marks allotted are recorded by the faculty.
The evaluated answer books are returned by the faculty to the students. Student’s
feedback is received by the faculty regarding the evaluation of each question.
The students are encouraged to discuss any doubt or discrepancy regarding the
The marks of the students are forwarded only when the students are satisfied with
It is the statutory procedure of the institute to show the evaluated answer books to
the students , once the students give in writing the that they have seen the answer books .
The marks are forwarded to the concerned quarters.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
Approximately one third of the questions are of elementary level and can be answered by
an average student, which require fundamentals of the course.
Approximate one third of the questions need analysis and use of content covered as per
Remaining one third of the questions are based on advanced level. The solution of these
questions/problems requires certain amount of critical thinking, analysis and knowledge.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
1 Comprehension C303.1 A distortion less line has L= 5.0 nH/m and C=10 F.
Calculate the wave length of the wave at 5MHz.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-2
is connected to a load (50+j50)Ω. The phase velocity is
0.4C. Calculate (i) Reflection co-efficient (ii) VSWR
and Zin
Table 2.2.9.End-Term Exam Mapping
Total CO attainment is calculated taking 40% of internal assessment and 60% of end term
assessment and overall CO attained is the average of total attainment.
PO1 = Matrix product (Row of course attainment matrix and Column of that particular PO
column of CO-PO matrix) / (No. of COs of that course * maximum PO attainment level).
e.gPO1 = (3*3+2.2*3+2.6*3+2.6*3+2.6*3)/(6*3)
NOTE: The same formula has been used in criteria 3 for calculating the attainment values of
Self- Assessment Report Criterion 2
The department assigns the job of monitoring of students projects to one of the senior
faculty member known as project coordinator.
The student's project activity starts at the commencement of the 7th semester.
Students are divided into groups of maximum of 3 students.
The students choose their supervisor and topic as per their field of interest so that the
students explore their talent.
There is no compulsion at the departmental level regarding the choice of supervisor or
topic, however sometimes project coordinator may change the topic and assign new
supervisor to balance out the project load among all the faculty members of the
This students frame the groups having the similar interests.
The project proposal is submitted to the prospective supervisor for his perusal. Depending
upon the feasibility of the proposal it is further submitted to the project coordinator for
approval. The proposal includes a summary and the breakup of the cost of project.
After Project coordinators approval the students start the literature survey to clearly
define the problem and design of the project.
Self- Assessment Report Criterion 2
Criteria Marks
Project Report 50
External Viva 25
Presentation 25
Total 100
Students are directed to maintain a project diary to record the activities on day to day basis
regarding the project work. The recorded included the details of their interactions with the
project supervisor. The Project evaluation committee and the project guide together analyzes the
nature of the project during the different stages of evaluation and make sure that the work is
environment friendly, ensures safety, ethics and is cost effective.
Self- Assessment Report Criterion 2
Self- Assessment Report Criterion 2
Name of the
S.No. Supervisor Domain Project Title POs PSOs
Aditi Gupta,
Hitu Arya, DTMF Based Controlled
Communication 1-9,12 1-3
VivakshaMah Robot
Sachin Kumar,
1 Prof. A H Mir Vikas Kumar, Live Human Detector 1-12 1-3
Sofia Bano
Kumar, Alka Voice Controlled Device 1-12 1-3
Self- Assessment Report Criterion 2
SakibSharief, Monitoring Different Body
Saransh Parameters Using 8051 1-12 1-3
Gupta, Tinku Microcontroller
, Ravi Bhat, Frequency Reuse in RF 1-5,
Katien Thakur, Communication Systems using 1-2
Vaurn Raina OAM 7-12
Hilal Ahmad,
Wireless PC to PC Data 1-12 1-3
Rashid, Sheikh
Yawar Transfer
och, Diksha
Raina, 1-3
Electronic RishabhTyagi Acoustic Direction Tracker 11-12
Nidhi Sharma,
Prince Mittal,
Electronic 1-12 1-3
RishabhBharg Purity Meter
Design av
A Transition from
Contemporary MOSFET to
Showkat, 1-12 1-3
SOI Devices in Search of
Prof Najeeb- TaqwaAyub
Better Efficiency
Bilal Ahmad , High Frequency Circuit
1-12 1-3
Abdul Basit Design
Self- Assessment Report Criterion 2
Kumar, Bharat Laser Communication System
Communication 1-12 1-3
Singh, Harish using Solar Panel
Faisal Bhat,
Biosensors 1-12 1-3
Hakeem Aqib
4 Prof. A G Mir
otra, Vikas Sun Tracking Solar Panel 1-12 1-3
Self- Assessment Report Criterion 2
Adil Bashir,
JaveedMajeed Remote Monitoring of patient
Communication 1-12 1-3
Body temperature.
Prof. Farida arun Roy,
Khurshid Electronic Aman Goyal, Unmanned Automated
PranjulKushw 1-12 1-3
Design Railway Crossing System
Electronic Kumar, Atul RFID Based Toll Tax System 1-12 1-3
design Saini
RanjanDawaD Wavelength Division
1-12 1-3
itta Multiplexing Design
Deva, Special Amplitude Coding
Devanshu 1-6,9-12 1-2
Self- Assessment Report Criterion 2
Embedded AnuradhBhaga Frequency Synthesizer using
1-6,9-12 1-2
Systems t Microcontroller
Electronic h,Sidhant
Mahajan Blackbox 1-12 1-3
8. Dr. G R Beigh
awar,ManisPa Design and Fabrication Yagi
Communication chehara, 1-12 1-3
Nusrat Aziz
Abhishek Sonkai,
Aadish Srivastava Home automation using IOT 1-12 1-3
Prof. A H Shaiphali
Mir Mahajan, Ranjeet
Embedded Singh, Neha GPS/tracker collaboration
Systems 1-12 1-3
Kumari with Speedo meter
Self- Assessment Report Criterion 2
Prof. G M Embedded Mohit Saharan,
2 Vikas Kumar Live Human Detector Robot 1-12 1-3
Rather Systems
Mehvish Shah,
RishabhTikoo, FPGA based DNA
1-12 1-3
Sampadha sequencing
3 Najeeb-ud- Electronic
Dhiraj Kumar Design of FPGA based dual
1-12 1-3
axis solar tracking system
Self- Assessment Report Criterion 2
Prof. Deepak kumar, GPS/GSM interfacing with
4 Communication SurajMishru 1-12 1-3
GausiaQazi Microcontroller
Shubham Mittal,
ViditVaibhav, Density controlled traffic
Ashutash Kumar 1-12 1-3
light controller
Afzal alam, Narsa
Ram Spy Bot 1-12 1-3
Prof. A A
5 design Ajay Upadhyay
Amit Ranjan
Car Collision Avoider 1-12 1-3
Kakkar, Rahul Microcontroller Based
1-12 1-3
Kumar Electronic Voting Machine
Self- Assessment Report Criterion 2
Rahul Kumar
Password Based Circuit
Hitesh Jasrotia Breaker using GSM 1-12 1-3
Abhishek Sharma
Chiten Sharma,
Prof. A G Electronic DivenBhaghat, Remote Controller
7 Rahul Sharma 1-12 1-3
Mir design Quadcopter
Kajal Chauhan,
Mohit Bhat,
Umar Iqbal Campus Radio 1-12 1-3
Dr. G R Communication
8 and Embedded
Beigh Zahid Iqbal Bhat,
Muzzfar Ahmad,
MohdSiraj-ud-din GNU Based Radio 1-12 1-3
Self- Assessment Report Criterion 2
RituSachan, Baby
Hand motion based Power 1-12 1-2
Sumedha, Mishra
Automatic intensity control
AkankshaAngural 1-12 1-2
of street light
Implementation of AES-
Mohammad 128 Encryption using 1-12 1-2
Kamaruzzamam Labview
Dr. G R Communication
3 and Embedded SeeratTajamul,
Beigh Microcontroller based Next
System ShereshZahoor 1-12 1-2
Generation Classroom
Akash Gupta,
Digital Electronics – Solar
VadnamSayam 1-12 1-3
Prof Grass Cutter
4 Najeeb-ud- Electronic Fabrication of CNC wood
Design Sagar, Shiv Carving Router 1-12 1-3
Krishna (Mechatronics)
Self- Assessment Report Criterion 2
GPS based Animal 1-12 1-3
Ankit Kumar
Tracking System
Prof. Lakshay
Drunk & Drive alert
6 Mahajan, 1-12 1-3
GausiaQazi Nrusingha, ignition lock
Prasad Panda
Accident Identification &
Sanjeev Kumar,
Ale ping System 1-12 1-3
Karlupia, Ravi
Kumar Communication
Chatterjee Accident Identification &
Prof. A A Communication Ankit Bansal Ale ping System 1-12 1-3
7 Communication
Mohd Ashraf
Automatic Irrigation 1-12 1-3
Lone, Tariq
Self- Assessment Report Criterion 2
NazirSamoon System
Ashwani Kumar,
Telepresence Robot 1-12 1-3
Anirudh Blind People Helping using
Electronic Stick 1-12 1-3
Pushpap Dubey,
Ravi Ranjan Solar Tracking System 1-12
design Jujar Singh, Rajiv
Ranjan Solar Energy Measuring
System 1-12 1-3
Sujeet Kumar,
Solar Grass Cutter 1-12 1-3
Naresh Kumar
Atul Singh,
Fingerprint Vehicle Starter 1-12 1-3
Self- Assessment Report Criterion 2
Sushant Maurya Embedded System,
Propeller Clock 1-12 1-3
Self- Assessment Report Criterion 2
Self- Assessment Report Criterion 2
festivals arranged by various academic institutions across the length and breadth of the country.
2.2.5. Initiatives related to Industry interaction
A. Industry Oriented Activities: The department has a strong relationship and interaction with
the Electronics and communication industry and has been contributing in a very strong way for
the technology development and addressing of complex problems.
The purpose of this survey is to obtain Employer’s input on the quality of education of undergraduate
programs in NIT, Srinagar. Your sincere cooperation would enable us to improve the quality of our
graduates as per your requirements
Mailing address
Sector Private/Public/Academia
What are the pertinent employability Logical Thinking Good Excellent
skills to stay updated in current industry Aptitude Communication
trends and thereby improve the quality of
the undergraduate program?
Rate the NIT Srinagar Graduates working in your organization using the following criterion.
Put tick mark Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, Attitude and other Attributes expected out of NIT
Srinagar graduates.
Self- Assessment Report Criterion 2
Self- Assessment Report Criterion 2
Self- Assessment Report Criterion 2
POs, PSOs,
Self- Assessment Report Criterion 2
Self- Assessment Report Criterion 2
295/14 Rahul Dogra BSNL Oct 2016 Nov 2016 28
Self- Assessment Report Criterion 2
340 Saurabh Kumar Cetpa Infotech pvt ltd Dec 2015 Feb 2016 45
341 K. Panasonic India Dec 2016 Jan 2017 30
343 Indra Mohan ALTTC Ghaziabad Oct 2016 Dec 2016 58
Post training assessment of the practical training is evaluated at the end of the 7th semester, by a
committee constituted by the HOD. It carries 2 credits. The students give a PPT wherein they
give a detailed report of the work done. The presentation is followed by an interaction session.
The students are compulsorily supposed to submit a hard copy of the work done and is
Self- Assessment Report Criterion 2
maintained in department as record. The credits are awarded based on the presentation,
interaction and the practical training record.
Impact analysis of industrial training
The students are provided with the feedback forms to rate their industrial training/internship. It is
done to identify the level of achievement. The feedback is obtained from the students at the end
of 7th semester to assess the achievement of the objectives of the industrial training/ summer
training/internship/ industrial tour.
Self- Assessment Report Criterion 2
4. Did you become aware of any new technologies in relation to what they have learnt in the
corresponding subject?
5. Were you able to analyze the facilities layout of the plant and could you suggest any
6. How do you rank the working culture an atmosphere in the plant?
Year: Year:
Self- Assessment Report Criterion 2
Feedback Form to Assess the Industrial Training
1. Rank the departmental initiative about the seriousness regarding industrial training etc.
4. Did you become aware about the practical aspects in the industry
5. Did you notice some interesting facts and new technologies adopted in the industry
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
CRITERION 3 Course Outcomes and Program Outcomes 175
I Ability to associate the learning from the courses related to electronics and
communication to arrive at solutions to real world problems.
1 : Slight(Low) Correlation
2 : Moderate(Medium) Correlation
3 : Substantial(High) Correlation
- : No Correlation
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
C302.1 To familiarize with the basic
semiconductor materials.
C302 C302.2 To understand the concept PN junction.
C302.3 To understand different diodes like
zener, schottky, tunnel.
C302.4 To know about the working of devices
like BJTs and FETs.
C302.5 To analyze and characterize basic
electronic circuits.
C302.6 Understand the basic idea of IGBT.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
collision time and carrier density
CMET303.4 Understand the growth and refining of
single crystals
CMET303.5 Understand the properties and
applications of semiconductors and
calculate charge carrier concentrations.
CMET303.6 Understand the magnetic properties of
materials and superconductivity and
perform calculations in saturation
magnetization and flux density.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
the amplifiers with emphasis on
C401 different feedback topologies.
C401.2 Understand the operation of oscillators
and developing the capability to design
and analyze general and practical
oscillator circuits.
C401.3 Understand the basics of power
amplifiers with emphasis on the design
and analysis of different classes of
power amplifiers.
C401.4 Understand the stages of operation for
operational amplifiers and its circuit
C401.5 Analyze different forms of multi-
vibrators and waveform generators.
C401.6 Identify logic families such as
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
CELE406 electromechanical energy conversions.
CELE406.3 Construction and principle of operation
of DC machines, emf and torque
CELE406.4 To study the Characteristics of various
types of DC generators and motors,
starting and braking of DC motors.
CELE406.5 Selection of DC motors for various
domestic and commercial applications.
CELE406.6 Testing the performance and finding
efficiency of operation of transformers.
CMTH403.1 Measure
CMTH403.2 Understand the concept of Probability
and its applications.
CMTH403.3 Understand the concept of Priori
CMTH403 ,Posteriori,Likelihood Probabilities& the
inverse problem on Probability.
CMTH403.4 Estimate mean ,variance ,Probability
distribution and Standard deviation of a
random variable .
CMTH403.5 Fit straight line or a parabola to a given
CMTH403.6 Apply the concept of correlation and
regression analysis.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
Schmitt trigger circuit and analyse the
C404P.5 Ability to determine the power gain by
assembling a power amplifier.
C404P.6 Understanding and implementation of IC
voltage regulator chip.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
network tool boxes.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
theory of electronic conduction.
C503 C503.2 To understand semiconductor physics
and optical devices.
C503.3 Acquire in-depth knowledge in
construction and operations of solid
state devices.
C503.4 Analyse the performance of solid state
devices like diode, MOSFETS and
C503.5 Identify and describe the function and
operations of devices like diodes, BJT,
FETs different bias conditions.
C503.6 Describe the mechanisms for forming
charge carriers in a semiconductor, and
how they behave in the presence and
absence of an applied voltages
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
CMTH504.4 Understand the concept of Legendre’s
and Bessel function and their
CMTH504.5 Understand wavelet transform as a 2
parameter transform and its properties.
CMTH504.6 Use multi-resolution analysis in the
construction of wavelets.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
Electromagnetic Waves through
simple Dipole.
C601.3 To study the Free Space, Ground
Wave, SpaceWave,Sky
Wave,Troposcatter& Extra-
Terrestrial propagation of EM
Waves. Analyse the various
parameters associated with the
C601.4 To study the various Radiation
C601.5 To study basic antenna parameters
and their classification.
C601.6 Overview of Satellite
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
Instruction Level Parallelism.
C603.3 To impart the knowledge on nano-
C603.4 To provide the knowledge on CPU
C603.5 To provide knowledge on types of
memories and memory
C603.6 To give an introduction of
embedded systems.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
controllers, Cyclo-converters (1-phase & 3-
CELE603.4 Knowledge of Power Quality issues and
present status of improved power quality
CELE603.5 Knowledge of applications of power
CELE603.6 Analysis of Power Electronic converters.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
C702.5 Time management Strategies.
C702.6 An ability to write technical
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
Threshold condition Rate equations,
External Quantum efficiency, Resonant
frequencies of Laser Diodes. Potential
to analyze Temperature effects, Power
Launching and coupling, Lencing
schemes, Fibre-to-Fibre joints, Fibre
C016FE.5 Understanding of PIN and APD
diodes, Photo detector noise, SNR,
Detector Response time, Avalanche
Multiplication Noise . Ability to
analyze Comparison of Photo
detectors, Fundamental Receiver
Operation, preamplifiers, Error
Sources, Receiver
Configuration,Probability of Error,
Quantum Limit.
C016FE.6 Knowledge of Point-to-Point links
System considerations. Potential to
analyse Link Power budget,Rise. time
budget, Noise Effects on System
Performance. Understanding of
Operational Principles of WDM,
Solitons-Erbium-doped Amplifiers.
Knowledge of Basic on concepts of
SONET/SDH Network.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
CELE703P.2 Understand the practical knowledge of
cables and insulators
CELE703P.3 Power system simulation.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
encryption techniques to secure data in
transit across data networks.
C803.5 To design security applications in the
field of Information technology
C803.6 To provide knowledge about firewalls,
VPN's and Web security
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
signal analysis and classification like
ECGs, EMGs and PCGs
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
CECE-072EP Study of Propagation Loss in
optical fiberSystem.
C072EP.4 Study of Bending Loss.
Measurement of Numerical
C072EP.5 Aperture.
Characteristics of E-O Converter
C072EP-6 (LED)
3 2 2
CMTH 3 3 3 2 1 - - - - - - 1
C404P 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 - 2 3 3 3
C405P 1.4 2 1.8 2.8 2.8 - - - - - - 1.2 3 2.34 1.17
C406P 3 3 2 2 2 1 - - - - - 1 3 3 3
CELE 3 3 3
408P 3 3 3 2 2 1 - - - - - 1
C501 3 3 2 2 2 - - - - - - 2 3 3 3
C502 2 2 2 2 2 - - - - - - 2 3 2 2
C503 3 3 3 3 - - - - - - - 3 3 2 3
C509 1 2 1
CSE 3 3 3 3 3 1 - - - - - 3
C505 2 2 2 2 - - - - - - - 2 3 2 2
CMTH 3 3 2
504 2 2 1 1 - - - - - - - 1
C506P 2 2 2 3 1 - - - - - - 2 3 3 3
C510P 1 2 1
CSE 3 3 3 3 3 1 - - - - - 3
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
C601 1.8 2.2 2.5 2.2 3 - - -- - - - .84 2.5 2.17 1
C602 3 2 2 2 2 - - - - - - 1 3 3 3
C603 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
C604 3 2 2 2 3 _ _ _ _ 2 1 3 2 3 1
C605 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 1 - 3 3 3
CELE 3 2 3
603 3 3 2 2 - 3 1 1 - - - 1
C606P 3 2 2 3 3 1 1 - - - - - 3 3 3
CELE 3 2 3
604P 3 3 2 2 - 3 1 1 - - - 1
C701 2 2 3 1 1 3 - 1 3 2 2 3 3 2 3
C702 1 1 1 1 - 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 1
C703 3 2 2 2 3 1 2 1 1 - - 1 3 3 3
C704 3 3 3 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3
C705 2 3 2 2 2 - - - - - - 2 2 2 2
CELE 3 2 2
703 3 2 3 1 2 2 - - - - 2 -
C001FE 3 2 2 1 1 1 - - - - - 1 2 2 3
C016FE 3 3 3 2 1 - - - 1 1 1 1 2 2 1
C707 2 2 1 2 - - - - - - - 2 3 3 3
CELE 3 2 2
703P 3 2 3 1 2 2 - - - - 2 -
C801 2 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 3
C802 2 2 2.75 3 3 2.3 2 2.3 2.25 2.5 2 3 2.6 2.75 3
C803 3 3 3 2 3 3 - - 3 2 2 3 3 3 3
C804 2 2 1 1 1 1 - - - - - 2 3 2 2
C012E 2 2 2 1 1 1 - - - - - - - - 2
C019E 3 3 3 2 3 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3
CHSS - - -
801 - - - - - 1 1 3 2 1 - 3
C805P 2 1 2 - - - - - - - - 2 - - 2
C072EP 3 3 3 2 1 - - - - - 1 1 2 1 3
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
CELEP301 3 2 3 - - - 2 - - - 1 - 2 2 2
CELEP301 3 3 2 - - 2 3 - - - 3 - 2 2 2
CELEP301 3 3 - - - 2 3 - - - - - 2 2 2
CELEP301 3 2 - - - 1 3 - - - 2 - 2 2 2
CELEP301 3 2.3 1.1 - 0.1 0.8 2.8 - - - 1.6 - 2 2 2
CMET303. 3 3 2 - - 2 2 - - - 1 - 1 1 2
CMET303. 3 3 1 - - 2 1 - - - 2 - 1 2 1
CMET303. 3 3 - - - 1 2 - - - 2 - 1 1 2
CMET303. 3 3 2 2 3 2 - - - 2 - 2 1 1
CMET303. 3 3 1 - - 2 2 - - - - - 1 1 2
CMET303. - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 2 1
CMET303 3 3 1.2 2 - 2 1.8 - - - 1.4 - 1.1 1.3 1
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
Course Program objectives(POs) Program Specific
Objective (PSOs)
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 10 11 12
C402.1 2 3 3 3 2 - - - - - - 1 3 2 1
C402.2 3 3 2 2 1 - - - - - - 1 3 1 1
C402.3 3 3 3 2 2 - - - - - - 1 3 3 1
C402.4 1 3 3 3 2 - - - - - - 1 3 2 1
C402.5 2 3 2 3 3 - - - - - - 1 3 3 2
C402.6 2 2 3 3 3 - - - - - - 1 3 3 3
C402 2.1 3 2.6 2.6 2.1 - - - - - - 1 3 2.3 1.5
Course Program objectives(POs) Program Specific
Objective (PSOs)
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 10 11 12
C401.1 3 1 2 2 - - - - - - - - 1 2 3
C401.2 3 3 2 1 1 - - - - - - - 2 3 3
C401.3 3 2 3 2 2 - - - - - - - 2 3 3
C401.4 2 3 2 - 2 - - - - - - - 2 3 3
C401.5 3 1 2 2 3 1 - - - - - - 2 3 3
C401.6 3 2 2 1 1 - - - - - - - 1 2 2
C401 2. 2. 1. 1. 0. 1.6 2.6 2.8
8 2 1 3 5 1 - - - - - -
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
Course Program objectives(POs) Program Specific
Objective (PSOs)
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 9 10 11 12
C403.1 2 2 1 3 - - - - - - - - 2 1 2
C403.3 3 3 2 2 - - - - - - - - 2 1 2
C403.4 2 3 3 2 - - - - - - - - 2 1 2
C403.5 3 2 3 3 3 - - - - - - - 2 1 2
C403.6 2 3 3 2 - - - - - - - - 2 1 2
C403 2 2.1 2 2 0.5 - - - - - - - 2 1 2
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
Course Program objectives(POs) Program Specific
Objective (PSOs)
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 10 11 12
C501.1 3 2 3 2 - - - - - - - 3 2 2 3
C501.2 3 3 2 2 1 - - 1 - - - 2 2 2 3
C501.3 3 3 2 2 - - - - - - - 2 2 2 3
C501.4 3 2 2 3 - - - - - - - 2 2 2 3
C501.5 2 3 3 3 - - - - - - - 3 2 2 3
C501.6 3 3 2 1 - - - - - - - 3 2 2 3
C501 2.8 2.6 2.3 2.1 0.1 - - 0.1 - - - 2.5 2 2 3
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
Course Program objectives(POs) Program Specific
Objective (PSOs)
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 10 11 12
1 1 2 - - - - - - - - - - 3 2 2
2 2 2 2 - - - - - - - - 1 3 2 2
3 2 2 1 - 1 - - - - - - 2 3 2 2
4 2 2 2 - 2 - - - - - - 2 3 2 2
5 1 3 2 2 - - - - - - - - 3 2 2
6 2 3 3 2 2 1 - - - - - 1 3 2 2
CMTH504 1.6 2.3 1.6 0.6 0.8 0.1 - - - - - 1 3 2 2
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
Course Program objectives(POs) Program Specific
Objective (PSOs)
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 10 11 12
C702.1 2 3 2 2 - 1 2 1 2 - - 3 2 2 2
C702.2 - - - 2 - - - 2 2 - - 3 2 2 2
C702.3 - - - - - 1 - 3 2 3 1 3 2 2 2
C702.4 - - 2 - - 2 - 3 3 3 - 3 2 2 2
C702.5 - - - - - 2 - 3 1 3 - 3 2 2 2
C702.6 1 1 - - 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 3 2 2 2
C702 0.3 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.1 1.3 0.5 2.1 1.8 2 0.3 3 2 2 2
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
Course Program objectives(POs) Program Specific
Objective (PSOs)
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 10 11 12
C016FE. 3 2 3 1 1 _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ 3 1 _
C016FE. 3 3 3 2 2 _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ 3 1 2
C016FE. 3 3 2 1 _ _ _ _ 1 1 _ 1 1 3 _
C016FE. 3 3 2 2 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 2 3 _
C016FE. 3 3 3 2 1 _ _ _ 1 1 _ 1 2 3 1
C016FE. 3 3 3 2 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 2 3 1
C016FE 3 2.8 2.6 1.6 1 - - - 0.3 0.5 0.1 0.6 2.1 2.3 0.6
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
C072EP. 3 3 3
6 3 2 3 3 1 - - - 1 - - 1
C072EP 3 2.5 2.8 2.1 1 - - - 0.6 - 0.3 1 2.5 3 2.8
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
3.2 Attainment of Course Outcomes:(50)
Describe the assessment processes used to gather the data upon which the
evaluation of Course Outcome is based:(10)
(i) CO AssessmentRules:
CO Assessment
Course Outcome is evaluated based on the performance of students in internal assessments and in
End term examination(final major examination) of a course. Internal assessment contributes 40%
and End term examination contributes 60% to the total attainment of aCO.
(ii) CO AssessmentTools:
The various assessment tools used to evaluate COs and the frequency with which the assessment
processes are carried out are listed in table 3.2.1.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
Mini Project/training Evaluation
Once per course
These end-semester examinations are of 3-hour duration and cover the entire syllabus of the
course. It would generally satisfy all course outcomes for a particular course. The COs are
evaluated based on the set attainment levels
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
Performance: Lab courses provide students actual experience with course concepts and the
opportunity to explore methods used in their field. Students are expected to learn the practical
aspects of the subject. To facilitate interaction among the students and to develop team spirit, the
students are expected to carry out experiments in groups. Performance assessment is based on the
ability of the student to actively participate in the successful conduct of prescribed practical work
and draw appropriate conclusions. The student submits a record of practical work performed each
week and project file is being evaluated every week.
End term examination: These end-semester practical examinations are of 4-hour duration and
cover the entire syllabus of the course. It should generally satisfy all course outcomes for a
particular course. The COs are evaluated based on the set attainment levels.
Practical training:
It involves working of students for 4-6 weeks with any renowned electronic companies approved by
a panel of two or more faculty members who are in charge of it. This provide students good
working environment and knowledge of practical Electronic world. Students select some project for
which they are being trained by the company. To have proper learning check over students faculty
incharge for the same may take surprise visit to the company to know about their progress and
This will enable the students to gain experience in organization and thus acquire the necessary
confidence to carry out main project in the final year.
Direct assessment tools used for project training are:
Practical training evaluation: In whatever field students have been trained by the company that is
being evaluated by collage authorities. All his learning from the company is being checked. A
students’ ability to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation is assessed by
evaluating the training report.
End term examination: This end-semester examination is of 4-5-hour duration or more depending
on the class strength and covers the entire syllabus of the course. It consists of two parts. One of the
lab experiments will be given for examination to be completed within 60 to 90 minutes with a
maximum of 40% marks. 60% marks will be allotted for the demonstration and viva voce on the
mini project.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
Seminar is a part of seventh semester curriculum. The student makes a seminar presentation on a
topic of his/her choice and approved by the assigned faculties in charge of seminar. Seminar
presentation is planned for duration of 25 min including a question answer session. Seminar is
evaluated based on the presentation by the students before an evaluation committee consisting of
three faculty members. The committee evaluates the seminar based on following parameters.
Relevance: The seminar power point presentation shall be fundamentals oriented and advanced
topics in the appropriate branch of engineering with references to latest international journal papers.
The significance of the seminar topic and the credibility of references cited are used as parameters
to assess the relevance of the seminar.
Presentation: The content, quality of the presentation and communication skill is assessed by the
evaluation committee.
Viva-voce: At the end of the presentation, the assessment panel and the student audience ask
questions and seek clarifications on specific issues related to the seminar. The effectiveness of the
student’s response to these queries is assessed.
Report and Documentation: A bonafide report on seminar is submitted at the end of the semester.
This report shall include, in detail the presentation materials and all references must be given
toward the end of the report. A students’ ability to comprehend and write effective reports and
design documentation is assessed by evaluating the report.
1 Presentation Presentation
Table 3.2.2
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
Project Work :
Project – Phase I: Students are expected to finalize their project area with the assistance of project
guide during seventh semester. During phase I, students are required to submit a project plan
containing relevance of the project proposed, literature survey, objectives, statement of how the
objectives are to be tackled, time schedule and cost estimate. Assessment tools used to evaluate
phase I project work are:
Zeroth Review: A zeroth review is conducted at the end of the seventh semester and a Project
Evaluation committee comprising of Head of the Department, Project coordinator and two faculty
members will evaluate the work based on various parameters. The significance of the work in
societal and environmental Context is used to assess the relevance of the project. The knowledge
level and presentation skill are evaluated by the panel based on their performance. At the end of
presentation, the question answer session is done. The effectiveness of the individual student
response to these queries is assessed.
Topic Relevance
Knowledge Level
Project Evaluation
Zeroth Review Committee Response to Questions
Background Study
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
Continuous Problem Identification
Table 3.2.3
During Phase II, students are expected to design, implement and demonstrate the project undertaken
and submit a report that records all the aspects of project work. Assessment tools used to evaluate
phase II project work are:
First Review: In first review the design part of the proposed work is evaluated. The students’
communication skill and depth of knowledge in designing isassessed based on presentation and
response to questions asked by the review panel.
Second Review: In second review, percentage of work completed, difficulties they faced and how
they tackled them are analyzed to evaluate project progress. The individual involvement in project
work is assessed based on response to questions asked by the panel.
Phase II
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
Response to Questions
Project Progress
Second Review
Response to Questions
Response to Questions
Project Guide
Evaluation Report and Documentation
Table 3.2.4
The project evaluation committee and the project guide together will analyze the societal relevance
of the project and make sure that the work is environment friendly, ensures safety, ethics and is cost
effective. The projects are classified into different streams and their relevance to PO’s and PSO’s
are identified to ensure quality of work.
Viva – Voce:
Viva – Voce is conducted at the end of 8th semester as a part of assessing students’ knowledge in
engineering courses. An internal and external examiner is appointed by the institute for the conduct
of viva voce End term examination.
Record the attainment of Course Outcomes of all courses with respect to set attainment
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
(i) Attainmen tLevels: Course outcomes of all courses are assessed with the help of above mentioned
assessment tools and attainment level is evaluated based on set attainment rule
Attainment Levels
Assignment 2 - - - 3 2 -
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
Mid-Term Exam - 3 2 - - -
End-Term Exam 3 3 3 3 3 3
Overall CO 2.43
Table 3.2.6
Internal Attainment is the average of attainments obtained using various internal assessment
Semister Course C01 C02 C03 C04 C05 C06 Overall CO Attainment
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
CELE407 2.60 2.40 3.00 3.00 2.40 2.60 2.67
CMTH403 3.00 3.00 2.60 3.00 2.40 2.60 2.77
C404P 3.00 3.00 2.40 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.90
C405P 3.00 3.00 2.40 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.90
C406P 3.00 2.00 3.00 2.60 3.00 3.00 2.77
C408P 3.00 3.00 2.40 - - - 2.80
C506P 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
CSE 510P 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
C606P 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
CELE604P 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
C705 2.4 2.6 2.6 2.4 2.6 2.6 2.53
CELE-701P 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Table 3.2.7
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
Describe the assessment tools and processes used for measuring the attainment of each
PO/PSO assessment is done by giving 80% weightage to direct assessment and 20%
attainment through university exam (End term Exams) and 40% weightage is given to
assessment is done through program exit survey, alumni survey and employer survey where
program exit survey and employer survey are given a weightage of 25% each and alumni
The various direct and indirect assessment tools used to evaluate POs & PSOs and the
frequency with which the assessment processes are carried out are listed in table 3.3.1
Table 3.3.1(a) Assessment tools used for evaluation of PO and PSO attainment
Once per
Midterm exam
Twice per
Theory Assignments
Once per
End term Exam
Every lab
Daily Performance
Once per
End term Exam
Once per
Mini Project/trainingEvaluation
Practical training
Once per
End term Exam
Once per
Seminar Presentation
Once per
Zeroth Review
Phase I
Evaluation by Guide
Once per
First Review
Once per
Second Review
Phase II
Once per
Evaluation by Guide
Once per
Viva Voce End term examination
Indirect Surveys
Program Exit Survey Once in a year
Employer Survey Once in two
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
Assessme 3 2.5 2 3 2 2
3 2 3 3 3 3
Attainme 3 2.2 2.6 3 2.6 2.6
Direct assessment tools described in section 3.2.1 are used for the direct
assessment of POs. Initially, the attainment of each course outcome is determined using
attainment values obtained for each course outcome related to that PO and the CO-PO
mapping values. Similarly, the values of PSO attainment are also determined. Table 3.3.1
(b), (c) and (d) shows the direct assessment of POs of Network Analysis (C301) as
Indirect assessment is done through program exit survey, alumni survey and
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
employer survey where program exit survey and employer survey are given a weightag
of 25% each and alumni survey is given a weightage of 50% and in all they contribute to
An exit survey is conducted for students who have graduated out of the department for that year.
Relevant questionnaire in exit survey form is used to evaluate attainment of POs and PSOs.
POs PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
The questionnaire consists of 15 questions which is relevant for assessing each PO and PSO. The
first 12 questions correspond to the 12 POs and the remaining 3 questions are for PSO. Each
question is having 3 options namely Extremely Satisfied, Satisfied and Somewhat Satisfied, which
(ii) EmployerSurvey:
Feedback is taken at a frequency of once in two years from the employers who had given jobs to
our graduates. Relevant questionnaire in employer survey form is used to evaluate attainment of
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
POs PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
Questions Q5 Q1 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q3 Q1 Q6 Q5 Q6 Q2
and PSO. If multiple questions satisfying a PO, then their average is taken and rounded
off to the nearest integer and similarly for PSOs. Each question is having 3 options
namely Extremely Satisfied, Satisfied and Somewhat Satisfied, which is given marks 3, 2,
1 respectively. These marks are tabulated and the average values corresponding to each
(ii) AlumniSurvey:
Feedback is taken from alumni. Relevant questionnaire in alumni survey form are
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
POs PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
PO and PSO. Each question is having 3 options namely Extremely Satisfied, Satisfied
and Somewhat Satisfied, which is given marks 3, 2, 1 respectively. These marks are
tabulated and the average values corresponding to each PO and PSO are determined.
(a) PO Attainment:
C304p 2.9 1.5 0.5 2.9 2.6 0.5 0.3 - 0.3 0.7 0.5 0.5
CELE30 2.9 2.3 1.1 - 0.2 0.8 2.8 - - - 1.6 -
C401 2.6 1.9 2 1.2 1.3 0.1 - - - - - -
C402 2 2.6 2.5 2.5 2 - - - - - - -
C403 2.7 2.7 2.3 2.3 1.8 2.1 - - - - - 2.6
CELE406 2.8 2.6 2.6 1.3 0.9 0.2 - - - - 1.3 2.8
S4 CELE407 2.7 2.7 2.2 1 - 2.7 2.2 0.5 1.5 - 1.4 2.5
CMTH403 2.1 2.3 1.8 0.4 - - - - - - - -
C404P 2.9 2.1 2.6 2.1 1.5 1.2 - - - - - -
C405P 1.3 1.9 1.7 2.7 2.7 - - - - - - 1.1
C408P 2.8 1.8 0.7 - - - 1.7 - 2.1 0.8 - 1.5
2.4 2.2 2.1 2.0 0.0 0.0
C501 - - - - - 2.4
6 4 4 9 7 7
2.2 2.3 2.3
C502 2.3 - - - 2.7 - - - 2.28
9 9 1
2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
C503 - - - - - - - 2.63
3 8 4 4
2.5 2.5
C505 2.3 2.5 - - - - - - - 2.5
1 6
2.6 1.1
C506P 3 2.4 2.4 3 1 - - - - 0.5
7 6
2.9 2.9 2.9 2.3 2.3
C509 1 - - - - - 2.96
6 6 6 3 3
CSE510P 3 3 3 3 3 1 - - - - - 3
2.1 2.7 2.6 2.6 2.1
C601 - - - - - - 1
6 2 7 7 6
2.4 2.4 2.4
C602 2.3 - - - - - - - 2.3
3 5 3
S6 2.3
C603 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2 1.5 - - 2.4 2.4 2.16
2.3 2.1
C605 1.6 2.3 2.3 2.9 2.6 - - - - 2.3
4 6
C606P 3 2.9 2.9 2.9 3 2.9 3 - - - - 3
S7 1.0 2.1 0.7
C701 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.8 0.6 1.5 1.8 1.7 1.9
4 8 8
C702 0.6 0.7 0.5 0.3 1.8 0.6 2.1 2 1.4 0.6 2.03
C703 2.5 2.5 1.6 2.1 2.5 1.2 2.2 0.4 1.2 0.76 0.8 1.6
C704 2.7 1.5 1.4 1.6 1.9 1.6 2.7 1 1.5 0.5 0.5 2.7
C705 2.6 2.5 2.0 2 - - - 0.4 - - - 2.5
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
2.36 2.14 2.02 1.84 1.64 1.46 1.47 0.80 1.17 1.07 1.17 1.77
2.45 2.19 2.13 1.81 2.03 1.56 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.54
80% of Direct
1.89 1.71 1.62 1.47 1.31 1.17 1.17 0.64 0.94 0.85 0.94 1.42
20% of
Indirect 0.49 0.44 0.43 0.36 0.41 0.31 0.20 0.40 0.40 0.20 0.40 0.31
Attainment 2.38 2.15 2.04 1.83 1.72 1.48 1.37 1.04 1.34 1.05 1.34 1.73
The below table has been formulated taking one core subject from each semester.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion 3
2.21 2.36 2.03
80% of Direct
1.99 1.41 1.03
20% of Indirect
0.44 0.47 0.41
Total CO attainment is calculated taking 40% of internal assessment and 60% of end term
assessment and overall CO attained is the average of total attainment.
Total Attainment = 0.4*(Internal Assessment) + 0.6*(Endterm Exam)
Overall CO attainment for a particular course = Average of Total Attainment
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-4
Table 4.1
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-4
CAY 74
(2017 - 2018)
CAYm1 44 26
(2016 - 2017)
CAYm2 72 38 41
(2015 - 2016)
CAYm3 71 53 49 43
(2014 - 2015)
CAYm4 (LYG) 68 50 49 40 57
(2013 - 2014)
CAYm5 (LYGm1) 72 42 29 58 60
(2012 - 2013)
CAYm6 (LYGm2) 76 50 34 32 43
(2011 - 2012)
Table 4.2
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-4
CAY 74
(2017 - 2018)
CAYm1 44 20
(2016 - 2017)
CAYm2 72 15 32
(2015 - 2016)
CAYm3 71 21 10 15
(2014 - 2015)
CAYm4 (LYG) 68 3 2 1 5
(2013 - 2014)
CAYm5 (LYGm1) 72 15 20 15 10
(2012 - 2013)
CAYm6 (LYGm2) 76 22 13 20 17
(2011 - 2012)
Table 4.3
Enrolment Ratio = N1 / N
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-4
Item Marks
(Students enrolled at the First Year Level on average basis during the
period of assessment)
Otherwise 0
Table 4.4
Assessment Marks = 18
SI= (Number of students who have graduated from the program without backlog)/ (Number
of students admitted in the first year of that batch and admitted in 2nd year via lateral entry
and separate division, if applicable)
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-4
Table 4.5
Average SI = 0.74
Success Rate = 15 * Average SI = 11.17
Success rate in stipulated period (5)
SI= (Number of students who graduated from the program in the stipulated period of course
duration)/ (Number of students admitted in the first year of that batch and admitted in 2nd
year via lateral entry and separate division, if applicable)
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-4
(2012 – 2013)
Average SI 0.434
Table 4.6
Success rate = 5 * Average SI = 2 * 0.434 = 2.17
API = ((Mean of 2 Year Grade Point Average of all successful Students on a 10 point scale)
or (Mean of the percentage of marks of all successful students in Second Year/10)) x (number
of successful students/number of students appeared in the examination)
Successful students are those who are permitted to proceed to the third year.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-4
Table 4.7
x+y+z 65 68 72
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-4
Table 4.8
Workshops Organized
2016 – 2017
International Journal
Raheela Rasool, G. M. Rather, and Najeeb-ud-din, “Analytic model for the electrical
properties of negative capacitance metal-ferroelectric insulator silicon (MFIS)
capacitor,” Integrated Ferroelectrics, International Journal, Taylor & Francis, Vol. 185,
pp. 93 – 101, Dec, 2017.
Abida Yousuf, and H. Najeeb-ud-din, “Investigation on Chirping induced
performance degradation in Single Mode Directly modulated 1.55um DFB laser,”
Journal of Optical Communications (De Gruyter), 2017.
Begh, Gh Rasool, and Ajaz Hussain Mir. "Constellation expanded active interference
cancellation technique for suppression of out-of-band radiation in OFDM based
cognitive radios." AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications 76
(2017): 36-45.2.
Begh, Gh Rasool, and Ajaz Hussain Mir. "Performance Evaluation of AIC Technique
for Single and Multiple Primary Bands in OFDM based Cognitive
Radios." International Journal of Advances in Telecommunications, Electrotechnics,
Signals and Systems 5.3 (2016): 122-128.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-4
Begh, Gh Rasool, and Ajaz Hussain Mir. "OFDM for Cognitive Radios: An
overview." Int. J. Com. Dig. Sys 4.4 (2015).
Ms. Abida Yousuf, Hakim Najeeb-ud-din, Dr. Gausia Qazi, “Effect Of Chirp
Characteristics of Directly Modulated Laser on the Signal Transmission
Performance”, International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated
Networks, 2017.
Adil Bashir and Ajaz Hussain Mir, “Securing Publish-Subscribe Services with
Dynamic Security Protocol in MQTT Enabled Internet of Things”, International
Journal of Security and Its Applications, 2017.
Adil Bashir and Ajaz Hussain Mir, “Internet of Things Security Issues, Threats,
Attacks and Counter Measures”, International Journal of Computing and Digital
Systems, 2017.
Mr. A. G. Mir, “Achieving performance speed up in FPGA based 4:2 compressor
using fast carry chains”, IEEE, 2017.
Banday Shoaib A, Mir A H, “Enhancement and Segmentation of Pituitary Gland from
MR brain Image”, Int. J. Medical Engineering and Informatics, 2017.
Saba Mushtaq, Ajaz Hussain Mir, “Copy-move detection using gray level run length
matrix features”, Int.J.Forensic Engineering, 2017.
Ms. Suman Chahar and Prof. G.M.Rather, “The Performance of dual gate LDMOS
device with STI and sinker”, Power Electronics (IICPE), 7th India International
Conference, 2017.
Book publication
Authore Details
d by A.
H. Mir
Robust Header Compression (RoHC) over Multiprotocol Label Switching ( MPLS)
Networks”, Munich, GRIN Verlag, 2016, Pages 89,
Catalog Number V379485, ISBN 9783668565104.
Mobility Management In Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Networks ,
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2017, Pages 128,
ISBN-13: 978-620-2-07170-3,
ISBN-10:6202071702, EAN:9786202071703.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-4
2016 - 2017
Amir Mustafa presented his paper titled “Heart Rate Estimation from Facial Video for
Depression Analysis” at the 7 IEEE International Conference on Affective
Computing and Intelligent Interaction, San Antonio, USA.
Ramesh Kestur, Shariq Farooq, Rameen Abdal, Emad Mehraj, Omkar Narasipura,
Meenavathi Mudigere published a paper titled “UFCN: A Fully Convolutional Neural
Network for Road Extraction in RGB Imagery Acquired by Remote Sensing from
UAV” in Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, SPIE.
Deepti Dwivedi presented her paper titled “A Comparison of Class Imbalance
techniques for Real-world landslide prediction” at International Conference on
Machine Learning and Data Science, Noida, India.
Sahil Kundan, Pallavi Sinha, Sarthak Parashar, Manvitha Pannala, Neha and Shaista
Jan organised a workshop on latest technology “Internet of Things” at NIT Srinagar
with TechieNest Pvt. Ltd. in association with IIT Hyderabad.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-5
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-5
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-5
Student Faculty based ratio(SFR) (20) Marks
SFR =(u1+u2+u3+p1+p2)/ F
Sanctioned Intake* 77 77 77
Actual admitted 68 44 73
Sanctioned Intake* 25-CIT 25-CIT 25-CIT
13-ME 13-ME 13-ME
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-5
u1 77 77 77
u2 77 77 77
u3 77 77 77
p1 38 38
p2 38 38 25
F 16 16
SFR 19.1 19.1 18.3
Average Assessment 10
F2:Number of Associate Professors required = 2/9* number of faculty required to comply with
15:1 Student faculty ratio based on number of students as per 5.1.
F3 :Number of Assistant Professors required = 3/9* number of faculty required to comply with
15:1 Student faculty ratio based on number of students as per 5.1.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-5
2016-2017 2 5 4 4 6 7
2015-2016 2 5 4 4 6 7
FQ= 2.0 *[(10X+4Y)/F], where x is number of regular faculty with Ph.D ,Y is number
of regular faculty with M.Tech ,F is number of regular faculty required to comply 1:15
faculty student ratio.
X Y F FQ=2.0*[(10X+4Y)/F)]
2017-2018 7 9 16 13.25
2016-2017 7 9 16 13.25
2015-2016 7 9 16 13.25
TABLE 5.4.1
Item Marks
>=90% of required Faculty members retained during the period of assessment
keeping CAY(m-2) as base year
TABLE 5.4.2
No. of faculty 14 13 13
members retained
from previous year
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-5
List the program specific criteria and the competencies(specialisation,research
publications,Course developments,etc) of faculty to correlate the program specific criteria and
Faculty name:Prof.G.M.Rather
Research area:Communication & Networking
NA Research publications:
Courses taught: Electromagnetic waves
Faculty name:Prof.Najeeb-ud-din
Research area:Microelectronics
Research publications:25
Courses taught: Different courses at B. Tech, M. Tech, and
at Ph. D. Level
Faculty name:Prof.A.H.Mir
Research area:IP,security,Biometric
Research publications:87
Courses taught:Computer networking. Computer security,
Faculty name:Mr.A.A.Mir
Research area:Embedded systems
NA Research publications:--
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-5
Faculty name:Mr.A.G.Mir
Research area:Image processing,Digital Electronics
Research publications:06
Courses taught:,Analog Electronics, Digital Electronics &
Logic Design, Communication System-II, Computer &
Network Security, Radar Systems, Digital Communication and
Image Processing
Faculty name:Dr.G.R.Beg
Research area:Wireless Comm.
Research publications:--
Courses taught:Wireless communication,Microwaves
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-5
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-5
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-5
TABLE 5.6.1
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-5
27- 28 Oct, 2017 National ZOPP, SMDP-C2S Workshop
workshop at IIT
2017- 1-06-2018 to 2-06-2018 Regiona Seminar cum Workshop
worshop on
2018 l
computer networks
2016- 24/04/17--28/04/17 Regiona Artificial Neural Workshop
2017 l Network & Fuzzy
logic through ICT
conducted by CSE
2015- 17/12/2016,19/12/201 National Optical- Workshop
2016 6 fibre/Wireless at IIT
Delhi organized
Bharti School of
TABLE 5.6.2
Member of
International Member Technical Committee: International Academy, Research and Industrial
Advisory Board Association (IARIA), 2010 till date
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-5
TABLE 5.6.3
A Faculty scores maximum five points for participation.
Participation in 2 to 5 days Faculty development program: 3 Points
Participation>5 days Faculty development program: 5 points
3 0 0
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-5
0 5 0
Dr.Gausia Qazi
3 0 0
Ms.Asifa Amin 3 0 0
Ms.Mahwash Mazoor 3 0 0
Ms.Nadish manzoor 0 3 0
12 13 5
F=Number of faculty
required to comply with 16.4 17 17
15:1 SFR
Assessment = 3 × 5 5 2
Average Assessment 4
Academic research includes research paper publications, Ph.D. guidance, and faculty
receiving Ph.D. during the assessment period.
Ph.D guided /Ph.D. awarded during the assessment period while workingin the institute
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-5
Claimed: 5
1. Riaz Ahmed khan, Ajaz Hussain Mir, “A Buffering Mechanism for IP Mobility Support In
6LoWPAN-WSN under Critical environment”, International journal of Internet Protocol,
2. Adil Bashir, Ajaz Hussain Mir , “Internet of Things Security Issues, Threats, Attacks and Counter
Measures”, International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems.,2017 (Accepted]
3. Adil Bashir and Ajaz Hussain Mir, “Securing Publish-Subscribe Services with Dynamic Security
Protocol in MQTT Enabled Internet of Things”, International Journal of Security and Its
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-5
Applications, Vol. 11, No. 11, 2017 (pp. 53-66).
4. Mushtaq, S. and Mir, A.H., 2017. Region duplication detection based on statistical features of
image. International Journal Of Hybrid Information Technology 10(10) pp.21-38,2017.
5. Gh Rasool Begh, Ajaz Hussain Mir, “Constellation expanded active interference cancellation
technique for suppression of Out-of-Band radiation in OFDM based cognitive radios”, AEU-
International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Urban and Fisher, 23rd March 2017.
6. Saba Mushtaq, Ajaz Hussain Mir, “Copy-move detection using gray level run length matrix
features” ,Int.J.Forensic Engineering, 2017.
Prof.A.H.Mir 7. Banday Shoaib A, Mir A H, “Enhancement and Segmentation of Pituitary Gland from MR brain
Image”, Int. J. Medical Engineering and Informatics, Vol. 9, No. 3, 2017.
8. Gh Rasool Begh, Ajaz Hussain Mir,
International Journal of Advances in Telecommunications, Electrotechnics, Signals and Systems,
Volume 5, Issue 3- pp: 122-128,2016.
9. Banday Shoaib A, Mir A H,"Statistical textural feature and deformable model based brain tumor
segmentation and volume estimation", Multimed Tools Appl. [6 October 2016], [1—20]. DOI:
10. Mohammad Ahsan Chishti and Ajaz Hussain Mir “Study of Basic Mobile Internet Protocols
(MIP) in Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) Domain” International Journal of Computing
and Digital Systems" , "Volume5""Issue 3"April 2016.
11. Farida Khursheed, A. H. Mir “Personal Verification using dual fusion scheme based on ear and
iris biometrics”, International Journal of computing and digital systems (IJCDS), Accepted March
12. Mohammad Abas Malik G.R Begh, A.H. Mir “Reduction of Out of Band Radiation using
Modified Constellation Expansion in OFDM based cognitive Radios”, International Journal of
Computing &Network Technology (IJCNT), Accepted April 2016.
13. G. Rasool Begh and Ajaz Hussain Mir, “OFDM for Cognitive Radios: An overview Present
Solutions and Future Directions”, International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems, ISSN
(2210-142X) Int. J. Com. Dig. Sys. 4, No.4 (Oct-2015).
14. Farida Khursheed, A. H. Mir “ Comparative study of Time Series model based techniques for
personnel verification using ear biometrics”, International Journal of information processing (IJIP),
August 2015.
15. Yabrin Amin, Shoaib Amin Banday, A.H. Mir,” "A comparative study on Left and Right
Endocardium Segmentation using Gradient Vector Field and Adaptive Diffusion Flow Algorithms",
Accepted for publication in International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Volume
16. Mohammad Ahsan Chishti and Ajaz Hussain Mir, “Survey of Header Compression
Techniques over Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS)”, International Journal of Computing and
Network Technology, Volume 4, No.2 (Apr-2015). ISSN: 2210-142.
17. Mohammad Ahsan Chishti and Ajaz Hussain Mir, “Performance Analysis of Traffic
Engineering (TE) in IPv6 with IPv4 over Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS)”, International
Journal of Computing and Network Technology, Volume 3, No. 1, Jan. 2015. ISSN: 2210-1519—
18. Mohammad Ahsan Chisti, Shaima Qureshi, Ajaz H.Mir” Performance Analysis Of payload
header Suppression(PHP) For Transmission of VoIP MPLS based IPv4/IPv6 Networks” , ACM the
12th International Conference onPUbiquitious Information management and Communicaton (ACM
IMCOM), January 5 to 7, 2018 Langkawi, Malaysia.
19. Banday Shoaib Amin, Mir A. H, “Statistical Texture Feature and Deformable Model based MR
Brain Tumor Segmentation”, International Conference on Advances in Computing,
Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), IEEE 2016. (Scopus)
20. Amin Y, Banday S A, Mir, A.H. Gradient vector field and modified adaptive diffusion flow
based comparative study on Endocardium segmentation, International Conference on Soft
Computing Techniques and Implementations, ICSCTI 2015 (Scopus.
21. Chisti Ahsan, A. H Mir, “Performance Analysis of Payload Header suppression (PHS) for
transmission of VOIP over MTNS based IPv4/IPv6 Networks”, accepted for publication in 2nd
International Conference on Networks and information to be held in New York USA.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-5
22. Riaz A Khan, A. H Mir, “EMS: Enhanced mobility scheme for controlled and lossy networks”,
ICGCIoT held from 8 – 10 October 2015. ( Scopus)
23. Banday, Shoaib Amin, Saba Mushtaq, and A. H. Mir. "Multi Unit Iris Biometric Encrypted
Template Formation and Authentication." International Journal of Signal Processing, Image
Processing and Pattern Recognition ,2014.7.6: 231-242.
24.Mushtaq, Saba, and Ajaz Hussain Mir. "Digital Image Forgeries and Passive Image
Authentication Techniques: A Survey." International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
73 (2014): 15-32--
25.Farida Khursheed, A. H. Mir, “AR Model Based Human Identification using Ear Biometrics”
International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (IJSIP), July
26.Khan, Riaz A., and A. H. Mir. "A Review of Network Based Mobility Management Schemes,
WSN Mobility in 6LoWPAN Domain and Open Challenges." International Journal of Future
Generation Communication and Networking .5 (2014): 85-104
27.Shaima Qureshi and Ajaz H. Mir, “Mobility Management in Next Generation Networks:
Analysis of Handover in Micro and Macro Mobility Protocols”, International Journal of Computing
and Network Technology. Volume 2,number 3(2014). ISSN: 2210-1519
28.Bazila Hashia and A.H. Mir, "Segmentation of microscopic images of living cells: A study",
International Journal of Signal processing, image processing and pattern recognition, vol. 7, no. 2,
pp. 327-338, 2014.
29.Farida Khursheed and A.H. Mir, "AR based human identification using ear biometrics",
International Journal of Signal processing, image processing and pattern recognition, 2014.
30.Saba Mushtaq and A. H. Mir, “Forgery Detection using statistical features”, CIPECH 2014,
IEEE International conference. (Scopus)
31.Saba Mushtaq and A. H. Mir, “Novel Method for Image Splicing Detection”, 3rd IEEE
international conference (ICACCI-2014).(Scopus)
32. Bazila and Mir, Ajaz Hussain. "Segmentation of lumbar intervertebral discs from spine MR
images." Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their impact on
Humanity (CIPECH), 2014 Innovative Applications of. IEEE, 2014.(Scopus)
33.Khan, Riaz, and Ajaz Hussain Mir. "A simulation based study of IP mobility over IPv6
networks." Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their impact on
Humanity (CIPECH), 2014 Innovative Applications of. IEEE, 2014. (Scopus)(0.6)
34.Riaz A Khan, A H Mir, “Performance analysis of host based and network based IP mobility
management schemes via IPV6 network”, 3rd IEEE international conference (ICACCI-2014).
35.Riaz A Khan, A H Mir, “Sensor Fast Proxy Mobile IPv6 (SFPMIPv6)-A Framework for
Mobility Supported IP-WSN for Improving QoS and Building IoT”, proceedings of 3rd IEEE
International conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP), 2014, pp. 1564-1569.
36.U M Mir, A H Mir, A. Bashir, M A Chishti “DiffServ-Aware Multi Protocol Switching based
Quality of Service in Next Generation Networks”, in Proceedings of 4th IEEE International
Advanced Computing Conference (IACC 2014), 2014, Gurgaon, India
37.Bazila Hashia, A H Mir, “Segmentation of living cells: a comparative study”, Proceedings of 3rd
International conference on Communication and Signal ProcFYessing (ICCSP), 2014, PP. 1564-
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-5
Dr.Gausia Qazi 1. Abida Yousuf, H. Najeeb-Ud-Din and Gausia Qazi “The Effect of Gain Compression on the
Modulation Characteristics OF 1.55 nm DFB (distributed Feedback) Laser”3 rd International
Conference –Spin -2016 Amity , India.
2. Abida Yousuf, H. Najeeb-Ud-Din and Gausia Qazi, “Effect of Chirp Characteristics of Directly
Modulated Laser on Signal Transmission Performance” 4th International Conference –Spin -2017,
1.Raheela Rasool, G. M. Rather, and Najeeb-ud-din, “Analytic model for the electrical properties
of negative capacitance metal-ferroelectric insulator silicon (MFIS) capacitor,” Integrated
Ferroelectrics, An International Journal, Taylor & Francis, vol. 185, pp. 93 – 101, Dec, 2017.
2.M Mubasher Hassan and G M Rather “Scope of potential in FSO Technology as compared to RF
Technology in Next Generation Networks” Journal of Network Communications and Emerging
Technologies (JNECET) Volume 7, Issue 9 pp 39-43 Sept. 2017
3. Suman Chahar and G M Rather “Effect of scaling parameters of Laterally Double Diffused Metal
Oxide Semicounductor Devices on Drain Induced Barrier Lowering” Journal of Computational
Intelligence and Electronic Systems (JCIES), Vol 5, Number 1, pp 58-62, March 2016.
Prof.G.M.Rather 4. Suman Chahar and G M Rather “The Effect of channel and Gate Length of LDMOS Device on
its performance” International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology (IJEAST),
Vol 1, Issue 4, ISSN No. 2455-2143, pp 62-68, February, 2016.
5. G M Rather, Neha “Convolution Error Control Coding A Review” , International Journal of
Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication, Volume 3, issue 9, pp 59-62, jan 2015 Publisher
IRAJ International Journals.
6. GM Rather Neha, “ Advantages of Error Control Coding for Long Distance Communication-A
Study”, Advances in Electrical, Power Control, Electronics and Communication Engineering, vol
2 , issue 9 pp 34-37, June 2015
1. Farida Khursheed and A.H.Mir, “Personal Verification Using Two Level Fusion Schemes Based
on Ear and Iris Biometrics”, International Journal of
3. Ashaq Hussain, Beenish Habib, Farida Khursheed, M.Tariq Banday, Experimental Analysis of
DDOS Attack and its Detection in Eucalyptus Private Cloud Platform, IEEE International
Symposium on Advances inApplied Informatics(SAI’16) 21-24 Sep, Jaipur, India
Ms.Naazira Badar 1. Performance analysis of an 80 (8x10) Gbps RZ-DPSK based WDM-FSO system under combined
effects of various weather conditions and atmospheric turbulence induced fading employing
Gamma-Gamma fading model, Optical and Quantum Electronics, Springer,2017.
2. Performance comparison of various modulation schemes over Free Space Optical (FSO) link
employing Gamma–Gamma fading model ,Optical and Quantum Electronics, Springer,2017.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-5
Ms.Saba Mushtaq 1. Saba Mushtaq,Aijaz Hussain Mir, “Digital Image Forgeries and Passive ImageAuthentication
Techniques: A Survey”, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology [Vol.73 (2014),
2. Saba Mushtaq,Aijaz Hussain Mir,” Copy-Move forgery detection in image using Gray Level
Run Length Matrix Features”,Int. J. Forensic Engineering(2017 Vol. 3, No. 4, 2017)
3. Region duplication detection based on statistical features of image
International journal of hybrid information technology Vol. 10, No. 10 (2017), pp.21-38.
4. Copy-Move Forgery Detection in Images A review International journal of Future Generation
Communication and NetworkingVol 11, No. 2(2018)
5. Saba Mushtaq,Shoaib Amin Banday,Ajaz Hussain Mir, “Verification Using Multimodal
Biometric Fusion”, International Conference on Advances in Computers, Communication and
Electronic Engineering, 2015.
6. Saba Mushtaq,Shoaib Amin Banday,Ajaz Hussain Mir, “Novel Method For Image splicing
Detection”. 3rd IEEE ICACCI-2014 international conference.
7. Saba Mushtaq,Shoaib Amin Banday,Ajaz Hussain Mir, “ Forgery Detection Using Statistical
Features” ,CIPECH-14IEEE international conference.
Ms.Samiya Ali 1.Suhaib Ahmed, Lubna Aslam, Bisma Bilal, Samiya Ali and Vipan Kakkar, “ Investigation on
Applicability and Suitability of Microcantilever Based Biosensors for DNA detection” , ,Advances
in Biotehnology & Microbiology, ISSN 2474-7637, vol 2, issue 4, March 2017.
Ms.Asifa Amin 1.Asifa Amin, Dr.Pallavi Gupta, “Low Power SRAM Designs: A Review”, International Journal of
Engineering Research &Technology.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-5
Name of the faculty
Ms.Fareeda Khurshid
Ms.Gausia Qazi
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-5
Technology MoCIT,
New Delhi
Ministry of 2015-till date
Communication and
Information 36.06 Lacs
3. Technology,
Department of
ISEA-II Technology
Average Amount 92.02 lacs
Provide details:
Design of an integrated chip under SMTP under phase I and II.
VLSI Research laboratory
Biometric Research Laboratory
Network & Computer security laboratory
Advance Communication
VLSI Research laboratory
Advance Characterisation Laboratory
Biometric Research Lab
Thin film Research laboratory
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-5
TABLE 5.8.3
S.No Details
01. Lab Description Charts
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-5
TABLE 5.8.4
Faculty members of Higher Educational Institutions today have to perform a variety
of tasks pertaining to diverse roles. In addition to instruction, Faculty members need
to innovate and conduct research for their self-renewal, keep abreast with changes in
technology, and develop expertise for effective implementation of curricula. They are
also expected to provide services to the industry and community for understanding
and contributing to the solution of real life problems in industry. Another role relates
to the shouldering of administrative responsibilities and co-operation with other
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-5
Faculty, Heads-of-Departments and the Head of Institute. An effective performance
appraisal system for Faculty is vital for optimizing the contribution of individual
Faculty to institutional performance. The assessment is based on:
Name: Department:
Stated below is the assessment report on your total performance for the academic year
2017-2018 as per the framework adopted by AICTE.
TABLE 5.8.5 Academic Performance Indicators Maximu Self Assessment API Score API Score
. m Score awarded
Minimum 50 hours per year interaction with adjunct faculty from industry/retired
professors etc. (Minimum 50 hours interaction in a year will result in 3 marks for that
year; 3 marks x 3 years = 9 marks)
TABLE 5.10
s. Year Name of visiting University/Co Count
N faculty llege/Industry hours/duration
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-5
Duration:2 days
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-6
Communication (i) Batch Amplitude modulation/ (i) Groups per week Mr. Ali Mohammad Technical TDC (10+2
1. Systems size: 6-7 Demodulation Kits:2; per session: 6 Assistant pass)
Laboratory students Frequency Modulation/
per setup Demodulation Kits:3; PAM/ (ii) Lab Courses for
PWM/PPM Kits:1; QPSK/ branch: ECE, CSE,
(ii) Total OQPSK/ DQPSK Kits:1; IT branches
number of ASK/ BPSK/FSK/ DBPSK
setups :6 Kits:1; Analog Comm. trainer
Kits: 2; Digital Spectrum
Oscilloscope Kits: 5; TDM-
PAM/PCM Transmitter/
Receiver Kits: 1; Delta
modulation/ Demodulation
Kits: 1
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-6
Microprocessor (i) Batch Microprocessor (NVIS (i) Groups per week Mr. Khursheed Ahmed Senior Lab Under
2. Laboratory size: 6-7 5585A) Kits:8; per session: 2 Shah Assistant Matriculate (9th
students Microprocessor pass)
per setup (MFILCV2#2414) Kits:3 (iii) Lab Courses
for branches: ECE
(ii) Total
number of
setups :8
Sr. Name of No. of Name of important Weekly utilization Technical Manpower Support
No. Laboratory students equipment status(all the
per setup courses for which
(Batch the lab is utilized) Name of the technical Designation Qualification
size) staff
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-6
Digital (i) Batch Digital Electronics (NVIS (i) Groups per week Mr. Khursheed Ahmed Senior Lab Matriculate(197
3. Electronics size: 6-7 6550) Kits:10; Digital per session: 8 Shah Assistant 8)
Laboratory students Electronics (NVIS 5585 A)
per setup Kits:10 (iii) Lab Courses
for branches: ECE,
(ii) Total ELE, CSE, IT
number of
setups :8
Sr. Name of No. of Name of important Weekly utilization Technical Manpower Support
No. Laboratory students equipment status(all the
per setup courses for which
(Batch the lab is utilized) Name of the technical Designation Qualification
size) staff
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-6
Analog (i) Batch Multipurpose Electronics Groups per week Ms. Ruheela Hassan Lab Assistant 3 years diploma in
4. Electronics size: 6-7 Experimental kits:30; Digital per session Mirza Electronics and
Laboratory students Multimeters:18; Power (Electronics I): 8;
per setup Millimeters: 15; Analog Branches: ECE,
oscilloscopes: 10; Digital ELE, CSE
(ii) Total oscilloscope:6; Dual power
number of supply:15; Function Groups per week
setups :12 generator:15 per session
Circuits II):4;
Branches: ECE,
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-6
(Batch the lab is utilized) Name of the technical Designation Qualification
size) staff
5. Microwave Batch Microwave Bench (Klystron (i) Groups per week Mr. Ali Mohammad Technical TDC (10+2
Engg. Size: 7-8 Based) size: 7-8 students per per session: 3 Assistant pass)
Laboratory students Bench setup; Total number of
per setup setups :2 (iii) Lab Courses
for branches: ECE
Microwave Bench (Gunn
Diode Based) size: 7-8
students per Bench setup;
Total number of setups :2
Transmission Line Trainer
size:7-8 students per setup
; Total number of setups :2
Sr. Name of No. of Name of important Weekly utilization Technical Manpower Support
No. Laboratory students equipment status(all the
per setup courses for which
(Batch the lab is utilized) Name of the technical Designation Qualification
size) staff
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-6
Optical Fiber (i) OFC OFC Trainer (Model 1) Kits:2; (i) Groups per week Mr. Ali Mohammad Technical TDC (10+2
6. Communication (Hardware OFC Trainer (Model 2) Kits:5; per session: 3 Assistant pass)
) Batch OFC OptiSystem v-9
Size: 5-7 (Software) 5-User licence; (iii) Lab Courses
students OFC OptiSystem v-14 for branches: ECE
per set up (Software) 5-User licence
Electronic Batch Computers; Scilab ‘and (i) Groups per week Mr. Ali Mohammad Technical TDC (10+2
7. Design & Size: 1-2 MAtlab Software per session: 3 Assistant pass)
Automation students
Tools -II per PC (iii) Lab Courses
for branches: ECE
Sr. Name of No. of Name of important Weekly utilization Technical Manpower Support
No. Laboratory students equipment status(all the
per setup courses for which
(Batch the lab is utilized) Name of the technical Designation Qualification
size) staff
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-6
VLSI Batch Cadence; Mentor Graphics (i) Groups per week Mr. Abdul Rashid Junior Lab Under
8. Size: 1-2 per session: 3 Assistant Matriculate (9th
students pass)
per PC (iii) Lab Courses
for branches: ECE
Network Batch (i) Packet Analyser (i) Groups per week Mr. Javid Ahmad Junior Lab Under
9. Security Size: 1-2 per session: 3 Assistant Matriculate (9th
students (ii) Packet Tracer pass)
per PC (iii) Lab Courses
(iii) Wireshark for branches: ECE
Sr. Name of No. of Name of important Weekly utilization Technical Manpower Support
No. Laboratory students equipment status(all the
per setup courses for which
(Batch the lab is utilized) Name of the technical Designation Qualification
size) staff
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-6
Computational Batch Computers (i) Groups per week Mr. Javid Ahmad Junior Lab Under
10. Lab Size: 1-2 per session: 3 Assistant Matriculate (9th
students pass)
per PC (iii) Lab Courses
for branches: ECE
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-6
Laboratories maintenance and overall ambience (10)
Microprocessor Lab
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-6
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-6
Computational Lab
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-6
All machines and equipments are properly grounded to prevent current leakage; first-aid kit, eye wash is
present fire extinguishers are present; electric cords in good conditions are used; power strips having circuit
breakers or fuses are used; extention cords not run through holes and walls; Ground Fault Circuit
Communication Systems Laboratory Interpreters (GFCI) are used to sense current through a wrong path and disconnect the circuit to prevent
Microwave Engg. Laboratory electric shocks; Fuses and circuit breakers for protecting equipments from high current or voltages are
1 Optical Fiber Communication lab present; Personal Protective Equipments (PPE) such as gloves, aprons, rubber slippers are used. The lab
Electronic Design & Automation Tools -II equipment is powered from electrical sockets installed on the tables; The laboratory has a main switch,
VLSI which is located in the main panel;
Multimetres with appropriate ratings are used; Electrical lockout-tagouts are used during repair and
maintenance work; Seperate storage unit is available to prevent misuse of equipments. Heat sinks or fans
are used to ensure that the components stay within the operating temperature ranges.
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) and Electrical Overstress (EOS) causes damage to semiconductor devices;
Microprocessor Laboratory
Relative humidity is kept to 40 to 60m % using air conditioners in summers and humidifiers in winter;
2 Digital Electronics Laboratory
devices to neutralize static electricity (ionisers) are used; conductive sheets are placed on the floor and desks
Analog Electronics Laboratory
to prevent charge build-up on the body of students
Electronic Design & Automation Tools -II All PCs are provided with anti-virus software; Ports of PCs are protected to avoid interruption by external
Computational Lab devices like pen-drives, for proper working.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-6
For time to time testing of the project development at different stages , facilities like IC
Testers, Oscilloscopes, Multi-meters, Function Generators, DC supplies, Soldering
equipments, 24*7 Internet access for primary research are provided in the lab.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-6
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-6
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-6
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion- 7
Actions taken based on the results ofevaluationofeach ofthePOs &PSOs (30)POs &PSOs Attainment
Levels and Actions forimprovement-CAY only
POs Target Attainment Observations
Level Level
PO1: EngineeringKnowledge:Apply the knowledge of Mathematics,Science, Engineering
fundamentals,and an Engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering
PO1 2.1 2.39
Action1: Students are encouraged to participate in technical events and industrial visits so that
they can gain insight in solving complex engineering problems.
PO2:ProblemAnalysis:Identify,formulate,reviewresearchliterature,andanalyze complex
engineering problem sreaching substantiated conclusions using firs tprinciples of Mathematics,
Natural sciences, and Engineeringsciences.
PO2 2.1 2.15
Action1: Students are encouraged to observe their homes and surroundings to gain insight into
real life engineering problems and think of possible approaches/solutions to these problems.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion- 7
Action1: Students are encouraged to follow all standard parameters within the constraints of
safety & sustainability, while designing an electronic circuit.
2: Students are inspired to take up the projects with emphasis on societal and environmental
PO4:Conduct investigations ofcomplex problems: Useresearch-basedknowledge
andresearch methods includingdesign ofexperiments, analysisand interpretation of data, and
synthesis of the information to providevalid conclusions.
PO4 1.8 1.87
Action1: Two laboratory courses on use of Design & automation tools like Cadence, VHDL
and Scilab have been included.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion- 7
Action2: Students are encouraged to take B. Tech projects based on tools like VHDL,
Cadence, Labview and microcontrollers.
PO6:The Engineer andSociety: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to
assesssocietal,health,safety,legal and cultural issues and th econsequent responsibilities
relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO6 1.2 1.48
Action1: Students are encouraged to participate in the social service activities conducted by
the institute.
Action 2: Through the IIEDC cell of the institute, the departmental facilities have been
extended to the entrepreneurs to test their ideas.
PO7: Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional
engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts ,and demonstrate the knowledge
of, and need for sustainable development.
PO7 1.2 1.36
Action1: Department has initiated to do B. Tech projects related to the environment and
society. Recent pass-out students have done project work on Smart Farming and Greenhouse.
PO8:Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities
and norms of the engineering practice.
PO8 1.2 1.04
To inculcate professional ethics and sense of honesty, motivational talks are arranged on
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion- 7
regular basis.
Action1: Students are given group assignments and minor projects to groom the individual and
teamwork skills.
PO10:Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with
The engineering community and with society at large,such as,being able to comprehend and
write effective reports and design documentation,make effective presentations,and give and
receive clear instructions.
PO10 1.2 1.05
Action1: Group discussions, seminars, presentations and soft skills training programs are
organized to enhance the aspects of communication/skills.
Action1: The awareness is generated in students regarding managerial principles and projects
through some core courses related to management, economics and organization of industries.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion- 7
PO12:LifelongLearning: Recognize the need for,and have the preparation and ability to
engage in independent and life-long learningin the broadest context of technological change.
PO12 1.5 1.73
1.Using ICT facilities like PPT’s, live demonstrations, NPTEL lectures.
2: Teachers are encouraged to highlight the allied areas of Electronics and communication
engineering to keep pace with contemporary technology.
For continuous improvement of the academic environment of the department following actions have been taken:
a) Departmental Monitoring Committee (DMC):
The Departmental Monitoring Committee consists of following members:
i) Dr. Farida Khursheed Chairperson
ii) Prof. A.H. Mir Member
iii) Prof. A. A Mir Member
The DMC monitors all academic activities of the department.
All award rolls are examined by the DMC before forwarding to the examination section for result declaration. The
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion- 7
committee checks for any discrepancies in awarding grades to the students and is competent to send theaward roll
back the examiner for re-evaluation.
b) Assignment of Mentors to Contractual faculty
All contractual faculty members are associated with senior faculty of the department. The senior faculty members act
as mentors to the new faculty and are responsible for monitoring the following academic activities of the new faculty
i) To monitor the course being taught by the new faculty. This includes the depth of coverage given to different
topics of the course.
ii) To monitor the laboratory being conducted by the new faculty. This includes guiding the new faculty with
respect to conducting different experiments in the lab, setting up of new experiments, if possible.
c) Transparency in Evaluation:
Evaluation of grades is based on the following:
i) Midterm Examination 30% Weightage
ii) Class Attendance and Assignments: 10% Weightage
iii) Major Examination: 50% Weightage
The grades are computed on the basis of above mentioned components. To maintain the transparency, the answer
sheets of midterm examination are given back to the students after evaluation. Answer sheets of major examination are
shown to the students and then forwarded to the examination cell of the institute.
Improvement in Placement, Higher Studies and Entrepreneurship (10)
a) Improvement in Placement:
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion- 7
Batch Batch
Item Batch
2016 2015
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion- 7
No. of Students
68 43 70
Opening Rank
Entrance 22799 21650 36121
Closing Rank
36627 33057 57371
Budgetary details of Electronics & Communication Engineering Department for the years 2015-2016, 2016-2017 and 2017-18
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion- 7
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion- 7
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion- 7
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion- 7
Multifilament turret
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion- 7
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion- 7
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion- 7
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion- 7
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-8
Average 16.03
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-8
CA 20 48 48.46 5
CAYm1 20 43 45.66 5
CAYm2 20 42 45.66 5
Average Assessment 5
Table B.8.2
Successful students are those who are permitted to proceed to the second
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-8
Describe the assessment processes used to gather the data upon which the
evaluation of
Examples of data collection processes may include, but are not limited to, specific exam
questions, laboratory tests, internally developed assessment exams, oral exams
assignments, presentations, tutorial sheets etc.)
The various assessment tools used to evaluate COs are listed in table given below.
Mid-term Once/Course
(Viva-voice, Perform a
Given Experiment)
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-8
Course outcomes of all courses are assessed with the help of assessment tools
mentioned in above Table and attainment level is evaluated based on set attainment
rubrics as per Table given below. If the average attainment of a particular course for
three consecutive years is greater than 80% of the maximum attainment value (i.e.
80% of 3 = 2.4), then for that particular course the current rubrics for attainment must
Attainment Levels
Level 1 50% of students scoring more than 50% marks in
Assignment 1 3 3 - -
Assignment 2 - - - -
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-8
Mid-Term Exam 3 3 - -
End-Term Exam 3 3 3 3
Daily Evaluation 3 2 2 3 -
End-Term Exam 3 3 3 3 3
Overall CO 2.5
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-8
Major Exam: It is of 2 hours duration and is evaluated for 60 marks. The question
paper is framed in such a way that it satisfies blooms taxonomy, wherein each question
is mapped to the appropriate course outcomes of the respective course, which is evaluated
based on the set attainment levels by the department. The question paper will be verified
by the Head of the Department and may be accepted with or without modifications.
Students are assigned course-related work to be completed outside of contact hours, and
their submissions are graded on the basis of work quality and originality. A minimum
of 2 assignments are given per course and each assignment is evaluated for 10 marks. The
questions in the assignment should be mapped to the Course Outcomes of the subject. The
questions given are categorized to knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis,
evaluation and synthesis level.
actively participate in the successful conduct of prescribed practical work and draw
appropriate conclusions. The student submits a record of practical work performed each
Program shall have set attainment levels for all first year courses.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-8
(The attainment levels shall be set considering average performance levels in the university
examination or any higher value set as target for the assessment years. Attainment level is to
be measured in terms of student performance in internal assessments with respect the COs of
a subject plus the performance in the University examination)
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-8
2.4 1.9
IT 102 P 2.4
3 3
CSE 202 P 2.4
2.4 2.4
CHEM 101 2.4
2.2 2.2
CHEM 102 P 2.2
2.4 2.4
CHEM 201 2.4
2.4 2.4
CHEM 202 P 2.4
(Describe the assessment processes that demonstrate the degree to which the Program
Outcomes are attained through first year courses and document the attainment levels.
Also include information on assessment processes used to gather the data upon which the
evaluation of each Program Outcome is based indicating the frequency with which these
processes are carried out)
(I) PO Assessment
PO assessment is done by giving 80% weightage to direct assessment and 20%
weightage to indirect assessment. Direct assessment is based on CO attainment
where 80% weightage is given to attainment through end exam and 20%
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-8
the frequency with which the assessment processes are carried out are listed in
table below:
Phase I evaluation
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-8
Phase Continuous
Project evaluation
Direct assessment tools described in above section are used for the direct
values obtained for each course outcome related to that PO and the CO-PO
mapping values.
Course PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
MTH10 2.9 2.2 2.6 2.5 2.5
MTH20 3 2. 2.5 2 2.5
CIV 3 3 2 1 2 3 3
HU 101 1.2 1 1.8 1
HU 201 1.52 1.08 1.20
MEC 2.8 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.8 1.8 0.8 0.7 0.8 2.
PHY 2.5 1.96 0.
PHY 2.92 2.85 2.85
PHY 2.52 1.91 0.6
PHY 2.8 2.85 2.85
IT 101 1.5 1.99 0. 1.6 0.9 0.45
IT 102 1.06 0.5 2.5 1. 1.6 1.46
CSE 2.4 2.4 2.4 2. 2.3 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.85 2.4
CSE 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-8
CAYm1- 2015-16
Course PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
MTH 2.7 2.75 2.68 2.70 2.2
MTH 2.6 2.2 2.2 1 2.13
CIV 102 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 3
HU 101 0.96 1.4 1.72 1
HU 201 1.4 1.08 0.96 0.96 0.96 1.12
MEC 2.8 0.7 0.6 0.8 0.7 0. 1.8 0.8 0.7 0. 2.8
PHY 2.5 1.93 0.6 1 - - 2
PHY 2.6 2.82 2. 1 1 1 1
PHY 2.4 1.9 0.6 - - 1 2
PHY 3 2.7 - - - 2.
IT 101 1 1.3 0.9 1. 0.45 0.45
IT 102 P 0.73 0.3 2.5 1.1 1.69 1.69
CSE 201 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.3 0.8 0. 0.8 0.8 1.85 2.4
CSE 202 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
CHM 1.2 0.4 0.4 0.4
CHM 0.76 0.2 0.2 0.2
CHM 0.3 0. 1.2
CHM 1.31 1.31 0.9 1.3 1.
Average 1.68 1.45 1.07 0.74 0.75 0.59 0.37 0.47 0.45 0.55 0.59 0.92
Course PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
MTH10 2.6 2.75 2.29 2.3
MTH 2.7 2. 2.2 1.8 2.4
CIV 102 2 2 3 1 1 3 3
HU 101 0.96 1.17 1.48 0.92
HU 201 0.9 0.9 0.96 0.9 1.12
MEC 2.8 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.8 1.8 0.8 0.7 0.8 2.8
PHY 2.4 0.
PHY 2.7 2.78 2.75
PHY 2.5 1. 0.6
PHY 2.8 2.7 - 2.75
IT 101 1 1.5 0. 0.7 0.75 0.45
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-8
8.5.2. Actions taken based on the results of evaluation of relevant POs and PSOs
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-8
Action Taken
1. Problem analysis oriented teaching
2. Conducted Tutorial sessions to solve engineering problems
3. Weaker student coaching
PO3 Design/development of Solutions
Special attention were given to difficult
subjects which exposed the students to
develop solutions for various engineering
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-8
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-8
PO10 Communication
Students were given training
on communication skills
PO10 0.66 0.67
Target Attainment
PO Level Observations
PO1 Engineering Knowledge
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-8
Action Taken
1. Problem analysis oriented teaching
2. Conducted Tutorial sessions to solve engineering problems
3. Weaker student coaching
PO3 Design/development of Solutions
Special attention were given to difficult
subjects which exposed the students to develop
solutions for various engineering problems.
PO3 0.95 1.07 However CHM 201 T, CHM 201 P and CHM 202
Action Taken
Practiced designing solutions of the engineering problems in the class room hours
Exposure to professional approach in solving complex problems
ICT enabled teaching
PO4 Conduct Investigations of Complex Problems
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-8
Action Taken
ICT enabled teaching
Expert lectures
Conducted Technical events as part of Technical Fest & other professional body activities
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-8
Action Taken
1. Conducted Social Service activities as part of NSS
2. Expert sessions on Professional Ethics
3. Expert sessions on duties and responsibilities of Engineers in the society
PO7 Environment and Sustainability
The sustainable engineering practices were
included in the syllabus which enabled the
students to learn more about the Environment
and sustainability
PO7 0.34 0.37
Action Taken
1. Conducted Social Service activities as part of NSS
2. Conducted sessions on sustainable engineering
3. Tutorials on sustainable engineering
PO8 Ethics
Instructions were given to the student
regarding the professional ethics to be followed
in the laboratory sessions Students were
PO8 0.28 0.47 given training on ethics
Action Taken
1. Expert sessions on professional ethics
2. Class on engineering ethics to be followed by in streams
3. Training sessions on life skills
Action Taken
1. Conducted team based social service activities
2. Professional Training sessions as part of internships
3. Team based problem solving in laboratory sessions
PO10 Communication
Students were given training on
PO10 0.66 0.67 communication skills
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-8
Action Taken
1. Expert lecture in communication skills
2. Sessions in language lab
3. Competitions based on communications as part of cultural activities
4. Training on life skills
PO11 Project Management and Finance
Understanding and demonstrating management
principles and applying to own works enable
students to get exposed to Project management
PO11 0.57 0.59
Action Taken
1. Professional Training sessions as part of internships
2. Class on engineering ethics to be followed by in streams
3. Expert lecture in communication skills
4. In technical management responsibility given to students in various technical events
PO12 Lifelong Learning
Made the students aware about the need, to
prepare and to engage in independent and
lifelong learning in various engineering streams
PO12 0.57 0.92
Action Taken
1. Team based problem solving in laboratory sessions
2. Professional Training sessions as part of internships
3. Expert lectures
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-8
Action Taken
1. ICT enabled teaching
2. Expert lectures
3. Conducted Technical events as part of Technical Fest & other professional
body activities
PO5 Modern Tool Usage
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-8
Action Taken
1. Demonstration of latest software tools like CAD
2. Conducted Technical events as part of Technical Fest & other professional
body activities
3. Expert lectures
PO6 The Engineer and Society
Seminar on Professional ethics conducted for the
students which trained the students about the
duties and responsibilities of the students.
PO6 0.86 0.61 However CSE 201 has not attained the target
Action Taken
1. Conducted Social Service activities as part of NSS
2. Expert sessions on Professional Ethics
3. Expert sessions on duties and responsibilities of Engineers in the society
PO7 Environment and Sustainability
The sustainable engineering practices were given
PO7 0.34 0.34 which enabled the students to learn more about
the Environment and sustainability
Action Taken
1. Conducted Social Service activities as part of NSS
2. Conducted sessions on sustainable engineering
3. Tutorials on sustainable engineering
PO8 Ethics
Instructions were given to the student regarding
the professional ethics to be followed in the
laboratory sessions Students were given training on
Action Taken
1. Expert sessions on professional ethics
2. Class on engineering ethics to be followed by in streams
3. Expert lectures
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-8
Action Taken
PO10 Communication
Students were given training
PO10 0.66 0.67 on communication skills
Action Taken
Action Taken
1. Expert lectures
2. Class on engineering ethics to be followed by in streams
3. Expert lecture in communication skills
PO12 Lifelong Learning
Recognize the need for, and have preparation and
PO12 0.57 0.64 ability to engage in independent and lifelong
learning in various engineering streams
Action Taken
1. Team based problem solving in laboratory sessions
2. Professional Training sessions
3. Expert lectures
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
A new strategy to access and motivate students has been initiated. All faculty and students of
all semesters are divided into mentor-mentee. One faculty will be assigned 10 to 15 students.
They would look into assigned student’s academic progress, discuss with tutor and other
faculty about their behaviour in classroom and should observe any unusual behavioural
patterns and incidents.
Professional Guidance:
The departments are well equipped with knowledgeable human resources in the form of
members of faculty who by keeping themselves updated of developments offer guidance to
the prospective professionals in addition to the classroom teaching.
Career advancement:
The Training and Placement cell has been active not only in arranging campus recruitment
drives, but also offering awareness and training for the students.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
Course work:
Members of faculty handling different courses interact with students in
clearing all their Concept-oriented and test based mechanics of the
respective courses. The teachers after first formal evaluation guide the
students as far as student-specific gray areas are concerned.
Each of the lab sessions are handled by 2 teachers along with 2 to 3 non-teaching staffs, in
order to have special care for the students while experiments are being handled. A
demonstrative presentation is given by the teacher concerned before every experiment. The
Laboratory records are evaluated after the experiment is held. In other words, there is active
involvement of the members of faculty in pre-experiment stage, at the time of experiment
and after the experiment.
Slow learners are found out from the analysis of various assessment processes such as class
test, continuous assessment test, lab viva session, interaction during the lecture delivery, and
in mentoring session etc. These students are asked to discuss with the faculty in person
during the extra hours such as Tutorial/Library/seminar hour/ Remedial Classes during
evening stay-back in addition to the special classes conducted for those students. Slow
learners are also asked to take up the retests for the respective subjects. They are also given
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
special attention by solving the important problems in the form of additional worksheets and
Alumni Connect.
Alumni of the institute have been involved very actively in the process of Career
advancement of the current students. Our Distinguished Alumni have been very proactive
and deliver Lectures regarding student requirements of career building. Every month
Alumni with varying expertise in industry, academia and successful entrepreneurship
achievements are invited to have face to face interaction and deliver lectures related to their
specific areas.
MOU’s with IIT Delhi and IIT Jammu have been signed for facilitating project
work, Research and even earning of credits during the stay of the student at these institutes
of higher learning. Facilitation of placement to be carried out at these campuses has also
been agreed on.
For regular internship/training of students in current niche areas, a MOU has been
signed with ALTTC Ghaziabad, a BSNL concern which basically meant for imparting
training to ITS candidates.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
etc. are carried out for the sake of students. This is being upgraded to make it state-of-the
Language Software Type of Quality of Guidance
Number of
Laboratory used experiments Instruments
Internet Speaking,
1 300 sq. ft. Good Yes
support Listening, Reading
Anti-Ragging Committee
Anti-Ragging committee headed by Dean Students Welfare, Wardens and Hostel
manager is in place since long. Sign Boards have been put up specifically for this purpose
all over the campus with strict warnings of not indulging in any such activity which would
be considered as Ragging. Anti-ragging information leaflets are distributed to all first year
students on their first day in the Institute. Anti-ragging measures are taken in the Institute
campus, hostels and Institute buses.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
departments as well. This committee is entrusted with the task of looking after the welfare
of the students by taking appropriate steps with the concurrence of the Director.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
carrier. Our faculty and students are invited by these schools to have a strong bond of
belonging and Big Brother relation.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
Flowchart for feedback analysis process for faculty members
Scrutiny by
Overall Feedback No
in any
Once HOD gets the summary of feedback, HOD analyses the feedback of each
faculty and will take necessary actions. The procedure of corrective action is given in the
flow chart
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
Flowchart for checking effectiveness of corrective action
Present No Low
feedback index Performance No
> previous for this first time
feedback index
Forwarded to HOD
Corrective action is Forwarded to Director
for corrective
effective and faculty is through HOD for
appreciated corrective action
Yes Yes
Induction programs are conducted for newly joined faculty members and
continuing education programme for the experienced faculties. Those teachers who have
not obtained good appraisals have a detailed discussion with the HOD on how to improve
the teaching. Level of feedback is taken into account while evaluating the staff for
Also, Class Committee meeting shall be conducted twice in every semester for
each class. Committee members includes, Head of the Department, Class Tutor, two
faculty members teaching in the respective class, 2-5 student members from the class.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
Students are given freedom to raise any kind of issues related to teaching learning process,
facilities provided or any other relevant matter.
Feedback analysis and reward /corrective measures taken for Hostels and Messes
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
LIBRARY [tick mark in the relevant cell]
1. How often do you visit the Library Regularly Occasionally Rarely
2. Are the required number of titles in your
Excellent Good Average
Subject available in the Library
3. Are you satisfied with the cataloguing
Excellent Good Average
and arrangement of books in the
4. Are you satisfied with the available
Excellent Good Average
Reading space in the Library
5. Are the Library Staff co-operative and
Excellent Good Average
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
11. Has the (T&P) Cell provided sufficient
Excellent Good Average
Off -campus placement opportunities?
12. Did you ever avail Career counselling and
Excellent Good Average
guidance for higher studies from T&P
13. If you are invited to deliver A Guest
Lecture/A Special Talk/A Motivational
Acceptable Likely
Session for your juniors, will you be
14. Would you like to join the
Highly Acceptable Likely
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
Title of Lab
What was your batch Size?
Satisfied with your batch Size? Excellent Good Average
Experiments of Lab Classes
Excellent Good Average
conducted as per schedule
Equipment’s provided sufficient? Excellent Good Average
Equipment’s provided in working
Excellent Good Average
Lab Consumables provided of
Excellent Good Average
Good Quality?
No. of experiments conducted as
Excellent Good Average
per University Norms?
No. of experiments conducted over
Excellent Good Average
and Above University Syllabus?
Advanced/Design based
Excellent Good Average
Experiments carried out in the lab?
Lab Manual Provided was
Excellent Good Average
complete in covering the Syllabus
and informative?
Lab assistant / technician assisting
Excellent Good Average
Lab in-charges (Faculties) are
Excellent Good Average
helpful in Completing the
Opportunity provided to complete
Excellent Good Average
experiments partially done
Exp. and for days on which
students were absent
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
The identified weaker areas, with corrective action plan are submitted to the management
and the same can be corrected within one academic year and then the feedback is taken
from the next final year students.
Collect feedback
from final year
Feedback of No
Handed over to
management for
corrective action plan
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
The Hostel Management is providing the following facilities to the resident students of the
Institute. Upgradation of facilities is in process as well as in pipeline.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
connected with wifi/LAN.
04. In Pipeline
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
iv) AC AC’s will be installed in each of the
Central Workshop
Central Workshop caters to various activities of the Institute which includes:
Engages the classes of practical oriented course of workshop practice in 1st and2 nd
semesters for (All) B.Tech courses.
Provides facility to carry out practical's in various engineering trades to Mechanical
and Metallurgical students.
Plays an important role to design, development and fabrication of project works of
the students from various departments of the Institute.
Project work related activities including fabrication for the M.Tech students and Ph.D
Research Scholars of the Institute.
Well established Technical Infrastructure is available which includes:
(i) Machine (ii) Equipment (iii) Tools (iv) Technical Manpower
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
Workshop Practice provides facilities to be students for "hands on" various practical
oriented tasks through formal classes /project works. The students are introduces to
process, tools and materials for accomplishing various tasks which culminate in final
The students are trained to acquire basic knowledge and skills about engineering materials,
manufacturing practices, equipment, tools and safety precautions to be observed during
manufacturing of different products. The students carry out manual operations using mostly
hand tools and elementary machines in the carpentry and pattern making shop, bench work
and fitting shop, welding shop, sheet metal shop, black smithy and forging shop, machine
shop, foundry and casting shop etc..
The common shops and major facilities in the Central Workshop have been divided into
various trades as given below:-
i. Machine Shop
ii. Sheet Metal Shop
iii. Bench Work and Fitting Shop
iv. Welding Shop
v. Foundry and Casting Shop
vi. Black Smithy and Forging Shop
vii. Carpentry and Pattern making Shop
Staff associated with Central Workshop
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
Hand shearing machine 1 No’s Assistant).
Table shear cutting machine 1 No’s
Power operated shearing M/C 1 No’s Abdul Aziz (Helper).
Grinding machine 1 No’s
3. Fitting Profile Projector 1 No’s Gh. Qadir(Tech. Dawood Ibrahim Ali
Trade Drilling Machine 1 No’s Asst) ( Technical Asstt)
Arbor Press machine 1 No’s Mushtaq Ahmad
4. Smithy Single Beak Anvil 2 No’s Mohd. Ismail Sumeer Kaul
Trade Open Herth Furnace 4 No’s Kumar(Tech. Asst) (Technical Assistant)
Lever Shear 1 No’s Bashir
5. Foundry None. Abdul Zahid Shafi
Trade MajeedAhangar (Technical Asstt)
(Tech. Asst)
ShafiChikla (Tech.)
7. Carpentry Band Saw 1 No’s Showkat MuzafarShah
Thickness Planner 1 No’s Ahmad(Tech.) (Technical Assistant)
Tenon Machine 1 No’s
Grinder 1 No’s Noor
Thickness Planner 1 No’s Mohammad(Tech.)
Transport/Automobile facilities
The transport wing of the Central Workshop performs the essential service to the Institute.
Presently the institute is having the vehicle strength of nine numbers to carry out the various
academic activities of students, faculty and other official works of the institute besides to
provide the facility of ambulance services round the clock (24 x 7) during the emergency to
the students and staff.
The list of the vehicles performing the various activities of the institute is as under:-
Permanent Contractual
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
01 32 seater Bus (TATA) 02 Nos Mr B.Bhadhur Mr
(Tech. Asst) Showkat
02 Ambulance (Maruati) 02 Nos
03 Staff Car (Ambassador) 01 No (Driver)
Mr Khazir
04 Mini Loader (Truck) 01 No Mohammad Mr Reyaz Ahmad
05 Fortuner Car (Toyota) 01 No (Tech Asst)
Mr Shabir Ahmad
06 Innova Car (Toyota) 01 No
07 Scorpio Car (Mahindra) 01 No Mr Mohd MrSheraz Ahmad
Ayoub (Driver)
Mr Mohammad
NIT Srinagar has its own dedicated Health centre & multifarious medical needs of the campus
population consisting of students, staff members, faculty and members of their families are met by
institute hospital. It’s equipped with all the basic medical facilities and is functional 24*7 with referral
and ambulance services. Presently health centre is serving the strength of more than 4000 students
plus faculty and staff including their wards. It offers free of cost medical facilities. The hospital is
headed by the Head Medical Officer with a team of other specialists, paramedical and supporting
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
List of facilities available at NIT Srinagar Health Centre :
Patients are registered at the reception and are seen on first come, first serve basis, however
out of turn consultation may be provided in case of emergency and senior citizens. Patients
have the right to consult any doctor. In OPD, clinical consultation is provided to patients
which include history taking, clinical examination, diagnosis and providing prescriptions to
patients besides advising laboratory tests in some cases. Medication is provided free of cost to
the patients. Sub waiting areas are available infront of individual consultation rooms and
laboratory. Public utilities like drinking water and toilet is available. Wheel chairs, trolleys
and attendants are there to help very sick patients.
An experienced dental surgeon along with dental assistant provides procedures like dental
extraction, scaling/cleaning, RCT, fillings, local curettage. Dental facility is functional from
April 2018.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
Full time psychological counselor who remains on call 24*7 is available for providing
counseling services to the students, staff and faculty members of the institute. Institute
counselor pays regular visits to different hostels for conducting awareness programs like
stress management, mental health awareness, positive psychology, psychology of happiness
& different breathing exercises.
Ward facilities for observation and management of medical problems like typhoid, acute
gastroenteritis, COPD, bronchial asthma, viral fever, pneumonias etc are available. There is one
ward with five beds & one isolation room for patients of communicable diseases who require
complete isolation.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
Full time well experienced physiotherapist is available 24*7 to provide range of physiotherapy
services and to assist the patients to recover from wide range of musculoskeletal painful disorders,
sports injuries, post operative traumas, neurological disorders and all orthopedic disorders. This
facility is functional since February 2018. Following facilities will be available shortly after the
establishment of physiotherapy unit; TENS, Laser therapy traction unit, Ultrasound, SWD,
Muscle stimulation, Interferential therapy, Matrix Therapy Etc.
Trained laboratory staff is providing best services & the laboratory is functional 24*7. Painless
blood withdrawal & sample collection under all aseptic conditions is done in the laboratory.
Following facilities are available;
Lipid profile
Uric Acid
Blood sugar fasting and PP
Serum LH, FSH, Prolactin, total testosterone
Thyroid Function Tests
Vitamin D levels
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
Vidal for typhoid
Urine Routine examination
o Sample collection time for laboratory is 7am to 10 am while emergency tests like
Blood sugar, platelet count, HB and blood grouping is done in emergent cases
throughout OPD hours.
X-Ray and ECG services are available on all working days during OPD hours & in case of
Provides services for minor surgical procedures like dressing of lacerated wounds, suturing of
minor lacerations and re-suturing, excision of corns and cysts under local anesthesia.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
24*7 patient referral and transport services are available during OPD hours as well as
emergencies to the nearest super specialty hospitals.
Registration/OPD timings- On working days 8:45 a.m to 05:15 pm.
Laboratory series – 24*7
Pharmacy – 24*7
X-ray & ECG services - 8:45 am to 05:15 pm and during emergency.
In case of emergency Medical officer, physiotherapist, counselor are
available on call 24*7.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
o Bone Mineral Density Camp (June 2018)
o Hemoglobin evaluation drive (June2018).
Self-Learning (5)
The curriculum offers courses major project where the topics are self-selected or
based on guide suggestion. The component of self-learning is evaluated in these
Every student has to submit two home assignments in every course which has been
evaluated for 10 marks. Some of these tasks are beyond syllabus to encourage
outstanding students to develop their self-learningcapabilities.
Some of the tasks in the lab courses are challenge based which has to be solved by
the students on their own enhancing their skills.
The program planned weekly time table and facilities in such a way that the
students have space and time to explore and implement their ideas.
Common Computing Centre with well-equipped and internet facility opened 24X7
for students.
Digital library is provided in central library where students can access all kinds of
E- journals.
Industrial visits arranged by the Departments.
Language lab facilities provided – This enables students to prepare to take-up the
TOEFL, GRE examinations.
The Institute encourages the students to attend Industrial training during semester
Modes and Modules for self-learning and learning contents beyond syllabus:
Seminars are taken on the recent research topics. Faculties of various
departments can attend these seminars in their respective areas. This enable the
faculty to get familiar with the recent researches carried out in various fields.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
Department Laboratories
The Institute provides well equipped laboratories for the smooth functioning of each
department and the details of the same are as follows.
Total No. of
Department Name of the laboratory
Fluid Mechanics and Mechanical
1 Operations Laboratory
Mass Transfer Laboratory
Process Dynamics & Control Laboratory
Thermodynamics and Reaction Engineering
4 Laboratory
Heat Transfer Laboratory
12 Energy Engineering Laboratory
Biochemical Engineering Laboratory
Environment Engineering Laboratory
Membrane Science and Technology
9 Laboratory
Multiphase System Laboratory
11 Project Lab
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
3 Digital Electronics Laboratory
4 Analog Electronics Laboratory
ECE 10 5 Microwave Engg. Laboratory
6 Optical Fiber Communication
7 Electronic Design & Automation Tools -II
8 VLSI Lab
9 Network Security Lab
10 Computational Lab
11 Project Lab
1 Steam lab
2 Production Technology Lab
3 Fluid Mechanics Lab
4 Internal Combustion Engines Lab
5 Tribology Lab
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
Library Facility
The Central Library of National Institute of Technology was established in the
year 2001. It is housed in an area of 16400 Sq. ft. spread over two floors and caters to the
information needs of the faculty, staff and students. It is fully automated with a rich
collection of Books, National and International Journals, Technical and other Magazines,
CD ROMs on Engineering, other widely appreciated editions on diverse subjects like
Literature, Management, Religion etc. so that the students can evolve into excellent
professionals and good cultured human beings. The collection comprises 36186 printed
documents such as books, project reports, seminar reports and back volumes of journals
and the non-book materials like CD ROMs. This Library follows open access system, Bar
code based circulation process and OPAC Literature Search.
The central library currently subscribes to around 106 (128- including MBA)
scholarly journals in engineering, science and humanities. This library provides on line
access to a large number of full text journal databases from various publishers. These e-
journals are accessible on intranet to campus users only. Membership of the library is
open to Students, Teachers and Non-Teaching Staff of this Institute. Library membership
is free to all faculty, staff and students. Documents are classified according to Dewey
Decimal Classification Scheme and catalogued according to Anglo American Cataloguing
rules II with local modifications. Dictionary catalogue in card form is maintained for
authors only.
The NIT Srinagar Central Library has an excellent collection of valuable Books,
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
Technical magazines, News Papers and no-book materials in Engineering and
Technology, Science, Humanities and Management. It maintains separate
collections of reference books, general books and Engineering and Technology
books, bound volumes of journals, reports, CD ROMs.
a) Books
Details of books in the Central library are as shown below.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
Management 559 164
TOTAL 32390 7688
MBA 5572 2678
TOTAL 39724 10577
b) Digital Library
The reading area in the library has been Wi-Fi enabled to provide wireless access
to the Internet. Users are welcome to use their laptops in the library. 60 PC head phones
are meant for users to access databases, e-books, e-journals and other e-resources. One
printer is for taking printouts from the e-resources.
c) E-Resources
The library provides IP enabled access to a large number of full texts on line
journal databases from the various publishers.
4. Springer
1. DELNET (Developing Library Network)
2. National Digital Library
And also provides free online journals relating to engineering and other subjects through
directory of open access journals (DOAJ).
The Library receives 106 Printed Journals, Technical Magazines, News Papers and the library
provides IP enabled access to a large number of full text on line journal databases from the
various publishers.
The details of International and National Journals, Periodicals & Dailies for the Institute are
as follows.
Department name of International/ National Journals
1. Indian Concrete Journal
CE 2. Journal of Structural Engineering
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
International 3. Journal of the Institution of Engineers Series A (Civil,
Architectural, Environmental &Agricultural Engineering)
4. International Journal of Sustainable Civil Engineering
9. ICI Journal
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
4. International Journal of Real-Time Systems
Computing (IJBSC)
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
19. International Journal of Network Security & Research
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
15. International Journal of Embedded Software and open
Source Systems
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
10. International Journal of Nanoscience,
Nano engineering And Nano Technology
11. International Journal Of Aerospace And Electronics
12. International Journal of Machine Intelligence &
13. International Journal of Manufacturing Science &
14. International Journal of Nanomaterial & Technology
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
6. International Journal of Intelligent Information
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
13. International Journal Of Control Theory And
Applications (IJCTA)
14. International Journal of Power System and Power
Electronics Engineering
15. International Journal of Industrial Electronics and
Chemical National/ 1. Journal of Membrane Science
International 2. Desalination
3. Applied Clay Science
4. Journal of the European Ceramic Society
5. Ceramics International
6. Journal of Food Engineering
7. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
8. Solid State Ionics
9. Filtration + Separation
10. Applied Surface Science
11. Separation and Purification Technology
12. Journal of Catalysis
13. Chemical Engineering Research and Design
14. The Chemical Engineering Journal
15. Heliyon
16. Biomass and Bioenergy
17. The Chemical Engineering Journal and the
Biochemical Engineering Journal
18. Chinese Journal of Catalysis
19. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow
20. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
21. International Journal of Multiphase Flow
22. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering
23. Journal of Chemical Health and Safe
24. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Chemical
25. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering
26. Journal of Hazardous Materials
27. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries
28. Journal of Safety Research
29. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical
30. South African Journal of Chemical Engineering
31. Journal of Water Process Engineering
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
32. Journal of Saudi Chemical Society
33. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids
34. Journal of Process Control
35. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics
36. Journal of Biotechnology
37. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering
38. Applied Thermal Engineering
39. Gas Separation & Purification
The catalogue of Books/CDs/ journals etc. is available online and LAN. Visiting our
URL one can access the catalogue sitting at home through internet.
Industrial Visits.
All the departments of the institution provide facilities for industrial visit. The
students identify reputed industries from their discipline and are approved by the Director
through the head of the department. The prior permission is obtained from the industry to
visit it. The students are accompanied by minimum of two faculty members. During the
curriculum two one day visits and a 3 to 5 days visit are organized.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
Career Guidance, Training, Placement (10)
The objective of the placement cell is to mould the students to cope with the
changing demands of the corporate world and place them in reputed companies based on
the expected job profiles of each student
Placement Activities:
The Placement and Training cell monitors the employment opportunities, cater to
enhance employability of students and arrange on and off campus interviews. Our Campus
recruitment program starts right from the penultimate semester. It’s a policy of the
Placement Cell not to patronize companies bend on doing Education & Training activities
to attract the students in the name of recruitment against payment
The placement cell does not encourage the students, those who are placed through
campus selection in a company to attend the further campus interviews so as to provide a
chance for other students to get placed. The students aspiring for higher studies are
encouraged to undergo GATE/CAT exams.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
Placement Details
CS 59 41 - 69.49
CURRENT EC 73 32 - 43.83
ACADEMIC ME 76 27 - 35.52
CIVIL 118 31 - 26.27
IT 56 38 - 67.85
CHEM 64 7 - 1.09
METTA 65 14 - 21.53
EEE 73 27 - 36.98
CS 56 22 6 39.28
EC 69 42 8 60.86
ACADEMIC ME 71 42 13 59.15
METTA 54 9 - 1.66
CHEM 51 5 - 0.9
EEE 60 22 4 36.66
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
2 Tek Systems
3 Envestnet Yodlee
4 Wipro
5 Johnson Controls
6 Virtusa
7 Persistent Systems
9 L&T Infotech
10 Adverb
11 Resonance
12 Vedanta
13 Tata Motors
14 Cummins
15 Reliance JIO
16 L&T Construction
18 Infosys
22 Nucleus Software
23 LG soft
24 Rankwatch
25 Samsung R&D
26 ZS Associates
27 Tata Projects
28 Tata Power
30 JCB
31 OIL India
32 Sagacious Research
33 Afcon Infrastructure
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
34 KEC
37 Idea Board
Academic Year
1 Vedanta
2 Bharat Aluminium Company
3 Grey-B
4 Afcons Infrastructure
5 Career Point
6 Avanti Private Limited
7 Raspitech
8 Allen
9 Sagacious Research
11 Accenture
12 Infosys
13 Capgemini
14 Intellect Design
15 Sapient
16 Sprinklr
17 Maruti Suzuki
19 Tata Motors
20 Ashoka Leyland
21 Gravita India
22 SKF Bearings
23 Shaljon Technologies
24 Intellect Design Arena Pvt Ltd
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
25 CDK Global
26 TEK Systems
27 Indian Seamless Metal Tubes
28 Jindal Steel
29 Gravita
Academic Year
1 Alstom Transport
2 BCloud
3 FCS Teksystem
4 Grey B
5 Infogain
6 Infosys
7 Intellect Design Arena Pvt Ltd
8 Maruti Suzuki
9 MU Sigma
10 SKF Bearings
11 TCS
12 Tata Motors
13 Valforma
14 Yodlee
15 Samsung R&D
16 Sterlite
17 SAP Labs
18 Blue Star
19 Sagacious Research
20 Aakash Institute
22 ABB
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
23 Fiat Chrysler Automobiles
24 Pompeii Connect
25 Power Grid Corp.
Activities from Student Welfare Cell for Career Guidance and Counseling
Career Guidance and Counseling is a comprehensive, developmental program
designed to assist students in making and implementing informed educational and
occupational choices. A career guidance and counselling program develops an individual's
competencies in self-knowledge, educational and occupational exploration, and career
To create awareness among the students for their future profession.
To provide guidance to the students on various options available in the courses of
their study
To provide information to the students on the scope and relevance of any area
irrespective of their field of interest.
To provide guidance to develop positive attitude and behavior in order to meet
challenges of life to make it healthier.
Resource persons from different fields deliver talks about career options to students
and teachers and staff of the Institute through guidance and career counselling seminars
and workshops.
Activities of student Welfare Cell include Career Guidance and Counselling. The
faculty also participates in personal counselling:
To help students, Periodic reports are shared with parents whenever necessary.
Aptitude tests have been carried out to see the inclination of the students. Students
were made to undergo this test and they had much to avail themselves of it.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
Effective services for career guidance including counseling for higher studies
Training details for students
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
academic material studied at University by allowing students to practice what they have
learned and to develop key professional attributes. Industrial training should provide an
opportunity for students to:
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
Full-time Trainers: 2 (Soft skills & Personality Development)
Student Volunteers attached to placement cell: 32
Entrepreneurship Cell (5)
1. Become a leader- manage a student organization, illustrate abilities in planning,
logistics, marketing, and advertising, create visibility for future employers.
2. Build a network- make contacts with entrepreneurs, professionals and academics
who can help with recommendations, network and start a venture with peers.
3. Initiate innovative activities- invite business leaders to campus, plan new and
exciting events for students to kick-start learning about new industries and
different aspects of business planning.
Build knowledge and skills to translate ideas into opportunities while they are on
Be motivated to start their own companies after graduation or after a few years of
gaining industry experience.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
Be inspired to consider entrepreneurship as a possible career option
Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship Development Center
Year 2017
Suryansh Mishra
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
14. Apart from the above the IIED centre is working for establishment of state of the art
Incubation centre for which DPR is being prepared with help of consultants.
15. Successfully handed over an innovative project titled as "Value addition in a room warmer,
Bukhari" to NIF which was commercialised and handed over to a local firm for production.
16. presently the centre is working to design and develop a walnut hulling machine, another NIF
A bank is a facility where people invest their money to get higher value of their
investments. The banking process is interrelated to the general economic system of a
nation. Billions of people invest in different schemes to obtain benefit in different ways.
Innovation involves improving the way of producing goods or services. Often it involves
creating better or efficient technology or a value addition in a product, process, procedure
or method. Innovation may be the result of Research & Development. But innovation could
also be a ‘brainwave’ – A Eureka moment where someone has a good idea to improve
working practices. Idea generation is the creative process used in order to figure out
solutions to difficult challenges. Idea generation is a natural process which flashes in the
mind and is generated through some mechanism. This mechanism could be a long
continuous effort towards solving a problem. It could also be a whim, contemplation,
intuition, or a perception which may arise because of knowledge, experience or a hunch.
Every individual in his life generate ideas to resolve a problem, or feels that his idea if
applied or processed might provide a solution, when known solutions are unavailable. His
idea may or may not mature or may vanish from his mind. Converting ideas into
accomplishments is a tedious process and requires application of certain resources,
knowledge and processes. There are many situations in which some brilliant idea which
might have made a difference, fade and vanish away because of lack of right approach in
protecting and storing it. Idea bank is a concept which provides a platform where ideas of
individuals are deposited and stored. The processing of these ideas can be carried in
incubation centers nearest to such banks leading to its logical conclusion. It is a structured
methodology which can help individuals to process their idea to obtain solution for their
problem. The banks initially collect ideas. These ideas are taken to second phase where
they are further filtered and relevant ideas are allowed to enter the next stage. In the third
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
stage, the relevant experts process these ideas and add value to it. This stage may define
the material requirements, technology to be used, bill of materials, drawing, processes,
methods etc., whatever is relevant for the idea. This is the major stage which enables to
develop a prototype or defines a new process or method.
2. All other educational institutions including Institutes, universities, technical and non-
technical institutions, training centers industries, service and manufacturing units.
Idea banks need to coordinate at different levels to share and develop ideas, mechanism of
which could be developed.
Professor K.L. Chopra, eminent Scientist, academician and ex- Director IIT Kharagpur,
visited NIT Srinagar and delivered an expert lecture on the topic, "NURTURING
(Tuesday) at 4.00 p.m., in the institutes HI-TECH room.
The lecture was very informative and thought provoking and was appreciated by one and
Co-curricular and Extra-curricular Activities (10)
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
Our students participate in the cultural activities outside the campusalso.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
25 m x 15 m
8 Gymnasium (Boys) (Fitness Equipment ) Indoor
Sports Events Conducted/ participated/ in and outside NIT Srinagar from 1 st January
2015 up to 31st April 2018
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
S.No. Sports Event/s Place and month where Prizes/ Awards/
played/ conducted Positions
1. All India Inter NIT Athletics NIT Rourkela January Participation
(Boys/Girls) at NIT Rourkela 2015
2. All India Inter NIT Cricket NIT Allahabad February Participation
(Boys) at NIT Allahabad 2015
3. All India Inter NIT Football NIT Warangal February Participation
(Boys) at NIT Warangal 2015
4. Inter-Semester Tournament NIT Srinagar All Semesters
in all Games (Boys & Girls) (April 2015)
5. International Yoga Day NIT Srinagar All students of the
(Boys and Girls) (June 2015) Institute
6. Tri-series of Cosco cricket SSM Institute July Won by NIT Srinagar
tournament with SSM
Collage Srinagar
7. Tri-series of Basketball SSM Institute August Runner up
tournament with SSM
Collage Srinagar
8. State Football Tournament SRTC Srinagar 4th place
(Boys) (June 2015)
9. Inter-Semester Tournament NIT Srinagar All Semesters
in all Games (Boys & Girls) (September 2015)
10. All India Inter NIT Kho-Kho NIT Rourkela Participation
and Kabaddi (Boys/Girls) at January 2016
NIT Rourkela
11. All India Inter NIT Athletic NIT Jaipur 2nd in long jump and 3rd
(Boys/Girls) at NIT Jaipur February 2016 in triple jump
12. All India Inter NIT Cricket NIT Calicut March 2016 Participation
(Boys) at NIT Calicut
13. Inter-Semester Tournament NIT Srinagar
in all Games (Boys & Girls) (September 2016)
14. Inter NIT/ IIT Tournament IIT Roorkee (April 2016) 3rd place
Hockey (Boys)
15. Open Tournament in all NIT Srinagar (April 2016)
Games (Boys & Girls)
16. State Football Tournament SRTC Srinagar 3rd place
(Boys) (May 2016)
17. Tri-series of cricket NIT Srinagar 2016 Won by NIT Srinagar
tournament with GMC
18. Tri-series of cricket T20 NIT Srinagar 2016 Won by NIT Srinagar
tournament with SSM
Collage Srinagar
19. Cricket Match between NIT Srinagar (May 2016) Won by Alumni
Alumni and Faculty of the
Institute on the Eve of
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
Alumni Day
20. Cricket Tournament with NIT Srinagar Won by NIT Srinagar
Government Dental Institute (June 2016)
21. Karwan-i-Aman Cricket NIT Srinagar Runner up
Tournament conducted by (June 2016)
Sashashtra Seema Bal (SSB
47th Batallion)
22. International Yoga Day NIT Srinagar Participation by all
(Boys and Girls) (June 2016) students
23. National Workshop on NIT Transit House Delhi Sports Fraternity from
Physical Education for all (August 2016) all NITs participated
24. Rashtriya Ekta Saptah NIT Srinagar All the students of NIT
(November 2016) Participated
25. Observance of Fundamental NIT Srinagar All the students of NIT
Duties Day (November 2016) Participated
26. Open State Basketball Indoor Games Stadium Runner up
Championship (November – December
27. Inter-Semester Tournament NIT Srinagar All the students of NIT
in all Games (Boys & (April 2016) Participated
28. All India Inter NIT NIT Rourkela 5th place in Cricket
Cricket(Boys)/ Swimming (January 2017)
(Boys & Girls) Tournaments
29. Coaching Camp for Boys & NIT Srinagar All the students of NIT
Girls in Chess & Table (March 2017) Participated
30. All India Inter NIT Table NIT Srinagar (April 2017) Winner T.T (boys)
tennis(Boys/Girls) and Chess Chess Runner up (girls)
(Boys & Girls) Tournaments And T.T (girls) 2nd
at NIT Srinagar runner up
31. IST State Championship of Jammu University Runner up Basketball
Cricket (Boys), Football (April 2017) 4th place in cricket
(Boys) and Basketball
32. Summer State Basketball Indoor Stadium 2017 Runner up
33. Inter-Semester Spring NIT Srinagar All the students of NIT
Tournament in all Games ( May 2017) Participated
(Boys & Girls)
34. Yoga day NIT Srinagar All the students of NIT
( June 2017) Participated
35. Open Badminton NIT Srinagar All the students of NIT
Tournament (Boys) ( August-September Participated
36. Inter-Semester Autumn NIT Srinagar All the students of NIT
Tournament in all Games ( September 2017) Participated
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
(Boys & Girls)
01. Debate on the verdict of Salman Khan’s hit and run case
06. Techvaganza
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-9
08. Yoga Day
12. Farewell
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Availability of the Vision & Vision statement of the Institute: (05 marks)
To establish a unique identity of a pioneer technical Institute for NIT Srinagar by
developing a high quality technical manpower and technological resources that aim at
economic and social development of the nation as a whole and the region in particular
keeping in view global challenges.
The National Institute of Technology Srinagar has been established with a prime
motive to produce skilled human resource who will act as nation builders. In NIT
Srinagar students from all over the country take admissions and leave the institution
as technically educated and talented manpower and get absorbed in different fields
throughout the world. The Vision and Mission of the Institute is fully in consonance
to work and in imparting the education to the students.
The institute has prepared Vision Document for 15 years up to 2025. The said
document is placed as Annexure-1.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Two persons not below the rank (c) Joint Secretary (NITs & DL),
of the Joint Secretary to the Ministry of Human Resource Development,
Government of India to be Department of Secondary & Higher Education,
Government of India, New Delhi
nominated by the Central
(c) Smt. Darshana Momaya Dabral,
Government from amongst Joint Secretary & FA,
persons dealing with technical Ministry of Human Resource Development,
education and finance Department of Secondary & Higher,
Government of India, New Delhi.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
2 --
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Prof. A. K. Jain,
Professor, Civil Engineering,
Indian Institute of
Hauz Khas, New Delhi
Prof. Azra Nahid Kamili,
Dean Biological Sciences &
HOD, Environmental
University of Kashmir
Mr. Rajesh Uppal,
Executive Director IT & CIO,
Information Technology
Maruti Suzuki India Ltd.,
Palam Gurgaon Road,
Gurgaon-122015 (Haryana)
E mail:
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Members: 1 Director OR
Nominated by MHRD and IFD Deputy Secretary (NITs),
New Delhi MHRD,
Department of Secondary & Highe r Education,
Government of India, New Delhi – 110 001.
2 Representative of *
Integrated Finance Division (IFD)
2 Dr. B. A. Mir,
Associate Dean,
P&D, NIT Srinagar
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Building and Works the Building and Works Committee shall under the
Committee directions of the Board shall carry on construction
of all major works after the necessary administrative
approval and expenditure sanction from the Board.
have the power to give the necessary administrative
approval and expenditure sanction for minor works
and works pertaining to repair and maintenance,
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Board of Governors:
1 14-03-2018 2017-18 02 06
2 21-11-2017 2017-18 03 07
3 19-06-2017 2017-18 03 07
4 13-10-2016 2016-17 03 08
5 04-10-2016 2016-17 05 10
6 03-06-2016 2016-17 01 06
7 11-04-2016 2016-17 03 08
Finance Committee:
1 14-03-2018 2017-18 02 05
2 21-11-2017 2017-18 02 05
3 04-10-2016 2016-17 02 05
4 11-04-2016 2016-17 03 07
1 01-11-2017 2017-18 05 10
2 03-10-2016 2016-17 04 07
3 01-09-2016 2016-17 04 08
4 22-04-2016 2016-17 04 08
1 27-12-2017 2017-18 01 42
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
2 31-12-2016 2016-17 03 42
3 08-04-2016 2016-17 01 42
B. The published service rules, policies and procedures with year of publication
Service Rules
The Institute follows the Central Government Service Rules approved by the Ministry of
Human Resource Development for both Faculty and Non faculty and as amended from time
to time.
BOG/2018/96/01 To confirm the minutes of the 95th Board of Governors Meeting of the
Institute held on 21st November, 2017 in NIT Transit House, at
Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi.
Resolution No. Report recorded. However in respect of resolution No. 12/95 & 13/95,
02/96 it was desired that the MHRD may expedite the matter.
BOG/2018/96/03 To ratify the action taken by the Chairman BOG in having approved
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
BOG/2018/96/04 To ratify the action taken by the Director in the capacity of Chairman
BOG for implementation of 7th Pay Commission in favour of Non-
Faculty positions.
Resolution No. Ratified.
BOG/2018/96/05 To ratify the action taken by Chairman BOG for renewing the
recognition of Alumni Association NIT, Srinagar.
BOG/2018/96/07 To ratify the action taken by Chairman BOG for signing MoU with IIT
Jammu and IIT Delhi by NIT Srinagar.
Resolution No. BOG considered signing of MOU between NIT Srinagar and
09/96 Department of Higher Education, MHRD, New Delhi.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Resolution No. BOG considered the recommendations of the FC that the ongoing
10/96 development projects which are under completion be now projected
under HEFA for meeting out the deficient funds. A DPR of these
projects be prepared and submitted to MHRD for approval before the
Institute applies for loan under HEFA. Further, FC was apprised that
such projects stand considered and approved in previous FC and BOG
meetings. No new projects be taken up without the prior approval of
the competent authority.
BOG/2018/96/11 To consider the remuneration / sitting fee in favour of all the members
of FC/BWC/BOG for attending the meetings.
Resolution No. BOG desired that this is already approved in the NIT ACT and the
11/96 Institute should proceed accordingly.
BOG/2018/96/13 To ratify the action taken by the Director in having advertised the
vacant faculty positions on regular basis and to consider nomination of
Resolution No. Ratified. Further Institute should fill up permanent faculty at the
13/96 earliest possible
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Resolution No. BOG considered the recommendations of the FC that the ongoing
15/96 development projects which are under completion be now projected
under HEFA for deficient funds. A DPR of these projects be prepared
and submitted to MHRD for approval before the Institute applies for
loan under HEFA. Further, FC was apprised that such projects stand
considered and approved in previous FC and BOG meetings. No new
projects be taken up without the prior approval of the competent
Resolution No. Minutes Confirmed with the change that the words, 'so called' be replaced
01/95 by 'as reported' in the twelfth line of the Resolution No. 05/94 of BOG-
94/05. This change was sought to be made by the Chairman in view of the
sentiments expressed by the then I/C Director, Prof. A. R. Dar in one of his
While confirming the minutes, the BOG was informed that with regard to
Resolution No. 04/94 of BOG-94/04 the issues have been, by and large,
addressed by the Revised final modified RRs and the recommendations of
the Anomaly Committee.
BOG-95/03 To ratify the action taken by the Chairman, BOG in having approved
enhancement of wages as per the Labour Schedule of Government of India
in favour of Contractual workers engaged on compassionate basis.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
BOG-95/04 To ratify the action taken by the Chairman, BOG in having approved
extension of cut-off date for usage of CPDA of Block 2014-17 by faculty
members up to 31-03-2018.
Resolution No. The BOG advised to refer the matter for legal opinion and take a decision
05/95 accordingly.
BOG-95/07 To consider the minutes of 8th, 9th and 10th meetings of NIT Council held
on 25-09-2014, 01-10-2015 and 26-05-2017 respectively.
Resolution No. Report Recorded. The minutes of 10th meeting of NIT Council was tabled
07/95 in the meeting.
Resolution No. Adopted. The communication vide F.No. 33-9/2011-TS.III, dated 17th
09/95 November, 2017 was tabled in the meeting.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Resolution No. It was noted that all the above faculty members have teaching experience
12/95 of more than 09 years and are already pursuing their Ph.D. programme.
The BOG was of the view that the faculty members are getting covered for
upgradations under the recommendations of the Anomaly Committee on
new Recruitment Rules communicated vide F. No. 33-9/2011-TS.III, dated
6th October, 2017, as a onetime measure. However, it was decided to get a
clarification from MHRD to this effect.
BOG-95/13 To approve for correcting and re-fixing the dates of eligibility of some of
the Faculty members of NIT Srinagar.
Resolution No. It was decided to bring the new revealed facts before the Board of
13/95 Governors for allowing to carry out necessary exercise for implementing
the selection committee recommendations, under rules, with regard to all
cases in order to give effect to upgradations from the dates of eligibility
Accordingly the item was included in BOG agenda which was circulated
to all members. A letter No. 16-7/2017-TS.III dated 20th November, 2017
was received from MHRD on Nov 21, 2017 in which it was suggested to
drop the item from the BOG agenda and instead refer the same to MHRD
for their concurrence as decided earlier. However, the item was taken up in
the BOG to inform the BOG about the new information that had got
revealed about the subject. The BOG discussed the issue and concluded
that the matter, with complete details of new revelations, be sent to the
MHRD for their concurrence with a request to convey the same within the
shortest possible time. Quick resolution of these faculty grievances will
help the institute to progress the recruitment of new faculty as well as
mapping/upgradation of the existing faculty to avoid any further
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Resolution No. Minutes of the meeting of the 93rd BOG held on 04.10.2016 were
01/94 confirmed. The comments as received vide letter No. 16-7/2017-
S.III dated: 19th June, 2017 from MHRD with regard to adjourned
meeting were discussed by the Board. Upon discussion the said
minutes were agreed as confirmed with addition of the sentence
that "The action with regard to points 2,3,5 and 6 as contained in
Item No. 05/93 of BOG 93rd dated: 13.10.2016 be initiated only
after obtaining concurrence of MHRD".
Resolution No. The BOG noted that the issues of the existing faculty have been,
04/94 by and large, addressed by the Revised final modified RRs and
the recommendations of the Anomaly Committee communicated
vide F.No.35-5/2017-TS.III dated 28/31 July, 2017, F.No. 33-
9/2011-TS.III, dated 6th October, 2017 and F.No. 33-9/2011-
TS.III, dated 17th November, 2017.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
agenda M. S. Mir.
Resolution No. Chairman, BOG introduced and asked for distribution of
05/94 supplementary agenda- handing over charge of Incharge Registrar
to Prof. M.S.Mir among the Board members. The Director
strongly opposed the Supplementary Agenda tabled by the
Chairman. Two representatives from MHRD were of the opinion
that status quo be maintained till regular Registrar joins the
Institute. Director also made it clear that he will never implement
the supplementary agenda in view of the sequence of
communications with the Chairman, BOG in this regard, in
particular, unanimous resolution passed in Deans and HODs
meeting held on 13.06.2017, to maintain the status quo in the
interest of the Institute. The Chairman observed that by opposing
tabling of this supplementary agenda and by referring to the so
called unanimous resolution passed in the meeting of the Deans
and HoDs, the I/C Director is only giving himself away.
Chairman reiterated that it is his assessment that a change is
called for given that incumbent I/C Registrar has been holding
charge for nearly five years. He also mentioned that there is no
apparent reason why Prof. M. S. Mir cannot be handed over
charge given his meritorious background and positive and
proactive approach.
BOG-93/01 To confirm the Minutes of the 92nd Board of Governors meetings of the
Institute, held on June 03, 2016 at 03.30 p.m. in the Committee Room of the
National Institute of Technology Srinagar.
Resolution Confirmed.
No. 01/93
Special item To consider the resumption of the class work for autumn session 2016 in the
BOG-93/02 wake of situation in the Kashmir valley.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Resolution The BOG deliberated on the issue of resumption of class work for autumn-
No. 02/93 2016 semesters. While taking into account all the options / suggestions put-
forth by the members, students, parents, it was decided as under:
In case class work resumes only from February 01, 2017, the intervening
period will be utilized by the students for practical training, project works etc.
The faculty of the institute will be available to the students through e-mail /
phone / institute website for guiding them and offering clarification etc. for
their assigned subjects.
BOG-93/03 To record action taken report on the decisions of 92nd Board of Governors
meeting, held on June 03, 2016 at 03.30 p.m. in the Committee Room of the
National Institute of Technology Srinagar.
BOG-93/04 To record report regarding the creation of Delhi Chapter of NIT Srinagar
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Resolution Approved.
No. 07/93
BOG-93/08 To consider :
i) Request of Dr. Firdous Ahmad Wani, (presently on deputation to Jamia
Hamdard, New Delhi) for grant of extension of the deputation in his favour
till December 2017
ii) To ratify the action taken by the Chairman, Board of Governors in having
granted extension in joining in favour of Dr. Firdous A. Wani, Registrar by
two months.
Resolution After discussion, it was observed that the grant of 100 crores has not been
No. 09/93 received by the Institute as yet. BOG advised to complete all the preparatory
works for executing the projects and tenders etc. can be floated once funds
are received.
BOG-93/10 Report of DASA 2016 for information.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Item No.
To consider recommendation of Grievance Committee for faculty.
Resolution A power-point presentation was made by the two internal members of the
No. 05/93 Grievance Committee who were specially called for the meeting. After this,
detailed discussions were held on each of the recommendations of the Faculty
Grievance Committee and the following was resolved:
The Board of Governors (BOG) observed that an order had been issued
vide no. 93 of 2013 dated 25-04-2013 in favour of three professors for
their placement as professors under CAS. However, the supporting
documents on the basis of which BOG issued above order, are not
The BOG examined the provision 4(q) of MHRD circular issued vide
F. No. 33-7/2011-TS.III; dated 14-03-2012, which provides for the
arrangement in the cases where CAS interviews were not conducted
for three (03) years or more and which reads as under:
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
The BOG observed that these cases also require a review of the dates
of effect given to the CAS up-gradations. The BOG decided that the
same process as recommended in (2) above be followed for grant of
CAS promotion from dates of eligibility. Thereafter, the sealed
envelopes in their cases be opened by the Chairman BOG for
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
The case may be brought in the next board meeting along with all the
supporting documents related to the other Faculty Members who were
granted increments for such teaching service/ research work done.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
In view of this, BOG decided that MHRD be requested to look into the
matter a fresh and get legal opinion of Solicitor General of India for
seeking the necessary relief, with regard to the above matter, from the
Hon'ble Supreme Court, so that the Institute is in a position to address
the long pending grievances of the deserving faculty. This is necessary
for resolving anomalies of period prior to 30th April 2013.
The BOG further decided that since the instant cases are similar to
cases mentioned under BOG-05-(GR-02) and hence once allowed by
MHRD, the cases can be treated on the analogy of (1) above and the
dates of eligibility thus recommended by the said selection committee,
for each case, shall be submitted for approval to be granted by
Chairman BOG, for issuance of orders.
The matter was discussed and the BOG did not accept the Plea of
concerned Faculty Members.
Item No. To consider the proposal of ACoFAR Committee for mapping of existing
BOG-93/06 faculty under Four Tier system.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Resolution The BOG observed that RR's for 4-Tier structure have been approved
No. 06/93 by Council of NIT's and as such the proposal of any modification will
require approval of the Council.
The proposal be again studied by the same committee which may also
explore the possibilities of obtaining feedback from faculty of other
NIT's. The proposal be reframed on the basis of feedback and the said
special locational and other constraints facing NIT Srinagar. Further
options be included with proper weightage for candidates with M.Tech.
qualifications and teaching experience.
The minutes are confirmed in the meeting of 94th Board of Governors held on June 19, 2017
at NIT Transit House, New Delhi with the addition of the sentence "The action with regard
to points 2,3,5, and 6 as contained in item No. 05/93 of BOG 93 rd meeting dated 13-10-
2016 be initiated only after obtaining concurrence of MHRD".
BOG-92/01 To confirm the Minutes of the 91st Board of Governors meetings of the Institute,
held on April 11, 2016 at 02.30 p.m. in the Committee Room of the National
Institute of Technology Srinagar.
Resolution The minutes of the 91st meeting of the Board of Governors were confirmed with
No. 01/92 inclusion of comments received from Mr. S. P. Goyal, Joint Secretary (TEL),
MHRD, Department of Secondary & Higher Education.
BOG-92/02 To record action taken report on the decisions of 91st Board of Governors meeting,
held on April 11, 2016 at 02.30 p.m. in the Committee Room of the National
Institute of Technology Srinagar.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
BOG-92/03 To record report on nomination of two faculty members on the Board of Governors
of the Institute as per NIT Act 2007.
BOG-92/04 To consider the nomination of the Board of Governors on the Finance Committee as
per the rules of First Statutes under the National Institute of Technology Act, 2007.
BOG-92/05 To consider the request of the Mr. Mohammad Farooq Mir, Assistant Librarian to
fix the superannuation age in his favour as 62 years.
BOG-92/06 To consider the report of the Fact Finding Committee of the Institute.
Resolution The report submitted by Chairman of the Committee Prof. R. Ambarder in a sealed
No. 06/92 envelope was opened in the meeting with permission of the Chair and thereafter it
was deliberated upon thoroughly. The recommendations given by the committee at
page no. 18 and 19 were considered one by one and following decisions taken in
respect of each recommendation:
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
month. They may take along with one or more other faculty members who are not
associated with that class.
Saturdays must be utilized in curricular activities through clubs and departments.
Sports activities should be increased.
6. The BOG observed that since the FIR is understood to be against unknown
persons as such no discussion is required as this stage.
7. The evaluated answer script of the major examination must be got signed by the
student after he goes through it. They must also record that he has received back the
Minor exam scripts.
8. Heads of the Departments must ensure that lower semesters are taught by senior
faculty members.
9. A booklet containing hostel rules and regulations and other information must be
made available to every student at the time of admission in the Institute. This shall
be ensured by the Dean Students Welfare.
10. The Institute must organize motivational and behavioural lectures by
professional and eminent persons for the students in a structured manner under
extracurricular activities.
Resolution The BOG after detailed deliberations found that the model of Student Council at
No. 07/92 IIEST Shibpur may be adopted by the Institute. However, before implementation,
the model may be studied by a Committee including student nominee also for any
changes that may be required.
BOG-92/08 To consider the representations of the students for introduction of NCC in the
Resolution Approved. The programme details shall be worked out by the Institute for the same.
No. 08/92
BOG-92/09 Action taken on the decisions of the meeting held on 19-04-2016 in Delhi with
student representatives
Resolution The Director, Prof. Rajat Gupta presented the action taken in respect of this item as
No. 09/92 detailed below:
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Education Of
10 All National festivals to Implemented. Record
be celebrated. reported.
The BOG advised that periodic reviews must be made on these issues and students
taken into confidence about these during interactions.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Res Report recorded. The Board was informed that the due process for
olution No. such contractual appointments has been strictly adhered to. The Institute
03/91 was further advised to stringently adhere to the provisions contained in
Statute No. 28 of the First Statutes under the NITSER Act, 2007.
Res Since adjunct faculty is not a regular staff, earned leave is not
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Res Mr. S. P. Goyal, Joint Secretary, MHRD and member BOG, desired
olution No. that copy of the minutes of Selection committee of his engagement in
07/91 University of Kashmir may be obtained and put up at the next meeting of
Board of Governors for consideration.
Res The Institute was advised to place the same before the Board of
olution No. Governors after the finalization and confirmation of the Minutes of the 1 st
11/91 Meeting of the Finance Committee of 2016, in its next meeting.
Res The Institute was advised to place the same before the Board of
olution No. Governors after the finalization and confirmation of the Minutes of the
01/91 referred meeting of the Senate, in its next meeting.
Minutes of the 90th meeting of Board of Governors
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
BOG-90/01 To confirm the Minutes of the 89th Board of Governors meetings of the
Institute, held on September 28, 2015 11.00 a.m. in the NIT Transit
House, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi.
BOG-90/03 To record report on the action taken by the Director in having approved
engagement of two Electricians on contractual basis in the P&D Wing of
the Institute.
Resolution Ratified.
No. 03/90
Resolution Report recorded. However, the advice of IFD may be sought so that it is
No. 05/90 ensured that there is no scope for errors in calculation of monthly
consolidated emoluments in such engagements.
BOG-90/06 To ratify the action taken by the Chairman, Board of Governors in having
authorized the Director to constitute the Departmental Visiting
Resolution Ratified.
No. 06/90
BOG-90/07 To ratify the action taken by the Chairman, Board of Governors in having
approved composition of a Committee for External Review.
Resolution Ratified.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
No. 07/90
BOG-90/09 To consider the report of the Committee for mapping under Restructuring
of Non faculty staff
Resolution The BOG noted that the proposal has been circulated to all the members
No. 09/90 as per the decision in the previous meeting. However, while no comment
was received, Prof. Rather pointed out certain errors in the proposal
during discussion. Chairman, BOG also observed that the Restructuring
and the corresponding Mapping proposal is important requiring great care
inasmuch as the structure / positions / posts proposed must take into
account needs of the Institute in the foreseeable future. Further, mapping /
deployment of the existing staff against the proposed structure / positions
has to be done as per the prescribed rules ensuring at the same time that
there is no or minimal possibility of any anomalies arising as a result of
the exercise. It was, therefore, decided that the Director should get this
proposal examined / reworked out by a small Group / Committee
comprising Prof. G. M. Rather, member BOG and others. The concerned
staff from Personnel Department of the Institute require to provide
necessary assistance to this Committee and in fact, be actively involved in
this exercise. Upon satisfying himself with the report of this Committee,
the Director can put it up to the Chairman, BOG for final approval for
implementing the same.
Resolution The BOG congratulated the Institute administration and staff for having
No. 10/90 succeeded to have the external review done on time. The BOG advised to
take necessary steps for implementing suggestions of the external review
Resolution During the presentation by Dean P&D, it was revealed that at present as
No. 11/90 per LAWDA norms the building permission is restricted to G+2 but the
proposals of the Institute prepared by CPWD are for G+5 blocks. It was
further informed that the Government of J&K Town Planning Department
is working on the revised Master Plan of Srinagar City wherein a
provision for permission for G+5 type structures is envisaged.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
BOG-90/12 To consider the report on the activities of the Innovation, Incubation and
Entrepreneurship Development Centre (IIEDC).
Resolution The BOG noted with appreciation the steps that have been taken by the
No. 12/90 Institute under the Centre. It was advised that the Vision and Mission
statement should include Incubation very prominently. It was advised
that the activities should be pursued as per the Vision and Mission
statement and collaboration with similar setups in the country should be
explored very effectively. Further, it was advised to publicize the
activities undertaken by this Centre and a quarterly or six monthly News-
letter may be printed by the Centre for this purpose in addition to other
mediums of publicity.
To record action taken report on the decisions of Board of Governors Meeting held on
21-11-2017 in the NIT Transit House, Safderjung Enclave, New Delhi.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Resolution The BOG advised to refer the matter for Matter under consideration.
No. legal opinion and take a decision
05/95 accordingly.
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Resolution It was noted that all the above faculty Matter referred to Ministry vide
No. members have teaching experience of more letter
12/95 than 09 years and are already pursuing their No.NIT/B&D/2017/2003/.Dated
Ph.D. programme. The BOG was of the 06-12-2017
view that the faculty members are getting
covered for upgradations under the
recommendations of the Anomaly
Committee on new Recruitment Rules
communicated vide F. No. 33-9/2011-
TS.III, dated 6th October, 2017, as a
onetime measure. However, it was decided
to get a clarification from MHRD to this
Resolution It was decided to bring the new revealed Matter referred to MHRD Vide
No. facts before the Board of Governors for Letter No. NITs/PD/17/4754
13/95 allowing to carry out necessary exercise for dated:25-11-2017, followed by
implementing the selection committee another reminder
recommendations, under rules, with regard No.NIT/DO/18/4955 dated: 15-
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
To record action taken report on the decisions of 93 rd Board of Governors meeting, held
on October 04, 2016 and Adjourned meeting on October 13, 2016 at NIT Transit
House, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
BOG-93/08 To consider :
i) Request of Dr. Firdous Ahmad
Wani, (presently on deputation to
Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi) for grant
of extension of the deputation in his
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Resolution Extension in deputation not Dr. Wani was conveyed about the
No. 08/93 Approved. decision of the BOG. However, he
Ratified. opted for premature retirement
Dr. Wani be informed about from the Institute.
the decision to join back the Institute.
Resolution After discussion, it was observed that So far we have utilized 9.2 crores
No. 09/93 the grant of 100 crores has not been out of this fund under the 1st
received by the Institute as yet. BOG phase. Some of the tenders are at
advised to complete all the last stage of processing. Works for
preparatory works for executing the executing the projects and tenders
projects and tenders etc. can be etc are going on.
floated once funds are received.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
more and which reads as under: upgradations and the same had
"All Institutes shall strive to been placed before the selection
conduct annual selection committees.
processes regularly. In case of (b) Selection committees
Institutes that have not conducted have given the recommendations
CAS interviews for 3 years or for CAS promotions /
more, Selection Committees may, upgradations as 'UNDER
as a onetime measure, examine RULES' from effective dates.
scholastic contribution of In light of above, it was decided
internal candidates made after to put the new facts before the
the last interview and recommend Board of Governors again for
a salary and AGP they would their consideration and approval
have earned now, had the for allowing correcting and
Selection Committee met at the refixing dates of eligibility of
appropriate time". faculty members.
The BOG observed that the
selection committees in the cases
of Faculty mentioned under BOG-
05-(GR-02 to GR-05) have not
carried out the exercise as
mentioned in previous paragraph.
As the CAS was held in 2007 &
thereafter it was conducted in
2013 only, therefore BOG
observed that the above mentioned
provision 4(q) of MHRD circular
may be used. This will call for
constitution of Selection
Committee as per statutory
provisions and relevant MHRD
circulars. ,
The representative of MHRD
informed that the term of visitor
nominees has already expired.
Therefore Board decided that
MHRD may be asked to expedite
the matter and issue the valid list
of visitor nominees.
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Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Resolution The minutes of the 91st meeting of the Board of Governors Needful done.
No. 01/92 were confirmed with inclusion of comments received from
Mr. S. P. Goyal, Joint Secretary (TEL), MHRD,
Department of Secondary & Higher Education.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
No. 02/92
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Resolution The BOG after detailed deliberations found that the model
No. 07/92 of Student Council at IIEST Shibpur may be adopted by the
Institute. However, before implementation, the model may
be studied by a Committee including student nominee also
for any changes that may be required.
Resolution The Director, Prof. Rajat Gupta presented the action taken Action initiated /
No. 09/92 in respect of this item as detailed below: completed as per the
BOG orders.
S.No. Decision Action taken BOG order
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
8 Food and fruit N.I. T. issued BOG ordered
corner in the and these to make these
campus to be facilities will operational by
installed. be soon 30-06-2016.
9 Encroachment Matter already BOG advised
of NIT land taken up with to write to
has already D. C. Srinagar. Commissioner
been taken / Secretary,
up, however it Higher
will be Education of
vigorously J&K
pursued with Government
State also.
10 All National Implemented. Record
festivals to be reported.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Resolution Record reported on the minutes of The details from IITs have been
No. 01/91 the Senate meeting. For granting sought and shall be placed in next
of PDF, modalities from the IITs meeting of BOG.
may be obtained and put up in the
next BOG meeting for approval.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Administration Academics
Faculty Librarian
Lower Supporting
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
All the above arrangements report to the Director of Institute in their day- to-day
official activities and assignments.
The Institute receives grievance both online and off line. The online grievances are addressed
through online mode after obtaining the relevant information for concerned quarters. The
offline grievances are also responded through surface mail to the aggrieved parties.
Further for grievance Redressal of teaching and Non-Teaching staff committees are
constituted to look into the complaints/ grievances from the aggrieved. The report of the
grievance committee is forwarded to the Director for further necessary action and the
corrective measures are taken. Following Grievance Committees have been constituted:
1. Grievance Committees:
For Faculty
Prof. A. H. Mir Chairman
Prof. A. A. Zargar Member
Prof. Roohie Naaz Member
Prof. S. A. Lone Member
Dr. Nisar Ahmad Mir Convener
For Non-Faculty
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
For Students
Dr. Abdul Liman Chairman
Dr. Neyaz Ahmad Sheikh Member
Dr. Atiqur Rehman Member
Dr. M. A. Rather Member
Er. Tanveer Rasool Member
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
amount the proposal needs to be approved by Chairman BOG. The financial Cheques
/transactions are jointly signed by Director and the Registrar.
Further, the HOD’s/HOC’s are delegated to spend Rs. 15,000/- for purchase of
consumables and repairs for smooth running of the departments/centres.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Specific Allocation
2017-018 2017-018 2015- 016 2015 - 016
2016-017 2016- 017
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Maintenan 00.00
And Spares
R&D 00.00
Training 00.00
and Travel
Misc. 00.00
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
The NIT Srinagar library supports the Teaching, Research & and other related
programmes of the institute. The Library has a good collection of documents that
comprises of Books, Journals, Theses, Video cassettes, Learning Resources (LRs)&
Compact discs in the field of Engineering, Science, Management, Literature &
The library has computerized data of whole of its collection using KOHA software
and is in the process of computerizing all its activities.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Ground Floor
The ground floor houses the following important sections.
Reading room
Periodical section
Circulation section
Audio-visual Section
Acquisition Section
Stacks I
Chairman, Library Committee’s Room
Librarian’s room
First Floor
Textbook & Reference section
Stacks II
Second Floor
Back Volume Section
Library Mission
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
The library has a wide range of resources on Engineering, Sciences, Humanities &
Social Sciences.
Books 48575
Learning resources 36
2017-2018 164
2016-2017 1193
2015-2016 4680
E- Recourses
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Central library procured different type of e-books, online books for students and
faculty via IP range in the campus. The different departments can also be access
various type of e-books such as text books and reference books in the electronic form.
1. Wiley
2. Springer Nature
3. Elsevier
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
4. Pearson
JGatePlus(JCCC) January2018toDecember2018
Springer Link 1700 Collection+ Nature Journals April 2018 to March 2019
NDL e Resources
URL: http/
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Back Files of Science Direct Journals from M/S Elsevier on the following subjects
are now available from Vol.1, Issue1up to the year 1994.
( 8 subject collection)
All the students, faculty members, research scholars & administrative staff can
register themselves for the membership of the library. The membership form is
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
available at the circulation counter and the same is required to be attested by the Head
of the Department/Section.
The number of books borrowed by users is as follows:
Category Number of Books Duration
Faculty 10 30 days
Research Scholar 5 15 days
Student 3 15 days
Supporting Staff 2 15 days
The textbook and reference section remains open from 8.45 9.30p.m. on all
working days and from 10.a.m. to 4.00 p.m. on weekdays & holidays. The books
available in this section can be consulted in the library only.
Stacks section
The books available here are meant to be issued to the faculty, students, research
scholars and other readers as per the criteria given in the library rules.
Video Library
The library has collection of video cassettes, CDs, & LRs. They are kept in the audio
visual section of the library. This section remains open on all working days from 8.45
AM to 5 PM.
OPAC (Online public access catalogue)
Science Direct
Video library
Our Team
M 9469425113,
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Contractual Four
Library Organization
Acquisition Section
Processing Section
Periodical Section
Circulation section
Stacks I
Text book & Reference Section
Stacks II
Reprographic Section
Audio Visual Section
Back Volume Section
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Wi-Fi Details
NIT Srinagar is a Wi-Fi enabled campus with its access controlled by hardware Firewall
installed in Computer Service Centre and Wi-Fi access points in various departments
including both Boys and Girls hostels.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Security Details
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
India is one of the largest technical manpower producing countries of the world. India’s
vision to become a developed country by the year 2020 can only be achieved through
creating income generating activities.
Technology is the means to creating income generating activities. It is the basis for
creating wealth for elevating the socio-economic status of the people of a country. A
nation can derive strength through development of technology. Technological strength
depends upon: (i) talented manpower, (ii) technology base (knowledge) and (ii)
infrastructure for industrial growth. A measured combination of these factors together
with the availability of natural resources and a huge market provides a country
opportunity for developing economic and social status, which ultimately generates a self-
supporting prosperous society. India possesses all these
Educational institutes, especially those dedicated to Science & Technology, have to take
the lead. A technical institute is one of the different wings of science and its
vision/mission must aim at supplying quality technical manpower for implementing the
vision and mission of the country.
NIT Srinagar will provide dedicated service for the fulfilment of the aspirations of
individual as part of that of the nation as a whole. It will work to provide engineers and
technologists who would be leaders in their field of work, participate in creativity,
research, design, development and technology management in the country to meet global
challenges to our society and industry. This unique endeavour will focus our effort
towards the common goal and help in shaping the future of our country. NIT Srinagar will
play a vital role in this endeavour by creating excellent resources and facilities for
research and development as well as a large pool of highly trained engineers. It will
contribute its share in converting India’s large population from a liability into trained
human capital.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
(1) The broad mission of NIT Srinagar is to create a strong and transformative
technical educational environment in which fresh ideas, moral principles, research
and excellence nurture with international standards.
(2) Technically educated and broadly talented engineers, future innovators and
entrepreneurs, graduate with understanding the needs and the problems of the
industry, the society, the state, and the nation.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
To keep in consideration, the needs of the region in regard to local needs, relevance,
strength and limitations and provide community service.
Effective Teaching-Learning & Research Environment
To create an environment for effective teaching-learning by encouraging students and
faculty to nurture their intellectual curiosity, and scientific and research temper.
To increase research and consultancy activity, with options for incentives and
encouragement, to motivate staff and students to actively engage in research activities
in collaboration with industry and R&D Centres.
i) Qualities and Conditions of Staff
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
i) Q-Resource MP and Academic Environment
Increase in qualified (minimum PhD) & talented faculty.
Increase in qualified technical staff.
Increase in visits of adjunct/visiting faculty from industry.
Lectures by distinguished professionals from industry and academic institutes.
Exchange programs at national & international level.
Increase in state of the art laboratories in cutting edge technologies.
Meaningful use of class rooms and laboratories, equipped with latest tools.
Increase in non-formal training to industry and other educational institute
(Executive/staff development Programme).
Increased utilisation of infrastructure facilities in terms of man-hours by sharing the
facilities with the other academic institutions.
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Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Global warming
Development of Eco-friendly (Green) technology
Waste management
D) Disaster Mitigation & Management
o Earthquake.
o Flood & drought
o Widespread fire in forest or in manmade infrastructure
o Predictions and post disaster rehabilitation
E) Technology Management
Education technology and distance learning
Knowledge Management
Technology development, transfer, dissemination and absorption
Development of indigenous technology (substitute of imported technology)
Sustainability in resource generation and technology development
User-friendly and Safe Technology
Research & Development Management
F) Development of Newer and Advanced Technologies
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Embedded technology and Real Time Systems
Nano Technology & Bio-Nanotechnology
Advanced sensors & Network sensors
Application of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) & Fuzzy Logic.
Performance Based Seismic Design.
G) IT & Services
Internet and digital network services
Technology empowerment of mass
Net security
Software development for CAD etc.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
NIT Srinagar has identified its own thrust areas based upon its current strengths,
capabilities, facilities, interests and future projections incorporating diverse needs and
local conditions. A SWOT analysis is presented below for the NIT Srinagar while
finalising its vision, mission, goals, policy guideline, strategies, action-plans, and
expected outcomes, as stated on previous pages.
i) Academic Sector
Good quality faculty.
Creamy layer of students.
Full academic autonomy and university status.
Adherence to academic calendar with regular academic sessions.
Periodic updating of curriculum.
Number of P.G. programmes offered.
Well-equipped laboratories.
Conducive ambience and well-endowed computational and academic infrastructural
Good placement record.
Developing countries’ students come to NITS for higher studies.
ii) Non-academic Sector
Financial autonomy.
Reasonably good funding.
Good pay package for the staff.
Brand image from more than 50 years of standing.
Alumni in Senior/influential positions.
Professional Board of Governors with administrative autonomy.
i) Academic Sector
Inadequate and insufficiently trained supporting technical staff.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Inadequate sophisticated equipment and labs in the areas of emerging technologies &
cutting edge disciplines for post graduate teaching and research.
Inadequate educational technology facilities according to global norms.
Low research and consultancy output due to inadequate research facilities.
Teaching is curriculum centric rather than learning centric (Inadequate emphasis on
problem solving, laboratory experimental design and simulation).
ii) Non-academic Sector
Work culture is still driven by old REC legacy.
Less than needed emphasis on overall personality development of student.
Inadequate emphasis on entrepreneur skill development in students.
Inadequate linkages with industry and community.
Inadequate administrative skilled staff/officers.
i) Academic Sector
Scope of providing world class education in cost effective manner.
Increase in intake of UG, PG & PhD students as mandated by MHRD.
Increase in research activities: PhD and sponsored research.
Scope of establishing centre of excellence and advanced studies.
To train technical supporting staff.
International and national academic collaborations and joint ventures with industries.
ii) Non-academic Sector
Boom in industrial development puts demand for quality technical manpower.
MHRD’s strong support for funds and autonomy.
Scope of innovating new products/processes/designs and acquire patents.
Scope of tapping Alumni experience; building corpus fund, developing labs, chair
professorships, collaborative programs with universities/ industries etc.
Increased interaction with industries.
Tapping natural resources available in various parts of the country including different
parts of J&K.
i) Academic Sector
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Technical education has been the driving force in supporting industrial growth,
creating healthy economic status, generating employment opportunity, eradicating
poverty and all round development of society. NIT Srinagar has set its vision-
mission’2025 with the aim of generating technically sound manpower, which will
provide necessary technical support at both the national and international level. It is
envisaged that there will be growing challenges to technical education in the coming
years as global competition; technology advances, new markets etc. shape the future.
It is believed that this vision document will play the role of guideline towards
fulfilling our common goal and in helping shape the future of the country.
J&K is lagging far behind the country’s average development mark in almost all
sectors: e.g., industrial growth, employment opportunity, transportation, education,
economic condition, health etc. Being a technical institute of national importance,
situated in the extreme north, NIT Srinagar would like to play a vital role in the
upliftment of the quality of life of all sections of society of the region. Although a
series of measures have been initiated by Government of India to implement various
sponsored programmes, many more are needed to bring the general development
status of this region to the level of the best in the mainstream. Therefore, NIT
Srinagar has set its mission to provide cutting edge technology for this region by
committing itself directly as well as indirectly to the needs of this region.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
It may be pointed out that, at present NIT Srinagar has a scenic campus situated on
the banks of the famous Dal Lake. The present land on which, it is built is 67 acres,
which is far less than what is required for fulfilment of the vision. Therefore, a
proposal for establishment of an additional New Campus comprising of 250 Acres is
already under process.
CE= Civil Engineering Department
IT=Information Technology
CHE=Chemical Engineering
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Table-1: Courses being offered by Existing Departments
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2 Computational Lab
Database Lab
4 Computer Graphics Lab.
5 Networks & Security Lab
MME 1 Mechanical Metallurgy Lab.
Physical Metallurgy Lab.
Foundry Technology Lab.
5 Mineral Dressing Lab.
Metallography & Heat Treatment Lab.
7 Fuels / Furnaces / Refractories Lab.
Powder Metallurgy Lab
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Table-3: Proposed New B. Tech. Courses (To be opened with Existing Departments)
Proposing Proposed Year of Student Faculty Requirement Lab Staff Requirement Space
Deptt B. Tech. starting Intake Requirement
Prof. Asso. Prof. Asst. Prof. Technician Lab Attd. Clerk Peon
CE Environmental 2015-16 30 01 02 04 03 06 01 01 25000 sq. ft.
ME B.Tech.. in 2016-17 50 02 04 08 02 02 01 01
Industrial &
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Table-4: Proposed M. Tech./ M.Sc. Courses (To be opened with Existing Departments)
Deptt Proposed Yr. of Intake Intake Faculty Requirement Lab Staff Requirement Space
Courses Starting Enhancement Requireme
Year No. Prof Asso. Asst. Scientific Technician Lab Peon Clerk nt
Prof. Prof Officer Attd.
CE 2019-20 25 -- -- 01 - 02 01 01 01 - -
Engg. &
2013-14 25 -- -- 01 - 02 - 01 01 - --
2014-15 25 -- -- 01 - 02 - 01 02 - --
3000 Sft
ME 2012-13 25 -- - 01 - 02 - 01 01
Tribology &
3000 Sft
2020-21 25 -- - 01 - 02 - 01 01
Thermal Engg.
3000 Sft
2019-20 25 -- - 01 01 02 - 01 01
Mechotrons &
MEMS 3000 Sft
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
2018-19 25 -- - 01 01 02 - 01 01
Engg. 3000 Sft
2018-19 25 -- - 01 - 02 - 01 01
2019-20 25 -- - 01 - 02 - 01 01
Industrial Engg.
Information 2023-24 25 -- - 01 01 02 - 01 01 - --
Micro 2015-16 25 -- - 01 01 02 - 01 01 - --
Wireless 2020-21 25 -- - 01 01 02 - 01 01 - --
CHE Biochemical 2024-25 15 - - 01 02 02 01 01 01 - 01
Engg. &
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Environmental 2021-22 15 - - 01 02 02 01 01 01 - 01
MME 2022-23 15 15 01 01 02 - 02 02 01 01
M.Tech. in
Metallurgical &
Materials Engg
MATH 2020-21 15 2014-15 25 - - 01 - - - - --
M.Sc. Applied
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Deptt Proposed Year of Intake Enhancement Faculty requirement Staff requirement Space
PGD Courses start Requirement
Year No. Prof. Assoc. Asstt. Prof. Technician Lab Clerk Peon
Prof. Attd.
CHE Industrial 2022-23 25 - - - - 02 - - - - 150 m2
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Rapid 2022-23 01 02 -- 1 1 1 1 -
Prototyping &
Reverse Engg.
MEMS Design 2023-24 01 02 -- 1 1 1 1 -
ECE Centre for 2015-16 01 01 02 01 02 01 01 -
MME Testing & 2015-16 01 01 02 01 04 02 01 01
Evaluation of
EE Centre for 2015-16 01 01 02 01 02 01 01 -
Energy Studies
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Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Total: 9600 m2
say 10,000
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Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
1. Short title and commencement : These rules may be called the NIT Faculty
Recruitment Rules, 2011. These shall come into force from the date of their
notification which will follow their acceptance by the Board of Governors of the
concerned Institute.
b) “Statutes” means the First Statutes of the NITs and the Statutes subsequently
framed by the respective NIT or framed by the Ministry of Human Resource
3. Method of Recruitment and other matters : The method of recruitment and other
matters relating to the post of Faculty shall be specified in the Schedule annexed to
these rules.
5. Disqualification : No person,
(i) Who had entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse
living; or
(ii) Who having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marriage with
any person.
shall be eligible for appointment to the said post;
provided that the Board of Governors may, if satisfied that such marriage is
permissible under the personal law applicable to such a person and the other party to
the marriage and that there were other grounds for so doing, exempt any person from
the operation of this rule.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
6. Saving : Nothing in these rules shall affect reservations, relaxations of the age limit
and other concessions required to be provided for the candidates belonging to the
Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes, Ex-servicemen and
other special categories of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central
Government from time to time in this regard. These rules shall also not affect the
recruitments already made or for which recruitment process has already commenced;
but any
appointment or promotion to higher post proposed to be made or made subsequent to the
notification of these Recruitment Rules will be governed by these Recruitment Rules.
7. Other conditions of service: The other conditions of service of the Faculty for which
no specific provisions have been made in these rules shall be regulated in accordance
with such rules as are, from time to time, applicable as per the First Statutes of the
NITs and the subsequent amendments. For matters not covered by the Statutes, the
corresponding Central Government Rules shall be applicable.
Recruitment Rules (RRs) for the Post of Assistant Professor,
1. Name of Posts :
2. Number of Posts :
3. Classification :
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
By Direct Recruitment
7. Whether age and educational qualifications prescribed for Direct Recruits will
also apply in Case of promotees :
There shall be no distinction between external and internal candidates with regard to
the requirements of qualification and experience. An internal candidate is deemed to
be recruited directly, irrespective of his position against a vacancy, i.e. whether he is
recruited against a vacancy or supernumerary under career advancement. Limitation
on age bar and specialization, however, will be applicable to external candidates only.
9. Method of Recruitment:
Not applicable
11. Basic principles of Faculty recruitment:
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
b) All recruitment and pay-fixation shall be done by the BoGs of the Institutes
only on the recommendations of duly constituted Selection Committees. There
shall be no scope of fixing of altering pay (pay in pay-band or grade pay)
outside the Selection Committee. The Selection Committee shall be the only
entity empowered to consider the past services and qualifications of a
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Ph.D. degree. For candidates with good number (say 10) of publications in leading
journals of the field, the candidates being the lead author, the requirement of Ph.D.
degree may be waived. In all other cases, such a candidate may be taken on contract
till he completes the Ph.D. degree.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
There shall be no legal or social distinction between a faculty member selected against a clear
vacancy or in the absence of one under CAS. Both are deemed to be directly recruited. There
shall be no retrospective promotion, neither real nor notional.
If and when a vacancy occurs in the higher posts and there are serving faculty
members with corresponding designation under CAS, they must be adjusted
as per the respective seniority list before fresh advertisements are published.
Under special circumstances, if an Institute is looking for new faculty at
Professor or Associate professor level with expertise not available within the
Institute, the Board of Governors (on recommendations of the ACoFAR) can
set aside a vacant position exclusively for external recruitment.
In the case of up-gradation of Professors to HAG scale, personal interview
may be dispensed with. The Selection Committees [formed as per provisions
of the Statutes] shall make their recommendation on the strength of
publication, books, patents sponsored projects, industrial consultancy, Ph.D.
guidance, and contribution to Institute’s administration as submitted by the
When an Institute adopts the 4 tier flexible cadre structure, every faculty member will
continue with his current designation and pay in the pay band. The AGP will be reset
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
to its new values (Rs.10500.00 for professor and Rs.9500.00 for Associate Professor)
as appropriate to the new structure. Neither a selection process nor a personal
interview will be necessary.
In some cases, the pay in the pay band may be below the minimum applicable to a
particular designation i.e. Rs.43000.00 for Associate Professor and Rs.48000.00 for
Professor. As a one-time measure, incumbents will be permitted to continue with their
existing pay in pay band. A faculty member may, however, request appearance before
a Selection Committee for up-gradation of pay in the pay band to the minimum value
compatible with his AGP. The pay in the pay band will be corrected with prospective
effect if so recommended by the Selection Committee and approved by the BoG.
As decided by the Council the institute shall strive to recruit 50% faculty not domicile
of that state in which the Institute is located.
23. Miscellaneous:
A copy of these regulations including the academic criteria specified for various
posts and selection procedure in Annexure – I to IV will be made available to
every member of the Selection Committee before start of interviews.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Faculty Positions of
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
6 years after Ph.D., or 9
4 papers in SCI journals; One Ph. D.
years total (not counting
guided as sole or principal supervisor. Two
Ph.D. enrolment period)
Associate Professor projects ongoing or one ongoing plus one One or more patents; Supervising one
out of which 3 years
Grade Pay completed. One self-financed or two Govt. or more students for Ph. D.; Strong
Ph. D. should be after Ph.D. N. A.
Rs.9000.00 sponsored short-term courses offered. Two liaison with industry; Offering courses
and as assistant
PB4 experiments or computational projects through application of ICT.
professor or equivalent
added to teaching laboratories where
in a reputed institute,
laboratory or industry
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Table (Annexure)2a
Table (Annexure)2b
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Faculty positions of
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
university, R & D Lab. Four experiments or computational projects added to application of ICT.
or relevant industry. teaching laboratories where appropriate.
Table (Annexure)2c
Designation, Pay
Band and Essential Additional Desirable Age limit
Relevant Experience Other essential requirements
Academic Grade Qualification requirements (Desirable)
Two or more Patents;
Supervised more than three
Three Ph. D. degrees guided in career. The following students for Ph. D.;
during the past 4 years: (i) 4 papers in SCI journals; Preparing E-Learning
Professor (ii) One high value sponsored or consultancy project; material. At least one self-
Grade Pay (iii) Two self financed or four Govt. sponsored short- financed short-term course
Ph. D. 10 years after Ph.D. N. A.
Rs.10,500.00 term courses offered as coordinator and main teacher; offered every year. Strong
PB-4 (iv) Four experiments or computational design liaison with industry.
projects with added to teaching laboratories where Offering significant support
appropriate. to institute management;
High value sponsored or
consultancy projects.
5 Ph. Ds guided as sole or principal supervisor plus
at least one full time resident student continuing. The Truly significant contribution
following during the past six years: (i) 5 papers in in one area – publications,
Six years as Professor SCI journals; (ii) 2 significant sponsored or writing of text books or
with AGP 10000.00 or consultancy projects, plus one ongoing; (iii) 3 self reference books, sponsored
Ph. D. 10,500.00 in an financed or 5 Govt. sponsored short-term courses projects, consultancy and N. A.
HAG Scale
institute of national offered as coordinator and main teacher; (iv) Three support to industry, E-
importance. experiments or computational projects added to learning packages, creative
teaching laboratories. (v)Significant contribution to contribution to institute’s
institute management through personal initiative in welfare.
responsible positions.
Table (Annexure)2d
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Annexure III
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
f) No adverse record in teaching e.g. negligence in
classes or exams.
g) Assisting management in record keeping, website
management, document preparation, management of
convocation etc.
h) Departmental activities – T&P, Seminars, projects,
Library etc.
i) Collaboration with other Institutions in India and
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
A faculty member is not expected to excel in all the fields, but he must contribute
in at least two areas with visible contribution to each. Poor record under any of
the above items, in terms of dishonesty, negligence, harassing beneficiaries,
indifference or not taking up a responsibility will be viewed seriously by the
selection committees. When an assignment is given by the administration, the
faculty member must show initiative and work proactively towards improvement
of his work environment instead of simply holding on to a position.
It is also expected that faculty members will take positive initiatives to be visible
at the Institute-level so that they win the trust of the higher management and get
assignments to contribute to institutional progress.
It is expected that the NITs recruit faculty who have earned their degrees from Institutes
of high-standing in India or abroad. The Scrutiny Committee and the Selection
Committee are expected to judge the quality of the training that the candidates received
during their own academic careers from the standards of the Institutes from where they
earned their degrees. It will be within the power and responsibility of these Committees
to reject candidates from Institution of low-standing even if their degrees and grades are
above the required level. This consideration is applicable to candidates at Assistant
Professor level.
1. A single individual is not expected to meet all the essential performance criteria
listed in the tables of Annexure-I and II. But in the judgment of the Selection
Committee, the sum total of his contribution should exceed the sum total of
the essential requirements given in the table above in terms of scholastic
effort necessary.
4. A publication shall normally mean publications which are covered by the Science
Citation Index (SCI) where ever applicable. Papers accepted for publication and
actually published will be seen to be at par.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
5. In case of joint publications and joint Ph.D. guidance in an institution where there
is no concept of “Principal Supervisor”, the Scrutiny Committee and the Selection
Committee shall assign fractional credit. The Committee’s decisions on such
matters shall be final in respective domains.
8. Scholastic achievement and length of service and other essential but not necessary
requirements shall form the criteria for promotion. But in matters of fresh
selection, other considerations such as expertise of candidates vs. need of the
department shall form dominant considerations.
10. If suitable candidates are not available for positions of Professor or Associate
Professor, the positions may, at the discretion of the Board, be utilized for
recruiting faculty in lower positions.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
f) Proactively search for candidates from reserved categories, and if not available
after repeated attempts, prepare proposals for de-reservation in accordance with
the relevant rules & regulations.
2. The Institute will create a panel of experts and update it on annual basis. The list will
be prepared by taking inputs from departments. Director may also add extra names or
delete some from the list. Normally the experts should be drawn from NITs, IITs,
IIMs, IISERs, IISc, University departments, major R&D Laboratories (CSIR, ICAR,
DAE, ISRO, DRDO etc) and major industry. The list, along with postal and electronic
addresses, designations, specialization and other relevant particulars of proposed
experts is to be placed before the Senate and then the BoG for their approval. Every
higher authority shall have the power to add and delete names. In addition, fellows of
INAE and the 3 science academies will be automatically included in the panel. Every
attempt should be made to ensure that major specializations of each department are
adequately represented in the panel.
3. While the above is a permanent list, upgraded periodically, preferably every year, the
BOG, at its discretion, may permit Director to choose experts for every single
selection process from the full panel or from specific sub panels.
4. As per NIT Act, the visitor shall nominate one member to the selection committee. It
is observed in practice that being present in all sessions of a selection process (that
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
spreads over two to four weeks) becomes hard on the distinguished professors who
serve as visitor’s nominees, and they are often unwilling to spare the time. The
Ministry will recommend to the Hon’ble Visitor to nominate a panel of five
distinguished persons in different subject areas to serve as Visitor’s nominees and
permit institutes to invite them as per their availability and convenience.
5. The director will send a copy of the panels approved by the Secretariat of the Council
of NITs for records.
7. Prior to a selection process, the Director will choose experts from the approved panels
ensuring a reasonable distribution among specilisations, and to the extent possible,
diversity of background, place of work etc.
9. On advice of the Director, the Chairman, ACoFAR will seek from the Departments
the specific specializations where new faculty is to be recruited. The HoDs will
consult senior faculty colleagues and prepare the proposals to the Institute, which will
be collated by the Chairman, ACoFAR and placed before the Director for approval.
The Director is expected to review the proposals critically and finalize the draft
advertisement including specializations, critical dates, newspapers of advertisement
and other details.
10. Serving regular faculty members shall be eligible to apply for higher positions in their
own departments irrespective of their specializations, if they satisfy other advertised
12. While applications received within the advertised closing date shall definitely be
considered, late applications (up to the interview time) may be considered at the
discretion and convenience of the administration.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
15. Departments will make attempt to set “short listing criteria” that can be easily
implemented. But, considering the multiple attributes that need to be considered, it
may become necessary to make case by case exceptions. In all such cases the general
short listing criteria and the reasons for exception, if any, are to be recorded in
writing. Short listing criteria may include, among others, such conditions as:
(i) superior academic record – all through first class career or higher grades in
B.Tech./M.Sc./M.Tech., higher than advertised criteria,
(ii) reputation of institutions from where the candidate has obtained his degrees,
(iii)number of unsuccessful attempts for the same post [Candidates who have been
rejected in the past may be called only if there is a good reason, the reason to be
recorded in writing.]
(iv) specialisation, including micro specialisation,
(v) professional service record - reputation of organization where experience has been
earned, nature of job, current activities etc.
16. The Departments’ recommendations shall be placed before the Director for the final
short-listing. The final list of candidates to meet the Selection Committee will be
arrived at in a combined meeting of the Director, the ACoFAR, the HoD and at least
three senior faculty members of the Department. In case of a lack of unanimity among
the members, the director’s decisions shall be final for the purpose of calling a
candidate to the interview. The different viewpoints, however, will be recorded in
writing and placed before the selection committee who may record their own
comments for information of the BOG. The decision of the Board on the selection
shall be final and binding.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
18. The short listed candidates will be invited by the Chairman, ACoFAR or the Registrar
for personal interview with the selections committee constituted in accordance with
the NIT Act and the statutes of the respective institutes. In addition, the individual
institutes may seek seminar presentation in the departments, and/or any other form of
academic interaction with the faculty. All such interaction will be open to the faculty
and students of the institute and will be well publicized in advance to invite a decent
audience. The feedback of the faculty will be communicated to the selection
committee by the HoD. Candidates located outside the country or otherwise not in a
position of attending personal interview, may be interviewed over video conferencing
or be selected in absentia at the discretion of the selection committee.
19. On completion of the interview, the selection committee will record its final
recommendations with signature of every member present. The Director, as chairman
of the committee will be responsible for writing the recommendation. There shall be
no scope for retaining individual viewpoints or details of discussion. Any member(s)
with a dissenting opinion may, however, record their observations. On a separate
page( with a reference in the main page that will be presented by the Director to the
BoG with his own comments on the observations.
20. The Selection Committee shall employ the same yard stick to evaluate all candidates
for a post or AGP – external, internal, with or without a clear vacancy, and shall
prepare a common panel of recommended candidates. Out of this panel, the vacant
posts will be filled on the basis of merit without consideration of external or internal
The Selection Committee, at its discretion, may recommend to retain the panel for a
maximum period of one year or next round of selection for the department, whichever
comes earlier, so that vacancies caused during this period can be filled in order of
merit. On completion of this period, only the internal candidates will be given
promotion under CAS to be adjusted against future vacancies caused by retirement,
resignation or creation of new posts, any time in future.
21. Recommendations of the selection committees will be placed before the BoG, along
with details of sanctioned posts, reservation categories etc., for final approval and
subsequent issue of appointment orders by the Registrar.
22. If a meeting of the BoG is not scheduled within a short period from the meeting of the
selection committee, the director, with approval of the Chairman BoG, may seek the
approval of members by circulation. While recommendation of the selection
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
committee is awaiting approval of the BoG, the director may, at his discretion, inform
successful candidates, but with a clear line stating that such information is awaiting
approval of competent authority and is not legally binding.
23. All appointments - regular or CAS, internal or external, will be effective from the
date of the Board meeting or any later date fixed by the Board. There shall, however,
be no pre-dating of an appointment.
24. The following provisions will govern the selection and service conditions of new
faculty recruited without a Ph.D. degree
(i) If sufficient numbers of meritorious candidates with Ph.D. degree are not
available in any discipline or sub-discipline, candidates with M. Tech degree
may be recruited as Assistant Professor on contract with AGP of Rs.6000.00
(ii) The contract will be initially for a period of three years, extendable by two
more years only on recommendation of a valid Selection Committee.
(iii) Such faculty, after joining the departments, must be enrolled in the Institute’s
own Ph.D. programme or be deputed to another Institute at the discretion of
the Director, after considering the internal facilities available and the expertise
needed in the department. The Institute will make available to the faculty the
required equipment, consumables and travel support.
(iv) During the contract period, if an incumbent shows poor progress on his Ph.D.
work or dereliction of duty in teaching, the contract may be terminated
prematurely after an enquiry by the ACoFAR, with at least one external
expert. Necessary clauses to this effect must be built into the contract at the
beginning of the appointment.
(v) On award of Ph.D. degree, an incumbent will be given regular position with
effect from the date of original contract appointment with probation of one
year after regularisation. For all future records, the starting point of service
will be the date on which the contract service started originally.
(vi) During the contact period, the appointee will be put in pay band PB-3 with at
least 2 non-compounded increments (for M. Tech. degree). He will also be
entitled to the usual increments and allowances, and to all other benefits such
as P. F., Pension, future gratuity etc. at par with the facilities extended to
regular faculty.
Annexure V
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Common practical courses for 1st & 2nd years (per course) = 0.1 x
Total = nx
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
The normal strength of every department shall be computed based on the above
scheme, additional factors taken into consideration, rounded and approved by the
Institute Senate to serve as a guideline for all future recruitment. In case of serious
disagreement among members the Senate, the decision of the BOG shall be binding.
The above prescription is based on a principle of equal sharing of teaching
responsibility among all faculty members irrespective of rank. In contrast with the
prescription of AICTE, professors of NIT are expected to take up a larger share of the
teaching job, particularly in large classes and in common fundamental subjects. This
principle has the merit of providing better education in basic subjects, It frees younger
faculty to pursue research, particularly those who are enrolled in Ph.D. programmes.
Experienced faculty are also expected to spend less time in prepaing for classes and
spend the rest of the time in institute management.
Additional factors shall include, but will not be limited to, expected student strengths
in common courses, open electives, being normally offered by the department,
common subjects among M.Tech. specializations, strength of M.Tech. courses etc. In
general, departments and centers can be classified into two or three groups depending
on the above formula and faculty strength calculated for each group.
Annexure VI
Adjunct, Honorary, Chair, Emeritus, Contractual, Visiting, Ad hoc and Temporary
In addition to its regular faculty, an institute may augment its intellectual capital by hiring
additional scholastic resource through different types of secondary faculty positions. Such
faculty members contribute significantly to the department in terms of sharing teaching
tasks and enhancing research out put. Academic contributions and decisions (e.g award of
grades) of such faculty members shall have the same legal validity as those of regular
faculty members. The primary purpose of hiring adjunct, honorary, chair, emeritus and
visiting faculty is to receive the honor of hosting distinguished professionals and
academicians, and not off-loading of routine teaching activity. In contrast, the primary
purpose behind hiring ad hoc, temporary or contractual faculty is to provide routine
teaching services, particularly when adequate number of regular faculty are not available.
The appointing authority of adjunct, honorary and chair professors shall be the senate
while that for emeritus professors and contractual faculty shall be the BOG considering
that in the latter case Government money needs to be spent on salary. Director may
appoint ad hoc and temporary faculty, who need to be given appointment at short notice
and do not constitute a long term responsibility of the institute. The following guidelines
will given the administrative details of hiring additional faculty.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
practical knowledge and complement the knowledge pool of existing faculty. The
following will be some broad guide lines for selection of adjunct faculty.
(i) They must be persons of repute, comparable to at least the top one third of the regular
faculty in professional expertise and reputation in their own fields and organizations.
(ii) Adjunct faculty will supervise student projects at all levels - UG to Ph.D.., carry out
sponsored research and consultancy, and teach courses, all these activities either
independently or in collaboration with a regular faculty. They may also be members
of departmental committees, if their professional experience becomes useful. While
teaching courses, they may take responsibility of a full semester-long course or only a
part thereof in collaboration with a regular faculty. The degree of involvement will be
worked out mutually by the adjunct faculty and the Institute.
(iii) Adjunct faculty will be appointed by the senate on recommendation of a committee
headed by the director. Duration of appointment shall be between 1 and 5 years.
(iv) Adjunct faculty will be provided with office room, secretarial services and other
facilities depending on their involvement in academic activities.
(v) They shall receive no salary, fee nor any other compensation for their services. All
direct expenses such as travel, accommodation, preparation of lecture material etc
shall be reimbursed at actuals.
(vi) Adjunct faculty may receive financial support at the discretion of the director to
attend conferences in India or abroad for presenting their work done in the institute, if
in the opinion of the director, he has contributed significantly to the institute’s
academic programme.
Honorary Faculty
Institutes may honour distinguished academicians including its own retired faculty members
by conferring on them the status of “Honorary Faculty”. This status will be same as adjunct
faculty except that:-
(i) Honorary faculty will be drawn from distinguished persons retired from active
service, including the Institute’s own retired faculty, who commit to be engaged in
substantial scholastic activity using facilities of the Institute and contribute academic
services to the institute without compensation.
(ii) Duration of appointment shall be “for 5 years” or “for life”.
(iii) Directors of institutes appointed by the visitor in accordance with the provisions of
NIT Act and statutes will automatically be “Honorary faculty for life” on completion
of their tenure of service, irrespective of their level of engagement in institute activity
in future.
Chair Professors
The Board may create a position of chair professor in a given department with or without
a fixed specialization from money donated by an external agency or person. If sufficient
funds are available to pay full salary and other benefits from the interest money, a new
faculty post with terms identical to regular posts may be created. On the other hand, if
limited funds are available, an existing regular faculty position or a secondary position
under adjunct, honorary, visiting or contractual categories may be declared as an external
chair where the donation received from the external agency will provide such benefits as
top-up salary, travel grant or any other benefit to the incumbent.
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
Professor Emeritus
Faculty superannuating from service in NITs and comparable institutions may be
inducted by the Board as Professor Emeritus for a maximum period of 3 years. This
provision is limited to faculty with suitable externally sponsored projects or comparable
activities, in addition to shouldering normal teaching responsibilities. Such appointment
shall be made against sanctioned faculty posts only.
Faculty on Contract
When regular faculty positions cannot be filled, to Board at its discretion, may fill up
sanctioned faculty positions “on contract”, where the terms of separation will be far
easier than those of regular faculty. Other facilities and mode of selection, to the extent
possible, will be same as those for regular faculty. Examples of contractual faculty will
include Assistant Professors without Ph.D.. degree under the 3 tier system or Assistant
Professors during the first 3 years after Ph.D.. under the 4 tier system, faculty considered
in absentia, and distinguished professors and engineers/scientists who have retired from
other organisations.
Visiting Faculty
Academic personnel from universities, institutes, R&D labs, industry or Government in
India or abroad, including those on sabbatical leave from other institutions or retired, may
be inducted into the institutions for brief periods (Maximum 2 years), with or without
remuneration. Such faculty members are expected to work full time taking academic
responsibilities at par with regular faculty members. They may be appointed by Director
on recommendation of the Head of the department, and a counterpart faculty member in
the department who will serve as a host. Visiting faculty may be provided with mutually
agreed honorarium and facilities (e.g. residential accommodation) on discretion of
Temporary Faculty
The director may recruit “Temporary faculty” against sanctioned posts to tide over
serious shortage of faculty to handle UG & PG teaching load. This will be possible only
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
in departments where the number of faculty in position, not counting teachers on long
leave, is below 0.75 x normal strength. The candidates need to have at least a Master’s
degree in Engineering or a doctorate in science/humanities with first class(60% marks or
(GPA 6.5/10) at both bachelor’s and master’s level. Selection can be made on
recommendation of a committee of faculty members that must include at least one
internal board member and one faculty member of another department. Presence of an
external subject expert is not essential.
Duration of appointment shall be one semester to start, and may be extended on semester
to semester basis on recommendation of the HOD. Maximum duration of appointment in
the entire career of a person shall be limited to 5 semesters. A consolidated remuneration,
proportional to the assigned duties may be worked out on mutual agreement. The
temporary faculty may be permitted to work full time or part time depending on the
remuneration paid to him. In addition to the consolidated remuneration, director may, at
his discretion, extend residential accommodation, telephone, travel and other facilities.
in absentia, and distinguished professors and engineers/scientists who have retired from
other organisations.
Visiting Faculty
Academic personnel from universities, institutes, R&D labs, industry or Government in
India or abroad, including those on sabbatical leave from other institutions or retired, may
be inducted into the institutions for brief periods (Maximum 2 years), with or without
remuneration. Such faculty members are expected to work full time taking academic
responsibilities at par with regular faculty members. They may be appointed by Director
on recommendation of the Head of the department, and a counterpart faculty member in
the department who will serve as a host. Visiting faculty may be provided with mutually
agreed honorarium and facilities (e.g. residential accommodation) on discretion of
Self-Assessment Report 2017-18 Criterion-10
leave, is below 0.75 x normal strength. The candidates need to have at least a Master’s
degree in Engineering or a doctorate in science/humanities with first class(60% marks or
(GPA 6.5/10) at both bachelor’s and master’s level. Selection can be made on
recommendation of a committee of faculty members that must include at least one
internal board member and one faculty member of another department. Presence of an
external subject expert is not essential.
Duration of appointment shall be one semester to start, and may be extended on semester
to semester basis on recommendation of the HOD. Maximum duration of appointment in
the entire career of a person shall be limited to 5 semesters. A consolidated remuneration,
proportional to the assigned duties may be worked out on mutual agreement. The
temporary faculty may be permitted to work full time or part time depending on the
remuneration paid to him. In addition to the consolidated remuneration, director may, at
his discretion, extend residential accommodation, telephone, travel and other facilities.
Self-Asssessment Report 2017-18 Part-C