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Instruction CMZSOO

Gyro Compass

Yokogawa Denshikiki Co., Ltd.


INTRODUCTION (Summary) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-. . . 1-1

Operation Panel Components and F'unctions . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
Starting and Stopping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
Summary of Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5
Tipsonusage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11

OVERVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
Performance and Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
2.2.1 Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . a . e . . . . . . ,2-3
2.2.2 Inputsignal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
2.2.3 Outputsignal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
2.2.4 Settling Time and Accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
2.2.5 Environmental Specifications
(normal operating conditions) . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
2.2.6 External Input/output Signal Specifications . . . . . 2-6
Handling Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9
2.3.1 Starting the Gyrocompass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9
2.3.2 Care of the Gyrocompass at Lower Temperatures . . . . 2-9

HARDWARE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . .3-1
System Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
Component Names and Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3

OPERATION ............... . . . . . . . . . , a 4-1

StartingandStopping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + . a . 4 - 1
4.1.1 Starting ..................... +,.4-1
4.1.2 Start-up Indication
(stand-by indication/normal indication) . . . . . .. . . 4-2
4.1.3 Stopping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + . . . . a 4-2 .

Operation Panel Functions and Operations
Operation ..........................
4.3.1 ...................
Basic Operation
4.3.2 ..................
4.3.3 .................
Numeric Data S e t t i n g

DisplayFunction .......................
4.4.1 DisplayingGyroData .................
4.4.2 ...........
Displaying External Azimuth Data
4.4.3 ......... ...
Displaying t h e Rate of Turn ,
4.4.4 . . . . . . . . . .-. . .
Displaying t h e Running Time
4.4.5 .............
Displaying t h e D i m m e r Level
4.4.6 Displaying The Gyrosphere Phase Current e t c ......
4.4.7 Displaying t h e Software Version Numbers .......
4.5 S e t t i n g F u n c t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-15
4.5.1 Heading Output Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-15
4.5.2 Speed-error Correction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-16
4.5.3 Automatic Aligning of t h e Master-compass Card Reading 4-18
4.5.4 Manual Aligning of t h e Master-compass Card Reading . . 4-19
4.5.5 Manual Aligning of t h e Repeater Compass Card Reading . 4-20
4.5.6 R e s t a r t T i m e r S e t t i n g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-21

5 . MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
Daily Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Periodic Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.3.1 Confirming The Error Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.3.2 Error Code Data and Remedies . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.3.3 IfNo-voltageAlarmOccurs . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.3.4 I f O f f - S e t E r r o r O c c u r s . . . '. . . . . . . . . . . .
5.3.5 IfOne-wayTurningOccurs . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.3.6 IfFollow-upErrorOccurs . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

6 . INSTALLATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1
6.1 I n s t a l l a t i o n Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1
Vibration Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1
6.1.2 P a r a l l e l Alignment of Lubber Lines . . . . . . . . . . 6-1
6.1.3 Service Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1
6.1.4 No Megger Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2


6.2 OverhaulandAssembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2

6.2.1 Precautions on Overhaul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
6.2.2 Installing the Gyrosphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
6.2.3 Replacing the Repeater Compass Lamps . . . . . . . . . 6-9
6.2.4 Aligning the Repeater Compass Card Reading . . . . . . 6-9
6.2.5 SupportingLiquid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-10
6.3 Selection of System Operation (Dip-switch Setting) . . . . . . 6-11

6.4 Maintenance Command Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

6.4.1 SimulatedDACOutput . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.4.2 One-way Turning of the Master Compass . . . . . . . .
6.4.3 One-way Turning of the Repeater Compass . . . . . . .
6.4.4 RunningTimeReset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.4.5 Displaying the Follow-up Control Parameters . . . . .
6.4.6 Initialization of Backup Memory . . . . . . . . . . .
6.4.7 Installation-Error Compensation for the Master Compass
6.4.8 Setting the Master Compass Follow-up Gain ......
6.5 1/0 Signal Format Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-23
6.5.1 Configuration and connections . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-23
6.5.2 Signal Format Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-24
6.5.3 Initial Setting for Serial Output Signal Format . . . 6-28

Appendix 1 .....
Speed Error and Speed Error Calibration Chart
Appendix 2 ..................
Operating Principle
2.1 Gyro .......................
2.2 North-Seeking Tendency of Gyrocompass
2.3 GyrocompassError
Appendix 3 ................
Function Block Diagram
Appendix 4 Wiring Diagrams ....................
4.1 Master Compass Wiring Diagram
4.2 Control Box Wiring Diagram
4.3 Block Diagram for Control Box
4.4 Interface Circuit Diagram (Vol.1, Vo1.2) . . . . .
4.5 Control Box/Master Compass Wiring Diagram . . . .
4.6 Repeater Compass Wiring Diagram
Appendix 5 Component List ....................
Appendix 6 ..........
Installation and Adjustment Certificate
Appendix 7 Certificate for Installation Adjust Completion . . . .

Chapter 1 describes the minimum information necessary for operating the

CMZSOO gyrocompass. For further details, refer to subsequent chapters.

(1) Operation Panel Components and Functions

(2) Starting and Stopping
(3) Summary of Operations
(4) Tips on Usage (typical operations and relevant subsections in this
manual )

1.1 Operation Panel Components and Functions

Power switch

S e l e c t switch r e s s t h e swit
power switch o r t o enable various s e t t i n g
ccunmand codes 20 t o 29.
Select LED
I When this LED l i g h t s , t h e power can be turned o f f o r carmaand
codes (20 t o 29) can be entered.
- --
I Off *1

Diuuaer switch The dimmer switch controls t h e illumination i n t e n s i t y f o r

a l l i n d i c a t o r s on t h e operation panel. I f both switches a r e
pressed simultaneously, t h e lamp t e s t s t a r t s .
~ u z z e rs t o p Press t h i s switch t o s t o p t h e buzzer sound and t h e alarm
switch lamp from flickering.
F a i l alarm lamp This lamp i s f l i c k e r i n g i f an e r r o r occurs i n t h e CPU, Off
operation o r control unit. Errors i n t h e operation o r w
control u n i t can be i d e n t i f i e d using t h e camnand code 26"
o r "27".
No-voltage a l a m
I This lamp i s flickering i f t h e AC p a r supply from t h e s h i p
1 Off

General-purpose Camand code data o r s e t t i n g d a t a a r e displayed here. Usual display

display *2
Numeric key Numeric keys a r e used t o change data items on t h e d i s p l a y o r
switch e n t e r data f o r settings.
Sensor s e l e c t This i n d i c a t e s t h e currently-selected azimuth sensor. The *GYROU is on.
indicator sensor can be changed using m a n d code -20.1 - '3
Azimuth display The azimuth obtained by t h e specified s e n s 0 r . i ~displayed The t r u e
here. With "GYRO" selected, t h r e e types of-&%, Le., t h e heading value
true heading, compass heading, and speed-error -correction is displayed.
value, a r e displayed i n sequence. - -- - i

_ '

Mode s e l e c t With "GYRO" selected a s t h e azimuth sensor, press t h i s - ,

switch switch to change t h e data items on t h e azimuth display. The
mode s e l e c t i n d i c a t o r a l s o changes depending.on t h i s switch.
Mode s e l e c t With "GYRO* selected, t h i s i n d i c a t o r i n d i c a t e s t h e type o f 1 "TRUE-HEADING
indicator data which is currently on t h e azimuth display. \ . , ' i i i " is indi-
I: cated. *4

"1 : It is recommended that this LED be turned off during n o h a 1 operation

to avoid accidental mistakes. \ i % % - , $

*2: The usual display is a latitude or a speed which is displayed using a

command code '00' .-
"3: Select "GYRO" as the azimuth sensor during normal operation.
"4: The true heading should be on the azimuth display during normal
operation; thus the mode select indicator should indicate
1.2 Starting and Stopping

(1) Starting the Gyrocompass System

Turn on the ship's AC and DC power

supplies to the gyro system.

Turn on the main power switch in

the gyro control box. I
. panel
The power LED lamp on the operation
comes on

Turn on the power switch on the

operation panel by keeping it down
over 2 seconds.
While the power switch is kept down,
a buzzer sounds. Then, the gyro
system starts.
The gyroroter is not The gyrorotor is rotating fast
rotating fast enough. enough.
(Driving current: more than 0.35A (Driving current: 0.35 A or less
Refer to Subsection 4.1.1 Refer to Subsection 4.1.1 in this
in this manual.) manual. )

Hot start
The gyro system enters
normal state immediately.
General-purpose display
The master and repeater (no ma1 display)
compasses remain stopped.
L.M = N35
Aligning operation is
When the phase current
falls to 0.35 A or less
and its rate of change
drops below a specified
I Normal state I
level, the gyro system
enters normal state.

1 Normal state I
(2) Stopping the Gyrocompass System


Press the select switch on the

operation panel.

. The select LED comes on, indicating

that the power can be turned off using
the power switch.

Turn off the operation panel power

switch by keeping it down over 2

. The gyro system stops.

. stopped
If the gyro system is going to be
for only a short time without
maintenance, no further operation is
required. To start the system again,
follow the start-up flowchart, beginning
at point <A>.
Turn off the main power switch in
the gyro control box.

. panel
The power LED lamp on the operation
goes out.
. The main power switch must be turned off
if the system is going to be stopped for
a long time or stopped for maintenance.
To restart the system in this case,
begin at point <B> in the start-up
1.3 Summary of Operations

(1) Command Code Table

In the CMZ500, various functions are assigned to predetermined numbers

(command codes) as shown in the table below.

- Command Code Table

classifi- Code Function


O0 1 Display of start-up mode and compass heading (latitude
I 4-5 ,

Display of gyro data

: compass heading, repeater heading, etc.

Display of external azimuth data

: external azimuth and deviation from true heading
Display of rate of turn
: in deg/sec or deg/min
Display of running time
: total running hours, gyrosphere running hours, 4-12
running hours from start-up
Display of dimmer level 4-12
Display of Phase Current for Gyrosphere etc, 4-13

19 ( Display of software version numbers 1 4-14

Selection of azimuth sensor

Speed setting (for speed-error correction)

: Auto/manual selection
Latitude setting (for speed-error correction)
: Auto/manual selection
23 Automatic aligning of the master compass card reading 4-18
Setting 24 Manual aligning of the master compass card reading 4-19
25 Manual aligning of the repeater compass card reading 4-20
26 Display of control unit error information/reset operation 5-3
- -
- -

11 Display of operation unit error information/reset opera-
Start-up timer setting 1 4-21
31 Simulated DAC output 6-14
32 One-way turning of the master compass (manual drive) 6-15
33 One-way turning of the repeater compass (manual drive) 6-16
34 Resetting of the gyrosphere running time 6-17
Maintenance 35 Display of follow-up control parameters 6-18
36 Initialization of backup memory 6-19


I Setting of the installation-error compensation value for
the master compass
Setting of master compass follow-up gain 6-22
(2) Operation Procedures

<1> Display Functions

<a) Dispb faI8yro data (refer to Subsection (€11 Displaying tth external azimuth data (refer to
4.4.1 d s maul) Subsection 4.4.2 in this -1)

C-L7ccolo.nd code 10 Ccmmmnd code ll

Mdatar cunpdss card redding

I oo 4. s I true heading

ter -33 cdrd redding

Note) Zhis function is valid only when an extenul sensor ir
C O M ~ C ~ ~ .
- -
Daviation from true heading true heading external azimuth

correction value

Note) Trur heading Mdster cmpars card reading
correction vaue
- apeed-error

(dl Dispbyitlg the rum- tLu (refer to Subsection

4.4.4 in this manual)

(c) Displaying tho rate of turn (refer to Subsection c d code 13

4.4.3 in this uoual)

Toti1 hours
'17498 hours~

Gyrosphere running
ROT. S E C hours
Rate of turn f206S hours,
1s. 3 .2 deg/sec,

Running hours f r m
ROT.NIN Pate of turn ~tert-up
15.19 2 deghln, I 89 hours l
1 9 2

Note) With a minus sign I Port ~ o t c ) The gyrosphere running hours must be reset to zero uslng
None t Starboard comand code 34 vhen the 8yrosphera is replaced.
(el Displaying the d b m r level (refer to subsection (f) Displaying the phase currant (refer to Subsection
4.4.1 in this muiual) 4.4.6 In this lunual)

camand code 15

Phase current

Note) D h e r level I 00 (off) to 11 (mxlnum)


DV.VOLT Deviation voltage

'0. OSV,
0. o s v

(g) Displaying the software version number (refer to

Subsection 4.4.7 in this mn-1)

ROH in control

RIM in operation
3 7 - A unit
<2> Setting m c t i o n s

a) Selection of azimuth output (commd code 201 (b) S e t t i n g the ship's s p e d (connuad code 21: r e f e r t o
r e f e r t o Subsection 4 3 . 1 i n t h i s aunual) Subreccion 4 3 . 2 i n c h i s manual)
With an c x t e n u l azimuth sensor (e.8.. augnetic I

c-ss o r CPS) connected t o the eystum, i f a n Th= sp&d-&or i s corrected bared on the s h i p g s speed
e r r o r occurs i n t h e master c w p s s . i t i s possible l o g signal (autcamtic) o r the value entered from the
t o output the e x t e n u l azimuth i n s t e a d of t h e gyro numeric keypad (manual). I f the manual s e t t h g i s
data t o a11 the receiving devices such a s a radar. selected. e n t e r t h e ship's speed i n t h e range of 0 t o
autopilot. repeater o r o t h e r e q u i p e a t .
65 k t as follows:
- 7

Cormund code 21
- -
c 2 1E

Automatic s e t t i n g i s n w

1- G Y R O (

Select gyro rue heading. Select e x t t r n a l azimuth.
S e l e c t automatic s e t t i n g .
Select mnua1,setting and

Press &

Press C 0 o E Press bcooE

The speed'error i s
corrected based on
the automaticslly-
Press E


The speed Zrror i s corrected

based on t h e manually-entered
speed (16 k t ) .

entered s p c d . I
Press C 0 0 E

Setting the latitude (command code 22: refer to Setting the restart timer (conmind code 29; refer to
Subsection 4.5.2 in this manual) Subsection 4.5.6 in this m m u a l )
The s eed-error is corrected based on a signal from CPS Tht f r o system can automrtically be restarted after a
or otger eguipmcnt (autmatic) or the value entered spec ied duration ( 0 to 99 hours).
from the numeric keypad (manual If the manual
settins is .elected. eater the ktitude in the rmsc at
-70 to-70 degrees (vith a minus signs soiieh-~titu8ir--
without the signs north latitude). Note that a
munually-entered latitude is updated according- to the
azimuth-and ship's speed. -

f C a m a n d code 22 1

Restart the system after 12 hours.
Autmatic setting is now

press @J

Select automatic setting.
Select manual setting d:a
enter '35 degree north.

The g ro system sto s
and tge remaining t k
is displayed.
Note) Even if the timer is,running. you can restart the
gyro system immediately by pressing the power
switch on the operation panel.

The speed error is corrected
based on the rutomatically-
entered latitude.

Press b
C ooE
(3) Operation Panel

Some operations are disabled under certain c

table below. Refer to this table when using
Normal mode/Maintenance mode selection can be
switch in the control box.(Refer to 5.3 in this manu

Commnand Other
codes operations
32 and (e.g.,
33 39 (ex- Mode or
cluding buzzer
32 and stop ,
switch) -

I o l x l x l x
While timer is running

0: Enable X: Disable
1.4 Tips on Usage

What should you do in the following situations?

(1) If there seems to be an error in the heading of the ship which is

indicated by a repeater compass or an auto-pilot:

- Check the speed-error correction value.

(2) If the speed-error correction value is inadequate:

- Enter the ship's correct speed and latitude, using command codes 21-
and 22 (see Subsection 4.5.2 in this manual).

(3) If an abnormal sound occurs in the master compass:

- <1> Check for an error in the master and repeater compass readings.
If there is no error, the master compass can be used as is for the
time being.
<2> If there is an error, switch the azimuth sensor to "EXT" (exter-
nal sensor), using command code 20 (see Subsection 4.5.1 in this

Note: In either case, replace the gyrosphere as soon as possible.

(4) If the ship's speed log fails:

- Select the manual setting and enter the ship's speed from the
numeric keypad using command code 21 (see Subsection 4.5.2 (1) in
this manual).

(5) If the latitude signal sensor (e.g., GPS) fails:

- Select the manual setting and enter the latitude from the numeric
keypad using command code 22 (see Subsection 4.5.2 (2) in this -

(6) If you want to know the gyrosphere running time:

- Use command code 13 to display the gyrosphere running time. The

gyrosphere running time must be reset to zero when the gyrosphere is
replaced. (See Subsection 4.4.4 in this manual.)

(7) If you want to know the level of the phase current for the gyrosphere:

- . -
Use command code 15 to display the phase current value (see
Subsection 4.4.6 in this manual).
(8) If you want to set the timer for automatic restarting:
- Use command code 29 to set the timer (see Subsection 4.5.6 in
this manual).

(9) If you want to reset the gyrosphere running time:

- Use command code 34 to reset the gyrosphere running time (see

Subsection 6.3.4 in this manual).

2.1 . General

The CMZSOO is a highly reliable, accurate gyrocompass, featuring a compact,

light-weight, low-power-consumption design. The CMZSOO fully complies with
the gyrocompass performance standard IMO recommended A.424(XI) as well as
JIS-F9602, class A standard.

(1) High accuracy

The twin gyro rotors, in the gyrosphere, rotate at high speed, and are
interconnected to compensate the errors caused by rolling and pitching
of the ship, thus ensuring excellent accuracy.

(2) Ingenious damping mechanism for vibration and shock

The container of the gyrosphere is filled with supporting liquid. And

the container is supported by unti-vibration mechanism which is
composed of rubber damping diaphragm and air damping chamber. These
arrangement works successfully to absorb vibration and shock of the

(3) Enhanced follow-up performance

A velocity-control digital servo system enhances follow-up performance

(maximum follow-up speed: 12 deg/sec). The mechanism for detecting
azimuth deviations automatically optimizes the follow-up control gain
to match the electrical characteristics of the supporting liquid.

(4) Easy speed error correction

The speed error can automatically be corrected based on the ship's

speed signal received from the speed measuring equipment and the --
latitude signal from GPS or other position fixing equipment. In case
of manual setting, a change in the latitude is dead-reckoned based on
the ship's speed and heading.

(5) Various display functions

Various data such as the true heading, compass heading, ship's speed,
latitude, and gyro running hours can be displayed on the digital

(6) Variety of outputs ..

Synchro, stepper, NMEA0183 digital, and analog (0 to 5V) outputs are

available as standard to meet a wide range of needs.
(7) Onboard battery drive

The CMZ500 can be driven by an onboard 24V M: battery.

(8) Remote operation

The optional remote unit allows the gyrocompass system to be remotely

controlled. This feature is suitable for one-man bridge console.

(9) Built-in restart timer

The gyrocompass system can be restarted automatically after a speci-:
fied duration (1 to 99 hours).
2.2 Performance and Specifications

2.2.1 Power Supply

Main power supply : 100/110/115/220 V AC &lo%, 50/60Hz &5%, 1 0

(Option:The main power can be backed up by
24 V DC onboard battery.)

Power consumption : (Start-up) Approx. 110 VA

(Operating) Approx. 90 VA + 10 VA x number of
repeater compasses
(DC24V Drive Option) Start-up Approx. 3.6A ,
Operating Approx. 2.OA + lOVA x number of -
repeater compasses

Alarm power supply : 24 V DC, 0.5 A

2.2.2 Input Signal

(1) Ship's speed signal for speed-error correction

: 200 pulse/n mile or NMEA-0183

(2) Heading signal : NMEA-0183 (for backing up the gyro)

(3) Latitude signal : NMEA-0183

(4) Alarm buzzer stop contact

2.2.3 Output Signal

(1) Repeater compass signal (360X synchro DC drive)

: 9 circuits

Devices to be connected : Repeater compass, autopilot, course re-

corder, radar, radio direction finder,
ARPA, etc.

(2) . Stepper signal (35 V DC, 3-bit gray code, 1/6 deg)
: 9 circuits (1 A max.)

Devices to be connected : NNSS, INMARSAT, ARPA, etc. (when receiving

devices are not torque-driven)
(3) Digital heading/rate-of-turn signal (NMEA0183 specifications)
: 3 circuits

Devices to be connected : Autopilot, digital repeater, etc.

(4) Analog heading and quadrant signals (0 to 5 V DC)

: 1 circuit each

Devices to be connected : Course recorder and analyzer/measuring


(5) Analog rate-of-turn signal (0 to 5 V DC, -32 deg/min to 32 deg/min) :

: 3 circuits

(6) Contact output

Gyro operation : Normally open, voltage-free contact signal, 1

Normally closed, voltage-free contact signal, 1

No voltage : Normally open, voltage-free contact signal, 1

Normally closed, voltage-free contact signal, 1

System failure : Normally open, voltage-free contact signal, 1

Normally closed, voltage-free contact signal, 1

2.2.4 Settling Time and Accuracy

Settling time : Up to 6 hours (Operational accuracy condition is

reached after approximately 2 hours.)

Accuracy : Within f0.25 deg x cos

1 (in settled state)
(0:Latitude of that location)

Follow-up accuracy : 0.1 deg or less

Maximum follow-up speed : 12 deg/sec

2.2.5 Environmental Specifications (normal operating conditions)

Roll and pitch : f45 deg (rolling) and f35 deg


Vibration : 5 to 8 Hz ... Up to 1.5 m, p-p

8 to 25 Hz ... Up to 0.35 mm, p-p
25 to 50 Hz ... Up to 0.1 mm, p-p

Ambient operating temperature : -10degC to +50degC

2.2.6 External Input/output Signal specifications

Signal Name ~bbreviation- Specifications

Stepper output REF, COM, COn - 0 V (circuit GND)

REF output : +35 V DC f20l


REF output : 1 A max. (However, up to 1.5 A

current is permissible depending on the number ,
of repeater compasses connected.)

Number of repeater Output current

compasses connected capacity
5 1.5 A

Signal output : 3-bit gray code

(SS1 to SS3) Open collector output

Each source current is 0.5 A

max .
Rnalog heading/ HDG, QUD, 3DG : Heading output
quadrant output COM 3UD : Quadrant output
:OM : 0 V (circuit GND)
Iutput voltage : 0 to +5 V DC

Heading output +5v

I I I 8

ov .

Quadrant output

1. 25
0 90 180 270 360deg
lutputresolution : 2.5mV

lutput impedance : 2Kohm max.

ecommended input : 500Kohm min.

mpedance of
onnected devices . -

utput accuracy : fll (at 25degC)

Signal Name Abbreviation Specifications
Analog rate-of-turn ROT COM : 0 V (circuit GND)
COM Output voltage : 0 to +5 V DC

Output resolution :

Output impedance : 2Kohm max.

Recommended input : 500Kohm min

impedance of
connected devices.

Output accuracy : fl% (at 25degC)

Ship's speed log LPP 200pulse/nmile
pulse input
LPN Output circuit on : Open collector
the log side (e.g., photo-coupler) or

Serial data in-

Serial data RDlA, RDlB Ship's speed, latitude, and heading signals


* @* 4

Conforms to NMEA0183. (Can be generated together
with the output. )
I S l W I -W
Receiving circuit : Photo-coupler is used.

Heading and rate-of-turn signals

Serial data SDlA, SDlB knforms to NMEA0183. (Can be generated together
output: dith the input. )
Pransmission circuit : Driver such as
RS-422A or RS-485 is
5G1 to SG3 are for signal groundinq (circuit
Signal Name Abbreviation Specifications
:ontact output

Gyro error GFNC, CFElO NC : Normally closed

GFC NO : Normally open
C : Contact common

No voltage NVNC, NVNO (Example) Between NC and C :


Gyro operation GRNC, GRNO GYRO RUNNING Running ... Closed

GRC Not running ... Open

Contact rating : 24 V DC, 0.5 A max.

Withstand voltage
: 500 V DC (between contact
output and other circuits)
- -

3uzzer stop contact BSP When a buzzer is stopped

input : Contact is closed.

BSN Contact rating

: 24 V DC, 0.05 A min.

Minimum working current

: 1 mA max.

Input/output for
remote terminal
Power supply PWP Output voltage : +I8 to +50 V DC
PWN Output current : 0.3 A max. at +38 V
Serial data Electric characteristics conform to NMEA0183.
Receiving circuit : Photo-coupler

Transmission circuit : Driver such as RS-422A or

Input RDA, RDB RS-485

Transmission rate : 4800 bps

Output SDA, SDB
Buzzer stop BSP A buzzer can be stopped from either side
contact in- (main/remote) .
BSN When a buzzer is stopped
: Contact is closed.

Contact rating
: 24 V DC, 0.05 A min.

Minimum working current

: 1 mA max.
2.3 Handling Precautions

2.3.1 Starting the Gyrocompass

(1) Start up the gyrocompass system at least 5 hours before

leaving port.

(2) After starting up the system, do not touch the internal unit
of the master compass to avoid damaging the unit or causing
an error and for your safety.

2.3.2 Care of the Gyrocompass at Lower Temperatures

The gyrosphere is installed in the master compass container filled

with supporting liquid. Therefore, if the gyrocompass is stopped
at -ambient temperature of -3degC or less, take the following

(1) If stopped for a few days

Cover the master compass unit with a blanket to keep it wann.

(2) If stopped for extended periods

Remove the supporting liquid from the container.


3.1 System Configuration




i1Connection and fuse capacity a r e

changed depending upon input
s p e c l f l u t t c n s of AC p e r supply.

i 2 Panel-typ p e r dlstrlbutlon board

can be mounted i n the. control stand
o f the auto-pilot.




WX223) KX203) WX213)

WX20 1A)

- -
. . (KN004 G X l t ~ ~ 0 0p)4

Two connectlcn methods are provlded tor repeater-to-repeater

connectlon: water-proof grounding connectlon and connector conection. The
two e t h o d s are used dependln~upon applications.
3.2 Models

-Master compass
Stand-alone type
KM014-1 T Gyrosphere

t Console type
LAutopilot type

- Control box - - Wall-mount -type

-r TYPE-1 (Basic Type)

t TYPE-2 Middle Type

LTYPE-3 High Grade Type
(With a speed-error
correcting function)
Gyrocompass - Flush-mount type TYPE-1 (Standard Type)
CMZ500 KC313-F
T KC313-F-0-1

t- TYPE-2 Middle Type

LTYPE-3 High Grade Type
(With a speed-error
correcting function)
-Remote unit
-Distributionbox Synchro output
Stepper output
Repeater compass -Gland type
r Horizontal stand

t Horizontal bracket
Tilting bracket
Connector type Horizontal stand
KRo05-P 7 KX223A

t Horizontal-bracket
Tilting bracket
3.3 Component Names and E'unctions

(1) Master Compass (KM014)

The components of the master compass and their functions are summa-
rized below.

NO. Name Function
1 Case Protects the internal unit.
2 Container unit Contains the gyrosphere.
3 Follow-up mechanism Provides a follow-up function by means of a synchro
motor and gear mechanism.
4 Bolt Fastens the follow-up mechanism.
5 Rubber isolator Absorbs vibration and shock.
6 Bolt Holds the follow-up mechanism and the container unit
7 Ring Joins the air chamber.
8 Bolt Fastens the rubber isolator.
9 Screw Fastens the container.
10 Stopper For suspending the container
11 Air chamber Absorbs vibration.
12 Bolt Fastens the container.
13 Cover Covers the front side of the master compass.
14 Dimmer Controls the illumination intensity of the compass
15 Connector For a gyrosphere power supply and follow-up signal
16 Top cover Protects the follow-up mechanism.
17 Screw Fastens the top cover.
18 Bracket (R)
19 Bracket (L)
, (2) Control Box (KC313)

The components of the control box and their functions are summarized

No. Name Function

1 Case Contains the internal unit (flush-mount type).
Contains the internal unit (wall-mount type).
2 Look Fastens the front panel door.
3 Front panel Front door
4 Packing Prevents dripping.
5 Main assembly board Main control board
6 Shield cover Electromagnetic shielding
7 Operation panel (re- Display and setting functions (TYPE 3)
mote unit)
Display and setting functions (TYPE 2)
Display and setting functions (TYPE 1)
8 Plate Base plate
9 Terminal board For external connections
10 Switch For turning on or off the main power supply
11 Label
12 Fuse Protects the power supply circuit (8 A). 100/110/115 V AC
Protects the power supply circuit (5 A).
220 V AC input \
13 Fuse Protects the power supply circuit (2 A).
14 Fuse Protects the power supply circuit (15 A).
15 Noise filter Suppresses noise.
16 Noise filter Suppresses noise.
17 Operation panel cover Protects the rear of the operation panel.
18 Transformer For stepping down the voltage
21 Terminal board
22 Roller Fastens the hinge.
24 R/F assembly Rectifies the power.
25 Plate Radiates away heat.
27 Power supply unit Supplies power to individual units.
28 Remote terminal assem- For connecting remote units
29 Door stopper Holds the door open.
30 Clamp Fastens the door stopper.
31 Lug Ground terminal
:ontrol Box
Flush-Mount Type)

When the @ plate is removed:

Control Box
(Wall-Mount Type)
(3) Operation Panel

The components of the control panel and their functions are summarized
below (for details, refer to Section 4.2, "Operation Panel Functions
and Operations").

- -
No. Name No. Name
1 Power switch
8 No-voltage alarm lamp
2 Power LED 9 General-purpose display
3 Select switch 10 Numeric keypad
4 Select LED 11 Heading Sensor select indicator
5 Dimmer switch 12 Azimuth display
6 Buzzer stop switch 13 Mode select switch
7 Fail alarm lamp 14 Mode select indicator
- -

<Reference> Three types of control box operation panel are available.

. TYPE 3

: With automatic speed-error correcting function

. TYPE 2 : With manual speed-error correcting function (applicable to
remote units)
. TYPE 1 : Without a numeric display function (also applicable to remote
(4) Repeater Compass (KR005A-G or -P)

The components of the repeater compass and their functions are summa-
rized below.
No. Name Function
Shadow pin mounting hole For installing the shadow pin which
measures the azimuth of a target.
Card correction plug For correcting the azimuth indication
of the repeater card
Mounting hole (for a Allows the repeater compass to be
horizontal stand or attached to the gimbal ring on a hori- .
bracket ) zontal stand or bracket.
Mounting hole (for a Allows the repeater compass to be
tilting bracket) attached to a tilting bracket.
Connector For connection to a connection box (for
the KR005A-P)
Cable Connects the repeater compass to a \

connection box (for the KR005A-G).

(5) Connection Box (KN004-G or -P)

The components of the connection box and their functions are s m a -

rized below.

No. Name Function

1 Dimmer Controls the illumination intensity of the repeater
compass card.
1 Gland I For an input cable clamp
3 Gland For a repeater compass cable clamp
4 Connector For a repeater compass
(6) Horizontal Stand (KX223A)

The components of the horizontal stand and their functions are summa-
rized below.
No. Name Function
1 Cover
2 Support
4 Lubber line Allows the horizontal stand to be aligned with:
the bow-to-stern line of the ship.
5 Repeater mounting For installing a repeater compass (keeps the
shaft repeater compass horizontal).
6 Gimbal ring Keeps the repeater compass horizontal.
, y,->*.+
(7) Horizontal Bracket (KX201A) . ? I ' " E

, The components of the horizontal bracket-and itheir 4 m c t i o W ~ a r e

summarized below.
- - . - .** ,A- ,."...-*,.

-No. Name Function

. .-
$,7:>"' j
', .'

1 Repeater For installing a repeater compass (keeps-the1 ! ,

mounting shaft repeater compass horizontal). +

2 Gimbal bearing Keeps the repeater.compass horizontal.

3 Gimbal ring Keeps the repeater compass horizontak , - ;

4 Mounting hole For mounting a horizontal bracket to the ship
(8) Tilting Bracket (KX213)

The components of the tilting bracket and their functions are summa-
rized below.
- I * I I I

No. Name Function

Repeater mounting For installing a repeater compass-and
bolt adjusting its tilting angle.

Arm fastening bolt -. For fastening an arm and adjusting its :

horizontal position
Mounting hole For mounting a tilting bracket to the ship
(9) Digital Repeater (K.012-F or -D)
;; The-componentsof the.,digitalrepeater and their functions are summa-
rized below.
- . .
Name Function +

1 Display
Displays the azimuth or rate of turn..
2 Unit indicator Indicates the unit of azimuth (degree).
3 Unit indicator Indicates the unit of rate of turn (de-
gree/min) .
4 Mode select button Pressing this button selects either the
azimuth or rate-of-turn mode.

5 Dimmer button Press the r l button to increase the

illumination intensity and the
V button
to decrease it. If both of them are pressed
simultaneously, the lamp test starts.
6 Terminal board

7 Gland

Flush-mount type (-F)

.Q 0

Desk-top type (-D)


4.1 S t a r t i n g and Stopping

4.1.1 Starting

The gyrocompass should be s t a r t e d up a t l e a s t 5 hours before use. Turn on

t h e power switch i n t h e c o n t r o l box, then p r e s s t h e o t h e r power switch
"PWR" on t h e operation panel.

The gyrocompass system is a c t i v a t e d e i t h e r by a "hot s t a r t " o r a "cold

s t a r t " depending on t h e s t a t e of t h e gyrorotor. "Hot s t a r t " means t h a t t i e
gyrorotor is r o t a t i n g f a s t enough t o d e t e c t t h e azimuth immediately a f t e r
t h e power is turned on. I f t h e gyrorotor i s r o t a t i n g t o o slowly t o d e t e c t
t h e azimuth o r i f t h e gyrorotor i s stopped completely when t h e power is
turned on, t h i s is regarded a s a "cold s t a r t . " The r o t a t i o n of t h e
gyrorotor can be checked by monitoring t h e l e v e l of t h e phase c u r r e n t .
(For driving t h e gyrosphere)

(1) Hot S t a r t I f t h e phase c u r r e n t i s 0.35 A o r

l e s s immediately a f t e r t h e power
phase current . is turned on, it i s considered
(for driving t h a t t h e system has been a c t i v a t -
the gyrosphere)
ed by a hot s t a r t . The
follow-up, input/output, display,
and o t h e r functions w i l l then
s t a r t normally.

( 2 ) Cold S t a r t I f t h e phase c u r r e n t i s more than

0.35 A immediately a f t e r t h e
power is turned on, it i s consid-
Phase current
(for driving e r e d t o be a c o l d s t a r t . The --
the gyrosphere) stand-by s t a t e continues u n t i l
0.35~ t h e phase c u r r e n t drops and t h e
I \ r a t e of change i n t h e phase
c u r r e n t drops below a s p e c i f i e d
STAND-BY .i. Normal
l e v e l . Normal operation w i l l
The s t a r t when t h e s e requirements a r e

During stand-by s t a t e , it i s not allowed t o d r i v e t h e r e p e a t e r compass. I n

addition, synchromotor f o r repeater compasses is not excited, therefore, a
repeater can be r o t a t e d e a s i l y by hand. Be c a r e f u l not t o t o m a r e p e a t e r
while i n t h e stand-by s t a t e . The azimuth i n d i c a t i o n w i l l s e t t l e a f t e r
about 2 hours, and then become ready f o r use.
4.1.2 Start-up Indication (stand-by indication/normal indication)'i- ' a

When the power is turned on, either stand-by or normal indication appears
on the operation panel (TYPE 3). If the system is activated by a cold
start (stand-by state), the display shown in item (1) below appears.

(1) Stand-by Indication

When the rotating speed of the gyrorotor is fast enough, the system enters
normal mode and the display changes to the following:
(2) Normal Indication

. a

The upper line indicates the latitude:

. Either 'MI (manual) or 'A1 (auto) appears in the second column from the
left to indicate the input mode.
. Either '8' (north latitude) or I S 1 (south latitude) appears in the
fourth column.
. The latitude is indicated in degrees in the fifth and sixth columns;' i J
" -

The lower lfie indicates the speed:

. Either 'MI (manual) or lA1 (auto) appears in the second column to

indicate the input mode.
. The speed is indicated in Kt in the fifth and sixth columns.

4.1.3 Stopping

Press the power switch "PWR" on the operation panel. If the gyro system is
not going to be used for a long time or during maintenance, a l s ~turn off
the power switch in the control box.
- cyvp 7

:dWiction and Operation

- Component Name -- - -.,---..- .--- - - T Y P E - ~ - - ( K c ~ ~ ~ - o o ~ D )
- - .----
, a , * < T r y
., . ' 1 .

1. ~ower&witch .' ~This*switch=.turns' t h e power t o t h e gyro svstem

on o r off whi1e"'the m h e r LED i s on:- When
pressing t h i s switch; keep it down over 2
seconds, buzzer s o e d s t o confirm the opera-
t ion.

2. Power LED - This LED*3 i g h t s p ~ h e n$ h e m i n power switch i n

1 1- the gyro control box is turned on while t h e
power is suppl5ed from t h e ship.

3. Select switch his switch is useful when remote u n i t s arep

connected. Press' t h i s switch t o be able t o
turn off the power with t h e power switch o r t o
enable various s e t t i n g operation such a s
command -co@es-2O'"to'29."--When pressing t h i s
switch, keep it down over 2 seconds, buzzer -
sounds t o confirm the operation.
4. Select LED When t h i s LED l i g h t s , t h e power can be turned'
off *or, command codes (20 t o 29) can be en-
lo- 'tered. Various display functions, however,
a r e s t i l l available even when the s e l e c t LED
is o f f .
5. Dimmer-switch . The dimmer switch, controls t h e .illumination
. a5*.- - 3


: Decrdases: the illumination intensity.

. , -+

I f both switdhek $re pressed simultaneously,

the lamp t e s t stajrts and a buzzer sounds.
During the lamp:tbst, a l l t h e indicators a r e
turned-on and -af 6. -synchronously.
. .
' , i 1.-

6. Buzzer. s t o p switch Press . t h i s swita? t o stop thel.buzzer sound.

This a l s o stops-fanalarm lamp flickering and
the lamp remains on.

7. F a i l alarm lamp This lamp is flickering i f an e r r o r occurs i n

FAIL the CPU, operation panel, o r control u n i t .
Errors i n the operation o r control u n i t can be
i d e n t i f i e d using the command code "26" o r
"27." I f another e r r o r occurs soon a f t e r one
e r r o r has been detected, a buzzer w i l l sound
and the f a i l lamp w i l l s t a r t flickering again.
8. No-voltage alarm lamp This lamp i s flickering i f t h e AC power supply
NO VOLT from the ship f a i l s .
> I
m c t i o n and Operation
Component Name TYPE-3 (KC313-UJ30)
- - . - - .
3 . General-purpose 'display . co'hmand code data o r s e t t i n g d a t q are: dis-
played here. I n general, guide inessages-
appear on -the upper l i n e ..and data o n the- ."-
,lower l i n e .
LO. Numeric keyswitch . .. .,"Numeric keys a r e used f o r .changing.Ldata -. _
item on the >displayo r entering x i a t a d o r

b. ,

11. Sensor s e l e c t indicator This indicates t h e currently-sdected ~

azimuth sensor, a s e i t h e r of t h e following:

: Z F A Y s Z n s o r (such a s
Magnetcompass o r GPS)
The senso$ can be changed using command
code "20.
12. Azimuth display The azimuth obtained by the specified
sensor is displayed here.
. With "GYRO" selected, selected i t e m s '
among three types of data, l.e., the
compass heading, t r u e heading, and
speed-error correction value, a r e dis-
... - - - - - - - -, - - . - .
. .with ~ T * V selected, t h e azimuth s i g n a l
;, received from an external sensor is dis-
. played.
13. Mode s e l e c t switch WithL"GYRO" selected a s t h e azimuth sensor,
press t h i s switch t o change t h e data items
on the display a s follows:
.. True headin
Compass hea ing, and 8

. speed-error
- ,\ v.
coirection value:
I f %XTW is selected, t h i s switch cannot be
1 4 . Mode s e l e c t indicator With."GYROW-selected, t h i s indicator- indi-.
TRUE HEADING cates the.type of data which i s c u r r e n t l y
COMPASS HEADING on the azimuth display.
I f "EXT:' is selected, "COMPASS HEADING" is
alwavs mdicated.
4.3 Operation . . . . . . . . . y,rq.t

-- - - .-
Various operations can be carried out using the generalGpurpose..display-and
, *
numeric keys. ......... ---- ..............
--- .
, 1

. . flii
i .. J
4.3.1; ~asicOperation
. . . . . . . . .

Pressing the llC1l.


I Wait for a command

1 +."-
- ." . ~ -a

Command entry
1 WOO" 113g11 . .
Commhd wait mode

Command execution

Change of display
Press the "E" key.
Command execution mode

Operations have two modes., thei:?*C1'.key to enter command wai
mode. In this mode, enter the command-c~e";(n~er~-~cdff6sponding to the L

desired function, then press the "E" key. z~bis-,tran$fers the mode to
command execution and the-entered command--is 'ex@cutp$ details of or;
command codes, refer to Subsection 4.3.2 ,"co&@ kode List."

<1> Command wait mode

-- ". - -* -..
Press the "C" key to return from command .
execution mode to command wait mode, ....,.
The display in this mode is shown at the*

<2> Command execution mode

Command execution mode is established by
entering a command code, then pressing
the "E" key during command wait mode. A ..
sample display for command code "00" is
shown at the right. 8.8 ..
4.3.2 Command Code List>
. s ,..
.,.- d Ilmction ".

Display of start-up mode and compass heading

&Latitude & speed) - .a
Display of gyro data
: compass heading, repeater heading, etc.
Dis~lav -
of external azimuth data
: external azimuth and deviation from true
Display of rate of turn 4-11:
: in degreedsec or degrees/min
Display of running time
: total running hours, yrosphere running 4-12'
hours, running hours Prom start-up
Display of dimmer level 4-12
Display of gyrosphere phase current,etc. 4-13
Display of software version numbers 4-14
Selection of azimuth sensor 4-I.?
- - - -

Speed setting (forspeed-error correction) 4-16

: Auto/manual selection
Latitude setting (for speed-error correction) 4-17
: Auto/rnanual selection
Automatic aligning of the master compass card.
' ' .
~anualaligning of the master compass card 4-19
Manual aligning of the repeater compass card
4-20 (
Display of control unit error information
/reset operation
Display of operation unit error information
/reset operation 1
5-4 (
Start-up timer setting 1 4-21 1
Simulated DAC output ( 6-14 1
-- - -

one-way turning of The master compass (manual 6-15

1 1
One-wa turning of the repeater compass
(manuay drive)
Resetting of the gyrosphere running time 6-17
Display of follow-up control parameters - - 6-18 '

Initialization of backup memory 6-19

Setting of the installation-error compensa-
tion value for the master compass
Setting of master compass follow-up gain 1 6-22 1
4.3.3 Numeric Data Setting

This subsectionJexplains how to enter numeric data (e.g , command code,
latitude), with refereme-goan actual example. Numeric data are entered
using numeric keys ( 0 to 9) and sign keys- (+, -, and ;') - onithe-numeric
keypad. The mode of an individual setting can be changed byApressingthe
I,I Or ~ I key.
~ W he following is an example of manually setting "latitude
- 25 degrees south" using command code "22i" .
Enter command code "22E."

Each number on the display advances

to the left by one column (to the
next digit) each time a new number
is entered.

Press the ltE1l

key. -

ConfiL.llthe<latitude-inputmode and
1atitqde:currently.onthe display
(LAT+JT: ;to indicate2automatic
latitude -input mode).

Press the "Ew key.

The ~ * symbol
= ~ ~ appears in the
left-end column on the display,
indicating that data entry is now
enabled. The "=" symbol does not
appear if data cannot be entered.

Select manual entry mode by press-

ing the *-" key (LAT.MAN: to indi-
cate manually latitude input mode)
Since a south latitude is indicated
by a minus sign (-), press the
'l+/-?Lakey. The l!+/-rJ.key;mfi;be -,rzr.
..&usedas long as ;data entry.& L
enabled.. i (North or~southlcan*;also
be selected aftes.-.the lvalue ;has .,
.been entered,-5.e. ;= after -lf25"has - -
been entered in this case.) +:

Enter "2" then "5" in this order.

If you enter an incorrect number,

press the *I-" key to move each
number on the display back one
column. This deletes the
last-entered number or sign from
the display.

Press the "E' key.

<4> Confirm the entry mode and latitude

which have been set. 8
.- . ... ..
..888 8 a .
u .


Decimal fractions, such as 0.9 and 3.82, may be entered for some settings
(e.g., simulated DAC output setting) using the same method as step <3>.
4.4 Display Ehction ..
The follovKng 7 it& can be displayed during operation for ieference:
.4:rUu41 t w k

(1) Gyro,da.ta - - -:- compass heading, =,true"heading; or repeater

- . - ,
. I

' h I C
heading ., .
I '
t , + ,

(2) External-azimuthdata ?: azimuth obtained by'an external+sensor or

deviation from true heading
(3) Rate of turn : rate of turn in degree/sec or degree/min
(4) Running time : total running hours, gyrosphere running
hours, or running hours from-start-up
(5) Dimmer level : illumination intensity
(6) Phase current etc. : gyrosphere phase current, battery voltage, or
deviation voltage
(7) Software version number
These data are displayed by entering the corresponding command codes whose
numbers are identified by "1" on the tenths place.

4.4.1 Displaying Gyro Data

Four types of gyro data, compass heading, true heading, repeater heading,,
and speed-error correction.value, can be displayed by entering command code
YOE. Press the I*-" or "-" key to change the data item on the-display.
Compass heading
(000.0 $0 3 5 9 . 9 degree)
The: compass .headingmeans the
azimuth'%obtai' the master

c \ c- >

True heading . 3

, ',?

(000.0 to 3 5 9 i 9 degree)
The 'true* obtained by
correcting the compass heading
based on the speed-error factor.

Repeater heading
(000.0 to 359.9 degree)
The repeater heading follows the
true heading. This repeater head-
ing is output to external devices.
<4> Speed-error correction value
(0.0 t o +/-12.1 degree) ..
The speed-error "correction ..+z
value is ~ a l c r i l a t e d ~ b a s eon
d- -ZEC~O
t h e l a t i t u d e and speed data
fed i n t o .fhe;gyro,system,
.. " A

The above data items a r e displayed i n ascending order (<I>,<2>, <3>, <4>,
<I> ...) each time t h e "-" key i s pressed. To reverse t h i s order, press '

t h e "+" key. > .

4.4.2 Displaying External Azimuth Data

I f azimuth data is supplied by an external sensor, t h e azimuth from t h e

e x t e r n a l sensor ( r e f e r r e d t o a s external azimuth) and t h e deviation from
t h e t r u e heading can be displayed by entering command code "11E." Press
t h e l-w o r key t o change t h e display.

el> External azimuth

(000.0 t o 395.9 degree)
The azimuth d a t a received from the
e x t e r n a l sensor is displayed.

I /

<2> Deviation from t r u e headina+

(-180.0 t o 180.0 degree)
The deviation of t h e external
azimuth f r ~t h e .t r u e heading is
displayed. . - . s

(Deviation = t r u e heading - exter-

n a l azimuth)

The above data items a r e displayed i n ascending order (<I>, <2>, el>) each
time the "-" key i s pressed. To reverse t h i s order, press the "; "
4.4.3 Displaying t h e Rate of Turn

The r a t e of t u r n is calculated based on t h e currently-selected azimuth -

(GYRO or,EXT) and can be .displayed i n e i t h e r ?,degreeIsec gr:tdegree/min ( t h e
r a t e of t u r n , . i s not displayed during one-way tw@ng&f&he master com- '
pass). press t h e o r "-" key t o change t h e data ~ * ~ 4 , d i s p l a yEnter
. -.
command code "12Ew t o enable t h i s function. I.

<I> Rate of t u r n i n degree/sec

(-12.0 t o 12.0 degree/sec)
I...r;.1.;...*%I. . .'.;"..*'.l r...1"!*. I
8.m 8
:. . . m '

Rate of t u r n i n degree/min
(-720.0 t o 720.0 degree/min)

The above data items a r e displayed i n ascending order (<I>, <2>, <I>)each
time the "-" key is pressed. To reverse t h i s order, press' t h e "-"' kye .
4.4.4 Displaying the Running Time

This function is:usefull to manage the system maintenance.

The ,following three .running times can be displayed .by'enteringcommand .code
"13E1' : total &ing holits, gyrosphere rmningahours, and running hours
fromastart-up.* ^Pressthe "-'I or 'I-" key to change the'data item
on the display.

<I> Total running hours of the system

(000000 to 999999 hours) -

<2> Running hours of the current

gyrosphere 8 8

(000000 to 999999 hours)

8 I 88. 88
8 8
"'!' :
8 888

<3> Running hours from start-up

(000000 to 999999 hours)

The above data items are displayed in ascending order (<I>, <2>, <3>, <I>
... ) each time the "-1' key is pressed. To reverse this order,>press the

4.4.5 Displaying the Dimmer Level

The illumination intensity for LEDs and backlights can be displayed by

entering command code 1114E."
4.4.6 Displaying The Gyrosphere Phase Current etc. - -' . -
The following three kypes,of ADC input d a t a c a n - b e displayed b y s n t e r i n g -
command code l S E t : gyrosphere phase c u r r e n t 4 f o r . dri.y:ing t h e gyrosphere) ,
memory,backup .-battery voltage, deviation voltage :,(between compass card and
.Press t h e "-" o r "*" key to change t h e d a t a :&em on thaAl:.

, -
<I> Gyrosphere phase c u r r e n t *'-
(0.00 t o 9.99 A)
Normal value: 0.25 t o 0.35 A

<2> Memory backup b a t t e r y voltage

(0.00 t o 9.99 V)
Normal value: 2.5 t o 4.0 V

... ..

8 8 a

Deviation voltage
(-9.99 t o 9.99 V)
Normal value: -0.4

The above data items a r e 'displayed i n ascending order (<I>,<2>, <3>, <I>
.. .) each time t h e tl-ll key i s pressed. To reverse t h i s order, press t h e
4.4.7 Displaying the Software Version Numbers * ., .-

Two ~software.xersion :numbers ( f o r software i h t h e eontrol-Pnd ,operation '

units).--!be -&splayed by. entering ' coman-d code .-n19E. . %is function; :
however,. is a o t . m e d .for ordinary operation but.~for~~maintenance,2-~ The %data
on the ' a s p l a y :can. be changed by pressing -the -"A1' or,:'-" 5 key.

<I> Version number f o r control

u n i t software
. +
8888 8 8 8
8 8

i 8 8
88 888

<2> Version number f o r operation

u n i t software
- .
4.5 Setting Function
This section describes how to set the following items to operate the
A-:TheseV>settings are 2 enabled byaenteY%ng the 'correSpondirig -
command codes-whicbr&ave4a :?2l1 inathetenths place ; : : --: ' -L.-

. -
(1) Selection of heading o
: Select- -either hea r external aziinuth.
I - . ,

(2) Speed-error correctio

:, Set the shipis speed-and latitude for speed-error correction.

(3) Automatic aligning of the master compass card reading

: The master compass card reading is automatically aligned to
the control box data.
(4) Manual aligning 'of the master compass card reading
: The master compass card reading is manually aligned to the
control box data.
(5) Manual aligning of the repeater compass card reading
: The repeater card reading is manually aligned to the data
displayed on the control box.
(6) Start-up timer setting
: Set the time duration to the system restart; the remaining
time is displayed.

4.5.1 Heading Output Selection ' , %

Either the gyro true heading or external azimuth can be select

azimuth output. Enter command code "20E1'to start this settin

lower line 'ofthe display.

- . - .,
The currentitype,of azimuth output, either "GYRO" or I'EXTll'appears on the

"GYRO" : Gyro true heading

"EXT" : External azimuth

Press the *'En key to change the azimuth output,-then.pressthe "-." or "-l1
- .azimuth output. (The lq=" sign appears if data can
key to select theidesired
be entered.) r

- *
- 0
2 %

<1> 'Gyro true hea&ngl is selected.



<2> 'External azimuth1 is selected.

To select 'gyro true heading,' press the "Em key while "GYRO" is dis layed
as shown in <1> above. To select 'external azimuth,' press the "E" Rey
while "EXT" is displayed as shown in <2>. In both cases, pressin2 the I1E1'
key completes the setting. If the "C" key is pressed instead of E," the
setting is canceled and the display returns to command wait mode.
'I.., . . ,
.' -. .
: .. * .

l . <

A speed error can be automa$ically c&r&&&blk>getting: iheshipls speed..

and latitude (refer to Appendix.1:for detailsf'ofatheprincip1e)k- Set.-the
ship's speed and latitude as follows.
- c --"
(1) Setting the ship's spged (for speedierror

Enter command code ''21EW to start the setting; 'They6urrent speed-input

mode and ship's speed will appear on the display.
' ,
The current input mode and ship's speed ,. .:
are displayed. The sample display on
the right indicates that the speed-inp
mode is now 'automatic.'

Press the "E1' key to change the input mode. Press the "-" key to select
the desired mode.

<I> Automatic input of S&~'S speed

Manual input of ship's speed

Enter the ship's speed using the

numeric :.keys.
(00 to 65 Kt)

To select automatic input, press the "E" key while "SPD.AUTV1is displayed
as shown in <I>above. To select manual input, enter the ship's speed
while "SPD.MANW is displayed, and press the "E" key.
Pressing the "C" key instead of "E" cancels the setting and returns to
command wait mode.
(2) Setting the -latitude for speed-error'correction.'
Enter command code'-rr22E*-toistart 'the'setting. The current 'iatit
appear:.on'the -display. -
mode .and.latitude .~Xll
* -, . - , - -- :
-> I e - I
,.d - , -1.

The sample display on'the~rkghti?idiL " - '"


cates that the latitude-input mode is

- now !manualv and :the-latitude-is 40 - *'*'
degrees north.'
.- - -. >

r >

- 2 i

Press the "En the input mode. Press the key to select :
the desired mode. h z

<1> Automatic input of latitude

<2> Manual -input'%

of latitide
. -

Enter the latitude using the numer-

ic kgysi and specify either north ;'
or south latitude by pressing the
1.+1 or 1 - 1 key.
(-70 to 70 degrees)
(+: North latitude;--; South lati-
> ' 4.

tude) .

ss the "El' key while "LAT.AUT1' is displayed.

, enter the latitude while
"LAT-.MANwis displayed,
and press the "Ew key. Pressing the "C" key instead of "E" cancels the
setting and returns to command wait mode.
The speed-error correction value is calculated based on this speed and
True heading (deg) = compass heading -error correction vdlue)
Speed-error corrction = ship's speed (kt) x cos (compass heading)
value (deg) 5x cos (latitude)
4.5.3 Automatic Aligning of the Master-compass Card Reading ; . - + .

This subsection describes how to -automaticallyalign:thec,actual-rmster,?.-'.i

compass card reading to the data displayed -on the conCrol&ox -t@nce d t %s
aligned, no additional settings are required unless the container unit is

setting. , % ,
moved during power failure) . ?Entercommand,code .1f23E1f,
to .start.
. - I ^

This function is required after changin gyrosphere sf mai

1 The sample display on the right
indicates the ready condition.

Press the "El' key to start the aligning operation. While aligning, the
following display <2> appears. Press the l'CW key to cancel the aligning
operation and return to command wait mode.

Aligning is now being carried out.

. 8l 8 8 8
The container unit turns once and
am 8
8 . 8
.a 88888m '#8m8.
8 # # #
automatically detects a zero point.
Even while aligning, you can cancel
the operation and return to command
wait mode by pressing the "CW key..
I "
I- "

If aligning is successfully com-

pleted, the display changes as
shown on the right. This indicates
the end of aligning. 8 8 .
8 8m _ -
' I _

' L

If the aligning operation fails (a

zero point could not be detected), . ..8 . .

the display changes as shown on the

.. .... . . .......
right. In this case, manually
m m8 8 .8. 8 .a. l 8 88
align the master compass. 8..88
a 8
m 8 m.. m
4.5.4 Manual Aligning of the Master-compass Card Reading
This~subsectiondescribes how to manually align the,actualmaster compass
card reading to the data displayed on the control box (once it is aligned,
no.additional'settings are required unless the container unit is moved
during power
. -

Enter command,code "24EU to stattf this setting. .Normally,the master " ' "

compass is aligned automatically using command code "23E." However, manual

aligning is also available as an alternative means.

Enter the master compass ear& readingi n

degrees (000'to 359 degrees) using the
numeric keys.
;: 88
8888 8 8.8
8 8 8



Press the "E" key to complete the setting and return to the entry wait
state. Press the *ICwkey instead of "E" to cancel the setting and return
to command wait mode.

For details on how the reading changes during this operation, refer to
Subsection 5.3.4, "If Deviation of Reading Occurs," or Appendix 4, "Change
in Reading during Individual Operations."
4.5.5 Manual Aligning of .the Repeater Compass Card Reading
This subsection describes,howto manually align the actual repeater compass
card reading to the data &splayed on the.-control box. Since the control
box'does not have a sensor for detecting the rehater compass,reading, it*
is necessary to manually inform the control unit of the reading when the
system is initially started (once this is set, no addhional settings are
required unless the repeater compass is moved during power failure).

Enter command code 1125E11

to start the setting.

Enter the repeater compass reading in

degrees ' (000 to 359 degrees) using the
.' .'
8 8
.ha8 '88'
8 8
.' '8
.urn .a.
numeric keys. *

Press the "Em key to complete the setting and return to the entry-wait
state. Press the I4Cwkey instead of I1EWto-cancelthe setting and return
to command wait mode.

For details on how the reading changes during this operation, refer to
Subsection 5.3.4, "If Deviation of Reading Occurs," or Appendix 4, "Change
in Reading during Individual Operations.*
4.5.6 Restart Timer Setting

The gyro system can automatically be restarted after a specified duration.

Enter command code "29EW to start this setting. The following shows how to
set an automatic restart after 12 hours:
Enter command code 'WE. "

Enter the time after which to automati-

cally restart (00 to 99 hours) using the
numeric keys.
j a

a .a.

a a
a m


.a a .mama

. ..
a a a
a a a a am.
Press the "Ew key. a
a a
m a
a .a a aaaa. a a

a am
a a
a .
a . :

Press the "E" key again.

The gyro system stops and
the timer starts instead.
The remaining time is
indicated on the display. .
Press the "C" key instead of "EW to cancel the setting and return to
command wait mode.

While the timer is counting down, only the power lamp is on and the --
remaining time is displayed; all other indicators are off. Even in this
state, however, it is possible to cancel the timer and start the system
immediately by pressing the power switch.

Never disconnect the AC power supply from the ship while
the timer is running.

This sectionndescr&es -th='

necessary -far 'a'635kL$:L$:~Y,
-*-, -
inspection' and periodik maihten+nce d+g
t k b le'f ree opefstion %f - ' t h e + ~ r o c 6 h p a s s ; -

5.1 Daily Inspection

r: *' -* ....-.
' , a- , ;1' 3 -' -" "' ' " - , s A A .
' i >.P -- p-I*, , - .. .
.-'- ' .,<I .- . r ~ . &'?,
~ Description , ':" - : Ziispectidn 9 n t e r v a l
1 ~ ~ r o s p h e 'r e , Measure t h e voltage between points ''27' Once a month (Before
driving voltage ' *and ' 2 8 1 r ~ nt h e control box terminal. - leaving port)
and c u r r e n t board TB-3, using a t e s t e r . The voltage
.must be 115 f5V.
,s Check t h e c u r r e n t using command code 15.
- The phase current must be 0.3 f0.05 A.
2 Repeater align- Confirm t h a t each repeater compass card When leaving p o r t
ment reading i s t h e same a s t h e master com-
-- pass c a r d reading.
3 Contact resis- .., Confirm t h a t t h e contact resistance of . Once a year (Before
tance of t h e "--
t h e mkster compass s l i p r i n g is loohm o-.r - leaving
.- p o r t )
s l i p ring , l e s s . "'
4 Alarm power Measure -the alarm power a t terminals P Before'leaving p o r t
supply : and N on t h e control box using a voltme- I %

t e r , and confirm t h a t t h e alarm power i s

21 V DC t o 31 V DC.

Display of
ship's speed and

Confirm t h a t t h e r e is no e r r o r i n the
-display-of t h e s h i p ' s speed and l a t i -
tude .
Azimuth _error -._ Sh-eck -by-.a s t r o ~ o m i c a lo r physical obser:

I .Once a day

-Once a- day-

vation $ t h a t t h e r e i s no A z i q t h error. :- -,.-
-.. .
.- . ,, - . I k t , . r~.-..-~) p..,.

.* The r e ~ a t e r ~ c d r i @ akligninent
ss must be checked.~wfif2e~~ru~~$eading
mode is selectedtl'fsr ;the aziquth display on' t h e ? W n t . b l box.
Repeater card readifig = compass card reading r-ipe&d-errtrrG
a correction .valPe,. ..The compass card reading -aM,t e p e a t e r ICard f

reading ( t r u e beading) a r e not the same except *hewthe Ship1s speed

is {zerolor. t h e ship is heading due east, o r w e ~ t . ~ : ~ ~ - ~n?o
f-$ f
... - . - -- --
r r I
a ''I

-..- ? j
5.2 Periodic ~aint&na&e -,. ."C -+ C P
" j $ '

--a- - t
Periodic maintenance must be performed once a year as'-foll6ws: i
,. , -(-

- Items ~ e s c r i p t i o n ,'; . I

1 Gyrosphere Clean t h e electrode, replace t h e * i f i r s t i p h a s i mercury and

i n s u l a t i n g liquid, and clean theamercury pot.
2 Container/Gimbal Clean t h e inside of t h e container and,the electrode.
1 3 1 Supporting l i q u i d I Replace
4 S l i p r i n g and brush Clean
. - I
Note : Refer t o Section 6.2 i n t h i s manual f o r d e t a i l s on overhaul and
5.3 Troubleshooting .-., , :-., 4 % - vi

This section explains how to confirm the errpr,c@es- when an,error oc-_
curs,and descrives the meanings of error codes-
, and., necessary'action.. .-
h - ' .

5.3.1 Confirming The Error Codes

"13 : 8

If an error occurs, it may be identified from the error code which appears
on the display of the control box. There-are twomtypes-'of'code+:"'one-is-for
errors detected during self-TEST in the -cant-rol-mit- (displayed-using<---
command code 26); the other is for errors detected duping self-TEST'in the
operation unit (displayed using command code 27). First, enter command
code "26E" to check control unit error codes. If an.errorcede for a
detected error is '074, for example, this error occurred in the operationJ
unit. Enter command code "27E1'to obtain further details of this error.

Error Description Error - Description

code (operation unit error) code (operation unit error)
10 ROM failure 22 . Contr~l.unit transmission
11 RAMfailure overrun
20 Control unit transmission 23" control unit framing error
time-out 24 , Control,unit checksum
21 Control unit transmission 30 --.Switchfailure
r i - .
response error

- --

Error Description Description

code (control -uniterror) - unit error)
- - -
Gpsphere failure &i&er.-compass +is-- .
Inverter failure alignment c: - . .
ROM failure ;Serial port 1 time-out
RAM failure Serial :port 1:overrun
Backup battery failure - Serial port 1 -framing
Operation panel 1 , .SerSal'port"l-parity
failure Ser3al port 2-"checksum-
Operation panel 2 Serial port 2 time-out
failure ' Serial ,port 2 overrun
Operation panel BdriaP"pdrt 2 framing -
3/remote panel Serial port 2 parity
time-out serial port 2 checksum
Operation panel .Serialport 3 time-out-
3/remote panel overrun :Serialport 3 verrun '
Operation panel :serialport 3 framing
3/remote panel framing Serial port 3 parity
Operation panel Serial port 3 checksum
3/remote panel Speed-error correction
checksum error
Operation panel
3/remote panel failure
(1) Control Unit Error Codes

Control unit .errorcodes can be comfkrmed~singcommand :code "26Ew<



Enter c o k d ~ o d e ~ V . 6 ~ ; ~ .
A sample display is.-sh~wn'~on the I

- right. -

\ :A

The detected error is identified by

the corresponding error code and
the I > ' mark in the left-end column ., *
on the lower line of the display.

Error codes are displayed in sequence each time the I-' or '-I key is

This code indicates an error which

has already been returned to normal
condition. -Afterconfirming the
code, press the "E" key to reset

The sample'display on the right

indicates that there'is no error.
r e =

(Refer to Subsection-5.3.2 (1) for details ;onsthe"meaning" of error codes,

probable causes, and remedies.) , . ? , . b , L - > r + ; . - . < > :F1-
(2) Operation Unit Error Codes I .,

Operation unit error codes can be cornfirmed using commandrcode ,n27E"las *:2

Enter command code "27E."

A sample display is'shown.n. the
right. . ,
The detected error is identified by
the corresponding error code and
the mark in the left-end column
on the lower line-ofthe display.

Error codes are displayed in sequence each time the

or - key is

This code indicates an error which

has already been returned to normal
condition. After confirming the
code, press the "En key to reset

The sample display,on the right

indicates that there is no error.

(Refer to Subsection 5.3.2 (2) for details on the meaning ofarror codes,^^
probable causes, and remedies.) . ~
5.3.2 Error Code Data and Remedies - - -

The error codes, meanings, and remedies.are summarized 9nto errors occur-

ring --inthe 1 unit and in the operation unit respectively.

. -?

(1) Control rrors

The following errors are detected during self n the control

unit. Enter command code "26EW while in command wait mode to display the
error codes.

Code Error Description Probable Causes . Remedies
~yros~here failure; Excessive current Replace the
the phase current flowed due to a gyrosphere.
conthued above defect in the
0.35 A for at least gyrosphere
20 minutes.
Inverter failure;
the phase current
. power
Defect in the
supply unit
. the
Check the output of
power supply
continued below 50 in the inverter unit (between
mA for at least 3 section TB3.27 and 28, 100
to 115 V AC).
. tween
Disconnection be-
the control <See Section 4.2 in
box and master Appendix 4.>
compass -
'. Check

the wiring '

and connections
between TB3.27 and
<See Section 4.2 in
Appendix 4.>
* ."
A defect in the - Replace the main '
memory element assembly .unit
RAM failure; A defect in the Replace the main
read/write error in memory element assembly unit
the RAM (V8110AJ) . - -
Backup battery The memory backup Replace the main
failure; the volt- battery has run assembly unit
age of the memory down. (Backup (V8110AJ).
backup battery battery life: at
dropped below 2.5 least 10 years in
v. unenergized state)
Code Error Description
Probable Causes (
070 (For&peration panel TYPE 3) .: 9
, v .
I - & - %

072 . *

switch on the
operation panel
080 Master compass mis-
alignment; the zero
A defect in the
zero-point sensor
. check the
zero-point sensor
point of master compass unit , unit and replace
could not be detected. if necessary.
. Manually align
the master com-
pass using com-
mand code 24.

090 Failure in serial port 1 Input to TB1-16

(RDlA) and TB1-35

-" I <See Section 4.2 in

Appendix 4.>

; trans- Disconnect be- Check .the wiring
- - -- - - mis- tween the control-- b e t w e e h e control
." -14.c. sion box and the box-~a&%he con-
-J .< ?- . stoppe connected device "necte@.tleid+e.

d for .3
-- --- ten
- . times
I trans-
-- --&


091 Overrun error Error detected Check the connected

three time in device.
092 succession
. 'I .. I
Probable Causes , Remedies
~ a i h r e n d ns e r i a l port 2 " 'I'liput t o TB1-15
(RD2A) and TB1-34
<See Section 4.2 .in
Appendix 4.>

Time-out; Disconnect be- check the-wiring

', .trans&ssion tween the control between the control
I _,,-times
'mission period.
Over& e r r o r
stopped f o r t e n . box and the
.-the-trans- . ~ 0 ~ e c t device

Error detected
box and t h e con-
nected device. -

Check t h e connected
t h r e e ttrnes i n device.
Framing e r r o r succession
Parity error
Checksum e r r o r
F a i l u r e - i n s e r i a l port 3 Input t o TB1-14
(RD3A) and TB1-33
- A
<See Section 4.2 i n
Appendix 4.>
Disconnect be- Check the wiring
tween the control between the control

stopped f o r ten box and the box and t h e con-
times the trans- connected device nected device.
mission period.
over? error Error detected . Check ,the 'connected
three times i n - device.
Framing e r r o r succession

For ;automatk '

,+Check the con-
input : -netted device and
The ship1s t h e wiring.
speed o r the'
latitude sianal <see Section 4.2
stopped. .' - i n Appendix 4 . >
For manual input:
The ship's
. means
A s an a l t e r n a t i v e
of automat-
speed o r the i c input, manual-
l a t i t u d e has l y e n t e r the
not yet been ship's speed o r
entered. the l a t i t u d e
using command
code 2 1 o r 22.
(2) Operation Unit Errors -- - -

The following errors are-detectedduring self-TEST in the operation unit.

- Enter command
, . - c0@*27~"-~hile.
LY-i in -icitnand%ait mode,b~dis~l~f %he error
codes. -!

- '

Error I
Code ~rror-
pescription - Probale Causes ' -'"-I^

. . "; kemedies
10 I ROM failure; A defect in the , Replace the opera-
checksum error in the memory element tion panel unit
ROM (V8llOKU) .
memory element
the RAM

I - - - ...

I1 Appendix
20 Transmission failure between the control See Section 4.2 in
box and operation panel 4.

Time-out; Disconnect be- Check the wiring in

transmission tween the opera- the cable'assembly
stopped .for 10 tion panel and . ', -(V8110BD)!
A main assembly.
-. . a.

, . -7 6

No-response; - -. - -1 f; -.
there- was :n~ 5 :%r
response 'to.a -* -. , . - -.,iI 4+-
.--. -
request to the -- -- -- .t 1
r- .
main assembly. - I
ci ;
-- ..-. - - - ".. . -. , - .-r .ubu-.*.

22 Overrun error Error detected ~epl&&";,the main

three times in assembly,q i t
23 :
Framing error succession -:c -'(V8llPAJ)

24 Checksum error
30 Failure in a switch on A defect in a Replace the opera-
the operation panel; switch on the tion panel
the switch was held operation panel (V8110KU)
down for 1 minute or

- -
5.3.3 If No-voltage Alarm Occurs > .. - > ,

If the onboard AC power the gyro :system.fa-k2s,ithe no-voltage

alarm lamp on the operation panel starts flickering and a buzzer sounds.
All other indicators (except PWR LED) go out, and the gyro system stops.
If the no-voltage state continues, press the buzzer stop switch ^to stop the
buzzer sound and the alarm lamp from flickering. (Ifrthe gyro system is
equipped with the backup battery, a buzzer sounds but the system continues
to operate normally even if anbACpower failure occurs.)

Troubleshooting Flow

Is the voltage between the onboard

power supply terminals U and V in
the control box normal?

Yes No
* Recover the onboard
Power S ~ P Q ~ Y .-

Have F1 and F2 fuses in the con

box blown ? -

Check the short


short. I * Noshort I
Possible break in the control box Please contact
wiring. Please contact our ser- our service
vice division. division.
5.3.4 If Off-Set Error Occurs

The following shows the normal state of each reading and azimuth:

During navigation

Shipl s Repeater Repeater Repeater Master Master

heading compass compass compass compass compass
card card reading reading card
reading reading I I reading
Control box digital reading
a = speed-error correction + installation-error compensation

During berthing

Ship1s Repeater Repeater Repeater Master Master

heading compass compass compass compass compass
card card . reading reading card
reading reading L I reading
Control box digital reading
b = installation-error compensation

* The repeater compass reading and master compass reading can be dis-
played on the general-purpose display by using command code 10, or on
the azimuth display using the mode select switch.
* The speed-error correction value can be displayed on the
general-purpose display using command code 10, or on the azimuth
display using the mode select switch.
The installation-error compensation value can be displayed on the
general-purpose display using command code 37, or on the azimuth
display using the mode select switch. The relationship between the
repeater and master compass reading is shown below:
Repeater compass reading
= master compass reading -t {-(speed-error correction value)
+ (installation-error compensation value)]
* The ships heading, repeater compass card reading, and repeater compass
reading should be the same.
Use the following procedure to check and correct any deviation: I s-r'\iit

- 1,->J'c:, '

Set the ship's speed to '0 kt1

using command code 20.

* The compass readings and azimuths are

as follows: i

' To make

Reading of each repeater Master compasS

compass card reading

Set the installation error to

* Record the current installation-

error value, and enter it again-after
the deviation has been corrected.
To make
I * All readings must,be the Wame.

* The current reading appears on the

general-purpose display as shown below:

"** *" : Current reading

* At this time, the zero point is output to

each instrument; thus each reading should
be ***.00 deg.

* Check that the readings of all the instruments

are the same. If not, correct the deviation
according to the procedures given on the
following pages.
The figure below the decimal point is not '00' in a repeater compass


Repeater compass Repeater compass 1 Repeater compass 2

reading a t control box card reading: card reading :
123.00 deg 123.00 deg 123.40 deg

In this case, repeater compass 2 has a defect (e.g., deviation of

the synchro-motor zero point). Overhaul and

The integer part of a repeater compass reading is not correct.


Repeater compass: Repeater ccanpass 1 Repeater compass 2

reading a t control box card reading: card reading:
247.00 deg 247.00 deg 249.00 deg
. I
Adjust the reading of repeater compass 2 to the other repeater
compass reading (repeater compass reading) in the following

-<Manual alignment of repeater reading>

Loosen the nut in the middle of the face glass of the repeater
Put an appropriate size of minus screwdriver in the slit
on the plug in the middle of the face glass.
Turn the plug while pressing it with the screwdriver, and set
the repeater'compass reading to the master compass reading.
Remove the screwdriver from the plug. Then, securely tighten
the nut until the plug is raised.
All repeater compass card readings deviate by the s q e amount from the
.,repeatercompass reading at the control box. ,.

Repeater Repeater Repeater Repeater

compass reading: compass 1: compass 2: compass 3:
card reading: card seading: card reading:
15.00 deg 18 .OO deg 18.00 deg 18.00 deg -

Manually enter $18' using command code 25 (manual alignment

of repeater compass) to adjust all the repeater compass
readings to the repeater compass reading.
The readings will change as follows:

Repeater Repeater Repeater Repeater

compass reading: compass 1: compass 2: compass 3:
card reading card reading card reading
15.00 deg 15.00 deg - 15.00deg - 15.00 deg
. ,
The repeater compass-readings, repeater compass readin(), and master - - -
compass reading are all the same, but they are not equal to the n&ster
compass card reading.

Master Master Repeater

compass compass compass
315.00 deg 317.00 deg 317.00 deg

Repeater Repeater Repeater

compass 1 card reading: compass 2 card reading: compass 3 card reading:
317.00 deg 317.00 deg 317.00 deg

Adjust all the repeater compass card readings, repeater compass

reading and master compass reading to the master compass card reading
using either of the following methods:
* Use command code 23 (master compass automatic alignment).
* Manually enter '315' using command code 24 (master compass manual
alignment) .
The following is the result of this operation:

Master Master Repeater

compass compass compass
card reading: reading: reading:
315.00 deg 315.00 deg 315.00 deg

Repeater Repeater Repeater

compass 1 card reading: compass 2 card reading: compass 3 card. -reading:
315.00 deg 315.00 deg 315.00 deg

If other deviations 'occur frequently after a deviation has been

corrected as described above, refer to Subsection 5.3.7, "If follow-up
error occurs" in this manual.
For details on a change in each reading caused by command codes 23,
24, or 25, refer to "How to Correct a Deviation" on the subsequent
pages, "Function Block Diagram" in Appendix
." 3.
, ',;-if,
How t o Correct a Deviation -.._ . , * ~

The t a b l e below shows how t o ,check deviations -of- indiv$gual- rea* and
how t o a d j u s t a l l the readings 'to the master compass card reading, with
reference t o t h e example given i n the table.
Inc ridual r e r
Master Waster Repeater Repeat- Repeater Other
compass eoqass eompass coplpass comaass repeater
NO. Operation and display card reading reading card' card compass
(digital) (digital) reading reading card
(for (port readings
1. Initial s t a t e 263.2 - 265.2 - 265.2 -

. Each reading follows the 263.3 265.3 265.3 265.3

~ v e m e n t(heading) of the

. Both the speed-error correc-

tion and installation-error
campensation are ' 0 . "
Therefore, a l l the readings
must be identical t o each
other i n the norm1 state.
3ecking the deviation of each
Stop a l l the ampass ope+ations,
and check the deviation from the
naster compass card reading a s

the E key in t h i s order.


Stops a t Stops a t Stops a t stops a t stops a t stops a t

263.0 265.0 265.0 265.0 267.0 269.0

The other Deviates Agrees Agrees kviates Deviates Deviates

. The figure below the decimal readings by 2.0 with the with the >y 0.5 by 2.0 by 4.0
point becomes *.0OR in a l l
readings, and the f o l l a r u p
operations stop. with this from the compass cornpa- E r a the from the from the
reading. master reading reading. ugital digital digital
. The difference between each conpass
since the
reading and the raster wmpass
compass card reading gives reading. or cor- reading. reading. reading.
the size of the deviation. rection
tion are
Operation and display readiad

brrecting deviations ;
(1) Equalize all the repeater
coplpaas card readings.
Set them to -269.0" accord-
ing to the instructions in
Subsection 6.2.4. If the
f i w e in the decimal place
docs not k a m e *.OOw in a
repeater ccmapass card read-
;tops at Adjusted
ing, there may be a defect 265.0 to 269.5
in that repeater compass.
Overhaul and adjust it. In The fig-
this example, the port-wing ure below
repeater compass needs the deci-
adjusting internally. @a1 point
is not
".0OW due
to a
defect in
the re-
ind ad-
just it.

'2) Make all the repeater cmn-

pass card readings ('269.0-
at present) follow the
digital repeater compass

I> nanuaiiy align the r+peater

u, 8, B,
compass card readings.

Press then

the E key (refer to

Subsection 4.5.5 for de-



. The digital repeater compass

and all the repeater oom- tops at tops at tops at
passes indicate their ap- 69.0 69.0 59.0
proximate value with e . ~ ~ -

in the decimal places, then

their follow-up operations
tidual readings

Repeat< Repeatel
Operation and display
compaa compass
catd catd
readin reading
(for (port

MViga wing)
a Enter the integer part of
the repeater compass card

the E key.


. reading
The digital repeater compas
changes once to
tops at
;tops at
itops at
Stops at

I> R&UM to cormnand wait mode

Press the C key.


. The digital repeater compass tops at tops -at itops at
reading follows the digital
master compass reading.
65.0 65.0
i65.0 !

. All the repeater compasses

are driven according to a
change in the digital re- i
peater compass reading.

. These operations are per-

formed instantaneously.

. The digital repeater compass

reading and all the repeater
compass card readings now
agree with the digital
master compass reading.
- Othet
c"=wsa rep"?
card card
red* ' card


(31 Adjust the digital aaster

- -

reading, d i g i m
repeater ~ M reading,
and a l l the repeater compas.
card readings to the master
conpa- card reading.

. master
Aut-tically align the

<I> - B, 8,8,
compass card reading
using camand code 23.


Subsection 4.5.3 for de-



. their
All the compasses indicate -
approximate value wiU Stops a t stops a t Stops a t stops a t Stops a t stops a t ;tops a t
".OOn i n the decimal places,
then their follow-up
tions stop;
- opera-
263.0 265.0


265.0 265.0 265.0

ing m
Press the E key.


$ 2

. reading
master compass card .
and digital master
- - - - - -
reading s t a r t t o 302.0
collpass 1 1
- - - - - -
. for aaster 002.0

-I I-
The compass searches
the zero point (slit
position) .
- -
182.0 -
. cessfully
If the zero point is suc-
detected, the fol-
- - - - - -
275.0 265.0 265.0
lowing appears on the dis-
play and the compass opera-
tion stops.


hen, the f o l l o r u p operation
Waster Waster
Repeate. Repeatel
- Other
=-w=J compass compass repeate
, card readfnp Card card eompasc
(digital reading reading card
(for (port

. reading
The r a s t e r compass card


follows the headins 265.3 265.3 '265.3
of t h e ship.

. The d i g i t a l master conpass -I- -I- -I-

reading follows t h e master
compass card reading.
- - - - - -
265.2- 2653-
. reading
The d i g i t a l repeater eompas

follows the d i g i t a l - -
=aster compass reading. 263.2- 263.2-
263.3 263.3
. A l l t h e repeater compasses -
a r e driven according t o a
change i n the d i g i t a l re-
peater campass reading.
Therefore, the d i g i t a l
master compass reading,
d i g i t a l repeater compass
reading. and a l l the repeat.
e r compass card readings n o 1
agree with t h e master comr
Pass card reading.

I f t h e zero point cannot be

detected, the following ap-
pears on the display.


I t h i s case, manually align the
lster compass card reading,
ling coxunand code 24 (refer t o
rbsection 4.5.4 for d e t a i l s ) .

(1) Both the mast&

If One-way ~urning'Occurs

direction regardless of the heading o

Troubleshooting Flow

and: reieate

and -31 i n the gyro control

(Please refer to Appendix 4 - 6 )




"One-way turningw means that the gyrocompass card continues-changing in one

Please contact our

service division.

Possible break i n the

wiring i n the container
unit or disconnect betw-
een brush and s l i p ring.
Please contact our


Possible break i n the

_wiring between the gyro
"control box and the-
terminal on the master
Repair the break.

, A
(2) Only repeater compass is turning in one direction:

Is t h e v o l t a g e between
TB3-OR1 and -OR2 i n t h e
g y r o c o n t r o l box +15V f5V

Check t h e s h o r t c i r c u i t .
Turn t h e m a s t e r compass
i n one d i r e c t i o n u s i n g Remove t h e e x t e r n a l
I No s h o r t
c a r r p ~ n dcode 32, and c a b l e from t h e t e n n i n a l Replace
check t h e v o l t a e betwee board (TB3-OR1 and a ) . contact t h e fuse.
TB3-OS1 and
between TB3-2
-1, and
and -3.
Is t h e v o l t a e between
t e r m i n a l s OR? and OR2

Does t h e v o l t a e swin i n +15V i5V division.

t h e range o f +I5 t o + B ~ V .
Yes Yes I Possible defect
i n the
Please contact
o u r service
Is t h e r e a n d e f e c t
(e. , s t i c z i n g )
i n ?he follow-up
Check t h e follow-up
a e a r mechanism I n svnchro l i n e i n t h e
I f h e master

our defect.
service If it
division. cannot be
division. I Possible d e f e c t i n

Synchro Motor Inspection

<I> Turn off the power supply to the gyrocompass.

<2> Disconnect the cable (OR1, OR2, OS1, OS2, and OS3) which comes from
the control box. Measure the resistance of the coil in the synchro
motor while rotating the synchro motor shaft.

OS1-0S2 : Each resistance must be almost the same and in

0S2-0S3 the range of 500 to 900ohm.

OR1, 0R2-OS1, OS2, 0S3 : 00 ORt

OR1, OR2-Synchro motor case : 0 os2
OS1, OS2, 0S3-Synchro motor case : w
5.3.6 If Follow-up Error Occurs

"Follow-up error" means that the repeater compass does not correctly follow
a change in the master compass card.

Troubleshooting Flow

Follow-up Error in Repeater Compass


Measure the voltage between
R1 and R2 i n the repeater
compass having the follow-up
Is the voltage +15V f 5 V

Has the fuse (R2 line)

yes I
Have the fuses ($1 and S2
lines1 b l m ?

Please contact our

Check the short circuit. service division.
Turn the repeater compass i n
one direction using connuand Check the short circuit.
contact code 33, and measure the
voltage between S1 and S3,
service and between S2 and S3. Short No short
division. Does the voltage swing in the
range of +34 t o +41V Please Replace
contact the fuse.

Possible defect
i n the repeater
compass. Please
- Yes No our

contact our t
service division.
II Check the synchro motor in
the repeater cmpass.

Please refer to Appendix 4 Wiring Diagrams.


1 i
IAny operation described i n this section m u s t be carried out by personnel 1
lof YOKOGAWA-AUTHORIZED service station or with the asistance of our
Iservice enginers.
6.1 Installation Notes
The yrocompass system must be installed carefully with special attention
to tf!e points described in the followin subsections in order to ensure
accurate, trouble-free operation for a ong time and to facilitate mainte-
6.1.1 Vibration Resistance
Securely reinforce the following floors and walls to prevent resonant
vibration with the hull: the floors on which the master compass, a horizon-
tal stand is installed; the walls on which a control box, horizontal
bracket, course recorder, digital repeater or other equipment is installed.
6.1.2 Parallel Alignment of Lubber Lines
The lubber line of the master corn ass and that of the re eater compass
mounted on a horizontal stand or Eracket must be paralle to the
bow-to-stern line of the ship within a tolerance of f0.2 degrees. This
parallel alignment is the basis for the accuracy of azimuth measurement.
6.1.3 Service Areas
Adequate space should be provided to allow for easy operation and mainte-
nance. The figures given below show the necessary service areas.
(1) Master Compass

(2) Control Box

A 100 MIN

< V i e w from X or Y>

6.1.4 No Megger Test
To avoid degradation of electronic parts, the master compass and control
box must not be subjected to insulation resistance tests and a megger test .
6.2 Overhaul and Assembly
This section describes how to overhaul and assemble the master compass.

6.2.1 Precautions on Overhaul

(1) Do not overhaul the master compass or remove the gyros here within 90
minutes after the gyrocompass power has been turned of?.:
(2) Before starting overhaul, tidy the work area, secure there is enough :
lighting, and get all the necessary tools ready. Use the right size
of screwdrivers and wrenches to avoid damaging screws and nuts.
(3) Overhaul in the following manner to make easy reassembly:
. must
Before staqtin overhaul put marks on the points where components
be allgnea with each other.
.. Temporarily insert removed screws in the holes where they belong.
Place removed components on clean paper or cloth in the order that
they were removed.
. When djsconnecting wires, record the wire colors or put a mark on
each w u e .
(4) Do not overhaul unnecessary sections; overhaul only the minimum.
(5) Never overhaul the gyrosphere.

2 Installing the Gyrosphere

Remove the front cover, and discon- 4-p.
nect the 4-P connector from the conn
container unit. (The 4-P connector
is attached at 90-degree (east)
position of the compass card. If
you cannot reach the connector,
turn the container slowly by hand.)

(2) Loosen the 2 screws (at the N and S

positions) which fasten the air
(3) Holding the container securely, t u r n it anticlockwise and remove it from
the stopper. Be careful not t o drop t h e container unit.

(4) Remove the 8 screws from t h e outer edge of the container.

(5) Remove the a i r chamber by l i f t i n g it up t o avoid the knock pin a t the

edge of the container. ' '

(6) Remove the rubber cover.

Remove t h e cap.

(8) Remove t h e c e n t e r p i n from t h e gimbal ring.

(9) Remove t h e 2 f a s t e n i n g screws from t h e gimbals.


Fastenling scr

Outer gimbal

(10) Wipe your hands clean with a supporting l i q u i d .

(11) Clean t h e s u r f a c e of t h e gyrosphere with a t h i n c l o t h dampened i n a

supporting l i q u i d . Also clean t h e i n s i d e of t h e container and cap
cover i n t h e same way.

(12) Clean t h e mercury pot i n t h e gyrosphere and t h e t i p of t h e center p i n

with a t h i n c l o t h .
(13) Slowly pour supporting liquid into the container up to the top of the
outer gimbals (approx. 2.4 liters).

.:. ,. .

Outer gimbals

Inner ginibals

Check that the lead wire between the outer and inner gimbals is
perpendicular to the outer gimbals. If it is inclined to the insi
or outside, the wire may touch the inside of the container or the
gyrosphere, reducing the accuracy. If the lead wire is inclined,
correct it, taking care not to break it.

Lead wire between

the outer and inner


Inner gimbals

(15) Hold the gyrosphere and slowly insert it in the gimbal ring while
tilting the inner gimbals. Since the surface of the gyrosphere is
slippery, take care when holding it. To hold it more securely, hold --
the lower part of the equator ring.
Slightly tilt the gyrosphere while taking care not to damage the
electrode at the bottom, and pour supporting liquid in the funnel
(16) Wipe o u t water from t h e center-pin hole area on t h e i n n e r W'nbal r i n g
with a t h i n c l o t h , then i n s e r t t h e c e n t e r pin.

(17) Mercury i s supplied i n a small g l a s s b o t t l e , with an aluminum s e a l on-

top. Remove t h e s e a l and t h e rubber cap, i n s e r t a syringe needle,
suck up a l l t h e mercury (0.3 cc), then syringe it i n t o t h e mercury p o t
(up t o t h e t o p of t h e metal p a r t ) .

(18) I n s u l a t i n g l i q u i d is a l s o supplied i n a small g l a s s b o t t l e . Similar-

l y , remove t h e aluminum s e a l from t h e t o p of t h e b o t t l e and remove t h e
rubber cap, i n s e r t a syringe needle, suck up a l l t h e i n s u l a t i n g l i q u i d
(1.0 cc), then slowly syringe t h e l i q u i d out onto t h e mercury. Take
c a r e not t o allow t h e needle t o touch t h e mercury.
2.0 cc syringe

Insulating l i q u i d
Reinstall the cap slowly. Align the notch on-the:
trode (the knock pin to the right or must be aligned
with the mark on the cap).


Adjust the amount of s

shown below.

Inner gimbal ring

located in the middle.. If

balanced properly. Check


must come out '

Reinstall the cover.
(23) R e i n s t a l l t h e a i r chamber.

(24) Align t h e knock pin, then f a s t e n t h e a i r chamber with t h e 8 screws.

(25) R e i n s t a l l t h e container i n t h e master compass u n i t .

The container
must be attached t o t h e damper s e c t i o n with t h e 4-P connector posi-
tioned a t East (90 degree).

(26) Tighten t h e screws a t t h e N and S positions.

(27) Connect t h e 4-P connector, and r e i n s t a l l the f r o n t cover.

6.2.3 Replacing the Repeater Compass Lamps
(1) Place a repeater compass on a late, with its compass card face down.
Put alignment marks on the botfom cover and the body.
(2) Remove the 8 screws from the bottom cover.
(3) Separate the bottom cover from the body by lifting it up.
- (4) Replace the lamps.
(5) Align the marks and tighten the 8 screws.

Further overhaul should be avoided as much as possible. If it is

required on board, overhaul the unit very carefully making sure that
you can reassemble it completely. If you need any assistance, please
contact our service division.

6.2.4 Aligning the Repeater Compass Card Reading

In general, once the indication of the repeater compass (including the
control box with speed-error correction) 1s aligned to the master compass,
no more adjustments are required. However, it 1s advisable to make sure
the two compasses are aligned before starting operation.
(1) Loosen the nut in the middle of the face glass of the repeater compass
(2) Put an appropriate size of minus screwdriver in the slit on the plug
in the middle of the face glass.
(3) Turn the plug while pressing it with the screwdriver, and set-the
repeater compass card reading to the master compass card reading.
(4) Remove the screwdriver from the plug. Then, securely tighten the nut
until the plug 1s raised.
- The above aligning must be done while the gyrocompass is operating. (If a
control box with speed-error correction is used, specify "0" as the set
6.2.5 Supporting Liquid

Approximately 2.4 l i t e r s of supporting l i q u i d a r e used i n t h e master

compass u n i t , and f u r t h e r 3 l i t e r s of supporting l i q u i d are provided f o r
spare. Contact Yokogawa f o r f u r t h e r supplies. Supporting l i q u i d should
always be s u p p l i e d by Yokogawa, but i n unavoidable circumstances, you may
prepare supporting l i q u i d a s follows:

D i s t i l l e d water 1.8 4 I
<I> Put t h e each m a t e r i a l i n d i s t i l l e d

1 Glycerin
Benzoic a c i d
145 c c
3-2 1
water a t t h e s p e c i f i e d r a t e . Heat t h e
mixture up t o 80 t o 90degC u n t i l t h e
benzoic a c i d dissolves i n t h e s o l u t i o n .

Note : I f t h e s p e c i f i c g r a v i t y of t h e prepared l i q u i d d e v i a t e s from t h e .

value shown below, add g l y c e r i n o r d i s t i l l e d water t o make f i n e

Temperature Specific gravity

15 OC 1.0230 i 0.001
20 "C 1.0220 f 0.001
25 "C 1.0208 f 0.001
30 "C 1.0193 i 0.001

<2> Put s u r f a c t a n t i n t h e l i q u i d prepared i n s t e p <1>a t t h e r a t e of 2.4

l i t e r s of s o l u t i o n t o 1 . 2 g of s u r f a c t a n t .
surfacant: DIYJ?LOILE (maker: Daikin)

<3> Deaerate t h e l i q u i d prepared i n s t e p <2> through vacuum evaporation

f o r 20 seconds.
6.3 Selection of System Operation (Dip-switch Setting) . , "

The following functions of the gyrocompass systm can be set using

the dip switch located on the printed circuit 'Qard of
the main-assembly
,-@.*.-w- &* ,-> .%.

unit. The table below shows-the functions andfe6'rresyJoRding-switch

settings. I
- -
I .

> < ' 7

I Function ei.'f

2 DC backup Use
Normal mode

3 Selection of speed input signal Serial input Pulse input
1 Fixed to OFF

4 - 8 I Fixed

Normal mode/Maintenance mode selection

The performance of the system cannot be guaranteed if some maintenance

function command code 30 to 39 is carried out during ordinary opera-
tion. The maintenance functions should not be used during ordinary

DC backup

This setting specifies whether DC backup is to be provided or not in

the -eventof an AC power failure. If ithis switch.:is'set to ON
( 'use ) ,,the. gym system can operate without interxkption even .during
an ACC fjower';failuke. If 'the switch is set .~O:OFF' ( 'not uG1-fionly

the7digitalcircuits.including the alarm circuit are backed up.


<3> Selection of speed

. signal
This setting selects,-thetype of speed input signal which is necessary
for calculating the-speed-errorcorrection. Either serial input or - -
pulse input can be selected. If serial input is selected, input is
provided based on the setting of serial port generation. If pulse
input is selected, input is provided at the rate of 200 pulses/nm.
<Location of Dip Switch>

'Main power switch

~ a i nassembly unit

Dip switch

If dip switch No.1 is set to ON,

the maintenance functions (command
codes 30 to 39) are enabled.
6.4 Maintenance Command Codes ! I + _ _ C. . ,

descr$Qq, tk,conqnapd ;c.He,sLwh&h ..are.=used*dqringaaintenance

. d,-.
This se~CioIX
(t&se code9 m%&.g+&
..- p r o ~ ~t h~ ee If6110wing
i.l?sed-inpqdinary i g p e r - i o n ) r.jT& maintenance ;
9 fpnctions : - , z y o * ., - ..

(1) Simulated DAC output

* (2) Manual d r i v e of master compass (one-way turning)
(3) Manual +drive'of r e e a t e r compass (one-way t h i n g ) '

. (4 1 ~ u n n i n 'time
~ reset ..
( 5 ) ~ i s ~ l of' a y folliw-up control parameters
(6) I n i t i a l i z a t i o n of backup memory
( 7 ) Setting of master compass installation-error cornpens
(8) Setting of master compass follow-up gain

The maintenance command code numbers a r e i d e n t i f i e d by "3" i n t h e tenths

place. Before using any of these command codes (30 t o 39), s e t the d i p
switch No. 1, located i n t h e control box, t o "ON." The location of t h e d i p
switch is shown i n t h e figures i n Subsection 6.3.
6.4.1 Simulated DAC Output

A simulated output of any of the following signals can be selektetl using

this function: analog heading signal, analog quadrant signal, Br analog
rate-of-turn signal. Enter the command code "31EV1to enable this function.

Press one of the following keys to

select a channel from which a simulated
signad is output:

' 0 ' key : Analog heading signal (HDG)

' 1' key : Analog quadrant signal (QUD)
'2' key : Rate-of-turn signal (ROT)

After selecting a channel, press the "E" key. The'next step is to specify
the voltage of the simulated output. If you select an incorrect channel
and press the "E" key, the display returns to channel setting mode again.
Pressing the "C" key instead of "E" cancels the selected channel and
returns the display to command wait mode.

Enter the desired voltage of the

simulated output using the numeric
keys and sign keys (period, plus,
or minus).
(-5.00 to 5.00 V ) .

Press the "En key to allow the specified signal voltage to be output from
the specified channel. If the "C" key is pressed instead of "E", the
setting is canceled and the display returns to command wait mode. You can
also return to the DAC channel setting mode by pressing the "4' key.

Once a channel enters the simulated output state, it remains in this state
until this command is canceled by the "C" key. Therefore, it is possible
to put all three channels in the simulated output state.
6.4.2 One-way Turning of t h e Master Compass - -, . . -."
2 ,.

This subsection describes t h e .one-way turning .Of t h e master~eanpasswhich

is done t o check t h e .,op.erati~n;~of,.the &~llow-up system, !s T&iz+functio
causes t h e container, to: st9p :following ,the. gyrosphere; and-zopite , a t
specified angular speed .(Q.fto$12 de.gree/sec, .i n J. degree .incr&ent
During t h i s operation, .,;the .repeater compass ;remains ' stopped: One-way
. .turning. is performed -by~speciZykng: a n kurning speed.mEnter command=-code*.
"32EW t o enable t h e function.
- The turning speed is indicated on
the upper l i n e . - The :vakue,oE 0 -
degree/sec appears' immediately
a f t e r t h e command code is -entered.
The master compass card reading i s
displayed on t h e lower l i n e .

The turning speed increases by 1

degree/sec each time the "-" key is
pressed. Similarly, pressing t h e
"-" key decreases t h e turning speed
by 1 degree/sec.
(-12 degree/sec t o 12 degree/sec.
No minus s i g n i s displayed.)
The value on t h e lower l i n e varies
according t o t h e turning speed on
the upper l i n e .

I f the ' l . " key is pressed, the

turning speed is reset t o 0 de-
gree/sec, and t h e operation stops
with the current master compass
card reading on t h e display.

Press the llC" key t o return t o command wait mode, and t o allow the master
compass t o follow t h e current azimuth.
6.4.3 One-way Turning of the Repeater Compass

This subsection describes the one-way turning of the repeater compass which
is done to check the operation of the follow-up system. This function
causes the repeater compass to stop following the master compass and to
rotate at a specified turning speed (0 to212 degxee/sec, in 1 degree
increments). During this operation, the master compass follows the
gyrosphere in the usual way. One-way turning is performed by specifying an
turning speed. Enter command code "33E" to enable the function.

The turning speed is indicated on

the upper line. The value of 0
degree/sec appears immediately
after this function is.selected.
The repeater compass card reading
is displayed on the lower line.

The turning speed increases by 1

degree/sec each time the "-" key is
pressed. Similarly, pressing the
lrcll key decreases the turning speed
by 1 degree/sec.
(-12 degree/sec to 12 degree/sec.
No minus sign is displayed.)
The value on the lower line varies .
according to the turning speed on
the upper line.

If the ll. " key is pressed, the

turning speed is reset to 0 de-
gree/sec, and the operation stops
with the current repeater compass
card reading on the display.

Press the "C" key to return to command wait mode, and to allow the repeater
compass to follow the master compass.
6.4.4 Running Time Res ?I . -

When a,gyrosphere is replaced, the..gyrosphere running h o u r s ~ m u s t 4r ~e s e t

t o .zero using t h i s . .fU n c t i ~ nb(fosmaintenance ;of t h e new gymsphere)-v- eater
command code- J'34E"to enable the .function, :, - . ,! :,,jr-
t - - , - , v -

The current gyrosphere +ing r k

- hours appear on t h e , display>,after

entering cdmmand code '"34~1" .
I . I

Press the "E" key t o e n t e r the s e c u r i t y code f o r r e s e t t i n g t h e running


Enter the 5-digit s e c u r i t y code,

70102, using t h e numeric keys.

.1 , i

Press the 'W' &&y. sa f t e r entering t h e correct security code t o reset t h e

,%* h

running time t o zero, - o r - ~ i e sthe:"C"

s key t o cancel t h e r e s e t and r e t u r n
- _-
L x
t o command wait mode. ., , s.

. i-
6.4.5 Displaying the Follow-up Control Parameters
It is possible to display the~control-parameters'for the master compass
follow-up digital servo system. :Enter command code "35Et1to *enablethe
function. The following seven parameters are displayed by pressing the
or "-" key.

<1> ~roportionalgain . *

(0000 to 9999)
Standard value: 100

<2> Integral gain

(0000 to 9999)
Standard value: 2

<3> Derivative gain

(0000 to 9999)
Standard value: 2000

<4> ~urningspeed limit

(00.0 to 99.9 degree/sec)
Standard value: 12.0

<5> Turning acceleration limit

(000 to 999 degree/sec2]
Standard value: 100

<6> Follow-up dead band

(0.000 to 9.999 degree)
Standard value: 0.01

<7> Deviation voltage/degree

conversion factor (G)
(001 to 1200)

The above data items are displayed in ascending order (<I> <2> <3> <4> <5>
< 6> <7> <I> . . . ) each time the "-" key is pressed. To reverse this order,
press the "-" key.
IM 80BlOM06E
6.4.6 Initialization of Backup Memor , . , ,

All setting data are cleared by .&itializing the backupmwory. , .

- If:\ I f < ; - '.
-,>- 2 Y -
< . -
t ' . a.
'j - ' '
. ,


r Caution - . * . ,,.
I Nevar, cqrry
I s-ce
- - out +is
operation unless otharwisa instr&t&
- . I' __- . -
by ane of our

Even if this command is executed, the data still remains in memory until
the system power is turned off and back on again. Take care when..using -
this function because alk-settingdatas such as aligning and serial port :
generation settings are reset to their initial values.

Enter command code "36Ew to enable the function.

Enter the 5-digit security code,

Press the "E" key after entering

If the entered security code is incorrect, you are prompted to enter

another security code. Press the '*CW key instead of "Elf to cancel the
initialization and return to command wait mode.
6.4.7 Installation-Error Compensation for the Master Compass

When installing the CMZ500 master compass, its heading 'must-be-parallel to

the bow-to-stern line of the ship. If it is not parallel, compensate the
installation error by making mechanical adjustments or entering the compen-
sation value using the keys on the operation panel. However, the keys
should only be used as a fine adjustment ,aftermaking mechanical adjust-
ments or if mechanical adjustments cannot be made, use-he mechanical
method whenever possible.

(1) Compensation by making mechanical adjustments

First check that the heading of the repeater compass for.klestia1
observation is parallel to the bow-to-stern line of the- ship: If it is
not, correct the heading of the repeater compass (paralle3ism f 0.2 deg),
then adjust the lubber line of the master compass.
<Adjusting the heading of the master compass> \
. Remove the top cover from the master compass.
. Loosen the bolts which fasten the follow-up mechanism.
. Adjust the heading of the master compass.

Follow- mechanism

(2) Compensation value setting ,

a >

Compensate the installation error by entering the compensation value

using the operation panel keys on the control box.

Enter command code "37EW in command wait mode to enable the function.

The installation-error compensation

value for the master compass ap-
pears on the display.
(-9.99 to 9.99 degrees)
Press the "E" key to enter the installation-error compensa.tion~value.,:i -
Enter the compensation value using
the numeric keys. ,;,. -s "'2

(-9:99 to 9.99 degrees)

s I,. .
< ".

The compensation-value_toajust a master compass installation error is

calculated as_-the.:diff.erence
between the master compass card reading in the
settled state and the true heading by an astronomical observation or some
other means. Measurements should be taken while there is little variation
in the heading of the ship, for example, while the ship is berthing.
(Installation-error = (True heading obtained - (Compass reading)
compensation value) by astronomical -- A ,

observation, etc.)
< Example > 0.56 - 42.56 - 42.00

After the compensation setting has been completed, the master compass card
reading (compass reading) does not change, but the repeater compass output
is compensated.

Write &wn the compensation value in tenance rec

whenever compensating for the installation error in the master
using command code 37.
6.4.8 Setting the Master Compass Follow-up Gain

The master compass follow-up gain should be adjusted if follow-up operation

is not smooth due to a dead band in the follow-up system or if the gain is
so high as to cause hunting.
Enter command code ?38E!1 to adjust the follow-up gain.

The follow-up gain value appears on

the display. ....
.. . . ,. . . .
Press the "Em key to enter a new value.

Enter a follow-up gain using the

numeric keys.(050.0 to 200.0%)

Pressing the "E" key completes the setting, and the master compass
follow-up gain is displayed. Press the "C" key instead of "E" to cancel
the setting and return to command wait mode.
6.5 1/0 Signal Format Generation . , . .

This function provides a serial I/O interface on a ship without.-nhanging;c.*.it
the program between the CMZ500 and other units such as external azimuth
sensors (e g., magnetic compass and GPS), ship's speed sensors (e.g.,,-?l-l,~g
: ,
or GPS), position sensors (e.g., GPS), and input devices (e.g., digital 1 . , . A

repeater or autopilot). -The settings of this function are stored in the.,

- memory on the main assembly unitl\and remain unchanged--unless-the+m&ry"?isw~.
initialized using command code "36", 'or the main -assemblyunit is replaced..

I control box .

computer Connecting MAIN ASSY
- cable ,-- P.C.B.
RS-232C board CN3
I -
I- i

(1) Required components

<1> Personal computer

<2> Generation software
<3> 'Dedicated interface board
<4> Connection cable -'
6.5.2 Signal Format Generation

Signals complying with NMEA0183 can be generated.

(1) General

Hardware parameters Baud rate(1200, 2400, 4800, 9600)

(comrnon t o input Data b i t length(7, 8 )
and output) (none, odd, even)
length (1, 2)

Software parameters-
( input )

Magnetic compass 1
Magnetic compass 2
NMEA0183 magnet (SHCHDG)
-0183 t r u e heading

Software parameters- - Current - - Heading - NMEAO183 magnet (SHCHDG;
(output ) -0183 t r u e heading

-Rate of - LNMEA0183 (SHEROT)J


-Rate of - CMZ300X (SHEHRC)

turn Magnetic compass 2 (SHCHRC)

. Hardware parameters can be s e t by s e l e c t i n g t h e d e s i r e d value from t h e

choices i n parentheses ( ) f o r each parameter, such a s t h e baud r a t e o r d a t a
b i t length.

. For software parameter s e t t i n g s , d a t a i n braces [ 1 have a l r e a d y been

r e g i s t e r e d i n t h e generation software. Therefore, they can be set j u s t by
s e l e c t i n g t h e corresponding parameter.
. When setting-the input software format, the three ports can be freely
allocated to any signal, i.e., speed, position (latitude) or azimuth signal.
However,-there must~be:aone-to-one correspondence between a port and
'signal. ,:Dpplicat&d 'allocationis not allowed. +*. For example, allocating port
1 to speedand position signals and allocating ports 1 and 2 to an heading

: When setting the output software format, three data (records) can be set for
each port in both "GYRO" and "EXT" modes.

Selection of heading output Record

(command code '20' )
Port 1 GYRO Record 1
Record 2
Record 3
EXT Record 1
I Record 2 1
Record 3

Setting the Input Software Format (New)

Basic Format
With checksum
- -

$1 II(I (,I If1 I
. '

0 0 0 w' l-

Without checksum

1I 1) /,I I I

0 0 0 @ 0

<1> Header : This must be "$ ."

<2> Identifier : 5 alphanumeric upper case characters
<3> Data : Set data (speed, latitude, or heading) based on the loca-
tion of commas (starting point: l to 99). That is, the
location of data is indicated by the number of commas
before the data value. There must be at least one comma
before each data item, and the number of commas and the
sequence of data items must not be changed. Furthermore,
each data must be represented as follows.
Speed a.a . Select either Kt or Km/h as the unit.
. The decimal point and decimal places are optional
(e.g., both '12.0' and '12' are acceptable).

. The length is variable.

('12.04,' 1012.042,' '012,' and '012.0' are all
acceptable. )

Latitude,d . 'aal represents the value in degrees, and '-bb.ccl -

represents the value in minutes. .!.aabblis fixed
to a length of 4 characters.

. The decimal point and decimal places ('.ccl)of

data in minutes (', ' ) are optional, thus the
length is variable. \r

. Id1 represents either IN' or ' S t to indicate a

north latitude or a south latitude respectively.

Heading a.a . use 'degrees1 as the unit.

. The decimal point and decimal places are option-


. The length is variable.

<4> Checksum : Checksum may or may not be used.

'SUM 1' and 'SUM 2' are used for the checksum, and each is
calculated as follows: first, all characters in <2> and
<3> in the basic format are EXCLUSIVE ORed, then the
result is divided into two groups: the upper 4 bits and '
the lower 4 bits, and finally they are expressed in hexa-
decimal. --

<5> Terminator : The terminator must be "CR" or "LF."

The transmission period can be set in the range of 0 to 20 sec in 100 msec
increments. If correct data is not received for ten times the set transmis-
sion period, an alarm is generated as transmission port error (time-out).
If the transmission period is set to '0,' time-out is not checked. For an
heading input, the transmission period cannot be set to '0.'
(3) Setting the Output Software Format (New) - , .‘,--. - ,

Either of heading, rate,of turn,>.heading,t,rate of turn can .be,setr

each record by specifying-the following it- :

<1> Header: "$" is output.

<2> Identifier: 5

. <3> Set data (heading and rate of turn) n the location of commas and
the-total number of data. T (True) and "MW (Magnet) can be added to the
tail of the heading data. "Aw (Yes, Valid, Warning Flag Clear) and "VW .
(No, Invalid, Warning Flag Set) can be added to the tail of the turn -
rate data.

Data of heading and rate of turn is represented as follows.

Heading: aaa.a . Use 'degrees1 as the unit.

. The length is fixed
(Example: 019.2 for 19.2 degrees)

Rate .of turn: . Either degree/minute or degree/second can be se-

e , ,lectedas-theunit.
+ - -
Degree/minute: abbb.b . "a" represents the heading. _ l ,,
P side: "-"
S side: -" (space)
. " '(numeric"data) represents tfie fixed"

Degree/second: abb a" represents the heading

side: I! 11 . - I ,

side: " " (space) .

. ''bb.bV1 (numeriacdata) representlsth
length. ., - -
<4> Checksum: Checksum may or may not be used.

- <5> Terminator: The terminator must be "CR" or "LF."

The transmission period can be met in the range-of 100 msec to 20 sec.
I1 It
A 11 V I1 status:
These status data are added to the tail of the turn rate data.
When "GYRO" is selected in the output heading selection, "A" is always
added. Only when "EXT" is selected and if any error occurs in-theexternal
heading input, "V" is output.
(4) Output Settings and Actual Output < <

Select the output of heading and rate of turn. I >

Identifier : 'HEHDG1

Starting point : Heading ... 4; rate of turn ... 7

Unit of rate of turn : degree/min

Number of data items : 12

T/M symbol : T

A/V symbol : Available

Checksum : Available

The following is output for the above settings (heading: 36.72

degree; rate of turn: S 12.64 degree/min):

6.5.3 Initial Setting for Serial Output Signal Format

(1) Output Ports 1 and 2

Transmission : Asynchronous serial transmission

Transmission seed : 4800 bps
Transmission distance : 1.2 Ian
Transmission rate : 200 msec (fixed cycle)
Character configuration : Start bit ...
Data bits ...
8 (7 bits ASCII)
Stop bits ...
Parity .. None

w \ /-


Data Format (conforms to NMEA0183) , .


Data ID (gyrocompass)

- Header
o Checksum
All data between ' $ ' and '*' are EXCLUSIVE ORed on a bit-by-bit basis, ,then
the result is divided into two groups: the upper 4 bitsand the lower 4
bits. Each group is then converted into ASCII data, i.e., ,SUM 1 and SUM 2,
for use as checksum. . *

o Data Format
rPositive: Space code

Heading - Swinging angular speed - ,- z 3 -+

Unit: Degree Unit: Degree/sec ., e+ri-i~;t<x: _':r.".
Output Port 3

Transmission : Start-stop serial transmission

Transmission speed : 4800 bps
Transmission distance : 1.2 km
Transmission rate : 200 msec (fixed cycle)
Character configuration : Start bit 1...
Data bits...8 (7 bits ASCII)
Stop bit...1
Parity . None

u\ u
Data Format (conforms t o NMEA0183)

L Terminator
Checksum data
-Checksum I D
- Data
Data I D ( t r u e heading)
-Sender I D
- Header
o Checksum

All data between but not including the ' $ ' and the ' *'are EXCLUSIVE ORed on a bit
-by - bit basis , then the result is divided into two groups : the upper 4 bits and the
lower 4 bits Each group is then coverted into ASCII data , i.e. , SUM 1 and SUM 2, for
o Data Format

Heading T : True heading (Fixed data)

Unit : Degree

There a r e no s e t values for t h e signal format of t h e s e r i a l input.

Appendix 1 Speed Error and Speed Error CalibratiodChart

Since TYPE-3 is a gyrocompass with an automatic spee

function, the Speed Error Calibration Chart is not u

- 1. Speed Error

Speed error occurs when a ship equipped with a gyrocompass sails north or
- south, and the value of the error is a function of the ship's speed,
course, and latitude. The error is completely unrelated to the model or
type of gyrocompass.

The north-seeking tendency of the gyrocompass is well-known, due to the .

earth's rotation. When a ship equipped with a gyrocompass moves across the
earth, the gyrocompass is influenced by the combined movement of the ship's - --
own movement and the earth's rotation. When the s h i p - ~ i E s - anortherly--- - --
or southerly course, the direction of the combined movement'de-viatesl-in
proportion to the north-south component of the ship's movement. This - - -

causes the gyrocompass to indicate the vertical direct'ion, resulting-inan

error. Thus, speed error is the difference between
. "
----- movement
A'I -
-,,. 2-iu,- -.-I
in the north-south direction and in the east-wksl'arectlon. -
--,- -.

2. Calculating the Speed Error

cP : Latitude
K : Speed of e,arthlsrota- :,
on, ' - the.
.>.. at- , kquator it 900
I;+:). ( ..
2 . f

ip's speed (kt)'.-

8 : Gyrocompass course
0 Kcos 9 A 6 : Speed error

The above figure gives the following equation:

- Assuming that 6 is small, 6 is expressed in radians as:

sin6 = 6 (radian) = W7.36 (unit: degree)
6 = 57.3 vcos~/90ocos8
Example : When a ship is at the equator (rp = 0) and is sailing due north
(0 = 0) at a speed of 30 knots, her speed error is calculated
as follows:

When angle 6 is between 270deg and 90deg, the compass indication increases;
therefore, the ship's true course is as follows:

If the ship's course is north, the true course is given by shtracting the
speed error from the reading of the master compass; if the ship's course is
south, the true course is given by adding the speed error to the reading o£
the master compass. The following examples show how to calculate the speed
error from the ship's speed, course, and latitude. The true course is then
obtained from the following calibration chart: L

. .
(1) Determining ship's course using the speed error calibration chart
(Table 1)

After calculating the value to be modified using the chart (Table I), - .>m - - -- -
modify the value in the positive direction if the shi$ s- course Xs soutbT
T.&- --
or to the negative direction if the ship's course is north.. Assume that
the ship is near latitude 40deg, the reading of the course 1s 30deg, and
-^.^--.* =* .

the ship's speed is 16 knots. Then the value of speed error-is- I-.-.-1.
the ship is sailing towards the north, the true course is 30deg - l.ldeg =
. .-

Now assume that the ship is near latitude 40deg, the reading of the cpurse
is 150deg, and the ship's speed is 16 knots. Since the ship is now sailing
towards the south, the true course is 150deg + l.ldeg = 151.ldeg.
Table 1 Speed Error Calibration Chart

Use this chart to obtain the true heading tocorrect the compass heading.
(2) Determining ship's course using the graph (Table 2)

<I> Locate the ship's speed (V) on the horizontal axis.

<2> Draw a vertica1,straight line from this point on the horizontal

axis until it intersects with the line of the gyrocompass course
(8) of the ship. 8 is the deviation of the ship's course from
north or south.

K3> Then, draw a horizontal straight line to the left from the first
intersection point until it intersects with the line of the
latitude (cp) of the ship. This second intersecti~n~paint gives
the speed error.

<4> Correct the error in the positive direction if the ship's course -- -
is south; in the nega rection if the ship's course
- -
is L

. .-

Assume that the ship is at-lati'tu orth, traveling at 12 knots and

the gyrocompass card shows the course to be 320deg. A course of 320deg is
40deg from north to the west. Draw a line upward from the point (a) (V =
12 knots) to obtain the intersection (b) with the -line (8-=--40deg)-; -Then-' '.
draw a horizontal line to obtain
- -.- - -
the-intersection Ic) .with the- line
-- -- (cp= -
. - . %

4Odeg) This gives a speed error-:of--0;,7 at 'that t e . -Therefore,

-.> - thg-
true course is 319.23deg. -
Table 2 Speed Error Calibration Graph

Appendix 2 Operating Principle

2.1 Gyro
. - , .. - ..- I *

. A gyro is supported by both horizontal and.vertical.axes 'which simulta-

neously are free to turn in any directionzand~the~,centersfof gravity of-the
gyro and its supporting frames lie where the,axes-crossLc.(vbzh-
(the,.gyro and
the axes of its supporting frames are free) (Figure 1) 1.f the gyro is
given a fast rotation, then even if the stand belpw is tilted or turned,
the direction of the gyro axis will not change, .This is because the
magnitude and direction of the rotating inertia are preserved provided .
there is no friction or external force to disturb them. Phis ability to -
maintain the magnitude and direction of rotation is the principle of the
Next, if a weight is attached to
tip (A) of a rotating axis of the
gyro (Figure 2), then side (A) goes
down a little at that moment. At
the same time, the gyro continues
to turn with that weight attached
as it is. This means that the gyro
is rotated due to the weight around
axis BB1 and this produces a torque
around the vertical axis which
causes the gyro to turn in the
direction of the arrow. Because of
this rotation,: a torque around
axis B is produced and this sup-
ports the weight of the weight.
This is called "precessionw and is
a typical characteristic of the
1 . c '
Assuming that there is no frictional force ato,ea is, then the angular
momentum of the gyro [(momentum of inertia).^ (rotating speed)], the
applied torque, and the speed of precession*thatoccurs as a result of the
torque are related as follows:
(1) Magnitude : (angular momentum) x (precession speed) = torque

(2) Direction : Direction of vector is shown in the drawing.

2.2 North-seeking Tendency of Gyroc

Assume that a weight is attached to

just below the. supporting frame of Precession speed
the gyro as shown in Figure 3, and
that the torque of the gyro, the
supporting frame and the weight all .
lie just below the crossing of each
axis and that there is practically .
no frictional force in either the
horizontal or vertical axis. Then,
gravity and the earth's rotation
cause point A to oscillate in the
up/down and left/right drawing an'
elliptical'orbit. The center of
this ellipse faces north. If a
proper damping device is fitted,
the amplitude of the oscillation
decreases gradually and eventually
stops facing north. This is the Figure 3
gyrocompass. This north-seeking
tendency is described in more
detail as follows:
Rotation angular
~ i ~ u r4eshows the earth's rota-
tion. At point p which is on speed (omega)
latitude q , the component of the t
earth's angular speed o is given
Around the *verticalaxis, osinq
Around the horizontal meridian,
ocoscp (tilting movement)
Put the gyro shown in Figure 3 on
this point p with A facing east and
B west and with the axis horizontal
(Figure 5 ) . The gyro preserves the
first indication as it is. Howev- I
er, as the base continues to tilt Figure 4
as time goes by, end A begins to go
up while end B begins to go down
relative to the horizontal plane.
This tendency produces a torque
that restores axis AB to the hori- up asin g,
zontal. The gyro causes precession W
and, .with it tilting, end A turns
in the direction that approaches
when endTheA arrives
the meridian
a peak ? - .-
Figure 5
and end A continues to turn to the
west. When end A arrives at a
point west of the meridian, the
tilting of the base begins to work
in such a way that end A goes down.
The torque due to the weight gradu-
ally decreases and, when end A
" reaches the west end, the preces-
sion stops. Next, end A begins to , .
go down and to turn to the north ., . Figure 6 / j

simi-larly. Thus, an elliptical

movement with north as its center
is described as shown in Figure 6.

This elliptical movement is reduced to zero when heading north. This

movement is utilized for the gyrocompass. When the gyro axis is aligned
with the meridian, end A does not go up or down from the horizontal and
stops. If, however, end A is tilting in either the east or west direction,
end A will go up or down from the horizontal, causes precession and begins
to move towards north. When end A stops facing north, it is in a state
equivalent to causing the same recession movement in space against the
earth's rotating component wsinrp (rotating movement).
This is the theory of the north-seeking tendency. In a practical gyrocom-
pass, however, there are vibrations due to the rolling and'pi'tclirng'afth"e
ship. One gyro is not sufficient to withstand such external movements and
ensure stable operation; Therefore, two gyros'are-connected'bya sp'ecial
mechanical construction such that when any extehal force is applied to the
two gyros, .each gyro causes precession. Thus, for theJ'samereason'diat a
force is produced by supporting a weight, these j?recessio&' cancel' "6'
f .5-'
external force, thus avoiding errors due to vibration. + %ventin this case,
the direction of the combined angular momentum remains constant an'Cl'nothing
affects the north-seeking tendency. Since the north-seeking force'of fhe '

gyro is very small and delicate, the frictional forces of the horizontal
and vertical axes must also be very small so that they do not disturb the
north-seeking force.
2.3 Gyrocompass Error

2.3.1 Speed Error

. , ,
Refer to-Appendix 1 "Speed Error and Speed,ErrorCarribration Chart."

2.3.2 Acceleration Error

When a ship increases or decreases sailing speed or changes course, a

torque is added to the gyrosphere because the center of gravity of the
gyrosphere is located below its own center of buoyancy. This causes the
north-seeking force of the gyrosphere to vary, and the value of this
variation depends on the position of the center of gravity. As the value:
of the speed error also varies according to how the ship changes course and
speed, it is possible to adjust the position of the center of gravity so .
that the variations in the indication of course and speed change offset
each other. In this gyrocompass, the center of gravity of the gyrosphere
is well designed so that the acceleration error is zero. (As a result, when
the damper of the gyrosphere is removed, the oscillation period is approxi-
mately 85 minutes. )

2.3.3 Rolling Error

If the swinging perio&.df the gyrosphere around the north-south axis and
the east-west axis differ greatly and the gyrosphere is always swung by the
ship's rolling and pitching, an error occurs depending on the period and
direction (against the gyrosphere) of the rolling and pitching. To prevent
this error, the.gyrosphere is constructed,with two gyros and the periods
around the'?north-south axis and the east-west axis.are made similar.
Moreover, - to stabilize th; gyrocompass indication, -thecontainer of the
gyrosphere is shielded from the continuous swings by a damper fitted to the
suspending meclianism of the container.
Appendix 3 Function Block Diagram
Appendix 4 Wiring Diagrams

4.1 Master Compass-Wiring Diagram . r -.

,- -

. ZERO -.

4.4 Interface Circuit Diagram (Vol.1)


4.6 Repeater Compass Wiring Diagram






. .
Appendix 5 Component List
The gyrocompass components and t h e i r p a r t numbers are l i s t e d below. When
orderinga component or i f a problem occurs i n a component, please contact
our service department with the part number.

( 1 ) Master <Compass


@ Container unit V8 109NG Front cover

@ Rubber isolator V8 109KT @ Dimmer volume

'@ Bolt Y 8 109YU @ Connector (Upper)

@ Ring V8109KV @ Top cover

@ Bolt Y9625YU @ Thumb nut

@ Set screw V8 1 09KY @ Bracket (Right)

@ Stopper V8109KX Bracket(Left)

(2) Follow-up Mechanism






Pointer / V8109MG I @ 1 Lampr ' ' ~'I'v1177~~ I

@'" Bracket Y8109LS @? Brush holder V8 109LA

@ 'Sensor V8 109AA @ Gear mechanism 1G8WCO29-
@ Gear V8109LT @ Base plate V8 I'OgME

@ Slip ring V8109LQ @ Slit plate) V8 109LU

3 Spacer V8109LP Synchro-motor
@! M8000MM

Pointer mounting plate V8109NO Synchro-motor

(without gear) M8OO 1MM

B Socket A 1 178VF
(3) Container U n i t


Container V8109JT @ Stopper V8109JM .
*, ,

Gimbal ring assembly

Center pin .

Pin shaft

Washer @ Connector (Lower) M8208JC

Spring washer Air chamber V8109KW

Nut Bolt Y962OYU

0 - ring @ Gyro sphere ~'l%05


(4) Control Box


External unit V8llOKK Fuse(100,100,115V)

(flush-mount type) @ A1107EK
External unit V8 1 10KJ Fuse (220V) A 1 106EK
(wall-mount type)
@ Lock F9123EL @I (2A)
Fuse A I 1OSEK

@ Front panel V8110JB -@ Fuse (15A) A1 108EK

@ Packing IG333C038- ~~i~~filter A1 1 l8EN

Display panel (PCB) I V8 10KW
1 ( @ I Noise filter I A1 I17EN
Display panel (PCB) V8ll OKV @ R/F assembly-(PCB) V8 1 IOAN

Display panel (PCB) V8110KU @ Plate V8110KB

a MMP ASSY (PCB) V81 IOAG @ .Power unit V8 1 10CD

b MM3 ASSY (PCB) V8 I I OAE a Power assembly

V8 1 10AS

Terminal block V8 I IOAC bTransformer V8110BR

Switch A 1476ST Remote tenninal
@ assembly-(PCB) V8 I 1 OAQ

Plate V8 1 1 OJS @ Door stopper V8 1 1OLG

$ Clamp 1 V&OORB
Main assembly board
@ (PCB) V8110AJ @ Transformer Y8110BQ

@ Shield cover V8 1 1 OJE @ Terminal board

@ Panel cover V8110JM

I 0 Q

When the @ plate is removed:

Appendix 6 Installation.and Adjustment Certificate
After i n s t a l l i n g and adjusting t h e CMZ500 system, please f i l l i n t h e
~ n s t a l l a t i o nand Adjustment C e r t i f i c a t e on t h e following page, and r e t u r n a
copy t o Yokogawa Denshikiki Co., Ltd. (keep t h e o r i g i n a l with t h e s h i p ) .
AS a general r u l e , t h e w a r r a ~ t yperiod s t a r t s when Yokogawa ~ e n s h i k i k i
receives a copy of t h e c e r t i f i c a t e .

A: Europe

B: Africa & Middle East

C: Far Eas.t & SE Asia & Australasia

D: USA & Canada

E: South. America

ESP00 EMDEN :r .


Kutajartie 1 Hansastrasse 2 "
P.O.Box 60 PostfachL 1433
02631 Espoo 2970 Emden
Finland Germany
Telephone : - (358) - 0 - 52501 Telephone : - (49) - 49 - 21 80080
Fax : - (3581-0 -5250318 Fax -
49 - 21 80081 9
Telex : - 121385 Tele 3

P.O.Box 21 00
P.O.Box 1582
S - 2 2 1 01 Lund
Sweden Telephone : - (
Fax ) -10-4521270
Telex 09


Hedmarskgaten 13 2030 Antwerp
0658 Oslo 6 Belgium
Norway Telephone : - (32) - 3 - 541 0463
Telephone : - (47) - 2 - 68351 0 Fax : - (32) - 3 - 5 4 2 5 7 9 8
Fax : - (47) - 2 - 6 8 1 1 5 3 Telex : - 31 734 AMRC
Telex : - 76485


HUSBY ALLE 8. 2630 TAASTRUP, Clive Street
Denmark North Shields
Telephone : -
Fax :-
(45) - 437 1 - 6464
(45) - 4 3 7 1 - 2 2 4 4
Tyne & Wear NE29 6LF
United Kingdom
. b

Telex :- 15231 Telephone: - (44) - 91 - 2577951

Fax : - (44) - 91 - 2571 521
Telex : - 53600

Route De ~ o n t i v i l l i e r ' s ELECTRONICA LDA
76930 Octeville Avenide 2 4 De Julho 1 3 2
France 1300 Lisbon
Telephone: - (33) - 35 - 440022 Portugal
Fax : - (33) - 35 - 540555 Telephone : - (351) - 1 - 609059
Telex : - 190865 Fax : - (351) - 1 - 3965626
Telex : - 65841


Rua Cais da Rocha - Edificio
Liscont 1
M.E.S.S. SRL 1300 Lisbon
Vis Luigi Canepa 7D/1 Telephone : - (351 ) - 1 - 397971 9
16165 Genova Fax : - (351) - 1 - 3956925
Telephone : - (39) - 10 - 46381 2
Fax : - (39) - 1 0 - 4 6 3 8 1 2
Telex : - 282621

6 Sotiros Dios
18535 Piraeus
Telephone: - (30) - 1 - 41 23943
Fax : - (30) - 1 - 4 1 2 7 8 1 9
Telex : - 21 2525

Parque Tecnologico De Madrid
Santiago Grisolia S/N
* Tres Cantos
28760 Madrid
- Telephone : - (34) - 1 - 8075500
Fax : - (34) - 1 - 8075505
Telex : - 27284

Africa & Middle East

P.O.Box 120 P.O.Box 1963
48 EL Nahda Street Haifa 31019
Port Said Israel
Egypt Telephone: - (972) - 4 - 620804
Telephone : - (20) - 66 - 324393 Fax : - (972) - 4 - 627404
Fax : - (20) - 66 - 2361 59 Telex : - 46432
Telex : - 63000

SMD Telecommunications Pte Ltd. P.0.Box 37
P.O.Box 82 Damman 3141 1
Paarden Eiland Saudi Arabia
Cape Town 7420 Telephone : - (966) - 3 - 8336940
South Africa Fax : - (966) - 3 - 8 3 3 0 7 2 8
Telephone : - (27) - 2 1 - 51 10556 Telex : - (928) 801011
Fax : - (27) - 21 - 51 12886
Telex : - 520249 SMDCT
P.O.Box 1
' 788 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Telephone : - (971 ) -4 - 342333
Fax : - (971) - 4 - 3 4 2 4 6 5
Telex : - 47 1 16ELCOM
APPENDIX - 6 - 5

Far East & SE Asia & Australasia

-,". "

(Head Office) Tan Boon Liat Bldg. # 1 1 - 06/07 31 5
21 F Shinjuku Park Tower 3 - 7 - 1 Outrarn Road
Nishi - Shinjuku Singapore 0 3 1 6
Shinjuku - k u Tokyo 160 Telephone : - (65) - 221 0 3 1 0
Japan Fax : - (65) - 2 2 4 0 8 9 0
Telephone : - (81) - 3 - 532351 32 Telex : - 2 2 1 1 6 CODAS RS
. Fax : - (81) - 3 - 5 3 2 3 5 5 5 5
Telex : - 2466074 YNVTOK J
Leo House 88 C, Old prabhadevi Road
Bombay 4 0 0 0 2 5
Telephone: - (91) - 2 2 - 4225871
BUSAN Fax : - (91) - 2 2 - 4 3 0 7 0 7 8
MARINE RADIO CO., LTD. Telex : - AA24493
No.141 3 - ka Namhang - Dong
Yeongdo - k u Busan
Telephone: - (82) - 51 - 4147891 6A - 6 New Excelsior Bldg.
Fax : - (82) - 5 1 - 4 1 3 2 6 0 4 Bastion Road
Telex : - K52026 MARADIO Bombay 400001
~ e l e p h o n e: - (9 1) - 2 2 - 2040607
Fax : - (91) - 2 2 - 0 2 2 2 0 2 3 6 0 1
TAIWAN Telex : - 01 1 - 86971, EMS - IN
No.233 4th Sue Wei Road
Kaohsiung COLOMBO
Telephone: - (886) - 7 - 331 9462 861 Aluthmawatte Road Colombo - 15
Fax : - (886) - 7 - 3 3 3 0 7 3 5 Republic o f Srilanka (Ceylon)
Telex : - 7 2 1 7 2 RESON P.O. Box 637
Telephone : - (94) - 1 - 52351 1
Fax : - (94) - 1 - 523669
MONG KONG Telex : - (94) - 1 -22132 UNITEL CE.
1301 Hart House 1 2 - 1 4 Hart Avenue
Tsirn Sha Tsui Kowloon
Hong Kong
Telephone : - (852) - 3697443
Fax : - (852) - 3721 5465
Telex : - 5531 9 WAPAM HK

Far East & SE Asia & Australasia

(Head Office)
7 8 - 8 2 Wyndham Street Alexandria
N.S.W. 2 0 1 5
Telephone: - (61) - 2 - 3 1 0 3 0 2 2
Fax : - (61) - 2 - 3 1 0 3 6 6 2
Telex : - AA24493

Makelvie Grey Lynn
New Zealand
Telephone : - (64) - 9 - 764051
Fax : - (64) - 9 - 7 8 0 1 8 4
Telex : - NZ60005
Appendix 7 Certificate.for Installation Adjust Completion
After completing the installation adjustment, the manager responsible for
installation should fill the items required on the "certificate for
installation adjustment completion" shown on the next page. Return a copy
of this certificate to our company (the original should be kept in the
ship.) As a rule, warranty becomes effective at the time of receiving this
copy of certificate.
Certificate for Installation Ajustment Completion
YDK Work No.

Yokogawa D e n s h i i i Co., Ltd. Gyrocompass Model: CMZ500

Ship name: Date of installation adjustment: From To

Ship owner: Location of adjustment:

DockyardlShip No.: Person in charge of installation:

Type of ship!Gross tonnage: Company in charge of installation:

[ Equipment Record ]
(1) Serial number
Master compass: (NO.l) (N0.2)

Control box: (NO.l) (No.2)

DC backup: (NO.l) Yes I No (N0.2) Yes I No

Switching unit: (Model) (Serial No.)

(2) Running record

Gyrosphere N0.1 Master N0.2 Master Remarks

Starting A A Refer to code 15 "PH CRNT"

Phase cunent
RUnning A A Refer to code 15 "PH CRNT"

Starting v v
Phase voltage
Running V V
Settling time h m h m

Stationary state for to25 x.- 1 dcg

measuring accuracy deg k g -4

Refer to code 37 "SETERR"
compensation value

Refer to code 35 "CONV G"

Follow -up gain and code 38 "G SENCE"

-Gyrosphere Number
Refer to code 19 "ROM. CT"
Soft ware version
Refer to code 19 "ROM. MM"
(3) 110 signal form generation
1) Hardware parameter setting (common to input and output)
, Baud rate Data bit length Parity Stop bit length
Port 1

Port 2

Port 3

2) Software parameter setting (input data)

Transmission Existing
Port No. Identifm Starting point Checksum Unit
period format



Date: Signature of captain:

Signature of dockyard manager responsible for installation:

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