Refuerzo Por Ductilidad
Refuerzo Por Ductilidad
Refuerzo Por Ductilidad
Ductility is the ability of the structure or structural components to under go inelastic deformation
alternating repetitive after the first melting, while maintaining sufficient strength and rigidity to
support the load, so that the structure remains standing despite being cracked / damaged and on the
verge of collapse(Department of Publics Works, 2002).
For economical resistance against strong earthquakes most structures must behave inelastically. The
average plastic energy, dissipated by a structure during the design ground motion, usually gives
enough information to evaluate the structural performance. For RC structures, the ssential
objectives of failure mode control are: brittle failure modes should be suppressed; an ppropriate
degree of ductility should be provided (but the degree to which the ductility should be enhanced is
debatable). While most concrete structures are designed by equivalent static analysis and modified
reinforcing rules aimed at providing ductility, it is important for designers to understand how the
ductility demand arises. Having made an estimate of the ductility, the members should be detailed
to have the appropriate section ductility (Iskhakov, 2003).
The current design practice relies on the ductile flexural response at plastic hinges as the primary
source of energy dissipation during earthquake loading cycles. This requires proper care in detailing
the locations where plastic hinges are expected to occur. According to the seismic design provisions
in modern building codes, buildings are supposed to resist minor earthquakes without damage,
moderate earthquakes without significant structural damage, and in the case of a major earthquake,
some structural and non-structural damage is allowed but without collapse (Mantawy, 2015).
Using spectral accelerations that result from a response spectrum, appropriately reduced by a, so
called, behaviour factor (q in Europe) or force reduction factor (R in the U.S.). Ultimately, the
structural system is designed for a lower level of strength, relying that stable energy absorption will
be made feasible through specific geometric and minimum reinforcement requirements along with
the associated detailing rules. Fundamental requirements (i.e. collapse prevention, damage
limitation, minimum level of serviceability) are also achieved through capacity design for the
enhancement of global ductility (Sextos and Skoulidou, 2012). The q factor represents a global
characteristic of structural behaviour and a simple tool for designers, which allows performing an
equivalent elastic analysis instead an inelastic one (Vaseva, 2003).
Fundamental requirements (i.e. collapse prevention, damage limitation, and minimum level of
serviceability) are also achieved through capacity design for the enhancement of global ductility.
According to (EN 1998-1, 2004) in particular, the above philosophy is materialised for reinforced
concrete buildings through the choice of the Ductility Class, i.e., Low (DCL), Medium (DCM) and
High (DCH), each corresponding to different structural and detailing requirements. Notably, the
Lower ductility class is only recommended by National Annexes in low seismicity areas or for base-
isolated structures(Sextos and Skoulidou, 2012). Chapter 3, discussing the differences of the
ductility classes detailing requirement as per to Eurocode 8.
Building structure ductility factor μ is the ratio between the maximum deviation of the building
structure due to the influence of the plan at the time of the earthquake reached the brink of collapse
conditions and deviation δm building structure at the time of the first melting δy. At full elastic
condition value μ = 1.0 (Jamal et al., 2014). Ductility level structure is influenced by the pattern of
cracks or plastic hinge, wherein the plastic joints must be arranged to form at the ends of the beams
and columns. Mathematically ductility is as a comparison parameter displacement structure
collapsed during the displacement at the outer tensile reinforcement when experiencing fatigue
(Department of Publics Works, 2002),(Department of Public Works, 2002).
According (Pauley et al., 1992) ductility divided into:
1. Ductility strain is the ratio of maximum strain to strain on the beam melting experiencing tensile
axial load or press;
2. Ductility curvatureccc, is the ratio between the curvature angle (rotation angle per unit length)
with a maximum angle of curvature of the melting of a structural element due to bending force;
Figure 2.3 Ductility curvature.
3. Rotational ductility is the ratio between the maximum rotation angle of the rotation angle of
𝜇𝜇𝜃𝜃=θ𝑢𝑢θ𝑦𝑦 (2.2)
Figure 2.4 Ductility rotation.
4. Displacement ductility is the ratio between the maximum structural displacements in the lateral
direction of the movement of the structure while melting.
Figura 2.1 Mecanismos de balanceo en marcos de varios pisos cargados lateralmente. (Paulay, 1983)
El diseño de terremoto de resistencia de la estructura del edificio RC debería garantizar un terremoto
de resistencia de toda la propiedad de la estructura, según (Men y Qiu, 1998). La demanda de
ductilidad del terremoto de resistencia de la estructura de construcción del bastidor RC es:
• columna y sof Strong t haz de marco RC
• Momento regular en el extremo de la viga del marco RC
• Relación de presión de corte en viga de marco RC
• Cizallamiento fuerte y curva suave en la columna de marco RC
• Conexión fuerte y miembro suave del punto de cuadro RC
• Relación de presión de corte en la columna del cuadro RC
• Relación de presión de corte en el punto del marco RC
• Relación de presión axial en columna de cuadro RC.
• Aumento de la fuerza axial para la columna soportada por marco
• Aumento de momento para base de columna en historia base de columna
μμ εε = εε 𝑢𝑢 εε 𝑦𝑦 (2.1)
Figura 2.2 Tensión por ductilidad.
3. La ductilidad rotacional es la relación entre el ángulo de rotación máximo del ángulo de rotación
de la fusión;
μμ θθ = θ 𝑢𝑢 θ 𝑦𝑦 (2.2)
Figura 2.4 Rotación de la ductilidad.
4. La ductilidad de desplazamiento es la relación entre los desplazamientos estructurales máximos
en la dirección lateral del movimiento de la estructura mientras se funde.