247 2017 Article 3868 PDF
247 2017 Article 3868 PDF
247 2017 Article 3868 PDF
DOI 10.1007/s00247-017-3868-z
Received: 27 January 2017 / Accepted: 9 April 2017 / Published online: 26 August 2017
# The Author(s) 2017. This article is an open access publication
symptoms include any of (a) persistent cough; (b) weight if no alternative diagnosis is established or not tuberculosis if
loss/failure to thrive; (c) persistent unexplained fever, or (d) an alternative diagnosis is established such as cardiac disease,
persistent, unexplained lethargy or reduced activity. The fol- foreign body aspiration or asthma. Those who have docu-
lowing sections are definitions that have been proposed to mented exposure or close contact with a known tuberculosis
indicate the degree of certainty of the diagnosis of patient but are asymptomatic and have negative tuberculin
tuberculosis. skin test and chest radiography are considered tuberculosis
exposed. No treatment is necessary for these children.
Confirmed tuberculosis Tuberculous infection and tuberculous disease have to be
differentiated because treatments for these two entities are
Tuberculosis is confirmed when the culture from a specimen different. We propose simple definitions. When a child has a
representative of intrathoracic disease (e.g., sputum, positive tuberculin skin test but does not show any of the
nasopharyngeal/gastric aspirate, pleural fluid) is positive, probable tuberculosis symptoms and has a normal chest radio-
and more recently when Xpert MTB/RIF — a rapid test to graph, this might be classified as tuberculous infection and
simultaneously detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis and resis- could be treated with one-drug therapy [9]. However when
tance to rifampicin — from any specimen is positive. the findings in the chest radiographs are consistent with tuber-
The Xpert MTB/RIF is not only sensitive and specific for culosis, this is considered tuberculous disease and warrants
diagnosing pediatric pulmonary mycobacterial tuberculosis treatment with at least three drugs [9–11]. In the next sections
but is also effective in detecting rifampicin resistance [6, 7]. we discuss chest radiography findings that are consistent with
The World Health Organization in 2013 [8] strongly recom- tuberculous disease seen in possible or probable tuberculosis.
mended Xpert MTB/RIF for use rather than conventional mi-
croscopy, culture and drug-susceptibility testing as the initial
diagnostic test in children suspected of having multidrug- Primary pulmonary tuberculous disease
resistant-tuberculosis or human immunodeficiency virus
(HIV)-associated tuberculosis. This test can also be used (con- The major route of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection is
ditional recommendation) rather than conventional microsco- by inhalation [1]. Infection begins when infected droplets are
py and culture as the initial diagnostic test in all children deposited in the terminal airway or alveoli, followed by a
suspected of having tuberculosis. localized parenchymal inflammation or pneumonic process
called the primary (Ghon) focus. There is then spread via
Probable tuberculosis draining lymphatic vessels, usually to the ipsilateral central
or regional lymph nodes, which then enlarge. The upper lobes
Children in this category have chest radiographs showing drain to the ipsilateral paratracheal nodes, while the rest of the
findings consistent with intrathoracic tuberculosis disease, lung drains to the perihilar nodes. The parenchymal focus and
and at least one of the following: the enlarged lymph nodes are called the primary (Ranke or
Ghon) complex [1, 2, 12–17] (Figs. 1 and 2).
(a) positive clinical response to anti-tuberculosis therapy, Incubation can be up to 6 weeks from exposure, during
(b) documented exposure/close contact with a known tuber- which time chest radiographs are normal. After 1–3 months
culosis patient, or from exposure, hilar or mediastinal adenopathy can be visual-
(c) positive tuberculin skin test or interferon-gamma release ized in 50–70% of cases [18–20]. Primary tuberculosis re-
assay. flects a patient’s conversion from insensitivity to having the
antigens of the tubercle bacilli [2, 14].
Regional (perihilar or paratracheal) lymphadenopathy is
Possible tuberculosis the radiologic hallmark of primary infection in childhood [1,
13] (Figs. 3 and 4). Anteroposterior and lateral views are re-
There are two scenarios in this category. One is when the chest quired for optimal lymph node visualization [13, 21], but it
radiograph is not consistent with tuberculous disease, but at can remain difficult to visualize enlarged lymph nodes with
least one of the criteria in the prior section is present. The other certainty [1, 22]. The most common sites of nodal involve-
possibility is when the chest radiography is consistent with ment are the right paratracheal and hilar regions [13, 17].
tuberculosis disease but none of the criteria in the prior section The prevalence of adenopathy decreases with age; it is
is present. 100% in children <3 years of age and 88% in older children.
Some children are symptomatic but have chest radiography The prevalence of parenchymal involvement detectable on
findings that are not consistent with tuberculous disease and radiographs, however, is significantly lower in children
have none of the criteria mentioned in probable tuberculosis. <3 years of age (51%) as compared with that in older chil-
These children are categorized as either unlikely tuberculosis dren (78%) [13].
Pediatr Radiol (2017) 47:1237–1248 1239
Fig. 1 Diagram of a Ghon focus (yellow) and associated lymphadenopathy Fig. 3 Diagram of isolated lymphadenopathy (green)
(green). This is the so-called primary complex
If the child is immunocompetent, the lesions heal and be- infection via the airways, lymphatics or bloodstream [15, 16].
come dormant while still causing continuous antigenic stimu- Clinically active tuberculous disease can develop within
lation for maintenance of hypersensitivity to tuberculous anti- 5 years after infection. This is called progressive primary tu-
gen. Thus the tuberculin skin test is positive in 95% of cases. berculosis [2, 24].
This has been referred to as latent tuberculous infection. The
caseating necrosis within the Ghon focus and infected lymph
node frequently calcifies [1, 2]. Calcification can occur from Progressive primary tuberculous disease
6 months to 4 years after infection, occurring earlier in young
children [1]. The parenchymal focus, called pulmonary Progression from infection to disease usually occurs within
tuberculomas (Fig. 5), which are identified radiographically, 1 year after the primary infection in more than 90% of cases.
represent sharply defined ovoid granulomas, solitary or mul- It is bimodal in age distribution, with children younger than
tiple, ranging in size from 0.4 cm to 5 cm in diameter [2, 23]. 5 years and adolescents being at increased risk [1, 17, 25].
Children with latent tuberculous infection can be treated with Early disease progression can happen 2–6 months from
a one-drug therapy provided there was no prior treatment. exposure, when homogeneous consolidation can occur
If immunity is inadequate, the disease progresses either (Fig. 6). Obstructive atelectasis or overinflation can result from
locally or in other parts of the lung or body, with spread of compression by an adjacent enlarged node. Distribution is
typically on the right side at the level of the right lobar bron- phrenic nerve might also be affected, producing
chus or bronchus intermedius. Fibrosis and destruction of the tracheoesophageal fistula, chylothorax and diaphragmatic pal-
lung parenchyma result in traction bronchiectasis and forma- sy, respectively [1, 18–20]. Hematogenous miliary dissemina-
tion of cavities (Fig. 7), respectively [2]. This is known as tion can also occur in this stage.
progressive Ghon focus [18–20].
Three possible mechanisms are involved in the formation Miliary tuberculosis
of cavities: (1) progressive primary spread of disease with
extensive and bilateral pulmonary cavities, (2) cavities Miliary tuberculosis is seen in 8% of cases [25], usually in the
caused by bronchial obstruction by lymph nodes or (3) younger age group because of immature immune function
post-primary tuberculosis showing cavities that are usually [28]. It is an acute hematogenously disseminated infection
single and unilateral in the upper lobe. These have fairly presenting as innumerable ≤2-mm non-calcified nodules
equal incidence [26]. scattered in both lungs [1, 2, 18–20, 28–30] (Figs. 8 and 9).
Lymph nodes can continue to enlarge 4–12 months from There is no pathognomonic finding for tuberculosis except for
exposure and can cause progression of the disease affecting miliary tuberculosis [28], and it can be seen in primary and
the airways, pleura and pericardium, which are discussed in post-primary disease [2].
the next sections. On contrast-enhanced CT, involved lymph In 25–40% cases, chest radiographs are initially normal [1,
nodes often measure more than 2 cm and show a very char- 30]. CT is more sensitive for miliary disease before it becomes
acteristic, but not pathognomonic, rim sign consisting of a radiographically apparent. The tiny nodules can be sharply or
low-density center surrounded by a peripheral enhancing rim poorly defined, and are seen in a diffuse, random distribution,
[17, 22, 27] (Fig. 6). The esophagus, lymphatic duct and often with intra- and interlobular septal thickening [16].
Lymphobronchial/lymphotracheobronchial tuberculosis Fig. 7 Diagram shows a progressive Ghon focus (circle) with cavitation
and associated lobar consolidation
Lymphobronchial or lymphotracheobronchial involvement is
a complication in 2–4% of tuberculosis cases [2, 31].
Lymphadenopathy is seen in chest radiographs in 63–95%
[26] and on CT in up to 96–100% of tracheobronchial tuber- The obstructive infiltrates can be resorbed or calcify,
culosis cases [32, 33]. The enlarged nodes compress the adja- fibrose with traction bronchiectasis (Fig. 13) or cause lung
cent trachea or bronchi, causing luminal narrowing and destruction [2]. There is often excessive inflammation, which
resulting in lung hyperinflation from partial obstruction with can result in dense alveolar consolidation and eventual paren-
check-valve effect (Fig. 10), or atelectasis due to a complete chymal breakdown [1]. Cicatricial bronchostenosis can man-
obstruction (Figs. 11 and 12). These nodes subsequently ifest as concentric narrowing, uniform wall thickening, and
erode, perforate and discharge caseous material into the air- involvement of a long bronchial segment after healing [31].
ways manifesting as obstructive pneumonia [1, 2, 13, 14,
17–20, 33–36]. Lymphogenic and hematogenous spread into
the large airways have also been reported [2].
Radiographic manifestations in lymphotracheobronchial
tuberculosis are nonspecific, and a normal chest radiograph
does not rule out airway involvement. Involvement of the
central airways can be easily missed on radiographs.
Persistent segmental or lobar collapse, lobar hyperinflation
and obstructive pneumonia are seen as complications of the
airway compression [31, 33].
Enhancement and enlargement (usually >2 cm) of ad-
jacent mediastinal lymph nodes are common findings at
CT in the active stage of stenosis. The enlarged lymph
nodes are commonly identified in the subcarinal [37],
paratracheal and perihilar (infrahilar) regions closely abut-
ting or compressing the airways [33].
The most commonly involved airway is the bronchus
intermedius, followed by the left main bronchus and trachea
[37]. Bronchial narrowing can be smooth or irregular, with
mural thickening [33, 38]. Smooth bronchial narrowing is
caused by compression by an adjacent node, and the irregular
narrowing correlates with significant mucosal irregularity, ca- Fig. 8 Diagram of miliary tuberculosis (white dots) with
seation, granuloma formation or even perforation [33]. lymphadenopathy (green)
1242 Pediatr Radiol (2017) 47:1237–1248
Pleural tuberculous disease The effusion can complicate into an exudative effusion,
empyema or infiltration of the thoracic duct [18–20].
Another site of extrapulmonary involvement, aside from Contrast-enhanced CT scan shows smooth thickening of vis-
lymph nodes, is the pleurae [25]. Its prevalence increases ceral and parietal pleura (“split-pleura” sign) [40]. An Air-
with age. Pleural effusion (Figs. 14 and 15) most often fluid level in the pleural space indicates presence of
results from obstruction of the lymphatic drainage or hy- bronchopleural fistula [41]. The empyema can also spread
persensitivity reaction than from direct seeding into the beyond the parietal pleura to produce a subcutaneous abscess,
pleura. This explains why pleural fluid cultures are mostly called empyema necessitatis [42].
negative [28]. Spread to the pleura might also come from
a caseating granuloma near the pleura or via hematoge- Pericardial disease
nous dissemination [2].
As a complication of primary tuberculosis, pleural involve- Tuberculous pericarditis is a relatively uncommon complica-
ment is most frequently observed in older children and ado- tion of primary tuberculosis. It has been reported in 1% of
lescents. It can occur 3–6 months after infection and is some- cases. It is commonly caused by direct extension of lymph
times asymptomatic [2]. It is also typically appreciated in as- nodes into the posterior pericardial sac [28], although miliary
sociation with parenchymal or nodal disease [39]. Pleural ef- spread has been reported [28, 43]. CT shows lymphadenopa-
fusions are associated with air-space consolidation in 29% and thy and pericardial thickening with or without effusion.
could be bilateral or loculated in 6% of cases [17]. This is Constrictive pericarditis with fibrous or calcified pericardial
usually self-limiting and prognosis is good. Residual pleural thickening of usually >3 mm occur in about 10% of patients
calcifications appear in some cases [2].
Fig. 10 Diagram of lymphobronchial tuberculosis with partial Fig. 11 Diagram of lymphobronchial tuberculosis with complete
obstruction of the lower lobe bronchus by enlarged lymph nodes obstruction by enlarged lymph nodes (green) of the right main
(green) and secondary lobar hyperinflation (blue) bronchus, resulting in right lung atelectasis
Pediatr Radiol (2017) 47:1237–1248 1243
[43]. Pericardial effusion (Figs. 15, 16 and 17), commonly observed in the pediatric age group, mostly in adolescents [2,
serous type [28], can result in globular enlargement of the 13]. It is considered a late disease progression of the primary
heart shadow (water bottle sign) [1]. infection, which can occur 8–24 months from exposure and in
children as young as 8 years [18–20].
The most commonly affected locations are the apical and
Post-primary tuberculosis posterior segments of the upper lobes and the apical segment
of the lower lobes because of higher oxygen tension (Fig. 18).
Post-primary tuberculosis is also known as adult-type, reacti- Initially there might be cloudy opacification in a segment before
vation or secondary tuberculosis and sometimes phthisis [2]. coalescence and parenchymal breakdown. Complications in-
This results from the reactivation of dormant foci. It is further clude cavitation, bronchogenic spread with bronchopneumonic
consolidation, exudative pleuritis, cicatrization atelectasis of the
upper lobe with retraction of hilum and formation of traction 4 mm with linear branching opacities (“tree-in-bud” sign)
bronchiectasis [1, 2, 44–46]. Lymph node enlargement is not which represent caseous necrosis at and around terminal and
common in comparison to primary tuberculosis [18–20]. respiratory bronchioles [49] (Fig. 20). Complete destruction
Cavitation is radiographically evident in 40% of cases of of the entire lung or a large part of a lung is not uncommon in
post-primary disease. The walls of the cavities might appear the end stage of tuberculosis. Secondary pyogenic or fungal
thin and smooth or thick and nodular. It is difficult to distin- infection can occur [47]. Miliary tuberculosis and
guish thin-walled cavities from bullae, cysts or pneumatoceles. tuberculomas might also be encountered in post-primary tu-
Cystic bronchiectasis should also be considered when multiple berculosis [2, 50].
cavities are present [47] (Figs. 18 and 19).
In 20% of post-primary tuberculosis cases, bronchogenic
spread appears on radiographs as multiple, ill-defined Approach to classification of intrathoracic
micronodules in a segmental or lobar distribution, typically tuberculosis
in the lower-lung zones [48]. High-resolution CT, the modal-
ity of choice, demonstrates centrilobular nodules ranging 2– We adapted the clinical and laboratory components of the
classification from Graham et al. [3], Moyo et al. [4] and
Triasih [5]. An imaging approach to interpretation is summa-
rized in Fig. 21. The radiologic side of the algorithm is based
on the pathological processes that occur in tuberculosis that
result in various complications.
Fig. 19 Post-primary
tuberculosis in a 14-year-old girl.
a, b Posteroanterior chest
radiograph (a) and volume-
rendered CT (b) show cavitations,
traction and cystic bronchiectasis
in the right lung
1246 Pediatr Radiol (2017) 47:1237–1248
Fig. 20 Post-primary
tuberculous disease with
bronchogenic spread in a 15-year-
old girl. a Posteroanterior chest
radiograph of shows ill-defined
infiltrates in the left upper lobe
(encircled). b Coronal
reconstruction CT image
demonstrates multiple
centrilobular nodules (arrows)
with linear branching opacities
(tree-in-bud sign)
and post-primary tuberculosis, but the typical radiologic pat- infection and disease because treatments are different. The
terns are now complicated by overlapping imaging character- proposed standardized clinical and radiographic classification
istics as well as occurrence of atypical features seen in immu- presented in this paper aims to provide helpful guides in the
nocompromised children. It is important to differentiate proper nomenclature of suspected tuberculosis patients. The
Fig. 21 This is the proposed approach to classify intrathoracic complications present (e.g., primary progressive tuberculosis with
tuberculosis in children. It includes clinical, laboratory and radiologic lymphobronchial involvement and pleural disease). CXR chest
(in black background) components. The imaging characteristics follow radiograph, IGRA interferon-gamma release assay, LTBI latent
the pathological processes and the possible complications that occur. The tuberculous infection, TB tuberculosis/tuberculous, TST tuberculin skin
impression of the imaging findings should contain the main pathology test, Xpert MTB/RIF test to detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis and
(i.e. primary tuberculosis infection, primary progressive tuberculous resistance to rifampicin [8]
disease or post-primary tuberculous disease) followed by the various
Pediatr Radiol (2017) 47:1237–1248 1247
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