The Town Energy Balance (TEB) : An Urban Surface Parametrisation Developed at Météo France
The Town Energy Balance (TEB) : An Urban Surface Parametrisation Developed at Météo France
The Town Energy Balance (TEB) : An Urban Surface Parametrisation Developed at Météo France
Fundamentals of TEB
First level of
atmospheric model
Evaluation of TEB
– Dry version (Mexico City and Vancouver; Masson et al., 2002)
– Including vegetation (Marseille; Lemonsu et al., 2004)
– Fall and winter (Toulouse; Pigeon et al., 2008)
– Including snow cover (Montreal; Lemonsu et al., 2010)
– Further evaluations by TEB user community
Behavioural characteristics
– Heating and cooling design temperature
– Building internal heat release
– Window and shading use
Meteorological forcing data
General specifications of meteorological forcing data
The urban weather generator (Bueno et al., 2013; Le Bras and Masson, 2015)
is based on an energy balance of the urban boundary layer
It allows for urban climate simulations with TEB forced by station observations
Application of the urban weather generator for Paris
Centre of Toulouse
– Homogeneous urban morphology
– ~20 m high red brick buildings
– Vegetation is rare
– Not much industry
CAPITOUL's anthropogenic heat release estimations
Initialisation problem?
Too high a sensitivity!
August holidays?
– Essential scientific publications on TEB and ISBA
– SURFEX scientific and technical documentation
– A license agreement needs to be signed with Météo France
– Contains a very simple vegetation model
– Essential information in README.txt
Specification of TEB-Opensource
Heating has strong influence on town sensible heat flux during winter
Cooling has a strong impact during the night in the summer season
- arbitrary
- violation of energy conservation
Bueno, B., G. Pigeon, L.K. Norford, K. Zibouche and C. Marchadier, 2012: Development and
evaluation of a building energy model integrated in the TEB scheme. Geosci. Model Dev., 5, 433-
Bueno, B., J. Hidalgo, G. Pigeon, L. Norford and V. Masson, 2013: Calculation of air
temperatures above the urban canopy layer from measurements at a rural operational weather
station. J. Appl. Meteorol. Climatol., 52, 472-483.
De Munck, C.S., A. Lemonsu, R. Bouzouidja, V. Masson and R. Claverie, 2013: The
GREENROOF module (v7.3) for modelling green roof hydrological and energetic performances
within TEB. Geosci. Model Dev., 6, 1941-1960.
De Munck, C.S., G. Pigeon, V. Masson, F. Meunier, P. Bousquet, B. Tréméac, M. Merchat, P.
Poeuf and C. Marchadier, 2013: How much can air conditioning increase air temperatures for a
city like Paris, France? International Journal of Climatology, 33, 210-227.
Le Bras, J. and V. Masson, 2015: A fast and spatialized urban weather generator for long-term
urban studies at the city scale. Front. Earth Sci., 3:27.
Lemonsu, A., C.S.B. Grimmond and V. Masson, 2004: Modeling the surface energy balance of
the core of an old Mediterranean City: Marseille. J. Appl. Meteorol. Climatol., 43, 312-327.
Lemonsu, A., S. Belair, J. Mailhot and S. Leroyer, 2010: Evaluation of the Town Energy
Balance Model in cold and snowy conditions during the Montreal Urban Snow Experiment 2005.
J. Appl. Meteorol. Climatol., 49, 346-362.
Lemonsu, A., V. Masson, L. Shashua-Bar, E. Erell and D. Pearlmutter, 2012: Inclusion of
vegetation in the Town Energy Balance model for modelling urban green areas. Geosci. Model
Dev., 5, 1377-1393.
References 2
Masson, V. 2000: A physically-based scheme for the urban energy budget in atmospheric
models. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 94, 357-397.
Masson, V., C.S.B. Grimmond and T.R. Oke, 2002: Evaluation of the Town Energy Balance
(TEB) scheme with direct measurements from dry districts in two cities. J. Appl. Meteorol.
Climatol., 41, 1011-1026.
Masson, V., L. Gomes, G. Pigeon, C. Liousse, V. Pont, J.-P. Lagouarde, J. Voogt, J.
Salmond, T.R. Oke, J. Hidalgo, D. Legain, O. Garrouste, C. Lac, O. Connan, X. Briottet, S.
Lachérade and P. Tulet, 2008: The Canopy and Aerosol Particles Interactions in TOulouse
Urban Layer (CAPITOUL) experiment. Meteorol. Atmos. Phys., 102, 135-157.
Pigeon, G., D. Legain, P. Durand and V. Masson, 2007: Anthropogenic heat release in an old
European agglomeration (Toulouse, France). Int. J. Climatol., 27, 1969-1981.
Pigeon, G., M.A. Moscicki, J.A. Voogt and V. Masson, 2008: Simulation of fall and winter
surface energy balance over a dense urban area using the TEB scheme. Meteorol. Atmos. Phys.,
102, 159-171.
Pigeon, G., K. Zibouche, B. Bueno, J. Le Bras and V. Masson, 2014: Improving the
capabilities of the Town Energy Balance model with up-to-date building energy simulation
algorithms: an application to a set of representative buildings in Paris. Energy and Buildings, 76,