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VMware VCAC510 : Practice Test
Question No : 1
Your manager, although not a network expert, knows the network group has informed her
that your current company infrastructure is nearly out of VLANs for deploying additional
networks. You are already growing to the point where this is going to soon become a
serious issue. How would you explain to your manager how vCloud Networking and
Security (vCNS) solves this problem?
A. vCNS uses specialized network hardware to extend the network capabilities in vCenter
B. vCNS extends vCenter Standard Switches to support VXLANs
C. vCNS uses virtual appliances to build software defined networks
D. vCNS increases the maximum number of supported VLANs
Answer: C
and-security-overview.pdf(page 3, architecture)
Question No : 2
You have been asked to give a high-level presentation to management and technical staff
at your company on the vCloud Suite. As you are describing the various components of the
vCloud Suite, what type of service would you describe the vFabric Suite as providing?
Answer: D
Question No : 3
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a number of print servers and a systems monitoring server. These applications are
considered which type of workload?
A. Elastic
B. Infrastructure
C. Transient
D. Management
Answer: B
Question No : 4
After this morning's high-level, sales-oriented cloud seminar, your colleague is still unclear
on the relationship between an Org vDC and a Provider vDC and asks you to help explain
why you would set up multiple Provider vDCs. What would you tell him?
Answer: B
Question No : 5
You are explaining to your manager how vCloud Director helps ensure that each
organization in your company has access to QA-approved VM images only. What vCloud
Director object only allows your users access to QA-approved VMs?
A. Org vDC
B. Configured datastore with VMs in OVF format
C. vCenter Template
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VMware VCAC510 : Practice Test
D. Published Catalog
Answer: B
Question No : 6
You're concerned a physical host outage will impact running VMs in your cloud
environment. Which of the following vSphere features will help recover from a failed ESXi
Answer: A
esxi-vcenter-server-51-availability-guide.pdf(page 9, see drs and vmotion integration, last
Question No : 7
You are supporting several different organizations within your company, each of which
needs to be on a separate, isolated network. Which of the following will vCloud Director use
to configure network separation between different organizations in your company?
A. vCloud Connector
B. vCenter Operations Manager
C. vCloud Networking and Security
D. vFabric Hyperic
Answer: C
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Security.pdf(page 8)
Question No : 8
You have been asked to install and verify network security for the multiple tenants in your
public cloud. Which of the following will you primarily work with to secure your tenants?
Answer: A
and-security-overview.pdf(page 2)z
Question No : 9
Your company is currently in the middle of transitioning to a private cloud, therefore your
datacenter has a combination of legacy physical servers, vCenter (e.g. non-cloud) VMs and
cloud-based VMs. You'd rather not have to deal with three separate interfaces for
deploying and managing the life-cycle of all three types of servers. Which of the following
can you use to perform life-cycle management for all of these servers during the transition
A. vFabric Suite
B. vCloud Director
C. vCenter
D. vCloud Automation Center
Answer: D
faq.pdf(first answer, page 1)
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VMware VCAC510 : Practice Test
Question No : 10
You need a solution for your burst utilization without paying for unused capacity during non-
peak hours. Which vCloud product will solve this problem?
A. vCloud APIs
B. vCloud Automation Center
C. vCloud Networking and Security
D. vCloud Connector
Answer: D
Question No : 11
Your company has decided to use server, storage and network equipment from a cloud
provider where you have the ability to configure the services and virtual machines in this
environment to best accomplish your business goals. Which type of service are you using?
Answer: A
Question No : 12
You have a multi-tier application comprised of a web, database, and application servers.
Which product will allow you to move the Apache web server to the public cloud while
maintaining the same network settings and connectivity with the other two servers?
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VMware VCAC510 : Practice Test
B. vCenter
C. vCloud Connector
D. vFabric Suite
Answer: C
Question No : 13
Management has decided it makes business sense for your company to move to a hybrid
cloud environment but has the concern that once you have made the move, managing your
many VMs across the various clouds will require multiple logins with multiple interfaces.
Which product would you describe to management to reassure them that you have a single
pane of glass style operational interface for all of the VMsin this hybrid cloud environment?
A. vCenter Server
B. vCloud Connector
C. vCloud Director
D. vFabric Suite
Answer: B
Question No : 14
Your manager tells you he wants the ability to roll back broken or unauthorized
configuration changes to a previous known good state. Which product will solve this
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VMware VCAC510 : Practice Test
Answer: B
Question No : 15
Your company is developing a new application and would like to have a several identical
test environments. Which of the following vCloud features would you utilize in making this
environment secure?
Answer: A
Question No : 16
Your consulting firm has asked you to advise a large enterprise client which has not yet
moved to a cloud infrastructure. This client is running the majority of their servers in a
virtualized vSphere environment and, initially, wants to know why they should deploy a
private cloud.
Which of the following would be a compelling reason for the client to make the jump to the
Answer: A
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VMware VCAC510 : Practice Test
Question No : 17
Your manager is concerned that, even in the cloud, provisioning hundreds or thousands of
VMs will result in a lot of redundant storage use. You explain that you can minimize the use
of redundant storage with vCloud by making use of which of the following features?
A. Snapshots
B. Fast Provisioning
C. Templates
D. Storage DRS
Answer: B
Question No : 18
Before you begin the rollout of your private cloud, the technical project leader wants to
ensure you have the vSphere components required by vCloud Director in place first.
WhichtwovSpherecomponents are required by vCloud? (Choose two.)
A. ESXi hypervisor
B. vCenter Server
C. vSphere Data Protection
D. vCenter Orchestrator
Answer: A,B
Question No : 19
At your company you have several research projects which require separate networks in
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VMware VCAC510 : Practice Test
your cloud. Although the servers on these networks will require access to the rest of the
company, it is not required that any of the servers deployed on these networks have static
or public IP addresses. Which vCloud Networking and Security feature will allow you to
reuse the same subnet/IP address range on each of these networks without causing any IP
address conflicts or collisions?
B. Fencing
C. Firewall
Answer: A
Question No : 20
You need to deploy a consistently configured workload with multiple VMs. Another group in
your company has already defined just such a workload. Rather than recreate your own
workload definition, which feature would allow you to deploy the workload as defined by the
other group?
A. Auto Deploy
B. vCloud Catalog
C. vCenter Template
D. Org vDC
Answer: A
Question No : 21
Your company is growing and your manager has asked you to build out a new virtual
datacenter with its appropriate Provider vDCs and Org vDCs. Which of the following
products provides the primary interface for constructing this software datacenter?
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VMware VCAC510 : Practice Test
C. vCloud Automation Center
D. vCloud Director
Answer: C
Question No : 22
Your manager asks you if your internal workload provisioning and management tools can
be used to manage and interoperate with your public cloud provider. You answer yes, by
using which of the following vCloud features?
A. Provider vDC
B. Self-Service Portal
C. Service Catalog
D. vCloud APIs
Answer: D
Question No : 23
Your manager asks you to explain the relationship between vCloud Director and vSphere.
How do you explain this to him?
Answer: C
vCloud leverages ESXi and vCenter (vCenter is required to administrate your virtual
infrastructure,certain tasks will have to be done first in vCenter, such as creating a HA/DRS
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VMware VCAC510 : Practice Test
cluster, configuring the distributed virtual switch, adding hosts, etc.vCloud Director will talk
to your vCenter servers.To create a cloud you’ll need both vCenter and vCD.)
Question No : 24
Your development group wants to automate the configuration, deployment and subsequent
updating of a multi-tier app they are developing. Which of the following products will allow
development to do this?
A. vFabric Hyperic
B. vFabric Application Director
C. vCloud Connector
D. vCloud Director
Answer: C
Whitepaper.pdf(page 5)
Question No : 25
Your manager is asking you to explain how Chargeback relates to other VMware software
components. How would you explain this to him?
A. Chargeback is integrated with vCloud components only as vCloud can provide both the
cloud- and vSphere-related data Chargeback needs.
B. Chargeback is integrated with vSphere only, collecting data from vCenter's database.
C. Chargeback is a standalone product, collecting all data itself and has no direct
interaction with any other VMware software products.
D. Chargeback is integrated with vCenter and vCloud components, vCenter for vSphere-
related data and vCloud for cloud-related data.
Answer: D
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VMware VCAC510 : Practice Test
Question No : 26
Your clients want multiple tiers of service, with some workloads protected against disasters.
Which vCloud feature will you use to do this?
A. Fast Provisioning
B. vCloud APIs
C. Provider vDC
D. Service Catalog
Answer: D
0375&appname=STG_BC_FRFR_ANNO(Search for service catalog)
Question No : 27
You have been tasked with setting up various automation features in your private cloud.
You know that vCloud Automation Center is going to be the perfect tool for the job. What
are the available purchase options for vCloud Automation Center?
Answer: B
Question No : 28
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