Behavior of High Strength Fiber Reinforced Concrete Beams in Shear
Behavior of High Strength Fiber Reinforced Concrete Beams in Shear
Behavior of High Strength Fiber Reinforced Concrete Beams in Shear
Behavior of High Strength Fiber Reinforced Concrete
Beams in Shear
Dawood Abdulhai Pandor
The objective of this thesis is to investigate experimentally the behavior of high
strength fiber reinforced deep concrete beams in shear, in order to arrive at a working
model and equation for predicting the shear strengths of these structural members .
In the experimental program, the volume fraction and aspect ratio of fibers, the
shear span to depth ratio of the specimens, and the maximum aggregate size were
varied in order to determine the effect of these variables on the specimen strength,
on application of four point loading .
In general, it was observed that the addition of fibers led to a significant improve-
ment in the shear strengths of the specimens .
Modification of an existing formula, proposed for the prediction of beam shear
strengths, and the incorporation of a term to account for the contribution from the
fibers to the specimen strength, yielded results which correspond very closely to those
obtained experimentally and in other research programs .
A model for high strength fiber reinforced concrete, based on an existing shear
truss model, was also developed to enable the peak deflections and strengths of these
specimens to be predicted, and this model also yielded very good agreement with the
observed data .
Use of this model therefore represents a useful method for investigating the behav-
ior of high strength fiber reinforced deep concrete beams, and the proposed equation,
after the inclusion of a satisfactory factor of safety, is an especially useful tool for
utilisation in design practise .
Professor Leung, Thanakorn Pheeraphan, Yiping Geng and Amjad Shahbazker for
providing valuable advice and assistance
W.R. Grace and Co., for providing the materials used in the experimental program .
The American Concrete Institute, for providing partial funding for this research.
My family, for the support and guidance which they have always provided for me .
1 Introduction 11
1.1 Objectives and scope of the research program . ............ 13
1.1.1 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.1.2 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.1.3 Organisation of thesis ....................... 14
4 Experimental work 44
4.1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
4.2 Tests specim ens .............................. 45
4.3 Design of HSFRC beams ......................... 47
4.3.1 Flexural analysis ......................... 47
4.3.2 Shear strength estimation ................... . 50
4.4 Batch design and material selection . .................. 51
4.5 Preparation and casting of specimens . ........... . ..... 53
4.6 Testing procedure ............................. 54
4.6.1 Compression and splitting tensile tests . ............ 54
4.6.2 Beam shear tests ......................... 57
6 Discussion of results 73
6.1 Deep beam shear model ......................... 73
6.2 Discussion of proposed equation for shear strength prediction .... . 86
6.2.1 Choice of shear equation ..................... 86
6.2.2 Verification of the applicability of Bazant's formula to HSC
deep beam s ............................ 88
6.2.3 Modification of Bazant's formula . ............... 92
Concrete with a 28 day compressive strength of over 7 000 psi (High Strength Con-
crete) has, only over the last 20 years, received serious attention from Structural
Engineers and, indeed, been utilised in engineering applications [1] . Therefore, com-
pared with the research on Normal Strength Concrete(NC) which has occurred over
the last century, as much is not understood about the behavior of High Strength
One of the first misconceptions to clarify with respect to HSC, is that it is not
an entirely new material [2] . Indeed, HSC can be made by simply reducing the
water/cement ratio of concrete to a suitable level. This may then merit the addition
of superplasticisers in order to improve the workability of the resulting mix.
In order to obtain further increases in strength (over approximately 11 000 psi),
it will then be necessary to add other components, such as silica fume. Further
measures, such as high temperature or pressure curing, and polymer impregnation [3],
and modification of aggregate properties, can be taken to bring about an improvement
in the performance of the material. The basic point, however, is that the essential
components of a concrete mix need not be dramatically altered in order to create a
concrete of higher strength.
A basic understanding for the differences between HSC and NC having been pro-
vided, it is now necessary to examine the advantages and disadvantages to using HSC
in practise.
HSC generally has the advantages, over normal strength concrete, of providing :
1. increased stiffness,
1.1.1 Objectives
The main objectives of this research program are to try to gain a better understanding
for the shear behavior of high strength fiber reinforced concrete beams subjected
to shear loading, and to try to obtain a means of predicting the behavior of such
1.1.2 Scope
In order to satisfy these objectives, it is necessary to divide the research into an
experimental and a theoretical program.
The aims of the experimental program are to investigate the influence on the shear
behavior of HSC beams when the following properties are varied :
1. the volume fraction of fibers ( V1 )
2. the shear span to depth ratio ( a/d )
3. the aggregate size ( d. )
4. the aspect ratio ( Il/d ) of the fibers.
The experimental program allows for an effective investigation of some of the
factors influencing the shear strength of these specimens.
In the theoretical program, the results of these experiments, as well as the results
from previous research studies, will be applied to try to obtain a predictive equation
and model which will enable the shear strength of steel fiber reinforced HSC beams
to be quantified successfully.
Research over the last forty years has contributed significantly to attainment of a
more complete understanding of the behavior of concrete specimens.
Essentially, failure in concrete beams develops as a result of the interaction be-
tween the applied flexural and shear stresses, cracking occurring when this biaxial
state of stress exceeds the capacity of the concrete.
There are generally two mechanisms for the transfer of shear forces within beams :
a) Beam action (Figure 2-1), and
b) Arch action (Figure 2-2),
the dominance of any one particular type of mechanism being determined by the
a/d ratio of the specimen [5, 6] .
Beam action, dominant at large a/d values when the load cannot be transferred
to the supports by the arch supporting mechanism, is generally considered to result
from the resistance offerred by the uncracked concrete, the longitudinal reinforcement
( dowel action ) and the aggregate interlock mechanism.
Arch action, dominant at low a/d, generally results in the direct transfer of shear
load from the point of application, to the supports. As the support is approached
1 iE S-r
Line of thrust
.jd d
by the load, the depth of the compression zone increases, and thus the mechanism is
facilitated, the horizontal resistance to the opening of the arch being provided by the
longitudinal reinforcement.
during the pullout of the steel fibers from the matrix, resulting from the presence of
a weak interface between fiber and matrix in normal concrete specimens, -due to the
accumulation of a weak calcium-hydroxide layer(see Figure 2-3) at the interface [7].
It has also been observed that fibers also help to improve the contribution from
dowel action to shear resistance, making failures more ductile [11, 15] . This occurs
due to the ability of the fibers to maintain the integrity of the concrete to which the
dowel forces are transferred, thereby preventing the degradation of this shear resisting
As previously mentioned, there are primarily two transfer mechanisms responsible
for shear transfer in beam specimens : beam action and arch action. However, as fibers
do not significantly improve the compressive strength of NC specimens [16, 17] , the
contribution of fibers to arch action is not as significant [12], and the main effectiveness
of fibers is in the beam mechanism ( for larger shear spans ) when the fibers help
bridge across the cracks which propagate in the matrix, and maintain the effectiveness
of the dowel contribution.
0 5000 10000 15000 20000
One of the directions in which the ACI suggested research into HSC be guided, was
towards the incorporation of fibers in the material [18] .
Very limited research efforts have, however, been concentrated on this area of
research, a brief summary of these findings being presented below.
=5 .04%
aid a local
a•t high load
and further crack propagation, leading to diagonal tension failure, which is sudden.
Hence, as for HSC the crack surface is smooth due to crack propagation through
the aggregates(Figure 2-6), aggregate interlock forces are minimised and so failure
may follow the aforementioned stages, ignoring the aggregate interlock stage.
It was also observed in previous studies that the reinforcement ratio ( p ) played
a significant role in controlling the type of shear failure.
This is because, not only of the contribution from dowel action to the shear resist-
ing mechanism, but also because an important factor that affects the rate at which
a flexural crack develops into an inclined one is the magnitude of stresses near the
crack tip. The intensity of principle stresses above the flexural crack depends on
the depth of penetration of the crack, and the greater the value of p, the less the
penetration of the flexural crack - The less the penetration of the flexural crack, the
less the principle stress for a given load, and consequently, the greater must be the
shear force to cause the principle stresses that will result in diagonal tension cracking
( This idea could also be extended to an increase in the a/d ratio, which results in an
increased moment at a section, and hence the increased possibility of flexural cracks
with increased crack lengths. Hence, the possibility that these cracks would develop
into diagonal cracks would increase, and consequently, it would be expected that for
increased a/d, the specimen shear capacity would decrease) .
The results of this research indicated the same general relationships between the aid
,atio and the mode of failure previously discussed [21] .
The tests indicated a marked improvement in the post-peak behavior of the spec-
imens, with a significant increase in the ductility. The effect of the fibers on beam
ductility became more pronounced as the a/d ratio increased, and this suipports the
idea [12] that the fibers are more effective in contributing to the beam transfer mech-
anism, than to the arch mechanism.
Most significantly, the results confirmed those noted by Valle [8] , in that it was
observed that the addition of fibers to the specimens caused a noticeable increase in
the shear strength(Figure 2-7).
Two formulae (in MPa) were also proposed for the prediction of the shear capacity
of HSFRC beams :
2310 1/
a .d
C 3 43
da 0a
Defecieo n at seassa in
3 ... 4 e -as
Do, eisc an at asesan (as
Review of Shahbazker
The results of this research confirm many of the observations made by Ashour [23]
and Valle [8, 40] .
Experiments were also performed in this program incorporating stirrups, and this
was found to result in much greater improvements in ductility, as expected.
The results also seem to indicate that the contribution from fibers and stirrups to
the peak shear stress is not additive, possibly due to a lack of correspondence of peak
strains, the overestimate being of the order of 15 % if the contributions are added
It should, however, be noted that tests were only performed for a single specimen
in each case ( as indeed were the tests performed by Ashour ) and therefore this
suggests that it would be useful to repeat several of these tests to confirm the actual
quantitative results obtained.
Also, in using Bazant's equation (in psi) [25]:
tion perhaps underestimated, but also the equation has been assumed to not account
for dowel action, which it does.
Examining Table 2.2, when the equation proposed by Shahbazker,
Crr 1•d
Figure 3-1: Truss model for reinforced concrete element [29]
t ½ T
d dv
a = normal stress
7 = shear stress
f = stress in steel
p = reinforcement ratio
a = the angle of inclination of the d axis with respect to the x axis (positive counterclockwise'
d, = d - d'
Essentially the truss mechanism formed must satisfy the laws of compatibility and
equilibrium, and the material laws .
( p, is the equivalent area of fiber steel across the shear plane and it should be
noted that the fibers are considered to be only effective in the y-axis direction as the
contribution to the x-axis direction is negligible compared to the area of longitudinal
steel )
where :
ex, Cy = average normal strains in the x and y directions (tension positive), respectively,
7.y = average shear strain,
Ei,E, = average principle compressive and tensile strains respectively
The longitudinal bars, and the steel fibers, are assumed to demonstrate elastic-
perfectly plastic stress-strain characteristics, as shown in Figure 3-3 (the high bond
strength for steel fibers in HSC allows this assumption to be made for the fibers,
even though in reality some fiber debonding will occur before the yield strength is
reached) .
f, = E, , < fy (3.7)
where E, and f, are the Young's Modulus and the yield stress of the steel rein-
forcement respectively .
The principle compressive stress-strain curve for HSFRC, which incorporates the
softening effect due to the biaxial state of stress, is shown in Figure 3-4 :
The ascending portion is represented by :
for Ed Ep,
and is the same as for NC, as there is essentially no sigificant change when fibers
are added .
Figure 3-3: Stress-strain relationship for steel
L ((3.9)
CO=)2 i
for Ed _> EP
where E, = Eo/A, and lambda is a coefficient to account for the softening phe-
nomenon, where :
A = /0.7- (3.10)
This is again the same relation as used for NC because, due to the addition of
fibers, it is expected that the post-peak behavior for HSC would be improved only to
the extent that the ductility would be comparable to that for NC .
The assumed principle tensile stress-strain relation was also taken to consist of
two portions : a pre- and a post-cracking behavior (Figure 3-5) :
Before cracking, the ascending portion is given by :
(, = eE, (3.11)
f, = 7.5 /
ACI 363[35] notes that for, curing conditions followed by air drying, the use of
7.5Vff is probably fairly close to the full strength range for high strength concrete .
The post-cracking behavior is given by :
r, =
fc. + (ptu) (312)
= 0050 (3.13)
This post-cracking behavior occurs because, after cracking, the stress across the
cracks is still quite significant due to the presence of fibers . This stress across the
cracks is denoted by ate, where,
t771 l 7,r
r' is the ratio of the area of cross section to the perimeter of the fiber .
The ultimate bond strength of the fibers, r,, has been calculated to be the bond
stress at yielding of the fibers, to account for the higher bond properties of HSC .
3.1.4 Simplifying assumptions
At this stage, there exist 14 unknowns but only 11 equations, and therefore it is
necessary to make several simplifying assumptions to enable a solution to be obtained.
As the depth d. is assumed not to carry any flexure, then it can be assumed that :
Y= 0
at = Kr
where K is the ratio of maximum transverse stress to maximum shear stress, and is
given by :
d, h 4 2 a
h a 3 3 h
As the proposed model by Hsu [29] does not account for the dowel contribution from
the longitudinal steel, and does not account for aggregate interlock, it is necessary to
modify the modify the model to attain a higher degree of accuracy .
For HSC, when cracks propagate, they generally pass through the aggregate, as
this offers the path of least resistance . Thus the crack surface is generally quite
a 4 a h/2
'/ \- ,, Distribution
of Transverse
h/2 , / h/2 .. - Isostatic
/ I -
S / Curve
a=h a = 2h
8 - ,
(d) a/h = 1 (e) a/h = 2
Figure 3-7: Dowel action idealization: (a)dowel bar, (b) beam on an elastic foundation
model, (c)failure condition[33]
dowel action at
beam-col. joint
The theory would not therefore be as appropriate for cracks developed away from
the supports of a beam .
Taking moment equilibrium about the plastic hinge (see Figure 3-7) results in the
following expression for the ultimate dowel contribution :
where fb, the bearing strength of the concrete underneath the dowel bar, is given by :
fb = 154 fl/ db
db = dowel bar diameter,
Kf = concrete foundation modulus (1 x 106 psi),
7 = E, /Kfdb,
T = dowel bar axial force,
T, = dowel bar yield axial force
It is then necessary to use emperical relations in order to calculate the dowel load
for a given shear displacement .
The deflection at ultimate load is given by:
S, = 4.26 x 10- 6
D, + 0.00945
D= D.• S/ (3.14)
Flexural deflections
601.6 P
6 Ecle
where P is the load applied at each of the four load points (Figure 3-10), and Ie, the
effective moment of inertia, is given by :
Me)3 M[
I = (M)3 Ig+ [1 - (
Ma Ma)3] Icr
-P.a -P.a
It should be noted that the stiffening effect of the fibers has not been included in
the calculation of I, and therefore the predicted deflections are expected to be higher
than the practical values obtained, for larger loads, when the fibers are effective in
bridging the cracks which are developing .
The model used in this study therefore differs from the one used by Valle[8] in
that the greater shear span ratio used has led to the inclusion of a term to account
for the variation in stress within the shear span .
Also, this model includes a contribution from dowel action , as a much greater
area fraction of longitudinal steel has been used . Central deflections have also been
predicted, as opposed to shear strains in the study by Valle .
In addition, for the contribution from the fibers in the material laws, alternative
expressions have been used in some cases in order to try to improve the predictions of
peak strength, which in the case of Valle's work, tended to be overpredicted slightly
. The fibers have also been taken as having a contributing effect to the transverse
steel, and thereby effecting an increase in the shear strength of the beams
It is necessary to use an iterative procedure in order to solve for the required un-
knowns, and this iterative procedure is outlined below :
7. Calculate the other desired unknowns - for this case r,, and y, .
A simple flow chart may be used to illustrate the solution procedure, as shown in
Figure 3-11 .
Hence, in this manner, for different values of ed, the shear behavior of the beam
can be traced .
The shear deflection of the beam can then be calculated,
86 = 7,/, d,
and consequently, from eqtns. 3.14 and 3.15, the dowel contribution is obtained,
enabling the total load acting on the specimen to be calculated :
Finally, the overall deflection is simply the sum of the flexural and shear deflec-
ST = S, + 6f ,
Experimental work
4.1 Scope
The variables investigated in this program were :
1. Vf of fibers,
5. fiber effectiveness .
A total of 22 laboratory size specimens were cast, and the compressive strength
developed was approximately 10 000 psi .
In the remainder of this thesis, the following key will be used to represent the
specimens :
Vf - (a/d) - (lf/d) - d,
where da = maximum aggregate size, and the other terms are as defined previously .
A summary of the specimen types is provided in Table 4.1 .
Specimen Specimen type No. cast
al 0.0-1.46-28.1-0.375 2
a2 0.4-1.46-28.1-0.375 3
a3 0.8-1.46-28.1-0.375 3
a4 1.2-1.46-28.1-0.375 2
bl 0.8-0.93-28.1-0.375 2
b2 0.8-1.73-28.1-0.375 2
cl 0.8-1.46-61.5-0.375 2
c2 0.8-1.46-50.0-0.375 2
dl 0.8-1.46-28.1-0.250 2
d2 0.8-1.46-28.1-0.090 2
1 5 20
2 4 20
' 03
Section A-A
Side elevation
3 x 3.75
10000 0.003 E,
Pb = 0.65 x 0.85 x - x = 0.0708
60000 0.003 E, + f,
Hence, as the beams are over-reinforced, only the balanced steel ratio will be used
in the flexural calculations .
It is also advisable to provide this additional steel, because shear stresses will cause
longitudinal stresses to develop in the steel, and so part of the steel area provided
will not be available to resist flexure .
For the principle fibers used in this study, of square cross section,
fiber length, lj = 1"
breadth = 0.045"
depth = 0.011"
Therefore, the effective diameter of the fiber, df, may be calculated :
rx df = 2 x (0.045 + 0.011)
df(effective) = 0.0357
Ifl/df = 1/0.0357 = 28.1
Figure 4-2 summarises the simplifications made in estimating the flexural capacity
Beam Stress Strain
Section Distribution Diagram
b 0o.s85 o.oo0
I 1 C
--- 4 --
TI r F{
Ixi i 1j jI
..- _.-.. •;
A strain in rebars
of the beams .
The flexural capacity of a normal fiber reinforced beam is given by [17, 34] :
a h e a
M, = A,.f, (d- 2) + .b( 2 2
where aft is the tensile strength of the fiber concrete, and is given by :
where Fbe is the fiber efficiency factor, taken as 1.2 for crimped fibers, and rd is the
dynamic bond stress of the fibers .
This equation has also been assumed to be valid for HSC [35], the improved bond
strength being accounted for in the value of rd used (600 psi) .
Now :
where ef is the strain in the fiber.
(g + 0.003)
ao is the tensile stress in the fibers during pullout (for normal concrete), and is
obtained by equating the tensile stress in the fibers to the bond stress :
Td Fbe if (bf + wf)
(Note that the fibers are of square cross section, the dimensions being given by w1
and bf .)
This value is independent of the volume fraction of the fibers and may be calcu-
lated at this stage :
As the yield strength of the fibers is 60 000 psi, then the above result would tend to
indicate that the fibers will actually yield before pull-out occurs .
Thus af = 60 000 psi.
_ 60 000
e -- 2.069 x 10- 3
E, 29 x 106
0.002069 + 0.003
e= c = 1.69 c
but a = 0.65 c, so :
e = 2.60 a
The value of a (see Figure 4-2) is determined by equating the compression in the
concrete section to the tension, and the resulting expression may be expressed as :
A, f, + aft b h
0.85 fc b + 2.6 oft b
Specimen Moment capacity(lbin) Total load(kips)
0.0-1.46-28.1-0.375 134374 48.80
0.4-1.46-28.1-0.375 134918 49.06
0.8-1.46-28.1-0.375 135224 49.16
1.2-1.46-28.1-0.375 135529 51.28
0.8-0.93-28.1-0.375 135224 77.27
0.8-1.73-28.1-0.375 135224 41.60
0.8-1.46-61.5-0.375 135952 49.44
0.8-1.46-50.0-0.375 135339 49.21
0.8-1.46-28.1-0.250 135224 49.16
0.8-1.46-28.1-0.090 135224 49.16
The flexural capacity may then be determined using the aforementioned expression
for M,, and consequently the ultimate load capacity obtained .
A summary of the results of the calculations for the different specimen types is
provided in Table 4.2
where :
vd ~ 0.25 v,
A summary of the estimated shear capacities for the different specimens is pre-
Specimen Vc (Ibs) V, (lbs) Total load (Ibs)
0.0-1.46-28.1-0.375 16.12 21.49 42.98
0.4-1.46-28.1-0.375 18.94 25.25 50.50
0.8-1.46-28.1-0.375 20.24 26.99 53.98
1.2-1.46-28.1-0.375 21.26 28.34 56.68
0.8-0.93-28.1-0.375 45.69 60.92 121.84
0.8-1.73-28.1-0.375 16.03 21.37 42.74
0.8-1.46-61.5-0.375 25.13 33.51 67.02
0.8-1.46-50.0-0.375 21.01 28.01 56.02
0.8-1.46-28.1-0.250 18.93 25.24 50.48
0.8-1.46-28.1-0.090 14.67 19.56 39.12
* Steel fibers (ff, = 60000 psi) - 3 types were used (Figure 4-3) :
I/d = 28.1 I/d = 50.0 li/d = 61.5
The mixing proportions used to prepare the specimens are given in Table 4.4 , the
mix being designed to obtain a strength of 10 000 psi at 28 days .
The quantities used in a typical mixing operation are provided below in Table 4.5
Variable Proportions
sand/cement 2.0
gravel/cement 2.0
silica 10%
superplasticiser 3%
water/(cement + silica) 0.36
1. The sand, cement and gravel were placed in a rotating-drum mixer(Figure 4-4)
and mixed for 30 seconds,
2. At this stage, the water, silica fume and superplasticizer (which had all been
previously mixed together) were then gradually added to the mixer,
3. If fibers were used, these were 'sprinkled' into the mixer, ensuring that they did
not ball together as they were added,
4. The mixing was then discontinued 5 minutes after step 2 had been completed.
The concrete was then placed in the formwork and, in addition, 4 test cylinders
were cast.
The concrete was cast according to ACI code requirements [36, 37] and the spec-
imens were then vibrated for 3 minutes .
The specimens were then covered in plastic sheeting, and left in this state for 24
Figure 4-4: Laboratory cement mixer
hours in order to allow setting of the concrete to occur . They were then demoulded
and cured in water for 28 days [35]
Hydrostone to
allow even contact
3 in. diam.
x 6 in. length
1. The Young's Modulus of the cylinders were measured by placing two Linear
Voltage Displacement Transducers (LVDT) on diametrically opposite sides of
the cylinders being tested, and then loading the cylinders up to approximately
40% of the expected ultimate capacity, at a displacement rate of 0.016 in/min. .
2. The LVDT's were then removed, and the cylinders reloaded at a displacement
rate of 0.016 in/min. to enable the ultimate compressive strength, f£, to be
determined (Figure 4-7).
In performing the splitting tensile tests, the cylinders were placed flat on their
longitudinal axis (Figure 4-8), and loaded until the occurrence of vertical cracking,
which was readily determined from the load-displacement plot, as loading occurred .
The displacement control rate used was 0.016 in/min.
The results from these splittimg tensile tests were not utilised in this experimental
program, but were only performed in order to provide a measure of the tensile strength
Figure 4-8: Tensile splitting test set-up
The beam shear tests were performed using four point loading . For shear tests on
beams, ACI 318 [36] recommends that the beams be tested soon after removal from
water, to avoid the development of shrinkage cracks and a consequent reduction in
the tensile strength of the specimens . Therefore, all the tests performed on the
specimens (including the cylinders) were performed on the same day of removal from
water .
In order to measure the central deflection of the specimens, an LVDT was used,
located as indicated in Figure 4-9 .
The supports used were designed to allow for rotation at the support points and
thereby maintain a simply supported configuration .
The displacement control rate used was 0.04 in/min., and loading was continued
stiff I-beam
3.0 a
a) All dimensions in inches
b) Drawing not to scale
beyond the ultimate capacity in order for the post-peak behavior to be observed.
Chapter 5
5.1.1 Production
Initially, concrete with a strength in the range of 13 000 psi was attempted to be
produced, however, when the mix design used by Shahbazker [24] to achieve such a
strength was utilised, satisfactory workability was not achieved .
The probable reason for this was that the mixer used by Shahbazker was more
effective in terms of the way in which the concrete was mixed, and also because the
concrete could be pressurised, allowing for a more homogeneous mix .
In this program, the mixer available for use was of the rotating drum, gravity
induced type (Figure 4-4), which is not as effective, and therefore it was necessary to
use a higher water/cement ratio in order to achieve a satisfactory workability . This
resulted in a concrete compressive strength of approximately 10 000 psi .
Addition of fibers to the mix did not have an adverse effect on the mix, the
reduction in workability not being very significant .
The cement used, however, provided some mixing problems . This was because,
on using different bags of cement, it was found that there was a noticeable change
in workability . For the cases with diminished workability, mixing was allowed to
continue for longer period of time .
5.1.2 Compression tests
Table 5.1 summarises the results from the compression tests on the cylinders . It
is seen that the values of Young's Modulus are greater than those expected for NC,
confirming the trend of increased stiffness when using HSC .
It was also observed that when the V1 of fibers is increased there is a coresponding
increase, not only in the Young's Modulus, but also in the compressive strength of
the specimens, and this confirms the beneficial effects of the fibers when added to the
of the supports, but instead towards the closer edges of the supports, as this allowed
for large shear displacements (Figure 3-9) .
It should also be noted that, as observed from the load-deflection diagrams, there
is not a significant decrease in stiffness upon the occurrence of first cracking at ap-
proximately 20000 lbs . This is because the system under study involves deep beam
behavior, with the diagonal cracks initiating close to the neutral axis, and therefore
the cracking has nominal effect on the deflection of the specimens .
If the study had involved slender beam behavior, the occurrence of first cracking
would have probably been more evident from the load-deflection curves . This is
because, for slender beams, shear diagonal cracks generally develop as extensions of
flexural cracks[5] i.e. they develop at the outer tensile fiber (at the bottom of the
specimens in four point loading) . Thus, the reduction in total effective moment of
inertia on first cracking of the specimenns would lead to a reduced overall flexural
rigidity of the specimen, and, therefore, a more noticeable increase in the deflection of
the beam . The fibers present would, however, help to limit the increase in deflection .
As loading continued beyond the peak load, longitudinal cracks developed along
the main reinforcement, indicating that the dowel capacity was being reached .
Also, as the tests progressed into the post-peak range, the relative displacement
between the sides separated by the crack (Figure 3-9) noticeably increased .
The plots for the specimens tested are given in Figure 5-3, Figure 5-4, Figure 5-5,
Figure 5-6, Figure 5-7, Figure 5-8, Figure 5-9, Figure 5-10, and Figure 5-11 .
It should be noted that for the specimens with V1 = 0.0, on reaching the peak
load, failure was brittle (Figure 5-3), with little post-peak ductility, and failure was
accompanied by the emission of a loud noise .
For the specimens with fibers, there was a noticeable increase in the post-peak
ductility (Figure 5-4 to Figure 5-11), however, for V1 = 1.2%, the increase in ductility
was not as significant as was expected (refer to Chapter 6) .
The results also confirm the beneficial effects of adding fibers to the concrete,
because as seen in Table 5.1, as the V1 is increased, there is a corresponding increase
in shear strength of the specimens .
The fibers also helped the specimens to maintain their integrity as the tests pro-
gressed (after reaching the peak load), wheras, in the cases with V1 = 0.0, pieces of
concrete tended to spall off.
For the specimens tested with various shear spans, it is seen that the smaller the
a/d ratio, the greater is the increase in shear strength, as expected .
For the specimens tested with hook ended fibers, it should be noted that after
the ultimate load was reached, continual 'clicking' sounds were heard, a phenomemon
which was not experienced in the other tests, and this was probably the result of the
fibers being pulled out .
It should also be noted that, of the fibers tested, these hooked ended fibers, with
the greatest aspect ratio, caused the greatest increase in shear strength.
In all cases it was noted that for large displacements, the load-displacement plots
eventually levelled out (Figure 5-3 to Figure 5-11), and this load corresponded to the
residual dowel capacity of the specimens .
Deflection (in)
Deflection (in)
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Deflection (in)
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Deflection (in)
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Deflection (in)
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3
Deflection (in)
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Deflection (in)
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3
Deflection (in)
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3
Deflection (in)
Deflection (in)
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Deflection (in)
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3
Deflection (in)
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3
Deflection (in)
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Deflection (in)
Deflection (in)
0 I
Deflection (in)
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Deflection (in)
Discussion of results
1. The fibers help to improve the inherent strength of the concrete in resisting shear
loading, by applying a confining effect to crack propagation, thereby improving
the stress-strain properties of the concrete (Figure 6-1 (a)),
2. The fibers perform the role of transverse steel reinforcement (stirrups) and in
the process act to support some of the shear load acting on the concrete (see
Figure 6-1 (b)).
-- Theoretical
V 20000
- Experimental
Deflection (in)
Comparison of the experimental and theoretical plots are shown in Figure 6-2,
Figure 6-3, Figure 6-4, Figure 6-5, Figure 6-6, Figure 6-7, Figure 6-8, and Figure 6-9 .
It should be noted from the plots, that as the peak load capacity is appproached,
the theoretical prediction indicates a decreasing stiffening behavior of the specimens,
wheras, with the experimental results, this decrease in stiffness is not as dramatic .
This arises because, as previously discussed in Chapter 3, in the model study, the
ability of the fibers to preserve the concrete flexural rigidity, after cracking is initiated,
is not accounted for in terms of the value of I. used .
Ashour[38] , proposed a modification to the formula for I. to account for this stiff-
ening effect, and so one of the directions for future study could be the implementation
of this stiffening behavior in the model .
The post-peak slopes, indicated in the plots, have been obtained using a simple
empirical analysis (see Chapter 3) .
This was obtained by analysing the results from this experimental program, as
well as those due to Shahbazker[24] .
50000 50000
40000 40000
30000 30000
---. Theoretical
20000 20000
10000 10000
0 0
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
50000 ,uuuu~r
---. Theoretical
20000 - Experimental
0.0 0.1 0.2
0.0 0.1 0.2
Deflection (in)
Deflection (in)
40000 40000
30000 30000
.... Theoretical
- Experimental
20000 20000
10000 10000
0 0
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.2
80000 u0000uu
60000 60000
20000 20000
0 0
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.2
0 0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
60000 60000
40000 40000
- Experimental
---. Theoretical
20000 20000
0 0
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3
a 20000 20000
-- Theoretical
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
PB = PA - 183333.3 x dB x 0.008/Vf
This modification to the post-peak behavior of the model was necessary as the
model predictions, when this modification was not included, did not correspond to
the observed behavior for the post peak portion .
It should, however, be noted that the main purpose of this study was not to study
the post-peak behavior of the specimens, but to predict the ultimate capacities of the
specimens .
The drop in capacity at peak load, followed by a gradual decrease in capacity,
probably arises because the combination of arch, fiber and dowel action are active
up to the maximum load, however, on exceeding the corresponding strain, the arch
mechanism is no longer active and so the load can only then be supported by the
combined dowel and fiber supporting action .
Hence, as the capacity of these two mechanisms is not as great as when the arch
action is also present, in a displacement controlled system, it is expected that a drop
in capacity will be exhibited, until the residual load can be supported, as observed .
The gradual gradient then results from a combination of further fiber yield and
rupture, and pullout of fibers (which will occur for some fibers before the yield
strength is reached, even though the bond strength has been improved), and dowel
action .
This sudden drop in capacity at peak load was also evident in the tests performed
by Shahbazker[24] and Ashour[23].
358 200
z 300 .59 ./
2 56 .
. ',0o
,8 ": "-. v 110 .0
lee •oe~·
.,: , .
ISoO -4.58% *0 5I /
... . O...o,
5B :/0
l eI 26 38 46 5 6SB 70 e
9e I6 28 30 48 58 6B 76 9
on n,( s
mtdipn,C(i ) DIflection at
aat mldspan,(tm )
Indeed, Ashour[23] noted this fact and remarked that "HSFRC beams with low
fiber content failed in shear and ezhibited sudden failure at the ultimate stages "
Beam tests performed by Ashour[23], and illustrative of this behavior, are shown in
Figure 6-11 .
Thus the behavior observed in this research program is consistent with the results
from past studies .
Valle[8], however, observed noticeable increases in the ductility of push-off speci-
mens at V1 = 1.0% .
This may be explained by the fact that the experimental variable in Valle's push-
off tests was the shear strain .
In the beam tests, however, central span deflection results from a combination of
shear and flexural strains . Thus, on exceeding the peak load, at a load level below
that of the ultimate capacity, while the shear deflection might be increasing, there is
a decrease in flexural deflection and, thus, the overall deflection is less than if shear
strains were the only contributing factor to the beam deflection (which is essentially
the situation with Valle's tests)
Comparing the results for the beam tests with different volume fractions of fibers
(Figure 6-12 and Figure 6-13), it is seen that as the volume fraction of fibers increases,
there is, indeed, a trend of increase in the ductility of the specimens, in terms of the
area below the curves .
Most notably, addition of fibers raises the load at which the plateau occurs, thus
indicating that, for this portion of the post-peak behavior, both fibers and dowel
action are active .
The plateau therefore results from a combination of dowel steel yielding and fiber
yielding/pullout, and contributes greatly to an increase in ductility, with reference to
the specimen without any fibers .
Also note that the dowel steel ratio is p = 7.08%, which is a very high prcentage.
Thus, if we assume that, in a practical specimen, the steel ratio might only be half
of this value, then the ultimate dowel capacity would be reduced from approximately
16000 lbs at V1 = 0.0% in Figure 6-12, to approximately 8000 lbs .
Therefore, for the specimen with V1 = 0.4%, the increase in plateau load, and
hence ductility, would be 50%, as opposed to the current value of approximately 30%
(Figure 6-12), thus showing the significant improvement in ductility on the addition
of fibers .
- 0.0
--- 0.4
- - 0.8
Deflection (in)
--- 0.4
- - 0.8
- - 1.2
0.1 0.2 0.3
Deflection (in)
It should also be noted that when comparing the plots for the theoretical and
observed results, the peak loads do not match .
This is because each of the plots only makes a comparison to a single test specimen,
and Table 6.1 shows that the results from the model actually offer a satisfactory fit
to the average of the two test data obtained for each case .
The predicted peak load deflections also do not correspond in all cases to the
observed deflections, and this primarily arises because of the settling in deflection
which is incurred in the experimental tests .
A further discussion of the value of py used will be provided in the following
section .
Table 6.2 (first column indicates the V1 as well as the number of stirrups) indicates
that the model predictions correlate quite well to the data from other tests, although,
Table 6.3 shows that the results for the tests performed by Ashour[38] tend to be
overestimated, the exact reason for this not being certain . This suggests the need
for a much greater database of results in order to further test the applicability of this
model .
a/d V1 p Observed (lbs) Predicted (ibs)
1 0.5 2.84 110984 158413
2 0.5 2.84 58847 103106
1 1.0 2.84 155427 162300
2 1.0 2.84 73987 103556
-While the use of a computer model gives useful insight into the behavior of the deep
beam specimens, nevertheless, the development of a design equation would provide a
more versatile means of strength prediction to the practising engineer .
Therefore, specific emphasis has been placed in this research program on modifying
a practical formula which can readily be used for strength predictions
In examining the available procedures for shear strength estimation, the formula
which appears to offer the best results was proposed by Bazant[26] :
This formula is a modified version of the formula proposed by the same researcher
in 1984[25], and is more powerful because it takes into account :
1. not just the size effect of the specimen, but also the effect of the maximum
aggregate size,
2. the effect of stirrup action in improving the concrete shear capacity, due to the
application of a confining effect on the concrete, and also by offering support to
the rebars and thereby improving the dowel contribution .
It should perhaps at this stage be noted that the specimen size effect arises prin-
cipally because of a release of strain energy from the beam into the cracking zone,
as it extends . Thus, as the size of the structure increases, the greater is the energy
release into the this zone .
The area of the cracking zone is assumed to be proportional to the maximum
aggregate size in this treatment .
The obvious advantage of this formulation is therefore the consideration of the size
effect, for even though the formula proposed by Zsuttty and used in practise offers
satisfactory predictions, it nevertheless does not account for the size effect
Therefore, in Zsutty's formulation, as well as in the ACI formulation, as the size of
the structure increases, the margin of safety between the predicted and actual failure
load decreases, i.e. the factor of safety is not uniform .
Comparison of Bazant's formula to others available for shear strength estimation,
confirms its applicability, as shown in Figure 6-14 .
Bazant's formula is also attractive for practical applications because it has been
derived largely from theoretical considerations (though some emperical analysis has
been utilised), and therefore actual material behavior has been utilised in effecting
its derivation.
To implement the equation in design practise, Bazant suggests using a coefficient
of 4.5 instead of 6.5, as this leads to a lower bound estimate of the beam shear
capacity .
S(b) ZS/rM
V,.I Mu.0WOOPdiII1'latidD
:15 ,t
Vc-60UtP&O"' for&14
11 S
, ,
a2 2S 'wD X 328pp
Y 360 p6
No. ddaial 7
SS.D.65.3 pm
r 0.956
S 0.181
S.D.- . p ,to
X - 348 t
Y * 360*
r 0.955,
2.5 v * 0.156 .
No. of Dsta 7
dI "Is
to V.
Table 6.4: Results from tests by Ahmad[21] and predicted strengths (Method II
discussed in Section 6.2.3)
ble 6.4, comparison of the observed and predicted results indicate that the formula
offers a satisfactory means of prediction for the shear strengths of HSC deep beams .
The results from Elzanaty[22] with ff = 10000 psi also indicate the capacity of
this equation to predict the shear failure loads for deep beams as shown in Table 6.5.
In addressing the issue of why, as the equation implies, the only factor which really
determines the ultimate strength of the specimens, when changing from NC to HSC,
is f,, it must be realised that the principal method of shear transfer is through the
arch mechanism, the effectiveness of which will ultimately depend on the strength of
the concrete, f .
- Observed
-o Predicted (Bazant '87)
1.5 2.0
800 - Observed
-0- Predicted (Bazant '87)
-- Observed
-0- Predicted (Bazant '87)
1.5 2.0
- Observed
L 1000
-o Predicted (Bazant '87)
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
1. Utilise Bazant's 1987 formula, noting that though the theory behind its deriva-
tion is not necessarily applicable to HSC, the term (1 + 0.2/da) offsets the
da term in 1 + d/25da, and thereby makes the expression provide more con-
stant results for maximum aggregate size variation at any particular depth -
method I .
In practise, the maximum aggregate size will only vary within a very narrow
range of typically 0.75-1.0 in., and therefore this is a satisfactory assumption .
Table 6.6 indicates how small an effect the aggregate size variation would have
on typical practical specimens of HSC using the 1987 formula ( and the formula
from method II - see later ).
This is because even if the fracture process zone ahead of the crack tip is treated
as a line, a certain characteristic length must be introduced for this zone, if the
idea of nondimensionality is adhered to .
a/d da = 0.5 in da= 0.75 in da = 1.0 in Method II
1.5 423070 440360 449990 43576
2.0 274390 285590 291850 28261
Table 6.6: Predictions for practical sized specimens using 1987 formula and method
II formula(p = 0.04,f = 10000 psi,d = 19.6in.)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Figure 6-16 also shows the results of a non-linear optimization analysis, performed
using the 'Matlab' matrix analysis package, to enable the unknown paramater pf to
be identified for the particular situation under study .
Analysis, treating V1 as the only variable, resulted in an expression for the un-
known variable of the form :
where the coefficient in the expression is actually a function of the fiber and
specimen properties .
Therefore, the reason for the large number of variables in the experimental pro-
gram is identified, for these variations, as well as the results from the studies by
Shahbazber[24] and Ashour[23] , enable the variables which influence the value of p1
to be determined .
Examination of the results due to Shahbazker indicates that there is a trend of
increased fiber contribution as the strength of the concrete increases .
This is taken to result from the fact that, as the strength of the concrete increases,
it is expected that the fiber-matrix bond will correspondingly increase (within the
strength range used of f: < 15 000 psi), thus accounting for the term (1lo0 .
Study of the results for the other variables affecting the behavior of the fibers has
-led to an expression of the form :
p,= b.d Vf
- (-dV F)y. 1a
s = a fora>=d,
s = d fora<d
The fiber effectiveness is given by the term F, and is equal to 1.0 for crimped/hooked
end fibers, and 0.5 for smooth-straight fibers .
The term ()0o.2 expresses the influence of the aspect ratio of the fiber on the
overall strength increase of the specimens . The small value of the index indicates
that the pullout mechanism is not as major a contributing factor to the fiber behavior
as in NC .
The term b.s is essentially related to the overall size of the specimen . It is used
to account for the fact that as the size of the specimen increases, so the quantity of
fiber 'transverse' reinforcement on the shear plane will correspondingly increase .
The square root reflects the fact that all the fibers are not effective at any one cross
section i.e. it includes the contribution from an orientation factor, and as well, as
Specimen Observed (lbs) Predicted-6.5 (lbs) Predicted-4.5 (lbs) Af (in2
al 37585.5 35850 24819 0.000
a2 40993.4 39927 28820 0.032
a3 42377.8 43998 32843 0.065
a4 49225.7 48308 37085 0.099
bl 74443.6 98362 69871 0.048
b2 35953.9 35282 27001 0.070
cl 50691.1 46443 35111 0.080
c2 38237.1 38802 28026 0.031
dl 40379.1 44234 32913 0.061
d2 30980.6 41124 30449 0.054
Table 6.7: Comparison of observed and predicted shear capacities using the modified
the beam size increases, the fibers are less likely to be evenly distributed and bonded
( as the size of the specimen increases, specimen quality generally decreases ), and
therefore it helps to account for this size effect . In addition, as all the fibers along
the failure plane do not yield at the peak load, it therefore also reflects the equvalent
area of failure plane on which yielding occurs.
Table 6.7 (see also Table 4.1) provides the results obtained using this equation (as
well as the results obtained using a design coefficient of 4.5 instead of 6.5) .
Comparison of the observed results for the aspect ratio and fiber effectiveness
with the predicted results shows that the behavioral trend is correctly captured by
this modified version of Bazant's equation (Figure 6-20) .
It should, however, be noted that as the aggregate size was decreased, the strength
tended to drop, and not increase, as predicted by the equation . This might result
from the fact that, on decreasing the size of the aggregate, the workability of the mix
also decreased, consequently affecting the overall shear strength of the specimens . It
should also be noted that the observed strength of specimen d0.09 (see Table 6.7) is
far below the predicted value, and this is because the decrease in workability when
using such small aggregate (of size equivalent to that of sand) was so distinct as to
cause a dramatic reduction in strength .
Aspect ratio and Fiber effectiveness variation
55UUV -
50000 -
a 45000 - -o-Observed
-o- Predicted
Predicted (Pandor)
40000 -
35000 I I I I
20 30 40 50 60 70
aspect ratio
Figure 6-17: Predictions for the fiber aspect ratio and effectiveness variation
The result for specimen d0.25, with only a small drop in strength, might, however,
indicate that, as previously discussed, the aggregate size effect is not necessarily
significant for HSC, as the cracks pass directly through the aggregate particles . This
would therefore indicate that the inclusion of an aggregate size effect term is not
necessary in the modified equation, however, as also previously mentioned, further
tests would need to be performed in order to confirm this .
Comparison of the predictions to the results obtained by Shahbazker (Figure 6-
18, Figure 6-19, Figure 6-20, and Figure 6-21) indicate that the modified equation
again allows for satisfactory correlation to the observed trends .These results are also
provided in Table 6.8 .
With two stirrups, however, it is seen that the equation tends to overpredict
slightly the observed strength of the specimens .
This probably results from the fact that in practise, Shahbazker[24] observed that
in these cases the stirrups had not yielded at failure, wheras, in applying the modified
equation, it is assumed that the stirrups have yielded .
Shahbazker - No stirrups
i - Observed
- Predicted (Pandor)
- Experimental
-- Predicted (Pandor)
0 1 2
No. of stirrups
- Observed
SPredicted tPandor)
No. of stirrups
*- Predicted (Pandor)
0 1 2
No. of stirrups
Specimen type 1 Observed (lbs) Method I Method II
HB-0.0-0 38200 36827 36862
HB-0.0-1 45200 43522 43537
HB-0.0-2 48168 50848 50843
HB-0.4-0 45200 41319 41306
HB-0.4-1 50072 48013 47980
HB-0.4-2 52356 54465 54413
HB-0.8-0 48400 47119 47050
HB-0.8-1 54832 53063 52979
HB-0.8-2 57138 59753 59649
Applying the modified equation to the test specimens used by Ashour[23] provides
the results shown in Table 6.9 .
It is again seen that the correlation between experimental and observed values is
excellent, and this is shown graphically in Figure 6-25 .
The proposed equation therefore satisfies the available test data for HSFRC spec-
imens .
In this method, it will be attempted to replace the d, term in the 1987 equation
(Bazant[26]) with a constant which reflects the fracture process zone length for HSC
Bazant[39] arrived at a value for a term do, which is related to the length of the
fracture process zone ( and the specimen geometry ) at f] = 12400 psi . While it
Ashour-Wafa (Specimens h and i)
a" - Observed
- Predicted (Pandor)
would be expected that this value would decrease as the strength of the concrete
increases, and therefore the concrete becomes more brittle, it is not expected that
this decrease would become too dramatic, and therefore this term will be used as the
constant in the size effect expression .
It is also noted that the magnitude of do (0.52 in) is of the same order of magnitude
as the maximum aggregate size .
This implies that the other constants will not be dramatically affected by the
replacement of the d. term by do in order to arrive at a reasonable correlation between
the experimental readings and the predicted values .
As the trend of strength increase on inclusion of fibers will be the same for either
method I or method II, then the contribution from the fibers to the strength of the
specimens will be the same using either method, and so pf does not change .
Therefore the modified equation by method II is of the form :
Comparison of the predictions of this formula to the observed data ( Table 6.10,
Table 6.9, Table 6.4 and Table 6.8 ) indicate that the correlation between the results
Specimen Observed (lbs) Predicted-Method II (lbs)
a0.0 37585.5 35885
a0.4 40993.4 39950
a0.8 42377.8 44009
al.2 49225.7 48307
b0.93 74443.6 98406
bl.73 35953.9 35289
c61.5 50691.1 46449
c50.0 38237.1 38825
d0.25 40379.1 43346
d0.09 30980.6 41139
Table 6.10: Comparison of observed and predicted shear capacities using method II
is very satisfactory and the predictions are indeed extremely close to those using
method I (typical graphs to illustrate the closeness of fit for method II were not
plotted for this reason .)
Returning to the model used, and examining the value for p, used in trying to fit
the observed data to the predictions, it is seen, by comparing Table 6.1 to Table 6.7,
that the expression for py could be of the form :
.s f) 0.2 v f
p,= 0.82 -b. 4 (Id F)o. F,1 000
Thus, while the values of p, and pf do not exactly correspond, they are nev-
ertheless very close in magnitude, and this further tends to support the use of the
expression for pf in the modification to Bazant's equation .
The use of a coefficient of 4.5 instead of 6.5 (Table 6.7) in method I allows for
a higher degree of safety when applied to actual design practise . Indeed the pre-
dicted results were all on the conservative side when compared to the experimental
observations, even for the cases with two stirrups .
The application of the same safety margin to method II would again yield consis-
tent results
Chapter 7
7.1 Summary
In the experimental program of this research study, the behavior of HSFRC deep
beams was studied when the experimental variables of a/d, V1, 1/d, and da were
varied .
Overall 22 specimens were tested, with 4 concrete cylinders being tested under
splitting tensile loading and direct compression for every 2 beams cast .
In the theoretical program, an existing shear truss model was modified in order to
incorporate the effect of HSC, as opposed to NC, and also to include the contribution
from the fibers to the specimen behavior .
An existing shear strength equation for NC was also modified to enable the shear
strength of HSFRC deep beam specimens to be predicted .
7.2 Conclusions
7.2.1 Experimental
1. Some workability problems were incurred in trying to achieve a 28 day compres-
sive strength of 12000 psi, which necessitated the use of lower strength concrete
of f, = 10000 psi . This was thought to result mainly from the effectiveness of
the mixer used in this study, which did not offer the advantage of a pressurised
container, and relied on gravitational action for mixing .
At the water/cement used for this lower strength mix, satisfactory workability
was, however, attained .
2. Compared to plain NC, the post-peak softening behavior of plain HSC is dra-
matically reduced .
This was clearly observed in the compression tests, and in the actual beam shear
tests, where nominal post-peak 'ductility' was observed . This primarily results
from the less distributed cracking in HSC compared to NC, and to the ability of
the cracks to pass directly through the aggregates, which are therefore unable
to perform a crack-arresting role .
3. As noted above, the cracks in HSC were observed to pass directly through
the aggregates when propagating, instead of around them . This therefore
indicates an improved fracture toughness of the aggregate-mortar interface when
compared to the fracture toughness of the aggregate.
The splitting tensile strength also showed this trend of improved strength on
addition of fibers, and a comparison of the f.t and f' values indicates that the
ratio f.t/lf for the HSC is not as high as would be expected for NC . This
indicates that though an improved tensile strength is observed for HSC, the
increase in tensile strength does not occur at the same rate as the increase in
the compressive strength .
Cracking began at approximately 20000 lbs for all the beams tested . As fiber
action occurs mainly in the post-cracking region when the fibers bridge across
cracks that have propagated within the matrix, this almost constant value of
first cracking load is expected, as the fibers do not therefore have a significant
influence on this load .
This suggests an improved bonding of the fibers to the HSC matrix, and that
the fibers are performing the role of pseudo-stirrups .
The experiments also show that the hooked ended fibers, with the largest aspect
ratio, are most effective in increasing the shear strengths of the beams
7. The post-peak behavior of the beams may be divided into three categories :
* a gradual decreased capacity, during which period the fiber and dowel
action are contributing to the load carrying capacity, and
9. The addition of fibers caused the specimens to maintain total integrity for the
compression and splitting tensile tests . The same observation was made for the
shear tests, and in addition , with fibers, the ultimate load was not characterised
by a loud noise, as the capacity diminished .
7.2.2 Theoretical
From the discussion presented in Chapter 6, the following conclusions are drawn :
1. The modified shear truss model applied to HSFRC may be used successfully to
investigate the behavior of these specimens, in terms of the prediction of the
peak loads, and the corresponding central point deflections .
As the aggregate size effect has not been established for HSC, two formulae
have been provided for this purpose .
The first formula includes the aggregate size effect, but the presence of the
aggregate variable in two sections of this equation, essentially leads to the ef-
fects balancing each other i.e. maximum aggregate size variation for the same
specimen depth does not have a dramatic effect on the specimen strength .
The second formula does not include the effect of maximum aggregate size
variation, and this is achieved by the replacement of the maximum aggregate
size term by a constant related to the length of the fracture process zone .
In both the model and the proposed equations, the fiber behavior has been
treated as leading to an inherent increase in the strength of the concrete, through
a crack arresting mechanism, and also, as performing the role of stirrups across
the shear plane, and the experimental program allowed for the equivalent area
of transverse steel provided by the fibers to be quantified .
3. The experimental variations in a/d, l/d, F, d, and V1 were performed in order
to validate the model and the proposed equations . It is seen that the model
and equations offer very satisfactory predictions for these various cases .
It should, however, be noted that the model and equations do not provide good
estimates for a/d < 1, and therefore should not be applied to these situations .
4. Application of the model and the proposed equations to the results from other
studies on HSFRC deep beam behavior indicate that the model, and especially
the proposed formulae, predict results which correlate very closely to the ob-
served data .
They therefore provide the basis for the use as tools in practical design appli-
cations .
* Aggregate sizes for larger specimen should be varied in order to verify the effect
of aggregate size on specimen behavior
* The V1 of fibers should be increased above 1.2% in order to determine the limit
of applicability of the proposed formulae and to investigate any further change
in the post-peak behavior of the specimens .
* The behavior of test specimens with f, > 14000 psi must also be investigated
* Research must be extended into the area of HSFRC slender beams ( aid > 2.5 ),
Appendix A
Computer model
FILE * fpo;
int m,n,check,k
double fc=9052.6,b=3.0,h=4.5,dv=2.52,stu,sqlamda,lamda,al,a2 ;
double ex,ey,er,ed,load,txy,fr,Ig,d=3.75,yt,Mcr,Ma,Mu,Icr,kd,Ie,delta,Ect;
double Ec,fcr,v,e0=0.003,sd,sr,Be,ecr,fx,fy,prod
double Es = 29e6,sx,sy,rh,rhy,S,nbars=3,T,Vf ;
/* s=sigmaa=alpharh=area_steelgxy=shear_straine=epsilon Be=par._beta
db=ave._bar_diam.c=crushed_zoneDu=ult._dow. Kf=conc.Jfndtn._mod.
Su=peak_dow._defl. D=actual_dow._load*/
/* note dv used */
Vf = 0.8;
Ec = 40000*sqrt(fc) + 1000000;
fcr = 7.5*sqrt(fc);
ecr = fcr/Ec;
K = dv/h*(h/a*(4/3-2/3*a/h)) ;
fy = 60000 ;
fr = 7.5*sqrt(fc);
Ig = b*h*h*h/12;
yt = d/2.0;
Mcr = fr*Ig/yt;
sqgdow = sqrt(Es/(Kf*db));
gdow = sqrt(sqgdow) ;
fb = 154*sqrt(fc)/cbrt(db);
fb = 18434.5;
load = 0.0 ;
rh = 0.797/(b*d) ;
fpo = fopen("moda2.mat","w");
printf("File opening error\n");
exit(- 1);
for(ed=-0.0002;ed>-0.0046;ed = ed - 0.0001)
ans2 = 1000000.0;
sqlamda = 0.7-er/ed;
lamda = sqrt(sqlamda);
/* sd */ sd = -fc*(2*ed/-e0-lamda*ed*ed/(eO*e0));
sd = -fc/lamda*( 1-(ed/-eO-1/lamda)*(ed/-e0-1/
sd = ed*Ec ;
Be = sqrt((ed-ecr)/0.005) ;
sd = (fcr+Be*stu)/(1+Be);
/* sr *V sr = er*Ec ;
Be = sqrt((er-ecr)/0.005);
sr =0.2*(fcr+Be*stu)/( 1+Be);
sr = -fc*(2*er/-e0-lamda*er*er/(e0*e0)) ;
sr = -fc/lamda*(l1-(er/-eO- I/lamda)*(er/-e0- 1/
al=acos(sqrt((sr+rh*Es*er)/(sr-sd+rh*Es*(er-ed)))) ;
ex = ed*cos(al)*cos(al)+er*sin(al.)*sin(al);
ey = ed*sin(al)*sin(al)+er*cos(al)*cos(al);
al = acos(sqrt((sr+rh*fy)/(sr-sd)));
ans l=(sd*(K*sin(al)*cos(al)-sin(al)*sin(al))-rhy*Es*ey)/
(K*sin(al)*cos(al)+ cos(al)*cos(al)) ;
(K*sin(al)*cos(al)+ cos(al)*cos(a1));
prod = Es*ey ;
prod = fy ;
sy=sd*sin(al1)*sin(al1)+sr*cos(al1)*cos(a 1)+rhy*prod;
gxy = 2*(ed-er)*sin(al)*cos(al);
txy = sy/K ;
load = -txy*b*dv;
/* dowel calcs. */
c = 0.05*fy*db*sin(al)/fc ;
T = Ma/(dv*rh*b*d) /* Ma/Mu*60000*/;
Du = 2*nbars*(0.5*fb*(0.37*gdow*db-c)*(0.37*gdow*db-c)
+ 0.45*fy*db*db*(1-T*T/(fy*fy))/gdow);
Su = 4.26/le6*Du/2.0 + 0.00945 ;
S = -gxy*dv ;
if(S <Su)
D = Du*sqrt(S/Su);
D = Du-Du*(S-Su)/(0.4/db-Su);
D= 0.7*Du;
totaldow = D;
/* deflection */ Ma = a*load/2.0 ;
kd = fy*rh*b*d/(b*fc) ;
Icr = Mu*kd/fc ;
Ie = Ig ;
Ie = (Mcr/Ma)*(Mcr/Ma)*(Mcr/Ma)*Ig +
(1 - (Mcr/Ma)*(Mcr/Ma)*(Mcr/Ma))*Icr ;
if(deltal <delta)
load = -183333.3*disp*0.8/Vf + loadl ;
Ma = a*load/2.0 ;
T = Ma/(dv*rh*b*d) /* Ma/Mu*60000*/;
Du = 2*nbars*(0.5*fb*(0.37*gdow*db-c)*(0.37*gdow*db-c)
+ 0.45*fy*db*db*(1-T*T/(fy*fy))/gdow) ;
D = 0.7*Du ;
deltal = delta;
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