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Brief Description 1

Overview 2

Description of Functions 3
SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D
Installation and Start--Up 4
Tool management
Programming 5

Data Backup 6
Description of Functions

Supplementary Conditions 7

Machine Data 8

PLC Signal Description 9

Alarms 10

PLC Sample Programs 11

Valid for

Control Abbreviations A
SINUMERIK 840D powerline/840DE powerline
SINUMERIK 840Di powerline/840DiE powerline
SINUMERIK 810D powerline/810DE powerline Terms B
NCU system software for 840D/840DE 7.3 References C
NCU system software for 840Di/840DiE 2.3
NCU system software for 810D/810DE 7.3
Index I

Version 09.05
SINUMERIK Documentation

Printing history

Brief details of this edition and previous editions are listed below.

The status of each edition is shown by the code in the “Remarks” column.

Status code in the “Remarks” column:

A . . . . . New documentation.
B . . . . . Unrevised reprint with new Order No.
C . . . . . Revised edition with new status.
If the technical subject matter shown on the page has changed compared to the
previous edition status, this is indicated by the changed
edition status in the header of the respective page.

Edition Order No. Remarks

04.95 6FC5 297-- 2AC60-- 0BP0 A
09.95 6FC5 297-- 3AC60-- 0BP0 C
03.96 6FC5 297-- 3AC60-- 0BP1 C
08.97 6FC5 297-- 4AC60-- 0BP0 C
12.97 6FC5 297-- 4AC60-- 0BP1 C
12.98 6FC5 297-- 5AC60-- 0BP0 C
08.99 6FC5 297-- 5AC60-- 0BP1 C
07.00 6FC5 297-- 5AC60-- 0BP2 C
05.01 6FC5 297-- 6AC60-- 0BP0 C
11.02 6FC5 297-- 6AC60-- 0BP1 C
09.05 6FC5 297--7AC60-- 0BP0 C

trademarks of Siemens AG. The other designations in this publication may also be trademarks, the use of
which by third parties may constitute copyright violation.

Further information is available in the Internet under: Other functions not described in this documentation may be
http://www.siemens.com/motioncontrol executable in the control. However, no claim can be made regarding
the availability of these functions when the equipment is first supplied
or in the event of servicing.

This publication was produced with Interleaf V 7 We have checked that the contents of this document correspond to
the hardware and software described. Nevertheless, differences
might exist and we cannot, therefore, guarantee that they are
completely identical. However, the data in this manual are reviewed
regularly and any necessary corrections included in subsequent
editions. Suggestions for improvement are also welcome.
 Siemens AG 2005 Subject to change without prior notice.

Order No. 6FC5 297--7AC60--0BP0 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft

Printed in Germany
09.05 Preface


SINUMERIKr Documentation
The SINUMERIK documentation is organized in three parts:
S General Documentation
S User Documentation
S Manufacturer/Service documentation
More detailed information about other SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D brochures,
and brochures for all SINUMERIK controllers (e.g. universal interface, measuring
cycles, etc.) can be obtained from your local Siemens representative.
An overview of publications, which is updated monthly and also provides informa-
tion about the language versions available, can be found on the Internet at:
Follow menu items -- “Support” --> “Technical Documentation” -->
“Overview of Documentation”.
The Internet version of DOConCD (DOConWEB) is available at:

Target audience
This document is designed for machine tool manufacturers. The documentation
provides a detailed description of the functions necessary to operate the SINUM-
ERIK 840D/810Di/810D and SIMODRIVE 611D controls.

Standard version
This documentation only describes the functionality of the standard version. Exten-
sions or changes made by the machine tool manufacturer are documented by the
machine tool manufacturer.
Other functions not described in this documentation might be executable in the
control. This does not, however, represent an obligation to supply such functions
with a new control or when servicing.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with our hotline:
A&D Technical Support
Phone: +49 (0) 180 / 5050 -- 222
Fax: +49 (0) 180 / 5050 -- 223
E-mail: mailto:adsupport@siemens.com
Internet: http://www.siemens.de/automation/support-request

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition v
Preface 09.05

If you have any queries (suggestions, corrections) in relation to this documentation,

please fax or e-mail us:
Fax: +49 (0) 9131 / 98 -- 63315
E-mail: mailtomotioncontrol.docu@siemens.com
Fax form: Refer to the reply form at the end of the document.

Internet address

Structure of the manual

The Description of Functions is structured as follows:
S General table of contents
S Descriptions of functions, installation and start-up, programming, data backup,
data and alarms, PLC sample programs
S Appendix with list of abbreviations, terms and references
S Index

The page numbers provide the following information:
Part of Description of Functions / Book / Section -- Page

If you require information about a function, you will find the function and the code
under which it is classified in the inside cover title of the manual.
If you need information about a certain term, please go to the section headed In-
dex in the Appendix and look for the term concerned. The Description of Functions
code, the chapter number and the number of the page on which you can find the
information you need are listed in this section.
Within each of the Description of Functions in Chapters 4 and 5 you will find defini-
tions on effect, data format, input limits etc. for the various signals and data defini-
These definitions are explained in the “Technical comments” section below.

SW version
The software versions indicated in the documentation relate to the SINUMERIK
840D controller. The software version valid in parallel for the SINUMERIK 810D
controller (if the function has been enabled, see /OI/, Catalog NC 60) is not indi-
cated specifically.

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vi SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Preface


! This symbol is always displayed in this document to draw your attention to an
important item of information.

Ordering data option

In this documentation you will find the symbol shown on the left with a
reference to an ordering data option. The function described is
executable only if the control contains the designated option.

Machine manufacturer
This pictorial symbol appears in this document to indicate that the
machine manufacturer can control or modify the function described.
See machine manufacturer’s specifications.

Safety Information
This Manual contains information which you should carefully observe to ensure
your own personal safety and prevention of material damage. Notes relating to
your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by means of a warning triangle,
no warning triangle appears in conjunction with notes that relate to property dam-
age. The warnings are shown below in decreasing order of danger.

! Indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper
precautions are not taken.

! Indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper
precautions are not taken.

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition vii
Preface 09.05

! With a warning triangle indicates that minor personal injury can result if
proper precautions are not taken.

Without a warning triangle means that material damage can occur if
appropriate precautions are not taken.

Indicates that an undesirable event or state may arise if the relevant
notes are not observed.

If several hazards of different degrees occur, the hazard with the highest degree
must always be given preference. If a warning note with a warning triangle warns
of personal injury, the same warning note can also contain a warning of material

Qualified Personnel
Start-up and operation of the device/equipment/system in question must only be
performed using this documentation. Commissioning and operation of a device/
system may only be performed by qualified personnel. Qualified personnel as
referred to in the safety guidelines in this documentation are those who are autho-
rized to start up, earth and label units, systems and circuits in accordance with the
relevant safety standards.

Intended use
Please note the following:

! The unit may be used only for the applications described in the catalog
or the technical description, and only in combination with the
equipment, components and devices of other manufacturers where
recommended or permitted by Siemens. To ensure trouble-free and
safe operation of the product, it must be transported, stored and
installed as intended and maintained and operated with care.

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

viii SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Preface

Technical information

The following notation and abbreviations are used in this documentation:
S PLC interface signals --> IS “Signal name” (signal data)
-- IS “MMC-CPU1 ready” (DB10, DBX108.2) i.e. the signal is stored in data
block 10, data byte 108, bit 2.
-- IS “feed/spindle override” (DB31-48, DBB0) i.e. the signals are stored for
each axis/spindle in data blocks 31 to 48, data block byte 0.
S Machine data --> MD: MD_NAME (German name)
S Setting data --> SD: SD_NAME (German name)
S The symbol “≐” means “corresponds to”.

Order codes
Chapters Machine Data and Signal Description provide an explanation of the data
and signals which are important for the respective function. This information, which
is provided in table format, includes a number of terms and abbreviations, which
are explained here.

Values in the table

The machine data presented in the Descriptions of Functions always represent the
values for an NCU572.2.
The values for a different NCU (e.g. NCU570, NCU571, NCU573) are contained in
the List Manual.
References: /LIS/, “Lists”

Default value
The machine data/setting data is preset to this value during startup. If default val-
ues for the channels differ, this is indicated by “/”.

Value range
Specifies the input limits. If no value range is specified, the data type determines
the input limits and the field is marked “∗∗∗”.

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition ix
Preface 09.05

Changes made to machine data, setting data, etc. do not take immediate effect in
the control. The conditions for such changes to take effect are always indicated.
The possible options are listed in order of priority below:
-- “RESET” key on front panel of NCU module, or disconnection/reconnection
of power supply
-- “New configuration” function of the PLC interface
-- “RESET” button on the control unit
S RESET (re) “RESET” key on control unit
S Immediately (im) after entry of the value

Protection level
Protection levels 0 to 7 have been used. The lock for protection levels 0 to 3 (4 to
7) can be canceled by entering the correct password (setting the correct keyswitch
position). The operator only has access to information protected by one particular
level and the levels below it. The machine data is assigned different protection lev-
els by default.
Only the write protection level appears in the table. However, there is a fixed as-
signment between write and read levels:

Write protection level Read protection level

0 0
1 1
2 4

References: /BA/ Operator’s Guide MMC

/FB/ A2, Various Interface Signals

The unit refers to the default setting of machine data SCALING_FAC-
physical unit set in the MD, the field is marked with “--”.

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x SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Preface

Data type
The following data types are used in the control system:
Real or integer values (decimal values or integers), input limits from
+/--4,19*10--307 to +/--1,67*10308
Input limits from --2,147*109 to +2,147*109
Possible input values: true or false/0 or 1
Integers from --128 to +127
consisting of max. 16 ASCII characters (uppercase letters, digits and under-

Data management
The explanations of the PLC interface in the individual Descriptions of Functions
assume a theoretical maximum number of components:
S 4 mode groups (associated signals stored in DB11)
S 8 channels (associated signals stored in DB21--30)
S 31 axes (associated signals stored in DB31--61)
For details of the actual number of components which can be implemented with
each software version, please refer to
References: /FB/ K1, BAG, Channel, Program control

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition xi
Preface 09.05


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xii SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Table of contents

Table of contents
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-19
1.1 General overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-21
1.2 Key data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-23
2 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-27
2.1 Function structure of tool management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-27
2.2 HMI/PLC -- NCK data structure (OPI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-28
2.3 PLC -- NCK interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-29
2.4 Magazine configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-31
2.5 Magazine list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-32
2.6 Tool list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-33
2.7 Tool cabinet (HMI Advanced only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-36
2.8 Tool catalog (HMI Advanced only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-38
2.9 Access protection, protection levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-41
2.10 Openess in HMI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-42
3 Description of functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-43
3.1 Magazines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-43
3.1.1 Buffer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-43
3.1.2 Loading magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-44
3.1.3 Box-type and chain magazines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-44
3.1.4 Circular magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-46
3.1.5 Other magazine types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-47
3.1.6 Wear group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-47
3.1.7 Background magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-49
3.1.8 Consider adjacent location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-50
3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-52
3.2.1 Prepare a tool change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-52
3.2.2 General tool change sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-54
3.2.3 Select a tool and the cutting edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-58
3.2.4 Predecoding (preprocessing) and block execution (main run) . . . . . 3-63
3.2.5 Traverse axes while tool is being changed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-65
3.2.6 Tool change to the spindle for chain and box-type magazines . . . . . 3-66
3.2.7 Special cases “TO”, empty spindles, multiple T selection . . . . . . . . . 3-70
3.2.8 Tool change with turret . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-71
3.2.9 Number of replacement tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-71
3.2.10 Tool changing errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-72
3.2.11 Manual tools (retrofitting tools during machining) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-74
3.2.12 Tool changes in NCK by synchronized actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-76
3.2.13 Tool change cycle (shopfloor-oriented interface) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-79
3.2.14 Example for cycle T function replacement (SW 6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-79
3.2.15 Block search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-85
3.2.16 Block search (SSL) in conjunction with active tool management . . 3-86
3.2.17 Program testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-91

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition xiii
Table of contents 09.05

3.2.18 Several spindles in one channel or TO units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-93

3.2.19 Decoupling the tool management from the spindle number . . . . . . . 3-94
3.2.20 Several spindles/toolholders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-102
3.2.21 Several magazines in one channel or one TO unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-103
3.2.22 Reset and start mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-103
3.2.23 Repeating a tool change with the same tool identifier . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-111
3.3 Search for tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-113
3.3.1 Strategies for tool searches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-113
3.3.2 Example of a tool search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-115
3.3.3 Search in box magazines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-115
3.4 Empty location search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-117
3.4.1 Empty location search for a tool – from spindle to magazine . . . . . . 3-117
3.4.2 Search strategy for empty locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-118
3.4.3 Empty location search criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-119
3.4.4 “Replace tool” search strategy (old for new) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-119
3.4.5 Tool search in wear group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-121
3.5 Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-126
3.5.1 Loading sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-126
3.5.2 Tool data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-127
3.5.3 Select magazine location for loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-129
3.5.4 PLC function at tool loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-129
3.5.5 Load tools via a part program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-130
3.5.6 Retroload tool data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-131
3.6 Unload . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-134
3.6.1 Data backup during unloading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-134
3.6.2 PLC function at tool unloading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-135
3.7 Relocate, find and position tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-137
3.7.1 Relocate (task from TM system) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-137
3.7.2 Relocation by the PLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-138
3.7.3 Find and position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-140
3.8 Job processing of tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-142
3.9 Tool monitoring (workpiece count, tool life, wear) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-143
3.9.1 Monitoring types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-143
3.9.2 Tool life monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-146
3.9.3 Workpiece count monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-147
3.9.4 Wear monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-149
3.9.5 Signals to and from the PLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-151
3.9.6 Monitoring data for setpoints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-154
3.10 Variants of D number assignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-156
3.10.1 Relative D no. for each T -- standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-156
3.10.2 Absolute D no. without reference to the T number (Flat D no.) . . . . 3-156
3.10.3 Free selection of D numbers for every T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-157
3.10.4 Location-dependent offsets (additive offsets) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-160
3.11 Adapter data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-163
3.11.1 Description of function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-164
3.11.2 Activation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-164
3.11.3 Transformed data of the active tool $P_ADT[n] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-175
3.12 Power failure while tool command is in progress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-176

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xiv SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Table of contents

3.13 Code carrier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-177

3.13.1 Function of the code carrier system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-177
3.14 Loading/unloading tools via PLC with
PLC tool management data distributor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-178
3.15 User data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-178
3.15.1 OEM parameters -- extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-179
3.15.2 Assigning types to user data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-180
3.15.3 Custom user variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-182
3.16 PLC description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-183
3.16.1 Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-183
3.16.2 Definitions of acknowledgement status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-188
3.16.3 Diagnostics for communication between NC and PLC . . . . . . . . . . . 3-191
3.16.4 Function blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-195
3.17 Shopfloor-oriented interface (ShopMill) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-196
3.18 Interface between Tool management HMI and WIZARD . . . . . . . . . 3-196
4 Installation and Start-Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-199
4.1 Input of the machine data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-199
4.2 Load the machine manufacturer PLC blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-202
4.2.1 Create PLC data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-202
4.2.2 Description of the test blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-205
4.2.3 Delete pending tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-209
4.3 HMI Embedded -- create magazine configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-210
4.3.1 Create start-up file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-210
4.3.2 Create PLC data with HMI Embedded . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-217
4.4 HMI Advanced -- create magazine configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-218
4.4.1 Create configuration file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-218
4.4.2 Adapt tool management operator interface for HMI Advanced . . . . 4-237
4.4.3 Language-dependence for user-defined name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-289
4.4.4 Job processing of tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-296
4.4.5 Grinding tools and tool-specific grinding data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-306
4.4.6 Inch/metric setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-307
4.5 Further settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-311
4.5.1 Display machine data with HMI Embedded . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-311
4.5.2 Start-up of code carrier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-313
4.6 Start-up of operator panel OP030 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-331
5 Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-333
5.1 Overview of OPI and system variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-333
5.2 Cutting edge data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-336
5.2.1 Cutting edge parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-336
5.2.2 User cutting edge data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-339
5.2.3 Edge-related tool monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-340
5.2.4 User cutting-edge monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-341
5.2.5 Location offsets, fine (additive offsets) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-342
5.2.6 Location offsets, coarse (setup offsets) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-343
5.3 Tool data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-344

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5.3.1 Tool-related data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-344

5.3.2 Tool-related grinding data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-350
5.3.3 Tool-related user data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-351
5.4 Magazine data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-352
5.4.1 Magazine description data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-352
5.4.2 Magazine user data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-355
5.4.3 Magazine location data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-356
5.4.4 Magazine location user data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-360
5.4.5 Magazine location type hierarchy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-361
5.4.6 Distance to change position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-362
5.4.7 Magazine blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-365
5.4.8 Assignment of buffers to spindles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-369
5.5 Adapter data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-371
5.6 Toolholder data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-372
5.7 Custom user variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-375
5.8 NC commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-377
5.8.1 CHKDNO -- Uniqueness check for D number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-377
5.8.2 CHKDM -- Uniqueness check within a magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-378
5.8.3 GETACTTD -- Determine the T no. for a unique D no. . . . . . . . . . . . 5-379
5.8.4 GETDNO -- Get D numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-379
5.8.5 SETDNO -- Rename D numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-380
5.8.6 DZERO -- Invalidate D numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-380
5.8.7 DELDL -- Delete additive offsets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-380
5.8.8 NEWT -- Create a new tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-381
5.8.9 DELT -- Delete tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-382
5.8.10 GETT -- Read T no. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-382
5.8.11 SETPIECE -- Decrement workpiece counter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-382
5.8.12 GETSELT -- Read the selected T no. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-385
5.8.13 GETEXET -- Read the T number to be loaded at change (SW 6) . . 5-386
5.8.14 GETACTT -- Read the active internal T no. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-386
5.8.15 SETMS -- Spindle can be declared master spindle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-388
5.8.16 SETMTH -- Set master toolholder number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-388
5.8.17 POSM -- Position magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-391
5.8.18 MVTOOL -- Language command to move tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-393
5.8.19 SETTIA -- Dectivate tool from wear group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-396
5.8.20 SETTA -- Activate tool from wear group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-398
5.8.21 RESETMON -- Language command for setpoint activation . . . . . . . 5-400
5.8.22 DELTC -- Delete toolholder data block (from SW version 6) . . . . . . 5-402
5.8.23 TCA -- Tool selection/tool change irrespective of tool status . . . . . . 5-403
5.8.24 TCI -- Change tool from buffer into magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-405
5.8.25 GETFREELOC -- Search for empty location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-408
5.8.26 $P_USEKT -- Tool change only with tools of subgroup . . . . . . . . . . . 5-410
5.8.27 $A_TOOLMN -- read magazine no. of tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-412
5.8.28 $A_TOOLMLN -- read magazine location no. of tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-413
5.8.29 $P_TOOLND -- Read number of cutting edges for tool . . . . . . . . . . . 5-414
5.8.30 $A_MONIFACT -- Factor for reading tool life monitoring . . . . . . . . . 5-415
5.8.31 $AC_MONMIN -- Factor for tool search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-416
5.8.32 $P_TOOLNG -- Number of tool groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-420
5.8.33 $A_MYMN / $A_MYMLN -- Owner magazine/location of the tool . . 5-420
5.8.34 $P_TOOLNT / $P_TOOLT -- T numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-422
5.8.35 $P_TOOLD -- D numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-423

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09.05 Table of contents

5.8.36 $P_TOOLNDL -- Number of defined DL offsets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-423

5.8.37 $A_USEDND -- Workpiece count . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-424
5.8.38 $A_USEDT -- Workpiece count . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-425
5.8.39 $A_USEDD -- Workpiece count . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-427
5.8.40 $P_MAGN / $P_MAG -- Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-428
Magazine distance tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-429
5.8.42 $P_MAGNS / $P_MAGS -- Toolholder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-430
5.8.43 $P_MAGNREL / $P_MAGREL -- Assigned buffer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-431
5.8.44 Example of magazine configuration system variables . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-432
5.8.45 $P_MAGNH / $P_MAGNHLT / $P_MAGHLT --
Location type hierarchies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-434
5.8.46 $P_MAGNA / $P_MAGA -- Tool adapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-436
5.8.47 Additional language commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-436
5.8.48 Variables for subroutine replacement technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-443
5.8.49 Variables for tool change in synchronized action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-444
5.9 Conventions for programming data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-446
5.9.1 Tool and cutting edge data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-446
5.9.2 Magazine data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-448
5.9.3 Tool Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-451
5.9.4 Cutting edge selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-451
5.9.5 Tool transfer from program test mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-453
5.10 Programming T=location number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-454
5.10.1 Call multiple turrets with “T=location number” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-455
5.11 Programming examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-456
5.12 Overview of the remaining OPI blocks of tool management . . . . . . 5-457
5.12.1 Magazine directory data, HMI internal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-457
5.12.2 Tool directory data, HMI internal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-457
5.12.3 Parameterization, return parameters TMGETT, TSEARC . . . . . . . . 5-458
5.12.4 Working offsets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-459
5.12.5 PI services and NC language commands for tool management . . . 5-459
6 Data backup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-465
6.1 Back up the NCK data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-465
6.2 Back up the PLC data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-469
6.3 Data backup on hard disk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-469
6.4 $TC_MPP66 -- Expansion for the data backup with tools
in the buffer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-469
7 Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-471
8 Machine data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-473
8.1 Machine Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-473
8.1.1 Display machine data for HMI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-473
8.1.2 Memory settings for tool management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-475
8.1.3 NC-specific machine data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-476
8.1.4 Channelspecific machine data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-492
8.1.5 Machine data for function replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-507
8.1.6 Machine data for the Siemens user data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-511

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9 Signal description PLC interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-513

9.1 Interface for loading/unloading magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-514
9.2 Interface for spindle as change position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-520
9.3 Interface for tool turrets as change position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-530
9.4 Interface NC channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-537
9.5 Interface magazine configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-539
10 Alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-541
10.1 Alarm descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-543
11 PLC sample programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-575
11.1 FB 90: QUIT_WZVacknowledgments to TOOLMAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-575
11.1.1 Sample Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-579
11.1.2 Chain magazine with one spindle as a pick-up magazine . . . . . . . . 11-579
11.1.3 Chain magazine with one dual gripper and one spindle . . . . . . . . . . 11-581
11.1.4 Chain magazine with two grippers and one spindle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-583
11.1.5 Two chain magazines with one spindle as a pick-up magazine . . . . 11-585
11.1.6 Chain magazine with two spindles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-587
11.2 FB 91: LE_SUCH search for empty location for tool in buffer . . . . . 11-590
11.3 FB 92: GET_LOC read magazine location and tool data . . . . . . . . . 11-594
11.4 FB 93: PUT_LOC write magazine location and tool data . . . . . . . . . 11-598
A Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-603
B Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-605
C References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-617
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-619

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xviii SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
Introduction 1
Tool management (TOOLMAN) ensures that at any given time, the correct tool is in
the correct location and that the data assigned to the tool is up to date. This func-
tion is used on machine tools with circular, chain or box magazines. As well as
speeding up tool changes, it avoids scrap by monitoring tool service life and ma-
chine downtimes by using spare tools.

Tool-management functions
When dealing with tools, there are 4 types of function:
S TMBF Tool Management Base Functions
Default in NCK
(TMBF = Tool Management Base Functions)
S TMFD Tool Managment Flat D numbers
(TMFD = Tool Management Flat D Numbers)
S TMMO Tool Management Monitoring function
(TMMO = Tool Management Tool Monitoring)
S TMMG Tool Management Magazines
(TMMG = Tool Management Magazines)
Included in the basic version of SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D are:
S TMBF or:
Available with the tool management option are:
The function is capable of managing up to 30 real magazines with a total of 600
magazine locations and 600 tools, and up to 12 edges per tool (max. 1500 tool
edges). The maximum number of edges per tool depends on the software version
(12 edges in SW version 5.1 and later) and machine data settings.
With HMI-Advanced, the most user-friendly configuration, the full range of tool
management functions is available. But even with an OP 030 or HMI Embedded,
the main functions can be utilized on a task-related basis.

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 1-19
Introduction 09.05

New structure
The range of functions to be executed by the tool management system has been
extended ever further over time. A new structure will be selected in future based
on the following categories:
Basic functions of tool management (available even when tool management is not
Tool monitoring
Tool magazine management (only available when tool management is active)
Tool Management with Flat D numbers (only without active tool management)

Main tool management functions HMI HMI OP 030

(standard) Advanced Embedded
System diagrams in the standard X X X
Options for configuring screenforms X
and softkeys
Easy start-up via system displays X
Editing of tool data X X X
Magazine and tool list X X X
Vacant position search and X X X
Loading and unloading of tools X X X
Easy search for empty locations X
using softkeys
More than one magazine is possible 30 30 30
More than one loading and X
unloading point per magazine
Tool cabinet and tool catalog X
“Relative” D numbers with X
user-customizable numbering
Adapter data X
Local offsets X
Loading and unloading via code X
carrier system
Data backup via RS-232 (V.24) X X
Data backup on hard disk X

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1-20 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Introduction
1.1 General overview

1.1 General overview

This document describes the scope of the tool management functions. Tool man-
agement functions are included in MMC, NCK and PLC. The appropriate functions
are shown in the function structure (see Section 2.1). The tool management is di-
vided into several sub-areas, which were outlined in the introduction.

Basic functions
The TMBF area of the tool management contains the basic functions. These basic
functions are generally available, even in systems without an active TM system.
Basic functions include, for example, creating and deleting tools, entering offsets
and tool changes. On the basic function level, a specific number (max. 12) of tool
edges (D numbers) is assigned to each T number (tool identification).
Alternatively, the function TMFD or “Flat D numbers” (freely selectable D number
independently of the T number) can be activated in systems without active tool
management. You can select any number of tool edges per tool; the number of
edges per tool is not limited to 12. With “Flat D Numbers”, the user is responsible
for management and assignment of T numbers to D numbers.

Miscellaneous functions
The miscellaneous functions of tool management are magazine management, tool
and location search and monitoring the tool life, workpiece numbers or wear val-
ues. These miscellaneous functions are only available when tool management (op-
tion) is active.
Magazine management functions must be implemented by the machine manufac-
turer in systems without active tool management. These will generally be executed
via the PLC.

Magazine management
“Magazine management” refers to the administration of magazine locations. These
locations might be empty, loaded with tools or assigned to oversized tools in adja-
cent locations.
Empty locations can be “loaded” with other tools. The tool management function
provides the machine manufacturer with a function for optimized management of
tools/magazine locations.
Magazine management provides extended functions such as load, unload or posi-
tion tools and includes searches for tools, magazine locations and search strate-
gies for replacement tools. After expiry of the monitoring time activated in the tool
monitoring function, tools are disabled and no longer used. If tool monitoring de-
tects an existing identical tool (duplo tool) which is not disabled, this tool is then
automatically used for any further machining.

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Introduction 09.05
1.1 General overview

In the simplest case scenario, all that needs to be configured when tool manage-
ment is activated are magazines, loading magazines, spindles, grippers, etc. Fur-
thermore, the interfaces (DB 71 to DB 73) must be processed in the PLC (see
Section 2.3).
Task-related tool motions (e.g. position chain, swivel gripper) are derived from the
interface processing. On completion of tool motions, the positions and task status
are acknowledged via basic program blocks (FC 7 and FC 8). If necessary, create
another cycle (or ASUB) for the NC program where tool changing is programmed
with the required travel motions. An identifier is programmed for the tool change or
tool preselection when the TM system is active. A duplo number is also available to
support unique identification of replacement tools. Tool identifier and duplo num-
bers are always mapped on an internally assigned T number. This internally as-
signed T number is used for addressing the variables described in the following.

OPI variables
Additional functions are available by using OPI variables (see Section 2.2, PI com-
mands) from the PLC or HMI (see Section 5.12.5). The NC program (e.g. cycle,
ASUB) provides corresponding language commands to achieve optimum adapta-
tion of the tool management to the machine environment. You can obtain a clear
overview from the data structures that form the basis of the tool management.
They are represented in the form of NC data blocks.

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09.05 Introduction
1.2 Key data

1.2 Key data

Operator panels
The following operator panels can be used for tool management (TOOLMAN):
S HMI Embedded
Two interfaces are available:
-- Standard
-- Shopfloor-oriented (Shopmill)
S HMI Advanced
S OP 030 e.g. for loading magazines
The HMI Embedded and HMI Advanced operator interface functionality differs in
the following areas:
S Start-up
S Data backup on hard disk
S Operation from configurable screens
The following are not implemented in HMI Embedded:
S Configuring of user softkeys for empty location search
S Start-up via system displays
S More than one loading and unloading point per magazine
S Tool cabinet, tool catalog
S “Relative” D numbers with user-customizable numbering
S Adapter data
S Location offsets
S Loading and unloading via code carrier system

Data storage and management is carried out in the NC and HMI Advanced. All
data can be read and written manually, via the NC program or by data transfer.

Operation is performed via system screens. These include screens for start-up
(HMI Advanced only) and screens for tool management operation (magazine lists,
tool lists, loading/unloading).

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Introduction 09.05
1.2 Key data

Programming in the NC part program

The tool management function makes it possible to call a tool in the part program
using a name (identifier), e.g. T = “end mill 120mm”.
Tool call is still possible via the T No. tool number. The T No. is then the name of
the tool (e.g. T=12345678).
A tool is uniquely defined by its name and duplo number. Furthermore each tool
can be unambiguously identified by its “internal” T number. The internal T number
is as a rule assigned by NCK and is not used for programming a tool change in the
main program.
The T call is the instruction to change the tools for the turret type of magazine.
In the case of a chain or box-type magazine, the T call is the instruction to prepare
for the tool change. The M06 function loads the prepared tool into the spindle.

in software version 6 and higher

The following characters are permitted for the identifier:
[ _ ] [ a...z ] [ A...Z ] [ 0...9 ] ; [ + -- . , ]
Identifiers are case-sensitive, i.e. differentiate between uppercase and lowercase

M06 is the CNC code generally used for tool change.

There are data blocks (DB71--73) for receiving tool management commands and
function blocks (FC7, 8) for acknowledging the tool management commands.
Another block, FC22, is used as a direction selection for magazines.
Tool management data can also be read and written via FB2 and 3. Complex tool-
management services can be initiated by FB4.

Magazine types
Circular, chain magazines and box magazines can be managed. Other magazine
types, e.g. pick-up magazine, are mapped onto these.
Real magazines can be defined as a circular, chain or box-type. Loading points or
loading stations shall be used as the magazine type for loading and unloading.
Type designation “magazine buffer” covers all other locations in which tools can be
placed (spindle, gripper,...).

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09.05 Introduction
1.2 Key data

Location coding
Tools are supported both by fixed location coding and variable location coding.

Location type
The location type defines the type and shape of the location. By assigning location
types to magazine locations it is possible to subdivide a magazine into areas. This
means that different types of special tools, e.g. “especially_large”, “espe-
cially_heavy” can be assigned to specific locations.
The location types can be placed in ascending order or hierarchy. This order deter-
mines that a tool that is supposed to be inserted in a “small” location type can also
be placed in a “larger” location type if no “smaller” location type is vacant.

In tool management, it is possible to select either workpiece counts or tool life
monitoring (with reference to the cutting edges). Tool wear monitoring is also avail-
able with SW 5 and higher. Spare tools (duplo tools) are differentiated by means of
a duplo number.

Search strategy
Customizable search strategies are available for tool change. Various strategies
are possible for tool search and to search for empty location of the “old tool”.
You can still set a search strategy for loading tools.

Excerpt from TM basic data

Term Data/Range
Magazine configurations per channel 1
Total number of magazines max. 32
Total number of magazine locations max. 600
Total number of tools max. 600
Programming the tools in the NC program e.g.
using an identifier (name) with 32 alphanu- T =“Angle head cut-
meric characters ter_32”
Duplo no. 1 --32000
Total number of cutting edges max. 1500
Location type definition Yes
Consider adjacent location in half locations 2dimensional
Location coding fixed or variable

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Introduction 09.05
1.2 Key data

Term Data/Range
Strategy for tool search can be set (pro-
grammed) via system
Strategy for location search can be set (pro-
grammed) via system
M06 command for tool change M code, settable via
MD, channel-specific
Tool change with M06 code or T command settable via MD, chan-
Wear monitoring for every cutting edge
Wear monitoring according to tool life resolution msec
Wear monitoring according to number of Counters
Access to tool mangement data via NC System variables
Automatic decoding stop until tool is se- Yes
T=Location No. settable via MD

Tool Management is an OPTION.

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1-26 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
Overview 2
2.1 Function structure of tool management

S Tool data display, input/output
S Magazine data display, input/output
S Compensation data, input/output
S Tools and material management
-- Master data
-- Particular tool data
-- Code carrier
S Loading/unloading dialog

S Tool data management
-- Status
-- Monitoring
-- Corrections
S Magazine data management
-- Magazines
-- Magazine locations
S Tool management
-- Search for tool
-- Finding an empty location
-- Change tool
-- Load, unload

S Magazine control
S Gripper control
S Spindle control
S Safety interlocks
S Execute tool change
S Calculation of position, if necessary
S Special change strategy, if required

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Magazine directory Magazine data Magazine location data

Bild 2-1
TMV TM, $TC_MAPx[y] TP, $TC_MPPx[y,z]

Magazine no. Location No. Tool data in general T=“identifier”

No. Mag.
Identifier Location type TD, $TC_TPx[y]
Mag. No. Mag. ID Type Location type T No.
Status T No. Duplo no.
Mag. No. Mag. ID Manag. 1-- Consider adj. loc. y/n TU, $TC_TPCx[y]
Tool size T No.
Manag. 2-- Status
Mag. Description Mag. Location type User data per
Number of locations Status
Current location Type index (e.g. spindle) tool
Monitoring type
Communication Search strategy
Location No.
in case of failure Per edge
Magazine control block Location type
$TC_MAPCx[y] TS, $TC_MOPx[y,z]
TMC, $TC_MAMPx Location type
Tool cutting edge data
T No. Service life
No. of loading magazine User data per Consider adj. loc. y/n TO, $TC_DPx[y]
2.2 HMI/PLC -- NCK data structure (OPI)

magazine Status D1 prewarning limit

No. of buffer Mag. Description Geometry, cutting edge 1

Structure of magazine data and tool data

Type index (e.g. spindle)

D2 Geometry, cutting edge 2

Number of locations Multiple assignments

TPM $TC_MDPx[y,z] $TC_MPPC_x[y,z] D3 Geometry, cutting edge 3

Communication ...
Distance 1st int. mag. User data per Service life
location D12 Geometry,cuttingedge12 count
Distance 2nd int. mag.
prewarning limit
HMI/PLC -- NCK data structure (OPI)

Tool directory data

TV $TC_MOPCx[y,z]
Assignment between TUE, $TC_DPx[y] User data
buffer locations and Adapter D1 monitoring
communication with User data, cutting edge 1
spindle $TC_MLSR[x,y] data
Assignment of magazine User data, cutting edge 2
location of the buffer D3
Magazine location hierarchy magazine to a spindle User data, cutting edge 3 Location-depend
TT, $TC_MPTH[x,y] ent offsets
Setting value
Location type
for each location D12 User data, cutting edge 12 wear data

SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition

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09.05 Overview
2.3 PLC -- NCK interfaces

Unchecked boxes mark the previous data of the tool management. Checked boxes
show the user data.
New data blocks are displayed as checked and grayed boxes.

TOA area
A TOA area constitutes and independent group in tool management. There is no
link existing to other TOA areas.
Up to 10 independent TOA areas may be created depending on the number of
channels available. Several channels can be assigned to one TOA area but one
channel cannot be assigned to more than one TOA area. A subset of magazines,
buffer locations and loading magazines can be assigned to one TOA area.

2.3 PLC -- NCK interfaces

The heart of the SINUMERIK 840D tool management system is located on the
NCK. The PLC merely contains the interfaces for the machine-specific part (see
Fig. 2-2).

DB 74

DB 71 Parameters,

Loading/un- 1 Machine
loading station buffer, etc.

DB 72
Spindle 1 Tool

(FC 6)

DB 73 Magazine

Revolver 1

FC7, 8

Loc. tool old

Loc. tool new

Setpoint pos. _ Direction
Actual pos. selection Distance-to-go

Bild 2-2 Data structure and PLC -- NCK interface

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Overview 09.05
2.3 PLC -- NCK interfaces

NCVARxy2.mdb User DB

Tool NC VAR Addresses of

management selector NC variables
Tool management TO data



PUT write
DB16 FB4, FB7
PI services

Bild 2-3 Extended interface for tool management between PLC and NCK

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2-30 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Overview
2.4 Magazine configuration

2.4 Magazine configuration

Magazine configuration
In one configuring process, it is possible to create a magazine configuration which
includes one or several real magazines (actual magazine for storing tools, NCK is
capable of managing several real magazines). All the magazines of one configura-
tion can be operated simultaneously in one channel. Several magazine configura-
tions can be defined but only one configuration can be active in one channel at one
Magazine and tool data are stored in the NC in the so-called TO area. The TO
area can in turn be sub-divided by machine data into individual TO units. It must
further be defined by machine data, which channel works or which channels work
on which TO units. Only one magazine configuration can be active at any one time
per TO units. If several channels are assigned to TO units, then the magazine con-
figuration applies for all assigned channels.

Conf. Machine
MMC configuration Activating data


TO_n Channel n

k ...
m ....
.... Channel 3
.. TO_2
2 Channel 2
1 TO_1
1 Mag.
Channel 1
real Conf.

Real magazines m magazine conf. m TO units one n channels

k magazines magazine conf. per

Bild 2-4 Assignment of magazines to channels

For more information, see Section 3.1 and 4.4.1.

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Overview 09.05
2.5 Magazine list

2.5 Magazine list

The magazine list is a location-oriented map of the tool magazine, gripper and
spindle. Tool management only works with the tools from the magazine list.
Additional tools without a magazine assignment can also be selected for tool
changes. The tool must be inserted in the machine manually and removed again
manually after machining (manual tool). The same applies to the tool list. For
manual tools, see Section 3.2.11.

The structure of the magazine list (i.e. which data are to be displayed) is defined
by the machine manufacturer via the PARAMTM.INI file. Up to three user-definable
displays (screen forms) are available for dividing up the various types of data, e.g.
offsets, wear, general data. These displays can be called up via their own softkeys.
In the example below: Maglist 1, Maglist 2, Maglist 3. The tools that are located in
the selected magazine are listed in the magazine list.
The magazine list configured under Maglist 1 is the tool management main screen.
All operations can be selected from this display. One magazine list is available for
each channel.

Bild 2-5 Example of a magazine list

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2-32 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Overview
2.6 Tool list

2.6 Tool list

The tool list contains all the tools known to the NC. These are the tools in the mag-
azine and tools which have been unloaded but whose data are to be retained.
The tool management function works with loaded tools from the magazine list.

The structure of the tool list is defined by the user. The data can be displayed in up
to three user-definable screens. In the example below: Tool list 1, Tool list 2, Tool
list 3.
In the tool list, all tools of the TO area are listed sorted according to the internal
T no., i.e. even those tools that are not assigned to any magazine location. The
display underneath the softkey “Tool list 1” is shown as a main screen.

Bild 2-6 Example of a tool list

Modification of tool designations and duplo numbers in the lists

Renaming tools
The operator can change the tool name and the duplo number directly in the fol-
lowing screens: magazine, tool, working offset list and tool details. It is not possible
to change the tool type directly in the working offset list.

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Overview 09.05
2.6 Tool list

Modifying tool identifier and duplo number

This function is defined with MD 9240: USER_CLASS_WRITE_TOA_NAME can
be set to determine whether the user can modify the tool identifier and duplo num-
ber in lists or not. The default value is always 0. With this value, no changes can
be made by the operator in the lists.
Changing tool type
MD 9241: USER_CLASS_WRITE_TOA_TYPE is set depending on whether the
operator can change the tool type directly in the tool list, the magazine list and the
tool details screen. The default value for the MD is 0. With this setting, the operator
cannot make direct changes in the lists.

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2-34 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Overview
2.6 Tool list

It is not possible to change the tool type directly in the working offset list. Changing
the tool type of a cutting edge automatically changes the tool type of all cutting
edges of the same tool. The cutting edges of a tool are not listed one after the
other in the work correction list since these are sorted according to user-assigned
D numbers.

Tool type function

If the operator changes the tool type of a cutting edge, the tool type of the other
cutting edges of the same tool is also changed.
The following data are set to 0:
S Tool user data
S Tool compensation parameters of all cutting edges
(the cutting-edge adapter data are not changed if the tool is at a magazine loca-
tion and the function “Magazine location adapter data” is active at the NC.)
S Cutting edge user data of all cutting edges
S Cutting edge monitoring data of all cutting edges
S Location-dependent compensation parameters of all cutting edges (wear values
and setup values)
Configuration of the modification procedure
Before the changes are made to the tool type, the operator is asked to confirm the
changes. This prompt can be suppressed, depending on the current access rights,
by setting the following data in paramtm.ini:
ChangeToolTypeWithoutConfirmation=-1 ;value range -1 to 7

Confirmation is always requested with the default “--1”. Entering an access level
(values 1--7) specifies the lowest access level at which the prompt is to appear.
Confirmation is requested with keyswitch “0” (access level 7). The prompt is sup-
pressed with keyswitch “1” and higher (access level 6 and lower).
ChangeToolTypeWithoutConfirmation=6 ;value range -1 to 7

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Overview 09.05
2.7 Tool cabinet (HMI Advanced only)

New magazine list with multiple lines

Cutting edges in magazine list
Several lines are available for each tool in the magazine list. The edges for each
tool are included in every magazine display.

2.7 Tool cabinet (HMI Advanced only)

Tool cabinet
The data of the tools employed can be stored in the tool cabinet. This data is
called particular tool data. The data corrected when the tool was in operation in the
NC can be stored in the tool cabinet while the tools are unloaded. The user can
retrieve this data again when loading the tool. The user must, however, know the
duplo number for the tool.
A complete set of tool data is kept in the cabinet for each individual tool in the con-
trol, called a selected tool. A selected tool is identified in the catalog by its technol-
ogy, its tool type, its unique name for the tool type and its unique duplo no. (> 0)
with regard to tool type and name. Each selected tool there has a different duplo
no. even when technology, type and tool name are the same.
You can store or enter tool data for selected tools in the tool cabinet.

If the plant is powered down, softkey EXIT must be used. If it is not (e.g. power
failure), the database can be corrupted. To avoid this happening, an uninterruptible
power supply should be used.

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09.05 Overview
2.7 Tool cabinet (HMI Advanced only)

Bild 2-7 Example of tool cabinet

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Overview 09.05
2.8 Tool catalog (HMI Advanced only)

2.8 Tool catalog (HMI Advanced only)

Tool catalog Tool cabinet

Master data for new tools Particular data for tools

-- Technology -- Technology
-- Tool type -- Tool type
-- Tool name -- Tool name
-- With duplo no.

Master data
tool data

Bild 2-8 Differences between tool catalog and cabinet

Tool catalog
The tool catalog is empty when supplied. Tool data must be entered before a new
tool can be loaded via the catalog. To this end, technology and tool type are se-
lected and a tool name specified. After which the tool and cutting-edge data are
As a result of this process, so-called “master data” have been set up for the tools.
When loading a new tool the user can call these master data. It is not possible to
store the data of tools already used. There thus exists for each tool exactly one
master data record of a certain technology, a certain type and a certain tool name.
The tool master data are sorted in the tool catalog. The generally applicable tool
data as well as the nominal and process information for the tools are listed in the
tool master data.

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2-38 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Overview
2.8 Tool catalog (HMI Advanced only)

Technology Tool type

Ball end mill
End mill
End mill with
with corner rounding
Angle head mill
Milling tools Angle head mill with
with corner rounding
Facing tool
Thread cutter
Side mill
Bevel cutter

Twist drill

Boring bar Particular tool data

Master data
Center drill
Drilling tools Counterbore Technology
Technology Type
Screw tap
Regular thread Type Name
Screw tap Name Duplo no.
Fine thread
Screw tap Tool data
Whitworth thread Tool data Cutting edge data
Cutting edge data

Roughing tool
Finishing tool

Turning tools Plunge cutter

Parting tool
Threading tool

Special tools
Special tool

Special tools Slotting


Bild 2-9 Structure of the tool catalog with master and operating data

The full list of tool types is contained in the Programming Guides.

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Overview 09.05
2.8 Tool catalog (HMI Advanced only)

Bild 2-10 Example of tool catalog

Master data can only be read out of the control and transferred to another in their

Tool data:
The following data can be entered for every tool:
S Tool size e.g. 2222 (left, right, bottom, top)
S Location type
S Location coding (fixed, variable)
S Tool monitoring (none, tool life, workpiece count, wear)
S Number of cutting edges (display of defined edges only)
S Spare-tool search strategy (next duplo no., shortest path amongst others)

Cutting edge data:

S Cutting edge position
S Number of cutting edges (display only)
S Cutting edge number (display only)
S Offset parameters (geometry, wear, base)

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09.05 Overview
2.9 Access protection, protection levels

S Monitoring data (set value, prewarning limit)

The database of the particular tool data can only be read out of the control and
transferred to another control in its entirety.

2.9 Access protection, protection levels

The access to programs, data and functions is protected via 8 hierarchical levels
according to customer requirements. These are divided into
S 4 password levels for Siemens, machine manufacturer and end user
S 4 Keyswitch positions for end user

Protection Locked by: Users

0 Password Siemens
1 Password Machine manufacturer: Development
2 Password Machine manufacturer: Startup engineer
3 Password End user: Servicing
4 Keylock switch End user:Programmers, machine-setters
position 3
5 Keylock switch End user: Skilled operator without program-
position 2 ming knowledge
6 Keylock switch End user: Trained operator without program-
position 1 ming knowledge
7 Keylock switch End user: Semi-skilled operator
position 0

For further information, see Section 4.3.1.

HMI Advanced:
The access protection is defined in file c:\user\paramtm.ini. It must be entered after
vocabulary word [ACCESSLEVEL].
HMI Embedded:
Protection is set via display machine data.
Examples of functions that can be disabled:
S Load
S Unload
S Magazine list, tool list display

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Overview 09.05
2.10 Openess in HMI

S Tool cabinet, tool catalog

S Loading the magazine configuration

2.10 Openess in HMI

OA / OEM package
The OEM / OA package for HMI Advanced can be used to expand operating
masks and tool-management functionalities.
HMI programming package / Open Architecture. Please refer to the most recent
NC 60 Ordering Catalog for the current status.
OPI variables and PI services are available to expand the functionality. The special
functions are linked by means of the OEM softkeys.
The OPI variables are described in OPI_GR.HLP/OPI_UK.HLP in the directory
The Help file OPI_GR.HLP/OPI_UK.HLP is shipped as part of the OEM package.
For more information, please refer to Section 5.12.5 in this description.

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2-42 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
Description of functions 3
In this chapter, reference is made to variables, alarms and machine data. A de-
tailed description of these features can be found in the following chapters:
Chapter 5: Programming
Chapter 8: Machine data
Chapter 9: Signal description, PLC interfaces
Chapter 10: Alarms

3.1 Magazines
The position of a tool is shown by a magazine identifier and a location identifier.
Magazines have an identifier and a number, magazine locations only a number. In
a real magazine (chain, turret, etc.), the position of the tool is identified by the mag-
azine number and the location within the magazine assigned during start-up.

3.1.1 Buffer

Buffers are located in the second internal magazine. The buffer includes the
spindle, toolholder, gripper, loader and transfer location. The buffers are located at
magazine number 9998. Each buffer element is assigned a unique location. Any
location numbers may be assigned. It is recommended that all spindles and tool-
holder be numbered in ascending order starting at number 1. The assignment to
real magazines or of spindles/toolholders to other buffers is made during start-up
Example: Assigning the locations in the buffer magazine

No. Name Type Index Assignment to Distances to

spindles magazine
1 Spindle_1 Spindle 1 0
2 Gripper_1 Gripper 1 0
3 Gripper_2 Gripper 2 0
4 Loader_1 Loader 1 0
5 Loader_2 Loader 2 0
6 Transfer_1 Transfer 1 0

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 3-43
Description of functions 09.05
3.1 Magazines

3.1.2 Loading magazine

The loading magazine is the 1st internal magazine and is assigned magazine num-
ber 9999. The loading magazine contains the loading points.
A distinction is made between
S loading points and
S loading stations
Loading points are provided for loading and unloading tools. The allocation of loca-
tions is fixed, all other locations can be assigned freely. In the case of fixed assign-
ment, location 1 in the loading magazine is used.
Location 1 is reserved for loading/unloading to all spindles/toolholders. All position-
ing tasks for relocation actions to any locations (not loading points) are still handled
via the 1st location. The tasks stated, which refer to a particular magazine location,
are output at the interface of the loading point. The loading points are assigned to
magazines during start-up ($TC_MDP1). A loading point is an open entry to the
magazine where a tool can be manually put into and taken directly from the maga-
A loading station is viewed as an “external magazine location” which a gripper, for
example, can access to transfer a tool to the magazine during loading.

3.1.3 Box-type and chain magazines

The setting in MD 22550 (TOOL_CHANGE_MODE) must always be 1 for these

types of magazine.
Chain and box-type magazines do not as a rule have any additional buffer avail-
able for transportation between magazine and spindle. These additional buffers
can contain tools temporarily.
Commands are distributed in the PLC by FC 6. In this case, DB 72 acts as the
user interface. There is a separate interface area for each spindle in the interface.
A new command from NCK is only then entered in the interface one the previous
command has been acknowledged with status values less than 100 (nowadays
1 ..7) by the FC 8.

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3-44 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Description of functions
3.1 Magazines

1. The programming function T = identifier or T = location is implemented in the

PLC in data block DB 72. Bit “Prepare tool” is activated in the associated inter-
2. Programming function M06 is also implemented in DB 72. In this instance, bit
“Change tool” is set in the activated interface. The bit “Prepare tool” from an
earlier T command is not reset here. If the bit “Prepare tool” shall no longer be
set for the M06, then it is the task of the user program to reset this bit as part of
acknowledging the last T command.
3. Programming functions T and M06 in the same block set the “Prepare tool” and
“Change tool” bits simultaneously in the activated DB 72 interface.
Exceptional cases which are imaged in the PLC identically to “3.” above are as fol-
S Initiation of a tool change after block search (last accumulated tool change for
the active tool)
S Trigger tool change for Init. blocks
In these exceptional cases, the subroutine (macro, cycle) in which M06 is normally
programmed is not executed.

Examples for machine tools with chain and box-type magazines

Gripper 2 Gripper 1

1 2 3 4

Spindle 1
Change position 16 5
for spindle
15 6
14 7

13 8

12 11 10 9
Mag 1= No. 1
Mag 9998 = buffer
Mag 9999 = loading station Loading station
Spindle 1 = Mag 9998, Loc. 1 No. 9999:
Gripper 1 = Mag 9998, Loc. 2
Gripper 2 = Mag 9998, Loc. 3

Bild 3-1 Machine tool with chain magazine

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Description of functions 09.05
3.1 Magazines

Gripper 4

position Gripper 2
Magazine2 for spindle

4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4

Spindle 1
8 7 6 5 16 5
12 11 10 9 Gripper 3 position 15 6
Gripper 1
for spindle Magazine1
16 15 14 13 14 7
Spindle 1 = Mag 9998, Loc. 1
20 19 18 17 Gripper 1 = Mag 9998, Loc. 2 13 8
Gripper 2 = Mag 9998, Loc. 3
24 23 22 21 12 11 10 9
Gripper 3 = Mag 9998, Loc. 4
Gripper 4 = Mag 9998, Loc. 5

Loading station Mag 1= No. 1; Mag 2= No. 2 Loading station

No. 9999: Mag 9998 = all buffers No. 9999:
Mag 9999 = all loading stations

Bild 3-2 Machine tool with chain and box-type magazine

The magazine zero point is defined by $TC_MDP2 (with value assignment of 0).
The change position (spindle) is normally assigned on this basis.

3.1.4 Circular magazine

The setting in MD 22550 (TOOL_CHANGE_MODE) is normally 0.

Circular magazines do not have any additional buffer with which tools can be trans-
ported from the magazine to the spindle. The tools on circular magazines are not
physically transported to the spindle, but are moved into a defined position through
rotation of the turret so that machining can take place with one particular tool. The
tool is transported to the spindle or holder only in the software.
If TOOL_CHANGE_MODE is set to 1 for a turret, then the description above for
chain and box magazines applies too.
The description below applies when TOOL_CHANGE_MODE = 0.
Programming command T = identifier initiates the tool change. T = location can be
programmed as an alternative. When T = location, no tool need actually be stored
in the location.

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09.05 Description of functions
3.1 Magazines

The commands is distributed in the PLC by FC 6. In this case, DB 73 is the user

interface. There is a separate interface area for each turret. The turret numbers
are assigned successively in ascending sequence according to magazine numbers
during start-up. The permissible magazine range is 1 ... max. number of real mag-
azines. A new command from NCK is then entered in the interface once the pre-
vious command has been acknowledged by FC 7 (alternatively by FC 8 as well).

Revolver 1

Loading/unloading location

Loading/unloading location

Revolver 2

Bild 3-3 Double-slide turning machine with direct loading/unloading point in the turret

3.1.5 Other magazine types

In practice, there are other types of magazines in addition to the ones listed above.
These are e.g. disk-type, washer, pick-up, rack, cage magazines (and many more).
Such types must be mapped to the three types of magazines supported by the tool

3.1.6 Wear group

Locations in a magazine are linked to form an area referred to as the “wear group”.
In this way, location groups of a magazine can be activated for particular machin-
ing operations.
A wear group number is assigned to each of these locations and the magazine is
thereby divided into several different areas. Only tools from one of the areas are
then used for a specific machining operation.

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Description of functions 09.05
3.1 Magazines

The wear group number for each magazine location is defined via system variable
$TC_MPP5[m,p] (m: Magazine number, p: Location number ).
Values in the range of -- 32000 ... + 32000 can be assigned.
Values >0:
The specified number is assigned to the location (e.g. $TC_MPP5[1,3] = 2 assigns
the third location of magazine 1 to wear group number 2).
Value = 0:
The location is not assigned to a wear group, as a result the magazine locations
are not generally included in tool searches.
If the parameter is set to 0, the data will be fully compatible with magazine data
generated in older NCK software versions.
Values <0:
The wear group whose number corresponds to the absolute value of this number is
disabled (e.g. $TC_MPP5[1,3] = -- 2 disables wear group number 2 of the maga-
zine with number 1).
This applies even if there is only one disabled location in the wear group.

Wear groups are only available for real magazines. The definitions for $TC_MPP5
do not affect the status of tools.

Activate wear group

System variable $TC_MAP9 defines which wear group (magazine area) is active.
To change the active wear group, the corresponding number is set in this system
variable, thereby defining which wear group will be used to start the machining op-
The default setting is 0. Therefore this is compatible with magazine data of earlier
NCK software versions.
The wear group can also set active by a tool change or by the user via NC com-

Disable wear group

If there is no longer any spare tool at the location of an active wear group, then the
system switches to the next wear group and the former wear group is disabled.
Machining is continued by activating the next group and searching for a suitable
replacement tool.
The wear group is also disabled if one of the locations has been disabled via sys-
tem variable $TC_MPP5 (negative value).

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09.05 Description of functions
3.1 Magazines

Activate (internally)
Bit 0 of system variable $TC_MAMP3 can be set to determine how internal activa-
tion of a wear group will affect the status of the associated tools.
Value 0:
The tool status is not changed (preset).
Value 1:
When activated, one tool from each tool group included is set to “active”. Tools al-
ready set earlier as active are not reset.

Disable (internally)
Bit 1 of system variable $TC_MAMP3 can be set to determine how internal deac-
tivation of a wear group will affect the status of the associated tools.
Value 0:
The tool status is not changed (preset).
Value 1:
When a wear group is disabled all active tools are reset.

For information about tool searches in wear groups, see Section 3.4.5.

3.1.7 Background magazine

Background magazines are not directly supported by the tool management. How-
ever, functions for background magazines can be activated by setting the system
variable selectively. System variable $TC_7 MAMP2 -- bit 7 can be used to set
whether the tool search begins in the magazine last used for tool replacement (bit
7 = 0) or whether the search is carried out in the order defined by “Spindle to mag-
azine” (bit 7 = 1).
This system variable is allocated during magazine configuration (via start-up at the
HMI) and saved as an INI file; $TC_MAMP2 -- bit 7 is always preset to 0. It is for
these reasons that the value for $TC_MAMP2 must either be changed in the INI
file (before loading the magazine configuration) or be overwritten by the part pro-
$TC_MAMP2=385 (bits 0, 7 and 8 set).

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Description of functions 09.05
3.1 Magazines

The assignment of “spindle to magazine” is set via system variable

$TC_MDP2[n,m]; the order corresponds to the order in which this variable is writ-
ten. This is pre-assigned as well by the magazine configuration:
Example for 4 magazines and one spindle:
... this assigns the first buffer (spindle) to magazines 1 to 4; a tool search would
therefore start in magazine 1, followed by magazine 2, etc. up to magazine 4.
You can modify this search order by setting this system variable as follows:
1. Delete assignment:
2. Re-assign in different order:
... resulting in the search order Magazine 2, 3, 4, 1
The trigger criterion for changing the order of assignment can be the information in
the change cycle that the new tool was found in another magazine. This can be
read in the program $A_TOOLMN[t], whereby “t” is the internal T number of the
tool. The new tool is obtained via GETSELT. You must remember the previous
foreground magazine.

3.1.8 Consider adjacent location

Consider adjacent location is used for oversized tools. When searching for empty
locations (loading, tool change) the bits 4... 11 are evaluated in magazine location
parameter $TC_MPP4 (half location occupied/reserved). As this function requires
additional memory space, the default setting is 0.
To active the function, set the following parameters:
In addition, for every magazine location that is to be considered for the adjacent
location, parameter $TC_MPP3=1 must be set.
Two new functions are available with active consider adjacent location (from SW

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09.05 Description of functions
3.1 Magazines

Overlap disabled magazine locations

This function is activated by setting the magazine location parameter $TC_MPP4
bit 13=1. If a location is disabled, it can now be “overlapped” by an oversized tool.
This means the consider adjacent location function ignores the disabled state of a
magazine location.
Chain magazine, location 12 is disabled (e.g. tool reception is defective).
An oversized tool (size 2/2/1/1) is loaded or is positioned in the spindle.
Previously it could only be inserted in location 10 or 14.
Now it can also be inserted in locations 11 or 13.
The following default settings are available:
As soon as a location is disabled, “Overlapping active” is automatically set (or reset
as soon as the location is no longer disabled).
This setting is made in machine data $MN_TOOL_DEFAULT_DATA_MASK bit

Overlapping magazine edge locations

This function is activated by setting the magazine description parameter
$TC_MAP4 bits 8 to 11.
The following definition applies:
(Definition: smallest magazine location No. is top left, largest magazine location
No. is bottom right).
Bit 8 left edge location may be covered
Bit 9 right edge location may be covered
Bit 10 edge location top may be covered
Bit 11 edge location bottom may be covered
The default setting for these bits is 0.
Flat magazine
Due to the mechanical conditions, oversized tools can cover the edge at the top
and on the right.
You need to set:
$TC_MAP4[Magazine No] bit 9=1
$TC_MAP4[Magazine No] bit 10=1
The function can also be used with chain magazines and turrets. The sequence of
evaluation is bit 10 and bit 11 (top, bottom).

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Description of functions 09.05
3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

As a rule, programming the tool change differs for box-type and chain magazines
from programming for circular magazines.
The tool change differences for these different magazine types are set for each
channel via machine data MC_TOOL_CHANGE_MODE.

3.2.1 Prepare a tool change

Different methods of tool change can be programmed as a function of machine

data (MD 22550) $MC_TOOL_CHANGE_MODE:


T=“Tool identifier” ; Tool preparation and tool change with an NC

; command (= within an NC block)
; NCK sends a command to the PLC

If an error is detected during tool preparation, then machining is stopped when the
block T = identifier is read-in.
After correction and NC Start, the block with T = identifier is interpreted again and
program processing is continued.

S Within an NC block

T=“Tool identifier” M06 ; Tool preparation and tool change. This pro-
; gramming line results in a command to the

Programming tool preparation and tool change in one block (T= “Tool identifier”
M06), corresponds to setting TOOL_CHANGE_MODE = 0.
S distributed over two NC blocks

T=“Tool identifier” ; Tool preparation

; NCK sends a command to the PLC
M06 ; Tool change (the number of the M code is
; settable),
; NCK sends a command to the PLC

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09.05 Description of functions
3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

Tool preparation and tool change are typically programmed in different blocks. Two
commands are transferred to the PLC.
An alarm is triggered if an error occurs in T= “tool identifier”. If the MD
TOOL_CHANGE_ERROR_MODE (MD 22562) is set accordingly, the alarm is
delayed until the associated tool change command M06 is interpreted in the pro-
gram run. Only then is the alarm output. The operator can make corrections in this

A D compensation is activated by a tool change. If the D command is not
programmed in the block containing the tool change command, the tool
compensation set in MD 20270: CUTTING_EDGE_DEFAULT is activated. If the
value of the variable is --1 or >0 (selection of a specific compensation), the alarm
“D number for the tool does not exist in the NCK” may occur.
If the value is 0 (compensation deselected) or --2 (old compensation retained),
there is no problem when determining the compensation.

Empty spindle
Program commands T0 and M06 remove the tool from the spindle and return it to
the magazine. The spindle is then empty.

Possible problems in programming T/M06

$MC_TOOL_CHANGE_MODE=0; tool change with T address
The part program is executed through to the block T = “identifier”. The following
problems can occur and are handled in the manner described:
S The tool data record is in the NCK but not assigned to a magazine location. The
tool must be reloaded mechanically, if necessary, e.g. directly onto the spindle.
The assignment of the tool to the magazine location/the spindle takes place e.g.
with the function “Overstore”; $TC_MPP6[m,p] = T no., or by the HMI operation
“Load (onto spindle)”.
S The tool data record is not in the NCK:
Set up data block in the NCK, e.g. by HMI operation.
S Programming error in part program:
Correct discrepant NC block in the part program.
S Alarm 22067:
The desired tool change is not possible. The specified tool group does not con-
tain a “ready to use” replacement tool which could be loaded. The tool monitor-
ing function may have set all potentially suitable tools to the “disabled” status.

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Description of functions 09.05
3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

The Start pushbutton is operated once the operation has been completed. The NC
block T “tool identifier” is interpreted again and program processing is continued
provided operator intervention was correct. If not, the alarm will be generated

3.2.2 General tool change sequence


Part program
Process alarm
command T=“Ident.”.
NCK determines the
locations of the tools Distribute in OB1 after Commando in DB 72
involved check for interface influence channel signals,
availability e.g. read-in disable
1 cycle OB1 wait
Transmission of cyclic
signals and and tranport Actions for preparatory
work (e.g. magazines)
acknowledgement for T

FC 8
Status 105
FC 8
Status 1
Process alarm Process alarm
Program command M06 Initiate actions
Distribute in OB40, if DB72 INT free
for change

1 cycle
acknowledgement M06
FC 8
Motion blocks with active Status 105
tool edge can be FC 8
traversed from this point Status 1 Change carried out

Bild 3-4 Preparing and changing a tool

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09.05 Description of functions
3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines


Initiate command for

Process alarm Process alarm change in DB73 actions,
Program command
Distribute in OB40, if DB73 INT free if required influence
channel signals, e.g.
Transport read-in disable
1 cycle
acknowledgement T

Motion blocks with active

tool edge can be FC 7 Acknowledgement
traversed from this point change carried out

Bild 3-5 Tool changing with T command

The prompt for changing the tool is issued by the part program via T command or
M command.
1. The tool-management function in NCK searches in accordance with the tool
searching strategy and the requirements of the T call for a tool suitable for use
(preparation) and, at the same time, searches for an empty location for the tool
to be exchanged.
2. The calculated data are make available in DB 72/73. The user program must
react by making a new tool available.
3. If machine data MD 22550: TOOL_CHANGE_MODE is set to 1, the PLC exe-
cutes the tool change with the “M06 command” in the part program and signals
the completion of the change operation.
If the machine data is set to 0, the tool data is changed and the desired com-
pensation become active when T or D are programmed. The PLC has the op-
tion of applying its own tool change strategy. It can choose its own empty loca-
tion for storing the old tool.

If, for example, in a tool change with a dual gripper, the old spindle tool is to be
replaced in the magazine as “quickly” as possible, the PLC must check whether
the location is suitable to accommodate the old spindle tool in terms of type and
adjacent locations. Tool management is then to be informed of the change opera-
tion by the PLC (FC 8 block).
The new empty location search strategy “Replace new tool for old” is also avail-
able. Tool management thereby checks whether its is possible to replace the old
tool with the new tool at the location of the new tool (1:1 replacement).

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Description of functions 09.05
3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

The tool change in an NCK-internal operation that is executed as an interaction
with the PLC. The HMI only has the task of displaying data and facilitating data

Spindle and toolholder

Tool management can also be used for machines that have no spindle (e.g. punch
presses or turrets). In this case the term “spindle” is replaced by “toolholder”;
define the setting in MD 20124 TOOL_MANAGEMENT_TOOLHOLDER. If the MD
setting is >0, the spindle numbers $TC_MPP5 are interpreted as toolholder num-

Fixed location coding

If fixed location coding is selected for a tool, the tool will always be returned to the
same location when it is replaced.

Variable location coding

Tools defined with variable location coding can be returned to any location for the
appropriate tool size and location type in the magazine.

Automatic tool return to real magazine

1. An automatic tool return is initiated by the TM only if the tool is transported via
several stations (status 105) after a T preparation command from the PLC and
the T preparation command is finally acknowledged positively with status 1.
The return of a preselected tool from the buffer can be suppressed by setting
MD 20310: TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK, Bit 15 = 1.
2. If a tool change is interrupted because the control is switched off but the tool is
already located in a buffer location (gripper), the next tool change must either
return the tool in the buffer to the spindle or to the real magazine.
3. If several tools are located in the buffer the spindle tool is considered first. If
there is no tool on the spindle, the order for return is in accordance with system
variable $TC_MLSR.

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09.05 Description of functions
3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

Example for the time sequence of a tool change

The following example shows a typical cut-to-cut sequence of operations for a tool
change with a tool changer and a fixed absolute tool change point on a milling
Machining program
N970 G0 X= Y= Z= LF ;Retract from the contour
N980 T1 LF ;Tool preselection
N990 W_WECHSEL LF ;Subroutine call without parameters
N1000 G90 G0 X= Y= Z= M3 S1000 LF ;Machining resumed
Subroutine for tool change
N10 SPOSA= S0 LF ;Spindle positioning
N20 G75 FP=2 X1=0 Y1=0 Z1=0; ;Approach tool change point
N30 M06 LF ;Change tool
N40 M17 LF

N10 N40

Current block number N20 N30 N1000

IS: Feed disable 0

IS: +/-- travel command (axis)

IS: Exact stop fine (axis)

IS: Exact stop coarse (axis) 1

PLC: New tool loaded

IS: Read enable 1
through M6

IS: Exact stop fine (spindle)


IS: Positioning mode active


Spindle speed in rpm 0




t1 t2 t3 t4 t5
Bild 3-6 Chronological sequence of tool change

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Description of functions 09.05
3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

t1 Axes at standstill
Spindle rotates
Start of tool change cycle in N10.
t2 Traverse axis with G75 in N20 to tool change point
t3 Spindle reaches programmed position from block N10
t4 Axes reach exact stop coarse from N20; N30 now starts:
M06 removes the previous tool from the spindle and loads and
clamps the new tool.
t5 Tool changer swivels back to original position.
Then, in N1000 of the calling main program,
-- new tool offset can be selected,
-- the axes can be returned to the contour, or
-- the spindle can be accelerated.

3.2.3 Select a tool and the cutting edge

T number and the M function are no longer transferred to the PLC as an auxiliary
function if TOOLMAN is activated.
Numbers are valid tool names as well, e.g. “3” instead of T = “3” can be
programmed more simply as T3.
There must be a tool with the T number as the identifier available when working
with the T number.
If you want to call a tool using T3, the tool must have the name “3”. A tool
CANNOT be called with the internal T number managed by NCK only.

Select/deselect tool compensation on Reset

The following machine data can be used to control the behavior on RESET:

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09.05 Description of functions
3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

You can determine whether to:

S deselect the active tool
S keep the active tool selected
S of a particular tool is selected (according to MD 20122 TOOL_RESET_NAME)
If, in terms of its data, a new tool is selected that is not yet on the master spindle
or the master toolholder (or main spindle, main toolholder), then a tool change is
executed a tool change for a reset or the end of the program. With this type of tool
change (in a similar manner to block searches), the PLC is not capable of influenc-
ing the selection of the tool.

Select a tool at start of program

With machine data
can be set to define whether
S the tool on the main spindle or the main toolholder is selected again or remains
S or select a specific tool (as defined in MD 20122: TOOL_RESET_NAME).
If a new tool is selected which in the data is not yet specified as being on the
spindle, a tool change is performed when the program is started. In this type of tool
change the PLC cannot influence the selection of the tool, just as for block search.

Tool rejection by the PLC

On a block search, selection on reset or program start, the tool is selected during
preprocessing. In this case the PLC is not allowed to reject the tool.

If bit 4 of machine data MD 20310: TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK set, then PLC
usually has the possibility to again request preparation for a tool change, yet this
time with different parameters, i.e. to reject the tool.

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Description of functions 09.05
3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

Communication between PLC and tool management

The communication between PLC and NCK during a tool change is via the VDI
interface. Tool change is triggered by the tool management in the NCK. The TM
outputs commands to the PLC which acknowledges them either positively or nega-
tively depending on the situation (see also Section 2.3).

Command acknowledgement
When acknowledging a command from the NCK, the PLC can change the parame-
ters of this command in the acknowledgement data.
The following sequence is implemented to allow acknowledged commands from
the PLC to be assigned in the NCK:
-- The T number in the command is used to determine the tool in the NCK.
-- The data of the current tool location are obtained from the tool.
-- This current tool location is checked against the address specified in the
-- If the data does not correspond, the data is corrected in the acknowledged
command and in the original command residing in the NCK.
-- Acknowledgement of the command in the NCK is continued.

If the tool to be changed is transported from the magazine to the toolholder in
multiple individual steps, the PLC acknowledgement number 105 applies.
With the PI command _N_TMMVTL a tool in status “being changed” cannot be
The following applies for loading, unloading, reloading and positioning: The PLC
must not change the target positions specified by the NCK for the NewTool as they
have to be identical with those in the NCK.

Example 1
The data printed in bold font (can be changed) in the PLC acknowledgement and
NCK indicate that the NewTool is not longer present at the From location specified
in the command (NewTool: from M: 00002 P: 00001). It was, for example, moved
to gripper location 9998/3 after output of the command “Prepare tool change” by an
asynchronous PLC motion command. Only then is the tool preparation command
acknowledged by the PLC. NCK checks the tool data and compares them to the
data in the command (underlined) and corrects the command data in the NCK after
internal command assignment, thus allowing subsequent acknowledgements to
proceed with the valid data.
T00001 N:N10 CMD:00002
from M: 00002 P: 00001 to M: 09998 P: 00003 TNo: 00001 Spindle : 00001

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09.05 Description of functions
3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

from M: 00000 P: 00000 to M: 00000 P: 00000
After automatic correction of the command parameter “NewTool: from” in NCK to
NewTool: from M: 09998 P: 00003 to M: 09998 P: 00003
the original command is acknowledged in the NCK with this correct data.

Example 2
1. NCK tool change command to PLC
2. An asynchronous tool motion command triggered by one of the PLC commands
8 or 9 (tool was transported), i.e. direct data manipulation plus associated me-
chanical tool movement.
3. Acknowledgement of the tool change command
Tool preparation command NCK --> PLC (bring TNo.=1 from gripper= 9998/4 to
spindle 9998/1) is calculated and output to the PLC:
T00001 N:N10 CMD:00002
from M: 09998 P: 00004 to M: 09998 P: 00001 TNo: 00001 spindle 00001
from M: 09998 P: 00002 to M: 00003 P: 00004
Asynchronous tool motion command 9 from PLC (bring TNo.=1 from magazine
location 9998/4 to 9998/3):
T00002 N: ACK: 00009 un: 00001
from M: 09998 P: 00004 to M: 09998 P: 00003
from M: 00000 P: 00000 to M: 00000 P: 00000
The tool changes the location data in the NCK as well as the mechanical location.
Tool TNo.=1 is now in location 9998/3.
PLC acknowledges the tool preparation command as follows:
T00003 N: ACK: 00002 un: 00001
from M: 09998 P: 00004 to M: 09998 P: 00004
from M: 09998 P: 00002 to M: 09998 P: 00002
As the tool with TNo.=1 is actually located in position 9998/3, the NCK first assigns
the command then corrects the acknowledgement data within the NCK:
T00003 N: ACK: 00002 un: 00001
from M: 09998 P: 00003 to M: 09998 P: 00001
On the machine this corresponds to the real tool transport from the gripper
(9998/3) to the spindle (9998/1).

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3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

Example 3
If the command for tool change is removed by the asynchronous tool motion com-
mand “unload this tool that was just loaded for change”, alarms 6405 and 6442 are
displayed when the change command from the NCK is acknowledged.

Selection of the tool offset

Once the tool has been changed the following options are available for selecting
the tool compensation:
1. The compensation number is programmed in the same block as the command
for the tool change.
2. It is specified by the setting in MD 20270: CUTTING_EDGE_DEFAULT

=0 The compensation is deselected (= D0).

>0 Number of the compensation, which is selected in accordance with
= --1 The compensation number of the old tool remains valid and is se-
lected for the new tool after M06.
= --2 The last selected compensation remains valid until a D number is

Detailed information on cutting and compensation numbers can be found in
/FB1/ W1 -- tool compensation.

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3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

3.2.4 Predecoding (preprocessing) and block execution (main run)

The cutting edge geometry cannot be calculated until the tool management knows
the tool that is actually to be used. Only the identifier is stated in the part program
for tool change. Generally, the tool with the status “active” is then used. If this is
then disabled, then one of the other spare tools is used -- the Spare tool. The pre-
coding delays selection of the new compensations until it is clear which tool is to
be used. Only then can precalculation of the blocks be restarted.
Tool change must have been completed before the path can be traversed with the
tool compensation of the new tool.
The block is split if the preprocessing run detects that a new edge of a new tool
has been selected for the first time and tool preparation has been initiated, but not
yet completed.
The following synchronization points exist between predecoding and block execu-
Programmed NC block:
N1D1 M06 Txx X100 Y100

Sequential blocks:
N1 Txx M06 end of block
N2 D1 X100 Y100

1. Interpreter detects an compensation selection (D number)

2. It determines that a tool change was previously programmed which has
not yet resulted in selection of a tool.
3. Interpreter carries out “block splitting”.
4. Output of block N1:
Block 1 receives a request from the execution blocks to output their collec-
tive blocks, and also if programmed, M06, T numbers, ...
5. Output of block N2:
Block 2 receives the rest, in particular all travel information and any D
numbers if programmed.
6. Tool management stops execution of the block during preprocessing until it
is clear which tool is to be used.
7. After receiving the tool preparation acknowledgement, execution of block 2
is continued, or first the new T number is entered in the block and is used
to calcualte the contour again.

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3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

Tool change at the main spindle or master toolholder

The main run waits in synchronism with tool change block for transport acknowl-
1. Main run waits in synchronism with tool change block for end of acknowledge-
ment (if bit 5 or bit 6 of MD 20310: TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK is set) or
2. After a tool change in the main run, the NCK automatically performs synchro-
nization with the end of the tool change in the first block in which an edge of the
new tool is selected.

The transport acknowledgement is an internal acknowledgement of an NCK
command. It indicates to the NCK that the output command was accepted. When
a new command is output to the PLC, the NCK waits for the acknowledgement of
the previous command.

Tool already in spindle

If the programmed tool is already in the spindle, by default no command is sent to
the PLC (The response can be defined by the MD setting.)

Tool change at the secondary spindle or secondary toolholder

1. Main run does not wait. There is no synchronization.
2. Main run waits in synchronism with tool change block for transport acknowl-
3. Main run waits in synchronism with tool change block for end of acknowledge-

Tool change preparation in a main spindle

1. Tool management decides during the main run which tool is to be used (the ac-
tive tool or a replacement tool). Until then, the preprocessor waits at the point in
the program at which the compensation values of the new tool are to be consid-
ered for the first time.
2. The PLC can also decide which tool is to be used. In this case, the PLC can
reject the proposed tool with a negative acknowledgement. If rejected by the
PLC, the NCK selects a new, different tool (only if MD 20300: MC_TOOL_MAN-
AGEMENT_MASK bit 5 = 1, see also FC 8 description, Section 4.2).
3. Even if the function “GETSELT(...,x)” is programmed, the preprocessor again
has to wait until a decision has been made as to which tool is to be used.

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3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

Prepare to change tool in a secondary spindle

1. The main run does not wait. There is no synchronization.

During a synchronization operation where the new compensation is used or
allowed for by the preprocessor, “block splitting” must be performed. This ensures
that a preprogrammed tool change T or M06 is actually performed and not
collected in run blocks.
Unlike the STOPRE command, the preprocessor does not necessarily wait until all
blocks have been processed, but only waits if tool selection has not taken place by
the appropriate time. The appropriate time is when programming new
compensations after tool change or when programming GETSELT.

3.2.5 Traverse axes while tool is being changed

After the tool change command M06 the axes can continue travel without having to
wait for the tool change acknowledgement and, e.g., execute traversing blocks
without tool compensation. Travel only stops in a block with an compensation se-
lected (D no.) until the tool change is signaled by the PLC.
Requirement: MD 20270: CUTTING_EDGE_DEFAULT= 0 or = --2
Example: Traversing blocks between tool change and cutting edge selection
N10 T=“Drill18” ; Tool change preparation
N15 M06 ; Tool change
N20 D0 ; Compensation deselection
N25 G00 X100 Z200 ; Traverse machine axes
N30 Y150 M79 ; Traverse machine axes
N35 G01 D1 X10 ; Activating the tool compensation.
; Check whether tool has been changed. preproces-
; sing stop until tool change preparations are com-
; pleted.
Main run waits until tool change is acknowledged
from PLC

The preprocessing stop is maintained until the tool change preparations have been
completed. The main run waits at N35 (D1) until the tool change has been exe-
cuted and acknowledged.

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3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

3.2.6 Tool change to the spindle for chain and box-type magazines

Spindle/buffer DB 72
Data block DB 72 changes tools in the spindle. This data block also prepares the
tool change. This data block has an interface for every spindle.
User data is available at each interface (sequence in accordance with the spindle
number) as for the loading and unloading points. The data block also contains
additional data for the new tool. This data includes location type, sizes, tool status
and the T number internally assigned in the NC.
The buffer address of the spindle is contained in DB 72. DBW(n+16) and
DBW(n+18) as the destination for the new tool. This position is communicated as
the target position of the new tool in parameters “NewToolMag” and “NewToolLoc”
when the tool change has been successfully completed. The target position for the
old tool (DB72. DBW(n+24) and DBW(n+26)) is transferred to FC 8 in parameters
“OldToolMag”, “OldToolLoc” together with parameter “Status = 1” after the change
tool command has been executed.

Description of tool exchange in spindle

The tool in location 1, magazine 1 is to be loaded to the spindle (magazine no.
9998, location 1) and the tool in the spindle is to be returned to magazine 1 loca-
tion 8.

Gripper 2 Gripper 1

1 2 3 4

Spindle 1
16 5
Change position
for spindle
15 6

Mag. No. 1
14 7
Spindle 1 = Mag 9998, Loc. 1
Gripper 1 = Mag 9998, Loc. 2 13 8
Gripper 2 = Mag 9998, Loc. 3
12 11 10 9

Bild 3-7 Load tool into spindle

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3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

The tool change in the spindle is split into two steps (for
1. Prepare change:
Search for new tool and move to the change position
2. Perform change:
New tool into the spindle and old tool into magazine in correct location

1. Prepare change
Bit 2 is set in DB72.DBB n+0. In preparing for the change, the current positions of
the tools are forwarded to FC 8 in the associated parameters once the preparation
step has been completed. “Status” = 1 is parameterized in FC 8 at the same time.
This means that the “old tool” is still in the spindle and that the “new tool” is either
still in the source magazine at the same location or has been placed in a buffer.
The following information is passed to FC 8:
S The new tool is in the change position, but is still located in magazine (NewTool-
Mag = 1 and NewToolLoc = 1).
S The old tool still remains in the spindle.
(OldToolMag = 9998 and OldToolLoc = 1).

FC 8 parameter Values Comment

Start starts job
TaskIdent 2 DB 72 interface
TaskIdentNo 1 No. of active interface
NewToolMag 1 (n+20) Mag No. new tool
NewToolLoc 1 (n+22) Loc. No. new tool
OldToolMag 9998 (n+16) Mag No. target new tool
OldToolLoc 1 (n+18) Loc. No. target new tool
Status 1 Action completed
Ready Feedback signal from FC 8
Error Feedback signal from FC 8

2. Change tool
If the preparation command has been correctly acknowledged with status = 1, the
“Change” bit DB72.DBB n+0 bit 1 is set with the M06 command in the part pro-
gram. The user parameters are also transferred again. All other values remain un-
affected by the “Change tool” operation.

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Description of functions 09.05
3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

Two tools are involved in the tool change procedure. The old tool is in the spindle
and the new tool is in the magazine. The tool transport is executed in this example
with gripper 1 and gripper 2. Any change in the position of the tools must be com-
municated to the tool management with FC 8. FC 8 must be called twice for this

FC 8 call with status 105 “Change in progress”

The tool with the dual gripper is pulled from the magazine and the spindle. The old
tool is now in gripper 2 at location no. 3 and the new tool in gripper 1 in location
no. 2. The following FC 8 call results:

FC 8 parameter Values Comment

Start starts job
TaskIdent 2 DB 72 interface
TaskIdentNo 1 No. of active interface
NewToolMag 9998 (n+16) Mag. No. spindle
NewToolLoc 2 (n+18) Loc. No. new tool
New tool now in gripper 1
OldToolMag 9998 Mag. No. old tool
OldToolLoc 3 Loc. No. old tool
Old tool now in gripper 2
Status 105 Procedure running
Ready Feedback signal from FC 8
Error Feedback signal from FC 8

The operator uses FC 8 to notify the tool management of the new positions of the
exchanged tools.
Tool management knows which is the new (called) tool and which is the old
(spindle) tool.
The current positions are also known to the tool management. If these positions
change, the tool management is only informed about this through FC 8.

If T preparation and change signals are present at the same time, the tool call and
change command (T and M) are programmed in one block. When FC 8 is called in
such a case, only the change and not the selection need be acknowledged.

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FC 8 call with status 1 “Tool change complete”

While the gripper is moving the tools, the PLC can read the magazine location for
the old tool (from the spindle) from DB72.DBW (n+24) and (n+26) and move the
magazine to the change position. This position is location 8 in magazine 1 in this
example. The tool change can now be mechanically ended by “inserting” the tools.
Tool management shall be informed of this change in tool positions by a FC8 call
with status = 1. The new tool is placed in the spindle of magazine No. 9998, loca-
tion No. 1 and the old tool in magazine No. 1 at location 8.

FC 8 parameter Values Comment

Start starts job
TaskIdent 2 DB 72 interface
TaskIdentNo 1 No. of active interface
NewToolMag 9998 (n+16) Mag. No. spindle
NewToolLoc 1 (n+22) Loc. No. spindle
OldToolMag 1 (n+24) Mag No. old tool
OldToolLoc 8 (n+26) Loc. No. old tool
Status 1 Procedure completed
Ready Feedback signal from FC 8
Error Feedback signal from FC 8

If the dual gripper is to place the spindle tool in the magazine location of the new
tool, the user must ensure that the magazine location is of the same size and loca-
tion type as the spindle tool.
Here too, a 1:1 replacement is supported through appropriate setting of the search
strategy by the tool management.
If this is the case, the transfer can be performed simultaneously (on the dual grip-
per in the spindle and in the magazine location at the change position).
FC 8 must be parameterized as follows.

FC 8 parameter Values Comment

Start starts job
TaskIdent 2 DB 72 interface
TaskIdentNo 1 No. of active interface
NewToolMag 9998 (n+16) Mag No. new tool
NewToolLoc 1 (n+18) Loc. No. new tool
OldToolMag 9998 (n+20) Mag No. old tool
OldToolLoc 3 (n+26) Loc. No. old tool
Status 1 Procedure completed

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3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

FC 8 parameter Values Comment

Ready Feedback signal from FC 8
Error Feedback signal from FC 8

3.2.7 Special cases “TO”, empty spindles, multiple T selection

TO: Empty spindle

DB72.DBX(n+0).3 indicates that TO has been programmed. If TO has been pro-
grammed to empty the spindle, DBW (n+20), DBW(n+22) -- data for new tool -- in
DB72 are assigned the value “0”.
Parameters NewToolMag and NewToolLoc of FC 8 must then be set to “0”.
This applies to the preparation and to the change procedure.

Spindle is empty
The tool must be changed. This status is indicated by the fact that parameters Old-
ToolMag and OldToolLoc are set to “0”.
In this case, FC 8 parameters OldToolMag and NewToolLoc must be set to “0” for
tool preparation and change.

Multiple T selection
It can happen with multiple T selection that the program cannot be aborted by a
The interruption response can be enhanced as follows:
S Cancel the read-in enable to prevent following blocks from being accepted in
the main run.
S Then acknowledge with status 3 via FC 8 (the tool command is denied by the
S When the acknowledgement has been issued, the RESET can be activated for
the channel.

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3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

3.2.8 Tool change with turret

Turret DB 73
DB 73 is the block used to “change” tools in the turret (i.e. by rotating the turret so
that the required tool is in working position). This data block has an interface for
every turret. The turrets are numbered using ascending magazine numbers. User
data are available at each interface as for the loading and unloading point. The
data block also contains additional data for the new tool. These data are amongst
others, location type, sizes, tool status and the T number internally assigned in the
Following completion of the tool-change operation, loading the new tool shall be
acknowledged by FC 7. To this end, the parameter “ChgdRevNo” receives the tur-
ret number of the new tool that has been inserted.

FC 8 parameter Values Comment

Start starts job
ChgdRevNo 1 1. Revolver
Ready Feedback signal from FC 8
Error Feedback signal from FC 8

3.2.9 Number of replacement tools

Machine data MD17500: MN_MAXNUM_REPLACEMENT_TOOLS can be set to

select the maximum number of replacement tools.
Once the set threshold for the number of replacement tools has been reached it is
no longer possible to:
S create a tool with ID (alarm) or
S assign a tool by renaming an already fully assigned group (alarm).

For operation via the HMI, alarm 17192 is output as an indication as soon as the
defined limit is violated.

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3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

If programming via a part program an additional interpreter alarm is triggered (e.g.

14020 if NEWT fails).

Machine data MD 17500: MAXNUM_REPLACEMENT_TOOLS is limited (up to
600) only by the upper limit value set in machine data MD 18082:

3.2.10 Tool changing errors

If an error is detected by the NCK in the programmed tool preparation (e.g. no tool
available, no free position in magazine) program processing is terminated with an
The operator can assess and rectify various problems without terminating the pro-
The following problems can be solved:
S The tool data record is not or not entirely in the NCK.
S The part program contains a programming error.
S No more replacement tools of the tool group in question are available (only ap-
plies when tool management is active).
S Alarm 22067 or 22069 is stored. The tool data record has been loaded into the
NCK but is not assigned to a magazine location or the magazine of the tool is
not accessible to the tool search (only applies when tool management is active).
The tool must be reloaded “manually” (e.g. directly onto the spindle).

The case of “Invalid D number” can occur either if there is an error in the part
program or the data block for the D number is not in the NCK.

Programming example
N10 ...
N100 T=“Drill” ; NCK detects an error
N110 ...
N200 M06 ; to the extent that the tool change is not
; explicitly programmed in the same program for
; tool preparation
N210 ...

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3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

As a rule M06 is not programmed at the program level of tool preparation but
rather in a subroutine, cycle or macro.

Bit 0 of machine data MD 22562: TOOL_CHANGE_ERROR_MODE determines

the block at which the program must stop.
N10 ...
N100 T=“drill” ; NCK detects an error, program stops at this
; block
N110 ...
N200 M06
N210 ...


N10 ...
N100 T=“drill” ; NCK detects an error
N110 ...
N200 M06 ; program stops at this block
N210 ...

The fault is found during tool preparation yet is ignored by the NCK. The program
continues and stops at M06. Tool preparation has been completed at this point in
time for a regular program run. In the event of an error, tool preparation with the
correct data can be subsequently effected.
The programming error (in block 100 in this example) is corrected by adding the
compensation to the tool change block:
N200 “T=Drill_1” M06

If a tool change (with M06 programming) is realized by means of a subroutine or

cycle program, then the error can be rectified by inserting an overstore block (in
the example).

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Description of functions 09.05
3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

3.2.11 Manual tools (retrofitting tools during machining)

Bit 1 in MD 22562: TOOL_CHANGE_ERROR_MODE can be set to select addi-

tional tools without magazine assignment during tool changes. The automatically
selected tool must be inserted in the machine manually and removed again manu-
ally after machining.

Responsibility of the user

The user must ensure that
S the data record of the tool positioned on the spindle is actually in the NCK and
S that he or she places the tool that corresponds to the data record in the NCK on
the spindle.
Tools which are loaded manually during machining are referred to as “manual

The responsibility is on the users themselves to comply with the safety regulations
via the PLC program.

Internally, the NCK initiates an automatic sequence until the user can perform the
tool change with a manual tool. The NCK searches for the selected tool and de-
tects that a suitable tool is not available in the magazine. After determining there is
no suitable tool in the tool-holding magazine, the tools are investigated that are not
assigned to any magazine. The tool with the status active is selected from these. If
there is no active tool, then the tool with the lowest duplo no. is selected.

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3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

If no suitable tool is found, then loading a manual tool can take place. The manual
tools are identified in the interface to the PLC (VDI) by the Magazine location
no. 1 in the magazine 9999. The PLC can detect from this identifier that a manual
tool is to be loaded. The PLC ensures that the machine is in a safe state in order to
allow the user to perform the manual tool change.

If the manual tool is loaded, alarm 17212: “Channel %1, Manual tool %2, Duplo
No. %3, Load to toolholder %4” is output. The alarm is confirmed by the
tool-change acknowledgement from the PLC.

The PLC is not allowed to reject a manual tool preselected by the NCK (for tool
rejection, see also MD 20310: TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK).

Block search, program testing

As regards block searches, there is no difference to a normal tool change. How-
ever, the corresponding alarms are not generated.
No change commands are output to the PLC during the block search. If a manual
tool needs to be loaded when the NC is first started, this can be programmed via
magazine location 1 in magazine 9999 and output of the corresponding alarm.
The data for the tools and magazines have to remain unchanged during the pro-
gram-testing mode in the NCK. A manual tool that has been loaded during pro-
gram-test selection is therefore removed in terms of its data from the toolholder
and saved internally. The stored manual tool is loaded back into the toolholder in
response to PLC task “Return manual tool from magazine 9999, location 1”.

Several toolholders and manual tools can exist in the progam-test mode because
of the technology used for the internal storing.

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3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

In conjunction with tool selection, tool change and compensation selection, only
problems associated with the block correction technique can be rectified that have
arisen because of programming errors or incorrectly defined data in the NCK.
Problems or errors resulting from faulty communication between NCK tool man-
agement and the PLC cannot be rectified in this way. This type of errors does how-
ever only occur when a new PLC program is installed at the machine and not dur-
ing production by the machine.
The manual tool function is only implemented if TOOL_CHANGE_MODE=1.

3.2.12 Tool changes in NCK by synchronized actions

At tool change and at loading/unloading it is often necessary to supply the NC

cycles with the data for the participating tools.
Usually this is done via the “fast data channel” (dual port RAM) using FC 21.
The PLC user program checks the interface in DB71/72/73.
If a new command is pending, the data (new location, old location, T_number,...)
are read, pre-processed and supplied to the cycles via FC 21. There they are (usu-
ally in synchronized actions) read as variable $A_DBB[...] and e.g. magazine
movements are derived from them.
To reduce the overhead involved and create simpler mechanisms, most of the data
of the tool management interface was mapped onto the NC variables for read ac-
This means that all information about the old tool and the new tool can be read di-
rectly in the part program or in synchronized actions; the “detour” via the PLC is no
longer needed.

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3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

The following variables are used for the mapping process:

$AC_TC_FCT Function No. (NCK command No.)
$AC_TC_STATUS Acknowledge status from PLC
$AC_TC_THNO Tool holder or spindle No. on which the change was exe-
$AC_TC_TNO Internal T No. of the tool to be changed or prepared
$AC_TC_MFN Source of new tool: magazine number
$AC_TC_LFN Source of new tool: location number
$AC_TC_MTN Target of new tool: magazine number
$AC_TC_LTN Target of new tool: location number
$AC_TC_MFO Source of old tool: magazine number
$AC_TC_LFO Source of old tool: location number
$AC_TC_MTO Target of old tool: magazine number
$A_TC_LTO Target of old tool: location number
$AC_TC_CMDT Trigger variable on command output of the NCK
(is set for one IPO)
$AC_TC_ACKT Trigger variable on acknowledgement from PLC
(is set for one IPO)
$AC_TC_CMDC Counter for the command output
$AC_TC_ACKC Counter for the acknowledgements

The variables are read-only (exceptions: $AC_TC_CMDT and $AC_TC_ACKT).
The acknowledgement mechanism remains unaffected (as before, the PLC
acknowledges all commands from the NCK via FC 8/FC 7).

Method of operation
The variables are written.
1. with each command from the NCK (CMD)
2. with each acknowledgement from the PLC (ACK)
3. with PowerOn all are set to value “--1”
The data is retained until it is overwritten by a new command. This means that with
commands of the same type, it is not possible to tell from the function number
($AC_TC_FCT) whether a new task is present.
The exceptions are:
If, for example, the NCK outputs a T preparation, both these variables are set to
“--1” with the first PLC acknowledgement via FC 8 (e.g. state 105).

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3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

Scanning should only take place in synchronized actions.
Depending on the application, this can then trigger the variables $AC_TC_CMDT
and/or $AC_TC_ACKT.

Example 1
Positioning a tool chain onto the old location
Description: The tool chain has 36 locations, is defined as rotary and indexing axis,
increments are 10 degrees therefore each graduation corresponds to
one magazine location.
Tool_Change_Mode=1, Tool_Change_M-Mode=6
Ids=1 every(($AC_TC_CMDT==1)and(($AC_TC_FCT==2)or($AC_TC_FCT==5)))
do $R10=itor($AC_TC_LTO)
if ((R10>0)and($A_DBB[x]==5))
The trigger is sent to the command output of the NCK and with command “2”
(T preparation) or command “5” (T/M06 in one block) the old location is read out
and stored in R10
(itor=IntegerToReal -- format conversion if the variable is stored in the R-variable in
synchronized actions).
Later in the program, when the enables from the PLC are present (for example as
$A_DBB[x]==5), the magazine axis is traversed to the saved position (old loca-
A magazine movement could also be started as follows (shown here in simplied
Ids=1 every(((($AC_TC_FCT==2)or(AC_TC_FCT==5))and
do pos[U1]=cdc($AC_TC_LTO)
With commands “2” and “5” (T preparation or T/M06), with old location>0 and PLC
acknowledgement status “105” (serves as enable), the magazine axis is traversed.
Old location>0: If the spindle was empty, there is no old tool and the old location
is 0. Therefore, the magazine axis does not need to move.

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Example 2
Swiveling a turret
Description: Turret, 6 locations, the turret is defined as an indexing axis, 60-degree
increment, corresponds to one tool location, 1xSpindle,
Ids=1 every($AC_TC_CMDT==1)and($AC_TC_FCT==4)and($AC_TC_LFN>0)
do $R10=itor($AC_TC_LFN)
if ((R10>0)and($A_DBB[x]==5))
The trigger is sent to the command output of the NCK and with command “4”
(change with T command) the new location is read out and saved in R10
(itor=IntegerToReal -- format conversion if the variable is stored in the R-variable in
synchronized actions).
Later in the program, when the enables from the PLC are present (for example as
$A_DBB[x]==5), the turret is traversed to the saved position (new loca-
The logic operation $AC_TC_LFN>0 prevents a movement from taking place if, for
example, TO was programmed.

3.2.13 Tool change cycle (shopfloor-oriented interface)

The tool change is initiated by a cycle for the shopfloor-oriented interface. For a
more detailed description please refer to the documentation:
References: /BAS/ ShopMill Operation/Programming
References /FBSP/ Description of Functions, ShopMill

3.2.14 Example for cycle T function replacement (SW 6)

Both a turret head as well as a magazine with several buffer locations can be real-
ized in one channel for transporting the tool into the spindle with the new function
“T-function replacement”.
The in the turret can be called with T Dxx and the tool in the tool-holding magazine
can be pre-selected with a T call and be loaded with M6 Dxx.
Prerequisite is the channel-specific setting for the spindle
($MC_TOOL_CHANGE_MODE=1). It can furthermore be defined in the NCK by
the type of magazine those magazines where the spindle display shall be sup-

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3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

Considered is a turning unit with tool feed between SAT spindle and tool disk-type
magazine via gripper (turret head and chain in one channel).

NCK magazine configuration

Magazine Location Meaning Assignments

no. No.
Loading magazine
9999 1 Spindle loading point
9999 2 Loading point turret/magazine Magazine 1--2, dis-

Buffer magazine Distance=0

9998 1 Spindle 1 Magazine1
9998 2 Spindle 2 Magazine2
9998 3 Gripper 1 Spindle 2, magazine 2
9998 4 Gripper 2 Spindle 2, magazine 2
Magazine 1 (turret 1), defined as chain
1 1 Magazine location 1
1 2 Magazine location 2
1 . Magazine location ...
1 . Magazine location ...
1 12 Magazine location 12
Magazine 2 (disk right), type chain
2 1 Magazine location 1
2 2 Magazine location 2
2 . Magazine location ...
2 . Magazine location ...
2 32 Magazine location 32

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Assignment DB4
The magazine type in OB100 was changed when presetting the DB4 from “turret”
to “chain”.

Address in DB4 Value Meaning

DBB 64 4 Maximum number of magazines
DBW 65 1 Magazine no.
DBB 67 1 (3) Type of magazine
DBW 68 12 Number of locations
DBW 70 2 Magazine no.
DBB 72 1 Type of magazine
DBW 73 32 Number of locations
DBW 75 9998 Magazine No. intermediate memory
DBB 77 7 Type of magazine
DBW 78 4 Number of locations
DBW 80 9999 Magazine No. loading magazine
DBB 82 9 Type of magazine
DBW 83 2 Number of locations
DBB 85 2 Number of spindles

Type of magazine:1=chain
3 = Turret,
5 = Box-type magazine,
7 = Buffer,
9 = Loading magazine

Machine data
The setting Spindle has been activated in each channel (basic setting = turret) and
the T-function replacement used.

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3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

PLC program
The interface to the PLC now lies in DB 72 for T or M6 respectively because of
TOOL_CHANGE_MODE =1. Acknowledgement is however only given via FC 8.
The program Testwzv.awl from the tool box has been linked for acknowledging the
jobs with FC 8. The default selection of FC8 parameters in DB 62 has been
changed by the variable Monitor/controlbefore the acknowledgement and in accor-
dance with the operational sequence in the machine, i.e. preparation with tool in
the gripper has been acknowledged for a T call of a tool in magazine 2. For the tool
change M6, the tool in the spindle is first held by the gripper and the new tool then
put into the spindle.
Interface to data changes prior to the acknowledgement:
DB62.DBW 2 = Magazine for new tool
DB62 DBW 4 = Location for new tool
DB62.DBW 6 = Magazine for old tool
DB62.DBW 8 = Location for old tool
DB62.DBW 10 = Status

T function replacement
The function replacement of the T number in combination with the setting Spindle
has been changed since channel-specific, only changing with T or M06
(TOOL_CHANGE_MODE =0/1) can be set and the requirement exists to program
the turret with T Dxx and to prepare a tool from the disk-type magazine with T and
to load with M6 into the spindle.
A cycle entered in MD 10717: $MN_T_NO_FCT_CYCLE_NAME is called if the
T number is programmed. In this cycle, the T number is first programmed and
evaluated as to whether there is a job “Prepare tool” pending for a turret or for a
disk-type magazine.
With pre-selected magazine = turret, the function M06 Dxx is programmed in the
cycle; if a tool is selected from a disk-type magazine, only the T number is output
in the cycle.

It is not possible to replace the language commands TCA and TCI via this
machine data.

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Cycle T-function replacement

IF $C_T_PROG==TRUE ;T number numerical?
T[$C_TE]=$C_T ;Select T number
IF $C_TS_PROG==TRUE ;T number=string?
T[$C_TE]=$C_TS ;Select T number
IF ($C_TE==2) ;expanded T address 2?
M17 ;T output only as tool in disk selected
IF $C_TE==0 ;expanded T address=0?
IF ($P_MTHNUM==2) ;MasterToolHolder 2?
M17 ;T output only, as tool in disk selected
M6 ;Tool change as new tool in turret
IF $C_D_PROG==TRUE ;D number selected?
DL=$C_DL ;Select DL number
For cases where you have to replace the TCA or TCI command for specific ap-
plications, this can be achieved via the NC functionality “Reconfigure NC codes”.

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3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

Example with TCA command

Set machine data:
$MN_NC_USER_CODE_CONF_NAME_TAB[0]=“TCA” original NC code
$MN_NC_USER_CODE_CONF_NAME_TAB[0]=“_TCA” reconfigured code
User cycle:
Create a cycle (in the Customer directory) with the name of the original NC code
which is going to be reconfigured -- i.e. TCA.
proc TCA(string[64]identifier,int Duplo,int TH_No)
... Scanning and logic
_TCA(identifier,Duplo,TH_No) the original TCA command is called here
Part program
TCA(“Tool1”,1,1) is replaced by the cycle
This procedure can also be used for T function expansion.

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3.2.15 Block search

Block search with calculation

On a block search, selection on reset or start, the tool is selected during prepro-
cessing. In this case the PLC is not allowed to reject the tool (see bit 4 in
MD 20310). If it does, an alarm is generated. The block search must then be
repeated. Use of the active tool can only be prevented from an external source
In block search with calculation the program is generally put into a state where the
selected block can be executed. With respect to the tool management function,
this means that the tool that should be located in the spindle when the machining
block is reached must now be loaded to it.
If another tool is located in the spindle a “replace” command is initiated. In such a
case, the signals “Prepare change” (DB72.DBX(n+0).2 and “Execute change”
(DB72.DBX(n+0).1 are present at the same time since the Help functions are out-
putted together.
Tool “Drill1” is loaded in the spindle. The new search target has T = “Drilling ma-
chine 2” as the momentary tool programming.
NCK initiates the tool change. PLC must not intervene.

Tool rejection by PLC: If bit 4 of machine data MD 20310:
TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK set, then PLC usually has the possibility to again
request preparation for a tool change, yet this time with different parameters, i.e.
to reject the tool. This is not possible during block search. In this case, the
machine data setting is ignored.

Because the tool change is frequently performed using cycles, a “replace
command” generated by the block search must be executed in an asynchronous
subroutine (ASUB). Modal and static motion-synchronization action is retained at
the beginning of ASUB and is also effective in the asynchronous subroutine. If the
asynchronous subroutine is not continued with Repos, the modified modal and
static motion-synchronous actions in the main run remain operative.
Alternatively, execution of the NC part program can be stopped by halting feed and
read-in, and a fault message “Wrong tool in spindle after the block search” can be

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3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

Tool cannot be used

If the tool to be loaded is not located at the search destination, an attempt is made
to enable a disabled tool. If no suitable tool is found, alarm 22068 is output. The
alarm can only be cleared by a RESET.
If further tool changes are programmed, the disabled tool is not tagged for future
block searches and the search operation is not interrupted. However, if an attempt
is made to load the disabled tool on a start after the end of the block search, the
NCK outputs alarm 22067. The program cannot be resumed. With SW 5.1 and
later, the PLC can be used to control whether or not the disabled tool is loaded

Example of a search with block splitting effect

N100 T=“Tool1” M6 D1
N110 SETMTH(1) ; Toolholder1 becomes master tool-
; holder
N120 T=“Tool2” M6 D2 ; Target block: is not yet inter-
; preted
N1000 IF($P_PROG_EVENT ==5) ; ASUP is started
N1020 SETMTH(2) ; Toolholder2 becomes master tool-
; holder
N110 SETMTH(1) ; The interrupted main program is
; continued/started after the last
; executable block before the search
; target.
; Toolholder1 becomes master tool-
; holder again.

3.2.16 Block search (SSL) in conjunction with active tool management

The block search is described in Section 3.2.15. Here we shall deal with the spe-
cific features in conjunction with active tool management.
The block search establishes the start position of the target block. Auxiliary func-
tions programmed in SSL are collected and output in action blocks at the end of
the SSL.
For now this also applies to the T command and M06. This depends on the setting
in machine data 20128: $MC_Collect_Tool_Change

0= From software version 7: Neither T preparation nor M06 are output.

1= < SW version 7: T preparation and M06 are collected and output (and
must be acknowledged to end the block search).
Default setting.

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The following examples show how to proceed with block search.

Configuration: milling machine, one spindle
Settings: $MC_Tool_Change_Mode=1, i.e. change with M06

Block search up to software version 5

In principle, you need to define whether to subsequently effect a tool change or
not. The check can be performed as follows.

Do not subsequently effect tool change

-- PLC checks whether a tool change request is pending (DB72.DBX4.2) after
executed block search (DB21.DBX33.4) and before output of the last action
block (DB21.DBX32.6).
-- If this is not the case, the spindle tool does not correspond to the tool re-
quested for the block search, and the PLC must prevent an NC Start from
taking place.

Subsequently effect tool change

-- After the block search, the collected change request is acknowledge as neg-
ative via FC 8, the internal T number is saved in the PLC.
-- A collected T preparation is acknowledged as positive via FC 8.
-- Now the PLC starts an ASUP which carries out the change and subsequent
T preparation.
The tool to be loaded is saved in intermediate memory in the PLC and must
be made available to the ASUP, e.g. via dual-port RAM variable.
The tool to be prepared is read in the ASUP via GETSELT.

Block search with software version 6

Tool change is subsequently effected:
T=“Face_80mm” is located in the spindle
Block search to N98 (block search with contour calculation)
In order to continue in the program:
a. Tool “1537” must be changed
b. Tool “Drill_6mm” must be prepared
N10 T=“1231” ;TNo. 1
N20 M06

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3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

N30 T=“Face_80mm” ;TNo. 2
N70 M06
N80 T=“1537” ;TNo. 3
N90 M06
N95 T=“Drill_6mm” ;TNo. 4
N98 ...
$MN_Search_Run_Mode Bit 1=1
$MC_Collect_Tool_Change=1 means: Output of T and M06 to block search.
-- The following takes place in the action blocks:
The change from tool “1537” (Tx/M06) is output
--> PLC sends a negative acknowledgement
Preparation of tool “Drill_6mm” is output
--> PLC sends a positive acknowledgement
-- The program “Prog_Event.SPF” is started with the last action block.
The change and preparation are now carried out.
def int T_Vor, T_Spi, T_active
T_active=$P_TOOLNO The active tool (block N80 and N90 are read
This tool must be changed.
GETSELT(T_Vor) T preparation is read from block N95 T_Vor=4
T_Spi=$TC_MAP6[9998,1] The actual spindle tool is read T_Spi=2
If... scan (see next example)

Block search with software version 7

Tool change is subsequently effected:
T=“Face_80mm” is located in the spindle
Block search to N98 (block search with contour calculation)

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In order to continue in the program:
a. Tool “1537” must be changed
b. Tool “Drill_6mm” must be prepared
N10 T=“1231” ;TNo. 1
N20 M06
N30 T=“Face_80mm” ;TNo. 2
N70 M06
N80 T=“1537” ;TNo. 3
N90 M06
N95 T=“Drill_6mm” ;TNo. 4
N98 ...
$MN_Search_Run_Mode Bit 1=1
$MC_Collect_Tool_Change=0 means: No output of T and M06 to block search.
-- Negative acknowledgement is not required in the PLC.
-- The program “Prog_Event.SPF” is started with the last action block.
The change and preparation are carried out in retrospect.
def int T_Vor, T_Spi, T_active

GETEXET(T_active) The spindle tool is read from NCK view (block N80
and N90) T_active=3
GETSELT(T_Vor) T preparation is read from block N95 T_Vor=4
T_Spi=$TC_MAP6[9998,1] The actual spindle tool is read T_Spi=2

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3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

;Load correct tool

if ((T_Spi< >T_active)and(T_active>0))
T=$TC_TP2[T_active] Preparation of tool “1537”
L6 ;change cycle Load tool “1537” for change
if T_Vor< >T_active
if T_Vor>0
T=$TC_TP2[T_Vor] Preparation of tool “Drill_6mm” from block N95
If t_Vor==0

1. If a change is output by the action blocks (in example block N80 and N90), it is
always a command “5”, i.e. “Prepare change” and “Perform change” are
pending in DB 72 at the same time.
2. If the correct tool is already placed in the spindle (i.e. in the block search
example at block N70 and $MC_Collect_Tool_Change=1 is set), the T
preparation is issued (from block N30).
The setting for bit 12=0/1 in the MD $MC_Tool_Management_Mask machine
data is not evaluated.
3. Difference between the commands GETEXET and $P_TOOLNO:
Reads the T No. of the tool in the spindle from the NCK’s point of view.
Independent of an offset selection.
Was specifically developed for use with block search.
Reads the T No. of the active tool.
This does not refer to the “active status” of the tool which is set via the T
preparation, instead it refers to the tool whose offset is being calculated. This
view of the tools means that a tool doesn’t become an active tool until the
offset is selected -- which is what is read with $P_TOOLNO.
This command is dependent on machine data $MC_Cutting_Edge_Default.

N100 T=“Counterbore” ;T No. 5
N110 M06
N108 G90 G00 D1 X...
N200 T=“Drill” ;T No. 32
N210 M06
N208 G90 G00 D1 X...

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Block search to block N200

1. Setting $MC_Cutting_Edge_Default=--2
2. $MC_Cutting_Edge_Default=1
Block search to block N212
1. Setting $MC_Cutting_Edge_Default=--2
2. $MC_Cutting_Edge_Default=1
$P_TOOLNO = 32

3.2.17 Program testing

The “program testing” function can be used to traverse a program without axis mo-
All other data is determined and calculated. For tool management, this means that
the tools are searched and the appropriate values transferred to the PLC interface
when the tool is called.
The PLC must acknowledge these jobs without moving the magazine or changing
a tool. Special measures are therefore required on the PLC.
The tool management acts in exactly the same way as it would when a program is
running. In the case of tools without fixed location codes and acknowledgement,
this can result in the PLC data indicating different tool locations to the actual me-
chanical locations in the magazine. This can be prevented by configuring FC 8
such that a fixed location is simulated for the duration of the program test rather
than the calculated empty location applied as a parameter.
The old location of the tool is stored in the function block which handles program
testing and returned again to this location in the software (data settings). Any exist-
ing spindle tool is also returned to the spindle in the software at the end of the pro-
gram test or on a reset. This ensures that the magazine assignments in the soft-
ware match the mechanical assignments after program testing.
For testing programs involving manual tools, see Section 3.2.11.

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3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

Example of how to adapt the PLC in test mode

The following example program can be used as a template for adapting the PLC to
program testing mode. Only the first channel and a spindle are supported as tool
change locations.
The tool is always changed directly into the spindle. The spindle is used as the
change position (DB 72). Access to the NCK/PLC interface (DB 21, 72) is sym-
bolic. The standard UDTs (UDT 21, 72) are included for this purpose. These are
stored on the basic program diskette and must be copied into the project and sub-
sequently compiled.
The following must be entered in the symbol table:

Symbol Address Data type Comment

Channel1 DB 21 UDT 21
SpChPos DB 72 UDT 72
TC_VAR DB 119 DB 119 For testing the tool

All necessary variables are stored in the instance data block.

If program testing mode is deselected, no action occurs. The target positions sug-
gested by tool management are confirmed by the PLC.
If program testing mode is selected, the target positions are defined by the PLC.
These correspond to the source positions of the respective tools. The target posi-
tion is only confirmed and saved by tool management on the first tool change. It is
thus possible to undo the first tool change after program testing mode is selected.
Two asynchronous transfers are required for this purpose. The first one returns
any tool present in the spindle to the magazine. The second asynchronous transfer
is intended to return a tool which was loaded in the spindle before program testing
mode back into the spindle.

The relevant PLC example is stored in the toolbox. The sample file
WZV_PROG.AWL is packed in file WZV_BSP.EXE.

Program testing -- extended

A setting can be selected with the machine data $MC_TOOL_MANAGE-
MENT_MASK -- Bit 20 such that the NCK cannot issue any tool-changing com-
mands to the PLC in the status Program test active. It outputs its own acknowl-
edgement such there is no further data-related tool motion.

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The disabling of tool change command outputs is selected intentionally as the de-
fault, even though this renders the software incompatible with earlier NCK ver-
The following applies for the tool used during program test mode:
The tool status “active” can still be set and the tool status “Was in use” is set. This
does not have any further detrimental effects since tool monitoring is not normally
active in the test mode.
With bit 20, value 1 is set, generated commands are output to the PLC. Tool /
magazine data can be change in the NCK here depending on the type of acknowl-
edgement by the PLC. If the acknowledgement parameters for the “target maga-
zine” are set to the values of the “source” magazine, then the tool is not moved
and the data therefore not altered in the NCK.
Exception: The tool status of the tool activated in the test mode can take the status

It may not be derived -- to the extent the setting “No tool-change commands to
PLC” -- that the tool on the spindle in the toolholder during “Program test active” is
the active tool.

3.2.18 Several spindles in one channel or TO units

When using tool management and more than one spindle please note the follow-

Two spindles in one channel

Only one tool offset can be active per channel. Spindle 1 defined as master spindle
with $MC_SPIND_DEF_MASTER_SPIND = 1. Spindle 2 is a secondary spindle.

The master spindle is spindle no. 1 in each case.

Two channels each of which access the same TO memory have been set in the
machine data. One spindle is assigned to each channel. Two spindles are as-
signed to one magazine in the machine configuration.
The master spindle is spindle no. 1 for both channels In order to change a tool in
spindle no. 2 as well, the second spindle must be defined as master spindle in the
second channel before the tool is changed. In the TM system, the spindle number
is sent to the PLC. This number is determined from the extended address of T. If
this is not programmed, the NCK assigns the master spindle number of the chan-
nel in which the program is running (Fig. 3--9).

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3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

Each channel has its own master spindle

Two channels each of which access the same TO memory have been set in the
machine data. One spindle is assigned to each channel.
Two spindles are assigned to one magazine in the machine configuration.
In each channel the assigned spindle is defined as the master spindle. Tool change
is possible without making any additional definitions in the program.

3.2.19 Decoupling the tool management from the spindle number

The program must specify the location (spindle number on milling machines) at
which the tool is to be changed before the tool management can insert a tool.
Using the machine data MD 20124: TOOL_MANAGEMENT_TOOLHOLDER can
be set to determine whether a toolholder number must be assigned to define the
location of the tool to be loaded instead of a spindle number. Thus the appropriate
designation (spindle number or toolholder number) can be used in the event of
The following figures show which variable definitions you require for the following
S Working with two spindles in one channel and one TO unit (standard functional-
S Working with two spindles in one channel (standard function)
S Working with 2 toolholders in 2 channels (one TO unit)
S Working with two toolholders in one channel

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3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

Working with spindle numbers

Channel 1
Spindle 1 = Location 1
(in 2nd internal magazine)
$TC_MPP1[ 9998, 1 ] = 2 = Spindle location
$TC_MPP5[ 9998, 1 ] = 1 = Spindle number

5 7

4 Change position

Magazine1 9 Channel 2
$TC_MAP8[1]=6 $TC_MDP2[1,2]=4
Change position 10

Spindle 2 = Location 2
(in 2nd internal magazine)
12 $TC_MPP1[ 9998, 2 ] = 2 = Spindle location
15 $TC_MPP5[ 9998, 2 ] = 2 = Spindle number

Bild 3-8 Two spindles in two channels and one TO unit

Two channels operating with the data of one TO unit (with one magazine). One
spindle is defined in each channel.
Spindle 1 in channel 1 has been declared the master spindle with MD
SPIND_DEF_MASTER_SPIND=1. Spindle 2 on channel 2 is the master spindle.
Both spindles must be assigned different numbers because the assignment of the
spindle to the second internal magazine (buffer magazine) must be unique.
This assignment is realized by $TC_MPP1 (spindle location) and by $TC_MPP5
(spindle number).

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3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

Spindle 1 = Location 1
(in 2nd internal magazine)
$TC_MPP1[ 9998, 1 ] = 2 = Spindle location
$TC_MPP5[ 9998, 1 ] = 1 = Spindle number
(master spindle; machine axis ’AX 4’)

5 7

4 Change position

Magazine1 9
$TC_MAP8[1]=6 $TC_MDP2[1, 2]=4
Change position 10

Spindle 2 = Location 2
(in 2nd internal magazine)
$TC_MPP1[ 9998, 2 ] = 2 = Spindle location
15 $TC_MPP5[ 9998, 2 ] = 2 = Spindle number
13 (secondary spindle; machine axis ’AX 5’)

Bild 3-9 Two spindles in one channel

Two spindles of a single channel are operating with one magazine.

Spindle 1 defined as master spindle with SPIND_DEF_MASTER_SPIND = 1.
Spindle 2 is not a master spindle (secondary spindle).
References: /PGA/, “Programming Guide Advanced”
(description of system variables)

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09.05 Description of functions
3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

Example of a part program (for a channel with two spindles)

i.e. D1 is implicitly active with the tool change M6):
T=“Milling tool” M06 ; No address extension programmed -> the master
; spindle is addressed, i.e. spindle 1 = value of
; machine data $MC_SPIND_DEF_MASTER_SPIND.
; The tool change takes place in spindle 1.
; The path is corrected with the tool offsets
T2=“Drill” M2=6 ; Address extension for secondary spindle has been
; programmed. The tool change takes place in the PLC
; at the tool management interface for spindle 2.
; The path is not corrected
. . .
SETMS(2) ; Declares spindle number 2 as master spindle
T=“Milling tool_2” M6 ; No address extension programmed -> The master
; spindle is addressed (spindle 2).
; Tool change takes place in spindle 2.
; The path is correctedwith the tool offsets.
T1=“Drill_1” M1=6 ; Address extension for current secondary spindle
; was programmed.
; Tool change takes place in spindle 1.
; The path is corrected with values from tool
; T=“Milling tool_2”.
. . .
SETMS ; Declares the spindle defined by $MC_SPIND_DEF_MAS-
; TER_SPIND as master spindle
T=“Milling tool_3” M6 ; No address extension programmed -> The master
; spindle is addressed (spindle 1).
; Value of machine data $MC_SPIND_DEF_MASTER_SPIND).
; Tool change takes place in spindle 1.
; The path is corrected with the tool offsets.

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Description of functions 09.05
3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

Further example (starting conditions as above):

N10 SETMS ; Declare spindle number 1 as master spindle
N20 T2=3
. . .
N50 M2=6 ; Address extension for secondary spindle has been pro-
; grammed. Tool change is performed and tool is placed
; into buffer location 2.
; The path is not corrected
. . .
N70 D3 ; The path is correctedwith the offsets of the active
; tool (activated before block N10).
N80 SETMS(2) ; Declare spindle number 2 as master spindle
N90 D2 ; The path is corrected with the offsets of the active
; tool T3.

SETMS does not change the active tool. The new master spindle definition cannot
be referenced until the subsequently programmed tool change.

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3-98 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Description of functions
3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

Working with toolholder numbers

Channel 1
Toolholder 1 = Location 1
(in the buffer magazine)
$TC_MPP1[ 9998, 1 ] = 2 = processing location
$TC_MPP5[ 9998, 1 ] = 1 = toolholder number

5 7

4 Change position

Magazine1 9 Channel 2
$TC_MAP8[1]=6 $TC_MDP2[1,2]=4
Change position 10

Toolholder 2 = Location 2
16 (in the buffer magazine)
$TC_MPP1[ 9998, 2 ] = 2 = processing location
15 $TC_MPP5[ 9998, 2 ] = 2 = toolholder number

Bild 3-10 Two channels with one toolholder each and one TO unit (the zero position is at
the tool change position of toolholder 1)

Two channels are operating with the data of one TO unit (with one magazine). Tool
change no longer requires that a spindle number be specified. The address expan-
sions of T and M now refer to the value for machine data MD 20124: TOOL_MAN-
Instead of “spindle location” the general term “tool machining location” is used
(spindle is standard). If no address extension is programmed, the value in
MD 20124: TOOL_MANAGEMENT_TOOLHOLDER is added as the extension.

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Description of functions 09.05
3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

The previous function remains active (default).
A value greater than zero activates the new function.
If a tool change is programmed to a buffer location of the type “Tool processing
location” with $TC_MPP5 = TOOL_MANAGEMENT_TOOLHOLDER, then the
compensation data defined for this tool (TO unit) correct the path.

Toolholder 1 = Location 1
(in the buffer magazine)
$TC_MPP1[ 9998, 1 ] = 2 = processing location
$TC_MPP5[ 9998, 1 ] = 1 = toolholder number
(master toolholder)

5 7

4 Change position

Magazine1 9
$TC_MAP8[1]=6 $TC_MDP2[1,2]=4
Change position 10

Toolholder 2 = Location 2
16 (in the buffer magazine)
$TC_MPP1[ 9998, 2 ] = 2 = processing location
15 $TC_MPP5[ 9998, 2 ] = 2 = toolholder number
14 (secondary toolholder)

Bild 3-11 One channel with two toolholders (zero position is at tool change position of tool-
holder 1)

Two toolholders in a channel are operating with one magazine. Toolholder 1 has
been declared the master via TOOL_MANAGEMENT_TOOLHOLDER = 1. Tool-
holder 2 is thus the secondary toolholder.

Programming example:
In order to declare different toolholders as master toolholder, the NC command
SETMTH (toolholder number),
is used.

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3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

T=“Milling tool” M6 ; No address extension programmed -> The master

; toolholder is addressed (toolholder 1 - value of
; Tool change is performed and tool is placed into
; buffer location 1.
; The path is corrected with the tool offsets.
. . .
T2=“Drill” M2=6 ; Address extension for secondary toolholder has
; been programmed.
; Tool change is performed and tool is placed into
; buffer location 2.
; The path is not corrected
. . .
SETMTH(2) ; Declares toolholder 2 the master toolholder
T=“Milling tool_2” M6 ; No address extension programmed -> The master
; toolholder is addressed (toolholder 2).
; Tool change is performed and tool is placed into
; buffer location 2.
; The path is corrected with the tool offsets
. . .
T1=“Drill_1” M1=6 ; Address extension for the secondary toolholder has
; been programmed.
; Tool change is performed and tool is placed into
; buffer location 1.
; The path is not corrected!
. . .
SETMTH ; Declares the toolholder specified in $MC_TOOL_MAN-
; AGEMENT_TOOLHOLDER as the master toolholder
T=“Milling tool_3” M6 ; No address extension programmed -> The master
; toolholder is addressed (toolholder 1 - value of
; Tool change is performed and tool is placed into
; buffer location 1.
; The path is corrected with the tool offsets.

References: /PGA/ Programming Guide Job planning

(description of system variables)

SETMTH does not change the active tool. The new master toolholder definition
cannot be referenced until the subsequently programmed tool change.

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 3-101
Description of functions 09.05
3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

3.2.20 Several spindles/toolholders

Tool management can work in one channel with more than one toolholder. If sev-
eral channels of one TO unit are supplied with data, then make sure that the tool-
holder numbers have different (= unambiguous) numbers in the magazine configu-
ration ($TC_MPP5 of buffer locations of the type ($TC_MPP1) “Spindle”). The
spindle numbers of the channels must then be unique as well (if

This example shows how to differentiate between an active tool and a programmed
Channel 1 has the spindle numbers 1, 2 and channel 2 has the spindle numbers 3,
4. The TO unit assigned to these channels then has the four spindle locations 1, 2,
3, 4 defined at the buffer location.
T ; 12 is a programmed tool
M6 D3 ; 12 is an active tool, 3 is an active cutting edge
T22 ; 12 remains an active tool, 22 becomes with respect to
; toolholder=4 programmed tool
T3=33 M3=6 ; T33 is neither programmed nor active
SETMS(1) ; Toolholder=1 becomes master toolholder T12 remains
; active, T22 remains programmed
D5 ; D5=active cutting edge; refers to the active tool, i.e. T12

The following situation is given:

Tool holder number T number D number

1 master spindle -- --
2 12 active 5 active
3 33 -- --
4 22 programmed --

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09.05 Description of functions
3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

3.2.21 Several magazines in one channel or one TO unit

The NC address T can be programmed with an address extension. The tool man-
agement function interprets the programmed address extension as a spindle num-
ber or toolholder number. The NC address T without programmed address exten-
sion then refers to the main spindle (master spindle).

$TC_MPP1[ 9998, 1 ] = 2 = Spindle location $TC_MPP1[ 9998, 2 ] = 2 = Spindle location

$TC_MPP5 [9998, 1]= 1 = Tool holder number $TC_MPP5 [9998, 2]= 3 = Tool holder number

Toolholder 1 Toolholder 3

Distance relationship Distance relationship

1 1
6 2 6 2
Magazine1 Magazine5
5 3 5 3
4 4

Part program

T1=2 ; Magazine for toolholder 1, location 2

T3=2 ; Magazine for toolholder 3, location 2

Bild 3-12 T=“location” and several magazines in the same channel

The figure shows the procedure for using more than one magazine in a channel
(when programming with T=“location” this is usually a turret).

The tool offset is only calculated for the toolholder that is assigned at that point in
time to the master spindle or the master toolholder.

3.2.22 Reset and start mode

The tool offset selection/deselection can be set in the machine data for program
end or reset as well as for NC Start.
It is also possible to permanently preset the change for a specific tool. e.g. at NC
The settings are made in the following machine data:

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Description of functions 09.05
3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

The function and interaction of the machine data are displayed in Fig. 3-13 “Reset
and start mode”.

Channel-specific machine data 20310



Bit 6=0 MD 20122 $MC_TOOL_RESET_NAME







If tool disabled on MD 22562 $MC_TOOL_CHANGE_ERROR_MODE

Bit 6=0

Bit 6=1 MD 20122 $MC_TOOL_RESET_NAME






Bild 3-13 Reset and start mode

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09.05 Description of functions
3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

Bit 0=0:
Compatibility bit for SW 1
Meaning: leave offset unchanged, i.e. after end of part program and reset, the off-
set last programmed remains active (behavior as with bit 0 and 6=1).
Bit 0=1:
Reset mode, i.e. evaluation of bits 4 ..11
Bit 2=1:
Reset behavior (tool offset) with tool management not active. No effect if tool man-
agement active
Bit 6=0:
Reset behavior corresponds to MD $MC_TOOL_RESET_NAME and $MC_CUT-
Bit 6=1:
Current setting for active tool length compensation is retained beyond reset/end of
part program.
If tool management is active, the tool is selected which is is positioned on the mas-
ter spindle (general: master toolholder).
If the tool on the spindle is disabled, this state is ignored, there is no selection of a
replacement tool! (Replacement tool with Start_INIT only).
Activation takes place on the master spindle defined in MD
$MC_SPIND_DEF_MASTER_SPIND, or on the master toolholder defined in
From software Version 6.3, if you want to deviate from the setting in the MD, you
can also activate the tool on the master spindle/master toolholder that was last
programmed. Bit 16 or 17 are used for this purpose.
Reset behavior for spindles
Bit 16=0:
The master spindle is the spindle defined in MD $MC_SPIND_DEF_MAS-
The settings in the machine data below refer to this data
Bit 16=1:
The spindle last programmed with SETMS(x) remains the master spindle after end
of program and reset, regardless of the machine data setting.
This means that if bits 0/6=1, the offset remains active for the tool which is placed
in the spindle.
Power ON behavior
The machine data setting is effective after Power ON.
This means the offset for the tool which is placed in the spindles specified in MD
$TC_SPIND_DEF_MASTER_SPIND becomes active; the offset value is that of

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Description of functions 09.05
3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

the smallest available D number No. for this tool.

Reset behavior for toolholder
Bit 17=0:
The master toolholder is the toolholder specified in MD $TC_TOOL_MANAGE-
MENT_TOOLHOLDER. The settings in the machine data below refer to this tool-
Bit 17=1:
The toolholder last programmed with SETMTH(x) remains the master toolholder
after end of program and reset, regardless of the machine data setting.
This means that if bits 0/6=1, the offset remains active for the tool which is posi-
tioned in this toolholder.
Power ON behavior
The machine data setting is effective after Power ON.
This means the offset for the tool which is positioned in the toolholder specified in
$MC_TOOL_MANAGEMENT_TOOLHOLDER becomes active; the offset value is
that of the smallest available D number No. for this tool.

Bit 3=0:
Change command for a replacement tool is output.
Bit 3=1:
The disabled status of the spindle tool is ignored. The tool becomes active with the
last programmed offset.
Bit 4=0:
Change command for a replacement tool is output.
Bit 4=1:
The spindle tool is set down -- “TO” is output.

Identifier of tool to be loaded
This tool is either loaded when end of program is reached or at reset or Power ON
if the associated setting is made in MD $MC_RESET_MODE_MASK, or with NC
Start if the respective setting was made in MD $MC_START_MODE_MASK.
If there are no entries here ($MC_TOOL_RESET_NAME=“”) this corresponds to

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3-106 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Description of functions
3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

D number of tool which is to be loaded via $MC_TOOL_RESET_NAME.
This means the tool becomes active with the offset set here.
If no entries are made in this machine data, the behavior corresponds to “D0”.

Specifies whether a tool holder number or spindle number is to be specified to de-
fine the location of the tool to be loaded.

Definition of the master spindle in the channel. The number of the spindle is set

Bit 14 is used to activate the reset and start behavior. If bit 14 is not set, the set-
tings in machine data $MC_RESET_MODE_MASK and
$MC_START_MODE_MASK which are specific to tool management have no

Bit 6=0:
Keep the last programmed offset active.
If the tool is disabled on the spindle, bits 3 and 4 are also evaluated in
Bit 6=1:
Start behavior (tool and offset selection) according to MD $MC_TOOL_RE-
Start behavior for toolholder
Bit 16=0:
The offset that was last selected remains active.
It does not matter whether the offset was selected in the part program or via set-
With software Version 6.3.19 and higher, the offset for the tool placed in the master
toolholder that was last programmed can also be active (see $MC_RE-
Bit 16=1: (SW 6.3.19 and higher)
The toolholder specified in MD $MC_Tool_Management_Toolholder becomes ac-
This means an offset selection refers specifically to this toolholder.

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Description of functions 09.05
3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

Start behavior for spindles

Bit 17=0:
The offset that was last selected remains active.
It does not matter whether the offset was selected in the part program or via set-
With software Version 6.3.19 and higher, the offset for the tool placed in the master
spindle that was last programmed can also be active (see
Bit 17=1:
The spindle defined in MD 20090 $MC_SPIND_DEF_MASTER_SPIND becomes
This means an offset selection refers specifically to this spindle.

NCK Power ON/control ON also triggers start mode and a change command is
In this case, the issued command must be acknowledged (even if negative) as
otherwise NC Ready status cannot be achieved.

Example 1:
In this example, the tool on the spindle is to remain active after End of Program
(M02/M30) and Reset.
MD set as follows: $MC_TOOL_CHANGE_MODE = 1
The following settings need to be made:
$MC_TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK Bit 14=1 for reset and start behavior to
be active
$MC_RESET_MODE_MASK Bit 0=1, for the tool offset to remain
Bit 6=1 active
$MC_START_MODE_MASK Bit 6=0 for the tool offset to remain
NC program
N110 T=“MILLER_10”
N115 M06 ; Tool “MILLER_10” is loaded at change
N120 G90 G00 D2 X... ; Offset D2 becomes active
N850 M30 ; The offset D2 remains active
At the next program start tool “MILLER_10” is active with offset D2.
N10 G90 G00 Z100 ; This block is executed with offset D2

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3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

Example 2:
In this example, the spindle tool is to be set down again at End of Program
(M02/M30) and Reset (“automatic TO”).
MD set as follows: $MC_TOOL_CHANGE_MODE = 1
One spindle
The following settings need to be made:
$MC_TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK bit 14=1 for reset and start behavior to
be active
$MC_RESET_MODE_MASK Bit 0=1 Reset behavior
effective and
$MC_TOOL_RESET_NAME=“” Name of tool that was loaded
with reset. If no name is
entered here, this has the same
meaning as TO
$MC_CUTTING_EDGE_RESET_VALUE=0 The above mentioned tool
becomes active with this offset
(“0” has the same meaning as
$MC_START_MODE_MASK Bit 6=0 for the tool offset to remain
In this example D0 remains

Example 3:
In this example, a specific tool is to be loaded at NC Start, e.g. a probe.
MD set as follows: $MC_TOOL_CHANGE_MODE = 1
One spindle
The following settings need to be made:
$MC_TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK Bit 14=1 for reset and start behavior to
be active
$MC_START_MODE_MASK Bit 6=1 Start behavior
UE are effective
$MC_TOOL_RESET_NAME=“Probe_1” Name of tool that was loaded
with reset/start.
In the example here, this tool is
$MC_CUTTING_EDGE_RESET_VALUE=1 The above mentioned tool
becomes active with this offset,
here D1
$MC_RESET_MODE_MASK Bit 6=0 Is not meaningful for this

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3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

Example 4:
In this example, the tool on the masterspindel that was last programmed is to re-
main active following End of Program (M30/M02) and Reset.
MD set as follows: $MC_TOOL_CHANGE_MODE = 1
Two spindles
The following settings need to be made:
$MC_TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK Bit 14=1 for reset and start behavior to be
$MC_RESET_MODE_MASK Bit 0=1 for the tool offset to remain active
Bit 6=1
$MC_RESET_MODE_MASK Bit 16=1 Keep the last programmed master
spindle active
$MC_START_MODE_MASK Bit 6=0 for the tool offset to remain active

NC program
N05 SETMS(1) ; Spindle becomes master spindle (is also set via MD)
N10 T=“TL1”
N15 M06 ; Change to Spindle 1
N20 G90 G00 D1 Z...
N80 SETMS(2) ; Spindle 2 becomes master spindle
N85 T=“TL2”
N90 M06 ; Change to Spindle 2
N95 G90 G00 D2 Z...
N230 M02 ; Active: TL2 with offset D2 on spindle 2
; No offset is active on spindle 1, although
; “TL1” is positioned in spindle 1

If a change is triggered by Reset mode at Power ON, the NC remains idle with “No
NC Ready” until an End acknowledgment has been received for this change.

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09.05 Description of functions
3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

3.2.23 Repeating a tool change with the same tool identifier

The behavior for repeated tool changes with identical tool identifier is influenced via
MD 20310 $MC_TOOLMANAGEMENT_MASK. The default setting (bit 12=0) is
selected so that the preparation command is not executed if the tool is already lo-
cated in the spindle/toolholder.
Exception: Block search
Here the preparation command is always issued even if the tool is already posi-
tioned in the spindle.
With bit 12=1, the tool preparation command is also issued if the tool is located in
the spindle/toolholder, however it is only issued one more time.
In the following examples, T is the tool preparation command and M6 is the tool
change command.

New program for the tool that is still able to be used on the toolholder

N10 T = “TL1” ; Tool preparation command to PLC

N12 M06 ; Tool change command to PLC
N20 T = “TL2” ; Tool preparation command to PLC
N30 T = “TL1” ; This tool preparation replaces the tool preparation from N20; tool
; management detects that a tool that can still be used from group
; “TL1” is loaded. This preparatory command is not output to the
; PLC.
N32 M6 ; The tool preparation command from N30 was not output to the PLC
; and was deleted in NCK. The programming appears as if N10 --
; N12 -- N32 were programmed. The tool change command N32 is
; also not output to the PLC.

New program for the tool that is still able to be used on the toolholder

N10 T = “TL1”
N12 M06
N20 T = “TL1” ; Preparatory command is output
N30 T = “TL1” ; No command output to the PLC
N32 M06 ; Change and preparation are output together

N20, N30 and N32 are not output to the PLC.

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Description of functions 09.05
3.2 Tool change box-type, chain, circular magazines

New program for the tool that is no longer able to be used on the toolholder (time
monitoring has for example assigned the status “blocked” to the tool)

N10 T = “TL1” ; Tool preparation command to PLC

N12 M6 ; Tool change command to PLC
N20 T = “TL2” ; Tool preparation command to PLC
N30 T = “TL1” ; This tool preparation replaces the tool preparation from N20; tool
; management detects that a tool from group “TL1” is loaded but that
; the tool can no longer be used. A replacement tool is sought in the
; tool group and the tool preparation command is output to the PLC.
N32 M6 ; The tool change command N32 is output to the PLC.

Condition for processing a new tool preparation command in the NCK

N10 T = “TL1”
N20 T = “TL2” ; A command is only processed in the main run if the preceding
; command from the PLC was acknowledged with “End”.

With software Version 7 and higher, this rule only applies if N20 is output ot the
PLC. Then the “End” acknowledgement must be present for a new tool preparation
command to be output to the PLC.

Condition for processing a new tool change command in the NCK

N10 T = “TL1”
N12 M06 ; A command is also processed in the main run if the preceding
; command from the PLC was not yet acknowledged with “End”.

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3-112 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Description of functions
3.3 Search for tool

3.3 Search for tool

The tool search is initiated by the preparation command (T selection). The search
begins for a tool to load in the spindle.
Tool searches are generally performed on a magazine-specific basis, i.e. with the
selected setting for the search strategy, the search is performed in the magazine
from which the last change was carried out.

3.3.1 Strategies for tool searches

Tool search
The tools with the same identifier (name or Ident) but different duplo numbers are
combined to form one tool group. The tool identifier is programmed in the part pro-
gram with the NC address, i.e. only the tool group is specified during preparation.
In order to move a tool from a physical magazine to a spindle it must have the fol-
lowing characteristics:
S Tool status must be “enabled”
S Tool status may not be “disabled”
S Tool status may not be “currently being changed”
S Tool must not already be assigned a spindle other than the requesting spindle
S Tool must be present in the magazine location (except for manual tools)
S This magazine must be linked to the requesting spindle via a distance relation-
ship ($TC_MDP2)
S This magazine must not have the status “disabled”.
The explicit tool is requested at the time of the tool call. The request is made for a
special toolholder (general toolholder); this is the number of the address extension
of T. At this point in time, user interface DB 72 is written for the relevant spindle
and must be evaluated by the PLC application program.
The tool search strategy is defined with the system variable $TC_MAMP2. With bit
0 to bit 2 you select the conventional search strategies. These strategies start
searching at the magazine from which the loaded tool was fetched previously.

Expanded tool search strategies

As in earlier versions, the search strategy is defined via system variable
$TC_MAMP2. The older strategies are selected via bits 0, 0,1 and 2. Bits 3, 4 and
bit 5 provide additional functions.

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Description of functions 09.05
3.3 Search for tool

By setting bit 7 as well, you can start the search strategies defined by bits 0, 1, 2
with the search as of the 1st magazine in the distance table (order in the distance
table is defined via the programming order of $TC_MDP2). The standard setting is
bit 7=0. The search starts in the magazine from which the last tool changed was

Bit 3 = 1 to bit 5 = 1 are only significant when the monitoring function is active
(defined by $TC_TP9). Otherwise they have no effect on the suitability check.

The following conditions must be fulfilled for the tool search strategies:
S The tool-monitoring function must be active within tool management.
S The appropriate monitoring parameter values must be set for the cutting edges
of the tools.
S The monitoring must be defined for the appropriate tool (system variable

If a monitoring type is activated for the tool with $TC_DP9, the current monitoring
parameters are evaluated and, if necessary, the tool status set to ‘disabled’ or
‘prewarning limit reached’. An existing tool disable is not canceled, however, even
if the monitoring function is deactivated for this tool.

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09.05 Description of functions
3.3 Search for tool

3.3.2 Example of a tool search

Search routine tool search

A tool change at a spindle shall take place.
The search sequence for the correct tool is as follows:
1. The control checks whether the tool which is called is already located on the
2. If buffer locations are linked to the spindle (see $TC_MSLR), the control checks
whether a suitable tool is already located in one of these.
3. The tool search starts in the 1st magazine of the distance table ($TC_MDP2)
according to the selected search strategy.
(Applies only if bit 7 of $TC_MAMP2 = 1; otherwise, the search starts in the
magazine from which the last loaded tool was fetched.)
4. If no tool is found in the first magazine, the distance table of the search is re-
peated in the next magazine.
5. If all the magazines that are linked to the spindle have been searched and no
suitable tool found, the search is terminated with an alarm (22069 or 22068).
Any suitable tool with the programmed identifier found (not disabled) in one of the
stages described above will be used.

3.3.3 Search in box magazines

Tool-search strategy for box magazines

The special tool-search strategy “Shortest distance” is available for box maga-
zines. The search strategy is set in system variable $TC_MAMP2.

The special tool search strategy “Shortest distance” is defined as follows for box
S Location number with the smallest absolute value of the difference to the cur-
rent magazine position.
The term “current magazine position” is defined as:
S the location number from which the previously loaded tool was taken.

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3.3 Search for tool

The search strategy can only be used if the box magazine is assigned a “current
magazine position”. This is set in system variable $TC_MAP8.
The NCK sets the current magazine position for box magazines. Since box-type
magazines are not moved, the magazine position serves as the formal value
needed for the tool-search strategy.

The machine tool has a box-type magazine with 3x6 locations (=18). The current
position $TC_MAP8 is location 3. Suitable tools are stored in locations 9 and 18.
The search strategy detects the tool at location 9, because the absolute value of
the difference is only 6, compared with the difference of 15 to location 18.

1 2 3 4 5 6
Distance location 3 -- location 9 = 6 locations
Cur. pos.
Distance location 3 -- location 18 = 15 locations
7 8 9 10 11 12
WZ Tool in location 9 is selected
13 14 15 16 17 18

Bild 3-14 Search strategies in box magazine

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3.4 Empty location search

3.4 Empty location search

3.4.1 Empty location search for a tool – from spindle to magazine

With the T preparation command, a matching empty location is automatically

searched for the spindle tool. The location in which the new tool is stored is still
occupied at this time and cannot therefore be identified as an empty location (see
also “Replace tool search strategy”, Subsection 3.4.4)

Generally, a search is made for an empty location in that magazine from which the
current tool in the toolholder was taken.

Fixed location coding

When searching for an empty location for fixed-location coded tools its previous
location in the magazine is usually retained.
If the search for an empty location for a fixed-location-coded tool is started with a
specific magazine number, that number is ignored. The old tool location is defined
as an empty location.
If this number is however an internal magazine number (for a loading or tempora-
rystorage magazine), then the number is explicitly taken into consideration and the
fixed location coding is ignored. This case arises when loading/unloading tools.
If a location search for a fixed location coded tool is initiated using a specific maga-
zine number and magazine location number, the fixed location coding is ignored
and the specified location checked as a suitable location for the tool. This is used
in the HMI function “Relocating”.

Variable location coding

Initially, the procedure for an empty location search is the same as that for a fixed
location-coded tool. If this check fails, the search for a free location is continued.
The search is performed according to the programmed search strategy
($TC_MAMP2). If the search cannot find an available location with the specified
location type in this magazine, a new search operation based on the location type
hierarchy (see Subsection 4.4) is started in the magazine. A location is only then
considered as a suitable type of location when it applies that “Location type of the
location” is larger than “Location type of the tool”, whereby the “larger than” rela-
tionship is defined by the location-type hierarchy. If no free location is found in this
magazine, the search is continued in the next magazine (search strategy).

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Description of functions 09.05
3.4 Empty location search

3.4.2 Search strategy for empty locations

Search strategy
The strategy can be defined with the magazine configuration according to which
the search is made in chain magazines of TO units for a location not occupied. If
chain magazines are not concerned here, then the search is executed according to
the default strategy (forwards search starting at the first location number).
Possible strategies are listed in the table.

$TC_MAMP2 Search strategies Meaning

Bit 8 = 1 Forwards search The search takes place in ascending order.
Bit 9 = 1 Forwards search The search takes place from the current loca-
512 tion at the change position in ascending order.
Bit 10 = 1 Reverse-order The search takes place in the reverse order
1024 starting at the last location no.
Bit 11 = 1 Reverse-order The search takes place from the current loca-
2048 tion at the change position backwards.
Bit 12 = 1 Symmetrical search The search starts at the current location number
4096 at the change position (1st location left, 1st
location right, 2nd location left, 2nd location
right, etc.).

Definition of the current magazine position

The current magazine position in relation to the zero point is stored in magazine
parameter (system variable) $TC_MAP8. The value is automatically updated by
the PLC acknowledgement of a command initiated by tool management. If the
magazine is moved without a task from the NCK, the user must adjust the actual
position in $TC_MAP8 independently.
This can be done via a part program or by the PLC by writing $TC_MAP8 (selec-
tion via NC VAR selector block TM, variable magNoPlaces and assignment via
PLC with FB 3, see Subsection 5.4.1).
Also via FC 8 with parameters TaskIdent = 4, TaskIdentNo = channel no., status =
5, OldToolMag = 9998, OldToolLoc = 1. The current position is parameterized (re-
ferred to spindle) in NewToolMag and NewToolLoc.

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3.4 Empty location search

3.4.3 Empty location search criteria

Criteria for location search

S Location type must coincide with location type of tool. A hierarchy is taken into
S Check the tool size.
S Location must have the status “free”.
S Location must not be “disabled”.
S Magazine must not be “disabled”.

Magazine location type

The essential search criterion for the empty location search is the magazine loca-
tion type. The magazine location type must match the magazine location type en-
tered in the tool-specific data ($TC_TP). The magazine is searched. Each location
is checked. If a suitable location is found the search is terminated.
If a matching location is found, then the check is made whether there is a maga-
zine location type hierarchy for the magazine-location type that is entered in the
tool. If there is none, the next magazine is taken if there are further magazines
available. If there is a defined hierarchy, then the search routine is repeated start-
ing at the magazine that has just been searched. If this search is also unsuccess-
ful, the search moves to the next magazine, assuming another one is available.

With oversized tools, the location types of the adjacent location are not

3.4.4 “Replace tool” search strategy (old for new)

With this search option, the magazine location of the “new” tool (tool to be loaded)
is made available as the empty location for the ’old’ tool (tool to be unloaded).
It is not necessary for the “new” tool to be stored in the magazine location. It only
needs to have been loaded (it may be located on a gripper, for example). If the
location in question is not suitable for the “old” tool, then another appropriate empty
location is sought.

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Description of functions 09.05
3.4 Empty location search

Description of function
The new search for empty location is preset in the already existing bit-coded sys-
tem variable $TC_MAMP2 with bit 13.

With this empty-location search strategy, the NCK checks a magazine location that
at the point of time of making the check is normally identified as still occupied by
the “new” tool or is still “reserved for tool from buffer location”. This location is de-
fined as an empty location for the “old” tool if the check gives a positive result.
The strategy cannot be applied if the new or old tool is coded to a fixed location
because fixed-location coding takes precedence.

The PLC program has to execute the tool transportation operations in the correct
sequence for the tool change:
S Remove “new” tool from the magazine location
S Bring the “old” tool to the magazine location
Otherwise damage may occur to the machine or tool.

The empty-location search strategy is only effective within tool changes program in
the part program. The PI services (e.g. TMFDPL, TMFPBP) for the empty location
search can make any use of this (see Subsection 5.12.5).

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3.4 Empty location search

This strategy is especially suitable for use with grippers and tools of the same type
(same size and same location type or type that is compatible with defined location
type hierarchy).
The already defined system variable $TC_MAMP2 includes an additional setting
option for the new empty-location search strategy.

Bit Value Meaning

... Tool search strategy
... Search strategy for empty location
13 The magazine location for the “new” tool is transferred to the
“old” tool to be replaced and vice versa.
Precondition is that the tool sizes and location types of the
tools match or are compatible in terms of location hierarchy.
The location of the “new” tool is detected as empty location for
the “old” tool even if the “new” tool is still positioned at this
location at the time the check is performed.
The tool transportation must be designed such that the “new”
tool is first removed from the magazine location before the “old”
tool is taken to it.
This order is vital to prevent damage to the machinery following
completion of the mechanical tool transportation motions.
The type of empty location search is determined via the bits 8
through 12.
It is not possible for tool change to take place if the “old” tool
does not have a magazine location assigned to it. The tool-
search strategy is then determined via bits 8 to 12.

3.4.5 Tool search in wear group

If “Wear group” function is used:

In the case of existing tool-search strategies, the search refers only to the active
wear group, i.e. only those tools are considered during a search within a tool group
that are at magazine locations of the active wear group.
Tools in magazine locations with wear group number 0 are also checked for suit-

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3.4 Empty location search

If there are no spare tools available, then all $TC_MPP5 parameters of the current
groups are negated and all locations are individually disabled by this. $TC_MAP9
is also negated (wear group disabled). All active tools are reset if this response has
been configured via $TC_MAMP3 (bit 1 = 1).
The next wear group is called ($TC_MAP9 is assigned the number of the next
wear group that can be activated).
If no further groups are available the search is terminated with an alarm. In such a
case, the disabled tools should be replaced, if necessary. In order to enable the
wear groups again, the wear group numbers of the magazine locations must be
reset to values >0.

Search strategies
There are two search strategies for finding the next available wear group for activa-
S Starting from the lowest magazine location number, the replacement tools are
searched through location by location according to the way they are sorted in-
ternally (time-optimized search). The wear group that is the subject of the
search is found by searching for the first tool that is assigned to a wear group
that can be activated.
S A search is made for the wear group with the lowest enabled wear group num-
ber (the first that can be activated).

Search in several magazines

The magazine definition for a machine defines whether the search is to be per-
formed in one or several magazines.
If the search is conducted in several magazines while several wear groups are be-
ing used, always make sure that a wear group can only ever be assigned to one
The search is conducted acc. to the following priorities:
1. The search is performed in a magazine according to the configuration and strat-
2. The search is performed in the active wear group.
3. The set tool-search strategy is taken into consideration.

In order to work with wear groups, the magazine locations must be assigned to
wear groups via system variable $TC_MPP5 and the function must be activated
via the machine data.
In addition, the number of the wear group with which machining is to commence
must be assigned to system variable $TC_MAP9 of the magazine to be selected
(value > 0).

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3.4 Empty location search

For the configuration of the machine, it is defined by $TC_MAMP3 how the tool
status shall change when switching from one wear group to the next (defaulted is
an unchanged tool status).

Example: Tool search in wear group

$TC_MAMP3 = 3 -- Change “active” status of tools

S The tools must be set to “active” when a wear group is activated.
S When a wear group is disabled all the tools contained in that wear group are
also to be disabled.

S Circular magazine number 1 (6 locations)
S The magazine is to be divided into two parts:
-- Locations 2 and 3 from wear group 1.
-- Locations 4, 5, 6 and 1 form wear group 2.
S $TC_MAP9 = 1 (wear group 1 is “active”)
Assignment to the wear group is achieved by:

The tools with T=10 and T=11 are assigned to wear group 1. As wear group 1 was
activated, tools T=10, 11 were therefore also set to “active” (via $TC_MAMP3,
bit 0=1).

Language command SETTA (see Subsection 5.8.20) can also be used to set the
tools to active.

Tool assignment:
$TC_MPP6[1,2] = 10 ;T=10 has identifier “TL1”/duplo no.=1 TL status “active”
$TC_MPP6[1,3] = 11 ;T=11 has identifier “TL2”/duplo no.=1 TL status “active”
$TC_MPP6[1,4] = 12 ;T=12 has identifier “TL1”/duplo no.=2
$TC_MPP6[1,5] = 13 ;T=13 has identifier “TL2”/duplo no.=2
$TC_MPP6[1,6] = 14 ;T=14 has identifier “TL1”/duplo no.=3
$TC_MPP6[1,1] = 15 ;T=15 has identifier “TL2”/duplo no.=3

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Description of functions 09.05
3.4 Empty location search

$TC_MAMP2 = 1
The active tool is to be searched for. If none is available, the next possible tool is to
be located.
This tool-search strategy is superimposed by a check for the number of the active
wear group. That is to say only those tools are considered during the search for a
tool with the status “active” that are at magazine locations and that have the num-
ber of the currently activated wear group.

Tool group “TL2” consists of tools
T=11, 13, 15.
T=11 is positioned in a location of the active wear group (No. 1) and is “active”.
The result of the tool search is T=11.
Machining is continued. T=11 is disabled during machining.

Wear group 1 is still active. T=10 is identified as active and suitable.

The tool group of identifier “TL2” now has no active tool (has been disabled) and a
new tool has not yet been set to “active”. This step is not taken until “TL2” is repro-
grammed. The tools of the group are examined. In the locations of wear group 1,
which is still active, there is no tool with identifier “TL2” or any other suitable tool.
This condition causes the next wear group (2) to be activated. Wear group 1 is now
no longer the active wear group. The status of the tools in wear group 1 has been
reset (not “active”), as configured by $TC_MAMP3, bit 1=1.
The tool search is now centered on wear group 2. Its tools were set to “active”
when the wear group was activated (one tool from each tool group in the wear
group because setting of $TC_MAMP3, bit 0=1).
The turret is now assigned as follows:
$TC_MPP6[1,2] = 10 ;T=10 has identifier “TL1”/duplo no.=1.
;Tool status “not active”

$TC_MPP6[1,3] = 11 ;T=11 has identifier “TL2”/duplo no.=1.

;Tool status “disabled”

$TC_MPP6[1,4] = 12 ;T=12 has identifier “TL1”/duplo no.=2,

;tool status “active”

$TC_MPP6[1,5] = 13 ;T=13 has identifier “TL2”/duplo no.=2,

;tool status “active”

$TC_MPP6[1,6] = 14 ;T=14 has identifier “TL1”/duplo no.=3 -

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3.4 Empty location search

$TC_MPP6[1,1] = 15 ;T=15 has identifier “TL2”/duplo no.=3 -

In the example T=13 is now taken as the next available tool “WZ2”.

The tool search only then generates an alarm when no further spare tool available
in the tool group with the given identifier is found and no further wear group can be

Control system response

Control behavior on Power On, Mode group change, Reset, Block search and
REPOS is described below.
Configuration $TC_MAMP3, bit 0=1 (activate internally)
During Power On, the NCK checks whether the value of $TC_MAP9 is >0, i.e.
whether a wear group has been selected. In this case the tools of that wear group
are checked again and the value for $TC_MPP5 of each location in question is set
to positive. In addition, the status of the tool in the location is set to “active”.
Configuration $TC_MAMP3, bit 1=1 (disable internally)
On Power On, the NCK checks whether $TC_MAP9 is negative, i.e. a wear group
has been disabled. In this case the tools of the disabled wear group are checked
again and the value for $TC_MPP5 of the location in question is set to negative.
The “active” status of the tool in the location is reset.

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Description of functions 09.05
3.5 Load

3.5 Load
When a tool is loaded, it is taken to its magazine location and the associated data
entered. Tools can be loaded via the spindle or a loading magazine.
With HMI Advanced, tool data can be transferred from the tool catalog, tool cabinet
or via a code carrier system (see Subsections 2.8 and 3.13). The tool data can be
entered directly into the magazine list with HMI Advanced.
S Manual loading only
S Empty location search
S Load tool at current location (location at the loading point/station)

3.5.1 Loading sequence

The loading operations supply the magazines with tools and write data to the rele-
vant data areas of the TM system (magazine list with tool data, offset memory).
Various methods of loading are available depending on the magazine configuration
(loading magazine yes/no) and the data flow (when and from where are tool data
written to the relevant data areas).
The loading method is mainly relevant to the HMI. As regards the tool manage-
ment system on the NCK, only the result is important, e.g. that the tool is in the
magazine and enabled for use after transfer of all its data.
References: /BAD/ Operator’s Guide HMI Advanced
Loading is a channel specific operation that is possible when the part program is
running. System variable $TC_MAP3 = 16 (enabled for loading) must be pro-
grammed if tools are to be loaded during part program runs.
There are two basic loading methods:

Free loading
With this method, the user can specify a magazine location to which the tool must
be loaded.

Prompted loading
With prompted loading via the HMI, the location is determined by the tool manage-
ment using an empty location search (see Subsection 3.4.2).

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3.5 Load

3.5.2 Tool data

HMI Advanced offers various options for loading and unloading the data of a tool
and for storing the data.
These options can be used either individually or in parallel by the user.
When a tool is unloaded, the data can
S stay on the NCK (tool list)
S be written to code carrier (floppy, ext. hard disk, etc.)
S be stored in the tool cabinet (int. hard disk).
The tool data can be fetched again from these “data carriers” on loading. Tool data
can also be entered directly by the user into the magazine list and/or the tool list.

The type of data backup can be defined by access rights in the PARAMTM.INI.

Master data can be stored in the tool catalog. Other enabled functions, such as
interactive programming, can access tools which are defined here.

Selecting a tool for loading

S Select tool from the tool catalog (new tool)
S Select a tool from the tool cabinet (operating data)
S Enter tool data directly in the magazine list (HMI Advanced)
S Select a tool from the tool list (TO memory)
S Read in tool data via a code carrier system (see Subsection 4.5.2)

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Description of functions 09.05
3.5 Load

Selecting an HMI tool

Tool Tool Magazine Tool Read data from code

catalog cabinet list list carrier on tool

NCK Select loading location

-- Empty location search in a magazine

-- Specify location in a magazine (select with cursor)

-- Load current location on the loading point/station

PLC Bring tool into magazine

Commands in DB 71 Acknowledgements and status via FC 8

Load job bit Status1, 3, 5

Channel no. Operation complete
Location number on the loading
Status 104, 105
Magazine number of target for
loading Process still in progress,
Location number in target messages for tool to intermediate
magazine memory

Bild 3-15 Loading-related functions of HMI, NCK and PLC

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3.5 Load

3.5.3 Select magazine location for loading

Find location in magazine

There are three possible ways of selecting an empty location:
S Initiate an empty location search (softkey)
S Input desired location number in magazine list (cursor)
S Move the desired empty location manually to the loading magazine and then
load this location with softkey “Current location”.

3.5.4 PLC function at tool loading

Loading sequence
When loading from the NCK, the PLC is controlled by magazine and location num-
bers. It receives the request to move the magazine to the appropriate loading mag-
azine for tool loading.
When a tool is loaded, the target address is the magazine and the loading location
for the tool (DB71. DBW (n+24) and (n+26)). FC 8 receives this target address as
parameters “NewToolMag” and “NewToolLoc” and “Status = 1” once the load
operation has been successfully completed. Parameters “OldToolMag”, “OldTool-
Loc” must be set to zero. The number of the active interface identifies the loading
magazine (location no.).
The loading procedure is performed as follows:
1. A request is sent to the PLC to load the tool. The information is transferred to
the PLC in DB 71.
Data in DB71 when loading for the 2nd interface,
(location 5 in magazine 1 is to be loaded from loading magazine 2)
DB71.DBX0.1 = 1 ;Interface 2 active
DB71.DBX34.0 = 1 ;Command: Load
DB71.DBW50 = 9999 ;Magazine no. of loading magazine
DB71.DBW52 = 2 ;Location no. of loading magazine
DB71.DBW54 = 0 ;Magazine no. for unloading
DB71.DBW56 = 0 ;Location no. for unloading
DB71.DBW58 = 1 ;Target magazine no. for loading
DB71.DBW60 = 5 ;Magazine no. of target for loading

2. The PLC must now move “location 5” from “magazine no. 1” (in which tool must
be loaded) to “loading magazine 2” and execute the load operation.

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3.5 Load

3. When the tool is in the magazine, the user program must call FC 8. This notifies
the tool management that the tool has been loaded.

Example of FC 8 call on loading

FC 8 parameters Values Comment

Start 1 Starts task
TaskIdent 1 DB 71 interface
TaskIdentNo 2 No. of active interface
NewToolMag 1 Mag. no. 1
NewToolLoc 5 Location no. 5
OldToolMag 0 During loading = 0
OldToolLoc 0 During loading = 0
Status 1 Operation complete
Ready Checkback from FC 8
Error Checkback from FC 8

Problems during loading

A tool cannot be loaded. Check the following:
S Is the location type correct?
S Is a suitable empty location available?
S Has the number of tools enabled in the NCK (MD 18082) been reached?
S Does the tool variable include a “0”, e.g. “1011”? (This is illegal.)
Alarms on the operator panel:
S No suitable empty location available
S “Create tools” command cannot be output to the NCK

3.5.5 Load tools via a part program

T number
The data required for a tool can also be loaded via a part program.
There are two possibilities to get the T number that addresses the data. You can:
S assign the T number yourself or
S allow the NC to assign the T number
(via the command NEWT(...), see Subsection 5.8.8).

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3.5 Load

The other data can be addressed by the T number determined in this way. Other-
wise the T number can be assigned by the user (refer to the following example):

$TC_TP3[4711]=2 ; Size left
$TC_TP4[4711]=2 ; Size right
$TC_TP5[4711]=1 ; Size top
$TC_TP6[4711]=1 ; Size bottom
$TC_TP7[4711]=2 ; Location type
$TC_TP8[4711]=2 ; Tool status
$TC_TP9[4711]=0 ; Monitoring mode
$TC_TP10[4711]=0 ; Substitute-tool strategy
$TC_TP11[4711]=0 ; Tool info
$TC_DP1[4711] = 120 ; Tool type:
; (all the compensation data is provided
; here)
$TC_MPP6[MagNr,PlatzNr]=4711 ; Tool with T number 4711 is written/loaded
; to the location

The tool described here also occupies adjacent locations. These are automatically
reserved for/assigned to the tool by the TM system (see Subsection 4.4.1).
It is also possible to delay assignment of a tool to a location, in which case the
command $TC_MPP6 is not required. After execution of the part program the tools
are contained in the tool list and can be loaded at a later time.

3.5.6 Retroload tool data

When tool data are “retroloaded” this means that the compensation data are not
entered or loaded until after the tool loading operation.

S The tools are already located in the magazine, both physically as well as their
data, i.e. the “Tool <--> Location” assignment has taken place
S There is either no tool offset data in the NC or it is no longer up to date.
The offset data are assigned via the part program, i.e. the existing data are over-
written. If not already known, the internal T number of the particular tool first has to
be determined in the “post-load” program to do this.
The internal T number is the tool number that the NC works with. It is unique and
describes a tool. All parameters of this tool are addressed by this T number.

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3.5 Load

The T number can be assigned either by the operator during loading or by the NC.
If the operator knows the T number (e.g. specified by the entries made at the mea-
suring station), then this number can be retrieved during the retroload program.
If the T number is not known, then it has to be determined for each tool to be retro-
loaded and be supplied from a variable. This reduces the overhead for the user
and also reduces the scope for errors.

Create the retroload program

The tool is measured at a measuring station and the measured data stored. For
this purpose, the tool must already be defined, i.e. by both an identifier (“Drill
12 mm” or “Mill 23” below) and the relevant duplo number. (The combination of tool
identifier and duplo number uniquely defines the tool.) The internal T number of
this tool is determined prior to the data block using the command GETT(...) and
saved a a variable (“T no.” here, see Subsection 5.8.10). The data required for the
tool are written and then the entire program is transferred to the NC where it is pro-
Only the variables for which data are entered have to be written. The first tool in
the next retroload program contains all the data, the second tool only contains the
relevant data.
The T number does not have to be determined in the retroload program if already
specified during loading because the data can then be assigned directly.
For a tool “1” with length L1, the program would be as follows:
$TC_DP1[1,1]=120; ;Tool type

$TC_DP3[1,1]=4711; ;Length1

Program for retroloading tool offset data

DEF INT Tno ; Definition of variable TNo
TNo=GETT (“Drill 12mm”,1)
if TNo==1 goto tl2
$TC_DP1[TNo,1]=120 ; Tool type
$TC_DP3[TNo,1]=4711 ; Length1
$TC_DP6[TNo,1]=24 ; Radius

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3-132 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Description of functions
3.5 Load

tl2: ; Next tool
TNo=GETT (“Mill23”,2)
if TNo==-1 goto error ; Possible error routine if tool does not
; exist
Error: ; Error

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 3-133
Description of functions 09.05
3.6 Unload

3.6 Unload
On unloading, the tool is removed from the magazine and the magazine list. You
S unload manually or
S unload at the current location (location at the loading point/station)
The unloading sequence is as follows:
1. Select a tool for unloading.
To do this, position the cursor on the tool in the magazine list or, on HMI Ad-
vanced, on the tool in the tool list and select softkey “Unload”.
2. Select unloading point.
3. Transport the tool to the unloading point (by user PLC program).
4. Save or delete tool data.
References: /BAD/ Operator’s Guide HMI Advanced

3.6.1 Data backup during unloading

On unloading, the data for this tool is removed from the magazine list.
The following options are available for backing up the particular tool data:
1. Save tool data on code carrier
2. Save tool data in tool list (TO memory)
3. Back up particular tool data in tool cabinet
It is still possible to delete the tool data without saving them.

You can back up data on HMI Advanced in the following ways:
S From the tool list
S From the tool cabinet, or
S From the tool catalog

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3-134 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Description of functions
3.6 Unload

3.6.2 PLC function at tool unloading

During unload operations, FC 8 receives the identifier of the load/unloading point

as the target address of the tool (DB71.DB(n+16) and DBW(n+18), basic address
“n” is included in the interface list). FC8 receives this target address as parameters
“OldToolMag”, “OldToolLoc” and “Status” = 1 once the load operation has been
successfully completed. The “NewToolMag” and “NewToolLoc” parameters must
be assigned the value zero.

Unloading sequence
Unloading is controlled via DB 71. The unloading sequence is as follows:
1. The PLC receives the command to unload the selected tool. The information is
transferred to the PLC in DB 71. Example of unloading data in DB 71 for the
2nd interface. Location 7 of magazine no. 1 must be unloaded at loading maga-
zine 2.
DB71.DBX0.1= 1 ;Interface 2 active
DB71.DBX34.1= 1 ;Command: Unload
DB71.DBW50= 9999 ;Magazine no. of unloading point
DB71.DBW52= 2 ;Location no. of unloading point
DB71.DBW54= 1 ;Magazine no. for unloading
DB71.DBW56= 7 ;Location no. for unloading
DB71.DBW58= 0 ;Target magazine no. for loading
DB71.DBW60= 0 ;Magazine no. of target for loading

2. The PLC must now move “Location 7” of “Magazine no. 1” (from which the tool
must be unloaded) to “Loading/unloading point 2” and then unload the tool.
3. When the tool is from the magazine, the user program must call FC 8. This sig-
nals the tool management where the tool has been transported.
Example: FC 8 call on unloading

FC 8 parameters Values Comment

Start Starts task
TaskIdent 1 DB 71 interface
TaskIdentNo 2 No. of active interface
NewToolMag 0 During unloading = 0
NewToolLoc 0 During unloading = 0
OldToolMag 9999 Mag. No. 9999
OldToolLoc 2 Location no. 2
Status 1 Operation complete
Ready Checkback from FC 8
Error Checkback from FC 8

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Description of functions 09.05
3.6 Unload

The PLC user program then has to traverse the magazine to the correct unloading
point and execute unloading. If the tool comes via a buffer location (gripper, loader)
to the unloading point or station, then the NCK is to be notified of each position
change by means of the FC 8 with status 104, 105. Status “1” is not set via FC 8
until the tool is in the specified unloading point/station. The unloading operation is
now complete.

Position for unloading (with OP030 and HMI Advanced)

When a magazine is being positioned at a loading magazine, the target address
is stored in DB71.DBW(n+16) and DBW(n+18). This target address is passed to
FC 8 as parameters “NewToolMag” and “NewToolLoc” and “Status” = 1 once the
magazine has been successfully positioned. Parameters “OldToolMag”, “OldTool-
Loc” must be set to 0.
The magazine and magazine location to be positioned are stored in
DB71.DBW(n+20) and DBW(n+22). Positioning here only concerns magazine posi-
tioning a free location or a location with a tool to a loading/unloading station. The
number of the active interface identifies the loading magazine (location no.).

Example: Position for unloading

FC 8 parameters Values Comment

Start Starts task
TaskIdent 1 DB 71 interface
TaskIdentNo 2 No. of active interface
NewToolMag 9999 Mag. No. 9999
NewToolLoc 3 Location no. 3
OldToolMag 0 During positioning = 0
OldToolLoc 0 During positioning = 0
Status 1 Operation complete

The function Positioning to unload can only be triggered from operator panel
OP030 in SW 3.2.

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3-136 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Description of functions
3.7 Relocate, find and position tools

3.7 Relocate, find and position tools

3.7.1 Relocate (task from TM system)

The target address for relocation is the magazine and location for the tool to be
relocated (DB71.DBW(n+24) and DBW n+26). The tool source address is stored in
DB71.DBW(n+20) and DBW(n+22). The target address is passed to FC 8 as pa-
rameters “NewToolMag” and “NewToolLoc” and status = 1 when relocation has
been successfully completed. Parameters “OldToolMag” and “OldToolLoc”
must be set to zero because the tool management recognizes the location of the
old tool.
References: /BAD/ Operator’s Guide HMI Advanced

Example of relocating a tool

FC 8 parameters Values Comment

Start Starts task
TaskIdent 1 DB 71 interface
TaskIdentNo 1 Channel no. for tool management
NewToolMag 2 New magazine no.
NewToolLoc 17 New location no.
OldToolMag 0 Old magazine number not used
OldToolLoc 0 Old location number not used
Status 1 Operation complete

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Description of functions 09.05
3.7 Relocate, find and position tools

3.7.2 Relocation by the PLC

Task from PLC

A job can also be given to tool management by the PLC in order to reload a tool.
This is done by notifying a new location for the tool to the tool management. The
FC 8 block (TaskIdent := 4) is called with the following parameters:
S Old magazine no. (OldToolMag)

S Old location no. (OldToolLoc)

S New magazine no. (NewToolMag)
S New location no. (NewToolLoc)

1. Example
Relocation by PLC
The tool in magazine no. 1, location no. 5 is to be relocated to magazine no. 2,
location no. 17. The PLC takes responsibility for ensuring that the location type is
correct for the transfer. This example for calling a FC8 does not take any check-
back signal to tool management for intermediate positions of tools into consider-

FC 8 parameters Values Comment

Start Starts task
TaskIdent 4 Task from PLC
TaskIdentNo 1 Channel no. for tool management
NewToolMag 2 New magazine no.
NewToolLoc 17 New location no.
OldToolMag 1 Old magazine no.
OldToolLoc 5 Old location number
Status 1 Operation complete

2. Example
Relocation by PLC
Example: The tool is to be relocated from mag. no. 1, location no. 5 via grippers 3
and 4 to mag. no. 2, location no. 17.
FC 8 must be called up four times in this procedure. Only the important parameters
are listed. All other parameters are as for the example above.

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3-138 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Description of functions
3.7 Relocate, find and position tools

The tool is transported in four steps:

1. Move from magazine 1, location 5 to gripper 3 (location no. 4)

FC 8 parameters Values Comment

Start Starts task
TaskIdent 4 Task from PLC
TaskIdentNo 1 Channel no. for tool management
NewToolMag 9998 New magazine no.
NewToolLoc 4 New location no.
OldToolMag 1 Old magazine no.
OldToolLoc 5 Old location number
Status 1 Operation complete

2. Move from gripper 3 to transfer location 2, location no. 6

FC 8 parameters Values Comment

Start Starts task
TaskIdent 4 Task from PLC
TaskIdentNo 1 Channel no. for tool management
NewToolMag 9998 New magazine no.
NewToolLoc 6 New location no.
OldToolMag 9998 Old magazine no.
OldToolLoc 4 Old location number
Status 1 Operation complete

3. Move from transfer location 2, location no. 6 to gripper 4, location no. 5

FC 8 parameters Values Comment

Start Starts task
TaskIdent 4 Task from PLC
TaskIdentNo 1 Channel no. for tool management
NewToolMag 9998 New magazine no.
NewToolLoc 5 New location no.
OldToolMag 9998 Old magazine no.
OldToolLoc 6 Old location number
Status 1 Operation complete

4. Relocate from gripper 4, location no. 5 to magazine 2, location 17

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Description of functions 09.05
3.7 Relocate, find and position tools

FC 8 parameters Values Comment

Start Starts task
TaskIdent 4 Task from PLC
TaskIdentNo 1 Channel no. for tool management
NewToolMag 2 New magazine no.
NewToolLoc 17 New location no.
OldToolMag 9998 Old magazine no.
OldToolLoc 5 Old location number
Status 1 Operation complete

Relocation by PLC with location reservation TaskIdent 5

When a tool is transferred from a magazine location to a buffer with initiation from
the PLC, it can be useful to reserve the magazine location.
You can do this with Task Ident 5.
The magazine location is now reserved when a tool is transferred to a buffer.

TaskIdent 5 may be programmed only for a tool transfer (magazine --> buffer
location). Otherwise an error message is outputted, even though the tool is

Reservation “ Z ” is automatically reset when the tool is transferred from the buffer
back to the magazine.

3.7.3 Find and position

With a find and position operation, a traversing task is sent to the PLC by the tool
management. Bit 3 in DB71.DBB(n+0) “Position at loading magazine” is set. The
magazine no. and the location no. (as destination) are transferred in the parame-
ters DB71.DBW(n+20) and (n+22) during positioning.
The PLC then has to move this location to the loading magazine. The number of
the loading magazine is entered in DB71.DBW (n+18) or determined by the num-
ber of the interface. If the PLC has moved the magazine location to the loading
magazine, FC 8 must be called and the operation acknowledged with status 5
“Position changed”.

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09.05 Description of functions
3.7 Relocate, find and position tools

Location 5 in magazine 1 (source) must be moved to the loading magazine 2 (tar-
DB71.DBX0.1 =1 Interface 2 active
DB71.DBX34.3 =1 Initiate positioning (n+0)
DB71.DBW50 =9999 Magazine no. of the loading magazine (n+16)
DB71.DBW52 =2 Location no. of loading magazine (n+18)
DB71.DBW54 =1 No. of magazine to be positioned (n+20)
DB71.DBW56 =5 No. of location to be positioned (n+22)
DB71.DBW58 Magazine no. to which positioning is to
be carried out (n+24)
DB71.DBW60 Location no. to which positioning is to
be carried out (n+26)
Parameters “OldToolMag” and “OldToolLoc” in FC 8 are not required for positioning
because only the PLC requires the information for traversing the magazine. The
values for NewToolMag and NewToolLoc are from DB71 (n+24 and n+26). The
PLC has to execute the positioning task and acknowledge it with an FC 8 call as

Example of FC 8 call for positioning

FC 8 parameters Values Comment

Start Starts task
TaskIdent 1 DB 71 (load/unload, positioning, relocating)
TaskIdentNo 2 No. of active interface
NewToolMag 9999 Magazine no. 9999 (loading magazine)
NewToolLoc 2 Station 2
OldToolMag 0 During positioning = 0
OldToolLoc 0 During positioning = 0
Status 5 Operation complete
Ready Checkback from FC 8
Error Checkback from FC 8

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Description of functions 09.05
3.8 Job processing of tools

3.8 Job processing of tools

Loading and unloading, as well as canceling and storing tools in the tool cabinet
was only possible up to now via the Windows HMI user interface for one single tool
per routine.
The new function “Job processing of tools” (“Batch”) allows the operator to enter all
the specified operations for multiple tools at the same time in the job and then
monitor how execution is progressing. The function “Reactivate tools” is also pro-
Filters are used in the selection of tools. They can be used to give an up-to-date
picture of the tool data status for the NCK containing all the tools with the charac-
teristics specified in the filter definition. This can be e.g. all tools having certain set
tool-status bits, being of a certain tool type, having specific OEM data etc.
The search for the tools is carried out exclusively in the NCK.
The search is conducted by means of the OPI module TF (Parameterization, re-
turn parameters of _N_TMGETT, _N_TSEARCH) and the PI service
The job processing of tools can be initiated and monitored at the user interface.
Loading, unloading and reactivation can take place in the background, even if the
associated interface is not active.
References: /BAD/ Operator’s Guide HMI Advanced

Parameterization of Filter lists takes place in the file “paramtm.ini” in the section
Country-specific sections are parameterized in the “language\patm_xx.ini” file in
the [BatchTools] section; here xx stands for the two characters identifying the
country, the file names is therefore, for example, PATM_GR.ini.

Any user-specific modifications should be made in the “user” directory files.
The ini. files are limited in size to about 63KB. Almost all commentary has
therefore been removed from the file paramtm.ini. This is now to be found in the
file paramtm.text.

Detailed information on the settings can be found in Subsection 4.4.1 and in Sec-
tion 4.4.4.

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3-142 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Description of functions
3.9 Tool monitoring (workpiece count, tool life, wear)

3.9 Tool monitoring (workpiece count, tool life, wear)

3.9.1 Monitoring types

Number of workpieces
The workpiece counter must count all the tool cutting edges that are used to pro-
duce a workpiece. If the number changes, the monitoring data of all tool cutting
edges involved must be updated. It should be remembered that the machine may
have several spindles and that different tool cutting edges can be used simulta-

Tool life
Tool life monitoring is only performed on the tool edge that is currently in use. As
soon as the path axes start traversing (except with G code G00), the tool life moni-
toring data is updated for the tools in the toolholder/spindle. If the tool life for a cut-
ting edge expires during machining, the tool is blocked as a whole.

As is the case for the timer and workpiece count, the prerequisite for using the
wear monitoring function is that tool monitoring is enabled in the machine data. In
addition, wear monitoring must also be enabled in the respective machine data.
The wear parameters of the cutting edge correspond to the local offsets (total off-
set parameters), see Subsection 3.10.4.

Tool life, workpiece count and wear

The monitoring type is defined for the tool when it is loaded. You can change the
monitoring type at any time by changing the setting for system variable
The tool management performs monitoring for tool life, workpiece count with pre-
warning limit and degree of wear, or additive offset monitoring.
All types of monitoring can be active for different tools in operation simultaneously.
If values have been entered for several types of monitoring, all monitoring counters
are decremented.

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 3-143
Description of functions 09.05
3.9 Tool monitoring (workpiece count, tool life, wear)

The monitoring counter triggering the tool status change depends on the system
variable $TC_TP9 (= type of monitoring):
S $TC_TP9 = 0 --> No monitoring
S $TC_TP9 = 1 --> Time-monitored tool
S $TC_TP9 = 2 --> Workpiece count-monitored tool
S $TC_TP9 = 4 --> Wear-monitored tool
S $TC_TP9 = 8 --> Additive offset
Several monitoring types can be activated simultaneously for one tool. Of the mon-
itoring types, only wear monitoring and additive-offset monitoring are mutually ex-
If the monitoring criterion (tool life/workpiece count and wear) for a tool that is cur-
rently located in the spindle expires, it remains in use. Machining is not automati-
cally interrupted to replace the tool with a fresh backup tool. The tool is not dis-
abled until the next time it is selected. Since it is no longer “available”, a search is
made for a replacement tool and the replacement tool is then loaded into the
spindle. The tool change has to be organized by the PLC or come from the NC
The monitoring counters count from a set value > 0 down to zero. The limit value is
reached when the counter has decremented to a value of ≤ 0. When a tool’s cut-
ting edge (one of maximum 12 cutting edges) has reached its limit value, the whole
tool is set to status “disabled”.
A “G” then appears next to the status for the tool in the magazine table.

Prewarning limit reached

If a cutting edge has reached its warning limit, then the whole tool is set to the sta-
tus “Warning limit reached” (SLTD_SUSPENDED ($TC_TP8[i]=4)).
A “V” then appears next to the status for the tool in the magazine table.
At the same time a message is issued to inform the operator that a replacement
tool may be required. If an operator action resets the monitoring counter from zero
or the prewarning limit back to a value >0 or >prewarning limit, the tool status
changes automatically to reflect the change in the data. This allows the operator to
selectively suspend a “disabled” status caused by the tool expiring when its moni-
toring limit was reached.
If the tool has several cutting edges, all of the cutting edges must be beyond the
monitoring limits.

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09.05 Description of functions
3.9 Tool monitoring (workpiece count, tool life, wear)

Tool monitoring alarms

When the prewarning limit or the monitoring limit of a tool is reached, one of the
alarms 6010, 6011, 6012, 6013 (abort clear acknowledgement condition) is output
for information purposes.
With the NC command SETPIECE(...) (see Subsection 5.8.11) or PI command
_N_TMPCIT (= other workpiece counters) it is possible for several tools to reach a
limit value and therefore result in multiple alarms being issued.
No alarm is output if a limit value is reached as the result of data manipulation via
Variable services.

Check monitoring status

A check can be made during program execution by issuing the programmed tool
change command (e.g. “M06” for milling) without a T call to see whether life moni-
toring has expired for a tool. If it has, tool life management will search for a re-
placement tool and issued a request for tool change.

Enable memory and function

In general, in machine data
at least the bits 0 and 1 (3) must be set. This prepares the memory for the monitor-
ing data and enables the function.

Enabling tool life monitoring

To implement tool life monitoring, the spindle (toolholder) or spindles which require
this type of monitoring must also be specified in channel-specific MD 20320:
TOOL_TIME_MONITOR_MASK. This machine data is bit-coded.
S Value = 1 Spindle number 1 only
S Value = 2 Spindle number 2 only
S Value = 3 Spindle numbers 1 and 2 only
Refer to Chapter 8 for machine data.

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Description of functions 09.05
3.9 Tool monitoring (workpiece count, tool life, wear)

3.9.2 Tool life monitoring

Monitoring of tool cutting edge

Tool life monitoring is only performed on the tool edge that is currently in use. The
spindle (toolholder) must have been activated beforehand
(MD 20320: TOOL_TIME_MONITOR_ MASK = spindle no.).
If MD 20124: TOOL_MANAGEMENT_TOOLHOLDER > 0, the toolholder number
is selected in MD 20320 instead of the spindle number.

Tool life The time is entered with 1 minute resolution up to SW 5.1 and
can be entered on loading or set in the program with
$TC_MOP2=500. The tool life is decremented internally in
milliseconds and displayed in milliseconds.
Data backup during unloading takes place in milliseconds with
SW 5.1 and higher.
Inhibited If the remaining tool life is ≤ 0, the tool is set to “disabled”.
After the next tool change it is no longer used.
Monitoring The residual tool life is decreased whenever one of the 3 path
from the NCK axes is traversed at machining feedrate (e.g. G01). G00 tra-
verse blocks are not “counted”.
Monitoring The user can start and stop the time monitor using PLC signal
from PLC “Time monitor active” (DB 21 DBX 1.3). The active control
mode is set using the machine data 20310.
Prewarning Input when tool is loaded or via part program with
limit $TC_MOP1=50. When the prewarning limit has been
reached, the tool is assigned the status “Prewarning limit
reached” (display in the magazine list).
Special case, The tool life of a tool expires while it is in use. A check is
limit values made if this disabled tool is re-programmed by a change op-
eration (e.g. M06 without T word), whether the monitoring
time has already elapsed. If yes, a replacement tool is used.

$A-MONIFACT factor
By entering a channel-specific factor which is set before a tool is used for the first
time, it is possible to monitor the different degrees of tool wear resulting from ma-
chining different types of workpiece material. The value is multiplied by the current
time unit before the time value of the cutting edge is decremented. The write op-
eration is performed synchronously with the main run. For more information please
refer to Chapter 5.8.30.

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09.05 Description of functions
3.9 Tool monitoring (workpiece count, tool life, wear)

Start and stop the tool life decrementation

Tool life monitoring runs when geometry axes are not traversed with G00 (default
The user can start and stop the time monitor using PLC signal “Time monitor ac-
tive” (DB 21 DBX 1.3).
Which type of control is active is set via machine data: MD 20310: TOOL_MAN-
AGEMENT_MASK bit 17. The default setting (bit 17=0) is standard; i.e. motion
blocks not equal to G00 will make the time counter increment.

Time monitoring hierarchy

The combination of system variable $A_MONIFACT and function “Program testing
active” produces the following nested time monitoring structure:
Machine data MD 20310: TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK defines the monitoring
control by G00 or a PLC signal. Tools on spindles activated in machine data
MD 20320: TOOL_TIME_MONITOR_MASK are time-monitored.
The VDI signal “Program test active” switches the momentarily valid time monitor-
ing on or off; i.e. “Program test active” has a higher priority than the current time
When time monitoring is active, the real time (as defined by the internal clock) is
multiplied by the factor $A_MONIFACT and the result subtracted from the current
time count of a tool edge mounted on the spindle.

3.9.3 Workpiece count monitoring

Changing the number of workpieces

The number of workpieces can be changed:
S Operation on HMI
S With a part program command (SETPIECE)
S PI service (TMPCIT) by PLC or HMI-OEM

Workpiece counter per spindle

Every spindle has a “memory” for the cutting edges used on it. With program com-
mand SETPIECE (1) the workpiece counter for the cutting edges that are used on
the main spindle is decremented by 1. The workpiece counter of each spindle can
be addressed individually.

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 3-147
Description of functions 09.05
3.9 Tool monitoring (workpiece count, tool life, wear)

The workpiece counter must count all the tools that are used to produce a work-
piece. It will take into account that fact that the machine may have several spindles
and that different tools can be used simultaneously.
If a tool is located on the main spindle with an offset number D > 0 during a count,
this is stored in the “memory” when the next block is loaded during the main run,
and then included in the next count.
The cutting edge of a tool is only counted once per spindle.
The part program author who programs SETPIECE can program the parameter as
a function of the material.
SETPIECE (factor * no. of workpieces)
Like the factor for time monitoring, this function allows a workpiece count that de-
pends on the process, the workpiece material or other factors.
Workpiece count can be deactivated via the channel DB DBX29.5.

Monitoring from the When the workpiece counter has reached the prewarn-
NCK ing limit this is displayed in the magazine list. The tool
is disabled when the workpiece count reaches zero.
The next time the tool is called, the replacement tool is
Set workpiece Entered during loading or via part program with e.g.
counter $TC_MOP4=500.
Decrement number of The number of workpieces must be decremented at the
workpieces relevant point in the part program with the NC com-
mand SETPIECE (x, y) (e.g. SETPIECE(1) --> work-
piece counter for main spindle tools is decremented by
The function for updating the quantity is activated from
within die PLC program by a PI command.
Inhibited When the workpiece count has reached zero the tool is
Prewarning limit Entered during loading or via part program with e.g.
$TC_MOP3=50. When the prewarning limit has been
reached, the tool is assigned the status “Prewarning
limit reached” (display in the magazine list).
Special case, limit It is not possible to activate a workpiece count for any
values number of cutting edges simultaneously! If the monitor-
ing function has been enabled and activated by ma-
chine data, then all spindles can be monitored together
at a time = “Number of cutting edges in the TO area” (=
MD) for the number of cutting edges.
An edge of a tool is only counted once per spindle.

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09.05 Description of functions
3.9 Tool monitoring (workpiece count, tool life, wear)

3.9.4 Wear monitoring

The wear monitoring function is available only if the “Tool monitoring” system has
been enabled (via machine data, see Subsection 8.1.2).
The wear monitor must also be enabled via machine data (MD 18080:

$TC_TP9 = 4; Wear monitoring is active for the tool.
$TC_TP9 = 8 can be set to select the “Additive offset” monitoring function if this
is required. For bit assignments, see Section 5.3.

$TC_TP9 = 4
The wear parameters for a tool edge are defined with system variables $TC_DP12,
..., $TC_DP20.
These are assigned directly to the edge geometry values TC_DP3,
... , $TC_DP11.
$TC_DP10 and $TC_DP11 describe “angles”. The other parameters stand for the
tool edge lengths and radii.
Only these values are included in the monitoring, i.e. wear parameters $TC_DP19
and $TC_DP20, which are analogous to system variables $TC_DP10 and
$TC_DP11, are not taken into account. For bit assignments, see Section 5.2.1.

Wear monitoring does not monitor every single value but rather only the largest
absolute value of each of these maximum seven wear parameters ($TC_DP12, ...,

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 3-149
Description of functions 09.05
3.9 Tool monitoring (workpiece count, tool life, wear)

$TC_TP9 = 8
Parameters that are analogous to the cutting edge wear parameters (system vari-
ables) are the additive offset parameters.
Analogous to wear, the following system variables are monitored for the additional
offsets that are dependent on the location of use (location-specific offsets) of the
cutting edge:
S $TC_SCP12, ... $TC_SCP18
first additive offset for the cutting edge (to the extent defined)
S $TC_SCP22, ... $TC_SCP28
second additive offset for the cutting edge (to the extent defined) etc. for the
other additive offsets for the cutting edge

Wear monitoring does not monitor every single value but rather only the largest
absolute value of each of these maximum seven additive-offset
parameters*number of defined additive offsets for the cutting edge ($TC_SCP12,
..., $TC_SCP18, $TC_SCP22, ..., $TC_SCP28, ...).

Most tool geometries are described by a subset of the named data records.
If a parameter is changed (written), the NCK then checks whether the new value is
higher than any of the other parameters and, if necessary, this value is subtracted
from the wear setpoint. The result is the new actual value for the wear.
Analogous to other monitoring variables, the actual wear runs from the positive
setpoint towards zero.

Monitoring parameters (system variables)

S $TC_MOP15 Wear setpoint or additive offset value

S $TC_MOP5 Wear pre-warning limit or additive offset pre-warning limit
S $TC_MOP6 Wear value or additive-offset setpoint

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3-150 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Description of functions
3.9 Tool monitoring (workpiece count, tool life, wear)

The physical quantity of the new monitoring parameters is “Length”. The unit is the
same as for the wear values.
Wear monitoring can be deactivated via the channel DB DBX29.6.
The signal only acts on changes in wear data that occur during execution of the
NC program. The PLC signal is suppressed if these data change because of OPI
(e.g. during HMI operation).

Let us assume the parameters are set as follows and wear monitoring is active for
the tool with T no.=3:
$TC_MOP5[3,1] = 0.002 ;= wear pre-warning limit
$TC_MOP6[3,1] = 0.003 ;= actual wear value
$TC_MOP15[3,1] = 0.007 ;= wear setpoint
These have already been set
$TC_DP12[3,1] = --0.004 ;= wear component 1
$TC_DP13[3,1] = +0.00 ;= wear component 2
Wear component 3 is now set
$TC_DP14[3,1] ;= --0.006.
Thus the maximum absolute value is given for the wear components = 0.006.
The resulting new actual value is
$TC_MOP15[3,1] -- 0.006 = 0.001 = $TC_MOP6[3,1].
The prewarning limit has been reached.
Note: The wear components can be negative or positive -- or be mixture of each.

3.9.5 Signals to and from the PLC

Previously, an alarm message was output as soon as the prewarning limit or limit
value was reached. Alarms 6410 and 6411 are output when the prewarning limit is
reached and 6412 and 6413 when the limit value is reached. Alarms 6410 and
6412 are triggered via the OP interface and alarms 6411 and 6413 via the NC pro-
gram. The alarm texts identify the affected tool via the tool ID, duplo number and
D number.
The following information is returned to the channel interface for one DB1 cycle
(internal T numbers):
S Prewarning limit reached
S Limit reached
A strobe signal is set for one PLC cycle (DB channel.DBB344) which indicates that
new data is available.

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 3-151
Description of functions 09.05
3.9 Tool monitoring (workpiece count, tool life, wear)

VDI signal “Warning limit reached” channel DB.DBD348

If a tool reaches its prewarning limit with tool life, workpiece count or wear monitor-
ing, the internal T No. of the tool is entered here and the associated strobe signal
is set.

VDI signal “Limit value reached” channel DB.DBD352

If the tool life, workpiece count or wear value has expired for a monitored tool, the
internal T No. of the tool is entered and the associated strobe signal is set.

If machining is being performed with tools that are monitored for their workpiece
count, it is possible for several tools to reach their prewarning limit or limit value
simultaneously (SETPIECE is programmed at the end of program).
In this scenario, only the T No. of the tool that was last programmed is output.

VDI signal “T number of new replacement tool” -- channel DB.DBD356

If during the tool change where the status of a tool found in the tool search is set in
the NCK to “active”, then this is evaluated as the “the first time the spare tool has
been selected”.
If the magazine contains several replacement tools with the status “active”, then
this signal is not set at transition to a new replacement tool.
This process state change is output to the PLC via the T number of the replace-
ment tool.
The action of the operator changing the tool status does not cause any change to
the signal.

VDI signal “Last spare tool in the tool group” -- channel DB.DBD360
If during the tool change where a tool is found during the tool search in the NCK
and at this point ion time there are no further spare tools available for the pro-
grammed spindle/toolholder, then this is evaluated as the “Last tool found in the
tool group”.
If there is only one tool (i.e. there is no replacement tool) it is also a tool group.
When this tool is programmed, the interface signal is set immediately.

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09.05 Description of functions
3.9 Tool monitoring (workpiece count, tool life, wear)

This process state change is output to the PLC via the T number of the replace-
ment tool.
The action of the operator changing the tool status does not cause any change to
the signal.

For tool groups containing many tools, the function increases the time required in
the NCK for the main run when the tool is selected.
The following function must also be enabled
MD 20310: TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK. It is activated by setting bit 18=1.

Disable monitored tools -- PLC-controlled by the VDI signal

In earlier versions, a tool has assumed the status “disabled” as soon as the actual
value of the active monitoring function reaches the value zero. A tool in processing
that is set to “disabled” remains in processing for such a time until the next tool
change takes place. After that the tool can no longer be used.
The PLC can also determine when a disabled tool can no longer be used, i.e. when
the “disabled” status is taken into account in the tool search.
S With the VDI signal “Do not disable tool” = 1
(channel DB. DBX29.7 = 1) the NCK does not take the tool status “disabled”
into account during the tool search.
S With the VDI signal “Do not disable tool” = 0
(channel DB. DBX29.7 = 0) the NCK does take the tool status “disabled” into
account during the tool search.
The bit is channel-specific.

“Search for active tool” strategy

This search strategy can ensure that a machining operation is not performed with
different tools from the same tool group.
When the tool is disabled, a monitoring function and the set VDI signal “Do not dis-
able tool” ensure that the status “active” is not canceled.
This tool is therefore assigned the status “active” and “disabled”.
If the required machining operation is terminated without a tool change, the status
of all disabled tools must be checked. A new PI service (_N_TMRASS, in PLC
TMRASS, see Subsection 5.12.5) is provided for this. This service can be used to
cancel the status “active” for all tools that have been disabled (e.g. by the PLC pro-
gram at the end of the program).

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 3-153
Description of functions 09.05
3.9 Tool monitoring (workpiece count, tool life, wear)

The other tool-search strategies

A disabled tool can still be used with the other tool-search strategies as well pro-
vided the VDI signal “Do not disable tool” (channel DB. DBX29.7 = 1) is set. The
tool selected solely depends on the search strategy.
In the tool search, the search strategy therefore takes precedence over the VDI
signal “Tool disable invalidated”. Both the last tool to be disabled or any other
disabled tool can be selected.
Another tool which is not disabled might also exist, but is not selected because of
the search strategy!

TO unit active in several channels

If a TO unit is assigned to several channels (tool and magazine data are “visible” in
several channel), then the setting of the channel-specific VDI signal “Tool disable”
is effective in each channel.

3.9.6 Monitoring data for setpoints

Previously, monitoring data has included the actual value and the prewarning limit
for the variables to be monitored.
When the actual value reaches the value zero, the tool is disabled. Until now, the
original starting value of the actual value has no longer been available in the NCK.
This value is available in the NCK, i.e. every monitored value receives a new data
item -- the setpoint. The setpoint is defined as a system variable and as an OPI
variable (TS).

$TC_MOP11 is the time setpoint
($TC_MOP1 = pre-warning limit for the time)

$TC_MOP13 is the quantity setpoint
($TC_MOP3 = pre-warning limit for the quantity)

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3-154 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Description of functions
3.9 Tool monitoring (workpiece count, tool life, wear)

Reset to setpoints
Resetting the actual values of wear and additive offset “fine” means that all the pa-
rameters for wear offset and additive offset used for monitoring are set to zero.

Boundary conditions for tool monitoring

New system variables are being defined. This means that for the same number of
cutting edges more non-volatile memory is used in the NCK than in SW 4.
The monitoring function “Wear monitoring” must be enabled via a machine data.
The default value is “not active” so that no additional memory is needed (corre-
sponds to more than 20 KB non-volatile memory for 1000 cutting edges).

The monitoring function must be enabled via machine data
Tools can be individually named for the different defined monitoring functions (time,
workpiece count, wear, additive offset).
Wear monitoring is performed automatically by the NCK when the user changes
the cutting edge offsets.

Control system response

Control behavior on Power On, Mode group change, Reset, Block search and
REPOS is described below.
The VDI signal “Activate program test” has no effect on wear monitoring since new
wear values are only entered during machining and not during the program test
(provided the wear values are not changed by the machining program itself).

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 3-155
Description of functions 09.05
3.10 Variants of D number assignments

3.10 Variants of D number assignments

There are two possibilities to manage D numbers in the NCK:

3.10.1 Relative D no. for each T -- standard

D numbers ranging from 1 to max. 12 are available for every T = “identifier” (with
TM) or for every T number (without TM). These D numbers are assigned directly to
the tool cutting edges.
An additive-offset block ($TC_DPx[t, d]) belongs to each D number = cutting num-
D0 is the offset deselection code.

D1 Type Geometry Wear Base


Cutting edges 1 to 12
One memory with up to 12 cutting edges per tool
Offset selection depending on tool number

Bild 3-16 Layout of the tool offset memory

3.10.2 Absolute D no. without reference to the T number (Flat D no.)

Independence between D number and T number can be selected as an alternative

to Subsection 3.10.1 in systems without tool management.
The reference of T number, cutting edge and offset by the D number is defined by
the user.
The D numbers range from 1 to 32000. D0 is the offset deselection code.

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09.05 Description of functions
3.10 Variants of D number assignments

The T number is always outputted to the PLC with an extended address (= spindle
or toolholder no.) with this type of tool compensation.

D1 Type Geometry Wear Base




Cutting edges 1 to n
Unambiguous cutting-edge / D number assignment

Direct access to cutting edge values

Bild 3-17 Layout of the tool offset memory

3.10.3 Free selection of D numbers for every T

D numbers can be freely assigned to tool edge numbers in systems with and with-
out TM. As described in Subsection 3.10.1, a tool “T” can have a maximum of
12 edges. The upper limit for the D numbers used is limited by the machine data.
This assignment option is an extension of the process described in Subsection
With this setting, additional program commands can be used that make a check for
unambiguous assignment of D numbers to T numbers or identifiers possible.
The same D numbers shall be assigned in each case for the cutting edges for du-
plo tools (same identifiers).

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Description of functions 09.05
3.10 Variants of D number assignments

1 Dx Type Geometry Wear Base

2 Dy

3 Dz

12 Dxy

Unique D number

Tool edge number 1 to 12

One memory with up to 12 cutting edges per tool

Free assignment of D numbers

Bild 3-18 Layout of the tool offset memory

Universal system support (tool cabinet, code carrier) is not available for this

Machine data for available (unique) assignment of D numbers

$MN_MAX_CUTTING_EDGE_NO= Maximum permissible D number
$MN_MAX_CUTTING_EDGE_NO=1 A maximum of 1 offset (D1) can be
defined per tool.
$MN_MAX_CUTTING_EDGE_NO=9999 Tools can be assigned unique D
numbers here as follows:
T1 with D1, D2, D3
T2 with D10, D20, D30
T3 with D100, D200, D300

$MN_MAX_CUTTING_EDGE_PER_TOOL= Assignment of tool edges per tool

$MN_MAX_CUTTING_EDGE_PER_TOOL=1 Only tools used with 1 cutting
$MN_MAX_CUTTING_EDGE_PER_TOOL=12 Up to 12 cutting edges per tool.

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3-158 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Description of functions
3.10 Variants of D number assignments

Unique use check (CHKDNO)

The NC command CHKDNO checks the D numbers assigned within the NCK for
uniqueness. The D numbers of all tools defined within a TO unit may not occur
more than once. This does not include replacement tools. See also Subsec-
tion 5.8.1.

Check within the magazine (CHKDM)

Exactly like CHKNO, the NC command CHKDM the D numbers assigned within
the NCK for an activated tool management for uniqueness. This check function
can be restricted to individual magazines. See also Subsection 5.8.2.

D number to T number (GETACTTD)

When tool management is active, the NC command GETACTTD can be used to
search with the T number the D number of the tool active in the tool group.
Prerequisite for this is that the D numbers have been uniquely assignment in the
TO unit being considered. See also Subsection 5.8.3.

GETDNO, SETDNO during setup

The NC commands GETDNO and SETDNO permit reading and writing the offset
number D for a given cutting-edge number CE.
GETDNO (T, CE): Read the D number for the cutting edge CE of the tool T
SETDNO (T, CE, D): Set the D number for the cutting edge CE of the tool T
$TC_DPCE[T, D]=...: Assignment of tool edge number CE to offset number D

Rename cutting edge CE=3 from D2 to D17
-- In the following initial situation:
Internal T number 1
D number: 2
Tool 1 cutting edge with:
$TC_DP2[1, 2]=120 ;tool length T1, D2: 120mm
$TC_DP3[1, 2]=5.5 ;tool radius T1, D2: 5.5mm
$TC_DPCE[1, 2]=3 ;tool edge number T1, D2: 3
(programming: T1,...D2)
-- variable definition:
DEF INT DNoOld, DNoNew=17
DnOld=GETDNO (1, 3) ;value 2 is read in DnOld
SETDNO (1 ,3, DNoNew) ;the new D no. is assigned to the cutting edge
-- The new D value 17 is assigned to cutting edge CE=3
$TC_DP3[1, 17]=5.5
$TC_DPCE[1, 17]=3

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 3-159
Description of functions 09.05
3.10 Variants of D number assignments

3.10.4 Location-dependent offsets (additive offsets)

Local offsets are a generalized form of wear. They are part of the cutting edge
data. The parameters of the sum offset refer to the geometrical data of a cutting
Location-specific compensation can in general be used, i.e. with active/inactive tool
management; with flat D-number function.
To meet the requirements of special machine operating modes, the relevant ma-
chine data can be set to divide the local offsets into the following categories:
-- Local fine offsets
-- Local coarse offsets = setup offset
The purpose of the setup offset is to allow the operator to set values prior to the
machining operation. These values are stored in their own memory in the NCK, the
operator can access the local fine offsets via the HMI. Local offsets “fine” and non-
local offsets “coarse” are added NCK-internally and then act like the additive offset
Several local offsets can be defined per D number. Machine data define the abso-
lute number of local offsets, the maximum number of localoffsets per cutting edge
and specify which additive offsets are active after the end of program or when the
RESET key is pressed.
Applicable only when tool management is active:
Machine data 18104 can be set to define which additive offset must be operative if
a tool is assigned the “active” status in the part program in the coarse of a pro-
grammed tool change:
-- “Fine” tool offset values of tool cutting edges remain unchanged or
-- “Fine” tool offset values of tool cutting edges are set to “0”.
The function is enabled by setting bit 8 = 1 in machine data

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09.05 Description of functions
3.10 Variants of D number assignments

DL-programming the additive/setup offset

Programming the additive offset is always relative to the active D number and is
executed using the command
DL =“n”
The additive offset with the relative number “n” with respect to the active D number
is activated by this. This means that the additive offset “n” is added to the wear of
the active D number.
The additive offset is deselected with command

Configuration of additive/setup offset

Corresponds to the default setting; only one data block of additive offset available
per DL number. In this case, the term “additive offset” merely refers to the data
represented by $TC_SCPx.

Sum offset 1
D offset 2 ...
$TC_SCP21[t, 2 ]
$TC_DP3[t,2] Sum offset 2
$TC_DP11t,2] $TC_SCP23[t,2]
... ...
$TC_DP25t,2] ...
$TC_DPCEt,2] $TC_SCP31[t, 2 ]

Bild 3-19 $MN_MM_KIND_OF_SUMCORR, bit 4=0

Let us assume the data from Fig. 3-19 for our program (and tool with T=t is active):

D2 ; Cutting edge offsets

; i.e. $TC_DP3,...$TC_DP11 + wear ($TC_DP12,...$DP29) +
; adapter dimensions
DL=1 ; Additive offset 1 is added to the existing offsets of D2
; i.e. $TC_SCP13,...$TC_SCP21
DL=2 ; Sum offset 1 is no longer added to offset D2, but additive offset
; 2 instead
; i.e. $TC_SCP23,...$TC_SCP31

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Description of functions 09.05
3.10 Variants of D number assignments

DL=0 ; Deselection of sum offset; only the data of D2 are still effective
Setup offsets are available. The general term “additive offset” refers to a combina-
tion of the “fine” additive offsets, represented by $TC_SCPx, and the additive off-
set, represented by $TC_ECPx. There are two data blocks for one DL number.
The additive offset equals the product of the corresponding components
$TC_SCPx + $TC_ECPx.

Additive offset
Setup offset 1 fine 1
$TC_ECP13[t,2] $TC_SCP13[t,2]
... ...
... ...
$TC_ECP21[t, 2 ] $TC_SCP21[t, 2 ]
D offset 2

$TC_DP3[t,2] Setup offset 2 Additive offset
... fine 2
$TC_DP11t,2] $TC_ECP23[t, 2 ]
... $TC_SCP23[t,2]
... ...
$TC_ECP31[t, 2 ] ...
$TC_SCP31[t, 2 ]

Bild 3-20 $MN_MM_KIND_OF_SUMCORR, bit 4=1

Let us assume the data from Fig. 3-20 for our program (and tool with T=t is active):

D2 ; Cutting edge offsets

; i.e. $TC_DP3,...$TC_DP11 + wear ($TC_DP12,...$DP29) +
; adapter dimensions
DL=1 ; Additive offset 1 is added to the existing offsets of D2
; i.e. $TC_ECP13 + $TC_SCP13 ,...$TC_ECP21 + $TC_SCP21
DL=2 ; Sum offset 1 is no longer added to offset D2, but additive offset
; 2 instead
; i.e. $TC_ECP23 + $TC_SCP23,... $TC_ECP31 + $TC_SCP31
DL=0 ; Deselection of sum offset; only the data of D2 are still effective
The new NC command DELDL can be used to delete location-dependent offsets
from cutting edges (see Subsection 5.8.7).

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3-162 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Description of functions
3.11 Adapter data

3.11 Adapter data

With the system variables $TC_DP21, $TC_DP22 and $TC_DP23, the standard
data block for the tool offset offers the option of entering the dimensions for an
adapter (length1, length2 and length3).
This data is defined offset specifically.

If tool management is active the additional adapter data can also be assigned to
specific magazine locations.
This function is used for adapters that are fixed to a magazine location for a long
period and used by different types of tool.
In individual cases, it is also possible to use identical adapters on several maga-
zine locations. To do this it makes sense to define and store the adapter data re-
cords separately from the magazine locations.

Neutral presetting
Transformed tool
QW geometry
Turret location
6 8 Adapter
3 4
Tool length
1 2
(L1, L2)
Adapter 5 7
Cutting edge
LA position

Bild 3-21 Adapter transformation

Adapter transformation
Adapter data “adapter transformation” allows fixed orientation of the tool on the
adapter or orientation of the adapter including its tool with reference to the ma-
This function can be used as an alternative to the previous one. If adapter data are
used, system variables $TC_DP21, $TC_DP22 and $TC_DP23 have a different
reference and are therefore only formally part of the cutting edge data record in the

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 3-163
Description of functions 09.05
3.11 Adapter data

3.11.1 Description of function

The adapter data function must be enabled via machine data (MD18104:
For the setting to become effective, bit 7 must be set in MD 18080:

Two types of definition can be set in the machine data for adapter data:
S One adapter data record is assigned to each magazine location as standard.
S Adapter data records can be defined independently of magazine locations. The
magazine locations are then assigned as an additional step.
The magazine location is the reference point for adapter and tool. Both are as-
signed to the magazine location.
The following elements are implemented when programming D numbers in the part
S The offset must be assigned to a real tool.
S The tool is assigned to a magazine location.
S It is possible to assign an adapter to the magazine location, for which a trans-
formation (orientation) of the tool it contains can be defined.
Thus the working compensation can be clearly computed and the tool path accord-
ingly adjusted.
If an additive offset is programmed, then the valu for this refers to the active
D compensation.

3.11.2 Activation

S In order to use the magazine-location-oriented data, machine data MD 18104:
MM_NUM_TOOL_ADAPTER must be set to a value other than zero.
S Adapter data records must be defined.
S If the values of the machine data are > 0 the adapters must be linked to the
magazine locations or assigned to them (can be automated via the HMI or us-
ing a cycle).

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3.11 Adapter data

As a result, the adapter data including the defined transformations are always
taken into account for the tool located on the magazine location inquestion. The
work offset is calculated including the transformation and the adapter data.
The offset data can then be displayed as follows:
S Geometrical data for the tool (system variable $TC_DP3,...DP11); designated
as neutral default geometry
S Non-transformed working compensation (sum of the values from tool geometry,
wear, additive offset, tool base dimension or adapter)
S Non-transformed working compensation (transformation of the sum of the val-
ues from tool geometry, wear, additive offset) and tool base dimension of the

The quantities to be transformed can be selected via machine data. The mode of
transformation of the additive offset can be set.

Magazine-location-related adapter data records

Create new
One magazine location and one adapter data record are created. The specified
values are put into the adapter data record which is automatically linked to the
magazine location.
It is not possible to create a new free adapter at this point. The adapter numbers
are assigned automatically (1 ... max. number of available magazine locations).

If an adapter data record is linked to a magazine location
(MM_NUM_TOOL_ADAPTER = --1), it cannot be deleted.

Free adapter data records

Create new
The adapter data can be created freely. Adapter data can be created by the user
with a write operation to a non-existent data record.
$TC_ADPTi[n] = value;i = T, 1 2, 3, ..., n (number of the adapter)
If data record n does not yet exist and the maximum number of adapter data re-
cords that have already been defined is less than the value of MD 18104:
MM_NUM_TOOL_ADAPTER, a new adapter data record is created with the spe-
cified values.

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Description of functions 09.05
3.11 Adapter data

The value “value” is assigned to parameter i. Parameterizing rule: 0 < n ≤3 2000.

The index value 0 is reserved.

The adapters must be assigned explicitly to the magazine locations if

If MD 18104: MM_NUM_TOOL_ADAPTER is set to a value of > 0, the adapter
data can be deleted as required provided it is not assigned to a magazine location.
$TC_ADPTT[n] = -1

Adapter data record n is deleted and the memory becomes free again.
Deleting an assigned adapter data record:
The assignment to the magazine location must be undone first. You can only do
this if the magazine location is empty. An alarm is issued if deletion fails.
Please proceed as follows:
S Remove the tool from the magazine location
(unload, relocate).
S Remove the adapter from the magazine location.
S Delete the adapter data record (with $TC_ADPTTi[n] = --1).
Adapter data record n is deleted and the memory becomes free again.

Deleting all adapter data records

If MM_NUM_TOOL_ADAPTER > 0 you can delete the adapter data if it is not as-
signed to a magazine location:

All non-assigned adapter data of the TO units are deleted. If you want to delete
assigned adapters, you must first undo the assignment of those adapters to maga-
zine locations. An alarm is issued if deletion fails.

Read/write adapter data

You can modify adapter data whenever you want to even if that adapter is as-
signed to a magazine location and/or a tool is located in the magazine location with
the adapter.

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09.05 Description of functions
3.11 Adapter data

Magazine location assignment/release

If MM_NUM_TOOL_ADAPTER > 0 an adapter record must be assigned to a mag-
azine location explicitly:
$TC_MPP7[m,p] = “adapter no.”

Adapter number “adapter no.” is assigned to magazine location p of magazine m.

With “adapterno.” = 0 any previous assignment is removed.

Assignment/decoupling is only possible if there is no tool in the magazine location.

Example of an adapter transformation

A turning tool with lengths L and Q is described below.

T=1 = Identity T=2 T=3 T=4

l2 l3 l2
l1 l1
l1 l3
I1=Q l2=L l3

T=5 T=6 T=7 T=8

l2 l3

l3 l1
l2 l3 l2=L
l1 l1 l3

Bild 3-22 The 8 defined transformations (T = 1...8) for the adapter with G 18 and for a turn-
ing tool. The diagram shows the assignments of tool lengths I1, I2, I3 to geometry
axes x, y, z.

Transformations for numbers 1 to 8 are defined. Number 1 is the identity: no trans-

formation of input data.
Other transformations can be implemented. The available transformations are de-
signed initially for turning tools. These are typically defined by Q=I1=$TC_DP3 and

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 3-167
Description of functions 09.05
3.11 Adapter data

The transformation numbers correspond to the transformations shown in the table.

In general:
Length1t, length2t, length3t = f(length1, length2, length3) = f(l1,l2,l3) =

Transformation Length1t length2t length 3t Transformation with ref. to

number transformed values plane G18
1 +I1 +I3 +I2 --
2 +I1 --I3 --I1 180o about x
3 --I1 +I3 --I2 180o about z
3 --I1 +I3 --I2 180o about z
4 --I1 --I3 +I2 180o about x, z
5 +I3 +I1 --I2 90o about y, 180o about z
6 +I3 --I1 +I2 90 about y
7 --I3 +I1 +I2 -- 90o about y
8 --I3 --I1 --I2 -- 90o about y, 180o about z

l1, l2 and l3 are working offsets of the tool prior to transformation with or without
adapter (depending on machine data settings). They are assigned to the geometry
axes during compensation.

In turning, L and Q are also used to describe a tool. In the above table, l1
corresponds, for example, to variable Q (or x direction) and l2 to variable L (or
z direction), assuming the plane G18 is selected (default setting for turning

As standard, activation of an offset is calculated as follows:

Offset = D offset + xi (e.g. wear, additive offset)
Length1 = $TC_DP3 + xi
Length2 = $TC_DP4 + xi+1
Length3 = $TC_DP5 + xi+2
Radius1 = $TC_DP6 + xi+3

The adapter transformation then acts on the transformed tool compensation values
and is added to the transformed offset values.
The transformation number of the adapter causes a transformation of the tool (the
cutting edges) located in this adapter (orientation according to the transformation

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3-168 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Description of functions
3.11 Adapter data

Working compensation = f(offset) + adapter dimensions of the magazine

aLength1 = Length1t + $TC_ADPT1
aLength2 = Length2t + $TC_ADPT2
aLength3 = Length3t + $TC_ADPT3
aRadius1 = Radius1

Depending on the programmed plane selection G17, G18, G19, these values are
added to the geometry axes.

G17, G18, G19 -- plane selection (declarations)

The following agreements (different for machining and milling tools) apply for as-
signing tool-length parameters of the tools to the geometry axes:

Machining plane System variables for tool length description

$TC_DP3(I1) $TC_DP4(I2) $TC_DP5(I3)
G17 Milling Z Y X
turning Y X Z
G18 Milling Y X Z
Turning X Z Y
G19 Milling X Z Y
turning Z Y X

Transformation of cutting edge position

The cutting edge position described by system variable $TC_DP2 is also trans-
Transformations for the cutting edge position are performed as shown in the table

Transformation Cutting edge position

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2 2 1 4 5 7 6 5 8 9
3 4 3 2 1 5 8 7 6 9
4 3 4 1 2 7 8 5 6 9
5 1 4 3 2 6 5 8 7 9
6 4 1 2 3 8 5 6 7 9
7 2 3 4 1 6 7 8 5 9
8 3 2 1 4 8 7 6 5 9

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 3-169
Description of functions 09.05
3.11 Adapter data

I1 or Q P
Turning Milling

I3 or L I3

Bild 3-23 Turning and milling tools -- relationship between cutting edge position and radius

Turning tool geometries (I1, I3 or L, Q) are described in terms of P, the point of ap-
proach at the workpiece. However, the center point of cutting edge S with refer-
ence to the tool nose radius must be known for radius compensation.
This center point can only be accurately calculated if the tool point direction is
known. Point S can then be derived from point P.
The position of the tool in the workpiece coordinate system is described via the
cutting edge position (values 1 ... 8). Cutting edge position 9 corresponds to S = P.

The cutting edge position is only used for turning tools because their geometry is
described with reference to P and not with reference to S as is the case for milling

Adapter transformation for tools with three length components

The transformations defined here constitute a subset of all conceivable transforma-
tions. Only certain discrete values are considered here -- in particular those that
meet the requirements for turning tools (2 length components only).

System variables $TC_DP21 ... 23 and $TC_ADPT

If the function “Adapter” is active, then there are no further cutting-edge specific
data for the “Base adapter dimension”.
In order to keep cycles that operate with adapter data compatible, the following
rules apply:
If a tool is at a magazine location with an adapter and the adapter data can be ac-
cessed by system variable $TC_DP21...23, then the adapter parameters of the

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3-170 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Description of functions
3.11 Adapter data

location can be read and written.

D offsets Tool
D no. d1 . Internal T no. t
CE no. ce1 . d1
. .
$TC_DP21[t,d1], ... .
$TC_DP23[t,d1] .
dn Magazine location
. $TC_MPP6[m,p]=t
. $TC_MPP7[m,p]=a

D offsets Adapter
D no. dn Adapter no. a
CE no. cen
$TC_DP21[t,dn], ... $TC_ADPT2[a]
$TC_DP23[t,dn] $TC_ADPT3[a]

Bild 3-24 $TC_DP21, ...23 -- Contents for an active “Adapter” function

S Tool t
S Magazine location p
S Magazine m
S Adapter a
S Tool with D offsets d1, ... dn
The adapter is assigned to the magazine location. If, for example, system variable
$TC_DP21[t,d1] is read or written in the part program, the programming accesses
system variable $TC_ADPT1[a] of the adapter, i.e. the same machine data is ac-
cessed for all d1, ... dn.
If the assignment of the tool to the magazine location is released or the adapter is
removed from the magazine location, no more data can be assigned to the param-
eters. A read operation returns the value 0, a write operation does not change the
data (nor does it generate an alarm).

Transformed and non-transformed offset values

The values included in the path offset are usually the transformed work offsets.
It can generally be said that the data that describe a tool are subject to transforma-
tion. The transformation of the adapter is communicated to the tool (orientation in
which it is positioned in the adapter). The adapter data itself is not transformed.

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 3-171
Description of functions 09.05
3.11 Adapter data

Data transfer to the NCK

You need to declare how the data is transferred to the NCK.
S You can transfer the data via the part program by programming the system vari-
able $TC_...
The parameters are defined as non-transformed values.
S The transfer can take place over the OPI interface using the Variables services.
In this case, the data can be transferred either as transformed or non-trans-
formed values.


T number Data of cutting edge:
D number Geometry= -- Geometry
neutral default geometry, wear, -- Wear
base dimension -- Tool base dimension
SC number -- Adapter
EC number Sum offset -- Additive offset, fine
-- Setup offset
NC program Applied offset
Display as
$TC_DPx Transformed offset= transformed or
$TC_ADPTx Transformation of sum of untransformed
$TC_SCPx edge-specific offset values -- depending on
Working offset= definition.
transformed offset values +
adapter data or transformed
The system offset and adapter data
parameters contain

Bild 3-25 Geometry of a tool edge and applied offsets

When using the function (magazine-location-oriented) “adapter data” the user must
ensure that the old data records of all the data records with edge-specific adapter
data are adapted to the requirements of the new function.
However, using the described edge-specific adapter parameter definition (system
variable $TC_DP21,...23), ensures that all old data is converted to the adapter
data function by the NCK.
The function “Adapter data” excludes the existence of the cutting-edge specific
data “base / adapter dimension”. This data is not meaningful if the adapter is de-
fined specifically for the magazine location.
The function “adapter data” is better suited to the applications of an adapter be-
cause it defines the adapter as part of the magazine location and not as part of the
tool or cutting edge.

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3-172 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Description of functions
3.11 Adapter data

Examples for assigning adapter data

Example 1
S One chain with 16 locations, magazine number = 1
S Two grippers
S One spindle
S One loading and unloading point
S Assignment
When creating the 20 locations in all, 20 adapters should be assigned, i.e. exactly
one adapter assigned to each location.

It does not matter if the real locations are not actually fitted with an adapter.
Preassigned adapter data have no effect on the offset. When equipping a location
with a real adapter make sure that the appropriate values are assigned to the
adapter data.

The transformation number of the adapter in location 3 of the chain magazine (No.
1) is to be changed to the new value 8:

$TC_ADPTT[$TC_MPP7[1,3]] = 8 ; $TC_MPP7 contains the number of the

; adapter at the new magazine location

Once adapter data records have been automatically generated and assigned, op-
erations such as undoing an assignment, renewed definition of an assignment and
deletion of an adapter data record are possible.

Example 2
S One chain with 16 locations
S Two grippers
S One spindle
S One loading and unloading point

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 3-173
Description of functions 09.05
3.11 Adapter data

There are 4 different adapter geometries in this case. Adapters must be configured
for the chain only.

These locations (20 in total) are initially created without adapters. Locations 1 to 4
of the chain are equipped with adapters of the same geometry (here adapter 1).
4 chain locations are to be equipped with adapters with the same geometry.
First, you must define the 4 adapter data records. Now you assign them:
$TC_MPP7[1,1] = 1, $TC_MPP7[1,13] = 4

$TC_MPP7[1,2] = 1, $TC_MPP7[1,14] = 4

$TC_MPP7[1,3] = 1, $TC_MPP7[1,15] = 4

$TC_MPP7[1,4] = 1, $TC_MPP7[1,16] = 4

. . .

In this way you can assign one adapter data record to several magazine locations.

If you want to delete an adapter data record with a multiple assignment you must
make sure that you first undo all the adapter assignments.

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3-174 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Description of functions
3.11 Adapter data

3.11.3 Transformed data of the active tool $P_ADT[n]

A new system variable is introduced that reads the compensation parameters of

the active tool offset transformed according to the tool adapter $TC_DP1,... etc.
Refer here to the system variable $P_AD that reads the non-transformed parame-
ters. See Chapter 5.8.47.
$P_AD and $P_ADT have the same meaning without the function “Tool adapter” --
as sub-function of the function TMMG. In other words the system variable applica-
tion is only meaningful within the scope of the TMMG function.
With active function “Tool adapter”, the $P_ADT provides when reading the com-
pensation parameters, transformed values of those parameters that are subject to
the tool-adapter transformation in the event that the active tool is on a tool adapter
at the point in time the parameters are read. The parameters not subjected to the
transformation still provide the same values during reading as $P_AD.
When writing, the transformed parameter values subject to the tool-adapter trans-
formation are accordingly transformed back by the NCK and are subsequently
saved in a non-transformed form in the NCK. Non-transformed values are still writ-
ten with $P_AD.

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 3-175
Description of functions 09.05
3.12 Power failure while tool command is in progress

3.12 Power failure while tool command is in progress

If a power failure occurs during an action requested by tool management, defined
strategies are executed by the PLC or special part programs, in order to establish
a defined and consistent status on the machine and the tool management system.
These strategies are machine-specific. SINUMERIK control systems thereby sup-
port the following measures:

Buffered data
The tool and magazine data are buffered. The tool attached to the spindle (= mag-
azine location) is identified by the location and the tool block.
(This information is available even without tool management).

Control of data initialized via “Power ON”

The following data is set to zero:
S Tool status “Tool change in progress”
S Magazine status “Motion is active”
S Magazine location status “Reserved for tool to be loaded”
S The PI-command status with respect to magazine operations like e.g. “Motion
is active”.

Requirements of manufacturer configuration

The PLC must send the last unacknowledged FC 7 or FC 8 prior to power failure
(READY did not change to TRUE before power off) back to the NC when the sup-
ply is restored. The function “Asynchronous transfer” is used for tool transfer in
FC 8.
Without receiving the request from the tool management system, the PLC initiates
a relocation of tool data from one location to another. For example, relocation of
tool data from gripper to magazine if the tool needed to be returned manually to the
magazine when the tool change operation was aborted.
Changes in position of the tools involved must be communicated via FC 8. The NC
then updates the data for this tool in the tool management.
Further strategies may be necessary, e.g. if a tool change was interrupted. Tools
stored in the buffer must be returned to the magazine for this purpose.

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3-176 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Description of functions
3.13 Code carrier

3.13 Code carrier

3.13.1 Function of the code carrier system

A link to a tool identification system is made available in the interactive tool loading
and unloading dialog on the SINUMERIK 840D. Manual entry of tool data can thus
be substituted by reading and writing the tool code carrier.
It shall thereby be noted that the particular tool data can only be saved on the code
carrier or on HMI during unloading or deleting.
The data block of the tool is read from the code carrier by HMI during loading and
sent to the NCK. Like tool selection from the tool catalog, the tool data can still be
processed afterwards (compensation data, ...).
In an existing production line, tools with code carriers may already have been
used. The data will be stored in a format suitable for a particular machine control
system. When tools of this type are used in combination with a SINUMERIK 840D
control, the data formats must be converted to allow the same tool to be used on
machines operating with different control systems and thus different data formats.
In addition to the SINUMERIK 840D data, user data (Section 3.10 and Subsection
4.5.2) can be stored on the code carrier and operated via the loading/unloading
The “tool management data distributor” function block package is available for con-
necting code carriers via the PLC. Documentation describing the special settings
required for each code carrier system is provided on the installation diskette.

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 3-177
Description of functions 09.05
3.14 Loading/unloading tools via PLC with PLC tool management data distributor

3.14 Loading/unloading tools via PLC with PLC tool manage-

ment data distributor
A tool management data distributor is available for connecting code carriers to the
PLC. Refer to Catalog NC 60 for ordering.

3.15 User data

In addition to the data described here, machine manufacturers can utilize their own
specific tool management data.
The new Siemens user data can be configured only by persons assigned
OEM_HIGH rights and are not described here. The associated machine data is
listed in Chapter 8, but not described in detail.

Tool and cutting edge data

During setup, the user can define additional tool and/or cutting edge data. Memory
is allocated in the part program memory for this purpose.
The following machine data must be set:
S MD 18094: MM_NUM_CC_TDA_PARAM (number of parameters)
S MD 18096: MM_NUM_CC_TOA_PARAM (number of parameters)

Without an enable in the machine data, no softkeys appear for cutting edge user
data or tool user data.

Display screenforms
Depending on the amount of user data defined, screenforms are displayed in which
users can enter custom data. This data is only maintained by the tool management
and must be evaluated by the user in the part program (see also Section 5).

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09.05 Description of functions
3.15 User data

Defining name and unit

You can define names and units for this user data in file PARAMTM.INI
(C:\USER\..) in areas [ToolParams] and [ToolEdgeParams]. The data only applies
to the input and display on the HMI (see also Subsection 4.4.2).

Example of the use of user data:

S Maximum spindle speed
S Coolant yes/no
S Max. cutting rate

3.15.1 OEM parameters - extensions

Currently OEM parameters are defined for the following system variables:

Default Type User

System variable System variable

$TC_TP[t] Tool-specific $TC_TPC[t ] (see 5.3.3)

$TC_DP[t,d] cutting-edge-specific $TC_DPC[t,d] (see 5.2.2)
$TC_MOP[t,d] monitoring-specific $TC_MOPC[t,d] (see 5.2.4)

$TC_MAP[n] magazine-specific $TC_MAPC[n] (see 5.4.2)

$TC_MP[n,m] magazine location-spe- $TC_MPPC[n,m] (see 5.4.4)

The C originally stood for compile cycle (users). Now, however, it generally means
“user data”.
With software Version 6 and higher, machine data and system variables are in-
cluded which allow definition of manufacturer-specific (Siemens) user data. The
purpose of this new class of system variables is to define variables whose contents
cannot be evaluated by the NCK itself but are still part of the system. Only control
systems with the appropriate functions and characteristics will have these system
variables. A additional difference between a Siemens OEM parameter and a sys-
tem variable is that a specified, predefined meaning is assigned to system vari-
ables whereas Siemens OEM parameters can be assigned to a different meaning
in different models and technologies.

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 3-179
Description of functions 09.05
3.15 User data

Siemens user data

Default Type User

System variable System variable

$TC_TP[t] Tool-specific $TC_TPCS[t ]

$TC_DP[t,d] cutting-edge-specific $TC_DPCS[t,d]
$TC_MOP[t,d] monitoring-specific $TC_MOPCS[t,d]

$TC_MAP[n] magazine-specific $TC_MAPCS[n]

$TC_MP[n,m] magazine location-spe- $TC_MPPCS[n,m]

For the previous block of machine data for activating user data
There is a new block of machine data:
The meaning is analogous to the meaning of the respective machine data for the
existing user data.

3.15.2 Assigning types to user data

Machine data
will allow the user to assign types to user parameters. Each machine data is an
array with a preset size determined by the number of user parameters specified in
machine data $MN_MM_NUM_CC_... .

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3-180 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Description of functions
3.15 User data

Machine data
allow the user to assign a type for Siemens user parameters. Each machine data
is an array with a preset size determined by the number of user parameters speci-
fied in machine data $MN_MM_NUM_CCS_... .
The possible types that can be established correspond to a subset defined in the
NC command:
Type of NC language Value for the machine data
STRING 5 Allows identifiers of up to 31 characters.
The type can be assigned for one-dimensional pa-
FRAME Not defined
AXIS Not defined

Let us assume that we are using 4 tool-related user data with types INT, REAL,
Therefore we need to set bit 2 in the $MN_MM_TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK
machine data in order to enable the OEM parameters function. Let us also set:
This allows us to use the selected user parameters as follows:
$TC_TPC1[ 4 ] = --45
$TC_TPC2[ 4 ] = 3.14
$TC_TPC3[ 4 ] = “Special tool”
$TC_TPC4[ 4 ] = TRUE

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 3-181
Description of functions 09.05
3.15 User data

3.15.3 Custom user variables

Available with TMMG.

Additional data can be transferred to the PLC at tool change via user variables
($P_VDITCP[x]). This data can then be processed in the PLC program. The user
variables must be programmed before the prepare change command T in the part
The data transfer to the PLC user interface DB 72 or DB 73 is implemented using
the programmed tool change preparation command. Up to three user variables can
be transferred simultaneously for each tool change. Data cannot be transferred
from the PLC to NC by this method. The value format is DINT.

Software Version 6
As of software Version 6, these variables are also transferred by the change com-
mand M06 provided $MC_TOOL_CHANGE_MODE=1 has been set.
See also Subsection 5.7.

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3-182 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Description of functions
3.16 PLC description

3.16 PLC description

3.16.1 Interfaces

The interfaces in the PLC consist of data blocks that are updated by the basic pro-
gram. Tasks such as Load tool or Prepare tool change with source and target are
stored for each tool are stored in the data blocks. Tool number (internal number
assigned by the NCK when loading), tool size and tool status are also transferred
at the interfaces for spindle or turret.
If the position of the tool changes (e.g. from magazine to gripper...), the new posi-
tions must be transferred to the tool management on the NCK. Two function blocks
FC 7 (TM_REV) and FC 8 (TM_TRANS) are provided for this purpose. The PLC
programmer can call these blocks and supply them with the required parameters.
If a magazine or a turret is not driven by an auxiliary axis, the shortest direction of
rotation can be calculated with FC 22 (TM_DIR) and the positioning time opti-
mized. FC 18 is available if positioning is performed using an auxiliary axis of the

Start-up of tool management function

Tool management in the PLC is set up by starting tool management in the HMI and
activating the NCK option tool management. Before start-up of the PLC part of the
tool management can be initiated, block FC 6 (part of the basic program) must be
loaded in the PLC. The basic program calls this block; it does not need to be called
in the user program as well. FC 8 TM_TRANS (transfer block) and FC 7 and, if
necessary, FC 22 TM_DIR (direction selection) must also be loaded and called by
the user program.
When installation and startup is complete, the next time the PLC is booted the fol-
lowing data blocks are set up for the user (user interfaces for tool management) in
addition to a data block for the tool management FCs. The length of the data
blocks are derived from the start-up parameters in tool management (see table
below). The following data blocks are available:

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 3-183
Description of functions 09.05
3.16 PLC description

Overview of data blocks

Block number Length in bytes Meaning

DB 71 4 + 30 bytes * B Interface for loading/unload-
ing points
DB 72 4 + 48 bytes * W Interface for spindle as
change position
DB 73 4 + 44 bytes * R Interface for tool turrets as
change position
DB 74 Length depends on Internal data block for tool
configuration management

B = Number of loading magazines

W = Number of spindles as change positions
R = Number of turrets
DB 71 to DB 74 occupy approximately 550 bytes for simple configurations of mag-
azines, buffers and loading/unloading points.

If new PLC data has been “generated”, data blocks DB 71 to DB 74 must be
deleted in the PLC and the PLC then cold restarted. The DBs are then set up for
the new configuration.

There is one interface (data record) per data block for each loading/unloading
point, spindle and turret. The data blocks are assigned to the different tasks (see
Section 9).

DB 71
DB 71 assumes the functions of loading and unloading, positioning and relo-
cating. The relocate and position at buffer functions are generally performed on
the first interface in DB 71.

DB 72
DB 72 is the interface for changing tools into the spindle. This change procedure
also includes preparation of the tool.

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3-184 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Description of functions
3.16 PLC description

DB 73
DB 73 is the interface for tool changes with a circular magazine.

DB 74
Data block DB 74 is an internal tool management data block used for communica-
tion control. You must not write to this DB.

For all the interfaces listed here, source and target positions are available for the
tools associated with the machining operation.
FC 6 is called in the basic program for communication between the NCK and the
PLC when tool management is active. This block informs the user interfaces
(DB 71 to DB 73) if a tool management function is activated via the part program or
operator input.

Interfaces within DB 71 to DB 73
A bit field for the active and passive status of each interface is contained in bytes 0
and 1 of each of the data blocks (DB 71 to DB 73). DBX 0 represents the 1st inter-
face, DBX 0.1 the second, etc. A total of 16 interfaces can be addressed. If one of
these bits is set to the value = 1 by the tool management, the associated interface
is activated. If set to 0, the interface may not be processed by the user.

Principle of interfaces DB 71--73

No. 8 No. 7 No. 6 No. 5 No. 4 No. 3 No. 2 No. 1

No. 16 No. 15 No. 14 No. 13 No. 12 No. 11 No. 10 No. 9
1. Interface
2. Interface
15. Interface
16. Interface

If the value = 1, the user must evaluate the commands at this interface (see Chap-
ter 9) and initiate the necessary actions (e.g. position magazines, change tools,
etc.). Once these actions have been initiated the programmer can also write to this
interface (e.g. to store the current positions of the tools involved in the action, or to
enter status bits that he has assigned, or to cancel the bit “Prepare change”). Each
modification of the tool positions and/or status information (see FC 8 for a descrip-
tion of the status information) via an interface task requires that FC 8 is called with
these values.

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 3-185
Description of functions 09.05
3.16 PLC description

Once FC 7/8 has been started, it can be reset after a READY signal or error

Jobs from NCK tool management

Jobs Interface Acknowledgment Applications, special features

Load DB 71 FC 8, TaskIdent = 1, NewToolPlace = target position for
TaskIdentNo = tool in requested magazine location,
Chapter 3.5 interface no. state = 1, OldToolPlace = 0
Unload DB 71 FC 8, TaskIdent = 1, OldToolPlace = target position for
TaskIdentNo = tool in requested loading magazine
Chapter 3.6 interface no. for unload, state = 1,
OldToolPlace = 0
Relocate DB 71 FC 8, TaskIdent = 1, NewToolPlace = target position tool
TaskIdentNo = 1 in requested magazine location,
status = 1, OldToolPlace = 0
Position DB 71 FC 8, TaskIdent = 1, Positioning on loading magazine
TaskIdentNo = according to interface no.
interface no. Optional positioning on interface 1,
status = 5
NewToolPlace = LMG or BUF
OldToolPlace = 0

Prepare change DB 72 FC 8, TaskIdent = 2, Position NewTL at change point,

for tool in spindle TaskIdentNo = OldTL remains in spindle. Finally
interface no. status 1 so that change command
can be output.
OldToolPlace = BUF (spindle)
NewToolPlace = Location NewTL
Change in DB 72 FC 8, TaskIdent = 2 OldTL is unloaded (gripper or
spindle TaskIdentNo = directly into magazine), NewTL is
interface no. loaded to spindle. Status 1 required
to ensure part program execution
NewToolPlace = BUF (spindle)
OldToolPlace = Location OldTL
Without NCK FC 8, TakIdent = 4 The OldTL may need to be
Command: TaskIdentNo = transferred asynchronously to the
Return OldTL to channel location specified in the Prepare
magazine Change command to move the tool
from the gripper to the magazine.

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3-186 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Description of functions
3.16 PLC description

Jobs Interface Acknowledgment Applications, special features

Change with DB 73 Normally FC 7, or FC When turret has finished swiveling,

turret 8, TaskIdent = 3, FC 7 is called with turret no. as
TaskIdentNo = turret parameter ChgdRevNo.

LMG: Loading magazine

BUF: Buffer
TL: Tool
NewToolPlace: FC 8 parameter NewToolMag, NewToolLoc
OldToolPlace: FC 8 parameter OldToolMag, OldToolLoc

Changes to tool positions without job request from NCK

Jobs Acknowledgment Applications, special features

Asynchronous transfer FC 8, TaskIdent = 4, Is required for notification of
TaskIdentNo = channel for position, (e.g. for voltage
this tool interruptions, tool change return
transportation, turret switching to
manual mode)
Asynchronous transfer FC 8, TaskIdent = 5,
with location TaskIdentNo = channel for
reservation for tool this tool
transportation in BUF
Asynchronous transfer FC 8, TaskIdent = 4
without location
reservation with manual
movement of tool turret

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 3-187
Description of functions 09.05
3.16 PLC description

Further interfaces in the channel interfaces for the ToolMAn function

DBD 348 T number for tool pre-warning limit

DBD 352 T number for tool limit value
DBD 356 T number of the new replacement tool
DBD 360 T number of the last replacement tool

See also Subsection 9.4.

Change bits in DBB 344
This information can be evaluated within one OB 1 cycle on the basis of a change
bit. The PLC can use this information to derive appropriate action.
Other signals are as follows:

Channel DB
Tool missing DBX 317.7 From NCK
Do not disable tool DBX 29.7 To NCK
Deactivate wear monitoring DBX 29.6 To NCK
De-activate workpiece counter DBX 29.5 To NCK
Activate time monitor DBX 1.3 To NCK

3.16.2 Definitions of acknowledgement status

Magazine identifier
The location of a tool in the magazine is shown by a magazine identifier and a
location identifier. In a real magazine (chain, turret, etc.), the position of the tool is
identified by the magazine number and the location within the magazine assigned
during start-up.
If the tool is located in a buffer, the “magazine identifier” is the constant 9998 and
the location identifier corresponds to the buffer number assigned during start-up.
In a loading magazine, the “magazine identifier” is the constant 9999 and the loca-
tion identifier corresponds to the buffer number assigned during start-up. In this
case, loading magazine number = 1 has a special status. Loading magazine = 1
(spindle) is for manual loading/unloading and also the interface for tool relocation.

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3-188 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Description of functions
3.16 PLC description

Status value 1--10

The status information 1 to 10 (current upper limit 7) leads to the command being
terminated. If one of these status data is passed to FC 8, the “active bit” of the in-
terface defined in FC 8 is reset to “0”. thus completing the operation.

StatusValue > 100

When one of this status information data is transferred to FC 8, the “active” bit of
the relevant interface remains at “1”, indicating the need for further processing by
the user program in the PLC (e.g. continuation of magazine positioning). This item
of status information is generally used to transfer changes in position of one or
both tools while the operation is still in progress. For a list of the status information
for block FC 8 see
References: /FB1/ P3, Basic PLC Program, Chapter 4

There are various methods by which the PLC and NCK can be synchronized (see
Subsection 3.2.12). The two devices are forced to synchronize by bits 5, 6, 7 and 8
and, in SW 5.1 and later, bit 19 as well of machine data 20310: TOOL_MANAGE-
MENT_MASK. During internal communication between the PLC and NCK, the de-
vices wait for each command to be acknowledged.
We distinguish between two types of acknowledgement:
S Transport acknowledgement
S End acknowledgement

Transport acknowledgement
Internal acknowledgement of a NCK command. The transport acknowledgement
indicates to the NCK whether the issued command has been accepted by the ba-
sic PLC program. Before a new command is output, the system checks whether
the previous command was accepted. If this is not the case, the output cannot take
place. The NCK waits for the acknowledgement before a new command is output.

End acknowledgement
Status checkback signal from the PLC for an accepted NCK command. Error-free
termination is indicated by status value = 1 and abnormal termination by status
value = 3.

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 3-189
Description of functions 09.05
3.16 PLC description

Output of the command

Synchronization of the NCK and PLC is implemented in three steps:
S The interpolation task from NCK has prepared a command on the basis of the
programming and outputs this to the NCK-internal image of the VDI interface.
S The NCK-internal image of the VDI interface is transferred in the same cycle to
the VDI.
S The basic PLC program accepts the command from the VDI interface.

Has transport been

Has transport been


Internal transport

acknowledge- Command
End ment

NCK Internal NCK VDI PLC basic PLC user

IPO task VDI image program program

Bild 3-26 Transport and end acknowledgement

Acknowledgement of output commands

Acknowledgements from the basic PLC program and from the VDI are returned
while the outputted command is being executed.
S The basic PLC program outputs the transport acknowledgement to the NCK
once the command has been accepted.
S An internal transport acknowledgement is issued after the internal VDI image
has been transmitted.
The PLC user program can only process one command at a time. It determines the
command processing time. If the NCK provides the command faster than can be
processed by the PLC user program, then the NCK is put into the waiting state.
The NCK can also output commands which do not originate from the part program
over the interface. Included here are PI services that are asynchronously superim-
posed over the part program processing.

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3-190 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Description of functions
3.16 PLC description

Command termination
Depending on how bits 5--8 of MD 20310: TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK are set,
the command output is considered completed at different points in time.
S If bit 5 (or bit 6 for the secondary spindle) of MD 20310 is set, the command
output is completed when the internal transport acknowledgement and the
transport acknowledgement have arrived. The command has been accepted by
the basic PLC program.
S If bit 7 (or bit 8 for secondary spindle) of MD 20310: TOOL_MANAGE-
MENT_MASK is set, this means that the command output is only completed
when the end acknowledgement is received from the PLC.
S If the bits are not set, then the output of the command is considered as being
completed when the NCK has output the command to the NCK-internal VDI

From the viewpoint of the tool-change command, the block change can take place
as soon as the NCK has output the command.
Setting bit 19 in combination with bits 5--8 of MD 20310:
TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK prevents blocks from changing before the required
acknowledgements have been received.

3.16.3 Diagnostics for communication between NC and PLC

The NCK-PLC communication can be logged in a file as part of the tool change

The diagnostic data is saved when the Reset key is activated. In order for the data
to be saved during program execution/without interrupting the program, software
version 6 and higher also allows you to save data when Cancel is activated.

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 3-191
Description of functions 09.05
3.16 PLC description

S Bit 13 must be set in machine data MD 20310: TOOL_MANAGE-
S Free memory space must be available on the NC for saving the data. This ap-
plies both to the SRAM (passive file system) and to the DRAM -- with approx.
4KB each. The number of files in the file system must be below the maximum
number of files.

Example of procedure
1. Start an NC program with the following history:
No tool is present in spindle 1 (magazine no./location no. = 9998/3). Tool
change is set with M06. A “milling” tool is present in magazine 2 at location 1
and has the internal T number 1.
The following is programmed in the NC main program:
T = milling tool
; Acknowledgement by PLC with FC 8 and Status 105 completed
; Acknowledgement by PLC with FC 8 and Status 1 completed (not shown)
T = milling tool
; command with the same contents
; this command is not mentioned in the following recording
; Acknowledgement by PLC with FC 8 and Status 1 completed (not shown)
TO M06
; Acknowledgement by PLC with FC 8 and Status 1

2. When the RESET key is activated, the recorded data which is stored in an in-
ternal circular buffer is copied to the file _N_TCTRA’xx’_MPF, with ’xx’= chan-
nel number 01, 02...; the file is created in the _N_MPF_DIR directory in the
passive file system. In the current configuration, up to 25 communication proce-
dures can be recorded. If more procedures are recorded in the circular buffer,
the oldest data is overwritten. Up to 25 entries can also be made in the
_N_TCTRAxx_MPF file. Any additional entries cause the file to be deleted and
recording to start from the beginning again. This means that with longer diag-
nostic runs the only alternative is to save the current diagnostic log by pressing
the Reset button once the program has finished.
3. Evaluation of the log file.
In the file_N_TCTRA01_MPF a communication process is shown as follows:
S The command from NC to the PLC
T00001 N:N10 CMD:00002
NewTool: from M: 00002 P: 00001 to M: 09998 P: 00003
TNo: 00001 Spindle : 00001
OldTool: from M: 00000 P: 00000 to M: 00000 P: 00000
-- T00001 = Number of communication process, in this case “1”
-- N:N10 = Block number in part program (if present), here N10
-- CMD:00002 = Command output by the NCK, in this case “2”
-- NewTool = The tool to be loaded

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3-192 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Description of functions
3.16 PLC description

-- OldTool = The tool to be removed (from the toolholder or a buffer

-- TNo = The NCK-internal T number of the tool to be loaded at
-- Spindle = The spindle no. (toolholder no.) of the tool to be loaded at
-- M = Magazine number
-- P = Magazine location number
i.e. a prepare command (CMD:00002) is output by the NCK in the above exam-
ple. The new tool with T no.=1 is to be moved from location 2/1 to location
9998/3. There is no old tool. The magazine addresses for this are all zero.
S Acknowledgement of the NC command by the PLC
T00002 N: ACK:00002 St: 00105
NewTool: from M: 00002 P: 00001 to M: 09998 P: 00001
OldTool: from M: 00000 P: 00000 to M: 00000 P: 00000
-- ACK = Acknowledgement command from the PLC
-- St = Acknowledgement status from the PLC
S No output of commands with the same contents
If it is set by the machine data that the NCK will not output successive com-
mands with the same contents (dummy tool change, dummy tool preparation),
then this is shown in the diagnostic log as follows:
T00012 N:N20
i.e., only the number and the block number are entered.
S Result of the above program (TO -- M6 -- M30)
(contents of the log file):
T00007N:N10 CMD:00005
NewTool: from M: 00000 P: 00000 to M: 00000 P: 00000 TNo: 00000
Spindle: 00001
OldTool: from M: 09998 P: 00003 to M: 00002 P: 00001
T00008 N: ACK:00005 St: 00001
NewTool: from M: 00000 P: 00000 to M: 00000 P: 00000
OldTool: from M: 09998 P: 00003 to M: 00002 P: 00001
S T00007 --> TO M6 results in command 00005
S No new tool is loaded for change; i.e. the addresses of the new tool are equal
to zero; TNo: 00000
S There is one tool on the spindle with the address 9998/3. This tool is to be
moved back into magazine 2/1.
S T00008 --> The PLC acknowledges the command with 5 and status = 1 and
leaves the suggested motion tasks.

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 3-193
Description of functions 09.05
3.16 PLC description

List of values and meanings for CMD and ACK

CMD Explanation
1 A tool is transported from ... to ... . Load, unload, change, positioning
2 Tool change is to be prepared (setting MD 22550 = 1)
3 Tool change is to be carried out (setting MD 22550 = 1)
4 Tool change is to be prepared and carried out (setting MD 22550 = 0)
5 Tool change is to be prepared and carried out (setting MD 22550 = 1)

ACK Explanation
1 Tool is/was transported. Load, unload, change, positioning
FC 8 -- Parameter TaskIdent = 1
2 Tool change is/was carried out (setting MD 22550 = 1)
FC 8 -- Parameter TaskIdent = 2
3 Tool change is/was executed (setting MD 22550 = 1)
FC 8 -- Parameter TaskIdent = 2
4 Tool is/was prepared (setting MD 22550 = 0)
FC 8 -- Parameter TaskIdent = 3
5 Tool change is/was prepared (setting MD 22550 = 1)
FC 8 -- Parameter TaskIdent = 2
7 Terminate canceled tool command
8 Tool was transported. If a tool is present at the source address, its data are
transported to the target address. Otherwise, only the current magazine position is
changed. If the tool transport is from a real magazine, the location to which the source
address points is reserved.
FC 8 -- Parameter TaskIdent = 5
9 Tool was transported. If a tool is present at the source address, its data are
transported to the target address. Otherwise, only the current magazine position is
FC 8 -- Parameter TaskIdent = 4

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3-194 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Description of functions
3.16 PLC description

3.16.4 Function blocks

Overview of function blocks

Block num- Meaning

FC 7 Transfer block for tool change with turret
FC 8 Transfer block for tool management, call at position and
status changes
FC 22 Direction selection for shortest path

Transfer block FC 7, tool change with turret

For a description of the block, see
References: /FB1/ P3, Basic PLC Program

Transfer block FC 8
For a description of the block, see
References: /FB1/ P3, Basic PLC Program

Direction selection FC 22 TM_DIR

For a description of the block, see
References: /FB1/ P3, Basic PLC Program

Additional PLC services

In addition to the function blocks given above, there are further PLC services avail-
able for more complex requirements on the part of the PLC user program to influ-
ence tool management. These services are available in FB 2, FB 3 and FB 4, FB 7
(read and write variables or PI services). These FBs are described in Chapter 4 of
the Basic PLC Program manual. The tool management PI services (program
instances) are also described in Chapter 4 of the Basic PLC Program manual un-
der the sections on FB 4 and FB 7. The tool management variables are described
in the lists in the section on variables. (Please also refer to the Help section for the
NC-Var selector.)

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 3-195
Description of functions 09.05
3.17 Shopfloor-oriented interface (ShopMill)

3.17 Shopfloor-oriented interface (ShopMill)

For detailed information, please see:
References: SINUMERIK 840D/810D
Operating/Programming ShopMill

3.18 Interface between Tool management HMI and WIZARD

The operator interface of the HMI tool management provides data in Ncdde vari-
ables that describe which object the operator is currently dealing with at the opera-
tor interface (e.g. the tool where the cursor is in a magazine-list view).
When these variables are written can be influenced by the settings in paratm.ini
(see 4.4.2): either only when changing to Wizard screens or for ever toolmanage-
ment status change.
TMHMI stands for Tool Management Human Interface

Name of the Ncdde variable TMHMICurDataMMCName

With “MMCNAME” from mmc.ini, [GLOBAL], NcddeMmcName and
NcddeMmc-Name may not take the standard value “_XXXX_” as this will otherwise
be replaced by an arbitrary number.
The current TMHMI data are managed in these variables as a string, e.g. in the
following form:
where “=” is used a separator between data name and data value
and “;” is used as a separator between data

Name of the N

Ncdde variable TMHMICurDataMMCNameDataName

where “MMCName” from mmc.ini, [GLOBAL], NcddeMmcName; “DataName” (re-
fer to the following list)

The Ncdde server does not allow multi-variable access to Ncdde variables. This
means that write and read take place as separate access operations.

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3-196 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Description of functions
3.18 Interface between Tool management HMI and WIZARD

The following current data is available.
General data on TOA and channel:
-- curTOANo Current TOA number
-- curChannelNo Current channel number
Current tool in list views (the tool where the cursor is) and in tool-data displays for
individual tools:
-- curToolTNo T number
-- curToolIdent Tool identifier
-- curToolDuplo Tool duplo number
-- curToolType Tool type
-- curEdgeNo Tool cutting-edge number, relative to the tool, not DNo
-- curDLNo Tool cutting-edge number, relative to the cutting edge
-- curMagNo Magazine number;
“0”, if the current tool is neither located in the magazine
nor intended for it
-- curPlaceNo Magazine location number;
“0”, if the current tool is neither located on a location nor
intended for it
Current magazine in magazine list views:
-- curMagLiMagNo Magazine number
Target magazine, target magazine locations when loading, unloading, relocating,
positioning, searching for an empty location:
-- targetMagNo Magazine number
-- targetPlaceNo Magazin location number
Source magazine, source magazine locations when loading, unloading, relocating,
positioning, searching for an empty location:
-- sourceMagNo Magazine number
-- sourcePlaceNo Magazin location number
Current tool in tool cabinet:
-- curCabToolIdent Tool identifier
-- curCabToolDuplo Tool duplo number
-- curCabToolType Tool type
Current tool in the tool catalog:
-- curCatToolIdent Tool identifier
-- curCatToolDuplo Tool duplo number
-- curCatToolType Tool type
Values that are currently unknown are shown as “varname=;” in the Ncdde variable
or are not included there. The sequence of the data has not been specified.
As long a data word has not been set, its Ncdde variable is empty or not available.

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 3-197
Description of functions 09.05
3.18 Interface between Tool management HMI and WIZARD

The activity of the interface can be controlled by paramtm.ini in the section [Gen-
eral] (see Subsection 4.5.3).

The following setting must be the only line in paramtm.ini:
HMICurDataInterface = EnableAllTogetherWriteToNcdde := True,
EnableSingleWriteToNcdde := True,
WriteChangesWhenStateChanged := False

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3-198 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
Installation and Start-Up 4
Start-up sequence for tool management
1. NC input of machine data (Section 4.1)
2. IPLC load the machine manufacturer PLC blocks (Section 4.2)
3. HMI Embedded -- create magazine configuration (Section 4.3)
4. HMI Advanced -- create magazine configuration (Section 4.4)
5. Additional settings (Section 4.5)
6. Panel operation (Section 4.6)

4.1 Input of the machine data

General machine data

Machine data for memory partitions, assignment of channels to TO units have to
be set for tool management. Also, memory will be needed in the battery-backed
RAM. When “memory-influencing” machine data is changed, i.e. at next Power
ON, Restart or cold restart (reboot), this memory area is deleted and configured
again. Therefore, data must be backed up prior to reset/cold restart.

Order for releasing memory using the machine data

Tool management option bit
Activate the memory for tool management
Definition of number of magazines and magazine locations
Maximum number of magazines which NCK can manage
(min. 3 magazines). Buffer location and loading magazine have to
be added together!
Number of magazine locations that NCK can manage. Add buffer
locations and loading locations!

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 4-199
Installation and Start-Up 09.05
4.1 Input of the machine data

Definition of tools and tool edges

Number of tools to be managed by the NCK
Number of cutting edges in NCK, tool offsets per TOA block
Maximum number of cutting edges (D compensation) per tool
(per T number)
Options for providing additional user data for magazines, magazine locations, tools
and tool edges
Number of additional magazine data $TC_MAPCx[n] generated
Type definition for magazine-oriented user data
Number of additional magazine location data $TC_MPPCx[n,m]
Type definition for magazine location-oriented user data
Number of additional tool-specific data per tool $TC_TPPCx[t]
Type definition for tool-oriented user data
Number of additional data per tool edge $TC_DPCx[t,d]
Type definition for cutting edge-oriented user data
Number of additional monitoring data per tool edge
$TC_MOPCx[t,d] generated
Type definition for monitoring-oriented user data

Channelspecific machine data

Enabling of channel-specific functions for tool management
Channel-specific activation of tool management
Specification of spindle number for tool life monitoring
Activation of tool life monitoring for the spindle specified here
(toolholder number)

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4-200 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Installation and Start-Up
4.1 Input of the machine data

Tool change turret or spindle

New tool offset with M06 function
M06 function for tool change
Cutting edge selection after tool change
Basic setting of tool cutting edge without program
Definition of tool with which tool offset is to be selected as a function of MD 20110
and MD 20112 during power-up and reset
Definition for selection of tool length compensation
Definition of the active toolholder number
Definition of the active toolholder number
Assignment of TO units to channels
Assignment of a TO area to a channel (default = 1)
Definition of initial setting for control after boot, reset, end of part program in rela-
tion to G code, tool length compensation and transformation
Definition of the control’s basic setting. Relevant bit = 0:
The current value remains valid.

In machine data 20310: TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK and 18080:
MM_TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK, bits 0--3 must always be set to the same

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 4-201
Installation and Start-Up 09.05
4.2 Load the machine manufacturer PLC blocks

4.2 Load the machine manufacturer PLC blocks


FC 6 DB 71 User
DB 72 program
DB 73

FC 8
FC 7

Bild 4-1 Starting Up the PLC Program

FC 6 supplies the tool management interfaces (data blocks DB 71--DB 73) with
information for the new and old tool. The user must process this data from the ac-
tive interface in the user program and ensure that the tools (old and new) are
placed on the respectively associated positions (magazine, location). In order for
the tool management (TOOLMAN) to always know where a tool is located, each
time a tool changes location the new location must be transferred to the tool man-
agement via FC 7 or FC 8 acknowledgement status.

4.2.1 Create PLC data

When all magazines, buffers and loading points (for all channels / TO areas) are
Create PLC
entered, the data must be passed to the PLC. Activate the softkey to
download the data to the PLC (HMI Advanced only).

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4-202 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Installation and Start-Up
4.2 Load the machine manufacturer PLC blocks

If new PLC data has been “generated”, data blocks DB 71--74 must be deleted
and the PLC then cold restarted. The DBs are then set up for the new

Start-up of tool management function

Tool management in the PLC is set up by starting tool management in the HMI
(create PLC data) and activating the NCK option “tool management”.
Before start-up of the PLC part of the tool management can be initiated, block
FC 6 (part of the basic program) must be loaded in the PLC. The basic program
calls this block; it does not need to be called in the user program as well.
FC 8 TM_TRANS (FC 7 with turret magazines), TM_TRANS (transfer block) and if
required FC 22 TM_DIR (selection of direction) must be laoded and called by the
user program.
When installation and startup is complete, the next time the PLC is booted the fol-
lowing data blocks are set up for the user (user interfaces for tool management) in
addition to a data block for the tool management FCs. The lengths of the data
blocks are derived from the start-up parameters in tool management (softkey
Create PLC data) (HMI Advanced only).

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 4-203
Installation and Start-Up 09.05
4.2 Load the machine manufacturer PLC blocks

Example of chain magazine

Mag 1= No. 1
Mag 9998 = buffer
Gripper 2 Gripper 1 Mag 9999 = loading station
Spindle 1 = Mag 9998, Loc. 1
Gripper 1 = Mag 9998, Loc. 2
1 2 3 4 Gripper 2 = Mag 9998, Loc. 3

Spindle 1
16 5
Change position
for spindle 15 6

14 7

13 8

12 11 10 9

Loading station
No. 9999

Bild 4-2 Example of a magazine with gripper and loading station

Tool “Drill120” is placed in location 6 and location 12 is reserved for the spindle
tools to be exchanged.

Execution example for tool change

1. Part program contains T=“Drill120”
Output to PLC:
(bring new tool from Mag1, location 6 to Mag9998, location 1 and bring old tool
from Mag9998, location 1 to Mag1, location 12).
2. Location 6 is moved to the point of change.
3. The tool is taken from location 6 and placed into gripper 1. “PREPARE
CHANGE” DBB(n+0) Bit2 is reset to zero by the user program. The new posi-
tion (9998, 2) of the new tool (“Drill 120”) is signaled via FC 8 with status 1. The
old tool remains at position 9998, 1. FC 8 resets bit 0.0 in DB 72.
The magazine is moved with location 12 to the change position for the old tool
to be placed into it.
4. M06 is executed in the part program
Output to PLC: “CHANGE” DBB(n+0) bit1=1
No new tool positions are entered in the interface with output of the M06 com-
mand. If required, they can be later made by the user program at change of

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4-204 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Installation and Start-Up
4.2 Load the machine manufacturer PLC blocks

5. The PLC user program carries out the tool change and brings the tool into the
spindle. During this process, the old tool is removed from the spindle and
placed into gripper 2. The new tool in gripper 1 is placed into the spindle. When
the process is completed, FC 8 acknowledges with status 105 (position of new
tool: 9998, 1; position of old tool 9998, 3).
6. The (old) tool is returned from gripper 2 to magazine location 12. This is ac-
knowledged via FC8, status 1 (position of new tool: 9998, 1; position of old tool
1, 12). This represents the end of the tool change procedure. Bit 0.0 in DB 72 is
reset by FC 8.

The timing of the tool change can be optimized by applying the following strategy
for further processing in the part program:
Use status 1 with FC 8 in step 5 instead of status 105. The old tool is then
returned to storage in step 6 with the asynchronous FC 8 transfer function
(status 1, OldToolMag=9998, OldToolLoc=3, NewToolMag=1, NewToolLoc=12).

4.2.2 Description of the test blocks

Overview of test blocks

Block Design Meaning

FC 40 Subprogram Preparation of the data on a change
with gripper via asynchronous transfer
FC 41 Block to be called in Global functions (job control, check
OB 1 commands, H decoder, ...)
FC 42 Subprogram Supply of data for FC 8 if a task is ac-
DB 62 Data for active tasks
Control parameters
DB 63 Data for FC 22
DB 64 Data for asynchronous

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4.2 Load the machine manufacturer PLC blocks

Test blocks for tool management

To test the tool management function, blocks FC 40, FC 41, FC 42 and data blocks
DB 62, DB 63 and DB 64 must be loaded to the PLC. FC 41 (without parameters)
must also be called in the organization block 1 (OB 1). The following overall proce-
dure is implemented by integrating these blocks.
1. The tool management function is activated (acknowledgement of tasks) by pro-
gramming H9001 in the first channel (and deactivated with H9000).
The system can also be activated by setting data bit DB62.DBX 15.7. The initial
setting when the PLC is rebooted is H9000.
The other functions can only be used once the system has been activated via
2. The direction selection function (FC 22) can be activated with the machine con-
trol panel (MCP) key above the rapid traverse override key (i.e. the normal
MCP connected via FC 19 or FC 25). Data must be written to data block DB 63
(e.g. via the variable status) before the function is activated.

Structure of data block DB 63:

Input parameters
DBW 0 = Magazine number
DBW 2 = Setpoint position
DBW 4 = Actual position
DBW 6 = Offset for special positioning
Output parameters
DBW 8 = Differential position (shortest path)
DBB 10 = Rotation in CW direction == 1
DBB 11 = Rotation in CCW direction == 1
DBB 12 = Position reached
DBB 13 = Error == 1
If an error (e.g. parameterizing error) occurs, the LED for the key lights up.

3. Every user interface (DB 71 to DB 73) is scanned for active status by block
FC 41.
If an interface is active, a transfer with new positions (usually target positions)
and status information “1” (completed) is passed to the NCK immediately.
4. If H9003 is programmed in the first channel (equivalent to data block DB 62.
DBX 15.6 set), the transfer operation described in paragraph 3 is only executed
after operating the MCP key above the minus-direction key.
This allows the the transfer values to be influenced via the status function. The
function is deactivated via H9002 (default setting). The transfer values are pro-
vided in data block DB 62.

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4.2 Load the machine manufacturer PLC blocks

Input parameters:
DBB 0 = Task identifier (1, 2, 3)
DBB 1 = Task number

(make changes only in DBW 2 to DBW 10)

DBW 2 = Magazine for new tool

DBW 4 = Location for new tool
DBW 6 = Magazine for old tool
DBW 8 = Location for old tool
DBW 10 = Status information (see description of FC 8)

Output parameters:

DBW 12 = Error
If an error occurs, the LED for the key lights up.

The following functions are implemented for command acknowledgement in DB

71, DB 72, DB 73:
Load/unload, relocate:
The required target positions are acknowledged with status 1 via FC 8.
The required target position is acknowledged with status 5 via FC 8 because
the tool remains in the magazine.
Prepare change (spindle interface):
“New tool” remains at the original location,
“Old tool” remains in the spindle.
Special treatment is implemented for T0 or empty spindle.
Acknowledgement is with status = 1 via FC 8.
Change (spindle interface):
“Old tool” is transferred to allocated magazine location,
“New tool” is loaded into the spindle.
Acknowledgement is with status = 1 via FC 8.
Special treatment is implemented for T0 or empty spindle.
Change (turret interface):
Acknowledgement is via FC 7.
Acknowledgement with DB62.DBX 15.4 = 1 is optional via FC 8 with status = 1.
5. Values other than zero can be set in DB62.DBW 20 and DB62.DBW 22.
DB62.DBW 20 means the spindle number and DB62.DBW 22 the buffer num-
ber of a gripper assigned to the spindle.

It is thus possible to automatically allow for a gripper located between a spindle

and a magazine in the acknowledgement.

The following sequence is implemented (only for spindle as change position,

M06 setting as change command):

The procedure for preparation is identical to “normal operation”.

The “New tool” remains in the magazine,
the “Old tool” remains in the spindle.
The “Old tool” must continue to machine.

On the change command:

“New tool” is loaded into the spindle.
“Old tool” is placed into the gripper.

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4.2 Load the machine manufacturer PLC blocks

An asynchronous transfer is used to move the “Old tool” to the suggested mag-
azine location.
A manual acknowledgement is required for this purpose.
6. Asynchronous transfer
(changes in a tool location can be communicated without an NCK task)
DB 64 can be used to communicate a change in position of a tool to the tool
management function in the NCK.
The position of the tool was changed by the PLC. Entries must be made in
DB 64 (e.g. via variable status).
The asynchronous transfer can then be started with DB64.DBX 14.0 = 1.
The data in DB62.DBX 15.4 = 1 can be used to select the asynchronous trans-
fer with location reservation.
This corresponds to TaskIdent = 5.
If value 0 is stored in the data specified above, TaskIdent = 4 is activated.
Input parameters:
DBB 1 = Associated NC channel number
DBW 2 = Original magazine of tool
DBW 4 = Original location of tool
DBW 6 = Target magazine of tool
DBW 8 = Target location of tool
DBW 10 = Status information (see description of FC 8)
Only status = 1 and status = 5 are permissible
Output parameter:
DBW 12 = Error

If incorrect values are communicated from the NCK, the following error signals
causing PLC stop are output and either displayed via the HMI or entered in the
diagnostics buffer of the PLC.
Alarm 400604:
In function 4 the stated magazine is not a turret.
Remedy: Machine data (tool change with M06 command).

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4.2 Load the machine manufacturer PLC blocks

4.2.3 Delete pending tasks

The communication initiated by the NC yet interrupted by the PLC job “Cancel
pending job” (DB10.DBX105.0) can be terminated by the PLC during setup.
The function cancels pending tool management jobs from the NCK (compare NC
switch-on). The NC tool management is reset in a defined manner.
This function enables direct intervention by the operator to e.g. take a tool out of
the gripper where a change is just about to take place, or if there is no acknowl-
edge from the PLC program.

Please ensure that the data consistency in the NC remains.

Supplementary condition
The “Delete active task” function can be activated only if the NC is in the “Channel
not active” state.

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4.3 HMI Embedded -- create magazine configuration

4.3 HMI Embedded -- create magazine configuration

Graphic support for start-up is not available for tool management with HMI Em-
bedded. The start-up file for the magazine and PLC configuration must be created
by the user. It then needs to be executed by the NCK once in order for it to be acti-
vated for the magazine configuration.
The start-up file can also be created using the HMI Advanced start-up tool and
uploaded to the NCK.
There are several ways to create the start-up file:
S Input as part program at the HMI Embedded operator panel
S External creation on a PC with an ASCII editor without formatting.
S Downloading the example from the toolbox diskette and modifying it on HMI
Embedded or PC.
HMI Embedded supports up to 4 real magazines.

4.3.1 Create start-up file

Structure of a start-up file

S Delete old data
S Define the type of search strategy
S Define real magazines
S Define buffer magazine
S Define load magazine
S Define locations for the real magazine
S Define locations for the buffer magazine
S Define spindle assignment (which buffer belongs to the spindle)
S Define the locations for the load magazine
S Define distances (offset) to magazines (which spindle, gripper, loading point
belong to which magazine)

Part program
The start-up file is a part program e.g. %_N_MAGKONF_MPF. Two more sample
programs are contained on the tool box CD.

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4.3 HMI Embedded -- create magazine configuration

Short description of the most important variables

Only the main variables for the configuration file are described here. For a more
detailed description of the system variables, see Section 5.4 .

Magazine description data $TC_MAP3

$TC_MAP3[MagazineNo]=status of magazine
Default = 17 means: Active magazine, enabled for loading

Search strategy $TC_MAMP2

This screen is divided into a right and left byte. The right byte describes the tool
search, the left byte describes the location search for the spindle tool. A value
must be entered for both strategies (see also Section 3.3.1 and 5.4.7)

Location type $TC_MPP1

$TC_MPP1[MagazineNo, LocNo]= Type of location:
Default: value of corresponding location type

Location type $TC_MPP2

$TC_MPP2[MagazineNo, LocNo]=Type of location
Any values can be entered here. They must match the tools to be loaded at the
location. Buffers and loading points have value 0.

Consider adjacent location $TC_MPP3

$TC_MPP3[MagazineNo, LocNo]= Consider adjacent location ON/OFF

Location status $TC_MPP4

$TC_MPP4[MagazineNo, LocNo]= Location status (bit mask)
Default=2 Location free

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4.3 HMI Embedded -- create magazine configuration

Location type index$TC_MPP5

$TC_MPP5[MagazineNo, LocNo]= Location type index
For $TC_MPP1[Magazine No., Location No.]=1 (location type is the magazine
location), the location number is entered. For other location types, the type index is
Example with 2 grippers with location type 3
S the first gripper has location index 1
S the second gripper has location index 2

Distance between a change position, loading point and a zero point

Offsets (distances) to the magazine
$TC_MDP2[magazine no., buffer location no.]
Distances between buffer location and magazine
A value must be entered for each buffer, at least a zero. The value is not evaluated
at this point, it is only for assignment.
$TC_MDP1[magazine no., loading point no.]
Distances between loading points and magazine

Machine 1

Machine 2

Spindle 1 = Location 1
(in 2nd internal magazine)
6 3
5 7
2 4
4 Change position 8 Change position
1 5

9 16 6
$TC_MAP8[1]=6 $TC_MAP8[2]=2
$TC_MDP2[1,1]=0 10 15 $TC_MDP2[2,2]=0 7

11 14
loading point 8
16 loading point
12 13
15 9
14 12 10

$TC_MDP1[1,1]=6 $TC_MDP1[2,1]=11

Bild 4-3 Change position, loading point, current position; magazine distance

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4.3 HMI Embedded -- create magazine configuration

The zero position is at the change point of the spindles, therefore the following ap-
plies: if location 1 is at the change point, the current magazine position = 1 =
$TC_MDP1[1,1] = 6 Distance between Location 1 of the loading point and the
zero position of the magazine
$TC_MDP1[2,1] = 11 Distance between the same location from the zero position
of magazine 2
$TC_MDP2[1,1] =0 Distance of location 1 of the 2nd internal magazine
(spindle 1) from the zero position of magazine 1
$TC_MDP2[2,2] = 0 Distance between the same location and the zero position
of magazine 2

Assignment of magazine locations to spindles

$TC_MLSR [location no. of the buffer, location no. of the spindle in the
buffer magazine]
This variable assigns buffers which have a link between a spindle and the maga-
zines assigned to the spindle. This enables determination of which buffer, e.g. grip-
per, may carry out tool change to the spindle.
In Fig. 4-8 for example, gripper 2 in location 3 can change the tool in the spindle in
location 1 ($TC_MLSR[3,1]).

Example of a start-up file

Plant configuration:
S 1 chain magazine with 50 locations
S 3 buffer locations
S 2 load points
N10 ;
N20 ;
N40 ;
N50 ; Magazine configuration: MMC100
N60 ;
N70 ;
N80 ; Delete old data
N90 ;
N100 $TC_MAP1[0]=0
N110 $TC_DP1[0,0]=0
N120 ;

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4.3 HMI Embedded -- create magazine configuration

N130 ; Configuration
N140 ;
N160 $TC_MAMP2=4097 ; Type of search strategy
N170 ;
N180 ; Magazines
N190 ; Real magazine with number [1]
N200 $TC_MAP1[1]=1 ; Magazine type (1: Chain, 3: Turret,
; 5: Box)
N220 $TC_MAP3[1]=17 ; Magazine status
; (see also Planning Guide)
N230 $TC_MAP6[1]=1 ; Number of tiers in magazine
N240 $TC_MAP7[1]=50 ; Number of magazine locations
N250 ;
N260 ; Definition of buffer magazine (always number 9998)
N270 $TC_MAP1[9998]=7 ; Magazine type: 7: Buffer
N280 $TC_MAP3[9998]=17 ; Magazine status
N290 $TC_MAP6[9998]=1 ; Number of tiers
N300 $TC_MAP7[9998]=3 ; Number of locations
N310 ;
N320 ; Definition of loading magazine (always number 9999)
N330 $TC_MAP1[9999]=9 ; Magazine type: 9: Loading magazine
N340 $TC_MAP3[9999]=17 ; Magazine status
N350 $TC_MAP6[9999]=1 ; Number of tiers
N360 $TC_MAP7[9999]=2 ; Number of locations
N370 ;
N380 ; Locations of chain magazine
N390 ;
N400 $TC_MPP1[1,1]=1 ; Location type
N410 $TC_MPP2[1,1]=2 ; Location type
N420 $TC_MPP3[1,1]=1 ; Consider adjacent location ON
; (OFF would be 0)
N430 $TC_MPP4[1,1]=2 ; Location state
; (see also Planning Guide)
N440 $TC_MPP5[1,1]=1 ; Location type index
N450 ;
N460 $TC_MPP1[1,2]=1
N470 $TC_MPP2[1,2]=2
N480 $TC_MPP3[1,2]=1
N490 $TC_MPP4[1,2]=2
N500 $TC_MPP5[1,2]=2
N510 ;
N520 $TC_MPP1[1,3]=1
N530 $TC_MPP2[1,3]=2
N540 $TC_MPP3[1,3]=1
N550 $TC_MPP4[1,3]=2
N560 $TC_MPP5[1,3]=3
N570 ;
N580 $TC_MPP1[1,4]=1
N590 $TC_MPP2[1,4]=2

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4.3 HMI Embedded -- create magazine configuration

N600 $TC_MPP3[1,4]=1
N610 $TC_MPP4[1,4]=2
N620 $TC_MPP5[1,4]=4
N630 ;
N640 $TC_MPP1[1,5]=1
N650 $TC_MPP2[1,5]=2
N660 $TC_MPP3[1,5]=1
N670 $TC_MPP4[1,5]=2
N680 $TC_MPP5[1,5]=5
N690 ;
N3160 $TC_MPP1[1,47]=1
N3170 $TC_MPP2[1,47]=2
N3180 $TC_MPP3[1,47]=1
N3190 $TC_MPP4[1,47]=2
N3200 $TC_MPP5[1,47]=47
N3210 ;
N3220 $TC_MPP1[1,48]=1
N3230 $TC_MPP2[1,48]=2
N3240 $TC_MPP3[1,48]=1
N3250 $TC_MPP4[1,48]=2
N3260 $TC_MPP5[1,48]=4
8N3270 ;
N3280 $TC_MPP1[1,49]=1
N3290 $TC_MPP2[1,49]=2
N3300 $TC_MPP3[1,49]=1
N3310 $TC_MPP4[1,49]=2
N3320 $TC_MPP5[1,49]=49
N3330 ;
N3340 $TC_MPP1[1,50]=1
N3350 $TC_MPP2[1,50]=2
N3360 $TC_MPP3[1,50]=1
N3370 $TC_MPP4[1,50]=2
N3380 $TC_MPP5[1,50]=50
N3390 ; locations in the buffer
N3400 $TC_MPP1[9998,1]=2 ; Location type (here spindle)
N3410 $TC_MPP2[9998,1]=0 ; Location type: as BUF is 0 here
N3420 $TC_MPP3[9998,1]=0 ; Consider adjacent location OFF
N3430 $TC_MPP4[9998,1]=2 ; Location state
N3440 $TC_MPP5[9998,1]=1 ; Location type index
N3450 ;
N3460 $TC_MPP1[9998,2]=3 ; Gripper 1
N3470 $TC_MPP2[9998,2]=0
N3480 $TC_MPP3[9998,2]=0
N3490 $TC_MPP4[9998,2]=2
N3500 $TC_MPP5[9998,2]=1
N3510 ;
N3520 $TC_MPP1[9998,3]=3 ; Gripper 2

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4.3 HMI Embedded -- create magazine configuration

N3530 $TC_MPP2[9998,3]=0
N3540 $TC_MPP3[9998,3]=0
N3550 $TC_MPP4[9998,3]=2
N3560 $TC_MPP5[9998,3]=2
N3870 ;
N3880 ; Spindle assignment ; Spindle assignment
N3890 $TC_MLSR[2,1]=0 ; 1st gripper (location 2) belongs to
; spindle (location 1)
N3900 $TC_MLSR[3,1]=0 ; 2nd gripper (location 3) belongs to
; spindle (location 1)
N3920 ; Loading magazine locations
N3930 $TC_MPP1[9999,1]=7 ; Location type loading point
; (for spindle!)
N3940 $TC_MPP2[9999,1]=0 ; Location type (here always 0)
N3950 $TC_MPP3[9999,1]=0 ; Consider adjacent location OFF! N3960
$TC_MPP4[9999,1]=2 ; Location status: Free
iN3970 $TC_MPP5[9999,1]=1 ; Location type index
N3980 ;
N3990 $TC_MPP1[9999,2]=7
N4000 $TC_MPP2[9999,2]=0
N4010 $TC_MPP3[9999,2]=0
N4020 $TC_MPP4[9999,2]=2
N4030 $TC_MPP5[9999,2]=2
N4040 ;
N4650 ; Offsets (distances) ; Distances to magazine
N4660 ;
N4670 $TC_MDP2[1,1]=0 ; Spindle
N4680 $TC_MDP2[1,2]=0 ; Gripper 1
N4690 $TC_MDP2[1,3]=0 ; Gripper 2
N4700 $TC_MDP1[1,1]=0 ; 1st loading point
N4710 $TC_MDP1[1,2]=25 ; 2nd loading point
; (distance 25 to actual position)
N4720 ;
N4730 ; End
N4740 ;
N4750 M30

Load and activate the start-up file

If the IBN file was created on an external PC, then it has to be transferred for con-
trol purposes to the directory _N_MPF_DIR.
In order to activate the IBN file in the NC, it must be started as a part program and
be handled in the following way:
S Select the part program, e.g. _N_MAGKONF_MPF.MPF
S Execute the program with NC Start.

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4.3 HMI Embedded -- create magazine configuration

4.3.2 Create PLC data with HMI Embedded

The data for the initial settings is contained in DB 4 from data word 64 (see Sec-
tion 9.5). This data must be described by the PLC user program. The number of
magazines, loading points, spindles and turrets is determined from this data and
used to automatically set up the tool management data blocks (DB 71 to DB 74).
The start-up routine is part of the basic program.

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 4-217
Installation and Start-Up 09.05
4.4 HMI Advanced -- create magazine configuration

4.4 HMI Advanced -- create magazine configuration

4.4.1 Create configuration file

Real magazines

Bild 4-4 Start-up: Magazines

In this screen, magazines are defined with the appropriate data or displayed with
existing data.
Name Enter or select the name of the real magazine (new).
Display text Language-dependent name of the magazine
(refer to Chapter 4.4.3)
Number Display of the current magazine number
Type Selection of a magazine type (chain magazine, turret, box-type
Locations Enter or display number of magazine locations

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4.4 HMI Advanced -- create magazine configuration

Number of The “number of columns” is required for considering adjacent

columns location and is only relevant for box-type magazines.

Up to 32 magazines (including buffer and loading magazine) are possible,
therefore a maximum of 30 real magazines.

Create a new magazine

1. Press softkey . The magazine number is assigned by the system
(in the order they were created).
2. Enter magazine name with up to 32 characters in length If it exists, the display
text is immediately displayed from patm_xx.ini (see Section ).
3. Select the magazine type:
-- Chain magazine
-- Revolver
-- Flat magazine
4. Enter number of magazine locations
5. For box magazines the “number of columns” must be entered too.
6. Accept the data with softkey

If the message “invalid value in magazine” appears, the number of locations
and/or number of columns is incorrect. The “number of locations” value must be
divisible by the “number of columns”.
20 locations cannot be divided into 3 columns, but 21 locations can be.

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4.4 HMI Advanced -- create magazine configuration

Delete magazine
1. Select the magazine name
2. Press the softkey.
3. The magazine is deleted without a prompt.

A magazine can only be deleted if it is not assigned to any magazine

Create PLC data

When all magazines, buffers and loading points (for all channels / TO areas) are
entered, the configuration data must be created for the PLC and downloaded to it.
PLC data
To do this, press softkey Creating .

The next time the PLC is booted, the message “Deleting DB xx in PLC...” may
appear. In this case, the specified DB is deleted via STEP 7. As an alternative a
suitable PLC archive can also be loaded.

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4.4 HMI Advanced -- create magazine configuration


Bild 4-5 Start-up: Buffer

In this screen buffer locations are defined (New) or existing ones are displayed.
Name Enter or select name of the buffer.
Display text Language-dependent name of the magazine
If it exists, the display text is immediately displayed from
patm_xx.ini (see Section 4.4.3).
Number Display of the current magazine number
Type Selection of buffer type (spindle/toolholder, gripper, transfer
location, loader)
Index The index counts the locations of a type.
Number Display of consecutive internal number under which the location
is to be addressed
Overview The number of all buffer locations is displayed as a graph.
In addition, the currently selected buffer location (No.) is
highlighted. Each “type” is displayed in a different color.

Buffer locations are spindles, grippers, loaders and transfer locations.

All buffer locations are managed in an internal buffer magazine with the number

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Installation and Start-Up 09.05
4.4 HMI Advanced -- create magazine configuration

Create a buffer location

During input of the buffer, the sequence needs to be adhered to. The spindles
must always be entered first. For each buffer location a number is assigned
internally over which the buffer location is addressed.
The buffer “spindle” with index 1 and spindle_1 in the NC have a direct relationship
to one another. This means that for example the “spindle” buffer with index 1 must
also be the 1st spindle for the NC, index 2 = 2nd spindle, etc.

1. Press the softkey.
2. Enter name: e.g. Gripper_1. If it exists, the display text is immediately dis-
played from patm_xx.ini (see Section 4.4.3).
3. Select the type: Transfer location, gripper, loader, spindle
4. The buffer location is created by pressing , the location number
and the index are internally assigned and incremented.

Assign/remove spindle
Softkey Spindle assigns a buffer location (e.g. gripper) to a spindle. This
allows the mechanical relation between the gripper and spindle to become known
to the software.
The softkey Spindle cancels an existing spindle assignment.

Assigning/removing buffer locations to/from the magazines

When a magazine is selected, the distance to the change position must be en-
tered. At least 0 must be entered as otherwise the tool cannot be transported to
this buffer location. The softkey Magazine assigns the buffer location to the
The softkey Spindle cancels an existing assignment of a buffer location to
a magazine.

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4.4 HMI Advanced -- create magazine configuration

If for example tools are to be loaded from 2 magazines onto “Spindle_1”, the as-
signment must be made for both magazines.

Gripper_4 Loading point for spindle

always is location no. 1
Change position
Change position for spindle
for spindle Gripper_2 Gripper_1

4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4

5 16 16 5
Change position
6 15 Gripper_3 for spindle 15 6
Magazine_2 Magazine_1
7 14 14 7
Mag_1= No. 1; Mag_2= No. 2
Mag 9998 = all buffers
8 13 13 8
Mag 9999 = All loading locations
Spindle_1 = Mag 9998, Loc. 1
9 10 11 12 12 11 10 9
Gripper_1 = Mag 9998, Loc. 2
Gripper_2 = Mag 9998, Loc. 3
Gripper_3 = Mag 9998, Loc. 4
Loading point_2 Loading point_1
Gripper_4 = Mag 9998, Loc. 5 Mag. No. 9999
Mag. No. 9999
Loc. No. 3 Loc. No. 2

Bild 4-6 Example of a machine with buffer and loading magazine

No. Name Distance to change position

1 Spindle_1 Magazine_1, distance: 0
Magazine_2, distance: 0
2 Gripper_1 Magazine_1, distance: 0
3 Gripper_2 Magazine_1, distance: 0
4 Gripper_3 Magazine_2, distance: 0
5 Gripper_4 Magazine_2, distance: 0

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Loading locations

Bild 4-7 Start-up: Loading locations

Loading locations
In this screen loading locations are defined (New) or existing ones are displayed.
Name Name of loading location (max. 32 characters).
Display text Language-dependent name of the magazine. If it exists, the
display text is immediately displayed from patm_xx.ini (see
Section 4.4.3).
Number Display of the current magazine number
Type The options are loading point and loading station.
Index The index counts the locations of a type.
Number Display of consecutive internal number under which the location
is to be addressed
Overview The overview displays the number of all buffers graphically. The
numbers for the selected loading point/station are highlighted in

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4.4 HMI Advanced -- create magazine configuration

Loading points are locations that are needed for loading the magazine. There are
two types of loading points:
S Loading locations
S Loading stations
All loading locations are stored in an internal loading magazine with the number

Loading magazine 9999/1 is always automatically set for loading/unloading of the
spindle (manual loading point).

Loading locations
Loading points are areas on the machine at which it is possible to directly load the
magazine, i.e. the tool can be directly inserted in the magazine at this point. The
magazine location to be loaded is moved to the loading point. For example, chain
magazines have loading points.
The loading point is assigned to location type “7” ($TC_MPP1) in the magazine
Location type 7
If a tool is moved to this location from the magazine/toolholder, the NCK automati-
cally removes the tool from this location when acknowledgement is received from
the PLC.

Loading stations
A loading station is a location outside the magazine onto which the tool to be
loaded is placed. The tool is then transported from that location to the magazine
via a transport mechanism. Loading stations are generally used for box or chain
The loading station is assigned to location type “6” ($TC_MPP1) in the magazine
Location type 6
NCK does not differentiate between cases, i.e. if the tool was moved to this loca-
tion, the tool remains there. It can only be removed (unloadd) from there though
explicit operator action.

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4.4 HMI Advanced -- create magazine configuration

Input of loading locations

1. Press the softkey.
2. Enter name: e.g. Load_1. If it exists, the display text is immediately displayed
from patm_xx.ini (see Section ).
3. Select the type: e.g. Loading point
4. The loading location is created by pressing . The location number
and the index are internally assigned and incremented.

Assigning/removing loading locations to/from the magazines

When a magazine is selected, the distance to the change position must be entered
(at least 0).
You can now establish an assignment by pressing the Spindle softkey.
Distance 0 is usually used for the “manual loading point” (spindle loading point).


Gripper_4 Loading point for spindle

always is location no. 1
Change position
Change position Gripper_2 Gripper_1 for spindle
for spindle

4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4

5 16 16 5
Change position
6 15 Gripper_3 for spindle 15 6
Magazine_2 Magazine_1
7 14 14 7

Mag_1= No. 1; Mag_2= No. 2

8 13 13 8
Mag 9998 = all buffers
Mag 9999 = All loading locations
9 10 11 12 12 11 10 9
Spindle_1 = Mag 9998, Loc. 1
Gripper_1 = Mag 9998, Loc. 2
Gripper_2 = Mag 9998, Loc. 3
Loading point_2 Loading point_1
Gripper_3 = Mag 9998, Loc. 4
Mag. No. 9999 Mag. No. 9999
Gripper_4 = Mag 9998, Loc. 5
Loc. No. 3 Loc. No. 2

Bild 4-8 Example of a machine with 2 magazines and 3 loading locations

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No. Name Distance to change position

1 Manual loading point Magazine_1, distance: 0
(= spindle loading point) Magazine_2, distance: 0
2 Loading point_1 Magazine_1, distance: 9
3 Loading point_2 Magazine_2, distance: 11

Both magazines can be loaded via Spindle_1. Loading point_1 is only Magazine_1
and Loading point_2 is only assigned to Magazine_2.

Location types

Bild 4-9 Start-up: Location types

In this screen location types are defined with the required data or existing ones are
Name Name of the location type (max. 32 characters).
Display Language-dependent name of the magazine. If it exists, the
display text is immediately displayed from patm_xx.ini (see
Section 4.4.3).
Hierarchy To overcome the inflexible classification of magazine locations
according to location type, locations can be arranged in
ascending order, i.e. in a hierarchy (see Section “Hierarchy of
location types”).

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4.4 HMI Advanced -- create magazine configuration

Form type The position of the reference location (tool shank) is specified
via the form type.
Parameter Definition of height and width as well as free half locations (left,
assignment right, top, bottom) (see examples).
Consider This information is stored magazine specifically (magazine
adjacent configuration) and it relevant for the location search.

Assigning parameters for a location type

The number of half locations occupied by a tool in the magazine is defined when a
location is parameterized. This corresponds to the tool size.
The four-digit number, e.g. 2 2 2 2, defines the half locations in the order left, right,
top, bottom starting from a reference point. For setting the location type parame-
ters, left plus right equals width and top plus bottom equals height.
The half locations that are not occupied are also defined using left, right, top and
bottom (do not confuse this with the tool size!).

Reference location
The reference location is the physical location in the magazine. It is used as a ref-
erence point for specifying the tool size and is required for calculating the maga-
zine assignment. The size of the reference location is always represented as tool
size 1 1 1 1. (For parameter settings, refer to “Normal location type”)

Examples of parameter settings

Normal location type
A tool which occupies one magazine location exactly has tool size 1 1 1 1. This
tool is referred to as a “normal sized tool”.

Width 2

1 top

Height 2 1 left 1 right Reference location

1 bottom

Left, right, top, bottom are the half locations of the tool size 1 1 1 1

Bild 4-10 Normal location type

Parameter settings for the location type:

Height (h): 2 Width (b): 2
Left (l): 0 Right (r): 0
Top (o): 0 Bottom (u): 0

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Oversized location type for chain magazines

In a chain magazine, a tool with the size 2 2 1 1 occupies one half location on the
right and one half location on the left in addition to the normal magazine location.

Chain magazine

2 left 1 top 2 right Reference location

1 bottom with occupied half locations

Left, right, top, bottom are the half locations of the tool size 2 2 1 1

Bild 4-11 Oversized location type for chain magazines

Parameter settings for the location type:

Height (h): 2 Width (b): 4
Left (l): 0 Right (r): 0
Top (o): 0 Bottom (u): 0

Oversized location type for box magazines

In a box magazine, a tool with the size 2 2 2 2 occupies one half location in each
direction in addition to the normal magazine location.

Width 4
2 top
Reference location
Height 4 2 left 2 right

2 bottom with occupied half locations

Left, right, top, bottom are the half locations of the tool size 2 2 2 2

Bild 4-12 Oversized location type for box magazines

Parameter settings for the location type:

Height (h): 4 Width (b): 4
Left (l): 0 Right (r): 0
Top (o): 0 Bottom (u): 0

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4.4 HMI Advanced -- create magazine configuration

Oversized location type with free half locations for box magazine
In a box magazine, a tool with the size 2 2 2 2 occupies one half location in each
direction in addition to the normal magazine location.
However, with this location type the half location in each corner is not used.

Width 4
2 top Reference location

Height 4 2 left 2 right

with occupied half locations

2 bottom
not occupied half locations

Left, right, top, bottom are the half locations of the tool size 2 2 2 2
Bild 4-13 Oversized location type with free half locations for box magazine

Parameter settings for the location type

(see also Fig. 4-9, location type “oversized_2_box):
Height (h): 4 Width (b): 4
Left (l): 1 Right (r): 1
Top (o): 1 Bottom (u): 1
The half locations not occupied are defined by the parameter left, right, top, bottom
as FREE.

Hierarchy of location types

To overcome the inflexible classification of magazine locations according to loca-
tion type, locations can be arranged in ascending order, i.e. in a hierarchy. Several
such hierarchies can be set up for TO units but a location type can only belong to
one hierarchy. (For example, A < B and A < C or A < E and B < E are not permissi-
This hierarchy ensure that a tool that only requires a “small” location type can also
be placed in a “larger” location type if no “small” locations are free.
If a tool is to be inserted in the magazine, the location type decides which locations
are available. If there is a hierarchy for this location, the locations are allocated in
accordance with this hierarchy.
Let us assume, for example, that a tool of location type A is to be stored in the
tool-holding magazine or a location search is to take place for a location of type A.
The following location hierarchy shall apply for this example: A < B < C.
First a check is performed to see whether there is a location with type A in the
magazine to be searched.
If there is not, the search function will proceed to search for a location of type B or

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Example 1:
Existing location types: A, B, C
Defined hierarchy: A<B
B <C
Therefore the entire hierarchy is as follows: A < B < C
Example 2:
Existing location types: A, B, C, D, E
Defined hierarchy: A<B
1st hierarchy A<B<D
2nd hierarchy C< E

Enter new location type

1. Press the softkey.
2. Enter name (max. 32 characters). If it exists, the display text is immediately dis-
played from patm_xx.ini (see Section 4.4.3).
3. Select form type
4. Enter height and width of the location type in half locations. Depending on
form type, left, right, top, bottom as required (unoccupied half locations).
5. Select consider adjacent location ON or OFF
6. In the view graphic, set the position of the reference location using the cursor
7. Press softkey to save

Delete location type

The softkey deletes the selected location type. This is only possible if
it has not been assigned to a magazine.

Create hierarchy
Select small location type (name left) (in our example location type A).
Select larger location type (name right) (in our example location type B).
Press the hierarchy softkey to create the hierarchy. The hierarchy name in the
screen 4-9 corresponds to the name of the larger location type and is displayed in
the hierarchy field (B in example).

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4.4 HMI Advanced -- create magazine configuration

Delete hierarchy
You can remove the hierarchy selected in the “Hierarchy” field by pressing the
hierarchy softkey.

Create magazine configuration

For each T0 unit, there is only one common magazine configuration for configuring
the tool management. A magazine configuration can consist of one or more real
magazines. As one T0 unit can be assigned to several channels, this magazine
configuration is available to the associated channels simultaneously.

Bild 4-14 Magazine configuration

In this screen data required for the selected magazine is defined or existing data
Magazine name Name of the magazine configuration (max. 32 characters).

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Tool search transfer from configuration (default value. Setting for

$TC_MAP10=0, NCK uses values from $TC_MAMP2).
active tool/min. duplo
Shortest path
active tool/min. $TC_TP10
Monitoring: min. actual value
Monitoring: max. actual value
Settings for the location coding can be variable (default) or
You can exit the screen by pressing the softkey “Cancel” or
Empty location First location forwards
search Current location forwards
Last location backwards
Current location backwards
Symmetric current location
For a detailed description, refer to Section 3.4
Wear group Tool status remains unchanged
Change “active” status for tools
(for a detailed description, refer to section 3.1.6)
Number of loca- Entire number of locations in the configuration
tions (all assigned magazines)
Def. locations Entire number of locations in the configuration to which a
location type was assigned

Real magazines
Name Name of the selected real magazine
Type Type of magazine
No. of Locations Number of locations for the selected magazine
Location types
Location type Name of the selected location type
From location 1st location to be defined
To location Last location to be defined

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4.4 HMI Advanced -- create magazine configuration

Bild 4-15 Set parameters for each magazine

The settings made in the previous screen (magazine configuration) become effec-

Create new magazine configuration (basic setting)

The screens “Configuration” and “Real magazine” show the location type assign-
ments for the entire configuration/selected magazine.

1. Press the softkey.
2. Enter name, e.g. Example_documentation (max. 32 characters)
3. Select selection menu for the tool search, location search and wear group and
make the settings as appropriate.
4. Press softkey (create the magazine configuration)

The softkey “Assign” and “Remove” always refer to the selection field the cursor is
positioned on:
-- Magazine
-- Location type

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4.4 HMI Advanced -- create magazine configuration

Assign/remove real magazines

Select real magazine and press softkey . This real magazine is then
included in the magazine configuration.
After each assignment, the total number of magazine locations is accordingly up-
dated in the configuration.
You can remove a magazine again from the magazine configuration by pressing
the softkey.

Assign/remove location types

Select location type. Enter magazine locations to which this location type is to be
Example: “From location:” 1, “To location:” 10.
Press the softkey. The defined locations are displayed with the color
for this location type
You can remove the assignment made for a location type by pressing the

Create configuration file

Create con-
Press the figuration file softkey. An INI file is created which can later be uploaded
to the NCK.

Copy configuration
Press the softkey.
Enter a new name and confirm by pressing the softkey.

Delete magazine configuration

If the cursor is positioned on the selection field for the configuration, you can delete
the selected configuration by pressing the softkey.

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4.4 HMI Advanced -- create magazine configuration

Load magazine configuration

Load con-
Activating the softkey figuration file opens the 4-16 “Load magazine configuration”

Load magazine configuration

Bild 4-16 Start-up: Load configuration file

Here the previously created INI file is uploaded to the NCK via softkey
. The procedure is channel-specific; only one configuration is possible
for each TO unit.
(This means if TO unit 1 is assigned to channels 1, 2, 3 and 6, the configuration
which was loaded in channel 1 is automatically valid for channels 2, 3 and 6 too.)

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4.4.2 Adapt tool management operator interface for HMI Advanced

Activate the tool displays

Where the customer has made changes to the shipped INI files, the customized
differences are saved in the user user directory. Only changes to the visual aspect
of the operator interface are stored here, i.e. changes that can be made by settings
in the HMI operator interface itself.
As a general rule, only entries that differ from the originals shoudl be stored in the
parallel directories for mmc2.

All of the data that describes the tool management operator interface is stored in
the file ...\user\paramtm.ini. You can edit the file by selecting it in /MMC/DOS-
Shell and then opening it with the command edit ...\user\paramtm.ini. The file
paramtm.ini can also be created on an external PC and copied into the directory
Country-specific sections are parameterized in the “language\patm_xx.ini” file in
the [BatchTools] section. “xx” here denotes the 2 letters for the country, e.g. gr for
German, uk for English, sp for Spanish, nl for Dutch.
New functionality in the lists
The following additional functions have been implemented in the magazine, tool,
work correction list and tool details:
S Parameter settings for bitmaps in the list
S Tool identifiers and duplo numbers can be changed in the lists
S New magazine list with several lines
S Job processing of tools
S Tool-status bit “Pre-warning limit” can be changed in displays of lists
S Tool status bit “Unload detection” and “Load detection” in displays of lists and
details can be changed
S New tool types
550 Steel profile
700 Slotting saw
711 Edge probe
720 Oriented probe
730 Stop
S If adapter data is set in the NCK, then the magazine list can be displayed either
transformed or not transformed (softkey on the ETC bar). The setting is made
in paramtm.ini, section [TMMODES], with the entry START_MAGLIST_TRANS-
S Suppression of status bits for tool cabinet, code carrier, SINCOM excerpt from

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4.4 HMI Advanced -- create magazine configuration

;Tool status: If a tool is removed from the NCK and transferred to an external
medium (tool cabinet, code carrier, SINCOM), then you can use the following
screens to specify which tool status bits should be saved
;Code carrier: Since the standard conversion file wkonvert.txt (see Subsection
4.5.2) has entered 1 byte for the tool status and max. 92 were written to the
code carrier up to now, CODECARRIER_TOOLSTATE_MASK receives the de-
fault value 92. If the value for CODECARRIER_TOOLSTATE_MASK is ex-
panded, then the size of the dialog variables T9 in wkonvert.txt has to be
adapted accordingly.

Structure of file paramtm.ini

Directory ...\user\paramtm.ini

Until now, the mmc2\paramtm.ini parameter settings for tool management only
contained comments consisting of documentation of the individual entries. Almost
the entire comment part had to be removed because new entries exceeded the
critical file length limit of about 63KB.
A version of paramtm.ini with comments can now be found in mmc2\paramtm.txt.
Overshooting and other errors when reading the parameterization are logged as
before in the file ...\user\paramini.out.

A comment can be inserted at the end of entries using a semicolon “;”.

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Contents of INI files

SKAVTIVTM=7 ; Activates TM in the PARAM application
SKMGLIST=7 ; Displays magazine list
SKTLLIST=7 ; Displays tool list
SKACLIST=7 ; Displays the tool offset list
SKTOOLLOAD=5 ; Loading tools
SKTOOLUNLOAD=5 ; Unloading tools
SKTOOLMOVE=7 ; Moving tools in the magazine
SKSETTINGS=4 ; Softkey settings
SKFILFCT=4 ; Softkey file functions
SKNXTCHAN=7 ; Enable softkey Next Channel
SKMAGCONF=4 ; Configuration of magazines
SKTOOLCAT=7 ; Tool catalog
SKTOOLCAB=7 ; Tool cabinet
SKSINCOMLD=7 ; Load tool from SINCOM (if code carrier was
; installed)
SKCTORSINCOM=7 ; Code carrier functions or tool loading functions
; from SINCOM (if code carrier was installed)
SKMGLREPR1=7 ; Display 1_MagList
SKMGLREPR2=5 ; Display 2_MagList
SKMGLREPR3=5 ; Display 3_MagList
SKNCTOOLDATA=7 ; Read tool data from NC or file management
SKNCTOOLED=7 ; Cutting edge data
SKNCTOOLSUPV=7 ; Supervision data
SKNCTOOLGRIND=7 ; Grinding parameters
SKNCDETAILS=7 ; Read tool data from NC (if ACTIVATE_EDGE_MANAGE-
SKNCNEWTOOLED=6 ; Create new cutting edges in NC

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SKNCDELTOOLED=6 ; Delete cutting edges in NC

SKNCDELTOOL=5 ; Delete tools in NC
SKTRAFO=7 ; Toggle transformed/not transformed view of edge
; data
SKCHECKACTIVATE=6 ; D check and activation
SKMGBUFFER=7 ; Display the buffer
SKMGFIND=7 ; Softkey search and position
SKMGLISTPOS=7 ; Position
SKMGNEXT=7 ; Softkey next magazine
SKTLNEWTOOL=6 ; Create tools in NC
SKTLLREPR1=7 ; Display 1_ToolList
SKTLLREPR2=5 ; Selection of Display 2_ToolList
SKTLLREPR3=5 ; Display 3_ToolList
SKFINDPL1=7 ; Location search, user-defined 1
SKFINDPL2=7 ; Location search, user-defined 2
SKFINDPL3=7 ; Location search, user-defined 3
SKFINDPL4=7 ; Location search, user-defined 4
SKFINDPL=7 ; Location search
SKFINDPLACE=7 ; Location search, tool loading list
SKACTPLACE=7 ; Allows softkey current location
SKLDTOOLDAT=7 ; Softkey tool data in status loaded tools
SKCONFLOAD=4 ; Load a magazine configuration
SKACLREPR1=7 ; Display 1_ActList
SKACLREPR2=7 ; Display 2_ActList
SKACLREPR3=7 ; Display 3_ActList
SKDZERO=7 ; Softkey delete D numbers
SKDFIND=7 ; Softkey search for D numbers
SKBATCH=7 ; Softkey filter lists
SKBFILTER1=7 ; Softkey Filter1
SKBFILTER2=7 ; Softkey Filter2
SKBFILTER3=7 ; Softkey Filter3
SKBFILTER4=7 ; Softkey Filter4
SKBFILTER5=7 ; Softkey Filter5
SKBFILTER6=7 ; Softkey Filter6
SKBMAGFILTER=7 ; Softkey magazine selection (for filter)
SKBATREACT=7 ; Softkey batch function “Reactivate”
SKBATTOCABIN=7 ; Softkey batch function “In cabinet”
SKBATDELTOOL=7 ; Softkey batch function “Delete”
SKBATUNLOAD=7 ; Softkey batch function “Unload”
SKBFILTERACT=7 ; Softkey batch function “Update filter”
SKBATLOAD=7 ; Softkey batch function “Load”
SKBATLIST=7 ; Softkeys for controlling the job processing



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4.4 HMI Advanced -- create magazine configuration

For default settings for creating tools, see paramtm.ini or pa-
ramtm.txt in path mmc2
; Magazine list: Load, data input directly in the list:
; 0=The default settings must be confirmed with the “Tool data”
; screen due to missing input if they are needed.
; 1=The default settings become effective without confirmation
; (with the exception of tool identifier no.)
; 2=The default settings become effective without confirmation
; (including the tool identifier no.)

; Half locations: From 1 to 7


; Half locations: From 1 to 7


; Half locations: From 1 to 7


; Half locations: From 1 to 7


; Tool type, from 100 to 1000


; Duplo number: From 1 to 32000


; Ident. no.: Max. length 27


; Additive values, (default: 0):

; 1=Active tool
: 2=Permitted
; 4=Blocked
; 8=Measured
; 16=Warning limit reached
; 32=Being changed
; 64=Fixed location coding
; 128=Already in use
; 256=Tool in buffer
; 512=Blocked, not taken into account (because of PLC)
; 1024=Out (unload)
; 2048=In (loaded)
; 4096=Standard tool (constantly in the NCK)
; 8192=
; 16384=

; Index of a defined location type


; 0=No monitoring (default)

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4.4 HMI Advanced -- create magazine configuration

; 1=Time monitoring
; 2=Workpiece count monitoring

; Tool search, number of replacement tool ($TC_TP10)

; 0 ... 32000
;!!! Default setting of grinding-specific tool data at creation:
;!!! If the machine operates with inch/mm conversion
;!!! ($MN_CONVERT_SCALING_SYSTEM=1), the unit of length must be spe-
;!!! cified!!!
; The following default values (TOOLGRIND..., if affected by the unit
; of length) are specified in relation to this basic unit of length:
; 0 = mm (default)
; 1 = Inch

; Spindle number (wie $TC_TPG1)


; Chain rule (as $TC_TPG2)

;1050629 binary: 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 1000 0000 0101
;Bit0 =1 = Type
;Bit2 =1 = Geo-L1
;Bit11 =1 = Wear-L1
;Bit20 =1 = Base-L1

; Minimum wheel radius (as $TC_TPG3)


; Minimum wheel width (as $TC_TPG4)


; Current width of grinding wheel (as $TC_TPG5)


; Maximum grinding wheel speed (as $TC_TPG6)


; Maximum grinding wheel peripheral speed (as $TC_TPG7)


; Inclination angle of inclined wheel (as $TC_TPG8)


; Compensation parameter for grinding wheel peripheral speed

(as $TC_TPG9)


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; 0=Do not delete tool automatically

; when it is unloaded (magazine list only). (default);
; 1=Delete tool automatically when it is unloaded (magazine list
; only)

; 0=Do not process cutting edge parameters outside the tool type
; (default)
; 1=Process cutting edge parameters outside the tool type
; (if not equal to 0)

; 0=display: Tool size left, right, top, bottom (default)

; 1=display: left, right

; Tool size display:

; True=display (default)
; False=do not display
; is only used if SHOW_TOOLSIZE_ONLY_LEFT_RIGHT = 0
; (or default)
SHOW_TOOLSIZE_COMPONENTS=left:=True, right:=True, top:=True,

; The function “Activate D check” refers to:

; -1=all magazines with distance relationship to spindle/toolholder
; (default)
; 1=current magazine only

; The function “Activate D check” can be carried out automatically

; when the working offset list is opened
; False=function can only be activated via softkey (default)
; True=function is automatically carried out when the working offset
; list is opened


; 0=the function “Activate D check” is carried out automatically if
; the working offset list is opened, even in the main screen (con-
; tains R Parameters softkey) (default)
; 1=The function “Activate D check” is carried out automatically if
; the working offset list is opened, but not in the main screen (con-
; tains R Parameters softkey). Same behavior as before implementation
; of DCHECK_AUTO_ACTIVATE_MODE (prior to HMI_ADV 06.03.19).

; Buffer location display:

; DB: Original name from the magazine configuration from the
; database, no language-specific texts
; DLL: Name = text from the language -DLL + index; ; (default)
; example: Spindle1, language-specific texts

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; For display of the funcitons “Create tool edge” and “Delete tool
; edge” (only possible with multi-line display) in the main menu
; “Tool / magazine list”, the softkey “Tool details” can be replaced
; with the new softkey “Data management”.
; The “Tool details” softkey is saved with the same functionality
; behind the softkey “Data management”.
; False=“Tool details” remains active (default)
; True=“Data management” is activated

; If adapter data is activated in the NCK, the magazine list can

; either be displayed as a transforming or non-transforming list
; (softkey in the ETC menu). The type of display can be preset for
; MMC boot.
; False = Not transformed (default)
; True = Transformed

; Softkey “Tool management” in the main menu “Parameters” allows a

; branch to the list set below.
; 0 = standard list depending on the respective NCK version / machine
; data (default)
; 1 = Magazine list
; 2 = Tool list
; 3 = Working offset list
; The setting inch/metric is considered for the code carrier
; !! CAUTION: The settings described here are only relevant if ma-
; chine data $MN_CONVERT_SCALING_SYSTEM=1 is set in the NC.
; The entry for DATABASE_LENGTH_UNIT is only analyzed if no unit was
; entered in the tool database, i.e. under normal circumstances once!
; If the NC is an older mode without the inch/metric conversion func-
; tionality or if $MN_CONVERT_SCALING_SYSTEM=0, the NC will operate
; without inch/metric conversions. Therefore no conversions are car-
; ried out in relation to the code carrier!!

; -1 = No definition for inch/metric in relation to code carrier

; default). The setting $MN_CONVERT_SCALING_SYSTEM=1 in the NC
; means that inch/metric conversion is to be used for machin-
; ing. Therefore, the user must define in which unit the data
; is present on the code carrier or should be written to it. As
; with setting -1 this does not take place, all softkeys for
; code carrier activities are disabled.
;0 = mm. It is assumed that storage for the affected data was or
; is to be in the unit “mm” on the code carrier. If “inch” is
; set in the NCK, then all softkeys are disabled that start
; code carrier functions.
;1 = inch. It is assumed that storage for the affected data was or
; is to be in the unit “inch” on the code carrier. If “mm” is
; set in the NCK, then all softkeys are disabled that start
; code carrier functions.

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The setting inch/metric is considered for the code carrier

; The setting inch/metric is considered for the code carrier
; !! CAUTION: The settings described here are only relevant if ma-
; chine data $MN_CONVERT_SCALING_SYSTEM=1 is set in the NC.
; If the NC is an older mode without the inch/metric conversion func-
; tionality or if $MN_CONVERT_SCALING_SYSTEM=0, the NC will operate
; without inch/metric conversions. Therefore no conversions are car-
; ried out in relation to the code carrier!!
; -1 = inch/metric is ignored (default). The data exchange between
; code carrier and NCK/MMC takes place without taking into ac-
; count inch/metric. Behavior as up to now.
;0 = mm. All affected data is written to the code carrier as mm
; values in future.
; This is taken into account for future data transfer between
; code carrier and NC.
;1 = inch. All affected data is written to the code carrier as
; inch values in future.
; This is taken into account for future data transfer between
; code carrier and NC.

; Tool status: If a tool is removed from the NCK and transferred to

; an external medium (tool cabinet, code carrier, SINCOM), then you
; can use the following screens to specify which tool status bits are
; to be saved
; Code carrier: Since 1 byte was entered for the tool status in the
; standard conversion file wkonvert.txt and until now max. 92 has
; been written to the code carrier, CODECARRIER_TOOLSTATE_MASK is
; assigned the default value 92.
; If the value for CODECARRIER_TOOLSTATE_MASK is expanded, the size
; of the dialog variable T9 must be adapted accordingly in wkon-
; vert.txt.
; 1=Active Tool
; 2=Allowed
; 4=Disabled
; 8=Measured
; 16=Warning limit reached
; 32=In change
; 64=Fixed place coding
; 128=Was used
; 256=Tool in buffer
; 512=Disabled, ignored (because of PLC)
; 1024=Out (unload)
; 2048=in (Load)
; 4096=Regular tool (permanent in NCK)
; 8192=
; 16384=
; Default is 4828 (4+8+16+64+128+512+4096),
; For code carrier 92 (4+8+16+64)

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; Tool search: processing $TC_TP10 in conjunction with the tool cabi-
; net/catalog
;0 = (default) If a tool is brought from the tool cabinet into the
; NCK, then value “No. replacement tool ($TC_TP10)” is not
; uploaded to the NCK. ($TC_TP10) is set in the NCK to 0.
;1= The value “No. replacement tool ($TC_TP10)” is transferred
; from the tool cabinet to the NCK and displayed in the Tool
; catalog/cabinet screens.

; Settings for “Write current data for tool management operator
; interface to NCDDE variables, when there is a change to WIZARD
; pictures or the WIZARD softkeys were activated”:
; All settings must be set in one single line of the name parameter.
; An option is activated via the value “True” and deactivated by the
; value “False” or because the name parameter is missing in the line.
; “EnableAllTogetherWriteToNcdde := True”: All data in one single
; NCDDE variable
; “EnableSingleWriteToNcdde := True”: One separate NCDDE variable for
; each data
; Both settings can be simultaneously active.
; When none of the two options is active, the NCDDE variables
; are not written to.
; “WriteChangesWhenStateChanged := True”: The data is written each
; time a softkey is activated; this does not apply to WIZARD
; softkeys.
HMICurDataInterface = EnableAllTogetherWriteToNcdde := True,
EnableSingleWriteToNcdde := True, WriteChangesWhenStateChanged :=
; Application of $MM_WRITE_TOA_FINE_LIMIT and
; $MM_USER_CLASS_WRITE_FINE to the geometrical data and basic values
; for the cutting edge data
UseFineLimitForToolGeoAndAdapt=False ;Default

; 1: Read language-specific INI files (language\patm_xx.ini)

; (default)
; 0: Do not read

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SearchPlaceMethod=NoInternalTool ; Don’t modify!

; Tool details forms: colors for mixed adapter transformed / untrans-
; formed display:
; Hex values, 8 characters per color(SSBBGGRR where SS=System,
; BB=Blue, GG=Green, RR=Red)
; 4 Values for:
; TransformedText, TransformedBackground, NotTransformedText, Not-
; TransformedBackground
; DetailsMixedTrafoColors=WinTxt, li-brown,WinTxt ,li-blue
DetailsMixedTrafoColors =80000008,00008080,80000008,00FFFF00
; Allow display and edit of all 3 len parameters L1 L2 L3 in cut edge
; geo, cut edge wear, SC, EC independently of tool type and indepen-
; dently of $SC_TOOL_LENGTH_CONST and $SC_TOOL_LENGTH_TYPE in tool
; management lists, detail forms, cabinet and catalog.
AllwaysAllowL1L2L3IO=False ;default
; AllwaysAllowL1L2L3IO=True
; Allow change of tool state bit 8 (least significant bit is bit 1)
; (TC_TP8_8 “ToolState Used, Tool was being used”) via GUI (list and
; details forms) for ncu tools.
; default: FALSE

AllowChangeOfTC_TP8_8 = False ;default

; AllowChangeOfTC_TP8_8 = True

; If MagPlaceState_Lang_12345678 and ToolState_Lang_12345678 are not
; defined here or or are equal to “<Empty>”, then the
; language-specific values are shown in the magazine and tool list
; from pa_xx.dll.
; If values are set here and in the section “[General]” the entry
; “ReadLanguageIni” equals 1, then the text is searched in the files
; mmc2\language\patm_gr.ini, user\language\patm_gr.ini etc. in the
; same section as here. The name for the entry that is used in the
; language-specific file is the value of the entry from paramtm.ini.
; If an entry is found in the language-specific file, then this is
; used as the text.
; If no entry is found or ”...=<Empty> is found, then the value from
; the file paramtm.ini is used as the text.
; The 8 characters in MagPlaceState_Lang_12345678 and
; ToolState_Lang_12345678 correspond to the 8 states of magazine
; location and tool and are shown as values for the location and tool
; states in the magazine list and in the tool list.
; Example: ToolState_Lang_12345678=12345678_ToolState_Lang
ToolState_Lang_12345678=<Empty> ; use language-DLL
; MagPlaceState_Lang_12345678=12345678_MagPlaceState_Lang ; use
; patm_*.ini

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; The new magazine location status bits can be displayed in each list
; screen. The parameters are set in the sections:
“[1_MagList]”, “[2_MagList]”, “[3_MagList]”
“[1_ToolList]”, “[2_ToolList]”, “[3_ToolList]”
“[1_ActList]”, “[2_ActList]”, “[3_ActList]”
; Entries are for example:
12=TC_MPP4_9, 1, TC_MPP4_9 ;PlaceStatus Left,
;Reserved in left half location
13=TC_MPP4_10, 1, TC_MPP4_10 ;PlaceStatus Right,
;Reserved in right half location
14=TC_MPP4_11, 1, TC_MPP4_11 ;PlaceStatus Top,
;Reserved in upper half location
15=TC_MPP4_12, 1, TC_MPP4_12 ;PlaceStatus Bottom,
;Reserved in lower half location
16=TC_MPP4_13, 1, TC_MPP4_13 ;PlaceStatus Bit 13 of 1 to 16
17=TC_MPP4_14, 1, TC_MPP4_14 ;PlaceStatus Bit 14 of 1 to 16
18=TC_MPP4_15, 1, TC_MPP4_15 ;PlaceStatus Bit 15 of 1 to 16
19=TC_MPP4_16, 1, TC_MPP4_16 ;PlaceStatus Bit 16 of 1 to 16

; Example: MagPlaceState_Lang_12345678=12345678_MagPlaceState_Lang

; For alphanumeric columns in a list:

; Width of a character in “twips”. The approximate column width is
; calculated by multiplying the values entered here by the number of
; characters from column parameterization

; For numerical columns in a list:

; Width of a character in “twips”. The approximate column width is
; calculated by multiplying the values entered here by the number of
; characters from column parameterization

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; Number of data elements in the magazine list or tool list at each

; internal data scan.
; Range: 1 to 27, default 18.
; The data-scanning rate has been improved as of version P4.3.8.
; There is no reaction to softkey operation as long as internal data
; scanning is taking place. This time should therefore not be longer
; than 1 second.
; The value from “NumLinesPerReq” is used for scanning the data in
; the background from a complete list once a list has been selected
; per softkey or following start-up.
; The number of visible lines in the list is used for getting the
; data when the displayed data are updated in the list following a
; data change or by scrolling and the number of visible lines in the
; list is less than NumLinesPerReq.
; If the data exchange between MMC and NC is too slow (for the NCU
; 810 D), then this value shall be lowered to 17 in order to reach a
; response time of about 1s when fetching the data from a complete
; list in the background.
; This setting applies for all lists where no individual settings are
; made.
; Individual settings are useful if the list contains a high number
; of columns.
; In this case the value should be lowered to about 10 or 5. Too many
; columns in a list is not advisable if the list is used frequently.
; This is because it would take too long to fetch the data for the
; entire list and the user would have to wait a long time for the
; display.
; It is necessary in order to set a single list to individual
; settings to add the line “NumLinesPerReq” to the appropriate list
; in the section (e.g. [2_ToolList])
Use 27 for NumLinesPerReq=27 from Version P4.3.8!

; Up until P4.3.8 the value 7 worked well.

; Width of the bitmap image for the current tool and the current
; tool-magazine location in the displayed lists. Unit: Number of
; characters; the width of a character is defined by
; “ColumnWidthTwipsPerAlphaCharacter” or
; “ColumnWidthTwipsPerNumericCharacter”. Smallest value: 1, largest
; value: 32, default value: 5. User-defined images can be used as
; well: If the file name is given without the path or is given with
; the MMC2 path, then the bitmap file is searched in the directories
; “user”, “oem”, “add_on” and “mmc2”. The first one found is then
; used. We advise not to generate user-defined bitmaps that are too
; large. the The ratio width to height should correspond
; approximately to the display in the lists so that the presentation
; given will not be distorted.
; Use WidthOfActBitmapsInCharacters = 7, if $SC_WEAR_TRANSFORM <> 0
; and G56-Reset-Value <> TOWSTD

WidthOfActBitmapsInCharacters = 5

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; default, show first 4 characters of channel name in lists actual

; tool indicator
; WhichActChannelText=ChannelNumber ;show channel number in lists
; actual tool indicator
; If you need to display more characters of channel name, please in-
; crease “WidthOfActBitmapsInCharacters”.
; For better readability modify bitmaps or use lpaat.bmp,
; lpaatd0.bmp, lpaatdl0.bmp, lpapt.bmp, lpaptd0.bmp, lpaptdl0.bmp,
; lpaap.bmp.
; Further you can define a extra column for bitmap exclusive display,
; which will not contain any other data.
; Example:
; [3_ActList]
; ShowActToolCol = 1
; column number where bitmap is displayed
; 1= NoData, 0, Activity
; column 1 is an empty column for display of channel activity;
; column with is 0 + “WidthOfActBitmapsInCharacters”;
; column header text is “Activity” or langauge dependent text;

; File name of the bitmap for the current tool / DNo / DL where D <>
; 0 and DL <> 0
ActToolBitmap = paat.bmp

; File name of the bitmap for the current tool / DNo / DL with D = 0
; in magazine list and tool list.
; Such cutting edges are not marked in the working offset list.
ActToolZeroDBitmap = paatd0.bmp

; File name of the bitmap for the current tool / DNo / DL with current DL = 0.
ActToolZeroDLBitmap = paatdl0.bmp

; as for ActToolBitmap for the programmed tool

ProgToolBitmap = papt.bmp
; as for ActToolZeroDBitmap for the programmed tool

ProgToolZeroDBitmap = paptd0.bmp

; as for ActToolZeroDBitmap for the programmed tool

ProgToolZeroDLBitmap = paptdl0.bmp

; File name of the bitmap for the current magazine location

ActPlaceBitmap = paap.bmp

; Display whether the current magazine is unassigned or disabled for

; loading/unloading tools
ShowMagFreeLocked = False
; ShowMagFreeLocked = True

; Name of the bitmap file to display whether the current magazine is

; free for loading/unloading tools
MagFreeBitmap = magfree.bmp

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; Name of the bitmap file to display whether the current magazine is

; disabled for loading/unloading tools
MagLockBitmap = maglock.bmp

; File name of bitmap used in lists to show: G56-reset-value = TOWMCS

; = G56-current-value
G56ResetTOWMCSEqualCurrBitmap = pemcs.bmp

; File name of bitmap used in lists to show: G56-reset-value = TOWMCS

; = G56-current-value
G56ResetTOWWCSEqualCurrBitmap = pewcs.bmp

; File name of bitmap used in lists to show: G56-reset-value = TOWSTD

; = G56-current-value
G56ResetTOWSTDEqualCurrBitmap = pestd.bmp

; File name of bitmap used in lists to show: G56-reset-value = TOWMCS

; <> G56-current-value
G56ResetTOWMCSUnequalCurrBitmap = pumcs.bmp

; File name of bitmap used in lists to show: G56-reset-value = TOWMCS

; <> G56-current-value
G56ResetTOWWCSUnequalCurrBitmap = puwcs.bmp

; File name of bitmap used in lists to show: G56-reset-value = TOWSTD

; <> G56-current-value
G56ResetTOWSTDUnequalCurrBitmap = pustd.bmp

; In order to prevent excessive horizontal scrolling, cursor moves

; automatically to leftmost column in lists during the following ac-
; tions:
; Magazine lists: Softkey “Load” and softkeys “Start” and “Abort” in
; tool loading mode;
; Tool lists: Softkey “New tool”.
CursorMovesLeftmostBySomeActions=True ;default

; In magazine list forms change softkey “Next Mag” to softkey “Maga-

; zine Selection”, to activate vertical softkeys in an additional
; state for magazine selection.
; This helps to prevent users from excessive use of “next mag” soft-
; key if a lot of magazins ara available.
; You can define shortcut softkeys for up to 5 favorite magazines per
; TOA using section [ShortcutSoftKeysForMagSelect] in paramtm.ini and
; patm_??.ini.
MagListMagSelectSoftkey=NextMag ;default
; Magazine list: Display buffer initially
DisplayBufferInMagList = InitialVisible

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; Default behaviour as of version 6.4.1.

; Whenever another magazine is visited in magazine
; list:
; automatically show its buffer too.
; The buffer is hidden temporarily after the user
; has pressed the softkey “Buffer”.
;DisplayBufferInMagList = InitialNotVisible

; Previous behaviour prior to Version 6.4.1.

; In magazine list:
; At the beginning no buffer is shown.
; After a magazine which doesn’t have a buffer was
; visited, then no buffer is always shown for other
; magazines too.
; The buffer is shown temporarily when the user
; presses the “Buffer” softkey.

; Text for the softkeys of magazine lists and tool lists
; The locale mechanism is used.
; For an explanation of this mechanism refer to the section
; “[GeneralSettingsForMagAndToolList]”, entry
; “MagPlaceState_Lang_12345678” or “second “TC_TP2””




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; List display titles for untransformed display of data with locale
; mechanism and transformation mechanism.
; With the transformed display, the substitute for the text code is
; taken from section “[TrafoFormTitles]”.
; If “ReadLanguageIni=1” applies in “[General]”, then the text from
; the locale file is read (e.g. language\patm_gr.ini), see section
; “[FormTitles]”.
; Whatever the case, the text parameters should be set for all lists
; of displays, both for the transformed as well as for the
; untransformed display.
; Pay particular attention to the working offset lists: Currently
; these lists are only output with transformed data. In this case the
; list display titles from “[TrafoFormTitles]” are used.



; List display titles for untransformed data display with locale
; mechanism and transformation mechanism.
; If “ReadLanguageIni=1” applies in “[General]”, then the text is
; read from the locale file; see section “[FormTitles]”.



; Defines how the location search is to take place

; Softkey text for 1st location search, locale-dependent


; Half location; Left, right, top, bottom


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; Location type number for location search


; Softkey text for 2nd location search, locale-dependent


; Half location; Left, right, top, bottom


; Location type number for location search


; Softkey text for 3rd location search, locale-dependent


; Half location; Left, right, top, bottom


; Location type number for location search


; Softkey text for 3rd location search, locale-dependent


; Half location; Left, right, top, bottom


; Location type number for location search


; Tool OEM Data and Tool Application Data

; Help for UserDataParamIO lines:
; Format of data in magazine list and tool list.

; This format is used only to display data and, in some cases, to

; input data in the HMI, magazine list and tool list. In the NC the
; data format of the OEM data is “float”.
; In parameter lines “named parameters” are used. Names are separated
; from the value by “:=”. Parameters are separated by “,”.
; Blanks are allowed on the left and right of the parameter name,
; “:=”, value and “,”.
; Example for the syntax of lines in the OEM data format:
; “[ToolParams]”
; “UserDataParamIO5= Type:=Float, Res:=2,
; Min:=-9999, Max:=9999 ;Comment”
; “UserDataParamIO6= Typ:=Int, Min:=-99, Max:=99”
; “UserDataParamIO7= Type:=Int, Min:=0, Max:=1”
; “5”: Number of the OEM data
; “Type:=...”: Defines the type of OEM data
; Default: “Float”

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; “Float”: Floating point as used in the NC.

; The number of places after the decimal point
; depends on $MM_DISPLAY_RESOLUTION in mmc.ini
; and from “res:=...” in this parameter line.
; “Int”: Integer (range: -999999999 to 999999999)
; “Res:=2”: Resolution, accuracy: Number of places after
; the comma if “Type:=Float” (floating-point
; number).
; Range from 0 to 6,
; If “Res:=...” is greater than
; $MM_DISPLAY_RESOLUTION, only the places
; $MM_DISPLAY_RESOLUTION are displayed.
; “Min:=-9999”: For the entry: Minimum value
; “Max:=-9999”: For the entry: Maximum value:
; “;comment”: Comment

; Lines UserDataParamName: Locale-specific mechanism

; Lines UserDataParamSize: Locale-specific mechanism
; Lines UserDataParamSizex: Locale-specific mechanism

UserDataParamName1 = TC_TPC1
UserDataParamName2 = TC_TPC2
UserDataParamName3 = TC_TPC3
UserDataParamName4 = TC_TPC4
UserDataParamName5 = TC_TPC5
UserDataParamName6 = TC_TPC6
UserDataParamName7 = TC_TPC7
UserDataParamName8 = TC_TPC8
UserDataParamName9 = TC_TPC9
UserDataParamName10 = TC_TPC10

UserDataParamIO1 = <EndOfList>
; UserDataParamIO1 = Type:=Float, Res:=2
; UserDataParamIO2 = Type:=Int

UserDataParamSize = TC_TPC_UNIT

UserDataParamSize1 = <EndOfList>
; UserDataParamSize1=TC_TPC1_UNIT
; ...
; UserDataParamSize10=TC_TPC10_UNIT

ApplDataParamName1 = TC_TPCS1
ApplDataParamName2 = TC_TPCS2
ApplDataParamName3 = TC_TPCS3
ApplDataParamName4 = TC_TPCS4
ApplDataParamName5 = TC_TPCS5
ApplDataParamName6 = TC_TPCS6
ApplDataParamName7 = TC_TPCS7
ApplDataParamName8 = TC_TPCS8
ApplDataParamName9 = TC_TPCS9
ApplDataParamName10 = TC_TPCS10

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ApplDataParamIO1 = <EndOfList>
; ApplDataParamIO1 = Type:=Float, Res:=2
; ApplDataParamIO2 = Type:=Int

ApplDataParamSize = TC_TPCS_UNIT
ApplDataParamSize1 = <EndOfList>
; ApplDataParamSize1=TC_TPCS1_UNIT
; ...
; ApplDataParamSize10=TC_TPCS10_UNIT

; Example for the syntax of lines in the OEM data format:

; “[ToolEdgeParams]”
; “UserDataParamIO5= Type:=Float, Res:=2,
; Min:=-9999, Max:=9999 “Comment”
; “UserDataParamIO6= Type:=Int, Min:=-99, Max:=99”
; “UserDataParamIO7= Type:=Int, Min:=0, Max:=1”
; “5”: Number of the OEM data
; “Type:=...”: Defines the type of OEM data
; Default: “Floatn”
; “Float”: Floating point as used in the NC.
; The number of places after the decimal point
; depends on $MM_DISPLAY_RESOLUTION in mmc.ini
; and from “res:...” in this parameter line.
; “Int”: Integer (range: -999999999 to 999999999)
; “Res:=2”: Resolution, accuracy: Number of places after
; the comma if “Type:=Float” (floating-point
; number).
; Range from 0 to 6,
; If “Res:=...” is greater than
; $MM_DISPLAY_RESOLUTION, only the places
; $MM_DISPLAY_RESOLUTION are displayed.
; “Min:=-9999”: For the entry: Minimum value
; “Max:=-9999”: For the entry: Maximum value:
; “;comment”: Comment;
; Lines EdgeParamName...:
; Example:
; EdgeParamNameLLen1=TC_DP3
; Defines the text where the cutting-edge
; parameters and additive offset parameters
; are displayed in the tool detail displays.
; The sequence of the EdgeParamName... lines
; corresponds to the sequence in the displays.
; The sequence in the displays cannot be
; influenced by any change in the sequence in
; paramtm.ini.

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; We have used the character sequence “TP_DP

; ...” for the values of EdgeParamName...to
; illustrate the relationship between text and
; the associated NCK variables. Other
; sequences of characters can also be used
; here because this text reference only
; defines a parameter header and it is not
; defined which data are read out from the
; NCK.

; The value of EdgeParamName... is written

; directly into the display if [General]
; ReadLanguageIni =0 and in the untransformed
; presentation is active in tool detail
; display.

; If [General] ReadLanguageIni =1 and the

; untransformed presentation is active in the
; tool detail display, then the value of
; EdgeParamName... is used as the access code
; to read the text from the locale-specific
; INI file (language\patm_xx.ini, section
; [ToolEdgeParams], access code “TC_DP3” in
; this example).

; If the transformed presentation is active in

; the tool detail display, then the value of
; EdgeParamName... is used as the access code
; for the section
; [ToolEdgeParamsTrafoTextReplace] in
; paramtm.ini. The value found here is then
; used as the text or access code (depending
; on [General] ReadLanguageIni) to determine
; the output text for the detailed tool
; displays.

; If no entry is found in the INI files, then

; the text is taken from the Resource file
; language\pa_xx.dll.

; Lines UserDataParamName: Locale-specific mechanism

; Lines UserDataParamSize: Locale-specific mechanism
; Lines UserDataParamSizex: Locale-specific mechanism
; Lines EdgeParamName...: untransformed / transformed mechanism and
locale mechanism

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; Length 1
EdgeParamNameLLen1 = TC_DP3
; Length 2
EdgeParamNameLLen2 = TC_DP4
; Length 3
EdgeParamNameLLen3 = TC_DP5
; Radius l1
EdgeParamNameRLen1 = TC_DP8
; Radius l2
EdgeParamNameRLen2 = TC_DP9
; Radius r1
EdgeParamNameRRad1 = TC_DP6
; Radius r2
EdgeParamNameRRad2 = TC_DP7
; Angle1
EdgeParamNameAng1 = TC_DP10
; Angle2
EdgeParamNameAng2 = TC_DP11

UserDataParamName1 = TC_DPC1
UserDataParamName2 = TC_DPC2
UserDataParamName3 = TC_DPC3
UserDataParamName4 = TC_DPC4
UserDataParamName5 = TC_DPC5
UserDataParamName6 = TC_DPC6
UserDataParamName7 = TC_DPC7
UserDataParamName8 = TC_DPC8
UserDataParamName9 = TC_DPC9
UserDataParamName10 = TC_DPC10

UserDataParamIO1 = <EndOfList>
; UserDataParamIO1 = Type:=Float, Res:=2
; UserDataParamIO2 = Type:=Int

UserDataParamSize = TC_DPC_UNIT

UserDataParamSize1 = <EndOfList>
; UserDataParamSize1=TC_DPC1_UNIT
; ...
; UserDataParamSize10=TC_DPC10_UNIT

ApplDataParamName1 = TC_DPCS1
ApplDataParamName2 = TC_DPCS2
ApplDataParamName3 = TC_DPCS3
ApplDataParamName4 = TC_DPCS4
ApplDataParamName5 = TC_DPCS5
ApplDataParamName6 = TC_DPCS6
ApplDataParamName7 = TC_DPCS7
ApplDataParamName8 = TC_DPCS8
ApplDataParamName9 = TC_DPCS9
ApplDataParamName10 = TC_DPCS10

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ApplDataParamIO1 = <EndOfList>
; ApplDataParamIO1 = Type:=Float, Res:=2
; ApplDataParamIO2 = Type:=Int

ApplDataParamSize = TC_DPCS_UNIT

ApplDataParamSize1 = <EndOfList>
; ApplDataParamSize1=TC_DPCS1_UNIT
; ...
; ApplDataParamSize10=TC_DPCS10_UNIT

; Transformed length 1
; Transformed length 2
; Transformed length 3
; Transformed radius l1
; Transformed radius l2
; Transformed radius r1
; Transformed radius r2
; Transformed angle1
TC_DP10 = TTC_DP10
; Transformed angle2
TC_DP11 = TTC_DP11

; [CuttEdgeSupervisionOEM] cutting edge monitoring OEM data and
; application data
; [MagazineOEM] magazine OEM data and application data
; [MagazineLocOEM] magazine location OEM data and application data
; Help for the lines “UserDataParamIO”:
; Data format for the data display in magazine list and tool list
; This format is only used for the display
; and
; in a number of instances as well for entering data.

; “Name parameters” are used in parameter lines.

; The names are separated from the parameter value by “: = ”.
; The parameters themselves are separated one each other by “,”;
; blanks are permitted to the left and to the right of
; parameter names, “:=”, parameter value and “,”.

; Example for the syntax of lines in the OEM data format:

; “[CuttEdgeSupervisionOEM]”
; “UserDataParamIO5=Min:=-9999, Max:=9999 ;comment”
; “5”: Number of the OEM data
; “Min:=-9999”: For the entry: Minimum value

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4.4 HMI Advanced -- create magazine configuration

; “Max:=-9999”: For the entry: Maximum value:

; “;comment”: Comment

; Lines UserDataParamName: Locale-specific mechanism

; Lines UserDataParamSize: Locale-specific mechanism
; Lines UserDataParamSizex: Locale-specific mechanism

UserDataParamName1 = TC_MOPC1
UserDataParamName2 = TC_MOPC2
UserDataParamName3 = TC_MOPC3
UserDataParamName4 = TC_MOPC4
UserDataParamName5 = TC_MOPC5
UserDataParamName6 = TC_MOPC6
UserDataParamName7 = TC_MOPC7
UserDataParamName8 = TC_MOPC8
UserDataParamName9 = TC_MOPC9
UserDataParamName10 = TC_MOPC10
UserDataParamIO1 = <EndOfList>
; UserDataParamIO1 = Min:=-4, Max:=6
; UserDataParamIO2 = Min:=-10, Max:=122

UserDataParamSize = TC_MOPC_UNIT

UserDataParamSize1 = <EndOfList>
; UserDataParamSize1=TC_MOPC1_UNIT
; ...
; UserDataParamSize10=TC_MOPC10_UNIT

ApplDataParamName1 = TC_MOPCS1
ApplDataParamName2 = TC_MOPCS2
ApplDataParamName3 = TC_MOPCS3
ApplDataParamName4 = TC_MOPCS4
ApplDataParamName5 = TC_MOPCS5
ApplDataParamName6 = TC_MOPCS6
ApplDataParamName7 = TC_MOPCS7
ApplDataParamName8 = TC_MOPCS8
ApplDataParamName9 = TC_MOPCS9
ApplDataParamName10 = TC_MOPCS10

ApplDataParamIO1 = <EndOfList>
; ApplDataParamIO1 = Min:=-4, Max:=6
; ApplDataParamIO2 = Min:=-10, Max:=122

ApplDataParamSize = TC_MOPCS_UNIT

ApplDataParamSize1 = <EndOfList>
; ApplDataParamSize1=TC_MOPCS1_UNIT
; ...
; ApplDataParamSize10=TC_MOPCS10_UNIT

UserDataParamName1 = TC_MAPC1
UserDataParamName2 = TC_MAPC2
UserDataParamName3 = TC_MAPC3
UserDataParamName4 = TC_MAPC4

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UserDataParamName5 = TC_MAPC5
UserDataParamName6 = TC_MAPC6
UserDataParamName7 = TC_MAPC7
UserDataParamName8 = TC_MAPC8
UserDataParamName9 = TC_MAPC9
UserDataParamName10 = TC_MAPC10

UserDataParamIO1 = <EndOfList>
; UserDataParamIO1 = Min:=-22, Max:=24
; UserDataParamIO2 = Min:=-10, Max:=162
UserDataParamSize = TC_MAPC_UNIT

UserDataParamSize1 = <EndOfList>
; UserDataParamSize1=TC_MAPC1_UNIT
; ...
; UserDataParamSize10=TC_MAPC10_UNIT
ApplDataParamName1 = TC_MAPCS1
ApplDataParamName2 = TC_MAPCS2
ApplDataParamName3 = TC_MAPCS3
ApplDataParamName4 = TC_MAPCS4
ApplDataParamName5 = TC_MAPCS5
ApplDataParamName6 = TC_MAPCS6
ApplDataParamName7 = TC_MAPCS7
ApplDataParamName8 = TC_MAPCS8
ApplDataParamName9 = TC_MAPCS9
ApplDataParamName10 = TC_MAPCS10
ApplDataParamIO1 = <EndOfList>
; ApplDataParamIO1 = Min:=-22, Max:=24
; ApplDataParamIO2 = Min:=-10, Max:=162

ApplDataParamSize = TC_MAPCS_UNIT
ApplDataParamSize1 = <EndOfList>
; ApplDataParamSize1=TC_MAPCS1_UNIT
; ...
; ApplDataParamSize10=TC_MAPCS10_UNIT

UserDataParamName1 = TC_MPPC1
UserDataParamName2 = TC_MPPC2
UserDataParamName3 = TC_MPPC3
UserDataParamName4 = TC_MPPC4
UserDataParamName5 = TC_MPPC5
UserDataParamName6 = TC_MPPC6
UserDataParamName7 = TC_MPPC7
UserDataParamName8 = TC_MPPC8
UserDataParamName9 = TC_MPPC9
UserDataParamName10 = TC_MPPC10
UserDataParamIO1 = <EndOfList>
; UserDataParamIO1 = Min:=-42, Max:=62
; UserDataParamIO2 = Min:=-210, Max:=712

UserDataParamSize = TC_MPPC_UNIT

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4.4 HMI Advanced -- create magazine configuration

UserDataParamSize1 = <EndOfList>
; UserDataParamSize1=TC_MPPC1_UNIT
; ...
; UserDataParamSize10=TC_MPPC10_UNIT
ApplDataParamName1 = TC_MPPCS1
ApplDataParamName2 = TC_MPPCS2
ApplDataParamName3 = TC_MPPCS3
ApplDataParamName4 = TC_MPPCS4
ApplDataParamName5 = TC_MPPCS5
ApplDataParamName6 = TC_MPPCS6
ApplDataParamName7 = TC_MPPCS7
ApplDataParamName8 = TC_MPPCS8
ApplDataParamName9 = TC_MPPCS9
ApplDataParamName10 = TC_MPPCS10
ApplDataParamIO1 = <EndOfList>
; ApplDataParamIO1 = Min:=-42, Max:=62
; ApplDataParamIO2 = Min:=-210, Max:=712

ApplDataParamSize = TC_MPPCS_UNIT

ApplDataParamSize1 = <EndOfList>
; ApplDataParamSize1=TC_MPPCS1_UNIT
; ...
; ApplDataParamSize10=TC_MPPCS10_UNIT

Parameterization of the individual magazine, tool and working offset lists

; Changes in the following sections can determine which data is
; displayed in the individual magazine, tool and working offset
; lists:
; [1_MagList], [2_MagList], [3_MagList],
; [1_ToolList], [2_ToolList], [3_ToolList],
; [1_ActList], [2_ActList], [3_ActList].

; In these sections you can define the number of columns not

; displaced (i.e. always visible) by horizontal navigation
; (“scrolling”) (“NoOfFixedColumns=m”) as well as the number of
; individual columns (“1=...”, “2=...”,...).

; The column number (number in front of “=”) can take a value between
; 1 and 1000.
; The maximum number of columns in a list is about 90, whereby for
; 90 columns in a list however, the rate of display is slower and the
; user has to scroll horizontally in order to see all the columns
; that can be displayed. This means that this limit is not normally
; reached.

; Gaps are allowed between the numbers in the sequence of column

; numbers.

; If you want to deactivate a predefined column in mmc2\paramtm.ini,

; you can insert the corresponding entry with the value “<Empty>”.

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; Specify “...=<EndOfList>” to define the end of the list. This

; increases the speed when reading the INI files once tool management
; has been started.

; Example for the syntax of a column-definition line:

; “2=TC_TP2,11,TC_TP2 ;WzIdent”
; “2”: Number of the entry,
; First “TC_TP2”: determines which NC data in the list of columns
; will be displayed.
; The sequence of characters TC_TP2 corresponds to
; an NCK variable, refer to the NC Programming
; Guide. The specified sequences of characters are
; described in paramtm.txt.

; New in Version P5:

; If “MultiLine=SINGLE” is in a list definition
; section of a magazine or tool list, then the
; cutting-edge number can be specified by adding
; “@Ee”, whereby “e” denotes the cutting-edge
; number (range from 1 to maximum number of
; cutting edges per tool) for all cutting edge
; data.
; This applies to the following data:
; Cutting edge data TC_DPp@Ee
; Cutting edge monitoring data TC_MOPp@Ee
; OEM cutting edge data TC_DPCp@Ee
; Freely assignable D No. TC_DPCE@Ee
; Additive offset TC_SCPz@Ee
; Setup compensation TC_ECPz@Ee

; If “@Ee” is not specified in these columns, then

; the data for cutting edge 1 is used.
; This method of proceeding is compatible with the
; earlier versions of P5.

; In order to avoid confusion, you should give the

; cutting-edge number in the title text of the
; respective column for these cutting edges.

; “@Ee” may not be specified in magazine and tool

; lists with “Multitime=MULTI” or with working
; offset list. These values automatically display
; the data for the current cutting edges.
; “11”: Approximate width of the column in characters,
; relative to “[GeneralSettingForMagAndToolList]”,
; entries “ColumnWidthTwipsPer AlphaCharacter” and
; “ColumnWidthTwipsPerNumericCharacter”

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; Second “TC_TP2” Column header text or code for text.

; If the entry in the section “[General]” is
; “ReadLanguageIni”=“1”, then the column header
; text is searched in the files
; mmc2\language\patm_gr.ini,
; user\language\patm_gr.ini etc. in the section
; “[ListColumnHeaderText]”, entry “TC_TP2” (in
; this example).
; The character sequence “gr” in “patm_gr.ini”
; depends on the particular language (see mmc.ini,
; “[LANGUAGE]”, entry “Language=...”).
; If the entry is found in Language\patm_gr.ini
; then this is used as the column header text.
; If no entry is found or the text <Empty> is
; found, then the value from the file paramtm.ini
; is used as the column-header text.
; If transformed data are displayed, then the
; column-header text or its access code is
; “transformed”, in that the corresponding
; assignment of the section
; [ListColumnHeaderTrafoTextReplace] is used for
; the replacing operation.
; (This way both the transformed/untransformed
; mechanism as well as the locale mechanism are
; used.)
; “;WzIdent”: “;” Introduces a comment; at the end of a
; parameter line you can also introduce a comment
; with “//”.

1= ToolInPlace, 3, ToolInPlace
2= TC_MPP4_1, 1, TC_MPP4_1
3= TC_MPP4_2, 1, TC_MPP4_2
4= TC_MPP4_3, 1, TC_MPP4_3
5= TC_MPP4_4, 1, TC_MPP4_4
6= TC_MPP4_5, 1, TC_MPP4_5
7= TC_MPP4_6, 1, TC_MPP4_6
8= TC_MPP4_7, 1, TC_MPP4_7
9= TC_MPP4_8, 1, TC_MPP4_8
10= TC_TP2, 11, TC_TP2
11= TC_TP1, 5, TC_TP1
12= TC_MPP6, 5, TC_MPP6
13= TC_TP3, 1, TC_TP3
14= TC_TP4, 1, TC_TP4
15= TC_TP5, 1, TC_TP5
16= TC_TP6, 1, TC_TP6
17= TC_TP7, 4, TC_TP7
18= TC_TP8_1, 1, TC_TP8_1
19= TC_TP8_2, 1, TC_TP8_2
20= TC_TP8_3, 1, TC_TP8_3

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21= TC_TP8_4, 1, TC_TP8_4

22= TC_TP8_5, 1, TC_TP8_5
23= TC_TP8_6, 1, TC_TP8_6
24= TC_TP8_7, 1, TC_TP8_7
25= TC_TP8_8, 1, TC_TP8_8
26= NoData, 1, <automatic extend last column>
27= <EndOfList>

1= ToolInPlace, 3, ToolInPlace
2= TC_TP2, 11, TC_TP2
3= TC_TP1, 5, TC_TP1
4= TC_MPP6, 5, TC_MPP6
5= TC_TP7, 4, TC_TP7
6= CuttEdgeNo, 1, CuttEdgeNo
7= TC_DP1, 4, TC_DP1
8= TC_DP3, 11, TC_DP3
9= TC_DP6, 11, TC_DP6
10= TC_TP3, 1, TC_TP3
11= TC_TP4, 1, TC_TP4
12= TC_TP5, 1, TC_TP5
13= TC_TP6, 1, TC_TP6
14= TC_MPP2, 4, TC_MPP2
15= TC_ADPT1, 11, TC_ADAPT1
16= TC_ADPT2, 11, TC_ADAPT2
17= TC_ADPT3, 11, TC_ADAPT3
18= TC_ADPT4, 4, TC_ADAPT4
19= <EndOfList>

1= ToolInPlace, 3, ToolInPlace
2= TC_TP2, 11, TC_TP2
3= TC_TP1, 5, TC_MPP6
5= TC_TP9, 1, TC_TP9
6= TC_MOP1, 7, TC_MOP1
7= TC_MOP2, 7, TC_MOP2
8= TC_MOP3, 7, TC_MOP3
9= TC_MOP4, 7, TC_MOP4
10= TC_MPP3, 1, TC_MPP3
11= TC_MPP5, 2, TC_MPP5
12= NoData, 1, <automatic extend last column>
13= <EndOfList>

1= NO, 4, NO
2= MagNo, 4, MagNo
3= ToolInPlace, 3, ToolInPlace
4= TC_TP2, 11, TC_TP2

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5= TC_TP1, 5, TC_TP1
6= TC_MPP6, 5, TC_MPP6
7= TC_TP3, 1, TC_TP3
8= TC_TP4, 1, TC_TP4
9= TC_TP5, 1, TC_TP5
10= TC_TP6, 1, TC_TP6
11= TC_TP8_1, 1, TC_TP8_1
12= TC_TP8_2, 1, TC_TP8_2
13= TC_TP8_3, 1 TC_TP8_3
14= TC_TP8_4, 1, TC_TP8_4
15= TC_TP8_5, 1, TC_TP8_5
16= TC_TP8_6, 1, TC_TP8_6
17= TC_TP8_7, 1, TC_TP8_7
18= TC_TP8_8, 1, TC_TP8_8
19= TC_TP7, 4, TC_TP7
20= NoData, 1, <automatic extend last column>
21= <EndOfList>

1= NO, 4, NO
2= MagNo, 4, MagNo
3= ToolInPlace, 3, ToolInPlace
4= TC_TP2, 11, TC_TP2
5= TC_TP1, 5, TC_TP1
6= TC_MPP6, 5, TC_MPP6
7= CuttEdgeNo, 1, CuttEdgeNo
8= TC_DP1, 4, TC_DP1
9= TC_DP3, 11, TC_DP3
10= TC_DP4, 11, TC_DP4
11= TC_DP5, 11, TC_DP5
12= TC_DP6, 11, TC_DP6
13= TC_MPP2, 4, TC_MPP2
14= <EndOfList>

1= NO, 4, NO
2= MagNo, 4, MagNo
3= ToolInPlace, 3, ToolInPlace
4= TC_TP2, 11, TC_TP2
5= TC_TP1, 5, TC_TP1
6= TC_MPP6, 5, TC_MPP6
7= TC_TP3, 1, TC_TP3
8= TC_TP4, 1, TC_TP4
9= TC_TP5, 1, TC_TP5
10= TC_TP6, 1, TC_TP6
11= TC_DP3@E1, 11, e1TC_DP3
12= TC_DP3@E2, 11, e2TC_DP3
13= TC_DP3@E3, 11, e3TC_DP3
14= TC_TP9, 1, TC_TP9
15= TC_MOP1, 7, TC_MOP1

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16= TC_MOP2, 7, TC_MOP2

17= TC_MOP3, 7, TC_MOP3
18= TC_MOP4, 7, TC_MOP4
19= <EndOfList>

NumLinesPerReq = 11
1= NO, 4, NO
2= TC_TP2, 11, TC_TP2
3= TC_TP1, 5, TC_TP1
4= TC_MPP6, 5, TC_MPP6
5= CuttEdgeNo, 1, CuttEdgeNo
7= MagNo, 4, MagNo
8= ToolInPlace, 3, ToolInPlace
9= TC_MPP2, 3, TC_MPP2
10= TC_MPP5, 4, TC_MPP5
11= TC_DP1, 11, TC_DP3
13= TC_DP4, 11, TC_DP4
14= TC_SCP13, 9, TC_SCP13
15= TC_SCP14, 9, TC_SCP14
16= TC_SCP23, 9, TC_SCP23
17= TC_SCP24, 9, TC_SCP24
18= TC_ADPT1, 11, TC_ADAPT1
19= TC_ADPT2, 11, TC_ADAPT2
20= TC_ADPT3, 11, TC_ADAPT3
21= TC_ADPT4, 4, TC_ADAPT4
22= TC_TP8_1, 1, TC_TP8_1
23= TC_TP8_2, 1, TC_TP8_2
24= TC_TP8_3, 1, TC_TP8_3
25= TC_TP8_4, 1, TC_TP8_4
26= TC_TP8_5, 1, TC_TP8_5
27= TC_TP8_8, 1, TC_TP8_8
28= <EndOfList>

NumLinesPerReq = 6
1= NO, 4, NO
2= TC_TP2, 11, TC_TP2
3= TC_TP1, 5, TC_TP1
4= TC_MPP6, 5, TC_MPP6
5= CuttEdgeNo, 1, CuttEdgeNo
7= MagNo, 4, MagNo
8= ToolInPlace, 3, ToolInPlace
9= DLNO, 3, DLNO
10= TC_SCP3, 9, TC_SCP3
11= TC_SCP4, 9, TC_SCP4
12= <Empty>

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13= <Empty>
14= TC_DP1, 4, TC_DP1
15= TC_DP2, 11, TC_DP2
16= TC_DP3, 11, TC_DP3
17= TC_DP4, 11, TC_DP4
18= <Empty>
19= <Empty>
20= TC_ADPT1, 11, TC_ADAPT1
21= TC_ADPT2, 11, TC_ADAPT2
22= TC_ADPT3, 11, TC_ADAPT3
23= TC_ADPT4, 4, TC_ADAPT4
24= <EndOfList>

NumLinesPerReq = 11
1= NO, 4, NO
2= MagNo, 4, MagNo
3= ToolInPlace, 3, ToolInPlace
4= TC_TP2, 11, TC_TP2
5= TC_TP1, 5, TC_TP1
7= TC_TP3, 1, TC_TP3
8= TC_TP4, 1, TC_TP4
9= TC_TP5, 1, TC_TP5
10= TC_TP6, 1, TC_TP6
11= TC_TP9, 1, TC_TP9
12= TC_MOP1, 7, TC_MOP1
13= TC_MOP2, 7, TC_MOP2
14= TC_MOP3, 7, TC_MOP3
15= TC_MOP4, 7, TC_MOP4
16= TC_MOP5, 7, TC_MOP5
17= TC_MOP6, 7, TC_MOP6
18= TC_MOP11, 7, TC_MOP11
19= TC_MOP13, 7, TC_MOP13
20= TC_MOP15, 7, TC_MOP15
21= <EndOfList>

; Example:
; TC_DP3 = TTC_DP3
; defines the replacement text for the transformed
; display of lists for the cutting edge parameters
; and the additive offset parameters in the column
; headers.
; The substitute code for the transformed
; presentation is searched in the code “TC_DP3”.

; If an entry is missing in this section, then the

; column header of the appropriate column “missed
; trafo text” (“no transformation text available”)
; is displayed.

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e1TC_DP3 = Te1TC_DP3
e2TC_DP3 = Te2TC_DP3
e3TC_DP3 = Te3TC_DP3
TC_DP10 = TTC_DP10
TC_DP11 = TTC_DP11
TC_DP12 = TTC_DP12
TC_DP13 = TTC_DP13
TC_DP14 = TTC_DP14
TC_DP15 = TTC_DP15
TC_DP16 = TTC_DP16
TC_DP17 = TTC_DP17
TC_DP18 = TTC_DP18
TC_DP19 = TTC_DP19
TC_DP20 = TTC_DP20
TC_DP21 = TTC_DP21
TC_DP22 = TTC_DP22
TC_DP23 = TTC_DP23
TC_DP24 = TTC_DP24
TC_DP25 = TTC_DP25
e1TC_SCP13 = Te1TC_SCP13
e1TC_SCP14 = Te1TC_SCP14
e1TC_SCP15 = Te1TC_SCP15
e1TC_SCP23 = Te1TC_SCP23

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4.4 HMI Advanced -- create magazine configuration

e1TC_SCP24 = Te1TC_SCP24
e1TC_SCP25 = Te1TC_SCP25
e1TC_SCP33 = Te1TC_SCP33
e1TC_SCP34 = Te1TC_SCP34
e1TC_SCP35 = Te1TC_SCP35
e2TC_SCP13 = Te2TC_SCP13
e2TC_SCP14 = Te2TC_SCP14
e2TC_SCP15 = Te2TC_SCP15
e2TC_SCP23 = Te2TC_SCP23
e2TC_SCP24 = Te2TC_SCP24
e2TC_SCP25 = Te2TC_SCP25
e2TC_SCP33 = Te2TC_SCP33
e2TC_SCP34 = Te2TC_SCP34
e2TC_SCP35 = Te2TC_SCP35
e3TC_SCP13 = Te3TC_SCP13
e3TC_SCP14 = Te3TC_SCP14
e3TC_SCP15 = Te3TC_SCP15
e3TC_SCP23 = Te3TC_SCP23
e3TC_SCP24 = Te3TC_SCP24
e3TC_SCP25 = Te3TC_SCP25
e3TC_SCP33 = Te3TC_SCP33
e3TC_SCP34 = Te3TC_SCP34
e3TC_SCP35 = Te3TC_SCP35
e1TC_ECP13 = Te1TC_ECP13
e1TC_ECP14 = Te1TC_ECP14
e1TC_ECP15 = Te1TC_ECP15
e1TC_ECP23 = Te1TC_ECP23
e1TC_ECP24 = Te1TC_ECP24
e1TC_ECP25 = Te1TC_ECP25
e1TC_ECP33 = Te1TC_ECP33
e1TC_ECP34 = Te1TC_ECP34
e1TC_ECP35 = Te1TC_ECP35
e2TC_ECP13 = Te2TC_ECP13
e2TC_ECP14 = Te2TC_ECP14
e2TC_ECP15 = Te2TC_ECP15

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e2TC_ECP23 = Te2TC_ECP23
e2TC_ECP24 = Te2TC_ECP24
e2TC_ECP25 = Te2TC_ECP25
e2TC_ECP33 = Te2TC_ECP33
e2TC_ECP34 = Te2TC_ECP34
e2TC_ECP35 = Te2TC_ECP35
e3TC_ECP13 = Te3TC_ECP13
e3TC_ECP14 = Te3TC_ECP14
e3TC_ECP15 = Te3TC_ECP15
e3TC_ECP23 = Te3TC_ECP23
e3TC_ECP24 = Te3TC_ECP24
e3TC_ECP25 = Te3TC_ECP25
e3TC_ECP33 = Te3TC_ECP33
e3TC_ECP34 = Te3TC_ECP34
e3TC_ECP35 = Te3TC_ECP35

; Control of the job functions for the tools:
; load, unload or reactivate a number of tools
; Note: The tool filters only function if bit 4 (from 0 to ...) is
; set in ToolManagementMask.
; Max. 6 filters can be specified.
; The following can be specified for each filter:
; Softkey text, list header, search criteria, selection of the type
; of results list and additional data
; The file ...user\paramini.out contains error messages for the
; errors that were encountered when reading in the parameters.
; Search criteria:
; Permissible values in “_FindCondition”:
; A maximum of 8 entries are permissible, separated by “,”. They are
; ANDed.
; No data may occur more than once in the part conditions. Each part
; condition consists of three parts:
; 1. Datum for which the condition applies
; 2. Condition
3. Comparison value

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; The following data can be a filter criterion:

; Tool data:
; TC-TP1 Duplo number
; TC-TP2 Tool identifier
; TC-TP3 Tool size in half locations left
; TC-TP4 Tool size in half locations right
; TC-TP5 Tool size in half locations top
; TC-TP6 Tool size in half locations bottom
; TC-TP7 Tool location type
; TC-TP8 Tool status
; TC-TP9 Monitoring type
; TC-TP10 Replacement tool search
; TC-TP11 Tool information/replacement tool sequence
; A_TOOLMN Magazine number
; A_TOOLMLN Magazine location number
; P_TOOLND Number of cutting edges
; Tool OEM data:
; “TC_TPC1” to “TC_TPC10”,
; Tool OEM data must be activated on the NC and the numbers must be
; permissible on the NC.
; Tool cutting edge parameters:
; “TC_DP1” to “TC_DP25”, “TC_DPH”, “TC_DPV”, “TC_DPV3”, “TC_DPV4”,
; “TC_DPV5”
; (the NCK setting applies instead of “25”)
; Tool cutting edge OEM data:
; “TC_DPC1” to “TC_DP10”
; Tool cutting edge OEM data must be activated on the NC and the num-
; bers must be permissible on the NC.
; Tool cutting edge monitoring parameters:
; TC_MOP1 Prewarning limit for tool life
; TC_MOP2 Actual value for tool life
; TC_MOP3 Prewarning limit for workpiece count
; TC_MOP4 Actual value for workpiece count
; TC_MOP5 Prewarning limit for wear
; TC_MOP6 Remaining wear
; TC_MOP11 Setpoint for tool life
; TC_MOP13 Setpoint for tool workpiece count
; TC_MOP15 Setpoint for wear
; Tool cutting edge monitoring OEM data:
; “TC_MOPC1” to “TC_MOPC10”
; Tool cutting edge monitoring OEM data must be activated on the NC
; and the numbers must be permissible on the NC.
; If NckVersion >= 430000: User data
; Tool user data:
; “TC_TPCS1” to “TC_TPCS10”
; Tool user data must be activated on the NC and the numbers must be
; permissible on the NC.
; Tool cutting edge user data::
; “TC_DPCS1” to “TC_DPCS10”
; Tool cutting edge user data must be activated on the NC and the
; numbers must be permissible on the NC.
; Cutting edge monitoring user data:
; “TC_MOPCS1” to “TC_MOPCS10”
; Cutting edge monitoring user data must be activated on the NC and
; the numbers must be permissible on the NC.

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; Condition:
; “==” equal to
; “<” smaller than
; “>” greater than
; “<=” smaller than or equal to
; greater than or equal to
; && Bit-wise AND, only permissible for operands of type
; “==” is the only relational operator allowed for string operands
; Comparison value:
; String for TC_TP2 (tool data, tool identifier), max. 32 characters,
; no blanks before or after
; 0 ... 65535 for the other TC_TP data
; Double for all other data
; Max. one column with additional data can appear for each filter
; _FindResultAddColumnBtss:
; Additional data, OPI item acc. to OPI documentation
; (mmc2\btss_gr.hlp).
; Example 1: “/Tool/User/data[u#TOA#,c2,#TNO#](|“!d%.#RES#lf”)” tool
; OEM parameter 2, floating point representation, standard number of
; places after the decimal point
; Example 2: “/Tool/User/data[u#TOA#,c3,#TNO#](|“!l%ld”)” tool OEM
; parameter 3, integer representation
; Example 3: “/Tool/MagazineDescription/userData[u#TOA#,c#MAG#,1](|)”
; magazine OEM parameter 1
; The following placeholders are permissible: #TOA#, #TNO#, #MAG#,
; #RES#.
; #TOA# TOA number (of the current channel)
; #TNO# Internal T number (of the tool found)
; #MAG# Magazine number (of the found tool)
; #RES# Standard value for the number of places after the
; decimal point
; Placeholders are substituted by the data for the current tool or by
; general settings.
; Max. 1 OPI item is permitted.
; “(|)” is entered in front of the result data to generate the data
; separation character “|”.
; OPI multiple variable accesses are generated internally from the
; OPI item.
; The OPI item must enclosed by “ ” especially when formatting infor-
; mation is contained in “ ”.
; The user setting the parameters is responsible for the correct syn-
; tax. The syntax is not checked by the OPI.
; General settings for all filters:
; This entry applies for HMI_ADV prior to software Version 6.3.
; With Version 6.3 and higher it is ignored.
; Colors for the Results list:
; A hex value consisting of 8 characters is assigned to each color.
; The hex value has the following syntax:
; SSBBGGRR where SS=System, BB=Blue, GG=Green, RR=Red
; The colors have to be specified for the following list elements:
; Non-selected text
; Non-selected background
; Cursor-selected text

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; Cursor-selected background
; Job-selection and cursor-selected text
; Job-selection and cursor-selected background
; Job-selection and cursor-selected text
; Job-selection and cursor-selected background
; ;WinTxt, WinBa, HighLTxt,HighLiBa,TiBaTxt, green, ,TiBaTxt, blue-
; green
; ResultColors=80000008,80000005,8000000E,8000000D,80000009,0000FF00,
; 80000009,00FF8000
; ;experimental, LiteBlue for batch selected
; ;WinTxt, WinBa, HighLTxt,HighLiBa,WinTxt ,LiteBlue,HighLTxt,High-
; LiBa
; ResultColors=80000008,80000005,8000000E,8000000D,80000008,00FFFF00,
; 8000000E,8000000D
; ;experimental, LiteGreen for batch selected
; ;WinTxt, WinBa, HighLTxt,HighLiBa,WinTxt ,Litegree,HighLTxt,High-
; LiBa
; ResultColors=80000008,80000005,8000000E,8000000D,80000008,000FF000,
; 8000000E,8000000D
; WinTxt, WinBa, HighLTxt,HighLiBa,HighLTxt,HighLiBa,HighLTxt,High-
; LiBa

; The user can replace the names of the bitmaps or the bitmaps them-
; selves with custom bitmaps. The custom bitmaps are stored in the
; “user” directory.
BatchFilterElBUnTUnBitmap = pbfbutu.bmp
BatchFilterElBUnTSeBitmap = pbfbuts.bmp
BatchFilterElBSeTUnBitmap = pbfbstu.bmp
BatchFilterElBSeTSeBitmap = pbfbsts.bmp
BatchRunElWaitingBitmap = pbbwait.bmp
BatchRunElInWorkBitmap = pbbwork.bmp
BatchRunElOKBitmap = pbbok.bmp
BatchRunElErrorBitmap = pbberr.bmp

; Width of a typical character

CharToGetColWidthPerCharacter= CharToGetColWidth

; language-dependent, see ...\language\patm_xx.ini

; Selection of the tool status bits which are displayed in the result
; list:
ResultToolStatusColumnsEnable= 1111100100110000

; Bits 1 to 16, bit 1 is the least-significant bit in the tool status

and is positioned to the left in this character sequence
; Text in the header for the tool status column:
; If ResultToolStatusColumnsHeaderText and ResultToolStatusColumn-
; sListText equal “<Empty>”, the locale-specific values are contained
; in the batch list for pa_xx.dll.
ResultToolStatusColumnsHeaderText=<Empty> ;language-dependent/locale-
; ResultToolStatusColumnsHeaderText=ToolStatusColHeaderText ;lan-
; guage-dependent

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; Text in the data of the tool status column:

ResultToolStatusColumnsListText= <Empty> ;language-dependent/locale-
; ResultToolStatusColumnsListText= ToolStatusColListText ;language-
; dependent
; Column width for tool identifier
; Definitions of individual filters:
1_FindSoftkeyText = F1SK
; Locale-specific; prewarning or disabled
1_FindResultHeadlineText = R1HL
; Locale-specific; prewarning limit reached or disabled
1_FindCondition = TC_TP8 && 20
; Prewarning bit set (bit 5 of bit 1 to 16 (2 to the power of
; (5-1)=16) + Disabled bit set (bit 3 (2 to the power of (3-1)=4)
1_FindResultAddColumnBtss = <empty>
1_FindResultAddColumnText = <empty> ; or R1AddCol ; locale-specific
; “True”, “False”(default setting) ; limited to current magazine, if
; called via magazine list.
1_ResultListType =0
; 0 = Standardliste (default setting), 1 = loading list
1_ReactivatePositioningMode = 2
; Positioning during Reactivate
; 0: Do not position, 1: Ask the operator whether to position, 2:
; Always positioning (default setting)

2_FindSoftkeyText = F2SK ; “disabled”

2_FindResultHeadlineText = R2HL ; “Tools disabled”
2_FindCondition = TC_TP8 && 4
; Disabled=bit 3 (2 to the power of (3-1)=4)
2_FindResultAddColumnBtss = <empty>
2_FindResultAddColumnText = <empty> ; or R2AddCol
; “True”, “False”(default setting) ; limited to current magazine, if
; called via magazine list.
2_ResultListType =0
; 0 = Standardliste (default setting), 1 = loading list
2_ReactivatePositioningMode = 0
; 0: Do not position, 1: Ask the operator whether to position, 2:
; Always positioning (default setting)

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3_FindSoftkeyText = F3SK ; “Load all”

3_FindResultHeadlineText = R3HL
; Unloading list for all loaded tools
3_FindCondition = A_TOOLMN > 0
; Magazine number of tool greater than 0
3_FindResultAddColumnBtss = <empty>
3_FindResultAddColumnText = <empty> ; or R3AddCol
; “True”, “False”(default setting) ; limited to current magazine, if
; called via magazine list.
3_ResultListType =0
; 0 = Standardliste (default setting), 1 = loading list
3_ReactivatePositioningMode = 1
; Positioning during Reactivate
; 0: Do not position, 1: Ask the operator whether to position, 2:
; Always positioning (default setting)

4_FindSoftkeyText = F4SK ; “Unload all”

4_FindResultHeadlineText = R4HL
; Loading list for all unloaded tools
4_FindCondition = A_TOOLMN == 0
; Magazine number of tool equal to 0
4_FindResultAddColumnBtss = <empty>
4_FindResultAddColumnText = <empty> ; or R4AddCol
; “True”, “False”(default setting) ; limited to current magazine, if
; called via magazine list.
4_ResultListType =0
; 0 = Standardliste (default setting), 1 = loading list
4_ReactivatePositioningMode = 1
; Positioning during Reactivate
; 0: Do not position, 1: Ask the operator whether to position, 2:
; Always positioning (default setting)

5_FindSoftkeyText = F5SK ; “Load identifier”

5_FindResultHeadlineText = R5HL
; “Load list for all tools with load identifier”
5_FindCondition = TC_TP8 && 2048
; (LoadIdentifier=bit12 (2 to the power of (12-1)=2048)
5_FindResultAddColumnBtss = <empty>
5_FindResultAddColumnText = <empty> ; or R5AddCol
; “True”, “False”(default setting) ; limited to current magazine, if
; called via magazine list.
5_ResultListType =1
; 0 = Standardliste (default setting), 1 = loading list

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6_FindSoftkeyText = F6SK ; “Unload identifier”

6_FindResultHeadlineText = R6HL
; “Unload list for all tools with unload identifier”
6_FindCondition = TC_TP8 && 1024
; (UnloadIdentifier=bit11 (2 to the power of (11-1)=1024)
6_FindResultAddColumnBtss = <empty>
6_FindResultAddColumnText = <empty> ; or R6AddCol
; “True”, “False”(default setting) ; limited to current magazine, if
; called via magazine list.
6_ResultListType =0
; 0 = Standardliste (default setting), 1 = loading list

; Definition of shortcut softkeys for up to 5 favorite magazines per
; TOA, evaluated if section “[GeneralSettingsForMagAndToolList]”
; entry “MagListMagSelectSoftkey=SelectMag” is set.
; This helps to prevent users from excessive use of “Magazine +” and
; “Magazine -” softkeys, if a lot of magazines are available.
; You can define up to 5 shortcut softkeys for favorite magazines. It
; is possible to use a shortcut softkey for different magazines, if
; the magazines are in different TOAs.
; Syntax: “magIdent = ShortKeyNummer, AutoReturn”
; Examples: revolver15=3,NoAuto<<
; chain50 =1,Auto<<
; Meaning: “magIdent”: magazine ident like in $TC_MAP2 or in
; magazine configuration in application maintenance
; tool management.
; “ShortKeyNumber”: Number of shortcut, value 1 to 5
; “AutoReturn”: stay in magazine selection state or
; return automatically to magazine list state Values
; “NoAuto<<” and “Auto<<”.
; magazine “revolver15” ($TC_MAP2) can be displayed
; by shortcut 3, you must use “<<” softkey explicitly
; to leave magazine select state.
; magazine “chain50” can be displayed by shortcut 1
; and there is an automatic return to magazine list
; state after pressing this shortcut softkey.

; To specify softkey text, use section “[ShortcutSoftKeysForMagSe-

; lect]” in language dependent ini files patm_??.ini.

;chain10 = 1, Auto<<
;turret20 = 2, Auto<<
;turret10 = 3, Auto<<
;chain20 = 5, NoAuto<<
;turret15 = 4, NoAuto<<

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Configuring the tool management displays in the paramtm.ini file

The tool management operator interface can be customized with the file
The following custom settings can be made:
S Mofify the structure and layout of the lists
S Apply specific default values
S Protect or deactivate functions via access rights.
All the functions and possibilities of the tool management are listed in the
paramtm.txt file on HMI Advanced.
At installation and start-up, the operator can decide which functions are required
for a specific machine. Vaues and to some extent also functions can be preset to
allow for convenient, user-friendly operation.

Examples for assigning parameters for access rights

Example 1
S The tool data is to be automatically deleted when unloaded (magazine list only).
S The tool list function is not used.
S The function tool catalog and cabinet is not used.
The parameters can be assigned as follows:
. . .
. . .
DELETE_TOOL_ON_UNLOAD=1 The tool data is automatically deleted at unloading
. . .
SKTLLIST=2 The tool list is only activated by the manufacturer
code, i.e. is disabled during normal operation.
SLTOOLCAB=2 Activation of the tool catalog and cabinet
SKTOOLCAT=2 is only via manufacturer code, there-
fore they are disabled during normal operation

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Example 2
S The tool data is not deleted at unloading, but remain in the tool list (in NCK).
The data can be used for loading tools.
S The function tool catalog and tool cabinet is not used.
The parameters can be assigned as follows:
. . .
. . .
DELETE_TOOL_ON_UNLOAD=0 The tool data is not automatically deleted at un-
. . .
SKTLLIST=7 The tool list can always be called.
SLTOOLCAB=2 Activation of the tool catalog and cabinet
SKTOOLCAT=2 is only via manufacturer code, there-
fore they are disabled for the user.

Example 3
The tool data is to be automatically deleted at unload in the magazine list.
The function tool catalog and tool cabinet is used.
The parameters can be assigned as follows:
. . .
. . .
DELETE_TOOL_ON_UNLOAD=1 The tool data is deleted at unloading
. . .
SKTLLIST=2 The tool list is only active via manufacturer pass-
SLTOOLCAB=7 The tool catalog and tool cabinet
SKTOOLCAT=7 can be called (are not locked)
. . .

If access rights have been assigned for functions and the protection level is “less”
than that assigned, then the softkey is not displayed in the operator interface and
the function cannot be called.
This applies to all functions. If for example, the “Tool cabinet” function is barred
from operation, then its softkeys are not displayed.

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Parameter settings for bitmaps in the lists

The display of the active tool, the programmed tool and the current location in the
magazine list can be freely parameterized in SW 5.2 and later, i.e. bitmaps can be
inserted in the parameterizable columns of individual lists. These bitmaps can be
customized to suit user requirements and are created in programs such as Paint-
brush. This view is activated in paramtm.ini.
The bitmaps for the current tools are shown in red and those for the programmed
tools are shown in green. The standard bitmaps described below reside in the di-
rectory “mmc2” (see /IAM/ Installation HMI Advanced, IM 4).
Standard bitmaps

Bitmap Properties

Two arrow heads pointing to the right TNo. <> 0;

DNo./cutting edge no.<> 0
DLNo. <> 0
Arrow right TNo. <> 0;
DNo./cutting edge no.<> 0
DLNo. = 0
Arrow head pointing to left TNo. <> 0;
DNo./cutting edge no. = 0
DLNo. = 0
Dark green parallelepiped Current location

User-defined bitmaps can be stored in the “user” directory. They can be displayed
instead of the standard bitmaps in the lists.
Handling of lists
The columns of the lists in which the bitmaps are to be entered can be set for each
list view. The width of the bitmaps is set in characters for the entire highlighted
areas. The width of the column is automatically increased by the value set.
Bitmaps overwrite mutually when displayed in the same column and line. The high-
lighting at the top represents the current tool, the highlighting below represents the
programmed tool and the highlighting at the bottom represents the current location.
Hidden bitmaps are not displayed.

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In multi-line magazine and tool lists, the marking is entered in the cutting edge line
when the current/programmed DNo./cutting edge no.<> 0. The same applies in
working offset lists for DLNo. <> 0 for the DL rows. Since only cutting edges can
be displayed in the views of the working offset lists, the highlighting only appears if
the current/programmed DNo./cutting edge no. <> 0.
The current magazine location is only highlighted in the magazine list views.
Highlighting only appears in the normal magazine display and not in the buffer

Setting the bitmap parameters

By default, the bitmaps are not entered in paramtm.ini and are not displayed. If the
bitmaps are to be displayed in the lists, you will have to make some changes to the
parameter file. One entry is required for each bitmap.
Entries in paramtm.ini:

; Width of the bitmap display

; Unit: number of characters

; Name of the bitmap for the current tool /DNo./DL,

; with D<>0 and DL<>0

; Name of the bitmap for the current tool/DNo.,

; if the current cutting edge D=0.

; Name of the bitmap for the current tool /DNo./DL,

; if the current DL=0.

; Name of the bitmap for the programmed tool /DNo./DL,

; with D<>0 and DL<>0
ProgToolBitmap = papt.bmp

; Name of the bitmap for the programmed tool/DNo.,

; if the current cutting edge D=0.
ProgToolZeroDBitmap = paptd0.bmp

; Name of the bitmap for the programmed tool /DNo./DL,

; if the current DL=0.
ProgToolZeroDLBitmap = paptdl0.bmp

; File name of the bitmap for the current magazine location

ActPlaceBitmap = paap.bmp

; Columns in which highlighting (Bitmaps) is to be displayed

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Instructions for configuring the paramtm.ini file

Input of the softkey texts for the lists

Magazine list 1 1_MagList = Softkeytext
2 2_MagList = Softkeytext

3 3_MagList = Softkeytext


Tool list 1 1_ToolList = Softkeytext

2 2_ToolList = Softkeytext

3 3_ToolList = Softkeytext


1_SoftkeyText = empty location standard
Magazine list 1 1_ToolSizeLRTB=1,1,1,1
1_PlaceTypNo = 2
2 2_SoftkeyText = empty location large
2_ToolSizeLRTB = 1,2,1,1
3 2_PlaceTypNo = 2
3_SoftkeyText = empty location oversized
Load 3_PlaceTypNo = 2
4_SoftkeyText = empty location large type 1
1_ToolSizeLRTB = 1,2,1,1
1_PlaceTypNo = 1

Bild 4-17 Softkeys

The displays stored behind softkeys 1 to 3 in the magazine and tool lists are de-
fined in the file paramtm.ini. As the initial setting when tool management is se-
lected, the displays appear that have been configured for [1_MagList] and

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Displaying the displays

Hidden fields can be made visible by scrolling with the cursor keys.
The serial number defined by the input sequence during start-up is displayed in the
location type box rather than the name of the location. The screen that is displayed
under the 1st vertical softkey in the magazine list is specified after vocabulary word
[1_MagList] in file paramtm.ini.

User data
The parameter name and the units can be defined for the displays of the tool and
cutting-edge data. How many parameters are displayed depends on the MD and
the number of defined parameters.
[ToolParams] Tool user data
[ToolEdgeParams] Cutting edge user data

Special characters
Special characters such as ü, ä, ö, ß are entered in ANSI code in order for them to
be displayed in the screens.

Optional selection of magazines

Up to now, the softkey “Next magazine” could only control the display of the indi-
vidual magazine lists.
If many magazines are present and there are important processes taking place in
the magazines with high magazine numbers, this places a burden on the operator.
Therefore, the following new option was integrated:
Via an entry in the INI file the “Next magazine” softkey can be replaced with the
softkey “Magazine selection”.
Next Magazine
magazine selection

Eight vertical softkeys for faster magazine navigation:

(Softkey 3 to 7 can only be used if the respective parameter was set in the INI file.)

Magazine +

Magazine --

shortcut 1

shortcut 2

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shortcut 3

shortcut 4

shortcut 5


The magazine list is displayed in this status.

Using the vertical softkeys 1 “Magazine +” and 2 “Magazine --” you can switch to
the magazine with the next highest or next lowest magazine number within the
TOA of the current channel of the operator panel. (When you are positioned on the
last magazine and press “+” you jump to the first magazine; from the first to the
last again with “--”.)
Using the five vertical softkeys 3 to 7, you can quickly jump to a specific magazine
within the TOA of the current channel of the operator panel. The assignment to
“Magazine-Ident” and the softkey text must be parameterized in the INI file. When
you select a magazine via the vertical softkeys, the magazine list switches immedi-
ately to the new magazine.
Press the vertical softkey 8 “<<” to return to the standard magazine list state with
the corresponding softkey assignment.
With the five softkey for rapid magazine selection, you can set an option in the INI
file to return to the standard magazine list state automatically.
In this case, it is advisable to append the character sequence “”<<” to the maga-
zine name in the softkey text.
The rapid selection keys support multiple assignment for use in different TOAs and
for systems with N:M assignment between HMI_ADVs and NCUs.
The responsibility of assigning only magazines in different TOAs or different NCUs
to the same softkey lies with the person setting the parameters.

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Entries in paramtm.ini
; In the magazine list forms change softkey “Next Mag” to softkey
; “Magazine Selection”
; to activate vertical softkeys in an additional state for magazine
; selection.
; This helps to prevent users from excessive use of “next mag” soft-
; key if a lot of magazins ara available.
; You can define shortcut softkeys for up to 5 favorite magazines for
; each TOA
; using section [ShortcutSoftKeysForMagSelect] in paramtm.ini and
; patm_??.ini.
MagListMagSelectSoftkey=NextMag ;default

; Definition of shortcut softkeys for up to 5 favorite magazines per
; TOA, evaluated if section “[GeneralSettingsForMagAndToolList]”
; entry “MagListMagSelectSoftkey=SelectMag” is set.
; This helps to prevent users from excessive use of “Magazine +” and
; “Magazine -” softkeys, if a lot of magazines are available.
; You can define up to 5 shortcut softkeys for favorite magazines.
; It is possible to use a shortcut softkey for different magazines,
; if the magazines are in different TOAs.
; Syntax: “magIdent = ShortKeyNumber, AutoReturn”
; Examples: revolver15=3,NoAuto<<
; chain50 =1,Auto<<
; Explanation: “magIdent”: magazine ident like in $TC_MAP2 or in mag-
; azine configuration in application maintenance tool management.
; “ShortKeyNumber”: Number of shortcut, value 1 to 5
; “AutoReturn”: stay in magazine selection state or return automati-
; cally to magazine list state
; Values “NoAuto<<” and “Auto<<”.
; magazine “revolver15” ($TC_MAP2) can be displayed by shortcut 3,
; you must use “<<” softkey explicitly to leave magazine select
; state.
; magazine “chain50” can be displayed by shortcut 1 and you return
; automatically to magazine list state after pressing this shortcut
; softkey.
; To specify the softkey text, use section
; “[ShortcutSoftKeysForMagSelect]” in language dependent ini files
; patm_??.ini.
; chain10 = 1, Auto<<
; turret20 = 2, Auto<<
> ;turret10 = 3, Auto<<
> ;chain20 = 5, NoAuto<<
> ;turret15 = 4, NoAuto<<

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; Softkey text of magazine selection shortcut softkeys.

; Syntax: magIdent=ShortcutSoftkeyText
; Explanation: “magIdent”: magazine ident like in $TC_MAP2 or in mag-
; azine configuration in application
; maintenance tool management.
; “ShortcutSoftkeyText”: Softkey text, use double blank to indicate
; wordwrap.
; turret10 = “1-Turret10 <<” // Softkey text
; turret20 = “2-Turret20 <<” // Softkey text
; chain10 = “3-Chain10 <<” // Softkey text
; Turret15 = “4-Turret15” // Softkey text
; Chain20 = “5-Chain20” // Softkey text

Display location status Adjacent locations

In the list displays (magazine list, tool list, working offset list) of the HMI Advanced
tool management now also bits 8 to 16 of the magazine location status can be dis-
played, including the 4 bit “left, right, top, bottom half location reserved”.
The NC uses this data when “Adjacent location management” is activated.
The data largely correspond to the NC variable $TC_MPP4.
Until now, bits 1 to 8 of the magazine location status could be displayed in the lists;
this expansion now makes it possible to display bits 8 to 16 as well.
The magazine location status bits 8 to 16 can be displayed using the HMI_ADV
software; they cannot, however, be changed.
The HMI_ADV software contains a sample parameter assignment (paramtm.ini,
paramtm.txt) where display of the additional magazine location status bits is pre-
pared but not activated.

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Parameter assignment
The parameter assignment of the status bit display as column in the individual list
views for list displays 1 to 3 (magazine list 1 to 3, tool list 1 bis 3, working offset list
1 to 3) is accordingly expanded to include the nine status bits.
As was the case previously, the individual language-dependent letters for display in
the HMI_ADV tool management list displays can also be parameterized in the INI
file as an exception, e.g. if the machine operator wants to use different letters or
there is no modified language DLL for the locale (see Section 4.4.3).

The NC only uses the data “left, right, top, bottom half location occupied/reserved”
if “Adjacent location management” is activated. If “Adjacent location management”
is not activated in the NC, display can still be activated for the associated maga-
zine location status bits in the HMI_ADV tool management list-displays but the dis-
played values will always be “Bit not set”.

Settings in the INI files

paramtm.ini / paramtm.txt:

MagPlaceState_Lang_12345678=<Empty> ; use language-DLL
; MagPlaceState_Lang_12345678=12345678_MagPlaceState_Lang ; use
; patm_*.ini
; The new magazine location status bits can be displayed in each list
; screen. The parameters are set in the sections:
“[1_MagList]”, “[2_MagList]”, “[3_MagList]”
“[1_ToolList]”, “[2_ToolList]”, “[3_ToolList]”
“[1_ActList]”, “[2_ActList]”, “[3_ActList]”
; Entries are for example:
12=TC_MPP4_9, 1, TC_MPP4_9 ;PlaceStatus Left,
;Reserved in left half location
13=TC_MPP4_10, 1, TC_MPP4_10 ;PlaceStatus Right,
;Reserved in right half location
14=TC_MPP4_11, 1, TC_MPP4_11 ;PlaceStatus Top,
;Reserved in upper half location
15=TC_MPP4_12, 1, TC_MPP4_12 ;PlaceStatus Bottom,
;Reserved in lower half location
16=TC_MPP4_13, 1, TC_MPP4_13 ;PlaceStatus Bit 13 of 1 to 16
17=TC_MPP4_14, 1, TC_MPP4_14 ;PlaceStatus Bit 14 of 1 to 16
18=TC_MPP4_15, 1, TC_MPP4_15 ;PlaceStatus Bit 15 of 1 to 16
19=TC_MPP4_16, 1, TC_MPP4_16 ;PlaceStatus Bit 16 of 1 to 16


12345678_MagPlaceState_Lang=“123456789ABCDEFG” ; // 16 exact

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TC_MPP4_9 = “P” ;PlaceStatus Left,
;Reserved in the left half loc. // 1
TC_MPP4_10 = “P” ;PlaceStatus Right,
;Reserved in the right half loc. // 1
TC_MPP4_11 = “P” ;PlaceStatus Top,
;Reserved in the top half loc. // 1
TC_MPP4_12 = “P” ;PlaceStatus Bottom,
;Reserved in the bottom half loc. // 1
TC_MPP4_13 = “P” ;PlaceStatus undefined,
;(Wear group disabled) // 1
TC_MPP4_14 = “P” ;PlaceStatus Bit14 from 1 to 16 // 1
TC_MPP4_15 = “P” ;PlaceStatus Bit15 from 1 to 16 // 1
TC_MPP4_16 = “P” ;PlaceStatus Bit16 from 1 to 16 // 1

Coding of location status and tool status

Location statuses Tool statuses

G Disabled location G Disabled tool
F Free location F Released tool
Z Reserved for tool in buffer A Active tool
B Reserved for tool to be loaded M Measured tool
L Left half location occupied V Prewarning limit reached
R Right half location occupied W Tool is being changed
O Upper half location occupied P Fixed location coded tool
U Lower half location occupied E Tool has been in use
l Left half location reserved R Unloading marking
r Right half location reserved B Loading marking
o Upper half location reserved S Master tool
u Lower half location reserved

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4.4.3 Language-dependence for user-defined name

Language-dependent name for magazine location type

The magazine location types (= location types) and their identifiers/names are en-
tered by the user via the tool management start-up tool (IW) in the Location type
screen. This is why the assigned names are contained in the tool management
database and not in a language DLL. In previous versions, this meant that they
were not available in different languages.
The new functionality allows the user to create the location type names in different
You can achieve this by entering name texts in the tool management INI files for
the location types configured in the database.
In future there will be two names for each location type:
-- The standard name which is used internally (tool database) and
-- an associated language-specific name which is displayed on the operator
If the user does not assign a language-specific name, the standard name from the
database is displayed.
The location type “standard” is contained in the original database shipped with the
tool management. The following special handling applies for this location type:
S The default setting for all patm_xx.ini files contained in the scope of supply in-
cludes an entry in [Placetype_VISName] for the location type “standard” (see
next section).
S The language-specific text from patm_xx.ini is displayed in the screen Location
types of the tool management start-up tool (IW) for the location type “standard”
even in the selection box Name.

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Entries in the language-specific INI files

Users must make the entries described here themselves. They are not written to
the to the INI files by HMI_ADV.
Exception: Standard=“Location type standard”.
The language-specific INI files are called patm_xx.ini and can be found under
../hmi_adv/language. The user-defined files patm_xx.ini are found under ../user/
File: patm_xx.ini
Section: [Placetype_VISName]
Entry: Standard name=“Language-specific text”
Example: [Placetype_VISName]
Standard=“Location type standard”.
For newly entered texts from the INI files to be activated in the display, you need to
change the language setting or start HMI_ADV again.

Display location type names in the HMI tool management screens

The language-specific names of the location types are displayed in all the tool
management screens and the tool management start-up screens. If there are no
entries in the corresponding INI files, the standard name from the tool database is
Affected screens/functions:
Tool management: tool details
Tool new
Tool catalog
Tool cabinet
Empty location search
Tool management start-up: magazine configuration
Location types

Tool catalog/tool cabinet

The standard name of the assigned location type is maintained and internally pro-
cessed for each tool in the tool catalog/cabinet.
The language-specific name is displayed in the tool catalog/cabinet screens for the
location type. If there is no language-specific name, the standard name from the
tool database is used instead.

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Code carrier
The name of the magazine location type which is written via the dialog variable T8
to the code carrier chip always corresponds to the standard name of the magazine
location type from the tool database.
Alternatively, the name of the magazine location type can be written to the code
carrier via dialog variable T12.
T8 and T12 are also accepted. When the chip is read in, a cross check is per-
formed to associate magazine location type name and number.

Language-dependent name for buffer

The buffer locations and their identifiers/names are entered by the user via the tool
management start-up tool (IW) in the Buffer screen. This is why the names are
specified in the tool management database and not in a language DLL. In previous
versions, this meant that they were not available in different languages.
Until now two options were available for displaying the buffer locations in the tool
management (not tool management start-up):
S Display names from the tool database (paramtm.ini, [TMMODES] NameOfBuf-
ferPlaceFrom=DB, see next section)
S Display the type of buffer location from the language DLL plus the associated
index. I.e., for example, Spindle1, Spindle2 or Gripper2 etc. (NameOfBuffer-
The new functionality allows the user to create the buffer location names in differ-
ent languages/locales.
For this display it is necessary to select display name from the database (NameOf-
BufferPlace From=DB).
The user must enter a corresponding name text in the language-specific tool man-
agement INI files for each buffer location configured in the database.
From now on there are two names for each buffer location: The standard name
which is used for internal processing (tool database) and an associated language-
specific name which is displayed on the operator interface.
If the user does not assign a language-specific name, the standard name from the
database is displayed (as was the case up to now).
The tool management startup tool does not evaluate the entry NameOfBuffer-
PlaceFrom and always uses the name from the tool database and the language-
specific INI files.

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Entries in the language-specific INI files

Users must make the entries described here themselves. They are not written to
the to the INI files by HMI_ADV.
The language-specific INI files are called patm_xx.ini and can be found under
../hmi_adv/language. The user-defined files patm_xx.ini are found under ../user/
The INI files paramtm.ini and the associated description file paramtm.txt reside
under ../hmi_adv. The user-defined file paramtm.ini resides under ../user. As it is
the default setting, there is no need to make an entry in the user-defined pa-
File paramtm.ini
Section: [TMMODES]
Entry: NameOfBufferPlaceFrom=DB (default setting)
File: patm_xx.ini
Section: [BufferPlace_VISName]
Entry: Standard name=“Language-specific text”
Example: [BufferPlace_VISName]
Spindle1=“Main spindle”
Gripper1=“1st gripper”
For newly entered texts from the INI files to be activated in the display, you need to
change the language setting or start HMI_ADV again.

Display buffer names in the HMI tool management screens

The language-specific names of the buffer locations are displayed in all the rele-
vant tool management screens and tool management start-up screens. If there are
no entries in the corresponding INI files, the standard name from the tool database
is displayed.
Affected screens/functions:
Tool management: Magazine list, with display of buffer
Tool management start-up: buffer

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Language-dependent name for loading locations

The loading locations and their identifiers/names are entered by the user via the
tool management start-up tool (IW) in the Loading locations screen. This is why the
names are specified in the tool management database and not in a language DLL.
In previous versions, this meant that they were not available in different languages.
The new functionality allows the user to create the loading locations names in dif-
ferent languages/locales.
You can achieve this by entering name texts in the tool management INI files for
the loading locations configured in the database.
In future there will be two names for each loading location:
-- The standard name which is used internally (tool database) and
-- an associated language-specific name which is displayed on the operator
If the user does not assign a language-specific name, the standard name from the
tool database is displayed.
This also applies to the first location in the loading magazine which is automatically
The tool management start-up tool (IW) automatically creates an entry in the tool
database for the first location in the loading magazine. This occurs at first access
to the loading locations screen with an original database. This location must always
exist, therefore it is not possible to delete it.
It is assigned the internal standard name “FirstLoadingPoint” with the following
S The default setting for all patm_xx.ini files contained in the scope of supply in-
cludes an entry in [LoadLocation_VISName] for the location type “FirstLoading-
Point” (see next section).
S In the loading locations screen for the tool management start-up tool (IW) the
language-specific text from patm_xx.ini is also displayed for the first loading
location in the Name selection box.
Already existing databases in systems that have already been operating for
some time:
In older HMI versions, this 1st loading point was called “Loading point for spindle”
or “Loading point manual” (in the language set at this point in time).
If it is detected at the first start of tool management or associated start-up tool (IW)
with the functionality described here, then the existing name in the database can
be replaced with “FirstLoadingPoint”.

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Entries in the language-specific INI files

Users must make the entries described here themselves. They are not written to
the to the INI files by HMI_ADV.
Exception: FirstLoadingPoint=“Loading point manual”
The language-specific INI files are called patm_xx.ini and can be found under
../hmi_adv/language. The user-defined files patm_xx.ini are found under ../user/
File: patm_xx.ini
Section: [LoadLocation_VISName]
Entry: Standard name=“Language-specific text”
Example: [LoadLocation _VISName]
FirstLoadingPoint=“Loading point manual”
Loading station1=“Main loading station”
For newly entered texts from the INI files to be activated in the display, you need to
change the language setting or start HMI_ADV again.

Display loading locations in the HMI tool management screens

The language-specific names of the loading locations are displayed in all the rele-
vant tool management screens and tool management start-up screens. If there are
no entries in the corresponding INI files, the standard name from the tool database
is displayed.
Affected screens/functions:
Tool management: Load
Empty location search
Tool management start-up: Loading locations

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Language-dependent name for magazines

The magazine identifiers/names are configured by the user in the Magazines
screen via the tool management start-up tool (IW). This is why the assigned names
are contained in the tool management database and after loading a magazine con-
figuration also in the NCK but not in a language DLL. In previous versions, this
meant that they were not available in different languages.
The new functionality allows the user to create the magazine names in different
You can achieve this by entering name texts in the tool management INI files for
the magazines configured in the tool database.
In future there will be two names for each magazine:
-- The standard name (also known by the NCK) which is used for functional
operation and
-- an associated language-specific name which is displayed on the operator
If the user does not assign a language-specific name, the standard name from the
NCK is displayed in the tool management; and the standard name from the tool
database is displayed in the startup tool.

Entries in the language-specific INI files

Users must make the entries described here themselves. They are not written to
the to the INI files by HMI_ADV.
The language-specific INI files reside under ../hmi_adv/language.
File: patm_xx.ini
Section: [Magazine_VISName]
Entry: Standard name=“Language-specific text”
Example: [Magazine_VISName]
Chain1=“Chain magazine 1”
Turret1=“Turret 1”
For newly entered texts from the INI files to be activated in the display, you need to
change the language setting or start HMI_ADV again.

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Display magazine names in the HMI tool management screens

The language-specific names of the magazines are displayed in all the tool man-
agement screens and the tool management start-up screens. If there are no en-
tries are the corresponding INI files, the standard names from the NCK (in the tool
management) or from the tool database (in the startup tool) are displayed.
Affected screens/functions:
Tool management: Magazine list
Magazine selection
Tool management start-up: Magazine
Loading locations
Magazine configuration

4.4.4 Job processing of tools

The settings for batch processing of tools are contained in paramtm.ini and lan-
guage\patm_xx.ini in the section [BatchTools].

The filter only works if bit 4 is set in MD 18080: TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK.
Up to 6 search filters can be defined.
The following can be specified for each filter: Softkey text, results title, search
criteria, selection of the type of results list and additional data.
The file ...user\paramini.out contains error messages occuring when reading in the
parameter assignment.

Settings that are valid for one filter at a time

Search criteria
The search criteria are set in “n_FindCondition” (with n=1 to 6) for each filter.
A maximum of 8 part conditions are permissible, separated by “,”. They are
No data may occur more than once in the part conditions.
Each part condition consists of three parts:
1. Datum for which the condition applies
2. Condition
3. Comparison value

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1_FindCondition = TC_TP8 && 20, A_TOOLMN > 0
Filter 1 filters tools in the NC which fulfill the following condition:
( (prewarning bit set (bit5 of bit1 to 16 (2 to the power of (5--1)=16))))
(disabled bit set (bit3 (2 to the power of (3--1)=4)))
( (magazine number > 0 means “loaded tool”))

Filter criterion
The following data in the NC can be a filter criterion:
Tool data
TC_TP1 Duplo number
TC_TP2 Tool identifier
TC_TP3 Tool size in half locations left
TC_TP4 Tool size in half locations right
TC_TP5 Tool size in half locations top
TC_TP6 Tool size in half locations bottom
TC_TP7 Tool location type
TC_TP8 Tool status
TC_TP9 Monitoring type
TC_TP10 Replacement tool search
TC_TP11 Tool information/replacement tool sequence
A_TOOLMN Magazine number
A_TOOLMLN Magazine location number
P_TOOLND Number of cutting edges
Tool cutting edge parameters
TC_DP1 to TC_DP24
Tool cutting edge monitoring parameters
TC_MOP1 Prewarning limit for tool life
TC_MOP2 Actual value for tool life
TC_MOP3 Prewarning limit for workpiece count
TC_MOP4 Actual value for workpiece count
TC_MOP5 Prewarning limit for wear
TC_MOP6 Remaining wear
TC_MOP11 Setpoint for tool life
TC_MOP13 Setpoint for tool workpiece count
TC_MOP15 Setpoint for wear

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Tool OEM data

The tool cutting edge OEM data must be activated on the NC and the numbers
must be permissible on the NC.
Tool cutting edge OEM data
The tool cutting edge OEM data must be activated on the NC and the numbers
must be permissible on the NC.
Tool cutting edge monitoring OEM data:
The tool cutting edge monitoring OEM data must be activated on the NC and the
numbers must be permissible on the NC.

The following conditions can be used:
== equal to
< less than
> greater than
<= smaller than or equal to
>= greater than or equal to
&& bit-wise AND between screen and data; only permissible for operands of
type WORD and DOUBLEWORD; the individual result bits are ORed.
If this condition is applied to the tool status, you can locate tools with spe-
cific set (AND) tool status bits. If several set bits are queried at the same
time, just one set bit is sufficient for the tool to appear in the hit list.
For string operands (e.g. tool identifier) “==” is the only permissible relational oper-

Comparison value
The following value ranges apply:
String with TC_TP2, maximum of 32 characters, no blanks before or
0 ... 65535 for other TC_TP data
Double for all other data

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Additional data
Max. one column with additional data can appear for each filter in the results list.
There are three settings for each filter:
-- n_FindResultAddColumnText
Header text for column or reference to the header text with language-spe-
cific settings/locales.
-- n_FindResultAddColumnDisplayedNumberOfCharacters
Column width in characters
-- n_FindResultAddColumnBtss
OPI item acc. to OPI documentation (mmc2\btss_gr.hlp).
Paramtm.ini, [BatchTools]:
; No additional column
; Language-specific
1_FindResultAddColumnBtss=“/Tool/User/data[u#TOA#,c3,#TNO#] (l“!l%ld”)”
language\patm_gr.ini, [BatchTools]:
R1AddCol=“Additional data search 1”

Additional data, OPI item acc. to OPI documentation (mmc2\btss_gr.hlp).
Example 1
Tool OEM parameter2, floating point representation, standard number of decimal
Example 2
Tool OEM parameter3, integer representation
Example 3
Magazine OEM parameter 1

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The following placeholders are permissible:
#TOA# TOA number (of the current channel)
#TNO# Internal T number (of the tool found)
#MAG# Magazine number (of the found tool)
#RES# Standard value for the number of places after the decimal point
Placeholders are substituted by the data for the current tool or by general settings.
Max. 1 OPI item is permitted.
OPI multiple variable accesses are generated internally from the OPI item.
“(|)” is entered in front of the result data to generate the data separation character
The OPI item must enclosed by “ ” especially when formatting information (e.g.
“!l%ld”) is contained in “ ”.
The syntax is not checked by the operator interface software. The person setting
the parameters is responsible for the correct syntax.

If errors are made in the parameter settings, the result list can no longer be
displayed or the secondary faults can occur.

Filter name and softkey text

You can set one name and one softkey text in each language for each filter.
There are two settings for each filter:
-- n_FindResultHeadlineText
Text for filter name or reference
-- n_FindSoftkeyText
Softkey text for the filter or reference (a double blank in the text defines a
new line)
Paramtm.ini, [BatchTools]:
1_FindResultHeaderText = R1HL
1_FindSoftkeyText = F1SK
language\patm_gr.ini, [BatchTools]:
R1HL = “prewarning limit reached or disabled”
F1SK = “prewarning or disabled”

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Result list type

You can select the result list type for each filter. determines which job functions are
available for each softkey. There is one setting for each filter:
-- n_ResultListType
Result list type, value range:
0: Standard list (default) for unload, delete, into the cabinet
1: Load list for loading, reactivate
Paramtm.ini, [BatchTools]:
1_ResultListType = 0 ;0 = standard list

Filter restricted to one magazine

For each filter you can select whether it is restricted to a specific magazine. This
should be visible in the filter name.
There is one setting for each filter:
-- n_FindLimitedToCurMagazine
Filter restricted to a specific magazine, value range:
TRUE: hit list restricted to current magazine
FALSE: (default) hit list is not restricted to the current magazine
Paramtm.ini, [BatchTools]:
;“True”, “False”; can be restricted to current magazine

Positioning during Reactivate

For each filter you can select whether the job function can be selected, whether
with job function “Reactivate” the tool is to be positioned in a loading point.
There is one setting for each filter:
-- n_ReactivatePositioningMode
Position at reactivate, value range:
0: do not position
1: ask the operator whether to position for each complete job
2: (default) always position
Paramtm.ini, [BatchTools]:
1_ReactivatePositioningMode=2 ;always

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Parameter for PI TSEARCH

Siemens reserves the right to withdraw support in future versions.

The parameters for the PI TSEARCH used for filtering can be specified for each
filter (see PI documentation pi_gr.hlp).
This setting is very sensitive to errors. It does not support insertion of blanks, the
number of places must be strictly adhered to; the character string must be con-
tained in “ ”.
There is one setting for each filter:
-- n_FindPiSearchPar
8 parameters for PI SEARCH
#Mag# can be used as placeholder for the magazine setting. Constant, five-
digit magazine numbers can also be specified for the from/to magazine
range instead of the placeholder.
If the value in the 8th parameter is set to “2”, filter criteria for cutting edge
specific data will also be used correctly for multi-point cutting tools (from
NCK version NCK.P6_43 and NCK.P5_20.4).
Paramtm.ini, [BatchTools]:

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General settings that apply for all filters at the same time

Colors for the results list

The colors for the results list are customizable. When setting colors, please avoid
color combinations that are difficult to read or too bright.
The parameter settings consist of eight colors separated by comma. A hex value
consisting of 8 characters is assigned to each color. The hex value has the follow-
ing syntax:
SSBBGGRR mit SS=System, BB=Blue, GG=Green, RR=Red.
The colors have to be specified for the following list elements:
S Non-selected text
S Non-selected background
S Cursor-selected text
S Cursor-selected background
S Job-selection and cursor-selected text
S Job-selection and cursor-selected background
S Job-selection and cursor-selected text
S Job-selection and cursor-selected background
Examples for colors:
S 80000008 Windows text
S 80000005 Windows background
S 8000000E Highlighted Windows text
S 8000000D Highlighted Windows background
S 80000009 Windows active window header text
S 80000002 Windows active window header background
S 00FFFF00 Light blue
S 0000FF00 Green
S 00FF8000 Blue-green
Examples for setting colors, see [BatchTools], “General settings which apply to all
filters” in paramtm.txt.

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Bitmaps for the status display of the individual job elements

The user can replace the names of the bitmaps or the bitmaps themselves with
custom bitmaps. The custom bitmaps are stored in the “user” directory.
Examples for setting bitmaps, see [BatchTools], “General settings which apply to
all filters” in paramtm.txt.
BatchFilterElBUnTUnBitmap = pbfbutu.bmp

BatchFilterElBUnTSeBitmap = pbfbuts.bmp

BatchFilterElBSeTUnBitmap = pbfbstu.bmp

BatchFilterElBSeTSeBitmap = pbfbsts.bmp

BatchRunElWaitingBitmap = pbbwait.bmp

BatchRunElInWorkBitmap = pbbwork.bmp

BatchRunElOKBitmap = pbbok.bmp

BatchRunElErrorBitmap = pbberr.bmp

Width of a typical character

For each language you can specify a character whose width is used as the basis to
calculate column widths from a specified number of characters. A wide character
should be entered here, in Europe typically an “X” or “A”.
Paramtm.ini, [BatchTools]:

CharToGetColWidthPerCharacter=CharToGetColWidth ;language-specific

language\patm_gr.ini, [BatchTools]:

Column width for tool identifier

You can set the column width for the tool identifier as as a rule the full number of
32 characters is not used.
Paramtm.ini, [BatchTools]:


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Tool status bits

You can set which tool status bits are to be displayed in the results list. Language-
specific letters can also be specified in bits for header and list lines.
Paramtm.ini, [BatchTools]:
ResultToolStatusColumnsEnable= 1111100100110000
1: display, 0: do not display. Bit 1 to 16,
bit 1 is the least-significant bit in the tool status and is posi-
tioned to the left in this character sequence
Text in the header for the tool status column, language-specific
Text in the data for the tool status column, language-specific
Header; Bits 1 to 16, bit 1 is the least-significant bit in the tool
status and is positioned to the left in this character sequence
Data; Bits 1 to 16, bit 1 is the least-significant bit in the tool sta-
tus and is positioned to the left in this character sequence

User authorizations
User authorizations for the associated softkeys can be set in paramtm.ini, sec-
tion [ACCESSLEVEL], entries “SKB...”.
SKBATCH=7 ; Softkey filter lists

SKFILTER1=7 ; Softkey Filter1

SKFILTER2=7 ; Softkey Filter2

SKFILTER3=7 ; Softkey Filter3

SKFILTER4=7 ; Softkey Filter4

SKFILTER5=7 ; Softkey Filter5

SKFILTER6=7 ; Softkey Filter6

SKBMAGFILTER=7 ; Softkey magazine selection

SKBATREACT=7 ; Softkey batch function “Reactivate”

SKBATTOCABIN=7 ; Softkey batch function “In cabinet”

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SKBATDELTOOL= ; Softkey batch function “Delete”

SKBATUNLOAD=7 ; Softkey batch function “Unload”

SKBFILTERACT=7 ; Softkey batch function “Update”

SKBATLOAD=7 ; Softkey batch function “Load”

SKBATLIST=7 ; Softkeys for controlling the job processing

4.4.5 Grinding tools and tool-specific grinding data

The HMI Advanced tool management is modified so that the “tool-specific grinding
data” of grinding tools is displayed and can be edited.
This data is exchanged with the NC via the OPI block TG; it largely corresponds to
the NC variables $TC_TPG1 to $TC_TPG9 (see Section 5.3.2).
For more information on softkey extension in the tool details main screen, tool de-
tails cutting edge data screen and tool detail monitoring data screen, see:
References: /BAD/ Operator’s Guide HMI Advanced, Edition 11.02

Setting parameters for the default values

The parameters for the default values for the tool-specific grinding data when
creating tools are set in the “paramtm.ini file, section [DEFAULT_SETTINGS].

;!!! Default setting of grinding-specific tool data at creation:
;!!! If the machine operates with inch/mm conversion ($MN_CON-
;!!! VERT_SCALING_SYSTEM=1), the unit of length must be specified!!!
; The following default values (TOOLGRIND..., if affected by the unit
; of length) are specified in relation to this basic unit of length:
; 0 = mm (default)
; 1 = Inch

; Spindle number (as $TC_TPG1)


; Chain rule (as $TC_TPG2)


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;1050629 binary: 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 1000 0000 0101
;Bit0 =1 = Type
;Bit2 =1 = Geo-L1
;Bit11 =1 = Wear-L1
;Bit20 =1 = Base-L1

; Minimum wheel radius (as $TC_TPG3)


; Minimum wheel width (as $TC_TPG4)


; Current width of grinding wheel (as $TC_TPG5)


; Maximum grinding wheel speed (as $TC_TPG6)


; Maximum grinding wheel peripheral speed (as $TC_TPG7)


; Inclination angle of inclined wheel (as $TC_TPG8)


; Compensation parameter for grinding wheel peripheral speed

; (as $TC_TPG9)

The HMI Advanced function “Change tool type” used up to now is not modified.
Therefore, with grinding tools too, when the tool type is changed, most tool data is
set by the HMI to “0”.
The grinding-specific tool data is not set to “0”; instead it is processed by the NCK.

4.4.6 Inch/metric setting

Now the tool database (tool cabinet, tool catalog) and code carrier will support ma-
chining in inch or mm measurements.
the paramtm.ini file in the section [TMMODES] (see Section 4.4.2) allows the oper-
ator to set the behavior for length units for the tool cabinet, tool catalog and code

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Tool database
NCK with inch/mm data conversion
!! CAUTION: The settings described here are only relevant if machine
data $MN_CONVERT_SCALING_SYSTEM=1 is set in the NCK. The entry for
DATABASE_LENGTH_UNIT is only evaluated if no unit is entered yet in
the tool database. This means once in a normal case scenario!

-1 = No setting for inch/metric in the tool database (default). The

setting $MN_CONVERT_SCALING_SYSTEM=1 in the NCK means that inch/
metric conversion is to be used for machining. Therefore, the
user must specify which unit applies for the data present in the
tool database. This is not the case with setting -1, as a result
all softkeys are disabled for database activities.

0 = mm. The first time a tool database is opened by a tool manage-

ment differentiating between inch/mm, it is ascertained that mm
applies for the relevant data in the tool database.
An entry is added to the database to indicate that the measure-
ment unit for the relevant tool data in the database is mm. This
is taken into account for future data transfer between database
and NCK.

1 = inch. The first time a tool database is opened by a tool manage-

ment differentiating between inch/mm, it is ascertained that
inch applies for the relevant data in the tool database.
An entry is added to the database to indicate that the measure-
ment unit for the relevant tool data in the database is inch.
This is taken into account for future data transfer between da-
tabase and NCK.


If DATABASE_LENGTH_UNIT is assigned the setting 0 or 1, the following

occurs: The first time the new tool management is started with inch/
metric differentiation, the database receives a new entry which de-
fines the unit of measurement for the database for future use.

Tabelle 4-1 TM_Info

Name Type Size

InfoKey_Name Text 255
InfoKey_Index Integer 2
Info_String Text 255
Info_Num Double 8

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Contents of table 4-1 for data in mm or inch:

InfoKey_Name InfoKey_Index Info_String Info_Num

“BasicLenUnit 0 “mm” 0

“BasicLenUnit 0 “inch” 1

The unit entered in the database is valid for future process-

ing. From now on, the data will be written to and read out
from the tool cabinet in the specified unit.

Tool management active

During operation with active tool management you can switch between inch/mm
units of measurement as follows:
1. Via softkey e.g. in the machine. Then run the tool management. When selected
again the data is displayed in all screens in the new unit.
2. Switchover by changing the machine data $MN_SCALING_SYSTEM_IS_MET-
RIC and Power ON reset or machine control panel reset in start-up. Then run
the tool management. When selected again the data is displayed in all screens
in the new unit.
3. Switchover by changing the machine data $MN_SCALING_SYSTEM_IS_MET-
RIC and Power ON reset. During the reset process switchover is according to
tool management.
S Tool details screens: the focus returns to the associated list display
S List displays: The data is updated accordingly. If necessary (due to reset) a
screen change takes place
S Catalog/cabinet displays with affected data: The display screen is exited with
4. Switchover by changing the machine data $MN_SCALING_SYSTEM_IS_MET-
RIC. Then call tool management and Power ON reset in the already selected
tool management. This corresponds to point 3.
5. Switchover by changing the machine data $MN_SCALING_SYSTEM_IS_MET-
RIC. Then call tool management and machine control panel reset in the already
selected tool management.
S Tool details screens and list displays: As the individual values are immedi-
ately written after input and are constantly updated in these displays, the
data is immediately displayed in the new unit.
S Catalog/cabinet displays with affected data: As the entered data is only writ-
ten in full to the database when a softkey with “Save function” (e.g. <OK>,
<New cutting edge>) is activated, the new unit only becomes active after
this type of action.

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Code carrier
For setting inch/metric for code carriers, see Section 4.5.2.

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4.5 Further settings

4.5 Further settings

4.5.1 Display machine data with HMI Embedded

With software Version 4 and higher, HMI Embedded allows settings to be made via
display machine data and access rights to be assigned for specific functions (see
Section 2.9).
For a more detailed description of this machien data please refer to Section 8.1.1.

Additional user parameters

If additional user data was created via NCK machine data (user parameters for
cutting edge and/or tool data), this data is displayed in additional screens.
The data is administered but not evaluated by the tool management.

User texts
The HMI Embedded software is shipped with an application diskette which allows
users to set parameters for the custom data.
The table shows which texts can be parameterized. They are stored in the pa.txt
file. Custom text can be entered under “User text”.
User cutting edge data, texts

Name of the text Custom text

... ...

... ...


Custom tool data, texts

Name of the text Custom text


... ...

... ...


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4.5 Further settings

Fine offsets for cutting edge data

With software version 5.2 and higher, you can set whether
edge data via MD 9449: WRITE_TOA_LIMIT_MASK.
The bits set in MD 9449 determine whether the display machine data
edge data type or not. If the bits are not set, FINE_LIMIT is not used.

Bit assignment for MD 9449

The bits are assigned as follows for MD 9449: WRITE_TOA_LIMIT_MASK.

Bit Application Default

Bit 0 Cutting edge data (offsets), wear data 1
Bit 1 SC data (local offsets and the wear values for these) 1
Bit 2 EC data (local offsets and the setup values for these) 1

7 is the default value for MD 9449. The FINE_LIMIT is applied to all data types.

Compatibility of fine offsets for HMI Advanced and Embedded

Up to SW 5.2, the machine data WRITE_TOA_FINE_LIMIT and
USER_CLASS_WRITE_FINE were used for the geometry, basic and wear param-
eters in the tool management for the MMC 103.
In the tool management for HMI Embedded, this machine data is active only on the
wear parameters of the cutting edges. As of SW 5.2, the two MDs are active only
on the wear parameters of the cutting edges in the tool management for HMI Ad-

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4.5 Further settings

Changing the compatibility of the fine offsets

An entry in the paramtm.ini can restore the old response of the tool management
for HMI Advanced. The MD WRITE_TOA_FINE_LIMIT and MD
USER_CLASS_WRITE_FINE is again applied to the geometry, basic and wear
Entry in paramtm.ini:
; Application of
; on geometry values and basic values of cutting edge data
UseFineLimitForToolGeoAndAdapt=False ;default
;UseFineLimitForToolGeoAndAdapt=True ;

4.5.2 Start-up of code carrier

From SW 6.3 code carrier systems can only be operated via SinTDC and no
longer directly.
WToolIdSys = SinTDC
See also /FBTC/ SINUMERIK Tool Data Communication SinTDC.

For the code carrier system see also Section 3.13 and the Description of Functions
of the individual tool identification systems.
A code carrier system is connected to the HMI e.g. via an RS-232 (V.24) interface.
If the machine has its own code carrier system (tool identification system), then
this system must also be started up separately.
This is carried out by running a setup program for the code carrier system and
making settings in the associated INI files (see corresponding Description of Func-
tions for the tool identification system).

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4.5 Further settings

Description of the code carrier files

In order for the code carrier system to be activated from the tool management, it
must be entered in the file ...\user\mmc.ini (prior to SW4 ...\mmc2\mmc.ini).
Settings for inch/metric units of measurement and validation of tool status bits can
be made in the file ...\user\paramtm.ini).

None of the INI files in the “mmc2” directory may be modified.

INI file
An INI file is associated with every manufacturer-specific server (“exe file”)
Manufacturer-specific settings are made in this INI file via the code carrier system.
The parameters it contains are described in the documentation from the code car-
rier manufacturer or the respective Description of Functions for the tool identifica-
tion system.

Adapting file “mmc.ini”

The connected code carrier system (e.g. WToolIdSys=Ballu) is activated in the file

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4.5 Further settings

From SW 6.3 code carrier systems can only be operated via SinTDC and no
longer directly.
WToolIdSys = SinTDC
See also /FBTC/ SINUMERIK Tool Data Communication SinTDC.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
WToolIdSys=0 ; or Ballu
; Identifier for code carrier system
;0 means :“No code carrier active”
; Specify manufacturer name (only first 5 characters!)
; Ballu means: Code carrier from manufacturer Balluff is active
; Name of the conversion file used for the code-carrier format.
; The file resides in directory ...\add_on or ...\user.
; Tool Identification System
; EOT for code-carrier data
; The end identifier for data has to be entered on the code carrier
; here.

Adapt the file paramtm.ini

The excerpts printed below are found in the paramtm.ini. In newer software ver-
sions, the paramtm.ini comments have been summarized in paramtm.txt.
As a general rule, the desired entries should be made in ...\user\paramtm.ini so
that they are retained during the next HMI software update.

Settings for inch/metric

If the paramtm.ini or paramtm.txt of the software version that has been installed
contains one of the following (variant 1 or variant 2), then the function can be used
by making an entry in ...\user\paramtm.ini as described below. Otherwise the de-
fault setting applies.

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4.5 Further settings

Variant 1
. . .

; The setting inch/metric is considered for the code carrier

; -1 = inch/metric is ignored (default). The data exchange between
; code carrier and NCK/MMC takes place without taking into ac-
; count inch/metric. Behavior as up to now.
;0 = mm. It is assumed that storage for the affected data was or
; is to be in the unit “mm” on the code carrier. If “inch” is
; set in the NCK, then all softkeys are disabled that start
; code carrier functions.
;1 = inch. It is assumed that storage for the affected data was or
; is to be in the unit “inch” on the code carrier. If “mm” is
; set in the NCK, then all softkeys are disabled that start
; code carrier functions.

Variant 2
. . .
; The setting inch/metric is considered for the code carrier
; !! CAUTION: The settings described here are only relevant if ma-
; chine data $MN_CONVERT_SCALING_SYSTEM=1 is set in the NC.
; If the NC is an older mode without the inch/metric conversion func-
; tionality or if $MN_CONVERT_SCALING_SYSTEM=0, the NC will operate
; without inch/metric conversions. Therefore no conversions are car-
; ried out in relation to the code carrier!!

; -1 = No definition for inch/metric in relation to code carrier

; default). The setting $MN_CONVERT_SCALING_SYSTEM=1 in the NC
; means that inch/metric conversion is to be used for machin-
; ing. Therefore, the user must define in which unit the data
; is present on the code carrier or should be written to it. As
; with setting -1 this does not take place, all softkeys for
; code carrier activities are disabled.
;0 = mm. All affected data is written to the code carrier as mm
; values in future.
; This is taken into account for future data transfer between
; code carrier and NC.
;1 = inch. All affected data is written to the code carrier as
; inch values in future.
; This is taken into account for future data transfer between
; code carrier and NC.

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4.5 Further settings

Setting for tool status

If the paramtm.ini or paramtm.txt of the software version that has been installed
contains one of the following entries, then the function can be used by making an
entry in ...\user\paramtm.ini as described below. Otherwise the default setting ap-
; Tool status: If a tool is removed from the NCK and transferred to
; an external medium (tool cabinet, code carrier, SINCOM), then you
; can use the following screens to specify which tool status bits are
; to be saved
; Code carrier: Since 1 byte was entered for the tool status in the
; standard conversion file wkonvert.txt and until now max. 92 has
; been written to the code carrier, CODECARRIER_TOOLSTATE_MASK is
; assigned the default value 92.
; If the value for CODECARRIER_TOOLSTATE_MASK is expanded, the size
; of the dialog variable T9 must be adapted accordingly in wkon-
; vert.txt.
; 1=Active Tool
; 2=Allowed
; 4=Disabled
; 8=Measured
; 16=Warning limit reached
; 32=In change
; 64=Fixed place coding
; 128=Was used
; 256=Tool in buffer
; 512=Disabled, ignored (because of PLC)
; 1024=Out (unload)
; 2048=in (Load)
; 4096=Regular tool (permanent in NCK)
; 8192=
; 16384=
; Default is 4828 (4+8+16+64+128+512+4096),
; Default for codecarrier 92 (4+8+16+64)
. . .

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4.5 Further settings

Structure of description file

Description file
All data on the code carrier are stored in a particular order. This is defined during
commissioning of the code carrier system. A conversion rule in the form of a de-
scription file is provided so that the tool management can read or write this data
flow. This description file consists of correctly defined tool and cutting edge dialog
data. Only this dialog data can actually be processed by the tool management. All
the other data on the code carrier must not be assigned to any dialog variables as
otherwise it will not be processed. An OEM application would, however, also be
able to access this data.
The description file can be created as an ASCII file using a standard editor. The file
name must be entered in mmc.ini with WToolIdSysKonv = wkonvert.txt.

Minimum requirements for wkonvert.txt:
Location type
Tool size (the part of the size can be omitted which is hidden via
paramtm.ini *)
Number of cutting edges (if cutting edge data available)
* see paramtm.ini
SHOW_TOOLSIZE_COMPONENTS=left:=True, right:=True, top:=True,

Tool dialog data

The tool dialog data is defined as follows:

Dialog Data Description Assignment $TC...

variable type
T1 String Tool name, max. 32 characters $TC_TP2
T2 Integer Duplo number $TC_TP1
T3 Integer Number of cutting edges $P_TOOLND[tnr]
tnr=tool number
T4 Integer Tool size left in half locations $TC_TP3
T5 Integer Tool size right in half locations $TC_TP4
T6 Integer Tool size upper in half locations $TC_TP5
T7 Integer Tool size down in half locations $TC_TP6

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Dialog Data Description Assignment $TC...

variable type
T8 String Magazine location type $TC_TP7*
T9 Integer Tool status $TC_TP8
T10 Integer Type of tool monitoring $TC_TP9
T11 Integer Type of tool search $TC_TP10
T12 Integer Magazine location type $TC_TP7
Previously, only the name of the mag-
azine location type could be stored as
a string via dialog variable T8. The as-
signment between location type num-
ber and location type name and vice
versa is made in the tool management

* The character string which is stored there is an HMI internal location type
which is assigned the value in $TC_TP7. This text is defined via the tool man-
agement start-up and stored in the database.

If chips are to be exchanged between several machines, the following rule applies
if T12 is used:
The location type names must be present in the same sequence on all these
machines (with the same location type numbers).

If changes are made to the conversion file, old code carriers can no longer be

Code carrier chip/SINTDC:
If the user has defined the dialog variable T11 in the conversion file wkonvert.txt
for “Type of tool search, $TC_TP10”, the value from the NCK is written to the chip
and written back to the NCK at read in. If T11 is missing, the value is 0 in
$TC_TP10 after the chip is read in.

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4.5 Further settings

Cutting edge dialog data

Dialog Data Description Assignment

variable type $TC...
C1 Integer Subtype $TC_DP1
C4 Integer Cutting edge position $TC_DP2
Geometry tool length compensation
C5 Double Length 1 $TC_DP3
C6 Double Length 2 $TC_DP4
C7 Double Length 3 $TC_DP5
Geometry tool radius compensation
C8 Double Length 1 $TC_DP8
C9 Double Length 2 $TC_DP9
C10 Double Radius 1 $TC_DP6
C11 Double Radius 2 $TC_DP7
C12 Double Angle 1 $TC_DP10
C13 Double Angle 2 $TC_DP11
Wear tool length compensation
C14 Double Length 1 $TC_DP12
C15 Double Length 2 $TC_DP13
C16 Double Length 3 $TC_DP14
Wear tool radius compensation
C17 Double Length 1 $TC_DP17
C18 Double Length 2 $TC_DP18
C19 Double Radius 1 $TC_DP15
C20 Double Radius 2 $TC_DP16
C21 Double Angle 1 $TC_DP19
C22 Double Angle 2 $TC_DP20
Base dimension/adapter dimension tool
length compensation
C23 Double Basic length 1 $TC_DP21
C24 Double Basic length 2 $TC_DP22
C25 Double Basic length 3 $TC_DP23
C26 Double Undercut angle $TC_DP24
C27 Integer Reverse insert $TC_DP25
C28 Cutting edge number for addressing --
C29 * Integer Downtime in minutes $TC_MOP2

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4.5 Further settings

Dialog Data Description Assignment

variable type $TC...
C30 * Integer Prewarning limit for tool life in minutes $TC_MOP1
C31 Integer Number of pieces still to be produced $TC_MOP4
C32 Integer Prewarning limit for number of pieces $TC_MOP3
still to be produced
C33 Double Set downtime in minutes $TC_MOP11
C34 Integer Unit quantity setpoint $TC_MOP13
C35 Double Prewarning limit for wear $TC_MOP5
C36 Double Wear $TC_MOP6
C37 Double Setpoint wear $TC_MOP15
C38 * Double Downtime in minutes $TC_MOP2
C39 * Double Prewarning limit for tool life in minutes $TC_MOP1
C40 * Double Quantity $TC_MOP4
C41 Double Pre-warning limit for count $TC_MOP3
C42 Double Unit quantity setpoint $TC_MOP13

The dialog variables C2 and C3 are managed only internally.

* see following note

C38 and C39 can only be used as alternatives for C29 and C30.
C40, C41 and C42 can only be used as alternatives for C31, C32 and C34.

User tool parameters and the new monitoring parameters are now used for code
carriers. The following new dialog variables are available for the file “wkonvert.txt”:
A1 -- A10: User tool data (see $TC_TPCx[t])
U1 -- U10: User cutting edge data (see $TC_DPCx[t,d])
S1 -- S10: User monitoring data (see $TC_MOPCx[t,d])
Data type “Double” is defined for the dialog variables A, U and S.

Data Types
The following data types are defined for dialog variables:
S Integer: value range --32768 to 32767
S Double: Floating point double precision
S String: Character sequence of ASCII characters

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4.5 Further settings

The assignment of code-carrier data to dialog data is made using the code-carrier
description file. The description file can be created and edited as an ASCII file us-
ing a standard editor. The code-carrier files is structured as lines whereby each line
is prefixed by one of the following keywords:

Inverted comma
The ’ (single quotation mark) marks the beginning of a comment. The characters
that follow are skipped.
’ This is a comment

This format for the beginning of a comment is used only in the description file for
code carriers. Otherwise, the beginning of a comment is introduced by a
semicolon (;).

The following data have a constant (CONST) or a variable (VARIABLE) data
length. Data with variable length are terminated with 0x<delimiter>.
DATALEN=VARIABLE 0x0A ’ variable data length, delimiter LF

DEFINE_KEYWORD=<keyword> <value><keyword> := any user keyword for indi-
cating a new data section on the code carrier
<value> := “<string>” or 0x<hexvalue>
Definition of the keyword <keyword> with the value <value>

A keyword defined by DEFINE_KEYWORD that identifies a new data section on
the code carrier. The item in the code carrier description file following <keyword>
must contain the value <value> defined by DEFINE_KEYWORD.

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4.5 Further settings

<n> := Consecutive number of code carrier date, ascending from 1 without gaps
<line> := <(max.) length in bytes> <code carrier data format> <dialog variable>
<code carrier data format> :
<dialog variable> : Assignment of code carrier to dialog datum
If just before Item<n> a user keyword keyword was defined, then <dialog vari-
able> has the value <keyword>
Conversion rule for code carrier data <n>
Item1 32 ASCII T3 ’ Relocate tool identifier to/from tool
’ dialog datum 3

<n> := Consecutive number of code carrier date within Block<i>, ascending from 1
without gaps
<line> := analog Item<n>
Conversion rule for code carrier data <n> within a block. If tool dialog data T<n> is
assigned to the code-carrier data, then the first value in the code-carrier data in the
block is assigned to the dialog data.
BItem1 1 BCD C1, T2 ’ Relocate subtype to/from cutting edges
’ dialog datum 1 and tool dialog datum 2
’ (1st value of block is relevant for T2)

Block<n> <repeat rule>
<n> := Consecutive number of block, ascending from 1 without gaps
<repeat rule> := * Item<n> | CONTIGUOUS BItem1
A block of data BItem<n> follows (up to the keyword End_Block<n>), which is
stored on the code carrier according to the <repetition rule>.

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4.5 Further settings

In the case of Block<n> * Item<n>, Item <n> must be defined before Block<n>.

Block1 * Item6 ’ Repeat Block1 according to the value of Item6
Block1 CONTIGUOUS BItem1 ’ Read Block1 repeatedly until the count vari-
’ able BItem1 no longer returns a value increm-
’ ented by 1.
’ Write Block1 as many times as defined by the
’ value of the dialog variable assigned to BI-
’ tem1.

End identifier for a data block defined with Block<n>

Code carrier data formats

The following code-carrier data formats are supported:
(comp. <code carrier data format> for Item / BItem)

Data format Explanation

ASCII ASCII character set

INT 16-bit integer (Intel format)

S Value range --32768 <= INT <= +32767
BCD S Binary-coded decimal number (if necessary,
with sign and decimal point)
S Non-relevant decades are preassigned the
value 0, left-justified

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4.5 Further settings

Assignment between code carrier data and dialog data

The conversion rule for Item<n> or BItem<n> also contains the assignment to
none/one/several dialog variables, if necessary with a conversion that is explained
in detail in this section.
The general conversion specification for Item<n> or BItem<n> is:

<n> := Consecutive number of code carrier date, ascending without

<line> := <(max.) length in bytes> <code carrier data format> <dialog

<n> consec.No. <line>:=<length in bytes><code carrier data format><dialog variable>

Item 1 32 ASCII T1 ’ Identifier

Code Code carrier Comment

carrier data format
Length in Dialog variable

Bild 4-18 Conversion specification

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4.5 Further settings

Dialog variable
<Dialog variable> := <dvar1>[=(<uv>)] [, <dvar2>[=(<uv>)] [,<dvar3>
[&<dvar4>]=(<uv>)] [, <dvarN>[=(<uv>)]
<dvar> := T<index> | C<index> | --
T = tool data,
C = cutting edge data,
index = index within tool/cutting edges dialog data
-- = no assignment to a dialog variable
<dvar1>&<dvar2>=<uv> : Conversion specification applies for <dvar1> and
uv := <arithm. Op1> [ <arithm. Op2> ] .. [ <arithm. OpN> ]
arithm. Op := +<const> | --<const> | *<const> | /<const>
T2=(*10), T3=(/100 + 10)

uv := <replacement1> [<replacement2>] .. [<replacementN>]
replacement := <const1> [, <const2>] ..
[, <constN>] ^ <constM>
<const1..const2> ^ <const3>
const1 = lower limit value,
const2 = upper limit value

When converting the dialog variable to the code carrier variable on writing, if there
are several left operands, the right operand is converted in the first left operands!

T2=(20..29 ^ 120 40,50 ^ 130)

The code carrier variable with the value 25 is converted to dialog variable T2 with
the value 120 (read). Dialog variable T2 with value 120 is converted to code carrier
variable with the value 20 (write).
uv := <Tetn>
Tetn := nth tetrad in byte sequence
Byte1, = Tet1 and Tet2
Byte2, = Tet3 and Tet4
Allocation of the tetrads of code carrier variables (in BCD format) to dialog vari-

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4.5 Further settings

T5=(Tet1), T6=(Tet2), T7=(Tet3), T8=(Tet4)

If the code carrier has the value 0x1234 for example, dialog variable T5 is as-
signed the value 1, dialog variable T8 the value 4.
uv := <compare>
compare := < <const> [INVSIGN] | <= <const> | = <const> | >
<const> >= <const>
Assignment of code carrier variable to a dialog variable according to the compari-
son result

S Reading: Invert leading sign of the dialog variable,
S Writing: Invert leading sign of the code carrier variable
C1=(<0 INVSIGN) , C2=(>=0)

A negative code carrier variable value corresponds to dialog variable C1, a positive
value to dialog variable C2; dialog variable C1 is converted to a positive value.
Dialog variable C1 is multiplied by (--1). If the value is less than 0, then the code
carrier variable is given the value from C1, otherwise the value from C2.

Conversion specifications are only evaluated for dialog variables of data type

Conversion example / structure of a data string

Tabelle 4-2 Conversion file: wkonvert.txt

Code carrier Length in Format Dialog variable

variable Bytes
Item1 10 ASCII T1 Identifier, $TC_TP2
Item2 2 BCD T2 Duplo, $TC_TP1
Item3 2 BCD T4 = (Tet1), T5 = (Tet2), T6 = (Tet3), T7 = (Tet4)
Tool size: left, right, top, bottom, $TC_TP3, 4, 5, 6
Item4 10 ASCII T8 location type, text for $TC_TP7

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4.5 Further settings

Tabelle 4-2 Conversion file: wkonvert.txt

Code carrier Length in Format Dialog variable

variable Bytes
Item5 1 BCD T3 number of cutting edges, $P_TOOLND[tnr], tnr = tool
Item6 4 BCD A1 Tool OEM1, $TC_TPC1
Item7 4 BCD A2 Tool OEM2, $TC_TPC2
Item8 2 BCD C1 Subtype, type, $TC_DP1
Item9 4 BCD C5 Geometry length1, $TC_DP3
Item10 4 BCD C10 Geometry radius1, $TC_DP6
Item11 4 BCD C14 Wear length 1, $TC_DP12

This conversion file can be used to read in the following data string/generate this
string when writing:
If working with SINTDC, this string corresponds to the interface between HMI Ad-
vanced and SINTDC.

Dividing this string into individual values

String Value Entry Data types for dialog variables

626F687265725F312020 “Drill_1” 10 ASCII T1 T1 String identifier, $TC_TP2
0001 1 2 BCD T2 T2 Integer duplo, $TC_TP1
1111 1,1,1,1 2 BCD T4=(Tet1), T4 Integer tool size: Left
T5=(Tet2), T5 Integer tool size: Right
T6=(Tet3), T6 Integer tool size: top
T7=(Tet4)) T7 Integer tool size: bottom
6E6F726D616C20202020 “Normal” 10 ASCII T8 T8 String location type, text for
01 1 1 BCD T3 T3 Integer no. cutting edges,
tnr=tool number
D00010E3 --10.300 4 BCD A1 A1 Double tool OEM1,
D0000005 --5 4 BCD A2 A2 Double tool OEM2,
0205 205 2 BCD C1 C1 Integer subtype, $TC_DP1
B00002E3 2.3 4 BCD C5 C5 Double geometry length1,
B0000003 3 4 BCD C10 C10 Double geometry radius1,

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4.5 Further settings

String Value Entry Data types for dialog variables

B000E456 0.456 4 BCD C14 C14 Double wear length1,
2F2F End identifier (according to TIS_EOT=0x2F2F, mmc.ini)

Example of a description file

Name of the description/conversion file

The file name must be entered in ...\user\mmc.ini at WToolIdSysKonv = wkon-
The name of the file is e.g. wkonvert.txt

Code carrier Length Data Interactiv Comment

variable (bytes) format e
Item1 32 ASCII T1 ’ Identifier
Item2 3 BCD T2 ’ Duplo
Item3 2 BCD T4=(Tet1),T5=(Tet2),T6=(Tet3),
’Tool size Left, right, top, bottom
Item4 32 ASCII T8 ’ Location type
Item5 1 BCD T9 ’ Status
Item6 1 BCD T3 ’ No. Tool noses
Item7 1 BCD T10 ’ Type of tool monitoring
Item8 1 BCD T11 ’ Type of tool search
’ User tool data
Item9 4 BCD A1 ’ Tool OEM1
Item10 4 BCD A2 ’ Tool OEM2
’Cutting edge data
Block1 * Item6
Bitem1 2 BCD C1 ’ Subtype, type
Bitem2 1 BCD C4 ’ Cutting edge position
’ Tool length compensation
Bitem3 4 BCD C5 ’ Length 1
Bltem4 4 BCD C6 ’ Length 2
Bltem5 4 BCD C7 ’ Length 3
’Tool radius compensation

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4.5 Further settings

Code carrier Length Data Interactiv Comment

variable (bytes) format e
Bltem6 4 BCD C8 ’ Length 1
Bltem7 4 BCD C9 ’ Length 2
Bltem8 4 BCD C10 ’ Radius 1
Bltem9 4 BCD C11 ’ Radius 2
Bltem10 4 BCD C12 ’ Angle 1
Bltem11 4 BCD C13 ’ Angle 2
’ Wear length compensation
Bltem12 4 BCD C14 ’ Length 1
Bltem13 4 BCD C15 ’ Length 2
Bltem14 4 BCD C16 ’ Length3
’Wear radius compensation
Bltem15 4 BCD C17 ’ Length 1
Bltem16 4 BCD C18 ’ Length 2
Bltem17 4 BCD C19 ’ Radius 1
Bltem18 4 BCD C20 ’ Radius 2
Bltem19 4 BCD C21 ’ Angle 1
Bltem20 4 BCD C22 ’ Angle 2
’Basic dimension length compensation
Bltem21 4 BCD C23 ’ Basic length 1
Bltem22 4 BCD C24 ’ Basic length 2
Bltem23 4 BCD C25 ’ Basic length 3
Bltem24 4 BCD C26 ’ Tool clearance angle
Bltem25 1 BCD C27 ’ Reverse insert
Bltem26 2 BCD C29 ’ Downtime in minutes
Bltem27 2 BCD C30 ’ Prewarning limit for tool life
Bltem28 2 BCD C31 ’ Workpiece count
Bltem29 2 BCD C32 ’ Prewarning limit for tool life
’ User cutting edge data
BItem30 4 BCD U1 ’ Cutting edge OEM1
BItem31 4 BCD U2 ’ Cutting edge OEM2
’User monitoring data
BItem32 4 BCD S1 ’ Monitoring OEM1
BItem10 4 BCD S2 ’ Monitoring OEM2

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4.6 Start-up of operator panel OP030

4.6 Start-up of operator panel OP030

The tool management of the OP030 supports the loading/unloading detection of
the OEM application SINTDI.
The full scope of functions is available with no restrictions in NCK version 3.7 and

Display machine data

The default setting 0 means that the SINTDI identifier function is deactivated.
A numerical value higher than 0 identifiers the parameter from which the load/un-
load identifiers are read or written.
Default setting = 0
A numerical value > 0 identifiers the magazine to be displayed first; if an illegal
value is set, the first real magazine to be found is displayed.
The default setting 0 means that tools are not erased from the TO memory when
they are deleted, but only from the tool list.
The default setting 1 means that tools are marked immediately for loading in the
tool list.
The default setting is 2. Other values:
2 Enabled
4 Disabled
8 Measured
64 Fixed-location-coded
These values can also be combined (except for enable and disabled), i.e. 72
means measure and fixed-location-coded. Each change applies to newly created
tools until the tool status is changed.
The display-device data can be changed in the file bd_op030.tea prior to the flash
routine. A corresponding prompt is output during installation.
The differentiation is made during installation between system software and the
screen kit. Screen kit here means the OEM variant or the development kit.

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4.6 Start-up of operator panel OP030


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Programming 5
5.1 Overview of OPI and system variables
All the data required for the purpose of data management (e.g. to define a maga-
zine or load a tool...) is stored in the NCK. This data can be read and written via
part programs using system variables and via the PLC using FB 2 and FB 3. When
configuring the machine, the user (machine manufacturer) must determine the
most efficient method of reading and writing tool management data, i.e. in the PLC,
the NC or in an ASUB.
Read and write access can generally be made to system variables.
When language commands are used, it may be necessary to program the
“STOPRE” command.
The $TC variables do not generate a preprocessing stop.
Tool identifiers can consist of the following characters:
+ -- _ . ,
The names are case-sensitive, i.e. uppercase and lowercase characters are con-
sidered different characters.

Additional information on OPI variables can be found in the Help file for the NC
variables selector.

Fig. 5-1 displays an overview of all cutting edge, tool and magazine data ($TC_...)
when tool management is active.
The sequence of system variables shown in the diagram corresponds to the OPI
numbering sequence.

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5.1 Overview of OPI and system variables

System variables are available for OEM Siemens data. However, they are not
described here because they are not meaningful at present.


6 Location offsets, coarse
5 SCP 5 Location offsets, fine
4 User cutting edge monitoring
2 DPC 3 Cutting edge monitoring
1 DP 2 User cutting edge data
1 Cutting edge data

TOOL DATA 3 TPC 3 Tool-related user data

1 PP 2 Tool-related grinding data

1 Tool-related data

MLSR 8 Magazine location assignment to spindles
7MAMP 7 Magazine block data
6 MDP 6 Distance to change position
5 MPTH 5 Magazine location type hierarchy
4 User magazine location data
3 Magazine location data
2 User magazine description data
1 Magazine description data

Bild 5-1 Overview of cutting edge, tool and magazine data

The identifiers (DP,...PP,...MAP,...) are taken from the NC language. They are part
of the names of the system variables $TC_DP,...

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5.1 Overview of OPI and system variables

The gray data fields are only available if tool management is active.
Shaded data fields are available without TOOLMAN function, but with monitoring
White data fields are available when the TOOLMAN function is not active.



Bild 5-2 Adapter data



Offset components of toolholders

Bild 5-3 Toolholder data

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5.2 Cutting edge data

5.2 Cutting edge data

Cutting edge data

ECP Location offsets, coarse

SCP Location offsets, fine
User cutting edge monitoring
DPC Cutting edge monitoring
DP User cutting edge data
Cutting edge data

Bild 5-4 Overview of cutting edge data

This data exists for each cutting edge that is created (D1--D12). Tool management
includes the geometry and user data as well as the optional monitoring data for the
cutting edges.
If the cutting edges are created via HMI, the D number is counted up from 1. It is
possible to program the D no. with gaps, e.g. D1, D3, D6 if cutting edges are set
up using the NC program.

5.2.1 Cutting edge parameters

Cutting edge parameters for geometry, technology and tool type.
Depending on the tool type, up to 25 cutting edge parameters can be programmed
for each tool cutting edge.
References: /FB1/ W1, Tool Compensation
x = Parameter 1...25
t = T number 1...32000
d = Cutting edge number 1...12
D = D number

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5.2 Cutting edge data

The maximum value of x is stored in OPI variable numCuttEdgeParams in block Y.

OPI block TO
Calculation of line: (d--1)*numCuttEdgeParams+parameter no.
Calculation of column: T number

Tool offset parameters (system variables)

NCK identi- Type Description Type Preas-
fier OPI variable sign-
$TC_DP1 INT Tool type edgeData REAL 9999
$TC_DP2 Double Cutting edge position* edgeData REAL 0
$TC_DP3 Double Geometry length 1 edgeData REAL 0
$TC_DP4 Double Geometry length 2 edgeData REAL 0
$TC_DP5 Double Geometry length 3 edgeData REAL 0
$TC_DP6 Double Geometry radius edgeData REAL 0
$TC_DP7 Double Geometry -- corner radius REAL 0
(tool type 700; slotting saw)
$TC_DP8 Double Geometry length 4 REAL 0
(tool type 700; slotting saw)*
$TC_DP9 Double Geometry length 5* edgeData REAL 0
$TC_DP10 Double Geometry -- angle 1* edgeData REAL 0
$TC_DP11 Double Geometry -- angle 2 for coni- REAL 0
cal milling tools*
$TC_DP12 Double Wear -- length 1 edgeData REAL 0
$TC_DP13 Double Wear -- length 2 edgeData REAL 0
$TC_DP14 Double Wear -- length 3 edgeData REAL 0
$TC_DP15 Double Wear radius edgeData REAL 0
$TC_DP16 Double Wear -- slot width b/rounding REAL 0
$TC_DP17 Double Wear -- projection k edgeData REAL 0
$TC_DP18 Double Wear -- length 5 edgeData REAL 0
$TC_DP19 Double Wear -- angle 1 edgeData REAL 0
$TC_DP20 Double Wear -- angle 2 for conical REAL 0
milling tools
$TC_DP21 Double Adapter length 1 edgeData REAL 0
$TC_DP22 Double Adapter length 2 edgeData REAL 0
$TC_DP23 Double Adapter length 3 edgeData REAL 0
$TC_DP24 Double Clearance angle edgeData REAL 0

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Programming 09.05
5.2 Cutting edge data

NCK identi- Type Description Type Preas-

fier OPI variable sign-
$TC_DP25 Double 1. The cutting rate value is REAL 0
stored here for ManualTurn
”: A bit-coded value for vari-
ous states of tools of type
1xx and 2xx is stored here
for ShopMill.
$TC_DPCE INT System variable of an offset 0
[t,d] data record with T=t and D=d
containing cutting edge num-
ber CE. (unique D no. or
user-assignment of D nos. --
for cutting edge numbers).
Value range for permissible
cutting edge numbers: 1 up
to value of MD 18106.
$TC_DPH INT H parameter (Y / extraCut- 0
[t,d] tEdgeParams, Bit0=1
$TC_DPV Double Tool cutting edge orientation -- --
$TC_DPV3 L1 component of the tool cut- --
ting edge orientation
$TC_DPV4 L2 component of the tool cut- --
ting edge orientation
$TC_DPV5 L3 component of the tool cut- --
ting edge orientation

* The meaning of this data is different depending on the tool type.

$TC_DP11 contains the identification for the main direction of machining as is de-
fined and required by the Siemens cycle 950. $TC_DP11 assumes an intermediate
position between tool OEM parameter and NCK system variable.
$TC_DP11 is a tool OEM parameter in so far as NCK does not evaluate the con-
tents of the value.
$TC_DP11 is a tool system variable in so far as when accessing via $P_ADT[ n ] --
n=11, NCK is subject to the special values 1, 2, 3, 4 of the tool adapter transforma-
tion if TMMG and the subfunction “Tool adapter” are active. This system parameter
property is also used with the analog OPI block TOT.

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5.2 Cutting edge data

5.2.2 User cutting edge data

User-related cutting edge data
Up to 10 additional cutting edge parameters can be programmed for each cutting
edge. Set with MD 18096: MM_NUM_CC_TOA_PARAM and enable with MD
18080 MM_TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK (set bit 2=1)
x = Parameter 1...10
t = T number 1...32000
d = Cutting edge number 1...12
D = D number


Calculation of line: (d--1)*numCuttEdgeParams_tu+parameter no.
Calculation of column: T number

User-related cutting edge data

NCK identi- Type Description OPI variable Type Preas-
fier sign-
$TC_DPC1 Double CC_Cutting edge pa- edgeData REAL 0
rameter 1
... Double ... edgeData REAL 0
$TC_DPC10 Double CC_Cutting edge pa- edgeData REAL 0
rameter 10

The data is displayed in the tool management. Here you could store “Max. cutting
rate”, for example, which is then evaluated in the part program.

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5.2 Cutting edge data

5.2.3 Edge-related tool monitoring

Tool cutting edges are monitored according to tool life, workpiece count and/or
x = Parameter 1...15
t = T_number 1...32000
d = Cutting edge number 1...12
D = D number
The maximum value of x is stored in OPI variable numCuttEdgeParams in block Y.

OPI block TS
Calculation of line: (d--1)*numCuttEdgeParams_ts+parameter no.
Calculation of column: T number

Tool management monitoring data

NCK identi- Type Description OPI variable Type Preas-
fier sign-
$TC_MOP1 Double Prewarning limit for tool life in data REAL 0
$TC_MOP2 Double Residual tool life in minutes data REAL 0
$TC_MOP3 INT Pre-warning limit for count data REAL 0
$TC_MOP4 INT Residual unit quantity data REAL 0
$TC_MOP11 Double Setpoint for tool life data REAL 0
$TC_MOP13 INT Setpoint for workpiece count data REAL 0
$TC_MOP5 Double Wear prewarning limit -- or lo- data REAL 0
cal offset fine prewarning
$TC_MOP6 Double Actual wear or actual value data REAL 0
for local offset fine
$TC_MOP15 Double Wear setpoint or setpoint for data REAL 0
local offset fine

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5.2 Cutting edge data

5.2.4 User cutting-edge monitoring

Tool monitoring user data (edge-specific)
Up to 10 additional tool monitoring parameters can be programmed for each cut-
ting edge. Set with MD 18098: MM_NUM_CC_MON_PARAM and enable with
MD 18080 MM_TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK (set bit 2)
x = Parameter 1....10
t = T_number 1...32000
d = Cutting edge number 1...12
D = D number

OPI block TUS

Calculation of line: (d--1)*numCuttEdgeParams_tus+parameter no.
Calculation of column: T number

Tool monitoring user data (edge-specific)

NCK identifier Type Description OPI variables Type Preas-
$TC_MOPC1 Int CC monitoring parameters userdata REAL 0
... Int ... userdata REAL 0
$TC_MOPC10 Int CC monitoring parameters userdata REAL 0

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5.2 Cutting edge data

5.2.5 Location offsets, fine (additive offsets)

Location offsets fine (the term “additive offsets” is also frequently used) comprise
all the magnitudes of error which contribute to the total deviation between the ac-
tual workpiece and the specified dimensions. The parameters for the location off-
sets refer to the geometrical data of a cutting edge. DL stands for D Location,
whereby Location refers to where the cutting edge is used.
x = Parameter for DL=1...DL=6
t = T number 1...32000
d = Cutting edge number 1...12
D = D number


Calculation of line: (d--1)*(maxnumEdgeSC*numParams_SC)+
((EdgeSC--1)*numParams_SC)+parameter no.
Calculation of column: T number

Local offsets
Name Type Description OPI variable Type
x = 13--21 Double Can be activated with DL=1 edgeSCData REAL
x = 23--31 Double Can be activated with DL=2 edgeSCData REAL
x = 33--41 Double Can be activated with DL=3 edgeSCData REAL
x = 43--51 Double Can be activated with DL=4 edgeSCData REAL
x = 53--61 Double Can be activated with DL=5 edgeSCData REAL
x = 63--71 Double Can be activated with DL=6 edgeSCData REAL
Transformed location offsets edgeSCData REAL
fine, block TOST

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5.2 Cutting edge data

5.2.6 Location offsets, coarse (setup offsets)

The coarse location offsets (setup offsets) can be set by the machine setter before
the machining operation (see also $TC_SCP).
x = Parameter for DL=1...DL=6
t = T number 1...32000
d = Cutting edge number 1...12
D = D number


Calculation of line: (d--1)*(maxnumEdge_SC*numParams_SC)+
((EdgeSC--1)*numParams_SC)+parameter no.
Calculation of column: T number

Setup offsets
Name Type Description OPI variable Type
$TC_ECPx edgeECData REAL
x = 13--21 Double Can be activated with DL=1 edgeECData REAL
x = 23--31 Double Can be activated with DL=2 edgeECData REAL
x = 33--41 Double Can be activated with DL=3 edgeECData REAL
x = 43--51 Double Can be activated with DL=4 edgeECData REAL
x = 53--61 Double Can be activated with DL=5 edgeECData REAL
x = 63--71 Double Can be activated with DL=6 edgeECData REAL
Transformed setup offsets, edgeECData REAL
block TOET

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5.3 Tool data

5.3 Tool data

TPC Tool-related user data

Tool-related grinding data
Tool-related data

Bild 5-5 Overview of tool data

5.3.1 Tool-related data

General tool data
This data describes the tool in the magazine.
Programming of general tool data with tool management.
x: = Parameter 1...11
t: = T number 1...32000

OPI block TD
Calculation of line: T number
Calculation of column: not applicable

Tool-related data, tool management

NCK identifier Type Description OPI variable Type Preas-
$TC_TP2 String Tool identifier toolldent String “T No.”
$TC_TP1 INT Duplo number duploNo WORD T No.
$TC_TP3 INT Size on left toolsize_left WORD 1
$TC_TP4 INT Size on right toolsize_right WORD 1
$TC_TP5 INT Size above toolsize_upper WORD 1
$TC_TP6 INT Size below toolsize_down WORD 1
$TC_TP7 INT Magazine location type toolplace_spec WORD 9999

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5.3 Tool data

Tool-related data, tool management

NCK identifier Type Description OPI variable Type Preas-
$TC_TP8 INT Status toolState WORD 0=not
Value 0 not enabled enabled
Bit 0 active tool (A)
Bit 1 enabled (F)
Bit 2 disabled (G)
Bit 3 measure (M)
Bit 4 prewarning limit
reached (V)
Bit 5 tool being changed (W)
Bit 6 fixed-location coded (P)
Bit 7 tool was in use (E)
Bit 8 identifier for tools in
Bit 9=1 ingore disabled state
Bit 9=0 do not ignore
Bit 10 to be unloaded
Bit 11 to be loaded
Bit 12 master tool
The letters in parentheses corre-
spond to the ID on the HMI
$TC_TP9 INT Tool monitoring method toolMon WORD 0
Value 0 no tool monitoring
Bit 0 tool life
Bit 1 workpiece count
Bit 2 wear monitoring active
Bit 3 wear monitoring, loca-
tion offset fine active
$TC_TP10 INT Replacement-change strategy toolSearch WORD 0
$TC_TP11 INT Tool information: toolInfo Integer 0
Allows tool groups to be divided
into subgroups. Tool selection
only with tools of the subgroup
(from SW 6)
$A_TOOLMN INT Magazine assignment tool toolInMag WORD
$A_TOOLMLN INT Location assignment tool toolInPlace WORD
$P_TOOLND INT Number of cutting edges numCuttEdges WORD
-- Adapter no. Assignment adaptNo WORD
$A_MYMN INT Owner magazine for tool toolMyMag WORD
from SW6
$A_MYMLN INT Owner magazine location for tool toolMyPlace WORD
from SW6

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5.3 Tool data

$TC_TP1 and $TC_TP2

Like the T no. is sufficient to identify a tool, a tool is equally unique in terms of its
duplo number and its tool name (identifier).
TO units may therefore only contain names that have different duplo numbers. The
write operations of $TC_TP1 and $TC_TP2 are checked for the above and re-
jected if collisions are found.

$TC_TP3 to TP6
Size in terms of half locations:
Size 1 means that the tool exactly completely occupies its own magazine location.
The maximum programmable size is 7.
There are rules governing how tool sizes are specified.

The magazine location type cannot be changed if the tool is in a magazine loca-

The tool status is described with system variable $TC_TP8. This variable is bit-
coded. In other words, a particular state of the tool is assigned to each bit of this
The status of a tool must be bit 1 so that it can be loaded within the scope of a
programmed tool change for processing on the toolholder.
During tool selection, the status of a tool that is loaded onto the toolholder (spindle,
...) is set by the NCK to bit 0 (“active”).
A tool cannot be loaded if its status is bit 2. The status is set automatically by the
tool monitoring function, when the monitoring value of at least one cutting edge
reaches the limit value. The status bit 2=4 of the tool on the toolholder can or will
be ignored when generating the INIT blocks (see MD 20110 and 20112). The PLC
also has the option to make NCK ignore the status during tool selection.
The status bit 4 is mainly for information purposes. With this status the tool can
still be loaded.
The status bit 7 (“was in use”) is set by the NCK if the tool is removed from a mag-
azine location of the type spindle or toolholder.
The tool status bit 5 (=“W”= is being change) is always reset by the software dur-
ing buffered booting. A tool receives/loses this status within the scope of a pro-
grammed tool change.

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5.3 Tool data

The following applies: all tool (new and old) involved in the tool change are given
the status bit 5=32 by the tool selection. The status is reset again by the end ac-
knowledgement for each tool command.
The following applies in particular:
The end acknowledgement of the PLC command 2 (programming the T ad-
dress with $MC_TOOL_CHANGE_MODE=1), resets the status “W” of the old
The end acknowledgement of the PLC commands 3, 4, 5
(programming M06 in a block with $MC_TOOL_CHANGE_MODE=1, T, M06 in
a block with $MC_TOOL_CHANGE_MODE=1
T address with $MC_TOOL_CHANGE_MODE=0)
resets the status bit 5=32 of the old tool and the new tool.
Tools that are in the buffer can be used for a new programmed tool command if the
tool status bit 5=32.
Tools that are in the real magazine and have this status can be used as a depen-
dency of the bit 21 of the MD 20310 or cannot be used for a different tool-change
The status bit 5=32 is generally not considered for a tool selection within the scope
of a block search or when init is generated.
For a reset, the status is reset for those tools that are involved in a tool change at
that point in time.
The status bit 5=32 is not evaluated when a manual tool is selected.
The tool status bit 8 ensures that during the next tool change, a tool that is at a
buffer location and not intended for the next job in machining is returned to the real
magazine. See also Subsection3.2.2.
Bit 9 ignores disabled state.
If this bit is set, the disabled state of this tool is ignored. This means the disabled
tool can be used (depending on the search strategy).
This state acts independently of the PLC interface signal:
“Tool disable not effective” (DB21.DBx29.7).

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5.3 Tool data

Status bit 11 (to be loaded)

Bit 11 is set for tools that are not in a magazine and are to be loaded. The following
definitions apply:
S The status is maintained beyond Power ON.
S It is included in the data back-up and rewritten when transferred back to the
S When assigning a tool to a real magazine the tool status is reset by the NCK
(applies to locations of location type 1, i.e. not to internal magazines such as
the loading magazine, buffer magazine, etc).

Bit Value Meaning

11 0 “Not to be loaded”
1 “To be loaded”

Status bit 10 (to be unloaded)

This bit is set for tools that are located in a magazine and are to be unloaded. The
following definitions apply:
S The status is maintained beyond Power ON.
S It is included in the data back-up and rewritten when transferred back to the
S Unloading a tool via an unloading location causes the NCK to reset the tool sta-

Bit Value Meaning

10 0 “Not to be unloaded”
1 “To be unloaded”

Status bit 12 (master tool)

Bit 12 is set for tools that are to be permanently assigned to a magazine. This sta-
tus is only set to provide information and has no effect on the NCK (e.g. does not
disable a location). The user defines via the unload program whether the tool can
be unloaded.

Bit Value Meaning

12 0 “Not a master tool”
1 “Master tool”

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5.3 Tool data

Take care when “manually” changing the tool status via the OPI during machining.
This could undo any necessary internal changes in status by the NCK and result in
incorrect machining.

If a monitoring type is activated for the tool with $TC_DP9, then the current moni-
toring parameters are evaluated and, if necessary, the tool status set to ’disabled’
or ’prewarning limit reached’. An existing tool disable is not however lifted. Not
even then when the monitoring function for this tool has been deactivated.

Tool subgroups
The system variable is bit-coded. Only bits 0...3 are evaluated. A tool group (the
same identifier, different duplo no.) can be split into a maximum of 4 subgroups in
this way. A tool can also be included in several subgroups.
If no bit is set, so $TC_TP11[x]=0, this means the same as “all bits set”, i.e. the
tool belongs to all the defined subgroups.
Selection of the tool subgroup
1. With the language command $P_USEKT (UseKindofTool)
(only possible when not working with the setting T=location)
During tool search, only tools that have one of these bits in system variable
$TC_TP11, can be found. This means that it is possible to form so-called
“Technology Groups”, to differentiate between tools with the same identifier and
specifically release them for machining.

Example 1:
i.e. the only tools to be taken into account are those with bit 2 in $TC_TP11 or
Example 2:
i.e. the only tools to be taken into account are those with bit 3 or 0 in $TC_TP11
2. By programming a tool
with the function T=location $P_USEKT is set automatically at every tool
change and in fact at the $TC_TP11 value of the loaded tool.

Example: T3 M06
The bit value of $TC_TP11 of T3 is now valid (is accepted in “USEKT”).
During the transition to a spare tool (and there only) the only tools to be taken
into account are those with one of these bits set in system variable $TC_TP11.

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5.3 Tool data

5.3.2 Tool-related grinding data

Technology-specific grinding data
The default setting for grinding data is 0. Tools with tool type 400 to 499 are al-
ways grinding tools, i.e. have these additional data which take up additional
memory space. If a tool of type 400--499 is set to a value outside this range, then
its loses its grinding-specific data -- the associated memory is released again and
can be used for other tools.
x: = Parameter 1....9
t: = T number 1...32000

OPI block TG
Calculation of line: T number
Calculation of column: not applicable

Tool-related grinding data

Name Type Description OPI VAR Type
$TC_TPG 1 INT Spindle number spinNoDress REAL
$TC_TPG 2 INT Chain rule conntectPar REAL
$TC_TPG 3 Double Minimum grinding wheel ra- minToolDia REAL
$TC_TPG 4 Double Minimum grinding wheel minToolWide REAL
$TC_TPG 5 Double Current grinding wheel width actToolWide REAL
$TC_TPG 6 Double Max. speed maxRotSpeed REAL
$TC_TPG 7 Double Maximum peripheral speed maxTipSpeed REAL
$TC_TPG 8 Double Inclination angle of inclined inclAngle REAL
$TC_TPG 9 INT Parameter number for radius paramNrCCV REAL

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5.3 Tool data

5.3.3 Tool-related user data

User-related tool data
An additional 10 tool-specific parameters can be set up per tool. Set with
MD 18094: MM_CC_TDA_PARAM and enable with MD18080 MM_TOOL_MAN-
AGEMENT_MASK (set bit 2)
x: = Parameter 1...10
t: = T number 1...32000

OPI block TU/TUD

Calculation of line: T number
Calculation of column: Parameter number

Tool-related OEM user data

NCK identifier Type Description OPI VAR Type
$TC_TPC1 Double data REAL

... Double data REAL

$TC_TPC10 Double data REAL

The data is displayed in the tool management. In addition, e.g. tool status
information could also be stored here.

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5.4 Magazine data

5.4 Magazine data

Magazine data

MLSR 8 Magazine location assignment to spindles
7 MAMP 7 Magazine block data
6 MDP 6 Distance to change position
5 MPTH 5 Magazine location type hierarchy
4 MPPC 4 User magazine location data
3 MPP 3 Magazine location data
2 User magazine description data
1 Magazine description data

Bild 5-6 Overview of magazine data

5.4.1 Magazine description data

Magazine description data
This data identifies the real magazine
x: = Parameter 1...10
n: = Magazine number 1...30, 9998, 9999

OPI block TM
Calculation of line: Magazine number
Calculation of column: not applicable

Magazine description data, tool management

NCK identifier Type Description OPI variable Type Preas-
Magazine number magNo WORD 0
$TC_MAP2 String Identifier of the magazine magIdent String “ ”

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5.4 Magazine data

Magazine description data, tool management

NCK identifier Type Description OPI variable Type Preas-
$TC_MAP1 INT Type of magazine magKind WORD 0
1 = Chain
3 = Turret
5 = Box magazine
7 = Tool buffer magazine
9 = Loading station magazine
$TC_MAP3 INT Status of magazine magState WORD 2
Bit 0 active magazine
Bit 1 disabled
Bit 2 Magazine in loading
Bit 3 Tool move is active
Bit 4 Magazine/tool may be
moved Released for
Bit6 Magazine is fixed-loca-
tion-coded, i.e. tools in
this magazine are con-
sidered fixed-location-
coded tools and treated
Bit8 Edge location edge may
be overlapped left
Bit9 Edge location edge may
be overlapped right
Bit10 Edge location edge may
be overlapped top
Bit11 Edge location edge may
be overlapped bottom
$TC_MAP4 INT Chaining to next magazine magLink1 WORD --1
(currently not Magazine type = 1, 3, 5.
available) For background magazines only
$TC_MAP5 INT Chaining to preceding magazine magLink2 WORD --1
(currently not Magazine type = 1, 3, 5.
available) Reference (= number) to preced-
ing magazine, backward chaining
of background magazines
$TC_MAP6 INT Number of tiers (box magazines magDim WORD 1
$TC_MAP7 INT Number of columns -- --
-- -- Number of locations for the maga- magNrPlaces WORD 0
zine, corresponds to
$TC_MAP8 INT Current magazine position relative magActPlace WORD 0
to change position
-- magCmd WORD
-- magCmdState WORD
-- magCmdPar1 WORD

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5.4 Magazine data

Magazine description data, tool management

NCK identifier Type Description OPI variable Type Preas-
-- magCmdPar2 WORD
$TC_MAP9 INT Current wear grouping number magWearCom- DINT 0
$TC_MAP10 INT Current tool search strategies of magTool- WORD 0
(bit 0...7) magazine (see $TC_MAMP2) SearchStrat
$TC_MAP10 INT Current empty location search magPlace- WORD 0
(bit 8...15) strategy of magazine SearchStrat

The magazine status bit 3 (tool motion is active) is always reset when the software
is booted with backup.
A magazine that has the status “Tool motion is active” cannot be deleted.
Empty locations are not sought in magazines with the “disabled” status. If a dis-
abled magazine is explicitly defined for the empty location search the process is
aborted with an error message.
A tool that is in a “disabled” magazine cannot be loaded into the spindle or the tool-
Overlapping edge locations (bit 8...11=1)
An oversized tool can overlap the edge locations that are marked with bits 8 to 11.

The current magazine position $TC_MAP8 is refreshed by the NCK every time the
magazine is moved.
When the magazine configuration has been loaded, variable $TC_MAP8 is as-
signed the value zero. The position value is the number of the magazine location
that is located at the zero position of the magazine. As a maximum, the magazine
position can have the number of magazine locations in the magazine. Larger or
negative values are rejected.

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5.4 Magazine data

Magazine-specific tool search
The bit settings correspond precisely to the system variables $TC_MAMP2.
For buffer magazines, the default setting “0” always applies.
From SW 6.3.23 and 5.3.35, a 1:1 swap can be set for internal magazines.

5.4.2 Magazine user data

Magazine user data
Up to 10 user data can be additionally created for each magazine. Setting in
MD 18090 : MM_NUM_CC_MAGAZINE_PARAM and enable with MD18080:
x: = Parameter 1...10
n: = Magazine number 1...30

OPI block TUM

Calculation of line: Parameter number
Calculation of column: Magazine number

Magazine description data OEM user

Name Type Description OPI VAR Type
$TC_MAPC1 userData DINT
... userData DINT
$TC_MAPC10 userData DINT

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5.4 Magazine data

5.4.3 Magazine location data

Magazine location data
The following data describes the magazine location.
x: = Parameter 1..7
n: = Physical magazine number 1..30, 9998, 9999
m: = Physical location number 1...32000
The maximum value of x is stored in OPI variable numMagPlaceParams in block Y.

OPI block TP
Calculation of line: (magazinLocNo--1)*numMagPlaceParams+parameter no.
Calculation of column: Magazine number

Magazine location data, tool management

NCK identi- Type Description OPI variable Type Preas-
fier sign-
$TC_MPP1 INT Location type placeData WORD 0
1 = Magazine location
2 = Spindle, toolholder
3 = Gripper
4 = Loader
5 = Transfer location
6 = Loading station
7 = Loading point
$TC_MPP2 INT Location type placeData WORD 9999
> 0: Location type for virtual
= 0: Every tool fits in this
9999: Not defined
$TC_MPP3 BOOL Consider adjacent location ON/ placeData WORD FALSE

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5.4 Magazine data

Magazine location data, tool management

NCK identi- Type Description OPI variable Type Preas-
fier sign-
$TC_MPP4 INT Location state placeData WORD 1
Bit 0 disabled (A)
Bit 1 free to hold a tool (oc-
cupied) (F)
Bit 2 reserved for tool from
buffer (G)
Bit 3 reserved for new tool
to be loaded (M)
Bit 4 occupied in left half
location (V)
Bit 5 occupied in right half
location (W)
Bit 6 occupied in top half
location (P)
Bit 7 occupied in bottom
half location (E)
Bit 8 left half location re-
Bit 9 right half location re-
Bit 10 top half location re-
Bit 11 bottom half location
Bit 12 wear group disabled
Bit 13 overlapping permitted.
Tools can overlap dis-
abled magazine loca-
tions. Only possible if
consider adjacent
location is active (see
also MD 17520).
-- Reference phys. magazine (top placeData WORD 0
$TC_MPP5 INT Location type index (location type placeData WORD 0
numbering) or wear group num-
$TC_MPP6 INT T no. of tool on this location placeData WORD 0
$TC_MPP7 INT No. of adapter in mag. location placeData WORD 0

Writing magazine location data

Points to be noted about writing magazine location data:
The first time one of the $TC_MPP... parameters is written all the magazine loca-
tions defined by magazine parameters are created with their default values (the
memory for the locations is therefore “used up”), i.e. the magazine must have been
defined by this time ($TC_MAP... parameter).

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5.4 Magazine data

$TC_MPP1 (location type)

Only magazine locations of the type “Magazine location” ($TC_MPP1 = 1) may be
defined at magazines that are not of the type “internal” ($TC_MAP1 = 7 or = 9).
Location types:
1 = Magazine location
Only locations of type “1” can be defined at real magazines.
2 = Spindle/toolholder
3 = Gripper
4 = Loader
5 = Transfer location
The distinction gripper/loader/transfer location is intended for future HMI ap-
plications. The NCK makes no distinction here.
6 = Loading station
After the tool moves to this location, the tool stays there.
It can only be removed by explicit operation (unloading).
7 = Loading point
If a tool is moved from the magazine or buffer to this location, after the PLC
acknowledgement of this motion command, the tool is automatically removed
from this location.
Please note when writing the location status and number of the tool in this location
that the following dependencies on $TC_MPP2 to $TC_MPP4 apply; these are
checked during the write operation:
S If the location already contains a tool, the location type to be written must be
checked against the tool location type.
S The status “not occupied” may only be written when none of the “assigned”
states is set and there is no tool at the location.
S The “Disabled” state can be set irrespective of the other states.
S If there is no tool here then the state “not occupied” is automatically active; i.e.,
the state “not free” cannot be set by the NC program or PLC, HMI.
S “Occupied” states can only be set by the NCK within the scope of the adjacent
location consideration; i.e. these states are ignored during writing by the NC
program or PLC, HMI.
S The state “Reserved for tool from buffer” is set when a tool is removed by the
NCK from the real magazine during a tool change. This location is then not des-
ignated as “Free” for tools other than the tool removed.

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5.4 Magazine data

S The states “Reserved for tool from buffer” and “reserved for new tool to be
loaded” of a location are automatically reset when a tool is placed in this loca-
S The states “reserved for tool from buffer” and “reserved for new tool to be
loaded” of a real magazine location are automatically reset when a tool from
this location is placed at a location in the loading/unloading magazine.
S The state “Reserved for tool from buffer” is reset during an empty location
search if the tool for which the empty location is being sought is assigned a
magazine location other than its previous real magazine location. The newly
found empty location is assigned the state “Reserved for tool from buffer” and
becomes the new owner of the tool being sought.
The magazine location state “Reserved for tool to be loaded” is always reset when
the control system is restarted. If “Consider adjacent location” is active, reserva-
tions of adjacent locations are also considered.
It is only when wanting to make the magazine definition directly at the NC program
level that the user has to deal with these rules. Data back-up is such that the rules
are observed when data is imported to the NCK.

$TC_MPP5 (location type index)

This data contains the spindle number for magazine locations of type “spindle”
($TC_MPP1) and is thus made known to the tool management.
The value cannot be changed for location type = 1 ($TC_MPP1; i.e. for all loca-
tions of internal magazines) if there is a tool at the location.

$TC_MPP6 (T no.)
S Tools can only be placed in magazine locations when both the tool and the
magazine, plus its magazine locations, have been defined.
The tool may occupy only one magazine location!
It first attempts to find the tool associated with the T no.
S If it is already defined, then an attempt is made -- subject to appropriate check
procedure -- to add it to the magazine location.
S If it is not yet defined, then an error has occurred.
S The type of the tool to be placed must match the type of the location. If the type
has not been set explicitly at the time of writing (default = 9999 = “Not defined”),
then the tool is not placed.
S The state of the location must be “Free” and must not be “Disabled”.

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5.4 Magazine data

S If the value T no.=0 is programmed, then this means that the present tool will
be removed from the magazine location.
NOTICE ! $TC_MPP6 = 0 also changes the state of the location: a tool can
only be placed in a magazine location if the location does not already contain a
tool. The old tool might first have to be removed with $TC_MPP6 = 0.

Because of this dependency of the individual data, it is mandatory for the
T number of the tool to be written as the last data in a magazine configuration. If
you do not adhere to this sequence, default values might be set which may result
in unwanted data.

5.4.4 Magazine location user data

Magazine location user data
Up to 10 user data can be additionally created for each magazine. Setting for
number of parameters in MD 18092 : MM_NUM_CC_MAGLOC_PARAM and en-
able with MD18080 MM_TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK (set bit 2)
x: = Parameter 1...10
n: = Magazine number 1...30
m: = Magazine location number 1...32000

OPI block TUP

Calculation of line: (m--1)*numMagLocParams_u+Parameternr.
Calculation of column: Magazine number

OEM user magazine location data

NCK identifier Type Description OPI variable Type Preas-
$TC_MPPC1 INT userplaceData DINT 0
... INT userplaceData DINT 0
$TC_MPPC10 INT userplaceData DINT 0

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5.4 Magazine data

5.4.5 Magazine location type hierarchy

Magazine location type hierarchy
The location types can be organized in a hierarchy by programming these system
n: = Index of hierarchy, from 0...7
m: = Index within hierarchy n, location type 0...7
Magazine location types, refer also to $TC_TP7 (Subsection 5.3.1) and
$TC_MPP2 (Subsection 5.4.3).

OPI block TT
Calculation of line: Number of location type+1
Calculation of column: Number of location hierarchy+1

Magazine data: Magazine location type hierarchy

NCK identifier Type Description OPI vari- Type Preas-
able signment
$TC_MPTH[n,m] INT Location type hierarchy placeType WORD 9999
n: Hierarchy 0--7
m: Location type 0--7

If a tool is to be loaded into the magazine, then the location type determines the
availability of locations, i.e. $TC_TP7 and $TC_MPP2 must be defined.
If the location type of the tool is part of the location type hierarchy, then the location
assignment is carried out in accordance with this hierarchy.
Several such hierarchies can be set up in one TO-area unit, but a location type can
only be entered in one hierarchy.
A chain magazine is to be split into six location types and the following hierarchy
defined (the magazine no. is to be “1”, the numbers of the location types are se-
lected at random).
Location type_124< Location type_3< Location type_15< Location type_1080<
Location type_5< Location type_18
Magazine: $TC_MPP2[magazine no., location]
$TC_MPP2[1,1...6] = 124
$TC_MPP2[1,7...12] = 3
$TC_MPP2[1,13...18] = 15
$TC_MPP2[1,19...24] = 1080
$TC_MPP2[1,25...30] = 5

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5.4 Magazine data

$TC_MPP2[1,31...36] = 18
Hierarchy: $TC_MPTH[0,0] = 124
$TC_MPTH[0,1] = 3
$TC_MPTH[0,2] = 15
$TC_MPTH[0,3] = 1080
$TC_MPTH[0,4] = 5
$TC_MPTH[0,5] = 18
If a tool of type_15 ($TC_TP/) is loaded, it is preferable for it to be stored at loca-
tions 13...18. If none of these locations are free, the search for an empty location
continues, in accordance with the hierarchy, at locations of type_1080.

5.4.6 Distance to change position

Distance from magazine zero
x: = 1: Loading magazine: loading point, loading station (1st int. mag.)
2: Buffer magazine: spindle, gripper,..(2nd int. mag.)
n: = Magazine no. of real magazine
m: = Location no. of internal magazine (loading point,..).
Value:= Distance in no. of locations

OPI block TPM

Calculation of line: (location no.--1)*numPlaceMulti*numPlaceMultiPa
rams+Parameter no.
Calculation of column: Magazine no.

Magazine data: Distance to change position

NCK identifier Type Description OPI VAR Type
$TC_MDP1 INT Distance between tool multiPlace WORD
change position of magazine
n and location m of 1st inter-
nal magazine (loading maga-
zine, 9999)
$TC_MDP2 INT Distance between tool multiPlace WORD
change position of magazine
n and location m of 2nd inter-
nal magazine (loading maga-
zine, 9998)

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5.4 Magazine data

The current magazine position is required for tool change, loading and unloading.
This position refers to the magazine zero point established by the machine
manufacturer. This is usually at the change position.
The number of the location at the magazine zero point has to be given during init-
ialization. Otherwise, non-existent location 0 is taken to be the change position.
If the magazine is moved by a task, the current position is changed accordingly.
The NC does not know how many positions the magazine has moved but knows
the targets of the relevant commands. On the basis of the defined distance be-
tween and object (e.g. spindle 2) and the change position, the NC is able to update
the current position.
In SW 5 and later, the value of the distance and the current magazine position is
also evaluated for box magazines.
For empty location searches and tool searches, search strategies based on refer-
ence to the current magazine position convert the position contained in system
variable $TC_MAP8 to the change position, loading point in each case at which the
search is started. With search tasks, the NCK always specifies internally which
change position, loading point is to be used as reference for the search.

Command $TC_MDP2[n,m]=9999 can be programmed to unlink the relationship
between spindle and magazine.

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5.4 Magazine data


D1 = Distance from magazine zero to loading station --> 5 locations = $TC_MDP1[1,1]

D2 = Distance from magazine zero to loading station --> 6 locations = $TC_MDP1[2,1]
Buffer location 1 Buffer location 2

Spindle 1 Spindle 2

Change position D2 Change position


11 12 1 2 1 16

2 3

Magazine1 Magazine2
3 4
$TC_MAP8[1]=12 $TC_MAP8[1]=16

4 5

5 6

Loading station for magazine 1

and magazine 2 Magazine zero
Location 1 in loading magazine

Bild 5-7 Distance to change position $TC_MDPx[y,z]=value

The magazine zero point is usually the change position of the spindle. Therefore,
the following applies:
S If location 1 is located at zero position, the current magazine position = 1
Examples for programming the distance to the zero position:

$TC_MDP1[1,1] = 5 Distance between location 1 of the loading

station and the zero position of magazine 1
$TC_MDP1[2,1] = 6 Distance between the same location and the
zero position of magazine 2
$TC_MDP2[1,1]=0 Distance between location 1 of 2nd internal
magazine and zero position of magazine 1
$TC_MDP2[2,2]=0 Distance between location 2 of 2nd internal
magazine and zero position of magazine 2

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5.4 Magazine data

5.4.7 Magazine blocks

Magazine block data
x: = Parameter 1, 2, 3

OPI block TMC

Calculation of line: N/A
Calculation of column: N/A

Magazine block data, magazine control block

NCK identifier Type Description OPI variable Type Preas-
$TC_MAMP1 String Identifier of the configuration magCBIdent String “ ”
Number of the loading magazine magBLMag WORD
Number of the buffer magazine magZWMag WORD

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5.4 Magazine data

Magazine block data, magazine control block

NCK identifier Type Description OPI variable Type Preas-
$TC_MAMP2 INT Type of tool search (bits 0...7) magSearch 0
and type of empty location
search (bits 8...15)
Bit0=0 Default strategy -- take
the first available tool
found in the tool group.
First search in the maga-
zine from which the last
change took place.
Bit 0 Select the “active” tool in
the magazine of the pre-
viously changed tool;
otherwise search for re-
placement tool with low-
est duplo number If no
tool is found in this maga-
zine, continue searching
in the other associated
Bit 1 Search for next replace-
ment tool at the shortest
possible distance from
the current magazine
Bit 2 Select the “active” tool
otherwise replacement
tool with the smallest
number contained in
Bit 3 Search for tool in the
group with the lowest
actual value for the
monitored quantity
Bit 4 Search for tool in group
with the highest actual
value for the monitored
$TC_MAMP2 INT Bit 5 Only consider those tools magSearch 0
whose actual value is at
least the factor
$AC_MONMIN of the set
value away from the
limiting value
Bit 7 1: Search for tool acc. to
assignment sequence
between “Spindle and
magazine” (always from
1st magazine of the
distance table)
0: Start the tool search in
that magazine where the
tool last changed came

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5.4 Magazine data

Magazine block data, magazine control block

NCK identifier Type Description OPI variable Type Preas-
$TC_MAMP2 Bit 8
Search forwards starting
at first location number
Bit 9
Search forwards starting
at current magazine
Bit 10
Search backwards start-
ing at last location num-
$TC_MAMP2 Bit 11
Search backwards start-
ing at current magazine
Bit 12
Symmetrical search start-
ing at the current maga-
zine position
Bit 13
(1:1 exchange) behavior
prior to SW version 5.
If the 1:1 exchange is not
possible, the search
strategy for an emptly
location is considered
“symmetrical”. Behavior
from SW version 6:
The 1:1 exchange acts in
addition to other set
search strategies. If pos-
sible, the 1:1 exchange is
treated as a priority.
$TC_MAMP3 INT Procedure for tools in a wear modeWear- WORD 0
group (bit 0...7) Group
Search strategies for wear
groups (bit 8...15)
Bit 0=0 When a wear group is
activated, the tool status
remains unchanged
Bit 0=1 When a wear group is
activated, the tool status
changes. One tool from
each tool group be-
comes active

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5.4 Magazine data

Magazine block data, magazine control block

NCK identifier Type Description OPI variable Type Preas-
$TC_MAMP3 Bit 1=0 When a wear group is
disabled, the tool status
remains unchanged
Bit 1=1 When a wear group is
disabled, the tool status
is changed
Bit 2...7 Reserved
Search strategy for next wear
Bit 8=0 Find the next possible
wear group
Bit 8=1 Find the wear group
with the next highest ac-
tivable group number
Bit 9...11 Reserved
$TC_MAMP3 Search strategy within the tool
group for the tool to be set to ac-
tive (language command SETTA
Bit 12=0 Smallest possible duplo
Bit 12=1 Smallest possible mag-
azine location number
Bit 13=1 Smallest number con-
tained in $TC_TP10

The tool search is magazine-specific.
Bit 7 is used to set whether the search is to start in the magazine from which the
requesting spindle loaded its last tool for change (bit 7=0 is the default setting or in
the 1st magazine of the distance table (bit 7=1)).
Bit 7 is only relevant for strategies which are set with bit 0...2.
The following applies:
The tool sequence is a tool group is not defined.
This means the tools are not sorted in any order (e.g. ascending duplo numbers).

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5.4 Magazine data

5.4.8 Assignment of buffers to spindles

Assignment of buffer locations to spindles -- $TC_MLSR[x,y]
x: = location no. in buffer 1... 32000
y : = location no. of the spindle in buffer magazine 1... 32000

OPI block N/A

Calculation of line: N/A
Calculation of column: N/A

NCK identifier Type Description OPI vari- Type Preas-

able sign-
$TC_MLSR[x,y] INT System variable for assigning -- -- 0
magazine locations of the buffer
magazine to the spindle

The programming sequence determines the sequence in which tools are automatically re-

The content value of the system variable is not evaluated. The assignment is
defined via indices x and y. In order to check via the part program whether a
certain assignment exists, a read operation has to return the value zero.
If working with magazine configurations that were created before SW version 3.2,
this system variable must be additionally defined, if, apart from the spindle and the
tool magazine, additional buffer locations (e.g. gripper) are involved. The NCK can
only find the tools in these buffers during tool search if the parameter is defined.
The definitions that are established by this parameter allow, for example, the NCK
to detect during boot with backup whether a tool change was interrupted during
power OFF and to determine the buffer location where the tool is currently

No more than 16 magazines or buffer locations can be assigned to one spindle.

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5.4 Magazine data

Magazine distance to buffer via toolholder/spindle

$TC_MDP2 and $TC_MLSR establish a relation between the buffer locations and
magazines (see Fig.5-8).

Magazine 9998 (buffer magazine)

Gripper 4
Magazine1 Location=2


Magazine2 Toolholder 7 Toolholder 5
Location=1 Location=4

$TC_MLSR[3,1]=0 $TC_MLSR[3,4]=0

Gripper 5

Bild 5-8 Magazine distance to the buffer

Let us assume two magazines are defined with the numbers 1 and 2.
Four locations 1, 2, 3 and 4 are defined in buffer 9998; two toolholders 5, 7 and
two grippers 4, 5.
$TC_MPP1[9998,1] = 2 ;location type = spindle or toolholder
$TC_MPP5[9998,1] = 7 ;tool holder no. = 7
$TC_MPP1[9998,2] = 3 ;location type = gripper
$TC_MPP5[9998,2] = 4 ;gripper no. = 4
$TC_MPP1[9998,3] = 3 ;location type = gripper
$TC_MPP5[9998,3] = 5 ;gripper no. = 5
$TC_MPP1[9998,4] = 2 ;location type = spindle or toolholder
$TC_MPP5[9998,4] = 5 ;tool holder no. = 5
Both grippers are linked to toolholder 5 via $TC_MLSR. They do not require their
own distance definition for the magazines. They are linked to the magazines via
toolholder 5 with the distance relations defined there. However, it is also possible
to define separate distance relations for the grippers.
Toolholder 5 is linked with both magazines via $TC_MDP2.
Toolholder 7 is only linked with magazine 2; gripper 5 is assigned to it.

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5.5 Adapter data

5.5 Adapter data

If machine data $MN_MM_NUM_TOOL_ADAPTER is set to a value = --1 or > 0,
the adapter data is defined, deleted, read and written via the following variables
x: = Parameter 1...3, T
n: = Number of the adapter

OPI block AD
Calculation of line: Length 1, 2, 3 = line 1, 2, 3, transformation = line 4
Calculation of column: Adapter number

Adapter data
Name Type Description OPI VAR Type
$TC_ADPT1 Double Adapter geometry: Length 1 adaptData REAL
$TC_ADPT2 Double Adapter geometry: Length 2 adaptData REAL
$TC_ADPT3 Double Adapter geometry: Length 3 adaptData REAL
$TC_ADPTT[n] Double SC number adaptData REAL

The adapter geometry values act on the geometry values of the cutting edge in the
same way as system variables $TC_DP 21, $TC_DP 22 and $TC_DP 23. These
parameters are available only when the tool management is active.
Transformation numbers 1 to 8 can be programmed for the adapter transformation
function. The parameter is available only when the tool management is active.
$TC_MPP7[m,p] Number of adapter assigned to magazine location
Value=0 No adapter assigned to location
Value>0 Number of assigned magazine

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5.6 Toolholder data

5.6 Toolholder data

The orientation of the tool can be changed for a class of tool machines. The orien-
tation once set is however subsequently fixed during operation and in particular
cannot be changed during traversing. Therefore, a kinematic orientation trans-
formation for this type of machine is neither necessary nor meaningful.
It is however necessary to consider the changes in the tool length components at-
tributable to the change in the orientation. These calculations are assumed by the
The following must be available to calculate the change of tool length components
S Tool data (geometry, wear ...)
S Toolholder data (data for the geometry of the toolholder with orientation capabil-
A defined toolholder must be specified for the control for the function “orientable

x: = Parameter 1...33
The maximum number of toolholders can be defined in machine data 18088:
MM_NUM_TOOL_CARRIER. The value is divided by the number of active TO
units. The integer result indicates how many toolholders can be defined per TO
unit. Values not set by the user are preset to 0.

OPI block TC
Calculation of line: Number of toolholder
Calculation of column: N/A

Toolholder data
Name Type Explanation/description OPI VAR Type
$TC_CARR1 Double No. of toolholder TcCarr1 REAL
x component of offset vector L1
$TC_CARR2 Double No. of toolholder TcCarr2 REAL
y component of offset vector L1
$TC_CARR3 Double No. of toolholder TcCarr3 REAL
z component of offset vector L1
$TC_CARR4 Double No. of toolholder TcCarr4 REAL
x component of offset vector L2
$TC_CARR5 Double No. of toolholder TcCarr5 REAL
y component of offset vector L2
$TC_CARR6 Double No. of toolholder TcCarr6 REAL
z component of offset vector L2

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5.6 Toolholder data

Toolholder data
Name Type Explanation/description OPI VAR Type
$TC_CARR7 Double No. of toolholder TcCarr7 REAL
x component of rotary axis V1
$TC_CARR8 Double No. of toolholder TcCarr8 REAL
y component of rotary axis V1
$TC_CARR9 Double No. of toolholder TcCarr9 REAL
z component of rotary axis V1
$TC_CARR10 Double No. of toolholder TcCarr10 REAL
x component of rotary axis V2
$TC_CARR11 Double No. of toolholder TcCarr11 REAL
y component of rotary axis V2
$TC_CARR12 Double No. of toolholder TcCarr12 REAL
z component of rotary axis V2
$TC_CARR13 Double No. of toolholder TcCarr13 REAL
Angle of rotation alpha1
$TC_CARR14 Double No. of toolholder TcCarr14 REAL
Angle of rotation alpha2
$TC_CARR15 Double No. of toolholder TcCarr15 REAL
x component of offset vector L3
$TC_CARR16 Double No. of toolholder TcCarr16 REAL
y component of offset vector L3
$TC_CARR17 Double No. of toolholder TcCarr17 REAL
z component of offset vector L3
$TC_CARR18 Double No. of toolholder TcCarr18 REAL
x component of offset vector L4
$TC_CARR19 Double No. of toolholder TcCarr19 REAL
y component of offset vector L4
$TC_CARR20 Double No. of toolholder TcCarr20 REAL
z component of offset vector L4
$TC_CARR21 Axis No. of toolholder TcCarr21 String
Axis name of 1st rotary axis
$TC_CARR22 Axis No. of toolholder TcCarr22 String
Axis name of 2nd rotary axis
$TC_CARR23 Char No. of toolholder TcCarr23 String
Kinematic type
$TC_CARR24 Double No. of toolholder TcCarr24 REAL
Offset of 1st rotary axis in degrees
$TC_CARR25 Double No. of toolholder TcCarr25 REAL
Offset of 2nd rotary axis in degrees
$TC_CARR26 Double No. of toolholder TcCarr26 REAL
Offset of Hirth gears in degrees for
1st rotary axis
$TC_CARR27 Double No. of toolholder TcCarr27 REAL
Offset of Hirth gears in degrees for
2nd rotary axis

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5.6 Toolholder data

Toolholder data
Name Type Explanation/description OPI VAR Type
$TC_CARR28 Double No. of toolholder TcCarr28 REAL
Increment of Hirth gears in degrees
for 1st rotary axis
$TC_CARR29 Double No. of toolholder TcCarr29 REAL
Increment of Hirth gears in degrees
for 2nd rotary axis
$TC_CARR30 Double No. of toolholder TcCarr30 REAL
Minimum position of 1st rotary axis
$TC_CARR31 Double No. of toolholder TcCarr31 REAL
Minimum position of 2nd rotary axis
$TC_CARR32 Double No. of toolholder TcCarr32 REAL
Maximum position of 1st rotary axis
$TC_CARR33 Double No. of toolholder TcCarr33 REAL
Maximum position of 2nd rotary axis

Further references:
/FB1/ Description of Functions, Basic Machine; Tool Compensation (W1) and
/PGA/ Programming Guide Advanced

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5.7 Custom user variables

5.7 Custom user variables

User-definable parameters
These programmable variables provide the user with three customizable parame-
ters. These system variables are transferred to the PLC over the user interface
with the T selection signal. They allow the user to send additional tool manage-
ment information to the PLC. The parameters can be read and written by the NC
program. They are not buffered and are set to “0” on Reset or end of program.

x: = Parameters 0, 1, 2

NCK identifier Description Format

$TC_VDITCP[0] Tool management VDI user parameter 0 int
$TC_VDITCP[1] Tool management VDI user parameter 1 int
$TC_VDITCP[2] Tool management VDI user parameter 2 int

Interface DB72, DB73

The user parameters are output in DB 72 and DB 73 on the tool management in-
terface. They are only valid when the status of the interface is active. The format is

$P_VDITCP[0]=12; DB72.DBD(n+4) =12 or
$P_VDITCP[1]=33; DB72.DBD(n+8) =33 or
$P_VDITCP[2]=2000; DB72.DBD(n+12) =2000
The variables must be set in the part program before the T call if these shall trans-
ferred for a tool to the PLC as well.

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5.7 Custom user variables

The parameters can be programmed as required in the NC program. The output is
however always in combination with the tool preparation command programmed in
the following.
T= “TL1”
$P_VDITCP[0] = 1
$P_VDITCP[0] = 2
T= “TL2”
Exactly the value = 2 is also given to the PLC with the command output of T = “T2”
to the PLC and not the value 1 when the M06 command is outputted to the PLC.
From SW version 6, the output of the programmed value also takes place when
M6 is programmed. I.e. the output can now also be realized with the command
number 3 provided $MC_CHANGE_MODE=1 has been set.

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5.8 NC commands

5.8 NC commands
See also table in Subsection 5.12.5.

5.8.1 CHKDNO -- Uniqueness check for D number

D number uniqueness is understood here (not for replacement tools) as being that
the D numbers of all tools defined in the TO unit may occur exactly only once =>
the D numbers are unambiguous and absolute. This is known in the tool-manage-
ment function as the possibility of assigning “unique” D numbers only. The distinc-
tion is made on the basis of replacement tools that are generally present.
Status = CHKDNO (T1, T2, D)
Parameters used:

TRUE The D numbers have been assigned on the basis of unambious gu-
ity for the checked area
FALSE A D-number collision is the result or the parametrization is invalid

The parameters are optional.

CHKDNO (T1,T2) All D numbers of the referenced tools are checked.

D numbers of replacement tools

Replacement tools can be defined and used when tool management is active. The
machining part program does not generally indicate whether any replacement tools
are available. As a rule, the machining program addresses tools with T=“Identifier”.
(Programming T=“location number” is referred back to T=“identifier” internally). The
program otherwise only contains the actual programming of the offset (the D num-
ber). Therefore, the D number for the tool and replacement tool must be identical.

Active tool and replacement tools for T=“drill_5mm”
S T No. = 10 with D numbers 1, 2, 3 (active)
S T No. = 11 with D numbers 1, 2, 3 (replacement)
S T No. = 12 with D numbers 1, 2, 3 (replacement)
Active tool and replacement tools for T=“drill_3mm”:
S T No. = 20 with D numbers 1, 2, 3 (active)
S T No. = 21 with D numbers 1, 2, 3 (replacement)
S T No. = 22 with D numbers 1, 2, 3 (replacement)

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5.8 NC commands

CHKDNO without parameters specified, detects a collision of D numbers 1, 2 and

3 for “drill_5mm” with D numbers 1, 2 and 3 for “drill_3mm”, but not between the
D numbers of the active and replacement tools.
The collisions are displayed as individual alarms, e.g.:
S “Channel 1 D number 1 defined for tool T no. 10 and 20”
S “Channel 1 D number 1 defined for tool T no. 10 and 21”
The state = FALSE is also returned in the event that the parameterization is invalid
(the T or D number called is not defined in the channel).
always returns the TRUE state, irrespective of the parameter settings.

5.8.2 CHKDM -- Uniqueness check within a magazine

With active tool management, the command CHKDM checks the data in NCK for
D number uniqueness within one or more magazines. The functionality corre-
sponds to CHKDNO. The parameters are optional.
state = CHKDM (magazine no, D no., toolholder no.)
Result of check:
Value = TRUE Checked D numbers are unique.
Value = FALSE Check did not return uniqueness.
Explanation of parameters:

MagNo Magazine number of magazine to be checked.

Omission of the parameter or setting it to zero means that all
tools in the magazines linked to the spindle no. or toolholder
no. specified in the 3rd parameter are checked.
Dno The D number against which the check will be made.
Omission of the parameter or setting it to zero means that all
D numbers of the called magazine will be checked for
Toolholder no. Indicates which spindle numbers or toolholder numbers the
magazines shall be checked for.
Omission of the parameter means that the magazines are
given for the check from the distance table of the spindle
location for the master spindle or the master toolholder.

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5.8.3 GETACTTD - Determine the T no. for a unique D no.

For an active tool management (e.g. measuring-cycle programs), this command

serves to conclude the associated T number of the tool active in the tool group
from a D number.
status = GETACTTD (Tnr, Dnr)

Dno D number for which the T number is to be searched. No uniqueness

check for D numbers is applied.
If the same D numbers are defined in different tool groups of the same
TO unit, then the T number of the first tool group that is found deter-
mines the tools that have the specified number.
Tno T number found
status Result of search:
0 T number found, T no. is assigned the value
--1 No T number exists for the specified D number, T no. assigned
the value 0.
--2 D number is not unique; Tno is assigned the value of the D num-
ber that was first determined.
--3 The tool group does not contain any tools of the specified status
or D number. T no. assigned the value 0.
--4 The tool group contains several tools that have the desired sta-
tus and the D number that has been searched.
T no. is assigned the value of the first tool be found with the de-
sired D number.
--5 Function could not be executed for other reasons.

5.8.4 GETDNO -- Get D numbers

The language command

d = GETDNO(t, ce)
allows the offset number d to be read for the cutting edge ce of the tool with the
T number t. If t or ce are parameters which have no data record, d=0 is returned.
Any parameters violating the syntax rules will generate an alarm.
The command is only available if $MN_MAX_CUTTING_EDGE_NO >
returns GETDNO d=ce as D number.

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5.8.5 SETDNO -- Rename D numbers

The language command

state = SETDNO(t, ce, d) allows the offset number d of cutting edge ce of tool t to
be set or changed. If t or ce are parameters which have no data record, state =
FALSE is returned. Any parameters violating the syntax rules will generate an
t, ce, d must be > 0; d=0 cannot be set.

5.8.6 DZERO -- Invalidate D numbers

Marks all D numbers of the TO unit as invalid. This command is used for support
during conversion or re-equipping.
Offset data sets tagged with this command are no longer verified by the CHKDNO
language command. The D numbers have to be set with SETDNO again in order
to make these accessible again.

5.8.7 DELDL -- Delete additive offsets

This command deletes the additive offsets for the cutting edge of a tool (to release
memory space). Both the defined wear values and the setup values are deleted.
status = DELDL( t, d )
Explanation of the parameters:

DELDL(t, d) All additive offsets of the cutting edge with D number d of tool
t are canceled.
DELDL(t) All additive offsets of all cutting edges of tool t are canceled.
DELDL All additive offsets for all cutting edges of all tools of the TO
units are canceled (of the TO unit of that channel where the
command is programmed)
status Result of search:
0 Offsets have been successfully deleted.
--1 Offsets have not been deleted (if the parameter set-
tings specify exactly one tool edge), or not deleted
completely (if the parameter settings specify several
tool edges)

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5.8.8 NEWT - Create a new tool

A new tool can bet set up in a number of ways by NC commands in NCK. Either by
programming T no.=NEWT(“TL”, Duplo no.) or by programming a system variable
Note that NEWT automatically generates a cutting edge with CE no. = 1, D no. = 1
(SW 6). If you want the tool to have a different CE no., you need to change this
number after it has been generated.
The NEWT function allows a new tool to be created without specifying a T no. The
function returns the automatically generated T no. with which the tool can subse-
quently be addressed. The 1st cutting edge is automatically created when a new
tool is created. All offsets are set to “0” by default.
Return parameter = NEWT (“TL”, duplo no.)
If it is not possible to create a new tool for any reason, the NEWT(...) function gen-
erates an alarm.
Specification of a duplo number is optional. It is generated in the NCK if it is not
specified. (duplo no.= old duplo no. +1)

Example 1:
Create a new tool with NEWT and the CE/D numbers = 2, 47
def int tnr
tnr = NEWT(“tool”, 111) ; Tool with Ident/duplo no.=“tool”/111,
; T no.=tnr=1 in the example and a cutting
; edge
; CE=1, D=1 is created
; The cutting edge is to be named CE=2,
; D=47
$TC_DPCE[tnr, 1]=2 ; Rename the CE number
SETDNO(tno,2,47) ; Rename the D number
; Assign the remaining data for the tool/cutting
; edge

Example 2:
Create tool “tool”/111, T no.=tnr=1 with $TC... and CE numbers = 2 ,4 (let us as-
sume that T no.=1 does not yet exist)
$TC_TP1[1]= 111 ; Create tool with T no.=1, duplo no.=111
$TC_TP2[1] = “tool” ; Assign tool^ Ident=“tool”
$TC_TPCE[1,47] = 2 ; Create new D=47, assign CE no.=2
; Assign the remaining data for the tool/cutting
; edge
The function is used for creating tools in a loading program (load cycle).

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5.8.9 DELT - Delete tool

A tool can be deleted with the DELT(...) function by specifying the tool identifier
and duplo number. Only tools that have been unloaded can be deleted.
All tool-related data is set to 0 (user data, hierarchy data, ...).
The function is for deleting tools in the part program.

5.8.10 GETT -- Read T no.

The GETT function returns the associated T number on the basis of the tool identi-
fier and its duplo number.
Return parameter = GETT(“TL”, DUPLO_NO);
If the tool identifier or duplo number cannot be assigned to a tool, value --1 is re-
turned. Specification of the duplo number is optional.
If no duplo number is entered, the T number of the 1st tool from the group of tools
with the specified identifier is returned.
Determine the T number for drill with duplo number
R10=GETT(“DRILL”, DUPLO_NO) ; The T number is in R10
$TC_TPx,[GETT(“DRILL”,DUPLO NO)]=value ; Write tool-related data
This function is used to retroload tools via the part program.

5.8.11 SETPIECE - Decrement workpiece counter

With the SETPIECE function, the user can update the count monitoring data of the
tools associated with the machining process. All the tools that have been loaded at
change since the last time SETPIECE was activated are included in the update.
The function serves as a rule for programming at the end of the NC main program
to decrement the count from all the tools associated with count monitoring.

The command is not active in the block search (with/without calculation). If the
value for the count = 0, the internal table for flagged tools/cutting edges is deleted.

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x := 0 ... 32000 Value used when decrementing
y := 0...8 Spindle index, value 0 means index of main spindle
(need not be programmed)
SETPIECE(1); Workpiece counter of main spindle is decremented by 1
SETPIECE(1,1); Workpiece counter of spindle no. or toolholder no. 1 is de-
cremented by 1
SETPIECE(4,2); Workpiece counter of spindle no. or toolholder no. 2 is de-
cremented by 4

Example of SETPIECE with M06 tool change command:

The tools involved in a tool (program) are to be decremented by the value 1.
T1 ;T1 is preselected (relative to main spindle)
M06 ;T1 is changed
D1 ;D1 becomes active
T2 ;T2 is preselected
: ;machining program
M06 ;T2 is changed
D1 ;D1 of T2 becomes active
T3 ;T3 is preselected
: ;machining program
T0 ;preparation for clearing the spindle
M06 ;clear spindle
SETPIECE(1) ;SETPIECE to all tools

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The counter is to be decremented for each tool

In this example, tools T1, T2 and T3 are to machine a program. All three tools are
monitored for workpiece count. The aim is to decrement tool T1 by the value 1, T2
by the value 2 and not to decrement T3.
As from NCK software versions 5.3.34, 6.3.15 the following needs to be pro-
N500 T1
N600 M06
N700 D1 ; With the offset selection, the tool that was loaded at change
; is stored in the SETPIECE memory
N900 T2 ; Preparation of next tool
; Machining command
N1000 setpiece(1) ; SETPIECE acts on T1, Setpiece memory is cleared
N1100 M06
N1200 D1
N1400 T3
: ; Machining commands
N1500 setpiece(2) ; only acts on T2
N1600 M06
N1700 D1
: ; Machining commands
N1800 setpiece(0) ; only acts on T3, no decrementing
N1900 T0
N2000 M06
N2100 D0
N2300 M30
Prior to NCK software versions 5.3.34, 6.3.15 the following needs to be pro-
The command SETPIECE(0) must generally be programmed after the change,
including the offset selection.
N500 T1
N600 M06
N700 D1
N800 setpiece(0) ; previously flagged tools for workpiece count are deleted
N900 T2
N1000 setpiece(1) ; SETPIECE acts on T1
: ; Machining commands
:N1100 M06
N1200 D1

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N1300 setpiece(0) ; delete command for flagged tools

N1400 T3 ; in this block, T2 is identified as the “active” tool and entered
; in the table of flagged tools
N1500 setpiece(2) ; only acts on T2
N1600 M06
N1700 D1
N1800 setpiece(0) ; delete command for flagged tools
N1900 T0
N2000 M06
N2100 D0
N2200 setpiece(0) ; delete command for flagged tools, now no tools are flagged
N2300 M30

5.8.12 GETSELT - Read the selected T no.

The function is available with TMMG and provides the T number of the tool prese-
lected for the spindle. This allows, for example, the offset data to be accessed prior
to M06.
GETSELT (return parameter, x);
x: = 1--32 spindle number
x: = 0 index for main spindle
Specification of “x” is optional. If “x” is not specified the function refers to the main
Return parameters
>0 T no. of prepared tool
=0 No preparation or T0 was programmed
= --1 Preparation failed (e.g. no tool ready to use)
GETSELT(R10) ;read preselected T no. for the main spindle
This function compares in the tool change cycle whether the preselected tool is
already placed in the spindle.

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5.8.13 GETEXET -- Read the T number to be loaded at change (SW 6)

The command GETEXET is specifically designed for block search. Its parameters
are set in the same way as for GETSELT. It returns the T number of the tool that is
active from the point of view of the NC program.
(For a detailed description, please refer to Section 3.2.15 Block search.)
GETEXET(return parameter, x)
Return parameter: 0 no tool active
> 0 T no. of active tool
x: 1 -- 32spindle number
0 master spindle
Specification of the spindle number is optional. If it is not specified, GETEXET re-
fers to the current master spindle.
Let us assume the following conditions: Change is set with M06.
There is no tool in the spindle.
There are two tools “Drill_10mm” (T-Nr. 1), “Drill_4.2mm” (T no. 4)
N30 T=“Drill_10mm”; T no. 1
... --> GETSELT=1 (T1 is prepared)
... --> GETEXET=0 (no tool active)
N40 M06
N42 G90 G00 D1 ...
... --> GETSELT=1 (last prepared tool)
... --> GETEXET=1 (active tool)
N50 T=“Drill_4.2mm”; T no. 4
... --> GETSELT=4 (new preparation: T4)
... --> GETEXET=1 (T1 is active)
N60 M06
N62 G90 G00 D1 ...

5.8.14 GETACTT - Read the active internal T no.

This function provides the option to read the T number of the tool with the status
“active” (a tool becomes “active” immediately before is is loaded into the tool-
holder) and “was in use” out of a tool group with the identifier “name” by means of
the parameter “T no.”.
The return parameter “status” indicates whether the call was successful/failed:

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0 Function successful; T no. contains the desired value

--1 No tool matching the specified identifier exists; T no. contains value = 0
--2 The tool group does not contain a tool with the desired status; T no. con-
tains value = 0
--3 There are several tools with the desired status in the in tool group; T no.
contains the value of the first tool with the desired status

GETACTT can have several meanings! It is always conceivable there are sev-
eral tools in the tool group that have the same status. The command will only then
meaningfully function when the user ensures there is exactly one tool with the de-
sired status in the tool group.
The command does not initiate a main synchronization. It may be necessary to
enter STOPRE before the call.
Tool group “Drills” contains three tools with the duplo numbers 1, 2, 3 and the
T numbers 1, 2, 3:
def int Tno, status ; in the tool group “Drill” initially there is no
; active tool
status=GETACTT(Tno, “Drill”) ; status=--2, Tno=0
T=“Drill” ; Preparation sets tool status to “active”
status=GETACTT(Tno, “Drill”) ; status=0, Tno=0
; the tool is active, but the identifier “was in
; use” is not yet applied
M06 ; Change
T=“Hugo” ; Preparation
status=GETACTT(Tno, “Drill”) ; status=--2, Tno=0
; the tool is active, but the identifier “was in
; use” is still not yet applied
M06 ; Change
status=GETACTT(Tno, “Drill”) ; status=0, Tno=1
; Read request is performed
; The tool “Drill” is now assigned the status
; “was in use” due to removal at change
; The status “active” remains applied

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1. GETACCT cannot detect a tool which is positioned in the spindle for its first
2. The tool sequence is not defined for a group. This means that GETACCT will
read any random tool in the group where the status bits “active” and “was in
use” are set.

5.8.15 SETMS - Spindle can be declared master spindle

Available with TMBF, TMFD, TMMO, TMMG.

SETMS(n) declares the spindle specified in n to be the master spindle. A spindle
can also be defined as the master via a machine data.
The programmed values from SETMS can remain active beyond program end/
When SETMS is programmed without a spindle name, the spindle programmed in
the machine data used instead.

5.8.16 SETMTH - Set master toolholder number

Available with TMMG.

Using the machine data MD 20124: TOOL_MANAGEMENT_TOOLHOLDER, you
can determine whether to assign a toolholder number instead of a spindle number
to determine the location for a tool that is to be loaded at change. Use of this lan-
guage command is only meaningful if the MD > 0.
Programming example:
T=“Miller” M06 No address extension programmed --> this refers to the master
toolholder; i.e. toolholder 1 (value of machine data TOOL_MAN-
The tool change is performed in the buffer location with
The path is corrected with the tool offsets.
T2=“Drill” ..M2=6 Address expansion for the secondary toolholder was pro-
The tool is changed in buffer location 2. The path is not corrected.
SETMTH (2) Declare toolholder 2 themaster toolholder

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T=“Miller_2” M06 No address extension programmed --> this refers to the master
toolholder; i.e. toolholder 2.
Tool change is performed and tool is placed into buffer location 2.
The path is corrected with the tool offsets.
T1=“Drill_1” M1=6 Address extension for the secondary toolholder has been pro-
The tool change is performed in the buffer location with
The path is not corrected
SETMTH Declare the toolholder specified in TOOL_MANAGE-
MENT_TOOLHOLDER as the master toolholder
T=“Miller_3” M06 No address extension programmed --> this refers to the master
toolholder; i.e. toolholder 1 (value of MD TOOL_MANAGE-
Tool change is performed and tool is placed into buffer location 1.
The path is corrected with the tool offsets.

SETMTH does not change the active tool. The new master toolholder definition
cannot be taken into account until the tool change is then programmed.

The programmed values from SETMS can remain active beyond program end/
Example 1:
The following applies:
After the end of program/RESET both the active tool offset and the programmed
values for SETMTH and SETMS remain active. The tool change still does not take
place at the spindle but at the toolholder instead.
T=“Drill” M6 D2 ;tool change on master toolholder=2
SETMS(3) ;new master spindle=3
SETMTH(1) ;new master toolholder=1
T=“Miller” M6 D1 ;tool change on master toolholder=1
After end of program or RESET,
spindle no. = 3 is the master spindle,
tool holder no. =1 is the master toolholder and a
tool = “Miller” with offset D1 determines the path correction.
After Power ON the settings for the MDs become effective:
spindle no. = 1 is the master spindle,
tool holder no. =2 is the master toolholder.

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The tool offset is derived from the smallest D number of the tool that is located in
the master toolholder; i.e.
T=“Drill” with D1
(assuming that the tool has two D offsets D1, D2).
Example 2:
The following applies:
After the end of program/RESET both the active tool offset and the programmed
value for SETMS remain active. The tool change takes place at the spindle which
now becomes the toolholder.
T=“Drill” M6 D2 ;tool change on master toolholder=1
SETMS(3) ;new master spindle = master toolholder=3
T=“Miller” M6 D1 ;tool change on master toolholder=3
After end of program or RESET,
Spindle no. = 1 the master spindle and a
tool = “Miller” with offset D1 (on spindle with no. = 3) determines the path correc-
After Power ON the settings for the machine data become effective:
Spindle no. = 1 is the master spindle/master toolholder.
The tool offset is derived from the smallest D number of the tool that is located in
the master toolholder; i.e.
T=“Drill” with D1
(assuming that the tool has two D offsets D1, D2).

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5.8.17 POSM - Position magazine

This NC language command enables you to initiate a magazine positioning opera-

tion to a particular location in an internal magazine (e.g. spindle, toolholder, loading
magazine), irrespective of how the location is assigned or the status of the tool it
contains. The language command includes some of the functions of OPI PI service
(see Subsection 5.12.5) _N_TMPOSM.
The full command is: POSM (p, m, ip, im)

Description of function
p Location number at which the internal magazine is to be positioned.
m Magazine number of the magazine to be moved.
This parameter is optional.
If it is not set, the location number refers to the magazine contained in the
distance table as the first magazine for the specified internal location.
ip Location number for the specified internal magazine (spindle location, load-
ing magazine etc.)
This parameter is optional.
If it is not specified, the positioning operation refers to the main spindle loca-
tion or the main toolholder location.
im Magazine number of internal magazine in relation to location number ip to
which the magazine must be moved. An internal magazine is either a load-
ing or a buffer magazine.
This parameter is optional.
If it is not specified, then the command refers to the buffer magazine.
The magazine (number m) must be linked by a distance relationship with the se-
lected loading or buffer-magazine location. Alarms are generated when incorrect
parameters are specified (e.g. undefined location numbers).

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Sample parameter settings

Specified configuration:
S Magazine (magazine number = 1),
S Spindle (buffer magazine = 9998, location 1),
S Loading magazine (loading magazine = 9999, location 2).
Move from magazine 1, location number 4 to the spindle.
N100 POSM(4, 1, 1, 9998)

Command for traversal to loading magazine:

N100 POSM(4, 1, 1, 9999)

Example with result check

This example assumes a magazine with the configuration shown in the diagram
Location 12 is to be positioned at the change position and the program must not be
continued until positioning has been successfully completed (simplest case with
only one magazine and one defined change position).

Toolholder 1
(buffer magazine 9998, location 1)

5 7

4 Change position 8

3 9

Magazine1 10




Bild 5-9 Magazine positioning with check of positioning operation result

In this example, the magazine zero point is the location in front of toolholder 1. It is
defined by system variable $TC_MDP2. Toolholder 1 is assigned to the master
spindle of the channel.

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N100 POSM(12) ; Moves location 12 to the change position, any unprogrammed

; parameters are set internally to POSM (12, 1, 1, 9998)
N200 wait:
N300 G4 F1 ; waiting time according to the conditions prevailing at the machine
; (exit possibly necessary if reaction is required to positioning er-
; rors)
N400 if ( $TC_MAP8[1] <> 12 ) goto wait;
; after POSM(12) is executed, the current magazine position must
; be equal to 12.
References: /PGA/, Programming Guide Advanced

The language command POSM(...) is terminated without waiting for an
acknowledgment from the PLC.

5.8.18 MVTOOL - Language command to move tool

The function MVTOOL allows tools to be loaded and unloaded via NC program-
ming only. It can be used to transport a tool from one magazine location to another
-- regardless of where.
It is mandatory for a tool to be positioned at the source magazine location.
This language command does not generate an alarm.
Whether MVTOOL was carried out with or without error(s) must be checked via the
return value of parameter “state”.
MVTOOL (state, magFrom, locFrom, magTo, locTo)

state Success status of command

0 Execution was successful (PLC acknowledgement may still
be pending)
--1 Command cannot be used because TMMG is not active
--2 Function is not carried out because of block search, program
--3 Tool cannot be moved (for example because tool status
“being changed” is set)
--4 No tool located in source location
--5 magFrom has invalid value
--6 locFrom has invalid value
--7 magTo has invalid value

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--8 locTo has invalid value

--9 No distance relation defined (if exactly one magazine is an
internal magazine)
--10 No empty location found (if parameter locTo is not
--11 Target location for tool not free
--12 The parameter locTo must be programmed, as magTo is an
internal magazine

magFrom Magazine number of magazine in which the tool to be moved is lo-


locFrom Location number of location in which the tool to be moved is located

magTo Target magazine number of magazine to which the tool is to be

moved. This can be a loading magazine, buffer magazine or another
real magazine.
This parameter is optional.
If it is not programmed, the value from magFrom is used.

locTo Target location number of location to which the tool is to be moved.

This parameter is optional.
If it is not programmed, a location search is conducted in magazine
magTo -- if this is a real magazine. A location search cannot be
performed in an internal magazine.

Deselecting a possibly active offset is not linked with moving the tool.
If source and target location of the tool are identical, the command is not
executed, “state” then has value 0.
If a tool is moved from a real magazine to an internal magazine (or vice versa), the
respective magazine distance relation must be defined.

The language command generates the command (CMD=1) in the NCK for the PLC
and is terminated when the command is generated. It does not wait for the ac-
knowledgement from the PLC.

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Sample parameter settings

Let us assume the following configuration:
Magazine (magazine no. = 5, locations 1,...10),
One spindle (buffer magazine no. = 9998, location 1),
One loading point (loading magazine. = 9999, location 1)
The magazine is linked to the spindle and the loading point via a distance relation
(see $TC_MDP1/$TC_MDP2).
1st scenario
The tool from loading location 9999/1 is to be loaded in magazine 5. The following
is programmed to this effect:
def int state
$TC_MPP6[9999, 1] =123 ;place tool with internal T no.=123 onto
;loading location
MVTOOL(state, 9999, 1, 5) ;search for a suitable empty location in magazine 5
If the tool is to be loaded onto precisely location 7:
MVTOOL(state, 9999, 1, 5, 7) ;before loading a check is performe to ensure
;location 7 is empty
The tool with T no.=123 is to be loaded from the loading location to spindle 1 (mag-
azine no.=9998, location no.=1):
$TC_MPP6[9999, 1] =123
MVTOOL(state, 9999, 1, 9998, 1)
2nd scenario
With the same configuration, a tool that is loaded on location 7 is to be moved to
another suitable location in the same magazine.
MVTOOL(state, 5, 7)
or to location 3 in the same magazine
MVTOOL(state, 5, 7, 5, 3)
or to any location in magazine 11
MVTOOL(state, 5, 7, 11)

Example with result check for tool move process

Let us assume the following configuration:
Magazine (magazine no. = 5, locations 1,...10),
One spindle (buffer magazine no. = 9998, location 1),
One loading point (loading magazine. = 9999, location 1)
The magazine is linked to the spindle and the loading point via a distance relation
(see $TC_MDP1/$TC_MDP2).
The tool with the internal T no.=123 is to be loaded into location 7 in magazine 5.
The program is only to be continued if loading was successfully completed. This is
the case when the PLC sends an acknowledgement. Successful execution can be

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seen In the program when the tool to be loaded is positioned at the desired loca-
1. Concrete target location specification:
def int state
$TC_MPP6[ 9999, 1] = 123
MVTOOL(state, 9999, 1, 5, 7) ;load tool at location 5/7
if ( state < > 0 ) gotof error
G4 F1 ; wait time corresponding to the conditions on the machine
; (it would be meaningful to program time monitoring here
; as well)
if ( $TC_MPP6[5,7] < > 123 ) gotob wait
; after MVTOOL has been executed, the tool must be lo-
; cated at the programmed location
2. Location search for target location
int state
$TC_MPP6[9999, 1] = 123
MVTOOL(state, 9999, 1, 5) ;load tool to magazine 5 -- search for empty
if ( state < > 0 ) gotof error
G4 F1 ; wait time corresponding to the conditions on the machine
if ($A_MYMN[ 123] < > 5) gotob wait
; after MVTOOL has been executed, the tool must be posi-
; tioned in the programmed magazine
; $TC_MPP6 cannot be used here as the location no. is not
; known
; It can be determined via $A_MYMLN[123]

5.8.19 SETTIA - Dectivate tool from wear group

The SETTIA function cancels the “active” status for all active tools in the selected
wear group. By parameterizing the language command, this can be either maga-
zine-specific or wear group-specific.

STATUS Return parameters

0 Function was executed correctly.
--1 Function was not executed as there is no active wear group in
the selected magazines.
--2 Function was not executed as the programmed wear group
number does not exist.

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--3 Function was not executed as the programmed magazine

number does not exist.
--4 Function was not executed as the function “wear group” is not
--5 Function was not executed.

All parameters are optional.

If SETTIA is not parameterized, the inactive setting refers to all loaded tools in the
TO area which are in “active” state.

MNR Magazine number

0 The inactive setting refers to all magazines regardless of any
assignment to a spindle. In this case, the tools in the buffer
are also considered as well as the toolholder.
>0 Magazine number in which the inactive setting is to be ap-
plied. Tools in this magazine which are in the buffer are not
considered. This means that if these tools are placed back
into the magazine, they still have “active” status.
--1 All magazines with a distance relation to a spindle or tool-

VNR Wear group number

0 The inactive setting refers to all tools which are not assigned
to a wear group. If no wear group is defined, the inactive set-
ting is applied to all tools in the magazine.
>0 Wear group number in which the inactive setting is to be ap-
--1 Active wear group ($TC_MAP9).

USEKT Tool subgroup

0 All tools in the group are assessed.
>0 The tools are assessed which have a bit set in the value pro-
grammed in USEKT in parameter $TC_TP11.
--1 The currently programmed value of USEKT is used.

A search strategy can be set in parameter $TC_MAMP3 for the tool to be activated

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Bit 12 = 0 Smallest possible duplo number (default)

Bit 12 = 1 Smallest possible magazine location
Bit 13 = 1 Smallest possible number contained in parameter $TC_TP10
(sequence of use)

It is mandatory to set the wear group for the function SETTIA.

5.8.20 SETTA -- Activate tool from wear group

The SETTA function sets a tool in a group to active. One tool becomes active for
each tool group contained in a wear group. SETTA does not affect disabled tools
If a tool is already active in the group, SETTA does not set any more to active.

The tool sequence within a tool group is not defined, i.e. SETTA will act on any

Description of function

STATUS Return parameter which can consist of the following values:

0 Function was executed correctly.
1 Function was carried out, but another tool is active in the
group (e.g. an unloaded tool).
--1 Function has not been executed because there is no active
wear group in the selected magazines.
--2 Function has not been executed because the programmed
wear group number does not exist.
--3 Function was not executed as the programmed magazine
number does not exist.
--4 Function was not executed as the function “wear group” is not
--5 Function was not executed.

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All parameters are optional.

If SETTA is not parameterized, the active setting refers to all loaded tools that are
ready for use in the TO area.

MNR Magazine number

0 The active setting refers to all magazines regardless of any
assignment to a spindle.
>0 Magazine number in which the active setting is to be applied.
--1 All magazines with a distance relation to a spindle or
--2 One tool in one group becomes active for each
spindle/toolholder in the assigned magazine(s). This means
there can be e.g. two toolholders with one magazine assigned
to each. The tools of a group can be distributed in any
configuration among the two magazines. If tools from one
group are distributed among two magazines, then two tools
are set to active for each group.

VNR Wear group number

0 The active setting refers to the entire magazine.
>0 Wear group number in which the inactive setting is to be ap-
--1 Active wear group ($TC_MAP9)

USEKT Tool subgroup

0 All tools in the group are assessed.
>0 The tools are assessed which have a bit set in the value pro-
grammed in USEKT in parameter $TC_TP11.
--1 The currently programmed value of USEKT is used.

A search strategy can be set in parameter $TC_MAMP3 for the tool to be activated

It is mandatory to set the wear group for the function SETTA.

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5.8.21 RESETMON -- Language command for setpoint activation

RESETMON (state, t, d, mon, resetStates)

Sets the actual value of tool to the setpoint.

state Return parameter which can consist of the following values:

0 Command was successfully executed
--1 The cutting edge with the specified D number d does
not exist.
--2 The tool with the specified T number t does not exist.
--3 There is no monitoring function defined for the specified
tool. This status is only possible if t has been specified
--4 Monitoring function is not active in the NCK, i.e. the
command has not been executed.
t Internal T number
t=0 Command applies to all tools.
t>0 Command applies to this particular tool only.
t<0 The absolute value of t is formed and all sister tools of
this tool are affected.
d D number of the tool (optional parameter).
If the parameter is not specified at all or is assigned the value 0, all
D numbers or all cutting edges of the tool are processed.
d>0 The command applies specifically to the specified D
mon Optional bit-coded parameter.
If the parameter is either not specified at all or assigned the value
0, all actual values of the active, tool-specific monitoring functions
for the designation edge(s) are set to the setpoints.
mon > 0 The command applies specifically to the actual value of
the specified monitoring type.
Possible values are the positive values of the system
parameter $TC_TP9 (1, 2, 4, 8) or the corresponding bit
combinations when several monitoring types are acti-
mon < 0 The command applies specifically to the actual value in
the “value for mon” in the specified monitoring type.
There is no restriction by the system variable values
$TC_TP9. The values of non-activated monitoring types
can be reset in this way too. This applies in particular to
the simultaneous resetting of the actual values for wear
and additive offset data.

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resetStates Optional bit-coded parameter from SW version 7.3

Bit 0 Tool status “active” is deleted
Bit 1 Tool status “enabled” is set
Bit 2 Tool status “disabled” is reset if
a) permitted by the monitoring data
b) parameter “mon” is set accordingly
Bit 3 Tool status “measure” is set
Bit 4 Tool status “prewarning limit” is reset if
c) permitted by the monitoring data
d) parameter “mon” is set accordingly
Bit 5 Reserved
Bit 6 Reserved
Bit 7 Tool status “was in use” is deleted
Bit 8 Reserved
Bit 9 Tool status “ingore disabled state” is deleted
Bit 10 Tool status “to unload” is deleted

From SW version 7.3 the parameter “resetStates” allows selective modification of

the tool status in addition to the monitoring parameters. The bit coding for
“resetStates” corresponds to that for the tool status parameter $TC_TP8[x].
If this parameter is not specified, machine data $MN_TOOL_RESETMON_MASK
is accessed. The bit coding for this data is identical to that for parameter
“resetStates”. With the analog PI service PI_TRESMO, this machine data is also

There is no explicit generation of alarms. The user can carry out the error handling
himself/herself via the state parameter.

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5.8.22 DELTC -- Delete toolholder data block (from SW version 6)

The function “Toolholder orientation” (Section 5.6) must be active. The function can
additively superimposed over the functionsTMBF, TMFD, TMMO and TMMG.

n First number of the toolholder data area the values of which shall be set to
This parameter is optional. If it is not specified, all toolholder data blocks
are set to zero starting at the smallest through to the largest block.
m Last number of the toolholder data area the values of which shall be set to
This parameter is optional. If it is not specified, then the toolholder data
block specified by n is set to zero.
If m if greater than the largest number of a toolholder data block in this
channel, then those data blocks up to the largest number are set to zero.

The toolholder data blocks are defined by the system variables $TC_CARRx. Only
the command $TC_CARR1[0] was available up to now for setting all data blocks to
zero. With DELTC a range of numbers for the toolholder data from n to m for the
toolholder data can now be set to zero.
In particular, the contents of DELTC() and $TC_CARR1[0]=0= set all data blocks
to zero, are the same.
The parameters n, m have to be programmed with values larger than zero. Other
values lead to an alarm.
Parameter n must be smaller than m. Programming otherwise leads to an alarm.
Also, n must lie in the range of numbers permitted for toolholder data.
The selected range of numbers must include the range of numbers for the tool-
holder data blocks on the channel. Programming is otherwise rejected and an
alarm is issued.
If the function “Toolholder data” is not activated
($MN_MM_NUM_TOOL_CARRIER 0 0), then DELTC will also generate an alarm.

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In the TO unit there are 14 toolholder blocks defined with the numbers 1 to 14.
DELTC(5,8) ;sets the values of the data blocks 5, 6, 7, 8 to zero
DELTC(5,20) ;sets the values of the data blocks 5, 6, 7, ..., 14 to zero
DELTC(9) ;sets the values of the data block 9 to zero
DELTC() ;sets the values of the data blocks 1, ...., 14 to zero
DELTC(0,1) ;error --> alarm -- n, m must be greater than zero
DELTC(0,--2) ;error --> alarm -- n, m must be greater than zero
DELTC(0) error --> alarm -- n must be greater than zero
DELTC(15,20) error --> alarm -- n may be max. 14
DELTC(20) ;error --> alarm -- n may be max. 14

5.8.23 TCA -- Tool selection/tool change irrespective of tool status

This function is only available for TMMO and TMMG.

It is necessary for certain routines (e.g. measuring cycle) to load a specific tool
onto the spindle/the toolholder for tool change regardless of its status (e.g. a dis-
abled tool).
TCA(“TL name”, duplo no., toolholder no.)

“TL name” Identifier of the tool to be loaded at change

Duplo no. Duplo no. of the tool to be loaded at change
This parameter is optional.
If it is not specified, then the tool with the smallest duplo number
is loaded at change
Toolholder no. Toolholder or spindle on which the change is to take place.
This parameter is optional.
If it is not specified, the change refers to the currently set or pro-
grammed master spindle/master toolholder.
The following applies for TMMO without TMMG:
The parameter corresponds to the address extension of the
T command.
(The setting for MD $MC_T_M_ADDRERSS_EXT_IS_SPINO is
taken into account.)

TCA behaves like the T command in respect of alarm and command output.
If neither TMMG nor TMMO are active, an alarm is generated.
Any alarms occurring during programming are handled in the same way as the
alarms during T programming.

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Offset selection, in accordance with $MC_CUTTING_EDGE_DEFAULT, acts in the
same way as for the T command.
TCA and D must not be programmed in the same block.

1. Preparation and change with T command (i.e.
Configuration 1x turret, 1x toolholder
There are two tools with identifier “Finish cutting” and duplo numbers 1 and 2.
TCA(“Finish cutter”, 1,1)
The tool “Finish cutter” with duplo number 1 is loaded onto toolholder 1 at
With the machine configuration assumed above, the following programming
would have the same result:
TCA(“Finish cutter”)
The duplo number is not specified, this means that the tool with the smallest
duplo number is changed, i.e. duplo “1”.
The toolholder no. is not specified. Therefore, the change is effective for the
current master toolholder, i.e. “1”.
2. Change with M6 ($MC_TOOL_CHANGE_MODE=1)
Configuration: 1x chain magazine, 2x spindles, spindle_1 is the master spindle.
4 tools are loaded, “MILLER_20MM”, with duplo numbers 4, 5, 8 and 15.
“MILLER_20MM”, duplo “8” was disabled and must be measured. Measuring
takes place on spindle 2.
The tool “MILLER_20MM”, duplo “8” is prepared for spindle “2” and changed.
Here the following programming would lead to a different result:
Tool “MILLER_20MM” with duplo “4” (smallest duplo number) was prepared for
spindle “1” (this is the master spindle) and changed with M6.

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The following particularities apply for TCA in comparison with T commands:
1. TCA and D cannot be programmed in the same block.
2. TCA renders the set search strategies ($TC_MAMP2 and/or $TC_MAP10)
ineffective and ignores the programmed valued of $P_USEKT.
3. The tool must have status “available”.
4. The PLC interface signals “Transition to new replacement tool” and “Last
replacement tool of group” are not set.
5. TCA cannot be substituted (T replacement cycle).
----> I.e. TCA cannot be used as an alternative to the T command.

The PLC is not allowed to refuse a tool prepared with “TCA”.
Caution: Currently the interface does not have criteria whether a tool is to be re-
fused or not.
If you are working with this function, an additional identifier must be used
to indicate this to the PLC.

Example: $TC_VDITCP[2]=101 (101” identifier which the PLC is not

allowed to refuse)

5.8.24 TCI -- Change tool from buffer into magazine

This function is available for TMMG.

The command TCI returns the tools from buffer locations back to the magazine.
Toolholder locations are however excepted from this. Applications are for chain and
box-type magazines.
The necessary empty-location search is carried out in the same way as for a pro-
grammed tool change with T (see Subsection 3.2.1).

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TCI cannot be programmed together with M06 in one NC block. Tool change
preparation and execution are carried out as one operation.
The TCI command cannot be substituted (T function replacement).

TCI(locNo, toolholder no.)

locNo Number of the buffer with the tool that shall be returned to the
Since the locNo cannot be the location number of a toolholder,
returning the tool has no effect on active tool compensation.
Toolholder This specifies the number of the toolholder from where disposal
no. of the tool shall is to take place. This parameter is optional. If this
parameters is not specified, then the current master toolholder is
automatically selected.

Alarm 6403 is generated is an invalid location number is programmed.

The location number locNo is invalid
-- if locNo indicates a toolholder / spindle (alarm 6450)
-- if locNo indicates a non-defined buffer location (alarm 6403)
-- if locNo is not linked with the programmed toolholder or master toolholder by
$TC_MLSR (alarm 6454)
-- if no distance table is defined either for the buffer locNo or the toolholder/
spindle (alarm 6454)
Alarm 6451 is generated if no buffer magazine has been defined.
Alarm 6452 is generated if the specified toolholder is not defined.
Alarm 6431 is generated if TMMG is not active.
It is necessary for programming TCI successfully that the specified location num-
ber locNo is assigned by $TC_MLSR to the toolholder. Empty locations are
searched for in the magazines defined in the distance table (defined by
$TC_MDP2) of the buffer locNo or of the toolholder. If both the buffer locNo and
the toolholderhave a distance table, the buffer distance table is the one that is
used. Alarm 6454 is generated if neither has a distance table.

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The command TCI receives the location number of a location (gripper, loader,
transfer point) of the buffer magazine as the parameter. The location number can
be obtained by the the system variables $P_MAGNREL, $P_MAGREL in order to
use this NC command in other cycle programs.

Let us assume the following magazine configuration:
-- Magazine1
is defined in the buffer magazine with 5 locations:
-- Spindle 2 (location 1) with grippers 1 and 2 (locations 3 and 4 coupled with the
spindle by $TC_MLSR[3,1] = 0 and $TC_MLSR[4,1] = 0)
-- Spindle 1 (location 2) with gripper 3 (location 5 coupled with the spindle by
$TC_MLSR[5,2] = 0)
The following is programmed:
TCI(2) ; generates alarm 6450
TCI(5) : changes the tool from location 5 (gripper 3) back to the magazine
TCI(9) : alarm 6403 (buffer only has the numbers 1 to 5
The user determines the sequence of disposal of the buffer locations by program-

TCI is excuted in the PLC like the programming of T0 M06.
The buffer number transferred in the DB72 has to be evaluated.

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5.8.25 GETFREELOC - Search for empty location

This function is available for TMMG.

For a given tool, search for an empty location in those magazines assigned to the
specified loading location or the specified spindle / toolholder by an entry in the
distance table. The strategy set by $TC_MAMP2 or $TC_MAP10 is used as the
search strategy.
Defined location type hierarchies are taken into consideration when searching for
an empty location by the PI service or for a programmed tool change.

GETFREELOC does not reserve the empty location that is found!

GETFREELOC(magNo&, locNo&, T no., refMag, refLoc)

magNo >0 Magazine number of the magazine where the empty location
was found.
Can also be used to specify the magazine number of the
magazine in which the search is to take place.
0 if no empty location was found
--1 TMMG not active
--2 invalid magazine number specified
--3 invalid magazine location number specified
The location number is also regarded as invalid if the maga-
zine number is invalid.
--4 invalid T number specified
--5 invalid letter for “refMag”
--6 if “refMag” = = “S”, invalid toolholder number “refLoc” speci-
if “regMag” = = “L”, invalid loading location number “refLoc”
locNo >0 Magazine location number of the empty location that was
Can also be used to specify the location number of the maga-
zine with the nominated magNo that is to be checked to see if
it can accept the nominated tool.
0 if no empty location was found
--1 TMMG not active
--2 invalid magazine number specified
--3 invalid magazine location number specified
The location number is also regarded as invalid if the maga-
zine number is invalid.

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--4 invalid T number specified

--5 invalid letter for “refMag”
--6 if “refMag” = = “S”, invalid toolholder number “refLoc” speci-
if “regMag” = = “L”, invalid loading location number “refLoc”
T No. T number of the tool for which an empty location is to be searched.
Thesearched location must be suitable for the tool size and the type
of magazine location defined in the tool.
If an invalid T number is programmed, parameters magNo, locNo
each return the value --4.
refMag Reference magazine referred to for the empty location search (op-
tional parameter).
“S” = buffer magazine
“L” = loading magazine
“--” = no reference magazine. Is used if a magazine definitely has to
be specified.
If a value not equal to “S”, “L” is programmed, parameters magNo,
locNo each return the value --5. If the nominated reference maga-
zine is not yet defined, parameters magNo, locNo also return the
value --5.
refLoc If refMag equals “S”, then the spindle number/toolholder number is
specified here for empty location search.
If an invalid toolholder number is programmed, parameters magNo,
locNo each return the value --6.
If refMag equals “L”, then the number of the location in the loading
magazine is given for empty-location searching.
This parameter is optional. If no parameters is programmed then the
search for the master toolholder is carried out for refMag = “S”.
When refMag = “L”, the search for location number = 1 is carried out
in the loading magazine.
When refMag = “--”, the parameter is not taken into account.

If several parameters are incorrect, the value of magNo, locNo will depend on
which parameter NCK checks first.

An alarm is generated if the TMMG is not active.

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5.8.26 $P_USEKT -- Tool change only with tools of subgroup

This function is only available for TMMO and TMMG.

This command selects a subset of a tool group which is then taken into account for
the subsequent tool change.
The subgroups are set via system variables $TC_TP11[t] (see Section 5.3.1)

Meaning $P_USEKT is a bit-coded value. Only the contents of the
bits 0 -- 3 are of significance.
All tools having the parameter $TC_TP11 has set one of the bits
of $P_USEKT are available in the following tool changes. The
value 0 means that “all bits are set”.
An alarm is generated if there is no such tool in a tool group for
which a tool change was programmed.
Data type INT Effective from SW version 4.2
Access Read in part Write in part Read in Write in
program program synchronous synchronous
action action
x x -- --
Implicit -- --

It is only when $P_USEKT has been programmed that the selection takes effect.
The selection is disabled by end of program or by a reset.
Bit coding makes it possible for a tool to belong to several tool subgroups. A maxi-
mum of 4 different tool subgroups is foreseen by the configuration of NCK, i.e. only
the bits 0, 1, 2 and 3 are considered.

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The system variable $TC_TP11 was not evaluated in NCK up to now. The value is
automatically assigned 0. A check should be made in existing data blocks whether
the values included here are suitable.
The programming $P_USEKT = 0 means that all tools of the tool group are
considered in the tool selection.
The value $TC_TP11[t] = 0 means “The tool belongs to all defined tool
subgroups”. This assures compatibility with existing data blocks.
If working with the function T=location, $P_USEKT cannot be programmed.
$P_USEKT is set automatically at each tool change.
At Power ON, reset and end of program, $P_USEKT = 0 is set.

The tool group “Miller_25” comprises 4 tools.
(The following applies: Tool_Change_Mode=1)
Miller_25 duplo 1 T_no. 1 TP11=1
Miller_25 duplo 2 T_no. 2 TP11=2
Miller_25 duplo 3 T_no. 3 TP11=4
Miller_25 duplo 4 T_no. 4 TP11=8
M06 Every tool in this group can be loaded, as no selection has
been made The search strategy that has been set pre-
M06 “Miller_25”, duplo 2 loaded at change
M06 “Miller_25”, duplo 1 or duplo 4 loaded at change
(depending on the search strategy set)

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M06 Every tool in this group can be loaded, as USEKT=0 has
canceled the selection. The search strategy that has been
set prevails.
M06 Every tool in this group can be loaded, as all bits are set.
The search strategy that has been set prevails.

T=location, automatic tool selection

First the attempt is made to load the tool from the programmed magazine location,
independently of the value in $TC_TP11.
If this tool is disabled, then the $TC_TP11 value of the tool at the programmed
magazine location is considered in order to access the replacement tool. Only tools
that have one of the bits of the disabled tool in $TC_TP11 can be replacement

5.8.27 $A_TOOLMN - read magazine no. of tool

Note: TOOLMN stands for = “tool magazine number”. The name component
$A_TOOL was selected to show the association with the existing system variables.

Name $A_TOOLMN[t]
Meaning Returns the magazine number of the tool with T no.=t. If the tool
is not assigned to a magazine, 0 is returned. If the tool manage-
ment function is not active, --1 is returned. If there is no tool with
T no.=t, --2 is returned.
An alarm is issued if the value range for the T number was vio-
Data type INT Effective from SW version 4.2
Value range 1--32000
Indices Meaning Value range
The index specifies the T number 1--32000
Access Read in part Write in part Read in Write in
program program synchronous synchronous
action action
x -- x --
Implicit x --

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5.8.28 $A_TOOLMLN - read magazine location no. of tool

Note: TOOLMLN stands for = “tool magazine location number”.

Name $A_TOOLMLN[t]
Meaning Returns the magazine number of the tool with T no.=t. If the tool
is not assigned to a magazine, 0 is returned. If the tool manage-
ment function is not active, --1 is returned. If there is no tool with
T no.=t, --2 is returned.
An alarm is issued if the value range for the T number was vio-
Data type INT Effective from SW version 4.2
Value range 1--32000
Indices Meaning Value range
The index specifies the T number 1--32000
Access Read in part Write in part Read in Write in
program program synchronous synchronous
action action
x -- x --
Implicit x --

Note: The following combinations are not possible: $A_TOOLMLN[t]==0 and

$A_TOOLMN[t]>0 / $A_TOOLMLN[t]>0 and $A_TOOLMN[t]==0.

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5.8.29 $P_TOOLND - Read number of cutting edges for tool

Note: TOOLND stands for = “tool number of Ds”.

Name $P_TOOLND[t]
Meaning Returns the number of cutting edges for tool with T no.=t. A tool
always has at least one cutting edge.
Default: If there is no tool with T no.=t, --1 is returned.
The value 0 is rejected as index error.
Data type INT Effective from SW version 4.2
Value range Default: --1, 1 -- 9
Function “flat D numbers”: --1, 1 -- “Machine data value for the
maximum number of D numbers”
Indices Meaning Value range
The index specifies the T number 1--32000
Access Read in part Write in part Read in Write in
program program synchronous synchronous
action action
x -- -- --
Implicit -- --

Function “flat D numbers” (only without active tool management)

If the function “flat D numbers” is active, the behavior differs somewhat. With pa-
rameter t=1 the total number of offset block records of the TOA unit is returned.
Other values for t return --1. If no offset block record is defined in the TOA unit, --1
is returned.

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5.8.30 $A_MONIFACT -- Factor for reading tool life monitoring

If different tool materials are to be machined with the same tool, it may be neces-
sary to increase or reduce the time intervals for monitoring in order to detect the
varying degrees of tool wear. The factor is set accordingly before the tool is used.
The write operation is performed synchronously with the main run.
A channel-specific parameter, used to multiply the current time measurement, has
been defined.
Setting a value = 0 deactivates the time monitoring function for all tools used on
the channel via the part program (see Subsection 3.9.2).

Meaning Only relevant when time monitoring is active in the tool manage-
Factor for influencing the time measurement for tracking time for
time-monitored tools.
Values < 1 and > 0 slow down time measurement (the clock
“runs slower”).
Values > 1 speed up the time measurement (clock “runs faster”).
Value 1 is active after the control has been powered up, after
Reset and M30 (default) and corresponds to real time. Value 0 is
also permitted and disables time measurement of all time-moni-
tored tools that are operated on a time-monitored spindle on this
Note: You can cause the monitoring time to “run backwards” by
using negative values.
Data type REAL Effective from SW version 4.2
Value range Value range of type REAL
Indices Meaning Value range
Access Read in part Write in part Read in Write in
program program synchronous synchronous
action action
x x x x
Implicit -- x

Tool life counter on monitor

If system variable $A_MONIFACT is set accordingly, the tool life counter on the
monitor can run at a speed other than real time. The time values of the OPI block
TS are thereby converted at the interface (see Subsection 5.8.48). NCK-internally
the values are retained as before. These values are real-time values.

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Read OPI: The time values are divided by the current value of
$A_MONIFACT and transferred.
Write OPI: The time values output by the OPI are multiplied by the current
value of $A_MONIFACT and stored in the NCK.

The current values are specified (units in real time, i.e. normalized to $A_MONI-
FACT = 1).
Programmed tool life: 10 minutes
Actual tool life: 2 minutes -- the prewarning limit will be reached in
one minute
Prewarning limit: 1 minute
The values 10, 2, 1 are displayed on the screen.
$A_MONIFACT = 2 is programmed in the part program (clock runs faster). The
actual tool life displayed on the monitor jumps and continues to run in real time.
The programmed tool life and prewarning limit displayed also jump as soon as
$A_MONIFACT = 2 takes effect.
Programmed tool life 5 minutes
Actual tool life: 1 minute -- the prewarning limit will be reached in
half a minute
Prewarning limit: 0.5 minutes

5.8.31 $AC_MONMIN -- Factor for tool search

The following is defined by the variable $AC_MOMIN:

Only consider those tools whose actual value is at least a factor $AC_MONMIN
(0, ...1) of the set value away from the limiting value.

Definition of smallest/largest actual value

Absolute smallest/largest actual values are, in accordance with the tool-search
strategy “Search for the tool with the smallest/largest actual value” used for the tool
search exactly then when all tools of a tool group have the same monitoring
type defined (via $TC_TP9).
This means all tools of the tool group are either time-monitored or count-monitored,
or are wear or alternatively sum-offset-monitored.
Relative smallest/largest actual values are, in accordance with the tool-search
strategies “Search for the tool with the smallest/largest actual value” used for the
tool search exactly then when the tools of a tool group have different monitor-
ing types defined in $TC_TP9.

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This means one tool can be time-monitored, the other tool can be count-monitored.
A third tool could be both wear as well as time-monitored.

Smallest/largest actual value for exactly one monitoring type

This is the standard application.
Each smallest/largest actual value here of the monitored variable ($TC_MOP2,
$TC_MOP4, $TC_MOP6 for time, count, wear or additive offset) corresponds to
smallest/largest actual value of the tools in the tool group.
A tool group “TL1” is defined. E.g. $TC_MAMP2=“H108” applies -- smallest actual

Duplo no. Actual Set value Absolute

$TC_TP1 value $TC_MOP11 Smallest actual value = $TC_MOP2
1 9 10 9
2 8 10 8
3 6 6 6 Smallest actual value in the tool group

Therefore the order of tools for use is: Duplo no.= 3 --> 2 --> 1.

Smallest/largest actual value with several parallel monitoring types

Tools in a tool group can be monitored in different ways.
Or different types of tool monitoring can be defined for a tool. These situations are
detected by the NCK and handled accordingly:
The definition of the smallest/largest actual value is determined for these cases by
the product of dividing actual value and set value; i.e.
Quotient (Q)= actual value / setpoint
The tool with the smallest quotient has the smallest actual value of the tools in
the tool group.
The tool with the largest quotient has the largest actual value of the tools in the
tool group.
Example 1:
Tool group “milling machines” has two tools with T nos. =1 and 2 each with a cut-
ting edge D1.
Time monitoring is active for T1; $TC_TP9[1]=1.
Workpiece count monitoring is active for T2; $TC_TP9[2]=2.
Q(T1) = $TC_MOP2[1,1] / $TC_MOP11[1,1] = 0.5
Q(T2) = $TC_MOP4[2,1] / $TC_MOP13[2,1] = 0.9
Therefore, T1 has the smaller actual value.

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Example 2:
A tool group “TL1” is defined. E.g. $TC_MAMP2=“H108” applies -- smallest actual

Duplo no. Actual Set value Absolute

$TC_TP1 value $TC_MOP11 Smallest actual value = $TC_MOP2
1 9 10 0.9
2 8 10 0.8 Smallest actual value
3 6 6 1

Therefore the order of tools for use is: Duplo no.=2-->1-->3.

The above definition of the actual value applies for the actual value that is checked
against the set value given the factor $AC_MONMIN here.
The following check is made for the absolute actual-value comparison (time moni-
toring taken here as the example):
This is the criterion for the usability of the tool.
The following check is made for the relative actual value comparison (time monitor-
ing taken here as the example):
This is the criterion for the usability of the tool.
The result is the same in each case.

The smallest of the actual values (both absolute as well as relative) of the cutting
edges of a tool is used for the comparison with the actual values of other tools.

Meaning Only when TOOLMAN function is active
Gives the factor for the tool-search strategy “Only consider those
tools whose actual value is at least a factor $AC_MONMIN* of
the set value away from the limiting value.
The programmed value is ignored if the tool status “disabled”
shall be ignored during the tool search. This can be initiated
either by the command TCA, PLC signal or machine data for
See also the system variables $TC_MOPx, $TC_MAMP2.
Data type REAL in software version 6 and higher

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Value range 0--1
Indices Meaning Value range

Access Read in part Write in part Read in Write in

program program synchronous synchronous
action action
Implicit -- X --

If different types of tool monitoring are selected for the tools of a tool group, then
the decision has to be made whether it is meaningful for the specific application to
use the tool-search strategy “Search tool with smallest or largest actual value” in
this tool group.
Similar conditions apply when working with multiple-edge tools. Also, it is neces-
sary to consider whether it is meaningful to apply the tool search strategy “Search
tool with smallest or largest actual value” in this tool group.

As for the other tool search strategies, that tool is preferred for use that is on the
spindle or in one of the assigned buffer at the time of the tool search; i.e. the tool
search strategy is not applied.
The PLC signal “Do not disable tool” renders the tool search strategy ineffective in
accordance with $AC_MONMIN.

The following must apply so that the tool-monitoring-specific tool search strategies
can be effective:
-- The sub-function “Tool-monitoring function” must be active within the toolma-
nagement function,
-- The appropriate monitoring parameter values ($TC_MOP1, ....) must have
been set for the cutting edges of the tools.
-- The monitoring must be activated for the appropriate tool (system variable
-- $AC_MONMIN be programmed in the part program as well. The pro-
grammed value is only meaninful if points 1, 2, and 3 are met.

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5.8.32 $P_TOOLNG -- Number of tool groups

This function is only available for TMMO and TMMG.

Meaning Number of defined tool groups that are assigned to the channel.
> 0 Read access successful
0 no tool group defined
(tool group is defined by writing the tool name)
--1 neither function TMMG nor TMMO active
Data type INT in software version 6 and
Value range 1--32000
Indices Meaning Value range

Access Read in part Write in part Read in Write in

program program synchronous synchronous
action action
X -- -- --
Implicit -- -- --

5.8.33 $A_MYMN / $A_MYMLN - Owner magazine/location of the tool

This function is available for TMMG.

System variables $A_TOOLMN (Section 5.8.27) and $A_TOOLMLN (Section
5.8.28) contain definitions which magazine/magazine location the specified tool is
currently located at. This can be a real or an internal magazine.
The system variables $A_MYMN and $A_MYMLN indicate the magazine/maga-
zine location (real magazine only), at which the specified tool was loaded or from
which a tool contained in an internal magazine was loaded.

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Name $A_MYMN[t] / $A_MYMLN[t]

Meaning Application:
$A_MYMN[t] -- number of the owner magazine of the tool with
the T no. = t
> 0 Tool is loaded
0 Tool is not loaded
--1 Function TMMG is not active
--2 Tool with the T no. = t does not exist -- not for t = 0 either
$A_MYMLN[t] -- number of the owner-magazine location of the
tool with the T no. = t
> 0 Tool is loaded
0 Tool is not loaded
--1 Function TMMG is not active
--2 Tool with the T no. = t does not exist -- not for t = 0 either
Data type INT in software version 6 and
Value range 1--32000
Indices Meaning Value range

Access Read in part Write in part Read in Write in

program program synchronous synchronous
action action
X -- X --
Implicit -- -- --

The following applies for tools that are not loaded:

The following applies for manual tools that were loaded at change and for tools
newly loaded on toolholders:
$A_MYMN = $A_MYMLN = 0
$A_TOOLMN != 0, $A_TOOLMLN != 0
The following applies for tools that have been loaded but are not contained in an
internal magazine:
For fixed-location-coded tools in buffers, the two parameters indicate where the
respective tool shall be brought when returning to the magazine.

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5.8.34 $P_TOOLNT / $P_TOOLT - T numbers

This function is available for TMMO, TMMG, TMFD and TMBF.

Name $P_TOOLNT / $P_TOOLT[i]

Meaning These system variables enables an overview of the tools defined
in NCK.
Number of defined tools that are assigned to the channel.
> 0 Read access successful
0 No tool defined
i-th tool number T
> 0 T number
0 i is a value outside of the permitted range
Data type INT in software version 6 and
Value range 1--32000
Indices Meaning Value range
N = number of tools that are assigned to the
i = i-th T no.; i=1, ..., $P_TOOLNT
Access Read in part Write in part Read in Write in
program program synchronous synchronous
action action
X -- -- --
Implicit -- -- --

The following applies specifically for TMFD:

$P_TOOLNT returns value 1 provided D offsets have been defined and returns
value 0 when there are no D offsets.
The system variable $P_TOOLT returns value 1 for index i = 1 if at least one D off-
set has been defined and returns value 0 for other values of i.

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5.8.35 $P_TOOLD -- D numbers

This function is available for TMMO, TMMG, TMFD and TMBF.

Name $P_TOOLND / $P_TOOLD[t,i]

Meaning Determine the defined D numbers of a tool. The command can
generally be programmed.
i-th number of tool compensations D of the tool with the T no. = t
> 0 D number
0 i is a value outside of the permitted range
--2 t is the value of a non-defined tool
Data type INT in software version 6 and higher
Value range 1--32000
Indices Meaning Value range
t = T number
i = i-th T no.; i=1, ..., $P_TOOLND
Access Read in part Write in part Read in Write in
program program synchronous synchronous
action action
X -- -- --
Implicit -- -- --

5.8.36 $P_TOOLNDL - Number of defined DL offsets

This function is available for TMMO, TMMG, TMFD and TMBF. The function “addi-
tive offset” must have been activated via MD.

Name $P_TOOLNDL[t,d]
Meaning Determine the number of defined DL numbers of a D offset. The
command can generally be programmed.
Number of DL offsets for D offset provided by T no. = t, D no. = d
> 0 Numer of DL offsets
0 No DL offsets for this D offset
--1 Additive offset function not active
--2 t is the value of a non-defined tool
--3 d is the value of a non-defined D offset
Data type INT in software version 6 and higher
Value range 1--32000
Indices Meaning Value range
t = T number
d = D number

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Name $P_TOOLNDL[t,d]
Access Read in part Write in part Read in Write in
program program synchronous synchronous
action action
X -- -- --
Implicit -- -- --

5.8.37 $A_USEDND -- Workpiece count

This function is available for TMMO.

Name $A_USEDND[s]
Meaning Number of different cutting edges used on toolholder s since the
last workpiece count including the currently used active cutting
edge. Each tool used is included at least once. Index s means:
Spindle number/toolholder number
s = 0 means that the currently active master toolholder is selected.
TMMO active without TMMG
evaluated. It is not possible to count the workpieces
separately according to toolholders.
means that the currently active master toolholder is selected.
> 0 Number of adapter cutting edges used.
0 No more tools used since the last workpiece count
--1 TMMO is not active
--2 s is the value of a non-defined toolholder
Data type INT in software version 6 and higher
Value range 1--32000
Indices Meaning Value range
s = 0 indicates the master toolholder
Access Read in part Write in part Read in Write in
program program synchronous synchronous
action action
X -- -- --
Implicit -- -- --

Examples see Section 5.8.38.

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5.8.38 $A_USEDT -- Workpiece count

This function is available for TMMO.

Name $A_USEDT[i,s]
Meaning T number of the tool of the i-th cutting edge of cutting edges that
have been used on the toolholder s since the last workpiece
count or are still being used. The index s means:
Spindle number/toolholder number
s = 0 means that the currently active master toolholder is
TMMO active without TMMG
evaluated. It is not possible to count the workpieces
separately according to toolholders.
means that the currently active master toolholder is selected.
>0 T number (can also exist multiple times if different D offsets
of the tool were in use)
0 No more tools used since the last workpiece count
--1 TMMO is not active
--2 s is the value of a non-defined toolholder
Data type INT in software version 6 and
Value range 1--32000
Indices Meaning Value range
i = 1, ...., $A_USEDND
Access Read in part Write in part Read in Write in
program program synchronous synchronous
action action
X -- -- --
Implicit -- -- --

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Two toolholders are defined with numbers 1 and 2. Toolholder no. 1 is the master
toolholder. On toolholder 1 up to now 3 tools with T numbers 10, 20, 30 were used;
on toolholder 2 one tool was used with T number 666. Each tool only has offset D1
The following program section is run in the status:
def int n1, n2, i, tNo
n1 = $A_USEDND[1] ; n1 = 3 same content would have been
; $A_USEDND[0]
n2 = $A_USEDND[2] ; n2 = 1
for i = 1 to n1
tNo = $A_USEDT[1,i]
MSG (“to T no. participating in workpiece machining =” << tNo
; The loop displays T numbers 10, 20, 30
T2=0 ; Bits 7, 8, 19 are set for synchronization in
; matic read-in disable until tool change is ac-
; knowledged with “End”.)
if (n2 == 1) tNo = $A_USEDT[1,1]
; sets tNo to value 0. setpiece was programmed
; since determination of n2. This deletes the list of
; tools used and there is currently no entry for the
; specified Index1 in the list of tools used.

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5.8.39 $A_USEDD -- Workpiece count

This function is available for TMMO.

Name $A_USEDD[i,s]
Meaning D number of the i-th cutting edge of cutting edges that have been
used on the toolholder s since the last workpiece count or are
still being used. The index s means:
Spindle number/toolholder number
s = 0 means that the currently active master toolholder is
TMMO active without TMMG
evaluated. It is not possible to count the workpieces
separately according to toolholders.
means that the currently active master toolholder is selected.
>0 D number
0 No more tools used since the last workpiece count
--1 TMMO is not active
--2 s is the value of a non-defined toolholder
Data type INT in software version 6 and
Value range 1--32000
Indices Meaning Value range
i = 1, ...., $A_USEDND
Access Read in part Write in part Read in Write in
program program synchronous synchronous
action action
X -- -- --
Implicit -- -- --

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5.8.40 $P_MAGN / $P_MAG - Magazine

This function is available for TMMG.

Name $P_MAGN / $P_MAG[i]

Meaning $P_MAGN
Number of defined magazines that are assigned to the channel.
> 0 Read access successful
0 no magazine defined
--1 TMMG is not active
i-th magazine number
> 0 Read access successful
0 i is outside of the permitted range
--1 TMMG is not active
Data type INT in software version 6 and
Value range 1--32000
Indices Meaning Value range
i = 1, ...., $P_MAGN
Access Read in part Write in part Read in Write in
program program synchronous synchronous
action action
X -- -- --
Implicit -- -- --

See Chapter 5.8.44.

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5.8.41 $P_MAGNDIS / $P_MAGDISS / $P_MAGDISL - Magazine dis-

tance tables

This function is available for TMMG.

Name $P_MAGNDIS[n,m] / $P_MAGDISS[l,i] / $P_MAGDISL[l,i]

Meaning $P_MAGNDIS[n,m]
Number of magazines that are linked to the internal magazine n
by the location m
> 0 Read access successful
0 no magazine linked with the buffer
--1 TMMG is not active
--2 n is not the number of an internal magazine
--3 m is not the number of an internal magazine location
Number of the i-th magazine that is linked with location l of the
buffer magazine.
> 0 Read access successful
0 i is outside of the permitted range
--1 TMMG is not active
--2 m is not the number of a buffer location
--3 No buffer location defined
Number of the i-th magazine that is linked with location l of the
loading magazine.
> 0 Read access successful
0 i is outside of the permitted range
--1 TMMG is not active
--2 m is not the number of a loading magazine location
--3 No buffer location defined
Data type INT in software version 6 and
Value range 1--32000
Indices Meaning Value range
i = 1, ...., $P_MAGNDIS
Access Read in part Write in part Read in Write in
program program synchronous synchronous
action action
X -- -- --
Implicit -- -- --

See Chapter 5.8.44.

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5.8.42 $P_MAGNS / $P_MAGS - Toolholder

This function is available for TMMG.

Name $P_MAGNS / $P_MAGS[n]

Meaning $P_MAGNS
Number of spindle locations/toolholder locations in the buffer
assigned to the channel.
> 0 Read access successful
0 no spindle location defined
--1 TMMG is not active
--2 No buffer magazine defined.
n-th number of the spindle/toolholder in the buffer
> 0 Read access successful
0 n is outside of the permitted range
--1 TMMG is not active
--3 No buffer magazine defined.
Data type INT in software version 6 and
Value range 1--32000
Indices Meaning Value range
n = 1, ...., max. toolholder number
Access Read in part Write in part Read in Write in
program program synchronous synchronous
action action
X -- -- --
Implicit -- -- --

See Chapter 5.8.44.

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5.8.43 $P_MAGNREL / $P_MAGREL - Assigned buffer

This function is available for TMMG.

Name $P_MAGNREL[n] / $P_MAGREL[n,m]

Meaning $P_MAGNREL[n]
Number of buffers assigned to the spindle no./toolholder no.
> 0 Read access successful
0 spindle location has not buffer location assigned
--1 TMMG is not active
--2 n is not the number of a spindle location
--3 No buffer magazine defined.
m-th buffer number of the n-th spindle no./toolholder no.
> 0 Read access successful
0 m is outside of the permitted range
--1 TMMG is not active
--2 n is not the number of a spindle location
--3 No buffer magazine defined.
Data type INT in software version 6 and
Value range 1--32000
Indices Meaning Value range
m = 1, ...., $P_MAGNREL
n = 1, ...., max. toolholder number
Access Read in part Write in part Read in Write in
program program synchronous synchronous
action action
X -- -- --
Implicit -- -- --

See Chapter 5.8.44.

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5.8.44 Example of magazine configuration system variables

Let us assume the magazine configuration displayed in the diagram below. Infor-
mation about the current magazine configuration can be obtained by reading the
system variables described here.


In 1st internal magazine In 2nd internal magazine
(loading magazine; 9999) (buffer; 9998)
10 Gripper 1
Station 1
loading point Change position
Loading station 1 11
$TC_MLSR[1,3] = 0
Station 2
$TC_MDP1[1,2]=11 12
13 $TC_MDP2[1,3]=5
14 Spindle 1
Station 3

$TC_MDP1[2,1]=7 5
Loading station 2
Station 1 4
8 $TC_MLSR[1,3] = 0
loading point Change position
3 Gripper 2
9 Station 2

Magazine2 $TC_MDP2[2,2} = 11
2 $TC_MAP8[1]=13


15 13
14 is the magazine zero

Bild 5-10 Magazine configuration

N10 def int noOfMag=0, noOfLoc=0, noOfDist=0, noOfRel=0,

noOfSpindles=0, spindleNo=0
N20 def int i=0

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;total number of defined magazines

N100 noOfMag = $P_MAGN ; noOfMag is assigned value =4 -- 2 real maga-
; zines
; 1, 2+2 internal magazine 9998, 9999
;display all magazine number
N200 for i=1 to noOfMag
N220 MDG (“Magazine no.=”<<$P_MAG[i])
; Display numbers 1, 2, 9998, 9999
N240 endfor
;Total number of defined magazine locations
N300 for i=1 to noOfMag
N320 noOfLoc=noOfLoc + $TC_MAP7[$P_MAG[i]]
N340 endfor ; noOfLoc is now assigned value 16+16+3+2=37
;Number of magazines linked with Spindle 1
N400 noOfDist=$P_MAGNDIS[9998,3]
; noOfDist is assigned value=2 -- Mag.1, 2 are
; linked with the spindle location
;Display the magazine numbers linked with Spindle 1 (=location 3)
N500 for i=1 to noOfDist
N520 MSG (“Magazine no.=” << $P_MAGDISS[ i ] )
; Display numbers 1, 2
N540 endfor
; Number of magazines linked with Loading station 2
N410 noOfDist = $P_MAGNDIS[9999,1]
; noOfDist is assigned value=1 -- Mag. 2 is linked
; with Loading station 2
;Display the magazine numbers linked with Loading station 2 (=location 1)
N510 for i=1 to noOfDist
N530 MSG (“Magazine no.=”<< $P_MAGDISL[i] )
; Display number 2
N550 endfor
;Total number of defined spindles
N600 noOfSpindles=$P_MAGNS ; noOfSpindles contains value = 1
; -- one spindle location is defined
;display the numbers of the spindles defined in the magazine configuration
N620 for i=1 to noOfSpindles
N640 MSG (“Magazine no.=”<< $P_MAGS[i])
; Display number 1
N660 endfor
;Total number of buffer locations assigned to Spindle 1
(=gripper in example)

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N700 noOfRel=$P_MAGNREL[1]
; noOfRel contains value=2 grippers 1 and 2 are
; assigned to the spindle
; display the numbers of the grippers defined in the magazine configuration for
spindle no. 1
N720 for i=1 to noOfRel
N740 MSG (“Magazine no.=”<< $P_MAGREL[1,i] )
; Display numbers 1, 2
N760 endfor

5.8.45 $P_MAGNH / $P_MAGNHLT / $P_MAGHLT - Location type hier-


This function is available for TMMG.

Name $P_MAGNH / $P_MAGNHLT[n] / $P_MAGHLTn,m]

Meaning $P_MAGNH
Number of defined magazine location type hierarchies that are
assigned to the channel.
> 0 Read access successful
0 No location type hierarchies are defined
--1 TMMG is not active
Number of the defined location types in the n-the defined hierarchy
> 0 Read access successful
0 n is outside of the defined range
--1 TMMG is not active
m-th location type of hierarchy n
> 0 Read access successful
0 m is outside of the defined range
--1 TMMG is not active
--2 Hierarchy n does not have any defined location types
Data type INT in software version 6 and higher
Value range 1--32000
Indices Meaning Value range
n = 1, ...., $P_MAGNH
m = 1, ...., $P_MAGNHLT
Access Read in part Write in part Read in Write in
program program synchronous synchronous
action action
X -- -- --
Implicit -- -- --
or stop

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5.8 NC commands

The following three hierarchies are defined
Hierarchy 1: 5 < 4 < 3:
$TC_MPTH[0,0] = 5
$TC_MPTH[0,1] = 4
$TC_MPTH[0,2] = 3
Hierarchy 2: 7 < 8:
$TC_MPTH[1,0] = 7
$TC_MPTH[1,1] = 8
Hierarchy 3: 1 < 2 < 9 < 6:
$TC_MPTH[2,0] = 1
$TC_MPTH[2,1] = 2
$TC_MPTH[2,2] = 9
$TC_MPTH[2,3] = 6
We want to know how many hierarchies in total are defined and how many maga-
zine location types are contained in each hierarchy.
N10 def int noOfH, noOfTypes[8], locTypeNo
N100 noOfH=$P_MAGNH ; noOfH is assigned value = 3
N220 for i=1 to noOfH
N240 noOfTypes[i - 1]=$P_MAGNHLT[ i ]
; set the values 3, 2, 4 in the array
N260 endfor
Furthermore, we want to know which magazine location types are defined in the
2nd hierarchy
N220 for i=1 to noOfTypes[1]
N240 MSG (“Magazine no.=”<<$P_MAGHLT[2, i])
; display values 7, 8
N260 endfor

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5.8.46 $P_MAGNA / $P_MAGA -- Tool adapter

This function is available for TMMG.

Name $P_MAGNA / $P_MAGA[i]

Meaning $P_MAGNA
Number of defined adapters that are assigned to the channel.
> 0 Read access successful
0 no adapters defined
--1 Function “Adapter” or TMMG is not active
i-th adapter number
> 0 Read access successful
0 i is outside of the defined range
--1 Function “Adapter” or TMMG is not active
Data type INT in software version 6 and higher
Value range 1--32000
Indices Meaning Value range
i = 1, ...., $P_MAGNA
Access Read in part Write in part Read in Write in
program program synchronous synchronous
action action
X -- -- --
Implicit -- -- --

5.8.47 Additional language commands

Meaning Active tool numbers T0 to T32000, T can take eight digits with
Data type Integer in software version 2 and higher
Value range 1--32000
Indices Meaning Value range

Access Read in part Write in part Read in Write in

program program synchronous synchronous
action action
X -- -- --
Implicit -- -- --

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5.8 NC commands

Meaning Tool number last programmed
Command is available for TMBF, TMFD and TMMO.
It is analogous to the TMMG-specific command GETSELT.
Data type Integer in software version 5.3 and higher
Value range 1--32000
Indices Meaning Value range

Access Read in part Write in part Read in syn- Write in syn-

program program chronous action chronous action
X -- -- --
Implicit prepro- -- -- --
cessor stop

Name $P_TOOL
Meaning Active tool cutting edge (Dx)
Data type Integer in software version 2 and higher
Value range
Indices Meaning Value range

Access Read in part Write in part Read in syn- Write in syn-

program program chronous action chronous action
X -- -- --
Implicit prepro- -- -- --
cessor stop

Name $P_DLNO
Meaning Active additive offset DL=0--DL=max;
$P_DLNO is analogous to the already existing parameters
$P_TOOL, $P_TOOLNP and active D and T numbers.
Data type Integer in software version 5.3 and higher
Value range 0--6
Indices Meaning Value range

Access Read in part Write in part Read in syn- Write in syn-

program program chronous action chronous action
X -- -- --
Implicit prepro- -- --
cessor stop

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5.8 NC commands

Name $P_TOOLL[n]
Meaning Active tool total length; n = 1...3
Data type REAL in software version 2 and higher
Value range
Indices Meaning Value range

Access Read in part Write in part Read in syn- Write in syn-

program program chronous action chronous action
X -- -- --
Implicit prepro- -- -- --
cessor stop

Meaning Active radius
Data type REAL in software version 2 and higher
Value range
Indices Meaning Value range

Access Read in part Write in part Read in syn- Write in syn-

program program chronous action chronous action
X -- -- --
Implicit prepro- -- -- --
cessor stop

Name $P_TC
Meaning Active toolholder
Data type Integer in software version 5.3 and higher
Value range
Indices Meaning Value range

Access Read in part Write in part Read in syn- Write in syn-

program program chronous action chronous action
X -- -- --
Implicit prepro- -- -- --
cessor stop

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5.8 NC commands

Name $P_TCANG[n]
Meaning Active angle of a toolholder axis; n = 1--2
Data type REAL in software version 5 and higher
Value range
Indices Meaning Value range

Access Read in part Write in part Read in Write in

program program synchronous synchronous
action action
X -- -- --
Implicit -- -- --

Name $P_TCDIFF[n]
Meaning Difference between calculated and used angle of a toolholder
axis for the matrix (Hirth tooth system) of the angle
Data type REAL in software version 5.3 and higher
Value range
Indices Meaning Value range

Access Read in part Write in part Read in Write in

program program synchronous synchronous
action action
X -- -- --
Implicit -- -- --

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Name $P_AD[n]
Meaning Active tool offset; n = 1...31
n=1--25 $TC_DP1 to $TC_DP25
n=26 $TC_DPCE (optional)
n=27 $TC_DPH (optional)
n=28 $TC_DPV (optional)
n=29 $TC_DPV3 (optional)
n=30 $TC_DPV4 (optional)
n=31 $TC_DPV5 (optional)
Data type DOUBLE in software version 2 and higher
Value range
Indices Meaning Value range

Access Read in part Write in part Read in Write in

program program synchronous synchronous
action action
X X -- --
Implicit -- -- --

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$P_ADT[n] -- Transformed data of the active tool (SW 6)

For the functional description, refer to Subsection 3.11.3.

Name $P_ADT[n]
Meaning When compensation parameters are read, this parameter
returns transformed values of the parameters controlled by the
tool adapter transformation -- if the active tool is attached to an
n=1--25 $TC_DP1 to $TC_DP25
n=26 $TC_DPCE (optional)
n=27 $TC_DPH (optional)
n=28 $TC_DPV (optional)
n=29 $TC_DPV3 (optional)
n=30 $TC_DPV4 (optional)
n=31 $TC_DPV5 (optional)
Data type DOUBLE in software version 6 and higher
Value range
Indices Meaning Value range
n: Parameter numbers 1 to 31
Access Read in part Write in part Read in Write in
program program synchronous synchronous
action action
X -- -- --
Implicit -- -- --

Meaning Master spindle, return value
0: No spindle configured
1...n: Number of the master spindle
Data type Integer in software version 3 and higher
Value range
Indices Meaning Value range

Access Read in part Write in part Read in Write in

program program synchronous synchronous
action action
X -- X --
Implicit X -- --

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5.8 NC commands

Meaning Master spindle
0: No spindle configured
1...n: Number of the master spindle
Data type Integer in software version 5.2 and higher
Value range
Indices Meaning Value range

Access Read in part Write in part Read in Write in

program program synchronous synchronous
action action
X -- -- --
Implicit -- -- --

Meaning Master toolholder
Value=0 if no master toolholder defined
Value>0 number of the master toolholder
Data type Integer in software version 5 and higher
Value range
Indices Meaning Value range

Access Read in part Write in part Read in Write in

program program synchronous synchronous
action action
X -- X --
Implicit X -- X --

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5.8 NC commands

Meaning Master toolholder
Value=0 if no master toolholder defined
Value>0 number of the master toolholder
Data type Integer in software version 5.3 and higher
Value range
Indices Meaning Value range

Access Read in part Write in part Read in Write in

program program synchronous synchronous
action action
X -- -- --
Implicit -- --

5.8.48 Variables for subroutine replacement technique

Tool language Functions SW

command version
$C_T Number of T word (without TOOLMAN) for 5
substitute subroutine for T (MD 10717)
$C_T_PROG Bool variable: contents in $C_T? 5
$C_TS Programmed TL identifier (with TOOLMAN) for 5
substitute subroutine for T (MD 10717)
$C_TS_PROG Bool variable: contents in $C_TS? 5
$C_TE Address extension of the T word 5.3
$C_D Number of the D buffer 5.3
$C_D_PROG Bool variable: contents in $C_D? 5.3
$C_DL Number of the DL buffer 5.3
$C_DL_PROG Bool variable: contents in $C_DL? 5.3

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5.8.49 Variables for tool change in synchronized action

Tool language Functions SW

command version
$AC_TC_FCT Command number 5
1: Move (load, unload,...)
2: Prepare change
3: Change ON
4: Change ON (turret, without M06)
5: Prepare change and change ON (with M06)
$AC_TC_STATUS Acknowledgment status of PLC FC8 5
$AC_TC_THNO Number of the toolholder or the spindle where the new 5
tool shall be loaded
$AC_TC_TNO The internal T number of the tool to be loaded at 5
0: there is no new tool
$AC_TC_MFN Source magazine number of the new tool 5
0: there is no new tool
$AC_TC_LFN Source location number of the new tool 5
0: there is no new tool
$AC_TC_MTN Target magazine number of new tool 5
0: there is no new tool
$AC_TC_LTN Target location number of the new tool 5
0: there is no new tool
$AC_TC_MFO Source magazine number of the old tool 5
0: there is no old tool
$AC_TC_LFO Source location number of the old tool 5
0: there is no old tool
$AC_TC_MTO Target magazine number of old tool 5
0: there is no old tool
$AC_TC_LTO Target location number of the old tool 5
0: there is no old tool
$AC_TC_CMDT Trigger variable to NCK command output 6.3
Set for one interpolation cycle when NCK outputs a
new command.
$AC_TC_CMDC Counter for NCK command output 6.3
This variable is incremented by 1 at each NCK
command output. Can also be written (zero setting).

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5.8 NC commands

Tool language Functions SW

command version
$AC_TC_ACKT Trigger variable to PLC command 6.3
Set for one interpolation cycle when PLC outputs a
command to NCK. Command acknowledgement or
independent message (asynchronous transfer).
$AC_TC_ACKC Counter for PLC commands
This variable is incremented by 1 at each PLC
command. Can also be written (zero setting).

Access Read in part Write in part Read in Write in

program program synchronous synchronous
action action
X -- X --
Implicit X --

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Programming 09.05
5.9 Conventions for programming data

5.9 Conventions for programming data

5.9.1 Tool and cutting edge data

If a parameter for a cutting edge, tool or magazine that does not exist is written, a
new cutting edge, tool or magazine is created.

When a tool is created, all the cutting-edge-specific data of cutting edge D1 are
created with it.
(DP, DPC, MOP, MOPC are preset to “0”). The grinding-specific tool data
($TC_TG1...) is not created until one of the tool types ($TC_DP1) 400--499 has
been programmed for one of the cutting edges of the tool.

Deleting data
When data is deleted the memory area is deleted with it and automatically
released again.
A tool can only be deleted if it is not involved in the current machining process.
This applies both to tools selected or inserted with a “T” call and tools for which
constant grinding wheel surface speed or tool monitoring is active.

If tool management is active you must ensure that the tool being deleted is not
assigned to a magazine location ($TC_MPP6). This assignment must be removed
before the tool is deleted.

The grinding-specific tool data ($TC_TG1...) is created as soon as one of the tool
types ($TC_DP1) 400--499 has been programmed for any of the cutting edges of
the tool.
If the tool type is set from the current value taken from the range 400--499 to a
value outside this range, the grinding data memory is enabled again, i.e. the grind-
ing-specific data is lost.

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5.9 Conventions for programming data

Action Program command Description

Create a tool Without tool management: Create tool T if T does not yet exist!
$TC_DPx[y,z] = value; y= T number
z = D number
With active tool management:
T_NR = NEWT(“tool identifier”, duplo
$TC_TP1[y] = duplo number; y= T number
$TC_TP2[y] = “tool identifier”;
Create a cutting $TC_DPx[y,z] = value Create cutting edge D = z if D = z does
edge not yet exist!
y= T number
z = D number
Set tool data With active tool management:
$TC_TPx[y] = value; y = T number
$TC_TPx,[GETT(“DRILL”,DUPLO NO)] Write tool-related user data
= value
Or Write tool-related grinding data
$TC_TPCx[y] = value;
$TC_TGx[y] = value;
Set data of a cut- $TC_DPx[y,z] = value Write compensation data
ting edge $TC_DPCx[y,z] = value Write cutting edge-related user data
$TC_MOPx[y,z] = value Write cutting edge-related monitoring
$TC_MOPCx[y,z] = value Write CC (OEM) cutting edge monitoring
y = T number
z = D number
Delete cutting Without tool management: All tools of the channel are deleted, the
edge data $TC_DP1[0,0] = 0; memory is released.

With tool management: When deleting tools, the entries for the
$TC_TP1[0,0]; location data must also be corrected.

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5.9 Conventions for programming data

Action Program command Description

Delete tool data Without tool management: y = T is deleted, memory is released.
$TC_DP1[y,0] = 0;
With tool management:
$TC_TP1[y] = 0; All tool-related data is set to “0” (user
Or data, hierarchy data, ...). When deleting
a tool, the entries for the location data
$TC_TP1[GETT(“tool identifier”, duplo
must also be corrected.
number)] = 0;
DELT[“tool identifier”, duplo number]
Delete data for all Without tool management: All tools of the channel are deleted and
tools $TC_DP1[0,0] = 0; the memory is released.

With tool management: When deleting tools, the entries for the
$TC_TP1[0,0] = 0; location data must also be corrected.

5.9.2 Magazine data

Sequence for defining data

The process: “Assign tool to a magazine location” creates a codependency be-
tween the tool data and the magazine/magazine location data.

The tool contains the magazine location type for which it is intended. The maga-
zine type contains its own magazine location type. If the tool is assigned to the
magazine location, as a rule the location type cannot be changed again as this can
cause inconsistencies.
The resulting requirement is for tools and magazines to be loaded by a special rou-
tine into the PLC and that the structure-determining definitions may no longer be
changed during the preparation (these are e.g. magazine dimension, magazine-
location type, duplo no., tool name, ...). They do not include: cutting edge data,
magazine location status, tool status, ...

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5.9 Conventions for programming data

Load data
Because tools are linked to magazines via magazine location parameter
$TC_MPP6, the following rules for correct definition of tools and magazines must
be adhered to:
1. Load tool data
2. Load magazine data
3. Load $TC_MPP6 parameters (=> place tool in magazine location)
The same sequence is used for data backup.
The grinding data of a tool cannot be written until tool type = “grinding tool” has
been defined for at least one cutting edge.
The distance parameter ($TC_MDPx) and the buffer assignment parameter
($TC_MLSR) cannot be written until the magazines and their locations have been

Delete data
A tool cannot be deleted while it is still contained in a magazine. The following se-
quence of operations must be followed when deleting:
1. Delete the magazine data (this removes tools from the magazine); or remove
the tool explicitly from the magazine.
2. Delete tool data
In addition, a magazine cannot be deleted if it has status $TC_MAP3[i]= 8 (motion
is active). The delete command is rejected for all magazines even if only one mag-
azine is preventing the command from being executed.

If a single tool is to be deleted it must first be removed from the magazine location
with an unload operation and then it can be deleted.
Tools that are currently selected cannot be deleted! You can ensure that no tool is
selected beyond a part program by programming T0 before the end of a part
program independently of the settings in the machine data (see MD for selecting
tools beyond the end of a program).

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5.9 Conventions for programming data

Action Program command Description

Create new magazine $TC_MAPx[y]= value; Value <>0, y = magazine no. of a magazine not
yet set up
Delete a magazine $TC_MAP1[y] = 0; The data of the magazine and its magazine
locations as well as any defined distances to
change positions are deleted. The associated
memory is released.
Delete a magazines and $TC_MAP6[y] = 0; The data of the magazine and its magazine
the tools contained in it locations as well as any defined distances to
change positions are deleted. Any tools con-
tained in the magazine are also deleted.
The associated memory is released.
Delete all magazines $TC_MAP1[0] = 0; All data of all magazines of the selected TO
area unit is deleted and the associated memory
is released again. The magazine data block is
then empty.
Create new magazine $TC_MPPx[y,z]=value; Value <>0 , y = location number not yet avail-
location able.
Before the data of the first location can be
created, the associated magazine must be de-
When the first parameter of the first magazine
location to be set up is written, then all maga-
zine locations belonging to the magazine are
set up using their default values in accordance
with the requirements for number of lines and
columns for the magazine.
Set magazine location $TC_MPTHx[y]=value;
type hierarchy
Set magazine distances $TC_MPTHx[y]=value;
(distance to change posi-
Delete magazine dis- $TC_MDPx[y,0]=0 Delete all defined distances of the magazine
tances (distance to with the number “y”, i.e. the magazine is no lon-
change position) ger “seen” during a tool search and an empty
location search.
$TC_MDPx[0,0]= 0; Delete all defined distances of all magazines of
the TO unit.
Delete the assignments of $TC_MLSR[x,0]= 0; Delete all defined assignments of a buffer loca-
the buffer to the spindles tion with the number “x”, i.e. the magazine is no
longer “seen” during the tool search.

$TC_MLSR[0,0]= 0; Delete all defined assignments of buffer loca-

tions of the TO unit to spindles
Set magazine block data $TC_MAMPx = value;

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5.9 Conventions for programming data

5.9.3 Tool Change

Programming the tool selection

Tool selection can be divided into two different steps:
1. Tool change preparation
2. Tool change execution
Steps 1--2 can be programmed separately or together in the NC program (see
Tool change in one step: (turret)
Tx; Make new tool x available and execute tool change
Tool change in two steps:
1. Tx; Prepare tool change (select the tool)
2. M06; Execute tool change

If tool management is active, a tool can only be selected with the tool identifier
(name). If a T number is now programmed, then the number is used as the
identifier (name). The tool must then have received a T number a name during

Tool change with identifier:

T=“DRILL”; A search is performed for tool with identifier “DRILL”.
Tool change with number as identifier:
T=“123”; A search is performed for tool with identifier “123”. Alternatively,
T123 can also be programmed.

5.9.4 Cutting edge selection

Cutting edge selection after tool change

When a tool change has been completed, the tool cutting edge can be selected in
one of the following ways:
1. The offset number D is programmed.

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5.9 Conventions for programming data

2. The offset number D is not programmed and is preset by MD20270 CUT-

=0 No automatic cutting edge selection after M06.
>0 Number of cutting edge selected after M06.
= --1 The cutting edge no. of the old tool remains valid and also selected for
the new tool after M06.
= --2 The offset of the old tool remains valid and also selected for the new
tool after M06.

Tool selection with the following cutting edge selection
Cutting edge selection always refers to the tool that is changed with command
T1 M06 Tool change -- no D programmed; therefore offset selection
according to MD 20270
T5 Tool preselection
X .. Y.. Z... Working with T1 and the offset from MD 20270
D2 Offset D2 from T1 !!!
M06 Tool change; T5 is loaded at change -- offset selection
according to MD 20270
T1 Tool preselection
X.., Y... Working with T5 and the offset from MD 20270
When programming tool commands, main spindles and secondary spindles are
programmed differently. Only tool offset values of the main spindle tool are taken
into account by the geometry because only one active offset can be processed per
channel. Processing of tool commands for a secondary spindle is only relevant for
signal output to the PLC and the function GETSELT(...).
Spindle no. 2 = main spindle:
T2 = “DRILL”
M2 = 06
T1 = “MILLER” Select tool for secondary spindle
M1 = 06 Tool change: load tool in the secondary spindle
D1 Select cutting edge of “DRILL” (main spindle)
Spindle no. 2 = main spindle:
T2 = “DRILL” Selection a tool for the main spindle.
As an alternative, T= “DRILL” could also be specified.
T1 = x; Selection a tool for a secondary spindle.
M2 = 06 Tool change
As an alternative, M06 could also be specified.
D1 Select cutting edge of a tool with identifier “DRILL”

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5.9 Conventions for programming data

5.9.5 Tool transfer from program test mode

In MD 20110 RESET_MODE_MASK, bit 3 you can set whether the active tool and
tool offset are to be taken
S (= 1) from the test program which was last terminated in test mode
S (= 0) from the program which was last terminated before the test program was
Requirement: Bits 0 and 6 must be set in MD 20110.

The system variable $P_ISTEST is for checking from the part program whether a
program test is active. The system variable returns the value TRUE when program
testing is active.

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Programming 09.05
5.10 Programming T=location number

5.10 Programming T=location number

This function is only available when tool management is active. This type of pro-
gramming is not only suitable for turrets, but for all other types of magazine.

Location no.=1
Tool with the name “Drill” has
Drill, disabled
different duplo no.
T is internal T no.
Location no.=6 Location no.=2


T10 Location no.=3

Location no.=5
Drill enabled

Location no.=4
Location 2 is empty (has similar
Drill active
effect to T0 in NCK)

Bild 5-11 Programming of T=location number

The machine data MD 20310: TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK, bit16=1 is used for

setting the programming method:
S T = “x” with x as tool identifier
S Tx, with x as location number of the magazine containing the tool used for
When the function is active, T1 selects the tool in location number 1 instead of the
tool with identifier “1”. The first magazine linked with the toolholder is taken here.
The identifier of the tool in this location is then determined (“Drill”).
The subsequent procedure is as if T=“Drill” had been programmed. Which of the
three tools from the “Drills” group is determined as the first step of the tool change
The set tool search strategy is taken into consideration.
S When the strategy “Take the first available tool from the group” is applied, T10
from location 3 is loaded.
S When the strategy “Take the first tool with “active” status from the group” is
applied, T1 is “loaded”.
T15 at location no. 1 cannot be used, because it is disabled. No alarm is generated
if the programmed location does not contain a tool when the T = the location pro-
gramming method is used.
If more than one magazine is assigned to the toolholder, then the programmed
location number refers to the magazine that is the first magazine defined in the
distance table.

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5-454 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Programming
5.10 Programming T=location number

If the tools of the tool group are different magazines of the toolholder, the search
procedure is the same as with the standard TOOLMAN system.

With the T=location function, T= “Drill” can be programmed alternatively
T=1 ;Tool
T = “Drill” ;Tool with identifier Drill

5.10.1 Call multiple turrets with “T=location number”

$TC_MPP1[9998,1]=2= spindle location $TC_MPP1[9998,2]=2= spindle location

$TC_MPP5[9998,1]=1= toolholder no. $TC_MPP5[9998,2]=3= toolholder no.

Toolholder 1 Toolholder 3

Part program:

T1=2 ;Magazine linked to toolholder 1 (= 1), location 2

1 T3=2 ;Magazine linked to toolholder 3 (= 5), location 2 1
6 2 T3=3 6 2
Revolver Revolver
1 3 T1=1
5 5 5 3
4 4

Bild 5-12 T=location number as tool management function on turning machines

The programming option “T = location number” and several magazines can be

used to work in one channel or in one TO unit.
S The NC address T can be programmed with an address expansion T1 =...
S Tool management then interprets this as the spindle number or as the tool-
holder number.
S T without address extension then refers to the main spindle.

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 5-455
Programming 09.05
5.11 Programming examples

5.11 Programming examples

Action Program command Description

Create tool DEF INT DUPLO_NO Create new tool called Drill with duplo
DEF INT T_NO no.= 7. The automatically generated
DUPLO_NO = 7 T no. is stored in “T_NR”.
T_NR = GETT(“DRILL”, DUPLO_NO) Determine the T number of tool “Drill”
or with duplo no. 7 that has already been
$TC_TP2[1] = “DRILL” ;
The T no is however also assigned here
by the programming.
Tool data $TC_DP1[GETT(“DRILL”, Write tool type for the 2nd cutting edge
read/write DUPLO_NO), 2] = 210 of tool “Drill”/DUPLO_NO
$TC_DP1[T_NR, 2] = 210 Write tool type for the 2nd cutting edge
of the tool “T - number”
Tool T=“DRILL” If there are several tools with this identi-
Select or: fier, then the T no. is returned to the first
tool possible
Determines T number for “DRILL” with
duplo = DUPLO
NO and selects it.
Call with T no. e.g. T1,T2,T3,....
ToolDelete $TC_TP1[T_NR,0]=0 Tool with T_NO is deleted,
or Tool “DRILL”,

or alternatively:

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5-456 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Programming
5.12 Overview of the remaining OPI blocks of tool management

5.12 Overview of the remaining OPI blocks of tool manage-

The line need only be calculated if the OPI variable is followed by a field [ ]. The
value of the line is otherwise 1.

5.12.1 Magazine directory data, HMI internal

OPI block TMV

Calculation of line: Magazine number if [ ] present
Calculation of column: N/A

NCK identifier Description OPI variable Type

None Number of magazines numActMags WORD
Number of the magazine magVNo[ ] WORD
Identifier of the magazine magVIdent[ ] String

5.12.2 Tool directory data, HMI internal

OPI block TV
Calculation of line: Sequential number of the tools, if [ ] present
Calculation of column: N/A

NCK identifier Description OPI variable Type

None Number of tools in TO area numTools WORD
Last T number assigned for TnumWZV WORD
tool management
T number toolNo[ ] WORD
Tool designation toolIdent[ ] String
Duplo number nrDuplo[ ] WORD
Number of cutting edges numCuttEdges[ ] WORD
Current magazine toolInMag[ ] WORD
Current location toolInPlace[ ] WORD
Number of tool groups numToolsGroups WORD

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Programming 09.05
5.12 Overview of the remaining OPI blocks of tool management

5.12.3 Parameterization, return parameters TMGETT, TSEARC

OPI block TF
Calculation of line: See table
Calculation of column: N/A

Description OPI variable Calculation of Type

Return: found tools resultNrOfTools 1 WORD
Return: T numbers of found tools resultToolNr[ ] 1... WORD
Number of cutting edges used resultNrOfCut 1 WORD
T number of cutting edge used resultToolNr Number of cut- WORD
Used ting edges of
D number of cutting edge used resultCutting Number of cut- WORD
EdgeNrUsed ting edges of
Mask for search criterion of PI TSEARCH parMasksTD Parameter in- WORD
(OPI block TD) dex of block TD
Comparison value for PI TSEARCH of vari- parDataTD Parameter in- WORD
ables of the OPI block TD dex of block TD
Comparison value for PI TSEARCH of vari- parDataToolI- Parameter in- String
ables of the OPI block TD dentTD dex of block TD
Comparison value for PI TSEARCH of vari- parMasksTU Parameter in- WORD
ables of the OPI block TU dex of block TU
Comparison value for PI TSEARCH of vari- parDataTU Parameter in- REAL
ables of the OPI block TU dex of block TU
Comparison value for PI TSEARCH of vari- parMasksTO Parameter in- WORD
ables of the OPI block TO dex of block
Comparison value for PI TSEARCH of vari- parDataTO Parameter in- REAL
ables of the OPI block TO dex of block
Comparison value for PI TSEARCH of vari- parMasksTUE Parameter in- WORD
ables of the OPI block TUE dex of block
Comparison value for PI TSEARCH of vari- parDataTUE Parameter in- REAL
ables of the OPI block TUE dex of block
Comparison value for PI TSEARCH of vari- parMasksTS Parameter in- WORD
ables of the OPI block TS dex of block TS

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09.05 Programming
5.12 Overview of the remaining OPI blocks of tool management

Description OPI variable Calculation of Type

Comparison value for PI TSEARCH of vari- parDataTS Parameter in- REAL
ables of the OPI block TS dex of block TS
Comparison value for PI TSEARCH of vari- parMasksTUS Parameter in- WORD
ables of the OPI block TUS dex of block
Comparison value for PI TSEARCH of vari- parDataTUS Parameter in- REAL
ables of the OPI block TUS dex of block

5.12.4 Working offsets

OPI block AEV

Calculation of line: Cutting edge number if [ ] present
Calculation of column: N/A

NCK identifier Description OPI VAR Type

None Number of D numbers in numActDEdges WORD
D numbers Dno[...] WORD
Internal T number toolNo[...] WORD
Cutting edge number cuttEdgeNo[...] WORD
Tool identifier toolIdent[...] STRING
Duplo number duploNo[...] WORD
Magazine toolInMag[...] WORD
Location toolInPlace[...] WORD

5.12.5 PI services and NC language commands for tool management

FB 4 (PI_SERV) or FB 7 can be used to start program instance services (PI ser-

vices) in the NCK area. A program section which carries out a particular function
(e.g., with tool management, search for empty location in a magazine), is executed
in the NCK by making a request via the PI service.
References: /FB1/ P3, Basic PLC Program

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Programming 09.05
5.12 Overview of the remaining OPI blocks of tool management

PI service Functions NC language SW

command version
MMCSEM Semaphores for various PI
DELETO ToolDelete DELT(“TL”, Duplo)
DELETE Delete a cutting edge $TC_DP1[t,d]=0
CREATO Generate tool NEWT(“TL”, Duplo)
CRTOCE Create tool specifying cutting edge $TC_DPx[t,D] SW 5
no. $TC_DPCx[t,D]
TMCRTO Create tool $TC_TPx[t]
TMCRTC (not Create tool specifying cutting edge $TC_DPx[t,d] SW 5
available in PLC) no.
CREACE Create cutting edge $TC_DP[t,d]=value
CRCEDN Create new cutting edge $TC_DPx[t,d]
TMFDPL Empty location search for loading GETFREELOC SW 6
TMMVTL Prepare magazine location for
loading, unload tool
TMPCIT Set incremental value for SETPIECE(SpinNo,y)
workpiece counter, decrement
count by y
TMPOSM Position magazine location or tool POSM (p, m, ip, im) SW 5
TMFPBP Find empty location acc. to
TSEARC Complex search using search User cycle program
screen forms
TMRASS Reset active status SW 5
TMGETT (not Confirm T number for specified GETT(“TL”, Duplo)
available in PLC) tool identifier with duplo number
Read the preset T number GETSELT(SpinNo)
CHKDNO (not Check the uniqueness of Status=CHKDNO SW 5
available in PLC) D numbers of the tool data of the (t1,t2,d)
TMCHKD (not TO unit assigned to the executing
available in PLC) channel. Parameters t1, t2,d are

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09.05 Programming
5.12 Overview of the remaining OPI blocks of tool management

PI service Functions NC language SW

command version
DZERO (not Set D number for all tools of the DZERO SW 5
available in PLC) TO unit assigned to the channel to
“invalid” D numbers of this type are
displayed with value 0 on the OPI.
The invalid D number is generated
NCK-internally by assigning the
value “old D number” + 32000 to
the D number.
For the offset number D=d, get the Status=GETACTTD SW 5
associated internal T no. = t of the (t,d)
tool The tool that has the status
“active” and “was in use” is taken
from the tool group.
Get the D no. for tool t and its d = GETDNO(t, ce) SW 5
cutting edge ce
Set the D no. of TL t and its cutting Status=SETDNO SW 5
edge ce to value d (t,ce,d)
Read the active T no. and status Status=GETACTT SW 4
Delete command for all Status = DELDL( t, d ) SW 5
location-dependent/setup offsets of
a cutting edge or tool if d is not
SETTST (not Set tool status to “active” SETTA(Stat,m,vnr) SW 5
available in PLC)
SETTST (not Set tool status to “not active” SETTIAStat,m,vnr) SW 5
available in PLC)
CHKDM (not Check uniqueness of D nos. in CHKDM(m) SW 5
available in PLC) magazine; m=Magazine
Value of MD can be Set toolholder no. (h=holder no.) SETMTH(h)
Set master spindle (s=spindle no.) SETMS(s)
TRESMO (not Activate setpoint for tool RESETMON
available in PLC) life/workpiece count/wear
TMAWCO (not Set a wear group to active $TC_MAP9 SW 5
available in PLC)

NC commands
NCK states are read with the following NC commands.

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 5-461
Programming 09.05
5.12 Overview of the remaining OPI blocks of tool management

Functions NC language SW
command version
Active TL no. T $P_TOOLNO
Last programmed TL no. (without tool $P_TOOLP
Active tool offset D $P_TOOL
Active tool length; n=1--3 $P_TOOLL[n]
Active toolholder $P_TC
Active angle of a toolholder axis $P_TCANG[n]
Diff angle $P_TCDIFF[n]
Active radius $P_TOOLR
Number of cutting edges of tool t $P_TOOLND[t]
Tool exists with number $P_TOOLEXIST[t]
Active tool offsets, n=1--25,....31 $P_AD[n]
Active DL number $P_DLNO
Number of T word substitute subroutine $C_T SW 5
for T
Programmed TL identifier (with $C_TS SW 5
TOOLMAN) for substitute subroutine for T
Bool variable: contents in $C_T? $C_T_PROG SW 5
Bool variable: contents in $C_TS? $C_TS_PROG SW 5
1: Move (load/unload, relocate...); $AC_TC_FCT SW 5
2: Prepare change; 3: Change ON;
4: Change ON (turret, without M06);
5: Prepare change and change ON (with
Acknowledgment status of PLC FC 8 $AC_TC_STATUS SW 5
Toolholder or spindle number $AC_TC_THNO SW 5
New tool from magazine $AC_TC_MFN SW 5
New tool from location $AC_TC_LFN SW 5
New tool to magazine $AC_TC_MTN SW 5
New tool to location $AC_TC_LTN SW 5
Old tool from magazine $AC_TC_MFO SW 5
Old tool from location $AC_TC_LFO SW 5
Old tool to magazine $AC_TC_MTO SW 5
Old tool to location $AC_TC_LTO SW 5
Master spindle $AC_MSNUM SW 5
Master spindle $P_MSNUM SW 5

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5-462 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Programming
5.12 Overview of the remaining OPI blocks of tool management

Master toolholder $AC_MTHNUM SW 5

Master toolholder $P_MTHNUM SW 5
Magazine number of tool t $A_TOOLMN[t] SW 6
Magazine location of tool t $A_TOOLMLN[t] SW 6
Number of the owner magazine $A_MYMN SW 6
Number of the owner magazine $A_MYMLN SW 6
Number of defined magazines $P_MAGN SW 6
Number of defined magazines, i-th $P_MAG[i] SW 6
magazine number
Number of defined adapters $P_MAGNA SW 6
Number of defined adapters, i-th adapter $P_MAGA[i] SW 6
Number of linked magazines $P_MAGNDIS SW 6
Number of the i-th magazine that is linked $P_MAGNDISS[l,i] SW 6
with location l of the buffer magazine
Number of the i-th magazine that is linked $P_MAGNDISL[l,i] SW 6
with location l of the loading magazine
Number of defined magazine location type $P_MAGNH SW 6
Number of the defined location types in $P_MAGNHLT[n] SW 6
the n-the defined hierarchy
m-th location type of hierarchy n $P_MAGHLT[n,m] SW 6
Number of spindle numbers, toolholder $P_MAGNREL[n]
numbers n for assigned buffer
m-th buffer number of the n-th spindle no., $P_MAGREL[n,m] SW 6
toolholder no.
Number of spindle locations, toolholder $P_MAGNS SW 6
locations in the buffer magazine
n-th number of the spindle/toolholder in $P_MAGS[n] SW 6
the buffer
Determine the defined D numbers of a tool $P_TOOLD SW 6
Determine existence of a tool $P_TOOLEXIST SW 4
Number of DL offsets for the D offset $P_TOOLNDL[t,d] SW 4
Number of defined tool groups that are $P_TOOLNG SW 6
assigned to the channel
Number of tools that are assigned to the $P_TOOLNT SW 6

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Programming 09.05
5.12 Overview of the remaining OPI blocks of tool management

i-th tool number T $P_TOOLT[i] SW 6

A subset of the tool of the tool group is $P_USEKT, SW 6
named that is then available for a $TC_TP11
subsequent tool change.

Please refer to Chapter 3 for explanations.

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5-464 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
Data backup 6
6.1 Back up the NCK data
How to read the data in over the RS-232 (V.24) interface is described in:
References: /BAD/ Operator’s Guide HMI Advanced

Complete backup
All the data of the active file system are output via file INITIAL.INI.

Tool data
All tool-specific data is backed up in file _N_TOx_TOA.

Magazine data
All magazine data is backed up in file _N_TOx_TMA.

Tool and magazine data

All tool and magazine data is backed up in file _N_TOx_INI.
The presence/absence of the data reference in the following is determined primar-
ily by the appropriateness of the MD settings.

Please make sure that the spindle is empty before backing up data. Should it
no longer possible e.g in the service case to change the tool, then the back-up can
still be executed. Alarm “22070 TO unit 000x, please load tool T=000x to
magazine and repeat data backup” is issued. The data is backed up correctly;
however, you must make sure that this backup is used only for this machine, since
the current states are also saved.

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 6-465
Data backup 09.05
6.1 Back up the NCK data

The format in the backup file is as follows:

1. Tool definitions
2. Magazine definitions
3. Parameters which set up a relationship between defined tools and defined mag-
azine locations.

1. Tool definitions
$TC_TP1[ i ] Tool data
$TC_TP11[ i]
$TC_TPC1[ i ] CC user tool data
$TC_TPC10[ i ]
$TC_DP1[ i, j ] Cutting edge data (available without/with tool
$TC_DP25[ i , j ]
$TC_DPC1[ i, j ] CC cutting edge data
$TC_DPC10[ i , j ]
$TC_MOP1[ i, j ] Monitoring data
$TC_MOP4[ i , j ]
$TC_MOPC1[ i, j ] CC monitoring data
$TC_MOPC10[ i , j ]
$TC_TPG1[ i ] Grinding (exists only for tools of type ‘Grinding tool’
... with/without TM)
$TC_TPG9[ i ]
$TC_TP1[ i+1 ] Tool data
$TC_TP11[ i+1 ]
$TC_TPG1[ i+1 ] Grinding
$TC_TPG9[ i+1 ]

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6-466 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Data backup
6.1 Back up the NCK data

2. Magazine definitions
$TC_MAMP1 Magazine module parameters
$TC_MPTH[ n, m ] Magazine location type hierarchy structures
$TC_MAP1[ i ] Magazine parameters
$TC_MAP8[ i ]
$TC_MAPC1[ i ] CC magazine parameters
$TC_MAPC10[ i ]
$TC_MPP1[ i, j ] Magazine location parameters
$TC_MPP5[ i, j ]
$TC_MPPC1[ i, j ] CC magazine location parameters
$TC_MPPC10[ i, j ]
$TC_MAP1[ i+1 ] Magazine parameters
$TC_MAP8[ i+1 ]
$TC_MDP1[ k, l ] Magazine distance to spindles,...
$TC_MDP2[ k, l ]
$TC_MLSR[ k, l ] Relationship between buffer locations and spindles;

3. Relationship between tools and magazine locations

$TC_MPP6[ i, j ] Tool in magazine location
$TC_MPP6[ i, j +1 ]
$TC_MPP6[ i, j +J ]

$TC_MPP6[ i+1, j ]
$TC_MPP6[ i+1, j +1 ]
$TC_MPP6[ i+1 j +J ]

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 6-467
Data backup 09.05
6.1 Back up the NCK data

$TC_MPP6[ i+I, j ]
$TC_MPP6[ i+I, j +1 ]
$TC_MPP6[ i+I, j +J ]
The data in the magazine module is only backed up if at least one magazine loca-
tion has been defined.

Tool management data of tool management functions not available are ignored
when writing data into the active file system. No alarm is produced.
An alarm (17020 = ‘Index error’) is however always generated by reading tool
management data that is not present.
This means that tool management data records (backup files) that have been
generated in the NCK with a special tool management function configuration can
be transferred to other SINUMERIK 840D controls that have different tool
management functions. The permitted data are then “filtered out”.

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6-468 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Data backup
6.2 Back up the PLC data

6.2 Back up the PLC data

Use the programming device (S7) to save DB 4. The type and number of maga-
zines, loading points, stations and spindles are stored here. The basic program
uses this information to set up the interface blocks.

6.3 Data backup on hard disk

The access database from the directory Services \ Tool management \ Tool
management data \ WZACCESS.MDB.
This file contains all tool data of the HMI
-- IB data (configuration, buffer, loading magazine)
-- Tool catalog, tool cabinet
-- Magazine configurations

Attention shall be paid under all circumstances during the back-up routine that a
Power ON for the the HMI and NCK has been executed beforehand, e.g. by
OFF/ON, to ensure that the database is not opened.

6.4 $TC_MPP66 -- Expansion for the data backup with tools

in the buffer
Loaded tools that are in a buffer when the data backup is executed have caused
the magazine location from where they were loaded to go to state “reserved for
tools from buffer”.
In the backup file, the new system variable $TC_MPP66 contains the information
which is not yet backed up. This information is necessary to make the tool in the
buffer known the the (proprietor) location in the magazine when importing the data
again. This makes it possible to load fixed-location-coded tools back to their spe-
cific location in the magazine.

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Data backup 09.05
6.4 $TC_MPP66 -- Expansion for the data backup with tools in the buffer

Name $TC_MPP66[n,m]
Meaning T number (of the tool in the buffer) that has been reserved for
the location defined by n, m. A write operation is only meaningful
when uploading a backup file to the NCK.
The name is based on $TC_MPP6--T-No. of the tool in the
Data type INT in software version 6 and
Value range 1--32000
Indices Meaning Value range
n = Magazine number
m = Location number
Access Read in part Write in part Read in Write in
program program synchronous synchronous
action action
X X -- --
Implicit -- -- --

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6-470 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
Restrictions 7
S 8MB user memory
S OP 030 only in conjunction with HMI Embedded
S PCU50 with OP012

The PLC blocks for tool management must be integrated into the PLC from the
“basic program” toolbox (FC 6, FC 7, FC 8, FC 22).

The tool management option must be active.

M06 and T command

The T number and the M06 command are not transferred to the PLC as auxiliary
functions when tool management is active but to the tool management interface
DB71 to DB73 in the PLC instead.

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Restrictions 09.05


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7-472 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
Machine data 8
8.1 Machine Data

8.1.1 Display machine data for HMI

No. Name Description Default Max.

TM_DEFAULT setting value
9412 TOOLSIZE Default setting for tool size 1111 7777
9416 TOOLTYPE Default setting for loading, 120 900
tool type
9417 TOOLSTATE Default setting for loading, 0 256
tool status
9418 SHOW_TOOL_SIZE The tool size is shown in 0 256
the displays as two or four
9419 DELETE_TOOL Automatic deletion of tool 0 1
data during unloading
0: No automatic deletion
1: Automatic deletion

No. Name Description Default

TM_DEFAULT setting
9250 SKMGLIST Display of magazine list 7
9251 SKTLLIST Display of tool list (horizontal) 7
9252 SKTOOLLOAD Access rights for loading 7
9253 SKTOOLUNLOAD Access rights for unloading 7
9254 TOOL_MOVE Access rights for relocating 7
9255 SKMGLREPR1 Display of 1st magazine list 7
9256 SKMGLREPR2 Display of 2nd magazine list (vertical) 7
9257 SKMGLREPR3 Display of 3rd magazine list (vertical) 7

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 8-473
Machine data 09.05
8.1 Machine Data

No. Name Description Default

TM_DEFAULT setting
9258 SKCNNEWTOOLE Access rights: Create new cutting 7
9259 SKNCDELTOOL Access rights: Delete tool 7
9260 SKMGBUFFER Access rights: Power ON/Power OFF 7
9261 SKMGFIND Access rights: Find 7
9262 SKMGLISTPOS Access rights: Position 7
9263 SKMGNEXT Access rights: Scroll to next magazine 7
9264 SLTLNEWTOOL Access rights: Create a new tool 7
9265 SKMTLREPR1 Display 1st tool list 7
9266 SKMTLREPR2 Display 2nd tool list 7
9267 SKMTLREPR3 Display 3rd tool list 7
9268 SKFINDPL Access rights: Empty location softkey 7
9269 SKFINDPLACE Access rights: Empty location softkey 7
and display tool list
9270 SKACTPLACE Access rights: Load current location 7
9271 SKLDTOOLDAT Access rights: View and edit tool data 7
(the tool data can be protected
individually with machine data 9201,
9202 and 9209).

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8-474 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Machine data
8.1 Machine Data

8.1.2 Memory settings for tool management

MD number
Default setting: 0x0 Minimum input limit: 0 Maximum input limit: 0xFFFF
Changes effective after: Power ON Protection level: 1/7 Unit: --
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 2
Meaning: Activation of the tool management memory with “0” means:
The set tool management data do not occupy any memory, tool management is not avail-

Bit 0=1: Memory for tool-management-specific data will be made available, the memory-
reserving machine data must however be accordingly set (MM_NUM_MAG-
Bit 1=1: Memory for monitoring data is made available
Bit 2=1: Memory for user data (CC data) is made available
Bit 3=1: Memory for “consider adjacent location” is made available
Bit 4=1: Memory and function enable for the PI service _N_TSEARC = “complex search
for tools in magazines” is made available.
Bit5=1: Wear monitoring active
Bit 6=1: Wear group available
Bit 7=1: Reserve memory for adapter of magazine locations
Bit 8=1: Memory for insert and/or setup compensations
Bit 9=1: Tools of a turret no longer exit their turret location for a tool change (in terms of
The coded type of memory reservation enables economic use of memory management for
the functionality provided.
Standard memory reservation for tool management:
MM_TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK = 3 (Bit 0 + 1=1) means tool management and tool
monitoring data are made available
MM_TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK = 1 means tool management without tool monitoring
function data
Special cases, errors,...

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 8-475
Machine data 09.05
8.1 Machine Data

8.1.3 NC-specific machine data

MD number Maximum number of replacement tools
Default setting: 0 Minimum input limit: 0 Maximum input limit: 32
Changes effective after: Power ON Protection level: 2/7 Unit: --
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 5.1
Meaning: Only meaningful if tool management function or tool monitoring function are active
Value Meaning
0 The number of replacement tools is not monitored.
1 There can be exactly one replacement tool for each identifier.
This data does not affect memory requirements, but merely has a monitoring function.
Corresponding to... MD 18080: MM_TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK
Further references: Description of Functions: Memory Configuration (S7)

MD number Behavior of tool data at unloading
Default setting: -- Minimum input limit: -- Maximum input limit: --
Changes effective after POWER ON Protection level: 2/7 Unit: --
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 6.3
Meaning: When the tool is unloaded, some tool data can be assigned fixed values:

Bit no. Bit value Hexadecimal Meaning

0 0 Tool status “active” remains unchanged
1 “H1” Tool status “active” is deleted ($TC_TP8, bit 0)
1 0 Tool status “was in use” remains unchanged
1 “H2” Tool status “was in use” is deleted ($TC_TP8, bit 7)
2 0 Tool parameter $TC_TP10 remains unchanged
! “H4” Tool parameter $TC_TP10 is set to value 0.
This means the tool replacement strategy is reset.
3 0 Tool parameter $TC_TP11 remains unchanged
1 “H8” Tool parameter $TC_TP11 is set to value 0.
This means the assignment to the tool subgroup is re-
Corresponding to...
Further references:

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8-476 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Machine data
8.1 Machine Data

MD number Behavior of tool data at RESETMON
Default setting: 0x14 Minimum input limit: 0 Maximum input limit: 0xfffff960
Changes effective after POWER ON Protection level: 2/7 Unit: --
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 7.3
Meaning: The RESETMON command specifies in the 5th parameter which tool status is to be reset.
If the 5th parameter is omitted, it is replaced with the value from this MD. This value is al-
ways used with PI service “_N_TRESMON”.
The bits are assigned like the bits in tool status $TC_TP8[x].

Bit no. Bit value Hexadecimal Meaning

0 0 Tool status “active” remains unchanged
1 “H1” Tool status “active” is deleted
1 0 Tool status “enabled” remains unchanged
1 “H2” Tool status “enabled” is set
2 0 Tool status “disabled” remains unchanged
! “H4” Tool status “disabled” is deleted if permitted by the monitor-
ing data and the 4th parameter is set accordingly.
3 0 Tool status “measured” remains unchanged
1 “H8” Tool status “measured” is set
4 0 Tool status “prewarning limit” remains unchanged
1 “H10” Tool status “prewarning limit” is deleted
5 Not permitted (tool status “tool being changed”)
6 0 Not permitted (tool status “tool is fixed-location-coded”)
7 0 Tool status “was in use” remains unchanged
1 “H80” Tool status “was in use” is deleted
8 0 Not permitted (tool status “being transported back”)
9 Tool status “disabled is ignored” remains unchanged
1 “H200” Tool status “disabled is ignored” is deleted
10 0 Tool status “to unload” remains unchanged
1 “H400” Tool status “to unload” is deleted
11 Not permitted (tool status “to load”)
12 0 Not permitted (tool status “master tool”)
13, ff Not permitted (is reserved)
The default setting corresponds to behavior up to now.
The bits that are not permitted as filtered and hidden by the limit screen.
Corresponding to...
Further references:

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 8-477
Machine data 09.05
8.1 Machine Data

MD number Create new tool: Data default setting
Default setting: -- Minimum input limit: -- Maximum input limit: --
Changes effective after POWER ON Protection level: 2/7 Unit: --
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 6.3
Meaning: When a tool is redefined, some tool data can be assigned fixed default values. This way
simple applications do not need to process data which does not necessarily need to be
assigned individual values.

Bit no. Bit value Hexadecimal Meaning

0 0 Default value of tool status ($TC_TP8), Bit1=0=“not en-
1 “H1” Default value of tool status ($TC_TP8), Bit1=1=“enabled”
1 0 Default value of tool status ($TC_TP8), Bit6=0=“not fixed-
1 “H2” Default value of tool status ($TC_TP8), Bit6=1=“fixed-loca-
2 0 The tool is only included in the tool group with the explicit
write command for the tool name. Only then can it be
loaded at change.
1 “H4” The tool is automatically included in the tool group when
redefinded. (Now tool change can be performed with the
default name (“t”=t-no.).
The “tool name” ($TC_TP2) can be hidden to the user.
This is only meaningful if replacement tool are not used.)
3 0 TMMG only: Default value of location type
($TC_TP7)=9999=not defined
1 “H8” TMMG only: Default value of location type ($TC_TP7)=1
and associated default values of magazine location type
(TC_MPP2)=1. All magazine locations can now accept all
Corresponding to...
Further references:

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09.05 Machine data
8.1 Machine Data

MD number Identify tool data change for HMI
Default setting: -- Minimum input limit: -- Maximum input limit: --
Changes effective after POWER ON Protection level: 2/7 Unit: --
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 6.3
Meaning: HMI display support. This data setting allows explicit inclusion/exclusion of individual data
in the OPI variables (block C/S) toolCounter, toolCounterC, toolCounterM.

Bit no. Bit value Hexadecimal Meaning

0 0 Value changes to tool status ($TC_TP8) are not taken into
accont in toolCounterC
1 “H1” Value changes to tool status ($TC_TP8) are taken into
accont in toolCounterC
1 0 Value changes to remaining tool count ($TC_MOP4) are
not taken into accont in toolCounterC
1 “H2” Value changes to remaining tool count ($TC_MOP4) are
taken into accont in toolCounterC
“Value changes to tool status” and “Value changes to remaining tool count” are relative to
the value changes which are caused by internal processes in the NC, as well as to value
changes caused by writing the respective system variables.
Corresponding to...
Further references:

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 8-479
Machine data 09.05
8.1 Machine Data

MD number Definition of tool types permitted in the NCK for tool offset selection
Default setting: Minimum input limit: Maximum input limit:
Changes effective after: Power ON Protection level: 2/7 Unit: --
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 6.4
Meaning: Definition of tool types (see $TC_DP1) permitted in the NCK for tool offset selection. Tools
of any tool type can be loaded to the NCK, however, only the tool types specified here can
be defined in the tool determining the offset. A bit value = 1 means that the specified tool
type range is permitted for the offset selection. A bit value = 0 means that the specified tool
type range is not permitted for the offset selection. When an attempt is made to select an
offset for a cutting edge of this type, the selection is refused and an offset-capable alarm is
issued. Value = 0, 9999 for the tool type means “not defined”. In general, it is not possible to
select tool offsets with this value for the tool type.
Bit no. Description
0 Tool types 1 to 99 permitted
1 Tool types 100 to 199 permitted (milling tools)
2 Tool types 200 to 299 permitted (drilling tools)
3 Tool types 300 to 399 permitted
4 Tool types 400 to 499 permitted (grinding tools)
5 Tool types 500 to 599 permitted (turning tools)
6 Tool types 600 to 699 permitted
7 Tool types 700 to 799 permitted
8 Tool types 800 to 899 permitted
9 Tool types 900 to 999 permitted

Corresponding to...
Further references:

MD number Number of tools the NCK can manage
Default setting: 30 Minimum input limit: 0 Maximum input limit: 600
Changes effective after POWER ON Protection level: 2/7 Unit: --
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 2.
Meaning: The number of tools which the NCK can manage is entered here. The maximum possible
number of tools corresponds to the number of edges in the NCK.
Battery-backed memory is reserved for the number of tools.
Special cases, errors,...
Corresponding to... MD 18100: MM_NUM_CUTTING_EDGES_IN_TOA
Further references: Description of Functions: Memory Configuration (S7), Tool Offset (W1)

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

8-480 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Machine data
8.1 Machine Data

MD number Number of magazines the NCK can manage
Default setting: 3 Minimum input limit: 0 Maximum input limit: 32
Changes effective after POWER ON Protection level: 2/7 Unit: --
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 2
Meaning: Tool management (TMG) only if MD tool management and option tool management are set:
Number of magazines that the NCK can manage (active and background magazines).
The non-volatile memory for the magazines is reserved with this machine data.

Important: One load magazine and a buffer magazine is set up in the tool management for
each TOA unit. These magazines must be taken into account.

Value = 0: Tool management cannot be activated because no data can be created.

Special cases, errors,...
Corresponding to...
Further references: Description of Functions: Memory Configuration (S7)

MD number Number of magazine locations the NCK can manage
Default setting: 30 Minimum input limit: 0 Maximum input limit: 600
Changes effective after: Power ON Protection level: 2/7 Unit: --
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 2
Meaning: TMG -- only if MD for tool management and tool management option are set:
Number of magazine locations that the NCK can manage.
The battery-backed memory for the magazines is reserved with this MD.
Important: The number of all buffer locations and loading points has to be taken into ac-
count here.
Value = 0: Tool management cannot be activated because no data can be created.
Special cases, errors,...
Corresponding to...
Further references: Description of Functions: Memory Configuration (S7)

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 8-481
Machine data 09.05
8.1 Machine Data

MD number Maximum number of toolholders
Default setting: 0 Minimum input limit: 0 Maximum input limit: 99999999
Changes effective after: Power ON Protection level: 2/7 Unit: --
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 4.1
Meaning: The maximum number of toolholders that can be defined for orientational tools in the TO
range. The value is divided by the number of active TO units. The integer result indicates
how many toolholders can be defined per TO unit.
The data for defining a toolholder is set with the system variables $TC_CARR1,
...$TC_CARR14, or via HMI operator screens or generally via the variable service of the
2 channels are active, with one channel per TO unit (=default).
3 holders must be defined in channel 1 and one holder in channel 2. The value to be set is
6 because 6/2 = 3.
Special cases, errors,...
Corresponding to...
Further references: Description of Functions: Tool Offsets (S7)

MD number Number of magazine data for users/compile cycles
Default setting: 0 Minimum input limit: 0 Maximum input limit: 10
Changes effective after POWER ON Protection level: 2/2 Unit: --
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 2
Meaning: Number of magazine parameters (of the integer type) that are made available to the user or
the Compile Cycle.
If this machine data is set, the amount of non-volatile memory required is increased by
sizeof(int)∗ max. number of magazines.
Special cases, errors,...
Corresponding to... MD 18084: MM_NUM_MAGAZINE
Further references:

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8-482 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Machine data
8.1 Machine Data

MD number Type definition for magazine-oriented user data
Default setting: 3 Minimum input limit: 1 Maximum input limit: 6
Changes effective after: Power ON Protection level: 2/2 Unit: --
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 5.2
Meaning: The default settings for this machine data must not be altered.
Used to assign individual types to the parameters. The array index n can assume values
between 0 and the setting in machine data MD 18090: MM_NUM_CC_MAGAZINE_PA-
The possible values of the MD = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 denote the NC command types BOOL,
CHAR, INT, REAL, STRING and AXIS. The type FRAME cannot be defined here. Type
STRING must not be longer than 31 characters. Example:
“UserMagazine” can be programmed for parameter $TC_MAPC1.
The non-volatile RAM is used. Changing the value can, but does not necessarily, result in
reconfiguration of the non-volatile memory.
Corresponding to... MD 18090: MM_NUM_CC_MAGAZINE_PARAM
Further references:

MD number Number of magazine location data for users/compile cycles
Default setting: 0 Minimum input limit: 0 Maximum input limit: 10
Changes effective after POWER ON Protection level: 2/2 Unit: --
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 2.
Meaning: Number of magazine-location data parameters (of the integer type) that are made available
to the user or the Compile Cycle.

If this machine data is set, the amount of non-volatile memory required increases by si-
zeof(int)∗ max. number of magazine locations.
Special cases, errors,...
Corresponding to... MD 18086: MM_NUM_MAGAZINE_LOCATION
Further references:

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 8-483
Machine data 09.05
8.1 Machine Data

MD number Type definition for magazine location-oriented user data
Default setting: 3 Minimum input limit: 1 Maximum input limit: 6
Changes effective after: Power ON Protection level: 2/2 Unit: --
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 5.2
Meaning: Settings deviating from the standard pre-assignment are not supported by
the standard HMI display up to now.
Used to assign individual types to the parameters. The array index n can assume values
between 0 and the setting in machine data MD 18092: MM_NUM_CC_MAGLOC_PARAM.
The possible values of the MD = 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 denote the NC command types.
3 INT,
4 REAL and
The type STRING cannot be used explicitly here, value 5 is treated like value 2. The type
FRAME cannot be defined here. Example:
“UserMagazineLocation” can be programmed for parameter $TC_MPPC1.
The non-volatile RAM is used. Changing the value can, but does not necessarily, result in
reconfiguration of the non-volatile memory.

Corresponding to... MD 18092: MM_TYPE_CCS_MAGLOG_PARAM

Further references:

MD number Number of tool parameters for users/compile cycles
Default setting: 0 Minimum input limit: 0 Maximum input limit: 10
Changes effective after POWER ON Protection level: 2/2 Unit: --
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 2
Meaning: Number of tool-specific data that can be created for each tool (of type integer) and are
available to the user or compile cycle.

If this machine data is set, the amount of non-volatile memory required increases by si-
zeof(double) ∗ max. number of tools.
Special cases, errors,...
Corresponding to... MD 18082: MM_NUM_TOOL
Further references:

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8-484 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Machine data
8.1 Machine Data

MD number Type definition for tool-oriented user data
Default setting: 4 Minimum input limit: 1 Maximum input limit: 6
Changes effective after: Power ON Protection level: 2/2 Unit: --
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 5.2
Meaning: Settings deviating from the standard pre-assignment are not supported by
the standard HMI display up to now.
Used to assign individual types to the parameters. The array index n can assume values
between 0 and the setting in machine data MD 18094: MM_NUM_CC_TDA_PARAM.
The possible values of the MD = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 denote the NC command types.
3 INT,
5 STRING and
The type FRAME cannot be defined here. Type STRING must not be longer than 31 char-
“UserCuttingEdge” can be programmed for parameter $TC_TPC1.
The non-volatile RAM is used. Changing the value can, but does not necessarily, result in
reconfiguration of the non-volatile memory.

Corresponding to... MD 18094: MM_NUM_CC_TDA_PARAM

Further references:

MD number Number of TOA data for users/compile cycles
Default setting: 0 Minimum input limit: 0 Maximum input limit: 10
Changes effective after POWER ON Protection level: 2/2 Unit: --
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 2
Meaning: Number of TOA data that can be created for each tool (of type Double) and are available to
the user or compile cycle.

If this machine data is set, the amount of non-volatile memory required increases by si-
zeof(double) ∗ max. number of edges.
Special cases, errors,...
Corresponding to... MD 18100: MM_NUM_CUTTING_EDGES_IN_TOA
Further references:

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 8-485
Machine data 09.05
8.1 Machine Data

MD number Type definition for cutting edge-oriented user data
Default setting: 4 Minimum input limit: 1 Maximum input limit: 6
Changes effective after: Power ON Protection level: 2/2 Unit: --
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 5.2
Meaning: Settings deviating from the standard pre-assignment are not supported by
the standard-MMC display up to now.
Used to assign individual types to the parameters. The array index n can assume values
between 0 and the setting in machine data MD 18096: MM_NUM_CC_TOA_PARAM.
The possible values of the MD = 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 denote the NC command types.
3 INT,
The type STRING cannot be used explicitly here, value 5 is treated like value 2.
The type FRAME cannot be defined here. Example:
“UserCuttingEdge” can be programmed for parameter $TC_DPC1.
The non-volatile RAM is used. Changing the value can, but does not necessarily, result in
reconfiguration of the non-volatile memory.

Corresponding to... MD 18096: MM_NUM_CC_TOA_PARAM

Further references:

MD number Number of monitoring data for users/compile cycles
Default setting: 0 Minimum input limit: 0 Maximum input limit: 10
Changes effective after POWER ON Protection level: 2/2 Unit: --
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 2
Meaning: Number of monitoring data that are created for each tool (of type integer) and are available
to the user or compile cycle.

If this machine data is set, the amount of non-volatile memory required is increased by
sizeof(int) ∗ max. number of cutting edges.
Special cases, errors,...
Corresponding to... MD 18100: MM_NUM_CUTTING_EDGES_IN_TOA
Further references:

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8-486 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Machine data
8.1 Machine Data

MD number Type definition for monitoring-related user data
Default setting: 3 Minimum input limit: 1 Maximum input limit: 6
Changes effective after: Power ON Protection level: 2/2 Unit: --
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 5.2
Meaning: Settings deviating from the standard pre-assignment are not supported by
the standard-MMC display up to now.
Used to assign individual types to the parameters. The array index n can assume values
between 0 and the setting in machine data MD 18098: MM_NUM_CC_MON_PARAM.
The possible values of the MD = 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 denote the NC command types.
3 INT,
4 REAL and
The type STRING cannot be used explicitly here, value 5 is treated like value 2.
The type FRAME cannot be defined here.
“UserCuttingEdge” can be programmed for parameter $TC_MOPC1.
The non-volatile RAM is used. Changing the value can, but does not necessarily, result in
reconfiguration of the non-volatile memory.

Corresponding to... MD 18100: MM_NUM_CUTTING_EDGES_IN_TOA

Further references:

MD number Number of tool cutting edges in TO area
Default setting: 30 Minimum input limit: 0 Maximum input limit: 600/1500 (SW 5
and higher)
Changes effective after POWER ON Protection level: 2/7 Unit: --
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 1
Meaning: Number of cutting edges possible in the TO area.
For each tool edge approx. 250 bytes per TOA block of the battery-backed memory are
reserved with this machine data irrespective of the tool type.

Tools with type 400--499 edges (=grinding tools) also occupy the location of a tool edge.
Define 10 grinding tools with one cutting edge each.
Then the min. settings must be made:
see also MM_NUM_TOOL
Special cases, errors,... The data in the buffer are lost when the machine data are changed!
Corresponding to...
Further references: Description of Functions: Memory Configuration (S7)

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 8-487
Machine data 09.05
8.1 Machine Data

MD number Type of D number programming
Default setting: 0 Minimum input limit: 0 Maximum input limit: 1
Changes effective after POWER ON Protection level: 2/7 Unit: --
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 4.1
Meaning: Activates the “flat D number management”.
The individual values determine the type of D programming (direct or indirect program-
ming): The default value is 0. This setting means that the NCK manages the T and D num-
A value > 0 is only accepted by the NCK if bit 0 is not set in MM_TOOL_MANAGE-
MENT_MASK, i.e. tool management (TMG) and tool monitoring (TMO) cannot be active at
the same time.
Value Meaning
0 No “flat D number management” active
1 Direct and absolute programming of D numbers
Values 2, 3 not enabled up to now
Special cases, errors,...
Corresponding to...
Further references: Description of Functions: Tool Offset (W1)

MD number Tool adapter in TO area
Default setting: 0 Minimum input limit: --1 Maximum input limit: 600
Changes effective after POWER ON Protection level: 2/7 Unit: --
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 5
Meaning: Contains the number of tool data records available in NCK. This function can only be used
if magazine locations are available in the NCK. I.e. the tool management function must be
active. In order to activate the setting, bit 7 (=0x80) must be set in

Adapter data blocks and the cutting-edge-specific basis / adapter-data blocks are mutually
excluding. I.e. when adapter data are defined, then the parameter $TC_DP21, $TC_DP22,
$TC_DP23 or their values in NCK are available.
Value Meaning
--1 Every magazine location is automatically assigned an adapter,
i.e. internally there are just as many adapters foreseen as are foreseen by the
magazine locations set in MD $MN_MM_NUM_MAGAZINE_LOCATION.
0 No adapter-data definition possible. Cutting-edge-specific parameters
$TC_DP21, $TC_DP22 and $TC_DP23 are available in cases where adapters
are utilized outside the active TM.
>0 Number of adapter data records. By this, adapters can be defined independently
of magazine locations. An additional step following definition of the data assigns
the adapters to magazine locations.

Corresponding to... MD 18080: MM_TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK

Further references:

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8-488 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Machine data
8.1 Machine Data

MD number Maximum value of D number
Default setting: 9 Minimum input limit: 1 Maximum input limit: 32000
Changes effective after POWER ON Protection level: 2/7 Unit: --
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 5
Meaning: Maximum number of D numbers per cutting edge is not affected by this.
The monitoring of the D number assignment associated with this value is only effective for
new definitions of D numbers. This means the existing data records are not checked later --
if the MD is changed.
Advisable setting:
> $MN_MM_MAX_CUTTING_EDGE_PER_TOOL is set, you should familiarize yourself
with the difference between offset number D and the tool edge number CE.
See also language commands CHKDNO, CHKDM, GETDNO, SETDNO, DZERO.
The is not evaluated with the function “flat D number” and accordingly is not meaningful
The MD can change the memory requirements:
A change from “less than equal to” to “greater than” -- or vice versa -- in the values of both
the above mentioned MDs can influence the demand for volatile memory.

Corresponding to... MD 18106: MM_MAX_CUTTING_EDGE_PER_TOOL

Further references: Description of Functions: Tool Offset (W1)

MD number Max. number of D numbers per tool
Default setting: 9 Minimum input limit: 1 Maximum input limit: 12
Changes effective after POWER ON Protection level: 2/7 Unit: --
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 5
Meaning: Maximum number of cutting edges (D compensation) per tool (per T number)
This allows greater security with the data definition. A value of 1 can be set if only tools with
one cutting edge are to be used. This will avoid the problem of assigning more than one
cutting edge to the tool when data is defined.
Logically the same value is set for MM_MAX_CUTTING_EDGE_NO as for
greater than MM_MAX_CUTTING_EDGE_PER_TOOL, you should familiarize yourself with
the difference between offset number D and the tool edge number CE.
See also language commands CHKDNO, CHKDM, GETDNO, SETDNO, DZERO.
The is not evaluated with the function “flat D number” and accordingly is not meaningful
The MD can change the memory requirements:
A change from “less than equal to” to “greater than” -- or vice versa -- in the values of both
the above mentioned MDs can influence the demand for volatile memory.

Corresponding to... MD 18105: MM_MAX_CUTTING_EDGE_NO

Further references: Description of Functions: Tool Offset (W1)

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 8-489
Machine data 09.05
8.1 Machine Data

MD number Additive offsets in the TO area
Default setting: --1 Minimum input limit: --1 Maximum input limit: 9000
Changes effective after POWER ON Protection level: 2/7 Unit: --
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 5
Meaning: Total number of additive offsets in NCK.
A setting of --1 means that the number of sum offsets equals the number of cutting edges *
number of sum offsets per cutting edge.
A value > 0 and < “Number of cutting edges* number of additive offsets per cutting edge”
means that per cutting edge, a maximum of the “Number of additive offsets per cutting
edge” can -- but does not need to -- be defined, i.e. the option is given for using the non-vol-
atile memory sparingly. Only the cutting edges defined for the explicit data have a additive
offset data block.
Non-volatile memory is reserved. The memory requirements for additive offset are doubled
if “Setup offset” is also configured and active; see MD $MN_MM__KIND_OF_SUMCORR.
Corresponding to... MD 18100: MM_NUM_CUTTING_EDGE_IN_TOA
Further references: Description of Functions: Tool Offset (W1)

MD number Maximum number of sum offsets per cutting edge
Default setting: 1 Minimum input limit: 1 Maximum input limit: 6
Changes effective after POWER ON Protection level: 2/7 Unit: --
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 1
Meaning: The following applies to MM_NUM_SUMCORR >0:
This data does not reserve memory, but is used for monitoring purposes only.
The following applies to MM_NUM_SUMCORR = --1:
This data reserves non-volatile memory.
Corresponding to... MD 18100: MM_NUM_CUTTING_EDGES_IN_TOA
Further references: Description of Functions: Memory Configuration (S7)

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

8-490 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Machine data
8.1 Machine Data

MD number Properties of additive offset in the TO area
Default setting: 0 Minimum input limit: 0 Maximum input limit: 0x1F
Changes effective after POWER ON Protection level: 2/7 Unit: --
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 5
Meaning: Properties of additive offsets in NCK.
Bit 0=0 “Additive offsets fine” are saved when the tool data is backed up.
Bit 0=1 “Additive offsets fine” are not saved when the tool data is backed up.

Bit 1=0 Setup offsets are saved when the tool data is backed up.
Bit 1=1 Setup offsets are not saved when the tool data is backed up.

Bit 2=0 If the function tool management (TMG) or tool monitoring (TMO) are used, then
setting the tool status to “active” has no effect on the “additive offsets
fine”/setup offsets already in use.
Bit 2=1 When the tool status is set to “active”, the existing additive offsets are set to
the value 0. This does not influence the setup offsets.

Bit 3=0 If the functions “TMG” = “Adapter” are in use:

“Additive offsets fine”/setup offsets are transformed.
Bit 3=1 “Additive offsets fine”/setup offsets are not transformed.

Bit 4=0 No setup data blocks.

Bit 4=1 setup compensation data blocks are created as well. The sum offset is thus the
product of the setup offset sum offset fine.

Changing the states of bits 0, 1, 2 and 3 does not alter the memory configuration. Changing
the status of bit 4 causes the non-volatile memory to be re-configured with the next Power
ON operation.
Corresponding to... MD 18100: MM_NUM_CUTTING_EDGES_IN_TOA
Further references: Description of Functions: Tool Offset (W1)

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Machine data 09.05
8.1 Machine Data

8.1.4 Channelspecific machine data

MD number Meaning of the address extension with T, M “tool change code”
Default setting: 0 Minimum input limit: 0 Maximum input limit: 1
Changes effective after: Power ON Protection level: 2/7 Unit:
Data type: Boolean Applies as of SW 6.1
Meaning: Only meaningful if functions “Tool and magazine management” / “Flat D numbers” are inac-
FALSE The contents of the address extension of the NC addresses T and M “change-
command number” are not evaluated by the NCK. The PLC determines the
meaning of the programmed extension
TRUE The address extension of NC addresses T and M “Change command number”
are interpreted as a spindle number. The NCK thus handles the extension in a
way analogous to the function tool management or TMFD.
The programmed D number always refers to the T number of programmed main-
spindle numbers.
Corresponding to... MD 20090: SPIND_DEF_MASTER_SPIND
Further references:

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8.1 Machine Data

MD number Definition of tool length compensation selection after power-up and reset
Default setting: 0x0 Minimum input limit: 0 Maximum input limit: 0x7FFF
Changes effective after: RESET Protection level: 2/7 Unit: HEX
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 2
Meaning: Definition of the basic PLC setting after booting and reset/end of part program with respect
to the G codes (especially current level and adjustable zero offset), tool-length offset and
transformation by setting the following bits (only the bits in bold are relevant for tool man-
Bit 0 Reset mode
Bit 1 Suppress auxiliary function output on tool selection
Bit 2 Selection of the reset response after Power ON; e.g. of tool offset
Bit 3 Selection of the reset response at the end of the test mode for active tool
offsets. This bit is relevant only if bits 0 and 6 are set.
It defines the relation for the “current setting for the active tool length
- The program which was active at the end of the test operation
- The program which was active before the test operation was activated
Bit 4 Reserved! Setting is now made in $MC_GCODE_RESET_MODE[..]
Bit 5 Reserved! Setting is now made in $MC_GCODE_RESET_MODE[..]
Bit 6 Reset response Active tool length compensation
Bit 7 Reset response Active kinematic transformation
Bit 8 Reset response Coupled-motion axes
Bit 9 Reset response Tangential follow-up
Bit 10 Reset response Synchronous spindle
Bit 11 Reset response Revolutional feedrate
Bit 12 Reset response Geo-axis replacement
Bit 13 Reset response Master value coupling
Bit 14 Reset response Basic frame
Bits 4 to 11 are evaluated only if bit 0=1.
Bit 15 Function for electronic gears, not relevant for tool management.
Bit 16=0 After end of program/reset, the number given by the MD SPIND_DEF_MAS-
TER_SPIND is the number of the master spindle
Bit 16=1 The programmed value of “SETM” is retained after end of program/reset
Bit 17=0 After end of program/reset, the toolholder number provided in MD TOOL_MAN-
AGEMENT_TOOLHOLDER is the number of the master toolholder
Bit 17=1 The programmed value of SETMH is retained after end of program/reset
Both bits are only meaningful if bit 0=1 is set as well. Bit value=0 is set so that the behavior
applicable up to now is retained with bit 0=1. (The effect of bit 0=0 was and is that the val-
ues programmed for SETMTH/SETMS are retained at end of program.)
Corresponding to... MD 20120: TOOL_RESET_VALUE
Further references: Description of Functions: Coordinate Systems (K2)

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Machine data 09.05
8.1 Machine Data

MD number Definition of tool length compensation selection after part program start
Default setting: 0x400 Minimum input limit: 0 Maximum input limit: 0x7FFF
Changes effective after: RESET Protection level: 2/7 Unit: HEX
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 3
Meaning: Definition of the basic PLC control for part-program start with respect to the G codes (espe-
cially current level and adjustable zero offset), tool-length offset, transformation and axis
coupling setting the following bits (only the bits in bold are relevant for tool management):
Bit 0 Not assigned: $MC_START_MODE_MASK is evaluated every time the part
program is started
Bit 1 Suppress auxiliary function output on tool selection
Bit 4 Start response G code Current plane
Bit 5 Start response G code Settable zero offset
Bit 6 Start response Active tool length compensation
Bit 7 Start response Active kinematic transformation
Bit 8 Start response Coupled-motion axes
Bit 9 Start response Tangential follow-up
Bit 10 Start response Synchronous spindle
Bit 11 Reserved
Bit 12 Start response “Geo-axis replacement”
Bit 13 Start response “Master value coupling”
Bit 14 Start response “Basic frame”
Bit 15 Function for electronic gears, not relevant for tool management.
Bit 16=0 The current value SETMS is retained (depends on the settings in RE-
Bit 16=1 At program start, the spindle defined in MD: $MC_SPIND_DEF_MAS-
TER_SPIND becomes the master spindle.
Bit 17=0 The current value SETMH is retained (depends on the settings in RE-
Bit 17=1 At program start, the number defined in MD: $MC_Tool_Management_Tool-
holder becomes the number of the master toolholder
Bit value=0 is set so that the behavior applicable up to now is retained.
Corresponding to... MD 20120: TOOL_RESET_VALUE
Further references: Description of Functions: Coordinate Systems (K2)

20120 TOOL_RESET_VALUE (only without tool management)

MD number Tool whose length compensation is selected during power-up
Default setting: 0 Minimum input limit: 0 Maximum input limit: 32000
Changes effective after: RESET Protection level: 2/7 Unit: --
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 2
Meaning: This data is valid only when the tool/magazine managment is not active.
Definition of tool of which length compensation is selected during power-up and on Reset/
end of part program as a function of MD 20110 and on start of part program as a function of
MD 20112.
Corresponding to... MD 20110: RESET_MODE_MASK MD 20112: START_MODE_MASK
Further references: Description of Functions: Coordinate Systems (K2)

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8.1 Machine Data

MD number Preselect tool on Reset
Default setting: 0 Minimum input limit: 0 Maximum input limit: 32000
Changes effective after: RESET Protection level: 2/7 Unit: --
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 4.1
Meaning: This data is only valid without tool management.
Definition of the preselected tool with MD 20310=1. A tool is preselected after power-up
and on Reset or end of part program as a function of MD 20110 and on start of part pro-
gram as a function of MD 20112.
Corresponding to... MD 20110: RESET_MODE_MASK
Further references: Description of Functions: Coordinate Systems (K2)

MD number Active tool at reset/start and tool management
Default setting: -- Minimum input limit: -- Maximum input limit: --
Changes effective after: RESET Protection level: 2/7 Unit: --
Data type: STRING Applies as of SW 3.2
Meaning: This data is valid only if the TM function is active.
Definition of the tool with which tool length compensation is selected during power-up and
on Reset or end of part program as a function of MD 20110 RESET_MODE_MASK and on
start of part program as a function of MD 20112 START_MODE_MASK.
Corresponding to... MD 20110: RESET_MODE_MASK MD 20112: START_MODE_MASK
Further references:

MD number Effective value of $P_USEKT at RESET
Default setting: 0x0, ... Minimum input limit: 0 Maximum input limit: 0xF
Changes effective after: RESET Protection level: 2/7 Unit:
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 6.1
Meaning: Definition of the tool-technology group during booting and for a reset or end of main pro-
gram as a dependency on MD $MC_RESET_MODE_MASK and for a part-program start in
dependency on MD $MC_START_MODE_MASK. This data is only valid for an active tool
management (TMMG) and/or active tool-monitoring function.
Corresponding to... MD 20110: RESET_MODE_MASK
Further references:

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Machine data 09.05
8.1 Machine Data

MD number Toolholder number
Default setting: 0,0,0,... Minimum input limit: 0 Maximum input limit: 16
Changes effective after: Power ON Protection level: 2/7 Unit: --
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 3.2.
Meaning: This data is relevant only when the tool management function is active.
Definition of whether toolholder no. or spindle no. is given in order to defined the location of
use for a a tool to be loaded. The tool management must know on which tool holder the tool
is to be loaded.
If the MD is greater than 0, the spindle numbers $TC_MPP5 are interpreted as toolholder
numbers. The automatic address extension of T and from M06 is then the value for this MD
and no longer the value of MD 20090 SPIND_DEF_MASTER_SPIND.
With machines where there are several toolholders without a designated master spindle,
the MD serves as the default value in order to determine the toolholder for the tool shall be
loaded. Tool holder n is declared the master tool holder with SETMTH(n). Tools which are to
be loaded in a buffer location of the spindle type and which have the value $TC_MPP5=n
correct the tool path. Tools with a value not equal to n have no effect on the offset.
The command SETMTH is used to declare the toolholder defined in the MD as the master
toolholder again.
When defining the magazine locations of internal magazines, spindle locations
--$TC_MPP1=2=spindle-location can be assigned a location type index ($TC_MPP5). This
assignes a concrete tool holder to the location.

Corresponding to... MD 20090 SPIND_DEF_MASTER_SPIND

Further references:

MD number Operative toolholder on Reset
Default setting: 0 Minimum input limit: 0.0 Maximum input limit: plus
Changes effective after: Reset Protection level: 2/7 Unit: --
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 4.1
Meaning: Definition of the toolholder with which the tool length compensation is selected during boot-
ing and for a reset or an end of the part program as a dependency on the machine data
$MC_RESET_MODE_MASK and for a main program start as a dependency on the ma-
chine data $MC_START_MODE_MASK.
Corresponding to... MD 20110: RESET_MODE_MASK
Further references: Description of Functions: Tool Offset (W1)

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8-496 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Machine data
8.1 Machine Data

MD number Collect tool changes during block search
Default setting: 1 Minimum input limit: -- Maximum input limit: --
Changes effective after: Immediately Protection level: 2/7 Unit: --
Data type: BOOLEAN Applies as of SW 4.3
Meaning: This MD is only relevant when tool management is active.
It determines whether the tool change M code defined in MD 22560:
TOOL_CHANGE_M_CODE will be collected in the block search with calculation.
TRUE: Tool change M code is collected
FALSE: Tool change M code is not collected
The tool determined in the search run is displayed and treated as the current
tool. The T-number output is not affected by this.
The tool compensation data determined on the NCK side are effective. There is
on change in the magazine data, etc.
Without tool management the tool change M code is not collected if it is not assigned to any
auxiliary function group.
Corresponding to... MD 22560: TOOL_CHANGE_M_CODE
Further references:

MD number Cutting edge effective at reset
Default setting: 0 Minimum input limit: 0 Maximum input limit: 32000
Changes effective after: RESET Protection level: 2/7 Unit: --
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 2
Meaning: Definition of the tool cutting edge with which the tool length compensation is selected during
booting and for a reset or an end of the part program as a dependency on the machine data
$MC_RESET_MODE_MASK and for a main program start as a dependency on the ma-
chine data $MC_START_MODE_MASK.
When tool management is active and bits 0 and 6 set in $MC_RESET_MODE_MASK, the
last offset of the tool which was active on power-off -- generally the tool in the spindle -- is
operative after power-on.
Corresponding to... MD 20110: RESET_MODE_MASK
Further references: Description of Functions: Coordinate Systems (K2)

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 8-497
Machine data 09.05
8.1 Machine Data

MD number Additive sum effective at reset
Default setting: 0 Minimum input limit: 0 Maximum input limit: 6
Changes effective after: RESET Protection level: 2/7 Unit: --
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 5
Meaning: Definition of the additive offset with which the additive offset is selected during booting and
for a reset or an end of the part program as a dependency on the machine data
$MC_RESET_MODE_MASK and for a main program start as a dependency on the ma-
chine data $MC_START_MODE_MASK.
Machine data $MC_MM_NUM_SUMCORR determines the maximum meaningful value
which can be entered.
Corresponding to... MD 20110: RESET_MODE_MASK
Further references: Description of Functions: Tool Offset (W1)

MD number Active transformation at RESET
Default setting: 0 Minimum input limit: 0 Maximum input limit: 8
Changes effective after: RESET Protection level: 2/7 Unit: --
Data type: BYTE Applies as of SW 2
Meaning: Definition of the transformation data set selected during booting and for a reset or an end of
the part program. In conjunction with machine data $MC_RESET_MODE_MASK and for a
part program start in conjunction with machine data $MC_START_MODE_MASK
Corresponding to... MD 20110: RESET_MODE_MASK
Further references: Description of Functions: Axes, coordinate systems,... (K2)

MD number Initial setting of G group
Default setting :{2, 0, 0, 1, 0...} Minimum input limit: 0.0 Maximum input limit: plus
Changes effective after: RESET Protection level: 2/7 Unit: --
Data type: BYTE Applies as of SW 1
Meaning: Definition of the G code which is to become effective at boot or reset/end of part program --
dependent on machine data $MC_RESET_MODE_MASK -- and at part program start --
dependent on machine data $MC_START_MODE_MASK.
The G code index defined in coenum.hh must be specified in the respective groups as
preset value.
Corresponding to... MD 20110: RESET_MODE_MASK
Further references: (K1, G2)

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8-498 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Machine data
8.1 Machine Data

MD number Reset behavior of G groups
Default setting: -- Minimum input limit: 0 Maximum input limit: 1
Changes effective after: RESET Protection level: 2/7 Unit: --
Data type: BYTE Applies as of SW 4.4
Meaning: This MD is only evaluated if bit 0 is set in $MC_RESET_MODE_MASK.
For each entry in MD $MN_GCODE_RESET_VALUES you determine whether at reset/part
program end the setting is to be applied again as set in $MN_GCODE_RESET_VALUES
(MD=0), or the currently active setting is to be maintained (MD=1).
Corresponding to... MD 20110: RESET_MODE_MASK
Further references: Description of Functions: Axes, coordinate systems,... (K2)

MD number Basic setting of tool cutting edge after tool change without programming
Default setting: 1 Minimum input limit: --2 Maximum input limit: 32000
Changes effective after: Power ON Protection level: 2/7 Unit: --
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 5.2
Meaning: If no cutting edge is programmed after a tool change, then the edge number preset in
Wert = 0: No cutting edge is initially active after a tool change. Cutting-edge selection
only takes at D programming.
Value = 1: MD_SLMAXCUTTINGEDGENUMBER, number of cutting edge (up to
SW 4 = 9)
Value = --1: Tool edge number of old tool also applies for new tool
Value = --2: Cutting edge (compensation) of the old tool remains active until D is pro-
Corresponding to...
Further references: Description of Functions: Tool Offset (W1)

MD number Basic setting of additive offset without programming
Default setting: 0 Minimum input limit: --1 Maximum input limit: 6
Changes effective after: Power ON Protection level: 2/7 Unit: --
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 5
Meaning: The MD defines the number of the additive offset for the cutting edge that is active when a
new cutting-edge compensation is activated without a programmed DL value.
Machine data $MN_MAX_SUMCORR_PERCUTTING_EDGE determines the maximum
meaningful value which can be entered.
Value Meaning
>0 Number of additive offset
=0 No additive offset active with D programming
= --1 The additive sum number for the previously programmed D is used.
Corresponding to... MD 20270: CUTTING_EDGE_DEFAULT
Further references: Description of Functions: Tool Offset (W1)

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Machine data 09.05
8.1 Machine Data

The output of the DL number is controlled by the MD AUXFU_DL_SYNC_TYPE.

MD number Channel-specific activation of tool management functions
Default setting: 0x0, ... Minimum input limit: 0 Maximum input limit: 0xFFFFF
Changes effective after: Power ON Protection level: 2/7 Unit: HEX
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 2
Meaning: MD = 0: Tool management inactive
Bit0=1: Tool management active
The tool-management functions are enabled for the current channel.
Bit 1=1: Tool management monitoring functions active
The functions for monitoring tools (tool life and workpiece count) are en-
Bit2=1: OEM functions active
The memory for user data can be utilized
(see also MD 18090 to 18098 )
Bit3=1: Consider adjacent location active
Bits 0 to 3 must be set identically to MD 18080 MM_TOOL_MANAGE-
Meaning: Bit 4=1: The PLC has the option to request another T preparation with modified
Ackonowledgement status “2”, “7” and “103” is enabled with this bit.
This causes the tool selection to be recalculated in the NCK.
Bits 5 to 8
Bit 5 and bit 7 refer to the main spindle
Bit 6 and bit 8 refer to the secondary spindles
Bit 5 = 1 The command output is considered completed if the internal transport
acknowledgement + the transport acknowledgement are present, i.e. if
the command was received by the basic PLC program (see Section
Bit 19=1 additionally allows the block change to be prevented (main run)
until the required acknowledgements are received.
Bit 7 = 1 The command output is not considered completed until the end acknowl-
edgement from the PLC is received, i.e. the command was acknowledged
by the PLC user program with status “1” (see Section 3.16.2)
Bit 19=1 additionally allows the block change to be prevented (main run)
until the required acknowledgements are received.
Bit 5 and bit 7 (alternatively bit 6 and bit 8) are mutually exclusive!
Only the following combinations are permitted:
Bit 5 0 1 0
Bit 7 0 0 1
With the default setting, i.e. bit 5 to 8 = 0, synchronization is performed in the block in which
a cutting edge was first selected.
Setting these bits delays block processing.
Meaning: Bit 9: Reserved for testing purposes
Can also be used by the machine manufacturer in the test phase, as long
as the PLC program does not yet change tools
Meaning: Bit 10=1: M06 is delayed until the preparation is taken over by the PLC user pro-
The change command is only output when the preparation acknowledge-
ment is received. This can be, for example status “1” or “105”.
Bit 10=0 The change command is output without delay, immediately after the prepa-
ration command.

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8-500 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Machine data
8.1 Machine Data

MD number Channel-specific activation of tool management functions
Meaning: Bit 11=1: The tool preparation command (PLC command numbers = 2, 4, 5) is car-
ried out even if the same tool preparation command has taken place!
(Commands 4, 5 contain the tool preparation)
Example: (tool change takes place with M6 (PLC command number=3):
T=“TL1”; Tool preparation
M6; Tool change
T=“TL2”; 1st tool preparation after M6 (for the same toolholder)
; is always output to PLC
T=“TL2”; 2nd tool preparation, is only output as command to PLC if
bit 11 = 1
; This tool preparation counts as the first one if the status of the tool has
changed since the previous tool preparation such that it can no longer be
A possible reason for this would be e.g. asynchronous unloading of a tool.
This tool preparation them attempts to select a replacement tool.
Bit 11=0: The preparation command can be output only once for each tool.
Meaning: Bit 12=1: The tool preparation command (PLC command numbers = 2, 4, 5) is car-
ried out even if the tool is already positioned in the spindle/toolholder.
T=“TL1”; Tool preparation
M6; Tool change
T=“TL1”; Tool is already placed on the toolholder
; 1st tool preparation after M6 (for the same toolholder)
; is only output to PLC if bit 12 = 1
; A tool that cannot be used (e.g. disabled due to tool monitoring) on the
toolholder does not count as if placed on the toolholder. This tool prepara-
tion them attempts to select a replacement tool.
T=“TL2”; 2nd tool preparation -- the following rules applies for bit 11 for
Bit 12=0: The preparation command is not executed if the tool is already inserted in
the spindle.
Bit 13=1: On Reset the commands are transferred from the diagnostics buffer to the
passive file system (TCTRA xx.MPF under part program). This file is re-
quired by the Hotline.
The tool sequences are only stored in the diagnostics buffer on systems
with sufficient memory (NCU572, NCU573).
Bit 14=1: Reset mode
Tool and offset selection according to the settings in MD:
For information on how to do this, refer to Section 3.2.22.
Bit 14=0: No reset mode
Meaning: Bit 15=1: The tool is not returned if several preparation commands have been is-
sued (Tx-->Tx).
Bit 15=0: Tool is returned from any defined buffers.
Bit 16=1: T=Location number is active
Bit 16=0: T=“Tool name”
Bit 17=1: Tool life decrementation can be started/stopped via the PLC in channel
DB 2.1...DBx 1.3.
Bit 18=1: Activation of monitoring “last tool of tool group”
Bit 18 extends the search for a suitable tool, especially if there are many
disabled replacement tools.
Bit 18=0: No monitoring for “Last tool in tool group”
Bit 19=1: The synchronizations defined by bits 5...8 are relative to the main run
block, i.e. there is no block change until the required acknowledgements
are received
Bit 19 in conjunction with bits 5, 6, 7, 8 set delays the block processing.
Bit 19=0: The synchronizations defined by bits 5...8 are relative to the tool manage-
ment command output, i.e. there is no block change delay

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Machine data 09.05
8.1 Machine Data

MD number Channel-specific activation of tool management functions
Meaning: Bit 20=0: The commands generated on PLC signal “program testing active” are not
output to the PLC. NCK acknowledges the commands itself. Magazine
and tool data are not changed.
Bit 20=1: The commands generated on PLC signal “program testing active” are
output to the PLC. Depending on the type of acknowledgement, tool/maga-
zine data can be changed in the NCK. If the acknowledgement parameters
for the “target magazine” are set to the same values as the “source maga-
zine”, the tool is not transported and thus no data modified in the NCK.
Bit 21=0: Default setting: Ignore the tool status “W” at tool selection
Bit 21=1: Tools in status “W” cannot be selected by another tool change, tool prepa-
ration command.
Bit 22=1 “Tool subgroups” function
$TC_TP11[x] is the grouping or selection parameter
(see Section 5.3.1, parameter $TC_TP11).
Bit 23=0 Default setting
The tool management selects the tool optimally securely in the main run,
i.e. the interpreter may have to wait for the end of the tool selection for
offset selection.
Bit 23=1 For simple applications
The interpreter selects the tool itself, i.e. no synchronization is required
with the main run for offset selection. (If the tool becomes no longer use-
able after selection but before loading, an uncorrectable alarm may result.)
Bit 24=0 Default setting
If the PLC commands 8 and 9 (asynchronous transfer) want to move a
tool to a location that is reserved for another tool, this is rejected and an
alarm is issued.
Bit 24=1 If the PLC commands 8 and 9 are to move a tool to a location that is re-
served for another tool with “Reserved for tool from buffer” (bit val-
ues=“H4”), this is possible. This location reservation is then removed be-
fore the movement is executed (“Reserved for new tool to be loaded” (bit
value=“H8”) remains effective).
Corresponding to... MD 18080: MM_TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK
Further references:

MD number Time monitoring for tool in spindle
Default setting: 0x0 Minimum input limit: -- Maximum input limit: --
Changes effective after: Power ON Protection level: 2/7 Unit: HEX
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 2
Meaning: Activation of tool time monitoring function for spindle 1....x.
As soon as the path axes are moved (not with G00), the time monitoring data for the tool
loaded in the appropriate spindle are updated.
Bit 0...x--1: Monitoring of active tool in spindle 1...x
Corresponding to...
Further references: Description of Functions: Memory Configuration (S7)

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8-502 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Machine data
8.1 Machine Data

MD number New tool offset for T or M function
Default setting: 0 Minimum input limit: 0 Maximum input limit: 1
Changes effective after: Power ON Protection level: 2/7 Unit: --
Data type: BYTE Applies as of SW 1.1
Meaning: This machine data determines the mode of tool change
The new tool data becomes effective directly when T or D is programmed.
This setting is used mainly for turning machines with tool revolver.
If there is no D programmed in the block with T, the tool offset which is defined in
$MC_CUTTING_EDGE_DEFAULT becomes effective.
The function “Manual tools” is not enabled for this case.
The new tool is prepared for changing with the T function. This setting is used mainly on
milling machines with a tool magazine, in order to bring the new tool into the tool change
position without interrupting the machining process. With the M function set in MD:
TOOL_CHANGE_MODE the old tool is removed from the spindle and the new tool is
loaded into the spindle. According to DIN 66025, this tool change must be programmed with
the M function M06.
If there is no D programmed in the block with M, the tool offset which is defined in
$MC_CUTTING_EDGE_DEFAULT becomes effective.

Corresponding to... MD 22560: TOOL_CHANGE_M_CODE

Further references: Description of Functions: Tool Offset (W1)

MD number M function for tool change
Default setting: 6 Minimum input limit: 0 Maximum input limit: 99999999
Changes effective after: Power ON Protection level: 2/7 Unit: --
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 1
Meaning: This machine data is effective only when TOOL_CHANGE_MODE = 1.
If the T function is only used to prepare a new tool for a tool change (this setting is used
mainly on milling machines with a tool magazine, in order to bring the new tool into the tool
change position without interrupting the machining process), another M function must be
used to trigger the tool change. The M function entered in TOOL_CHANGE_M_CODE
triggers the tool change (remove old tool from spindle and insert new tool in spindle).
This tool change is required to be programmed with M function M06, in accordance with
Corresponding to... MD 22550: TOOL_CHANGE_MODE
Further references: Functional description for tool offset (W1)

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 8-503
Machine data 09.05
8.1 Machine Data

MD number Response when errors occur at tool change
Default setting: 0x0 Minimum input limit: 0 Maximum input limit: 0x1F
Changes effective after: Power ON Protection level: 2/7 Unit: --
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 5.1
Meaning: Bit 0=0 Standard response: Stop on faulty NC block
Bit 0=1: If the error occurs in the block containing the tool change preparation com-
mand, the alarm activated by the preparation command (T) is delayed until the
program run reaches the point at which the associated tool change command
(M06) is interpreted. Only then is the alarm output that is triggered by the prep-
aration command. The operator can make corrections in this block. When exe-
cution of the program is continued, the faulty NC block is interpreted again and
the preparatory command is internally executed again automatically.
This machine data is only relevant only if the setting MD 22550:
TOOL_CHANGE_MODE = 1 is used.

Bit 1 is only meaningful if tool management is active.

Bit 1=0 Standard response: During the tool-change preparation only those tools are
recognized whose data are assigned to a magazine.
Bit 1=1 Manual tools can also be loaded at change.
A tool will also be loaded at change if its data is registered in the NCK, but not
assigned to a magazine location. The data is then assigned to the programmed
The user is prompted to place tools into the toolholder or remove tools from it.
The function is only executed if TOOL_CHANGE_MODE = 1.

Bit 2 Qualifying the offset programming

Bit 2=0 Active D no. > 0 and active T no. = 0 results in offset 0
Active D no. > 0 and active D no.=0 result in additive offset 0
Bit 2=1 Active D no. > 0 and active T no. = 0 generates an alarm message
Active D no. > 0 and active D no.=0 generates an alarm message

Bits 3 and 4 are only meaningful if tool management is active.

Control of behavior of Init block generation at program start if disabled tool is
positioned in the spindle and needs to be activated.
See also: MD 20112: START_MODE_MASK,
At RESET the response of “keep disabled tool on spindle active” is not af-

Bit 3=0 Default: If the tool on the spindle is blocked: Generate a tool-change command
that requests a spare tool. If there is no replacement, an alarm is produced.
Bit 3=1 The blocked state of the spindle tool is ignored. The tool is active. The following
part program should then be formulated so that no parts are machined with the
blocked HARMONIZE tool.

Bit 4=0 Default: The attempt is made to activate the spindle tool or the replacement tool
Bit 4=1 If the tool on the spindle is blocked, Initsat TO is programmed in the start.
The following statements are given for the combination of bit 3 and bit 4:
0 / 0: Response as before, automatic change at NC Start is the disabled tool is in the
1 / 0: Is not automatically changed
0 / 1: A TO is generated automatically for a disabled tool in the spindle at NC Start
1 / 1: No statement

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8-504 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Machine data
8.1 Machine Data

MD number Response when errors occur at tool change
Bit 5 Reserved

Bit 6=0 Default: with TO or D0 only TO or D0 are programmed. In other words, the
the value of D, DL when TO is programmed.
FAULT=2, $MC_TOOL_CHANGE_MODE=0 (tool change with T programming)
N10 TO; T no. 0 has active number D1 and DL=2 which results in offset zero. If
bit 2 is additionally set:
Programming of
a) TO; for tool deselection
b) D0; for offset deselection
generates an alarm, if
a) At least one of MD $MC_CUTTING_EDGE_DEFAULT,
$MC_SUMCORR_DEFAULT is not equal to zero (TO D0 DL=0 is the correct
b) The MD $MC_SUMCORR_DEFAULT is not equal to zero (D0 DL=0 is the
correct programming).
Bit 6=1 Controls the NCK behavior with programming of (x, y, z all greater than zero), if
at least one of MD $MC_CUTTING_EDGE_DEFAULT,
$MC_SUMCORR_DEFAULT is not equal to zero.
a) Tx Dy --> TO
with TO, D0 or D0 DL=0 is automatically programmed in the NCK; i.e. values
not equal to zero for MD $MC_CUTTING_EDGE_DEFAULT, $MC_SUM-
CORR_DEFAULT are processed as if the value were equal to zero.
b) Tx Dy --> TO Dy, or TO DL =z, or TO Dy DL=z, or TO D0 DL=z explicitly
programmed values of D, DL are not influenced.
c) Dy DL=z --> D0
with D0, DL=0 is automatically programmed in the NCK; i.e. values not equal to
zero for MD $MC_SUMCORR_DEFAULT are processed as if the value were
equal to zero.
d) Dy DL=z --> D0 DL=z
explicitly programmed values of DL are not affected.
If bit 2 is additionally set:
you only need to program TO/D0 for tool/offset deselection for no alarm to be
The statements relative to $MC_SUMCORR_DEFAULT or DL are only valid if
the additive offset function is active (see $MN_MM_TOOL_MANAGE-
MENT_MASK, bit 8).

Bit 7=0 Programming Tx checks whether a tool with the T number x is known in the TO
unit of the channel. If it is not, processing stops in this block and alarm 17190 is
Bit 7=1 Only if tool basic functionality is active ($MC_TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK,
bit 0,1=0) and ($MN_MM_TYPE_OF_CUTTING_EDGE=0):
If Tx is programmed, any unknown Tx is first ignored and the alarm for the
preparation command (Tx) is ignored until D selection is interpreted in the pro-
gram execution. Only then is alarm 17191 output that was triggered by the
preparation command. This means that in this block, the operator could use the
D selection to make corrections. When execution of the program is continued,
the faulty NC block is interpreted again and the preparation command is inter-
nally executed again automatically.
(If the programmer wants to program Cutting-Edge-Default=0 or =--2 or D0 for
programmatical reasons, otherwise the D from Cutting-Edge-Default is dese-
lected at tool change.)
This variant can be required if you want to programm “Tool number=Location”
(turret as toolholder) without tool management. The turret can only be posi-
tioned at a location for which there is no tool defined (yet).
If bit 0=1 is set, this bit is irrelevant.
This behavior is compatible with software versions prior to 6.5.13.

Further references: Description of Functions: Tool Offset (W1)

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 8-505
Machine data 09.05
8.1 Machine Data

MD number Initial setting of master spindle in channel
Default setting: 1, 1, 1, 1,... Minimum input limit: 1 Maximum input limit: 15
Changes effective after: Power ON Protection level: 2/7 Unit: --
Data type: BYTE Applies as of SW 1
Meaning: Definition of master spindle in channel. The number of the spindle is set.
1 corresponds to spindle S1. When S is programmed, the current master spindle is auto-
matically addressed.
The SETMS(n) command can be programmed to declare the spindle number as the master
spindle. SETMS declares the spindle defined in the MD to be the master spindle again.
Corresponding to...
Further references: Description of Functions: Spindles (S1)

MD number Allocation of a TO unit to a channel
Default setting: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... Minimum input limit: 1 Maximum input limit: 10
Changes effective after: Power ON Protection level: 2/7 Unit:
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 2
Meaning: The area TO includes all tools, magazine, ... data blocks known to the NCK. The maximum
number of units in the TO area match the maximum number of channels.
If LINK_TOA_UNIT = default, then each channel is individually assigned a TO unit.
The channel is assigned the TO unit i when LINK_TOA_UNIT = i . It is thus possible to
assign one TO unit to several channels.
The upper limit value does not imply that the value is always meaningful or without conflict.
If one channel (the first) is active and the other not on a system with a total of 2 channels,
the MD on channel 1 can be formally set to a value of 2. However, the NCK cannot work
with this setting because it would mean that channel 1 possesses no data blocks for tool
offsets since a channel with Id=2 does not exist.
The NCK detects this conflict during power-on or a warm restart and reacts by indepen-
dently changing the (incorrect) setting to the default setting for the MD.

Corresponding to...
Further references: Description of Functions: Memory Configuration (S7)

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8-506 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Machine data
8.1 Machine Data

8.1.5 Machine data for function replacement

MD number M function for cycle call
Default setting: --1 Minimum input limit: --1 Maximum input limit: --
Changes effective after POWER ON Protection level: 2/4 Unit: --
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW 5.2
Meaning: M number via which a subroutine is called.
The name of the subroutine is stored in $MN_M_NO_FCT_CYCLE_NAME. If programmed
in a part program with the defined by $MN_M_NO_FCT_CYCLE, then the subroutine de-
fined in M_NO_FCT_CYCLE_NAME is started at the end of block.
If the M function is re-programmed in the subroutine, then there is no longer any replace-
ment by a subroutine call.
$MN_M_NO_FCT_CYCLE acts both in the Siemens mode G290 as well as in the external
language mode G291.
A subroutine call must not be superimposed on M functions with predetermined meaning.
Alarm 4150 is generated in case of a conflict:
-- M0 to M5,
-- M17, M30,
-- M40 to M45,
-- M function for selecting spindle/axis mode according to
-- M functions for nibbling/punching as configured in $MC_NIBBLE_PUNCH_CODE if
-- for applied external language ($MN_MM_EXTERN_LANGUAGE) M19, M96--M99.
Exception: the M functions defined by $MC_TOOL_CHANGE_M_CODE for the tool
The subroutines configured with $MN_M_NO_FCT_CYCLE_NAME and
$MN_T_NO_FCT_CYCLE_NAME may not be effective in one block (part-program line) at
the same time, i.e. max. one M/T function replacement can be effective per block. Neither
an M98 nor a modal subroutine call may be programmed in the block with the M-function
replacement. It is also illegal to program a subroutine return jump or end of part program.
Alarm 14016 is generated if these conventions are not observed.
Corresponding to...
Further references: ISO dialects for Sinumerik (FBFA)

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 8-507
Machine data 09.05
8.1 Machine Data

MD number Name for tool-changing cycle with M functions from MD $MN_NO_FCT_CYCLE
Default setting: -- Minimum input limit: -- Maximum input limit: --
Changes effective after POWER ON Protection level: 2/4 Unit: --
Data type: STRING Applies as of SW 5.2
Meaning: The cycle name is stored in the machine data. This cycle is called if the the M function was
programmed from the machine $MN_M_NO_FCT_CYCLE.
If the M function is programmed in a motion block, then the cycle is executed after the mo-
$MN_M_NO_FCT_CYCLE acts both in the Siemens mode G290 as well as in the external
language mode G291.
If a T number is programmed in the calling block, the programmed T number
can be queried in the cycle under the variable $P_TOOL.
The subroutines configured with $MN_M_NO_FCT_CYCLE_NAME and
$MN_T_NO_FCT_CYCLE_NAME may not be effective in one block at the same time, i.e.
max. one M/T function replacement can be effective per block. Neither an M98 nor a modal
subroutine call may be programmed in the block with the M function replacement. It is also
illegal to program a subroutine return jump or end of part program.
Alarm 14016 is generated if these conventions are not observed.
Corresponding to...
Further references: ISO dialects for Sinumerik (FBFA)

MD number Name for tool-changing cycle with T number
Default setting: -- Minimum input limit: -- Maximum input limit: --
Changes effective after POWER ON Protection level: 2/4 Unit: --
Data type: STRING Applies as of SW 5.2
Meaning: This machine data defines the name of a tool cycle that is called when T is programmed. If
the T number is programmed in a motion block, then the cycle is executed after the motion.

The programmed T number can be scanned in the cycle with $C_T.

$MN_T_NO_FCT_CYCLE_NAME acts both in the Siemens mode G290 as well as in the
external language mode G291.

The subroutines configured with $MN_M_NO_FCT_CYCLE_NAME and

$MN_T_NO_FCT_CYCLE_NAME may not be effective in one block at the same time, i.e.
max. one M/T function replacement can be effective per block.
Neither an M98 nor a modal subroutine call may be programmed in the block with the
T function replacement. It is also illegal to program a subroutine return jump or end of part
Alarm 14016 is generated if these conventions are not observed.
Corresponding to...
Further references: ISO dialects for Sinumerik (FBFA)

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8-508 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Machine data
8.1 Machine Data

MD number M function replacement with parameters
Default setting: -- Minimum input limit: --1 Maximum input limit: --
Changes effective after POWER ON Protection level: 7/2 Unit: --
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW
Meaning: If a M function replacement was configured with $MN_M_NO_FCT_CYCLE[n] /
$MN_M_NO_FCT_CYCLE_NAME[n], then $MN_M_NO_FCT_CYCLE_PAR can be used
for specifying parameter passing for one of these M functions per system variable as is the
case for the T function replacement. The parameters stored in the system variables always
refer to the part program line in which the M function to be replaced is programmed.

The following system variables are available:

$C_ME : Address extension of substituted M function
$C_T_PROG: TRUE if address T has been programmed
$C_T: Value of address T (integer)
$C_TE: Address extension of address T
$C_TS_PROG: TRUE if address TS has been programmed
$C_D_PROG: TRUE if address D has been programmed
$C_D: Value of address D
$C_DL_PROG: TRUE if address DL has been programmed
$C_DL: Value of address DL
Corresponding to...
Further references: ISO dialects for Sinumerik (FBFA)

MD number Parameter settings of T function substitution
Default setting: 0 Minimum input limit: 0 Maximum input limit: 7
Changes effective after POWER ON Protection level: 7/2 Unit: --
Data type: DWORD Applies as of SW
Meaning: Processing of the substitution program is parameterized in this MD for the tool selection/
tool offset selection.

Bit 0 = 0:
The D or DL number is passed to the substitution program (default value)

Bit 0 = 1:
The D or DL number is not passed to the substitution program if the following conditions are
fulfilled: $MC_TOOL_CHANGE_MODE = 1 programming of D/DL with T or M function with
which the tool-changing cycle is called, in one part program line

Bit 1 = 0:
Execution of substitution subroutine at end of block (default value)

Bit 1 = 1:
Execution of substitution subroutine at start of block

Bit 2 = 0:
Execution of substitution subroutine according to the setting for bit 1

Bit 2 = 1:
Execution of substitution subroutine at start of block and end of block
Corresponding to...
Further references: ISO dialects for Sinumerik (FBFA)

MD number Subroutine name for D function replacement
Default setting: --1 Minimum input limit: -- Maximum input limit: --
Changes effective after POWER ON Protection level: 7/2 Unit: --

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 8-509
Machine data 09.05
8.1 Machine Data

MD number Subroutine name for D function replacement
Data type: STRING Applies as of SW
Meaning: Cycle name for D function replacement routine
If a D function is programmed in a part program block, the subroutine defined with
$MN_D_NO_FCT_CYCLE_NAME is called in accordance with the machine data

The programmed D number can be queried in the cycle via the system variables $C_D /

$MN_D_NO_FCT_CYCLE_NAME can only run in Siemens mode (G290).

A maximum of one M/T/D function replacement can be effective for each part program line.
A modal subroutine call may not be programmed in the block with the D function replace-
ment. It is also not permissible to program a subroutine return jump or end of part program.
Alarm 14016 is generated if these conventions are not observed.
Corresponding to...
Further references: ISO dialects for Sinumerik (FBFA)

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8-510 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Machine data
8.1 Machine Data

8.1.6 Machine data for the Siemens user data

The numbers of the Siemens machine data are listed in the following. These data
are defined by Siemens and must not be used by customers. No detailed descrip-
tion of them is given for this reason.

A detailed description of machine data 18091, 18093, 18095, 18097 and 18099
has been provided, but these MD may be used only if they are set to their
respective defaults.

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 8-511
Machine data 09.05
8.1 Machine Data


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8-512 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
Signal description PLC interface 9
Overview of data blocks
The table below shows an overview of the data blocks used for data management.
DB 71 to DB 73 are the tool management interfaces.

DB 71 For loading/unloading points

DB 72 For spindle as change position
DB 73 For turret as change position
DB 74 Internal data block of basic program for tool management

1. The interfaces for loading magazines are organized in such a way in DB 71 that
a separate interface area is defined for every configured loading magazine. The
interface area for loading point 1 generally has the task of loading into the
spindle. It also receives commands for relocating and positioning tools in any
2. DB 72 includes an independent interface area for every spindle defined in the
tool management system.
3. DB 73 includes an independent interface area for every turret in the magazine
configuration. The turret numbers are counted contiguously from the lowest to
the highest magazine number.
All interfaces are designed for receiving tool-management command (load, tool
change, ...). Basic program blocks FC 7 and FC 8 are used to communicate the
current positions of tools.
One of the interface is updated by NCK bia the basic program in accordance with a
command (e.g. by operating the function “Load” or by a part-program function like
“Tool change”).

If data for magazine, buffer or load/unload-position is changed in the installation
branch, then:

Create PLC
1. Press softkey data (HMI Avanced) or change the assignment of DB 4 in
the PLC program and
2. Delete data blocks DB 71 to DB 74 and perform a cold restart of the PLC.

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 9-513
Signal description PLC interface 09.05
9.1 Interface for loading/unloading magazine

9.1 Interface for loading/unloading magazine

DB71 Signals of load/unload points

Data block NCK -->PLC interface

Byte Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0



DBB 1 INT 16 INT 15 INT 14 INT 13 INT 12 INT 11 INT 10 INT 9
DBB 2, 3
DBB n + 0 NC pro- Position Relocate Unload Load
gram posi-
tions mag-
DBB n+1 Unassigned
DBB n+2 Assigned channel (8bit--Int)
DBB n+3 Tool management number (8bit--Int)
DBD n+4 Reserved
DBD n+8 Reserved
DBD n + 12 Reserved
DBW n + 16 Identifier for load/unload point (Int), (fixed value 9999)
DBW n + 18 Location no. of load/unload point (Int)
DBW n + 20 Magazine no. (source) for loading/relocation/positioning (Int)
DBW n + 22 Location no. (source) for loading/relocation/positioning (Int)
DBW n + 24 Magazine no. target for loading/relocation/positioning (Int)
DBW n + 26 Location no. target for loading/relocation/positioning (Int)
DBW n + 28 Load/
HMI to PLC unload
DBW n + 29 Reserved

Initial addresses of load/unload locations:

Load/unload point 1: n=4
2: n = 34
3: n = 64
4: n = 94
Example calculation of address DBW n+24 (magazine no. target)
n = (m--1) * len + 4 m = location no. of loading station/point
len = 30 (length of a loading point)

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9-514 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Signal description PLC interface
9.1 Interface for loading/unloading magazine

m =2 ; len = 30 n = (2--1) * 30 + 4 ==> n = 34

DBW (34 + 24) = DBW 58
Address for magazine no. target of 2nd load point is DBW 58.
Load point 1 is intended for loading/unloading in all spindles. This must be taken
into account when load interface assignments are made (applies only to HMI Em-
bedded; implemented automatically on HMI Advanced). Load point 1 is also used
to relocate/position tools in any location (e.g. buffer location).

DBX 0.0 -- 0.15 Active status of interface 1--16
Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signals valid from SW version: 2
Signal state 1 The active interface has a valid data record. A task bit has been set in
DBB (n+0). There are 16 interfaces. Address “n” must always be cal-
culated for the active interface.
Signal state 0 Operation for this interface has ended. Is reset by FC 8.
Additional references

DBX(n+0).0 Command: Load
Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Signal state 1 Load operation for a tool is initiated. The magazine location into which
the tool is to be loaded is defined in DBW (n+24) and DBW (n+26).
The loading point in question is the location number of the load point.
It also appears in DBW (n+18).
Corresponding to... DB71 DBW(n+16) and (n+18) or (n+24) and (n+26)
Additional references

DBX(n+0).1 Command: Unload
Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Signal state 1 Unload operation for a tool is initiated. The magazine location from
which the tool is to be unloaded is defined in DBW (n+20) and DBW
(n+22). The number of the unload point is defined in DBW (n+18).
Corresponding to... DB71 DBW(n+16) and (n+18) or (n+20) and (n+22)
Additional references

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 9-515
Signal description PLC interface 09.05
9.1 Interface for loading/unloading magazine

DBX(n+0).2 Command: Relocation

Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2

Signal state 1 Relocate operation for a tool is initiated. From magazine/location
(n+20, n+22= source) to magazine/location (n+24, n+26= target)
Corresponding to...
Additional references

The bits in DBB (n+0) (load, unload,....) are not updated by the basic program until
a new task exists for this interface. They are current only if the corresponding
interface bit in DBB0 is set to “1”. However, the bits can be reset by the user if

DBX(n+0).3 Command: Positioning to loading point
Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Signal(s) valid from SW: 3.2
Signal state 1 A magazine location is to be positioned at the loading point (magazine
no. 9999). The magazine location to be moved to the loading point is
defined in DB71.DBW n+20 and n+22. The loading point is stored in
DB71.DBW n+18.
Corresponding to...

DBB(n+2) Assigned channel
Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Meaning Number of channel for which active interface applies
Corresponding to...

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9-516 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Signal description PLC interface
9.1 Interface for loading/unloading magazine

DBB(n+3) Tool management no.
Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Meaning Associated tool-management number; corresponds to the number of
the TO unit within a TO area
Corresponding to...

DBW(n+16) Identifier for load/unload point (fixed value 9999)
Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Meaning The identifier for the loading/unloading point is fixed as the value
Corresponding to...
Additional references

DBW(n+18) Location no. of the loading/unloading point
Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW version 2
Meaning The location no. of the loading/unloading is displayed.
Corresponding to...
Additional references

DB71. Magazine no. (source) for unloading/relocating/

DBW(n+20) positioning
Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Meaning Unload: Magazine from which the tool is to be unloaded
Relocate: Magazine from which the tool is taken
Position: Magazine to be positioned
Corresponding to... DBW(n + 22)

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 9-517
Signal description PLC interface 09.05
9.1 Interface for loading/unloading magazine

DB71. Location no. (source) for unloading/relocating/

DBW(n+22) positioning
Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Meaning Unload: Location from which the tool is to be unloaded
Relocate: Location from which the tool is taken
Position: Location that shall be positioned at the loading point
Corresponding to... DBW(n+20)

DB71. Magazine no. (target) for loading/relocating/

DBW(n+24) positioning

Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2

Meaning Load: Magazine into which tool is to be loaded
Relocate: Magazine into which the tool is to be placed
Position: Magazine at which the tool must be positioned
Tool remains at original location
Only meaningful for interface 1. If values other than 0 are entered
here, the data define the magazine or location for positioning (lan-
guage command POSM).
Corresponding to... DBW(n + 26)

DB71. Location no. (target) for loading/relocating/

DBW(n+26) positioning
MD number

Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2

Meaning Load: Location into which tool is to be loaded
Relocate: Location into which the tool is to be placed
Position: Location at which the tool must be positioned
Tool remains at original location
Only meaningful for interface 1. If values other than 0 are entered
here, the data define the magazine or location for positioning (lan-
guage command POSM).
Corresponding to... DBW(n+24)

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9-518 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Signal description PLC interface
9.1 Interface for loading/unloading magazine

DB71. Load/unload without moving magazine

MD number

Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 6

Meaning HMI / Jobshop sets/deletes this signal when requested by the opera-
tor. If the bit is active, there must be no traversing motion of the mag-
azine, only a mechanical unlocking/locking of the location. The load/
unload command must be acknowledged after the action. With posi-
tioning and relocating request, this signal is not valid for a traversing

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 9-519
Signal description PLC interface 09.05
9.2 Interface for spindle as change position

9.2 Interface for spindle as change position

DB72 Spindle as change point

Data block Interface NCK-->PLC
Byte Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0
DBB 1 INT 16 INT 15 INT 14 INT 13 INT 12 INT 11 INT 10 INT 9
DBB 2, 3
DBB n + 0 Tool re- Detach Attach OldTool in T0 Prepare Change Obliga-
mains in manual tool manual BL No. change tool (initi- tory
spindle tool (n+42) ated by: change

DBB n + 1 Unassigned
DBB n + 2 Assigned channel (8bit--Int)
DBB n + 3 Tool management number (8bit--Int)
DBD n + 4 $P_VDITCP[0]
User parameter 0 (DWord)
DBD n + 8 $P_VDITCP[1]
User parameter 1 (DWord)
DBD n +12 $P_VDITCP[2]
User parameter 2 (DWord)
DBW n + 16 Buffer identifier (Int), fixed value 9998)
equals “Target position for new tool”
DBW n +18 Relative location (target) in buffer magazine (Int)
DBW n +20 Magazine no. (source) for new tool (Int)
DBW n +.22 Location no. (source) for new tool (Int)
DBW n + 24 Magazine no. (target) for old tool (Int)
DBW n + 26 Location no. (target) for old tool (Int)
DBW n + 28 Tool new: Location type (Int)
DBW n + 30 Tool new: size left (Int)
DBW n + 32 Tool new: size right (Int)
DBW n + 34 Tool new: size top (Int)
DBW n + 36 Tool new: size bottom (Int)
DBW n + 38 Tool status for new tool
Tool was Tool with Prewarn. Tool cal- Tool en- Active
in use fixed loc. limit ibration abled tool
code reached
DBW n + 40 Tool new: Internal T no. of NCK (Int)
DBW n + 42 If DBX (n+0.4) = 1, then the buffer location of the old tool must be entered here
DBW n + 44 Source magazine of new tool (from SW version 6.4)
DBW n + 46 Source location of new tool (from SW version 6.4)

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9-520 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Signal description PLC interface
9.2 Interface for spindle as change position

Initial addresses of spindle: Spindle 1: n= 4

Spindle 2: n= 52
Spindle 3: n= 100
n = (m--1)* len + 4 m = location no. of change position
len = 48

If only M06 is programmed, only free parameters (from SW version 6), channel,
tool management number and the bit for “Perform change” are updated.

DBX 0.0 -- 0.15 Active status of interface 1--16
Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Signal state 1 Associated interface has a valid block, a tool change request of tool
preparation has been initiated.
Signal state 0 Operation for this interface has ended. Is reset by FC 8.
Corresponding to...

DBX(n+0).0 Command code: Obligatory change
Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Signal state 1 The new tool is fixed-location-coded
Signal state 0
Corresponding to... Position of participating tools
Additional references

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 9-521
Signal description PLC interface 09.05
9.2 Interface for spindle as change position

DBX(n+0).1 Command code: Perform change with M06
Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Signal state 1 M06 command was programmed for tool change, the tool change can
now take place.
Signal state 0

DBX(n+0).2 Command code: Prepare change
Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Signal state 1 Prepare new tool for change. If necessary, move location for old tool
to spindle.
Signal state 0
Corresponding to...
Additional references

DBX(n+0).3 Command code: T0
Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Signal state 1 Indicates that T0 has been programmed (no-load traversing of
Signal state 0
Corresponding to...
Additional references

DBX(n+0).4 Command code: Old tool in buffer
Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Signal state 1 The buffer number of the tool to be changed is written in DB72.DBW
Signal state 0
Corresponding to...
Additional references

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

9-522 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Signal description PLC interface
9.2 Interface for spindle as change position

DBX(n+0).5 Command code: Attach manual tool
Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Signal state 1 A manual tool is to be loaded. Which tool is to be loaded is displayed
on the HMI.
Signal state 0
Corresponding to...
Additional references

DBX(n+0).6 Command code: Detach manual tool
Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Signal state 1 The tool is to be changed via manual operation.
Signal state 0
Corresponding to...
Additional references

DBX(n+0).7 Command code: Tool remains in spindle
Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Signal state 1 The bit is set at change from spindle to spindle. Initiated e.g. by reset
and start mode or block search.
Signal state 0
Corresponding to...
Additional references

The bit in DBB (n+0).2 (prepare change) is not reset by the system with a change
command. The bits in DBB(n+0)... are current only if the corresponding interface
bit in DBB0 is set to “1”. However, the bits can be reset by the user if necessary.
If DBX(n+0).1 and DBX(n+0).2 are present at the same time, it means that T and
M06 were programmed in one block.

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 9-523
Signal description PLC interface 09.05
9.2 Interface for spindle as change position

DBB(n+2) Assigned channel
Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Meaning Number of channel for which active interface applies
Corresponding to...
Additional references

DBB(n+3) Tool management no.
Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Meaning Associated tool management number (TO area)
Corresponding to...
Additional references

DBD(n+4) User parameter 0 (DInt)
Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Meaning If you need to send a value to the PLC via the part program, the trans-
fer can be programmed with $P_VDITCP[0]=(value). Values are trans-
ferred at T call.
From SW version 6 the parameters are also transferred with M06.
Corresponding to...
Additional references

DBD(n+8) User parameter 1 (DInt)
Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Meaning If you need to send a value to the PLC via the part program, the trans-
fer can be programmed with $P_VDITCP[1]=(value);.
Corresponding to...
Additional references

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

9-524 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Signal description PLC interface
9.2 Interface for spindle as change position

DBD(n+12) User parameter 2 (DInt)
Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Meaning If you need to send a value to the PLC via the part program, the trans-
fer can be programmed with $P_VDITCP[2]=(value);.
Corresponding to...
Additional references

DB72. Buffer magazine no. (fixed value 9998) target

DBW(n+16) position for new tool
Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Meaning Magazine no. 9998 (buffer magazine);
Target magazine for new tool
Corresponding to...
Additional references

DB72. Location in buffer magazine (spindle)

Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Meaning Location number of buffer magazine to which the new tool is to be
loaded. This is normally the spindle. The location number defined for
this particular buffer during start-up is output.
Corresponding to...
Additional references

DB72. Magazine no. (source) for new

DBW(n+20) too to be loaded at change
Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Meaning No. of magazine the new spindle tool came from (source)
Corresponding to... DBW(n+22)
Additional references

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 9-525
Signal description PLC interface 09.05
9.2 Interface for spindle as change position

DB72. Location no. (source) for new tool

Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Meaning No. of location the new spindle tool came from (source)
Corresponding to... DBW(n+20)
Additional references

DB72. Magazine no. (target) for old tool to be removed at

DBW(n+24) change
Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Meaning Number of magazine in which the tool to be removed at change will be
Corresponding to... DBW(n+26)
Additional references

DB72. Location no. (target) for old tool

Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Meaning Magazine location for tool that is unloaded at change.
Corresponding to...
Additional references

DB72. Tool new: Location type

Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Meaning The location type of the new spindle tool is entered here.
Corresponding to... Tool size: Left, right, top, bottom
Additional references

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

9-526 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Signal description PLC interface
9.2 Interface for spindle as change position

DB72. Tool new: Size left (Int)

Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Meaning Specification of tool size on left in half locations for the new spindle
Corresponding to...
Additional references

DB72. Tool new: Size right (Int)

Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Meaning Specification of tool size on right in half locations for the new spindle
Corresponding to...
Additional references

DB72. Tool new: Size top

Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Meaning Specification of tool size at top in half locations for the new spindle
Corresponding to...
Additional references

DB72. Tool new: Size bottom

Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Meaning Specification of tool size at bottom in half locations for the new
spindle tool.
Corresponding to...
Additional references

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 9-527
Signal description PLC interface 09.05
9.2 Interface for spindle as change position

DB72. Tool status for new tool

Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Meaning Bit 0: Active tool
Bit 1: Tool enabled
Bit 2: Tool disabled
Bit 3: Measured tool
Bit 4: Prewarning limit reached
Bit 6: Tool is fixed-location-coded
Bit 7: Tool was in use
Corresponding to...
Additional references

DB72. Tool new: Internal T no. of NCK

Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Meaning Display of internal T no. of NCK for the new spindle tool.
Corresponding to...
Additional references

DB72. Buffer location of old tool

Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Signal(s) valid from SW:
Meaning If DB72.(n+0.4) = 1, the buffer location of the old tool must be entered
here. This can be any buffer (also a gripper).
Corresponding to...
Additional references

DB72. Original magazine of new tool

Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Signal(s) valid from SW: 6.4
Additional references

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

9-528 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Signal description PLC interface
9.2 Interface for spindle as change position

DB72. Original location of new tool

Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Signal(s) valid from SW: 6.4
Additional references

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 9-529
Signal description PLC interface 09.05
9.3 Interface for tool turrets as change position

9.3 Interface for tool turrets as change position

DB73 Turret as change position

Data block Interface NCK-->PLC
Byte Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0
DBB 1 INT 16 INT 15 INT 14 INT 13 INT 12 INT 11 INT 10 INT 9
DBB 2, 3
DBB n+0 Perform Obligatory
T0 change change
T NO.)

DBB n+1 Unassigned

DBB n+2 Assigned channel (8bit--Int)
DBB n+3 Tool management number (8bit--Int)
DBD n+4 $P_VDITCP[0]
User parameter 0 (DWord)
DBD n+8 $P_VDITCP[1]
User parameter 1 (DWord)
12 User parameter 2 (DWord)
DBW n + Reserved
DBW n + Reserved
DBW n + Magazine no. of turret (Int)
DBW n + Location no. of new tool (Int)
DBW n + Reserved
DBW n + Location no. of old tool (Int)
DBW n + Tool new: loc. type (Int)
DBW n + Tool new: size left (Int)
DBW n + Tool new: size right (Int)
DBW n + Tool new: size top (Int)
DBW n + Tool new: size bottom (Int)

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

9-530 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Signal description PLC interface
9.3 Interface for tool turrets as change position

DB73 Turret as change position

Data block Interface NCK-->PLC
DBW n + Tool status for tool
Tool was Tool with Prewarn. Tool cal- Tool en- Active tool
in use fixed loc. limit ibration abled
code reached
DBW n + Tool new: Internal T no. of NCK (Int)
DBW n + Source location of new tool in this circular magazine (from SW version 6.4)

Initial addresses of turrets: Turret 1: n= 4

Turret 2: n= 48
Turret 3: n= 92
n = (m--1)* len + 4
m = Location no. of the point of change
len = 44
Example for change position 3: n = (3--1)*n 44+ 4= 2*44 + 4= 88 + 4= 92

DB73 -- DBX Active status of interface 1--16

0.0 -- 0.15
Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Signal state 1 Associated interface has a valid data block
Signal state 0 Operation for this interface has ended. Is reset by FC 7.
Additional references

DB73. Command code: Obligatory change

Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Signal state 1
Signal state 0
Corresponding to... Position of involved tools
Additional references

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 9-531
Signal description PLC interface 09.05
9.3 Interface for tool turrets as change position

DBX(n+0).1 Command code: Perform change
Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Signal state 1 Execute tool change
Signal state 0
Additional references

DB73. T0
Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Meaning Indicates that T0 was programmed.
Additional references

DB73. Assigned channel

Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Meaning Number of channel from which the T word was programmed.
Additional references

DB73. Tool management no.

Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Meaning Associated tool management number (TO area) of channel
Corresponding to...
Additional references

The bits in DBB (n+0) (obligatory change, execute change,...) are not reset by the
system. They are current only if the corresponding interface bit in DBB0 is set to
“1”. However, the bits can be reset by the user if necessary.

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

9-532 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Signal description PLC interface
9.3 Interface for tool turrets as change position

DB73. User parameter 0 (DInt)

Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Meaning If you need to send a value to the PLC via the part program, this can
be achieved by programming $P_VDITCP[0]=(value). Parameters 0--2
are passed with the T command.
Corresponding to...
Additional references

DB73. User parameter 1 (DInt)

Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Meaning If you need to send a value to the PLC via the part program, the trans-
fer can be programmed with $P_VDITCP[1]=(value);.
Corresponding to...
Additional references

DB73. User parameter 2 (DInt)

Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Meaning If you need to send a value to the PLC via the part program, the trans-
fer can be programmed with $P_VDITCP[2]=(value);.
Corresponding to...
Additional references

DB73. Reserved
Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2

DB73. Reserved
Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 9-533
Signal description PLC interface 09.05
9.3 Interface for tool turrets as change position

DB73. Magazine no. of new tool

Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Meaning Magazine number of the new tool to be used for machining.
Corresponding to... DBW(n+22)
Additional references

DB73. Location no. of new

DBW(n+22) tool to be loaded at change
Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Meaning Location number of the new tool to be used for machining.
Corresponding to... DBW(n+20)
Additional references

DB73. Reserved
Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Corresponding to...

DB73. Location no. of old tool to be unloaded

Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Meaning Location number of the old tool (used up to now for machining)
Corresponding to...
Additional references

DB73. Tool new: Location type

Meaning The location type of the new tool is entered here.
Corresponding to... Tool size: Left, right, top, bottom
Additional references

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

9-534 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Signal description PLC interface
9.3 Interface for tool turrets as change position

DB73. Tool new: Size left (Int)

Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Meaning Specification of new tool size on left in half locations.
Corresponding to...
Additional references

DB73. Tool new: Size right (Int)

Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Meaning Specification of new tool size on right in half locations.
Corresponding to...
Additional references

DB73. Tool new: Size top

Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Meaning Specification of new tool size at top in half locations.
Corresponding to...
Additional references

DB73. Tool new: Size bottom

Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Meaning Specification of new tool size at bottom in half locations.
Corresponding to...
Additional references

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 9-535
Signal description PLC interface 09.05
9.3 Interface for tool turrets as change position

DB73. Tool status for new tool

Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Meaning bit 0: Active tool
bit 1: Tool enabled
bit 2:
bit 3: Measure tool
bit 4: Prewarn lim. reached
bit 6: Tool is fixed-location-coded
bit 7: Tool was in use
Corresponding to...
Additional references

DB73. Tool new: Internal T no. of NCK

Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2
Meaning Display of internal T no. of NCK for the new tool. Tool management
variables can be read/written via FB2/FB 3 using this T no.
Corresponding to...
Additional references

DB73. Source location of new tool in this circular maga-

DBW(n+42) zine (from SW version 6.4)

Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Conditional Signal(s) valid from SW: 2

Additional references

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9-536 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Signal description PLC interface
9.4 Interface NC channels

9.4 Interface NC channels

Signals are also contained in the channel data blocks for tool management func-
The data relevant for tool management is in bold formatting.

DB21-- Signals to/from NC CHANNEL

30 PLC-->NCK interface
Data block

Byte Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0

DBB 1 Activate PLC ac- CLC CLC Time mon- Synchro- Enable Activate
program tion en- over- Stop itoring ac- nized ac- protection referenc-
test ded ride tive (tool tion OFF zones ing

DBB 29 Tool block Disable De-acti- Activate Activate Activate Activate Activate
not effec- wear mon- vate PTP tra- fixed feed 4 fixed feed 3 fixed feed 2 fixed feed 1
tive itoring work- versal

Cyclic signals from NC channel

DBB 317 Tool miss- PTP tra- External
ing versal ac- language
tive mode ac-

Change signals tool management functions

DBB 344 Last re- Transition Tool limit Tool pre-
placement to new re- value warning
tool from placement reached limit
tool group tool reached

Transferred tool management functions

DBD 348 T number for tool management prewarning limit (DInt)

DBD 352 T number for tool limit value (DInt)

DBD 356 T number of new replacement tool (DInt)

DBD 360 T number of last replacement tool (DInt)

DB21. The user can start and stop tool life monitoring time using PLC signal “Time monitor
active”. The effectiveness of this control is set via MD 20310 bit 17.
DBX 1.3

DB21. Switches workpiece count monitoring ON/OFF

DBX 29.5

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 9-537
Signal description PLC interface 09.05
9.4 Interface NC channels

DB21. Switches wear monitoring ON/OFF

DBX 29.6

DB21. VDI signal “Tool disable ineffective” (bit value=1) means the NCK does not process the
tool status “Disabled” during tool search.
DBX 29.7 VDI signal “Tool disable effective” (bit value=0) means the NCK processes the tool
status “Disabled” during tool search.

DB21. Display in PLC that the programmed tool is missing.

DBX 317.7

DB21.DBX Modification signals of the tool management

344.0--344.3 functions

Edge evaluation Signal(s) updated: Signal(s) valid from SW: 5.1

Jobcontrolled by NCK

Meaning A T number for tool prewarning limit, limit value, new replacement
tool, last replacement tool has been output with a value at the inter-
face at the beginning of an OB1 cycle together with the associated
modification signal. In this case, the change signal indicates that the
appropriate value is valid.
Corresponding to...
Additional references

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

9-538 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Signal description PLC interface
9.5 Interface magazine configuration

9.5 Interface magazine configuration

DB4 HMI --> PLC interface

Address Meaning Data type
DBB 64 Number of magazines including buffer magazines BYTE
and loading magazines
< Beginning of rerun loop; number of reruns from
DBW 65 (70, 75, ...) Magazine number INT
DBB 67 (...) Magazine type BYTE
DBW 68 (...) Number of locations INT
> Rerun lool end
Address = Number of spindles BYTE
(contents DBB64*5) +

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 9-539
Signal description PLC interface 09.05
9.5 Interface magazine configuration


 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

9-540 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
Alarms 10
Alarm no. Brief Description
6402 Tool change not possible, magazine number does not exist
6403 Tool change not possible, specified magazine location does not exist
6404 Tool change not possible because tool not available or cannot be used
6405 Command has invalid PLC acknowledgement parameter
6406 PLC acknowledgement missing
6407 Tool is to be set down at a location that does not meet the requirements for load-
6410 One cutting edge of the monitored tool has reached a warning limit
6411 One cutting edge of the monitored tool has reached a warning limit
6412 One cutting edge of the monitored tool has reached a monitoring limit
6413 One cutting edge of the monitored tool has reached a monitoring limit
6421 No location available for the tool in the tool-holding magazine
6422 No tool-motion command possible because magazine not defined
6423 No tool-motion command possible because no location in the magazine
6424 No tool-motion command possible because tool not available or cannot be used
6425 No tool-motion command possible because tool cannot be be put down at the
specified location in the magazine
6430 Workpiece counter: overflow in table of monitored cutting edges
6431 Function not permitted because TOOLMAN / TOOLMAN monitoring not acti-
6432 Function cannot be executed because no tool assigned to spindle
6433 System variable not available for active tool management.
6441 Not permitted to write $P_USEKT.
6450 Tool change not possible because magazine-location number is not valid.
6451 No buffer magazine defined.
6452 Toolholder number / spindle number not defined.
6453 No relationship defined between toolholder number / spindle number and buffer
6454 Neither spindle nor buffer location has a distance relationship.
6924 Neither spindle nor buffer location has a distance relationship.

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 10-541
Alarms 09.05

Alarm no. Brief Description

17001 No more memory for tool magazine data
17160 No tool selected
17180 Illegal D number
17181 D number not known
17182 Illegal additive offset number
17188 The D number given in the channel’s TO units is not unique
17189 D number is not unique
17191 Unknown tool identifier
17192 No further replacement tools possible
17194 No suitable tool found
17202 Cannot delete magazine data
17212 Manual tool must be changed
17214 Remove manual tool from spindle/toolholder
17216 Manual tools must be changed
17220 Tool does not exist
17224 It is not possible on this system to select tool offsets for tools of the specified tool
17230 Duplo no. already assigned
17240 Invalid tool definition
17250 Invalid magazine definition
17260 Invalid magazine location definition
17262 Incorrect tool-adapter assignment
20150 PLC terminates the interrupted command
20160 PLC can terminate only incorrectly aborted commands
22066 Tool motion not possible because specified tool is not in magazine
22067 Tool change not changed because no tool ready for use in the tool group
22068 No tool ready for use in the tool group
22069 No tool ready for use in the tool group
22070 Change tool into magazine. Repeat data backup
22071 Tool has the status “active” in an “inactive” wear group
400601 Configuration of loading points faulty.
400602 Configuration of spindles faulty.
400603 Configuration of turrets faulty.

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

10-542 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Alarms
10.1 Alarm descriptions

Alarm no. Brief Description

400604 Set change with M06 in machine data
410151 Magazine data for tool management missing in PLC

Machine data MD 11410 SUPPRESS_ALARM_MASK can be set bit-wise to sup-

press specific alarms.

Bit Alarm number

2 16924
4 17189
5 22071
7 22070
8 6411, 6413
9 6410, 6412

10.1 Alarm descriptions

Alarm no.
6402 Channel %1 tool change not possible because magazine no. %2 not available
Explanation %1 = channel ID, %2 = magazine number

The desired tool change is not possible. The magazine with the specified num-
ber is not available.
Reaction Alarm display.
Interface signals are set
NC Start disable
NC stop for alarm
Remedy -- Check whether the magazine data is correctly defined.
-- Check whether the magazine is connected to the required spindle via a dis-
tance relationship
Program Cancel the alarm with the RESET button and start the part program again.

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 10-543
Alarms 09.05
10.1 Alarm descriptions

Alarm no.
6403 Channel %1 tool change not possible because magazine no. %2 on magazine
%3 not available.
Explanation %1 = channel ID %2 = magazine number, %3 = magazine location number

The desired tool change is not possible. The specified magazine location is not
contained in the specified magazine.
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
NC Start disable
NC stop for alarm
Remedy -- Check whether the magazine data is correctly defined.
Program Cancel the alarm with the RESET button and start the part program again.

Alarm no.
6404 Channel %1 tool change not possible. Tool %2 not available or cannot be used
Explanation %1 = channel ID, %2 = string (identifier)

The desired tool change is not possible. The specified tool does not exist or
cannot be used.
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
NC Start disable
NC stop for alarm
Remedy -- Check whether the part program is written correctly.
-- Check whether the magazine data is correctly defined.
-- Check whether there is a replacement tool which can be used for the speci-
fied tool.
Program Cancel the alarm with the RESET button and start the part program again.

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

10-544 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Alarms
10.1 Alarm descriptions

Alarm no.
6405 Channel %1 command %2 has an invalid PLC acknowledgement parameter %3
identification %4
Explanation %1 Channel ID, %2 = command no. %3 = PLC acknowledgement parameter,
%4 = error identification
The specified command has been answered by the PLC with an invalid ac-
knowledgement in the current combination. The following assignments are de-
fined for “command no.”:
1 Move tool, load or unload magazine
2 Prepare tool change
3 Execute tool change
4 Prepare tool change and execute with T command
5 Prepare tool change and execute with M command
7 Terminate aborted tool command
8 Check tool motion with reservation
9 Check tool motion
0 Transportation acknowledgment

The tool change defined by the command cannot be executed. The magazine
location specified in the invalid parameter does not exist in the magazine.
The error code (%4) explains the alarm in more detail:
0 Not defined
1 Status not allowed now or undefined status received from PLC
2 Source and/or destination magazine no. / location no. not known
3 Not defined
4 For tool motion command, the destination magazine no. and/or destina-
tion location no. are not the final destination
5 Not defined
6 For tool change, source and/or destination magazine no. / location no.
not known
7 PLC command with inconsistent data: either magazine addresses in-
consistent in VDI or NCK command not the same as the PLC acknowl-
edgement, or both
8 Not defined
9 Not defined
10 It is not defined to reserve buffer storage for an asynchronous tool mo-
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
NC Start disable
NC stop for alarm
Remedy Notify authorized personnel / service
Faulty PLC communication: correct the PLC program.
Program Cancel the alarm with the RESET button and start the part program again.

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 10-545
Alarms 09.05
10.1 Alarm descriptions

Alarm no.
6406 Channel %1 PLC acknowledge for command %2 is missing
Explanation %1 = channel ID, %2 = command no.

There is still no acknowledgement from the PLC for the tool change. The NCK
cannot continue processing until it receives this acknowledgement for the speci-
fied command number. Possible values are described under alarm 6405
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
NC Start disable
Remedy Notify authorized personnel / service
-- Faulty PLC communication: correct the PLC program.
-- It is possible to release NCK from the wait condition with the PLC com-
mand 7. This aborts the waiting command.
Program Cancel the alarm with the RESET button and start the part program again.

Alarm no.
6407 Channel %1 tool %2 cannot be placed in magazine %3 on location %4. Invalid
magazine definition!
Explanation %1 = channel ID, %2 = string (identifier), %3 = magazine number, %4 = maga-
zine location number

A tool change request or a verification request was issued to put the tool in a
location which does not satisfy the prerequisites for filling.
The following causes for the error are possible:
-- Location is blocked or not free
-- Tool type does not match the location type
-- Tool possibly too large, adjacent locations are not free
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
NC Start disable
NC stop for alarm
Remedy -- Check whether the magazine data is correctly defined (especially the loca-
tion type)
-- Check whether the tool data is correctly defined (especially the location
Program Cancel the alarm with the RESET button and start the part program again.

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

10-546 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Alarms
10.1 Alarm descriptions

Alarm no.
6410 TO unit %1 tool %2 with duplo no. %3 has reached a tool warning limit
Explanation %1 = TO unit, %2 = tool identifier (name), %3 = duplo number

Indication that at least one cutting edge of the timer or quantity-monitored tool
has reached its warning limit. The alarm is triggered via the OPI interface (HMI,
PLC). The channel context is not defined. The TO unit is therefore specified.
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
Remedy For information only. The user must decide what to do.
Program Clear the alarm with the cancel key. No further operator action required.

Alarm no.
6411 Channel %1 tool %2 with duplo no % 3 has reached tool warning limit
Explanation %1 = channel number %2 = tool identifier (name), %3 = duplo number

Indication that at least one cutting edge of the timer or workpiece quantity-moni-
tored tool has reached its warning limit. Limit is detected in the context of the
The alarm originates during NC program execution. The channel context is de-
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
Remedy For information only. The user must decide what to do.
Program Clear the alarm with the cancel key. No further operator action required.

Alarm no.
6412 TO unit %1 tool %2 with duplo no.%3 has reached tool monitoring limit
Explanation %1 = TO unit, %2 = tool identifier (name), %3 = duplo number

Indication that at least one cutting edge of the timer or quantity-monitored tool
has reached its monitoring limit. The alarm is triggered via the OPI interface
(HMI, PLC). The channel context is not defined, therefore the TO unit is speci-
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
Remedy For information only. The user must decide what to do.
Program Clear the alarm with the cancel key. No further operator action required.

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 10-547
Alarms 09.05
10.1 Alarm descriptions

Alarm no.
6413 Channel %1 tool %2 with duplo no % 3 has reached tool monitoring limit
Explanation %1 = channel number, %2 = tool identifier (Name), %3 = duplo number
Indication that at least one cutting edge of the timer or quantity-monitored tool
has reached its monitoring limit. Limit is detected in the context of the channel.
The alarm originates during NC program execution. The channel context is de-
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
Remedy For information only. The user must decide what to do.
Program Clear the alarm with the cancel key. No further operator action required.

Alarm no.
6421 Channel %1 tool motion not possible. There is no empty location for tool %2
duplo no. %3 in magazine %4.
Explanation %1 = channel ID, %2 = string (identifier), %3 = duplo number, %4 = magazine

The desired tool motion command -- triggered from the HMI or PLC -- is not
The tool cannot be moved into the specified tool magazine. There is no location
available for this tool.
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
NC Start disable
Remedy -- Check whether the magazine data have been defined correctly (e.g. the
magazine must not be disabled).
-- Check whether the tool data are correctly defined (for example, the tool
location type must match the location types allowed in the magazine).
-- Check whether there is still room in the magazine to add another tool; there
may not be due to operating procedures.
-- Check whether a location type hierarchy is defined and whether it, for exam-
ple, does not allow insertion of a type ’A’ tool in a free location with type ’B’.
Continue Clear the alarm with the cancel key. No further operator action required.

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

10-548 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Alarms
10.1 Alarm descriptions

Alarm no.
6422 Channel %1 tool motion not possible. Magazine no. %2 not available!
Explanation %1 = channel ID, %2 = magazine number

The desired tool motion command -- triggered from the HMI or PLC -- is not
The magazine with the specified number is not available.
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
NC Start disable
Remedy -- Check whether the magazine data is correctly defined.
-- If the PLC issued the command for motion: check whether the PLC program
is correct.
-- If the HMI issued the command for motion: check whether the HMI com-
mand was assigned correct parameters.
Continue Clear the alarm with the cancel key. No further operator action required.

Alarm no.
6423 Channel %1 tool motion not possible. Magazine location no. %2 in magazine
%3 not available.
Explanation %1 = channel ID, %2 = magazine location number, %3 = magazine number

The desired tool motion command -- triggered from the HMI or PLC -- is not
The specified magazine location is not contained in the specified magazine.
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
NC Start disable
Remedy -- Check whether the magazine data is correctly defined.
Continue Clear the alarm with the cancel key. No further operator action required.

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 10-549
Alarms 09.05
10.1 Alarm descriptions

Alarm no.
6424 Channel %1 tool motion not possible. Tool %2 not available or cannot be used
Explanation %1 = channel ID, %2 = string (identifier)
The desired tool motion command -- triggered from the HMI or PLC -- is not
The specified tool is not defined.
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
NC Start disable
Remedy -- Check whether the magazine data is correctly defined.
-- Check whether the move command has been correctly parameterized.
Continue Clear the alarm with the cancel key. No further operator action required.

Alarm no.
6425 Channel %1 tool %2 cannot be placed in magazine %3 on location %4. Invalid
magazine definition
Explanation %1 = channel ID, %2 = string (identifier), %3 = magazine number, %4 = maga-
zine location number
The desired tool motion command -- triggered from the HMI or PLC -- is not
A movement request was issued to put the tool in a location which does not
satisfy the prerequisites for filling. The following causes for the error are pos-
-- Location is disabled or not free
-- Tool type does not match the location type.
-- Tool possibly too large, adjacent locations are not free.
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
NC Start disable
Remedy -- Check whether the magazine data is correctly defined.
-- Check whether there is still room in the magazine to add another tool; there
may not be due to operating procedures.
-- Check whether a location type hierarchy is defined and whether it, for exam-
ple, does not allow insertion of a type ’A’ tool in a free location with type ’B’.
Continue Clear the alarm with the cancel key. No further operator action required.

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

10-550 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Alarms
10.1 Alarm descriptions

Alarm no.
6430 Workpiece counter: overflow in table of monitored cutting edges
Explanation No more cutting edges can be entered in the workpiece counter table. The total
number of cutting edges that can be noted for the workpiece counter is the
same as the total number of possible cutting edges in the NCK.
In other words, the limit is reached if each tool uses each cutting edge precisely
once for a workpiece.
If several workpieces are made on several spindles simultaneously, it is pos-
sible to note cutting 18100 MM_NUM_CUTTING_EDGES_IN_TOA for the
totaling counter for all of the workpieces.
If the alarm is pending then this means that the cutting edges that are about to
be used will no longer be monitored by the workpiece counter for such a time
until the table has been cleared again, e.g. by the NC command SETPIECE or
the appropriate order from the HMI, programmable controller (PI service).
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
NC Start disable
Remedy -- Decrement workpiece counter overlooked?
Then program SETPIECE in the part program, or add the correct command
in the PLC program.
-- If the part program or the programmable controller is correct, then more
memory should be set for the tool cutting edge by the machine data
$MM_NUM_CUTTING_EDGES_IN_TOA (only possible for those with ac-
cess authorized).
Continue Clear the alarm with the cancel key. No further operator action required.

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 10-551
Alarms 09.05
10.1 Alarm descriptions

Alarm no.
6431 Function not allowed. Tool management/tool-management monitoring not acti-
Explanation Occurs when a data management function is called which is not available be-
cause tool management is deactivated. For example, the language commands
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
Interpreter stop
NC Start disable
Remedy -- Please inform the authorized personnel/service department.
-- Verify how the NC control shall be configured. Is tool management or Tool-
Man monitoring necessary but not yet activated?
-- Is a part program used that has been designed for NC control with tool man-
agement/ToolMan monitoring?
Either operate the part program with the matching NC controls or modify the
part program.
-- Activate tool management/ToolMan monitoring by setting the appropriate
machine data. See $MM_TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK,
-- Check whether the required option is set accordingly.
Continue Clear the alarm with the cancel key. No further operator action required.

Alarm no.
6432 Function cannot be executed. No tool assigned to spindle
Explanation An attempt was made to perform an operation that requires a tool to be located
on the spindle. This can be the workpiece count monitoring function, for exam-
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
Remedy -- Select another function, another spindle, position tool on spindle.
Continue Clear the alarm with the cancel key. No further operator action required.

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

10-552 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Alarms
10.1 Alarm descriptions

Alarm no.
6433 Channel %1 block %2 variable %3 not available with tool management
Explanation %1 = channel number, %2 = block number, Label, %3 = source symbol
The system variable specified in %3 is not available with active tool manage-
The function GETSELT should be used with $P_TOOLP.
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
NC Start disable
Remedy ProgramChanging
Continue Clear the alarm with the delete key.

Alarm no.
6441 Writing of $P_USEKT not allowed.
Explanation An attempt was made to write into the value of $P_USEKT. This is not possible
because the programming T=“location number” with automatic setting of
$P_USEKT is active.
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
Interpreter stop
NC Start disable
Remedy -- Verify how the NC control should be configured (bit 16 and bit 22 in
-- Either operate the part program with the matching NC control or modify the
part program.
Continue Clear the alarm with the cancel key. No further operator action required.

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 10-553
Alarms 09.05
10.1 Alarm descriptions

Alarm no.
6450 Channel %1 tool change not possible. Invalid magazine location number %2 in
the buffer magazine
Explanation %1 = channel number, %2 magazine location number
The desired tool change is not possible.
The specified magazine location is a toolholder/spindle or is empty.
Only buffer-storage numbers that are not for toolholders/spindles may be pro-
grammed using the NC command TCI; i.e. the location number of a gripper for
example, is not allowed.
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
Remedy Check whether the magazine data ($TC_MPP1) is correctly defined.
Check that the parameters of the program command responsible are correctly

Alarm no.
6451 Channel %1 tool change not possible. No buffer magazine defined.
Explanation %1 channel number
The desired tool change is not possible. No buffer magazine defined.
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
Remedy Check whether the magazine data is correctly defined.

Alarm no.
6452 Channel %1 tool change not possible. The toolholder no. / spindle no. = %2 has
not been defined.
Explanation %1 = channel number, %2 toolholder / spindle no.
The desired tool change is not possible.
The toolholder number / spindle number is not defined.
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
Remedy Check whether the toolholder no./spindle no. and magazine data are correctly
defined. (See $TC_MPP1, $TC_MPP5)

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

10-554 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Alarms
10.1 Alarm descriptions

Alarm no.
6453 Channel %1 tool change not possible. No assignment between toolholder/
spindle no. = %2 and buffer location %3
Explanation %1 = channel number, %2 toolholder / spindle no. %3 buffer location
The desired tool change is not possible.
No relation has been defined between the toolholder/spindle number and the
buffer location (locNo)
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
Remedy Check whether the magazine data ($TC_MLSR) is correctly defined.
Check whether the program command causing the error (e.g. TCI) has been
programmed correctly.

Alarm no.
6454 Channel %1 tool change not possible. There is no distance relationship avail-
Explanation %1 channel number
The desired tool change is not possible. Neither spindle nor buffer location have
a distance relationship.
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
Remedy Check whether the magazine data ($TC_MDP) is correctly defined.
Check whether the program command causing the error (e.g. TCI) has been
programmed correctly.

Alarm no.
16924 Channel %1 Caution: program test alters tool management data
Explanation %1 = channel number
Tool data is altered during program testing. You cannot automatically correct the
tool data again on termination of program test mode.
This alarm prompts you to create a backup of the tool data which must be cop-
ied back in when you have finished testing the program.
Reaction Alarm display
Remedy Please inform the authorized personnel/service department.
-- Save tool data on HMI and reimport data after “ProgtestOff”.
Continue Clear the alarm with the cancel key. No further operator action required.

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 10-555
Alarms 09.05
10.1 Alarm descriptions

Alarm no.
17001 Channel %1 block %2 no more memory for tool / magazine data
Explanation %1 = channel number, %2= block number, label
The available memory for defining adapter data has been used up. If the alarm
occurs when you are writing one of the $TC_ADPT parameters, you have tried
to define more adapter data records than permitted by the setting in MD
Number of additive/setup offsets: $MN_MM_NUM_SUMCORR if
$MN_MM_NUM_SUMCORR = --1 set, then the following applies
number of additive offsets =
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
Interpreter stop
NC Start disable
Remedy Please inform the authorized personnel/service department.
-- Maschinendaten ändern
-- Modify NC program, i.e. reduce the number of variables with discrepancies
Continue Clear alarm with the RESET key. Restart part program.

Alarm no.
17160 Channel %1 block %2 no tool selected
Explanation %1 = channel number, %2= block number, label

An attempt has been made to access the current tool offset data via the system
$P_AD[n] Contents of the parameter (n: 1 -- 25)
$P_TOOL Active D number (cutting-edge number)
$P_TOOLL[n] Active tool length (n: 1 -- 3)
$P_TOOLR Active tool radius
although no tool was previously selected.
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
Interpreter stop
NC Start disable

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

10-556 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Alarms
10.1 Alarm descriptions

Alarm no.
Remedy Program or activate a tool offset in the NC program before using the system
N100 G.. ... T5 D1 ...LF
The channel-specific machine data:
New tool offset for M function
M function with tool change
are set to define whether activating a tool offset in the block is carried out with
the T word or whether the new offset values is only computed with the M word
for the tool change.
Continue Clear alarm with the RESET key. Restart part program.

Alarm no.
17180 Channel %1 block %2 illegal D number
Explanation %1 = channel number
%2 = block number, label

In the displayed block, access is made to a D number (tool edge number) that
is not initialized and therefore is not available.
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
Interpreter stop
NC Start disable
Remedy Check tool call in the NC part program:
-- Correct tool edge number programmed?
If no tool edge number is specified, then D1 is automatically active.
-- Tool parameters P1 -- P25 defined?
The dimensions of the tool edge must have been entered previously either
through the operator panel or through the V.24 interface.
Continue Clear alarm with the RESET key. Restart part program.

Alarm no.
17181 Channel %1 block %2 T no.= %3, D no.= %4 does not exist
Explanation %1 = channel number, %2 = block number, label, %3 = T number, %4 =
D number

A D number has been programmed that the NCK does not recognize. As stan-
dard, the D number refers to the given T number. If the “flat D number” function
is activated, T = 1 is output.

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 10-557
Alarms 09.05
10.1 Alarm descriptions

Alarm no.
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
Correction block with reorganization
Remedy In case of a programming error, eliminate the error with a correction block and
continue the program run.
If the data block is missing, then load the NCK with a data block for the speci-
fied T/D values (via HMI, with overstore) and continue program.
Continue Cancel the alarm with NC START and continue processing.

Alarm no.
17182 Channel %1 block %2 illegal sum correction number
Explanation %1 = channel number, %2= block number, label
An attempt was made to access a non-defined total offset of the current tool
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
Correction block with reorganization
Remedy Access the additive offset memory with $TC_SCUP*, $TC_CEP*, check the
additive offset selection Dlx or tool selection Ti or offset selection Dz.
Continue Cancel the alarm with NC START and continue processing.

Alarm no.
17188 Channel %1 D number %2 defined in tool T no. %3 and %4
Explanation %1 = channel number, %2 = compensation number D, %3 = T number for first
tool, %4 = T number for second tool

The specified D number %2 in the TO unit of channel %1 is not unique.

The specified T numbers %3 and %4 each have an offset with number %2.
If tool management is active:
The specified T numbers belong to tool groups with different identifiers.
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
Remedy -- Ensure uniqueness of the D numbering within the TO units
-- Do not use the causal instruction if uniqueness is not needed in the follow-
ing. See also command DZERO.
Continue The alarm is for information purposes. You can suppress the alarm output by
program setting bit 4 in MD $MN_SUPPRESS_ALARM_MASK.

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

10-558 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Alarms
10.1 Alarm descriptions

Alarm no.
17189 Channel %1 D number %2 of tools defined on magazine/location %3 and %4
Explanation %1 = channel ID, %2 = D number, %3 = magazine no./ magazine location no. --
“/” as separator, %4 = magazine no./ magazine location no. -- “/” as separator

Only possible with active tool management

The specified D number %2 in the TO unit of channel %1 is not unique. The
tools in the specified magazine locations %3 and %4 each have an offset with
the number %2. In addition, if tool management is active: the specified T num-
bers belong to tool groups with different identifiers.
Reaction Alarm display
Set interface signals
Remedy -- Ensure uniqueness of D numbering within the TO units, e.g. by renaming the
D numbers
-- Do not use the causal instruction CHKDM if uniqueness is not needed in the
The alarm is for information purposes. It can be suppressed by setting bit 4 of
Continue Alarm display with cause of the alarm disappears. No further operator action
program required.

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 10-559
Alarms 09.05
10.1 Alarm descriptions

Alarm no.
17191 Channel %1 block %2 T= %3, does not exist, program %4
Explanation A tool identifier which the NCK does not recognize was programmed.
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
Correction block with reorganization
Remedy %1 = channel number, %2 = block number, label, %3 = T number or T identifier,
%4 = program name

If the program pointer is at an NC block that contains the specified T identifier:

If the program is incorrect, remedy the error with a correction block and con-
tinue the program.
Create a data record if the data block is missing. I.e. load the data block for the
tool with all defined D numbers to the NCK (via HMI with Overstore) and then
continue the program.
If the program pointer is at an NC block that does not contain the specified
T identifier:
The error occurred at an earlier point in the program where the T command ap-
peared, but the alarm was not output until the change command was detected.
If the program contains an error, e.g. T5 programmed instead of T55, the cur-
rent block can be corrected with a correction block; i.e. if it contains only M06,
then it can be corrected to T55 M06. The incorrect T5 line remains in the pro-
gram until it is terminated by a RESET or end of program.
In complex program structures with indirect programming, it may not be pos-
sible to correct the program. In this case, you can only intervene locally with an
overstore block -- with T55 in the example.
Create a data record if the data block is missing. I.e. load the data block for the
tool with all defined D numbers to the NCK (via HMI, with Overstore), program
T with Overstore and then continue the program.
Continue Cancel the alarm with NC START and continue processing.

Alarm no.
17192 TO units %1 invalid tool naming of %2, duplo no. %3. No further replacement
tools in %4 possible
Explanation %1 = TO units number, %2 = tool identifier, %3 = duplo number of the tool to be
renamed, %4 = group identifier only possible for an active tool management

The tool with the specified tool identifier, duplo number cannot accept the group
The maximum permissible number of replacement tools has already been de-
The name entered for the tool has assigned or changed the assignment of the
tool to a tool group which already includes the maximum permissible number of
replacement tools for this particular machine.

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

10-560 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Alarms
10.1 Alarm descriptions

Alarm no.
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
Remedy Define fewer replacement tools.
Unload replacement tools that are no longer required and delete their data in
the NCK.
Request other settings for the maximum number from the machine manufac-
Continue Alarm display with cause of the alarm disappears. No further operator action
program required.

Alarm no.
17193 Channel %1 block %2 the active tool is no longer on toolholder no./spindle no.
%3, program %4
Explanation %1 = channel number, %2 = block number, label, %3 = toolholder no., spindle
no., %4 = program name

The tool on the specified toolholder/spindle on which the last tool change was
performed as the master toolholder or master spindle, has been replaced.
N20 T=“Wz1” ;Tool change on master toolholder 1
N40 T1=“Wz2” ;Toolholder1 is only a secondary_toolholder.
;Replacing the tool does not cause offset deselection.
N50 D5 ;New offset selection. There is currently no active tool to
which D can refer.
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
Remedy -- Modify program:
-- Set the required spindle as the main spindle or the toolholder as the master
-- Then reset any main spindles or master toolholders.
Continue Cancel the alarm with NC START and continue processing.

Alarm no.
17194 Channel %1 block %2 no suitable tool found
Explanation %1 = channel number, %2= block number, label

-- An attempt was made to access a tool which has not been defined.
-- The specified tool does not permit access.
-- A tool with the desired properties is not available.

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 10-561
Alarms 09.05
10.1 Alarm descriptions

Alarm no.
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
Correction block with reorganization
Remedy -- Check access to tool:
-- Are the parameters of the command correctly programmed?
-- Does the status of the tool prevent access?
Continue Cancel the alarm with NC START and continue processing.

Alarm no.
17200 Channel % 1 block % 2 tool data cannot be deleted
Explanation %1 = channel number, %2 = block number, label
An attempt has been made to delete from the part program the tool data for a
tool currently being processed. Tool data for tools involved in the current ma-
chining operation may not be deleted. This applies both for the tool preselected
with T or that has been changed in place of another, and also for tools for which
the constant grinding wheel peripheral speed or tool monitoring is active.
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
Correction block with reorganization
Remedy Check access to tool offset memory by means of $TC_DP1[t,d] = 0 or deselect

Continue Cancel the alarm with NC START and continue processing.


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10-562 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Alarms
10.1 Alarm descriptions

Alarm no.
17202 Channel %1 block %2 magazine data cannot be deleted
Explanation %1 = channel number, %2 = block number, label

You have attempted to delete magazine data at a time when they cannot be
The data for a magazine which currently has the status “Tool is moving” cannot
be deleted.
A tool adapter currently assigned to a magazine location cannot be deleted.
A tool adapter cannot be deleted if machine data
$MN_MM_NUM_TOOL_ADAPTER is set to --1.
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
Correction block with reorganization
Remedy If your attempt to delete a magazine is rejected: Make sure that the relevant
magazine does not have the “Tool is moving” status when you enter the Delete
If the attempt to clear a tool adapter fails, then it has to be removed from the
magazine location or from the magazine locations by clearing the data.
Continue Cancel the alarm with NC START and continue processing.

Alarm no.
17212 Channel %1 tool management: Load manual tool %3, duplo no. %2 onto
spindle/toolholder %4
Explanation %1 = channel number, %2 = duplo number, %3 = tool identifier, %4 = toolholder
(spindle) number

Indication that the specified manual tool must be brought to the specified tool-
holder or spindle before the program is continued.
A manual tool is a tool whose data are registered in the NCK, but which is not
assigned to a magazine location. As a result, it is not fully accessible for the
purpose of automatic tool changes by the NCK or other operations on the ma-
Reaction Alarm display
Remedy -- Assure that the specified tool is placed on the toolholder. The alarm is auto-
matically canceled once the tool change ON command has been acknowl-
edged by the PLC.
Continue Alarm display with cause of the alarm disappears. No further operator action
program required.

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 10-563
Alarms 09.05
10.1 Alarm descriptions

Alarm no.
17214 Channel %1 tool management: Remove manual tool %3 from spindle/toolholder
Explanation %1 = channel number, %2 = toolholder (spindle) number %3 = tool identifier,

Indication that the specified manual tool must be removed from the specified
toolholder or spindle before the program is continued.
A manual tool is a tool whose data are registered in the NCK, but which is not
assigned to a magazine location. As a result, it is not fully accessible for the
purpose of automatic tool changes by the NCK or other operations on the ma-
Reaction Alarm display
Remedy -- Assure that the specified tool is removed from the toolholder. After the PLC
has acknowledged the tool change ON
command, the alarm is automatically deleted.
Manual tools can only be used efficiently if this is supported by the PLC pro-
Continue Alarm display with cause of the alarm disappears. No further operator action
program required.

Alarm no.
17216 Channel %1 tool management: remove manual tool from spindle/toolholder %4
and load manual tool %3, duplo no. %2.
Explanation %1 = channel number, %2 = duplo number, %3 = tool identifier, %4 = toolholder
(spindle) number

Indicates that the specified manual tool must be loaded in the specified tool-
holder or spindle before the program is continued and that the manual tool lo-
cated there must be removed.
A manual tool is a tool whose data are registered in the NCK, but which is not
assigned to a magazine location. As a result, it is not fully accessible for the
purpose of automatic tool changes by the NCK or other operations on the ma-
Reaction Alarm display
Remedy -- Make sure that the manual tools are exchanged.
The alarm is automatically canceled once the tool change ON command has
been acknowledged by the PLC.
Manual tools can only be used efficiently if this is supported by the PLC pro-
Continue Alarm display with cause of the alarm disappears. No further operator action
program required.

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10-564 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Alarms
10.1 Alarm descriptions

Alarm no.
17220 Channel %1 block %2 tool not existing
Explanation %1 = channel number, %2= block number, label

The attempt has been made to access a tool by means of a T number that has
not (yet) been defined, e.g. if tools shall be placed at magazine locations by
programming $TC_MPP6 = “toolNo”. This is possible only when both the maga-
zine location and the tool given by “toolNo” have been defined.
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
Interpreter stop
NC Start disable
Remedy -- Correct the NC program
Continue Clear alarm with the RESET key. Restart part program.

Alarm no.
17224 Channel %1 block %2 tool T/D=%3 -- tool type %4 is not permitted
Explanation %1 = channel number, %2 = block number, label
%3 = refused T/D no., %4 = refused tool type
It is not possible on this system to select tool offsets for tools of the specified
tool type. The multitude of tool types can be restricted by the machine manufac-
turer or by the individual control models. Only use tools with types permitted by
this system. Check whether an error occured in definition of the tool.
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
Interpreter stop
NC Start disable
Remedy -- Correct NC program or tool data
Continue Clear alarm with the RESET key. Restart part program.

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 10-565
Alarms 09.05
10.1 Alarm descriptions

Alarm no.
17230 Channel %1 block %2 Duplo no. already assigned
Explanation %1 = channel number, %2= block number, label

The attempt was made to write the duplo number of a tool using a duplo num-
ber that has already been assigned to another tool (different T number).
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
Interpreter stop
NC Start disable
Remedy -- Correct the NC program
Continue Clear alarm with the RESET key. Restart part program.

Alarm no.
17240 Channel %1 block %2 illegal tool definition
Explanation %1 = channel number, %2= block number, label

The attempt was made to change a tool datum that would subsequently destroy
the data consistency or would lead to contradictions in the definition.
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
Interpreter stop
NC Start disable
Remedy -- Correct the NC program
Continue Clear alarm with the RESET key. Restart part program.

Alarm no.
17250 Channel %1 block %2 illegal magazine definition
Explanation %1 = channel number, %2= block number, label

The attempt was made to change a magazine datum that would subsequently
destroy the data consistency or would lead to contradictions in the definition.
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
Interpreter stop
NC Start disable
Remedy -- Correct the NC program
Continue Clear alarm with the RESET key. Restart part program.

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

10-566 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Alarms
10.1 Alarm descriptions

Alarm no.
17260 Channel %1 block %2 illegal magazine location definition
Explanation %1 = channel number, %2= block number, label

The attempt was made to change a magazine datum that would subsequently
destroy the data consistency or would lead to contradictions in the definition.
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
Interpreter stop
NC Start disable
Remedy -- Correct the NC program
Continue Clear alarm with the RESET key. Restart part program.

Alarm no.
17262 Channel % 1 block% 2 illegal tool adapter operation
Explanation %1 = channel number, %2= block number, label

This alarm is generated if you attempt to define or cancel the assignment be-
tween a tool adapter and a magazine location and the selected location already
has another tool adapter and/or is already holding a tool or, if you are canceling
the assignment, there is still another tool in the location.
If machine data $MC_MM_NUM_SUMCORR has the value --1, adapters can-
not be generated by a write operation to an adapter which is not yet defined.
While the machine data has this value, you can only write adapter data to
adapters which have already been (automatically) assigned to magazine loca-
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
Correction block with reorganization
Remedy -- Assign a maximum of one adapter to a magazine location
-- The magazine location must not contain a tool.
-- Machine data $MC_MM_NUM_SUMCORR has value --1:
If the alarm is generated when you are writing one of the system parameters
$TC_ADAPTx (x=1,2,3,T), then you must change the write operation to ensure
that it includes only adapter data which is already assigned to magazine loca-
Continue Clear alarm with the RESET key. Restart part program.

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 10-567
Alarms 09.05
10.1 Alarm descriptions

Alarm no.
20150 Channel %1 tool management: PLC terminates interrupted command
Explanation %1 = channel number

Indication that the PLC has terminated an interrupted command (with alarm out-
put) from the tool management -- tool change.
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
Remedy For information only.
Continue Clear the alarm with the cancel key. No further operator action required.

Alarm no.
20160 Channel %1 tool management: PLC can only terminate commands interrupted
due to an error
Explanation %1 = channel number

Indication that the PLC wanted to interrupt an active command from the tool
management tool change; or that there is no command active for abort.
NCK refuses because the channel status is either “active” (cancel is then not
allowed), or “reset” (then there is nothing to cancel).
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
Remedy For information only.
Continue Clear the alarm with the cancel key. No further operator action required.

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10-568 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Alarms
10.1 Alarm descriptions

Alarm no.
22066 Channel %1 tool management: tool motion not possible since there is no tool
%2 with duplo no. %3 in magazine %4
Explanation %1 = channel number, %2 = string (identifier), %3 = duplo number, %4 = maga-
zine number

The desired tool change is not possible.

The specified tool is not contained in the specified magazine. (NCK cannot con-
tain tools that are not assigned to a magazine. No operations (movement,
change) can be performed by these tools.
Reaction NC Start disable
Alarm display
Interface signals are set
NC stop for alarm
Remedy Please inform the authorized personnel/service department.
-- Ensure that the specified tool is in the desired magazine or program a differ-
ent tool that shall then be substituted
-- Check whether the machine data $MC_RESET_MODE_MASK,
rent definition data.
Continue Clear the alarm with the cancel key. No further operator action required.

Alarm no.
22067 Channel %1 tool management: tool change not possible, since no tool ready for
use in tool group %2
Explanation %1 = channel number, %2 = string (identifier)

The desired tool change is not possible. The specified tool group does not con-
tain a “ready to use” replacement tool which could be loaded at change. The
tool monitoring function may have set all potentially suitable tools to the “dis-
abled” status.
Alarm 22067 is generated in a situation where it is no longer possible to inter-
vene in a correcting manner.
Reaction NC Start disable
Alarm display
Interface signals are set
NC stop for alarm
Remedy -- Ensure that the specified tool group contains a tool that is ready for use
when tool change is requested.
-- This can be achieved, for example, by replacing disabled tools
-- or by manually releasing a disabled tool.
-- Check whether the magazine data is correctly defined. Have all intended
tools in the group been defined with the specified identifier and loaded?
Continue Clear alarm with the RESET key. Restart part program.

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 10-569
Alarms 09.05
10.1 Alarm descriptions

Alarm no.
22068 Channel %1 tool management: no tool ready for use in tool group %3
Explanation %1 = channel number, %2 = block number, label, %3 = string (identifier)

The specified tool group does not contain a “ready to use” replacement tool
which could be loaded at change. The tool monitoring function may have set all
potentially suitable tools to the “disabled” status.
The alarm can occur in conjunction with alarm 14710. In this specific situation,
NCK attempts to replace the disabled tool located on the spindle with an avail-
able replacement tool (which does not exist in this error condition). The user
must resolve this conflict, for example, by removing the tool located on the
spindle from the spindle by issuing a motion command (e.g. through HMI opera-
Reaction NC Start disable
Alarm display
Interface signals are set
Remedy -- Ensure that the specified tool group contains a tool that is ready for use
when tool change is requested.
-- This can be achieved, for example, by replacing disabled tools
-- or by manually releasing a disabled tool.
-- Check whether the magazine data is correctly defined. Have all intended
tools in the group been defined with the specified identifier and loaded?
Continue Clear the alarm with the cancel key. No further operator action required.

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10-570 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Alarms
10.1 Alarm descriptions

Alarm no.
22069 Channel %1 block %2 tool management: No tool available in tool group %3,
program %4
Explanation %1 = channel number, %2 = block number, label, %3 = string (identifier), %4 =
program name

The specified tool group does not contain a “ready to use” replacement tool
which could be loaded at change. The tool monitoring function may have set all
potentially suitable tools to the “disabled” status.
Parameter %4 = program name facilitates the identification of the program con-
taining the programming command (tool selection) that caused the error. This
can be a subprogram or cycle, etc., which can no longer be identified from the
Reaction Alarm display
Interface signals are set
Correction block with reorganization
Remedy -- Ensure that the specified tool group contains a tool that is ready for use
when tool change is requested, e.g. by:
-- Replacing disabled tools,
-- Manually releasing a disabled tool.
-- Check whether the magazine data is correctly defined. Have all intended
tools in the group been defined with the specified identifier and loaded?
Continue Cancel the alarm with NC START and continue processing.

Alarm no.
22070 TO unit %1 Please change tool T= %2 into magazine. Repeat data back-up.
Explanation %1 = TO unit, %2 = T number of the tool

Only issued if tool management is active.

A data backup of the tool/machine data has been started. The system has de-
tected that the buffer magazine still contains one or more tools. During backup,
these tools lose the information assigning them to a magazine and a location in
the magazine. It is therefore useful at the time of data backup to have filed all
the tools in the magazine.
If the above scenario does not apply, you have re-imported data with magazine
locations set to the “reserved” status. You may have to reset this status manu-
In the case of tools with a fixed-location coding, the loss of information about
their location in the magazine is equivalent to a general empty location search
on any subsequent change back to the magazine.
Reaction Interface signals are set.
Alarm display.

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 10-571
Alarms 09.05
10.1 Alarm descriptions

Alarm no.
Remedy Make sure that there are no tools stored in the buffer magazine before you start
to back up data. Repeat the data backup after removing the tools from the
buffer magazine.
Continue Clear the alarm with the cancel key. No further operator action required.

Alarm no.
22071 TO unit %1 tool %2 duplo no. %3 is active but not in the current wear group
Explanation %1 = TO units, %2 = T number of the tool, %3 = duplo number

The “Wear grouping” function is active. The setting “Set tool to active status”
which applies when a new wear grouping is activated is also selected. This set-
ting can also be programmed with language command SETTA or started via
Analog Functions on the OPI.
It has been detected that more than one tool from the tool group has the “ac-
tive” status.
The tool which has the “active” status in an “inactive” wear grouping is named in
the alarm.
The alarm is for information purposes. It can be suppressed by setting bit 5 of
Reaction Alarm display
Set interface signals
Remedy Before you start the machining operation, make sure that the “active” status is
not set for any of the tools in the magazine. You can do this by programming
command SETTIA.
Program Clear the alarm with the cancel key. No further operator action required.

Alarm no.
Explanation The magazine data in the PLC is incorrect. Tool management start-up is faulty if
the tool management option is activated.
Reaction Alarm display
Remedy Delete DB71 -- DB74 and load correct tool management configuration via HMI
or correct the settings in DB4.

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10-572 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Alarms
10.1 Alarm descriptions

Alarm no.
Explanation The magazine data in the PLC is incorrect. Tool management start-up is faulty if
the tool management option is activated.
Reaction Alarm display
Remedy Delete DB71 -- DB74 and load correct tool management configuration via HMI
or correct the settings in DB4.

Alarm no.
Explanation The magazine data in the PLC is incorrect. Tool management start-up is faulty if
the tool management option is activated.
Reaction Alarm display
Remedy Delete DB71 -- DB74 and load correct tool management configuration via HMI
or correct the settings in DB4.

Alarm no.
400604 Set change with M06 in machine data
Explanation Change is possible only with M06 for the magazine type used (box, chain).
Check for invalid settings when using turret magazines.
Reaction Alarm display
Remedy The value is 1 in channel-specific machine data 22550 tool_CHANGE_MODE

Alarm no.
410151 Magazine data for tool management missing in PLC
Explanation No magazine data available in the PLC. Start-up not complete although tool
management option is active.
Reaction Alarm display
Remedy Press the “Create PLC data” softkey via HMI Advanced during start-up of the
tool management. Set the data in data block DB4 starting at DBB64 for HMI

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 10-573
Alarms 09.05
10.1 Alarm descriptions


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10-574 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
PLC sample programs 11
This section gives practical examples which illustrate how function blocks can be
adapted to suit a variety of realistic configurations.
These sample programs are stored in file wzv_bsp.exe in catalog Bsp_prog in the
SINUMERIK 810D/840D Toolbox.

11.1 FB 90: QUIT_WZVacknowledgments to TOOLMAN

Description of functions
FB QUIT_WZV supports the user in the acknowledgement of TOOLMAN
(TOOLMAN) jobs as well as signaling position changes by tools to tool manage-
ment and updating the PLC point of tool change when using integrated tool man-
32 user interfaces are available for transfer tasks to the tool management (WZV) in
the instance DB FB QUIT_WZV. Data is transferred to the NCK in FB QUIT_WZV
using call FC TM_TRANS (FC 8). The parameters of FC TM_TRANS are defined
as a variable in FB QUIT_WZV and must be assigned a value for each user inter-
face. The symbolic names of the variables have the same names as the formal
parameters of FC TM_TRANS. See the Description of Function basic PLC pro-
gram in Chapter 4 of the Block description FC 8 for more information about the
Specifically, the following variables must be assigned values in the branch target
list of each user interface:
-- TaskIdent
-- TaskIdentNo
-- NewToolMag
-- NewToolLoc
-- OldToolMag
-- OldToolLoc
-- Status

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PLC sample programs 09.05
11.1 FB 90: QUIT_WZVacknowledgments to TOOLMAN

If the tool transfer from the magazine to the spindle is via temporary storage (e.g.
gripper), then the variables
-- NewToolMag_Changel_S1
-- NewToolLoc_Change_S1
-- OldToolMag_Change_S1
-- OldToolLoc_Change_S1
must also be assigned values when changing to spindle 1.
For spindle 2, these variables have the same name with the ending ’_S2’. If the
tool change operation is reset or aborted, then these variables must be used to
assign the FC TM_TRANS parameters.
With a 1 signal at a user interface (DIB 0 -- DIB 3), FC TM_TRANS is called with
the parameter values programmed in the branch target list.
If the task is completed successfully (FC TM_TRANS Ready = 1), the user inter-
face bit is reset by FB QUIT_WZV. If the task or transfer of FC TM_TRANS pro-
duces an error, error bit DIX 4.0 in the instance DB is set to 1 signal and the output
parameter error of FC TM_TRANS is available as error number in DIW 6.
The user interface is reset in the event of an error. Further tasks are only pro-
cessed after the error bit has been reset (by the user). For the meaning of the error
numbers, please refer to Description of Functions, Basic PLC Program, Chapter 4,
Description of Block FC 8 under the parameter ’Error’.
If several tasks are present simultaneously, the user interfaces (UI) are processed
according to the following priority:
1. UI 25 → UI 32
2. UI 17 → UI 24
3. UI 9 → UI 16
4. UI 1 → UI 8
You must enter the actual magazine position of the tool change point in accor-
dance with the selected FB-QUIT in the instance DB starting at DIW 10.
// no parameters
// user interface in the instance DB
Block call
CALL FB 90, DB xxx; // xxx No. of instance DB
User interface
The user interface is stored in the instance DB from DIB 0 to DIB 46.
Bytes 47 to 64 are internal variables of FB QUIT_WZV, which can be read out for
support during installation if required. The variables ASS_alt (UI_old), ASS_Aen-
derung (UI_change) and ASS_aktiv (UI_active) have the same assignment as
ASS_neu (UI_new) (DBB 0 to DBB 3).

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11-576 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 PLC sample programs
11.1 FB 90: QUIT_WZVacknowledgments to TOOLMAN

DB User Interface

Byte Bit7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

DIB 0 UI 8 UI 7 UI 6 UI 5 UI 4 UI 3 UI 2 UI 1

DIB 1 UI 16 UI 15 UI 14 UI 13 UI 12 UI 11 UI 10 UI 9

DIB 2 UI 24 UI 23 UI 22 UI 21 UI 20 UI 19 UI 18 UI 17

DIB 3 UI 32 UI 31 UI 30 UI 29 UI 28 UI 27 UI 26 UI 25

DIB 4 Error

DIB 5 --
DIB 6 Error number
DIB 8 --
DIB 10 ActPosChangePosMag1
DIB 12 ActPosChangePosMag2
DIB 14 ActPosChangePosGr1
DIB 16 ActPosChangePosGr2
DIB 18 --
DIB 20 TaskIdent
DIB 21 TaskIdentNo

DB User Interface

DIW 22 NewToolMag
DWI 24 NewToolLoc
DWI 26 OldToolLoc
DWI 28 Status
DWI 30 NewToolMag_Change_S1
DWI 32 NewToolLoc_Change_S1
DWI 34 OldToolMag_Change_S1
DWI 36 OldToolMag_Change_S1
DWI 38 OldToolLoc_Change_S1
DWI 40 NewToolMag_Change_S2
DWI 42 NewToolLoc_Change_S2
DWI 44 OldToolMag_Change_S2
DWI 46 OldToolLoc_Change_S2

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 11-577
PLC sample programs 09.05
11.1 FB 90: QUIT_WZVacknowledgments to TOOLMAN

DB User Interface

DID 48 UI_old
DID 52 UI_change
DID 56 UI_active
DIB 60 Ready Start

DIB 61 --
DIW 62 Error FC 8
DIB 64 StepNo

If a task in progress such as “Load tool” , “Unload tool”, “Prepare change” or “Exe-
cute change” is aborted by the NC Reset or Emergency Stop signal, the PLC must
acknowledge the task with FC TM_TRANS, status 3, if the task has not been com-
pleted. A task acknowledgement with status 3 is acknowledged negatively by the
tool management with error no. 6405. This behavior is taken into account in FB
QUIT_WZV in the error evaluation of FC TM_TRANS. No error is output here.

When supplying parameters for the FC TM_TRANS, it is important to ensure that
the correct magazine locations are assigned for the parameters NewToolMag/Loc
and OldToolMag/Loc on each status change or end-of-job acknowledgement. The
same applies for TaskIdent and TaskIdentNo. The tool management checks each
parameter against FC TM_TRANS on acknowledgement. If an incorrect value is
detected by the tool management, the NC assumes the STOP state and NC error
6405 “Channel %1 command %2 has invalid PLC acknowledgement parameter
%3” appears. If such a faulty condition occurs, then the variables of the parame-
ters of the FC TM_TRANS can be read in the PLC status and checked.
The status of the variables ASS_aktiv (DIB 44 DIB 47) shows which was the last
task to be processed. The assignment of ASS_aktiv is identical to the ASS inter-
face (DIB 0--DIB 3).

Power OFF / Restart

If the NCK is disconnected from the mains during a job or a NCK reset is executed,
then the user-interface bits have to be deleted by the user.
Also, the following variables in the DB instance must be deleted in OB 100:
Open DB xxx; // Open DB instance FB QUIT_WZV
L 0;
T DBD 48; // UI_old

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11-578 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 PLC sample programs
11.1 FB 90: QUIT_WZVacknowledgments to TOOLMAN

T DBD 52; // UI_change

T DBD 56; // UI_active
T DBB 60; // Start and ready FC 8
As of version 2.0 of FB 90, the variables in FB 90 are deleted on restart. The in-
struction section can be omitted in OB100.

11.1.1 Sample Programs

Sample Programs
As an example of the use of FB QUIT_WZV, five different magazine configurations
are programmed in FB 90. The setting for the user interface bits in FB 90 is pro-
grammed in FC 90. The blocks are contained in files QUIT_1.awl -- QUIT_2.awl.
The following magazine types have been implemented as program examples:
S Chain magazine with one spindle as a pick-up magazine
S Chain magazine with one dual gripper and one spindle
S Chain magazine with two grippers and one spindle
S Two chain magazines with one spindle
S Chain magazine with two spindles.

11.1.2 Chain magazine with one spindle as a pick-up magazine

FB QUIT_WZV is programmed as FB 90 in QUIT_1.awl for the following magazine

Magazine no. c Location no. Meaning

9999 1 Spindle loading point
9999 2 Magazine loading point
9998 1 Spindle
1 1 Magazine location 1
1 2 Magazine location 2
1 Magazine location .

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 11-579
PLC sample programs 09.05
11.1 FB 90: QUIT_WZVacknowledgments to TOOLMAN

Magazine no. c Location no. Meaning

1 n--1 Magazine location n--1
1 n Magazine location n

The tool is changed by moving directly from the magazine to the spindle (pick-up
magazine). If a tool is already located in the spindle it is returned to the magazine
before the new tool is placed in the magazine. Loading is performed either via the
loading point magazine or the loading point spindle.
For this configuration, 17 transfer job requests from the PLC to the tool manage-
ment are programmed in FB QUIT_WZV. These requests are triggered by the user
via the user interfaces UI 1 -- UI 20.
With an asynchronous job request, tool position changes outside a programmed
sequence, e.g. for movements in JOG, can be sent to the tool management after a
tool change has been aborted.
The following job requests are implemented in FB 90 and triggered in FC 90 in the
example in QUIT_1.awl:

OCV Function
1 Acknowledgement load tool completed, magazine loading point
2 Abort / reset load tool, magazine loading point
3 Acknowledgement unload tool completed, magazine loading point
4 Abort / reset unload tool, magazine loading point
5 Acknowledgement load tool completed, spindle loading point
6 Abort / reset load tool, spindle loading point
7 Acknowledgement unload tool completed, spindle loading point
8 Abort / reset unload tool, spindle loading point
9 Acknowledgement prepare change completed
10 Abort / reset prepare change
11 Spindle change status → magazine tool change
12 Magazine change status → spindle tool change
13 Abort / reset change
14 --
15 Acknowledgement relocate (from HMI)
16 Asynchronous relocation spindle → magazine
17 Asynchronous relocation spindle → spindle
18 --
19 --
20 Actual position change magazine location change point
21 --

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11-580 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 PLC sample programs
11.1 FB 90: QUIT_WZVacknowledgments to TOOLMAN

OCV Function
22 Acknowledgement positioning at loading point
23 Abort / reset positioning at loading point

... ...

32 --

The actual position for job requests 16, 17 and 20 is taken from DB instance
DBW 10 in FB 90. The actual position address can be changed by the user.

With asynchronous relocation the magazine location state “Z” (reserved for tool in
buffer) is not taken into account. This means that with asynchronous relocation
from magazine to spindle, the identifier “Z” is not set and with asynchronous re-
location from spindle to magazine that the identifier “Z” is not reset in the old loca-
In this case, “Z” must be set and cleared with FB 3 (write NC variable).
With NC SW 3.2 and later, magazine location status “Z” is transferred with Task-Id-
ent 5 for asynchronous relocation.

11.1.3 Chain magazine with one dual gripper and one spindle

FB QUIT_WZV is programmed as FB 90 in QUIT_2.awl for the following magazine

Magazine no. Location no. Meaning

9999 1 Spindle loading point
9999 2 Magazine loading point
9998 1 Spindle
9998 1 Dual gripper, gripper 1
9998 1 Dual gripper, gripper 2
1 1 Magazine location 1
1 2 Magazine location 2

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 11-581
PLC sample programs 09.05
11.1 FB 90: QUIT_WZVacknowledgments to TOOLMAN

Magazine no. Location no. Meaning

1 . Magazine location .
1 n Magazine location n

The tool is moved via the dual gripper from the tool change position in the maga-
zine to the spindle. The tools are simultaneously changed to and from the maga-
zine and the spindle. Before the tool is changed, the gripper on the magazine side
is gripper 2 and the gripper on the spindle side is gripper 1.
With this definition only two relocation commands are necessary.
Loading is performed either via the loading point magazine or the loading point
For this configuration, 19 transfer job requests from the PLC to the tool manage-
ment are programmed in FB QUIT_WZV. These requests are triggered by the user
via the user interfaces UI 1--UI 20.
With an asynchronous job request, tool position changes outside a programmed
sequence, e.g. for movements in JOG, can be sent to the tool management after a
tool change has been aborted.
The following job requests are implemented in FB 90 and triggered in FC 90 in the
example in QUIT_2.awl:

OCV Function
1 Acknowledgement load tool completed, magazine loading point
2 Abort / reset load tool, magazine loading point
3 Acknowledgement unload tool completed, magazine loading point
4 Abort / reset unload tool, magazine loading point
5 Acknowledgement load tool completed, spindle loading point
6 Abort / reset load tool, spindle loading point
7 Acknowledgement unload tool completed, spindle loading point
8 Abort / reset unload tool, spindle loading point
9 Acknowledgement prepare change completed
10 Abort / reset prepare change
11 Status change spindle →gripper 1 and magazine → gripper 2 tool change
12 Status change magazine → magazine and gripper 2 → spindle tool change
13 Abort / reset change
14 --
15 Acknowledgement relocate (from HMI)
16 Asynchronous relocation gripper 1 → spindle
17 Asynchronous relocation gripper 1 → magazine
18 Asynchronous relocation gripper 2 → spindle

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11-582 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 PLC sample programs
11.1 FB 90: QUIT_WZVacknowledgments to TOOLMAN

OCV Function
19 Asynchronous relocation gripper 2 → magazine
20 Actual position change magazine location change point
21 --
22 Acknowledgement positioning at loading point
23 Abort / reset positioning at loading point

... ...

32 --

The actual position for job requests 17, 19 and 20 is taken from DB instance
DIW 10 in FB 90. The actual position address can be changed by the user.
With asynchronous relocation the magazine location state “Z” (reserved for tool in
buffer) is not taken into account. This means that with asynchronous relocation
from magazine to spindle, the identifier “Z” is not set and with asynchronous re-
location from spindle to magazine that the identifier “Z” is not reset in the old loca-
tion. In this case, “Z” must be set and cleared with FB 3 (write NC variable). With
NC SW 3.2 and later, magazine location status “Z” is transferred with Task-Ident 5
for asynchronous relocation.

11.1.4 Chain magazine with two grippers and one spindle

FB QUIT_WZV is programmed as FB 90 in QUIT_3.awl for the following magazine

Magazine no. Location no. Meaning

9999 1 Spindle loading point
9999 2 Magazine loading point
9998 1 Spindle
9998 2 Gripper 1
9998 3 Gripper 2
1 1 Magazine location 1
1 2 Magazine location 2
1 . Magazine location .

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 11-583
PLC sample programs 09.05
11.1 FB 90: QUIT_WZVacknowledgments to TOOLMAN

Magazine no. Location no. Meaning

1 n Magazine location n--1
1 n Magazine location n

The tool is relocated from the tool change position in the magazine into the spindle
via gripper 1 or gripper 2 and from the spindle into the magazine via gripper 2.
Tools can only be loaded via the loading point of the magazine.
For this configuration, 20 transfer job requests from the PLC to the tool manage-
ment are programmed in FB QUIT_WZV.
These tasks must be initiated by the user via the user interfaces UI 1--UI 20.
With an asynchronous job request, tool position changes outside a programmed
sequence, e.g. for movements in JOG, can be sent to the tool management after a
tool change has been aborted.
The following job requests are implemented in FB 90 and triggered in FC 90 in the
example in QUIT_3.awl:

OCV Function
1 Acknowledgement load tool completed, magazine loading point
2 Abort / reset load tool, magazine loading point
3 Acknowledgement unload tool completed, magazine loading point
4 Abort / reset unload tool, magazine loading point
5 Acknowledgement prepare change completed
6 Abort / reset prepare change
7 Status change magazine → gripper 1 tool change
8 Status change magazine → gripper 2 tool change
9 Status change spindle → gripper 2 tool change
10 Status change gripper 1 → spindle tool change
11 Status change gripper 2 → Magazine tool change
12 Abort / reset change
13 Acknowledgement relocate (from HMI)
14 Asynchronous relocation gripper 1 → magazine
15 Asynchronous relocation gripper 2 → magazine
16 Asynchronous relocation gripper 1 → spindle
17 Asynchronous relocation gripper 2 → spindle
18 Asynchronous relocation spindle → gripper 1
19 Asynchronous relocation spindle → gripper 2
20 Actual position change magazine location change point
21 --

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11-584 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 PLC sample programs
11.1 FB 90: QUIT_WZVacknowledgments to TOOLMAN

OCV Function
22 Acknowledgement positioning at loading point
23 Abort / reset positioning at loading point

... ...

32 --

The actual position is read from the DB instance DIW 10 for job 20 in FB 90.
The actual magazine position for gripper 1 is read from the DB instance DIW14
(UI 14) and the actual magazine position for gripper 2 from DB instance DIW16
(UI 15 ). The addresses of the actual positions can be changed by the user.
Neither loading nor unloading spindles has been programmed in FB QUIT_WZV.
With a user-programmable UI, this function can be programmed by the user. Jump
target lists IFC 1--IFC 3 can be used as an example.
With asynchronous relocation the magazine location state “Z” (reserved for tool in
buffer) is not taken into account. This means that with asynchronous relocation
from magazine to spindle, the identifier “Z” is not set and with asynchronous re-
location from spindle to magazine that the identifier “Z” is not reset in the old loca-
tion. In this case, “Z” must be set and cleared with FB 3 (write NC variable).
With NC SW version 3.2 and higher, magazine location status “Z” is transferred
with Task-Ident 5 for asynchronous relocation.

11.1.5 Two chain magazines with one spindle as a pick-up magazine

FB QUIT_WZV is programmed as FB 90 in QUIT_4.awl for the following magazine

Magazine no. Location no. Meaning

9999 1 Spindle loading point
9999 2 Magazine loading point
9998 1 Spindle
1 1 Magazine location 1
1 2 Magazine location 2
1 . Magazine location .
1 n--1 Magazine location n--1
1 n Magazine location n

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PLC sample programs 09.05
11.1 FB 90: QUIT_WZVacknowledgments to TOOLMAN

Magazine no. Location no. Meaning

1 1 Magazine location 1
1 2 Magazine location 2
1 . Magazine location .
1 n Magazine location n--1
1 n Magazine location n

The tool is moved directly from magazine 1 or magazine 2 to the spindle (pick-up
magazine). If a tool is already located in the spindle it is returned to magazine 1 or
magazine 2 before the new tool is placed in the magazine.
Loading is performed either via the loading point magazine or the loading point
spindle. For this configuration, 22 transfer job requests from the PLC to the tool
management are programmed in FB QUIT_WZV. These requests are triggered by
the user via the user interfaces UI 1--UI 22.
With an asynchronous job request, tool position changes outside a programmed
sequence, e.g. for movements in JOG, can be sent to the tool management after a
tool change has been aborted.
The following job requests are implemented in FB 90 and triggered in FC 90 in the
example in QUIT_4.awl:

OCV Function
1 Acknowledgement load tool completed, magazine loading point
2 Abort / reset load tool, magazine loading point
3 Acknowledgement unload tool completed, magazine loading point
4 Abort / reset unload tool, magazine loading point
5 Acknowledgement load tool completed, spindle loading point
6 Abort / reset load tool, spindle loading point
7 Acknowledgement unload tool completed, spindle loading point
8 Abort / reset unload tool, spindle loading point
9 Acknowledgement prepare change completed
10 Abort / reset prepare change
11 Status change spindle → magazine tool change
12 Magazine change status → spindle tool change
13 Abort / reset change
14 --
15 Acknowledgement relocate (from HMI)
16 Asynchronous relocation spindle → magazine 1
17 Asynchronous relocation magazine 1 → spindle
18 Asynchronous relocation spindle → magazine 2

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11-586 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 PLC sample programs
11.1 FB 90: QUIT_WZVacknowledgments to TOOLMAN

OCV Function
19 Asynchronous relocation magazine 2 → spindle
20 Actual position change magazine location change point magazine 1
21 Actual position change magazine location change point magazine 2
22 Acknowledgement positioning at loading point
23 Abort / reset positioning at loading point

... ...

32 --

The actual position is read from the DB instance DIW10 or DIW12 for job 20 in
FB 90. The addresses of the actual positions can be changed by the user.
With asynchronous relocation the magazine location state “Z” (reserved for tool in
buffer) is not taken into account. This means that with asynchronous relocation
from magazine to spindle, the identifier “Z” is not set and with asynchronous re-
location from spindle to magazine that the identifier “Z” is not reset in the old loca-
tion. In this case, “Z” must be set and cleared with FB 3 (write NC variable).
With NC SW 3.2 and later, magazine location status “Z” is transferred with Task-
Ident 5 for asynchronous relocation.

11.1.6 Chain magazine with two spindles.

FB QUIT_WZV is programmed as FB 90 in QUIT_5.awl for the following magazine

Magazine no. Location no. Meaning

9999 1 Spindle loading point 1
9999 2 Spindle loading point 2
9999 2 Magazine loading point
9998 1 Spindle 1
9998 2 Spindle 2
1 1 Magazine location 1
1 2 Magazine location 2
1 . Magazine location .

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PLC sample programs 09.05
11.1 FB 90: QUIT_WZVacknowledgments to TOOLMAN

Magazine no. Location no. Meaning

1 n Magazine location n--1
1 n Magazine location n

The tool is moved directly from the magazine to spindle 1 or spindle 2 (pick-up
magazine). If a tool is already located in the spindle it is returned to the magazine
before the new tool is placed in the magazine.
Spindle 1 is assigned to channel 1 and spindle 2 to channel 2. Therefore a tool
function or tool change programmed in channel 1 is outputted in DB 72 in UI 1 and
the new tool is placed on spindle 1.
Therefore, a tool call or tool change programmed in channel 2 is outputted in
DB 72 in UI 2 and the new tool is placed on spindle 2. Tools can only be loaded via
the loading point of the magazine.
For this configuration, 20 transfer job requests from the PLC to the tool manage-
ment are programmed in FB QUIT_WZV. These tasks must be initiated by the user
via the user interfaces UI 1 -- UI 20.
With an asynchronous job request, tool position changes outside a programmed
sequence, e.g. for movements in JOG, can be sent to the tool management after a
tool change has been aborted.
The following job requests are implemented in FB 90 and triggered in FC 90 in the
example in QUIT_5.awl:

OCV Function
1 Acknowledgement load tool completed, magazine loading point
2 Abort / reset load tool, magazine loading point
3 Acknowledgement unload tool completed, magazine loading point
4 Abort / reset unload tool, magazine loading point
5 Acknowledgement prepare change completed spindle 1
6 Abort / reset prepare change spindle 1
7 Acknowledgement prepare change completed spindle 2
8 Abort / reset prepare change spindle 2
9 Status change spindle 1 → magazine
10 Status change magazine → spindle 1
11 Abort / reset change spindle 1
12 Status change spindle 2 → magazine
13 Status change magazine → spindle 2
14 Abort / reset change spindle 2
15 Acknowledgement relocate (from HMI)
16 Asynchronous relocation spindle 1 → magazine

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09.05 PLC sample programs
11.1 FB 90: QUIT_WZVacknowledgments to TOOLMAN

OCV Function
17 Asynchronous relocation magazine → spindle 1
18 Asynchronous relocation spindle 1→ magazine
19 Asynchronous relocation magazine → spindle 2
20 Actual position change magazine
21 --
22 Acknowledgement positioning at loading point
23 Abort / reset positioning at loading point

... ....

32 --

The actual position for job request 20 in FB 90 is taken from DB instance DIW 10.
The actual position address can be changed by the user.
Neither loading nor unloading spindles has been programmed in FB QUIT_WZV.
With a user-programmable UI, this function can be programmed by the user. Jump
target lists IFC 1--IFC 3 can be used as an example.
With asynchronous relocation the magazine location state “Z” (reserved for tool in
buffer) is not taken into account. This means that with asynchronous relocation
from magazine to spindle, the identifier “Z” is not set and with asynchronous re-
location from spindle to magazine that the identifier “Z” is not reset in the old loca-
tion. In this case, “Z” must be set and cleared with FB 3 (write NC variable).
With NC SW 3.2 and later, magazine location status “Z” is transferred with Task-
Ident 5 for asynchronous relocation.

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 11-589
PLC sample programs 09.05
11.2 FB 91: LE_SUCH search for empty location for tool in buffer

11.2 FB 91: LE_SUCH search for empty location for tool in


Description of functions
A search for an empty location in the magazine for a tool in the buffer can be made
with FB LE_SUCH.
Every FB 91 call must be assigned a separate instance DB from the user area.
When FB 91 is called an empty location is searched in the magazine for a tool in
the buffer on a positive edge change at control input Start.
The location in the temporary storage is also given to the function block by the in-
put parameters MagNr_ZW and LocNr_ZW. The magazine number where
theempty located shall be searched is given by the parameter magazine no.
Successful execution of the job is displayed by means of a logic “1” in status
parameter Done. The empty location is output via output parameter MagNr_Empty
and LocNo_Empty. Any errors that occurred are indicated by Error and State.
The search for empty locations is a routine executed over several PLC cycles. The
block can be called up in cyclic mode only. FB 2 is called twice and FB 4 once in
FB 91. These blocks are called with a multi-instance DB in FB91.

FB 91 can perform the empty location search only if basic program parameter
NCKomm has been set to “1” (in OB100: FB 1, DB 7).


Start : BOOL;
MagNr_ZW : INT;
LocNr_ZW : INT;
MagNr : INT;

Active: BOOL;
Done : BOOL;
Error : BOOL;
State : WORD;
MagNr_Empty: INT;

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11-590 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 PLC sample programs
11.2 FB 91: LE_SUCH search for empty location for tool in buffer

LocNr_Empty: INT;

Description of formal parameters

The table below lists all the formal parameters for block LE_SUCH.

Signal Type Type Value range Remarks

Start E Bool Start empty location search.
MagNr_ZW E Int 1.. Magazine number of the buffer
LocNr_ZWv E Int 1.. Location number of buffer
MagNr E Int 1.. Magazine number of the magazine
where the empty locations shall be
Active A Bool Empty location search running
Done O Bool Empty location found. Signal is active
for one PLC cycle.
Error O Bool Empty location search was acknowl-
edged negative or could not be exe-
Signal is active for one PLC cycle.
Fault no. is stored in State.
State O Word See error identifiers
MagNr_Empty O Int Magazine number for empty location
LocNr_Empty O Int Location number for empty location

Furthermore, the search for an empty location can be influenced with the following
signals in the instance DB of the FB91:
TNr_write = 1:
The T number of the tool for the search for an empty location is in TNr_FB2.
MagNr_ZW/LocNo_ZW are not evaluated.
No setting of semaphores in the PI service TMFDPL.

Error identifiers
If it is not possible to execute a request in the empty location search, this is indi-
cated in status parameter Error with ’logical 1’. The error cause is coded at the
block output State:

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PLC sample programs 09.05
11.2 FB 91: LE_SUCH search for empty location for tool in buffer

State Meaning Note

1 Error while reading T number The fault detection of the FB2 is stored
(FB 2) from MagNr_ZW and in the variable StateFB2_TNrGesp in
LocNo_ZW. the instance DB.
2 The logical T number of the magazine Check whether a tool is at the maga-
location is zero. zine location of the buffer.
3 Error in the PI service searching for an The error ID of FB 4 is stored in the
empty location (FB4). variable StateFB4Gesp.
4 Error on acknowledgement parameter The error ID of FB 2 is stored in the
of PI service variable State FB 2_ParGesp instance
read TMFDPL with FB 2. DB.
5 Search for empty location terminated No empty location available in the mag-
with error azine
6 Invalid step number Internal error in FB.
7 Error while reading variable numMag- Restart required.
PlaceParams with FB 2.
8 Error FB4 PI service MMCSEM Semaphore for PI service TMFDPL on
1st event. Another job may be active

Pulse diagram

1 4 1 6 1 4

Active 2
3 5 7 5


Bild 11-1 Timing diagram for FB 91

1. Activation of function
2. Empty location search active
3. Positive acknowledgment: empty location found
4. Reset of function activation signal after receipt of acknowledgement by user,
signal change by FC
5. If function activation signal is reset before receipt of acknowledgement, the out-
put signals are not updated; not relevant once the function is running
6. Negative acknowledgment: Error occurred. Error code in the output parameter

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09.05 PLC sample programs
11.2 FB 91: LE_SUCH search for empty location for tool in buffer

Call example
U DB21.DBX 204.0; // M80 signal
S M 150.0; // Start empty location search
CAll FB91,DB 91(
Start: M 150.0, // Start empty location search
MagNr_ZW : 9998, // Magazine no.= buffer
LocNr_ZW :2, // Magazine loc. 2 = gripper
MagNr : 1, // Magazine no. for empty location = 1
Active: M 150.1, // Empty location search active
Done : M 150.2, // Empty location found
Error: M 150.3, // Error in empty loc. search
State : MW 152, // Fault number
MagNr_Empty: MW 154, // Magazine number for empty location
LocNr_Empty: MW156); // Location number for empty location
U M 150.2; // Empty location found
O M 150.3; // Error in empty loc. search
R M 150.0; // Start empty location search
U M 150.3;
S M 160.0; // Error in empty location search

Blocks to be loaded
FB 91, FB 2, FB 4, DB 91, DB 119

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 11-593
PLC sample programs 09.05
11.3 FB 92: GET_LOC read magazine location and tool data

11.3 FB 92: GET_LOC read magazine location and tool data

Description of functions
The magazine location data of a magazine location and the tool data of a tool can
be read with FB GET_LOC.
Every FB 92 call must be assigned a separate instance DB from the user area.
Depending on the signal at input GetWkz, calling FB 92 reads the data on a posi-
tive edge change at control input Req. If input GETWKZ carries a 1-signal the
magazine location data and tool data is read. If GETWKZ = 0 only the magazine
location data is read.
The magazine location is transferred to the FB via input parameters MagNr and
LocNr. Successful execution of the function is indicated at status parameter NDR
with logical “1”. Any errors that have occurred are output via Error and State.
Specifically, the following data are read:
S Magazine location data (TP):
-- Location state
S General tool data (TD):
-- Size to left in half locations
-- Size to right in half locations
-- Size upwards in half locations
-- Size downwards in half locations
-- Magazine location type
-- Tool status
The data is stored in the instance DB. A detailed description of the data is to be
found in the Description Lists in Chapter 4, Variables, and in the Description of
Functions Tool Management in the Section Programming.
The Read process is a routine executed over several PLC cycles. The block can
be called up in cyclic mode only.

FB 2 is called twice in FB 92. These blocks are called with a multi-instance DB in

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09.05 PLC sample programs
11.3 FB 92: GET_LOC read magazine location and tool data

Req : BOOL;
GetWkz: BOOL;
MagNr : INT;
LocNr : INT;
Error: BOOL;
State : WORD;

Explanations of formal parameters

The table below lists all the formal parameters for block GET_LOC.

Signal Type Type Value range Remarks

NDR E Bool Start Read state
GetWkz E Bool 0 signal:
Read magazine location data
1 signal:
Read magazine location and
tool data
MagNr E Int 1.. Magazine number
LocNr E Int 1.. Location number
Done O Bool Operation successfully
Error O Bool Task was acknowledged
negatively or could not be
Fault no. stored in State.
State O Word See error messages

Furthermore, the Read job can be influenced with the following signals in the
instance DB of the FB92:
TNr_write = 1: The T number of the tool for tool data is in TNr (DIW28). MagNr/
LocNo are not interpreted.
Only tool data is read.

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 11-595
PLC sample programs 09.05
11.3 FB 92: GET_LOC read magazine location and tool data

Error identifiers
If it was not possible to execute a job, the failure is indicated by “logic 1” on status
parameter error. The error cause is coded at the block output State:

State Meaning Note

1 Error on reading magazine loca- The error ID of FB 2 is stored as the
tion data (FB 2). variable StateFB2_TNrGesp. in the
instance DB.
2 The logical T number of the mag- Check whether a tool is located in the
azine location is zero. specified magazine location.
3 Error on reading tool data (FB 2). The fault detection of the FB2 is
stored as the variable Sta-
teFB2_WZGesp in the instance DB.
6 Invalid step number Internal error in FB.
7 Error while reading variable num- Restart required.
MagPlaceParams with FB 2.

Data interface

DB instance
Byte Description of the data read
DIW 28 Logical T number
DIW 30 Location state
DIW 32 Size to left in half locations
DIW 34 Size to right in half locations
DIW 36 Size upwards in half locations
DIW 38 Size downwards in half locations
DIW 40 Magazine location type
DIW 42 Tool status

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09.05 PLC sample programs
11.3 FB 92: GET_LOC read magazine location and tool data

Pulse diagram

1 3 1 5 1 3

2 4 6 4

Bild 11-2 Timing diagram for FB 92

1. Activation of function
2. Positive acknowledgment: Receive new data
3. Reset function activation after receipt of acknowledgment
4. Signal change by means of FB
5. If function activation signal is reset before receipt of acknowledgement, the out-
put signals are not updated; not relevant once the function is running
6. Negative acknowledgment: Error occurred. Error code in the output parameter

Call example
U DB21.DBX 204.1; // M81 signal
S M 160.0; // Start Read states
CAll FB92,DB 92(
Req : M 160.0, // Start Read states
GetWkz: true, // Read magazine location and tool data
MagNr: 9998, Magazine no.= temporary storage
LocNr:2, // Magazine loc. 2 = gripper
NDR : M 160.1, // Task executed
Error: M 160.2, // Reading error
State : MW 162); // Error number
U M 160.1; // Data read
O M 160.2; // Reading error
R M 160.0; // Start empty location search
U M 160.2;
S M 160.7; // Error in reading tool data

Blocks to be loaded
FB92, FB2, DB92, DB119

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 11-597
PLC sample programs 09.05
11.4 FB 93: PUT_LOC write magazine location and tool data

11.4 FB 93: PUT_LOC write magazine location and tool data

Description of functions
The magazine location status of a magazine location and the tool status of a tool
can be written with FB PUT_LOC.
Every FB 93 call must be assigned a separate instance DB from the user area.
Depending on the signal at input PutWkz, calling FB 93 writes the data on a posi-
tive edge change at control input Req. If input PutWkz carries a 1 signal the tool
status is written, if PutWkz = 0, the magazine location status is written.
The magazine location is transferred to the FB via input parameters MagNr and
LocNr. Successful execution of the job is displayed by means of a logic “1” in sta-
tus parameter Done. Any errors that have occurred are output via Error and State.
The status data are entered in the instance DB. A detailed description of the data
is to be found in the Description Lists in Chapter 4, Variables, and in the Descrip-
tion of Functions Tool Management in the Section Programming.
The Write process is a routine executed over several PLC cycles. The block can
be called up in cyclic mode only.
FB 2 is called once and FB 3 twice in FB 93. These blocks are called with a multi-
instance DB in FB 92.

FB 93 can execute the read operations only if basic program parameter NCKomm
has been set to “1” (in OB100: FB 1, DB 7).

Req : BOOL;
PutWkz: BOOL;
MagNr : INT;
LocNr : INT;
Done: BOOL;
Error: BOOL;
State : WORD;

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11-598 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 PLC sample programs
11.4 FB 93: PUT_LOC write magazine location and tool data

Explanations of formal parameters

The table below lists all the formal parameters for block PUT_LOC.

Signal Type Type Value range Remarks

Done E Bool Start write status
PutWkz E Bool 0 signal:
Write magazine location state
1 signal:
Write tool status
MagNr E Int 1.. Magazine number
LocNr E Int 1.. Location number
Done O Bool Operation successfully
Error O Bool Task was acknowledged
negatively or could not be
Fault no. stored in State.
State O Word See error messages

Furthermore, the Write job can be influenced with the following signals in the
instance DB of the FB 93:
TNr_write = 1: The T number of the tool for Write tool data is in T-Nr(DIW32).
MagNr/LocNo are not evaluated

Error identifiers
If it was not possible to execute a job, the failure is indicated by “logic 1” on status
parameter error. The error cause is coded at the block output State:

State Meaning Note

1 Error on reading magazine loca- The error ID of FB 2 is stored as the
tion data (FB 2). variable StateFB2_TNrGesp. in the
instance DB.
2 The logical T number of the mag- Check whether a tool is located in the
azine location is zero. specified magazine location.
3 Error while writing magazine loca- The fault detection of the FB3 is
tion data (FB 3). stored as the variable StateFB3_Loc-
Gesp in the instance DB.
4 Tool data writing error (FB 3). The fault detection of the FB3 is
stored as the variable Sta-
teFB3_WZGesp in the instance DB.
6 Invalid step number Internal error in FB.
7 Error while reading variable num- Restart required.
MagPlaceParams with FB 2.

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 11-599
PLC sample programs 09.05
11.4 FB 93: PUT_LOC write magazine location and tool data

Data interface

DB instance User Interface

Byte Description of the data
DIW 32 Logical T number (read by the FB)
DIW 34 Location state (read by FB)
DIW 36 Location state (data to tool management, block TP, parame-
ter P5)
DIW 38 Tool status (data to tool management, block TD, toolState)

Pulse diagram

1 3 1 5 1 3

2 4 6 4

Bild 11-3 Timing diagram FB 93

1. Activation of function
2. Positive acknowledgment: variables have been written
3. Reset function activation after receipt of acknowledgment
4. Signal change by means of FB
5. If function activation signal is reset before receipt of acknowledgement, the out-
put signals are not updated; not relevant once the function is running
6. Negative acknowledgment: Error occurred. Error code in the output parameter

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

11-600 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 PLC sample programs
11.4 FB 93: PUT_LOC write magazine location and tool data

Call example
U DB21.DBX 204.2; // M82 signal
S M 164.0; // Start Read states
CAll FB93,DB 93(
Req : M 164.0, // Start Read states
GetWkz: true, // Read magazine location and tool data
MagNr: 1, // Magazine no.= Magazine 1
LocNr:10, // Magazine location 10
Done: M 164.1, // Task executed
Error: M 164.2, // Reading error
State : MW 166); // Error number
U M 164.1; // Data read
O M 164.2; // Reading error
R M 164.0; // Start empty location search
U M 164.2;
S M 164.7; // Error in reading tool data.

Blocks to be loaded
FB93, FB2, DB93, DB119

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition 11-601
PLC sample programs 09.05
11.4 FB 93: PUT_LOC write magazine location and tool data


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11-602 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
Abbreviations A
ASUB Asynchronous Subroutine
BLS Block search
C1 .. C4 Channel 1 to Channel 4
CC Compile cycle or OEM or user area
CUTOM Cutter Radius Compensation: Tool radius compensation
DB Data Block in the PLC
DBB Data Block Byte in the PLC
DBW Data Block Word in the PLC
DBX Data Block Bit in the PLC
DDE Dynamic Data Exchange:
DW Data Word
ENC Encoder: Actual value encoder
EPROM Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
FB Function Block
FC Function Call: Function block in the PLC
FM--NC Function Module Numerical Control
GUD Global User Data: Global user data
HEX Abbreviation for Hexadecimal Number
HMI Human Machine Interface
IBN Installation and Start-up
INC Increment: Increment
INI Initializing Data: Initializing data
ISO Code Special punchtape code, number of punched holes per character
always even
K Bus Communications Bus
MCS Machine Coordinate System (Machine)
MD Machine Data
MDA Manual Data Automatic: Manual input
MMC Man Machine Communication, see HMI

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition A-603
Abbreviations 09.05

MSD Main Spindle Drive

NC Numerical Control: Numerical Control
NCK Numerical Control Kernel: NC kernel with block preparation, travel
range, etc.
OA Open Architecture
OB Organization Block in the PLC
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer: manufacturer whose products
are marketed under a different name.
OP Operation Panel: Operating setup
OPI Operator Panel Interface
PI Program Invocation: Programming Instance
PLC Programmable Logic Controller: Programmable logic control
TCA ToolChangeAbsolute
TCI ToolChangeIntermediateLocation
TL Tool
TLC Tool Length Compensation
TM Tool Management
TMBF Tool Management Basic Function
TMFD Tool Managment Flat D numbers
TMMG Tool Management Magazines
TMMO Tool Management Monitoring function
TO Tool Offset
TOA Tool Offset Active: Identifier (file type) for tool offsets
TOOLGNT TOOLGroupNumber OfTools
TOOLGT TOOLGroupToolNumber
TRC Tool Radius Compensation
USEKT UseKindOfTool
V.24 Serial Interface RS--232 (definition of the interchange circuit be-
tween DTE and DCE)
VDI Virtual Device Interface: virtual interface
WCS Workpiece Coordinate System (Work)

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A-604 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
Terminology B
Important terms are listed in alphabetical order. The symbol > precedes terms
which are explained under a separate entry in this list.
Access authorization
Programs and other data are protected internally by a system of access rights
based on seven levels:
S Three password levels for system manufacturers, machine manufacturers and
users and
Four keyswitch settings which can be evaluated via the PLC (depending on the
keyswitch hardware).
All messages and alarms are displayed on the operator panel in plaintext with date
and time as well as the appropriate symbol for the reset criterion. Alarms and mes-
sages are displayed separately.
1. Alarms and messages in the part program:
Alarms and messages can be displayed in plain text directly from the part pro-
2. Alarms and messages from PLC
Alarms and messages for the machine can be displayed in plain text from the
PLC program. No additional function block packages are required for this pur-
Approach machine fixed-point
Approach motion towards one of the predefined --> fixed machine points.
Exporting files and/or directories to an external storage device.
Asynchronous subroutine
A part program that can be started asynchronously (or independently) of the cur-
rent program status by means of an interrupt signal (e.g. “High-speed NC input”
signal) (SW package 4 and higher).
Auxiliary functions,
Auxiliary functions can be used to transfer --> parameters to the --> PLC in --> part
programs, where they trigger reactions which are defined by machine manufactur-

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition B-605
Terminology 09.05

S In accordance with their functional scope, the CNC axes are subdivided into:
S Axes: interpolating path axes
Auxiliary axes: non-interpolating feed and positioning axes with an axis-specific
feed rate. Auxiliary axes are not involved in the actual machining, and include for
example tool feeders and tool magazines.
Axis identifier
Axes are referred to in accordance with DIN 66217 (for a right-handed rectangular
--> coordinate system) with the letters X,Y, Z.
Rotary axes rotating around X,Y, Z > are referred to as A, B, C.
Additional axes, which are parallel to those specified, can be identified with other
Axis/spindle replacement
An axis/a spindle is permanently assigned to a specific channel via machine data.
Using program commands it is possible to release an axis/spindle and assign it to
another channel.
Copies of the contents of storage medium (hard disk) are stored to an external
memory device for the purpose of backing up and/or archiving data.
Basic coordinate system
Cartesian coordinate system which is mapped by transformation onto the machine
coordinate system.
In the --> part program, the programmer uses the axis names of the basic coordi-
nate system. The basic coordinate system exists in parallel to the --> machine
coordinate system when no --> transformation is active. The difference between
the systems relates to the axis identifiers.
“Block” is the term given to any files required for creating and processing pro-
A section of a --> part program terminated with a line feed. A distinction is made
between --> main blocks and --> subblocks.
Block search
The block search function allows any point in the part program to be selected, at
which machining must start or be continued. The function is provided for the pur-
pose of testing part programs or continuing machining after a program abort.
Loading the system program after power on.

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B-606 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Terminology

A channel is characterized by being able to run independently of other channels or
a --> part program. A channel exclusively controls the axes and spindles assigned
to it. Part programs runs of various channels can be coordinated by --> synchro-
Channel structure
The channel structure makes it possible to process the --> programss of individual
channels simultaneously and asynchronously.
Compensation memory
Data range in the control, in which the tool offset data are stored.
Contour monitoring
The following error is monitored within a definable tolerance band as a measure of
contour accuracy. Overloading of the drive, for example, may result in an unac-
ceptably large following error. In such cases, an alarm is output and the axes are
Subroutine for executing a repetitive machining process on the workpiece.
Cycle support
The available cycles are listed in the “Cycle support” menu in the “Program” oper-
ating area. Once the desired machining cycle has been selected, the parameters
required for assigning values are displayed in plain text.
D number
Number for the tool offset memory.
Data block
1. A data unit on the --> PLC which can be accessed by --> HIGHSTEP programs.
2. --> NC data unit: Data modules contain data definitions for global user data.
These data can be initialized directly when they are defined.
Data word
A data unit, two bytes in size, within a --> PLC data block.
Dimensions specification, metric and inches
Position and pitch values can be programmed in inches in the machining program.
The control is set to a basic system regardless of the programmable dimensional
specification (G70/G71).

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition B-607
Terminology 09.05

The editor makes it possible to create, edit, extend, join, and import programs/
texts/program blocks.
File type
Possible types of files, e.g. part programs, zero offsets, R parameters, etc.
Fixed machine point
A point defined uniquely by the machine tool, such as the reference point.
Fixed-point approach
Machine tools can approach fixed points such as a tool change point, loading point,
pallet change point, etc. in a defined way. The coordinates of these points are
stored in the control. Where possible, the control traverses these axes in -->rapid
A frame is an arithmetic rule that transforms one Cartesian coordinate system into
another Cartesian coordinate system. A frame contains the components work off-
set, rotation, scaling, mirroring.
Words in compliance with DIN 66025 are supplemented by identifiers (names) for
variables (arithmetic variables, system variables, user variables), for subroutines,
for keywords and for words with several address letters. These supplements have
the same meaning as the words with respect to block format. Identifiers must be
unique. It is not permissible to use the same identifier for different objects.
Travel path length specification based on number of increments. The number of
increments can be stored as a --> setting data or selected with keys labeled with
10, 100, 1000, 10 000.
Keylock switch
The keyswitch is the operating mode switch of the CPU. The keylock switch is op-
erated by a removable key.
The keylock switch on the --> machine control panel has 4 settings, to which func-
tions are assigned by the operating system of the control. Further, the keylock
switch has three differently colored keys, which can be removed in the specified

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B-608 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Terminology

The user guidance display texts and the system messages are available in five
system languages:
German, English, French, Italian, and Spanish.
The user can select two of the listed languages at a time in the control (Startup
operating area).
Machine axes
Physically existent axes on the machine tool.
Machine control panel
An operator panel on a machine tool with operating elements such as keys, rotary
switches, etc., and simple indicators such as LEDs. It is used to directly influence
the machine tool via the PLC.
Machine coordinate system
A coordinate system, which is related to the axes of the machine tool.
Machine zero
A fixed point on the machine tool, which can be referenced by all (derived) measur-
ing systems.
Machining channel
Via a channel structure, parallel sequences of movements, such as positioning a
loading gantry during machining, can shorten unproductive times. Here, a CNC
channel must be regarded as a separate CNC control system with decoding, block
preparation and interpolation.
Macro techniques
Individual instructions in the programming language can be linked to create one
instruction. This condensed instruction sequence is called by a user-defined name
in the CNC program and the macro command executed in accordance with the
individual instructions.

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition B-609
Terminology 09.05

The following categories of magazine are utilized in the tool management system:
S Real magazine
Actual magazine for storing tools, the NCK is capable of managing several real
S Internal magazine
All other positions in which a tool may be located are handled logically in the
NCK as a magazine (or magazine location). There are only two types of internal
magazines: the load magazine and the buffer magazine.
S Virtual magazine
This term is used in the MMC environment to refer to all the real and internal
magazines of one TO unit.
S Active magazine
Magazine which is linked to a spindle and from which a tool change can be exe-
S Background magazine
A magazine which is linked to a previous magazine via system parameter
$TC_MAP5. Generally speaking, tool changes involve the relocation of tools.
Main block
A block prefixed by “:” containing all the parameters required to start execution of a
--> part program.
Main program
--> Part program identified by a number or name in which further main programs,
subroutines or --> cycles can be called.
Main run
The part program blocks which have been decoded and prepared in the “prepro-
cessing” run are executed in the “main run”.
Control operating mode: Manual Data Input: In the MDI mode, individual program
blocks or block sequences with no reference to a main program or subprogram can
be input and executed immediately afterwards through actuation of the NC start
All messages programmed in the part program and all --> alarms recognized by the
system are displayed on the operator panel in plain text. Alarms and messages are
displayed separately.
Mirroring reverses the signs of the coordinate values of a contour, with respect to
an axis. It is possible to mirror with respect to more than one axis at a time.

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B-610 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Terminology

Numerical Control: It incorporates all the components of the machine tool control
system: --> NCK, --> PLC, --> MMC, --> COM.
Note: CNC (computerized numerical control) would be more appropriate for the
SINUMERIK 840D or FM--NC controls: MARS and Merkur controls.
Numerical Control Kernel: Component of the NC control which executes --> part
programs and essentially coordinates the movements on the machine tool.
Numeric Robotic Kernel (operating system of the --> NCK)
The scope for implementing individual solutions (OEM applications) for the
SINUMERIK 840D has been provided for machine manufacturers, who wish to
create their own operator interface or integrate process-oriented functions in the
Operating mode
An operating concept on a SINUMERIK control. The operating modes --> JOG, -->
MDI and --> Automatic are defined.
Oriented spindle stop
Stops the workpiece spindle with a specified orientation angle, e.g., to perform an
additional machining operation at a specific position.
Oriented tool retraction
RETTOOL: If machining is interrupted (e.g., when a tool breaks), a program com-
mand can be used to retract the tool in a user-specified orientation by a defined
Manual or programmable control feature, which enables the user to override pro-
grammed feedrates or speeds in order to adapt them to a specific workpiece or

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition B-611
Terminology 09.05

Part program
A sequence of instructions to the NC control which combine to produce a specific
--> workpiece by performing certain machining operations on a given --> blank.
Programmable Logic Control: --> Programmable logic control. Component of the
--> NC control: Programmable controller for processing the control logic of the ma-
chine tool.
PLC program memory
S SINUMERIK 840D The PLC user program, the user data and the basic PLC
program are stored together in the PLC user memory. The PLC user memory
can be expanded up to 128 KB with memory expansions.
S SINUMERIK 810D: The PLC user program, the user data and the basic PLC
program are stored together in the PLC user memory on the CPU 314. The
user memory in the basic configuration of the S7--CPU314 is 64 KB in size and
can be optionally expanded to 128 KB.
R parameters
Calculation parameter. The programmer of the --> part program can assign or
request the values of the R parameter as required.
Reference point
Point on the machine tool with which the measuring system of the --> machine
axes is referenced.
Reference point approach
If the position measuring system used is not an absolute-value encoder, then a
reference point approach operation is required to ensure that the actual values
supplied by the measuring system are in accordance with the machine coordinate
Replacement tool
A tool group generally contains several tools. For tool change purposes, only the
identifier is specified in the part program. The tool with the “active” status is gener-
ally selected as the new tool. But if this is disabled, then one of the other twin tools,
i.e. the replacement tool, is selected instead. --> Replacement tool
Replacement tool, tool group
Replacement tools have the same identifier and only differ in the duplo number.
The replacement tools assigned to one identifier are also referred to as a tool

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B-612 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Terminology

1. Repositioning on the contour using operator input
The REPOS function can use the direction keys to reposition at the point of in-
2. Repositioning on the contour by program
The program commands provide various approach strategies: Approach point
of interruption, approach start of block, approach end of block, approach a point
on the path between start of block and interruption.
Safety functions
The control includes continuously active monitoring functions which detect faults in
the --> CNC, the programmable controller (--> PLC) and the machine so early that
damage to the workpiece, tool or machine rarely occurs. In the event of a fault, the
machining operation is interrupted and the drives stopped. The cause of the mal-
function is logged and output as an alarm. At the same time, the PLC is notified
that a CNC alarm is pending.
Setting data
Data, which communicates the properties of the machine tool to the NC control, as
defined by the system software.
A key whose name appears on an area of the screen. The selection of keys dis-
played is adapted dynamically to the operating situation. The freely assignable
function keys are assigned defined functions in the software.
S Spindle = toolholder
Toolholder is generally the location for the machining tool. However, the term
“spindle” is frequently used in this general context.
S Main spindle = master spindle
This is the spindle with the number defined by machine data
MD $MC_SPIND_DEF_MASTER_SPIND. Language command SETMS(n) can
be programmed to declare the spindle with number n as the master spindle. A
channel has exactly one master spindle.
S Secondary spindle
This term refers to all spindles that are not the master spindle.

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition B-613
Terminology 09.05

Standard cycles
Standard cycles are provided for machining operations, which are frequently re-
S Cycles for drilling/milling applications
S for turning technology
The available cycles are listed in the “Cycle support” menu in the “Program” oper-
ating area. Once the desired machining cycle has been selected, the parameters
required for assigning values are displayed in plain text and can be supplied with
Block prefixed by “N” containing information for a machining step, such as a posi-
tion parameter.
A sequence of instructions of a --> part program which can be called repetitively
with various defining parameters. --> Cycles are a type of subprogram.
Instructions in --> part programs for coordination of the operations in different -->
channels at specific machining points.
Synchronized actions
1. Auxiliary function output
During the workpiece machining, technology functions (--> auxiliary functions)
can be issued from the CNC program to the PLC. These auxiliary functions are
used for example to control additional equipment for the machine tool, such as
quills, grabbers, clamping chucks etc.
2. Fast auxiliary function output
For switching functions which are time-critical, the confirmation times for the -->
auxiliary functions are minimized, and unnecessary stopping points in the ma-
chining process can be avoided.
Synchronized axes
Synchronized axes take the same time to traverse their path as the --> geometry
axes take for their path.
System variable
A variable which exists although it has not been programmed by the --> part pro-
gram programmer. It is defined by a data type and the variable name preceded by
the character $.
See also --> user-defined variable.

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B-614 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Terminology

Tool Nose Radius Compensation
Contour programming assumes that the tool is pointed. Because this is not actually
the case in practice, the curvature radius of the tool used must be communicated
to the control which then takes it into account. The curvature center is maintained
equidistantly around the contour, offset by the curvature radius.
Tool offset
By programming a T function (5 decades, integer) in the block, you can select the
tool. Every T number can be assigned up to 12 cutting edges (D addresses). The
number of tools to be managed in the control is set at the configuration stage.
Tool radius compensation
In order to be able to program a desired --> workpiece contour directly, the control
must traverse a path equidistant to the programmed contour, taking into account
the radius of the tool used (G41/G42).
Programming in a Cartesian coordinate system, execution in a non-Cartesian coor-
dinate system (e.g., with machine axes as rotary axes).
User-defined variable
Users can define variables in the --> part program or data block (global user data)
for their own use. A definition contains a data type specification and the variable
name. See also --> system variable.
User interface
The user interface (UI) is the display medium for a CNC control in the form of a
screen. It is laid out with eight horizontal and eight vertical softkeys.
User memory
All programs and data, such as part programs, subprograms, comments, tool off-
sets, and work offsets/frames, as well as channel and program user data can be
stored in the shared CNC user memory.
User program --> Part program
Variable definition
A variable definition includes the specification of a data type and a variable name.
The variable names can be used to access the value of the variables.

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition B-615
Terminology 09.05

Working memory
The working storage is a Random Access Memory in the --> CPU containing the
user program which is accessed by the processor during program processing.
1. Part or workpiece to be made/machined by the machine tool or
2. A directory where programs and other data is stored. Workpieces are stored in
another directory.
Workpiece coordinate system
The starting position of the workpiece coordinate system is the --> workpiece ori-
gin. In machining operations programmed in the workpiece coordinate system, the
dimensions and directions refer to this system.
Workpiece zero
The workpiece origin is the starting point for the --> workpiece coordinate system.
It is defined by the distance from the machine zero.

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

B-616 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
References C
An overview of publications, which is updated monthly and also provides informa-
tion about the language versions available, can be found on the Internet at:
Follow menu items ----> “Support” ----> “Technical Documentation” ----> “Overview of
Documentation” or “DOConWEB”.

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition C-617
References 09.05


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C-618 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Index

Symbols $P_VDITCP[x], 5-375
$TC_CARRx, 5-372
$A--MONIFACT, 3-146
$TC_DPCx[t,D], 5-339
$A_MONIFACT, 5-415
$TC_DPx[t,D], 5-336
$A_MYMLN, 5-420
$TC_MAMPx [n], 5-365
$A_MYMN, 5-420
$TC_MAP10, 5-355
$A_TOOLMLN, 5-413
$TC_MAP3, 5-354
$A_TOOLMN, 5-412
$TC_MAP8, 5-354
$A_USEDD, 5-427
$TC_MAPCx[n], 5-355
$A_USEDND, 5-424
$TC_MAPx[n], 5-352
$A_USEDT, 5-425
$TC_MDPx[n,m], 5-362
$AC_MONMIN, 5-416
$TC_MLSR[x,y], 5-369
$AC_MSNUM, 5-441, 5-462
$TC_MOPCx[t,D], 5-341
$AC_MTHNUM, 5-442, 5-463
$TC_MOPx[t,D], 5-340
$TC_MPP1, 5-358
$TC_MPP5, 5-359
$P_AD[n], 5-440
$TC_MPP6, 5-359
$P_ADT[n], 5-441
$TC_MPP66, 6-469
$P_DLNO, 5-437
$TC_MPPCx[n,m], 5-360
$P_ISTEST, 5-453
$TC_MPPx[n,m], 5-356
$P_MAG, 5-428
$TC_MPTH[n,m], 5-361
$P_MAGA, 5-436
$TC_SCPx[t,D], 5-342
$P_MAGDISL, 5-429
$TC_TP1 and $TC_TP2, 5-346
$P_MAGDISS, 5-429
$TC_TP3 to TP6, 5-346
$P_MAGHLT, 5-434
$TC_TP7, 5-346
$P_MAGN, 5-428
$TC_TP8, 5-346
$P_MAGNA, 5-436
$TC_TPCx[t], 5-351
$P_MAGNDIS, 5-429
$TC_TPGx[t], 5-350
$P_MAGNH, 5-434
$TC_TPx[t], 5-344
$P_MAGNHLT, 5-434
$P_MAGNREL, 5-431
$P_MAGNS, 5-430
$P_MAGREL, 5-431 Numbers
$P_MAGS, 5-430 MD 10715, 8-507
$P_MSNUM, 5-442, 5-462 MD 10716, 8-508
$P_MTHNUM, 5-443, 5-463 MD 10717, 8-508
$P_TC, 5-438 MD 10718, 8-509
$P_TCANG[n], 5-439 MD 10719, 8-509
$P_TCDIFF[n], 5-439 Alarm 16924, 10-555
$P_TOOL, 5-437 Alarm 17001, 10-556
$P_TOOLD, 5-423 Alarm 17160, 10-556
$P_TOOLL[n], 5-438 Alarm 17180, 10-557
$P_TOOLND, 5-414 Alarm 17181, 10-557
$P_TOOLNDL, 5-423 Alarm 17182, 10-558
$P_TOOLNG, 5-420 Alarm 17188, 10-558
$P_TOOLNO, 5-436, 5-441 Alarm 17189, 10-559
$P_TOOLNT, 5-422 Alarm 17191, 10-560
$P_TOOLP, 5-437 Alarm 17192, 10-560
$P_TOOLR, 5-438 Alarm 17193, 10-561
$P_TOOLT, 5-422 Alarm 17194, 10-561
$P_USEKT, $TC_TP11, 5-410 Alarm 17200, 10-562

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition I-619
Index 09.05

Alarm 17202, 10-563 Alarm 20150, 10-568

Alarm 17212, 10-563 Alarm 20160, 10-568
Alarm 17214, 10-564 MD 20270, 8-499
Alarm 17216, 10-564 MD 20272, 8-499
Alarm 17220, 10-565 MD 20310, 8-500
Alarm 17224, 10-565 MD 20320, 8-502
Alarm 17230, 10-566 Alarm 22066, 10-569
Alarm 17240, 10-566 Alarm 22067, 10-569
Alarm 17250, 10-566 Alarm 22068, 10-570
Alarm 17260, 10-567 Alarm 22069, 10-571
Alarm 17262, 10-567 Alarm 22070, 10-571
MD 17500, 8-476 Alarm 22071, 10-572
MD 17510, 8-476 MD 22550, 8-503
MD 17515, 8-477 MD 22560, 8-503
MD 17520, 8-478 MD 22562, 8-504
MD 17530, 8-479 MD 28085, 8-506
MD 17540, 8-480 Alarm 400601, 10-572
MD 18080, 8-475 Alarm 400602, 10-573
MD 18082, 8-480 Alarm 400603, 10-573
MD 18084, 8-481 Alarm 400604, 10-573
MD 18086, 8-481 Alarm 410151, 10-573
MD 18088, 8-482 Alarm 6402, 10-543
MD 18090, 8-482 Alarm 6403, 10-544
MD 18091, 8-483 Alarm 6404, 10-544
MD 18092, 8-483 Alarm 6405, 10-545
MD 18093, 8-484 Alarm 6406, 10-546
MD 18094, 8-484 Alarm 6407, 10-546
MD 18095, 8-485 Alarm 6410, 10-547
MD 18096, 8-485 Alarm 6411, 10-547
MD 18097, 8-486 Alarm 6412, 10-547
MD 18098, 8-486 Alarm 6413, 10-548
MD 18099, 8-487 Alarm 6421, 10-548
MD 18100, 8-487 Alarm 6422, 10-549
MD 18102, 8-488 Alarm 6423, 10-549
MD 18104, 8-488 Alarm 6424, 10-550
MD 18105, 8-489 Alarm 6425, 10-550
MD 18106, 8-489 Alarm 6430, 10-551
MD 18108, 8-490 Alarm 6431, 10-552
MD 18110, 8-490 Alarm 6432, 10-552
MD 18112, 8-491 Alarm 6433, 10-553
MD 20090, 8-506 Alarm 6441, 10-553
MD 20096, 8-492 Alarm 6450, 10-554
MD 20110, 8-493 Alarm 6451, 10-554
MD 20112, 8-494 Alarm 6452, 10-554
MD 20120, 8-494 Alarm 6453, 10-555
MD 20121, 8-495 Alarm 6454, 10-555
MD 20122, 8-495
MD 20123, 8-495
MD 20124, 8-496
MD 20126, 8-496
MD 20128, 8-497
MD 20130, 8-497
MD 20132, 8-498

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I-620 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Index

A CHKDM, 3-159, 5-378

CHKDNO, 3-159, 5-377
Absolute D no. without reference to the T num-
Circular magazine, 3-46
ber, 3-156
Code carrier, 3-177
Access protection, 2-41
Start--up, 4-313
Acknowledgement status, 3-188
Code carrier data formats, 4-324
Acknowledgement to tool management, 11-575
Code carrier files, 4-314
Acknowledgment, 3-190
Code carrier system, 3-177
Activate (internally), 3-49
Activate tool from wear group, 5-398
Command acknowledgement, 3-60
Activate wear group, 3-48
Communication between NC and PLC, 3-191
Active magazine, B-610
Complete backup, 6-465
Adapt operator interfaces, 4-237
Conditions, Filter criterion, 4-298
Adapter data (SW 5.1 and higher), 3-163
Configuring, 4-237
Adapter transformation, 3-163
Configuring the paramtm.ini file, 4-282
Example, 3-167
Consider adjacent location, 3-50
Additional data, (filter), 4-299
Copy configuration, 4-235
Adjacent locations, 4-286
CRCEDN, 5-460
alarm descriptions, 10-543
CREACE, 5-460
Assigning types to user data, 3-180
Create new tool, 5-381
Assignment of buffers to spindles (from SW
Create PLC data, 4-202
version 3.2), 5-369
Create PLC data with HMI Embedded, 4-217
Asynchronous transfer, 3-187
CREATO, 5-460
CRTOCE, 5-460
Current magazine position, 3-118
B Custom user variables, 3-182, 5-375
Background magazine, 3-49, B-610 Cutting edge data, 5-336
Bitmaps, 4-280 Cutting edge dialog data, 4-320
Block execution, 3-63 Cutting edge parameters, 5-336
Block search, 3-85 Cutting edge selection after tool change, 5-451
Block search (SSL), 3-86 CUTTING_EDGE_DEFAULT, 8-499
Block search with calculation, 3-85 CUTTING_EDGE_RESET_VALUE, 8-497
Block search, program testing, 3-75 Cycle T--function replacement, Example, 3-79
Block splitting, 3-63
Box magazine, 3-115
Box--type and chain magazines, 3-44 D
Buffer, 3-43, 4-221
D number, Language command, 5-423
Language command, 5-431
D number assignments, 3-156
Locale--specific, 4-291
D numbers of replacement tools, 5-377
D numbersRenaming, 5-379, 5-380
C Data, 1-23
...\user\paramtm.ini, 4-237 Data backup during unloading, 3-134
Chain magazine with one dual gripper and one Data backup on hard disk, 6-469
spindle, 11-581 Data backup with tools in the buffer, 6-469
Chain magazine with one spindle as a pick--up Data types, Code carrier, 4-321
magazine, 11-579 DB 71, 3-184
Chain magazine with two grippers and one DB 72, 3-184
spindle, 11-583 DB 73, 3-184
Chain magazine with two spindles., 11-587 DB 74, 3-184
Changes to tool positions, 3-187 DB71, 9-514
Changing tool type, 2-34 DB72, 9-520, 9-537
Channel--specific machine data, 4-200, 8-492 DB73, 9-530

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition I-621
Index 09.05

Deactivate tool from wear group, 5-396 Filter

Decoupling the tool management from the General settings, 4-303
spindle number, 3-94 restricted to one magazine, 4-301
Decrement workpiece counter, 5-382 Filter criterion, 4-297
DELDL, 5-380 Filter lists, 3-142
DELECE, 5-460 Filter name, 4-300
Delete additive offsets, 5-380 Find and position, 3-140
Delete tasks (SW 4), 4-209 Flat D no., 3-156
Delete toolholder data block, 5-402 Free adapter data records, 3-165
DELETO, 5-460 Free selection of D numbers for every T, 3-157
DELT, 5-382 Function blocks, 3-195
DELTC, 5-402 Function replacement, 8-507
Description file, 4-318, 4-329 Function structure, Tool management, 2-27
Determine the T no. for a unique D no., 5-379
Diagnostics for communication between NC
and PLC, 3-191 G
Disable (internally), 3-49
Disable monitored tools, 3-153
Disable wear group, 3-48
GETACTT, 5-386
Display machine data with MMC 100 (from
GETACTTD, 3-159, 5-379
software Version 4), 4-311
GETDNO, 3-159, 5-379
Distance to change position, 5-362
GETEXET, 5-386
DL offsets, Number, 5-423
DL programming, 3-161
GETSELT, 5-385
Duplo number, 1-22, 1-24
GETT, 5-382
DZERO, 5-380
Grinding tools, 4-306

Edge--related tool monitoring, 5-340
HMI, Overview, 2-27
Empty location search criteria, 3-119
HMI/PLC -- NCK data structure (OPI), 2-28
Empty location search for a tool, 3-117
Empty spindle, 3-70
End acknowledgement, 3-189
Identifier, 1-24
F Identifier , B-608
Identifiers, 1-22
Failure search strategy, 3-115
inch/metric, 4-307
FB 90: QUIT_WZV acknowledgments to
INI file, 4-239
TOOLMAN, 11-575
Interface for loading/unloading magazine,
FB 91: LE_SUCH search for empty location for
tool in buffer, 11-590
Interface for spindle as change position, 9-520
FB 92: GET_LOC read magazine location and
Interface for tool turrets as change position,
tool data, 11-594
FB 93: PUT_LOC write magazine location and
Interface magazine configuration, 9-539
tool data, 11-598
Internal magazine, B-610
File _N_TOx_INI, 6-465
Internally assigned T numbers, 1-22
File _N_TOx_TMA, 6-465
Invalidating D numbers, 5-380
File _N_TOx_TOA, 6-465
Inverted comma, 4-322
File INITIAL.INI, 6-465

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I-622 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Index

J Magazine location for loading, 3-129

Magazine location type hierarchy, 5-361
Job processing , 3-142
Magazine location types, Locale--specific,
Job processing of tools, 4-296
Jobs from NCK tool management, 3-186
Magazine location user data, 5-360
Magazine user data, 5-355
Magazine--location--related adapter data re-
K cords, 3-165
Keylock switch, 2-41 Magazines, 2-31, 3-43
Real, 2-31
Main spindle, 3-64
L Manual tools, 3-74
Manufacturer configuration, 3-176
Language command for setpoint activation
MD 20140, 8-498
(from SW version 5.1), 5-400
MD 20150, 8-498
Language command to move tool, 5-393
MD 20152, 8-499
Memory settings, 8-475
Load, 3-126
Load the PLC blocks, 4-202
Load tool into spindle, 3-66
Load tools via a part program, 3-130
Loading locations, 3-44, 4-224
Loading magazine, 3-44
TING_EDGE, 8-490
Loading sequence, 3-126
Loading stations, 3-44
8-476, 8-480
Location coding, 3-56
Location offsets, 5-342
Location offsets, coarse, 5-343
Location type hierarchies, Language com-
mand, 5-434
Location types, 4-227
Location--dependent offsets, 3-160
M MM_NUM_TOOL, 8-480
Machine data, 8-473 MM_TYPE_CC_MAGAZINE_PARAM[n],
Machine data for function replacement, 8-507 8-483
Machine data for the Siemens user data, 8-511 MM_TYPE_CC_MAGLOG_PARAM[n], 8-484
Machine data for unique D numbers, 3-158 MM_TYPE_CC_MON_PARAM[n], 8-487
Magazine, Language command, 5-428 MM_TYPE_CC_TDA_PARAM[n], 8-485
Magazine blocks, 5-365 MM_TYPE_CC_TOA_PARAM[n], 8-486
Magazine configuration, 2-31, 4-232 MM_TYPE_OF_CUTTING_EDGE, 8-488
Magazine description data, 5-352 mmc.ini, 4-314
Magazine directory data, MMC internal, 5-457 MMCSEM, 5-460
Magazine distance tables, 5-429 Modifying duplo number, 2-34
Magazine list, 2-32 Modifying tool identifier and duplo number,
HMI, 2-32 2-34
Magazine list with multiple lines (SW 5.2 and Monitoring data for setpoints (SW 5.1 and
higher), 2-36 higher), 3-154
Magazine location data, 5-356 Monitoring status, 3-145

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition I-623
Index 09.05

Monitoring types, 3-143 PLC -- NCK interfaces, 2-29

Multiple T selection, 3-70 PLC at tool loading, 3-129
PLC at unloading, 3-135
PLC description, 3-183
N PLC in test mode, 3-92
PLC interface, 9-513
NC channels, 9-537
PLC services, 3-195
NC commands, 5-377
Position, Job processing, 4-301
NCK, Overview, 2-27
Position for unloading (with OP030 and MMC
NCK tool management, 3-186
103), 3-136
Jobs, 3-186
Position magazine, 5-391
NEWT, 5-381
POSM, 5-391
Power loss, 3-176
Predecoding, 3-63
O Prepare a tool change, 3-52
OEM parameter, SW 5, 3-179 Prepare to change tool in a secondary spindle,
OP030, 4-331 3-65
OP 030 operator panel, 4-331 Prewarning limit, 3-144
Openess in HMI, 2-42 Program test, 3-91
Operator panels, 1-23 Programming data, 5-446
OPI, 2-28, 5-333 Magazine data, 5-448
OPI block AD, 5-371 Tool and cutting edge data, 5-446
OPI block TD, 5-344 Programming examples, 5-456
OPI block TG, 5-350 Programming T/M06, 3-53
OPI block TM, 5-352 Programming T=location number (from SW
OPI block TMC, 5-365, 5-369 version 4), 5-454
OPI block TMV, 5-457, 5-458, 5-459 Programming the tool selection, 5-451
OPI block TO, 5-337, 5-339 Protection levels, 2-41
OPI block TOE, TOET, 5-343
OPI block TOS, 5-342
OPI block TP, 5-356 Q
OPI block TPM, 5-362
Quantity, 3-143
OPI block TS, 5-340
OPI block TT, 5-361
OPI block TU, 5-351
OPI block TUM, 5-355 R
OPI block TUP, 5-360 Reactivate, Job processing, 4-301
OPI block TUS, 5-341 Read magazine location and tool data, 11-594
Orientable toolholder, 5-372 Read magazine location no. of tool, Language
Overview of data blocks, 3-184 command, 5-413
Owner magazine, 5-420 Read magazine no. of tool, 5-412
Read number of cutting edges for tool, Lan-
guage command, 5-414
P Read T no., 5-382
Read the active internal T no. , 5-386
Parameter assignment, Lists, 4-262
Read the selected T no., 5-385
Parameterization, return parameters TMGETT,
Read the T number to be loaded at change,
TSEARC, 5-458
paramtm.ini, 4-238
Real, 2-31
PI services, 5-459
Real magazine, B-610
Real magazines, 4-218
Placeholder, (batch processing), 4-300
Reference location, 4-228
PLC, Overview, 2-27

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I-624 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Index

References, C-617 Special cases

Relative D no. for each T, 3-156 Empty spindle, 3-70
Relocate, 3-137 Multiple T selection, 3-70
Relocation by the PLC, 3-138 SPIND_DEF_MASTER_SPIND, 8-506
Renaming tools, 2-33 Spindle can be declared master spindle, 5-388
”Replace tool” search strategy, 3-119 Spindle number, 3-94
Replacement tool, 3-63, B-612 Spindle/buffer DB 72, 3-66
Replacement tools (SW 5.1 and higher), 3-71 SSL, 3-86
Reset mode, 3-104 Standard bitmaps, 4-280
RESET_MODE_MASK, 8-493 Start mode, 3-104
RESETMON, 5-400 Start--Up, Machine data, 4-199
Result list type, 4-301 Start--up file, HMI Embedded, 4-210
Results list, Colors, 4-303 Start--up of code carrier, 4-313
Retrofitting tools during machining, 3-74 Start--up, 3-183
Retroload program, 3-132 START_MODE_MASK, 8-494
Retroload tool data, 3-131 Status display, Order management, 4-304
Structure of the tool catalog with master and
operating data, 2-39
S Subroutine replacement technique, 5-443
Sum offsets, 3-160
Search criteria, (filter), 4-296
Search for empty location, 5-408
Search for empty location for tool in buffer,
Synchronization, 3-189
Search for tool, 3-113
Synchronized actions, 3-76
Search in box magazines, 3-115
System variables, 5-333
Search strategies, 3-113
Search strategy for box magazines, 3-115
Search strategy for empty locations, 3-118
Secondary spindle, 3-65 T
Selection, Cutting edge, 3-58 T function replacement, 3-79
Set master toolholder number, 5-388 Internal T number, 1-24
SETDNO, 3-159, 5-380 T number, Language command, 5-422
SETMS, 5-388 T number, 1-24
SETMTH, 3-100, 5-388 T=location number, 5-454
SETPIECE, 3-148, 5-382 T=location, automatic tool selection, 5-412
Setting parameters for bitmaps, 4-280 T_NO_FCT_CYCLE_NAME, 8-508
Setup offset, 3-160 TaskIdent 5, 3-140
Setup offsets, 5-343 TC_VAR, 3-92
Several magazines in one channel or one TO TCA, 5-403
unit, 3-103 TCI, 5-405
Several spindles in one channel or TO units, Test blocks, 4-205
3-93 TF, 3-142
Several spindles/toolholders, 3-102 Time monitoring, 3-147
Shopfloor--oriented interface, 3-196 TMBF, 1-20
ShopMill, 3-196 TMCRTC, 5-460
Siemens user data, 3-180, 8-511 TMCRTO, 5-460
Signals to and from the PLC (SW 5.1 and TMFD, 1-20
higher), 3-151 TMFDPL, 5-460
Softkey text, Job processing, 4-300 TMFPBP, 5-460

 Siemens AG 2005 All Rights Reserved

SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition I-625
Index 09.05

TMGETT, 5-458, 5-460 Tool--related user data, 5-351

TMMG, 1-20 Tool--specific grinding data, 4-306
Tool, Selection, 3-58 8-496
Tool adapter, Adapter, 5-436 TOOL_PRESEL_RESET_VALUE, 8-495
Tool cabinet, 2-36 TOOL_RESET_NAME, 8-495
Tool cabinet (HMI Advanced only), 2-36 TOOL_RESET_VALUE (only without tool man-
Tool catalog (HMI Advanced only), 2-38 agement), 8-494
Tool change, Programming, 5-451 TOOL_TIME_MONITOR_MASK, 8-502
Tool change at the secondary spindle, 3-64 ToolDelete, 5-382
Tool change box--type, chain, circular maga- Toolholder, 3-56
zines, 3-52 Language command, 5-430
Tool change cycle (ShopMill), 3-79 Toolholder data, 5-372
Tool change of the main spindle, 3-64 Toolholder numbers, 3-99
Tool change only with tools of subgroup, 5-410 TRAFO_RESET_VALUE, 8-498
Tool change preparation in a main spindle, Transport acknowledgement, 3-189
3-64 Traverse axes while tool is being changed,
Tool change sequence, 3-54 3-65
Tool change with turret, 3-71 TSEARC, 5-458, 5-460
Tool changes in NCK via synchronized actions TSEARCH, Job processing, 4-302
(SW 5.1 and higher), 3-76 Turret DB 73, 3-71
Tool changing errors, 3-72 Turret with ”T=location number”, 5-455
Tool command, Power loss, 3-176 Two chain magazines with one spindle as a
Tool data, Load, 3-127 pick--up magazine, 11-585
Tool database, Changeover, inch/metric, 4-308
Tool dialog data, 4-318
Tool from buffer into magazine, 5-405 U
Tool group, B-612
Uniqueness check for D number, 5-377
Tool groups, Number, 5-420
Uniqueness check within a magazine, 5-378
Tool identifier, 1-22
Unload, 3-134
Tool life, 3-143
Tool life decrementation, 3-147
User authorizations, Job processing, 4-305
Tool life monitoring, 3-146
User data, 3-178
Language command, 5-415
User variables, 3-182
Tool list, 2-33
Tool list, tool cabinet, HMI, 2-33
Tool management displays, paramtm.ini, 4-278
Tool management HMI, 3-196 V
Tool return transport, 3-56 Variables for tool change in synchronized ac-
Tool search, 3-113, 3-115 tion, 5-444
Tool search in wear group , 3-121 Variants of D--number assignments, 3-156
Tool selection/tool change irrespective of tool VDI signal, 3-152
status, 5-403 Virtual magazine, B-610
Tool transfer from program test mode (from
SW version 4), 5-453
Tool type function, 2-35
Tool--related data, 5-344
Tool--related grinding data, 5-350

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I-626 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition
09.05 Index

W Write magazine location and tool data, 11-598

Wear group (SW 5.1 and higher), 3-47
Wear monitoring (SW 5.1 and higher), 3-149
WIZARD, 3-196
Working offsets, 5-459
Workpiece count, 5-424
Workpiece count monitoring, 3-147

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SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D FB Tool Management (FBW) -- 09.2005 Edition I-627
To Suggestions
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Overview of SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D Documentation (08/2005)
General Documentation


Brochure Catalog NC 61 *) Saftey Integrated

Application Manual

User Documentation


840D 840D sl 840D sl 840D sl 840D sl 840Di
840Di 840D 840D 840D 840D
810D 840Di 840Di 840Di 840Di
810D 810D 810D 810D

Operator’s Guide Operator’s Guide Programming Guide Programming Guide Diagnostics Guide *) System Overview
– HMI Embedded *) – HMI Advanced *) – Fundamentals *) – Cycles
– ShopMill – Programming compact – Advanced *) – Measuring Cycles
– ShopTurn – Programming
– HT6 – Lists System Variables
– ISO Turning/Milling

Manufacturer/Service Documentation


840D 840D 840Di 840Di
840Di 840Di
810D 810D

Configuring (HW) *) Equipment Manual Installation and Start-up Description of Installation and List Manual *)
– 840D Operator Guide *) Functions Start-up Guide – Part 1
– 810D Components *) – 840D – ShopMill – Part 2
– 810D – ShopTurn

Manufacturer/Service Documentation


840D sl 840D 840D 840D 840D 840D
840D 840Di 840Di 810D 810D
840Di 810D 810D

Description of Description of Description of Description of Configuring MCIS

Functions Functions Functions Functions – Operator Interface – Computer Link
– Basic Machine *) – Drive Functins – Remote Diagnosis Saftey Integrated OP030 – Tool Data Inform. Sys.
– Extended Functions – Tool Management – @Event – HMI Embedded – NC Data Management
– Special Functions – Hydraulics Module – NC Data Transfer
– Synchronized Actions– Analog Module – Tool Data Communication
– Iso Dialects
– EMC Guidlines

Electronic Documentation


DOCONWEB *) These documents are a minimum requirement

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