Paper Title: Automated Testing in SAP Environment: Deepak Kumar Senior Consultant, Infosys Technologies LTD
Paper Title: Automated Testing in SAP Environment: Deepak Kumar Senior Consultant, Infosys Technologies LTD
Paper Title: Automated Testing in SAP Environment: Deepak Kumar Senior Consultant, Infosys Technologies LTD
By Deepak Kumar
Deepak Kumar
Senior Consultant, Infosys Technologies Ltd.
1. Overview
Automated testing has assumed significance as it is seen as a tool which can be used by the
Organizations to attain and maintain the competitive advantage. It helps to react quickly in a
structured way to the changes in business processes which are enabled by various enterprise
applications and legacy systems.
The customers can shop anytime and from anywhere in a global environment and this had put
the pressure on the Organizations to make the business solution robust, scalable and available.
Automated testing helps in achieving these objectives.
This paper illustrates how the Automated testing can be made used of in an environment with
multiple SAP Applications e.g. R/3, APO, EBP, BW etc. It also covers the usages and the
requirements which are critical to deploy an Automated Testing solution.
This article will help the Consultants and the Project Managers alike to gain insight in the
application of Automated Testing in a SAP Environment and help in to bring the best return
on the investment. This article does note cover and compares the various Automated testing
tools available in the market.
It is important to identify what part of the testing processes would be automated. The
enterprise applications, which are subjected to change either because of maintenance or
Project go-live, are most suitable for automated testing.
Change Management
For the new Projects and rollouts the following testing cycle can be automated:
Project-Unit Testing:
This can be initially manual during the build/development cycle but subsequently can
be automated. It will aid in saving time and effort if changes and new requirements
are introduced during project execution cycle. At this stage, both individual and
combined test scripts can be used for the SAP transactions that form the Unit Testing
cycle. If the automated scripts already exist, the owner of automated testing scripts can
provide already validated scripts for the current and future projects.
Project-Integration Testing:
Automated Testing can be helpful in Integration testing cycle for projects. However,
the initial integration tests should be performed and validated manually and later on
switched over to automated testing. Impact of Bugfixes or the changes can be tested
efficiently and quick turnaround would be possible to meet the project milestones.
The time span and effort for User Acceptance Testing can be drastically reduced by
use of automated testing as business would not have to spare critical resources for
longer times. Unplanned and last minute changes arising out of User Acceptance
Testing feedback can also be incorporated without impacting the project timelines.
After the Project Go-live, User Acceptance Test scripts can be used by the support
team for ongoing change management and regression testing.
Tip: For a given project, Automated Test scripts should be made one of the
deliverables of the Project. After the Project Go-live, these can be used by the SAP
support team for handling changes and to perform regression testing as and when
need arises.
Before releasing the changes to the business solution as part of release management
the automated testing can be utilised as an efficient tool to check the integrity of
business solution and to clear the changes for release as per release calendar. This is
an important consideration for a Release may contain changes that are individually
tested but not from the perspective of the business solution as a whole.
Regression Testing:
Regression testing is performed before the Project Go-Live if it is rolling onto an
existing productive system. The Project Go-Live may require that a regression test
may be performed by the already productive entities/countries/regions to ensure that
their processes are not impacted by the new project or roll-out. Performing regression
testing is a time consuming activity which can be automated. Automated testing would
reduce the time span and would result into efficient and comprehensive testing.
A combination of the following two approaches are likely to provides best results in a SAP
• Functional Decomposition Approach
• Modular Approach
Core Processes
Order to Cash Order to Cash Processes
Procure to Pay Sub Pocesses
Plan to produce Sales Order Processing Sales Order Processing
Consignment Processing Transactions / Tasks
Customer Returns Processing Create Sales Order Create Sales Order
Create Delivery
Create Invoice Perform Availability Check
Perform Credit Check
Save Sales Order
Functional decomposition helps in identifying the extent and degree of automation that can be
It also brings clarity to plan the quantum of work by identifying the reusable components and
capturing the variations e.g. Create Sales Order may be a common step in Sales Order
Processing and Consignment Processing.
This improves the maintainability and the scalability of the testing by protecting the entire test
case because changes would be limited to an individual script.
4. Benefits
Automated Testing provides a methodical and more intense way of testing the requirements
and business processes. It brings many benefits which are summarized as follows:
High Reusability:
The testing effort is saved by using reusable tests thus enabling personnel to find and fix more
errors. The reusability benefits also enables to build libraries of repeatable test assets and are
particularly helpful in project rollouts and the regression testing at the country/region level. It
also aids in bringing standardization across geographies for a company having global
High Consistency:
Automation would enable a test to run with utmost consistency. By running regression tests it
can be quickly verified that pre-existing functionality are not impacted by new changes at the
time of development or at the time of releasing the changes to productive environment.
High Productivity:
Automated testing creates a high-productivity environment in which organizations can
increase testing capacity without additional resources. Test can run unattended on a 24x7
basis to test an application across multiple platforms and environments and results are
intimated by email to relevant persons. This frees up personnel to concentrate on other issues.
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By : Deepak Kumar
Assistance in Data Creation:
Though not the prime objective of Automated Testing , it can be utilized to create both Master
and Transaction data which may be required for the new SAP client preparedness for various
reasons or as a pre-requisite to simulate or to test month/quarter /year end enhancements or
reporting wherein pre-existing data in relevant volume is required. The automated scripts of
required Master or Transaction data can be executed to create the required data.
5. Limitations
It is very important to identify the areas where Automated Testing would be applied. This due
diligence helps to identify upfront the quantum to be automated and what is to be tested
manually. The Automated Testing tool features also play an important role in defining the
limitations. The limitations may be faced in the following areas:
A comprehensive Test management plan should be developed and deployed both for the
Projects and the Change Management.
Test Management plan is essential to the planning and administration of the test activities. It
should consist of the following:
Test Plan: A Test Plan should be developed for a given process, sub-process or for
developed/custom objects as relevant. Test Plan consists of the relevant Test Cases and the
Test Scripts.
Test Cases: These are created by combining relevant Test scripts with required
validations for running the End to End Business Process automatically. Output from
preceding Test Scripts is supplied to the next Test Scripts based on the coverage of the
Test cases.
Test Scripts: These are created for a specific transaction e.g. Create Sales Order,
Create Delivery etc. Single scripts can be use in multiple Test cases.
The development of Test plan for Automated Testing should cover the following:
A test plan should first explore whether a valid automated test scripts exits or a new one is
to be developed.
• Integration with SAP systems: Testing can be conducted in multiple SAP systems e.g.
Development, Integration and Quality environment and also across applications e.g.
SAP R/3, EBP, APO etc.
• Integration with Non-SAP systems to facilitate Interface Testing
• Ability to perform test in remote SAP systems
• Facilitates Functional Decomposition of Business processes
• Management of Test Cases and Test Scripts including Planning, Development,
Tracking , Change Management and Administration
• Flexibility to customize the Test Scripts for incorporating additional conditions
• Attachment of Supporting documents to Test Cases and Test Scripts
• Ability to schedule and run Test on 24x7 basis
• Test Execution Dashboard to shows status, progress and relevant details
• Features for Issue Logging and Resolution Tracking
• Email Notifications with customizable details to the Tester/Bug-Fixer/Relevant
• Ability to Simulate Users or Transactions for Stress/Volume Testing and Monitoring
of associated parameters
7. Conclusion
Automated Testing brings a structured approach to define, perform and meet the various
Testing Requirements in a SAP R/3 system environment. It is important to identify the testing
areas which are to be automated. It is recommended to begin the automation with simple
processes and than extending to the complex business process. Automated Testing forms an
important part of the Organization’s SAP centre of excellence and adds value in faster
turnarounds of requirements and thus aids in sustaining of SAP solutions. It has also emerged
as a tool which helps Organizations to react swiftly to market environments as it shortens the
time to adapt the changes in SAP solution.