measured with PT-100 sensors and then saved to a computer 450 400
with a Hewlett Packard logging instrument. 400
Total losses [W]
The current through and the voltage over the slip ring is 350 350
measured continuously throughout the test. 300
The ambient temperature and air humidity is measured with 250 300
a separate meter. 200
To measure the distance of slip ring that passed the brush a 150 250
normal bicycle computer is used. A small sensor is attached to 5000
the rotating shaft and the radius of the slip ring is fed into the 4000 15
bicycle computer. The computer then records the number of 3000 10
Speed [rpm] 2000 5
revolutions and calculates the distance covered by the brushes. 2
Current density [A/c m ]
1000 0
IV. RESULTS Fig. 5: Total losses in the slip ring unit equipped with copper-graphite
The measured results show the losses and temperature rises brushes.
of the different brush materials during different conditions. It
is also shown how the speed and current affect the operation
of the slip ring unit. 2.6 A/cm
5.2 A/cm
A. Current density and speed 350
7.8 A/cm
If only looking at the current density and speed for the 300
10.4 A/cm
13 A/cm
brush material copper-graphite, it can be seen that the total
Friction losses [W]
chemical process that occurs in the sliding contact between the Fig. 6: Friction losses in the slip ring unit equipped with copper-graphite
brush and the slip ring. This process takes place in the contact brushes.
electrical losses meanwhile Brush 2 (Cu-C) has the lowest
friction losses. But when looking at Fig. 9 it can be seen that
Brush 2 (Cu-C) has the lowest total losses. The contact
200 voltage drop for the different brushes are shown in Fig. 12,
2.6 A/cm 2 there it can be seen that Brush 1 (Ag-C) has the lowest voltage
5.2 A/cm 2
Electrical Losses [W]
7.8 A/cm 2 drop, followed by Brush 2 (Cu-C) and Brush 3 (C) with the
10.4 A/cm 2
13 A/cm 2 highest contact voltage drop. The voltage drop for the three
brushes increases with the speed except for the Brush 2 (Cu-
100 C) at the highest speed. This does not seem to be totally
realistic, but due to test procedures it can’t be verified with a
50 second test. This voltage drop also has impacts on the
electrical losses and then on the total losses. One way to
confirm this could be to look at the brush temperature during
1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 this test and notice the correlation between the brush
Speed [ rpm]
temperature and the total losses. The brush temperature rises
Fig.7: Electrical losses in the slip ring unit equipped with copper-graphite are shown in Fig. 13 for the case with 13 A/cm2 and speeds
from 1000 to 5000 rpm. There it can be seen that the
temperature drops at the second point at 3000 rpm for Brush 1
80 (Ag-C) and Brush 2 (Cu-C) even though the total loss is
2.6 A/cm
75 2
5.2 A/cm
70 7.8 A/cm
10.4 A/cm
2 2) Current dependency
65 13 A/cm
The losses are not only dependent on the speed of the slip
Temperature rise [K]
be seen, the total losses increase with an increased speed. This 200
is mostly due to the increase in friction losses when increasing
the speed. If separating the losses into friction and electrical 150
losses Fig. 10 and 11 are generated. There it can be seen that
both the electrical and friction losses increase at increased 100
1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000
S pee d [rpm]
speed, except for Brush 2 (Cu-C) at high speed where it
actually have reduced electrical losses. If comparing the Fig. 9: Total losses at 13 A/cm2 for different brush materials.
(1: Silver-graphite, 2: Copper-graphite and 3: Electro-graphite.)
losses, it can be seen that the Brush 1 (Ag-C) has the lowest
Brush 1
Brush 2
160 Brush 3
Electrical loss es [W]
1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000
S pee d [rpm]
Fig. 10: Electrical losses at 13 A/cm2 for different brush materials. Fig. 13: Temperature rise for the brushes at 13 A/cm2.
(1: Silver-graphite, 2: Copper-graphite and 3: Electro-graphite.) (1: Silver-graphite, 2: Copper-graphite and 3: Electro-graphite.)
350 300
Brush 1 Brush 1
Brush 2 Brush 2
300 Brush 3 Brush 3
Electrical loss es [W]
Friction losses [W]
50 50
0 0
1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5 10 15 20 2 25 30
S pee d [rpm] C urre nt density [A/cm ]
Fig. 11: Friction losses at 13 A/cm2 for different brush materials. Fig. 14: Electrical losses at 3000 rpm and different current densities.
(1: Silver-graphite, 2: Copper-graphite and 3: Electro-graphite.) (1: Silver-graphite, 2: Copper-graphite and 3: Electro-graphite.)
1. 6 250
Brush 1
Brush 2
1. 4 Brush 3
1. 2
Friction losses [W]
Volta ge drop [V]
Brush 1
1 150 Brush 2
Brush 3
0. 8
0. 6
0. 4
0. 2 0
1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5 10 15 20 2 25 30
S pee d [rpm] C urre nt density [A/cm ]
Fig. 12: Contact voltage drop at 13 A/cm2 for different brush materials. Fig. 15: Friction losses at 3000 rpm and different current densities.
(1: Silver-graphite, 2: Copper-graphite and 3: Electro-graphite.) (1: Silver-graphite, 2: Copper-graphite and 3: Electro-graphite.)
In this paper it has been shown that the copper-graphite
Brush 1 brush material is the best choice regarding total losses and
Brush 2
400 Brush 3 temperature rises in the brushes for the considered application.
A strong dependency is shown between the current density
and the temperature rise due to the increased losses.
Total losses [W]
300 The correlation between the temperature rise and the speed
of the slip ring is smaller than between the temperature and
the current density. The silver-graphite brush has the lowest
200 electrical losses of the three different brush materials, mostly
due to lower resistivity.
The electro-graphite brush material performed inefficiently
100 for this type of operation.
5 10 15 20 2
C urre nt density [A/cm ]
Fig. 16: Total losses at 3000 rpm and different current densities. The authors would like to express their gratitude to Mr.
(1: Silver-graphite, 2: Copper-graphite and 3: Electro-graphite.) Stefan Båverud and Mr. Michael Moulin of Carbex AB in
Sweden for their administrative and technical support. This
work was supported in part by Carbex AB.
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