Principia Chaotica - Chaos Magic For The Pandaemeon
Principia Chaotica - Chaos Magic For The Pandaemeon
Principia Chaotica - Chaos Magic For The Pandaemeon
against the realisation that one does not even have a real
it till you Make it, to obtain the power that a belief can
it off, and seek the requisite beliefs for whatever you want
though they exist should not lead the Chaos magician into
create them. The gods are dead. Long live the gods.
A magician is one who has sold his soul for the chance of
wider and more malleable than most people believe, one can
sands than the rock which will confound you on the day it
universe and thus, and only thus, is life good. We are born
illusion of all.
The heavy vessels of faith are holed and sinking along with
and purpose. Turn and face the tidal wave of Chaos from