Lab Workshop BIODIESELmicroscale 07
Lab Workshop BIODIESELmicroscale 07
Lab Workshop BIODIESELmicroscale 07
Reference: This experiment, taken from the American Chemical Society’s Introduction to Green Chemistry,
is adapted from The Royal Society of Chemistry, Learning about Materials; The Royal Society of Chemistry:
London, 1998.
Background information:
Diesel is a common fuel used to power many large trucks (like the 18-wheel rigs commonly found on
interstate highways) and heavy equipment (such as tractors and backhoes). Diesel fuel is made from crude
oil that was formed over millions of years by the decomposition of prehistoric plants and animals.
Through the use of an oil well, crude oil is pumped out of the ground and transferred (often by large
ocean tankers) to oil distillation units. Crude oil contains widely varying organic chemicals that range in
size from small molecules with only 1 carbon atom to very large molecules with more than 20 carbon
atoms that can be separated into various fractions (or components) based on the size with a distillation
Chemists have created a substitute for diesel by chemically changing various fats and oils. By using a
chemical technique called transesterification, chemists can turn oils from various crops (most commonly
canola and soy) into a viable diesel substitute. One of the major advantages of using biodiesel instead of
diesel is that biodiesel is derived from a renewable resource. As mentioned before, diesel comes from
crude oil, which takes millions of years to form. During the next few million years, more underground
pools of crude oil will be formed; however, it is consumed at a rate that is drastically faster than that at
which it is forming. Most experts believe that at current production, crude oil will be economically
exhausted in the next 40 years ( Conversely, biodiesel is made
from renewable resources, namely, oils derived from farm crops, such as soybeans.
Biodiesel also creates lower sulfur emissions when it is burned, which helps reduce acid rain. It also
breaks down more quickly in the environment, thus lessening the severity of an accidental spill compared
with crude oil. Finally, unlike fossil fuels such as gasoline, biodiesel does not cause an overall increase in
the amount of CO2 (a greenhouse gas) in the atmosphere when the fuel is burned. Soybeans and other
plants that produce oils for making biodiesel take up CO 2 from the atmosphere as they grow. When oil is
extracted from the mature plants and burned, and the remainder of the plant material decomposes, CO 2 is
returned to the atmosphere. Thus there is a balance between the amount of CO 2 removed from the
atmosphere by growing plants and returned to the atmosphere by the same plants. No excess CO 2 is
produced to contribute to global climate change (
2. Alcohol: Methanol is one of the most common industrial alcohols; because of its
abundant supply it’s most often the least expensive alcohol as well.
3. Catalyst: the third reactant needed is a catalyst that initiates the reaction and allows the
oils to break. The strong base solutions typically used are sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and
potassium hydroxide (KOH). This experiment will be using KOH as catalyst.
Safety: You must wear goggles and an apron. Methanol is flammable and poisonous. Sodium hydroxide is
1. Record your starting observations (color, viscosity, odor) in a data table and any changes that take
place. (Data to include observations before, during and after the reaction.)
2. Measure 3 mL of methanol into a large test tube.
3. Using a graduated pipette, carefully add 0.5 mL of 9M KOH to the alcohol. (Sodium hydroxide is
corrosive) Swirl gently.
4. Use a graduated cylinder to measure 12 mL of warm cooking oil into your test tube.
5. Swirl and shake the mixture for 10 minutes. Occasionally release any pressure.
6. Wash the product using 1 mL of salt water. Invert gently a few times and let stand.
7. Allow the mixture to sit and separate. A few drips of salt water to help the separation process.
8. Carefully remove the top layer (biodiesel) using a pipette and put into a clean test tube.
9. Add a small scoop of anhydrous sodium sulfate and swirl gently. Stopper and store in your drawer
for the next lab day.
Safety: This procedure involves the burning of liquid fuel. Know the location of fire extinguisher and how
to smother a small fire with a wet paper towel.
1. Measure the amount of biodiesel you have
collected and compare it to the amount of
vegetable oil you started with. Also record the
characteristics of your biodiesel (color,
viscosity, odor) and compare them to those of
the original oil.
2. Pour 125 mL of tap water into the
filter flask and add 20 drops of universal
indicator. The solution should be violet or at
the most basic end of the universal indicator
color range.
3. Pour 10 mL of solution prepared in step 1
into a small beaker labeled control. Set this
control aside for later comparisons.
4. Assemble the apparatus illustrated in the
figure at right.
5. Then turn on the water tap so the aspirator
pulls air through the flask. Mark or note the position of the faucet handle so you can run the
aspirator at the same flow rate later in the experiment. You should see gas bubbles coming from
the tube into the universal indicator.
6. Without anything burning, allow the setup to run until the solution turns yellow or for two minutes
(whichever occurs first). Record the time and what happens in the funnel(point A), the tube(point B),
and the universal indicator. Record the results in the data table below.
7. Refresh the universal indicator solution and repeat the experiment with a burner filled with traditional
diesel fuel. Placed a fluffed piece of steel wool into a dry evaporating dish. Add 40 drips of fuel on to
the surface of the steel wool.
8. Turn on the water and ignite the fuel away from the funnel. Position the lit burner directly under the
funnel so as to capture the fumes from the burning fuel. Start your timing and allow the apparatus to
run until the universal indicator turns yellow.
9. Record the time required for a color change and the amount of soot in the funnel (point A), the
amount of water vapor in the glass tube (point B).
10. Refresh the apparatus with clean water and indicator, use a dry paper towel to wipe any soot
from the funnel and repeat the experiment using a burner filled with biodiesel. Light the burner and
1. What changes did you see between the characteristics of the starting materials (cooking oil,
methanol, and potassium hydroxide solution) and the final products (biodiesel and glycerol)? What
evidence is there that a chemical reaction has occurred? [4]
2. In the commercial production of biodiesel, 1200 kg of vegetable oil produces 1100 kg of crude
biodiesel. Calculate the percent yield of the commercial process and for your process in the lab.
How does your yield compare? Suggest reasons for any differences. [3]
3. What is the purpose of ‘washing’ the biodiesel mixture with salt water? [1]
4. After burning both fuels, compare the time it took to change the color of the universal indicator in each
test. Explain reasons for any differences you observed. [3]
5. What was the purpose of the ‘No Fuel’ test? What did it show? [2]
6. Compare the amount of soot collected in the funnel (point A) and in the water vapor in the tube (point
B) in each of the experimental runs. [3]
7. Is biodiesel really green? Explain at least two arguments in support of the idea that biodiesel is a
“greener” fuel. Also present one argument that biodiesel is not a “greener” fuel. Reference your lab
data when appropriate. [4]
Safety: This procedure involves the burning of liquid fuel. Know the location of fire extinguisher and how
to smother a small fire with a wet paper towel.
1. Use a disposable pipette and rubber bulb to transfer ~2 mL of your biodiesel product to a porcelain
crucible. Add a piece of candle wicking approximately 1” long. One end of wick should be in the
biodiesel and the other above the surface. Re-weigh the crucible and record the total mass.
Instructional notes
Instructional notes on activity 1: Making biodiesel
In this activity, students make biodiesel from cooking oil. The cooking oil is mixed with methanol and a
catalyst (potassium hydroxide). Cooking oil is a lipid called a triglyceride or triacyglycerol. The structure
of this type of lipid is characteristic of all animal and plant fats. It consists of a glycerol attached to three
fatty acids. Differences among the fats are due to the different fatty acids connected to the glycerol. In
making biodiesel, the reaction breaks the bond between the glycerol and the fatty acids. A methyl group is
added to the end of the fatty acid, which is what we call biodiesel, and the other products are glycerol and
the remaining sodium hydroxide catalyst. If any water is present, the reaction will yield soap, not
biodiesel. Tell students to use dry glassware, and keep reagent bottles capped. It takes awhile to get the
NaOH to dissolve in methanol. Cooling with an ice bath will speed dissolution.
Answers to questions:
1. What changes did you see between the characteristics of the starting materials (cooking oil,
methanol, and potassium hydroxide solution) and the final products (biodiesel and glycerol)?
Cooking oil is nonpolar, greasy, and slippery. Methanol is a colorless liquid that may have an odor and
evaporates quickly. The potassium hydroxide solution is colorless and odorless, and it may be slippery
when touched (not recommended, because it is very caustic). Glycerol is a slightly viscous liquid that is
colorless and odorless. The biodiesel appearance will vary but may have some slight color and odor.
What signs did you observe that a chemical reaction had taken place? The mixture separates into two
layers, the biodiesel and the glycerol.
2. In the commercial production of biodiesel, 1200 kg of vegetable oil produces 1100 kg of crude
biodiesel. How does your yield compare to this? Student answers will vary. In the example given, it is
approximately a 90% yield.
3. What is the purpose of the washing with distilled water? The washing removes the potassium
hydroxide catalyst.
4. Compare the time it took to change the color of the universal indicator in each test. Explain any
differences you observed. Gas mixtures with a high concentration of CO2 will cause a faster color
change in the universal indicator. The amount of CO 2 and SO2 released from combustion is an indication
of the efficiency of the combustion reaction. If biodiesel is a fair substitute for petrodiesel, you would
1. The Office of Fuels Development for the U.S. Department of Energy at
2. The National Biodiesel Board,
3. A comprehensive report on the economics and science of using soybeans to make biodiesel is presented