Cabigas V People
Cabigas V People
Cabigas V People
: Cabigas is the Securities Custodian of the Securities Section of the Land Bank
of thePhilippines in its Makati Branch. 112 pieces of treasury notes and treasury
bills were deliveredto the Makati Branch for safekeeping. Included in these are
19 pieces of treasury bills with SerialNos. A-000064 to A-000082, 795
series. Later, in the course of their inventory, Cabigasdiscovered the loss of 6 bills in the
series. Accused Reynes crossed out the f
igure “76” inthe source document and then at the bottom, Cabigas placed the
notation “for adjustment.” In areport the two prepared, Cabigas placed the notation
“Adjustment on Erroneous Entry(incoming) dated March 9, 1982.” Reynes and
Cabigas were charge
d with the crime offalsification.
: Whether Cabigas is guilty of falsification.
: No. It is settled doctrine that in falsification by an employee under par. 4 of Article
171,which reads