Why Has IDEO Been So Innovative Over The Years?
Why Has IDEO Been So Innovative Over The Years?
Why Has IDEO Been So Innovative Over The Years?
1. Rapid prototyping
¾ Three “R’s” : rough, rapid, and right
¾ Enlightened trial and error
2. Effective brainstorming
¾ Stay focused on the topic
¾ Encourage wide ideas
¾ Defer judgment to avoid interrupting the flow of ideas
¾ Build on the ideas of others
¾ Go for quantity and be visual
¾ Practice brainstorming with frequency, intensity, and sincerity
3. Well-honed product development process ( refer to Attc. 1 )
¾ Get clients actively involved
4. Emphasis on consumer observation
¾ “The art of innovation is not the business of innovation.”
5. A collection of high-energy and creative human capital
6. Well performed managerial practice to affect creativity ( refer to Attc. 2)
7. All the above create a IDEO innovation culture that has kept it innovative over the years
1. Merely imitating IDEO’s methodology, such as its prototyping and brainstorming, is not the right
way to learn from IDEO’s success. Companied should study IDEO’s innovation culture and develop
one that fits into their own.
- "Our `secret formula' is actually not very formulaic. It's a blend of methodologies, work practices,
culture, and infrastructure. Methodology alone is not enough." ( Tom Kelly )
- Fostering innovation is mainly about encouraging creative people to relate to one another in
creative ways. Accordingly, the prototype is a medium for managing relationships between people,
not just for expressing innovative ideas.
2. 3Com and Handspring took the “orchestrator” approach – partnering with IDEO in new product
development. Companies have to decide their innovation approach, integrator, orchestrator, or
licensor, based upon their own situation. (refer to attc. 3 )
3. Turn customers into innovators
- Listen to consumers’ ideas ( users observation)
- Let customers become part of product development process. Approaches include developing a
user-friendly tool kit for customers, increasing the flexibility of the production process, evolving the
tool kit continually and rapidly to satisfy leading-edge customers, and then adapting business
practices accordingly.
- Customers decide the innovation solution. ( refer to Attc. 4 )
4. Systematize generation and testing of ideas by establishing Knowledge-brokering Cycle (refer to
Attc. 5)
Attachment 1:
“Creativity has three parts: expertise, the ability to think flexibly and imaginatively, and motivation. Managers
can influence the first two, but doing so is costly and slow. It would be far more effective to increase
employees' intrinsic motivation.”
- from: How to Kill Creativity. Teresa M. Amabile. Harvard Business Review, Sep/Oct98, Vol. 76
Issue 5, p76
The following table indicates six categories that IDEO utilized to increase employees’ intrinsic motivation.
- from: Innovating for cash. James R. Andrew and Harold L. Sirkin. Harvard Business Review; Sep2003,
Vol. 81 Issue 9, p76
Suggestion: Which approach to choose really depends on the industry companies are in, companies capital
availability and other factors.
Attachment 4:
“On a purely technical level, the idiosyncratic Graffiti interface software that Palm developed was
far less elegant than the handwriting-recognition software developed by Apple for its Newton PDA.
But it turned out millions of people were willing to take the time to learn how to write in Graffiti.
Meanwhile, few people had the patience to wait for the "buggier' software on a Newton to learn how
to recognize their own scribbling. The less inventive technical accomplishment, the one that
actually made more demands on the user at first, became the undisputed market leader. It turned
out to be the more innovative solution, and a very cost-effective surprise.”
- from : “ Playing Around with Brainstorming”. Michael Schrage. Harvard Business Review; Mar2001,
Vol. 79 Issue 3, p149
Lesson learned here is to use consumers’ eyes instead of designers’ to assess innovation.
Attachment 5:
Business leaders must change how they think about innovation and must change how their
company cultures reflect that thinking. Innovation can be bolstered anywhere if people are given
opportunities and rewards for taking good ideas. Innovations are a matter of taking developed ideas
and applying them in new situations.
- right connections and the right attitude