Remedy System 5.8
Remedy System 5.8
Remedy System 5.8
(Version 5.8)
Prepared by:
Remedy Service Ticket Tracking System
Remedy Service Ticket Tracking System
Table of Contents
INSTALLING THE REMEDY CLIENT...................................................4
LOGGING ON................................................................................4
TICKET LIFE OVERVIEW.................................................................6
ALTERNATE LOCATION................................................................11
CREATING a SERVICE Ticket.........................................................13
CHECKING service tickets assigned to you...................................19
ReassignING a ticket...................................................................20
Hot News...................................................................................20
LOOKING UP A KNOWLEDGE BASE ENTRY.....................................21
WORKING WITH STAFF ATTENDANCE...........................................22
CLONING TICKETS.......................................................................24
PARENT/CHILD TICKETS...............................................................28
SHORTCUT KEYS.........................................................................32
CHANGE HISTORY.......................................................................34
Remedy Service Ticket Tracking System
The Action Request (AR) system, better known as Remedy, is a client/server
based SQL database system hosted by CIT for all of NIH. It is mainly used
by the NIH Helpdesk and NIH Institutes/Center’s (ICs) Desktop/Network
Support staff to log and track user Information Technology (IT) requests
(tickets). Some branches of CIT and some ICs use Remedy to track other IT
related service requests, but this tutorial focuses mainly on NIH Helpdesk
and Desktop/Network Support.
If you have questions regarding the use of Remedy or other CIT services,
please contact the NIH Helpdesk at the phone number or email address
listed on the cover of this Tutorial.
Note: Discuss this procedure with your Local IT Support Team before
continuing. The procedure will vary depending on location.
2. Download and run user.exe from the appropriate directory (this will vary
depending on your location, but is available at
Remedy Service Ticket Tracking System
Note: If you are using Remedy from a Citrix Server, you will have to click
on Accounts, Users and specify a folder for your Home folder. Check
with you local support staff for details and settings.
2. After logging on for the first time, click Tools , Options from the top
menu and set the following options;
Under the General tab, choose “Save Windows Workspace” in the “On
Exit” section. This will bring up the last form you had open when you last
exited Remedy, every time you login. If you want to Maximize the
window on startup, check Maximize Window and Maximize Remedy
Under the Advanced tab, enter “” in the Reports Server field.
The TCP and RPC fields remain blank. Also check ODBC Use
Under the Behaviors tab, choose “Keep Previous Field Values” in the
“On Search” section. This feature is useful if you use the Search option
often and by pressing F3 in a List window, it will return you to the Search
window, keeping all of your original search field values. Also check
“Show most recent first” for the Diary Field.
Under the Reports tab, set both options in the “Misc. Defaults” section
to “Page”. This results in much better looking reports.
Remedy Service Ticket Tracking System
You have the option to modify information about your user login within
the ticketing system. From any form, select the Launch Pad and “Modify
My User Info.”
Note: You only have to set these Options once on each PC you use the
Remedy system on.
Before going into details of the system, we need to cover the life of a typical
Action Request (Ticket) within Remedy. Requests are initiated when a
customer or user requests a service. These requests can arrive via phone,
email, web or in person. Regardless of what the request is, the first step is
always to open the CIT Customer Database and verify the customer
information. If the customer has contacted you about an existing ticket you
can easily search their ticket history. In very few cases a customer record
may need to be created, which is covered in the Adding a Customer to the
Customer Database section.
Remedy Service Ticket Tracking System
From this point a Ticket can be created, or updated and then populated with
validated customer information as well as information about the problem.
Email notifications will be sent to most customers and the ticket Assignee
when their tickets are initially created and saved.
Forms are used to search or view different data sets within the Remedy
system. The two main forms Remedy users will utilize are the CIT Service
Ticket and CIT Customer Database forms.
1. From the main Remedy window, click the Open button (a clipboard with
a √ ) located on the left side of the toolbar, or choose File, Open.
Note: The list of forms will vary depending on your rights in the Remedy
Remedy Service Ticket Tracking System
2. If you have forms that you use more often than others, you can right click
and mark them as Favorites, which will put them under the Favorites
tab and make them easier to locate. You can also use the Recent tab to
select a recently used form and also right click on the forms there to add
them to your Favorites.
Remedy Service Ticket Tracking System
The CIT Customer Database is the starting point when creating most tickets
in Remedy. If necessary, you can add, verify or update information here.
Be sure to verify the customer’s phone number, building, room number and
email address. The database is linked to NIH Enterprise Directory (NED), so
normally, when NIH staff are added to, or updated in, NED their record in
Remedy is updated or created automatically. An Admin Officer (AO)
typically handles these NED additions, deletions and updates. Please keep
in mind; if a person is set to Inactive in NED, their Remedy record will
become inactive. If there is a mismatch between data in NED and Remedy,
the user will receive an email notification (every 30 days at the most)
directing them to update NED and contact their AO if needed.
1. Select the CIT Customer Database from the All tab. Either double-click
on the form name or highlight it and click the Search button at the
bottom of the window. This will bring up a blank search window.
2. Enter the customer’s last name in the Last Name field and the
customer’s first name in the FN (First Name) field. Partial name entry is
allowed, but this may return a large number of customers.
3. Press Enter or click the Search button. For more common names you
may want to limit your search further by entering data in other fields
such as Org Unit or Building.
Remedy Service Ticket Tracking System
Note: If the selected customer has open tickets, the “NOTE: Customer
has open tickets” button will be displayed. Click the button to open a list
of these open tickets.
5. If the list of results is too long to review, press F3 or click the Search
button (binoculars) to go back to the CIT Customer Database Search
window and enter additional search criteria, such as Org Unit (same as
IC) or Building to shorten the list. It is good practice to verify the
spelling of first and last names (i.e., Kathy, Katherine, Cathy or Cathey).
You can ask the customer what their NED ID is (it’s printed on the bottom
edge of their ID card) or go to and attempt to look them up.
With that information you can search based only on the NED ID which is
located on the Additional Information tab of this form. If there is a
NED record for the customer, they should appear in the CIT Customer
Database automatically.
6. If the customer still does not appear on the results list, press the F3 key
to return to the CIT Customer Database Search window to add the
customer (see Adding a New Customer to the Customer Database).
7. Once you have located the customer’s record, update any information
that you possibly can and click Save.
Remedy Service Ticket Tracking System
If the customer you have tried to inquire about is not found, you can add
them to the Remedy Customer database. This is unusual, but can occur
when contractors working off NIH Campus, Volunteers, Fellows or non NIH
staff put in service requests.
Before creating a new customer check both NIH Enterprise Directory (NED)
and the Outlook Global Address List (GAL) to see if the customer already
exists. You can also search the customer form for the NED ID of the
1. From the CIT Customer Database Search window enter at least the
minimum customer information required to create a record. These are:
First and Last Name, Phone number, IC (Org Unit) and Email address
(required to save any ticket in Remedy).
If you do not have all of required information (i.e., The customer has sent
in a request via a non-NIH email), enter a "?" in that required field. If
there is no valid email address for a customer or POC, enter “none”. If
another customer has the same first and last name, you will need to
include a middle name or initial to create a unique record. If you cannot
get that information, you can enter a ”?" if necessary. You should note in
the Log of the subsequent Service Ticket that you were unable to verify
customer’s information.
2. Click on the Create Customer button located at the top of the form.
Remedy Service Ticket Tracking System
3. Fill in all the fields, select a Location Type, Desktop and add any
pertinent Additional Location Information.
If you open a customer record that already has an alternate location, you
will get a popup similar to the following;
You can close that popup. Note that the Alternate Location button is
highlighted red on the customer record, as shown below;
Remedy Service Ticket Tracking System
Before creating a ticket, be sure there is not already an open ticket for the
problem in question. From a customer record you can click the Queries tab
and then use the Defined Searches pull-down to the right to select
Customer Tickets. Review the customer’s open and recent tickets to
validate that this is a new request. If there is an existing open ticket about
the current problem, double click it and update any information provided by
the customer and reopen it if needed by changing the ticket status. Note
that Helpdesk staff can not reopen tickets.
1. Once you have a valid customer record open and have confirmed that
their location information is correct, click the Default or Alternate
Location button located near the top center of the screen. This will
create a ticket for the customer with the location of choice and open the
Service Ticket form.
Notes: The top half of the screen shows the customer information,
copied over from the CIT Customer Database form. If you change any of
this information, it will only be retained in the current Service Ticket and
not in the original Customer record. To update customer information,
click the Customer Record button on the top right and update the
information there and in the ticket you just created.
The ticket depicted above was created using an Alternate Location. You
can identify this because the Building and Room tags are highlighted
blue. If by the time you get a ticket, the location of the customer has
Remedy Service Ticket Tracking System
changed, you can click the Alt Loc button to select a different one or you
can click Pull Cust Data to select their default location.
You can also click the Push to POC button if you want the current
customer listed as the POC and choose a different customer by entering
their Customer ID and clicking the Pull Cust Data button. You can get
the Customer ID in the Customer Database.
2. The service ticket will be created with information from the customer
record and a unique Ticket ID number will be automatically assigned
The Service Ticket form is separated into three sections: [1] Customer
information at the top, [2] Problem information in the center and [3] Tabs
at the bottom.
3. Enter the problem into the Problem field (128 characters maximum). As
there are a limited number of characters that can be displayed, make this
entry as concise and direct as possible. This is the field that most
customers will see as the description of their problem when they receive
email notification of the ticket’s creation.
Incorrect: “Customer called to say that they are having a problem with
Outlook and can’t see their archive folder or contacts anymore.”
Correct: “Outlook folder problem.”
Note: Use the spell check button (ABC √) when you fill in the Problem,
Log or Resolution fields.
4. Enter the work you perform on this ticket into the Log field. You should
also use this field to expand the problem description. Record all
avenues/steps you tried when assisting the customer to avoid duplication
of effort later. The Log field of a ticket should read like a book. If details
are left out, the story is incomplete and inaccurate. Even if the steps you
attempted did not resolve the problem, they should be recorded in the
Note: If the problem and resolution are straightforward, you do not need
to enter anything into the Log field. Simply enter the problem and
resolution information and it will be automatically saved in the Log after
you save the ticket.
Remedy Service Ticket Tracking System
5. The Source field is helpful in tracking how customers contact you. Each
Remedy user can have a “default” source which you can set yourself.
With a form open, click “Launch Pad” and “Modify My Remedy User Info”
and set the Source that is most common for your tickets. If you take calls
regularly, you may wish to use “Phone”; however if you are a Desktop
Support technician, you may wish to choose “Walk In” as your default
source. You will still be able to change the Source to whatever is
applicable for a particular ticket.
High: The issue involves, or has the potential to involve, a large number
of users. The issue involves a VIP end-user; and the issue involved work
stoppage, but there is a potential work around.
Critical: The issue involves a complete work stoppage and the issue has
immediate time criticality through lost productivity, potential fiscal loss,
potential slippage of a critical mission milestone, or similar reasons.
Note: The Priorities above are defined in the NIH Helpdesk Service Level
Agreement (SLA) and may vary at other NIH work locations.
9. If you need to assign this problem to someone else, click the Assignment
tab, and select from the Assignee menu, or click the Me button if you
are closing or assigning this ticket to yourself.
10. You can set a Severity for the problem, but it defaults to None. These
and other fields may trigger escalation workflow depending on your
group’s Remedy configuration. These are customized for each IC. Check
with your supervisor for details.
Note: If the customer has other open tickets, besides the one you have
open and saved, a button stating “Customer Has Open Tickets” will
Remedy Service Ticket Tracking System
appear below the Severity field. You can click this to pull up all of the
customer’s open tickets and quickly identify possible duplicate tickets. If
you identify duplicate tickets, notify the Quality Review team (see
instructions below).
11. If you would like to “Page”, “Resend” or get “CC” notifications for a
ticket, click the Notifications tab, and select from the following;
Page: Select this option to send a page to the Assignee. If the Assignee
has a pager, email address defined in their user record, a notification will
be sent to this address. If the Assignee does not have a pager email
address defined in the user record, an error will be displayed. In this
case use the option Resend described below. This field is cleared after
the notification is sent.
CC (One time): Use this field to send a “one time” notification to a user or
distribution list. The drop down menu allows the user to select a user or
group from the Assignee Menu. The field also accepts free text;
therefore any email address can be entered here. This field is cleared
overnight. If multiple addresses are required, they must be entered
manually and be separated by semicolons.
12. If you are resolving this problem yourself, enter the resolution in the
Resolution field. This is the field that customers will see as the solution
to their problem when they receive an email notification that their ticket
has been closed. Entering “Done” in the Resolution field is usually
frowned upon. The information here can be a reference for future
inquiries and should contain pertinent details. Change the Status field
to “Closed”. You can click the “C” button which will assign the current
ticket to you and close it.
13. Once all of the ticket specifics have been entered and verified, click the
Save button.
Remedy Service Ticket Tracking System
Note: All of the above fields can be entered in any order. You can also
re-Save a ticket if you add information or need to make changes.
If you have a Helpdesk related Quality issue to report, Click the Quality
Review button and a separate form will open. The Quality Review form is a
tool that can be used to flag service tickets which may contain quality
The most prominent feature allows users to flag tickets for: Correction,
Escalation or Quality Feedback.
• Ticket Correction
o Service tickets that contain errors or defects which require
correction will be escalated back to the NIH Helpdesk for
• Ticket Escalation
o Service tickets that contain errors or defects which are of critical
nature will be escalated back to the NIH Helpdesk for
reevaluation by a manager.
• Quality Feedback
o Service tickets that contain errors, defects or other deficiencies
can be reported to the Quality Team for ticket quality
assessment, but will not be escalated or assigned to the
o The ticket will be reviewed upon ticket closure to allow for
complete ticket review/analysis.
PUBLIC Comments are required for all Ticket Corrections and Ticket
Escalations. To facilitate the reprocessing of the service ticket, detailed and
specific information is requested and should include “why” the ticket is
being sent to the NIH Helpdesk. Comments entered in this field will be
included in the log of the service ticket.
Remedy Service Ticket Tracking System
this section will be reviewed by the Quality Team and/or shared with
Helpdesk management accordingly.
Various quality problems and multiple incidents can occur within a single
service ticket. The Quality Team reviews, analyzes and assesses the various
quality incidents. To facilitate the processing of the quality problem being
reported, it is highly recommended that the submitter provide their quality
Example 1:
Ticket incorrectly assigned to an IC where current customer information was
not properly gathered prior to ticket assignment.
Example 2:
An IC technician flags a service ticket which did not contain sufficient
information, capturing customer’s technical problems.
Remedy Service Ticket Tracking System
1. From the CIT Customer Database form or the Service Ticket form,
click on the Queries tab and select “My Open Tickets” (or your Group’s
name) in the Defined Searches field. The defined queries will vary
from group to group.
2. A list of all open tickets currently assigned to you, or your group, will be
displayed. You may double-click on any of these tickets to call up the
Service Ticket form with that ticket’s information.
Note: The list displayed in the search window is only for that moment in
time. In order to keep the listing up to date, click ”Defined Searches”
and pick the appropriate search again. Auto Refresh will not work for
Defined Searched.
3. Once you have a ticket assigned to you, click the Acknowledge button
and click Save. This tells the Remedy that you have acknowledged
receiving the ticket.
Remedy Service Ticket Tracking System
Note: Ask your supervisor if your group uses this feature, you may not
have to Acknowledge tickets.
See the Advanced Searches section later in this tutorial for more detail
on searches.
Once your work is finished on a ticket, you will need to either close it (as
described above), or re-assign it to someone else.
1. If you need to assign a ticket to someone else, click the Assignment tab,
and click the Assignee menu.
2. You should verify and update the Category, Sub-Cat, Priority and
Severity fields. These can enable escalation procedures for different
groups and must be accurate.
3. Once all of the ticket specifics have been entered, click the Save button.
Another Remedy user has updated and saved the ticket before you tried
to save it. If you click Save at this point, an important update could be
over written with the information you just entered.
The best option at this point is to click No and copy any information you
had entered into the Log or Resolution field to the Windows clip board.
Then close the ticket with out saving it.
Reopen the ticket and review the entry that had been made by the other
Remedy user. You have the option to paste the information from the clip
board into the ticket and make any necessary modifications and save it.
Remedy Service Ticket Tracking System
The Hot News feature in the Remedy service ticket tracking system is
designed to alert the extended NIH IT community (including IT staff in other
OPDIVS and the Office of the Secretary) of technical problems or issues at
NIH that could affect their work. A Hot News should be created for any
event that will have a negative impact on end users. The audience can be
both technical personnel and end users. A Hot News should be designed to
explain what the problem is, how it specifically applies to various personnel,
and when resolution can be expected; who or what actually caused the
event is not relevant to the reporting of a Hot News. It is not a forum to
assess blame to any particular party.
1. From the CIT Customer Database or CIT Service Ticket form click the
Open KB link. This will open your default web browser to the CIT
Knowledge Base (KB)
2. If prompted to, log in to the knowledge base and use “NIH\” plus your
domain login and password. This will authenticate you to the web server
and you will not have to login again as long as you do not close your
3. Type what you are searching for into the into the search window on the
main CIT KB web page and press Enter, or click Go. A list of matching
KB records will be displayed.
4. Click on a record to review it and use the browsers back button to return
to the list.
5. Click on the KB Home button to return to the KB form and start a new
query if needed.
Remedy Service Ticket Tracking System
Not all ICs use Staff Attendance in Remedy, so check with your supervisor
before you begin.
Remedy Service Ticket Tracking System
3. In the Attendance field, you can select a standard message chosen from
the drop-down list, or enter a customized message by typing in the
Attendance field.
4. The Automatic “In” Reset button should be set to “Y” (yes), so that the
Attendance field information will be automatically reset to “In” the
following day, unless you have set vacation dates.
5. To set a Compressed Work Week (CWW) day, click the CWW day from the
pull down menu.
6. To set an Alternative Work Schedule (AWS) day, click the most recent
AWS date. The system will calculate from that.
7. To set Scheduled Leave, select a beginning and ending date for the
period you will be away (see the popup Calendar that appears in figure
above) and before actually leaving, set the Attendance to Annual Leave.
8. To setup a Backup designate, click the down arrow next to Backup and
browse to the Group that your backup is in and select them. Remedy
will display a notification message if a ticket is assigned to the individual
while they are away, informing the ticket creator about the attendance
issue and will automatically reassign the ticket to the Backup.
Remedy Service Ticket Tracking System
Note: If you designate a backup that has you listed as their backup, you
will receive a warning notice.
Cloning tickets in Remedy can save time, effort and automates repetitive
tasks of similar nature. In the example below, we use a situation where I
know I have 5 new PCs to install in a training room.
In this example, I have created the first ticket in my own name, because
there are no customers associated with the training room. I have assigned
the call to myself and saved it.
1. To Clone an existing ticket, with the ticket open and saved, click the
Clone Ticket button.
Remedy Service Ticket Tracking System
3. If you select All Data, all of the other fields will be selected automatically.
If you deselect All Data, all of the other fields will be deselected
If you do not clone the customer information, you will have to enter a
first and last name in cloned ticket and just press Enter. It will auto
6. Once you have checked the appropriate options, click OK. At this point a
new ticket has not been created, click Cancel if you wish abort cloning
the ticket.
7. Update any fields that may vary on each ticket. In this case, I want to
easily identify the 5 PCs as I install them, so I will modify the Problem
field to indicate PC #2 of 5.
8. Before you can actually clone the ticket, any required fields that you did
not select to clone must be filled in.
9. To create multiple cloned tickets for different customers: Click the Add
button and create additional clones with multiple customers without
closing the form. Hit enter after each additional first and last name you
add. Once you have added all of the customers you want to create
tickets for, click on the Multiple Tickets tab and click the Create
Clones button. You can also modify the multiple users on this tab.
10. For a single ticket clone, click the Clone button to create the clone ticket.
A new ticket window will open, displaying the new ticket information and
it will be automatically saved. An entry will be added to the Log stating
that “This ticket was cloned from STXXXXXX”, the original ticket number.
Remedy Service Ticket Tracking System
Important Note: You are searching the live production system when you
query Remedy in this manner. If you are doing a vague search likely to
return many records, such as all open tickets, you will impact the
performance of the Remedy Server. You will degrade performance for all
Remedy users. If you want to pull data for Reporting, talk to your
Supervisor about getting appropriate rights to the Reports Server.
You may search on various fields on the Service Ticket. By filling in various
fields, and clicking the Search button, you can create your own queries.
For these types of query listings there are two options for refreshing the
Manual Refresh: Click View, Refresh Search, or press F5 and the listing
will update with the latest ticket information. You may also press F3 to
return to the Search window and update your search.
Open the database you want to search (typically CIT Service Tickets) as
previously described;
1. From the search form, fill in the various fields you want to search on with
the desired values. Use as many fields as possible to better define the
For example, if using the Ticket form, one may want to use a Status of
“Assigned” or “Closed” to search for only those tickets. If using the CIT
Customer Database form, one may want to look only at Active customers
in a particular part of an organization (Long_Org).
Once the search criteria have been entered click the Search button. This
will display a listing of all of the records (if any) that meet the criteria
selected. To limit or increase the maximum number of records that can
be returned, click Tools, Options, Behaviors and modify the maximum
number of records.
If you keep your screen on the same search form all of the time, you can
set an “auto” refresh to refresh at regular intervals. Click View, Auto-
Refresh to set your preferred time parameters.
Note: Keep in mind the escalation scheme at your location and select a
refresh time less than what might trigger an escalation.
Remedy Service Ticket Tracking System
2. For more sophisticated queries, you can use the Advanced Search Bar.
Select View, Advanced Search Bar.
3. You can type in your search criteria manually or use the recommended
method; Click the fields on the form, use the operator buttons and select
values when available from the Fields fly-out menu.
It is important to recall that you are using Boolean logic when building
you query. Thus, your query must be structured in a logically meaningful
manner. Notice the query below. We are looking for any tickets for a
certain assignee that might have a Status of “Assigned” and “Pending”:
The problem with this query becomes obvious when you click Search. A
message pops up that there are no records matching these criteria,
which is true. Any given ticket can only have one “Status” at a given
point in time, so searching for a Status of “Assigned” and “Pending” at
the same time will return nothing. Logically that is impossible. The
correct syntax of this query is using an “OR” operator and add brackets
around it:
Note: In Remedy, click Help, Contents and Index and type in “Advanced
Search” to review other examples and conventions for Advanced
Searching using Boolean logic.
4. Save your Search for future use by clicking Actions and Save Search.
Be sure to enter a name that will easily identify the search. Click OK to
save the search.
Remedy Service Ticket Tracking System
2. Click the Create Child Ticket button. A popup notification will appear
and warn that a Child ticket has been created and the Parent can not be
closed until the Child ticket (s) is closed. Click OK.
3. The Child ticket will be displayed. All of the previously populated fields
are blank, excepting the customer information. A red letter “C” will
appear next to the ticket number. Likewise a red letter “P” will appear
next to the ticket number on the Parent ticket.
4. From this point, the Child ticket can be updated and assigned as needed.
Remedy Service Ticket Tracking System
5. With the Parent ticket open, you can click the Related Tickets tab and
see the Child ticket associated with this Parent ticket. Double click a
Child ticket or click the Display Child Tickets button.
6. To display the Parent ticket from the Related Tickets tab on the Child
ticket, you can click on the Display Parent Ticket button. Double click
a Parent ticket or click the Display Parent Ticket button.
Note: You can not close the Parent ticket until all of the Child tickets are
Remedy macros work the same as macros within MS Office with one
distinction; the first action of any Remedy macro has to be opening a
database. This limits what custom actions you can have a Macro perform.
One common use is to simplify common running searches like the one just
1. If you don’t see the Macro bar, from a blank Remedy window click View ,
Macro Bar.
2. Select Tools, Record Macro or Click the Record Macro button (a red
4. Select from top menu, click Actions, My Searches and select one of
your saved searches.
Note: You can also manually enter the search criteria if you don’t have a
saved search for your query.
5. When the search results are displayed, Select Save Macro (the green
square) and enter a Macro Name. Populate the Help Text if desired.
Be sure to use a macro name that easily describes what the macro does.
6. Click Save.
Remedy Service Ticket Tracking System
You can now execute the search with the Macro pull-down menu.
2. Click Delete.
Remedy Service Ticket Tracking System
1. Enter the new name in the New Name field or enter help text in the
Help Text field.
2. Click Modify.
You can not edit the actions a macro performs. You would have to delete
and recreate the macro with the actions you want it to perform.
Tip: Due to a glitch in the system, even if you set an Auto-Refresh interval
in your Macro, it will not be saved. It can be manually changed if desired.
Do the following:
1. Close Remedy and browse to C:\Documents and
Settings\<UserID>\Application Data\AR System\HOME\ARCmds
While the Remedy Service Ticket Tracking system does have reporting
capabilities, it is recommended that it not be used because it searches the
live database. Any large searches or reports will result in performance
problems for Remedy users across NIH.
A separate copy of the live Remedy database is in place just for reporting. It
is currently updated over night, so it contains all the data from the previous
day. CIT offers a class and provides training material on the best uses of
the Reports database at Type “Remedy” into the
Course Search box and click Submit.
Remedy Service Ticket Tracking System
Command: Type:
Copy all contents of all fields onto the clipboard Ctrl+A
Copy the selection onto the clipboard Ctrl+C
Display the selected request Ctrl+Alt+D
Delete a request (administrators only) Ctrl+D
Clear all entries in the form’s fields Ctrl+E
View the status history for the request Ctrl+H
Open the Run Macro dialog box from where you can run a Ctrl+I
Open the Open dialog box to open forms, guides, and Ctrl+O
Copy all field information in the current form to a new Ctrl+T
request while in Search or Modify mode
Open the Print dialog box where you can print the current Ctrl+P
Open the Find Forms dialog box Ctrl+F
Fill the fields of the form with default information Ctrl+U
Close the current window Ctrl+F4
Close all windows Ctrl+W
Cut the selection, and copy it to the clipboard Ctrl+X
Save the current request, and go to the next request in the Ctrl+Y
results list
Reverse (undo) the last action in a character or diary field Ctrl+Z
Close a dialog box without saving changes Esc
Display context-sensitive help F1
Display What’s This help Shift+F1
Switch the Details pane to New mode F2
Remedy Service Ticket Tracking System
Command: Type:
Open the Run Macro dialog box where you can select and Ctrl+I
run a macro
Open the Print dialog box where you can print the report Ctrl+P
Open the Save Report Style As dialog box where you can Alt+S
save the report definition to file
Delete the currently selected report style Delete
Open context-sensitive help F1
Open context-sensitive help Shift+F1
Close the report window Ctrl+F4
pen the Properties dialog box for the selected report Enter
Remedy Service Ticket Tracking System