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Hydrocarbon Reservoir Characterization of "Keke" Field, Niger Delta Using 3D Seismic and Petrophysical Data

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Hydrocarbon reservoir characterization of "Keke" field, Niger Delta using 3D

seismic and petrophysical data

Article · May 2014

DOI: 10.5251/ajsir.2014.


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4 authors, including:

Paul I Edigbue Akinola Adesuji Komolafe

King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals Federal University of Technology, Akure


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© 2014, Science Huβ, http://www.scihub.org/AJSIR
ISSN: 2153-649X, doi:10.5251/ajsir.2014.

Hydrocarbon reservoir characterization of “Keke” field, Niger Delta using

3 seismic and petrophysical data
P.I. Edigbue1; A.A. Komolafe2; A.A. Adesida3 and O.J Itamuko4
Department of Earth Sciences, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Saudi Arabia
Department of Remote Sensing and Geoscience Information System, Federal University of
Technology, Akure, Nigeria
Shell Petroleum Development Company, Portharcourt, Nigeria
Blue Ocean Technical Services Ltd, Abuja, Nigeria
Corresponding Author’s E-mail Address: paul_edigbue@yahoo.com; phone: +2347038684403

An integrated 3D seismic and petrophysical data was employed to evaluate hydrocarbon
reservoir potentials of “Keke” field in the Niger Delta. Two sands units (S1 and S2), which exists
between 9127ft and 11152ft were correlated and mapped using gamma ray log while
petrophysical parameters were obtained from other well logs. The sand units were further
mapped on the seismic sections. Seismic structural attribute (variance) was used to delineate six
major faults in the field. Time and depth maps were generated for both top and base of the
horizons from which the isopach map was derived. Hydrocarbon in-place was calculated from the
obtained seismic and petrophysical parameters in order to unveil the potentials of the reservoirs.
Delineated sand units, S1 and S2 are characterized by hydrocarbon saturations of 65% and
81.8% respectively. Isopach map show thicker sediments in the central and southern parts of the
field ranging from 70ft to 90ft, isochron and isodepth revealed structural high (anticlines) at the
central fault block of the field sandwiched between the growth faults, which are responsible for
possible hydrocarbon accumulation. The trapping mechanisms are fault-assisted and rollover
anticlines. Hydrocarbon in-place for Sand S1 was estimated to be 14.6million ft3 of gas and
6,011.3 bbl of oil while Sand S2 showed 512.3764million ft3 of gas and 6041.94 bbl of oil. The
results show that the trapping mechanisms and the obtained Petrophysical parameters in “Keke”
field are favourable for hydrocarbon accumulation. Estimated reserves are satisfactory for further
exploration work.

Keywords: 3D seismic, Petrophysics, Reservoir and Reserves

is the key to reservoirs evaluation and subsurface
INTRODUCTION pore fluid monitoring. While there have been great
advances in 3D seismic data processing, the
Petroleum resources remain very vital to the quantitative interpretation of the seismic data for rock
economy of several nations of the world. The properties still pose many challenges. Quantitative
enormous cost of exploration for this all-important seismic interpretation according to Avseth (2005)
resource makes it necessary for the attainment of shows the application of rock physics in reservoir’s
high level of perfection in the methods adopted for its parameters’ prediction through integration of seismic
detection and quantification. Since cost effectiveness data sedimentological information and stochastic
is the driving factor in oil and gas industry, interest in methods. In seismic reservoir characterization and/or
reservoir evaluation is channel towards the need to evaluation, detailed characteristics of reservoir using
quantify the reservoir with reduced level of seismic data are analyzed and described both in
uncertainty associated with geological models. quality and quantity. This is done by delineating
Drilling of an oil well is very costly venture coupled reservoir parameters such as porosity, permeability,
with the fact that hydrocarbon reserve are depleting. water saturation, pore fluid etc from non- reservoir
The deposits yet undiscovered are in more complex parameters (Avseth, 2005).
geological environments and hence it is important to
exploit new development with higher resolution The Agbada Formation is a major hydrocarbon
seismic reflection methods. Analysis of seismic data reservoir and producer in the Niger Delta Basin
Am. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2014, 5(2): 73-80

(Tuttle et al., 1990). This Formation consists of African continental margin at the apex of the Gulf of
sandstone and shale intercalation. The structural Guinea, which formed the site of a triple
setting of the ‘Keke’ field is majorly growth faults and junction during continental break-up in the
rollover anticlines. Due to its complex internal Cretaceous (Doust, 1990). From the Eocene to the
architecture and structural complexity as a result of present, the delta has prograded southwestward,
growth faults development, there is a possibility of forming depobelts that represent the most active
having some bypassed reservoirs or reserves portion of the delta at each stage of its development
compartment. The use of advanced technological (Doust and Omatsola, 1990). These depobelts form
tools in 3D seismic data interpretation and integration one of the largest regressive deltas in the world with
with other geological data have yielded great results an area of some 300,000km (Kulke, 1995) a
in mapping several structural and stratigraphic sediment volume of 500,000 km and a sediment
prospects (Srivastava et al., 2005). In this research, thickness of over 10 km in the basin depocenter
3D seismic surveys, together with well log were (Michele et al., 1999) . Niger Delta Province contains
adopted to develop a detailed structural interpretation only one identified petroleum system (Ekweozor and
of the ‘Keke’-Field. This research shows how 3D Daukoru, 1994; Kulke, 1995) referred to as the
seismic data acquired on the ‘Keke’-Field, Niger Tertiary Niger Delta (Akata –Agbada) Petroleum
Delta Basin images subsurface structure which could System. Extended research by Tuttle et al. (1990)
not to fully interpret on 2D seismic and well logs. It confirmed this one petroleum system with the delta,
also aims at delineating the economic reservoir which was formed at the triple junction related to the
unit(s) within the lithologic sequence and characterize opening of the southern Atlantic beginning in the late
reservoirs both in quality and quantity. Jurassic and continuing into the Cretaceous. The
delta, based on Ekweozor and Daukoru (1994) and
STUDY AREA AND GEOLOGY Tuttle et al. (1990) began its development in the
Eocene with the accumulation of sediments that are
The field under consideration, identified as “KEFE” now about 10 kilometers thick. The maximum extent
for the purpose of this study is an onshore oil field in of the petroleum system coincides with the
the Niger Delta region, located in the southern part of
boundaries of the province (Figure 2).
Nigeria (Figure 1).
The area is geologically a sedimentary basin, and
479000 480000 481000 482000 483000 484000 485000
consists of three basic Formation: Akata Agbada and
the Benin Formations. The Akata is made up of thick


KEFE2 shale sequences and it serves as the potential

source rock. It is assumed to have been formed as a
result of the transportation of terrestrial organic


matter and clays to deep waters at the beginning of
Paleocene (Tuttle et al., 1990). According to Doust


and Omatsola (1990), the thickness of this formation

is estimated to about 7,000 maters thick, and it lies
479000 480000 481000 482000 483000 484000 485000
under the entire delta with high overpressure.
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500ft Agbada Formation is the major oil and gas reservoir
of the delta, It is the transition zone and consist of
intercalation of sand and shale (paralic siliciclastics
Fig. 1: Study Area Location )with over 3700 meter thick and represent the deltaic
portion of the Niger Delta sequence (Doust, 1990;
Niger Delta according to Klett et al.(1997) is situated Tuttle et al., 1990). Agbada Formation is overlain by
within the Gulf of Guinea with extension throughout the top Formation, which is Benin. Benin Formation is
the Niger Delta Province. It is located in the southern made of sands of about 2000m thick (Avbovbo,
O o
part of Nigeria between the longitude 4 – 9 East 1978).
o o
and latitude 4 - 6 North. It is situated on the West
Country Scale
Block Contour inc

License User name

Model name Date
Horizon name Signature

Am. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2014, 5(2): 73-80

iii. the reflection time as an expression of the depth

and dip of a geological surface and of its velocity.
Studies of reflection time allowed us to see folding
and faulting of a geological surface and also to
recognize structural traps. Further, they allow us to
see angular unconformity; between two surfaces and
so to recognize truncation and erosions. They also
allow us to see patterns of surfaces and so to
recognize certain depositional mechanisms; from
these, in turn we can make inference about facies.
The reflection character is an amalgam of amplitude
waveform and polarity. It is an expression of physical
properties above, below the reflection surface, and of
interferences between reflections from closely
spaced reflection surfaces. Studies of reflection
character allow us to map variations in the nature of
Fig. 2: Map of the Niger Delta showing the province the rocks and so to supplement our interference
outline (maximum petroleum system) bounding about their type and condition. Well logs were
structural features; minimum petroleum system as correlated and appropriate reservoirs bodies were
defined by oil and gas field center points 200, 2000,
characterized in terms of their petrophysical
3000 and 4000m bathymetry contours; and 2 and 4km
sediment thickness [data from Petroconsultants
parameters (Figure 3). Reservoirs were calculated
(1996)] using volumetric method from the integrated
. information from the 3D seismic interpretations and
METHODOLOGY petrophysical analysis.

The materials used for this research work include the

following: 3D stacked depth migrated seismic
sections comprising of 400 inlines and 200
crosslines, base map of the study area, check shot
survey curve, continuous velocity logs, gamma ray
and resistivity logs. Integrated methods involving 3D
seismic interpretation and petrophysical data
analytical methods were employed to meet the
objectives of this research. Interpretation of seismic
sections was done interactively in Petrel software
from where two (2) sand units were mapped and
evaluated by generating various indicator maps such
as structural, Isopach, Isochron and isodepth maps.
Information is useful in determining appropriate
locations for drilling exploratory, appraisal or
development wells within a prospect.

This study involves the interpretation of 3-D seismic

data, which in turn involves the analysis of seismic
sections, and through this, the generation of maps for
interpretation of anomalies in an attempt to locate
structures favourable for accumulation of
hydrocarbon. To do this, we bear in mind the
following important geological information in seismic
traces: i. Seismic method measures only physical
properties and their changes, geological properties Fig. 3: Correlation Panel Showing the Delineated
can be obtained only by inference, ii. reflection Reservoir
evident on a seismic section has time and character,

Am. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2014, 5(2): 73-80


This research defines the structural, petrophysical

and volumetric characteristics of the interpreted
horizons using 3D seismic and well log data (Figures
3 and 4). It therefore examines the hydrocarbon
reservoir in terms of its geologic structures, reservoir
properties and reserve estimates. The study
integrated a suite of 600 seismic section (400inlines
and 200 crosslines) and 5 composite well log data
acquired over ‘Keke’-Field, onshore Niger Delta
Basin. The seismic section was mainly used for
structural interpretation while the logs are essential
for petrophysical evaluation of the delineated
reservoir. The area obtained from the seismic section
when combined with the thickness of the reservoir
and other petrophysical parameters such as porosity
(Ø), water saturation (Sw) is used in estimating for the
volume of hydrocarbon in place of the reservoir. Two
sands units (S1 and S2), which exists between 9127ft
and 11152ft were delineated from the correlation of
four wells using well logs (Figure 3). The lithologic
units are consistent across the wells, meaning that
most lithologic units are present. Increasing trend of
the thickness of the shale units with depth indicate Fig. 4 Seismic horizons for (a) Sands 1 and (b) Sand 2
that the sequence is approaching the Akata
formation. The two horizons were also delineated on Figure 5 (a, b and c) shows the fault structural map.
the seismic section as shown in Figure 4(a and b). Six faults labeled F1-F6 (4 major and 2 minor) are
interpreted. The map shows the various positions and
orientations of the faults. The presence of these
a faults in the study area is an indication that there is
possibility of hydrocarbon accumulation. Weber and
Daukora (1975) described faults as good migration
path for hydrocarbon into the reservoir rocks. The
trend and dip direction of each fault are depicted as
interpreted on inline 1300. The two synthetic faults F1
and F2 extend throughout the field and trending west-
east; they dip northeast – southwest and southeast –
northwest respectively. Another major synthetic fault
is F3. It trends northwest – southeast and dips
southwest. Fault F4 is another antithetic fault trending
northeast – southwest and dips northwest. Fault F5 is
probably an extension of fault F3, having the link
outside the seismic survey.

The Time Structural Maps (Figure 6) shows the two-

way-traveltime of the mapped horizons S1 and S2
and highlights the geometry of the reflector (Kearey
and Brooks, 1984). Examination of this map shows
the presence of structures (growth fault and anticline)
that can possibly harbour hydrocarbon in the study
area. An anticlinal structure could be observed about
the central portion of the study area closing on a

Am. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2014, 5(2): 73-80

major fault, F1. This shows that the trapping

mechanism is a fault-assisted anticlinal structure. a b

Fig. 6: Time Structural Map Showing the Delineated

Structures in horizons (a) S1 and (b) S2

The depth structural map (Figure 7) depicts area

where there is structural high. Commercial oil
accumulations occur predominantly in the structurally
highest part of a given macrostructure in the strike
sense, despite viable trapping conditions down
plunge (Evamy et al, 1978). In “Kefe” field, the
trapping systems are anticlines and fault assisted
closures (Figure 7).


F 2
F 3


Fig.5: (a) Variance Attributes time slice (b) Variance

attributes Section and (c). Fault Map Showing the
Mapped Faults. Fig. 7 Depth structural maps for (a) Sand 1 and
(b) Sand 2

Am. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2014, 5(2): 73-80

Reservoir Properties: Hydrocarbon potentials of the Hydrocarbons in Place and Recoverable

delineated sands were revealed in their Petrophysical Resource: The estimation method used for this study
properties. Table 1 shows reservoir properties that is volumetric estimation of the reserve. This
were calculated for reservoirs S1 and S2 from wells 1 volumetric estimation of hydrocarbon reserves
and 4. From this table, it can be deducted clearly that involves the integration of various geological
the sands are well sorted with low values of water parameters obtained from both surface (seismic) and
saturation (Sw). Sand 2 shows more of hydrocarbon subsurface (well log) geophysical data. Petrophysical
potential than Sand 1 in both wells. The effective parameters such as porosity and water saturation
porosities are satisfactory for a reservoir to be have already been calculated as in the last section.
adjudged a producible reservoir. The reservoir for estimation of hydrocarbon in place,
which can be located on the structural maps as
Table1: Petrophysical Properties of Delineated delineated. The average of the petrophysical
Sands in Wells 1 and 4 parameters for the mapped reservoir was computed
to get the corresponding values used in computing
for the hydrocarbon in place.

Calculations of original hydrocarbon in place were

done using the following standard volumetric
estimation formula in equation (1)

-------------- (1)

OHIP = Original Hydrocarbon (Gas/oil) in Place (m )

A = Areal extent of the accumulation (ha * 10000)

H = Average Net Pay for the reservoir zone (m)

Φ = Average Effective Porosity (Fraction)

Sw = Average Water Saturation (Fraction)

The depth structural maps (Figure 6) displays the gas

oil contact (GOC) and oil water contact (OWC) from
which the area extent of the reservoir was estimated
The average values obtained for the petrophysical and hence the eventual hydrocarbon in place. The
parameters of the delineated reservoirs show that the hydrocarbon – water contact (HWC) of Sands 1 and
reservoirs S1 and S2 are highly prolific with 2 were found approximately on the good closures of
maximum values of 65.48% and 81.8% hydrocarbon 613m and 2953m depth while oil water contact
saturation with 30.20% and 28.19% porosity (OWC) were found to be at 200m and 2934m
respectively (Table 1). These two petrophysical respectively. Computer cube cell estimation was
parameters are essential in computing hydrocarbon adopted to calculate the value. The hydrocarbon
in place. It is worthy of note that the two delineated could be quantified into specific value of gas and / or
reservoirs have high potentials for hydrocarbon in oil due to availability of neutron and density logs. The
well 4 than well 1 results obtained are presented in Table 2.

Am. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2014, 5(2): 73-80

Table 2: Reservoir Volumetric Parameters CONCLUSIONS

Information derived from 3D seismic data volumes
resulted in more understanding of the structural
styles and architecture, and in accurate delineation of
reservoir blocks in the study area. Within the scope of
this work, it has been established that the trapping
mechanisms in the study field are fault assisted and
rollover anticline. The Petrophysical properties of
“Keke” field reflect the ability of the formation to store
and produce hydrocarbon. Hydrocarbon saturation
parameter concentrates generally at the central and
north-eastern parts. Faulting and folding play a
prominent role in the definition of the structural
setting. These structural features constitute the main
structural traps detected in the study area. Sands 1
and 2 have good hydrocarbon potential that made
them economically viable. The major anticlinal ridge
in the mapped horizon is favorable to the
accumulation of hydrocarbon. The work reveal that
the central fault block of the field where there are
existing wells have structural highs (anticlines) that
are sandwiched between the growth faults, which are
responsible for possible hydrocarbon accumulation.
The isopach map revealed that the reservoir very
From the estimation, it can be concluded that the thick and favourable for hydrocarbon accumulation.
value of hydrocarbon (either gas or oil) in place for The isopach map shows thicker sediment in the
both reservoirs, as revealed by this analysis could be central and southern parts of the field. The estimated
said to be in commercial quantity and the profitability hydrocarbon in place of the reservoir is satisfactory.
may be high which could cater for the expenses of
carrying out the exploration and exploitation of both Since all the available wells were located consequent
oil and gas. to a 3D seismic survey, high resolution 4D seismic
survey should be carried out within the field in order
to cater for the by passed hydrocarbon in the area.
More rigorous stratigraphic framework should be built
and integrate more data/information to develop the
Prospect. The surrounding fields should also be
developed because the reservoirs delineated extend
outside the studied field.

The Authors appreciate the Exxon Mobil for donating
workstations and Petrel software used for this
research. Our gratitude goes to Chevron Nigeria for
providing the seismic and log data.

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contacts and Delineated Prospects Delta: American Association of Petroleum Geologists
Bulletin, v. 62, p. 295 - 300.

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