QUIZ Persons
QUIZ Persons
QUIZ Persons
3. Baldo, a rejected suitor, intimidated Judy into marrying him. While she
discovered that while Rene presented himself as a macho man, he was wanted to question the validity of their marriage 2 years after the
actually gay. He would not go to bed with her. He kept obscene intimidation ceased, Judy decided in the meantime to cohabit with
magazines of nude men and always sought the company of handsome Baldo. After more than 5 years following their wedding, Judy can file a
boys. She can seek a declaration of nullity of marriage based on Rene's case for annulment of marriage against Baldo for lack of consent.
psychological incapacity.
4. Joseph, a 17 year old Filipino, married Jenny, and 21 year old citizen of
2. Arthur and Helen, both Filipinos, got married and had two children. country X where such marriage is valid. Their parents have full consent
Arthur later worked in Rome where he acquired Italian citizenship. He to the marriage of their children. After 3 years, Joseph filed a petition in
got a divorce from Helen in Rome, but on returning to the Philippines, country X for divorce and it was granted. When he turned 25, he went
he realized his mistakes, asked forgiveness of his wife and resumed living to the Philippines and married. The second marriage is void.
with her. They had two more children. All the children are legitimate
since they have the same mother and father.
5. Josie, 18, married Dante, 25, without her parents' knowledge and 7. The husband, who is a self-confessed drug addict, can file a Petition for
consent and lived with him. After a year, Josie returned to her parents' Declaration of Nullity of Marriage under Article 36 and be granted.
home and complained of battering she was getting from Dante and
desired her marriage with him be annulled. Josie's parents can bring the
action for annulment.
8. Husband and wife were, at the time of their marriage, both affected with
sexually-transmissible diseases, serious and incurable, and both knew
the infirmities of the other. Either of them can sue for annulment of their
6. Conrad and Linda, both 20 years old applied for a marriage license marriage.
making it appear they they were over 25. They married without their
parents' knowledge before an unsuspecting judge. After the couple has
been in cohabitation for 6 years, Linda's parents filed an action to annul
the marriage on ground of lack of parental consent. The case will prosper
and be granted.
9. State all marriages which are void 11. State the effects of termination of second marriage