A Survey On Image Processing Techniques.
A Survey On Image Processing Techniques.
A Survey On Image Processing Techniques.
Abstract- Today’s world is totally based on automation. Automatic name plate detection of vehicle is possible using some
image processing techniques. It can possible using video recording and image capturing methods. In this paper we are going
to describe various image processing techniques. These techniques can be used vehicle number plate extraction and
verification like applications. This paper contains binarization, filtering, downscaling and segmentation methods.
Image is very vital thing in gaining of knowledge, communication and describing anything in this world. Now a day’s image
capturing and storing become possible due to enhancement in technology. This stored image can be used for various
purposes. But image captured by any device cannot be in proper form so there is need to process this image. In this paper
we are discussing various image processing techniques by which we can get proper image for further processing.
2.1 Binarization-
For better and accurate result all the color or grayscale images are converted to either grayscale or binary form. Main purpose
of thresholding is to find out the pixels of interests. The original background pixels (region) will be false or 1 and foreground
pixels (region) will be true or 0 are considered in this method. Multi-plane thresholding is one of the technique used for the
region matching and segmentation of the object [5].
2.2. Noise-
An arbitrary (not present in the object imaged) variation of luminance or color information in images is nothing but noise.
The sensor and circuitry of a scanner or digital camera are used to create noise.
2.3 Filter-
Filters are used in image processing to smoothing or enhancing the image.
2.6 Segmentation-
Segmentation is nothing but dividing the image in several parts which give more meaningful and easy way for processing of
Types of segmentation-
2.6.1 Region Based:
It is also called Similarity Based Segmentation in this regions are constructed by associating or dissociating neighbor pixels.
It works on the principle of homogeneity.
Edge Detection-
The boundaries of objects within images finding is nothing but edge detection technique. Image segmentation and data
extraction can be done using edge detection.
Local Thresholding-
In this a different threshold for each pixel according to the grayscale information of the neighboring pixels is used.
Global Thresholding-
A single threshold value for the whole document can be find in this method. Then each pixel value of foreground or
background is replaced with the threshold value which is compared with its grey value.
There are various techniques which can be used to enhance the image quality and converting the image in proper form. In
this paper, techniques like segmentation, noise removal, thresholding, filtering are described by which a captured image
should be preprocessed and used for various applications. In automatic extraction and verification vehicle name plate this
techniques can be used for extraction and verification of numbers and characters.
[1] A Robust and Efficient Approach to License Plate Detection Yule Yuan, Member, IEEE, Wenbin Zou, Yong Zhao, Xinan Wang,
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[2] An Iranian License Plate Recognition System Based on Color Features Amir Hossein Ashtari, Graduate Student Member, IEEE, Md.
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[3] A vehicle license plate detection method using region and edge based methods Mahmood Ashoori Lalimi , Sedigheh Ghofrani , Des McLernon.
[4] Automatic Vehicle Number Plate Detection And Recognition Priyanka Prabhakar, Anupama P, Resmi S R.
[5] Various Traditional and Nature Inspired Approaches Used in Image Preprocessing Sarika Deokate and Nilesh Uke.
[6] Application-Oriented License Plate Recognition Gee-Sern Hsu, Member, IEEE, Jiun-Chang Chen, and Yu-Zu Chung.
[7] A vehicle license plate detection method using region and edge based methods Mahmood Ashoori Lalimi a, Sedigheh Ghofrani a, Des
McLernon a Electrical Engineering Department, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch Tehran, Iran School of Electronic and
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[8] Principal Visual Word Discovery for Automatic License Plate Detection Wengang Zhou, Houqiang Li, Yijuan Lu, Member, IEEE, and
Qi Tian, Senior Member, IEEE.
[9] License Plate Recognition From Still Images and Video Sequences: A Survey Christos-Nikolaos E. nagnostopoulos,Member, IEEE, Ioannis
E. Anagnostopoulos, Member, IEEE,Ioannis D. Psoroulas, Vassili Loumos, Member, IEEE, and Eleftherios Kayafas, Member, IEEE.
[10] A hybrid License Plate Extraction Method Based On Edge Statistics and Morphology Bai Hongliang and Liu Changping.
[11] Detection and Recognition of License Plate Characters with Different Appearances SherrZheng Wang and HsMian Lee Department of
Science and Information Engineering, National ChimTung Univmity 1001 Ta Hsueh Road, Hsinchu, Taiwan 300, R.O.C.
[12] Color Texture-Based Object Detection:An Application to License Plate Localization Kwang In Kim, Keechul Jung and Jin Hyung Kim
Artificial Intelligence Lab CS Department, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Taejon, 305-701, Korea Pattern Recognition
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[13] Morphology-based License Plate Detection from Complex Scenes Jun-Wei Hsieh, Shih-Hao Yu , and Yung-Sheng Chen Department of
Electrical Engineering, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan
Ryung Lee, Pyeoung Kee Kim, and Hang Joon Kim Department of Computer Engineering, KyungPook National Univ.Taegu, 702-701, Korea.