Switch SG
Switch SG
Switch SG
Implementing Cisco
IP Switched
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© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH iii
Module 4: Configuring Inter-VLAN Routing ........................................................................ 305
Lesson 1: Implementing Inter-VLAN Routing Using a Router ....................................................... 306
Inter-VLAN Routing Using an External Router Overview ......................................................... 307
Discovery 10: Routing with an External Router........................................................................ 308
External Router: Advantages and Disadvantages ...................................................................... 313
Summary ........................................................................................................................... 315
Lesson 2: Configuring a Switch to Route.................................................................................... 317
Switch Virtual Interfaces Overview........................................................................................ 318
Switch Routed Ports Overview .............................................................................................. 320
Discovery 11: Routing on a Multilayer Switch......................................................................... 321
SVI autostate exclude .......................................................................................................... 327
SVI Configuration Checklist ................................................................................................. 329
Layer 2 vs. Layer 3 EtherChannel .......................................................................................... 331
Layer 3 EtherChannel Configuration ...................................................................................... 332
Summary ........................................................................................................................... 334
Lesson 3: Module Summary ..................................................................................................... 335
Lesson 4: Module Self-Check................................................................................................... 337
Module Self-Check Answers .................................................................................................... 340
Answer Key ....................................................................................................................... 340
Module 5: Implementing High Availability Networks ........................................................... 341
Lesson 1: Configuring Network Time Protocol............................................................................ 342
The Need for Accurate Time ................................................................................................. 343
Configuring System Clock Manually...................................................................................... 344
Network Time Protocol Overview.......................................................................................... 347
NTP Modes ........................................................................................................................ 349
Discovery 12: NTP Configuration.......................................................................................... 351
Securing NTP ..................................................................................................................... 360
NTP Source Address............................................................................................................ 363
NTP Versions ..................................................................................................................... 364
NTP in IPv6 Environment .................................................................................................... 365
SNTP Overview .................................................................................................................. 367
SNTP Configuration ............................................................................................................ 368
Summary ........................................................................................................................... 369
Lesson 2: Implementing SNMP Version 3 .................................................................................. 371
SNMP Overview ................................................................................................................. 372
SNMP Versions .................................................................................................................. 373
SNMP Recommendations ..................................................................................................... 375
SNMP Version 3 Configuration............................................................................................. 376
Verifying SNMP Version 3 Configuration............................................................................... 378
Summary ........................................................................................................................... 381
Lesson 3: Implementing IP SLA ............................................................................................... 383
IP SLA Introduction ............................................................................................................ 384
IP SLA Source and Responder .............................................................................................. 387
Discovery 13: IP SLA Echo Configuration .............................................................................. 388
IP SLA Operation with Responder ......................................................................................... 393
IP SLA Responder Time Stamps............................................................................................ 395
Configuring Authentication for IP SLA .................................................................................. 396
Configuration Example: UDP Jitter........................................................................................ 397
Summary ........................................................................................................................... 398
Lesson 4: Implementing Port Mirroring for Monitoring Support..................................................... 399
What is SPAN? ................................................................................................................... 400
SPAN Terminology ............................................................................................................. 401
Remote SPAN .................................................................................................................... 402
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH vii
viii Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Course Introduction
Implementing Cisco Switched Networks (SWITCH) v2.0 is an instructor-led training course presented by
Cisco training partners to their end customers. This five-day course is designed to help students prepare for
Cisco CCNP R&S® certification. This course is one of the three courses in the CCNP Routing and
Switching curriculum.
Upon completing this course, you will be able to meet these objectives:
1 Describe the hierarchical campus structure, basic switch operation, use of SDM templates, PoE, and
2 Implement VLANs, trunks, explain VTP, implement DHCP in IPv4 and IPv6 environment, and
configure port aggregation
3 Implement and optimize STP mechanism that best suits your network - PVSTP+, RPVSTP+, or MST
4 Configure routing on a multilayer switch
5 Configure NTP, SNMP, IP SLA, port mirroring, and verify StackWise and VSS operation
6 Implement First Hop redundancy in IPv4 and IPv6 environments
7 Secure campus network according to recommended practices
This training reinforces the instruction by providing students with hands-on labs to ensure they thoroughly
understand how to implement advanced routing within their networks.
The schedule reflects the approximate structure for this course. This structure allows enough time for the
instructor to present the course information and for you to work through the lab activities. The exact timing
of the subject materials and labs depends on the pace of your specific class.
Cisco provides three levels of general certifications for IT professionals with several different tracks to meet
individual needs. There are many paths to Cisco certification, but only one requirement—passing one or
more exams demonstrating knowledge and skill. For details, go to
You are encouraged to join The Cisco Learning Network, a discussion forum open to anyone holding a
valid Cisco Career Certification. It provides a gathering place for Cisco certified professionals to share
questions, suggestions, and information about Cisco Career Certification programs and other certification-
related topics. For more information, visit https://learningnetwork.cisco.com.
The instructor will discuss the following administrative issues so that you know exactly what to expect from
the class:
• Sign-in process
• Start and anticipated end times of each class day
• Class break and lunch facilities
• Appropriate attire during class
• Materials you can expect to receive during class
• What to do in the event of an emergency
• Location of the restrooms
• How to send and receive telephone and fax messages
Student Introductions
Upon completing this module, you will be able to meet these objectives:
• Describe the components of a well-designed campus network
• Explain the difference between Layer 2 and multilayer switch operation
• Change and verify the SDM template
• Enable LLDP and verify LLDP neighbors
• Describe PoE and verify power consumption on a switch
Upon completing this lesson, you will be able to meet these objectives:
• Explain the need for a hierarchical network design
• List and describe the three layers of the Cisco Enterprise Campus Architecture
• Describe how enterprise campus architecture applies to building scale
• Describe the access layer
• Describe the distribution layer
• Describe core layer
• Explain why and when the core layer is needed
• Describe types of Cisco switches
• Compare Layer 2 switching to Layer 3 switching in the access layer
A flat enterprise campus network is where all PCs, servers, and printers are connected to each other using
Layer 2 switches. A flat network does not have subnets. All devices on this subnet will share available
bandwidth and all are members of the same broadcast domain. A broadcast packet uses CPU time on each
device within the broadcast domain. A network of 10 devices on the same segment does not seem crowded,
but if you have hundreds of hosts on the same subnet, your network will not perform well.
You can use a Layer 3 device such as a router or a Layer 3 switch to segment a network. Broadcasts that
originate within a subnet will not propagate beyond the edge of the LAN segment—the Layer 3 device.
Each layer can be focused on specific functions, thus allowing you to choose the right systems and features
for the layer. This model provides you modular framework that allows flexibility in network design and
facilitates implementation and troubleshooting. The enterprise campus divides networks or their modular
blocks into the access, distribution, and core layers with these features:
• Access layer: The access layer is used to grant user access to network devices. In a network campus,
the access layer generally incorporates switched LAN devices with ports that provide connectivity to
workstations and servers. In the WAN environment, the access layer for teleworkers or remote sites
may provide access to the corporate network across WAN technology.
• Distribution layer: The distribution layer aggregates the wiring closets, using switches to segment
workgroups and isolate network problems in a campus environment. Similarly, the distribution layer
aggregates WAN connections at the edge of the campus and provides policy-based connectivity.
• Core layer (also referred to as the backbone): The core layer is a high-speed backbone, which is
designed to switch packets as fast as possible. Because the core is critical for connectivity, it must
provide a high level of availability and adapt to changes very quickly. It also provides scalability and
fast convergence.
When the Cisco Enterprise Campus Architecture is applied to a building, the architecture naturally divides
networks into the building access, building distribution, and building core layers, as follows:
• Building access layer: The building access layer is used to grant user access to network devices. In a
network campus, the building access layer generally incorporates switched LAN devices with ports that
provide connectivity to workstations and servers. In the WAN environment, the building access layer at
remote sites may provide access to the corporate network across WAN technology.
• Building distribution layer: The building distribution layer aggregates the wiring closets and uses
switches to segment workgroups and isolate network problems.
• Building core layer: The building core layer (also known as the campus backbone submodule) is a
high-speed backbone and is designed to switch packets as fast as possible. Because the core is critical
for connectivity, it must provide a high level of availability and adapt to changes very quickly.
The Cisco Enterprise Campus Architecture divides the enterprise network into physical, logical, and
functional areas. These areas allow network designers and engineers to associate specific network
functionality on equipment that is based upon its placement and function in the model.
It is important to note that while the tiers do have specific roles in the design, there are no absolute rules for
how a campus network is physically built. While it is true that many campus networks are constructed using
three physical tiers of switches, this is not a strict requirement. In a smaller campus, the network might have
two tiers of switches in which the core and distribution elements are combined in one physical switch, a
collapsed distribution and core. On the other hand, a network may have four or more physical tiers of
switches because the scale, wiring plant, or physical geography of the network might require that the core be
extended. The important point is this: While the hierarchy of the network often defines the physical
The access layer is the place where end devices (PCs, printers, cameras, and the like) attach to the wired
portion of the campus network. It is also the place where devices that extend the network out one more level
are attached—IP phones and wireless APs being the two prime examples of devices that extend the
connectivity out one more layer from the actual campus access switch. The wide variety of possible types of
devices that can connect and the various services and dynamic configuration mechanisms that are necessary
make the access layer one of the most feature-rich parts of the campus network:
• High availability: The access layer is supported by many hardware and software attributes. It offers
access to default gateway redundancy using dual connections from access switches to redundant
distribution layer switches that use an FHRP.
• Convergence: The access layer supports inline PoE for IP telephony and wireless APs, allowing
customers to converge voice onto their data network and providing roaming WLAN access for users.
• Security: The access layer provides services for additional security against unauthorized access to the
network by using tools as such port security, DHCP snooping, DAI, and IP Source Guard.
Availability, fast path recovery, load balancing, and QoS are the important considerations at the distribution
layer. High availability is typically provided through dual paths from the distribution layer to the core, and
from the access layer to the distribution layer. Layer 3 equal-cost load sharing allows both uplinks from the
distribution to the core layer to be utilized.
The distribution layer is the place where routing and packet manipulation are performed and can be a
routing boundary between the access and core layers. The distribution layer represents a redistribution point
between routing domains or the demarcation between static and dynamic routing protocols. The distribution
layer performs tasks such as controlled routing decision making and filtering to implement policy-based
connectivity and QoS. To improve routing protocol performance further, the distribution layer summarizes
routes from the access layer. For some networks, the distribution layer offers a default route to access layer
routers and runs dynamic routing protocols when communicating with core routers.
The distribution layer uses a combination of Layer 2 and multilayer switching to segment workgroups and
isolate network problems, preventing these problems from affecting the core layer. The distribution layer is
commonly used to terminate VLANs from access layer switches. The distribution layer connects network
services to the access layer and implements policies regarding QoS, security, traffic loading, and routing.
The distribution layer provides default gateway redundancy by using an FHRP such as HSRP, GLBP, or
VRRP. FHRPs allow for the failure or removal of one of the distribution nodes without affecting endpoint
connectivity to the default gateway.
The campus core is in some ways the simplest yet most critical part of the campus. It provides a very limited
set of services and is designed to be highly available and operate in an always-on mode. In the modern
business world, the core of the network must operate as a nonstop, always available service. The key design
objectives for the campus core are based on providing the appropriate level of redundancy to allow for near-
immediate data-flow recovery in the event of the failure of any component (switch, supervisor, line card, or
fiber). The network design must also permit the occasional, but necessary, hardware and software upgrade
or change to be made without disrupting any network applications. The core of the network should not
implement any complex policy services, nor should it have any directly attached user or server connections.
The core should also have the minimal control plane configuration that is combined with highly available
devices that are configured with the correct amount of physical redundancy to provide for this nonstop
service capability.
The campus core is the backbone that binds together all of the elements of the campus architecture. It is the
part of the network that provides for connectivity between end devices, computing, and data storage services
that are located within the data center—and other areas and services within the network. It serves as the
aggregator for all of the other campus blocks and ties together the campus with the rest of the network.
Without a core layer, the distribution layer switches will need to be fully meshed. This design is difficult to
scale, and increases the cabling requirements because each new building distribution switch needs full-mesh
connectivity to all the distribution switches. The routing complexity of a full-mesh design increases as you
add new neighbors.
Having a dedicated core layer allows the campus to accommodate this growth without compromising the
design of the distribution blocks, the data center, and the rest of the network. This is particularly important
as the size of the campus grows either in number of distribution blocks, geographical area, or complexity. In
a larger, more complex campus, the core provides the capacity and scaling capability for the campus as a
The question of when a separate physical core is necessary depends on multiple factors. The ability of a
distinct core to allow the campus to solve physical design challenges is important. However, it should be
remembered that a key purpose of having a distinct campus core is to provide scalability and to minimize
the risk from (and simplify) moves, adds, and changes in the campus. In general, a network that requires
routine configuration changes to the core devices does not yet have the appropriate degree of design
modularization. As the network increases in size or complexity and changes begin to affect the core devices,
it often points out design reasons for physically separating the core and distribution functions into different
physical devices.
Cisco offers two types of network switches: fixed configuration and modular switches. With fixed
configuration switches, you cannot swap or add another module, like you can with a modular switch.
In the enterprise access layer you will find fixed configuration switches, like the Cisco Catalyst, 2960-X
Series. It offers a wide range of deployments.
In the enterprise distribution layer, you will find fixed or modular switches. An example of a modular
switch that can be found in the distribution layer is the Cisco Catalyst 3850-X Series. This series of switches
allows you to select different network modules (Ethernet or fiber-optic) and redundant power supply
modules. In small businesses without a distribution layer, the 3850-X can be found in the core layer. In big
business you might find 3850-X in the access layer, that is if you want to have high redundancy and full
Layer 3 functionality at the access layer.
In the enterprise core layer, you will find modular switches like the Cisco Catalyst 6800 Series. With the
6800 switch, virtually every component, from the CPU card to power supplies to switch cards, is
individually installed in a chassis.
If you have a network where there is a lot of traffic you could put Cisco Catalyst 4500-X Series switches
into the distribution layer. By doing this, not only the uplinks, all links can be 10Gbps.
All switches within the 2960-X, 3850-X, 4500-X and 6800-X series are managed. This means you can
configure an IP address on the device. By having a management IP address, you can connect to the device
using SSH or Telnet and change device settings. An unmanaged switch is only appropriate for a home or
small business environment.
These are just few examples of Cisco switches and their placement in the network. For more information go
to http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/switches/index.html.
The first option is to have only Layer 2 switching (also known as bridging) in the access layer. VLANs get
terminated at the distribution layer and half of the uplinks get blocked due to spanning-tree operation.
The second option is to have Layer 3 switching (also known as routing) to the access layer VLANs. VLANs
get terminated on the access-layer devices. The links between distribution and access layer switches are
routed links—all access and distribution devices would participate in routing.
The Layer-2-only access design is a traditional, cheaper solution. However STP, while getting rid of loops,
blocks half of uplinks. Layer 3 design introduces the challenge of how to separate traffic—for example,
guest traffic should stay separated from internal traffic. Layer 3 design also requires careful planning. A
VLAN on one Layer 3 access device cannot also be on another access layer switch in a different part of
your network. Each VLAN is local. With Layer 2, you can have the same VLAN on multiple access layer
switches; however, that practice is not recommended.
Upon completing this lesson, you will be able to meet these objectives:
• Describe how a Layer 2 switch operates
• Describe basic multilayer switch operation
• Describe what the multilayer switch rewrites during the packet forwarding process
• Describe the purpose of the CAM and TCAM tables
• Describe how to investigate the CAM
• Describe the roles of the control plane and data plane in a multilayer switch
• List and describe switching methods that are used by a Cisco Catalyst switch
• Describe the idea behind route caching
• Describe the idea behind topology-based switching
An Ethernet switch operates at Layer 2 of the OSI model. The switch makes decisions about forwarding
frames based on the destination MAC address found within the frame. Collision domains are limited since
each switch port, together with the end-device, is its own collision domain. Since there is no contention on
the media, all hosts can operate in full duplex mode; they can receive and transmit data at the same time.
Each frame that the switch receives gets checked for errors, and only good frames are regenerated and
To figure out where a frame must be sent, the switch will look up its MAC address table. This information
can be told to the switch or it can learn it automatically. The switch listens to incoming frames and checks
the source MAC addresses. If the address is not in the table already, the MAC address, switch port, and
VLAN get recorded in the forwarding table. The forwarding table is also called the CAM table.
What happens if the destination MAC address of the frame is unknown to the switch? The switch then
forwards the frame through all ports within a VLAN. This is known as unknown unicast flooding.
Broadcast and multicast traffic is destined for multiple destinations, so it gets flooded by default.
In the first example, the switch receives a frame on port 1. The destination MAC address for the frame is
0000.0000.5555. The switch will look up its forwarding table and figure out that MAC address
0000.0000.5555 is recorded on port 5. The switch will forward the frame through port 5.
In the second example, the switch receives a broadcast frame on port 1. The switch will forward the frame
through all ports that are within the same VLAN. The frame was received on port 1, which is in VLAN 1;
When a switch receives a frame, it places the frame into a port ingress queue. A port can have multiple
ingress queues and typically these would have different priorities. Important frames get processed sooner.
When the switch selects a frame from the queue, there are a few questions it needs to answer:
• Where should I forward the frame?
• Should I even forward the frame?
• How should I forward the frame?
After a packet is puled off an ingress queue, the switch inspects its Layer 2 and Layer 3 destination
When the frame arrives on the port, the destination MAC address of the frame belongs to the multilayer
switch. After the switch processes the frame, the next-hop Layer 2 address must be put into the frame in
place of the original destination address. The source MAC address of the frame is replaced with the MAC
address that belongs to the multilayer switch. Also, the TTL gets decreased by one, just like with a router.
The source and destination IP addresses stay the same.
When the frame arrives on the port, the switch does checksum calculation on the frame and IP packet to
ensure that there was no frame or packet corruption during transit. Again, the frame and packet checksums
get recalculated before being sent out of the switch.
Multilayer switches forward frames and packets at wire speed by using ASIC hardware. Specific Layer 2
and Layer 3 components, such as learned MAC addresses or ACLs, are cached into the hardware. These
tables are stored in CAM and TCAM.
• CAM table: The CAM table is the primary table that is used to make Layer 2 forwarding decisions.
The table is built by recording the source MAC address and inbound port of all incoming frames. When
a frame arrives at the switch with a destination MAC address of an entry in the CAM table, the frame is
forwarded out through only the port that is associated with that specific MAC address. If there is no
exact match found, the switch floods the packet out of all ports in the VLAN.
• TCAM table: The TCAM table stores ACL, QoS, and other information that is generally associated
with upper-layer processing. Most switches have multiple TCAMs, such as one for inbound ACLs, one
for outbound ACLs, one for QoS, and so on. Multiple TCAMs allow switches to perform different
checks in parallel, thus shortening the packet-processing time. Cisco switches perform CAM and
TCAM lookups in parallel. This is why Cisco switches do not suffer any performance degradation by
enabling QoS or ACL processing.
Note If you shut down an interface on a real router or switch, the connected device will see it as
"down/down". Due to virtualization specifics, IOL behaviour is slightly different. If you shut
down an interface on a router or switch, the connected device will see it as "up/up". In IOL,
the status of an interface can only be "up/up" or "administratively down/down".
Device information
Device Device IP Device Interface Neighbor Interface on the
Investigating CAM
Step 1 From PC1, generate traffic to all devices in the subnet.
Log on to PC1 and issue a broadcast ping to Configure a repeat count of 10,000 and
a datagram size of 1500.
Pinging the broadcast address of will ping all hosts in the subnet. You are
doing this in order for Switch1 to learn all the MAC addresses of connected hosts.
When issuing a broadcast ping, you will need to make sure that you are in privileged mode. IP
broadcast pinging is disallowed from user exec mode.
Note that in the IOL environment, PCs are simulated using routers.
PC1> enable
PC1# ping
Protocol [ip]:
Target IP address:
Repeat count [5]: 10
Datagram size [100]: 1500
Timeout in seconds [2]:
Extended commands [n]:
Sweep range of sizes [n]:
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 10000, 1500-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Notice that you see one MAC address per port for Ethernet 0/1, 0/2, and 0/3. These are the ports
that PCs PC1, PC2, and PC3 connect to, respectively.
So, if PC1 sends a packet to PC2, Switch1 will receive it on Ethernet 0/1. Switch1 will
investigate the frame and see that the destination MAC address is that of PC2. Switch1 will now
perform a lookup and find the MAC address of PC2 mapped to Ethernet 0/2. For the final step,
Switch1 will forward the message.
Step 3 On Switch1, filter out MAC addresses that the switch learned through Ethernet 1/1.
You can see that Switch1 sees two MAC addresses through port Ethernet 1/1:
You can add the address keyword to specify a single MAC address. If you want to show just
MAC addresses that belong to devices in a certain VLAN, add the vlan keyword.
Step 4 How is it possible for Switch1 to see two MAC addresses through port Eth1/1?
Switch1 sees two MAC addresses through Ethernet 1/1 because this port connects to another
You can verify that Switch1 connects to another switch by investigating its Cisco Discovery
Protocol neighbors. Use the show cdp neighbor command. Cisco Discovery Protocol is used to
share information about directly connected Cisco equipment.
Step 6 Investigate aging time using the show mac address-table aging-time command.
The default aging time for ARP table entries is 4 hours. In networks where you have a host that
does not generate a lot of traffic for long periods of time, you can have your CAM table entries
time out every 5 minutes. In these rare cases, you might have to increase the CAM aging time to
bring down the amount of flooding.
CAM table entries cannot be summarized like it is done in IP routing. Having 1000 devices in
the network means 1000 addresses per CAM table per switch. When the CAM table is full, the
switch acts as a hub, in that it forwards all new frames like broadcasts. The solution is to
implement routing into the network to limit MAC flooding.
The default setting of CAM aging time can be changed using the following command: mac
address-table aging-time seconds. Change the aging time on Switch1 to 600 seconds.
Switch1(config)# mac address-table aging-time 600
Step 8 Now, after you have changed the aging time, verify the change using the command show mac
address-table aging-time:
Each interface module includes a microcoded processor that handles all packet forwarding. The main
functions of the control layer between the routing protocol and the firmware data path microcode are as
• Managing the internal data and control circuits for the packet-forwarding and control functions.
• Extracting the other routing and packet-forwarding-related control information from the Layer 2 and
Layer 3 bridging and routing protocols and the configuration data, and then conveying the information
to the interface module for control of the data path.
• Collecting the data path information, such as traffic statistics, from the interface module to the route
• Handling certain data packets that are sent from the Ethernet interface modules to the route processor.
For route caching to function, the destination MAC address of an incoming frame must be that of a switch
interface with Layer 3 capability. The first packet in a stream is switched in software by the route processor,
because no cache entry exists yet for the new flow. The forwarding decision that is made by the route
processor is then programmed into a cache table (the hardware forwarding table), and all subsequent packets
in the flow are switched in the hardware, commonly refered to as ASIC. Entries are created only in the
hardware-forwarding table as the switch detects new traffic flows, and entries will time out after they have
been unused for a period of time.
Because entries are created only in the hardware cache as flows are detected by the switch, route caching
will always forward at least one packet in a flow using software, which is slow in comparison to hardware-
based forwarding.
Route caching is also known as Netflow LAN switching, flow-based, or demand-based switching, and
"route once, switch many."
Cisco Express Forwarding uses information in the routing table to populate a route cache (known as an
FIB), without traffic flows being necessary to initiate the caching process.
Because this hardware FIB exists regardless of traffic flow, assuming that a destination address has a route
in the routing table, all packets that are part of a flow, even the first packet, will be forwarded by the
hardware. Because of this increased performance, topology-based switching is currently the predominant
method of switching, ahead of route caching.
In addition, parallel paths can exist and enable Cisco Express Forwarding to perform load balancing. Per-
destination load balancing allows the Layer 3 switch to use multiple paths to achieve load sharing. Packets
for a given source-destination host pair are guaranteed to take the same path, even if multiple paths are
available. This ensures that packets for a given host pair arrive in order. Per-destination load balancing is
enabled by default when you enable Cisco Express Forwarding, and it is the load-balancing method of
choice for most situations.
Recall, however, that this is also a potential limitation of Cisco Express Forwarding. Because, by default, it
would always select the same path for a given host pair, in a topology with multiple Layer 3 paths between a
given host pair, where packet-based load balancing would normally occur across the multiple paths, Cisco
Express Forwarding will “polarize” the traffic by using only one path for a given host pair, thus effectively
negating the load-balancing benefit of the multiple paths for that particular host pair.
Because per-destination load balancing depends on the statistical distribution of traffic, load sharing
becomes more effective as the number of source-destination pairs increases. Thus, in an environment where
there is a broad distribution of traffic among host pairs, Cisco Express Forwarding polarization is of
minimal concern. However, in an environment where the data flow between a small number of host pairs
creates a disproportionate percentage of the packets traversing the network, Cisco Express Forwarding
You can use SDM templates to configure system resources (CAM and TCAM) in the switch to optimize
support for specific features, depending on how the switch is used in the network. You can select a template
to provide maximum system usage for some functions; for example, use the default template to balance
resources, and use access templates to obtain maximum ACL usage. To allocate hardware resources for
different usages, the switch SDM templates prioritize system resources to optimize support for certain
You can verify the SDM template that is in use with the show sdm prefer command.
Available SDM templates depend on the device type and Cisco IOS Software that is used. This example is
taken from a Cisco Catalyst 3750 Switch:
• Default: When you unbox a brand new switch, this will be the template enabled. It provides a mix of
unicast routes, connected, and host routes.
• Routing: As one example, you would enable this template if the device is performing routing in the
distribution or core of the network. The device is able to carry numerous routes, but only for IPv4.
• Access: You would enable this template if you have many VLANs. In turn, this template reduces the
resources that are allocated to routing.
• VLAN: When you enable this template, you allocate most of the table space to Layer 2 unicasts. You
would use this when you have large subnets with many MAC addresses.
• Dual IPv4 and IPv6: You would enable this template if you want to turn on the IPv6 capabilities of the
device. When enabling this template, you have to choose between default, routing, and VLAN.
− Default: More space is reserved for IPv6 routing and security. There is less reserved space for
Layer 2 unicast.
− Routing: More space is reserved for IPv6 routing than IPv4 routing.
− VLAN: Suitable for when you are running a dual-stack environment with lots of VLANs.
When changing the template to dual-ipv4-and-ipv6, you have to choose between the following suboptions:
default, routing, and vlan.
After the template is changed to dual stack, you can see that now the switch has resources that are allocated
to IPv6:
To verify how much of the system resources are being used, use the command show platform tcam
utilization. If the TCAM utilization is close to maximum for any of the parameters, check if any of the
other template features can optimize for that parameter: show sdm prefer {access | default | dual-ipv4-
and-ipv6 | routing | vlan}.
Probably the most common reason for chaning the SDM template is to enable IPv6 routing. Using the dual-
stack templates results in less TCAM capacity that is allowed for each resource, so do not use it if you plan
to forward only IPv4 traffic. IPv6 is not supported by default for a reason—IPv6 features require extensive
resource reservation.
Another common reason for changing the SDM template is because you are running out of resources. For
example you have so many access lists that you need to change to the access SDM template. In these kinds
of situations it is important to first investigate whether you can optimize the performance so you do not need
to change the SDM template. It might be that the ACLs that you are using are set up inefficiently—there are
redundant entries, the most common entries are at the end of the list, there are unnecessary entries, and so
on. When you change the SDM template, this will not only reserve resources, but will also release other
resource reservations. So while you are solving the problem with ACLs, you might now start running out of
resources for unicast routing.
More information on configuring SDM templates on Cisco Catalyst 3560 and 3750 Series Switches can be
found at:
• http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/switches/lan/catalyst3750x_3560x/software/release/15.0_1_se/config
More information on configuring SDM templates on Cisco Catalyst 2960 Series Switches can be found at:
• http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/switches/lan/catalyst2960/software/release/15.0_2_se/configuration/
Upon completing this lesson, you will be able to meet these objectives:
• Define LLDP and compare it to Cisco Discovery Protocol
• Describe how to enable LLDP
• Discover neighbors using LLDP
Cisco Discovery Protocol is a device discovery protocol that runs over Layer 2 (the data link layer) on all
Cisco-manufactured devices. The protocol allows network management applications to automatically
discover and learn about other Cisco devices that are connected to the network.
If you need to support other devices and allow for interoperability between other devices, you will need to
implement the IEEE 802.1AB, also known as LLDP. LLDP is a neighbor discovery protocol that is used for
network devices to advertise information about themselves to other devices on the network. This protocol
runs over the data link layer, which allows two systems running different network layer protocols to learn
about each other.
LLDP supports a set of attributes that it uses to discover neighbor devices. These attributes contain type,
length, and value descriptions and are referred to as TLVs. LLDP-supported devices can use TLVs to
receive and send information to their neighbors. This protocol can advertise details such as configuration
information, device capabilities, and device identity.
An advantage of LLDP over Cisco Discovery Protocol is that allows you to do much customization. You
can make it carry a lot of information that is relevant to your network. One drawback of LLDP in
comparison to Cisco Discovery Protocol is that it is not very lightweight.
To enable LLDP on a device, use the command lldp run in global configuration mode. To disable it, use no
lldp run.
LLDP is unidirectional, operating only in an advertising mode. LLDP does not solicit information or
monitor state changes between LLDP nodes. LLDP periodically sends advertisements to a multicast
address. Devices supporting LLDP can send information about themselves while they receive and record
information about their neighbors.
On some interfaces, for example on a router link toward a service provider, you do not want LLDP running.
To disable LLDP on a specific interface, go into interface configuration mode and use the command no lldp
enable. You can also set the interface to not receive (no lldp receive) or not transmit (no lldp transmit)
LLDP information.
The show lldp command tells you if LLDP is enabled on the device. Additionally, the output will provide
you with information how often LLDP advertisements are sent, how many seconds the hold time is set for,
and how the interface reinitialization delay is set. The LLDP advertisement time is essentially an LLDP
hello packet, and the default is 30 seconds. The LLDP hold timer tells the device how long it should wait
before declaring the neighbor unavailable. By default, the hold time is set to 120 seconds. So, if the device
does not hear from a neighbor for 120 seconds, it purges the neighbor entry from the LLDP table.
The show lldp neighbors command tells you information about neighbors. This information includes:
device ID, local interface type and number, holdtime settings, capabilities (device type), and port ID.
You can investigate the more detailed output of the LLDP neighbors using the show lldp neighbors detail
command. You can also filter the output to a specific neighbor by specifying the interface to which the
neighbor is connected. If the neighbor has a description configured under the interface, it will show up next
to "Port id."
System Description:
Cisco IOS Software, C2960 Software (C2960-LANBASEK9-M), Version 15.2(44)SE6, RELEASE
Copyright (c) 1986-2009 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Mon 09-Mar-12 18:10 by gereddy
The show lldp traffic command shows you the statistics on exchanged LLDP frames between a device and
its neighbors.
Switch1# show lldp traffic
More information about LLDP and a comparison with Cisco Discovery Protocol can be found at:
• http://www.cisco.com/en/US/technologies/tk652/tk701/technologies_white_paper0900aecd804cd46d.ht
An external AC adapter plugs into a normal AC wall outlet and provides DC to the IP phone or AP.
Although power is easily available in an office environment, using one AC/DC socket per IP phone may be
considered a waste of physical resources. Because the phone has a cable connection to the Ethernet switch, a
logical solution is to use this cable to provide power as well as connectivity.
This setting, called PoE, implies that the power comes through the Ethernet cable. The source of this power
may be the switch itself. If the switch is able to provide power to client devices, the switch is said to be
If the switch itself cannot provide power, it is often possible to install an intermediate device between the
switch and the IP phone. This device will receive power from a power outlet, and will connect to the switch
with another cable. It connects to the port to which the phone will be connected. A third cable runs from this
intermediate device to the phone, providing power along with data transmission to and from the switch. This
device is called a power injector.
You can manage and monitor PoE. To follow best practices, you should also connect a UPS so that it
continues to receive and offer power even if the regular source fails. IP phones are then available even
through power failure.
PSE can be switches, routers with switch modules and power injectors. Power injectors are also called "mid-
spans." These are typically a compromise for implementations where you do not have PoE switches but you
want to take advantage of PoE benefits without purchasing new switches.
Typical powered devices are wireless APs, IP phones, and IP surveillance cameras. There are numerous
other PoE-able powered devices, such as thin clients, sensors, wall clocks, and so on. Even switches can be
powered through PoE.
With the standard Category 5 cable, the distance between the PSE and powered device is at maximum 100
meters, or 328 feet.
• Cisco Inline Power: This method was developed by Cisco. It was developed before the 802.3af
standard. Cisco Inline Power was released in 2000.
• IEEE 802.3af: This standard provides interoperability between different vendors. Up to 15.4 W of DC
power is available for each powered device. The 802.3af standard was ratified in 2003.
• IEEE 802.3at - This standard is an improvement over the 802.3af standard, and can provide powered
devices with up to 25.5 W of power. This number can be increased to 50 W and more with
implementations that are outside the standard. This standard is also known as "PoE+" or "PoE Plus."
The 802.3at standard was ratified in 2009.
One of the main differences is that the standard implementations use a power-detection mechanism that
detects whether the connected device needs power.
With 802.3af and 802.3at, the switch tries to detect the powered device by supplying a small voltage across
the Ethernet cable. The switch then measures the resistance. If the measured resistance is 25K ohm, a
powered device is present. The powered device can provide the switch with a power class information.
Based on that information, the switch can allocate the powered device with the appropriate maximum
IEEE 802.3at power classes are numbered from 0 to 4. The default class of 0 is used if either the switch or
the powered device does not support power class discovery.
Note Cisco Inline Power has a different method of negotiating power than both of the IEEE
standards. The switch sends out a 340-kHz test tone on the Ethernet cable. A tone is
transmitted instead of DC power because the switch must first detect the device before
supplying it with power. With Cisco Inline Power, the most appropriate power level is
determined by exchange of Cisco Discovery Protocol information. The switch discovers the
type of device (for example, a Cisco IP phone) and the power requirements of the device.
You can turn on PoE support at the port level. The power inline auto command is sufficient to enable PoE
and autodetection of power requirements. A device not needing any PoE can still be connected to that port;
power is supplied only if the device requires it. The amount of power that is supplied will be automatically
detected. You still have to plan for the overall power that is consumed by all the devices that are connected
to the PoE switch.
PoE is disabled with the power inline never command. Shutting down the port also stops the power supply.
The show power inline command displays the configuration and statistics about the power that is drawn by
connected powered devices and the capacity of the power supply.
When you are implementing PoE for wireless APs and IP phones, be careful of the switch power budget.
The power budget is the total amount of power that a switch can offer to end devices. In the example, 420
W total is available and the switch has 327.6 W power remaining.
1. An end-user PC should be connected to which hierarchical layer? (Source: Analyzing Campus Network
A. core
B. distribution
C. access
D. transport
2. Connect the campus network structure elements with their properties. (Source: Analyzing Campus
Network Structure)
provides reliability through redundancy and fast
A. core layer
offers routing and implements policies (filtering,
B. distribution
security, QoS)
supports convergence for voice, wireless, and data
C. access layer
3. Which two statements apply to topology-based switching? (Choose two.) (Source: Lesson 2 Comparing
Layer 2 and Multilayer Switches)
A. It is functionally equivalent to Cisco Express Forwarding.
B. It is the preferred switching mode in Cisco multilayer switches.
C. It is also known as route caching.
D. It is slower than fast switching.
4. A multilayer switch receives a frame that is destined to another part of the network. Which two
statements about the frame rewrite process are true? (Choose two.) (Source: Lesson 2 Comparing Layer
2 and Multilayer Switches)
A. When the frame arrives on the port, the destination MAC address of the frame belongs to the final
destination device.
B. After the switch processes the frame, it increases TTL by one.
C. The switch obtains the next-hop destination from the FIB table.
D. The switch can recalculate the checksum multiple times.
5. Which two statements are true about SDM templates? (Choose two.) (Source: Using Cisco SDM
A. They are available on all Cisco devices.
B. They are used to allocate system resources.
C. Changing the SDM template will not disturb switch operation.
D. You can verify the SDM template that is in use with the show sdm prefer command.
7. Which two statements apply to LLDP? (Choose two.) (Source: Implementing LLDP)
A. It is a proprietary Cisco product.
B. It runs on the data link layer.
C. It is not enabled by default on Cisco devices.
D. To verify neighbors, you would use the show cdp neighbors command.
8. Which two statements are true about the IEEE 802.3at standard? (Choose two.) (Source: Implementing
A. It can provide your powered devices with more than 15 W of power.
B. It is not backward compatible with 802.3af.
C. It is an improvement over the 802.3af standard.
D. It is a method that was developed by Cisco.
9. Which two statements are true about the PoE negotiation process? (Choose two.) (Source:
Implementing PoE)
A. The PoE switch keeps the power on a disabled port up, just in case a device that needs PoE will be
B. With 802.3af and 802.3at, the switch tries to detect the powered device by supplying a small voltage
across the Ethernet cable.
C. IEEE 802.3af power classes are numbered from 0 to 4.
D. Cisco Inline Power has the same method of negotiating power as both of the IEEE standards.
Upon completing this module, you will be able to meet these objectives:
• Configure VLANs and trunks
• Describe the issues that VTP brings
• Implement DHCP
• Implement DHCPv6
• Configure Layer 2 EtherChannel
Upon completing this lesson, you will be able to meet these objectives:
• Configure and verify VLANs
• Configure and verify trunks
• Explain switchport mode interactions
• Identify the basic differences between End-to-End and Local VLANs
• Describe the benefits and drawbacks of local VLANs versus end-to-end VLANs
• Describe voice VLANs
• Configure voice VLANs
• Describe what needs to be configured on switches in order to prepare for wireless network
Note If you shut down an interface on a real router or switch, the connected device will see it as
"down/down". Due to virtualization specifics, IOL behaviour is slightly different. If you shut
down an interface on a router or switch, the connected device will see it as "up/up". In IOL,
the status of an interface can only be "up/up" or "administratively down/down".
IP Addressing
Device Device IP Device Interface Device Neighbor Interface On The
VLAN Setup
SW1's ports that connect to PC1 and PC2 are in the same VLAN (VLAN1). Also PC1 and PC2
have IPs in the same subnet (
Devices in the same subnet are a part of the same broadcast domain, therefore PC1 and PC2 are
able to ping each other.
Because of the ARP process, a ping or two might be unsuccessful at the beginning. After the
switch learns where PCs are connected to, the subsequent pings will be successful.
SW2's ports that connect to PC3 and PC4 are in different VLANs (VLAN1 and VLAN20). Also
PC3 and PC4 have IPs in different subnets ( and
Devices in different subnets are not a part of the same broadcast domain, therefore PC3 and PC4
are not able to ping each other.
Step 3 So what would you need to do in order for ping from PC3 to PC4 to be successful?
You would need to configure a Layer 3 device to route between VLANs - VLAN1 and VLAN20
in this example.
A VLAN is a logical broadcast domain that can span multiple physical LAN segments. Within the switched
internetwork, VLANs provide segmentation and organizational flexibility. You can design a VLAN
structure that lets you group stations that are segmented logically by functions, project teams, and
applications without regard to the physical location of the users. Ports in the same VLAN share broadcasts.
Ports in different VLANs do not share broadcasts. Containing broadcasts within a VLAN improves the
overall performance of the network.
Each VLAN that you configure on the switch implements address learning, forwarding, and filtering
decisions and loop-avoidance mechanisms, just as though the VLAN were a separate physical bridge. The
Cisco Catalyst switch implements VLANs by restricting traffic forwarding to destination ports that are in
the same VLAN as the originating ports. When a frame arrives on a switch port, the switch must retransmit
the frame only to the ports that belong to the same VLAN. In essence, a VLAN that is operating on a switch
limits transmission of unicast, multicast, and broadcast traffic.
A VLAN can exist on a single switch or span multiple switches. VLANs can include stations in a single
building or multiple-building infrastructures. The process of forwarding network traffic from one VLAN to
another VLAN using a router is called inter-VLAN routing.
Use command vlan name from global configuration mode to create a VLAN. Then use name
vlan-name command to name VLAN 20.
SW1(config)# vlan 20
SW1(config-vlan)# name IT
Step 5 On SW1 configure port Ethernet 0/2 to be an access port and assign it to VLAN 20.
The switchport mode access command explicitly tells the port to be assigned only a single
VLAN, providing connectivity to an end user. When you assign a switch port to a VLAN using
this method, it is known as a static access port.
To configure a bundle of interfaces to a VLAN, use the interface range command. Use the vlan
vlan_number command to set static access membership.
You need to change the IP of PC2 so it is in the subnet that is assigned for VLAN 20.
VLAN Type SAID MTU Parent RingNo BridgeNo Stp BrdgMode Trans1 Trans2
---- ----- ---------- ----- ------ ------ -------- ---- -------- ------ ------
1 enet 100001 1500 - - - - - 0 0
20 enet 100020 1500 - - - - - 0 0
1002 fddi 101002 1500 - - - - - 0 0
1003 tr 101003 1500 - - - - - 0 0
1004 fdnet 101004 1500 - - - ieee - 0 0
1005 trnet 101005 1500 - - - ibm - 0 0
In the show vlan output you can see that VLAN 20, named "IT", that you've created. Also notice
that Ethernet 0/2 is assigned to VLAN 20, as you configured it.
Use the show vlan id vlan_number or the show vlan name vlan-name command to display
information about a particular VLAN.
If you do not see a port listed in the output, this is probably because it is not configured as an
access port.
Step 9 Ping from PC2 to PC4. The ping should not be successful.
The ping should not be successful since the link between SW1 and SW2 is an access link and
carries only data for VLAN1.
PC2# ping
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 0 percent (0/5)
A trunk is a point-to-point link between one or more Ethernet switch interfaces and another networking
device, such as a router or a switch. Ethernet trunks carry the traffic of multiple VLANs over a single link
and allow you to extend the VLANs across an entire network. A trunk does not belong to a specific VLAN;
rather, it is a conduit for VLANs between switches and routers.
A special protocol is used to carry multiple VLANs over a single link between two devices. There are two
trunking technologies: ISL and IEEE 802.1Q. ISL is a Cisco proprietary implementation. It is not widely
used anymore. The 802.1Q technology is the IEEE standard VLAN trunking protocol. This protocol inserts
a 4-byte tag into the original Ethernet header, and then recalculates and updates the FCS in the original
frame and transmits the frame over the trunk link. A trunk could also be used between a network device and
server or other device that is equipped with an appropriate 802.1Q-capable NIC.
Ethernet trunk interfaces support various trunking modes. You can configure an interface as trunking or
nontrunking, or you can have it negotiate trunking with the neighboring interface.
By default, all configured VLANs are carried over a trunk interface on a Cisco catalyst switch. On an
802.1Q trunk port, there is one native VLAN, which is untagged (by default, VLAN 1). All other VLANs
are tagged with a VID.
When Ethernet frames are placed on a trunk, they need additional information about the VLANs that they
belong to. This task is accomplished by using the 802.1Q encapsulation header. IEEE 802.1Q uses an
internal tagging mechanism that inserts a 4-byte tag field into the original Ethernet frame between the
Source Address and Type or Length fields. Because 802.1Q alters the frame, the trunking device
recomputes the FCS on the modified frame. It is the responsibility of the Ethernet switch to look at the 4-
byte tag field and determine where to deliver the frame.
Step 10 Configure ports that connect SW1 and SW2, as trunks. Use the dotq encapsulation. Allow only
VLANs 1 and 20 to traverse the trunk link.
If you do not explicitly allow VLANs to traverse the trunk, all traffic will be allowed to cross the
link. This includes broadcasts for all VLANs, using unnecessary bandwidth.
Also notice that only VLANs 1 and 20 are allowed on the trunk.
Step 12 Issue a ping from PC2 to PC4. The ping should be successful.
You have configured the link between SW1 and SW2 to carry data for both, VLAN1 and
When you are configuring an 802.1Q trunk, a matching native VLAN must be defined on each end of the
trunk link. A trunk link is inherently associated with tagging each frame with a VID. The purpose of the
native VLAN is to allow frames that are not tagged with a VID to traverse the trunk link.
A frequent configuration error is to have different native VLANs. The native VLAN that is configured on
each end of an 802.1Q trunk must be the same. If one end is configured for native VLAN1 and the other for
native VLAN2, a frame that is sent in VLAN1 on one side will be received on VLAN2 on the other.
VLAN1 and VLAN2 have been segmented and merged. There is no reason this should be required, and
connectivity issues will occur in the network. If there is a native VLAN mismatch on either side of an
802.1Q link, Layer 2 loops may occur because VLAN1 STP BPDUs are sent to the IEEE STP MAC address
(0180.c200.0000) untagged.
Cisco switches use Cisco Discovery Protocol to warn of a native VLAN mismatch. On select versions of
Cisco IOS Software, Cisco Discovery Protocol may not be transmitted or will be automatically turned off if
VLAN1 is disabled on the trunk.
By default, the native VLAN will be VLAN1. For the purpose of security, the native VLAN on a trunk
should be set to a specific VID that is not used for normal operations elsewhere on the network.
Switch(config-if)# switchport trunk native vlan vlan-id
Cisco ISL does not have a concept of native VLAN. Traffic for all VLANs is tagged by encapsulating each
The default DTP mode is dependent on the Cisco IOS Software version and on the platform. To determine
the current DTP mode, issue the command show interface interface slot/number:
SW1# show interface ethernet 0/3 switchport
Name: Et0/3
Switchport: Enabled
Administrative Mode: dynamic desirable
Operational Mode: static access
Administrative Trunking Encapsulation: negotiate
Operational Trunking Encapsulation: native
Operational Dot1q Ethertype: 0x8100
<... output omitted ...>
In this example, the operational mode on the local port is static access and the administrative mode is
dynamic access. This means the port on the device that Ethernet 0/3 connects to has one of these
adminstrative modes
A general best practice is to set the interface to trunk or access and nonegotiate when a trunk link is
required. On links where trunking is not intended, DTP should be turned off.
You can configure DTP mode to turn off the protocol or to instruct it to negotiate a trunk link only under
certain conditions, as described in the table.
dynamic auto Creates the trunk, based on the DTP request from the neighboring sw itch.
dynamic desirable Communicates to the neighboring sw itch via DTP that the interface is attempting to become
a trunk if the neighboring sw itch interface is able to become a trunk.
trunk Automatically enables trunking regardless of the state of the neighboring sw itch and
regardless of any DTP requests sent from the neighboring sw itch.
access Trunking not allow ed on this port regardless of the state of the neighboring sw itch interface
and regardless of any DTP requests sent from the neighboring sw itch.
nonegotiate Prevents the interface from generating DTP frames. This command can be used only w hen
the interface sw itch port mode is access or trunk. You must manually configure the
neighboring interface as a trunk interface to establish a trunk link.
The switchport nonegotiate interface command specifies that DTP negotiation packets are not sent. The
switch does not engage in DTP negotiation on this interface. This command is valid only when the interface
switchport mode is access or trunk (configured by using the switchport mode access or the switchport
mode trunk interface configuration command). This command returns an error if you attempt to execute it
in dynamic (auto or desirable) mode. Use the no form of this command to return to the default setting.
When you configure a port with the switchport nonegotiate command, the port trunks only if the other end
of the link is specifically set to trunk. The switchport nonegotiate command does not form a trunk link
with ports in either dynamic desirable or dynamic auto mode.
The term end-to-end VLAN refers to a single VLAN that is associated with switch ports that are widely
dispersed throughout an enterprise network on multiple switches. A Layer 2 switched campus network
carries traffic for this VLAN throughout the network.
In the local VLAN model, Layer 2 switching is used at the access level, and routing is used at the
distribution and core levels to allow users to maintain access to the resources they need.
Because a VLAN represents a Layer 3 segment, each end-to-end VLAN allows a single Layer 3 segment to
be dispersed geographically throughout the network. These could be some of the reasons for implementing
this design:
• Grouping users: Users can be grouped on a common IP segment, even though they are geographically
• Security: A VLAN may contain resources that should not be accessible to all users on the network, or
there may be a reason to confine certain traffic to a particular VLAN.
• Applying QoS: Traffic from a given VLAN can be given a higher or lower access priority to network
• Routing avoidance: If much of the VLAN user traffic is destined for devices on that same VLAN and
routing to those devices is not desirable, users can access resources on their VLAN without their traffic
being routed off the VLAN, even though the traffic may traverse multiple switches.
• Special-purpose VLAN: Sometimes a VLAN is provisioned to carry a single type of traffic that must
be dispersed throughout the campus (for example, multicast, voice, or visitor VLANs).
Here are some items that you should consider when implementing end-to-end VLANs:
• Switch ports are provisioned for each user and are associated with a given VLAN. Because users on an
end-to-end VLAN may be anywhere in the network, all switches must be aware of that VLAN. This
means that all switches carrying traffic for end-to-end VLANs are required to have those specific
VLANs defined in the VLAN database of each switch.
• Flooded traffic for the VLAN is, by default, passed to every switch even if it does not currently have
any active ports in the particular end-to-end VLAN.
• Troubleshooting devices on a campus with end-to-end VLANs can be challenging because the traffic
for a single VLAN can traverse multiple switches in a large area of the campus.
The concept of end-to-end VLANs was very attractive when IP address configuration was a manually
administered and burdensome process; therefore, anything that reduced this burden as users moved between
networks was an improvement. However, given the ubiquity of DHCP, the process of configuring an IP
address at each desktop is no longer a significant issue. As a result, there are few benefits to extending a
VLAN throughout an enterprise.
Local VLANs are part of the enterprise campus architecture design, in which VLANs that are used at the
access layer should extend no farther than their associated distribution switch. Traffic is routed from the
local VLAN as it is passed from the distribution layer into the core. This design can mitigate Layer 2
troubleshooting issues that occur when a single VLAN traverses the switches throughout an enterprise
campus network. Implementing the enterprise campus architecture design using local VLANs provides
these benefits:
• Deterministic traffic flow: The simple layout provides a predictable Layer 2 and Layer 3 traffic path.
In the event of a failure that was not mitigated by the redundancy features, the simplicity of the model
facilitates expedient problem isolation and resolution within the switch block.
• Active redundant paths: When implementing PVST or MST, you can use all links to make use of the
redundant paths.
• High availability: Redundant paths exist at all infrastructure levels. Local VLAN traffic on access
switches can be passed to the building distribution switches across an alternative Layer 2 path in the
event of primary path failure. Router redundancy protocols can provide failover should the default
gateway for the access VLAN fail. When both the STP instance and VLAN are confined to a specific
access and distribution block, then Layer 2 and Layer 3 redundancy measures and protocols can be
configured to failover in a coordinated manner.
• Finite failure domain: If VLANs are local to a switch block, and the number of devices on each
VLAN is kept small, failures at Layer 2 are confined to a small subset of users.
• Scalable design: Following the enterprise campus architecture design, you can easily incorporate new
access switches, and add new submodules when necessary.
The voice VLAN feature places the phones into their own VLANs without any end-user intervention. These
VLAN assignments can be seamlessly maintained, even if the phone is moved to a new location.
The user simply plugs the phone into the switch, and the switch will provide the phone with the necessary
VLAN information. By placing phones into their own VLANs, network administrators gain the advantages
of network segmentation and control. Furthermore, network administrators can preserve their existing IP
topology for the data end stations. IP phones can be easily assigned to different IP subnets using standards-
based DHCP operation.
With the phones in their own IP subnets and VLANs, network administrators can more easily identify and
troubleshoot network problems. In addition, network administrators can create and enforce QoS or security
Multiservice switches support a new parameter for IP telephony support that makes the access port a multi-
VLAN access port. The new parameter is called a voice or auxiliary VLAN. Every Ethernet 10/100/1000
port in the switch is associated with two VLANs:
• A native VLAN for data service that is identified by the PVID
• A voice VLAN that is identified by the VVID
− During the initial Cisco Discovery Protocol exchange with the access switch, the IP
phone is configured with a VVID.
− The IP phone is also supplied with a QoS configuration using Cisco Discovery Protocol.
Data packets between the multiservice access switch and the PC or workstation are on the native VLAN. All
packets going out on the native VLAN of an IEEE 802.1Q port are sent untagged by the access switch. The
PC or workstation connected to the IP phone usually sends untagged packets.
The IP phone tags voice packets based on the Cisco Discovery Protocol information from the access switch.
The multi-VLAN access ports are not trunk ports, even though the hardware is set to the dot1q trunk. The
hardware setting is used to carry more than two VLANs, but the port is still considered an access port that is
able to carry one native VLAN and the voice VLAN. The switchport host command can be applied to a
multi-VLAN access port on the access switch.
In the example above, interface Fa0/1 is configured to set data devices in data VLAN 10 and VoIP devices
in voice VLAN 110.
When running the show vlan command, both the voice and the data VLAN are seen as applied to the
interface Fa0/1.
Switch# show vlan
You can verify the switch port mode and the voice VLAN by using the show interface interface
slot/number switchport command.
In the autonomous (or standalone) solution, each AP operates independently and acts as a transition point
between the wireless media and the 802.3 media. The data traffic between two clients flows via the Layer 2
switch when on the same subnet from a different AP infrastructure. As the AP converts the IEEE 802.11
frame into an 802.3 frame, the wireless client MAC address is transferred to the 802.3 header and appears as
the source for the switch. The destination, also a wireless client, appears as the destination MAC address.
For the switch, the APs are relatively transparent.
In a controller-based solution, management, control, deployment, and security functions are moved to a
central point - the wireless controller. Controllers are combined with lightweight access points that perform
only the real-time wireless operation. Controllers can be standalone devices, integrated into a switch, or
wireless LAN controller can be virtualized.
Both, standalone and lightweight access points connect to a switch. It is very common that the switch is
PoE-able and thus APs get power and data through the Ethernet cable. This makes the wireless network
more scalable and easier to manage.
To implement a wireless network, access points and switches need to be configured. Access points can be
configured directly (autonomous access points) or through a controller (lightweight access points). Either
way, configuring access points is a domain of the WLAN specialist. You need to configure VLANs and
trunks on switches in order to support WLAN solution.
Upon completing this lesson, you will be able to meet these objectives:
• Explain the basic idea behind the VLAN Trunking Protocol
• Describe VTP modes
• Describe VTP operation
• Describe VTP versions
• Describe default VTP configuration on Cisco Catalyst switches
• Describe the dangers of VTP
• Configure transparent VTP mode
VTP domain is one switch or several interconnected switches sharing the same VTP environment. You can
configure a switch to be in only one VTP domain.
By default, a Cisco Catalyst switch is in the no-management-domain state or "<null>" until it receives and
advertisement for a domain over a trunk link or until you configure a management domain. Configurations
that are made on a single VTP server are propagated across trunk links to all of the connected switches in
the network. Configurations will be exchanged if VTP domain and VTP passwords match.
VTP is a Cisco proprietary protocol.
100 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Discovery 3: VTP Operation
This discovery will teach you about the VTP operation.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 101
102 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Job Aids
Note If you shut down an interface on a real router or switch, the connected device will see it as
"down/down". Due to virtualization specifics, IOL behaviour is slightly different. If you shut
down an interface on a router or switch, the connected device will see it as "up/up". In IOL,
the status of an interface can only be "up/up" or "administratively down/down".
Device Information
Device Interface Neighbor Interface On The Neighbor
VTP Operation
This is the VTP setup on the three switches in this lab:
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 103
Switch1# show vtp status
VTP Version capable : 1 to 3
VTP version running : 1
VTP Domain Name :CCNP
VTP Pruning Mode : Disabled
VTP Traps Generation : Disabled
Device ID : aabb.cc00.5600
Configuration last modified by at 0-0-00 00:00:00
Feature VLAN:
VTP Operating Mode : Client
Maximum VLANs supported locally : 1005
Number of existing VLANs : 5
Configuration Revision : 0
MD5 digest : 0x57 0xCD 0x40 0x65 0x63 0x59 0x47 0xBD
0x56 0x9D 0x4A 0x3E 0xA5 0x69 0x35 0xBC
Feature VLAN:
VTP Operating Mode : Server
Maximum VLANs supported locally : 1005
Number of existing VLANs : 5
Configuration Revision : 0
MD5 digest : 0x57 0xCD 0x40 0x65 0x63 0x59 0x47 0xBD
0x56 0x9D 0x4A 0x3E 0xA5 0x69 0x35 0xBC
104 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Switch3# show vtp status
VTP Version capable : 1 to 3
VTP version running : 1
VTP Domain Name :CCNP
VTP Pruning Mode : Disabled
VTP Traps Generation : Disabled
Device ID : aabb.cc00.6400
Configuration last modified by at 0-0-00 00:00:00
Feature VLAN:
VTP Operating Mode : Transparent
Maximum VLANs supported locally : 1005
Number of existing VLANs : 5
Configuration Revision : 0
MD5 digest : 0x57 0xCD 0x40 0x65 0x63 0x59 0x47 0xBD
0x56 0x9D 0x4A 0x3E 0xA5 0x69 0x35 0xBC
Switch2 is VTP server mode. You should be allowed to add VLAN 10 to the Switch2 database.
Note that if you try to add a VLAN on a VTP client you will not be allowed. For example, if you tried to
add VLAN 5 to Switch1 you would get the following message:
Switch1(config)# vlan 5
VTP VLAN configuration not allowed when device is in CLIENT mode.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 105
Switch2# show vlan
VLAN Type SAID MTU Parent RingNo BridgeNo Stp BrdgMode Trans1 Trans2
---- ----- ---------- ----- ------ ------ -------- ---- -------- ------ ------
1 enet 100001 1500 - - - - - 0 0
10 enet 100010 1500 - - - - - 0 0
1002 fddi 101002 1500 - - - - - 0 0
1003 tr 101003 1500 - - - - - 0 0
1004 fdnet 101004 1500 - - - ieee - 0 0
1005 trnet 101005 1500 - - - ibm - 0 0
Feature VLAN:
VTP Operating Mode : Server
Maximum VLANs supported locally : 1005
Number of existing VLANs : 6
Configuration Revision : 1
MD5 digest : 0xB1 0xBE 0x72 0x49 0x96 0x6D 0x99 0xA4
0xB4 0xDC 0x94 0x56 0xD4 0xC2 0x6A 0xBB
But the real question is now, did changes in Switch2's database propagate to Switch1 and
106 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Switch1# show vlan
VLAN Type SAID MTU Parent RingNo BridgeNo Stp BrdgMode Trans1 Trans2
---- ----- ---------- ----- ------ ------ -------- ---- -------- ------ ------
1 enet 100001 1500 - - - - - 0 0
10 enet 100010 1500 - - - - - 0 0
20 enet 100020 1500 - - - - - 0 0
1002 fddi 101002 1500 - - - - - 0 0
1003 tr 101003 1500 - - - - srb 0 0
VLAN Type SAID MTU Parent RingNo BridgeNo Stp BrdgMode Trans1 Trans2
---- ----- ---------- ----- ------ ------ -------- ---- -------- ------ ------
1004 fdnet 101004 1500 - - - ieee - 0 0
1005 trnet 101005 1500 - - - ibm - 0 0
The revision number on Switch1 is now the same as on Switch2. This indicates they have an
identical VLAN database.
Feature VLAN:
VTP Operating Mode : Client
Maximum VLANs supported locally : 1005
Number of existing VLANs : 6
Configuration Revision : 1
MD5 digest : 0xDF 0x2B 0x3B 0x5D 0x0E 0x8E 0x10 0x17
0x6D 0xDD 0xE2 0x45 0x7F 0x91 0x95 0x9E
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 107
Switch3 is in VTP transparent mode. Switch in transparent mode does never synchronize
database to that of the VTP server. In essence enabling VTP transparent mode disables VTP.
Notice that there is no VLAN 10 on Switch3.
Switch3# show vlan
VLAN Type SAID MTU Parent RingNo BridgeNo Stp BrdgMode Trans1 Trans2
---- ----- ---------- ----- ------ ------ -------- ---- -------- ------ ------
1 enet 100001 1500 - - - - - 0 0
1002 fddi 101002 1500 - - - - - 0 0
1003 tr 101003 1500 - - - - - 0 0
1004 fdnet 101004 1500 - - - ieee - 0 0
1005 trnet 101005 1500 - - - ibm - 0 0
Feature VLAN:
VTP Operating Mode : Transparent
Maximum VLANs supported locally : 1005
Number of existing VLANs : 5
Configuration Revision : 0
MD5 digest : 0xC8 0x7E 0xBB 0x23 0xCB 0x0D 0xFA 0xCE
0xDB 0xC1 0x0F 0x96 0xF6 0xCA 0x8B 0xAA
VTP Advertisements
VTP advertisements are flooded throughout the management domain. VTP advertisements are sent every 5
minutes or whenever there is a change in VLAN configurations. Advertisements are transmitted (untagged)
over the native VLAN (VLAN 1 by default) using a multicast frame. A configuration revision number is
108 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
included in each VTP advertisement. A higher configuration revision number indicates that the VLAN
information being advertised is more current than the stored information.
One of the most critical components of VTP is the configuration revision number. Each time a VTP server
modifies its VLAN information, the VTP server increments the configuration revision number by one. The
server then sends out a VTP advertisement with the new configuration revision number. If the configuration
revision number being advertised is higher than the number stored on the other switches in the VTP domain,
the switches overwrite their VLAN configurations with the new information that is being advertised.
The configuration revision number in VTP transparent mode is always zero.
Note In the overwrite process, if the VTP server deleted all of the VLANs and had the higher
revision number, the other devices in the VTP domain would also delete their VLANs.
A device that receives VTP advertisements must check various parameters before incorporating the received
VLAN information. First, the management domain name and password in the advertisement must match
those values that are configured on the local switch. Next, if the configuration revision number indicates
that the message was created after the configuration currently in use, the switch incorporates the advertised
VLAN information.
On many Cisco Catalyst switches, you can change the VTP domain to another name and then change it back
to reset the configuration revision number, or alternatively, change the mode to transparent and then back to
the previous setting.
Switch3(config)# vlan 20
Step 9 Investigate VLAN databases on all three switches. Is VLAN 20 present on all three?
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 109
Use the show vlan command.
Switch1# show vlan
While a switch is in VTP transparent mode, it can create and delete VLANs that are local only to
itself. These VLAN changes are not propagated to any other switch.
In this example, VLAN 20 is only present in the VLAN database of Switch3 - the VTP
transparent switch, on which you created the VLAN.
110 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 111
VTP Versions
Three different VTP versions exist: 1, 2, and 3.
The default VTP version that is enabled on a Cisco switch is version 1. You can change the switch to run
VTP version 2, but the two versions are not compatible. You need to configure the same VTP version on
every switch in the domain.
If you want to enable version 2 in your domain the only thing you need to do is to enable it on the VTP
server and the change will propagate throughout the network.
112 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
VTP version 2 offers the following features that version 1 does not:
• Version-dependent transparent mode - In VTP version 1, a VTP transparent network device inspects
VTP messages for the domain name and version, and forwards a message only if the version and
domain name match. Because only one domain is supported in the supervisor engine software, VTP
version 2 forwards VTP messages in transparent mode, without checking the version.
• Consistency check - In VTP version 2, VLAN consistency checks, such as VLAN names and values,
are performed. However, this is only done when you enter information through the CLI or SNMP.
Consistency checks are not performed when new information is obtained from a VTP message or when
information is read from NVRAM. If the digest on a received VTP message is correct, its information is
accepted without consistency checks.
• Token ring support - VTP version 2 supports Token Ring LAN switching and VLANs.
• Unrecognize Type-Length-Value support - VTP version 2 switches propagate received configuration
change messages out other trunk links, even if they are not able to understand the message. Instead of
dropping the unrecognized VTP message, version 2 still propagates the information and keeps a copy in
Note VTPv3 is not compatible with VTPv1. VTPv3 is compatible with VTPv2 as long as you are
not using it to propagate private or extended VLANs.
Note VTP Version 3 right now has very limited device/software support.
To verify VTP version in use on a switch use the show vtp status command:
Switch2# show vtp status
VTP Version capable : 1 to 3
VTP version running : 1
VTP Domain Name :
<... output omitted ...>
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 113
Default VTP Configuration
Default VTP configuration values depend on the switch model and the software version.
When creating VLANs, you must decide whether to use VTP in your network. With VTP, you can make
configuration changes on one or more switches, and those changes are automatically communicated to all
other switches in the same VTP domain.
The VTP domain name can be specified or learned. By default, the domain name is <Null>. You can set a
password for the VTP management domain. However, if you do not assign the same password for each
switch in the domain, VTP will not function properly. MD5 hashing is used for VTP passwords.
Note The domain name cannot be reset to <Null> except if the database is deleted. The domain
name can only be re-assigned.
114 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Overwriting VTP Configuration
The configuration revision number is used when determining if a switch should keep its existing VLAN
database or overwrite it with the VTP update sent by another switch in the same domain with the same
password. Therefore, when a switch is added to a network, it is important that it does not inject spurious
information into the domain.
Example shows a network running VTP. SW1 is VTP server, other two switches are VTP clients. VTP
version 1 is used on all devices.
All devices have the same VTP domain "CCNP" configured and are synchronized to VTP revision 12. Thus
they all have the same user-created VLANs in their databases: 10, 20, 30, and 40.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 115
SW1# show vtp status
VTP Version capable : 1 to 3
VTP version running : 1
VTP Domain Name : CCNP
VTP Pruning Mode : Disabled
VTP Traps Generation : Disabled
Device ID : aabb.cc00.5a00
Configuration last modified by at 9-24-13 07:33:33
Local updater ID is (no valid interface found)
Feature VLAN:
VTP Operating Mode : Server
Maximum VLANs supported locally : 1005
Number of existing VLANs : 9
Configuration Revision : 12
MD5 digest : 0x11 0x31 0x4F 0x6A 0x96 0x0D 0xB6 0xB9
0xAE 0xF4 0xD4 0x85 0x4D 0x58 0xC8 0x4D
Feature VLAN:
VTP Operating Mode : Client
Maximum VLANs supported locally : 1005
Number of existing VLANs : 9
Configuration Revision : 12
MD5 digest : 0x11 0x31 0x4F 0x6A 0x96 0x0D 0xB6 0xB9
0xAE 0xF4 0xD4 0x85 0x4D 0x58 0xC8 0x4D
116 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
SW2# show vlan
Feature VLAN:
VTP Operating Mode : Client
Maximum VLANs supported locally : 1005
Number of existing VLANs : 9
Configuration Revision : 12
MD5 digest : 0x11 0x31 0x4F 0x6A 0x96 0x0D 0xB6 0xB9
0xAE 0xF4 0xD4 0x85 0x4D 0x58 0xC8 0x4D
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 117
SW3# show vlan
Switch SW2 failed. You pull out an old switch out of the closet and plug it in place of SW2.
You configure port that connects to SW1 as trunk, create VLAN 10 and assign the port that connects to
PC2A to VLAN 10:
Replacement(config)# interface Ethernet 0/1
Replacement(config-if)# switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
Replacement(config-if)# switchport mode trunk
Replacement(config-if)# exit
Replacement(config)# vlan 10
Replacement(config-vlan)# exit
Replacement(config)# interface Ethernet 1/1
Replacement(config-if)# switchport mode access
Replacement(config-if)# switchport access vlan 10
118 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Replacement# show vtp status
VTP Version capable : 1 to 3
VTP version running : 1
VTP Domain Name : CCNP
VTP Pruning Mode : Disabled
VTP Traps Generation : Disabled
Device ID : aabb.cc00.5a00
Configuration last modified by at 9-24-13 08:15:44
Local updater ID is (no valid interface found)
Feature VLAN:
VTP Operating Mode : Server
Maximum VLANs supported locally : 1005
Number of existing VLANs : 10
Configuration Revision : 29
MD5 digest : 0x29 0xF2 0x1F 0xA5 0x41 0x44 0x04 0xAC
0x08 0x3B 0x9A 0x2C 0x73 0x8A 0xA2 0xBD
The replacement switch does not have VLANs 20, 30, and 40 in its database.
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Replacement# show vlan
Since SW2 has higher revision number, SW1 and SW3 will sync to the latest revision.
120 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
The consequence is that VLANs 20, 30, and 40 no longer exist on SW1 and SW2. This leaves the clients
that are connected to ports belonging to non-existing VLANs without connectivity
SW1# show vtp status
VTP Version capable : 1 to 3
VTP version running : 1
VTP Domain Name : CCNP
VTP Pruning Mode : Disabled
VTP Traps Generation : Disabled
Device ID : aabb.cc00.5900
Configuration last modified by at 9-24-13 08:15:44
Local updater ID is (no valid interface found)
Feature VLAN:
VTP Operating Mode : Server
Maximum VLANs supported locally : 1005
Number of existing VLANs : 10
Configuration Revision : 29
MD5 digest : 0x29 0xF2 0x1F 0xA5 0x41 0x44 0x04 0xAC
0x08 0x3B 0x9A 0x2C 0x73 0x8A 0xA2 0xBD
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 121
SW1# show vlan
Feature VLAN:
VTP Operating Mode : Client
Maximum VLANs supported locally : 1005
Number of existing VLANs : 10
Configuration Revision : 29
MD5 digest : 0x29 0xF2 0x1F 0xA5 0x41 0x44 0x04 0xAC
0x08 0x3B 0x9A 0x2C 0x73 0x8A 0xA2 0xBD
122 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
You must balance the ease of VTP administration against the inherent risk of a large STP domain and the
potential instability and risks of STP. The greatest risk is an STP loop through the entire campus. If you
choose to use VTP, there are two things to which you must pay close attention:
• Remember the configuration revision and how to reset it each time that you insert a new switch in your
network so that you do not bring down the entire network.
• Avoid as much as possible to have a VLAN that spans the entire network.
The VTP revision number is stored in NVRAM and is not reset if you erase switch configuration and reload
it. To reset VTP revision number to zero you have two options:
• Change the switch's VTP domain to a nonexistent VTP domain and then change the domain back to the
original name.
• Change the switch's VTP mode to transparent and then back to previous VTP mode.
You should be aware that also a VTP client with a high revision number can cause havoc in your network!
VTP client as a general rule just listens to VTP advertisements from VTP servers and it does not do it's own
advertisements. However when you first connect a VTP client to a network it will send a summary
advertisement from its own stored database. If the VTP client gets an inferior advertisement from the VTP
server it will assume it has better, more current, information. VTP client will now send out advertisements
with greater revision number, VTP server and all directly connected VTP clients will accept these as more
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 123
VTP Configuration Recommendation
You can use a VTP client/server mode to automatically propagate VLAN definitions across the switched
network. This mode is often used in a new network to facilitate the implementation of new VLANs.
However, as the network grows larger, this benefit can turn into a liability
If a VLAN is deleted by accident on one server, it is deleted throughout the network. If a switch that already
has a VLAN database defined is inserted into the network, it can hijack the VLAN database by deleting
added VLANs. For this reason, the recommended practice is to configure all switches to transparent VTP
mode and manually add VLANs as needed.
Com m and Description
vtp password password The 16-byte secret value that is used in MD5 digest
calculation to be sent in VTP advertisements and to
validate received VTP advertisements. The passw ord can
be an ASCII string from 1 to 32 characters and is case-
sensitive. This step is optional, but it ensures that dynamic
update w ill not occur before the VTP mode and domain are
properly configured.
vtp domain domain_name Sets the VTP domain name. Enter an ASCII string from 1
to 32 characters to identify the VTP administrative domain
for the sw itch. The domain name is case-sensitive.
vtp mode transparent Places the sw itch in transparent mode. It cannot affect
VLAN configurations on other devices in the netw ork. The
sw itch receives VTP advertisements and forw ards them on
all trunk ports except the one on w hich the advertisement
w as received.
124 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this lesson.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 125
Lesson 3: Implementing
DHCP is a network protocol that enables network administrators to manage and automate IP configuration
assignment. Without DHCP, administrators must manually assign and configure IP addresses, subnet
masks, default gateways, etc., which can, in larger environments, become an excessive administrative
problem, especially if devices are moved from one internal network to another.
In an enterprise environment a DHCP server is usually a dedicated device whereas in smaller deployments
or some Branch offices it can be configured on a Cisco Catalyst switch or a Cisco router.
Upon completing this lesson, you will be able to meet these objectives:
• Explain the idea behind DHCP
• Configure a DHCP server
• Configure manual DHCP bindings
• Configure a DHCP relay
• Configure DHCP options
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 127
DHCP Overview
DHCP provides configuration parameters to Internet hosts. It consists of two components: a protocol for
delivering host-specific configuration parameters from a DHCP server to a host, and a mechanism for
allocating network addresses to hosts. It is built on the client/server model where designated DHCP servers
allocate network addresses and deliver IP configuration parameters to dynamically configured hosts. By
default, Cisco multilayer switches that are running Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software include
DHCP server and relay agent software.
Distribution multilayer switches often act as Layer 3 gateways for clients that are connecting to the various
VLANs of access switches. Therefore, the DHCP service can be provided directly by the distribution
switches. Alternatively, DHCP services can be concentrated in an external, dedicated DHCP server. In that
case, distribution switches must redirect the incoming clients DHCP requests to the external DHCP server.
128 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Discovery 4: Exploring DHCP
In this discovery you will learn how to configure a DHCP service on a switch. You will also configure a
manual binding for one of the DHCP clients.
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130 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Job Aids
Note If you shut down an interface on a real router or switch, the connected device will see it as
"down/down". Due to virtualization specifics, IOL behaviour is slightly different. If you shut
down an interface on a router or switch, the connected device will see it as "up/up". In IOL,
the status of an interface can only be "up/up" or "administratively down/down".
Device Information
Device Interface IP Address
Exploring DHCP
Step 1 Access DSW1. Configure a DHCP server for VLAN 10 devices.
Only after the switch has a Layer 3 address, which is preconfigured in this example, you can
configure a DHCP server on the switch. The switch acting as a DHCP server, will intercept
broadcast packets from client machines within a VLAN.
DSW1(config)# ip dhcp excluded-address
DSW1(config)# ip dhcp pool VLAN10POOL
DSW1(config-dhcp)# network
DSW1(config-dhcp)# default-router
DSW1(config-dhcp)# lease 2
Command Description
ip dhcp excluded-address start-ip If there are addresses within the IP subnet
end-ip that should not be offered to DHCP clients,
this command will make sure that the
specified addresses are not offered. In the
example was excluded from the DHCP
pool since this is the IP address of the
Layer 3 interface on DSW1.
ip dhcp pool pool-name The pool-name parameter defines a DHCP pool.
Using this command, you enter the DHCP
configuration mode.
network ip-address subnet-mask Specifies the address range through IP
subnet and subnet mask. The network command
will bind the DHCP server to matching Layer
3 interface. In the example DHCP server
"VLAN10POOL" is binded to "VLAN 10"
interface. Broadcast and network IPs are not
offered to clients. You can assign multiple
subnets per pool.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 131
default-router ip-address [ip-address2] Sets the default router address that will be
[ip-address3] ... offered to clients. In the example this is
the IP address of the Layer 3 interface on
the switch.
lease {infinite | {days [hours [minutes]]}} Sets IP address lease duration. By default
IP address is leased to a client for 1 day.
In the example it is set to 2 days.
Step 2 On DSW1 verify the configured DHCP pool using the show ip dhcp pool command.
Utilization mark (high/low) : 100 / 0
Subnet size (first/next) : 0 / 0
Total addresses : 254
Leased addresses : 0
Excluded addresses : 1
Pending event : none
1 subnet is currently in the pool :
Current index IP address range Leased/Excluded/Total - 0 / 1 / 254
Step 4 Configure PC1 interface Ethernet 0/0 to acquire an IP address via DHCP and observe CLI output
on DSW1.
The port on SW1 to which PC1 is connected to is already assigned to VLAN 10, so PC1 will get
an IP from VLAN 10 subnet.
As soon as you enable the interface on PC1 it will send a broadcast, requesting an IP.
132 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
*Oct 3 11:21:52.364: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
*Oct 3 11:23:09.256: DHCPD: Reload workspace interface Vlan10 tableid 0.
*Oct 3 11:23:09.256: DHCPD: tableid for on Vlan10 is 0
*Oct 3 11:23:09.256: DHCPD: client's VPN is .
*Oct 3 11:23:09.256: DHCPD: using received relay info.
*Oct 3 11:23:09.256: DHCPD: DHCPDISCOVER received from client 0063.6973.636f.2d
61.6162.622e.6363.3030.2e34.3830.302d.4574.302f.30 on interface Vlan10.
*Oct 3 11:23:09.256: DHCPD: using received relay info.
*Oct 3 11:23:11.264: DHCPD: Sending DHCPOFFER to client 0063.6973.636f.2d61.616
2.622e.6363.3030.2e34.3830.302d.4574.302f.30 (
*Oct 3 11:23:11.264: DHCPD: no option 125
*Oct 3 11:23:11.264: DHCPD: broadcasting BOOTREPLY to client aabb.cc00.4800.
*Oct 3 11:23:11.265: DHCPD: Reload workspace interface Vlan10 tableid 0.
*Oct 3 11:23:11.265: DHCPD: tableid for on Vlan10 is 0
*Oct 3 11:23:11.265: DHCPD: client's VPN is .
*Oct 3 11:23:11.265: DHCPD: DHCPREQUEST received from client 0063.6973.636f.2d6
*Oct 3 11:23:11.265: DHCPD: Sending DHCPACK to client 0063.6973.636f.2d61.6162.
622e.6363.3030.2e34.3830.302d.4574.302f.30 (
*Oct 3 11:23:11.265: DHCPD: no option 125
*Oct 3 11:23:11.265: DHCPD: broadcasting BOOTREPLY to client aabb.cc00.4800.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 133
DHCP Negotiation
In the DHCP process, the client sends a DHCPDISCOVER broadcast message to locate a Cisco IOS DHCP
server. A DHCP server offers configuration parameters to the client in a DHCPOFFER unicast message.
Typical configuration parameters are an IP address, a domain name, and a lease for the IP address.
A DHCP client may receive offers from multiple DHCP servers and can accept any one of the offers;
however, the client usually accepts the first offer that it receives. Additionally, the offer from the DHCP
server is not a guarantee that the IP address will be allocated to the client; however, the server usually
reserves the address until the client has had a chance to formally request the address.
The client returns a formal request for the offered IP address to the DHCP server in a DHCPREQUEST
broadcast message. The DHCP server confirms that the IP address has been allocated to the client by
returning a DHCPACK unicast message to the client.
In addition to these four messages you can also see these DHCP messages with debug output:
• DHCPDECLINE - Message sent from the client to the server that the address is already in use.
• DHCPNAK - The server sends a refusal to the client for request for configuration.
• DHCPRELEASE - Client tells a server that it is giving up a lease.
• DHCPINFORM - A client already has an IP address but is requesting other configuration parameters
that the DHCP server is configured to deliver such as DNS address.
134 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
PC3(config)# interface ethernet 0/0
PC3(config-if)# ip address dhcp
PC3(config-if)# no shutdown
There are times when a manually assigned IP address is preferred. For example, it is beneficial for your
servers to have an IP address that does not change.
Since you are using DHCP and with that assigning all IP addresses from a central point, it would be nice if
you could also assign a specific address to a specific device. And you can do that with DHCP as well.
When a Cisco router sends a DHCP Discover message, it will include a client identifier to
uniquely identify the device. You can use this value to configure a static binding.
If you do not like this long client identifier, you can also assign PC3 to use the MAC address as
the client identifier. You can do so by using the ip address dhcp client-id ethernet 0/0
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Step 8 On DSW1 clear IP DHCP binding table.
If you already have a binding for a client and you want to manually set its IP address you have to
clear the DHCP binding table.
You could also delete all automatic address bindings. Because you will manually set only the
PC3's IP address, you only need to delete PC3's current IP address from the binding table.
You might have examples where it is needed for a client to have the same IP address all the time
because of some application requirements.
To configure a manual binding you first need to create a host pool, then specify the IP address of
the client and client identifier. Only a client with the specified client identifier will be assigned
this IP address.
At this moment Client 3 will not acquire the specified IP address. Client 3 will only request an IP
address after its lease expires or if it requests a renewal.
Some devices, usually running Linux, do not send client identifiers with DHCP messages. In these cases
you can bind an IP address to a device using client's MAC address. Instead of using the client-identifier
number command use the hardware-address MAC-address command.
Step 10 Force PC3 to request a new lease from the DHCP server.
You are notified that the client acquired address - the IP address which it was bound
to by using the client-identifier identifier command.
136 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
DHCP Relay
The DHCP service does not have to reside directly on the multilayer switch. Many networks use a
centralized DHCP server. In this case, the multilayer switch can redirect DHCP requests to the corporate
DHCP server.
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DHCP Options
Advanced configuration parameters and other control information are carried in tagged data items, also
known as DHCP options.
You can use DHCP options to "expand" the basic DHCP commands. For example lease command is one of
the basic commands that is used to set the duration of lease validity. With DHCP options you can modify
the behavior of leasing out IP addresses. For example you can change the lease renewal time using the
dhcp-renewall-time option.
Using options, you can also provide clients with additional information that cannot be passed down to the
clients through basic configuration.
138 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this lesson.
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Lesson 4: Implementing
DHCP for IPv6
IPv6 defines both a stateful and stateless address autoconfiguration mechanism. The stateless mechanism
allows a host to generate its own addresses using a combination of locally available information and
information advertised by routers.
In IPv6 world there are two types of DHCPv6 - stateless and stateful. Stateful DHCPv6 is similar to
DHCPv4. Stateless DHCPv6 is used to supply additional parameters to clients that already have an IPv6
address. In addition to DHCPv6 IPv6 also has stateless autoconfiguration. This is a mechanism where a
client does not acquire an IPv6 address from a DHCP server, but from a next-hop Layer 3 device.
Upon completing this lesson, you will be able to meet these objectives:
• Describe stateless autoconfiguration
• Describe DHCPv6
• Describe DHCPv6 operation
• Describe DHCPv6 Lite
• Configure stateless autoconfiguration
• Configure stateful DHCPv6
• Configure stateless DHCPv6
• Configure DHCPv6 relay agent
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Stateless Autoconfiguration Overview
Stateless autoconfiguration allows serverless basic configuration of nodes. It requires no manual
configuration of hosts, minimal (if any) configuration of routers, and no additional servers. The stateless
mechanism allows a host to generate its own addresses using a combination of locally available information
and information that is advertised by routers.
Stateless autoconfiguration or SLAAC uses the information in the router advertisement messages to
configure the node. The prefix included in the router advertisement is used as the /64 prefix for the node
address. The other 64 bits are obtained by the dynamically created interface identifier, which, in case of
Ethernet, is the modified EUI-64 format. EUI-64 is split into two equal parts and "FFFE" is inserted
between them. In addition, the seventh bit from the left is flipped (i.e. if its 1 then it is turned into 0, and
vice versa).
Router advertisements are sent periodically. Instead of waiting for the next router advertisement to get the
information to configure its interfaces, a node sends a router solicitation message asking the routers on the
network to reply immediately with a router advertisement so that the node can immediately autoconfigure.
All the routers respond with a normal router advertisement message with the all-nodes multicast address as
the destination address.
142 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
On network initialization a node can obtain:
• IPv6 prefix(es)
• Default router address(es)
• Hop limit
• Validity lifetime
DNS server address will be provided per RFC 6106, but it is not widely implemented yet.
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DHCPv6 Overview
DHCPv6 is an updated version of DHCP for use with IPv6. It supports the addressing model of IPv6.
DHCPv6 is a separate protocol from DHCP. DHCPv6 can only be used to obtain IPv6 addresses, and
DHCP can only be used to obtain IPv4 addresses. It is possible to run DHCP and DHCPv6 in parallel.
DHCPv6 gives you more control than stateless autoconfiguration. But you can also use the two methods
You can use DHCPv6 for automatic domain registration of hosts using DDNS.
Acquiring data for a client in DHCPv6 is like the process in IPv4 but with a few exceptions. The client can
sometimes detect the presence of routers on the link using neighbor discovery messages. If at least one
router is found the client examines the router advertisements to determine if DHCP should be used. If the
router advertisements allow the use of DHCP on that link or if no router is found, the client starts a DHCP
solicit phase to find a DHCP server.
When the client sends a solicit message, it sends the message to the all-DHCP-agents multicast address with
link-local scope. Agents include both servers and relays.
Some servers can be configured to give global addresses using policies. For example, "do not give to
DHCPv6 is described in RFC 3736.
144 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
DHCPv6 Operation
The operation of DHCPv6 is similar to that of DHCP for IPv4, but DHCPv6 is a completely different
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 145
In some environments, such as those in which high mobility occurs and the network attachment point
changes frequently, it is beneficial to rapidly configure clients. And, in these environments it is possible to
more quickly configure clients because the protections offered by the normal (and longer) 4-message
exchange may not be needed. The 4-message exchange allows for redundancy (multiple DHCP servers)
without wasting addresses, as addresses are only provisionally assigned to a client until the client chooses
and requests one of the provisionally assigned addresses. The 2-message exchange may therefore be used
when only one server is present or when addresses are plentiful and having multiple servers commit
addresses for a client is not a problem.
Rapid-commit for DHCPv6 is defined in RFC 4039.
A binding table entry is automatically created whenever a prefix is delegated to a client from the
configuration pool. The binding table entry is updated when the client renews, rebinds, or confirms the
prefix delegation. It is deleted when the client releases all the prefixes in the binding voluntarily, the valid
lifetimes of all prefixes have expired, or administrators enable the clear ipv6 dhcp binding command.
146 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
DHCPv6 Lite Overview
DHCPv6 can run in stateless mode. This mode is also known as DHCPv6 Lite.
In stateless mode DHCPv6 does not assign addresses to clients. It only provides configuration information,
such as NTP servers, domain names, DNS servers, etc. If stateless DHCPv6 is used, clients must obtain
routable IPv6 addresses through some other means, such as stateless autoconfiguration.
DHCPv6 Lite is not supported on all platforms.
You can run stateless DHCPv6 in combination with stateful DHCPv6.
Stateless DHCPv6 is described in RFC 3736.
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Discovery 5: Obtaining IPv6 Address Dynamically
In this discovery you will learn how to configure stateless autoconfiguration, DHCPv6, and DHCPv6 Lite.
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Job Aids
Note If you shut down an interface on a real router or switch, the connected device will see it as
"down/down". Due to virtualization specifics, IOL behaviour is slightly different. If you shut
down an interface on a router or switch, the connected device will see it as "up/up". In IOL,
the status of an interface can only be "up/up" or "administratively down/down".
IPv6 Addressing
Device Interface IPv6 Address
In order for clients to receive an IP address through stateless autoconfiguration the only
configuration needed on the Layer 3 switch or router is a configured IPv6 address.
Unlike with IPv4, most devices support more than one IPv6 address.
In this example PC1 is simulated using a router. To configure a router's interface to acquire IPv6
address through stateless autoconfiguration you need to use the ipv6 address autoconfig
For example Windows 7 and Windows 8 PCs have IPv6 stack by default configured to obtain
IPv6 automatically. Client will first try to acquire address through stateless autoconfiguration. If
the client cannot get IPv6 address through stateless autoconfiguration it will try to get it through
150 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Step 3 Verify that PC1 acquired IPv6 address through stateless autoconfiguration.
Notice that client has two IPv6 addresses. Link local IPv6 address, the one that starts with
"FE80", is self-generated by the client. Global address, the one that starts with "2001". Global
address is combined from a subnet prefix and EUI-64 Interface ID. The client received client
subnet prefix from the Layer 3 switch and self-generated the interface ID. You can see that
interface ID is the same for link local and global address.
The default lifetime is 2592000 seconds (30 days) and a preferred lifetime of 604800 seconds (7
days). After valid lifetime expires node's address is invalid. Until preferred lifetime expires, the
node will consider the current router as preferred.
Like with IPv4 you can configure a DHCP server to allocate IPs to devices. The network
command from IPv4 gets replaced with address prefix command.
Step 5 On DSW1 associate the DHCPv6 pool for VLAN 20, with interface VLAN 20.
Unlike with DHCP in IPv4 environment, with DHCPv6 you need to associate an interface with
the DHCP pool. It does not get done automatically.
NOTE: DHCP pool name is case sensitive.
There is no excluded-addresses command with DHCPv6 on Cisco IOS devices. However it is important to
understand that DHCPv6 server does not actually give out IP addresses like DHCPv4. The server in IPv6
world only gives out prefixes. For example if the server gives out a /64 prefix, the other 64 bits get auto-
generated by the client. Those other 64 bits are generated using interface's MAC address, thus the chance of
having of duplicate address is next to impossible. And if for some reason there is a duplicate address, IPv6
has a duplicate address detection mechanism.
DHCPv6 on Cisco IOS does not have manual binding mechanism like DHCPv4 does.
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Step 6 Configure PC2 to acquire IPv6 address from the DHCPv6 server.
PC2 is simulated using a router. To configure a router's interface via DHCPv6, use ipv6 address
dhcp command.
You need to add the ipv6 enable command to start the process of EUI-64 interface ID
Step 7 Verify that PC2's Ethernet 0/0 has iIPv6 addresses configured.
Notice that PC2 also acquired DNS and domain name information from the DHCPv6 server.
If you would issue show ipv6 interface ethernet 0/0 on PC2 you would also see that Ethernet
0/0 has a link-local and a global IPv6 address.
Step 8 Verify that PC3 has acquired IPv6 address via stateless autoconfiguration.
The idea of stateless autoconfiguration is that you won't need any configuring on the client in
order for it to acquire an IP address. In this example PC3 was preconfigured to get IPv6 address
via stateless autoconfiguration.
152 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
However stateless autoconfiguration is very basic IP-assignment mechanism in comparison to
DHCP. Using DHCP you can pass-down to the clients much more information that you can with
stateless autoconfiguration.
You can use stateless autoconfiguration in combination with DHCPv6. In that case basic
addressing is provided via stateless autoconfguration. Other options are provided via DHCPv6.
The only difference between a "full" DHCPv6 and a "lite" DHCPv6 pool is in the address
prefix command. With DHCPv6 Lite you do not need to enter that command since basic IPv6
addressing gets handled through stateless autoconfiguration.
In this example we are interested to pass additional information to PC3 - domain name and DNS
server address.
Step 10 On DSW1 associate the DHCPv6 pool for VLAN 30, with interface VLAN 30.
Like with a regular DHCPv6 pool, you need to associate it with an interface. What is different
with DHCP Lite is the ipv6 nd other-config-flag command. This command let's clients know
that after they get their IPv6 address via stateless autoconfiguration, additional information is
waiting for them on the DHCP server.
Step 11 Verify that PC3 now has received domain name and DNS server information through DHCP.
Notice that while domain name and DNS server information is there, you do not see a global
IPv6 address in the output. This is because PC3 acquired the IPv6 global address via stateless
autoconfiguration and not DHCPv6.s
NOTE: If you do not see desired results, try first disabling and than enabling interface
Ethernet0/0 on PC3.
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Step 12 On DSW1 verify configured DHCPv6 pools.
There are two DHCPv6 pools configured on DSW1. "DHCPV6POOL20" is a DHCPv6 pool
configured for VLAN 20. "DHCPV6POOL30" is a DHCP Lite pool configured for VLAN 30.
The number of active clients for VLAN30 will not go beyond 0. This is because the "active
client" counts only leased-out IPv6 addresses. So a client is not a device to which domain-name
or DNS information was passed to.
Notice that there is no information about IPv6 addresses related to stateless autoconfiguration.
DSW1 does not keep track of IP addresses that were assigned through stateless
154 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
DHCPv6 Relay Agent
Like DHCP in IPv4 environment, you can configure a DHCP relay in IPv6.
A DHCPv6 relay agent is used to relay messages between the client and the server. The DHCPv6 relay
agent operation is transparent to the client. A DHCPv6 client locates a DHCPv6 server using a reserved,
link-scoped multicast address. For direct communication between the DHCPv6 client and the DHCPv6
server, both of them must be attached to the same link. However, in some situations where ease of
management, economy, or scalability is a concern, it is desirable to allow a DHCPv6 client to send a
message to a DHCPv6 server that is not connected to the same link.
To configure a device to act as a DHCP relay use the ipv6 dhcp relay destination IPv6_next_hop_address
source_interface. If you use a global IPv6 address as the next hop address, you do not need to specify the
source interface. If you use a link-local address as the next-hop IPv6 address you will need to specify source
interface. This is because all link-local addresses start with the same prefix and unless you specify the
source or exit interface the device will not know where to send DHCP packets.
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This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this lesson.
156 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Lesson 5: Configuring Layer
2 Port Aggregation
In networks where resources may be located far from where users might need them, some links between
switches or between switches and servers become heavily solicited. The speed of these links can be
increased, but only to a certain point. EtherChannel is a technology that allows you to circumvent this issue
by creating logical links that are made up of several physical links.
Upon completing this lesson, you will be able to meet these objectives:
• Describe the need for EtherChannel technology
• Describe port aggregation negotiation protocols
• Describe configuration steps for bundling interfaces into a Layer 2 EtherChannel
• Configure EtherChannel
• Change EtherChannel Load-Balancing behavior
• Describe how EtherChannel load-balancing works
• Describe the role of EtherChannel guard
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The Need for EtherChannel
Any-to-any communications of intranet applications such as video to the desktop, interactive messaging,
VoIP, and collaborative whiteboard use are increasing the need for scalable bandwidth within the core and
at the edge of campus networks. At the same time, mission-critical applications call for resilient network
designs. With the wide deployment of faster switched Ethernet links in the campus, users need to either
aggregate their existing resources or upgrade the speed in their uplinks and core to scale performance across
the network backbone.
In the preceding figure, traffic coming from several VLANs at 100-Mb/s aggregate on the access switches at
the bottom and need to be sent to distribution switches in the middle. Obviously, bandwidth larger than 100
Mb/s must be available on the link between two switches to accommodate the traffic load coming from all
the VLANs. A first solution is to use a faster port speed, such as 1 or 10 Gb/s. As the speed increases on the
VLANs links, this solution finds its limitation where the fastest possible port is no longer fast enough to
aggregate the traffic coming from all VLANs. A second solution is to multiply the numbers of physical
links between both switches to increase the overall speed of the switch-to-switch communication. A
downside of this method is that there must be a strict consistency in each physical link configuration. A
second issue is that Spanning Tree may block one of the links.
158 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
EtherChannel is a technology that was originally developed by Cisco as a LAN switch-to-switch technique
of grouping several Fast or Gigabit Ethernet ports into one logical channel. This technology has many
• It relies on the existing switch ports: there is no need to upgrade the switch-to-switch link to a faster and
more expensive connection.
• Most of the configuration tasks can be done on the EtherChannel interface instead of on each individual
port, thus ensuring configuration consistency throughout the switch-to-switch links.
• Load balancing is possible between the links that are part of the same EtherChannel. Depending on the
hardware platform, you can implement one or several methods, such as source-MAC to destination-
MAC or source-IP to destination-IP load balancing across the physical links.
Keep in mind that the logic of EtherChannel is to increase the speed between switches. This concept was
extended as the EtherChannel technology became more popular, and some hardware non-switch devices
support link aggregation into an EtherChannel link. In any case, EtherChannel creates a one-to-one
relationship. You can create an EtherChannel link between two switches or between an EtherChannel-
enabled server and a switch, but you cannot send traffic to two different switches through the same
EtherChannel link. One EtherChannel link always connects two devices only. The individual EtherChannel
group member port configuration must be consistent on both devices. For example, if the physical ports of
one side are configured as trunks, the physical ports of the other side must also be configured as trunks.
Each EtherChannel has a logical port channel interface. A configuration that is applied to the port channel
interface affects all physical interfaces that are assigned to that interface. (Such commands can be STP
commands or commands to configure a Layer 2 EtherChannel as a trunk or an access port.)
You can use the EtherChannel technology to bundle ports of the same type. On a Layer 2 switch,
EtherChannel is used to aggregate access ports or trunks. Keep in mind that EtherChannel creates an
aggregation that is seen as one logical link. When several EtherChannel bundles exist between two switches,
Spanning Tree may block one of the bundles to prevent redundant links. When Spanning Tree blocks one of
the redundant links, it blocks one EtherChannel, thus blocking all the ports belonging to this EtherChannel
link. Where there is only one EtherChannel link, all physical links in the EtherChannel are active because
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Spanning Tree sees only one (logical) link. If one link in EtherChannel goes down, the bandwidth of the
EtherChannel will be automatically updated and thus the STP cost will change as well.
On Layer 3 switches, you can convert switched ports to routed ports. You can also create EtherChannel
links on Layer 3 links.
160 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Etherchannel Mode Interactions
Etherchannel can be established using one of three mechanisms: LACP, PAgP, and static persistence.
LACP is part of an IEEE specification (802.3ad) that allows several physical ports to be bundled together to
form a single logical channel. LACP allows a switch to negotiate an automatic bundle by sending LACP
packets to the peer. Because LACP is an IEEE standard, you can use it to facilitate EtherChannels in mixed-
switch environments. LACP checks for configuration consistency and manages link additions and failures
between two switches. It ensures that when EtherChannel is created and all ports have the same type of
configuration-speed, duplex setting, and VLAN information. Any port modification after the creation of the
channel will also change all the other channel ports.
LACP packets are exchanged between switches over EtherChannel-capable ports. Port capabilities are
learned and compared with local switch capabilities. LACP assigns roles to EtherChannel's ports. Switch
with the lowest system priority is allowed to make decisions about what ports actively participate in
EtherChannel. Ports become active according to their port priority. A lower number means higher priority.
Commonly up to 16 links can be assigned to an Etherchannel, but only 8 can be active at a time. Non-active
links are placed into a standby state and are enabled if one of the active links goes down.
The maximum number of active links in an Etherchannel varies between switches.
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ports that are configured for identical VLANs or trunking. PAgP will automatically modify parameters of
the EtherChannel if one of the ports in the bundle is modified. For example, if configured speed, duplex, or
VLAN of a port in a bundle is changed, PAgP reconfigures that parameter for all ports in the bundle. PAgP
and LACP are not compatible.
162 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Layer 2 EtherChannel Configuration Guidelines
Before implementing EtherChannel in a network, you should plan the steps necessary to make it successful.
The first step is to identify the ports that you will use for the EtherChannel on both switches. This task helps
identify any issues with previous configurations on the ports and ensures that the proper connections are
Each interface should have the appropriate protocol identified (PAgP or LACP), have a channel group
number to associate all the given interfaces with a port group, and be configured whether negotiation should
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After the connections are established, make sure that both sides of the EtherChannel have formed and are
providing aggregated bandwidth.
164 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Discovery 6: EtherChannel Configuration and
Load Balancing
In this discovery you will learn how to configure EtherChannel and change it's load balancing behavior.
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166 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Job Aids
Note If you shut down an interface on a real router or switch, the connected device will see it as
"down/down". Due to virtualization specifics, IOL behaviour is slightly different. If you shut
down an interface on a router or switch, the connected device will see it as "up/up". In IOL,
the status of an interface can only be "up/up" or "administratively down/down".
Device Information
Device IP Address Interface Neighbor Interface On The
Step 1 On Switch1 configure the two ports, that connect to Switch2, to use channel group 1 and LACP
active mode.
You have bundled the two interfaces into channel group 1. By choosing the "active" keyword
you've indirectly chosen to use LACP as the negotiation protocol. Since Switch2 has it's ports
bundled and activated for LACP "passive" mode, Etherchannel should come right up.
Notice that by assigning the two ports to a port channel, you have created a Port Channel 1
If you issue the show ip interface brief command, Port Channel 1 will be listed as just another
interface at the very bottom of the list.
Step 2 Enter Interface configuration mode for the newly created port channel interface and configure it
to trunk using dot1Q.
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Switch1(config)# interface port-channel 1
Switch1(config-if)# switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
Switch1(config-if)# switchport mode trunk
Configuration applied to port channel will also reflect on physical interfaces that are bundled
into that port channel. You can investigate the running configuration and see that Etherchannel
1/1 and Etherchannel 1/2 both have had the trunking configuration applied.
Group 1 port-channel is a layer 2 Etherchannel, that is in use (SU flag). The negotiation protocol
in use is LACP, and the ports bundled (notice the "P" flag) are Ethernet 1/1 and Ethernet 1/2.
If there was a port down or not connected it would be denoted with an "I" flag-independent.
Step 4 Enter the show etherchannel load-balance to verify which information Etherchannel uses to
load balance traffic.
Notice that the default configuration for load balancing is "src-dst-ip". This means the source and
destination IP address are used for hash input.
Step 5 For testing how much traffic goes over each link, clear interface counters on Switch1 using the
clear counters command.
168 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Switch1# clear counters
Clear "show interface" counters on all interfaces [confirm] [Enter]
By clearing the counters you are set up to test how much of traffic goes over each link.
PC1# ping
Protocol [ip]: [Enter]
Target IP address:
Repeat count [5]: 10000
Datagram size [100]: 1500
Timeout in seconds [2]: [Enter]
Extended commands [n]: [Enter]
Sweep range of sizes [n]: [Enter]
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 10000, 1500-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
<... output omitted ...>
In the next step you will check over which interface all the traffic went.
Notice that most of the traffic went over the Ethernet 1/1 interface.
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But what about if you ping from PC2 to PC3. Will traffic go over the other interface in
Etherchannel bundle?
Step 8 Clear interface counters on Switch1 using the clear counters command.
PC2# ping
Protocol [ip]: [Enter]
Target IP address:
Repeat count [5]: 10000
Datagram size [100]: 1500
Timeout in seconds [2]: [Enter]
Extended commands [n]: [Enter]
Sweep range of sizes [n]: [Enter]
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 10000, 1500-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
<... output omitted ...>
170 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
So with the ping from PC1 to PC3 traffic went over Ethernet 1/1. With ping from PC2 to PC3
traffic went over Ethernet 1/2. This is for the default load balancing method that takes
destination and source IP address for calculating the hash.
Step 11 Change the load balancing behavior on Switch1 from "src-dst-ip" to "dst-ip".
How will traffic get distributed over the two links now?
But what if you change the load balancing to destination IP address? How will traffic get
distributed over the two links?
Step 13 Clear interface counters on Switch1 using the clear counters command.
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PC1# ping
Protocol [ip]: [Enter]
Target IP address:
Repeat count [5]: 10000
Datagram size [100]: 1500
Timeout in seconds [2]: [Enter]
Extended commands [n]: [Enter]
Sweep range of sizes [n]: [Enter]
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 10000, 1500-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
<... output omitted ...>
The majority of the traffic went over the Ethernet 1/2 port.
Step 16 Clear interface counters on Switch1 using the clear counters command.
172 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
PC2# ping
Protocol [ip]: [Enter]
Target IP address:
Repeat count [5]: 10000
Datagram size [100]: 1500
Timeout in seconds [2]: [Enter]
Extended commands [n]: [Enter]
Sweep range of sizes [n]: [Enter]
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 10000, 1500-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
<... output omitted ...>
Now that you have changed the load balancing to destination IP the behavior has changed. Since
the only input information for calculation of the hash is destination IP address, it does not matter
whether you ping PC3 from PC1 or PC2. In both cases the hash function will be the same and
traffic will go over the same link-in this example Ethernet1/2.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 173
Etherchannel Load-Balancing Options
Etherchannel does load balancing of traffic across links in the bundle. However traffic is not necessarily
distributed equally between all the links.
Frames are forwarded over an Etherchannel link that is based on results of a hashing algorithm. Options that
switch can use to calculate this hash depends from platform to platform.
174 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Default configuration can differ from switch to switch, but very commonly the default option is the "src-dst-
ip". It is not possible to have different load-balancing methods for different Etherchannels on one switch. If
the load-balancing method is changed, it is applicable for all Etherchannels.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 175
Etherchannel Load-Balancing Operation
If only one address or port number is hashed, a switch looks at one or more low-order bits of the hash value.
The switch then uses those bits as index values to decide over which links in the bundle to send the frames.
If two or more addresses or ports numbers are hashed, a switch performs an XOR operation.
A four-link bundle uses a hash of the last 2 bits. A bundle of 8 links uses a hash of the last 3 bits.
The example show results of an XOR on a two-link bundle, using the source and destination addresses.
A conversation between two devices is sent through the same EtherChannel link, because the two endpoint
addresses stay the same. Only when a device talks to several other devices changes are that traffic gets
distributed evenly over the links in the bundle.
When one pair of hosts has a much greater volume of traffic than the other pair, one link will be much more
utilized than others. To fix the imbalance, consider using some other load-balancing mechanisms such as
source and destination port number that will redistribute traffic much differently.
If most of the traffic is IP, it makes sense to load balance according to IP addresses or port numbers.
Let's say you load-balance traffic per IP addresses. What happens with non-IP traffic? In that case, the
switch will load-balance frames according to MAC addresses.
To achieve the optimal traffic distribution, always bundle an even number of links. For example, if you use
four links, the algorithm will take at the last two bits. Two bits mean four indexes - 00, 01, 10, and 11. Each
link in the bundle will get assigned one of these indexes. If you bundle only three links, the algorithm will
still need to use two bits to make decisions. One of the three links in the bundle will be utilized more than
other two. With four links, the algorithm will strive to load-balance traffic in 1:1:1:1 ratio. With three links
algorithm will strive to load-balance traffic in 2:1:1 ratio.
You cannot control the port that a particular flow uses. You can only influence the load balance with a
frame distribution method that results in the greatest variety.
176 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
EtherChannel Guard
The EtherChannel Guard feature is used to detect EtherChannel misconfigurations between the switch and a
connected device.
An example of a Etherchannel misconfiguration is when the channel parameters do not match on both sides
of the EtherChannel.
The EtherChannel Guard feature can be enabled by using the spanning-tree etherchannel guard
misconfig global configuration command.
However EtherChannel Guard is enabled by default. To verify if it is configured use the show spanning-
tree summary command.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 177
This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this lesson.
178 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Lesson 6: Module Summary
This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this module.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 179
Lesson 7: Module Self-
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 181
Use the questions here to review what you learned in this module. The correct answers and solutions are
found in the Module Self-Check Answer Key.
1. Which statement identifies network benefits provided by VLANs? (Source: Implementing VLANs and
A. VLANs allow you to group stations without regard to the physical location of the users.
B. VLANs help to isolate problem employees.
C. VLANs reduce the impact of network problems.
D. VLANs can transmit frames to all ports in all VLANs.
2. Match each command to its explanation. (Source: Implementing VLANs and Trunks)
Configures the port to be
A. Switch(config-if)# switchport voice assigned only a single VLAN.
vlan vlan_id
3. How can you reset VTP revision number on a switch? (Choose two.) (Source: Introducing VTP)
A. Set the switch to transparent mode and then to server mode.
B. Set the switch to client mode and then to server mode.
C. Change the VTP domain name to a nonexistent VTP domain and then back to the original name.
D. Reload the switch.
4. Which statement about Transparent VTP mode is true? (Source: Introducing VTP)
A. Creates, modifies, and deletes VLANs on all switches in VTP domain.
B. Creates, modifies, and deletes local VLANs only.
C. Does not forward advertisements to other switches in VTP domain.
D. Synchronize VLAN configurations from other switches in VTP domain.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 183
5. Place the four steps of DHCP negotiation in the correct order. (Source: Implementing DHCP)
DHCP discover message
A. Third
DHCP offer message
B. Second
DHCP request message
C. Fourth
DHCP acknowledgment message
D. First
6. Based on what you can bind an IP address to a device? (Choose two.) (Source: Implementing DHCP)
A. client-identifier
B. IPv6 address
C. Serial number
D. MAC address
E. network-identifier
7. Which of these messages are sent out by the DHCPv6 server? (Choose two.) (Source: Implementing
DHCP for IPv6)
A. SOLICIT message
B. ADVERTISE message
C. REQUEST message
D. CONFIRM message
E. RENEW message
184 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
8. Which command would you use to configure DHCPv6 relay on SW1 for VLAN 22? (Source:
Implementing DHCP for IPv6)
9. What is the correct command for configuring load balancing on an EtherChannel link? (Source:
Configuring Layer 2 Port Aggregation)
A. Switch(config)# channel-group number load-balance method
B. Switch(config-if)# channel-group number load-balance method
C. Switch(config-if)# port-channel number load-balance method
D. Switch(config)# port-channel load-balance method
10. Which of the following EtherChannel modes does not send or receive any negotiation frames? (Source:
Configuring Layer 2 Port Aggregation)
A. passive
B. active
C. on
D. desirable
E. auto
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 185
Module Self-Check Answers
Answer Key
1 C
A. Switch(config-if)# switchport mode access — Configures the port to be assigned only a single
B. Switch(config-if)# switchport mode trunk — Configures the port to be assigned to multiple
C. Switch(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan add vlan_id — Configures a VLAN to be
added to trunk port.
D. Switch(config-if)# switchport trunk native vlan vlan_id — Configures a native VLAN for the
E. Switch(config-if)# switchport voice vlan vlan_id — Configures a port to be a part of voice
F. Switch(config-if)# switchport access vlan vlan_id — Configures a port to be a part of data VLAN.
3 A, C
4 B
A. First — DHCP discover message
B. Second — DHCP offer message
C. Third — DHCP request message
D. Fourth — DHCP acknowledgment message
186 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
6 A, D
7 B, D
8 B
9 D
10 C
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Module 3: Spanning Tree
Spanning-tree protocol enables you to use redundant topologies, while avoiding Layer 2 loops. By default
Cisco switches use PVSTP+ (Per VLAN Spanning-tree Protocol Plus). However, whenever possible you
should use either Rapid version of PVST+ or MST (Multiple Spanning-tree) protocol.
STP also knows a number of mechanisms. Some are implemented to speed up performance (UplinkFast,
BackboneFast, PortFast), others are configured to increase stability (BPDUGuard, BPDUFilter, RootGuard,
LoopGuard). There are also other mechanisms that are not directly related to STP, but can be used to either
complement STP operation (UDLD (Unidirectional Link Detection) or to replace it (FlexLinks).
Upon completing this module, you will be able to meet these objectives:
• Implement RSTP
• Describe how and where to configure the following mechanisms: PortFast, UplinkFast, BackboneFast,
BPDUGuard, BPDUFilter, RootGuard, LoopGuard, UDLD, and FlexLinks
• Configure Multiple Spanning-tree protocol
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 189
Lesson 1: Implementing
Redundant topology can eliminate the possibility of a single point of failure causing a loss of function for
the entire network As it has benefits, redundant topology also causes problems, such as loops. Spanning
Tree Protocol provides network link redundancy while eliminating caused problems.
A limitation of the traditional STP is the convergence delay after a topology change, so use of Rapid STP is
Upon completing this lesson, you will be able to meet these objectives:
• Explain the need for Spanning Tree Protocol
• List different standards of STP
• Describe basic STP operation
• Describe Bridge Protocol Data Units
• Explain the Root Bridge Election
• Explain the Root Port Election
• Explain Designated Port Election
• List and Explain RSTP Port States
• Explain the concept of Per-VLAN STP
• Examine the difference between STP and RSTP
• Explain STP Manipulation
• List and Explain RSTP Port Roles
• Compare RSTP and STP Port States
• Explain how STP handles Topology Changes
190 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
• Explain how RSTP handles Topology Changes
• Describe RSTP Link Types
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STP Overview
Redundant topology can eliminate the possibility of a single point of failure causing a loss of function for
the entire switched network.
192 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
STP Standards
• STP itself is the original IEEE 802.1D version that provides a loop-free topology in a network with
redundant links. STP was created for bridged network, so it supports only a single LAN or one VLAN.
• CST assumes one spanning-tree instance for the entire network. Unlike 802.1D, it supports more than
one VLAN.
• PVST and PVST+ are Cisco proprietary protocols that provide a separate spanning-tree instance for
each VLAN configured in the network PVST protocol is obsolete.
• MST maps multiple VLANs into the same spanning-tree instance. MST was defined based on the
Cisco's pre-standard, MST. Cisco switches now uses the standard implementation.
• RSTP is standard, described in IEEE 802.1w. It is an evolution of STP that provides faster convergence
of STP.
• PVRST+ is a Cisco implementation of RSTP that is based on Per-VLAN Spanning Tree Plus.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 193
Spanning Tree varieties that use more than one instance of STP have higher CPU and memory
requirements. The CPU and memory requirements are also higher when spanning-tree protocols with faster
convergence are used as the algorithm needs to make calculations more frequently.
When you do not use rapid version of spanning-tree (CST, PVST, or PVST+), the convergence time is slow.
194 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
STP Operation
Spanning Tree Protocol provides loop resolution by managing the physical path to the given network
segment, by performing three steps:
1 Elects one root bridge: Only one bridge can act as the root bridge. Root bridge is the reference point,
all data flows in the network are from the perspective of this switch. All ports on a root bridge are
forwarding traffic.
2 Selects the root port on the non-root bridge: One port on each non-root bridge is the root port. It is
the port with the lowest-cost path from the non-root bridge to the root bridge. By default, STP path cost
is calculated from the bandwidth of the link. You can also set STP path cost manually.
3 Selects the designated port on each segment: There is one designated port on each segment. It is
selected on the bridge with the lowest-cost path to the root bridge.
Ports that are neither root or designated, must be nondesignated. Nondesignated ports are normally in the
blocking state to break the loop topology.
There are four port roles in STP:
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 195
Port role Description
Root port This port exists on nonroot bridges and is the sw itch port w ith the best path to the root bridge. Only
one root port is allow ed per bridge.
Designated port This port exists on root and nonroot bridges. For root bridge, all sw itch ports are designated ports.
For nonroot bridges, a designated port is the sw itch port that w ill receive and forw ard frames tow ard
the root bridge as needed. Only one designated port is allow ed per segment. If multiple sw itches
exist on the same segment, an election process determines the designated sw itch, and the
corresponding sw itch port begins forw arding frames for the segment.
Nondesignated The nondesignated port is a sw itch port that is not forw arding (blocking) data frames.
Disabled port The disabled port is a sw itch port that is shut dow n.
196 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Bridge Protocol Data Unit
BPDUs are used for root bridge election and for loop identification. By default BPDUs are sent out every 2
Switch sends out BPDU on a port. The source address is the MAC address of that port and the destination
address is the STP multicast address 01-80-c2-00-00-00.
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Root Bridge Election
To prevent loops in a network, you need a reference point-root bridge. Root bridge is the logical center of
the spanning tree topology. All paths that are not needed to reach the root bridge from anywhere in the
network are placed in STP blocking mode.
Root Bridge is chosen with an election. Each switch has a unique bridge ID that consists of:
• Bridge priority: A value between 0 and 65,535. The default is 32,768.
• MAC Address.
The root bridge is selected based on the lowest bridge ID. If all switches in the network have the same
priority, the switch with the lowest MAC address becomes the root bridge.
In the beginning each switch assumes that it is the root bridge. Each switch sends BPDU to its neighbours,
presenting its Bridge ID. At the same time it receives the BPDUs from all the neighbors. Each time a switch
receives a BPDU it checks it's Bridge ID against it's own. If the received BID is better than its own, then the
switch knows it is not the root bridge. Otherwise it keeps it's assumption of being the root bridge.
Eventually the election converges and all switches agree that one of them is the root bridge.
Root bridge election is an ongoing process. So if a new switch appears with a better Bridge ID, it will be
elected as the new root bridge.
198 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Note The term root bridge comes from the days of when spanning-tree protocol was developed.
Even though you do not have bridges in your network, this term is still used. The root bridge
of your topology might be better called the root switch.
The switch with the lowest priority will be the root bridge. In the example, since all three switches have the
same priority, the root bridge is elected based on the lowest MAC address.
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Root Port Election
After the root bridge is elected, each non-root bridge must figure out where it is in relation to the root
bridge. Root port is the port with the best path to the root bridge.
To determine root ports on non-root bridges, cost value is used. The path cost is the cumulative cost of all
links to the root bridge. Root port indicates the lowest cost to the root bridge.
In the example, SW1 has two paths to the root bridge. Which port will be elected the root port? The path
cost through Ethernet 0/1 is cumulative. The cost of link SW1-SW2 is 100 and the cost between SW3 and
SW2 is 100 - one of these links will be blocked by the STP. So the cost to get to the root bridge through
Ethernet 0/1 is 200. SW1's path through Ethernet 0/0 has cost of 100. Since the path through Ethernet 0/0
has a lower cost, Ethernet 0/0 will be elected the root port.
STP cost is calculated from the bandwidth of the link. It can be manually changed by the administrator.
However, this is not a very common practice.
The table shows common cost values of the link. The higher the bandwidth of a link, the lower the cost of
transporting data across it.
Link Cost
10 Gb/s 1
1 Gb/s 4
100 Mb/s 19
10 Mb/s 100
200 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
When two ports have the same cost, arbitration can be done using the advertised port ID (from the
neighboring switch). Port ID is a combination of a port priority, which is 128 by default, and a port number.
For example the port Ethernet0/1 will have the port ID 128.1, the port Ethernet0/3 will have port ID 128.3,
and so on. The lowest port ID is always chosen when port ID is the determining factor.
In the example, SW3 has three paths to the root bridge. Through Ethernet 0/3, the cumulative cost is 200—
links SW3-SW1 and SW1-SW2. Through Ethernet 0/1 and Ethernet 0/2 the cost is the same—100. Since
lower cost is better, one of these two ports will be elected the root port. Since Ethernet 0/1 receives a lower
port ID from SW2 (128.2) than Ethernet 0/2 receives (128.4), Ethernet0/1 will be elected the root port.
Note Bandwidth of the Etherchannel is calculated as the sum of all the links that are bundled into
Etherchannel. The cost of Etherchannel link is calculated based on the summed bandwidth.
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Designated Port Election
Root bridge and root ports on non-root bridges have been elected. To prevent the loops, STP has to identify
which port on the segment will forward the traffic.
Only one of the links on a segment should forward traffic to and from that segment. The designated port, the
one forwarding the traffic, is also chosen based on the lowest cost to the root bridge.
On the root bridge, all ports are designated.
You can have two paths with equal cost to the root bridge. STP uses the following criteria for best path
determination and consequently for determination of designated and nondesignated port on the segment:
1 Lowest root bridge ID.
2 Lowest root path cost to root bridge.
3 Lowest sender bridge ID.
4 Lowest sender port ID.
In the example, SW2 is the root bridge, so it has all ports designated. To prevent loops, blocking port for the
SW1-SW3 segment has to be determined. Since SW3 and SW1 have the same path cost to the root bridge,
100, the lower bridge ID breaks the tie. SW1 has lower bridge ID than SW3, so the designated port for the
segment is Ethernet 0/1 on SW1.
Only one port on a segment should forward traffic. All ports, that are not root or designated ports, are
nondesignated ports. Nondesignated ports go to the blocking state in order to prevent a loop.
In the example, root ports are determined on non-root bridges. We have just determined, which ports are
designated. All the other ports are nondesignated. The only two interfaces that are not root or designated
ports are Ethernet 0/2 and Ethernet 0/3 on SW3. Both are nondesignated (blocking).
202 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
STP Port States
To participate in the spanning-tree process, a switch port must go through several states. A port will start in
disabled state and then, after administrator enables it, move through various states until it reaches
forwarding state. That is, if it is allowed to be forwarding. If not, it will be moved into blocking state.
• Blocking: In this state, the port ensures that no bridging loops occur. Port in this state cannot receive or
transmit data, but it receives BPDUs, so the switch can hear from it's neighbours switches and
determine the location, and root ID, of the root switch and port roles of each switch. Port in this state is
a nondesignated port, therefore it does not participate in active topology.
• Listening: Port is moved from blocking to listening state, if there is a possibility to be selected as the
root or designated port. The port in this state still cannot send or receive data frames. But it is allowed to
send and receive BPDUs, so it is participating in active topology.
• Learning: After a period of time-Forward Delay in listening state, the port is moved to Learning state.
The port still sends and receives BPDUs, in addition it can learn and add new MAC address to it's table.
Port in this state can not send any data frames.
• Forwarding: After another period of time-Forward Delay in Learning state, the port is moved to
Forwarding state. It is considered as part of the active topology. It sends and receives frames and also
sends and receives BPDUs.
• Disabled: In this state, port is administratively shut down. It does not participate in spanning tree and it
does not forward frames.
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Per-VLAN STP is a Cisco implementation of STP that provides a separate spanning-tree instance for each
configured VLAN in the network.
Unlike CST, Per-VLAN STP runs one spanning-tree instance for each VLAN. This allows you to load
balance traffic over redundant links, when they are assigned in to a different VLAN.
In the example PVST+ is configured. Switch A is configured the root for VLAN1 and Switch B is
configured the root for VLAN2. The uplink on the left forwards traffic for VLAN 1 and VLAN 1 traffic is
blocked on the right uplink. It's reverse for VLAN 2 traffic. The uplink on the right forwards traffic for
VLAN 2 and VLAN 2 traffic is blocked on the left uplink.
If you would implement CST, there would be only one root bridge and one link would forward traffic for
both VLANs, the other link would be blocked for all VLANs
204 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Note PVSTP+ is usually the default STP on Cisco's switches.
Spanning-tree operation requires that each switch has a unique BID. To carry VID information, the
extended system ID is accommodated. The original 16-bit bridge priority field is split into two fields,
resulting in following components in the BID:
• Bridge priority: A 4-bit field, used to carry bridge priority. The default priority is 32,768, which is the
midrange value. The priority is conveyed in discrete values in increments of 4096.
• Extended system ID: A 12-bit field carrying the VLAN ID.
• MAC address: A 6-byte field with the MAC address of the switch.
By virtue of the MAC address, a BID is always unique. If no priority has been configured, every switch will
have the same default priority, and the election of the root for each VLAN is based on the MAC address.
Because this method is random, it is advisable to assign a lower priority to the switch that should serve as
the root bridge.
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Discovery 7: Discovering and Modifying STP
In this discovery, you will learn how to manually configure a root bridge and the path for spanning-tree.
You will also observe the difference between the STP and RSTP convergence time.
206 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
All switches are in VLAN 1.
There are two loops in this topology; SW1-SW2-SW3 and SW2-SW3. While wiring the network in such a
way provides redundancy, Layer 2 loops will occur if STP does not block redundant links.
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Job Aids
Note If you shut down an interface on a real router or switch, the connected device will see it as
"down/down". Due to virtualization specifics, IOL behaviour is slightly different. If you shut
down an interface on a router or switch, the connected device will see it as "up/up". In IOL,
the status of an interface can only be "up/up" or "administratively down/down".
Spanning-Tree Protocol
Step 1 Discover which switch is the root bridge.
Spanning tree enabled protocol ieee
Root ID Priority 32769
Address aabb.cc00.4500
Cost 100
Port 4 (Ethernet0/3)
Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec
Spanning tree enabled protocol ieee
Root ID Priority 32769
Address aabb.cc00.4500
Cost 100
Port 3 (Ethernet0/2)
Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec
208 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
SW1# show spanning-tree
Spanning tree enabled protocol ieee
Root ID Priority 32769
Address aabb.cc00.4500
This bridge is the root
Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec
SW1 is the root bridge. All three switches have the same priority, so the one with the lowest
MAC address is elected as the root bridge.
Since SW1 is the root bridge, it has both connected ports in designated (forwarding) state.
Because SW2 and SW3 are not the root bridge, one port must be elected root on each of these
two switches. This is the port with the lowest cost to the root bridge. As SW2 has lower bridge
ID than SW3, all ports on SW2 are set to designated. Other ports on SW3 are nondesignated.
NOTE: Cisco's PVSTP+ uses term "alternate" for nondesignated port.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 209
Changing STP Priority
You do not want the network to choose the root bridge by itself. If all switches have default STP priorities,
the switch with the lowest MAC address will become the root bridge. The oldest switch will have the lowest
MAC address, since the lower MAC addresses were factory-assigned first. To manually set the root bridge
you can change switch's priority.
210 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
In the example topology, you do not want access layer switch SW3 becoming the root bridge. If SW3 was
the root bridge, the link between distribution layer switches would get blocked. The traffic between SW1
and SW2 would then need to go through SW3, which is not optimal. You want distribution or core switches
to become the root bridge.
When changing the priority, you must set the correct values. The priority can be a value between 0 and
65,535 in increments of 4096. The default value is 32,768. With Per-VLAN spanning-tree, Extended
System ID is used for calculating Bridge Priority. The Priority reduces from 16 to 4 bits, as 12 bits represent
the VLAN ID. With 4-bit priority, there are 16 total combinations. The increment starts at 4096 and
increments another 15 times, until the value is 65,535. This means, you cannot change the priority from
32,768 to 32,789, but you have to add a multiple of 4096, so for example the next possible priority value
would be 36864.
The better solution is to use spanning-tree vlan vlan-id root {primary|secondary} command. This
command is actually a macro that lowers the switch's priority number in order for it to become the root
To configure the switch to become the root bridge for a specified VLAN, use the primary keyword. Use
secondary keyword to configure a secondary root bridge. If the primary root bridge fails, you do not want
the slowest, oldest access-layer switch becoming the root bridge!
If the current root priority is more than 24576, the local switch sets its priority to 24576. If the root bridge
has priority lower than 24576, than the local switch sets its priority to 4096 less than the one of the current
root bridge. Configuring the secondary root bridge sets priority of 28672. There is no way for the switch to
figure out what is the second best priority in the network. So setting the secondary priority to 28672 is just a
best guess.
If you issue show running-configuration command, you will see switch's priority as a number - not the
primary or secondary keyword.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 211
Note If the priority of the root bridge is set to 0, configuring another switch with root primary
command will yield no results. The command will fail since it cannot make local switch
priority for 4096 lower than that of the root bridge!
You can display status of the root bridge using show spanning-tree root command.
Step 4 Verify that SW2 is now the root bridge for VLAN 1.
Spanning tree enabled protocol ieee
Root ID Priority 24577
Address aabb.cc00.4600
This bridge is the root
Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec
Since SW2 is the root bridge, all of it's port will be in designated - forwarding. SW1 and SW3
have changed port roles according to the change of the root bridge.
212 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Port roles after configuring SW2 as the root bridge.
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STP Path Manipulation
For port role determination cost value is used. If all ports have the same cost, sender's port ID breaks the tie.
To control active port selection you can change the cost of the interface or sender's interface port ID.
You can modify port cost using spanning-tree vlan vlan-list cost cost-value command. The cost value can
be between 1 and 65,535.
Port ID consist of port priority and port number. As port number is fixed, because it is based only on its
hardware location, you can change port ID by configuring port priority.
You can modify port priority using spanning-tree vlan vlan-list port-priority port-priority command. The
value of port priority can be between 0 and 255, the default is 128. A lower port priority means more
preferred path to the root bridge.
In the given example Ethernet 0/1 and Ethernet 0/2 have the same interface STP cost. Ethernet 0/1 is
forwarding because it's sender's port ID (128.2) is lower than that of Ethernet 0/2 (128.4). One way that you
could make SW3's Ethernet 0/2 forwarding is to lower the port cost on Ethernet 0/2. Another way to make
SW3's Ethernet 0/2 forwarding is to lower the sender's port priority. In this case this is Ethernet 0/3 on SW2.
Step 6 Make Ethernet 0/2 on SW3 the root port, by changing its cost.
Right now Ethernet 0/1 is the root port on SW because of the lower port priority. Ethernet 0/2
has port priority of 128.3 and Ethernet 0/1 has port priority of 128.2. Since you will change the
cost, port priority will not be observed. STP checks port priority only when costs are equal.
214 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Because interface Ethernet 0/2 now has lower cost, it is assigned as root port. STP reconsiders a
new path, so new port roles are assigned on SW1 and SW3. Since SW2 is the root bridge, it will
have all port designated - forwarding.
You have done this in order to observe STP convergence, that is how much time does STP need
to establish a new path after a link failure, in real time.
Observe how much it takes STP to notice the failure and make the redundant link forwarding.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 215
SW3(config)# interface Ethernet 0/2
SW3(config-if)# shutdown
*Nov 8 07:52:45.237: STP: VLAN0001 new root port Et0/1, cost 100
*Nov 8 07:52:45.237: STP: VLAN0001 Et0/1 -> listening
*Nov 8 07:52:45.237: STP[1]: Generating TC trap for port Ethernet0/2
*Nov 8 07:52:47.243: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Ethernet0/2, changed state to
administratively down
*Nov 8 07:52:47.243: STP: VLAN0001 sent Topology Change Notice on Et0/1
*Nov 8 07:52:48.245: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interfac
Ethernet0/2, changed state to down
*Nov 8 07:53:00.243: STP: VLAN0001 Et0/1 -> learning
*Nov 8 07:53:04.160: STP: VLAN0001 sent Topology Change Notice on Et0/1
*Nov 8 07:53:04.160: STP[1]: Generating TC trap for port Ethernet0/3
*Nov 8 07:53:04.160: STP: VLAN0001 Et0/3 -> blocking
*Nov 8 07:53:15.247: STP[1]: Generating TC trap for port Ethernet0/1
*Nov 8 07:53:15.247: STP: VLAN0001 Et0/1 -> forwarding
STP Timers
STP uses three different timers to ensure proper loop-free convergence.
The transition between port states takes from 30 to 50 seconds, depends on the topology change.
You can adjust STP timers. You can tune hello time between 1 and 10 seconds, forward delay between 4
and 30 seconds and maximum age between 6 and 40 seconds. However, the timer values should never be
216 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
changed without consideration. When changing the timers, you should apply changes only on the root
bridge. Root bridge will then propagate the timer values to other switches.
Note Normally you do not change the STP timers, you would instead use RSTP.
You can manually configure timers using spanning-tree [vlan vlan-id] {hello-time | forward-time | max-
age} seconds command. To verify configured STP timers, issue show spanning-tree vlan vlan-id
You have done that in order to observe how topology changes after failed interface comes back
SW3(config)# interface Ethernet 0/2
SW3(config-if)# no shutdown
Step 11 Observe how STP port roles get redefined after failed interface comes back up.
Port roles are again the same as they were before shutting down the interface. The port roles on
SW2 have not changed, since it is the root bridge and all ports are designated.
NOTE: After you bring Ethernet 0/2 on SW3 back up it will take around 30 seconds for STP to
make ports either forwarding or blocking.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 217
If all switches in the network, except one, are running Rapid STP, the interfaces that lead to
legacy STP switches will automatically fall-back to non-rapid STP. In case of Cisco's switches,
they will fall-back to PVST+. You can check, that all of the switched have RSTP configured by
observing the convergence time.
Spanning tree enabled protocol rstp
<... output omitted ...>
Spanning tree enabled protocol rstp
<... output omitted ...>
Spanning tree enabled protocol rstp
<... output omitted ...>
If you want to observe the port states recalculation, you have to trigger a topology change. One
of the options is to shut down the interface.
How much time it will take spanning tree to converge now that you enabled the rapid version?
SW3(config)# interface Ethernet 0/2
SW3(config-if)# shutdown
The convergence time of RSTP is much shorter than of STP. The entire convergence happens at
the speed of BPDU transmission. That can be less than one second.
218 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
RSTP Port Roles
The port role defines the ultimate purpose of a switch port and the way it handles data frames. With RSTP,
port roles are slightly different than with STP.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 219
Note You will probably not see Backup port role in practice. It is used only when switches are
connected to a shared segment. To build shared segments, you need hubs and these are
220 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Comparison of RSTP and STP Port States
The RSTP port states correspond to the three basic operations of a switch port: discarding, learning, and
forwarding. There is no listening state as it was with STP. Listening and Blocking STP states are replaced
with discarding state.
In a stable topology, RSTP ensures that every root port and designated port transit to forwarding, while all
alternate ports and backup ports are always in the discarding state.
The characteristics of RSTP port states:
Discarding This state is seen in both a stable active topology and during topology synchronization and
changes. The discarding state prevents the forw arding of data frames, thus “breaking” the continuity
of a Layer 2 loop.
Learning This state is seen in both a stable active topology and during topology synchronization and
changes. The learning state accepts data frames to populate the MAC table to limit flooding of
unknow n unicast frames.
Forw arding This state is seen only in stable active topologies. The forw arding sw itch ports determine the
topology. Follow ing a topology change, or during synchronization, the forw arding of data frames
occurs only after a proposal and agreement process.
A port will accept and process BPDU frames in all port states.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 221
STP Topology Changes
When a switch moves a port into the Forwarding state or into Blocking state, we can talk about STP
topology changes.
Switch announces a topology change by sending TCN BPDU out from the root port. This BPDU does not
contain data about the change, but it only informs other switches in the network, that the change has
When the root bridge receives the TCN BPDU, it first sends an acknowledgement BPDU (TCA) to the
switch that it received the TCN from. Root bridge then signals the topology change to other switches in the
network, by changing Topology Change Flag in its BPDU (TC). Switches then shorten their bridge table
aging times to the Forward Delay time.
222 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
There are three types of topology change:
• A direct topology change can be detected on an interface. In the figure, SW4 has detected a link failure
on one of the interfaces. It then sends out a TCN message on the root port to reach the root bridge.
SW1, the root bridge, then announces the topology change to other switches in the network. All
switches shorten their bridging table aging time to the Forward Delay. That way they get new
associations of port and MAC address after 15 seconds, not after 300 seconds, which is the default
bridging table aging time. The convergence time in that case is two times the Forward Delay period, so
30 seconds.
• With an indirect topology change, the link status stays up. Something, for example another device
such as firewall, on the link has failed or is filtering traffic and no data is received on each side of the
link. Because there is no link failure, no TCN messages are sent. The topology change is detected as
there are no BPDUs from the root bridge. With indirect link failure, the topology does not change
immediately but the STP converges again, thanks to timer mechanisms. The convergence time in that
case is longer than with direct topology change, around 50 seconds.
• Insignificant topology change would occur if, for example, PC connected to SW4 was turned off.
Event causes SW4 to send out TCNs. However, since none of the switches had to change port states to
reach the root bridge no actual topology change occurred. The only consequence of shutting down the
PC is that all switches will age-out entries from CAM table sooner than normal. This can become a
problem if you have a lot of PCs. A lot of PCs going up and down can cause a lot of TCN exchanges.
To avoid that you can enable PortFast on end-user ports. If a PortFast-enabled port goes up or down a
TCN is not generated.
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RSTP Topology Changes
For RSTP, a topology change is only when a nonedge port transitions to the Forwarding state. This means a
loss of connectivity is not considered as a topology change any more, contrary to STP.
Switch announces a topology change by sending BPDUs with TC bit set, out from all the nonedge
designated ports. This way all the neighbors are informed about the topology change, so they can correct
their bridging tables.
In the figure, SW4 sends BPDUs out of all its ports after it detects a link failure. SW2 then sends the BPDU
to all its neighbors, except the one that received the BPDU from SW4, and so on.
When a switch receives a BPDU with TC bit set from a neighbor it clear the MAC addresses learned on all
its ports, except the one that receivs the topology change. The switch also BPDUs with TC bit set on all
designated ports and root port.
RSTP no longer uses the specific TCN BPDU, unless legacy bridge needs to be notified.
With RSTP, the TC propagation is now a one step process. In fact, the initiator of the topology change
floods this information throughout the network, as opposed to 802.1D where only the root did. This
mechanism is much faster than the 802.1D equivalent. There is no need to wait for the root bridge to be
notified and then maintain the topology change state for the whole network for <max age plus forward
delay> seconds. In just a few seconds, or a small multiple of hello-times, most of the entries in the CAM
tables of the entire network (VLAN) flush. This approach results in potentially more temporary flooding,
but on the other hand it clears potential stale information that prevents rapid connectivity restitution.
Why does RSTP not consider link failure a topology change? Loss of connectivity does not provide new
paths in topology. If a switch loses the link to downstream switch, the downstream switch either has an
alternate path to the root bridge or it does not. If the down stream switch has no alternate patch, no action
will be taken to improve convergence. If the downstream switch has an alternate path, the downstream
switch will unblock it and consequently generate its own BPDUs with TC bit set.
224 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Like with STP, PortFast-enabled ports do not create topology changes. This reduces the amount of topology
change messages flooding. PortFast-enabled ports do not have associated MAC addresses flushed if a
topology change message is received.
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RSTP Link Types
Link type provides a categorization for each port participating in RSTP.
The link type can predetermine the active role that the port plays as it stands by for immediate transition to a
forwarding state. These parameters are different for edge ports and nonedge ports. Nonedge ports are
categorized into two link types.
Link type is automatically determined but can be overwritten with an explicit port configuration.
Edge port is a switch port that is never intended to be connected to another switch device. Edge ports,
equivalent of point-to-point link, are candidates for rapid transition to a forwarding state. Before the link
type parameter can be considered for expedient port transition, RSTP must determine the port role.
Root ports: Do not use the link type parameter. Root ports are able to make a rapid transition to the
forwarding state as soon as the port is in the sync state.
Alternative and backup ports: In most cases do not use the link type parameter
Designated ports: Make the most use of the link type parameter. Rapid transition to the forwarding state for
the designated port occurs only if the link type parameter indicates a point-to-point link.
226 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
You can verify the port type by issuing the show spanning-tree command:
Switch# show spanning tree
<... output omitted ...>
Note Edge port has only a single host that is connected to it. If edge port ever receives BPDU, it
immediately loses the edge port status.
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This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this lesson.
228 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Lesson 2: Implementing STP
Stability Mechanisms
STP is a very mature protocol, benefiting from years of development and production deployment. However,
STP makes assumptions about the quality of the network, and the protocol can fail. Those failures are
generally high-profile failures because of the extent to which they impact the network. STP is designed to
never open a loop, even temporarily, during its operation. However, like any protocol, it is based on some
assumptions that might not be valid in the network. To help STP converge faster and for the protocol
behavior to match your network infrastructure, several features are available to filter the way that BPDUs
are sent or received, and to alter the way the network should react in case of an unexpected network
topology change.
Upon completing this lesson, you will be able to meet these objectives:
• List and briefly explain Cisco STP Toolkit
• Describe UplinkFast
• Configure BackboneFast
• Decribe how to configure PortFast
• Describe how to configure BPDUGuard
• Describe how to configure BPDUFilter
• Describe how to configure RootGuard
• Describe the problem with unidirectional links
• Describe LoopGuard
• Configure LoopGuard
• Verify LoopGuard configuration
• Describe how UDLD detects an unidirectional link and what action does it take
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 229
• Configure UDLD
• Compare UDLD to LoopGuard
• Describe the recommended practice for the UDLD implementation
• Describe the recommended practice for the implementation of STP stability mechanisms
• Describe how to configure FlexLinks
230 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Cisco STP Toolkit
The Cisco Spanning Tree Protocol Toolkit provides tools to better manage STP.
PortFast, UplinkFast, and BackboneFast improve convergence times of non-rapid STP protocol. Other tools
provide stability and protect the network from STP failures if used properly.
UplinkFast and BackboneFast are mechanisms that can only be enabled with non-raipd STP. Both of these
two mechanisms are integrated into Rapid STP versions. Therefore you do not need to enable them.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 231
If forwarding uplink fails, it will take 30-50 seconds for the other uplink to take over. UplinkFast is a Cisco
proprietary solution that greatly reduces convergence time.
The UplinkFast feature is based on the definition of an uplink group. On a given switch, the uplink group
consists of the root port and all the ports that provide an alternate connection to the root bridge. If the root
port fails, which means if the primary uplink fails, a port with next lowest cost from the uplink group is
selected to immediately replace it.
To accelerate the recovery time, the access layer switch will start announcing all MAC addresses as source
addresses in dummy multicast frames that are sent upstream through the new forwarding port. The total time
to recover the primary link failure will be normally less than a second.
In the figure, if ASW's Ethernet 0/1 (root port) fails Ethernet 0/2 will become active immediately if ASW
has UplinkFast enabled.
UplinkFast only works when the switch has blocked ports. The feature is typically designed for an access
switch that has redundant blocked uplinks. When you enable UplinkFast, it is enabled for the entire switch
and cannot be enabled for individual VLANs.
232 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
UplinkFast is a Cisco proprietary feature.
UplinkFast statistics
Number of transitions via uplinkFast (all VLANs) : 2
Number of proxy multicast addresses transmitted (all VLANs) : 0
With Rapid STP UplinkFast mechanism is already integrated into the protocol in a standards-based way.
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In the network backbone, core or distribution layer, BackboneFast can be used to fasten convergence times
of non-rapid STP. When an indirect link failure occurs, BackboneFast checks whether an alternative path
exists to the root bridge. Indirect failure is when a link that is not directly connected to a switch fails.
DSW3 is the root bridge and DSW2 is the one blocking DSW3's alternate path to DSW1. When DSW1's
root port fails, DSW1 declares itself the root bridge and starts sending BPDUs to all switches it's connected
to - in this case only DSW2. These BPDUs are inferior. When a switch receives an inferior BPDU on a
blocked port, it runs a procedure to validate that it still has an active path to the currently known root bridge.
Normally a switch must wait for the Max_Age timer to expire before responding to the inferior BPDUs.
However BackboneFast searches for an alternative path:
• If the inferior BPDU arrives on a port that is blocked, the switch assumes that the root port and all other
blocked ports are an alternative path.
• If the inferior BPDU arrives on a port that is root, the switch assumes all blocked are an alternative path.
If no ports are blocked then the switch assumes that it lost connectivity with the root bridge and
considers itself as the root bridge.
In the example, inferior BPDU is received on a blocked port. DSW2 assumes that root port (connects to
DSW4) is an alternative path to the root bridge.
After the switch identifies potential alternative ports, it starts sending RLQ. By sending these queries, it
finds out if upstream switches have a path to the root bridge.
When a switch, which is either the root bridge or has a connection to the root bridge, receives an RLQ
Query, the switch sends back a RLQ Reply. Otherwise RLQ Query gets forwarded until it gets to a switch
that is the root bridge or has a connection to the root bridge.
234 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
If exchange of RLQ messages results in validation that root bridge (DSW3) is still accessible, than switch
(DSW2) starts sending existing root bridge information to the bridge that lost connectivity through it's root
port (DSW1). In case that this validation would fail, then DSW2 can start the root bridge election process.
In either of these cases, if validation is successful or not, Max_Age time is shortened.
BackboneFast was implemented into Rapid STP. RSTP implementation differs a bit from BackboneFast.
Where BackboneFast relies on RLQ messages to validate the current root bridge, RSTP relies on cached
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 235
An end-user PC connects to access-layer switches. When the PC is turned on, STP will have to go through
all the states - blocking, listening, learning, and eventually forwarding. With the default STP timers this
transition will take about 30 seconds. 15 seconds for listening to learning and 15 seconds from learning to
forwarding. PC won't be able to transmit or receive data before the switch transitions the port to forwarding
state. How can this affect the user PC? PC might run into trouble with acquiring of DHCP addresses in first
try - thus it will take quite some time for the PC to become operational.
When you enable PortFast, port will transition immediately from blocking to forwarding.
236 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
An additional benefit of using PortFast is that TCN BPDUs are not sent when a switch port in PortFast
mode goes up or down. In a large network, PCs might go up and down, and that can mean a lot of TCNs if
your access ports are not configured with PortFast.
By default PortFast is disabled on all switch ports. There are two ways you can configure PortFast—per-
port and globally. If you configure PortFast globally that is a conditional configuration—all ports that are
configured as access will automatically become PortFast-enabled. If you configure PortFast globally, then
ports that are PortFast enabled will immediately transition to forwarding. That is unless they receive a
BPDU. In that case that port will go into blocking mode. If you configure PortFast per-port, then in some
implementations, that can be an unconditional configuration. Port will be PortFast-enabled even if it
receives BPDUs.
To configure PortFast on port-per-port basis, use the following interface configuration command:
ASW(config-if)# spanning-tree portfast
To configure PortFast for all ports on the switch, use the following global configuration command:
ASW(config)# spanning-tree portfast default
Note Never use the PortFast feature on switch ports that connect to other switches, hubs, or
routers. These connections can cause physical loops, and spanning tree must go through
the full initialization procedure in these situations. A spanning tree loop can bring your
network down. If you turn on PortFast for a port that is part of a physical loop, there can be a
window of time when packets are continuously forwarded (and can even multiply) in such a
way that the network cannot recover.
You can also enable PortFast on trunk ports. This is useful if you have a trunk enabled for a host such as a
server that needs multiple VLANs. To enable a port for PortFast on an interface that connects to such
server, use the following interface configuration command:
ASW(config-if)# spanning-tree portfast trunk
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 237
To display the current status of PortFast, use the following command:
ASW# show spanning-tree interface ethernet 0/0 portfast
VLAN0001 enabled
You must only configure PortFast on interfaces that connect to end-devices such as PCs and servers.
Otherwise, you risk creating a loop and bringing down your network.
With RSTP PortFast is enabled with the same commands. However these single-host ports are called Edge
ports. But why would you want to enable PortFast in RSTP since convergence times are much shorter? If
you have numerous end-devices in your network and, they are going up-and-down all the time that can
mean many STP recalculations. Defining the Edge ports reduces the number of STP recalculations.
238 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Securing PortFast Interface with BPDUGuard
Even though PortFast is enabled, the interface will listen for BPDUs. If BPDU is received, then port will be
moved into a blocking state. However, a loop can only be detected in a finite amount of time—some time is
needed to move a port into a blocked state.
BPDUGuard protects the integrity of ports that are PortFast-enabled. If any BPDU is received on a PortFast-
enabled port, that port is put into error-disabled state. That means the port is shut down and must be
manually re-enabled or automatically recovered through the error-disabled timeout function.
This is an example CLI notification that you would get if a switch was connected to a port that has
BPDUGuard enabled:
%SPANTREE-2-BLOCK_BPDUGUARD: Received BPDU on port Et0/0 with BPDU Guard enabled.
Disabling port.
%PM-4-ERR_DISABLE: bpduguard error detected on Et0/0, putting Et0/0 in err-disable
You should always enable BPDUGuard on all PortFast-enabled ports! This will prevent adding a switch to a
switchport that is dedicated to an end-device.
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BPDUGuard does not prevent all loop occurrences. A hub or some unmanaged switches do not send
BPDUs, therefore, BPDUGuard will not be able to detect them. If a hub or a switch connects to two
locations in a network, you might end up with a loop in your network.
By default BPDUGuard is disabled on all switch ports. Like with PortFast, there are two ways to configure
BPDUGuard-globally and per-port.
To configure BPDUGuard on a port, use the following interface configuration command:
ASW(config-if)# spanning-tree bpduguard enable
To configure BPDUGuard by default on all switchports that are PortFast-enabled use the following global
configuration command:
ASW(config)# spanning-tree portfast bpduguard default
So global configuration is conditional-if the port is not PortFast-enabled, BPDU guard will not be activated!
To verify if BPDUGuard is enabled use the following command:
ASW# show spanning-tree summary totals
240 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Disabling STP with BPDUFilter
BPDUs are sent on all ports, even if they are PortFast-enabled. You should always run STP to prevent
loops. But there are special cases where you need to prevent from BPDUs being sent out. You can achieve
that by using BPDUFilter.
Configuring BPDUFilter so that all configuration BPDUs received on a port are dropped can be useful for
service provider environments, where a service provider provides Layer 2 Ethernet access for customers.
Ideally, the service provider does not want to share any spanning-tree information with customers, because
such sharing might jeopardize the stability of the service provider's internal spanning-tree topology. By
configuring PortFast and BPDUFilter on each customer access port, the service provider will not send any
configuration BPDUs to customers and will ignore any configuration BPDUs sent from customers.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 241
This kind of configuration sometimes appears in companies where there are multiple administrators. A
similar situation occurs as with service provider described example. This is a bad implementation practice.
Note An explicit configuration of PortFast BPDUFilter on a port that is not connected to a host
station can result in bridging loops. The port ignores any incoming BPDUs and changes to
the forwarding state. This does not occur when PortFast BPDUFilter is enabled globally.
To configure BPDUFilter on a specific port, use the following interface configuration command:
Switch(config-if)# spanning-tree bpdufilter enable
To configure BPDUFilter on all switchports that are PortFast-enabled use the following global configuration
242 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Switch(config)# spanning-tree portfast bpdufilter default
Note If you configure BPDUGuard and BPDUFilter on a switch, only BPDUFilter will be active!
BPDUFIlter is an older mechanism than BPDUGuard. Never implement BPDUGuard and
BPDUFilter on the same interface!
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 243
Discovery 8: RootGuard
In this discovery, you will learn the role of RootGuard and how to configure it.
244 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Topology in this lab has three switches. ASW is acting as an access layer switch. Other two switches are
core layer switches. The whole network is in VLAN 1.
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Job Aids
Note If you shut down an interface on a real router or switch, the connected device will see it as
"down/down". Due to virtualization specifics, IOL behaviour is slightly different. If you shut
down an interface on a router or switch, the connected device will see it as "up/up". In IOL,
the status of an interface can only be "up/up" or "administratively down/down".
Step 1 Validate that DSW1 is the root bridge for VLAN 1. Investigate which links are being blocked by
Spanning tree enabled protocol rstp
Root ID Priority 28673
Address aabb.cc00.3700
This bridge is the root
Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec
Currently DSW1 is the root bridge for VLAN1. It's BID is 28673 (priority 28672 + VLAN 1).
Since it is the root, interfaces that connect to DSW2 and ASW are forwarding traffic.
246 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
DSW2# show spanning-tree
Spanning tree enabled protocol rstp
Root ID Priority 28673
Address aabb.cc00.3700
Cost 10
Port 2 (Ethernet0/1)
Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec
DSW2 has a BID of 32769 (priority 32768 + VLAN 1). Interfaces connecting to DSW1 and
ASW are both in forwarding state.
ASW# show spanning-tree
Spanning tree enabled protocol rstp
Root ID Priority 28673
Address aabb.cc00.3700
Cost 100
Port 2 (Ethernet0/1)
Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec
ASW has a BID of 32769 (priority 32768 + VLAN 1). Interface connecting to DSW1 is
forwarding. Interface connecting to DSW2 is in blocking state.
DSW1 is the root bridge for VLAN 1 with priority of 28672. You can, for example, assign ASW
an STP priority of 20480 and it will become the root bridge. The lower Bridge ID wins root
bridge election.
ASW(config)# spanning-tree vlan 1 priority 20480
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 247
Step 3 Verify that ASW is the root bridge for VLAN 1. Investigate which ports are now blocked by
Spanning tree enabled protocol rstp
Root ID Priority 20481
Address aabb.cc00.3600
This bridge is the root
Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec
ASW is indeed the root bridge and has all ports forwarding.
Spanning tree enabled protocol rstp
Root ID Priority 20481
Address aabb.cc00.3600
Cost 100
Port 1 (Ethernet0/0)
Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec
248 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
DSW2# show spanning-tree
Spanning tree enabled protocol rstp
Root ID Priority 20481
Address aabb.cc00.3600
Cost 100
Port 1 (Ethernet0/0)
Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec
DSW2 has link towards ASW forwarding and port towards DSW1 blocked.
In the figure, switches DSW1 and DSW2 are the core of the network. DSW1 is the root bridge for VLAN 1.
ASW is an access layer switch. The link between DSW2 and ASW is blocking on the switch ASW side.
If Bridge ID of ASW is lowered, then ASW will become the root bridge. How can STP Bridge ID get
lowered? Maybe you changed it manually. Or ASW failed, you needed a quick replacement and you forgot
to erase a backup that you pulled out of a lab setup. Either way, the result is ASW being the root bridge.
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Since ASW is the root bridge the link between DSW1 and DSW2 is not passing traffic. That link is blocked
on DSW2 side. This is clearly unwanted behavior since all traffic between these two switches must now go
through ASW - an access layer switch.
RootGuard limits the switch ports out of which the root bridge may be negotiated. If a RootGuard-enabled
port receives BPDUs that are superior to those being sent by the current root bridge, then that port will be
moved to a root-inconsistent state, which is effectively equal to an STP listening state.
Step 4 On ASW change STP priority for VLAN 1 back to the default value.
Step 5 Verify that ASW is back at being non-root bridge for VLAN 1. Ethernet 0/2 should be back
being blocked by STP.
Spanning tree enabled protocol rstp
Root ID Priority 28673
Address aabb.cc00.3700
Cost 100
Port 2 (Ethernet0/1)
Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec
The network has now the original, desired topology where DSW1 is the root bridge and ASW
has one of the two uplinks blocked.
250 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Where Should RootGuard be Configured?
Ethernet 0/0 on DSW1 connects to ASW. You do not want ASW to become the Root Bridge, so
configure Ethernet 0/0 with RootGuard.
Ethernet 0/0 on DSW2 connects to ASW. You do not want ASW to become the root bridge, so
configure Ethernet 0/0 with RootGuard.
To verify if RootGuard is configured under individual port use the show running-config
interface interface slot/number command.
Step 7 Try to make ASW the root bridge for VLAN 1 again.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 251
*Nov 8 07:48:54.875: %SPANTREE-2-ROOTGUARD_BLOCK: Root guard blocking port
Ethernet0/0 on VLAN0001.
*Nov 8 07:48:54.875: %SPANTREE-2-ROOTGUARD_BLOCK: Root guard blocking port
Ethernet0/0 on VLAN0001.
DSW1 and DSW2 are informing you that they detected a switch sending superior BPDU through
ports that are configured with RootGuard.
Step 9 Verify that DSW1 is still the root bridge, even though ASW has a better bridge ID.
Spanning tree enabled protocol rstp
Root ID Priority 28673
Address aabb.cc00.3700
This bridge is the root
Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec
DSW1 is still the root bridge. However, when DSW1 received a superior BPDU on RootGuard-
enabled port, it got marked as Root Inconsistent. No data traffic will be able to go across this
port - it is effectively an equal of STP listening state.
If you would issue show spanning-tree command on DSW2 you would see similar results - link
towards ASW would be root inconsistent.
If you issue show spanning-tree on ASW, you can see that ASW also thinks it is the root
bridge. This is because DSW1 and DSW2 can only ignore BPDUs from ASW, they cannot "tell"
ASW that it has no business being the root bridge!
Step 10 Use show spanning-tree inconsistentports on DSW2 verify which ports are root inconsistent.
Port Ethernet 0/0, the one that connects to ASW is root inconsistent.
252 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
If you use show spanning-tree inconsistentports on DSW1 you will see similar output.
In the example as soon as you configure ASW with a higher (worse) priority that DSW1, RootGuard will
unblock ports on DSW1 and DSW2:
*Nov 8 08:26:37.491: %SPANTREE-2-ROOTGUARD_UNBLOCK: Root guard unblocking port
Ethernet0/0 on VLAN0001.
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The Problem with Unidirectional Links
With bidirectional links traffic flows in both directions. If for some reason one direction traffic flow fails,
that results into a unidirectional link. Unidirectional link can result into a Layer 2 loop.
So what would happen if transmit circuitry in gigabit interface converter or SPF (small form-factor
pluggable transceiver) module failed?
254 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
In the example, SW1 has a port, which is connected to SW2 and blocked by STP. Because SW1 is no longer
receiving BPDUs from SW2, SW1 will proceed to unblock the port.
Final result will be that all ports in the topology are forwarding. The result is a Layer 2 loop.
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LoopGuard Overview
The STP LoopGuard feature provides additional protection against Layer 2 loops.
A Layer 2 loop is created when an STP blocking port in a redundant topology erroneously transitions to the
forwarding state. This usually happens because one of the ports of a physically redundant topology (not
necessarily the STP blocking port) no longer receives STP BPDUs. In its operation, STP relies on
continuous reception or transmission of BPDUs based on the port role. The designated port transmits
BPDUs, and the non-designated port receives BPDUs.
When one of the ports in a physically redundant topology no longer receives BPDUs, the STP conceives
that the topology is loop free. Eventually, the blocking port from the alternate or backup port becomes
designated and moves to a forwarding state. This situation creates a loop.
The LoopGuard feature makes additional checks. If BPDUs are not received on a non-designated port, and
LoopGuard is enabled, that port is moved into the STP loop-inconsistent blocking state, instead of the
listening / learning / forwarding state. Without the LoopGuard feature, the port assumes the designated port
role. The port moves to the STP forwarding state and creates a loop.
When the LoopGuard blocks an inconsistent port, this message is logged:
%SPANTREE-2-LOOPGUARD_BLOCK: LoopGuard blocking port FastEthernet0/24 o VLAN0050.
Once the BPDU is received on a port in a loop-inconsistent STP state, the port transitions into another STP
state. According to the received BPDU, this means that the recovery is automatic and intervention is not
necessary. After recovery, this message is logged:
%SPANTREE-2-LOOPGUARD_UNBLOCK: LoopGuard unblocking port FastEthernet0/24 VLAN0050.
In the example switch A is the root. Switch C does not receive BPDUs from switch B due to unidirectional
link failure on the link between switch B and switch C. Without LoopGuard, the STP blocking port on
switch C transitions to the STP listening state when the Max_Age timer expires, and then it transitions to the
256 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
forwarding state in two times the forward_delay time. This situation creates a loop. With LoopGuard
enabled, the blocking port on switch C transitions into STP loop-inconsistent state when the Max_Age timer
expires. A port in STP loop-inconsistent state does not pass user traffic, so a loop is not created. The loop-
inconsistent state is effectively equal to blocking state.
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LoopGuard Configuration
The LoopGuard feature is enabled on a per-port basis. However, as long as it blocks the port on the STP
level, LoopGuard blocks inconsistent ports on a per-VLAN basis (because of per-VLAN STP). That is, if
BPDUs are not received on the trunk port for only one particular VLAN, only that VLAN is blocked
(moved to loop-inconsistent STP state). For the same reason, if enabled on an EtherChannel interface, the
entire channel is blocked for a particular VLAN, not just one link (because EtherChannel is regarded as one
logical port from the STP point of view).
258 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
On which ports should the LoopGuard be enabled? The most obvious answer is on the blocking ports.
However, this is not totally correct. LoopGuard must be enabled on the non-designated ports (more
precisely, on root and alternate ports) for all possible combinations of active topologies. As long as the loop
guard is not a per-VLAN feature, the same (trunk) port might be designated for one VLAN and non-
designated for the other. The possible failover scenarios should also be taken into account.
By default, LoopGuard is disabled. You can configure LoopGuard globally or on a port-per-port basis.
If you enable LoopGuard globally, then effectively, it is enabled on all point-to-point links. The point-to-
point link is detected by the duplex status of the link. If duplex is full, the link is considered point-to-point.
It is still possible to configure, or override, global settings on a per-port basis.
The RootGuard is mutually exclusive with the LoopGuard. The RootGuard is used on designated ports, and
it does not allow the port to become non-designated. The LoopGuard works on non-designated ports and
does not allow the port to become designated through the expiration of Max_Age. The RootGuard cannot be
enabled on the same port as the LoopGuard. When the LoopGuard is configured on the port, it disables the
RootGuard configured on the same port.
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LoopGuard Verification
260 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
UDLD Overview
UDLD is a Cisco proprietary protocol that detects unidirectional links and prevents from Layer 2 loops from
UDLD is a Layer 2 protocol that works with the Layer 1 mechanisms to determine the physical status of a
link. If one fiber strand in a pair is disconnected, autonegotiation will not allow the link to become active or
stay up. If both fiber strands are operant from a Layer 1 perspective, UDLD determines if traffic is flowing
bidirectionally between the correct neighbors.
The switch periodically transmits UDLD packets on an interface with UDLD enabled. If the packets are not
echoed back within a specific time frame, the link is flagged as unidirectional and the interface is error-
disabled. Devices on both ends of the link must support UDLD for the protocol to successfully identify and
disable unidirectional links.
Both UDLD peers discover each other by exchanging special frames that are sent to well-known MAC
address 01:00:0C:CC:CC:CC.
Although the UDLD protocol falls outside of STP, UDLD has numerous benefits that make it essential in a
Layer 2 network. The function of UDLD is to prevent one-way communication between adjacent devices.
In an EtherChannel bundle, UDLD will error-disabled only the physical link that has failed.
UDLD messages are sent at regular intervals. This timer can be modified. The default setting varies between
platforms. Typical value is 15 seconds.
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UDLD is a Cisco proprietary protocol that is also defined in RFC 5171.
After UDLD detects unidirectional link it can take two courses of action - depending on configured mode.
• Normal mode - When unidirectional link is detected the port is allowed to continue its operation.
UDLD just marks the port as having an undetermined state. A Syslog message is generated.
• Aggressive mode - When a unidirectional link is detected the switch tries to re-establish the link. It
sends one message a second, for 8 seconds. If none of these messages is sent back, the port is placed in
error-disabled state.
262 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
UDLD Configuration
You configure UDLD on per-port basis. However you can enable UDLD for all fiber-optic ports globally.
For normal mode, use the enable keyword. For aggressive mode specify the aggressive keyword.
Default status for the UDLD on a global and an interface basis:
UDLD per-interface enable state for fiber-optic Enabled on all Ethernet fiber-optic interfaces.
UDLD per-interface enable state for tw isted-pair Disabled on all Ethernet 10 or 100 and 1000BASE-TX interfaces.
(copper) media
To display the UDLD status for the specified interface or for all interfaces, use the show udld [interface
slot/number] privileged EXEC command.
Use udld reset command to reset all the interfaces that were shut down by UDLD. You can achieve the
same thing by first shutting down the interface and then bringing it back up.
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Comparing LoopGuard with UDLD
LoopGuard and UDLD functionality overlap, partly in the sense that both protect against STP failures that
are caused by unidirectional links. However, these two features differ in functionality and how they
approach the problem.
UDLD provides no protection against STP failures that are caused by software and that result in the
designated switch not sending BPDUs. However, this type of failure is less common than problems caused
by a hardware failure.
On an EtherChannel bundle, UDLD will disable individual failed links. The channel itself remains
functional if other links are available. LoopGuard will put the entire channel into a loop-inconsistent state if
any physical link in the bundle fails.
LoopGuard does not work on shared links or on a link that has been unidirectional since its initial setup.
Enabling both UDLD and LoopGuard provides the highest level of protection.
264 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
UDLD Recommended Practices
UDLD supports both fiberoptic and copper Ethernet cables that are connected to LAN ports.
A recommended practice is to enable UDLD aggressive mode in all environments where fiber-optic
interconnections are used.
You should enable UDLD in global mode so that you do not have to enable it on every individual fiber-
optic interface.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 265
STP Stability Mechanisms Recommendations
Spanning tree should be used, and its topology should be controlled by root bridge manual designation.
Once the tree is created, use the Cisco Spanning Tree Protocol Toolkit to enhance the overall mechanism
performances and to reduce the time that is lost during topology changes.
The Cisco Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol implementation is far superior to 802.1D STP and even to PVST+
from a convergence perspective. It greatly improves the restoration times for any VLAN that requires a
topology convergence due to linkup, and it also greatly improves the convergence time over BackboneFast
for any indirect link failures and UplinkFast for any uplink failures.
Note Examples where you will need to implement BPDUFilters are very rare. Under no
circumstances use BPDUFilter and BPDUGuard on the same interface.
266 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Note If a network includes other vendor switches, you should isolate the different STP domains
with Layer 3 routing to avoid STP compatibility issues.
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FlexLink is a Layer 2 availability feature that gives convergence of 50-100ms. Flex links are Cisco
proprietary. Configuration automatically disables STP on affected ports.
FlexLinks are a pair of a Layer 2 interfaces, where one interface is configured to act as a backup to the
other. FlexLinks are typically configured in service-provider or enterprise networks where customers do not
want to run STP. FlexLinks provide link-level redundancy that is an alternative to STP. STP is
automatically disabled on FlexLinks interfaces.
To configure the FlexLinks feature, you configure one Layer 2 interface as the standby link for the link that
you want to be primary. With FlexLinks configured for a pair of interfaces, only one of the interfaces is in
the linkup state and is forwarding traffic. If the primary link shuts down, the standby link starts forwarding
traffic. When the inactive link comes back up, it goes into standby mode.
In the example, ports FastEthernet 0/1 and FastEthernet 0/2 on switch A are connected to uplink switches B
and C. Because they are configured as Flex Links, only one of the interfaces is forwarding traffic and the
other one is in standby mode. If FastEthernet 0/1 is the active link, it begins forwarding traffic between port
Ethernet 0/1 and switch B; the link between FastEthernet 0/2 (the backup link) and switch C is not
forwarding traffic. If port FastEthernet 0/1 goes down, port FastEtherent 0/2 comes up and starts forwarding
traffic to switch C. When port Ethernet0/1 comes back up, it goes into standby mode and does not forward
traffic; port FastEthernet 0/2 continues to forward traffic.
Note Example shows a simple configuration of an access layer switch. However you can
configure FlexLink even on much more complex switch networks. You will have to take
special care to avoid creating a loop in topology. None of the converged state can have a
topology loop. Configuring Flex link outside access layer switches can be very complex.
268 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Note After primary link comes back up, it will not take over forwarding of traffic. Preemption is not
enabled for FlexLink by default - it needs to be configured.
If a primary (forwarding) link goes down, a trap notifies the network management stations. If the standby
link goes down, a trap notifies the users.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 269
PC over FastEthernet 0/2. Switch C learns the PC MAC address on FastEthernet 0/4 and start forwarding
traffic from the server to the PC out of FastEthernet 0/4. One dummy multicast packet is sent out for every
MAC address.
270 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this lesson.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 271
Lesson 3: Implementing
Multiple Spanning Tree
The 802.1Q and PVST+ represent two extremes of STP operation. 802.1Q has only a single instance for all
VLANs in the network. If your network is running 1000 VLANs, only one instance runs for all 1000
VLANs. With PVST+ one instance is used for each active VLAN in the network. If your network has 1000
VLANs, there will be 1000 independent instances of STP running.
MST is a concept of mapping one or more VLANs to a single STP instance.
Upon completing this lesson, you will be able to meet these objectives:
• Describe when and why to use MST
• Identify the role of MST regions
• Describe MST Instances
• Describe the Extended System ID for MST
• Configure MST
• Verify MST
• Configure MST Path Cost
• Configure MST Port Priority
• Describe recommended practices when migrating a network to MST
• Describe the MST recommended practices
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Introducing Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol
The main purpose of MST is to reduce the total number of spanning-tree instances to match the physical
topology of the network. Reducing the total number of spanning-tree instances will reduce the CPU loading
of a switch. The number of instances of spanning tree is reduced to the number of links (that is, active paths)
that are available.
In the example PVST+ was implemented. There could be up to 4094 instances of spanning tree, each with
its own BPDU conversations, root bridge election, and path selections.
Imagine an example where the goal would be to achieve load distribution with VLANs 1 through 500 using
one path and VLANs 501 through 1000 using the other path. Instead of creating 1000 PVST+ instances, you
can use MST with only two instances of spanning tree. The two ranges of VLANs are mapped to two MST
instances, respectively. Rather than maintaining 1000 spanning trees, each switch needs to maintain only
Implemented in this fashion, MST converges faster than PVST+ and is backward-compatible with 802.1D
STP, 802.1w RSTP, and the Cisco PVST+ architecture. Implementation of MST is not required if the Cisco
Enterprise Campus Architecture is being employed, because the number of active VLAN instances, and
hence the STP instances, would be small and very stable due to the design.
MST allows you to build multiple spanning trees over trunks by grouping VLANs and associating them
with spanning-tree instances. Each instance can have a topology independent of other spanning-tree
instances. This architecture provides multiple active forwarding paths for data traffic and enables load
Network fault tolerance is improved over CST because a failure in one instance (forwarding path) does not
necessarily affect other instances. This VLAN-to-MST grouping must be consistent across all bridges
within an MST region. Interconnected bridges that have the same MST configuration are referred to as a
MST region.
274 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
In large networks, you can more easily administer the network and use redundant paths by locating different
VLAN and spanning-tree assignments in different parts of the network. A spanning-tree instance can exist
only on bridges that have compatible VLAN instance assignments.
You must configure a set of bridges with the same MST configuration information, which allows them to
participate in a specific set of spanning-tree instances. Bridges with different MST configurations or legacy
bridges running 802.1D are considered separate MST regions.
Note MST is defined in the IEEE 802.1s standard. Before the standardized MST there was Cisco
multiple spanning tree protocol implementation or MISTP.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 275
MST Regions
MST differs from the other spanning-tree implementations in combining some but not necessarily all
VLANs into logical spanning-tree instances. This difference raises the problem of determining which
VLAN is supposed to be associated with which instance. VLAN-to-instance association is communicated
by tagging the BPDUs so that the receiving device can identify the instances and the VLANs to which they
To provide this logical assignment of VLANs to spanning trees, each switch that is running MST in the
network has a single MST configuration consisting of three attributes:
• An alphanumeric configuration name (32 bytes).
• A configuration revision number (2 bytes).
• A 4096-element table that associates each of the potential 4096 VLANs supported on the chassis with a
given instance.
To be part of a common MST region, a group of switches must share the same configuration attributes. It is
the responsibility of the network administrator to propagate the configuration properly throughout the
region. Currently, this step is possible only with the CLI or through the SNMP. Other methods can be
implemented in the future because the IEEE specification does not explicitly mention how to accomplish
this task.
To ensure a consistent VLAN-to-instance mapping, it is necessary for the protocol to be able to identify the
boundaries of the regions exactly. For that purpose, the characteristics of the region are included in BPDUs.
The exact VLAN-to-instance mapping is not propagated in the BPDU because the switches need to know
only whether they are in the same region as a neighbor.
Therefore, only a digest of the VLAN-to-instance mapping table is sent, along with the revision number and
the name. After a switch receives a BPDU, it extracts the digest (a numerical value that is derived from the
276 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
VLAN-to-instance mapping table through a mathematical function) and compares it with its own computed
digest. If the digests differ, the mapping must be different, so the port on which the BPDU was received is at
the boundary of a region.
In generic terms, a port is at the boundary of a region if the designated bridge on its segment is in a different
region or if it receives legacy 802.1D BPDUs.
Configuration revision number gives you a method of tracking changes that are made to the MST region. It
does not automatically increase each time that you make changes to the MST configuration. Each time that
you make a change you should increase the revision number by one.
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STP Instances with MST
MST protocol does not send BPDUs for every active STP instance separately. A special instance—instance
0, is designed to carry all STP-related information. BPDUs carry all the usual STP information, as well as
configuration name, revision number, and hash value that is calculated over VLAN-to-instance mappings
tables. If hash values do not match, then there is an MST misconfiguration between the two switches.
278 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
In the figure on the left, all six VLAN instances belong to MSTI0. This is the default behavior. Then half of
VLAN instances (11, 22, and 33) were mapped to MSTI1, and the other half (44, 55, and 66) were mapped
to MSTI2. If different root bridges are configured for MSTI1 and MSTI2, their topologies will converge
differently. By having different layer two topologies between MST instances, links are more evenly utilized.
Within a topology where multiple variations of STP are used, CST Topology considers MST region as a
single black-box. CST maintains a loop-free topology with the links that connect the regions to each other
and to switches that are not running MST.
Within the MST region, internal spanning tree instance maintains a loop free topology. IST presents the
whole MST region as a single virtual bridge to the outside STP. BPDUs between the MST's STP instance
and the CST's STP instance are exchanged over the native VLAN - as if a single CST was used.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 279
MST is compatible with other flavours of STP. In the figure on the left a there are three switches running
within a MST region and two switches that are not running MST. The figure on the right shows how the IST
provides a loop-free path within a MST region. IST instance makes the whole region look like one single
bridge that interacts with BPDU's with the switches outside the MST region.
The MSTIs are simple RSTP instances that only exist inside a region. These instances run the RSTP
automatically by default, without any extra configuration work. Unlike the IST, MSTIs never interact with
the outside of the region. Remember that MST only runs one spanning tree outside of the region, so except
for the IST instance, regular instances inside of the region have no outside counterpart. Additionally, MSTIs
do not send BPDUs outside a region, only the IST does.
By default all VLANs are mapped to the IST instance. This represents the case of classic IEEE RSTP with
all VLANs sharing the same spanning-tree. You must explicitly map them to other instances.
Recommended practice is to map VLANs instances other than MSTI0. Leave MSTI0 for mapping VLANs
that connect to switches that are not running MST. Every MSTI assign its own priorities to the switches and
use its own link costs to come up with a private logical topology, separate from the IST. MST does not send
MST's information in separate BPDUs. MSTI information is carried in the IST's BPDU! This information is
carried in so-called M-Record fields - one for every active MSTI.
280 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Extended System ID for MST
As with PVST, the 12-bit Extended System ID field is used in MST. In MST, this field carries the MST
instance number.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 281
Discovery 9: Configuring MST
In this discovery, you will learn how to configure multiple spanning tree protocol.
Figure on the left represents STP configuration at the beginning of this lab. All three switches are
configured with PVST+ and four user-created VLANs: 2, 3, 4, and 5. SW1 is configured as the root bridge
for VLANs 2 and 3. SW2 is configured as the root bridge for VLANs 4 and 5. This configuration distributes
forwarding of traffic between the SW3-SW1 and SW3-SW2 uplinks.
Figure on the right shows the STP configuration that you will perform in this lab. VLANs 2 and 3 are
mapped into MST instance 1. VLANs 4 and 5 are mapped into MST instance 2.
282 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
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Job Aids
Note If you shut down an interface on a real router or switch, the connected device will see it as
"down/down". Due to virtualization specifics, IOL behaviour is slightly different. If you shut
down an interface on a router or switch, the connected device will see it as "up/up". In IOL,
the status of an interface can only be "up/up" or "administratively down/down".
Device Information
Device Interface Neighbor Neighbor Interface
Configuring MST
Step 1 Investigate spanning tree instances on SW3.
An STP instance is created for each VLAN with PVST+. In this lab, 5 VLANs translate into 5
STP instances.
If you investigate SW1 and SW2, you will discover that both have the same number of running
STP instances as SW3.
Step 2 Configure all three switches to be a part of the same MST region - "CCNP", and have the same
revision - "1".
284 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
SW2config)# spanning-tree mst configuration
SW2(config-mst)# name CCNP
SW2(config-mst)# revision 1
Step 3 On all three switches, map VLANs 2 and 3 to MST instance 1. Map VLANs 4 and 5 to MST
instance 2.
At this point, MST is configured with three instances. VLANs 2, 3 belong to instance 1. VLANs
4 and 5 belong to instance 2. All other VLANs between 1 and 4094, that are not in instances 1 or
2, belong to instance 0.
Using end or exit command will apply configuration. If you want to abort change use abort
Step 4 Configure SW1 as primary root bridge for MST instance 1 and secondary root for instance 2.
In this example, you have changed the MST switch priority using spanning-tree mst instance-id
root {primary|secondary}. This command is actually a macro that sets the switch's MST
priority, which is a number. If you issue a show running-config you will see switch priority as a
number—not the primary or secondary keyword.
Alternatively you can change the switch's bridge priority directly, by using the spanning-tree
mst instance-id priority priority command.
Step 5 Configure SW2 as secondary root bridge for MST instance 1 and primary root for instance 2.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 285
Step 6 Change STP mode to MST on all three switches.
Changing STP mode to MST before doing the actual VLAN-to-instance mappings is not
advisable. Every change in the mapping will result in recalculation of the STP tree.
A switch cannot run MST and PVST+ at the same time. If you issue show spanning-tree on
either of the three switches you will notice that "mstp" is now the enabled protocol.
MST runs three instances; the default MSTI0 and the two you configured—MSTI1 and MSTI2.
VLANs 2 and 3 are mapped to MSTI1 . VLANs 4 and 5 are mapped to MSTI2 . All other
VLANs are mapped to MSTI0 or IST.
To verify currently applied MST configuration use show current under MST configuration
mode. To verify pending MST configuration use show pending under MST configuration mode.
When you type exit or end, pending configuration will become current. Thus show current and
show pending will produce the same outputs.
286 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Step 9 Verify MST message digest on all three switches.
Since MST configuration is identical on all three switches in a region, the digest matches. A
mismatch in digest would indicate that the VLAN lists do not match between switches. Note that
digest may be different in your case. It only matters that the digest is the same on all three
The "Pre-std Digest" refers to Cisco's legacy pre-standard implementation of MST. Cisco
developed a proprietary version of MST before MST was released called MISTP, which has
similar principles as MST.
Step 10 On SW3 verify MSTI1 and MSTI2 mappings and Layer2 convergence.
MST instances 1 and 2 have two distinct Layer 2 topologies. Instance 1 uses uplink towards
SW1 as the active link and blocks uplink towards SW2. Instance 2 uses uplink towards SW2 as
the active link and blocks uplink towards SW1.
You can use show spanning-tree mst 1 to verify that SW1 is the root bridge for instance 1.
Also, you can use show spanning-tree mst 2 on SW2 to verify that SW2 is the root bridge for
instance 2.
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288 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Configuring MST Path Cost
Path cost functions the same as with other STPs, except with MST port costs are configured per instance.
MST, like any other STP, uses the sequence of four criteria to choose the best path:
1 Lowest bridge ID.
2 Lowest root path cost.
3 Lowest sender bridge ID.
4 Lowest sender port ID.
You can assign lower-cost values to interfaces that you want selected first and higher-cost values that you
want selected last. If all interfaces have the same cost value, the MST puts the interface with the lowest
sender port ID in the forwarding state and blocks the other interfaces.
To change STP cost of an interface enter interface configuration mode for that interface and use command
spanning-tree mst instance cost cost. For instance you can specify a single instance, a range of instances
that are separated by a hyphen, or a series of instances that are separated by a comma. The range is 0 to
4094. For cost, the range is 1 to 200000000; the default value is usually derived from the media speed of the
To verify MST path cost settings use show spanning-tree mst interface interface-id or show spanning-
tree mst instance-id. However, information is displayed only for ports that are in a link-up operative state.
Otherwise, you can use the show running-config command to confirm the configuration.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 289
Configuring MST Port Priority
Port priority functions the same as with other STPs, except with MST port priorities are configured per
MST, like any other STP, uses the sequence of four criteria to choose the best path:
1 Lowest bridge ID.
2 Lowest root path cost.
3 Lowest sender bridge ID.
4 Lowest sender port ID.
You can assign higher sender's priority values (lower numerical values) to interfaces that you want selected
first and lower sender's priority values (higher numerical values) that you want selected last. If all sender's
interfaces have the same priority value, the MST puts the interface with the lowest sender port ID in the
forwarding state and blocks the other interfaces.
To change interface's STP port priority, enter interface configuration mode and use spanning-tree mst
instance port-priority priority command.
For instance, you can specify a single instance, a range of instances that are separated by a hyphen, or a
series of instances that are separated by a comma. The range is 0 to 4094. For priority, the range is 0 to 240
in increments of 16. The default is 128. The lower the number, the higher the priority. To return the
interface to its default setting, use the no spanning-tree mst instance port-priority interface configuration
To verify port priority setting use show spanning-tree mst interface interface or show spanning-tree mst
instance. However, information is displayed only for ports that are in a link-up operative state. Otherwise,
you can use the show running-config command to confirm the configuration.
290 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
MST Protocol Migration
The first step in the migration to 802.1s is to properly identify point-to-point and edge ports. Ensure all
switch-to-switch links, on which a rapid transition is desired, are full-duplex. Edge ports are defined through
the PortFast feature. Carefully decide how many instances are needed in the switched network, and keep in
mind that an instance translates to a logical topology. Decide what VLANs to map onto those instances, and
carefully select a root and a back-up root for each instance. Choose a configuration name and a revision
number that will be common to all switches in the network. Cisco recommends that you place as many
switches as possible into a single region; it is not advantageous to segment a network into separate regions.
Avoid mapping any VLANs onto instance 0. Migrate the core first. Change the STP type to MST, and work
your way down to the access switches. MST can interact with legacy bridges running PVST+ on a per-port
basis, so it is not a problem to mix both types of bridges if interactions are clearly understood. Always try to
keep the root of the CST and IST inside the region. If you interact with a PVST+ bridge through a trunk,
ensure that the MST bridge is the root for all VLANs allowed on that trunk.
When you enable MST, it also enables RSTP. The spanning tree UplinkFast and BackboneFast features are
PVST+ features, and are disabled when you enable MST because those features are built within RSTP, and
MST relies on RSTP. Within the migration, you can remove those commands in IOS.
The configuration of the features such as the PortFast, BPDUGuard, BPDUFfilter, RootGuard, and
LoopGuard are also applicable in MST mode. The usage of these features is the same as in PVST+ mode. If
you have already enabled these features in the PVST+ mode, it remains active after the migration to MST
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 291
Note Do not use LoopGuard in combination with BPDUGuard. If BPDUGuard and BPDUFilter are
enabled at the same time, only BPDUFilter is active.
292 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
MST Recommended Practice
There are some issues that you can run across because MST instances do not map one-to-one with VLANs.
With PVST+ not allowing a VLAN on trunk link would also disable STP on that link. With MST every
instance is running on every link in the region. If you disallow a VLAN on a trunk link, you might end up
with connectivity issues.
Figure 1 shows a network where VLANs are manually pruned on trunks. Since pruning is not consistent
with MST configuration, VLAN10's traffic is blocked between Switch1 and Switch2.
You would have the same problem if you would configure one of the two links as access. For example, one
link as access VLAN 10 and the other link as access VLAN 20, as figure 2 shows. These 2 access VLANs
use the same STP instance!
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 293
It is recommended that you do not run MST on access-ports and that you do not manually prune VLANs
from trunks.
Figure shows Switch1 and Switch2 connected with access ports each located in different VLANs. VLAN 10
and VLAN 20 are mapped to different instances. VLAN 10 is mapped to instance 0 and VLAN 20 is
mapped to instance 1.
With this configuration no VLAN 10 traffic will be able to pass between the switches! How is that possible
with no apparent loop?
This issue is explained by the fact that MST information is conveyed with only one BPDU (IST BPDU),
regardless of the number of internal instances. Individual instances do not send individual BPDUs. When
Switch1 and Switch2 Exchange STP information for VLAN 20, the switches send an IST BPDU for
instance 1 because that is where VLAN 20 is mapped. However, because it is an IST BPDU, this BPDU
also contains information for instance 0. This means that the IST instance is active on all ports inside an
MST region, whether these ports carry VLANs mapped to the IST instance or not.
Switch2 receives two BPDUs for instance 0 from Switch1 (one on each port). Switch2 then needs to block
one of the two ports in order to prevent a loop.
The solution is to avoid mapping VLANs to the IST instance or to convert links to trunks and allow all
VLANs to pass through.
294 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this lesson.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 295
Lesson 4: Module Summary
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 297
This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this module.
298 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Lesson 5: Module Self-
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 299
Use the questions here to review what you learned in this module. The correct answers and solutions are
found in the Module Self-Check Answer Key.
2. When a switch running RSTP receives an 802.1D BPDU, what happens? (Source: Implementing RSTP)
A. The switch disables RSTP.
B. The switch begins to use 802.1D rules on that port.
C. BPDU is discarded.
D. 802.1D BPDU is translated into 802.1w BPDU and processed.
3. Which of the following is a STP port state but not a RSTP port state? (Source: Implementing RSTP)
A. Forwarding
B. Learning
C. Listening
D. Discarding
4. Why is it important to protect the placement of the root bridge? (Source: Implementing STP Stability
A. To prevent Layer 2 loops.
B. To keep Layer 2 topology predictable in such a way that traffic flows are always efficient.
C. To prevent from two switches to become root bridges.
D. To prevent Layer 3 loops.
5. Can PortFast be configured on a trunk link? (Source: Implementing STP Stability Mechanisms)
A. No, PortFast is disabled by the command switchport mode trunk.
B. Yes, enabling PortFast globally applies PortFast to all ports, including trunks.
C. Yes, it can be configured on a port-to-port basis and with caution, because loops may occur.
D. No, the portfast keyword is available only with the switchport mode access command.
6. Which two statements are true of LoopGuard? (Choose two) (Source: Implementing STP Stability
A. It allows a blocked port in a physically redundant topology to stop receiving BPDUs.
B. It provides additional protection against Layer 2 STP loops.
C. It moves ports into the STP loop-inconsistent state, if BPDUs are not received on a nondesignated
D. It enables the blocking port to move to the forwarding state.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 301
7. Which standard describes Multiple Spanning Tree protocol? (Source: Implementing STP Stability
A. 802.1s
B. 802.1D
C. 802.1w
D. 802.1Q
8. Which two features apply to MST? (Choose two) (Source: Implementing Multiple Spanning Tree
A. It groups a set of instances to a single VLAN.
B. It can group a set of VLANs to a single spanning-tree instance.
C. A failure in one instance can cause a failure in another instance.
D. The total number of spanning-tree instances should match the number of redundant switch paths.
9. How are VLANs mapped to instances by default with MST? (Source: Implementing Multiple Spanning
Tree Protocol)
A. All VLANs are mapped to MST Instance 0.
B. All VLANs are mapped to MST Instance 1.
C. Each VLAN is mapped to it's own instance.
D. All VLANs are un-mapped.
302 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Module Self-Check Answers
Answer Key
1 A
2 B
3 C
4 B
5 C
6 B, C
7 A
8 B, D
9 A
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 303
Module 4: Configuring Inter-
VLAN Routing
To transport packets between VLANs you will need a Layer 3 device. This can be either a router or a switch
with Layer 3 capabilities.
Inter-VLAN routing can be performed by an external router that uses a separate link for each VLAN. Since
the number of physical connections on a switch is limited this is not a scalable solution. A better solution is
to have a single trunk link, between the router and the switch, carrying data for all VLANs. This setup is
commonly called "router on a stick" or "one-armed router".
A convenient solution is to have a device that combines switching and routing functions into one device - a
multilayer switch. In that case no external router is needed.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 305
Lesson 1: Implementing
Inter-VLAN Routing Using a
A switch with multiple VLANs requires a means of passing Layer 3 traffic between those different VLANs.
One of the possibilities is the use of an external router, that can perform inter-VLAN routing.
Router can use different physical connections for each VLAN, or each VLAN can be accessed through a
single trunk link. The later configuration is commonly referred as a "router on a stick" or a "one-armed
Upon completing this lesson, you will be able to meet these objectives:
• Explain what is Inter-VLAN routing using an external router
• Configure Inter-VLAN routing using an external router
• Verify router-on-a-stick configuration and operation
• Describe the advantages and disadvantages of configuring Inter-VLAN routing using an external router
306 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Inter-VLAN Routing Using an External Router
A VLAN defines a broadcast domain. At Layer 3, broadcast domains are defined by IP subnets. For this
reason, there is normally a one-to-one mapping of VLANs to IP subnets.
If a switch supports multiple VLANs but has no Layer 3 capability to route packets between those VLANs,
the switch must be connected to an external device with Layer 3 capability. That device is normally a router,
although it could be a multilayer switch. The most efficient way to perform this setup is to provide a single
trunk link between the Layer 2 switch and the router. The trunk link carries the traffic of multiple VLANs.
The traffic between VLANs is routed by the Layer 3 device—the router.
The figure shows a configuration where the router is connected to a core switch using a single 802.1Q trunk
link. This configuration is commonly referred to as “router on a stick.” The router can receive packets on
one VLAN and forward them to another VLAN. In the example, PC1 can send packets to PC2, which is in
different VLAN.
To support 802.1Q trunking, you must subdivide the physical router interface into multiple, logical,
addressable interfaces, one per VLAN. The resulting logical interfaces are called subinterfaces.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 307
Discovery 10: Routing with an External Router
In this discovery, you will learn how to configure Inter-VLAN Routing, using an external router also known
as "router on a stick".
308 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
PC1 is in VLAN10, PC2 is in VLAN20. R1 and the link between R1 and SW1 need to be configured in
order for PC1 to have connectivity to PC2.
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Job Aids
Note If you shut down an interface on a real router or switch, the connected device will see it as
"down/down". Due to virtualization specifics, IOL behaviour is slightly different. If you shut
down an interface on a router or switch, the connected device will see it as "up/up". In IOL,
the status of an interface can only be "up/up" or "administratively down/down".
Client Configuration
Device Interface Neighbor IP Address
The router that provides inter-VLAN routing must be configured with subinterfaces. There must
be one subinterface for each VLAN.
Trunk on a router is configured using subinterfaces. Each subinterface on the physical link of the
router must have the same trunk encapsulation protocol. That protocol must match the
encapsulation type that is configured on the switch side of the link. Normally, 802.1Q
encapsulation is used.
To configure 802.1Q encapsulation on a subinterface, use the encapsulation dot1q vlan-id
subinterface command.
The subinterface number does not have to match the encapsulation VLAN number. However, it
is a good practice to do so because it makes it easier to manage the configuration.
The IP address on the subinterface is used as the default gateway IP address for clients in that
Step 3 On R1's Ethernet0/0 configure a subinterface for routing of all untagged traffic.
310 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
R1(config)# interface ethernet 0/0.1
R1(config-subif)# encapsulation dot1q 1 native
R1(config-subif)# ip address
NOTE: The other option to configure routing of untagged traffic is to configure a physical
interface with the native VLAN IP address. The disadvantage of that configuration is, that when
you do not want the untagged traffic to be routed, you shut down the physical interface, but that
also shuts down all the subinterfaces on that interface.
Step 4 On R1, verify that all the configured subinterfaces are up.
Step 5 Configure SW1's Ethernet 0/0 as a trunk port. Allow only VLAN 1, 10, and 20 traffic.
The link between SW1 and R1 must be configured as a trunk, to carry traffic from all the
configured VLANs. Trunk has already been configured on R1. Now, you have to configure it on
SW1 as well.
It is recommended practice that you configure a static trunk link and only allow traffic from
VLANs that are in use.
Step 6 On SW1, verify that the SW1-R1 link is carrying traffic for user-VLANs 10 and 20, and the
native VLAN.
Issue the show interface interface switchport command and verify, that the SW1's interface that
is connected to R1 has VLANs 10 and 20 allowed.
SW1# show interfaces ethernet0/0 switchport
Name: Et0/0
Switchport: Enabled
Administrative Mode: trunk
Operational Mode: trunk
Administrative Trunking Encapsulation: dot1q
Operational Trunking Encapsulation: dot1q
Negotiation of Trunking: On
Access Mode VLAN: 1 (default)
Trunking Native Mode VLAN: 1 (default)
<... output omitted ...>
Trunking VLANs Enabled: 1,10,20
Pruning VLANs Enabled: 2-1001
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 311
Also notice that the configured (default) native VLAN is VLAN 1.
Step 7 Use traceroute to verify the traffic flow between PC1 and PC2.
312 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
External Router: Advantages and Disadvantages
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 313
Since the usage of external router has physical limitations such as link congestions, latency and speed, it is
not recommended to use it in large deployments. You normally implement an external router in small
networks or branch offices of small-to-medium business, as there is no need to upgrade to a high-
performing, more expensive device that is a multilayer switch.
314 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this lesson.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 315
Lesson 2: Configuring a
Switch to Route
In order to configure Inter-VLAN routing you need a Layer 3 device. Some switch models have Layer 3
capabilities and can be used to route between VLANs.
Layer 3 switch is a widely used term to describe a switch that can perform either static or dynamic routing.
The term multilayer switch is used to describe a switch that operates at Layers 2-7 of the OSI model. For a
multilayer switch to perform routing it has to have a route processor.
By default every switch port on most Cisco switches is a Layer 2 interface. If you need an interface to
operate at Layer 3, you need to configure it. After you turn a switch port into a routed port, it behaves like a
port on a router. At that point you can configure multilayer switch to perform static or dynamic routing.
The amount of routing features that can be configured on a switch is differs between device models.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 317
Switch Virtual Interfaces Overview
An SVI is a virtual interface that is configured within a multilayer switch. You can create an SVI for any
VLAN that exists on the switch. Only one SVI can be associated with one VLAN. An SVI can be
configured to operate at Layer 2 or Layer 3.
SVI is “virtual” in that that there is no physical port that is dedicated to the interface, yet it can perform the
same functions for the VLAN as a router interface would, and can be configured in much the same way as a
router interface (IP address, inbound or outbound access control lists, and so on). The SVI for the VLAN
provides Layer 3 processing for packets to and from all switch ports that are associated with that VLAN.
318 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Note A BVI is a Layer 3 virtual interface that acts like a normal SVI to route packets. This is a
legacy method where Layer 2 is bridged across Layer 3 interfaces. Bridging creates a single
instance of spanning tree in multiple VLANs. It complicates spanning tree and behaviour of
other protocols. In turn, this makes troubleshooting difficult. Bridging across routed domains
is not recommended in today's networks.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 319
Switch Routed Ports Overview
A routed switch port is a physical switch port on a multilayer switch that is configured to perform Layer 3
packet processing. You configure a routed switch port by removing the Layer 2 switching capability of the
switch port. Unlike the access port or the SVI, a routed port is not associated with a particular VLAN. Also,
since Layer 2 functionality has been removed, Layer 2 protocols such as STP and VTP do not function on a
routed interface. However, protocols like LACP, which can be used to build either Layer 2 or Layer 3
EtherChannel bundles, would still function at Layer 3.
A routed port behaves like a regular router interface, except that it does not support VLAN subinterfaces.
Routed switch ports can be configured using most of the commands that are applied to a physical router
interface, including the assignment of an IP address and the configuration of Layer 3 routing protocols.
Similarly to SVI, a routed switch port provides Layer 3 packet processing. SVIs generally provide Layer 3
services for devices that are connected to any ports of the switch where the VLAN that is associated with
the SVI is configured and is active. Routed switch ports can provide a Layer 3 path into the switch for a
number of devices on a specific subnet, all of which are accessible from a single physical switch port. A
routed switchport can connect to a firewall or router that has no knowledge of the VLAN structure. This
firewall or router, provides access to and from external networks over WAN or the Internet.
320 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Discovery 11: Routing on a Multilayer Switch
In this discovery you will learn how to configure SVIs, routed ports, and routing on a multilayer switch.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 321
SW1's ports are configured to have PC1 in VLAN10 and PC2 in VLAN20. The link between SW1 and
DSW1 is configured as a trunk link. PCs 1 and 2 are configured with IP addresses. R1 is configured with IP
addresses and EIGRP.
There is no connectivity between PC1 and PC2. You will configure DSW1 to route between PC1 and PC2.
You will configure DSW1's uplink to exchange routes with R1.
322 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Job Aids
Note If you shut down an interface on a real router or switch, the connected device will see it as
"down/down". Due to virtualization specifics, IOL behaviour is slightly different. If you shut
down an interface on a router or switch, the connected device will see it as "up/up". In IOL,
the status of an interface can only be "up/up" or "administratively down/down".
IP Addressing
Device Interface IP Address
DSW1(config)# vlan 10
DSW1(config-vlan)# vlan 20
If a VLAN that is to be routed by an SVI interface does not already exist on the multilayer
switch, you must create it.
In this example VLANs 10 and 20 were already pre-configured on DSW1 and you could have
verified that with show vlan command. However, these VLANs will not be present on a new
device and if you forget to configure them, switch will not be able to perform inter-VLAN
DSW1(config)# ip routing
Multilayer switches might or might not have IP routing enabled by default. In order for the
switch to route between SVIs, you will need to enable IPv4 routing.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 323
NOTE: In this lab IP routing was already enabled, but this is something you easily forget to turn
PC1 is in VLAN 10 and already configured with default gateway of IP address that
you will now configure on DSW1.
DSW1(config)# interface vlan 10
DSW1(config-if)# ip address
DSW1(config-if)# no shutdown
You need to create an SVI interface for each VLAN that is to be routed within the multilayer
SVI needs to be enabled using the no shutdown command. Otherwise it will stay in
"administratively shutdown" state.
PC2 is in VLAN 20 and already configured with default gateway of IP address that
you will now configure on DSW1.
In order for SVIs to be fully operational, they need to have the correct IP address configured and
be in "up/up" state.
You should be able to ping from PC1 to PC2. Traffic from PC1 goes through SW1 to DSW1's
SVI for VLAN 10, gets routed to DSW1's SVI for VLAN 20 and then goes through SW1 to
PC2. The reverse path is the same.
324 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Step 7 On DSW1 turn interface that connects to R1 (Ethernet 0/0) into a routed interface. Configure it
with IP
The link between DSW1 and R1 should be a Layer 3 link. R1's interface is already configured
with an IP address.
When you enter the no switchport command for an interface, it turns it from Layer 2 to Layer 3
When you issue the no switchport command, the interface will be shut down and then brought
back up. When you put the interface into Layer 3 mode, you delete all Layer 2 configuration on
the interface.
DSW1's routed interface has an IP address configured and in "up/up" state. It functions like a
port on a router.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 325
Step 9 On DSW1 configure EIGRP with AS 1. Enable VLAN 10, VLAN 20, and Ethernet 0/2
interfaces for EIGRP.
As soon as a multilayer switch is configured with Layer 3 IP addresses, it starts behaving like a
router in the sense that it has connections to different subnets. Communication between these
subnets is no longer possible through the use of Layer 2 protocols. A major difference between a
multilayer switch and a router is that a multilayer switch does not route by default. To allow
routing behavior, you first need to enable routing with the ip routing command. Once routing is
enabled, you can configure static routes or dynamic routing, or both, just like on a router.
R1 is already configured to exchange routes through EIGRP.
DSW1(config)# router eigrp 1
DSW1(config-router)# network
*Nov 28 15:12:22.448: %DUAL-5-NBRCHANGE: EIGRP-IPv4 1: Neighbor
(Ethernet0/2) is up: new adjacency
Issuing the network command will enable all interfaces configured with an IP address
within subnet. DSW1's Ethernet 0/2, VLAN 10, and VLAN 20 interfaces will be
enabled for EIGRP.
Notice that DSW1 established an EIGRP adjacency with R1.
326 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
SVI autostate exclude
The SVI interface is brought up when one Layer 2 port in the VLAN has had time to converge (transition
from STP listening-learning state to forwarding state). The default action, when a VLAN has multiple ports,
is that the SVI goes down when all ports in the VLAN go down. This action prevents features such as
routing protocols from using the VLAN interface as if it were fully operational, and minimizes other
problems, such as routing black holes.
You can use the SVI autostate exclude command to configure a port so that it is not included in the SVI
line-state up-and-down calculation. One example is the use of a network analyzer, where the traffic capture
is being made without the device being an active participant in the VLAN that is assigned to the interface.
When enabled on a port, autostate exclude applies to all VLANs that are enabled on that port. You would
therefore need to carefully consider the implications of activating this feature on a trunk link.
Configuring a Layer 2 switch port for autostate exclude requires two steps:
Step Action Notes
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 327
Note In some IOS releases (e.g 12.4T), you can use no autostate VLAN interface command.
This disables the SVI autostate and make SVI interface permanently active.
328 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
SVI Configuration Checklist
Before implementing inter-VLAN routing on a multilayer switch, it is important that you plan the steps that
are necessary to make it successful. Planning, which includes logically organizing the necessary steps and
providing checkpoints and verification, can help you reduce the risk of problems during the installation.
The first step is to identify the VLANs that require a Layer 3 gateway within the multilayer switch. It is
possible that not all VLANs will need to reach other VLANs within the enterprise. For example, a company
may have a VLAN in use in an R&D laboratory. The network designer has determined that this VLAN
should not have connectivity with other VLANs in the enterprise or to the Internet. However, the R&D
VLAN is not a local VLAN but spans the switch fabric, due to the presence of an R&D server in the data
center, so you cannot simply prune it from the trunk between the multilayer switch and the R&D lab switch.
One way of ensuring the desired segregation might be to configure such a VLAN without a Layer 3
If a VLAN that is to be routed by an SVI interface does not already exist on the multilayer switch, you must
create it. Then you would create an SVI interface for each VLAN to be routed within the multilayer switch.
Assuming that the enterprise uses only IP as a routed protocol, you would then configure each SVI interface
with an appropriate IP address and mask. At that point, you would enable the SVI interface using the no
shutdown interface command.
You can configure an SVI to give VLANs the ability to reach the switch itself. You would do that for the
VLAN that is designated for management. But for most part configuring SVIs is done to provide Layer 3
forwarding services. In that case you must enable the routing function on the multilayer switch. Routing is
usually not enabled by default. You can also configure the multilayer switch to exchange routes via a
dynamic routing protocol—the configuration is done in a similar manner to the one on a router.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 329
Depending on the size of the network and the design that you provide, it may be necessary for the multilayer
switch to exchange dynamic routing protocol updates with one or more other routing devices in the network.
You must determine whether this need exists, and if so, configure an appropriate dynamic routing protocol
on the multilayer switch. The choice of protocol may be specified by the network designer, or the choice
may be left to you.
Finally, after carefully considering the network structure, you may decide to exclude certain switch ports
from contributing to the SVI line-state up-and-down calculation. You would configure any such switch
ports by using the autostate exclude interface configuration command.
330 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Layer 2 vs. Layer 3 EtherChannel
You can use the EtherChannel technology to bundle ports of the same type. On a Layer 2 switch,
EtherChannel is used to aggregate access ports or trunks. In the figure, EtherChannel links are used to
connect to the several switches, and pairs of ports are used to create EtherChannel bundles. Because each
EtherChannel link is detected as one logical connection, both ports of each EtherChannel link can be used at
the same time.
On Layer 3 switches, switched ports can be converted to routed ports. These ports do not perform switching
at Layer 2 anymore, but become Layer 3 ports that are similar to those that are found on router platforms.
EtherChannel links can also be created on Layer 3 links. On the left part of the figure, Layer 3 switches
must connect through an aggregated link. Two physical ports on each side are converted to routed ports and
are then aggregated into a Layer 3 EtherChannel link.
On a multilayer switch, you can configure Layer 2 or Layer 3 EtherChannels, depending on what type of
devices you connect, and depending on their position in the network. Here again, this configuration
supposes that ports on both sides are configured the same way: as switch ports (access or trunk) or as routed
ports. The bottom switch is Layer 2 only—it is probably an access switch. Layer 2 EtherChannel is
configured. At the distribution layer or the core layer, where Layer 3 links are recommended, Layer 3
EtherChannels are configured.
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Layer 3 EtherChannel Configuration
The following table shows the steps for configuring and verifying a Layer 3 EtherChannel interface.
4. Sw itch(config)# interface range Navigates to the interface that is to be associated w ith the
fastethernet 5/4 - 5 EtherChannel bundle.
This example show s navigation to a range of interfaces w ith the
port channel. Individual interfaces can be used also.
5. Sw itch(config-if-range)# no switchport The independent Layer 2 and Layer 3 functionality of the port
must be removed so that the port can function as part of a
group. This step is very important. On a Layer 3 sw itch,
Sw itch(config-if-range)# interfaces are, by default, in Layer 2 mode. If you set the port
channel-protocol pagp channel interface to a layer and if the physical ports are in
another mode (Layer 3), the EtherChannel w ill not form.
Optionally, can specify the channel protocol.
6. Sw itch(config-if-range)# channel-group Assigns all of the physical interfaces in the range to the
1 mode desirable EtherChannel group.
332 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Example shows a configuration for two switches, using a Layer 3 EtherChannel bundle. The left switch has
created a virtual interface with an IP address, and the physical interfaces are assigned to the matching
channel-group number. The same is true with the right switch. Again, the interfaces do not need to have the
same number as any of the partner switches. For example, Ethernet0/1 does not need to connect to
Ethernet0/1 on the other side of the link. The port channel number does not need to match between the
switches on the opposite side of the link. Notice how the guidelines were followed here:
• Speed and duplex: Configure all interfaces in an EtherChannel to operate at the same speed and in the
same duplex mode.
• Interface mode: Because the port channel interface is a routed port, the no switchport command was
applied to it. The physical interfaces are, by default, switched, which is a mode that is incompatible with
a router port. The no switchport command was applied also to the physical ports, to make their mode
compatible with the EtherChannel interface mode.
Note In some IOS releases you can only statically configure Layer 3 EtherChannel. Using LACP
or PAgP as the negotiation protocol might result in non-functional link.
Example output tells you that EtherChannel 1 is a Layer 3 EtherChannel ("R"-flag). You can see that
Ethernet 0/0 and Ethernet 0/1 are indeed bundled by the "P"-flag next to each of them.
Ports Ethernet 0/0 and Ethernet 0/1 will now behave as one "virtual" physical interface. For example, if you
issue show ip route, routes will be seen as accessible through PortChannel 1 and not Ethernet 0/1 or
Ethernet 0/0.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 333
This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this lesson.
334 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Lesson 3: Module Summary
This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this module.
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Lesson 4: Module Self-
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 337
Use the questions here to review what you learned in this module. The correct answers and solutions are
found in the Module Self-Check Answer Key.
1. Which of the following arrangements can be considered "Router on a Stick"? (Chose one.) (Source:
Implementing Inter-VLAN Routing Using a Router)
A. One switch, two VLANs, one connection to a router.
B. One switch, two VLANs, two connections to a router.
C. Two switches, two VLANs, two connections to a router.
D. All of the above.
2. Which two statements are typical characteristics of VLAN arrangements? (Choose two.) (Source:
Implementing Inter-VLAN Routing Using a Router)
A. A new switch has no VLANs configured.
B. Connectivity between VLANs requires a Layer 3 device.
C. Each VLAN usually uses a separate address space.
D. VLANs cannot span multiple switches.
3. How do you configure a trunk on a router's interface that will have connections to more than one
VLAN? (Source: Implementing Inter-VLAN Routing Using a Router)
A. Using subinterfaces on a physical interface, for each VLAN.
B. Using switchport mode trunk command.
C. You do not need to explicitly configure a trunk on a interface.
4. You have configured a switch to perform Layer 3 routing via an SVI and have assigned that interface to
VLAN 20. To check the status of the SVI, you issue the show interfaces vlan 20 command. You see
from the output display that the interface is in an “up/up” state. Among others, what must be true in an
SVI configuration to bring the VLAN and line protocol up? (Source: Configuring A Switch To Route)
A. The port must be physically connected to another Layer 3 device.
B. At least one port in VLAN 20 must be active.
C. Because this is a virtual interface, the operational status will always be in an “up/up” state.
D. All of the above.
5. While configuring SVIs on a Multilayer switch, when must you use the ip routing command? (Source:
Configuring A Switch To Route)
A. When using an SVI to provide IP connectivity to the switch itself for a given VLAN.
B. When configuring the SVI as part of a Layer 2 EtherChannel bundle.
C. When using an SVI to provide Layer 3 IP forwarding services to its assigned VLAN.
D. Never, because IP routing is enabled by default on a Multilayer switch.
6. In Layer 3 EtherChannel two links were bundled. On each of the two switches, there are two IP
addresses configured. True or false? (Source: Configuring A Switch To Route)
A. True
B. False
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 339
Module Self-Check Answers
Answer Key
1 A
2 B, C
3 A
4 B
5 C
6 B
340 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Module 5: Implementing High
Availability Networks
Continuous access to applications, data and content demands a network-wide resilience to increase IP
network availability. High network availability is achieved by applying network-level resiliency, system-
level resiliency, management and monitoring.
Network-level resiliency is achieved by adding redundant devices and connections into the network.
System-level resiliency is achieved by adding redundant modules, such as power supplies, supervisor
engines, and other components, to a modular device. Added redundancy often results in added complexity
of the network. Complexity of the network can be reduced by the implementation of switch virtualization.
Management and monitoring systems alarm the network operators, so they can respond to network and
system outages and place appropriate actions to prevent a network quality of service reduction or downtime.
Different tools and features are available to monitor and manage network devices, network traffic flows and
network consistency with the service level agreements (SLA).
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Lesson 1: Configuring
Network Time Protocol
Internet Protocol based networks are quickly evolving from the traditional best effort delivery model to a
model where performance and reliability need to be quantified and, in many cases, guaranteed with SLAs.
The need for greater insight into network characteristics has led to significant research efforts being targeted
at defining metrics and measurement capabilities to characterize network behavior. The foundation of many
metric methodologies is the measurement of time.
Keeping consistent time across network devices in your network will assure you that you can properly read
log messages and other information critical to troubleshooting.
342 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
The Need for Accurate Time
The heart of the time service is the system clock. The system clock runs from the moment the system starts
and keeps track of the current date and time. The system clock can be set from a number of sources and, in
turn, can be used to distribute the current time through various mechanisms to other systems.
The system clock keeps track of time internally based on UTC. You can configure information about the
local time zone and daylight savings time so that the time is displayed correctly relative to the local time
zone. The system clock keeps track of whether the time is authoritative or not. If it is not authoritative, the
time is available only for display purposes and cannot be redistributed. Authoritative refers to the
trustworthiness of the source. Nonauthoritative sources do not guarantee accurate time. It is recommended
to set clocks on all network devices to UTC regardless of their location, and then configure the time zone to
display the local time if desired.
Accurate time is needed for public key infrastructure that is based on X.509 certificates since they keep time
of validity - for example a certificate's validity expired on 10th of February 2011, but because of incorrect
time source your devices still consider it valid. Accurate time is also essential for logging events in your
network; for example using Syslog. Only when devices are time-synchronized you can track the problem
from one device to another.
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Configuring System Clock Manually
To change system clock manually, you need to use the clock set command from privileged exec mode and
not global configuration mode. The date and time need to be set in UTC and not the local time zone! Local
time zone and, if applicable, daylight saving time needs to be configured.
344 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
To configure timezone, use the clock timezone zone hours-offset [minutes-offset] global configuration
Param eter Description
To configure automatic switch to summer time, that is the daylight saving time, use one of the following
formats of the clock summer-time command:
• clock summer-time zone recurring [week day month hh:mm week day month hh:mm [offset]]
• clock summer-time zone date date month year hh:mm date month year hh:mm [offset]
• clock summer-time zone date month date year hh:mm month date year hh:mm [offset]
Param eter Description
recurring Indicates that summer time should start and end on the
corresponding specified days every year.
date Indicates that summer time should start on the first specific date
that is listed in the command and end on the second specific
date in the command.
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By default, summer time is disabled. If the clock summer-time zone recurring command is specified
without parameters, the summer time rules default to United States rules. Default of the offset argument is
A number of Cisco devices contain a battery-powered calendar system that tracks the date and time across
system restarts and power outages. This calendar system is always used to initialize the system clock when
the system is restarted. It can also be considered as an authoritative source of time and redistributed through
NTP if no other source is available. Furthermore, if NTP is running, the calendar can be periodically
updated from NTP, compensating for the inherent drift in the calendar time. When a router with a system
calendar is initialized, the system clock is set based on the time in its internal battery-powered calendar. On
models without a calendar, the system clock is set to a predetermined time constant. Calendar is also called
hardware clock.
You could configure the hardware clock using calendar set hh:mm:ss <1-31> month year.
Note In the absence of NTP or other reliable time source, make sure that whenever you are
manually setting the clock, you update the calendar with it to ensure continuity when the
device restarts.
Note Manually configuring time is neither accurate or scalable. The better way to assure accurate
time is to use a protocol for time synchronization such as NTP.
346 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Network Time Protocol Overview
NTP is designed to synchronize the time on a network of machines. NTP runs over the UDP, using port 123
as both the source and destination, which in turn runs over IP. NTP is used to synchronize timekeeping
among a set of distributed time servers and clients. A set of nodes on a network is identified and configured
with NTP and the nodes form a synchronization subnet, sometimes referred to as an overlay network. While
multiple masters (primary servers) may exist, there is no requirement for an election protocol.
An NTP network usually gets its time from an authoritative time source, such as a radio clock or an atomic
clock attached to a time server. NTP then distributes this time across the network. An NTP client makes a
transaction with its server over its polling interval (from 64 to 1024 seconds) which dynamically changes
over time depending on the network conditions between the NTP server and the client. The other situation
occurs when the router communicates to a bad NTP server (for example, NTP server with large dispersion);
the router also increases the poll interval. No more than one NTP transaction per minute is needed to
synchronize two machines. It is not possible to adjust the NTP poll interval on a router.
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The communications between machines running NTP (associations) are usually statically configured. Each
machine is given the IP address of all machines with which it should form associations. Accurate
timekeeping is made possible by exchanging NTP messages between each pair of machines with an
association. However, in a LAN environment, NTP can be configured to use IP broadcast messages instead.
This alternative reduces configuration complexity because each machine can be configured to send or
receive broadcast messages. However, the accuracy of timekeeping is marginally reduced because the
information flow is one-way only.
NTP uses the concept of a stratum to describe how many NTP hops away a machine is from an authoritative
time source. For example, a stratum 1 time server has a radio or atomic clock that is directly attached to it. It
then sends its time to a stratum 2 time server through NTP, and so on. A machine running NTP
automatically chooses the machine with the lowest stratum number that it is configured to communicate
with using NTP as its time source. This strategy effectively builds a self-organizing tree of NTP speakers.
NTP performs well over the nondeterministic path lengths of packet-switched networks, because it makes
robust estimates of the following three key variables in the relationship between a client and a time server:
• Network delay
• Dispersion of time packet exchanges—A measure of maximum clock error between the two hosts.
• Clock offset—The correction applied to a client's clock to synchronize it.
Clock synchronization at the 10 millisecond level over long distance WANs (124.27 miles [2000 km]), and
at the 1 millisecond level for LANs, is routinely achieved.
NTP avoids synchronizing to a machine whose time may not be accurate in two ways. First of all, NTP
never synchronizes to a machine that is not synchronized itself. Second, NTP compares the time that is
reported by several machines, and will not synchronize to a machine whose time is significantly different
from the others, even if its stratum is lower.
348 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
NTP Modes
NTP can operate in four different modes that provide you flexibility to configure time synchronization in
your network.
Server and client modes are usually combined with Cisco network devices. A device that is an NTP client
can act as an NTP server to another device. Client/server mode is the most common Internet configuration.
A client sends a request to the server and expects a reply at some future time. This process could also be
called "poll" operation since the client polls the time and authentication data from the server. A client is
configured in client mode by using the server command and specifying the DNS name or address. The
server requires no prior configuration. In a common client/server model, a client sends an NTP message to
one or more servers and processes the replies as received. The server interchanges addresses and ports,
overwrites certain fields in the message, recalculates the checksum, and returns the message immediately.
Information included in the NTP message allows the client to determine the server time with respect to local
time and adjust the local clock accordingly. In addition, the message includes information to calculate the
expected timekeeping accuracy and reliability, as well as select the best server.
Peer mode is also commonly known as symmetric mode. It is intended for configurations where a group of
low stratum peers operate as mutual backups for each other. Each peer operates with one or more primary
reference sources, such as a radio clock, or a subset of reliable secondary servers. If one of the peers loses
all the reference sources or simply ceases operation, the other peers automatically reconfigure so that time
values can flow from the surviving peers to all the others in the clique. In some contexts this is described as
a push-pull operation, in that the peer either pulls or pushes the time and values depending on the particular
configuration. Symmetric modes are most often used between two or more servers operating as a mutually
redundant group. In these modes, the servers in the group members arrange the synchronization paths for
maximum performance, depending on network jitter and propagation delay. If one or more of the group
members fail, the remaining members automatically reconfigure as required.
Where the requirements in accuracy and reliability are modest, clients can be configured to use broadcast
and/or multicast modes. Normally, these modes are not utilized by servers with dependent clients. The
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 349
advantage is that clients do not need to be configured for a specific server, allowing all operating clients to
use the same configuration file. Broadcast mode requires a broadcast server on the same subnet. Since
broadcast messages are not propagated by routers, only broadcast servers on the same subnet are used.
Broadcast mode is intended for configurations involving one or a few servers and a potentially large client
population. A broadcast server is configured using the broadcast command and a local subnet address. A
broadcast client is configured using the broadcast client command, allowing the broadcast client to respond
to broadcast messages that are received on any interface.
350 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Discovery 12: NTP Configuration
During this discovery you will configure devices in your network to synchronize their clocks via NTP.
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352 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Job Aids
Note If you shut down an interface on a real router or switch, the connected device will see it as
"down/down". Due to virtualization specifics, IOL behaviour is slightly different. If you shut
down an interface on a router or switch, the connected device will see it as "up/up". In IOL,
the status of an interface can only be "up/up" or "administratively down/down".
Step 1 Configure R1 to synchronize its clock to public NTP server at
Before you can configure NTP, you will have to choose an NTP server to synchronize to. Large
organizations have their own stratum 1 servers. However usually you will configure your devices
to synchronize to a public NTP server.
NTP allows you to limit the maximum number of peer and client associations that your device
will serve. This assures that this NTP server is not overwhelmed by too many NTP requests. To
limit the number of NTP associations, use the ntp max-associations number command in global
configuration mode.
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When NTP is enabled on a device, that in turn means that NTP is enabled on all interfaces. This
means that all interfaces will serve as NTP servers. You can use the ntp disable interface
configuration command on interfaces that connect to external networks, since you do not want to
provide clock to those. NTP-disabled interfaces will turn off NTP server functionality, but still
allow the interface to act as an NTP client.
To configure a device to be an authoritative NTP server, use the ntp master stratum_number
command in global configuration mode. Configuring only authoritative server in your network is
only recommended if you do not have a reliable external reference clock. When using the ntp
master command, you should choose a high stratum number, such as 10, so time associations
through the inaccurate master clock are ignored if more trustworthy NTP information is made
available. Local router should be also configured as a time source. This way the router will serve
meaningful time to connected devices, even if it loses upstream connectivity. In that case
approximately correct time is better than totally incorrect time.
It is recommended that you configure more than one NTP server for your devices to synchronize
your device to. In that scenario, device will associate itself with one server and mark the other
one as alternate. To specify a preferred NTP server, use the ntp server ip_address prefer
If you use an inbound access list on your Internet interface, you will need to open up NTP
communication for the NTP server selected: access-list acl_number permit udp host
NTP_host_IP eq ntp.
NOTE: The IP address that is used for the NTP server in this step is just an example—it will not
work in real networks.
Step 2 On R1 issue the show ntp status command to investigate if router's clock has synchronized to
the (public) NTP server.
The output will tell you if NTP has successfully synchronized the device's clock. Stratum will be
+1 in comparison to the NTP source. Since the output shows that this device is stratum 2, you
can assume that you are synchronizing to a stratum 1 device.
NTP can be slow to synchronize. It can take up to 5 minutes for a device to synchronize with an
upstream server. NTP poll timer is 64 seconds.
Once a device is synchronized to an NTP source or configured to serve as a master, it will, in
turn, act as an NTP server to any system that requests synchronization.
Step 3 Issue the show ntp associations command to verify devices that R1 is associated with through
354 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
R1# show ntp associations
The "*" before the IP address signifies that devices is associated with that server. If you have
multiple NTP servers defined, others will be marked with "+", which signifies alternate options.
Alternate servers are those that will become associated if currently associated NTP server fails.
Notice that R1 has its time zone set to PST. This is an IOL-specific behavior. On real equipment,
time zone will be set to UTC by default. After you configure synchronization, you will also need
to define local time zone and (if applicable) enable summer time.
By default, NTP will only synchronize the software clock. If you want NTP also to synchronize
the hardware clock, you will need to issue ntp update-calendar in global configuration mode.
Note that this command will not work in IOL environment or on devices that do not have a
hardware clock.
Step 5 On R1 configure the time zone that you are currently in, and enable summer time if applicable to
the time zone that you are in.
In this example, time zone is set to EDT and summertime is enabled. "EDT" is just a label. You
can make it whatever you like. The "-5" is the actual offset from UTC.
Step 6 On R1 verify that time zone is now set to the one you are currently in and that summer time is
enabled (if applicable).
In this example R1 is configured with EDT time zone and summer time is enabled.
Step 7 Configure SW1 to synchronize its clock to R1 via NTP and configure it with the same time zone
and summer time configuration as R1.
Only few devices in your network should synchronize to external NTP servers. All other devices
in your networks will synchronize to those few devices.
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Step 8 Verify that SW1's clock is synchronized to R1.
Notice that SW1 is considered stratum 3 device since it synchronizes to a stratum 2 device - R1.
Step 9 Configure SW2 to synchronize its clock to R1 via NTP and configure it with the same time zone
and summer time configuration as R1.
356 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Notice that SW2 is considered stratum 3 device since it synchronizes to a stratum 2 device - R1.
With a flat structure you will configure all routers to be each-others NTP peers. Each router will
act both as a client and server with every other router. Two or three routers should be configured
to synchronize their time with external time servers. This model is very stable since each device
synchronizes with every other device in the network. The disadvantages are difficulty of
administration, slow convergence time, and poor scalability. If you add a device to the network,
it can take you a good amount of time to identify all other devices and peer them with the new
device. Since all devices in a peer-to-peer relationship have a say in selecting the best time, it
can take a while to agree to what is accurate time.
Do not use the flat model for large networks. You should rather implement NTP in a hierarchical
manner. Every ISP uses this kind of model. Each ISP has multiple stratum-one servers that
synchronize other ISP's devices. The later devices in turn provide time synchronization services
to customer devices. That customer devices (or devices) then provide synchronization to
customer internal system. With a tiered model, there is less administrative overhead and time
convergence in minimized. If you have a large network in your organization, it makes sense to
implement a similar hierarchy of NTP synchronization.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 357
There is also "star" structure where all devices in a network have a relationship with few time
servers in the core. This is the middle ground between having a flat and hierarchical structure.
When designing NTP in campus network it is important to consider broadcast association mode.
The broadcast association mode simplifies the configurations for the LANs, but reduces the
accuracy of the time calculations. Therefore, the trade-off in maintenance costs must be
considered against accuracy in performance measurements.
The high stratum campus network that is shown in the figure is taken from the standard Cisco
Campus network design and contains three components. The campus core consists of two Layer
3 devices labeled CB-1 and CB-2. The server component that is located in the lower section of
the figure has two Layer 3 devices labeled SD-1 and SD-2. The remaining devices in the server
block are Layer 2 devices. In the upper left, there is a standard access block with two Layer 3
distribution devices labeled dl-1 and dl-2. The remaining devices are Layer 2 switches. In this
client access block, the time is distributed using the broadcast option. In the upper right, there is
another standard access block that uses a client/server time distribution configuration.
NTP peers will exchange time information with each other. This will prevent single point of
358 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
SW1# show ntp association
Notice that now SW1 and SW2 both have two sources of NTP information listed. If you look at
the output from SW1, R1 is listed as NTP source to which SW1 is synchronized to. SW2 is listed
as a candidate source and it will be considered if the first source fails.
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Securing NTP
NTP can be an easy target in your network. Since device certificates rely on accurate time you should secure
NTP operation. You can secure NTP operation using authentication and access lists.
Cisco devices support only MD5 authentication for NTP. To configure NTP authentication, follow these
• Define NTP authentication key or keys with ntp authentication-key command. Every number specifies
a unique NTP key.
• Enable NTP authentication using the ntp authenticate command.
• Tell the device which keys are valid for NTP authentication using the ntp trusted-key command. The
only argument to this command is the key that you defined in the first step.
• Specify NTP server that requires authentication using ntp server ip_address key key_number
command. You can similarly authenticate NTP peers, using the ntp server ip_address key key_number
Not all clients need to be configured with NTP authentication. NTP does not authenticate clients—it
authenticates the source. Because of that the device will still respond to unauthenticated requests, so be sure
to use access lists to limit NTP access.
360 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
After implementing authentication for NTP, use show ntp status command to verify that clock is still
synchronized. If client has not successfully authenticated the NTP source, then clock will be
Once a router or switch is synchronized to an NTP, source it will act as NTP server to any device that
requests synchronization. You should configure access lists on those devices that synchronize their time
with external servers. Why would you want to do that? A lot of NTP synchronization requests from the
Internet might overwhelm your NTP server device. An attacker could use NTP queries to discover the time
servers to which your device is synchronized, and then through an attack such as DNS cache poisoning,
redirect your device to a system under its control. If an attacker modifies time on your devices, that can
confuse any time-based security implementations that you might have in place.
For NTP, the following four restrictions can be configured through access lists:
• peer: Time synchronization requests and control queries are allowed. Device is allowed to synchronize
itself to remote systems that pass the access list.
• serve: Time synchronization requests and control queries are allowed. Device is not allowed to
synchronize itself to remote systems that pass the access list.
• serve-only: Only allows synchronization requests.
• query-only: Only allows control queries.
Let's say you have hierarchical model with two routers configured to provide NTP services to the rest of the
devices in your network. You would configure these two routers with peer and serve-only restrictions. You
would use peer restriction mutually on the two core routers. You would use serve-only restriction on both
core routers to specify which devices in your network are allowed to synchronize their information with
these two routers.
If your device is configured as NTP master, then you must allow access to source IP of 127.127.x.1. This is
because 127.127.x.1 is the internal server that is created by the ntp master command. The value of the third
octet varies between platforms.
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After you secure the NTP server with access lists, make sure to check if clients still have their clocks
synchronized via NTP using the show ntp status command. You can verify which IP address was assigned
to the internal server using show ntp associations command.
362 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
NTP Source Address
The source of NTP packet will be the same as the interface the packet was sent out on. When implementing
authentication and access lists it is good to have a specific interface set to act as the source interface for
It would be wise of you to choose a Loopback interface to use as the NTP source. This is because Loopback
will never be down like physical interfaces.
If you configured Loopback 0 to act as the NTP source for all communication and that interface has, let's
say, IP address of Then you can write up just one access list that will allow or deny based on
one single IP address of
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 363
NTP Versions
Currently NTP versions 3 and 4 are used. Some vendors of operating systems customize and deliver their
own versions. Generally, older clients can talk with newer versions.
NTPv4 is an extension of NTP Version 3. NTPv4 supports both IPv4 and IPv6 and is backward-compatible
with NTPv3.
364 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
NTP in IPv6 Environment
The NTP is a protocol that is designed to time-synchronize a network of machines. NTP runs over UDP,
which in turn runs over IP. NTPv4 is an extension of NTP version 3, which supports both IPv4 and IPv6.
Your software release may not support all the features that are documented in this topic.
Networking devices running NTPv4 can be configured to operate in variety of association modes when
synchronizing time with reference time sources. There are two ways that a networking device can obtain
time information on a network: by polling host servers and by listening to NTPv4 multicasts.
Configuring of polling host servers is done using ntp server ipv6_address version 4 command. Sometimes
this is also called the "client mode".
Configuring of synchronization to a peer is done through ntp peer ipv6_address version 4 command.
Sometimes this is called the "asymmetric active mode".
To configure multicast-based NTPv4 associations, use the ntp multicast ipv6_address command. You also
need to configure the device interface to receive NTPv4 multicast packets. You do that by issuing the ntp
multicast client ipv6_address command in interface configuration mode..
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 365
Authentication and access-list configuration with IPv6 is similar to that in IPv4.
After you configure NTP in IPv6 environment, the verification commands are very similar to those in IPv4.
366 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
SNTP Overview
SNTP is a simplified, client-only version of NTP. SNTP can only receive the time from NTP servers; it
cannot be used to provide time services to other systems.
SNTP typically provides time within 100 milliseconds of the accurate time, but it does not provide the
complex filtering and statistical mechanisms of NTP.
You can configure SNTP to request and accept packets from configured servers or to accept NTP broadcast
packets from any source. When multiple sources are sending NTP packets, the server with the best stratum
is selected. If multiple servers are at the same stratum, a configured server is preferred over a broadcast
server. If multiple servers pass both tests, the first one to send a time packet is selected. SNTP will choose a
new server only if it stops receiving packets from the currently selected server, or if a better server is
SNTP and NTP cannot coexist on the same machine as they use the same port. This means that these two
services cannot be configured on the system at the same time:
Switch(config)# sntp server
%SNTP : Cannot configure SNTP as NTP is already running.
%SNTP : Unable to start SNTP process
SNTP support for IPv6 addresses is available only if the image supports IPv6 addressing.
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SNTP Configuration
There is little difference basic command-wise between SNTP and NTP for end-devices. Command ntp
server server_ip gets replaced with sntp server server_ip. Command show ntp gets replaced with show
To enable SNTP authentication, use the sntp authenticate command. To define an authentication key, use
the sntp authentication-key number md5 key. You can specify one or multiple keys. To mark keys as
trusted for SNTP, use the sntp authentication-key number md5 key command. The last step is to tell the
device to which server should it synchronize it's time. You do that using sntp server server_ip command.
To verify if device has synchronized its time via SNTP use the show sntp command. The output will show
you what is the IP address of the SNTP server or servers it uses, what is the stratum number, SNTP version
number, when was the last synchronization cycle done, and whether time is synchronized or not.
If you need to troubleshoot SNTP server selection, issue the debug sntp select command. Debug will
output messages that are related to both IPv4 and IPv6 servers.
If you need to troubleshoot the SNTP process, use the debug sntp packets [detail] command.
368 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this lesson.
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Lesson 2: Implementing
SNMP Version 3
Modern communication networks are extremely complex. This is partly due to combination of different
network technologies and techniques that are used to achieve their own specific goals. Trend of transporting
different types of traffic (data, voice, and video) over same IP infrastructure doesn’t help to make your job
as a network administrator an easy one.
In this environment the need for network monitoring is very important, in order to effectively troubleshoot
problems, trend data, and plan for network upgrades.
Simple Network Monitoring Protocol (SNMP) exposes environment and performance parameters of a
network device, allowing a Network Management System (NMS) to collect and process data. All modern
NMS are based on SNMP.
Upon completing this lesson, you will be able to meet these objectives:
• Describe the role of SNMP
• Compare different SNMP versions
• Explain what are recommended practices for setting up SNMP
• Configure SNMP version 3
• Verify SNMP version 3 configuration
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 371
SNMP Overview
SNMP has become the standard for network management. SNMP is a simple, easy to implement protocol
and is thus supported by virtually all vendors.
SNMP defines how management information is exchanged between SNMP managers and SNMP agents.
SNMP uses the UDP transport mechanism to retrieve and send management information, such as MIB
SNMP manager periodically polls the SNMP agents on managed devices by querying the device for data.
Periodic polling has a disadvantage: there is a delay between an actual event occurrence and the time SNMP
manager polls the data.
SNMP agents on managed devices collect device information and translate it into a compatible SNMP
format according to the MIB. MIBs are collections of definitions of the managed objects. SNMP agents
keep the database of values for definitions written in the MIB.
Agents also generate SNMP traps, asynchronous notifications that are sent from agent to manager. SNMP
traps are event-based and provide almost real-time notification of events.
SNMP is typically used to gather environment and performance data such as device CPU usage, memory
usage, interface traffic, interface error rate, etc. Free and enterprise NMS software bundles provide data
collection, storage, manipulation, and presentation. NMS offers a look into historical data, as well as
anticipated trends. Based on SNMP values NMS triggers alarms to notify network operators. Central view
provides an overview of the entire network to easily identify irregular events, such as increased traffic and
device unavailability due to Denial of Service attack.
Note SNMP allows for read/write access. Configuration of network devices can be applied using
SNMP write access, so SNMP access must be configured with care and security in mind.
372 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
SNMP Versions
New functionalities were added to SNMP through time. There are currently three versions of SNMP.
The initial version of SNMP, version 1 introduces 5 message types: Get Request, Get Next Request, Set
Request, Get Response and Trap, but is rarely used nowadays.
SNMP version 2 introduced 2 new message types, Get Bulk Request to poll large amounts of data, and
Inform Request, a type of Trap with expected acknowledgment on receipt. Version 2 added 64-bit counters
to accommodate faster network interfaces.
SNMP version 2 added a complex security model, which was never widely accepted. Instead a community-
based SNMP version 2, known as version 2c, draft standard was introduced and is now, due to its wide
acceptance, considered de facto version 2 standard.
Note Neither SNMPv1 nor SNMPv2c offer security features. Specifically, SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c
can neither authenticate the source of a management message nor provide encryption.
In SNMP version 3 methods to ensure the secure transmission of critical data between manager and agent,
were added. It provides flexibility in defining security policy. You can define secure policy per group, and
optionally limit IP addresses to which it's members can belong to. You have to define encryption and
hashing algorithms and passwords for each user.
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SNMP v3 introduces three levels of security:
• noAuthNoPriv: No authentication is required, and no privacy (encryption) is provided,
• authNoPriv: Authentication is based on Hashed Message Authentication Code MD5 or SHA. No
encryption is provided.
• authPriv: In addition to authentication, CBC-DES encryption is used.
374 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
SNMP Recommendations
There are some basic guidelines and best practices you should follow when setting up SNMP in you
NMS systems rarely need SNMP write access, so it is good practice to configure SNMP access as read-only.
Separate community / credentials should be configured for systems that require write access.
The Setup SNMP view command can block the user with only access to limited MIB. By default, there is no
SNMP view entry. It works similar to access-list in that if you have any SNMP View on certain MIB trees,
every other tree is implicitly denied.
Access lists should be used to limit SNMP access only to known SNMP managers.
SNMPv3 is recommended whenever possible. It provides authentication, encryption and integrity. Be
aware, that SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c community string was not designed as a security mechanism and is
transmitted in clear text, nevertheless community strings should not be trivial, and should be changed at
regular intervals.
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SNMP Version 3 Configuration
When configuring SNMPv3 there are a few of mandatory steps you should implement first to get SNMPv3
work properly.
376 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
As shown in the example, you first have to configure standard access list (access-list 99), which will be
further used to limit SNMP access to local device to SNMP managers with addresses in subnet
Next you configure the view "OPS" that will be used as both read and write view for the group "groupZ".
You can include or exclude specific OIDs from the view. In the example, OIDs for system uptime, interface
status, and description were added.
Then you configure SNMPv3 security policy. SNMPv3 group is configured with "authPriv" security level
(snmp-server group groupZ v3 priv) and user for that group (snmp-server userZ groupZ) with
passwords for both authentication (auth sha itsasecret) and encryption (priv aes 256 anothersecret).
You can also enable SNMP traps with snmp-server enable traps command. Traps are sent by a local
device, so receiving SNMP manager has to be configured. SNMPv3 traps will be sent to address
(snmp-server host traps) using user with authPriv security level (priv). You can also limit
events for which traps are sent. In the example, these are cpu and port security related events (cpu port-
SNMP does not identify object instances, such as network interfaces, by their names, rather their numerical
indexes. Whenever a number of instances changes (for instance, when a new Loopback interface is
configured), index numbers may shuffle. As a consequence NMS may mismatch data from different
interfaces. To prevent index shuffle, snmp-server ifindex persist command should be used. This will
guarantee index persistence over device reboots and minor software upgrades.
snmp-server enable traps [notification-type] Enables SNMP notification types that are available on
your system.
snmp-server group group-name {v1 | v2c | v3 Configures a new SNMP group w ith specified
{auth | noauth | priv}} [context context-name] authentication and optionally w ith specified associated
[read read-view][write write-view][notify notify- SNMP context, read, w rite, notify view and associated
view][access [acl-number | acl-name]] ACL.
snmp-server host {ip-address} [infroms | traps| Specifies the recipient of an SNMP notification operation.
version{1 | 2c | 3 {auth | noauth}}}
snmp-server user username group-name {v1 | v2c | Configures a new user to an SNMP group.
v3 [encrypted][atuh {md5 | sha} auth-password]}
[access [priv {des | 3des | aes {128 | 192 | 256}}
privpassword]] {acl-number | acl-name}]
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 377
Verifying SNMP Version 3 Configuration
Verification of administrative and operational state of SNMP is a very important step in the overall process
of setting up SNMPv3 in your network.
The command show snmp provides you with basic information about SNMP configuration. You can see if
the SNMP agent is enabled. You can verify whether the device is configured to send traps, and if so, to
which SNMP managers. The SNMP traffic statistics is also provided.
378 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
The command show snmp view gives you information about configured SNMP views. You can verify for
each group which OIDs are included. Also, there is a default read view (v1default) displayed, which is used
if you don’t configure any custom read views.
The command show snmp group gives you information about configured SNMP groups. Most important
parameters are security model and level (SNMPv3 authPriv, displayed as v3 priv in the output).
Information about read and write views for the group is displayed. Also, note that although notify view was
not configured explicitly, it is implicitly defined by a set of allowed SNMP objects for specific trap
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 379
destination. This is defined at the moment when you configure trap receiver and tie specific user to it – view
is generated for the group to which user belongs (in this case groupZ), in accordance with allowed SNMP
object for the trap receiver.
Access list which defines who has access to the agent is also displayed.
The command show snmp user gives you information about configured SNMP users. Most important
parameters to notice are user name (userZ) and group name to which user belongs (groupZ). Aside from
that, authentication (SHA) and encryption (AES256) algorithms are displayed, which tells you that the
group that the user belongs to is configured with authPriv security level.
Note You can remotely verify your SNMP configuration with a simple SNMP manager, such as
Net-SNMP snmpwalk. Snmpwalk is a simple command line tool that allows you to perform
SNMP queries. To perform an SNMPv3 query, use the snmpwalk -On -v 3 -u <user>
-l <security level> -a <authentication algorithm> -A <authentication
password> -x <encryption algorithm> -X <encription password> <device
IP address> command. Be aware, that the SNMP access from your device might be
limited by an ACL.
380 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this lesson.
For additional information, refer to these references:
• SNMP introduction: http://www.cisco.com/en/US/tech/tk648/tk362/tk605/tsd_technology_support_sub-
• SNMP Object navigator: http://tools.cisco.com/Support/SNMP/do/BrowseOID.do
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 381
Lesson 3: Implementing IP
The Cisco IOS IP SLA (Service Level Agreement) feature can be used to gather realistic information how
specific types of traffic are being handled when they flow across the network. IP SLA device generates
traffic destined to a far-end device. When far-end device responds, the IP SLA device gathers data about
what happened to the traffic along the way.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 383
IP SLA Introduction
The network has become increasingly critical for customers, and any downtime or degradation can
adversely affect revenue. Companies need some form of predictability with IP services. An SLA (service
level agreement) is a contract between the network provider and its customers, or between a network
department and internal corporate customers. It provides a form of guarantee to customers about the level of
user experience.
An SLA specifies connectivity and performance agreements for an end-user service from a service provider.
The SLA will typically outline the minimum level of service and the expected level of service. The
networking department can use the SLAs to verify that the service provider is meeting its own SLAs or to
define service levels for critical business applications. An SLA can also be used as the basis for planning
budgets and justifying network expenditures.
Administrators can ultimately reduce the MTTR by proactively isolating network issues. They can change
the network configuration, based on optimized performance metrics.
Typically, the technical components of an SLA contain a guaranteed level for network availability, network
performance in terms of RTT, and network response in terms of latency, jitter, and packet loss. The
specifics of an SLA vary depending on the applications that an organization is supporting in the network.
A simple example of an IP SLA test is the ICMP Echo test. IP SLA uses ICMP Echo Request and Response
packets to test availability of far-end device. The far-end device can be any device with IP capabilities-
router, switch, PC, server, and so on.
384 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Using IP SLA feature in your network you can take advantage of features like:
• Gather information of VoIP quality.
• Track interfaces to influence behavior of first-hop redundancy protocols (HSRP, VRRP, GLBP).
• When thresholds are breached, schedule further IP SLA tests that will tell you more about your
• When a threshold is breached send an SNMP trap.
IP SLA measurement uses various operations and actively generated traffic probes to gather many types of
measurement statistics:
• Network latency and response time.
• Packet loss statistics.
• Network jitter and voice quality scoring.
• End-to-end network connectivity.
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Multiple IP SLA operations (measurements) can be running in a network at any given time. Reporting tools
use SNMP to extract the data into a database and then report on it.
IP SLA measurements allow the network manager to verify service guarantees, which increases network
reliability by validating network performance, proactively identifying network issues, and easing the
deployment of new IP services.
Which tests you can perform on IP SLA source is platform-dependent:
Switch(config-ip-sla)# ?
IP SLAs entry configuration commands:
dhcp DHCP Operation
dns DNS Query Operation
exit Exit Operation Configuration
ftp FTP Operation
http HTTP Operation
icmp-echo ICMP Echo Operation
path-echo Path Discovered ICMP Echo Operation
path-jitter Path Discovered ICMP Jitter Operation
tcp-connect TCP Connect Operation
udp-echo UDP Echo Operation
udp-jitter UDP Jitter Operation
386 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
IP SLA Source and Responder
The IP SLA source is where all IP SLA measurement probe operations are configured either by the CLI or
through an SNMP tool that supports IP SLA operation. The source is also the Cisco IOS device that sends
probe packets. The destination of the probe may be another Cisco device or another network target such as a
web server or IP host.
Although the destination of the majority of the tests can be any IP device, the measurement accuracy of
some of the tests can be improved with an IP SLA responder. An IP SLA responder is a device that runs
Cisco IOS Software. The responder adds a timestamp to the packets sent so the IP SLA source can take into
account any latency that occurred while the responder is processing the test packets. For this test to work
properly both source's and responder's clock need to be synchronized through NTP.
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Discovery 13: IP SLA Echo Configuration
In this discovery, you will learn how to configure and verify IP SLA.
388 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
HQ is local Layer 3 switch that you will configure as IP SLA source. BR is remote Layer 3 switch that will
respond to the IP SLA pings.
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Job Aids
Note If you shut down an interface on a real router or switch, the connected device will see it as
"down/down". Due to virtualization specifics, IOL behaviour is slightly different. If you shut
down an interface on a router or switch, the connected device will see it as "up/up". In IOL,
the status of an interface can only be "up/up" or "administratively down/down".
Device Information
Device Interface IP Address
BR Loopback 0
HQ(config)# ip sla 1
This step defines IP SLA operation number. Operation number is an arbitrarily chosen number
that uniquely identifies an IP SLA test.
Configuring the test to perform starts with the test-type. In this example the test-type is icmp-
echo. Test-type is followed by a list of parameters. In ICMP echo example the only mandatory
parameter is the destination IP address. In this example the destination IP address is that of
switch BR—
NOTE: With IOS releases prior to 12.2(33) you have to use keyword type before defining the
test type. So this exact example would be: type icmp-echo
The ip sla schedule command schedules the IP SLA test. It specifies when test starts, for how
long does it run, and for how long the collected data is kept.
Switch(config)# ip sla schedule operation-number [life {forever | seconds}] [start-time
{hh:MM[:ss] [month day | day month] | pending | now | after hh:mm:ss}] [ageout seconds]
390 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
With the life keyword you set how long the IP SLA test will run. If you choose forever the test
will run until you manually remove it. By default IP SLA test will run for 1 hour.
With the start-time keyword you will set when the IP SLA test should start. You can start the
test right away by issuing now keyword, or you can configure a delayed start.
With the ageout keyword you can control how long the collected data is kept.
With the recurring keyword you can schedule a test to run periodically—for example the same
time each day.
NOTE: After an IP SLA test is scheduled to run, you will not be able to modify it.
Verifying the IP SLA configuration on HQ you should see IP SLA 1 enabled to perform ICMP
Echo tests from the local device to the IP address of Operation frequency is set to
60 seconds and that test will run forever, and collected entries will never age-out.
Using show ip sla statistics you can investigate the results of the test. In this example IP SLA 1
test on HQ was successfully performed 32 times and the test has never failed.
You can add the aggregated keyword to view a more summarized output of the show ip sla
statistics command.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 391
You can add the details keyword to view a more detailed output of the show ip sla statistics
NOTE: The show ip sla application command will show you which operations are supported
on the platform and how many operations are configured and/or active.
392 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
IP SLA Operation with Responder
Specific IP SLA measurements, such as ICMP Echo, Telnet or HTTP can be performed against a
destination device running standard network services. However the accuracy of the measurements can be
greatly improved with a use of IP SLA Responder. The IP SLAs responder is a component embedded in the
destination Cisco device that allows the system to anticipate and respond to IP SLAs request packets.
Switches and routers can take tens of milliseconds to process incoming packets due to other high priority
processes. This delay affects the response times because the test-packet reply might be in a queue while
waiting to be processed. In this situation, the response times would not accurately represent true network
delays. IP SLA minimizes these processing delays on the source device as well as on the target device (if
the responder is being used) to determine true round-trip times. IP SLAs test packets use time stamping to
minimize the processing delays.
The network manager configures an IP SLA operation by defining a target device, protocol, and port
number on the IP SLA source. The network manager can also configure reaction conditions. The operation
is scheduled to be run for a period of time to gather statistics. The following sequence of events occurs for
each IP SLA operation that requires a responder on the target:
1 At the start of the control phase, the IP SLA source sends a control message with the configured IP SLA
operation information to IP SLA control port UDP 1967 on the target router. The control message
carries information such as protocol, port number, and duration.
– If MD5 authentication is enabled, MD5 checksum is sent with the control message.
– If the authentication of the message is enabled, the responder verifies it; if the authentication fails,
the responder returns an authentication failure message.
– If the IP SLA measurement operation does not receive a response from a responder, it tries to
retransmit the control message and eventually times out.
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2 If the responder processes the control message, it sends an OK message to the source router and listens
on the port that is specified in the control message for a specified duration. If the responder cannot
process the control message, it returns an error. In the figure, UDP port 2020 is used for the IP SLA test
Note The responder is capable of responding to multiple IP SLA measurement operations that try
to connect to the same port number.
3 If the return code of control message is OK, then the IP SLA operation moves to the probing phase,
where it will send one or more test packets to the responder for response time computations. The return
code is available with the show ip sla statistics command. In the figure, these test messages are sent on
control port 2020.
4 The responder accepts the test packets and responds. Based on the type of operation, the responder may
add an “in” time stamp and an “out” time stamp in the response packet payload to account for CPU time
that is spent in measuring unidirectional packet loss, latency, and jitter to a Cisco device. These time
stamps help the IP SLA source to make accurate assessments on one-way delay and the processing time
in the target routers. The responder disables the user-specified port after it responds to the IP SLA
measurements packet or when a specified time expires.
394 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
IP SLA Responder Time Stamps
The figure illustrates the use of IP SLA responder time stamps in round-trip calculations. The IP SLA
source will use four time stamps for the RTT calculation. The IP SLA source sends a test packet at time T1.
The IP SLA responder includes both the receipt time (T2) and transmit time (T3). Because of other high-
priority processes, routers can take tens of milliseconds to process incoming packets. The delay affects the
response times as the reply to test packets might be sitting in a queue while waiting to be processed. This
time stamping is made with a granularity of submilliseconds. At times of high network activity, an ICMP
ping test often shows a long and inaccurate response time, while an IP SLA–based responder shows an
accurate response time. The IP SLA source subtracts T2 from T3 to produce the time spent processing the
test packet in the IP SLA responder. This time is represented by a delta value.
The delta value is then subtracted from the overall RTT. The same principle is applied by the IP SLA source
where the incoming T4 is also taken at the interrupt level to allow for greater accuracy, as compared with
T5 when the packet is processed.
An additional benefit of two time stamps at the IP SLA responder is the ability to track one-way delay,
jitter, and directional packet loss. These statistics are critical, because a great deal of network behavior is
asynchronous. To capture one-way delay measurements, you must configure both the IP SLA source and the
IP SLA responder with the NTP.
Both the source and destination must be synchronized to the same clock source. The IP SLA responder
provides enhanced accuracy for measurements, without the need for dedicated third-party external probe
devices. It also provides additional statistics, which are not otherwise available via standard ICMP-based
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 395
Configuring Authentication for IP SLA
The key-chains should be configured on the source router as well as on the destination router. Only then
source device will be allowed to interact with the destination router.
Multiple authentication strings can be configured for a key-chain. When multiple strings are configured,
then MD5 alternates between the strings during communication.
Once a key-chain is configured, it has to be tied to Cisco IOS IP SLAs, so that it could use these
authentication strings for authenticating control messages.
396 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Configuration Example: UDP Jitter
The IP SLAs UDP jitter operation was primarily designed to diagnose network suitability for real-time
traffic applications such as VoIP, video over IP, or real-time conferencing.
This topic presents an example of how IP SLA feature can be used. There are many more uses for it, this is
just one of them.
Jitter means inter-packet delay variance. When multiple packets are sent consecutively from source to
destination, for example, 10 ms apart, and the network is behaving ideally, the destination should be
receiving them 10 ms apart. But if there are delays in the network (like queuing, arriving through alternate
routes, and so on) the arrival delay between packets might be greater than or less than 10 ms. Using this
example, a positive jitter value indicates that the packets arrived more than 10 ms apart. If the packets arrive
12 ms apart, then positive jitter is 2 ms; if the packets arrive 8 ms apart, then negative jitter is 2 ms. For
delay-sensitive networks like VoIP, positive jitter values are undesirable, and a jitter value of 0 is ideal.
To configure UDP jitter SLA, simply enter IP SLA configuration mode and define UDP jitter test:
Switch(config-ip-sla)# udp-jitter dest-ip-add dest-udp-port [source-ip src-ip-add]
[source-port src-udp-port] [num-packets num-of-packets] [interval packet-interval]
With UDP jitter IP SLA configuration you can specify IP and destination IP addresses and also specify the
port numbers that are used for the packet stream. By default 10 packets, spaced at 20 milliseconds will be
sent. You can override this behavior by specifying the num-packets and interval keywords.
After defining the basic UDP jitter test, you can specify additional parameters. In provided example these
additional parameters are the frequency of test execution and number of bytes in payload.
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This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this lesson.
For additional information, refer to:
• Configuring IP SLAs UDP Jitter Operations: http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/ios-
398 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Lesson 4: Implementing Port
Mirroring for Monitoring
Cisco Switches provide various information, such as resource utilization, traffic counts, error counts, etc.
However certain traffic information can only be acquired by specialized traffic sniffers and analyzers. To
feed the traffic sniffer with traffic flows, you can use SPAN feature.
Upon completing this lesson, you will be able to meet these objectives:
• Describe what is SPAN
• Describe SPAN terminology
• Describe different versions of SPAN
• Configure SPAN
• Verify local SPAN configuration
• Configure RSPAN
• Verify RSPAN configuration
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What is SPAN?
Traffic sniffer can be a valuable tool to monitor and troubleshoot a network. Properly placing a traffic
sniffer to capture a traffic flow but not interrupt it can prove challenging.
When local area networks were based on hubs, connecting a traffic sniffer was simple. When a hub receives
a packet on one port, the hub sends out a copy of that packet on all ports except on the one where the hub
received the packet. Traffic sniffer connected a hub port could thus receive all traffic in the network.
Modern local networks are essentially switched networks. After a switch boots, it starts to build up a Layer
2 forwarding table on the basis of the source MAC address of the different packets that the switch receives.
After this forwarding table is built, the switch forwards traffic that is destined for a MAC address directly to
the corresponding port, thus preventing a traffic sniffer that is connected to another port to receive the
unicast traffic.
The SPAN feature was therefore introduced on switches.
SPAN feature allows you to instruct a switch to send copies of packets seen on one port, to another port on
the same switch.
If you would like to analyze the traffic flowing from PC1 to PC2, you need to specify a source port. You
can either configure interface GigabitEthernet0/1 to capture the ingress traffic or interface
GigabitEthernet0/2 to capture the egress traffic. Second, specify interface GigabitEthernet0/3 as a
destination port. Traffic flowing from PC1 to PC2 will then be copied to that interface and you will be able
to analyze it with a traffic sniffer.
Besides the traffic on ports, you can also monitor the traffic on VLANs.
400 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
SPAN Terminology
SPAN features two different port types. Source port is a port that is monitored for traffic analysis. SPAN
can copy ingress, egress or both traffic from a source port. Both Layer 2 and Layer 3 ports can be
configured as SPAN source ports. Traffic is copied to destination (also called monitor) port.
Association of source ports and a destination port is called a SPAN session. In a single session you can
monitor one or multiple source ports. Depending on the switch series you might be able to copy session
traffic to more than one destination port.
Alternatively you can specify a source VLAN, where all ports in the source VLAN become sources of
SPAN traffic. Each SPAN session can have either ports or VLANs as sources, but not both.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 401
Remote SPAN
SPAN feature is limited, as it only allows for local copy on a single switch. Typical switched network
usually consists of multiple switches and it is practical to monitor ports spread all over the switched network
with a single packet sniffer. This is possible with the Remote SPAN.
While local SPAN supports source and destination ports only on one switch, a Remote SPAN supports
source and destination ports on different switches.
402 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Local SPAN Configuration
Similarly, you associate destination port with SPAN session number by use of the following command:
monitor session number destination interface/vlans
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 403
Verifying Local SPAN Configuration
You can verify the configuration of the SPAN session by using the show monitor command.
As shown in the example above, the show monitor command returns the type of the session, source ports
for each traffic directions, and the destination port. In the example shown in the figure, information about
session number "1" are presented—source ports for both traffic directions is GigabitEthernet 0/1 and
destination port is GigabitEthernet 0/2. The ingress SPAN is disabled on destination port, so only traffic that
leaves the switch is copied to it.
In case you have more than one session configured, information about all session are shown after using the
show monitor command.
404 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Remote SPAN Configuration
There are some differences between the configuration of remote SPAN and the configuration of local
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 405
As the ports are now on two different switches, you use a special RSPAN VLAN to transport the traffic
from one switch to the other. You configure this VLAN as any other VLAN but in addition you enter the
remote-span keyword in VLAN configuration mode. You need to define this VLAN on all switches in the
Remote SPAN uses two sessions—source and destination.
Use the following commands to define the port that traffic is captured from and the port that traffic is copied
• monitor session number source interface slot/number
• monitor session number destination remote vlan vlan-number
These two sessions need to be defined on both, local and remote switch.
Session numbers are local to each switch, so they don't need to be the same on every switch.
406 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Verifying Remote SPAN Configuration
As with local SPAN configuration, you can verify RSPAN session configuration by using show monitor
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 407
The only difference is, that now on the source switch the session type is identified as "Remote Source
Session", while on the destination switch it is marked as "Remote Destination Session".
In addition to verifying the correct configuration, it is also important that you verify that the VLAN is
configured correctly as RSPAN VLAN on both switches. You can verify this by using show vlan remote-
span command.
408 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this lesson.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 409
Lesson 5: Verifying Switch
Redundant topologies often introduce overhead in terms of management, resiliency, and performance. To
reduce the number of logical network devices and simplify Layer 2 and Layer 3 network topology, you can
use two switch virtualization technologies: StackWise and VSS.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 411
The Need for Logical Switching Architectures
The figure shows a typical switch topology on the access and the distribution layer. Two (or more) access
switches are sitting next to each other in the same rack to provide enough access ports for all the network
devices, each one with two redundant connections to each of the distribution switches.
This topology introduces certain overhead in terms of management, resiliency, and performance.
Every switch demands it‘s own configuration and management, even though you can clearly identify only
two different roles – access and distribution. Every access switch needs it‘s own uplink to each of the
distribution switches to satisfy the redundancy requirements, but one of the uplinks has to be blocked by the
spanning tree protocol to prevent a loop, thus cutting the bandwidth in half. Configuring per-VLAN
spanning tree protocol will unequally utilize both uplinks, but with additional management overhead. Hosts
connected to ASW1 can only communicate with hosts in the same VLAN connected to ASW2 via one of
the distribution switches.
412 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
What is StackWise?
Cisco StackWise technology provides a method for collectively utilizing the capabilities of a stack of
switches. Configuration and routing information is shared by every switch in the stack, creating a single
switching unit. Switches can be added to and deleted from a working stack without affecting the
The switches are united into a single logical unit, using special stack interconnect cables that create a
bidirectional closed-loop path. This bidirectional path acts as a switch fabric for all the connected switches.
Network topology and routing information are updated continuously through the stack interconnect. All
stack members have full access to the stack interconnect bandwidth. The stack is managed as a single unit
by a master switch, which is elected from one of the stack member switches. Up to nine separate switches
can be joined.
Each stack of switches has a single IP address and is managed as a single object. This single IP management
applies to activities such as fault detection, VLAN creation and modification, security, and QoS controls.
Each stack has only one configuration file, which is distributed to each member in the stack. This allows
each switch in the stack to share the same network topology, MAC address, and routing information. In
addition, it allows for any member to become the master if the master ever fails.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 413
Note Catalyst 3750-E, 3750-X, and 3850 series switches support StackWise and StackWise Plus.
StackWise Plus is an evolution of StackWise. StackWise Plus supports local switching, so
locally destined packets need not traverse the stack ring. Additionaly it supports spatial
reuse, ability to more efficiently utilize stack interconnect, thus further improving it's
throughput performance. Catalyst 3850 series supports StackWise-480 with improved 480
Gbps stacking. Catalyst 2960-S series supports FlexStack, a StackWise based feature
tailored for Layer 2 switches. FlexStack is limited to 4 stacked switches.
414 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
StackWise Benefits
Uniting switches into a stack has multiple benefits.
StackWise is typically used to unite access switches mounted in the same rack. Multiple switches are used
to provide enough access ports. The stack, up to 9 switches, is managed as a single unit, reducing the
number of units you have to manage in your network. Switches can be added to and removed from a
working stack without affecting stack performance. When a new switch is added, the master switch
automatically configures the unit with the currently running IOS image and the configuration of the stack.
You do not have to do anything to bring up the switch before it is ready to operate.
The switches are united into a single logical unit using special stack interconnect cables that create a
bidirectional closed-loop path. This bidirectional path acts as a switch fabric for all the connected switches.
When a break is detected in a cable, the traffic is immediately wrapped back across the remaining path to
continue forwarding.
Multiple switches in a stack can create an EtherChannel connection. Spanning tree protocol can thus be
avoided, doubling the available bandwidth of the existing distribution switches uplinks.
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Verifying StackWise
You can verify the status of your stack by using the show switch command with different parameters.
The show switch command without additional parameters returns the shared stack MAC address and lists
all the switches in a stack with their stack number, stack role, MAC address, hardware priority, hardware
version, and current state. Hardware priority is used in stack master election and can be configured.
Hardware version number is associated with the switch model. Different switch models can have the same
hardware version if they support the same system-level features. Hardware version number is not used in the
stack master election.
Each stack switch uses 2 ports to connect to other stack switches to form a bidirectional ring. You can verify
the state of stack port with the show switch stack-ports command.
The show platform stack manager all command offers an in-depth view into StackWise status. It reveals
the stack status, stack ports status, stack manager version, different counters, and so on.
416 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Redundant Switch Supervisors
Cisco Supervisor Engine module is the heart of the Cisco modular switch platforms. The supervisor
provides centralized forwarding information and processing. All software processes of a modular switch are
run on a supervisor.
Platforms such as the Catalyst 4500, 6500 and 6800 series can accept two supervisor modules that are
installed in a single chassis, thus removing a single point of failure. The first supervisor module to
successfully boot becomes the active supervisor for the chassis. The other supervisor remains in a standby
role, waiting for the active supervisor to fail.
All switching functions are provided by the active supervisor. The standby supervisor, however, is allowed
to boot up and initialize only to a certain level. When the active module fails, the standby module can
proceed to initialize any remaining functions and take over the active role.
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Supervisor Redundancy Modes
Redundant supervisor modules can be configured in several modes. The redundancy mode affects how the
two supervisors handshake and synchronize information. Additionally, the mode limits the standby
supervisor's state of readiness. The more ready the standby module is allowed to become, the less
initialization and failover time will be required.
418 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
What is VSS?
VSS is a network system virtualization technology that combines a pair of Catalyst 4500 or 6500 series
switches into one virtual switch, increasing the operational efficiency, boosting nonstop communications,
and scaling the system bandwidth capacity. The VSS simplifies network configuration and operation by
reducing the number of Layer 3 routing neighbors and by providing a loop-free Layer 2 topology.
VSS is made up of two Catalyst switches and a VSL between them. VSL is made up of up to eight 10
Gigabit Ethernet connections bundled into an EtherChannel. VSL carries the control plane communication
between the two VSS members, as well as regular data traffic.
Once the VSS is formed, only the control plane of one of the member's is active. Data plane and switch
fabric of both members are active. Both chassis are kept in sync with the interchassis SSO mechanism along
with NSF to provide nonstop communication even in the event of failure of one of the member supervisor
engines or chassis.
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VSS Benefits
VSS increases operational efficiency by reducing switch management overhead and simplifying the
network. It provides a single point of management, IP address, and routing instance.
You see a single management point from which you configure and manage the VSS. Neighbors see the VSS
as a single Layer 2 switching or Layer 3 routing node, thus reducing the control protocol traffic. VSS
provides a single VLAN gateway IP address, removing the need for the first-hop redundancy protocol
(HSRP, VRRP, GLBP). MEC allows you to bundle links to 2 physical switches in VSS, creating a loop-free
redundant topology without the need for Spanning Tree Protocol.
Interchassis stateful failover results in no disruption to applications that rely on network state information
(for example, forwarding table info, NetFlow, Network Address Translation, authentication, and
authorization). VSS eliminates Layer 2 / Layer 3 protocol reconvergence if a virtual switch member fails,
resulting in deterministic subsecond virtual switch recovery.
420 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Verifying VSS
You can verify the status of your stack by using the show switch virtual command with different
To display configuration and status information for a VSS, use the show switch virtual command. Active
and standby switches will be displayed, together with a virtual switch domain number. You can display
further details, such as priority, by adding the role keyword:
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 421
Switch1# show switch virtual role
RRP information for Instance 1
Valid Flags Peer Preferred Reserved
Count Peer Peer
TRUE V 1 1 1
Flags : V - Valid
You can display virtual switch link status with the show switch virtual link command. More information,
such as EthetChannel used for VSL, can be obtained by adding port-channel keyword:
Switch1# show switch virtual link port-channel
Flags: D - down P - bundled in port-channel
I - stand-alone s - suspended
H - Hot-standby (LACP only)
R - Layer3 S - Layer2
U - in use N - not in use, no aggregation
f - failed to allocate aggregator
w - waiting to be aggregated
422 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this lesson.
For additional information, refer to these references:
• StackWise and StackWise Plus whitepaper:
• StackWise creation and management:
• FlexStack description and usage:
• SSO configuration guide:
• VSS configuration guide:
• VSS Q&A:
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 423
Lesson 6: Module Summary
This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this module.
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Lesson 7: Module Self-
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 427
Use the questions here to review what you learned in this module. The correct answers and solutions are
found in the Module Self-Check Answer Key.
1. Which of the following statements are true? (Chose two.) (Source: Configuring Network Time Protocol)
A. Stratum 1 devices have directly attached radio or atomic clock.
B. Higher stratum number always indicates greater quality and reliability.
C. Stratum number represents the distance from a reference clock.
D. Network devices will always synchronise with NTP server with the highest stratum number.
2. Different NTP restrictions can be configured through ACLs on Cisco devices. Match the restriction
keyword with the restriction it applies. (Source: Configuring Network Time Protocol)
3. Match SNMP versions with their descriptions. (Source: Implementing SNMP Version 3)
Initial version, rarely used nowadays.
Added a complex security model, but was never widely
Community based de-facto standard, widely used, but
C. SNMPv3 provides no security features besides a community string.
Supports authentication and encryption. Should be used
D. SNMPv2c
whenever possible.
4. Which of the following SNMP statements are true? (Chose two.) (Source: Implementing SNMP Version
A. Given the SNMP write access, a device can be remotely reconfigured via SNMP.
B. Network Management Systems (NMS) include their own SNMP agent.
C. snmp-server ifindex persist command exposes interface counters over SNMP.
D. SNMP traps are sent from the SNMP agent to the SNMP manager and are event based.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 429
5. Which of the following SNMP recommendations is not valid? (Source: Implementing SNMP Version 3)
A. Always use MD5 authentication when SNMPv3 is not available and you are forced to use
B. Restrict access to read-only.
C. Setup SNMP views to restrict manager to only access needed set of MIBs.
D. Configure ACLs to restrict SNMP access only by known managers.
7. Which of the following IP SLA statements are true? (Chose two.) (Source: Implementing IP SLA)
A. IP SLA guarantees the service level of a network link
B. Results of the IP SLA tests can be polled from device using SNMP.
C. IP SLA Responder can improve the accuracy of the test by subtracting the time spent to process a
packet on the destination device.
D. Under no condition IP SLA measurement can take into account processing delay of an IP SLA test.
8. Match switch virtualization terms with their descriptions. (Source: Verifying Switch Virtualization)
Joins up to 9 individual switches in a single logical
A. StackWise
switching unit.
Network system virtualization technology that pools
B. Virtual switch
two multichasis switches into one virtual switch.
link (VSL)
Connects switches to create a bidirectional closed-loop
C. Virtual
System (VSS)
9. Which of the following is not a technology used to join Cisco switches in a stack? (Source: Verifying
Switch Virtualization)
A. StackWise
B. StackWise Plus
C. StackWise-480
D. StackPower
E. FlexStack
430 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
10. What is Switched Port Analyzer (SPAN)? (Source: Implementing Port Mirroring for Monitoring
A. SPAN performs analysis of the management traffic flowing through the switch.
B. SPAN is a packet sniffing feature.
C. SPAN allows a switch to send copies of packets seen on one port, to another port on the same switch.
D. SPAN logs the traffic. Logs can later be exported in a traffic analyser to be analysed.
11. Which of the following RSPAN statements are true? (Chose two.) (Source: Implementing Port
Mirroring for Monitoring Support)
A. RSPAN requires a dedicated RSPAN VLAN.
B. RSPAN supports source and destination ports on different switches.
C. RSPAN sessions work across WAN.
D. A reflector port forwards all traffic to connected device.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 431
Module Self-Check Answers
Answer Key
1 A, C
A. peer — Time synchronization requests and control queries are allowed. Device is allowed to
synchronize itself to remote systems that pass the access list.
B. serve — Time synchronization requests and control queries are allowed. Device is not allowed to
synchronize itself to remote systems that pass the access list.
C. serve-only — Only allows synchronization requests.
D. query-only — Only allows control queries.
A. SNMPv1 — Initial version, rarely used nowadays.
B. SNMPv2 — Added a complex security model, but was never widely accepted.
C. SNMPv2c — Community based de-facto standard, widely used, but provides no security features
besides a community string.
D. SNMPv3 — Supports authentication and encryption. Should be used whenever possible.
4 A, D
5 A
6 A
7 B, C
A. StackWise — Joins up to 9 individual switches in a single logical switching unit.
B. Virtual Switching System (VSS) — Network system virtualization technology that pools two
multichasis switches into one virtual switch.
C. StackWise interconnect cable — Connects switches to create a bidirectional closed-loop path.
432 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
D. Virtual switch link (VSL) — Carries regular data traffic in addition to the control plane
communication between the two virtual switch members. It consists of multiple 10 GigabitEthernet
connections bundled in an EtherChannel.
9 D
10 C
11 A, B
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 433
Module 6: First Hop
Redundancy Implementation
A First Hop Redundancy Protocol (FHRP) is a networking protocol that is designed to protect the default
gateway by allowing two or more routers or Layer 3 switches to provide backup for that address. If one
first-hop device fails, the backup router will take over the address, by default within a few seconds.
HSRP, VRRP, and GLBP are three first-hop redundancy protocols. All three protocols have versions that
support first-hop redundancy not only in IPv4 environments, but also IPv6. However not all platforms and
their IOS versions support all of these three protocols for both IPv4 and IPv6.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 435
Lesson 1: Configuring Layer
3 Redundancy with HSRP
A network with high availability provides alternative means by which all infrastructure paths and key
servers can be accessed at all times. The HSRP is one of the features that can be configured to provide
default gateway redundancy to network hosts. HSRP optimization provides immediate or link-specific
failover as well as a recovery mechanism.
436 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
The Need for First Hop Redundancy
Take a look at the figure. Both Router A and Router B are connected to the network and are
advertising it with the routing protocol. All the packets that are destined to the network are
routed to router A. Should router A become unavailable, the routing protocol will dynamically converge,
and packets will be routed to router B. Redundancy is thus achieved with dynamic routing protocol.
Workstations in the subnet, however, like most workstations, servers, printers, and other
network hosts, does not support dynamic routing protocols. Whenever a network host wants to
communicate with a host that is located in a different subnet, packets must be relayed through a Layer 3
device (router or Layer 3 switch). Packets that are destined to another subnet are sent to a Layer 3 device by
either Proxy ARP or default gateway setting.
With the Proxy ARP technique, Layer 3 device offers its own MAC address in response to an ARP query to
a MAC address that exists outside the source subnet, thus accepting all subsequent packets destined to that
address, routing them to another subnet. Proxy ARP technique has no fallback mechanisms and introduction
of multiple routers that use this technique in the same subnet will cause issues such as MAC flapping.
Network hosts are configured with a single default gateway IP address. All packets destined to another
subnet are sent to the default gateway IP address, which does not change when network topology changes
occur. If the router whose IP address serves as the default gateway to the network hosts fails, a network host
will be unable to send packets to another subnet, effectively disconnecting it from the rest of the network.
Even if a redundant router exists that could serve as a default gateway for that subnet, there is no dynamic
method by which these devices can determine the address of a new default gateway.
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The Idea Behind First Hop Redundancy Process
With the first hop router redundancy, a set of routers or Layer 3 switches work together to present the
illusion of a single virtual router to the hosts on the LAN. By sharing an IP address and a MAC (Layer 2)
address, two or more routers can act as a single “virtual” router.
The IP address of the virtual router is configured as the default gateway for the workstations on a specific IP
subnet. When frames are to be sent from the workstation to the default gateway, the workstation uses ARP
to resolve the MAC address that is associated with the IP address of the default gateway. The ARP
resolution will return the MAC address of the virtual router. Frames that are sent to the MAC address of the
virtual router can then be physically processed by an active router that is part of that virtual router group.
A protocol is used to identify two or more routers as devices that are responsible for processing the frames
that are sent to the MAC or IP address of a single virtual router. Host devices send traffic to the address of
the virtual router, which is then picked up and routed by an active physical router. The physical router that
forwards this traffic is transparent to the network hosts.
438 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
The redundancy protocol provides the mechanism for determining which router should take the active role
in forwarding traffic and determining when that role must be taken over by a standby router. The transition
from one forwarding router to another is transparent to the network hosts.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 439
Discovery 14: Configuring and Tuning HSRP
HSRP is a Cisco proprietary protocol that was developed to allow several multilayer switches or routers to
appear as a single gateway IP address.
In this discovery you will learn how to configure HSRP.
Note In this discovery, HSRP, which is an example of FHRP, can be configured on Layer 3
switches and routers. In this discovery, HSRP is configured on routers since IOL does not
support the HSRP feature on switches.
440 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
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Job Aids
Note If you shut down an interface on a real router or switch, the connected device will see it as
"down/down". Due to virtualization specifics, IOL behaviour is slightly different. If you shut
down an interface on a router or switch, the connected device will see it as "up/up". In IOL,
the status of an interface can only be "up/up" or "administratively down/down".
IP Addressing
The IP of is HSRP´s virtual IP address that is also configured as the default gateway
IP address on PC1 and PC2.
Step 2 Configure R2's Ethernet 0/1 (LAN-facing interface) with IP address and HSRP
standby IP of
Both R1 and R2 must have the same HSRP standby IP address configured.
442 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
R2(config)# interface ethernet 0/1
R2(config-if)# ip address
R2(config-if)# standby 1 ip
An HSRP group is a set of HSRP devices emulating a virtual router. You have assigned both
routers a common HSRP group—group 1. If you had left out the group number, it would be set
to default group 0. With HSRP version 1, a group number can be any integer between 0 and 255.
If you are configuring HSRP on a multilayer switch, it is a good practice to configure HSRP
group number equal to the VLAN number. HSRP group numbers are locally significant. For
example, HSRP group 1 on interface VLAN 22 is independent from HSRP group 1 on interface
VLAN 33.
One of the two routers will be elected as "active" and the other will be elected as "standby". If
you had more routers in your HSRP group, they would be in the "listen" state. Roles are elected
based on the exchange of HSRP hello messages. When the active router fails, the other HSRP
routers stop seeing hello messages from the active router. The standby router then assumes the
role of the active router. If other routers are participating in the group, they then contend to be
the new standby router. Should both the active and standby router fail, all other routers in the
group contend for the active and standby router roles. As the new active router assumes both the
IP and the MAC addresses of the virtual router, the end stations see no disruption in the service.
The end stations continue to send packets to the virtual router MAC address, and the new active
router forwards the packets towards their destination.
HSRP active and standby routers send hello messages to multicast address UDP port
The ICMP protocol allows a router to redirect an end station to send packets for a particular
destination to another router on the same subnet. That is, if the first router knows that the other
router has a better path to that particular destination. As was the case for default gateways, if the
router to which an end station has been redirected for a particular destination fails, then the end
station's packets to that destination were not delivered. In standard HSRP, this is exactly what
happens. For this reason, we recommend disabling ICMP redirects if HSRP is turned on.
The IP address and the corresponding MAC address of the virtual router are maintained in the
ARP table of the active router in an HSRP group.
The HSRP MAC address is in the following format: 0000.0c07.acXX, where XX is the HSRP
group number. Clients utilize this MAC address to forward data.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 443
Forwarding Through Active Router
All the routers in an HSRP group have specific roles and interact in specific ways.
The virtual router is simply an IP and MAC address pair that end devices have configured as their default
gateway. The active router will process all packets and frames that are sent to the virtual router address. The
virtual router processes no physical frames.
Within an HSRP group, one router is elected to be the active router. The active router responds to traffic for
the virtual router. If an end station sends a packet to the virtual router MAC address, the active router
receives and processes that packet. If an end station sends an ARP request with the virtual router IP address,
the active router replies with the virtual router MAC address. In this example, R1 assumes the active role
and forwards all frames that are addressed to the well-known MAC address of 0000.0c07.acXX, where XX
is the HSRP group identifier.
HSRP priority is a parameter that enables you to choose the active router between HSRP-enabled
devices in a group. Priority is a value between 0 and 255. The default value is 100. The device
with the highest priority will become active.
If HSRP group priorities are the same, the device with the highest IP address will become active.
In this example that is R1.
Setting priority is wise for deterministic reasons. You want to know, not guess, how your
network will behave under normal conditions. Knowing that R2 is the active gateway for VLAN
1 clients, enables you to write up good documentation.
444 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
However, now that you have changed R2's priority to 110, it will not automatically become the
active router as preemption is not enabled by default. Preemption is the ability of a HSRP-
enabled device to trigger the re-election process.
Step 5 Configure R1's and R2's Ethernet 0/1 HSRP group 1 interfaces with preemption.
Notice that after you enable preemption R1 will change it's state to "standby" and R2 will change
it's state to "active".
R1 is the standby router and R2 is the active router. The output of show standby can be
condensed using the brief keyword.
Right now traffic flows from PC1 through ASW1, ASW2, R2, R3, to the server, and back. This
is because R2 is the active router.
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Step 8 To simulate R2's failure, shut down it's Ethernet 0/1 interface.
A few attempts might get lost on your continuous ping from PC1 to the server, but the switch-
over from R2 to R1 should be quick and seamless for PC1.
446 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Step 9 On R1 and R2, investigate the HSRP status.
R1 has taken over as the active router and R2 is stuck in the "Init" state. The "Init" state indicates
that R1 and R2 are not recognizing each other as HSRP peers. This is logical since they have lost
direct connectivity over LAN interfaces.
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R1# show standby brief
P indicates configured to preempt.
Interface Grp Pri P State Active Standby Virtual IP
Et0/1 1 100 P Standby local
After R2 is available again, it almost instantly becomes the active router. R1 is on standby again.
This is only because preemption is enabled. Thus, when an HSRP-enabled device with higher
priority comes online, it will become the active device.
With preemption disabled, which is the default behavior, R2 would not regain active status after
coming back online.
If you would perform a traceroute from PC1 to the server, you would see that R2 answers with
its "real" interface address (, not the virtual HSRP address ( This is
really helpful if you want to verify through which first-hop device is traffic going.
448 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
HSRP State Transition
When a router exists in one of these states, it performs the actions required by that state. Not all HSRP
routers in the group will transition through all states. In a HSRP group with three or more routers, a router
that is not the standby or active router will remain in the listen state.
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All routers begin in the initial state. This is the starting state and it indicates that HSRP is not running. This
state is entered via configuration change, such as when HSRP is disabled on an interface, or when an HSRP-
enabled interface is first brought up, for instance when the no shutdown command is issued.
The purpose of the listen state is to determine if there are any active or standby routers already present in
the group. In the speak state, the routers are actively participating in the election of the active router,
standby router or both.
Each router uses three timers for the HSRP hello messages. When a timer expires, the router transitions to a
new HSRP state.
In the example in the figure, Router A starts. As it is the first router in the subnet that is configured for
standby group 1, it transits through the listen and speak states, and then becomes the active router. Router B
starts after router A. While Router B is in the listen state, Router A is already assuming the standby and then
the active role. As there is an active router already present, Router B assumes the standby role.
When two routers participate in an election process, a priority can be configured to determine which router
should become active. Without specific priority configuration, each router has a default priority of 100, and
the router with the highest IP address is elected as the active router.
Regardless of other router priorities or IP addresses, an active router will stay active by default. A new
election will occur only if the active router is removed. When the standby router is removed, a new election
is made to replace the standby router. You can change this default behavior with the preempt option.
450 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
STP is running between the Layer 3 and Layer 2 switches. In a redundant spanning-tree topology, some
links are blocked. The spanning-tree topology has no awareness of the HSRP configuration. There is no
automatic relationship between the HSRP active router election process and the spanning-tree root bridge
election process.
Take a look at the figure. VLAN traffic destined for the core is sent to SW1, as it is a STP root bridge and
the other links are blocked by the STP. However, SW2 is an active HSRP gateway, so traffic needs to be
forwarded to SW2 before being routed to the core network. Traffic path is thus suboptimal, with traffic
passing more devices than needed.
It is a good practice, to configure the same Layer 3 switch to be both the spanning-tree root and the HSRP
active router for a single VLAN. This approach ensures that the Layer 2 forwarding path leads directly to
the Layer 3 device that is the HSRP active gateway, thus achieving maximum efficiency.
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Load Sharing With HSRP
HSRP does not support load sharing as part of the protocol specification. However, load sharing can be
achieved through configuration of MHSRP.
In the figure, two HSRP-enabled Layer 2 switches participate in two separate VLANs, using IEEE 802.1Q
trunks. By leaving the default HSRP priority values, a single Layer 2 switch will likely become an active
gateway for both VLANs, effectively utilizing only one uplink towards the core of the network.
In order to utilize both paths towards the core network, you can configure HSRP with MHSRP. Group 10 is
configured for VLAN 10. Group 20 is configured for VLAN 20. For group 10, Switch1 is configured with
higher priority to become the active gateway and Switch2 becomes the standby gateway. For group 20,
Switch2 is configured with higher priority to become the active gateway and Switch1 becomes the standby
router. Now both uplinks towards the core are utilized, one with VLAN 10 and one with VLAN 20 traffic.
452 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Note MHSRP load sharing can also be configured in a flat network, that is when all end-devices
belong to the same VLAN. Two or more HSRP groups with different virtual IPs can be
configured per single interface, serving different clients in a single VLAN.
Switch1 has two HSRP groups configured for two VLANs and corresponding STP root configuration.
Switch1 is the active router for HSRP group 10 and the standby router for group 20.
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Switch2 has two HSRP groups configured for two VLANs and corresponding STP root configuration.
Switch2 is the active router for HSRP group 20 and standby router for group 10.
454 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
The Need For Interface Tracking With HSRP
HSRP has the ability to track interfaces or objects and decrement priority if interface or object fails.
When the conditions that are defined by the object are fulfilled, the router priority remains the same. As
soon as the verification that is defined by the object fails, the router priority is decremented. The amount of
decrease can be configured. Default value is 10.
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HSRP Interface Tracking
HSRP has a built-in mechanism for detecting link failures and starting the HSRP re-election process.
R1 and R2 are configured with HSRP. R2 is configured to be the active default gateway and R1 will take
over if R2 or R2's HSRP-enabled interface fails.
456 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
What happens if the R2's uplink fails? The uplink interface is not an HSRP-enabled interface, so it's failure
does not affect HSRP. R2 is still the active default gateway. All the traffic from PC1 to the server now has
to go through R2, then gets routed to R1, and forward to the server, resulting in an inefficient traffic path.
HSRP provides a solution to the presented problem—HSRP interface tracking. Interface tracking allows
you to specify another interface on the router for the HSRP process to monitor in order to alter the HSRP
priority for a given group. If the specified interface's line protocol goes down, the HSRP priority of this
router is reduced, allowing another HSRP router with higher priority to become active. Preemption must be
Let's look at the same scenario as before. R2's uplink interface fails, but this time HSRP, by virtue of HSRP
interface tracking, detects this failure and R2's HSRP priority is decreased by 20. With preemption enabled,
R1 will then take over as the active HSRP peer, as it has a higher priority.
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Traffic path is now optimal. Traffic from PC1 to the server goes directly through R1.
Variable Description
group-number (Optional) Indicates the group number on the interface to w hich the tracking applies. The default
number is 0.
type Indicates the interface type (combined w ith the interface number) that w ill be tracked.
number Indicates the interface number (combined w ith the interface type) that w ill be tracked.
interface-priority (Optional) Indicates the amount by w hich the hot standby priority for the router is decremented
w hen the interface becomes disabled. The priority of the router is incremented by this amount
w hen the interface becomes available. The default value is 10.
458 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
HSRP and Object Tracking
R1 and R2 are configured with HSRP. R2 is configured to be the active default gateway and R1 will take
over if R2 or R2's HSRP-enabled interface fails. HSRP-native interface tracking mechanism can concede
elections if R1's or R2's uplink interface fails, provided we also configured preemption.
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Let's look at the switch between R3 and R2. What happens if switch's R3-facing interface fails? In this case,
if R2 has a statically configured default route pointing upwards, it will not figure out that there was a change
in topology. Dynamic routing protocol will bypass the failure but at a cost of suboptimal traffic path. In both
cases, HSRP on R2 will not detect a change and R2 will still be the active router.
By utilizing HSRP-native interface tracking you can monitor the state of R2-SW1 link and trigger the re-
election process of the HSRP active router. But how can you tell R2 to trigger the election process if R3-
SW1 link is down? Here is where HSRP's ability to utilize object tracking and react to changes comes in
460 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
R3 can only be reached from R2 if the link is operational. You can define an IP SLA reachability test on R2
and then create an object to track this IP SLA test. Tell the HSRP process to track the created object. When
R2 looses connectivity to R3's SW1-facing interface, HSRP priority of R2 will be decreased by a specified
amount. With preemption configured, R2 will lose its active status to R1. R1 will then be the active default
gateway for PC1.
Configure an IP SLA test that will track reachability of R3's SW1-facing interface first. Specify the
frequency of test execution. Do not forget that the test does not start unless scheduled.
After the IP SLA test is up and running, configure HSRP to track the IP SLA and decrement the priority if
the test fails. Default decrease is 10. You can specify any value between 0 and 255.
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Verify tracking with the show standby command.
Tracked objects are defined in global configuration with the keyword track, followed by an object number.
You can track up to 500 objects.
Tracked objects offer a vast group of possibilities. A few options that are commonly available are:
• An interface: This performs a similar function like the HSRP interface tracking mechanism, but with
advanced features. This tracking object can not only verify the interface status (line protocol), but also
whether IP routing is enabled, whether an IP address is configured on the interface, and whether the
interface state is up before reporting to the tracking client that the interface is up.
• IP route: A tracked IP-route object is considered up and reachable when a routing-table entry exists for
the route and the route is accessible. To provide a common interface to tracking clients, route metric
values are normalized to the range of 0 to 255, where 0 is connected and 255 is inaccessible. You can
track route reachability, or even metric values, to determine best-paths values to the target network. The
tracking process uses a per-protocol configurable resolution value to convert the real metric to the
scaled metric. The metric value that is communicated to clients is always such that a lower metric value
is better than a higher metric value.
• IP SLA: This special case allows you to track advanced parameters such as IP reachability, delay, or
• A list of objects: You can track several objects and interrelate their results to determine if one or
several of them should trigger the “success” or “fail” condition.
462 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
HSRP Authentication
HSRP authentication prevents rogue Layer 3 devices on the network from joining the HSRP group.
A rogue device may claim the active role and can prevent the hosts from communicating with the rest of the
network, creating a DoS attack. A rogue router could also forward all traffic and capture traffic from the
hosts, achieving a man-in-the-middle attack.
HSRP provides two types of authentication—plain-text and MD5.
To configure plain-text authentication use the following interface configuration command on HSRP peers:
Switch(config-if)# standby group authentication string
With plain-text authentication, a message that matches the key configured on a HSRP peer is accepted. A
maximum length of a key string is 8 characters. Clear text messages can easily be intercepted, so avoid
plain-text authentication if MD5-type authentication is available.
To configure MD5 authentication use the following interface configuration command on HSRP peers:
Switch(config-if)# standby group authentication md5 key-string [0 | 7] string
Using MD5 key, a hash is computed on a portion of each HSRP message. Hash is sent along with the HSRP
message. When a peer receives the message and a hash, it will perform hashing on the received message. If
the received hash and the newly-computed hash match, the message is accepted. It is very difficult to
reverse the hash value itself and hash keys itself are never exchanged. MD5 authentication is preferred.
By default, the key string is given as plain-text. After you enter the key-string, it will get encrypted and
stored into the running configuration. You can copy and paste an encrypted key string value into this
command by preceding the string with the 7 keyword. However, keep in mind this type of encryption is
Alternatively, you can define MD5 strings as keys on a key chain. This is a more flexible method since you
can define multiple keys with different validity times.
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To configure MD5 authentication using key-chains use the following command sequence:
Switch(config)# key chain chain-name
Switch(config-keychain)# key key-number
Switch(config-keychain-key)# key-string [0 | 7] string
Switch(config-keychain-key)# exit
Switch(config)# interface interface slot/number
Switch(config-if)# standby group authentication md5 key-chain chain-name
464 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
HSRP Timers
A hello message contains the priority of the router, the hello time, and holdtime parameter values. The hello
timer parameter value indicates the interval between the hello messages that the router sends. The holdtime
parameter value indicates how long the current hello message is considered valid. The standby timer
includes an msec parameter to allow for subsecond failovers. Lowering the hello timer results in increased
traffic for hello messages and should be used cautiously.
If an active router sends a hello message, the receiving routers consider the hello message to be valid for
one hold time period. The hold time value should be at least three times the value of the hello time. The hold
time value must be greater than the value of the hello time.
You can adjust the HSRP timers to tune the performance of HSRP on distribution devices, thereby
increasing their resilience and reliability in routing packets off the local VLAN.
By default, HSRP hello time is 3 seconds and the hold time is 10 seconds, which means that the failover
time could be as much as 10 seconds for clients to start communicating with the new default gateway. In
some cases, this interval may be excessive for application support. The hello time and the hold time
parameters are configurable. To configure the time between the hello messages and the time before other
group routers declare the active or standby router to be nonfunctioning, enter this command in the interface
configuration mode:
Switch(config-if)# standby group-number timers [msec] hellotime [msec] holdtime
The hello interval is specified in seconds unless the msec keyword is used. This is an integer from 1 through
255. The default is 3 seconds. The dead interval, also specified in seconds, is a time before the active or
standby router is declared to be down. This is an integer from 1 through 255, unless the msec keyword is
used. The default is 10 seconds.
The hello and the dead timer intervals must be identical for all the devices within the HSRP group.
To reinstate the default standby-timer values, enter the no standby group timers command.
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Ideally, to achieve fast convergence, these timers should be configured to be as low as possible. Within
milliseconds after the active router fails, the standby router can detect the failure, expire the holdtime
interval, and assume the active role.
Note Decreasing the HSRP timers will allow you to detect a first hop failure faster. However,
shorter HSRP timers mean more HSRP hello packets, which in turn means more overhead
Nevertheless, timer configuration should also take into account other parameters relevant to the network
convergence. For example, both HSRP routers may be running a dynamic routing protocol. The routing
protocol probably has no awareness of the HSRP configuration, and sees both routers as individual hops
toward other subnets. If HSRP failover occurs before the dynamic routing protocol converges, suboptimal
routing information may still exist. In a worst-case scenario, the dynamic routing protocol continues seeing
the failed router as the best next hop to other networks, and packets are lost. When configuring HSRP
timers, make sure that they harmoniously match the other timers that can influence which path is chosen to
carry packets in your network.
Preemption is an important feature of HSRP that allows the primary router to resume the active role when
it comes back online after a failure or a maintenance event. Preemption is a desired behavior as it forces a
predictable routing path for the VLAN traffic during normal operations. It also ensures that the Layer 3
forwarding path for a VLAN parallels the Layer 2 STP forwarding path whenever possible.
When a preempting device is rebooted, HSRP preemption communication should not begin until the
distribution switch has established full connectivity to the rest of the network. This situation allows the
routing protocol convergence to occur more quickly, after the preferred router is in an active state.
To accomplish this, measure the system boot time and set the HSRP preemption delay to a value that is
about 50 percent greater than device's boot time. This value ensures that the primary distribution switch
establishes full connectivity to the network before the HSRP communication occurs.
466 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
HSRP Versions
There are two HSRP versions available on most Cisco routers and Layer 3 switches: HSRPv1 and HSRPv2.
Version 1 is a default version on Cisco IOS devices. HSRPv2 is supported in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(46)SE
and later. HSRPv2 allows group numbers up to 4095, thus allowing you to use VLAN number as the group
HSRP version 2 must be enabled on an interface before HSRP IPv6 can be configured.
HSRP version 2 will not interoperate with HSRP version 1. All devices in an HSRP group must have the
same version configured, otherwise, the hello messages are not understood. An interface cannot operate
both version 1 and version 2 as they are mutually exclusive.
The MAC address of the virtual router and the multicast address for the hello messages is different with
version 2. HSRPv2 uses the new IP multicast address to send the hello packets instead of the
multicast address of, which is used by version 1. This new address allows Cisco Group Multicast
Protocol processing to be enabled at the same time as HSRP.
HSRPv2 has a different packet format. It includes a 6-byte identifier field that is used to uniquely identify
the sender of the message by its interface MAC address, making troubleshooting easier.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 467
This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this lesson.
For additional information, refer to:
• HSRP Features and Functionality: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/hot-standby-router-
468 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Lesson 2: Configuring Layer
3 Redundancy with VRRP
The VRRP is a first hop redundancy protocol and serves as a standard-based alternative to Cisco-proprietary
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 469
About VRRP
VRRP is an open standard alternative to HSRP.
VRRP is very similar to HSRP, both in operation and configuration. The VRRP Master is analogous to the
HSRP active gateway, while the VRRP Backup is analogous to the HSRP standby gateway. A VRRP group
has one Master device and one or multiple Backup devices. A device with the highest priority is the elected
Master. Priority can be a number between 0 and 255. Priority value 0 has a special meaning—it indicates,
that the current Master has stopped participating in VRRP. This setting is used to trigger Backup devices to
quickly transition to Master without having to wait for the current Master to time out.
VRRP differs from HSRP in that it allows you to use an address of one of the physical VRRP group
members as a virtual IP address. In this case, the device with the used physical address is a VRRP Master
whenever it is available.
The Master is the only device that sends advertisements (analogous to HSRP hellos). Advertisements are
sent to the multicast address, protocol number 112. The default advertisement interval is 1
second. The default hold time is 3 seconds. HSRP, in comparison, has the default hello timer set to 3
seconds and the hold timer to 10 seconds.
Although the VRRP protocol as per RFC 3768 does not support millisecond timers, Cisco devices allow
you to configure millisecond timers. You need to manually configure the millisecond timer values on both
the Master and the Backup devices. Use the millisecond timers only where absolutely necessary and with
careful consideration and testing. Millisecond values work only under favorable circumstances, and you
must be aware that the use of the millisecond timer values restricts VRRP operation to Cisco devices only.
470 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Note When using millisecond values, the Master advertisement value that is displayed by the
show vrrp command output on the Backup routers is always 1 second, even though the
actual value may differ.
In the example, Layer 3 switches A, B, and C are configured as VRRP virtual routers and are members of
the same VRRP group. Since Switch A has the highest priority, it is elected as the Master for this VRRP
group—end-user devices will use it as their default gateway. Layer 3 switches B and C function as virtual
router Backups. If the Master fails, the device with the highest configured priority will become the Master
and provide uninterrupted service for the LAN hosts. When Switch A recovers and the preemption is
enabled, Switch A becomes the Master again. Contrary to HSRP, preemption is enabled by default with
Like with HSRP, load sharing is also available with VRRP. Multiple virtual router groups can be
configured. For instance, you could configure clients 3 and 4 to use a different default gateway as clients 1
and 2. Then you would configure the three Layer 3 switches with another VRRP group and designate
Switch B to be the Master VRRP device for the second group.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 471
Discovery 15: Configure VRRP and Spot the
Differences from HSRP
In this discovery, you will learn how to configure VRRP and the differences between VRRP and HSRP.
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Job Aids
Note If you shut down an interface on a real router or switch, the connected device will see it as
"down/down". Due to virtualization specifics, IOL behaviour is slightly different. If you shut
down an interface on a router or switch, the connected device will see it as "up/up". In IOL,
the status of an interface can only be "up/up" or "administratively down/down".
IP Addressing
Like HSRP, VRRP uses the concept of virtual IP address to provide the end-user devices with
redundant first-hop connectivity. The virtual IP address is configured using the vrrp
group_number ip virtual_ip interface configuration command.
You can use one of the "real" IP addresses from physical routers as the virtual IP address. In this
example you could for instance use as the virtual IP address.
Step 2 Configure R2's Ethernet 0/1 with IP address of and VRRP virtual IP address of
474 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
R2(config)# interface ethernet 0/1
R2(config-if)# ip address
R2(config-if)# vrrp 1 ip
With HSRP, you could leave out the group number when performing the configuration and it
will default to group 0. With VRRP there is no such default. You need to specify a group number
which can be anything between 1 and 255.
In the routers' CLIs, notice that one of the devices transitioned to Master state and the other to
Backup state.
Higher priority is configured on a device that should be the Master of the VRRP group. In this
example you configured R2 with priority of 110. R1 is left with default priority of 100.
However, if you use one of the router's IP addresses as the virtual IP address, priorities are
ignored for the purpose of electing the Master. The router that has the IP address that matches
the virtual IP address will become the Master.
VRRP has preemption enabled by default. HSRP has preemption disabled by default.
In the output of R1, you can see the MAC address of the virtual router. The MAC address has
the following form: 0000.5e00.01XX, where XX is the two-digit hexadecimal group number.
To verify VRRP status, use show vrrp. If you append the brief keyword, you will get a more
condensed view.
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VRRP and Authentication
The VRRP standard used to specify plain text and MD5 authentication, which was later revoked. However,
Cisco IOS devices still support authentication mechanisms.
According to RFC 5798, operational experience and further analysis determined that VRRP authentication
did not provide sufficient security to overcome the vulnerability of misconfigured secrets, causing multiple
Masters to be elected. Due to the nature of the VRRP protocol, even if VRRP messages are
cryptographically protected, it does not prevent hostile nodes from behaving as if they are the VRRP
Master, creating multiple Masters. Authentication of VRRP messages could have prevented a hostile node
from causing all properly functioning routers from going into Backup state. However, having multiple
Masters can cause as much disruption as no routers, which authentication cannot prevent. Also, even if a
hostile node could not disrupt VRRP, it can disrupt ARP and create the same effect as having all routers go
in Backup state.
Independent of any authentication type, VRRP includes a mechanism (setting TTL = 255, checking on
receipt) that protects against VRRP packets being injected from another remote network. This limits most
vulnerabilities to local attacks.
With Cisco IOS devices, the default VRRP authentication is plain text. MD5 authentication can be
configured by specifying a key string or, like with HSRP, reference a key-chain.
Step 5 Configure MD5 authentication for VRRP on R1's Ethernet 0/1 interface.
476 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
In the CLI output of R1, notice the "bad authentication" message. R1 is currently configured
with the MD5 authentication while R2 has no VRRP authentication configured. As a
consequence, routers do not consider each other as members of the same group. If you verify
VRRP status on both devices, you will see that both consider themselves the Master for VRRP
group 1.
Step 6 Configure MD5 authentication for VRRP on R2's Ethernet 0/1 interface.
Notice that now that you have configured matching MD5 VRRP authentications, you got a
message in CLI of R1 saying that it is transitioning to Backup.
%VRRP-6-STATECHANGE: Et0/1 Grp 1 state Master -> Backup
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 477
Tracking and VRRP
Without configured tracking, the VRRP Master will only lose its status if a VRRP enabled interface fails or
the VRRP router itself fails.
While VRRP does not have a native interface tracking mechanism, it does have the ability to track objects.
Object tracking is an independent process that manages creating, monitoring, and removing tracked objects,
such as the state of the line protocol of an interface. Clients such as HSRP or VRRP register their interest
with specific tracked objects and act when the state of an object changes. Each tracked object is identified
by a unique number that is specified on the tracking CLI. Client processes such as VRRP use this number to
track a specific object. The tracking process periodically polls the tracked objects and notes any change of
value. The changes in the tracked object are communicated to interested client processes, either immediately
or after a specified delay. The object values are reported as either up or down. The priority of a device can
change dynamically if it has been configured for object tracking and the object that is being tracked goes
Examples of objects that can be tracked are the line protocol state of an interface or the reachability of an IP
route. If the specified object goes down, the VRRP priority is reduced. The VRRP router with the higher
priority can now become the virtual router Master if it has the preemption enabled.
Objects that can be tracked depend on the IOS version and platform that you are using. Some common
objects are interfaces, IP SLA, and IP routes.
478 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
VRRP Interface Tracking Configuration
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With HSRP, the solution to this problem was the implementation of HSRP interface tracking or
implementation of object tracking. With VRRP, only the later is possible, as it does not have a native
interface tracking mechanism.
In the example, tracked object 1 is created that observes line protocol status of R2's Ethernet 0/0. VRRP
group 1 is told to track that object and decrease router's VRRP priority by 20 should the uplink fail. As with
HSRP, the default priority decrement is 10.
480 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this lesson.
For additional information, refer to:
• Configuring VRRP: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/ios-xml/ios/ipapp_fhrp/configuration/12-
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 481
Lesson 3: Configuring Layer
3 Redundancy with GLBP
GLBP, similarly to HSRP and VRRP, provides automatic router backup for IP hosts configured with a
single default gateway on the LAN. Multiple first-hop routers on the LAN are combined to offer a single
virtual first-hop IP address while sharing the IP packet forwarding load. Other routers on the LAN may act
as redundant GLBP routers that will become active if any of the existing forwarding routers fail. So the
major difference between HSRP/VRRP and GLBP, is that with the latter all GLBP routers forward traffic
by default.
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Introducing GLBP
GLBP shares some concepts with VRRP and HSRP, but the terminology is different, and its behavior is
more dynamic and robust.
Although HSRP and VRRP provide gateway resiliency with redundant members of the FHRP group, the
redundant member upstream bandwidth is not used while the device is not active. Only the active router
within the group forwards the traffic for the virtual MAC. You can accomplish load sharing with HSRP by
manually specifying multiple groups and assigning multiple default gateways. That, however, introduces
overhead in the form of additional configuration as well as supporting services, such as DHCP.
Additionally, due to manual assignment of the default gateway to the end hosts, load sharing is rarely
equally balanced among all participating gateways.
GLBP is a Cisco proprietary solution that allows for automatic selection and simultaneous use of multiple
available gateways in addition to automatic failover between those gateways. Multiple routers share the load
of packets that, from a client's perspective, are sent to a single default gateway address.
With GLBP, you can fully utilize resources without the administrative burden of configuring multiple
groups and managing multiple default gateway configurations, as is required with HSRP and VRRP. You
do not need to configure a specific gateway address on an individual host. All hosts can use the same default
484 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
GLBP divides a function that is performed by the HSRP and VRRP routers into two roles—that of a
gateway and that of a forwarder.
GLBP AVG: Members of a GLBP group elect one gateway to be the AVG for that group. Other group
members provide a backup for the AVG when the AVG becomes unavailable—these will be in standby
The AVG assigns a virtual MAC address to each member of the GLBP group. The AVG listens to the ARP
requests for the default gateway IP and replies with a MAC address of one of the GLBP group members,
thus load sharing traffic among all the group members.
GLBP AVF: Each gateway assumes responsibility for forwarding packets that are sent to the virtual MAC
address that is assigned to that gateway by the AVG. These gateways are known as AVFs. There can be up
to four forwarders within a GLBP group. All other devices will be secondary forwarders—serving as
backup if the current AVF fails. Forwarders that are forwarding traffic for a specific virtual MAC are in the
active state and are called AVFs. Forwarders that are serving as backups are in the listen state.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 485
HSRP and GLBP are Cisco proprietary protocols. VRRP is an industry-standard protocol.
With HSRP, one virtual router is active and one is serving as a backup in standby mode and not forwarding
traffic. GLBP has two different roles, gateway and forwarder, each with it's own states. Virtual gateway
shares it's states with HSRP - there is one active and one standby virtual gateway, all other gateways are in
the listen state. Per GLBP group there can be up to 4 active forwarders (1 per virtual MAC), all others are in
the listen state.
GLBP members communicate with each other through hello messages that are sent by default every 3
seconds to the multicast address, UDP port 3222 (source and destination).
The routers participating in GLBP, monitor each other's presence in order to assume the role of AVG if it
fails. Monitoring is done by exchanging hello messages. These are, like with HSRP, by default sent every 3
seconds. If hello messages are not received from a GLBP peer within a "hold time", that peer is presumed to
have failed. The default hold time is 10 seconds. The GLBP timers can be adjusted with the glbp group
timers [msec] hellotime [msec] holdtime command. Timer values are given in seconds unless preceded by
the msec keyword. Timer values only need to be configured on the AVG. AVG will then propagate settings
to all other GLBP-enabled devices within the group. You should always make the hold time at least three
times longer then the hello time. This will give some tolerance to the delayed or the missed hellos.
GLBP, using concepts of virtual gateway and virtual forwarder, separates the functions of protocol and
traffic forwarding. Each AVF has a MAC address that is assigned to it by the AVG. With HSRP there is
only one MAC address per each HSRP group.
GLBP does not have a native interface tracking mechanism like HSRP. Like VRRP, you can only configure
object tracking. Since interface tracking is one of the options within object tracking, native interface
tracking is not really missed!
Both GLBP and HSRP support two types of authentication: plain-text and MD5. Out of the two, MD5 is
recommended to secure GLBP group from unauthorized devices joining.
486 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
GLBP States
GLBP states of Virtual Gateway and Virtual Forwarder are slightly different.
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Discovery 16: Configure GLBP
In this discovery you will learn how GLBP works, how to configure, and verify it.
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Job Aids
IP Addressing
The basic configuration of GLBP is very similar to those of HSRP and VRRP. To configure a
GLBP group, use glbp group_number ip virtual_ip_address command, where the GLBP group
is a number between 0 and 1023.
Step 2 Configure R2's Ethernet 0/1 with IP address of and GLBP virtual IP address of
With GLBP you do not actually need to specify the virtual IP address on non-AVG routers. You
can leave it empty and the device will learn the virtual IP address from the AVG.
490 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
PC1, PC2, and PC3 are already configured to use the IP address as their default
gateway. At this point you should have a functional first-hop redundancy already working.
However, there is much more that you can do with GLBP in order to fine-tune its behavior.
Step 3 Configure R1's Ethernet 0/1 with GLBP priority of 110 and enable preemption for both GLBP
GLBP priority is a number between 1 and 255. The default value is 100. The GLBP-enabled
device with the highest priority value is elected the AVG. If priorities of all routers are tied, then
the device with the highest IP address becomes the AVG.
Like with HSRP, but unlike with VRRP, GLBP has preemption disabled by default. So, by
default, another router cannot take over an active role until the current active router fails. You
need to explicitly enable this feature.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 491
R1# show glbp
Ethernet0/1 - Group 1
State is Active
1 state change, last state change 00:15:11
Virtual IP address is
Hello time 3 sec, hold time 10 sec
Next hello sent in 2.240 secs
Redirect time 600 sec, forwarder timeout 14400 sec
Preemption enabled, min delay 0 sec
Active is local
Standby is, priority 100 (expires in 9.184 sec)
Priority 110 (configured)
Weighting 100 (default 100), thresholds: lower 1, upper 100
Load balancing: round-robin
Group members:
aabb.cc00.3510 ( local
aabb.cc00.3610 (
There are 2 forwarders (1 active)
Forwarder 1
State is Active
1 state change, last state change 00:14:59
MAC address is 0007.b400.0101 (default)
Owner ID is aabb.cc00.0910
Redirection enabled
Preemption enabled, min delay 30 sec
Active is local, weighting 100
Forwarder 2
State is Listen
MAC address is 0007.b400.0102 (learnt)
Owner ID is aabb.cc00.0a10
Redirection enabled, 599.200 sec remaining (maximum 600 sec)
Time to live: 14399.200 sec (maximum 14400 sec)
Preemption enabled, min delay 30 sec
Active is (primary), weighting 100 (expires in 11.072 sec)
The first part of the output refers to the status of the VG. You can see that GLBP group 1 is
configured under R1's Ethernet 0/1. You can see that R1 has the role of the AVG for group 1.
The virtual router IP address is and preemption is enabled. R1 sees a standby router
at (on R2). In case that R1 fails, R2 will assume the role of AVG of the GLBP
group. The priority of virtual router on R1 is 110.
The rest of the output shows the status of virtual forwarders. In this example, there are two
forwarders (1 and 2), that the AVG (R1) assigns virtual MAC addresses to them.
492 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
R2# show glbp
Ethernet0/1 - Group 1
State is Standby
1 state change, last state change 00:14:39
Virtual IP address is (learnt)
Hello time 3 sec, hold time 10 sec
Next hello sent in 0.416 secs
Redirect time 600 sec, forwarder timeout 14400 sec
Preemption enabled, min delay 0 sec
Active is, priority 110 (expires in 9.312 sec)
Standby is local
Priority 100 (default)
Weighting 100 (default 100), thresholds: lower 1, upper 100
Load balancing: round-robin
Group members:
aabb.cc00.3510 (
aabb.cc00.3610 ( local
There are 2 forwarders (1 active)
Forwarder 1
State is Listen
MAC address is 0007.b400.0101 (learnt)
Owner ID is aabb.cc00.0910
Time to live: 14398.560 sec (maximum 14400 sec)
Preemption enabled, min delay 30 sec
Active is (primary), weighting 100 (expires in 9.376 sec)
Forwarder 2
State is Active
1 state change, last state change 00:14:46
MAC address is 0007.b400.0102 (default)
Owner ID is aabb.cc00.0a10
Preemption enabled, min delay 30 sec
Active is local, weighting 100
The virtual MAC addresses of GLBP are in the form of 0007.b4XX.XXYY. XXXX is a 16-bit
value that represents six zero bits, followed by a 10-bit GLBP group number. YY is an 8-bit
value and it represents the virtual forwarder number. The AVG assigned forwarder 1 virtual
MAC address of 0007.b400.0101 and forwarder 2 virtual MAC address of 0007.b400.0102.
Notice that R2's virtual router is in active state for forwarder 2. This means it is actively
forwarding traffic for clients that send traffic to the MAC address of forwarder 2. R2 is in listen
state for forwarder 1. This means that R1's virtual router is the one forwarding traffic from
clients that send traffic to the MAC address of forwarder 1. R2 with its forwarder 1 listen state, is
serving as backup.
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Step 6 From PC1, trace the path that packets take to the server at and then verify PC1's
ARP table.
You can see from the output that PC1 has it's default gateway configured to and that
the MAC address it associates with this IP is that of the device that is active for VF1. Since R1 is
the AVF 1, PC1's traffic goes through R1.
Step 7 From PC2, trace the path that packets take to the server at and then verify PC2's
ARP table.
494 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
You can see from the output that PC2 has it's default gateway configured to and that
the MAC address it associates with this IP is that of the device that is active for VF2. Since R2 is
the AVF 2, PC2's traffic goes through R2.
Step 8 From PC3, trace the path that packets take to the server at and then verify PC3's
ARP table.
You can see from the output that PC3 has it's default gateway configured to and that
the MAC address it associates with this IP is that of the device that is active for VF1. Since R1 is
the AVF 1, PC3's traffic goes through R1.
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GLBP Operation Explained
After GLBP group is established all PCs will send ARP requests. ARP request is a broadcast.
The AVG, in this instance a role assigned to R1, responds to ARP requests by using configured load-
balancing method. By default, load balancing method is round-robin. Thus, PC1 received ARP
0007.b400.0101, PC2 received ARP 0007.b400.0102, and PC3 received ARP 0007.b400.0101. MAC
496 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
address 0007.b400.0101 is a virtual MAC address of the AVF 1 and 0007.b400.0102 is a virtual MAC
address of the AVF 2.
So, even though all PCs have the same configured default gateway, devices will send data to different first-
hops. PC1 and PC3 will send data to the AVF 1—in this case R1. PC2 will send data to AVF 2—in this case
By doing this, you simulated a failure of R1. R1 was up until now AVG and AVF 1. What
happens now?
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Step 10 On R2, investigate GLBP status.
Notice that R2 is now the AVG for group 1. Since R2 is the only functional GLBP-enabled
device of group 1, it is also elected to be AVF 1 and AVF 2. R2 will now forward traffic for all
clients—PC1, PC2, and PC3.
Although the virtual router at this moment has two different virtual MAC addresses to support
function for two AVFs, it does not make sense to keep them both for a longer time period. AVG
maintains two different timers for this purpose. The redirect, timer is used to determine when the
AVG will stop using the old virtual MAC address in ARP replies. The AVF that uses old virtual
MAC continues to act as a gateway for any client that tries to use it. When the timeout timer
expires, the old MAC of the virtual router and the virtual forwarder are flushed from all GLBP
peers. AVG assumes that old AVF will not return to service, so the resource (virtual MAC
address) is reclaimed. Clients using an old MAC address must refresh the entry to obtain a new
virtual MAC address. By default, the redirect timer is 10 minutes and the timeout timer is 4
498 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
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GLBP Load Balancing Options
The AVG within the GLBP group is the one that ensures that traffic will be load-balanced between the end-
devices and their first hop. AVG hands out virtual MAC addresses to clients in a deterministic fashion. Each
virtual MAC address belongs to one AVF and is assigned to AVF by the AVG. Up to four MAC addresses,
that is four AVFs, can be used in a GLBP group.
GLBP supports these operational modes for load balancing traffic across multiple default routers that are
servicing the same default gateway IP address:
• Weighted load-balancing algorithm: The amount of load that is directed to a router is dependent upon
the weighting value that is advertised by that router.
• Host-dependent load-balancing algorithm: A host is guaranteed the use of the same virtual MAC
address as long as that virtual MAC address is participating in the GLBP group.
• Round-robin load-balancing algorithm: As clients send ARP requests to resolve the MAC address of
the default gateway, the reply to each client contains the MAC address of the next possible router in a
round-robin fashion. The MAC addresses of all routers take turns being included in address resolution
replies for the default gateway IP address.
GLBP automatically manages the virtual MAC address assignment, determines who handles the forwarding,
and ensures that each station has a forwarding path in the event of failures to gateways or tracked interfaces.
If failures occur, the load-balancing ratio is adjusted among the remaining AVFs so that resources are used
in the most efficient way.
500 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
GLBP Authentication
MD5 authentication provides greater security than the alternative plain text authentication scheme and
protects against spoofing software. MD5 authentication allows each GLBP group member to use a secret
key to generate a keyed MD5 hash that is part of the outgoing packet. A keyed hash of an incoming packet
is generated and if the hash within the incoming packet does not match the generated hash the packet is
The key for the MD5 hash can either be given directly in the configuration using a key string, or supplied
indirectly through a key chain. The key string cannot exceed 100 characters in length.
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With some switching topologies, the operation of STP results in inefficient traffic paths. In such cases
implementation of HSRP might be preferred over GLBP as it is easier to understand, while GLBP provides
no advantages.
Topologies with layer 2 loops—such as the one on the figure, where distribution Layer 3 switches are
interconnected—run STP, which blocks some of the access-distribution links. The end hosts now only have
a direct connection with SW1. With GLBP configured, SW1 serves as a AVF for some of the end hosts,
routing traffic towards the core, while the other half of the traffic is forwarded to SW2, which serves as the
other AVF. While distribution-core links are now load balanced, half of the traffic is taking a suboptimal
route, passing through both SW1 and SW2, before being routed to the core.
In environments with STP and multiple VLANs, GLBP's load sharing might not be of value, and the
configuration of a multi group HSRP aligned with STP topology may be preferred.
502 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Tracking and GLBP
Changing weight affects the AVF election and the load balancing algorithm. Both values can be
manipulated with object tracking.
In the example, GLBP gateway S1 is the AVG of GLBP group. This means S1 is the one that assigns MAC
addresses to AVFs of the group and it is also the one that answers to ARP replies of clients. Both gateways,
S1 and S2, are AVFs. S1 is an active forwarder 1 and S2 is an active forwarder 2. All PCs are configured
with the same virtual IP address for it's default gateway. The AVG will assign virtual MAC addresses to the
PCs through ARP replies. About half of PCs will have virtual MAC address of AVF1 (these PCs will have
traffic forwarded through S1) and the other half will have virtual MAC address of AVF2 (these PCs will
have traffic forwarded through S2).
GLBP uses a weighting scheme to determine the forwarding capacity of each router in the GLBP group.
The weighting that is assigned to a router in the GLBP group can be used to determine whether it will
forward packets and, if so, the proportion of hosts in the LAN for which it will forward packets. Thresholds
can be set to disable forwarding when the weighting for a GLBP group falls below a certain value, and
when it rises above another threshold, forwarding is automatically re-enabled.
The GLBP group weighting can be automatically adjusted by tracking the state of an interface within the
router. If a tracked interface goes down, the GLBP group weighting is reduced by a specified value.
Different interfaces can be tracked to decrement the GLBP weighting by varying amounts.
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By default, the GLBP virtual forwarder preemptive scheme is enabled with a delay of 30 seconds. A backup
virtual forwarder can become the AVF if the current AVF weighting falls below the low weighting
threshold for 30 seconds. You can disable the GLBP forwarder preemptive scheme using the no glbp
forwarder preempt command or change the delay using the glbp forwarder preempt delay minimum
So, let's look at S1 for a moment. It has configured weighting of 110. If S1's Gi0/1 fails, it's weighting will
be lowered by 50 - to 60. At this point S1 is still the AVF1 since it's weight did not go under the lower
threshold of 20. If Gi0/2 also fails, weight of GLBP groups gets decreased to 10. Now S1's GLBP group has
weight under configured lower threshold and S1 loses its AVF1 role. S2 is now active for forwarders 1 and
2! All PCs will now use S2 to forward traffic.
When either of S1's uplinks comes back up, the weight of S1's virtual router gets incremented by 50. Since
weight went from 10 to 60, it breached configured high threshold of 50. This means S1 is eligible to become
AVF1 again!
Without interface traffic, should both S1's uplinks fail, S1 would still be AVF1 and all PCs with default
gateway MAC address of AVF1 would forward traffic through S1. With routing configured on the LAN
segment traffic would than be rerouted to S2, resulting in suboptimal path.
How does the weight value influence the traffic flows through S1 or S2? If load-balancing for the GLBP
group is configured as weighted, traffic distribution should look like this:
504 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
No. of active uplinks on S1 No. of active uplinks on S2 Traffic through S1
2 2 50% (110:110)
2 1 65% (110:60)
1 2 35% (60:110)
1 1 50% (110:110)
Traffic percentage calculations in the table are approximations, based on assumption that all end devices
produce same amount of traffic. The more end devices in a GLBP group, the closer real traffic patterns get
to those numbers.
If load balancing is configured as round-robin, then, as long as both S1 and S2 are eligible to forward,
traffic will be about 50:50 between both first hops.
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Note Configuring of tracking through "weighting" does not have an effect on the election of AVG.
S1, in this example, will be the AVG as long it has connectivity to S2. Since the only role of
AVG is to assign MAC addresses to AVFs and clients, uplink failures do not affect AVG's
To configure tracking, you will first need to configure a tracked object. The available tracking options
depend on the platform and the software version you are using. Some common examples are interface
status, IP SLA, and IP route.
The second part of configuration is to configure the weight of virtual router and it's lower and upper
The third part of configuration is to tell GLBP to track the object that you have configured. You can specify
a decrement value by which weight will get reduced. The default decrement is 10.
506 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this lesson.
For additional information, refer to:
• GLBP configuration guide: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/ios-
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 507
Lesson 4: Configuring First
Hop Redundancy for IPv6
IPv6 natively provides first hop redundancy through it's router advertisement mechanism. However, this
mechanism might not be the best choice in all scenarios, so you will learn why and when the usage of first
hop redundancy protocols is a preferred solution. You will learn how the protocols you know from the IPv4
world (HSRP, VRRP, GLBP) behave and are configured in an IPv6 network.
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IPv6 Native First Hop Redundancy
IPv6 natively provides first hop redundancy through it's router advertisement mechanism.
IPv6 provides a new ICMP type 134 packet, which is known as Router Advertisement. Router
Advertisement messages are periodically advertised by all routers in a LAN. With Router Advertisement
messages, routers advertise their presence, but also provide connection settings to the hosts. Host will
forward traffic to the gateway, who's Router Advertisement message receives first.
If default gateway fails, a disruption in connectivity occurs. Eventually, the client will acknowledge the
failure and start forwarding traffic to the other router that is sending the Router Advertisements. However,
the downtime in such case can be up to 40 seconds.
510 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Why FHRP in IPv6?
Since IPv6 has a native first hop redundancy solution, are first hop redundancy protocols still needed?
Relying on Router Advertisements is slow. Router Advertisement includes a lifetime that is measured in
whole seconds, which means that the shortest lifetime which can be advertised is one second. Achieving a
subsecond failover is thus not possible.
Other technologies, such as DHCPv6, might be used to provide connectivity settings to LAN hosts, partially
or completely ignoring Router Advertisement messages.
FHRP usage offers more features and control than IPv6 Router Advertisement messages – for example
preemption, timers, tracking.
Note HSRP, GLBP, and VRRP have support for IPv6, but not in all Cisco IOS versions. VRRP for
IPv6 is less frequently supported on Cisco devices.
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HSRP for IPv6
HSRP version 2 must be enabled on an interface before HSRP IPv6 can be configured.
HSRP configuration in IPv6 environment does not require a specified IPv6 address (global or link-local).
With the autoconfig keyword a link-local address is generated from the link-local prefix, and a modified
EUI-64 format interface identifier is generated from the relevant HSRP virtual MAC address. A link-local
address is an IPv6 unicast address that can be automatically configured on any interface using the link-local
prefix FE80::/10 and the interface identifier in the modified EUI-64 format. Link-local addresses are used
in the stateless autoconfiguration process. Nodes on a local link can use link-local addresses to
communicate—the nodes do not need site-local or globally unique addresses to communicate.
The HSRP global IPv6 address feature allows users to configure multiple nonlink local addresses as virtual
addresses, and it allows for the storage and management of multiple global IPv6 virtual addresses in
addition to the existing primary link-local address. If an IPv6 address is used, it must include an IPv6 prefix
length. If a link-local address is used, it must not have a prefix.
An HSRP IPv6 group has a virtual MAC address that is derived from the HSRP group number and a virtual
IPv6 link-local address that is, by default, derived from the HSRP virtual MAC address. Periodic Router
Advertisements are sent for the HSRP virtual IPv6 link-local address when the HSRP group is active.
512 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
GLBP for IPv6
The configuration of GLBP for IPv6 environment is very similar to that in IPv4. The only major difference
is that when enabling GLBP you can either specify an IPv6 address or autoconfigure it using the autoconfig
GLBP for IPv6 supports all features that are supported in GLBP for IPv4—timer tuning, gateway priority,
authentication, tracking, and so on.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 513
This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this lesson.
For additional information, refer to these references:
• HSRP: Global IPv6 Address: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/ios-
514 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Lesson 5: Module Summary
This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this module.
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Lesson 6: Module Self-
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 517
Use the questions here to review what you learned in this module. The correct answers and solutions are
found in the Module Self-Check Answer Key.
1. Which command enables HSRP on a Cisco IOS device? (Source: Configuring Layer 3 Redundancy
With HSRP)
A. standby virtual ip
B. standby ip group 1
C. hsrp 1 ip
D. standby 1 ip
2. Which HSRP group uses the MAC address 0000.0c07.ac01? (Source: Configuring Layer 3 Redundancy
With HSRP)
A. group 0
B. group 7
C. group 11
D. group 1
3. If you have four routers enabled for the same HSRP group, how many of them will be in "standby"
state? (Source: Configuring Layer 3 Redundancy With HSRP)
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. all, except the active router.
4. Which VRRP group uses the MAC address 0000.5e00.01ff? (Source: Configuring Layer 3 Redundancy
With VRRP)
A. group 0
B. group 1
C. group 255
D. group 94
5. What is the primary difference between VRRP and HSRP? (Source: Configuring Layer 3 Redundancy
With VRRP)
A. HSRP is a standard protocol, while VRRP is Cisco proprietary.
B. VRRP is a standard protocol, while HSRP is Cisco proprietary.
C. HSRP is configured at the global level, while VRRP is configured at the interface level.
D. VRRP offers Layer 2 first-hop redundancy, while HSRP offers Layer 3 first-hop redundancy.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 519
6. Which IP address should a client PC use as its default gateway if you have the following configuration
on a multilayer switch? (Source: Configuring Layer 3 Redundancy With VRRP)
interface ethernet 0/1
no switchport
ip address
vrrp 1 ip address
D. any of the above three IP addresses
7. By default, which MAC address will be sent to the next client that is asking for the GLBP virtual
gateway? (Source: Configuring Layer 3 Redundancy With GLBP)
A. 0007.a400.0102
B. next virtual MAC in sequence
C. virtual MAC of the least-utilized router
D. virtual MAC address of HSRP
8. At maximum, how many active virtual forwarders can be there within a GLBP group? (Source:
Configuring Layer 3 Redundancy With GLBP)
A. 1
B. 2
C. 4
D. 8
9. Which description best suits the GLBP "Standby" virtual gateway state? (Source: Configuring Layer 3
Redundancy With GLBP)
A. Virtual IP address has not been configured or learned, but there is some GLBP configuration.
B. Virtual IP address has been configured or learned, however configuration is not complete. Interface
must be operational on Layer 3 and configured to route IP.
C. Virtual gateway is receiving hello packets. It is ready to change to “Speak” state if the active or
standby virtual gateway becomes unavailable.
D. Virtual gateway is trying to become the active or standby virtual gateway.
E. This gateway is next in line to be the active virtual gateway.
10. What is the function of the following interface configuration command: standby 1 ipv6 autoconfig?
(Source: Configuring First Hop Redundancy for IPv6)
A. Let's the IOS choose the best fit for IPv6 FHRP. IOS will choose either HSRP or GLBP.
B. Configures virtual IPv6 address for GLBP group 1.
C. Configures virtual IPv6 address for HSRP group 1.
D. Configures virtual IPv6 address for VRRP group 1.
520 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
11. You are configuring HSRP for IPv6 group 1. Which of the following commands can you use to set the
priority of virtual router to 110? (Source: Configuring First Hop Redundancy for IPv6)
A. Router(config-if)# standby 1 priority 110
B. Router(config-if)# standby 1 ipv6 priority 110
C. Router(config-if)# standby ipv6 1 priority 110
D. Router(config)# standby 1 priority 110
12. Which HSRP versions support IPv6? (Source: Configuring First Hop Redundancy for IPv6)
A. version 1
B. version 1 and 2
C. version 2
D. version 3
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 521
Module Self-Check Answers
Answer Key
1 D
2 D
3 B
4 C
5 B
6 B
7 B
8 C
9 E
10 C
11 A
12 C
522 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Module 7: Campus Network
While much attention focuses on security attacks from outside the walls of an organization and at the upper
OSI layers, campus access devices and Layer 2 communication are largely unconsidered in most security
discussions. It is important that only authorized devices and users are able to access ports on your access
layer switches. In this lesson you will not only learn about port security configuration but also about more
centralized solution that is AAA framework.
Equipment malfunction and malicious attacks can bring down your network. In this lesson you will learn
how storm control mechanisms, DHCP snooping, IP source guard, dynamic ARP inspection, and VLAN
access lists can aid in your efforts of having a secure and stable network.
Lastly you will learn about Private VLANs. These will help you to segment traffic within a single VLAN.
Upon completing this module, you will be able to meet these objectives:
• Configure port security and automatic recovery from error conditions
• Implement storm control
• Configure AAA (local, RADIUS, TACACS+)
• Configure DHCP snooping, IP source guard, and dynamic ARP inspection
• Describe how switch can be attacked over poorly configured trunk links and how to properly protect
those links
• Perform basic private VLAN configuration
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 523
Lesson 1: Implementing Port
Layer 2 security implementation is often forgotten. However, you should take the basic security measures to
guard against a host of attacks that can be launched at a switch and its ports. Two of the common security
measures are implementing port security and port access lists.
Upon completing this lesson, you will be able to meet these objectives:
• Establish the importance of switch access security
• Describe recommended practices for securing a switch
• Describe how a rogue device gains unauthorized access to a network
• Describe categories of switch attack types and list mitigation options
• Describe what is MAC flooding and how you can protect against such attacks
• Describe how port security is used to block input from devices based on Layer 2 restrictions
• Configure and verify simple port security
• Configure and verify port security using sticky MAC addresses
• Describe what can cause for a port to become error-disabled
• Describe how to recover a port from "error-disabled" state
• Introduce the Port Access Lists
• Configure the Port Access Lists
524 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Overview of Switch Security Issues
Much industry attention focuses on security attacks from outside the walls of an organization and at the
upper OSI layers. Network security often focuses on edge routing devices and the filtering of packets that
are based on Layer 3 and Layer 4 headers, ports, stateful packet inspection, and so on. This includes all the
issues that are related to Layer 3 and above, as traffic makes its way into the campus network from the
Internet. Campus access devices and Layer 2 communication are largely unconsidered in most security
The default state of networking equipment highlights this focus on external protection and internal open
communication. Firewalls, placed at the organizational borders, arrive in a secure operational mode and
allow no communication until they are configured to do so. Routers and switches that are internal to an
organization and that are designed to accommodate communication, delivering needful campus traffic, have
a default operational mode that forwards all traffic unless they are configured otherwise. Their function as
devices that facilitate communication often results in minimal security configuration, and they become
targets for malicious attacks. If an attack is launched at Layer 2 on an internal campus device, the rest of the
network can be quickly compromised, often without detection.
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Many security features are available for switches and routers, but they must be enabled to be effective. As
with Layer 3, where security had to be tightened on devices within the campus as malicious activity that
compromised this layer increased, now security measures must be taken to guard against malicious activity
at Layer 2. A new security focus centers on attacks that are launched by maliciously using normal Layer 2
switch operations. Security features exist to protect switches and Layer 2 operations. However, as with
ACLs for upper-layer security, a policy must be established, and appropriate features must be configured to
protect against potential malicious acts while maintaining daily network operations.
Several reasons exist for strong protection of the enterprise campus infrastructure, including security
functions in each individual element of the enterprise campus:
• Relying on the security that has been established at the enterprise edge fails as soon as security there is
compromised. Having several layers of security increases the protection of the enterprise campus, where
usually the most strategic assets reside.
• If the enterprise allows visitors into its buildings, an attacker can potentially gain physical access to
devices in the enterprise campus. Relying on physical security is not enough.
• Very often external access does not stop at the enterprise edge. Applications require at least an indirect
access to the enterprise campus resources, which means that strong security is necessary.
526 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Switch Security Recommended Practices
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 527
− access-list 1 permit
access-list 1 permit
line vty 0 15
access-class 10 in
• Secure web interface:
− If you are not using web interface to manage a switch, disable it's web interface using no ip http
server command.
− If you do decide to use switch's web interface, use HTTPS (if its supported). With standard HTTP,
traffic is not encrypted. To enable HTTPS use ip http secure server global configuration
− If you do decide to use switch's web interface, use access list to limit source addresses that can
access the HTTPS interface.
− ip http secure server
access-list 1 permit
ip http access-class 1
− HTTP is disabled by default on later IOS versions.
528 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
• Secure STP operation:
− You should always enable BPDU Guard feature on access switch ports. This way if unexpected
BPDU is received, port is automatically shut down!
− Do not ever configure BPDU Guard and BPDU Filter on the same port. In this case only BPDU
Filter will take effect. BPDU Filter ignores BPDUs and if you enable it on access ports this can be a
great opportunity for a Layer 2 loop to occur.
• Secure CDP:
− As a rule, all Cisco devices have CDP enabled on all ports by default. CDP by itself is very useful
to discover network topology. However, you should disable CDP on ports that connect to outside
networks. This will prevent advertising unnecessary information about your switch to listening
attackers. CDP advertisements are sent in clear text and you cannot configure authentication.
• Secure unused switch ports:
− All unused switch ports should be shut down to prevent unauthorized users from connecting to your
− All user ports should be configured with switchport mode access command. If user ports are
configured to DTP's dynamic or auto mode, malicious user might connect and attempt to negotiate
trunking mode on a port.
− Put all unused ports into an isolated or bogus VLAN. If a malicious user succeeds to access to a
port, he will only have access to a VLAN that is isolated from the rest of the network.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 529
Unauthorized Access by Rogue Devices
Rogue access comes in several forms. For example, because unauthorized rogue access points are
inexpensive and readily available, employees sometimes plug them into existing LANs and build ad hoc
wireless networks without IT department knowledge or consent. These rogue access points can be a serious
breach of network security because they can be plugged into a network port behind the corporate firewall.
Because employees generally do not enable any security settings on the rogue access point, it is easy for
unauthorized users to use the access point to intercept network traffic and hijack client sessions.
Malicious rogue access points, although much less common than employee-installed rogue access points,
are also a security concern. These rogue access points create an unsecured wireless LAN connection that
puts the entire wired network at risk. Malicious rogues present an even greater risk and challenge because
they are intentionally hidden from physical and network view.
To mitigate STP manipulation, use the root guard and the BPDU guard enhancement commands to
enforce the placement of the root bridge in the network and to enforce the STP domain borders. The root
guard feature is designed to provide a way to enforce the root bridge placement in the network. The STP
BPDU guard is designed to allow network designers to keep the active network topology predictable.
Although BPDU guard may seem unnecessary, given that the administrator can set the bridge priority to
zero, there is still no guarantee that it will be elected as the root bridge, because there might be a bridge with
priority zero and a lower bridge ID. BPDU guard is best deployed toward user-facing ports to prevent rogue
switch-network extensions by an attacker.
530 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Switch Attack Categories
A device that is connected to the campus network typically launches Layer 2 malicious attacks. The attacks
may originate from a physical rogue device that has been placed on the network for malicious purposes. The
attack may also come from an external intrusion that takes control of, and launches attacks from, a trusted
device. In either case, the network sees all traffic as originating from a legitimate connected device.
Attacks that are launched against switches and at Layer 2 can be grouped as follows:
• MAC layer attacks
• VLAN attacks
• Spoofi attacks
• Attacks on switch devices
Significant attacks in these categories are discussed in more detail in subsequent sections of the course.
Each attack method is accompanied by a standard measure for mitigating the security compromise.
The table describes attack methods and the steps to mitigation.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 531
Switch Security Concerns and Mitigation Steps
Attack Method Description Steps to Mitigation
MAC address flooding Frames w ith unique, invalid source MAC Port security.
addresses flood the sw itch, exhausting CAM table MAC address VLAN access
space, disallow ing new entries from valid hosts. maps.
Traffic to valid hosts is then flooded out all ports.
VLAN Attacks
VLAN hopping By altering the VLAN ID on packets that are Tighten up trunk configurations
encapsulated for trunking, an attacking device can and the negotiation state of
send packets on various VLANs, bypassing Layer unused ports.
3 security measures.
Shut dow n unused ports.
Place unused ports in a common
Attacks betw een devices on Devices may need protection from one another, Implement PVLANs.
a common VLAN even though they are on a common VLAN. This is
especially true on service-provider segments that
support devices from multiple customers.
Spoofing Attacks
DHCP starvation and DHCP An attacking device can exhaust the address Use DHCP snooping.
spoofing space available to the DHCP servers for a time
period or establish itself as a DHCP server in man-
in-the-middle attacks.
Spanning-tree compromises Attacking device spoofs the root bridge in the STP Proactively configure the primary
topology. If successful, the netw ork attacker can and backup root devices.
see various frames. Enable RootGuard.
MAC spoofing Attacking device spoofs the MAC address of a Use DHCP snooping, port
valid host currently in the CAM table. Sw itch then security.
forw ards to the attacking device any frames that
are destined for the valid host.
Address Resolution Protocol Attacking device crafts ARP replies intended for Use DAI.
(ARP) spoofing valid hosts. The MAC address of the attacking DHCP snooping, port security.
device then becomes the destination address that
is found in the Layer 2 frames that w ere sent by the
valid netw ork device.
Cisco Discovery Protocol Information sent through Cisco Discovery Protocol Disable Cisco Discovery Protocol
manipulation is transmitted in clear text and unauthenticated, on all ports w here it is not
allow ing it to be captured and to divulge netw ork intentionally used.
topology information.
Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol Telnet packets can be read in clear text. SSH is an Use SSH version 2.
and Telnet attacks option but has security issues in version 1. Use Telnet w ith vty ACLs.
532 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
MAC Flooding Attack
A common Layer 2 or switch attack is MAC flooding, which results in an overflow of the CAM table of a
switch. The overflow causes the flooding of regular data frames out all switch ports. This attack can be
launched for the malicious purpose of collecting a broad sample of traffic or as a DoS attack.
The CAM tables of a switch are limited in size and therefore can contain only a limited number of entries at
any one time. A network intruder can maliciously flood a switch with many frames from a range of invalid
source MAC addresses. If enough new entries are made before old ones expire, new valid entries will not be
accepted. Then, when traffic arrives at the switch for a legitimate device that is located on one of the switch
ports that was not able to create a CAM table entry, the switch must flood the frames to that address out all
ports. This has two adverse effects:
• The switch traffic forwarding is inefficient and voluminous.
• An intruding device can be connected to any switch port and can capture traffic that is not normally
detected on that port.
If the attack is launched before the beginning of the day, the CAM table would be full when most of devices
are powered on. Then frames from those legitimate devices are unable to create CAM table entries as they
power on. If this represents many network devices, the number of MAC addresses that are flooded with
traffic will be high, and any switch port will carry flooded frames from many devices.
If the initial flood of invalid CAM table entries is a one-time event, the switch will eventually age out older,
invalid CAM table entries, allowing new, legitimate devices to create entries. Traffic flooding will cease
and may never be detected, even though the intruder may have captured a significant amount of data from
the network.
To mitigate MAC flooding attacks, you should configure port security to define the number of MAC
addresses that are allowed on a given port. Port security can also specify which MAC address is allowed on
a given port.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 533
Introducing Port Security
Port security is used to block input from devices based on Layer 2 restrictions.
Port security restricts a switch port to a specific set or number of MAC addresses. Those addresses can be
learned dynamically or configured statically. The port will then provide access to frames from only those
addresses. If, however, the number of addresses is limited to four but no specific MAC addresses are
configured, the port will allow any four MAC addresses to be learned dynamically, and port access will be
limited to those four dynamically learned addresses.
A port security feature called "sticky learning," available on some switch platforms, combines the features
of dynamically learned and statically configured addresses. When this feature is configured on an interface,
the interface converts dynamically learned addresses to "sticky secure" addresses. This adds them to the
running configuration as if they were configured with the switchport port-security mac-address
534 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Port Security Process
Step Action Notes
1. Configure port security. Configure port security to allow only desired number
of connections on the port. Configure an entry for
each of these allow ed MAC addresses. This
configuration, in effect, populates the MAC address
table w ith new entries for that port and allow s no
additional entries to be learned dynamically.
2. Allow ed frames are processed. When frames arrive on the sw itch port, their source
MAC address is checked against the MAC address
table. If the frame source MAC address matches an
entry in the table for that port, the frames are
forw arded to the sw itch to be processed like any
other frames on the sw itch.
3. New addresses are not allow ed to create new MAC When frames w ith a nonallow ed MAC address arrive
address table entries. on the port, the sw itch determines that the address
is not in the current MAC address table and does
not create a dynamic entry for that new MAC
address, because the number of allow ed addresses
has been limited.
4. Sw itch takes action in response to nonallow ed The sw itch w ill disallow access to the port and take
frames. one of these configuration-dependent actions: (a)
the entire sw itch port can be disabled; (b) access
can be denied for that MAC address only and a log
error can be generated; (c) access can be denied for
that MAC address but w ithout generating a log
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 535
Discovery 17: Port Security
Port security can restrict port's input by limiting and identifying MAC addresses that are allowed to access
the port.
In this discovery, you will learn how to configure port security.
536 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
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Job Aids
Note If you shut down an interface on a real router or switch, the connected device will see it as
"down/down". Due to virtualization specifics, IOL behaviour is slightly different. If you shut
down an interface on a router or switch, the connected device will see it as "up/up". In IOL,
the status of an interface can only be "up/up" or "administratively down/down".
Device Addressing
Port Security
Step 1 On SW configure Ethernet 0/1 to only allow one MAC address and that MAC address should be
Maximum number of allowed MAC addresses is set to 1 by default, so the last line of
configuration is not really needed, however, you would need to allow two MAC addresses per
port if a daisy-chained VoIP phone and computer are connected to this port.
Port security can also be configured per-VLAN.
538 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
SW(config)# interface ethernet 0/1
SW(config-if)# switchport port-security
This is the configuration that enables port security. What you did in the previous step was a
configuration of port security parameters.
Soon after you enable port security the following messages should appear in SW's CLI:
*Mar 6 12:47:42.882: %PM-4-ERR_DISABLE: psecure-violation error detected on Et0/1,
putting Et0/1 in err-disable state
*Mar 6 12:47:42.882: %PORT_SECURITY-2-PSECURE_VIOLATION: Security violation
occurred, caused by MAC address aabb.cc00.1000 on port Ethernet0/1.
You are being notified that port Ethernet 0/1 was put into an "error-disabled" state, because a
device with MAC address that is not "aaaa.aaaa.aaaa" is trying to communicate through switch
SW. PC1, connected to Ethernet 0/1 on SW, does not have a MAC address of "aaaa.aaaa.aaaa".
Port will transition to error-disabled state only if a violation occurs and the port is configured
with port security "shutdown" mode. This is the default violation mode.
NOTE: PC's MAC addresses may differ.
Step 3 From PC1 ping SRV's IP address Your attempt should not be successful.
Not only PC1's MAC address is not allowed by port security, the port PC1 is connected to has
been error-disabled by port security, so even if a device with legitimate MAC address
"aaaaa.aaaa.aaaaa" would now be connected to that port, it would still be forbidden to
Notice that Ehternet 0/1 on SW has port security enabled and that the port status is "Secure-
shutdown". This port status signifies that port is in error-disabled state.
Maximum MAC addresses is set to 1 and there is one configured MAC address
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 539
The MAC address that is listed next to "Last Source Address:Vlan" is that of the PC1 - the
device that caused port security violation in this example.
Whenever a port security violation occurs the violation count will increase by 1. Since port was
moved into error-disabled state, error count is equal to 1 and it will no increase unless you bring
the port back up without removing the violator (PC1).
Step 5 On SW's Ethernet 0/1 interface change port security violation mode to "restrict" and enable the
To get error-disabled port back to operational state you need to shut it down and then bring it
back up.
In the CLI of SW you should soon notice the following error message:
*Mar 6 12:57:43.019: %PORT_SECURITY-2-PSECURE_VIOLATION: Security violation
occurred, caused by MAC address aabb.cc00.1000 on port Ethernet0/1.
You are being notify that there is a security violation on Ethernet 0/1 and it also tells you the
offending MAC address. Notice that port was not shut down.
Step 6 From PC1 ping SRV's IP address Your attempt should not be successful.
So what is the difference between "shutdown" and "restrict" violation modes? With the later
interface is not being shutdown when a violation occurs. All traffic from devices with allowed
MAC addresses gets through - in this example that would be device with MAC "aaaa.aaaa.aaaa",
if it existed. Traffic from other devices gets dropped - in this example PC1.
Step 7 Again, verify port security status on SW's Ethernet 0/1 interface.
540 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Output is pretty similar a previous one, but now the violation mode is "restrict" and port status is
noted as secure and operational, rather than error-disabled. You should also notice that violation
count has increased quite a bit. This is because the port was not shutdown and all subsequent
communication events of PC1 result in violation counter increase.
Step 8 On SW's Ethernet 0/1 interface change port security violation mode to "protect".
Step 9 From PC1 ping SRV's IP address Your attempt should not be successful.
Step 10 For the third time, verify port security status on SW's Ethernet 0/1 interface.
Port security violation is now set to "protect" and port is secured and operational.
What are the differences between "restrict" and "protect" violation modes? None from the
allowed traffic perspective. Device with MAC addresses "aaaa.aaaa.aaaa" would still be allowed
to communicate through Ethernet 0/1 if it existed while PC1 is still not allowed to communicate.
However, with "protect" mode enabled there are no more notifications about port security
violations. And likewise, with "protect" mode the security violation counter will not increase.
Issue the show port-security interface ethernet 0/1 command. The counter has not increased.
You, as the network administrator are encouraged to use the "restrict" mode. You should use the
port violation messages to identify persistent violators and remove the root cause, not only
prevent it.
Manually configuring every allowed MAC address is a time consuming task. Is there a more
dynamic way to configure switch ports with port security?
Step 11 On SW configure Ethernet0/2 interface with "sticky" MAC address port security.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 541
SW(config)# interface ethernet 0/2
SW(config-if)# switchport port-security mac-address sticky
SW(config-if)# switchport port-security
In this example Ethernet 0/2 was configured with "sticky" MAC address and port security was
enabled on the port.
With sticky addresses switch port will learn MAC addresses dynamically. It will learn as many
MAC addresses as allowed by maximum MAC addresses configuration, set to one by default. In
this example Ethernet 0/2 interdace on SW will learn MAC address of PC2.
Step 12 From PC2 ping SRV's IP address Your attempt should be successful.
Port Ethernet0/2 is in secure and operational state. Violation mode is "shutdown" and MAC
address learned is that of PC2. Violation counter is 0, because there was no port security
NOTE: MAC address of PC2 might be different in your example.
542 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
SW# show run interface ethernet 0/2
Building configuration...
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Port Error Conditions
When a port is enabled, but switch detects an error situation on the port, it puts the port into an "error-
disabled" state and shuts it down. When a port is in "error-disabled" state no traffic is sent or received on
that port.
The "error-disabled" state lets the administrator know when there is a port problem and it eliminates the
possibility of this port causing other ports on the module to fail.
544 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Port security violation is only one of the reasons why port might be in the "error-disabled" state. There are
several other reasons:
• Spanning-tree BPDU guard violation: When you have portfast configured in combination with BPDU
guard, the port will switch to the "error-disabled" state, if the BPDU is received on the port.
• EtherChannel misconfiguration: All parameters have to be the same for all ports on both sides of the
bundle, otherwise the port will switch into the "error-disabled" state.
• Duplex mismatch: Duplex mode has to be the same on both sides of the link, otherwise the ports
switch into the "error-disabled" state.
• UDLD condition: UDLD assures that the link is bidirectional at all times, so when it detects an
unidirectional link it places the port into the "error-disabled" state.
• Spanning-tree root guard: If a root guard-enabled port receives a superior BPDU from those sent by
the current root bridge, the port is moved into the "error-disabled" state.
• Link flapping: When link state is "flapping" between the up and down states, the port is placed into the
"error-disabled" state.
• Other reasons such as late-collision detection, Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol guard, DHCP snooping
rate-limit, incorrect GBIC, ARP inspection.
Error-disable detection is enabled for all of these causes by default. You can configure only desired causes
to trigger port being disabled. Use the following command to specify the causes:
Switch(config)# errdisable detect cause [all | cause name]
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 545
Error Disabled Port Automatic Recovery
An error-disabled port will become operational after you shut it down and than bring back up. To reduce the
administrative overhead, an error-disabled port can be automatically re-enabled, after the problem causing
the "error-disabled" state is fixed.
This can be achieved by the errdisable recovery command, which automatically re-enables the port after a
specified period of time. If the problem, that caused the port to change into "error-disabled" state is not
resolved, the port will stay in "error-disabled" state.
SW(config)# errdisable recovery cause cause
SW(config)# errdisable recovery interval seconds
546 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Port Access Lists
Standard access lists (ACL) are applied to traffic passing through the Layer 3 interface, for instance a SVI
used to route from one VLAN to another VLAN on a Layer 3 switch. The PACL feature provides the ability
to perform access control on a specific Layer 2 port.
A Layer 2 port is a physical LAN or trunk port that belongs to a VLAN. Port ACLs are applied only on the
ingress traffic. The port ACL feature is supported only in hardware (port ACLs are not applied to any
packets routed in software). The PACL feature does not affect Layer 2 control packets, such as CDP, VTP,
DTP, STP, received on the port.
PACLs interaction with other types of ACLs depends on the configured mode:
• In prefer port mode PACL takes effects and overrides the effect of other ACLs. This mode is the only
mode that is allowed when applying PACL on a trunk.
• In merge mode PACLs, VACLs and standard ACLs are merged in the ingress direction. This is the
default mode.
PACLs can be configured on an EtherChannel interface, but not on its port members.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 547
Configure Port Access Lists
IP and MAC ACLs can be applied to Layer 2 physical interfaces. Standard (numbered, named) and
Extended (numbered, named) IP ACLs, and Extended Named MAC ACLs are supported.
Note The CLI syntax for creating a PACL is identical to the syntax for creating a Cisco IOS ACL.
An instance of an ACL that is mapped to a Layer 2 port is called a PACL. An instance of an
ACL that is mapped to a Layer 3 interface is called a Cisco IOS ACL. The same ACL can be
mapped to both a Layer 2 port and a Layer 3 interface.
548 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Please note that access mode command is not supported on all platforms.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 549
This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this lesson.
For additional information, refer to these references:
• Errdisable Port State Recovery: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/lan-switching/spanning-
• Configuring Port ACLs: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/switches/lan/catalyst6500/ios/12-
550 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Lesson 2: Implementing
Storm Control
Network or host misconfigurations, host malfunctions or intentional denial of service attacks may flood the
network with traffic storms. Cisco IOS switches provide the Storm Control feature to limit the impact of
traffic storms and, in neccesarry, take appropriate actions.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 551
Storm Control
A traffic storm occurs when packets flood the LAN, creating excessive traffic and degrading network
performance. Storm control feature prevents LAN ports from being disrupted by a broadcast, multicast, or
unicast traffic storm on physical interfaces and is used to protect against or isolate broadcast storms caused
by STP misconfigurations, unicast storms created by malfunctioning hosts or denial of service attacks.
Traffic storm control (also called traffic suppression) monitors incoming traffic levels over a 1-second
traffic storm control interval. During the interval it compares the traffic level with the traffic storm threshold
level that you configure. The traffic storm control level is either an absolute number of bits or packets per
second or a percentage of the total available bandwidth of the port. Two thresholds can be configured. When
traffic exceeds the rising threshold level, storm control blocks the port. Once the traffic falls under the
falling threshold, storm control removes the block. Configuration of a falling threshold is optional.
Each T slot on the figure represents a 1 second interval. In T0, ingress traffic stays below rising threshold.
In T1 traffic breaches the rising threshold, consequently the port is blocked in the next interval, T2. In T2
traffic falls below the rising threshold, but it is still above the falling thresholds, so the port block is kept in
T3. Finally, traffic falls under falling threshold in T3 and port block is removed in T4.
Note Storm control algorithms may differ. On some of the Cisco devices port is blocked as soon
as the threshold is breached and is kept blocked until the end of the 1 second interval.
Optionally, an interface can be shut down if threshold level is breached or SNMP trap sent.
Storm control is configured per interface for each traffic type (unicast, multicast, broadcast) separately.
552 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Note Depending on the Catalyst switch series multicast traffic may be considered a part of
broadcast traffic. Consult with the documentation for each Catalyst series.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 553
Configuring Storm Control On An Interface
Storm control configuration is done per interface for each type of traffic separately. Storm control is
typically configured on access ports, to limit the effect of traffic storm on access level, before it enters the
You have to configure a rising threshold. Falling threshold is optional. Both thresholds can be configured
either in percents of the total interface bandwidth, bits per second or packets per second:
SW(config)# interface interface slot/int
SW(config-if)# storm-control [broadcast | multicast | unicast] level {rising-percent |
bps rising-bps | pps rising-pps} [falling-percent | falling-bps | falling-pps]
Networks differ from one another, so do the traffic patterns. To configure an effective threshold level,
interface traffic monitoring over a longer period is advised to establish a baseline. Monitoring of Storm
Control events, either with remote syslog server or SNMP Trap receiver, will allow you to effectively adjust
the thresholds when needed.
Storm control can be configured on the port channel interface of an EtherChannel. Do not configure it on
ports that are members of an EtherChannel.
Note Configured percentage thresholds are only approximation, actual enforced level might differ.
On some platforms, setting percentage thresholds under 0.33 percent may suppress all
Additional actions can be taken by storm control upon traffic breach, such as putting the interface in error-
disable or sending an SNMP trap:
554 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
SW(config)# interface interface slot/int
SW(config-if)# storm-control action {shutdown | trap}
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 555
Verifying Storm Control Behavior
You can verify Storm Control behavior by investigating each port's filter state and current level of traffic
compared to configured thresholds.
The show storm-control command without the additional parameter display the broadcast filter state. In
this case, rising threshold is set to 50% of interface bandwidth, falling threshold to 30%, while current
broadcast traffic reaches 1.33%. Filter is thus in forwarding state:
SW# show storm-control
Interface Filter State Upper Lower Current
--------- ------------- ----------- ----------- ----------
Gi0/1 Forwarding 50.00% 30.00% 1.33%
Additional multicast keyword displays multicast filter, which has it's rising threshold set to 30.000 packets
per second and falling threshold set to 20.000 packets per second.
SW# show storm-control multicast
Interface Filter State Upper Lower Current
--------- ------------- ----------- ----------- ----------
Gi0/1 Forwarding 30k pps 20k pps 0 pps
The unicast filter is set to 30 Megabits per second. Falling threshold is not configured and is thus equal to
rising threshold. Current unicast traffic exceeds the threshold with 37 Megabits per second. As the threshold
was already breached in the previous 1 second interval, filter is set to Blocking:
SW# show storm-control unicast
Interface Filter State Upper Lower Current
--------- ------------- ----------- ----------- ----------
Gi0/1 Blocking 30m bps 30m bps 37m bps
556 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Note To verify the Storm Control configuration, you can generate broadcast, multicast or unicast
traffic with traffic generators, such as iperf.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 557
This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this lesson.
For additional information, refer to these references:
• Configuring Storm Control on Catalyst 3560 Series:
• Configuring Storm Control on Catalyst 4500 Series:
• Configuring Storm Control on Catalyst 6500 Series:
558 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Lesson 3: Implementing
Access to External
AAA services are part of an architectural framework that enables configuration of these functions in a
uniform yet flexible way. First, you want to identify users before they access the network—authentication.
Your next step is to determine what are users capable of doing and what restrictions apply to them—
authorization. Finally, you want to keep the information about user activities for future auditing, billing or
reporting purposes—accounting.
The aim of the lesson is to explain what each of the AAA component is, to compare possible authentication
options you can implement on the Cisco IOS and to show how centralized implementation of AAA services
using TACACS+ or RADIUS server contributes to better scalability, manageability and control. Second
part of the lesson focuses on the configuration of authentication using centralized server and a local
database, describes limitations of TACACS+ and RADIUS and gives implementation cases for the two.
Upon completing this lesson, you will be able to configure AAA on a Cisco IOS device. You will be able to
meet the following objectives:
• Describe what is AAA and its components
• Describe the benefits of implementing AAA
• Describe the purpose of authentication and list authentication options
• Describe RADIUS and TACACS+, and highlight their differences
• Enable AAA and create a local backup user account
• Configure RADIUS for console and vty access
• Configure TACACS+ for console and vty access
• Configure authentication, authorization and accounting.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 559
• Describe limitations and use cases for RADIUS and TACACS+
• Identity Based Networking
• Describe IEEE 802.1x Port-Based Authentication
• Configure IEEE 802.1x on a Cisco IOS device
560 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
AAA Framework Overview
AAA represents architectural framework through which the network access control policy is enforced on the
networking device. The acronym AAA stands for authentication, authorization and accounting - three main
functions of the model configurable in a consistent manner.
Authentication – Authentication is the process of identifying a user prior to being allowed access to a
protected resource. User presents valid credentials which are then compared with the information in the user
database. Additionally, authentication component may offer other services depending on the security
protocol selected (e.g. additional challenge and response, messaging support, encryption).
Authorization – After the user gains access to the network, authorization is performed. Authorization
allows you to control the level of access users have. For example, via authorization you can define which
priviledge EXEC commands are available to the user, or you may control remote access allowing user to
use protocols such as PPP or SLIP. User capabilities are defined by a set of attribute-value pairs which are
associated with the user or users’s group. These pairs may be stored locally on the device, or on the
centralized TACACS+/RADIUS server.
When user tries to perform some specific function (e.g. configure an IP address on an interface), AAA
engine on the device queries the authorization server for that specific attribute and user. Based on the reply
from the server (i.e. value of the user’s attribute in question), user is allowed or not allowed to perform that
specific function.
Accounting – Accounting is performed after authentication. Accounting enables you to collect information
about the user activity and resource consumption. It allows you to log user logins, commands executed by
the user, session durations, bytes transferred, etc. Network device sends this information in a form of
attribute-value pairs to the accounting server. User activity information from all devices in your network is
thus located in one central place. This information can then be used used for billing, auditing and reporting
Authentication can be valid without the authorization and accounting. Authorization and accounting,
however, it cannot be performed without the authentication.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 561
The Benefits of AAA Usage
562 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Authentication Options
Before the user is given an access to a network or device resource, you want to verify the user's identity.
The process is called authentication.
Generally speaking authentication can be based on something that user knows (username and password),
something that user has (digital certificate issued by certification authority) or something that user is
(biometrical scanners which can identify him by his fingerprint or eye retina).
Whichever method is used, the information provided by the user is compared with the information stored in
the authentication database and if a match exists, user is granted access to the network. Authentication
database may be stored either locally on a network device or on a centralized server.
AAA model on Cisco IOS allows you to configure both local and remote authentication. Configuration is
done with the aaa authentication command. First, you need to specify a service type the authentication
configuration will be applied for. A service type might be login for CLI login authentication (be it console,
telnet, SSH, etc.), ppp for PPP connections and so on.
Second, you need to specify a method list. You can specify a default method list with the default keyword.
Default method list applies to any interface, line or service if a more specific named method list is not
defined. It is typically used in smaller/medium environments, where there is a single shared AAA
infrastructure. Additionally named method lists can be specified. When defined, named method list must be
explicitly applied to an interface, line or service. It overrides default method list. You define named method
lists according to your needs.
Last you need to specify a single or a list of authentication methods. Multiple authentication methods are
available, such as local for local database authentication or group to configure groups of remote RADIUS
or TACACS+ servers. When multiple authentication methods are configured, additional methods of
authentication are used only if the previous method returns an error, not if it fails. To specify that the
authentication should succeed even if all methods return an error, specify none as the final method in the
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 563
command line. Usage of none authentication method is discouraged in production environments as it allows
access without successful authentication.
564 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
RADIUS and TACACS+ Overview
RADIUS and TACACS+ are AAA protocols.
Both use client-server model. User or machine sends a request (1 in the figure) to a client. Client is also
called NAS or RAS. Typically NAS is a router, switch, firewall or access point. Client than communicates
(2, 3) with a server exchanging RADIUS or TACACS+ messages. If authentication is successful, user is
granted (4) an access to a protected resource (5), such as a device CLI, network, etc. Cisco implements the
AAA server functionality in Cisco Secure Access Control Server and ISE.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 565
RADIUS is fully open standard protocol developed by Livingston Enterprises. It is described in RFCs 2865
(authentication and authorization) and 2866 (accounting). RADIUS uses UDP port 1812 for the
authentication and authorization, and thus combining authentication and authorization into one service. For
the accounting service RADIUS uses UDP port 1813. Communication between NAS and RADIUS server
is not completely secure – only password portion of the RADIUS packet header is encrypted.
566 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
TACACS+ is Cisco proprietary protocol not compatible with the older versions such as TACACS or
XTACACS, which are now deprecated. It allows for greater modularity, by total separation of all three
AAA functions. TACACS+ uses TCP port 49, thus reliability is ensured by the transport protocol itself.
Entire TACACS+ packet is encrypted, so communication between NAS and the TACACS+ server is
completely secure.
Authentication process between NAS and RADIUS server starts when client sends login request in the form
of Access-Request packet. This packet contains username, encrypted password, NAS IP address and NAS
port number.
When server receives the query it first compares the shared secret key sent in the request packet with the
value configured on the server. When shared secrets are not identical server silently drops the packet. This
ensures that only authorized clients are able to communicate with the server. If shared secrets are identical,
packet is further processed comparing username and password inside the packet with those found in the
If a match is found server returns Access-Accept packet with list of attributes to be used with this session in
the form of AV pairs (e.g. IP address, ACL for NAS, etc.). If, on the other hand, a match is not found,
RADIUS server returns Access-Reject packet. It is important to notice that authentication and authorization
phases are combined in a single Access-Request packet.
During authentication and authorization phase optional Access-Challenge message may be requested by the
RADIUS server with the purpose of collecting additional data (e.g. PIN, token card, etc.), thus further
verifying client's identity.
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Accounting phase is realized separately after authentication and authorization phases, using Accounting-
Request and Accounting-Response messages.
Communication between NAS and TACACS+ server starts with establishing a TCP connection.
NAS contacts TACACS+ server to obtain a username prompt, which is then displayed to the user.
Username entered by the user is forwarded to the server. Server prompts the user again, this time for
password. Password is sent to the server where it is validated against the database (local or remote).
If a match is found, server will send ACCEPT message to the client and authorization phase may begin (if
configured on the NAS). If, on the other hand, a match is not found, server will respond with the REJECT
message and any further access will be denied.
568 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Enabling AAA and Configuring Local User for
To enable AAA, you need to configure the aaa new-model command in global configuration. Until this
command is enabled, all other AAA commands are hidden.
You may use different authentication options. You can use external authentication servers such as RADIUS
or TACACS+ or you may specify a local database. In any case it is a good practice to configure a local
username, to serve as as a backup, should external servers fail.
Switch(config)# username username secret password
Note The aaa new-model command immediately applies local authentication to all lines and
interfaces (except console line line con 0). To avoid being locked out of the router, you
should define a local username and password before starting the AAA configuration.
To use the local database for authentication, you must specify the local keyword in the aaa authentication
To use the local database only as a backup option, you need to tell the device to use the local database only
if all other authentication methods are unavailable. In order to do so, you must specify the local keyword at
the very end of the authentication methods list in the aaa authentication command.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 569
Configuring RADIUS for Console and VTY Access
You need to specify the hostname or the IP address of the server. Optionally you can specify a custom port
number for the UDP communication, if your RADIUS server is listening on nondefault ports. Port numbers
for authentication and accounting differ. key string specifies the authentication and encryption key used
between access device and RADIUS server. This value must match on both devices.
Next, add the RADIUS server to a server group. You can add multiple RADIUS servers to a group, as long
as they were previously defined using the radius server command.
Switch(config)# aaa group server radius group-name
Switch(config-sg-radius)# server name configuration-name
For example, to configure RADIUS server with the IP address using key cisco456 as a part of
the group Mygroup2:
Switch(config)# radius server myRadius
Switch(config-radius-server)# address ipv4
Switch(config-radius-server)# key cisco456
Switch(config)# aaa group server radius Mygroup2
Switch(config-sg-radius)# server name myRadius
To configure a login authentication using a named method list radius_list, server group Mygroup2 as
primary authentication option and local user database as a backup, use the following command:
Switch(config)# aaa authentication login radius_list group Mygroup2 local
570 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Now apply this method list to the vty0 line (named method lists, contrary to default list, must be applied):
Switch(config)# line vty 0
Switch(config-line)# login authentication radius_list
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 571
Configuring TACACS+ for Console and VTY
TACACS+ AAA configuration is nearly identical to RADIUS configuration. First, you need to configure
the TACACS+ server.
Switch(config)# tacacs server configuration-name
Switch(config-server-tacacs)# address ipv4 hostname
Switch(config-server-tacacs)# port integer
Switch(config-server-tacacs)# key string
You need to specify the hostname or the IP address of the server. Optionally you can specify a custom port
number for the TCP communication, if your TACACS+ server is listening on a nondefault port. key string
specifies the encryption key to be used for encrypting all traffic between access device and TACACS+
server. This value must match on both devices.
Next, add the TACACS+ server to a server group. You can add multiple TACACS+ servers to a group, as
long as they were previously defined using the tacacs server command.
Switch(config)# aaa group server tacacs+ group-name
Switch(config-sg-tacacs+)# server name configuration-name
For example, to configure TACACS+ server with the IP address using shared secret key
cisco123 as a part of the server group Mygroup1:
Switch(config)# tacacs server myTacacs
Switch(config-server-tacacs)# address ipv4
Switch(config-server-tacacs)# key cisco123
Switch(config)# aaa group server tacacs+ Mygroup1
Switch(config-sg-tacacs+)# server name myTacacs
572 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
To configure a default login authentication and exec authorization with the server group Mygroup1 as a
primary authentication option and local user database as a backup, use the following commands:
Switch(config)# aaa authentication login default group Mygroup1 local
Switch(config)# aaa authorization exec default group Mygroup1 local
The default method list is automatically applied to all interfaces except those that have a named method list
explicitly defined.
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Configuring Authorization and Accounting
Once the AAA has been enabled on a Cisco IOS device and aaa authentication has been configured, you
can optionally configure dependent AAA functions, aaa authorization and aaa accounting.
To configure authorization:
1. Define method list for authorization service with the aaa authorization command. As a minimum,
when configuring AAA services, you must always configure authentication. Authorization component
is not valid without previously configured authentication.
2. Apply authorization method list to a corresponding interface or line with authorization command. This
does not apply if authorization component is not configured in step 1.
To configure accounting:
1. Define method list for accounting service with the aaa accounting command. Accounting may not
stand alone as a component, it is not valid without previously configured authentication.
2. Apply accounting method list to a corresponding interface or line using accounting command. This
does not apply if accounting component is not configured in step 1.
574 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Limitations of TACACS+ and RADIUS
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 575
Identity-Based Networking
Identity-Based Networking is a concept that unites several authentication, access control, and user policy
components with the aim to provide users with the network services that they are entitled to.
Traditional LAN security depends on physical security of the network ports. In order to gain access to the
accounting VLAN, a user has to walk into accounting department and plug the device in an ethernet port.
With user mobility as one of the core requirements of modern enterprise networks, this dependency is no
longer practical, and does not provide sufficient security.
Identity-based networking allows you to verify users once they connect to a switch port. Identity-based
networking authenticates users and places them in the right VLAN based on their identity. Should any users
fail to pass the authentication process, their access can be rejected, or they might be simply put in a guest
The IEEE 802.1x standard allows you to implement the identity-based networking in your LAN for both
physical and wireless connections.
576 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
IEEE 802.1x Port-Based Authentication Overview
The IEEE 802.1x standard defines a client-server based access control and authentication protocol that
prevents unauthorized clients from connecting to a LAN through switch ports unless they are properly
authenticated. The authentication server authenticates each client connected to a switch port before any
services offered by the switch or the LAN behind it are made available.
Until the client is authenticated, 802.1x access control allows only EAPOL, Cisco Discovery Protocol, and
STP traffic passing through the port to which the client is connected. After authentication is successful,
normal traffic can pass through the port.
Client is usually a workstation with 802.1x compliant client software. It is already included in all modern
operating systems. Client requests access to the LAN and switch services and responds to the requests from
the Authenticator. Client is also called supplicant in 802.1x terminology.
Authenticator, usually an edge switch or wireless access point, controls the physical access to the network
based on the authentication status of the client. The switch acts as an intermediary (proxy) between the
client and the authentication server, requesting identity information from the client, verifying that
information with the authentication server, and relaying a response to the client. Authenticator includes a
RADIUS client, which is responsible for encapsulation and decapsulation of EAP frames and interaction
with the authentication server.
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Authentication server performs the actual authentication of the client. Authentication server validates the
identity of the client and notifies the authenticator whether or not the client is authorized to access LAN and
switch services. Since authenticator acts as a proxy, authentication service is transparent to the client.
Currently, RADIUS server with EAP extensions is the only supported authentication server.
Both switch and the client can initiate authentication. Switch initiates authentication when the link state
changes from down to up or periodically as long as the port remains up and unauthenticated. The switch
sends an EAP-request/identity frame to the client to request its identity. Upon receipt of the frame, the client
responds with an EAP-response/identity frame.
However, if EAP-request/identity is sent while the client is in the bootup phase, the client does not receive
it. Client can than initiate authentication by sending an EAPOL-start frame, which prompts the switch to
request the client's identity.
When the client supplies its identity, the switch begins its role as the intermediary, passing EAP frames
between the client and the authentication server until authentication succeeds or fails. When a client is
successfully authenticated, the port transitions to the authorized state, allowing all traffic for the client to
flow normally.
When a client logs off, it sends an EAPOL-logoff message, causing the switch port to change back to the
unauthorized state. Additionally, if the link state of a port changes from up to down, the port returns to the
unauthorized state.
578 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
IEEE 802.1x Configuration Checklist
Note You will not be able to issue dot1x commands on the interface if it is not set to
switchport mode access.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 579
This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this lesson.
For additional information, refer to these references:
• AAA Overview: http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/ios/12_2/security/configuration/guide/scfaaa.html
• TACACS+ and RADIUS Comparison: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/security-
• Configuring RADIUS: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/ios-xml/ios/sec_usr_rad/configuration/15-
• Configuring TACACS: http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/ios-xml/ios/sec_usr_tacacs/configuration/15-
• Configuring IEEE 802.1x Port-Based Authentication:
580 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Lesson 4: Mitigating
Spoofing Attacks
By spoofing, or pretending to be another machine, the attacker can redirect part or all the traffic coming
from, or going to, a predefined target. After the attack, all traffic from the device under attack flows through
the computer of the attacker and then to its destination.
Spoofing attack can affect devices that are connected to your Layer 2 network by sending false information
to devices that are connected to the same broadcast domain. Spoofing attacks can also intercept traffic that
is intended for other hosts in the same domain.
There are several mechanisms that can mitigate DHCP, MAC, and ARP spoofing threats, such as DHCP
snooping, IP Source Guard, and Dynamic ARP Inspection.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 581
DHCP Spoofing Attacks
DHCP server provides the basic information for the clients operation, such as IP address, subnet mask,
default gateway, etc. One of the ways that an attacker can gain access to network traffic is to bring a rogue
DHCP server in the same subnet as DHCP clients.
The DHCP spoofing device replies to client's DHCP requests. The legitimate server may also reply to
DHCP requests, but if the spoofing device is on the same segment as the client, its reply to the client may
arrive first, so legitimate server's reply is discarded by the client.
DHCP reply from the intruder offers an IP address and supporting information that designates the intruder
as the default gateway or DNS server. In the case of a gateway, the clients will then forward packets to the
attacking device, which will in turn send them to the desired destination. This is referred to as a man-in-the-
middle attack, and it may go entirely undetected as the intruder intercepts the data flow through the network.
1. Attacker hosts a rogue DHCP server off a sw itch port to the same subnet as the clients.
3. The rogue DHCP server responds before the legitimate DHCP server, assigning attacker-
defined IP configuration information.
4. Host packets are redirected to the attacker’s address as it emulates a default gatew ay for
the erroneous IP address that is provided to the client via DHCP.
582 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
DHCP Snooping
DHCP snooping is a Cisco security feature, that protects against rogue and malicious DHCP servers. It
determines which switch ports can respond to DHCP requests.
DHCP snooping is a per-port security mechanism that is used to determine which switch port can respond to
DHCP requests. Ports are identified as trusted and untrusted. Trusted ports can source all DHCP messages,
whereas untrusted ports can source requests only. DHCP snooping allows only authorized DHCP servers to
respond to DHCP requests and to distribute network information to clients.
• Trusted ports host a DHCP server or can be an uplink toward the DHCP server.
• Untrusted ports are those that are not explicitly configured as trusted. From a DHCP snooping
perspective, untrusted access ports should not send any DHCP server responses, such as DHCPOFFER,
DHCPACK, or DHCPNAK. If a rogue device on an untrusted port attempts to send a DHCP response
packet into the network, the port is shut down. This feature can be coupled with DHCP option 82, in
which switch information, such as the port ID of the DHCP request, can be inserted into the DHCP
request packet.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 583
DHCP Snooping Configuration
584 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
SW# show ip dhcp snooping
Switch DHCP snooping is enabled
DHCP snooping is configured on following VLANs:
DHCP snooping is operational on following VLANs:
DHCP snooping is configured on the following L3 Interfaces:
To display all the known DHCP bindings that have been learned on a switch, use show ip dhcp snooping
binding command. In the example above, there are two PCs connected to the switch, so there is a binding
for each of them in the table:
SW# show ip dhcp snooping binding
MacAddress IpAddress Lease(sec) Type VLAN Interface
------------------ --------------- ---------- ------------- ---- ----------
00:24:13:47:AF:C2 85858 dhcp-snooping 10 Ethernet0/1
00:24:13:47:7D:B1 85859 dhcp-snooping 10 Ethernet0/2
Total number of bindings: 2
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 585
DHCP Snooping Commands
Step Com m ents
ip dhcp snooping information option Enables DHCP option 82. This is optional
for the forw arded DHCP request packet to
contain information on the sw itch port
w here it originated. The option is enabled
by default.
ip dhcp snooping vlan vlan-id [vlan-id] Identifies VLANs that w ill be subject to
DHCP snooping.
ip dhcp snooping limit rate rate Configures the number of DHCP p/s that an
interface can receive. This ensures that
DHCP traffic w ill not overw helm the DHCP
servers. Normally, the rate limit applies to
untrusted interfaces. Use this command in
the interface configuration mode.
586 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
IP Source Guard
A host is assigned an IP address which it uses for all the traffic. A rogue PC can use a hijacked IP from the
neighbor or a random one, which is known as spoofed IP address. Such IP address spoofing is difficult to
mitigate, especially when it is used inside a subnet, the IP belongs to. IP Source Guard is a security feature,
that protects against IP address spoofing.
Note If IP Source Guard is enabled on a trunk port with a large number of VLANs that have DHCP
snooping enabled, you might run out of ACL hardware resources, and some packets might
be switched in software.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 587
IP source Guard supports only Layer 2 ports, including both access and trunk. For each untrusted port, there
are two possible levels of IP traffic security filterings:
• Source IP address filter: IP traffic is filtered based on its source IP address. Only IP traffic with a
source IP address that matches the IP source binding entry is permitted.
An IP source address filter is changed when a new IP source entry binding is created or deleted on the
port. The PVACL will be recalculated and reapplied in the hardware to reflect the IP source binding
change. By default, if the IP filter is enabled without any IP source binding on the port, a default
PVACL that denies all IP traffic is installed on the port. Similarly, when the IP filter is disabled, any IP
source filter PVACL will be removed from the interface.
• Source IP and MAC address filter: IP traffic is filtered based on its source IP address in addition to its
MAC address; only IP traffic with source IP and MAC addresses that match the IP source binding entry
are permitted.
588 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
IP Source Guard Configuration
IP Source Guard has to be enabled on a port. DHCP snooping is required to learn valid IP address and MAC
address pairs.
To enable IP Source Guard on the port use the ip verify source command.
In the example, both access ports, Ethernet0/1 and Ethernet0/2, are configured with IP Source Guard.
To verify the IP Source Guard configuration, use show ip verify source command. In the example, switch
access ports are configured with IP Source Guard, so both, Ethernet0/1 and Ethernet0/2 are listed in the
output. Each interface has one valid DHCP binding.
SW# show ip verify source
Interface Filter-type Filter-mode IP-address Mac-address Vlan
--------- ----------- ----------- --------------- ----------------- ----
Et0/1 ip active 10
Et0/2 ip active 10
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 589
ARP Spoofing
Normally the host sends an ARP broadcast to determine the MAC address of a host with a particular IP
addresses. The device with this IP address replies with its MAC address, and the originating host caches the
ARP response.
By spoofing an ARP reply from a legitimate device, the attacking device appears as the destination host
seen by the senders. The attacker sends gratuitous ARP packet to the host, with the MAC address of the
attacker and the IP address of the particular host.
Note To support features such as Proxy ARP, source IP and MAC addresses in the ARP payload
may differ from the addresses in the IP and Ethernet header. Consequently IP Source Guard
does not protect against ARP spoofing attacks, as the attacker uses it's legitimate IP
address in the IP header and spoofed IP address in the ARP payload.
The ARP reply from the attacker causes the sender to store the MAC address of the attacking system in its
ARP cache. All packets that are destined for those IP addresses will be forwarded through the attacker
system. ARP poisoning leads to various man-in-the-middle attacks, posing a security threat in the network.
590 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
ARP Spoofing Attack
Step or Sequence Description
Num ber
2. R1 replies w ith its MAC and IP address. It also updates its ARP cache.
4. Attacker sends it's ARP reply to PCA, binding it's MAC address to the IP of R1.
5. PCA updates ARP cache w ith MAC address of attacker bound to IP address of R1.
6. Attacker sends it's ARP reply to R1, binding it's MAC address to the IP of PCA.
7. R1 updates ARP cache w ith MAC address of attacker bound to IP address of PCA.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 591
Dynamic ARP Inspection
To prevent ARP spoofing or poisoning, a switch must ensure that only valid ARP requests and responses
are relayed.
In a typical attack, malicious user can send unsolicited ARP replies to other hosts on the subnet with the
MAC Address of the attacker and the IP address of the default gateway.
Dynamic ARP inspection helps prevent such attacks by not relaying invalid or gratuitous ARP replies out to
other ports in the same VLAN. Dynamic ARP inspection intercepts all ARP requests and all replies on the
untrusted ports. Each intercepted packet is verified for valid IP-to-MAC binding. ARP replies coming from
invalid devices are either dropped or logged by the switch for auditing so that ARP poisoning attacks are
prevented. You can also use DAI to rate-limit the ARP packets and then error-disable the interface if the
rate is exceeded.
DAI determines the validity of an ARP packet based on a valid MAC-address-to-IP-address bindings
database that is built by DHCP snooping. In addition, to handle hosts that use statically configured IP
addresses, DAI can validate ARP packets against user-configured ARP ACLs.
592 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
To ensure that only valid ARP requests and responses are relayed, DAI performs these tasks:
• Forwards ARP packets that are received on a trusted interface without any checks.
• Intercepts all ARP packets on untrusted ports.
• Verifies that each intercepted packet has a valid IP-to-MAC address binding before forwarding packets
that can update the local ARP cache.
• Drops, logs, or drops and logs ARP packets with invalid IP-to-MAC address bindings.
Configure all access switch ports as untrusted and all switch ports that are connected to other switches as
trusted. In this case, all ARP packets that are entering the network would be from an upstream distribution
or core switch, bypassing the security check and requiring no further validation.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 593
DAI Configuration
It is generally advisable to configure all access switch ports as untrusted and to configure all uplink ports
that are connected to other switches as trusted.
594 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
DAI Commands
Com m and Description
ip arp inspection vlan vlan-id [,vlan-id] Enables DAI on a VLAN or range of VLANs
ip arp inspection trust Enables DAI on an interface and sets the interface as a trusted
ip arp inspection validate Configures DAI to drop ARP packets w hen the IP addresses are
{[src-mac] [dst-mac] [ip]} invalid, or w hen the MAC addresses in the body of the ARP packets
do not match the addresses that are specified in the Ethernet header
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 595
This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this lesson.
596 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Lesson 5: Securing VLAN
Trunk links are formed between switches that you administer, and are therefore often considered secure.
Unfortunately, trunks are exposed to some attacks that can be used to gain access to a trunk itself or some of
the VLANs carried by a trunk. In this lesson you will expose some of the possible attacks and learn how to
prevent them.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 597
Switch Spoofing
Typically two switches are connected with a common trunk link, which carries traffic from multiple
VLANs. A trunk link can be either manually configured on both sides of a link, or automatically negotiated
using the DTP. While use of DTP simplifies switch administration, it may lead to configuration errors and
switch port exposure.
Depending on the IOS version switch ports default to either dynamic desirable or dynamic auto DTP mode.
Default setting is convenient - when a switch is connected to a dynamic port, a trunk is formed after a DTP
negotiation. When a workstation is connected, it does not speak DTP, so switch port is turned into an access
port with a single access VLAN.
An attacker, however, might exploit the DTP and negotiate a trunk with the switch port. His PC will present
itself as a switch and attacker will gain access to any VLAN, that is permitted on this trunk, by default all
598 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Protecting Against Switch Spoofing
Protection against switch spoofing is simple - every switch port must have a configured behavior.
DTP dynamic auto and dynamic desirable modes should be avoided. All ports should be configured either
as trunk or access ports, depending on the predicted usage:
SW(config)# interface interface slot/number
SW(config-if)# switchport mode access
SW(config-if)# switchport access vlan vlan-id
Ports, that are not used should be administratively shut down, to prevent any unauthorized access:
SW(config)# interface interface slot/number
SW(config-if)# shutdown
Depending on a network topology, trunk access might be limited, by allowing only certain VLANs on a
trunk port:
SW(config)# interface interface slot/number
SW(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan vlan-list
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 599
VLAN Hopping
An attacker connected to one of the access ports can send frames with spoofed 802.1Q tags, to send frames
to a different VLAN. The attack is called VLAN hopping or more specificly double tagging, and only
works under very specific conditions.
The attacker is connected to an access port of Switch A. All traffic between a workstation and an access port
would normally be untagged, but the attacker prepends it's payload with two 802.1Q tags, the outer one with
the VLAN the access port belongs to (VLAN 10 in the figure) and the inner one with the VLAN the attacker
wants to hop into (VLAN 20 in the figure).
Note Normally, a switch would not expect to receive tagged frames on an access port and would
discard the tagged frames. Modern switches, however, support technologies such as QoS
with CoS bits present in the 802.1Q header, or Q-in-Q tunneling, so they are accepting
tagged frames on access ports.
Frames are accepted by a switch if the outer VLAN tag matches the VLAN in which the access port is put
into. Tag (VLAN 10) is removed, and the payload, together with the inner tag (VLAN 20) is forwarded.
Frame is forwarded to a trunk. In order for the attack to succeed, trunk's native VLAN must match the
attacker's access port VLAN (10 in the figure). Only then is the frame sent over a trunk without the
additional VLAN tag prepended.
Switch B receives a frame, which now only has one tag in the header, so it considers frame being a part of a
VLAN, the attacker wants to hop in (VLAN 20). Switch B forwards the frame to the destination
workstation, which is located in VLAN 20. Attacker has thus successfully hopped from VLAN 10 to VLAN
600 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Protecting Against VLAN Hopping
VLAN hopping attacks are not easy to pull out, as they require specific native VLAN settings on a trunk.
They also have limited usability as VLAN hopping only works in one direction, thus preventing attacker to
establish TCP session. Nevertheless, protection against VLAN hopping attacks is simple, so you should
apply it whenever possible.
VLAN hopping attacks rely on a specific trunk configuration, therefore securing the trunk will close that
attack surface.
Attacker's access port VLAN must match the native VLAN of a trunk for attack to succed, so setting native
VLAN on all trunks to an unused value will close that attack vector:
SW(config)# interface interface slot/number
SW(config-if)# switchport trunk native vlan vlan-id
Note Maintenance protocols, such as Cisco Discovery Protocol and DTP are normally carried
over the native VLAN. Native VLAN pruning will not affect them, they will still communicate
on a prunned native VLAN.
Last option is to tag all frames, including native VLAN frames. This is done with the global configuration
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 601
SW(config)# vlan dot1q tag native
602 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
VLAN Access Lists
VACLs can provide access control for all packets that are bridged within a VLAN or that are routed into or
out of a VLAN or a WAN interface for VACL capture. Unlike Cisco IOS Access Control Lists that are
applied on routed packets only, VACLs apply to all packets and can be applied to any VLAN or WAN
You can configure VACLs for IP and MAC-layer traffic. VACLs applied to WAN interfaces support only
IP traffic for VACL capture.
VLAN access maps can be applied to VLANs for VACL capture. Each VLAN access map can consist of
one or more map sequences; each sequence has a match clause and an action clause. The match clause
specifies IP or MAC ACLs for traffic filtering and the action clause specifies the action to be taken when a
match occurs. When a flow matches a permit ACL entry, the associated action is taken and the flow is not
checked against the remaining sequences. When a flow matches a deny ACL entry, it will be checked
against the next ACL in the same sequence or the next sequence. If a flow does not match any ACL entry
and at least one ACL is configured for that packet type, the packet is denied.
Note VACLs have an implicit deny at the end of the map; a packet is denied if it does not match
any ACL entry, and at least one ACL is configured for the packet type.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 603
VACL interaction with ACL and PACL
For an incoming packet on a physical port, the PACL is applied first. If the packet is permitted by the
PACL, the VACL on the ingress VLAN is applied next. If the packet is Layer 3 forwarded and is permitted
by the VACL, it is filtered by the Cisco IOS Access Control Lists on the same VLAN. The same process
happens in reverse in the egress direction. However, there is currently no hardware support for output
The PACLs override both the VACLs and Cisco IOS ACLs when the port is configured in prefer port mode.
The one exception to this rule is when the packets are forwarded in the software by the route processor. The
route processor applies the ingress Cisco IOS ACL regardless of the PACL mode. Two examples where the
packets are forwarded in the software are as follows:
• Packets that are egress bridged (due to logging or features such as NAT).
• Packets with IP options.
604 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Configuring VACLs
VLAN ACLs are configured through the VLAN access maps and than applied to a VLAN.
Two types of ACLs can be configured as VACL, MAC access lists and IP access lists. There is an implicit
deny at the end of each list:
SW(config)# mac access-list extended acl-name
SW(config-ext-macl)# permit hos t [source-mac | any] [destination-mac | any]
SW(config)# ip access-list acl-type acl-name
SW(config-ext-nacl)# permit protocol [source-address | any] [destination-address |
Configured ACLs are then used as a matching ACL inside a VLAN access map. When the traffic is matched
against a configured ACL, action is taken. The action clause in a VACL can be forward, drop, capture, or
redirect. Traffic can also be logged. There is an implicit drop at the end of the map:
SW(config)# vlan access-map map-name
SW(config-access-map)# match [mac | ip] address acl-name
SW(config-access-map)# action [drop | forward] [log]
VLAN access map can be applied to one or multiple VLANs, but only one VLAN access map can be
applied to each VLAN.
SW(config)# vlan filter map-name vlan-list [vlan-list | all]
Note You cannot apply a VACL to a secondary private VLAN. VACLs applied to primary private
VLANs also apply to secondary private VLANs.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 605
This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this lesson.
For additional information, refer to these references:
• Double-Encapsulated 802.1Q VLAN attack:
• VLAN ACLs: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/switches/lan/catalyst6500/ios/12-
606 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Lesson 6: Configuring
Private VLANs
There are cases when Layer 2 communication inside a single VLAN needs to be limited. A PVLAN
partitions the Layer 2 broadcast domain of a VLAN into subdomains, thus isolating the ports on the switch
from each other, while keeping them in the same subnet.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 607
The Need for Private VLANs
You are tasked to build a LAN for an upcoming conference held in your campus.
Hundreds of conference participants are expected, each of them requiring a wired Internet and conference
video server access. Participant's ports should be isolated and communication between the participants
VLAN is a broadcast domain. Inside a VLAN every device is allowed to communicate with every other
device on a data link layer, exposing local network devices to various security attacks (the figure on the
left). However, putting each user in his own VLAN (the figure on the right) would demand a separate
subnet for every user. In a typical network that resolves in hundreds of subnets, expand network routing
complexity, introduce configuration and management overhead, complicate DHCP operations, etc.
Is it possible to maintain a port isolation provided by the multi VLAN topology, yet keep the simplicity and
performance of a single broadcast domain?
608 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Private VLAN Introduction
A PVLAN partitions the Layer 2 broadcast domain of a VLAN into subdomains, thus isolating the ports on
the switch from each other, while keeping them in the same subnet.
Private VLANs are essentially VLANs inside a VLAN. Different VLANs are not allowed to communicate
directly; a Layer 3 devices is needed to route packets between different VLANs. PVLANs follow the same
concept - a Layer 3 device is needed to route packets between different PVLANs. However, there is a
difference between VLANs and PVLANs. VLAN typically corresponds to an IP subnet. When VLAN is
partitioned into PVLANs, devices in different PVLANs still belong to the same IP subnet. They are,
however, unable to communicate with each other on Layer 2; all traffic has to be routed through a Layer 3
device, where additional security techniques, such as ACLs, can be applied.
PVLANs are an elegant solution when you need to keep multiple devices in the same IP subnet, yet provide
port isolation on Layer 2.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 609
Private VLAN Port Types
A private VLAN domain has one primary VLAN. Each port in a private VLAN domain is a member of the
primary VLAN; the primary VLAN is the entire private VLAN domain.
Secondary VLANs are subdomains that provide isolation between ports within the same private VLAN
domain. There are two types of secundary VLANs: isolated VLANs and community VLANs. Isolated
VLANs contain isolated ports. Community VLANs contain community ports.
610 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
PC 1 and PC 2 are connected to isolated ports, which are part of the isolated secondary VLAN 101. PC 1
and PC 2 can communicate with the router, but they can not communicate with each other or any other PC,
even though they are in a common secondary VLAN.
PC 3 and PC 4 are connected to community ports, which are part of the community VLAN 102. PC 3 and
PC 4 can communicate with the router, and between each other. They are not able to communicate with PC
1 and PC 2 or any other host that might be in an isolated VLAN or any other community VLAN.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 611
Private VLAN Configuration
To configure Private VLANs, primary and secondary VLANs must be configured first.
VTP must be set to transparent mode or off, before the PVLAN configuration is possible:
SW(config)# vtp mode transparent
Configure secondary VLANs. Again, you can use any vlan-id available. Secondary VLANs can be either
isolated or community:
SW(config)# vlan vlan-id
SW(config-vlan)# private-vlan isolated
SW(config)# vlan vlan-id
SW(config-vlan)# private-vlan community
All secondary VLANs are subdomains of a primary VLAN, so you need to associate them with the primary
SW(config)# vlan primary-vlan-id
SW(config-vlan)# private-vlan association secondary-vlan-id {, secondary-vlan-id}
612 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Once the primary and secondary VLANs are configured, you need to assign the ports to a proper VLAN.
Promiscuous ports are assigned to a single primary VLAN. Each promiscuous port can have several
secondary VLANs, or no secondary VLANs, associated to that port. You can associate a secondary VLAN
to more than one promiscuous port, as long as the promiscuous port and secondary VLANs are within the
same primary VLAN:
SW(config)# interface interface slot/number
SW(config-if)# switchport mode private-vlan promiscuous
SW(config-if)# switchport private-vlan mapping primary-vlan-id add secondary-vlan-id
{, secondary-vlan-id}
Configure a range of host ports to become a part of secondary VLAN. If a secondary VLAN is isolated, all
ports will be isolated. If a secondary VLAN is community, all ports will be community. A host port can
only be a part of one secondary VLAN:
SW(config)# interface range interface-range
SW(config-if-range)# switchport mode private-vlan host
SW(config-if-range)# switchport private-vlan host-association primary-vlan-id
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 613
Private VLAN Verification
Private VLAN verification commands are mostly a subset of VLAN and interface verification commands.
Verify Private VLAN configuration, primary and secondary VLANs configured and port membership:
614 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Private VLANs Across Multiple Switches
Private VLANs can span multiple switches. Different trunk port types can be used, depending on the type
and ability of a device on the other side of a trunk.
Standard trunk port carries the primary VLAN and secondary VLANs to a neighboring switch. The trunk
port relates to the PVLAN as any other VLAN. To maintain the security of your private VLANs and to
avoid other use of the VLANs configured as PVLANs, the configuration of PVLANs must match on all
intermediate devices, including devices that have no private VLAN ports.
Note As VTP does not support PVLANs, you must manually configure PVLANs on all switches in
the Layer 2 network.
Isolated PVLAN trunk port is used when connecting a PVLAN-enabled switch with a switch with no
PVLAN support, such as Catalyst 2950. Normal VLAN traffic is treated the same as on a standard trunk
port. Traffic tagged with VLAN which is configured as isolated, however, is treated the same as the traffic
from an isolated port—it is isolated from other isolated and community ports. Switch with isolated trunk
port can thus isolate between the traffic from the isolated trunk and directly connected hosts, but not
between hosts connected to the non-PVLAN switch.
Promiscuous PVLAN trunk port is used in a situation where a PVLAN promiscuous host port would
normally be used, but where it is necessary to carry multiple normal VLANs or PVLAN domains. An
upstream router without PVLAN support can be connected to a promiscuous trunk port. Traffic that is sent
out through a promiscuous trunk port is received by a router on a subinterface, just like any other VLAN
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 615
Note Isolated and Promiscuous PVLAN trunk ports are only supported on modular switch
platforms such as Catalyst 4500 and 6500 series.
616 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Protected Port Feature
Private VLAN feature is not available on all switches, for instance Catalyst 2950 does not support it.
Protected port feature provides a similar functionality on a wider range of Catalyst switches.
Protected port, also known as the PVLAN edge, is a feature that (unlike Private VLANs) has only local
significance to the switch. Protected ports do not forward any traffic to protected ports on the same switch.
This means that all traffic passing between protected ports—unicast, broadcast, and multicast—must be
forwarded through a Layer 3 device. Protected ports can forward any type of traffic to nonprotected ports,
and they forward as usual to all ports on other switches.
Configuration of a protected port is simple:
SW(config)# interface interface slot/number
SW(config-if)# switchport protected
Note Protected ports are typically applied on access switches, which are than connected to a
distribution switch's isolated PVLAN trunk port.
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 617
This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this lesson.
For additional information, refer to these references:
• Configuring Isolated Private VLANs on Catalyst Switches:
• Configuring Private VLANs: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/switches/lan/catalyst4500/12-
618 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Lesson 8: Module Self-
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 619
Use the questions here to review what you learned in this module. The correct answers and solutions are
found in the Module Self-Check Answer Key.
1. Which feature that is supported on Cisco switches restricts a switch port to a specific set or number of
MAC addresses? (Source: Implementing Port Security)
A. DHCP snooping
C. Port Security
2. At which layer should port security be implemented? (Source: Implementing Port Security)
A. Access layer
B. Distribution layer
C. Core layer
D. All of the above
3. What is the aim of the “sticky” option when used with port security? (Source: Implementing Port
A. A learned MAC address must stick to one single port.
B. A dynamically learned MAC address is considered like a statically learned MAC address.
C. For a given MAC address with the sticky option, the port security feature applies to whichever port
the MAC address connects to.
D. A router on a stick can bypass the port security feature and use one MAC address per subinterface.
4. Storm Control feature controls which type of traffic? (Source: Implementing Storm Control)
A. Unicast
B. Broadcast
C. Multicast
D. All of the above
5. Which command enables 802.1X globally on a switch? (Source: Implementing Access to External
A. dot1x enable
B. dot1x port-contol auto
C. aaa dot1x enable
D. dot1x system-auth-control
6. What is the role of the switch in a AAA architecture? (Source: Implementing Access to External
A. authentication server
B. supplicant
C. authenticator
D. RADIUS entry point
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 621
7. The users in a department are using a variety of host platforms, some old and some new. All of them
have been approved with a user ID in a RADIUS server database. Which one of these features should be
used to restrict access to the switch ports in the building? (Source: Implementing Access to External
A. AAA authentication
B. AAA authorization
C. 802.1x
D. Port security
8. With DHCP snooping, which port is configured "trusted"? (Source: Mitigating Spoofing Attacks)
A. The port to the known DHCP server is always trusted.
B. The port to the DHCP client is always trusted.
C. With DHCP snooping you do not configure trusted ports.
D. Any port to the client and to the server can become trusted as soon as a DHCP transaction is secured.
9. Which two of the following does a switch use to detect spoofed addresses when IP Source Guard is
enabled? (Choose two.) (Source: Mitigating Spoofing Attacks)
A. ARP entries
B. DHCP database
C. DHCP snooping database
D. Static IP source binding entries
E. Reverse path-forwarding entries
10. By default Cisco IOS switch ports are put in one of two DTP port modes. Which two? (Choose two.)
(Source: Securing VLAN Trunks)
A. Access
B. Dynamic Desirable
C. Dynamic Auto
D. Trunk
E. Non negotiate
11. Which statements about VLAN hopping are correct? (Choose two.) (Source: Securing VLAN Trunks)
A. Catalyst switch discards VLAN tagged packets ingressing an access port.
B. Catalyst switch accepts VLAN tagged packets ingressing an access port if VLAN tag matches the
VLAN of the access port.
C. VLAN hopping attack with double tagging is only possible when attacker's access port is in the same
VLAN as the native VLAN of a trunk port.
D. VLAN hopping attack with double tagging is bidirectional - traffic can hop from attackers VLAN to
the target VLAN and vice versa.
E. Native VLAN pruning disables maintenance protocols, such as CDP and DTP.
622 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
12. Put the ACLs in order of operation for an incoming, routed packet. (Source: Securing VLAN Trunks)
A. Egress VLAN ACL
B. Egress SVI Standard ACL
C. Ingress Port ACL
D. Ingress SVI Standard ACL
E. Ingress VLAN ACL
Not applied
F. Egress Port ACL
13. There are two types of secondary private VLANs. Which two? (Choose two.) (Source: Configuring
Private VLANs)
A. Promiscuous
B. Primary
C. Transparent
D. Isolated
E. Community
14. Which statement about PVLAN promiscuous mode are correct? (Choose two.) (Source: Configuring
Private VLANs)
A. Promiscuous port can be mapped to a single primary VLAN.
B. Promiscuous port can be mapped to multiple primary VLANs.
C. Promiscuous port can always communicate with all ports in the same primary VLAN.
D. Promiscuous port can only communicate with the ports in secondary VLANs it is mapped to.
15. Match each port type to its definition. (Source: Configuring Private VLANs)
Cannot communicate with protected ports on the
A. Standard trunk port same switch.
Connects PVLAN enabled Switch with an
B. Isolated port
upstream Router with no PVLAN support.
Connects two devices with PVLANs configured.
C. Community port
Has complete isolation from other ports, except
D. Protected ports
with associated promiscuous ports.
Can communicate with associated promiscuous
E. Promiscuous PVLAN
trunk port
© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH 623
broadcast domain
Set of all devices that receive broadcast frames originating from any device within the set. Broadcast
domains typically are bounded by routers because routers do not forward broadcast frames.
MAC address
Standardized data link layer address that is required for every port or device that connects to a LAN. Other
devices in the network use these addresses to locate specific ports in the network and to create and update
routing tables and data structures. MAC addresses are 6 bytes long and are controlled by the IEEE. Also
known as a hardware address, MAC layer address, and physical address.
virtual LAN. Group of devices on one or more LANs that are configured (using management software) so
that they can communicate as if they were attached to the same wire, when in fact they are located on a
number of different LAN segments. Because VLANs are based on logical instead of physical connections,
they are extremely flexible.
624 Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks SWITCH © 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.© 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.