5 CS397ProjectManag
5 CS397ProjectManag
5 CS397ProjectManag
Dr. Marouane Kessentini
Department of Computer Science
What is Project Management?
• Project management encompasses all the activities needed
to plan and execute a project:
– Deciding what needs to be done
– Estimating costs
– Ensuring there are suitable people to undertake the project
– Defining responsibilities
– Scheduling
– Making arrangements for the work
– …
Goals of Software Project Management
• End results of the project satisfy the customer’s needs
• All the desired and the needed product/project
attributes (quality, security, productivity, cost,
schedule, etc.) are met
• Team members are operating effectively and at a high
level of morale
• Required tools and other resources are made available
and are effectively utilized
Project Management “Process”
• Why do we need project management?
• Why can’t we just follow one of the software development
process and be left alone?
1. - Planning
2. - Organizing
3. - Monitoring of status
4. - Adjustment
This process looks
Project sequential at the macro
Planning level, but may be very
iterative at the micro
Software Project Management (POMA) Process
Planning (POMA)
• The 1st step of project planning is to understand the
requirements of the project.
– This step itself may be a mini‐project
• Then the following 4 steps are included in the rest of project
1. Perform Estimation of
• the work effort,
• the schedule, and
• the needed resources
2. Clearly define and establish measurable ‘goals’ for the
3. Determine the project resource allocations of
• people,
• process,
• tools, and
• facilities
4. Identify and analyze the project risks
Organizing (POMA)
• Once a project plan is formulated or partially
formulated, organizing may start
– Organization structure needs to be designed
– Human resource hiring needs to start and be completed
along with acquisition of other resources
– Any required education and training have to be
Monitoring (POMA)
• Once the project is organized and set into motion,
there still needs to be regular tracking to ensure
that it is headed in the right direction. (Projects can
not be left to coast along by itself.)
• 3 main components of project monitoring:
1. Project status information collection
2. Analysis and evaluation of collected information
3. Presentation and communication of the project status
Adjusting (POMA)
• It is highly unlikely that a software project
progresses with no problem. As soon as the project
status suggests potential problem, we must not be
afraid to make changes.
• 3 main areas of adjustments are (or combinations
of) :
– Resources
– Schedule
– Project content
Software Project Management Process
• To estimate how much software‐engineering time will
be required to do some work.
– Elapsed time
• The difference in time from the start date to the end date
of a task or project.
– Development effort
• The amount of labour used in person‐months or person‐
• To convert an estimate of development effort to an
amount of money:
You multiply it by the weighted average cost (burdened
cost) of employing a software engineer for a month
(or a day).
Principles of effective cost estimation
• Principle 1: Divide and conquer.
– To make a better estimate, you should divide the project
up into individual subsystems.
– Then divide each subsystem further into the activities
that will be required to develop it.
– Next, you make a series of detailed estimations for each
individual activity.
– And sum the results to calculate the total estimate for the
Principles of effective cost estimation
• Principle 2: Include all activities when making
– The time required for all development activities must be
taken into account.
– Including:
– Prototyping
– Design
– Inspecting
– Testing
– Debugging
– Writing user documentation
– Deployment. 13
Principles of effective cost estimation
• Principle 3: Base your estimates on past
experience combined with knowledge of the
current project.
– If you are developing a project that has many similarities with a
past project:
• You can expect it to take a similar amount of work.
– Base your estimates on the personal judgement of your experts
– Use algorithmic models developed in the software industry as a
whole by analyzing a wide range of projects.
• They take into account various aspects of a project’s size and
complexity, and provide formulas to compute anticipated
Principles of effective cost estimation
• Principle 4: Be sure to account for differences when
extrapolating from other projects.
– Different software developers
– Different development processes and maturity levels
– Different types of customers and users
– Different schedule demands
– Different technology
– Different technical complexity of the requirements
– Different domains
– Different levels of requirement stability
Principles of effective cost estimation
• Principle 5: Anticipate the worst case and plan for
– Develop the most critical use cases first
• If the project runs into difficulty, then the critical features are
more likely to have been completed
– Make three estimates:
• Optimistic (O)
– Imagining a everything going perfectly
• Likely (L)
– Allowing for typical things going wrong
• Pessimistic (P)
– Accounting for everything that could go wring
Some Cost Estimation Techniques
• Planning and Organizing: Work Breakdown
– Estimation of the complete project by
• Tasks required to develop the deliverables
• Resources required to perform the tasks
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Steps
1. Identify the steps and tasks required to produce each of the deliverables,
including the tasks that are required to produce any intermediate internal
2. Sequence the tasks, showing any potential for parallelism
4. Provide an estimate of the productivity of the personnel that is most likely to
be assigned to each of the tasks
5. Calculate the time required to accomplish each task
6. For each of the external deliverable, lay out the timeline of all the tasks
needed to produce that deliverable and label the resources that will be
assigned to the tasks.
Task-3a Task-4a Task-5a
6 2 1
Example of: Task Network with Estimated Time Units
Tasks Person
1 X,Y,Z 12 units
2 X,Y,Z 2
3a X 6
3b Y 6
3c Z 6
4a Z 2
4b X 2
4c Y 2
5a X 1
5b Y
Z 1
End result of WBS = Initial Schedule Estimate
Gantt charts
• A Gantt chart is used to graphically present the start
and end dates of each software engineering task
– One axis shows time.
– The other axis shows the activities that will be
– Important deadline dates, at which specific
events may occur
Example of a Gantt chart
Difficulties and Risks in Project
– Accurately estimating costs is a constant
• Follow the cost estimation guidelines.
– It is very difficult to measure progress and meet
• Improve your cost estimation skills so as to account for
the kinds of problems that may occur.
• Develop a closer relationship with other members of
the team.
• Be realistic in initial requirements gathering, and follow
an iterative approach.
• Use earned value charts to monitor progress.
Difficulties and Risks in Project
– Communicating effectively in a large project is
• Take courses in communication, both written and oral.
• Learn how to run effective meetings.
• Review what information everybody should have, and
make sure they have it.
• Make sure that project information is readily available.
• Use ‘groupware’ technology to help people exchange
the information they need to know