Ogutu's Report.

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Supervisor: Mr. B.M Okumu

A project report submitted to the Department of Geospatial and Space Technology in

partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of:
Bachelor of Science in Geospatial Engineering

Survey plan is one of the main ingredients produced by a Surveyor for land registration
process in any society. Therefore, there is need for easier and proper ways of generating these
plans, providing; accurate, reliable and efficient alternative ways of producing a survey plan.
In most jurisdictions, the production of survey plans involves the cadastral surveying process
which is the only means of obtaining Survey/Cadastral plans for fixed boundary survey
according to the Survey Act.

This project attempts to use the already existing demarcation plans of the whole area, which
were produced by Muka Mukuu Farmers‘ Society through both aerial survey and ground
survey processes to come up with survey plan that meets all the requirements set by the
Survey Act for a survey plan.

The main strategy of this project is the salient control points identification and fixing for the
whole area of the study. This was achieved by use of Real Time Kinematics (RTK) GPS that
enabled high precision salient points to be established. Theses salient points later assisted in
correctly georeferencing the demarcation plans hence resulting to a well controlled area for
generation of survey plans.

The demarcation plans were then converted to digital format by digitization of the scanned
georeferenced plans by the help of Quantum GIS software. With the digital format of the well
controlled plans, the production of the survey plan was achieved by the use of AutoCAD
software. The survey plan produced were according to the stipulated regulations in that they
had; coordinate list, actual ground distances, actual plot area, bearing of the distances and
plot numbers.

I dedicate this work to God and my Parents, for believing in me. I will always be grateful to
them for facilitating my formal education.

I wish to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Mr. B.M. Okumu for his
constructive guidance and inspiration throughout the project period. Special thanks to BOMA
Survey Limited for their assistance and guidance during my attachment and project period.

Heartfelt thanks also to my siblings, for their patience, love, financial support and spiritual
backing during my 5 - year study at the university.

Finally, I would like to thank the lecturers, students and staff of the Department of Geospatial
and Space Technology for their support during my undergraduate studies at the university.

Table of Contents
Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... i
Dedication .................................................................................................................................ii
Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................ iii
Table of Contents .................................................................................................................... iv
List of Figures .......................................................................................................................... vi
List of Tables ..........................................................................................................................vii
List of Abbreviations ........................................................................................................... viii
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION .................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background Information ............................................................................................. 1
1.2 Problem Statement ...................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Objectives ........................................................................................................................ 4
1.3.1 General Objective ......................................................................................................... 4
1.3.2 Specific Objectives ....................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Scope of Study ................................................................................................................. 4
1.5 Organization of Report .................................................................................................... 5
CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW ....................................................................... 6
2.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Land Title Registration System under RTA .................................................................... 7
2.2.1 Registration Process/Procedure .................................................................................... 7
2.2.2 Procedures or Methods of Registration under RTA ..................................................... 8
2.3 Land Title Registration System under the RLA .............................................................. 9
2.3.1 Procedure/Method of Registration under the RLA ....................................................... 9
2.4 Demarcation Plans ......................................................................................................... 11
2.4.1 Aerial Surveying ......................................................................................................... 11
2.4.2 Ground Surveying ....................................................................................................... 12
2.5 GNSS ............................................................................................................................. 12
2.5.1 Techniques of positioning ........................................................................................... 13
2.5.2 RTK GPS Data Collection .......................................................................................... 15
2.5.3 Data Post Processing ................................................................................................... 17
2.5.4 Error Budget................................................................................................................ 18
2.5.5 Why RTK GPS ........................................................................................................... 20

CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY ........................................................................... 21
3.1 Study Area ..................................................................................................................... 21
3.2 Data Collection .............................................................................................................. 23
3.2.1 Data Identification ...................................................................................................... 23
3.2.2 Data Preparation.......................................................................................................... 24
3.3 Data Manipulation ......................................................................................................... 27
3.3.1 Scanning ...................................................................................................................... 28
3.3.2 Data Conversion.......................................................................................................... 28
3.3.3 Georeferencing ............................................................................................................ 28
3.3.4 Digitization ................................................................................................................. 30
3.3.5 Generation of Survey Plan .......................................................................................... 31
CHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .......................................................... 33
4.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 33
4.2 Results ............................................................................................................................ 33
4.3 Analysis.......................................................................................................................... 34
4.3.1 Salient Control Points ................................................................................................. 34
4.3.2 Distance....................................................................................................................... 35
4.3.3 Area ............................................................................................................................. 35
4.3.4 Bearing ........................................................................................................................ 36
CHAPTER FIVE: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ................................... 37
5.1 Conclusions .................................................................................................................... 37
5.2 Recommendations .......................................................................................................... 39
REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................... 40

List of Figures
Figure 1: Procedure in Cadastral Survey, (LIS in Kenya, 2001) ............................................. 3
Figure 2: The organization of the report .................................................................................. 5
Figure 3: Demonstration on carrying out RTK (Real-Time Kinematic) ................................. 16
Figure 4: Illustration on Phase Differential Post-processing ................................................. 17
Figure 5: The geographic location of Muka Mukuu Settlement Farms .................................. 21
Figure 6: Geographical representation of Muka Mukuu Settlement Farm ............................ 22
Figure 7: Scanned demarcation plan of block 10 ................................................................... 24
Figure 8: Cropped section of the 13 plots ............................................................................... 25
Figure 9: Flow chart on methodology..................................................................................... 27
Figure 10: The georeferencing process .................................................................................. 29
Figure 11: The georeferenced plots ........................................................................................ 30
Figure 12: Digitized plots ....................................................................................................... 30
Figure 13: Labeled plots ......................................................................................................... 31
Figure 14: A screen shot of the Survey plan ........................................................................... 32
Figure15: Complete representation of the survey plan ........................................................... 33

List of Tables

Table 1: Horizontal precisions for various baseline lengths .................................................. 17

Table 2: Error Budget ............................................................................................................. 19
Table 3: The datasets and their sources.................................................................................. 23
Table 4: List of coordinates of the salient control points ....................................................... 26
Table 5: A list of precision of the salient points ...................................................................... 35

List of Abbreviations

ACP: Active Control Point

C.R: Coastal Registry
FIG: International Federation of Surveyors
FR No.: Folio Register Number
Geo TIFF: Geo Tagged Image File Format
GIS: Geographical Information System
GLA: Government Lands Act
GNSS: Global Navigation Satellite System
GPS: Global Positioning System
I.R: Inland Registry
ITPA: Indian Transfer of Property Act
JPEG: Joint Photographic Expert Group
LIS: Land Information Service in Kenya
LR No.: Land Reference Number
LTA: Lands Title Act
NLRO: Natives Land Registration Ordinance
OTF: On the Fly
PDF: Portable Document File
QGIS: Quantum Geographical Information System
RDA: Registration of Documents Act
RLA: Registration of Lands Act
RMS: Root Mean Square
RTA: Registration of Titles Act
RTK: Real Time Kinematics
SoK: Survey of Kenya
UTM: Universal Transverse Mercator
XLS: Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet File


1.1 Background Information

One of the most important steps in land registration process involves the generation of survey
plans that are usually produced by a land surveyor. The survey plans are usually produced
through the process of cadastral surveying, according to the Land Registration Act (2012);

A survey plan will show the boundary of the land parcel with the subdivision to be done and
also a clear label of the area and distance of the fully controlled subplots. Related
computations numbers and field note numbers are also indicated. Likewise computations will
show the related F.R No. and field notes number and this goes to show how systematic cross-
referencing of the cadastral records is. All the abutting plots of the newly numbered plot will
be shown on the survey plan. After the documentation and the registration process is over in
the records office, the newly registered survey plan, the computations and the field notes
together with the correspondence files are forwarded to the Assistant Director Cadastral for

This project however uses the readily available Demarcation plans from Muka Mukuu
Settlement farms to come up with the survey plans. The demarcation plans for this project
was produced through aerial survey methods and ground survey methods, where aerial
photographs of the entire area was taken and since people had already settled on the farms
and fenced their properties, then it was easier to make machine plots of the area by tracing
out the boundaries of the subdivision from the rectified photographs and the missing gaps
filled in by chain survey process to come up with a complete demarcation of each settlement
farm of the area. Therefore the demarcation plans produced through this process has the
advantage of showing clearly the distance, bearing and area of each proposed subplots.

By producing the survey plans through this process, one is able to make good use of the
already existing demarcation plan which in other circumstances would be rendered useless;
this on the other hand helps minimize the expense of field work for the production of survey
plans through the rigorous cadastral surveying process and above all helps in the realization
of the country‘s Vision 2030, and FIG vision of cadastre 2014 on end of paper and pencil

1.2 Problem Statement

This is a brief outlined procedure to be followed in a cadastral process, before a registration

map or plan can be prepared. Specifications for execution of fixed boundary surveys are well
laid out in the Survey Act. This is the servicing Act for the Land Registration Act 2012, that
provide for fixed boundaries. A national control network, which in 1990 consisted of 1700
primary and secondary points covering nearly 70% of the country, forms the basis for fixed
boundary surveys (Nyadimo. S.A., 1990).

The surveys are carried out to measurable accuracy of (0.03m) to conform to planning
requirements and the value of land. The parcel boundaries are defined by stable marks or
visible features on the ground. These are represented by lines on maps often described by
bearings or azimuths and distances, or by co-ordinates (International Federation of Surveyors,
1995). Physical demarcation on the ground is important because it provides actual notice of
the boundaries to the landowners. The demarcation/delineation of the boundaries is a part of
cadastral survey which aims at defining the parcel on the ground and providing security as
evidence for the re-establishment of the boundary if it disappears.

The survey fieldwork is undertaken by a Land Surveyor (defined in the Survey Act). This
includes a surveyor working under the Director of Surveys or a licensed surveyor. He/she
must carry out the cadastral survey in accordance with the regulations of the Survey Act e.g.
the Survey Act stipulates the accuracy acceptable for each type of survey.
The flow chart below shows the steps in performing cadastral survey.


Preparation of Topographical Sheets/Plans

Preparation of Baseofmaps,
Preparation Demarcation
Base Maps, plans and
Demarcation Subdivision
Plans and
Scheme plan
subdivision scheme plan

Approval of Development Plans

Survey Fieldwork Based on Approved Plans

Statutory Approval Sought by Surveyor

Surveyor Implement the Scheme Layout on the Ground by

Placing Boundary Corner Beacons

Submission of Cadastral Plans to the Director of Surveys

and and
of Survey
of Survey
Plan by
the Director
by the Director
of surveys
of surveys
at survey
at of
Figure 1: Procedure in Cadastral Survey, (LIS in Kenya, 2001)

Once the above is done, the necessary statutory approvals are sought. This is in compliance
with Regulation 30 of the Survey Act which states that:
"Before submitting any survey to the Director of Surveys, a surveyor shall ensure that
necessary approvals have been obtained for a subdivision or other transactions in any
plot of land or in any case where such approval is required by any Act and the Survey
submitted conforms to such approval."

This regulation implies that before embarking on the fieldwork, the surveyor must ensure that
he has been provided with the necessary approvals. Once these are granted, the licensed
surveyor is required to implement the scheme layout on the ground by placing the necessary
boundary comer beacons. This process is as depicted by the Figure 1 above ((UN Habitat,

As stated above it is clear that the production of survey plans usually involves rigorous
cadastral survey process; so for this project all these tedious process elaborated is avoided in
areas where there are existing Demarcation plans to come up with a Survey plan with its due
specifications as stipulated in the Survey Act.

1.3 Objectives
1.3.1 General Objective
The main objective of the project is to generate Survey plans from readily available
Demarcation plans. These survey plans are to assist in allocation of parcel numbers by
Survey of Kenya for the subdivision of the large scheme owned by Muka Mukuu
Farmers‘ Co-operatives Society.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

The specific objectives of this project are to;
1. Scan the hardcopy demarcation plans.
2. Convert the data to GEOTIFF
3. Identify and pick the salient points from the ground using RTK GPS to be
used in georeferencing.
4. Digitize the settlement farm subplots.
5. Prepare survey plan layout from the digitized subplots.

1.4 Scope of Study

This project involves the generation of survey plans for the subdivision of the farm in
Matungulu District, Machakos County, owned by the Muka Mukuu farmers‘ co-operatives
society. Its main focus is to assist in subdividing the two land parcels, initially at LR
No.10967 and LR No.10968 of area 31000 acres and 521 acre respectively, before it was
amalgamated to one land parcel of LR 24614 of area 31521 acres and subdivided into 2616
settlement farms for its members.
1.5 Organization of Report
The report is divided into five chapters;

Chapter One
Includes detailed information on background information on generation
of survey plans, problem statement, the objectives of the study and the
scope of the study.

Chapter Two
Has the existing literature on the land registration production of
demarcation plans and various methods of data collection

Chapter Three
This chapter explains the various techniques of data
identification, acquisition and analysis that were adopted.

Chapter Four
In this the results obtained from the study and an analysis
of the survey plans generated is examined for suitability
and correctness.

Chapter Five
The final chapter consists of the conclusions and
recommendations and analysis of the suitability of the results
to be adopted for survey work.

Figure 2: The organization of the report

2.1 Introduction
Survey plan is a plan submitted to the Director of Surveys at the Survey of Kenya (SoK) for
approval of any survey work done on any land parcel and finally assists in the land
registration process. Registration is done in the Survey Records Office where all the survey
data is stored. When the documents are received in the records office, they are entered in a
register commonly known as the ‗Green Register‘. The document is then given a unique
number known as the entry number and for the first time, the document can be identified with
that number. The survey plan is given the Folio Register (FR) number also from the green
register. The number will depend on the size of the survey plan. (LIS in Kenya, 2001).

The process of land registration considered in its totality starts with the establishment of the
status of land. This entails the sequential steps of planning, allocation and survey of land to
produce documents required to support registration and issuance of either title, deeds or
certificate of leases. The maintenance and updating of the registers after the transactions in
registration makes registration a dynamic and continuous process (Nyadimo S. A, 1990).

Currently in Kenya, we have the deeds registration, in which records are transferred, the title
registration system showing the evidence of a person‘s rights to property where the land
parcel is the focus of the records and the private conveyancing system (Fervacque and
Mcauslan, 1995).

To achieve registration, the Registered Lands Act (RLA) (Cap 300) was enacted for the
purpose of unifying the Registration of Titles Act (RTA), 1920 introduced the Torrens
System of Registration and the Native Land Registration Ordinance (NLRO) of 1959. This
was meant to convert customary tenure to individual tenure, based on the English System.
Most plots registered under the Land Titles Act (LTA) have been converted to RLA titles.
Those not converted to RLA are either in LTA if adjudicated before 1920 or under RTA if
adjudicated in or after 1920.

Under the RLA Land Certificates (for absolute ownership / freehold) and Certificate of
Leases (leaseholds) are issued. Under the RTA Certificates of Title are issued which are
conclusive proofs of title. Those given under RLA above are merely "prima facie" evidence

of title. They are issued on request after payment of a fee. When issued, they must be
produced to the registrar every time one is registering the land in question (Jackson T. 1988).

2.2 Land Title Registration System under RTA

The title registration in Kenya is determined by the RLA, RTA and the Sectional Properties
Act. The RTA was enacted with the object of improving "issuance of titles" to land as well as
transactions on the land for the benefit of the colonialists, apart from introducing a form of
title registration based on the Torrens System, which also introduced conveyancing by
statutory form. On introduction of RTA, all new successfully claimed plots were registered
under RTA (Jackson T. 1988). Therefore the RTA was supposed to replace the registration
provision of the Government Lands Act (GLA) and LTA. The registers kept under those Acts
were to be convened on a voluntary basis, title for title.

This was largely unsuccessful due to costs and the reluctance of landowners. It was the first
Act that was meant to bring a simplified method of conveyancing in Kenya and more
importantly, "a state guaranteed title" (Macoco D.K. 1999). It provided for the transfer of land
by registration of titles. Unlike the Registration of Documents Act (RDA) which provided for
the registration of documents without conferring any additional benefit, registration under
this Act conferred on the landowner, an indefeasible title that is guaranteed by the State. It

provided that all future grants of Government land and certificates of ownership of land at the
coast be registered under it. Any landowner whose land was registered under the GLA or LTA
would apply to the registrar to have his land registered under RTA in order to have the
benefit of the state guaranteed title. It was expected that registration under the earlier Acts
would eventually be phased out so that in future, all land in the country would come under the
umbrella of one Act. Re-registration was however not made compulsory under the Act.
Consequently, a number of landowners chose not to seek re-registration. Land registration
under the three Acts above, continue side by side.

2.2.1 Registration Process/Procedure

For every instrument presented for registration under the Act a fee is charged. This starts with
the submission to the registry of the first document of title by which ownership of a piece of
land is initially conferred on a person. The first document with deed plans attached which
could be a Grant or Certificate of Tide is given a registration reference number prefixed

Inland Registry (I.R) for all upcountry land and Coast Registry (C.R) for all coastal land.
Registration under the Act is undertaken in Nairobi and Mombasa.

A copy of the document is retained in the registry and the original returned to the owner.
Both the original and the copy are sealed with the Registry Seal. The copy retained at the
registry constitutes the register for that piece of land and all subsequent documents relating to
the land are endorsed on that document. Whenever any document is submitted for
registration, it has to be accompanied by the original title held by the landowner, which is
a1so endorsed in the registry. Therefore, it is possible at a glance to tell who the owner of the
land is and all transactions relating to the parcel or the initial grant.

2.2.2 Procedures or Methods of Registration under RTA

i. Surveys are carried out to standards of precision to be able to have boundaries that are
coordinated. Generally, this is to the nearest 0.01m using theodolites and steel
ii. Points are fixed by bearing and distance measurement or equivalent techniques and
tied to control traverses.

The main titles registration Acts widely applying at present in Kenya are the RLA and RTA.
The introduction of the RTA resulted in all new successfully claimed plots being registered
under the RTA (Jackson T, 1988). Every grant of land under this Act must contain a diagram
of the land on such a scale as maybe directed by the Commissioner of Lands. This act
superseded the registration provisions of the 1908. LTA, it is a more precise Act utilizing
fixed boundary of the 1908 LTA. Some argue that the registration of titles is a more efficient
method for conveyancing of land leading to fewer disputes (Dale P.F. and McLaughlin J.D.,
1988). When one needs to have the boundaries registered as fixed, they apply for this.
Section 22(2) of the RLA is then used which states that the Registrar determines from
whatever evidence he considers relevant, the position of the boundaries. These are then
surveyed and the plan filed which is deemed to define accurately the boundaries of the parcel.

All land held under RTA can be brought under RLA without any change in the fixed nature
of the boundaries. Under RLA registration, information on each parcel of land is kept in a

register in the Registration Section. Each register is divided into three sections which are the;
property, proprietorship and encumbrance sections.

2.3 Land Title Registration System under the RLA

Before registration can be effected under RLA, unless a conversion has been done bringing
Titles that were already registered under the statutes of RLA, adjudication or sometimes both
adjudication and consolidation are required (Jackson T, 1988).

2.3.1 Procedure/Method of Registration under the RLA

The process begins after evidence of ownership of the piece of land is ascertained:
a) Preparation of a map called the Registry index Map in which al pieces of land in an
area are shown and numbered.
b) Each parcel or land is known as a parcel (Cadastre).
c) For each parcel, a form of ledger card (register) is opened in which details of land
such as the size, ownership and encumbrances are shown. Under the act, the opening
of the card constitutes the first step in land registration.
d) There are two categories of cards:
i. Freehold (green in color)
ii. Leasehold (white color)
The register as described above is the document, which is the final authority on the ownership
of the land or lease and all transactions affecting it. District Registers are established under
RLA. Apart from the Register, all Land Registries or Index Map are prepared by the Director
of Surveys in accordance with the provisions of the Survey Act and the RLA. Each plot is
described by reference to its serial number which is a combination of its district, section,
block and parcel number.

Under the RLA register, each parcel of registered land has its own register supported by a
registry index map. Separate registers are kept for each lease. When a lease is granted, a new
leasehold register is opened. However, the old register is maintained, as the right of reversion
remains vested in the absolute proprietor. The registers and lease registers are divided into the
Property section which contains the name and address of the proprietor, the proprietor section
which also contains any inhibitions, caution, or restriction affecting the proprietor‘s right of
disposition, and the encumbrance section that‘s a note of every encumbrance and every right

adversely affecting the land or lease e.g. details of any charges and leases. (Jackson T. 1988).
The register is in the form of a ledger and therefore the sheets can be taken out and put back.

Whenever transactions are entered, there is always a supporting document, which gives
details of the transaction. Consequently, each register has its own Parcel file where all
supporting documents arc kept. There is also a Presentation Book in which is recorded the
date and the time of day when the application for registration is first made in the registry for
the purpose of determining the priority of application and showing precisely what
applications come into the registry.

Unlike the GLA, RTA and LTA, that require that all titles and documents transferring
subdivision to be attached to a survey deed plan of the piece of land in question, the RLA
requires a map to be prepared. The proof of absolute ownership is the Title Deed given to an
owner registered under RLA. Certificate of lease is the proof of a leasehold interest for any
given parcel. Only one title deed or certificate of title is given. Once new owners take over
the old title deeds the certificates of the title have to be retrieved and destroyed.

The Title deed and Certificate of Lease is merely evidence of what is shown in the register at
the time it is issued. It is the register and the entries kept in the land registries, which matter.
When there are any subsequent dealings on the land, the title deed and the certificate of lease
must henceforth be produced.

Under the RLA the rights of the proprietor are fundamental whether acquired on first
Registration or as a result of a subsequent transaction or by an order of court and cannot be
defeated except as specifically provided for in the Act. They are free from all claims and
interests but are subject to any entries on the register and to overriding interests. Currently,
land parcels registered under GLA are not re-registered under GLA on the expiration of the
leasehold. Instead they are converted and registered under RLA; Indian Transfer of Property
Act (ITPA) therefore ceases to apply to them (Onalo P.L, 1986).

Section 12 (i) and (ii) of the RLA provides that the title to parcels of land composed under a
Certificate of Title or grant under RTA shall be registered under the RLA. However, the land
registrars in Mombasa and Nairobi have to search and sort out existing registers under RLA.
According to (Onalo P.L, 1986), many blocks in the Mombasa Island have been converted
and are now under RLA. Eventually the Act is supposed to systematically apply to areas
which LTA, GLA, and RTA hitherto applied. In addition, the register of powers of attorney
kept under GLA, LTA and RTA are deemed to be registers of powers of attorney under the
RLA where the titles under these Acts have been convened to RLA titles.

2.4 Demarcation Plans

Demarcation is a plan prepared to assist in locating the general extents of the boundary of any
land parcel. They are prepared by a surveyor to assist in planning for the subdivision of a land
parcel. It is usually prepared by use of aerial photographs with the assistance of ground
surveying. Through these processes it was possible to achieve 20 sheets of maps covering the
whole area owned by the Muka Mukuu Society at a scale of 1:5000 and later updated by
chain survey to obtain 11 sheets of demarcation plans.

2.4.1 Aerial Surveying

Aerial surveying process involves the photogrammetric process whereby, Photogrammetry is
an art, because obtaining reliable measurements requires certain skills, techniques and
judgments to be made by an individual. It is a science and a technology because it takes an
image and transforms it, via technology, into meaningful results. Modern Photogrammetry
includes image sources and image forms other than photographs, such as radar images.

The photogrammetric process consists of project planning, image acquisition, image

processing, and data control for image orientation, data compilation and presentation of an
end product. The end product of the photogrammetric process can be coordinate values of
individual points, a graphic representation of the ground surface (topographic map), or a
rectified image of the ground surface with map-like characteristics (orthophoto.) (New Jersey
State Survey manual, 2012)

The process of aerial surveying that was undertaken by the Muka Mukuu Farmer‘s Society
involved the process of aerial photography whereby the photographs were taken of the whole
area. Since the area had already been settled on and fenced out by trees, it was easy to trace
out the extent of the plots and generate a map of the area.

By use of machine plots, the errors due to exterior and interior orientation were eliminated
hence making the trace out to be a true reflection of the ground. The end result of the process
resulted to a 20 sheets of maps at a scale of 1:5000 that contained;
 Physical features on the ground
 Contours
 Abuttal
 Plot numbers according to the 20 blocks covered by the map sheets

2.4.2 Ground Surveying

The survey fieldwork is undertaken by a Land Surveyor who is defined as a surveyor
working under the Director of surveys or a licensed surveyor according to the Survey Act.
This process was carried out through chain surveying process and it was necessary so as to
assist fill in the gaps in the machine plots created from the aerial surveying process. Through
this process that the two surveying processes are complimenting each other help to produce a
better plan for the area.

2.5 GNSS

Over the past years Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) reference networks have
simplified and extended the range of high-precision positioning over longer distances with
the aid of differential corrections, including those provided by so-called ―virtual‖ stations.
However, a number of operational and environmental factors – including accurate and timely
characterization of local ionospheric and tropospheric conditions – continue to limit the full
realization of these techniques‘ potential. Access to and use of additional satellite signals
from multiple GNSS systems could help address these limitations. Among the candidate
combinations are the use of signals from the U.S. Global Positioning System (GPS), Russia
GLONASS, China BEIDOU and the European Union Galileo system now under

Without question GPS has revolutionized precise positioning since its advent. Real-time
methods to quickly fix carrier phase integer ambiguities, the key to precision, have been
developed and are often referred to as Real Time Kinematics (RTK) techniques. RTK is an
advanced manifestation of the principle of differential positioning; a method that requires at

least one reference station with known coordinates to simultaneously track GNSS satellite
signals. Carrier phase measurements are used in addition to pseudoranges due to their
superior accuracy. (Inside GNSS Working Paper, Nov\Dec 2007)

2.5.1 Techniques of positioning

The techniques include differential (Relative positioning) and Absolute Positioning as
discussed below; Differential (Relative) Positioning

Differential or relative positioning requires at least two receivers set up at two stations
(usually one is known) to collect satellite data simultaneously in order to determine
coordinate differences. This method will position the two stations relative to each other
(hence the term ―relative positioning‖) and can provide the accuracies required for basic land
surveying and hydrographic surveying. They include;
a. Static. Static surveying is the most widely used differential technique for
control and geodetic surveying. It involves long observation times (1-2 hr,
depending on number of visible satellites) in order to resolve the integer
ambiguities between the satellite and the receiver. Accuracies in the sub
centimeter range can be obtained from using the static method.
b. Rapid static. The concept of rapid static is to measure baselines and
determine positions in the millimeter level with short observation times, 5-20
min. The observation time is dependent on the length of the baseline and
number of visible satellites. Loss of lock, when moving from one station to the
next, can also occur since each baseline is processed independent of each
c. Kinematic. Kinematic surveying, allows the user to rapidly and accurately
measure baselines while moving from one point to the next. The data are
collected and post-processed to obtain accurate positions to the millimeter
level. This technique permits only partial loss of satellite lock during
observation and requires a brief period of static initialization. The on-the-fly
(OTF) technology, both real-time and post-processed, could eventually replace
standard kinematic procedures at least for short baselines.
d. Stop and go kinematic. Stop and go kinematic involves collecting data for
several minutes (1-2 min.) at each station after a period of initialization to gain
the integers. This technique does not allow for loss of satellite lock during the

survey. If loss of satellite lock does occur, a new period of initialization must
take place. This method can be performed with two fixed or known stations in
order to provide redundancy and improve accuracy.
e. Pseudo-kinematic. This technique is similar to standard kinematic procedures
and static procedures combined. The differences are that there is no static
initialization, longer period of time at each point (approximately 1-5 min),
each point must be revisited after about an hour, and loss of satellite lock is
acceptable. The positional accuracy is more than for kinematic or rapid static
procedures, which makes it a less acceptable method for establishing
f. RTK and OTF carrier phase based positioning determination. The OTF/RTK
positioning system uses GPS technology to allow the positioning to a sub
decimeter in real time. This system determines the integer number of carrier
wavelengths from the GPS antenna to the GPS satellite, transmitting them
while in motion and without static initialization. The basic concept behind the
OTF/RTK system is kinematic surveying without static initialization (integer
initialization is performed while moving) and allows for loss of satellite lock.
Other GPS techniques that can achieve this kind of accuracy require static
initialization while the user is not moving and no loss of satellite lock while in
motion. Absolute Positioning

GPS was originally conceived and designed to provide point positioning and velocity of a
user with a single, usually low-cost, hand-held GPS receiver. This is termed as "absolute" or
"autonomous" point positioning, as distinguished from "relative" positioning when a second
receiver is employed. GPS absolute or autonomous positioning is the most widely used
military and commercial GPS positioning method for real-time navigation and location. It is
usually not sufficiently accurate for precise surveying, mapping, or hydrographic positioning
a) Absolute or Autonomous Point Positioning. - Absolute/autonomous
positioning involves the use of only a single passive receiver at the user‘s location to
collect data from multiple satellites in order to determine the user's georeferenced
position. GPS determination of a point position on the earth actually uses a technique
common to terrestrial surveying called trilateration--i.e. electronic distance

measurement resection. The user's GPS receiver simply measures the distance (i.e.
ranges) between the earth and the GPS satellites. The user's position is determined by
the resected intersection of the observed ranges to the satellites. At least 4 Satellite
ranges are required to compute a 3-D position and resolve timing variations between
the satellite and receiver clocks. Adding more satellite ranges will provide
redundancy (and more accuracy) in the position solution. The resultant 3-D
coordinate value is relative to the geocentric reference system (WGS84). The GPS
receiver may be operated in a static or dynamic mode. The accuracies obtained by
GPS absolute/autonomous positioning are dependent on the user's GPS receiver
quality, location, and length of observation time, Dilution of Precision (DOP), and
many other factors.

b) GPS Absolute or Autonomous Position Solution Process - Pseudoranging. When

a GPS user performs a navigation solution, only an approximate range, or
"pseudorange," to selected satellites is measured. In order for the GPS user to
determine their precise location, the range to the satellite must be measured and the
position of those satellites must be known. By pseudoranging, the GPS user measures
an approximate distance between the GPS antenna and the satellite by correlation of a
satellite-transmitted code and a reference code created by the receiver. This
measurement does not contain corrections for synchronization errors between the
clock of the satellite transmitter and that of the GPS receiver. The distance the signal
has traveled is equal to the velocity of the transmission multiplied by the elapsed time
of transmission. The signal velocity is affected by tropospheric and ionospheric
conditions in the atmosphere (Introduction to the Global Positioning System for GIS
and TRAVERSE, June 1996).

2.5.2 RTK GPS Data Collection

RTK involves the use of 2 GPS receivers (stationary Base Station and a Rover)
communicating together via a radio link. The base station must be located such that it will
have a clear view of the sky and a continuous line-of-sight to the rover. The precision of the
Rover position relative to the Base station is dependent on baseline-length so it is desirable to
keep the baseline as short as possible.

RTK performs Real Time Phase Differential and computes the 3D vector (∆ X, ∆Y, ∆Z)
between the rover and base antenna. Base Station coordinates and both antenna heights need
to be entered to compute ground coordinates at the Rover.

Figure 3: Demonstration on carrying out RTK (Real-Time Kinematic)

Data from the Base Station (either raw GPS data or RTK corrections) is sent in real time via
radio to the Rover. With a sufficient number of common satellites visible at both GPS
antennas, a ―FIXED‖ solution of centimeter-level precision can be calculated. If there are
insufficient common satellites, a ―FLOAT‖ solution of lower precision (a few decimeters) is
calculated. You can try waiting for a ―FIXED‖ solution or re-initializing the system but these
may not be successful as most often the FLOAT solution is due to poor satellite visibility at
the Rover.

RTK systems are available in dual-frequency and single-frequency versions. Dual-

frequency systems deliver greater precision, faster and over longer baselines than single-
frequency systems. The choice of equipment depends on budget, expected baseline lengths
and precision needs.

Here are typical horizontal precisions (RMS) you can expect for various baseline lengths
under ideal conditions as shown in the table 1:

Horizontal precisions for various baseline lengths
1 km 10 km 30 km
Dual-Frequency ~ 0.1 cm ~ 0.2 cm ~ 0.5 cm
Single-Frequency ~ 0.2 cm ~ 0.5 cm Too long

Table 1: Horizontal precisions for various baseline lengths

2.5.3 Data Post Processing

It is recommended (but not essential) to have Phase Differential Post-Processing software. If

the Rover loses radio-communication with the base (due to an obstruction or to excessive
distance), you could still produce corrected Rover positions by post processing.

Set the base station to record raw GPS data during the entire RTK survey. If the rover loses
the radio link, record raw data at the rover and perform Phase Differential Post-Processing
along with the base station raw data.

Figure 4: Illustration on Phase Differential Post-processing

Phase Differential Post-Processing could be used alone instead of RTK to do a site survey
(it‘s the same GPS equipment minus the radio link) however the user would lose the
advantages of RTK (feedback on equipment performance and final results in real-time).

2.5.4 Error Budget

The GPS system has been designed to be as nearly accurate as possible. However, there are
still errors. Added together, these errors can cause a deviation of +/- 50 -100 meters from the
actual GPS receiver position. There are several sources for these errors, the most significant
of which are discussed below:

 Atmospheric Conditions - The ionosphere and troposphere both refract the GPS
signals. This causes the speed of the GPS signal in the ionosphere and troposphere to
be different from the speed of the GPS signal in space. Therefore, the distance
calculated from "Signal Speed x Time" will be different for the portion of the GPS
signal path that passes through the ionosphere and troposphere and for the portion that
passes through space.

 Ephemeris Errors/Clock Drift/Measurement Noise - The data concerning

ephemeris errors may not exactly model the true satellite motion or the exact rate of
clock drift. Distortion of the signal by measurement noise can further increase
positional error.

 Selective Availability (SA) - Is the intentional alteration of the time and ephemeris
signal by the Department of Defense. Fortunately, positional errors caused by SA can
be removed by differential correction.

 Multipath - A GPS signal bouncing off a reflective surface prior to reaching the GPS
receiver antenna is referred to as multipath. Because it is difficult to completely
correct multipath error, even in high precision GPS units, multipath error is a serious
concern to the GPS user.

The table below lists the most common sources of error in GPS positions. This table is
commonly known as the GPS Error Budget:

Source Uncorrected Error Level With Differential

Ionosphere 0-30 meters Mostly removed

Troposphere 0-30 meters All removed

Measurement Noise 0-10 meters All removed

Ephemeris Data 1-5 meters All removed

Clock Drift 0-1.5 meters All removed

Selective Availability 0-1 meter All removed

Multipath 0-70 meters Not removed

Table 2: Error Budget (Introduction to the Global Positioning System for GIS and
TRAVERSE, June 1996)

Ambiguity in the resolution is only possible as long as the users (the ―roving receiver‖) is
located in the vicinity of this reference station — let us say, within a radius of approximately
25 kilometers. Within this short range the benefits of the often-employed ―double
differences‖ technique can be effectively exploited: Differences of observations between a
primary and a secondary satellite are formed on both the rover and the reference site and
these two quantities are then subtracted, yielding a derived measurement between both sites
that is free of satellite and receiver clock offsets or errors.

Fortunately, the atmospheric errors are spatially correlated and can be reduced in the double
difference measurements to a reasonable extent. Thus, it is relatively easy to fix ambiguities
of short baselines, whereas it becomes increasingly difficult to do so over longer baselines
due to decorrelation of the atmospheric delays.

As a result of this decorrelation, the service area of conventional RTK systems allowing for
quick ambiguity fixing covers about 300 square kilometers. The solution for this problem:
Use multiple reference stations to derive atmospheric corrections. Because the coordinates of
these fixed stations can be determined precisely — or can be treated as tight constraints —
the atmospheric (ionospheric and tropospheric) effects on GNSS signal propagation can be
derived from the correlated data. These station-, baseline-, or satellite-specific corrections can

be interpolated at the rover site. Hence, atmospheric errors can be significantly reduced and
GNSS reference networks can substantially increase the distance between stations while still
providing the accuracy level on conventional RTK systems.

The reference networks that provide such correction data are often called ―active GNSS
networks,‖ referring to their Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS). Most of
them offer both real-time and post-processing services. CORS provides GNSS data that
consist of carrier phase and code range measurements in support of three dimensional
positioning, meteorology, space weather, and geophysical applications throughout its
territories. (National Geodetic Survey, Jan 03 2013)

By adding to the number of satellite signals available to these networks, users on the road/in
the field can improve their performance by allowing optimization of satellite geometry (the
selection of a subset of available signals that reduces the dilution of precision (DOP) factor),
use of multiple frequencies for carrier phase integer ambiguity resolution, and for achieving
so-called ―over determined solutions.‖ With multiple GNSS systems under development in
addition to GPS that are increasingly compatible or even interoperable, this prospective
approach is becoming ever more attractive. (Inside GNSS Working Paper, Nov\Dec 2007)

2.5.5 Why RTK GPS

RTK GPS was most preferred for data collection for this project because of its high precision
level in salient point determination which in turn increases the precision of generation of
Survey Plan from the demarcation plans, since with high precision of the salient points, this
makes the area and bearing of the plots obtained to have high precision too.

3.1 Study Area

Muka Mukuu Farmers‘ Cooperative Society Limited is located in Matungulu district,

Machakos County. The land was initially a ranch owned by Lord William Northrop
Macmillan born in 1872 and later died in 1925. He was a decorated American soldier and
knighted by the King of England. He arrived in Kenya in 1901 for big game hunting. He also
played host to former US President Theodore Roosevelt, during his famous 1911 safari at
their ranch. He and his wife were great philanthropists; they established the MacMillan
Library in central Nairobi. (Wikipedia, 2012)

Figure 5: The geographic location of Muka Mukuu Settlement Farms

Figure 6: Geographical representation of Muka Mukuu Settlement Farm

The land initially covered two land parcels of LR No.10967 and LR No.10968 of area
12545.30 Ha and 210.84 Ha respectively, which were later amalgamated to one land parcel of
LR No. 24614 of approximate area of 11735.93 Ha. This resulted to one large parcel of land
that was however of lesser area because of the gentle mans agreement between the Society
and the Kenya Wildlife Services. This land surrounds Ol Donyo Sabuk Hill and on the
Western part of the farm there is the Athi River, which leads straight to the fourteen falls to
the Northern part of the settlement farm.

The farmers‘ cooperative was formed so as to buy land from the original owner, Lord
MacMillan. The word ―Muka Mukuu‖ is a Kamba word which means the first wife; hence for
this purpose the land was allocated only to the first wife of each household according to the
shares each one has in the cooperative. According to the proposed consolidation and
subdivision plan the land was changed from an agricultural land to;

i. 2616 settlement farms

ii. 11 Primary Schools of 4.1 Ha
iii. 3 Secondary Schools of 4.1 Ha

iv. 20 Nursery Schools of 4.1 Ha
v. 17 Dams of 4.1 Ha
vi. 13 marked centers of 0.846 Ha
vii. 1200 Commercial Plots of 0.0372 Ha
viii. 51 Church Plot of 0.846 Ha
ix. 4 Cattle Dips of 4.1 Ha

(Letter from the County Council of Masaku, 1995)

But for the sake of this project we only generate the survey plans of the settlement farms
which had an area ranging from 4 Acers to 8 Acers depending on its physical features on it.

3.2 Data Collection

3.2.1 Data Identification

The table shows the various datasets that were used in this study and their sources.

Demarcation Plans BOMA Surveys Limited
Coordinates of salient control points Field collection by RTK GPS

Table 3: The datasets and their sources

Datasets and Sources

Demarcation plans acquired were in the form of hardcopy paper plans which had to be
scanned for ease of use in softcopy format in all the available softwares.

For the purpose of georeferencing we had to obtain salient points of the area through field
measurement of the area by use of RTK GPS; the process involved setting the base at the top
of Ol Donyo Sabuk Hill for ease of communication in all direction of the vast area of Muka
Mukuu settlement farm by the rover.

3.2.2 Data Preparation
Data used in the study were prepared as follows:
 Geographical Data
In this study area, the geographical data were the scanned demarcation plans of the
whole area which is a combination of 11 sheets. It also includes the list of coordinates
of all the salient points acting as control points that were used in the georeferencing

The following is;

1. A graphical representation of the demarcation plan for block 10.

Figure 7: Scanned demarcation plan of block 10

Since the clarity of the image used is compromised by the large area of coverage so for the
sake of this project only 13 plots of block 10 were used to demonstrate the process of
generating survey plans. The figure below shows the cropped section of the 13 plots from the
demarcation plans.

Figure 8: Cropped section of the 13 plots

2. A list of coordinates of the salient control points

1 9869906.58 296915.52 NW62 A.I.C
2 9869715.97 301502.38 SE60 A.I.C
3 9870979.41 305402.88 DLIND A.I.C
4 9872744.65 310690.89 MW A.I.C
5 9881752.28 307300.95 AN A.I.C
6 9869727.33 307044.13 NE1530 A.I.C
7 9870904.81 307907.09 OF A.I.C
8 9875123.80 312481.94 AX A.I.C
9 9879062.24 310572.47 Col.19 A.I.C
10 9878898.28 311827.38 A A.I.C Old
11 9879498.44 312016.63 B A.I.C Old
12 9879938.72 311638.10 C A.I.C Old
13 9880059.48 311697.12 D A.I.C Old
14 9879152.16 312220.77 POST A.I.C Old
15 9877665.86 311449.46 T5 A.I.C Old
16 9875653.10 303514.11 B New A.I.C Re-established
17 9876888.82 303871.98 Q A.I.C Old

18 9878652.98 305654.97 MUTURI A.I.C Old
19 9877003.99 305280.09 MM1 A.I.C New
20 9874705.18 308536.50 ERP A.I.C Old
21 9873586.24 308795.70 P4 A.I.C Old
22 9872762.80 307043.12 MUTHII A.I.C Old
23 9872648.72 304851.10 P3 A.I.C Old
24 9873356.98 304324.56 A New A.I.C Old
25 9873949.03 306091.93 donyosabuk ecg I.P.C Old
26 9876190.23 300009.08 BLK10-1 I.P.C Old
27 9875813.62 298541.97 BLK10-4 I.P.C Old
28 9875402.45 298793.85 BLK10-5 I.P.C Old
29 9875035.68 300391.20 BLK10-6 I.P.C Old
30 9875346.54 300623.95 BLK10-108-1 I.P.C Old
31 9876161.41 300976.55 BLK10-7 I.P.C Old
32 9877739.43 300740.41 BLK5-1 I.P.C Old
33 9879212.83 301420.54 BLK5-2 I.P.C Old
34 9879324.47 302364.93 BLK5-3 I.P.C Old
35 9879009.45 303681.49 BLK5-5 I.P.C Old
36 9878639.06 305265.32 BLK7-1 I.P.C Old
37 9878486.93 307448.24 BLK7-kiboko I.P.C Old
38 9873947.31 306102.65 sapuk top I.P.C Old
39 9873949.68 306091.04 donyosabuk eci I.P.C Old
40 9878231.40 308371.91 Block 7 Dam 1 I.P.C Old
41 9878339.91 308451.75 Block 7 Dam 2 I.P.C Old
42 9875247.97 309946.14 Block 12 kitambaasye I.P.C Old
43 9875603.51 310897.70 Kisitimani 1 I.P.C Old
44 9874689.71 311178.65 kwa mulinga I.P.C Old
45 9880090.35 308980.83 workshop I.P.C Old
46 9880674.73 306649.35 dr mulinga I.P.C Old
47 9879796.49 303773.92 Muhindj I.P.C Old
48 9879539.28 305552.43 donyo road I.P.C Old

Table 4: List of coordinates of the salient control points

3.3 Data Manipulation


Scanning of Demarcation Plans

Data Conversion



RMS error



Generation of Survey Plan

Figure 9: Flow chart on methodology

3.3.1 Scanning

The first step of this project involved scanning of the Demarcation plans which automatically
captures the plan features, text and symbols as individual cells, or pixels and produces
an automated image. The scanned file shows plan features as raster lines (a series of
connected pixels). This process enabled conversion of the hardcopy data to softcopy for ease
of data manipulation.

3.3.2 Data Conversion

Since the data obtained were in different format i.e. PDF and JPEG they had to be converted
so as to be compatible with QGIS. Great care and attention had to be given to this particular
process so as to realize accurate data conversion and transfer.

This conversion process was done by the help of Global Mapper software where all the raster
data were converted to GeoTIFF format that could easily be manipulated in QGIS.

3.3.3 Georeferencing

The next step involved georeferencing of the plans in Global Mapper with the assistance of
the various salient points that could be identified both on the ground during the collection
process and on the plans. The coordinate reference system that was used for this process was;
 Projection as UTM

 Datum as Arc 1960

 Planar Unit as Meters

 Zone as 37o East

Figure 10: The georeferencing process

The RMS error that accumulates during the georeferencing process was 1.56 and for this
work under requirement of the Land Act, 2012 the error limit of a survey plan should be
below 0.03m hence was not acceptable so the process was repeated. After several iterations,
the RMS error was 0.00, which was acceptable allowing room for digitization.
The georeferenced plans obtained was.

Figure 11: The georeferenced plots

3.3.4 Digitization

Digitization is the conversion of analogue data to digital data by a variety of techniques. For
this project, we proceeded to digitize the various settlement plots by the help of QGIS
software. The resulting digitization of the 13 plots is as shown below

Figure 12: Digitized plots

Thereafter the plots were well labeled indicating correctly the areas and distances also index
to the adjoining plots. This was done in AutoCAD since the writings could be aligned easily
in AutoCAD as compared to QGIS as shown below;

Figure 13: Labeled plots

3.3.5 Generation of Survey Plan

The final survey plan for this project was generated using AutoCAD 2007 Land Development
software where the digitized area was demarcated to show all the plots, beacons, distances,
bearings, plot numbers and area as required for a survey plan. The grid of the whole area at
intervals of 100m was also shown to give the general positioning of the plots which were
referenced to UTM projection and Arc 1960 datum. Also as a requirement for survey plan
drawing the adjacent plots were also indicated and their plot numbers given.

As a requirement for a survey plan some marginal information had to be included to show the
list of coordinates of all the salient points used and the corner beacons at the upper left corner
of the plan while the upper right showed the list of bearings that could not fit in the subplots,

on the bottom of the plan there is the certification clause by the Licensed surveyor that the
field work done by his/her assistant was according to his guidance and below it is the
certification of the assistant that the work done was according to the set regulations. Next to
the certification clause is the table for registration, transaction and authentication of the plan.
The figure 14 below shows a demonstration by a screen shot of the generated survey plan
from AutoCAD 2007

Figure 14: A screen shot of the Survey plan

4.1 Introduction
This chapter provides the results achieved from the project. Analysis of the plans generated is
examined for suitability and reliability and a comparison of the results is also done to check
on the suitability of the results vis a vis the usual methods of generating survey plans.

4.2 Results
The end result of this project consists of a Survey Plan with all the requirements as stipulated
in the Survey Act.

Figure15: Complete representation of the survey plan

4.3 Analysis
The survey plan obtained does fit the requirements of the Survey Act as analyzed here below;

4.3.1 Salient Control Points

The field data collection was done using RTK GPS which was preferred due to its high level
of precision of data collection that is obtained from the high number of satellites its able to
see, the post processing ability in cases where the rover could not communicate to the base
due to obstruction of either the two and the long range of coverage. The accuracy limits set
by the Survey Act on all cadastral control point is less than or equal to 0.03 of a meter, yet as
seen on the precision table below the point were fixed within the limits with less than 0.01 of
a meter as shown on the precision table below;

POINT precision precision RMS PDOP NAME
1 0.004 0.005 0.008 1.410 NW62
2 0.004 0.004 0.007 1.421 SE60
3 0.007 0.008 0.010 1.431 DLIND
4 0.005 0.006 0.008 1.434 MW
5 0.004 0.005 0.009 1.502 AN
6 0.007 0.009 0.015 1.335 NE1530
7 0.008 0.010 0.016 1.335 OF
8 0.005 0.006 0.011 1.498 AX
9 0.007 0.015 0.028 1.915 Col.19
10 0.006 0.006 0.010 1.285 A
11 0.005 0.007 0.009 1.609 B
12 0.009 0.011 0.015 1.286 C
13 0.008 0.007 0.010 1.306 D
14 0.006 0.006 0.008 1.305 POST
15 0.007 0.011 0.014 1.411 T5
16 0.006 0.007 0.009 1.075 B New
17 0.005 0.007 0.008 1.075 Q
18 0.005 0.006 0.008 1.141 MUTURI
19 0.005 0.005 0.007 1.306 MM1
20 0.005 0.006 0.007 1.306 ERP
21 0.005 0.006 0.010 1.170 P4
22 0.004 0.004 0.007 1.141 MUTHII
23 0.004 0.004 0.007 1.141 P3
24 0.004 0.004 0.006 1.112 A New
25 0.004 0.003 0.006 1.462 donyosabuk ecg
26 0.003 0.003 0.005 1.462 BLK10-1
27 0.003 0.003 0.005 1.404 BLK10-4

28 0.004 0.003 0.005 1.404 BLK10-5
29 0.003 0.003 0.005 1.405 BLK10-6
30 0.003 0.003 0.005 1.234 BLK10-108-1
31 0.003 0.003 0.005 1.265 BLK10-7
32 0.003 0.003 0.005 1.238 BLK5-1
33 0.003 0.002 0.005 1.317 BLK5-2
34 0.005 0.005 0.007 1.288 BLK5-3
35 0.005 0.005 0.007 1.306 BLK5-5
36 0.004 0.005 0.016 1.406 BLK7-1
37 0.004 0.005 0.014 1.463 BLK7-kiboko
38 0.007 0.010 0.013 1.233 sapuk top
39 0.005 0.007 0.009 1.233 donyosabuk eci
40 0.008 0.012 0.018 1.564 Block 7 Dam 1
41 0.006 0.005 0.009 1.280 Block 7 Dam 2
42 0.005 0.005 0.009 1.244 Block 12 kitambaasye
43 0.007 0.006 0.013 1.288 Kisitimani 1
44 0.005 0.007 0.009 1.212 kwa mulinga
45 0.006 0.005 0.019 1.422 workshop
46 0.005 0.007 0.010 1.212 dr mulinga
47 0.007 0.008 0.007 1.232 Muhindj
48 0.004 0.006 0.009 1.313 donyo road

Table 5: A list of precision of the salient points

4.3.2 Distance.
From the plan, the distance obtained were the same as those from field measurement that‘s to
say they are within the 0.03m limit set by the Survey Act; this high precision of the distance
is achieved by the high precision of collecting salient points by use RTK GPS.

4.3.3 Area
With the salient points having the high precision shown below, this made the approximate
area obtained to be reliable since the areas were obtained through the coordinate formula;

4.3.4 Bearing
The bearing of the lengths of the plots were obtained through calculation using the join
relationship of the salient points. Since the salient points were collected with very high
precision, this made the calculation of the bearing reliable and consistent with those obtained
from the field measurements.

5.1 Conclusions
This project was aimed at using the available GIS software and already existing demarcation
plans to generate Survey plan and the various requirements of a survey plan also analyzed.
The specific objectives of the study included the following:
1. Scan the hardcopy demarcation plans.
2. Convert the data to GEOTIFF
3. Identify and pick the salient points from the ground using RTK GPS to be
used in georeferencing.
4. Digitize the settlement farms.
5. Prepare survey plan layout from the digitized plots.
At first, the scanned demarcation plans were converted to GEOTIFF for ease of manipulation
in QGIS environment then the georeferencing process commenced that resulted to a fully
controlled area. With the area fully controlled, this made it possible for digitization of all the
plots so as to obtain the individual plots for generation of survey plan. The process of
generating survey plan was entirely done in AutoCAD, which enabled the generation of grid
of the entire area at an interval of 100m and the labeling of the plots numbers, distances, area
and bearing of the individual plots.

The main findings of the project can be classified into the requirements set by the Survey Act
for a Survey Plan. The first requirement is on the salient points coordinate should be within
0.03 limit of a meter and as per the data collected with the RTK GPS the coordinates‘
precision were below 0.01 of a meter. This high precision of the coordinates of the salient
points made the distance, areas and bearing obtained to be of good precision and within the
required limit.

This process of generating survey plan has the advantage of working in a digital environment
hence making it easier to store the data, update the data and even manipulate it. Further this
intern enables the country achieve the FIG vision of cadastre 2014 of having to eliminate the
entire paper and pencil map.

The Survey of Kenya has already started to convert its hardcopy maps to softcopy and
digitizing them with the aim of attaining the countries vision 2030, and the FIG vision 2014:
this project act as a critical step to achieving this. Unlike the traditional methods of cadastral
survey where the hardcopy paper maps and computation sheets are submitted to Survey of
Kenya, this project submit then in softcopy that can quickly and easily be checked.

While the results are satisfying, there are a few things that need to be noted in order to ensure
accurate results and hence uncontested outcome when this is to be implemented by any
 Frequent updating of the raw data such as the survey plans.
 diting
manipulating and analyzing of the data.

Acquisition of such technologies to an institution such as the Survey of Kenya will help in
many ways such as;
1. They will save the cost of data conversion from hardcopy to softcopy so as to achieve their
various visions.
2. They will be able to share their data with other institutions and the general public easily.
3. Few staff will be needed to check the cadastral files once the system is in place and
integrated with the work of the licensed surveyor with theirs.
4. There will be improvement in the efficiency of the workforce.

In conclusion, it can be said that there are:

1. Possibilities to generate survey plans from demarcation plans.
2. Possibilities for Combining Aerial Surveying and Ground Surveying methods to produce
Demarcation plans which could be upgraded to Survey plan is a worthy demonstration of the
GIS application in Surveying.
3. Chances for the members of the public to obtain the survey plan easily if in softcopy

5.2 Recommendations
Considering the outcomes of this project, it can be stated that the significance of adopting an
interdisciplinary approach to generation of survey plan and fostering the development of
softcopy method of relaying the results of any cadastral work done. However, there are a
number of recommendations that may enable the system to be even more accurate;
1. There is need to extend the scope of the study to cover the whole plan and map production
process. There is also need to incorporate the same on topographical map production. This is
important as it influences the creation of the softcopy maps as per the various visions.
2. With the advancement in technology, there is need to embrace the Improving technology
on point collection that have high precision by use of the various RTK GPS.
3. The Survey of Kenya needs to build the human capacity to be able to implement GIS
related aspects of the map creation; such employees need to have skills in data collection,
capturing, editing, transmission and visualization in a GIS environment. These might include
GIS managers, GIS programmer, and GIS analyst and data entry personnel.
4. There is need to explore the internet as a possible avenue for storage of the plans and maps
and ease of access by the public.


1. Fervacque and Mcauslan, (1995), ―Reforming Urban Land Policies and

Institutions in Developing Countries‖. Urban Management Programme; Urban
Management and Land. The World Bank. Washington D.C.

2. Dale P.F. and McLaughlin J.D. (1988). ―Land Information Management‖

Information with Special Reference to Cadastral Problems in Third World
Countries. Oxford University Press.

3. Inside GNSS Working Paper, Nov\Dec 2007, http://insidegnss.com, 2013

4. International Federation of Surveyors (1995). ―FlG statement on the Cadastre‖.

5. Introduction to the Global Positioning System for GIS and TRAVERSE, June 1996,
www.cmtinc,com/gpsbook, 2013

6. Jackson.T. (1988), ―The Laws of Kenya‖ (Third edition), Kenya Literature

Bureau, Nairobi.

7. Letter from the County Council of Masaku, 1995, ―Approval of Physical

Development Plan of Muka Mukuu Area ref. No. 30211/212.‖

8. LIS in Kenya, 2001. ―Land Information Service in Kenya‖ for United Nation Centre
for Human Settlement (Habitat).

9. Macoco. D.K. (1999) "Current Land Laws Governing Land Planning and Title
Surveys and Large-Scale Mapping Coverage in Support of Settlements Planning.
Land Development and Management (Habitat), Nairobi.

10. National Geodetic Survey, Jan 03 2013, http://geodesy.noaa.gov/CORS, 2013

11. New Jersey Survey manual, 2012,

www.state,nj,us/transportation/eng/document/survey/chapter7.shtm, 2013

12. Nyadimo. S.A. (1990) ―Land Title Registration Process. The Case of Kenya‖. For
UNCHS - Habitat Workshop on Land Registration and Land Information System in
Developing Countries, Nairobi.

13. Onalo PL. (1986). Land Law and Conveyancing in Kenya. Heinemann Law Books,

14. Wikipedia, 2012 http://wikipedia.org/wiki/Ol_Donyo_Sabuk, 2013


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