The Tarnished American Brand US Image Report - Full-Report

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U.S. Image Suffers as

Publics Around World
Question Trump’s
America still wins praise for its
people, culture and civil liberties
BY Richard Wike, Bruce Stokes, Jacob Poushter and Janell Fetterolf


Richard Wike, Director, Global Attitudes Research

Bruce Stokes, Director, Global Economic Attitudes
Jacob Poushter, Senior Researcher
Rhonda Stewart, Senior Communications Manager

RECOMMENDED CITATION: Pew Research Center, June, 2017, “U.S. Image Suffers as Publics Around World Question Trump’s

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public opinion polling, demographic research, content analysis and other data-driven social
science research. It studies U.S. politics and policy; journalism and media; internet, science and
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Table of Contents
Overview: U.S. Image Suffers as Publics Around World Question Trump’s Leadership ....................... 2
U.S. favorability declines .............................................................................................................................6
Changing views of U.S. presidents over past decade and a half ..............................................................6
Trump, Putin and Xi all unpopular; Merkel gets highest marks ................................................................8
Most disapprove of Trump’s policies ..........................................................................................................8
Most say Trump is arrogant, intolerant, dangerous, but also strong leader ......................................... 10
The world’s wider view of America ........................................................................................................... 11
Prevailing view is that relations with U.S. will stay about the same ...................................................... 12
Country spotlights: Russia, Israel, Germany, Mexico, Canada ............................................................... 13
1. The tarnished American brand ............................................................................................................ 17
Mixed views globally ................................................................................................................................. 17
An eroding image ...................................................................................................................................... 22
Americans well liked ................................................................................................................................. 24
Mixed views of American soft power ....................................................................................................... 26
Mixed reactions to U.S.-style democracy ................................................................................................. 28
U.S. protection of individual rights ........................................................................................................... 30
Broad affection for American pop culture ............................................................................................... 32
2. Worldwide, few confident in Trump or his policies ............................................................................ 34
With Trump in office, confidence in U.S. president drops precipitously ................................................ 35
Trump’s image up slightly in Europe from 2016 .................................................................................... 38
Confidence in Trump differs by gender and ideology ............................................................................. 38
Global reaction to Trump’s international policies ................................................................................... 40
Trump seen as strong leader, but not well-qualified .............................................................................. 46
World sees arrogance as Trump’s most defining characteristic ............................................................ 48
Many anticipate little overall change in relations with U.S. under President Trump ............................ 50
3. Less confidence in Trump compared with Merkel and other world leaders.................................... 52
Acknowledgments .................................................................................................................................... 55
Methodology .............................................................................................................................................. 56
Appendix A: Detailed Tables .................................................................................................................... 57
Topline Questionnaire............................................................................................................................... 61

U.S. Image Suffers as Publics Around World

Question Trump’s Leadership
America still wins praise for its people, culture and civil liberties
Although he has only been in office a few months, Donald Trump’s presidency has had a major
impact on how the world sees the United States. Trump and many of his key policies are broadly
unpopular around the globe, and ratings for the U.S. have declined steeply in many nations.
According to a new Pew Research Center survey spanning 37 nations, a median of just 22% has
confidence in Trump to do the right thing when it comes to international affairs. This stands in
contrast to the final years of Barack Obama’s presidency, when a median of 64% expressed
confidence in Trump’s predecessor to direct America’s role in the world.

The sharp decline in how much global publics trust the U.S. president on the world stage is
especially pronounced among some of America’s closest allies in Europe and Asia, as well as
neighboring Mexico and Canada. Across the 37 nations polled, Trump gets higher marks than
Obama in only two countries: Russia and Israel.

In countries where confidence in the U.S. president

fell most, America’s overall image has also tended
to suffer more. In the closing years of the Obama
presidency, a median of 64% had a positive view of
the U.S. Today, just 49% are favorably inclined
toward America. Again, some of the steepest
declines in U.S. image are found among long-
standing allies.

Since 2002, when Pew Research Center first asked

about America’s image abroad, favorable opinion
of the U.S. has frequently tracked with confidence
in the country’s president. Prior to this spring, one
of the biggest shifts in attitudes toward the U.S.
occurred with the change from George W. Bush’s
administration to Obama’s. At that time, positive
views of the U.S. climbed in Europe and other
regions, as did trust in how the new president
would handle world affairs.

Even though the 2017 shift in views of the U.S. and

its president is in the opposite direction compared
with eight years ago, publics on balance are not
necessarily convinced that this will affect bilateral
relations with the U.S. The prevailing view among
the 37 countries surveyed is that their country’s
relationship with the U.S. will be unchanged over
the next few years. Among those who do anticipate
a change, however, more predict relations will
worsen, rather than improve.

Confidence in President Trump is influenced by

reactions to both his policies and his character.
With regard to the former, some of his signature
policy initiatives are widely opposed around the

His plan to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico

border, for example, is opposed by a median of
76% across the 37 countries surveyed. Opposition
is especially intense in Mexico, where more than

nine-in-ten (94%) oppose the U.S. government erecting a wall.

Similar levels of global opposition greet Trump’s policy stances on withdrawing from international
trade agreements and climate change accords. And most across the nations surveyed also
disapprove of the new administration’s efforts to restrict entry into the U.S. by people from certain
Muslim-majority nations.

Trump’s intention to back away from the nuclear weapons agreement with Iran meets less
opposition than his other policy initiatives, but even here publics around the world disapprove of
such an action by a wide margin.

Trump’s character is also a factor in how he is viewed abroad. In the eyes of most people surveyed
around the world, the White House’s new occupant is arrogant, intolerant and even dangerous.
Among the positive characteristics tested, his highest rating is for being a strong leader. Fewer
believe he is charismatic, well-qualified or cares about ordinary people.

While the new U.S. president is viewed with doubt and apprehension in many countries, America’s
overall image benefits from a substantial reservoir of goodwill. The American people, for instance,
continue to be well-regarded – across the 37 nations polled, a median of 58% say they have a
favorable opinion of Americans. U.S. popular culture, likewise, has maintained appeal abroad, and
many people overseas still believe Washington respects the personal freedoms of its people.

These are among the major findings from a new Pew Research Center survey conducted among
40,448 respondents in 37 countries outside the U.S. from Feb. 16 to May 8, 2017.

U.S. favorability declines

The drop in favorability ratings for the United States is widespread. The share of the public with a
positive view of the U.S. has plummeted in a diverse set of countries from Latin America, North
America, Europe, Asia and Africa. Favorability ratings have only increased in Russia and Vietnam.

Changing views of U.S. presidents over past decade and a half

As Pew Research Center’s global surveys from George W. Bush’s presidency illustrated, many of
Bush’s key foreign policies were unpopular, and by the time he left office Bush was viewed
negatively in most of the countries we polled. His successor, Obama, generally received more
positive ratings throughout his White House tenure.

Today, in many countries, ratings for President Trump look very similar to those for Bush at the
end of his term. This pattern is especially clear in Western Europe. In the UK, France, Germany
and Spain, the low levels of confidence in Trump are very similar to the poor ratings for Bush in

Trump’s ratings in Western Europe similar to those for Bush in 2008

Confidence in the U.S. president to do the right thing regarding world affairs
100 %


22 UK
14 France
11 Germany
0 7 Spain
2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017
Obama Trump
Source: Spring 2017 Global Attitudes Survey. Q30a.

Trump, Putin and Xi all unpopular; Merkel gets highest marks

In addition to exploring global views of
President Trump, this survey also examines Merkel gets higher ratings globally than
attitudes toward three other major leaders on Xi, Putin or Trump
the international stage. The results Confidence in __ to do the right thing regarding world
demonstrate that Trump is not the only world affairs

leader in whom global publics lack confidence. No Don't

confidence know
Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian
President Vladimir Putin also get poor marks, 42% 31% 18%
though neither is rated as negatively as the
U.S. president. Across the 37 nations surveyed,
Xi Jinping 28 53 20
a median of 28% voice confidence in Xi, while
27% feel this way about Putin.
27 59 11
In contrast, 42% express confidence in the
long-serving German Chancellor Angela Donald
22 74 8
Merkel, while just 31% lack confidence in her. Trump
A median of 60% in Europe have confidence in
Note: Percentages are global medians based on 37 countries. Xi not
Merkel, and her ratings are particularly strong asked in Turkey.
on the political left, even though she hails from Source: Spring 2017 Global Attitudes Survey. Q30a-d.

the right-of-center Christian Democratic PEW RESEARCH CENTER

Union (CDU).

Xi and Merkel are somewhat less well-known than Trump and Putin. Roughly one-in-five globally
do not offer an opinion about the Chinese and German leaders.

What is a median?
On questions throughout this report, median percentages are reported to help readers see
overall patterns. The median is the middle number in a list of figures sorted in ascending or
descending order. In a survey of 37 countries, the median result is the 19th on a list of country-
level findings ranked in order.

In addition to medians of respondents across the survey’s 37 countries, this report sometimes
refers to the median among a specific subset of respondents and/or countries by region. For
example, we can look at European medians across 10 countries, where the median is the
average of the fifth and sixth figures when the countries are listed from highest to lowest. We
can also calculate the medians across seven Asian-Pacific nations, five Middle East-North
African nations, six sub-Saharan African nations and seven Latin American nations.

Most disapprove of Trump’s policies

The 2017 survey examines attitudes toward five major policy proposals that President Trump has
supported. Globally, none of them are popular.

As a candidate, Trump repeatedly pledged to withdraw the U.S. from the nuclear weapons
agreement with Iran, though he has yet to do so as president. On balance, global publics oppose
this idea. Only in Israel and Jordan do majorities support U.S. withdrawal from the agreement.

About a third globally express support for Trump’s proposed ban on people entering the U.S. from
certain Muslim-majority nations, although there are four countries – Hungary, Israel, Poland and
Russia – where more than half endorse this proposal. Opposition is especially strong in several
countries with Muslim-majority populations, including Jordan, Lebanon and Senegal.

The survey, which was conducted before Trump officially announced that the U.S. would pull out
of the Paris climate change accord, finds widespread opposition to the U.S. withdrawing from
international climate change agreements. A median of only 19% support the U.S. backing away
from accords like the one signed in Paris – similar to the low level of support for the U.S. rejecting
major trade agreements. (Trump pulled the U.S. out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal
early in his administration.) Opposition to the U.S. withdrawing from climate and trade
agreements is especially strong in the European nations polled.

A median of just 16% endorse Trump’s plan to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico. Fully
94% of Mexicans oppose the wall, and the wall is strongly rejected throughout Latin America, as
well as in much of Europe. There is no country among the 37 surveyed in which a majority
endorses a border wall between the U.S. and Mexico.

Most say Trump is arrogant, intolerant, dangerous, but also strong leader
Survey respondents were read a list of positive
and negative characteristics, and for each one, Global views of Trump’s characteristics
were asked whether it describes Donald % saying they think of President Donald Trump as …
Trump. Around the globe, people associate a
number of negative characteristics with the Arrogant 75%
U.S. leader. Most say he is arrogant, intolerant
and dangerous, while few think of him as well- Intolerant 65

qualified or as someone who cares about

Dangerous 62
ordinary people. Describing Trump as
charismatic is more common, although global A strong
leader 55
publics on balance do not think of him as
charismatic either. They do, however, see Charismatic 39
Trump as a strong leader – a median of 55%
across the nations polled describe him this to be president 26
Caring about
ordinary people 23

Note: Percentages are global medians based on 37 countries.

Source: Spring 2017 Global Attitudes Survey. Q37a-g.

The world’s wider view of America

Attitudes toward the U.S. president and American foreign policy have a major impact on how
people around the world view the United States, but other factors are important too. The nation’s
culture, ideas and people – elements of what is sometimes referred to as “soft power” – also shape
how people around the world see the country. In this poll, as in previous Pew Research Center
surveys, some aspects of American soft power have stronger global appeal than others.

The American people are core to how the U.S. is perceived around the globe. Overall, Americans
are seen more positively than the U.S. as a country. Across the nations polled, a median of 58% say
they have a favorable impression of Americans. Positive views are especially common in Asia and
Europe. They are less common, however, in the Middle East – Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon are
the only nations polled where majorities express an unfavorable opinion of Americans.

Along with its citizens, America’s popular culture is often well-regarded abroad. Roughly two-
thirds across the countries surveyed like American music, movies and television. Europeans and
Asians are particularly likely to find U.S. pop culture appealing, while these types of cultural
exports are less popular in several Muslim-majority nations.

Mixed ratings for American soft power

___ view of I ___ American U.S. govt ___ respect I ___ American It's ___ that
Americans music, movies the personal freedoms ideas about American ideas
and television of its people democracy and customs are
spreading here
54 54
39 38

Views of Americans
Favorable Unfavorable Entertainment
Like Dislike DoesRespect
Does not Democracy
Like Dislike Customs
Good spread
Note: Percentages are global medians based on 37 countries.
Source: Spring 2017 Global Attitudes Survey. Q12b, Q27b, Q31, Q32 & Q33.

Despite the doubts sown several years ago by revelations of American spying on foreign leaders
and citizens, across the 37 countries polled this spring a median of 54% believe the U.S.
government respects the personal freedom of its people. In Europe, America’s reputation for
individual liberty was damaged by the U.S. National Security Agency’s spying revelations and has
not recovered – today, a median of 52% across the 10 European nations polled say Washington

respects personal freedoms, while nearly as many (a median of 44%) say it does not. The U.S. gets
higher marks on this issue in Asia and Africa.

But America’s influence around the world is not always welcome. For example, even though many
people say they personally like American popular culture, a global median of 54% worry that the
influx of U.S. customs and ideas into their country is a bad thing.

A U.S. export that not all publics embrace is American-style democracy. While publics around the
world generally endorse broad democratic principles, they offer mixed views regarding American
ideas about democracy: Globally, a median of 43% say they like these ideas, while 46% say they
dislike them. As with several other aspects of U.S. soft power, U.S.-style democracy is particularly
popular in the African and Asian nations surveyed.

Prevailing view is that relations with U.S. will stay about the same
Respondents were asked
whether, now that Trump is Global publics more likely to say relations with U.S.
president, they think will get worse than better, though prevailing view is
relations between their that things will stay about the same
country and the U.S. will Now that Donald Trump is the U.S. president, over the next few years
relations between our country and the U.S. will …
improve over the next few
years, get worse, or stay Get better Stay about the same Get worse
about the same.
Africa 26% 27% 27%

In many countries, a majority

or plurality believes relations Asia-Pacific 17 41 38
will remain about the same.
However, in most regions of
Latin America 15 46 32
the world, the share of the
public that believes things
will worsen outweighs the Middle East 11 35 33

share that thinks relations

will improve by a ratio of Europe 8 51 37
two-to-one. While relatively
Note: Europe median does not include Russia.
few say they expect relations Source: Spring 2017 Global Attitudes Survey. Q36.
to improve, more than half PEW RESEARCH CENTER
hold this view in Russia and

Country spotlights: Russia, Israel, Germany, Mexico, Canada

Looking at findings on U.S. favorability and confidence in the American president in Russia,
Israel, Germany, Mexico and Canada illustrates different patterns Pew Research Center surveys
have discovered over time regarding attitudes toward the U.S. and its leader.

Russia: U.S. favorability is up and Trump is relatively popular

Amid ongoing controversies

and investigations into Russians give Trump higher marks than Obama or
allegations of links between Bush ever received
the Trump presidential Among Russians …
campaign and Russia,
80 %
attitudes toward the U.S.
Favorable view of U.S.
have turned more positive in
57 56
Russia. Following the 61
52 52 51
outbreak of the Ukraine crisis 53
46 46 44
43 41
in 2014, ratings for both the 37
U.S. as a country and for 41 41
President Obama 37 36 23
plummeted. However, since 28 29
2015 – the last time the 21 22
18 15
Center polled in Russia – 8
Confidence in U.S. president
favorable opinions of the U.S. 0
2002 2005 2008 2011 2014 2017
have become much more
common there. And Bush Obama

President Trump gets more- Source: Spring 2017 Global Attitudes Survey. Q12a & Q30a.

positive reviews in Russia PEW RESEARCH CENTER

than either of his

predecessors ever did.

Israel: Consistently positive about U.S., but views of U.S. presidents have varied

In survey after survey, Israelis

give the U.S. some of its U.S. favorability consistently high in Israel, but Trump
highest favorability ratings, gets better ratings than Obama at end of his tenure
and that’s true again this year, Among Israelis …
with 81% saying they have a 100 % Favorable view of U.S.
83 84 81
positive view of the U.S. 83 78
71 72 81
Assessments of American 78
presidents, however, have 71
fluctuated. In 2003, President 61 56
57 56
George W. Bush received very 49 49
high ratings, but those
Confidence in U.S. president
declined a bit over the course
of his presidency. Obama’s
confidence ratings varied from 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017
49% to 71% in the Center’s Bush Obama Trump
polling in Israel during his
Source: Spring 2017 Global Attitudes Survey. Q12a & Q30a.
administration. Between 2014
and 2015, his ratings dipped
substantially, reflecting
tensions between Obama and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over the Iran nuclear deal.
Israel is one of only two countries (Russia being the other) in which Trump’s ratings are higher
than Obama’s during the final two years of his administration.

Germany: Dramatic shift in views of American president, U.S. favorability drops

In Germany – and in several

of its Western European Starkly different assessments of Obama and Trump in
neighbors – attitudes toward Germany
the U.S. have followed a clear Among Germans …
pattern over the past decade 100 % 93 90 88 87 88
and a half. President George
Favorable view of U.S. 71 73
W. Bush was not very popular
at the outset of his 60
presidency, and he grew less 45 42 64 63 62
51 38 37 57
so over the next few years, 30 31 52 53 51 50 35
amid widespread German 33 30
opposition to key elements of 25 Confidence in U.S. president
19 11
his foreign policy. This in 14
turn had a negative impact on 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017

America’s overall image in Bush Obama Trump

the country. President Source: Spring 2017 Global Attitudes Survey. Q12a & Q30a.
Obama, in contrast, was PEW RESEARCH CENTER
extremely well-regarded
(although his ratings did
decline somewhat following the NSA eavesdropping scandal), and this coincided with an
improvement in attitudes toward the U.S. Today, German confidence in Trump is low, and U.S.
favorability is near where it was at the end of the Bush years.

Mexico and Canada: Ratings plunge among America’s closest neighbors

America’s image has turned

negative in the two nations In Mexico, steep drops in U.S. favorability and
with which it shares a border. confidence in U.S. president
Among Mexicans …
Over the past decade, U.S. 100 %
Favorable view of U.S.
presidents have gotten mixed
69 66 63 66
or negative reviews in
64 56 56 56
Mexico, but at 5% Donald 47
Trump registers the lowest
55 49 49
confidence rating of any U.S. 43
28 38 42 40 30
leader in Mexico since Pew
Confidence in U.S. president
Research Center began 16 5
surveying there. This 5%
2002 2005 2008 2011 2014 2017
rating is also the lowest Obama Trump
among the 37 nations polled
Source: Spring 2017 Global Attitudes Survey. Q12a & Q30a.
in 2017. The proposed wall
between the U.S. and Mexico
has been a high-profile
position for Trump since he
declared his candidacy for
president, and more than Trump, U.S. get lowest ratings from Canada in 15 years
nine-in-ten Mexicans oppose Among Canadians …

it. U.S. favorability has 100 % 88

81 83
typically been higher than Favorable view of U.S. 76
confidence in the American 72 63
president in Mexico. That 59
68 68 65
remains the case this year, 64

although the share of the 43

public with a positive view of 40

28 22
the U.S. has dropped steeply Confidence in U.S. president
since 2015.
2002 2005 2008 2011 2014 2017
Trump receives dramatically Bush Obama Trump

lower ratings than his Source: Spring 2017 Global Attitudes Survey. Q12a & Q30a.

predecessor in Canada. And PEW RESEARCH CENTER

for the first time since the

Center began polling in
Canada, the share of Canadians expressing a favorable opinion of their neighbor to the south has
slipped to below 50%. Just 43% of Canadians now have a positive view of the U.S.

1. The tarnished American

brand Views of the U.S. vary across regions
Views of U.S.
The share of the global public that voices a
Unfavorable Favorable
favorable view of America is on the decline. Canada 51% 43%
Across the 37 countries that Pew Research
Poland 15 73
Center has tracked over the past several Hungary 27 63
years, only in Russia has the image of the Italy 31 61
UK 40 50
United States improved by a large margin. France 52 46
Elsewhere, attitudes have taken a dramatic Sweden 51 45
Greece 53 43
turn for the worse, especially in Western Netherlands 59 37
Germany 62 35
Europe and Latin America. Spain 60 31
MEDIAN 52 46
Global publics voice mixed views of Russia 52 41
American soft power: Most like American
Vietnam 11 84
entertainment, but there is little consensus Philippines 18 78
about U.S.-style democracy and many South Korea 23 75
Japan 39 57
oppose the spread of American ideas and India 9 49
Indonesia 43 48
customs around the world. Australia 48 48
MEDIAN 23 57
At the same time, much of the world still Israel 18 81
believes the U.S. respects the personal Lebanon 64 34
Tunisia 61 27
freedoms of its people. And most publics Turkey 79 18
around the world continue to have a Jordan 82 15
MEDIAN 64 27
favorable opinion of Americans.
Nigeria 20 69
Ghana 20 59
Mixed views globally Tanzania 25 57
Senegal 29 55
Kenya 26 54
Today, a global median of 49% hold a South Africa 30 53
favorable view of the U.S. This is a MEDIAN 26 56
considerable drop from the median of 64% Colombia 38 51
recorded across the same countries in the Peru 38 51
Brazil 35 50
final years of the Obama administration. Venezuela 35 47
Chile 47 39
Argentina 44 35
In just four of 10 EU countries surveyed is Mexico 65 30
MEDIAN 38 47
the public positively inclined toward the U.S.
The most widespread support is found in GLOBAL MEDIAN 39 49
Poland (73%), Hungary (63%) and Italy
Source: Spring 2017 Global Attitudes Survey. Q12a.
(61%). In spite of the “special relationship”
between America and the United Kingdom,
only 50% of the British see the U.S.

favorably. The most negative views of the U.S. are in Germany (62% unfavorable), Spain (60%)
and the Netherlands (59%). And in the past year the share of the Spanish public that expresses a
very unfavorable opinion has roughly tripled from 7% to 23%.

Only about four-in-ten Canadians (43%) and Russians (41%) express a favorable view of America.

There is strong support for the U.S. in Vietnam (84%), the Philippines (78%) and South Korea
(75%). A majority of Japanese (57%) agree. But Australians are evenly split (48% favorable, 48%
unfavorable). And roughly half of Indians (49%) have a positive view, although 42% express no

In the Middle East, roughly eight-in-ten Israelis (81%) voice positive sentiment toward the U.S.
But they stand isolated in the region. Only about a third of Lebanese (34%) and roughly a quarter
of Tunisians (27%) say they have a favorable opinion of America. And roughly eight-in-ten in
Turkey (79%) and Jordan (82%) have an unfavorable opinion. This includes 58% in Turkey who
are very negative toward the U.S., up 26 percentage points since 2015.

In sub-Saharan Africa, publics are generally positive toward the U.S. More than half in all six
nations surveyed offer a favorable assessment, sometimes exceeding the share with negative views
by two-to-one. The most widespread support is in Nigeria (69%). But intensity of positive opinion
has waned in all six African societies since 2015: The share saying they have a very favorable view
of the U.S. is down by a large margin in Senegal (39 percentage points), Ghana (35 points) and
Tanzania (31 points).

Compared with sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America tends to be less enthusiastic about the U.S.
Only about half of Colombians (51%), Peruvians (51%) and Brazilians (50%) express a positive
attitude toward the U.S. Mexicans are unfavorable by more than two-to-one (30% positive, 65%
negative). And this includes 42% of Mexicans who are very unfavorable, a seven-fold increase
since 2015.

As has been quite common in Pew Research

Center surveys in recent years, America’s image
is strongest among young adults in a number of
countries. In 16 of the countries surveyed in
2017, those ages 18 to 29 have a more favorable
view of the U.S. than do people 50 and older.
And the differential is often quite large. For
instance, young Brazilians (72%) are about twice
as likely as older ones (33%) to see the U.S.
favorably. The young-old generation gap is also
quite large in Vietnam, France, Hungary, the
Netherlands and Mexico.

Views of the U.S. also divide along ideological

lines in many countries. In 16 of the 21 nations in
which respondents are asked to self-identify on a
left-right ideological scale, those on the political
right are significantly more likely than those on
the left to have a favorable view of the U.S. This
ideological gap is particularly large in Venezuela,
where people on the right (64%) are nearly three
times as likely to be positive about America as
are people on the left (22%). There is roughly a
two-to-one right-left divide in Australia, Canada
and Sweden. And this ideological difference
exists even in nations, such as South Korea,
Israel and Poland, where the public overall is
quite pro-American.

A gender gap divides views of the U.S. in 10 of

the nations surveyed. Men voice a more In a number of countries, U.S. seen
favorable opinion of America than do women in more favorably by men
half the European countries surveyed – Favorable view of U.S.

including a gender divide of 19 percentage Women Men Diff

points in Sweden, 15 points in Germany and 12 % %
points in the Netherlands. Similar gaps exist in Australia 38 58 +20
Sweden 35 54 +19
Australia and Canada.
Canada 35 52 +17
Germany 28 43 +15
And there are some notable differences in views
Colombia 45 57 +12
of the U.S. in select countries with significant Netherlands 31 43 +12
religious and ethnic diversity in their UK 45 55 +10
populations. In Israel, 89% of Jews express a Spain 26 36 +10
positive opinion of the U.S., but only 51% of Mexico 25 34 +9
Arabs agree. In Nigeria, 75% of Christians are Japan 53 61 +8
Note: Only statistically significant differences shown.
favorably disposed toward America, while only Source: Spring 2017 Global Attitudes Survey. Q12a.
64% of Muslims share that view. And in PEW RESEARCH CENTER
Lebanon, 59% of Christians favor the U.S.,
while just 36% of Sunni Muslims and 7% of
Shia Muslims do.

An eroding image Views of U.S. mostly down, up in Russia

Favorable view of U.S.
America’s standing in the world’s eyes has
Beginning of
changed markedly in a very short period of End of Obama Trump
presidency* presidency Change
time. In more than half of the 37 nations % %
surveyed, positive views of the U.S. Mexico 66 30 -36
Ghana 89 59 -30
experienced double-digit drops in 2017.
Chile 68 39 -29
Spain 59 31 -28
In 10 countries, majorities had positive views Netherlands 63 37 -26
Senegal 80 55 -25
of the U.S. in the recent past, but now the share Sweden 69 45 -24
of the public that is favorable toward the U.S. is Brazil 73 50 -23
Canada 65 43 -22
in the minority. For example, in Mexico, U.S.
Germany 57 35 -22
favorability has roughly halved, down 36 points Tanzania 78 57 -21
from 66% to 30%. Peru 70 51 -19
France 63 46 -17
Japan 72 57 -15
In 14 nations the decline in U.S. favorability Tunisia 42 27 -15
Philippines 92 78 -14
has been significant, but the U.S. nevertheless
Indonesia 62 48 -14
retains support from half or more of the public. Colombia 64 51 -13
In Japan, for instance, positive views of the Australia 60 48 -12
Italy 72 61 -11
U.S. have declined 15 points, but 57% of UK 61 50 -11
Japanese still favor the U.S. Turkey 29 18 -11
South Korea 84 75 -9
Kenya 63 54 -9
Finally, there are three countries in which Argentina 43 35 -8
America has not enjoyed majority support for South Africa 60 53 -7
India 56 49 -7
some time, so any decline this year only made Lebanon 39 34 -5
things worse. In Turkey, where positive Venezuela 51 47 -4
assessment of the U.S. is down 11 points, it was Poland 74 73 -1
Israel 81 81 0
already quite low (29%) in 2015. Hungary 62 63 +1
Jordan 14 15 +1
Nigeria 66 69 +3
In only eight countries are views of America
Greece 38 43 +5
largely unchanged in recent years. Vietnam 78 84 +6
Russia 15 41 +26
*Obama presidency figures are based on the most recently available
data for each country between 2014 and 2016.
Source: Spring 2017 Global Attitudes Survey. Q12a.

There has been a large

improvement in U.S. European views of the U.S. on the decline
image in only one Views of U.S.
nation: Russia, where
the favorable view of
America is up 26 points,
67 65 66 65
from 15% in 2015 to 41% 60 62 61
in 2017. 60 55
The shift in views of
America has been 42

particularly notable in 31 30
26 28 27 27 26
several European 25
countries. In 2016 a
median of 61% held a 0
2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017
favorable opinion across
Bush Obama Trump
France, Germany,
Poland, Spain and the Note: Percentages are five-country medians based on France, Germany, Poland, Spain and the UK.
UK, compared with 26% Source: Spring 2017 Global Attitudes Survey. Q12a.
who had an unfavorable
assessment. In 2017 the
medians among these countries are 46% positive, 52% negative. This is the first time since 2008,
the last year of the George W. Bush presidency, that these European publics have voiced more
unfavorable than favorable views of the U.S.

In some European countries, America’s image has also suffered more among women than men.
From 2016 to 2017, favorable ratings of the U.S. in Sweden fell 37 points among women and 14
points among men. In Germany, it declined 28 points among women and 13 points among men.
And it declined 23 points among French women and 13 points among French men.

Americans well liked

Views of Americans mostly positive, except
Over the past 16 years, whatever their views in Middle East
of the United States and whoever sits in the Views of Americans
White House, global publics have often Unfavorable Favorable
Canada 30% 65%
maintained a favorable impression of
Americans. Sweden 15 80
Poland 10 74
UK 16 74
Today, a median of 58% in 37 nations say France 24 73
Netherlands 25 71
they look favorably on Americans. The Hungary 24 65
Italy 28 64
American people are particularly well Germany 29 64
thought of in most of the Asia-Pacific Greece 34 63
Spain 32 56
region: 86% of South Koreans and MEDIAN 25 68
Vietnamese, 85% of Filipinos, and 75%
Russia 38 56
each of Australians and Japanese have a
South Korea 9 86
positive view. Europeans are also well Vietnam 12 86
disposed toward Americans: 80% of Philippines 12 85
Japan 17 75
Swedes, 74% of the Poles and British, 73% Australia 21 75
of the French and 71% of the Dutch say they India 10 56
Indonesia 40 50
hold a favorable opinion. Even 56% of MEDIAN 12 75
Russians rate Americans positively. Israel 22 76
Lebanon 55 43
Jordan 61 37
Majorities in all six African countries Tunisia 50 37
surveyed see Americans favorably, Turkey 67 24
MEDIAN 55 37
including 70% of Nigerians. But these
Nigeria 20 70
numbers are down significantly in four of Kenya 24 58
the five nations surveyed in both 2017 and Senegal 24 58
Ghana 20 57
2013, the last time this question was asked. Tanzania 24 57
The falloff has been 27 points in Ghana, 21 South Africa 26 55
MEDIAN 24 58
points in both Kenya and Senegal, and 11
Colombia 28 56
points in South Africa. Peru 31 55
Brazil 28 53
Venezuela 31 50
Latin Americans voice more mixed views of Chile 35 48
Americans. Half or more of Colombians Mexico 50 41
Argentina 35 39
(56%), Peruvians (55%), Brazilians (53%) MEDIAN 31 50
and Venezuelans (50%) are positive about GLOBAL MEDIAN 26 58
their neighbors to the north. But only 48%
Source: Spring 2017 Global Attitudes Survey. Q12b.
of Chileans, 41% of Mexicans and 39% of PEW RESEARCH CENTER
Argentines agree. Moreover, since 2013,
positive opinion of Americans has fallen 18
points in Mexico and 16 points in both Brazil and Chile.

Americans do not enjoy a positive image in the Middle East, except in Israel, where 76% say they
have a favorable view of people in the U.S. Only 43% in Lebanon, 37% in both Jordan and Tunisia
and 24% in Turkey express warmth for Americans. Low favorability has generally been the case in
these nations except in Lebanon, where Americans enjoyed widespread approval for a decade
between 2003 and 2013 only to have positive sentiment fall 15 points between 2013 and 2017.

Mixed views of American soft

power Limited support globally for the spread
of U.S. ideas and customs
Soft power describes the ability of a nation to It’s __ that American ideas and customs are spreading
attract and persuade others through the here

appeal of its values, ideas and culture. Bad Good

Canada 58% 32%
American soft power has long been seen as a
Italy 38 47
core strength for the U.S. However, the Sweden 47 47
Center’s latest survey suggests that publics Hungary 42 47
Poland 43 44
around the globe do not equally embrace the Greece 54 41
UK 50 38
elements of U.S. soft power. France 62 36
Netherlands 62 32
Spain 63 31
To begin with, publics in most nations do not Germany 67 26
MEDIAN 52 40
think it is good that American ideas and
Russia 63 27
customs are spreading to their country.
Vietnam 16 71
Japan 25 62
Europeans are particularly wary. Among the Philippines 34 62
South Korea 36 54
10 EU countries surveyed, no majorities Australia 58 33
support such Americanization. Only about a India 49 23
Indonesia 78 15
third of the Dutch (32%) and Spanish (31%) MEDIAN 36 54
and a quarter of the Germans (26%) say the Israel 35 53
proliferation of this U.S. soft power is a good Lebanon 60 36
Tunisia 60 34
thing. Jordan 82 15
Turkey 82 13
MEDIAN 60 34
Similarly, only a quarter of Russians (27%) South Africa 39 52
approve of the spread of American ideas and Nigeria 47 51
Kenya 48 47
customs. Ghana 58 38
Senegal 55 38
Tanzania 71 27
There is even less public appreciation for MEDIAN 52 43

American ideas and customs in Latin America. Colombia 45 48

Brazil 47 45
A median of just 39% think their spread is a Venezuela 51 42
good thing. Mexicans (26%) and Argentines Peru 52 39
Chile 62 33
(25%) are particularly unenthusiastic, with Mexico 70 26
Argentina 68 25
Mexican sentiment down 15 points since 2013. MEDIAN 52 39

In sub-Saharan Africa, roughly half in South
Source: Spring 2017 Global Attitudes Survey. Q31.
Africa (52%) and Nigeria (51%) think the
spread of American influence is a good thing,
but only a quarter of the public in Tanzania
(27%) agrees. Since 2013, support for U.S. ideas and customs has fallen 32 points in Senegal and
13 points in Kenya.

Israel (53%) is the only country surveyed in the

Middle East where there is widespread support Young more supportive of American
for this aspect of U.S. soft power. Just 15% in customs coming to their countries
Jordan and 13% in Turkey share that view. And It’s good that American ideas and customs are spreading
in both those countries such anti-
Americanization sentiment has not changed 18-29 30-49 50+ oldest gap
much over the years. % % %
Japan 87 67 52 +35
Brazil 65 39 37 +28
Publics in the Asian-Pacific region are generally
Spain 52 29 24 +28
more positive toward American ideas and
Russia 44 29 16 +28
customs. Seven-in-ten Vietnamese (71%) and Hungary 63 48 39 +24
62% of both Japanese and Filipinos say the South Korea 69 54 47 +22
spread of such American attributes is a good France 52 36 30 +22
thing for their country. Over half of South Sweden 59 53 39 +20
Koreans (54%) agree. But just a third of Argentina 37 23 17 +20
Australians (33%) and 15% of Indonesians say Kenya 53 44 34 +19
Germany 37 31 18 +19
these aspects of American soft power are
Ghana 46 35 28 +18
Poland 56 42 40 +16
Nigeria 54 52 38 +16
In many countries, the appeal of U.S. ideas and Australia 42 34 26 +16
customs is strongest among the young. In 21 of Chile 42 33 27 +15
37 countries, those ages 18 to 29 are more likely Venezuela 48 43 35 +13
than those 50 and older to say such Lebanon 42 37 29 +13
Americanization is a good thing for their Netherlands 42 31 29 +13
society. This generation gap is quite large in Mexico 31 26 19 +12
India 28 22 16 +12
Japan (35 points), Spain, Russia and Brazil (all
Note: All differences shown are statistically significant.
28 points) and Hungary (24 points). There is Source: Spring 2017 Global Attitudes Survey. Q31.
also a 12-point young-old divide in Mexico, PEW RESEARCH CENTER

despite the fact that only 26% of the overall

public thinks sees the spread of American ideas
and customs as good.

Mixed reactions to U.S.-style

democracy American ideas about democracy
receive mixed reviews across the world
Globally, publics – even those in well- I __ American ideas about democracy
established, liberal democracies – express Dislike Like
diverse views of American democratic ideas. Canada 55% 36%

Italy 32 53
Hungary 29 52
In Europe, a median of only 42% like Poland 29 47
UK 44 43
American notions of democracy. This includes Netherlands 48 42
34% in France and 37% in Germany. Such Spain 51 41
Greece 53 40
support is down 9 percentage points in France Sweden 56 38
Germany 56 37
and 8 points in Germany since 2012, the last France 64 34
MEDIAN 50 42
time this question was asked in Europe. About
half of the public in both Italy (53%) and Russia 58 30
Hungary (52%) expresses support for U.S.- South Korea 16 78
Vietnam 21 69
style democracy. The British, meanwhile, are Japan 26 63
divided: 43% like and 44% dislike their former Philippines 38 57
Australia 50 43
colonial subjects’ ideas about democracy. Indonesia 53 35
India 31 30
MEDIAN 31 57
In Latin America, U.S.-style democracy fails to Israel 26 65
earn majority support in any of the seven Lebanon 46 52
Jordan 51 43
countries surveyed. Only 25% of Mexicans and Tunisia 51 41
Turkey 65 23
28% of Argentines like American democratic MEDIAN 51 43
ideas. And since 2013 the share of the public Nigeria 28 67
that expresses approval for such American Kenya 34 60
Ghana 32 57
concepts is down 18 points in Mexico and Senegal 36 53
South Africa 36 53
Brazil, 13 points in Chile and 10 points in Tanzania 52 42
MEDIAN 35 55
Venezuela 43 45
Brazil 45 43
Africans generally find American-style Peru 46 42
Colombia 53 39
democracy appealing. Half or more in five of Chile 59 30
Argentina 59 28
the six countries surveyed in that region like Mexico 68 25
this aspect of U.S. soft power. At the same MEDIAN 53 39

time, backing for U.S. democratic ideas has GLOBAL MEDIAN 46 43

fallen sharply in a number of African nations Source: Spring 2017 Global Attitudes Survey. Q32.
even though a majority still supports them. PEW RESEARCH CENTER

Support is down 24 points in Senegal, 22

points in Kenya and 16 points in Ghana.

In the Asia-Pacific region majorities in South Korea (78%), Vietnam (69%), Japan (63%) and the
Philippines (57%) also like American democratic ideas. But only about a third of Indonesians
(35%) concur.

Middle Eastern countries are slightly more supportive of U.S. ideas about democracy than they are
about the spread of other American ideas and customs. Nearly two-thirds of Israelis (65%) like
these ideas, as do roughly half of Lebanese (52%). More people dislike than like such U.S. ideas in
Jordan and Tunisia, though four-in-ten Jordanians (43%) and Tunisians (41%) do express
support. Only the Turks (23%) have little faith in U.S.-style democracy.

In 13 of the nations surveyed, men are significantly more likely than women to express admiration
for American democratic ideas. This gender gap is particularly large in Australia (21 points: men
54%, women 33%), Sweden (20 points: men 48%, women 28%), Nigeria (17 points: men 76%,
women 59%), Ghana (16 points: men 66%, women 50%), Germany (16 points: men 45%, women
29%) and Greece (15 points: men 48%, women 33%).

U.S. protection of individual rights

A median of 54% in 37 countries think that the
United States government respects the personal Global publics believe France, U.S.
freedoms of its own people. respect civil liberties
Do you think the government of __ respects the personal
freedoms of its people?
In comparison, a median of 61% say France
No Yes
protects such rights, but 31% say Russia does
and just 25% think China respects these France 19% 61%

liberties. Such median views of the U.S.

performance mask wide regional differences, U.S. 39 54
Russia 42 31
Most publics in the Asia-Pacific region
overwhelmingly see the U.S. as a defender of China 56 25
civil liberties. This includes 87% of Vietnamese,
Note: Percentages are global medians based on 37 countries.
84% of South Koreans, 73% of Filipinos and
Source: Spring 2017 Global Attitudes Survey. Q27a-d.
69% of Japanese. Only 42% of Indians laud U.S. PEW RESEARCH CENTER
defense of personal freedoms, but that may be
because 45% don’t know or refuse to answer.

America’s reputation as a defender of individual rights is also quite strong in some parts of Africa,
where 77% of Nigerians and 68% of Kenyans say “yes,” the U.S. respects personal freedoms. But
even though 60% of Ghanaians agree, that share is down 19 points since 2015. And just 44% of
Tanzanians see U.S. behavior on civil liberties in a positive light, down 21 points from 2015.

Many Latin Americans do not see the U.S. as a protector of personal freedoms. A median of just
45% in the region say the U.S. respects its own people’s rights, including just 35% in Argentina and
32% in Mexico. This part of America’s soft-power image has taken a particular hit in Chile, where
it is down 34 points since 2015, and in Mexico, where it is down 24 points.

Europeans are divided in their views of the

U.S. as a guarantor of civil liberties, but Shifting European views about U.S.
opinions vary widely across the region. Fully protection of personal freedoms
70% of Hungarians and 65% of Italians think Do you think the government of the United States
respects the personal freedoms of its people?
America respects the personal freedoms of its
people. But only 43% of Swedes and 38% of 100 %

Spanish respondents agree. This relatively low Yes 76

level of trust in the U.S. is not a recent 69
phenomenon. America’s reputation as a
52 53 50
guardian of people’s rights may have been
affected by revelations in June 2013 that the
U.S. National Security Agency had listened in 42 45
on telephone conversations, even those of 30
European leaders. And in a number of No 18
European countries that reputation has not 0
recovered. The share of publics in both France 2008 2011 2014 2017

and Germany who say the U.S. respects the Note: Percentages are five-country medians based on France,
Germany, Poland, Spain and the UK.
personal freedoms of its people is down 31 Source: Spring 2017 Global Attitudes Survey. Q27b.
points since immediately before the PEW RESEARCH CENTER

revelations in 2013. Now only about half of

French and Germans see America as a
defender of civil rights. (For more global opinions on American electronic surveillance, see
“Global Opposition to U.S. Surveillance and Drones, but Limited Harm to America’s Image.”)

Notably, six-in-ten Russians (61%) think the U.S. respects the personal freedoms of Americans.
Such sentiment is up 20 points from 2015, when 41% held that view.

In 11 of the 37 countries surveyed, perceptions of America’s record on domestic civil liberties differ
by gender. Women are less likely than men to say the U.S. government respects the personal
freedoms of its own people in Sweden, where the gender gap is 21 points (54% of men, 33% of
women), in Canada (19 points: 55% of men, 36% of women), France (15 points: 57% of men, 42%
of women), Colombia (14 points: 53% of men, 39% of women), the UK (13 points: 60% of men,
47% of women), Mexico (12 points: 38% of men, 26% of women) and Germany (12 points: 54% of
men, 44% of women).

Broad affection for American pop American entertainment very popular in

culture many places
I like American music, movies and television
For most people around the world, U.S.
movies, music and television are a popular Canada 88%
aspect of the American brand. Half or more of Sweden 88
the public in 30 of 37 nations surveyed say Netherlands 82
Poland 79
they like U.S. cultural products. And this has UK 77
Spain 76
been the case in most countries since the Hungary 75
question was first asked in 2002. Germany 74
Italy 74
France 72
It is notable, however, that in the six Muslim- Greece 71
majority nations surveyed, a median of just
Russia 56
40% find American pop culture appealing.
Australia 80
Japan 73
Europeans overwhelmingly embrace American Philippines 73
cinema, TV programs and music. This includes South Korea 69
Vietnam 57
88% of Swedes and 82% of the Dutch, publics Indonesia 37
India 26
that were divided over or opposed to the MEDIAN 69
spread of U.S. ideas and customs and
Israel 66
American ideas about democracy. Lebanon 62
Turkey 45
Jordan 43
Eight-in-ten Australians and roughly seven-in- Tunisia 37
ten Japanese, Filipinos and South Koreans like
U.S. cultural products. Only 37% of South Africa 76
Nigeria 58
Indonesians find them appealing. Notably, Ghana 53
Indonesians are also overwhelmingly opposed Kenya 51
Tanzania 43
to the spread of U.S. ideas and customs. Senegal 36

A median of 60% of Latin Americans find Venezuela 67

Argentina 65
American cinema, music and TV to their Brazil 64
liking. This includes roughly two-thirds of Chile 60
Mexico 57
Venezuelans (67%) and Argentines (65%), two Colombia 54
countries where half or more of the public say Peru 50
the spread of American ideas and customs is
Source: Spring 2017 Global Attitudes Survey. Q33.
African attitudes toward American cultural
products vary. For example, they are well liked
in South Africa (76%), but only roughly half that share in Senegal (36%) finds them appealing.

In the Middle East, the appeal of U.S. movies, music and TV is low: A median of only 45% say they
like American cultural exports. The exceptions in this region are Israel (66%) and Lebanon (62%).

In almost every country, young people tend to like American pop culture more than older people.
And the age gap is often quite substantial, even in those nations where both young and old find
American movies, music and television attractive. The median young-old difference over 37
societies is 25%. This includes generational differences of 57 points in Vietnam, 39 points in
Russia and Brazil, 36 points in France and 34 points in Colombia.

2. Worldwide, few confident Low confidence in Trump worldwide

in Trump or his policies How much confidence do you have in U.S. President
Donald Trump to do the right thing regarding world
Relatively few people across the globe have
confidence in U.S. President Donald Trump to No confidence Confidence
Canada 75% 22%
do the right thing when it comes to world
Spain 92 7
affairs. And some of his most prominent policy Sweden 90 10
proposals – such as building a wall between Germany 87 11
France 86 14
the U.S. and Mexico, withdrawing from trade Netherlands 81 17
and climate agreements, and restricting people Greece 76 19
UK 75 22
from some Muslim-majority countries from Italy 66 25
Poland 57 23
entering the U.S. – are deeply unpopular. Hungary 57 29
Opposition to the United States’ possible MEDIAN 79 18
withdrawal from the Iran nuclear agreement is Russia 35 53
less intense worldwide, and such a move
South Korea 78 17
would be welcomed by a majority of the public Japan 72 24
Australia 70 29
in Jordan and Israel. Indonesia 57 23
Vietnam 29 58
Philippines 23 69
In terms of personal characteristics, Trump is India 16 40
seen by most publics around the world as MEDIAN 57 29

arrogant, intolerant and even dangerous. At Jordan 83 9

Turkey 82 11
the same time, he is seen by sizable Lebanon 77 15
percentages as a strong leader. Tunisia 67 18
Israel 42 56
MEDIAN 77 15
Despite widespread unease over the new U.S.
Senegal 57 26
president’s character and his policies, the South Africa 45 39
Kenya 41 51
prevailing view across the publics surveyed is Tanzania 40 51
that the relationship between the U.S. and Nigeria 29 58
Ghana 25 49
their country will not change during Trump’s MEDIAN 41 50
tenure. Those who do anticipate change,
Mexico 93 5
however, are more likely to expect relations to Chile 81 12
Colombia 80 15
worsen rather than improve, particularly in Peru 77 17
Western Europe. Argentina 76 13
Brazil 75 14
Venezuela 74 20
MEDIAN 77 14


Source: Spring 2017 Global Attitudes Survey. Q30a.


With Trump in office, confidence in U.S. president drops precipitously

Across the 37 countries surveyed in 2017, a median of only 22% say that they have at least some
confidence in Trump to do the right thing regarding world affairs. Almost three-quarters (74%)
have little to no confidence in the new U.S. leader.

Trump’s greatest support in the current poll comes from Filipinos, 69% of whom say they have
confidence in the U.S. president. Other publics in which more than half offer a positive opinion of
him include a diverse array of countries such as Nigeria (58%), Vietnam (58%), Israel (56%) and
Russia (53%).

In contrast, only 5% in Mexico and 7% in Spain have confidence in Trump. He gets consistently
low ratings across Latin America and Europe, where medians of only 14% and 18% respectively
have confidence in him.

Around the globe, confidence in the U.S. president is at some of the lowest levels measured by Pew
Research Center over the past decade and a half.

Looking back to earlier in the century, President George W. Bush’s ratings fell in the aftermath of
the Iraq invasion in 2003 and never fully recovered in some countries. Across 26 countries the
Center surveyed near the end of his term, from 2007 to 2008, a median of only 27% had
confidence in Bush’s ability to handle international affairs. This included 2% in Turkey, 7% in
Jordan and Argentina and 8% in Spain. However, he did retain relatively strong support in sub-
Saharan Africa, including 72% confidence in Kenya and 69% in Ghana as of 2007.

In 2009, with the election of Barack Obama, ratings for the U.S. president soared in many
countries, especially in Europe and Asia. And despite a dip in confidence in some nations
coinciding with increased use of drone strikes and the 2013 spying scandal with the U.S. National
Security Agency, by 2015 and 2016 Obama had retained or improved upon most of his global
support. Across the 37 countries surveyed in that time period, he enjoyed a median confidence
rating of 64%. This included support from roughly nine-in-ten or more in the Philippines (94%),
Sweden (93%), the Netherlands (92%) and South Korea (88%). However, despite concerted efforts
to improve America’s image in the Middle East, only 14% in Jordan, 27% in Tunisia and 36% in
Lebanon expressed a positive view of his leadership. Additionally, only 11% in Russia had
confidence in Obama by 2015.

With the election of Donald Trump, confidence in the U.S. president’s ability to do the right thing
regarding world affairs has plummeted in many of the countries surveyed, often back to levels that
are similar to or lower than what Bush received in many countries. And in every country surveyed
– except Russia (where confidence rose 42 percentage points) and Israel (+7 points) – Trump’s
ratings are lower than Obama’s at the end of his term. This includes precipitous drops of as many
as 83 percentage points in Sweden, 75 points in Germany and 71 points in South Korea. Even in
Kenya and Ghana, where about half have confidence in Trump, his ratings are significantly lower
than those of either Obama or Bush.

For a complete trend on views of the U.S. president over time, see Appendix A.

Trump’s image up slightly in Europe from 2016

Although strong majorities across Europe have little to no confidence in President Trump,
opinions of Trump have lifted slightly in a handful of countries since he was a presidential
candidate. For example, in spring 2016, when Trump had not yet secured the Republican
nomination for president and Pew Research Center surveyed publics in Europe, Asia and Canada,
only 12% in the UK had confidence in Trump’s international abilities. But in 2017, 22% now have
confidence in Trump, a rise of 10 percentage points. A similar jump occurred in the Netherlands
(+10), as well as in Canada (+8), Japan (+15)
and Australia (+18) outside of Europe.

Views of Trump also improved between 2016

and 2017 in Greece (+16), Hungary (+9) and
Poland (+8), but those changes might be on
account of the large number of people who did
not answer the question in 2016. For example,
42% of Poles had no opinion of Trump in 2016
vs. 21% in 2017.

Confidence in Trump differs by

gender and ideology
In some countries in Europe and the Asia-
Pacific, men are more likely than women to say
they have confidence in President Trump to
handle international affairs. The biggest gender
gaps in attitudes toward the new U.S. president
are found in Canada, the UK and Japan. Men in
Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden,
Australia and South Korea are also more likely
than women in those countries to express
confidence in Trump.

There are also significant ideological differences

for confidence in Trump in many of the countries
surveyed. For example, among people on the
right in Australia, 51% have confidence in
Trump’s ability to handle international affairs,
compared with only 8% among Australians on
the left.

There are also stark divides on confidence in Trump among people of different races, ethnicities
and religious affiliations in a few countries surveyed. In Lebanon, for example, a third of
Christians say they have confidence in Trump’s international leadership abilities, compared with
only 12% among Sunni Muslims and 0% among Lebanese Shia. A similar pattern holds in Israel,
where 64% of Jews have confidence in his ability to lead, compared with only a quarter of Arabs.
And in Nigeria, seven-in-ten Christians have confidence in Trump compared with less than half
(46%) among Nigerian Muslims.

Trump also gets greater

confidence from supporters of
populist parties on the
ideological right in Europe. For
example, among people in
France who have a favorable
view of Marine Le Pen’s National
Front, 39% have confidence in
Trump, compared with only 6%
confidence among those with an
unfavorable view of the right-
wing party. Similar divides exist
among United Kingdom
Independence Party (UKIP)
supporters and detractors in the
UK; Lega Nord in Italy; PVV
(Geert Wilders’ Party for
Freedom) in the Netherlands;
Sweden Democrats; and the
Alternative for Germany Party
(AfD). However, even among
these right-wing party
supporters, among no group is
there majority confidence in

Global reaction to Trump’s Around world, strong opposition to

international policies proposed U.S.-Mexico border wall
__ of President Donald Trump’s proposed policy to build
As a candidate and newly elected president,
a wall on the border between the U.S. and Mexico
Donald Trump has either taken or promised
Disapprove Approve
action on a number of important policy fronts Canada 84% 13%
with international ramifications. Generally,
Hungary 49 35
publics around the world disapprove of the Poland 63 18
Greece 78 18
policy directions that Trump has embraced. Italy 73 17
UK 83 12
France 89 10
Border wall Netherlands 88 9
Germany 89 8
Trump’s proposal to erect a wall along the Spain 92 7
border between Mexico and the U.S. generates Sweden 94 5
MEDIAN 86 11
the greatest opposition in the countries
Russia 47 35
surveyed. Globally, a median of 76%
disapprove of building the wall, while only 16% Vietnam 49 35
Philippines 61 28
approve. Publics in Europe and Latin America India 29 25
are the most negative, with a median of about Australia 78 19
Indonesia 57 19
85% in both regions voicing disapproval. In Japan 78 15
Mexico, 94% oppose building a wall on their South Korea 83 12
MEDIAN 61 19
Jordan 46 44
Israel 44 42
The idea of building a wall between the U.S. Tunisia 60 20
Lebanon 66 14
and Mexico receives the greatest support Turkey 63 12
among Jordanians (44% approve) and Israelis MEDIAN 60 20
(42%), but even in these countries, public Nigeria 50 38
opinion is split on the issue. Kenya 61 33
South Africa 55 32
Tanzania 61 31
In North America and Europe, men are more Ghana 64 29
Senegal 77 12
likely than women to support building a MEDIAN 61 32
physical wall between the U.S. and Mexico. Peru 78 16
Australia has the largest gender gap in Brazil 76 15
Venezuela 79 14
approval ratings for the border wall: 26% of Argentina 83 11
men vs. 12% of women support Trump’s Chile 86 10
Colombia 89 8
announced intention. Mexico 94 5
MEDIAN 83 11


Source: Spring 2017 Global Attitudes Survey. Q38b.


Climate accord
Few want U.S. to withdraw from climate
Prior to the actual decision by the Trump agreements
administration to withdraw from the Paris __ of President Donald Trump’s proposed policy to
climate accord, a median of roughly seven-in- withdraw support for international climate change
ten (71%) worldwide said they would agreements

disapprove of such a move. Disapprove Approve

Canada 79% 15%

Italy 67 18
In 32 of the 37 countries polled, majorities
Poland 52 17
oppose the U.S. pulling out of climate change UK 80 14
Hungary 75 13
agreements. Western European publics object Greece 82 11
strongly; nine-in-ten or more in Germany France 90 9
Netherlands 91 8
(93%), Sweden (93%), the Netherlands (91%), Spain 91 8
Spain (91%) and France (90%) disapprove of Sweden 93 6
Germany 93 5
such a step by the U.S. MEDIAN 86 10

Russia 49 27
In Africa and the Asia-Pacific region, publics
India 25 32
react less harshly to the idea of the U.S. Indonesia 47 31
withdrawing from climate agreements. A Vietnam 62 26
Philippines 68 25
regional median of 30% in Africa and 25% in Australia 77 19
the Asia-Pacific region approve of such a Japan 72 13
South Korea 78 13
move. MEDIAN 68 25

Tunisia 58 21
Israel 69 19
Jordan 72 19
Turkey 57 15
Lebanon 74 14
MEDIAN 69 19

South Africa 50 36
Nigeria 61 32
Kenya 65 30
Tanzania 65 29
Ghana 70 23
Senegal 81 10
MEDIAN 65 30

Peru 65 29
Colombia 71 22
Venezuela 73 21
Brazil 69 19
Mexico 77 19
Argentina 70 18
Chile 79 14
MEDIAN 71 19


Source: Spring 2017 Global Attitudes Survey. Q38a.


International trade agreements Majorities in most countries oppose U.S.

In his first week in office, President Trump withdrawing from trade agreements
signed an executive order withdrawing the __ of President Donald Trump’s proposed policy to
withdraw U.S. support for major trade agreements
U.S. from the Trans-Pacific Partnership free-
Disapprove Approve
trade agreement (TPP), following through on Canada 78% 15%
part of his promise to remove the U.S. from Hungary 63 18
several international trade agreements. Italy 66 18
Greece 71 17
Majorities in 32 of the 37 countries polled UK 72 17
oppose America’s withdrawal from such France 83 15
Poland 59 14
agreements. Germany 81 13
Netherlands 88 10
Spain 85 10
Globally, a median of 72% disapprove of Sweden 90 5
MEDIAN 77 15
Trump’s proposal to withdraw the U.S. from
Russia 49 28
international trade pacts. Roughly eight-in-ten
in Canada (78%) and Mexico (80%) disagree Indonesia 45 34
Vietnam 61 26
with this policy; both nations are TPP India 28 24
Philippines 72 22
members, and many Canadians and Mexicans Australia 73 19
see the North American Free Trade Agreement Japan 66 16
South Korea 80 12
(NAFTA) as a good thing for their country. MEDIAN 66 22
Other TPP member countries feel similarly Israel 58 24
about the U.S. backing away from trade Tunisia 60 20
Turkey 50 20
agreements, with roughly a quarter or fewer in Lebanon 74 16
Jordan 83 12
Vietnam (26%), Peru (21%), Australia (19%), MEDIAN 60 20
Japan (16%) and Chile (11%) supporting this
South Africa 50 35
policy. Kenya 65 32
Nigeria 64 32
Tanzania 63 30
As is the case for many of his other policies, Ghana 72 20
Senegal 78 14
Trump’s proposal to withdraw the U.S. from MEDIAN 65 31
trade agreements is met with the strongest Peru 72 21
opposition in Europe (median of 77%). Colombia 74 19
Venezuela 73 19
Argentina 69 18
Brazil 71 17
Mexico 80 14
Chile 81 11
MEDIAN 73 18


Source: Spring 2017 Global Attitudes Survey. Q38d.


Restricting immigration
Substantial opposition to proposed
Majorities in only three of the 37 countries
restrictions on entry to U.S. from
surveyed approve of moves by President
majority-Muslim nations
Trump to restrict immigration from some
__ of President Donald Trump’s proposed policy to
Muslim-majority countries. Globally, a median introduce tighter restrictions on those entering the U.S.
of 62% reject this policy stance – nearly twice from some majority-Muslim countries
the percentage that support it. Disapprove Approve
Canada 64% 31%

Hungary 20 70
About one-third support the travel ban in Poland 27 56
Europe (a median of 36%), Africa (35%), Latin Greece 49 45
Italy 45 44
America (32%) and Asia (31%). Majorities in France 62 37
UK 58 35
Hungary (70%) and Poland (56%) back Germany 65 32
tightening restrictions on people entering the Netherlands 68 28
Spain 72 24
U.S. from some Muslim-majority countries. Sweden 78 20
MEDIAN 60 36
More than four-in-ten in Vietnam (47%),
Russia 32 53
Australia (45%), Greece (45%) and Italy (44%)
also approve of the proposal. Vietnam 39 47
Australia 53 45
India 24 37
Philippines 62 31
A majority of Israelis (63%) and more than South Korea 62 31
Japan 65 25
half of Russians (53%) also support this policy. Indonesia 67 17
In comparison, these policies receive extreme MEDIAN 62 31
disapproval in Jordan (96%) and Lebanon Israel 32 63
Tunisia 73 19
(88%), both Muslim-majority countries with Turkey 77 12
large refugee populations. Similarly, a strong Lebanon 88 7
Jordan 96 4
majority in Senegal (82%) – where more than MEDIAN 77 12
90% of the population is Muslim – also Nigeria 52 41
Ghana 55 39
disagrees with Trump’s policy to tighten South Africa 50 38
restrictions on people entering the U.S. from Kenya 66 31
Tanzania 67 28
some Muslim-majority countries. Senegal 82 11
MEDIAN 61 35

Religious and ethnic divides on the proposed Peru 55 36

Chile 56 35
ban also emerge in some countries. For Argentina 55 33
Venezuela 58 32
example, Muslims in Nigeria and Lebanon are Brazil 61 28
Colombia 64 28
much more likely to disapprove of the Muslim Mexico 76 17
ban than are Christians in each country. And MEDIAN 58 32

in Israel, views of this policy diverge strongly GLOBAL MEDIAN 62 32

along ethnic lines. Among Israeli Jews, 76% Source: Spring 2017 Global Attitudes Survey. Q38e.
approve of the proposed ban, compared with PEW RESEARCH CENTER
only 12% of Israeli Arabs.

In many countries, those on the right of the

political spectrum are more likely to approve In most countries, those on the right more
of Trump’s intention to restrict entry from
likely to support Trump’s proposed travel
Muslim-majority countries than those in the
Approve of President Donald Trump’s proposed policy to
center or on the left. In Israel, this ideological
introduce tighter restrictions on those entering the U.S.
divide is especially large: 83% of those on the from some majority-Muslim countries
right approve of this policy, compared with Right-left
Left Center Right diff
only 21% of those on the left – a 62-
% % %
percentage-point difference. Australians show
Israel 21 59 83 +62
the second-largest ideological gap: 64% of
Australia 15 44 64 +49
those on the right but only 15% of those on 11 35 52 +41
the left approve of the travel ban, for a 49- Italy 32 40 71 +39
point ideological gap. France 16 32 51 +35
Canada 13 29 44 +31
Germany 17 32 48 +31
Greece 31 51 56 +25
Spain 15 21 36 +21
Hungary 60 72 80 +20
Netherlands 15 27 35 +20
Chile 25 38 42 +17
Sweden 12 14 29 +17
Venezuela 27 29 42 +15
South Korea 28 28 39 +11

Note: Only statistically significant differences shown.

Source: Spring 2017 Global Attitudes Survey. Q38e.

Iran nuclear deal

Mixed support for U.S. withdrawal from
As a candidate, Donald Trump publicly Iran nuclear deal
indicated his intention to withdraw support __ of President Donald Trump’s proposed policy to
from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, withdraw U.S. support from the Iran nuclear weapons
informally known as the Iran nuclear deal. agreement

Globally, a median of only 34% approve of Disapprove Approve

Canada 60% 25%
such an initiative, while 49% disapprove.
Hungary 42 36
Italy 45 33
Greece 50 33
Nations in the Middle East voice more support Spain 61 31
than other regions: A median of 42% across France 62 31
Poland 40 27
the region favor the U.S. backing out of the Netherlands 68 26
UK 58 25
Iran deal. The public in Israel (67%), where Sweden 63 21
Germany 71 20
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and MEDIAN 60 29
other government officials have opposed the
Russia 38 38
deal from the onset, displays the strongest
Vietnam 46 38
support for the U.S. abandoning the current Indonesia 38 37
Philippines 56 34
agreement with Iran. A majority of Jordanians Japan 48 29
(59%) also approves. India 25 27
South Korea 63 25
Australia 58 24
MEDIAN 48 29
In Russia, one of the nations involved in the
Israel 26 67
negotiations for the Iran agreement, the public Jordan 37 59
is split on this issue: 38% approve of the U.S. Lebanon 49 42
Tunisia 41 37
withdrawing support for the deal while Turkey 42 29
MEDIAN 41 42
another 38% disapprove. Opposition is high,
Nigeria 48 45
though, in the other countries involved in Tanzania 49 43
negotiations. Majorities in the UK (58%), Ghana 49 42
South Africa 49 35
France (62%) and Germany (71%) do not want Kenya 56 34
Senegal 61 26
the U.S. to back out of the deal. MEDIAN 49 39

Chile 47 42
Brazil 47 41
Peru 54 39
Venezuela 52 38
Argentina 47 37
Colombia 58 33
Mexico 58 32
MEDIAN 52 38


Source: Spring 2017 Global Attitudes Survey. Q38c.


Trump seen as strong leader, but not well-qualified

Survey respondents were read a list of four positive and three negative characteristics, and were
asked whether each was something that described President Trump. Among the positive
characteristics tested, Trump gets his highest marks for being a strong leader. Half or more in 23
of the countries surveyed say this about him. Across 37 countries, a median of 55% describe him as
strong. Even in places where confidence in Trump is low, such as in Latin America and parts of
Europe, majorities say that Trump displays strong leadership.

Across the other three positive characteristics tested, Trump fares less well. When asked whether
Trump is charismatic, in only 10 nations do half or more say this describes the U.S. president, with
a global median of 39% holding this view. Trump gets his highest marks for charisma in places
where people have confidence in him, such as Israel (71%), Vietnam (68%) and Russia (62%). But
he also gets relatively high marks on charisma in places with lower confidence in him, such as
Hungary (58%), Poland (53%) and France (52%) in Europe and South Korea (62%) and Japan
(54%) in Asia.

In 14 countries, men are more likely than women to see Trump as charismatic. For example, in
Sweden, 51% of men see Trump as charismatic compared with only 32% among Swedish women.

On whether Trump is well-qualified to be president of the U.S., most publics say that he is not. A
median of only 26% see Trump as qualified. The strongest support for Trump’s qualifications
comes from Vietnam, the Philippines, Russia, Ghana and Nigeria. Across Europe, the Middle East
and Latin America, as well as most of Asia, few see Trump as well-qualified, including only 6% of
Germans, 11% of Mexicans and 15% of Japanese.

In 12 nations, men are more likely than women to see Trump as well-qualified. For example, 29%
of men in Australia say that Trump is qualified, compared with only 16% of Australian women.

Trump based much of his presidential campaign on connecting with “ordinary” Americans, but
when asked whether they think Trump cares about ordinary people, a global median of only 23%
say that he does.

Majority worldwide say Trump is a strong leader, but few describe him as
well-qualified or caring
Do you think of U.S. President Donald Trump as __?

Well-qualified to Caring about

A strong leader Charismatic be president ordinary people

Canada 38% 37% 16% 23%

Italy 62 43 25 23
Poland 62 53 24 29
Hungary 60 58 39 33
Spain 58 47 13 14
Greece 55 35 33 20
France 54 52 21 18
Germany 44 37 6 13
Sweden 41 42 10 13
UK 39 39 16 28
Netherlands 32 31 12 23

Russia 67 62 62 53

Vietnam 72 68 71 54
Philippines 69 51 67 54
Japan 51 54 15 24
Indonesia 49 23 22 18
South Korea 47 62 18 19
Australia 45 39 22 30
India 42 22 41 28

Israel 69 71 54 40
Tunisia 48 41 41 16
Lebanon 43 34 28 12
Turkey 40 21 27 12
Jordan 30 7 18 6

Senegal 70 48 48 27
Nigeria 69 52 66 55
Ghana 67 45 67 52
Kenya 54 49 53 44
Tanzania 51 39 47 39
South Africa 47 38 41 38

Chile 81 25 21 7
Colombia 79 22 24 13
Venezuela 78 28 44 21
Mexico 77 11 11 8
Argentina 73 25 26 9
Peru 73 23 32 19
Brazil 64 19 24 17

GLOBAL MEDIAN 55 39 26 23

Source: Spring 2017 Global Attitudes Survey. Q37a, b, d, f.


World sees arrogance as Trump’s most defining characteristic

Across all the characteristics tested, positive and negative, President Trump is most likely to be
described as arrogant. Across the 37 nations, a median of 75% say this. Half or more in 29 of these
countries consider Trump arrogant, with this sentiment especially common in Europe, Latin
America, the Middle East and parts of Asia. This includes 94% in Spain, 93% in Canada, 92% in
Jordan and 91% in Mexico.

Many also describe Trump as intolerant, with a global median of 65% expressing this view. In 28
countries, half or more say that Trump is intolerant. Once again, the countries most likely to
describe Trump in this way are in Europe and Latin America, but also many in the Middle East
and Asia share this view.

When asked whether they think of Trump as

dangerous or not, a median of 62% across the Those on ideological left more likely to
world say that he is. In 26 nations, half or more see Trump as dangerous
consider him a danger. These fears are most % saying they think of U.S. President Donald Trump as
evident in Mexico (83%), but also acute across
most of Europe and Latin America. In contrast, Left-right
Left Center Right diff
only around a third or less of Russians,
% % %
Nigerians, Ghanaians and Indians describe
Australia 91 71 57 +34
Trump as dangerous.
Israel 63 47 30 +33
Canada 87 74 60 +27
Ideology is often linked to whether publics see Poland 62 50 40 +22
Trump as dangerous. In many of the European UK 84 75 63 +21
countries, as well as Australia, South Korea, Italy 63 67 42 +21
Israel and Canada, those who place themselves Greece 64 61 45 +19
on the left of the ideological spectrum are more Venezuela 71 61 53 +18
Netherlands 77 76 62 +15
likely to say that Trump is dangerous compared
Chile 86 83 72 +14
with those on the right. For example, 63% of
South Korea 84 78 70 +14
those on the left in Israel say Trump is
Spain 82 84 68 +14
dangerous, compared with only 30% on the Sweden 81 77 70 +11
right. France 81 85 72 +9
Note: Only statistically significant differences shown. Ideology only
In a few additional countries, such as Peru and asked in Australia, Canada, Israel, South Korea and 17 countries
across Europe and Latin America.
Brazil, it is actually those in the center Source: Spring 2017 Global Attitudes Survey. Q37c.
ideologically who are most concerned about PEW RESEARCH CENTER

Trump as a danger.

Majority of world thinks of Trump as arrogant, intolerant and dangerous

Do you think of U.S. President Donald Trump as __?

Arrogant Intolerant Dangerous

Canada 93% 78% 72%

Spain 94 84 76
France 93 83 78
Sweden 93 81 74
Netherlands 92 77 69
Germany 91 81 76
UK 89 77 69
Greece 78 70 55
Italy 77 72 58
Poland 71 57 45
Hungary 66 50 42

Russia 44 25 31

Australia 89 77 71
South Korea 85 63 76
Japan 80 62 56
Indonesia 70 64 68
Vietnam 54 42 48
Philippines 49 46 41
India 26 17 28

Jordan 91 73 62
Lebanon 77 70 66
Tunisia 71 58 71
Israel 65 59 42
Turkey 64 63 72

South Africa 53 46 41
Kenya 49 45 52
Senegal 46 50 50
Tanzania 45 48 46
Nigeria 33 47 33
Ghana 31 41 32

Mexico 91 85 83
Chile 89 80 76
Colombia 86 77 66
Argentina 82 78 70
Brazil 75 66 63
Venezuela 75 65 57
Peru 70 65 62


Source: Spring 2017 Global Attitudes Survey. Q37c, e, g.


Many anticipate little overall Many do not expect relations with U.S. to
change in relations with U.S. under change during Trump’s tenure
President Trump Now that Donald Trump is the U.S. president, over the next
few years do you think that relations between our country
Despite widespread opposition to many of the and the U.S. will ___?
Trump administration’s key policies and a lack
Get Stay about Get
of confidence in the new U.S. leader, many better the same worse
around the world believe their country’s Canada 9% 52% 37%
relationship with the U.S. will not change much Hungary 26 42 20
over the next few years. Across the nations UK 17 54 26
Greece 15 53 25
surveyed, a median of 41% say they expect their
Poland 13 50 20
country’s relations with the U.S. will stay about Italy 10 43 35
the same. A median of only 15% expect the France 6 56 38
Spain 4 51 41
relationship to improve over the next few Netherlands 2 54 42
years, while roughly twice as many (32%) Sweden 2 49 48
Germany 2 40 56
believe U.S. relations with their country will
worsen. Russia 53 31 10

India 36 11 12
Among the most optimistic are publics in Vietnam 35 41 11
Philippines 26 55 12
Africa, where a median of 27% expect relations Japan 17 34 41
between their country and the U.S. to improve South Korea 8 45 43
Indonesia 7 39 38
in the coming years. Nigeria (54%) and Ghana
Australia 7 51 40
(51%) have especially high levels of optimism.
Israel 65 22 8
Tunisia 24 38 26
Russians (53%) have similarly positive Turkey 11 40 33
expectations for the future of U.S.-Russia Jordan 9 35 52
Lebanon 8 35 46
relations. Only 10% believe the relationship
will deteriorate under President Trump. Nigeria 54 17 18
Ghana 51 17 14
Kenya 27 32 30
In the Middle East and North Africa, three South Africa 26 34 26
Senegal 24 22 42
times as many people say their relationship Tanzania 22 36 29
with the U.S. will worsen (33%) as say it will
Venezuela 26 40 26
improve (11%). Israel is an outlier in the
Argentina 17 46 29
region, with 65% of Israelis saying they Brazil 16 42 35
anticipate a better relationship with the U.S. Peru 15 54 22
Colombia 10 50 35
now that Trump is president. Chile 8 55 32
Mexico 4 26 67


Source: Spring 2017 Global Attitudes Survey. Q36.


By contrast, Mexicans are the most pessimistic about their relationship with their neighbor to the
north. Two-thirds in Mexico expect relations with the U.S. to worsen under Trump. About half that
number (a median of 32%) share that view across the seven Latin American nations surveyed.

Europeans are the most likely to think that their relationship with the U.S. will not change over the
next few years; roughly half (51%) across 10 European countries assert this view. Yet, a majority in
Germany (56%) and almost half in Sweden (48%) are pessimistic about future U.S. relations.

3. Less confidence in Trump compared with Merkel and

other world leaders
The United States occupies the world stage
with other major powers that, especially at a Merkel gets higher ratings globally than
regional level, may even rival the U.S. in terms Xi, Putin or Trump
of influence. The Center’s 2017 survey asked Confidence in ___ to do the right thing regarding world
about confidence in the leaders of three other affairs

major powers besides the U.S.: German No Don't

confidence know
Chancellor Angela Merkel, Chinese President
Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir 42% 31% 18%
Putin. Of the four, President Donald Trump is
the least trusted to do the right thing when it
Xi Jinping 28 53 20
comes to world affairs. Overall, a global
median of 74% express no confidence in the
U.S. leader, while only 22% express confidence Putin
27 59 11
in him.
22 74 8
By contrast, Merkel enjoys fairly widespread Trump
confidence among publics in much of Europe,
Note: Percentages are global medians based on 37 countries. Xi not
Canada and Asia. This includes 89% who asked in Turkey.
Source: Spring 2017 Global Attitudes Survey. Q30a-d.
express confidence in her in the Netherlands
and Sweden. Overall, half or more in 15 of the
countries surveyed say they have confidence in
Merkel to do the right thing in international affairs.

Merkel is not trusted in Turkey (14%) and Greece (16%), both of which have experienced tensions
with Germany over economic and refugee issues.

Trump finds little support around the world, with Merkel inspiring most confidence
Confidence in ___ to do the right thing regarding world affairs
U.S. President German Chancellor Chinese President Russian President
Donald Trump Angela Merkel Xi Jinping Vladimir Putin

Canada 22% 66% 30% 19%

Hungary 29 37 14 34
Italy 25 39 15 26
Poland 23 46 5 4
UK 22 68 31 19
Greece 19 16 17 50
Netherlands 17 89 28 12
France 14 79 20 18
Germany 11 81 23 25
Sweden 10 89 22 12
Spain 7 52 10 8

Russia 53 31 53 87

Philippines 69 50 53 54
Vietnam 58 72 18 79
India 40 23 21 29
Australia 29 70 43 27
Japan 24 67 11 28
Indonesia 23 32 34 31
South Korea 17 74 38 27

Israel 56 57 28 28
Tunisia 18 48 31 32
Lebanon 15 24 43 46
Turkey 11 14 20
Jordan 9 26 33 2

Nigeria 58 42 54 39
Kenya 51 41 44 33
Tanzania 51 60 66 51
Ghana 49 45 44 36
South Africa 39 38 40 33
Senegal 26 52 53 34

Venezuela 20 14 28 22
Peru 17 23 24 24
Colombia 15 29 20 23
Brazil 14 38 22 19
Argentina 13 26 20 19
Chile 12 31 20 20
Mexico 5 30 23 19

GLOBAL MEDIAN 22 42 28 27

Source: Spring 2017 Global Attitudes Survey. Q30a-d.


Xi Jinping gets negative ratings in many of the countries surveyed. Across 10 EU countries, a
median of only 18% have confidence in the Chinese leader to do the right thing in world affairs.
Japanese (11%) and Indians (21%) also lack confidence in Xi, though a majority of Indians (56%)
do not have an opinion.

On the other hand, there is strong confidence in Xi in sub-Saharan Africa, where China has made
heavy investments over the past decade. Nearly two-thirds in Tanzania (66%) and more than half
in Nigeria (54%) and Senegal (53%) have a positive view of his international leadership. Xi also
gets significant support in Russia and the Philippines (53% each), both countries with leaders who
have pursued improved ties with China.

Putin inspires little confidence as an international leader. Roughly six-in-ten across the 37
countries surveyed say they have little or no confidence in him. Outside of Russia, only in Vietnam
(79%) does a majority say they trust Putin’s handling of world affairs. About half or more in the
Philippines (54%) and Tanzania (51%) say the same.

In Europe, with the exception of Greece, relatively few have confidence in Putin when it comes to
international affairs. Poles (4%) express the least confidence. In Canada, roughly two-in-ten (19%)
have confidence in the Russian leader.

This report is a collaborative effort based on the input and analysis of the following individuals.

Richard Wike, Director, Global Attitudes Research

Bruce Stokes, Director, Global Economic Attitudes
Jacob Poushter, Senior Researcher
Janell Fetterolf, Research Associate

James Bell, Vice President, Global Strategy

Caldwell Bishop, Research Associate
Hanyu Chwe, Research Assistant
Stefan Cornibert, Communications Manager
Danielle Cuddington, Research Analyst
Claudia Deane, Vice President, Research
Simona Griffith, Intern
Courtney Johnson, Research Associate
Michael Keegan, Information Graphics Designer
David Kent, Copy Editor
Dorothy Manevich, Research Analyst
Travis Mitchell, Digital Producer
Patrick Moynihan, Associate Director, International Research Methods
Audrey Powers, Administrative Coordinator
Ariana Rodriguez-Gitler, Digital Producer
Guilherme Russo, Research Associate
Steve Schwarzer, Research Methodologist
Laura Silver, Senior Researcher
Katie Simmons, Associate Director, Research
Rhonda Stewart, Senior Communications Manager
Kyle Taylor, Research Assistant
Margaret Vice, Senior Researcher
Benjamin Wormald, Web Developer

About the Pew Research Center’s Spring 2017 Global Attitudes Survey

Results for the survey are based on telephone and face-to-face interviews conducted under the
direction of D3 Systems, Inc., Kantar Public UK, ORB International, Princeton Survey Research
Associates International, and Voices! Research & Consultancy. The results are based on national
samples, unless otherwise noted. More details about our international survey methodology and
country-specific sample designs are available here.

Detailed information on survey methods for this report

General information on international survey research

Appendix A: Detailed Tables

U.S. favorability
Favorable view of U.S.

2000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
Canada - 72 63 - 59 - 55 - 68 - - - 64 - 68 65 43
France 62 62 42 37 43 39 39 42 75 73 75 69 64 75 73 63 46
Germany 78 60 45 38 42 37 30 31 64 63 62 52 53 51 50 57 35
Greece - - - - - - - - - - - 35 39 34 - 38 43
Hungary - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 62 63
Italy 76 70 60 - - - 53 - - - - 74 76 78 83 72 61
Netherlands - - - - 45 - - - - - - - - - - 65 37
Poland 86 79 - - 62 - 61 68 67 74 70 69 67 73 74 74 73
Spain 50 - 38 - 41 23 34 33 58 61 64 58 62 60 65 59 31
Sweden - - - - - - 46 - - - - - - - - 69 45
UK 83 75 70 58 55 56 51 53 69 65 61 60 58 66 65 61 50
Russia 37 61 37 46 52 43 41 46 44 57 56 52 51 23 15 - 41
Australia - - 59 - - - - 46 - - - - 66 - 63 60 48
India - - - - - - - - - - - - 56 55 70 56 49
Indonesia - - - - 38 30 29 37 63 59 54 - 61 59 62 - 48
Japan 77 72 - - - 63 61 50 59 66 85 72 69 66 68 72 57
Philippines - 90 - - - - - - - - - - 85 92 92 - 79
South Korea 58 52 46 - - - 58 70 78 79 - - 78 82 84 - 75
Vietnam - - - - - - - - - - - - - 76 78 - 84
Israel - - 78 - - - 78 - 71 - 72 - 83 84 81 - 81
Jordan - 25 1 5 21 15 20 19 25 21 13 12 14 12 14 - 15
Lebanon - 36 27 - 42 - 47 51 55 52 49 48 47 41 39 - 34
Tunisia - - - - - - - - - - - 45 42 42 - - 27
Turkey 52 30 15 30 23 12 9 12 14 17 10 15 21 19 29 - 18
Ghana - 83 - - - - 80 - - - - - 83 77 89 - 59
Kenya 94 80 - - - - 87 - 90 94 83 - 81 80 84 63 54
Nigeria - - - - - - - - - 81 - - 69 69 76 66 69
Senegal - - - - - - - - - - - - 81 74 80 - 55
South Africa - 65 - - - - - 60 - - - - 72 68 74 60 53
Tanzania - 53 - - - - 46 65 - - - - - 75 78 - 57
Argentina 50 34 - - - - 16 22 38 42 - - 41 36 43 - 35
Brazil - - - - - - - - - 62 62 61 73 65 73 - 50
Chile - - - - - - 55 - - - - - 68 72 68 - 39
Colombia - - - - - - - - - - - - - 64 - - 51
Mexico 68 64 - - - - 56 47 69 56 52 56 66 63 66 - 30
Peru 74 67 - - - - 61 - - - - - - 65 70 - 51
Venezuela - - - - - - - - - - - - 53 62 51 - 47
Note: 1999/2000 survey trends provided by the U.S. Department of State.
Source: Spring 2017 Global Attitudes Survey. Q12a.

Americans favorability
Favorable view of Americans

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2017
% % % % % % % % % % % % %
Canada 77 75 - 66 - 76 - 74 - - - 71 65
France 71 58 53 64 65 61 64 75 72 78 75 67 73
Germany 70 67 68 66 66 63 55 64 68 70 63 61 64
Greece - - - - - - - - - - 44 49 63
Hungary - - - - - - - - - - - - 65
Italy 73 77 - - - 62 - - - - 71 72 64
Netherlands - - - 66 - - - - - - - - 71
Poland 77 - - 68 - 63 70 72 80 74 73 68 74
Spain - 47 - 56 37 46 41 52 59 64 60 63 56
Sweden - - - - - 73 - - - - - - 80
UK 82 80 72 70 69 70 70 73 73 73 72 68 74
Russia 67 65 64 61 57 54 57 57 64 63 63 60 56
Australia - 74 - - - - 66 - - - - 71 75
India - - - - - - - - - - - 58 56
Indonesia - - - 46 36 42 45 54 55 52 - 60 50
Japan 73 - - - 82 75 65 70 75 87 80 73 75
Philippines 91 - - - - - - - - - - 85 84
South Korea 60 74 - - - 70 77 83 82 - - 80 86
Vietnam - - - - - - - - - - - - 86
Israel - 78 - - - 75 - 74 - 75 - 80 76
Jordan 54 18 21 34 39 36 36 39 44 38 31 31 37
Lebanon 47 62 - 66 - 69 74 69 66 62 61 58 43
Tunisia - - - - - - - - - - 44 38 37
Turkey 32 32 32 23 17 13 13 14 16 12 13 20 24
Ghana 80 - - - - 75 - - - - - 84 57
Kenya 79 - - - - 86 - 87 91 81 - 79 58
Nigeria - - - - - - - - 81 - - 70 70
Senegal - - - - - - - - - - - 79 58
South Africa 67 - - - - - 64 - - - - 66 55
Tanzania 52 - - - - 52 69 - - - - - 57
Argentina 32 - - - - 26 24 38 39 - - 38 39
Brazil - - - - - - - - 60 58 59 69 53
Chile - - - - - 56 - - - - - 64 48
Colombia - - - - - - - - - - - - 56
Mexico 56 - - - - 52 44 57 49 42 49 59 41
Peru 61 - - - - 59 - - - - - - 55
Venezuela - - - - - - - - - - - 52 50
Source: Spring 2017 Global Attitudes Survey. Q12b.

Confidence in U.S. presidents

Confidence in U.S. President __ to do the right thing regarding world affairs
George W. Bush Barack Obama
2001 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
Canada - 59 40 - 28 - 88 - - - 81 - 76 83 22
France 20 20 25 15 14 13 91 87 84 86 83 83 83 84 14
Germany 51 33 30 25 19 14 93 90 88 87 88 71 73 86 11
Greece - - - - - - - - - 30 35 27 - 41 19
Hungary - - - - - - - - - - - - - 58 29
Italy 33 43 - - 30 - - - - 73 76 75 77 68 25
Netherlands - - 39 - - - - - - - - - - 92 17
Poland - - 47 - 29 41 62 60 52 50 49 55 64 58 23
Spain - 26 18 7 7 8 72 69 67 61 54 58 58 75 7
Sweden - - - - 21 - - - - - - - - 93 10
UK 30 51 38 30 24 16 86 84 75 80 72 74 76 79 22
Russia - 8 28 21 18 22 37 41 41 36 29 15 11 - 53
Australia - 59 - - - 23 - - - - 77 - 81 84 29
India - - - - - - - - - - 53 48 74 58 40
Indonesia - - 19 20 14 23 71 67 62 - 53 60 64 - 23
Japan - - - 32 35 25 85 76 81 74 70 60 66 78 24
Philippines - - - - - - - - - - 84 89 94 - 69
South Korea - 36 - - 22 30 81 75 - - 77 84 88 - 17
Vietnam - - - - - - - - - - - 67 71 - 58
Israel - 83 - - 57 - 56 - 49 - 61 71 49 - 56
Jordan - 1 1 7 8 7 31 26 28 22 24 17 14 - 9
Lebanon - 17 23 - 34 33 46 43 43 39 37 35 36 - 15
Tunisia - - - - - - - - - 28 24 27 - - 18
Turkey - 8 8 3 2 2 33 23 12 24 29 24 45 - 11
Ghana - - - - 69 - - - - - 55 60 82 - 49
Kenya - - - - 72 - 94 95 86 - 81 78 80 83 51
Nigeria - - - - - - - 84 - - 53 53 73 63 58
Senegal - - - - - - - - - - 78 73 77 - 26
South Africa - - - - - 32 - - - - 74 72 77 73 39
Tanzania - - - - 40 60 - - - - - 74 78 - 51
Argentina - - - - 5 7 61 49 - - 44 31 40 - 13
Brazil - - - - - - - 56 63 68 69 52 63 - 14
Chile - - - - 29 - - - - - 56 54 60 - 12
Colombia - - - - - - - - - - - 56 - - 15
Mexico - - - - 28 16 55 43 38 42 49 40 49 - 5
Peru - - - - 29 - - - - - - 46 53 - 17
Venezuela - - - - - - - - - - 28 33 26 - 20
Source: Global Attitudes surveys.

Views of President Trump’s proposed policies

Disapprove of President Donald Trump’s proposed policy to …
Withdraw U.S. Introduce tighter
Withdraw U.S. support from restrictions on those
support for Build a wall on the the Iran nuclear Withdraw U.S. entering the U.S. from
international climate border between the weapons support for major some majority-Muslim
change agreements U.S. and Mexico agreement trade agreements countries
% % % % %
Canada 79 84 60 78 64
France 90 89 62 83 62
Germany 93 89 71 81 65
Greece 82 78 50 71 49
Hungary 75 49 42 63 20
Italy 67 73 45 66 45
Netherlands 91 88 68 88 68
Poland 52 63 40 59 27
Spain 91 92 61 85 72
Sweden 93 94 63 90 78
UK 80 83 58 72 58
Russia 49 47 38 49 32
Australia 77 78 58 73 53
India 25 29 25 28 24
Indonesia 47 57 38 45 67
Japan 72 78 48 66 65
Philippines 68 60 56 71 62
South Korea 78 83 63 80 62
Vietnam 62 49 46 61 39
Israel 69 44 26 58 32
Jordan 72 46 37 83 96
Lebanon 74 66 49 74 88
Tunisia 58 60 41 60 73
Turkey 57 63 42 50 77
Ghana 70 64 49 72 55
Kenya 65 61 56 65 66
Nigeria 61 50 48 64 52
Senegal 81 77 61 78 82
South Africa 50 55 49 50 50
Tanzania 65 61 49 63 67
Argentina 70 83 47 69 55
Brazil 69 76 47 71 61
Chile 79 86 47 81 56
Colombia 71 89 58 74 64
Mexico 77 94 58 80 76
Peru 65 78 54 72 55
Venezuela 73 79 52 73 58
Source: Spring 2017 Global Attitudes Survey. Q38a-e.

Topline Questionnaire
Pew Research Center
Spring 2017 Survey
June 26, 2017 Release

Methodological notes:

 Survey results are based on national samples. For further details on sample designs, see
Methodology section and our international survey methods database.

 Due to rounding, percentages may not total 100%. The topline “total” columns show 100%,
because they are based on unrounded numbers.

 Since 2007, the Pew Research Center has used an automated process to generate toplines
for its Global Attitudes surveys. As a result, numbers may differ slightly from those
published prior to 2007.

 Throughout this report, trends from India in 2013 refer to a survey conducted between
December 7, 2013, and January 12, 2014 (Winter 2013-2014).

 For some countries, trends for certain years are omitted due to differences in sample
design or population coverage. Omitted trends often reflect less representative samples
than more recent surveys in the same countries. Trends that are omitted include:

‐ Vietnam prior to 2014

‐ India prior to Winter 2013-2014
‐ Senegal prior to 2013
‐ Venezuela prior to 2013
‐ Brazil prior to 2010
‐ Nigeria prior to 2010
‐ South Africa in 2007
‐ Indonesia prior to 2005
‐ Poland in March 2003
‐ Russia in March 2003 and Fall 2002

 Not all questions included in the Spring 2017 survey are presented in this topline. Omitted
questions have either been previously released or will be released in future reports.

Q12a. Please tell me if you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable or very unfavorable opinion of
____. a. the United States
Somewhat Somewhat
Very favorable favorable unfavorable Very unfavorable DK/Refused Total
Canada Spring, 2017 7 36 30 21 5 100
Spring, 2016 12 53 22 8 6 100
Spring, 2015 14 54 21 5 6 100
Spring, 2013 9 55 24 6 6 100
Spring, 2009 15 53 22 6 4 100
Spring, 2007 12 43 28 14 3 100
Spring, 2005 18 41 25 12 3 100
May, 2003 24 39 21 13 3 100
Summer, 2002 24 48 19 8 3 100
France Spring, 2017 5 41 34 18 2 100
Spring, 2016 6 57 25 6 6 100
Spring, 2015 10 63 20 7 0 100
Spring, 2014 10 65 18 7 0 100
Spring, 2013 7 57 27 9 0 100
Spring, 2012 7 62 24 7 0 100
Spring, 2011 7 68 22 4 0 100
Spring, 2010 5 68 21 5 0 100
Spring, 2009 8 67 20 5 0 100
Spring, 2008 4 38 39 18 0 100
Spring, 2007 5 34 44 16 0 100
Spring, 2006 2 37 43 17 1 100
Spring, 2005 3 40 42 15 0 100
Spring, 2004 6 31 42 20 2 100
May, 2003 8 34 38 19 1 100
March, 2003 6 25 45 22 2 100
Summer, 2002 8 54 26 8 3 100
Germany Spring, 2017 3 32 50 12 3 100
Spring, 2016 5 52 32 6 6 100
Spring, 2015 2 48 36 9 4 100
Spring, 2014 4 47 39 8 3 100
Spring, 2013 5 48 36 4 6 100
Spring, 2012 6 46 39 5 4 100
Spring, 2011 4 58 32 3 3 100
Spring, 2010 5 58 31 4 3 100
Spring, 2009 4 60 26 7 3 100
Spring, 2008 3 28 53 13 4 100
Spring, 2007 2 28 47 19 4 100
Spring, 2006 2 35 46 14 3 100
Spring, 2005 4 38 44 10 5 100
Spring, 2004 3 35 49 10 3 100
May, 2003 6 39 42 12 1 100
March, 2003 4 21 41 30 4 100
Summer, 2002 9 51 31 4 4 100
Greece Spring, 2017 6 37 35 18 4 100
Spring, 2016 5 33 34 24 4 100
Spring, 2014 5 29 35 28 3 100
Spring, 2013 6 33 35 22 4 100
Spring, 2012 5 30 31 30 4 100
Hungary Spring, 2017 8 55 21 6 9 100
Spring, 2016 9 53 24 8 7 100
Italy Spring, 2017 8 53 25 6 8 100
Spring, 2016 13 59 16 7 5 100
Spring, 2015 26 57 11 3 2 100
Spring, 2014 18 60 14 4 4 100
Spring, 2013 20 56 13 3 8 100
Spring, 2012 14 60 17 5 5 100
Spring, 2007 6 47 28 10 9 100
May, 2003 13 47 27 11 2 100
March, 2003 8 26 33 26 8 100
Summer, 2002 13 57 18 5 7 100
Netherlands Spring, 2017 4 33 43 16 4 100
Spring, 2016 7 58 24 5 6 100
Spring, 2005 5 40 40 14 2 100

Q12a. Please tell me if you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable or very unfavorable opinion of
____. a. the United States
Somewhat Somewhat
Very favorable favorable unfavorable Very unfavorable DK/Refused Total
Poland Spring, 2017 11 62 12 3 14 100
Spring, 2016 8 66 13 3 10 100
Spring, 2015 12 62 15 2 9 100
Spring, 2014 11 62 16 3 7 100
Spring, 2013 9 58 21 3 10 100
Spring, 2012 9 60 21 5 6 100
Spring, 2011 7 63 16 3 10 100
Spring, 2010 14 60 17 2 6 100
Spring, 2009 7 60 18 6 9 100
Spring, 2008 6 62 20 4 8 100
Spring, 2007 12 49 25 6 9 100
Spring, 2005 11 51 18 5 14 100
Summer, 2002 14 65 10 1 10 100
Spain Spring, 2017 8 23 37 23 10 100
Spring, 2016 16 43 19 7 14 100
Spring, 2015 15 50 21 6 8 100
Spring, 2014 9 51 29 5 6 100
Spring, 2013 17 45 22 7 9 100
Spring, 2012 15 43 22 10 10 100
Spring, 2011 14 50 22 7 6 100
Spring, 2010 8 53 23 5 11 100
Spring, 2009 7 51 22 6 14 100
Spring, 2008 2 31 33 22 12 100
Spring, 2007 2 32 32 28 6 100
Spring, 2006 4 19 37 36 5 100
Spring, 2005 14 27 34 16 9 100
May, 2003 8 30 29 26 6 100
March, 2003 3 11 35 39 12 100
Sweden Spring, 2017 5 40 40 11 4 100
Spring, 2016 12 57 24 4 2 100
Spring, 2007 9 37 37 12 6 100
United Kingdom Spring, 2017 13 37 28 12 10 100
Spring, 2016 14 47 20 6 12 100
Spring, 2015 16 49 17 7 11 100
Spring, 2014 13 53 19 8 7 100
Spring, 2013 10 48 22 8 12 100
Spring, 2012 10 50 24 7 9 100
Spring, 2011 12 49 22 6 12 100
Spring, 2010 14 51 18 6 10 100
Spring, 2009 13 56 14 6 10 100
Spring, 2008 8 45 25 12 10 100
Spring, 2007 9 42 29 13 7 100
Spring, 2006 11 45 20 13 11 100
Spring, 2005 13 42 27 11 7 100
Spring, 2004 15 43 24 10 8 100
May, 2003 18 52 14 12 5 100
March, 2003 14 34 24 16 11 100
Summer, 2002 27 48 12 4 9 100
Russia Spring, 2017 7 34 36 16 6 100
Spring, 2015 4 11 32 49 4 100
Spring, 2014 4 19 37 34 6 100
Spring, 2013 9 42 30 10 9 100
Spring, 2012 11 41 25 9 13 100
Spring, 2011 13 43 26 8 10 100
Spring, 2010 9 48 26 7 10 100
Spring, 2009 6 38 33 11 12 100
Spring, 2008 12 34 28 20 7 100
Spring, 2007 8 33 32 16 11 100
Spring, 2006 9 34 28 19 10 100
Spring, 2005 9 43 31 9 8 100
Spring, 2004 9 37 29 15 11 100
May, 2003 11 26 32 23 8 100
Summer, 2002 8 53 27 6 7 100
Australia Spring, 2017 9 39 30 18 4 100
Spring, 2016 10 50 28 6 6 100
Spring, 2015 12 51 22 6 8 100
Spring, 2013 9 57 22 8 4 100
Spring, 2008 6 40 34 14 6 100
May, 2003 16 43 27 11 3 100
India Spring, 2017 21 28 6 3 42 100
Spring, 2016 33 23 9 4 31 100
Spring, 2015 44 26 5 3 22 100
Spring, 2014 30 25 9 7 29 100
Winter, 2013-2014 30 26 9 6 28 100

Q12a. Please tell me if you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable or very unfavorable opinion of
____. a. the United States
Somewhat Somewhat
Very favorable favorable unfavorable Very unfavorable DK/Refused Total
Indonesia Spring, 2017 6 42 29 14 9 100
Spring, 2015 22 40 19 7 11 100
Spring, 2014 12 47 27 6 9 100
Spring, 2013 22 39 22 9 7 100
Spring, 2011 13 41 30 10 6 100
Spring, 2010 8 51 28 6 6 100
Spring, 2009 13 50 26 4 8 100
Spring, 2008 7 30 37 16 10 100
Spring, 2007 4 25 41 25 5 100
Spring, 2006 7 23 42 25 4 100
Spring, 2005 6 32 40 17 5 100
Japan Spring, 2017 6 51 33 6 4 100
Spring, 2016 10 62 21 2 5 100
Spring, 2015 8 60 25 4 3 100
Spring, 2014 6 60 28 2 3 100
Spring, 2013 8 61 26 3 3 100
Spring, 2012 12 60 22 5 2 100
Spring, 2011 26 59 13 1 1 100
Spring, 2010 7 59 28 4 2 100
Spring, 2009 6 53 34 3 3 100
Spring, 2008 4 46 41 7 2 100
Spring, 2007 8 53 33 3 3 100
Spring, 2006 8 55 29 6 3 100
Summer, 2002 13 59 23 3 2 100
Philippines Spring, 2017 28 50 12 6 4 100
Spring, 2015 46 46 6 1 1 100
Spring, 2014 44 48 5 1 1 100
Spring, 2013 28 57 11 2 2 100
Summer, 2002 37 53 6 1 3 100
South Korea Spring, 2017 7 68 22 1 2 100
Spring, 2015 9 75 13 1 2 100
Spring, 2014 8 74 15 2 1 100
Spring, 2013 8 70 18 2 2 100
Spring, 2010 9 70 16 2 4 100
Spring, 2009 4 74 17 2 3 100
Spring, 2008 4 66 25 3 2 100
Spring, 2007 3 55 33 5 5 100
May, 2003 3 43 39 11 4 100
Summer, 2002 4 48 37 7 3 100
Vietnam Spring, 2017 32 52 10 1 4 100
Spring, 2015 37 41 11 2 10 100
Spring, 2014 27 49 13 5 6 100
Israel Spring, 2017 31 50 14 4 1 100
Spring, 2015 31 50 15 3 1 100
Spring, 2014 26 58 13 3 0 100
Spring, 2013 31 52 12 4 1 100
Spring, 2011 14 58 23 5 1 100
Spring, 2009 26 45 19 7 2 100
Spring, 2007 29 49 15 5 1 100
May, 2003 32 46 12 8 1 100
Jordan Spring, 2017 3 12 36 46 3 100
Spring, 2015 4 10 32 51 3 100
Spring, 2014 3 9 37 48 3 100
Spring, 2013 3 11 35 50 2 100
Spring, 2012 3 9 34 52 2 100
Spring, 2011 5 8 35 49 3 100
Spring, 2010 7 14 34 45 1 100
Spring, 2009 7 18 30 44 1 100
Spring, 2008 5 14 31 48 2 100
Spring, 2007 8 12 26 52 2 100
Spring, 2006 6 9 30 55 0 100
Spring, 2005 9 12 21 59 0 100
Spring, 2004 2 3 26 67 1 100
May, 2003 0 1 16 83 0 100
Summer, 2002 6 19 18 57 0 100

Q12a. Please tell me if you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable or very unfavorable opinion of
____. a. the United States
Somewhat Somewhat
Very favorable favorable unfavorable Very unfavorable DK/Refused Total
Lebanon Spring, 2017 16 18 19 45 2 100
Spring, 2015 19 20 16 44 0 100
Spring, 2014 19 22 15 42 1 100
Spring, 2013 20 27 13 40 0 100
Spring, 2012 19 29 14 35 3 100
Spring, 2011 18 31 14 35 2 100
Spring, 2010 14 38 14 33 0 100
Spring, 2009 15 40 14 31 0 100
Spring, 2008 18 33 19 30 1 100
Spring, 2007 16 31 24 28 1 100
Spring, 2005 22 20 18 40 0 100
May, 2003 8 19 23 48 2 100
Summer, 2002 9 27 21 38 6 100
Tunisia Spring, 2017 13 14 18 43 12 100
Spring, 2014 14 28 21 26 11 100
Spring, 2013 14 28 16 25 16 100
Spring, 2012 15 30 17 28 10 100
Turkey Spring, 2017 4 14 21 58 4 100
Spring, 2015 7 22 26 32 12 100
Spring, 2014 4 15 14 59 8 100
Spring, 2013 4 17 18 52 9 100
Spring, 2012 4 11 12 60 14 100
Spring, 2011 2 8 15 62 13 100
Spring, 2010 2 15 15 59 9 100
Spring, 2009 2 12 12 57 16 100
Spring, 2008 4 8 7 70 11 100
Spring, 2007 2 7 8 75 8 100
Spring, 2006 2 10 9 67 12 100
Spring, 2005 4 19 13 54 10 100
Spring, 2004 6 24 18 45 7 100
May, 2003 2 13 15 68 3 100
March, 2003 3 9 17 67 5 100
Summer, 2002 6 24 13 41 16 100
Ghana Spring, 2017 36 23 7 13 21 100
Spring, 2015 71 18 4 2 5 100
Spring, 2014 49 28 4 5 14 100
Spring, 2013 48 35 8 1 8 100
Spring, 2007 45 35 7 7 6 100
Summer, 2002 42 41 6 3 8 100
Kenya Spring, 2017 26 28 16 10 20 100
Spring, 2016 40 23 10 9 18 100
Spring, 2015 50 34 6 4 6 100
Spring, 2014 49 31 9 3 8 100
Spring, 2013 50 31 8 6 4 100
Spring, 2011 54 29 7 4 5 100
Spring, 2010 71 23 2 1 3 100
Spring, 2009 68 22 2 1 5 100
Spring, 2007 43 44 8 3 3 100
Summer, 2002 45 35 10 5 5 100
Nigeria Spring, 2017 41 28 9 11 10 100
Spring, 2016 40 26 11 7 16 100
Spring, 2015 53 23 6 6 12 100
Spring, 2014 38 31 7 9 15 100
Spring, 2013 38 31 12 8 12 100
Spring, 2010 49 32 9 5 5 100
Senegal Spring, 2017 12 43 20 9 16 100
Spring, 2015 51 29 5 3 12 100
Spring, 2014 45 29 6 5 16 100
Spring, 2013 58 23 4 1 14 100
South Africa Spring, 2017 27 26 12 18 17 100
Spring, 2016 40 20 8 17 14 100
Spring, 2015 47 27 8 8 10 100
Spring, 2014 40 28 11 8 13 100
Spring, 2013 43 29 10 10 7 100
Spring, 2008 28 32 8 16 16 100
Summer, 2002 31 34 9 19 8 100
Tanzania Spring, 2017 21 36 12 13 18 100
Spring, 2015 52 26 6 4 12 100
Spring, 2014 42 33 7 7 12 100
Spring, 2008 35 30 11 10 14 100
Spring, 2007 20 26 15 24 13 100
Summer, 2002 17 36 16 10 21 100

Q12a. Please tell me if you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable or very unfavorable opinion of
____. a. the United States
Somewhat Somewhat
Very favorable favorable unfavorable Very unfavorable DK/Refused Total
Argentina Spring, 2017 10 25 22 22 22 100
Spring, 2015 9 34 28 15 15 100
Spring, 2014 8 28 30 14 20 100
Spring, 2013 11 30 28 13 19 100
Spring, 2010 9 33 27 14 17 100
Spring, 2009 6 32 26 16 20 100
Spring, 2008 3 19 29 33 17 100
Spring, 2007 3 13 31 41 11 100
Summer, 2002 9 25 26 23 17 100
Brazil Spring, 2017 9 41 30 5 15 100
Spring, 2015 18 55 17 6 5 100
Spring, 2014 8 57 22 5 9 100
Spring, 2013 13 60 19 4 5 100
Spring, 2012 10 51 23 7 9 100
Spring, 2011 10 52 22 6 11 100
Spring, 2010 7 55 24 5 8 100
Chile Spring, 2017 11 28 27 20 14 100
Spring, 2015 20 48 20 7 6 100
Spring, 2014 16 56 12 7 9 100
Spring, 2013 16 52 15 9 8 100
Spring, 2007 14 41 24 11 10 100
Colombia Spring, 2017 9 42 21 17 12 100
Spring, 2014 27 37 12 10 15 100
Mexico Spring, 2017 5 25 23 42 7 100
Spring, 2015 15 51 23 6 4 100
Spring, 2014 17 46 16 15 7 100
Spring, 2013 19 47 19 11 4 100
Spring, 2012 12 44 21 13 9 100
Spring, 2011 6 46 32 9 7 100
Spring, 2010 13 43 21 14 9 100
Spring, 2009 15 54 18 9 5 100
Spring, 2008 13 34 25 19 9 100
Spring, 2007 10 46 26 15 3 100
Summer, 2002 15 49 15 10 10 100
Peru Spring, 2017 10 41 22 16 11 100
Spring, 2015 20 50 15 3 12 100
Spring, 2014 12 53 17 6 13 100
Spring, 2007 12 49 20 11 7 100
Summer, 2002 22 45 14 5 15 100
Venezuela Spring, 2017 15 32 13 22 18 100
Spring, 2015 20 31 17 24 8 100
Spring, 2014 28 34 15 16 6 100
Spring, 2013 20 33 12 25 10 100

Q12b. Please tell me if you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable or very unfavorable opinion of
____. b. Americans
Somewhat Somewhat
Very favorable favorable unfavorable Very unfavorable DK/Refused Total
Canada Spring, 2017 11 54 24 6 5 100
Spring, 2013 14 57 19 4 6 100
Spring, 2009 17 57 15 5 6 100
Spring, 2007 21 55 15 6 3 100
Spring, 2005 23 43 21 9 4 100
May, 2003 32 43 16 5 4 100
Summer, 2002 21 56 13 6 4 100
France Spring, 2017 9 64 17 7 2 100
Spring, 2013 6 61 25 8 0 100
Spring, 2012 10 65 21 4 0 100
Spring, 2011 8 70 18 3 0 100
Spring, 2010 6 66 23 4 0 100
Spring, 2009 8 67 21 5 0 100
Spring, 2008 7 57 26 10 0 100
Spring, 2007 7 54 31 8 1 100
Spring, 2006 5 60 27 8 0 100
Spring, 2005 5 59 29 7 1 100
Spring, 2004 5 48 30 13 3 100
May, 2003 13 45 29 13 1 100
Summer, 2002 10 61 21 5 3 100
Germany Spring, 2017 8 56 26 3 7 100
Spring, 2013 7 54 29 2 8 100
Spring, 2012 6 57 28 4 5 100
Spring, 2011 8 62 23 1 6 100
Spring, 2010 7 61 23 2 7 100
Spring, 2009 4 60 22 5 9 100
Spring, 2008 7 48 29 5 11 100
Spring, 2007 10 53 26 7 5 100
Spring, 2006 5 61 22 4 7 100
Spring, 2005 9 57 20 4 11 100
Spring, 2004 9 59 20 5 6 100
May, 2003 15 52 23 7 4 100
Summer, 2002 12 58 20 3 7 100
Greece Spring, 2017 10 53 27 7 2 100
Spring, 2013 8 41 30 17 4 100
Spring, 2012 6 38 27 26 3 100
Hungary Spring, 2017 8 57 20 4 11 100
Italy Spring, 2017 11 53 24 4 8 100
Spring, 2013 17 55 15 3 10 100
Spring, 2012 13 58 19 5 5 100
Spring, 2007 6 56 21 7 10 100
May, 2003 19 58 12 5 6 100
Summer, 2002 12 61 15 4 7 100
Netherlands Spring, 2017 13 58 21 4 5 100
Spring, 2005 9 57 27 4 3 100
Poland Spring, 2017 11 63 9 1 16 100
Spring, 2013 8 60 19 1 11 100
Spring, 2012 11 62 18 3 6 100
Spring, 2011 9 65 13 2 11 100
Spring, 2010 15 65 13 2 5 100
Spring, 2009 7 65 16 4 9 100
Spring, 2008 8 62 18 3 8 100
Spring, 2007 11 52 22 4 11 100
Spring, 2005 13 55 14 3 16 100
Summer, 2002 12 65 11 1 11 100
Spain Spring, 2017 14 42 21 11 13 100
Spring, 2013 16 47 20 7 11 100
Spring, 2012 16 44 21 7 11 100
Spring, 2011 15 49 20 7 9 100
Spring, 2010 8 51 20 5 17 100
Spring, 2009 5 47 21 4 23 100
Spring, 2008 2 39 24 15 19 100
Spring, 2007 6 40 27 18 10 100
Spring, 2006 4 33 33 18 11 100
Spring, 2005 16 40 22 8 15 100
May, 2003 11 36 25 16 13 100
Sweden Spring, 2017 20 60 14 1 4 100
Spring, 2007 21 52 16 2 9 100

Q12b. Please tell me if you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable or very unfavorable opinion of
____. b. Americans
Somewhat Somewhat
Very favorable favorable unfavorable Very unfavorable DK/Refused Total
United Kingdom Spring, 2017 19 55 13 3 10 100
Spring, 2013 13 55 16 3 12 100
Spring, 2012 14 58 14 4 10 100
Spring, 2011 18 55 12 4 12 100
Spring, 2010 19 54 11 3 12 100
Spring, 2009 17 56 12 3 11 100
Spring, 2008 13 57 14 5 11 100
Spring, 2007 16 54 16 4 10 100
Spring, 2006 20 49 16 5 10 100
Spring, 2005 18 52 18 4 8 100
Spring, 2004 20 52 14 5 9 100
May, 2003 27 53 9 5 5 100
Summer, 2002 24 58 8 3 8 100
Russia Spring, 2017 9 47 29 9 6 100
Spring, 2013 11 49 23 7 10 100
Spring, 2012 12 51 19 6 12 100
Spring, 2011 13 50 19 6 11 100
Spring, 2010 11 53 21 5 10 100
Spring, 2009 9 48 23 8 12 100
Spring, 2008 12 45 22 12 9 100
Spring, 2007 8 46 26 8 11 100
Spring, 2006 11 46 23 11 10 100
Spring, 2005 10 51 23 6 11 100
Spring, 2004 13 51 17 8 11 100
May, 2003 17 48 18 7 10 100
Summer, 2002 9 58 21 3 9 100
Australia Spring, 2017 16 59 17 4 4 100
Spring, 2013 10 61 20 3 7 100
Spring, 2008 12 54 21 4 9 100
May, 2003 19 55 17 2 6 100
India Spring, 2017 30 26 8 2 33 100
Winter, 2013-2014 25 33 10 8 24 100
Indonesia Spring, 2017 6 44 29 11 9 100
Spring, 2013 15 45 22 9 9 100
Spring, 2011 9 43 29 9 9 100
Spring, 2010 5 50 31 6 8 100
Spring, 2009 7 47 31 5 10 100
Spring, 2008 7 38 32 12 11 100
Spring, 2007 4 38 39 13 6 100
Spring, 2006 6 30 42 18 5 100
Spring, 2005 8 38 37 9 8 100
Japan Spring, 2017 13 62 16 1 8 100
Spring, 2013 8 65 19 2 6 100
Spring, 2012 13 67 14 2 3 100
Spring, 2011 23 64 10 0 3 100
Spring, 2010 8 67 18 3 4 100
Spring, 2009 9 61 23 2 4 100
Spring, 2008 5 60 27 3 4 100
Spring, 2007 11 64 18 1 5 100
Spring, 2006 16 66 13 3 2 100
Summer, 2002 10 63 22 2 4 100
Philippines Spring, 2017 28 57 9 3 3 100
Spring, 2013 23 62 12 2 2 100
Summer, 2002 33 58 6 1 2 100
South Korea Spring, 2017 7 79 9 0 5 100
Spring, 2013 7 73 13 2 5 100
Spring, 2010 7 75 13 1 4 100
Spring, 2009 3 80 13 0 3 100
Spring, 2008 3 74 19 2 2 100
Spring, 2007 3 67 23 3 4 100
May, 2003 4 70 17 3 6 100
Summer, 2002 3 57 30 5 4 100
Vietnam Spring, 2017 29 57 10 2 3 100
Israel Spring, 2017 24 52 20 2 2 100
Spring, 2013 23 57 14 4 2 100
Spring, 2011 17 58 16 7 2 100
Spring, 2009 27 47 16 7 3 100
Spring, 2007 26 49 19 3 2 100
May, 2003 30 48 12 5 5 100

Q12b. Please tell me if you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable or very unfavorable opinion of
____. b. Americans
Somewhat Somewhat
Very favorable favorable unfavorable Very unfavorable DK/Refused Total
Jordan Spring, 2017 6 31 34 27 2 100
Spring, 2013 4 27 36 29 3 100
Spring, 2012 7 24 36 31 2 100
Spring, 2011 9 29 30 31 2 100
Spring, 2010 12 32 28 26 2 100
Spring, 2009 10 29 26 34 1 100
Spring, 2008 9 27 35 28 2 100
Spring, 2007 6 30 32 30 3 100
Spring, 2006 3 36 31 30 1 100
Spring, 2005 9 25 27 39 0 100
Spring, 2004 4 17 40 33 6 100
May, 2003 3 15 36 46 0 100
Summer, 2002 21 33 17 29 1 100
Lebanon Spring, 2017 15 28 24 31 2 100
Spring, 2013 27 31 12 29 1 100
Spring, 2012 27 34 10 26 2 100
Spring, 2011 24 38 9 26 2 100
Spring, 2010 21 45 12 22 0 100
Spring, 2009 23 46 14 17 0 100
Spring, 2008 21 53 10 16 1 100
Spring, 2007 25 44 14 17 1 100
Spring, 2005 32 34 18 14 1 100
May, 2003 21 41 21 17 1 100
Summer, 2002 14 33 22 24 7 100
Tunisia Spring, 2017 15 22 14 36 13 100
Spring, 2013 10 28 20 21 22 100
Spring, 2012 13 31 20 24 12 100
Turkey Spring, 2017 6 18 23 44 9 100
Spring, 2013 4 16 22 46 12 100
Spring, 2012 3 10 13 56 17 100
Spring, 2011 1 11 21 53 14 100
Spring, 2010 2 14 18 52 15 100
Spring, 2009 2 12 13 52 21 100
Spring, 2008 3 10 11 59 17 100
Spring, 2007 1 12 14 63 10 100
Spring, 2006 2 15 14 55 14 100
Spring, 2005 4 19 17 46 14 100
Spring, 2004 6 26 21 33 15 100
May, 2003 5 27 17 43 8 100
Summer, 2002 6 26 12 38 18 100
Ghana Spring, 2017 33 24 6 14 23 100
Spring, 2013 46 38 8 1 7 100
Spring, 2007 37 38 10 6 9 100
Summer, 2002 39 41 8 3 8 100
Kenya Spring, 2017 32 26 15 9 18 100
Spring, 2013 43 36 9 7 4 100
Spring, 2011 46 35 10 4 5 100
Spring, 2010 63 28 5 1 3 100
Spring, 2009 63 24 5 2 5 100
Spring, 2007 40 46 8 3 2 100
Summer, 2002 45 34 8 7 5 100
Nigeria Spring, 2017 40 30 9 11 10 100
Spring, 2013 34 36 12 7 11 100
Spring, 2010 44 37 9 5 5 100
Senegal Spring, 2017 14 44 16 8 18 100
Spring, 2013 55 24 5 2 15 100
South Africa Spring, 2017 27 28 11 15 18 100
Spring, 2013 31 35 13 12 9 100
Spring, 2008 26 38 10 12 14 100
Summer, 2002 30 37 8 17 9 100
Tanzania Spring, 2017 22 35 12 12 18 100
Spring, 2008 37 32 9 7 14 100
Spring, 2007 20 32 14 18 16 100
Summer, 2002 16 36 15 10 23 100
Argentina Spring, 2017 10 29 20 15 25 100
Spring, 2013 8 30 30 10 21 100
Spring, 2010 6 33 25 14 22 100
Spring, 2009 6 32 25 15 23 100
Spring, 2008 2 22 24 28 23 100
Spring, 2007 3 23 28 30 17 100
Summer, 2002 5 27 23 20 25 100

Q12b. Please tell me if you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable or very unfavorable opinion of
____. b. Americans
Somewhat Somewhat
Very favorable favorable unfavorable Very unfavorable DK/Refused Total
Brazil Spring, 2017 5 48 23 5 19 100
Spring, 2013 9 60 21 4 5 100
Spring, 2012 9 50 24 7 10 100
Spring, 2011 7 51 24 6 11 100
Spring, 2010 5 55 26 4 9 100
Chile Spring, 2017 11 37 22 13 17 100
Spring, 2013 14 50 17 8 11 100
Spring, 2007 11 45 24 7 12 100
Colombia Spring, 2017 9 47 18 10 17 100
Mexico Spring, 2017 5 36 23 27 9 100
Spring, 2013 15 44 24 10 7 100
Spring, 2012 9 40 25 15 11 100
Spring, 2011 4 38 36 16 7 100
Spring, 2010 10 39 26 13 13 100
Spring, 2009 11 46 26 10 7 100
Spring, 2008 9 35 27 19 11 100
Spring, 2007 10 42 30 12 6 100
Summer, 2002 11 45 19 13 12 100
Peru Spring, 2017 9 46 18 13 13 100
Spring, 2007 9 50 18 9 14 100
Summer, 2002 16 45 13 6 20 100
Venezuela Spring, 2017 16 34 13 18 19 100
Spring, 2013 17 35 16 21 12 100

Q27a. Do you think the government of ____ respects the personal freedoms of its
people or don’t you think so? a. China
No, does not
Yes, respects respect personal
personal freedoms freedoms DK/Refused Total
Canada Spring, 2017 12 79 9 100
Spring, 2016 10 78 12 100
Spring, 2015 5 86 9 100
Spring, 2013 13 76 12 100
France Spring, 2017 9 88 2 100
Spring, 2016 8 90 3 100
Spring, 2015 7 93 0 100
Spring, 2014 12 88 1 100
Spring, 2013 14 86 0 100
Spring, 2008 7 93 0 100
Germany Spring, 2017 7 88 5 100
Spring, 2016 4 93 3 100
Spring, 2015 6 92 2 100
Spring, 2014 6 91 4 100
Spring, 2013 9 87 4 100
Spring, 2008 13 84 3 100
Greece Spring, 2017 22 68 10 100
Spring, 2016 23 64 12 100
Spring, 2014 21 69 10 100
Spring, 2013 25 63 13 100
Hungary Spring, 2017 21 63 17 100
Spring, 2016 23 64 13 100
Italy Spring, 2017 14 73 12 100
Spring, 2016 17 74 10 100
Spring, 2015 8 83 8 100
Spring, 2014 8 84 8 100
Spring, 2013 7 82 11 100
Netherlands Spring, 2017 10 86 4 100
Spring, 2016 6 90 4 100

Q27a. Do you think the government of ____ respects the personal freedoms of its
people or don’t you think so? a. China
No, does not
Yes, respects respect personal
personal freedoms freedoms DK/Refused Total
Poland Spring, 2017 8 73 19 100
Spring, 2016 8 76 17 100
Spring, 2015 11 77 12 100
Spring, 2014 14 72 13 100
Spring, 2013 14 76 10 100
Spring, 2008 7 84 9 100
Spain Spring, 2017 15 75 9 100
Spring, 2016 6 87 8 100
Spring, 2015 7 88 5 100
Spring, 2014 9 83 8 100
Spring, 2013 11 84 5 100
Spring, 2008 11 77 12 100
Sweden Spring, 2017 5 90 5 100
Spring, 2016 3 96 1 100
United Kingdom Spring, 2017 12 77 11 100
Spring, 2016 9 84 8 100
Spring, 2015 9 82 9 100
Spring, 2014 15 75 10 100
Spring, 2013 15 71 14 100
Spring, 2008 12 77 11 100
Russia Spring, 2017 56 30 14 100
Spring, 2015 52 28 20 100
Spring, 2014 46 32 23 100
Spring, 2013 47 30 24 100
Spring, 2008 39 39 22 100
Australia Spring, 2017 12 81 6 100
Spring, 2016 9 83 8 100
Spring, 2015 11 81 8 100
Spring, 2013 17 74 8 100
Spring, 2008 13 78 8 100
India Spring, 2017 25 30 44 100
Spring, 2016 27 33 40 100
Spring, 2015 29 36 35 100
Spring, 2014 24 28 47 100
Winter, 2013-2014 25 38 36 100
Indonesia Spring, 2017 56 28 16 100
Spring, 2015 60 20 20 100
Spring, 2014 51 30 19 100
Spring, 2013 60 26 14 100
Spring, 2008 57 26 17 100
Japan Spring, 2017 9 85 6 100
Spring, 2016 7 88 5 100
Spring, 2015 3 93 4 100
Spring, 2014 4 89 7 100
Spring, 2013 5 88 7 100
Spring, 2008 6 88 6 100
Philippines Spring, 2017 52 37 11 100
Spring, 2015 48 45 7 100
Spring, 2014 37 50 12 100
Spring, 2013 51 44 5 100

Q27a. Do you think the government of ____ respects the personal freedoms of its
people or don’t you think so? a. China
No, does not
Yes, respects respect personal
personal freedoms freedoms DK/Refused Total
South Korea Spring, 2017 18 77 5 100
Spring, 2015 15 81 4 100
Spring, 2014 21 73 6 100
Spring, 2013 25 68 6 100
Spring, 2008 23 69 8 100
Vietnam Spring, 2017 39 52 9 100
Spring, 2015 34 53 13 100
Spring, 2014 43 42 15 100
Israel Spring, 2017 25 68 8 100
Spring, 2015 25 64 11 100
Spring, 2014 26 68 6 100
Spring, 2013 24 67 9 100
Jordan Spring, 2017 55 38 7 100
Spring, 2015 47 41 12 100
Spring, 2014 50 40 10 100
Spring, 2013 48 41 11 100
Spring, 2008 43 46 11 100
Lebanon Spring, 2017 66 24 9 100
Spring, 2015 67 22 10 100
Spring, 2014 63 25 12 100
Spring, 2013 68 20 12 100
Spring, 2008 48 37 15 100
Tunisia Spring, 2017 56 29 15 100
Spring, 2014 54 21 25 100
Spring, 2013 53 19 28 100
Turkey Spring, 2017 27 47 26 100
Spring, 2015 16 58 27 100
Spring, 2014 40 38 22 100
Spring, 2013 23 47 29 100
Spring, 2008 30 31 39 100
Ghana Spring, 2017 52 18 30 100
Spring, 2015 69 18 13 100
Spring, 2014 60 13 27 100
Spring, 2013 49 25 26 100
Kenya Spring, 2017 62 20 18 100
Spring, 2016 67 21 12 100
Spring, 2015 66 23 11 100
Spring, 2014 74 10 15 100
Spring, 2013 51 21 28 100
Nigeria Spring, 2017 71 12 17 100
Spring, 2016 63 14 23 100
Spring, 2015 62 17 21 100
Spring, 2014 49 12 39 100
Spring, 2013 63 9 29 100
Senegal Spring, 2017 50 22 28 100
Spring, 2015 47 21 32 100
Spring, 2014 51 11 37 100
Spring, 2013 59 10 32 100

Q27a. Do you think the government of ____ respects the personal freedoms of its
people or don’t you think so? a. China
No, does not
Yes, respects respect personal
personal freedoms freedoms DK/Refused Total
South Africa Spring, 2017 46 34 20 100
Spring, 2016 44 44 13 100
Spring, 2015 40 33 27 100
Spring, 2014 31 37 33 100
Spring, 2013 44 29 26 100
Spring, 2008 37 30 33 100
Tanzania Spring, 2017 53 31 15 100
Spring, 2015 54 23 23 100
Spring, 2014 59 23 18 100
Spring, 2008 65 18 16 100
Argentina Spring, 2017 20 55 25 100
Spring, 2015 25 54 21 100
Spring, 2014 17 43 40 100
Spring, 2013 26 37 37 100
Spring, 2008 22 50 28 100
Brazil Spring, 2017 25 60 15 100
Spring, 2015 28 62 11 100
Spring, 2014 24 62 15 100
Spring, 2013 38 51 11 100
Chile Spring, 2017 19 70 11 100
Spring, 2014 20 51 29 100
Spring, 2013 25 49 26 100
Colombia Spring, 2017 19 66 15 100
Spring, 2014 14 50 36 100
Mexico Spring, 2017 31 55 15 100
Spring, 2015 32 51 17 100
Spring, 2014 25 44 31 100
Spring, 2013 34 39 27 100
Spring, 2008 33 44 22 100
Peru Spring, 2017 29 56 14 100
Spring, 2015 32 50 18 100
Spring, 2014 29 46 26 100
Venezuela Spring, 2017 42 39 19 100
Spring, 2015 45 32 23 100
Spring, 2014 47 32 21 100
Spring, 2013 52 26 22 100

Q27b. Do you think the government of ____ respects the personal freedoms of its
people or don’t you think so? b. the United States
No, does not
Yes, respects respect personal
personal freedoms freedoms DK/Refused Total
Canada Spring, 2017 45 49 6 100
Spring, 2016 57 37 6 100
Spring, 2015 54 39 7 100
Spring, 2013 75 20 5 100
France Spring, 2017 49 49 1 100
Spring, 2016 44 51 4 100
Spring, 2015 52 47 0 100
Spring, 2014 69 30 0 100
Spring, 2013 80 20 0 100
Spring, 2008 65 35 0 100
Germany Spring, 2017 50 45 5 100
Spring, 2016 53 42 5 100
Spring, 2015 43 53 4 100
Spring, 2014 58 38 4 100
Spring, 2013 81 16 3 100
Spring, 2008 70 26 4 100
Greece Spring, 2017 46 48 6 100
Spring, 2016 48 46 6 100
Spring, 2014 43 53 4 100
Spring, 2013 58 36 5 100
Hungary Spring, 2017 70 21 10 100
Spring, 2016 63 26 11 100
Italy Spring, 2017 65 25 11 100
Spring, 2016 75 17 8 100
Spring, 2015 71 22 7 100
Spring, 2014 75 18 7 100
Spring, 2013 82 11 8 100
Netherlands Spring, 2017 55 42 3 100
Spring, 2016 54 41 5 100
Poland Spring, 2017 73 16 11 100
Spring, 2016 73 14 14 100
Spring, 2015 70 19 11 100
Spring, 2014 72 18 10 100
Spring, 2013 76 15 10 100
Spring, 2008 79 13 7 100
Spain Spring, 2017 38 55 7 100
Spring, 2016 48 43 9 100
Spring, 2015 50 46 5 100
Spring, 2014 57 37 6 100
Spring, 2013 69 26 5 100
Spring, 2008 49 40 11 100
Sweden Spring, 2017 43 52 5 100
Spring, 2016 47 51 2 100
United Kingdom Spring, 2017 53 40 7 100
Spring, 2016 56 36 8 100
Spring, 2015 57 35 8 100
Spring, 2014 65 28 7 100
Spring, 2013 75 18 7 100
Spring, 2008 69 24 7 100

Q27b. Do you think the government of ____ respects the personal freedoms of its
people or don’t you think so? b. the United States
No, does not
Yes, respects respect personal
personal freedoms freedoms DK/Refused Total
Russia Spring, 2017 61 29 10 100
Spring, 2015 41 43 16 100
Spring, 2014 47 36 17 100
Spring, 2013 67 16 16 100
Spring, 2008 66 19 15 100
Australia Spring, 2017 54 42 4 100
Spring, 2016 59 36 6 100
Spring, 2015 58 34 7 100
Spring, 2013 79 16 6 100
Spring, 2008 72 23 5 100
India Spring, 2017 42 13 45 100
Spring, 2016 41 21 39 100
Spring, 2015 56 14 29 100
Spring, 2014 39 19 42 100
Winter, 2013-2014 41 19 40 100
Indonesia Spring, 2017 56 31 13 100
Spring, 2015 63 21 17 100
Spring, 2014 63 23 14 100
Spring, 2013 69 20 11 100
Spring, 2008 58 26 15 100
Japan Spring, 2017 69 24 6 100
Spring, 2016 76 17 7 100
Spring, 2015 76 17 7 100
Spring, 2014 84 10 6 100
Spring, 2013 85 9 6 100
Spring, 2008 80 17 3 100
Philippines Spring, 2017 73 20 7 100
Spring, 2015 89 7 3 100
Spring, 2014 87 7 6 100
Spring, 2013 91 7 2 100
South Korea Spring, 2017 84 13 3 100
Spring, 2015 83 15 2 100
Spring, 2014 91 6 3 100
Spring, 2013 90 6 3 100
Spring, 2008 94 5 1 100
Vietnam Spring, 2017 87 6 7 100
Spring, 2015 79 7 14 100
Spring, 2014 75 11 14 100
Israel Spring, 2017 86 12 2 100
Spring, 2015 79 15 6 100
Spring, 2014 75 18 7 100
Spring, 2013 83 13 4 100
Jordan Spring, 2017 58 39 3 100
Spring, 2015 53 43 5 100
Spring, 2014 50 44 6 100
Spring, 2013 49 44 8 100
Spring, 2008 48 43 10 100
Lebanon Spring, 2017 80 19 1 100
Spring, 2015 81 15 4 100
Spring, 2014 84 13 3 100
Spring, 2013 87 10 3 100
Spring, 2008 55 36 9 100

Q27b. Do you think the government of ____ respects the personal freedoms of its
people or don’t you think so? b. the United States
No, does not
Yes, respects respect personal
personal freedoms freedoms DK/Refused Total
Tunisia Spring, 2017 66 23 12 100
Spring, 2014 70 16 14 100
Spring, 2013 64 14 22 100
Turkey Spring, 2017 45 40 14 100
Spring, 2015 36 37 27 100
Spring, 2014 49 30 20 100
Spring, 2013 48 29 22 100
Spring, 2008 47 28 24 100
Ghana Spring, 2017 60 19 20 100
Spring, 2015 79 11 9 100
Spring, 2014 67 9 24 100
Spring, 2013 69 13 18 100
Kenya Spring, 2017 68 22 9 100
Spring, 2016 76 15 8 100
Spring, 2015 75 19 6 100
Spring, 2014 72 15 12 100
Spring, 2013 72 10 18 100
Nigeria Spring, 2017 77 12 11 100
Spring, 2016 74 11 15 100
Spring, 2015 64 19 18 100
Spring, 2014 53 12 35 100
Spring, 2013 70 10 21 100
Senegal Spring, 2017 54 27 19 100
Spring, 2015 65 11 23 100
Spring, 2014 63 8 28 100
Spring, 2013 72 4 24 100
South Africa Spring, 2017 55 30 16 100
Spring, 2016 63 28 9 100
Spring, 2015 63 18 19 100
Spring, 2014 52 21 27 100
Spring, 2013 70 13 17 100
Spring, 2008 64 14 22 100
Tanzania Spring, 2017 44 43 13 100
Spring, 2015 65 18 18 100
Spring, 2014 58 23 19 100
Spring, 2008 67 18 14 100
Argentina Spring, 2017 35 49 16 100
Spring, 2015 41 44 15 100
Spring, 2014 32 32 36 100
Spring, 2013 54 19 27 100
Spring, 2008 38 46 16 100
Brazil Spring, 2017 45 44 11 100
Spring, 2015 58 34 8 100
Spring, 2014 51 39 10 100
Spring, 2013 76 17 7 100
Chile Spring, 2017 36 56 8 100
Spring, 2015 70 20 11 100
Spring, 2014 53 26 21 100
Spring, 2013 66 17 17 100
Colombia Spring, 2017 45 47 8 100
Spring, 2014 44 28 28 100

Q27b. Do you think the government of ____ respects the personal freedoms of its
people or don’t you think so? b. the United States
No, does not
Yes, respects respect personal
personal freedoms freedoms DK/Refused Total
Mexico Spring, 2017 32 63 5 100
Spring, 2015 56 33 11 100
Spring, 2014 38 37 25 100
Spring, 2013 55 25 20 100
Spring, 2008 50 37 13 100
Peru Spring, 2017 46 45 9 100
Spring, 2015 56 31 14 100
Spring, 2014 48 30 21 100
Venezuela Spring, 2017 48 42 10 100
Spring, 2015 49 34 17 100
Spring, 2014 50 33 17 100
Spring, 2013 53 29 19 100

Q27c. Do you think the government of ____ respects the personal freedoms of its
people or don’t you think so? c. France
No, does not
Yes, respects respect personal
personal freedoms freedoms DK/Refused Total
Canada Spring, 2017 71 15 14 100
France Spring, 2017 67 33 0 100
Spring, 2014 64 36 0 100
Spring, 2008 77 22 0 100
Germany Spring, 2017 84 10 6 100
Spring, 2014 74 17 9 100
Spring, 2008 86 9 5 100
Greece Spring, 2017 72 23 5 100
Spring, 2014 65 28 7 100
Hungary Spring, 2017 72 14 13 100
Italy Spring, 2017 79 11 10 100
Spring, 2014 78 13 9 100
Netherlands Spring, 2017 78 17 6 100
Poland Spring, 2017 68 15 17 100
Spring, 2014 71 15 14 100
Spring, 2008 82 9 9 100
Spain Spring, 2017 77 16 7 100
Spring, 2014 70 23 7 100
Spring, 2008 79 11 10 100
Sweden Spring, 2017 68 19 12 100
United Kingdom Spring, 2017 69 18 13 100
Spring, 2014 64 20 17 100
Spring, 2008 78 11 11 100
Russia Spring, 2017 61 24 16 100
Spring, 2014 56 20 24 100
Spring, 2008 67 15 18 100
Australia Spring, 2017 72 14 13 100
Spring, 2008 74 10 16 100
India Spring, 2017 29 17 54 100
Spring, 2014 26 17 57 100
Indonesia Spring, 2017 58 15 26 100
Spring, 2014 54 20 26 100
Spring, 2008 46 15 39 100
Japan Spring, 2017 75 9 16 100
Spring, 2014 76 6 18 100
Spring, 2008 78 9 13 100

Q27c. Do you think the government of ____ respects the personal freedoms of its
people or don’t you think so? c. France
No, does not
Yes, respects respect personal
personal freedoms freedoms DK/Refused Total
Philippines Spring, 2017 61 20 19 100
Spring, 2014 65 13 23 100
South Korea Spring, 2017 88 3 9 100
Spring, 2014 88 3 9 100
Spring, 2008 90 4 6 100
Vietnam Spring, 2017 84 3 12 100
Spring, 2014 78 6 16 100
Israel Spring, 2017 82 13 5 100
Spring, 2014 75 18 7 100
Jordan Spring, 2017 48 44 8 100
Spring, 2014 48 42 10 100
Spring, 2008 53 33 15 100
Lebanon Spring, 2017 75 24 2 100
Spring, 2014 86 10 4 100
Spring, 2008 87 11 2 100
Tunisia Spring, 2017 56 23 21 100
Spring, 2014 82 8 10 100
Turkey Spring, 2017 51 31 19 100
Spring, 2014 47 30 22 100
Spring, 2008 49 19 32 100
Ghana Spring, 2017 39 19 42 100
Spring, 2014 56 13 31 100
Kenya Spring, 2017 40 30 30 100
Spring, 2014 59 16 25 100
Nigeria Spring, 2017 53 17 30 100
Spring, 2014 41 13 46 100
Senegal Spring, 2017 33 22 45 100
Spring, 2014 60 12 28 100
South Africa Spring, 2017 31 38 31 100
Spring, 2014 33 27 40 100
Spring, 2008 48 11 41 100
Tanzania Spring, 2017 39 35 26 100
Spring, 2014 48 22 30 100
Spring, 2008 68 10 23 100
Argentina Spring, 2017 47 15 38 100
Spring, 2014 33 17 50 100
Spring, 2008 49 16 35 100
Brazil Spring, 2017 53 26 21 100
Spring, 2014 52 30 18 100
Chile Spring, 2017 53 23 24 100
Spring, 2014 49 20 31 100
Colombia Spring, 2017 52 17 30 100
Spring, 2014 32 21 47 100
Mexico Spring, 2017 48 25 27 100
Spring, 2014 25 32 43 100
Spring, 2008 45 26 29 100
Peru Spring, 2017 52 24 25 100
Spring, 2014 40 23 37 100
Venezuela Spring, 2017 51 20 29 100
Spring, 2014 46 23 31 100

Q27d. Do you think the government of ____ respects the personal freedoms of its
people or don’t you think so? d. Russia
No, does not
Yes, respects respect personal
personal freedoms freedoms DK/Refused Total
Canada Spring, 2017 15 73 12 100
France Spring, 2017 14 84 2 100
Spring, 2014 13 86 1 100
Spring, 2008 14 86 0 100
Germany Spring, 2017 14 82 4 100
Spring, 2014 8 89 3 100
Spring, 2008 16 80 5 100
Greece Spring, 2017 43 47 10 100
Spring, 2014 40 53 7 100
Hungary Spring, 2017 28 55 17 100
Italy Spring, 2017 19 68 13 100
Spring, 2014 15 72 13 100
Netherlands Spring, 2017 10 87 2 100
Poland Spring, 2017 8 82 10 100
Spring, 2014 11 80 9 100
Spring, 2008 12 79 9 100
Spain Spring, 2017 16 70 14 100
Spring, 2014 11 80 9 100
Spring, 2008 17 64 18 100
Sweden Spring, 2017 6 91 3 100
United Kingdom Spring, 2017 14 73 13 100
Spring, 2014 12 76 12 100
Spring, 2008 18 64 18 100
Russia Spring, 2017 60 33 7 100
Spring, 2015 63 29 8 100
Spring, 2014 57 32 11 100
Spring, 2008 45 44 12 100
Australia Spring, 2017 14 75 11 100
Spring, 2008 24 57 19 100
India Spring, 2017 36 13 51 100
Spring, 2014 30 15 55 100
Indonesia Spring, 2017 41 29 30 100
Spring, 2014 35 36 29 100
Spring, 2008 32 31 38 100
Japan Spring, 2017 23 61 16 100
Spring, 2014 16 70 14 100
Spring, 2008 22 63 15 100
Philippines Spring, 2017 59 21 20 100
Spring, 2014 49 26 25 100
South Korea Spring, 2017 28 56 17 100
Spring, 2014 32 55 12 100
Spring, 2008 28 52 20 100
Vietnam Spring, 2017 85 4 11 100
Spring, 2014 76 7 16 100
Israel Spring, 2017 25 66 9 100
Spring, 2014 28 59 13 100
Jordan Spring, 2017 42 47 10 100
Spring, 2014 47 40 13 100
Spring, 2008 27 60 13 100
Lebanon Spring, 2017 70 25 5 100
Spring, 2014 51 41 8 100
Spring, 2008 38 52 10 100

Q27d. Do you think the government of ____ respects the personal freedoms of its
people or don’t you think so? d. Russia
No, does not
Yes, respects respect personal
personal freedoms freedoms DK/Refused Total
Tunisia Spring, 2017 80 14 6 100
Spring, 2014 46 26 27 100
Turkey Spring, 2017 39 36 24 100
Spring, 2014 38 40 22 100
Spring, 2008 37 27 36 100
Ghana Spring, 2017 49 14 37 100
Spring, 2014 49 18 34 100
Kenya Spring, 2017 53 20 27 100
Spring, 2014 49 24 28 100
Nigeria Spring, 2017 65 13 22 100
Spring, 2014 34 15 51 100
Senegal Spring, 2017 65 17 18 100
Spring, 2014 26 21 53 100
South Africa Spring, 2017 45 25 31 100
Spring, 2014 21 35 44 100
Spring, 2008 28 25 48 100
Tanzania Spring, 2017 45 28 26 100
Spring, 2014 37 27 36 100
Spring, 2008 50 22 28 100
Argentina Spring, 2017 23 34 43 100
Spring, 2014 14 32 54 100
Spring, 2008 22 31 46 100
Brazil Spring, 2017 29 48 23 100
Spring, 2014 23 57 20 100
Chile Spring, 2017 30 46 24 100
Spring, 2014 16 49 35 100
Colombia Spring, 2017 25 39 35 100
Spring, 2014 14 37 49 100
Mexico Spring, 2017 33 38 29 100
Spring, 2014 18 38 44 100
Spring, 2008 28 38 34 100
Peru Spring, 2017 31 42 26 100
Spring, 2014 22 39 40 100
Venezuela Spring, 2017 39 33 28 100
Spring, 2014 28 40 32 100

Q30a. For each, tell me how much confidence you have in each leader to do the right thing regarding world affairs — a lot of
confidence, some confidence, not too much confidence or no confidence at all. a. U.S. President Donald Trump
Not too much No confidence at
A lot of confidence Some confidence confidence all DK/Refused Total
Canada Spring, 2017 6 16 21 54 3 100
Spring, 2016 3 11 11 69 6 100
France Spring, 2017 2 12 24 62 1 100
Spring, 2016 1 8 14 71 6 100
Germany Spring, 2017 1 10 34 53 1 100
Spring, 2016 1 5 15 74 5 100
Greece Spring, 2017 3 16 34 42 5 100
Spring, 2016 1 2 14 61 23 100
Hungary Spring, 2017 3 26 30 27 14 100
Spring, 2016 2 18 22 20 37 100
Italy Spring, 2017 4 21 33 33 9 100
Spring, 2016 5 16 24 35 20 100
Netherlands Spring, 2017 2 15 33 48 1 100
Spring, 2016 1 6 18 71 4 100
Poland Spring, 2017 3 20 36 21 21 100
Spring, 2016 1 14 23 20 42 100
Spain Spring, 2017 2 5 21 71 2 100
Spring, 2016 1 7 20 64 8 100
Sweden Spring, 2017 1 9 24 66 1 100
Spring, 2016 0 6 10 82 2 100
United Kingdom Spring, 2017 5 17 21 54 3 100
Spring, 2016 4 8 14 71 3 100
Russia Spring, 2017 18 35 27 8 11 100
Australia Spring, 2017 8 21 20 50 1 100
Spring, 2016 2 9 14 73 2 100
India Spring, 2017 17 23 10 6 45 100
Spring, 2016 4 10 10 8 67 100
Indonesia Spring, 2017 2 21 34 23 20 100
Japan Spring, 2017 2 22 52 20 4 100
Spring, 2016 2 7 33 49 9 100
Philippines Spring, 2017 21 48 12 11 8 100
South Korea Spring, 2017 3 14 48 30 6 100
Vietnam Spring, 2017 11 47 26 3 13 100
Israel Spring, 2017 18 38 27 15 2 100
Jordan Spring, 2017 2 7 18 65 8 100
Lebanon Spring, 2017 3 12 21 56 8 100
Tunisia Spring, 2017 6 12 4 63 14 100
Turkey Spring, 2017 2 9 19 63 8 100
Ghana Spring, 2017 28 21 9 16 26 100
Kenya Spring, 2017 18 33 16 25 8 100
Spring, 2016 7 17 11 27 39 100
Nigeria Spring, 2017 31 27 13 16 13 100
Spring, 2016 7 14 10 24 45 100
Senegal Spring, 2017 11 15 13 44 17 100
South Africa Spring, 2017 19 20 13 32 16 100
Spring, 2016 12 22 12 27 26 100
Tanzania Spring, 2017 18 33 17 23 9 100
Argentina Spring, 2017 4 9 19 57 10 100
Brazil Spring, 2017 4 10 13 62 12 100
Chile Spring, 2017 4 8 19 62 5 100
Colombia Spring, 2017 5 10 27 53 5 100
Mexico Spring, 2017 1 4 13 80 2 100
Peru Spring, 2017 5 12 32 45 6 100
Venezuela Spring, 2017 6 14 26 48 6 100

In 2016, asked 'U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump.'

Q30b. For each, tell me how much confidence you have in each leader to do the right thing regarding world affairs — a lot of
confidence, some confidence, not too much confidence or no confidence at all. b. Chinese President Xi Jinping
Not too much No confidence at
A lot of confidence Some confidence confidence all DK/Refused Total
Canada Spring, 2017 3 27 29 22 19 100
France Spring, 2017 3 17 34 42 5 100
Spring, 2014 5 32 33 28 2 100
Germany Spring, 2017 2 21 34 31 12 100
Spring, 2014 1 24 39 23 12 100
Greece Spring, 2017 1 16 27 26 30 100
Spring, 2014 1 19 32 28 21 100
Hungary Spring, 2017 1 13 25 21 40 100
Italy Spring, 2017 1 14 31 29 24 100
Spring, 2014 1 14 30 34 21 100
Netherlands Spring, 2017 1 27 38 24 11 100
Poland Spring, 2017 0 5 27 27 41 100
Spring, 2014 2 11 37 26 23 100
Spain Spring, 2017 1 9 40 38 12 100
Spring, 2014 2 12 30 42 15 100
Sweden Spring, 2017 1 21 33 30 15 100
United Kingdom Spring, 2017 2 29 27 26 17 100
Spring, 2014 7 27 26 18 21 100
Russia Spring, 2017 22 31 19 9 19 100
Spring, 2014 11 33 24 10 22 100
Australia Spring, 2017 4 39 27 19 12 100
Spring, 2016 4 35 21 16 24 100
Spring, 2015 5 42 26 11 16 100
India Spring, 2017 4 17 11 12 56 100
Spring, 2016 4 11 10 10 64 100
Spring, 2015 8 21 14 15 42 100
Spring, 2014 3 10 12 13 62 100
Indonesia Spring, 2017 3 31 21 10 36 100
Spring, 2015 9 31 21 6 34 100
Spring, 2014 5 31 31 6 26 100
Japan Spring, 2017 0 11 46 35 8 100
Spring, 2016 1 11 39 40 10 100
Spring, 2015 1 11 41 41 6 100
Spring, 2014 0 6 43 44 7 100
Philippines Spring, 2017 12 41 16 15 16 100
Spring, 2015 12 39 26 12 10 100
Spring, 2014 5 27 25 22 21 100
South Korea Spring, 2017 4 34 45 9 7 100
Spring, 2015 10 57 25 4 4 100
Spring, 2014 7 50 32 5 5 100
Vietnam Spring, 2017 4 14 38 36 8 100
Spring, 2015 4 16 35 28 17 100
Spring, 2014 7 24 33 16 20 100
Israel Spring, 2017 4 24 42 20 11 100
Spring, 2014 5 19 32 34 9 100
Jordan Spring, 2017 2 31 19 34 13 100
Spring, 2014 4 28 19 35 14 100
Lebanon Spring, 2017 14 29 16 17 23 100
Spring, 2014 15 30 18 27 10 100
Tunisia Spring, 2017 14 17 4 19 47 100
Spring, 2014 8 20 10 25 37 100
Ghana Spring, 2017 25 19 9 12 35 100
Spring, 2014 19 24 10 10 37 100
Kenya Spring, 2017 17 27 16 19 21 100
Spring, 2014 27 31 14 9 20 100
Nigeria Spring, 2017 28 26 12 12 22 100
Spring, 2014 18 28 8 11 35 100
Senegal Spring, 2017 24 29 7 6 34 100
Spring, 2014 24 24 9 8 34 100
South Africa Spring, 2017 18 22 10 21 28 100
Spring, 2014 10 19 16 18 37 100
Tanzania Spring, 2017 29 37 12 9 14 100
Spring, 2014 29 39 13 4 15 100
Argentina Spring, 2017 6 14 19 24 37 100
Spring, 2014 3 11 20 22 44 100
Brazil Spring, 2017 5 17 13 43 22 100
Spring, 2014 2 11 32 34 21 100
Chile Spring, 2017 6 14 20 35 26 100
Spring, 2014 3 17 27 22 31 100
Colombia Spring, 2017 6 14 23 32 26 100
Spring, 2014 5 10 15 19 51 100
Mexico Spring, 2017 2 21 23 30 24 100
Spring, 2014 3 12 19 31 36 100

Q30b. For each, tell me how much confidence you have in each leader to do the right thing regarding world affairs — a lot of
confidence, some confidence, not too much confidence or no confidence at all. b. Chinese President Xi Jinping
Not too much No confidence at
A lot of confidence Some confidence confidence all DK/Refused Total
Peru Spring, 2017 6 18 29 29 19 100
Spring, 2014 2 16 18 23 42 100
Venezuela Spring, 2017 11 17 21 37 15 100
Spring, 2014 8 21 24 34 13 100

Q30c. For each, tell me how much confidence you have in each leader to do the right thing regarding world affairs — a lot of
confidence, some confidence, not too much confidence or no confidence at all. c. Russian President Vladimir Putin
Not too much No confidence at
A lot of confidence Some confidence confidence all DK/Refused Total
Canada Spring, 2017 3 16 25 49 7 100
Spring, 2016 6 20 20 45 10 100
Spring, 2015 2 15 31 45 6 100
Spring, 2007 4 32 26 22 17 100
May, 2003 6 48 21 13 13 100
France Spring, 2017 2 16 28 52 1 100
Spring, 2016 4 16 30 48 2 100
Spring, 2015 3 12 29 56 0 100
Spring, 2014 4 12 26 59 0 100
Spring, 2012 2 10 31 57 0 100
Spring, 2008 1 16 30 52 1 100
Spring, 2007 2 17 36 45 0 100
Spring, 2006 2 22 33 43 1 100
May, 2003 5 43 27 25 1 100
August, 2001 2 12 39 38 9 100
Germany Spring, 2017 5 20 39 35 1 100
Spring, 2016 6 25 36 32 1 100
Spring, 2015 5 18 36 40 2 100
Spring, 2014 3 19 33 44 1 100
Spring, 2012 4 18 39 38 2 100
Spring, 2008 7 31 31 29 2 100
Spring, 2007 5 27 37 29 2 100
Spring, 2006 5 45 29 17 4 100
May, 2003 24 51 18 6 1 100
August, 2001 4 37 31 24 4 100
Greece Spring, 2017 13 37 27 18 5 100
Spring, 2016 15 38 26 18 3 100
Spring, 2014 9 32 31 26 2 100
Spring, 2012 7 32 29 29 3 100
Hungary Spring, 2017 4 30 33 24 9 100
Spring, 2016 6 32 33 19 10 100
Italy Spring, 2017 3 23 37 27 10 100
Spring, 2016 9 22 34 24 11 100
Spring, 2015 2 16 43 34 5 100
Spring, 2014 2 16 40 38 4 100
Spring, 2012 2 15 38 35 10 100
Spring, 2007 2 24 36 24 14 100
May, 2003 5 39 35 12 8 100
August, 2001 3 21 36 13 28 100
Netherlands Spring, 2017 2 10 28 59 1 100
Spring, 2016 1 12 27 58 2 100
Poland Spring, 2017 0 4 27 62 7 100
Spring, 2016 1 6 26 60 7 100
Spring, 2015 1 8 26 61 3 100
Spring, 2014 1 7 29 57 4 100
Spring, 2012 3 16 37 37 8 100
Spring, 2008 1 13 38 40 7 100
Spring, 2007 0 7 37 44 12 100
Spain Spring, 2017 0 8 38 50 3 100
Spring, 2016 2 6 35 53 5 100
Spring, 2015 1 5 44 48 3 100
Spring, 2014 1 6 29 58 5 100
Spring, 2012 2 8 42 45 4 100
Spring, 2008 1 9 32 48 11 100
Spring, 2007 2 5 33 43 17 100
Spring, 2006 1 9 31 46 13 100
May, 2003 5 26 24 33 13 100
Sweden Spring, 2017 1 11 29 58 1 100
Spring, 2016 2 10 23 64 1 100
Spring, 2007 1 22 37 31 9 100

Q30c. For each, tell me how much confidence you have in each leader to do the right thing regarding world affairs — a lot of
confidence, some confidence, not too much confidence or no confidence at all. c. Russian President Vladimir Putin
Not too much No confidence at
A lot of confidence Some confidence confidence all DK/Refused Total
United Kingdom Spring, 2017 4 15 29 47 6 100
Spring, 2016 3 17 26 46 7 100
Spring, 2015 2 12 27 53 6 100
Spring, 2014 5 15 32 40 7 100
Spring, 2012 3 18 34 36 9 100
Spring, 2008 3 25 24 32 16 100
Spring, 2007 3 34 26 21 16 100
Spring, 2006 3 30 27 24 16 100
May, 2003 10 43 23 13 10 100
August, 2001 1 25 35 22 17 100
Russia Spring, 2017 58 29 8 4 2 100
Spring, 2015 66 22 7 2 2 100
Spring, 2014 52 31 11 3 3 100
Spring, 2012 37 32 16 8 7 100
Spring, 2011 36 39 14 5 6 100
Spring, 2010 45 32 12 4 7 100
Spring, 2009 39 42 11 3 4 100
Spring, 2008 53 30 10 3 4 100
Spring, 2007 46 38 8 2 6 100
Spring, 2006 27 48 13 4 8 100
May, 2003 28 48 19 3 1 100
Australia Spring, 2017 5 22 31 39 3 100
Spring, 2016 4 21 25 45 5 100
Spring, 2015 2 13 33 48 4 100
Spring, 2008 2 36 26 18 18 100
May, 2003 5 48 25 12 11 100
India Spring, 2017 13 16 9 4 57 100
Spring, 2016 10 14 9 6 62 100
Spring, 2015 14 22 8 7 49 100
Spring, 2014 9 15 10 6 60 100
Indonesia Spring, 2017 2 29 22 8 38 100
Spring, 2015 3 22 22 11 42 100
Spring, 2014 5 23 35 9 28 100
Spring, 2008 1 17 25 12 45 100
Spring, 2007 1 21 37 10 31 100
Spring, 2006 2 19 29 11 38 100
Japan Spring, 2017 2 26 47 17 7 100
Spring, 2016 4 22 43 22 9 100
Spring, 2015 1 21 47 24 7 100
Spring, 2014 1 19 52 20 7 100
Spring, 2012 2 25 47 21 6 100
Spring, 2008 3 25 41 21 10 100
Spring, 2007 1 18 46 22 14 100
Spring, 2006 2 38 44 11 5 100
Philippines Spring, 2017 13 41 13 11 22 100
Spring, 2015 13 33 23 9 22 100
Spring, 2014 6 32 24 13 26 100
South Korea Spring, 2017 2 25 48 14 11 100
Spring, 2015 2 25 47 19 6 100
Spring, 2014 3 29 47 13 7 100
Spring, 2008 1 26 40 6 26 100
Spring, 2007 0 24 44 7 25 100
May, 2003 3 34 39 8 16 100
Vietnam Spring, 2017 35 44 8 1 12 100
Spring, 2015 33 37 9 2 19 100
Spring, 2014 33 36 7 2 21 100
Israel Spring, 2017 5 23 42 27 3 100
Spring, 2015 4 20 41 33 3 100
Spring, 2014 7 21 37 34 1 100
Spring, 2007 2 15 34 41 8 100
May, 2003 10 27 27 28 8 100
Jordan Spring, 2017 1 1 34 58 6 100
Spring, 2015 1 11 37 44 7 100
Spring, 2014 1 12 38 41 7 100
Spring, 2012 2 15 37 35 12 100
Spring, 2008 1 16 36 36 11 100
Spring, 2007 1 19 32 32 17 100
Spring, 2006 2 12 45 33 8 100

Q30c. For each, tell me how much confidence you have in each leader to do the right thing regarding world affairs — a lot of
confidence, some confidence, not too much confidence or no confidence at all. c. Russian President Vladimir Putin
Not too much No confidence at
A lot of confidence Some confidence confidence all DK/Refused Total
Lebanon Spring, 2017 26 20 16 37 2 100
Spring, 2015 24 18 16 42 0 100
Spring, 2014 25 17 17 39 2 100
Spring, 2012 6 27 28 35 4 100
Spring, 2008 7 30 27 32 4 100
Spring, 2007 7 26 28 33 6 100
Tunisia Spring, 2017 14 18 5 34 29 100
Spring, 2014 6 15 14 34 31 100
Spring, 2012 3 14 16 35 32 100
Turkey Spring, 2017 4 16 25 49 6 100
Spring, 2015 6 23 33 27 12 100
Spring, 2014 4 7 19 56 14 100
Spring, 2012 3 11 15 55 15 100
Spring, 2008 2 7 8 62 21 100
Spring, 2007 1 9 11 60 20 100
Spring, 2006 1 8 6 62 22 100
Ghana Spring, 2017 18 18 9 13 42 100
Spring, 2015 21 28 18 11 22 100
Spring, 2014 11 26 12 12 39 100
Spring, 2007 14 37 20 7 22 100
Kenya Spring, 2017 8 25 17 25 25 100
Spring, 2016 6 21 12 24 38 100
Spring, 2015 10 27 24 21 18 100
Spring, 2014 21 29 17 11 22 100
Spring, 2007 11 39 27 9 14 100
Nigeria Spring, 2017 18 21 16 17 28 100
Spring, 2016 11 17 12 16 44 100
Spring, 2015 16 28 20 10 26 100
Spring, 2014 8 22 14 16 40 100
Senegal Spring, 2017 13 21 10 16 41 100
Spring, 2015 6 13 19 19 43 100
Spring, 2014 7 16 19 17 41 100
South Africa Spring, 2017 13 20 13 23 31 100
Spring, 2016 13 20 10 20 37 100
Spring, 2015 9 19 19 22 31 100
Spring, 2014 6 17 19 19 38 100
Spring, 2008 3 13 12 15 57 100
Tanzania Spring, 2017 14 37 18 12 18 100
Spring, 2015 16 22 17 9 37 100
Spring, 2014 16 36 21 6 21 100
Spring, 2008 14 27 15 9 35 100
Spring, 2007 13 29 13 13 32 100
Argentina Spring, 2017 5 14 23 28 31 100
Spring, 2015 5 15 25 32 24 100
Spring, 2014 1 9 20 29 41 100
Spring, 2008 1 6 13 38 43 100
Spring, 2007 0 5 13 31 51 100
Brazil Spring, 2017 4 15 14 46 21 100
Spring, 2015 4 19 30 36 12 100
Spring, 2014 1 11 37 32 18 100
Spring, 2012 2 17 28 28 25 100
Chile Spring, 2017 7 13 25 33 22 100
Spring, 2015 3 22 30 27 18 100
Spring, 2014 2 16 31 23 28 100
Spring, 2007 3 17 26 21 33 100
Colombia Spring, 2017 5 18 25 30 23 100
Spring, 2014 4 10 20 21 46 100
Mexico Spring, 2017 3 16 20 39 21 100
Spring, 2015 4 15 28 30 23 100
Spring, 2014 2 11 19 34 34 100
Spring, 2012 2 14 22 23 39 100
Spring, 2008 3 7 21 31 39 100
Spring, 2007 5 18 21 27 29 100
Peru Spring, 2017 5 19 28 33 15 100
Spring, 2015 2 15 30 22 30 100
Spring, 2014 2 15 22 21 39 100
Spring, 2007 1 15 22 24 38 100
Venezuela Spring, 2017 9 13 23 42 13 100
Spring, 2015 4 10 26 44 16 100
Spring, 2014 4 13 27 43 13 100

Q30d. For each, tell me how much confidence you have in each leader to do the right thing regarding world affairs — a lot of
confidence, some confidence, not too much confidence or no confidence at all. d. German Chancellor Angela Merkel
Not too much No confidence at
A lot of confidence Some confidence confidence all DK/Refused Total
Canada Spring, 2017 20 46 8 7 18 100
Spring, 2016 18 41 9 8 24 100
Spring, 2009 7 38 11 8 36 100
Spring, 2007 8 40 9 7 36 100
France Spring, 2017 18 61 12 8 1 100
Spring, 2016 18 53 14 14 2 100
Spring, 2014 24 54 11 11 0 100
Spring, 2012 22 48 17 13 0 100
Spring, 2011 23 57 13 8 0 100
Spring, 2010 20 61 11 8 0 100
Spring, 2009 16 61 14 8 0 100
Spring, 2008 21 63 9 6 1 100
Spring, 2007 21 66 7 5 1 100
Spring, 2006 12 68 12 7 1 100
Germany Spring, 2017 43 38 12 7 0 100
Spring, 2016 43 30 16 10 0 100
Spring, 2014 41 40 11 6 1 100
Spring, 2012 39 38 17 6 0 100
Spring, 2011 26 43 21 10 0 100
Spring, 2010 32 40 18 9 0 100
Spring, 2009 31 44 14 9 1 100
Spring, 2008 35 41 16 8 0 100
Spring, 2007 43 42 9 6 1 100
Spring, 2006 34 43 13 9 1 100
Greece Spring, 2017 2 14 27 57 1 100
Spring, 2016 1 9 22 67 1 100
Spring, 2014 1 8 22 69 1 100
Spring, 2012 1 6 17 76 1 100
Hungary Spring, 2017 7 30 34 23 6 100
Spring, 2016 5 24 34 29 7 100
Italy Spring, 2017 4 35 34 20 7 100
Spring, 2016 5 28 33 26 8 100
Spring, 2014 6 26 38 26 4 100
Spring, 2012 9 40 31 14 6 100
Spring, 2007 13 44 15 9 19 100
Netherlands Spring, 2017 49 40 6 3 1 100
Spring, 2016 41 42 7 6 3 100
Poland Spring, 2017 7 39 30 15 9 100
Spring, 2016 5 28 33 22 13 100
Spring, 2014 6 44 31 10 9 100
Spring, 2012 8 44 29 9 10 100
Spring, 2011 5 46 27 9 13 100
Spring, 2010 9 49 23 7 12 100
Spring, 2009 4 35 31 16 14 100
Spring, 2008 4 41 31 10 14 100
Spring, 2007 5 37 28 14 16 100
Spain Spring, 2017 8 44 29 16 2 100
Spring, 2016 6 34 33 24 3 100
Spring, 2014 7 27 32 32 1 100
Spring, 2012 12 41 28 19 1 100
Spring, 2011 18 51 21 7 3 100
Spring, 2010 12 45 21 11 11 100
Spring, 2009 7 42 23 14 14 100
Spring, 2008 8 43 22 11 17 100
Spring, 2007 5 31 24 14 26 100
Spring, 2006 5 32 19 19 25 100
Sweden Spring, 2017 44 45 5 4 2 100
Spring, 2016 37 47 8 5 2 100
Spring, 2007 13 52 7 4 24 100
United Kingdom Spring, 2017 22 46 13 13 7 100
Spring, 2016 21 38 13 18 11 100
Spring, 2014 27 42 13 8 10 100
Spring, 2012 16 42 17 14 11 100
Spring, 2011 17 47 12 8 17 100
Spring, 2010 11 49 12 9 20 100
Spring, 2009 7 44 16 10 23 100
Spring, 2008 6 47 11 9 27 100
Spring, 2007 14 48 11 5 22 100
Spring, 2006 6 45 15 11 23 100

Q30d. For each, tell me how much confidence you have in each leader to do the right thing regarding world affairs — a lot of
confidence, some confidence, not too much confidence or no confidence at all. d. German Chancellor Angela Merkel
Not too much No confidence at
A lot of confidence Some confidence confidence all DK/Refused Total
Russia Spring, 2017 12 19 34 28 7 100
Spring, 2015 6 22 38 28 6 100
Spring, 2014 7 24 35 21 13 100
Spring, 2012 16 32 16 7 29 100
Spring, 2011 16 31 19 6 28 100
Spring, 2010 11 31 18 4 35 100
Spring, 2009 7 33 20 5 34 100
Spring, 2008 14 35 20 8 24 100
Spring, 2007 12 32 19 6 31 100
Spring, 2006 9 31 18 5 37 100
Australia Spring, 2017 24 46 8 9 13 100
Spring, 2008 7 41 10 4 38 100
India Spring, 2017 8 15 9 5 63 100
Indonesia Spring, 2017 4 28 18 6 45 100
Spring, 2011 1 22 28 8 41 100
Spring, 2010 2 24 25 10 39 100
Spring, 2009 2 20 17 6 55 100
Spring, 2008 1 18 20 8 52 100
Spring, 2007 1 29 24 7 40 100
Japan Spring, 2017 12 55 13 2 19 100
Spring, 2012 9 46 21 3 21 100
Spring, 2010 2 44 20 3 31 100
Spring, 2009 5 37 20 3 34 100
Spring, 2008 5 42 24 2 27 100
Spring, 2007 1 26 21 4 48 100
Philippines Spring, 2017 9 41 9 8 34 100
South Korea Spring, 2017 29 45 10 1 15 100
Spring, 2010 3 33 25 3 37 100
Spring, 2009 1 33 28 2 36 100
Spring, 2008 2 32 28 4 33 100
Spring, 2007 1 26 34 7 32 100
Vietnam Spring, 2017 17 55 9 2 18 100
Israel Spring, 2017 17 40 27 12 6 100
Spring, 2011 14 43 20 17 5 100
Spring, 2009 12 36 30 18 5 100
Spring, 2007 5 19 28 33 14 100
Jordan Spring, 2017 5 21 34 35 6 100
Spring, 2012 6 20 34 33 7 100
Spring, 2011 5 18 33 34 10 100
Spring, 2010 1 19 28 36 16 100
Spring, 2009 1 13 30 39 18 100
Spring, 2008 2 18 32 27 21 100
Spring, 2007 3 23 29 23 22 100
Lebanon Spring, 2017 7 17 25 34 17 100
Spring, 2012 5 25 28 37 4 100
Spring, 2011 8 27 25 35 4 100
Spring, 2010 6 25 29 32 8 100
Spring, 2009 5 26 30 34 5 100
Spring, 2008 12 22 32 28 6 100
Spring, 2007 11 29 21 30 8 100
Tunisia Spring, 2017 23 25 5 20 27 100
Spring, 2012 5 17 15 30 34 100
Turkey Spring, 2017 1 13 19 60 7 100
Spring, 2012 4 8 15 57 16 100
Spring, 2011 0 4 17 60 18 100
Spring, 2010 0 6 18 51 25 100
Spring, 2009 1 6 10 56 27 100
Spring, 2008 0 6 8 60 25 100
Spring, 2007 1 9 12 51 27 100
Spring, 2006 1 10 6 58 25 100
Ghana Spring, 2017 23 22 8 9 38 100
Spring, 2007 22 39 14 5 20 100
Kenya Spring, 2017 12 29 16 20 24 100
Spring, 2011 15 26 22 12 26 100
Spring, 2010 19 28 20 12 21 100
Spring, 2009 14 22 19 9 36 100
Spring, 2007 15 39 23 8 16 100
Nigeria Spring, 2017 17 25 16 15 27 100
Spring, 2010 11 27 19 11 33 100
Senegal Spring, 2017 26 26 5 7 36 100
South Africa Spring, 2017 14 24 11 18 32 100
Spring, 2008 5 14 9 12 60 100

Q30d. For each, tell me how much confidence you have in each leader to do the right thing regarding world affairs — a lot of
confidence, some confidence, not too much confidence or no confidence at all. d. German Chancellor Angela Merkel
Not too much No confidence at
A lot of confidence Some confidence confidence all DK/Refused Total
Tanzania Spring, 2017 23 37 12 11 17 100
Spring, 2008 19 28 12 7 34 100
Spring, 2007 22 29 8 7 33 100
Argentina Spring, 2017 10 16 17 21 37 100
Spring, 2010 3 12 12 11 62 100
Spring, 2009 4 11 9 14 62 100
Spring, 2008 1 7 8 23 61 100
Spring, 2007 1 9 7 21 61 100
Brazil Spring, 2017 11 27 11 31 20 100
Spring, 2012 4 25 23 22 26 100
Spring, 2011 3 20 21 29 27 100
Spring, 2010 3 21 20 23 33 100
Chile Spring, 2017 11 20 17 20 33 100
Spring, 2007 4 20 17 14 45 100
Colombia Spring, 2017 9 20 19 20 32 100
Mexico Spring, 2017 8 22 18 25 28 100
Spring, 2012 5 15 17 20 43 100
Spring, 2011 2 14 22 22 41 100
Spring, 2010 3 10 16 19 53 100
Spring, 2009 3 10 19 13 54 100
Spring, 2008 3 9 18 24 46 100
Spring, 2007 5 17 21 22 36 100
Peru Spring, 2017 6 17 25 30 22 100
Spring, 2007 2 15 17 19 46 100
Venezuela Spring, 2017 4 10 21 35 29 100

Q31. Which of the following phrases comes closer to your view? It's good that
American ideas and customs are spreading here OR It's bad that American ideas and
customs are spreading here
It's good that It's bad that
American ideas American ideas
and customs are and customs are
spreading here spreading here DK/Refused Total
Canada Spring, 2017 32 58 9 100
Spring, 2007 22 67 11 100
May, 2003 40 50 11 100
Summer, 2002 37 54 8 100
France Spring, 2017 36 62 2 100
Spring, 2012 29 71 0 100
Spring, 2007 18 81 1 100
May, 2003 27 72 1 100
Summer, 2002 25 71 3 100
Germany Spring, 2017 26 67 7 100
Spring, 2012 23 72 4 100
Spring, 2007 17 80 3 100
May, 2003 24 70 6 100
Summer, 2002 28 66 6 100
Greece Spring, 2017 41 54 5 100
Spring, 2012 26 68 6 100
Hungary Spring, 2017 47 42 11 100
Italy Spring, 2017 47 38 15 100
Netherlands Spring, 2017 32 62 6 100
Poland Spring, 2017 44 43 14 100
Spring, 2012 36 53 10 100
Spring, 2007 23 67 10 100
Summer, 2002 31 54 14 100
Spain Spring, 2017 31 63 6 100
Spring, 2012 25 71 4 100
Spring, 2007 16 76 8 100
May, 2003 17 75 7 100
Sweden Spring, 2017 47 47 6 100
Spring, 2007 28 54 18 100

Q31. Which of the following phrases comes closer to your view? It's good that
American ideas and customs are spreading here OR It's bad that American ideas and
customs are spreading here
It's good that It's bad that
American ideas American ideas
and customs are and customs are
spreading here spreading here DK/Refused Total
United Kingdom Spring, 2017 38 50 12 100
Spring, 2012 32 61 7 100
Spring, 2007 21 67 12 100
May, 2003 33 56 11 100
Summer, 2002 39 50 11 100
Russia Spring, 2017 27 63 10 100
Spring, 2012 19 69 12 100
Spring, 2007 14 76 11 100
May, 2003 20 65 15 100
Summer, 2002 16 68 16 100
Australia Spring, 2017 33 58 9 100
May, 2003 28 64 8 100
India Spring, 2017 23 49 28 100
Indonesia Spring, 2017 15 78 7 100
Spring, 2007 11 76 13 100
Japan Spring, 2017 62 25 13 100
Spring, 2012 58 37 6 100
Spring, 2007 42 35 24 100
Summer, 2002 49 35 15 100
Philippines Spring, 2017 62 34 4 100
Summer, 2002 58 36 6 100
South Korea Spring, 2017 54 36 11 100
Spring, 2007 38 48 13 100
May, 2003 41 45 14 100
Summer, 2002 30 62 8 100
Vietnam Spring, 2017 71 16 13 100
Israel Spring, 2017 53 35 11 100
Spring, 2007 56 32 12 100
May, 2003 48 43 9 100
Jordan Spring, 2017 15 82 3 100
Spring, 2012 10 87 3 100
Spring, 2007 12 81 7 100
May, 2003 5 93 2 100
Summer, 2002 13 82 6 100
Lebanon Spring, 2017 36 60 4 100
Spring, 2012 41 59 1 100
Spring, 2007 38 58 3 100
May, 2003 31 65 4 100
Summer, 2002 26 67 6 100
Tunisia Spring, 2017 34 60 7 100
Spring, 2012 25 67 8 100
Turkey Spring, 2017 13 82 6 100
Spring, 2012 10 78 12 100
Spring, 2007 4 86 10 100
May, 2003 9 86 5 100
Summer, 2002 11 78 11 100
Ghana Spring, 2017 38 58 4 100
Spring, 2013 37 56 7 100
Spring, 2007 43 50 7 100
Summer, 2002 47 40 13 100

Q31. Which of the following phrases comes closer to your view? It's good that
American ideas and customs are spreading here OR It's bad that American ideas and
customs are spreading here
It's good that It's bad that
American ideas American ideas
and customs are and customs are
spreading here spreading here DK/Refused Total
Kenya Spring, 2017 47 48 5 100
Spring, 2013 60 36 4 100
Spring, 2007 45 53 2 100
Summer, 2002 40 56 5 100
Nigeria Spring, 2017 51 47 2 100
Spring, 2013 54 31 15 100
Senegal Spring, 2017 38 55 7 100
Spring, 2013 70 19 11 100
South Africa Spring, 2017 52 39 9 100
Spring, 2013 57 27 16 100
Summer, 2002 43 45 13 100
Tanzania Spring, 2017 27 71 3 100
Spring, 2007 12 82 7 100
Summer, 2002 18 67 15 100
Argentina Spring, 2017 25 68 8 100
Spring, 2013 31 61 9 100
Spring, 2007 10 77 13 100
Summer, 2002 16 73 11 100
Brazil Spring, 2017 45 47 8 100
Spring, 2013 53 42 5 100
Spring, 2012 49 47 4 100
Chile Spring, 2017 33 62 5 100
Spring, 2013 31 57 12 100
Spring, 2007 24 66 10 100
Colombia Spring, 2017 48 45 7 100
Mexico Spring, 2017 26 70 4 100
Spring, 2013 41 51 7 100
Spring, 2012 38 56 6 100
Spring, 2007 23 68 9 100
Summer, 2002 22 66 12 100
Peru Spring, 2017 39 52 9 100
Spring, 2007 29 60 11 100
Summer, 2002 37 50 13 100
Venezuela Spring, 2017 42 51 6 100
Spring, 2013 32 56 12 100

Q32. Which comes closer to your view? I like American ideas about democracy OR I
dislike American ideas about democracy
I like American I dislike American
ideas about ideas about
democracy democracy DK/Refused Total
Canada Spring, 2017 36 55 9 100
Spring, 2007 37 51 12 100
May, 2003 59 33 8 100
Summer, 2002 50 40 10 100
France Spring, 2017 34 64 2 100
Spring, 2012 43 57 0 100
Spring, 2007 23 76 1 100
May, 2003 33 65 2 100
Summer, 2002 42 53 5 100
Germany Spring, 2017 37 56 7 100
Spring, 2012 45 52 4 100
Spring, 2007 31 65 5 100
May, 2003 39 55 6 100
Summer, 2002 47 45 7 100
Greece Spring, 2017 40 53 7 100
Spring, 2012 29 64 7 100
Hungary Spring, 2017 52 29 19 100
Italy Spring, 2017 52 33 15 100
Spring, 2012 58 28 14 100
Spring, 2007 38 42 20 100
May, 2003 59 33 8 100
Summer, 2002 45 37 18 100
Netherlands Spring, 2017 42 48 9 100
Poland Spring, 2017 47 29 24 100
Spring, 2012 47 41 13 100
Spring, 2007 34 47 19 100
Summer, 2002 51 30 19 100
Spain Spring, 2017 41 51 8 100
Spring, 2012 49 46 5 100
Spring, 2007 19 66 15 100
May, 2003 30 61 9 100
Sweden Spring, 2017 38 56 6 100
Spring, 2007 29 51 20 100
United Kingdom Spring, 2017 43 44 13 100
Spring, 2012 45 42 13 100
Spring, 2007 36 47 17 100
May, 2003 45 45 10 100
Summer, 2002 43 42 15 100
Russia Spring, 2017 30 58 13 100
Spring, 2012 26 54 20 100
Spring, 2007 21 62 17 100
May, 2003 31 41 29 100
Summer, 2002 28 46 26 100
Australia Spring, 2017 43 50 7 100
May, 2003 56 36 8 100
India Spring, 2017 30 31 39 100
Indonesia Spring, 2017 35 53 12 100
Spring, 2007 28 57 16 100
Japan Spring, 2017 63 26 11 100
Spring, 2012 64 29 7 100
Spring, 2007 57 25 18 100
Summer, 2002 62 26 11 100

Q32. Which comes closer to your view? I like American ideas about democracy OR I
dislike American ideas about democracy
I like American I dislike American
ideas about ideas about
democracy democracy DK/Refused Total
Philippines Spring, 2017 57 38 5 100
Summer, 2002 69 25 6 100
South Korea Spring, 2017 78 16 6 100
Spring, 2007 59 33 8 100
May, 2003 59 31 10 100
Summer, 2002 58 37 5 100
Vietnam Spring, 2017 69 21 10 100
Israel Spring, 2017 65 26 10 100
Spring, 2007 61 29 10 100
May, 2003 68 25 7 100
Jordan Spring, 2017 43 51 5 100
Spring, 2012 42 54 3 100
Spring, 2007 42 55 4 100
May, 2003 38 60 2 100
Summer, 2002 29 69 2 100
Lebanon Spring, 2017 52 46 2 100
Spring, 2012 44 51 5 100
Spring, 2007 39 56 5 100
May, 2003 46 50 4 100
Summer, 2002 49 45 7 100
Tunisia Spring, 2017 41 51 8 100
Spring, 2012 60 29 11 100
Turkey Spring, 2017 23 65 11 100
Spring, 2012 13 73 14 100
Spring, 2007 8 81 11 100
May, 2003 22 71 7 100
Summer, 2002 33 50 17 100
Ghana Spring, 2017 57 32 10 100
Spring, 2013 73 19 8 100
Spring, 2007 73 14 12 100
Summer, 2002 80 7 13 100
Kenya Spring, 2017 60 34 6 100
Spring, 2013 82 14 4 100
Spring, 2007 72 23 5 100
Summer, 2002 87 6 7 100
Nigeria Spring, 2017 67 28 5 100
Spring, 2013 72 17 12 100
Senegal Spring, 2017 53 36 11 100
Spring, 2013 77 10 13 100
South Africa Spring, 2017 53 36 11 100
Spring, 2013 63 20 17 100
Summer, 2002 53 32 14 100
Tanzania Spring, 2017 42 52 7 100
Spring, 2007 32 56 12 100
Summer, 2002 43 31 25 100
Argentina Spring, 2017 28 59 13 100
Spring, 2013 38 42 20 100
Spring, 2007 14 67 19 100
Summer, 2002 29 50 21 100
Brazil Spring, 2017 43 45 12 100
Spring, 2013 61 33 6 100
Spring, 2012 48 45 7 100

Q32. Which comes closer to your view? I like American ideas about democracy OR I
dislike American ideas about democracy
I like American I dislike American
ideas about ideas about
democracy democracy DK/Refused Total
Chile Spring, 2017 30 59 11 100
Spring, 2013 43 29 28 100
Spring, 2007 30 49 20 100
Colombia Spring, 2017 39 53 8 100
Mexico Spring, 2017 25 68 7 100
Spring, 2013 47 43 10 100
Spring, 2012 41 50 9 100
Spring, 2007 29 60 11 100
Summer, 2002 41 41 18 100
Peru Spring, 2017 42 46 12 100
Spring, 2007 33 51 17 100
Summer, 2002 47 36 17 100
Venezuela Spring, 2017 45 43 12 100
Spring, 2013 41 48 11 100

Q33. Which is closer to describing your view? I like American music, movies and
television OR I dislike American music, movies and television
I like American I dislike American
music, movies and music, movies and
television television DK/Refused Total
Canada Spring, 2017 88 8 4 100
Spring, 2007 73 19 8 100
May, 2003 76 18 6 100
Summer, 2002 77 17 5 100
France Spring, 2017 72 25 2 100
Spring, 2012 72 28 0 100
Spring, 2007 65 35 0 100
May, 2003 65 34 1 100
Summer, 2002 65 32 3 100
Germany Spring, 2017 74 20 6 100
Spring, 2012 67 29 3 100
Spring, 2007 62 34 3 100
May, 2003 67 29 4 100
Summer, 2002 66 29 5 100
Greece Spring, 2017 71 28 1 100
Spring, 2012 62 37 1 100
Hungary Spring, 2017 75 22 3 100
Italy Spring, 2017 74 19 6 100
Spring, 2012 74 22 4 100
Spring, 2007 66 23 11 100
May, 2003 69 28 2 100
Summer, 2002 63 29 8 100
Netherlands Spring, 2017 82 14 4 100
Poland Spring, 2017 79 15 6 100
Spring, 2012 67 25 8 100
Spring, 2007 65 28 7 100
Summer, 2002 70 22 8 100
Spain Spring, 2017 76 21 3 100
Spring, 2012 79 18 2 100
Spring, 2007 72 25 3 100
May, 2003 73 24 2 100
Sweden Spring, 2017 88 9 2 100
Spring, 2007 77 16 7 100

Q33. Which is closer to describing your view? I like American music, movies and
television OR I dislike American music, movies and television
I like American I dislike American
music, movies and music, movies and
television television DK/Refused Total
United Kingdom Spring, 2017 77 17 6 100
Spring, 2012 69 25 5 100
Spring, 2007 63 28 9 100
May, 2003 62 30 8 100
Summer, 2002 76 19 5 100
Russia Spring, 2017 56 37 7 100
Spring, 2012 48 44 8 100
Spring, 2007 38 54 9 100
May, 2003 40 47 13 100
Summer, 2002 42 50 9 100
Australia Spring, 2017 80 17 3 100
May, 2003 66 28 7 100
India Spring, 2017 26 41 33 100
Indonesia Spring, 2017 37 57 6 100
Spring, 2007 50 46 4 100
Japan Spring, 2017 73 20 7 100
Spring, 2012 69 25 6 100
Spring, 2007 70 22 8 100
Summer, 2002 74 18 8 100
Philippines Spring, 2017 73 25 2 100
Summer, 2002 70 26 3 100
South Korea Spring, 2017 69 22 9 100
Spring, 2007 49 42 9 100
May, 2003 49 39 12 100
Summer, 2002 53 38 9 100
Vietnam Spring, 2017 57 39 4 100
Israel Spring, 2017 66 28 7 100
Spring, 2007 72 22 7 100
May, 2003 62 32 5 100
Jordan Spring, 2017 43 54 3 100
Spring, 2012 39 56 4 100
Spring, 2007 40 59 2 100
May, 2003 42 57 1 100
Summer, 2002 30 67 3 100
Lebanon Spring, 2017 62 37 2 100
Spring, 2012 65 34 1 100
Spring, 2007 71 28 1 100
May, 2003 66 33 1 100
Summer, 2002 65 34 2 100
Tunisia Spring, 2017 37 58 5 100
Spring, 2012 42 49 9 100
Turkey Spring, 2017 45 48 6 100
Spring, 2012 30 61 9 100
Spring, 2007 22 68 10 100
May, 2003 43 53 3 100
Summer, 2002 44 46 10 100
Ghana Spring, 2017 53 42 5 100
Spring, 2013 55 38 7 100
Spring, 2007 54 35 11 100
Summer, 2002 59 26 15 100

Q33. Which is closer to describing your view? I like American music, movies and
television OR I dislike American music, movies and television
I like American I dislike American
music, movies and music, movies and
television television DK/Refused Total
Kenya Spring, 2017 51 45 5 100
Spring, 2013 56 34 10 100
Spring, 2007 51 46 3 100
Summer, 2002 50 44 6 100
Nigeria Spring, 2017 58 40 2 100
Spring, 2013 60 31 9 100
Senegal Spring, 2017 36 59 5 100
Spring, 2013 60 30 10 100
South Africa Spring, 2017 76 19 5 100
Spring, 2013 71 17 12 100
Summer, 2002 71 20 10 100
Tanzania Spring, 2017 43 53 4 100
Spring, 2007 29 65 6 100
Summer, 2002 41 46 13 100
Argentina Spring, 2017 65 29 6 100
Spring, 2013 66 30 4 100
Spring, 2007 50 41 9 100
Summer, 2002 52 38 10 100
Brazil Spring, 2017 64 33 3 100
Spring, 2013 71 27 2 100
Spring, 2012 69 29 2 100
Chile Spring, 2017 60 33 7 100
Spring, 2013 73 20 7 100
Spring, 2007 58 30 12 100
Colombia Spring, 2017 54 41 4 100
Mexico Spring, 2017 57 37 6 100
Spring, 2013 60 31 9 100
Spring, 2012 69 26 5 100
Spring, 2007 53 41 6 100
Summer, 2002 60 30 10 100
Peru Spring, 2017 50 46 4 100
Spring, 2007 50 44 7 100
Summer, 2002 46 43 11 100
Venezuela Spring, 2017 67 26 7 100
Spring, 2013 63 32 4 100

Q36. Now that Donald Trump is the president of the United States, over the next few years do you think
that relations between (survey country) and the U.S. will get better, get worse or stay about the same?
Stay about the
Get better Get worse same DK/Refused Total
Canada Spring, 2017 9 37 52 2 100
France Spring, 2017 6 38 56 1 100
Germany Spring, 2017 2 56 40 2 100
Greece Spring, 2017 15 25 53 7 100
Hungary Spring, 2017 26 20 42 13 100
Italy Spring, 2017 10 35 43 12 100
Netherlands Spring, 2017 2 42 54 1 100
Poland Spring, 2017 13 20 50 17 100
Spain Spring, 2017 4 41 51 4 100
Sweden Spring, 2017 2 48 49 0 100
United Kingdom Spring, 2017 17 26 54 4 100
Russia Spring, 2017 53 10 31 6 100
Australia Spring, 2017 7 40 51 2 100
India Spring, 2017 36 12 11 41 100
Indonesia Spring, 2017 7 38 39 16 100
Japan Spring, 2017 17 41 34 9 100
Philippines Spring, 2017 26 12 55 7 100
South Korea Spring, 2017 8 43 45 4 100
Vietnam Spring, 2017 35 11 41 12 100
Israel Spring, 2017 65 8 22 5 100
Jordan Spring, 2017 9 52 35 5 100
Lebanon Spring, 2017 8 46 35 11 100
Tunisia Spring, 2017 24 26 38 12 100
Turkey Spring, 2017 11 33 40 16 100
Ghana Spring, 2017 51 14 17 19 100
Kenya Spring, 2017 27 30 32 12 100
Nigeria Spring, 2017 54 18 17 11 100
Senegal Spring, 2017 24 42 22 13 100
South Africa Spring, 2017 26 26 34 14 100
Tanzania Spring, 2017 22 29 36 14 100
Argentina Spring, 2017 17 29 46 8 100
Brazil Spring, 2017 16 35 42 7 100
Chile Spring, 2017 8 32 55 4 100
Colombia Spring, 2017 10 35 50 5 100
Mexico Spring, 2017 4 67 26 3 100
Peru Spring, 2017 15 22 54 10 100
Venezuela Spring, 2017 26 26 40 8 100

Q37a. Please tell me whether you think the following describes U.S. President Donald
Trump. Do you think of Donald Trump as ____? a. well-qualified to be president
Yes No DK/Refused Total
Canada Spring, 2017 16 79 5 100
France Spring, 2017 21 79 1 100
Germany Spring, 2017 6 90 4 100
Greece Spring, 2017 33 57 10 100
Hungary Spring, 2017 39 38 23 100
Italy Spring, 2017 25 63 12 100
Netherlands Spring, 2017 12 84 4 100
Poland Spring, 2017 24 50 27 100
Spain Spring, 2017 13 83 4 100
Sweden Spring, 2017 10 88 2 100
United Kingdom Spring, 2017 16 80 4 100
Russia Spring, 2017 62 26 13 100
Australia Spring, 2017 22 75 3 100
India Spring, 2017 41 15 44 100
Indonesia Spring, 2017 22 57 21 100
Japan Spring, 2017 15 75 11 100
Philippines Spring, 2017 67 23 10 100
South Korea Spring, 2017 18 74 8 100
Vietnam Spring, 2017 71 19 10 100
Israel Spring, 2017 54 39 7 100
Jordan Spring, 2017 18 79 3 100
Lebanon Spring, 2017 28 62 10 100
Tunisia Spring, 2017 41 47 12 100
Turkey Spring, 2017 27 51 22 100
Ghana Spring, 2017 67 15 17 100
Kenya Spring, 2017 53 38 9 100
Nigeria Spring, 2017 66 22 12 100
Senegal Spring, 2017 48 34 18 100
South Africa Spring, 2017 41 42 17 100
Tanzania Spring, 2017 47 41 12 100
Argentina Spring, 2017 26 64 11 100
Brazil Spring, 2017 24 65 11 100
Chile Spring, 2017 21 71 8 100
Colombia Spring, 2017 24 70 6 100
Mexico Spring, 2017 11 86 3 100
Peru Spring, 2017 32 56 12 100
Venezuela Spring, 2017 44 44 11 100

Q37b. Please tell me whether you think the following describes U.S. President Donald
Trump. Do you think of Donald Trump as ____? b. a strong leader
Yes No DK/Refused Total
Canada Spring, 2017 38 57 5 100
France Spring, 2017 54 44 1 100
Germany Spring, 2017 44 53 3 100
Greece Spring, 2017 55 39 6 100
Hungary Spring, 2017 60 22 17 100
Italy Spring, 2017 62 30 7 100
Netherlands Spring, 2017 32 66 3 100
Poland Spring, 2017 62 17 21 100
Spain Spring, 2017 58 39 4 100
Sweden Spring, 2017 41 58 2 100
United Kingdom Spring, 2017 39 56 5 100
Russia Spring, 2017 67 21 12 100
Australia Spring, 2017 45 52 3 100
India Spring, 2017 42 14 44 100
Indonesia Spring, 2017 49 34 17 100
Japan Spring, 2017 51 43 5 100
Philippines Spring, 2017 69 20 11 100
South Korea Spring, 2017 47 48 5 100
Vietnam Spring, 2017 72 19 9 100
Israel Spring, 2017 69 24 7 100
Jordan Spring, 2017 30 65 4 100
Lebanon Spring, 2017 43 48 9 100
Tunisia Spring, 2017 48 38 14 100
Turkey Spring, 2017 40 41 18 100
Ghana Spring, 2017 67 12 21 100
Kenya Spring, 2017 54 35 11 100
Nigeria Spring, 2017 69 17 14 100
Senegal Spring, 2017 70 15 15 100
South Africa Spring, 2017 47 36 17 100
Tanzania Spring, 2017 51 37 12 100
Argentina Spring, 2017 73 19 8 100
Brazil Spring, 2017 64 27 9 100
Chile Spring, 2017 81 14 5 100
Colombia Spring, 2017 79 17 5 100
Mexico Spring, 2017 77 21 3 100
Peru Spring, 2017 73 17 9 100
Venezuela Spring, 2017 78 16 6 100

Q37c. Please tell me whether you think the following describes U.S. President Donald
Trump. Do you think of Donald Trump as ____? c. dangerous
Yes No DK/Refused Total
Canada Spring, 2017 72 25 3 100
France Spring, 2017 78 22 0 100
Germany Spring, 2017 76 22 2 100
Greece Spring, 2017 55 37 8 100
Hungary Spring, 2017 42 40 18 100
Italy Spring, 2017 58 32 10 100
Netherlands Spring, 2017 69 30 2 100
Poland Spring, 2017 45 32 23 100
Spain Spring, 2017 76 20 4 100
Sweden Spring, 2017 74 24 2 100
United Kingdom Spring, 2017 69 27 4 100
Russia Spring, 2017 31 54 15 100
Australia Spring, 2017 71 27 2 100
India Spring, 2017 28 25 47 100
Indonesia Spring, 2017 68 16 16 100
Japan Spring, 2017 56 36 8 100
Philippines Spring, 2017 41 45 14 100
South Korea Spring, 2017 76 20 4 100
Vietnam Spring, 2017 48 35 17 100
Israel Spring, 2017 42 51 7 100
Jordan Spring, 2017 62 36 2 100
Lebanon Spring, 2017 66 24 10 100
Tunisia Spring, 2017 71 17 12 100
Turkey Spring, 2017 72 11 17 100
Ghana Spring, 2017 32 44 24 100
Kenya Spring, 2017 52 38 10 100
Nigeria Spring, 2017 33 49 18 100
Senegal Spring, 2017 50 27 23 100
South Africa Spring, 2017 41 41 18 100
Tanzania Spring, 2017 46 42 12 100
Argentina Spring, 2017 70 17 14 100
Brazil Spring, 2017 63 21 15 100
Chile Spring, 2017 76 15 9 100
Colombia Spring, 2017 66 23 11 100
Mexico Spring, 2017 83 13 4 100
Peru Spring, 2017 62 26 12 100
Venezuela Spring, 2017 57 30 13 100

Q37d. Please tell me whether you think the following describes U.S. President Donald
Trump. Do you think of Donald Trump as ____? d. charismatic
Yes No DK/Refused Total
Canada Spring, 2017 37 59 4 100
France Spring, 2017 52 45 3 100
Germany Spring, 2017 37 57 6 100
Greece Spring, 2017 35 58 7 100
Hungary Spring, 2017 58 26 16 100
Italy Spring, 2017 43 46 11 100
Netherlands Spring, 2017 31 66 3 100
Poland Spring, 2017 53 23 25 100
Spain Spring, 2017 47 48 5 100
Sweden Spring, 2017 42 54 4 100
United Kingdom Spring, 2017 39 55 6 100
Russia Spring, 2017 62 26 12 100
Australia Spring, 2017 39 58 3 100
India Spring, 2017 22 29 49 100
Indonesia Spring, 2017 23 60 17 100
Japan Spring, 2017 54 39 7 100
Philippines Spring, 2017 51 33 16 100
South Korea Spring, 2017 62 34 3 100
Vietnam Spring, 2017 68 21 11 100
Israel Spring, 2017 71 26 3 100
Jordan Spring, 2017 7 91 2 100
Lebanon Spring, 2017 34 59 8 100
Tunisia Spring, 2017 41 39 20 100
Turkey Spring, 2017 21 64 15 100
Ghana Spring, 2017 45 26 29 100
Kenya Spring, 2017 49 41 10 100
Nigeria Spring, 2017 52 27 21 100
Senegal Spring, 2017 48 30 23 100
South Africa Spring, 2017 38 37 25 100
Tanzania Spring, 2017 39 49 12 100
Argentina Spring, 2017 25 65 10 100
Brazil Spring, 2017 19 68 13 100
Chile Spring, 2017 25 67 8 100
Colombia Spring, 2017 22 67 10 100
Mexico Spring, 2017 11 86 3 100
Peru Spring, 2017 23 63 14 100
Venezuela Spring, 2017 28 60 13 100

Q37e. Please tell me whether you think the following describes U.S. President Donald
Trump. Do you think of Donald Trump as ____? e. intolerant
Yes No DK/Refused Total
Canada Spring, 2017 78 18 4 100
France Spring, 2017 83 15 1 100
Germany Spring, 2017 81 15 4 100
Greece Spring, 2017 70 22 8 100
Hungary Spring, 2017 50 26 24 100
Italy Spring, 2017 72 20 8 100
Netherlands Spring, 2017 77 21 3 100
Poland Spring, 2017 57 20 23 100
Spain Spring, 2017 84 13 2 100
Sweden Spring, 2017 81 15 5 100
United Kingdom Spring, 2017 77 19 4 100
Russia Spring, 2017 25 55 20 100
Australia Spring, 2017 77 20 3 100
India Spring, 2017 17 32 51 100
Indonesia Spring, 2017 64 18 18 100
Japan Spring, 2017 62 27 11 100
Philippines Spring, 2017 46 37 17 100
South Korea Spring, 2017 63 29 8 100
Vietnam Spring, 2017 42 39 19 100
Israel Spring, 2017 59 33 7 100
Jordan Spring, 2017 73 21 7 100
Lebanon Spring, 2017 70 17 13 100
Tunisia Spring, 2017 58 19 23 100
Turkey Spring, 2017 63 14 24 100
Ghana Spring, 2017 41 34 25 100
Kenya Spring, 2017 45 45 10 100
Nigeria Spring, 2017 47 35 19 100
Senegal Spring, 2017 50 24 25 100
South Africa Spring, 2017 46 35 19 100
Tanzania Spring, 2017 48 39 12 100
Argentina Spring, 2017 78 12 11 100
Brazil Spring, 2017 66 22 13 100
Chile Spring, 2017 80 13 7 100
Colombia Spring, 2017 77 15 9 100
Mexico Spring, 2017 85 12 3 100
Peru Spring, 2017 65 21 15 100
Venezuela Spring, 2017 65 23 12 100

Q37f. Please tell me whether you think the following describes U.S. President Donald
Trump. Do you think of Donald Trump as ____? f. caring about ordinary people
Yes No DK/Refused Total
Canada Spring, 2017 23 73 4 100
France Spring, 2017 18 81 1 100
Germany Spring, 2017 13 83 4 100
Greece Spring, 2017 20 70 10 100
Hungary Spring, 2017 33 41 26 100
Italy Spring, 2017 23 68 9 100
Netherlands Spring, 2017 23 74 3 100
Poland Spring, 2017 29 39 32 100
Spain Spring, 2017 14 82 4 100
Sweden Spring, 2017 13 86 1 100
United Kingdom Spring, 2017 28 67 5 100
Russia Spring, 2017 53 27 20 100
Australia Spring, 2017 30 67 3 100
India Spring, 2017 28 25 47 100
Indonesia Spring, 2017 18 63 19 100
Japan Spring, 2017 24 66 11 100
Philippines Spring, 2017 54 29 17 100
South Korea Spring, 2017 19 76 5 100
Vietnam Spring, 2017 54 32 13 100
Israel Spring, 2017 40 46 15 100
Jordan Spring, 2017 6 89 6 100
Lebanon Spring, 2017 12 71 17 100
Tunisia Spring, 2017 16 67 17 100
Turkey Spring, 2017 12 62 26 100
Ghana Spring, 2017 52 24 24 100
Kenya Spring, 2017 44 46 10 100
Nigeria Spring, 2017 55 29 17 100
Senegal Spring, 2017 27 51 22 100
South Africa Spring, 2017 38 44 19 100
Tanzania Spring, 2017 39 49 12 100
Argentina Spring, 2017 9 77 14 100
Brazil Spring, 2017 17 73 10 100
Chile Spring, 2017 7 84 9 100
Colombia Spring, 2017 13 77 10 100
Mexico Spring, 2017 8 88 4 100
Peru Spring, 2017 19 68 12 100
Venezuela Spring, 2017 21 66 13 100

Q37g. Please tell me whether you think the following describes U.S. President Donald
Trump. Do you think of Donald Trump as ____? g. arrogant
Yes No DK/Refused Total
Canada Spring, 2017 93 6 2 100
France Spring, 2017 93 6 1 100
Germany Spring, 2017 91 7 3 100
Greece Spring, 2017 78 15 7 100
Hungary Spring, 2017 66 19 15 100
Italy Spring, 2017 77 15 8 100
Netherlands Spring, 2017 92 8 1 100
Poland Spring, 2017 71 12 16 100
Spain Spring, 2017 94 5 2 100
Sweden Spring, 2017 93 5 2 100
United Kingdom Spring, 2017 89 8 3 100
Russia Spring, 2017 44 43 13 100
Australia Spring, 2017 89 9 1 100
India Spring, 2017 26 25 49 100
Indonesia Spring, 2017 70 12 18 100
Japan Spring, 2017 80 16 5 100
Philippines Spring, 2017 49 34 17 100
South Korea Spring, 2017 85 11 4 100
Vietnam Spring, 2017 54 33 12 100
Israel Spring, 2017 65 27 8 100
Jordan Spring, 2017 91 7 1 100
Lebanon Spring, 2017 77 13 10 100
Tunisia Spring, 2017 71 12 17 100
Turkey Spring, 2017 64 12 24 100
Ghana Spring, 2017 31 43 26 100
Kenya Spring, 2017 49 42 10 100
Nigeria Spring, 2017 33 47 20 100
Senegal Spring, 2017 46 24 30 100
South Africa Spring, 2017 53 28 19 100
Tanzania Spring, 2017 45 43 13 100
Argentina Spring, 2017 82 8 10 100
Brazil Spring, 2017 75 13 12 100
Chile Spring, 2017 89 5 6 100
Colombia Spring, 2017 86 8 6 100
Mexico Spring, 2017 91 7 2 100
Peru Spring, 2017 70 17 13 100
Venezuela Spring, 2017 75 15 10 100

Q38a. As I read some proposed policies of President Donald Trump, please tell me if
you approve or disapprove of each one. a. withdraw U.S. support for international
climate change agreements
Approve Disapprove DK/Refused Total
Canada Spring, 2017 15 79 5 100
France Spring, 2017 9 90 1 100
Germany Spring, 2017 5 93 2 100
Greece Spring, 2017 11 82 7 100
Hungary Spring, 2017 13 75 12 100
Italy Spring, 2017 18 67 15 100
Netherlands Spring, 2017 8 91 2 100
Poland Spring, 2017 17 52 31 100
Spain Spring, 2017 8 91 1 100
Sweden Spring, 2017 6 93 1 100
United Kingdom Spring, 2017 14 80 6 100
Russia Spring, 2017 27 49 24 100
Australia Spring, 2017 19 77 4 100
India Spring, 2017 32 25 43 100
Indonesia Spring, 2017 31 47 22 100
Japan Spring, 2017 13 72 15 100
Philippines Spring, 2017 25 68 7 100
South Korea Spring, 2017 13 78 9 100
Vietnam Spring, 2017 26 62 11 100
Israel Spring, 2017 19 69 11 100
Jordan Spring, 2017 19 72 9 100
Lebanon Spring, 2017 14 74 12 100
Tunisia Spring, 2017 21 58 22 100
Turkey Spring, 2017 15 57 27 100
Ghana Spring, 2017 23 70 7 100
Kenya Spring, 2017 30 65 5 100
Nigeria Spring, 2017 32 61 7 100
Senegal Spring, 2017 10 81 8 100
South Africa Spring, 2017 36 50 14 100
Tanzania Spring, 2017 29 65 6 100
Argentina Spring, 2017 18 70 12 100
Brazil Spring, 2017 19 69 13 100
Chile Spring, 2017 14 79 7 100
Colombia Spring, 2017 22 71 7 100
Mexico Spring, 2017 19 77 4 100
Peru Spring, 2017 29 65 6 100
Venezuela Spring, 2017 21 73 7 100

Q38b. As I read some proposed policies of President Donald Trump, please tell me if
you approve or disapprove of each one. b. build a wall on the border between the
U.S. and Mexico
Approve Disapprove DK/Refused Total
Canada Spring, 2017 13 84 3 100
France Spring, 2017 10 89 1 100
Germany Spring, 2017 8 89 3 100
Greece Spring, 2017 18 78 5 100
Hungary Spring, 2017 35 49 16 100
Italy Spring, 2017 17 73 10 100
Netherlands Spring, 2017 9 88 2 100
Poland Spring, 2017 18 63 19 100
Spain Spring, 2017 7 92 1 100
Sweden Spring, 2017 5 94 1 100
United Kingdom Spring, 2017 12 83 4 100
Russia Spring, 2017 35 47 17 100
Australia Spring, 2017 19 78 3 100
India Spring, 2017 25 29 47 100
Indonesia Spring, 2017 19 57 23 100
Japan Spring, 2017 15 78 7 100
Philippines Spring, 2017 28 61 12 100
South Korea Spring, 2017 12 83 6 100
Vietnam Spring, 2017 35 49 17 100
Israel Spring, 2017 42 44 13 100
Jordan Spring, 2017 44 46 10 100
Lebanon Spring, 2017 14 66 20 100
Tunisia Spring, 2017 20 60 21 100
Turkey Spring, 2017 12 63 24 100
Ghana Spring, 2017 29 64 6 100
Kenya Spring, 2017 33 61 6 100
Nigeria Spring, 2017 38 50 12 100
Senegal Spring, 2017 12 77 10 100
South Africa Spring, 2017 32 55 13 100
Tanzania Spring, 2017 31 61 8 100
Argentina Spring, 2017 11 83 6 100
Brazil Spring, 2017 15 76 9 100
Chile Spring, 2017 10 86 5 100
Colombia Spring, 2017 8 89 2 100
Mexico Spring, 2017 5 94 2 100
Peru Spring, 2017 16 78 7 100
Venezuela Spring, 2017 14 79 7 100

Q38c. As I read some proposed policies of President Donald Trump, please tell me if
you approve or disapprove of each one. c. withdraw U.S. support from the Iran
nuclear weapons agreement
Approve Disapprove DK/Refused Total
Canada Spring, 2017 25 60 15 100
France Spring, 2017 31 62 7 100
Germany Spring, 2017 20 71 9 100
Greece Spring, 2017 33 50 17 100
Hungary Spring, 2017 36 42 22 100
Italy Spring, 2017 33 45 22 100
Netherlands Spring, 2017 26 68 6 100
Poland Spring, 2017 27 40 33 100
Spain Spring, 2017 31 61 9 100
Sweden Spring, 2017 21 63 16 100
United Kingdom Spring, 2017 25 58 17 100
Russia Spring, 2017 38 38 25 100
Australia Spring, 2017 24 58 17 100
India Spring, 2017 27 25 49 100
Indonesia Spring, 2017 37 38 24 100
Japan Spring, 2017 29 48 23 100
Philippines Spring, 2017 34 56 9 100
South Korea Spring, 2017 25 63 12 100
Vietnam Spring, 2017 38 46 17 100
Israel Spring, 2017 67 26 7 100
Jordan Spring, 2017 59 37 4 100
Lebanon Spring, 2017 42 49 9 100
Tunisia Spring, 2017 37 41 22 100
Turkey Spring, 2017 29 42 29 100
Ghana Spring, 2017 42 49 9 100
Kenya Spring, 2017 34 56 10 100
Nigeria Spring, 2017 45 48 8 100
Senegal Spring, 2017 26 61 13 100
South Africa Spring, 2017 35 49 16 100
Tanzania Spring, 2017 43 49 8 100
Argentina Spring, 2017 37 47 16 100
Brazil Spring, 2017 41 47 12 100
Chile Spring, 2017 42 47 11 100
Colombia Spring, 2017 33 58 9 100
Mexico Spring, 2017 32 58 10 100
Peru Spring, 2017 39 54 8 100
Venezuela Spring, 2017 38 52 10 100

Q38d. As I read some proposed policies of President Donald Trump, please tell me if
you approve or disapprove of each one. d. withdraw U.S. support for major trade
Approve Disapprove DK/Refused Total
Canada Spring, 2017 15 78 7 100
France Spring, 2017 15 83 2 100
Germany Spring, 2017 13 81 5 100
Greece Spring, 2017 17 71 13 100
Hungary Spring, 2017 18 63 19 100
Italy Spring, 2017 18 66 17 100
Netherlands Spring, 2017 10 88 3 100
Poland Spring, 2017 14 59 27 100
Spain Spring, 2017 10 85 5 100
Sweden Spring, 2017 5 90 5 100
United Kingdom Spring, 2017 17 72 11 100
Russia Spring, 2017 28 49 23 100
Australia Spring, 2017 19 73 7 100
India Spring, 2017 24 28 48 100
Indonesia Spring, 2017 34 45 21 100
Japan Spring, 2017 16 66 18 100
Philippines Spring, 2017 22 72 7 100
South Korea Spring, 2017 12 80 8 100
Vietnam Spring, 2017 26 61 13 100
Israel Spring, 2017 24 58 18 100
Jordan Spring, 2017 12 83 5 100
Lebanon Spring, 2017 16 74 10 100
Tunisia Spring, 2017 20 60 20 100
Turkey Spring, 2017 20 50 30 100
Ghana Spring, 2017 20 72 8 100
Kenya Spring, 2017 32 65 3 100
Nigeria Spring, 2017 32 64 4 100
Senegal Spring, 2017 14 78 8 100
South Africa Spring, 2017 35 50 15 100
Tanzania Spring, 2017 30 63 7 100
Argentina Spring, 2017 18 69 14 100
Brazil Spring, 2017 17 71 12 100
Chile Spring, 2017 11 81 7 100
Colombia Spring, 2017 19 74 7 100
Mexico Spring, 2017 14 80 6 100
Peru Spring, 2017 21 72 7 100
Venezuela Spring, 2017 19 73 8 100

Q38e. As I read some proposed policies of President Donald Trump, please tell me if
you approve or disapprove of each one. e. introduce tighter restrictions on those
entering the U.S. from some majority-Muslim countries
Approve Disapprove DK/Refused Total
Canada Spring, 2017 31 64 5 100
France Spring, 2017 37 62 1 100
Germany Spring, 2017 32 65 4 100
Greece Spring, 2017 45 49 6 100
Hungary Spring, 2017 70 20 10 100
Italy Spring, 2017 44 45 11 100
Netherlands Spring, 2017 28 68 4 100
Poland Spring, 2017 56 27 17 100
Spain Spring, 2017 24 72 4 100
Sweden Spring, 2017 20 78 2 100
United Kingdom Spring, 2017 35 58 7 100
Russia Spring, 2017 53 32 15 100
Australia Spring, 2017 45 53 3 100
India Spring, 2017 37 24 39 100
Indonesia Spring, 2017 17 67 16 100
Japan Spring, 2017 25 65 10 100
Philippines Spring, 2017 31 62 7 100
South Korea Spring, 2017 31 62 7 100
Vietnam Spring, 2017 47 39 14 100
Israel Spring, 2017 63 32 5 100
Jordan Spring, 2017 4 96 0 100
Lebanon Spring, 2017 7 88 5 100
Tunisia Spring, 2017 19 73 7 100
Turkey Spring, 2017 12 77 11 100
Ghana Spring, 2017 39 55 6 100
Kenya Spring, 2017 31 66 4 100
Nigeria Spring, 2017 41 52 8 100
Senegal Spring, 2017 11 82 7 100
South Africa Spring, 2017 38 50 13 100
Tanzania Spring, 2017 28 67 5 100
Argentina Spring, 2017 33 55 12 100
Brazil Spring, 2017 28 61 11 100
Chile Spring, 2017 35 56 9 100
Colombia Spring, 2017 28 64 8 100
Mexico Spring, 2017 17 76 7 100
Peru Spring, 2017 36 55 9 100
Venezuela Spring, 2017 32 58 10 100

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