NP5 .Nursing Board Exam June 2008 Answer Key

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NP5 Nursing Board Exam June 2008 Answer Key 'Nursing

Care of Client with Physiological and Psychosocial

100 Nursing Board Exam test questions of June 2008 Nurse
Licensure Examination (NLE)
Nursing Practice V – Nursing Care of Client with
Physiological and Psychosocial Alteration
Medical and Surgical Nursing / Psychology

PART 1 Board Exam test questions 1 - 50

June 2008



Situation - Felisa has a ritualistic pattern of

constantly washing her hands with soap and water
followed by rubbing alcohol.

1. This behavior is categorized as:

B. normal
C. neurotic
D. psychotic

2. A therapeutic intervention in this situation is:

A. avoid limits on her behavior to release her
B. call attention to her ritualistic pattern
C. provide alternative behaviors to deal with
increased anxiety
D. ignore her behavior totally

3. The anxiety of Felisa is disabling and interferes

with her job performance, interpersonal relationships
and other activities of daily living. To minimize such
problems, she is likely to be given:
A. diazepam
( Valium )
B. haloperidol ( Haldol )
C. imipramine Hcl ( Tofranil )
D. chlorpromazine ( Thorazine )

4. Felisa understands the effects of her medicine

when expresses:
A. “I should watch out for signs of sore lips or
sore throat”
B. “I might have constipation”
C. “I might feel changes in my body temperature”
D. “ I should not drive or operate machines”

5. The level of anxiety that Felisa is experiencing is:

B. Severe
C. Mild
D. Moderate

Situation - The nurse recognizes the need to learn to

cope with stress and change. She becomes
interested to practice natural ways to enhance well

6. Lifestyle modification begins with:

A. minimizing eating in fast food restaurants
B. having an exercise regimen to follow regularly
C. recognizing the impact of unhealthy
D. avoiding pollutants in the environment

7. All of these are the behavior intervention to stress

management. EXCEPT:
A. guided
B. pharmacotherapy
C. meditation
D. progressive muscle relaxation

8. Basic to progressive muscle relaxation is:

A. focusing on an image to
B relaxing muscles from
C. use of industrial equipment
D. stopping disturbing thoughts

9. Dietary practices are very important to the health

of the Filipino family. The nurse needs to assess this
lifestyle because:
A. the nurse wants to change the eating
patterns of the Filipino family
B. the nurse knows that being overweight is a
major health hazard
C. the nurse wants to stop all the mainstream
weight-loss diets
D. the nurse has to find out what people are

10. A young overweight adult smokes 5-10 sticks of

cigarettes/day, ambitious, looks at life as challenging
and perfect and never considers change in his
lifestyle, initially needs:
B. information
C. skills to attempt change
D. motivation

Situation - Bernie and John in their late 40’s have

been married for 20 years and at the peak of their
careers. Suddenly, Bernie discovered that her
husband was falling in love with another woman.
Shaken by this situation, she started to have
problems sleeping and could not function well at
work and at the risk of losing her job. John asked
forgiveness and regret very much the hurt his wife
was going through and suffered guilt feelings:

11. Bernie and John are going through a:

A. situational
B. developmental
C. anticipated crisis
D. both developmental and situational crisis
12. All of these are characteristics of crisis EXCEPT:
A. a hazardous or threatening event occurs
B. it has a growth promoting potential
C. usual problem solving methods and
coping mechanisms produce a
D. anxiety or depression continue to increase

13. The nurse employs this approach in crisis

A. problem-solving

B. behavior modification
C. role-playing
D. nurse-patient relationship

14. Assessment data of the nurse include all the

following EXCEPT:
A. coping
B. situational support
C. perception of the event
D. repressed problems

15. The duration of crisis usually lasts several days

and usually:
A. 2 – 4
B. 1 – 2
C. 1 – 2 months
D. 4 – 6 weeks
Situation - The community health nurse encounters
special children in the community.

16. An individual with antisocial personality disorder

lacks remorse, shame and guilt in going against the
norms of society. Psychodynamically, this defect in
the personality reflects a disturbance of the:
B. super
C. ego ideal
D. id

17. The nurse teaches parents about children’s

beginning concepts of right and wrong by
emphasizing child rearing attitude and practices
during the:
A. school
B. toddler age
C. infancy period
D. latency period

18. It is BEST for parents to teach healthy

interpersonal relationships to their children by:
A. modeling to their children
B. encouraging their children to attend secondary
C. encouraging their children at home to behave
D. teaching their children good manners and right
19. An important principle for the nurse to follow in
interacting with retarded children is:
A. seen that if the child appears contented, his
needs are being met
B. provide an environment appropriate to their
development task as scheduled
C. treat the child according to his chronological
D. treat the child according to his
developmental level

20. Mental retardation is:

A. a delay in normal growth and development
caused by an inadequate environment
B. a lack of development of sensory abilities
C. a condition of subaverage intellectual
functioning that originates during the
developmental period and is associated with
impairment in adaptive behavior
D. a severe lag in neuromuscular development
and motor abilities

Situation - As a professional, it is imperative that the

nurse is accountable to oneself hence the importance
of personal and professional development.

21. Nurse: “ I feel personally involved with my

client’s problems” demonstrates:
A. counter
B. empathy
C. transference
D. sympathy

22. The nurse has achieved self-awareness in which

of the following verbalizations?
A. every time people around me yell, I feel upset
and withdrawn
B. when the patient yelled at me I became
C. with the patients tone of voice and stare, I
got reminded of how my father would be so
angry and this made me anxious
D. I thought it was rude for the patient to yell
hence I kept quiet

23. An accepting attitude requires being:

A. aware of ones
B. tolerant of the faults of others
C. non judgmental
D. in control of tendency to blame

24. Self-awareness, knowledge and understanding of

human behavior and communication skills define
what is essential in caring for every nurse to be able
to demonstrate:
A. positive self-
B. assertiveness
C. therapeutic use of self
D. self-mastery
25. Considering that man is by nature social, it is
BEST for the nurse to gain self-awareness by:
A. participating in intensive group
B. individual psychotherapy
C. hypnotherapy
D. writing an autobiography for self introspection

Situation – Ninety year old Purita is confined at the

medical unit for respiratory ailment for which a
breathing apparatus is prescribed for her to use
while she sleeps. She refuses to wear continuously
though she full understands the medical indication
for it:

26. Which of these ethical principles can guide the

nurse in her action?
A. Beneficence
B. Fidelity
C. Autonomy
D. Nonmaleficence

27. Purita has six children who already adults. They

differ in their opinion whether or not to allow their
mother to decide for her. The nurse would encourage
family conference for:
A. The eldest child’s opinion to be given priority.
B. Majority of the children to decide
C. Allowing the medical staff to decide in their
D. Consensus building
28. Breathing treatments are to be given to Purita.
In anticipation that Purita might refuse. Dinio, one of
the children requests that he be the one to sign the
consent in behalf of their mother. The nurse explains
that Purita is rational in her thinking and which of
this client’s right must be regarding?
A. Right to refuse treatment
B. Right to privacy
C. Right to informed consent
D. Right of habeas consent

29. Which of these would be the nurse’s priority

following the treatment principle of least restrictive
A. One on one staffing
B. Use of on site guard/watcher
C. Physical restraint
D. Seclusion

30. Purita talks about her joy in having responsible

and accomplished children and recalls challenging
career as a lawyer. She is demonstrating a sense of:
A. Ego integrity
B. Industry
C. Generativity
D. Autonomy

Situation – The supervising nurse received report

that a staff nurse is displaying frequent irritation,
anger, and even indifference toward clients and co-

31. The initial action of the supervisor would be to:

A. Post guidelines on proper decorum of nurse in
the bulletin board.
B. Write a memo of warning to the house
C. Request anecdotal report from the nurse’s co-
D. Call the nurse for a one on one

32. The nurse expressed increasing feelings of

dissatisfaction. The supervising nurse intervenes
therapeutically by taking the role of:
A. Administrator by relieving her of
B. Therapist by delving into the nurse’s internal
C. Counselor by actively listening
D. Educator by reorienting her of role as a nurse.

33. Coupled with poor work performance, mental

and physical fatigue and actual withdrawal from
client contact and nursing duties. The nurse can be
said to be suffering from:
A. Psychotic anxiety
B. Staff burn-out
C. Personality maladjustment
D. Neurotic depression

34. A priority in the nurse’s personal development

would be to:
A. Address her physical well-being
B. Boost her self-confidence
C. Provide social support
D. Help her find value and meaning in her

35. The most relevant professional program for her

would be:
A. Assertiveness training
B. Stress management
C. Group dynamics and team building
D. Behavior modification

Situation – A nurse assigned in the neurologic unit is

taking of clients with varying degrees of generative

36. Mr. A with Myasthenia Gravis is having difficulty

speaking. What communication strategies should the
nurse avoid when interacting with Mr. A?
A. Repeating what the client says for better
B. Using paper and pencil in communicating with
the client
C. Encouraging the client to speak slowly
D. Encouraging the client to speak quickly

37. When planning for nursing care for Mr. B who

has Parkinson’s disease. Which of the following goals
would be most appropriate?
A. To improve muscle tone
B. To start rehabilitation as much as possible
C. TO treat the disease
D. TO maintain optimal body function
38. For the past 10 years, Alma, 42 years old has
had multiple sclerosis. Client with multiple sclerosis
experience many different symptoms. As part of the
rehabilitation planned for Alma, the nurse suggested
therapy and hobbies to help her.
A. Strengthen muscle coordination
B. Establish routine
C. Develop perseverance and motivation
D. Establish good health habits

39. On his second day of hospitalization, Mr. Santos

was unable to stand and is having difficulty
swallowing and talking. Which of the following is the
priority of the nurse in assisting Mr. Santos?
A. To prevent bladder distention
B. To prevent decubitus ulcer
C. To prevent contracture
D. To prevent aspiration pneumonia

40. The wife of a seventy two year old man with a

diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease begins to cry and
tells the nurse, “I could not understand my husband
anymore. He has changed drastically.” “Which of the
following responses of the nurse is MOST
A. The physician and the staff will make sure that
your husband will be comfortable and safe here.
B. This has been a difficult time for you. Let
us walk and find a quiet place where we can
C. He will soon recover in his condition.
D. You need not worry, we are doing the best we
Situation – Annie has a morbid fear of heights. She
asks the nurse what desensitization therapy is:

41. The accurate information of the nurse the goal of

desensitization is:
A. To help the clients relax and progressively
work up a list of anxiety provoking situations
through imagery
B. To provide corrective emotional experiences
through a one-to-one intensive relationship
C. To help clients in a group therapy setting to
take on specific roles and reenact in front of an
audience, situations in which interpersonal conflict is
D. To help clients cope with their problems
by learning behaviors that we are more
functional and be better equipped to face
reality and make decisions.

42. It is essential in desensitization for the patient

A. Have a rapport with therapist
B. Use deep breathing or another relaxation
C. Assess one’s self for the need of anxiolytic
D. Work through unresolved unconsciousness

43. In this level of anxiety, cognitive capacity

diminishes. Focus becomes limited and client
experiences turned vision. Physical signs of anxiety
become more pronounced.
A. Severe anxiety
B. Panic
C. Mild anxiety
D. Moderate anxiety

44. Anti-anxiety medication should be used with

extreme caution because long term use can lead to.
A. Parkinsonian like syndrome
B. Hypertensive crisis
C. Hepatic failure
D. Risk of addiction

45. The nursing management of anxiety related with

post traumatic stress disorder includes all of the
following EXCEPT:
A. Encourage participation in recreation or sport
B. Reassurance client’s safety while
touching client
C. Speak in calm soothing voice
D. Remain with the client while fear level is high

Situation – The nurse is often met with the following

situations when clients become angry and aggressive
individual, the nurse should:

46. To maintain a therapeutic eye contact and body

posture while interacting with angry and aggressive
individual, the nurse should:
A. keep an eye contact while staring at the client
B. keep his/her hands behind his/her back or in
one’s pockets
C. fold his/her arms across his/her chest
D. keep an “open” posture, e.g. Hands by
sides but palms turned outwards

47. During the pre-interaction phase of the N-P

relationship, the nurse recognizes thisnormal INITIAL
reaction to an assaultive or potentially assaultive
A. To remain and cope with the incident
B. Display empathy towards the patient
C. To call for help from other members of the
D. To stay and fight or run away

48. Which of the following is an accurate way of

reporting and recording an incident?
A. “When asked about his relationship with his
father, client became anxious.”
B. “When asked about his relationship with
his father, client clenched his jaw/teeth, made
a fist and turned away from the nurse.”
C. “When asked about his relationship with his
father, client was resistant to
D. “When asked about his relationship with his
father, his anger was suppressed”

49. To encourage thought, which of the following

approaches is NOT therapeutic?
A. “Why do you feel angry?”
B. “When do you usually feel angry?”
C. “How do you usually express anger?”
D. What situations provoke you to be angry?”

50. A patient grabs and about to throw it. The nurse

best responds saying.
A. “Stop! Put that chair down.”
B. “Don’t be silly.”
C. “Stop! The security will be here in a minute.”
D. “Calm down.”

NP5 Nursing Board Exam June 2008 Answer Key 'Nursing

Care of Client with Physiological and Psychosocial
100 Nursing Board Exam test questions of June 2008 Nurse
Licensure Examination (NLE)
Nursing Practice V – Nursing Care of Client with
Physiological and Psychosocial Alteration
Medical and Surgical Nursing / Psychology

PART 2 Board Exam test questions 1 - 50

June 2008

Situation – A vehicle hit some pedestrian while

waiting for a bus ride. Some of the victims suffered
injuries in different part of the body. The victims
were brought to the nearby hospital. One of the
victims, Josephine was confirmed to have a fractured
left arm. While waiting for plaster cast to be applied,
Josephine appears to be anxious.
51. To reduce anxiety, the nurse teaches the
procedure to the client, which of the following topics
should NOT be included in the teaching plan?
A. Leave the cast uncovered to promote drying
B. Bear weight on the plaster for one hour. A
stockinet will be placed
over the left arm to be placed in the cast.
C. Handle hardening cast with palm of hands.
D. Trim and reshape finish cast with knife or

52. Cast was applied on Josephine’s left arm. In

assessing the neurovascular status of the client,
which of the following assessment findings should be
reported to the physician?
A. Pain on the left arm
B. Swelling of the fingers
C. Skin abrasion on the edges of the plaster cast
D. Nail bed capillary refill time of 10 seconds

53. One of the victims a sixty year old woman

sustained hip fracture. Prior to surgery, a Buck’s
extension traction is to be applied. The rationale of
traction is primarily based the understanding that
Buck’s extension traction:
A. Reduces muscle spasms and helps to
immobilize the fracture
B. Allows reduction of the fracture site for bone
C. Secures the fracture site to prevent damage to
the muscle tissues
D. Secures the fracture site for rigid
54. Philip was placed in skeletal leg traction with an
overbed frame. He is not allowed to move from side
to side. Which of the following nursing interventions
is useful in maintaining.
A. Assist the client by holding the trapeze and
raising hips of the bed.
B. Check the apparatus that weights hang
free and knots in the rope
are tied securely.
C. Suspend a trapeze within easy reach of the
D. Support the affected extremity while the
weights are removed.

55. To prevent complication when a child is in Buck’s

traction, the nurse should:
A. Clean the extremity and keep the skin dry
B. Assess any skin and circulatory disturbances
C. Clean the pin sites as necessary
D. Provide high fiber small meals.

56. The following concept are true EXCEPT:

A. Hostility is destructive
B. Frustration develops in response to
unmet needs, wants and desire
C. Anger is incompatible with love
D. Aggression can be expressed in a constructive
as well as a destructive
57. Carlo is acting out hostile and aggressive feeling
by kicking the chairs in the room, the MOST effective
way to deal with Carlo’s behavior is initially to:
A. Set limits on the behavior by verbal
B. Administer PRN tranquilizer
C. Remove the chairs from the room
D. Restrain the patient and place him in the
“Isolation Room”

58. Mrs. Dizon was visiting her son at the Psychiatry

Ward. Which of the following items will the nurse
NOT allow to brought inside the ward?
A. String rosary bracelet
B. Box of cake
C. Bottle of coke
D. Rubber shoes

59. Which of the following will probably be most

therapeutic for a patient on a behavioral modification
A. If the client is agitated, discuss the feelings
especially anger
B. Insist to stop obscene language by verbal
C. Give client support and positive feedback
for controlling use of
obscene language.
D. Provide a punching bag as an alternative to
express upset emotions.

60. Which of the following must be considered while

planning activities for the depressed client?
A. Activities which require exertion of energy
B. Challenging activities to get him out of his
C. Structured activities that the client can
D. Variety of unstructured activities

Situation - The nurse works with Mina to help her

work through termination of the nurse-patient

61. Preparation for termination of the nurse-patient

relationship begins during the:
A. termination phase
B. working phase
C. pre-orientation
D. orientation phase

62. Mina’s past reactions to ending relationships is

withdrawal. The nurse assists her to practice better
ways of coping termination by providing
opportunities to:
A. test new patterns of
B. plan for alternatives
C. conceptualize her problem
D. value and find meaning in experience

63. During the early part of the interaction, the

nurse asked after a period of silence. “Perhaps we
would talk about my leaving”. The nurse utilized
which communication technique:
B. suggesting
C. focusing on
D. understanding

64. The longest and the most productive phase of

the NPR is:
A. Termination phase
B. Working phase
C. Pre-orientation phase
D. Orientation phase

65. The objection of the nurse-patient relationship is

to provide an opportunity of the patient to:
A. clarify problems

B. develop
C. have a corrective emotional experience
D. develop interpersonal relationship

Situation - As a program manager, the mental

health psychiatric nurse is tasked to provide general
patient management.

66. The nurse is aware that identifying the aspects of

general patient management and identifying
interventions for meeting these basic needs are
distinctions of:
B. therapeutic milieu
C. pharmacotherapy
D. behavior therapy

67. In order to get active participation of the clients

to carry out the objective of the program, it is BEST
for the nurse to conduct a/an:
A. community
B. survey
C. observation
D. selective interview of patients

68. Through the nurse’s role modeling of effective

communication, the clients learned new ways of
dealing with authority figures. This gives the clients a
venue to:
B. socialize
C. identify their problems
D. test new patterns of behavior

69. This element of communication facilitates

evaluation of the program:
C. sender
D. feedback
70. The nurse’s style of leadership in milieu therapy
B. laissez-
C. democratic
D. benevolent

Situation - Loretta is a 28 years old, unemployed

patient, admitted to the psychiatric unit with a
diagnosis of chronic undifferentiated schizophrenia.
She described herself as the “Virgin Mary” and her
mission is to propagate peace. She was observed
laughing and talking to herself. Her thought
processes were profoundly disorganized. She was
also fearful and suspicious of others.

71. Loretta’s claim of being the “Virgin Mary” is a/an:

C. hallucination
D. obsession

72. Her mission to propagate peace is:

A. a serious call for a need of
B. an attempt to overcome low self-
C. realistic and laudable
D. an advocacy that she can participate in
73. Which of this intervention would NOT be
therapeutic in decreasing Loretta’s anxiety?
A. joke about her thought to help her feel at
B. listen to her thoughts and feelings
C. simply accept
D. do not convince her that her perception is

74. The nurse evaluates that Loretta’s ready for a

rehabilitation program when she:
A. approaches the nurse at frequent intervals
B. ceases to talk about “Virgin Mary”
C. goes to the coffee shop alone more often
D. carries a book “The Purpose Driven Life”

75. The nurse is leading a group meeting of patients

to prepare them to be discharged. An appropriate
goal for the group members is to develop:
A. attitudes of society towards the mentally ill
B. skills for maintaining daily living
C. awareness of interpersonal patterns of
D. insight into personal problems

Situation - A group of adult chronic schizophrenic

patients were recommended to undergo social skills

76. The following are the objectives of a social skills

training program EXCEPT:
A. explore deep seated intrapsychic
B. practice skills in relating with
C. help build self esteem and self confidence
D. develop and practice general coping skills

77. Social skills training is NOT primarily indicated

for psychiatric patients who are:
A. in acute stage of illness
B. having difficulties starting and maintaining
interpersonal relationships
C. having chronic episodes of stress and anxiety
while interacting with others
D. experiencing recurrence of symptoms in front
of particular people or among
people in general

78. The focus of the group interaction is “here and

now”. An appropriate topic would be:
A. ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day in February
B. how to spend the summer vacation
C. an unforgettable experience as a child
D. how to tell a joke

79. An appropriate technique for the participants to

practice how to communicate effectively is
C. role play
D. psychodrama

80. Considering that it is BEST to learn by example,

it is MOST practical to:
A. model good social skills throughout the
B. relate successful past experiences
C. invite a resource person
D. watch a movie

Situation - Andy, 30 years old, was admitted to the

Psychiatric Ward because of religious preoccupation,
deterioration in self-care and disturbed thoughts. He
believes that he has committed a lot of sins. He is
threatened by people reaching out to him. His fasting
for several days was not sufficient for him to feel

81. Andy is demonstrating:

A. religious
B. delusion of grandeur
C. somatic delusion
D. delusion of being controlled

82. A delusion is:

A. psychomotor disturbance

B. mood disturbance
C. disturbance of thought
D. disturbance of perception

83. The nursing goal for Andy is to:

A. have him see a priest for confession
B. encourage him to pray to atone for his sins
C. help him develop a positive self image
D. socialize him with a group to keep him in
touch with reality

84. As Andy talks about his sins that he believes

make people look down upon him. It is BEST to:
A. agree with him and sympathize how sinful he
has really been
B. explore the nature of his sins
C. explain that he is depreciating himself too
D. acknowledge how he feels and focus on
reality oriented topics

85. Which of the following drugs will most likely to

decrease Andy’s hallucination?
A. Chlorpromazine (Thorazine)
B. Chlomipramine (Anafranil)
C. Fluoxetine (Prozac)
D. Carbamazepine (Tegretol)

86. Which of this client situation appropriately

illustrate horticulture therapy?
A. the therapist brings bongos, tambourine, and
bells and encourages client
B. Tommy, Karen, Jon and Pia play scrabble
every night after supper
C. every afternoon, Vic goes in the garden
where he work with plants,
seedlings, tree planting and watering them
D. Paul finds sketching relaxing and rewarding

87. The beginning professional nurse can do mental

health counseling with the following clients EXCEPT:
A. Actively psychotic patients
B. Out of school adolescents
C. Parents with child rearing concerns
D. School children with behavioral problem

88. A professional responsibility of the mental health

psychiatric nurse is to provide a safe and therapeutic
environment. This is BEST reflected in:
A. restraining patients who violates policies and
do not follow schedule of
B. maintaining a closed door policy to prevent
patients from absconding.
C. keeping a restrictive environment to prevent
patients from becoming
assaultive and hostile
D. ensuring physical safety and maintaining
therapeutic attitude
towards the patients

89. The foundation of the therapeutic process is the

therapeutic relationship. What is the essential
component that the nurse must bring to the
A. humor
B. empathy

C. reframing
D. confrontation
90. Which of these people, the highest in population
groups that would need priority mental health
A. adults going through active skills

B. single elderly with no social support

C. young professionals entering the
D. women preparing for overseas employment

Situation - The nurse observed that Marie, age 28

years old had not been participating in activity

91. Which of the following remarks from the nursing

attendants indicates a need for further teaching and
A. Marie made no response to an invitation to
B. Marie preferred to sit at the bench and watch
the ballgame
C. Marie is aloof and indifferent to co-
D. Marie read a book while other patients played
a ballgame

92. Marie said “I don’t like to be a part of it. Look,

they are being laughed at because they are singing
and acting like children”. The nurse notes that in
order for the activity therapy to be therapeutic:
A. the staff should decide solely what activities
to be done and what rules
B. patients should be allowed solely to decide
what they want to do on their
C. ballgames should be limited to male patients
D. age and needs of patient should be
considered in the choice of

93. To encourage active participation among

patients, it is BEST to plan activities they can engage
in through a:
A. one to one
B. community
C. checklist
D. feedback evaluation forum

94. In planning activities for the patients, it is

essential to consider FOREMOST:
A. safety and
B. variety and fun
C. novelty and creativity
D. excitement and challenge

95. Adults, “ singing and acting like children” is a

form of:
B. regression
C. sublimation
D. compensation

Situation – Nursing care for the elderly

96. In planning care for a patient with Parkinson’s

disease, which of these nursing diagnoses should
have priority?
A. potential for injury
B. altered nutritional state
C. ineffective coping
D. altered mood state

97. The frequent use of the older client’s name by

the nurse is MOST effective in alleviating which of
the following responses to old age?
A. Loneliness
B. Suspicion
C. Grief
D. Confusion

98. An elderly who has lots of regrets, unhappy and

miserable is experiencing:
A. Crisis
B. Despair
C. Loss
D. Ambivalence

99. The pre-morbid personality of a schizophrenic

elderly client is:
A. Schizoid
B. Extrovert
C. Ambivert
D. Cycloid

100. Schizophrenia is a/an:

A. Anxiety disorder
B. Neurosis
C. Psychosis
D. Personality disoder

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