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Paradigm Shift to

Outcomes-Based Education

Dr. Cynthia C. Llanes

Vice President for Academic Affairs
Technological Institute of the Philippines
Quezon City

CHED Region 4
February 7, 2018
Outline of Presentation
1. Introduction - Rationale
2. Basic concepts of outcomes-based education
(OBE) and outcomes-based teaching and
learning (OBTL)
3. Implementation of Outcomes-Based
Education (OBE) at the institutional level and
Outcomes-Based Teaching and
Learning(OBTL) at the classroom level
4. CHED OBE-related Requirements and
5. Summary
Intended Learning Outcomes
At the end of this session, the participants should
be able to:
1. Explain the basic concepts of outcomes-based
education (OBE) and outcomes-based
teaching and learning (OBTL)
2. Plan and implement a program on outcomes-
based education at an institutional level and
outcomes-based teaching and learning at the
classroom level.
Rationale : OBE in the Philippines
The need to implement OBE OBTL

CHED Memorandum Order No. 37 s. 2012.

Policies, standards and guidelines in the
establishment of an outcomes-based
education(OBE) system in higher education
institutions offering engineering programs
The need to implement OBE OBTL
CHED Memorandum Order No. 46 s. 2012.
Policy-standard to enhance quality assurance
(QA) in Philippine higher education through an
outcomes-based and typology-based QA
The need to implement OBE OBTL
CHED CMO 20 s.2015. Consolidated Policies ,
Standards, and Guidelines for BS Marine
Transportation and BS Marine Engineering
Programs required the submission of revised
detailed syllabi in all courses using the CHED
prescribed format incorporating the
elements of OBE/OBTL
The need to implement OBE OBTL
The CHED Memorandum Order No.17 s. 2015.
Revised Implementing Guidelines for CHED
COE COD for Engineering Programs specifies
OBE Implementation as a major requirement
equivalent to 30 points
The need to implement OBE OBTL

The ITE COD COE Criteria requires complete

teaching portfolio showing OBE
The need to implement OBE OBTL
The PACUCOA level 4 Criterion 1 . Excellent outcomes of
the program in teaching and learning requires
OBE/OBTL elements such as :
• Constructive alignment of teaching and learning goals
from the institutional level to program level
• Implementation of TLAs towards the attainment of
learning outcomes
• Assessment and Evaluation of Learning Outcomes
• Continuous Improvement
The need to implement OBE OBTL
The ABET, PTC and PICAB accreditation are
outcomes-based accreditation requiring a set
of program outcomes, assessment and
evaluation of the attainment of each
outcomes and continuous quality
The need to implement OBE OBTL

CHED Administrative Order No. 01 s. 2014

“.....the revised Policies, Standards and
Guidelines (PSGs) that Technical
Committees and Panels are tasked to
produce shall reflect the shift to learning
competency based standards/outcomes-
based education……”
Compliance of HEIs (Section IV of CHED AO 01.s. 2014)
Using the CHED Implementation Handbook for OBE and
ISA as reference, a HEI shall develop the following items
which will be submitted to CHED when they apply for a
permit for a new program or the approval of the
transformation of existing programs to outcomes-based
The complete set of Program Outcomes,
including its proposed additional program
Its proposed curriculum, and its justification
including Curriculum Map.
Compliance of HEIs (Section IV of CHED AO 01.s. 2014)
Using the CHED Implementation Handbook for OBE and ISA as
reference, a HEI shall develop the following items which will be
submitted to CHED when they apply for a permit for a new program or
the approval of the transformation of existing programs to outcomes-
based framework:

Proposed Performance Indicators for each

outcome. Proposed measurement system for
the level of attainment of each indicator.
Proposed Outcomes-Based Syllabus for
each course. This should already be indicative
of the plan of Delivery of the curriculum,
student assessment and of the resources to
be deployed.
Compliance of HEIs (Section IV of CHED AO 01.s. 2014)
Using the CHED Implementation Handbook for OBE and ISA as
reference, a HEI shall develop the following items which will be
submitted to CHED when they apply for a permit for a new
program or the approval of the transformation of existing
programs to outcomes-based framework:

Proposed system of program

Assessment And Evaluation
Proposed system of program
Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)
Compliance of HEIs (Section IV of CHED AO 01.s. 2014)
The complete set of Program Outcomes, including its
proposed additional program outcomes.
Its proposed curriculum, and its justification including
Curriculum Map.
Proposed Performance Indicators for each outcome.
Proposed measurement system for the level of attainment
of each indicator.
Proposed Outcomes-Based Syllabus for each course. This
should already be indicative of the plan of Delivery of the
curriculum, student assessment and of the resources to be
Proposed system of program Assessment And Evaluation
Proposed system of program Continuous Quality
Improvement (CQI)

..\Handbook on Typology Outcomes(1).pdf

Paradigm shift
Basic concepts of
outcomes-based education
Which do we use?
• Outcomes-based education?
• Outcomes based education?
• Outcome-based education?
• Outcome based education?
• OBE?

Ref: Biggs, John and Tang, Catherine ( 2007). Teaching for Quality Learning at University, 3rd
edition.Berkshire , England. Open University Press Mc Graw Hill
OBE Version One : Outcome-Based Education
• “Outcome-based education”- proposed by
William Spady in 1994 as an individualized
programme for disadvantaged school students
• Instead of teaching the standard disciplines,
targets for each student to reach were set up
so that all could achieve some sort of success.

Ref: Biggs, John and Tang, Catherine ( 2007). Teaching for Quality Learning at University, 3rd
edition.Berkshire , England. Open University Press Mc Graw Hill
OBE Version Two
• This version came from the accountability
movement in the USA (Ewell, 1984; Miller and
Ewell, 2005)
• The ‘outcomes’ are at the institutional level,
comprising averaged student performances
and other kinds of institutional outcomes
Ref: Biggs, John and Tang, Catherine ( 2007). Teaching for Quality Learning at University, 3rd
edition.Berkshire , England. Open University Press Mc Graw Hill
OBE Version Three:
Outcomes-Based Teaching and Learning (OBTL)
• Introduced in the Dearing Report (1997)
• Outcomes are defined specifically to enhance
teaching and assessment

Ref: Biggs, John and Tang, Catherine ( 2007). Teaching for Quality Learning at University, 3rd
edition.Berkshire , England. Open University Press Mc Graw Hill
Which do we use?

• Outcomes-based education?
• Outcomes based education?
• Outcome-based education?
• Outcome based education?
• OBE?
Ref: Biggs, John and Tang, Catherine ( 2007). Teaching for Quality Learning at University, 3rd
edition.Berkshire , England. Open University Press Mc Graw Hill
• Outcome-based: used by Spady at school level
• Outcomes-based: for tertiary
• OBE: concerned with institutional level
• OBTL: classroom level OBE that addresses
teaching and learning

Ref: Biggs, John and Tang, Catherine ( 2007). Teaching for Quality Learning at University, 3rd
edition.Berkshire , England. Open University Press Mc Graw Hill
Outcomes-Based Education
- as strategy to achieve long term
objectives of HEI for its graduates.

- Applied at the classroom

- In support of
outcomes-based education
- As a strategy to promote
academic excellence
OBE Framework ( CHED Handbook on Typology, OBE and ISA, 2014)
CHED OBE-MF-02.xlsx
TIP Outcomes-Based Education Framework
External Local and
regulatory Institutional Vision, TIP INITIATIVES:
bodies Mission Faculty / Staff
Accreditation, External
(CHED, PRC, Core Values Development
Certifications, Constituents
IMO etc.) Core Competencies Student
and Standards
Quality Policy Development
1 2 3 4 5

Goals for
Alumni (LGA)
Management Processes
and Procedures
Input Assessment
OBTL Resources and GRADUATES
Support Structures
Evaluation Sub-Systems
3 Continuous
of LGAs Quality
Other sources of information
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Revision Status: 1/28 December 2011 /2:00 PM
External Validation of T.I.P.’s OBE

ABET Accreditation of 14 Engineering

Programs and 6 Computing Programs

Seoul Accredation of 6 Computing

The OBTL Framework*
• Intended
ILOs Learning
Outcomes (ILOs)
• Teaching and
Activities (TLAs)
• Assessment Tasks
*City University of Hong Kong
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
• ILOs describe what the learners will be
able to do when they have completed
their course or program.

Biggs,J and Tang, C. (2007). Teaching for quality learning at
University, 3rd edition.Mc.Graw Hill
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
• These are statements , written from the
students' perspective, indicating the
level of understanding and performance
they are expected to achieve as a result
of engaging in teaching and learning

Biggs,J and Tang, C. (2007). Teaching for quality learning at

University, 3rd edition.Mc.Graw Hill
Teaching and Learning Activity (TLA)
• Any activity which stimulates, encourages
or facilitates learning of one or more
intended learning outcome.

Biggs,J and Tang, C. (2007). Teaching for quality learning at University, 3rd
edition.Mc.Graw Hill
Assessment Task (AT)
Assessment can be any method of
assessing how well a set of ILO has
been achieved

Biggs,J and Tang, C. (2007). Teaching for quality learning at University, 3rd
edition.Mc.Graw Hill
What are the benefits of OBTL?
OBTL promises a high level of learning for all
students as it facilitates the achievement of
the outcomes, characterized by its
appropriateness to individual learner’s
development level and active and
experience-based learning

Source: University of Hong Kong OBTL Materials

How do we implement

Outcomes-Based Education: The Technological Institute of the Philippines(TIP) Experience

Begin with the end in view
“What kind of Graduates do
we want to produce?”

Outcomes-Based Education: The Technological Institute of the Philippines(TIP) Experience

Formulation of
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

at three Levels:
1. Institutional Level
2. Program Level
3. Course Level

Biggs, J. and Tang, C. (2007). Teaching for quality learning

at University, 3rd edition. McGraw Hill

Outcomes-Based Education: The Technological Institute of the Philippines(TIP) Experience

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
at three levels:
The institutional level, as a
Institutional Level statement of what graduates
of the institution are supposed
to be able to do
The degree program level, as a
Program Level statement of what graduates
from a particular degree
program should be able to do
Course Level The course level , as a statement
of what students should be
able to do at the completion of
a given course.
Biggs, J. and Tang, C. (2007). Teaching for quality learning at University, 3 rd
edition. McGraw Hill
Institutional Level
• Institutional Intended Learning
• Graduate attributes

…….For the HEIs, this means describing the

attributes of their ideal graduates based
on their visions and missions as part of
their institutional goals or outcomes, and
using these as bases for developing
specific program outcomes….. ( CHED
Handbook on Typology, OBE and ISA, 2014)
TIP Graduate Attributes
Institutional Intended Learning Outcomes (IILOs)
Graduate Attributes Intended Learning Outcomes
Professional Competence Demonstrate understanding and mastery of the fundamental
knowledge and skills required for effective professional
practice in the field of specialization.
Critical Thinking and Exercise critical and creative thinking in providing solutions
Problem Solving Skills to discipline-related problems.
Communication Skills Apply effective communication skills, both orally and in
writing, using the English language.
Lifelong Learning Utilize lifelong learning skills in pursuit of personal
development and excellence in professional practice
Social and Ethical Hold personal values and beliefs as ethical professional
Responsibility consistent with Filipino family values, industry-desired
values and global citizen values.
Productivity Contribute to nation-building and national development
through application of new technology
Interpersonal Skills Work effectively in multi-disciplinary and multicultural
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
at three levels:
The institutional level, as a statement of
Institutional Level what graduates of the institution are
supposed to be able to do

Program Level The degree program level, as a

statement of what graduates
from a particular degree
program should be able to do
Course Level
The course level , as a statement of what
students should be able to do at the
completion of a given course.
Biggs, J. and Tang, C. (2007). Teaching for quality learning at University, 3 rd
edition. McGraw Hill
Program Level
• Program Educational Objectives
• Student Outcomes (SOs)/Program
Outcomes ( POs)
Program Level
Program Educational Objectives
Program educational objectives are broad
statements that describe the career and
professional accomplishments that the
program is preparing graduates to achieve
within 3 to 5 years of graduation.
Program Educational Objectives are based on
the needs of the program’s constituencies.
(CMO No. 37 s. 2012. Policies, standards and guidelines in the establishment of an
outcomes-based education(OBE) system in higher education institutions offering
engineering programs)
TIP Program Educational Objectives of the EE Program
Three to five years after graduation, the TIP Electrical
Engineering alumni shall
• have advanced their practice or achievement in the field
of Electrical Engineering and/or other endeavors or
advocacies supported by their acquired engineering
• strive to be globally competitive through
– living by TIP’s mission values, pursuing continuing education, and
practicing continuous quality improvement (CQI) in their personal
– Continuously scanning, adopting and building on the best
practices in their field.

Outcomes-Based Education: The Technological Institute of the Philippines(TIP) Experience

Program Level
Student Outcomes/ Program
Outcomes specify what students
are expected to know and be able
to do by the time of graduation.
These relate to the skills,
knowledge, and behaviors that
students acquire as they go
through the program.
(CMO No. 37 s. 2012. Policies, standards and guidelines in the establishment of an
outcomes-based education(OBE) system in higher education institutions offering
engineering programs)
( CHED Handbook on Typology, OBE and ISA, 2014)

Program outcomes are the sets of

competencies (related knowledge, skills,
and attitudes) that all learners are
expected to demonstrate.
Institutional or program outcomes may also
emphasize lifelong learning. For instance,
HEIs could describe the attributes of their
ideal graduates which they expect to see
five years after graduation.
Alignment of student outcomes/program with
the external and internal competency
Example: Engineering Programs
• CHED prescribed competencies
• ABET student outcomes
• Washington accord graduate attributes
• PTC student outcomes
• Institutional prescribed graduate attributes

Outcomes-Based Education: The Technological Institute of the Philippines(TIP) Experience

Alignment of student outcomes/program
outcomes with external and internal competency
Example: Education Programs
• CHED prescribed competencies
• National Competency Based Teacher
Standards (NCBTS)
• Teaching Competency Standard in Southeast
Asian Countries – SEAMEO INNOTECH
• Institutional prescribed graduate attributes

Outcomes-Based Education: The Technological Institute of the Philippines(TIP) Experience

Required Minimum Set of Program Outcomes
( as per CHED Administrative Order No. 01 Series 0f 2014)
1. Common to all programs in all types of schools
2. Common to a discipline ( such as Engineering,
Business, Health Sciences, etc.) to be formulated
by the technical panels
3. Specific to a sub-discipline and a major ( such as
mechanical engineering, entrepreneurship,
nursing, etc) to be formulated by the technical
4. Common to a horizontal type as defined in CMO
46 s. 2012
5. Optional program outcomes
Required Minimum Set of Program Outcomes
( as per CHED Administrative Order No. 01 Series 0f 2014)
Common to all programs in all types of schools
The graduates have the ability to
a) Articulate and discuss the latest developments in the
specific field of practice (PQF level 6 descriptor)
b) Effectively communicate orally and in writing using both
English and Filipino
c) Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary
and multi-cultural teams (PQF level 6 descriptor)
d) Act in recognition of professional, social, and ethical
e) Preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural
heritage”( based on RA 7722)
Required Minimum Set of Program Outcomes
( as per CHED Administrative Order No. 01 Series 0f 2014)
1. Common to all programs in all types of schools
2. Common to a discipline ( such as Engineering,
Business, Health Sciences, etc.) to be formulated
by the technical panels
3. Specific to a sub-discipline and a major ( such as
mechanical engineering, entrepreneurship,
nursing, etc) to be formulated by the technical
4. Common to a horizontal type as defined in CMO
46 s. 2012
5. Optional program outcomes
Required Minimum Set of Program Outcomes
( as per CHED Administrative Order No. 01 Series 0f 2014)
1. Common to all programs in all types of schools
2. Common to a discipline ( such as Engineering,
Business, Health Sciences, etc.) to be formulated
by the technical panels
3. Specific to a sub-discipline and a major ( such
as mechanical engineering, entrepreneurship,
nursing, etc) to be formulated by the technical
4. Common to a horizontal type as defined in CMO
46 s. 2012
5. Optional program outcomes
Required Minimum Set of Program Outcomes
( as per CHED Administrative Order No. 01 Series 0f 2014)
1. Common to all programs in all types of schools
2. Common to a discipline ( such as Engineering, Business, Health Sciences, etc.) to be formulated
by the technical panels
3. Specific to a sub-discipline and a major ( such as mechanical engineering, entrepreneurship,
nursing, etc) to be formulated by the technical committees
4. Common to a horizontal type as defined in CMO 46 s.
• Graduates of professional institutions demonstrate a
service orientation in one’s profession
• Graduates of colleges participate in various types of
employment, development activities, and public
discourses, particularly in response to the needs of the
communities one serves
• Graduates of universities participate in the generation
of new knowledge or in research and development
5. Optional program outcomes
Required Minimum Set of Program Outcomes
( as per CHED Administrative Order No. 01 Series 0f 2014)
1. Common to all programs in all types of schools
2. Common to a discipline ( such as Engineering, Business, Health Sciences,
etc.) to be formulated by the technical panels
3. Specific to a sub-discipline and a major ( such as mechanical engineering,
entrepreneurship, nursing, etc) to be formulated by the technical
4. Common to a horizontal type as defined in CMO 46 s. 2012

5. Optional program outcomes

The PSGs shall allow a HEI, at its option, to
have mission-related program outcomes
that are not included in the minimum set.
Required Minimum Set of Program Outcomes
(as per CHED Administrative Order No. 01 Series 0f 2014)

….for State Universities and Colleges,

graduates must have the competencies
to support “ national , regional and
local development plans”
By the time of graduation, EE students will be able to:
• apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering to solve complex engineering problems;
• identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems;
• solve complex engineering problems by designing systems, components, or processes to meet
specifications within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, cultural, social, societal,
political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability in accordance with standards;
• design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze, and interpret data, and synthesize information to
provide valid conclusions for investigating complex problems;
• use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice in complex
engineering activities;
• apply knowledge of contemporary issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional
engineering practice;
• understand the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and
demonstrate knowledge of and need for sustainable development;
• apply principles of ethics and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities;
• function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multidisciplinary
• communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with various communities including
engineering experts and society at large using appropriate levels of discourse ;
• demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles and apply these
to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary
• recognize the need for, and prepare to engage in lifelong learning.
Outcomes-Based Education: The Technological Institute of the Philippines(TIP) Experience
Example of Program Outcomes
CHED OBE-MF-01.xlsx
Curriculum Mapping
The curriculum map is prepared by making
a grid with the outcomes occupying a
row and the courses occupying a column
(or the other way around). The idea is to
check the outcomes to which each
course contributes.

(CHED Handbook on Typology, OBE and ISA, 2014)

Examples of Curriculum Map
CHED OBE-MF-01.xlsx
(CHED Handbook on Typology, OBE and ISA, 2014)

Course outcomes refer to the

knowledge, values, and skills all learners
are expected to demonstrate at the end
of a course. Learning outcomes may
result from a specific lesson, although it
is sometimes used interchangeably with
course outcomes. Thus, in the hierarchy,
learning outcomes are seen as building
blocks toward course outcomes, which in
turn, support the program outcomes.
Mapping of the Curriculum with the Student Outcomes ( CE Program)
Professional Courses Units a b c d e f g h i j k l
Elementary Surveying 3 D D I I D D D
Higher Surveying 3 D D I D I D D D
Engineering Surveys 4 D D I D I D D D
Building Design 1 2 E E I D I D D D D
Building Design 2 2 E E I D I D D D D
CE Projects 1 3 D D D D D D D D
CE Projects 2 3 D D D D D D D D
Adv. Engig Math with Numerical Methods 3 D D I D I
Highway Engineering 3 D D D E I D
Soil Mechanics 4 D D I E D I D D D D
Fluid Mechanics 4 D D E E D
Structural Theory 1 4 D D I E D
Transportation Engineering 3 D D D D
Structural Theory 2 4 D D I E D
Hydrology 3 D D D I D
Hydraulics Engineering 4 D D D E D
Timber Design 3 D D D D I D
Reinforced Concrete Design 6 D D D D I D
Water Resources Engineering 3 D D D D I D
Foundation Design 4 D D I E I D D D
Structural Steel Design 4 D D D D I D
Construction Materials and Testing 3 E E E E I I D D D
Construction Methods and Project
Management 4
CE Laws, Ethics, Codes and Standards 3 E D D D D D D
Earthquake Engineering 3 D D I D I D D
Water and Waste Water Engineering 3 D D I D I D
Structural Matrix Analysis 3 D D I D I D
Prestressed Concrete Design 3 D D D D I D
On-the-job Training for CE 5 D I I E I D
Plant Visits and Seminars for CE 1 E E
Integration Course for CE 1 2 E D
Integration Course for CE 2 2 E D
Integration Course for CE 3 2 E D
Linear Algebra with MATLAB 3 E D

Outcomes-Based Education: The Technological Institute of the Philippines(TIP) Experience

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
at three levels:
The institutional level, as a statement of what
Institutional Level graduates of the institution are supposed
to be able to do

The degree program level, as a statement of

what graduates from a particular degree
program should be able to do
Program Level

The course level , as a

statement of what
Course Level
students should be able
to do at the completion
of a given course.
Biggs,J and Tang, C.(2007). Teaching for quality learning at University, 3 rd
edition.McGraw Hill
Course Level

Revision of all Course Syllabi to

incorporate Course Intended Learning
Outcomes (CILOs)
• What the students can do when they have
completed the course/subject
Ex. Algebra, Communication Arts, etc.
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
at three levels:
The institutional level, as a statement of what
Institutional Level graduates of the institution are supposed
to be able to do

The degree program level, as a statement of

what graduates from a particular degree
program should be able to do
Program Level

The course level , as a

statement of what
Course Level
students should be able
to do at the completion
of a given course.
Biggs,J and Tang, C.(2007). Teaching for quality learning at University, 3 rd
edition.McGraw Hill
Course Level

Revision of all Course Syllabi to

incorporate Course Intended Learning
Outcomes (CILOs)
• What the students can do when they have
completed the course/subject
Ex. Algebra, Communication Arts, etc.
Course Level – Course Intended Learning
Note: The course intended learning
outcome is a very important
component in OBTL implementation
that every faculty member should be
able to recognize
Sample TIP Syllabus
CREDITS 4 units (3 units lecture, 1 unit laboratory)
CONTACT HOURS 3 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory
INSTRUCTOR Bryan B. Navarro
Faculty Member, Electrical Engineering
TEXTBOOK Irwin, D. (2011). Engineering circuit analysis (10th ed.) Asia: John Wiley and Son.

Dorf, R.(2011). Introduction to electric circuits (8th ed.) New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons.
Other Supplemental Nilsson, J.(2011). Electric circuits (9th ed.) Boston: Prentice Hall.
Materials Bird, J.(2010). Electrical circuit theory and technology (4th ed.) Massachusetts: Elsevier.
Gussow, M. (2010). Schaums outline series of basic electricity. Tata Mc Graw-Hill New
York: Graw- Hill.
Singh, R. (2009). Electrical networks New York: Tata McGraw-Hill.


a. Course Description
The course introduces the concept of instantaneous electric circuits. It provides the knowledge and principles of AC circuits involving
analysis of RLC circuits applied with sinusoidal voltage; complex impedance, bridge circuits; analysis of complex circuits connected with
different load impedance; concept of power and power factor correction through power triangle relationship; resonant and tuned circuits,
two-port network parameters and transfer function and analysis of dynamic circuits with AC excitation, basic principles of coupled circuits.
The students are expected to demonstrate the knowledge and principles of electric circuits in solving complex problem in electrical systems.

b. Prerequisites EE 002 (Electrical Circuits 1)

Co-requisites MATH 011 (Advanced Engineering Mathematics)
c. Course Classification Required
Selected elective)

Outcomes-Based Education: The Technological Institute of the Philippines(TIP) Experience

Sample TIP Syllabus ( continuation)
a. Course Objective
The course aims to provide knowledge and principles to students to enhance their critical thinking skills in solving
complex AC system through the principles of circuit analysis involving inductive, capacitive and resistive load.
The course also aims to characterize, evaluate and compare the output response both in the time and frequency
domain relative to the passive elements (resistance, capacitance and inductance) impressed with sinusoidal
voltage, to verify the behavior of ac system at with and without static capacitor; analyze ac system under
transient current condition, principles of AC bridge circuits and application, Principles of Harmonics and Filters,
and analysis of ac system involving Maximum Power Transfer.
b. Course Outcomes
By the end of the course, the students will be able to:
1) Distinguish resistive, inductive and capacitive load circuits
2) Convert maximum values into root-mean squared values
3) Analyze ac circuits under condition of resonance frequency and during transient current
4) Use appropriate techniques in the analysis of ac circuits as applied with ac voltage
5) Evaluate the time response of series RL and RC circuits applied with ac voltage
6) Apply power factor correction in correcting power factor using power triangle method
7) Conceptualize ac bridge circuits as applied to ac system or equipment
c. Student Outcomes Addressed by the Course
a. apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering to solve complex engineering problems

Outcomes-Based Education: The Technological Institute of the Philippines(TIP) Experience

Sample TIP Syllabus ( continuation)
Prelim Period (Weeks 1–6)
I. Introduction: Vision and Mission; TIP Graduate Attributes/ Institutional Intended Learning
Outcomes; Program Educational Objectives/ Student Outcomes; Course Objectives/ Course
Intended Learning Outcomes; Course Policies
II. Introduction to AC Electrical System and its Characteristics: Generation of Alternating Current;
Average and RMS Values; RLC Circuits; Sum of Voltages with Classical Method; Impedance, and
Phase Angle
III. Properties of AC Electric Circuits: Functional Transformation; Ohm’s Law in AC Circuits;
Phasor Voltage and Current; Impedance; Reactance; Succeptance; Parallel and Series Operation of Load
Midterm Period (Week 7-12)
IV. Linear Bilateral Circuits: Analysis of Multiple Sources; Complex Circuits Analysis involving
Thevenin’s and Norton’s Theorems; Linear Bilateral Circuits involving Nodal Principles.
V. Power and Power Factor Analysis in Single-Phase and Three-Phase AC Circuits:; Power
Triangle; Power Factor Correction; Power in Multiple Loads of Inductive, Resistive, and Capacitive
Loads; Maximum Power Transfer
Final Period (Weeks 13–18)
VI. AC Circuits Involving Resonance and Tuned Circuits with Varying Frequency: Series and
Parallel Resonance in AC Circuits; Bandwidth Frequency; Harmonics, and Harmonic Filters
VII. AC Transients, Over-voltage and Under-voltages and Analysis: Characteristics of AC
Transients; Double Energy Transients; Effects of Transients in Electric Power System
Outcomes-Based Education: The Technological Institute of the Philippines(TIP) Experience
Sample Course Syllabus
CREDITS 3 units
INSTRUCTOR Dr. Merle B. Lopez
Faculty, College of Education
TEXTBOOK Formacion, Minda J. et al.
(2011)Fundamentals of Biology, Rex Book
Store, Inc. , Quezon City
OTHER National Geographic (2013) Universal
SUPPLEMENTAL Magazine Exchange (UMX)

Outcomes-Based Education: The Technological Institute of the Philippines(TIP) Experience

Sample Course Syllabus
a. Course Description
This course deals with the introduction to concepts in biology and
can serve as a foundation of essential knowledge on living things
with emphasis the study of structure and functions of the organ
systems, with special references to vertebrates. It also covers the
various functioning systems of the human body and related the
practical applications of knowledge gained in everyday living.
b. Prerequisites None
c. Course Classification (Required/ Required
elective/ selected elective)

Outcomes-Based Education: The Technological Institute of the Philippines(TIP) Experience

Sample Course Syllabus
a. Course Objective
This course aims to cover brief introduction of biology and its different branches explaining the
characteristics of life and the chemical foundations of life, the general structure of eukaryotic and
prokaryotic cells related to synthesis of important biological compounds through synthesis and
cellular respiration, illustration of human genetic pattern of inheritance leading to individual
differences giving emphasis on the various functioning systems of the human body and its practical
b. Course Outcomes
By the end of the course, the students will be able to:
1. discuss the importance of the different studies in Biology and the characteristics of life,
including the chemical foundations of life;
2. differentiate prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells as to their structure and functions supporting
the concept of photosynthesis and cellular respiration;
3. explain the process of cell division and the cell cycle;
4. design a new way in presenting multi-cellular organization of plants tissues as well as animal
tissues and organs;
5. summarize the different organ systems and their general functions in animals; and
6. compare and contrast the different principles of inheritance, chromosomal and molecular
basis of inheritance on human beings to support the individual differences, biologically and
Outcomes-Based Education: The Technological Institute of the Philippines(TIP) Experience
Sample Course Syllabus
c. Student Outcomes Addressed by the Course
The following student outcomes will be addressed by the course.
1. Demonstrate high level literacy, communication, numeracy ,
critical and creative thinking, learning skills, and digital fluency
needed for higher learning in the field/classroom
(student outcome a);
2. Relate classroom activities to the experiences and aspirations of
the learners in their homes and communities (student outcome f);
3. Recognize the need for, and prepare to engage in lifelong learning
(student outcome h).

Outcomes-Based Education: The Technological Institute of the Philippines(TIP) Experience

Sample Course Syllabus
Course Topics
Prelim Period (Weeks 1–6)
I. Introduction: TIP Vision and Mission; TIP Graduate Attributes/ Institutional Intended
Learning Outcomes; Program Objectives/ Program Intended Learning Outcomes; Course
Objectives/ Course Intended Learning Outcomes; Course Policies
II. Introduction to Earth Science: Definition, Characteristics of Living Things, Scientific
Method, Theories and Principle
III. Tissues: Plant and Animal Tissues

Midterm Period (Weeks 7-12)

IV. Organ Systems ( Structure and Functions): Plant organ Systems, Animal Organ
Systems, Organ System for Support, Protection and Movement, Organ Systems for
Nutrition, Organ System for Exchange of Gases, Organ System for Internal Support, The
Immune System, Organ for Salt and Water Balance and Excretion, Neurons and Nervous

Final Period (Weeks 13-17)

V. Reproduction and Development: Cell Division and Sexual Reproduction, Organismal
reproduction and Development, Reproduction in Plants
VI. Patterns of Heredity: Mendelian Inheritance, Modification of Mendelian Inheritance

Final Exam (Week 18)

From Objectives to Intended Learning Outcomes
Objectives (old) ILO (new)
1. To provide an By the end of the course, the students should
understanding of the be able to:
kinematics and kinetics 1. describe the basic principles of kinematics
of machines and the and kinetics of machines and the
fundamental concepts of fundamental concepts of stress and strain
stress and strain analysis. analysis.
2. To develop an analytical 2. solve a mechanical problem that involves
understanding of the loading and motion.
kinematics and kinetics 3. select relevant principles to obtain the
and elastic behaviors of solutions for mechanical problems
machine elements under
loading 4. present analyses and results of
experiments in a proper format of a
written report such that a technically
qualified person can follow and obtain
similar findings.
Ref: Biggs, John and Tang, Catherine ( 2011). Teaching for Quality Learning at University, 4th
edition. Berkshire , England. Open University Press Mc Graw Hill
Writing the course intended learning
outcomes (ILOs)
ILOs should be stated in such a way that
they stipulate :
•The verb at the appropriate level of
understanding or of performance
• the topic content the verb is meant to
•The context of the content discipline in
which the verb is to be deployed
Some action verbs from Bloom’s revised taxonomy
Remembering Define, describe, draw, find, identify, label, list, match, name,
quote, recall, recite, tell, write
Understanding Classify, compare, conclude, demonstrate, discuss, exemplify,
explain, identify, illustrate, interpret, paraphrase, predict,
Applying Apply, change, choose, compute, dramatize, implement,
interview, prepare, produce, role play, select, show, transfer,
Analyzing Analyze, characterize, classify, compare, contrast, debate,
deconstruct, deduce, differentiate, discriminate, distinguish,
examine, organize, outline, relate, research, separate, structure
Evaluating Appraise, argue, assess, choose, conclude, critique, decide,
evaluate, judge, justify, monitor, predict, prioritize, prove,
rank, rate, select
Creating Compose, construct, create, design, develop, generate,
hypothesize, invent, make, perform, plan, produce
Ref: Biggs, John and Tang, Catherine ( 2011). Teaching for Quality Learning at University, 4th
edition. Berkshire , England. Open University Press Mc Graw Hill
Constructive Alignment of ILO,TLA
and AT
Constructive Alignment of ILO,TLA,AT
Course Teaching and Assessment Grading
Intended Learning Tasks(ATs) Criteria
Learning Activities
Outcomes (TLAs)
( CILOs)
CILO #1.
Identify the Lecture Essay Rubric for
importance of Group Reflective Reflection
water for Discussion Journal Paper/Essay
activities and
the water
Outcomes-Based Education: The Technological Institute of the Philippines(TIP) Experience
Constructive Alignment of ILO,TLA,AT
Course Teaching and Assessment Grading
Intended Learning Tasks(ATs) Criteria
Learning Activities
Outcomes (TLAs)
( CILOs)
CILO #1.
Identify the Lecture Essay Rubric for
importance of Group Reflective Reflection
water for Discussion Journal Paper/Essay
activities and
the water
Outcomes-Based Education: The Technological Institute of the Philippines(TIP) Experience
Constructive Alignment of ILO,TLA,AT
Course Teaching and Assessment Grading
Intended Learning Tasks(ATs) Criteria
Learning Activities
Outcomes (TLAs)
( CILOs)
CILO #1.
Identify the Lecture Essay Rubric for
importance of Group Reflective Reflection
water for Discussion Journal Paper/Essay
activities and
the water
Outcomes-Based Education: The Technological Institute of the Philippines(TIP) Experience
Constructive Alignment of ILO,TLA,AT
Course Teaching and Assessment Grading
Intended Learning Tasks(ATs) Criteria
Learning Activities
Outcomes (TLAs)
( CILOs)
Explain the Film Showing Class Rubric for
global Presentation Oral
Software and Presentation
hydrologic Simulation

Outcomes-Based Education: The Technological Institute of the Philippines(TIP) Experience

Constructive Alignment of ILO,TLA,AT
Course Teaching and Assessment Grading
Intended Learning Tasks(ATs) Criteria
Learning Activities
Outcomes (TLAs)
( CILOs)
Analyze Group Case Study Rubric
rainfall and Activity on Case
runoff data Study

Outcomes-Based Education: The Technological Institute of the Philippines(TIP) Experience

Outcomes-Based Assessment
-to measure the level of
attainment of outcomes
Assessment of Outcomes
Assessment in OBE is the process of
determining the degree of
attainment of an outcome at the
course level as well as at the
program level.
Example of Assessment for PEOs
• Alumni Survey
• Employer Survey

Outcomes-Based Education: The Technological Institute of the Philippines(TIP) Experience

Assessment of Outcomes

Assessment of Outcomes at the

Classroom Level
Assessment of Student Outcomes
• Indirect Assessments
- Student Survey
- Faculty Survey
- Graduating Students Survey
• Direct Assessments
-Using Rubrics

Outcomes-Based Education: The Technological Institute of the Philippines(TIP) Experience

Direct Methods
Direct methods provide for the direct
examination or observation of student
knowledge or skills against measurable
performance indicators.
Indirect Methods
Indirect assessment of student
learning ascertain the opinion or
self-report of the extent or values of
learning experiences.
Assessment Methods
Direct Indirect
• Student assignments • Surveys and
• Locally developed questionnaires
exams • Focus groups
• National exams • Advisory board
• Student portfolios recommendations,
polls, exercises
• Exit interview
Instruments Used for the Direct Assessments of Student Outcomes
1. Rubric for SO (a) Engineering Knowledge
2. Rubric for SO (b) Problem Analysis
3. Rubric for SO (c) Multiple Constraints
4. 4.a. Rubric for SO (d1) Conduct of Laboratory Experiments
4.b. Rubric for SO (d2) Final Laboratory Project
5. Rubric for SO (e) Modern Tool Usage
6. Rubric for SO (f) Contemporary Issues
7. Rubric for SO (g) Environment and Sustainability
8. Rubric for SO (h) Ethics
9. Rubric for SO (i) Individual and Team Work
10. Rubric for SO (j) Effective Communication
11. Rubric for SO (k) Project Management and Finance
12. Rubric for SO (l) Lifelong Learning

Outcomes-Based Education: The Technological Institute of the Philippines(TIP) Experience

Student Outcome (a): Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering to
solve complex engineering problems.
Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Exemplary
Performance Indicators Score
1 2 3
The student can identify The student correctly
1. Choose the appropriate The student does not know
but fails to apply an applies an appropriate
mathematical, science, any mathematical, science,
appropriate mathematical, mathematical, science,
and engineering principles and engineering principle
science, and engineering and engineering principle
in solving problems in that can be used to solve a
principle to solve an to solve an engineering
engineering. given engineering problem.
engineering problem. problem.
1. Examine different
approaches in solving The student uses a wrong The student can solve the The student is able to
problems in engineering approach in solving problem using a single solve the problem correctly
and choose the most problems in engineering. approach. using multiple approaches.
effective approach.
The student applies the
The student applies
1. Apply the appropriate correct mathematical,
mathematical, science,
mathematical, science, The student cannot solve a science, and engineering
and engineering principle
and engineering principles given engineering problem. principle to solve the
but does not arrive at the
to arrive at a solution. problem and arrives at the
correct answer.
correct answer.
Total Score
Mean Score = (Total Score / 3)
Percentage Rating = (Total Score / 9) x 100%

Outcomes-Based Education: The Technological Institute of the Philippines(TIP) Experience

Sample Action Plan for Direct Assessment of Student Outcomes
Student Outcomes Direct Assessment Source of Time of Data
Assessment Tool Responsibility
Method Assessment Collection
d Design and conduct experiments, Laboratory Rubric for Conduct Feedback and September 2012  Chair
as well as to analyze, and interpret Exercises of Experiments Control Systems  Laboratory
data, and synthesize information SO (d1) Electronic Circuit Instructor
to provide valid conclusions for Analysis and Design  Faculty SO
investigating complex problems. Final Laboratory Rubric for Final Feedback and Assessment
Project Laboratory Project Control Systems Committee
SO (d2) Electronic Circuit
Analysis and Design
e Use the techniques, skills, and On-the-Job Training Rubric for Modern ECE Practicum September 2012  Chair
modern engineering tools Tool Usage Industrial February 2013  OJT
necessary for engineering practice SO (e) Electronics Coordinator
in complex engineering activities.  Faculty SO
f Apply knowledge of contemporary Locally developed Rubric for Project Study September 2012  Chair
issues and the consequent examination Contemporary ECE Laws,  Faculty SO
responsibilities relevant to Issues Contracts and Assessment
professional engineering practice. SO (f) Ethics Committee
g. Understand the impact of Locally developed Rubric for Project Study September 2012  Chair
professional engineering solutions examination Environment and Thesis 1  Faculty SO
in socp ietal and environmental Sustainability Assessment
contexts, demonstrate knowledge Committee
of, and need for sustainable

Outcomes-Based Education: The Technological Institute of the Philippines(TIP) Experience

Sample Action Plan for Direct Assessment of Student Outcomes
Student Outcomes Direct
Assessment Source of Time of Data
Assessment Responsibility
Tool Assessment Collection
h. Apply principles of ethics and Culminating Rubric for Ethics Communication September 2012  Chair
commit to professional ethics Design Project SO (h) Systems Design  Project
and responsibilities. Project Study Design
 Faculty SO
t Committee
i. Function effectively as an Group Project Rubric for Communication September 2012  Chair
individual and as a member or Individual and Systems Design  Faculty SO
leader in diverse teams and in Team Work Transmission Assessmen
multidisciplinary setting. SO (i) Media and t Committee
j. Communicate effectively on Culminating Rubric for Project Study September 2012  Chair
complex engineering activities Design Project Effective Seminars and  Project
with various communities Oral and Written Communication Field Trips Design
including engineering experts Report SO (j) Instructor
and society at large using  Faculty SO
appropriate levels of discourse. Assessmen
t Committee
Outcomes-Based Education: The Technological Institute of the Philippines(TIP) Experience
Sample Action Plan for Direct Assessment of Student Outcomes
Student Outcomes Direct
Assessment Source of Time of Data
Assessment Responsibility
Tool Assessment Collection
k. Demonstrate knowledge and Group Project Rubric for Communication Sep 2012  Chair
understanding of engineering Project Systems  Faculty SO
and management principles Management Design Assessment
and apply these to one’s own SO (k) Thesis 1 Committee
work, as a member and
leader in a team, to manage
projects and in
l. Recognize the need for, and On-the-Job Rubric for ECE Practicum Sep 2012  Chair
prepare to engage in lifelong Training Lifelong EC 522  OJT
learning. Learning Coordinator
 Faculty SO

Outcomes-Based Education: The Technological Institute of the Philippines(TIP) Experience

Assessment Cycle for 2012-2018
Student Outcomes 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

apply knowledge of ●□

mathematics, science, and
a. engineering to solve complex ● □ ● □
engineering problems

identify, formulate, and solve ●□

b. complex engineering ● □ ● □
solve complex engineering ●□
problems by designing
systems, components, or
processes to meet
specifications within realistic
constraints such as
c. economic, environmental, ● □ ● □
cultural, social, societal,
political, ethical, health and
safety, manufacturability, and
sustainability in accordance
with standards
□ Survey for Graduating Students
● Students and Faculty Survey
 Direct Assessment

Outcomes-Based Education: The Technological Institute of the Philippines(TIP) Experience

Assessment Cycle for 2012-2018
Student Outcomes 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
design and conduct ●□
experiments, as well as to
analyze, and interpret data,
d. and synthesize information ● □ ● □
to provide valid conclusions
for investigating complex
use the techniques, skills, ●□
and modern engineering
tools necessary for
e. ● □ ● □
engineering practice in
complex engineering
apply knowledge of ●□
contemporary issues and
the consequent
f. ● □ ● □
responsibilities relevant to
professional engineering
practice Legend:
□ Survey for Graduating Students
● Students and Faculty Survey
 Direct Assessment

Outcomes-Based Education: The Technological Institute of the Philippines(TIP) Experience

Assessment Cycle for 2012-2018
Student Outcomes 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
understand the ●□
impact of professional
engineering solutions
in societal and
g. ● □ ● □
contexts and
knowledge of and
need for sustainable
apply principles of ●□
ethics and commit to
h. ● □ ● □
professional ethics
and responsibilities
function effectively as ● □ 
an individual, and as
a member or leader in
i. ● □ ● □
diverse teams and in
settings Legend:
□ Survey for Graduating Students
● Students and Faculty Survey
 Direct Assessment

Outcomes-Based Education: The Technological Institute of the Philippines(TIP) Experience

Assessment Cycle for 2012-2018
Student Outcomes 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
communicate effectively on ●□
complex engineering
activities with various
communities including
j. ● □ ● □
engineering experts and
society at large using
appropriate levels of
demonstrate knowledge and ●□
understanding of engineering
and management principles
and apply these to one’s own
k. ● □ ● □
work, as a member and
leader in a team, to manage
projects and in
multidisciplinary environments
recognize the need for, and
l. prepare to engage in lifelong ●□ ● □ ● □
□ Survey for Graduating Students
● Students and Faculty Survey
 Direct Assessment
Outcomes-Based Education: The Technological Institute of the Philippines(TIP) Experience
Results of Indirect SO Assessments
90.41 90.95
87.78 90.53
90.00 84.40 84.60 86.85 85.60 86.20
86.23 84.20 84.60
87.00 85.40 86.40 87.40 88.05
84.20 85.4285.00 85.47
84.57 81.88 83.40
82.41 82.22 80.00
80.00 75.00
72.22 73.33 73.33

70.00 66.67 66.67

Target Level of Attainment:

Percentage Rating

60.00 60% Mean Rating


40.00 Faculty (%)

Graduating (%)
Student (%)


a b c d e f g h i j k l

Student Outcomes SOs

Outcomes-Based Education: The Technological Institute of the Philippines(TIP) Experience

Summary Result of Student Assessment
Student Outcome (a): Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering to solve complex engineering
Program: ___________________ Source of Assessment (Course/Section): _______________ Time of Data Collection: ___________
Performance Indicators

Choose the appropriate Examine different approaches in solving Apply the appropriate mathematical,
Student Rating
Students mathematical, science, and problems in engineering and choose the science, and engineering principles
engineering principles in solving most effective approach. to arrive at a solution
problems in engineering. Mean Score % Score

Over-all Students Mean Raw Score

Mean % Score =
(Mean Raw Score/3)
x 100%
Prepared by: Noted by: Approved by:
Printed Name and Signature of Faculty Member Department Chair / Dean Vice President for Academic Affairs
Summary of Results of Direct Assessments for SOs (a) to (l)


90.00 85.86
81.73 80.22
76.56 77.78
80.00 74.51 73.50
70.00 66.85 66.43
64.38 64.26
Mean Percentage Rating

Target Level of
60.00 Attainment: 60%
Mean Rating

40.00 Mean Percentage Rating




a b c d e f g h i j k l

Student Outcomes

Outcomes-Based Education: The Technological Institute of the Philippines(TIP) Experience

Valid Assessment Methods Generate
Useful Data
• RELEVANT – measures the educational
outcome as directly as possible.
• ACCURATE – measures the educational
outcome as correctly as possible.
• USEFUL – measures provide formative and
summative results with clear implications for
educational program evaluation and
A Valid Grading Criteria
• The grading should be in terms of how well
students meet the ILOs.
• The assessment task should be a means to
assess the outcome.
• Under a holistic, qualitative scheme, a
student’ s performance is judged against
qualitative criteria.
What happens to the assessment results?
What happens to the assessment results?

Use it for Continual Improvement

at the program level
Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)

• Recommendations of the Faculty CQI

Sample CQI
Course Enhancements in the Syllabi SO
Integration of multiple constraints and
applicable standards in the students’ design
ECE 501 works taking into account the health,
Thesis 1 economic, safety, social and environmental c
ECE 506 aspects as well as ethics, code of practices,
Thesis 2 standards and applicable laws.

Making the Probability and Statistics course

ECE 004
as its pre-requisite
Principles of a

Outcomes-Based Education: The Technological Institute of the Philippines(TIP) Experience

Sample Program Plans to Address Student Outcomes
Program Plans
To address SOs

Strengthen On- the-Job Training (OJT) program

Monitoring of ECE students in their OJT where activities
1 should be aligned to the field of expertise. OJTs should (e), (h) and (l)
have assigned mentor in the company in order for them
to be properly guided and monitored.
Intensify industry linkages through OJT, plant visits and
2 through students who will conduct an industry-based (g) and (l)
Inclusion of patent searching as one of the activities of
4 students enrolled in design courses to conform to (h)
intellectual property law, .

Outcomes-Based Education: The Technological Institute of the Philippines(TIP) Experience

What happens to the assessment results ?

Use it for Continual Improvement

at the classroom level
Reflective teaching…

“How can I improve?”

Hendricks, H. (1987). Teaching to change lives .Oregon , USA : Multnomah Publishers,Inc.
Reflect on the suitability of the
intended learning outcomes
and on what alternative
teaching/learning activities
and assessment tasks you
might best use.
Biggs, J. and Tang, C. (2007) . Teaching for quality learning at university. Berkshire ,
England :Open-University Press Mc Graw Hill
‘What else could I be doing that
might make the students learn
more effectively?’

Biggs, J. and Tang, C. (2007) . Teaching for quality learning at university. Berkshire ,
England :Open-University Press Mc Graw Hill
What future actions
would you take to
encourage a deep
approach to learning
in your students?

Biggs, J. and Tang, C. (2007) . Teaching for quality learning at university. Berkshire ,
England :Open-University Press Mc Graw Hill
what sort of
climate are you
creating for
your students?
Biggs, J. and Tang, C. (2007) . Teaching for quality learning at university. Berkshire ,
England :Open-University Press Mc Graw Hill
What’s more important is
how you could improve it to
facilitate a more desirable
learning approach.

Biggs, J. and Tang, C. (2007) . Teaching for quality learning at university. Berkshire ,
England :Open-University Press Mc Graw Hill
It’s not what we do but
what students do that’s
the important thing.

Biggs, J. and Tang, C. (2007) . Teaching for quality learning at university. Berkshire ,
England :Open-University Press Mc Graw Hill
Teaching is causing people
“to learn”.
If the learner does not
learn, we have not taught.

Hendricks, H. (1987). Teaching to change lives .Oregon , USA : Multnomah Publishers,Inc.
Misconception No.1.
OBTL is a total deviation from the
traditional approach of teaching
Misconception No.1. OBTL is a total deviation
from the traditional approach of teaching
• OBTL is NOT a total deviation from traditional
approach of teaching. OBTL does not limit the
Teaching Learning Activities (TLAs) to modern
and new approaches of teaching. Instead, it
gives emphasis on the achievement of
Intended Learning Outcomes regardless of the
TLA used. Therefore, traditional teaching
technique may still be applicable provided it
leads to the attainment of the intended
Misconception No. 2.
OBTL is an additional teaching
requirement and an added burden on
the part of the teacher
Misconception No. 2.
OBTL is an additional teaching requirement and an
added burden on the part of the teacher
• OBTL should NOT be regarded as additional
teaching requirement or an added burden on
the part of the Teacher.
• It is a simple task of re-aligning the
contents of the existing Syllabus and lesson
plan with the elements of OBTL specifically,
the Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO),
Teaching and Learning Activities (TLAs) and
Assessment Tasks (ATs).
Misconception No. 3.
OBTL is not “content-focused”.
Therefore, the teacher may not cover
the entire syllabus of the course.
Misconception No. 3.
OBTL is not “content-focused”. Therefore, the teacher may
not cover the entire syllabus of the course.

• OBTL is focused on three elements namely:

ILOs, TLAs, and ATs. The teacher should cover
every topic that is necessary for the
attainment of a given intended learning
outcomes. If the teacher feels that a given
topic is important to make the students
acquire or develop the learning outcomes,
then that particular topic should not be missed
as part of the lesson.
Misconception No. 4.
In OBTL, it is alright for students to
become unruly inside the classroom
because they are supposed to be
engaged in an active learning activity.
Misconception No. 4. In OBTL, it is alright for students to
become unruly inside the classroom because they are supposed
to be engaged in an active learning activity .
• OBTL does NOT tolerate unruly classes, the
faculty member should facilitate the TLAs in
an orderly manner to avoid distraction of
other classes .
• The faculty member should be able to set the
proper atmosphere for learning by
implementing rules and guidelines towards
maintaining discipline and orderliness in the
A faculty member who
implements active
learning activities can
Warning! NOT automatically
claim that he is doing
OBTL unless these
activities are aligned
toward the attainment
of a particular intended
learning outcome
Misconception No. 5.
OBTL is allowing the students to study
on their own without the teacher
doing his/her role to facilitate the
learning process.
Misconception No. 5. OBTL is allowing the
students to study on their own without the
teacher doing his/her role to facilitate the
learning process.

• OBTL is a paradigm shift from teacher-

centered to student- centered learning, but it
does NOT remove the teacher from his role
as facilitator of the learning process.
Misconception No. 6.
OBTL is requiring students to do
Misconception No. 6. OBTL is requiring students to
do Reporting
• OBTL encourages student-centered activities such
as reporting or group presentations . However,
the faculty member should actively participate in
the classroom discussion and act as a facilitator
and not merely an observer.
• He/she should be ready to give supplementary
discussion in cases when the student reporters
fail to elaborate the topics being discussed or
when a wrong information or principle is
Misconception No. 7.
OBTL will always require students to
do projects.
Misconception No. 7. OBTL will always require
students to do projects.
• NO. OBTL is not always associated with
student projects.There are many possible
learning activities or assessment tasks that
may be assigned to students.
• A student project may be required only if the
teacher feels that it is the most appropriate
learning activity and assessment task for an
intended learning outcome.
Misconception No. 8.
Every faculty member should follow a
prescribed OBTL template.
Misconception No. 8. Every faculty member
should follow a prescribed OBTL template.

• There is NO universal format for OBTL, only the

guiding principle of “constructive alignment”. In
OBTL, a template is NOT designed. What is being
designed are the appropriate TLAs and ATs
aligned to ILOs.
• The best practices on the implementation of OBTL
come in various styles. No standard template is
prescribed for as long as the appropriate TLAs
and ATs are applied that lead to the attainment
of the ILOs.
Misconception No.10.
The same TLAs and ATs can be
applied in all courses.
Misconception No.9. The same TLAs and ATs
can be applied in all courses.

• The TLAs and ATs may vary depending on the

ILO. The most appropriate TLAs or ATs
should be selected and applied on a case-to-
case basis for the attainment of a given ILO.
Misconception No. 11.
OBTL is observable during classroom
visitations conducted by the
Dean/Department Head.
Misconception No. 11. OBTL is observable during
classroom visitations conducted by the
Dean/Department Head.

• OBTL is a process which begins by identifying the

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs), applying the
approropriate Teaching and Learning Activities (TLAs)
and Asssessment Tasks (ATs) and continously improving
the process through a feedback mechanism toward the
attainment of the desired outcomes.

• Some OBTL elements may be observed during

classroom observations such as the TLAs being
employed but the Dean/Chair can NOT generally assess
the entire OBTL process at once.
Misconception No. 12.
Faculty members who apply OBTL
are entitled to additional pay.
Misconception No. 12. Faculty members who
apply OBTL are entitled to additional pay.

• NO. It is the responsibility of every faculty

member to ensure the delivery of quality
education and to cope with the new demands
of the teaching profession.
Misconception No. 13.
OBTL can not be applied in
co-curricular or extra-curricular
How does OBTL Work?
• In OBTL, ILOs are designed to describe what
the students are expected to do at the end of
the course or the program.
• To facilitate the achievement of ILOs, teaching
and learning activities and assessments are
designed to align with the ILOs
• In OBTL, student learning is supported by
classroom teaching that stimulates the
learner’s efforts, provide feedback, helps attain
required standards, and guides progress to
independence as a learner
Source: University of Hong Kong OBTL Materials
Compliance of HEIs (Section IV of CHED AO 01.s. 2014)
Using the CHED Implementation Handbook for OBE and ISA as reference, a HEI shall
develop the following items which will be submitted to CHED when they apply for a
permit for a new program or the approval of the transformation of existing programs to
outcomes-based framework:

The complete set of Program Outcomes, including its proposed

additional program outcomes.
Its proposed curriculum, and its justification including
Curriculum Map.
Proposed Performance Indicators for each outcome. Proposed
measurement system for the level of attainment of each indicator.
Proposed Outcomes-Based Syllabus for each course. This
should already be indicative of the plan of Delivery of the
curriculum, student assessment and of the resources to be
Proposed system of program Assessment And Evaluation
Proposed system of program Continuous Quality Improvement
Essentials for Effective OBE Implementation:
• A detailed plan for outcomes-based
• Commitment and full support from the top
• Capacity building should be given top
• Continuous effort for dissemination
• Continuous quality improvement in all
aspects of the implementation

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