Egao V CA
Egao V CA
Egao V CA
Lot No. 662 (subject land) is covered by Original Certificate of Title No. P-3559 Free Patent …any acquisition, conveyance, abenation, transfer or other contract made or executed in
No. 298112 registered in the name of APOLONIO EGAO married to Beatriz Menosa. Said violation of any of the provisions of Sections 118,121,120,122 and 123 of this Act shall be
parcel has been transferred in ownership in favor of ROBERTO N. MARFORI per Deed of unlawful, null and void from its execution and shall produce the effect of annulling and
Absolute Sale. cancelling the grant, title, patent or permit originally issued, recognized or confirmed, actually
or prescriptively, and cause the reversion of the property and its improvements to the state. 9
The VENDEES (Respondents) herein is [sic] aware of the fact that the Certificate of Title over
the abovementioned parcel of land have not yet been transferred in favor of ROBERTO N. OCT No. P-3559 over the land in dispute was issued a few months after the execution by the
MARFORI except for the tax declarations but that the VENDOR herein is in actual, physical, Egaos of the last Deed of Sale in favor of Marfori. 11 The OCT is registered in the name of the
continuous, uninterrupted, and adverse possession of the above described parcels of land free Egaos, herein petitioners. A Torrens title, once registered, cannot be defeated, even by adverse
from all liens and encumbrances whatsoever; 1 open and notorious possession...cannot be defeated by prescription…is a notice to the
world…No one can plead ignorance of the registration. 12
Petitioners asserted that Apolonio Egao is the registered owner of the parcel of land known as
Lot No. 662, pursuant to Free Patent No. 298112 dated 12 August 1965; that he (Apolonio 2. NO. Respondents are not innocent purchasers for value. Where a purchaser neglects
Egao) and his family have been in actual, physical, adverse, open and continuous possession to make the necessary inquiries and closes his eyes to facts which should put a
thereof even before the issuance to him of the free patent; that the land has never been sold by reasonable man on his guard as to the possibility of the existence of a defect in his
reason of the prohibition against alienation under Commonwealth Act No. 141 (Public Land vendor's title, and relying on the belief that there was no defect in the title of the
Law). vendor, purchases the property without making any further investigation, he cannot
claim that he is a purchaser in good faith for value.
RTC ruled in favor of the Egaos, herein petitioners stating that the execution of said deed of
sale after the filing of the application for free patent but before the issuance of the latter, While one who buys from the registered owner need not look behind the certificate of title,
without the approval of the Director of Lands, were ipso facto cancelled upon issuance of Free one who buys from another who is notthe registered owner is expected to examine not only the
Patent No. 29811…And as long as OCT No. P-3559 remains in the name of defendant Egao, certificate of title but all factual circumstances necessary for him to determine if there are any
this is the ultimate and best evidence of title granted by the government which must be flaws in the title of the transferor, or in his capacity to transfer the land. Failing to exercise
honored and respected by the courts.” caution of any kind whatsoever is tantamount to bad faith. 18
The CA set aside the RTC decision, stating that Marfori and Egao were in pari delicto for Deeds of sale of patented lands, perfected within the prohibited five (5) year period are null
violating the five (5) year restriction under Sec. 118, CA No. 141 as amended by Act No. 496 and void (Sec. 124, Public Land Act). No title passed from the Egaos to Marfori which could
against encumbrance or alienation of lands acquired under a free patent or homestead; hence, be validly transferred to herein respondents Bontilao and Dignos. Nemo dat quod non
they cannot, according to the appellate court, seek affirmative relief, but respondents on the habet (nobody can dispose of that which does not belong to him).19
other hand were declared innocent purchasers for value. Thus, declared herein respondents the
absolute owners. While the government has not taken steps to assert its title, by reversion, (because of violation)
to a homestead sold in violation of the Public Land Act, the vendor or his heirs is better
Issues: entitled to the possession of the said, the vendee being in no better situation than any
1. Was the sale between Egao and Marfori valid, as to give title to the vendees over intruder.20
the subject land when Marfori made such transfer?
2. Were the respondents herein innocent purchasers? A private individual may not bring an action for reversion or any action which would have the
Ruling: effect of cancelling a free patent and the corresponding certificate of title issued on the basis
thereof, with the result that the land covered thereby will again form part of the public domain,
1. NO. It is undisputed that Free Patent No. 298112 was issued to petitioner Apolonio as only the Solicitor General or the officer acting in his stead may do so. 16
Egao over Lot No. 662 on 12 August, 1965. Sec. 118 of Commonwealth Act No.
141, as amended, prohibits the alienation or encumbrance, within a period of five (5) An "innocent purchaser for value" is deemed, under the Torrens system, to include an innocent
years from the date of issuance of the patent. Assuming, arguendo, the authenticity lessee, mortgagee or other encumbrancer for value.
of the Deeds of Sale executed by the Egaos in favor of Marfori over portions of Lot
No. 662, dated 7 May 1964, 14 January and 6 October 1965, it clearly appears that The rule of pari delicto non oritur actio (where two persons are equally at fault neither party
all deeds were executed within the prohibited period of five (5) years. may be entitled to relief under the law), admits of exceptions and does not apply to an
inexistent contract, such as, a sale void ab initiounder the Public Land Act, when its
enforcement or application runs counter to the public policy of preserving the grantee's right to
the land under the homestead law.