HLD Sciatica Summary
HLD Sciatica Summary
HLD Sciatica Summary
Acute/Initial Phase (Pp. 40-43) PAIN CONTROL STRATEGY (choose as needed) (P. 40)
Physical medicine (manual therapy/passive PT
Objectives OTC or botanical
Centralize pain and decrease inflammation; Referral for medical treatment
prevent further neurologic loss.
Attempt to reduce herniation. HOME CARE (P. 42)
Teach the patient how to protect and stabilize Give specific exercises.
the low back. Encourage mild activity.
Prevent further deconditioning. Address home and work ergonomics.
Address/prevent illness behavior. Modify activities (sitting, side lying, aggravating
Increase water and fiber intake to soften stool
SUMMARY – Initial Treatment Options and reduce the chance for constipation.
Not all of these options need be utilized. Use pain relief postures (e.g., 90/90) and other
pain relief aids as necessary.
Palpate the spine with patient seated, supine Limit bed rest.
and prone (assess centralization,
Consider home traction (if necessary)
peripheralization and local response).
Prescribe OTC sleep aids (if necessary)
Consider HVLA manipulation and/or
Short-term use of back belt (optional)
Crut ches (optional)
Con sider flexion-distraction.
Utilize soft tissue manipulation to treat
associated myofascial dysfunctions (MFTP’s, CLINICAL TIPS
spasm, adhesions).
In view of the relatively serious nature of disc
Consider therapeutic modalities to control
herniations, take special care in conducting and
pain and inflammation.
documenting PARQ conference.
Consider home exercise for pain control (e.g.,
If prone extension exercises are prescribed, it is
directional preference assessment and
critical to teach the patient how to transition down
to the floor and back again without flexing the
Teach the patient to protect the spine (e.g., lumbar spine (e.g., use hip hinging and modified
abdominal brace, neutral pelvis, hip hinge). kneeling or squat).
PATIENT EDUCATION (P. 41) Extension may peripheralize symptoms with far
lateral disc herniations.
Set expectations.
Bed rest should be short term only. Active rest is
Progress into early phase of lumbar
preferable (i.e., bouts of activity which still
stabilization program.
manage to protect the back and may be
Address any significant current or potential punctuated with periods of rest).
psychosocial components. Normal activities should resume ASAP.
Give emergency instructions (e.g., signs of A common relief position is to lie with knees bent
cauda equine syndrome). and a pillow between the legs.