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The information and materials contained in this publication have been developed from sources believed to be
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ANSI/ASSE Z359.6 – 2016

American National Standard

Specifications and Design Requirements

for Active Fall Protection Systems


American Society of Safety Engineers

520 N. Northwest Highway
Park Ridge, Illinois 60068

Approved December 21, 2016

American National Standards Institute, Inc.


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American Approval of an American National Standard requires verification by ANSI that the require-
ments for due process, consensus, and other criteria for approval have been met by the
National standards developer. Consensus is established when, in the judgment of the ANSI Board
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Published March 2017 by:

American Society of Safety Engineers

520 N. Northwest Highway
Park Ridge, Illinois 60068
(847) 699-2929 •

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Foreword (This Foreword is not a part of American National Standard Z359.6-2016.)

This standard, national in scope, was developed by an Accredited Standards Committee functioning under
the procedures of the American National Standards Institute, with the American Society of Safety Engineers
(ASSE) as secretariat. The purpose of this standard is to specify requirements for the design and perfor-
mance of active fall-protection systems, including travel-restraint and vertical and horizontal fall-arrest sys-
tems. It is intended that every employer whose operations fall within the scope and purpose of the standard
will adopt the guidelines and requirements detailed in this standard.

The original need for the Z359.6 standard grew out of the continuing development of a series of fall protec-
tion-related standards, known as the Z359 Fall Protection Code. The purpose of the fall protection code is to
provide employers with tools that can be used to develop fall protection programs for employee protection.
This is the second edition of Z359.6, the original was published in 2009. This standard, as for all Z359-series
standards, applies only to occupational activities. It is not intended to apply to sports activities, such as

It is intended that this standard provide clarity to the Occupational Safety & Health Administration’s (OSHA)
regulatory requirement that fall protection systems be “designed, installed and used under the supervision
of a qualified person.” It has been argued that this regulation does not provide employers with sufficient
information to ensure that fall protection systems are properly designed, installed and used. This standard
attempts to remedy this issue.

Although this standard contains performance specifications that may be applicable to fall protection prod-
ucts, it is not a product standard. Individual products and components are tested and evaluated to meet the
requirements of their applicable Z359-series standard.

Neither the standards committee, nor the secretariat, states that this standard is perfect in its current form.
It is recognized that new developments are to be expected, and that revisions of the standard will be neces-
sary as the state-of-the-art progresses and further experience is gained. It is believed, however, that uniform
guidelines for the design of active fall protection systems are very much needed and that the standard in its
present form provides for the minimum criteria necessary.

The Z359 Committee solicits public input that may suggest the need for revisions to this standard. Such
input should be sent to the Secretariat, ASC Z359, American Society of Safety Engineers, 520 N. Northwest
Highway, Park Ridge, Illinois 60068.

This standard was developed and approved for submittal to ANSI by the American National Standards
Committee on Standards for Fall Protection, Z359. Committee approval of the standard does not necessar-
ily imply that all committee members voted for its approval. At the time it approved this standard, the Z359
Committee had the following members:


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Randall Wingfield, Chair
Thomas Kramer, P.E., CSP, Vice Chair
Timothy R. Fisher, CSP, CHMM, ARM, CPEA, Secretary
Ovidiu Munteanu, Assistant Secretary
Jennie Dalesandro, Administrative Technical Support

Organization Represented Name of Representative

3M Raymond Mann
Judd Perner
American Airlines Len Bradley
American Society of Safety Engineers Jubal D. Hamernik, Ph.D., P.E.
John Stephen Frost, CSP
Bashlin Industries, Inc. Bradley S. McGill
Boeing Company Chuck Orebaugh
Joey R. Junio, P.E.
Buckingham Mfg. Co., Inc. James Rullo
DeForest Canfield
Chevron Craig Berkenmeier, ARM
Joshua Ockmond, CSP
Clear Channel Outdoor Jim Poage
Dan Rossi
ClimbTech LLC Karl Guthrie
Eric Patrick
Dynamic Industries, Inc. Gary LoPiccolo
Brandon Muffoletto, CSP
Elk River, Inc. Delisa Calhoun
Erik Arendall
Ellis Fall Safety Solutions, LLC J. Nigel Ellis, Ph.D., P.E., CSP, CPE
John T. Whitty, P.E.
ExxonMobil Corporation Freddie Johnson
FallTech Dustin Hawkins
Warren Faber
Flexible Lifeline Systems Hugh Armstrong

Michael Bailey, P.E.

General Motors Ken Mahnick, P.E.
Gorbel Inc. Allen Baughman
Kevin Duhamel
Gravitec Systems, Inc. Randall Wingfield
Dave Lough
Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection & Insurance Co. Jerry Kucharski, CFPS
Timothy Healey
High Engineering Corp. William R. Parsons, P.Eng.
Greg Small, P.Eng., M.Eng.
Honeywell Safety Products Bradley Rohlf
Chris Huber
Indianapolis Power and Light David Baldwin
David H. Pate, CUSA
INSPEC International Ltd. Paul Clarke, CEng, MIMechE
Andrew Diamond, MInstP, BSc (Hons)

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ISEA – International Safety Equipment Association Dan Shipp
Eric Miller
Lawrence Livermore National Security Louis Renner, CSP
Steve McConnell, CSP, CIH
Liberty Mutual Group Cal Sparks
Matthew Zaffini
Lighthouse Safety LLC John Corriveau
Mark Benes
LJB Inc. Thomas Kramer, P.E., CSP
Rupert Noton, CEng, MIStructE
Martin/Martin Consulting Engineers Andrew Emmons, P.E.
Matthew Schneider, P.E.
Monsanto Adam Chapin
MSA Rob Willis
Tim Bissett
Murdock Webbing Co. Inc. Robert Golz
Greg Pilgrim
National Association of Tower Erectors Gordon Lyman
Don Doty
Pamela R. Huck, Inc. Pamela Huck, CSP
PenSafe Keith Smith
Petzl America Jeremiah Wangsgard
Pigeon Mountain Industries, Inc. Jeff Bowles
Kim Hunter
Reliance Industries, LLC Dan Henn
W. Joe Shaw
Rigid Lifelines Arnie Galpin, P.E.
John Kemp
Rooftop Anchor, Inc. Kynan Wynne
Tyson Munford, P.E.
Safety Connection, Inc. Clint Honeycutt, Sr.
Janice Honeycutt
Safety Equipment Institute Steve Sanders
Safety Through Engineering, Inc. (dba STE, Inc.) Michael C. Wright, P.E., CPE, CSP
Mark Williams
Shell Exploration & Production Co. Edward Grosse
Gregory Byers
Skylotec North America, LP Mark Conover
Michael Masterson, Jr.
Southern Weaving Co. Andrew Broadway
Curtiss Burdette
Sparkling Clean Window Company & Surface Sam Terry
Solutions Art Schneider
SPRAT – Society of Professional Rope Loui McCurley
Access Technicians Cedric Smith
Sturges Manufacturing Co., Inc. Richard Griffith
Tyler Griffith
SureWerx/PeakWorks Tim Accursi
Ken Lemke
Tractel Inc. Doug Knapp
Catalin Anesia


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Transport Workers Union James Mark
Travelers Scott H. Richert, CSP, ARM, ALCM
Tritech Fall Protection Systems, Inc. Chris Moemke, EIT
John Seto, P.E
U.S. Air Force Safety Center Mark S. Kantorowicz
Robert Baker
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Shawn Smith, CSP
Shaun Reed
U.S. Department of Interior – BSEE John M. Cushing, Jr.
Simon Baughman
U.S. Department of the Navy Basil Tominna, P.E.
Shawn Smith, MEng, CSP
UL LLC Beverly Wooten Stutts
United Auto Workers Matthew S. Uptmor, OHST
Vertical Access LLC Kelly Streeter, P.E.
Keith Luscinski
Walt Disney Parks & Resorts Ken Young, P.E.
Ian Bevan
Western Area Power Administration Patrick T. Nies
Will Schnyer
WJE Daniel Gach, AIA, NCARB
Jason Kamman, CSP, CHST

Subgroup Z359.6 had the following members:

Rupert Noton, CEng, MIStructE (Chair)

Thomas Kramer, P.E., CSP (Vice Chair)
Hugh Armstrong
Allen Baughman

John Corriveau
Jeremy Deason, P.E.
J. Nigel Ellis, Ph.D., P.E., CSP, CPE
Arnie Galpin, P.E.
Joey Junio P.E.
David Lough
Ken Mahnick, P.E.
Tyson Munford, P.E.
William Parsons, P.E.
David Pasco
David H. Pate, CUSA
John Seto, P.E.
W. Joe Shaw
Greg Small, P.Eng., M.Eng.
Kelly Streeter P.E.
Basil Tominna, P.E.
Graham Willmott
Michael Wright, P.E., CSP, CPE

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Contents SECTION .................................................................................................................. PAGE

1. Scope, Purpose, Applications, Exceptions and Interpretations . ....................... 8

1.1 Scope .......................................................................................................... 8
1.2 Purpose and Application ........................................................................... 8
1.3 Exceptions .................................................................................................. 9
1.4 Interpretations ............................................................................................ 10

2. Definitions ................................................................................................................ 10

3. Drawing, Specifications and Procedure Requirements . .................................... 10

3.1 General ........................................................................................................ 10
3.2 Drawing and Specification Requirements ............................................... 10
3.3 Use and Rescue Procedure Requirements ............................................ 11

4. Material, Equipment and Design Requirements ................................................. 12
4.1 Materials ...................................................................................................... 12
4.2 Components ............................................................................................... 12
4.3 Full-Body Harnesses ................................................................................. 14
4.4 Design Weight of Users ............................................................................. 14
4.5 Travel Restraint Systems ........................................................................... 14
4.6 Fall Arrest Systems .................................................................................... 14
4.7 Component Strength ................................................................................. 20

5. Travel Restraint and Fall Arrest System Force Requirements . ......................... 20
5.1 Active Force ................................................................................................ 20
5.2 Travel Restraint Systems .......................................................................... 21
5.3 Fall Arrest Systems .................................................................................... 21
5.4 Multiple-User Falls ..................................................................................... 25

6. Strength Requirements ......................................................................................... 26
6.1 Load Cases ................................................................................................. 26
6.2 Strength Design ......................................................................................... 27
6.3 Allowable Stress Design ........................................................................... 28
6.4 Determination of Nominal Strength ......................................................... 29

7. Clearance ............................................................................................................... 30
7.1 General Requirement ............................................................................... 30
7.2 Free Fall Distance ..................................................................................... 30
7.3 Deceleration Distance ............................................................................... 31
7.4 Stretch Out ................................................................................................. 32
7.5 Swing-Fall Distance ................................................................................... 33
7.6 Clearance Margin ...................................................................................... 33
7.7 Simultaneous Falls .................................................................................... 34

8. Design Assumptions and Analytical Methods .................................................... 35
8.1 Elasticity of Ropes ..................................................................................... 35
8.2 Horizontal Lifelines Systems .................................................................... 35
8.3 Analytical Methods .................................................................................... 35


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9. System Certification .............................................................................................. 38
9.1 Certification of Active Fall Protection Systems ....................................... 38
9.2 Recertification of Active Fall Protection Systems ................................... 38

10. References ............................................................................................................ 39

11. Figures ................................................................................................................... 40

Appendices A (Informative) Commentary ............................................................. 47


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ANSI/ASSE Z359.6-2016 American National Standard Specifications and Design Requirements
for Active Fall Protection Systems


(Not part of American National Standard Z359.6)

1.1 Scope. This standard is intended for engineers E1.1 ANSI/ASSE Z359.0 defines a qualified person
who are trained as qualified persons and who have as a person with a recognized degree or professional
expertise in the design of active fall protection certificate and with extensive knowledge, training
systems. It specifies requirements for the design and experience in the fall protection and rescue field
and performance of complete active fall protection who is capable of designing, analyzing, evaluating
systems, including travel restraint and vertical and and specifying fall protection and rescue systems
horizontal fall arrest systems. to the extent required by these standards.

1.2 Purpose and Application.

1.2.1 This standard has been developed as a con- E1.2.1 Unique applications may require specification
sensus document to provide uniform practice in the and design criteria that are outside the scope of this
design of active fall protection systems. The intent standard.
of this standard is to provide specification and de-
sign requirements for conventional active fall pro-
tection systems.

1.2.2 This standard involves the design of active fall E1.2.2 ANSI/ASSE Z359.2 covers the application
protection systems, such as travel restraint and fall of active fall protection systems and the fall hazard
arrest, as defined in ANSI/ASSE Z359.0. hierarchy of controls, which includes preventing
or eliminating exposure, and passive and active
controls. Following the fall hazard hierarchy of
controls, safer options for the employee protection
should always be considered prior to the employer
selecting the use of an active fall protection system.

1.2.3 In this standard, values for measurement are

followed by an equivalent in parentheses, but only
the first stated value shall be regarded as the re-
quirement. Equivalent values in parentheses are
not considered as the requirement, as these values
can be approximate.

1.2.4 Unless otherwise specified, the values stated

in this standard are expressed as nominal values.
Except for temperature limits, values that are not
stated as maxima or minima shall be subject to a
tolerance of +/- 5%. Unless otherwise specified,
systems shall be designed for service in an am-
bient temperature range between 35°F (2°C) and
100°F (38°C) and the temperature limits shall be
subject to an accuracy of +/- 2°F (1°C).


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ANSI/ASSE Z359.6-2016 American National Standard Specifications and Design Requirements
for Active Fall Protection Systems

1.2.5 The use of singular nouns may also include

the plural (and vice versa), when the context allows.

1.2.6 The use of the term anchorage may also in-

clude the term anchorage connector, and vice ver-
sa, when the context of the requirement applies to
design strength.

1.2.7 Within this standard, “shall” is used to ex-

press a requirement that must be obliged in order
to comply with the standard; “should” is used to ex-
press a recommendation, which is advised but not
required; and “may” is used to express an option,
which is permissible within the limits of the stan-
dard. Notes to tables and figures are considered
part of the table or figure and may be written as re-
quirements. Legends to equations and figures are
considered requirements.

1.2.8 E-column commentary that accompanies

sections does not include requirements or alterna-
tive requirements; the purpose of the E-column is
to separate requirements of the standard from the
explanatory commentary and informative material.

1.3 Exceptions.

1.3.1 This standard does not specify design or E1.3.1 This standard is intended for the design of
performance requirements for active fall protec- complete active fall protection systems. Therefore,
tion equipment components or systems when there it is recommended that this standard not be
exists a standard, within the ANSI/ASSE Z359 Fall referenced on specific fall protection products.
Protection Code, that details qualification and veri- It is anticipated that this standard may be used
fication testing for the component or system. Quali- to incorporate equipment components into the
fication and verification testing of ANSI/ASSE Z359 design of active fall protection systems prior to an
components and systems shall meet the require- acceptable product standard being created for the
ments of the relevant component or system stan- equipment component’s proper use.
dard and the requirements of ANSI/ASSE Z359.7.
Components or systems shall not be marked as be-
ing in compliance with this standard as a substitute
when another relevant ANSI/ASSE Z359 standard

1.3.2 This standard does not cover the design of

passive fall protection systems, such as guardrails
and safety nets, except when passive systems are
also designed to serve as an anchorage for an ac-
tive fall protection system.

1.3.3 This standard does not cover the design of

positioning systems.


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ANSI/ASSE Z359.6-2016 American National Standard Specifications and Design Requirements
for Active Fall Protection Systems

1.3.4 This standard establishes requirements for

required strength of active fall protection systems. It
does not cover the determination of design strength
of components and anchorages. Design strength
may be determined by empirical testing, numerical
techniques or by design specifications, including
but not limited to ACI 318, ACI 530, AISC 360 and
NDS, for the materials and structural systems be-
ing used.

1.3.5 The design of active systems for users heavier

than 310 pounds (140kg) or lighter than 130 pounds
(59kg) is outside the scope of this standard.

1.4 Interpretations. Requests for interpretations of

this standard shall be in writing and addressed to
the Secretariat of this standard.


Refer to ANSI/ASSE Z359.0, Definitions and No-

menclature Used for Fall Protection and Fall Arrest,
for definitions of terms used in this standard.



3.1 General. An active fall protection system meet- E3.1 Many jurisdictions require that individuals who
ing the requirements of this standard shall have design or evaluate physical structures be registered
drawings, specifications and procedures, as appli- with the jurisdiction as a professional engineer.
cable, prepared by or under the supervision of a
qualified person.

3.2 Drawing and Specification Requirements.

3.2.1 Construction documents shall describe the

components of an active fall protection system
that are to be fabricated, assembled and installed.
Drawings and specifications contained within the
construction documents shall include, but not be
limited to: A statement defining the type of active fall E3.2.1.1 Types of active fall protection systems
protection system and that the design meets crite- include travel restraint and fall arrest.
ria established by this standard. If exceptions to this
standard are made in the design, then they shall be
clearly stated.


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