Susy Basics

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Supersymmetry Basics

Zhong-Zhi Xianyu∗
Institute of Modern Physics and Center for High Energy Physics,
Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China


1 Prelude 2

2 Supersymmetry Algebras 2

3 Representations of Supersymmetry Algebras 6

3.1 Massless supermultiplets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.2 Massive supermultiplets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

4 N = 1 Superspace and Superfields 12

4.1 Superspace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.2 Superfields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

5 N = 1 Chiral Theory 18
5.1 Chiral superfields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
5.2 Wess-Zumino model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
5.3 General chiral theories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

6 N = 1 Gauge Theories 23
6.1 Vector superfields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
6.2 Super-Maxwell theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
6.3 Non-Abelian gauge theories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

7 Path Integral Quantization 29

7.1 Superspace path integral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
7.2 Nonrenormalization theorems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
∗ E-mail:

Notes by Zhong-Zhi Xianyu Begin on 2013/07/22, last updated on 2015/03/11

A Notations and Useful Relations 34

B Complex Geometry 35

1. Prelude
This is the first piece of a series of notes on supersymmetry. We intend to present
the very basics of supersymmetry that is needed to explore more advanced topics. This
includes the construction and representations of super-Poincaré algebra in 4 dimensions,
the superspace formulation of N = 1 supersymmetric theories, the Wess-Zumino model,
and the super gauge theory. To fully show the power of superspace formulation, we also
introduce the path integral quantization of N = 1 theories, super-Feynman rules for
supergraphs. Finally we use these result to derive the perturbative nonrenormalization
theorem for superpotential.
Derivations are made quite explicit, and some mid-steps are kept so that the results
can be reproduced easily. However, this does not mean every single detail is presented
since that would obviously affect the main line of development.
There are already a world of introductory books, reviews, lecture notes on supersym-
metry. In preparing this note, we find those ones listed in [1–6] quite useful.
For any text on supersymmetry, notation is a big issue. In this note and succeeding
ones, we mainly follow the convention of Wess & Bagger [1], since the book is quite stan-
dard and its notations are widely used. In particular, we use mostly plus (−, +, +, +) met-
ric for Minkowski spacetime. For spinorial index summation, we use northwest-southeast
rule for undotted indices and southwest-northeast rule for dotted indices. More details
of our conventions and some useful relations are listed in the appendix.

2. Supersymmetry Algebras
Supersymmetry algebra is almost the unique nontrivial extension of the relativistic
spacetime symmetry algebra, mixing with internal symmetries. The algebra, by defini-
tion, has a Z2 graded structure. According to this structure, all generators are classified
into two categories, which we will call bosonic and fermionic, respectively. If we collec-
tively denote bosonic generators by B and fermionic generators by F , then the Z2 graded
structure manifests itself through the following brackets,

[B, B] ∼ B, [B, F ] ∼ F, {F, F } ∼ B, (1)

where the square bracket is antisymmetric with its two arguments, while the curly bracket
is symmetric. In practice we always assume these brackets are realized as commutators

Notes by Zhong-Zhi Xianyu Begin on 2013/07/22, last updated on 2015/03/11

or anticommutators. That is, we have

[B1 , B2 ] = B1 B2 − B2 B1 , {F1 , F2 } = F1 F2 + F2 F1 . (2)

Therefore the super-Jacobi’s identity follows trivially. By super-Jacobi’s identity we refer

to a natural extension of ordinary Jacobi’s identity with the graded structure (1). More
explicitly, the identity reads,

0 = [[B1 , B2 ], B3 ] + [[B3 , B1 ], B2 ] + [[B2 , B3 ], B1 ],

0 = [[F, B1 ], B2 ] + [[B2 , F ], B1 ] + [[B1 , B2 ], F ],
0 = [{F1 , F2 }, B] + {[B, F1 ], F2 } − {[F2 , B], F1 },
0 = [{F1 , F2 }, F3 ] + [{F3 , F1 }, F2 ] + [{F2 , F3 }, F1 ].

Attention must be paid when using the identity with two odd generators since there is
an “extra” minus sign before the last term in the third line.
We are going to find the most general supersymmetry algebra including the Poincaré
algebra as a subalgebra in 4 dimensions. One can also consider supersymmetric extension
in other spacetime dimensions and with other spacetime symmetries, e.g., conformal
symmetry and (anti-)de Sitter symmetry. However, we will restrict ourselves within
Poincaré algebra in 4 dimensions in the current note, and leave possible extensions to the
To begin with, we write down all commutators of Poincaré symmetry,

[Pm , Pn ] = 0,
[Jmn , P` ] = − i(ηn` Pm − ηm` Pn ), (4)
[Jmn , Jpq ] = − i(ηmq Jnp − ηmp Jnq − ηnq Jmp + ηnp Jmq ).

The super algebra to be determined should include these generators, together with some
fermionic generators, which we denoted by QM , as well as some bosonic (and thus inter-
nal, according to Coleman-Mandula theorem) generators, denoted by T a . The task is to
find all commutation relations among these generators.
Firstly, according to Coleman-Mandula theorem, T a must be internal, and thus be
closed within themselves. Without loss of generality, we assume they are Hermitian, so
[Jmn , Ta ] = [Pm , T a ] = 0, [T a , T b ] = if ab c T c . (5)
Secondly, the Z2 graded structure of the superalgebra requires that the commutator
between one fermionic generator and one bosonic generator to be of the following form:

[Jmn , QM ] = (bmn )M N QN ,
[Pm , QM ] = (bm )M N QN ,
[T a , QM ] = (ta )M N QN .

Notes by Zhong-Zhi Xianyu Begin on 2013/07/22, last updated on 2015/03/11

This shows that Q’s form finite dimensional representations of Lorentz group, translation
group, and the internal group, with representation matrices bmn , bm , and ta , respectively.
One may apply Jacobi’s identities of (Q, J, J), (Q, P, P ), and (Q, T, T ) to see this point
more clearly.
As a finite dimensional representation of Lorentz algebra, the fermionic generators Q’s
always have the form QA α1 ···α2p ;β̇1 ···β̇2q
. Here the undotted and dotted labels correspond to
left-chiral and right-chiral components in the Lorentz algebra so(3, 1) ∼ = su(2)L + su(2)R ,
respectively, with p, q = 0, 12 , 1, 32 , · · · , and A is the index other than Lorentz indices.
Now, the anticommutator between the highest weight components of both Q and its
complex conjugation Q∗ must be a bosonic operator in representation (p + q, p + q).
However, it is only Pm , among all bosonic generators, is in this form, namely ( 21 , 12 ), so
we conclude that p + q = 12 . Therefore Q must be a spinorial generator in irrep ( 12 , 0)
or (0, 12 ). We fix Q to be in ( 12 , 0) without loss of generality, and write it as QA α . Then
∗ 1
Q must be in (0, 2 ), which we denote as Qα̇A . Then, we have,

[Jmn , QA β A
α ] = − i(σmn )α Qβ ,
[Jmn , Qα̇ α̇
A ] = − i(σ̄mn ) β̇ QA .

It then follows immediately that {Q, Q}, which carries ( 12 , 1

2 ) representation of Lorentz
group, must be of the form

{QA A m
α , Qβ̇B } = 2X B (σ )αβ̇ Pm .

The factor 2 is conventional. Now taking the Hermite conjugation reveals that X A B is
hermitian. Together with the fact that {Q, Q} is positive definite, we see that X A B can
always be diagonalized to identity δ A B by a linear redefinition of QA
α and Qβ̇B . Thus we
{QA A m
α , Qβ̇B } = 2δ B (σ )αβ̇ Pm . (7)
The commutators [T, Q] and [T, Q] are also easy to determine. The A, B-indices in QA α
and Qβ̇B are actually labels for representation matrices of internal symmetry generated
by T a , namely,

[T a , QA a A B a a∗ B
α ] = (t ) B Qα , [T , Qβ̇A ] = (t )A Qβ̇B . (8)

Applying (T, Q, Q) identity, it is easy to see (ta )A B = (ta∗ )B A , i.e., the matrix ta is
Next we consider [P, Q] commutators. Lorentz invariance requires that,

[Pm , QA
α] = b
(σm )αβ̇ Qβ̇B ,

[Pm , Qα̇
A ] = (b )AB (σ̄m )
α̇β B
Qβ .

Notes by Zhong-Zhi Xianyu Begin on 2013/07/22, last updated on 2015/03/11

To see what the coefficient bAB can be, we apply Jacobi’s identity of (P, P, Q), which

bAB (b∗ )BC (σmn )α β QC

β = 0, (9)

which shows that bb∗ = 0. To find further conditions on b, consider the (P, Q, Q) identity,
in which we need {Q, Q} bracket. Though lack of a explicit form, Lorentz structure
requires that
α , Qβ } = αβ Z
+ Y AB (σ mn )α β βγ Jmn .
Then, (P` , QA B
α , Qβ ) identity gives,

0 = − iY AB (σ mn )αβ (ηm` Pn − ηn` Pm )

+ 2bBA (σ` )β β̇ (σ m )α β̇ Pm − 2bAB (σ ` )αα̇ (σ m )β α̇ Pm ,

which, after contracted with αβ , gives bAB = bBA . Thus, bb∗ = 0 implies that bb† = 0,
and so b = 0. That is,
[Pm , QAα ] = [Pm , Qβ̇A ] = 0, (10)
Substituting this back to the (P, Q, Q) identity further implies Y AB = 0. So we have
α , Qβ } = αβ Z
. Here Z AB are some bosonic generators carrying no Lorentz indices,
and thus must be internal, can be expressible in terms of T a . So we write,

Z AB = aAB a
a T . (11)

Furthermore, the (T, Q, Q) identity gives [T, Z] ∼ Z, meaning that Z AB form an invariant
subalgebra of internal symmetry; the (Q, Q, Q) identity gives [Z, Q] = 0, and thus [Z, Z] ∼
[{Q, Q}, Z] = 0. So the invariant algebra formed by Z AB is Abelian. Thus we have,

[Z AB , everything] = 0. (12)

Thus Z AB are called central charges of the super-algebra. Substituting this back to
(T, Q, Q) identity, we get,

(ta )A B aBC
b = −aAB a∗ C
b (t )B . (13)

That means the coefficients aAB a intertwine the representation ta with its conjugation
t . Thus the central charges can exist only for groups admitting such an intertwining
relation. Up to now, all the (anti-)commutators of super-algebra have been nearly deter-
mined. However, the structure of the internal symmetry generated by T a can be further
restricted. In fact, it can be shown that, for N species of fermionic generators QAα , the
internal symmetry group is U (N ) if there is no central charges, and Sp(N ), if there is
one central charges. See Chapter 2 of [3] for a general discussion. We will also briefly
mention this again in next section.

Notes by Zhong-Zhi Xianyu Begin on 2013/07/22, last updated on 2015/03/11

In summary, we list the super extension of 4 dimensional Poincaré algebra, which we

will refer to as super-Poincaré algebra, as follows,

{QA A m
α , Qβ̇B } = 2δ B (σ )αβ̇ Pm ,

α , Qβ } = αβ Z

{Qα̇A , Qβ̇B } = − α̇β̇ ZAB ,
[Pm , QA
α ] = [Pm , Qα̇A ] = 0,

[Jmn , QA β A
α ] = − i(σmn )α Qβ ,
β̇ (14)
[Jmn , Qα̇ α̇
A ] = − i(σ̄mn ) β̇ QA ,

[T a , QA a A B
α ] = (t ) B Qα ,

[T a , Qβ̇A ] = (ta∗ )A B Qβ̇B ,

[Pm , T a ] = [Jmn , T a ] = 0,
[T a , T b ] = if ab c T c ,
[Z AB , everything] = 0,

together with the the Poincaré algebra (4).

3. Representations of Supersymmetry Algebras

In this section we discuss the unitary representation of super-Poincaré algebra on
Hilbert space. The strategy is the same with the ordinary Poincaré group, namely the
method of induced representation. For this purpose, we need the Casimir operators of
super-Poincaré group.

Casimir operators of super-Poincaré algebra. Casimir operators commute with

all symmetry generators, so their eigenvalues are same for states in an irreducible rep-
resentation. Hence they are useful to classify irreducible representations. Recall that
Poincaré algebra has two Casimir operators, the momentum squared, P 2 = Pm P m , and
the square of Pauli-Lubański operator, namely W 2 = Wm W m with Wm = 12 mnpq P n J pq .
The eigenvalues of these two Casimir operators of an irrep define its mass m2 and spin
J 2 (helicity s2 for massless states).
In super-Poincaré algebra, it is easy to see that P 2 is still a Casimir operator, while
W 2 no longer is, because one can show that [W 2 , Q] 6= 0. This implies that, within an
irrep of super-Poincaré algebra, each state will have the same mass, but their spin can
be different. In fact, in the case of N = 1 algebra, the second Casimir operator is given

Notes by Zhong-Zhi Xianyu Begin on 2013/07/22, last updated on 2015/03/11

by C 2 , defined via,
C2 = 1
2 Cmn C mn ,
Cmn = Cm Pn − Cn Pm , (15)
Cm = Wm + 1
4 Qα (σm )αβ̇ Qβ̇ .

Here we check that C 2 does commute with susy generators Q and Q.

Induced representation. According to the method of induced representation, we con-

sider two categories of representations, with mass m = 0 and m > 0, and choose a rep-
resentative momentum vector for each of them. The tachyonic case m < 0 is impossible
because it contradicts with the semi-positive definiteness of {Q, Q}. For massless case,
we choose q m = (E, 0, 0, E), and for massive case, we choose q m = (m, 0, 0, 0). The next
step is to find the little group in each case, i.e., the subgroup of the superPoincaré that
leaves the representative momentum intact. Finally, one find irreducible representations
for little group, which are also required to be finite dimensional, and boost them by
momentum operators to representations of whole super-Poincaré. Below we study the
massless and massive cases, with the procedure outlined here, respectively.

3.1 Massless supermultiplets

As mentioned above, for massless states we choose the representative momentum to
be q m = (E, 0, 0, E). In non-susy case, the little group is given by an ISO(2) subgroup
of Lorentz group SO(3, 1), i.e., the subgroup generated by {B1 , B2 , J}, defined via,

B1 = J10 − J13 , B2 = J20 − J23 , J = J12 , (16)

which satisfies the commutation relations,

[B1 , B2 ] = 0, [J, B1 ] = iB2 , [J, B2 ] = −iB1 . (17)

Clearly this is isomorphic to Galilean group in 2 dimensions. Since we are looking for
finite dimensional representations of the little group, the two translations B1,2 should be
represented trivially, with B1,2 |qi = 0. Then, we can choose the eigenvalue λ of the only
remaining generator L to label a representation, L|q, λi = λ|q, λi, where λ is real number
and is called the helicity of the state. We note that λ must be integer or half-integer
as in non-susy case, due to the double connectness of Lorentz group. In writing these
equations we keep other possible labels of states implicit.
Now let’s study the action of susy generators Q and Q on the state |q, λi. We act
{Q, Q} on state |q, λi,
A A 2E 0
{Qα , Qβ̇B }|q, λi = 2δ B |q, λi.
0 0

Notes by Zhong-Zhi Xianyu Begin on 2013/07/22, last updated on 2015/03/11

A 2 A 2
This implies that 0 = hq, λ|{QA A A
2 , Q2̇ }|q, λi = Q2 |q, λi + Q2̇ |q, λi , thus Q2 |q, λi =
Q2̇ |q, λi = 0.
Next, consider the action of {Q, Q},

α , Qβ }|q, λi = αβ Z
|q, λi,

which must vanish, since the nonvanishing of αβ requires one of two indices takes value 2,
so the left side must contain a Q2 generator that makes the expression vanish. As a result,
we have Z AB |q, λi = 0, namely, central charges vanish for massless supermultiplets.
The remaining generators of the little group that have nontrivial action on |q, λi
include QA 1 , Q1̇A , and J. They form the following brackets,

1 , Q1̇B } = 4Eδ B , {QA B
1 , Q1 } = {Q1̇A , Q1̇B } = 0,
[J, QA 1 A
1 ] = − 2 Q1 , [J, Q1̇A ] = + 12 Q1̇A .

The first line tells us that the normalized operators aA = √1 QA

2E 1
and a†A =√1 Q
2E 1̇A
generate a Clifford algebra. The second line shows that the action of rasing operator a†A
or lowering operator aA increases or decreases the helicity of the state by 1/2. There-
fore, the supermultiplet can be built by firstly defining the Clifford vacuum |Ω(q, λ)i by
aA |Ω(q, λ)i = 0 for A = 1, · · · , N , and then acting raising operators on it. Since the
raising operators are all anticommute, this procedure must be terminated at some state.
To see this in more detail we first consider the simple example of N = 1. It’s easy
to see that N = 1 massless supermultiplet consists of two states only, namely, |Ω(q, λ)i
and a† |Ω(q, λ)i. They have helicities λ and λ + 1/2, respectively. However, in order to
correctly represent massless particles with two states of opposite helicities, we need to
add another massless supermultiplet containing helicities −λ − 1/2 and −λ states. As a
result, the union of these two supermultiplets describes a complex scalar and a massless
Marojana fermion, each of which has two states.
Then consider the general case of N susy generators. Now the Clifford algebra (18)
admits an U (N ) automorphism, given by the transformation,
† B
1 → U B Q1 , Q1̇A → Q1̇B (U ) A , U ∈ U (N ). (19)

Thus the N copies of raising operators form the fundamental representation of U (N ) while
N lowering operators form the corresponding conjugate representation. When acting the
raising operators to the Clifford vacuum of helicity λ, we will get N

n states of helicity
λ + n2 . The procedure is terminated at a single state of helicity λ + 12 N . Then we get
P  N
n =2 states in total, i.e., the supermultiplet obtained in this way has dimension
2N . However, as discussed for the example of N = 1, an additional supermultiplet
with opposite helicity contents is usually needed to form a complete representation for

Notes by Zhong-Zhi Xianyu Begin on 2013/07/22, last updated on 2015/03/11

massless particles. The only exception to this helicity doubling rule is the self-conjugate
supermultiplet, where states come in pairs with opposite helicities.
As an explicit example, an N = 2 massless supermultiplet consists of following 4
|Ω(q, λ)i, a†A |Ω(q, λ)i, √12 a†1 a†2 |Ω(q, λ)i.

They have helicities λ, λ + 1/2, and λ + 1, and are SU (2) singlet, doublet, and singlet,
respectively. The supermultiplet is self conjugate when λ = −1/2, in which case no ad-
ditional supermultiplet is needed. When λ 6= −1/2, we still need another supermultiplet
to complete the representation for massless particles.
Now it is easy to see that if we require a rigid susy theory, then we can have at
most N = 4, for a supermultiplet of N > 4 must involve state of helicity> 1. The
only known consistent theory of spin-3/2 and spin-2 is supergravity, which needs local
susy rather than rigid susy. Similarly, we would exclude massless susy theories with
N > 8 because such theories must involves massless particle with spin> 2, and it seems
impossible to introduce consistent interactions for such high spin massless particle in 4
dimensional relativistic quantum field theory [7, 8]. For this reason we call N = 4 theory
the maximally extended Yang-Mills theory and N = 8 theory the maximally extended

3.2 Massive supermultiplets

For massive states we take the representative momentum to be q m = (m, 0, 0, 0).
Then the little group, besides the internal and fermionic parts, is an SO(3) subgroup of
the Lorentz group, generated by Ji = 12 ijk J jk with i, j, k = 1, 2, 3. Thus a state can be
labeled by the eigenvalues of Pm , J 2 = Ji Ji , and J3 , which we write as |q, j, j3 i. Then
we may examine the action of {Q, Q} and {Q, Q}, as did for massless case. Now we
distinguish two cases with and without central charges.

Without central charges. In this case we have {Q, Q} = {Q, Q} = 0, and the action
of {Q, Q} on state |q, j, j3 i is given by
A A m 0
{Qα , Qβ̇B }|q, j, j3 i = 2δ B |q, j, j3 i. (20)
0 m

Thus we find the normalized operators aA

α =
√1 QA
2 α
and a†αA = √1 Qα̇A
still form a
Clifford algebra,

α , Qβ̇B } = 2mδ B δαβ̇ , {Qα , Qβ } = {Qα̇A , Qβ̇B } = 0. (21)

This time we have 2N raising and 2N lowering operators, 2 times many as massless
case. To see the supermultiplet formed in this case, we firstly consider the N = 1 case.

Notes by Zhong-Zhi Xianyu Begin on 2013/07/22, last updated on 2015/03/11

The Clifford vacuum |Ω(q, j, j3 )i with quantum numbers indicated is defined through
aα |Ω(q, j, j3 )i = 0. Then a massive supermultiplet can be formed to be

|Ω(q, j, j3 )i, a†1 |Ω(q, j, j3 )i, a†1 |Ω(q, j, j3 )i, † †

√1 a a |Ω(q, j, j3 )i.
2 1 2

1 1
Recall that QA α belongs to ( 2 , 0) and Qα̇A belongs to (0, 2 ), so both of them are spinor
under little group SO(3). Then, the spin of above states can be found by usual sum-
mation rule of angular momentum. More explicitly, suppose j 6= 0, then two states of
a†A |Ω(q, j, j3 )i have spin j ± 1/2, and √12 a†1 a†2 |Ω(q, j, j3 )i has spin j, since here a1 and a2
anticommute. On the other hand, when j = 0, both of a†A |Ω(q, j, j3 )i have spin 1/2.
When there are N > 1 copies of susy generators, the Clifford algebra (22) has an
obvious automorphism SU (2) ⊗ U (N ) where SU (2) is simply the space rotation and
operates on spinorial indices, and U (N ) operates on indices A. But this is not the largest
group. Actually, the algebra (22) is invariant under a larger group SO(4N ), which
contains SU (2) ⊗ U (N ) as a subgroup. To make this manifest, we redefine the raising
and lowering operators as,
†  † 
ΓA = √12 aA 1 + a1A , ΓN +A = √12 aA 2 + a2A ,
†  † 
Γ2N +A = √i2 aA 1 − a1A , Γ
3N +A
= √i2 aA2 − a2A ,

with 1 and 2 spinorial indices and A = 1, · · · , N . Then the 4N Hermitian operators Γr

form the following bracket,

{Γr , Γs } = δ rs , (r, s = 1, · · · , 4N ) (24)

which is clearly SO(4N ) invariant. Now we can still define the Clifford vacuum via

α |Ω(m, j, j3 )i = 0 for all α and all A. Then, acting raising operators aαA on Clif-
ford vacuum, we will finally get 22N states, forming a spinor representation of SO(4N ).
This representation can be decomposed into two irreducible representations of dimension
22N −1 , corresponding to bosonic and fermionic parts.
Besides SU (2) ⊗ U (N ) mentioned above, the automorphism group SO(4N ) also con-
tains another subgroup SU (2) ⊗ U Sp(2N ). This subgroup is important in that states of
the same spin form an irreducible representation of U Sp(2N ).

With central charges. When central charges are present, we can write super-brackets
acting on a state |q, j, j3 i associated with representative momentum q m = (m, 0, 0, 0) as,

α , Qβ̇B } = 2mδ B δαβ̇ , {Qα , Qβ } = αβ Z
, {Qα̇A , Qβ̇B } = −α̇β̇ ZAB (25)

Note that according to convention of [1], ZAB = −Z AB . The central charge Z AB is

antisymmetric with its two indices and commutes with everything. So we are free to

Notes by Zhong-Zhi Xianyu Begin on 2013/07/22, last updated on 2015/03/11

bring it to the following standard form Z e AB = U A B U C D Z CD , by unitary rotations

U ∈ U (N ),

e = diag Z1 , · · · , ZN/2  ,
Z (N even)
Z = diag Z1 , · · · , ZN/2−1 , 0 , (N odd)

where Zi ’s are numbers and  = iτ2 is 2 × 2 antisymmetric matrix with 12 = 1. Now,
we perform the same unitary rotation QeA A B
α = U B Qα on susy generators Q and similarly
on Q, and decompose the indices A = (a, I) with a = 1, 2 and I = 1, · · · , N/2. Then the
brackets (25) can be rewritten as,

e aI
{Q a I
α , Qβ̇bJ } = 2M δ b δ J δαβ̇ ,

e aI
{Q e bJ ab IJ
α , Qβ } = αβ  δ ZJ , (27)

α̇aI , QβbJ } = − α̇β̇ ab δIJ ZJ ,

To further simplify these anticommutators, we define new operators aIα and bIα , as follows,

aIα = √1
e 1I
Q e 2I 
α + αβ̇ Qβ̇ ,
bIα = √1
e 1I
Q e 2I 
α − αβ̇ Qβ̇ .

Then, the anticommutators read,

{aIα , aJβ } = {bIα , bJβ } = {aIα , bJβ } = 0,

{aIα , aJ† IJ
β } = δαβ δ (2m + ZJ ), (29)
{bIα , bJ† IJ
β } = δαβ δ (2m − ZJ ).

Now this is again a Clifford algebra with N raising and lowering operators when ZI < 2m,
and the supermultiplet can be formed in a similar way as described before, and it has
dimension 22N . However, once some ZI ’s are equal to 2m, the corresponding {b, b† }
brackets vanish, and the dimension of the Clifford algebra decreases. In particular, if
ZI = 2m for all I = 1, · · · , N/2, all b’s should be removed from the Clifford algebra,
and the remaining a’s can generate a supermultiplet of dimension 2N , which is the same
with the corresponding massless supermultiplet. Such supermultiplet is usually called
short multiplet, and it describes the so-called BPS saturated states. The Clifford algebra
(29) still admits the automorphism group U Sp(2N ) provided al ZI < 2m. Once a
central charge saturates the BPS bound, the automorphism group becomes U Sp(N ), or
U Sp(N + 1) for N odd.

Notes by Zhong-Zhi Xianyu Begin on 2013/07/22, last updated on 2015/03/11

4. N = 1 Superspace and Superfields

4.1 Superspace
Superspace formulation is a convenient way to realize both Poincaré and supersym-
metry transformation as coordinate transformations. In this way the supersymmetry are
kept manifest during every step of derivations. Thus it is very useful when quantizing
a supersymmetric theory. One can make an analogy with the covariant formulation of
special relativity. The superspace language to a supersymmetric theory, comparing with
the components field description, is what the covariant formulation of special relativity,
e.g., xµ , Aµ , comparing with the components description, e.g., (t, ~x) or (φ, A).
For N = 1 supersymmetry, superspace formulation is an elegant way to derive all
renormalizable, and some imporantant non-renormalizable theories. The path integral
quantization based on superspace formulation is also useful when deriving important
N = 1 nonrenormalization theorems. Although these theorem can also be derived more
elegantly by applying holomorphy arguments, the diagrammatic proof by using super-
space Feynman rules is conceptually more straightforward.
A formal construction of superspace formulation is to make use of coset construction,
realizing the superspace as a coset space. In general, for a group G with a subgroup H,
the coset space G/H consists of equivalent classes of the identification ∼, with

g1 ∼ g2 iff g2−1 g1 ∈ H.

A quite remarkable fact is that the 4 dimensional spacetime itself, can already be identified
as a coset, namely Poincaré/Lorentz. This identification means not only the correct
dimensionality, but also the correct transformation rules of coset coordinates under a
general Poincaré transformation. That is, the Lorentz subgroup is realized linearly in a
vector representation while the remaining translations are realized nonlinearly.
With this prototypical example in mind, it is easy to guess that a natural realization
of superspace is the coset SuperPoincaré/Lorentz. This is indeed the case. Now we
elaborate this idea. A general element g0 ∈SuperPoincaré can be written as

g0 = exp − iam Pm + iξ α Qα + iξ α̇ Qα̇ exp 1

iω mn Jmn .
2 (30)

Then we can choose the representative element in each equivalent class to be the one
with ω mn = 0. The points in coset space can now be parameterized by the coordinates
z M = (xm , θα , θ̄α̇ ) and be written as exp(iz · K). Here we define the superspace inner
product as z · K = −xm Pm + θα Qα + θ̄α̇ Qα̇ , with KM = (Pm , Qα , Qα̇ ).

SUSY transformations of super-coordinates. According to the spirit of coset con-

struction, the superPoincaré transformation of superspace coordinates are determined by

Notes by Zhong-Zhi Xianyu Begin on 2013/07/22, last updated on 2015/03/11

the left group action. Thus we consider the action of g0 on the point ez·K from left,
0 0mn
g0 eiz·K = eiz ·K eiω Jmn /2
. (31)

Note that the coset point eiz·K will be shifted away from our chosen parameterization,
and develop a Jmn term, after the left g0 action, as shown above. Then, the coordinate
transformation for small group action can be found from this equation by applying the
Hausdorff’s formula eA eB = eA+B+ 2 [A,B]+··· ,
g0 eiz·K ' exp − i(a + x)m Pm + i(ξ + θ)Q + i(ξ + θ̄)Q + 12 iω mn Jmn

− 21 ξ α θ̄β̇ + ξ β̇ θα {Qα , Qβ̇ } + 14 ω mn x` [Jmn , P` ]

− 21 ω mn θα [Jmn , Qα ] − 12 ω mn θα̇ [Jmn , Qα̇ ]
= exp − i xm + am + iθσ m ξ − iξσ m θ̄ + 12 ω mn xn Pm + 21 iω mn Jmn

+ i θα + ξ α − 2i ω mn θβ (σmn )β α Qα

+ i θ̄α̇ + ξ α̇ − 2i ω mn θ̄β̇ (σ mn )β̇ α̇ Qα̇ (32)

In above derivation we use the relation such as [ξQ, θ̄Q] = ξ α θ̄β̇ {Qα , Qβ̇ }, as well as the
shorthand notation ξσ m θ̄ = ξ α (σ m )αβ̇ θ̄β̇ . Then we get the infinitesimal transformation
rules of super-coordinates,

xm → xm + am + iθσ m ξ − iξσ m θ̄ + 1
2 ω mn xn ,
θα → θα + ξ α − 2i ω mn θβ (σmn )β α , (33)
i mn
θ̄α̇ → θ̄α̇ + ξ α̇ − 2ω θ̄β (σ mn )β̇ α̇ .

It is worth noting that the transformation rule above becomes exact even for finite pa-
rameters (am , ξ α , ξ α̇ ) if we turn off the rotation by setting ω mn = 0, because all higher
order commutators vanish in the Hausdorff’s formula quoted above.
As expected, the Lorentz rotation acts linearly on all coset coordinates, while space-
time translation and supersymmetry transformation are nonlinearly realized as super-
translations. A special point is that supersymmetry also leaves a footstep on commuting
coordinate xm , due to the nonvanishing bracket {Qα , Qβ̇ }. This can be understood as
a sort of “noncommuting coordinates”, and it will distort the geometry structure of the
superspace from the trivial one.

Geometric structure. As a coset space, the N = 1 superspace has certain geomet-

ric structure, described by its vielbein and spin connection. When speaking of these
geometric structures, we should distinguish the ”general curved” indices for coset coor-
dinates from the “local flat” indices. We use (·)M = (·)(m,µ,µ̇) as “curved” indices and

Notes by Zhong-Zhi Xianyu Begin on 2013/07/22, last updated on 2015/03/11

(·)A = (·)(a,α,α̇) as “flat” indices. Then, in the coset construction, the vielbein 1-form
E A and spin connection 1-form Ωmn are defined as components of the Maurer-Cartan
1-form −ie−iz·K deiz·K , via,

− ie−iz·K deiz·K = E A KA + 1
2 Ωmn Jmn . (34)

To find these components, we use the formula

X (−1)n
deX = eX adnX dX ,

(n + 1)!

where adX (Y ) ≡ [X, Y ]. Then, taking X = −ixm Pm + θQ + θ̄Q, we have

m m
Pm −iθQ−iθ̄Q
− ieix de−ix Pm +iθQ+iθ̄Q

X (−1)n
= −dxm Pm − i adn(−iθQ−iθ̄Q) idθQ + idθ̄Q

(n + 1)!
= − dxa + iθσ a (dθ̄) − i(dθ)σ a θ̄ Pa + (dθ)Q + (dθ̄)Q.

From this 1-form we see that the spin connection vanishes, and the components of vielbein
can be read off from E A = dz M EM A , and be written as
   
em a em α emα̇ δm a 0 0
 a
=  eµ eµ α eµα̇  =  −i(σ a )µν̇ θ̄ν̇ δµ α 0 . (36)
  
eµ̇a eµ̇α eµ̇ α̇ −iθρ (σ a )ρν̇ ν̇ µ̇ 0 δ µ̇ α̇

We can also define the inverse vielbein EA M as usual, through either EM A EA N = δM N

or EA M EM B = δA B . Explicitly, we have
   
ea m ea µ eaµ̇ δa m 0 0
EA M eαµ̇  =  i(σ m )αβ̇ θ̄β̇ δα µ
 m
=  eα eα µ 0 . (37)
  
eα̇m eα̇µ eα̇ µ̇ iθγ (σ m )γ β̇ β̇ α̇ 0 δ α̇ µ̇

With the veirbein and spin connection known, we can find further geometric objects on
superspace. A very important one is the covariant derivative, defined through DA =
EA M (∂M + 21 ωM mn Jmn ). Note that ωM mn = 0, then it is easy to find,

Da = ∂a ,

Dα = + i(σ m )αβ̇ θ̄β̇ ∂m , (38)

Dα̇ = + iθγ (σ m )γ β̇ β̇ α̇ ∂m .
∂ θ̄α̇

Notes by Zhong-Zhi Xianyu Begin on 2013/07/22, last updated on 2015/03/11

In practice, it is also convenient to define a antichiral covariant derivative with lower

index, namely,

Dα̇ ≡ α̇β̇ Dβ̇ = − α̇ − iθβ (σ m )β α̇ ∂m , (39)
∂ θ̄
where ∂/∂ θ̄α̇ = (∂/∂ θ̄β̇ )β̇ α̇ . We define Dα̇ with an extra minus sign to match the
convention of Wess & Bagger [1].
With this expression, we can easily prove following useful supercommutators,

[∂m , Dα ] = [∂m , Dα̇ ] = 0,

{Dα , Dβ } = {Dα̇ , Dβ̇ } = 0, (40)
{Dα , Dβ̇ } = −2i(σ m )αβ̇ ∂m .

As an example, we prove the last one for an arbitrary functions f on superspace,

{Dα , Dβ̇ }f = ∂α + i(σ m )αα̇ θ̄α̇ ∂m − ∂β̇ − iθβ (σ n )β β̇ ∂n f


+ − ∂β̇ − iθβ (σ n )β β̇ ∂n ∂α + i(σ m )αα̇ θ̄α̇ ∂m f


= − ∂α ∂β̇ + ∂β̇ ∂α f + (σ m )αα̇ (σ n )β β̇ θ̄α̇ θβ + θβ θ̄α̇ ∂m ∂n f


− 2i(σ m )αβ̇ ∂m f − i(σ m )αα̇ θ̄α̇ ∂m ∂β̇ f + iθβ (σ m )β β̇ ∂m ∂α f

− iθβ (σ m )β β̇ ∂α ∂m f + i(σ m )αα̇ θ̄α̇ ∂β̇ ∂m f
= − 2i(σ m )αβ̇ ∂m f.

From (40) we see that the commutation relations of these covariant derivatives agree with
the SUSY algebra, with the identification of Pm = −i∂m .

4.2 Superfields
Superfields are functions defined on the superspace. The SUSY transformations of
the supercoordinates induce a corresponding SUSY transformation on superfields. The
simplest superfield is the scalar superfield φ(z), which by definition is invariant under
such a SUSY transformation, namely,

φ0 (z) = φ(z 0 ), (41)

where the induced SUSY transformation on φ has been defined in the passive way, which
is contrary to the conventions for x-space fields. This convention actually derives from
the SUSY transformations for component fields which has become the standard one in
SUSY community. With this convention, the infinitesimal SUSY transformation on a
scalar superfield φ(z) is given by

δφ(z) ≡ φ0 (z) − φ(z) = φ(z 0 ) − φ(z) = δz M ∂M φ(z). (42)

Notes by Zhong-Zhi Xianyu Begin on 2013/07/22, last updated on 2015/03/11

From discussion above we know that the coordinate variation δz M is further induced by
the left action of a small superPoincaré group element δg I = (am , ξ α , ξ α̇ , ω mn ). Thus
we may further write δz M ∂M = δg I fI M ∂M ≡ δg I XI . By definition, XI = fI M ∂M is
nothing but the Killing vector associated with SUSY transformations on the superspace.
Then from (33) we find that

δm `
 
0 0
 −i(σ ` ) θβ̇ δα β 0 
fI M =  . (43)
 
 −iθγ (σ ` )γ β̇ β̇ α̇ 0 δ α̇ β̇ 
(xm δn` − xn δm ) −iθβ (σmn )β α −iθ̄β̇ (σ̄mn )β̇ α̇

Therefore, the Killing vector XI = fI M ∂M = (Xm , Xα , X α̇ , Xmn ) is given by

Xm = ∂m ,

Xα = − i(σ m )αβ̇ θ̄β̇ ∂m ,
∂ (44)
X α̇ = − iθγ (σ m )γ β̇ β̇ α̇ ∂m ,
∂ θ̄α̇
∂ ∂
Xmn = 1
2 (xm ∂n − xn ∂m ) − iθβ (σmn )β α − iθ̄β̇ (σ̄mn )β̇ α̇ .
∂θα ∂ θ̄α̇

As always, the index of Killing vector X α̇ can be lowered according to Xα̇ = α̇β̇ X β̇ .
Then, all the Killing vectors XI also form a closed algebra. In particular, we have

[Xm , Xα ] = [Xm , X β̇ ] = 0,
{Xα , Xβ } = {X α̇ , X β̇ } = 0, (45)
{Xα , X β̇ } = 2i(σ )αβ̇ Xm .

Note that there is an overall sign difference on the right hand side of these commutators,
comparing with original susy algebra. This is due to our passive interpretation of susy
action. On the other hand, had we define the group action on the coset space by right
action (rather than left action), the Killing vectors would be given exactly by the covariant
derivatives introduced in (38).
It is illuminating to display the susy transformation of a scalar field in component
form at this stage. By expanding into components, a scalar superfield φ(z) can be written

F (xµ , θα , θα̇ ) = f (x) + θφ(x) + θ̄χ̄(x) + θ2 m(x) + θ̄2 n(x) + θσ m θ̄vm (x)
+ θ2 θ̄λ̄(x) + θ̄2 θψ(x) + θ2 θ̄2 d(x).

Thus, the SUSY transformation on component fields, defined by δF (z) = δf (x) +

θα δχα (x) + · · · , can be worked out by acting on each component field the operator

Notes by Zhong-Zhi Xianyu Begin on 2013/07/22, last updated on 2015/03/11

X = ξ α Xα + ξ α̇ X α̇ = ξ α ∂α + ξ α̇ ∂ α̇ − iξσ m θ̄∂m + iθσ m ξ∂m .

Xf = − i ξσ m θ̄ − θσ m ξ ∂m f,

Xθφ = ξφ − i(ξσ m θ̄)(θ∂m φ) + i(θσ m ξ)(θ∂m φ)

= ξφ − 2i (θσ m θ̄)(ξσ n σ̄m ∂n φ) + 2i θ2 (∂m φ)σ m ξ ,

Xθ̄χ̄ = ξ χ̄ − i(ξσ m θ̄)(θ̄∂m χ̄) + i(θσ m ξ)(θ̄∂m χ̄),

= ξ χ̄ + 2i θ̄2 (ξσ m ∂m χ̄) + 2i (θσ m θ̄) (∂m χ̄)σ̄n σ m ξ ,

Xθ2 m = 2ξθm − i(ξσ m θ̄)(θ2 ∂m m),

Xθ̄2 n = 2ξ θ̄n + i(θσ m ξ)(θ̄2 ∂m n),
X(θσ m θ̄)vm = (ξσ m θ̄ − θσ m ξ)vm − i ξσ n θ̄ − θσ n ξ (θσ m θ̄)∂n vm

= (ξσ m θ̄ − θσ m ξ)vm − 2i θ2 θα (σ m )αα̇ ξ β (σ n )β β̇ α̇β̇ ∂n vm

+ 2i θ2 βα (σ n )β β̇ ξ β̇ (σ m )αα̇ θ̄α̇ ∂n vm ,
Xθ2 θ̄λ̄ = 2(ξθ)(θ̄λ̄) + θ2 (ξ λ̄) − i(ξσ m θ̄)θ2 (θ̄∂m λ̄)
= (θσ m θ̄)(λ̄σ̄m ξ) + θ2 (ξ λ̄) + 2i θ2 θ̄2 (ξσ m ∂m λ̄),
Xθ̄2 θψ = θ̄2 (ξψ) + 2(ξ θ̄)(θψ) + i(θσ m ξ)θ̄2 (θ∂m ψ),
= θ̄2 (ξψ) + (θσ m θ̄)(ξσ̄m ψ) + 2i θ2 θ̄2 (∂m ψ)σ m ξ ,

Xθ2 θ̄2 d = 2θ̄2 (ξθ)d + 2θ2 (ξ θ̄)d.

In deriving these results one may find the relation (σ m )αα̇ (σ̄n )β̇β = −2δα β δα̇ β̇ useful.
Specifically, one can use it to derive more relations that can be put directly into use, such

(ξσ m θ̄)(θ∂m φ) = 1
2 (θσ m θ̄)(ξσ n σ̄m ∂n φ),
(θφ)(θ̄χ̄) = 1
2 (θσ m θ̄)(χ̄σ̄m φ),

Finally, we get

δf = ξφ + ξ χ̄,
δφα = 2ξ α m − αβ (σ m )β β̇ ξ β̇ vm − i∂m f ,

δ χ̄α̇ = 2ξα̇ n + ξ α (σ m )αα̇ vm − i∂m f ,

δm = ξ λ̄ + 2i (∂m φ)σ m ξ ,

δn = ξψ + 2i ξσ m ∂m χ̄, (47)
i n i m
δvm = λ̄σ̄m ξ + ξσ̄m ψ − 2 ξσ σ̄m ∂n φ + 2 (∂m χ̄)σ̄n σ ξ,

δ λ̄α̇ = 2ξ α̇ d − iξ α (σ m )αα̇ ∂m m + 2i βα (σ n )β β̇ ξ β̇ (σ m )αα̇ ∂n vm ,

δψ α = 2ξ α d + iαβ (σ m )β β̇ ξ β̇ ∂m m + 2i ξ γ (σ n )γ β̇ (σ̄ m )β̇α ∂n vm ,
δd = 2i ξσ m ∂m λ̄ + (∂m ψ)σ m ξ .

Notes by Zhong-Zhi Xianyu Begin on 2013/07/22, last updated on 2015/03/11

We see that a scalar superfield contains x-space fields of spin-0, 1/2 and 1. It is simply
the “general scalar supermultiplet” in the language of tensor calculus of rigid susy. We
know that this supermultiplet is “reducible”, in the sense that a subset of its components
transform into themselves without on-shell condition. Therefore it may be possible to
constrain some of components in this supermultiplet to zero in a susy-invariant way.
In superspace formulation, these constraint can be put into an elegant form by acting
covariant derivative DM on the superfield φ. Here it is worth noting that the covariant
derivative DM is really “covariant” because they supercommute with all Killing vectors,
namely, [DM , XI ] = 0. More explicitly, we have,

{Dα , Xβ } = {Dα̇ , X β̇ } = {Dα , X β̇ } = {Dα̇ , Xβ } = 0. (48)

They can be proved directly from the definitions (38) and (44).
Now with a scalar superfield and covariant derivative in hand, we can construct new
superfields. Rather than taking products of fields and covariant derivatives, we are ac-
tually more interested in applying constraint on a given superfield such as the general
scalar superfield F studied above. This is because unconstrained superfields like F are
usually reducible, in the sense that a subset of all component fields may transform within
this subset closely. Therefore, we expect that appropriate constraint could help to pick
up irreducible part from a general superfield. The constraint should of course be susy
invariant, and be such that no x-space constraint is generated (in form of differential
The general scalar superfield F , as we shall see, is a typical reducible superfield. How-
ever, it is not completely reducible, i.e., it can not be written as a “direct sum” of several
irreducible superfields. Nevertheless, we will see that the most general renormalizable
N = 1 susy theories in 4 dimensions can be constructed starting from two distinct ways
of constraining the superfield F . The first one is given by the chiral constraint Dα̇ F = 0
and the second one is the reality constraint F † = F . The resulted superfields are called
chiral superfield and vector superfield, respectively. In what follows we study these two
types of constraints in turn.

5. N = 1 Chiral Theory
The super space formulation is an elegant and powerful tool to construct N = 1 rigid
susy theories, in both of their classical and quantum forms. The classical action can
be built as superspace integral over susy-invariant superfields and the supersymmetry is
manifest during all derivations. When performing superspace integral, it is important to
distinguish between chiral and unchiral superfields. This is because, the chiral superfields
are constrained by chiral condition, thus its integral over the whole superspace yields zero
result. Therefore, in building an action functional for susy theories, we should study two

Notes by Zhong-Zhi Xianyu Begin on 2013/07/22, last updated on 2015/03/11

distinct possibilities. One is an integral of unchiral superfield F over the whole superspace,
namely dz F (z), with z = (x, θ, θ̄) and dz = d4 xd2 θd2 θ̄, and the other is an integral of

chiral superfield Φ over a part of superspace only, namely d4 xd2 θΦ(z) + h.c..

5.1 Chiral superfields

The chiral superfield, by definition, is a scalar superfield Φ satisfying the chiral con-
straint Dα Φ = 0. To find the component form of the chiral superfield Φ, we note that
the constraint is solved by Φ = Φ(y− , θ) where y− = xm + iθσ m θ̄. That is, Φ can has
arbitrary dependence on y− and θα but is independent of θ̄α̇ . This can be seen easily
from the fact that Dα̇ y− = 0 and Dα̇ θα = 0. Then, we may immediately write,

Φ = A(y− ) + 2θψ(y− ) + θ2 F (y− )
= A(x) + iθσ m θ̄∂m A(x) + 14 θ2 θ̄2 A(x) (49)

+ 2θψ(x) − √i2 θ2 ∂m ψ(x) σ m θ̄ + θ2 F (x).

Similarly, we may consider the conjugate field Φ† , which satisfies the constraint Dα Φ† = 0,
which can be solved by Φ† = Φ† (y+ , θ̄) with y+m
= xm − iθσ m θ̄. Then we find

Φ† = A∗ (y+ ) + 2θ̄ψ̄(y+ ) + θ̄2 F ∗ (y+ )
= A∗ (x) − iθσ m θ̄∂m A∗ (x) + 41 θ2 θ̄2 A∗ (x) (50)

+ 2θ̄ψ̄(x) + √i2 θ̄2 θσ m ∂m ψ̄(x) + θ̄2 F ∗ (x).

To find the susy transformations of component fields (A, ψ, F ), it is useful to reexpress

Killing vectors Xα and X α̇ in terms of new coordinates (y− , θ, θ̄) as

∂ ∂ ∂
Xα = , X α̇ = − α̇ + 2iθα (σ m )αα̇ m . (51)
∂θα ∂ θ̄ ∂y

Then, we have X = ξ α Xα + ξ α̇ X α̇ = ξ α ∂α + ξ α̇ ∂ α̇ + 2iθσ m ξ(∂/∂y m ), and thus,

XA(y− ) = 2iθσ m ξ∂m A(y− ),

Xθψ(y− ) = ξψ(y− ) − iθ2 ∂m ψ(y− ) σ m ξ,

Xθ2 F (y− ) = 2ξθF (y− ).

The susy transformation of component fields then follows directly, as

δA = 2ξψ,
√ √
δψα = 2i(σ m )αα̇ ξ α̇ ∂m A + 2ξα F, (52)

δF = − 2i(∂m ψ)σ m ξ.

Notes by Zhong-Zhi Xianyu Begin on 2013/07/22, last updated on 2015/03/11

The chiral superfield contains components of spin-0 and 1/2. It can be used to construct
Wess-Zumino model. We will discuss this model and its possible extensions in next

5.2 Wess-Zumino model

The Wess-Zumino model may be the simplest rigid susy theory in 4 dimensions. In
superspace formulation, it can be constructed with a single chiral superfield Φ satisfy-
ing Dα̇ Φ = 0 together with its complex conjugation. We firstly write down its action
functional in superspace,
Z Z  
4 2 2 † 4 2
 m 2 g 3
S = d xd θd θ̄ Φ Φ + d x d θ λΦ + Φ + Φ + h.c. . (53)
2 3

To find the component form of this action, we should work out the θ2 θ̄2 -component of
Φ† Φ as well as the θ2 -component of Φ2 and Φ3 . From (49) and (50), we see that
Φ† Φ|θ2 θ̄2 = 41 A∗ A + (A∗ )A − 2(∂m A∗ )(∂ m A)

+ F ∗ F − 2i ψσ m ∂m ψ̄ + ψ̄σ̄ m ∂m ψ ,

Φ2 |θ2 = 2AF − ψψ,

Φ3 |θ2 = 3A2 F − 3Aψψ.
Thus we get the Lagrangian in x-space to be

L = A∗ A + F ∗ F − iψσ m ∂m ψ̄
h i (54)
+ λF + m AF − 12 ψψ + gA AF − ψψ + h.c. .

Clearly, the Lagrangian contains two complex scalar A and F and a Weyl spinor ψ.
Among them, A and ψ have canonical kinetic terms, while F is an auxiliary field without
a kinetic term. Therefore, the model has (2 + 2) off-shell bosonic degrees of freedom and
4 off-shell fermionic degrees of freedom. After applying equations of motion, we see that
the numbers of both bosonic and fermionic states are 2. In fact, the equations of motion
corresponding to F and F ∗ read,
F ∗ + λ + mA + gA2 = 0, F + λ + mA∗ + gA∗2 = 0. (55)
Substituting them back into the Lagrangian (54), we get
L = A∗ A − iψσ m ∂m ψ̄ − 1
m(ψψ + ψ̄ ψ̄)
− VF (A, A ) − g Aψψ + A∗ ψ̄ ψ̄ ,

where the scalar potential,
VF (A, A∗ ) = F ∗ F = |λ + mA + gA2 |2 , (57)
is nonnegative, with the global minimum VF = 0 reached by F = 0.

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5.3 General chiral theories

Now we consider the effective action expressed in terms of some chiral superfields ΦI
and Φ†I only. In this case the most general renormalizable Lagrangian can be easily
found on dimensional ground, and gives simply the Wess-Zumino model,
Z Z  1 1 
L = d θd θ̄ Φ Φ + 2Re d2 θ λI ΦI + mIJ ΦI ΦJ + gIJK ΦI ΦJ ΦK . (58)
2 2 †I I
2 3
Now, as a first step of generalization without restriction of renormalizability, we can
write down the following Lagrangian, which is actually the most general non-derivative
Lagrangian of chiral superfields,
L = LK + LW = 2 2 †
d θd θ̄ K(Φ, Φ ) + 2 Re d2 θ W(Φ), (59)

where K(Φ, Φ† ) is an arbitrary function of both ΦI and Φ†I but not their derivatives,
and is called Kähler potential, W(Φ) is an arbitrary function of ΦI without derivatives,
and is called superpotential.

Nonlinear σ model. We consider the Kähler potential K first. It is a natural extension

of the quadratic term Φ† Φ, which provides correct kinetic term for each component
field except for auxiliary one. In fact, the quadratic term is the lowest order among all
nontrivial terms.
A quick observation is that the corresponding action is invariant under the following
K(Φ, Φ† ) → K(Φ, Φ† ) + 2 Re f (Φ), (60)
where f (Φ) is an arbitrary function of Φ. This is obvious because f (Φ) is also chiral, and
thus its θ2 θ̄2 -term is a total derivative.
Now we consider the component form of the Kähler potential term. Recall that a
left-chiral superfield Φ has the following component:

ΦI = AI (x) + iθσ m θ̄∂m AI (x) + 41 θ2 θ̄2 AI (x)

√ (61)
+ 2θψ I (x) − √i2 θ2 ∂m ψ I (x) σ m θ̄ + θ2 F I (x).

Then, the Kähler potential term can be expanded at the point (A, A∗ ) as,
LK = (∂I K)| Φ e †I¯ + (∂I ∂ J¯K)| Φ
e I + (∂ I¯K)| Φ e †J¯
1 eIΦ e †K +
eJ Φ 1 eIΦ ¯
e †J Φ
e †K
+ 2 (∂I ∂J ∂ K K)| Φ (∂I ∂ J¯∂ K K)| Φ
+ 41 (∂I ∂J ∂ K ∂ L K)| Φ e †K Φ
eJ Φ e †L .
2 2
θ θ̄

Notes by Zhong-Zhi Xianyu Begin on 2013/07/22, last updated on 2015/03/11

where Φe I = ΦI − AI , and the subscript “ | ” in (∂I K)| and similar expressions means
taking values at (A, A∗ ). Using

e †J |θ2 θ̄2 = − ¯ ¯
Φ 1
2(∂m AI )(∂ m A∗J ) + F I F ∗J
¯ ¯
− 2i ψ I σ m ∂m ψ J − (∂m ψ I )σ m ψ J ,

eIΦ e †K |θ2 θ̄2

eJ Φ = 2i (∂m AI )ψ J σ m ψ K + (∂m AJ )ψ i σ m ψ K − ψ I ψ J F ∗K ,
Φ e †K Φ
eJ Φ e †L |θ2 θ̄2 = (ψ I ψ J )(ψ K ψ L ),
On the other hand, we may view ΦI and Φ†I as complex maps from spacetime manifold
to a complex manifold with coordinates (AI , A∗I ). From this viewpoint, we add bars
for anti-holomorphic indices, and use the notation ∂I = ∂/∂AI , ∂ I¯ = ∂/∂A∗I . Then
K(A, A∗ ) provides a Kähler metric on the target space by

gI J¯ = ∂I ∂ J¯K(A, A∗ ). (62)

Then we have,

(∂I ∂J ∂ K K)| = ∂I gJK = gKK ΓK

IJ ,
(∂I ∂J ∂ K ∂ L K)| = ∂I ∂ L gJK = RJKIL + ΓK I

Thus the Kähler potential in the Lagrangian has the following component form,
¯ ¯ i I m ¯ ¯
LK = gI J¯ − (∂m AI )(∂m A∗J ) + F I F ∗J − ψ σ (Dm ψ)J − (Dm ψ)I σ m ψ J
2 (63)
1 K I J ∗K K I¯ J¯ K 1
∂I ∂ L gJK (ψ I ψ J )(ψ K ψ L ),
− gKK ΓIJ ψ ψ F + ΓI¯J¯ψ ψ F +
2 4
¯ ¯
∗J ¯ ¯
where (Dm ψ)I = ∂m ψ I + ΓIJK (∂m AJ )ψ K , (Dm ψ)I = ∂m ψ I + ΓIJK K
¯ (∂m A )ψ .
Then we consider the superpotential W(Φ). To find the corresponding component
form, we also expand it around AI , which leads to,
h i
LW = 2 Re (∂I W)| F I − 21 (∂I ∂J W)ψ I ψ J . (64)

Then, combining (63) and (64), we can again solve the auxiliary field F I from its equation
of motion to be,
F I = −g I J (∂ J¯W † )| + 12 ΓIJK ψ J ψ K . (65)
Substitute this solution back into the Lagrangian (63) and (64), we get,
¯ i I m ¯ ¯
L = − gI J¯ (∂m AI )(∂m A∗J ) + ψ σ (Dm ψ)J − (Dm ψ)I σ m ψ J
1 ¯
+ RJKIL (ψ I ψ J )(ψ K ψ L ) − g I J (∂I W)| (∂ J¯W † )| (66)
1 1 ¯ ¯
− (DI DJ W)| ψ I ψ J − (DI¯DJ¯W)| ψ I ψ J .
2 2

Notes by Zhong-Zhi Xianyu Begin on 2013/07/22, last updated on 2015/03/11

6. N = 1 Gauge Theories
6.1 Vector superfields
The vector superfield V is actually a “real” general scalar superfield, satisfying the re-
ality condition V † = V . From the discussion above we see that a general scalar superfield
contains a complex vector component. The reality condition here constrains this vector
field to be real also. Thus the vector superfield V may be used to construct gauge theo-
ries. Therefore, we need to introduce gauge transformation for vector component which
should be consistent with supersymmetry. Meanwhile, the independent components in
V are much more than needed. As we will show now, these two problems can be solved
together in an elegant way by introducing super gauge transformation.
To this end, we note that the sum of a chiral superfield with its complex conjugate is
a vector superfield. Now let iΛ be a chiral superfield, in which the factor i is conventional.
Then, the super gauge transformation for the vector superfield V is defined to be

V → V + i(Λ − Λ† ). (67)

To see the effect of this transformation, we goes to the component field representation.
For V , we write,

V = C(x) + iθχ(x) − iθ̄χ̄(x) + 2i θ2 M (x) + iN (x) − 2i θ̄2 M ∗ (x) − iN ∗ (x)


− θσ m θ̄vm (x) + iθ2 θ̄ λ̄(x) + 2i σ̄ m ∂m χ(x) − iθ̄2 θ λ(x) + 2i σ m ∂m χ̄(x)

1 2 2 1
+ 4 θ θ̄ D(x) + 2 C(x) .

The reality condition requires that C(x), M (x), N (x), D(x) and vm (x) to be real field.
This parametrization for V is specially chosen so that λ(x) and D(x) are gauge invariant,
as will be seen. For the gauge parameter superfield iΛ, we can write it as iΛ = A(y− ) +

2θψ(y− ) + θ2 F (y− ) as always. Then, clearly we have

i(Λ − Λ† ) = A + A∗ + 2(θψ + θ̄ψ) + θ2 F + θ̄2 F ∗ + iθσ m θ̄∂m (A − A∗ )
+ √i
θ2 θ̄σ̄ m ∂m ψ + √i
θ̄2 θσ m ∂m ψ̄ + 1
4 θ2 θ̄2 (A + A∗ ). (69)

Then the gauge transformation (67) can be rewritten in component form, as

C → C + A + A∗ , vm → vm − i∂m (A − A∗ ),

χα → χα − 2iψ α , λα → λα , (70)
M + iN → M + iN − 2iF, D → D.

We see that the vector component vm has the correct gauge transformation as required.
The two higher components λα and D are indeed gauge invariant, while the three lower
components C, χα , and Mi N , can be gauged away completely. Therefore we can choose

Notes by Zhong-Zhi Xianyu Begin on 2013/07/22, last updated on 2015/03/11

a gauge by using the degrees of freedom from Re A, ψ α , F , such that V has the following
VWZ = −θσ m θ̄vm (x) + iθ2 θ̄λ̄(x) − iθ̄2 θλ(x) + 21 θ2 θ̄2 D(x). (71)
This is the so-called Wess-Zumino gauge. Note that the gauge freedom in vector field vm
is not fixed, which corresponds to the freedom in Im A.
A gauge invariant superfield Wα can be constructed from V via

Wα = − 41 D2 Dα V. (72)

It complex conjugate W α̇ = − 41 D2 Dα̇ V is of course also gauge invariant. Indeed, the

gauge transformation of Wα is given by

δWα = − 4i D2 Dα Λ = i α̇
4 D {Dα , Dα̇ }Λ = 1
2 (σ m )αα̇ ∂m Dα̇ Λ = 0. (73)

The component form of Wα can be found directly from its definition. Since it is gauge
invariant, we can begin with VWZ in Wess-Zumino gauge. The calculation gets simpler in
(y− , θ, θ̄) or y+ , θ, θ̄ coordinates. Thus it is useful to keep in mind the covariant derivatives
in these coordinates, given by,

∂ ∂
 Dα =

 + 2i(σ m )αα̇ θ̄α̇ m ,
∂θα ∂y−
in (y− , θ, θ̄) coordinates (74)
 Dα̇ = − ∂ ,

∂ θ̄α̇


 Dα = ,

∂ ∂ in (y+ , θ, θ̄) coordinates (75)
α m
 Dα̇ = − α̇ − 2iθ (σ )αα̇ m ,

∂ θ̄ ∂y+

So, begin with (71), we firstly go into (y+ , θ, θ̄) coordinates to simplify Dα , then to
(y− , θ, θ̄) to simplify D2 ,

VWZ = − θσ m θ̄vm (y+ ) + iθ2 θ̄λ̄(y+ ) − iθ̄2 θλ(y+ )

+ 21 θ2 θ̄2 D(y+ ) + i∂m v m (y+ )

⇒ Dα VWZ = − (σ m )αα̇ θ̄α̇ vm (y+ ) + 2iθα θ̄λ̄(y+ ) − iθ̄2 λα (y+ )

+ θα θ̄2 D(y+ ) + ∂m v m (y+ )


= − (σ m )αα̇ θ̄α̇ vm (y− ) − 2iθσ n θ̄∂n vm (y− )


+ 2iθα θ̄λ̄(y− ) − 2i(θσ n θ̄)θ̄∂n λ̄(y− )


− iθ̄2 λα (y− ) + θα θ̄2 D(y− ) + ∂m v m (y− )


Notes by Zhong-Zhi Xianyu Begin on 2013/07/22, last updated on 2015/03/11

⇒ Wα = i(σ m )αα̇ (θσ n )α̇ ∂n vm (y− ) + 21 θ2 (σ n )αα̇ ∂n λ̄α̇ (y− )

− iλα (y− ) + θα D(y− ) + i∂m v m (y− )

Then, using the relation,

(σ n )αα̇ (σ m )β β̇ − (σ m )αα̇ (σ n )β β̇ = 2(σ nm )αβ α̇β̇ + 2(σ̄ nm )α̇β̇ αβ ,

(σ n )αα̇ (σ m )β β̇ + (σ m )αα̇ (σ n )β β̇ = − η nm αβ α̇β̇ + 4(σ `n )αβ (σ̄ `m )α̇β̇ ,

we finally reach the following expression for Wα , and similarly for W α̇ ,

Wα = − iλα (y− ) + θα D(y− ) − i(σ mn θ)α vmn (y− ) + θ2 (σ m )αα̇ ∂m λ̄α̇ (y− ),
W α̇ = iλ̄α̇ (y+ ) + θ̄α̇ D(y+ ) + i(σ̄ mn θ̄)α̇ vmn (y+ ) + θ̄2 (σ̄ m )α̇α ∂m λα (y+ ),

where vmn = ∂m vn − ∂n vm is the ordinary field strength. Note that Wα and W α̇ , are
spinorial superfield and are chiral (antichiral), namely, Dα̇ Wα = 0, Dα W α̇ = 0, as are
obvious from their definition. However, Wα and W α̇ are not the most general spinorial
(anti)chiral superfield, i.e., they satisfy certain constraint. The constraint is actually from
the reality condition for V † = V , which implies that

Dα Wα = Dα̇ W α̇ . (77)

A proof for this relation is straightforward,

Dα Wα = 1
{Dα , Dα̇ } − Dα̇ Dα {Dα̇ , Dα } − Dα Dα̇ V
= 1
4 Dα̇ D2 Dα̇ V = Dα̇ W α̇ .

In fact, one may begin directly with a constraint chiral spinorial superfield Wα and
to find its component form (76). The strategy we present here, however, is to firstly
solve the constraint (77) by an unconstrained vector superfield V through (72). The
unconstrained solution V , then, is said to be the prepotential. This is fully in parallel
with the case of ordinary Maxwell theory, where one can begin with either the vector
potential Am subjected to gauge transformation, or the field strength Fmn subjected to
Bianchi identity. Indeed, the superfield Wα can be thought as a susy generalization of
field strength. In next section we will study how to use it to construct super Abelian
gauge theory as well as its non-Abelian generalization.

6.2 Super-Maxwell theory

Before studying the general case of non-Abelian gauge theory, we firstly take the
Abelian gauge theory as a warming-up exercise, which we refer to as super-Maxwell

Notes by Zhong-Zhi Xianyu Begin on 2013/07/22, last updated on 2015/03/11

As we learned in last section, an susy invariant action functional for gauge field can
be built from the super field strength Wα defined in (72). In fact, a proper action is given
Z h 1 i
S = d4 x d2 θ W α Wα + h.c. . (78)
To find the component form, we evaluate θ2 -component of W α Wα as follows,

W α Wα |θ2 = −2iλσ m ∂m λ̄ − 1
2 vmn v mn + 2i vmn e
v mn + D2 ,

where ev mn = 21 mnpq v pq is the dual field strength. The term vmn ev mn has no effect
in Abelian gauge theory since it is a total derivative while the Abelian gauge theory is
topologically trivial. Thus the component form of the Lagrangian is

1 1
L =− vmn v mn + D2 − iλσ m ∂m λ̄. (79)
4 2

Therefore a pure (without matter field) supersymmetric Abelian gauge theory contains
a free vector boson vm (photon) together with its susy partner λ (photino), which is a
free, massless and U (1)-neutral Majorana fermion. The counting of degrees of freedom
goes as #boson= 1 + 3 and #fermion= 4 for off-shell states, and #boson=#fermion= 2
for on-shell states. We note that when counting off-shell states, the gauge freedom in
photon should be excluded because the theorem of equal bosonic and fermionic states is
established for gauge invariant states.
Here we briefly touch on the susy theory for a massive vector field. The theory is
clearly not gauge invariant. Thus the mass term m2 V 2 should be built from the original
form of V in (68). The θ2 θ̄2 -component of V 2 then involves not only vm , λ, and D, but
also M , N , C, and χ. This is easy to be understood since an extra polarization state for
massive vector particle needs corresponding susy counterpart.
Now we study the matter couplings of the super Maxwell theory. By matter we mean
some chiral superfields Φi . If these fields are charged under local U (1) gauge symmetry
with U (1) charge ti , their gauge transformation should be given by

Φi → e−iti Λ Φi , Φ†i → eiti Λ Φ†i . (80)

Clearly the original bilinear form Φ† Φ in Wess-Zumino model is not gauge invariant.
Recall that the vector superfield V transforms under local U (1) according to (67), then
a gauge invariant bilinear constructed from Φi and its complex conjugation is given by
Φ†i eti V Φi . Then, a general renormalizable U (1) gauge theory has the following action,
Z Z h 1 i
S = d4 xd2 θd2 θ̄ Φ†i eti V Φi + d4 x d2 θ W α Wα + h.c.
Z 1
h 1  i
+ d4 x d2 θ mij Φi Φj + gijk Φi Φj Φk + h.c. . (81)
2 3

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The couplings mij and gijk should vanish for those terms with ti +tj 6= 0 or ti +tj +tk 6= 0,
respectively. The integrand in the second line of this action is conventionally referred to
as superpotential. To find the component form of the gauge invariant kinetic term for
matter fields, we can evaluate V in Wess-Zumino gauge. Then,
Φ† etV Φ|θ2 θ̄2 = F ∗ F + A∗ A − iψ̄σ̄ m ∂m ψ
ψ̄σ̄ m ψ + 2i A∗ ∂ m A − 2i A∂ m A∗

+ tvm 2
− √i2 t Aλ̄ψ̄ − A∗ λψ + 21 tD − 12 t2 vm v m A∗ A.

SQED. As an prototypical example, we write down the Lagrangian of super quantum

electrodynamics (SQED) in its superfield form. By construction, SQED is a U (1) gauge
theory with two chiral superfield Φ± with charge ±1. The gauge transformation of them
are given by Φ± → e∓ieΛ Φ± which we rescale by the gauge coupling e. Then, the action
Z  Z
2 1

S = d x d θ W Wα + h.c. + d4 xd2 θd2 θ̄ Φ†± e±eV Φ±
4 α
+ m d4 x d2 θ Φ+ Φ− + d2 θ̄ Φ†+ Φ†− .


Therefore, SQED contains a massless photon, which is a vector gauge particle, a photino,
the susy counterpart of photon, which is a massless Majorana fermion without U (1)
charge. Furthermore, SQED contains two complex scalar fields (selectron) with U (1)
charges ±1, as well as two Weyl spinors (electron and positron) with charges ±1 also.
They can be gathered into a single Dirac spinor. Of course, electron (positron) and
selectron have equal mass.

6.3 Non-Abelian gauge theories

Now we come to the non-Abelian theory with gauge group G with the corresponding
algebra given by [T a , T b ] = itabc T c . The generators T a are chosen to be Hermitian
and are normalized as tr (Ta Tb ) = kδab with k > 0. The gauge transformation in this
case is most straightforward for matter fields, which is simply given by Φ → e−iΛ Φ and

Φ† → Φ† eiΛ , where Λ = Λa T a . Then, in order that Φ† e2V Φ remains gauge invariant,
we see that the gauge transformation for the vector superfield V = V a T a should be
generalized to,

e2V → e−iΛ e2V eiΛ . (84)
Here we write e2V rather than eV to recover the correct field normalization in the La-
grangian. After expanding this transformation rule we see that at the leading order,
V → V + 2i (Λ − Λ† ) + · · · , thus one can still use Wess-Zumino gauge in non-Abelian case.
The full expression for this transformation rule at the linear order in Λ reads,
V → V + i adV (Λ + Λ† ) + i adV coth adV (Λ − Λ)† + O(Λ2 ).

Notes by Zhong-Zhi Xianyu Begin on 2013/07/22, last updated on 2015/03/11

The gauge covariant super field strength can be defined as,

1 2 −2V
Dα e2V ,

Wα = − D e (86)

Then Wα transforms under local G as,

1 2 −iΛ −2V iΛ† †
e Dα e−iΛ e2V eiΛ
Wα → − 8D e e
= e−iΛ Wα eiΛ − 18 e−iΛ D2 Dα eiΛ
= e−iΛ Wα eiΛ . (87)

As claimed, Wα is gauge covariant. The component form of Wα can also be easily found
in Wess-Zumino gauge in which VWZ = 0. Then we have,

e2VWZ = 1 − 2θσ m θ̄vm (y+ ) + 2iθ2 θ̄λ̄(y+ ) − 2iθ̄2 θλ(y+ )

+ θ2 θ̄2 D(y+ ) + i∂m v m (y+ ) − vm (y+ )v m (y+ ) ,

and finally we find that,

Wα = − iλα (y− ) + θα D(y− ) − i(σ mn θ)α vmn (y− )

+ θ2 (σ m )αα̇ ∇m λ̄α̇ (y− ),
W α̇ = iλ̄α̇ (y+ ) + θ̄α̇ D(y+ ) + i(σ̄ mn θ̄)α̇ vmn (y+ )
+ θ̄2 (σ̄ m )α̇α ∇m λα (y+ ),

where vmn = ∂m vn −∂n vm +i[vm , vn ] is the non-Abelian field strength, ev mn = 12 mnpq v pq

α̇ α̇ α̇
is the dual field strength, and ∇m λ̄ = ∂m λ̄ + i[vm , λ̄ ] is the gauge covariant derivative
for λ̄α̇ . With these expressions, we can evaluate the bilinear term W α Wα as we did for
Abelian theory,

W α Wα |θ2 = −2iλσ m ∂m λ̄ − 1
2 vmn v mn + 2i vmn e
v mn + D2 ,

The topological term vmn ṽ mn could be important for non-Abelian gauge group. To
keep track of this term in the action, we introduce a complex coefficient τ , defined to be

θYM 4πi
τ= + 2 , (90)
2π g

where g is the gauge coupling and θYM is the topological angle. Then, a well-defined
action can be written as
S= d4 xd2 θ tr W α Wα + h.c.. (91)

Notes by Zhong-Zhi Xianyu Begin on 2013/07/22, last updated on 2015/03/11

The definition for τ and the choice of imaginary part in the action is conventional in
literature, and k is arises from normalization of generators through tr (Ta Tb ) = kδab .
Then, we find the component form of the Lagrangian to be
1 1 1 2 i θYM
L = tr − 2 vmn v mn m
+ 2 D − 2 λσ ∂m λ̄ + vmn e
v mn
. (92)
k 4g 2g g 32π 2

To include matter superfield is also straightforward. For a chiral superfield Φi lying in

some representation of G with matrix Tija , the kinetic term is given by Φ†i (e2V )ij Φj . In
components, we get,

Φ† e2V Φ|θ2 θ̄2 = 41 A∗ A + (A∗ )A − 21 (∂m A∗ )(∂ m A)


+ iA∗ vm ∂ m A − i(∂m A∗ )v m A + A∗ D − vm v m A

− 2i ψ̄σ̄ m ∂m ψ − (∂m ψ̄)σ̄ m ψ + ψ̄σ̄ m vm ψ + F ∗ F


+ 2i A∗ λψ − ψ̄ λ̄A .


Then, upon integration by parts, we get the Lagrangian for matter field as

L = − (∇m A)† (∇m A) − iψ̄σ̄ m ∇m ψ + F ∗ F

√ (94)
+ A∗ DA + 2i(A∗ λψ − ψ̄ λ̄A),

where ∇m A = (∂m + ivm )A and ∇m ψ = (∂m + ivm )ψ, and v should be understood as
matrix under the representation to which the matter fields belong. Now, combining the
Lagrangian for gauge fields (92) and for matter fields (94), we see that the auxiliary field
D, when substituted by its field equation Da = −g 2 A∗ T a A, generates additional term in
the scalar potential, given by
1 a a g2 ∗ a 2
VD (A, A∗ ) = D D = (A T A) , (95)
2g 2 2
which, just like VF in (57), also contributes a nonnegative term to the scalar potential,
as required by supersymmetry.

7. Path Integral Quantization

7.1 Superspace path integral
Now we introduce path integral quantization in superspace formalism. The basic
idea is the same with the ordinary path integral formulation. We begin with the action
functional, which is an integral over the whole superspace for nonchiral fields and a part
of the superspace for chiral fields. In general, we may write
Z Z 
S = d xd θd θ̄ L [V, Φ, Φ ] +
4 2 2 †
d xd θ L [Φ] + h.c. ,
4 2

Notes by Zhong-Zhi Xianyu Begin on 2013/07/22, last updated on 2015/03/11

where Φ is a chiral superfield and V is a vector superfield. The most general renormal-
izable N = 1 rigid susy theories can be expressed solely in terms of Φ, Φ† , and V .
To find a corresponding quantum theory for this classical action, we should define
the partition function Z[J], from which we can find the generating functional G[J] for
connected Green’s functions, as well as the 1PI effective action Γ[φcl ]. All these quantities
can be defined as usual. In particular, we can still write down a perturbative expansion
for Z[J]. Suppose the action S can be decomposed into a free part and an interacting
part, S = Sfree + Sint. , then,
Z[J] = Z[0] DΦDΦ† DV exp iS + iV · JV + i(Φ · JΦ + h.c)

 h δ 
δ δ i
= exp iSint , , Zfree [J], (97)
iδJV iδJΦ iδJΦ†
where V · JV = d4 xd2 θd2 θ̄ V JV , Φ · JΦ = d4 xd2 θ ΦJΦ , and,

Zfree [J] = Z[0] exp − dz1 dz2 Ji (z1 )Gij (z1 , z2 )Jj (z2 ) , (98)

with i, j = V, Φ, Φ† . The two-point Green’s function Gij (z1 , z2 ) can be found by inverting
the coefficient (matrix) of the quadratic term in the free action. Now we are going to
find them for both chiral and vector superfields. We first consider the chiral superfield,
in the context of Wess-Zumino model.

Wess-Zumino model. We recall that the free action, including the source term, for a
chiral field Φ is given by
Z Z  
† 4 2
 m 2 2

† † m † 2
Sfree = dz Φ Φ + d x d θ JΦ + Φ + d θ̄ Φ J + (Φ ) . (99)
2 2
The situation is complicated by the the chiral integration d2 θ because in order to carry
out the path integral, we want that the action integral is performed over the whole
superspace. The trick to convert the chiral integral to the whole superspace integral is
to make use of the projector P± , defined by

D2 D2 D2 D2
P+ = , P− = . (100)
16 16
Clearly for a general superfield F , P+ F is chiral and P− F is antichiral. Moreover it is
easy to see that P+ Φ = Φ and P+ J = J because both Φ and J are chiral. Then, with
the relation d2 θ = − 41 D2 , we rewrite the free action of Wess-Zumino multiplet as

Z Z 
Sfree = dz Φ† Φ + d4 xd2 θ ΦP+ J + ΦP+ Φ + h.c.
Z   D2 2
m  D2 2 
† D † D

† † †
= dz Φ Φ − J Φ+J Φ − Φ Φ+Φ Φ
4 4 2 4 4

Notes by Zhong-Zhi Xianyu Begin on 2013/07/22, last updated on 2015/03/11

" 2
! ! !#
− mD 4 J
1 1 Φ
= dz (Φ, Φ† ) 4

− (Φ, Φ ) . (101)
2 1 − mD Φ† D2 †
4 4 J

Then, we find the free part of the generating functional Wfree [J] = −i log Zfree [J] to be
!−1 D2 !
 − mD 4 J
1 D2 D2 † 4 1
Wfree [J] = − dz 4 J, 4 J 2
2 1 mD
− 4 D2 †
4 J
mD2 m2 D2 D2
! D2 !
1 + 16(−m 4 J
1 D2 D2 †
 4(−m2 ) 2)
=− dz 4 J, 4 J 2 2 2 2
2 m D D mD D2 †
1 + 16(−m 2) 4(−m2 ) 4 J
mD2 1
! !
1 4(−m 2) −m 2
dz J, J †

=− mD2
. (102)
2 1
−m2 4(−m2 )

In deriving this result we have repeatedly used the definition of projectors P± as well as
the relations such as P+ J = J. We also note that one is allowed to perform integration
by parts within super-integral with either spacetime or covariant super derivatives. For
instance, we have dz F Dα G = − dz GDα F for arbitrary superfields F and G.
Now we obtained the needed 2-point functions, or propagators, to be

i D21 D21 i mD21

hΦ(z1 )Φ† (z2 )i = δ(z1 − z2 ), hΦ(z1 )Φ(z2 )i = δ(z1 − z2 ). (103)
16  − m2 4  − m2
To find the Feynman rules for vertices, we consider an example of 3-point vertex Φ3 , for
which we need to compute,
 h δ 
δ i
exp iSint. , Zfree [J]
iδJ iδJ †
Z h δ i3
⊃ d4 xd2 θz iJ(z1 )iJ(z2 )iJ(z3 )
3 iδJ(z)
Z  −D2 3
= 2ig d4 xd2 θz δ(z − z1 )δ(z − z2 )δ(z − z3 )
Z  −D2 2
= 2ig dz δ(z − z1 )δ(z − z2 )δ(z − z3 ).
As can be seen clearly, each action of the functional derivative δ/δJ(z) on J(zi ) yields
a factor of (−D2 /4)δ(z − zi ). However, at the end of the calculation, one of the three
factors is used to convert the chiral super-integral to an integral over whole superspace.
Therefore, when evaluating super-Feynman diagrams, one should assign each n-point
chiral vertex with (n − 1) factors of −D2 /4. Furthermore, when computing 1PI diagrams,
the external legs should be amputated, namely, we multiply the inverse propagator to
each external leg, and take an integration. Thus one more −D2 /4 is used to extend this
integral to the whole superspace. As a result, when computing 1PI diagrams, one should
assign each vertex connecting I internal lines (I − 1) factors of −D2 /4.

Notes by Zhong-Zhi Xianyu Begin on 2013/07/22, last updated on 2015/03/11

To get the momentum space super-Feynman rules, we need to convert all results
above into momentum space. This is straightforward as it goes exactly the same with
the ordinary field theories. We only make a nearly trivial remark that only the commut-
ing coordinates xm need Fourier transformations. Then, after going through a standard
procedure, we reach the following super-Feynman rules for Wess-Zumino model in mo-
mentum space.

1. The propagators are given by

! !
hΦ(z1 )Φ(z2 )i hΦ(z1 )Φ† (z2 )i −i − 4p 2 1
= 2 2 δ 4 (θ1 − θ2 ).
hΦ† (z1 )Φ(z2 )i † †
hΦ (z1 )Φ (z2 )i p + m2 1 D
− 4p 2

2. For each chiral, or antichiral vertex to which I internal lines are attached, an integral
of 2ig d4 θ and (I − 1) factors of −D2 /4, or −D2 /4, are assigned, respectively.

R d4 k
3. For each independent loop an integral (2π) 4 is associated.

4. Usual combinatoric factors are understood.

Super Yang-Mills theory. To derive the superspace Feynman rules for super Yang-
Mills theory, we take the topological angle θYM = 0 since it does not affect perturbation
theory. We further rescale the vector superfield1 according to V → gV so that the
coefficient before the quadratic term in V does not contain g. Then, expanding the
action, we get,
S = 2 Re d4 xd2 θ tr W α Wα
2g k
d4 xd2 θd2 θ̄ tr e−2gV Dα e2gV D2 e−2gV Dα e2gV
=− 2
32g k
1 h i
= d4 xd2 θd2 θ̄ V a Dα D2 Dα V a + O(V 3 ) . (104)
The higher order terms are irrelevant, thus we do not bother to write all them down.
However, note that the action is gauge invariant, which allows us to perform calculation
in Wess-Zumino gauge. Moreover, we know that in Wess-Zumino gauge, VWZ begins from
the θA θβ̇ term. Therefore the expansion above will be terminated at finite order.
To quantize the theory, we need a gauge fixing term and corresponding ghost term.
The gauge fixing is given by
− dz (D2 V a )(D2 V a ), (105)
1 The original definition for V is said to be in holomorphic normalization, and the new convention taken
here is said to be canonical normalization. Note that such a field rescaling leaves nontrivial footprint
in the path integral measure, and gives rise to what is called a holomorphic anomaly. This anomaly
implies that the gauge coupling constants defined in holomorphic and canonical normalization will run

Notes by Zhong-Zhi Xianyu Begin on 2013/07/22, last updated on 2015/03/11

with α the gauge fixing parameter. Then the quadratic term of the prepotential is given
by Z
1 h i
Sfree = dz V a Dα D2 Dα V a − α(D2 V a )(D2 V a ) . (106)

7.2 Nonrenormalization theorems

A great thing about susy theories is that certain quantities do not receive radiative
correction, or, they are not renormalized by quantum effect. Such statement in susy the-
ories are collectively called nonrenormalization theorems. Now, with the super-Feynman
rules derived above, we prove a nonrenormalization theorem for superpotential of chiral

Theorem. The 1PI effective action Γ[Φ, Φ† ] of the Wess-Zumino model (53) can be
represented as a single integral over the whole anticommuting variables, namely,

Γ[Φ, Φ ] = d x1 · · · d xn d2 θd2 θ̄ G(x1 , · · · , xn )
4 4

n (107)
× Fk [Φ(xk , θ, θ̄), Φ† (xk , θ, θ̄)],

where Gn (x1 , · · · , xn )’s are translational invariant functions, and Fk [Φ, Φ† ]’s are local
functionals of chiral superfield and its complex conjugate, namely, it contains at most a
polynomial of derivatives of superfields.

Proof. To prove this theorem, let us consider an arbitrary loop with n vertices in
an arbitrary 1PI diagram. According to the super-Feynman rules for the Wess-Zumino
model, the part expressed in spinorial coordinate has the following structure,
d4 θ1 · · · d4 θn (D21 )`1 (D21 )k1 δ 4 (θ1 − θ2 )

× (D22 )`2 (D22 )k2 δ 4 (θ2 − θ3 ) · · · (D2n )`n (D2n )kn δ 4 (θn − θ1 )

where `i and ki (i = 1, · · · , n) take values of 0 or 1, and the corresponding derivative

factors arise from the vertices, while the δ-functions δ 4 (θi − θj ) come from propagators.
The derivatives D2i and D2i can always be adjust to the order shown above by using
the relations D2 D2 D2 = 16D2 and D2 D2 D2 = 16D2 . Now, the θ-integration can be
performed one by one, in the following way,
d4 θ1 · · · d4 θn (D21 )`1 (D21 )k1 δ 4 (θ1 − θ2 )

× (D22 )`2 (D22 )k2 δ 4 (θ2 − θ3 ) · · · (D2n )`n (D2n )kn δ 4 (θn − θ1 )

Notes by Zhong-Zhi Xianyu Begin on 2013/07/22, last updated on 2015/03/11

0 0
∼ d4 θ2 · · · d4 θn (D22 )`2 (D22 )k2 δ 4 (θ2 − θ3 )

× · · · × (D2n )`n (D2n )kn δ 4 (θn − θ1 )

(θ1 ,θ̄1 )=(θ2 ,θ̄2 )
`0n 0
d4 θn (D22 ) (D22 ) δ 4 (θn − θ1 ) (θ

∼ .
1 ,θ̄1 )=(θn ,θ̄n )

This final expression vanishes unless `0n = kn0 = 1, in which case the above expression
yields a single factor 16 d4 θn . Thus we see that for an arbitrary loop in a 1PI diagram,

the spinorial structure can be represented by a single integral d4 θ. Now we repeat this
process to all loops in a 1PI diagram and to all 1PI diagrams, we see finally that the
1PI effective action itself can be represented as a single integral over the whole spinorial
coordinates d4 θ. QED.

Now we observe that the superpotential, d2 θ( 21 mΦ2 + 13 gΦ3 ) + h.c., cannot be

R 4
represented as a whole-superspace integral d θ. Therefore, we immediately reach the
corollary that the superpotential does not renormalize.
Another important corollary is that a field configuration preserving supersymmetry
at the classical level does not receive perturbative quantum corrections, i.e., perturbative
quantum effects do not break supersymmetry. To see this, we only need to note that the
effective potential is the x-space independent part of the action, which must vanishes for
a supersymmetric configuration. Now, recall that the classical potential is given by V =
|F |2 + 2g12 D2 , then V = 0 implies that auxiliary fields F and D vanish. On the other hand,
the quantum correction to the effective potential, according to the nonrenormalization
theorem above, must have the form,
d4 xd4 θ F (Vcl. , Φcl. , Φ†cl. ),

where the subscript “cl.” means the classical configuration. However, all these field
configuration cannot have θ-dependence, since their spinorial component must vanish
as required by Poincaré symmetry, and their auxiliary components also must vanish as
discussed above. Then we immediately see that perturbative quantum correction must
vanish for such field configurations.
One may be wondering if the nonrenormalization theorem would imply that the super
Yang-Mills action (91) does not renormalize, since it is also a chiral integration. However,
this is not true since the action contains derivatives, which can be used to convert the
action to an integral over the whole superspace, as we did in (104). As a result, the
vector superfield does receive wave function renormalization.

A. Notations and Useful Relations

σ m = (σ 0 , σ i ), σ̄ m = (σ 0 , −σ i ). (108)

Notes by Zhong-Zhi Xianyu Begin on 2013/07/22, last updated on 2015/03/11

! ! ! !
−1 0 0 1 0 −i 1 0
σ0 = , σ1 = , σ2 = , σ3 = . (109)
0 −1 1 0 i 0 0 −1

(σ mn )α β =
(σ )αα̇ (σ̄ n )α̇β − (σ n )αα̇ (σ̄ m )α̇β ,

(σ̄ mn )α̇ β̇ =
 m α̇α n
(σ̄ ) (σ )αβ̇ − (σ̄ n )α̇α (σ m )αβ̇ .

m 0 iσ m
γ = . (111)
iσ̄ m 0

(σ m )αα̇ (σ̄m )β̇β = −2δαβ δα̇β̇ , (σ m )αα̇ (σm )β β̇ = −2αβ α̇β̇ . (112)

(σ mn σmn )α β = − 21 δαβ , (σ mn )α β (σ̄mn )α̇ β̇ = 0. (113)


[σmn , σpq ] = 4 ηmp σnq − ηmq σnp − ηnp σmq + ηnq σmp ,
[σ̄mn , σ̄pq ] = 4 ηmp σ̄nq − ηmq σ̄np − ηnp σ̄mq + ηnq σ̄mp .
Thus we see that 4iσmn and 4iσ̄mn are left-spinor and right-spinor representations of
Lorentz generators Jmn , respectively.

B. Complex Geometry
In this appendix we review some basics of complex geometry relevant to main text,
following [9]. We begin with the most crucial concept in complex analysis, namely a
holomorphic (analytic) map. A complex valued function f : Cm → C is said to be
holomorphic, if f = f1 + if2 satisfies the Cauchy-Riemann relations for each z µ = xµ +
iy µ (1 ≤ µ ≤ m),
∂f1 ∂f2 ∂f2 ∂f1
= µ
, µ
=− µ. (115)
∂x ∂y ∂x ∂y
Similarly, a map (f 1 , · · · , f n ) : Cm → Cn is holomorphic if each f λ (1 ≤ λ ≤ n) is

Complex manifold. The complex manifold is defined to be a topological space M,

endowed with a set of pairs {Ui , ϕi }, such that {Ui } is an open cover of M, and ϕi is
a homeomorphism from Ui to an open neighbourhood of Cm , such that, for any Ui and
Uj with Ui ∩ Uj 6= ∅, the map ϕj ◦ ϕ−1 i : ϕi (Ui ∩ Uj ) → ϕj (Ui ∩ Uj ) is holomorphic.
Then, M has complex dimension m, denoted as dimC M = m. As a manifold, it’s real
dimension is 2m. From definition, M is also a differentiable manifold, ensured by its
analytic property.
One can define the holomorphic map f : M → N between two complex manifolds M
and N with dimC M = m and dimC N = n, by requiring the corresponding map between

Notes by Zhong-Zhi Xianyu Begin on 2013/07/22, last updated on 2015/03/11

two local charts, as two open neighbourhoods in Cm and Cn , to be holomorphic. Then,

a holomorphic function of M is a holomorphic map f : M → C. The set of holomorphic
function on M is denoted by O(M). It can be proved that any holomorphic function on
a compact complex manifold is a constant.
On a given point p on M covered by local coordinate patch z µ = xµ +iy µ , the tangent
space Tp M is spanned by 2m vectors {∂/∂xµ , ∂/∂y µ ; µ = 1, · · · , m}. Now, let’s define
a complexified tangent space Tp MC , spanned, with complex coefficients, by 2m vectors
∂/∂z µ = 12 (∂/∂xµ + i∂/∂y µ ) and ∂/∂ z̄ µ = 12 (∂/∂xµ − i∂/∂y µ ). We can similarly define
the complexified cotangent space as a complex vector space spanned by dz µ = dxµ +i dy µ
and dz̄ µ = dxµ − i dy µ . These two basis are dual to each other, namely,
D ∂ E D ∂ E
dz µ , ν = dz̄ µ , ν = δ µ ν ,
∂z ∂ z̄ (116)
µ ∂ E D µ ∂ E
dz , ν = dz̄ , ν = 0.
∂ z̄ ∂z
The almost complex structure J is a real (1, 1)-tensor field which is a linear map
Jp : Tp M → Tp M at a given point p ∈ M, and acts as Jp (∂/∂xµ ) = ∂/∂y µ and
Jp (∂/∂y µ ) = −∂/∂xµ . This tensor can be extended to Tp MC , with the action Jp (∂/∂z) =
i∂/∂z µ and Jp (∂/∂ z̄) = −i∂/∂ z̄. Thus in this basis, we have,

∂ ∂
Jp = i dz µ ⊗ µ
− i dz̄ µ ⊗ µ . (117)
∂z ∂ z̄
So we can define a projector P± = 12 (I ∓iJp ), such that Tp MC decomposes into two linear
spaces, namely Tp M± = {P± Z; Z ∈ Tp MC }. Clearly, we have Tp M+ = span{∂/∂z µ }
and Tp M− = span{∂/∂ z̄ µ }. Elements in these two subspaces are called holomorphic and
anti-holomorphic vectors, respectively.

Hermitian manifold. Now, let M be a complex manifold of dimC M = m, and with

a Riemannian metric g as a differentiable manifold. We can extend g, ∀Z = X + iY, W =
U + iV ∈ Tp MC , as,

gp (Z, W ) = gp (X, U ) − gp (Y, V ) + i gp (X, V ) + gp (Y, U ) .

If g satisfies gp (Jp X, Jp Y ) = gp (X, Y ) at each point p ∈ M, it is said to be a Hermi-

tian metric, and the pair (M, g) is a Hermitian manifold. Any complex manifold with
Riemannian metric allows a Hermitian metric. In fact, with a given Riemannian met-
ric g and almost complex structure J, it is easy to show that the metric ĝ defined via
ĝp (X, Y ) = 12 gp (X, Y ) + gp (Jp X, Jp Y ) is a Hermitian metric.

With an Hermitian metric, a vector X at p ∈ M is orthogonal to Jp X. Furthermore,

in the basis {∂/∂z µ , ∂/∂ z̄ µ } of Tp MC , we define the component of Hermitian metric g
as, gµν = g(∂ µ , ∂ µ ), gµ̄ν̄ = g(∂ µ , ∂ ν ), gµν̄ = g(∂ µ , ∂ ν ) etc, then it’s easy to show that

Notes by Zhong-Zhi Xianyu Begin on 2013/07/22, last updated on 2015/03/11

gµν = gµ̄ν̄ = 0. Thus g has the following form,

g = gµν̄ dz µ ⊗ dz̄ ν + gµ̄ν dz̄ µ ⊗ dz ν . (118)

One can introduce a covariant derivative compatible with the Hermitian metric g, on
a Hermitian manifold, the corresponding connection, called Hermitian connection, has
the components Γλµν = g λλ̄ ∂µ gν λ̄ , Γλ̄µ̄ν̄ = g λ̄λ ∂µ̄ gλν̄ , and all others with mixed indices
vanish. This follows from the metric compatibility 0 = ∇κ gµν̄ = ∂k gµν̄ − Γλκµ gλν̄ and
0 = ∇κ̄ gµν̄ = ∂κ̄ gµν̄ − Γλ̄κ̄ν̄ gµλ̄ . By direct calculation, one can show that the almost
complex structure J satisfies ∇µ J = ∇µ̄ J = 0.
From Hermitian connection, we can introduce torsion T and curvature R of a Hermi-
tian manifold, defined via,

T (X, Y ) = ∇X Y − ∇Y X − [X, Y ],
R(X, Y )Z = ∇X ∇Y Z − ∇Y ∇X Z − ∇[X,Y ] Z.

The only nonvanishing components of T are T λ µν and T λ̄ µ̄ν̄ = (T λ µν )∗ , with,

T λ µν = Γλµν − Γλνµ = g λ̄λ (∂µ gν λ̄ − ∂ν gµλ̄ ), (120)

and the only nonvanishing components of R are Rκ λµ̄ν = −Rκ λν µ̄ and Rκ̄ λ̄µν̄ = −Rκ̄ λ̄ν̄µ ,
with Rκ̄ λ̄µν̄ = (Rκ λµ̄ν )∗ , and,

Rκ λµ̄ν = ∂µ̄ Γκνλ = ∂µ̄ (g λ̄κ ∂ν gλλ̄ ). (121)

Given a Hermitian manifold (M, g), the tensor field Ω defined via Ωp (X, Y ) =
gp (Jp X, Y ), ∀X, Y ∈ Tp M and ∀p ∈ M is antisymmetric with its two arguments, and
thus is a two-form, called the Kähler form of the Hermitian metric g. It has the ex-
pression Ω = igµν̄ dz µ ∧ dz̄ ν and thus is a real form, Ω = Ω. Furthermore, it is also
invariant under the action of J, namely Ω(JX, JY ) = Ω(X, Y ). It can be proved that
| ∧ ·{z
Ω · · ∧ Ω} is a nowhere vanishing 2m-form where m = dimC M, and can be used as a
m times
volume element. So, a complex manifold is orientable.

Kähler Manifold. If the Kähler form Ω of a Hermitian metric g on a Hermitian

manifold (M, g) is closed, dΩ = 0, then g is called a Kähler metric, and (M, g) is called
a Kähler manifold. Not all complex manifold admits a Kähler metric. It can be proved
that an Hermitian manifold (M, g) is a Kähler manifold if and only if the almost complex
structure J satisfies ∇µ J = 0 where ∇µ is the covariant derivative with (torsion free)
Levi-Civita connection.
The condition dΩ = 0 can be written in (z, z̄) basis as (∂ + ∂)igµν̄ dz µ ∧ dz̄ ν = 0, from
which one can deduce,
∂gµν̄ ∂gλν̄ ∂gµν̄ ∂gµλ̄
= , = . (122)
∂z λ ∂z µ ∂ z̄ λ ∂ z̄ ν

Notes by Zhong-Zhi Xianyu Begin on 2013/07/22, last updated on 2015/03/11

Obviously, if the Hermitian metric g is given locally (on a coordinate patch U ) by gµν̄ =
∂µ ∂ν̄ K with K a function on U , it will naturally satisfy the condition above, and thus is
a Kähler metric. Conversely, any Kähler metric can be locally written in this form. The
function K is called Kähler potential.
It can be proved that any complex submanifold of a Kähler manifold is again a Kähler
From the condition (122) we see that Kähler metric is torsion free.

[1] J. Wess and J. Bagger, Supersymmetry and Supergravity, Princeton Uiversity Press,

[2] P. West, Introduction to Supersymmetry and Supergravity, Extended Second Edition,

World Scientific, 1990.

[3] P. van Nieuwenhuizen and P. West, Principles of Supersymmetry and Supergravity,

to be published by Cambridge University Press.

[4] S. Weinberg, Quantum Theory of Fields, Vol. 3: Supersymmetry, Cambridge Uni-

versity Press, 2000.

[5] M. Sohnius, “Introducing Supersymmetry”, Phys. Rep. 128, 39 (1985).

[6] J. Lykken, “Introduction to Supersymmetry”, arXiv:hep-th/9612114.

[7] S. Weinberg and E. Witten, “Limits on Massless Particles”, Phys. Lett. B 96, 59

[8] M. Peskin, “Spin, Mass, and Symmetry”, arXiv:hep-ph/9405255.

[9] M. Nakahara, Geometry, Topology and Physics, Second Edition, Institute of Physics
Publishing, 2003.


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