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The document discusses several alleged government projects aimed at developing new technologies for invisibility, time travel, and mind control, though many of the details are considered pseudoscientific by researchers.

The Philadelphia Experiment was supposedly an attempt by the US Navy in 1943 to make the ship USS Eldridge invisible to radar through experiments with electromagnetic fields generated by Tesla coils. However, the official Navy records contradict these claims.

Project Rainbow was allegedly the first stage of a long-term government program developing new technologies through projects like the Philadelphia Experiment. It later merged with another project called the Phoenix Project focused on radiosondes and other devices.

The Montauk Project

Are you ready for the history of a decades old secret project developed with the aim
to control minds and warp time and space? For Neo Nazis, aliens, and secret colonies of
men on Mars? For teleporting warships and vanishing men? For orgone energy, radiosondes,
and time warping antenna? Are you?
If you feel brave enough, then continue onwards and learn the amazing truth behind
the strange and bizarre world of...

DISCLAIMER: The following material is primarily derived from the book The Montauk Project
(©1992, Skybooks), written by Preston B. Nichols and Peter Moon. This book gives the supposed
history of several government projects, starting with the infamous "Philadelphia Experiment"
conducted in August of 1943. Although the book tries to pass itself off as a "nonfiction" examination of
the events, it’s painfully obvious (to me anyway) that most of the content is pseudoscientific
gibberish. This article is an attempt to present the information contained in the book in a manner
usable with HERO System 6th Edition. it’s not, by any stretch of the imagination, meant to be
considered a presentation of "what really happened." So with that in mind, read on and enjoy.


Many people have heard of the Philadelphia Experiment, although those who have
any idea what it was really about are far less numerous. The Experiment seems to fall into
the same realm as the Kennedy Assassination; an event clouded by rumor and supposition,
the exact truth of which never to be known. In addition, both incidents are also plagued by
a mass of incorrect or inaccurate information. And, of course, conspiracy buffs are more
than happy to create wild, intricate plots involving virtually anyone and everyone on the
planet (and in the case of the Philadelphia Experiment, off the planet).


On August 12, 1943 (or
October 28, 1943 -- accounts
differ) the US Navy conducted a
test of some sort on the USS
Eldridge (DE [Destroyer Escort]
173) at the Philadelphia Navy
Yard. The exact nature of the test
is open to speculation, with
possible candidates including
experiments in magnetic
invisibility, radar invisibility,
optical invisibility, or degaussing
(rendering the ship immune to
magnetic mines). The test (or

The USS Eldridge, DE 173.

The Montauk Project

tests) were conducted, only to produce undesirable results. Afterwards, the project
(supposedly called "Project Rainbow") was canceled.
As one can easily see, the actual facts are scanty. The Navy denies any sort of
experiment ever took place and the ship's logs show the USS Eldridge was nowhere near
Philadelphia at the time the test was supposed to take place. Of course, logs can be faked,
and the government and military has lied before about certain events in the interests of
secrecy and national security (witness the Manhattan Project). On the other hand, research
has shown no evidence of a "Project Rainbow," and although there was a code name
"Rainbow,"it was used to designate Allied plans to combat the Axis in World War II and had
nothing to do with any form of experimental technology. Finally, it should be pointed out
that performing even some basic research (the internet is loaded with relevant sites) will
show the entire "experiment" may in fact be a massive hoax, a modern urban legend that
has grown to fantastic proportions over time. Such sensationalistic writing has been
successful in creating similar epic myths before, with the "Bermuda Triangle Mystery" a
prime example.


According to certain accounts, the actual results of the experiment involve
occurrences far stranger than anyone could possibly imagine. The tests being conducted
were an attempt to render a ship invisible to enemy radar. This was to be accomplished by
wrapping an electromagnetic "bottle" around the ship in question, absorbing or deflecting
radar waves. The bottle was created by two (or four -- accounts differ) massive Tesla coils
which acted as electromagnetic generators; one was mounted forward and one was
mounted aft. Other accounts state that a series of magnetic generators, called degaussers,
were used. When activated, the electromagnetic field would extend out from the generators
and divert radar waves around the ship, making the Eldridge invisible to radar receivers.
When the actual test was put into motion, a number of unexpected and bizarre side
effects occurred. As the electromagnetic field increased in strength, it began to extend as
far as 100 yards out from the ship in all directions, forming a large sphere. Within this field,
the ship became fuzzy and indistinct, and a greenish haze formed around the vessel,
obscuring it from view. Eventually, the only visible object was the outline of the hull of the
Eldridge where it entered the water. Then, to the amazement of onlookers, the entire ship
vanished from view.
It was at this point (the vanishing of the Eldridge) the true power of the
electromagnetic field that had been created was revealed. The Eldridge had not only
vanished from the view of observers in Philadelphia, it had vanished from Philadelphia all
together! The ship had been instantly transported several hundred miles -- from
Philadelphia to Norfolk, Virginia. After a few minutes, the ship once again vanished, to
return to Philadelphia.
To the Navy, the test had succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. Not only had they
rendered a ship invisible to radar, they had made it optically invisible as well, not to mention
causing the vessel to teleport hundreds of miles in a matter of minutes. For the crew,
however, the trip had been a nightmare.
The test had managed to render the entire ship "out of phase" with the surrounding
universe, which is why it was able to travel from Philadelphia to Norfolk instantly. This
phasing effect had drastic effects on the crew members. During the experiment, crew
members found they could walk through solid objects, and when the field was shut off, men
were found embedded in the bulkheads, decks, and railings of the ship, with results so
gruesome some men went mad. Afterwards, several crew members simply vanished. A few
disappeared into thin air; one, eating dinner with his family, rose, walked through a wall and

The Montauk Project

was never seen again. Some men entered into what was called the "Freeze." This is where a
man faded from view; unable to move, speak or otherwise affect his surroundings. Initially,
the Freeze effect lasted only a few minutes to a few hours. Interestingly enough, invisible
crewmen were still visible to other sailors who had survived the original experiment. After a
while, the Freeze effect lasted for days or months, and became known as the "Deep
Freeze" (other terms include "Caught in the Flow," "Caught in the Push," "Get Stuck," "Go
Blank," "Hell Incorporated," or "Stuck in Molasses"). The Deep Freeze could drive a man
insane in very short order, and was only able to be counteracted if other crewmen
performed a "Laying On Of Hands" technique to give the victim strength and allow him to
recover from his affliction. Unfortunately, two men burst into flames while performing a
Laying On Of Hands, burning for 18 days despite all attempts to quench the flames.
Seeing the horrible after effects of the experiment, the Navy discontinued all further
research into radar and optical invisibility. The surviving crewmen were discharged as
mentally unfit for duty and many were placed in insane asylums. However, science was not
quite done conducting research on electromagnetic fields, radar, and its affects on the
human mind. Project Rainbow may have been disbanded, but the Phoenix Project was just
getting started.


With regards to HERO System vehicles, the results of the Philadelphia Experiment
are pretty easy to define. A vehicle rigged up with the proper electromagnetic generators
will create a magnetic field with the following powers (in order of occurrence): Change
Environment (a misty green haze and an electromagnetic field) with -4 to PER rolls to see
anything, Invisibility to the Sight Group and Radar, and finally, Teleportation with massive
NCM multiples and/or the MegaScale Advantage (enough to send the ship 500-600 miles in
a single jump). Of course, all of these powers come with terrible (and possibly lethal) Side
Effects. This is a Severe Transform from normal human to "out of phase human." When the
generators are turned off, the various listed powers stop and any affected characters are
returned to a (supposedly) normal state. The only problem is the character may have
slipped inside of another physical object while the field was active. A good way to simulate
this effect is to use the Teleportation Damage Table (6E2, page 29) to determine the extent
of possible physical damage to the character. The only way to avoid the Side Effects is to be
within a well-shielded part of the vehicle; usually any part of the vehicle Hardened PD or a
Barrier with a magnetic special effect.
For the crew, the effects are much less desirable. Desolidification would look to
satisfy the game mechanics requirements for the incidents described. Vanishing crew
members is handled with Extra-Dimensional Movement. Since men could vanish without
warning, it certainly suffers from the Limitation No Conscious Control. The Freeze/Deep
Freeze are Invisibility (to virtually all Sense Groups), coupled with a linked Entangle that
affects a character’s EGO not his STR. Characters in the Freeze can be seen by other crew,
and the Entangle can be removed by having someone else (such as an unaffected crewman)
perform "Laying On Of Hands" and pull the victim back to this world. Of course, this has its
hazards as well, as people attempting to touch a victim of the Freeze may suddenly burst
into flames which can’t be put out. This would be an RKA (1 pip to 1d6) with the
Advantages of Constant, Persistent, Uncontrolled, Reduced Endurance (0 END), and the
Limitation of No Range. While invisible, the afflicted character cannot interact with his
surroundings, an effect that will drive many men mad. This could be some sort of EGO-
based Major Transform, a Fear-based Presence Attack as described in Horror Hero 4th
Edition, or simple Game Master fiat.
So, what if we want to use the Experiment as an origin story? What sort of powers
would the character have then? The Special Effect for all powers would be the ability to drop
"out of phase" with the universe. Applicable powers would include: Desolidification

The Montauk Project

(character can be affected by certain forms of vibrational or similar phase-modulation

attacks); Extra-Dimensional Movement to a different plane of existence -- possibly a parallel
universe; Invisibility to Sight Group with no fringe; and Teleportation. Linking these powers
with the Unified Power Limitation is recommended.
Other possible powers include: Life Support RECOMMENDED PSYCHIC POWERS
(Longevity), the character ages at a greatly reduced Astral Projection, Aura Vision,
rate, or not at all; the Affects Physical World Advantage Clairvoyance, Foresight, Perceive The
on the character's Strength (allowing them to reach Past, and Sensitive.
inside of objects or through walls to get things on the
other side); and Mental Awareness. The crewmen were
said to have a heightened psychic awareness after the Experiment, and certain psychic
powers from Pulp Hero (found starting on page 279) would be appropriate.
For a superhero-level character, one may want to consider purchasing full-fledged
psychic powers, with the character having such abilities as Mind Control, Mind Link, Mind
Scanning, and Telepathy. When mixed with Desolidification, Invisibility, and Teleportation
you have a very powerful and very effective character.


20 Philadelphia Experiment I: Change Environment (-4 to Sight Group PER Rolls, -4 to

Radio Group PER Rolls), Area Of Effect (100m Radius; +1 ½) (60 Active Points); OIF
Bulky (multiple electromagentic generators; Requires Multiple Foci or functions at
reduced effectiveness; -¾), Extra Time (1 Minute, Only to Activate, -¾),
No Range (-½), END 6
11 Philadelphia Experiment II: Invisibility to Sight and Radio Groups , No Fringe (35
Active Points); Extra Time (5 Minutes, Only to Activate, -1), OIF Bulky (multiple
electromagentic generators; Requires Multiple Foci or functions at reduced
effectiveness; -¾), Linked (Philadelphia Experiment I; -½), END 3
62 Philadelphia Experiment III: Teleportation 90m, Safe Blind Teleport (+¼), MegaScale
(1m = 10 km; +1 ¼), Cannot alter scale (-¼) (202 Active Points); Extra Time
(20 Minutes, Only to Activate, -1 ¼), OIF Bulky (multiple electromagnetic generators;
Requires Multiple Foci or functions at reduced effectiveness; -¾), Linked (Philadelphia
Experiment II; -¼), END 20

27 Out Of Phase: Desolidification (affected by can be affected by phase-modulation or

vibrational powers), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Invisible Power Effects
(Invisible to Sight Group; +½) (80 Active Points); No Conscious Control (-2)

80 Freeze/Deep Freeze: (Total: 185 Active Cost, 80 Real Cost) Invisibility to Sight,
Hearing, Smell/Taste and Touch Groups and Spatial Awareness , No Fringe, Reduced
Endurance (0 END; +½) (75 Active Points); No Conscious Control (-2) (Real Cost: 25)
plus Entangle 4d6, 4 PD/4 ED, Alternate Combat Value (uses OMCV against DMCV;
+¼), Takes No Damage From Attacks Limited Group (+¼), Works Against EGO, Not
STR (+¼), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1) (110 Active Points);
No Range (-½), Linked (Invisibility; -¼), Vulnerable (Uncommon; laying on of hands
from fellow crewmates; -¼) (Real Cost: 55), END 11

8 Bursting Into Flame: RKA 1 point, Persistent (+¼), Constant (+½), Reduced
Endurance (0 END; +½), Uncontrolled (GM needs to decide how power can be turned
off based on campaign needs; +½) (14 Active Points); No Range (-½), -1 Decreased
STUN Multiplier (-¼)

The first three powers (Philadelphia Experiment I-III) are meant to affect a vehicle.
The second set of powers expresses various side effects of the Experiment in HERO
System terms. Game Masters should apply these powers as they see fit.

The Montauk Project

Project Rainbow was a military project
developed during the early Forties as an
attempt to make a ship invisible to enemy
radar. It can be considered a fore-runner to
today's experiments with stealth technology
and radar-invisible airplanes. To achieve this
result, various experiments with
electromagnetic fields were carried out. The
project culminated with the infamous
"Philadelphia Experiment," detailed above.
Following that disaster, Project Rainbow was
halted, and Dr. John von Neumann, the
project's director, was sent to work on the
Manhattan Project.
Project Rainbow reappeared in the late
1940's. The project now concentrated on the
technology behind the electromagnetic bottle
created during the Philadelphia Experiment
and how it could be further developed. At the
same time, Project Rainbow's former director, Doctor John von Neumann
Dr. Neumann started research into how and
why the human crew of the Eldridge had been
so horribly affected by the fields created. Finally, in the early 1950's, the two projects were
merged, becoming the "Phoenix Project."

The Phoenix Project actually gets its start in the
late 1940's. It was an attempt to control the weather
using information and technologies derived from the work
of Dr. Wilhelm Reich, an Austrian scientist.
Reich is said to have been a brilliant man, credited
with discovering "orgone" energy. Orgone energy is also
known as "life" or "orgasmic" energy and is very different
from more ordinary electromagnetic energy. Reich
supposedly proved the existence of orgone energy in
various laboratory experiments, and wrote up his findings
in several scientific journals. He claimed that orgone
energy could cure cancer, a finding that didn't find wide
acceptance with his colleagues. Reich also stated that
orgone energy was related to "cosmic energy" and with
the Newtonian concept of the "ether" (The "ether" is a
Victorian concept that refers to a hypothetical substance
that suffused all of space. It served as a medium for light
and other forms of radiant energy. This ether was a
popular concept and was used by more than one science
fiction writer as a way to explain space travel. For

Doctor Wilhelm Reich

The Montauk Project

example, E. E. "Doc" Smith sprinkles references to the ether all through his Lensmen
novels.) Needless to say, his theories were highly controversial and widely criticized by his
fellow scientists.
With further research, Reich found that orgone energy was responsible for storms
and bad weather. "Dead orgone" or "DOR" was the term used to describe the "dead energy"
found within violent thunderstorms and hurricanes. This dead energy was also found within
people as well. Active people had plenty of orgone energy, while those who were depressed
or sullen had an excess of DOR energy.
After extensive research, Reich finally developed a device that would break up
concentrations of DOR energy. When combined with a weather balloon, this device would
dissipate or deflect thunderstorms. Armed with Reich's storm-buster, the US Government
created a device called a "radiosonde." This device consisted of several sensors and a
transmitter that could broadcast across several bands to either build up orgone energy or to
disrupt DOR energy. With it the government could control the weather.
It should be pointed out that any device capable of transmitting both orgone and
DOR energy could be used to affect people as well. it’s possible the Phoenix Project was also
looking into methods of population control. Supposedly, the Soviet Union had conducted
extensive experiments on select populations by broadcasting orgone or DOR energy into the
area to try and alter the emotion content of the population.


For starters, the basic tenants of the Phoenix Project -- the manipulation of orgone
energy -- needs to be examined by the GM. Does this fit into the GM's universe?
Considering the nature of most superhero worlds, the answer is probably "yes." Orgone
energy could be any one of a number of strange energies that abound in comic universes --
cosmic, mystical, psionic, whatever. The whole idea of orgone energy and dead orgone
energy can also be linked to the concept of ch'i (with its positive and negative forces) and
feng shui, with its positive and negative influences on wealth, luck and business. In fact,
orgone energy might be considered to work in a manner similar to the "Force" from Star
Wars, able to manipulate moods, emotions, and the environment. Relating orgone energy to
these sources will allow the GM to determine appropriate powers and abilities for anyone
who manipulates orgone energy.
When using orgone energy, the most obvious power is Change Environment. Possible
effects include bad weather, good weather, and negative feelings. The weather effects
should take some time to create and use of the Extra Time Limitation (6E1, page 374) is
required. As for the more general "feelings" effect, this should simply be a minor alteration
of mood -- either uplifting or depressing (i.e. +/-1 to EGO or PRE Rolls) It shouldn't affect
PCs too much, unless they are naturally prone to one emotional extreme or the other.
Positive feelings, on the other hand, require the use of Aid with such Advantages as Area of
Effect and MegaScale.
For more intense orgone powers, the GM should use Mind Control. Advantages like
Invisible Power Effects are a must, as the person targeted should not feel the source of the
power. The Mind Control should have the Advantage of Telepathic (+1/4) and the Limitation
of Set Effect (Only To Control/Inflict Emotions; -1/2). Calming crowds, or riling up an
already angry mob would be typical uses for this power; forcing someone to steal for you
(or turning them into a mindless slave) wouldn't.

The Montauk Project


90 Weather Control: Change Environment (+10 Temperature Level Adjustment, +10 Wind
Levels, Varying Combat Effects), Area Of Effect (20m Radius; +1), MegaScale
(1m = 1 km; +1), Varying Effect (almost any weather affect; +1) (360 Active Points);
Extra Time (1 Minute, time depends on the severity of the change in the weather, but
the minimum is 1 minute; -1 ½), OAF (orgone energy generator; -1), No Range
(centered on orgone generator; -½), END 36

4 Application of Negative Orgone Energy: Change Environment (-1 to EGO or PRE Roll),
Area Of Effect (1m Radius; +¼), MegaScale (1m = 1 km; +1), Invisible Power Effects
(Fully Invisible; +1) (10 Active Points); OAF (orgone energy generator; -1), No Range
(centered on orgone generator; -½), END 1

20 Application of Positive Orgone Energy: Aid EGO 3d6 (standard effect: 9 points), Area
Of Effect (1m Radius; +¼), MegaScale (1m = 1 km; +1) (40 Active Points); OAF
(orgone energy generator; -1), END 4

50 Intense Orgone Energy Projection: Mind Control 10d6 (Human class of minds), Area Of
Effect (1m Radius; +¼), Telepathic (+¼), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +½),
MegaScale (1m = 1 km; +1) (150 Active Points); OAF (orgone energy generator; -1),
No Range (centered on orgone generator; -½), Set Effect (only to control/inflict
emotions; -½), END 15


In the early 1950's the Phoenix Project was merged with the remnants of Project
Rainbow. The revised Phoenix Project was to delve further into the study of electromagnetic
effects and their use in achieving "stealth" technology. The problem the Phoenix Project
faced was how to keep this new technology from having such an adverse affect on humans
involved in the experiments.
The director of this new phase of the Project was Dr. John von Neumann brought
back to oversee operations. He concentrated on the metaphysical side of the experiments in
an attempt to determine what had gone wrong. He and his team worked for about ten years
on the problem, studying why humans had such a problem with intense electromagnetic
fields, especially ones that were capable of producing the sort of effects seen in the
Philadelphia Experiment. What they found was that human beings are born with a "time
reference point." This time reference point is linked to the electromagnetic fields native to
the Earth and help orient man to the nature of the universe and how it operates. it’s a
separate entity, distinct from the physical body. When the generators were started on the
Eldridge, the link to this point was severed, causing the crew of the Eldridge massive
physical and mental trauma.
It was determined the devices used in the original Philadelphia Experiment had
created an artificial reality around the Eldridge. Thus, the ship had been removed from the
"normal" plane of existence, rendering it invisible. The problem was the new reality had no
connection to our world, thus disorientating anyone within the field. In order to overcome
this problem, a time reference point, linking any potential inhabitant of the electromagnetic
bottles created by the Project Rainbow technology back to their point of origin, had to be
This problem was solved by giving the bottle a phony background -- a false "Earth"
to link to that would reduce any form of transdimensional disorder. A computer was used to
recreate the time reference points for specific people and to generate a false

The Montauk Project

electromagnetic background that would give the physical body something to lock on to. If
this system failed, the physical and the mental body would separate, resulting in insanity.
This phase of the project was completed in 1967. A report was then sent to Congress
stating the human mind could be altered by the use of electromagnetics. With development,
one could create devices capable of changing the way people think. Congress, fearing the
results of such experimentation into mass mind control, refused any further funding for the
project and in 1969 ordered the Phoenix Project to disband.


In game terms, this phase of the Phoenix Project offers little new. The techno-babble
used to describe how the original Philadelphia Experiment affected the crewmen offers a
nice Special Effect for Extra-Dimensional Movement, but other than that there is little else to
work with. The idea that man is locked to a certain time reference point could be used as a
rational for nasty Side Effects on Extra-Dimensional Movement powers, especially time
travel. The Side Effect could be some sort of Severe Transform that gradually drives the
traveler insane (since they are slowly loosing touch with their home reality). Of course,
needing a computer sets up a nice, logical Focus Limitation for any sort of time or
dimensional travel machine. Using this setting, such a device would require the OAF,
Immobile Limitation, probably with Extra Time as well (representing the time needed to
replicate the proper time reference point).


5 Electromagnetic Bottle: Extra-Dimensional Movement (Single Dimension, Any Location

corresponding to current physical location); Extra Time (5 Minutes, must create time
reference points and false backgrounds, 5 Minutes at minimum; -2), OAF (computer
system and generator; -1), END 2

With the cancellation of the Phoenix Project, the people involved were on the horns
of a dilemma. They had spent the better part of almost 20 years developing mind control
and stealth technologies that Congress didn't want anyone to use. Undeterred, the scientists
went to the one organization they knew would want to engage in further research and
development of the devices the Phoenix Project had produced: the military.
Naturally, the military was very excited about the idea of a weapons system that
would allow them to defeat an enemy without ever firing a shot. They agreed to continue
the project, setting up the Phoenix people in a secluded area where proper experiments
could be conducted. The military also agreed to provide the equipment and personnel the
project required in order to operate.

The Montauk Project

One of the primary

items on the equipment list
given to the military was a
SAGE (Semi-Automatic Ground
Environment) Radar system. It
had been discovered that radio
signals in the 425 to 450
Megahertz range were
required to get "inside" the
human consciousness to allow
for mind control attempts. The
SAGE Radar systems ran at
these frequencies, and could
be converted into a huge
radiosonde easily. Better yet,
the SAGE Radar system was
considered obsolete, allowing
the scientists to use one with
no detriment to national
Montauk Air Force
Base, located within the SAGE Radar system at Montauk Air Force Base
confines of Fort Hero on
Montauk Point, Long Island,
New York, was perfect for the needs of the Phoenix Project scientists. It was fairly isolated,
currently mothballed, and best of all, was equipped with a SAGE Radar system that could be
converted to a radiosonde with ease.
Setting themselves up at the newly reopened Montauk AFB, the scientists named
their new project "Phoenix II." Later, the undertaking became known as "the Montauk
Project." Financing for the Phoenix II came not from the military, who only supplied men
and materials, but from outside sources. This was because the Project itself had been
ordered to disband by Congress and was now operating independently. Montauk AFB itself
had been closed since 1969, and was no longer receiving any federal funding. So the
question of "Where did the Project funding come from?" arises.
The actual circumstances surrounding the financing of the Phoenix II project are
shrouded in a veil of mystery. Project funding seemed to come from private sources,
although some evidence points to an alleged Nazi involvement in the form of 10 billion
dollars in gold, smuggled out of Europe at the end of World War II. Apparently, a train
carrying the gold was blown up while passing though a tunnel in Allied-occupied France,
killing 51 American soldiers. Even General George Patton, furious that such an act of
sabotage could have occurred, was unable to determine how the train had been hit, or who
had made off with the gold. Other evidence states that after the money from the gold was
used up, the Krupp family financially backed the project (The Krupps owned and operated
numerous munitions factories during World War I and World War II. One of their most
famous weapons is the "Paris Gun" which shelled Paris from more than 70 miles away
during the First World War.).


Montauk Air Force Base was reopened in late 1971 (although it was still listed as a
decommissioned base by the military), allowing Phoenix II to get underway. Along with
many of the original Phoenix Project scientists, there were members of the military,
government workers, and civilian personnel brought in from various corporations.

The Montauk Project

A number of the military servicemen present were Air Force radar technicians who
had worked with the SAGE Radar system all through the 60's. They reported that the
general mood of the base had changed according to the frequency and pulse duration of the
radar system. This seemingly trivial piece of information was considered very important to
the Phoenix people, who quickly determined that by changing the rate and width of the
radar pulse, they could superficially alter the way people thought and felt.
This discovery prompted a number of experiments to determine what frequencies
prompted what responses. A number of people were used in these experiments, although
the prime test subject was a man by the name of Duncan Cameron (more about him later).
These test subjects were placed inside of a small room on the base and the SAGE Radar
system was focused on that room, bathing it with massive amounts of micro and radio
waves. By altering the frequency and pulse of the radar set, they could make a person
laugh, cry, angry, or sleepy. As a side effect, it was found the the general mood of the whole
base would change to follow the signal output of the SAGE Radar.
Now that it had been proved the SAGE Radar could effect emotional states, the next
step was to try and control a person's thoughts. Tests were conducted in which the pulse
rate and amplitude of the Radar system were changed to match various biological functions
of the body. Doing so allowed the scientists to actually control what a person thought and
It should be pointed out that bathing a person in massive amounts of microwave
radiation and intense radio waves is not healthy. Many test subjects were literally baked by
radio waves causing serious internal damage to the lungs and brain. With further tests it
was determined this damage was caused by "burning radiation." "Non-burning radiation"
was emitted from the opposite side of the SAGE Radar reflector. So, the scientists decided to
reverse the radar antenna around 180 degrees, broadcasting burning radiation up into the
sky and using the non-burning radiation to conduct their tests. Much to their delight, it was
discovered that non-burning radiation could alter moods and thoughts as well, and didn't
damage the subject of the tests!
In 1973, the experimental process had reached a new step. The scientists wanted to
experiment with large groups of people, changing their thoughts and moods en masse and
monitoring the results. Units of the U.S. Army were invited to the base for R&R, becoming
the unwitting targets of mood-altering experiments. Similar experiments were also
conducted on people living nearby on Long Island, as well as New Jersey, New York, and
Connecticut. The aim of these tests was very simple; to build a database of pulse settings
and the effects they caused With time, the scientists were able to construct a control panel
that allowed them to broadcast preset signals, thus allowing for consistent mind control
Tests allowed the scientists to create a wide variety of effects, depending on the
settings fed into the transmitter. Programs were written allowing the researchers to do more
than simply create mood swings. They found they could increase the crime rate, incite
violence, and cause mass panic among animals. They even developed programs capable of
disabling vehicles by burning out all of its electrical functions.
At this point, the Montauk people had developed a reliable method for controlling the
thoughts of others. Now, they wanted to make a device that would allow for precise
manipulation of a target. The scope of the Montauk Project was about to expand beyond
anyone's wildest dreams.


According to the writer of The Montauk Project, the ITT World-Wide Communications
Corporation (which is owned by the Krupp family -- see "Setting Up Phoenix II" above)
constructed a mind-reading device. The device translated the electromagnetic field, or
"aura," around the body into a visible format. The primary component of this device was a

The Montauk Project

Cray 1 super-computer capable of turning the data into

something a person could understand.
The technology used to create this is device is a
mystery. According to the book, some of the basic
technical information was provided by aliens. These
aliens were the Sirians, from the star system of Sirius.
Exactly why these aliens provided the technology is not
Over at the Montauk Project, the research
people realized this mind-reading device could could
easily be converted into a mind control device. They
hooked the mind-reader up to a series of computers,
electrical coils, and the SAGE Radar system, creating a
powerful transmitter that could be used lessen the risks
to humans undergoing invisibility and time travel
experiments. This new device was called the "Montauk
Chair" and came online about 1974. Linked to a Cray 1
and an IBM 360 computer, the researchers would sit a
psychically active person (such as Duncan Cameron) in
the Montauk Chair and have them try and transmit Cray-1 Super Computer
their thoughts to a similar set up back at the ITT
Corporation (located in Southampton, Long Island).
After about a year of experimentation and research (in which many problems relating
to transmitter feedback had to be over come) the researchers at the Montauk Project now
had a device capable of projecting a person's thoughts to a remote location. Unfortunately,
there was now a new problem to over come: "time glitches."
The time glitches tended to interfere and break up the thought transmissions
between Montauk and Southampton. They were caused by psychics projecting a reality that
was different from "our" reality. This would cause the flow of time to disrupted and the link
between the two chairs would be cut.
In order to correct these problems dealing with interruptions in the flow of time, the
Montauk researchers redesigned and rebuilt the chair, closely following the original
prototype and the methods used to
build it (this is the device created
by the Sirians, remember). This
second generation Montauk Chair
used multiple Delta T or "Delta
Time" coils to create the desired
energy fields. It was also shielded
from any outside interference,
thanks to the redesigned coils
powering the chair and creating the
electromagnetic fields. After a bout
of alignments and adjustments, the
new chair was brought on-line in
early 1976. What was to follow was
to be absolutely amazing....

IBM 360

The Montauk Project


By this point, all of the experiments and tests involving the Montauk Chair used
Duncan Cameron. Duncan was a powerful psychic used in many phases of the Montauk
experiments. His "true history" (as well as a possible HERO System character sheet) is given
below. The main reason why he was used so often in the experiments dealing with the chair
was due to some form of "special training" he had undergone (the book gives the CIA and/
or the NSA as possible candidates) which allowed him to reach an "altered form of
consciousness." What this means, is basically his conscious mind would be suppressed and a
more primitive mind would be allowed become active. This primitive mind was highly
suggestible, very controllable, and tended to act by focusing all of its power on a subject,
allowing much greater displays of power than if the conscious mind acted.
After about a year of tests, the Montauk Chair was shown to be working flawlessly.
Now, instead of transmitting thoughts, the researchers wanted to try something new:
creating solid objects. The idea was for Duncan to visualize an object and, provided there
was sufficient power coming from the transmitter, materialize it somewhere on the base.
This process was not exact, however, as some objects remained intangible and others faded
as soon as the transmitter was turned off. But, if given sufficient power, Duncan could
create permanent objects. The size and type of object seemed only to be limited by his
imagination, and it’s said he materialized entire buildings during the course of these
Following the success of the object creation experiments, the researchers at Montauk
began to step up their tests by looking into manipulating the human mind directly. The first
such experiments involved what was called "The Seeing Eye." This was where Duncan was
given a lock of hair (or other object) and concentrated on the person the object had come
from. He could then see and hear everything that person could see and hear, no matter
where that person was.
After the Seeing Eye was perfected, the tests were taken one step further. Now,
instead of simply looking though the eyes and ears of another, Duncan tried to actually
influence what the person was thinking and doing. By pushing out with his thoughts,
Duncan could take over someone else's mind, making them do what he (Duncan) wanted.
People could be virtually "programmed" to do almost anything. Further experimentation
showed that large groups of both people and animals could be affected, making them
behave in a variety of bizarre ways.
With time, it was discovered more than a person's mind could be controlled.
Electrical devices could be made to malfunction, short out, or otherwise rendered useless.
Telekinetic effects were discovered, where Duncan was able to move objects, shatter
windows and wreck entire rooms.
Even with all of the amazing discoveries that the Montauk researches had uncovered,
the team still wasn't done. As of 1979, the Montauk Project was poised to do more than
manipulate people's minds, they were on the verge of altering the flow of time itself!

(a.k.a. Phoenix III)
Experiments with thought projection in early 1979 revealed an interesting side
effect. Many times Duncan's thoughts would be projected by the transmitter, but the signal
would suddenly vanish. At first this was thought to be a malfunction, until it was noticed
that many of the things Duncan was attempting to project didn't appear (or occur) till many
hours later (or perhaps, before). Apparently, Duncan was capable of altering the flow of
time (or operating outside of it).

The Montauk Project

Further research showed that the set up being used for the experiments and tests
didn't have sufficient power to properly bend and shift time. To achieve full mastery over the
flow of time, the researchers installed what is referred to as the "Orion Delta T (for time)
Antenna." It was rumored the antenna was based on designs given to the Project by the
aliens from the constellation of Orion (the exact star system is unknown). As with the
Sirians, it’s unknown exactly why the Orions gave the Montauk Project the plans, but it’s
presumed they had some private agenda for doing so.
The Orion Delta T antenna was placed in a huge underground chamber excavated
beneath Montauk AFB. The antenna itself was about 100 to 150 feet tall, and the chamber
was nearly 300 feet underground. The Montauk Chair was then placed above this antenna
and below the transmitter used to broadcast projected signals. This placed the chair in a
null field that removed all interference from the fields generated by the transmitter and
other devices.
After installing the new
antenna (which took from 1979 to
1980) and calibrating Duncan to the
new equipment, it was found
Duncan had almost total control
over the flow of time. He could
cause portals to open to almost any
time by concentrating on a specific
date. These portals looked like large
spirals or vortexes. Inside the portal
was a circular tunnel with light at
the far end. One could look through
a portal to see a smaller portal or
window on the other end. Walking
though the tunnel would place a
person in whatever time the tunnel
was connected to. The tunnels were
not always straight, however, and
curved around as one made their way to the exit. Sometimes power outages would cause
tunnels to vanish, stranding anyone inside. They would be lost somewhere in the time
stream with virtually no way to return.
There were a few problems with the initial time portals however. The portals tended
to drift and people sent through weren't always able to find the portal for the return trip. It
took from 1980 to 1981 to calibrate the equipment and train Duncan to keep a portal stable.
The project also worked on spatial as well as temporal stabilization, trying to create portals
in both specific times as well as places.
When the the researchers were able to successfully stabilize and lock down the time
portals Duncan created, the nature of the Montauk Project changed yet again. Almost all of
the extraneous personnel were dismissed. The military left, and a new team of people were
brought in to run the base. A new technical crew was brought in as well, all that was know
about them was that they were the "Secret Crew." The project was rechristened "Phoenix
III" and from 1981 to 1983 the objective of the project was to explore time itself.
In order to explore the worlds beyond the time tunnels, the Montauk researchers
kidnapped large numbers of the homeless to use as guinea pigs. They would spend some
time (about a week) getting them ready for the trip and then send them though. If they
returned, they were expected to make a full report of what they saw. Unfortunately many
didn't. This was why the project used the homeless, since they knew no one would notice if
these sorts of people went missing.
The project also used a large number of children in these experiments. These
children were exclusively male, between the ages of 10 and 16, tall, blond, blue eyed, and
fair-skinned. Most (if not all) fit the idea of the Aryan stereotype. The exact purpose of

The Montauk Project

these children is unknown, although all

of them were initially sent to the year
6037 AD to investigate a ruined city.
There, they had to examine the statue
of a horse and report back on what
they saw. After that, the children were
sent of on other missions, but it’s
unknown if any ever returned. It was
later discovered that the project was
connected with some sort of Neo-Nazi
organization and that the children
were recruited to serve this group.
It is also reported that
somewhere between 3000 and 10,000
people were placed between 200 and
300 years into the future. As with the
children, the exact purpose of this
operation is unknown.
Finally, a lot of time was spent viewing events from both the First and Second World
War. Pictures were taken and events were monitored. it’s unknown if the Project personnel
interfered or tried to alter specific events during either World War.

With the success of the time
portal projects, the Montauk
researchers began to look off-planet
for the next phase of Phoenix III. The
idea was to create a portal between
Earth and Mars. Specifically between
Earth and the Martian Pyramids that
lay near the great "Face on Mars" in
the Cydonia region of Mars. it’s said
this region of Mars shows evidence of
a large number of artificial structures,
including pyramids, the great "Face,"
temples, a waterfront, and even a
city. It was the desire of the Montauk
people to explore these structures
and determine who (or what) had
made them.
As a side note, the book The
Montauk Project includes some
information alleging there was a The Face On Mars
secret space program run by the US
and the Soviet Union that established
colonies on both the moon and Mars. Supposedly, men landed on Mars sometime in 1962.
Even more interesting is, although the book mentions this information, the author backs off
from actually claiming any of this is "real." The author does imply, however, that people
were living on the surface of Mars during the duration of the time and space portal
In order to fully explore the pyramids of Mars, the project needed to get inside the
structures. This was accomplished by having Duncan create a time portal inside the pyramid

The Montauk Project

and then move it around until open

passageways were found. At this
point "away teams" could enter the
portal and walk from Montauk Point to
areas under the Martian surface.
Although little is known about what
was found within this immense
pyramid structure, a few tantalizing
hints are offered. Duncan Cameron
himself was a member of at least one
of the away teams, and described
seeing something he calls "The Solar
System Defense" which needed to be
disabled before any further research
could be done. According to the
author, portions of the movie Total
Recall are based on events that
occurred during this point of the
Montauk Project, especially the
scenes dealing with the Martian
pyramid and the recall chair. Finally,
evidence of intelligent life on Mars
was found, but the researchers had to
create time portals stretching over
125,000 years into the past to Cydonia Region of Mars
discover it. As with many other
elements of the Montauk Project said
to be occurring at this time, the exact details are unknown.


The Montauk Project finally came to end on August 12, 1983. On this date, a time
portal was opened connecting Montauk Base with the USS Eldridge of 40 years ago, during
the original Philadelphia Experiment. While this portal was being opened and maintained,
several members of the project, who had become increasingly uncomfortable with the aims
and designs of the project heads (and with the effect warping time and space might have on
the world around them) decided to bring the project to a crashing halt.
A code phrase was whispered to Duncan, at which point he released a monster from
his subconscious. This creature, or the "Beast From The Id," materialized as a large hairy
monster, smashed its way about the base, and proceeded to destroy and eat everything it
could find. Meanwhile, one of the project members began cutting apart cables and conduits
in an attempt to sever the power to the base transmitters and shut down the project. After
smashing up and cutting apart enough equipment, the transmitter powered down and the
Beast mercifully faded away.
After the disaster of August 12, 1983, the Montauk Project shut down. The base was
emptied of people and equipment, and all extraneous personnel were brainwashed into
forgetting everything that had happened there. Almost a year later, in May or June of 1984,
a unit of "Black Berets" (possible an elite unit of Marines) entered the base with orders to
shoot anything and everything that moved. They purged the base for a second team, which
removed any equipment deemed too sensitive to abandon. After that, the underground
chambers were sealed off. According to the author, one of the rooms cleared out contained
hundreds of human skeletons. Finally, at the end of 1984 cement was poured into many of

The Montauk Project

the elevator shafts and underground areas of Montauk Base, sealing off all of the areas used
for the most extreme of the space-time experiments.
Afterwards, the gates to Montauk AFB were locked and the base was abandoned for
a second and final time. Eventually, Fort Hero (and Montauk Base) was donated to the state
of New York as a park.

The Montauk Project


The three most obvious powers that can be derived from this phase of the project
are: Clairsentience, Extra Dimensional Movement, and Mind Control. Other possible powers
include Dispel, Summon, Telepathy, Telekinesis, and Transform. Some powers, such as
summoning objects "from the ether" are subject to GM's call as to what best fits his
No matter which powers are examined for use in a game setting, it’s obvious all of
them require the Montauk Chair as a Focus. This means any character designed around this
power concept and special effects has to deal with an Immobile IAF foci, which is the chair
itself. Fortunately, most of the powers described are Mental Powers, meaning they have no
maximum range and if used in conjunction with Mind Scanning can hit anyone the character
can detect. Any powers that are not Mental Powers initially should be bought with Alternate
Combat Value (character’s OMCV versus target’s DMCV) along with the Advantages Invisible
Power Effects, and No Range to make them act as mental powers.
As for other powers, "The Seeing Eye" is simply Clairsentience with a required Focus
-- an object taken from the subject to be used as a contact point. The point of view is
controlled by the subject being used to view with, not the character himself, thus requiring
both the Adder Mobile Perception Point and the Limitation of Only Through The Senses Of
Others (-1/2). In addition, Duncan could view any point on Earth with this power and could
see, hear and feel what the subject saw, heard, or felt, meaning his Clairsentience was
usable with all the Sense Groups.
There are at least two forms of Extra-Dimensional Movement described. The first is
simply Extra-Dimensional Movement (any place on Earth within 250,000 years [at least]
forwards or backwards in time). The second is Extra-Dimensional Movement (any place in
this dimension within 250,000 years [at least] forwards or backwards in time). Although
there is a large difference in locations (Earth and the rest of the Universe), EDM doesn't
distinguish between the two when bought in this manner. Both versions of this power should
be constructed with the rules for Gates found on page 301 of HERO System 6th Edition
Volume 1.
The Mind Control powers demonstrated by the Montauk Project are very potent. Both
humans and animals can be affected, with the degree of influence ranging from mere
emotional tinkering to outright remote control of a person's actions. At least some forms of
Mind Control could affect a wide area, influencing the actions of large groups of people all at
once. These Mind Control attempts went virtually unnoticed by the people affected.
Obviously, a character using such powers needs to at least try for the “Target will not
remember actions" modifier to fully simulate the effects of the project. As with the orgone
energy Mind Control abilities, lesser versions of this form of Mind Control should be bought
with the Limitation Only To Control/Inflict Emotions.
As for the other powers, Telepathy would be built along the same lines as the Mind
Control power. Any Telekinesis should be designed using the rules for Psychokinesis (6E1
295). The Beast From The Id is simply an interesting application of Summon. The ability to
disable electrical devices could be a form of Dispel, or a heavily limited RKA. Creating
objects from thin air could be Transform or the special effect for a Variable Power Pool.


The character of Duncan Cameron (see) has all these powers and more, and presents
them in a much more detailed manner.

The Montauk Project


Where to begin?
The most important aspect of the Montauk Project is, of course; "Does this fit into
my campaign?" Most superheroic universes and settings can quite easily accept the idea
that the US Navy may have been involved with some form of secret experiment designed to
help win the World War II. In fact, the Navy was involved in various secret experiments,
dealing with everything from planes to torpedoes. So making the initial Philadelphia
Experiment a "real world" event isn't all that difficult. Naturally, the GM will need to decide if
the Experiment worked exactly as described or if the "facts" have become confused over
Once the validity of the original Experiment is established, the next step is to decide
which elements of the rest of the Project history can be adapted to a super hero (or other
genre) campaign. Depending on the particular universe, some of the details might need to
be altered in order to reflect the GM's particular tastes. For example, much of the initial
funding of the Montauk Project is said to come from 10 billion in gold smuggled out of
Europe by remnants of the Third Reich. If a GM tends to shy away from using Nazis or Nazi-
inspired villains in his campaign then the source of this gold may need to be changed. The
same goes for the the ITT World-Wide Communications Corporation said to be owned by the
Krupp family. If the GM wishes to avoid Nazi involvement, then this company should be
changed as well. If using a universe similar to the established HERO Games Champions
Universe then the source of the 10 billion in gold and the owners of ITT World-Wide
Communications is simple: VIPER. Much of the technology said to be developed by the
Montauk Project (such as time travel and mind control) has the perfect "super-science" feel
commonly found in plots dealing with VIPER. Besides, what criminal organization couldn't
resist developing technology that would allow them to manipulate time, know what people
are thinking, scout a remote location safely, and control what their foes think and do?
Other groups and individuals from the Champions Universe that could be used in
relation to the project include Dr. Destroyer (obviously operating through a false front),
Istvatha V’han (the entire project becomes an attempt to open a permanent gate between
Earth and V’han’s world so she can launch a full-scale invasion), the Warlord (although the
scope and nature of this project seems far beyond what he usually attempts), PSI (who’d be
especially interested in the mind control aspect of the project). Of course, the GM could
work with the material as written and make the people responsible rogue elements of the
military, the CIA and the NSA (a.k.a. the National Security Agency a.k.a. “No Such
The next question would be alien
involvement. If the GM doesn't use aliens in POSSIBLE CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE
his game then these elements could be ALIENS
simply discarded (even the author states that
such involvement is only "rumor"). If he does The following Champions Universe aliens
make good candidates for the Orions and
use aliens, the question become much more
interesting. The book lists two groups: the Istvatha V’han (page 24 of Conquerors,
Orions and the Sirians. The Sirians are said Killers, and Crooks)
to come from the star system of Sirius, while Malvans (page 45 of Terran Empire)
the Orions are simply described as coming Perseids (page 31 of Terran Empire)
from the constellation of Orion. No other Se’ecra (page 32 of Terran Empire)
facts are given, giving any GM free reign to Sirians (page 95 of Champions Universe)
develop them any was he see fit. If aliens are Varanyi (page 38 of Terran Empire)
a known quantity in the game universe, then

The Montauk Project

the GM needs to determine if the aliens responsible are ones he’s already established, or
ones new to the campaign (or, at least new to the PCs). Even if the aliens are members of
an established race, they could always be "rogue" members of that race, supplying the
technology for reasons known only to them.
Aside from interstellar aliens, there is also the question about Mars. Does the GM
want large artificial structures littering the surface of the planet? If so, who made them?
Martians, or other aliens? The book states Duncan had to search 125,000 years in the past
to find any evidence of life on Mars. Thus, the GM could presume the artifacts were either
built by Martians, or some other race who happened to be passing through the solar
system. For a real twist, the structures on Mars could have been built by humans. Either an
advanced race from Earth (now long gone), or a race of beings who eventually settled on
Earth (a popular theory seen in such shows as Battlestar Galactica and hinted at in the
game Doom 3). If the GM goes with the former idea, the connections to the Atlantis mythos
(and the Egyptians and their pyramids) are obvious.
Of course, there is the question about what to do with the "The Solar System
Defense" said to be on Mars. it’s likely the such a device could be ignored by the GM in favor
of his own theories and plots. What ever is within the pyramids of Mars, however, it should
be some sort of highly advanced (and very dangerous) technology.
The last question a GM needs to consider are the claims that the people involved in
the Montauk Project manipulated time. Of course, a clever GM may decide that anything the
Montauk researchers did to the past has already happened, thus the PC's accepted past is
the result of Montauk Project manipulations. Now, as for sending people two to three
hundred years into the future (or the dead city of 6037 AD) once can always take the
"alternate time" angle. The futures seen by the Montauk researchers may not be the future,
but simply a future.
Possible the biggest question surrounding the entire project (especially the latter
parts dealing with the manipulation of time) is "Where did all the test subjects come from?"
Looking over the numbers given in the book, it would seem that at the very minimum the
Montauk Project sent several hundred people to various time lines. If the Project was
kidnapping homeless people and large numbers of young children (not to mention the
"between 3000 and 10,000 people" sent into the future) someone would be bound to notice
(we hope). Even in a city as large as New York, the disappearance of a large number of
homeless would probably be noticed, especially when you realize that the time tampering
portion of the experiment only lasted for three years -- from 1981 to 1983. Add in the
quantity of young children hinted at, and the number of people possibly involved is
staggering. Such a situation makes an excellent hook for PCs to get involved. Of course, if
the PCs are based somewhere else other than New York, then the the disappearances may
have gone on unopposed, with the PCs possibly forced to recover the temporally lost people.
Finally, there is the question of what to do with Montauk Base. Is the Project still
operating? Did, in fact, Duncan Cameron rebel and summon the Beast to destroy the base?
Did the Project reestablish itself somewhere else? It would make sense that the technology
developed during the course of the Project is being used else where (possibly by the high-
tech criminal organization of the GM's choice) and that the Base was abandoned as
described. In that case, the PCs may explore Montauk AFB and Fort Hero only to find it’s
closed down and abandoned, with clues pointing to a newer base established elsewhere in
the world. The possibilities are only limited by the GM's imagination.

The Montauk Project

The story of Duncan Cameron Jr. is a confusing one.
According to the authors of the book The Montauk Project, Duncan
was a sailor aboard the USS Eldridge when the Philadelphia
Experiment was conducted. The Experiment resulted in his being
catapulted forward in time to arrive at Montauk base in 1983. He
then became involved in the Montauk Project, and was bounced
about the time stream before being returned to 1943 in an
attempt to stop the experiment that started it all. Confused? I
haven't even gotten started...
To try and explain Duncan's confusing life would probably
take another ten pages of text, text most people wouldn't care to
read. The best option is to sum up his amazing adventures
through space and time as follows:
In 1943, Duncan and his brother Edward were stationed on
board the Eldridge. They worked in the control room housing many
of the experimental generators used to power the Tesla coils that
created the electromagnetic fields around the ship. Since they
were deep inside the ship, protected by layers of steel shielding,
Duncan and Edward were untouched by the horrible side effects
that ravaged the rest of the crew.
The first actual experiment conducted on the Eldridge
apparently took place July 20, 1943. At this time, the ship
vanished from sight for 15 minutes. The fields created made
many crewmen nauseous and gave psychological problems to
others. A second test was then set up for August 12th, with the
object to obtain radar invisibility and not optical invisibility.
According to the authors of The Montauk Project three UFOs
appeared over the ship six days before the August 12th test.
When the test was conducted, one of these UFOs was sucked
through the resulting hole in time and space and ended up
underground at Montauk Base.
When the August 12th test was conducted, the two
brothers were once again in the control room. For a short time
(the first five minutes or so) the test seemed to be working as
planned. Then, the ship vanished from sight. Duncan and Edward
could see that the experiment was failing (due to the affects on
the other crewmen). They tried to shut down the various
generators and transmitters, but nothing seemed to be working.
They then decided that the safest course of action was to abandon ship. Jumping overboard,
they fell through a time tunnel and ended up at Montauk in the year 1983.
Found by members of the Montauk Project, the two brothers were then escorted into
one of the buildings on base. There, they met Dr. John von Neumann, the man who had
been behind many aspects of the Montauk Project since 1943. He informed them that he
had been waiting for the two to appear, and that Duncan and Edward needed to return to
1943 to turn off the generators and end the experiment being conducted on the Eldridge.
Both Duncan and Edward agreed to this plan, making a number of time trips for the
Montauk researchers before returning for good to 1943. Finally, the bothers reappeared on
the Eldridge and managed to shut off the generators, mainly by smashing transmitters and
cutting any cables they could find.

The Montauk Project

Just before the Eldridge returned to its proper place in the time stream, Duncan went
back through the time portal and returned to Montauk in 1983. Ii is unknown why he did so,
although it’s suggested that he may have been "programmed" to. Once in 1983 for good,
Duncan found himself severed from the time stream. He grew old at a fantastic rate and
began to die from the effects of extreme aging.
Using unspecified techniques, the Montauk scientists managed to save Duncan by
transferring his mind (or "signature") to a new body. This new body was obtained through
the help of Duncan Cameron Sr., the father of Duncan Jr. and Edward. Using a time portal,
Montauk personnel contacted Duncan Sr. in 1947, informing him of their need to save his
son's life. The solution was for Duncan Sr. to have another son.
In 1951, the second Duncan Cameron Jr. was born. In 1963, when this Duncan was
12, the Montauk scientists transferred the old Duncan's mind into the child's body. This
forced the second Duncan "out," a fate that remains unexplained.
Meanwhile, Edward remained with the Eldridge. A final test
was run with the ship in October of 1943. This experiment used an
unmanned vessel, with all controls located on a secondary ship.
After the test it was discovered that a large amount of equipment
was missing, including transmitters and generators. The
experiment was then abandoned for good. Edward continued on
with his naval career afterwards, becoming involved with a number
of experiments dealing with "free energy" vehicles and devices. At
some port he was made to forget all he had seen and done in
connection with the Philadelphia Experiment.
Edward's final fate may be even more bizarre than his
brother's. He was apparently put through a series of age
regression procedures that reduced him to the age of a small
infant. He was then sent to live with the Bielek family to replace
their baby boy, who had recently died. Given the name of Al
Bielek, he grew up ignorant of his true past until certain events in
the late 1980's triggered his memories. He now devotes his time
to researching the Philadelphia Experiment in an attempt to
uncover the truth.


The big question facing a prospective Game Master after reading this little "history"
is "how does this all fit together?." Well, it doesn't. According to the history of the Montauk
Project, the shutting down of the August 12th experiment forced the project to be
terminated. If that is the case, then how did Duncan and Edward travel through time to
return to 1943? Not once, but multiple times. It is also said that Duncan was being used in
Montauk Project experiments as of 1971, this would make him only 20, a rather young,
although not impossible, age for such testing. Then there’s the question of who regressed
Edward, when they did this and why. Of course, considering the claims made in the book,
perhaps it’s wisest to simply ignore this paradoxes and get to the heart of the matter, using
Duncan (or a character like him) in one's campaign.
Duncan should be used not as an master villain, but more as the tool of a villain (or
a villainous agency). He can act as a spy, move troops to distant places, control minds
(especially of troublesome officials and enemy agents), and harass the enemies of the
agency from the safety of his Montauk Chair. He certainly shouldn't be the mastermind
behind the entire operation, that role should be given to someone more sinister, someone
with more of a megalomaniac bent -- Duncan seems to come across as a less then self-
assure individual. If Duncan is used as a member of a villainous corporation or agency (such
as VIPER or PSI), it would probably be best for him to have some strong measure of loyalty

The Montauk Project

to that organization, unless his eventual defection is an important part of the game Master's
Physically, Duncan shouldn't be a superhuman out of the Chair. He should have
unusual psychic powers, but these should be more like the psychic effects first described in
Pulp Hero, not the typical full-blown abilities given to most comic book mentalists. However,
in the chair, Duncan's psychic abilities should be devastating.
Below I present a possible character sheet for Duncan Cameron. A great deal of
attention is given his powers, while less is detail is given for his history and personality,
since these elements of the character are very GM dependent.

Val CHA Cost Roll Notes
10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 HTH Damage [2]
15 DEX 10 12-
15 CON 5 12-
18+7 INT 8 13-/14- PER Roll 13-/14-
20+10 EGO 10 13-/15
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6

5 OCV 10
5 DCV 10
7 OMCV 12
7 DMCV 12
3+3 SPD 10 Phases: 4, 8, 12/2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12

3 PD 1 Total: 3 PD (0 rPD)
3 ED 1 Total: 3 ED (0 rED)
30 END 2
25 STUN 3 Total Characteristics Cost: 99

Movement: Running: 12m/24m

Leaping: 4m/8m
Swimming: 4m/8m

Cost Powers & Skills

2 Expanded Perceptions: +7 INT; OAF Immobile (Montauk Chair; -2)
3 Expanded Willpower: +10 EGO; OAF Immobile (Montauk Chair; -2)
10 Expanded Perceptions: +3 SPD; OAF Immobile (Montauk Chair; -2)

34 The Seeing Eye: Clairsentience (Sight, Hearing, Smell/Taste And Touch Groups),
Mobile Perception Point (can move up to 24m per Phase), Reduced Endurance
(0 END; +½), MegaScale (1m = 100 km; +1 ½); OAF Immobile (Montauk
Chair; -2), Extra Time (20 Minutes, Only to Activate, minimum time to setup and
configure chair; -1 ¼), Blackout (-½), Only Through The Senses Of Others (-½)
70 Mental Scanning: Mind Scan 15d6 (Human and Animal classes of minds), Invisible
Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +½), Partial Lock-On (+½), Reduced Endurance
(0 END; +½), One Way Link (+1); OAF Immobile (Montauk Chair; -2), Extra Time
(20 Minutes, Only to Activate, minimum time to set up and configure chair; -1 ¼)

The Montauk Project

57 Radar Frequency Modulation: Multipower, 255-point reserve, Extra Time (20

Minutes, Only to Activate, Character May Take No Other Actions, minimum time to
setup and configure chair; -1 ½); all slots OAF Immobile (Montauk Chair; -2)
6f 1) Thought Projection: Mind Control 15d6 (Human and Animal classes of minds),
Telepathic (+¼), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +½), Reduced Endurance
(0 END; +½); OAF Immobile (Montauk Chair; -2)
6f 2) Mood Alteration: Mind Control 10d6 (Human and Animal classes of minds),
Telepathic (+¼), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +½), Reduced Endurance
(0 END; +½), Area Of Effect (24m Radius; +1); OAF Immobile (Montauk Chair; -2),
Set Effect (only to control/inflict emotions; -½)
5f 3) Psychokinesis: Telekinesis (35 STR), Alternate Combat Value (uses OMCV against
DCV; +0), LOS (+½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Invisible Power Effects
(Fully Invisible; +1); OAF Immobile (Montauk Chair; -2)
4f 4) Thought Reading: Telepathy 15d6 (Human class of minds), Invisible Power
Effects (Fully Invisible; +½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); OAF Immobile
(Montauk Chair; -2), Receive Only (-½)
4f 5) Mental Programming: Major Transform 4d6 (remove or change target's
memories, heals back by another application of this power, or normal healing),
Alternate Combat Value (uses OMCV against DMCV; +¼), Works Versus EGO Not
BODY (+¼), LOS (+½), Partial Transform (+½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½),
Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1); OAF Immobile (Montauk Chair; -2),
Limited Target (human memories; -1)
7f 6) Space/Time Warping: Extra-Dimensional Movement (Any Point in Time within 50
Billion Years, future or past, Any Physical Location), x8 Increased Weight, Usable By
Other (+¼), Grantor pays the END whenever the power is used, Grantor controls the
power totally, Grantor can only grant the power to others, Recipient must be within
Limited Range of the Grantor for power to be granted, Area Of Effect
(8m Radius; +½), Constant (+½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); OAF Immobile
(Montauk Chair; -2), Gate (-½)
5f 7) Beast From The Id: Summon 380-point Beast from the Id, Reduced Endurance
(0 END; +½), Specific Being (creature from Duncan Cameron's Id; +1); OAF
Immobile (Montauk Chair; -2), Violent (-¾)

71 Creation Of Solid Objects: Variable Power Pool (Gadget Pool), 60 base + 60 control
cost, No Skill Roll Required (+1); OAF Immobile (Montauk Chair; -2), Extra Time (20
Minutes, Only to Activate, minimum time to setup and configure; -1 ¼), 20th
Century Technology Only (-½), Requires A Roll (11- roll; -½); all slots IIF (all powers
bought through the VPP must have at least -¼ of this limitation; -¼)

7 Expanded Willpower: Mental Defense (20 points total); OAF Immobile (Montauk
Chair; -2)
10 Psychometry: Retrocognitive Clairsentience (Sight And Hearing Groups); Extra Time
(1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), Character May Take No Other Actions, minimu, if not
longer; -1 ½), Retrocognition Only (-1), Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout
use of Constant Power (½ DCV; -½), No Range (-½), Psychhometry (Pulp Hero, page
285; -½), END 5
10 Aura Vision: Detect Auras 13-/14- (Sight Group), Discriminatory
5 Sensitive: Mental Awareness, Discriminatory

24 +4 with all Mental Powers

2 AK: Long Island 11-

1 AK: Mars 8-

The Montauk Project

2 AK: New York City 11-

2 Bureaucratics 10-
3 Computer Programming 13- (14-)
3 Electronics 13- (14-)
3 KS: The Psychic World 13- (14-)
0 Language: English (idiomatic; literate)
3 Mechanics 13- (14-)
2 Navigation (Temporal) 13- (14-)
1 SS: Orgone Energy 8-
2 SS: Psychotronics 11-
2 SS: Space/Time Manipulation 11-
3 Shadowing 13- (14-)
1 Streetwise 8-
3 Systems Operation 13- (14-)
3 Tactics 13- (14-)

Total Powers & Skill Cost: 377

Total Cost: 475

400+ Matching Complications

5 Distinctive Features: Psychic Signature (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable;
Detectable Only By Technology Or Major Effort)
20 Hunted: The Montauk Project Very Frequently (Mo Pow; NCI; Watching)
20 Physical Complication: Split Personality (normal mind/primitive mind) (Frequently;
Greatly Impairing)
15 Psychological Complication: Addicted To Using The Montauk Chair And The Power It
Brings (Common; Strong)
15 Psychological Complication: see notes (Common; Strong)
Notes: Ducna's normal mind is amoral and unconcerned with the needs or wants of
others. His primitive mind is overconfident and highly open to suggestion due to its
base desires.
0 Social Complication: Secret Member Of The Montauk Project Frequently, Major
0 Vulnerability: 2 x Effect from Mind Control when in the Montauk Chair (Uncommon)
75 Experience Points

Total Complications Points: 475

Background/History: The character sheet given here is not for "the" Duncan
Cameron, but for "a" Duncan Cameron. It presumes Duncan is a member of the Montauk
Project and has been working with the Project for some time. His exact origins are left up to
the GM; he could be ex-Navy (much like the original Duncan), a former operative for the
CIA, a Project scientist, or simply a promising young psychic recruited by the company
backing the Montauk Project. Note this character sheet presumes the Project has witnessed
most -- if not all -- of the events given for the history of the Montauk Project.

Personality/Motivation: This version of Duncan Cameron is presumed to be

lacking in any serious consideration of right and wrong. He enjoys the sense of power the
Chair brings him and is addicted to its use. He also looks down on those he manipulates,
considering them little more than playthings for him to toy with. The experiments with mind
control and the manipulation of time have affected thousands of lives, some of them
adversely, but none of this matters to Duncan, all he is concerned with is the advancement
of science and the further exploration of the Montauk Chair's abilities.
When in the Chair, Duncan's primitive mind is allowed to surface. This mind operates
off of primal emotions, and is rather unsubtle in its actions. Due to the strong emotional

The Montauk Project

content of this mind, Duncan is very suggestible and can be talked into actions he normally
wouldn't do. Scientists at the Montauk Project have discovered this fact and take advantage
of it by having Duncan perform some of the more dangerous experiments (such as
manipulating time and space) while his primitive mind is active.

Quote: "This chair allows me to control time and space. Imagine what could be
done with such power!"

Powers/Tactics: Duncan is a psychic who's innate power has been pushed to its
fullest potential by the amplification process of the Montauk Chair. Out of the Chair, Duncan
is fairly normal, although he does possess several useful psychic gifts. These powers include
the ability to see another's "aura," which gives Duncan a good idea of a person's personality
and mental well being. He also can read the psychic impressions of people by handling
objects they have once owned. This talent is especially useful when it’s used to find targets
for Duncan's "The Seeing Eye" power. Finally, Duncan is especially sensitive to the use of
psychic powers similar to his own and can usually detect those powers if they are used in
his general vicinity. This last ability doesn't have much range however, and requires Duncan
be rather close to the person using their psychic abilities in order for him to detect the use
of those abilities.
Once in the Chair, Duncan gains access to a whole host of powers. He can control
minds -- both singly and in small groups, read minds, and "rewrite" a person's memories,
covering over actual memories with false ones. He can also sense for desired minds at great
distances, a useful power since the Chair is effectively immobile. A useful side effect of
these powers is the fact they cannot be detected by the person targeted. Although a person
affect by the Duncan's Chair-enhanced powers may be aware some sort of mental intrusion
has taken place, they will be unable to trace back this attack to the Montauk Project and
Duncan himself. Duncan is also careful to try and use extra dice in his Mind Control and
Telepathy attacks to ensure the target is unaware the attack ever took place (or thinks any
results of a Mind Control attempt were their own idea to begin with).
The telepathic aspects of the Chair can also be used to view the world through a
target's senses. This power (called "The Seeing Eye") requires an object of some sort from
the target -- such as a lock of hair -- in order to operate. When The Seeing Eye is being
used, Duncan can see, hear, and feel whatever the target person is experiencing. This
power can be used on anyone all over the world. Duncan can also manifest a limited form of
Telekinesis while in the chair.
One of Duncan's more impressive powers is the ability to create tunnels though time
and space. He can connect to almost any time in history and can even open a gateway
between Earth and Mars. The gates are quite large, allowing trucks to pass though,
although any large vehicles must do so slowly.
Aside from being able to project thoughts to control other's actions, Duncan can also
make his thoughts come real. Usually, his uses this power to create objects. These objects
are limited to modern day technology, since although he can visualize such items from the
past of the future, his subconscious doesn't "understand" such items sufficiently to allow
him to make them "real." The activation roll is used to determine if the object remains real
or if it fades immediately. Duncan can also summon his subconscious mind and make it
come to life. This aspect of his mind manifests as a huge monster or beast. For more
information on Duncan's Beast From The Id, see the next entry.

Appearance: Duncan is of average appearance and height, standing 5'9" and

weighing 180 pounds. His hair is brownish-blond and falls to his shoulders. Duncan has a
normal build for someone of his height and weight. He dresses in casual clothing, although
when using the Montauk Chair he tends to wear shorts and a t-shirt.

The Montauk Project


Val CHA Cost Roll Notes
50 STR 40 19- Lift 25.6 tons; 10d6 HTH Damage [5]
20 DEX 20 13-
30 CON 20 15-
8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 14-
10 EGO 0 11-
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6

7 OCV 20
7 DCV 20
3 OMCV 0
3 DMCV 0
4 SPD 20 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12

25 PD -2 Total: 25 PD (25 rPD)

25 ED -2 Total: 25 ED (25 rED)
15 REC 11
60 END 8
15 BODY 5
55 STUN 18 Total Characteristics Cost: 186

Movement: Running: 16m/32m

Leaping: 10m/20m
Swimming: 4m/8m

Cost Powers & Skills

74 Thick And Hairy Hide: +25 PD, Resistant (+½) plus +25 ED, Resistant (+½)
15 Claws: HKA 1d6 (4d6+1 w/STR) 1
6 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -6m
15 Strength Of The Id: Mental Defense (15 points total)
3 Strong Legs: Leaping +6m (10m forward, 5m upward), END 1
4 Long Legs: Running +4m (16m total), END 1
9 Sharp Senses: +3 PER with all Sense Groups
40 Strength Of The Id: LS (Eating: Character does not eat; Immunity All terrestrial
poisons; Immunity: All terrestrial diseases; Longevity: Immortal; Safe in High
Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in
Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing; Sleeping: Character does not
2 Reach: Stretching 2m, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); Always Direct (-¼), No
Noncombat Stretching (-¼), No Velocity Damage (-¼)

16 +2 with HTH Combat

3 Climbing 13-
7 Tracking 13-

Total Powers & Skill Cost: 195

Total Cost: 380

The Montauk Project

175+ Matching Complications

45 Enraged: Berserk combat (Very Common), go 14-, recover 8-
20 Physical Complication: Vanishes If Reduced to 0 STUN, 0 BODY, Or If Duncan Is
Removed From The Montauk Chair (Infrequently; Fully Impairing)
10 Physical Complication: Large (3m tall, +2 OCV, +2 to PER Rolls to perceive)
(Infrequently; Slightly Impairing)
15 Physical Complication: Near Human Intelligence (Frequently; Slightly Impairing)
20 Psychological Complication: Overriding Desire To Destroy (Very Common; Strong)
215 Experience Points

Total Complications Points: 380

Background/History: The Beast From The Id is a terrifying creation pulled from

Duncan's subconscious mind. When summoned it becomes an unstoppable monster that
exists only to destroy.

Personality/Motivation: The Beast has only one purpose: to destroy. it’s huge,
hungry, and very nasty. When summoned, it will try and wreck everything in sight and eat
anything it can find.

Quote: "Roooooaaaarrrrrr!!!"

Powers/Tactics: The Beast's main powers are its great size and strength. As it has
no real tactical sense, it tends to destroy what ever is closest and eat anything edible. If
struck, it will usually try to attack its attacker. If Berserk (a common occurrence) it will try
and smash whatever is closest (even inanimate objects), and then move on to the next

Appearance: The Beast stands 9" tall, with a shaggy, hairy coat, and a bestial face
complete with long snout, small eyes, and a mouthful of large teeth. it’s humanoid in shape
and resembles a
horrid cross between
a gorilla and a wolf.
The Beast is the dark
shape seen here near
a Montauk tunnel

The Montauk Project


123,000 BC Evidence of intelligent life on Mars.
1856-1943 Nikola Tesla, father of modern electronics
1892-1957 William Reich, discoverer of Orgone energy.
1939-1945 World War II.
Early 40's First stage of Project Rainbow.
July 20, 1943 First test of the Philadelphia Experiment.
August 6, 1943 Three UFOs sighted over the USS Eldridge.
August 12, 1943 Second test of the Philadelphia Experiment.
Duncan Cameron Jr. (1) and Edward Cameron are transported to
August 12, 1983.
October 28, 1943 Last test of the Philadelphia Experiment.
Late 40's Second Stage of Project Rainbow.
-- Phoenix Project, development of the radiosonde.
1947 Duncan Cameron Sr. contacted.
Early 50's Project Rainbow and the Phoenix Project merge.
1951 Duncan Cameron Jr. (2) born
1962 Alleged landing of men on Mars.
1963 Duncan Cameron Jr. (1) placed in Duncan Cameron Jr.'s (2) body.
1967 Phoenix Project complete.
1969 Phoenix Project ordered to disband by Congress.
1971 Formation of Phoenix II (a.k.a. the Montauk Project).
1973 Experiments with mood alteration and mind control
1974 Creation of the first Montauk Chair, further experiments with mind
1976 Creation of the Montauk Chair Mark II.
1977 Creation of solid objects by thought alone, experiments with
"The Seeing Eye," mind control and telekinesis.
1979 Experiments with time travel.
1979-1980 Installation of the Orion Delta T antenna.
1980-1981 Calibration of new equipment and further time travel experiments.
1981-1983 Exploration and manipulation of the time stream.
1982-1983 Exploration of Mars.
August 12, 1983 Last major experiment of the Montauk Project. A time tunnel is created
back to August 12, 1943. Duncan releases the Beast From The Id.
Nichols shuts down the Montauk transmitter.
Late 1983 Montauk Project disbands.
May/June 1984 "Black Berets" purge Montauk AFB.
Late 1984 Removal of most Montauk Project equipment. Cement used to seal off
underground areas of the base. Montauk AFB abandoned.
2180-2280 Possible time period that 3,000 -- 10,000 people were sent to.
6037 Time "Aryan" children were sent to to view a ruined city with a golden
horse statue.

The Montauk Project

Charles Berlitz and William Moore, The Philadelphia Experiment
Preston B. Nichols and Peter Moon, The Montauk Project
Preston B. Nichols and Peter Moon, Montauk Revisited
Preston B. Nichols and Peter Moon, Pyramids of Montauk

Montauk Project:
Philadelphia Experiment:

Entering many of the names in this article into Google will turn up all
sorts of sites discussing the Montauk Project. Some of them even contain my
original 1998 Haymaker article (taken directly from my website!) I’ll admit to
swiping some of the images seen in this article from said websites, figuring it
was a fair exchange.

The author would also like to thank Darren Hansen for introducing him
to the mysteries and speculation surrounding the Philadelphia Experiment,
and the bizarre tales of the Montauk Project.


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