We Are All in The Same Boat

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We’re All in the Same Boat.

Introduction: Wanting the travel and see the
new world of Tarmalune, the voyage becomes
more exciting than everyone wants. The crew
and adventurers find out how harse the sea
can really be.

A 6-hour adventure for 1st-4th

level characters

by Robbye Rob

Adventure Code: DDBH-RR01

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secretive. Members wear purple robes
and mask their faces. They are well liked
Part 1: Bon Voyage by the populace because they act as the
city’s fire fighters, magically extinguishing
any fires in the city.
Adventure Hooks:
The Vigilant are the city’s watch made up
The adventurers use their back story and
of nearly 100 veteran officers and a large
find themselves ready to relocate to
number of “trainees”. Members wear a
another continent or inquire the House
uniform consisting of black leather armor
Adarbrent for work. The Adarbrent clan
and black helms.
plans to make Tarmalune their new home
and leave Waterdeep. Rolling (dc 11)
CHR will allow the Adarbrent clan think • Gasker Haerocloak is a necromantic
about employing the adventurer if they so wizard that does not claim to be in the
choose. Firequench.

Let the Adventurers have the opportunity • Halagothra the Healer is an old
to interact with each other or the NPCs to woman that has natural healing powers
tell their back story and what their main and is not a priestess. Rather than coin,
purpose is to leave Fearun and go to she requires service from those she
Mazteca. heals.

Have the adventurers explain any • Rathgar Malynd is a mercenary captain

relationships with any of the others or who leads the Battle Hound Mercenary
start to form alliances as they find out company. They are known for the
more of their back stories. ruthlessness and is openly critical of the
Tarmalune Interests:
• Tammes Eldrake is a kindly human
Use this information for background on the
wizard and known to champion the
location for the voyage port. This
poor and is suspicious of the Firequench
information is known to all on the cruise.
Tarmalune has been described as a
thriving metropolis and ruled by a
twenty-member Council of Tarmalune. Ardenmore – Named for the Gnomish
The council will accept a law if 12 of the builder Arden, this ward houses the city’s
members vote to pass it. 1479 Speaker most opulent mansions.
Hamminas Dorn heads the council. Copperstreets – Many of the city’s
laborers and shopkeepers live in this
The city has no standing army, but the ward.
Vigilant act as the city watch. Dawnside – This ward is inhabited by
Tarmulane’s newly Rich.
The Firequench Order are a cabal of
wizards, and they keep extremely

Fishstink – This ward is the home to all who are in attendance, shop owners are
fishermen and fishmongers and smells looking for knowledge in their trade to head the
new shops that they plan to establish. Food, Drink
like its name. and companionship is not in short supply.
Maerhavel – A well to-do residential
ward of successful merchants. The main deck is decorated and temporary
The Raging Flame – a one-hundred-foot- bartenders are setup to serve any needs. The
tall cylinder of flame of unknow origin. captain is on hand in the main gallery. A large
party has been setup in the gallery with the nobles
in rare form.
Surroundings: The Foc’s’le Deck has many of the same
Location: The adventure takes place on decorations and luxuries of the gallery.
a luxurious ship headed to the new
continent of New Abier (Laerakond). Every entrance has guards and there are several
Setting sails to Tarmalune, the largest of guard patrols on the main deck, gun deck and
quarter/ Foc’s’le decks. Villainy is not tolerated
the Windrise Ports. Inhabitants of within this crowd of very wealthy.
Waterdeep want to make new trade
relations with this new and mysterious The hold is not a massive jail, few of guards
lands. The flagship Hippocampus is a heavily monitored it. These guards are not your
very impressive vessel and looks to normal guards, but well trained Veterans and
Champions. The guards and crew of the ship will
provide an amazing journey across the be formable in any battle.
ocean. It looks to be a large Caravel with
50/14 complement. Use 50 Veterans for This creates a sense of great security and it would
the complement, 14 use Champions. seem that the nobles made sure their money and
themselves were safe by paying the best from the
Waterdeep guards to be part of the crew.
Weather: The day starts off very mild
and sunny. A perfect day to set sail with Days go by without incident and the beauty of the
the wind just right to give the ship Sea is calming as the adventurers feel themselves
maximum speed. The journey should be a get closer to their destiny in this new land of
week or so depending on the seas opportunity.
between the ports.
The time will pass by quickly as there is
Sounds: The port is filled with sounds of
only the vast sea to admire on the voyage.
ships and people working, talking and
Information and new relationships should
most prominent the fanfare from the
be gathered during this time as the
celebration of this virgin cruse. adventurers build their claim on the new
world they are about to visit. Fill the days
The ship leaves the docks with a loud and very of the voyage with interactions on what is
festive ceremony. Drinks and food are in full expected from the adventurers and
supply as the shipping company wants to recruit describe the new lands. These will be the
many new employees. Several nobles are in bonds that will lead the adventurers path
attendance as well with the same plans to setup
shipping and trade in Tarmalune. The thought of of success.
a new world with new products and new
customers is appealing to most of the high nobles. A special celebration with the Captain, the
Dinner with the Captain is planned on the
The trip along the ocean proves to be very Third night during the voyage. The best
tempting to anyone that wants to join the ranks of

that the chefs can offer will be on display watch. Fastest member of the guard. 4
and lots of drink to wet the pallets as well. body guards are along with her for the
Be ready to meet the crew and passengers trip.
on this glorious night of celebration.
Laryllia Adarbent – Laryllia is a spitfire
with flaming red hair, the temper and
Travel Timelines: tenacity to match. A born seafarer,
The travel will use the following timeline Laryllia is the captain of the
and allow the players to interact using Hippocampus, flagship of the Horizon
their back story. Allow the following for Armada and a member of those who
the main timeline of the voyage, but also Harp.
allow changes based on the adventurer’s
role playing. Feluna Moonstar: Feluna (NG female
afflicted werecat [augmented Illuskan
• Launch day: The crew and passengers human] cleric 5 [Selûne]) is the young,
gather in the morning and board the almost ethereally beautiful sister of Lord
ship. Introductions and settling aboard Rober. She evinces many of the
make up the day as the ship heads off personality traits commonly associated
and the celebration launch concludes. with felines, including a strong streak of
independence, a nocturnal bent, and a
• Day 1 – A time for interaction and hunter's mindset. Feluna first manifested
investigation is in order for the day. her lycanthropic abilities during the Time
This is the best time to get the sea legs of Troubles after being kidnapped and left
and start to interact with noted NPCs. bound and gagged in the sewers for
several days. The Moonmaiden answered
• Day 2 – The day for realization and her pleas for aid by transforming her into
experimentation as the sea gets deeper, a cat. She now serves at the House of the
so does the alliances formed. Members Moon as one of the Called, having grown
of the Zhentarim Alliance will be alerted comfortable with her newfound abilities.
to the Secret in the Shadows.
Noble House Macen Ettesrain: Known
• Day 3 – This is the day of reckoning, as for goods and services, Man Jusetauv , two
the day goes by without any excitement Younger men Baron and Percy the
other than the Secret of the Shadows. nephews of the man and a niece Linnet. 4
Rogues will be involved in the small guards
incursion that leads to interrogation.
3 suspicous characters: Ressic Ophal,
• Night fall of Day 3 – The adventurers Yladhra the Grim, Maknis, using Rouges
find out how harsh the sea can be. from the Shadow Thieves, on (DC 17
Perception check) or if a character would
have underground ties would know that
Notable NPCs on the ship: these men are Rogues, (DC 18 Perception
check) or if the adventurer has ties with
Talana Taenfeather – a member of the Shadow Thieves would know them and be
Waterdeep Guard, an elite unit of the city a part of the heist. (There is Something in
the Shadows).

started on the 3rd day just before the
12 Horizon Armada Crew Members: 12 invasion. Depending on the ties to the
of the best veterans that perform tasks as Shadow Thieves, the adventurer could be
the crew of the Hippocampus. They are part of the distraction or see that this is a
all well trained sailors and fighters. They planned distraction on a (DC 16
serve as guards, ship’s galley, and able Investigation). Otherwise a small brawl
seamen. ensues and the guards leave their posts to
stop the tussle. A (DC 15 Perception) will
Travel Developments: notice a figure sneak past the guards and
Allow the adventurers to participate in the head down to the lower ship levels. The
festivities as according to their class and guards apprehend the adventurer and
alignment. Most of them will have a non- any others that are interacting in the
eventful time, if they so choose, the disturbance and will be placed in the hold
adventurers can interact in the following until the disturbance can be cleared up.
Paraphrase the following and let the
During the cruise, the adventurers can characters interact as they feel, rolling a
interact in many ways. There are a few d20 every interval of 5 will allow the
items that are mainly available to the adventurers hear one of the following, do
group as the days go by. not repeat the information on rolls.
Get too drunk and arrested only to find • Laryllia Adarbent - Do you like this
themselves in the galley for drunk and ship, says the Admiral? We found an
disorderly. Rolling a (DC 14 Constitution engineer from Tarmalune, who has
check) fails and the adventurer will be great new ideas on how to make this
intoxicated. Further DC fails while ship strong and fast. We have made
enjoying the drinks will place the several adjustments to guarantee the
intoxication level even higher until the safety of our passengers. We have
adventurer passes out and is taken to the Safety Launches, that can withstand the
hold for sleeping it off. seas. Even if the boat sinks our
launches can house passengers until
Talk to the nobles for employment, they get to dry land. You will want to be
finding themselves on the Foc’s’le deck in one if we are ever attacked.
talking business and money. The nobles
• Noble House Macen Ettesrain - Our
are very happy to see that they have a
routes currently include travels to the
dependable adventurer on their side and
far lands of Evermeet for the brave
ask the adventurers to follow them to a
scholars or legendary adventurers. The
more private area to discuss the details of
Green Isle has made us aware that
pay and job descriptions. Based on the
Mazteca has been transformed since the
adventurer’s class the job description will
terrible events of the past. A whole new
entail what the adventurer excels at.
continent resides where Mazteca has
been, we call it Laerakond (the New
Chasing the The Shadow Thieves, a
Abier). We have been given a map from
secret cult that is ready to make this trip
the Elf scholars to a port in Tarmalune
and eventful one. The mission details for
of the Sword Lands. It is our hope to
“There is Something in the Shadows” are

find dock there and build a new trade Secrets are whispered on every deck so
route to the wondrous new resources be vigil to any suspicious activity you
that it may have. see and report it immediately to the
• Feluna Moonstar- The House of guards.
Adarbrent is in disarray after several • The guard and crew are preparing for a
years and losses from the past. Fahd yn great feast. The Dinner with the Captain
Sarsor al Nisr has bailed out the is a special event to welcome everyone
company, but member of the Adarbrent together as they form these new
clan want control back and are willing relationships with the new world and
to go to any extreme to open new trade these new friends. Everyone is welcome
routes and severe their ties with to eat and drink. Bards will play as
Waterdeep. Finding new ports in everyone dances and it is a great time to
Tarmalune is a promising enterprise introduce yourselves to everyone on the
adventure for the clan. They still have cruise. The festival will take a few days
ties with Master’s Mariners Guild and to prepare and any help is welcome.
work with the Harpers.
• Talana Taenfeather- Please stay out of After the initial interaction with the NPCs
the Business of the guards. They will and other PCs during the Captain’s
save you from any attack or disaster. Dinner, excitement starts to ensue. A
Make sure you find safety in the Launch commotion starts off and there is a scuffle
if there is an attempt on the ship. that drags several of the passengers into a
• Only the best sailors can set sail on the brawl. The food and drink seem to be too
Hippocampus. We are trained for battle much for the passengers and/or the
and weathering the madness of the adventurers.
open ocean. Long journeys are our
specialty with a long history of safe The guards will help break up the fights
passage across the sea. This would be and escort anyone to the brig to help
our longest journey to date and we are sleep off any intoxication.
excited to see the new lands and
possibly setup home fronts there along Member of the Zhentarim or adventurers
with our Waterdeep homes. that roll perceptions to see the real events
• I have head stories of an Adarbrent of the evening will lead them to the brig
descendant leaving Waterdeep to or on deck with the captain. An
explore the sea to the west and never investigation (DC 19 investigation) will
return. The house is in disarray and alert an adventurer that a shadowed
may not be able to come back from such creature (cat like) is wandering into the
devastation. There are rumors of a Captain’s quarters.
hostile takeover and they would benefit
with the relocation to New Abier. Once on the deck of the ship a (DC 10)
• With all of these nobles and riches on Perception will indicate that there are
the ship, it is a question of when we will several ships headed toward the
be attacked or robbed in any way and Hippocampus. Alert the guards and
not IF. There are suspicious passengers prepare for an attack. This is a good point
on board that I do not trust and seem to to start ship combat and keep it up until
have difficulty finding them at times.

the boats reach the ship. There are also Boats full of minions pull aside the ship
several large creatures attacking the ship. and attempt to climb onto the decks. Use
the naval battle stats to maneuver the
As there was a large altercation during ship and rally the sailors. The ship may
Dinner, there are not a lot of crew men to not be fast enough for the war canoes but
help with sailing the ship. Adventurers it will give the adventurers some
that have nautical backgrounds are experience with naval warfare.
welcomed to help with the chase from the
attacking war canoes. They attack and knock out most of the
nobles and passengers starting to tie
them as sea monsters and giant octopi
“Captain! There are boats gaining on us!” A voice
grab the captives carrying them away.
from the Foe’sle Deck loudly alerts the crew as the
skies start to close within large clouds of Tempest The night sky makes it difficult to see
anger. Lightning and thunder deafening where these creatures are headed and
how many there are. It is a flank tie and
…“Just Over the Bow! Make maneuvers now and grab scenario.
get the passengers to safety” …

A large shadow in the sea roars as the winds and The adventurers can assist or in the event
waves begin to crash on the ship’s hull. This that they are in jail watch the attack on
would be a great time to seek shelter and the ship.
everyone is willing to climb into the lower decks
for safety.
The Triton Arch Mage calls forth a giant
The chase is on, as the boats race to get within sea creatures to sink the boat. Minions of
reach for the pirates to catch their prey in the sea. creatures called Sea Spawns under the
wizard’s control invade the ship. Mostly
Creatures from the sea’s shadows start to climb interested in taking hostages and robbing
the ship, making their way to the cabin’s and other
the loot from the ship, the invaders do not
areas of the boat. Screaming and chaos start to
unfold as the Crew try to stop the invasion. spend time attacking only defending if
they are approached.

The attackers do not kill, only do

Encounter at Sea: nonlethal damage on anyone, only to tie
A well-organized attacked begins on the them up and take them hostage. The
ship. Several invaders climb onto the guards though, do not comply to non-
main deck and start to capture and rob lethal and fight to the death.
the nobles on the ship. This happens at
the same time as a mysterious figure in a
boat wielding a magic device seemingly Conclusion:
controlling a monstrous sea creature. The
The ship would not be able to outrun the
magic device seems to have control over
War Canoes that chase them down.
all of the sea creatures and the largest of
Several sea creatures have been making
them start to attack the ship. Sharks start
progress in damaging the ship along with
to ram the hull as other large sea
trying to injure a passenger that falls into
creatures ram the hull.
the depths of the ocean.

There is a mysterious figure on a great Vigilant work as the high guard of
sea beast. Roll History check (DC 15), Tarmalune and can be very helpful if they
Aboleth swims by with a cloaked figure, are contacted first. The identities of these
Triton Arch Mage. contacts will allow the Zhentarim to have
first contact and build any new shipping
The ship has been destroyed and looted routes to benefit the Zhentarim. A key to
and the adventurers find themselves on the Vigilant is a letter to the leader from
the captured or (DC 13 below) the Vigilant asking for audience with
unconscious. anyone that has enough power to forge an
alliance and help them with their cause to
Any adventurer that has saved a noble gain a more powerful hold on Tarmalune
will have favor and immediate and is found in the captain’s diary. The
employment if the noble needs the Battle Hound Mercenary company has
adventurer’s help. The Noble’s Saving become a problem for the Vigilant
Grace award will allow the adventurer leadership and this letter gives the
advantage and extreme good favor with location of Rathgar Malynd their leader.
dealing with the Nobles of Tarmalune or They ask for a no questions asked, deal
Waterdeep with that Noble’s clan. with the issue. This is all explained in the
letter the can be found in the Captain’s
secret diary.
Zhentarim Secret
Members of the Zhentarim Faction are
Mission visited immediately after the launch and
There is Something in the told of their mission objective.
The plan devised by the Shadow Thieves
The mysterious men on the ship that no is to create a diversion and have the
one seems to know about are of the guards distracted, so that they can get
following use the following stats to play into the captain’s quarters to investigate.
these NPCs: The rogues are prepared with any lock
picking or other skills needed to enter the
The Zhentarim have interest in building captain’s quarters, the adventurers only
more trade routes to the new land. There need to assist in the distractions.
is information kept in the Captain’s
quarters that could be beneficial to the The distraction should be enough to
Zhentarim and they are willing to get it at provide a small window of opportunity
any cost. They have hired 3 Shadow for the Shadow Thieves effort to grab the
Thieves of Waterdeep and the help of any letter and note the location of Rathgar.
adventurer that is of Zhentarim Faction. Yladhra the Grim will bear the
responsibility of getting to the diary and if
Key contacts for any trade routes and the adventurer has interactions during
information on these contacts are crucial the initial 2 days of the voyage can gather
for beginning trade talks. The intel for her. This will certainly gain favor
Hippocampus has already gotten the for the Shadow Thieves. Otherwise the
upper hand with setting up talks to key adventurers will help in causing a large
members of the New Abier Vigilant. The brawl in the galley or deck so that a lot of

guards will be forced to call upon the level, you can call upon Mask's blessing to gain a +4
captain and haul everyone to the brig. dodge bonus to AC for a duration of 1 minute.
Special: Joining the Shadow Thieves requires a
There should be 12 officers and 4 body demonstration of cunning and effectiveness (usually
guards, during the captain’s dinner on the the acquisition of a valuable trinket that is to be
3rd day (noted event of the voyage) given to the guild in tribute, or the heart of an
everyone could be distracted enough to assassinated enemy of the guild) and a blood-oath
give way to the plan. Once the to the Shadow Council's designated representative.
Members of the Shadow Thieves can take the
information is claimed, the Zhentarim Shadow Thief of Amn prestige class, if admitted to
Faction must be alerted with this the guild and they meet all requirements.

Shadow Thieves of Waterdeep Naval Tactics:

(Standard Criminal): AL LE, NE, CE, CN; Use naval tactics as a guide when groups
40,000 gp resource limit; Membership are battling or fleeing in boats.
164 (local); Mixed (humans 130, halflings
15, elves 8, dwarves 5, gnomes 3, half- Captain/First Mate
elves 2, half-orcs 1); Dues 70 gp/month
• Rally. Allow player to
(300 gp to join).
intimidate/inspire the crew once per
Authority Figures. The Shadow Council of battle for an advantage on a roll. Make a
Charisma check with a DC of 10 (or
Athkatla (specifically the Shade of
higher if crew is disloyal or in real
Baldur's Gate); "The Masked" (Marune,
Cloakmaster of the Dessarin; see below); trouble).
Alauneth "the Black Viper" Orrane (see • Weak Spot. Allow player to look for a
below). weakness in the defenses of the enemy’s
vessel. Make an Intelligence check with
Important Characters: Maknis (LE male a DC of 15 (adjust for conditions) to
Illuskan human commoner 4, shipping spot a weakness and give advantage on
agent); Ressic Ophal (LE male Tethyrian the next attack roll that targets that
human rogue 5/shadow thief of Amn 4, weakness
spice merchant of Amn); Yladhra the Pilot
Grim (CE female Calishite human diviner
• Have the pilot make a Dexterity check to
12, exile from Myratma).
make sure they are controlling the ship
well, failure can result in the ship
Rouges from the Shadow Thieves Associated
Classes: Expert, fighter, rogue. slowing, not turning, etc.
Associated Skills: Bluff, Disguise, Gather • The helm must be controlled by a player
Information, Hide, Knowledge (local), Sleight of or NPC or the ship will be drifting.
Hand. • For pilot checks you can add the pilot’s
Requirements: You may not divulge secrets of the
DEX modifier and proficiency to the roll,
guild to outsiders. You must gain the consent of
your superiors before attempting any particularly if they are a skilled pilot. You could
large (1,000 gp or more) or high-profile crime, and make sailing proficiency part of a feat,
the guild is entitled to a 20% cut of your profits for added to Sailor background or
such jobs. something that you add to the PCs
Favored in Guild Fringe Benefit: Mask favors
thieves who are bold and quick. Once per character

• As an optional rule you can add the
pilot’s DEX modifier to the AC of the Ramming. To ram a ship is to simply hit
ship if they are a skilled pilot. your ship into the enemy ship.

Spellcasters – have them make their own • You must be at least 30′ away from the
attacks, put out fires, mend the ship, etc. other boat and end your turn reaching
Surgeons – A ship’s surgeon must have the other ship.
some kind of clerical/healing skill. The • Attack: 1d20 + proficiency + dexterity
surgeon can restore 1 crew member per (or 1d20+6 for simplicity) versus the AC
turn, DC 10 with any related modifiers of the other ship or versus a pilot check
added on. (your choice). If a ship has limited
mobility you should provide advantage
Boarding and Ramming or make this a simply pilot check.
• Damage: Speed of Boat (in feet per
Use the following rules for boarding and round) x 1d4 bludgeoning damage, the
ramming. ramming ship takes half of the damage
to itself
Boarding. The act of bringing your ship • Example: 30′ x 1d4 (rolled 3) = 30 x 3 =
up against/alongside an enemy ship with 90 hp bludgeoning damage to enemy
the goal of capturing or destroying it. ship, 45 hp bludgeoning damage to
• The easiest way to think about boarding attacking ship
is to treat it like a grapple attack with • If the attacking ship has a battering ram
advantage. you might want to let them roll a d6 and
• To board an enemy vessel the pilot take less damage.
must first approach the enemy ship. A war canoe will attach to the ship and a
Have the pilot make a DC 10 pilot check. pirate raiding party will invade the ship to
If the boat is disabled, this can be lower. take over and steal the ship.
If the other ship is under full control
and evading the attacking ship, make 5 Sahuagin, 1 Sahuagin Captain and 2
the DC higher. Sea Spawn jump aboard the ship and try
• You can have the players use their own to subdue the crew and passengers.
actions to aid in the boarding attack by
using grappling hooks, employing There is a Launch boat to make an escape
boarding nets, swinging over on ropes if necessary (complements of 8/1/2) The
or dropping a bridge. nobles are first to be put in Launches and
• Come up with a DC based on conditions released if the ship is in danger of being
and have the captain roll (grapple check taken over.
by pilot)
• A ship can attempt to free itself with an The sea serpent will not attack the
opposed pilot check rolled with Launches, thought the pirates will try to
disadvantage. Set the DC based on take them over and make them surrender.
conditions. The minions and sea creatures attack the
• Once boarding has occurred, normal Launches and take them off into the
melee rules apply.

darkness. Use naval combat the flee from
the attackers and their war canoe.

The battle is furious, however at the end

of the battle the ship is torn to pieces by
the giant sea creatures and wizard flying
on a Wyvern.

Adjusting the Encounter

Here are recommendations for adjusting this
combat encounter. These are not cumulative:
• Very Weak Party: Remove Sahuagin Captain
• Weak Party: Replace 2 Sea Spawns with
• Strong Party: Add 1 Sea Spawn
• Very Strong Party: Add 2 Sahuagin Captains

This encounter is made to overwhelm the

adventurers and at any time they have an
advantage in the fight use the following as a guide
for more creatures:
a total of 5 war canoes combine the invading force.
Each war canoe can have 5 Sahuagin, 1 Sahuagin
Captain and 2 Sea Spawns Pirates, and space for 7
The war canoes are equipped with ropes and
shackles, magic shackles are used on magic users
and all of the Sahuagin have been setup to see
Magic with detect magic.

The area in the small encampment is
sparse as well, it only looks to be
Part 2: Temporary temporary and notably disconnected
from the other Islands by purpose.
Assignment Making an escape very demanding, since
the only place to go would be to the
The adventurers find themselves Larger Island that obviously inhabited by
captured and in cages along the shore of a the Sahuagin and others that architected
small island. The Sahuagin have setup a the attack on the Hippocampus.
temporary detention camp for all of the
captives on the ship. The looks of things The island is one of the smaller islands in
show that this is not the first time they the area, it is still pretty impressive. It
have done this and signs of what their could take 7 days on foot to transverse
intent is obvious. The adventurers are in along this side of the island and there is a
a makeshift cell made of bamboo and massive jungle along a high mountain.
twine, this could be an easy escape Various animal sounds can be heard on
attempt, if a plan can be devised by the the island that would indicate your
adventures. There are not as many average fauna can be found in the jungle.
Sahuagin at the camp, they are seen There does not seem to be any wild
taking their war canoes to another Island animal activity in this encampment. The
in the far distance. The encampment advantage of the jungle would indicate
looks like and abandoned village with that wild animals would have no
several worn huts, a (DC 15 history reservation on attacking the Sahuagin or
check) identifies this to be a village of the adventurers. Animal handling could
what could be natives of the islands and be a factor if encountering a wild beast.
not built by the pirates. There is indication around the
encampment that the Sahuagin have lost a
Throughout the day, captives are taken into a few battles with the local wild life, but
large tent/hut. They seem to come back beaten they are winning the war.
and bloody. Some do not comeback. The captives
that come back seem to be lethargic and quiet.
Getting information from them is difficult as they There are half of the numbers from the
seem to be waking from a deep sleep and can only Hippocampus on the shores in cages.
remember getting pushed into the tent/hut. There are a few familiar faces in the
Sahuagin are seen leaving in war canoes, it can be bamboo cells. The guards are mostly
assumed that the captives that do not come back
are being taken to another island. unconscious and bleeding, some are
weary and have not recollection on what
has happened, especially ones that visit
War canoes and Pinnaces are sparse.
the tent/hut. Laryllia Adarbent is in the
Boats of any kind are not available and
cell with the adventurers and is trying to
the Island looks to be in a far off deserted
formulate an escape attempt. She
area. Shapes of larger Islands can be seen
confides with the adventurers her idea.
in the horizon but the activity from the
The guards are cautious on how many
Sahuagin allows the belief that they are
captives they take to the hut, and keep the
actually converging on one main large
strength of the numbers to the fewest
Island. There are few Sahuagin here, only
calculation. Laryllia seems to think they
enough to deal with the captives at hand.
will underestimate her strength and when

they escort her into the hut, she will them slowly casting Geas on each of the
strike a revolt and with help from others captives. The Priest/Shaman will make
maybe subdue the guards. It will take small talk, if they don’t understand her
strategy and cunning with the bare hand then she will cast Comprehend Languages
and flying feet. Magic would help, but any to understand them. Then Tongues on
components, holy symbols or focus items the adventurers to cast Geas.
are gone. It would be difficult for a magic One by one, banter and beating happens
user to cast spells without components or while the priest asks her questions. A
focus items since they have seemed to while goes by as the priest tries to
take away any magic focus. understand what the real story is for all of
the adventurers. Some of the captives are
There is a figure in the shadows cast by told to go away and work as slaves. The
the jungle. No one seems to notice this Geas spell affects them and the captives
figure so a (DC 17) Perception would only obey every word due to the spell that
indicate that a humanoid is hiding in the lasts forever, it is cast at 9th level. It has to
jungle and investigating the encampment. be removed by a remove cure, greater
It looks like persuasion could be used to restoration or wish spell. The Geas spell
assist in an escape attempt. The does not allow any action to result in
adventurers would need a good idea on death or it will break the spell. Common
how to get the attention or not depend on work like mining or cleaning, organizing
this help. is perfect for captives that need to
categorize items stolen from the ships
Jusetauv, Baron, and Percy are missing they have robbed.
and young Linnet is in the cage crying.
She is intent in finding her uncle and Roleplaying Kney Ghan
brothers, but does not know what
happened to them after they went into Kney Ghan is a ruthless and evil priestess. Her
words are direct and does not leave the fate of the
the Hut. She is begging someone for help victims a secret. She loves to toy with her prey as
and is at the brink of hysteria. Her tears she enlightens them with what is about to happen.
are saddening as others that are captive The priestess is very intelligent and a long
are also in need to know where the others survivor of extreme hardships that has hardened
are gone. her demeanor.
While the prisoners are in her presence, her
words are harsh and precise. Threats are easy for
Activity in the Hut. The guards bring the her and the powerful magic she possesses makes
any threat a fearful one.
captives into the Hut, it is very dark inside
Quote: “…It truly hurts me that you are not
and you can see tribal runes, statues and cooperating, I will have to show you what happens
religious items. A high cleric is seated in a to those who refuse my offer..”
throne near the rear of the hut. Chains
and shackles are on the floor ready for
Opportunity here to interact with the
use and the guards start to restrain the
adventurers to learn more about their
group they escorted into the tent/hut.
back story. Kney Ghan will try to get into
their minds and pry out any information
Kney Ghan, a Priestess/Shaman inspects
that will benefit the pirates and then turn
the captives one by one, they are made to
the captives into willing participants or
sit on their knees tied as she walks by
slaves for the wizard to deal with.

hostile indigenous creatures. The
numbers of which are unknown and few
Additional Information: have survived encounters with them to
Information that Kney Ghan will offer as provide details.
the interrogation continues.
• Some of the local islanders have been
• There is a massive crew of pirates that enslaved or offered as sacrifices. There
have been recruited by the Priestess are certain areas where they have lived
and her minions. These pirates are and are now taken over by the pirates
victims of past takeovers and weak and used as camps, much like this one.
minded as they are easily swayed by The priestess is quick to point out that
Kney Ghan’s threats. there are no survivors who can provide
history on these matters.
• People that are resistant are turned into
slaves and sent to the main island that is
just across the sea from them. Most of There seems to be some activity just
the slaves work to repair the ships that outside the camp as loud animal sounds
the Triton Archmage captures or helps are heard from inside the tent where the
mine the minerals needed for survival captives have been interrogated. A loud
on the islands. roar is heard as the guards and other
pirates yell warnings to each other.
• The bounty that is collected by the
pirates are kept stored on a main island. Cries of “It’s back” are heard by everyone and the
The island is the largest one at this priestess suddenly takes action, leaving the
location and numerous smaller islands captives alone in the tent still subdued.
surround it. Most of the smaller islands
“…ROAR!” A loud roar is heard as it echoes from
are used to “condition slaves” or recruit
the mountainous jungle deep inside of the island.
pirates. Captives that have sailor A huge rock slams into the ground just feet from
backgrounds are encouraged to join and the entrance of the hut that the prisoners are and
become wealthy beyond imagination. the Pirates scramble to gather their weapons and
Failure to join will cost them their lives. retreat from this make shift village.

Kney Ghan shouts “Everyone to the main island!

• An example will always be made when Kill the prisoners and run!”
the priestess interrogates the captives.
She will call it the sacrifice for
knowledge and the entire sequence will Laryllia Adarbent notices that it is time
be to find that one who will suffice in to make her move as the priestess runs
proving her point that resistance will outside, rolling DC (survial check 11)
only lead to death. shows that she is abandoning everyone as
the dangers of the islands are upon the
• Those who do not cooperate with either camp. She attempts to break free from
working in the forced labor camps or her shackles and if there are any captives
joining the pirates can be abandoned on that could pick a lock, she would ask them
one of the smaller islands. These to assist to free everyone.
Islands are very dangerous and have

The time it takes to attempt to get free of The silence is deafening after the mass
the shackles, a battle begins outside as exodus of the pirates and roars from the
large beasts growl and bash at the pirates. giant beasts. A Wisdom DC 14 (Survival)
A few Pirates are thrown through the air check alerts the adventurers of a presence
and pound the ground with a violent in the jungle. A group of Tabaxi are
force. The group sees a Huge Beast with a hiding in the jungle foliage and are very
large rock, growling and heaving the rock cautious of any survivors. Any Charisma
with ease at the ships during their escape. 17 (Persuasion) check will gain trust with
A giant sea creature emerges from the the Tabaxi.
ocean with 3 long tentacles, grabbing at The leader of the Tabaxi Jelutong
the huge ape. The priestess jumps on top Panther is welcoming to the adventurers
of the Aboleth and shouts a command and once she is convinced they are not with
the creature tosses the Ape into the the pirates. If the adventurers have not
village. More roars come from the trees escaped the shackles at the time of the
in the jungle as the pirates and priestess Tabaxi camp search, they roll Persuasion
make a mad escape from the village with advantage. Jelutong is a tall and
leaving everyone behind to face the powerful looking female cat, humanoid.
islands native fauna. Her skin is a very shiny black and her
physic is rather muscular for a Tabaxi.
The shackles require a set of thieves’ tools She is traveling with several other Tabaxi,
and a Dexterity DC 15 check to unlock. 40 in total. The following is what Jelutong
The characters and Larryllia must make the Lioness offers as information to the
an Intelligence DC 18 (Investigation) adventurers.
check to find thieves’ tools. If they fail
they are still shackled when the Tabaxi
arrive. Rollplaying Jelutong Panther
Jelutong Panther is a strong woman, she is also
very friendly and inquisitive. She dresses in the
There are 4 Giant Apes at the feet of the finest Tabaxi tribal gear, adorned with the wealth
mountain and the village, all of them start of items she has collected while adventuring. She
to fling huge boulders as if they were is always seeking knowledge, especially when it is
pebbles at the fleeing pirates and are able about something wondrous. Her expressions have
to crush a few of the escaping war canoes. a pleasant beauty and anyone that looks upon her
strong physic is enamored by her. Her powerful
As the pirates start to disappear in the eyes and happy demeanor make her very
distance, out of the boulder’s reaches, the attractive to anyone she meets. Her Hunt is
apes bang on their chests and shout at the similar in physic and appearances, they are Dark
sky, waring the pirates to never show foot black, very much like the panther and have sharp
on the beach again. The priestess makes powerful claws. All of them feel at home in the
jungle and can easily climb the trees and
an angry gesture at the apes and turns to mountains found here.
head into the distant waters, yelling “I will
return to rid the island of you creatures.” Quote: “…Oh don’t stop, please tell me more about
your home, it is wonderfully exciting to learn
After a long period of roars and stomps, more about its mysteries.”
the apes retreat back into the trees of the
• We have traveled the world in search of
treasures and returned home to share

our stories and wealth of knowledge of Jelutong informs the adventurers to head
Faerun. Our surprise was finding that toward the far Island just across the sea, it
our home had been demolished and is the largest of all of the islands and
enslaved. travel to the Volcano near the northern
end of the island. She suspects that is
• There are no signs of our elders and where the pirates have fled to and thinks
only a few of the villagers have been this is where they can find the missing
accounted for. This island was our villagers.
ancient home, hidden from the world so
that we could enjoy our freedom. The There are very little resources here for
Jungle Mountain clan has claimed these the adventurers and only a few weapons
mountains for thousands of years to and armor. The Tabaxi indicate that they
store our adventures and treasure for have a village down the coast of this
the future of the Tabaxi clan. island about a Ten Day down the coast. It
could be advantageous for the group to
• We have a temple far inside the jungle, travel there to find help with the rescue.
expertly hidden from any one that may The Tabaxi do not offer to show the group
venture here, we may find clues to their temple, but will meet them at this
where our elders have been taken and village after they have found enough
could find refugees if there are any still items to journey into the main island to
alive from our clan. attempt a recon on what has happened to
the people of the island, as well as the
• Riches from across Faerun are kept in people from the ship.
our vaults and these islands have been
our home along with the great beasts
that live here. We do not know what
happened here, because we have been
on a lengthy adventure to obtain this
Rare Wonderous Item: Folding Boat
(DM has stats). We intended to share
this item with our Hunt so that we could
travel to places that we have only
dreamed about. When we returned to
the Jagtropogus Islands we found that
our people were gone and our villages
had been ransacked. We suspect it is
the pirates.

After the Tabaxi tell of their history they

ask for your help to find their people and
they offer to assist with traveling to your
intended destination. Laryilla agrees to
help and asks the adventurers to join her.
She tells the Tabaxi that her people are
also missing.

A Wisdom (DC 15) Perception check will
alert the group to 4 Giant Crabs that are
Part 3: All Washed scourging in the debris floating on the
shore. A failure will only indicate large
up rock like features in the sand and the
crabs will surprise attack when a creature
The adventurers now find themselves enters their space. If the party goes on
along the beach of an island. After unnoticed, they can open chests for the
traveling a 10 day along the coast they treasure listed for Encounter A. The
will have opportunity for encounters crabs will wander behind the party as
based on the following. they open the chests, if they back track,
then it is likely they will step on one.
The group can search for the debris during
the walk along the beach to the village, Adjusting the Encounter A
and follow encounter A with an Here are recommendations for adjusting this
Intelligence (DC 12) Investigation shows combat encounter. These are not cumulative:
that the debris looks to be from several • Very Weak Party: Remove 1 giant crab.
• Weak Party: Remove remove 1 giant crab and
large boats. Chests are easily opened with
the nature check is at a disadvantage.
a rock or other item Locks have AC 4 HP • Strong Party: Add 1 Giant Crab during the
10; the locks are rusty and brittle. second round with no surpise.
• Very Strong Party: Add 1 Giant Crab during the
Around the village is a large forest and second round as a surprise round.
mountainous range, the other side is the
beach open sea. The village is a medium
sized community that looked to have had Encounter B – Tabaxi Rubble
over 100 inhabitants but there is no one The adventurers search the village for
here and any tracks are gone through items and see an area where there is an
time. area where there are a few pirate corpses
and a stack of weapons. A small
If the group searches the village, they will destroyed area about 15 ft., wide and 20
find a pile of items near the edge of the ft., long in an oblong shape is made up of
village close to the tree line. Follow fallen weapon racks, various broken
encounter B. chests and other pieces of debris. An
Intelligence DC 14 (Nature) check
If the group searches the inside of the indicates this is a poisonous snake pit. 1
village huts inside the main village area swarm of poisonous snakes and 2 Giant
have them follow encounter C. poisonous snakes reside in the nest of
weapons and debris. A Save will allow
the adventurers to surprise the snake
Encounter A - Beachline: swarm, a failure will alert them of the
The adventurers search in the debris that presence of the adventurers but not start
is washed ashore. There are floating to attack, or a critical failure will have the
chests, and bits of ship floating in the swarm surprise the adventurers.
waist deep waters along the way to the
village if they travel along the shore.

Adjusting the Encounter B Adjusting the Encounter C
Here are recommendations for adjusting this Here are recommendations for adjusting this
combat encounter. These are not cumulative: Combat encounter. These are not cumulative:
• Very Weak Party: Remove 1 Giant Poisonous • Very Weak Party: Remove 1 Giant Wolf Spider
Snake and give advantage to the party on the and give advantage on Nature check to keep from
Nature check. rprising the party.
• Weak Party: Remove 1 Giant Poisonous Snake. • Weak Party: Remove 1 Giant Wolf Spider and
• Strong Party: Add 1 swarm of poisonous snakes give disadvantage on the Nature check to have
during the second round. party surprised.
• Very Strong Party: Add 1 swarm of poisonous • Strong Party: Add 1 Giant Wolf Spider and not
snakes during the second round as a surprise. surprise the party. 4 total
• Very Strong Party: Add 1 Giant Wolf Spider
(surprise the party) 4 total
Encounter C – The Armory
The adventurers can search the inside of Treasure:
the huts, as they search they notice a large As the group searches the area they can
hut that is marked with strange letters, an find the following by searching the chests
Intelligence DC 10 (Investigation) will and village huts.
show them that a weaponry was once
here. The entry and main area of the There are several chests that can easily be
weaponry are emptied and dark. There opened from damaging the locks (AC 6)
are broken windows and slivers of the for 10 hp.
sunlight create a dimly light room that Encounter A Treasure:
stretches for about 100 ft., by 80 ft., with a A total of 5 chests can be found with the
few rooms along the left and right sides. following items:
There are fighting dummies and archery 2 light crossbows and (1d4) cases of
targets along the walls and to the end of bolts.
the building. It looks long deserted but 4 short swords
there are several arrows along the far 2 great axes
side wall and in the targets, swords are 1 potion of healing
leaned against the dummies and there is 1 Explorer's Pack Water Logged (10
cob webs along the ceiling. An gp). Includes a backpack, a bedroll, a mess
Intelligence DC 16 (Nature) check will kit, a tinderbox, 10 torches, 10 days of
indicate that these are fresh spider webs rations, and a water skin. The pack also
and a save will show the adventurers a has 50 feel of hempen ropes wrapped to
dead boar wrapped in silk hanging from the side of it.
the ceiling. A failure will not alert them 1 Priest's Pack Water Logged (19 gp).
that in the darkness 3 Giant Wolf Includes a backpack, a blanket, 10
Spiders crawl along the dark ceiling near candles, a tinderbox, an alms box, 2 blocks
the hanging boar. If any creature touches of incense, a
any of the webbing around the room, the censer, vestments, 2 days of rations, and a
spiders are alerted and know exactly water skin.
where the creature is. 1 Set of Padded armor
The spiders will attack from the ceiling as 1 Set of Hide armor
they sneak or dash to the creature that 1 rusty shield with a symbol of Balinor
they have sensed in the area.

Encounter B Treasure:
Exceptional weapons are here Uncommon Barrels of Bolts along the targets can be
and better quality common weapons. found. The characters can place as many
Exotic weapons and finesse weapons are of these in a case that will fit into
here also, as the snakes were successful in backpacks.
hiding the more valuable stash from the Barrels of Arrows along the targets can
pirates and the group found a few dead be found and quivers are available for the
pirates with weapons and gold. characters.
Unused Blank Spell book A book used to
Trident – Good condition found on the copy spells into for wizards. This book
dead Sahuagin Captain. was unused and left behind by a wizard,
Long Sword – on a dead Sahuagin Pirate intended to use as a backup for their spell
Spell book – from the dead Sahuagin book. The desk also has ink and quiver.
wizard. The ink looks dried, but fresh water may
1st: detect magic, identify, mage armor, make it useful, or find an octopus
magic missile somewhere for ink.
2nd: detect thoughts, mirror image, misty
step All of the equipment is very worn and a
Quarter Staff few years old. It can help in a battle but
Light Crossbow they will need to find new weapons as
Case of Light Crossbow bolts they adventure.

Enounter C Treasure: Conclusion:

1 Diary of Oceanside Waterfeet – The The adventurers do not find any signs of
Tabaxi elder. The diary is worn and old,
the Tabaxi that once lived in the area.
the pages are almost destroyed by time
There are many bones and debris of a
and weather, but if carefully stored can be tragic past, but they do find enough items
carried and returned to Jelutong.
to allow them to continue safely to meet
the other Tabaxi and inform them of the
Have the adventurers roll a Strength DC 5 fate of the village.
check, failure will allow the adventurer to
open the book, but as they do a page falls Upon a few more days camping inside the
out and crumbles into unrepairable village, Jelutong rows up with her hunt
pieces and any further investigation will
and greets them.
destroy pages of the diary. It would be
best to give the diary to Jelutong and let
the study it. “Hello! We have good news and bad news…” You
see Jelutong and her hunt exit a boat, She yells a
The adventurers find several weapons of command and the boat suddenly starts to fold into
itself as the contents and oars all get folded
their choice as found in the Players together and form a chest. Habor then opens the
Handbook of starting equipment. There chest and pulls out a map, showing the
are huts for all classes and contain your adventurers a map that looks to be the main
basic common starting gear, without gold. Island.
The pirates have ram shacked and
“We know where our people are kept, but they are
pillaged the village so most of your enslaved by the Tritons who attacked your ship
common items and no valuables are left.

and there are monstrous creatures keeping watch Jelutong asks that the adventurers help to
over the area.” free the prisoners and in return they will
provide all of the help they can. They
Jelutong relays the following information. have set up a meeting place on the map.
They suggest going separately into the
• The map of the island was found in the island so that suspicion is not aroused
Temple. There were few Tabaxi found during the trip across the ocean from the
in the temple, mostly the women and smaller Island. The Tabaxi know these
children that have hidden in the temple islands well and have bases on every one
after the attack. of them. They will scout what is left of the
• The survivors are still at the temple and Island clans and try to recruit others to
safe from the Pirates, unless they search help, as they are sure a similar fate has
the Island for the temple. At this time, been forced upon them.
there is no known reason to search for
the temple. Travel stealthy across to the small island
• The elders may have kept the temple a to the east, then go north to the main
secret, but could have managed to island. We will travel to the other islands
release information that the women and and gather forces. If you see any Tabaxi,
children are in hiding. The pirates give them this. She hands the travelers a
know that there are survivors and have scroll with the Jungle Mountain Clan, a
been seen at the beach where we found Large Lion with Claws spread, jumping
the travelers from the distant land. Our with Mountains in the background.
allies have helped up keep them at a
distance, but we fear they are building The Tabaxi will welcome you and I have
an army of monstrous creatures to outlined the plan on the scroll. Please
invade and finish off the clan for good. make haste, if the pirates are successful in
• A detailed map of the Volcano, gathering more Island magic they would
Destrucavous the Angry God was be unstoppable.
retrieved and can be given to the
adventurers. The island has various
places that can be setup with villages
and they would be at the various entry
ways into the Volcano. Be careful as
there are many who have joined the
pirates cause.
• The captives have enslaved the weak-
minded and those who have no more
hope. They are finding rare and
valuable minerals from the Volcano and
some of the magical properties of the
Island have been found useful to the
many Arcane/Divine casters in the
Pirate’s group. There is an interest in
these materials and magic properties.
Wondrous things have been reported.

in the area which can only indicate this
island was the product of the volcano that
Part 4: Search and is on the main island or another one near.
Rescue Lighting. The night sky is lit by the full
moon. The stars are numerous in the sky
The plan is to use stealth and find the and the dimly lit island can be viewed as
Tabaxi or anyone that wants to help with any other room illuminated by candle
the rescue mission as you make your way light.
towards the main Island.
Jungle. The island seems like a smaller
version of the one that everyone is
The journey is quiet and long during the night and familiar with. There is a dense jungle
no creatures are alerted to your position. forest on the inside of the island and
The sea remains rather calm as your boat glides to small mountains that could easily be
the small island. The moonlight allows ample dim
light for you to keep your destination in view and climbed. It looks difficult to travel
as you approach the island, there are signs of life through but it is not intimidating.
in the trees.

Suddenly you hear a bump on your makeshift The Tabaxi Campsite

canoe as it hits a rock nearing the beach. Deep in the jungle, there is a Tabaxi
Campsite. The adventurers must reach
The group jumps out of the boat and pulls
this campsite in order to get them to join
it ashore at the nearest land mass.
or investigate to see if there are any on
this island. They are given the trails to
General Features take from Jelutong and it does not take
Around the Beach, the water crashes long for them to see a small village in the
lowly and the rocky shore establishes a distance.
great point to make a shoreline camp.
There are slain sahuagin along the trail.
Beach. The beach is rocky, unlike the The group must make an Intelligence DC
other Island and has difficult terrain all 18 (Nature or Investigation) to notice
along the ends of the island. Towards the there is something in the jungle following
middle of the Island is more rocky terrain them.
but it is inhabited with dense jungle.
As the adventurers get closer to the camp
Sounds. The sounds of wild life surround grounds 5 Tabaxi Warriors and 1
the adventurers as waves crash against Tabaxi Clan Leader ambush them.
the rocks of the beach. Typical beach Surrounding them on the trail.
sounds sooth everyone and make it
possible to make stealth rolls with The party can use a Charisma DC 10
advantage. (Persuasion) check and not attack the
group of Tabaxi, showing them the letter
Smells. The smell of the salt water and that Jelutong has given to them. A failure
fresh humid jungle fill the air. The rock is save will not instantly gain acceptance
very porous and there are whiffs of sulfur from the hostile Tabaxi and they will

shackle the group and force them into the beneficial plan for them. They have been
camp. The Tabaxi find the letter when under constant attack from the Sahuagin
they frisk the team and make note to the since the pirates arrived. The Molikahi
Elder of what they are carrying. Making Cliff Clan has lived here for a long time.
the Save will allow them to stop and read Making Intelligence DC 10 (History)
the letter. checks reveal the following about the
The group is in the Tabaxi camp and
joined by the Village Elder. They have a
• Their markings are those of a jaguar,
lot of questions, as they are Tabaxi. They
very large and fast. These quiet and
have little use for vague answers and if
quick cats look to be dangerous, most of
the party cannot answer them with
them have seen many battles in this
specifics and detailed accounts, they will
become suspicious of the group.
• They split with the Jungle Mountain cats
• What has brought you to these hidden a long time ago, but have maintained
islands? constant communication with them and
• Where did you come across this canoe, it shared the same sacred abbey that is
looks to be Tabaxi and we do not know of hidden in the Jungle Mountain islands.
any surviving Tabaxi clans in this area? They no longer wanted to share the
• What do you know of Jelutong from the islands with the monstrous creature, as
Mountain Jungle clans? they presented a danger that they did
• What do you want from us? not want to continually fight.
• Explain this letter and when did you • The Molikahi Cliff Clan are not as
receive this? physical as the Jungle Mountain clan
and one can easily see why they left the
All questions must be in detail, if there is
island for this one. This smaller island
any vague or stuttering sentences a
does not have a dangerous aura and the
Charisma DC 15(Persuasion) must be
fauna is mostly exotic fruits and trees.
made to convince them that you are not
• The Molikahi Cliff clan seem to
spies sent from the main island.
fundamentally offer more knowledge
than brawn as noted from Jelutong’s
The Tabaxi clan is still not satisfied with
Hunt. This Hunt has more scientific
the groups answers, though if the group
approaches to life and has setup a very
has saved any persuasion saves, they are
nice laboratory. The elder Jag Creek
not likely to imprison them, or kill them.
• is a large and well adorned Tabaxi with
If the clan is inclined to believe the group, beautiful Jaguar spots.
they will offer a challenge to join the Jag Creek shares with the group stories
effort to save their friends. about how the Sahuagin have invaded
several times. The grow stronger each
time they attempt to raid their village and
The Recruitment the Tabaxi grow weaker. “The Jungle
The untrusting Tabaxi make it apparent Mountain clan have the giants helping
that leaving the village and fighting the them fight the Sahuagin, but we only have
pirates on the main island is not a

our wits. Which I fear is not enough.” either side, the Sahuagin will no longer
Says Jag Creek. attempt to raid our village.
The Tabaxi scouts guide you to the
If you want us to assist you, you will have Sahuagin camp.
to make sure our village is safe from
invasion follow this information and You see only one war canoe. There are 4
formulate a plan. Sahuagin Pirates, 2 Sahuagin Captains
• There is a port on the far side of the and 2 Sea Spawn Pirates in the camp
island where the Sahuagin have along with a War Canoe. There are
camped. This is where they sail into sounds of hammering and drinking as the
with raiding parties. pirates are building more huts to house
• The Tabaxi have magic powder that the troops.
causes tragic explosions. We have tried
to battle them, but they over power our The Tabaxi scouts will stealth into
strongest forces. We can only get so far position to help the party as the party
into the encampment before we are determines how to raid the pirate camp.
spotted. They need you to provide a diversion for
• The Sahuagin have replacement troops them so they can set the charges and
every 10 day. They arrive at noon from destroy the camp. The party can make a
the main island with more weapons and Charisma DC 10 (Persuasion) check to
provisions. They are broadening their talk them into keeping the war canoe
camp so that they can house more intact.
troops for the raids. They have doubled
in size which makes it almost Let the party devise a plan and act out a
impossible for us to fight against, even surprise attack against the Pirates. The
with our magic. scouts will join the party’s fight only if the
• Take these barrels of powder into their odds are for the Sahuagin, but mainly rely
camp, strike the fuse with a fire source on the party to take them out as they set
and run. The barrels will destroy the the explosives.
huts and anyone inside.
• The Tabaxi of the Molikahi Cliff have Adjusting the Encounter
Here are recommendations for adjusting this
created a vast network of tunnels
combat encounter. These are not cumulative:
throughout the island. The can stealth • Very Weak Party: Remove 1 Sahaugin Captain
to anywhere on the island and surprise and 1 Sea Spawn Pirate.
even the cleverest invaders. The • Weak Party: Remove 1 Sea Spawn Pirate
tunnels and cliff dwellings are a massive • Strong Party: Remove 1 Sahuagin Captain
• Very Strong Party: Add 2 Sahuagin Pirates
and very impressive to those who have
not seen them before. The caves are a
tight fit for large creatures, which seem
to dominate the fauna of these islands. Developments:
If the Party is successful in defeating the
Once you have destroyed the Sahuagin, it Sahuagin, they find favor with the
will be safe for us to travel and leave our Molikahi Cliff clan and Jag Creek vows to
women and children behind. We have no help the Jungle Mountain cland.
doubt that if there is no more camp on

The group now will travel with a scouting
group and meet at the rendezvous spot
with Jelutong.

The Scouts identify that the groups of

Pirates have watching parties on guard at
most of the main beaches of the islands.
There is an underwater cave near the
rendezvous site that they have used
before to infiltrate and their plan is to
swim to the cave and meet with the
others at the rendezvous. With their help
the party is now prepared to meet any

defense when they try to raid.
Otherwise we seek refuge in the caves
Part 5: Dangerous and tunnels as to not be detected. Our
tunnels are quite small and usually
Liaisons undetected. They have tried to destroy
some of the entrances, but we have
The party is now ready to head to the many below the water.
rendezvous. Allow the adventurers to
gather any equipment, armor or magic After the group gathers the information
items necessary. The Molikahi Cliff they need. The Elder Jag Creek will take
village is a small but well established them to the inner tunnels, if there are
magic hub for the island. It has not been others that are large creatures, or party
raided due to their diligence is being members that are claustrophobic, then
secretive and strengthened their the group will be taken to the beach that
defenses. they had earlier landed.

The Elder performs a ritual that will allow

Speaking with the Elder everyone to breath under water. They
must follow the Kabaxi to the innermost
The adventurers discuss the plans to join
tunnels of the main island as to not be
the others on the main island.
detected by any troops that are above the
These are some of things the Elder Jag
water. That does not mean they also have
Creek will offer to the group.
patrols under water so stealth is key and
• We are a small village and the Pirates the swimmers must stay hidden in the
seem to have little interest in us, they coral.
concentrate more on finding the secrets
that we keep on Mountain Jungle Island. Developments
• We have heard the are looking for the The swimmers make their way to the
Tabaxi temple, for all of the wonders main island. There are patrols and
that we keep there. They will never find danger around the caves that they intend
it and if they do they will not survive to use so let the group devise a way to
long against our defenses. sneak underwater into the cave.
• The Cliff islands only have the beach Use the following chart for encounters as
where you entered and the beach where the group rolls Intelligence DC Checks
the pirates entered, these are our travel (Nature) against the following:
routes to the other islands. Dangerous
cliffs surround the entire island, the DC roll Encounter
rocks are porous and sharp, which
1 Surprise Sahuagin Pirate Patrol
tends to result in instant death if one
wrong foot hold is used. The rock is 2-4 Surprised by Sea Spawn Patrol
also fragile and attempts to climb the 5-9 4 Sharks attack
rocks make it impossible to use
climbing pitons. 10-14 Giant Octopus Attack
• We can see the pirates as the leave the 15-19 Surprise a Sea Spawn Patrol
main island. It allows us to use our
allies in the water and prepare our 20 Uneventful

Surprised by Sahuagin Pirate Combat Tactics:
The Sea Spawn will use their Piscine
Patrol Anatomy to attack the party, but one will
The party rolls a critical fail and as a retreat to alert another patrol for 3
result the nearby Sahuagin Pirate Patrol rounds.
are alerted at their presence. There are 2
Tabaxi Scouts and 1 Tabaxi Warriors A Sahuagin patrol of 2 Sahuagin Pirates
with the party. They will join the attack if will join in 3 rounds if the Sea Spawn has
alerted by the party during an encounter. not been stopped. Sahuagin Pirates use
They are under water so allow the party their telepathy to summon nearby sharks
members to think up a way to alert the to attack.
Tabaxi and award inspiration with
advantage attack rolls. Adjusting the Encounter
Here are recommendations for adjusting this
Combat Tactics: combat encounter. These are not cumulative:
The Sahuagin will use their surprise • Very Weak Party: Add 1 Tabaxi Warrior to the
round to summon nearby sharks that party. Total party 2 Scouts and 2 Warriors
require and action. The Sahuagin will • Weak Party: Add 1 Tabaxi Scout to the party.
Total party 3 scouts and 1 warrior.
need one action for every shark that they • Strong Party: Remove 1 Tabaxi Scout from
summon telepathically. party. Total party 1 scout and 1 warrior
• Very Strong Party: remove 1 Tabaxi warrior
and 1 Scout from party. Total 1 Warrior and 1
Adjusting the Encounter Scout
Here are recommendations for adjusting this
combat encounter. These are not cumulative:
• Very Weak Party: Add 1 Tabaxi Warrior to the
party. Total party 2 Scouts and 2 Warriors Shark Attack
• Weak Party: Add 1 Tabaxi Scout to the party.
Total party 3 scouts and 1 warrior. 4 Sharks circle the party and attack when
• Strong Party: Remove 1 Tabaxi Scout from provoked. The sharks start to provoke
party. Total party 1 scout and 1 warrior the party and using pack tactics go into a
• Very Strong Party: remove 1 Tabaxi warrior frenzy when the encounter begins.
and 1 Scout from party. Total 1 Warrior and 1
Adjusting the Encounter
Here are recommendations for adjusting this
Surprised by Sea Spawn Patrol combat encounter. These are not cumulative:
• Very Weak Party: Remove 2 Sharks
The party is surprised by a patrol of 2 Sea • Weak Party: Remove 1 Shark
Spawn Pirates on patrol under water. • Strong Party: Remove 2 Sharks and Add 1 Giant
One Sea Spawn will attack the other will • Very Strong Party: Add 1 Giant Octopus
disengage and alert the Sahuagin Patrol.
There are 3 Tabaxi Scouts and 2 Tabaxi
Warriors with the party. They will join
the attack if alerted by the party during
Giant Octopus Attack
an encounter. They are under water so A Giant Octopus hides in the coral and
allow the party members to think up a will surprise the party as they swim by.
way to alert the Tabaxi and award The octopus will use ink if it gets below
inspiration with advantage attack rolls. 10 HP and try to escape.

Adjusting the Encounter The matter of taking back their islands
Here are recommendations for adjusting this can now begin and the Tabaxi are very
combat encounter. These are not cumulative: happy with the group’s help in the matter
• Very Weak Party: Reduce the Giant Octopus HP
to 35 HP and Ink at 15 HP to escape
and they provide the group with passage
• Weak Party: Add 1 Tabaxi Scout to the party. to anywhere they would like to go. They
Total party 3 scouts and 1 warrior. would like to have ore help to defeat their
• Strong Party: Remove 1 Tabaxi Scout from foes and inform the group to keep vigilant
party. Total party 1 scout and 1 warrior for them to contact them with more
• Very Strong Party: Add 1 Giant Octopus
information. They are very recluse and
take every precaution to keep their
islands a secret. They draw a map to
Surprise attack Sea Spawn avoid the are in any future travels across
Patrol the ocean, so that there are no
The party sneak attacks and surprises a unnecessary Pirate encounters again.
patrol of 2 Sea Spawn Pirates on patrol
under water. One Sea Spawn will attack The Tabaxi gives everyone directions on
the other will disengage and alert the how to meet again. They rarely stay on
Sahuagin Patrol. There are 3 Tabaxi the Islands, but until the pirates are
Scouts and 2 Tabaxi Warriors with the defeated they must make sure their
party. They will join the attack if alerted people are safe.
by the party during an encounter. They
are under water so allow the party The travelers will likely meet them again
members to think up a way to alert the to fight the pirates and help liberate
Tabaxi and award inspiration with island.
advantage attack rolls.

Adjusting the Encounter

Here are recommendations for adjusting this
combat encounter. These are not cumulative:
• Very Weak Party: Add 1 Tabaxi Warrior to the
party. Total party 2 Scouts and 2 Warriors
• Weak Party: Add 1 Tabaxi Scout to the party.
Total party 3 scouts and 1 warrior.
• Strong Party: Remove 1 Tabaxi Scout from
party. Total party 1 scout and 1 warrior
• Very Strong Party: remove 1 Tabaxi warrior
and 1 Scout from party. Total 1 Warrior and 1

They travel with you to the rendezvous
and Jelutong is pleased to see the recruits
and has many of her own.

initiative to find recruits. Meet either in
Conclusion Waterdeep or Tarmalune anytime you are
ready and we will set sail to the Tabaxi
The adventurers were successful in and help them fight the Pirates and free
surviving the Pirate attack and were able their Islands.
to make it to New Abeir with the help of
the Tabaxi. Laryllia is now in Tarmalune
along with the survivors of the voyage.
She has reached out to her family to Rewards
rebuild her ship and provide a Make sure the players note their rewards
Hippocampus II for the travels. The on their adventure log sheets. Give your
Tabaxi were able to provide a safe route name and DCI number (if applicable) so
for the travelers, so that any further players can record who ran the session.
pirate interaction would not include our
new-found enemies.
The nobles were able to find space in Total up all combat experience earned
Tarmalune and were very grateful for for defeated foes, and divide by the
getting them to the new land. They share number of characters’ present in the
with you a bond that would never be combat. For non-combat experience,
unbroken and anything they can repay the rewards are listed per character. Give
you with they will. You can also be their all characters in the party non-combat
guest in their houses any time you wish, experience awards unless otherwise
as you are not only an ally but family. noted.

The Tabaxi bid you farewell and express

that this will not be the last time that we Combat Awards
meet. Your favor with the Mountain Name of Foe XP per Foe
Jungle Clan and the Molikahi Cliff cats are Giant Crab 25
great and you are welcome to their
Giant Wolf Spider 50
villages any time you want to brave the
travel to their Islands. All of the travelers Swarm of Poisonous Snakes 450
have a map to their Temples on Faerun
Giant Poisonous Snake 50
and New Abeir and hope they will visit
often, though they know it will be Giant Octopus 200
dangerous as long as the Pirates have Sahuagin Pirate 100
control of the Volcano on the main Island.
Sea Spawn Pirate 200
Jelutong shouts “We will ask for your help
soon, go and find worthy adventurers to
join our war against these foul Pirates” as Non-Combat Awards
they sail off back to their home lands. Name Task Completed XP per Task
Help Nobles survive 100
Laryllia shares with the group that she
plans to find an army to help the Tabaxi Escape the Shackles 150
and asks the Adventurers to also join the

Recover Diary 100 A description of this item can be found in
the Dungeon Master's Guide according to
Complete Secret 200
the rarity’s description.
Did Not Destroy War 200 Favor of the Nobles
Canoe The adventurers now have Favor with the
Nobles and have rooms whenever they
The minimum total award for each visit Waterdeep or Tarmalune. The noble
character participating in this adventure will provide anything they need while
is 600 experience points. they visit and do not spend any Lifestyle
The maximum total award for each costs when they are there.
character participating in this adventure
is 1500 experience points. Safe Shipping Passage
The adventurers have passage to and
Treasure: from Waterdeep and Tarmalune. They
The characters receive the following can easily travel safely between
treasure, divided up among the party. continents at any time they wish. Laryllia
Characters should attempt to divide will always allow them to voyage on any
treasure evenly whenever possible. Gold of her ships, as long as they do some work
piece values listed for sellable gear are on the boat as guards or sailors. The
calculated at their selling price, not their travel is at no cost to the adventurer.
purchase price.
Consumable magic items should be War Canoe
divided up however the group sees fit. If The group saved a war canoe during
more than one character is interested in a battle and it is now theirs. Use War Canoe
specific consumable magic item, the DM stats in Naval Combat Charts.
can determine who gets it randomly
should the group be unable to decide.
Permanent magic items are divided
according to a system. See the sidebar if
the adventure awards permanent magic

Spell Book
Wizard Spell Book. A description of spell
book can be found in the basic rules or
Player’s Guide.
1st: detect magic, identify, mage armor,
magic missile
2nd: detect thoughts, mirror image, misty

Potion of Healing (Common)

Potion, Common

Naval Combat Charts:
Vessel Complement Speed Cost
Barge 120/5/40 ½ mph 6000gp
Caravel 30/7 3mph 10000gp
(Sailing Ship)
Cog 20/4 2mph 6000gp
Coracle 2/1 1mph 5gp
Dhow 25/5 2mph 7000gp
Dromond 200/7/100 2mph* 25000gp
(warship) or 3mph
Dugout 4/1 1mph 20gp
Elf Wingship 30/5 4mph 40000gp
Galley 300/10/160 1-1/2mph* 30000gp
or 2mph
Greatship 500/20 2-1/2mph* 60000gp
Ironclad 120/5/60 1mph* 50000gp
or 1mph
Junk 50/7 1-1/2mph* 15000gp
Keelboat 16/3/12 1mph* 3000gp
or 1mph
Launch 8/1/2 1-1/2mph 500gp
Longship 60/3/40 1-1/2mph* 10000gp
or 2mph
Pinnacle 15/3/8 3mph* 4500gp
or 1/2mph
Raft 8/1/2 1/2mph 100gp
Rowboat 4/1 1mph 50gp
Theurgeme 40/1 3-1/2mph 80000gp
Trireme 100/3/70 1-1/2mph* 12000gp
or 2mph
War Canoe 16/1/12 1mph* 1000gp
or 2mph
*Base Sailing in light winds (X1 Speed Multiple)

Multiattack. The aboleth makes three
Appendix: tentacle attacks.

NPC/Monster Tentacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit,

reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5)
Statistics bludgeoning damage. If the target is a
creature, it must succeed on a DC 14
ABOLETH (Kney Ghan’s Mount) Constitution saving throw or become
Large aberration, lawful evil diseased. The disease has no effect for 1
minute and can be removed by any magic
Armor Class 17 (natura l armor) that cures disease. After 1 minute, the
Hit Points 135 (18d10 + 36) diseased creature's skin becomes
Speed 10ft., swim 40ft. translucent and slimy, the
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA creature can't regain hit points unless it is
21(+5) 9(-1) 15(+2) 18(+4) 15(+2) 18(+4) underwater, and the disease can be
removed only by heal or another disease-
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive curing spell of 6th level or higher. When
Perception 20 the creature is outside a body of water, it
Languages Deep Speech, telepathy 120ft. takes 6 (1d12) acid damage every 10
minutes unless moisture is applied to the
Saving Throws Con +6, lnt +8, Wis +6
skin before 10 minutes have passed.
Skills History +12, Perce ption +10
Challenge 10 (5 ,900 XP) Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit,
reach 10ft. one target. Hit: 15 (3d6 + 5)
Amphibious. The aboleth can breathe air bludgeoning damage.
and water.
Enslave (3JDay). The aboleth targets one
Mucous Cloud. While underwater, the creature it can see within 30 feet of it. The
aboleth is surrounded by transformative target must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom
mucus. A creature that touches the saving throw or be magically charmed by
aboleth or that hits it with a melee attack the aboleth until the aboleth dies or until
while within 5 feet of it must make a DC it is on a different plane of existence from
14 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the target. The charmed target is under
the creature is diseased for 1d4 hours. the aboleth's control and can't take
The diseased creature can breathe only reactions, and the aboleth and the target
underwater. can communicate telepathically with each
other over any distance. Whenever the
Probing Telepathy. If a creature charmed target takes damage, the target
communicates telepathically with the can repeat the saving throw. On a success,
aboleth, the aboleth learns the creature's the effect ends. No more than once every
greatest desires if the aboleth can see the 24 hours, the target can also repeat the
creature. saving throw when it is at least 1 mile
away from the aboleth.

LEGENDARY ACTIONS Magic Resistance. The Sahuagin priest
The aboleth can take 3 legendary actions, has advantage on saving throws against
choosing from the options below. Only one spells and other magical effects.
legendary action option can be used
at a time and only at the end of another Control Air and Water. Cast Fog Cloud,
creature's turn. The aboleth regains spent Gust of Wind, and Wall of Water once,
legendary actions at the start of its turn. regain ability after long rest.

Emissary of the Sea. Sahuagin priest can

• Detect. The aboleth makes a Wisdom communicate simple ideas with the
(Perception) check. creatures that can breathe underwater,
though you have not special ability to
• Tail Swipe. The aboleth makes one tail understand them.
Guardian of the Depths. Sahuagin priest
• Psychic Drain (Costs 2 Actions). One has resistance to the cold and ignore any
creature charmed by the aboleth takes drawbacks caused by a deep, underwater
10 (3d6) psychic damage, and the environment.
aboleth regains hit points equal to the
damage the creature takes. Spellcasting. The Sahuagin priest is an
8th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting
Kney Ghan - Priestess/Shaman ability is Wis (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit
Large Humanoid (sahuagin) Lawful Evil with spell attacks). The Sahuagin priest
has the following priest spells prepared:
Armor Class: 20 (Plate Armor, Shield)
Hit Points: 72 (8d8) Cantrips (At Will): Sacred Flame, Spare
Speed: 30 ft., Swim 30 ft. the Dying, Resistance, Guidance
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 1st Level (4 slots): Fog Cloud,
11(+0) 12(+1) 13(+1) 14(+2) 18(+4) 17(+3)
Thunderwave, Shield of Faith*, Inflict
Skills Perception +4 Wounds*, Healing Word, Cure Wounds
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, 2nd Level (3 Slots): Blindness/Defness,
piercing, and slashing from non-magical Hold Person, Prayer of Healing, Gust of
attacks Wind, Shatter
Senses passive Perception 14
3rd Level (3 Slots): Call Lightning, Sleet
Languages Sahuagin, Common,
Storm, Revivify, Animate Dead, Mass
Primordal, Aquan
Healing Word, Spirit Guardians
Challenge 5 (1800 XP)
4th Level (2 Slots): Control Water, Ice
Amphibious The Sahuagin priest can Storm, Banishment, Death Ward, Guardian
breathe air and water of Faith

Multiattack. Sahuagin make two melee Kraken Priest
attacks Medium Humanoid (any Race) Any Evil
Trident of Fish Command. Melee or Armor Class 10
Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 Hit Points 75 (10d8 +30)
ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit Speed 30 ft. Swim 30 ft.
11(2d6 +4) piercing damage or 13(2d8
+4) if used with two hands to make a 12(+1) 10(+0) 16(+3) 10(+0) 15(+2) 14(+2)
melee attack.
Skills Perception +5
Fog Cloud (Conjuring): Cast 1 Act, range Damage Resistances Bludgeoning,
120 ft., duration 1 hr Concentration piercing, and slashing from non-magical
component VS attacks
20 ft radius sphere of fog, heavily
obscured, 10 mph wind dissipates it, +20 Senses passive Perception 15
ft radius Languages Abyssal, Aquan Celestial,
Infernal, and Primordial
Gust of Wind (Evocation): Cast 1 Act,
Challenge 5 (1800 XP)
range Self, duration 1 min Con,
Amphibious The priest can breathe air
component VSM
and water
10X60 ft long, start turn STR save or
pushed 15ft. move ½ speed against, bon
Innate Spellcasting. The priest’s
to change directions
spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save
DC 13 +5 to hit with spell attacks). It can
Wall of Water (Evocation): Cast 1 act,
innately cast the following spells,
range 60ft., duration 10 min con,
requiring no material components.
component VSM
At Will: command, create or destroy
1x[10x30ft long, or 20x20ft Dia] wall
Difficult terrain, disadvantage ranged
weapons, ½ fire damage(see spell) • 3/day each: control water, darkness,
water breathing, water walk
Trident of Fish Command. This Trident • 1/day each: call lightning, Evard’s black
is a Magic Weapon. It has 3 Charges. tentacles
While you carry it, you can use an action
and expend 1 charge to cast Dominate Actions:
Beast (save DC 15) from it on a beast that Thunderous Touch. Melee spell attack:
has an innate swimming speed. The +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature: Hit:
Trident regains 1d3 expended Charges 27(5d10) thunder damage.
daily at dawn.
Voice of the Kraken (Recharges after a
Short or Long Rest). A kraken speaks
through the priest with a thunderous
voice audible within 300 feet. Creature of
the priest’s choice that can hear the

kraken’s words (which are spoken in Skills Stealth +4
Abyssal, Infernal, or Primordial) must
succeed on a DC 14 Charisma saving Senses blindsight 30 ft., passive
throw or be frightened for 1 minute. A perception 9
frightened target can repeat the saving Languages -
throw at the end of each of its turns,
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
ending the effect on itself on a success.
Amphibious The crab can breathe air and
Giant Ape water
Huge Beast, unaligned
Armor Class 12 Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit,
Hit Points 157 (15d12 +60)
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit 4(1d6 +1)
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft.
bludgeoning damage, and the target is
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA grappled (escape DC 11). The crab has
23(+6) 14(+2) 18(+4) 7(-2) 12(+1) 7(-2)
two claws, each of which can grapple
Skills Athlettics +9, Perception +4 only one target.
Senses passive Perception 14 Giant Octopus
Languages – Large Beast, unaligned
Challenge 7 (2900 XP) Armor Class 11
Hit Points 52 (8d10 +8)
Actions Speed 10 ft. Swim 60 ft.
Multiattack. The ape makes two fist STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
attacks. 17(+3) 13(+1) 13(+1) 4(-3) 10(+0) 4(-3)

Fist. Melee Weapon Attack +9 to hit, Skills Percecption +4, Stealth +5

reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 22(3d10 +6) Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive
bludgeoning damage. Perception 14
Languages -
Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit,
range 50/100 ft., one target. Hit 30(7d6 Challenge 1 (200 XP)
+6) bludgeoning damage.
Hold Breath. While out of water, the
octopus can hold its breath for 1 hour.
Giant Crab Underwater Camouflage. The octopus
Medium Beast unaligned has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth)
checks made while underwater.
Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Water Breathing. The octopus can
Hit Points 13 (3d8) breathe only underwater.
Speed 30 ft. Swim 30 ft.
13(+1) 15(+2) 11(+0) 1(-5) 9(-1) 3(-4)
Tentacles. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to
hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit 10(2d6
+3) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a

creature, it is grappled (escape DC 16). Skills Perception +3, Stealth +7
Until this grapple ends, the target is Senses blindsight 10ft., darkvision 60 ft.,
restrained, and the octopus can’t use its passive Perception 13
tentacles on another target. Languages –
Ink Cloud (Recharges after a short or long Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
rest). A 20 foot radius cloud of ink
extends all around the octopus if it is Spider Climb. The spider can climb
underwater. The area is heavily obscured difficult surfaces, including upside down
for 1 minute, although a significant on ceilings, without needing to make an
current can disperse the ink. After ability check.
releasing the ink, the octopus can use the Web Sense. While in contact with a web,
Dash action as a bonus action. the spider knows the exact location of
any other creature in contact with the
Giant Poisonous Snake same web.
Medium beast, unaligned Web Walker. The spider ignores
movement restrictions caused by
Armor Class 14 webbing.
Hit points 11 (2d8 +2)
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft. Actions:
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit,
10(+0) 18(+4) 13(+1) 2(-4) 10(+0) 3(-4) reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 4 (1d6 +1)
piercing damage, and the target must
Skills Perception +2
make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw,
Senses blindsight 10 ft., passive
taking 7 (2d6) poison damage on a failed
Perception 12
save, or half as much damage on a
Languages –
successful one. If the poison damage
Challenges. 1/4 (50 XP)
reduces the target to 0 hit points, the
Actions: target is stable but poisoned for 1 hour,
even after regaining hit points, and is
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, paralyzed while poisoned in this way.
reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 6(1d4 +4)
piercing damage, and the target must
make a DC11 Constitution saving throw,
taking 10 (3d6) poison damage on a failed Sahuagin Pirate
save, or half as much damage on a Medium Humanoid (sahuagin) Lawful Evil
successful one.
Armor Class 12 (natural armor)
Giant Wolf Spider Hit Points 22 (4d8 +4)
Medium beast, unaligned Speed 30 ft. Swim 40 ft.


13(+1) 11(+0) 12(+1) 12(+1) 13(+1) 9(-1)
Hit Points 11 (2d8 +2)
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft.
10(+0) 18(+4) 13(+1) 2(-4) 10(+0) 3(-4)

Skills Perception +5 Armor Class 16 (Breast Plate)
Hit Points 76 (9d10 +27)
Senses darkvision 120 ft., Perception 15 Speed 30 ft. Swim 50 ft.
Languages Sahuagin STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
19(+4) 15(+2) 16(+3) 14(-2) 13(+1) 17(+3)
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Saving Throws Dex +5, Con +6, Int +5,
Blood Frenzy. The sahuagin has Wis +4
advantage on melee attack rolls against Skills Perception +7
any creature that doesn’t have all its hit
points. Senses darkvision 120 ft., Passive
Perception 17
Limited Amphibiousness. The sahuagin Languages Sahuagin
can breathe air and water, but it needs to
be submerged at least once every 4 hours Challenge 5 (1800 XP)
to avoid suffocating.
Blood Frenzy. The sahuagin has
Shark Telepathy. The sahuagin can advantage on melee attack rolls against
magically command any shark within 120 any creature that doesn’t have all its hit
feet of it, using a limited telepathy. points.

Limited Amphibiousness. The sahuagin

Actions: can breathe air and water, but it needs
Multiattack. The sahuagin makes two to be submerged at least once every 4
melee attacks. One with its bite and with its hours to avoid suffocating.
claws or spear.
Shark Telepathy. The sahuagin can
magically command any shark within
Bit. Melee Weapon Attatck: +3 to hit, 120 feet of it, using a limited telepathy.
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3(1d4 +1)
piercing damage. Actions:
Multiattack. The sahuagin makes two
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, melee attacks. One with its bite and
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit 3(1d4 +1) with its claws or spear.
slashing damage.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attatck: +7 to hit,
Spear. Melee or Ranged weapon Attack: reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9(2d4 +4)
+3 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., piercing damage.
one target. Hit 4(1d6 +1) piercing
damage or 5(1d8 +1) if used with two Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit,
hands to make a melee attack. reach 5 ft., one target. Hit 11(2d6 +4)
slashing damage
Sahuagin Captain
Large Humanoid (sahuagin) Lawful Evil

Trident: Melee or Ranged weapon Poison Quills: Melee Weapon Attack: +5
Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit:
20/60 ft., one target. Hit 11(2d6 +4) 3(1d6) poison damage, and the target
piercing damage or 13(2d8 +4) if used must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution
with two hands to make a melee attack. saving throw or be poisoned for 1
minute. The Target can repeat the
Sea Spawn Pirate saving throw at the end of each of its
Medium Humanoid Neutral Evil turns, ending the effect on itself on a
Armor Class 11 (natural armor)
Hit Points 32 (5d8 +10)
Tentacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to
Speed 20 ft. Swim 30 ft.
hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 5(1d6
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA +2) bludgeoning damage and the target
15(+2) 8(-1) 15(+2) 6(-1) 10(+0) 8(-1)
is grappled (escape DC 12) if it is a
Senses darkvision 120 ft., Passive Medium or smaller creature. Until this
Perception 10 grapple ends, the sea spawn can’t use
this tentacle on another target.
Languages Understands Aquan and
Common but cannot speak. Swarm of Poisonous Snakes
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Medium swarm of tiny beasts, unaligned
Armor Class 14
Limited Amphibiousness. The sea spawn
Hit Points 36 (8d8)
can breathe air and water, but it needs Speed 30ft., swim 30 ft.
to be submerged at least once a day for
1 minute to avoid suffocating. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
8(-1) 18(+4) 11(+0) 1(-5) 10(+0) 3(-4)
Damage Resistance bludgeoning,
Multiattack. The sea spawn makes Three piercing, slashing
melee attacks: two unarmed strikes and
Condition Immunities charmed,
one with its Piscine Anatomy.
frightened, grappled, paralyzed,
petrified, prone, restrained, stunned
Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack:
Senses blindsight 10 ft., passive
+4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit
Perception 10
4(1d4 +2) bludgeoning damage.
Languages –
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Piscine Anatomy: The Sea Spawn has
one or more of the following attack
Swarm. The swarm can occupy another
options, provided it has the appropriate
creature’s space and vice versa, and the
swarm can move through any opening
large enough for a tiny snake. The
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
swarm can’t regain hit points or gain
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4(1d4 +2)
temporary hit points.
piercing damage.

Actions: Hand crossbow. Range weapon attack: +7
Bites. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, to hit, reach 30/120 ft., hit 11(1d6 +4)
reach 0 ft., one creature in the swarm’s piercing
space. Hit: 7(2d6) piercing dmanage, or Special Actions:
3(1d6) piercing damage if the swarm has
half of its hit points or fewer. The target KI (7 points – DC11)
must make a DC 10 Constitution saving • Flurry of Blows – 1 Ki point
throw, taking 14 (4d6) poison damage on immediately after attack to make two
a failed save, or half as much damage on a unarmed strikes as a bonus
successful one. • Patient Defense – 1 Ki point to take a
dodge action as bonus
Tabaxi Scout • Step of the Wind – 1 Ki point to
Medium Humanoid (Tabaxi) CN disengage or dash as bonus action, the
Armor Class 14 tabaxi can jump distance double for the
Hit Points 53 (7d8) turn
Speed 40ft., climb 30 ft. • Deflect Missiles – Uses a reaction to
deflect or catch a missile when hit by a
17(+3) 19(+4) 12(+1) 10(+0) 10(+0) 11(-0)
ranged weapon, the damage is reduced
1d10+11. If damage is reduced to 0 and
Skills Athletics +6, History +3, Insight +3, the missile is small enough for one hand
Intimidation +3, Stealth +7 and one hand is free, it catches the
weapon or ammunition. 1 Ki point to
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive make a ranged attack (20/60 ft.
Perception +13, when using dash proficient) using it as part of the same
difficult terrain doesn’t cost extra reaction
movement on that turn • Stunning Strike – 1 Ki point on a hit to
Languages – Common, other attempt a stunning strike. The target
Challenge 7 (2900 XP) must succeed a CON save or be stunned
until the end of your next turn
• Ki-Empowered Strikes – Unarmed
Multiattack. The Tabaxi Warrior can use strikes count as magical for overcoming
two melee attacks, when making melee resistance and immunity to nonmagical
attacks against a creature, the tabaxi attacks and damage
does not provoke opportunity attacks • Unarmored Movement – speed is
for the rest of the turn, whether it hits increasesd by 15 ft., while wearing no
or not. armor or wielding shield
• Monastic Tradition (Shadow Arts/Way
Claws. Melee weapon attack: +6 to hit, of shadow)- As an action, 2 Ki points to
reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit 6(1d4 +3) cast Darkness, Darkvision, Pass Without
slashing Trace, or Silence, without components.
Knows Minor Illusion at will.
Short Sword. Melee weapon attack: +7 to • Slow Fall – Uses to reduce any falling
hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit 11(1d6 damage by 35
+4) slashing • Extra Attack

• Shadow Step – in dim light as a bonus Claws. Melee weapon attack: +6 to hit,
action it can teleport up to 60 ft., to an reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit 6(1d4 +3)
unoccupied space it can see that is also slashing
in dim light or darkness. Has advantage
on next melee attack before end of turn Short Sword. Melee weapon attack: +7 to
• Evasion - Make DEX save and takes 0 hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit 11(1d6
damage on save, half on fail +4) slashing
• Stillness of Mind – uses an action to end
one effect on self that is causing charm Hand crossbow. Range weapon attack: +7
or frightened. to hit, reach 30/120 ft., hit 11(1d6 +4)
Tabaxi Warrior
Maneuvers. 5/day – Use only one
Medium Humanoid (Tabaxi) CN
maneuver per attack (DC14)
Armor Class 13 Parry. When another creature damages
Hit Points 65 (7d10) you with a melee attack, uses the
Speed 30ft., climb 20 ft. tabaxi’s reaction and expend one
superiority die to reduce the damage by
17(+3) 19(+4) 12(+1) 10(+0) 10(+0) 11(-0) the number it rolls on its superiority die
Skills Acrobatics +6, Animal Handling +3, Precision Attack. When tabaxi warrior
History +3, Intimidation +3, Stealth +6 makes a weapon attack roll against a
creature, expend one superiority die to
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive add it to the roll. Use this maneuver
Perception +13 before or after the attack roll, but before
Languages – Common, any effects of the attack are applied.
Challenge 7 (2900 XP) Commander’s Strike. When taking the
attack action on the tabaxi’s turn, forgo
Second Wind. Tabaxi Warrior uses a one of the attacks and use a bonus
bonus action to regain 1d10+7 hit action to direct one of its companions to
points. Regain ability after a short or strike. The tabaxi chooses a friendly
long rest creature who can see or hear him and
Action Surge. Tabaxi Warrior takes one expend one superiority die. That
additional action. Regain ability after a creature can immediately use its
short or long rest reaction to make one weapon attack,
Feline Agility. When the tabaxi moves on adding the superiority die to the
its turn in combat, it can double its damage roll
speed until the end of the turn. It cannot Evasive Footwork. When the tabaxi
do this again until it moves 0 ft. on its moves, expend one superiority die,
turn. adding the number to the tabaxi’s AC
until it stops moving.
Multiattack. The Tabaxi Warrior can use
two melee attacks, Cast a spell, use
Combat Surperiority on each round

Menacing Attack. When the tabaxi hits a Control Air and Water. Cast Fog Cloud,
creature with a weapon attack, expend Gust of Wind, and Wall of Water once,
one superiority die to attempt to regain ability after long rest.
frighten the target. Add the superiority
die to the damage roll, the target must Emissary of the Sea. Archmage can
make a Wisdom saving throw. On a communicate simple ideas with the
failed save it is frightened of the tabaxi creatures that can breathe underwater,
until the end of its next turn. though you have not special ability to
Know Your Enemy. Speding at least 1 understand them.
minute observing or interacting with
another creature outside combat, it can Guardian of the Depths. Archmage has
learn certain information about its resistance to the cold and ignore any
capabilities compared to its own. The drawbacks caused by a deep,
creature knows if it is superior, equal, underwater environment.
or inferior in regards to two stats: STR,
DEX, CON, AC, Current HP, Class Levels, Spellcasting. The archmage is an 18th-
Fighter Class levels level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability
is Intelligence (spell save DC 17, +9 to
hit with spell attacks). The arch mage
Daemon Heterodon Tiformes -Triton can cast disguise self and invisibility at
Archmage will and has the following wizard spells
Medium (Triton), Lawful Evil prepared:
Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor) Fog Cloud (Conjuring): Cast 1 Act, range
Hit Points 99 (18d8 +18)
120 ft., duration 1 hr Concentration
Speed 30 ft. Swim 30 ft.
component VS 20 ft radius sphere of
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA fog, heavily obscured, 10 mph wind
10(+0) 14(+2) 12(+1) 20(+5) 15(+2) 16(+3)
dissipates it, +20 ft radius
Saving Throws Int +9, Wis +6
Gust of Wind (Evocation): Cast 1 Act,
Skills Arcana +13, History +13 range Self, duration 1 min Con,
Damage Resistance Damage from spells; component VSM 10X60 ft long, start
nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and turn STR save or pushed 15ft. move ½
slashing (from stoneskin) speed against, bon to change directions
Senses passive Perception 12
Wall of Water (Evocation): Cast 1 act,
Languages any six Languages range 60ft., duration 10 min con,
Challenge 12 (8400 XP) component VSM 1x[10x30ft long, or
20x20ft Dia] wall Difficult terrain,
Amphibious. Triton can breathe air and disadvantage ranged weapons, ½ fire
water damage(see spell)

Magic Resistance. The archmage has Cantrips (at will): fire bolt, light, mage
advantage on saving throws against hand, prestidigitation, shocking grasp
spells and other magical effects. 1st level (4 slots): detect magic, identify,
mage armor,* magic missile

2nd level (3 slots): detect thoughts, the arcane arts. Benevolent ones counsel
mirror image, misty step kings and queens, while evil ones rule as
3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, lightning tyrants and pursue lichdom. Those who are
bolt neither good nor evil sequester themselves
4th level (3 slots): banishment, fire in remote towers to practice their magic
shield, stoneskin* without interruption. An archmage
5th level (3 slots): cone of cold, scrying, typically has one or more apprentice
wall of force mages, and an archmage's abode has
6th level .(1 slot): globe of invulnerability numerous magical wards and guardians to
7th level (l slot): teleport discourage interlopers.
8th level (l slot): mind blank*
9th level (l slot): time stop
*The archmage casts these spells on itself
before combat.
Actions: Medium Humanoid (any class) Any
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack:
+6 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., Armor Class 17 (splint)
one target. Hit: 4 (ld4 + 2) piercing Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18)
damage. Speed 30 ft.
Trident Of Fish Command. Melee or 18(+3) 13(+1) 14(+2) 10(+0) 11(+0) 10(+0)
Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach
Skills Athletics +5, Perception +2
5 ft., or range 20/60 ft. one target. Hit
(1d6 +5) Underwater (1d8) Senses passive Perception 12
Languages any one language (usually
The magical properties of this +1 trident Common)
with a 6-foot-long haft enable its wielder
to charm up to 14 HD of aquatic animals Challenge 3 (700 XP)
(Will DC 16 negates), animals get a +5
bonus if currently under attack by the
wielder or his allies), no two of which can Multiattack. The veteran makes two
be more than 30 feet apart. The wielder longsword attacks. If it has a
can use this effect up to three times per shortsword drawn, it can also make a
day. The wielder can communicate with shortsword attack.
the animals as if using a speak with
animals spell. Animals making their saving Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to
throw are free of control, but they will not hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 +
approach within 10 feet of the trident. The 3) slashing damage, or 8 (1d10 + 3)
trident can be used up to three times per slashing damage if used with two hands.
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to
hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 +
Archmages are powerful (and usually quite
3) piercing damage.
old) spellcasters dedicated to the study of

Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack:
+3 to hit, range 100/400 ft., one target.
Hit: 6 (1d10 + 1) piercing damage.

Veterans are professional fighters that

take up arms for pay or to protect
something they believe in or value. Their
ranks include soldiers retired from long
service and warriors who never served
anyone but themselves.

4d6; Mounts 2 light and 1 heavy; Space 60
ft. by 20 ft.; Height 10 ft. (draft 10 ft.);
Warships: Complement 30; Watch 7; Cargo 120 tons
(Speed wind x 15 ft. if 60 tons or more);
Cost 10,000 gp.
The war canoe is a large, seagoing canoe,
This caravel is a typical example of the
often with one or two outriggers for
type, although the inter-nal arrangement
stability. It has a small stepped mast for
can vary greatly from ship to ship. Its
sailing on open water.
notable features include:
War Canoe: Gargantuan vehicle;
Seaworthiness +0; Shiphandling +2; • Quarterdeck: The quarterdeck is a
Speed wind × 10 ft. or oars 20 ft. (good); raised, open deck at the stern. The
Overall AC 1; Hull sections 2 (sink 1 ship’s wheel is here, along with a small
section); Section hp 30 (hardness 5); davit for a ship’s boat.
Section AC 3; Rigging Sections 1; Rigging • Foc’s’le Deck: This is a raised, open
hp 40 (hardness 0), AC 1; Ram 3d6; deck atop the fore-castle. The caravel
Mounts —; Space 40 ft. by 5 ft.; Height 2- mounts a ballista here; the weapon can’t
1/2 ft. (draft 2-1/2 ft.); Complement 16; fire straight ahead because of the
Watch 1 plus 12 rowers; Cargo 2 tons foremast. On the starboard side is the
(Speed wind × 10 ft. or oars 15 ft. if 1 ton hawsepipe and tackle for the ship’s
or more); Cost 1,000 gp. anchor.
• Master’s Cabin: The largest and most
comfortable cabin on the ship is still
PINNACE quite cramped by most standards.
The pinnace is gargantuan vehicle; • Wardroom: The captain, officers, and
Seaworthiness +2; Shiphandling +2; passengers take their meals here. This
Speed wind x 30 ft. or oars 5 ft. (good); room also serves as a drawing room or
Overall AC 1; Hull sections 4 (sink 1 parlor for the officers and passengers.
section); Section hp 50 (hardness 5); • Main Deck: This open deck features a
Section AC 3; Rigging Sections 2; Rigging catapult and two large companionways
hp 60 (hardness 0), AC 1; Ram 3d6; that descend to the lower deck. The
Mounts 2 light; Space 30 ft. by 10 ft.; catapult can only be fired to the
Height 10 ft. (draft 5 ft.); Complement 15; broadside; it can’t train forward or aft
Watch 3 plus 8 rowers; Cargo 30 tons (a typical problem with large weapons
(Speed wind x 20 ft. if 15 tons or more); mounted on small, cluttered ships). The
Cost 4,500 gp. companionways serve as both stairways
(ladders, in nautical parlance) and cargo
hatches. Chicken coops and pens for
CARAVEL goats, lambs, or other small livestock
Colossal vehicle; Seaworthiness +4; often take up any available space left on
Shiphandling +2; Speed wind x 30 ft. the deck.
(average); Overall AC -3; Hull sections 24 • Forecastle: Most of the ship’s crew
(sink 6 sections); Section hp 80 (hardness sleeps here, although in good weather
5); Section AC 3; Rigging Sections 3; many crewmembers prefer to sleep on
Rigging hp 80 (hardness 0), AC 1; Ram

the open decks. The forecastle holds a
dozen cramped bunks.
• Galley: The ship’s galley is in the
forward part of the lower deck. It has a
small stove and shelving for all kinds of
foodstuffs. The ship’s cook and his
assistant(s) sleep here.
• Chain Locker: The ship’s anchor chain
is stored here. It passes through the
hawsepipe in the forecastle up to the
foc’s’le deck.
• Lower Deck: This space serves as the
first of the caravel’s cargo holds, as well
as the crew’s mess deck. Crewmembers
take their meals sitting on whatever
cargo is convenient. If the ship is heavily
laden, this deck might be covered to
within a foot of the overhead, leaving
only a single fore-and-aft passage
between the crates, casks, and bundles.
• Officer’s Cabins: These tiny cabins are
the private rooms of the ship’s officers.
Paying passengers usually bump an
officer from his or her cabin to the
• Ship’s Office: All the ship’s paperwork
is kept here, in-cluding cargo manifests,
pay records, and the ship’s paychest
(usually in a sturdy, locked chest).
• Sail Locker: Spare sails, canvas, and
sewing gear is stored here, as well as
plenty of lines, hawsers, firewood, and
heavy tools.
• Lower Hold: Most of the ship’s cargo is
stowed here, as well as provisions
(including as many casks of fresh water
as will fit). Beneath this lower hold lies
a small crawlspace where heavy ballast
stones help to stabilize the ship.

Player Handout 1

A letter from the Zhentarim Faction Leader:

Your presence and skills are needed aboard the Hippocampus. Please
seek out Yladhra the Grim and assist her with obtaining important
contact information. Once you get to Tarmalune, assist the team with
making sure our allies are unharmed.
Your efforts will be rewarded as usual and our ranks will unite in the new
land, making our presence even stronger.

Dread Lord,
Asliuym Ashgaurd

Jagtropogus Islands

Tabaxi Beachline Encounter A

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only .
Tabaxi Village Encounter C

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only .
Sahuagin Camp

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only .

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