IBM Storwize 5000
IBM Storwize 5000
IBM Storwize 5000
Data Sheet
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Consolidate and provide Storwize With the rise of new applications that demand the integration of big-data
V5000 capabilities to existing storage analytics, mobility and social platforms, organizations require additional
infrastructures using optional external
storage capacity, performance, advanced functionality and flexibility.
IT must deliver more services faster and more efficiently, enable real-time
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Implement configurations for high insight and support more customer interaction. The right infrastructure
availability and data mobility
allows clients to share information, secure transactions and drive real-
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Simplify management with an industry- time insights.
leading graphical user interface
IBM Systems
Data Sheet
Transform the economics of data with Real-time Storwize V5000 offers an optional IBM FlashCopy® function
Compression designed to create an almost-instant copy of active data, which
Real-time Compression in Storwize V5030 is designed to can be used for backup purposes or for parallel-processing
enable storing up to five times as much data in the same activities.
physical disk space by compressing data as much as 80 percent.2
Unlike other approaches to compression, Real-time Should a catastrophic event occur at a data center, Storwize
Compression is designed to be used with active primary V5000 supports remote mirroring to create copies of data for
data such as production databases and email systems, which use at a second location. Metro Mirror supports synchronous
dramatically expands the range of candidate data that can replication at distances up to 300 km (186 miles), whereas
benefit from compression. Real-time Compression operates Global Mirror supports asynchronous replication at distances
immediately as data is written to disk, meaning that no space up to 8,000 km (4,970 miles). Replication can occur between
is wasted storing uncompressed data awaiting post-processing. any Storwize family offerings, and can include any supported
When combined with external data virtualization, Real-time virtualized storage. With IP networking, Storwize V5000 sup-
Compression can significantly enhance the usable capacity of ports 1 GbE and 10 GbE connections, and uses innovative
existing storage systems, extending their useful life even further. Bridgeworks SANrockIT technology to optimize the use of
network bandwidth. As a result, the networking infrastructure
Enhance storage access with Easy Tier may require lower speeds (and thus, lower costs), or users may
Easy Tier provides automatic migration of frequently accessed be able to improve the accuracy of remote data through shorter
data to high-performing f lash storage, enhancing usage replication cycles.
efficiencies. Operating at a fine-grained granularity, the optional
Easy Tier function automatically repositions different data types In addition, the IBM HyperSwap® function enables a single
to the appropriate class of drives based on input/output (I/O) Storwize V5030 system to support servers in two data centers.
patterns and drive characteristics, requiring no administrative In this configuration, the solution enables servers at both data
interaction. Using Easy Tier, you can increase performance up centers to access data concurrently. When combined with
to three times using only five percent flash storage.2 server data mobility functions such as VMware vMotion or
IBM PowerVM® Live Partition Mobility, this configuration
Protect your most valuable asset—your data
enables nondisruptive storage and virtual machine mobility
To help protect sensitive data from unauthorized users,
between the two data centers.
Storwize V5030 and Storwize V5020 give IT teams the full
power of storage encryption. In addition to placing encryption
Storwize V5000 also helps improve data availability with its
inside hardware arrays—which protects only against a subset of
support for Distributed RAID. The system allows data to be
data security risks—IBM Spectrum Virtualize software includes
distributed across a large number of physical drives that are
encryption capabilities in its management layer. This enables
used simultaneously, achieving faster rebuild time. What’s more,
organizations to add encryption across their existing heteroge-
Distributed RAID can also deliver increased performance since
neous storage arrays, while leveraging a single point of control
data can be read from/written to more drives for a given I/O.
for encryption throughout the storage layer.
IBM Systems
Data Sheet
Software IBM Spectrum Virtualize software IBM Spectrum Virtualize software IBM Spectrum Virtualize software
for Storwize V5030 for Storwize V5020 for Storwize V5010
IBM Systems
Data Sheet
Drives supported Small form-factor 2.5-inch disk Small form-factor 2.5-inch disk Small form-factor 2.5-inch disk
drives: drives: drives:
300 GB, 600 GB @ 15k rpm ●●
300 GB, 600 GB @ 15k rpm ●●
300 GB, 600 GB @ 15k rpm
900 GB, 1.2 TB, 1.8 TB @ 10k rpm ●●
900 GB, 1.2 TB, 1.8 TB @ 10k rpm ●●
900 GB, 1.2 TB, 1.8 TB @ 10k rpm
1 TB,* 2 TB @ 7.2k rpm SAS ●●
1 TB,* 2 TB @ 7.2k rpm SAS ●●
1 TB,* 2 TB @ 7.2k rpm SAS
nearline nearline nearline
Large form-factor 3.5-inch disk Large form-factor 3.5-inch disk Large form-factor 3.5-inch disk
drives: drives: drives:
300 GB, 600 GB @ 15k rpm, ●●
300 GB, 600 GB @ 15k rpm, ●●
300 GB, 600 GB @ 15k rpm,
SAS (2.5-inch drive in a 3.5-inch SAS (2.5-inch drive in a 3.5-inch SAS (2.5-inch drive in a 3.5-inch
drive carrier) drive carrier) drive carrier)
900 GB, 1.2 TB, 1.8 TB @ ●●
900 GB, 1.2 TB, 1.8 TB @ ●●
900 GB, 1.2 TB, 1.8 TB @
10k rpm, SAS (2.5-inch drive in a 10k rpm, SAS (2.5-inch drive in a 10k rpm, SAS (2.5-inch drive in a
3.5-inch drive carrier) 3.5-inch drive carrier) 3.5-inch drive carrier)
2 TB,* 3 TB,* 4 TB, 6 TB, ●●
2 TB,* 3 TB,* 4 TB, 6 TB, ●●
2 TB,* 3 TB,* 4 TB, 6 TB,
8 TB @ 7.2k rpm 8 TB @ 7.2k rpm 8 TB @ 7.2k rpm
Solid-state drive (SSD) 2.5-inch SSD 2.5-inch drives: SSD 2.5-inch drives:
drives: ●●
200 GB,* 400 GB, 800 GB, ●●
200 GB,* 400 GB, 800 GB,
200 GB,* 400 GB, 800 GB, 1.6 TB, 3.2 TB 1.6 TB, 3.2 TB
1.6 TB, 3.2 TB
Maximum drives supported Maximum of 504 drives per system Maximum of 264 drives per system Maximum of 264 drives per system
with 20 expansion enclosures and with 10 expansion enclosures: with 10 expansion enclosures:
1,008 drives in two-way clustered: ●●
Small form-factor enclosure: ●●
Small form-factor enclosure:
Small form-factor enclosure: 24 x 2.5-inch drives 24 x 2.5-inch drives
24 x 2.5-inch drives ●●
Large form-factor enclosure: ●●
Large form-factor enclosure:
Large form-factor enclosure: 12 x 3.5-inch drives 12 x 3.5-inch drives
12 x 3.5-inch drives
Why IBM?
The Storwize family of products from IBM, a recognized leader
in the storage industry, is known for providing efficiency and
high-performance storage for almost any type of workload.
IBM storage offerings customized for small, midsized and large
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2016
organizations are designed to deliver performance in stream-
lined packages that are easy to buy, deploy and manage. IBM Systems
Route 100
Somers, NY 10589
Offered in a wide range of storage systems, the Storwize family
delivers sophisticated capabilities that help control costs for Produced in the United States of America
February 2016
growing businesses.
IBM, the IBM logo,, Storwize, IBM Spectrum Virtualize, Easy
Tier, PowerVM, HyperSwap, Real-time Compression, and FlashCopy
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